HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST PLACE LOT 2 LEGAL FILEcca,ttl{rY EvEL(Ftf ur Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov,com Proiect Name: GLENDORE - LOT 2 Project Description: NEW SFR: CHANGES TO LANDSCAPE PI-ANS Particapants: OWNER GLENDOREDEVELOPMENTINC. 05/2312008 ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPUCANT GLENDORE DEVELOPMENTINC. 05/2312008 DRB Number: DRB080169 Locatlon: 621 FOREST PLACE ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DRAWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 Project Address: 621 FOREST PL VAIL Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION Parcef Numbert 2lQl-Q72-l5QQ-2 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/28/2008 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0010034 The gas fire pit must be UL listed. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 hanges To The Approved Plans lication for Design Review AIL Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 laxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within ' one year of the approval. Descrlption of the Request:P/A^ Location of the Proposat: Lot Z Block:- SuMivision:6cfd {1A-< Physicar Address: CU ftor* P/rc-< Parcel No.: Z tO I e ? 2 I SqzT (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:O,K J r Phone: E-mait Addre ss: &)5@ Fax:- Type of Review and Fee: D Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requircments: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association (9 5o >,-73 9>Z- qz6r $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change-to-approvedJDlans-lJrage-0$11-2006.doc **{'**+**++++'tlt**'}+*****+++a+++++++++**+++***ft+aattffl+tllf+t*tl'*******+*r***+a***+tt+{'fa*'}* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€or a***a*t*+*{'*r**t****+***++rl+*+******at*+*f*++{'+{t*t++a***++t+++t++ta++*+++*+*++*+++**t****+a Statement Nurnber: R080000?84 Anrount: $20.00 OS/23/2OO9O9:24 Alt . Palment Method: Check Inits: RLF Notation: 5067 OTSON & soNs coNsTRugrr oN Permit No: DRB08O169 Tlzpe 3 DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2IOL-O72-15OO-2 SiTe Address: 521 FOREST PIJ VAIIJ IJocation: 621 POREST PITACB Total FeeB: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AJ]IJ Pmts 3 $20.00 Balance: $0.00 'l'}*'}'l:i'|*'l**t*a+****t+****'|!'aa****'i'i*:i***'}'}{'***'l{r'}l**l''}**+r+rt+**t**'}*'}ltt*t+!t********a+****a** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Degcription Current tntE DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN RTVIEW FEES 20.00 )r !o HFH 2rd EEE Hs- ! S z J z cl @ m =trt m z -l r m 3 \ t f I !rZ' EE o c t-U u1 F { r. t-'i cl) 7{E -l o n{z ,.J a ! I I'\ z \3= ^-H E2 z-7 l;F; rP c)(f,Fm >,4 m 8- b \J .A rI . t'-F 2 r^l g.o G- PRIVATE RTSIDTNCT LOT 2 TOREST PLACE VAIL. COLCRADO EI658 'l$iiiiiiiiliiiti s9ffi?r-= ro. lbr !6'l Fr tt!{if'.rat 'rC tol , t o I A ? I a a t IJ rd t:(J $I:El z $l E b I C I I I I !' i T A t 8 i .l ! I i I I t J I 6ze -8o9tQ IH Ei, d t 13 o z o L & :T F z 9 F u llJ o g H#r ''tl 7 ';F t\,nI VIL Ro*du 9E 9< Dl-Btt 4lt1 9TA}.ID FIPE INTAff rlecrRrc l- 5PLlcl bd ItoiE cAF TO lttDl ACCE56 DOOR r9ot^lto{ VAll,/E IRRIGATIOI| MAiNjNE Nl't UNE I ' TATIK A'APIER NOAT VAVE AgOIMALY MANhOtUACCE95 ovERtLoW uNg 2' TA'I( AOAffEE, S'AIER, UNE 6 IN, f$TK ADAFfTR t INTATT VAULTIHOLDING TAhIK NTS - olG 'v --r fD - -FS -A A,i i =-lJI PRIVATE RESIDENCT LOT 2 TOREST PLACE VAIL,COLORADOSI65E ,lfliiiitlil}iiiili -{ Mtr/t - \, /ltrr 14 w lrl,. E r 16n Ars. OO tfro tbttDts{61 FILE ri//PI rOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FA){970479-2452 Department of Community Development Iuly 24,2007 Re: Lot 2. Forest Place Subdivision To whom it may concern: The purpose of this letter is to confirm the status of Lot2, Forest Place Subdivision in the Town of Vail. Currently, the property is under construction. The construction of a single family home has been approved, and the approved plans comply with all zoning, environmental and building laws affecting the premises. However, the project has not received a certificate of occupancy, and thus, has not had a final inspection to ensure that the project will be built as approved. As determined by the Town of Vail flood hazard maps, the property is not in a federally designated special flood hazard area. This letter does not constitute an approval for any changes to approved plans, nor does this letter guarantee a certificate of occupancy. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, feel free to call or email me. Best. R"l-!fuJ" Rachel Friede Town Planner (e7oY79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com /'f>'I , 10ll{v0r co(lluf {af clEtnilltf |jl fr-raf86*f,1lnneox Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax'-97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: LOT 2 FOREST PLACE Project Description: NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE Pafticipants: DRB Number: DRB0504B7 OWNER GLENDOREDEVELOPMENTINC. 09/1212005 ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPLICANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 0911212005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHmCT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 0911212005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 621 FOREST PL VAIL Locataon: 621 FOREST PLACE Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsr Lot: 2 BIocK: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDIVISION 2toL-072-t500-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxj- 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. , - - Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within 7 ,one year ofthe approval' -^ ^- ),-'.-tte- r | ^+ a, V ::':11"::'"\"lli' ,-r I (v Locationof theProposal: iot:-X--Block:..-.-.-.-.SrrtrrJi,,ision - p-A?-ctf.-.?-U*e- >J I Locaffon or (ne l,roPosa : L crc.__zl__Dr0(.K;. ._. _. -.-.. )ul/utvrsrur t-._..f -. tJ-r_L?-oL1...._. t-_=q--..b_.- - tQ I physicarAddress: Lal--F.p-ptar.-Eurc.,E- t \t parcef No.: LtOtllZl5-O-9L.(Contact Eagte co. Assessor at e70-328-8640 for parcelno.) n zonins : - EIl t a,e-n-r - /--6-Ea e-da-aeY - -.. -K64 tP- EcTJ-bL- f : Na me(s) or owner(s) : G t-f-rle A p^e-- -?F',VF-tet-n- Ee!