HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST PLACE LOT 3 LEGAL FILEA2/L5/29A7 67;56 9743264 266 o 0L5(}.1 Subdivision: r'onF c'r' Pl.t. ' ' " Addregs: Project Number: IRREVOCABLE LEf,TER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal D$cription: Lot rrr 'Block.- PAGE A3 in the c€rtain improvem€nts sel plans snd sPecifications Town of Vaih and Rolect NumDefi > Iv')>v-' rw' lmprovemcnt ComPletion Dale:- j Laiter of Crsdit ExPiration Date: c{ numbor) wishes Agreement; and WHEREAS. thE judgement forth in the filed completion to guarantee Performance of this to in ttris Agreement' bY means of z the i for with The Developer agrees to establish an inevocable.lettgt gf-9t*^1f.+)2^:1"':1""":l wiin- cotoraao nus:-nes er e.'ry "'" ru foi me completion of all 1"Eile of Oanr in Eagle Coyltv,^Coton!9J 3-t^.^ ^.,^-..1.-.a i. a r{ara,h rrnrtar rhis ffi;"r##'^r#"Tiio in tnii egt"emeni in the event there iE a defauh under this Agreement bY the Developer' NOW THEREFORE, in cOnsideration of the following mutual covenants and agneements' the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Deve|oper agrees, at its so|e coet and expense., to fumish all equipment and materiats necessary to pJri"* Z"O ".bmpbte all improvamentg r9fgrrt' to in this Agreement- The Developer agrees to complete all improvements rifened to in this Agreement on or before the :]d;r;i-i;iv --"'''-'- -' ".:'rio" The Developer shall .complete' in a sood workmanlike manner, aii--imprt*ten-ts retened to in this Agreemenl in accordance with all approved ptans and "p"liriiitiont neJln the office of the community Development D€parttnent of the Town of vait. u"d'i;;;;ii;;rk incioenrat therero according to and in compliance with the following: F:tsd6v\FoRMSDIA\DlA crcdit fomat-1't2002.doc Pagc 1 of 5 62/L5/2A97 87i56 97A9264 266 o 0Lsor.l PAGE 64 a. Ail said work ehall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Oflicial, or other ofiicial from the Town of Vail. as affEcted by speciat distric{s or,servic€ districis, as their respeclive interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and acoeptod as cOmpleted by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail' Z. To secure and guarantee performancs of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agroes to provide security ae follows: f nevocable letter of credit #-!3!L--in the amount of $g45OO- ( 1 2506 of the total cosls of the attach€d estimated bid(s)) with Gsl-qrcda-Elistue-s s Bank - Mr. James ThqmasoFrame of bank in Eagl€ County' Colorado) set io expire on the .-!st daY of Julv , 20 07 (not to oxpire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agraement) as the s6curtty for th*ompletion of all improvements referred to in this Agroement, in the event there is e default under this Agreement by lhe Developer. g. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acc€ptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreoment. Such acc€ptanca by the Town of altemative seourity or collateral shall be at the Town's sole diecretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any aocident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specifled in his Agieement prior t-o the completion and acceptance of the sam6, nor shall the Tqwn, nor any oftcer o. eniployee thereof, 6e tiabte for any peftlons or property jltiur9d by reason of the nature of Eaid work,'bui all of said liabilitiee ehatl and are hereby assumed by the Developer' The Developer hereby egreos to indemnify and hold harmless the Town. and any of iis offioers, agents and employees against any losses, olaims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of ite officere, agenti or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or ac{ons in respecl thereof) that ariee out of or are based upon any peformance by the Develop€r hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any LnO att tegat oi other expensee reaeonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shsll be in addition to any other liability u/hich the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release'of ihe security provided to the Town for each cetegory of improvement at such time as such improvements ars construcled in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar emount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the doller smount neoessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement F:\cd6v\FORMS\DlA\DlA crcdit format-112002.doc Page 2 of 5 62/15/2697 67:56 9799264 266 o OLSON PA€ 65 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements refenad to in thia Agreement are not conshJcled in compliance with th€ approved plans and specificatione filed in the office of tha Community Development Dopertment of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town aB oomplete on or before the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refoned to in this Agreement end complete the uncompleted improvaments rgferred to in this Agreement Purcuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Cortificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements ref€red to hereln are completod by the Developer or the Town in accordance with thie Agreement. lf the ooste of completing tho uncornpleted improvements refened to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town, the excess, together wilh interest, at twelve parcont (1?/o) par annum, shall be a lien against the property and may b6 collect€d by civil sult or may be certified to the treaeurer of Eagle County to be collected in the eame manner as clellnquent ad nalorem taxas levied against such propefi. f th6 Developsr fails or refuses lo complete the improvements refened to in thie Agreement, such failure or refusal shatl be considered a vlolation of Titla 12 (Tsnlng Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shalf be subject to p€nalues gursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penaltles) and Chepter 1-,,{ (General Penalty), Veil Town CodE. 7. The Developer shell wananty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreemsnt loceted on Town property or wlthin a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two yeara after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. L The parties hereto mutually agreo that this Agreement may be amend€d from time to iime, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Developer STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE T[p foregoing \L.' Dayof Wihess my hand and official seal. \A =t rrl My commission €xpires " _*.._-'\ ' ,l I ) ) es. ) Pre s ident d before me ftis F:\cdov\FORMS\DIADLA crodit formar_112$Z.dq, page 3 ot s g2/t5/2AA7 67:55 9769254 STATE OF COLORADO COUNW OF EAGLE 266 o OLS$I PAE B5 Town Planner ) )ss' ) b4^^- Thploregoing Derreloper lmprovemont Agreemcnt was acknorvledge!,bpfore mO this jLd^"tputorunj .zo-D+v . W'nhcse my hand and official seal. "r*!lF 9l.d!Z $$iilil"2 i= Bank STATEOFCOLORADO ) Fs.couNryoFEAGLE ) The foregoing Do\eloper lmprovement Agreement was acJfiowledgect before me thie day of 20_by WiUt€ss my hend and officlal seal. My commlssbn exPires: Nobry Public Flcd.v\FoRtvtti\DlA\DtA a€dlt bma(-1 1 20o2.doc Pagle rl of 5 g2/I5/2a97 972,56 7Cir26/.ffi t ILSTN PA€ 07 Frd.dFoRilg\DlA\DlAodtftmd-r|2oo2.tu Frgo 5 ol5 o2/L5/2A97 07:56 97cirlf/2f6 o tx-so.r PAGE g2 Invoicc# 2M7 a$nN7 Petaler lnc, PO Box2160 Eagle, Co.8163l-2160 970-328-s503 hx97u328-5503 Obar & Sor Cotucioo, llrc. FO Bor 438 Edrmd+ CO !1632 Bahaoc ofcoobrct b cmplcto ho&caphg t t 3, 612 Forcn plrca t30,(m0,OO t DEarmtmt of Communitl Danhpmmt 75 So*th Fronngc Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970479-2r38 FAX 970479-2452 atarutuilgw.com October 30, 2007 Mr. James Thomason, President Colorado Business Bank P.O. Box 2826 Edwards. CO 81632 Re; Letter of Credit Number 1311 Applicant: Glendore Development, Inc. Project Address: 612 Forest Place, Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Thomason: The above mentioned letter of credit has been released. Please find the original letter enclosed. lf you have any questions please call Bill Gibson, planner for the Town of Vail a197O479-2173. Sincerely, @"*e*rl,* Lynne Campbell \J Office Manager Enclosure {S *"ouo "uo TSCOLORAD(I t-J.J- BUSTNESS BANK F. IRREvocABLE srANDBy LETTER oF cREDIT r f4 t C,p f Letter of Credit Number: 13 1 I Expiration Date: July 31,2007 Date: February 23,2007 Beneficiary Name: Town of Vail Address: 75 S. Frontage Rd. West City, State, Zip Code: Vail, CO 81657 Applicant Name: Glendore Development, Inc. Address: 527}Eaglebend Dr./P.O. Box 3796 City, State, Zip Code: Vail, CO 81620 We hereby issue our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 13 1 I in your favor in the amount of Thirty Seven Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 U.S. Dollars (USD $37,500.00) and expiring at the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) on July 31, 2007 atour counters at Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Department 3td floor, 821 n6 Sffeet, Denver, CO 80202. This letter ofcredit is available by presentation ofyour draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank, accompanied by the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. In the event of a partial draw, this letter of credit is available by presentation of your draft at sight, drawn on Colorado Business Bank and certified copies of the original letter of credit and amendment(s), if any. Special Conditions: Panial drawings are allowed. This Letter of Credit will have a full and final maturity date of July 3l , 2007 . 