HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST PLACE LOT 1 LEGAL FILEa'nT7?otuwic,' co\raJrf,n cEvELe{Etar Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Proiect Name: Landers - re-roof Proiect Description: Final review of a minor alteration Participants: OWNER LANDERS, JOHN & DEBM 2530 OUTLOOK TRL BROOMRELD co 80020 APPLICANT JOHN AND DEBM I.ANDERS 2530 OUTLOOK TMIL BROOMFIELD co 80020 1454 GREENHILL CT VAIL Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: 2103-124-0201-1 DRB Number: DRB070280 - re-shingle roof with heavy duty shingles 0612512007 0612512007 Phone: 303-466-7624 Location: SDD #4 GLEN LYON Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON; APPROVED Date of APProvall. 071LL12007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C-ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Scot Hunn DRB Fee Paid:320.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deoartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479,2728 fa\: 970.479,2452 web: www'vailgov com f,/^e(S "1oCo LJeto.L, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 90-328-8640 for parcel no') sDb 4 $50 P.Us $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee -S65q\ For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' /\ZOO ) For an additlon where square footage is added to any fesidential or \--"'/' commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements/ such as, re-roofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 No Fee retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans Design e Qc'r' I one year of the approval. Description of the Location of the Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning Name(s) of Owner(s)l Name of Applicantr Type of Review and Fee: : Srgns i Conceptual Revielv j liel^r Ccnstruction AAddirro:l . l''lnor A;teration { m ulti-f amily/comnrercial) _!f I'liror ltteration t \$ngle'family/duplex) I Changes :o lppioved etans I Separation R.equest Staff or the Mqiling Address: Ov.rner(s) Signature(s): For Office Use Onlv: , r t.l Fee Pard: 3Oo . O'o gecxNo.: /*tY ay:-No I +***+*+******++*t++t'i'l'l*{l***t**+************l+++++*l*+**f++*++*t**r*****++++*********t****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment ***l*****+++*************f++t*****i+**l+lf++***tl****f+++******+*lt**l+a{'**f'}+*++**+t******* Statement Nunber: R0?0001089 Anount: $20.00 06/25/2OO7O2:23 pul Palmertt Method : Check Ini t : L,T Notation: Landere / ck L244 Permit No: DR8070280 Type I DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2fO3-L24-O2OI-I SitE Address: 1454 GREEIiIHILL CT VAIL Location: SDD #4 Tota1 Fees: $20.00 Thie Payment:$20.00 Tota1 AIJL Prnts: $20.00 Balance:$0.00 '}l+***+++*+**********tt++'t*+ff*f**f++++**'i*'tf*ft++*+*****+f*t**a+f*****t***t+++**tt*f+*t++i* ACCOT,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGIN REVIEYI FEES 20 - 00 tr".tP/ao' 5'b' /+t @lltljitrY c€\€Lopttr{t Design Review Board ACTIOII FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 telz 97O.479.2L39 fa\i gt1.47g.Z4Sz web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: FOREST PLACE LOT 1 Project Description: DRB Number: DR8070187 0s/07/2007 Phone: 970-569-3102 Location: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 06107 /2007 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO ADD A SWIMMING POOL TO THE EAST SIDE OF THE BUILDING Participants: OWNER GLENDOREDEVELOPMENTINC. ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 ARCHITECT I.ARRY DECIGRD, ARCHITECT PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ProjectAddress: 618 FOREST pL VAIL 618 FOREST PI-ACE-LOT 1 0s/0il2007 APPUCANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHffiCT OS/OilZOO7 phone: 970_569_3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: C000001796 Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: SuMivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDMSION ParcelNumber: 2101-072-1500-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By! Second By: Votel Conditionsl DANTAS GILLETTE 4-0-0 Cond: 8 illAtl).-_wo changes to these prans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN):_DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buirding. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consiruction activities.Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days foilowing the ctate of approvar. ' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is_diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S20,OO Changes To The Apprcved Plans Application for Design Review Deparrnent of Community Development 75 Souft Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97Q.479.2L28 fa><: 970.479.2452 web : rvww.\railgo\r.com General Infiormation: All projects requiring design review mu* receive approval prior to submiting a building permit application. Please r€-fur b tfie submittal requirements for the partioiar approrral that is reque*ed. An apdication for Design Raniar cannct be ac@ptrd until all required infurmation is rc@ived by the Community De\relopment Deparunent. The project may also need to be revierved ry the Totun Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deslgn revigw approval lapcc unlece a bulldlng pennit ir isued and onfircdon cornmenes wil|rin one year of tlE approual. ,r.7 ,X007 l-ocation of thc Propoeal: ^a Physical Address: (? parcef No.: X I Ot O Z Zt 5OO I (@ntact Eagle oo. Assessor at 970-328-86.10 for parcel no.) Zonins: P&tr'a*( / 6Acaxet*7 t?Egt Pc'p-ftaU l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addreca: l{ame of Applicant: Mailing Addrses: Loil I Bbck:- suwP,isr,nt frA&'T lot+ciL tb Fopcor lau.a.6,,g v nt @ o \, (D { *t Type of Rwiew and Fee: fi Changes to Approved Plans t Submittal Requlrenente: 3 Sets of Phns Mdr€ssing Project Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Associatlon $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. Orner(s) liignabre(s) : F:bdev\FoRMS\PermibPlanningDRBUrb-change-to-apprc\redJclan3-llcege-1G1&2006.doc +*****+***++****l*'}***+++++t***'t'iit***rt*t*+*+t**l"i*+++++++*+**l*******t*t*+*t++++*a++++++*+ TOWNOFVAIL COLORADO Statement *+++++*+f,**a*aal+f+****f**+t+++*+i+****t*+aaa*ata**f*+|l++*++**++++t+it*******t*+*++***f+i** Statement Nunber: R0?0000638 Amount: $20.00 05/07/2O07Lt:37 AItl Palment Method: Check DECKARD Init: JS Notation: 173 8/IJARRY Permlt No: Parcel No: site AddJ.ess: Location: This Payment: ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003L12200 DRB0?0187 2101-072 - 1500-1 618 FOREST Pl' VAIIJ 518 FOREST PLACE-IOT 1 $20.00 DeEcription TIE)e: DRB - Chg to Appr Plana DBSIG'N RT\':TETI FEES Total Fees: ToTaI AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: $20.00 920.00 90. 00 Current PntB 20.00 lron Toto O Poo' LxZ lno'J Nt/'/H-5 Q looov FOREST PLACE POOLRAIL Lor L Poo t- CONCEPTIMAGES J { E s + SflOYNtrJdflJNOJ l aodl T ra1 Tr\ru Tood flf,YTd rsfluo,.