|f -- . - - - - VI Mailing Address:Po. Oox Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: TOI,V]V € Otr V Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs -\f Conceotual Review ,E New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $5C Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address: 67^ffi*fua. lcf L Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 97A.479.2452 webl www.vailgov,com co[ftrjfirlY EvELoPl€|lt Project Name: FOREST PI-ACE LOT 2 Project Description: NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB060166 Participantst OWNER GLENDORE DEVELOPMENT INC, 05/16/2006 ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DRAWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPLICANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 05/1612006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHITECT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 051L612006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 Project Addressr 521 FOREST PL VAIL Locationr 521 FOREST PLACE Legal Descriptioni Loti 2 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE SUBDMSION Parcel Numben 2101-072-1500-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Second By: Votet Conditlons: ?o'.M \./ ' DUNNING DANTAS 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval! 06/06/2006 , tqlob q,L', X rrr'' Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date t of flnal approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and construction is commenced ' r and ls diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008057 FIre sprinkler sysGm requlred and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002). Cond: CON0008058 Monltored ffre alarm system requlred and shall comply wlth NFPA 72(2002). Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: f65O.0O ,*ffi General Information: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E Signs E Conceptual Review X X.* Construction 'tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) fl Minor Alteration (single family/duplex) [J Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Application for Design Revi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 tel: 97 0.479.2139 f ax: 97 Q.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicabon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within oneyearoftheapproval. H DescriptionoftheReque*, FJu;t- AXVE*I LOT A - V- -Fo nr-sr EeecE- n/;";;-,,;,,;;;;A,";;;;. "fu*tr&T p 'J, physicarAddress: bA-t- F-enng.-T----J?^kbe8--- w N $50 PluS $L.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For constn:ction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, reroofing, paintinq, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee New Construction MAY 15 TOWN L.. Owner(s) Signature(s): s\ :trFJr D tGrOrsb|!'.!r|'tr-t-rr|Etr-t- t 'q'--r.t[-'-=- EtG rnrq-..aEDEtlt rr.a3u!-i-EE#r-t-Eflq---:-r-=h5il erirth,h-rrtdtrl|.-rtlqdHb.t fl rrffi st| Hr-Eltdtd f,Lrd| NDttu-q-ffi! OhETf smtl.@g(r{*h Uffintt'i|Dr;,F Srsi.Pstutla@ EEE.HIA' TIE ECE gateffi{r|t ClGErh EEAE*'erE.eEl G EhrtilO.frrfr -bo' rtulE.Gt ry/tcta|l-$ r.' $A.o{TEFD gojr.g,.n&l ors Td lt*y EETtRIlF.rllft^tr D|Jlrcr ttg367rD{tol)eoJraru(bl b||E tua lb o{ErFCr gn'ertzFrrll{ID msQfin{ld ffi frrd+r* sEt 1- |f lt € r9r.dl a rffrt! lr{nrEdrdh q6rF-,..{ rEa|q- - E cdr dr tu tsrr. t-?6d reElr-ofrdlb{lFro ffi- 2 [r ulQ caqqr ttao:{r tu g|!3ddthFEL O. D.rlt t#rrtH rdr.f'.4, drtf ufy tr {fhr&n ftd lll G3r a. Frti J*ft nd r b ff, ll: hr IdC b L St h a ffi Hrr b lb lHr d n H -. deb?rt dEHl blttc |t+o.d}tdtbndrywrfrqrrltrcohb rr*cffi- tobE- artr.-,I*iao tn rfu tr-..G.fC!t| rAlrfit D--.ffi lf,tM tror acOs|rrrdhr*h x.t| t r| dld.rQ' bcalc a!r.d Ublthf bryqattltl|d,qrnrl fft E.rfin dvar. A ffig t in b {rFUEnt Filrrtr-tb*-q-e- rb IL.IF b rrfrdrdlE B sH.|ry Dibt tH{r ts tr frbtDgud f D{ffto tlF ri|nh.t rt !.|r*|trllr rtq$rGrrffirdtt&rrtt(ff|ofrjrUtlc!|lynotddtr rirffi n dfibtu!$. hrftrlqrfrr Rilre of 1260ailtltror b W4BE rrt ffi.w IUTfl- FTEE.6', cE= a1 .aa 1a.-7d ,jc l,r'-',. t- -tt-ti\1' : i g:t\gmll(fl1)tY C lt0SS tilt [6Y tLFtil-5 tFq- sq38r..E.tr(4 @!r c.ltl'.ifngEt€JE'l .bGrrD4[inEl sr'|l.Ilgo'll eaga/EGo EEC fiti* clrs Eri|I=!mzts(q €EA uju{Ifc.-fqi --P.fi" db fft dE G_D ; : mar-arrEIl-G.i taaElttbtl0 Gilhf$ TF|'GTTSllC |arylro.filfit .'ncfiitu''u''rzs!, nEEalffiullfultrIr D|ltrE 9D'FBtlOltsl $8ttf.E@ # Frtfs aFElf, Crnt gtto,leorfl3(rt c,[rI.'E(td 6rGq;b FEs l-r n ry n!!d |t rEEtsrt tD n*fcfo |r alrr q' !.-t rdi rt o C o & fi* ct b lbrur G.tlif rrlE brr FtllFdftciltFla-f#- e Er Qcffir 1arel - FFaG. L r.g l$.tlc €t o ?i-tiryI+fr la r ;;F;F--r slg-rii ir - u-ri E.lr tr Gt E b ft Td'dtr' rir,15Lrib6rr-ia-i aa|-;t.-lldrrf,nrdrfrcdrF. 1TlEs. t'.brb drthDlb Gr|rrrtfr|IFffi boEbr'sUQE-itdD FoFF|dFl*sB ErE tlxr ctyrl. try.GdrtEdE!!.illrFt'qff iqtEbEndrya.FEr-h t'frd-rE a df,s Fdb naeRr|Ek gril,dErbff @- -r-r=sE.E rlE= {Err--IrE --I.-rGfl . --GFf -_-E!=-!rrrlEr4rqf -IE)-Eg{IEr3!!E !|!E!EE!r+ttArEltdIF-rl=IGiD- oi.Dtrr€tndrt P{e0ofllDlr9tlDr oe . 9-- r-O:!. _a: Oa.r, iOdEtT EltO. ffL ffir eroll(wel ffi ilm|bt*[J!..bt$Dtr.tf M.IFIEEg'cm.zEr'8(b0 CEF ht ErrmS.EIE 9Qtr.rEG),rorr#rtst mt Torllt* EISE FtI,tf,zE|CF0 ffi ngqtgtllfilIl.Jiolrlgro.?trcl :! rataoc-t.j a.a a rEH rroFlr^x i s70 r'€3 329? _ ___ -___1- Za 2 n- hr-b rr*IbFF--rdHqrt - '#q-rtr, dr-rr€ -|lg|.i|rrtrjEildidd bdro4t-tE fr yc.QFLil3^ ffi3 e-frt H'fEltA,tr*,d-q,rib*l b b Hr-bryillJa cl5r .<-. ffiD ?lrlc'( EtrflArUE.Utl&Ff DrtttEt |Dlq,atl.itFF "[|cc&H ffiHlS oonMGtl^E p|!.s.&rrtrzfilt I'on3E(bl 6.S ftrl* Slgl 1- t ltc.fir' TE 3 -rtsErbri Eqn'r ro Er d rrrGr q!rh, rD GrE dE [6 rtElt mrrr tsnf, Ec:idrdf|rctt EtrDrEtdE.dbffiErtE z' f a rir EllrE|[II - --. D r--- ---'o Er r-' Gb d! E-t 3.!r!.rcr lED r EL ft l-.f t-rG - rFDtr-rrd rl tE *crrb-fltr|.e-infltfbn|aqqlb#bi$tlaF|ir . t TlrrHordo olaFlFi.drhbrdtt rF.dfbr bclfl||.Pr|t|Elf,ryhrrcto'l tr f!.bat dt,|rlt| UhF dr.rLldllht rrybdrirbffi h.fibhqF&lttsd€d'cLtft tFTrrdl|r- A Dtrr Drilil b tdd*lryFdat ,|ttr{tid-i*. TL LTFF- -Hdlrrrn!