HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 8 LEGALAzn/{6-, lofA co(l|ljht].r c€lELoPgE|rr Design Review Board ACTIOil FOR]4 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:.970.479.2452 web; www.vailgov.com Project Name: BLIVAS CHANGE Project Description: Participants: P.O. BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 629-B Project Address: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Legal Descriptionr Lot:8 Block: Subdavasion: GLEN Parcel Numben 2103-124-0304-1 Comments: DRB Numben DR8070359 Final review of change to approved plans - replace skylight glass panels w/operable skylights, replace lower level end glass panel w/egress window owNER BLIVAS, JULIE 0712512007 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPUCANT SAWATCH I-AND CO. INC. 0712512007 Phone: 376-4124 Location: 1463 GREENHILL CT LYON SUB. Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt O8l U 12007 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: OBlL7l2007 By: SDH Action: AP All new exterior materials, textures, detailing and colors are to match those existing on adjacent duplex unit. Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Scot Hunn DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to b€ reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences wlthin one year of the approval. /,. s ).'.,c( ",'\1. ,' , g--..-,.,[ ,(eof the Requegt: U"tat a w\ Location of the Proposa lt tot: f elock:- subiivision,L"r--eL-\ L{c..o--r Physical Address:t4k?,, (rstEr,*ttct (r R l,.rh'b, ut\ \Fs {s lsr \$ t^ :. q;,i(u( Parcef No.: z(nz+3L'4 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:iRr:,. iJulurn Name(s) of Owner(s): -l utll f Mailing lddress: tat:Csr-s Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 5i Mailing Address:'c'7, Type of Review and Fee: @ Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requir€ments: J.l S $20 :\tr ( r'.2- -it (atOC4/( Phoni: 3 t>' -? . L.l )'il<Ds For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association ',= D IF IIn lnlIU't{ \I\I Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to-approvedilans-llcage-o5-11-2006.doc JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER 1 a joint owner of property located atI, (print name /') Lrez,ltr / /, --> /-- provide this letter as written approval of tl-re plans aaea b/ I Q/L f which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposedimprovementstobecompleteda!theaddressnotedabove.I'understandthatthe '3kr\ t,I'a-<:: , irr<'- cD<tJ.[e rz1l.r'Yi f\ +cA :-t\{,o Ae€ D I undentand that minor modificatbns may be made to the plans over the course of the reviewprocessrcensurecomp|iancewiththeTown,sapp|icab|ecodesandregulations. (Initial here) ts I requut that aI modifications, minor or otherwise, whd are made to ffie plans over the iourse of the review proces, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additlonal approval before undergging further review by the Town'nf /?fL_/ \-z ' \-_ (Initial here) TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€ntatttt****r**trrrtafaf*'i*tf+t+**t**r***t'l tf*'a*ft++t+l+*+t***aa*aaa*+**a++++*+++***rtt**tt*t** Statenrent l[urnber: R070001345 Amount: $20.00 O7/25/2OO7O3:38 pM Palment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Sawatch LandCo., Inc / ck 5100 --------:-- Permit No: DR8070359 Tlpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2103-124-0304-1 Site Addrese: 1463 GREENIIIIJ., ef \fAIIl Location: 1463 GREEMIILIJ CT Thie Paynent: $20.00 Total Fees: $20 ;00 Total AIJL Pnts: $20. O0 Balance: S0. O0:}'}a***t***lfl++lfl**alt**tt**ttta*+*a+ta'}'}*ftltt*aa+a+*a9t***a*rala**'19***flfa++ff*a*aaaa*** ACCOT.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code eurrent PmtE DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIqI REVIBW FBBS 20.00 Description ir-i .,'i I I ;a ,," il i''- ' ,' ', '' i il :_ ', | /.i':, ;.:, F l- A F,i-r i r( )V;\J_ \hzoq lvur r u tn tftP*Sfi ro. wPER. LEwLO ro. MAIN LEVEL O TO. t'hER LEVEL O t4b3 b (=vee*etet Cr VIEtf, 1l\t 2007 lllla VAIL I 6 )F r.