{ looal A tat4N r'odl TXl ilada .tr \p { (r d,\Ll"Sll 10m{0Fl/ilt Ftt t 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Cotorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uwu.aailgov.com May 21,2007 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 618 Forest PlaceiLot 1 , Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed swimming pool at the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Label the top-oFwall and bottom-oFwall elevations for all changed retaining walls. . Coordinate the pool and hot locations between site plan sheet SP2 and MCPS's sheet P1.4.. Submit photographs of the proposed wrought iron fence design. . Are any trees being planted to screen the new swimming pool from the ski runs? Please submit revisions addressing the above listed items by Noon this Friday, May 25, 2007. This item has been scheduled for review by the Design Review Board at its June 6, 2007, public hearing. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479- 2173. Sincerely, BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town ol Vail {2hoouorut Dcpartnatt of Community Dere bpmcnt 75 Sotth Frofiage Road Vail, Cohratu 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 tuutu.aailgw.con May 21,2007 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 618 Forest Placdlot 1 , Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the proposed swimming pool at the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: I'tO CPeyA^abelthe topof-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for all changed relaining ryalls.. Coordinate ihe pool and hot locations between site plan sneJt Spz and@FBg sneet .,/ l1:a',^v c Submit pholographs of the proposed wrought iron fence des(]n. DnLrL 6f:C 4. Areanytreesbeingplantedtoscreenlhenewswimmingpool fromtheski runs? " '- v' FII>tt Please submit revisions addressing the above listed items by Noon this Friday, May 25,2007. This item has been scheduled for review by lhe Design Review Board at its June 6, 2007, public hearing. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479- 2173. Sincerely, BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail &htcvczst> ptprn gg!*i. w c€\,ELFuEftr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 979.479.2139 fax:' 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: LOT i FOREST PL CHANGE Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB060421 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR A NEW UVINGROOM WINDOW CONRGUMTION, PATIO GARDEN WALL AT SOUTH PANO, NEW BURIED REIAINING OFF SKI ROOM Project Address: LOT 1 FOREST PI.ACE Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: OWNER GLENDORE DEVELOPMENT INC. 09/1212006 ATTN: ]ERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPLICANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHfIECT 09/1212006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 09112/2006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 618 FOREST PL VAIL Location: Lot: I Blockr Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION 2101-072-1500-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: VOID Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not becorne valH for 20 days follo,ving the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year folloring the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Blll Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO I I Changes To The Approved Plans 1- I .oA Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tfj: 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgor,om General InforrnaUon: All projects requiring design rwierv must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be acce*ed until all requircd information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need b be rcviewed bV the Tom Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. llesign review approyal lapses unlecs a bullding pennlt'rs lssued and ooostrudion commences within one ycar of thc appmval. oescription of tlre Request: ulwooQt- 6oNFt r-u n attoJ, FiTto /^,>'/,..atlcslt uta,t/-'-^ 'T 601 |Zj F4lo 8,E4 ' '-tu Outz'FA fTrn:'rqNl- r' 6( Roon. l-ocation of the Prcposal: t-ou I abct:suwvisan': FO R E,qT PurcC. PhysicarAddrpss: 6 I b Forcergr Pr^oe. ParcetNo.:W(ContactEa9|eCo.Assessorat97G328.86.l0forparce|no.) Zonlng: name(s) of Orner(s): Type of Review and Fee: X O'"nOo to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Radew Board. Submittrl Requir€ments: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowne(s) or Association LtVt.tl,el -f.t sJ 0 f o A ll -, owner(s) Slgnature(s) : F$rS*TS ^*.*o., /.b'{7 By. L.L'T ^F'-(' r,r*tins o"t", /6- (D' \A o*, ,',o., D B [2JAS- - oq[ S F:bdev\FORMS\Pemits\Plenning\DRBUrb_change_to_approved3lans-13age-0'11-2006.doc t a'l*l*+*+*+*++l+*********l*l*a*la**a*+*+*lla+*++++lttt++****a*l***t+***+***+**t*att*iataa+*+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +a**a+++t+a++++a****'lt++a+'}**+++**+++*++*+tftl+++++'t+'f*****+*+*ti+*tt*+***++'|*******+*++++++ Statenent Nurnber: R050001415 Palzment Method: Check DECKARD Arnount 3 $20.00 09/t2/200609:53 AIrl Inlt: iIS Notation: 1647/LARRY Permit No: Parcel No: site Addresa: Location: This Pa)ment: DRB050421 2101-072-1500-1 618 FOREST PL VAII. IJCT 1 FOREST PIJACE 154>e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plang ToEal Fees: TOTAI AtL I'tnTE : Balance: s20.00 s20.00 $0.00 $20.00 ******+**+*t+tt++*****a*a*ff*a*+*******+++*+l+++a+t******'i**+*rii,|***tr****'|r+r*++++*++*+*a+ ACCOTJNT ITEM UST: Account Code DeBcription Current Pmte DR 00100003L72200 DES IGN REVIEYI FEES 20.00 , ,*,J"', . ]r"v t.'r e Dcpartncnt of Community Dctchpmmt 75 Soath hontage Road Vail" Cohrado 81657 970479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wutu,uailgoa.com October 9, 2006 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 618 Forest Place/Lot 1, Forest Place Subdivision (DRB06-0421) Dear Larry, The Town Vail has reviewed the revisions to the design review application for the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary ol the comments from that review: . Label the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall retaining wall elevations.. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height.. The snowmelt boiler must be removed from the Town of Vail easement. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free lo contact me at (970) 479-2173 or George Chalberg with the Public Works Department at (970) 477-3507. Sincerely, /L/?/L- h,-l-> BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town ol Vail {ph"camn** Changes To The Approved Plans 1.t.oa Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Souur Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 d: 970.479.2128 fax:. 