|-*db-ftt.'Ft3-{frrtrbdt-aFt r.lhd bryq/ rLetlHdrf.-b.frh€d*a tr.n-dffi. D.rrbt rtsbr-D naradlztDaDffa m l-rom Land l'rt le (58) Date: 0j}.31-2|I}5 ftrryerty Addrcrs: 5Ulr.PRrS'l PT ACE YAIL C0 Er657 GLE\DOXS DEVE.OFMENTT tro D$ATYDR lrtz .It{ N. GREAN I'NGT:IETY. TX 75'I'I A|'r TIM ()l-Sl:N PhrE: tG3STfOt Fs|' 97O-Y2'4'26d Sc via !b lhu JJ. Mar l0u) u6:l3:t) Atvt tYl5 t Page L ot l-0 ()ur Ordcr Number: VSUloyr6T Land Title Guarantee Company CUSI{)MDII DLSI'RIBUTION IARRY DECKARI) rtnz '!fl0-5fl)-31o3 Sco! ltr lfl' |f yt nt bffc ruy itrltiries rr rcquirt fir&er a.rqhirEe, flea..rc cnnhci oa of tbe udrcrs below: For Tltlc dssirlucc: Vail Title Dept l0tt s. FRoNTA(;E nD. w. #203 P.o. Box 357 vatl,, co E1657 I\one:llO41&XEl fizxt 97o,{1fu4132 rt'urar Lotnu I l! re LJD/I lllu )r Mal zvuJ uo;at;JJ fllrl MJI rdge 4 91 Iv 7 tand Title Land Title Guarantee Company Drle: 03-31-2llll5 ()ur ()rdcr Nunber: VSU)U|A;1 aiir.ai.{tlrf, t c(|.tPAil Property Addre*n: 6r! rl)Rrsr' PtAcs vArL co E1657 DuyerlBorrorver: Gr-$NDOtrE DnVEt OPMilNl" lNc., A COIIXADO CORTORAIION lletlcr/()sncr: GL,ENDORE t EVETI)PM$NU INC, A COi-ORADO COXITORA1ION Nctd a mep or dirccGoos for your upcomiog closing? Chcck out Lsod fitJc's wcb sitc at www.llgccorn for directioru to rny of our 54 oflice locstions. ESTIMATN OIT TITI,T' TfRI'S ldormalftlnBidcr 9750.00 If I'.J,,d lixtA Out-E tt.. Clr/pzny 'd77 b. cfoting thlt cE aa.ction'|bo!'. fces rtlJ b cou.ccxcd et thrE cl!!.. TOTAL stso. oo fbr CdLCl Caloa TIIANK YOU trOR YOTJR ONDER! rf'ort Ldnu I l|'l|: \JDrt ltlu JJ, ncl' zvuJ uo:zJ:-t.t tiil il)l rage t oT l.u LAN) IITIE CUAFANIE Ot PAlfY t -\ INyqCE 7 ut ttl I tug Omrr: GLEND(XEDE9E[I)[1]IEM,INC'ACOIIXADOCORFORATIOITI Propcrty Addttss: 6lit IrORESa'PLACE VAll, C0 E1657 YorRderereNtl: Whrn rtf,erri4 !o Oir or&r, flerrse rtf,elcncc ou Ordcr No. VffiOr2tl cuaR(;Es Iilo,urdonBider $15{t.00 -lbtal--$rso.00 ITcsr lElc cbds po5dih tr: r 'd Ti[c C,u[adcc (bngqv P.(I B{x 5.l4lt De.Ner, C() llltrllT ||tnr Lqr|., IrLrr \Ju!,rdgE J ur r,t AL'fA COMMIl'MENl' SchednleB-SoclionI (Requircmenf,s) (hr ()rdr Nrr. V50009267 l-bc followiog arc thc rcquircmcnls to bc cooplicd wilh: |lcm (r) ft!!tt{ lo or for lhc eouof of |bc grmloc or rmrlg4ors ol llrc full conridcralion for lhc cslalc or inienst tr be imusd. l{cm (b) Propcr ictrurcr{r) crtrlirtB thc csaatc or inbrest to bc icured mrnt bc cxccu{cd rd duly Elcd for rcco@ trFwit llcm (c) ltygrcnt of dl taxcsr, ctargcs or ssctsmcds lcvkd sd asscascd rgainft lhc eub.icct prcmiscs which arc duc ad p4yaHe. llcn (d) Ad<Itioml cquircmcnls, if any dscloocd bclow: This godrt is for irforrratiornl prposes only and doe.s nol corsliffie my form of tille guarartee mr insuraffe- The lirbilily of llc conpany shall ol cxcccd lhc chargc pcd by lhc applicrl for ltie p<odlrct mr shall lbc compqv bc held fidle trr my paty olber lhe fre dicet for hh Fldrt THf,S COMMIII}rcNT $ FOR INF{)RIVIATIOI{ ONLY. A"I!D NO FOLIOT WILL BE $SI,JED PTJRSUANT HT'R,T'TO. rr ur'l Larrl.a I t|.rlt \Jo/t rrra Jr- rtct evuJ vota.,.JJ lrrt nrJ|rGrgc .r rrr rv Cbic4o llillc Insuurc (bnpaay ALTA COMMITI}TENT liclcdule A Our Ordcr No. V5m0tn67 C'nsL Rrf.: Pnrpcrty Addrurs: 513 FORU;TFIA(EVAIL CO 81657 1. Eficctive Drtc: lt/til* f7, 2lm5 d 5:00 P.lU, 2. Policy to bc Lrmed, ud Pnlp<rsed Insred: lr{osndion llidcr ttopoeed Imure& GLIiI.{DORE DEVliLOf,i}lENT, INC, A SOI.ORADO CORSOllAllON 3. Tte estatc rr interr:rt in the laod describ€d rr referred to in lhh Cormihenl aud covcrcd herein h: A Fce tiin$e 4. lttlc l,o lhc statc or in@rcst covcrcd hcrcin is al lhc clTc{Uvc dalc bcrcof vcgtcd in: (;LENDORE DEVELOI{I{ENT, INC., A C(LORADO CORT{)RATION 5. lhc land rclcrrcd lo in this Commitmcal b dcscribcd as followt: LrrT 4, FOREST ltt A(E STJBDTV6I0{, ACCORDINC TO TIIE FINAL PII\T OF Ft)REiT II"A(E SUBDWSION, TOWN OIi VAII. TAGI,D COUNTY, (I)IORADO, AS RTCORDT'D .IANUARY 9, 2OO4 Al'REcriFrroN No t6l|{f}3, oouNTY or{ EAGII! srAlrt (x' @LoRADo. rrrrnr Lartu I lLlt \Jo/,ragE u ur -Lv A LTA COMM ITIVI EN 1' ScMile B. Section 2 (Exceptions) ()ur Order No. V5fif09267 llhc policy or policico to bc issucd will cootain crccptions lo thc following unlur lfte camc arc disposcd oI to the sutMactim oI thc Company: 1. Righb or clziac of porlico in pocscrsion nol rlown by lhc puHic cconds. 2. fCre€nrnts, or clains of ecurcntr, not slDwn by dc Fblic r€cor*. 3. Dircnpaocieq corflicts in lxrdaty [rs, sborfoge in eta, ermehnents, "'rl ary frls wbic-h a conrct survcl atd impeclion of the puriaet wodd discloce ald rvhich re mt shorn bt tlc puHic recordr- 4. Aqv [eo, or right h a [eq for servicar, talxx or mrterid lleictrforp or hrcalEr frrailqhd' ingr*d by law ard mt shown by 0rc pirlic records 5. Defects, Iiens, camlrue; adversc dsinxt or olhcr urrlters, if ry, crtte4 Ent rpariag in &e pblic rccrrrdr or attachirg srhBeqEnt b lhe effective dab bereof h pdor b OIe dete tE goposed insrrcd acquirtr of rttord for valr lb coleh or iobrcsl or rmrlgagg ltcttoa covcrcd by lhis Cbnrriamnt 5. Treo or rpeciC asnesrmer ! which rye rmt thown ar existi4 liem by ffre poblic reconho tln Treanrrcr's of|.ice. 7 . Lier for rryid wder d sewer charges, if un1'. . E. ln addition, lhc owcr's policy will bc subjoc( to thc sprtgaeq iI any, rnlcd io Scctioo 1 of Sclrdulc B bcrwt 9. RrGET Or,'PROPRIb'TOR O['A VEIN OR LODI;10 I:XI'RACT AND RSMOVE Hrs ORE TTIERTf,'ROVI.SEOULD TEE SAME BE FI)UND TO IIENEIRAIE ()R INTER.SECT TIM PREMISES AS RTSERVTdD tN UNTTnD STATIdS PATnI{T RnOORnriD SnPTFT\{BTIR 05, 7923, IN nOOK 93A1'PAGf, 9E. 10. RTGHT OTT WAY lOR DITCIilLS OR CANATS CONS'I'RUCN:D trY THI] AUTHORXTY OI'THE UNITM STA1BS A^S RSSERVE) IN UNIID STAIBi PATENT RECI)RDED SETEMBE.R II5' 1923, IN ROOK 93 AT PAGE 98. II. UTII,ITY T,/tSTtrUTcr{T AS GRANTTJD TO GAS NACII,N'IF-S' Nc' IN INSTRIT}MNT RT')CORDI'I) APRTLZ 1966 rN tsOOK r92 ATPAC,E373. '12. UllLt'fY EASEMSNTAS GRAN'IIII) TO vAlL WATIIRAND SAN[A'I'10"1 DIS'fRICT IN INSTRUMENT RDCORDED AUCU.ST rt 1965, tN BU)K ly' AT PA(;E 471. 13. RI(;IIT ()F WAY EA^SEIVIE{T AS (;RANTM T() EoLY CR(I\S EI,ECTNC A,SS0C'IATI0N, INC. tN rNsrRUMENTRrrcoRDllrD lf{AY 01, 1m, I il)ltRRfccrr,PTroN N(} 728663. 