HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120284 ��i�r� I���i�� ��� ��TI��I F�1�l�1 � ������� � ����,�,�� ��������,��t � �� ��tF� Fr�rr���� F���� ��i I� �I�f��� �1��� t�l: ���.��.�1�� ���: ���.���.���� ��T �r��: �w�r.��i I��.�orr� Project Name: ERWSD WINDOWS DRB Number: DR6120284 Project Description: ADD TWO WINDOWS Participants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATI 07/10/2012 846 FOREST RD VAI L CO 81657 APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER&SANITATI 07/10/2012 846 FOREST RD VAI L CO 81657 Project Address: 846 W FOREST RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: D Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 Parcel Number: 2101-072-1600-3 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 07/12/2012 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0012679 The applicant shall match the new window color, mullion dimensions, and stucco surround to that which is existing prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 � � � � M � Department of Community Development D75 South Frorrtage Road TOWN OF VAIL ' va�i,co s�ss� J U L 0 9 2 0 1 2 Te l: 9 7 0-4 7 9-2 1 2 8 www.vailgov.com � � (�(� � �� � Developmerit Review Coordinator � � �-����°�q`. '�L�a�i I Applica�ion for Design Review Minor ExteriorAlteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting,window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailqov.com under Vail Information-Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial ���__..._____�._______�.._._.__________�.�_,�_____.�.___.^._______�._. $20 for Single Family/Duplex ,.__._.. _..... r.._._ Single Family Duplex i Multi-Family ✓ Commercial DesCription of the Request: Minor addition to add two(2)windows Physical Address: 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 Parcel Number: 2101-072-16-003 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: Eagle River Water& Sanitation District Mailing Address: 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: 970-476-7480 Owner's Signature:� >>-►� "�- �c-t�c� Primary Contact/Owner R presentative: anti Inc., clo Paul Breitenwischer Mailing Address: P. O. Box 2631, Vail, CO 81658 Phone: 479-9360 E-Mail: Paulbreit@aol.com Fax: 479-7855 , _ __-_ ,_ ___ _____ . ___.__ --_. ._._ _.__ _._.._--. 'For Office Use Only: �Cash_ CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth# Check# �3$�'� � / !Fee Paid: � Received From: �L ( d'1�v� 1- �--��.OZ.• I ;Meeting Date: Z DRB No.: j ;Planner: Project No: ____{�� ( a,- (���'J� i I Zoning: Land Use: � �Location of the Proposal: Lot:_� Block: Subdivision: �li, vii.L�4�. F�z��a � � i � Property information � C� �� � �� f� - ;-�i Property Address 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 Parcel# 2101-072-16-003 '�'�' � ��� �i i i , Legal Description Lot 1 Part of R871144 Map 03-18-04 - ! ; Development Site Area sq ft acres ; b�jldablR�s�? ; a..,a._.r.. __ _. ft Zane Distrid/SDD# N.A. Hazard Zones SnowAvo/onche ; High Severity ��Moderate Severity ~'N/A Sections 12-21&14-7 Debris Flow � High Flow r�Moderate Flow a- High Avalanche ��� N/A Rock falf '���� High Severity ;����Medium Severity (���N/A Excessive Slopes i� >_30% ; N/A r__. Floodp/ain ; 100 year floodplain � Floodway j� Wetlands ; N/A Creeks,Streams Gore Creek i"�on site i � adjacent to site ;� N/A Section 12-14-17 Other tributary: ; on site ' adjacent to site ;��� N/A Pro'ect Information Project Description Install 2 new windows on the second floor, north side of existing 2 story building Development Standards Allowed