HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5E Lot L Sonnenalp Chen Northern Legal.pdf Chen Northern,I Consulting Engineers and Scientists 5080 Road 154 Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 303 945-2363 Facsimile May 26, 1993 Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division Permits and Enforcement Section WQCD-PE-B2 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver CO 80222-1530 Attn: Mr. Rob Cribbs Subject: NPDES Permit No. COG070215, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Cribbs: Enclosed is the Discharge Monitoring Report for the monitoring period from January 1, 1993 to March 31, 1993 for Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. under permit number COG070215. No discharge was recorded or reported during this period. The discharge point identified as OO1A, silt pond discharge to Gore Creek, was used during the construction period of 1992. The silt pond discharge point was removed upon completion of the permanent groundwater collection system presently monitored under NPDES permit NO. COOO43273. New construction, currently in progress has created a new siltation pond that discharges to Gore Creek at a different point as indicated on the attached figure 2. Upon completion of this years construction activity, the new system will be added to the permanent collection system, and the Water Quality Control Division will be notified of the deactivation of the construction permit. A member of the HIH]group of companies Mr. Ron Cribbs May 26, 1993 Page 2 If additional information is required, please contact our office at 303-945-7458. Respectfully Submitted, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. Rick Thomas Environmental Scientist Attachments RT/lr cc: Ken O'Bryan - Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Architects Bill Douglas - Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. Dan Stanek - Town of Vail US EPA Water Management Division - Compliance Branch Chen @Northern,Inc. Cones]1;,9 Engineers and Sc ent sts PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS (Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) Facility Name/Location if different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT/DMR) NAM[ SO.NNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. (2.16) (17-19) MINOR Form Approved ADD tgisSONNENALP HOTEL EXCAVATION COG070215 001 A (SUER WC) EkilfBENo. 2040-0004 20 VAIL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE NUMBER F — FINAL Expires 9-30-91-NAIL CO 81657 MONITORING PERIOD SILT POND DSCH TO GORE CREEK 'AGILITY _ YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY %T LOCATION FROM 93 01. 01 TO 93 03 31 +r* : NO DISCHARGE ' . **# Al'r N: KEN A. 01 BRYAN (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (28-29) (30-31) NOTE: Read instructions before completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION NO FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) EX of TYPE (32-37) ANALYSIS AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS (62-631 (64-68) (69-70) P D SAMPLE *****%:t *4:4.4;11** ( ) o a a a a w ( 12) MEASUREMENT EFFLUENT GROSS V A L U 1~ .:;>"..:9.:;'<:;:.;.::.:mo,:i::'' `;: ' .:;ii: : •'%M : : N: : U C .. S U ' IDS, I' y O .R AL **YM'a*"'�J' M^!'MMY* (. ) ' Y'1Y* 1~i`... ( 19) SAMPLE SUSPENDED MEASUREMENT 00530 1 0 FERt4IT<: :: I. �` . '.':.***M ;*** e EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE tI(QUI rm :Et > } .. :"' : ' . :::YYM.t :'.���.. f.J ....................3arA.3.J.t.l.' .$�I,.1� .!'71JIL OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE . ry rM *,F#.,- r ( ) 4. #* Y-:=#r*Y ( 19)) FREON EXT-R—GRAY METH MEASUREMENT 00556 1 0 . ::>:- . ?R':.4R", t";*:,.'":R!r*Y ; :;: ::. :: �°r?,�.: %*� Y ��'rG�i ��F��-i� .: �.9 . Z"I;�: �.'X �iA� r EFFLUENT CROSS VALUE.:'.>.><::.:.<<'. .;';';.:;<.:::::..::::, .:;' .:.<:.;:.: :. ;:Y��� <,..::. ;'.:::::.. >:-: ::°':>'' I v.�:� °:' 2'�G.LI�-'_. :�g;�T'� aFLOW, IN CONDUIT OR SAMPLE (- 03) -4+`*.'v�°r•iv *i-�i•'*%r=Xr ****•v^r ( : ) THRU TREATMENT PLANT MEASUREMENT 50050 1 0 0 l r: # <: # 1 ::: x #z : z 1 tN. ; ,. EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE;:.,;....;' .... ::T ; : ,Da.'.: ` 15: .tgigl;NGD #*** §OLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE 4:'****Y* ;F:= **r•*r ( ) ***J..** ( 19) DISSOLVED MEASUREMENT 70295 1 0 0 I EFFLUENT GROSS V!4LU res*u'I,I4M:ENT< ' : : ;.. :':''::.:'�X#=M V'3"`:` : .' 0 .'x, AND GREASE MI.`t.`*r*M .... (, 94) .. t--*',kYY-.` YM4.YY•+i` '..`YY'ht' MY ( ) SAMPLE UAL MEASUREMENT 840bb 1 0 0 °:: >7 ,::., .':. . .. .:.' x' r ::: <:": ::N:::fi. .'DES=1 ::k ; 0 ;�s "'M il i 11' t.ISOA A'i EFFLUENT ROSS VALUE :::..'.. : �:. ' .fi;; '..' N0=0 ;Y SAMPLE MEASUREMENT No Discharge 6 R M )#'' NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINES TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN. AND BASE.' ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION . ".'L+—''' - 1 IS TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIG [' l Johannes r aess er NIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION. INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT SEE 18 USC 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945-7458 93 05 19 33 USC 41319 (Penalties under these statutes may a,rlude lines up IN Elu,n1111 TYPED OR PRINTED arui or maxm,um,mpnsun m.v,r�,/hrtuwvn 6 munrhy and.5 rears.' OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AREA NUMBER YEAR MO DAY CQpE COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE F/ IN PERMIT. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be Used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.( PAGE OF nn�nt, !(178719 ,_, n ,n i `j L — 1 0 — S 2 F R I 1 C5 = 4 E. P - 2 1 From : ENVIRONMENT, INC. .... � .i`�-.`, PHONE No, : 303 423 7297 ( Apr. Cab 1992 3:54Ph( P25 r pfi1VE m* VLSI Il 1111 I ...mow,. \,... Nii< ■ . 1/ r C1 FILTER STRUCTURE 1 t`' MITFALL POINT 00 1., �'`�, ' "'� SSE POINT fro CURRENT EXCAVATION ' SUMP ti - ' -FILTER STRUCTURE DISCHARGE TO i GORE CREEK .r+ \\., ipow Ole' 1 ..:: gxGU .a 2 Si 4* SONNENALP HOTEL .�� COG-Oa2IsxTNC. INC. e•-• Ira ..... . ter.• PAGE 23 . ‘ le* �• nke3 f Joh�aaou,.-K 1 f f St Ale4aiate0.--b2e4 ME3 COHEN June 30, 1992 Mr. Ken O'Bryan Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh 1000 So. Frontage Road West Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Ken: Re: Sonnenalp Hotel Weitz/Cohen Job No. T-130 Attatched to this letter are comments in reference to the T.O.Vail plan review. Robinson Mechanical, Riviera Electric, Western States Fire Protection and W.S. Ford Kitchen Consultants all provided comments. Please note that the items addressed in W.S.Ford's response required coordination with the plumbing subcontractor. I have passed the information on to Tim Bowman/Robinson Mechanical and Bill Schierkolk/Total Plumbing regarding the health department's requirements for indirect drains at the food prep. sinks (items #9 and #10). I also verified that the pot and pan sink is tied to the grease interceptor(item #11). We will need to determine the exact configuration of the pot and pan sink to comply with the requirement for a drain board on either end (item #11), but this can be addressed on the shop drawings. Also attatched to this letter, please find product information for wire mesh partition to address item #8. If this is not acceptable please let me know and I will furnish information for alternate manufacturers. In the last section of the review, on the second to last page, item #8, a Knox Box is required. Please inquire as to number and location so that I may order them. The only other items I wish to address at this time are on page 11, paragraph H, items #3 and #4. These items concern attic access and attic ventilation. Please let me know the determination by the building dept. in regard to these issues at your earliest convenience. If I can be of sevice in any way to help expedite this matter or provide further information please let me know. Si,ncerely, �ohn Smith Project Engineer - - 3039221421 R1UIERR ELECTRIC F-951 T-705 P-004/004 JUN 25 '92 16:03 7536 HiUtcp t f ;,,,#P" ti:NOgN WC. 80?Z], 2 Q- ' (2103)4284006 June 25, 1992 tqFiFi\-77,-27 Mr. Art Grell WEITZ-COHEN CONS T RUCTION Riviera Electric 2107 W. College Ave. Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Sonnenalp GM #90055.01 Dear Art, We are providing the following responses to the Vail Building Code comments as requested for the above referenced project: 1. Srnctural Cnunent LZ: The automatic sprinkler system should be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location Section 3803. Jeplyr Annunciator Iocated in reception area fulfills this requirement 2. NonstnicixtCommenl„C,,, 7: Exits should be illuminated to comply with Section 3313 (a) Reply: We have complied with this requirement 3. Nonstructural Com pent: In occupancies where the exiting system serves an occupant load of 100 or morel an emergency power supply for exit iliurnination should be provided. Section 3313 (b). Reply: We have complied with this requirement Combing Electrical 6n9IMVI • 3039221421 RIVIERA ELECTRIC F-951 7.-705 P-002/004 JUN 25 '92 16:02 Mr. Art Grell June 25, 1992 GBY #90055.01 Page 2 4. n9nstrnctural Comment C,.1,2: Exit signs should be provided in conformance with Section 3314: Reply: We have complied with this requirement. 5. o R Occur. $• Dwelling units and hotel or lodging house-guest rooms that are used for sleeping purposes should be provided with smoke detectors as specified in Section 1210 and ord. 15 ser. 91: limbo We have complied with this requirement. 6. Group R Occupancies, #9; An approved fire alarm system(automatic sprinkler system)should be installed in apartments houses that are three or more stories in height or contain more than 1S dwelling units and in hotels three or more stories in height or containing 20 guest rooms. Section 1211 (Section 3802 h). $e?1y: Sprinkler system being designed and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. Monitoring system designed and installed by Electrical Contractor. 7. ffievator Re ircments. #1C: Standby power should be provided for elevators when required by Section 1807 in accordance with Section 5103 (e). Reply: Required for elevators with rise alarm fire access level of 75 fh or more. All elevators in this hotel have a rise less than 75 ft. Therefore, not stay by power has been provided for except in relation to elevator lights, fan and recall system. 8. fka Review Corrections Reaktd, �:. Shop drawings need to be submitted for the fire alarm system and the fire sprinkler system, along with the required support data, including a final reflected ceiling plan. amply: We will provide these as soon as possible. 3039221421 RTVIERA ELECTRIC F-951 "--705 P-003/004 JUN 25 '92 16:03 Mr. Art Grell June 25, 1992 GEI #90055.01 Page 3 9. Plan Review C orrections_R it ui� 11 #'l: Provide Ansi phase 2 elevator recall on each elevator: Reply: We have made provisions for this recall system. 10. Plan R 'ew Corrections Requirre4, : Provide detailed information to the emergency generator, including fuel source, remote status indicators, transfer switches, capacity and related elements: Reply: We will provide the shop drawings associated with the emergency generator. 11. rim Review Corrections Required. #14: The emergency lighting circuit should be detailed or highlighted so as to be clearly indicated on the plans: Re : The emergency lighting has been highlighted in this fashion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, G• Alai: • L :�:�' G►, s C./ -4411_,ValPs"' on •, h. o linter SOH:ls File\Ur\Gre11.625 JUN-2a-92 TUE 1 4 : 44 0 . . ' • 1 P . 0 1 ' FORD ;• CONTRACTING.- � ,-•:•'.....; .; :;-�` : 4;.,. _ .. -4.-..-. . 4 .. -. • - -- • , - !t .. { . • : FO D QUI N : ND o. ! { '` A D >�IOf ' PLYCO. .c • . a i 4 TM aow is !' • . .::.1 �.'. .: .•• • PHOPE314.23 - .• • • • a • •r . . . ::; . 1 ;;: • • FAX .T` A 5111:17 L• r., ' •-• ' ) • - . • : '.r - - ( 14):231: •..--.0.426: - •• AE t a/P Y . .. . i . i -• 1 ` w Lev .:'-;;',-:-.. .• •• • • R Y, LIVER FOLLOWING P> (S)•T : . - " • . .. . . ."4. NAiE•t Jc,HL 1\41 "1"1-f •' . . : • •,4)CR : t 'C3c�3� .13&.0. 1-4 • r : CI . INSTRUCTI0'45 .: - dci I-t 1 - i . .R : �.•• tW I5 'IS • `N IZE.V E�/• _� c `TQ Lt_TTe..R FROM . :� -, ••`• • Y�u 1 i E__t U t� 1:),67M s:pN aR v U. Le.`r. m . : • _.•• • {: - • �. •' • - ' 1 III _ • ; • • i , :_ • -` • • j ' TOTAL N.4113ER OP A Ee • F.• ' •ikv co pie& • '• '• ::• .•rY L•1 • 1 �,• 3 4 :IF THERE.•• �OI3L. ',18, 11.! CONTACT.... • , • : , . • i• ! JL'i 1- 1E—o2 TUE 1 5 4 'S . 0 ' •' P . 02 • - ' - } • •i' • • ' f ; ', "FORD HOTEL SUPPLY CO. ' • "DISTRIBUTORS OF ' 1 I I' 'I::: !: B14 NORTH BROADWAY i• -• FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT, • •.`} : . ;SAINT LOUIS MIS • . •. . � - � '~�.:`;. ' '.. SOUR! - SUPPLIES AND CONTRACT '.• }}} .i� • b3102 INTERIORS•i l + :TELEPHONE NUMBER :•4!... $14.2314400 ' ' . '�: .. i a'A . 1FAXNUMBER • . ....4...i •. :.a14 2314436 . ! • • • I • • • : : • : /IS 2: , .: •. •, • • • • • .414.0i-r-#144,...;- - - • • ' • • • ••• • Aft 5 • : , . • • • . . . -• (.....• l , • .. . . . i.::. .• - ..0) ‘211'...ij71;0;.0•7.4 (//140:4 ... : • .." • " . IT •■••Cti..i.efi iteit .it.'". • .. 1.. .. . •' .•. . . . : : { i 44,004.,. •- ........• .....pi.). .0 - . • . .OW .. • • • •' • 1. .i'. • . ° ' •• •./2...file0(74.roil• r 4 ;L/ . J0•• - . . : • 1 • • �.•t _ t ' ttI " l • +• s t• • ,• t !1 R .• • • _ • &L __ • eiiteoilif • • • -p _.v.— o- w . • uc a ■► a -• r 00 P . 03 ....:::!•.‘:: :;:i1- '• s- " <` '"FORD HOTEL I LY CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF• d',.+: • I.", • •, • •", "1314 NORTH BR....JWAY FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT," '' - '' " "• ;:> ' SAINT LOUIS,MISSOURI: .. • SUPPLIES AND CONTRACT '� ` `s,�. ::..43102:. v • . .. :•s �1 : . .." iNT>rR10RS 1 ;. =��:±' :TELEPHONE NUMBER . •- y. i 314.2314400 • . . • • �. : . .•'= - 4'. • fAX NUMBER . .::- :E 'Q• .. - : -1 •: 16.231$436 • • • - -.:: : :•?......, :t.,• )... ..7._,!.;-..,..:...! ... ,• ., .: . ..-• • ':•:. . . . •::-. - i. . • .: 7.--.•." . ' t' 'or - IV - • •' . • id..,(4,-11...- • ( ç') 1 • 1 :� . x•i L..' • .: .t I i • :',.. - . . 7. "K6/ . ::. ' .1 1 l'f... .-' ... • .. • -• ' ' -. - )1444— . • .• 1 . • .....10:e.. .... .;:-(...-..:-... •.. - ••2.- ..;,..•• 1. . : •:,-,•: • • JI. ;:;..1.1.4.....,:,•:!-•••• • '+ • • - is i_ r - .�:'-• I's i i:•. ;: • • vi- ' .; :`i" ,`i 6•• ,; -a.' :` • ' •• , -•.c • J • •— _ •} •p r.. • JLIN-26-1992 12:38 FROM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROT. TO 8606698 P.01 7026 South Tucton Way Aattxnatk Sprinklrrs- OffIcc%In Denver. • • Western States Englsw+ood.Colorado 50112 IInainoorini•Installation•Servioc lwx Anitelcr,St. Paul. 303.792-0022 Special Haurd •Halos Dolby Swig Fq1 e • Protection Co. 303-792-9049 FAX OM c\] I ri E c7,77 L ell LI Lf1 ti Vii • �Iy v i992 June 20, 1982 • ito ciLr WEI7Z-COHLN CONSTRUCTION Mr, John Smith Weitz-Cohen (instruction Company • 899 Ltvgii Street Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Regarding; Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Smith: This letter Is written, per your request, to comment on the Town of Vail review of the job referenced above. Comments on our portion of the work are as follows: • 1, Page 4, #17 -Thie ie, in a nut shell, a deeoription of our work: Western Stator Firs • Protection Company is doing this. • 2 - Page 4, #18 - Western States Flre Is and has been developing our installation • drawings for approval. The Vall Fire Department has agreed to accept this project on • a last track' basis. This means the fire department win review our drawings one at • a time, as long as the drawings and calculations are oomplete. This will release us to • fabricate and install a level at a time,which will not impede the progress of this project 3. Page 4,#19-This comment Is not eppicable. There will not be any trash/linen chutes - installed in this new building. 4. Page 4, #21 -This project Is being supplied with a Cleat I standpipe system (for fire department use only). The lire department is requiring 600 gpm at 66 psi flowing at the topmost outlet Western States Fire Is complying with this requirement by Installing a six-Inch supply main to three stairways In Phase I, and one stairway in Phase II. This six-inch main will supply water to the four-Inch standpipes for tire department use only. 5. Page 4,#9-Western States Fire will install fire sprinkler protection in ad dwelling units In accordance with NFPA #13 (1991 edition) and Town of Vail Fire Department • recommendations. JUN-26-1992 12=39 FROM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROT. TO 8606698 P.02 Mr. John Smith Weitz-Cohen Construction Company June 26, 1002 Page 2 • • 6. Page 7 of the plan analysis dated 03/31/92 by Dan Stanek(note'For A Occupancy) - Western States Fire Is developing design/installation drawings and will obtain fire department approval prior to fabrication and/or installation. The last portion of this comment: 'and installation shall be as per approved drawings,' however cannot be complied with as written. Our design drawings are being done as fast as possible; and due to the construction drawings supplied to us having missing dimensions, being out of scale and bare minimal attic apace, wo will have to coordinate much of our pipe location at the time of installation. Our foreman and project manager however, wiU be keeping an up to date set of as-bust drawings at the job site. New hydraulic calculations MI be generated,whenever required,to reflect the new pressure demands caused by the field coordinated location/routing Of our piping system. John, if you should have any questions or need further information on this or any other matter, please feel free to call. Sincerely, WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY tXWAtat4kC• Ec OJCc L aurren C. Edwards, Jr. Project Manager LCE/krn:sonncomm • • c: George Ralston, Robinson Mechanical • • • TOTAL P.02 C�AhISJhi Mechonical Company 5541 Central Avenue ;11 1, - 1 Boulder,CO 80301 JUN f 4 I 303-443.2505 I'i � JUN 2 1992 Fax 303.443-5507 ; , c June 23, 1992 J Weitz Cohen Construction 899 Logan Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80203 Attention: John Smith Subject: Sonnenalp Hotel; Comments on the Town of Vail Plan Review Dear John: Following are our comments on items which we have noted in review of the Town of Vail plan correction notice: - Reference page 2, Section B, Item 7. In the initial meeting between Gary Murrain, Ken O'Bryan and myself, it was agreed that all vertical ducts extending through floors could be dampered at the floor and the enclosure requirement waived. That applies to all exhaust ducts and make-up air ducts serving the rooms. - Reference page 4, Item 15F. Mechanical ventilation is not required in a smokeproof enclosure which is not a highrise building; th a ore, we h v no mechanical ventilation anticipated for these smokeproof enclosures. — 9 - 1 f - Reference page 4, Item 24.We are not aware of any ceiling assemblies which are fire rated. If there are rated ceiling assembly areas;we need to be informed of those immediately since fire dampers have not been anticipated in any ceilings. Reference page 8,Group A Occupancies, item 1.At this point,we have not anticipated a fire resistive separation for the basement conference areas. If this is required,please confirm specific boundary for fire separation. - Reference page 8, Group R Occupancies, Item 2.We assume this requires a separation between the laundry area and all other portions of the building. Please confirm specific separation walls requiring fire dampering. - Reference page 11, Elevator Requirements, Item 2;Hoistway Ventilation.We were instructed by Gary Murrain of the Vail Building Department to provide hoistway pressurization in lieu of elevator shaft vents to preclude the requirement for a vestibule in front of the elevator hoistways. OBINSON r Mechanical Company - Reference page 11, Item G Room Requirements, Item 4 and 5; attic ventilation and heating venting. These items were to be pursued by Ken O'Bryan with the Vail Building Department. At this point and time we have made no provision for attic ventilation and if it is required, this will cause considerable additional work to provide attic ventilation and still provide freeze protection for lines in the attic. - Reference page 12, Section 1, Materials and Construction, Item 13. ICBO evaluation report or test data on the fireplaces and chimneys. Our reading of this is that flues and zero clearance fireplaces must be approved by an approved testing laboratory under ICBO. The equipment we are providing has been approved by an approved testing laboratory and this data will be submitted. No further significant comments in regard to this plan review; however, no significant review of the mechanical plans has been done at this time. We assume that this review indicated no significant issues or that the review will be forthcoming shortly so that we can respond. If you have -•y further questions regarding our comments, please free to call the undersigned. Very t ours, . , Vice Pr-s dent ?I:ERGE, SEGERBERG P- ..?.-PAE1-1 ARCHITECTS . P.C. :: -..I.A. LET-q i' OF IMMSECITML 1000 South F:{ t.3 �: Roar! West VAIE, O0I_C',U: ,y a 316 a� �g�g�r p�.g DATE JOB NO. I (303) 476-44 3 / TI " ,ATE N � f ' / /- % „2:--,,,,c,_ —..^-.-- TO WE ARE SENDING YOUAttached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION r f / r �.-s /s+°..... -- ..a.. .. .�` : .-�. _r^' •.. ,pro-' -._;- _S lam/ r.. .. / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval {:1/For 7)Z-As your use .❑GApproved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution {ZAs requested r ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS L i .- .�r 7 -"IS--. 1-:;'''' ,,„ / . t t� - R. G": ...7'- a / ,.... . COPY TO `°7 - Y SIGNED: --_ _ PAODUCT24O3 / JInc,Grata.,Mae o 1471. - If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us a!nce. - NOVCIPTIONM ,------- MECORRECTIONSNOTED . - .1 1 :I' r- 0 REVISEANDeEsuama suBrarSPECIFerro,40 ci i/A f, .-- A' 4° 1 0.4/Acr 4)944.. „e-.. . / / .44$ - .-0.' , IS ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN 11,Ift i V .,v .._.;;;•.;„ty..„F THE PROJECT AKI_GE4RA,Q010.1.,1,.: , ...MIT N le's., IN 6..,i'.'1'',I GIVEN IN THE OONTRACTIRODUME I . k AC 0 j , SHO'f11"cf- -,..•ECT TO THE REOUIREMENT- Thrg)RA S ECI- l it FICATI tiN... ' _GACTOR IS RESPONall:,tzt• ;-PiciliNgliltIWHIU.11 / it i fp AND CORRELATA * J.:SITE FABRICATION!1 11 , / ict _ ,_A PROCESSE-Nc. HNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION OF i , „...„.\,...... _„.„.... ,. HIS WORK --e'..\.--, 'OF ALL OTHER TRADES AND THE SATISFACTORY f , 1, ,. Cf) PERFORMANCE.1 '1' IRK. rt/ / 4, ." Alb. - 2 Cr) 0 1- 11 1 i , — .4. 1 i ■ A '4 1 .,4 1 0 jOr. I 1 "\ lic:‹ h A >-, '*- • C. .E. . 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A4t!* IY•444 )1 7;4 0:44,441;` .,, I 4. . ,:::',...„:„. , '41'; ''/';' 1 * 4*■■4%44 1$4.40. Aei.4 '- .4* ' \'',A< iii)' '46:)'' ) 7 , • i'', i - l — 4 4 i , ,' \ i 's•- •%.,4.04. . /WON 4,41;41, \\:„::.,,,. ....., , . a I '',/', 1 , "•'/,' -. I %, / 1 .'?, / P-- 4* ' ''' --- .7., ';:**4P---,' -;,>,-- •'4.atti Tr', ' - i ' /,i - ,„,,, .4. --:'/ .,,,,," --- -- 5TOCK °4 1' i',':, ro. ;•/-. ..--...' . : CRIMPED , \ , , ,,, ,, xt , CEI Li NE.4 , , ii' 0' ' -- / __„,--'--- 1 'BEAMS ID-RUG AREA? — ..... . 1 SPED MESH:- 5 \ wiRe ME l'i \ \ PARTITIONS \-, C) I i - , acorn wire and iron NEW YORK • CHICAGO works S ANGELES o rk S C q b 140,or I.: i.' Iill j c. > :' VIII / / ,.;.•.; Ili :1► t.. 111.0 .,rr'r 'A ,It`ll, 1111 11,. lI A K�r 11111 s i� 11 I ,��. III; , I 11 II C ,4$04.440., adjustable , 1111 ;I panel iil,j'l,.;• 1 - j a .. -mac,-\ 1101 a a - ''''''.. 0 AIL" i 1 F. '1 a t e 4 C 0 90 d ree homer 3-way connection. 4-wag connection. other than 90 degree comer. p°with shoe b with ST shoe no shoe d no shoe 4 r.,---"," ,,,,A,,,,i'" y to o '' ' ' ' 1, . - i 1 ,,,,,,,,,-- ' WC-1 wail clip. WC-2 standard wall clip WC-3 wall clip.used on , . WC-2+3 slide door wall q used at corners. "b �c capping channel at wall �d at used with slide door 6I z at wall. 111. ,. , . . .. , .., ,, , ... ..,„. ....,... ,, ,,,, . ..,.., , .., , , ► ® _i .. ,, N •iii..ill. 0 , 0 ° \ ss...... slide door bumper. .- slide door lock keeper. guide casting,aluminum. a aluminum. b aluminum. c guide channel and strap. 2 ©Copyright 1983,Acorn Wire and Iron Works,Inc. . i '.� ac . . - 1x'7. .10 4/Acr J . ,, -.) 1" N ,,,,ip/./\\ i\Lik ,„,„,,,,,,,,..,,,._,..,,,_, wire mesh partitions � S.K.casting, lock takes Simple,economical room dividers. Designed for 4J 11, aluminum on �` any standard constant change and reuse.Secure, but no loss °;».., iirr, front edge of �Ef' mortice cylinder. of light, supervision or ventilation. Five basic slide door. types—two stock, three made to order, five f' I stock heights, five stock widths, two adjustable type panels, 10 stock door sizes, and as always, special widths, heights and types to order. Finish usually one shop coat of paint, but ,, , Oslide door locks. hinged door locks. special colors or galvanized to order. adjustable to any hand.pick- O adjustable to any hand.pick- s� s �' s proof.heavy cast aluminum. h proof.heavy cast aluminum. e �;-„„_. _ . , ,,, ,.......„ ., , , , _ ,,, _ ,,- , .„ .... .. ...„, .„.. ,,,.....„ „,, .., ._,, ,,..,,,,.„ slide door track casting . . . . , . ..„. Oa no.12.<aluminum.used / hitel %kw% .9.,,, ,-.,,,tx i s i,...4.: ..,..„.......,,, re, ' 9.-.) ,,,,, . ,.. , .., „, 44•tji,",....., .., rit-efi 0- 0. /i osl. .0 ,,,,„.„.„4.4.,_, 4411011111 1 %,..V /6 s ei t/44 sz\vi# 44 ,....,..,..-,'„.-7 [..,..,„;,„„:,_ , only with transom. slide door track casting �,/ b with full aluminum.door. • `. 1 4 N. 1 ).11 11- , , _ 1 tt,ri ;E::'-'':'....4 1 t:1;)/1 /4 ilk j ,, ::, if *,, 'I l''' .M.\\11,7111 )i slide door track casting stock ceiling crimped(seams no.13.aluminum.used 5",6",7",and 8"high. at end of track. with junior'I-beams permit design with stock or standard I : ,,. components. 4t. ,..... ..„ . 0 1 ' ' ' , floor breces (optional)use o E every 15'-20'for low partition, 0 every 15 lineal Q feet for partition up to 18'high. 0 0 %% -D%i7 ,,.o s "W"brace used at panels up "5"floor shoe.aluminum. ¢M plate brace up to 18'-0"high. to 12'-0"high.10 ga. O 21h"height permits wide CDused at doors and panels. 4'/a"wide.2112"x 7Sh" variation in floor. ,' /a 10 ga.tapers one way to 8'/a" 6 x 5/16"base.centered on base.'//"expansion anchors O b partition.3'/"expansion � to floor. anchors to floor .. Acorn Wire and I WOf7Gs� r • 7'-12' wire mesh partitions 12'-35'-4" wire mesh partitions all wire type-no. 130A all wire type-no. 130AL Basic all wire type for normal industrial use. Basic type for normal industrial use. 7',8', 9', 10' and 12' standard heights. il la specifications 0k.1 Y2"diamond mesh; No. 10 gauge wire securely clinched to 0 frames I II 11/4"x 5/8"cold rolled "C" section vertical channel 1 , �1 1"x 1/2"cold rolled horizontal channel ® L- all joints mortised and tenoned . 4-, !11/4"x 1/2"channel frame for hinged doors _ 1'/2"x 3/4"channel frame for sliding doors 21/4"x 1"capping channel 690 posts-new,light Hinge door to have 11/2 pairs butt hinges weight,easy to install. Exceptionally strong.Good Flat bar posts-old,but still Doors shall have mortise cylinder lock, provision for cylinder for all heights to 35'4". good design. outside, recessed knob inside-or hasp for padlock. Field bracing by erector unless noted as an extra by Acorn. specifications All bolts, hardware, and accessories for complete installation 11/2"diamond mesh; No. 10 gauge wire securely clinched to to be included. frames Color of paint-gray,green or black 0 11/4"x Se"cold rolled"C" section vertical channel 1"x 1/2"cold rolled horizontal channel 7'-12' wire mesh partitions all joints mortised and tenoned sheet base type-no. 139A 11/4"x 1/2"channel frame for hinged doors Special sheet base type for normal industrial use. 11/2""x 3/4"channel frame for sliding doors 7', 8', 9', 10' and 12' standard heights. Flat bar or 690 posts between each panel; size of post dependent on height of partition specifications 21/4"x 1"capping channel same as above except 16 gauge sheet steel in Hinge door to have 11/2 pairs butt hinges lower 3'-6" high section. . Doors shall have mortise cylinder lock, provision for cylinder outside, recessed knob inside-or hasp for padlock Ceiling bracing required every 10' to 15' Components Field bracing by erector unless noted as an extra by Acorn standard panels: All bolts, hardware, and accessories for complete installation Stock sizes-5'wide,8', 9', 10',and 12' high. to be included Special heights up to 12' made to order. Color of paint-gray, green or black sliding door sections: Stock sizes-3',4',5',6',8'. and 10' wide.7'9" Components headroom except 6'9"in 7'0"high partitions. standard panels: Special sizes made to order. Stock sizes-5'wide, 12'0", 13'8"to 23'8"high, and 24'4"to service window panels: 35'4"high in 12"increments. Special heights made to order. Stock sizes-24"x 15"standard slide-up service sliding door sections: window and shelf in standard 5'0"panels. Special windows and panels made to order. Stock sizes-3',4', 5', 6', 8', and 10' wide. 7'7" hinged door sections: headroom. Special sizes made to order. Stock sizes-3',3'6", and 4' wide. 7' headroom. service window panels: Special sizes made to order. Stock sizes-24"x 15"standard slide-up service filler panels: window and shelf in standard 5'0"panels. Special windows and panels made to order. Special width panel to fill out runs where standard 5' hinged door sections: wide panel cannot be used. Stock sizes-1', 1'6",2'!2'6",3', 3'6","4', and 4'6"in '-• ,Stock sizes-3',3'6", and 4' wide.7' headroom. 7',8',9', 10' and 12' heights. Special sizes made to order, . Special sizes made to order. filler panels: Adjustable panels Special width panel to fill out runs or where standard 5' Stock sizes-0"-6"x Partition heights. wide panels cannot be used. 0"-12"x Partition heights. Stock sizes-1', 1'6", 2',2'6", 3',3'6",4',4'6"widths corners and intersections: in 12'0", 13'8"to 23'8"high, and 24'4"to 35'4"high in 12"increments. Special sizes made to order. Stock sizes-11/4"angle for 90"corners,any height. adjustable panels Clips for three or four-way 90" intersection, any height. 15/16"O.D. pipe post for other than 90`corner. Stock sizes-0"-6"x partition height. 0"-12"x partition height. corners and intersections: wire mesh partitions Stock sizes-11/4"angle for 90`corner,any height. sheet base type no. 139AL Clips for three or four way 90` intersection, any height. Special type for normal industrial use. Adjustable pipe post for other than 900 corner. flat bar posts: specifications Stock sizes-5/16"x 13/4"for partitions 12'-14'8"high Same as all wire type No. 130AL except 16 gauge 5116"x 21/2"for partitions 14'8"-19'8"high sheet steel in lower 3'6" high section /16"x 3"for partitions 19'8"-23'8"high 690 posts Stock size-51/4"for partition. 12'0"-35'4"high. 4 10.4/Acr '` 7'-24' wire mesh partitions I all wire type—no. 135 Heavy duty all wire type for extra heavy industrial use. �. • 7'-24' heights in 12" increments. ■I Standard and stock is 130A. By adding vertical I, •. , flat bars 690 posts between panels, can keep IPI % adding panels on top to make 30AL a stock 11 e item. 139A and 139AL are dressier, and 135 Is • I , I truly heavy-duty. { It �� ', When the partition layout is planned around /°�, // standardized units send a rough sketch or list �../ y%the following information: ��`'T '° '' 690 posts—new,light Flat bar posts—old,but still 1.Type of partition , weight,easy to install. good design. 130A 139A 130AL, 139AC 135 Exceptionally strong.Good for all heights to 35'-a° ,:-\,--'1"2.Height of partition; -e s3.Number of standard panels ., 7-,, ,,, vc ,' x• 4 Number and width of filler anels x specifications P . f 'k b Number and width of adjustable panels .. ' {' 2"diamond mesh;No. 6 gauge wire >.- �x, A., � .. ` ,1b Num r,width and type of door section s: ' Securely clinched to frames „ ;z " . . .,i 4 11/2"x 3/4'hot rolled vertical and horizontal channel "rr Number and type of corner posts. ti All joints mortised and tenoned '-t8,Nurtlber and type of floor.braces:"If omitt=,4 ' ' 11"x 3'4"hot rolled section framing for hinged or sliding doors -m1,-,4 u t • •thhers,Pr 1,'•e 'e•l t ,• t.::::::-.$:.:4,,7.i. Flat bar or 690 posts between each panel "'k°T l' •ir a' . �i x�' ;% ' 3"4.1 lb.capping channel I :•)fir fir;:Ptiti6iR 4.• z-i 9,e Hinge door to have 11/2 pairs butt hinges [ - :tft.. Doors shall have mortise cylinder lock, provision for cylinder outside, [ :` ...�: :>,'.f;:<>.c• recessed knob inside-or has for padlock I. "' ' ;t..- --I. r«r-• i ¢j c ;.. I Field bracing by erector unless noted as an extra by Acorn ,' ;y. <, ;, -1"L x. All bolts,hardware,and accessories for complete installation to be I..:. "`!}"'`1'''` ' r included _. : ;S,: ,L, .r1j: of Ik''' . Color of paint -Gray, Green or Black -_e' [ ,! - tf Components f ,. "ti : rte:•standard panels: �, t h%,r.:;- - .,�r:,.!: e...... p Eft:,; ,: .,:,: • Modular sizes-5'wide, 7'-20' heights in 12"increments. F. ti.; • Special heights made to order. 4 . . sliding door sections: is Modular sizes-3',4', 5' and 6' wide. 7' headroom except 6'6"in 7' ; r it ,;:`' ;: "`` high partition.Special sizes to order. l ;•-•- [' I :; :_" service window panels: - t",c. 4"-±:-•--- 1 F. ;:. t_ Modular sizes 24"x 15"standard slide up service window and shelf in standard 5' panels. , Special windows and panels to order. I y. :: hinged door sections: .t:i ;;'_. Modular sizes-2'6", 3' and 3'6"wide.7' headroom except 6'6"in 7' Why Acorn" high partition.Special sizes to order. filler panels: ' 0.1 c r 'i=ltl•.i . '• t tt t' �Ij=r_„'' Stock sizes-none.Special width panel to fill out runs or where I.1-, ..""iiii-, 1163 i4 it j ;,, :,<,c standard 5' wide panels cannot be used ` ,_ �, :i H'- rQrhge`S 1. ttl�llils jtt-� ii 94.4: ri c,,roiro ..-4-=, corners and intersections: o E . • s tt 1 9� o ;f ,c;<:. �{ S e ' XA , Stock sizes-13/4"angle for 90`corner,any height.Clips for three or four ; $ BtVfv�' • , • •�4 ;�� way 90`intersection,any height.23/8"0.D.pipe post for other than 90` - x �� A corner. al ti• . e-<--r:,-, tdaneis� 'es I ' flat bar posts: ; !•akS rt,'° t fide kond ,tyi�r qe •0o : 7. `' 5i , i �OOrs( • SP4j pare ' 4 I• , iia , Stock sizes-5 i6„x 3'/2 for partitions 12'-16' high v,y' �ectiQtl tTlodu1us y2to`g4li111es tro,�••.). �,�s She"x 31/2"for partitions 16'-20' high * r hart'E nost eifsi�pporimg°ceiiings ro - ,' 690 posts y ; �-tock4±omponents, best',engineered, the`.- r stock size-51/4"for partition 7'0"-24'0"high '''9151:4:;'� spsttequested and best'se rveC� t.' a ;�4s4"1 . attonwide since i913 Only' ec ire lze"` 1 .p; fr1t0e1same as all the rest i' �'+,".',y %"' 0..L , : r-, , i .6:I-Acorn-folding gates? No ng ,else,h , .. ' ,,;_,even comes close. _ i jar;. Acorn Wire and Iron Works,Inc. 5 OP/Overall Product, i. lace 1 � a . no. 5641, double, 16' maximum width "i;'Note Ga e<d ops1 "per foot to height when,(•-L Gates hinged or fixed at sides.Center bar extends opening extended ,ic ti 'S..'I a c, a 4 .,y,. t { height. • SIT :'' z, i s ', +" Fixed top brace,locking floor bolt.Equipped with hasp for r r; ¢ t, :<e` � ,' `u;` padlock or cylinder lock. ' 'Gate sha I be 13,',‘,.-,.' 641,as manufactured by Acorn :,..,.'•-.T Wire and�l'rovn Wrs,Inc.Constructed of 3"channels I r r ;;;riveted back_to back-not Over 6"o.c. Fully;enclosed I' end bars to receive rollers All cold rolled material. iI 1 ��Has•'to • .1• � "� -Wider lock Painted finish. 1tltl'ii�II'Itl ,, \ ,/ / • x ,` ,. ,3 m..,£ t K111ul \ r, / 1 a t tr<5654 _, I fil A\ n 3'-, Gate as rrm ufactuted b Acom ,\nv �I , 3 Wire,and •n o �tc Constntctedof- a"channels' I " i^ i' 7 /� y ''-' '''',"::--7 rivetediiaF 4 •ai;k otover6",'Q,c Fully'endosed Q I� �'� ~� ii �+ rug i J�' \/; � \ 1 •^\ ,�'i �� � end b oliersfAil cold rolled material w ' 3 as:x of• rflo«� in�tlerlock ?ainted fiinish ^ i,i,ii.I 1,-,,',' f''%j,� \` ' /�{�,, r �/,f\ `,, . - - q.>t•, p Y: T r fiLz� I 'iII%I V ;tYi \'\„1 Vi' /\^ 1 ,�• : n• 5649 .'r n' I• Gate sha o _659'ter.- an a re• •y Acorn ;1 ;; ':f''\ \\ \ °`:fWire and lrort o r ` rtc'Constructed of,3”channels ii'!i' `�/ ✓� /".\i t eted bac-Xic ack not over 6":o.c Full�"enclosed \ V,�� radars e ,ri rolls IIco1d14,olled. atenal , -_ — e,nn! ..11?1f jam`• ' ck:i as. or••adlocko]r7,r.,,..„,;c4.,:;.r ti,, .•i t t,c - I . r }S fg w A �\', 2A Gates placed in the opening stack fixed in line or hinged flat s against the wall n, .; , r ; }, e _ t 2B Gates placed on face of wall,stack clear of opening. plan 2A • no. 5654, single, 8' maximum width . •_ • Gate hinged or fixed at side.May be used with hasp for padlock f+•s, � � or cylinder lock.nt In • 7— tt�`-tJ r t n C.J 11 plan 2B .1 \ / .it ' '''":J'�1i no. 5743 I ;,\ w" ,1 , 4-410 . r E?:ri.4A11 i c,' e a ,77.- 04,,,,,i,::34.,_,...". at I t .w r.i i r',. '' ��.. ? J I! f-,� is �" }-' \' t!t!lr': is C itc a r'l.if;. v •la 1 ct • •� • :i1. ^ l :sac,oe +ifrl r rr • • uti • a �i .� /," �v �,� '1l �s 1 i " ,. art :.,« �'yy :^ ! ? •'I ;•Ai • t, •1.. Cot, ie:.r:;44,kti,rit• 1T(F: :•' tiI• -• r IfPh-��9Ac-c �' � i � f ;t y' 1Y 1 J V' ri ,7• etc I 1 -4i,,::41'I se+• r• o e c rc?e'��P '11,. 'a;:;: I, Y tt "lt f•-:. ■ ' \�, ,no. 57P ' �' l �` \, ha ' .i 11.e; a} 1t,b•.ih7 :1- * —' ,\/\\,/i \, , • > iii ,_ ' ,- „ ” a• ii t11 g-•aced .;ol•D -, p I l• , e ii . ,I r•c,•..:c E.. .,.. •.:lit ti k1 •ilk, 4)ir�z.4 o ,i .� a: �e�°•J Tilled E:,::1t,•: r atf•f a ,,..,1, e., .,.. .1.4,..,,.„,ii f:e,. >:.r.crj` �, !d:ll. a no. 5649, sectional, unlimited-width ,,,, ,,,6, ct:Ir: :,.t . I It,c , k , e : ..v ; Permanent overhead track. Gates in sections with padlocking It {y �t r '" floor bolts.Gates may stack flat against wall or clear of opening. ,r,: ti-,--,c tc,- e;::.l'c c •J"�•}rAlit�•� .. c.� .4• e• f r 1 1 :I� 4: c•rrR:•'irk:Ieiriz a �(til 1 no. 5744 & Ir: :,�.-•,. -, •�•, orf ti.t1r' ' ca.; t g•f! i (' • 11(1<: :1'C l,c�i,r1-0-,-,-.4 �r°� 0' • °1a �'} 1 !-: f` /,`„/" ,, :'a '-i `' e'`-•u•` c.fiat.I 1,e.--- fT 'i ( ��,v V J��J' V V "� /)1 -:ali..s f € 1 , ; 11,1;`.• ! 4�� 0 .v t to ?6 1 /1'!' !./ it •I.ae;a A.�� rt•y' !. • ti �{ri . 5 J iE�v(!1 F7 �� rah • .a;�� c �. 1�h ji p/�P �V v ,,„:Ir�W I t '.1 ''Gulf•i d,'.rr.ilfeilf 'L�•'s I�.��' ��J'� d�✓f;J ��. .....i a ns���sx l r no. 5748, , . .. . . .-. /Af/ �Y/, of-ir_ vl t.t• • i tr ( • '4 • • :,°,1,1," . t.-.! .G a �: 7at f v:< ee I 17 ' / w,/' ; �� Yiii A. "iWq vc: f e4•t ' �Ited 'r!` h-,9, :=7�, I ' /ry I�\. ,�' r ! (\, ! F ;��- �J 60$ .i •verb•n• e, ttice bars "•,'�,� IL.,.1,1.,... ! 1� .i, i ►1 ndosed end",bars .Permanent ovefiea t 'h 1 ! v; ,�•x'. 'c•�� a.�', owng parts fitted with rollers:AII cold,rolled 1 ,....L >>�v� `�� e • material:;Hasp for,padlock o cylinder lock: 4k Y by :, 'y-, ti Painted finish L ' 6 ad `I' $ • i/-I -I-',,, ,,----, 1 0.4/Acr -,•=. no. 5743D, double, 16' maximum width no. 57P portable folding gate 1 . - no. 5743S, single, 16' maximum width for use in existing buildings,or in new construction where recessed 1 0 Folding top and bottom tracks. Hasp or cylinder lock.7'0" features are not practical. and 7'6"standard heights.Other heights up to 8'0", made to order. • .,.....,./... 1 ';',;:., yiy40■ 4■ 4..0401'plIN41 4.\, 1 ,41\01g111,4\0\11,11s _ -&,'". . * _ ,v40.40,irli,A40 1111111 li I 1 i . 111111 I 4:1 11\le,11.1,x10\11.11111z< I,,,„„„ . . MIA\11/1041/1110F ..=. \ \ \ \ \ \/41 l Completely portable.Standard model can be used in any corridor ■■■ from 7'0"to 120"wide(other stock sizes range from 6'0"to 90", . ■■■■■■■■■•■••■ -------... 1 1'0"to 150", 130"to 180,and 14'0"to 21'0")7'-12''stores in 2' Gate can exceed maximum width but require special 0"x 2'0"x 6'61/2". Heavy electro-galvanized finish is standard. modifications. , Height permits storage in any closet. - Distance between lattice bars --, e plus-spear tops on gate prevent climbing.Only two io. . 11 i• lead shields are required in ,■ 1 11 floor for installation at each g-. 1,1 , ,1 rr ..r,Hri. 111 1 El location. ill 1 ilp., 1 ■ lle, i I 9111 il f t 11; hil, Hill ill H. -1 1 H, ii ! 1, II , Ir i / 111 IYIK ll HI, , „1 1 ,. ;, , ,■y,, ,N\ ft W ' H111,, 11 .■I ',. .■1 1, j,.li 1 y 11'.Pr• /1, /7 :.1,1 , EAT.‘ ). i ,.,,,, ,,- II ji A II '' COI '•I ,./ ..,-2 , -, id,- . i, 1 1 I I : 11 ' 11[11/141 I 410*r im-- II! 4.-',. ■ * „ ... ---- ---,„ no. 5744D, double, 38' maximum width no. 5748D, double, 30' maximum width -;-- no. 5744S, single, 20' maximum width no. 5748S, single, 15' maximum width Recommended where full height security is required. Recommended where full height security is required.Fixed Fixed overhead guide channel. Folding bottom tracks. Hasp overhead guide channel.Folding bottom tracks. Hasp or cylinder or cylinder lock. lock. •- , _ 1.--_-.:_- .17:7-----Z------- . 1-- Irf---------:.: C ,.. - 4 X >140 yw\(\ex Ii I' il 11 1.2p #9p.99 \AAA, AA 4AA ,.. ,!;:,.';',.,,,'; :,. 1 P, p :, r `'. 11 P '■ r, 1 As * 4:,,): 4■,,I, '':.4' /Iv" '` /4, ' e. , 'I,k;, 3t il■ .i'c' ib)r ,..!!' ii ,ii/);-2,1/yi ; [ \AX XXXXX XX 1111' ' ilii1.1,:,,. ,1 4:•: ,r.; ,11: W::,:";::•;:z : , ' 4 I, I,1 • :; ;1 • , ; • `:•t--"' i 1 • I ;;'' :, li , , .. , ■[ ,' 1, I 1, 1 :, 1 .1 . i; \'/Y<XN(Y<X>/</ AY<AY •,, ;;;;;;!;■,,, !I li .1' 11 11 1 ', l: 11., :, 1' . , ' ' ' ■IL^',1!/:if^.1.4^",)X4 1,%. $1'''''',h:,%`,1Vj,':, - - " .........., 611■1=11 Three row lattice over 8'0"high. Gate can exceed maximum width but require special modifications. Acorn Wire and Iron Works,Inc. 7 . it ,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.:,..„..„,,..,,,:,__;,.._„,,..,,..:..„.:„.--„.7r,777.,,,,,,.'=',,',-.4-xi.ff;;; :'c,fz..„3 type 122 \\ a S. . type 121 k -,,::-„=:-Ilarit.on,tYPO:04arg,,-.-:`,.,,,..,„:-.-...--,43, -,%,..,a;Flirvi:4=,-,:„.,;.i , ;;;;:iil',-‘1.:1-gr.1.- -.1.0iri-,4).„k.,...3iirA...7,!',..: ,4x4 ..,,f,..,Nit.-ii;iir--,,A I - "Er / \_ '' ,;ifstfilii?");444/41( ',;:;.,;:1:4,:!4,-.t"'t:A:4(,,r.,,I,;,4.',,,,,,,,,t'(.,4.4,.t.4"t`,i,:t.,<4:,:!,.(-4,,,,i't;rer.,e",t,i4,,,,ty4.,. '.,,,,.' ' . . --'------------ type t' ' - - - - - -b. -t. - - - other available corn ina ions any good small mesh. light. I" 12 any 4 2"Ch heavy. (. — O 11/2"Ch standard heavy-duty mesh 8 any light, 10 any too weak. General office:4940 S.Kilbourn Ave.,Chic IL 60632(312-585-0600) 420 Lexington Ave.,New York, NY 10170(21 u800 Clearwater St,Los Ange�o' CA90Vo9(u1�G8��5���) pnn�mu�o�^ Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME : SONNENALP HOTEL DATE: 6-25-92 ADDRESS: 20 VAIL DR. CONTRACTOR: WEITZ-COHEN VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT : PIERCE OCCUPANCY: R,A,B ENGINEER: JERRY MILLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11-FR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any,of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1 . The emergency lighting circuit should be detailed or highlighted so as to be clearly indicated on the plans . 2 . The occupant load of the hotel is in excess of 500 persons and therefore an approved voice communication and evacuation system must be provided as an integral element of the fire alarm system as required under Town Of Vail Ordinances 3, series of 1983 and Ordinance 25, Series of 1991 . 3 . Submit specifications and cut sheets on the lint collectors and dry cleaner shown of sheet 1 . 1 4 . Specify the location of the required automatic gas shut off valve on sheet K-6 . 5 . The gas meter box shown on sheet A-2 must be protected from ice, snow and vehicular damage per UFC 11 .403 . 6 . The fire Alarm one line drawing on sheet E-1 .3 is not approved. 7 . Provide detailed information to the emergency generat'Dor, including fuel source, remote status indicators, transfer switches, capacity and related elements . 8 . It appears duct smoke detectors are required in the following air handling units : AC-1,MUA-1,MUA-2, CUA-1, CUA-2, CUA-3,EF-1,EF-3 EF-5,EF-6,EF-10, and Ef-15 as reflected on sheet M 2 . In addition the Fire Department is asking for over ride capability at the fire alarm panel for EF-6 and EF-10 . 9 . Fire extinguisher locations and specifications are not shown. Fire extinguishers shall be locarted as per UFC Standard 10-1 . Page 2 4 10 . Need shop drawings of Class 1 kitchen exhaust hoods . f�,.��.-s"£'. ������`��':�z.�"`,�: l� %'�` -'�.ss".,r'«!' 2'�.���.�,".'.^�"', '"''".�";�. �..tir�.W�:-�;�`- ��nsv.��'z"'�`� �'°`"�.�,��„' °:�a-:��c5.������ ,r����'""'�.�s•� "��"•�,: ��,� ��z ""��w Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh • Architects . P. C . A. I. A. � � PA(19 August 18, 1992 Dan Stanek Town of Vail Dept . of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657 Re : Hotel Sonnenalp - Bavaria Haus Remodel and Addition Dear Dan: I was informed by John Madden of Lundquist Associates that you need additional information on the installation of the boiler flu fire separation wall . Lundquist Associates , under my direction, had started construction of the boiler flue enclosure . However, I understand that you stopped them from proceeding until you receive additional information. Please see the enclosed details illustrating the verbal instructions given to Lundquist as to the proper installation techniques required for this enclosure . Construction of this enclosure needs to commence as soon as possible; thus , I would appreciate your immediate release of this matter. If you have any further comments , please contact me . Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH , ARCHITECTS. • P.C . • A. I .A. '52( Ken A . O'Bryan Encl . cc . -John Madden , Lundquist Associates -Dan Meek , Weitz-Cohen -Gordon Pierce , PSS Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303/476-4433 One Tabor Center • 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355 � K: ^W^\\ W Y Z g :11' , rdr-----c•A+44,---r--. 2 , eir-, ..,%-ea.--,--- 14=r-.4 azat... .. '--r-"'---- 1011111". •• p f' ,- ..61.44.. --cer-- N,......11‘.1-1..... •,...._.... 1.-ICLII 40*P-". f". , • - Q�- r4 ........,.......,-... i 1 ' o ..e.4 7 19 , ' , at 0i%4 CD . 410 41D , i. , - ,...„ < -6, 47- 11___. r____ „,--:::,..4. - ,- 41A- P------r----- -.:4U (..) A LT.4 „. jj ,, Z al Wit` � t. 4 3: • A t» �a.)• mow = ---.. • • �' f1 F ` I.' ^^1� 4417--W+ 1 1 f� ds�(pK 2ri ,Gj�j/�� . :21...,7*41,„er-r I . ../..g,..r4 ,....-,... , P.-le-OPAL- /1....,-1.,.. doorle-1:6. -el' ..... • , ._ ,A ,,,,• .... oi d.. , .,,..,.,_,__ ..,......„...... ., , : , . .. . . ,. �sc�c �-r' � .6-rdv� Gd 4'-© .� . & 4Le:.1, o!c, . • ' 1 ' • I • • � —jr . 1/•6■F•1"r-.'..>7/0d r4 °• • 'C3 • o • 411 U „1.:71:1 r • •as Cl,. , 1 iiii 44 ..... _ • • • • • • • • %, • "0" ..2L • lli • ..:.�..• ..,-_- - ..,..::; :»... ;�...:�.ate.:-. .... ,<.;.-....,.<. �a._., Y .,.__. ..>. .x. .. ..�., ,<. ,.. ,. .. ,.: s , .. .-.. .,..•.a.... -s.... ..... . .... c ...: -.,..,,. . ,,.> f ..,, , x 3 a r_ ' r w r \ e • w I. ♦ r r r • • . • •. ♦ w • w ■ Q� • a ■r■ - • ..i j. . .rte —; • —_ — = i • ..,/ a I — -- — € �i � 7'-rte 1� -' &__.c. r 1 417 i „..e:, �� ° — — — -- -- -1-..." G f 911 ' / \ 11 O 3 fe 7,...... • s ( / H C . dIlli 1 ....e"...le- sr--_,.... ..-T–i....i>el – „Ir. r , , z ....,--4 . . 1/4.• „, ..., 4. , : „ ,,..., . , , • ..._... a� -.‹ 75 i - ...... . ...... . ...... _ z < ..- 1 \: z ..,,,4 1 ...- . LT., ›. .-- Z cts_ ..tc ›- 1 . . , I. -r l' I■ncs.� ••• .111■ ilk i - ___G------"T"--1.;;:ad 1 ... ... INDEPENDENT TESTING I INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER COLORADO 80433 SONNENALP PROPERTIES (303)6747560 Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Page 1 of 5 Vail , CO 81657-5063 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-8-92 Project: Sonnenalp Hotel Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. 9),c&rte/c7C7/--- David L. Sturgeo- President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 00433 SONNENALP PROPERTIES (303)674.7560 Job No. 4 278 90-2 Page 2 of 5 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-8-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie : column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : Precast connections as indicated . Applicable Code or Standard : AWS D1, 1-90 and Project Standards. as applicable AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:_ Elevation 35'-11" Foundation and wall connections up to 63' Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On TA line from 1 to 7 lines, on 6 line from TA to TB and on One line from TA to TD Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Eight connections were found deficient in weld quantity and Quality. These connections were clearly narked for correction and reviewed with both the Erector and the General Contractor. Level or Elevation:, Elevation 35'-11" Foundation and wall connections up to 63' Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Core • -. 11 I - Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List, One connection was found containing welds of poor quality. This connection was clearly marked. and reviewed, as above. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER, COLORADO 00433 SONNENALP PROPERTIES (303)674.7560 Job No. 4 278 90-2 Page 3 of 5 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-8-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : Precast connections as indicated Applicable Code or Standard :. AWS 01. 1-90 and Project Standards , as applicable AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Elevation 63' Tee to tee, tee to wall , wall to wall and tee to Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TA to TC beam from 1 to 7 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. One panel to panel corner connection at the f•rthw-st corner of the core wa fou • to •e •I Of • 1u ' i • • .- • O• - - sized welds. This connection was clearly marked and reviewed for correction. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D, item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List.. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 SONNENALP PROPERTIES Job No. 4 278 90-2 Page 4 of 5 INITIAL SHOP/FIELD VERIFICATIONS OF WELDING OPERATIONS Verifications performed in: Shop Field X Verification of conformance to:. AWS D1. 1 and Project Standards The following items concerning welding operations have been verified by physical inspection or review of prepared documentation. X Current welder qualifications and certification as applicable to the employed processes. Certifications attached X Certificationson file with General Contractor Certifications on file with Fabricator X Verification of welding consumables to be utilized in welding operations N/A Verification of welding procedures N/A Verification of welding sequence Attached N/A Verification of distortion control Attached N/A Verification of conformance of proposed weld joint with prequalified status N/A Verification of conformance of proposed weld joints without pre-qualified status but with adequate documentation of qualification W.P.S. and P.Q.R. attached for Engineering review Other inspections or concerns: This verification applies only to Air Raven' s welding of the precast connections. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 SONNENALP PROPERTIES (303)874-7560 Job No. 4 278 90-2 Page 5 of 5 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 060892 Date: 6-8-92 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. Additional -inspections Additional tests X Additional information The next inspection visit was scheduled by the General Contractor for 6-15-92 ITIS also requested a current set of Stresscon ' s and Zimkor's Erection Drawings. The General Contractor agreed to provide drawings as they become available. k. e.--“Cl y�Ey 15 i ��V CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , ' 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad at Lines C.4 & 9.9, Column at Lines B & 12, Pylaster Addition to Existing Wall on Lines C.5, 11.3, C.2 & 11.3. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900160 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:28 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CLIRING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-12-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I 7 6-18-92 106,500 6.08 29.03 I 3670 shear 28 7-9-92 145,000 6.06 28.84 5030 con/shear 28 7-9-92 145,000 6.08 29.03 4990 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 udE Elf li CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad at Lines C.4 & 10.9, Pad at Lines C.4 & 9, Column at Liens 9.9 & C.4. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900189 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:58 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:26 PM TIME PLACED: 3:35 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 80°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:45 PM SLUMP: 2 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-13-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 6-19-92 114,000 6.08 29.03 1 3930 con/shear I 1 28 7-10-92 152,500 6.08 29.03 5250 1 con/shear 28 7-10-92 147,500 6.07 28.94 5100 con/shear I I I I I I I I I I I � I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 r , CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Thickened Column Walls at Line 10C and at 9C. (Drawing Sheet S2). BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25RS TICKET NO. 925590 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 12:36 PM TIME ARRIVED: 1:00 PM TIME PLACED: 1:21 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/11 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 78 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:09 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:17 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-6-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-10-92 144,500 6.09 29.13 4960 shear 28 7-31-92 28 7-31-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from truck discharge (Point of placement). Extra strength concrete mix was used. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 V CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-2-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at Lines G & 9.3, G & 9.6 and B & 12.9. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900736 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 65 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-3-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE 1 DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS 1 TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-9-92 I 84,500 6.03 28.56 I 2960 I con/shear I I 28 6-30-92 119,000 6.08 29.03 1 4100 con/split 28 6-30-92 I 113,500 6.06 28.84 1 3940 I shear I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME.INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at Lines 11.3 & F, 13 & F, 13.5 & F, 12.5 & F.1, and 14 & F.1. Footings on Line 14.3 from G.2 to F.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 900090 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:22 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65 °F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-10-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX 1 1 i i CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-16-92 1 82,000 6.08 29.03 2820 1 con/shear 28 7-7-92 107,500 6.07 28.94 3710 con/split 28 7-7-92 112,500 6.07 28.94 3890 1 con/shear 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads at Lines 12.2 & F.4, At Line 12.4 & F.2, and at Lines B & 12.2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. 900120 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:32 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:01 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:25 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-11-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-17-92 85,000 6.08 29.03 2930 con/shear 28 7-8-92 125,000 6.08 29.03 4310 con/shear 28 7-8-92 124,500 6.09 29.13 4270 conical • DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-24-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pier Grids TA & 7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900467 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:20 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:45 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-25-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-1-92 166,500 6.08 29.03 5730 shear 28 7-22-92 28 7-22-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 5000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 1% High Early COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Slab, Eastern Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 & 9 TICKET NO. 900953 & 900954 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:39 & 7:47 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:00 & 8:15AM-TIME PLACED: 8:30 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:25 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) { 7A 7-7-92 89,500 6.09 29.13 3070 con/shear 28A 7-28-92 28A 7-28-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Two trucks discharged into pump simultaneously; Sample taken from pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of pe a oor efn or ppoaca.tSa f es twem eb s o o ns r r ee firs oor lre rdg sos ur o trer orts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Slab, East Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SLIPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900964 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 10:57 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:30 AM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 104 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:54 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 7-7-92 86,000 6.08 29.03 2960 con/split 28B 7-28-92 28B 7-28-92 I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Temperatures were taken of all trucks in excess of 90 minutes from batching. Average temperatures ranged from 75 to 78 degrees F. Truck #7 was rejected by the contractor at 11:40 AM. The concrete was 2 hours, 10 minutes old. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; • Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 3 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall Line A from 12.2 to 12.9; Wall Line 11.4 from B to C; Walls from 11.4 Line to 12.3 Line & from B Line to A Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900991 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:00 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 68°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: -- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX 1 I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I 7C 7-7-92 115,500 6.07 28.94 1 3990 1 conical 28C 7-28-92 28C 7-28-92 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: r ' COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad Line 9 & C. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925542 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:36 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:10 PM TIME PLACED: 4:15 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4 3/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 1 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-2-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) H 7 7-8-92 109,000 6.06 28.84 3780 shear 28 7-29-92 28 7-29-92 • DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of aped daun o efn or a ppoaca toa f es twatiem eb sd cooncle oi a foe r eetng f oomr lre rduinng so ur o trorts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: F-10 Pad G-10, F-20 Pad F-10, Walls on Lines 11.1 to 12.4 & G.2 to G.3, 2 F-1 Pads on Lines 7.5-F.1 & 7-F.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 900819 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:29 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:55 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-5-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-11-92 I 86,500 6.08 29.03 i 2980 con/split 28 7-2-92 110,500 6.08 29.03 3810 conical l 28 7-2-92 110,000 6.08 29.03 l 3790 con/split • I 1 l DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: The concrete placement was rescheduled for 4:00 PM. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads at Lines 11.3 & D, 12.4 & D, 12 & D, 14.3 & D, and 14.3 & F. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900846 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: -- TIME ARRIVED: 1:00 PM TIME PLACED: 1:15 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 50 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:30 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-8-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-12-92 76,500 6.09 29.13 2630 conical 28 7-3-92 109,500 6.09 29.13 3760 conical 28 7-3-92 I 108,500 6.04 28.65 3790 I con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings on Line 9.6 from F.2 to F.8, Line 11.1 from F to F.8, and Line G.2 from 12.4 to 14.3. Footing Pads at Lines 11.1 & F.4, G.2 & 12.9, and G.2 & 13.7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900039 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 67 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.4% 'WET UNIT WEIGHT: -- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: -- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-9-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. I TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) I FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I 7 6-15-92 76,500 6.10 29.22 I 2620 con/shear I 28 7-6-92 109,500 6.09 29.13 3760 con/split 28 7-6-92 104,500 6.10 29.22 1 3580 I conical 1 � I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: West Lobby Wall from Grid 7.2 to 9.2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900922 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:30 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:25 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-27-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 17-3-92 115,500 6.09 29.13 3970 con/shear 28 7-24-92 28 7-24-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Northwest Quadrant, New Building, Slab-on-Grade. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900223 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:21 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:50 AM TIME PLACED: 7:55 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 60 °F AIR TEMP: 45°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 7:55 AM SLUMP: 5 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:10 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX 1 i 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7A 6-23-92 89,500 6.07 28.94 3090 con/split 28A 7-14-92 28A 7-14-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: A slump was performed at the truck discharge with 6". Final sampling taken from end of pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Line 12.2 from C.3 to C.6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 16 TICKET NO. 900259 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:14 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:40 PM TIME PLACED: 3:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 6-23-92 94,500 6.07 28.94 1 3270 con/shear 28B 7-14-92 28B 7-14-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; ' FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall Line 12.2, C.4 to C.8; Footings 9 to 10.5 & C.2, Pad C-10. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900308 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:33 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:05 PM TIME PLACED: 4:55 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 5:05 PM SLUMP: 6 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE *16 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 2 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 5:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX ' CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-24-92 84,000 6.04 28.65 2930 conical 28 7-15-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Only 2 cylinders were cast. Concrete was postponed one hour and comcrete placement was delayed one hour. * 16 gallons of water added, as per contractor. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Eck Olen> Northern.I rib.. ConaulUng Ena4wr. and Sniontida e�4 REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE 6-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DALY REPORT NO. 20 SHEET 1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vai l , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: Footings LOCATION: Grid Lines G.1 , 13 to 14.5 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): REMARKS: The footings along Grid Lines G.1 , 13 to 14.5 were being excavated when existing unsuitable organic fill was encountered. It was recommended to sub- excavate these soils and extend the footings down to natural sand and gravels or excavate down to natural sand and gravels with a horizontal overdig equal to the vertical overdig , bring back up with 2-inch rock above the ground water level and compact structural fill to 98% of modified Proctor in lifts back to footing grade. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh ; Nicol+Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLEH13. THE ?MUG MO OURSELVES. ALL Ktivrtl] ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CON DENTIN_ PROPERTY OF OUR CLE?TT3. AM MITHORIZA1Xel FOR PUCUCA- DON OF STATEMENTS pON411`i70Ft4 OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REWRDtq OUR REPORTS 6 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES WEL BE DCSP'OSED OF AFTER TESTING 6 CO& WtD UNLESS OTHU MEV♦GO OTT3 ARE AGREED TO IN WRITING. A .n.nbr o Y.. HIH P� d OOT W.. Chen 0Northern,Inc. O neatiny Ervin..o. and Sala/0.4. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2pATE: 6-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 20 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIRUCTURE Pad Footing and Wall REIN FORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CODUENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Pad @ G-10 Footing 9 #6 Each Way Grade Pad @ F-10 Footing 14 #7 Each Way Grade Walls on G.2 Footing #4 Dowels 16" 2 #5 Top & Bot- 11 .1 to 12.4 Grade 0.C. tom, #4 Hori- zontal @ 12" 0.C. Pad @ F.1-7.5 Footing 4 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ F.1-7 Footing 4 #5 Each Way Grade SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 [ PLANS USED REINFORCING CLE 4UNESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVE1m O K ® *ONTRACTDR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: 0 K ❑ FULL-71ME OOSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick al PART-7114E OBSERVATION FINISH INPL/4CE COULPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 A WRHL MIOTECTION 1O Ct M7. M PUKE MO o&m,rVE1 HL RLPdIT3 ARE SIA/TTED A3 11f* COEi1)Oa1AL PROPERTY OF OUR aANT3. MO AM1-63 CLATLOr4 R7R P1.{1/CA- TION Or STATEMENTS. OONCIAID01+3 OR IMAM FROM OR R£OAPC4H0 OUR REPORTS 13 RESERVED Pc:nolo OUR MW11EN NVINOVAL. SARf'LL3 113.1 RE =romp Or AFTER 'mum 4 COUPLETTD U1LSR unfit Hi W IElENT3 ARE AOREID TO N VRCTHO. A mw„rr d V.. HIH •rna► of cornea... Chen ONorthern.Inc C«>w++iw Eno 4».., and Seto REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 21 SHEET 1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: LOCATION: EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): B&B Excavating was observed to subexcavate the area of unsuitable existing REMARKS: fill along the proposed building corner on Line G.1 , 13 to 14.5, exposing natural sands and gravels. The excavation has been overdug horizontally the same dis- tance as vertically. It will be brought back to grade in 2-foot lifts of 2-inch screened rock compacted with a Shaker Head. The footing will be widened to 3 feet here to reduce bearing loads per direction of the structural engineer. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh ; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SUBLIMED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPlRTY OF OUR CLAMS. MO ALMARIZAPON FOR PUDUGA- TON OF STATEMENTS. NNCLU ONS OR DLTRACTS FROM OR REQARONO OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPRCNA- SAMPLES WTLL BE D127.03ED OF AFTER TTST?JO LS COMPLETE) UNLESS OTTER AW►V QE)ENT3 ARE AGREED TO IN WRITING& A m.rregr of IM(HIH ,sr.* of compak. r...... N.. nsln{A •/or1 • Chcii€ Norther n,I nc. Ornmiting E,+yr,... .,. SS«,u... REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 21 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Pad Footings REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION DTs VERTICAL HORLZONTAl: Pad @ D-11 .3 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ D-12 Footing 6 #6 Each Way Grade Pad @ D-14.3 Footing 6 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ F-14.3 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ D-12.4 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE 60 Q PLANS USED RIMODRaNC CLEANLINESS: O K ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CiFARA NCE AND CONE.ft 0 K ® CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPICING: SPECIFICATIONS: N/A ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-1111 E OBSERVA71 ON FINISH INPLACE COS4LPIANCE /JET ET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A ►RJTU& PRCRECTION TO CLIENTS. INC MAUD AND OUR3Eral. ALL REPORTS ARE SUPLITTID A3 7111E ODN"OENTW. PROPERTY OF OUR C1ENT3. MD AUT710HVA71ON ►DR PUR1CA- TTON Or SIATD&1 T1. CONCUPDONS OR EXTRACTS IRON OR oevamoiNo OUR REPORT* d RDETVED PERDINO OUR WRTT7EN NTROV L SAM LI3 WLl BE DCSPOSED Or AFTE7R TESTVQ 6 CONFUTED UNLESS ODRA ARYNNLIJOITI ARE AORREED 70 P4 WRUNG. A mark w t,•I HIH J I""► •( on..P."4. Fern. Nn. CU/1 IM 4/fl0 ° Chen ONorthern,Inc. QrewahlIng Ervin...,. .n. Sd.ntl t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 22 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Continuous and Pad Footings REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS V FITICAL HORIZONTAL Footing 9.6 Line Footing 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom F.2 to F.8 Grade #4 Ties 32" 0. C. Footing, 11 . 1 Line Footing 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom F to F.8 Grade #4 Ties , 32" 0.C. Pad @ F.4-11 .1 Footing 6 #5 Each Way Grade Footing, G.2 Line Footing 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom 12.4 to 14.3 Grade #4 Ties 32" 0.C. Footing , 14.3 Line Footing 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom G.2 to F.1 Grade #4 Ties 32" 0.C. Poured 6-9-92 Pad @ G.2-12.9 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ G.2-13.7 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 PLArn USED REINFORCING CLEANNESS: OK ❑ sHoe DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND co VDt OK ® CONTRACTOR ADVISED SAUCING: SPECCDCATX?HS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick PART-TI 11E OBSERVATION FINISH INPtACE COIALPIANCE HE}GtiT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT �� REQUIREMENTS REQUIREh1ENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRFSS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Al A Wily& 11'1KJTECTDN TO axxii. D AC MOM N a OlR]C1YE3. ALL REP'OR'TS ARE =METRO A3 1}E COtitonow. P 1CeCK T or OLR CUCH73. NO AUTHORIZATION FDA PUFt1CA- T1ON Or STATE3EM1. OONQ.t1320 a OR fXRClCl1 ?Rl7V OR R£ JO OUt REPORTS 13 R'T3C]fYED PEND41G OUR WICTTEN APMOVAL SA1i'CL1 Ma BC Oii.03ED Or AFTER TE3ihIO 6 courant') Ulliss O11101 AfN HOCIA0473 ARE A01. ED 70 N ■TEiTNa A '1.x,1.r .r N» H I H ,I� .+ oom/...a* C1,(1 16A 4/90 .d et7 @Northern,Inc. Donau Rini Engineer* end Sd.nDel* REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 23 SHEET1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. SIRUCTURE Pad Footings REIN FORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Pad @ F-11 .3 Footing 6 #6 Each Way Grade Pad @ F-13 Footing 6 #6 Each Way Change to #6. #5 are in forms Grade Pad @ F-13.5 Footing 6 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ F.1-12.5 Footing 5 #5 Each Way Grade Pad @ F.1-14 Footing 6 #5 Each Way Grade SPECIFICATIONS: STEf1. GRADE: 60 N PLANS USED REINFORCING CL mAff Ess: OK ❑ Saw DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND cavEfC OK 1 CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPOCING: SP£CIFIGITIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH IN3'LACE COULPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT PATE R£OUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-D(AMINED X 6-9-92 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Al A UUTTll'1 PROTECTION 10 CLEWS. TTE PURL AJO OUE9E1w . All REPORTS ARE SUEifTTED A3 TEE CpFICIODNL PROPERTY OF OUT CLIENTS.AND NITNORSIAT10N FUR PUIICA- T1ON OF STATEWENT$, OONCUJVVONS OR EXTRACTS FROL OR REDVtOfq OM REPORTS CI RUCRYED PENDING OIIE WRITTEN N'T Y L SAlPt 3 WLL EC =POSED Q AFTER TE2STI70 [S COMPUTED U E-1Z OI1 fR AAMNOESENTS ARE AOREED TO N WM1T� A member d 11.ErfIIH ,.-•. .• oornponiee 1c..r, No. CIO-11M 4/D0 Chen0Northern,Inc. o.nwitki • _,d Sd.M3d. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 24 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIKUCTURE Pad Footings REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Pad @ F.4-12.2 Footing 6 #6 Each Way Grade Pad @ F.2-12.4 Footing 6 #6 Each Way Grade Pilaster Add-on to Existing Wall C.5-11 .3 Footing 4 #5 @ 12" 0.C. #4 Dowels @ 16" O.C. C.2-11 .3 Grade 4 #5 @ 12: 0.C. #4 Dowels @ 16" 0.C. Pad @ B-12.2 Footing 6 #5 Each Way Grade SPECIE C.A11OHS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Cx7 PLANS USED RE7NFDRC1NC CIFJWUNESS: OK ❑ SHOP Dft/1WiNGS USED aFNRANCE AND COVE3t OK ® CONTRACTOR ADV►SED SPIKING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-TILE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COULPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT OATS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Al A 1UTUAL PRROTtCTTON To CLEM", 011R3EUVUL ALL REPORTS ARE SUM/TIED Al THE oorroorrik PnOrF]TTY or Our CL Ors. AW AtJTHORQATTON T Pt/FUCA- Pas, or STATOADOS OOrCLLM0a3 OR F./TRACTS FROST OR RCOAR0/40 OUR REPDRT7 a RF>E7fWD PENO1.O OUR WRITTEN N,TOYAL SALPUE3 Xll BC DaPDOED Or AFTER 1E3T)70 a CO<RS.ERD uhlIla O1)t 1LN1 N0E) N T3 ARE AOREFD TO wFITNT1 A merrier .4 r..I F I I H J r.++ .r «anoaw. Form w. Clot I 1 M 4/DO CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads B-15, D-12.4, and Elevator Pit Slab No. 3. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 14 TICKET NO. 900630 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:27 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 of 15 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 64 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-29-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I I 1 I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE I TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED I (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 16-4-92 72,500 6.08 29.03 2500 con/split 28 6-25-92 119,500 6.07 28.94 4130 conical 28 6-25-92 119,000 6.07 28.94 4110 con/shear 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: I COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing TD Line 4.2 to 6, F-17 Pad TD-5, F 22 Pad TD 6, F-7 Pad TC.6-7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900668 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:26 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 5 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65 °F AIR TEMP: 50 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CLIRING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-1-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER ' CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-5-92 78,500 6.08 29.03 P 2700 con/split 28 6-26-92 120,500 6.08 29.03 1 4150 conical 1 28 6-26-92 121,500 1 6.06 28.84 4210 conical 1 1 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of pe anug ho zar efn or a pprbvaca.tSa f es tawtiem e sd o o na r e r exteratctg frs oor lree ne s trorts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, Line 7.9 F to H, F-10 Pad 7.9-G, F-2 Pad 7.9 F Elevator No. 2 and No. 3 Pit Walls, Pad F-11 C.4-12. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. -- MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:27 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 of 12 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 48 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-2-92 BY: Mike Gruber M]N/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-8-92 73,000 6.08 29.03 2510 con/shear 28 6-29-92 104,000 6.08 29.03 3580 con/split 28 6-29-92 103,000 6.08 29.03 3550 conical DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings from Lines 9 & D.5 to 9.5 & D; From Lines 11.1 & G.2 to 12.4 & G.3; Footing Pads on Lines C.4 & 15; On Lines D & 15. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900792 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:24 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 2 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-4-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-10-92 90,000 6.05 28.75 3120 con/split 28 7-1-92 126,500 6.09 29.13 4340 con/shear 28 7-1-92 130,500 6.09 29.13 4480 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of ae at ho en f ppriaca.tSn mof eswem t ic so s or e r exttrctng from lerea rdnne s r trorts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-=Grade, Between Lines 1 & 8 from Line TD to Last Wall Line East. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 MB/24 JF TICKET NO. 900313/900314 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:03/7:08 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:30 AM TIME PLACED: 8:00 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 7:55 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8/2 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:12 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-19-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I 7 6-25-92 104,500 6.07 28.94 3610 I conical I I 28 7-16-92 I I I 28 7-16-92 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Two trucks unloaded simultaneously at pump. Sample taken from pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad Grid 8 & TA, Wall Line 8 to 10.5 & C.2 Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900358 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 11:59 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:25 PM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 80 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:50 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-20-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-26-92 94,500 6.06 28.84 3280 conical 28 7-17-92 28 7-17-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-23-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall 7 Line TB to TA.3; Footing TA.2 to TA.3 & Line 7 to 8. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900440 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:37 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:10 PM TIME PLACED: 3:15 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-24-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT LINIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-30-92 100,000 6.08 29.03 3440 conical 28 7-21-92 28 7-21-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Upon picking up cylinders, it was noted that they have been moved. It is not known when. The surface is sloped and the cylinders were level upon casting. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing & Pad F-2, Grid TC,2; Footing, East Side 3 to 7.8; Footings & Pads H.7 4.8 to 7.8; Pad C.314; Pad B.14; Pad B 14.25. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 38289 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 11:55 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:35 PM TIME PLACED:12:45 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:60's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:05 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-15-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-21-92 74,500 5.99 28.18 2640 columnar 28 6-11-92 116,500 6.08 29.03 4010 shear 28 6-11-92 111,500 6.08 29.03 3840 con/split DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-2-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at Lines G & 9.3, G & 9.6 and B & 12.9. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900736 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 65 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-3-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-9-92 84,500 6.03 28.56 2960 con/shear 28 6-30-92 28 6-30-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings from Lines 9 & D.5 to 9.5 & D; From Lines 11.1 & G.2 to 12.4 & G.3; Footing Pads on Lines C.4 & 15; On Lines D & 15. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900792 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:24 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 2 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-4-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-10-92 90,000 6.05 28.75 I 3120 con/split 28 7-1-92 28 7-1-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: F-10 Pad G-10, F-20 Pad F-10, Walls on Lines 11.1 to 12.4 & G.2 to G.3, 2 F-1 Pads on Lines 7.5-F.1 & 7-F.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 900819 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:29 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:55 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-5-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA I COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-11-92 86,500 6.08 29.03 I 2980 con/split 28 7-2-92 28 1 7-2-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: The concrete placement was rescheduled for 4:00 PM. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 9R d i .`i 1 '12 A99 ti CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Northeast Elevator Pit Slab, Grid Lines TC.5 to TD & 1.7 to 2.25; Pads at Grid Lines H.7-3.8 & H-6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 38365 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 1:23 PM TIME ARRIVED: 1:50 PM TIME PLACED: 2:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:10 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-19-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 8 5-26-92 78,000 6.00 28.27 2760 con/shear 28 6-15-92 96,500 6.09 29.13 3310 con/split 28 6-15-92 94,500 6.10 29.22 3230 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads at Lines 11.3 & D, 12.4 & D, 12 & D, 14.3 & D, and 14.3 & F. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900846 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: -- TIME ARRIVED: 1:00 PM TIME PLACED: 1:15 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 50 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:30 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-8-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-12-92 76,500 6.09 29.13 2630 conical 28 7-3-92 28 7-3-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings on Line 9.6 from F.2 to F.8, Line 11.1 from F to F.8, and Line G.2 from 12.4 to 14.3. Footing Pads at Lines 11.1 & F.4, G.2 & 12.9, and G.2 & 13.7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900039 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 67 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: -- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: -- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-9-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX 1 I I I I I 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-15-92 76,500 6.10 29.22 2620 con/shear 28 7-6-92 28 17-6-92 I i I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH -- PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl I Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports 1s reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, Grid TA, 5-6; Line 6, TA to TB; Elevator Walls, TC.5 to TC.9 BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 38408 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:44 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:10 PM TIME PLACED: 3:25 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GALL CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-20-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-26-92 75,500 I 6.00 28.27 2670 con/split 28 6-16-92 106,000 6.10 29.22 3630 con/split 28 16-16-92 106,500 6.07 28.94 3680 conical DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, H Line, 7.9 to 9.5; Footing, 11.1 Line, H to G; Pad, F-9, 11.1 G; Pad F-21, 5.8 to 7.25; Pad F, 17 to 4 Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 900531 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:35 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:01 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCLIM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-22-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE 1 TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-28-92 1 74,500 6.00 28.27 2640 1 con/split 28 6-18-92 109,500 1 6.07 28.94 3780 1 con/split 1 28 6-18-92 109,500 6.08 1 29.03 3770 conical DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at Lines 11.3 & F, 13 & F, 13.5 & F, 12.5 & F.1, and 14 & F.1. Footings on Line 14.3 from G.2 to F.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 900090 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:22 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65 °F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-10-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX 1 1 I i CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-16-92 82,000 1 6.08 29.03 I 2820 con/shear 28 7-7-92 28 1 7-7-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: r COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads at Lines 12.2 & F.4, At Line 12.4 & F.2, and at Lines B & 12.2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. 900120 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:32 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:01 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:25 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-11-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7 6-17-92 85,000 6.08 29.03 I 2930 con/shear 28 7-8-92 1 28 7-8-92 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports 1s reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad at Lines C.4 & 9.9, Column at Lines B & 12, Pylaster Addition to Existing Wall on Lines C.5, 11.3, C.2 & 11.3. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900160 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:28 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-12-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I 1 CYLINDER 1 CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I 7 6-18-92 106,500 6.08 29.03 1 3670 shear 1 I 28 7-9-92 I I I I 28 7-9-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 V a 193 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSLILTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad at Lines C.4 & 10.9, Pad at Lines C.4 & 9, Column at Liens 9.9 & C.4. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900189 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:58 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:26 PM TIME PLACED: 3:35 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 80°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:45 PM SLUMP: 2 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET LINIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-13-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I l I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I 1 7 6-19-92 114,000 I 6.08 29.03 3930 I con/shear 28 7-10-92 I I I 28 17-10-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Line 3.1 to 3.8 TD Line, Pad F-4 Line TD-3, Footing TC.5 to TC.2 Line 3, Pad F-2 Line 3 TC.6, Footing Line 2 TC.1 to TC.5, Pad F-6 Line TC.6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 900559 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:35 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCLIM: 8 of 11 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 138.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-23-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-29-92 80,500 6.00 28.27 2850 con/split 28 6-19-92 112,500 6.02 28.46 3950 con/shear 28 6-19-92 115,000 6.08 29.03 3960 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Grid 7.3 to 9.6, C.6 Line BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900587 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:28 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CLIRE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-27-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SO IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-2-92 66,000 6.00 28.27 2340 con/split 28 6-23-92 109,000 6.05 28.75 3790 con/shear 28 6-23-92 106,000 I 6.03 28.56 I 3710 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-27-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Elevator Pit Slab, Grid F & 8, Pad F-4 11.1-C.5, Pad F-3 11.1-C.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900607 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:22 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 2:55 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 9 pf 11 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 62 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:45 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-28-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX 1 1 CYLINDER 1 CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-3-92 1 74,000 6.00 28.27 1 2620 con/shear 28 6-24-92 127,000 6.07 28.94 1 4390 con/shear 28 6-24-92 126,000 5.99 28.18 1 4470 con/shear 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 WEITZ TRANSMITTAL RECORD COHEN Date: 1 Project: =.,A1/ . No.: /– // J I Follow Up: Subject: -,' Jee,t t 1, L-2-1) .:-71=-=.- - 10 i it -477- —. To: '' J . Attn: /V $s.2 t Via: r°. zi ,64,--) JJ P.i We are sending you ❑ Enclosed ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples G Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Copies Date No. Description These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval by ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution by ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints by ❑ For review and comment G ❑ For Bids Due Return Prints by Remarks %). .dk, E_ ,f.-eV- Aa .. 141 iL. L 9 >q r.. -: Vi 1, -4- ink' – /41c=Ti' Copy To '� � Signed- Zli, l If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. WEITZ-COHEN CONSTRUCTION CO.,899 Logan,Suite 600, Denver,Colorado 80203 P.O. Box 181001, Denver,Colorado 80218 109-am (303)860-6600 FAX(303)860-6698 ZIMKOR INDUSTRIES, INC. MAILING ADDRESS DATE "� ��� Alr7011 TITAN ROAD P.O. BOX 1006 AV LITTLETON, COLORADO 80125 LITTLETON, COLORADO TRANSMITTAL NO. (303) 791-1333 801601006 FAX: 1-303-791-1340 \ I TO: l ,, �1 ���Ln SUBJECT. .4,1,Je✓ Cx-4-S 9 Le7°1 Gt, -u:-15_t- (__ d `i—� -1 e `C"-f2 Z JOB NO. ___c_____ c_...„- ^� ' CUSTOMER ORDER NO. ❑ APPROVAL ❑ FINAL APPROVAL VIA XHAND DELIVER WE ARE FORWARDING yNCLOSED HEREWITH FOR El FIELD MEASUREMENTS ❑ AIR FREIGHT ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER ❑ FILE AND DISTRIBUTION ❑ 1ST CLASS MAIL ►'' FOR YOUR USE ❑ OTHER .12 PER YOUR REQUEST NO. COPIES ITEM NO. COMPLETE PARTIAL DRAWING NO. REMARKS IVI ct e S Q E r cu- 0-1 --X\'--- - - i s-¢-- , -.r r""4-'›- z, I . i : ii 1{{ 3 Jilii ti-:L_ _ . ;,i z B Y -C Distribution: White Canary Pink . ._........ .. . _ • • • Welding Certificate . . • . . . . •. . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD • • • Larry D. Boyd 91015 Welder or welding operator's name --. Welding process . SMAfd—____ Manual X Semiautomatic .N/A .Machine- N/A Position Vrtiral tl x.rr3rd • (Flat, horizontal, overhead or vertical - if vertical, state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure specification no. Requ --• •• - • as ' .I"' • •' .•• • Material specifications Ga$ ._ --_ —._.^_._ Diameter and wall thickness (If pipe)- otherwise, joint thickness 1/2" Thick Thickness range this qualifies 3/8" to 3/4"- FILLER METAL • Specification rto. 5.1 & 5.5 Classification E 701$ F no. 4 Describe filler metal (if not covered by AWS specification) . N/A • __ _ Is backing strip used? _—.___Yes____ Diller metal diameter and trade name _.i_i_g_.Eh ta•on Flux for submerged ar�Aor gas for gas metal arc or fl+ __N/A r _ cored arc welding !NV VISUAL INSPECTION (9.25.1) Appearance Good Undercut None — Piping porosity. N/A Guidecl Bond Test Results •• Type Result 1 vim • Result , Side Bend Passed — -- N/A N/A Side Bend --__` Passed N/A . N/A - •t ust conducted by _ _._ ___ Laboratory test no.• — • per A W..,1-a.-. _tricttz .l_Weldinq Code Fillet Test Results • Ala Mar "._.—..I`)LA_--__—_ -- _. --_.— Fillet size N/A . I•rar:uae test root penetration _—NLA__--•----._---- _ Macroetch —.N/A • (Describe the location, nature,and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) • Test conducted by N/A —. -- .-- Laboratory test no. N/A per _ .. _WA- . • .. RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS •• . • Film Film iclentifi Results Remarks identifl• Results Remarks ' cation cation • N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A • N/A • • MEM __.NjA N/A N/A N/A• Test WitIiCSSC(l by ._-._.Nj A._.....-------- -•-•-- --_.._._.--•—•_--- Test no.--N/A. per .-N/-A-- - --- ---- - r •We, the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested + accordance with the requirements of SC or D of AWS 01.1, Structural Welding Code. Manufacturer or contractor Pinnacle Constructs Authorized by M.R. MCEaf „•• Date 12-10-90 Form E.4 0 1970 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved. iv d r• `•x'!'11 ;► � 4 J 4 .�s t N,.t �arY , c i i w•v .i tt,r7 Y^ 1.e�, i-^' f,•. �`Y4{ ..t yt(1 /+ fi y�! '"i�'. ;fir: 4 iL Y• �r tc , 11 Y t�,� � .lJta 1 Q'J• '1 :. � �:t O V e t., .' t;If 1-4.-.?,,sq'.,• �y�r tSt •'�y- 1.r4 w{T��CT' +nN t� it. ,•...,..;.., T a I C • 111""i 14'''1.1 ,1 1 d Dr y,�� ej If.i..�.J�C� •^I� •.5 ..'-^:t•">'.',c- ••�Z.i 1 1 sZ-2'•tJuL /��t" ' •l u'^ M1 ts._ 'Y:, e:t •�.A.}f••tt/ - ..v-7.—: • �. 7 *"•,.."I 'a Y 4'••�) .'e••`,.....-'• 4101-1',':,,,� '7' _t! t •!... 1!rte.. 1 y,,.vd,nl�lp • > ' • - • •••.'xl i(y i Z•->ty�.� ! ivy ti+•iIO'7a .�y;�" '. .,.*r „ �"'>R `i It •.&M.1/41,,.3 '11,• L`..'�S"7.'' zt<'T 4�Y�.._ .x 4y J/yj ' 1 l 'S'1-•• I m.....*-'c L:.'fila yy, ''''7•+. J-y t i+-it,�'�ri"'lo{'V.)14-4..,' 1 n'tr'..,`• J : . ^. �yr,• . '"L f r 6%-k...,• T t' r7sx+ ..r„Mf ,, -•,...:; > 1 'M . :.ri:44•1•4 ._11�K 1T � �' I'J� . .'a ,... yK �4:44 J' x y: ,?..\„;'-'..:-..•:! JviC h•i �r.r a fi t'it4>��: i r• r.lt� 71.' •I I j►,•s'.f r ! r r 2 y? ` v• �sr ..a. •t .••• 131 Ate. .'.1 . f" I t. j' H •Z •t•t.2t- ••t 3`gM1 `a1... wi Tt. • ! r ` .. ti"•--;- ��r� ^7.Sr� "�t•'v<i.7�Jb t�S . j•�•11i♦ E".. ;.F. `.R 1 . r�. T`^�' ,.1. {';��'', 3+•yr' 1' s,........;:i.........?..ft. i 1 fr• !'4y.Y71Ly-°'fi` .4::S L' N.:' A'4I, 'g '{ -rte '.Xit'.• •• r' e � �1Ai'• }I. 1. i j !•.: r ••j aa?1'l • • \ 1i aT }: •rl y• l .T3 T' 4 r 7r Y a :n '' „d p t'�±k~" *: �y4`:1 k ,+ �Yom" > • i--1";* i Jam.` .» {. j?. • •� ` .c'•. u•,� r ..•TION TEST• ! L J fi S1.T• ' • 2t7A1C:aa,� •, ..-'..!•••;',' •,;,• f' i. ✓V--% . `"•.+n' 'r.� ,� '+ - �i`-CL ^'"...Ai'•:}'• ••M.w-''� ' �-•'c A„ m,'' k • :211 . ' •:7".:a'•�� '� '>r rte'- .>.. 0�• = • •. , •.-tr.-sr .° r. ►% •(a' ': ,�, - r S t r•�':k,,R:4-• �,1 t x •lice ••1•� _ �d1 c �2.j . .• ,I� • Y.i4f r y)L•Y '�R> , TMfv � '1 !• ,'W.''.f'>`a 1. rig' �T. ~ ~ •,I .# 51 :`1 .3•. is,,:i: • 'Welding . certificate • ,. ' .:-• . _ " ( :.1...- ...r•r-.�_ _ may." ,- .. _ ,��' L• .1;j!��'' •.l i • • • - .. . WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD-.: i .` Welder or welding operator's name \'O5 J L . 4f i RA ldentificetib no.`_.LL3� 1. Welding pro ess 6)0/43 Manual X Semiautomatic° A) .� Machine•A1 A Position vLencAL (pa1AK1? (Flat, horizontal, overhead or vertical - if vertical,state whether upward or doyrnward) r 'I In accordance with procedure specification no �+QUAA-tg1 6/.1(.4ri V ✓i NUc L213Ctrr4h»-1ES Material specification 3A tI _ ___ — Diameter and wall thickness (ifpipe)- o<ilr vlise, joint thickness IA_ -7 F'fICK • Thickness range this qualifies '.3/°g /' :. FILLER METAL • F_ TJ O,g` . Specification no:-3)6-II d1'�5.0 Classi i ation F no. • Describe filler metal (if not covered by AWS specification) _ /A • . Is backing strip used? yks Filler metal diameter and trade name ., C'.f•IR. 1Fr-7KA' Flux for submerged_Rrc or gas for gas metal arc or fit • cored arc welding /,4 • VISUAL INSPECTION (9.25.1) Appearance £ OOD Undercut 01J�.. Piping porosity A,A • Guided Bend Test Results r ,..:,,.-•' Type Result Type . Result :.,.,: ., IT)t't�F��J� `TAsS Fv� A /� . ..61. :+E. . • Test conducted b/If/r!:/.iu0:4tt. Laboratory test no.• ' per �' ) j.,..1._- • J ±e��j� .o .14 4Drt Fillet Test Results . Appearance "_ � �— Fillet size �y/A Fracture test ruut penetration - /A._ Macroetch __-YA (Describe the location, nary and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) • Test conducted by Laboratory test no. per "'' RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS ,',:'70., : ' Film Film` !dentin•. Results. Remarks • identifi ". :•Results•. . -Remarks'r' `-'i cation cation 4 : )3)4 AYA kf/A AYA . jj//1 .s- '' PA A-)A ' kVA it i , • • Test witnessed by _—_ _ Test no. i� per .7 We, the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested I accordance with the requirements of 5C or D of AWS D1.1, Structural Welding-Code. :r I, nn r'.'; ' Manufacturer or..contract-87-4)1,J►JAC.>4Ll..al,1S`r1t�r�CI1PLI Authorized by NI •F• ACf rN• . • Date c2 160" q • Form E•4 O 1978 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved.'. . .. ..,iii vvc.Luili1.3 t.:t R I IFICAI ION Lab a Of Number 2526 'Test 4--30-8fi - • • QC 1 : THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Name Michel _Bosco. FREDERICK SNEDEKER 81053701.1 4( Signature • ,.- . . has satisfactorily completed and passed the ' CWI (-A=2 • . .- ; ■ - welding test requirements. - . 0 *IAA' •• AWS D1 1 • The undersigned testifies that he witnessed the welding and found the candidata to •. compe en es cl: ailed •n he reverse of this card. re•eri ...... • -• - . - ..,..- Inspector Name ,-.411,0WS-41101. 14/111.rAWAPrger- AWS 0C-1 ___._. • ..•, ',-..;: : N. -,..--.............—•--...-....--• ___ ---- • WELDING CERTIFICATION ' . •,- . Lab . Date of Number2522 Test 5-16-86 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ' EDEVP inDERICY,Sti Name Mi h-1 : • • 810531Q1 ' , Signature • -•■ • has satisfactorily completed and passed the . N.,N 0 1 ., , welding test requirements. , AWS D1. 3 '80. • 'N, • ' The undersigned testifies that he witnessed the welding and found the candldate to be competent as •:1.11ed o the reverse of this card. r reaerICK L. 0 ea,% er Inspector 44 Name .....--4111119°L. I . 1110.1X01r. e ....- ---- 1 L A t- WS 0 1 -:' `, -.94'44,-.:,- •.-W-••^r.r ( . (-7-7—Nar,:-.4 -----3-WraelliPli?1,PloRia . .• •. . , ' WELDING CERTIFIQATION' 4., -;;;,, i. . • SD84-0288 DATED P.TEST 2/1/84 ' .: 1 • LAS.NO ::','•};:e.44,1).-i'.;'•-. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT i.. ••:4.:e,'...... • 0‘- .■•(.;4 . 0 , MICHEL E. BOSCO - .', +,' .'": •.i..• , ., , •'•-.., 4-...,• .t •, (WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS ON 1‘' .; .HAS SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED ANIn.PA 5 'le . 1 .... •Til-%....'.■ -.1,'WELDIN....TEST REQUIREMENTS OF .4 THE UNDERSIGNED TESTIFIES THAT HE WITNESSED THE WELDING • . • AND FOUND THE CANDIDATE TO HE COMPRI-in:1.AS DETAILED ON i. • THE REVERSE OF IS ARO. . • ' • I •', •--' ..,,,,,,:* 4.■ AO / , IP- ' .:'-' — INSPECTOR 1. e.j., ....i-•‘ TES ING EN S--,SAN DIEGO-a?....5,984 v....:„.:_:._.,,,,,...._,..a..-.-.......(..........;4%.---.444.1.....44.46.4-).-11.4............-...........u.,04....4.4.....i. ( 1 „_ WELDING CERTIFICATION .. . A . . „ . , tV:15 , ,) ; Lab 2524 Date of QC 1 6-06-86 • Number Teel THIS tS TO CERTIFY THAT FREDERICK SNEDEKER Name . • Michel E. Bosco • . 81053701 . , Signature has satisfactorily completed and passed the .. ' ''s .., , welding test requirements. , \'.. CM r. . ,• AWS D1.9 , The undersigned testifies that he witnessed the welding and found the candidate to be corn.et, t as •etalled on the reverse of this card. F rect- . Sect-k- Inspector Name - Ailli*te4VAOMPPrA/ AWS OC-1 . ' ; ••' •. • --.1_,-' ..441,Ii4.-'\.• . 1•••5•-'. -Y- , `- .:41;:s..•'sx--.--• • -.1--....r.L.t—1.,-----........—L.—...-4*,,e. . ).......:.....;...;.kar....-1.?•;‘, "A'•;1 :.„..--....4-,a. ,,• , •.f.;,..,,,ii,,:-..'.!,,r f:ys ft-..•:: '. (2.' , •,.' :', -;'.,—!': :-'t,,y.",,,.:.'-4 . - em I •,,,0 4, --,,,,, ,...A-... :,-,. ; , -;• -,i'„i" 0 n,,:: , --, WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD Welder or welding operator's name M. Kt-- I'1 1 'r Identification no. Welding process .!'•1.4'., Manual X Semiautomatic /017- Machine ti/-7 Position Ls- lnr+13L Lc•t u:'t -"cl (Flat, horizontal,overhead or vertical - if vertical, state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure spe cjticatio r yc-i+I r1' '•.4-5' 11 jf�r'✓e% k.:4',/„1/ (L•.) !30-T� TC%•►�CI->,„ Material specification -✓i2 (S n Diameter and wall thickness (if Pipe),otherwise, joint thickness 31? "' Thickness range this qualifies /N lot ° FILLER METAL Specification no. 1S, / ,_.S , S— Classification --,C1 , F no. 47" Describe filler metal (if not covered by AWS specification) ti Is backing strip used? 9"- S Filler metal diameter and trade name /'/ C'N�-,'r+y-7 7'9-A-) . Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas metal arc or flux it.Y? cored arc welding /L5 VISUAL INSPECTION (9.25.1) Appearance .4C'c3 Undercut /4--7,---',`-'1S-- Piping porosity ,,,L.:4- Guided Bend Test Results ' Type Result Type Result C +Z+/.. > 4f -D EQ�,<. N f`"1IT �i iH- .1-[>c 2,,:..,..._A _ Po.,,, Q /0,7' A-2'1' Test conducted by [' ^l ���w j' Laboratory test no. 62.4 per e .� .[)/., /- 3'I Fillet Test Results Appearance /J,' Fillet size m;7" Fracture test root penetration A.,'// Macroetch _�12 R (Describe the location, nature, and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) Test conducted by A.- /7-- Laboratory test no. A r71 per . A... .RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Film Film identifi• Results Remarks identifi• Results Remarks cation cation 4.-7,17 4-; ,C,',7' it..)/4 _ /(-)/7 ,c.%,9 '1 Test witnessed by I--17 Test no. 4- per A' '4 We, the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 5C or D of AWS 01.1, Structural Welding Code. L. Manufacturer or contr tor'1 ..v_c -' �,.t`,,‘`_ L- Authorized by i\\ •-:-.- -ccIN, Date =—/-2—'i Form E-4 a 1978 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved. • .4 t .." I • --.WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD' ,• Welder or welding operator's name — — " ' Identific_q bn no , ., •Welding process -' M A � Manual • Semiautomatic Machine• �4 •. Position F TtCAL_ u'Pt-1ARb .. • ••(Flat, horizontal, overhead or vortical - if vertical state whether upward or downwards • . • In accordance with procedure specification no. , lS;t'LQUA x:.1611 5ll,wiL3•a V tOtAVa- 2'BUTT JT,-3 . Material specification';J A Zr.,,,.. ___ .. Diameter and wall thickness(if pipe,—,ptlreswise, joint thickness --f {` ' Thickness range this qualifies • y ,c' f" ' FILLER METAL i 5;< "5' I. AND � �" Fno. ' Spectficatron no. Clas;location '1Qj i'% • Describe filler,metal (if not covered by AWS specification) N/A Is backing strip used? yt-5 _ „ , • Filler metal diatneter•and trade name yH C:fiEnf'T•Eov,.) ' Flux for submerged arc or gas for.gas metal-arc or fl • f cored,arc welding ,(Ft ” , INSPECTION VISUAL EC , • TION.(9.45.1) Appearance ��on'r� Undercut J��DnI Z �/ . Piping porosity ;- -4. : 'aided Bond Test Results' , Typo Result TYpa Result -:,--1:::. mg'.13C OD �ze)a D "`A • • 13/A.. �. • __ rix P s 'D Alj AVA ,• • • Test cunducted b �� - Laboratory test no.. • per _.AW`J 1.-t < -I .6T, t�i �ti. -, a,, ' r:r Fillet Test Results ' Appearance 4)Ils_..-- _ Fillet size 00/A' . • Fracture test root penetration 10 Macroetch _�/A : (Describe the location, na ure,and • ze of any crack or tearing of the specimen.)" • : •' Test conducted by 'U Laboratory test no:.�j/(' . ., ''+[ '''.\-`112'..=::- ,: " ~•9 " RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Film ''' ',.; k :rsts• • • Film , . , tt ' s?c• identifi• Results Remarks, Wontiti- , Results •Remarks • ration cation A)/, Ay, 064 /0/A . . ,,,./. ..„,„„.,..... .... .. ' v. , A . ii i A. ,,, , ,//t. . . , • O/Test witnessed by . • _ _ _.� Test no �. i A- yN• • par We, the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested, r accordance with the requirements of 5C or 0 of AWS 01.1,Structural Welding Code. .....;Th •' ' , • • Manufacturer or contractor -ri/uAevi,6>Ospagoreted Authorized by L-AT,V. C9qD • •Date — /S 9.1/ _ " ' ' Form E-4 01978 by American Welding Society. All rights.reserved.: ;. ,;, .' na ( Tic; 4Es'r REODRD..,•,, , ..- ,..• :ilet:401411::;.::'",s-l.,..,,',44:,,,':i • . • ..''' - ELDER,-: '0 WELDING OPER.%TOR QUALI FICA , .)i.,,. ...„„:„ • ., ,. 1031 7--- :'"•-:.-.1y..• *:, '• • .. • • , . i dentificatibn no. ••••,..•'•••,. Or s name , . -..'....: ''--,::,• •Welder or welding operator's •,.. -•.ifii,••••••:•• ;' - - •• • - SMAW ' . .. , Wes Kel 1pr Manua x Semiautomatic l'I/A -*Machine N/t.-.',.•,'.24,-.44:i.:•• ••••••:- --':..-•-•:•.• ,•• •Weldin9 firoeess .• 4 -• -,,,,,,‘• .. • -.,... ;..• •••-e.V4Asi,:;..*; ,-,.. -,..• ,....,r,;:):. •- . ,......VertiCa u tipuparn --- • .'.-*'''..-.01.;:.;..,..'Pusi don.-- .. • whe,ther upward or dOwnward) - , , , -"'••••'''••••,,si....• !.•'•:.'":".1Fiaf.'horizantell.overhead or vertical - if ver Lica'.flstewaet lifi , , . , •. ............., in acc•oroance,with.pruccopte specification n ). , . ••(••';'':•-4••':‘,....-•': Materiel ictecIficatio.h' . g 53 8 - ----,, • - • •,1.1 to mt.• 1.. ' ' ' '_,...........„........ i . r I)ialnot.or..old,wall thickness,(if ONO--odic, vise,joint hickness , , ,tilrIc ., :;,,,„,t,4 %:.,... .1 hickneskange this quoitie ,.---' /8" 'to 1 1/4" • • —I..- ••cs • oi ••, - • •••• -,••••,..*,-.i,...4.-0•,•.•14-...,-$., . . .trtli ,.'',.;0.-r-s•-11r-1..11::-,)isi4x..141%k4N=,--:-!.:::'-f61•:',er:-_,'::er.•" - . -. •- .- ._ ,•. •,',3,,,-;,::,P",•,-..•:•-;!:-U-4...""v•• ,-'?' `4*' if'4.:-",11. 4-: • „,:-.;. .1,1-1.,:,,,•••3:1•4.,:,,, ,,,- ,...",•,. .n,,,../,-;;‘,,..,,,,. ,,,,,,;--„,,;.;..,.., , -*.:n,•i:■*;+;Nr.A. -7=,4f.,,"4,••:el--*•t-,, ,,I.'*41*.•::.,'",; ,..,•, r.."': ":41.':.-' • El L LE R METAL'-• -,',-*,:::-'..,'•':.;-• :•-'•••.• I,:•'••".•;„•";s1":Ite'')-01t;-■14,44,•Alk.L'•.:•=4' .it-fa•,./..-..,A, ,, 1.1 ::::•4•'4Fi'Vqq'iti1."- ...1..?",11,7.;•,!,-... ••,•- -•.,:-:-,'.:;« , • ••• .-": . ' • ' : .'....1•-•...i.„0°.. 0.•••?'14-•14f -:"$•:',"•ft..;'-s%, ' - '•• - .• E 7018 .•s•,',.:.•,,11:1,..;. „.!;:.?";'s- p-pac- ifica•' t•io•fi.1 •0:....5t,Lajada.,5_ .. . . Oa.ssificantfioan r;F no. ' 4 14' -• ••,,... , •:. ..---..t--....34wr.v.,• , . --,....,-- ••ift ••••'''.*****'•',4'.‘Describe fplergtetal (if not covered by AWS specd!cation) . . - -.:;-,••': .•••• ,:: " • '• "•• • • ..,, "•'' • • '- Is bucItindstrlp used?:,..... ":;•ci,;1•-is,,••••• Eiller'Metal:dlamater.ant uouo ndm n a • ' ''''"'"'' '. ..... . ,....,,.. ,.. . * 1 - n4 me 1/8" Chemetyrjr, Flux for submerged arc of gas for gas mot,I arc or•sflu,,,,,,x.''.... -• 4..•;,-...-2-;,..4. -I • ' • :- 1,..". nta- ; -0-, cored .., ,....,.,.. .,.,,,,,...,;,.isesjigrAilvi-6•4.4,"-yi'. -,1; ' s •... . ed arc welding . •,. .•••.,,•-•.i'••, ,,-,..,",•,..-A•,:;.i.4--4;41--,'"'"4`...31.•:••;,',•!•,--3-'4'•oe, ••■-••• ....,••••••• ••r?":•.•••••,-...1,,,4`,..1••f :V.,•$•-•:-",z-,••••.i.-••-.--; ,•'•is,..- • • VISUAL INSPECTION (9.25.1/ -•'' -1 ''f 74: . •,; - tl,l'Ito.13;;..' .;11.::..,..-„:1 .;,:t•..,.:!.,9„,•••;r:.t,>ifi:;.;.:•;::i5,.44.- " '' , ,'' •'- • • . ...,.:., ,..).,- .,':.;.;..........A1. 3p41,ar44 a.. ••,Good • ••••.;, - ,:-:%••:,•;.-.1-: ,lider cut None Piping porosity.'''- •.•-1.'••..(•.'%-- '•- ••:',=-L-1 .,k;•*'•1'-•'''''-":•:4•4-t;;;;•';''''.':;.:;:!:%- •'••1:4:::.•":;-• ••••• -• -''" - ■• • Gu ' . .•'. •• •---::-•-„,--:.,,)..-,,,,.,•"!-.'••,41,0,1•;4•::.-.A,A.S',,,-- ,,,,k.1,7-A., :. ;T:::."..•.:''"."''':";.i.i.::•.:-!'•-'• Yi•:',.•'! ided Bend Test Results' - . . ;' • • •',' -'-'.4--•;ir"-."•.-7••-it.".,.'•-•.,••;-,,,,,1%.:s•-„••••••••• s•.2.,-.•-,--•;•si,,:••••:., ,• .„,,-. • --I..-• • • •t ..• , , '• ' .'".1. • . . . . - ' ' . :-',1•:',V.H•r,fil:: •''.,:''•"1-•,...1%,,I1r..t...„ ., ,, i ,' i11",•: ... .•', ''Y:A .'''''1•:1 "' ... '. '-'. . '.' " ''''''''''''''Resuit.'-- .-: ..7:. '::• .'' ..-.' ' i. •Typo • ' •• •- Result - Type - • s•••••,,',A14,..-f:,•..t;•,•-,s•-• 4: ts.; - .. . •:••••••Ii:,.--,--•";•,•-•-.."-,',.•",,, Side Bend - . . • Passed :. '''''' ' ^ N/A ' • i.',.. • ..'" . -0. :, . . . ..- . ,., .: ..,:y. ,,. ..'•,:. ' ' .' • 1 •':..1.4"'/a. ''..-1.1., ..,t.i.„...:. ,,,14-•, s.„,,...-t,:., . . , . • - • '• ..,...:-P.,...... ....p,',-.9-4..,,::::::.v•vez4.7.' ..„ . •r;''...''':'::.':- '..'''.: ."':..;.'4''•..'.0 .:Sj'k "r::''■':....: '. .?:7•' .''.1::::'4.!ti,l'.17,-;!!.10'. ; ;_ir:".4W4i',',.‘ ';;''''■..", .'''';'-' 1;'-'•-7.::''..'",.'•■• !,..34•••'',-,-47* .4''`gs41' •''' ;,:•;,* %.... 7-i' '...,:. • :f?' , " •';‘•4:4';',^.111IX,'-`.. , ...77..:. s',.''.',.' ' • ' ' '• 1,,i/A• ' '-‘''''''r ','-7''..Y',"-* . ." ;-•,,e7.•hi■Y-::'...'•;7.T i7 -.rSiBend • •. •S ,- _'ass-11 . --,- e••'''.-:•- •- %' ". 41,4‘,.• -,--,-.1i-14;...•- 4 •=t'.."''. , -isu-,..:.;:',.•-;s--4... 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''..‘'.1.fij'."'"'-'1..":;•C%■:'`.r.5e.;Cit...!:44"4t4:1.4•*".';'*•1§1. .'' -C.-- ' .. ... mkt Fillet size . -N/A ..er';44-.4'-,I,Appearance.x. . -IV --- • - ,•,,,,N,r.:M}Vtli -• ..4.4;4•••-•••:"''''-''• . macroctch _N/A •f":";»,,,...•,,',....'10''•?..q,,,,, ructuru,test rout punutrruion., N/A • •••-;u;.-••*K.eir;Oi • .. .:-.•.`*,•'"!"';;Aihr-I: '"' ':---P---:"1--- i:4'.4•.:1:••:-N:':''''(1..)us c r i be-t1 ii I oc a t i on' oaturu:and size of any orack'or.tearing of the specimen.) .- • a a a., • tiA -.•-•••'..•• ' :. ;'.' ' - .. . 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'''..,.-;:.13Y4r,•;'''.: .,k ,...^,!..:We, the undersigned,c,ertil.,/:that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were.prepared.,,ord44esUinF(•'' •ic'•':.:,*i•Ozz•.,asi*Iiiiioo ilinCtilt the tequii'll'•-•... ii of 6C or:p..of.,M16,01.1&P.ructural...Welding Code. ,•••••-. ,,t,.;.-,.'-';'-......--. -•;:-.'-5.......7:.;•,..I;.•,tfell' ' 411k:'..?;;441:***St•L'irMiatiwtY. " '' ''' T..4..it•;--.• . - .45.1W1t'7C.Win..-• ' --•••;■,•--^ :...".fh. •....'t?i.'ff.‘„,4 t...r; ?I': ' . i'-',,,',.:V.vnio.4.-'"*.01' *--.• ' .• " ..•-;i.':".t•'':-••'•••..:7":44.7.144..i'Manufacturer or contractor p_inncle..Constaalctor ., .., •., ,„..,,..„• • .. . 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Welding Certificate • , . WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD Welder or welding operator's name _ Greg Calkins Identificatbn no. • 90012 • Welding process SMAW Manual X Semiautomatic N/A Machine , N/A`' Position rri (Flat,horizontal, overhead or vertical - if vertical, state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure specification no. iZequalified single V groove wP1r3 2 htit-t jni nt R Material specification SA 53 B Diameter and wall thickness of pipe)-otherwise joint thickness_ 1/2" hick Thickness range this qualifies „3/8" to f 4r� Fl LLER METAL Specification no. 5.1 & 5.5 _ Classification E 7018 F no. 4 Describe filler metal (if not covered by AWS specification) N/A Is backing strip used? Filler metal diameter and trade name _1,L$_ry on Flux for submerged or gas for gas metal arc or fli _ N1A _— cored arc welding tWA VISUAL INSPECTION (9.25.1) Appearance Good Undercut None Piping porosity N/A Guided Bond Test Results • Type Result Type Result • Side Bend Passed N/A N/A Side Bend P. sed N/A N/A • •f est conducted by ✓e'_ w as Laboratory test no. per AWS.-01.43_-f11- 43ct 'A1_Welding Code Fillet Test Results Aptrearance •.__NJ'A - ___ _ — Fillet size N/A f ractute test rout penetration - N/A _-- _ Macroetch N/A (Describe the location, nature,and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) Test conducted by N/A Laboratory test no. N/A per — N/A---.-- RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS • Film Film identifi Results Remarks identifi- Results Remarks cation cation N/A _ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A • N/A NIA NIA N/A WA N/A Test witnessed by Test no._ N/A per We, the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested accordance with the requirements of 5C or D of AWS D1.1,Structural Welding Code. . Manufacturer or contractor Pinnacle Constructs Authorized by M.F_ WPatP Date . 1 10-91 Form E-0 5319713 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved. Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh Architects ® P. C . • A. I. A. r,. u J JIM I 1 1 1992 June 11 , 1992 Dan Stanek Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sonnenalp Hotel Bavaria Haus - Remodel and Addition Existing Service Elevator Overtravel Distance Dear Dan: Per our conversation on June 10, 1992, please find enclosed a diagram indicating the proposed overtravel distances for the existing service elevator. This elevator is near the loading area between column lines 14-15 and A-B. It is also located in the 20 ft. setback along Vail Road. Due to the conditions of approval as set forth by Town Council and the P. E. C. , we cannot raise the roof in this area. The existing roof was of wood construction and had to be removed to comply with code (Type II F. R. construction) . I believe the existing overtravel distance did not comply with the 12 '- 0" code requirement to begin with; however, we are trying to make this condition a less non-conforming issue by redesigning the new steel framing at a higher elevation as indicated on the attached diagrams. If you have any concerns or comments, please contact me as soon as possible because, per our conversation, we are planning to proceed with construction as shown. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH, ARCHITECTS - P. C. • A. I.A. Ken A . O 'Bryan Project Architec Encl . cc. -Johannes Faessler, Owner -John Smith, Weitz/Cohen Construction Co. -Gordon Pierce, Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Arch. Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303/476-4433 One Tabor Center 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355 r3 v 1 qq y � { +I L gll�'i!li .,,‘ ,,,:17 ..,.,.,..,'„ -,... ,,0,101.11. itt) it F ( III ! _ • 3�' c ' !'� 23 28 Ian'� ( LII sysv, II 'd7t s, i 4�,� i �+ " , SytSCo w a vt . i4r..-.;Aso, , I�ik �� j ,', �.fi k, 1, 1, ..1,,,:, " It0K4t0__s. 5V- ,15, (�:�2�X 1 ws. - ! 7w ��/�1� r*, =� �`� �' o ;���` 1.11 � � � �i ��.' �" �R' S°� .'�4,� ,�"4-11 4%4 IT,T.,„,;,.-4,--..2,---...7,:.;,;?,111---07-0 .. 1,1-.14, MI ! k,'; .7 ': .' ' , ' / ') '' Off, r 5 07 w t- • c.,-, M — _ 3 N M r� r M 12ii III ' �i1 ('� a IZIc•1 "- _ 1�1,ff:4 I r . 4 �� ® ! : . „, ,......, -'- - A ,.4 Clod ,2_ ,,,,, N �� t+I2k li 1�'- �r.��i ` .d e ''1=a . ... .. 2�f go -- .,,�,ice..',_.. , 0% ice, 1 ..t„ . � of.,7 i :0e� '�' 1+� 15 0 v. . �`#tsj{'� _ p is '`, .� +._ 1 _ 1 .1' : i , ..., 1,'”'pie6'I 1/4'• h!I.L. A.GIA '4 *' ate: 1'� i 14 .1 ., ( 2 ! ; r Project no • .,• S irawn by: cW;2 Y .�� X15 , :.„.,.,,,::,, , . ked by:. Sheet Of 1 19921 /g \ � EA, us7 14r _ 3 3.A u_•, i :CO ........._____ 1 , i ,, If, GA.. G - 11 o %/1 te ) 101 40,1 . ( IA=__ G�x�.trn - ..:. fir' k t° �'-�jB�a-F:� f. II- 21_0 d AMP. oo¢ C Qt-$'�', . - " ,;. ` }4_ h3+2. LI-1 c.®4-7o,7 sop- .- a 1. p — ; ,, =:1 LOYJ_g / r-2 C.-4 Q. u- kJ INCc — kJ Er---r- of LINE f3, .--NI 11_49 • p \,`. REVISION: Job No. ci l0Sc? Sheet: P & ® ® SONNENALP HOTEL spach 4�► BAVARIA HAUS Architects —.7-1ARW Vail P.C. A.I.A. $onnenalp , Colorado 5A5/1,z. ell JUN 1992, FileNumber WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUA LiFICATION TEST RECORD Welder or welding operators trune ,2‹.--)/c/C • • Identitication no...42 Welding process --5/72.52 Manua A"- Semiautomatic Machitie Position e_errce. (Flat, horizontal.overhead or vertical • if vertical , state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure specification nosAWS ;,19 SINCILF, V 45"INCLUDED AJCThR Material specification CIR('1!Tp t A 16 Diameter and wall thickness(if pipe) -other.vise,joint thiektiess 1/8 Pf.ATE Thickness range this qualities 1/8 TC) 1/4 FILLER METAL Specification no. A 5.1 nR A i.5 Classification E7018 F no. 4 Describe tiller metal (if not covered by AWS specification) 4/742– , . is backing sirip used? YF,S, Filler metal diameter anil trade name .(4-- Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas metal arc or flux 1E/ 1' /Az corded arc welding / k...5.....5 'VISUAL INVECTION (9.25.1) Appearance Undercut 4/0/i/e: Piping porosity ■03/,e9,,z!"-c" Guided Bend Test Results Type Result Type Result 11411&, • — 40 / "). '°////e// il'.1911.110. Test conducted b!, .../.. 7" j.ahoratory test no. N. per 4./.5 / Test date 41001Pr Fillet Test Results Appearance Fillet size Fracture test root penetration Macrotech (Describe the location, nature, and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) Test conducted by Laboratory test no. per AWS ; 28.1 Test date RADIOGRAPHIC C TEST RESULTS Film Results Remarks Film Results Remarks Icicuti ti Identifi- cation cation Test witnessed by Test no. per We. the undersigned, eert try that the statements in cJmt record are correct and that the welds were prepared anti tested in accordance with he requirements of section 5, Part C or ANSUAWS1)I, Structural Code Steel. Monuraeinrer or.,:otilrot.:Itic by f>ate I FileNumber S/-/ 9-& WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD Welder or welding operator's mune %' dim _S c.'/J Identification no. I k Welding process Manual ,A". Semiautomatic Machine Position 5 G- e-' /Ir%/_F.a� (Flat, horizontal, overhead or vertical -if vertical,state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure specification no /52-1=-13 S%/c1 .3":/ •.'52,`./.9. =--4--,,644P," Material specification Gi-/1C/ , 34. Duuneter and wall dtickness(if pipe) -otherwise,joint thickness 3/7 7 Thickness range this qualities % <e> 3/y FILLER METAL Specification no. / C'/1 .ice Classification 7o/s' F no. Describe tiller metal (if not covered by AWS specification) Is backing strip used? ES Filler metal di.unetaer and trade mune % Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas metal arc or flux TX-T` G✓F/a 4/x/c c%v corded arc welding VISUAL INSPECTION(9.25.1) Appearance �-�� Undercut Piping porosity Guided Bend Test Results Type Result Type Result ' mac e 4?//acv / Test conducted by �'¢y c42,Pr ymT4 Laboratory test no. - /—�2 per /9 w.r .S',.z�, / Test date ///-2--.57791-2— Fillet Test Results Appearance Fillet size Fracture test root penetration Macrotech (Describe the location, nature, and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) Test conducted by Laboratory test no. /f/ per /9 I / Test date RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Film Results Remarks Film Results Remarks Identili- Identifi- cation cation Test witnessed by Test no. per We. the undersigned. certify that the statements in this record arc correct and that the welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requiren 'nt:o s 'lion 5, Part C of ANSI/AWSDI l,( o )Strut :1 'Wing Code Steel. Manulaciurcr or contractor •--eQ0 SIB Authorized by _,�i Date 1-ZS--72_, FileNumber Tfg`/— r"-}" WELDER AND-WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD Welder or welding operator's mune -S TL/' (7 X/12-/1/° Identification no. 2k- OS/-5-.4 Welding process Man}al "Y Semiautomatic Machine Position `r (..7z/C7(4471 of (Flat horizontal,overhead or vertical-if vertical ,state whether upward or downward) In accordance with procedure specification no /17 4/S .S;/y S� ✓�/.0 y,T r,,ic/y,rc�',�„il/,� Material specification Diameter and wall tliickness(ifpipe)-odierwise,,oint thickness -?..‹P Thickness range this qualifies TO �Y FILLER METAL Specification no.,--.<,/ Classification L 7O/1" F no. V. Describe tiller metal (if not covered by AWS specification) Is backing strip used? _V -f Filler metal diameter and trade name f'''.1"" Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas metal arc or flux 1.✓F_/d corded arc welding VISUAL INSPECTION(9.25.1) Appearance 7/'-s Undercut /.95_5 Piping porosity Guided Bend Test Results • Type Result Type Result Test conducted by 47 7 1%7.4 Laboratory test no. //V . per /.9g--/ - S. A r- / Test date /.0 • Fillet Test Results Appearance Fillet size Fracture test root penetration Macrotech (Describe the location,nature,and size of any crack or tearing of the specimen.) Test conducted by Laboratory test no. per Test date RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Film Results Remarks Film Results Remarks Identili- Identifi- cation Cation Test witnessed by Test no. per We. the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the require A�en hs of s•ction 5,Part C of ANS/AWSD1.1,( /-9 °� )Strut ,z1.2 Code Steel. _ Manufacturer or contractor V.e-�0, -t 5�+^-1 Authorized by Date I"2 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads, Grids TB-5, TC-5, TC-3, D-13, D-14, C.4-13 and D-13.5; BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 38193 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 12:00 Noon TIME ARRIVED: 12:30 PM TIME PLACED:12:38 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:60's°F `` , TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:45 PM SLUMP; 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: IN. AIR CONTENT: % WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:55 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: -- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-13-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX i CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE I TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED I (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-19-92 } 90,500 6.07 28.94 3130 columnar 28 6-9-92 122,000 6.07 28.94 4220 shear 28 6-9-92 121,000 6.08 29.03 4170 shear 28 6-9-92 125,000 6.07 1 28.94 4320 shear DESIGN STRENGTH --- PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO, 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, Line 7.9 F to H, F-10 Pad 7.9-G, F-2 Pad 7.9 F Elevator No. 2 and No. 3 Pit Walls, Pad F-11 C.4-12. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. -- MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:27 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 of 12 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 48 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-2-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-8-92 73,000 6.08 29.03 2510 con/shear 28 6-29-92 28 6-29-92 I DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. Consulting Engineers and Scientists g�q 5080 Road 154 IN`N Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 303 945-2363 Facsimile June 3, 1992 Sonnenalp Properties c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 Subject: Construction Observation and Testing Services, Proposed Sonnenalp Hotel Project, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 278 90-2 Gentlemen: As requested, Chen-Northern,Inc. has initiated construction observation and testing services for the subject project. The work is being performed in accordance with our Proposal for Construction Observation and Materials Testing Services to Sonnenalp Properties dated May 7, 1992. We previously conducted a subsurface study for the proposed north building addition of the project and reported our findings under Job No. 4 278 90, dated April 23, 1990 and performed consultation for the building underdrain design. Our work to date has consisted of observation of foundation bearing conditions and part- time observation and testing of reinforcement steel placement, backfill placement and concrete testing for the project. Attached are Daily Report Nos. 1 through 19 for foundation excavations, reinforcement steel observations and compaction tests we made since April 1, 1992. The results to date indicate suitable foundation bearing conditions, proper placement of reinforcement steel and fill compaction to the minimum specified 95% modified Proctor density. The concrete test results are being sent under separate cover. Also attached are Figs. 1-4, laboratory test results consisting of modified Proctor values and engineering index properties on samples of on-site and imported soils being used as backfill. The tests were generally performed in accordance with applicable ASTM procedures. On May 18, 1992, the undersigned met with Ken O'Bryan to observe the existing subfloor drain system of the existing building exposed in the southwest portion of the site. The underdrain consists of about 2 to 4 inches of free draining gravel and 6-inch diameter clay pipe on about 25 foot center and wrapped in felt paper directly below the slab. The drains apparently lead to a sump and pump system at the extreme southwest corner of the existing building which is about 6 feet below the slab. The sump was essentially dry at the time of our site visit.A pit near the southeast corner of the basement grade area had water at about 4 1/2 feet below the existing slab. The existing and proposed basement slabs in this area will be about 4 feet higher than the north wing basement slab. A member of the HIH ground comnanes Sonnenalp Properties June 3, 1992 Page 2 It appears feasible to connect the existing subfloor drain system to the underdrain system for the new construction. A foundation drain should be provided behind the existing basement walls as needed to prevent hydrostatic pressure build-up. We will continue our work as requested by the contractor on a part-time basis and forward the test results as they become available. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call our office. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. By David A. Yo DAY/bjs Rev. By: SLP Attachments cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek v Chen Northern.Inc. ChenONorthern,Inc. and Sciontirts REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB N0.4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 1 SHEET1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: LOCATION: North Wing EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: Cut at One Level , 10' to 15' below adjacent. MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): Dense, silty sandy gravel with cobbles moist to wet in footing areas. Standing water in middle pad excavations. REMARKS: Six pad areas in northwest portion excavated 1 to 2 feet below mass excavation grade. Soils appear suitable to support 4000 psf bearing pressure provided water is removed and footing subgrade is stable. It should be feasible to use shallow depth of crushed rock to stabilize footing subgrade and help dewater. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WM-I CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: Dan with Weitz-Cohen Construction was requested to remove water and stabilize footing subgrade areas. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict David Young Town of Vail; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A 1.11111141- PROTECTION TO C1ENTS. ONE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS ONE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CLIENTS. NC AINNORRATION FOR PUeIJCA- DON OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REWRDNO OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES WILL BE DISPOSED OF AFTER TERN° IS COMPLETED MISS OR}R Mvaiona?X1S ARE AGREED TO IN MRRlN0. A rrernbr d Ur ni WPM d oonmaJw CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 2 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES A jobsite visit was made to determine the concrete placement schedule for the north and west footing pads in north wing. We met with Bill of Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Tentative schedule is for Thursday morning, May 7, 1992. Bill said he would call our office to confirm. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hof land; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-6-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 3 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES REBAR INSPECTION: Footing Types F-2, F-4, F-3, F-6, F-7, F-15, F-16, F-19 and continuous footing along Lines 1, TA and TA.4 were visually observed for reinforcing steel installation. The top mat on Grid Line 1 was recommended to be pulled south away from forms. Pad F-7 needs the bottom bars raised and excavation cleaned; Pad F-15 needs to be raised; Pads F-6 and F- 19 need to be dewatered approximately 1 inch standing in the excavation. Checked and fixed minimum bar laps Top Mat F-2 and Top Mat southwest corner F-15. Minimum 18" on No. 4 bars. Pads F-12, F-14 Grid TB F, 14 Grid TC F 20 Grid TB. Pads at F-14 Grid TC and F-7 Grid TF have standing water that still needs dewatering. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hof land Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hof land; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 ` r• CheneiNorthern,Inc. ComoultIng Engin.re and Sciontirts REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No.4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 4 SHEET 1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: LOCATION: EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): REMARKS: The footing pads excavated in the basement of the existing building area at the southwest corner were observed. The soils exposed in the base were old fill and silts which were soft, black, moist and organic. Removal of this soil and extending the pads down to natural sand and gravel bearing soils was recommended. Bill of Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. was advised. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict David Young Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PURJO AM) OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SURIIITTED AS THE CONFloo TML PROPERTY OF OUR CLEWS., AFO AUTHORIZATION FOR Pt/MEGA- TON OF STATEMENTS. COMCU MOMS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGAJIOf O OUR REPORTS ES RESERVED PENDREO OUR WRITTEN APPRWAL SAMPLES WLL BE D4POSED OF AFTER TESTNO TS COMPLETED MISS OTHER bgVNETI NTS ARE AGREED TO IN WRITING. A roomier W V.. H I H aR+ of companies CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 4 SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Cat Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: -- NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required LABORATORY 1 FIELD 1 DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY I MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Waterline Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED C� 1 40' North of 8' Below J -3/4" Aggregate Grid Line 1 Grade 139.4 6.4 126.5 3.7 91 i Base Course 1 1A Retest of #1 8' Below -3/4" Aggregate Grade 139.4 6.4 131.8 3.6 95 Base Course 1 1 1 ' FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT: A sample of Base Course used as fill was obtained. The supplier is Roaring Fork Resources, Eagle, Colorado. Results of Proctor testing on the sample are provided on Figures 1 & 2. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM MO.CME107 5/9k 155 1\ MIMI ■'ll" 150 1111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIRIIR 11111111111111131111. ZERO AIR VOID CURVES 145 simmu 1I 11111111111111�l �7� GRAVITY 2.80 111111111111111111111 SPECIFIC = 2.70 140 �S■,1' GRAVITY U- 1111 1,111.111. CL ����'�,.k GRAVITY = 2.60 I IIIIIIIIIeLMII ,. Ii■ ®III®IIoIN. F- IIIIIME1111111111011111 2 135 1111111111111111NRIER . LU -11111111.11'0111. >_ RIIIIINkk cc 130 - ::ne., 1 1111111k I 125 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 120 111111111 \ 115 \. 