74. n srftrrNTs, coNDrnoNs, covItNANTS, RT4STRTCTIONS, nrqsItRVATIOt{S AND NOTTiS (x{ rrru .)l n|ar zuu) uo:a):JJ Afi fitl rcge , |Jt l-u AL'fA COMMTl'MENT Schedule B - Secrion 2 (Exccptions) ()ur Order No. V5ln0926il Thc policy or policico to bc issucd will conlain crccptiods to thc followiqg unlqp lhc samc arc diEposcd of to thc satirfaction of thc Conpany: 1r{|' Pt-Al'Ot' lpRESr PLACD, SUBDTVSTOT{ RACORDED .I{NUARY 9, 2004 RECICPnON NO. 1164633- 15. IERIVIS, C()i{DIIIOi|S AND PR()VXS:I(,{S (X'VAruAN(I RECORDED MARCH 0t, 2lxl4 AT RI'CNPTION N0- I7|'I7S 76. TERI!6, COt{DtrrONS AND PROVISIONS mrRnNCH, CONDUTT, At{D VAUI;TACREr'IUTj|\IT RECOTU)'D lrAy 1% 2|n4 AT RICEPTION No. rt7796 77. lItRl{S, @{DIIIOf{S AND PROVTSTONS O['Rr6I:RVATION Or. EASETVIENT-U1ILnY LOT 1, FOREST PT,ACE S'IJBDIVLSION RDL'ONDE) AUGTIST 31, ZX'4 UNDER RFfEPTI(N NO. 889389. 18. Tf,RI/s. CU{DTNOTTS AND PROr/BIONS OF RT4SIIRVATION S EAStrMIINT-SNOWMAKING I,OT 1, roRlst'Pt,,{c[: suBDIv$roN REcou]D AUGusl'31, 2{X}4 UNDER R[:CBI'[ION NO. lts!r38& 19. TENMS, C(NDTTXX{S AND rROVf,SIOt{S OF RESE,RVATION 0F EA.SEMENT.SN0WMAKIN(; Il)T 3, T'ORTTST PIACT4 SI,MDTV|SION RDCORDIdD AUGUST 3I, 2fi}4 UF{DRR RT4SIPTTON NO. taf3&7. 20. l]CRIr,ls, coNDn'rcNs AND PRovlsloNs ot'ulrurY r:AsEMlx{T r.ol a l-oRibsl'}l-AcE SUBDIWSK)iI RECoRDU) AU(;TJST31. AXH UNDERRECTI'TION NO. II89390. tl. TERIIIS, C'(}{DIIKX{S AND IR()V$I(rrlS ()F ENTRY IIIONUMEtrYT' (;AIE ()PERATIOI\S AND SNOl,tl||IFrr r4ulPtrflfl{T Fi Smfr,jNT I{}TS I AND 2, FORTBT FI^CIS SttBDwBION RACORDED AUGUST 31. 2OO4 UNDI:I{ RU(TPIION NO, 8t939L 22- 1IRII4S, CO{DnIONS AND PROV$TONS OT'GSNERAL WAI'RANIY DEST' RECORDED AUGUSI' 31. EX'4 ATREGtrrTlON NO. 8{19392. 23. DEE) ()F rrUST DATD AUGU.ST 27, 2Ut4, IR()!r GLFJ{DORE DEVS,OI'MENT' IN(:' A (I)II)RADO CORFORitTloN TO THI' PT]RI,IC TRUSTF]N OF OOTJNTY T'OR TIII' USN' OIr COTORADO BUS|I''TjSS BANK 10 SE(IJTUJ T:Hts SUM OI.. $7'5OO'MO.@ RSCORDtsD AUGUST 3'^,?1fr4, rJNDtn RD(EPTTON NO. tttt9393. rr_9r'| L.lnrl I r|.te \Jo/ From Lano llf te ()b,,lflu Jt ''|dl evuJ vo;2.):JJ ttltl |llJl ragE o r,r rv AL'fA COMMIl'M UN 1' Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V5m09267 l'bc policy or policicc to bc issucd will contdn crccpGons lo thc following unlun lhc samc arc dieposcd of ht thc satisfaction of thc Cornpany: a. DEED OF TRUST DATD AU(;UST 27, 2llf4, FT'OIU (;T,ENDORE DEVELOFMENT, IN(:, A COI{)RADO CORPORATION TO TTTD PT,MI,IC TRUSTTil' OT COUNTY T'OR THT' USt' ON THN VAIL CORTIORAIION, A C1OLORADO COR$ORAI'ION 1I) SACURB TIIE SUM OT'$sM,|nO.OO RECORDED AU(;IJST 31, ZlO4, UNDER RELTPTION N0. tr19394. E. DEED OF TIUS'T DAID AU(;UST 27, 2lxl4, FR(xll GLEND()RE DEVELOPMENT, INC, A COI.ORAT,O CORFORATION TO TEII PUBI,TC'IRUSfiN OF TdAGIJ' COI,JNTY F]OR TITTd USN OIT 1lII'] VAIL COR}!RAflON, A COTORADO COITPORATTON PUT$UANI''FO PURCHASE AGRMME{TDATED DELTIVIBER 23,2TA13 RECORDED AU(;UST3l, 2OO4' UNDER RFITdFTTOP{ NO. EEqJ95. F \ Ltrtd Titk Land Title Guarantee Company CU.STOME.R DI.STRIBUTION Date: 03-31-2il5 Itrrycrty Addrcs: 6Utr.(xlsr'PracE va[. co E165-t GLni|DORE DDVE.OFMENT F(t IrtAtYBn ''2 4ll't N. GRE&{ LS{GI1IE|V. IX 75gDl A|ltE TIM ()tsliN lboru 97O39G73L1 trs,? 970-Y16.46 ti(d vi. lib (hrr 0,rdcr Nunbcr: VSUD!Y257 IAXRYDECKAND l'r: !illl-56131ft1 Scnr ltir tr's. tryru ban: rny iqrirics rr rtqnirc ffir asri{stire, !ler.r* co&d om of the nrdert hdom For fitle Ascirtlrcc: Vail Title Dept 16s. moNTA(;EnD. W. f,203 P.o. Rox 357 vAtL, c0 E1657 Y\nret!ll$4l6-t6l Fax: 910-tfl6'4732 F I -rrrll I lfLr Land Title Guarantee CompanY Datt: 03-31-ZXl5 ()ur ()rdff Nurrlrcr: VS0/I| {Iz6il a;rtt.taria aJluttfY Itrryer{y Addrets: 613 rioRrsl' PLACE VAII, CO E1657 Buyer/Botrrrwer: GlltilDORts DEVtsr,oT,MENI', tNC., A COI.ORADO CORtsOI|ATION .Sdler/Osnec GLENDORI' DEVET.IXLTNT, INC, A ClOt-OLADO @RlFoRAfloN Nccd a mep or dirccfions lor your upcoming clooing? Chock out Leod litlc's wcb sitc al rvww.llSc.con for dircctiim to rny of our 54 ofrice locatbns. IISTIMATM, OI| TTTI,E T.'IIFS Idonnrlion Blrder s750. oo It L.rrd 7tit.t!rrr.rE c 6ctrry drI b. c!orttrE ttls tr.tt.cGlot, &ov. c... rilt b aott.eca..t th.t tb. ToTAL '1'O.OO l!.- COEI Carca TBANK YOU FIOR YOI'R Oru'ER! I.EN) IITTEq'NMNIE Gi'PA}|r t -\ IN11SCE Ltru ilug Owrl: GLEhD(XE DE9ELOIMENT' INC, A C()IIIRAD() CORFORAIION ltopcrty A&tsc: 613 lt()[tr{it PI.,ACE VAII4 CO E1667 YoqRcferereNo.: Itrhn rcferriq to tHs or&r, flease rtfercm onr Orfu No. V5llifl/y?67 - CEA.R(;ES - IdomdionBidcr $lgt.lxr -Total--$rfl).m Plesc rrr|c chdcl Fryslil€ t!: lnlfitlc G|taEdoe corPqv P.(} Bm 5441, Denver, CO 110217 ALTA COMMIl'MEN1' ScheduleR.Soclionl (Rcquirmcnts) ()ur Order N<r VS(ll09267 Tbc lollowiog arr ltrc rtquircDcnls to bc cooplicd wilh: xclr (r) ltryls{ b or fr lb eccomf of tb gredoc or tm.lg4oa of lh fdl cortidcrdion for lhc c6hL or ircltst l, bc inucd. lbm (b) Popcr irlnred(4 crcaltug lhc cslrlc or iolcrcct lo bc iEurcd unsa bc crcsnod d dnly Elcd for ccor{ trFwit lbm (c) llyrst of dl |arcl, d"r'lgcs or crcJEntds hvid ad rscs*{ *d6t lb cubirt prcodccs whict rre duc dprydlc. Ilcn (d) Addlioql rcqrirwrlc, if rqv dscloood bclow: Thb podrt is for irtrrrndiord porpoces or{y !d does mt comilitdc ary frm of tille gurambe mr irrarra The frbifity of thc conpny sh.[ ot sccod lhc cheagc tdd I lb epplicd for Ob godrrct orshall lhc compqv bc hdd lide tu oy gty oft:rlt*' fre $cdfor &fu ptdrcL TH$ C(MMTTMENT S FOR INFONMATKN OIIILY. AND NO IIOLICY WILLDE tr;SI,'ED PTJRSUANTHNrcT(} Chicaeo lIOc beurarrc Conpny ALTA COMMTTilTENT Scledule A Our Ordcr No. V5fr)l)9267 Ctrrt Rd.: Property Addrrrs: 613 FORE;TPT,ACEVAIL CO 111657 1. Eficctive Da&: Mac& 17, 2lX|5 at 5:ll0 P.l{. 