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Genaal Infonnaton: All projects requiring design ra/ielv must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Phase refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is reque*ed. An application for Dedgn Reviarr cannot be aace@ until all required infomation is received by the Crmmunity Developmert Department. The Foject may also need b be re\rierved by the Toryn Councjl and/or the Planning ard Envlrcnmental Commis$on. Decign lwlew apptwal lapcc unlcrc a bulHing pcrmlt b bcucd and constnrdon commencs wiUrln ooe ycar of t|ic approval. Zoning: l{ame(s) of Orner(s); Dcscription of tlre Requeet: Wthteoat Co^tFrf-urt-;vtoJ, P^Tlo GdRATICN 0.r^rJ- T 60 nl F4to 4E4 ' ".t PorzFAt f2'rr ,rttJ/- r' OK'' 04. LocationofthePloposal: t-ot: 1 abck- s!&Ngrlnt FOR'fl,<T Pt-eE PfrysicarAddrcos: 6 I b Forcergr P.toe Parcef 1{o.: W(Contact Eagle Go. Assssor at 970-328-86'to for parcel no.) cl ^,oJ 0 c o A ll MaifingAddress: l?o. bol +a? Fottp*os, ra. Et6sz -a - Phonea ' ()tme(s) Slgnature(s): l{ame of Appllcant: MaffingMdress: f-O - Type of Reviw and Fee: ! annoes to Approved Plans $20 For r€\risions to dans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rarierv Board. Subrnilbl Rcquirqncnts: 3 Sets of Plans Mdressing Project Changes Signature of Flomeowne(s) or Associatirn LtVt"tb Sffi*83 **..,/b'{} N*tingD.t ' /6- (D' \! FJAS- - oq6 b F:bdcvfORMS\PemiE\PlanningDRB\drb-ctr.nge-to-epprov€dJtlsns-lJcege-o$11-2006.doc ; +**rtafaa*lf*tfalllllftfllal+a***llfat+fl**rtf***llffaaarfaf*t*'tt*a*t*+**+ftft+fl{'*li+r**l*t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment gtatenent Number: Palment Method: DECKARD R050001415 Anounr: 920.00 Ctreck 09/L2/200609:53 AIrl Init: iIS NotatLon: 1647r/IJARRY Pernit No: Parcel No:site AddreEa: Iocation: TtrJ.e Payment: DR8060421 2101-072-1500-1 618 FOREST PI, \IAIL IJCTT 1 FOREST PIACE T!De: DRB-Chg to Appr PIanB Tota1 Feea: Total AIJIJ Pmta: Balance: 920.00 $20.00 $o. oo $20.00 a*alaaaaaaa+aa*a*afllla++faafaaaafaafa***a**a***+ffalaa++taata*ttaaataaaaaat+aa*+ff+al**+aaa ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Aceount Code Deecription Current PmtE DR 00100003LL2200 DBSI@{ RB\,:TBW FBES 20.oo :r Departrnent of Community D eue hpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 utuu.uailgou.com /L/aza- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail h '-l-t--- October 9, 2006 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 618 Forest Place/Lot 1 , Forest Place Subdivision (DR806-0421) Dear Larry, The Town Vail has reviewed the revisions to the design review application for the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Label the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall retaining wall elevations.. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height.. The snowmelt boiler must be removed from the Town of Vail easement. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 or George Chalberg with the Public Works Department at (970) 477-3507. Sincerely, {gbtn -o"u* Al,a;6draltuawn Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com lrr I ProJect Name: FOREST PLACE LOT 1 CHANGE Project Descraption: Partacipants: DRB Number: DR8060343 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (SNOWMELT BOILER) Project Address: FOREST PI.ACE LOT 1 Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr OWNER GLENDORE DEVELOPMENT INC, 08/04/2006 ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPUCANT I-ARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 08/04/2006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 08/04/2006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 518 FOREST PL VAIL Location: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION 2101-072-1s00-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/31/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 . '' Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0008411 Prior to installation of the boiler and enclosure, the applicant must obtain building permit revision approval. Cond: CON0008412 Prior to TCO, the applicant shall plant two additional coniferous trees (min. 5 feet in height) to provide screening of the boiler enclosure. Cond: CON0008413 Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit written documentation to the Town of Vail Public Works Department demonstrating that the TOV/Forest Place easement agreements allow the boiler to be located within the easement. If such written documentation cttn not be provided by the applicant, the appllcant shall not construct the boiler and enclosure within the TOV easement. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Deparuneat of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 F:l: 970.479.2t28 tax:. 97O.479.2452 web: www\,"ailgo\/,@m General Inbnnation: All projects requiring design rorierv mu* receive approval prior to submitting a hrilding permit applkation. Please refer to the submittat rcquircmenB for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Ro/iew cannd be aepted until all required information is received by the Community Dettelopment Department. The pioject may also need to be re\rietled by the Town Courrcil and/or the Phnning ard Environrnental Commission, DeCan rcvlew approval bpeeo unlccc e bulldlng pcrrnil b bqrcd and @n tucrion omnnoes witlrin one ycar of t|ie appmv.l. Changes to Approved Phns $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Submtfal Rcqulrcments: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Sijnature of Homeoulne(s) or Assodatbn owner(s) Signature(s): only: tl 79 /, Check No.: I t4 J L By: L F:bdcvFORMS\Permits\PlanningDRBUtt-cfiange-to-appro\rodJtlans-1Jtag.-oS11-2fi,6.doc ****+++++++++t+t+***t***a*******++++il+******l*******+*++++t*+****+****i*t*+*t*+**+*+++t**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *ft+++*t******l********+l++t*+*+*a+*+****a***flf++*************ra**+i++*++*++++*+****tt+**** Statement Nurnber: R050001153 ArnorEt: $20.00 0B/04/200608:25 AIVI Pa)ment Method: Check Inits: iIS Not.ation: 153 9/LARRY DECKARD Permit No: DR8060343 T14)e: DRB- Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2101-072-1500-1 Site AddreEa: 618 FOREST PL VAIIJ Location: FOREST PI,ACE LOT 1 Total FeeB: S20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AIIL pmts: $20.00 BaLance: $0.00 +il**it*******'t*+*l++*++***{'**i+**++++++t++*******t**f,*++***t+t+*t*************+tt***+****** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacriptsion Current pmtE DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 FF1ONT ELEV. gTONE VET{EER A}.ID RAFTER 9TAIN TO \-1ATCH F OREgT PLAOE FINI 9I{E9. ooffiR 9t-ilN6LE9 ?XlO FIR R\FTER9 9IDE ELEV. Tlr1o 24' X24" LOTwER VENTg NITH gTOI.IE VEI.IEER NITH OPEN 9LOT9 At.|D AJ6 %REEN BEHltlD 9TOtlE. Ol.lE AT FLO&,aE@T.ID AT 12" AFF. FLAN FOR.E3T FLACE 9NOI^IMELT tsOILER ROOM ,t k!do b _l _ro S(,AI-E l/4"=l'-O"o-l-200b .1 r{r"sf/ou Su4u'sm l*l Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: LOT1 FOREST PLACE NEW SINGLE.FAMILY RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8050373 owNER GLENDOREDEVELOPMENTTNC. 