0056 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 130 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 PO. Box 2826 . Edwards, Colorado 81532 Tel: 970.926.6801 . Fax: 970.926.6805 www.cobizbank.com Letter of Credit No. l3l I Pe-2 We hereby agree with you that drafu drawn under and in accordance with the terms of this letter of credit will be duly honored upon presentation of drafts(s) and required document(s) at our office no later than the close of business (3:00 p.m. Mountain Time) at 821 nh St., Loan Operations Department 3'd floor, Denver, Colorado 80202, U.S.A. on or before the expiry date ofthis Letter ofCredit. IJnless otherrise cxpressly statcd, this letter ofcredii zurd ail rregotiations hereuncler shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the International Standby Practices ISP98, as published by the Intemational Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 590, and, to the extent not inconsistent therewith, the laws of the State of Colorado. This letter of credit is not transferable unless Colorado Business Bank asrees to the transfer in writing. Please direct any inquiries with regard to this Letter of Credit to Colorado Business Bank, Loan Operations Department, 821 l7h Street, Denver, CO 80202 (303)293-2265. Colorado Business Bank, a Fl F] ID I o J o I 9 v J 6 !l z U) x (J h 6l () IE 0) q) t F q){) t< ct tz 9E E€)oo o.,5.> FE o!l r'C <ti q) tr =r.O H F9 ri = rri -Xg I Fi :.' 6l Ei a'.'O :EIN .E O +.O 35 9t6 EFrV E:r e i dr E 6S$A .-l E crl .9 -,r E ;) ;. =<E-i >ql ZJ Fa)I ;^ trl =a+tr61 UBI kal Lrl dol -€l Fc)I F rhl tJ FEr &o =F{F>q<7z A r-'t }E <Fi AZ e1 F z F z h I {) () :i (gl >l q-rl tl FI fr F l'{ I Fr U) F F F(tu F o E'r u)|_r Q 6;:tfl,-"-6"b. 4"*-z @{!r.}drY cEvELoP|rE|lt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 laxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: FOREST PLACE LoT 3 CHANGh Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB060342 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (POOL AND OUTDOOR nREPrr) Project Addressl Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments! Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: owNER GLENDORE DEVELOPMENT rNC 0810412006 ATTN: JERRY HARRIS PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 APPUCANT DECKARD LARRY PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 0810412006 ARCHmCT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHITECT 0810412006 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 512 FOREST PL VAIL Location: 612 FOREST PI-ACE Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: FOREST P|ACE SUBDIVISION 2101-072-1500-3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/31/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced '. - . ". and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond; CON0008,107 Prior to construction of the pool, the applicant must obtain Tourn of Vail Public Works Department apprwal of an @sement encr@chment agrcement for retaining walls. @nd: @N(X)08,108 Prlor b @nstruction of the pool, the applicant must obtain bullding permit revlslon approral. Cond: @NfiD8409 Prlor b construcdon of the pool, the appllcant must obbln Tovn of Vail Publk Works Department approval oF the stamped, englneered reblnlng wall dnwlngs. Cond: CON0008410 Prior to construction of the flre pit, the applicant must obtaln Town of Vall Flre DeparUnent approval of the fire pit. Planner: Bill Gihon DRB Fee Pald: l20.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community De\relopment 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 dz 970.479.2L28 ?axt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgor.om General Infiomaton: All projects requlring design roriew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for ttre particular approval that is requeded. An applicauon for Design Review cannot be a@@d unul all rcquired information is received by the Community Develop.nent Department. The projed may also need to be oiewed by tt|e Town Gourrcil and/or the Phnning and ErMronrlefltal Cornmission. Design rcview apprwal bpces unless a bulHlng psmlt b issucd and ongFucfon @mmen@s wit|ian onc ycar of tlic approval, locaUon of the Prropoeat: toe I ancf:suoill,|sr,nt FoR tEg;T PLLhE- ptysicafAddress: 612 FO4K-9T PL-^OE- Parcer No.: 7,tat o7 ?ao oo 'f (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86.10 for parcel no.) Zoning: t{ame(s) of Orner(s): 4PtA*( RF-St.efu*tfts rrfairinemdrces: Po. Od +0D E?h/;.n^"9t A, ? zz Phone: Orner(s) tiignaturc(s Malling Address: Tlpe of Rwiew and Fec: t' Changes to Approved Plans Submitlal Rcquhsn€nts: U P sl 0 n o h/f 9r 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Charges Sbnature of Homeowne(s) or Association $20 For re\risions to dans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the Deslgn Rsrierrv Board. ilame of Apdicant: F:bdcv\FORMSFstniFPlanningu)RBurb-cfiange-to-appro\redJclans-lJtage-o$11-2(xl6.doc aaaa***ataa+*a+allaaaltallaaa*aaaaial**t***'}'}laaa'3*aaaalalati*ala++a*ll***+f*l't*attt*aaaaaaa TOWNOFVAIL, COI.ORADO Statement a*t++t*atlr+'|*aa*llta*taftl'l*'}*****+*++l+a***+ti++++++i++********tf+++++t+t+******t+f++t+f+t+ geatenent lltrmber: R050001152 Palment Dlethod: Cbeck DBCKARI) Anount: S20.00 OS/04/200608:21 AM Init : aIS Notation: 1538/LARRY Pernit !fo: DR8060342 T'ype: DRB-Chg Parcel No: 2101-072- 1500-3 Site Address: 512 FOREST PL VATIJ Location: 512 FOREST PLACB This Pa)rrnent:$20. oo to Appr PIanE Total FeeE:s20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Current Pmts Total AIJLr Pmte : Balance:t+**+l*+**aaall+falft+f+++a*ata*a**aaa***aa****ra*ar+++**a**+tfatafattattflfaa*faarr'|raarraa ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri.ption DR 00100003LL2200 DBSIGN REIIIBII FEES 20.00 tat 6r-f?/oo6lb4otrs'm lats Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: FORESTPLACELOT3 DRBNumber: DR8040487 Project DescripUon: NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE Palticipants: APPUCANT DECKARD LARRY 09/14/2004 Phone: PO BOX 725 AVON. CO 81620 License: OWNER GLENDORE DEVELOPMENT lNC, ArOBl27l2004 Phone: PO DMWER 2072 LONGVIEW, TX 75606 License: ProjectAddress: 612 FOREST PLVAIL LocaUon: 612 FOREST PLACE Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PI-ACE SUBDIVISION Parcel Number: 210107215003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApprovalz I2lI5l2O04 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006848 Prior to the application for building permits, the applicant shall submit ( i documentation demonstrating compliance with the Fire Departmenfs access/staging standards. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 ffi TOI\4\I |,Fl/l'ILp/ Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td* 970.479.2L39 f axi 970'479.2452 web: www.ci.vail'co.us General Information: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal ."quir.rantr tor tne parti.ut.i approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the dmmunity Development Department'- The pqect may also need to Ue te]rie*"0 by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval' Location of the proposat: t-ot: 9 a6ck:- subdivisioni Foqc,f PL6,og Zonins: ?lKta>*v /?c-coJt*( loxr- Pr6r*tor Name(s) of owner(s): 6t-*tOonc' OlaVe'Lo',nc^n (Tta ntl o"t) Mailing Address: physicafAddress: Gl^ Fo*3?r Pt-sce (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' iioo For an addition where square fo9ta99 !s ad!e!.to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as' reroofing, painttng, windoi additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor chanqes to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee RECIIVELI Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E ConcePtual Review )f, trtew Construction t Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-familY/com mercial) tr Minor Alteration ( single-familY/duPlex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Name of ApPlicant: For Office Use OnlY: Fee Paid: [?, v . Application Date: /a ' I Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SoFfits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other ll3.rr rrtl flWt ?rt,trre ODI-gb ry4 R-g- ansa..67 31/c/r*tcc?Plrut:t ?;/C CICI-f,Z. @ hoo'aucoo Wt-17 blu^tz.c- ,loo',.roaC Tlua* tattttdso frF*o fu Fazo Pqtlt Culoi>o,. Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. heoleno, Page 6 of t2102107102 I tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred tr Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.u Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).tr One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.D Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhanos. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.E Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.u All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and wind-ow details.u Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.tr Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.a Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).tr Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.B Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.D Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area D Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Depaftment will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: D Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot D Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations D All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easemenG Page 5 of 12102107102 Botanical l{ame PROFOSED LAN I'SCAP I I{G Gornmon l{ame PROFGEDIFEF AtlDStl-RiJBS Pfi$Ptt,qEt:+ . (*to' S?rcu gs l,ro\t,,^arl(rvl(l\tr1' (slt{+Wd +",, L a i,,i,,iigr*"(o'tu<- fr<po't) , +? M.k"t^dl -txu ua'' (#'3(L*w1lu tubx r' 1.4 -.r-r'l rr..-0 n 4"' Dtitrf h^r.n- 2 f+- t['lu'e""-)f- ( n^ , ,u Lt'lao 5 U, ^r, <,' bi[trl.Jl*,h4urf4. _.q I *r* +lxir,,*t[l"b' ltui$haV@-eq (,t for,,'t-A7hr-]fuu t h I :s Vit&- &ttuutu'l''- l{t ,'eE<7o,itil'-thu4!r,14,. G Dh,^^ll^ [: ("]Ln+",ald' ?of-e'Allt' 50 GRCIAD@\ER $D SED IRREATION TIFEOF ER6TCT{OONIRO. Ple6e speciry other ieatues (i.e. fIU',,ftt,,- 4?Lh (/0t u h li.loD + +< 4<..-_+< +'B.{B P"e'p - 4b5o! LC\tt| ffi <'ts{#t #t 45 i*s Minimum Requirements for Landsc4ling: Ibciduoue Trces - 2' Gdiper @ribrous Trees - 6' in height Strubs - 5 Gal. TYPe Square Footago 'f\eui Wv l PuW {Ew.--&,t !g-, QxiM,lr UoI' ?(oo F walls, PI W7 otlAMlOUa a PROFIOSED I.AI{DSCAPING Botanical Name Gonrmon Name D(STII.IGTREB TO BEFEITICwED Minimum Reguiremente br landscaping:Decidrcus Tr€6 - 2' CdiPer Oonifrrous Trees - 6 in tpight Strubo - 5 Gal' Type SquareFootage GROTN)OCI\,ER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYfE OF Effi IOI.I COhIIRO- Ple6e specify othgr lanGcape featurcs (1.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Ske 4< ,d< 4S 4< d< &5 QuantitY l/'L'r F taJ___5_ iB ot//+11, fiIr l-.=._- W7 ol1UMl01lU Pt' SEP EI 'E; .I-O;45 FR XCEL ENERGY eOt ?i/22?4 ll:08 ilA926476t 9n 282 4E3B T0 679?99fr1266 P. A1 t), H#;l."-A,$i,F |rlrablorr A aaa Fratr. ttElFrng gtrding 915' fto? p'}r a!'t tr [d.€!'on a'oiofu'd ll'llrt cctlt"tto.' D omtt e7o.ttil.d5t(ftr) ffil*r'r^.0s,-88 .bn SI1'! gro.$.'mr3l a(n H|cx tI!.GCtt 9?o.26aro?l (rd) c.nFi Rki s|$r(r HevcFEa4rrlc 97a.ga ram (d) 9m.S.eJ&to3 (hrl CaJlr* Tra AdtY ry,/---: EGS.ElrgY ao.ao-rogo(lu)ftiE|!. lo hrt rt0.?62.402' .rtr o'rnr gro'26ar03 EACETIVIR*A1GIT utl?lct 9?0.{tE.7t8(l (rct} Iro..?E.4tl, (hr) ftnri: Fnrl Fl* cp#rtlos. gto,ei|g.l2z4 r l12 {t l} 9?0.349.013E (tx) CrrLc{: FS Sre!!. Q.ro4 f;,IH" urury.*roal &vrrltlGrionlbt" n-l{al1g=:::Lu|tgffi 'rd tsdnr''ir on'rraebdicttron lne ts,n. sr. Tnlr $t pr-,rtt tt' tfiriL "o frrtttr rno tno fr't|aFrl c'd rood- 2|rId,|vco'rpfiytrs@.flnruilhur9{lD96.'coilruaior.lher,rilry]lP'r.r'iil.d'.|,lTffiyqt'r.Utftyr.nh.rbn f6. drd F.fr a r oru^ .r,.t-i;b-; a;';c;. rt" g, i*/d'o.i b. dqild ]l .n itbdrd lii'( b th ron of vdl' t{il\,r(, ee.* hEp In ,rnO $,*ir LlG ffiv a rr wr,rv-#iv "na rtc rccticrt to tet'a r$.fife<l prdbttl ' 3. lrr. tdifi.d5m d,o nol ?.1.* th. Gdl'=F ot th' taordfliry b ott'6 r ft'lc vYby-lAiy * ffi o{ hrlb }l.o|tr .. $11qrr6 ef V.{. rnfrfrv roefrai ra|.riJ ottr"ta uO(! amfttg'atiw O"Uk Agf*tt''.,.y ot rr*'d ittil lhe Tffi of vlll A ;il; F,rii r',ol t Cilc ira gartt{ Erd tfltrt bc omiaro r+taulv' ,t * " *rtd std |etr tg 3$tfltl any ltlvtl5 dltdnlr h thc |,rlltb fo' tt$0|!El 6-Jte'rdhlbn if thc rl.'mfir"t pb'l s'. ert'||d in.ny r.'ry rftt th. rulfrorbd cieruru|! detr (urrb ti#;sltcly d r hin rhc cdlrinutt rfi ot thb l(Irn] Ocf fir*orrr$gtdrrtr Pae8 of l?0ll0ltOa e7892642b5 F€GE. O2 c=) 01 'aa 12.i 14 .*,r. TITFL FnDE . 81 xx t_ .f eg,$riil,,.2 ]i,r:ttl r :i1pYbs26H(itCLY CROSS i|(ER0V ELSiEN nl'tC. 5gi' '"P, 1-- --. .' )'ffiTil Ytil.rfun' AIrt .||.'ghls ctitr.ftr E trl8l rro,l3a.etr(i|r) ffino*s^r*-€6 -ErGhD'lOSa.qlI E4trlgHl#Htal'rtarll 0t6(u) fiEtEi$H!F H4Ycrursttlc grot.eJtm (tcl YrogsrcE(hr)trrtrf f.cl+g EEaolr6v g7o-apJ6('o.t ffino*rr*;rOfrln0^aSarg --..- Dt'.hgrrr $Snrtrr fu0of 'tZOll0t/o{ <1s.qrl,f -;4AA E|HSn|t*nwAllrturrfiN 0|flt'rgt sro.4?E.tiLo (ul ote.Tl./|E(br)Qtrg: lrd |rab corcrficrq,l SO.'.e.120r r12 0sl) Yto3.9.er$$rq Aonrd 6btds mfi$ r. r nr ctrv mrorrt 3 y.n||aEn$ fgil E 4rtr!f6 f.ottr- dr c !s ullv sF:lB' ru ls gttttsrEl r't m.d. ttluly er nr tbatn th.Trrftla,rt o", trli'H,l-fralrdtr6rrt*Ftp cf Itud e lt. gEtt tstrDciu IEE eE'l dh dr gd drtdot\ G' hrtlU n'|ri:r'0u''ti{*35l#'ft#J;rffi t rn $.t tt r. b r pntbn -fi;'l;; LEi ..na.F- lmqtt !!5 Dr lrlrrx 'n r rh'yr. F h-e r, ,rl'o rni'i,Llfi iffi-a or ,rtril--iffiv--J m irnatr t-*t lfritiltd e'oDr'ntr' 3.Tn €,fi.re|r 6rqtgr!!r ail!-E( ol itts-fwiltrtt lo oDUiD rhlFvury Eilr fiDm {f clF r'rd{r d Fob Yvttr ri!.rnior\nrruWr-dli"iiioreiem,tCqqtiiiilfi*'lffii"itvcsrrtnrlslrlrtantdvu' * ;rL; tnJr ;ii. d*'lul:rt*l a'o rn- n url uFrry' ,-L**u!ucrf €rrto]6nr.wt'd(fifgstru[orhtr'"f9oJ.{rlo '{rtfttrxrilt'tIto'nlulpctr FdbtldhrnyrryEnr.n"ififri-rininfrcrrcludreSfi;;;iil-rr#xnirmcrnrrrFof thrFtrr)' rcwESl'€r.rc.X E:I JCF C^N ;'aJa!tazaaa2 :€7O 394 3257 2. 2 9--,--J1 : .9: C!a3v Tht F7|Ir 5tr- b l,.{fiy tF tr'. P.EPd.t rDProttlt{t rll nC i|P'C ilry dtte t.F9?-1,-qg.:'tti. ''t'l 'b b Uldly rrb rrtrryrV anrt fotefqn rq, 1fr spririm -d not E U. ...41-oil-ttttt dh i'f"he F rt ulny ptrrt dtd 'ct:ilutlg rcr.&dorr. a rir drn. hd,atrg ;;E;;' dpir", no tftaotr' ttri' fr rmmra b 5' ic s'llnr dl{ttr tor rftul rnd wfif.dd|. IttlorbdalPrt CctwrE D orilsr gt0.X4.{}r5rf.xl co,6s!: Mtclrhgtg' g7O.€.0F0 hrCh.re f0,3Ea.023t Ecall|oxtnstlla,| 970-2ia.'|o76 (g) QnG F[d tluo. $otYcFqglg,Enlc e7O.8O-50s2 (bl) ,m.C€..FNl{b}q'|u Tcd |{|*v sc3,lfHtY r0.20a.9tr8 (rar) Oors: Xn Eogrtt eto 2a2r0aa .tr otril !ftO-?E! 4{El Egr r|vct tAlR I lrtl?a?l(ottlnlgl e70,4li?.1s0 (dl t70-.l76.4e(hr)oor*t Fnd fbb cilErrf GnG ryo.eag.lzL x tl2 {trl) eto.8as.9l3t (frll brt .t: Fbd S5r fiolCtr: f . ff Ue ufny |Ppror.l a rerttbtbn fom l|- dgrtrt frqn ic| C h. rrlfy cAqailr' l€ ,!' ctrrlrill.lb llutl. (roy m tra bnfi. !t! filtd FatD ribi tlu! rtt.E FdLnr drd ll.tt tSilullst 0|d. 2. if a udlty loflFrt t|t ffir|r| |ir trr popc adriludor!, tnr rrillt ryra.tr!|..r|u|l fior. didt on nrc uuh tltul-iott ffm rhc tr3|l ti r ipUrt rl{d! l5 b b. r$rtd. llE hr dnf tlt nb. tSlld h rn rtEtd UFtott To,*'l ct VJl t{ilFF . DfgG fira h 'nhd |tr.t tl b thr rWqrblty o, tttt L{[tt E tFOy t it !r rgglcrtt to rd|! kbntltcd p.oblem' 3. Tl- vrd||crdo|It do rd r.t - t r .dtrEtoa of i, rp,idrt' b caoh . PutIc wry hdi troo thc Drc..|r.l 6f P|$b ubtr rt trF Torn d \fl. t tltv toq0qr nt br &H lrfo|' dgoine h ffi/ Fdc dgH.ot my or *r*l ilthli $. T(rn of Vrlt. A boldlry pc|ilt b fld . Ft!& t fiy D.r ii.l nrd b. ffit- L0ttl6at rhr Drrrbprr rr rrqrrd r|d qlln !o rubmlr rny ,u irdrt b rb u{ttlr for l.rPgo||l t ||.vcficroon ll thc q,imrbd pleir. ts .rs€d tt -rt bty il.f O€ ntholbd rtstdt rt drt (unF oh'rrb. ?.qtlcaly 66d wnhh tt od|liln "{ sl thb fottn)' Do.lrF|,}Sfr.trr Paf 6of lZ0{.l0llo{, --*<---?l tla'( h'-t l.l!0{ r0;t0 lrar-Ell30 t70{tf40t9 l-arl r.00tl0gt Fatl hr ffililFr..e-ftlr-ir !*tcr!rl!ilrG ?rn.E(rr rnrr4li-* t-hrb ;ffi$rtr|r.srr.rr-lf,.i.tr ''|!dil0 arb't- U'Fl ,b '1^"t\ \",UrL qn,rlt n[t|rtttrlr DtltlttrH ' ttl ttraL rEtl:- - b - ttr r .fr1n,?" rr rtrn rr1f, -rlr rr rtl, =rL lrt r 3lrt i - r1a _ _rF- t - r. r-rrr b r -.ffilll_ e _. Iffiffi iEEHrlEFgESiffiF Pffi ffi#ffi::.'r#- q-g4q tryrUjr iD t t rrtoa,urro. RECEIVED SFP ? ? zuU4 TOV-COM.DEV. Fbtes[- \l"ce- - -T* OUr^ ftrrgr tl ''ltl.EilE,cl-rilg&|br|rJl5 -ttIuIa Enlr tl,!cftd erb |9lrt|'!.I{.D|'|dJntl,fi' a't z6t zov.a Ei!r. ?i, Llj.zt 3799264266 ili:40 i ::AFl :ttorA;il uAbLr DU(? tVr)tLs(}.l I v^0Ll PAGE gI TEYOITITC Ot'.Jd,atl.xlS trt TIrSt Er.ilsrrff !fttF?raa'|.n5 ||'uft.c *rd ---t *- lf,tt il,IrE (|rl IIIIS nornrf'!/|.I TI|U'NI TT ailf,arIIaI o!,I.Irt(rl, *fi-rF cnr rltI.IGi -rE rrrirtc.I/f. -ail?!,Ic *-tur CI?III ttrItttrlttUl rrD.Sttttt'*rylt Etac'/z|fl,rsl/''| [l]iJ nj * ffr a r-Ir lt trr Frr t'i tl t ft tfr t;-5 ta,r rntl r ilt .|- i l'tnl li. lbi, fD f fat t,Dt-rrrab --Er .|F ] -.t||{IFt--Flr|lli t-J}Jt-r,-D..E ||trlrtF t-.-e ctltrG-tf= =]| tut a! tIF rrtr I l|a II. tlllrtf,F--;af tDI * D4ttrt-lh. f- f- n rfrr rrr r f f r;rrlt t ttr Q tAl rrlit *r I l* llfil l*r. f lrlr iilfia il * b cd fr ;* r.Er. i|r W frr fr i. qi|rilr d tl* tht ! !.lb! - Q E {r - rrt rrlrttl r rr rrr gnre ; rrr a. lt b t rl -rE! Itr I nr rl-ll'a I rrr rret t l-: r lC E rll G rrF F llr .|Ill - rt J- - r-rrr a rt-||tsE t i r|lf ||A rt- "t rl, E7 E ttlul ttl-|r - tll trr. fr -r r|I|r li !rr.r|| - r tr Er- t. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatENr€nt r***l*{'+a**ataata*la*'}++****la*al**'}*++t***alta'a'}*rt*+'}**a*aaat****a+ttaaaa*t*aaa*tt++*****ar statemert Nunber: R040005643 Amount: $650.00 09/L4/20o4o?:48 AM Palmert l,lethod: Check Init : its Notation: *1010/GIANDORB DEV. Permit No: DRB04o487 Type: DRB - New Conatruction Parcel No: 210107200004 site MdresE: 616 FORBST RD \IAIL Location: 612 FOREST PIACE Total Peeas $550.00 tbis Patment: $650.00 Total ALIJ Pnta: $650.00 . Balance: S0.00 tt+'t|ilaaaalal'|ia***aa*tlatl*+*++'tlatalalat**']l*aaaataalat+'i'l*alaa:la*aftt***a*aaaaat*tlf***ll ACCOI,JNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current PflIts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 ffi I0l4N \MLILV Application for Design Review R t C F- i v: ri Deoartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479'2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untir arr requirJ'inioti ition is received by the community Development Department' The project may also need to Oe reiieweO by the Town Council anb/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lap*t unioi a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Locationof the proposat: uot: .1 alock:- suuivision: fOC€,t (ltt'L Lt}- 6cst Pl"r-Physicaf Address: tetQ\ rctle>1 J racE- t07L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning:rC ' Name(s) of Owner(s;: Mailing Address: a"*^:'::Nani€ oaAp;plica Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr.Signs ^X Conceptual Review 7E New construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-familY/duPlex) D Changes to APProved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee 9650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' *SOO For an addition where square footage is added.to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee F$o?ff""'j39!t' check No.: - By:wr,*tsrW?1B.^[";^b. ual33/zUOa ll;uz taa uut ,oit otr.t . Frott Lrnd Tltle (31) ll^tf,ltuulf, ult Tuc 31 Arg 20Of 04;33:26 PX 5T ru rru r, e|.v Pegc 1of 10 l;.ir; i.--, 0 t.200{m Land Tltle Guarontce ComPanY ,sEP cu8nouftt lsTtrDuTror air^rartf,7 ia$ll IlrlE l-31.2ill| hqlGttt Addre*'grcr:o.l 7, TOrililSHlPs $ol'mt rAIrGe!' wusf, VAX,' oo ?l 0cOrtuNulsr: V(ft0||Xff$lf tr6f,, ll y,lbrr ruy laqldt r rgdr ffirr rdllaq @ E r.ItLrrfilnr vdT|.loD$ f,onptAvt 16AnoNTAGEln w.*213 P.(I'()X3J7 YAll4 go naSt YtuoozlfltlllCiE|/ll Fuz 9il04tffttl liDLu l.rllelpcG ForClndqAlL@ ftctr Bi13P t8s. n3omAcs xD. vr.t8 P.O. !(x:ttt v^rr,, co tt6f7 E@tJ7llfl4lll) Ju;, nWlgtn h'td: blgr@ngp.on d'TAD'O ]n|Es rAilT6 TE DCTB t{rtrfi&a I5aDWAII'SVII GtEVDt i'. E WA&,S. gO llBl AtF. J }|I$ Tlrnf^f(t{ tu Jro1ffio ''t ,nat 'i6lr|Foavlr!b YA!, rtgtgtE DlvE.(l!,attr o(ntP^ltv rtltD m.&etar rtrE o(IlaaNy tcr tr 'rF{fAGE lft. w. t ct P.(IEttt YA[, OO tl67 AInr l(*t tr!stu r,tcrslEl ia tYllr1flt{ifn l(lfilh lOlldlllecn DfrIlAilD P.(} DIAWIjI 2''2 tIFr;VIfwl Tx 7*t6 Thtntt *7rl&l h !m.tt:l-t!t3 lLrClt I'b no m7 YAll, (lf f|.g A[r eIry Atr!{IJt Itc tTDt&t65f fsr ttlllt-l,t5 l)fl: pap*vdlnlror SriY|rCoddt ,ti:*',r,q4o onf" gBzr or}ro t6q 3 rsr (h ) ttzg I I : . l" ,Frcnr Land TJtIc (s1)TuG 31 Arg 2O0t[ O4:33:25 Pt IOT lrgvuSa vLv ?4c 2 of 7.0 os/22/2001 ll:01 ttu 90t 75t Slzl u xDoul( Ltt F l^ilrd Title alitlt ,t$t CrtD*ltl Land TIfle Guarantee ComPanY DrE: e3l'2m4 ftuOdtrNrmbcn V(1000:575'11 Rnrpcrty Addra.:- 'sDcTlan 7, TowNSHlPS sorrn+ rAt{Gltt0 wr6T vAn' @ tl6t Buprr/Bottwu:- GLrilDOlIl lttsvELolMttNTt INc.' A gu.()nAtx)consoraTr()N SdLr/Otu: THts VA[, ooltFoltAulil, A c(xl)llAlro coru'oxafl(tr{ .-Vt|rc Inlomslon:Dr* FIISEANI (F C|LOIAIX)l'. lo.awo$JAxlvnlrrtn I uugnotxr, ootltlS r ftrc #'/n'W , chrfc Iil{DTErxG{tAMNTrr.omlPANY ' ABANo: lUFr00|I.07 AmEC 2lil62l'a|/5 Ana|Joo: &ro Bigr aaaai'!liaal||liai.rm'a3a3ra*|l3r"""St||""tntt|.lffi ""'rDt I{otc: Occ m orlglnd connrltnart b|r Daa btd' lnt tdttqltnt modiEcrlbr wiU tc captrlrca by odcrEdq or cmocdn a j3.fr * a *aaBaat.aaaatr*raFaa;s*raatsl'rB*t'.t'*'*t"iLl'r*.*' llccd r nro r dhtdlo[| br fouf !'!oFe Gtod4? Ctcrt ogt l,rd frlb'r rrb rilc et wvw'll$'on rot rliaEtidns ro r||J ol o|rr 5a ome bcltid* BSTtltATE or rTltx rf,RS Afb Orrch[cY |$-Yl.92 A|br.aneFcy lG.l7-9, AlfeLarltti{t t&l7-9i2 Hocd lldbdr DulcY (0rrr) Dd.forof kcdoo l€(Otrtt Ddrlbo ot Gced lrledbr a (()trsl H.,Dd103.1A(()rtrd frenncdl00.tl (()rrg) Tb ncpd8Gll*n06/066/6 €7, 9r9 . Oo 9740. OO 9t1O.0o t2. t73 , to atoo.0o 010.00 t79t, oo 97, tE7 . OO grs,00 tt d rfct -.t rG- qtqr dD b d.tb aU! tu@'Ea f|.t dt:t b c.tt.E,d 'c iLc tlr' TIOIAL 8t2, 669.90 ab... E# aatl l'EANr yq, !or, Youl oBDrr! e.. ... .r'tr .^ t rr., r'rta' rut, , atat ur'a, r./|lnDuull tJlllt Frur L.nd Tltlr (S1)Tuc 31 Arry 2OO1 O1z3lt26 t lffl g uuatl o lu Pegr 3 of 10 C|fcegoTl|bbnccOory ALTA CO}IMTTMENT Our Ordcr No' VC300:]tt5'U $cberbA CU. Irf,.: PrqrrtyAddn* sc'ralt| 7, m$[tflgDS $(x'E, TANGAm UlESf VA[' u) n4n l. Etrlc6r,'lhr6 Autl.-t00ad5il0p.l[ Z ltr[ct to Dc lrtrc$ rd hopccd luurrd,: "AlTA'1;?a/rtbf,cy 1l['17'12 trO'$qC0GO Prufcoalboe Gur{rr(xE ttlvlsllilxilT. [rc, a o(L(nADo coltF(xarnltl ,,At.TA,'toohgc, Up1.g,-;Z t7,glOtOclf hqa.dhrrds ctrltxaDoBu$lNt6s f,Al{lq IIE 8u@iSs()ng ANlyUl A8S!G!|S "ALTA'Lmfr[cr 1p;1T-rt i500'00'm Pmposilhor& TI|C VA|L qOttl|(x|ATXIiI, A gOl.oxAIrO COBSOITTIDITI 3. tae q*rtc orbbtr*i h &r tud d.|crlbed rr n&rrrd !o ln ttfu Comltncaf d clrrcttd bcrda ir: Afrcft$r { lAb b $c 0-rb c ldo.tC covccl lcnin h ri lhc cltcclivc drb bcrcol vcrtcd hl IrrE VAL (](nF(XArl}{, A COIJnAD0 AonFm/|Irtt 5. Ttc l|[d rrtcdcd lo h tb Cmdfncof b dslbcd s folo;B IInt I IBIIIJCE+ INCI'D$IVB T|t|DflACIA, FOIBTTIIACEI|IIEltW!|trllit' AOo(tI'D{Gnt TfIE IIIIYAI, PIrlT tr ftNMST |[rtCE SUT!'NTFNN, TIOWN (F YA!T' EAGIJI COT'I{TY' c(Il)l^Do'AEIls0D|4'|ANUAny,',.o.ATrlruFfrNNots|dtl@IJNTYoreAc[4 srar(rofi,(nAD(} I I I 'jl galzzlzvut tttut rAt ruJ ,or 0160 From L.td Tltl B (s1) llJtttDtrl,ll lJlft 31 Aug 2004 O42t3l26 n t|Jf P4e ,l ol 75 A LTA COMIIITDIBNT ScDc&lcB'Sefonl (l!qfto.!0) Thc Jo[ovlc rrc lLo rtqntrtcolr b bc coglcd vlth: (hrr (H3r I{o. Y(]tcilEldtSll b6 (.) tbtd b r for lb rccord ot lb gtr or Ddf,rBoa 01 b fdl coll|crdoo for lb 05||E or EdbDc|rucn Ibo) Propcrlrlncd(r)crdlcbcclrborl&Ertbtc lretd md b crocrcd dd|t' Etcd tc co4 ffi Ic[ (c) ryd oI Jr bcr, crraca or arcd. bvlcd ed r*$cd e*rlal6c ruaFd ptdrcr wfich rc d|F dttds |tsa (d) Add[od eqlcotd' il rry drclcod bdmv: xl4Gnvam(x (x EAStrMldlT,U'IttIrY ft)X utT L lrof,ssT PLil@ suBrDlvsr(I\l To nE @ rn\:DlvA'flthl (lI| EArm|r{TJtNowMAKNG Fm L('r L F(xg|T I'IACD :stJBDlvil|f,n{ It) m XmTCOV'IO rn mg.a OfiJrTTV. BldltfvaTl(x{ (t]' E/|sEuEITSNO$n&|Xn|lG rm utT 3. F(F sT Pr./|cB suDDMgtr)N\I m Ng |u/S(yII'I'D IH f,ACilE OUJNIA. 2. 3. 4 5. grtNrY. Ntr6*9Pb ffiHAiffiffi#ffiFffi TO Dtt-slt grrr,g,u rorCilarcng 1-3. UI(tr{ xtsvtBru ADIrrnOilN, t!.Qt'Ir'sMENrS ANU(N Etr(EIXN$ MAY BE NECtsTSABY. N('De ANy MAa.rtns D$osEn sY SAID 6UttYI'1Y oR tul'foyEi'tltr{T l.,()c/l'IDFl c8m[r]r.I? wrIDG rFIirTp {I{ $AD D(IXJY(S) Tt DA r$uEn EEUTNDEn NoIAs IJJ|ND Tn|JB |$ N(,r nEsF's{$BuE 1'lol oRDatt!\lc SA|D EUnv|'I oR E,tProvEMENl LOCIITI(F| CENrI|RI(XIT- EI'DE{(T SAWACT{ff tO lEI CIDIPANY TSAT TEE IEIlt'S' CUTIDrrI(r{$ AND rnorrgotts o TBI| fi'wr{ a vAr, Tf^l{8imn TAX EAVEW&N SATG|FIE)' 7. WAIIANTY DED FB(tr|'ffiF'YAIL @f,FOnATf,N' A C(r.flADO O(XaOBATI(I{ TO Gt'EtlDmw 6. tl , ',i I to. ...t ..t.tt r.t ' Ud rllA tt,., t O.' O.l.tO Fron Lard Tltlc (5t) Ilttgtuut( t alf Tuc 31 Aug 2004 04!33326 til ilDT Prg! r4 oot/uI0 ,o.ft5 ALTA COMMITIf,ENT llcJrddcR- Sccdar I fl.{dtlllclir)(htr 0rd.tlib vetoOGtftFll Coallottcd: Dttv!ilcrrdc{l., lile.t a cII.oItArx} coRPof,a[oN oorvBytNc$urlecT mofExrY. & tt@I, (x.TtlrsTrnFrGt.UNrxxcDBvEuIffENT, n|C' A C{LOATX) O(XtsOX/fTI${ llo rEE PI'DIIC IE'$W (I|, EAC|I,A (](I'NTT FOt, IIIE UTIE (T Oil,OIADO BI'SINE$g XANT' . fi)srtunEfflEsuM(F''500,ao.f0. DE?D fr mtsT rn(l' gJlNDore nBvEll'nog{r, [YC, A co[o&lDo @SFoIATION ro ll|Er'u8lJ|cl.lusrE ctEAgS cflrlrTy rotruf, usl otf TrIts YAIL CIxnonA'TKt\l a . cilntAD0 c(nFotaraN T{} sEC[rrE rgE SIJM (F i5r0,o0.to NOrE! llalD DOCUME{T (flN BE ErDcuIE' By rflE DTEIDE|{T, Vr3}TESDXNT (n Cf,/tIn}tAN (l| Tm D(}lrl) (CnDt ff THF, c(xPoBrlTl(x|{. lF ANY oTItr:R Orrrcm tr TIItrCT}E,OTAT(II| OTA@NTIiXACITDTT SAID DOCI.NOT\T ON E4IATJOI' Tl|E A(XDONATIG{. A FOWgr ()I| ATI!TF{EYIISi(f,,UTT'{ !ilTI$T E PN(IYDE T1) IAI{D ITIA'E Gt INTING sAtrt AL'TFOIP.AT(XI. NOTIC: ANV XI'YTjR DOCUII|a{TCAN DE EXRCIJTnI BY Tffi EN$DNNT' VISLPN$SIDF{T ol3 cHAIf,DlAIrl (I. TEE ff AID (cm' or lt|s cor$()IA1lor{. |l| tNv olusr (xrrcur ort ' TflEOOIN|OTATTD{ (NA(UYTEXE TTS$AtDDOCT'ME{T(IiI EEEALF(FIIIE CoRIrORATION, A FOWn (tr'ATTUnNEy/E'S(X,UTXI{ MUSTXffiPROVII'D m LA!{D TTII& CTATTITING SATI' AUTSOST'A UC{, Tl|ts trolrowrNc DllenoNsrMo|tlrrcaTl(}{s axE, r||0l3 TIrts owNBS $OIJCY ANI' M(XilIIACBS B(X.TCY. NOI& TEIAT 1.3 tTW GBTENAL U(E'II TS SII BE DDLSIE UI{IN TE(EIIT {I' AN A]'PROyED stIIl'EY. IrtlTTns I'|S(!,(ED BY SAL SITBVETMAY DB AITDED TO scliltrtuLs l-2llExlE(r. UPON Tffi AT"NtrA', OT MF, C(xUPANY AXD TItri TES|TPT tr A NOTATT'J,P FTNAT' IJBN A!nDAVIT, tIIOt NO a Ort THE GENtflAL lO(CErItoNS W||I AE AMENI'EIt AS nu.I.{tnB: rrlol N(} a olr IuB G&I{EAAL rix(Iryn(trIs s DEIJIEI' AS TO ANY LlEl{s oR l.ulu*S . IJE{ttIgtr,LIT{GFII}IW(N|t(I,MAIEIALTUTNEEEI ATISEIEQT'ETT(XlBEVAIL @nRonATtoN, A C(tnn/|rro@aFoR Tn{- €IIICA@ flTT,.E I||SUNANCD @O{PANY SHALL HAVE NO |IABIIJI|Y TiOR ANY LIUNS aIEiNG Entff, WIXK (nMAIEIIAL IUII{ISBEI' AT mE rotEtT (I' CIgtfDORE DFVSTRfiNT'lNe.. A ofiln Do@nDmATt(nL 1 I r.. |,r r,r.' reo , o.' or.r llat(ltuur Lt QO06/OLO Fton L.nd Tltlc (51) TuG tl' Aug 4to1 o4.t3226 Fir5f Pigc 5 of 10 ALTA COMITIITMEN T SchoddeB.Sccdctl Cnrqr&wtr!)(hrr (FdF l{o. VC5o0C!dt5'11 Colbucd: NOE I.rM 5 (F ItrE GE {EAL HCBIAr{S wlLL BE DETEI@ IF IAND TIIIT cttARtNTIo? COir"ANy OOITIDIICTS rgn CISING (r mn ConrrF.tlPf Tt[, I?ANSACIAilG9) AXt' nEOOf,nc TUE DO(IrMS[rlrS IN OONNtsCTION ll|EllDwtrlL dOms ItnF{ In(Xf Or PAYMH{T (F AI& TAeg' fllrlv a W'|I.W, At}tENDIflt r{} Xsl\Its TAXET AND A"IISUIIiOGTTDI F(N tEE IEAX AN' AND $UEISQT'ET{T YEAIS IIIOI 7 UIitI'8A SCHBDUIIi }t TVIJ, DG I'IT.SIIO UFON Ptrfi}ll ITIAT ITIS WATElt AITID SWEN CSAICAS AXE PAID TJP T{) I'AI?. ff..f...t N(tIrE (x' IxA CSAN(E, BlFtsCItltE SE,rMf,En l, Nt2 ss''..s**s ttn.d b Colocdo ltcvlsod ",rgo 36lp4fr 'ab cordt dcrt rd rccorr&r cHl co|toct r srct ttc of tL00 lbr orb&crudrrcdrodl1;rord4ctrltoj bHr *brri|l&* Ib nnfugc idl bc ln dil{m tr rry ob lUs pomttOty rfiffi.' From Lend Tttl. CS1)Tuc t1 Arg 2OO4 O1:33=26 7|l t''f P'8,. 