2. Policy to be Lssue4 and Pmprscd Lusund: I onnCfun llidcr hoposed Insured: c,ucNDoRr: DrwELoBlrENT, lNc', A coLoRADo coRroR^lroN 3. lte ertate rr inlerr-<rt in tDc laod descdfred <r referred fo in lhis Cormitmeat and cnvercd herein is: A Fce Simfle 4. Iltlc tro ihc cElalc or inlcrcst covcrcd hcrcin is at lhc cflcctivc dalc bcrcnf vcgtcd in: (;LENDORE DEVELOTMB{T. IN(:, A COII)RADo CORF()RAII(}N 5, mc land rcfcrrcd to io thic Comnilmcot b dcacribcd as follorYs: rJrT 4 FOREST rL{(E SUBDTV$()N, ACC(,RDING fi) THE FINAL I|L/\T OF FOnBil PI"ACE suRDwtsnN, TovyN oFv^tr, n GIJI couNTY, COI,oRADO, AS RrrCORrrr.D J NUARY 9, 2{m4 ATREG)PTTON No. E64633' COUNTY Of' I:AGI4 STAII!: (X' COTORADo. ALTA COMMTTMENl' Scheftle B. Secrion 2 (Excrrytions) Our Order No. VSW092j'7 Thc poliey or policics to bc issucd will contain crccpGons to thc lollowiqg unltrc lhc aamc arc dioposcd of h thr sefisf,action rrf the Conpany: 1. Righa or dine ol porfico in poctrctaioc oot ebwn by oc FUh .tconft. 2. fiarcncrG, or claims of ea;crmnq mt shown by the FHic rccords. 3. Discnprieq urillic8 h hdary [mr, shnrbge in &s+ cmrhn€oGt, ud uy frtl whic.h a corrtct suvey rd impocdon of the Fcniter wodd discloce ald which rt mt rhorn by tla poHic rccordl. + Ary lieo, or right b a Eta, for rcnicas, lebc rr mderiC frcretfore or h.rtaftsr frrrisbd, irgrrcd lty Ilw aud ml showrr by fte p$lic rtcords. 5. Defectf lico$, coculrro; ertversc ttrirn or ofu der:1 il ry, cru&d, first priry in fu pblic rtcrrr* rrr echirg suhieqEot b !rc eJtecaive de& heleof bd Fir b Ot de fte proposed insrrcd ecquirts of rtcord for vrlrc lb c6trb or iolc(ts( or mdm lhrcon covcrcd by eb Contr|il@nL 6. Tues or cpociC erscsmedu which rte rnt shorm e ahtirg lien bt fltc prdlic records.o dt Tttasutr's ofice. 7 . Licns for rrydd wder rd sewer chrg€t ' if ut. . & ln addfioq |fo owcls pohcy will bc gu$erct lo lb EDr|g.Bc, il ry, mbd in Sc*tion 1 of ScHulc B hn'o[. 9. RrGHT O$ PltOPRIrtIOtt O[.'A YEIN OR L.ODE 11) IEXI'RACT AND ltcMOYE HKi Oltt: IIIEnIFROM SEOI'LD IEE SAME BE FTOIJND TO I|ENEITAIE OR INTEFiECT TIIE PREMI^SE.S AS RIISERVIiD IN UNITF' STATE]S PATFNTRJInORI'ED SEPTT*{BIIR OS, 1923, IN B(X)K 93 A1'PAGE 96. 10. RIGIIT OT WAY IOR DIIIITES OR CANAI.S CONST'RUCTTD BY THft] AUTHOR.TTY OT'THE TJNTIED STATES A.S NETERVH' IN TJNIIE STATUi PATENT NtsC'()RDED SE'IEIT4BEN,05, I92it. IN R(x)K 93 AT PAGR 98. 11. UTrIJ'rv FrtstrMENT AS GRANTTID'r0 G s r^clrxrn4s, rNc lN rNsrRrJlvlENT nrtcoRDFt APIUL Z 1966 rN tsOOK 192 AT PAGA 374 72. UIILITY tsASI:I}TEFI1'AS GRAN1AD TO VATL WATIIT AND SANI[A1rcN D|S'TRICT IN INSTRTJMENT NECORDED AUGI.JST 15, ilT66, TN B(NKI' ATPAGE47l. 13. RIGHT (}F WAY EA^SHVIENT AS GRANTED TO EOLY CT,(I$i ELECTRIC A.SSOC:IATI0N, IN(]. N NSTTTJMENT RECORDIID llfAY 01, 2|n0, rrNDllR RTTEFTION N(I 728663' 14. rrrSHuENTS, COitDlTIOr.lS, COVFINANTS, RnSTRICTIONS, nmSnRvATIOl{S AND NOTFS ON ALTA COMluITMENT Schedute R - Scclion 2 (ExcrTtions) ()ur Order No. V5000!t257 Tbc poticy or policioe to bc isucd sill coolrin crccplbos to lhc followi4 unlcao lhc s.mc arc dieposcd of to the srtirfadio of lhc Company: lHrj P[,AT OF tI)Rr'Sf Pr,AC|t SUBDIVSTON RKORDT:D JANUARY 9' 2(llX RJICEPTIOAI N(). rn|.'33. 15. TEfIt'Si' CIX\rDITKNS ANI! PROVI$O IS (FYAilAN(E RELORDED IvIAR(Illq llt{ AT RFiTPTTON NO E7OI75. 76. TIlRlt/6, CONDIT0NS AND PROVFIONS ff TTIdNCII, COIIDUIT, AND VAUI;T AGREIflIIDNT TTtsCORDET' MAY 19, ZXI4 ATRTCE|PTTOI\ NO. E7779G 77. lI!:RMS, CONDnIONIS AJ{D PROVTSrcNS OI'RINTiRVATION O['EASIcMEITIT-UIILnY L.(}r L FOBS|T Pt A(E .SUBDMJIOT{ RECORDED AUGIIST 31, 2n4 UNDER RECEPTT(r.I N(). tEcl89. 18. TtriRrv6, tr)NDrrxx{s AND PRov|SIoNS OF'RnSERVATrOlrl S E StdlutiNT-sNo\[,M KING II)T L rORlSt' P|,AC[: SUAT,rVrsloN Rr:coRDED AUGUST 31, 2{n4 UNI}GII Rrjcl:t'froN NO. E$!r3ilr 19. TBRIIAi, C'Oi{DII(NS AND IROVHIOT{S (X'REERVATI(X{ Of E/{"SEMENT-SNOWMAKING LI)T 3' rioRFsr Pr./\(3 sLJRrrwIsroN RrrcoRDfdD AUGUST 31, 2fl)4 {JNDER nrrnPTroN N0. EAt387. m. lIRrUs, ooNDruoNs AND PRoVsIoNs ol'uflLnY EASEMSNT r.ol a FoRIsI rt-AcE SUB[tW$()Irl RECOnDD AUGIrSr 3l, 2[Xl4 I]NDERRALTI'TICr{ N0. Etl9:''l0' 21. TT,RI!$, qb[DnK)N.S AND rROVX$(NS ff'ENTRY lvI(tr{UMEtr\tT, (;AIE OI'|'[A-IIONS AND sNolvlfffJrT lr{un'l}tnNT r'^Suutq{T II'TS I AtifD 2, rORrdST PriCB SUBDWSTON RrrcoRDH) AUGUST 31,2004 uNDl:lt Rr:ctil'r'rcNl No. Et9391. X2. IXRMS, GX{DIIX)NS AND PROVISTONS Ofr-Cf,T{ETtAL WARRANIY DE[:D RBCI TU}ED AUGUS| 31, 2Ir0{ AT RECEtr'TI()N NO. fflqtg2. 23. DEg) OFIRUSTDATED AUGUST27, 20114, FR(X{(LEI{D(}REDEVIrOPMENI INC, A @I,ORADO CORpOn^TnN T0 THR PT BIJC IRUSfFJI OF COUNTY rOR THD USE tr (n|oRADo AUsINlss Bi{NK To sltqJRE THts SUM O[.' $7,500,00.00 REC0RDED AUGUST 31,. !rn, UNDER Rp(rPTroN N(). flf9393. A LTA COMMII'MT]N T Scho&leB-Scclion2 (Ercrptions) ()ur Order No. V50009267 lbc policy oc policica to bc issucd will conlain crccptiont (o Oc followiqg unltrf lhc ramc arc dhposcd of b the nrthfaction of lhe Company: u- DEED ()F TRUST DATED AUGUST 27, 21n4, m(xu (;LEIUX)RE DEVE OII}IENT, lN(:, A CIIII)RADO CORFOn/rTm T() THE PT RI,IC TRUSTrn Or COUNTY r'OR THE USn OF THE vAtL coRrroRATK)Ft, A clct ottADo cI)nsoRAl'rcN To spcuR$ TnE suM or'$5m,qx).00 RELr)RDED AUGIJST3t, Zn4 UNDERXECTI'm,I\I N(). t#r:D4. E- DrD OF lRUS'f DATED AUGUST 27, 21n4, m([t CLEI{DORE DEVE[ OPMENT, lN(:, A CI)II)RADO CORPONAflON T() THE PUBIJC TNUSTFI' OF T'AGTIT COUNTY T()R Tflfd USB OF lr{E VAIL COTTFORAII(I\, A COTI)RAIrc q)I|FORATION PUITSUANI'TO PURCHASE AGnEULIE{TDATm DE(IILER 242/m3 nBLI)RDED AUCUST3l' 20ll'l' UNDER RECTdPTION No. $q}9s. LAND TITLE CUARAN'f ED COMPANY DLSCII TSIJNE .STATtsMENIIS Note l\usuad tr CRS 10-11-1iZl rrlicr is hen*tJ' givcu 6d: A) The ,lulirrf real Foperty nay be locrted in a special taxiry disticl B) A Ccdificatc of l'rrcc Drrc lbti"e cact taxing jurisdclbo rmy bc oblaicd fmm tbc Couuy Tleirlurtd s anlhlrized agent Q Ttrc irtrornrdion rcgadiqg sFcid dsticb ard fit bornbries of such dstsrcb rmy be ob&ircd frtn lb ltoad ot Oour{y C-oami$iocrs, {hc Oouly Ocrk and ltccodcq or lhc (brniy Assclro&, Nole lifrec{ive Seplerter l, 1997, CR.S 3Gl0-1116 rcqtiits that dl &cur*ntr ncdved for rccordiry or lilirrg in lhc clcrl 'rl ncordcds olEcc aldl codain a bp rtar8in of .t lcast oc irch and a hIL riglt ard bo{om nuryitr of t tcrst or hdf of a irh lte cledr "'l rtcordrr mey re.frsc ir rrcrxd or file q doqmed 6* does mt co omrr excepa oua, the rtqirenrnt fc tle bp mrgin aheil mf 4ply to docrnrcrls usftg forrns oa wftici spcc b providrd for rtcord4 or trfiqg idornrdion rt lh bp mrgin oI lhc docucd. Nob: C,olon& Division of lrrurerle Regulatiom 3.5.1, kagraph C of Arlicle VII rcquins tlnt 