0226l200s ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPUCANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHffiCT 0712612005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: C000001796 618 FOREST PL VAIL LocaUon: Lot: 1 BIocK: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION 2101-072-1500-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING FRITZLEN 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/18/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007455 The applicant shall revise the site plan and landscape plan such that retaining walls within the front setback do not exceed three feet (3') in height. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 1r - ' u'- l-\ @;, iOnn'otrvnw New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Tel: 970.479.2728 fax: 970.479.2452 Web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the proposaf: t-ot: I Block:- subdivisiont FOAL,9'f l/lbl;?e. physicarAddress: 6l t Foy<t tr Fuaca Parcef No.: At o tozxtw t (Contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturr Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: F rrf\4 I SN \}ffi Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs ! Conceptual Review Y n"* Construction /tr Addition ! Minor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) ! Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) ! Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addltions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee re(s): E-mail Address: For Office Use-Onlvl r"ir^iii--iS6:'- cneck tto.: tDO( ey:e,nJer<- PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvoe of Material ,*ldiosX+.r"E Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color ?FrdA l1W-+t o Es. oa?;*hOU.ry fnUr* r-*rto ogt . Cl IXb TIA a-n . hoouacp tta+ ptuc o)r-g1 Clt>At Eqtra * )t-^tz.- ancf h0o*fl6ri?€'!o* oDt.r3 haoaump t*uel *Odt fuz.rr G nE-y ho@at-rJ lL a aosr.r-rt v ,9tO^re 'J tOgror? CaF Notes:. Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. 12t02/04 U N ,/o butoEns t t9fo,vr-Pnf,rxt< l'asoae< Cot *tl, Ugvr.:.v Patu Pxtat>, PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciflT other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) 12t02/04 Jul 21 ()5 VIADTJ)i' i Y 'wg l1^, "< -+<4< Minimum Rtqu irernents for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TY"E OF ERO6IofI AONTROI. DecjduousTrees-2-CAig Coriferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. /ZTe^p=Jxuryt'^ PROP'OSCD llllDSCrPl'rG C.ommon ame ?iu,+lu^4o^, /r+t At-aql*u * U.-V Botanical ilame lOr OOa PR,OP6ED TREES AND SHRUBS Larr5 Deckard 97('-569-3103 p.l Size ?.c 7 lZ.to' .6'+6 -J.{ #.<ql +< +< 4<. Ouantitt ?tr_.) 2rbc TYrc Souara Footaqe Plee specify odrer lands+e Ganres 0.e. .€Eining rmlb, ftnces. switnfiirE pools etc) ?'d laozrc1 dZE: EO SO eZ InI. at*taa+ffl**llt+aaa***la*aaaaaa+a9l**alt+++a+aatataaa*aaaat***atta+a*aa*aatt**tt*++at+++a**l TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment l*'t'l**'i*lfl+faa*a**r*aaaat++lt+t++at+tff**atataaaaa+*rtt++a+a+aat*a*a+a****ftaaatfra**tta*ft statement Number: R0s0001146 Anount: 9650.00 07/26/200308:50 All Pa)ment Method: Check DEVBIJOPMBM TNC. Init: LC llotation: *100I/GLBIDORB Permit l[o: DR8050373 TlDe s DRB - New Conatruction Parcel lto: 2101-072-1500-1 Site Addrese: 618 FOREST PIJ VAII/ IJocation3 618 FOREST PIACE ThlE Palment: 5550.00 Total Fee6: 9650.00 Total ALL Pmts: S650. O0 Balance: $0.00 t**+tat+lff**+*lll*laaaaa***laf+faaaa+aaaaaa*++a*faa+aaa*aatfa*f*afaafafa*ttfa***+ra++***+ra ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Accolurt Code Description Current PrntE DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIOI REvTBfl EEES 550.00 Ir- bD -u b r.jt t,t.l lb Fd iryffirt d lAd l'.fr rF 4d r;*' id- b u.t r|rb r-ft r|dl*rbfl drhEDn:didlrrdhoalr*ttrlr p;UqyrS 'rr.afi|i'g t -I5... A- Cb\ i.aftgffi ?14-rF.|. rr-r-o,r.rljl.3aarE S i.ft|[-9.* bpdfld f,rldrr ffiq-cflb D qIEI so.r..@t(b)ffi sffi||grni.u brsirp 8tELlt -Efll EE.HF.tErtar|'tmtfi''iu'llSt CffiFrh t3.?rmltEl|ttc gtot srm(gt grrg.g,cBbt erG T.d ltJV ffigEIr n.ee..6frt fcr IlleittlorElffL .IOttloin.Gt rltfv|?( ry* rnr,Iun|lln D|f!rrgr 9toJat/A(n0 sO',a,C(tr) O'|E Fil.t Fb o Er|irry-gOgE A.r lt2lbl) So.gaotr3E|lr)btct tuid Sr pfEt 1. r tr tftt arrcal a trn fuD lr {rltllr dr d ir Q 6?.-, ]|.t !E ardtr .. E5 frO or L ftnr. trr?er il nprE Iu- odh[d |t| frbfrrr crr olu- ? f 1+|. .!!|E' ll. .Ic|r ulr-t r. D|lrild atalcEL tr r,i& mrrrlir Jd nd. f.4t at rl utry rrf,lcrrba &.itI ||lr -r ponrdiCr idbbffi llE h. Dd|' dro !r rfu lrtffitn* I mirtC-n xtnr. ghllph,ih.t0rlt Ltre .lFdnt ot tt tany mnqt.nd A.8o&rrl b rr..f. ffib tchb|E. - -- 3-ttD-ilHolrtD rll rtuo.drE.tn-q!-tDor.R*tbfurt hil!|. mridh*ut|b f,,th.rl'| o,va. utrbdb. rr.i!.dhd dt[q[bryqdcaghrdrba -rtt grir r,oruruvi i rnul3 rd b ..tr Atrrb' d rrrrnc.Jrilf,--'' rb h|IF b tffi rtlreEi'hlTt tfFlllftrFF trr &brDguirt rrrtfi*n rrtrqa,rftrrft fli*trlhtttqt*rbrrtotta{|tidi(.orf,arolr*lacrryinjia'i,rrtrcanru-adG-bltl tr.brtSt|*'! EnSotfZoU0rroi h t7M46E re$ ffi.a? TTITA- PFI;E.AI ce> el .da 172 ta - ,icll,.,.t._Lti_t11, ': i4i,ileq5l{fit0ty Cl(rsli tftR6y f,so.l ;:'. ,'- . -' - 'rr ' ' rr '':t4Em'rvl' v^voo EJrcf,ut u5.rr 'fC:'595 '"P. I o =" t - ill-rrnbril?dnq.Ectl,4.ddtrrfrySdt'8ffi IE*--clE-I!=FI!]F:Gi'-G-E rdh- ^* h. rFrQrErt! FlErrrdffi, dlb;;85-Fii*.|f iFdt{ -rEFa ffitqx c- b ;qGE] 9q'3r..et'&4 6tEr !tlqhg|UE!.F b-^gUD4llltlillFl EB.rFHrrES-6al tro.ee.djbFg d*DtsEttt ulrcEl-trt F|.rtf0.D m'9a/Cm ur3 tdl€ CI!-sF rro.aE.6El ffi taqFrto.liLrua .rrotrlt!,4EL!!' .laei-qrl.t-€A4,4 En|irratnrEt|rrr'zrtr olll|Gr?tD.Fttl$dl se.ll..E(t{trG Frdls GilETEGIII g?Ol|a,lArr||3(Hl tuJaar^g(.4 dsqdb srEt a r tb ry Dd 3 tdHr b E*[IsrfE lEI {tD ury qffr u |D *rcr* 1o & fi* o b tfir G.tb{6cff brrrFtltFrtf.c|dFiqrtEd, a rr qrilrybqnil brFa#. L rgy gpfl |If C4t o r g!*fr tr t |tr| b a Fh *r d b b r#. lts h rlsl rh b anl t rF !E rE b 0E fLr dlfl.lh'c, rb aa brd frr t- r*(.ttgrAr#Brr*nta{|c. 3.Tl4'fr-6n*lb crffi Ctr|ffi t.tlbrt|&fryF- hD E(,r dt!*x6,rlEA-r d Jtr try.aDrEdu Ert6 Ubatiltf lTFttild4raEirff !b:fdrd-{E- A dt Dd. lue frC tr fdE Elr!;fl -jtrf,r-tlur*-"r-o*rairrtlrrf rySqrDil ft rr#r|rrcrFrti.r.rt.tFr i|rilthruq&b.|tab*nDrS tFffi rraaryclrhhft ilt rrdt Eu). o..DFttt'|.Ut Eq0ofE0|/0t Dr ,y t u.ro.,.ta. rz xEH rr€aD^{ :€?o 9a. t25" , 2/ z ?lzla'{ na hrfD rff ltrFHrrra-rdhraqrfr rpaQs*r drbbq rhbr|l!ry'ra5.||bln trriltdbd.hfl Lr-ahc*&*F |I'FrqinrufOrlt ffic r -rFr lflr't tx|' fr, b*, rdrrqfl b* b b l&fu flrrb${lJtd rfu- anr|atr -D cEf gto.LorStFl ffi uqEtu.il3Fo ,.b$Dmit@r rtc||||rt'rrca|3 !Fo.e.lEr!tho ffiitfuU EYMg.EilF sro.nc€l tor0.rH{tu}mt T.at * EEIF'.rn2EGH ru fr?!'''iom-r2fr4 .lf,('lrlgtolErcl DttttEl grlo.itrlaifIFl ttllrm.lruFt)fr,G Frd!5 o*Atfilc et.js.arrrz(E rrlner!F) EUrr|tnlllRrlrx,ltlna O'|f frdb. stF: {. f Oo oAU TFrd a xErtul ln{dn &m dr d lp.ff caerb. rrd r srrrt aE rrdc rrot.orlu til,' ftr:rc[Srd-fill frlrr ]otdb-tf.iriafma|rgud, - - - G -.