0 5 10 15 MOISTURE CONTENT PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT LOCATION : SONNENALP HOTEL PROJECT MOISTURE—DENSITY Sample No. 1 Import from Roaring Fork Resources RELATIONSHIPS SOIL DESCRIPTION : -3/4" Aggregate Base Course C.ien0Northern,Inc. MAX. DRY DENSITY : 139.4PCF OPT, MOIST. CONTENT : 6.4 % PROCEDURE : ASTM D-1557 Method C LIQUID LIMIT : -- PLASTICITY INDEX : NP JOB NO. : 4 278 90-2 FIG.NO. GRAVEL : 51 o SAND : 42 % SILT AND CLAY (-200) : 7 % DATE : May 7, 1992 1 . i HYDIIOME1 EIf ANALYSIS JTT`I SIEVE ANALYSIS ]( IIMI:rIFAL)IN(s I 11 :;fnNGAIII) .1'I11CS 1 CI.LAflSOILAflf:OPENINGS 1. 24111. 71111 •10 45 MIN L';MIN. 1)11 MIN 19 MIN 4 MIN I MIN '200 1110 '611 '411'Ill '1f) • '0 '4 1." 100 - _ 7 ; 't -...._. am 0 00 - - - —� i - 1 - � lrrrr rlr 20 70 — ® -7 _ E me 30 Z so — — — 40? 0 40 60 0 a: ME=.197„ mi if, lTi 20 I mnis 8° 111 _,_.____ '-- J- ij_iii: 0, 11 1 1.T 1--f 1-f f-t_I T t T -- tn f u I ammo i�srl E to ,001 _002. .005 -(X10 119 .09/ 0/4 -149 :'J/ 1 590 1 19 'I:III 4/6 152 191 361 /02 121 2 1 42 20 152 IDIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS T sAN19 (IIIAVEL CLAY TO SILT 1 1111 1 MI NOM 'WAWA. 1 INC I COAISE COBBLES GRAVEL 51 % SAND 42 % SILT AND CLAY 7 LIQUID LIMIT -- ./ PLASTICITY INDEX NP % SAMPLE OF -3/411 Aggregate Base FROM Roaring Fork Resources (Sample No. )Course (5-7-92) { HYDII0MI_7 Ell ANALYSIS SII:VI:ANALYSIS I IML 1CAL,INi;S ii s :;I nr4unuu:d un:. T cLf:nlf:o t IAlE OPENINGS 24 I-11 7 1-10. •10 1 45 MINAS MIN. 60 MIN. 19 MIN 4 MIN I MIN. '211) 'WO '50 •40":1(1 *16 III '4 4." 1:" 1.6" 3" ' 5"6" 0 -.-- --- --1- - =_E- 00- _— — -- — _71- - - --- -- l0 MN C9 n 2 60 , ---t -5_4-1,- _ :___ ____ri,t.„,. LT, __-4_---I -_ - _ -4 BO L-:---------7T= ni- - -- -- r� 70 --- ---I--- -1 - ------- ---r -- -f_. -__-._. 50 cr - ---�_--�_ w ¢40 1 - 600 0. --- —_ -—I-.- - l._._ — _ ...—_ -___��- w a —' —- I —_ . ._ _ _JJ _ n. 30 , _ —1-- r - 70 r-___-. -=-1-_ --— r_- _+20 - --- _-- 110 --_ - -f -- = ----- - o, —1-1-_-TTY T t - T r31,I , 1{z3on -=1 �rrizj —••r■ , E too .001 .1102 1115 .1X19 .019 .11:1/ 0/4 .149 .20/ I 6911 119 �':01 4/0 J62 19I 301 192 121 2 1 42 211 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS I SAND tiIIAVLI. CLAY TO SILT COBBLES 11144. M1.111C1M COAIISI: 1 I/41. CUANSE GRAVEL % SAND % SILT AND CLAY % LIQUID LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF FROM 4 278 90-2 Chen-Northern, Inc. GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIg• 2 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 5 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES PAD EXCAVATION: The previously excavated footing pad areas on Grid Lines TB-3, TB-4 and TC- 4 had been dewatered and loose material removed to expose natural dense sands and gravels. A shallow depth of 3" minus rock had been placed in the base of the pad excavations. Pumps were outside the pad forms below grade removing the water. REBAR INSPECTION: The reinforcing steel clearances appeared adequate, tied securely and properly spaced, sized and amount per the bar schedule. Bars were Type F-12, 9 #6 each way, Type F-14, 11 #7 each way. Concrete placement was scheduled for 12:30 PM today. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; I Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval.' Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen0Northern.Inc CooNIITkIll Gp4...n end Sciontiets REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 6 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: New Footing Pads in Existing Southwest Building Basement LOCATION: Existing Basement of Southwest Building Area EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): Silty Sandy Gravel with Cobbles which were dense and moist were overlain by fill and silty sand which was soft. No water. REMARKS: During our prior observation , we recommended removal of the fill and sand down to natural sand and gravel bearing soils. The three larger pads in the eastern portion of the existing basement had been extended down to the gravels . The remain- ing smaller pads in the western portion still needed to be excavated down to natural gravels. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: Dan and Bill with Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. were advised of above recommendations . They stated that they preferred to come back up to grade with structural fill . Com- paction to 98% modified Proctor density was recommended per specifications . A sample was obtained for Proctor testing with the results provided on Figures 3 & 4. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict David Young Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CUFHTS. THE PUEUC AM) OURg1VE3, ALL Ihii i ARE SUBMTTED AS THE CON'TDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CLENTS. NC AUTHORIZATION FOR Pt ,,KZA- DON OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR RE0.fd*O OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENORIO OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES WLL BE OCSP0.lED OF AFTER TESTING Is COMPLETED UR4.ES9�OTHER A IAIIO€HENTS ARE AGREED TO IN VIRD1P O. . �r I I H A mn/ .T r.. I-I 1 grew .+ e«,wvd.• 155 I ■.II&UI 1111111 1111111 NIIII ■ 150 ■11r►1L111► IIIIIIIIII 191011•11111. ZERO AIR VOID CURVES IIIIIIIIIII 145 INIIIIIIIIIR UVUIUU \II SPECIFIC GRAVITY = 2.80 •11•1111111111 SPECIFIC = 2.70 ■�■■■U"' GRAVITY LL 140 ��II►"r. SPECIFIC — s1 V/�etI�I GRAVITY — 2.60 >-- INNIENNIIIINI 75 135 •immummunn I IVUMLIIlil U UU UUU V o >- • IIIIIIIIIIIIIMI ° 130 i . . 1 IY01i0ME I Eft ANALYSIS f!ME 141:AOIN4.4S II S :;fANI4A140 .:1 fill. Cl ANALyso. t:All t;01tAftE OPCNINCS I 24 1411 7 1111 •ill 45 MIN 15 MIN 4111 MIN 19 MIN 4 MIN I MIN •200 '14141 •!,41 '411*30 *16 'If '4 r.- III" 3" 5"6* 41'100 w-,0............... =i1 '-'s,mommiummorm...mi =NNW of ImmlimMim := .......■..... --------. --I-- El immemonerAs 80 4 miemmi 20 mommiudIME 70 14.141■ 0 miN,Em 60 MIN. MERIN,,,uji:- MLMEM ___ o. so Ems= mom t2 ......LMIIAMIM ---- __-____--- --777-7--_____._ ___-'pr.' EIMEI=r4= ______ ______ ______ __ 6: arm 42.1 -6 0 40....... _____ Eit s 60,i) Lri = =21111= 30...m. MIEffl..F.- 5,0 Es ......MMIEM - 20.....1. EIllemma- m.................. =4 9° 0 11=2"=''''I 11 li 'Isima771M ,001 002 005 .000 010 Aril 0/4 140 29/ I 590 I 19 2)H 4/li 0 52 10 I 38 1 hi 2 121 2“-- I 111AMETEll OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS _ 152 I ::AND GRAVEL CLAY TO SILT C.OFIBLES I iNL I Mt 1111.141 lt:OAlltil. I(NE I C.01St GRAVEL 48 % SAND 40 % SILT AND CLAY 12 % % LIQUID LIMIT -- PLASTICITY INDEX NP SAMPLE OF Silty Sandy Gravel with FROM On-Site (Sample No. 2) Cobbles (5-11-92) I iiyol(OM E I Eli ANALYSIS I IMI:It6ANIN(it; I I, , :it Amyx,a,:dial sSILVI:ANALYSIS I:LCAit:;01,ARE OPENINGS 24 I-01 7 110. 'In I 1 45 MIN IS MIN, 60 MIN. 19 MIN 4 MIN I MIN '200 '1041 -50 •40'30 '16 'tt •4 V." 4,' 11/2 3" ' 100 -I- 't Efflffli MMPMIIME___ ----- --- 1_7: - —r =MI 4_ I - --- 10 90 MM _ ,-- =r=4— .--- __ t: -EMEI 20 on MEE ,Lz 7A).750 0 1.....M1 EIN■lM Io=seml ilE■ _ =21ffl l .------=_-_—__ __ i 11–-_-7- 1L --------1/. EEMM=m 0 = --4: E==l=L1EP:I6==1E:8 430 0 El _z t2 5a— =MEE= - ----- -— - ' ----1- ----- ----- 50a 4.44 =iiimmorm °40 1 MO =IEMn affiEIlN mEM --_-__-._ — 39 M = I 7 0 4a a.44. 20 ...........■1—■ — ----- --- _:::_l= ----..=1,:: - -- ----- ___________ .- f-■.. ...--■-..- ...."''-... 1 0 Li:Jo ...... I) W...=11.....st:Entf 1 =--_-_.- = soii i■I moss• ■ 8118 MI 100 ,00 t on .0115 .1100 ,019 .1E,1/ 0/4 .149 29/ I 590 1 itl I:3I1 4/6 0 52 19 I 3u I 'Pi 2 (2/ 2 42 20 152 1 IDIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS • CLAY TO Slt.T :•iANI1 1 - 1111AI/11 ICOCBLES ((NI. . 1.1M COAIISI. I INl COAlltl GRAVEL % SAND % SILT AND CLAY % LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX % SAMPLE OF 1110M 4 278 90-2 1 Chen-Northern, Inc. 1 GRADATION TEST RESULTS 1 Fig. 4 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 7 SHEET 1 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES PAD EXCAVATION: The footing pad at Grid Line B-14 of the existing southwest building was excavated and dark fill had been exposed due to being next to an existing abandoned electrical conduit. The fill was probed with a steel rod and penetrated approximately 10 inches to firm gravels. Removal of this fill and replacement with compacted structural fill was recommended. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER Bill with Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. and Roger with B&B Excavating were advised. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME1O2A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 7 SHEET 2 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Cat Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None Added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required LABORATORY ( FIELD _ DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. Footing Pad (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (A) MAXIMUM) Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 2 East Side of Pad, Silty Sandy Grid TB 3 Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 136.0 7.4 98 Gravel with Cobbles 3 East Side of Pad, Silty Sandy Grid TB 4 Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 I 137.9 7.1 I 100 1 Gravel with Cobbles 4 West Side of Pad, Silty Sandy Grid TC 4 Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 134.2 7.0 97 Gravel with Cobbles 1 1 FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT: Backfill for below slab support was placed around previously constructed footing pads. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM MO.a4EIO7 5/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. El+ph..ry 71.1.t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2oATE: 5-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 7 SHEET 3 OF 3 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Footing Pads, North Wing and Existing Southwest Buildings. RENFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CO DENTS VEND C.AL • HORIZONTAL Footing Type Grid Lines TB 5 Subgrade N/A 14 #7s Each Way F-20 Grid Lines TC 5 Subgrade N/A 11 #7s Each Way F-14 Grid Lines IC 3 Subgrade N/A 10 #6s & 6 #6s Each Way F-23 Grid Lines D-13 Subgrade N/A 9 #6s Each Way F-11 Grid Lines D-14 Subgrade N/A 8 #6s Each Way F-9 Grid Lines C.4, 13 Subgrade N/A 9 #6s Each Way F-11 Grid Lines D 13.5 Subgrade N/A 5 #5s Each Way F-2 spa:Inc/mom STE L GVAOE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEln OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPIKING: SPEMICATTONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Q PART—TINE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMLPUNCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT The reinforcement steel appeared to be placed for pad footings in accordance with plans and specifications. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A RrU TU L PROTECTOR TO CLEWS. 11E PUKE APO OURIELW3. ALL REPORT% A U 1IA AS TIE OOE'OEMY& PROPERTY OF OUT CLIENTS. PO AUR+ORIZAr)H POR PURl/CA- TON Cr STAMI ME. OON LI POH3 OR ExTRACT3 FROM OR REO+Vdq OUR RREPORT$ 6 REaE7T ED MOM OUR WRITER APPROVAL SAYPLQ W L NE TXY'CUED OF AFTER TE3Tlq E CCUPLETED U(LSS OII ER MVWGEl )4TZ ARE AGREED TO N MTET?q. A rnarnimr of IA.I HIH Chen Northern,Inc. Conekiu.. En in... end Sc+«NMd. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 8 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE North Wing Footing Pads REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CC441.4041S Grid Lines VERTIC.AL FJoRaot -AL Footing Type-- TC,2 N/A 5 #5s Each Way F 2 East Side Grade N/A 4 #4s Cont. 3 to 7.8 Top & Bottom, #4s @ 18" Transverse H.7, 4.8 to 7.8 Grade N/A 2 #5s Cont.Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" O.C. C.3, 14 Grade N/A 8 #6s Each Way F-9 B-14 Grade N/A 6 #5s Each Way F-5 B 14.25 Grade N/A 5 #5s Each Way F-2 SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 1 PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ® stop DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK ❑ CONT1W TOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COA(LPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INRL LLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-la/WINED OK PROGRESS REPORT The steel placed for the pads was in accordance with plans and specifications. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PRCIITOM I TO CLIENTS. M PARK AHD OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE summit'Al Of CO FIOf TW PROPERTY OF OUR QENTI.MO AUTHORIZATION FOR PVRl1CA- 110,4 Cr STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS ►ROY OR NEOARDINO OLIN REPORTS 13 RESERVED PENO1♦q OUR WRITTEN APPIRCNAL SAMPLES WLL BE OIIPOOFD OF AFTER TEST/TO IS COMPLETED UNLESS OII(R MIVWOEXEM3 ARE AGREED TO N WRITIAL A rn..erdwr .t v..(HIH ]FM w tea.• Chen€ Northern,lnc. Eng end Sa.ntirt, REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No.4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 9 SHEET1 OF 3 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: Elevator Pad LOCATION: Grid 1 .75, TC:5 to TD EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: 4 1/2 feet cut below MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVATION(S): Slightly silty sandy gravels with cobbles which were dense and wet. About 3 inches of standing water was being pumped out of excavation. REMARKS: Soils appeared suitable to support the 4000 psf design bearing pressure. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict David Young Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MURAL PROTECTIOM TO CLFMS, THE Poetic AK) OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUmJTIFD AS THE COF*IDF]I W. PRO VT Y OF OUR CIJENT3. ATO AUTHORIIATIOM FOR rt1DUCA- T10N OF STAMM:NTS, CONQ.USIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR R£QLVt*INO OUR REPORTS tS RESERVED PENOINO OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES WILL 8E OCIPOSED OF AFTER TIMM IS COMPLETED MISS OTTER AfiW10E1ENT3 ARE AGREED TO IN WRITING. A member or ttw f H I H 1 try of com xx... CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 9 SHEET 2 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None Added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required _ LABORATORY FIELD L DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. Footing Pad (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Backfill (pcf) (%) I OBTAINED 5 South Side of Pad Silty Sandy Grid TF, 5 Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 132.2 4.6 I 96 I Gravel with Cobbles I I I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT: Backfill for below slab support around footings pads was tested. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies coral M.agElo7 5/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 9O-2DATE: 5-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 9 SHEET 3 OF 3 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE North Wing Addition Area REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMUENTS VERTICAL - HORIZONTAL Elevator Pit Slab #5 @ 12" Each TC.5-TD, 1 .7 to #4 Dowels @ Way, Top & 2.25 Subgrade 16" O.C. Bottom. #4s @ 12" Cont. Wall H.7-3.8 Subgrade 5 #5s Each Way Footing Type F3 H-6 Subgrade 5 #5s Each Way Footing Type F3 SPE CAflONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVElt OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick PART—TIME OBSERVATION INPLACE COMLPIANCE H£ICNT 3" MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE 3 REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITMIIY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As A YUIWL PI OTECNOM 10 CLEM7. T}C room MI) Ou tscon-7.ALL nrcer s A ec SUSE TIED AS THE COMMENTW. P'IKIPERTE Or OUR Qum. AHD AurpooPo4ATWN PER PM CA- TION 1 Or STATEMENTS. OOM311bOR1S OR ETD/0.CT3 MOLT OR REaMbNO OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDsq OUR TIRITIEN NPr7R)IAL SUPLE3 Mil DE DISPOSED Or Arrin TESTNO 3 COUPEEDD MISS OTI[R ANRAHOE?EM3 ARE ADREED TO N M7RRN0. A mambo, of IMI HIH ...mpon{.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 10 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We met with the structural engineer regarding foundation bearing soils in the southern portion of the existing southwest building area. A test pit had previously been excavated in the southeast portion of the site. Natural sandy gravels dropped off quite quickly toward the south and were overlain by organic fill and topsoil. Excavation down to natural gravels, dewatering and extending footings down to this elevation or bringing back up with compacted structural fill was recommended. Any alternative foundation methods would require a design change from plans. We were asked if a lower bearing capacity would be acceptable for this overlying black deposit to which our response was that this material is not suitable for foundation support. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hof land Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 10 SHEET2 OF2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Elevator, Lower Walls. RON FORCING L OCAT)ON ELEVATION COO.fE NTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Line TA; 5-6 & 6 Line TA to TB 4 #4s Cont. Top & Bottom 4 #4s @ 18" Clean Bars Top Mat Transverse Pad at Lines TA--5 Elevator Walls TC.5 to TC.9 #4s @ 16"O.C. 2 #5s Cont. Top #4s @ 12" Con' Hor. sA uncATlors: siEM_ cRADE: 60 ] PLANS USED R INFORpNG CUANUNEM Fix - done P.M. ❑ SHOP DRAyhNGS USED CL.PAfW cE AND GONER: OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLKING: SPECTE/CAPONNS: OK ❑ FULL-TAME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick ® PART-T1 W E OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COULPIANCE HOGHT 3" WET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-OCAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X 5-19-92 P.M. PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. MELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLE]ETS. THE Pm MO OURSELVES. ALL RIPORT7 ARE SURAITTED AS T}E OONFOORVI PRORO TY OF OUR CLIENTS. AM)AUTHOROATIOR FOR PUR CA- DON or STATDi.M1, COHQU.POFO OR EXTRACTS fROU OR REGABONO OUR REPORTS d RFNTNED PERON° OUR BRITTEN NT110NAL SAMPLES Bill BE O5ROSED OF AFTER 1T-SOHO 6 COUPlttED UPLESS OU[H ARVWGEHE.NTS ARE AORED.TON WR1P A n.—,H.. .r v..(Hi H )WM .r eo..ga'+.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 11 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CNEN-NORTNERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We met with Dan of Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. to observe the footing pad excavation that will underpin the existing center wall adjacent to the south wall of the existing southwest building basement. The pad had been hand excavated through the old fill into natural silty sand. It was recommended to continue excavation through the sand layer into the coarse sand and gravel bearing soils. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hof land; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIN group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 • Ghee O Northern,I nc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 11 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Northwest Building Area RENFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CODUO TS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL: H Line, 7.9 to9.5 Subgrade 2 #5s Cont.Top & Bottom, #5s @12"O.C.Trans- verse, #4 Ties @ 32" O.C. 11 . 1 Line, H to G Subgrade 2 #5s Cont.Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" O.C . G-11 . 1 8 #6s x 7'2" Each Way Footing Lines Subgrade Longitudinal Transverse Contractor installed 5 #5s TD-4; 5,8 to 7.25 4 #6s/5 #6s 5 #6s/13 #6s This was corrected 6 #6s/9 #6s sPEanc.Tlors: sim. CRAM 60 ® PLANS USED REINFDRCI NC cLEwLwESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK Q CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPUCING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION 8118 SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick 14 PART-II ME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COI.(LPIANCE HEiCNT NET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-C(AMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; HELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 A HUTU& PROT.CTUN 1T)4D(TIL THE PERM M) OURSELVES.ALL REPORT% ARE STIe1ITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR aims. ANO AUTHORIZATION MR PU[ICA- TION OF STATEMENT/. CONaR.AONS OR EXTROCTS fROU OR REaROHO OEM REPORT% TS RE]ERNED PENDING OUR WRITTEN AITRVuAL. SAMPLES WLL BE EXSPOOED OF AFTER TEST/O IS COMPLETED LI&L O11O1 ARi1N10E)EHTS ARE AGREED TO N WtWTN0. A of r..1 HIH 1 s.... of o«.r000l o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 12 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES Removal of fill placed in the northeast corner of the existing southwest building was observed. This fill was previously placed loose by the plumber and was recommended to be removed and replaced in compacted lifts since a new footing is proposed at this location. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. ann1t Ervin... � • S01.00.1. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 12 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West ' Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. 'PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE North Wing Building Addition RONFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL: TD Line, 3.1-3.8 N/A 2 #5 Cont. Top &. Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" 0.C. TD-3 N/A 6 #5 Each Way Footing Type F4 3 Line TC.2-TC.5 N/A. 2 #5 Cont. Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" O.C. TC.6-3 N/A 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F2 2 Line, TC.1 to N/A 2 #5 Cont. Top TC.5 & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" 0.C. TC-6 N/A 6 #6 @ 5'8" Footing Type F6 Each Way SPECIE CATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK 0 CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPIJCING: wavrAnorm OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ❑ PART—TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE CODU'IANCE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. HELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A WRYL r110TL(.1aM TO a,[XIS. TPt MAIM AND OURWP/13. AU. REPORTS ARE SUSA1lID A3 THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY Or OXR MINTS. NO AUi1oRczAT10N rut PURICA- 110N Or STATEMENTS, CONCUMON3 OR EXTRACTS FROM OR Rf.TJN1DIE0 OUR REPORTS 11 RF3RYED POCONO OUR WRITTEN M'r it. SAMPLES Ill 1TE 1313P03ED or AFITR T13f170 6 COMLiETTD cruse 011 ER ARIANGE}NNf3 ME/GREED 10 N NTQTN4 A marnber el Via iik-11 FM a Chen Northern,Inc. UwWUn. Erpin•ors wool Sd.Mld. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 13 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Northwest Building Addition Area REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COULTENTs VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL Footing C.6 Line 2 #5 Cont. Top 7.3 to 9.6 & Bottom, #4 Subgrade Ties @ 32" 0.C. SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Q PLANS USED REINFCRCNG CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEFt OK Q CONTRAcroe ADVISED SPUCING: SPECIFICATIONS: ❑ FULL-711.1E OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick [i4 PART-11 ME OBSERVATION FINS{ INPt.ACE COMLPTANCE NOWT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS ENTS RE.QUIREEIIENTS RE-EXAAIIHED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN °WANED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; A3 A W1WL PROIECTDN TO CtINTm. 1Tir mom MO OURXLK7. N1 Rfl'ORTS ARE SUISZTTED M THE OONFICIDOTAL PROPERTY CV'OUR QONT7. MO AUTNORQATON FOR PM1CA- TTON Of'STAIDENTIL OONQ1WONS OR IXT #CTS MOM OR REOARO 1O OUR REPORTS TS RUERYED POIIDOKI OUR WRITTEN APRROVAL SAMPLES *11 RE EZTROO*D OF AFTER TESTNO COVPEETED UNLESS O11[R MEHNOURNT3 ARE NS ED TO N WINO. A rtrrrber d 11w I H N ,RAT d morn Chen @Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-27-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 14 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. • STRUCTURE Northwest Building Addition Area REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CO&WENTS VEHT1C u. HORIZONTAL Elevator Pit Slab Subgrade #4 Dowels @ #5 @ 12" 0.C. Grid Lines F-8 16" O.C. Each Way Top & Bottom C.5-11 .1 Subgrade 6 #5 Each Way Footing Type F4 C. 1-11 .1 Subgrade 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F3 SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER: OK El CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPUCING: SPECIFICADONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVAITON BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick Q PART-1111E OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COUtPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT RATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—DXAIJINED WHEN INITL&LLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As A minim. r* TrCTE( TO 0[X11. THE rum OIRIEITR]. ALL R[roTT7 ARE =wrap AS THE coNnoonw. PTIp'1 TY OF OUR O1D117, AAD AMAIPEEATIOR R Pl1RlU- TIO 4 Or 51AMA MI. CORIQJJ 3 wtS OR 1XTI1ACTS rR0►1 OR mamma OUR REPORTS IS RE3ERRVED POMO 60 OUR MWTTETI APPROVAL 3.411.1E3 WU WE OWED Of AFTER TE3TI10 COUPLETED LP1ISa OMER M■e10O4NT3 ARE AGREED 10 N WRTTHO, A „r,..., e( Wet HiHj.•o• .1 oonroa.a.. ChenCkNorthern.Inc ,. „ TAI,.,,,. o� REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 15 SHEET1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. EXCAVATION FOR: Footing Pad LOCATION: Grid Line C.4-12 EXCAVATION BASE ELEVATIONS: MATERIALS EXPOSED IN BASE(S) OF EXCAVA1lON(S): The north , west and east cuts were into natural sandy gravels. Exposed in the south cut was old unsuitable fill for an old pipeline trench. REMARKS: Removal of all fill and debris beneath and outside the pad bearing grade to natural gravels and replacing back to pad grade with structural fill was recommended. The over dig horizontally should be a minimum distance of the overexcavated depth. i.e. 1 : 1 VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER: Bill of Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. was advised of our recommendations. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict David Young Town of Vail; FlELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS.THE PUIUC AM) OURSELVES. All REPORTS ARE SMARM)AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CLIENTS. AM AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICA- TION OF STATU ENTS. COW:USTONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES Wll BE DISPOSED OF AFTER TESTING IS COMPLETED (MUSS OTICR AAN ANQELUttT3 ARE AGREED TO IN WRJTUW. A member d Yw { PM oengadw Chen @Northern,Inc. Consulting Esvan.sono end Solorsti.ls REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90 5-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 15 SHEET 2 of 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Elevator Pad #3, North Building; Pads B-15 & D-12.4, Existing Southwest Building REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL- Elevator Pad #3 Subgrade #4 Dowels #5 @ 12 0.C. 16" 0.C. Each Way, Top & Bottom Grid Lines B-15 Subgrade 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F3 Grid Lines D-12.4 Subgrade 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F2 SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Q PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AHD CXINFit OK ❑ coNTRAcroR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick 0 PART—TI E OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COS4LP ANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE_DGAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A Wilk PRORCITON 1R) CLDfI7. THE rustic AM OAEIET.W3. All REPORTS ARE SMARTED Al THE OOfiDEMW. PIIOPOtTY OF OM QETTT3. AW AUTTIOROAT1ON MIT PUR[TG- T.0H or STATT)mNTi. OOM LLty0R4 OR fXT6(CfS F}RO(L OR RCDA1011147 OCR REPORTS 13 RfaERWD PO(0ND OUR 1111f1TU4 APPROVAL- SA(FLEJ W U- 6E Dt9'03EO OF AFTER TE511F 6 CO 1' 1iD 1.1141313 O11UR MIRANOELETJT3 ME AGREED TO fN *f 1TN4 A m.n..r of Rh(I II H J y, .( '+.. Chen @Northern,Inc. C.n.utung Eng4wi s,d sotonu.i. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 16 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE TD Line 4.2-6.2, TC.6 Line 6 to 7.3 RETNFORC LNG LOCATION ELEVATION COWfEMS VEFMCAL • HORIZONTAL: • TD Line 4.2 to 6 Subgrade 2 #5 Cont.Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32" O.C. Grid Lines TD-5 Subgrade 6 #6 & 9 #6 Footing Type F17 Grid Lines TD-6 Subgrade 6 #5 & 10 #5 Footing Type F22 Grid Lines TC.6-7 Subgrade 6 #6 Each Way Footing Type F7 spE in cAnoNS: sirn.. caux: 60 ® PUNS USED REINFORCING Ct.EANUNESS: OK ❑ SHOP OR MINDS USED CLEARANCE AND cOVEJR OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVrsED SAUCING: SPECIFICATIONS: ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick 0 PART-TIME OBSERVATION F7NI I INPLACE COIALPIANCE MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS REQUIREUEMS RE-E%/UAINED WHEN INfT%ALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A 1AllUAL PROTELTION 70 CLEM. ME MOM AND 0M3ELM. ALL RLPORT7 ARE 3U131311lD A3 TPE OOIfUO41W PROPERTY OF OUR auiT3. AM)AUTHORTZAT10N TOR PURLICA- 1104 Cr STATEMENTS. COMCLU310M3 OR fXTRAC 3 FROM OR REOARONO OUR REPORTS R RCKERM POR AMO OUR M■TTEN Mr . 3A1PlD WI. EE COMMA Or AFTER TEJTTIO 6 COMPUTED 134133 O1TER APIMNOELENTI ARE AGREED TO N IKKITKI. A n..,,..r .( IM(I-1 I H Jon.* « oon eonles CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 17 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 98% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: 225 Cat TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None Added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required 1 LABORATORY I FIELD _ DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Below Footing Pads (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 6 Pad, Grid 9.6 F Grade 138.1 5.3 139.4 6.4 100 Silty Sandy Gravel with Cobbles 7 Footing, Line F, 2' Below I Silty Sandy 9 to 9.5 Grade 138.1 5.3 131.4 7.3 95 Gravel with Cobbles 7A Retest of #7 2' Below Silty Sandy Grade 138.1 5.3 136.4 8.5 99 Gravel with Cobbles FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Bill PROGRESS REPORT: Some moist fill beneath footing Line F, 9 to 9.5 was recommended to be removed and replaced with drier material. Additional compactive effort was also recommended. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies foRM M0.o4E107 5/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. ErvInoe. .n. Sar,u.t, REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DAT£: 6-1-92 c/o Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 17 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Existing Southwest Building 1 _ REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Line 7.9, F to H Subgrade 2 #5 Cont. Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32"O.C. Grid Lines G-7.9 Subgrade 9 #6 Each Way Footing Type F10 Grid Lines F-7.9 5 #5 3'8" Each Way Footing Type F2 Elevators #2 & 3 Pit Walls #4 Dowels @ 2 #5 Cont. Top 16" O.C. #4 @ 12" Cont. Hor. Grid Lines C.4-12 Subgrade 9 #6 Each Way Footing Type F11 sPEpFrAnors: srm GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED RIWORCING CLEANLMESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEFt OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: W£f.'IF1CA1rONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART—TIME OBSERVATION DISH INPLACE COMI.PIANCE NOWT REQUIREMENTS PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REjUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Al A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLQRs.1HE PUBIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPGRS ARE SURKETTED AS n E UOR*E0(TVL PROPERTY OF out aJE4TS. AND AUTMORDAT10N FOR PUiIIC.A- TION Or STATEMENTS. DON411310143 OR EXTRACTS FROM OR RE'aAK1Nao OUR REPORTS R RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN N'P11P.AL. SAMPLES TELL RE DISPOSED OF AFTER MTV JO 6 COVPI.ETED UNLESS O1MIR AMANCIEJENTS ME AAREED TO IN MMTNO, A n..nntoor .r V..f HIH J. eompani.r Chen @Northern,Inc ruy Encino.. wrg Sara)... REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-2-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler , DAILY REPORT NO. 18 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE New Building RIINFORC(NG LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Grid Lines G-9.3 Subgrade 11 #7 Each Way Footing Type F14 Grid Lines G-9.6 Subgrade 9 #6 Each Way Footing Type F12 Grid Lines B-12.9 Subgrade 6 #6 Each Way Footing Type F7 sPET CADONS: srEa. GRADE: 60 6J PLANS USED mmot mn CLEAHUNCM OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER: OK ❑ courRAcrog ADVISED SPLlCINC: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR svgs: TYPE Concrete Brick ® PART—TIME OBSERVATION FINISH 1NPIACE COMdLPIMFCE HE1CtiT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REAUIRE►IEHTS RE_EXMAINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Micahel Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AI A WIWL. PISOTEC11001 10 anus. THE MAX AHD OURSEI.M. ALL REPORTS ARE SMARM)M) As TEE 001•13IIMVL FROM TY OF OUR 0.1)115. A/D ALIMOPErATON FOR PURI,CA- T10N OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR IX11MC13 FROM OR REDAI Oln REPORTS 6 MS£RVED PERDNq am WRITTEN NTRO✓AL SA PLL3 MIL OE Oc71'OOED Or AFTU TTS NO 0 COUPLE-MD UNLESS 011CR ARIVNOWI.HTS ARE AORE1D 10 N wraTNGL A n.m+." of W.(f I IH 1'-4. « a..,,,Q,�.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 19 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION& MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None Added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required LABORATORY FIELD L DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY ' MOISTURE' PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. Footing Pad (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) I Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED I i 8 F-14 Pad 9.2 G Silty Sandy 2' East Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 131.0 9.6 95 1 Gravel with Cobbles 9 2' South of Pad I Silty Sandy F-2 9.7 G Slab Grade 138.1 5.3 130.9 7.2 95 Gravel with Cobbles 1 a I I r 1 I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT: Backfill was placed for below slab support around constructed footing pads. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict David Young FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies rmn MU.CMEIO7 5/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. Callao KIN - Se"nU.t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 19 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Footings REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COIJ UE NTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL: Grid Lines 9-9.5, Subgrade 2 #5 Cont.Top D.5-F & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32"0.C. #5 @ 12" 0.C. Transverse Grid Lines F-9.6 Subgrade 7 #6 6'8" Each Footing Type F8 Grid Lines 11 ,1- Way 12.4, G.2-G.3 Subgrade 2 #5 Cont. Top & Bottom, #4 Ties @ 32"0.C. Grid Lines C.4-15 Subgrade 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F3 Grid Lines D-15 5 #5 Each Way Footing Type F3 SPECIFICATIONS: STTn GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEViANICE AND COVER: OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SAUCING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete Brick la PART OBSERVATION FIN 1I1 INPLACE COULPIANCE HEIGHT UET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE_O(MIINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT • COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FlELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As A IAJTyx. P 1tCTIOM TO MOM T1. M PUCE ARO OUR IEWYTi3.ALL REPORTS ARE SURILTTID Al TIE O)*fIE/ENTTAL PROPERTY OF OUR QENT . NO AUTHORIZATION IDR PU[1Gl- 1I04 or STAmmons. ozmutsioRs OR fXTMCT3 ETON OR REUNIO OUR REPORT" d Rf,ERVED MOM OUR WRITTEN NT!O A. suie t3 Wf[l BE COMBED D OF AFTER TETTIIQ fS COUT EITD UNDO OTHER ARIMAI EM1 ARE AOREED TO N WIRITVAL A rnorrdwr of V.[WW1 I H 1 emu. .+ eom4oNr CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings, Grid 1, TA, TA.4, TG; Pads on 1.5 Line and Grid 2, Pad TF, and Pad TB 1.5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 38090 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 112:10 PM TIME ARRIVED: 12:35 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:50 PM SLUMP: 2 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.3% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 146.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:55 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: -- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-11-92 BY: Frank Potvin MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-14-92 96,500 6.07 1 28.94 3330 shear 28 6-4-92 129,000 6.08 29.03 4440 shear 28 6-4-92 137,500 6.08 29.03 4740 con/shear 28 6-4-92 130,500 6.06 28.84 4520 con/split 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; 9.05 FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Grid 7.3 to 9.6, C.6 Line BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900587 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:28 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN; 3:40 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-27-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-2-92 66,000 6.00 28.27 2340 con/split 28 6-23-92 28 6-23-92 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIM group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 wo JUN 6 iG02 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-27-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Elevator Pit Slab, Grid F & 8, Pad F-4 11.1-C.5, Pad F-3 11.1-C.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900607 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:22 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 2:55 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 9 pf 11 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 62 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET LINIT WEIGHT: 142.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:45 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-28-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-3-92 74,000 6.00 28.27 2620 con/shear 28 6-24-92 28 6-24-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads B-15, D-12.4, and Elevator Pit Slab No. 3. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 14 • TICKET NO. 900630 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:27 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:50 PM TIME PLACED: 3:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 of 15 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 64 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS; 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-29-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-4-92 72,500 6.08 29.03 2500 , con/split 28 6-25-92 28 6-25-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 p JUN 9 i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3 Pads, Grid Lines TB-3, TB-4 and TC-4. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 38138 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 12:06 PM TIME ARRIVED: 12:30 PM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:50 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: -- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: IN. AIR CONTENT: % WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:05 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: -- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-12-92 BY: Todd Gressett MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-15-92 76,000 6.05 28.75 2640 shear 28 6-5-92 108,500 6.07 28.94 3750 shear 28 6-5-92 107,000 6.07 28.94 3700 { shear 28 6-5-92 108,500 6.07 28.94 3750 shear DESIGN STRENGTH -- PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing TD Line 4.2 to 6, F-17 Pad TD-5, F 22 Pad TD 6, F-7 Pad TC.6-7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900668 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:26 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 5 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65 °F AIR TEMP: 50 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:20 PM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-1-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX 1 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) j (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7 6-5-92 78,500 6.08 29.03 2700 con/split 28 6-26-92 28 6-26-92 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential tn con fidensts ial property y of ped daun orr zwio for aprbvacation f es tawtemebs, coo onafor r ercg f or lrgd rdning rts other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 443 P01 APR 14 '92 14:20 Colorado Department of Health Ar Pollution Control Division Facsimile Transmission To: Gay __Murrain Vail Building Department FAX #: ! 1-479-2157 ._. From: STEVEN ENE Phone: j (303' 331-'8x92 .� Date: April 14, 1992_ _ _- . Time: FAX # 303-320-4079 Verification # 303-331-8500 Total number of pages (including cover sheet) : 4 COMMENTS: Please ctive jitea call if,,.,you have agiestions re lard .ng this �etter or the demolition/building permit. • • hAnunl.fax 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 443 P02 APR 14 '92 14:21 ��46 Telefax Nurabene ' of, 4 ✓ Main BmI g/Denrer 4210 East ith Avenue Ptarmigan Place/Deaver ' Denver, lorado 80220-3710 ( azo-ltsae Governor ROME$ *. P$one( 1 320-8338 FistNationa]Bank rin inY/Denver GOVePhor I 000);as s-osso JOEL KC�HN 1 Grand$Menton Office COLORADO (aoa) 248.7198 Interim Executive Director DEPARTMENT Pueblo Office (719)640-9441 OI'AHEALTH --- • April 14, 1992 ,Gary Murrain Vail Building Departnae t 75 South Frontage Rot Vail, CO 81657 (Sent by telefax) • Dear Gary: • Enclosed is a letter dated April 14, 1992 from Mr.Richard Erickson of Roth Asbestos and Environmental Consultants (RAEC) ad' ising the Air Pollution Control Division(Division)that "[T]he removal of the vinyl flooring material ', the second floor of the west wing was competed [sic] by Dominion yesterday. They also completed th-removal of the fireproofing inaterial....disposed of the fire door and removed the texture from the ceii g of the Bully Restaurant." It would appear, thereto e, that all asbestos containing materials have been removed from the LOBBY and WEST WING of tit:.Sonnenalp Hotel. Your office may now proceed with its demolition permitting process for these areas If the hotel only, Please be aware that, according to qtr. Erickson's letter, "...the east wing will continue to undergo • [asbestos] abatement ac ities commencing immediately upon completion of the teat-down in the west wing. Therefore,the t wing should continue to be held out of the demolition permit..." (emphasis added). The Division ti peas to be properly notified by Dominion Services, Inc. of this additional abatement at any time. The Division will contin e to work with Roth Asbestos and Environmental Consultants; Weitz-Cohen; Pierce, Segerberg&Sp,,h(PSS);and Mr. Johannes Fassler in coordinating proper asbestos abatement prior to any demolition renovation activities, and inform you of this project's changing status, We appreciate your con *tied cooperation in issuing permits only for those portions of the Sonnenalp Hotel deemed free of as• ma by the Division. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either me or Alan Saville at 1-331-8543. PiAid o»+ plc • • • • 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 443 P03 APR 14 '92 14:21 Gary Murrain April 14, 1992 page 2 Sincerely, COLORADO DEPAR 'NT OF HEALTH jr1;..A. Steven D. Fine, Sr. Ind' rial Hygienist Air Pollution Control I) '•ion cc: Rick Erickson, Johannes Fdssl , Son enalp Hotel Randy MacDo,; d, Dominion Services Gary D. Meggi.•n, Weitz-Cohen Ken A. O'Bry i. PSS '92 WP 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 443 PO4 APR 14 '92 14:22 b a Y a a n p 8 j,1 Y! Y a a . a - ,4 a m a . 4 D w a . b ,• W a w W 4 n a O T • a k p Y +. w w a » ■ w 0 G • a ,i C A A k tl and • 9 Y 9 9 N a iD w 6 bestos a .c a w n a a r w g G E viront'I'1enta1 l4Aprill . ,. onsultants a at a u # ttpo t`t#e+d Kansas City•St.Louis-Columbia-Da/os-Denver .Steve Fine 4 olorado Deponent of Health East ver,CO 80220 :SONNENALP HOTEL PROJECT Steve; I 's letter is intended to inform you that Dominion Services has just completed the •E . described in your letter dated 7 April to Gary Murrain in the Vail Building -, 1776 South Jackson Suite 904 ,erefore,I would appreciate you writing a letter to Mr.Murrain instructing him at all your requirements of that same letter have been,met,allowmg the demon- Denver,Colorado •n of the LOBBY and WEST WINO (basement, 1st fleoraincluding Bully B0210 estaurant] and second floor)to proceed.. The veil building Department should 3031759-0528 assured that all asbestos-containing material has been t io ved pro y. 8001444-7221 e removal of the vinyl flooring material in the second floor of the west wing as competed by Dominion yesterday. They also completed the removal of the eproofing material as originally designed,properly disposed of the fire door and • + •ved the texture from the ceiling of the Bully Restaurant. As,your letter ggests,the east wing will continue to undergo abatement activities commencing t :ediately upon completion of the tear-down in the west wing. Therefore,the wing should continue to be held out of the demolition permit for a period of .s•proximately three weeks. •e letter from you, accompanied by a telephone call., will be appreciated in ssisting the continuation of the project, Please send copies of all correspondence E+ Mr.Faessler and the rest of the design team. Please do not hesitate to call if you • questions or rormieets. 'espectfully Submitted, •OTH ASB k+ AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS,INC. tik,,,,m„ 4 : d E.Erickson ' •,iect Manager,Denver mice C: MR..JOHANNES FAESSUER,SoNNENAi.PHO'tEL • • • • s1a,5-,5 19-4jy`1 DUI-I HI I' UUHU1 I Y UJN I 66;5 PE11 TIHY 131 ' ROY Rd9d „ ,$`Deriver $ r, Governor (pas)322.X/76 PATRICIA A.NOLAN, MD, MPH 30 ,Qe°ver 3)329-1,529 Executive Director 51R�t Bella*,rnn+ee ( )35439 4214 East 11th Avenue one lextien Office Denver, Colorado 80220-3716 tom)248-7198 COLORADO Phone (303)320-8333 �n Pueblo s 1 DEPARTMENT OFAHEALTII Air Pollution Control Division Facsimile Transmission To: Ga M r, ' V-i1 :ui __r• De• : ,.e t FAX #: -479-21 From: SZLVFi FINL . Phone: (303) 331-8592 Date: M- 1 992 Time: FAX ,# 303-320-4079 Verification # 303-331-8500 Total number of pages (including cover sheet) : 4 COMMENTS: Phase cxive me a mall f you save any goes ions re.ard' • t. . - lette or e • - col tion •oil! n. ,•. :alit . hAsora3.faa 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 633 P02 MAY 01 '92 00:56 ROY ROMM " Dfiain 8iu.-.a6,Omer Governor 1303)322+9076 1' PtenuTSae Piece,Deavu' PATRICIA A. NOLAN, MD, MPH (am)320-U19 __...� Executive Director Prat Natload aunk NAM*.Denver (303)a55-6559 42W Est flth Avenue Grand 1uuctie■office ( )z13a198 Denver, Colorado 80720-3716 COLORADO Phone (303j 320-8333 (7S 54 Office i DEPARTMENT •••••.._.� OFAHEALTI May 1, 1992 - (• by ) Gary Murrain Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gary: Enclosed is a letter dated April 29, 1992 from Mc.Richard Erickson of Roth Asbestos and Environmental Consultants ( ,AEC) advising the Air Pollution Control Division(Division) that the abatement of the Sonnenalp Hotel by Dominion Services has been completed and that RAEC "performed and received acceptable final air clearance levels in all three floors of the east wing slated for demolition." The area abated is located west of section line"I"on the demolition plans. Mr_Roth has assured the Division that "all asbestos was removed from the area intended to be demolished." However, in a conversation with Mr. Erickson on Thursday, April 30, 1992, I inquired as to the aggressive air monitoring procedures employed by RAEC to clear the east wing. Mr. Erickson stated that he waved a"hard clipboard"to stir up the air in the containment prior to air monitoring,rather than using a leaf blower and circulating fans as required by the state's Regulation NR 8. Mr. Erickson apparently was unaware of the leaf blower requirement. This,unfortunately, casts some doubt on the reliability of the air monitoring results,which had shown that the asbestos levels in the work areas were below the maximum levels allowed by the regulation for clearing abatement projects. As a result, Z have sent one of our asbestos Inspectors,Alan Saville,to Vail this morning to inspect the Sonnenalp Hotel. If the Sonnenalp Hotel passes his visual inspection,your office may then proceed with its demolition permitting process for these areas of the hotel only. We appreciate your continued cooperation in issuing demolition permits only for those portions of the Sonnenalp Hotel deemed free of asbestos by the Division. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either me or Alan Saville at 1-331-8543, Sincerely, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH _r • Steven H. Fine, Sr. Industrial Hygienist Air Pollution Control Division 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 633 P03 MAY 01 ' d UU:b•( Gary Murrain May 1, 1992 page 2 cc: Rick Erickson, ROC Johannes F ssler, Sownalp Hotel Randy MacDonald, Dominion Services Gary D. Meggison,Weitz-Cohen Ken A. O'Bryan, PSS '92 WP 1.23.4. m1• 303-320-4079 DOH AIR QUALITY CONT 633 PO4 MAY 01 '92 08:57 IN • a • N • - Roth - . . - R • y • Ashen • . • • n Asbestos and • 29 April 1992 _ ....Environmental - • Consultants Incorporated Kansas City*St./atria•Coil/rabic•bane s-Denver Mr.Steve Fine Colorado Department of Health 4210 East 11th Ave. Denver,CO 80220 RE;SONNPNALP HOTEL PROJECT Dear Steve, This letter is intended to Inform you that the abatement by Dominion Services at the Son nenaip Hotel in Vail Is been completed as of this morning. 1776 South Jocksnn This firm erfarmed and received'acceptable final clearance levels in all three 'suite 904 floors of the east wing slated fbr demolition. This area abated is located west of section line'1"on the demolition plan,which consists of the remaining Phase I eh.nvvt,Cele kele portion of the project. if you will recall,your last letter to MA Murrain of the Vail 80210 Building Department,insixucted him to await your'instructions to release that par- 303,7 9 052 par- Ocular section of the east wing. You have our assurance that all asbestos was re- moved from the area intended to be demolished, The remaining structure will 800/444/221 remain intact,and is scheduled to be renovated next summer. The removal of texture from the drywall was accomplished by removing all dry- . wall in Its entirety. We found the time involved was drastically reduced when the gypboard was totally removed in Iieu of being scraped or pealed. All precast wails and ceilings were scraped by hand. All surfaces were then wet wiped and encapsulated before final clearances were taken. A letter from you,accompanied by a telephone call,will be appreciated in assisting the continuation of the project. Please send copies of all .orrespondence to Mr. Faessler and the test of the design team. Please do not hesitate to call if you any questions or comments. Respectf illy Submitted, ROTH MB Iv S AND ENVIROMENTAL CONSULTANTS,INC. '*chard E.Erickson RManager,Denver Office cc: mR.1OIIAbNE3 FAESSLER,SONNENALP HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL 42 West Meadow Drive Vail Fire Department Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2250 MEMORANDUM TO: GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING FICIAL FROM: MICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAL DATE: APRIL 14 , 1992 � ' .. RE: SONNENALP BAVARIA HOUSE - FIRE HYDRANT We held a meeting at 10: 00 A.M. this morning to designate the location for the new fire hydrant on the west side of the Sonnenalp. The location was derived through a consciences process and is marked on Sheet A 3 . 0 of the Fire Department's set of plans. The hydrant location is intended to be on Column Line 11, two feet east of the sidewalk, a minimum of four feet clearance from the back side of the hydrant, seven and one-half feet clearance on the sides, and fifteen feet clearance on the front side of the hydrant. The fire department connections for the standpipe and fire sprinkler systems will be located on the west wall of the building, approximately 20 feet south of the hydrant. In addition, it was agreed that the existing cut on East Meadow Drive will be used to make the new six inch tap for the fire sprinkler main. The line will be run at an angle with the required thrust blocks and kickers. The participants at the meeting were: Bill Ransdell, B & B Excavating Jim Shaffer, B & B Excavating Ken Hughey, Public Works Department Greg Hall, Public Works Department Mike Brake, Public Works Department Pete Burnett, Public Works Department Andy Knudtsen, Community Development Bill Schierkolk, Total Plumbing Michael McGee, Fire Marshal cc: Participants Dick Duran, Fire Chief ECT„Pitt) 92 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads, Grids TB-5, TC-5, TC-3, D-13, D-14, C.4-13 and D-13.5; BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 38193 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 12:00 Noon TIME ARRIVED: 12:30 PM TIME PLACED:12:38 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:60's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:45 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: IN, AIR CONTENT: % WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:55 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: -- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-13-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT LINIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-19-92 90,500 6.07 28.94 3130 columnar 28 6-9-92 28 6-9-92 28 6-9-92 DESIGN STRENGTH --- PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing & Pad F-2, Grid TC,2; Footing, East Side 3 to 7.8; Footings & Pads H.7 4.8 to 7.8; Pad C.314; Pad B.14; Pad B 14.25. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 38289 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 11:55 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:35 PM TIME PLACED:12:45 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:60's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:05 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-15-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-21-92 74,500 5.99 1 28.18 2640 columnar 28 6-11-92 28 6-11-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Northeast Elevator Pit Slab, Grid TC.5 to TD 1.7 to 2.25; Pads, Grid H.7-3.8 & H,-6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 39365 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 1:23 PM TIME ARRIVED: 1:50 PM TIME PLACED: 2:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:10 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CLIRING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-19-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 8 5-26-92 78,000 6.00 28.27 2760 con/shear 28 6-15-92 28 6-15-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, Grid TA, 5-6; Line 6, TA to TB; Elevator Walls, TC.5 to TC.9 BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 38408 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:44 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:10 PM TIME PLACED: 3:25 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: -- °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:30 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-20-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-26-92 75,500 6.00 28.27 2670 con/split 28 6-16-92 28 6-16-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing, H Line, 7.9 to 9.5; Footing, 11.1 Line, H to G; Pad, F-9, 11.1 G; Pad F-21, 5.8 to 7.25; Pad F, 17 to 4 Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 TICKET NO. 900531 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:35 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:01 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO, OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-22-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-28-92 74,500 6.00 28.27 2640 con/split 28 6-18-92 28 6-18-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Line 3.1 to 3.8 TD Line, Pad F-4 Line TD-3, Footing TC.5 to TC.2 Line 3, Pad F-2 Line 3 TC.6, Footing Line 2 TC.1 to TC.5, Pad F-6 Line TC.6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 900559 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:35 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 of 11 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 138.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-23-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-29-92 80,500 6.00 28.27 2850 con/split 28 6-19-92 28 6-19-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 PI ,r, ARCHITECTS • C & '-PAA. ILI 'lrL CI T'Q SEfl'I' 1L 1000 South Frontage Road West VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ;; DATE_ _ JOB'NO. ,', m: (303) 476-4433 ATTENTION RE: , l TO ,�� �a , -& i,/61,7---"fr.e.,,,, .„,,,,,,_....._ ____,e, . .....,_,_ 40 > WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: hop drawings , ❑ Prints I: Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION / r sue' a,e* _ G T +ter — d - –.�. r "T°"'� THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval or your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS II COPY TO � "i7 ..-C_ s / A4011, r SIGNED: ____ei.�... PRODUCT 240-3"/N .s/In.,Groton.Mass 01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify s at once. t r/• u- • r'}) p. 6 W.° ,ME9. ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 1 a ..�.� - . 92 "" A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials .rseb• rm EVALUATION REPORT Report No.2728 Copyright© 1991 ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc April, 1991 Filing Category:EXTERIOR COATINGS (060) DRYVIT OUTSUTATION®EXTERIOR ing, using a U-notched trowel. ADEPS adhesive is for use with INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM wood-based sheathing only. DRYVIT SYSTEMS,INC. b.Dryvit Primus/Adhesive:The adhesive is mixed with Type I portland ONE ENERGY WAY cement in a ratio by weight of one to one and is applied to the entire back WEST WARWICK,RHODE ISLAND 02893 surface of the insulation board with a rounded U-notched trowel to pro- duce a minimum 1/4-inch-wide bead,3/8-inch-deep and spaced maximum I.Subject:Dryvit Outsulation®Exterior Insulation and Finish System. 1 1 /y inches on center, II.Description:A.General:The Oryvit Outsulation®exterior insulation Dryvit primus/adhesive mixture is not for adhering to wood-based and finish system is a four-component system that may be applied to verti- sheathing. cal substrates of masonry,concrete,exterior plaster,water-resistant core 4.Attachment:The coated insulation board is immediately placed hori- gypsum sheathing complying with U.B.C.Standard No.47-10 and sound, zontally in running bond on the suostrate and slid into place, Firm ores- unpainted exterior grade code-complying wood-based sheathing such as sure is then applied to the entire surface to ensure complete contact be- plywood and nonveneer boards,except for fiberboard.The system may tween the coated insulation board and the substrate and to ensure that also be applied in limited horizontal applications such as soffits.The four board edges abut tightly.No adhesive is permitted between the boards. components consist of an adhesive,molded expanded polystyrene insu- Temporary fasteners may be used especially where contours exist,to lation board,a woven glass fiber fabric embedded in the base coat,and ensure adequate contact between the coated insulation board and the sub- a synthetic plaster finish.See details in this report for typical installation. strate during the drying period.Care should be taken when removing the B.Materials:1.Dryvit Adhesives:a. Dryvit ADEPS Adhesive:Dryvit fasteners to avoid damage to the insulation board. ADEPS adhesive is a premixed,fully formulated,water-based acrylic co- Once the insulation board has been installed,a minimum of 24 hours polymer and is for use with wood-based sheathing only. must elapse prior to additional work on the surface. b.Dryvit Primus/Adhesive:The Dryvit primus/adhesive is a copolymer 5.Coating and Reinforcing Fabric:a.Base Coat:Using a stainless steel dispersion with a quartz sand aggregate that is made to be mixed with Type trowel or spray equipment,the Dryvit primus/adhesive mixture is applied k,___) I portland cement. to the entire exposed surface of the insulation board to a uniform thick- 2.Insulation Board:The insulation board is a molded rigid expanded ness of inch.Up to 1 cup of water may be added to 5 gallons of adhe- polystyree insulation board with a nominal density of 1 pound per cubic sive to enhance the workability of the mixture.The reinforcing fabric is n foot,Class I flame-spread rating and a smoke-density rating not exceeding placed against the wet adhesive mix and,by troweling from the center to the edges,the fabric is completely embedded.The fabric is continuous s 450.The board is available in thicknesses ranging from /4 inch to 4inches over corners and is lapped not less then 21/2 inches at fabric edges. and in maximum widths of 24 inches and maximum lengths of 4 feet. b.Finish:After the Dryvit primus/adhesive mixture coating has dried a 3.Dryvit Base Coat:The Dryvit base coat consists of one or more layers minimum of 24 hours,the Dryvit finish material may be applied.The mate- of reinforcing fabric fully embedded in the primus/adhesive•mixture rial is mixed with a high-speed mixer uritil a uniform workable consistency applied to the outside surface of the insulation board. is attained.Clean water may be added to adjust workability in accordance 4.Dryvit Reinforcing Fabric:The Dryvit reinforcing fabric is a balanced with the manufacturer's instructions. The coating is spray or trowel open-weave glass fiber made from twisted multiend strands and treated applied directly to the reinforced base coat and is leveled in the same oper- for compatibility with the other materials.The mesh weighs approximately ation.When the finish has gelled,the desired texture is achieved by a vari- 4.3 ounces per square yard with a 12 x 6 thread count,and having mini- ety of motions with trowels or floats.The final nominal thickness is ap- mum 150 pounds per inch width tensile strength. proximately 1/18 inch.See Figure No.1 for further details. 5.Dryvit Finish:The Dryvit finish is composed of natural mineral aggre- . D. Wind Design: 1. General: Allowable transverse wind pressures gates and fillers,colored pigments and an acrylic latex emulsion. based on systems installed in accordance with this report are set forth in this section.Adequacy of the framing system to resist the applied C.Application:1.General:All exposed edges of insulation board must loads must be investigated. Maximum allowable deflection of structural wall be wrapped with the reinforcing mesh fully embedded in the primus/adhe- components is 1/240 of span. sive mixture. 2.Where the system is applied to complying wood-based sheathings 2.Substrates:The substrates are to be structurally sound,clean,dry other than fiberboard,installed in accordance with Chapter 25 of the code, and smooth,with all dust and deleterious materials removed.There are allowable loads specified in the code may be used. to be no planar irregularities exceeding 1/4 inch in a 4-foot radius. 3.Where the system is applied to minimum 1/2-inch-thick water-resis 3.Adhesives:a.Dryvit ADEPS Adhesive:The adhesive is applied direct- tant core gypsum sheathing fastened to 35/8-inch-deep, No. 18 gauge ly to the entire back surface of the insulation board as a continuous coat- steel studs or nominal 2 inch by 4 inch wood studs,spaced a maximum Evaluation reports of ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc.,are issued solely to provide information to Class A members of ICBO,utilizing the code upon which the report is based.Evaluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed noras an endorsement or recommen- dation for use of the subject report. This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant.The ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc.,technical staff has reviewed the _ test results and/or other data,but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification.There is no warranty by ICBO Evaluation Service,Inc.,express or implied,as to any"Finding"or other matter in the report or as to any product covered by the report.This disclaimer includes,but is not limited to,merchantability. Page 1 of 6 A 1 Pa-ge 2 c` 6 Report No.2728 • of:16 inches on center,with No.6 by minimum 15/8-inch-long self-drilling struction without affecting the hourly rating.The one-and two-hour sys- . buglehead drywall screws spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center,a pos- tems described below may be applied to walls required to be of noncom- itive wind load of 55 pounds per square foot and a negative wind load of bustible construction;Installation is as described in paragraph I I E except 40 pounds per square foot,can be resisted, for the following: 4.Where the system is applied to the substrate described in Section II 1.One-hour-rated wall:The exterior stud face is covered with one layer D-3 fastened to 6-inch-deep,No.16 gauge steel studs or nominal 2-inch of5/-inch-thick Type Xwater-resistant core gypsum sheathing.The interi- by4-inch wood studs,spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center,with No. or face is covered with one layer of 5/8-inch-thick Type X gypsum wall- 6 by minimum 15/8-inch-long self-drilling buglehead drywall screws board,Both facings are attached with minimum 13/4-inch-long Type S dry- spaced a maximum of 4 inches on center, a positive wind load of 55 wall screws spaced 8 inches on center along the board perimeter and 12 pounds per square foot and a negative wind load of 70 pounds persquare inches on center in the field.Joints are taped and,along with screwheads, foot,can be resisted. are covered with joint compound. 