'Tvery 6llc colity crralt bc aspnsblc for ll aullcrs which agrcr of rtcord pdor lo lhc lire of rrcord4, ntcyct tb dde Ediy cofrcb fu do6iq d is nsgrnriHe firr rcqnfiry or filiry of leed docrrncrG resultirg from Orc terr*tion which rrao doed'. Prroyi&d trt{ Lryd fi0e Gorarilee Oo""[t.qy coduc{s lb closirB of lhc irsrnd l,raraclion ard b rcspocr'Uc for rtconfiog lh lcgd &rcmb fnm fu hanrrlfun, ero$ftrn rdcr 5 vill mt rylr on 0r ()rrds fi0e Folicy ad dt lender.r blicy when isscd Notu: Atfirdvc mchrricrs lleo;rr*ction for lhc Owsr rnal be avdldle (ty1icny by &letion of Exeflion m. 4 d Schefrle R, Seclion 2 of fte Conrnitnent from de Ornnr's Policy b te is$.d) Won condiaac wilh lhc followiq codilior: A) Th |ld tlscribed ir li<ihedrle A rf 6ir crrmiEred m.st he a siryle fmily nsi&re wLid inddes a con&niriwn or lorrlrcure uit B) No bbor or mdcdds havc bcco ftrrriff b-v uncbrice or ndcrid-rrcn for purposct of cocfiudioo on lh ld descdr:d in Sc.hddc A of lhis Gmuiturf wittia fte pst 6 nrffis. C) Tlp Congry nEsl rcceive an Tprofi4 dfidavit infunrifyiry fu C-onpany 4ainst un-fiH rcch&fc'8 add rtrdf,ri'Lcda licns. D) Ite Qrrryry unnt nccive poym:d of fre rygrtpirb prtmirm. F) tr Orcrc has been corrtnrtion, improvenerts or najor |tpeint ur&rtahen on ff|e property b be prctrced wi0in six nrdbs prior ao lb Drlc of lhc ComilEnt lbc (tquircsrcds b ouain crvcrugc Ior urectrdod licrs wiU irldc: dsclngr of cqtain conskrrction idormdioq trurid idorudion as b the rdler, tn boil&r ard or tle codrrbE payrrnt of lhe agopiab premiurn fully cxcculcd ldcmritf A$rcno|o EsGtrtory la lftp 3arr[sr!r, er4 any atrlioml rcqitcds s rurt he Eccssrry 6'1ct' i11 er!'rfndion of 6e drxcn*l idomrfion by fre (}rrpny- No covsagc will bc givcn tdcr any cirerrrsbacs for lsbor or rnatcrial lor which Orc icurcd hs cndrrt€d f0rrr4rced t) pay. Nob: Purtuad b CIIS 10'11-121 rnlicc Is hccb.v givcn: Ilis rrlice 4glirx trr owrrfs grlcy urnrnihcnh 66ndring a minrd severane instrrncd ercepdoq or excepliors, in Sclrdde R, Sectoo a A) Tbel lhrc is rrcordcd cvidccc &A o Dicrsl cslrtc hs bcco ecvcrc4 lcacq or olbcrwisc c(nycf€d from lb rrlfre esffe d fut rhrt h a suhstantjal ftdih<xtd thet a ftird prty holde ecrrc or dl irErtxrt in oil, g$, oth.r ni|Etdg or geothrnel errcqy in lhe poperty; ryd B) ThC such nircrC cslrG may iclude lb rieht lo cdcr atrd rff thc gopcdy wilbut 0tc sufacr owrds pmissitn Nothiq hccin codrior{ will bc dccqrd to obffgrlc thc coopsny lo provi& a4v of lh covcragca referrcd tr bnin rdrlss lhe ahrve crxdtorn uc fully nrlistred roE DTECI/o'IIIE 09lillO2 . JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACT POLICY Fidrtig Nrtional Finarcial Grrmp rtr Qrrrpnics/C:blcrgo fitlc Lrsureno: Ctmpany eod l,and fillc Guarantc! Company .IuIg 1' 2lllfl Wc ccoeri,zc ad rtscct lhc orivrv cxg'trlioa of lo&v'r consutrrru rnd lhc rtrtrlinmctls of apdicrblc fcdcrd end rt"t. miibcv hus W'c trdiwd tX rinlCia vou nf,arc of Srrw wc urc yor rn-rhfic pnrnrrl idilmuti<tn ('l'cnorJ forfr*ori'l. ard b wbn it ig dscloni[ 'will fom lbc bosis for a rrlaliorbii of ln6t bclwcrcn w rd lhc FtUrc fir* rc lrrpd,-lti$ ltivrv Statrrrt. grti.irlcr rrrd c$[arlirn Wc nscrre fi right lo chqc ttis ltivxl' Sldcarrt frm 6rrc b linic corrbtcd rvilh eppficatlc-privry lawr ln 1hc ourac of our brrincss, wc nray collcct Pereoml lnlorsrdion eboul you from lhc following eourcco: + liom aodk:dioc or olhcr fo r wc rttcivc from -vou or yotr fi b{izcd rcpcscdrlivc;. t\mm yirir trmaclfuns with, or ftrrr lltc scwices bcirg FrforilEd by, tts, (ttrr fftldEs, (rr oltcrs;+ l'rom 6rr inlcmct wcb aihs:. ltrom tb FnlSc nrrr* mgidind by govctmfi{ cdilicri lt4 wc cilbobbin dinrdy fnrn thxr: cdilicq oi Irem our etfilidce or olh6; rd * Itom cinlm or ntcr rcpotliug agcriir:s. Our Folicie* Regerrdiq the Prol€clbn of the ConFrdentiality and Security of Your Perroml Information Wc saidin drsicr|. cloctouic d uacdunl saftgurrlt lt Fnhct yow Ibrtrrd MormCinn frum umlhriztd *ccss or ilris66. Wc tiait *ctes tri fu nrtoot lffonnlioi ody b lhrc cryloyccs who rccd suctr [ccss in comclirn with grwidq gududs or srn'iccs b you or f<n olhcr legilimaic hninss FrFlsrrs- Our Policier and Praclicer n€gardiqB t[e Sharing ol Yqtr Persooal Inlormetioo Wc nlrv sbtrc vor ltsmd tfordrn wifr rm filiabs, crch r isrrc cilrln*rl agrrG' d olhcr rcC cs|cc itttcrcril scrvfrr govi&rs. Wc dm oly drclcc ydrur ftrsood lnbmdioo: to lecd& brolcrr or ltorwlelivcs lo p.oyidc you wilh mrvicco l,ou hYc rcqucalcd; to liirdfrtt crmEr&* or scrvicc goi{dcrs wbo pruridr scrvlcrs or pcdom nulclir4 rx tttlrcr traGori oIi our bchalf: ad to otbrs with stmr w6 cder idr lrifi rrrrlctng :grccmrfi firr grdrch or lrcrvkcs tfut wc tr:Ecvc yo[ mJ find of idclcrL la addfioo, wc will dicdosc your ftqsonal ldomdbo who y-oq drtct.or givc rr pgu-icsion, whn wc arc rtquired Iry law lr do sl rrr w.hn wc irrroccf frauduhd or criuinrl riivitics. Wc Cru my &iclr$c yotx ltlrsond ftitormlioo wlin olhcrvisc ltnilllcd b'v roolicrHc givmv lrws stri q lor cxainplc' w|tb dicclosuc is tEd hr crforrcc rrrr rirrht risi4 ild rf eay &n:cirr:d' fusctbo or n:ldirlmlip wih you Ooc of lhc irytrls nsqlmilitilig rrf nonn ol our filidcd cnqnics is to rtcord drrcrmnls in tbc pHic dourein Such'doqlrrcnls- rnoy codain your ltrsotd ldormCioo Righl to Acccss Your Pcrsonal lnformatioo and Abilily lo Corrccl Flrrors Or Rcqucst Chaagcs Or Ddclion (brlein sbtcs atrord vou lhc rishl !o r4cts your ltsood lrforralion er4 rdcr ccdein circumkrcq lo li 'rl out hr $'lrrm $ou. ltm d lrfodriion kr lrri discftscd. A}nl cqtrin sldls drtd Iou thc right &r rtquttt consctioi asrcdstd or &tc0on of yorr hsoml Infordion- Wc rtccrac tb dghlt whcrt prmillcd by law' !o cnarac r iisoutlc fcc to covcr lh tireis incrd in rttptdry tr src[ rtqrc$L All rtqnsb subailhd to lh lidclily Nalioql finrcid Grorry of CooponicdChic*o Tlllc ftrcuraEc Codlpony rhCl li h wdlirE ad dcfvcttd tt lb followirg drcs: Piiv*v Comdierre Offi cer tirhlitv Natiiosl [-umial. h. 40gl Cdle R€d, Suib 2z) Sada Brbre. CA YJ1f0 tltultiplc Producla or Sc'rviccs lf wc revidc vou wilh rnrt than orrc lioaiat product or ocrvicg you r|ry rtsivc rDIt lbm oc privrcy mlicc fnrm rir wc epolrryizc for auy imrmcricnc llis may cmc you. 8otr Pf,IY.POL. CBI * rt **+**++*+****t********+**f***t*t*****+***a***+*+++++**i*t*******ilr****************tt++1+++++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +*+***+*******+f+++f++++*+****tt++t+++++++++++i*+**at++++t+++++****tt+f+++++++++tti*+*ttt*** StaEement Nurdber: R060000502 Amount: $650.00 05/L6/200608:38 AIvl Palment Method: Check Init : iIS Notation: 1085/GLEIIDORE DEVEIJOPMENT Permit No: DR8050156 1\4>e: DRB - New Conetruction ParceL No: 2IOI-072-L5OO-2 Site Address: 621 FOREST PL VAIL Location: 621 FOREST PLACE Total Fees: 3550.00 This Payment: S550.00 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $550.00 Balance: $0.00 t*la+*****++**+*itl*t*+**'rl'l*+*r*+a****';*t**r.