--fl!r- -iE-!E- E r- Err-c5E!'3r tE -' -Eo EG Erra -.lEariErit|lD!trD{, ftf -fr!I-rI:rI-E rtrDtr--orrtrd.tffi. prc rir b ff tHt.b h int{i irb Q tqry id b *r I iG' tdti r0tila . t TlFrHd: & rdltt-lrdrhbadn A.irb bon r a R|tcltd kr* foar Ore Drglh{ dhrtt lb!rt r.lb dlfl. rryEq{qridD.&hdbl.tbhdyF&fitafu ccnrff ftcTdr .il|r. A lqe !.* b r|c rrultl|'Fnrt rd b frd rs. tlr hrlp r 4rddlq.brlLtqfl q3 bb ft t.Gl3rrrarhlfi rrrittlr ffi brryQf -ftrafEud'|F*hboarrh9(a4rluc*t rpocnr adtbErr). D'*t rb 3brt-r! nq.6dlSOtOtL Ftlt coPr D ep artment of C ommunity D ev elopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 29, 2005 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 615 Forest Place/Lot 1. Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Staff has reviewed the design review application for the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary of that review: 1. A title report, schedules A and B must be submitted. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows:. All proposed roof ridge elevations (including dormers and chimneys) must be labeled.. Label the top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls.. Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height.. Show the limits of disturbance fence.. Show the erosion control methods and plan. . The site coverage calculations must be revised to include those portions of roof overhangs extending four or more feet from an exterior building wall. 3. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Show the limits of disturbance fence.. Label the top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls.r Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height.. The landscape area calculations must be revised to exclude all areas counted as site coverage, the driveway/parking areas, and the West Forest Road easement area. 4. The elevations must be revised as follows:. The drawings must be fully dimensioned.. Label the roof line and ridge elevations.. Show the utility meters, exterior lighting fixtures, roof drainage systems, etc.. Specify exterior materials and colors. 5. Submit an exterior color and material sample board. Please submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development addressing the above listed items by Friday, August 5, 2005. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2'173. Sincerely, U;c ?v- -.J/e- Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail {t1p 1""'""' o'""" 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail August 16, 2005 Larry Deckard PO Box725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1 Residence - 615 Forest Place/Lot 1 . Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Staff has reviewed the revised plans for the new Lot 1 Residence. The following is a summary of that review: 1. Retaining walls within the front setback shall not exceed three feet (3') in height. The site plan and landscape plan must be revised accordingly. 2. The site must be staked prior to the Design Review Board hearing on Wednesday, August 17,2005. ff you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Z/;/<-) ba-.-z-+. I NECICLBD PAPER ouc: n/rr/r,< Lcgal dcscription: Lot 1 _ Btock Addrcss - 6t6 Forcs{ Qlazi _ Filing F^<a,t ?lazt 6rnct___fltn/cnz__ y.n',:,. Phonc Phonc Brdldable arca Existing Proposcd Total Zonc district 7 Lot siz* Total GRFA Sitc Covcra!c Hcight Sctback Rcmaining + t,l1?. = g,t-rl . Lgg 1?Yt (iout) Fron t Sidcs Rcar + 973/ = 20' .15' l5' Landscaping Rctainin g \\tall Hci glrts Parking Cangc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conplics rvirb TOV Liglring Oriinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tnan f :t ,'1SOrt 1 En vironm cn tal/}Iazards i Minlirnum n, Bll I TtlAl ; : Rcquircd , tr/ (300) (500) (eoO)(gffp PcrmittcdStopc tL o7o Yr, /- No Yc No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Fioodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Haz-ards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) RocHail c) Dcbris Florv ftlga," = i-rgc;b Zb 6 G ' -uncloscd Proposcd Slopc ro gzo '7 '; Prcvious condifions ofapproval (cihcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrry non-conformingf $.q..iUu ,li :t. i tl SUR\rEy Sca-lc -__ Bcnclmark I __:_ Lcgal dcscription -:-- Lor Sizc Buildablc fuca Eascrncnts. Topognphy 100 1r. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn hl Hazards { tees Utilig locations . Snn t oln.,-_. _. ,., , .rtions Q SITE PLAN Scal c Buildilrg Height Sitc Covcrage DcckVBalconics Caragc conncction _ . Sitc Cradc\Slopc Rctaining Walls Fcnccs Drivcrvay (acccss an rl gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss .a DESIGN REl,'In\,t/ CIIECKI,IST', .: Q FLooRPL,o{s Scalc CRFA .250 addirional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU f] EUILDNC IILEVATIONS ScaJc -. 'lol or\Matcrials tr L.A.NDSCAPE PLAN Projcct; - .t, N ra f-. al CD (.) V'6l r.- ty. t] U -t FI - -'l - ,- 0 -t4 ft. r. J a l"..' , ;+ +l r--y 6r^tnor"- fib/'*tu'nn Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: LOT1 FOREST PLACE DRB Number: DR8050096 Project Description: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Pafticipants: OWNER GLENDOREDEVELOPMENTINC. 03/14/2005 Phone: ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DRAWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75506 License: APPUCANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT O3lL4l20OS Phone: 970-569-3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: ARCHITECT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 031L412005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO Box 725 Avon co 81620 License: C000001796 Project Address: 618 FOREST PL VAIL Location: Lot 1 Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION ParcelNumber: 210107215001 Comments: bf/ BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Tel: 970.479.2728 faxi 970.479.2452 Web: www.vailoov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: LocationoftheProposal: Lot: 1 Block: PhysicafAddress: 6 t b ron ParcerNo.: AIO t07Al5oo | <c, R Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addressr 7o nt Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerclal building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: 7A 03 d P. o u, 8 .o $ Type of Review and Fee: tr Siqns }f Conceptual Review '! New Construction ! Addition ! Minor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) tr Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) ! Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request F"'"'8ff*jg''t' - By:+c4{Meeting Date:BogtO?6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) elunn"r' BC e.;u.t ruo., gJlo€ - Man 18 O5 O2:31p Uar'l l-05 00:i[7an Larnv Dcckand FrorlOllll 0F ItAlt C0lll,lll7Y OEIIEL0PE|IT 970 - 569 -3103 p.2 9t04ts2152 T-251 ?.012/002 t-213 tvfAP 1 .. .li;:j T6\nC New Construction Application for Design Depafirnent of Gmmunity De\reloprnent 75 So!fth FronBge Road, vail,.Colqrddo 81657 Td: 97 0 A7 9.