-r /A r-lE \, L'=.. AIJG . TOWN C F)t- I Ijt\ T,NIT BI'NIT A Rur vAs Revwtvee L] lul ill AUG -6 2001 TOWN OF VAIL ln---a___-_ T.O. IJPPER LE\/ELO ro. MAIN LEVEL 0 UNIT A I'NIT B |9TINE NE9T ELEVATION TO. LOhER LEVEL o Towi.t op v'nu- 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -.o * )j Gr"--W NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0214 Project # PRJ06-0192 Job Address: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1463 GREENHILL CT Applied . . : O7l28l2W Parcel No...: 210312403041 Issued . .. : 0l/2312007 Expires . ..: 0712212W7 owNER BLrvAS. JI'IJIE 08/0T/2006 148 S WESTGATE Al/E I-,OS ANGELES cA 90049 ApprJrcAt{T sAwATcH r'Ar{D co. rNc. 08/oL/2oo6 Phone: 376-4L24 P.O. BOX r_298 EDWARDS co 84632 License : 629-B CoNTRACTOR SAWATCH I-,AND CO. INC. 08/0!/2006 Phone: 376-4124 P.O. BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81532 License : 629-9 Description: REIJOCATE ENTRY, CHANGE DECK, EXTEIID FLOOR OVER SOI'ARII]M, REMODEL KITCHEN Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $100,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building----> $93.75 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> $8[5.% Recreatior Fee------------- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1.642.69 50.00 Additional Fees:---- >$?5.00 Investigation- > Will Call----> $O.OO TOTAL FEES $3.00 $l,92.69 ToBl Permit Fee----> $1,717.59 Payments-------------- > $l,717.69 $0.00BALANCE DUE.------ > Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENf 08/25/2006 jplano Action: DN correetion letter faxed 8/25/06 ot/04/2o07 jplano Action: AP Corrections addressed IIEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT o9/t4/2oo6 eer Action: AP based on public works' receipt of stamped walI drawings, where applicable. 0L/o5/2O07 warren Action: AP Revisions approved Item; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{I| o8/o2/2o05 JJF- Action: AP Approved as noted: 1. Smoke detectors required per Section R313 of the IRC(2003). 2. Fire sprinkler systen recommended. 3. Monitored fire alarm system recommended. Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS OI/O3/2OO7 ge Action: COND Provlde a stagingplan. Parking, material storagie, dumpst.er, etc. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA|ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROM 8:fl) NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *t*****ttrf :f rlrrlrl*tf tt*rt,t,t*:t**ri'tr!*l.rlr|rlrltt***titt****'f ****rlt*tt't****rt*rt******'tll'l*tt*******:***********t,l't**rt*****{.*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B06{214 asof0l-23-2007 Status: ISSUED !**!********!trt!t***{3*****:t't*****'t**'ttt**********'}*********'t**!t********!Nlc:1.'******i*t*********!t!t{.*:***'}*'t't***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: Wl28/2M Applicanr: sAwATcH LAND CO. INC. Issued: 0ll23l2w73764124 To Expire: Wl22l2W7 Job Address: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1463 GREENHILL CT Parcel No: 2l03l24030/.l Description: RELOCATE ENTRY, CHANGE DECK. EXTEND FLOOR OVER SOLARII.JM, REMODELKITCHEN ***d.!t****!***'|'*'*'|.*'t***'}**'|'t'|**'},}**{'**'t'|*'t,t*'}****:tr*Corditions*|t**!*'t**,t't**|**:|*'t'}**'t*******,*'|t|r't't* Cod: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3IRC. TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Staternent Nudber: Pa)ment Method: Statedrent Amount: st,7t7.69 OL/23/2OO7O3 :55 PMInit: DIX! Notatl.ons BIivaE Lo29 R070000072 check Permit No: Parcef No: Site Address : IJocation: This Paynent: 806-0214 TN)E: ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMIT 2103-124-0304-1 1453 GREEIiIHIIJLT CMIIJ 1453 GREENHIIJIJ qf sL,7L7.69 Deecription ACCOIJNT ITEM LtrST: Account code BP 00100003111100 cL 00100003x23000 PF 00100 0031123 00 Yfc 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES COIfTRACTOR IJICENSES PI,AIT CIIECK FEES WII.,IJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE Total Pees: Total ALL, hrts 3 Balance: $L,7L7.69 sL,7L7.69 $o. oo Current PmtB 993.75 75.00 64s .94 3 .00 ^'s"U6 y"it4;1;wr TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONSeparate etc.l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:*)i-nLL"'*[ (o,,tr,Town of Vail Reo. No.:r,L1--B Contact Persol and Phone #'s: Sfrva Crzt< Ematt address: S4\i&fe)+loncke e lngn . /_.ran Fax*: /Q1O) ++{877P contractorsignature: {/ 7) (L/t COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: S 5t>,CrOO ELECTRTCAL:$ 2O,oo-A oTHER: $ I O.CDO PLUMBTNG:$ 20, ct-U'b MECHANICAL: $ToTAL:$ /(rO,Oe-O For rcel # FOR OFFICE USE ONL Stitr " F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildingJrermit. DOC .rl ' | - - 'll]'l ''r t- \./ i' ' j- Pa Conta ct Ea Cou Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit P,a&el,# Job Name: B /, r"g fut"" r,!c/JobAddress:rt/(rv E 6wt/t/ fr LesatDescription ll r-ot: f, ll alocr,: ll riring'Sub divisio n'Gk?i4,1t., "* - Owners Name:t tiy'a,Address:Phone: nr cnitecv D 7*t n-i ru/zc 9t), "n Addresq' './ qzv . t/a;/Phonet ?4r Pry|g Ensineer: B"; h 4uirwrt",Addtess/+a 4nu*/t.b. ,lth; /enone4Tr-277p Detailed description of wdlk: I U;;r- ;4/;i",4*ta(. /leck, eie,t/- /lw oler eAr*a<. n*'fu/ *,1/y,,etL WorkClass: ruew/) nOOit%n1 1 Remodetffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both lkl Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Nad<) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-familyr(l Multi-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplaces ExistiQg: Gqs Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( ) No ( Page 1 of 16 02109/200s Deryrtment of Comnunity &velopment Building hEty and Insprtion *ruices 75 South Fronbge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 9704n-2452 www.vauov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PIAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Aoolicant Sawatch Land Co. (970)748-8738 FA)(/Email #: sawatchlandco@msn.com NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAIIIE: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUITDING AREA: Architect Inspiratec Studios proj#0508 (866)468-2334 2 John Plano for Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 0812s12006 805-0214 Blivas 1463 B Greenhill Ct. R-3 VB 2 Mbasement The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003International Fuel Gas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code, 2003International Energy Conservation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following commen8 will need to be addrcsd prior b issuane of a building permit: For processing: r Please submit four comolete sets of revised construction documents containinq the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified, o Please resoond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, soecification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit apolication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamo, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of anv structural calculations. all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-familv projects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. Architectural Comments: Amend plans to provide at least one operable window or door approved for emergency escape for each sleeping room or basement, specifically in bedrooms #110 and #102. The awning windows as shown will not meet the 24" clear opening requirement. (R310.1) Opening must comply with all of the following: -Maximum finished sill height of not more than 44" above the floor -Shall have a minimum net clear opening area of 5.7 square feet -The minimum net clear opening height dimension shall be 24" -The minimum net clear opening width dimension shall be 20" Powder room Bath #48, #202 and W.C. #304 does not appear to maintain the 21" in front of the water closet that is required. Typically, the toilet takes up 2'6", the room is shown at 4', leaving only 18" in front. The code also states that water closet compartments shall be 30"x60" minimum. Please address accordingly. (Irc 405.3.1) Provide 48" frost protection for the existing footingfoundation at the bottom of the new window well. Please clarifo why new joist are being installed to each side of the new