5.Where the system is applied to the substrate described in Section 11 2.Two-hour-rated wall:The exterior stud face is covered with two lay- D-3 fastened to 35/8-inch-deep, No. 16 gauge steel studs or nominal ers of 5/8-inch-thick Type X gypsum sheathing,the face layer being the wa- 2-inch by 4-inch wood studs,spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center, ter-resistant core type. Interior faces are covered with two layers of with No. 6 by minimum 15/8-inch-long self-drilling buglehead drywall 5/8-inch-thick Type X gypsum wall board. The base layer is attached to screws spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center,a positive wind load of studs with minimum 13/4-inch-long Type S drywall screws and the face 55 pounds per square foot and a negative wind load of 40 pounds per layer with minimum 23/8-inch-long Type S drywall screws,spaced 8 in- square foot can be resisted. ches on center along the perimeter and 12 inches on center in the field of 6.Where the system is applied to the substrate described in Section II the boards.All vertical joints between boards fall on studs and are stag- D-3 fastened to 35/8-inch-deep,No.20 gauge steel studs with 0.16-inch gered 16 inches on center.Joints are taped and,along with screw heads, by minimum 15/8-inch-long,panhead self-drilling screws with 0.43-inch- are covered with joint compound. head spaced a maximum of 6 inches on center, a positive and negative G.1990 Accumulative Supplement to the U.B.C.:This report is unaf- wind load of 30 pounds per square foot for stud spacing of 16 inches on fected by the Supplement. center and 20 pounds per square foot for stud spacing of 24 inches on H.identification:Material containers are identified by the manufactur- center,can be resisted. er's name,address and the product name.insulation boards are delivered 7.Where the system is applied to minimum 2.5 pounds per square yard in sealed polyethylene bags bearing the word"Outsulation."Additionally, diamond mesh metal lath that is fastened through minimum 1/2-inch-thick one edge of each board will bear the wording"Outsulation_*,'ICB0 water-resistant core gypsum sheathing to 6-inch-deep,No.16 gauge steel ES Evaluation Report No. 2728—RADCO (NER-0A204), Underwriters studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center,with No.6 by minimum Laboratories Inc.(NER-0A403)or Inspection Concepts(AA-611)." One 15/8-inch-long self-drilling buglehead drywall screws with 3/16-inch-diam- board in each bag bears the same wording on each face. eter metal washers,spaced 6 inches on center around the perimeter and - Listing number and plant identification number of block molder. , 10 inches on center in the field of the sheathing board,a negative and posi- tive wind load of 60 pounds per square foot can be resisted. iII.Evidence Submitted:Reports of tests in accordance with ICB0 ES ' -- 8.If in the system described in Section II D-7,3.4 pounds per square Acceptance Criteria for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems, dated yard metal lath,No.18 gauge steel studs and 0.16-inch-diameter mini- June, 1990, reports of tests in accordance with U.B.C. Standards Nos. mum 15/8-inch-long self-tapping panhead screws at 6 inches on centerare 17-6,42-1 and 43-1,application instructions,quality control manual for substituted, a negative and positive wind load of 50 pounds per square the insulation board and product brochures. foot can be resisted. 9.When the system is applied to masonry,concrete or exterior plaster Findings substrate,a negative wind load of 70 pounds per square foot can be re- Iv.Findings:That the Dryvit Outsulation Exterior Insulation and Fin- sisted. ish System described in this report complies with the 1988 Uniform E.Noncombustible Construction:Application to walls required to be of Building Code,subject to the following conditions: noncombustible construction requires 35/8-inch,minimum No.16 gauge steel studs at 16 inches on center,maximum.One layer cf 1/2-inch-thick 1. Construction is as set forth in this report and the manufacturer's regular gypsum wallboard is installed vertically to interior stud flanges. instructions. One-half-inch-thick water-resistant core gypsum sheathing complying 2. The insulation board is separated from the building interior with with U.B.C.Standard No.47-10 is applied to the exterior stud flanges hori- a thermal barrier complying with Section 1712 of the code. zontally in a similar manner except for joints being staggered from those 3. The system may be installed on walls required to be of noncom- of the interior wallboard.The sheathing and wallboard are fastened to bustible construction,provided there is compliance with para- studs in accordance with Table No.47-G of the code using No.6 drywall graph II E of this report. screws.Openings between floors and walls must be blocked with safing 4. Installation is by listed contractors approved by Dryvit Systems, insulation. Openings in walls must be framed with No. 16 gauge steel Inc. flashing.The rest of the construction is as described in paragraph II C of this report using Dryvit primus adhesive.The insulation board is limited 5. Installation cards as shown in Exhibits A and B must be com- to a maximum thickness of 4 inches. pleted by the EIFS applicator and the sealant installer,andpres- F.Fire-resistive Construction:The Dryvit Outsulation System may be ented to the building official at the completion of each project. applied over exterior fire-rated walls required to be of combustible con- This report is subject to re-examination in one year. m This Spec-Data Sheet conforms to editorial style prescribed by iiiii The Construction Speciticalions Institute.The manufacturer is'e- sponsrble fo,technical accuracy, E CD >, fA L .? 1. PRODUCT NAME • Not for use on the inside sur- tance; chemical resistance; mil- ii Dryvit® Outsulation® face of walls. Dryvit Finish (with- dew resistance;water absorption; ors Exterior Insulation and Finish out insulation)may used for in- water leakage of wall assembly c System terior applications- with joints; moisture resistance; °_ • Use of vapor barriers on in- rain resistance;absorption-freeze. `ts 2. MANUFACTURER side of walls depends on the spe- Structural: Wind load capacity z !co cific wall design,climate, building of wall assemblies based on full `c Dryvit System, Inc. use, etc. Consult Dryvit System, scale tests; impact resistance; a o One Energy Way inc. for free computerized water bond strength. � •- P.O. Box 1014 vapor transmission analysis. Fire: FM Corner Test; modified y X West Warwick, RI 02893 • Surfaces to which product ASTM E108 Test;ICBO Room Cor w Tel: (401) 822-4100 may be applied include concrete, ner Test; ASTM E119; Full Scale C brick, block, and exterior grade Multi Story Building Fire Tests. 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION gypsum sheathing. Many other Basic Use:The Dryvit System is substrates can be used; consult < ® a lightweight, wall cladding sys- Dryvit System, Inc. for details. 5. INSTALLATION cn tem which provides a weathering • Must be installed at ambient •c surface and insulation on outside conditions of 40° F or above, and Preparatory Work: K m face of exterior walls of buildings remain so for 24 hours. • Inspect substrate for proper 3 of all sizes and types. It can be in- • Insulation must be separated type and condition. d Nr stalled on-site directly onto the from the`interior of the building by • Mix Primus/Adhesive' with A 3 = rn building wall, or prefabricated off a material having a 15 minute"fin- Portland Cement in 1:1 ratio by site as panels having metal frames. - 1, ish"(fire)rating per building codes. weight. w Outsulation is installed only by Applicable Standards: Methods: H contractors trained by Dryvit Sys- >, • Basic Building Code(BOCA) • Apply Primus Adhesive Mix- ) Section 1319.4 and Research Re- ture to Dryvit Insulation Board teComposition and Materials: port No. 78-98. with trowel in specified pattern. arin 2, • Dryvit Primus Adhesive: A • Standard Building Code Sec- Install insulation on wall and allow IS 100% acrylic-based adhesive. tions 717 and 608.4, and Compli- to cure. Field-mixed with Portland ance Report No. 7218. • Apply Primus Adhesive Mix- 12 Cement. • Uniform Building Code(ICBO) ture with trowel to entire surface m — • Dryvit Reinforcing Meshes: Section 1712 and Research of insulation and embed Reinforc- m cn An open weave,treated glass fiber Report No 2728'. ing Mesh in wet adhesive. Lap -' c mesh, available in various • HUD Material Release No. mesh joints. Allow to cure. ° D strengths. 883b. • Stir Finish until homo- ={ • Dryvit Finish:A 100% acrylic- • HHS Bulletin No. 30. genous. Apply Finish to dry rein- c Z based, factory colored, textured forced adhesive coating with finish coating, available in various trowel. Texture with trowel to o' textures and colors. 4. TECHNICAL DATA match approved sample. D • ryvit Insulation: A special Insulation:R1 =3.8/inch 75°F. • Detailed installation pro- R° 1.0 pcf expanded polystyrene in- FlamespreadlSmoke Developed cedures are available. Alternate sulation board. rating, per ASTM E84: less than application methods exist, such Limitations: 25/450. as spraying of certain finishes. ? • Maximum insulation thick- Coatings: Flamespread per Contact Dryvit System, Inc.for de- Cl). ness: 4". Minimum insulation ASTM E84: less than 25. tails and assistance. N Fi thickness: 3/4". Insulation board Dryvit System: Reports are 3 size: 2' x 4' maximum. available on request for the follow- • Use on sloped surfaces ing tests: depends on the specific project: General Physical Properties: T*° ,�,,.,,.. D,03. 1..•T . ,,, ,,E,,. rluu`9 lrc� (. d?�-^S �r;..,g"'•l t., CSI. lySa, usually 6/12 minimum. Consult Accelerated weathering; salt i°`5. 1955, 1'f /, rn1 u:,, t, ,`.�•--,•..,,c, ,r ,hF Dryvit System, Inc.for exceptions. spray; freeze-thaw; abrasion resis- ;��:o"Ct12j5vrn I� t Ir:, Y.'a;"�g DS 124 07200 Precautions: Dryvit direct sales personnel. 8. MAINTENANCE • Observe manufacturer's re- • Insulation board is obtained • Low maintenance product. quirements for temperature dur- locally from approved sources • Soiled surfaces, or surfaces ing installation. through authorized Distributor or which are desired to have their (' • Do not "water-down" adhe- Dryvit direct sales personnel. color changed, may be recoated 1 I' sive or Finish, or change adhe- • Available in 50 states, Can with Dryvit RevyvitTM coating. sive/cement ratio. ada and overseas. Delivery time • Maintenance products and • Observe manufacturer's rec- varies up to several weeks de- instructions are available;contact ommendations and specifications pending on order size, color, sea- Dryvit System, Inc. for joint locations,details and pro- son and availability of transporta- per application techniques. tion; 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES • Protect the Dryvit System Cost: and adjacent work during installa- • Contractor price list for Full-time staff of R & D, tion and while curing. Finish, Reinforcing Mesh and design/application, regional sales • Protect unused materials Primus/Adhesive is available;con- managers and field service per- from damage and freezing. With tact authorized Distributor or Dryv- sonnel available on request for as- prefabricated panels, protect from it direct sales personnel for cur- sistance in all phases of the proj- damage during lifting,moving and rent information. ect. storage. • Consult local trained contrac- • Use only sealants approved tors for installation costs: names 10. FILING SYSTEMS by Dryvit System, Inc. at joints. available on request. • Extensive literature is available. • Observe requirements of • Consult Distributor or direct Contact Dryvit System Inc.for ad- building codes,Research Reports, sales personnel for insulation ditional catalogs, technical and and product approvals. board prices. applications literature. • Sweet's Architectural Catal- 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST 7. WARRANTY og. Availability: • Manufacturer offers three- • SPEC-DATA' II. • Primus/Adhesive,Finish and year limited warranty on materials. Reinforcing Meshes available • Labor warranty available from from authorized Distributor or trained contractor. mamma== lD MEM CI INSEMDRESIMIT El SUBMTISPECFIED IMO CHECKING IS ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ANY ACTION SHOWN IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS. CONTRACTOR JS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIMENSIONS WHIUH SHALL BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE FABRICA11ON PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION OF HIS WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES AND THE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK. Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Architects, P.C., M .A. Vail, CO/ RATE y 6.Pfe6 a � o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-6-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Slab, West Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925599 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:10 AM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:25 AM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-7-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-13-92 86,500 6.09 29.13 2970 con/split 28 8-3-92 28 8-3-92 I , I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, ,CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Deck Slab, Second Level, North Section. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER; B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12SS TICKET NO. 925714 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:15 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:10 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/64/96 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:15 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4:-2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:30 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 4A 7-13-92 79,500 6.00 28.27 2810 1 con/split I 7A 7-16-92 1 1 1 I I I I I 28A 8-6-92 f J 28A 8-6-92 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads, C-9.5 & TA-8.5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: 8 & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5512 TICKET NO. --- MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:59 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:30 PM TIME PLACED: 4:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 80°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:50 PM SLUMP: 3 IN, AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Covered DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Dick McDermott MIN/MAX i l l 1 1 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS 1 TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) I (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 78 7-16-92 1 28B 8-6-92 28B l 8-6-92 l I 1 1 I 1 1 l l 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr, Dan Stanek; I Dick McDermott Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No, CME113A 2/91 • INDEPENDENT TESTING &- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonn nalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-15-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Shop Inspection @ Zimkor Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" , O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. C/k41/- David L. uron President cc: Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING &° INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenal P erties 12ur�avnsEFNCOURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 P p CONI ER,COLORADO 80433 (3u.3)6747560 Page 2 of 4 SHOP INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-15-92 Field Made Welds: Shop Made Welds: X Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded below. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1,1 and Project Standards List components tested and inspected on "Shop Inspection Log" sheet(s) and attach. NONCONFORMING SHOP • INSPECTED ITEMS Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Refer to the conditions by line item number provided in the left hand column of the "Shop Inspection Log" sheet. Also, list the appropriate, assigned O.D. item number (must be suffixed by "S") and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The attached "Shop Inspection Log"sheet lists those fabricated components selected for weld quality verification. In addition to these selected components, two loaded flat beds of components were randomly viewed for weld quality. Of the components viewed, no welding deficiencies were observed. The remaining connections inspected, as described in the aforementioned format, were found to be in conformance to the stated criteria. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12054 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 SHOP INSPECTION LOG SHEET • Page 3 of 4 Inspector: 1)A yid 1. ,c772 &■40Ai ITIS Job No. :Q0 ' 9 2 Date: -70-'?2._ 2. V. I. Dimen. ' Item Qty. Mark# Component Welds A-6 Camber Insp. NDT Comments 1 2_ 2 ,24b i l3�OG� 2 / 22/ 5'&'t' ,. 3 l Ic.•..LalO y 4 / 2/..)-47',09 4' 11 5 ! 122/65f: fitA/Y1F_ r/ 6 1 2299 e ✓ �/ 2 22/G0 C t• ✓ ,/ 8 _ 2 1_2 9 s- 9- 2 2.zf aD �✓ ✓ 10 Z �9zc „ ✓ 11 12 / 22g2C 13 2 2�/.23 ✓ ✓ 14 I 24/sZ A 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1 I I INDEPENDENT TESTING E INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90 Sonnena 1 p Properties CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 4 INITIAL SHOP/FIELD VERIFICATIONS OF WELDING OPERATIONS Verifications performed in: Shop X Field Verification of conformance to: AWS 01.1 and Project Standards The following items concerning welding operations have been verified by physical inspection or review of prepared documentation. X Current welder qualifications and certification as applicable to the employed processes. Certifications attached Certifications on file with General Contractor X Certifications on file with Fabricator X _ Verification of welding consumables to be utilized in welding operations Verification of welding procedures Verification of welding sequence Attached Verification of distortion control Attached X Verification of conformance of proposed weld joint with prequalified status Verification of conformance of proposed weld joints without pre-qualified status but with adequate documentation of qualification W.P.S. and P.Q. R. attached for Engineering review Other inspections or concerns: None INDEPENDENT TESTING &-- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 vASEEN COURT p p CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh (303)674-7560 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 page_l _of 2 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-16-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail . Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. )7T5/ id` L. St rseoV President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 2 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded below. Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Foundation Footing connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TD line 3 to 6 lines, 1 line from TD east Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Tee to beam and beam to column Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 4 to 6 and TF to TA lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh (303)674-7560 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-26-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fe r \to ontact ITIS at your convenience. David 1 u ------ President cc : Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING E INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date:. 6-26-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:. Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 2 North core beam to embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:_ 2 line and 3 line. TC.6 and TB.7 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. A few of the shear plate fillets were found undersized and marked for correction and also reviewed with the Erector. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Strapped moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TE between 4 and 5, TE between 3.3 and 4 and One line between TB.4 and TB.9 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING &- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12064 VASEEN COURT Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING • Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-26-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS j)1. 1<-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Fou I . ill • • 0" - . •I Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 6 line south Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Beam to embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Along C.8 line, F line and E line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The alignment of the double anble to embed plate only allows for Q" deviation before the vertical welds cannot be placed. The double angle width is 8" and the embed plate width is 82". Due to this condition, all connections have one angle that cannot be welded. This condition was reviewed with the General Contractor for immediate correction. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. - INDEPENDENT TESTING F INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnenalp Properties CONFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-26-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds, Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At TB and C.8 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The cast-in embed is missing and the connection cannot be completed. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Properties CONIFER. COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh (303)874-7560 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , Co 81657-5063 Page 1 of 5 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: -30-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnenaip Properties CONIFER,COLORADO 60433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 5 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 6-30-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.) : As recorded below. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 2 Decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North of 7 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Decking has started and although not complete, the sortion viewed was found to be conformity• to the aislicable standards. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Edge angle welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West ' e- I 4 ' 14 of ' 1 - Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List.. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnena 1 p Properties CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 5 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060R92 Date: 6-30-92, Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:. Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X .Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded below. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 Ogre beam to e b .d connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North core walls. Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. At the northeast corner of the core the •mbed in - tion is net . a it. Si . . . •. the Erector for completion. Level or Elevation: Level 3 Welded moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TA. 1 between 3 and 4 line, TO between 4 and 5 lines and TA.1 between 5 and 5.7 lines. Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING f-. INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER,COLORADO DO 8T Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 5 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING • Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ,ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 6-30-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded below. Applicable Code or Standard •. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Levels 2 to 3 Stairway welds Grid line location.(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North and 7 line stairways Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Embeds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North core Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. ITIS previously reported undersized embed welds. These connections have been reworked and are now found to be conforming. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING &F INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Sonnenalp Properties CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Job No. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 5 of 5 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF • STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 6-30-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and D.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level 2 from 7 line north Bolted connections were viewed for conformance to AISC Standards for A-325 bearing connections which includes installation and tensioning. The results find no conditions of nonconformance. Additional Page Attached 2est e,, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Northwest Quadrant, New Building, Slab-on-Grade. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 900223 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:21. AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:50 AM TIME PLACED: 7:55 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 60 °F AIR TEMP: 45°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 7:55 AM SLUMP: 5 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:10 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX l CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7A 1 6-23-92 I 89,500 6.07 28.94 3090 f con/split I l 28A 7-14-92 124,000 5.99 28.18 4400 con/split 28A 7-14-92 I 121,500 6.04 28.65 4240 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: A slump was performed at the truck discharge with 6". Final sampling taken from end of pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Line 12.2 from C.3 to C.6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER; B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 16 TICKET NO. 900259 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:14 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:40 PM TIME PLACED: 3:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:10 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site — CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX { { { CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. { TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) { FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B { 6-23-92 { 94,500 6.07 28.94 3270 { con/shear 28B 7-14-92 114,500 6.08 29.03 r 3940 con/shear 28B � 7-14-92 { 97,500 6.08 29.03 3360 shear I� I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan{ Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; { Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIM group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall Line 12.2, C.4 to C.8; Footings 9 to 10.5 & C.2, Pad C-10. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900308 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:33 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:05 PM TIME PLACED: 4:55 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 5:05 PM SLUMP: 6 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE *16 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 2 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 5:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-17-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD I DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-24-92 84,000 1 6.04 1 28.65 1 2930 1 conical 1 1 28 7-15-92 125,500 1 6.01 28.37 1 4420 con/split I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I l DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Only 2 cylinders were cast. Concrete was postponed one hour and concrete placement was delayed one hour. * 16 gallons of water added, as per contractor. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Added Wall Beam at Line 11.3; West Foundation Wall, Line 11.3 to 11.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 925668 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 3:08 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:35 PM TIME PLACED: 3:55 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-8-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 I I 1 7 7-14-92 170,500 5.98 28.09 6070 con/shear 28 8-4-92 I I 28 18-4-92 I I I I 1 I l I I 1 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 766t 0 Z 1121i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET I OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall Addition, Grids 9.6 to 11.1 & H.5 to I; Columns at C.4 & 9. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900212 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:27 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:00 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/A000M: 8 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:30 PM SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS'CAST: 4:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-16-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX 1 � � I � , CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE 1 DATE TOTAL LOAO DIAMETER AREA I COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 I E 1 7 6-22-92 89,000 6.07 28.94 I 3080 I con/shear 28 7-13-92 142,500 1 6.08 29.03 4910 con/shear 28 17-13-92 145,000 6.10 29.22 I 4960 con/shear 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 ! [ 1 I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-=Grade, Between Lines 1 & 8 from Line TD to Last Wall Line East. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 MB/24 JF TICKET NO. 900313/900314 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:03/7:08 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:00 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 63 °F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 7:55 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.9 JDB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 8/2 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:12 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-19-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 � 6-25-92 104,500 6.07 1 28.94 I 3610 conical I 1 28 7-16-92 125,000 6.07 28.94 1 4320 conical 1 28 17-16-92 1 124,500 1 6,07 28.94 I 4300 1 conical 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS • TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Two trucks unloaded simultaneously at pump. Sample taken from pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Deck Slab, Second Level, North Section. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12SS TICKET NO. 925714 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:15 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:10 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/64/96 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:15 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:30 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 4A 7-13-92 79,500 6.00 28.27 2810 con/split 7A 7-16-92 101,500 6.06 28.84 3520 conical 28A 18-6-92 I 28A 8-6-92 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads, C-9.5 & TA-8.5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5512 TICKET NO. --- MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:59 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:30 PM TIME PLACED: 4:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 0F AIR TEMP: 800F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:50 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Covered DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Dick McDermott MIN/MAX 1 I CYLINDER 1 CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF 1 WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B j 7-16-92 110,000 6.05 28.75 I 3830 con/shear 28B 8-6-92 1 28B 8-6-92 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Dick McDermott Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Al CD 2 1 1992 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO, 25 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING,UNITS: Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Wacker THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: Not Observed I LABORATORY I FIELD 1 I PERCENT OR TEST LOCATION EELEVATIION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENTS+ (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. I I (FEET) I DENSITY CONTENT I (PCF) I (%) I MAXIMUM) I I I I (pcf) I (%) I I I OBTAINED 1 10 70' South of 1 Northwest Corner 8' Below I I I I 1 Building Subgrade I 132.9 I 7.6 1 138.6 I 7.2 I 100+ 1 Gravelly Silty Sand 11 50' South of I I I I I p Northwest Corner 8' Below I I I I I 1 Building I Subgrade I 132.9 7.6 I 132.6 I 9.0 I 100 I Gravelly Silty Sand 12 Northwest Corner 10' Below I J Building Subgrade I 132.9 I 7.6 I 126.7 9.9 I 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Ii I I I I i I I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor • PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans 1 FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORK 103.cino7 5/91 Chen @NoiTern,[nc. Contaitkso En in.w• and sd«U.l. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO, 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 25 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICALL. HORIZONTAL: Pad at C.4 9.9 Subgrade 9 #7 Each Way Column at B-12 -- 8 #5 #3 Ties 24"O.C. 4 #5 Dowels SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: 0 K ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER: OK ® ccoAtf RACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPW x..AmON5: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS. TYP£ Brick PART—TITLE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COIMLPLANCE HEIGIiT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A WTUAL PROTECTION TO WWI. 11-E KWIC AND OURSELVES. ALL REPORTS ARE SMUTTED AS THE COIiAENTYI PROPERTY CF OUR QENT3.AM A1/T11O C.ATLON !DR PU LI A- T10N OF STATD&ENTS, OONOL ON3 OR EXTRACTS TRW OR RETLVIOHO OUR REPORTS 13 RE7ETYED Pfl1W41 OUR TTRTTTEN APPROVAL SAI'1C3 SILL BE =POSED OF AFTER TE31110 TS ODIAPL LED UNLESS O11UT AR1W10E3ENT3 ARE AID TO N mama. A n,ar,+or .t w(11I H j w . .4 rmrrrponhm J r..... Nn. cur 1 M 4/00 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 26 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL Test Nos. 13, 14 & 15=95%, MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: Nos.16&17=98% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Cat 225 TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: Not Observed 1J LABORATORY 1 FIELD f TEST LOCATION DEPTH LEVATI ELEVATION ON MAXIMUM DRY MOISTURE DENSITY MOISTURE NSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Wall Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 1 13 8'South & 6'West , of Northwest Cor- 7' Below I ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 125.9 11.4 95 ! Gravelly Silty Sand 14 60'South & 4'West I I I I I of Northwest Cor-I 8' Below f ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 126.3 9.6 95 1 Gravelly Silty Sand 15 18'East & 2'North of Northwest Cor- 10' Below ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 1 7.6 126.8 10.2 95 1 Gravelly Silty Sand 16 Pad Grid Line 1 I I I Silty Sandy 9 & C.4 Subgrade 138.1 5.3 I 136.5 3.0 99 1 Gravel with Cobbles 17 Pad Grid Line 1 Silty Sandy C.4 & 10.9 Subgrade 138.1 5.3 135.3 6.9 98 1 Gravel with Cobbles FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES.WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT, TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 02992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill is assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Foal ao.01E1O7 5/91 Chen Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-12-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 26 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SiF UCTURE REII IFOR'CXNG LOCAT)OH ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL Pad C.4 & 10.9 Subgrade 5 #5 Each Way Pad C.4 & 9 Subgrade 9 #7 Each Way Column 9.9 & C.4 8 #5 #3 Bands 4 #5 24" O.C. sYECZF)CATIONS: STEIL GRADE: 60 6c7 PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLWESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER: OK ® CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLJC:ING: SPECIFICATIONS: ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART—TINE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE C ODU P NCE HEICNT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. RELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A WTW'1 rROTECTTOM TO CUM*. THE TIMM AHD OURNOM3.All REPORTS ARE SUMMED Al THE COf/pffTIR. PROPERTY OF OUR WOOS. M O A471110R L TTON FOR PUPEX A.— Ma Or STATEMEMI. CORCI.USIOR3 OR EXTRACTS FROM OR RLO POINO OUR REPORTS IS 107ERRVED PERD110 OUR 10TTLT1 APMOIAL SMPU3 101.1 9C DGT03ED Or AFTET TE51110 6 OCUPUETED (*1190 O11[R Mr/W1OE3JEM1 AAE AGREED 70 P1 MNTUG. A m-,+— e' r»I IIIH J Pr's" .. o.poni.. F'..m w,. CIA'1 1 M 4/90 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 27 SHEET 1 OF 4 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We arrived at the jobsite at 7:45 A.M. for a scheduled concrete pour of the basement slab. The pour had been postponed and rescheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 1992 at 7:00 A.M. Backfill was placed behind the west, north and east walls of the new structure. Additional compactive effort was performed as requested along the west and north wall backfill. Removal of unsuitable existing fill along the middle of the west wall of the existing basement was recommended to be replaced with structural fill in lifts compacted to 95% modified Proctor density. This area is beneath a proposed slab. Removal of the unsuitable soil was observed. Concrete was placed in the wall addition Grids 9.6 to 11.1 and H.5 to I. Column C.4 & 9, Column C.4 & 11 at 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 27 SHEET 2 OF 4 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER,OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required *BSG=Below LABORATORY FIELD Subgrade DEPTH OR -MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY I MOISTURE PERCENT I TEST LOCATION I ELEVATION DRY , MOISTURE DENSITY I CONTENT (RELATIVE/ 1 SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT I (PCF) I (%) MAXIMUM) d Wall Backfill (pcf) (A) OBTAINED 18 70'South & 2'West of Northwest Cor-I I , I 1 ner of Building 16' BSG* 132.9 7.6 122.2 10.5 92 I Gravelly Silty Sand 19 40'South & 2'WestI 9 of Northwest Cor-I 1 ner of Building 16' BSG 132.9 7.6 122.2 11.3 92 I Gravelly Silty Sand 20 20'East & 1'North I of Northwest Cor-I ner of Building 17' BSG 132.9 7.6 122.3 10.4 92 I Gravelly Silty Sand 21 60'East & 1'Northl of Northwest Cor- N ner of Building 7' BSG 132.9 7.6 121.1 8.7 91 I Gravelly Silty Sand I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: The west and north wall backfill was recommended to receive additional compactive effort. The Proctor vaulu of imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM MO.CMEIO]5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 27890-2 DATE: 6-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 27 SHEET 3 OF 4 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. *BSG-Below LABORATORY I FIELD Subgrade DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY 1 MOISTURE PERCENT I TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Wall Backfill j (pcf) I (%) I OBTAINED I . 1 22 4'East & 4'South of Northeast Cor- ner of Building 5' BSG* 132.9 7.6 125.8 8.7 j 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand I 23 50'South & 3'East of Northeast Cor- ner of Building 7' BSG I 132.9 I 7.6 I 126.8 9.2 I 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand 1 I I 1 I 18A Retest of #18 6' BSG 132.9 7,6 126.7 11.2 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand 19A Retest of #19 6' BSG I 132.9 7.6 128.2 8.8 I 96 I Gravelly Silty Sand I I I 24 4'North of North- west Corner of Existing South- I 1 I I 1 west Building, I I 1 I Silty Sandy Grid A-12.8 I Subgrade 138.1 5.3 137.2 5.2 99 I Gravel with Cobbles 25 I Pad @ C-10 1 Subgrade 138.1 1 5.3 I 134.7 I 6.4 I 98 I Silty Sandy 1 1 I I 1 I I Gravel with Cobbles 26 90'South & 2'West I of Northwest Cor-I I I I I I I ner of Building 6' BSG 1 132.9 7.6 I 129.6 8.6 I 98 I Gravelly Silty Sand I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies roan Mo. CME O7A 5/91 ChenONorihcrn,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2OATE: 6-15-92 c/o Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 27 SHEET 4 OF 4 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CONS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Wall Addition, #4 16" 0.C. #2 #5 Top and Bottom Grids 9.6 to 11 . 1 #4 12" 0.C. & H.5 to I Column @ C.4 & 9 8 #5 #3 Ties @ 4 #5 Dowels 32" 0.C. Column @ C.4 & 11 8 #5 #3 Ties @ 4 #5 Dowels 32" 0.C. • SPECIf1GTIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® Pinks USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVE3h OK C01,1TRICTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION eAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART—T1UE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COI4U'IANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIRO4EN S REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INRIA LY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FlpLD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A WTLYL PROTECTION TO CIJ NT7. THE rt*x N/D OURSELYEI ALL REPORTS ARE 3A%iTTED AS TIE OOH OCHTW_ P}1(XERTY OF OUR CIFTTTS. NO HJ7NORGAT10N FOR PURL 1CA- nag or STAMIENTI, CONOIU.POM OR EXTRACTS MOW oR REbAHOt+b OUR REPORil d Rf7ERVED PEN0210 OUR WF1577174 NT*O'/AL SA.W113 WILL BE =roost Of N"TEA TEiT170 6 COUPLtIED U/lt10 OMER Ni.41004147: NE NRI11) TO N WRIT1N0. A . }I IHJ Y .' oo..xro,J.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 28 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: Not Observed LABORATORY J FIELD DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Wall Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 1 20A Retest of #20 7' Below (from 6-15-92) J Subgrade 132.9 J 7.6 126.3 J 8.4 95 1 Gravelly Silty Sand 21A Retest of #21 7' Below Subgrade Subgrade 132.9 7.6 126.9 8.6 95 Gravelly Silty Sand 27 80'East & 2'Northl I I J 1 of Northwest Cor-1 7' Below ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 128.6 8.3 97 II Gravelly Silty Sand I I I M 1 I I f I I I I 0 1 FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Roger w/8 & B PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedice Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM No.0 E,w 5/91 Chen€ Northern,Inc. Cono.uti Engingoors wool solw,11.1. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnena l p Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-16-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 28 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Existing Southwest Basement Footing REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COW E NTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Footing Line 12.2 #4 Dowels 2 #5 from C.3 to C.6 16" O.C. • SPE'CTFICADOtNS: STEEL GRADE: 60 El PUNS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK ® CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPIKING: SPE'CTIC1T)OtNS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TI ® PART-TIME OBSERVATION FIN T H INPLACE COIALPIA NCE H£JGf� MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A MlTTYL P1gTCKON 10 C LNT1. THE IMAM AHD OURl(LK7. All RCPORTS ARE SURISTTED AS THE COWDEMW. MORRTT OF OUR Q,ETTTS. MO AUTHORELATTON rat PUIIIG- T10H Or STATE}EN& Q 'A U 00.4 OR FXTA.CTS F ./ OR REOA OVIO OUR REPORTS [S M-IERVED PENDVO OUR WMTTEN APRRCNK. SAIPLI3 1111 BE =TOSE° OF 'VIER TFST170 6 UM-f-141 O11[71 AMANOETEM3 ARE AGREED TO N MRTTNNG. A at w.f I'M)r w 00, CLL11M 4/PO CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 29 SHEET 1 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: 225 Cat TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: Not Observed I_ LABORATORY FIELD A DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) j (%) I MAXIMUM) I Wall Backfill (pcf) (%) OBTAINED I 28 90'South & 4'West of Northwest Cor- 2' Below I ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 125.4 6.8 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand 29 20'South & 5'West I I of Northwest Cor-I 2' Below I ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 128.6 8.7 97 I Gravelly Silty Sand 30 20'West & 2'North of Northeast Cor- 5' Below I ner of Building f Subgrade 132.9 7.6 126.1 10.5 + 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand 31 130'South & 2'East of Northeast Cor- 6' Below I ner of Buidling Subgrade 132.9 7.6 125.4 11.2 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED..COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Bill w/Weitz-Cohen Construction. PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM w.c Io7 5191 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 29 SHEET 2 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. 1 LABORATORY I FIELD DEPTH OR MAXIMUM I OPTIMLIM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) Wall Backfill (pcf) (%) I I OBTAINED I i I 32 70'South & 3'East of Northeast Cor- 3' Below ner of Building Subgrade 1 132.9 7.6 127.2 I 8.7 96 I Gravelly Silty Sand l I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME107A 5/91 • Chen Noi them,Inc. OonolooHin. . .r.1 So1.n1L1.. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-17-92 c/a Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 29 SHEET 3 OF 3 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Pad C-10 Subgrade 6 #6 Each Way Wall 12.2 Line #4 @ 12" O.C. 2 #5 Top and Bottom C.4 to C.8 #4 @ 16" 0.C. Footing 9 to 10.5 Subgrade #4 Dowels Structurals Contractor added 3 #4 Bars & C.2 16" O.C. don't call for Continuous in Bottom of Longitudinal Footing Bars SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Ei PLANS USED REINFORCING cLEANUNESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEIh OK CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPUCING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Concrete ® PART-TT IAE OBSERVATION Brick FIN I1 INPUCE COEULPANCE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREAMENTS RECK/IREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Al A WILK PROTOCITUN TO CES)(T1. THE room OUR]ELK3. ALL REPORTS ARE SLJl11JTTCD Al THE COfEUNTVI P?Ort)RY OF OUR a. Xr3. MO AUTHOHQATION fOR PU1[1Gt- TION Or STA1L?FM1, CONQ1ri Oro OR rxrre cti FROM OR RE11M01/a0 OI.N.REPORTS 11 11E1ERYID PENOa4O OL.f1 wRimai ATTRO✓AL ]A)AYE3 WU. BE DCYOSED OF NTE11 TLSRlO 6 CWZETED 11/L173 Oil CI N1BAJJ00&)(13 A11£ AOMUED 10 11 YO11711.0. A d on.f I1IH oo..bvJ.. 155 1111111111111111 Mtis ,50 ii111M1,®► "RI" ■INK11311 ZERO AIR VOID CURVES 145 ®■111111M■" SPECIFIC 1111111111111111111a GRAVITY 2.80 1111111111111111111a i.i..'l■., SPECIFIC - 2.70 11111111111111`1111'1 GRAVITY spEcElc 140 immiimmimm. ■11111111111113..\ GRAVITY - 2.60 ®i1111111111®t"" >- ■RUiiii113., tW11t®l1l11ll 7 135 a I 11111■.1111111' LU 111v111•1111111.111111. >- 1111111111111111111111111I NI ° '30 11111111111111111111111111111111M,1111•11111111111111111 ,25 11a1111111111111111111111,1111" 11111111111111.110111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111110111111 20 ii11iini -''''-' " / '• I IYD110ME 1 Hi ANALYSIS IIME.fiCADINGS II t; ',1 ANI IAll 1 '.11111 Cl,:.•.ilEA/F ANA'YSIS [All!,OliAill aprimin.q 1 1 24 WI 7 I ill •III 45 MIN 15 MIN fill MIN 19 MIN-1 MIN 1 MIN '200 •11111 '511 '40'30 •Ili 1.4i '1 4.- 3" 5"5' 11 (00 ,0 4— 90 11=1111111111 IIIM — ----' ------- .---LL-_-___---.-----...-- — _- 80 — — -----," _—_ - _ _______ a 3. 70 — _. __ ui Z 60 1 - _L_=______I: - I 40.4.....L. . _ __ __ . __ .__. _____ ___,_. . — . 7_r = _________ 1:7,- :::___ ______ _ _ a 50 I r cr z _ — III LT. . _ - - — 30 --- ——-.. __.—. ---i-=--"-- .: 70 -- — " --20 MIEN= 60 --:.-- --- _Eri ----- —t— — -I 10__ 1-_,•••.a. imisomail — -- fri--.-T— r_- — 100 GO I 002 005 .0065 1DO 03/ 0/4 149 26/ T Yit) I III 2 341 4 14i 9:.,2 19 I 38 1 /6 2 12/ 24 42 2 0 152 I DIAMETER 01 PAR fir,LE IN MILLIMETERS 1 !;Ard) I;/IAVI:l CLAY TO SILT C:0001 ES I 0.1l. [ MI Olt 11,1 li:OA111.a. I INC I COAIISE GRAVEL 7 % SAND 39% SILT AND CLAY 54 % ok % LIQUID LIMIT -- PLASTICITY INDEX -- SAMPLE OF Sandy Silty Clay FROM Import (Sample No. 3) (6-18-92) I limiomi,I Ell ANALYSIS I IML'WADING:, ' I i:, :,I A1411A1111:il 1111:5S11.1/1.ANALYSIS 4.1 All:it-VIM-IC OPENINGS 24 tlfi 7 161 1 "01 45 MIN IS MIN. 60 MIN 19 MIN 4 MIN I 1,111.4 •2011 '11111 '511 '4(4":1(I •If; '11 '4 1,.- +;“ iw. --I-— ._ - 90 ________ =1 —I-- 10 _____ __ __ _ -- =1----- - ,-- --- --..-- - E1 „) 77_17,_ i____ .?„ • . _ a _..... ---‘--- =7.1= 70— I _ =. - — , ..7--: -: =1:7 2--.---1". -- __I — (-) 7 fit) -1. — — 40'-' -- ---1 -- --- 4 . _ - -2.= -==___. L : 7.:= - I- 50— se 501 :_ ---- =17- --- --- E Zil 1_1 – Cr 40 - -,---t-- 600 . ' — 1 if ----, - -- —__ __4__ _ ___. ___ 7",_______MEI f-S 30 —I— 1 --, 70 4 -- -- r I- ___ . _._ . . ____ . _. 20 _-_-_-r-- _____,_ Ell 80 _ . — - =.... 10 — [__ 90 ._... _____. -- --- 0 ---7-1--rrr 1r--1-1=0 rn--r-i--P-r-Tiff---'11-r—r-mni — -.iue ■ ams 100 .001 002 .005 0(19 015 (H/ 0/4 149 2t1/ I !i911 1 19 1.::111 4/U 352 19 1 :111 1 /5 2 12/ 2 1 42 2 f/ 152 1 I DIAMETFFI OF PARTICLE IN MI!LIMFTEFIS I NAN!, (:11AV1 I CLAY TO SILT COBBLES 11141 I ml 1)111M IC(1A11:il I IN( I 1;f1All!il. GRAVEL oh, SAND % SILT AND CI AY % oh, c'io LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAMPLE OF FROM 4 278 90-21 Chen-Northern, Inc. GnADAT1ON TEST n ESULTS 1-F1g. 6 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 30 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMLIM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Backhoe, Uniloader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Jumping Jacks THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: Not Observed LABORATORY I FIELD DEPTH OR TEST LOCATION ELEVATIONI M DRY MAXIMUM MOISTURE E MOISTURE URE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. 1 (FEET) 1 DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) I Wall Backfill I I (pcf) (%) I I OBTAINED I 33 18'East of North- l west Corner of 14' Below 1 Building 1 Subgrade 132.9 7.6 128.8 9.0 97 I Gravelly Silty Sand 34 10'West & 5'Northl l of Northeast Cor-I I I I I I ner of Building Subgrade 132.9 7.6 125.2 10.3 1 95 I Gravelly Silty Sand 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; l Joe Benedict Michael Evans I FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Fapn ra.C$C O7 sisi Chen 0 Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 30 SHEET2 OF2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COWAENTS VEFMCAL HORIZONTAL Pad @ TA-7 Subgrade #4 @ 16"Vert. 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom #4-@ 16" Continuous Horizontal Wall Line 8 to 10.5 on C.2 Line 6 #6 Each Way sPEGr/ea,Tlo#s: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND CO EIt OK ® CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLJCINC: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Xn PART—TIME OBSERVATION ASH INPLACE COSALPIAJCE HEK:fiT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREa1ENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY LY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A uUTWC PTOTECI or' TO O1JDEID. THE roar AM OUR EWES. ALL REPORTS ARE NtssurrD AS 11t 00HFICO TV4 PNOrENTY aF OUR aims, AJD /,lJmacsIATION FOR P L/RX A- T 4 Or STATE)FNTS, OONCLUmoN1 OR 1XT1e;C13 FROM oR RETWI NO OUR REPORT]; 13 R£7E7NED PO4O■Q 0111 WRITTEN APrAO.L SAIPJ3 Wll TOE OcY"IXGED Or A/TDl TE31110 IS COKIETED 1H13R 01)CR A PONOLUEHT3 NW HARM 10 N WFET>N0• A ,,....►.- a m. 1 i I A V... .r Chen @Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-23-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 31 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado . STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION C)AJU.MENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Wall on 7 Line #4 16" 0.C. 2 #5 Top and Bottom TB to TA.3 #4 12" 0.C. Footing TA.2 to Subgrade #4 Dowels None called TA.3, Line 7 to 8 16" O.C. for Contractor installed 3 #5 Continuous SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLNis usm REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: 0 K ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVETt OK El CONTRACTOR ADVISED SAUCING: SPECIf1 &T)oNS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME Of3SJWAT1ON ' BAR SUPPORFS: TYPE Brick PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COlLPSANCE NMJGffT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED R£-EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT • COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; N A KRUM_ PROTECTION 10 CEJENi7. THE PM=AMT OUR3FLYE3. AEI REPORT] ARE SUIINIT7ED A3 THE COFF'ENTYL PROPERTY OF OUR CI JEWS. AND AUTIIORITATEN rat PURL KA- TION Or 37ATF)J0471, CONCU!. an OR EXTTWCTS ET1011 OR RFGARONO OUR 1T£PORTI Q RE3E1 YED r041:410 OUR WRITTEN MV/OWL 14111 13 it'll OtlT"OSED Of AFTER TEST 10 6 FETED 11113E 01 HER M WIGE)EN13 ARE AGREED TO N WRONG. A nwn►.r d Y+.(f I I H oompon&e. Chen;0Northern,Inc. ..unr Erv►,.«. end Sd.nu.a. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-24-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 32 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VE RTlcAL HORIZONTAL Pier Grids TA-7 -- #5 16" 0.C. #4 16" 0.C. SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANUNESS: ok ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE MD COVEft ok VD CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPUCING: SPECFrADONS: ok ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Dowels ® PART-7114E OBSERVA110N �}{ INPLACE COMIPLANCE H[7CffT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN O(MAINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MIIRYL PROTECTTOM 10 cuorriL ITC PUKING AM OLRXIM3. ALL REPORTS ARE AIIKtTitD AS TTE OO.iuETJTAI PROPtRTY OF OUR Q.)]tT3. AND ALRHORQATIOH ran RAIL KA- T OF 57A fin. coActitwous ce E TWCT3 EROU OR KVA/C UM OUR REPORTS II RESERVED PERD4 0 OUR WRITTEN APR ROJAL. SA1PLII WILL ErC =ROMEO 01 AFTER TE311,10 E COLSRE TED 1.14.1541 CFO RR AAIVNOE)&ENTS ME ACM.ED TO N *WW1 A m�rrr of .. Ij 11�I W.," •( `E.. Chen et Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB N0. 4 278 90-2OATE: 6-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 33 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION CO1.O.4ENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL: West Lobby Wall -- #4 @ 16" 0.C. 2 #5 Continuous Top and Bottom Lines 7.2 to 9.2 #4 Dowels @ #4 @ 16" Continuous Horizontal 16" O.C. • SPECIFICATIONS: STEE1. GRADE: 60 ® PUNS USED REINFDRCING OIAN tNESS: OK ❑ sloe DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK Ea CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPL}CING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE N/A El PART—TIME OBSERVATION FINISH NPLACE COMLP1A JCE N {T MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INMALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; HELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 A WRY& PROTECTION TO MUM. THE Rustic um O&JR7Eui[3. NI. RIYORT7 ARE 3MLETTED AS ME CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CENTS. AND AUTHORETATIOH FOR PUIJG- TTOH Or STATEMERS. CONCLUSION3 OR EXTRACTS FROEN oft rtEun RMRNO OUR REPORTS R RE]ERYED PERIM/0 OUR WRITTEN Arrno H.. SUPLE3 WEL BE EXSPOSED or AFTER TERTHO a COUf'EnTD urwas OM ER AHfYJNOO*WT3 ARE AORREED TO H WTRTRNO. A n-.�,.... .N 1,47r1-1 ems► + oo,porJ.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 34 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION& MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Shakerhead, Wacker THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required _ LABORATORY FIELD DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. i (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) (pcf) (A) I I OBTAINED I 35 96'South & 3'West I of Northwest Cor-I 3' Below I I I I Silty Sandy ner of Building Subgrade I 138.1 I 5.3 131.6 I 6.7 95 I Gravel with Cobbles 36 10'East & 2'South 3' Below I Silty Sandy of Grids TA & 9 I Subgrade 138.1 5.3 I 131.5 I 9.3 I 95 I Gravel with Cobbles 37 30'South & 20' East of Line TA 3' Below & 9 Subgrade f 132.9 I 7.6 126.3 I 9.4 95 , Gravelly Silty Sand I 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SLIBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value of the imported wall backfill was assumed to be similar to a recently tested sample. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM M0.d1E107 5/91 ChendiNorthern,Inc. Conoal.Ini Eng4...rs .n4 Sd.nRk.(.• REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 34 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIHUCTURE First Floor Eastern Half Slab REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENT'S VERTICAL HORIZONTAL First Floor #6 12 0.C. North/South Eastern half slab -- N/A #4 16" 0.C. East/West SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANUNESs: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND CON£fl± OK 6C1 cONTRACnoR ADVISED SPLICING: S?£CTFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Chairs PART—TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMLPIANC£ HEIGHT 3" MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIRELIENTs REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY '*1-tEN EXAM INED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. MELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A I JTUAL PROTECTION TO CL/.NT7. THE MINX NO OURSELVES. /ALL REPORTS ARE SU IETT[D AS THE CaffUENTVI PROPt$TY Cr OUR CLIENTS. AID ALRHOREZATION IOq PU X A- TTON Or STATOTi)R1, CONCUPOONS c CMArC11 IHV41 OR RI:OARoNO OUR REPORTS Q Rf3u yc.D PODE'O OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL &SLIMES Mil RE =POSED Or AFTER TT3T)+0 6 COIX.LETED UNLESS O11UR ARiM440E300411 ARE AGREED TO N MTTTTTNQ A rnarroar of N.i1IIH 1v . .! ooenp,.s.. Cheri Northern,Inc. corrutUng Enchwers or. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 35 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. SIHUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Wall Line A from #4 16" 0.C. 2 #5 Top and Bottom 12.2 to 12.9 #4 12" 0.C. Wall 11 .4 Line #4 Dowels B to C 16" 0.C. Diagonal Wall frorr #4 Dowels #4 12" O.C. Wall 45° angle 11 .4 Line to 12.3 16" 0.C. Line and from B to A SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Q PLANS USED REINFORCING aEANUNESS: OK ❑ saw DRMINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER~ OK ] CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME ORATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE ® PART-1111E OEISERVATION FINISH INPLACE C01,f&PIANC£ HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMEN S REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INfTIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRFSS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AI A WIWI. PROIICPOM TO MOM. THE MUM MD OUPIEIVI7. HL REPORTS ARE 31-MUTTID Al Of CON,1043{iTA. PROPfMY or Out aENTS. MO ALI HORl7AT10N rat PULICA- TTOM Cr STATI}EM3, comauslot l or: fXTWAC72 MX( or: RIQQAAbrq OUR REPORTS d RE3ER.4D 11349140 OUP TI'TET1IN /P? N L 3AuPtt7 WLL ElE 03raffD Or ',TER TESTWO 0 CC.IPLITED U4LLD O11 UR NML4lOEHE.MS ARE fr 1D TO N * 1P . A n.�.i*. M fM f l I l H ,v ' .! ...-”von a... Chen0Northern,Inc. Corwadtindi Ems..-. a,. Scd.,u.t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 27890-2DATE: 7-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 36 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. S I HUCTURE RONFORCING LOCATION ElEVA170N C0.LUCHTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Pad @ TA-7A Subgrade #4 Dowels Around Concrete Base Perimeter. @ 24" 0.C. Not Poured Today. Pad @ C-9 Subgrade 6 #6 Each Way Pad @ C-9.5 Subgrade #4 Dowels Around Concrete Base Perimeter. @ 24" 0.C. Not Poured Today. SPECWICATIDNS: STEEL GRADE: 60 11 PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANUNES3: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COYEm OK Pq CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPEDZFIC DONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COM PRANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REOUIRELIE TS REQUIREMENTS RE_IXAmiNED WHEN INm.ALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; A] A WRYL MOTECTUN TO morn.. In( mom A7O OUSEL4t3. ALL REPORTS ARE SUMMED Al TTE COf*UEMVI PROPUTTY Cr OUR CLEWS. MO ALIMORCLATION IOR PUR1G- T ON Of STAMM:KM OONOUZV01t7 OR EXTTMCri TROY OR REOARCINO OUR REPORTS O REM/MD Pp1W 10 OUR NRTT1LN /YTr1OVAL 3A►i'LL3 WLL 8E =ROOM OF AFTER TESTM 4 COYPLETtD UNLLSl1 OII(R /.W.QEUENT3 ARE ACID 10 N *TM/44. A .,...,.., d w I f 11 H i.-... oc..Po.a.. Chen Northern,Inc. Oeneedefing En inerr- .rd s.i.,,fee. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-21DATE: 7-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 37 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SINUCT1IRE West Lobby Walls. REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION cODUENTS vERTncAL HORIZONTAL Added Beam @ 11 .3 -- #4 16" 0.C. #4 12" 0.C. #4 Dowels 2 #5 Top and Bottom 16" 0.C. West End Wall -- #4 16" 0.C. #4 12" 0.C. Corner Bars #5 Need Additional 11 .3 to 11 . 1 #4 Dowels 2 #5 Top and Splice Length. 16" 0.C. Bottom SPECUnc.nONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ® PLANS USED mumpORCLNC CLEAHLJNES3: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEN OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE El PART—TI OOSERVAT)0N F1NISIi INPLACE CO1Mt 'W CE HEIGHT UET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN IN(BALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A WRl+L PRORLTR71 TO CLIENTS, THE rust r AFC OURSELVES, All REAM'S ARE SUIMUT1ED AS ME OOFWThNTW. PHOrERTY or au/ mem MO AUTHORIZATION FOR PM1CA- i1011 0r STAWYENTI, CONCLUS30113 OR EXTRACTS MOW OR 1.020M0140 OUR REPORTS TS dtESERW-D PE)1DS10 OUR *RITTER MTR7VAL S4i'Tl3 IOU BC D[SP'OSED Or AFTTO1 7151)10 6 CO�f'LETED U&LSR O11fUR N■4700&1.01 ME M:R1D TO N WRFON5. A r,....r.. 01 W..011/1 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-8-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 38 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE: Cloudy - Cool CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We arrived on site for a scheduled 7:30 A.M. slab pour. The pour was postponed until Thursday, July 9, 1992. No tests were taken. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hof land; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 39 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Cat 225 TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Jumping Jack THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required I_ LABORATORY J FIELD I 1 TEST LOCATION DEPTH UM E LEVATIONS MAXIMUM DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENTI (RELATIVE/ I SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT I (PCF) I (%) I MAXIMUM) (pcf) (%) OBTAINED I 38 4'West of West Lobby, Center I I I I of Wall I Subgrade I 127.1 I 10.3 123.9 + 9.8 I 97 1 Sandy Silty Clay 39 8'North & 2'West of Southwest Cor-I I I I 1 ner of West Lobbyl I I I M Wall Subgrade + 127.1 10.3 124.7 9.8 98 I Sandy Silty Clay I I II I I I I I I ! 1 I I I I I I I I I I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOhMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: A sample of imported wall backfill was obtained and returned to the laboratory for Proctor testing. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies roe,,wo.coclm 5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad Grid 7 & TA, Wall Line 8 to 10.5 & C.2 Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 900358 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 11:59 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:25 PM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 80 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:50 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP; 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-20-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX J CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-26-92 94,500 6.06 28.84 3280 conical 28 7-17-92 142,500 6.10 29.22 4880 shear 28 17-17-92 146,000 6.09 29.13 5010 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Southeast Basement Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 925752 MIX DESIGN NO. 5793 TIME BATCHED: 8:55 AM TIME ARRIVED: 9:25 AM TIME PLACED: 9:35 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:50 AM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT:Max3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:00 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-13-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX � � I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7A 7-17-92 102,500 6.09 29.13 I 3520 I con/shear 28A 8-7-92 I I I 28A 8-7-92 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 3/8" Aggregate - Sample taken from truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Center Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 925754 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 11:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:07 PM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 76°F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:00 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT 144.