*r.'|{.**rr.{.:tt'ir+*{.*tlttt*****i*i*t l.'}r**r:}t *+rr+r.* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO3TL22OO DESTGN REVIEW FEES 550.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board; a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. coloi and material samples and specifications. Architectural Flool Plans* Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures 'lltle.report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.E Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Q Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*)- xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature All pages of Application js complete ist is completed and signed Elevations* Date Signed I, (print name description) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of r2l04l2\l04 ROOF: FIRE RETARDANT, NATURAL COLOR SPLIT CEDAR SHAKES LACED W]TH FULL MEMBRANE TINDERNEATH. 3XIO DOUG FIR EXPOSED ROOF RAFTERS WTTH KERF CUT ENDS. MINIMUM R-40 BATT INSULATION AT INTERIOR ROOF FRAMING. 5/8'' GYP BOARD ON CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER AT INTEzuOR. PROVIDE SUPER INSULATED ROOF WITH zuGID INSULATION ON TOP OF FRAMED ROOF PLYWOOD 3" WITH 3/4" PLYWOOD EXTERIOR TOP. SEE DETAIL. AGED COPPER SHINGLES AT METAL ROOF AREAS. SEE ROOF PLAN. FLASHING: 16 GAUGE COPPER PROVIDED AT ALL COMPONENTS & HORIZONTAL INTERSECTIONS OF EXTEzuOR TRIM & AT STONE WALL CAPS. CHIMNEY CAPS: ONE 8'' THICK BUFF SANDSTONE CAP WITH SNAPPED EDGE. OVERHANG STONE VENEER WITH 4'' OF CAP ALL SIDES. FASCIA: RS (ROUGH SAWN) CEDAR 3X8 AT SHAKE ROOF. STAIN MOORWOOD ENGLISH WALNUT 08I-67 SEMI TRANS. OUTLOOKERS AN D TRUSSES: 6XI8 RS DOUG FIR AT PRIMARY RIDGES AND SHOULDERS. 6XI2 RS DOUG FIR AT SECONDARY zuDGES AND SHOULDERS. STAIN OLYMPIC SEMI TRANS COLOR #73O. SOFFITS: RS IX6 T&G CEDAR WITH V GROOVE. STAIN MOORWOOD NATL]RAL PINE O8I-52 SEMI TRANS. STUCCO: MATCH DRYVIT SYSTEMS COLOR #II2 SANDALWOOD BEIGE. SIDING: HEWN 2Xr0 LAP JOINT CEDAR ON r/2" FURRING. STAIN OLYMPIC SEMI TRANSPARENT #730 WINDOW TRIM HEADERS 3XIO HEWN CEDAR STAIN OLYMPIC SEMI TRANS COLOR #73O. WINDOW CASING 4X8 HEWN CEDAR STAINED OLYMPIC SEMI TRANS COLOR #730. SHUTTERS: TO BE PAINTED WITH BENJAMIN MOORE SMOKY ASH 986 AND BENJAMIN MOORE COLOR #IO9I CORNER TRIM: 3XI2 HEWN CEDAR STAIN OLYMPIC SEMI TRANS COLOR #730. STONE VENEER:. BACHELOR GULCH BLEND, DRY STACK APPEARANCE. RI.IBBLE STONE . CAP AT WALTS WITH COPPER FLASHING 6'' BEYOND SHEATHING AND 8'' IIP WALL. COLINTER FLASH W]TH 40# FELT OR W.P. MEMBRANE. HAND AND GUARD RAILS: WOOD RAIL OF 8X8 RS DOUG FIR POSTS WITH KERF CUT TOP AND 4X6 RS FIR TOP AND BOTTOM RAIIS. CUSTOM WROUGHT IRON RAITS wlTH NO OPENING GREATER TFIAN 4''. STAIN OLYMPIC SEMI TRANS coloR #730. WINDOWS AND DOORS: CLAD EXTERIOR TO MATCH SIERRA PACIFICCLAD WINDOW COLOR SANDSTONE. STONE PATIOS: I'' BUFF SANDSTONE IN RANDOM SHAPES WITH GREY GROUT. FOUNDATION WALLS: FOLINDATION WALTS TO HAVE WATERPROOF MASTIC IIO MIL THICK AT A HEATED TROWEL GRADE AND THEN SPRAYED. RIGID INSULATION 3'' THICK WITH FILTER FABRIC AND FREE DRAINAGE TO REDLINDANT PERIMETER DRAIN IN 374'' WASHED GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (TYP). EXTERIOR FRAME WALLS: 2X6 FRAME AT I6''O.C. wlTH I/2'' OSB SHEATHING WITH BTIILDING wRAp (TYVEK OR EQUAL) \MrTH 2Xr0 STDING ON r/2" FURRING. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS VAPOR BARRIER AT ALL INTERIORS (TAPE ALL SEAI\4S). RI9 CONTINUOUS BATT INSULATION. 5/8" GTP. BOARD AT ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS AND SOLIND BATTS AT ALL INTEzuOR PARTITIONS AND FLOORS. 3/4'' DRYWALL CORNER BEAD AT INTERIOR WALL CORNERS NOT CASED. FLOOR SYSTEM: 5/8" T&G PLYWOOD GLUED & SCREWED TO FLOOR JOISTS. I I/2" GYPCRETE TOPPING WITH F{YDRONIC RADIANT HEAT TLTBING AND I I/2" SLEEPERS FOR WOOD FLOORS. VAPOR BARRIER AT WOOD FLOORS AND AT ALL CRAWL EXPOSI-IRE. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING me ' Common Name t( tl f# kll]tr,l,rr Size 8 Ouantiw tq lo EIL u\ zn- Z.< "t?. +< *l bO 5t AaLbyl+a*I-L+ #.< rfui*tlt< 4i r*5 I --\ ,/l .uz!-fua5fu.b?*a 6 *S Botanical Name bleocp *rrut Minimum Requirements for Landscaping;Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare Footaqe Tvpe &rt*sha^GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL 3!!L+ ,Di,-u",- /'"60 $ ,iLfu1uh" l(',ryu',1 (!-t-(, Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2lMl28l04 \. ,... ,l; i," Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 2, 2006 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Lot 2 Residence - 621 Forest Place/Lot 2. Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Statf has reviewed the design review application for the new Lot 2 Residence. The lollowing is a summary of lhat review: 1. The site plan must be revised as follows:. All proposed roof ridge elevations (including dormers and chimneys) must be labeled.. Label the top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls.. Combination retaining walls shall have a minimum bench width ol 4 feet.. Show the limits of disturbance fence.. Label lhe snow storage areas and label storage area square footage.. Show the exterior parking spaces with a dimension of 9' x 19'.. Drainage must be located within the drainage easement. 2. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Show the limits of disturbance fence.. Label the top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls. 3. The elevations must be revised as follows:o The drawings must be fully dimensioned.. Show the utility meters, exterior lighting fixtures, roof drainagei systems, etc.. Specify exterior materials and colors. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4"-/"r'<-h- ,e-..t- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail I RECYCLED PAP6N s \. " !r,'.. | -l \t Lt Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailsov.com June 9, 2006 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 2 Residence - 621 Forest Place/Lot 2, Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the revisions to the design review application for the new Lot 2 Residence. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Label the top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall retaining wall elevations on the east side of the building.. Remove trees from Town of Vail drainage easement. Additionally, the retaining wall within the drainage easement shall be relocated to be no more than 3 feet into the easement and no more than 12 feet in length.. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for all retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height. The above listed items must be addressed with the building permit application. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173 or George Chalberg with rhe Public works Department at (970) 477-3507. Sincerely, /./'"/:- 4t " -44-- BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {pl^""r.""o ,o," l i i I j t/ i Datc: 6ft/a e __------ Lcgal dcscription: Lot Z _- Block .-- Fiting Addrcss Lz Orrncr Total CRFA Phonc Phonc Brrildablc arca Allorvcd Existing =_JaLf-_ Proposcd *= TotaI 1,8L? , Rcmnining 35. Sitc Covcragc Hcighr Sctbacks {. o?? (30x33) Landscaping Rctainin g \\tall Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay . Conrplics rvitb TOV Liglting Oriinon.. Arc finishcd gradcs tcss than 2:l ?50%) Environm cn tal4lazards 'i I Minirhum /5t 2?7 i ' 3',t6', .:Requircd L 7? t'? \ t7 (2 3 ' gncloscd Front Sidcs Rcar '. 20' .15' 15, l2r 3oo ,/ ProposcdSlopc t/ % Ycs .,/ Nq I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldatl (3oo) (doo)(troold7ob Pcrmiftcd Slopc Zo v^- '/r L.r a' I\O-.--- r--_- {+ -.+._:- Qao c) Dcbris Florv Projcct; _ . Q suR\rEy Scalc -.*_ B cnclunark t _. _ Lcgal dcscription -:* Lot Sizc Buildablc Arca Eascrucn6 Topography 100 1t. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback ' Environmcntal Hazrrds Trees Utility locations Spot clcyations Q SITE PLAN Scal c Building Heigbt Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccks/Balconics Caragc conncction Sitc Cradc\Slopc Rctaining Walls Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) -- , Snorv Stongc . Firc Acccss . i DESIGN REVIE\Y C}MCru,IST ..: a FLooRPL,,utS Scalc CRFA 250 addirional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc crlU Q nullnnvc I:LEVATioNS Scalc U LANDSCAPE PLA.I\ Iiristing trccs F.roposcd trces L:gcnd MISCELLANEOTJS Condo Approval ' _ __ TitJc rcport (A & B) U,fi I ity vcri fi cati on fornr Plotos ofsitc Buil ding matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrilicati sn .; ., .Ur rlbcs (tmdcrground) V. iqw Corrjdors . --:- . Vaianccs pla: rcsh:ictions ; , .t, R E SORIS D EV.129 AUG.26.2004 9:3BA[,] VA RES0RIS DEV. N0.729 ( 't I Dt o I l- I n4 LU^o,l, /-oreS( Ylace )ubdioisiort L'or & U U-TILITYEAsEMENT Lor z,FoREsr pr,ecn sunnrwsrott Tf[ f - -a Corporation, a Colora-do corporatioq ('vail{). NO P. 2 80Py t tLt S0P]"-"#ly3flff"#H-flJl*,f; 26th dav or August, ,ooo ,u RECTTAIS A. Vail is the owner of Lot2,Foresr place !r1!{!1sion (uI't2,),according to rhe map recordod on January 9, 2004 at Reception No, g64633 r" tn! *t e( Jrtn" e^gt,CouDty, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. B. vail desires to grant to the TowN oF vArL^ , a muuicipal corporation dury organized and existing under and by virure of the laws of cororado (,.Grantee,), whose strreet address is 75 south Fronrage Road wesr vail, cororad" sGi, ;;;ent for pubhc utilties as set fonh herein' usnnrrrrtr Now, TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and zufficioncy of which "." n.*uv ""t"o*i.a?ro, vail hereby makes the following grant: Grant of Easement. Vail hereby grants and oonveys to Grartee, as a public dedication, a publicutirity "*onit rryon, uoorr, over and uader lertain portions of Lot 2 described in Exhibit A at[ached hereto and incorporated herein by this refe,rence for the constuction, installation, modification, maintenance,.use and eqioyment of equipmenq facilities and improvemeats for or ietat.J to-sarritary sewer, water, gas, elecftic,telecomm'nications and other-utilities senice, and itonn ar"ioule'nur"tions (the "Easement"). The Easement sharl be for the beuefii ;'Gr# ##;ai;'..r, iaclurring applicable utilify suppriers, and the contactors, agetrts, and invitees of any of them. [renrainder of this page inrentionally left blank] TOV0titit)€€m.doc AUG,26,2004 9:38AM VA RES0RTS DEV.c' Elrccut€d as ofthe day and year first aborre wdttco. N0.729 P. 3 TIIEVAILCORPORATION a Colomado corporation MaftrD.Rshm Sr. Vice hesid€nt By: STATTOFCOrORADO ) cottNryoFEAcLE ) ss' ^^. - - T: foregoiug inst'aent -uas achowrcdged lrfore me this 26rh day of Auguel 2004 bytvlartha D. Rehm as sr. vice ft*ilt.Tft;iliil;"#;l?o,o*oo corpomtion, lVitress my band and official seal. Mycomrnission orpires NotryPnblic 2 TOVtttlitFarn&G 'AUG, 26 2004" 9:38AMl*"'' " VA RES0RIS DIV, o *..."'N0 729 P i\ .t! o5"n'F .OY TR \- I-o/ -Tt =--t -t] rn =1 z ,4,t *,Ur"'::"ri. N i !aa r'4tuc Poo, (a ft' uil nil o/ 1-o I I\J +z Ng)5-: (t t., ril tp 5', y, ct)6\ '+: N z o { N q ut ! Trl I NJ + /F I N r\*F\N i:+:- ,ti sS d5 9€15p f; EE'g F'U E REH Fr''>29 }l\< ":( !! s#-^Fr :/o Hzl ol c, 2un P> r|1 g m O- aJ !l ...f,'?1 a.j9 96o i^ = r>>^ JJ fTI v #ffi AUG. 26. 2004 9: 38AM VA RESORTS DEV. TFFInIT erAr SQUARE FEET MoRE - - - "- """" *'ru't r ur ErruINNrilG., SAID EASEMEM coilieriir,rc sr N0.729 P6 ift iilrm:'$ffi;ffi ili."ffig,g"*a@ ffi[ffitrtrffi?3ffieffiffiHffift*.* IffiffiT.Hffi[*H* Pt120G1299\12s3\DocS'€ascaqrt cIV Lcgal.doo