7 of to ALTA COI|MTTMENT Scbtlr!D'&.dor2 @aOou) Our0rdcrNo' YCt00Gldt|l.ll ,Itc pollcy c aduO 30 bc busd strr codrb crccplloc lo ahc rorow||s ualccr llo rEc src dipod of fr tl. rrfli.dor dtc Ctngrry: 1. rahtr, d dlo d Frlal h posodol nf lbwn by ec Pdb tooort' L E malftr ordJrr olaouS, Ea iloill bt e dc r*urD' L ofc'ndr* codcrhbdryl!i'6rfich:!|, .6rrh.rb-d ry ld rrllcD. cflcctrlrvr' ld 4 Ary I* orrthrb tftq lc uvica, br rrdlt talbJoD or Ut't|tr fudrrc4 Eorodrr lrwd notrbmr bY tG rdlc ttcort 5. lh&ci, Uq1 coorylnur, ritrccc ddmor-rlDrdrr, fr q' "ffi'*gffiffffi1f * 6cft| tOry.tr ro t" cif"oCtc Oa unof b Drlr b o' drl ft p4orrd tr rdrl lborrrc&ldctorod*nc lbrmcowcdtu ff Ociircd ? Tuc ctpdJ mnd rrl|ch tr d riorrr. rdrd4, llor by tb Flfic leorrlr. 7. Lleo forqld;drrdrcwrrcfqor' f ry' & I! dfllbq b owc/r goffcy ril b ndccl b lts !!.{rtg ! g. mlcrl h Sacooa l ol scbo& a bcof' '. TrcHT (I.fU)Pf,Ert)T(ITA V&N O|r L()|l&IOtstrlIACTANT' xtD[(ryBUE OTE TIMErTftI $Efl'TJ TM STT'T TP IWND II)IENIIIAIE fi D{TEN$DCT lUE PBEMTIBI ' AS nrjsnBvnl, tr{ uirrg, sr^mS p,rmrr nnomno s@TFrMRnn 0t t923' D{ BOOK tltA1'PAGAt, io lrcuT (r way $0r DlncI|sS g c.rflals o(xsl'IlrclrD xil THE AUTlmnlrY (}r TIr& UNN@T'TAIE$ESNSNTTTOINUNITD$"TAIUIPAB{TIEC(NDEI'SEITEMBEEOJ': lg'5',lN DooK 93 AT PAG& tG lr. UTtLtTv FAffMT.NT Nt GlnANTg' TI) ('rg TACXLTIBS' INC' lN INSTBUMmT xrcOnDE|. ' APntL% 1166 IN tooKl9zarPAGa97a lL ultuTr EA$E![I[r{T As GnANTID To VAIL rvAlt r ANL SANn'AfiI|| t'lsTnrcT IN ' -' n8ffUr'fffff IUGIFI D AUGUST 14 19'f, D{ E(X)K 1tt AT P.Ae& lTL if, rftf rf WAy EAAEMX'{T A^rt GBANID 11. ELy (I(Iilt Ef.&CtrlIC A.TSOCn'flOf' D{(: t+ EAE&ME{TE, C(ItlDlTroNg aovr:l|AN1s' n$flr|clmN& ImSEnVAr0{sANDNgrEs (N eo. .at 3vr,. rr. vla |rrl4 a|,o t.tt .ta.a tt,tADt UA !,tll tSvvot vLv Frcr Land Tltls (5D Tuc 31 tug 2oO4 o.,z!!:26 t Wf ?qe t o'f fr ALTA COIIM1TMSNT Sciodc B. Socdon 2 (EcqOou) (lur0rdsNc VC30tl*tf,75-11 rb pd|Gy or gdldo b bc lncd rilt codrh crccplloa b thc foro*la uolcr3 atc '|Dc 'rc dttpo*d otr !u tb ntldr& ol lL: CooPnY: . IUEptaT(xl'lorusrlt,AccsuaDlv6rn n&coxDnD JANUAIY 9"D4lrtsc3rymoN N(} t-a6rl. ilt. llnrAL c(l{D][|x}ISAIrrD lIoY$I(E{$OtrvAxIANCEIECOnDE MAECg0q 2ffi AT INCDPM}{ N(} &70!75. {6. TnnMs, ootlDnTNs ANnvBwtllo\ls oFrrrnc'I, @{DUfr' AF|D YAUrif AGnfiaMHrrT rEcorDsD MAY lt' a,o4aTltBcEP'noN No t/t796. rz. runu& OG{Dfircxs ANIt flr(w|S(Ir9==(}fruenv#I${ Or @ -'- ffilrDED arxrluttrrYNrr ' 1& tBrnt. o(IrprrnYs AttrD Pn('vltl(x'Is firsIERvArl(I| (ry nr$4]frET{ttrowrt/rluNc Lor :-- mgu'rnrnl{ no - AT|uaErtuol{ No smn'lxXrpc<ipp lrrgPmX-lfq.-l i- . Fro LJtd Tltlc (sr).:Tuc XL Arg 20l}{ 0f;33:26 il FT rg uutl ulv Pgc 9 of 1o LANT' TITLE CUAIIANTEE COi^PANY DI$Cf,TXUNEFIAIEMEIrITII Nnb: M b CIS 1}1t-t2r' mlhc lr frldt dnne A) fh. trud ttd ptprf nry Dc loc*dh r rFcil d4 d.llcL E) A C.dH. ol lb.t Drl lb!* crO lrh hdrdclbo q bc oUdd fru &c Cotdt Iffirffirpd O Tfc ftftdor ngCC rpaf d&lc6 d b Dmrffor of .!.b Cddcl trt b oDtH fm lb 8od of Ocdv AoodCocrr' lb Cbdt rkrr d rarrtq or lb 6u4v At'c'oa Nob: fl''Gctrr. Srfa..rar l, lgr, CIS SDtGaoa ndnr b Jl &crnrr* r:cdrrd fornccfil3 a tillttg lo tbc clorl .d r!.ordc/r oIEe rtll codJa I bl udn of d brl oc tcb d r b& d*ll rd Dolb!! qb.trr3hrtocldtdalr.b. ftclo*drrc.rbry nlbo 5 rtcodcl[3 rt dd U OJot co*r-, q U, tb rrtJnmgr3 tr e! bt il11i! Oil 66 dt !o d61d dq forrr oo rllci rpcc b govldod aor racordC c trlC tfirulbo.f |Dc fog ctlt ot b frocd. NG Cototb lXr'fion ot huo nejdm 3,91, klld C ol Aildc Vn rrSdrt M'ftttt 6!0cdlt.bll bc anpdc for dl dto wHcL rgr of tDoo.d pda b lb lb olrtcorfC ;br.'e dfc cq mcf Or dodcd h ttrfduc firrrcuil4 ortr[g ttf hgnt doffi nrdth forr Oc fr|tjaloo rl|& tr.lo.d'. hv|&d Ai td TUc Gurrtrr 6rycodgr bffqof |b brtd lsndioa rO b crfodc lorrrcodaf b bd-Aofu* nn fu !udc, errydou dr:r 5 til Dt e..1 o & Ondr llfc Hlct -d h frilit mtt ttrn bi.l, Nob Afrdrc ncbc'r llr pnrcdorfr:D OrE'rt Do rvCll& (q/I.rtly ltt ilodrr d Eccffon n 4 of SchqUc D Soctlo 2 d Gr &rlJtrd ftul !: O;r/r hlicl b Dr bard) qp! oqltrc rl& tu ldbrlg codai{Ds A) 1a lfoi &rcdbd tr $cbcdc A d flr oddnut bc r drrb dy rd&c dlc-b inddl r onahrJrin or btrb l& l) No lebr or occdrb brt bccollnftbd by ocHcr or ddt'cl tor p4orco of q;ffirn m Oc ld d:rcdbod b ttcE A rrl 6 Cdbd dlin 6c pt 6 uo[lr O m CompV rutrrriw rr +ofdr: Jfidr in&nriflra tc Cory7 aebr on'ffbo ccbiCr rd drdrl-rEco'r lbc. D) Ib Coqly rd|lcjvG D.tr.ilof e rypn&r Ftu Ft f gt31t b; tlo co.*lcdrn i1!F trsr. or mgr rip1n rderUer on b FoFty b b p1traf rvl&h rb !I& gftr b tbD&or|boodb4 tb rtqJr!@f b oudrcovcry ,lrurco*dlbi dlt hl* drc.lre dccrlb oortrdmldodrg trdC ldodm r b ttc rdtcr, Oo ldibr rd r to cofirrnn FrGi d OG FoFid pulut futy crccradldcrdF ffndeuhfgory blb coryy' ldr ary rddfod c5lttc*t r llt lF Ec.rry Jtr r cdmd Or locrJd ldorrtouby fu Orryy' No covorrtc ritl bc $vcl rdcr ary danlrbo lot bbot d dcdrl lor wf,c.h lb icscd br ooffilorrarrrdlo 1ry. Noas Pufi.tt b CnS lGll-fifX o||ce b lrcby $vcc na E$6 rgiltr b odr polcy codbf crdft r lftd rcrcrrc btstd ac.'doq c crorpdc, h Scbdilc B St fon 2' ,$ fil fUc b ccodcO cvl&occ lbrffi gfc b br rwrp4 brc4 or o6ct*c ovoyod tol lb rdrcr cre !d b br I r ddd Ilfu bt r ftd Fsly bob inn ori lilrta ln dr rn ob drrrdtr - !.o6a!rd asgr h 6c pqsrV; d E) ltrf nrb dcd caldc Ey tcltt fudbcdcr.d uc llc prpry rilbt! b .llfroc otDt'a gtddn' NoOIC brrdo corfdod rvitr ba &ccd b oDltic lb ryt b provi& rry db corcry rrlmd b brla ldcr b $otc cud&n re thlly rfrc! tcrtttfcl,o'|nt Orf9ttot VOt aal aVvl lr.l,.. |rll4 CW.,,4o atS., Frsr L.nd T'lt'l c (51)Tuc 31 Arg frO4 O4z?tt26 fr )37 Paec lO of tO hlltq|iloforrbrrio*rlc[ryo'||cctPclpdrllorudblrbolt'o.ttu.bclolb*heoo.GGG :ffiffi;trffi..o,E : ffiHffi*".,. bttorctrdcd{crtlrcdtuoffidncdtltrrntlrrc :dtlr ollon q.dll[elcc olol!8.ll.E . -fucaffi.tobrEF@ r3rd"' our FolHar nqr.nfiq rbr P'o|.crbo of oc cmtldcalbuty ur! scurly of Yo||r Flflo||tl hforrndion Ost Fdfcb ttd Vttilk's ngdhr thc thrfrrn ol Your Penood Infornrttn :Hffis#trffiorob ' g#sf5ffl* Ht*.hhrnrbts scm* nrrFotur ff 'arYlccl ltrr"t bclcvc vor fr-#t?,Tl'L'fffi fo-infoq wltwcFtsldrtd Hr.fr$frffi uir-asoutcb*'&d trdffi oiirb *br nuor nY iF@' ffiSWtrR$ffiffisrd" L t., Ecoid d*-dr h hs Fhrc IhI So Acc.tr Yerr PcfFr.l ldotodl@ rd ADfrry tro cortrct Erronr or loqucrt cbrqrr ot Dd"bo ocrljs rh&r iord yqrrqp dBS b.rc$-vo|.rlttrod Jfq=f*:g!, g#**.ffi trd od FdEg#*ffi'-"'ffi F6i"rrGF or &btioo or YqtT@l ffffi "6 ffi;-e:6;6ffi-t" rtgridrg l trr EqE tr' #ffirHH?tr*f#dffitu*l;lls-" or coopdsrr*c*o rilb brc coopv MrttiD& troed, or $crvlccr fi,HtrItr,Iffi#ffi tcrl ttlv.to&.gt 'OINT NOTICE OF PTIYACY POLICY nddtt lttlmd hdd ftf,P d CrnDdcr'Cblrrro Tlfo luqrs Coqlry ttld L.d ttlb Gortrdcc C@tnlY JulyL 2001 oytrdelldcnd tou q rocdve mre boc fivrY otlce : t I r-11GW ,rketey 11" Wall Mount with gold white descent glass and verdigris patina finish. ;-8RGW-AC 'rketey 8" Sconce with roof, shown with [d white iridescent qlass in an antique pper finish. Highly suited for exposed windy areas. onces (right) 0veratl Maximum Heigftt Projedion Wattage 9 1,s" 1 \'2" (1)100 71 i/1" I tiz" (1)100 t\ t!1" 8;e" (1)100 13 5,8" 8 i,8" (1)100 l3 t/a" 9 t/r," (1)100 BB-14LWO-AC 14" Berketey etongated body Walt Mount fixture with white opatescent lenses and antique copper finish. B B-7GW Eerketey 7" WaLl lulount with gold white iridescent [enses in verdiqris patina finish. Watt Mounts Eack Overatl Maximum I'lodet Ptate Height Projection Wattage BB5 5" 12 |z" 8)z (1)100 88-61 5" 14'.'?" 8 :2" (1)100 BB-7 6 ttt," t5 tt|" 1,0" (1)100 BB 7L 6 t,a" '11 \iB" 10" (1)100 BB-8 7 i.?' l7 ),,," 11 :z', (1)100 BB-11 41,2' 72" 74" (1)100 BB_1IL 4 ti?" 14 1i/,,, L4', (1)100 BB-14 5" 75 tt2" 18" (1)100 BB-141 5" 79 t'4" 18" (1)100 88-17 5" 71" 19 ti2" (1)100 BB-171 5" 22 | 2" 19 \12" (1)100 (.t).. .t\ted o, ,oouro o,.,t, :o rtp0(t I Itatesce nt rn4 t. I BB-7WGW Berkeley 7" Wal[ Mount Fixture with gold white iridescent glass in verdigris patina finish. Suitable for exposed or windy areas. Watt Mounts (above) Eack 0verdtl Maxirnum ltlodet Ptate Height Projection Wattage gB-6W 1" 12 r'2" 8 1.2" (1)100 B8-6WL 4" 14 t/d' 8 uz" (1)100 BB-7W 5ld' 15 1't" 10" (1)100 B8,7WL 5 |{' 17 td' 10" (1)100 BB-8W 6 \,',," 17 j/1" 71 | 2" (1)100 t U.L l,tt.d lar iet locottons. Fixtuet can be ,ro(irJ,€l lar l3ll . o n p nct jTuo tesc en t io nt p 11 9. Back ,det Ptate ^- 6LR 4' -7R 5 18" 7LR 5 td' -8R 6 t,a" ,. ,iltpo lat . "t .acot'a\ .ratufipo'o' 1,,v )aoct lturt?sc.tli onr \l W;"l""t8embeltishedfIaoorreminiscentoftheinticateandmeticulousmetaI nrk crafted by artisans in the finist European tradition. Aoailable in Autumn Gold or iustic Silaer < 284+RS c Rusbc Silver zu+AG c Autumn Gold Hanging lantern with water 0lass 131^r., 18'h. 4 candelabra base lamps' 60 W. Max.M*rC- FrfFY 9ooetcL Cgo.tc3vl 2&t2-AG o Autumn Gold 28:t2-RS c Rustic Silver Wall lantem witi water glass. 11'vv.. 25'h'h., 14l.'ext- 3 candelabra base lamPs' 60 W Max. 2842-RS o Rustic Silver 2842-AG c Autumn Gold Wall tantom with wator glass. 