stairs on 52 the main level framing plan. It appears to have an existing floor in place. There should be 2 separate one hour walls at the unit separation (partywall). Provide a detail as to how the one hour propefi line separation will be maintained where the new joist tie into the wall. Please rcfer to tte cover she€t for information on resubmitting plans. In order b avoid delays in issuance of a permit please check dl requested information is included with the rcsubmitted plans. Please submit rcvised plans as a compleb set Partial plan resubmittals will not be rcviewed. John Plano for Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F: \aderACH RIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\806-02 l4\806-0214. DOC FUILDING PER.iIIT #: OWNERS NA}IE: STTE ADDRESS: OCCUPAN TGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ITIUMBEROF STORIES: BUITDING AREA: 80F0214 Blivas 1463 B Greenhill Ct. R-3 VB 2 w/basement -The documenb submitted for this project have been revlewed for compliance with the 2003 int"r.iilnaf Bui6ing Code.2003 intematonat Residential Code, 2003 Intemational Mechanical ;;;;t9-difift;ti"onaf ruef Gas Code,2003 htemational Plumbing Code,2003International il;rgiafuruauon coae inO ZOoZ Nartonal Electsical Code as modifiea and adopted bv the Town of vall. The bltowing @mfiengwitt nedb headctted piorbtisuaneof a buildirtg permit: dfl1sNu 0N (E-3-'rIHr fNI'l uo dn SNUH (T-f- doEdl tol Nosu:d fur processing:;- "Pl;a-se suimlt four- ffit.brd.dotod't.*it id.ntifi.d. o please rcspond itl wriung to each q9mnent by-malking the aqcied lj.gt or creauno a response- cuhtion s,hqm te leqls$ infor'ufion. plor. ,@" ohnt t*utintt *ld,"th" b'iHinn oermlt aPPlication number noted' r Please be sure to includp.gn $e qesubmittal.lhe e4qineerl o- erlao-e of anv strtctural catculations, a|| structura| details and su'uctuml r mrJlt'family proigce all theets tf tfre otans must be stamoed' NOIllfNNof, SlIt^lrsf,ulsoN ( t'-l L/ C- O 8EL88t LE x] Uol^lll^l ESt? 1tnSfu rtt_ (dn0u9) ssfdo0u NOL_do T'd r( ;( x ( l^ldTE:tr ]EAZ'i?'X1A ) luodfu IlnSSd NOII-USINnHNOS x * * f00h ftrl lrusprnnrrc SruDros January 2,2007 Mr. Chris Gunion l.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Hd. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Building Permit # 806-0214 Dear Mr. Gunion: The following is a response to the Plan Review Comments dated 8.25.06. 1. Amend plans to provide at least one operable window or door approved lor emergency escape for each sleeping room or basement, specifically in Bedrooms #110 and #102. The awning windows as shown will not meet the 24" clear opening requirement. (R310.1 ) The awning windows are 30"h x 48"w as indicated on the Window Schedule on Sheet A5.0. A note has been added on A5.0 and A3.0 to use Loewen push out awning windows in order to meet egress requirements at these locations.2. Bath # 108, Powder Room #202, and W.C. #304 do not appear to maintain the 21 " in front of the water closet thal is required. Typically, the toilet takes up 2'6, the room is shown at 4' leaving only lB"infront. The code also states that water closet compartments shall be 30"x60" minimum. (lPC 405.3.1) Bath #108 has been revised to accommodate the proper clearances at the water closet. Reter to the revision on A2.0. Powder Room #202 and W.C. #304 are exisling rooms which are not planned to be revised. New toilets are to be installed. Notes have been added thal request new toilets with lhe same or lesser depth as the existing. 