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 . Web: wwy.\railgio''6m General Information: All projecs requiring dgs'gn rsvisv', msg! rcceive apgroval pdor b submitting a building gcrmit applicatjon. Pfease refer !o $e submilbl reguiemenls for tfie partillar approvel that is requesH" An applicaton llor D€slgn Revleht canoot be accepted until all r€quired inbrmation is receiwd by t|1e @mmunity Developfirent Oepedneng The project mry atso need to be revierr,ed by the To*n Coundl andlor tfie Planning lnd Enviroonental Commision. Design nwlew appdl lap:es unless a building permit ir issued and construction commena€s within one year of the approval LocaUonof theProposat: rot .1 elodc .,Subdurton- FOA'\#;f PL+AE physicafAddress: 6l-b Fo*tr-<r Ftaoa. parcef rro.: Zl O t 0ZAIS na.l (Conbcr Eagle co. Assessor at 97G32&8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of (hrner(s); Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Ap'plicant: Mailing Address: 150 nrF $1-00 per sqlBre 6ot of totil sign are8. No tue $650 Consuuction ot a neut hrildifE or demo/rebuild' $300 An addiuon wtnre sqr,nre foobge ls added b arry redrlential or @.nmeffial buildlng (includes 250 addilions & interiot convcrsims). tZSo Minor drarEes b bu0dings ard site improvements. srdr 19, reroofing, pElnUnc, window addfions, tandscaping, fcnces antl rebtning vYallt, etc.t20 Minor changes to buildings and slre improrcments. sudl a5, re-roofing, paloung, window aclditions, lanGcaglng' fcnces and rebining v,tdlls, err. flO Rerrlsbns b glans already approred bv Plaming Shff or the Design NO FEE Rarbv Bo!ft!. i- E; e;,r,*Fi i ii,i:,, $ -l Type of nwiew and Fee: tr Sions X Conceptual Revia.,tE Na,v Coestruction tr Additbn O Minor Atterauon (Multi.F.milyilcommercial) E MlnorAlkauon (single-Falnily/Duplsr) O Chtnoe3 to Appro\,ed nans tr Separadon Request 7z03 d #vb 8 .f f Phone: Otrice t gg-Onlt: /..-'-D?,id| -- Check ttto.:- By: finoDare:4-6t{ DRBII vul zz/ luul LLiuS r/|,l uu., ,JJ oLz.t ..Frotn Land Tltfe (S1) n |(DUUI( tlrl' Tue 31 Arg 2004 04:33126 Ptl XIT Pag€ rr'| vv+. v+v 1of10 ti 7 \ lffrd Tlde ,atlt^Ilf,t Itllr?t v Irrb: 0&31.20114 Itueerty Addrsn: Land Title Guarantee ComPauY ,sEP 0 12004 CUSTOMEI DI.$TI|U'UT'TON Orn (lrder Nurbcr: V(51Xt03675'11 srcrron 7, rowtsHtPS S()tm+ ru!{Gtst0 l{Esr YAtl' (D E166T It pl ban lny b@rlor rr rtgdrl tMcr arilclscr' llelro cofirt rnc o! &l: rdeo hrltm: For Tltlc Arcfolmcc: Yril Titlc Dent' ttofpr Avlb tffis. TBoNTA(EID, W. #203 P.O. ROX 3s7 vNL, CO 81657 For Clodug AisktrDc.: Kscn Rig8, 1|F5, TBONTAGS Rn W. #2113 P.O, BOX 357 vAIr4 co El6t Phoncz97l&477-tlJLO Fsz tfl$475-o112 Etllrltr kblSgr@llgs.cttrr : Pbo!.: nO$ft-UEl Irtxl lfl04l6ttt2 i Ul}trt$ rrv r@rl*gcoo coIoBADO rIF!{ESs BANEqE flA SOCre8 r{, txrx ,tlta !056 rrrw^xDs vlIr/tGE U.VD t130 EDWATDE, CO I!G}} A|!r .lAlll't TlXrllAlrXlN atue, /10.7fl6-6t.lo vI.l. ,7VYl6-919e scra vlr lrs IAND TIUJ CUAAANTEE OOVIIANT 10[ $. Fla'rlr^(;L rD. w. tzll P,O, BOr 157 vaE, co ar67 Aatr. ltut|| r$tg[w nwr6'ncr Iv; |TMTHjY tMCtr blE ClEc-com IlIg Il xsrs r'.q DnAlt,ER r07Z tl)a.l(;vll:lry, TX 756u1 Etuw 9|B-75il400l A* tA-1St g:A $ccl'ae fs VAIL UXSoRIE DEyE.oIIIIE|T omtP^rrrv no 80x 7 vAll. c(t 116!u Au!! (S[RY AIhIOII' tlllug, Yro.t/E4l66'tt Prrr 9tlGl!lll-!i55 E!bl; grrttrQtdlrr.orleeon 8td VIr Cqd.f "*d \ J,\Lc;l \^ '-.rt rtur w\'qrrs q?5 98zr Qrio f,5q 3tsi(g*, a;gn os/22/2oo4 ll;0J l.AI go3 753 5LZ3 EAT(IUUX r.Ar tuvv.f vLv ',"' .qro Land TJtl e (S1) Tue 31 Aug 2004 o4; !3:25 PM lroT Pagc 2 of 10 i' m Land Title Guarantee ComPanY Datz: 0S31't|Xl4 ()ur (Htr Numben V(5ll0l|3175'11 Prrrycrly Addres: slrcnoN 7, lowNsxrPS soul'tl. nA!{GsE0 WEsr vNIr co E1657 " Buyer/Bttrrower:; - G|Jl\rroBits DEvEr,or,MENT, INc, a cololtarroco*r'iollATroN $ell,erl()srrer: THE VAJL CORPORATION, A COLoI|ADO coR$oRAfloN "-Wtrt Informs6on; t Errrlc FIB$TBANKOF COL()RAD() l. lmqt wcor,r^xlvllllun ' I,AKDWq)D' c{}&xtrs '. elEf f vvrt : Ilxt*;3o1.237.5t0o Crldic',/\NT, TT[J' CUAR/IITITIfl} A()|IPANY AffA No: lgl|M.S|MT Acrrrunt 2lfi|F.zllii,5 AtlenaioE: Krren Biggr aa*t '/'iti*sfat;'jati)*a ss*t*t)**atalttatll*lniltt*"*ltltllii*tt'*ttnl Note: Oncc an originel cofimitment hrs becn isrucdn rny rubrequent nodificetioru will bc cmphorlzcd by udcrlining ot codrmcals' alha*a;..;assaaa+. w a sa';'iafratt**'} sa artf l'ltlt*tt"**"rtrtitrrt*f **** Nccd o map or dtrcctions lor your upcomfng cJodnS? Cbcct out LoDd filtc'r wcb ril'c a[ www'llgc'com for directio-nt to rnv of our 5f oflice locationS. FSTIMATT1 OF TM,T' FENS Alta ()lvrer:r Poliey lll.tl.l2 Alb lour FoEcy 7O-17-Yl Alto lfir Policy tO-17 -Yt Eodxuzrcut Sellelt Prillcy ((hrrpr) Dclction of llxcegiom l-3 (Ormr) Dctctloo of Gearal lhccflbn 4 (Owrcr) hilrncorcnt 103. 1A (()grtr) Frrdoncnrnr | 00. 3l (Owrrr) thr llcpott SCt{# 1{)511656 97,973 grt0 €74O 82,373 Itoo 970 9791 $7, 787 ers oo 00 00 90 oo 00 oo 00 00 xa L.ad lrttt titnrttnE.. d/','|tt ny ,!tI bo clotlng Chlt Er.o"cclcD'.}!t/. L.t ,!tt b. @!t.cad .B th.c Cl!., 1'OTAL s72, 669.90 J@ a''t,tt CafCa IEAIIN YOU TOB YOUB OBDER! I I rr t vu r..t4 ruo , or ut 4J ll,lttttuutt t ,lll Tue 31 Aug 2OO4 O4233t26 PJi Wf 1{{UU.t/ U LU Page 3 of 10 I Fron Land TJtlc (5X) Cfrirco Iltb hrurarrs OonPmY ALTA COMMITMENT .ticbcdule A Our Ordcr No YC5lXf03d/5'11 Ch*L Rd.: 1. Efrccttve Drfc: Auf,rt 19- Zlll4 ar 5:lll, D.liil. ?. PoDcy fo bc kruedr ald Itttpecd Iltture.d: "ALTA.' Owe/ e f&y l1-t1.92 $10,910,000.00 Itoporcd lDrEt& GI,tsNDOTts DI'VI'l,oIMIill'' tNC, A COLORADO COTUORAIION .,ALI,A'' bro1lrofcy tfi.U-C2 i7,flXt'01xr.00 PropccdIuwdl c€ttttAno BUslNr$s $Artl& ffi sucusgo|rg aNryoR A$$IGN$ "A!TA" Lorn Policy Lc-{:I-tl S500'000'00 Propoocd luurtd; THE yAIL COXFOrrAIf()n|, A C0IOIADO CORTOXAI1ON ' 3. fic €fltrte or irlrrott h lhr laud d!{,crlbcd or rofcrrtd tr to tbfu Comlnitnreut ard crrvrred hcrcin i.s: A Fe. .rilEple 4. Iah !o tbc cst.tc or ldcrcsa co"o16 !3rcin is Da lhc cffccfivc dll,c bcrcol vcst d lB; TIIE VAIL CORIIDNATIOFI, A OIII)NADO (:()BFOBAII(}I 5. Thc lurd rctcrrcd {,o In tlio ComdLocEt it dcccdbcd rc followo: ulnt 1 TTIBuJGH + |NCT,USM, AND rrA(f A, EORETI PIA(ISUBDTV$ION, AOLTIRDING T() TTTE FINAI, PINT OT TONDST U,ACE SUBDTVNTON' TIOVYN tr VAII, t(ACIJi COUNIT' coroRArlo, Als nEcou)ED JANUARY 9, 20114 aT nEC&PftOt\l N(} E4633, COUNfv or tsaclx' .9TA1E ('F OOLOXAIX} Frrrperty Addrco; $ELTI([{ 7, Ir(]WNSTEP 5 ltOUIg, NANGE tll lllEsT vAtr, (I] 81657 IJV/ ZZ/ ZUU+ .L t : u., |:IIA |'UO t OO Ul..t llrllllrt uA tJt!$ Tue 31 Aug 2OO4 O4:33226 7M l@f ?age 4 of t0 From Lard TJtl e (s1) A L'TA COi{MITMI'N T Sche&rle R ' Sction I (Reqdnrredr) l'bc followlng arc lhc rcquilt[coa ao bc oooPlicd witb3 Our ()rdcr No. VGltlXt36'r5'11 llcm (c) ftyntd b or for llc sccornt of lhc crador3 or fprlgqgo8 of lhc fitt cocidctolion for lh cs|rlc or Idcrgrf b be Lsrued. fLbm (b) Propcr lcltutlcd(O ccoling lbc cetllc or in|crc0a 1o bc inurcd musl bc clcculcd rod duly tilcd for ccord' tt -wlt I|cm (c) tbylrcot oI dr hl{ib dra{Bce or crwrcdr lcvicd oad ercrrcd rgaidt lhc cuhlst gcrrura whidr rrr duc aod pydrc, Ibrn (d) Addt0ord rcquirtmcntr, il loy dscloscd bclow: l. NECoRDED IN BI(;T,E (IX'NTY. 2. $NSWCORDTD IN Ii,AGIJd COUNTS. 