Existing Proposed Gross Residential Floor Area Primary sq ft N.A. (maximum) Secondary sq ft Chapterl2-15 EHU sq ft TOTAL sq ft t�250 Addition ���Interior Conversion Credits: Setbacks(minimum) Front ft Section 14-10-4 Side ft Side ft Rear ft Watercourse ft Site Coverage(maximum) see definition Section 12-2-2 Building Height(maximum) Sloping ft see definition Section 12-2-2 Flat ft Landscaping Softscape sq ft See definition Section 14-2-1 Hardscape sq ft Sectian 14-10-8 TOTAL sq ft Driveway Max Curb-cuts Sections 14-3-1&14-3-2 Max Grade @ cen- terline Min Width Heated drive? ;�� Yes ;��No j�Yes ��"No Snow Storage% Parking #Enclosed Spaces Sections 12-10&14-5 #Unenclosed TOTAL Outdoor lighting(maximum) #fixtures 5ection 14-10-7 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildina Materials Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Metal Clad to Match Bronze Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fiues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enciosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other ��� � � � L' � _ �- Notes: �I D ' Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color JUL o� 20�2 � /� TOWN OF� V,q�� _T. � PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Bobr�Cal Nam! Common Name uarrtit Size PROPOSED N.A. AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES '1'0 BE REk10VE� Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees—2" Caliper Coniferous Trees—6' in height Shrubs—5 Gal. � � C� I� 11 �,�i Tvqe Saua►ro Footas�e � � � ��ouN�cov�R ���� JUL 0� Zp12 SOD � -P- � SEE� � � '���N,O� 1/`�a It � IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features(i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) ISOM � ASSOCIATES � Architecture Land Pianning Project Management � � � � � July 6, 2012 r D � � ���, JUL 0� 2012 Town of Vail Department of Community Development :;�;..,, �, 75 South Frontage Road . t- s K',f`_,����_ Vail, CO 81657 -�'���"' RE: Application for Design Review for Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Community Development: Accompanying this Application for Design Review for Minor Alteration for the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District located at 846 Forest Road are three (3) copies of drawings. The application is for the additional of two(2)windows to be location on the north side of the two story building as shown on the plans. The windows have a maximum U Value of 0.35 and conform to the Town of Vail Regulations. There is also a letter from Tim Hennum of KRM Structural Engineers which states that the new windows will not affect the structural integrity of the building. Also attached is a check in the amount of$250.00 for a filing fee. It is understood that the DRB meeting is August 1, 2012, unless this window addition is approved by the Staff. If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact this office at 328-2388. Sincerely yours, � �` Stephe Isom �' Architect CC: Paul Breitenwischer, Avanti, Inc. Roby Forsyth K1206TownofVail DRB 07/06/2012 P.O. Box 9 214 Capitol Street, Eagle, Colorado 81631 970-328-2388 F: 910-328-6266 � � n �I � � �, � ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE SPECIFICj �bN I o Customer. Eagle VaUey Glass&Mirror SECTION 08 81 00 GLASS GLAZIN(�' { �U� �� �n�� � Project: 724 Forest Rd ��� �- !J Note to Specifiers: � ' - v,��L _ _4.._____� __. _ T��e specifica;ions t�elo�,�r are suggestec!as desirable inciusions in a ass and gtazing specificatio�is isectior oa�� C^: t��r;re riot mterdet!to be eomplete.An