13\,v., 27rlth., 16vr'ext 4 candelabn base lamps' 60 W. Max. i<29d)-8Ko Black I zgooec " Autumn Gold 29oGRS 6 RLStic Silvet Watl lantem shown wilh trosted Jlass. 7tl2'w.. 141/r'h., 831'ext. 1 Edison base lanrp, 100 W. Max. '\oth ,uatet glass and irosled are nctuded with lhis frxture n all linlshes. 283GAG o Autumn Gold > 2&IGRS e Ruslic Silver Fost lafltem with water glass. 11lv.24'1ih. 3 candelabra base iamPs. 60 W Max. flnaion: Flrrnrescent!S'$PJ uerffitl|g. r3oo) 46s-3637 RSC2 atuminum RSC2AK5IE etacr BSC2BK5|Ewhle RSG2HK5IE Bronze . 120 Voll . 40 watt maximum .T10 Lamp RSC2AK5Fl3E aracr RSC2BKsFI3E white RSC2HKSFI3E Bronze . 120 Voll . 13 watt maximum . PLC'13 Lamp RSCL2AK58I2 Back RSGL2BKSal2 wirite RSCL2HK5SI 2 Bronze . 12 Volt . Two 18 watt maximum . Two 1 141 Lamps (inctuded) . Remote lransformer required Housing- Back box, trim and face plate aluminum die castinc containing less than .3.," copper to prevenl corrosion in concrete applications. Fasieners- Captive, black oxide stainless steel. Gasket- Single-ptece molded siljcone. Finish- Black. white or bronze thermoset powder coal. Lens- Frosled tempered glass. Socket- Incandescent, medium basei lluorescent, GX23-2 base; low voltage, single contact bayonet (S-8). Ballast- Fluorescent shall be core and coil, NpF Class B. Ballasts shall be factory wired and tested. Ballasts rated for 0'C starting temperature. Wiring Compaitment- Internal wiring compartment contains two (2) 1/2" N.PS. conduit taps in the bottom and one (1) 1/2' N.PS. conduit tap in both sides. Sockets pre-wired with high temperature #18 wire, low voltage models pre-wired with 6Jl. cord and quick connector. UL, cUL Listed, BSC2AK5IE 3-1/2" (89nm) 1" Projection Box Dimensions 8-1/4" (21qnm) Long 2-5,ry" 67mm) High 3-1/2" (89nn) Deep Accessories- Mountinq Kits MAKNS .. ILew S_tul|\/Vatl MAKES Existino Stud Wall Nole: All units supplied with mounting hardware for concrele pour installation. rf other mounting kils are required. order accessory above. Notg: Ther-mal -protection is required for interior or insulated lvql_ls fg1 all Blibklytes with thir exception ot tiuoiesCJnt, -- Add suffix "P" to oidering number. IL I B Aruminurn TLl8.G Veroe . 12 Volt . 27 watt maximum . 1 156 Lamp (inctuded). 1/2" N.PS. fifter . Slem not inctuded, order separately. Housing- Cast aluminum fasleners. Finish- Hand rubbed verde antiqued over black tirermosJ Powder coat Socket- Single contact oayonet (S-8). WiringF pre-wired with a 3_fl. piqtarl ano a qurck connector for easv - nookup lo the supply cable. UL, cUL Listed. Tt3B /TSB Aiu.,.rinr*m l--4"'"*.]i.: TL38-G Verde . 12 Volt . 27 watt maximum . 1 156 Lamp (inctuded). 1/2" N.PS. ti[er . Slem not mchrCed, crder separately. Housing- Cast aluminum conslruction with non.ferrous rasteners- Finish- Hand rubbed verde anttqued over black thermoset powder coat. Socket- TL38, sjrgte contacl oa)0net (S-8). T3A, porc€tain medium base. i I (267nn)ti ! itviringF Incandescent fixtures are )re_-wred w,lh high lemperature r ru wtre. Low \oltage fixtures are )rs.wrred with a 3Jt. pigtail and a lurck connector for easy hookuD to ae suppty cable. ,L, cUL Listed. ecommended Spacing- TL3& ar Horiuonlal tooloardl0s from c€[ler, .d. olt/Lamp v znv 1156 1' 7.2 z', 1.8 3' .4 4' .18 5' .05 6',8',I'g3nbt rooqlgEIrom csnrer,,.d,, Optional Stems Optional Stems s36c s24c sr2c S36G= 36", lZ" .pS., Vsde s2{G= 24", 12" .PS., Vef& sr2G- 12', t2" .PS., Ver& fqdrontal loolcandtes hom centff, ,,d,, T38.G Veroe . 120 Vott . 60 walt maximum . A19 Lamp . 1/2' N.PS. fitter . Stern not indufu, order separately. n-t/4" (286nn) ss6c s?4G Sr2c S35CF 36". tA" i,.ps_ t/€rde S2ae 24". lZ, l{.ps., Vade st2rc lz.1n" |tPs, lHe Ts&G Recommended Spacing. TL.t 8. I, VoltAamp 1N.21W llfi 1 7.1 2' 2.7 1.0 4', .2 6' ,m 8'I' Eecofirnended Spacing- T3& 1(y voltAamp fT rmv ooversltg.s 2' 5.4 ar 1.8 4', .6 5' .6 6'l 7' I Bl 8',9', bR .2730 OLDE BRICK@ K-27 13 OLDE BRICK@ -2730 POLISHED BRASS -lighl, 150-W, Mox. (M) (G-40 lomp rec) Dio 113/i', ody Hgt 13 /:] Overoll 5l y':'l Extro leod wire llB". K.27 13 POLISHED COPPER ond POLISHED BRASS l-lighf, 150-W. Mox. (M) (c-40 lornp rec.) Dio l6'; Body Hgt. 13'l Overoll 391 Exko leod wire 124'. U L lisled for domo locolion. KICHLER TIGHTING I5I '/J ,o r rl f@r \',2\ N lT Y I@g irI r98 K CHLER IIGHTING \ n /A A l 'l V Vn/V\ | Aluminum WAMI.A etack WAMI-B White WAMI.G Verde WAMI.H Bronze . 120 Volt . Shroud . 75 watt maximum . T4 Halogen Lamp . 1/2" N.PS. fitter Housing- Two-piece die casl alumtnum adjustable swivel arm with vibration-proof Shroud- Gasketed, cast aluminum. Finish- Black, white, hand rubbed verde anliqued over black lherrnoset powder coat or bronze thermoset powder coat. Lens- Clear tempered glass. All lenses f ully gasketed. housing with fully locking leelh. € l!: ' 1' oor(r) 0ol (l ) oo: ( t) 00r li ) 00rt:) "6"$"i unu!x? 'seaJE eu! plo 't'il: oor( oor ( 00r ( 00r( 001( ooI ( 00I ( 001 ( 00ll 001I 00I I abel: ulnul I t1. WAMI.G Socket- Mini-can base. Wiring-Pre-wired with high temperature # 18 wire. UL, cUL Listed, 5-9n6" (141ntnt) 6-7/8" (175mrn) 9-5/8', (245nn) WAI Aluminum l WAI .A stack WAI.B wnle WAI.G verde WAI.H Bronze . 120 Voll . 75 watl maximum . A19 Lamp Housing- Two-piece die cast aluminum housing with tully adjustable swivel arm with vibration-proof locking leeth. Finish- Black, white. hand rubbed verde antiqued over black thermoset powder coat or bronze thermosel powder coat. ra ,ttTl Lens- Clear tempered glass. All lenses fully gasketed. Socket- Porcelain medium base. Wiring- Pre-wired with high temperature #18 wire. UL, cUL Listed. Catalog No. Description MW1 1 BqLl_Qgq!,&!_WE lV! onty Accessories WAI.H -4t rl Il;' MWt I o MWt2 IVW12 Cut-otl Louver COPY FIL T TOI|INOT IIAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 20,2004 Larry Deckard, Architect PO Box 725 Avon, CO 8'1620 RE: Lot3 Residence-612ForestPlace/Lot3, ForestPlace Dear Lany, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the Design Review application for a proposed Lot 3 residence located at 612 Forest Place. The Town Staff has determined that this application is incomplete and can not be reviewed further until all submittal requirements have been met. The following is a summary of additional comments from Staffs preliminary review: 1. The following must be submitted to complete the application:. Title report, including schedules A and B.o Exterior lighting plan, including cut-sheets for proposed fixtures.. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District written approval.o Comcast Cable written approval.o Exterior color and material sample board. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows:. The lot size (0.664 acres) shall be conected to be 28,924 sq. ft. a o o o a Show all historic natural grades. Label all proposed roof ridge, roof eave, chimneys, cupolas, etc. elevations. This will be used to measure building height. The building height shall not exceed 30' for a flat roof and 33'for a sloping roof. Chimneys, cupolas, etc. shall not exceed the building height limit by more than 25Yo. The west property boundary with the driveway access is the front of the property and has a minimum 20'front setback requirement. The building exceeds the minimum 20'front setback requirement and must be revised. Show the location of all proposed utility service lines from the source to the structure. Show the location of the limits of disturbance fence. Show erosion control methods. No construction or site disturbance may occur on properties adjacent to Lot 3. ' Show and label all easements. No construction or site disturbance may occur within any easement without submitting written consent from all those party to the easement. I a rrl l.f *ECYCLED PAPEN FIL T D ep artmen t of C ommun ity D eve I opment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwvaileov.com - . Show all required parking spaces with a 9' by 18' box for enclosed spaces and a 9' by 19' box for unenclosed spaces. Please be aware that pursuantto Ordinance No. 14, Series of 2004, five (5) spaces are required for this residence.. The driveway percent slopes must be labeled. Spot elevations must be shown at the property line, garage slab, and along the center of the driveway to accurately reflect grades. o Driveway materials must be labeled. The driveway shall also be labeled as snowmelt heated or unheated.r The top and bottom of wall elevations must be shown for all retaining walls. Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all walls 4 to 6 feet in height. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:. Show all easements.o No landscaping or site disturbance may occur within any easement without submitting written consent from all those party to the easement.. No landscaping or site disturbance may occur on properties adjacent to Lot 3. The architectural floor plans must be revised as follows:. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Chapter 12-'15, Gross Residential Floor Area, Vail Town Code, and Ordinance No. 14, Series of 2004, for regulations.. Any crawlspace not counted as GRFA must be designed and labeled as 5 feet or less in height and accessed through an opening no larger than 12 square feet in size. The architectural elevations must be revised as follows:o All elevations must be drawn fully dimensioned.