3. 8l] RrgCottUED lN f,aciLs couNTv. 4, 5. C(}UNTY. NqLsdgtol Pn('VIDE I,/TND TNLE C;TJAXANTEE COMPAIYY WIIE A CEBENI,ISSIA'Y (4 i,ocarron gcnrrrc rn or suntncr PR(mHTY. TrrIS RTQUIxlwtn{r 6 TO DEIJTE G$NETIAL EX($PTTONS 1-3' UPiON BE,VIEW, N'DIT.TONAL I{JQUTREIIIENTE ANI'/OB EI((5FTI0NS II,TAY BE NECSTSARY. NOIIJ: ANY MA't'TI'f,S T'ISCIOSED TTY SAID 6UIIVEY ORTMPROVSMENTI''OCAIION csBTIrI(a,IE WII,L tE IEFIJCIED Of{ $aID DOil(I($) T0 BE lsgt ED EEnEUNDER. NOT&: T,AND l'IlIJ IS NOI I'.IiSPONSIFLD TIOR ORDERING SAII' SURVTiY OR IMPROVI'MEI{.I. ITXfTTI0N CENTIFICAIE' EVIDEN(E SAIIIFAC'TOBY Tt) lBE C'OMPANy THAT rm IERtr,trS' COI{DIIIONT^ AND PSOVISIONSOFTHTiTO\ilNOt'VAtr,TBANST'DRTAXEAVF:REI'NSATtsr,IIil)' WAITRANTY DEttD rnolvrTgIt VAI|' CORFORATTOIV, A COIORADO coRFonATI()\ m Gl.Fjl\Doaxc 5. 7. ,l .c I ',i rr,rro !lta, tvo aaro ol4|, . ,Fron Land T'l tl e (S1) Tue t rulxlruut( r,A|r 31 Aug 2004 04133:26 Pl,l llDT Page |{l uuD/ u ru 5of10 ALTA COMMITMENT SchGddcR. $ectim I (Beqdtlmcnts)()ur ()rdcr N.L V(50m3f,rt11 Conlin||cd: DEYEIOPMTT\I'T: INC. A COLORADO q)RTTXATION CoI\VT'YNG SUIITN:I' PROIIEINA. & DEED Or mUSl't'R(Iu clJNDotrE DsvEt.,.(xlutsr\rT, tNc, a cou)ltADo COR$OXAIION 10 THE PUBLTC TNUSTEE ()F EILCLE CoT,NTr FOR IIIE USE (}r L:OL('NADO BUSINT^*S BANK . TOSElCTjRr TBEST M Or$2500,C00.0o. D[ T.D OF TruJST |rR('V' GI,ENDOXI' DDVN'ItrII/IIINN', INC, A COIOII DO CORFORAflOi{ II} TTtg PUBIIC I'RUSII'E Ott EAGTJ COUNTY TfOR TIIE USE OT TflE VATL CORIIORATION' A . cou)nADo conPonATK)N TO S'&fltnElEE SUM (x'Sgf0'000.00. NOT& tlAlD DOCI'MENT (}${ BE F)KECIJTED BY TIIE PnESIDE{T' VICE InBilDENT OR CHAIRI|,I/IN OII TrIE nOARD (CEo) ()It TIIIf, coRPoBATroN, r ANY OmrqR onTIcER oF I}IE COXPOXATTOT{ OIT AGENT lil(ECUIIlS SAID DOCUMENT ON BEHAIJ OF THE cOnPORATI(I\1, A porlpR OF ATII)BNEI/RtsSOLUTKIN MUII'T BE PROVIDED l'O t AND ITILE CRANTINC SAID AUTEOf,r/ATION. NOTII: ANY RIrynR rrOCUDtrcNT CAN Rn Til(ECIJT$I, RY THI{ PRINSTDENTr VI$i'PRFSIDnN'I ott cHAuMAI|l olt luE DO JTD (CSO OF lllts COnPORAII0|{. |!| ANy OrruER Or't|:lCE|t Olt TTIE (I)RFOEATr}N ()n A(ENT EXECT'&S SAID DOCI,MENT (r{ BEEAI,D Otr TEE CORPORATION, A POVyEa Or ATTORIT{ttylRrtSOr.f,tflON IIIUSTBDPROVII)Itr, TO [,AND TfiLn G'l,ll{TlN C SA|D AUITOIIZATTON' " AUD}OT.LOWING DIET,ETTONVMODUTCATIOI\S AIIS l'OI'l'Hts OWNI:RS POLICY AND MOBI$AGEry$ R'IJCY. N(}TE: IIEIItri 1.3 (xl THE GENEXAL EXG['II(N$ WILL BE DELEIE) Un()N RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED SUXVNY. MAT|'ICRS DISC'OST'D }Y SAID STJRVITY MAY DB ADI'TED T{} SCHEDU L,E B-2 BIIRtr,OT" UIIO\ Tg]' AFPNOVAI. tr TTTE CO\,IPANY AND TNN NTTTTPT oT A N TARTZRD NNAT,I,IFJTI AI?I-IDAVIT, IIEIT NO. 4 OtC THE GI'NIIBAL S:XCEPTIONS WTLL SI' AM}:T{DI'D AS FOLL(IW$: , llIM N(} { Ot' I'IIE GfiNERAL EX(SPTIONS E DEIJ'TSD AS TO A]{Y LIENS OR j.UIUR!: IJENS nFIIULTING Ff,II|{ WORK ONMAIEnIAL TUNNI;SD AT THE BEQUEIT OF TIIE VAIL @RPONATTON, A COI.ORAI'O COBFOf, ATION. CHKTCO TNLI' INSUITAN@ C(MPANY SUALL HAVD NO IIAf,|rrlY TOR ANY LI$IIS Anllin{G rROM WOnK On DIAISRIAL FURNISEED AT TIIE nDQTTEST Or GLEI{D('RE DIwFISMTaNT' INC'' A COrI)n/rDO OOBPORTTI(N. 1 .l rr.v.r !!.r./l, ruo ,r.r olro d Kttuul( l,At lgo06/0L0 . Fron Land TJtle (S1) Tue 31 Aug 2004 04;33t26 fit Wf Page 6 of L0 ALTA COMjrIITMI'N'f ScheduteR.Sectionl (Rapiuncnt*)(hrr ()rdcr No. Vet0003675.11 Conlinusd: NOIE: IIEM 5 (F IB8 GEIiIENAL ETCEI'IIOI{II WIIT BE DDTEIE) IT I,AND TITLE cUAnANTfr' COII,'PANV COI{DUCIS TgD CrSNG tr Ttrt CONTrflr|Pr,tTnr, TR/INSACITON(S) AND I|trCOXDS THS TTOCUME!\|IS IN OOI{N&CTTON ilrBLEwtTtr NOT!* IJFOI.J ynOOF OF PAYMrNT OIt AL r^rff(g ITr:M 6 WIII, nE ADtrdNDrdD r0 nrsaD! AND A.SsE\\I}lDDrIrt FOR IEE IEAR2lllt4 AND $ULri'g)IrEl{T lBAnS. IISM7 UNI'fiRECHEI'ULSS.2 WII,LBEDELEIEID UI'( TI TTTOOTI}TATTHSWA'I'ERANI). .SIEWEN, GARGF^s ANEPAID T'PTODATF- **f..r..ri NorIx:E oF FDE CEAIiIGE, EIFF#IWE llEl'fENtBB, l, 2i!N2 ..*....*|r Irrlrtuoot b Cotoodo ltcvtecd Strqlulc 30-10-.121, 'Tb counly clcrh oal rtcoidor dhdl cotl,ccl r rurctrryc of $l.fi1 for erch dryqrpd la3€*ved firr rroxdirg or fitfug in lis or her ollicrr Ttc rtrtbrgc 8b8l| be in lddliou tr ary o&cr fecr parmithd bt ntrtrb-' TuE 31 Aug 2OO4 04t33t26 7ll ll'')T Page 7 of tO From Land TJt'l c (S1) ALTA COM}TTTMI;NT schertloD-$ecdorn2 (Erccptiom) (!ur Order No' Vc!tl'1t03675'1f ',Ibc pollcy G potlcisr tro bc isrucd wfll cool|b crccpllonr !o lbc to|lowi!f, unlcgc l|tc cemc uc dirposcd of hr thc rudrdac$rn ol &c (hopuy: l. RipHr ot clrim of parlico Ia porrceriol ma ttDrYo by lhc prddic rtcord* L fisemcrrtr, or ddnr of ecemenl4 mt thotn by fu public ncod* 3. nbcEnurd3q cod5ct tu hnd4ry tim, frintrgl ln ula, ecnrrhedr,-and uy fr:* whith E cltm'ct tturvcy rd ir"pecion or 6rc pcrri*cr wo,rld ditbre sd wtrich se trt shown by the puHic rtcord' . 4. Ary &r, or rlShi l|D a xco, for rcrvictx, tebor rr urdorlc ll3|obroF or lstdtsr frudnl.(L trprroa w lrr sd -. mtrhoxrn lry &e pHic llcodr. 5. Defectl, tictl., ecurlnrcrb rdvcne ddrrn or nftrr mllcr.r, if rny, caitc4 nnt! cFF,|4 lD-fre p$Ilc reulrds or s6j3bi,j rrhcConill b erc eflecttve &n betlof bfi Flor aO ee dd; fr! pqorcd intatd rcqdns of ttco(d for vrt|!|bccrhlcor|rdert4orDdg#tbcreoocorcredbyl|t5corltli|rcnl 6. Tgca or rpecid Stcr tnanb ttich an rtt tborvn as rt'{tdE' licri bt tre piblic ttcodr' 7. IJcr for nrpdd wdcr ud rewcr ch[gefi' |f ry. 6. la addtooq tbc owrc/r loticy wil tc sdicct b ab dDd8*cr il aay. mlcd io Scclton 1 ot Scbcdrdc B bstcof, g.*rcHTq.ftloPx|ETo|3ot|AYIi|Norru)l'E.fi)l[f,InAcTANDrusitovE||6o|ug TTIENEB(}VI.SE(X'LD TEE SAME BE F(XIND T{)TENE1I'aAIE OR INIERTTDLT IIIE PREIT/II'E'S . AS nnsEnvnD rN uNlTIiD sTATrE PATDNT RnconDrID sF,FTtil'mm 0t rc8' lN ROOK 9:t A1'PAGA 96, io. IIGET or wAy $oRDIIlcIIEs orr CANAIS @NS1.III.,C1XD BY 1'HE ALTTHORIIY ()s TIII' UNIIED.sTAIE.sesxnwnvloINUI{IIED'STAIB;PAENTnpconDEl'!|E[tEMEER|}''t tgzJ., tN RooK 93 AT PAcIg 9E. lt. UTT,!TyIT,tSI'M|INTAS GRANTIi,DTOGASTACII,I|fiS, |Nc tN INSTBUMnNTRECORDFX' ' APTULT, 1966 IN BooKl92ATPAGE37A |2, UlILIIY |t:AsEM|xh|T Ag GI|ANTED To vNL WATU,R AND sAl\tI1.A1.K'N r'61rucT rN : u,srnunmrr BSC()BDED Auclr.lr 15, 1966, IN B(x)K 1]7 AT PAG& 47L iC, RIcEI OIr WAY EA$EImNT As cRANIED TO EOLY CT(xiS ELELT.nIJ A's'SO(;IATION' INC .lNINSTmJMFI{TBEiCORIlrfrrtnV0r,ln0'UNDrdnnECT'PTIONN(}T2366* t4. FAETaMFJ{TS, CONDITIoNS, covENANIS, Rtl.Srtlc'noNs, RrISITRYAT(}I{S AND Nglris of{ :, From Land Titte (S1)t" ; rr, v.r r.Ait dvo I o., rtLco ll Alrrrut\ &alll Tue 31 Aug 2gO4 04"13t26 Ptt WT r$! vv n. uLv Page 8 of 10 AL'TA COIttrMlTMtsNT SchddeR-Section2 (Ercep6ons) Our Order No' vG0ll036'/$11 Tbe pollcy or poticicr to bc icsucd will cootdn crccplioor to thC fofbwing uolccc '$c srmc orc disposcd oI to the *all*frcdol trl tbc (]tmPsny: . 