appropriate and yualified Arcf�itect or Enyineer rY��ist��2rif}•su�tanility c�f:; F�aCicul,�r �:�a:liir..t for use in a pa�lictd�r�tpplic�tion �s 4�,?li as revie�,r�final specific�i�ons. Oldcastle B�ild noErn�elope�• ass�,rn��; u; rPsponsib.lrty or liat�ilit;r`ar ihe u�for�liatcon incl�ided or not included ir�?I1ese specif cat.ons. PRODUCTS Approved Glass Fabricator C>locastle Bu�lamcjErvelopeT" Glass DQSCription FL�>AT GLiaSS '.USA-Anr�eale�i float ylass:,1�all cornE�l} �:�:,U•AST�.",C1036.T;,���e I.C!ass 1 {c:�_:�,. C::la�.,�' i:i�:�:,; Ca.ialih}� (]3.Canada-Annealed float glass shall comply v��ith CANrCGS6-12 3-Pv?.C?u,,!,t<-:;:;_r�.i 2.USN-Heat-strene�theneci(loat glass shall compl�;:�;itl•ASTt<'C1 Q-�8.T,•pe;.Cl�,s 1 (cle?,�;. �_,�s=;� (tintecf:L Gual t;�U3,Kina HS. Canada- Heat-strenc:tl•enad float glass�I'dlI COI11rJI_d:�:t!' :.A"J: CG58-12.9-M,Typa 2-Heat-Strenyihen�ci Gla�,Class A Foa?Glas�:. 3.USA-Tempered float glass shali comply�.+.rith ASTM!C1fl�o^. T;:pe I.GI>>s 1 �;:_:le,�r�.C;-:�_�.�?:t�--Fcl�. Qualih C�3. Kir.d FT.Canaa�-Tempered floa,glc,ss s,hal. c:o-ip:,•••,;ith CANr'CGSB-'.2 '-f��:i T�-::�__ Tert�pered Glass.Cl�ss B-Float Glass. =. USF1- Laminated glass to comply�n•ith�1STP.�1 C'172.Canacia-Laminaied c�la�,s fo: _:crq�h�:�.:�:- C;aPJ. CGS6-t2.1-M.Tj�pN 1-taminat�d Gla,,.Class B-F�nat Glc,.;;. :z. G ass sl��ll be annealeu.he�t-strengther2d pr tcmp�reo ��S•aq�ire_:b;codr�;. ::� a_:r�q�.i•��I to m���. 'heimal s[r?�e.ancl�r:�ind;oads. Sealed Insulating Glass{IGy GENERAL Vision Glass(Vertical} 1.I:a units car-si�t of c:lass�itPS separatzd b•r a de!��,dratrii ai�-�pa�e that �I�e+��ieti::;�il�:cii_ia �e.��: s-;it�� a c?rimiry s�ii of polyisobut;lene�PIBj,or thermo F�last�..sp�ce:iTPS}�nci:z�rco id�:r::s�a cf�ali�:�,n� a�an oigarir sealant de��e�•dinr o�i?ha app ir.atio��. � 2 USa-Irisu:at na g:a55 urits are ce�t,tied tPiroue�ti Ihe Ins�,la:itu�Gia�.s Czi:i��catie�•.C_;o.mc: ���C:C�;_� a�Tt'.1 E2190. Canada- Insulating Glas,u�•�its are c?rtr�e�!tl-rough the tns�datirg GI,;�:=. FAa �i'r::_-� r�-=, Allianca!JGP,�IAi to eithe�tl•�IGAf1AC certifi�atio��pr�gram to CNN`CGSB-12R,or thic,ic.��:;h�Ic:P:lw E:,ragra�n tn�15TPA E2"90. IG l!ISIOPJ UPJIT PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTIc';S C1�___ _____.__....,_.---__..._.......�____�_- -----.,.__ _..__. . _- _ t. Ext-�ior Lite ---.�:1-P���St+,iyate F:•500 or� C;lear Lo�,:�-E a2 • --.__.._.___—,. '?. f��t-r.rio-Lite _ ---_.___,...�__.........____ ._...._._..- --` :a C��ar 3. 1;�" Ct1-�ty: ':'2 n�:h:Air F�IIi �_. . •- ��:Pe4o�+a�a�;r�.C.i��actari�t�. ._ /� Tiir-.rmr,l L;ptica� ::�irt�r U-fa�tar�ll-va'ue Q3a �.r si:�!e Linht Tians�riitta�i;.e� - . -- - _ - .U-fac;criU-t:alu?: C.3� ;r`sii�e Light Refler..tarcr i;r.dnidei ':.: -- �o'ar He,,t��a�5 .�o Tf'�i tem'--____--D.G2 4'sii�le Ligf�t Reflec:tai�ce rmsidei: 7 : Sh��dira i�oefficier�.t: 0.71 Tota So'ar Tians�rirtanrr: :=� Re atr>e Heat c�ain;Btii�hr-ft-i: 1=; Tota Su��,Fir.fir�?ance rout�ice;: l,qf�t to�vi:tr Ga n: 1.19 Ultr,�+.�iolet Tran-,n��t*a��ce: -J�:•:� '...a�o-�•�a�...srl.,Eu.irlr�i=�..-i��•= - at.,�:�.�b �...:I�.o»��. , . s.:�{.�.ra:i a�a�a�t1 nfCa'r>.:`r�.�,i.�-r�r;l�:.-t�_a-�rce �:;r-i:Nt•.- -�14.�. , .�-��;_ _. . .. . . •�n :i -1r ;,I.- �I.� - �p,- - �=.r:� :4.•��.�f.ii,arzr:la:i.. ��u--rL.••.:rer�g�rk.-�I�."�.tcxi:rL-t. ::i� iL tlL� '<ir� . .��;�3�i��:�:rr�� _ � .. 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D M t R � ��I � � D� G Z-z /z T ��, .��O ►'�____.