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT:Max3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" 'TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-13-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 7-17-92 1 106,000 6.05 J 28.75 I 3690 1 conical 288 8-7-92 28B 8-7-92 I I I I I I i I I 1 i I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIN group of companies Form No CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab, North Portion. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925844 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:17 AM TIME PLACED: 8:25 AM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-15-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I 1 I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 3 1 7-17-92 62,000 I 6.07 ; 28.94 I 2140 I con/split 7 7-21-92 .1 1 14 7-28-92 I 28 8-11-92 1 I I 28 8-11-92 1 I I I I 1 I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Additional cylinders were made for early breaks per request of Dan Meek w/Weitz-Cohen. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 *; 7nr a. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-24-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pier Grids TA & 7. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6 TICKET NO. 900467 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 2:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:55 PM TIME PLACED: 3:20 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 7 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 70°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:45 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-25-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX i e i i i i CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7 1 7-1-92 1 166,500 1 6.08 29.03 I 5730 shear 28 7-22-92 207,500 6.07 28.94 I 7170 conical I i 1 I 1 28 17-22-92 205,000 1 6.06 1 28.84 ,,I 7110 I conical I I I I I I i 1 I I 1 1 l 1 I I I 1 1 I I � I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 5000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 1% High Early COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Southeast Thin Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO, 12 TICKET NO. 925906 MIX DESIGN NO. 5793 3/8" TIME BATCHED: 7:05 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:35 AM TIME PLACED: 7:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:05 AM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:20 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-16-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I J CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-22-92 107,500 6.09 29.13 3690 conical 28 8-12-92 I I 28 8-12-92 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: T COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Southeast Basement Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 4 TICKET NO. 925752 MIX DESIGN NO. 5793 TIME BATCHED: 8:55 AM TIME ARRIVED: 9:25 AM TIME PLACED: 9:35 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:50 AM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 6.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP; 4 AIR CONTENT:Max3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:00 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-13-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX i i i i r CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7A 7-17-92 102,500 I 6.09 29.13 3520 con/shear 28A 8-7-92 142,500 1 6.05 28.75 4960 con/shear 1 28A 8-7-92 140,500 1 6.00 28.27 4970 con/shear � 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 3/8" Aggregate - Sample taken from truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-10-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT:, Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Center Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: 8 & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9 TICKET NO. 925754 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 11:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 12:07 PM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 76°F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:00 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.0 J08 SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT:Max3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-13-92 8Y: Joe 8enedict MIN/MAX J CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I I 7B 7-17-92 I 106,000 I 6.05 1 28.75 3690 conical I 288 8-7-92 141,000 6.07 28.94 4870 conical 28B 8-7-92 146,000 6.10 29.22 I 5000 I con/shear I I I i I 1 1 I I I ! I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict 8obby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3rd Floor Mid West Building Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 901237 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:09 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:35 AM TIME PLACED: 7:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:00 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:15 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-4-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 { 8-6-92 I 77,000 6.09 1 29.13 2640 conical 14 8-10-92 106,000 6.07 28.94 3660 conical I I I I 28 8-31-92 28 1 8-31-92 I I I 1 I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A.2/91 • hJ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-13-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 40 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE Showers CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We arrived on site at 7:30 AM for a scheduled concrete pour. The placement was postponed due to inclement weather. Reschedule is slated for Tuesday, 7/14/92, at 7:30 AM. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hof land; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen Northern,Inc. 11.1. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 41 SHEET 1 OF1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORC:SNG LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL: Pony Wall Line C. 1 2 # 4 Top and Bottom From 9.2 to 10.8 -- #4 at 1611 0.C. #4 at 12" 0.C. sPECIF)cATnouS: STEEL GRADE: 60 Cg PLANS USED REL'rORRcINC CLFANLNNEs9: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLJpNG: SPE )CA110fts: OK ❑ FULL—TIME OOSEThADON BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Dowels [XI PART—TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMLPSANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—OCAMINED WHEN INR ALLY WHEN D(AMINED RE—E7( MINED OK PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Joe Benedict Nich_ae1 E s Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEV AS A WIU't PROTECTION TO aU)(TL THE PURIUC AID OUR11C1YE3. ALL REPORTS ARE SUR4(TTED AS T CONI1OENTIAL PROWVITY Or OUR C1 JEWS,AND AUTTgNQAT1014 ref PURIKA- TION Or SIAM/DWI. CONCLUSIONS S OR CXTThCT3 MOW OR RR7NROINO OUR REPORTS 13 11L7E.RVED RENDS 10 OUR WRITTEN APY11a?L SAYPTL3 UJ. OE OCT'OOED Or AFTER TE5T11 1O 6 CCURUETED U11L33 OT1(J Al(I410C31ENIS AR£AGREED 10 N WR11NO. A ... ►� d Y»I Filf-I M of O.+.o«a.. Chen Northern,Inc. ow,..,t Ong Enc4,.-. .,. sawu.I. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 7-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 42 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COmmENTS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL • 4' Wall Topping, 2 # 5 Top Grid Line 12.1 Lines C,6 to 0 -- #4 at 16" 0.C. #4 12" 0.C. • SPECIF CATIO S STEEL GRADE: 60 [1 PLANS USED RITODRpNG CLEANLINESS: OK ❑ saw DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER: OK 1 coKTRACToR ADVISED SPIKTNC: SPEcw1C TTONS: OK ❑ FULL-TIDE OBSERNATTON BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Existing Vertical Bars 1X1 PST-TINE OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COIPIANC£ HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE_IyAmiNED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; As A NJR.L PR TFCT17M TO CLEWS. THE PLUM MD OUPOLI i"3. ALA REPORTS ME SUBLIMED Al T)£ COtEl*yW4. PROPOTTY OF OUR a UITS. AND AIJT)IOR ZATTQN FOR Pt$l X A- N 4 Or STATF3rF T*. OONCUl90R0 OR EXTRACTS TROY OR REDA/IC M OUR REPORT3 R /tf747fv'ED PENDaw OUR WRITTEN Ar71400.1. SAiIPji wit BE DOTOSED Or AFTER TIMM Cl ccar.ETFD U11-i11 MLR 'JW 4GE)&NT1 ARE AORRE1D 70 N WITM.KA A �.+.. .1 w rtin7 ww .r ..n.n•nl.. Cher10 Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties .ROB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 7-21-92 c/o Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler ONLY REPORT NO. 43 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIT'UCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL Area Waywalls TD Line -- #5 at 12" 0.C. 2 # 5 • Top and Bottom sPEanc.1T10NS: STEEL GRADE: 60 PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS,: OK ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COYER OK [XI CONTRACTOR ADVISED sPUaNG: SmCfF)C&flOr4S: OK ❑ FULL-HATE OBSERVATION EIAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Dowels PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPL.ACE CODULPIANCE HEIGHT PROJECT MET PROJECT DAIS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates ; Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Af A MURNL PHOIiCTIDM TD £&LMTI. TEE RARE AHO OLMEI E. AU REPORTS ARE SUMMED AS THE C00i1340101 PROPERTY OF OUR CLIENTS. AND AT)THaORSZAT 3N FOR PUR1G- T10N Or STATOIFJ(TI. CONCLUSIOHt7 OR IMAM FROM OR REGARbRHO OUR REPORTS A RCSENYED PEW/VG OUR WRi17EN NR9400L 3401127 HYLL SC cx r"OSED Or AFTER TEST/iO tS OOuP'IETED UNLESS MICR NWHOE1♦EM1 ARE MIMED TO II WWa.41a.. A ...�.+r d W.IT4T1<w +E oompaJ.. 6! 2 3 -urea . CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-23-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO= 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall 7 Line TB to TA.3; Footing TA.2 to TA.3 & Line 7 to 8. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900440 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:37 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:10 PM TIME PLACED: 3:15 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:25 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-24-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-30-92 100,000 1 6.08 + 29.03 3440 conical 28 7-21-92 153,000 6.08 1 29.03 5270 con/shear 28 1 7-21-92 152,000 1 6.09 29.13 5220 shear 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Upon picking up cylinders, it was noted that they have been moved. It is not known when. The surface is sloped and the cylinders were level upon casting. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab, North Portion. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925844 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:17 AM TIME PLACED: 8:25,AM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-15-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I 3 7-17-92 62,000 I 6.07 28.94 I 2140 con/split 7 7-21-92 98,500 6.07 28.94 3400 conical I I 14 7-28-92 I I I 28 8-11-92 28 8-11-92 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Additional cylinders were made for early breaks per request of Dan Meek w/Weitz-Cohen. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 x. Chen Northern,Inc. cr, sL,, f_ eery and Sc,e „5 5080 Road's 5- Glenwood Spr.nas.Colorado 8'60' 303 945-7 458 303 94_-236: acsdriJO July 23, 1992 Colorado Department of Health °` =` ` Water Quality Control Division Attn: Permits and Enforcement 4210 East 11th Avenue Denver CO 80220 Subject: NPDES Permit No. COG07215 Gentlemen: Chen-Northern, Inc. has been retained by the architectural firm of Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh on July 2, 1992, acting in behalf of Sonnenalp Properties to provide a monthly summation in compliance with NPDES discharge permit number COG07215. The permit is issued for the site of the Sonnenalp Hotel excavation at 20 Vail Road, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, 81657. This correspondence is regarding the initial monitoring period from March 31 to June 30, 1992. Chen-Northern has conducted interviews in an attempt to relate to the Colorado Water Quality Control Division information concerning construction dewatering during this period. A civil engineer had estimated an expected flow rate of 200 gpm in order to dewater the excavation during construction. Apparently no pumping was necessary during the mass excavation process. Dewatering started May 15 and ended June 15, 1992. It was determined that an estimated flow of 5 gpm occurred during the period in preparation to pour foundation footers. The water was discharged at the outfall point and siltation structure specified in the permit. No sampling or monitoring was conducted during this period. It was further determined that no visible sheen was observed at any time. It is not believed any of the permit parameters would have been exceeded. No dewatering has occurred since June 15 and none is expected during July or August. Some dewatering discharge is expected to begin again in September. Arrangements have • been made to install an in-line flow monitor and samples will be collected as required. All parties involved are now aware of the permit requirements. an,emrer; z HIH groupdfcom„an)es If additional information is required, please contact our office at 303-945-7458. Respectfully Submitted, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC.Rick Thomas Environmental Scientist RT/lr cc: Ken O'Brien - Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Bill Douglas - Johnson, Kunkel Bill Mueller - Weitz-Cohen Construction Dan Stanek - Town of Vail EPA Water Management Division - Compliance Branch Chen ONorthern.Inc. PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS (Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NYUt31 FoAiIitKNom�Locarlo lj jLrtgryPROPERTIES, INC. DISCH1ARGEMONITORING REPORT l(DMR) MINOR? Form Approved Nli �R?JT r�LXC TT TT MT --- COGJ10215 (SUBR WC) E E —zU—v'TTL`R3WIT No. 2040-0004 PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE NUMBER F —` FINAL A L Expires 9-30-91 ---VITT ------00—WI 5-5_ T— SILT POND DSCH TO GORE CREEK -- MONITORING PERIOD PACILITT LOCATION FROM Y p urlg - T2 �/ 1 TO v�- ew" -rY NO DISCHARGE ) __I ##Y r -Tarr � --AT- • � (20.21) (22.23) (24.25) (26.271 (28.291 (30. 1) NOTE: Read instructions before completing this form. — (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION NOFREQUENCY SAMPLL^"" PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) E . OF X . ANALYSIS TYPE (32-37) AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS }4.2:-!.. -:- ''-4-`' LIT 16263) (da b) (69=70) tf • Y Y Y 'Y'Y'•` ( ) '• M S` Y ( .1 SAMPLE MEASUREMENT 't >x �t . �1. E F E N � R 0 5.. F �';.; ;.'. .. , FLU T VALU SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE rYr*Y'/' ***it** ( ) 'fMYM•/f ( 19) SUSPENDED MEASUREMENT 19) 0 ,�y * t �q 3 1 �, �. � t!I Jl'y�` .ir.:^.. .. ^ :::.kns WP:µ;.�ya.:•s��,:•,�,„:i,r...,;^.� >>.”. pis: �:<.��s :K.i ^>:r,.,,i,:....,:v.:•��.:'.y::`xi6;ii G Bl. ....: ::..x ... e:;:..: ,....:.. :.. ,..,. d.•:.>.., EFFLU NT �R. S VALUE. .... ......... .,.. ...,. . .. :. .... ............ .......:........,:.....>...,.:.. :.... .. ..... .:...... .:... ...., _.... . <: .. OIL AND GREASE rr#rY� #rY### ( ) #####Y #Y####, ( 19 SAMPLE 19) r FREON EXTR-GR.AV METH MEASUREMENT :•ii:i::'::;::^':>s::<�:..: .:.::.is�.:.:. .;:i'v,'t.' :::::'2F'::ii?.:.�'�, y :�":::;.`°.11. R .P� A .. ... ... : Y 1:N v O Y _ T S F� ;;.:::; >i. FLOW , IN . SAMPLE %ri;; r� i r T/�1 + �y ,1� v t�NDlJ ll OR ( 03) ***v'�Y **4:*** YMy YYY ( ) TKRU TREATMENT PLANT MEASUREMENT • i? N G I E FL E T SRO VAL ** #- 1111.111111111111111 E 0 55 JET ::7 G SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE *#**** ###Y#* ( ) ;####* ( 19) DISSOLVED MEASUREMENT 70295 0 `J .... 4W.. ..., Wt#. .:.,4* Y 440 at ...j+is o-:>:>:«::;«<;<:;:;;<;:>ii; iii;i:;: ::;>:;:.ii..:::::.::.:::::: V � a>'r% EFFLUENT GROSS q ,::..<�. is ........ .. ... ...... .... ., ��:.:..:..: :y. .. ::.'.. ,i is' OIL AND GREASE ***ft' ( 94) X*# t #* # r*# t# L r*#*# ( )SAMPLE VISUAL MEASUREMENT £4066 1 0 3 '. - ;#'#,' _ MY ,..�::z����.,-�.::..... ..:.:...::...... .....:, , .., ,:ter:,. �:�-�-... >• _��.�. CJ'S1S .:ANT<... .>.;.,.....:.�:':::.,..>:^^.: ;^�. >.. �Q o N o vA . ..... ?� y� :::. {� ..:...:..::..........:..:.t::v:.ii:�::..:... � ..................o:. :i.::.:.i.. .......... ..... A !.:' ;;.1:.:1.::.1:.1„+hi ii:.::,:i:.:.:i:-::...::.:::...:::.:::.::.v.'.. •FL £ T �R S L S UE>i �-�v SAMPLE MEASUREMENT k^ tQ:f�: �i' .. ...�i�. .::..:.:.... ^.:..:.'::•:.:i`;:.:...a,.iR::•i':-i:r:.�.;.....1.54 157 {:;3::::/,<:'/ NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I A N C D E R A T I F Y F A U M D I E A R R PENALTY E'F'4 O F N F L O A M ATTON I U B A M TPD RHSONNLL.Y A N AMINSED TELEPHONE D A T E . ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE INFORMATION, I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION //J Johannes i'ae S S l er IS TRUE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIG C Y' / 7� -,-Pl NIF IC A NT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION INCLUDING 303 945-7458 07 24 92 THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT SEE 18 US 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 33USC 41319. IPenalnes undo, thr.w statute, nmv mrlude lines up m 8111,1100 TYPED OR PRINTED a.uf ur maslm um mlpnsunnlnll„/hotuwrn fimlmlh.e and i�rarv.I OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AREA NUMBER YEAR MO DAY COPE COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOT? F/ IN PERMIT. , PLEA-s6 A) /I TT,9eNn. 1•.1.T No discharge March 31 - May 14, June 16 - June 30, 19 2 �ischarge May 15 - une 15, 1992 Not monitored or EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9.88) Previous editions may be used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.) 00001/920413-1434 PAGESalTko� WE'D jut 7 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Deck Slab, Second Level, North Section. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12SS TICKET NO. 925714 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:15 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:10 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/64/96 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:15 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:30 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX 1 1 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 4A 17-13-92 79,500 6.00 28.27 2810 I con/split I 7A 7-16-92 101,500 6.06 28.84 3520 conical 14A 7-23-92 122,500 6.08 29.03 4220 con/split 14A 7-23-92 1 122,500 6.08 29.03 4220 con/split I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pads, C-9.5 & TA-8.5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5512 TICKET NO. --- MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:59 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:30 PM TIME PLACED: 4:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 80°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:50 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% ' WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Covered DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-10-92 BY: Dick McDermott MIN/MAX i I I I I 1 I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) 1 FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 7-16-92 j 110,000 6.05 1 28.75 3830 j con/shear I 1 14B 7-23-92 123,000 6.09 29.13 4220 conical 14B 7-23-92 j 128,500 6.08 29.03 4430 con/split 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan) Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; j Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Dick McDermott Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 d- INDEPENDENT TESTING b--- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenaip Properties 12084vASEENCOURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER COLORADO 80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)674.7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 8 OBSERVATION REPORT 7-13-92, 7-14-92 & Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-16-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section.. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. /Lru , David L. Sturge ; President cc: Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Contruction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-13-92, 7-14-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 060892 Date: 7-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level •3 Elevator and stairway core beam to embed welds Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. North. south. Past and wPct cidcc of carp walls Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Decking and H.A.S. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: South of 7 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. Along C line between 9 and 10 lines twenty studs are missing. Along C.7 line between 9 and 10 lines twelve studs are missing. These deficiencies were reviewed with the Erector for immediate correction. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING f INSPECTION SERVICES INC Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-13-92, 7-14-92 & Inspector:, David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 ,Date: 7-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:. Level .2 Moment connections, welded Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On C line between 9 to 9. 5 and 9.5 to 10 (two locations), four connections total Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0, item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 3 Welded moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On C line between 9 to 9. 5 and 9.5 to 10 (two locations), four connections total Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING F:: INSPECTION SERVICES INC.- Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-13-92, 7-14-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS 01. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: I-evels- 2,j, and 4 Welded precast connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 8 to 11 and F to H lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. J■one noted, Level or Elevation: Elevation 57' and 75' Missing P.C. embeds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East stairway interior wall beneath stairway riser. Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List., At both elevations two cast-in embeds _are missing. The type of connections affected are as thnse detailed in Stresscon's Drawing Detail 74 of 7. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected 'not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING f` INSPECTION SERVICES IMF.? Sonnenalp Properties 12064VASEENCOURT Job No 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 5 ,of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-13-92 7-14-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon IllS Job No. : 060892 Date:, 7-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:, AWS 01.1-90 and Project STandards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level .4 Decking & H.A.S. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 3 to 7 and TA to TD Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Along TO line at 6 line three stud welds failed. Along 3 line the decking side lap fasteners are missing. These two minor conditions were reviewed with the Erector for immediate correction. Level or Elevation: Level 4 Welded moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:, TA at 3. to 4 4 to 5 and 5 to 5.7 ID .t • to .i' • ' � - Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected 'not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC . Sonnenalp Properties 12084VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 6 of 8 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-13-92, 7-14-92 & Inspector David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-16-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:. Level ,2 Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At F and 7.9 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. The two hole shear plate used at the embed to beam web connection is not proper. A three hole shear plate is required. This condition was reviewed with both the General Contractor and the Erector for correction. Level or Elevation:. Level 4 Area 2 H.A.S. and decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: South of 7 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The decking and stud welding is npw complete. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. ______Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING it INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (3U3)674.7560 Page 7 of 8 SHOP INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-13-92 Field Made Welds: Shop Made Welds: X Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards List components tested and inspected on "Shop Inspection Log" sheet(s) and attach. NONCONFORMING SHOP INSPECTED ITEMS Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Refer to the conditions by line item number provided in the left hand column of the "Shop Inspection Log" sheet. Also, list the appropriate, assigned O.D.item number (must be suffixed by "S") and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. The attached "Shop Inspection Log" sheet lists those fabricated components which were selected for verification of weld quality. Of the welds viewed, none were found to be in nonconformance. The remaining connections inspected, as described in the aforementioned format, were found to be in conformance to the stated criteria. - INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 00433 (303)674-7560 SHOP INSPECTION LOG SHEET Page 8 of__EL_ Inspector: p/9vrd 1, Sru,ett2 / _.__.._„•._• ITIS Job No. :QGCS-?-2,_. Date:2/3-'2 ._-..,_. U. I. Dimen. Item Qty. Mark# Component Welds A-6 Camber Insp. NDT I Comments 1 / 12 V 2-w3 (-?EA,—.1 ✓ 1 2 , -L.Yy.¢ 3 1 ' q,2_� f7 .. '/ !/ - 4 1 1.2z,,,2_7,41 /, r/ ._// — - 11 6 1 12L/0/A- ” � 1 7 1 '2 v.4z l i _ 9 124, / ,e { /7,--- � I 11 1 IV E 7 6 i rx. (. /u%>w ''_ 1 '.- --- _ 12 / 1 2./1 2._ - ,/ / - � ; 13 � / 2�&� � /9 f /mil _—__l____—.L_._____L.-...-__ _--_--•--.-.......____ _ , � 14 j I 12/92_8 ,e � � � 1 17 ► ?/gil8 1 c e' L , 1 --- t 18 z i-q/P G/-/-0-i r/ - ' -I}--- -..._-__.._ 19 1 / i2 /2 G /f- (�4'=4/L1 r/ 1/ ..1_� 20 / 1.2181-4` / // — — — 21 � / zyzsN ,, i/ t . i 22 i / 96 f3 i t/ ! .—.l__ v. __.. ....____...._..- -____.. I 25 + / 12,9 13 I „ // i j } i 27 i { 28 — --- -- - - - _- 29 1 1 - 30 i i i i _- _______. 31 1 - -- i— l � 1 INDEPENDENT TESTING Er- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No . 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce. Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFEn,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)6744560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail . CO 81657-5063 Page OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: X 7-1010- & 7- -9Q Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fee free to contact ITIS at your convenience. 1 . ter n President cc: Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Contruction Co, . Attn: Mr_ Gary Meggison Town of Vail ; Attn: Mr_ Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084VASEEN000RT Job No 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-7-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-10-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:; Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded below Applicable Code or StandardAWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level Embed modification Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TB.6 & 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. Completed per Engineering Directive Level or Elevation: Level 2 H.A.S. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 1 to 6 and TA to TE Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING -- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084vASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-7-92 & Inspector David L. Sturgeon ITiS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-10-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard AWS D1-1-90 and Proipc Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level ' 3 Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North core walls Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: Levels 2 and 3 Precast connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 8 to 11 and F to H lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. One 7-7-92 ITIS identified connections in the south core stairway that were deficient in weld size. On 7-20-92 reinspection finds the rework conforming to the applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page, 4 of FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-7-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-10-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 H.A.S. and decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North of 7 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0,0. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: From Level 2 to Level 4 North stairway welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: N/A Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List., None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING E INSPECTI©N SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12oe4VASEENCOURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 5 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-7-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-10-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:_ Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Z to 9 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Missing embed Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TB and 7.5 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List., The modification provided was i;iind conforming to thQ fief d directive which was verhally_givpn to ITIS by the General Contractor. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING (:'' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084VASEENCOURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 6 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-7-92 & Inspector David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-10-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded below Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project $,tandards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 2 Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: E & 9 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Detail A/E-24 shows the placement of a 3 x 3 8 an•le on the toe flan•e which welds to an - b-d i ,- ' panel . This embed is missing. The General Contractor and Erector have been advised. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. _Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING Cy_ _ INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12oa4vASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 7 of 7 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS 7-7-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 7-10-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Bolted connections were inspected per A. I.S.C. Standards applicable to the indicated connection type at Levels . 3 and 4 north of 7 line. No conditions of nonconformance were observed. Additional Page Attached iu; ` CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: West Lobby Wall from Grid 7.2 to 9.2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900922 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 2:30 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:00 PM TIME PLACED: 3:25 PM-CU.YD,LOAD/ACCUM: 7 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:50 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-27-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER j CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-3-92 115,500 1 6.09 1 29.13 1 3970 con/shear 28 7-24-92 152,000 6.09 29.13 5220 shear 28 7-24-92 1 139,500 6.10 29.22 1 4770* con/split 1 I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: * CYLINDER HAD BEEN DAMAGED. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4278 90-2 DATE: 7-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 4' Wall Topping, Grid Line 12.1, Lines C.6 to D. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 925984 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 1:39 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:04 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:30 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-18-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDERY AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES). (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) f 7 7-24-92 103,000 6.09 29.13 I 3540 con/shear 28 8-14-92 28 8-14-92 I I I 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Southwest Existing Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. 925091 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 8:38 AM TIME ARRIVED: 9:09 AM TIME PLACED: 9:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:25 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3 IN. MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF IGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I WE (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I 7A 7-29-92 90,500 I 6.07 28.94 I 3130 con/split 28A 8-19-92 28A 8-19-92 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from pump discharge. w COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME]13A 2/9] CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Existing Southwest Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 925098 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 10:10 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:35 AM TIME PLACED:11:35 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 88 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 65°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 11:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.9% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3 IN. MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 11:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX 1 I 1 I I 1 I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 7-29-92 90,500 6.07 28.94 I 3130 con/split I 28B 8-19-92 28B 8-19-92 I I 1 I I I � I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; I FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-1-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Pad Line 9 & C. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925542 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:36 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:10 PM TIME PLACED: 4:15 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4 3/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 1 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-2-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 7-8-92 1 109,000 1 6.06 1 28.84 I 3780 1 shear j 1 28 7-29-92 151,000 6.10 29.22 1 5170 conical I I I I 1 28 1 7-29-92 I 150,500 I 6.10 29.22 I 5150 1 con/split I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHDDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanj Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of li aped da orr zwar efn or ppoaca tS mof es twtiem ebne t s oo na er r eectg from oomr p lre rdnne sos ur o tr orts arrangements agreed in writing, A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO, 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Area Way on TD Line BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925073 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED:. 10:33 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:00 AM TIME PLACED:11:15 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 78 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: -- SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-22-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE 1 DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS 1 TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I 1 I 1 I I I 7 1 7-28-92 I 114,500 1 6.08 29.03 1 3940 conical • 28 8-18-92 28 1 8-18-92 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ! 1 1 I 1 I . I I I I I I I 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: r COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab, North Portion. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925844 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:17 AM TIME PLACED: 8:25 AM CU.YO.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET .UNIT WEIGHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-15-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX ! CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA I COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I ! I ! ! I ! 3 7-17-92 62,000 6.07 28.94 I 2140 con/split I 7 7-21-92 98,500 6.07 28.94 3400 conical I I 1 I ! 14 7-28-92 121,500 6.07 28.94 I 4200 conical I I 28 8-11-92 I I I I I I I 28 8-11-92 I 1 1 I � I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Additional cylinders were made for early breaks per request of Dan Meek w/Weitz-Cohen. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-23-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor, Southwest Deck Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO.. 10 TICKET NO, 925153 MIX DESIGN NO, 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:30 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:00 AM TIME PLACED: 8:05 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 24 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 55°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:15 AM SLUMP: 2 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT; 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:25 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-24-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE i DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 17-30-92 I 109,000 , 6.08 1 29.03 I 3750 I con/shear I 28 I 8-20-92 28 8-20-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab, North Portion. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925844 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:17 AM TIME PLACED: 8:25 AM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% WATER ADDED AT.SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-15-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA WE COMP.STR. TYPE OF IGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 3 7-17-92 62,000 6.07 28.94 I 2140 con/split 7 7-21-92 I 98,500 6.07 28.94 3400 conical J 14 7-28-92 121,500 6.07 28.94 1 4200 conical 28 8-11-92 28 8-11-92 1 I � I 1 ! I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Additional cylinders were made for early breaks per request of Dan Meek w/Weitz-Cohen. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 400 499 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Slab, Eastern Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5 & 9 TICKET NO. 900953 & 900954 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 7:39 & 7:47 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:00 & 8:15AM-TIME PLACED: 8:30 AM-CU.YD,LOAD/ACCUM: 32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:25 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I I 1 I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA MP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) 1 CO(PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7A 17-7-92 89,500 I 6.09 1 29.13 I 3070 con/shear I 28A 7-28-92 126,500 6.06 28.84 4390 con/shear 1 I I 28A 7-28-92 130,500 I 6.08 1 29.03 I 4490 conical I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Two trucks discharged into pump simultaneously; Sample taken from pump discharge. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION First Floor Slab, East Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 18 TICKET NO. 900964 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 10:57 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:30 AM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 104 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:54 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD ' DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) 1 (PSI) J FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7B 7-7-92 86,000 6.08 29.03 1 2960 con/split 1 28B 17-28-92 121,500 6.07 28.94 1 4200 conical 28B 7-28-92 120,500 6.06 28.84 1 4180 conical 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Temperatures were taken of all trucks in excess of 90 minutes from batching. Average temperatures ranged from 75 to 78 degrees F. Truck #7 was rejected by the contractor at 11:40 AM. The concrete was 2 hours, 10 minutes old. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan� Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 3 OF 3 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Wall Line A from 12.2 to 12.9; Wall Line 11.4 from B to C; Walls from 11.4 Line to 12.3 Line & from B Line to A Line. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 900991 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED. 3:25 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:00 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 68°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:20 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: -- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-1-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I I j I j CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I I I 7C f 7-7-92 I 115,500 j 6.07 j 28.94 j 3990 conical 28C 7-28-92 166,500 6.06 28.84 5750 con/shear 28C 1 7-28-92 161,500 6.08 29.03 I 5560 I con/shear I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS • TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 1 pus fog - CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Thickened Column Walls at Line 10C and at 9C. (Drawing Sheet S2). BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25RS TICKET NO. 925590 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 12:36 PM TIME ARRIVED: 1:00 PM TIME PLACED: 1:21 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/11 1/4 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 78 °F TIME TEST TAKEN 1:09 PM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:17 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-6-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-10-92 1 144,500 6.09 29.13 1 4960 shear 28 7-31-92 1 182,500 6.09 29.13 1 6270 conical 1 I I 1 I I I 28 7-31-92 177,500 6.09 29.13 6090 con/shear I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from truck discharge (Point of placement). Extra strength concrete mix was used. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-6-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor Slab, West Half. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925599 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:10 AM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:25 AM SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.0 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-7-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS l TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I 1 I I 7 1 7-13-92 I 86,500 I 6.09 29.13 I 2970 I con/split 28 18-3-92 124,500 6.09 29.13 I 4270 conical 28 18-3-92 I 120,000 I 6.09 29.13 I 4120 I conical I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 2nd Level-South BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9JL TICKET NO. 901114 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:13 AM TIME PLACED: 8:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/32/64 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 71°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:44 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-30-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 5 8-3-92 89,000 6.07 28.94 3080 shear I 5 8-3-92 84,500 6.07 28.94 1 2920 con/shear 7 8-5-92 I I I I 28 8-26-92 1 1 28 8-26-92 I I I I I I I � I l I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at point of placement. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; I FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 26610 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Added Wall Beam at Line 11.3; West Foundation Wall, Line 11.3 to 11.1. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 925668 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 3:08 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:35 PM TIME PLACED: 3:55 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 74 °F AIR TEMP:70's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:10 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-87 WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:20 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-8-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7 7-14-92 170,500 5.98 28.09 6070 con/shear 28 8-4-92 212,500 6.00 28.27 7520 con/shear 28 8-4-92 � 220,000 6.00 J 28.27 7780 con/shear 1 I I I I I 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval, Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab on Grade, Ramp. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5-MB TICKET NO. 901091 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 11:13 AM ' TIME ARRIVED: 11:40 AM TIME PLACED: 1:50 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 80°F TIME TEST TAKEN: SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.9% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% Max. WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-29-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 I I 1 I I 7 1 8-4-92 83,000 6.00 29.22 I 2840 1 con/shear 28 8-25-92 28 8-25-92 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Wait on Flatwork crew and supplier. Wheelbarrow pour samples at truck. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 2nd Level-South BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9JL TICKET NO. 901114 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:13 AM TIME PLACED: 8:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/32/64 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 71°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:44 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-30-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER , CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 5 8-3-92 89,000 6.07 28.94 3080 shear 5 8-3-92 84,500 6.07 28.94 2920 con/shear 7 8-5-92 94,500 6.05 28.75 3290 con/shear 28 8-26-92 28 8-26-92 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at point of placement. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of crlesev and dat ho zwt ef or ruviaca.toa of es twtem eb s e ioo na r r etxtrctng fr omr lr ng so uor teorts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-30-92 c/o_Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 1st Level, Copy and Conference Rooms BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10BL TICKET NO. 901151 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:04 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:17 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/24/40 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 62°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:07 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:22 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insultated Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-31-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER I CYLINDER . AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I 7 8-6-92 I 110,500 6.06 28.84 I 3830 conical 28 8-27-92 I 1 I I I 28 18-27-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at point of placement. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 27890-2 DATE: 7-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab, North Portion. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925844 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:17 AM TIME PLACED: 8:25 AM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-15-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I 1 I 3 7-17-92 1 62,000 1 6.07 1 28.94 1 2140 I con/split I 1 7 7-21-92 I 98,500 6.07 28.94 3400 conical I 1 I I 14 7-28-92 121,500 6.07 28.94 1 4200 conical 28 8-11-92 139,500 6.09 29.13 4790 con/shear 28 8-11-92 134,500 I 6.08 1 29.03 I 4630 shear I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Additional cylinders were made for early breaks per request of Dan Meek w/Weitz-Cohen. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. m>; CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-15-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. • PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Southeast Thin Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 925906 MIX DESIGN NO. 5793 3/8" TIME BATCHED: 7:05 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:35 AM TIME PLACED: 7:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 66 °F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:05 AM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN, AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT 139.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. • CYLINDER INFORMATION • NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:20 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-16-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX ' ( CYLINDER i CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 17-22-92 107,500 6.09 29.13 I 3690 conical 28 1 8-12-92 152,000 6.10 29.22 1 5220 shear 28 18-12-92 158,000 6.10 29.22 I 5410 shear I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. p Ab CONSLILTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS ' C REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 1st Floor Middle West Slab, Various Isolated Areas BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 901309 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:27 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:55 AM TIME PLACED: 9:05 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16/24 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 48°F TIME TEST TAKEN: SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER_INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:25 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-6-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX 1 I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 8-12-92 96,000 1 6.08 29.03 1 3310 f con/shear 28 9-2-92 28 9-2-92 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: We arrived on site at 7:40 AM. Truck with 3/4" aggregate arrived at 8:55 AM. 1st load was 3/8" aggregate not sampled. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan� Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing, A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. , � CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 1 .' REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3rd Floor South West Building Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 901282 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:15 AM TIME PLACED: 8:36 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65°F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:45 AM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: ' 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS'CAST: 8:50 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-5-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX l CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE I TOTAL LOAD I DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED I (LBS) I (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I 1 I I I 7 8-11-92 88,500 I 6.07 28.94 I 3060 I con/shear 28 9-1-92 I I I I I 28 9-1-92 1 I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I 1 1 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 'INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Job No. 4 278 90-2 C, c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 120084VASEEN OURT 3 Attn: Johannes Faessler CO 1000 South Frontage Road (303)674.7560 Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT 7-21-92 & Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-24-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. 5a? ■4101v/ David L. Sturge ri President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr, Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING &, SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES .INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT Job NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-21-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 _Date: 7-24-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 (7-21-92) Decking„ shear studs and side laps Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 7 to 11.3 and C to E Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Deficiencies in the stud layout Quantities and side lap fastenings were observed. On July 24, 1992, these deficiencies were found to be conforming to the applicable standards. Level or Elevation: Level 3 Haunch connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At 9 and 3 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. ITIS previously reported that this beam tp haunch connection was not complete due to a missing top flange embed plate. Pursuant to an Engineering Directive, the connection has been completed by adding an angle anchored to the P.C. panel and completing the welded connection. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected 'not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-21-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-24-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:. Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 Haunch connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At 3 arid TR.9 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. This connection has been modified pursuant to an Engineering Directive and is now found to be in conformance. Level or Elevation: IPvP1 2 FrprtPd stPP1 Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 11.1 to 124 and 1) to F.4linPs Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number, Pease attach the referenced 0.D. List. The erected steel was viewed for level and alignment with no deficiencies observied. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Job No. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 12084 vAsEEri couRT Attn: Johannes Faessler CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 1000 South Frontage Road (303�e7a7560 Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 6 • OBSERVATION REPORT 7-28-92 & Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-31-92 Project:. Sonnenalp Location Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered ' for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel fr- - to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Stir 9 eon - President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek RECEIVED AUG 10 1992 CHEN-NORTHERN.INS' INDEPENDENT TESTING F SUNNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12OB4 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-28-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date:, 7-31-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 2 _Jest Building Balcony moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area II, 7 to 11.7 and 6 to F Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 2 West Building Bracing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grid 13 and 14 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. The bottom weld joints were completed and found conforming. _ As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING C SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. * Job No 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-28-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-31-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project STandards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Beam Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At D and F on 14,5 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The beam web stiffeners at column location are missing. At present, this condition in under review. Level or Elevation:. Level 3 Balcony moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On D between 12.4 and 13 and on D between 13.5 and 14 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected riot listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC.^ SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-28-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-31-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 West Building. Area 1 Decking and N.A.S. Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 7 to 12 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Levels 2 and 3 Stairwell . Center Embed fix Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: N/A Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. The previously reported missing embeds have been placed pursuant to Stresscon's directive and the associated welding was found to be conforming. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected riot listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDIPLfIL)tri 1 i try 1 111 j O' -`INSPECTION SERVICES INC SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 5 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 7-28-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 7-31-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Column cap plate connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: N/A Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The two columns marked 2113A and 2120B haye cap plates ins_t fled that do not slope porperly and will require field rework. This condition was discussed with both the General Contractor and Fabricator. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected riot listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING S . ' ISPECTION SERVICES INC SONNENALP PROPERTIES 1201.14 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 6 of 6 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS 7-28-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 7-31-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AISC ASD AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If O.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level 2 and 3, West Building, Area 3 The bolted connections contained in these areas were insepcted pursuant to AISC requirements for installation and tensioning No deficiencies were observed. Additional Page Attached AUG 2 4 1Q0? CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , .CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Area Way on TD Line BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: 8 & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925073 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 10:33 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:00 AM TIME PLACED:11:15 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 78 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: -- SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT; 4-8I WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-22-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX 1 I I I I I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I I 7 1 7-28-92 I 114,500 I 6.08 I 29.03 3940 I conical I 1 28 , 8-18-92 I i I f 1 I I I 28 1 8-18-92 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 sr- r, �-p CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1' OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. _ PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Southwest Existing Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. 925091 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 8:38 AM TIME ARRIVED: 9:09 AM TIME PLACED: 9:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:25 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3 IN. MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I 1 I 7A l 7-29-92 90,500 I 6.07 1 28.94 I 3130 con/split 28A 8-19-92 I 1 I I I I 28A 8-19-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I l DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Existing Southwest Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 925098 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 10:10 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:35 AM TIME PLACED:11:35 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 88 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 65°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 11:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.9% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3 IN. MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 11:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I I I 7B 7-29-92 90,500 6.07 f 28.94 I 3130 con/split I j 28B 8-19-92 I I I I I I I 28B 18-19-92 l l l I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; l Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Err.; 6 Nj.4 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-23-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So, Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: First Floor, Southwest Deck Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET NO. 925153 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:30 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:00 AM TIME PLACED: 8:05 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 24 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 55°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:15 AM SLUMP: 2 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO, OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:25 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-24-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 7-30-92 109,000 6.08 29.03 l 3750 con/shear I 28 8-20-92 134,000 6.09 29.13 4600 con/shear 28 8-20-92 141,000 6.09 29.13 1 4860 con/shear I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS . REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; l Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the NIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 SENT BY:WEITZ-COHEN CONST, CC -7-24-92 ; 12:45 303E -5954 813034764608-8130;# 4 d 3039221421 RIVIERA ELECTRIC F-261 T-230 P-002 JUL 23 '92 17:17 iss mato omit ,, 1�lM�QIMMIN (� ` yl , 1992 . • Mr. Art Ord , Riviera Moot* ' CO *01x0 Re ,. xiatel mu . 1-11/4 i Dear Art, The ilullowing ere our responses to the Building Dep ent% coma ants dated Tune 25, 19924 1. a. Con went; The ' •,_.. fs, .. !. circuit should be . . ►aI or . , , { 1 , ,_. so e$ to be clearly id can 41, per. b. 1411)1 14 anetsency pclwered elFete and exit , H , . via eheding on 2. a. Cmrmient: 112e . .Y F... , load of the hotel 1'5 in excess of 41 ons erd therefore an pers approved voice cororcooloation and evacuation system nust be 1$ dad of the Alarm . System se required under Town of Va t wanes 3,seeks of 19 Oalitutuce 25, aerles of mi. b. Reply; The voice Cc mmrn1cettun and • evacuation system is detailed on the Fre Adtaw . 3. &. Comment Specify the ]lie of the rcquircd s tamatic gm but o8 valve on sheet Sr6. b. Reply: Fug Alarm shop drawings will show thla location. aaniur4, La tnc i enemy' SENT BY:WEITZ-COHEN CONST. CO -24-92 ; 12:46 ; 30386 7698 813094764608-8130;# 5 3039221421 RIVIERA ELECTRIC F-261 T-232 P-003 JUL 23 '92 17:17 Nir. Art t mall C =+ 490E541 Pap 2 a. Comment: The Fire i Alarm One- s &&swing on sheet .3 is not approved., b. Rs*: The enal Fire Alarm Onrollne shall be shown on the Fire Alarm shop dra per your eta a t: �e detailed mf rmatian to the emergauey mentor, minding fuel gwitelies, ospacny and related cameos. b. RI*, lei of shop drawinsa t+eleted to #fie ° d. IT Comm= can duct smoke detectors are re, '..4 ., In the C� . /, • air h 1h1g ••t.; AC-1., +it1A.4, A•, c[JArf, CUM CUM,FR• `�F�3,EF.5,RP- 6, EP-1 , end liF•15 as refleetod sheet M 4. In addition the Fire. Department is min for over ride .-. . . .0 ty at the fire alarm per for '4 andEF.10. 114,An We have provided duct detection for AC1, MUA1„ and MUM aerequired detection '� 2, end 3, wul have duct coda to detection.� by d exhaust fans are not rein*fans and decnxequ3 r duet meows the capability of overriding 13,F 6 end 10 via dry contact" SENT BY:WEITZ-COHEN CONST. CO. 7-24-92 L12:46 ; 30386 16698-f 613034764608-61304 6 3039221421 RIVIERA ELECTRIC F-261 T-230 F-004 JUL 23 'SZ 17:17 Cdr. Art t rte. I hie 3 Pe have anY questions* pious do not hesitate to all Sineereiy, oicanu, ENGINEERING, O Humphries sothead • CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 816,57-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 4' Wall Topping, Grid Line 12.1, Lines C.6 to D. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 925984 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 1:39 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:04 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:30 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-18-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX I I 1 I t 1 I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE 1 DATE TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS 1 TESTED (LBS) 1 (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I 1 I I I I 7 1 7-24-92 1 103,000 1 6.09 I 29.13 I 3540 I con/shear I 31 8-17-92 137,500 6.09 29.13 1 4720 con/shear I I I 1 I 31 8-17-92 I 131,500 I 6.08 I 29.03 1 4530 1 con/shear I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3rd Floor South West Building Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 901282 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME,BATCHED: 7:50 AM TiME ARRIVED: 8:15 AM TIME PLACED: 8:36 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65°F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:45 AM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7% WET UNIT WEIGHT; 139.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:50 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-5-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA I COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 8-11-92 88,500 6.07 28.94 1 3060 , con/shear 28 9-1-92 111,500 6.08 29.03 I 3840 conical 56 1 9-29-92 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIM group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado, PLACEMENT LOCATION: 4th Floor North-West Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 7 TICKET NO. 901358 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME PATCHED: 7:48 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:15 AM TIME PLACED: CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 55°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED,AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-10-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 10 8-17-92 116,500 6.10 29.22 3990 conical 1 28 9-4-92 28 9-4-92 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 • „ INDEPENDENT TESTING SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 12084VASEEN000RT Attn: Johannes Faessler CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 1000 South Frontage Road West 80433(303)674-7560 Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 6 OBSERVATION REPORT 8-4-92 & Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-6-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. Rezor.ci David L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC:. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-4-92 & Inpector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. :, 060892 Date: 8-6-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As noted Applicable Code or 'Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level , West Building, Area 3 Expansion anchors Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grid 13 from C.3 to D line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The installation -of the expansion anchors is consistent with industry and project standards. Level or Elevation: Second Level , West Building, Area 3 Bracing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grids 13 and 14 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected riot listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING C SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INS. ' JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-4-92 & Inspector; David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-6-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Second Level , East Building Edge angle and window framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. Along 11 and 11.1 lines from F to i lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 4 Decking welds and side laps Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 2, West Building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING &.:_ INSPECTION SERVICES IN( � SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-4-92 & Inspector:, David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-6-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:.. Level 4 Headed anchor stud welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation:. Level 4 Balcony moment connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & -m.. INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page, 5 of 6 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING ° 8-4-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : nfinR92 Date: 8-6-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected Fillets X Groove. X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:_ Level 4 Edge angle welds Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D, list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. West Ruidling, Are&1 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. ITIS previously reported two geometrically jncorrrct TS column cap plates. These two columns_, MK 21135B and 21135A, have been field corrected pursuant to an Engineering Directive. The associated welding is found to be conforming to applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected riot listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES iN%. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORAUO 80433 (303)674.7580 Page 6 of 6 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS 8-4-92 & Inspector: David L. STurgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 8-6-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AISC AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level 3, West Building, Area 3 The bolted connections were inspected in accordance with AISC requirements for installation and tensioning with no deficiencies noted. Additional Page Attached INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 12084 VASEEN COURT Attn: Johannes Faessler CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 '1000 South Frontage Road West (303)674.7560 Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 7 • OBSERVATION REPORT 8-10-92 & Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 0-14-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", D.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. r )( - c■r-r- 40.t David L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek 'INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-14-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:. Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 3 TS column'cap plate correction Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TA.4 & 1.5 and TC.7 & 1.5. Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. At both locations, field corrections have . - - 1 'u' - -._ - . 4 i .t-$ W. • •, s W. • if • ,- .1 I U, ' I . I , , mpl i cabl a standards. Level or Elevation: -1 1 - tien Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 2, West Building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List., Elevator beam to core embed welded connections were viewed. One north connection was noted to have under- sized welds. The Erector was advised and corrections were started. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERT'[ES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084.VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-14-92 Field Made Welds: X .Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1. 1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Diagonal bracing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. Area 2, West Building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. At grid 11 and 15 the brace welding is now completed. Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Added stiffeners Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On grid 0 and 15 and grid C @ 13 and 14 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List._ AS directed by Engineering, the placement of girder, web stiffeners have been installed. The associated welding was found to be conforming to applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING &- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-14-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:. Roof Level Main cable eye bolts Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Along 1.5 line between TB.3 and TC.3 and along TB.5 between 1 and 1.5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. The specific weld sizes to be field applied during installation are not detailed. Inspections find the existing welding to be of acceptable quality. However, the weld size was directed to be increased to 5/16" fillets. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Joist seat welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. North : ' e • e • • ' � - Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List., Welding i4 in process. Inspections find some welds to be undersized. This condition was reviewed with the .Ere . or for correction. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & m SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 5 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-14-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove, Other, Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1.90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:. Roof Level Ledge angle welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: North Roof, West Building, Grids 2 and 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The edge angle to embedded channel field welds were found to be undersized and improperly spaced. This condition was reviewed with the Erector for correction. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Field installed her tab Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: At TC.8 and 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The missing ham sbear Ph has been_ iasianed and the connection completed. The field welding was also found to be conforming to applicable standards As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. r._ INDEPENDENT TESTING C SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 6 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-14-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other. Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Decking and H.A.S. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Mechanical Penthouse Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. No deficiencies were observed. Level or Elevation:. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084vasEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 7 of 7 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS 8-10-92 & Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date 8-14-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If 0.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and 0.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level 4, Area 1, West Building Bolted connections were inspected in accordance with AISC and Project requirements addressing installation and tensioning. Of the connections viewed, no deficiencies were observed. Roof Level , Area 1, West Building Bolted connections were inspected in accordance with AISC and Project requirements addressing installation and tensioning. Of the connections viewed, no deficiencies were observed. Additional Page Attached INDEPENDENT TESTING f INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFE I COLORADO 80433 Attn: Johannes Faess ler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 7 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-25/8-28-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeoly( President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES.INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector:. Davjd L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: a-25/8-28-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove. Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof 1.evej Joist fiats. bridging and associated framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building. Area 1 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The welding of the roof supporting members is now comslete.with one exce.tion. The excestion has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-1. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Entry arch frames Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TC.6 between 6 and 7 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. A typical kicker to decking connection is under review. Please refer to 0.D. item F-2 for details. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES �2os4 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-25-8-28-92 Field Made Welds: X .Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (le: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : Ac racardQd. Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: level 2 Entry arch hanger rod connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TA Line between ,hand 4 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The initial placement of the hanger rod lei . . 1 - • T - . • -r rigs ar- now welded to the vertical leg of the support. This condition is under review for acceptability. This item has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-3. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Entry arch field welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TC.6 " . - , , _ - • . is . — Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. Excluding the 0.D. item, F-2, all other field welds were found conforming to the applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING E SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 .of 7 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-25/8-28-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other, Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 2 Structural stud framing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TC,6 frnm 1 to 7 tinpc Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The field welding of the gage size studs . u-mb-rs was found to be conformin• to the asslicable standards. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Column connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East Buildinq, Area 4 @ I and 9.6 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. One of the expansion anchors at the column base plate js severely tilted but is engaged. at the top side of the base plate appears to be a viable connection. This item has been entered on the attached 0.D. List as item F-5. As describedin the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. 'INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 5 of 7 VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL BOLTED CONNECTIONS Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date8725/8-28-92 Type of Bolted Connections: Friction Bearing X Type and Size of Bolts Inspected: A-325 X A-490 A-307 Other Criteria AISC AREAS OF INSPECTIONS List the levels and areas of inspections separately with a critique of nonconforming conditions. If O.D. List is utilized, designate the item number and O.D. page assigned each nonconforming condition. Level 2 - Entry arch frame hanger rod connections As the hanger rods move out from the center of the radiused arch frame, the angle of bolt perpendicularity increases and does not allow the bolt and washer to bear properly on the frame. This condition is under review. This item has been entered on the attached O.D. List as item F-4. Additional Paae Attached • INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 6 of 7 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES• Location: Sonnenalp/Vail , Colorado Job# : 060892 Date :8-25/8-28-92 Inspector: David L. Sturgeon Page : 1 of On-going ,Date Item Date Reported # Accepted • 8-28-92 F-1 Roof l evel , elevation 81'-06", on grid TC.8 and 2 the beam mk. #24518 is incomplete at the missing embedded plate. 8-28-92 F-2 Level 2, grid TC.6 between 6 and 7 at the arch angle kicker connection to the decking the field welding is not of acceptable Quality. A review is being conducted to move the decking welded connection to the nearest beam. 8-28-92 F-3 Level 2 on TA line between 3 and 4 lines, the entry arch hanger rods are welded to the vertical leg of the angle supports. This conditon is under Engineering review. 8-25-92 F-4 Level 2 entry arch hanger rod connections - these connections do not frame perpendicular to the radiused arch and are under review STRUCTURAL.MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 7 of 7 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Sonnenalp/Vai l , Colorado Job# : 060892 Date :8-25/8-28-92 Inspector: David L. Sturgeon Page : 2 of On-going ,Date Item Date Reported # accepted 8-25-92 F-5 Roof Level , East Buidling, Area 4 at I and 9.6 line, the T.S. column base plate expansion anchor is severely tilted. • STRUCTURAL,MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING • • CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-17-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 4' Wall Topping, Grid Line 12.1, Lines C.6 to D. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25 TICKET NO. 925984 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 1:39 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:04 PM TIME PLACED: -- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 1/2 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:30 PM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER ,INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: '3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:40 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-18-92 BY: Joe E. Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE TOTAL AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WE(LBS UN(PF)IGHT DAYS TESTED ( B ) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) C 7 17-24-92 103,000 I 6.09 29.13 I 3540 con/shear 31 8-17-92 137,500 6.09 29.13 4720 con/shear 31 8-17-92 131,500 6.08 29.03 I 4530 con/shear 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 ! I l DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'BryanI Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending.our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIM group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Area Way on TD Line BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 925073 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 10:33 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:00 AM TIME PLACED:11:15 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 78 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: -- SLUMP: 3 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-22-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 7-28-92 I 114,500 6.08 I 29.03 I 3940 I conical I 1 28 8-18-92 136,500 6.08 29.03 1 4700 shear 28 1 8-18-92 I 140,500 I 6.10 29.22 I 4810 I conical I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So, Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION Slab-on-Grade, Southwest Existing Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 8 TICKET NO. 925091 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 8:38 AM TIME ARRIVED: 9:09 AM TIME PLACED: 9:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 60°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:25 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3 IN. MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX • I - CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE I TOTAL LOAD 1 DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) I (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7A � 7-29-92 } 90,500 I 6.07 1 28.94 1 3130 con/split 28A 18-19-92 129,000 6.09 29.13 4430 con/shear 1 28A 1 8-19-92 128,500 I 6.08 29.03 4430 con/shear I I I 1 I I 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS • TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-22-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Existing Southwest Building. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 925098 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 10:10 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:35 AM TIME PLACED:11:35 AM-CU,YD,LOAD/ACCUM: 88 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 75 °F AIR TEMP: 65°F TIME TEST TAKEN; 11:30 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.9% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3 IN, MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE; 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 11:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Under Cover DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-23-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR, TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I 78 17-29-92 I 90,500 6.07 28.94 I 3130 I con/split I I 28B 8-19-92 129,500 6.09 29.13 4450 conical I I I I I I I 28B 1 8-19-92 I 129,000 I 6.08 29.03 i 4440 I con/shear I I I I I I I I I I I i I i i I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HLH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-27-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 2nd Level, West BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. PG8 TICKET NO. 901057 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:32 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:10 AM TIME PLACED: 8:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/80 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 54°F TIME TEST TAKEN: SLUMP: 5 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.6% WET IJNIT WEIGHT: 141.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% Max. WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:50 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7.28-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED ! (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 3 7-30-92 70,500 6.08 29.03 2430 l conical 4 7-31-92 80,500 6,07 28.94 2780 con/shear 7 8-3-92 98,500 I 6.09 29.13 3380 shear 28 8-24-92 124,500 6.06 28.84 4320 conical � I 28 8-24-92 124,500 6.07 28.94 4300 con/shear I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland;, Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; I Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-28-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Slab-on-Grade, Ramp. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 5-MB TICKET NO. 901091 MIX DESIGN NO. 5931 TIME BATCHED: 11:13 AM TIME ARRIVED:11:40 AM TIME PLACED: 1:50 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 80 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: -- SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.9% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS; SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% Max. WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: None DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-29-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX j j J j CYLINDER 1 CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 8-4-92 83,000 1 6.00 29.22 2840 j con/shear I 28 8-25-92 112,500 6.05 28.75 I 3910 shear 28 8-25-92 115,000 6.09 29.13 3970 conical I 1 I I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: We waited on site due to delay by flatwork crew and supplier. Concrete was placed by wheel barrow. Samples were taken from the truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 2nd Level-South BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 9JL TICKET NO. 901114 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:13 AM TIME PLACED: 8:45'AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/32/64 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 71°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME`TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:44 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site • • CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-30-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) a (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I J 1 I I I I 5 } 8-3-92 89,000 I 6.07 28.94 1 3080 shear 5 8-3-92 84,500 6.07 28.94 1 2920 con/shear I 1 I I I 7 18-5-92 94,500 1 6.05 28.75 1 3290 I con/shear f 28 ] 8-26-92 121,500 6.10 29.22 1 4160 con/shear 28 18-26-92 I 127,500 I 6.10 1 29.22 1 4360 con/shear I 1 l DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at point of placement. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 • CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Slab, 1st Level, Copy and Conference Rooms BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10BL TICKET NO. 901151 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:04 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:30 AM TIME PLACED: 9:17 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/24/40 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72°F AIR TEMP: 62°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 9:07 AM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 144.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:22 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insultated Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-31-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX I i I 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I I 7 8-6-92 110,500 6.06 28.84 I 3830 conical 28 8-27-92 146,500 6.09 29.13 5030 con/shear 28 8-27-92 146,500 I 6.10 29.22 5010 I con/shear I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at point of placement. i COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3rd Floor Mid West Building Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 901237 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:09 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:35 AM TIME PLACED: 7:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 50°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:00 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 140.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:15 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-4-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA 1 COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I 3 1 8-6-92 I 77,000 I 6.09 29.13 1 2640 conical I 7 8-10-92 106,000 6.07 28.94 3660 conical 1 I I I 1 28 1 8-31-92 1 136,000 I 6.08 1 29.03 1 4680 I conical 1 1 28 8-31-92 133,000 6.08 29.03 4580 con/shear I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I • DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sample taken from truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; 1 Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-5-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 1st Floor Middle West Slab, Various Isolated Areas BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & 8 Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12 TICKET NO. 901309 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 8:27 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:55 AM TIME PLACED: 9:05 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16/24 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70°F AIR TEMP: 48°F TIME TEST TAKEN: SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.8 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:25 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-6-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 1 7 18-12-92 96,000 6.08 29.03 3310 con/shear 28 9-2-92 127,500 6.10 29.22 4360 con/shear 28 9-2-92 132,000 6.08 29.03 4550 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: We arrived on site at 7:40 AM. Truck with 3/4" aggregate arrived at 8:55 AM. 1st load was 3/8" aggregate not sampled. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryani Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Mechanical room loft deck slab 4th floor BATCH TICKET INFORMATIDN SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. ,10 TICKET NO. 901660 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 12:42 TIME ARRIVED: 1:10 TIME PLACED: CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION .SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:49 SLUMP: 3-3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:00 WHERE CAST: On-Site • CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-20-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA I COMP.STR. TYPE OF 1 WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) I (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 8-26-92 I 97,500 1 6.08 1 29.03 I 3360 I con/shear 28 9-16-92 I 1 I 28 9-16-92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; I Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; J. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 6661 flit; CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 4th Floor North-West Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 7 TICKET NO. 901358 MIX DESIGN ND. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:48 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:15 AM TIME PLACED: CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 55°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:30 AM SLUMP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-10-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) I I I I 10 1 8-17-92 116,500 6.10 29.22 3990 conical 28 9-4-92 121,500 6.08 29.03 4180 con/shear 1 I I I 28 1 9-4-92 126,000 6.09 1 29.13 I 4330 1 conical I I I I I I I I I I i I i i I I I I I I I I I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: CDPIES; Pierce Segerberg &Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryanl Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 SEP - 18 - 92 FR I 9 : 27 FROBINSON MECHAM ICk 1_ P . 01 kt% t1/4 Mechanical Company 5541 Onitai Avenuo huffier.tO 80301 303.443-1505 FRK303-143-5501 September 18, 1992 Town of Vail 76 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Attention: Dan Stanek Re: Sonnenalp Hotel 20 Vail Road,Vail,Colorado Subject: 30"II)U.L.Listed Pressure Flue Riser at East Side of Building Gentlemen: We will out the flange on the l- oam pipe supports at the 3rd and 4th floors to allow for clearance from flue. The shalt wall on one side will have 3/4"clearance to the flue. If you have any questions.,please feel tree to contact us. Verytytfly yours, .•••.,•• ,'):Sitrry Vice Pre Went CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-19-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Mechanical room loft deck slab 4th floor BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET NO. 901660 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 12:42 TIME ARRIVED: 1:10 TIME PLACED: CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: °F AIR TEMP: °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:49 SLUMP: 3-3/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 3-5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 10 SAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:00 WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-20-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX I I I I I CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) 1 (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 1 8-26-92 97,500 1 6.08 29.03 1 3360 conical 28 1 9-16-92 130,500 1 6.09 29.13 4480 con/shear 28 19-18-92 137,500 I 6.08 29.03 1 4740 con/shear I I I I I I 1 I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan1 Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; J. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 •H INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 Aft 1000 South Frontage Road west aT, ti Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 • OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. :_ 060892 Date: V-20-92 Project: Sonnenalo Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturg n President cc: Pierce, Segerberg &Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr, Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek RSCEI AUS3a INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB N0. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-20-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.):, As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 4, West Building, Area 2 Vertical bracing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. Grid 12 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation: Level 3, West Building, Area 3 Vertical bracing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grids 12 and 15 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As describedin the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING • Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 8-20-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof J.evel.,Ji!lest Buy Tsjng, Area 1 Ledge angle weld Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Along grids 2 and 3 at tap of CTP w.aU Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The angle to embedded channel attachment welds were previously found to be deficient in length. This reinspection finds the reworked welds now conforming to Project Standards. Level or Elevation: Roof Level , West Building, Area 1 Eye bolts Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Along III • _ l - Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. ITIS previously reported- that the addition of weld had been directed at four eye bolts. The additional welds have been added and are found to be of conforming quality. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. :DEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 060892 Date: 8-20-92 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. X Additional inspections Additional tests At present, the roof level , joist and secondary framing is being installed at the north end of the west building. Inspections of the joist seat and dormer framing are on-going as sections are completed. Deficiencies in welding which are observed *ill be marked and reviewed with the Erector. During the next inspection visit, the previously noted deficiencies will be — reinspected along with inspection of newly completed connections. The process is repeated with each inspection visit. Once an area is completed and all required inspection completed, ITIS will report on its completion. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (3o3�s74-isso 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT 1 Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: -3 Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection fo'rm. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon 6/ President cc: Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek • INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084VASEENCOURT JOB NO. 4 2 £3 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 4 1 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING I Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-3-92 Field Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:, AWS D1. 1-90 and Pro.iect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Roof framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include they appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Work is in progress. Inspections included joist, joist bridging, decking, joist seats and various other! framin• .com•onents. At @resent, only Minor welding deficiencies have been observed and corrected. Level or Elevation: Level 2, Lobby Level Entry arch frames Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Areas •. 11 • . - t • Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include th appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number, lease attach the referenced O.D. List.. The welding and bolting of the frame, nine, are nearly complete with angle kickers remaining. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspect d not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 78 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Protect Standards I AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Decking welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area Onp, WPct Ruilding Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation:. Roof Level Decking welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area ?, West Buuilding Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include th appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. Work on decking is in progress. At present, the welding and side lap fastening are conforming to standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 78 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 00433 (303)674-7560 • Page 3 of 3. REINSPECTIONS • Type of Reinspection: Visual X Torque Testing NDT Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-3-12 List those items reinspected. Refer to the 0.D. item, 0.D. page number and priginal date for reporting of the O.D. item. Also indicate if reinspected item confprms to original project standards, modified standards or accepted in the as-built condition. Conditions found initially in nonconformance to original project standards but subsequently reviewed and accepted by the responsible authority shall ha e such acceptance in written form and written confirmation shall 'be attached t this report. ORIGINAL CONFORMING O.D. REPORT ACC. BY ENG. REVIEW TO SIGNED ITEM DATE AS-BUILT MODIFIED STANDARDS OFF COMMENTS F-1 8-28-92 X Yes F-2 8-28-92 X Yes F-3 8-28-92 X Yes F-4 8-28-92 X Yes j INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674.7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-8-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fe free to contact ITIS at your convenience. avid L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084vAsEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David I _ Sturgpnn ITIS Job No. : fl 0892 Date: 9.41-97 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1,1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby Level Entry arches Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Areas 2 and 3 on TA line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The angle kickers have been installed and the associated welding found conforming to the applicable standards. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. The welding is not yet complete; however, the portion completed was found conforming to the applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12064 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060R92 Date: 9-R-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Roof framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The major portion of framing is in place but only partially welded. Next week's inspections should find the area ready for final inspection. Level or Elevation: Level 3 Structural Cee Stud Welding Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: TA.4, 1 line and TC.9 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. b s INDEPENDENT TESTING & sONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-8-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Beam to expansion anchored channel Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: I line 9 to 10 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The framing W-8 beam, web connections are missing ong jolt at each of the three connections. Since one of the bolt holes is not punched in the stiffener, welding was directed. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. Chen0Northerninc. P 7 — Corm/Ring En gkw rs and ScT.,U.ta REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-3-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 44 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 - INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (=TRACTOR Midwest Insulating umumIURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (xF) PROJECT CONDITIONS Sv61STRATE PREPARATION Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 70's °F. WET DRY SAM TEST � wacf� ► ets y Second Level , North Wing 1 Beam Lines 3 and TB.5 2.54 2.15 18 2 Beam Lines 4.3 and TA.9 3 Beam Lines 5.3 and TC.1 4 Decking Lines 5.3 and TB.2 5 Decking Lines 4.8 and TB.4 MINMIUU MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THK (NESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THicKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PS) 1 5/8 1 5/8 1+ 5/8 2 3/4 1 5/8 1+ 5/8 3 3/4 1 5/16 15/16+ 5/8 4 13/16 1 1/8 15/16+ 5/8 5 5/8 1 1/4 15/16 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROILCIIo“To W NT&.DIE PUeUC MO-.OURSELVES.:ALL RETORIS:ARE SURNTTID M THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY or OUR CLIENTS.NC AUINORq nori 1OR PUBUG- TION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR MARINA,OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WREN APPROVAL SAMPLES-Will'BE..DISPOSED OF AFTER TFSTINO IS OOMPLETED UNLESS O71#R.Ati1NN7ELfJtt7 ME AGREED TO N-MRRRtO. A mambo"of the HIH rw at compen+» Form Na CME117A 4/90. Chen0Northern.Inc. REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH To: Sonnenalp Properties c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-11-92 Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 45 SHEET 1 of 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS cX>lirmi m Midwest Insulating MANUFACTURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH 03%1 -- DENSrf (x>1 13 PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE 111 A MAIN Not Observed AMBjENT TEMPERATURE 70 I s °F. WET DRY sumnE w T ( r T NUMBER Third Floor, Southwest (Pal 1 Beam Grid Lines C.5 and 13.2 1 .48 1 .40 6 13 2 Deck Grid Lines C.5 and 13 3 Beam Grid Lines C.6 and 12.5 4 Beam Grid Lines C and 13.2 MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE NUMBER THIpQJESS THICKNESS THKcREMARKS (IN) (IN.) (IN.) (IN-) (•SF) _ 1 5/8 1 1/16 13/16 5/8 2 5/8 3/4 11/16 5/8 3 3/4 2 5/8 1 1/4+ 5/8 4 5/8 1 7/16 7/8+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; MELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS.THE PUBLIC MO OtASELWS.HL REPORTS ME SU$I%1TED AS THE OOPfIOENflAL PROPERTY Cr out CUENTZ.:MO AtRHORSZATI0N..FOR PUOUC— 1U OF STATEMENTS....CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS.FROM OR.REOMONO OUR REPORTS IS RE'SER= MOM:OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL....SILIPU TOLL 6E ISSPOSED OF AFTER TESTiNO LS COMPLETED MESS WHIM ARRANGEMENTS ME AOREID.TO PI WRITTNO. A m.nh..f t.(HIH )r". 01 oomp«d•• Fonn No. CIEII7A 4/9O Chen Northern.Inc mor. and Sc AmOots REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 46 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS' CONTRACTOR Midwest Insulating UANUFM TURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDMONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 70's °F. WET DRY SAMPLE IPER Second Floor TEST AREA WEIGHT r )RE DENSITY 1 Beam Grill Lines C.3 and 13 1 .37 0.89 12 2 Beam Grid Lines B and 12.1 MINBAUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REI4ARKS NUMBER (iN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PSF) 1 5/8 2 1 1/4+ 5/8 2 9/16 1 11/16 1 1/8 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A IADUAL P41UTtxu10M TO EVENTS.THE.PUKE 140 CURIO-YE%AiL.REPORTS ME WROTE)AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OM CLENT%AND AUDORO1TION FOR PUSUCA- TION Or.STATEMENTS. OONCLUIDONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGAR W4O OUR REPORTS't!'ItaIERYED PE ANG OLW WRITTEN APPROVAL SAUPLE3 WILL DE DISPOSED OF AFTER TESDNO COUPLET1.D t i ESS OTHER:ARRANOF]FNis ME AGREED TO Pi WRITING. A n...n►.r of the[H I H )v., at corm-wiles Form No. CAE117A 4/9O Chen0Northern.Inc. Engineers anti Scientists REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-25-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 47 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS corrTRACToR Midwest Insulating MANUFACTURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) __ DENSITY (PCB 13 PROJECT CONDMONS BRAT , Not Observed Auaarr TEMPERATURE 70's °F. WET T DRY SkUP TEST AREA T (W ) M ( DENSITY • 1 Third Floor Beam Grid Lines TD and 4 1 .46 1 .39 5 14 2 Fourth Floor Beam Grid Lines TD and 6 3 Fourth Floor Beam Grid Lines TD and 2 MINNIUU w1X1UUU AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THICKNESS INKINESS THICKNESS THl(:KNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (iN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PSF) 1 2 5/8 2 1/2 1 5/16+ 5/8 2 1/2 1 3/4 15/16+ 5/8 3 1/2 2 1/8 1+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A IAJTUAL PROTECTION TO CIENTII.THE PUBLIC NCI OURSELVES.ALL REPORTS ME SMUTTED AS THE:..CONn]DFNTW.PROPERTY OF OUR'CUENTZ.AHD AUTHORIZATION FOR PU IXA- T10N OF STATEMENTS. CONT:U3SIONS OR EXTRACTS MOW CR.RECIARDNO OM REPORTS.IS RESERVED.-P£NORIO.'0 WRITTEN MPRWN.. SAMPLES WILL BE DC:POSED OF AFTER TESTN° 1S COMPLETED UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ARE AOREED TO N WRT111q. A member of the f H I H vwT d oompmil« Fonn No. 0E117A.. 4/00 }�enONorthern.Inc. ki ConotiOn9 Enobows cod SolonOokm REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-27-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 48 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South- Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenaip Hotel, 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CINTRACTOR Midwest Insulating MANUF,OCIURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (P{ 13 PROJECT CONDMONS SUBSTRATE PftEPARATTON Not Observed A►IBlINT TEMPERATIME 70's °F. WET DRY NUMBER TEST AREA WE)GHT �) �i( r DENSITY( 1 First Floor Beam Grid Lines TO and 5 -- -- -- -- MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE TN1CKNESS ESS TH)CKNESS THJCKNESS STRENGTH REWORKS NUMBER (ON.) (IN.) (N.) (IN.) (PSF) 1 1 2 1 1/2+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Al A MUTUAL PROTTC110N 10 CLIENT!.THE PUPAE NC OURSELVES.ALL REPORTS ARE SMUTTED A3 THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY or OUR CLENTL-At ID AUTHORIZATION FOR PURUCA- 1 CC STA:MADAM..00NCLU9Qtt OR EXTRACT! FROM OR RECARDNO OUR REPORTS t3 RESERVED PETIDI7O OUR MITER APPROVAL"SAMPLES MILL.BE CC M= OF AFTER TESTAIO CC/WWII) uras OTTER ARRA/MUMMTS ARE AOREED TO N MRTTMO. A mwyMr M/M HIH 1" torno.d» Fenn No. C1E117A 4/(I0 Chen0Northern.Inc. REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No.4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-9-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 49 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR Midwest Insulating AONUFACTWWR Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDff1ONS SU85TgmE pREpANA-noN Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 70's °F. SAMPLE AREA WET T DRY NUMBER ( ) 1 North Side Facade Beam, First Floor, 15' West of Northeast Corner 1 .11 1 .02 9 14 MIN ILIUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THICKNESS THICKNESS TRICKINESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (ps)) 1 11/16 2 1 1/4+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT We observed that the Third Floor Ceiling at the top of the north stairwell needs to be patched. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A Nl/11L1L PROTECTION TO CL1ENTL THE PUSUC ND OURlELW5.ALL REPORTS ARE SUlItfTFD AS THE CONFIOENiW.PIIOPfR1Y OF 04,1 CUENTY.AND AIRTFORTZATION FOR PUOUCA- TION or STA1t N I. CONCU*10143 OR,EXTIV;TS FROU OR REWROINO OUR REPORTS 13 RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROKAL SA a'SE3 WILL DE 0131203ED OF AFTER TESTlNO 13 CONFUTED MESS OTHER ARRANDIDAENTS ARE AGREED TO N W IUNO. A member d the®group d companies F.rrn Me. 0E117A 4/00 INDEPENDENT TESTING & - INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh VASEEN ONIF 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page, 1 of 4 • OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-15-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel ree to contact ITIS at your convenience. 41!:/, David L. urged President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB VASEEN COURT OB N0. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-15-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-90 and Prolect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:. Fourth Floor Structural Framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area One Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. The embed connections and edge angle welds were found to be in conformance to the applicable standards. Level or Elevation: :•e - • '•c • '-19%" Tu.- St-- onn • Eub-ds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: 9.5 and D.5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-15-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: _ Type of Welds .Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Joist and Decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. This area is now complete. Level or Elevation: - ' t-- . 11 if • - • . •• ��- Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Ar a Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The welding and bolting are in process. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. J -INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-15-92 Field Made Welds:_ Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Chimney frame attachment welds. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Ruilding, grans l and_ 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. CD-32 specifies welding of the frames track channel but without an fre.uenc . A visual inssection finds random patterns of welded deposits. Screws have also been added in some places with no specific pattern. This condition is under review. Level or Elevation:. Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D, item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. __Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNEIVALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 12084VASEENCOURT g g p CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date:, 9-22-92 Project: Sonnenalo Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fe- ree to contact ITIS at your convenience. t . David L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING L SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-22-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the >Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded. Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 4, Loft Framing Decking and edge angle welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area One Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. The decking installation is not yet _completed. The side laps are not fastened. Level or Elevation: Level 4, Loft Framing Decking and bolted connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 2 Provide a critique.. of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. One bolt was missing at one column • ' i - ' e • ►i' •- - i - - is -. . . 1 I he_r_eaairdng_arsas inspected. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB N0. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 3 . FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 9-22-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:. Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard•. AWS D1.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Roof joist and associated framing welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. age number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. Work is in process and not yet complete. Inspections of some of the completed areas finds the welding to be in conformance to the applicable standards Level or Elevation:. Level 2, Low Roof Roof framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. This area is now completed. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. fOr CHEN-NORTHERN INC i9, . CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS , REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp.Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-4-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: 3rd Floor South West Building Slab BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 24 TICKET NO. 901282 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 7:50 AM TIME ARRIVED: 8:15 AM TIME PLACED: 8:36 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 16 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 65°F AIR TEMP:50's°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:45 AM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139,2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3% MAX WATER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 8:50 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site • FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Field DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8-5-92 BY: Joe Benedict MIN/MAX CYLINDER I CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT I UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) I (PCF) 7 8-11-92 88,500 6.07 28.94 3060 con/shear 28 9-1-92 111,500 6.08 29.03 3840 conical 56 9-29-92 127,500 6.08 29.03 4390 con/split I�I DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from orregarding:our-reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed'uniess other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIM group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Chen @Northern,Inc. ConsWUung Engineers and Scienhsls 5060 Road 154 Glenwood Spnngs,Colorado 61601 303 9457456 303 945-2363 Facsimile October 5, 1992va Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division Attn: Permits and Enforcement 4210 East 11th Avenue Denver CO 80220 Subject: NPDES Permit No. COG7215, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., Sonnenalp Hotel Excavation, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Job No. 4 278 90 3 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the discharge monitoring report for the monitoring period from July 1, 1992 to September 30, 1992 submitted by Chen-Northern, Inc. on behalf of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. No Discharge was reported during this period. If additional information is required, please contact our office at 303-945-7458. Respectfully Submitted, N-NORTHERN, INC. Rick Thomas Environmental Scientist RT/lr cc: Ken O'Bryan - Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Architects Bill Douglas - Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. Bill Mueller - Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Dan Stanek - Town of Vail EPA Water Management Division - Compliance Branch Attachment A memhr,of%f-id HMI drnun of como?Noc PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDESI - v.. Facility Name//LocationiffAfyyerent) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(DMR) MAM[ SON.NENALP. PROPERTIES, INC. (2.16) 1 7-1 9 MINOR Form Approved ADDe`ssSONNENALP" HOTEL EXCAVATION COG070215 001; A (SUBR WC) • EkiliwENo. 2040-0004 20 VAIL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGENUMSEI F FINAL Expires 9-30-91 VAIL CO 81657 MONITORING PERIOD SILT ' POND DSCH; TO GORE - FACILITY YEAR MO DAY YEA+R� MO�y. DAY T LOCATION FROM TO 92 09 30. 449:r t NO- DISCHARGE I.:..X_1 * :' ATTN: KEN A. 0' ER!AN (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (28.29) (30-31) NOTE: Read instructions before completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION - NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE(46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) EX OF TYPE ANALYSIS i Ysis AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS 62-63) (64-68) (69-7U) PH #Y##r*" Y*# ** * * .,, SAMPLE - ( ) !. . (. 12),+ MEASUREMENT .f. v.:.... ..,.... n:::::•:rrr:rw .... .. ; ' £r:}rr.}:tc^+.:r::.v.:::'i:' ,:,..^y, .: , .::^ .,....,.., 4.J,:�v^. „:,,.,.. ,. . :r:0:t.,....... .. .,,,. . ....,,::.v. ...,.,..,v: ir,}:rrr:.t: ....::` :'::,„g::v}rr::,?..:::::r,::!r:::r: ^.:1.$.:i:.•^..:.+ ,i ar:C:ij£t£'n:Y.p'4r�pY'j:<yir. 00400 1 0 0 y ...,, �.: _�:. .. ,....:,..:........w...w............ :.........?v.:....v. ....^... v....,.r.. ....»,,,...,.. ....,.. .:......,,.:,,v:'<:.::>.'.r�:.,..r.,. �:;�«f:rr,£ ^ %�`�. �`F L U E N GROSS S Y A L U a !,!,�:,. ,...:,,:.. . : .�.::,<.....r:..v,,.::,..:..«r�...�r:>,�,v:.:. EFFLUENT GR >< !p}:M.:;...pY..::,uv:p::,:vn :•y : ;a .•p:^..,.... ,°g(. n...: 4: .. 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Y..w..:.. vv»,.v :: r;+:?:.'rrr.rx:t:' .,.....,. ^ `:`.%Q::..i�:.. NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY £XAMIN . TELEPHONE 0 A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN;,AND BASE• ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE INFORMATION, I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION 1 IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIG• • t"` Johannes Faessler NIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT SEE 18 U.S.0 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945_7458. 92 10 05 33 USC 4 1319, (Penalties under.these statutes may rnrlude fines up to Sto.o Hl TYPED OR PRINTED and or maximum imprisonment of between 6 months and:i years.) - OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AREA NUMBER YEAR MO DAY CODE COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) -OIL b GREASE -SEE. FOOTNOTE: Fr IN PERMIT. : No discharge July 1 through September 30, 1992 EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88 Previous editions maybe used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.( PAGE OF 00002/920413-1434. 1 ,R f 791 itcp 5541 Central Avenue � , ���� Boulder,(0 80301x- 303413 2505 �+ )b� gr) ?� ' 1nx 303"443 5507 y .• .� 4 � �• :11119111:1:Lti.� ri �t'}llrtf�titi October 1, 1992 Vail Building Department Ua(e; 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Dun Stanek Subject: Sonnenalp Hotel - Air Handler Smoke Detectors Dear Dan: Per our phone conversation this morning, please find attached a copy of your 6/25/92 plan review and a copy of the 1991 UMC Sec. 1009. My reading of this section would indicate the need for (2) detectors on AC-1; (1) detector on each of MUA-1, MUA-2 and MUA-3 (MUA-3 added since 6/25) and (1) detector on EF-6 and EF-10 (these are supply fans which pressurize the hoistways) and PF-24 (this is an added fan which pressurizes Stair #5). Units QUA_1,2,3 are combustion air fans for the boiler room. EF-1 is an exhaust fan for the transformer vault, EF-3 is an exhaust fan (300 cfm) for a single toilet room, EF-5 exhausts the laundry lint collector, and EF-15 exhausts the swimming pool. I will call Tuesday 10/6/92 to discuss the proper location for these detectors and the proper sequence of operation in the event of an alarm. Thank you for your assistance. 7 I '7 ,�� _ j ...i- :/° [ .(- :tG• .mot<nr %c. _-t.FZ-'��'Y •Very truly yours, /' i` / ,' / i r Jerry L. M'll�, P.E. Vice Pre ident i y INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674.7550 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 1 .766 Page 1 of 2 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 10-8-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests, and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. i David L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates , Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn : Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail", Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek e INDEPENDENT TESTING >•' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 2 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No.: 060892 Date:. 10-8-92 Field Made Welds: K Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:, AWS D1.1-90 and Proeict Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:- Roof Level Shim Bracing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Areas . i . Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D, page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. The addition of angle braces has been completed where flue pipes have been installed. The installation was found to be in substantial conformance wih the directive. Level or Elevation: Roof Level Embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 4, East Building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. SD-116 has been started: however, at this time. the additjnual _work is incomplete_ As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. ROW' etev-P 1440 CHEN—NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Salb, South Mechanical, Level 5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25RS TICKET NO. 902795 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 9:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:05 AM TIME PLACED:10;45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/40 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 64 °F AIR TEMP: 36 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 10:30 AM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR_CONTENT: 3.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: --- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-8-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 10-14-92 105,000 6.08 29.03 3620 1 con/shear 28 11-4-92 28 11-4-92 I 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of cesev pd dau z ario f or a proaca.tiomof es twtem e sd ic oo na for r eeractng r om oorlree rd so uo er rts arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 ° INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties Job No. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 10-2-92 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. Oc jmil`• ?-1 David L. Sturge President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh , Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol 4- Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING & sonnenal Properties INSPECTION SERVICES INC. p p i2084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 60433 (303)674.7560` Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 10-2-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Level 4 Balcony Bolts, decking, edge angle & moment Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East plates Building, Area 4 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. ITIS previously reported three connections that required welding along the existing building at the anchored channel . These welds have been completed. Level or Elevation: Le - ii . A . B4 -4 eif ' ' I1 Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Bui dli n� . Area 2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. During ITIS' previous inspections, one bolted connection required rework. This rework is now completed and conforms to the applicable standards. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPEN©ENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. Sonnenalp Properties 12084 VASEEN COURT Job No. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 060892 Date: 10-2-92 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-90 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Decking, joist and bridging Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building. ArPa 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted. Level or Elevation:- Loft Level Bolts, welded moments and edge angles Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: West Building, Area 3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. GEMUTLICHKEIT AND ELEGANCE IN THE ROCKIES '° -}' COUNTRY CLUB fonnenalp HOTEL AND 20 Vail Road November 10, 1992 Colorado 81657 (303)476-5656 1-800-654-8312 Telex 287599 Telefax 303/476-1639 Mr. Gary Murrain Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gary: Per our discussion, following final inspection of the laundry area it will be necessary to begin final testing and adjustment of equipment and the training of the Sonnenalp personnel that will operate the equipment. This will be a crew mix of construction personnel, manufacture representatives and approximately five (5) Sonnenalp employees. The Sonnenalp employees are protected under the standard Employee Workmen's Compensation, and Sonnenalp Properties will assume full responsibility for their presence in the building. Sic. ". eely r Johann s Faessler G�eral Manager JF/db Owned and operated by the Fassler Family CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO, 4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-7-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes`Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Floor Salb, South Mechanical, Level 5. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25RS TICKET NO. 902795 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 9:41 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:05 AM TIME PLACED:10:45 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/40 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 64 °F AIR TEMP: 36 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 10:30`AM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.6% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 142.4 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:45 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: --- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-8-92 BY: Mike Gruber MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 10-14-92 105,000 6.08 29.03 3620 con/shear 28 11-4-92 134,500 6.07 28.94 4650 con/shear 28 11-4-92 131,000 6.09 29.13 4500 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at truck discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 t A a a Z66 ChenNorthern.Inc. Engln.a. REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-11-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 50 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTC3R Midwest Fireproofing MANUFACTURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (pa) 13 PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE ARATxxr Not Observed AMBI ENT TE 4PERATURE 701s °F. WET DRY A E TEST AREA L "r° 1R DENSTTY PL ( (LEG) £ 1 Northwest Corner Facia Beam, 2nd Floor 1.49 1 .42 5.4 13 14 INMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE `THK NESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICINESS STRENGTH Ralik'?KS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PSF) 1 1 1/8 1 11/161 5/16+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT 2nd Floor, North Wing. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; MELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PRIMEGTOR TO CLENTL THE PUSUC NO OURSELVES,ALL REPORTS M SUART ED AS TTE COM1)EMLm1 PROPERTY OF OUR CUENT7.AND AUTHOIRATOW FOR PSRRUCA- TION OF STATE.MENTZ.CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REWRDNO OUT REPORTS IS RESERVED MONO OUT WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES S WILL BE[IMPOSED OF AFTER=MO TSS COMPLETED MSS OTT1(R AWNOEM NTS ME AGREED TO N WRITTEO. A member of the H I H v .tea.. Fenn Ha 0E117A 4/00 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 51 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING A jobsite visit was made as requested to check the fireproofing on the second floor of the north wing. This area had been previously observed and measured depths were found adequate. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen0Northern.inc, Oonou Ring E,,,,,,,,, and So lentiota REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenaip Properties JOB NO.4 278 90_2 DATE: 9-14-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 51 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. • MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (=mace Midwest Fireproofing MANUFM 1URER Cafco BONO STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDm0NS summui pmgmpaum Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 70' s °F. WET DRY SAMPLE >.r'DCSiuiE DENSITY NUMBER TEST AREA (LETS) (LABS) (x) (Pa) 1 2nd Floor, Northwest Corner Facia Beam -- -- -- - 2 3rd Floor, 30' South of Northwest Corner Facia Beam -- -- -- -- 3 4th Floor, 80' South of Northwest Corner Roof Rake Facia Exterior -- -- - -- MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THKVO1ESS THKKNESS THICKNESS THK:KNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PSF) 1 1 2 1/8 1 3/8 5/8 2 11/16 3 1/8 1 11/16-+ 5/8 3 11/16 1 1/2 1 1/16+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh ; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL.PROTWDON TO CLENT.TIE PUSUC NO OURSELVES. ALL RETORTS ME SUFA ITTED A3 THE OOWCOITNL PROPERTY OF OUR CU NTS.MIO AUTHORIZATION FUR P( IX k- TION OF STATEMENTS. CONCURDOKS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR RE-CARDING OUR REPORTS D TIES RVT.D PENOINO OUR MUTTER APPROVAL. SAMPLES MILL BE IXSPOSED OF AFTER TISTTNO GS COMPLETED UNLESS CRI QQ NTII ARE AGREED TO H VADTTNO. A mwnw.V the[HIH Jv's. o(oompani.. Form N. CME117A 4/90 Chen Northern.InG Conan likp Ensdnosno and So Untkda REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB N0.4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-18-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 52 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO, PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS roR Midwest Fireproofing M4WFAC AIER Cafco BOND sn NGTH (rte -- DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARAnON Not Observed AMBIENT TIE/APE/WIRE wET DRY NUM SAMPLE TEST AREA WE/GHr WEIGHT M fl TURF ( Southwest Corner Facia Beam SAMPLE m *a ES MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND NUMBER x S THICKNESS THICKNESS THIC}Q ess STRENGTH REMARKS (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (Ps ) 15/16 2 5/8 1 11/16+ 5/8 RREE,ss EEPpOpRqTT 2nd Floor west facia beam coating is thin. Mechanical shaft coating P3 rdCfloorRhallway bottom flange coating is thin. Southwest 3rd floor facia beam bottom flange coating is thin. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; J Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION.TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC Ale OURSELVES.ALL REPORTS ME SU[AL TED AS THE OOMDEMNt. PROPERTY OF OUR CU NTS.AND AUTHORIZATION ITIR PUEUCA-- TION OF STATEMENTS.CONCLUSIONS OR EXT'CIS FROM OR REGADNO OUR REPORTS d RESERVED PENONO OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAMPLES WILL OE DISPOSED OF AFTER TESTING 5 COIIPLETID UNLESS °num ARMNGETDfTS INE AORREID TO N 1RRIT1$Q. A ....unbar.f a»i H IH 11/FT c4 C*+Pa Fenn No. CiE117A 4/00 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-21-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 53 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING A return visit was made to recheck the areas observed to have thin coatings of fireproofing. These areas, the second and third floor bottom flange facia beams and mechanical shaft beams, were observed to still not be sufficiently coated with fireproofing. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen€Northern.Inc. and S REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh JOB. NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-22-92 Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 54 SHEET 1 OF1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR Midwest Fireproofing MANUFACTURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSJwy (pa) 13 PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE )'REPARATION Not Observed AMBIENT TE►N'ERATURE 701s °F. SNAKE TEsr AREA WET (DRY .HT W N 3rd Floor Mechanical Shaft , North Beam of Floor MINIMUM AMXIWUW AVERAGE DESKGN BOND SAMPLE THICKNESS THICKNESS TH1CXNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (PSF) 1/2 2 9/16 1 1/16 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT Areas observed September 18, 1992 were noted as having been resprayed to sufficient depths. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Nofland Associates; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A HUTILIL PROTECTION TO CLJDTTL THE PUBLIC AK/ OUR3ELVIM All REPORTS M SUOILTTID A3 THE CONFIOENIW.PROP! 1Y OF OUR CLIENTS,MO AUTHORIZATION FOR PIJOUCA-- 11 OF STAIDENT3. OOHCSIISIONS OR EXTRACTS TROY OR REOARDR10 OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PERIWIG OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. SAMPLES WILL DE DISPOSED OF AFTER TESTINQ TS CONFUTED UWE= OTHER AIIMHGOiNT1 ME AOREED TO N WHOM. A m.nb. .t eat H IH gm. d oornponio. Fenn No. C1E117A 4/90 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp'Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 9-29-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Mr. Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 55 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. REPORT OF: FIREPROOFING Facia beams were visually inspected in the south wing prior to sheathing. First floor bottom of flanges need additional coating on southern-west facia. Southeast and east facia beams have not yet been coated. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FOAM NO. CME102A 6/91 Chen0 Northern.Ine So lentlets REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-2-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT No. 56 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , ` CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS co.m CTDR Midwest Fireproofing wwUF,4CTTARER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) -- DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 70's °F. WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT ( 00 (KO 1 1st Floor Interior East-West Beam Southwest Wing, Center 2 Roof Girder, Northeast Bay Windows WHIM MAXIUUM AVERAGE DES3GN BOND SAMPLE THK OIESS THICIWESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER ON.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (Pu) 1 9/16 1 1/2 1 1/16 4 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 1 1/4+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT COPIES ' Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A )*flUNL PRORJCIDN 10 CUM& THE PUBLIC AND OUR SWIM.ALL imams ARE 3UbRTTED AS THE CCHFIDfMNl. PRCPOf1Y OF OUR CLFNI7.AiC AunicrfZAT70N FOR PUMUCA-- TON OF STATEMENTS. CONOLL ONS OR EXnTb1Cil:mow OR:REOARCNO OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PORNO OUR WRRTEN APPROJPL SAMPLES WILL BE DOPOGED OF AFTER TESf1NO 4 COMPLETED UWE= ODER ARINNOE)ENT3 ARE AGREED TO H WRITVWX A m.ni.r .f tl»(HIH ),IM d oomponWe row. N. Mi117A 1/on K77 55 Chen0Northern.Inc. crw,o Enin.«, and sd.rt>.e, REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh JOB NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-7-92 Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 57 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR Midwest Fireproofing MANUFACTIMER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) __ DENSITY (PCF) 13 PROJECT CONDft1ONS SU857RATE pREpARAn1oN Not Observed MIBIENr TEMPERATURE 60's °F. WET DRY SAMPLE o r NUMBER (( 1 Roof Beam, 15' South of Northwest Bay Window 2 Roof Girder, West Side next to Facia Beam • SAMPLE MINI UM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DES G8 BOND ICKNESS TNICJQJESS 7H Klt�ICCNESS THICKNESS STRENGTh REMARKS NUMBER TH (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (per) 1 5/8 1 3/4 1 3/16+ 5/8 2 3/4 1 1/8 7/8+ 5/8 PROGRESS REPORT Top of stairwell north end roof beam, northwest bay window roof beam and 20' south of north stairwell hall roof beam bottom flange all need additional coating. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; • Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co.; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A UUTUAL PI GTW a+TO CLWNTS. 'NV P'WX MO °unm et.ALL REPORTS AFE SUMMED AS TFE COWINNTW_PROPERTY Or OUR CLIENT7.AND AlTHORRATIOH FAR PURUCA- 'DON OF STATE7RZNI3. CONCLIXDONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REOARDINQ OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL SAIPLES WU.BE DLSPOSED OF AFTER TENTING IS COUPLETED UlKES3 OTHER AAMNOf]ENTS ME AGREED TO N WRTTTNO. A member of R),.(H I H l vow d oan,..., Fnrn Nn eLF1 17A •/on Chen0Northern,Ins Ca»dLb9 EngIn+wa and Saiont>+e. REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH To: Sonnenalp Properties Jos NO.4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-26-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO, 58 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS cotimmoR Midwest MANUFACTURER Cafco BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DETTsrn, (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIONS svesTRI►TE IMYMIATEW Not Observed AMBENT TTNPERATUR£ 40's °F. WET DRY SAMPLE TEsr AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOtSTURE DENWY 1 4th Floor, West Facia Beam - Center 1 .38 1 .32 4.5 12.9 2 Roof Girder, East Corner, 20' North and 20' West of Existing Building -- -- -- -- 3 1st Interior Roof Girder, 100' North of Southwest Building. Corner -- -- -- -- 4 Roof Girder, 20' North and 20' West of Southeast Corner of New Building -- -- -- -- MINI UM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND SAMPLE THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS NUMBER (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (Ps9 1 7/8 1 5/8 1 3/16+ 2 9/16 1 5/16 1 3 1 2 1/8 1 11/16+ 4 5/8 2 1 7/16+ PROGRESS REPORT Several roof girders need to be touched up. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. ; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans Town of Vail ; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION 10 CLAUS,THE PUMUC AHD OURSELVES.ALL REPORTS ARE SUMMITED AS TIE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CL.ENTS.AM AUTHORIZATION TOR PUDUCA- TION OF STATEMENTS.COISCUISCOS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REO RDINO OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. SAMPLES WU BE DISPOSED OF AFTER TESTING IS COMPLETED UNLESS OTHER AAIYWGEIENTS ARE AGREED TO N VSITTINO. A member M u,.(HtH ,V.* d•«*b«++•• CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 59 SHEET 1 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, -:Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES A jobsite visit was made to visually verify patching and recoating of previously noted thin areas. Recoating and patching has been performed and appears to be satisfactory. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol+Hof land Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients. and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies FORM NO. CME102A 6/91 • CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS: REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB MO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-30-92 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 59 SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: B & B TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER.OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Bobcat TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Jumping Jack THICKNESS OF LIFT: Not Observed METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None Added NUMBER OF PASSES: As Required j LABORATORY FIELD DEPTH OR -MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) (Pa) (%) OBTAINED 40 Northwest Drive Entrance, 2' West of Centerline of Drive Base Grade 137 7 130.3 7.0 95 -3/4" Base Course 1 FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Contractor PROGRESS REPORT: The Proctor value was assumed. COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict Michael Evans FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies van so.cxElo;5/91 �,.. REC'D DE C 1 .- 4y 5 1992- TOWN OF VAIL 42 West Meadow Drive Vail Fire Department Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2250 MEMORANDUM TO: GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING O ICIAL FROM: MICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAL DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1992 RE: EMERGENCY GENERATOR TEST - SONNENALP I witnessed a test of the emergency generator at the Sonnenalp Bavaria House this morning. The test was successful, including transfer switching, starting, monitoring, and performance. No load testing was conducted in view of the intent to supply power to Phase 2 on future circuits. The current capacity exceeds current demand. The emergency lighting test passed in general terms. The following exceptions were noted: 1. Information on the battery charging circuit, charging cycle, float level (or maintenance requirements) for the batteries, and the generator test cycle (frequency and duration) should be provided to the Fire Department. We also have a concern that the batteries not fail prematurely die to cold ambient temperatures. 2. We recommend a dielectric sealant or compound be put on the battery terminals to prevent corrosion. 3 . A copy of the Emergency Panel schedules should be placed at the fire alarm panel so we can identify emergency circuits and which equipment is and is not on the emergency generator circuits. 4 . The following locations are in need of emergency lighting: a. Fire sprinkler control valve room b. the Bakery c. the Housekeeping office d. the Men's employee locker room e. Men' s and Women's public rest rooms in the conference room lobby f. Conference Room 4 g. the Game Room and the entry lobby to the Game Room Sonnenalp Emergency Generator Test Page 2 h. center of Bully III across from the entrance to the rest rooms i. entry lobby to and including Men's and Women's rest rooms in the Bully j . 4th floor, Phase 1, corridor in vicinity of Room 322 k. 4th floor, East wing elevator lobby 1. Emergency lighting in the east stair of Phase 2 is inadequate m. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor corridors, including a separate section adjacent to rooms 112 , 212, and 312 , is inadequate. n. There is no emergency lighting in the entry or Men's or Women's rest rooms 5. There are no emergency lights on the exterior at the conference room exits. Given the definition of exit way includes a clear and unobstructed path to a "public way" , it appears the guests would not be able to see the path of egress once on the exterior of the building. We recommend some lighting be installed on the exterior, especially on the south side, to facilitate safe egress past the pool, the creek and to the street. 6. The main entry / exit doors of the hotel are not on emergency power and do not swing in the direction of egress. These doors are not the break-away type. 7 . There are no emergency lights in the hotel rooms with lofts (with a single exception) . Egress down the stairs during a power failure will be difficult at best. 8. The 4th floor East wing secondary egress is effected by using an exterior balcony on the north side of the building. There is no emergency lighting on the exterior balcony. Ambient lighting at night during a power failure may be inadequate. 9. Sonnenalp should consider installing emergency lighting in the porte-cochere. ChenNor�hern,Inc. X6616 I A ht a En■4v+r. and sd..0.. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION To: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90-amTE: 4-23-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 60 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. Phase II STRUCTURE South Stairwell REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION cO JUEN S VERTICAL HORIZONTAL: Footing Subgrade #5 @ 16" 0.C. 2 #5 Longitudinal • SPECIACAT)oNS: s1En. cRAAE: 60 ❑ PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: OK ® SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND cove 3" above soil ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPEC.'aTCAT1ONS: 22" ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-7114E OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMIPIANCE HEIGHT " MET PROJECT NET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—Dow!Nu WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—D(AMINED x. PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Mike Gruber Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; AS A WRYL PROTECTION TO CLINT*. THE PUIEE P OORSEIV 3. AL1 REPORTS ARE SUe1.TTED AS T}. 001111C MAL PROPERTY Or OUR CLIENTS, AK}A&fl1 ncZA1TON furl PM.KA- TIOr+ Or STAIUV4TI. cow:Litmus OR fXT 4C}3.fRW OR REDARCI+O OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDIq OUR WRITTEN N'TPE IAL SA1/'EL3 MIL DE COPOSED Or A IER 1}371+0 6 CQUI'U1t) unit.sn 01)tR AAr14lQOOE.NT3 ARE AGREED 10 N WRI11N0. A ,,...,,..r r..I flH Jr... nl.• Chen Northern,Inc. 0.tral4Ly Sd.nO.t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-20ATE: 4-28-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 61 SHEET- 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. Phase II STRUCTURE Ludwig's Planter Wall RUN F ORCXNG LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL- Footing Subgrade #5 @ 12" 0.C. #5 12" Each 24" Laps Way spEancAnarg seta GRADE: 60 ❑ PLANS USED REINFORCING c tNUNESS: OK ® SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER OK ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: 2211 ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Brick ® PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPIACE COULPIMICE HEKyiT 3" MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REM IREMEMTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; . Nicol + Hofland Associates; Mike Gruber Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; A3 A WILMI, P1 J1TCTTON TO OUI NTR.THE RARE MD OURIEWEII ALL REPORTS ARE 31A TTED A3 THE COI*TOENT1#1 PAOf(RTY Or (UR GENT! AW AUTNOR..ATK7N rut PURJCA- DON O(SIATCHEHTS. CC•1CCAJ9OH3 OR !)WC13 !ROW O!1 REDAPOINO OUR REPORf3 R RE:MOWED PENDa1C OUR VRITIEN APTROV L S/J/'Li3 117.1 BE 0131•03ED Or ALTER TL3R10 6 CO R'1,ETED 11&[3. OI)ER AMAHOWEM3 P AOREED TO N MMT1N0. A r,._,-e <4 V.I F I I H .-.. a oanbw+w. Chen€ Nortlhern,Inc. OwloaLS� CPO..... .,. Sd.nti.t. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION • TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 4-30-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 62 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. SIHUCTURE South Terrace Walls REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION COADJENTS VERTICAL HORIZONTAL 15 Line, South #5 @ 16" O.C. #5 Top and Wall Bottom F Line, East Wall #5 @ 16" O.C. #5@ 16" O.C. SPECIFICATIONS: srea GRADE 60 ❑ PLANS USED REI/VORCING CLEANLINESS: Okay ® S1-10P DRAWiNGS USED CLEARANCE AND CONEfr Good ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFIC.ATiONS: 22" ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE None ® PARr-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH 1NPLACE COMLPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT All rebar ends were drilled 8 inches and epoxied into existing walls. Splicing laps between 24 and 26 inches. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Todd Gressett Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co, FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; A3 A MUTUAL HRORECTTON TO O.R)4TL THE TAM)9) OU13C1113. AU. REPORTS AJRE SUBLETTED A3 THE CON1100fl1M PROK!TY EP OUR QE413. A D AUTHOROATX)N ►ER PM( Or STAREUMS, Mt/CLEMO S OR EXTRACTS /RO4 OR R£aN0h+0 OUR REPORTS 13 REJETVED Pflf011q OUR MRTF1EN APPROVAL SAMPLES WRLL BE WM/3M Or AFTER TE3TAi0 6 COVETED UNLESS 01)ER .* NODAUf 3 ARE AGREED 10 11 WRI11110, A n.-,+.r of v» H 1 H j .r companies ChenNorthern,Inc. Cw,..twq Enghwt end Sa.nw. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DA7E: 5-3-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 63 SHEET1 OF1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. SU UCTURE South Terrace REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVAT]ON CCUISENTS VEm1CAL HORIZONTAL 1 Footings, South, East and Southeast Corner. G and H • Lines Subgrade #5 @ 12" O.C. #5 @ 12" O.C. 24" Splicing Lap where needed SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 ❑ RAMMED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: Okay ® SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVEFt Good ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: 22" ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE Bricks In PART-TIME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMLPIANCE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRE11ENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED PROGRESS REPORT Plans show 2' wide footings. Contractor made them 3' wide to accommodate change to plans. All rebar bent as shown on shop drawings. COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Todd Gressett Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FlQp OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; A3 A WRY& mum-nom1D CLIDTS., THE TRAM MID O.m E W3. NJ-REPOTTI ARE 31. 3TTED AS THE COWDENTVN PROPERTY Or out QXNTS. A L) MJfl RIIATTQ( MR PtflJCA- T1ON or SIAWNIENTI. CDNd.UVONS OR EJRMCT3 TROY OR REOAROM OUT REPORTS 13 RE_7R1RD PE"DNO OUR MRfTREN NTAOVN- SNRT'11i WILL BE Dt3rOOED or AFTER 1E3Tt'O 6 COUPLE-RD UI.ESS1 Q))Ut ARRANOFYREN13 ARE AOREID TO N 11Ttl11lQ. A rtwn•r of the H I H Fes► of o.n onl.. Chen @ Northern,Inc. Otnoutling Ems And So.nu.4. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties - .JOB No. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-5-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh . Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 64 SHEET 1 OF I 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE Ludwig's Terrace; Stem Walls up to Brick Level. REINFORCING LOCATION ELEEVATOHM COMMENTS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL: North Side #5 @ 12" 0.C. #5 @ 12" 0.C. East Side #5 @ 12" 0:C. #5 @ 12" 0.C. South Side #5 @ 12" 0.C. #5 @ 12" 0.C. SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL Grin 60 ❑ PLANS USED REINFORCING,CLEANLINESS: Okay ® SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVETt Good ❑ CONTRACTOR AMSED SPtJcNG: SPECIFICATIONS: 22" ❑ FULL-TAME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE PMT-TAME OBSERVATION FINISH INPLACE COMLPIANCE HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE FtEQUIREMEN7TS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Todd Gressett Michael Evans Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; • AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CUENTI, TTY MCC AND OUTOO.VES.ALL REPORTS ARE SUER/TIED AS THE NTD NW& PROPERTY Or OUR CLIENTS. ATV AUTITORQATTON TOR PUUCA- TON Or STATEMENTS. CONO.UVON1 OR EXTRACTS mom OR FtslmOHO OUR REPORTS R TOSOIVED PENOIIO OUR MISTIER Arimook. SA1FU3 Iii. BE DSSrosED Or AFTER TEITNO M CONPIETED UNLESS OMEN ANV440 34TTS ARE AGREED TO N WRITNO. A n...,d.r of w I H I H j v■.+ compo+» t1661 A t1,Jjd CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads F-17 and F-18; Pad 1, Pad 1A and Pad 2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 904879 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 3:14 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:45 PM TIME PLACED: 4:30 PM-CU,YD.LOAD/ACCUM:, 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 72 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:00 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 148.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box ' DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-13-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-19-93 131.500 6.06 28.84 4560 shear 28 6-9-93 28 6-9-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED -SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary,Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-13-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings, Pad on Lines K & E1.3. Footing on Line 11 between Lines L & J. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25SC TICKET NO. 904912 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:02 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:30 PM TIME PLACED: 4:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: -- FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 68 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:45 PM SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 145.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-14-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER 1 CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-20-93 94,000 6.08 29.03 3240 shear 28 6-10-93 28 6-10-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at chute. 1 COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for-publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 4-23-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: South Stairwell Footing. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. JP14 TICKET NO. 904561 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 12:22 PM TIME ARRIVED: 12:50 PM TIME PLACED: 1:15 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: -- FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 67 °F AIR TEMP: 61 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:10 PM SLUMP: 3 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.8% WET UNIT.WEIGHT: 141.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:22 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Blanket DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 4-28-93 BY: Frank Potvin MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 4-30-93 82,500 5.98 28.09 2940 shear 28 5-21-93 124,000 5.98 28.09 4410 shear 28 5-21-93 125,500 6.04 28.65 4380 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Chute pour, Sampled from chute. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-14-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at E2.7-K, E3.3-K, E3.3-J, E2.7-J, Footing on Line E.1 from Lines J to K. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO, 19 TICKET NO. 904933 MIX DESIGN NO. 7000 Bp TIME BATCHED: 3:10 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:45 PM TIME PLACED: 4:10 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:55 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.3 - JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 72hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-17-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-21-93 125,000 6.08 29.03 4310 shear 28 6-11-93 28 6-11-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 '. ufDA CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-12-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads F-17 and F-18; Pad I, Pad 1A and Pad 2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 904879 MIX DESIGN NO. BP TIME BATCHED: 3:14 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:45 PM TIME PLACED: 4:30 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 72 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:00 PM SLUMP: 4 IN AIR CONTENT: 3.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT 148.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:10 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-13-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-19-93 131,500 6.06 28.84 4560 shear 28 6-9-93 170,500 6.08 29.03 5870 --- 28 6-9-93 173,000 6.08 29.03 5960 --- DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays ' B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 1661 Nnr CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-13-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, . 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings, Pad on Lines K & E1.3. Footing on Line 11 between Lines L & J. 1 BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 25SC TICKET NO. 904912 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 3:02 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:30 PM TIME PLACED: 4:05 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: - FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 68 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:45 PM SLUMP: 4 1/4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 2.4% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 145.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 4:00 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-14-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT LINIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-20-93 94,000 6.08 29.03 3240 shear 28 6-10-93 137,000 6.07 28.94 4730 shear 28 6-10-93 135,000 6.07 28.94 4670 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sampled at chute. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Mike Gruber Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-14-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads at E2.7-K, E3.3-K, E3.3-J, E2.7-J, Footing on Line E.1 from Lines J to K. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 19 TICKET NO. 904933 MIX DESIGN NO. 7000 BP TIME BATCHED: 3:10 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:45 PM TIME PLACED: 4:10 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 • FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 70 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:55 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 143.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO, OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 72hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-17-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX 1 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-21-93 125,000 6.08 29.03 4310 shear 28 6-11-93 160,000 6.07 28.94 5530 con/shear 28 6-11-93 161,000 6.06 28.84 5580 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 A4DEPENDENT TESTING & _& Ir 4 INSPECTION SERVICES INC. s SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Se erber & Spaeh 12084 VASEEN COURT Segerberg p CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT Week beginning Client: Chen Northern Iris Job No. : 051993 _Date: 5-23-93 Project: SonnenalD Location: Zimkor Industries Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests, and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The 0.0. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the Q.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact__ITIS at your convenience. fir fflP-Ap. 4.1avid 4 ur on President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek LNDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES VASEEN CouraT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 COtm'En.COLORADO 80433 • (303)674 7560 Page 2 of 3 SHOP INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Week beginning Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job iao. : 051993 Date: 5-23-93 Field Made Welds: Shop Made Welds. X Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove X Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards List components tested and inspected on "Shop Inspection Log" sheet(s) and attach. NONCONFORMING SHOP INSPECTED ITEMS Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Refer to the conditions by item number provided in the left hand column of the "Shop Inspection Log" sheet. Also, list the appropriate, assigned O.D.item number (must be suffixed by "S") and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. The attached "Shop Inpsection Log" sheet lists those components that received weld quality verification. In summation of ITIS' finding, no deficiencies were observed. As additional components are fabricated, ITIS will inspect for confor- mance and report on our findings. • The remaining connections inspected, as described in the aforementioned format, were found to be in conformance to the stated criteria. INDEPENDENT TESTING & . 4SPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 SHOP INSPECTION LOG SHEET • Page 3 of 3 Inspector: /0• Z , g7"U2 re.Ji.-7 ITIS Job No. :f .5/9 9 3 Date: -23 g3 V. I. Dimen. • Item Qty. Mark# Component Welds A-6 Camber Insp. NOT Comments 1 / /y9© '4 j eAin 2 / /2/ / ✓ ,/ 3 / /4/704 r 4 J 12/'? g, 5 / 7 7/9 1"e"/". 6 / V 4i97 TS Snie3 8 _ / /We,6'/9 j " ✓. 9 2. /te/4 ter vT 10 ? /2 /.4 T$ FPAr7 t s/ • 11 ! l .i-a 4 1 I ✓ 4,/ 12 / l2.27/3 13 ! j2_..26,4 1 f V I,/ 14 / /2-3-3/9 15 ,LS 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 • 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-9-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Foundation Wall, Lines E6 & I to E7 & J.4. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. -- TICKET'NO. 905400 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:32 PM TIME ARRIVED 4:05 PM TIME PLACED: 5:25 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4.5 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:30 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-10-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-16-93 93,000 6.08 29.03 3200 shear 28 7-7-93 28 7-7-93 DESIGN'STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 27890-2 DATE: 5-21-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footings: E.1, L to M; M, E.1 to E.3; E2, M to N; E3, N.2 to N; N, E2 to E3; (This Load Placed in E.1 to E.3 M) BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. JC19 TICKET NO. 905061 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 11:07 AM TIME ARRIVED: 11:50 AM TIME PLACED:12:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 72°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 12:15 PM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 137.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:30 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: Field Cure FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-24-93 BY: Michael Evans MIN/MAX 46/92 CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-28-93 85,000 6.08 29.03 2930 shear 28 6-18-93 113,000 6.08 29.03 3890 shear 28 6-18-93 112,500 6.06 28.84 3900 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a actual protection to clients,the public and ourselves,all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients,and authorization for publication of statements conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pendlnrW our written approval. sanples will be disposed of after testing is couplettd unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A mmibar of the Nom"group of commies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-18-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Footing Pads E-5 M, E-4 N, E3.3 N, E3.3 M, Footings on Line E-4 from N.5 to 0, Line 0 from E3.3 to 2.7, Line E-2 from N.5 to 0.' BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET''NO. 904976 MIX DESIGN NO. 5936 TIME BATCHED: 2:15 PM TIME ARRIVED: 2:35 PM TIME PLACED: 3:10 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 65°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:50 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 133.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING' INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: Field FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-19-93 BY Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 5-25-93 I 94,000 ' 6.06 28.84 3260 shear 28 6-15-93 1 125,500 6.08 29.03 4320 shear 28 6-15-93 I 124,000 6.08 29.03 4270 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT.MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Chen€ Northern,Inc. � low, end ScAordirt. REPORT OF MORTAR/GROUT/MASONRY TESTING TO: SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2JATE: 6-8-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 1 DAILY REPORT NO. SHEET 1 OF Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION Pool Foundation Shotcrete _ TYPE AND SIZE OF SPECIMENS: suPPU B & B MIX DESIGN NO. MORTAR 2X4 CYLINDERS 2X2 CUBES OTHER MORTAR TYPE M S N 0 K GROUT 16"x16" Panel c sr IN BLOCK CELLS CAT AS GROUT PRISM OTHER FIELD TESTING INFORMATION PROPORTIONS: • TIME MIXED FLOW/SLUMP (IN.) FINE TIME SAMPLED - SAMPLE TEMP. T ACG. CEMENT LIME PRISM DATA BEDDING: HOLLOW GROUT FILLED FACE SHELL FULL SHELL NOMINAL DIMENSIONS TYPE OF MASONRY UNIT OTHER COMPRESSNE STRENGTH SPECIMEN NO. 1 2 . 3 ACE'(DAYS) 7 28 28 GATE tk51tU 6-15-93 7-6-93 7-6-93 waauuu LOAD (LSS) 43,500 GROSS STRENGTH (PSI) NET STRENGTH (PSI) 6630 CAPPED HEIGHT/LENGTH (IN.) 6.00 T1-0001 SS/DIAMERER.(IN.) 2..89 GROSS AREA (IN2) 6.56 NET AREA (IN.2 ) H/O or L/D 2/1 H/D or L/0 CORRECTION 1 DESIGN STRENGTH PSI *28 DAYS PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Sapeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays Weitz-Coheb Construction Co. ; Town of Vail; B & B Ready Mix; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As A wnt .PPamalo TO artNtx 1W runic rC°U.RSE .Au I!PO TS A suumO AS nx C "1114. rnorcmr aF am aArrt. j m+ A� rai amuc.I_ . ---_._ •.-.. . .... ecn.wwr.'. 'ct( ' .t r.es.e..tn nsunon(U wmTTD1 APNROVH. SLIP 3 MIL 11_:130 RIbStD Of NT[R tLSTIhia t$ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-25-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Foundation Walls; On Line E2 from Line N to Line 0, Line E4 from Line N to Line 0 and Line 0 from Line E2 to Line E4. Sample taken at Lines E4 and 0. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. PP16 TICKET NO. 905132 MIX DESIGN NO. 5930 TIME BATCHED: 2:58 PM TIME ARRIVED: 3:25 PM TIME PLACED: 4:00 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 72 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 3:40 PM SLUMP: 5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 3.4% WET,UNIT WEIGHT: 139.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:55 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 48hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-27-93 BY: Todd Gressett MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-1-93 99,500 I 6.07 28.94 3440 shear 28 6-22-93 127,000 6.08 29.03 4370 con/split 28 6-22-93 128,000 6.08 29.03 4410 con/shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 .INDEPENDENT TESTING Cr INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER,COLORADO80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)674-7560� 1000 South Frontage Road West °� Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 • OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITI5 Job No. : 051993 Date: 6-9-93 Project: Sonnenalo Lodge Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformaRce for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", 0.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fe: f to,A'g.,ct,ITIS at your convenience. 11%/ ' / David L. Stur,, n President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING INSPECTION SERVICES INC.SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB N0. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT. CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: : David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date:, 6-9-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove. Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): Precast field welded connections Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Foundation P.C. footing connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: J line, M and N lines and El and E5 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. A 4" x 4" x 3/8" plate has been substituted t - d-tailed 4" x 4" x 3 8" anile at man locations resultin, in weld quantity deficiencies. The associated weld quality was found to be in general conformance with only a few connection marked for additional welding. Level or Elevation: 135'-11" to 148'-08 Panel to panel face plate connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: All panel to panel locations Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. ° Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. At all locations a 4 x 6 x 3/8 plate has been ujilize.djn lieu of the detailed 4 x 8 x_1/4" plate resulting in weld quantity deficiecies. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB N0. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. :. 051993 Date: 6-9-93 Field Made Welds: ( Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : Precast field welded connections Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01. 1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:_ 135'-11" to 148'-08" Panel to column connection plates Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grids J, N and E5 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced D.D. list. A 3 x 3 x 3/8" angle has been substituted for the 4 x 6 x 3 8" slate detailed on S.C. Owl . 28 Section One. Also the weld all-around symbol for the column weld plate is in question as the existing space precludes placement on the back side. Level or Elevation: :7'-J." anA 4V-11" Panel to panel tee connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On M and N lines south of E2 line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed OA item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. At elevation 37'-11" on M line a 4 x 5 x 3/8" plate has been substituted for the detailed 4 x 4_x 1/2" plate. At elevation 41'-11" on M line the cast-in embed plates are misaligned and the connection cannot be completed as detailed. From 38'-05" to 41'-11" on grid N the panel to panel tee connection embeds do not align and cannot be made. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & -.' INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER:COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 4 of 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 051993 Date: 6-9-93 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. X Additional inspections Additional tests With regard to the results of this initial inspection visit concerning the noted connection deviations, Stresscon has responded by sending out Mr. Donald Palmer to review the noted deviations first hand and advise as to the corrective actions required. ITIS will reinspect all connections at the noted elevations at such time as we are advised as to the corrective actions required. In general, the field welding was found conforming but does need some cor- rective rework at the field connections as indicated in yellow ink. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-23-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION Lobby Level Walls, Line El from Line N to Line L,and Line M from Line El to Line E2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12WL TICKET NO. 24545 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 9:32 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:10 AM TIME PLACED: --- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP:. 70 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 10:30 AM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 138.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: --- BY: --- MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-30-93 109,000 6.08 29.03 3750 shear 28 7-21-93 28 7-21-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 10 E` 1)/i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-28-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Foundation Wall, E5.9 to K.6, K.6 to J.4, J.4 to J. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 6VB TICKET NO. 905215 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 1:16 PM TIME ARRIVED: 1:50 PM TIME PLACED: 2:40 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8.5 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 60 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 2:15 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.5% WET UNIT WEIGHT:139.7 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:25 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: --- BY: --- MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-6-93 107,500 6.09 29.13 3690 con/shear 28 6-25-93 138,000 6.07 28.94 4770 shear 28 6-25-93 138.000 6.07 28.94 4770 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CllenONorthern,Inc ,ng E„a, and SQL•ntiorta REPORT OF MORTAR/GROUT/MASONRY TESTING TO: SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-8-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh T 1 OF 1 DAILY REPORT NO. SHEET Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West • . Vail , CO 81657-5063 INVOICE NO. PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION Pool Foundation Shotcrete TYPE AND SIZE OF SPECIMENS: SU B o B MIX DESIGN NO, MORTAR 2X4 CYLINDERS 2X2 CUBES OTHER MORTAR TYPE MS NO K GROUT 16"X 16" Panel CAST IN BLOCK CELLS CAST AS GROUT PRISM OTHER FIELD TESTING INFORMATION PROPORTIONS: TIME MIXED FLOW/SWMP (IN.) FINE TIME SAMPLED SAMPLE TEMP. T /EGG. CEMENT LIME PRISM DATA BEDDING: HOLLOW GROUT FILLED FACE SHELL FULL SHELL NOMINAL DIMENSIONS TYPE OF MASONRY UNIT OTHER COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SPECIMEN NO. 1 2 3 AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 OATS 6-15-93 7-6-93 7-6-93 MAXIMUM LO..D (Les) 43,500 49,500 48,500 GROSS STRENGTH (PSI) NET STRENGTH (PSI) 6630 7050 6910 CAPPED HEIGHT/LENGTH ON.) 6.00 6.00 6.00 THfcKUESS/ouMETER (W.) 2.89 2.99 2.99 _,.. GROSS AREA (IN?) 6.56 7.02 7.02 2 NET AREA (IN. HA or L/D 2/1 2/1 2/1 HID or L/D CORRECTION 1 1 1 DESIGN STRENGTH PSI •28 DAYS PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Sapeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays Weitz-Coheb Construction Co. ; Town of Vail ; B & B Ready Mix; RELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As A VUTUM.PRarrCTEN TO WOOS. ntt PUOUIC AW OURSELVES.ALL sermon ARE su zraD AS ntE ww iw. PROPERTr or OUR a1ryrS. NO NITtloRruno(t MR PORCI A- WN Or suttutntl. LIONCLUSRVIS OR tocnoct3 FROM OR REOAIWU10 OUR REPORTS 4 RtSERLMD PENO110 Out N1R1TD APPROVAL. SA.UPUL5 WRL OC D6P(SED Or AFTLR 11:511N0 IS rn.w 111 n uN 153 O11RR NUWIOQI)(S AXE AGREED 10 P WIRTINO. '5 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-9-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Foundation Wall, Lines E6 & I to E7 & J.4. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. -- TICKET NO. 905400 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 3:32 PM TIME ARRIVED: 4:05 PM TIME PLACED: 5:25 PM CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 4.5 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:30 PM SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 139.1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 6-10-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-16-93 93,000 6.08 29.03 3200 shear 28 7-7-93 127,000 6.07 28.94 4390 shear 28 7-7-93 124,000 6.08 29.03 4270 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORT --_ ° 111 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTI - REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-8-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab; Grid Lines 1 to L, E to E6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET NO. 905774 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 3/8" Aggregate TIME BATCHED: 7:37 AM TIME ARRIVED 7:50 AM TIME PLACED: 8:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM 8/14/32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:50 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 134.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-6% WATER ADDED AT SITE 14 GAL, CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:05 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24 Hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Building DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-9-93 BY: Bobby Hays MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-15-93 63,000 6.08 29.03 2170 shear 28 8-5-93 28 8-5-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Inside building sample was taken at pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Bobby J. Hays Fred Cameron B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; 1 FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 .I" DEPENDENT TESTING & - R[CT JUL 2 7 1993 INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Sapeh CONIFE avcoZORA�o so433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)6747560 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT • Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 6-24-93 Project: Sonnenalp Lodge Location: Vail . Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests, and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. . The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please fee •e to contact ITIS at your convenience. �1///1..��� �av L. u.„..--.- President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek 'DEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 vASEery COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: : David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 052993 Date: 6-24-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: . .JeSAIi9n 57' P,C. Column cap to beam Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grid lin K @ F1 .3 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. list. The south side weld cannot be placed due to embeds offset approximately 2" to the north Level or Elevation: Elevation 47' Wall panel face plate connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On El line Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List.. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. DEPENDENT TESTING & SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page. 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: : David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 052993 Date: 6-24-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ):. As recorded Applicable Code or Standard- AWS 01 .1-9? and Prr jPct Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: From foundation to roof level Stairway P.C. connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grid" •, .11 r . . Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted • Level or Elevation: - ' es ' ' " 4 ' I Al. +. 1 • • • ill - SIS Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: El to E5 and J to 0 lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. :INDEPENDENT TESTING SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674.7560 Page 4 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: : David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 052993 Date: 6-24-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X .Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation:_ sadnorthstirwaladin g` Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:. N/A Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. The channel that supports the landing and risers III . I- ' . -u.-d .n. i •t u w- . -. �. . I . ' . 11 -s - t-ndin• be on. the embed • ate. The vertical e. of the cl ' . at ' - n-- • trimming to com 1p ete the welding Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. f/fr WO JUL 7 199 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-27-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO. 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Bus Stop, Exterior Slab. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. RS19 TICKET NO. 578 MIX DESIGN N0. 5320 TIME BATCHED: 12:20 PM TIME ARRIVED: 12:45 PM TIME PLACED: 1:20 PM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 6 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68 °F AIR TEMP: 65 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:00 PM SLUMP: 9.5 IN. AIR CONTENT: 5.2% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 138.5 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.5-7.5% WATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 1:15 PM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 5-28-93 BY: Brad Gates MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-3-93 75,500 6.07 28.94 2610 shear 28 6-24-93 108,500 6.08 29.03 3740 shear 56 7-22-93 116,500 6.07 28.94 4030 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Insulated box was moved while cylinders were wet. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. 'Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the NIN group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp' Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-23-93 -c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Lobby Level Walls, Line El from Line N to Line L and Line M from Line El to Line E2. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 12WL TICKET NO. 24545 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 TIME BATCHED: 9:32 AM TIME ARRIVED: 10:10 AM TIME PLACED: --- CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM; 8 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 70 °F AIR TEMP: 75 °F TIME TEST TAKEN: 10:30 AM SLUMP: 4 1/2 IN, AIR CONTENT: 5.0% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 138.9 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-8% WATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:40 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: --- BY: --- MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 6-30-93 109,000 6.08 29.03 3750 shear 28 7-21-93 I 135,000 I 6.07 28.94 4670 shear 28 7-21-93 137,000 6.07 28.94 4730 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Bobby J. Hays B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property - of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 Cel lol fern,L Consulting Engineers and Scientists 5080 Road 154 s Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 303 945-2363 Facsimile July 28, 1993 RECD JUL 2 9 1 Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division Permits and Enforcement Section WQCD-PE-B2 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver CO 80222-1530 Subject: NPDES Permit No. COG07215 and C00043273, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Discharge Monitoring Reports for the monitoring period from April 1, 1993 to June 30, 1993 for Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. under permit numbers COG07215 and C00043273. No excursions of either of the permit's parameters occurred during this period. Construction discharge under Permit No. COG07215 occurred between May 21, 1993 and June 26, 1993. If additional information is required, please contact our office at 303-945-7458. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. Rick Thomas Environmental Scientist Attachments RT/lr cc: Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Architects - Attn: Ken O'Bryan Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. - Attn: Bill Douglas Town of Vail - Attn: Dan Stanek US EPA Water Management Division - Compliance Branch A member of the H I H group of companies PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) ' - Facility NamelLocatlon lf different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(DMR) nik■g.1 SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC.. (2-16) (17.19) MINOR: Form Approved ADD nemiSONNENLIP ROIEL_EXCAVATION COG070215 001. A (SOUR .WC) EMMEN°. 2040-0004 ——— 20 ' VAIL ROAD. PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE NUMBER F: -''z FINAL Expires 9-30-91 VAIL CO 81657' MONITORING PERIOD /r SILT. POND DSC . TO' CORE CREEK FACILITY , # YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY LOCATION FROM 93- 04 01' TO Itin I , IIIM 4c**- NO DISCHARGE I ''' ATTN: - KEN A. i 0'BRYAN (20-21) (22-23) (24.25) (26.27) (28-29) (30. 1) NOTE: Read instructions before convicting this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) NO FRED0UFENCY SAMPLE MPLE EX ANALYSIS TYPE AVERAGE MAXIM UM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS Ph SAMPLE ***44** *** gt.tz - ( ) 7, 62-63) (64-68) (69-70) *****, ' ( 12) MEASUREMENT . 7.3 8.4 ' 0 1/30 Grab 00400 1 0 0 .4:,.....e..,,,.-.1,,.....,.:,,,,c.mowo Mg*,<slit-fli*W.VOI NM*."•<.":#', •VICA',..t*t . onsameme.m.::::01.45.A4.:.,...,,,,,...,.„,,,,:x 014,,,,,mAt,,,,,:„.omfoima ko,-,.• '....,:-.,-,..",,A:..,.:.,.a....,,,,L,,::::, •:-•4,,,.,,,kr.,,m,,,,..•ftwoom. ..1.,:.„.„., :,..00:::am40...",,, ,,... ,„:0„.., - - - t..... :..mwo.,.0:::wm.g No.,,,..„,m_w•:;:,,,i,./,,p_p;?-40..,,..s.1,.:10,0_,,w,.. EFFLUENT R 0 5 5 ** ft1=,;,,,.,,, w:-m%,,,„„-.•....,-,•:,,,,,,I, 5 V IV Li]El#00,5KOti 1161111126,latteleal; **.' " XU /!11111111AU ft:::1:.':'''‘7.,I'lalT...!.:?:: s 0 . itera 1 Ciirgs.):k;Z: SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE ( ) SUSPENDED MEASUREMENT < 2 4 0 2/30 Grer.:, 00530 1 0 0 ' NaliiitialeMiC, ,.'SAROOKS.MAP.q.4140E'''*** '- 210:****Cte 3,10"1114114164$11,08KIR ::giW'110fk,•:ltit*MNI EFFLUENT Ross *......,Mii1,4•M.6n.,,,§4•56X.:,,,,,Mi:•:*;,:•: N.3•:M;;KIM. *R;,N::;SFOiOnSa*:.tiiMiO*:;:A,:vMvamuT.p.g,ma::ii.wa;,:;*ii::,* 44.„, Om:;;;oxMi;.•.,M0;:Vm;,:,O,0mR.,,i.,5n:,w,gwwImw,,:::,:,K,i:,::m,:*, :..,-N...1..o...,r:.bl.eik, .:.,t,,-,ig',v...:.A:.:>,%,:;..i:..,„:cpb_,,m,,,,b.,k,i-, b r,.;:.o,w...,t:.,.i.i,.. n L.. m.m:::.:„-.4......0::, ..-p...s,.,;k:.:,i..,..ft,,i.:i.m"...*:e?•0g*a%.;SsWv;Mg: OIL, AND GREASE SAMPLE (1, ) ', *****14C ' ******' ('',19) . Conti •ent FREON EXTR+-GRAV ' METH MEASUREMENT 0 0 rab - 00556 1 0 0- "."-"'"'""'''''''''''''''"'w M''.:*''''''''"•:'.'""...""M"trm,....:-. .-.:.:::,.....:......, ..:,..., .., . . '.''N`''..".:WW: Still4.10111111130., fel., 1116.1##$X,W4..11:***'. 11.4***19ktii psfkla$0410toj.t. %,,,00,:wosp ,4t-ko. .4: , • . ,it.'., •.••4,,,, ,, ,,,,, w,,•,..,,,,,,e ,,, ,::::::,,,,,,,,,,%,: N .:,•,::,..a,-.& •&.,,,:„„,•,,•,,,:ft..0.,.:••.„...,...: ..,......v. ....,.4 :::::„.„,.......,,,.: ••.<••••••••k•,•.. .,..........m.„4„.:?„::::: E F i L UE N T G R 0 S S V A L UE A.5161.116:iiiiiiiiiiii **** ' liilioliiRi:.i.iiiaa . '''I.a7t:.'AX PIG L iiiii. e 4:71 kladigii: FLOW, IN CONDUIT, OR SAMPLE (: 03) • *V".;c”1;c::' . **49:c** (k ) THRU TREATMENT PLANT MEASUREMENT .042 .050 - 0 N/A / 50050- 1 0 0, -”- •-••.,....,..:.::::„„:„„,,,,,,m,,,,,, NeligiitaNalika00160,11Vattlittalli ilatiOttil 111.4001.011801#0#4412***- "Irlfritt Notor ...*#*moaavmsgoQmovgwowv44114.4vm.„, ammumAmmomaNwpomowswomdoANE ,_ ___ 4Awwoommomom E F F L U E N T G R 0 S S' V A L.,u n nummilows.:04:oKoag.:;g0F,Siumi:-.04iioii.*?...WA'Ai ot o,ti. 7::::',0*,:iim.,:a..vaimw::::::::4,:wAik..A::::ilgo.,..,,,,s,:,..,mi.m..,m,,mft.,..mgv„m,vvvv. SOLIDS, 'TOTAL SAMPLE * !:44C074.4,: #2,:C.:: (1 ) : * 3,;t2P;441g:, (''..1.9)-: DISSOLVED' MEASUREMENT 172 ' , 172 0 1/9 0 Grab . 0295 1 0 ' 0 .................: 1,141,P RgAiRtiiljtaliNAWMRK,:. ?:g;:: it:MAK,WO;11110.0A,416,4~11! ktri.,',.C...littet Ulan 40103041:0614aDatVagganSOWOMMAtAteM5: .‘ . :tagis'ONtodot:'t-Amftimelam,.: :,.0 .-.AA.i...4:,,:,..:4.,w,.,::4::•4.,. .. , wg.":m.,mtv4m. .-vmaing EFFLUENT' G ROSS' V k LIT E INEOPMPOONMennellediessatmOoksi**** ' •004sleagomm k•,,L::,:'-'07:4t:iti i&t.::;.4-;.,, ,.....,,,c.--.•:::-. 4 ._ ,-' ASVAgnm:Aswiapvtomi::: OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE ( 94 - ) "• * (- - ) ,* -, . oil, ****** ****** ** * , - VISUAL MEASUREMENT 0 ' " 0 isual 84066 1: 0" 0' 'OB.:.4."''',a.':''v.mt,k,'IPMINV4444-#440.:M rtnelnningW,i ES=1 IRPN-4040$80M1.444#40403::::%4X1***400.0,*** - 0.4?, t-IWt>4.' ,'‘'...W.t.i..7.. `4,1,4, ,*.,,tafiglig:i:AILI:lt„„,:alt,...M.0::, . mem4,4A,„040:gomm;,,mw.wosw wiwaigoOkoio 0:::::1;:i:, imi ,,,4 EFFLUENT G ROSS V k I.0 E ig57.770:1EITO iggsagEMS§itif*A*NOWSai NO=0 mesignittint ainfileum onagssievab*-4c;4e.=:, NNW osemge,Moog . ....,.......,........ ...,..- - SAMPLE MEASUREMENT M:':'''":''''''''Ia:''''''M":''''''''''''''''''''''M''''''''':A:KM,::''::.***%M*;•:***.M:i.ozim'z MgiiigiNW:::::*;:4*:*:;5;:;::.;;W:gaiee-40:*:ge.:;`,::§.M.;;;;M:;;MON:0;;;;M:Km am%i§:;:g.m.w.A.IKAI•::...:00.m::;::::::::::: ,,,Lkiii%,.,J1,-114,0,:ne OLOMA,:::KwaromuMmx::::;:mamm MiN5:.:i:,400M0a MEOMACOW***KagenKOMN.,0 MFW111.:EffEfON MA:MIMM::::24 Magainii::::::4,imm Maiubats*:::::ww:mommaisiono woommgamm„„m: str:AaS fimm,.,41,,,,trassiggsra ammtalsofle 11:4 1114.7.:,...„:11,311,111,1 NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINE r o - TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN: AND BASE a ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION - ' je.._. I IS TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIG. NIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING J ohannes Faessler THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT, SEE 1B US.0 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945-7458 93 07 28 ,- 33USC 41319, 'Penalties under these statutes may'include fines up to SHOPS, TYPED OR PRINTED and or maximum imprisonment al between 6 months and 3 years., OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT toRDEA NUMBER YEAR MO DAY COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL, & GREA.SE- SEE FOOTNOTE Fr IN PERMIT. Discharge began May 21, 1993 and was out of use June 26, 1993. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.) PAGE OF 00005/9204131434 1'' PERMiTTEENAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATIUN STs I tM(r�W Facility Nerve/�Qq� 'o t�jerel�t DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) NAME 5OL4N zM P PROPERTIE INC.:< (2-16) (17-19) MINOR ADDRESS SON NENALP HOTEL, 'BAVARIA ' HAGS 000043273. 091 A. (SURE WC) .F.E004212toved. 20 VA IL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DlecHARGE NUMBER F - FINAL OMB No.2040-0004 VAIL Co 81557 +CV `COLLECTIiYarci"9 'r 10t *t cRK. FACILITY MONITORING PERIOLJ . YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY LOCATION FROM TO 93 06 30 * * NO DISCHARGE ;kip* ATTN: JOHANNES F.AESSLE7t (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (28-29) (30-31) NOTE:Read instructions before`completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) N , FREOOFNCY SAMPLE (32-37) EX O ANALYSIS TYPE AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS (62.63) -'(64. 9) (69-70) PH SAMPLE *#**4* ****** ( ) -, *«***** ('::12 MEASUREMENT 7.3 8.0 0 1/7 Grab 1304G0 1 0 4 PERMIT ? -** # ** ### i1.5 ** * 3.Q` E is EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT **Ipc# SOLIDS, TOTAL, MEASUREMENT **#### ***#*# (.. ) ***##* = ��. (;19) ,. ,� �. . .�.,: �.,., SAMPLE SUSPENDED <3 5 0 1/30 Grab 00530 1 0 0 * ** *-** * *#x PERMIT # :A .4 EFFLUENT GROSS VALU4,REQUIREMENT *VF OIL AND GREASE - SAMPLE ***** : **#*#*. (: ) : ;**** : ,=.**** ( ,.19) Contingent FREON EXT.R-GRAY .METH MEASUREMENT 0 0 Grab 00556 1 0 0 P RM1T' ' # # ;*#* **�# * ,P i+OO T31ING 48 EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT #**# BENZENE,ETHYLBEN-ZENE SAMPLE ***sic** . . *#*#Xx* . ( ) *4###'c (; 19) TOLUENE,:XYLENE CONBN MEASUREMENT <0.0,01 0.003, 0 1/30 Grab 30383 1 0 17 :}�ERf�I?'.` #** * S 4* **? * Jç Ri T.� D:1 , t0 / G1111.EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT ,> <. _'.' *#*;s y sy ' D ..A xo `s3t MG/L BENZENE ### . #f*#*#' (' } ###*. (.!19 SAMPLE MEASUREMENT <.0•001 <0.001 ) 0 1/30 Grab 34 030 1 0 0 ERMIT « # ## 't#�X# 01sv sz i ! 5 . tilt EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE"'REQUIREMENT #### 1.;; sx(3D,)k A 'G. .;UA L`'C` X MG/L pi , .; FLOW, IN CONDUIT OR SAMPLE ( 03) _. *#4; ##* *# #*#' ( ) THRU TREATMENT PLANT MEASUREMENT 0C,1p24 0.210 �+i 0 N/A N/A 5 0 0 50 1 0 0 '}p IT 0. 88 ':. R<EPO0T s :4g# **** +** + ***# Y3lii ,N ERM .N, EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT 3 DA; 1jk DA ikti .MGD 4 ## # ,� SOLIDS, 'TOTAL . 4'2i-3:4**.' , 44**3 *: SAMPLE },.., #+ ', ) . DISSOLVED MEASUREMENT 234 253 0 1/30 Grab 70295 1 0 ' 1 # . ## * 4 po T'F: BP�ORT ORO >/ GRAB t�ERMIT ' : EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT #*# Z. '�' .*'��.� OltT`R..f7C�;SSG/L �C3�tT ! NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED - TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN:.AND BASED I ° ON.MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED';INFORMATION IS TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE: ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION. INCLUDING Johannes Faessler THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. SEE 18 U.S.C. I 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945-7458 93 07 28 33 U.S.C. 1 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may include fines-up to AREA TYPED OR PRINTED $10,000 and or maximum imprisonment of between 6 months and 5years.) OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OODE NUMBER YEAR MO DAY COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OI.L & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE F/, PG 3. QUARTERLY SAMPLING AND REPORTING . INSTRUCTIONS- -FOOTNOTE D/. SIX MONTHLY TDS SAMPLES REQUIRED;F'0R. NEW PERMITTEES- FOOTNOTE. H/. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH.MAY NOT BE USED.) 00h � 3� `1 PAGE 1 OF V 1 2 PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) Facility Name Location if,different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(DMR) NAME SONNENALP PROPERTIES, .INC,. _ (2-16) (1749) MINOR ADDRESSSONNEN,ALP ' HOTEL. BAVARIA HAUS C00043273 d 001 A (SUBR MC) I�I� 17oved. 20 VAIL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHA iGE NUMBER jr FINAL OMB No.2040-0004 VAIL Co 81A57 Gil CoLLECTI4VR''°`9hl53pi"�1°81$ C CR FACILITY MONITORING PERIOD YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY LOCATION FROM TO 93 06 3O ### ;NO DISCHARGE ,I"— - I **v. ATTN: JOHA NNES FAESSLER (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (28-29) (30-31) NOTE:Read instructions before'completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (9 Card Only) 'QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION FREQUENCY PARAMETER (96-53)- (59-61) (38-45) (96-53) (54-61) NO. OF SAMPLE (32-37) EX ANALYSIS TYPE AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS 62-63) (64-68) (69-70) OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE ###### (.:94) . ###### ****** **'**' (.. VISUAL MEASUREMENT U 0 1/7 visual 814066 1 © 0 * #, DIES=1 ****C ###### #*** ##*# PERMIT NfRL°�tI`HtTAL EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT :" B'T` 0Xr NO= # ; SAMPLE MEASUREMENT I, :PERMIT 1- REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT s PERMIT: s REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT RER:IUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT �� ', � + REQUIREMENT I ,�I�� ::: I I SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT',. ;. ;:. REQUIREMENT r . T Z SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENNT NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAM .,. EXAMINED J TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN; AND BASED .r ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR Y OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED'.INFORMATION IS TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT .THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING Johannes Faessler THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. SEE 18 U.S.C. 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE -303 945-7458 93 07 28 33 U.S.C, § 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may include fines up to AREA TYPED OR PRINTED 510,000 and or maximum imprisonment of between 6 months and 5 years.) OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT CODE NUMBER YEAR 1 MO DAY COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL - 6 GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE F/. ' PG 3. . QUARTERLY SAMPLING AND REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS--FOOTNOTE D/. SIX MONTHLY TDS SAMPLES REQUIRED FOR NEW PERMITTEES---FOOTNOTE A/. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH.MAY NOT BE USED.) 00006/921211 •1544 PAGE OF 2 INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 SONNENALP PROPERTIES CONIFEE1,COLORADO 803•'- c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh (303)6742560 M ne197, Attn Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page�_of 4 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-7-93 Project: Sonnenalp Lodge Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon! This report package contains information concerning specific tests, and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeo(/ President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh., Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek INDEPENDENT TESTING- INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT SONNENALP PROPERTIES CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector. David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-7-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-92 and Pro,iect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Lobby level thru Level 4 BAlcony framing welds Grid line locations) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East building, Area 5, grids E5.8 and E1.2 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: level 4 East building. Area 4 Column base welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Grids I, J, K, L, M and N Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D: List, At aril N and 3.3 the insta]lation of the 4 x 4 TS column tequir%1 some concrete removal and field cutting of the double angle header that frames to an angle seat on the north. The column was shimmed to elevation and does not sit fully on the shim plates. Also, the field cutting of the header resulted in damage to it's steel angle seat. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 3 of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: . David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-7-93 Field Made Welds: X ,Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS 01.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: - 4 - #1 ' 4 SU Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.0. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. Also, at grid K and approximately E.2 the column 1106C is not vet welded to the embed. At I.5 and E1.2 the TS column Mk. #11086 requires additional weld due to undersized welds. All three conditions were reviewed with the General COntractor. Level or Elevation: �� I I . $. 1 ^ 1111 . Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:, Grids 0 and N Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. age number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. At grid 0 and E3 - t ree pa ell connections are incomplete At grid 0 and E4 - two panel connections are incomplete At grid N and E4 - two panel connections are incomplete The above listed conditions were reviewed with the General Contractor. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.0. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. NDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES CO12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page. 4 .of 4 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector:_. David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-7-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X .Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc.): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: LeYel 1 Structural haunches Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 5, Fl and Fh Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: All level and areas Precast field connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: All pravinm cly l ict id ch firien ies Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. The previously noted conditions Qf nonconformance have not been addressed in writing, only verbally. At this time, the noted conditions remain in nonconformance. This condition has been reviewed with the General Contractor. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. NDEPENDENT TESTING & W A INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 vasEEN COURT JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh CONIFER 3)874 7AD0 80433 9 9 P pp(174-756o Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-15-93 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail . Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.0. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon' President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek DEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674.7560 Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING' Inspector: David L. Sturgeon .ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date:. 7-15-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Decking Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment - weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) :. A§ recorded_ Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-92 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level Structural embed connections Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 6 East building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O,D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: Roof Level Joist and decking welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 5, East building Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. ADEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT SONNENALP PROPERTIES CONIFER.COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-15-q3 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds:_ Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-92 and Pro.iect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: .l •i , , . Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: On E3.3 from J.5 to K.5, four locations Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.0. page number. Please attach the referenced O.0. list. None noted Level or Elevation: Level 4 Column base welds Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: E3.2 N Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.0. List. ITIS previously reported a condition at this location which required Engineering review. At the time of this insiection visit some work has been done• how-ver no directive is available to inspect to. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as O.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. INDEPENDENT TESTING A SPECTION SERVICES INC. 120134 VASEEN COURT SONNENALP PROPERT:[ES JOB NO 4 278 90-2 CONIFER,COLORADO 60433 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh (303)674-7580 Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 Page 1 of OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-22-93 Project: Sonnenaip Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the O.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. c David L. Sturgeo President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek {I`IUCYCI'IUCI'I I 1 I ) 1117' C SPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN COURT SONNENALP PROPERTIES CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)674-7560 Page. 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: . Da-y.]d L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051983 Date: 7-22-q3 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment . weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1 and Project Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level East Building Structural framing & decking Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area G Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. list. None noted Level or Elevation: Level 1 thrush Roof - E. t B • I. • i • . •. . framing Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 6 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and O.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. None noted As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. Il7Ut.rcnucn i i cam, m, v ® ° !SPECTION SERVICES INC. SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 vASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 (303)6744560 Page 3 .of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-22-93 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ): As recorded Applicable Code or Standard:. AWS D1.1. and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Roof Level - East Building Header haunch repair Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Area 6 (E3.2 & N) Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. The associated welding and installation a•,ear to conform to standard •ractice. Level or Elevation: Level 2 Precast weld connections @ panel to panel . Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests:, Area 6 - East building N & M lines Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. List. The five previously noted conditions of non.c4Dformance j ith regard to field welding have been completed and found conformin• to the as .licable st.ndards As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. 3 . Chen Northern,Inc. `coo Nus 4 reol Sdorrtiots REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-25-93 -c/o Pierce,• Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 70 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO, 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail, Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION EIEVATTON COMMENTS VERTICAL. • HORIZONTAL; E2 N to 0 #5 @ 18" O.C. 6 #5 E4 N to 0 #5 @ 1 8" 0.C. 6 #5 0 E2 to E4 #5 @ 18" 0.C. 7 #5 sPElruicATlONS sTED_ GRADE: 60 ❑ PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEAN NESS: Clean 6c1 SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COIVE}i» 2"+ ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: 12"+ ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE ❑ PART—TIME OBSERVATION _ FINISH INPLACE COr4QPWICE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMEW S REQUIREMENTS RE—EXAMINED WHEN INTMLLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol+ Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. > Gae ER APFred R CBameron Town of Vail ; AS A AMP& PROTECTOR TO DEMI, PEE PUIPUC AND OUEZIELYE7. AM REPORTS IRE SUe►UTTED AS THE COKIEIEMIR. PROPERTY Cr OUR QINTS.AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PURUCA- TON Or S1AYMENT1. OCIRCUISIMIS OR EXTRACTS ►ROY OR REDMOND OUR REPOR13 IS ROUTED PEHOQW OUR.WRITTEN APrIOdA&. SA1PLE3 WILL FREE DISPOSED Or AFTER 1E3TEIO tS MIMED UKLIZI.OMER A7WIMOWENTS ARE AGREED TO Et WOW. A rt..,ist e1 w,.I HIH *"' CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 5-26-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 71 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT; Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION& MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: Skid Loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: Whacker THICKNESS OF LIFT: 12" METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: Water hose to stockpile NUMBER OF PASSES: 4 LABORATORY FIELD DEPTH OR —MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (A) MAXIMUM) I (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 41 Center Back Wall --- 136.0 6.1 129.7 8.4 95 Silty Sand and Gravel FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING. OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: Joe w/B & B Excavating PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY 1ss ®r ■i►®11■l ■®Ill®' umni 15 0 INIEL11141l ®®Ir11i 1111111111111111111 ®•a®i ®1 ZERO AIR VOID CURVES 145 11111111111111311 111111111111111111011®11 SPECIFIC GRAVITY = 2.80 ®• •®11•1111, •111111111111111111k SPECIFIC - 2.70 0 ®�®•MIL GRAVITY --U 14 ®®®a. d ® I 111111111111 SPECIFIC - GRAVITY 2.60 I 11111111•1111111k11 1111111111111111•1113111, kI1 �y 135 ® I 1��U11 ®®®®/1 11111®. ° ®iail/®i®Ei u i >- 1011111111111111111111111611 101111111111111111111111161101111111111111111111111161011111111111111111111011111111111111111111111611 i®11/®v�l11�11 ,o 130 1111 •ii•i•1•ii11i►i1 25 ■o�•wi�111111k ■in•i1i11111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ■x.1111■■111■11111►11111i► a aaa■ii•i11a■ 120 � iai■■iii® niii a 1 11111111111111•1111111111•11111111111111111, •ii•®•■ivaiaa►aui • aaa• aiia•aai■\1i, 115 , 0 5 10 15 MOISTURE CONTENT — PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT LOCATION : SONNENALP PHASE II MOISTURE—DENSITY Sample No. 4 On-Site RELATIONSHIPS SOIL DESCRIPTION : Silty Sand and Gravel Chen0Northern,Inc. MAX. DRY DENSITY : 136.OPCF OPT. MOIST. CONTENT : 6.1 % PROCEDURE : ASTM D1557 Method D LIQUID LU4IT : -- PLASTICITY INDEX : -- JOB NO. : 4 278 90-2 FIG.NO. GRAVEL : 37 SAND : 47 % SILT AND CLAY (-200) : 16 % DATE : May 27, 1993 5 HYDROMETER AN, ,$ S a IS SIEVE ANAK I TIME READINGS U.S.STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS f 24 HR 7HR. '10 45 MIN 15 MIN. 60 MIN.19.MIN.4 MIN. 1 MIN. '200 '100 '50'40.'30 ''16 '8 '4 100 . .■.rr.rr■11e.rrrr∎.1111•1.111111=1•■rr■1■1111111111111•11111111111.r•■•■••■InIN 0■neer.•r∎0 90=or..■■• ro rsrrrisos moms.1. IIIIIIIINIIIII 11111111111111111111111rr1“�® 11111111111111rri4114 111111111111rs=Mom me 10 sii■lIl rt®S®rr rro IIMIIIIIIIIIIr®®rte®111111111o1 r®1111■1111111111111•1-®®®r_r s MIS r err®®sI■111111®orrr®®1111111M®®®r®®sar5IrIIIIIrr111111111rrr11e mss®® 5 �rmre�r®_sr ®®►®arrr[s® 80 r.resismor ®•rsim®®®rrrrrr umma®®sn oir+srrersmiru®rr®20 ®®ir®`r®®®sr®®rte®®�i�rIIMIMM°i ®�.°r® r_rr®v ®errs-11111111rrr®Seri®r®— ®r MIN 70■®rte ®�®•®ir r®m•��r r��s lri®rr®ir 30 ®■ _®®rr5®ras®•■11111111111a®®rr_eWAIIIIM111111111r■rrsrA∎rro ®s®®®®111111111111Mr.a--■3®®®®war®®®orrr®r.r.r 0 ®°ro - ®rs'�® ∎torte®wor= w z 60®®_®rrrrr�r®®r—rsrrr®®rr®s��r�rr®s®_�40 z N - ®rIemeem®®s.rrrrrlrimmommemme—®rrrrorrurar.rm∎—rO®rrrr.r co -....®IIIIIIIIIIEIMIIII®®_—rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrs_®rIIILs'IIIIIIIMIIIIru®r IIIIIMrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS I- a ®rrWrrr®®1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIIIIrrr®rte—®0•Irlrrr 4 --rrrrrrrre w a 50.0 i®®rrrrr ®rrre-®—a ®r°rs®e®50 CC I- rrrrrr®rrrINIIIIIMrrw®r_NME.11111Ii®=maim nisi=rNoimilemorr mom®®Irr® I- z •®tsrmemma■m■Irr•rrrrsl rosmirm.meisrsrwi®rrrrrtma■■••r5■=r war war z w ®®rrr.rrrrrrr®r®®®rr>drrrr®.r mom r®®Pr®® me w U cc 40®rrr®S®®r.rs®®r•arrr..rr1r1 1 1r 1rro 0 rr—err Stee—®rrorr11111•1111111M∎s•►■1111r1111111111111I rsreP-111■1111r11111■rs w MMIIIIIIIMINIIIIr®® ®®`®M.®fir® 111111®■MiMSr_ w a. IMIN11111111=1rrrrrerrr1111111111.1111111111111rr—•■■11111111111111111111111,51111Nrr111111111111r—∎S111111111111111111orirrr_ a. ®rr-- 5rlro_._— ■ l111■111111=11■■ 11111111•111111111 INN 30®®®®s®rorrr®►o®®®rrar®®ter®r11111111■1rrrrso 70 r � ®®=���r I--®e1r®�®rrrro�'.alrl S��i�rr —�.�ii 1�—1,�=rr����o ■rrM•rrrr IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM rrrr∎MI1111111111111111 rr.IS—mmee rrrr a i®•••■•i■ ■mi me r®®.I—or5r111111111111111111r.r- --®®r®er_.11111111■11111111111rrlslr••■• .itr•®rS®—®—pricer®®a®�∎ rrr_or MON 10 r_orrrIIIII rrr�r�i�r--®r�r ■�r1r1_rrrr�.r s 90 ®®®1111111 rrs rs®®Miler INIMMr 1®ir—rs211 or li MS NIIIIIIIIIr—rrrS OMEN=ar—r1rIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIII■1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM®rrlrJrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrr®∎IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMaIr.WO . 111111=11111•®rlr—.rr_®IMINIMEM11111111■ie■■■■111111•111111MIrIIINIIIIIIIIIIIM®sae 0 r111111■rirrrrr■rre.∎rrr.riirr1IIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIrIIIIIIYrrrrriiIIIrINIIIr rrrr/•®rrsirrrr ra®ro 100 .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 " .074 .149 -'.297 .590 1.19 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 38.1 76.2 127 1. .42 2.0 152 IDIAMETER OF.PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS 1 CLAY TO SILT SAND;: GRAVEL - (COBBLES FINE 1 MEDIUM (COARSE FINE I COARSE 1 GRAVEL 37 % SAND 47 % SILT AND CLAY 1 6 % % LIQUID LIMIT -- PLASTICITY INDEX -- SAMPLE OF Silty Sand and Gravel FROM On-Site (Sample No. 4) (5-27-93) HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIEVE ANALYSIS TIME READINGS 1 U.S.STANDARD SERIES - I CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS I 24 HR. 7HR. '10 . 145 MIN.15 MIN. 60 MIN.19 MIN.4 MIN. 1 MIN. '200 '100 '50 •40..'30 '16 `'8 '4.. 0 I - t - i I I. I . 1 90 t I 1 10 7 t I 1 1 I . 80 I 20 I 1 I I I 1 1 I. 1 a 0 I I I 40Z L - I a a i I t w. r-50 f I I 50 z I i I- LL I I. I z w ¢40 I. I 600 a I I a 30 1 ' I 70 . 1 I t I . 20 I r 1 60 1 I . 10� � I I :90 I 0 11111111 • rrr11111111111•111111 1111•11111r.r•••.ss .rNINIr.rroriM111111111111.r.MII S rs111111.rrrrws 100. .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 .074 .149 .297 .590 1.19 .38 4.76 9.52 19.1 38.1 76.2 127 200 .42 2.0 152 1 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL COBBLES FINE MEDIUM (COARSE FINE I COARSE GRAVEL % SAND % SILT AND CLAY % LIQUID LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % SAMPLE OF FROM 4 278 90-2 Chen @Northern,Inc. GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 6 T Chen Northern,Inc Enp4r.rs arwl So4nOwts REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2DATE: 5-28-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 72 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , _CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road, Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION _ COMMENTS VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL' E5.7 M to J.4 #5 @ 18" 0.C. ;,6 #5's E5.9 I to J.4 #5 @ 18" 0.C. - 9 #5's SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL GRADE: 60 LZ1 PLANS USED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: Good ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND CCNEIt 2"+ ❑ CONiRACIOR ADVISED SPLICING: SPECIFICATIONS: 24" ❑ FULL—TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE ❑ PART—TIME OBSERVATION i INPLACE COMLPIANCE MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE—EXmUNfD WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE—EXAMINED x PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Brad Gates Fred R. Cameron Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Town of Vail ; Al A WTUM. MIURECTION TO woos.THE MJC Na OURSEl\et.ALL REPORTS ARE BUNTED Al WE OO,.TOEMT+I PROPERTY OF Out AIMS.Pe AUTHOR:MOON /OR PURXA- T ON OF STATEMENTS. CORMIXOONS OR EXTNCT1 /ROY OR REOMO•+O OUR REPORTS Q REIERYFD P'ENOCO OCR'MITTEN MTRO✓A. SNFtl3 WU BE OCIPOJED OF M IER TE5TPX1 COU LETED UNLESS SS ant;,ASSAMOJEJJTS ARE AGREED TO N WF1ITN0. A nrn►r of w(HIH group of oe.win.. Chen Northern,Inc. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION ITo: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-2-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 73 SHEET 1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail , CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE REINFORCING LOCATION ELEVATION) COM,QUENTS VERnGL. • HORIZONTAL E5.9 to J 7 #5 2 #5 E5.9 to J 3 #5 5x4 #5 E6 at J.4 8 #5 4x4 #5 E5.9 at K.6 11 #5 2 #5 E5.9 at K.6 2 #5 4x4 #5 SPEFICAnous: sTEn. GRADE: 60 ❑ PLANS usED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: Good 7 SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COVER 2"+ ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPICING: SPECIFICATIONS 24"+ ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE ❑ PART OBSERVATION }7N1SH INPLACE COLII'IANCE HEIGHT WET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS RE-EXAMINED WHEN INITIALLY WHEN EXAMINED RE-EXAMINED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Brad Gates Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail ; HELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY AS A UUTUM.PROTECTO7N 10 CLIENTAL THE rlR11JC AIO OUR1(IM3. ALL REPORTS ARE 3UEi.lTTED AS TM CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR UDIT3S,AO AUTHORIZATION /Oil PI JCA-- 1XX1 Or STATE L T1. Op1CU/S107 1 OR EXTRACTS FROM CR R£nMONO OUR REPORTS IS RE]ERVED PO4OA10 OUR WRITTEN A'?ROJA.. 3AlPLES Sall BE OL1 WED Or AFTER TEST7J0 COu1'W D U4.[St! 011U1 ARR4OO&H13 AR£ A W1D 10 H MRlilQ. A . r.4HIH J.-. .� CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-2-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 73 SHEET 2 OF 2 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION &MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: THICKNESS OF LIFT: METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: NUMBER OF PASSES: Foundation Wall LABORATORY 1 FIELD Pool Area, DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. Backfill,Interior (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) and Exterior (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 42 2' West 3' Below Silty Sand Grade 136.0 6.1 117.5 13.1 86 and Gravel 43 2' East 3' Below Silty Sand Grade 136.0 6.1 125.0 11.7 92 and Gravel 44 2' East of 3' Below Silty Sand North Side Grade 136,0 6.1 122.8 8.8 90 and Gravel 45 10' West of 3' Below Silty Sand North Side Grade 136.0 6.1 122.5 13,4 90 and Gravel 46 5' West of 3' Below Silty Sand North Side Grade 136.0 6.1 122.5 11.1 90 and Gravel I --— I FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT' THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; Brad Gates Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies ChenNorthern,Inc. ()enrolling Enckr«. end Sd ntL{. REPORT OF REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATION TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB No. 4 278 90-2DATE: 6-9-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faess l er DAILY REPORT NO. 74 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West INVOICE NO. Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT Sonnenalp Hotel , 20 Vail Road , Vail , Colorado. STRUCTURE RENFORCU4G LOCATION ELEVATION COMMENTS Foundation Wall VERTICAL • HORIZONTAL E6 at I to E7 at J.4 #5 at 18" 0.C. 7 #5 SPECIFICATIONS: STEEL. GRADE: 60 ❑ Pubs TtsED REINFORCING CLEANLINESS: Good ® SHOP DRAWINGS USED CLEARANCE AND COYEfi~ 2"+ ❑ CONTRACTOR ADVISED SPUCING: SPECIt1CA11ONS: 24"+ ❑ FULL-TIME OBSERVATION BAR SUPPORTS: TYPE ❑ PART-1114E OBSERVATION FINIS{ INPLACE COIALPWiC£ HEIGHT MET PROJECT MET PROJECT DATE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREh1ENTS RE-E%MIINED WHEN INf WIY WHEN EXAMINED RE-DAMNED X PROGRESS REPORT COPIES Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Brad Gates Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Al A YUA1ML PROfWCTTON TO C113(T3. 1W Pt*E Mu OUR111i0. Ail REPORTS ARE SUBlauto Al THE COfEEMM1 PROPERTY OF OUR CALMS.AND AUTROIRLIATIOR FOR PURUCA- T OR Or STATEMENTS. OOPICLULORRS OR FXTR CT3 TWVI4 OR RO2ARCOMO OUR Rums II mulowED WHOM OUR MOD( MTHOIAL 3AJIPl13 971 BE DRSP'OSED Of AFTER TEST JQ COLIPLETTO U&LIZ OIBRR AllieliQUATO3 ARE AGREED TO N MAfn4. A 1..■P.... or IN.(HIH j R:~P .. ....te .. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO, 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-11-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 75 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION&MATERIAL MINIMUM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MDVING UNITS: 1 Backhoe TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: 1 Whacker, 1 Hand Shaker THICKNESS OF LIFT: --- METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: None added NUMBER OF PASSES: --- LABORATORY FIELD 9 DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY MOISTURE DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ a SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) I (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 47 Lines E5 and N.1 6' Below I Silty Sand Grade 136.0 6.1 131.3 9.3 97 I and Gravel 48 Lines E3.1 and 7'.Below Silty Sand N.1 Grade 136.0 6.1 124.9 11.2 92 * and Gravel 49 Lines E3.1 and 5 1/2' Silty Sand N.1 Below Grade 136.0 6.1 1 133.2 8.6 98 and Gravel I I I I 1 FULL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT• THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: B & B representatives PROGRESS REPORT: * This test was taken on material with lesser amounts of gravel. B & B was advised to mix drier soils with wetter soils. Backfill was being placed along east side of N Line from Lines E5 to E3. COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr, Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; 1 Bobby J. Hays Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies s 7 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 6-12-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 76 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERIAL MINIMLIM REQUIRED IN-PLACE DENSITY: 95% AS DETERMINED BY: ASTM D-1557 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. TEST LOCATIONS WERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS: 1 Loader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS: 2 Whackers, 1 Hand Shaker THICKNESS OF LIFT: -- METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE: NUMBER OF PASSES: --- LABORATORY j FIELD DEPTH OR MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DRY MOISTURE PERCENT TEST LOCATION ELEVATION DRY I MOISTURE a DENSITY CONTENT (RELATIVE/ SOIL TYPE NO. (FEET) DENSITY CONTENT (PCF) (%) MAXIMUM) I (pcf) (%) OBTAINED 50 Lines E1.3 and 9' Below Silty Sand N.1 Grade 136.0 6.1 135.8 8.2 100 I and Gravel 51 Lines E2.8 and 6' Below Silty Sand N.1 Grade 136.0 6.1 128.7 9.3 95 and Gravel 52 Lines E3.8 and 1 1/2' Silty Sand N.1 Below Grade 136.0 6.1 130.1 9.4 96 I and Gravel FLILL TIME OBSERVATION X PART TIME OBSERVATION THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATIONS OF FILL PLACEMENT. WE HAVE RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO - - CONTINUE APPLYING THE RECOMMENDED COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OBSERVING OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRATE OUR OBSERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2992 AND D3017. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: B & B representative PROGRESS REPORT: Backfill was being placed along the east side of N Line. COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; Bobby J. Hays Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-15-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 77 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Safe Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE DENSITY NUMBER Perimeter Beams (LBS) (LBS) (%) (PCF) 1 Grid Line E.1 at I Beam I.5, 10' East of Existing Building 2 Grid Lines E.1 at L.5 3 Fourth Level, Grid Lines I.3 at J.4 4 Fourth Level, Grid Lines I.3 at M AMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND LUMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 1 I 9/16 1 1/4 0.79 I Thickness meets UL-G801 1-Hour Requirements 2 9/16 1 7/16 0.86 I Thickness Meets UL-G801 1-Hour Requirements 3 3/4 1 3/4 1.10 I Thickness meets UL-G801 1-Hour Requirements 4 3/4 1 3/8 1.10 I Thickness meets UL-G801 1-Hour Requirements • PROGRESS REPORT: Some beams not completely sprayed at the time of this inspection. Density sample to be taken when spraying completed. COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; I FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A member of the HIH group of companies Chen Northern,Inc. I��'D AU 199 Consulting Engineers and Scientists 5080 Road 154 Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 August 3, 1993 303 945-2363 Facsimile Sonnenalp Properties do Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 Subject: Pavement Thickness Recommendation, Sonnenalp Hotel Parking and Drive Area, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado Job No. 4 278 90-2 Gentlemen: As requested by Dan Meek of Weitz Cohen Construction, we are providing recommendations for pavement section thickness for the subject project. Chen-Northern, Inc. previously performed limited subsurface study at the site and has been performing on-going construction observation and testing services for the hotel construction project under Job No. 4 278 90. This letter summarizes the information available and our pavement section recommendations. On July 27, 1993, the undersigned met at the site with Dan Meek to observe the existing parking/driveway soil conditions and discuss the paving portion of the project. The area to be paved is on the north side of the hotel and is currently rough graded. The contractor would like to cut and fill with the on-site soils and use a full depth asphalt section for the paving to reduce the earthwork and time required. The design plans call for 3 inches of asphalt and concrete on 6 inches of aggregate base course. Traffic loadings for the parking/driveway area have not been provided, however we understand the traffic will be limited to automobiles and the hotel shuttle bus. The soil exposed in the parking/driveway area is primarily crushed rock fill ranging from 1/2- inch to 3-inch size. Based on our previous work at the site, we expect the subgrade soils are predominately a silty sandy gravel with cobbles. Hveem Stableometer R-value testing on the materials has not been run. Based on our experience the subgrade soils and crushed rock base should offer good support for pavement sections. Using CDOH design procedures and assuming an 18 kip EDLA of 20 due to the limited driveway and tight parking area, a Hveem Stableometer R-value of 40 to 50 for the subgrade soils and regional factor of 2.5 we recommend a full depth asphalt section of 5 inches be provided. All fill for support of the pavement section should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content within 2% of optimum. In areas where 3-inch size rock fill is exposed on the subgrade it should be capped with at least 2 inches of 3/4-inch road base or crushed rock to help close the voids in the rock. Prior to the asphalt pavement placement, the subgrade should be proof rolled with a relatively heavy loaded truck. Areas which deform excessively should be removed and replaced with compacted granular 1 Johannes Faessler August 3, 1993 Page 2 material with an R-value of at least 40. We expect that 1 to 2 feet of crushed rock or on-site sand and gravel soils will be adequate to stabilize the soft areas. The asphalt should consist of a bituminous plant mix composed of a mixture of aggregate and bituminous material which meets the requirements of a job mix formula established by a . qualified engineer. The 5-inch asphalt mat should be placed in two lifts of no more than 3 inches per lift. The asphalt should be compacted to at least 95% of a 50 blow Marshal density. We are available to observe the fill placement, subgrade preparation and proof rolling as well as test the asphalt and concrete. If you have any questions regarding our recommendations, or if we can be of further service do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. // David A. Yo' g 01"11111%REG/SI-4, i Reviewed By: c,:,$. <2s 28301 0 Thomas L. Allen, P.E. r�ii��FSS07F,90..,. .- G� 11111111111 DAY/rh cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh - Attn: Mr. Ken O'Bryan Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. - Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Nicol+Hofland Associates - Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland Town of Vail - Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek Chen @Northern,Inc. Co'suiting Engmeersand Scientists INDEPENDENT TESTING F' INSPECTION SERVICES INS.. SONNENALP PROPERTIES JOB NO. ,T,278 90-2 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 12084 VASEEN CQVRT CONIFER.COLORADO80433 Attn: Johannes Faessler (303)647560 r a 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657-5063 • Page I of 3 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Chen Northern ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-28-93 Project: Sonnenalp Location: Vail , Colorado Inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing and/or nondestructuve testing. Only the forms appropriate to the types of inspections and tests conducted have been prepared and are enclosed. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection is contained on each individual inspection form. Also included in this inspection package may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies", O.D. List. The 0.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued, as will be the deficient items contained in the list. Specific usage of the 0.D. List is contained in each section. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. Afewi.;/,'4°. David L. Sturgeon President cc: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Mr. Ken O' Bryan Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Mr. Paul. Hofland Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. , Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison Town of Vail , Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek 9 r a INDEPENDENT TESTING SONNENALP PROPERTIES INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTIONS OF WELDING Inspector: : David L. Sturgeon ,ITIS Job No. : 051993 Date: 7-28-93 . Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Welds Inspected: Fillets X Groove Other Type of Component Containing the Inspected Weld: (ie: column, beam, girder, moment weld, embed, cold formed, metal studs, etc. ) : As recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS D1.1-_,92 and Prot. ct Standards AREAS OF INSPECTIONS Level or Elevation: Loft Stairways Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: East Building, Areas 5 and 6 Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed O.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced O.D. list. The installation of the stair units is in-erocess and inspections find the work •ro•re silo 'i I '.1 Project Standards. Level or Elevation: Grid line location(s) encompassing the area(s) of inspections or tests: Provide a critique of noted conditions of nonconformance. Also, include the appropriate, assigned "F" prefixed 0.D. item number and 0.D. page number. Please attach the referenced 0.D. List. As described in the aforementioned format, the remaining connections inspected not listed as 0.D. items were found conforming to the stated criteria. Additional page attached. • INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 SONNENALP PROPERTIES 12084 VASEEN COURT CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 (303)674-7560 Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 051993 Date: 7-28-93 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. Additional inspections Additional tests X Additional information ITIS received from Stresscon this date a copy of their clarification of welding requirements for their sections 5A/33, 6A/33, 12/26 and 3/26. A copy of Strrsscon 's transmittal is enclosed. A copy of ITIS' report dated 6-9-93 was faxed to Mr. Don Palmer of Stresscon to expedite review of the reported deviations. 1 IOW CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-8-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab; Grid Lines 1 to L, E to E6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SUPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET NO. 905774 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 3/8" Aggregate TIME BATCHED: 7:37 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:50 AM TIME PLACED: 8:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/14/32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:50 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 134.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-6% WATER ADDED AT SITE 14 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION • NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:05 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24 Hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Building DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-9-93 BY: Bobby Hays MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER AGE I DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS I TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-15-93 63,000 6.08 29.03 2170 shear 28 8-5-93 86,000 6.08 29.03 2960 shear 56 9-2-93 DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Inside building. Sample was taken at pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Bobby J. Hays Fred Cameron B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; 1 FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 r 'D SEP 1 1 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-2-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 78 SHEET 1 DF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Safe Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) 13+ PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE . DENSITY NUMBER (LBS) (LBS) (%) (PCF) 1 Grids I.5 @ E.2, Beam 2 Grids I.3 @ E2.5, Beam 3 Grids J.9 @ E2.5, Beam 1.43 1.18 21 13.0 4 Grids J.2 @ E2.4, Deck 5 Grids L.7 @ E2.4, Beam 6 Grids K.8 @ E2.3, Deck AMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND LUMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 1 .9375 1.875 1.09 .875 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirement. 2 .5625 1.375 .96 .875 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirement. 3 .6875 1.5625 1.09 .875 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirement. 4 1.0 1.625 1.34 1.0 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirement. * 5 .375 1.125 .74 .875 -- Does Not Meet UL G-801 Thickness Requirement. 6 1.0 1.625 1.27 1.0 -- Meets LIL G-801 Thickness Requirement. PROGRESS REPORT: * This area did not meet minimum thickness specifications. Contractor will respray and we will retest. COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A member of the HIH group of companies CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-2-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 78 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Safe Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) 13+ PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE DENSITY NUMBER (LBS) (LBS) (A) (PCF) 7 Grids K.8 @ E2.3, Bar Joist 8 Grids K.9 @ E1.2, Bar Joist 9 Grids J.1 @ E1.4, Beam jAMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND UMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 7 -- 1.0625 2.125 1.71 1.5 Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirements. 8 1.125 2.0 1.59 1.5 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirements. 9 .9375 1.5625 1.26 .875 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirements. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; II Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A member of the HIH group of companies CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-5-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 79 SHEET 1 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Safe Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE DENSITY NUMBER (LBS) (LBS) (%) (PCF) 1 Grid M.2 @ E3.4, Bar Joist 2 Grid N.7 @ E3.1, Deck 3 Grid E2.4 @ N.5, Beam 4 Grid J.5 @ E5.8, Beam 5 Bar Joist 5A Retest of #5 (from 8-2-93), Beam >AMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND 4UMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 1 1.3125 2.125 1.6 1.5 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 2 .9375 1.5625 1.36 1.0 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 3 .5625 1.3125 .95 .875 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 4 .5625 1.3125 1.0 .875 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 5 1.375 2.1875 1.84 1.5 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 5A .75 2.375 1.43 .875 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.D'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A member of the HIH group of companies CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-5-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 79 SHEET 2 OF 2 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Safe Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE DENSITY NUMBER (LBS) (LBS) (%) (PCF) 6 Grid J.1 @ E5.9, Deck 7 Grid E.3 @ L.9, Beam 8 Grid E.6 @ J.3, Beam ;AMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND 4UMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 6 1.0 1.4375 1.21 1.0 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 7 .75 1.625 1.09 .875 -- Meets UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. 8 .75 1.1875 .84 .875 -- Does Not Meet UL-G801 Thickness Requirements. . PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.O'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. 4 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 8-6-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler DAILY REPORT NO. 80 SHEET 1 OF 1 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER: Cafco - Blaze Shield BOND STRENGTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) 13+ PROJECT CONDITIONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS Not Observed AMBIENT TEMPERATURE WET DRY SAMPLE TEST AREA WEIGHT WEIGHT MOISTURE DENSITY NUMBER (LBS) (LBS) (%) (PCF) 1 E.4 @ L.9, Beam, 144 4.48 3.26 37 22.6 SAMPLE MINIMUM MAXIMUM AVERAGE DESIGN BOND VUMBER THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS STRENGTH REMARKS (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (PSF) 1 1.4375 2.3125 1.73 .875 -- Meets UL G-801 Thickness Requirements. 4 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES:Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: K.0'Bryan; Nicol + Hofland Associates, Attn: Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction Co., Attn: Gary Meggison; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail, Attn: Dan Stanek; FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. A member of the HIH group of companies • Mt 6 X433 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 7-8-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 So. Frontage Road West SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. PLACEMENT LOCATION: Third Floor Slab; Grid Lines 1 to L, E to E6. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION SLIPPLIER: B & B Ready Mix TRUCK NO. 10 TICKET NO. 905774 MIX DESIGN NO. 5932 3/8" Aggregate TIME BATCHED: 7:37 AM TIME ARRIVED: 7:50 AM TIME PLACED: 8:20 AM-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: 8/14/32 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION SAMPLE TEMP: 68°F AIR TEMP: 58°F TIME TEST TAKEN: 8:50 AM SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 7.8% WET UNIT WEIGHT: 134.3 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: Max.4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4-6% WATER ADDED AT SITE 14 GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATION NO. OF CYLINDERS: 3 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:05 AM WHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 24 Hours On Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Building DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 7-9-93 BY: Bobby Hays MIN/MAX CYLINDER CYLINDER' AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD DIAMETER AREA COMP.STR. TYPE OF WEIGHT UNIT WEIGHT DAYS TESTED (LBS) (INCHES) (SQ IN) (PSI) FRACTURE (LBS) (PCF) 7 7-15-93 63,000 6.08 29.03 2170 shear 28 8-5-93 86,000 6.08 29.03 2960 shear 56 9-2-93 100,000 6.08 29.03 3440 shear DESIGN STRENGTH 3500 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SOME INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Inside building. Sample was taken at pump discharge. COPIES; Pierce Segerberg & Spaeh, Attn: Ken O'Bryan Nicol+Hofland, Attn: Mr. Paul Hofland; Weitz-Cohen Construction, Attn: Mr. Gary Meggison; Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek; Bobby J. Hays Fred Cameron B&B Ready Mix, Attn: Mr. Warren Lawrence; 1 FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies Form No. CME113A 2/91 .m.W. 2019 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: Sonnenalp Properties JOB NO. 4 278 90-2 DATE: 10-7-93 c/o Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Attn: Johannes Faessler 1000 South Frontage Road West DAILY REPORT NO. 81 SHEET 1 OF 1 Vail, CO 81657-5063 PROJECT: Sonnenalp Hotel Additions and Rennovations, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE: Rain - 45 degrees F. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: PERSONNEL: MAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES We met with Bill of Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Bill stated they were not ready to grout slab today. Bill will call next week to schedule for testing. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OWNER COPIES: Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh; Town of Vail; Nicol + Hofland Associates; Weitz-Cohen Construction Cod Brian Scanlan Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our clients, and authorization for publication of statement. Conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. Samples will be disposed of after testing is completed unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. A member of the HIH group of companies AONTRI Chen Northern,Inc. Consulting Engineers and Scientists 5080 Road 154 Glenwood Springs.Colorado 81601 October 29, 1993 303 945.7458 303 945-2363 Facsimile Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division Permits and Enforcement Section, WQCD-PE-B2 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver CO 80222-1530 Subject: NPDES Permit No. COG07215 and C00043272, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado - 81657 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Discharge Monitoring Reports for the monitoring period from July 1, 1993 to September 30, 1993 for Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. under permit numbers COG07215 and C00043273. No construction discharge occurred from discharge point OO1A during this period under permit number COG07215. No further construction de-watering is required at this facility. This permit expired on September 30, 1993. A letter of inactivation of this permit has been submitted to Ms. Louann Gaines of the Colorado Department of Health. The permanent ground water discharge system is operative and is currently monitored as specified in NPDES Permit Number C00043273. One excursion occurred during the monitoring period for the total suspended solids (TSS) parameter. The reported analytical value of 195 mg/1 exceeded the 45 mg/1 maximum seven day average. The laboratory was contacted to determine if the results were correct. The laboratory indicated that sand particles were visible in the bottom of the sample container. Apparently the sample had been collected from the sampling port without allowing for proper purging and some sand had accumulated in the piping. Another sample was collected of the representative effluent and submitted for analysis. The results indicated TSS values were below detection limits. A screen has since been installed on the submersible pump to filter out particles that may become agitated in the sump bottom. If additional information is required, please contact our office at 303-945-7458. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. Rick Thomas Environmental Manager RT/lr Attachment .. PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) 4 Facility Name/Location if different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(DMR) Apas4 SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. : (2.16J (1 7-19)_ MINOR. Form Approved ADDR mmSONNENALP HOTEL EXCAVATION.. COG070215 001: A (SUBR VC) ' Et:012ENo. 2040-0004 _ 20 VAIL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE mumBER F _, FINAL Expires 9-30-91 VAIL • CO' 6:1657 . SILT POND DSCIUTCYGORE CREEK — MONITORING PERIOD IOD 3 3 FACILITY YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAY ....-.... LOCATION . . FROM TO *** NO DISCHARGE, I 'x I (26.2) (28•29) i 9. I i ATTN: KEN A. 0' BR!AN (20.21) (22.23) (24.25) • NOTE: Read instructions before completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) NO. SAMPLE EX ANALYSIS TYPE (32-37) F17 E0011N C Y —- .I— AVERAGE MAXIM UM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS (6243) (6448) (69-70) Plf SAMPLE (', ) ******'' (',12) MEASUREMENT .. .. . .. 00400 1 0 1411111i 1i9lPl/ikAJO:iAilNl SKi1l,0,1lik4a,,APllOi?, ewil:::,,,A,:V.a.MSe§V, 's•':0p4o3,4w:45,..$i0lt0.w,t'aiti,o:X..:NWto.P.-4n0s:Mo* gpa0 g :•.A•:•,V....,g,ar E F F L U E N T GROSS V A L U E lVrtan : il . ntMAMMIta ,,ii,'.4,4.•':•%,•.•..•V.••.••••'.••4••''':'•..•.•;,;::v"p'.s:,,",,M:en.,::.$;.:::::::.:.•':l:.:.•::i:•t..*.i.4 t„.,,i..,,*r,,A•„%,Wi,;;,;';,MA,''':';,,' S U Wato;MEN SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE ****#* ****** . (. ) '. .** **:* ' ( 19) SUSPENDED MEASUREMENT 00530 1 0 0 ........-:***#”qm vmveloggen wifp,,,,„,,,:,„:,:,,,,,„,,,,„,,,,,„,,,,,m PERMIT Ogek•N,e,:::..,..*;• 46;;....;,..JVAK000`:•• d'IMPOWN;: ''''i::''N'"'• wly"raw ::::!::m:.:,:tr....:v. .,:.,!,,.. ....:,..,„ ----- - ,' sy,','' ',run EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE 11"111.1110 11,1111111151.1111111.111.1**** - 111111111411el30 Atti..W littaliW m(..‘..i t :, netlealinTlitlk OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE ******' 24. ., ('.. ) ': *4****-,• *!:g****:'. (1 1 9) : FREON ExTR-GRAy riErFi MEASUREMENT 00556 1 0 0 A aii:•,:::61i,4iA2rC1,:::0•'1*4,f,„,..1:,0,14,141:§s4Ne1g4i0ftr1,4S,0„1,.•20:m•.,*;.t4*1:**'.. taillll#'o4,4ft"'i,t ie*s g.,j*gft a:0MI0N.wjmii.a_ft,W*e.n4g-fmg..6ai. iW•iiAiiRMiii0*.ieiia i R1...:AIm S Zm'':•.'.:..„,'4.›'........,:4.•:.'...;,•-,:i:,:•,p-i,-.`,k-.•":..,....:..7:, E F F IU E N T GROSS V L U E r,lfik#*t4p mtSINkn 1....,-,...•:,•I i....,v%.,M*.m-4'i NG irL : siku rtellotto:::::;:busem, FLOW, IN CONDUIT OR SAMPLE (- 03) T ****** ' ****** ******' (- ) THRU: TREATMENT PLANT MEASUREMENT ,. ........ ., 50050 1 0 0 PERMIT RVitgritilfraMNiatift.1417 ' -",....,...01 ..........„:„:.,:::::ft...7.g*, STAN iIg' i.46-41..........*,ta0,..'. '''''''''".$****44P'"”'*.-'4e-T**t.:::,ikilii;'O„:4t:,44:-:,.*...:0**,-.- . fa t' '..lx.. 15 - ,., ...;0 , ,„,.......:„....i,, ....4*; EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE71-05i0-)3,.., illi 4'.;kitAPAIKettlixtiptitille m G o Niggefinginke ASMINIONAMMoSsituk*C4**.!: gen 02.0‘.;:i:i,titatfit :::.4,,,,,,,,,a..,:mme:.:o•:,:. .,.4,:.. :,..4. ..i.0,i,;:ik.Z. . .; . .::& ',,..,,;:ff , SOLIDS. TOTAL: SAMPLE ( : ) - ******' ( 19) DISSOLVED MEASUREMENT '''"'':,'W"WW.,Rift%w'''''''?....i'L •z....:,..v.:•A %;:a.;.:.`,..WW.:.'`. ::.% :F7.....n:'..A•N.::'; 70295 1 0 0. IlepiPe osig • ,,40 : 0o'„".„--*••-•..._:11#_1_,LI.__N*''-,.#"•: 4.'•0140::•,4,,,:404_4,:::::* t.:. :. ,....,.,." E F F L U E N T G R OS S V A L UE REQUIREMENT TAMS . ••*•„,,,AA,,n,,--v.....,:,0-•,4•••,-1,k-.e.......,&4o0.: -,4..--.:*-§. ,,,,c-i,.I-..-':o''3,..,4„--.,..•.:.•'i.•....k f*4.2.,..-k•: ille$11111011111mons**## . mossastatirvattatiteit.4*-:...wittto NG/T.. al:..,i .'',1,•,.'s.:&•.slaiti OIL: AND GREASE ******.; t 914) ******.:-. ****** ******1 (:',..: ) SAMPLE VISUAL MEASUREMENT 811.066 1 0 0 . -,,......,.-2:.,•*..1.A...•Pg.inm.:M..iw,A,..kToimmm m-1,:•,,M,.,,,,,,,0,.Qu•,,,,,Avi„Mi.i::t:::„::i:,:g„O.::e:,w:v.*.wM„:::I:,w.N:ft,oi, , •„M_. ,t.:„..„.r --1 E F F L U E N T GROSS V AL 1 E 01. 100W1 . s ei „,N o-o S,..~MaiPwWM.N1il4a1V0Iz:1SiO0itWzSVw,,...X:N:::.::: .p:w;K;;:•-.i.A4aWm0sA-4a-0u..-,r..0....0--4-m5A01N.,4--0.W. w::::ft::e0i,,,--4i1,t 't.00.iLmirK*„;''').,”.vc'..''F.,:'.:.‘,,,".?qN..v.„,",4.,-:•...,.v:'':,.,'.4;:,,.g'Nt.::.'..;.t,.*.i,.",k'.,'.'„".:..,0.',,;'-.,'',','.`z,:.-.•..:V;%,',,,.,,.-„.,..V 4„':.';::''„‘,," SAMPLE ' MEASUREMENT 7.:?:.?...",'''',.,%:',.Ww•W:::4:W.4::%:::,:..;.:m::.:,z,??,.:::ww:A:;?„;w:,,,,.,,,,,,:w.m4,,:w.„,„,„.. ”-',,-.-.".:..,4$ .:$,:•:*,,,,,,,,,,x.:::.:::.;::*.p,; PERM .a.,L:',A:a ;:',„•W•WRf.: IM:We..0:0:NROMFMOVV:ii:WWWWX;SNWA:a MARMORANW 101MMIetWii.,NI:4.4x14:%:,4:16::,kklat4; PANWN"00 WOWN4PAWA3ta*OtWARMO P.3:44.:W*IV-t,f,,,,ww: 5,ovitimmoktiommuo4movt,o40m**0000%, ,ft,..x...„..:•,..„.„.„.•• :„..,,,....,...:„.•......v.,.,„. Otostromem uto", sirt.,,,40:400.womoll vo,...,m.•,..-„vq,......-„.:4",-,v,,, ::,",a,,,,:ami,,mbiammemmum,:.,:onammomomm •„:„::::::.......,„„,••••....„,......„..,..„.:„:„:„.:„....„....,..4, :.„.•,..:-......00go....40mko.::: „„,...:„::,...,„,....,w.:„,:,:::::,„.„..1„„.....4,,:::: NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED r I TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN.. AND BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR - cjit.... -- .._ OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION .----, IS TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIG. NIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION. INCLUDING Johannes Faess ler THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT SEE 18 U SC S 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945-7458 93 10 28 33 LISC 41319. (Penalties under these statutes may tnelude fines up to SIli010 TYPED OR PRINTED and or maximum itnprixonnzwil of between 6 months and 5 yPallt.) OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AR" NUMBER YEAR MO DAY CODE COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE FrIN PERMIT. :. No discharge. Discharge point is inactive. EPA Form 3320.1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be used. IREPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.) PAGE OF 00006/920413-1434 1 1 PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) ` ,. Facility Name,/Location if different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) NAME SONNENALP PROPERTIE_, C (2-16). (17-19) MINOR ADDRESSSONNENALP HOTEL BAVARIA HAUS CO0043273 001 A (SUBR WC) Figginallgoved. 20 V A I L ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE NUMBER F — FINAL OMB No.2040-0004 -- VAIL CO 81657 MONITORING PERIOD G$1 COLLECTII 'ov3I it 1Oc * CR,K FACILITY YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO. DAY LOCATION FROM '. 0 DISCHARGE A .r. - TO *.r.y. I I r•r•r ATTN: JOHA NNES €'AESSLER (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (2s-29) (30-31) NOTE:Read instructions before completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION PARAMETER (46-53) ('54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) IUO, FREQUENCY SAMPLE EX TYPE ((2.) 1 AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS ANALYSIS 161fiJf (6W-6fi) 09-70) r Yl SAMPLE -,r* %r -ir-r***v ( ) 12) MEASUREMENT 6.9 7.3 0 1/7 Grab 00400 1 0 0 PERMIT *****# *****# 4*** 5• *',`**** 9.0 $.E KL.! RAE EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT #**Y MINIMUM ":MAXIMUM SU SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE *4:**** *M%r*rm ( ) M****-'..- ( 19) SUSPENDED MEASUREMENT <1 .0 195 1 1/30 Grp 00530 1 0 0 * :****- ***#** **::* *; ** : 30 . 45 ONCE/ GRAB`'. .-- PERMIT = -, EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT *v. 30 "D . 'AV ` MX `7D" AY MG/L MONTH OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE M**M*M *$*M*M ( ) . **StMMM 41*41****** ( 19) Conti igent FREON E, XTR—G.R/A��V METH MEASUREMENT �y �y�y ���� �y iy�.y�yy 0 0 �s �/y (� Grab 00556 1 0 3 PERMIT *#*#K# *^- *=J 'rw*. 4*** �1AY"•i�I'*W* ****"PM" 10 . CONTINGR.AB EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT // INST . MX MG/L GE T:. BENZENE,ETHYLBENZENE SAMPLE �i'rM.*r*r* ... -**'*.SY.+,{• _ ( ) **r***_ �.� __- - ( 19) TOLUENE,XYLENE COMBN MEASUREMENT <0.001 <0.001 0 1/30 Grab 30363 1 0 a PERMIT **#*** " #*I*i?fig:* **>Y`r X *****"n ' REPORT 0,1 ONCE/ GRAB EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT f "•*** 3,ODA' KITS ' DAILY MX 9G/L MONTH BENZENE SAMPLE **r** *.Y%',FJ=*-'i ( ) ****t=* ( 19) MEASUREMENT <0.001 <0.001 0 1/30 Grab 34030 1 0 0 ## **#r*� ***r *** 0 002 REPORT O NCE!, GRAB PERMIT EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT '4*** .30D1' AVG , DAILY MX iG/L MONTH FLOW, IN CONDUIT OR SAMPLE ( 03) ti M*rM* °:**;k*# *r r**%ti ( ) TI'IRU TREATMENT PLANTMEASUREMENT 0.057 0.111 D N/A N/! 1 '?` 50050 1 0 0 PERMIT •7$$ REPORT. .< k ? ; r, h wEEKLYI S'= k r ° EFFLUENT GROSS VLUE REQUIREMENT 30' DA AV DAILY MX MGD - ^rrr SOLIDS, TOTAL SAMPLE **r*#** *;rx#*>-* ( ) **' *** ( 19) DISSOLVED MEASUREMENT 185 230 0 1/30 Grab 70295 1 0 0 PERMIT #****# *44*** **** tier**%##, REPORT REPORT OTRLY GRAB EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT ***II" ORTPi AVG QRTR ' MAX" EG/L - NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED • \ TELEPHONE D A T E AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN: AND BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR i OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE \ .0'ti^"--- Johannes Faessler SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION. INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. SEE IB U.S.C. 4 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 303 945-7458 93 10 28 33 U.S.C. 4 1319 (Penalties under these statutes may include fines up to TYPED OR PRINTED $10,000 and or maximum imprisonment of between 6 months and 5 years) OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AREA CODE NUMBER YEAR MO DAY COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) EXPLANATION OF TSS EXGI.LSIDN EXPLAINED IN ATTACHED LETTER. OIL & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE F!, PG 3. QUARTERLY SAMPLING AND REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS--FOOTNOTE D/, SIX MONTHLY TDS SAMPLES REQUIRED FOR NEW PERMITTEES--FOOTNOTE H!. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be Used. (REPLACES EPA FORM T-40 WHICH MAY NOT BE USED.) I)''13i`1i 7/921.22Z—IS PAGE .� OF 2 PERMITTEE NAME/ADDRESS(Include NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM(NPDES) Facility Name/Location if different) DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) °' w NAME SONNENALP PROPERTIE. , INC. (2-16) (17-19) MINOR ADDRESSSONNENALP HOTEL BAVARIA HAUS CO0043273 _1 001 A (SUER WC) F,glyirGPIpproved. 20 VAIL ROAD PERMIT NUMBER DISCHARGE HUMBER F - FINAL OMB No.2040-0004 VAIL Co 81657 GW COLLECT( lgro`eiP$PI ?1 llit CRK —�'— MONITORING PERIOD FACILITY YEAR MO DAY YEAR MO DAYS q �T/� LOCATION FROM TO 93 09 30 h MM BO DISCHARGE I I . *r** A TT N: JOHA NNES FAESSLER (20-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) (28-29) (30-31) NOTE:Read instructions before completing this form. (3 Card Only) QUANTITY OR LOADING (4 Card Only) QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER (46-53) (54-61) (38-45) (46-53) (54-61) op (32-37) EX. X ANALYSIS TYPE . AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM UNITS (62-63) (64-68) (69-70) OIL AND GREASE SAMPLE YM* yM 914) * A MMti MM*h M r ( ) VISUAL MEASUREMENT �{ �y 7, 0 (� 1 yy��., �y .y. yy�}��y yy�y yt �t1/7q Vlsu]a�ll 0 84066 1 0 0 PERMIT< YYY` YES-1 "R',�lM*N r Ma( M i�MMM4+w JQLr �1 �11L, EFFLUENT GROSS VALUE REQUIREMENT IRTS '.MX `'NO=0 SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT, REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT{ REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT' REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT SAMPLE MEASUREMENT PERMIT' REQUIREMENT ,,.'. • SAMPLE MEASUREMENT • PERMIT REQUIREMENT - NAME/TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED `\ TELEPHONE DATE — AND AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED HEREIN; AND BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS IMMEDIATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR °`-- OBTAINING THE INFORMATION. I BELIEVE THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS _..i`_ _ TRUE. ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE ',--'c- SIGNIFICANT .....___L_,----1 "' 7 SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION. INCLUDING 303 945-7458 93 10 28 Johannes Faess l er THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT SEE 18 U.S.C. § 1001 AND SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE 33 U.S.C. 4 1319. (Penalties under these statutes may include fines up to AREA TYPED OR PRINTED 510,000 and or maximum imprisonment of between 6 months and 5 years.) OFFICER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT CODE NUMBER YEAR MO DAY COMMENT AND EXPLANATION OF ANY VIOLATIONS (Reference all attachments here) OIL & GREASE--SEE FOOTNOTE F/, PG 3. QUARTERLY SAMPLING AND REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS--FOOTNOTE D/. SIX MONTHLY TDS SAMPLES REQUIRED FOR NEW PER1ITTEES--FOOTNOTE R/. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev.9-88) Previous editions may be used. (REPLACES EPA FORM 7-40 WHICH.MAY NOT BE USED.) 00008/921211-1544 PAGE - C. OF 2 WEITZ-COHEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 899 Logan Street,Suite 600 Denver,CO 80203 303-860-6600 Fax:303-860-6698 November 4, 1993 Mr. Chris Grothe Schindler Elevator Corporation 2650 West 2nd Ave. Unit 11 Denver, CO 80219 Dear Chris: COHEN Re: Sonnenalp Hotel Remodel Weitz-Cohen Job No. T130 Per our conversation November 3, 1993 in regards to Elevator #1, at the Sonnenalp Resort, you are authorized to proceed with modifications to comply with ADA requirements and add Firemans Phase II as required. I am preparing a Change Order to your contract for this work as outlined in your letter, dated October 28, 1993, approving all the items except #8. The Owner has elected to use Photo Eyes rather than the recommended Full Height Proximity Detector. The cost for the above work is not to exceed $13, 040 . Please send me a letter acknowledging the above with estimated installation dates with copies to the Town of Vail and Nocog Elevator Inspector immediately, as the issue is effecting Final Inspection and Certificate of Occupancy. You are also directed to repair damage to the exiting cab caused by construction activity and install the new cab liner during the week of November 8, 1993. Any additional costs in addition to your contract will be covered by Change Order. If you have any questions please call me. Sinc rely, a-p-L-1 /1-4/J Dan Meek Project Superintendent pg Q Denver*Colorado Springs•Des Moines•Omaha•Phoenix•West Palm Beach TM Schindler Elevator Corpol on Building C Unit 2 700 West Mississippi Avenue Denver,CO 80223-3172 Telephone: (303) 777-5020 Fax (303) 777-4857 October 28, 1993 Mr. Gary Morian • Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Sonnenalp Hotel Elevator Modernization Cr Dear Mr. Morian: � � The intent of this letter is to inform you that Schindler Elevator Corporation has been released by the Owners of the Sonnenalp Hotel, to perform the following items in order to meet A.D.A. and handicap regulations. t Cu) 1) Fire service overlay to add fireman phase II. 2) Lower corridor push button stations. 3) Install new car operating panel. 4) Install car riding lantern in car jamb. 5) Install audible signals (floor passing tone). 6) Install A.D.A. telephone. 7) Install braille plates to entrance jambs. 8) Install full height proximity detector. Schindler Elevator anticipates completing the above listed items by mid February. If you should have any questions please call me at (303)777-5020. Sincerely, Naix a.:4 — Chris A. Grothe Sales Representative M 00010