1lil4 PT.AT OtI trtlRBST PIACE SUI'T'IVTSION RECORDTCD JANUARY 9' 2OO4 RJ'CUPTTON N(). tl646li;, 15, TERltAt, g)NDIUONS AIID PnOVriKx{s or VAIIANCT RECOnDF]D MAR(g l}tl 2lx,a aT RI?CIIPT|oN N(} trtol 75. "16.TF.RIT,TS,CONI'TTIONSANI'YROVTSTONSOFTTI'NOI'@NDUIT,ANDVAUI]TAGRF,AUTflIT nEcottl'ltD MAY 19, 2004 A1'RJ,CI{PTIO$I NO, 877796' !7. I'BRMS. g(x{DIr]oI\S ANrt PR0vlsloNs oI.RESriRvA.:l'l9l! or 8as-4@tr{T'UTTIJTY l0r r' ffiixnscrrnDED atntrlEltnrNtl' 1$. !TItIt'.T. CrONprII(}Ys AND PnO\rf,sIONS (xt nE.SERVA'I'ION OF EASPfIENT'sNowl|{AIgtG LOI'! t. r.oSDsr pr,ncri slBrrwlsrox iinonDrdl) nr nncr';glrol xo i9. .rn[uns. coNprnoNs ANIp?nousroNs orRJrsnRvATroN OIF.4flI!4JryT'SNOUTMAKINGTOT t:I6ffi"r'pt.acltsusTtvl$of{necoRDr'D A1'xEcEguoNNo' srinnrvsr<x nnctrnnFo arnrrmrr<x n<L . i . _ From Land Tltlc (S1)Tue 31 Aug 2004 04:33126 Pll tDT Page 9 of 10 LAND TTT LE G UARANT EE COMPAN Y DLITCIO$UNE$TAIEMENT.S N.r@: Ittflrd tr (nS 10-11-122' rntice is hertby glvco fu: A) Tbe tobiri Ed Fofitt trtry bc locsd il r rFcld texfig driiel D) A CcdiEc.b ol tbcr Duc lir64 ctct lerios Jurfudiclioo ruy bc oHgincd from lhc Coudt Ttwutds adhulzsd rypd, C) Ttc irtrorarCiot rtggdltt rpeclC dcticl3 rrd tIE D@dder of ssch dslic8 ttBy he obtairrd f'om lhc lloord of Coudy ComEbrbctr, llc (budy Ocrk sod Rccodcr, or lhc Couoly Aseccaor. No&: FJfeclivc SeplcriDcr t, 1997, CR.S 3l)-llL{05 rcguilt* thst rll rbctrttc|rtt rceivcd for rccordiry or filiry ln tbc etcdr gd rccorffs otEcc chdl coohin o b, rn'Bln of sl htrl oE irch lod s bI' rigtt ard blbu a1[ttr .lf rr lcst or }1If of ro lacb lhe clcda rd rr*ordlr nry rethre !r roxd or lllc uy docureut l]d doee mt corform, crcepr dpi, alc ljgicnsa for t[c bp naqgin tldl mt rpfly ro docrrrrcnt uirry fom oo rlridr spce b providcd for rccordr* or trfi4 idotlnlion rt Oc bP oorgirr ol {b doqcd- Noe Crtor.do Divi:ion of lrurerre Reguldiom 191, kagrr@ C of Arfcle VII rtquirci that 'l'r:very tillc cndty ehrll bc rcrpouiuc for rl| ma|lcs wdcb rp1rcrr oi n*ord luior b thc timc of rceordrg whenorcr tL dde enlity crrrfrcb tfu cloriry aod [r terFrlrili|e for recrrrdl4 or tllig of hgd &.[l|E||b rcruttftg tmm otc tarurdon wlddr mr closGd': Prsvi&d fist I8*t Tidc Guzztl9c (bmporry cod|Ilo lbc cloolqB of tbs irucd lraarclion td b E podDlc lor recorlog lhc hgd Axurtrb futm lbe tsrui*con, excepdol urrfur 5 will u rypear oo & Ornt'r lldc Foticy od 0tc lcrden Policy when isrrrl Nll* Afirurf ve rectaniCn tleu grrt€c8ru for tte Orvar ury be svdbHc $Scany by ihledttu of Rxccflion rn 4 of SclrerHe & Soctl,oo 2 of tre Oomilneot frun lln Oumerrn Policy to be btu(d) ulnn conpliro(". wilb lhc fdlowlq codiliofi: A) IAc hl &acdba tn lichede A of ois couribrd Ersa bc ! ! Blc lardly ru'l&rre wlidt irrlude' e cordordnhm or loflilrou8e ErdL .B) No bbor or malcdalr hrvc bcco funistrd by mc.hrnlcs or udedd'mcn for pu@5cs of c{Ekocdotr tm lb lsral dcscribed in ltchdhlc A rf lbir Crrurdlnrcnt nlfin 6c Fst 6 umltr. O np CorrperV rm6t Eceive an rgproFirb dti&vit inrbnuiflry ec Conp*try agtjrrl un'lllcd mciuic'o rod mdcrial-mcds licrr. D) Tbc Ompmy ErEl3 ttcdvc pcfs* of d: rypttpiate Poetrilm fD 1; lhc7j 1as 1}n coctation, irproverrdror mqior rtgin rrrder1.tcn on &e proFrtt' lo be Fl'thascd wlthin slx srdhi prior &r rhc lrnb of tbc (bmifm4 lhc rtquirurtde b oUain covcogc lor uutcru&d llerr will lrlrdt: difct mu ot ccrtdn conrlrr*{on idrnnrdrxr bundd idoudon r b lhc *ftcr, lte b'ldcr srd or !r contreclo[ payrnent of lle rympiale premiun lblly crccuhd rrdcodry agrlcDds sotblrbry b {hc coopury, ro4 loy addtcoml rc$dreJncds s ury be r:ccsrury dbr $n cxuin ttrn oI 6c Clnsreid lrfinuldon lry 6e Grryny- No covcragc will bc givco udcr aoy clrrrru|lacr tor lobor or odcriat lor wtich lb icctd bs cndncted tor or rgned t, 1ny. Nolc: Purt|tad b CRS 10-11-ll1 mlicc b l*rtiy givcc Il{r nldcc rldief !o owrc/n pflcy uxrdbr* ordddrg I rrirrd s{,Ycrl.trc lstrlElcd cxceplioq or fjcetsimc, in Schcdde R, Seclbn 2. A) fla |!!c b Fcordcd cvidsoctr lllt I rrbcrof ccblc ts lrcn acvcrcd, lgsc4 or olbcnryisc orweyed lmm lbc nrr&re erbe riril &rt tLcre tr r sulxbdd lilcllbxd thlt I bird prly hd& .or'D or rt| inEn't in ofl, gs, other ttfDtatr, or geoocnrd et*ay itt the ptop3 tyi ad B) Thof rrJch rrircral cDlrtc moy ialu.fc |bc tiSht to cdcr End usc |hc propcdy wilbul 0c rurfrr ow'rd * pcudrslur Nolhlng hcdo corlaicd wilt bc &cmd o obfgdc tbc coorpaoy b pmvidc otry of lh3 sovcnf,ps reJcrred tr hprtiD rllcu tbc sbrYc srndfotri re fdty ttttsftd. totDttclolgl! OrlOtlOZ vot aat avv, lLut I'rrA dvr, too rtLao Tue 31 Aug 2004 04:33:26 PM l|DT Page 10 of 10 '. From Land T'l t'l c (51) JOINT NOTICE OT PNIVACY POLICY Itddtty Nrtto,nd Ftnrnctrr ::H;ifH::f#Tf#lo" L"*'o"" compauv and JUDL aln F,gfs',#ffiffiffinffi*i'M"Hf i'3JH"T'f, 9"1ffi i#,Hilffi f il$ffi r*; lo lhc courrc of our buFilafc, wc Ery colbc( Pc.cootl |!for!rdio! obout yo! Imrn tlrc ldlowing sourccc: #s* 3#Hffl s.##fi Rsilffi ;119# ffi dffi (rr ottc6;Fiifr;irG assrx:&ru vt[q rr lrom ltrc rcrvlcc* trmtD blr hbnpt wcb tibEi . -ffi,* ffi;ffiffiXftt*fifri"6"q ty go'or'ilntil cn{lict lhot .'r dttrr otdn dirs:llv fn'or tlrns cdilice. oi lsm our dlllirlcr or otEls; [tll ,r c . *ldilicr, r ron?lnlwr or olfur rtp)ldry 4crrttrt' our Poltcier BegFrdinE lbc Prolectlon of lh. confidenlirlity and security of Your Perronol Informrlion ffi "ffiJffi Hfrf;;!41n"ffi,H'P$";t#H' ffi'cfrffi;lT;E;r*'ing FffiA-,il ffi;i; tn yrir rir lor o&nr lisifinralc lrtii:ncts Frp'r6r'6' Our Potlcier and Pttclicct f,cgrrdinB lhe Shsring ol Your Penon&l Infonlrtiotl Wc dcy.qtdu yrmrPu*onol tnluursdrD Filb ttt-4'b|tffiS5ffiffi:fd* egcnts' srd othcrrcal ;66-stti[Gada-ecwka pfovldcc" wc dto moy dtclocc v( . lo rgcDls, brotcrr or rcprucnldivcs !o pgvidc you wilb rcrvicg you bavc- Cquceb.d;. to frird-srty o,ilat#1ilffi1;"fr'ffi#;''tr; li;;,6;;ilqh-* pcdod llaLcfE "r other . [r1fi[*S0""$"HS; ffir tdr Jotnt lrur*ctirs rgraicnrnh for prdrrch or rlcrYlqn lhd wa hctiuvc ym ny fiod ol iolcmel H#!l,ti?,';:,.1##fs'*l;"Tfi Hffir#&;tr&ffi hf':juffi aga"gl"r+ffi Lifl:I*H'ffi&T,HHffi",ffiffi *E's*$t whch dactosurc is ncq'.rr ffist""H,,ffil#ffi#Hil5r,fill|;'HffiH,trry'-* o, trr ncord *'rmurr In thc p'ic Risba to acc46C Your Psrrctr t ldormrtiOo and Ability 3o corrc'ct Erroic or ltcqucel chstCcs or Dslc0on ffiffi;tw$#w#ffiffi*Hffi'mm1fiffi'' All rcorrsG rr6aritlcd lo lhs l|tdclill No-6oral l-rnn'fi"r Group ol conponiccctricgo rtos Lrsrdre comporry ifiti-S-6;464, ud dcxvcrrd tiur: followiry dtt'F': PrlvrcY Compllrrce OJficer- ll$'8$ff"f B-m'* Sodt ft rbara' CA 93110 Muttiplc Productr or Scrvlccg lf wc srovldc you wifh nnrp lh4n orc EMirt- Pfoducf or sCrvicC, you uty rcccivc lDrc lhttt oc privrcy mlicc tniri ril. *c uiprrtrryizrt for ury lrurmcdcrc ltb mry culrc yorL fofl tltrY.to!. ClI I I