� ���'4., , Work Order# �% Total pages From J Job Address �L � '��''" �(�� � � Ci Zk �/ �STlMATE � SO�ti DEPOSIT��g�'D•�y�M��ai''��9Cr) Estimate �s good for 60 davs * PLEASE NOTE: Si�ne�nro�osal mast be retarned to nlace order. 2. ,l.�ti,;,�, - :��.�:-�..�-� C,-:;�-�=� ' � ; .. �.,.:�.��_ ,G�.�.. , , . �, C. , , � .. �(,t,..,L,,.�.z,�,_ c.-,.�i �c;,i�;4•_;�,� �j tiZ� � � � � ��i-z-i, , , � , ±:� 1,t,t-��1.. . /� C ., ,f � l ��% � � j '��-�t-'��'� . C'titi,�2� /� /I - ,/ l �-�.' , ' �1.L�- �.�-C'�`'�'" � ' � .n'`-���/��;, ,,.L -k-� ,,�-'�.� �Z ;��� `j� ,� �- Y �3-'L�.�' ./�t,'-L�- .2,,.t.=.�.�z,�,.._ -� /- 5 1 / � . � A 'I �� /I t./'�.�r�,.�. 4 �-ti•'�'� / �/�,� 1� '� V � �� . � 1� .J � � 3 3a�. S`� �3� �-� � � . ._... ..._.....�.�._. ,���,�'�-- l � ���ic� � � �� � .� �/� ' °',�" l�� ��" � _ 1 V ' '+ �'� ��� - � ;b 3 � `'1� � NOTE: On projocts roquirimg A����n��Ve�e���W�,er oi Sn6wgation,our out-of-pocket exPenses y��to th�estimate. If you notify us in advance,we cau obtaia coverage in a timely manner. PAYMENT TERMS:Payment is due within days of invoice billing date. All charge of 1.75%per month 21.0% �����will be s�bjea to a service ( per annvm). I€legal action is t�ken io recover amounts due hereunder, Eagle Vailey Glass Ft Mirror,Inc.shall be entitled w recover its reasonable auomey's fees incuned t�erein. ACCEPTANCE OF ESTIMATE AND PAYMENT TERMS: The above prices,speciScarions aud conditions are satisfacWry and �h�bY�P�1. P ease caamplet�woric as specified. - --� *Signatare �,-�� -� � ' Date � �� .: ,�, , •� . ,. x � , � K � �: - � i�a :� � � ��, �r . " ' .w s^�'� f��p* ` ' 4� � ` '.,�• �t �a 4 � 1�1 1� � r;�: il rn^sr.y . . . . * . � .,. ,. i ' .� � , � � w ,: R. ��. � .i ... , ,. C . . �ir r ,;� > _ . �:... µ°, . ` ��.., �.. . �,. .r �. .,.. t� �i«. � �`r t . �. . ' W�, - ` � .yyi� . , . ,,a� " . 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' f •. t� � ., � � , ._a � t � " . , . .. . .,. . . . _� . .,.. _ ._. ...� _ _ .- e �. a���� .:a��� �` �e '`:��.�;� . - -. �: ��--� �.�,� : � � - ._'_. ._ ; _. _,�„�, , --- �, s �-. _ � . � ._.,---^.."'— "' ����� `t` � �°;i �, ; '. � � ��� f a��...: ���. '� ��� .�� � .i.� AI+� �� � � xi . . . s'��'�i� �'�� ...� -'7" . � �f � s��j�iiw�m.,:.. . ,; ,:w : KRMCON5ULTANTS, INC. P.D. Bax a572 1970-949-9397 VAIL, C�LORAD❑ 6 7 658 FAX 949-1 577 RECORD � �� � � � � � TO: Steve Isom D JUL o 9 2012 TOWN �F �AIL DATE: 7/8/2012 JOB NUMBER: 1207-05 PROJECT.• ERWSD-New Windows ❑ RFI ❑ MEETlNG NOTES � RESPONSE ❑ CLARIFICAT/ON/CHANGE We were notified of the desire to add two new windows (3'-0 wide) on the north side of the Eagle River Water& Sanitation District (ERWSD) building. These two windows will be added adjacent to small existing windows, creating a 4'-9"width of windows. I've reviewed the original structural roof plan, and it appears that this wall (where the new windows will be added) is a non-structural wafl. Therefore, the new windows may be added, and no modifications to the structural framing is necessary. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions. KRM Consultants, Inc. / �O�OA�c�F�ti/��F9 SIGNED: � � � • G��o COPY TO: �� . � �_,: 34Tg� . , �: • . Tim D. Hennum, PE �"��:. �,-,f�- .z':�,�— ```•SS°'•�... ''��\ ��/'iF� ���.� 'Y U��.��E .� .__; �_��:. REVIEWED: , .,F�...��� �.�,..... �.M. ���� �� �����.. � � vpg$ippq# ��'�1('� v�qg I� � 49$"b€� \.1 V d�� 6 � � �" f.! t� 6J (.�; �� �� � � _ �.�..._ ��t t�II��C��l� �,�°'�� � �;""" ,�.#""�» � �a��» g ��,,,���,�;��„ �.��_ �, _.�._ � � ����:�. �:.�-�,a �,�.���«��. _. .� � �F. e. �� ���� �� � � __.. � _ — � „ __ � .,:w. 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