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.. ldentify the utility meter locations and screening methods.. Label all exterior materials and colors. Please submit the outstanding application matedals and revised plans addressing the above listed issues to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary materials have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, coPy 2. e 4A.L:4n Zl-t--- BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail {p?""'"'"o 'o'u^ Fttt tuPr TOIINOF I/AIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 1,2004 Larry Deckard, Architect POBox725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 3 Residen ce - 612 Forest Place/Lot 3, Forest Place Dear Larry, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the revised application submitted for the proposed Lot 3 Residence located at 612 Forest Place. The following items identified in my letter dated September 20,2004, have not yet been conected by these revisions:. The site plan must be revised as follows:- The building height shall not exceed 30'for a flat roof and 33'for a sloping roof (this is measured from both historic and proposed grades, whichever is more restrictive).- This property is zoned Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary Residential and has no platted building envelopes. Therefore, the west property boundary with the driveway access is the front of the property and has a minimum 20' front setback requirement. The building exceeds the minimum 20'front setback requirement and must be revised.- No construction or site disturbance may occur on properties adjacent to Lot 3.- Show the locatiori of the limits of disturbance fence.- Show erosion control methods.- Show and label all easements.- No construction or site disturbance may occur within any easement without submitting written consent from all those party to the easement.- Stamped, engineered plans must be submitted for all retaining walls 4 to 6 feet in height.. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:- Show all easements.- No landscaping or site disturbance may occur within any easement without submitting written consent from all those party to the easement.- No landscaping or site disturbance may occur on properties adjacent to Lot 3. The following is a summary of comments from the Community Development Department's preliminary review of the revised plans:. The lot size listed on the "administrative information" table of the cover sheet has been conected; however, the GRFA, site coverage, and landscape area calculations have not been uodated to conelate to the accurate lot size. The maximum allowable GRFA is 8,310 sq.ft., the maximum allowable site coverage is 5,785 sq.ft., and the minimum required landscape area is 17,354 sq.ft. {plr"r"""o" o"^ D ep a rtm ent of Communi ty D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 fltx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com r As required by the building code, the plan must be revised to provide a minimum of one means of egress from the basement level of the structure.o Redlined elevation plans must be submitted showing the basement deduction GRFA calculations. The basement level of this structure is not 100% below both existing and finished grades, and therefore shall not be deducted from the GRFA calculations in its entirety. Updated GRFA calculations must be submitted to verify that the structure does not exceed 8,310 sq. ft. of GRFA.r Submit verification that the proposed exterior houses lights have a luminance of 125 or less. Also submit verification that the proposed landscape lights are no more than 18 inches above grade, and are either fully cut-off or have a light source equivalent to or less than a 40 watt bulb. The following is a summary of comments from the Public Works Department's preliminary review of the revised plans: O a The fire truck access easement must be fully paved to accommodate fire truck turning movements. The driveway must be revised to have a minimum width of 16 feet. The driveway must be revised to have a minimum 4 foot concrete pan where it intersects with the Forest Place road. Provide an erosion and sediment control plans designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in Colorado. The proposed grades must be revised to not exceed a slope of 2:1. Retaining walls within the front setback shall not exceed 3 feet in height.. Combination/stepped retaining walls shall not exceed 4 feet in height and the uphill wall must be out of the influence zone of the downhill wall. Examole: with a 2 foot wall height, the uphill wall must be 4 feet horizontally from the 2 foot wall. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed issues to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary corrections have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or Chad Salli with the Public Works Department at (970) 479-2169. Sincerely, <.r/+/<- 4t Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail a a A ,/Ll-- o>2 tt^ECYCLED P'IPER IOIINOF I/AIL flt { coPr D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com November 12,2004 Larry Deckard, Architect PO Box725 Avon, CO 8'1620 RE: Lot 3 Residence -612 Forest Place/Lot 3. Forest Place Dear Larry, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the revised application submitted for the proposed Lot 3 Residence located at 612 Forest Place. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: r The site plan must be revised as follows:- The building height shall not exceed 30'for a flat roof and 33' for a sloping roof (this is measured from both historic and proposed grades, whichever is more restrictive). The west end of the roof ridge above the garage (elevation 81'-6") is 33.1' above existing grade and must be revised. Please be aware that lmprovement Location Certificates verifying foundation locations and framing locations will be required during the construction inspection process.- Show and label the snowmaking easements on the eastern property boundary of Lot 3 that are identified on the topographic survey. Revise the limits of disturbance to protect these easement areas. The landscape plan must be revised as follows:- Show and label the snowmaking easements on the eastern property boundary of Lot 3 that are identified on the topographic survey. No site disturbance or landscape improvements shall occur within these easements without submitting written approval from Vail Corporation. The floor plans must be revised as follows:- Sheet A3, Basement Level Floor Plan, must be printed to scale. The elevation plans must be revised as follows:- The redlined elevation drawings for the GRFA basement deduction calculations must be revised to include the exterior wall surface area of the lowest-level crawlspaces. The foundation plans must be revised as follows: - Pursuant to Chapter 12-15, Vail Town Code, crawlspace areas not counted as GRFA, shall be designed "with five feet (5') or /ess of ceiling height, as measured from the surface of the earth to the underside of structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above." Therefore, the foundation plan for the proposed crawlspace below bedrooms 2, 3, and 4 must be revised to comply with this regulation and to prevent unnecessary site disturbance and excavation. The crawlspace shall not be constructed at the depth shown on sheet S1 and building section F. f,|L"."""""u"^ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail . The electrical plans must be revised as follows:- Make a note that all exterior liqhts shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125. Light D: cut-sheets must be submitted Light E: note that the light sources shall not be more than 18" above grade Light F: the light source shall not be more than 18" above grade; therefore, a shorter stem length must specified Light G: a bulb of 40 watts or less must be specified Light J: cufsheets must be submitted The following is a summary of comments from the Public Works Department's preliminary review of the revised plans: . The fire truck access easement must be fully paved to accommodate fire truck turning movements. The driveway must be revised to have a minimum 4 foot concrete pan where it intersects with the Forest Place road. Sheet SP2 and Sl must be coordinated to show the same retainino wall desion (i.e. boulders or stone faced, concrete). The grades along the north property line must be revised to not exceed a slope of 2:1 .. Retaining walls within the front setback must be revised to not exceed 3 feet in height.. The maximum allowed retaining wall height (except in the front setback) is 4 feet and 6 feet when designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Colorado. The current retaining wall design along the east property line exceeds the height limits (11 feet as proposed). lf designed and stamped by a PE, the wall dimensions can be 6 feet height, 4 feet horizontal bench, and 5 feet height. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed issues to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review. This proposal will be scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board once all necessary corections have been submitted for review. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or Chad Salli with the Public Works Department at (970\ 479-2169. Sincerely, 1/-zz: ?I '2-<- !-.1rrtr,',.r,, ",rr*'.? zoNE CHECT( oarc: rz,/r//tf tho/o5 (pt-on4 Lcgal dcscription: Lot ? _ ._Bjock...- Filng Forg:l p/dre Addreqs Lt? .--.-l 2t; -- Orroc, elr^/"., D, urltf^a/ Architcct. l-otey Det)-uj Addrcss Zonc district {t ,^ - A-t L Lot sizc ? Total CRFA Phonc Phonc Proposcd lqal t?t O = g?eb R cmaining Existin g O+H Sitc Covcragc Hciglrt Sctbacks Landscaping Rctai ning \\tall Hciglrs Parking Caragc Crcdjt Drivcrvay Conrplics rvith TOV Ligbring Orrlinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss rhan 2:l i50%) Enr.i ronm c n ta l./}lazards 5/as o "_ffi =49 JiT_ (30X33) ,/ 4l6b Fron t Sidcs Rcar " 20' . l5' t5, \ i -, ?,lo-b_ 1p,W ,qqL lv{irrimrrm t7.8./ =L;-h 6#_ W 3'/6' ,,/ RquiredSLllEr:closcd (300)(600) (soq@) Pcrmittcd Slopc /L 07"Proposcd Slopc 3.1 o.r" Ycs y' No Ycs r,/ No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) dp 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) nr/n 5) Ccologic Hazards _ $ta a) Snorv A,ralanchc b) Rocldall Prc\,ious conditions ofapprovat (clbccl: propcrty filc) i Is thc propcrtynon-conformingt f*i.nb.,_ ,_ .l ' I t! ,{ \ I c) Dcbris Florv Q SUR\TEY Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Q FLooRPL/,}{s Scalc CRFA 250 additional GRFA - Crarvl\Attic Spacc .BHU Q BULDINGIILEVATIONS Scalc -.- lolorWatcrials tr LAJ\DSCAPE PLIu\ [ixisting hccs F.roposed bces l:gcnd MISCELLANEO]JS Buildablc Area Eascrncnts. Topognphy I00yr. floodplain i:fr,'i;},r' Condo Approval Trtlc rcport (A & B) l}i lity.vcrifi cation form Plotos ofsitc Building matecial samplcs C.C. Vcrilication Sun\Shadc Anglcs Ut.liti cs (urdcrground) Vir.:rv Corridors Vaianccs Plat: rcshictions ; ; .l i, EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DeckVBalconics Caragc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Parking/Caragc Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gndfi Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Watcr Coursc Sctbac\ EnvironntqfiFl **t 'Trees Utility locations Spot clcyations tr SITE PLAN i,.',l, rf Scatc 'f'rf .':\ Building Height Encroachmcnh Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage D ESr c N r{EvE.lY CP CKtlsT A. ' rV"-+V1* S,bzrianon lrf s Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Project Name: LOT 3 FOREST PLACE DRB Number: DR8050158 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED P|-ANS (REDUCE GAMGE SIZE) Patticipants: owNER GTENDORE DEVELOPMENT INC 0412012005 ATTN: ]ERRY HARRIS PO DRAWER 2072 LONGVIEW, X( 75605 APPUCANT LARRY DECKARD, ARCHffiCT 0412012005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 72s AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ARCHffiCT LARRY DECIGRD, ARCHITECT 0412012005 Phone: 970-569-3102 PO BOX 725 AVON co 81620 License: C000001796 ProjectAddress: 612 FOREST PLVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: FOREST PLACE.SUBDMSION Parcel Number: 2101-072-1500-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 05/19/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 -1 m " Minor Exterior Alterations ffi$ A p p l i ca l.i:n,t:,1,?r"*t t"n",l"Rev i ew I0t4rytrTjffffl "'i"tii;:i}X:5$?:';X1'!iliTSlloflu" web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Cornmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locationof theProposal: t-ot: t? Block:- Sunaivision: ft48f lOl&tE physicarAddress: 6 l'. Ft nf'Sf 7t*'X, palcelno.l@(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) Zonins: PWno'e ,/ ECco*Pa*( Name(s) of owner(s): bLaatoot* ?Eup.topnoatt Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: F G'o ,h \r a Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Llt{ E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction fl Addition D Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) \ -,t /, -X}w,;*:::l;ll,pre,) V Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 ,$20) F"Tr:ff* 5ioilt', cnecuno.:4? o 7 av: Meeting Date: Planner: € - (g-0f oto /td G c.t-* lt' **lt*aal***a**aaf+aaaa*aaaaa*a*l****llaf*aat*aalttf**'.la**+altaaa*a***arla+a|}*l+*lt+++a*aa*a TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatsrcNrt aaaaa*aa*l+++*++a+**fafaat'iaa**lf++++a+**r***aaaaa****flt++aa**+r*aat+ra*ra+tfaf+'la***rfa*rt Statetnent Nuriber: R050000437 Amount: 920.00 O4/2O/2OOSO3:17 pM Palment Metbod: Check DECKARD Init: iIS Notation: 4?09/LARRY Permit ![o: DR8050158 Type s DRB- Clrg to Alrpr planB Parcel ![o: 2101-0?2-1500-3 SLte Addreee: 512 FOREST.PIr \IAIIJ Location: 512 FOREST PLACE Thls Palment: $20.00 Total FeeE: $20.00 Total ALL PmtE: $20.00 Balauce: S0.00 aaal**{'**lta++ataaa*+tiial*at{'+*a**+**aaaaalf*f+++a*a**+rafa*fafft*ff*+*+++a++l*al**a*+**++* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacription Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REI,IIBI| FEBS 20.00 Qs Department) of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April29, 2005 Larry Deckard PO Box725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 3 Residen ce - 612 Forest Place/Lot 3. Forest Place Subdivision Dear Larry, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for changes to the approved plans for the new Lot 3 Residence located at 612 Forest Place. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . The proposed changes do not comply with the building height limits of the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district and must be amended.. The landscape plan must be updated.o The elevation drawings must be updated.. The "red-lined" floor plans indicating how the GRFA was calculated must be updated.. The "red-lined" elevation draws indicating how the GRFA was calculated must be updated. Please be aware that these corrections must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Town of Vail prior to any further inspections on Lot 3. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4"/*>*t 4^,-fl-,L- Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail CC: Tim Olson flp l".""r"rn """ ipr-19-05 0l:33pn Fron-T0ffi 0f V lt C0tllilllY DEl|EtOPtfttT 9I01t0?ffe T-6t3 P.002/002 t-812 Dcpranent of Cowttutity DewJoptent 75 Jourt FronbgcRoad Yeil. Colordo 81657 970179-2138 FAx 971L179-2452 ww*-vatlgoucon April29,2005 Lany Deckard POtux7z:t Avon. CO 81621 RE: Lot 3 Residen@ - 612 Forest Placc/l-ol 3, Forest Place SubdMsion Dear Larry, The Tqurn of Vall Staff has reviewed the design reviar application for dnnges to lhe appmrcd plans br the new Lot 3 Residence located at 612 Forest Place. The fotowing b a summary of the comments from that rwie\,u Wov BrObO /.t'QttoG*r Ths propooed changes do not oomply with the building neigit timitr of the lI,N A nirnair/Secondary nesroentat pne <tb[ict and must ba amendld. * Vt'tt'tb . Thebnascapeptalrmustbeupdabd. - |vlt O€ Fel?tgrrtf r Theefevatlondrawingsmustbeupdarcd.- Tlrl FRC v.lttOt?;> -- ^. ,r The 'red-llned" floor plans indicating how the eRiA rws calculabd mu* le.q?daled: '- N 93ft o The'radJined" elerration draws indicating hor the GRFA uras calculatad must be t-'- updabd. - lro ,.|).-^eJeg t*oFr fl*t'& Ae, Fp'tt)t Please be amre that thesc conecdong mud be submitted, revietred, ard apprcved by the Town of Vail prior to any further-inspedions on Lot 3- lf 1ou have any guestions qr cornm€nts, please ftel free b contect me at (970) 478-2173. Sincemly. Zr/*fu a^'-fZ."L- Bill Gibson, AICP Twrn qf Vail CC: Tim Olson s le'rratE TOIfi{OT'IIAII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April29,2005 Tim Olson Fax 970-9264266 RE: Lot 4 Residence - 615 Forest Place/Lot 4. Forest Place Subdivision Dear Tim, Final design review approval will not be issued for the proposed residence at Lot 4, Forest Place until corrected plans have been submitted, reviewed, and approved in response to my April 6, 2005, letter to Larry Deckard. A building permit application will not be accepted until final design review approval has been issued. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, h447a-2+ BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail {pl"t"""o'^" Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com April29,2005 Larry Deckard PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 3 Residence - 612 Forest Place/Lot 3. Forest Place Subdivision Dear Lany, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the design review application for changes to the approved plans for the new Lot 3 Residence located at 612 Forest Place. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . The proposed changes do not comply with the building height limits of the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district and must be amended.r The landscape plan must be updated.r The elevation drawings must be updated.r The "red-lined" floor plans indicating how the GRFA was calculated must be updated.. The "redjined" elevation draws indicating how the GRFA was calculated must be updated. Please be aware that these corrections must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Town of Vail prior to any further inspections on Lot 3. lf you have any questions or comments, please feelfree to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4,r/"> 4^'-r2-'{-- BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail CC: Tim Olson ip L".r.r"o "tr"^