3. Refer to Letter and Drawings provided by Boyle Engineering, Inc, 4. Referto Letterand Drawings provided by Boyle Engineering, Inc. Please let me know if you have any lurther comments or queslions pertaining to the above responses. Best Regards, Amy Birdsall, Assoc. AIA Principal Posr oFFcE Box 5927 VA|L C0L0RAD0 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsprRATEcSTUDros.coM boyle engineering, inc. crossroads shopping cent€r 143 e. meadow drive suite 390 vail, colorado 81657 91Qt41 6-2110 fax9701476-4383 September 5, 2006 John Plano for Chris Gunion Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Subjec{: Permil #8064214 1463 B Greenhill Court Remodel Vail, Colorado Dear John: This is in response to your Plan Review Comments dated August 25, 2006 regarding the above noted application. I am addressing only the Sfitclural Comments. Regarding the frost protection at the window wells, the finished grade is at elevation 477' and the existing bottom of footing is at 470'-1 5/8". This provides 6'-10 3/8" of frost protection. New floor joists are being installed on both sides of the new stairuell because this stiairwell encroaches into the existing joist spans on either side of the existing beam that will also be removed for the stairwell. The existing joists are open web low joists, so they cannot simply be cut back to accommodate the new stiairs. Finally, see the notes and Detrails B and C on Sheet 52 regarding the party wall conditions. These additions have been clouded on this sheet. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or comments on these items. TMB/dn it!..|j..:l$- 'crtii..(A; 'o\ 2 - 14965 0:i ..,q ....s-l BO i't$ IttsptnnrEc Sruoros TRANSMITTAL To: Chris Gunion / Town of Vail From: Amy Birdsall / Inspinatec Studios, Inc. Date:01.02.07 Re: Building Permit #806-0214 Attached: (1) Response to Plan Review Commenb - Inspiratec Studios, Inc. (1) Response to Plan Review Commenb - Boyle Engineering, Inc. (4) Copies Revised Permit Set Documenb dated 01.02.07 Chris, Please review the attached and notiff me via email at amy@lnspiratecStudios.com wih proof of Building Permit issuance once it has been approved. Amy Birdsall, Assoc. AIA Principal Best Regards, .. Posr OrRce Box 5927 VAL CoLoMDo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsprMrEcSruops.cou ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREM ENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI,AL VyILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOSTESTAND REPORTIS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMITAPPUCATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING . MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE . NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERTALS ARE EKEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMTffED VVTTH YOUR BUILbING PERM|I- APPLICATIoN asbestos test and report with my building permit applicationoI OR o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) material, The construction be verified during plan applicant signafure OR date o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original construction date applicant ggnature F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Euilding\building_Jrermit. DOC date Page 4 of 16 0u09/200s r BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as ttncc{l)*ks, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Project Name: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit. DOC Page 5 of 16 021091200s MUST BE STIBMITTED MIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLICATION FOR RIGHT OF WAY USE.STR,EET CUT PERMIT PRJ#: PW#: Parcel #: Company Address: Contractor License Number: Contact Name: ROW Use Location: Requested ROW Use Dates: Purpose for Request: tr Undersround Utiliw Installation tr Landscaping D Temp Site Access El- Construction Staging tr Roadway Constructiontr Other (explain): Requested ROW Use:tr Single Lane Closure - lft of closure (including taper) tr Two Lane Closure - lft of closure (including taper) tr Three Lane Closure - lft ofclosure (inoluding taper) zip: Email: Contact Phone: Street Cut Dimension (if applicable): Length: width (min 4'): Total Square Footage: Town of Vail Public Works Dept 1309 Elkhom Dr Bldc Permit #: B Vail. CO 81657 WARNING: Inclusion of false information in this permit application establishes an automatic denial fbr a Right of Way Use- Street Cut Pemrit and ibrfeiture ofapplication fces. By signing this permit, the applicant declares he/she has read all contents of this document, Town of Vail Roadway Standards and chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code City/State/CD gIbTZ Nq ler"Jnu @-h'rg^-cd'-\ ?4+l4 : 7-s t/l-€ 2. -'t. tr Sidewalk/Bike Path - lft of-clp Other (explain): 1. Applicant shall submit a traffic control plan, arld work site/st-aging plan with this application. Traffic Control Plan shall be in compliance with the MUTCD and shall show streets with names, adjacent intersections, advanced warning signage, taper lengths, buffer space and work zone dimensions. Na.;fal/ .streel closures are allowed. Applicant must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture ofbond money. Applicant is responsible for obtaining approvals from all utility companies having an existing utility line within the project site, applicant has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Encry (800-922- 1987)Qwest (800-922-1987) Comcast (800-922- 1987)Holy Cross Electric (800-922- I 987) Eaele River Water & Sanitation District (970-477-5453) Town of Vail Elecric t970-479-21 Print Applicant Name F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Public Work\row aoolication 2006.doc Requested Work Times: ofV Irrigation (97 0-47 9-21 58) OC*iI"I{TY tEtEl..trl[}{I Design Review Board ACTION FORTII Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Prcject Name: BLIVAS ADDmON Project Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB ]{umber: DR8060165 @nversion of solarium space at west of duplex to new living space; extension of existing deck to south and west; new walkway; new bedroom and associated window well/boulder wall; exterior changes detailed in plan set. Pattacipants: owNER BLTVAS, JUUE 0511612006 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLICANT AMY BIRDSALL 051L612006 Phone: 970-,145-0098 PO BOX 5927 VAIL co 81658 1463 GREENHILL CTVAIL LocaUoN: 1453 GREENHILL CT Lot: 8 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-124-0304-1 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: Dunning Dantas 4-0-0 Actionl APPROVED Date of Approvalz 07lO512A06 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008245 At the time of the applicant's submittal for building permit, stamped PE drawings must be Induded tor all wdb that o<eed four ftet (4) in tnight. Cond: @Nfl)08247 Prlor b reeMrp a T@, the aplicant shall omply with all Toryn of Vall Flre Department requlrements br smolc detector installation per SEction R 313 of the IRC (2003). Planner: Elisabeh Edcel DRB Fee Pald: $:t0O.00 AUG_O I _.46 TUE 6A :44 FOR NAITIED REC I P I ENT OHLY 3O3 4?'7 2589,P- Al lItE Ceotscbr Inc. Phone: 303/471-2559 1441 91. {t6th Ave., SulEe 14 800,/385-3136 r.,enver, CO 80211-2338 FAX: 303/47?-2580 e-rnai1 : f rsgeo@ix. rreecom. com l.ugust 1.200€i llr. St,ephen Croke S:ai{acch Land Cc . , Inc . P"J. Box 1298 Edvards, CO 8l632- &rV*+ Remtruel Fe: L,ab Number 109802 Projec!: 1463 creenhill Ct., Vail, CO 81657 Deai Y:. SEephen Croke: T'he bulk samples submiEted to FRS ceotech, fnc. have been analyzed by polarized l j.qht nicloscopy (PLM), the EPA-recommended method for deEerrninatior. of fibrous co]lstiLuents in buiLdj.ng materials. The percen! of asbestos contained in Ehe s;r--r1:1es is a vjsual eaEimaEion based upon conparisons wiBh publishei. charlE, 1'hc resulls cf lhese analyses ar:e summarizc*l in Ehe enclosed t,able. Thi.s repor! relales or:ly tc Ehe j. tems received and tested by our laboratory. Accordirrg !o rc!,Tuirements sct by the NaE,ional InsEitute of Standards anil Technolosy/bffLAP, this t'eporE :nust nol be used to claim endorsenenE by NVLAP or any ag.ency of Lhe cs covsrnlTrenL. Also, NVIJAP guidelines specify that this reporE should rrot be ::eip::oC.rce:, e>:r:ept !n full, $rithout. !.he written approvaL of FRS . l. ::(rp!' of your Chain of custody is attached for your convenience. This reportit; conside.rr:d :righly confldential. Results will not be discussed vri:h arny p€lfsofr not associated with you. Fle.is3 call if you have any questions abouE Lhis work. Si.r.cer :Iy, D€!v:d .\. Schroeder, Ph. D. Da:a r: )nt, ro: I er Enc-os:re3 N'VT.,AP ,\ccsedi Eed Lab #102078-0 AIHA A,:clediEed Lab *101557 AUG-O I _66 TUE E A :44 FOR NAI'IEI} REC I P I ENT ONLY 5O5 477 25EO P-62 rns otgr8cn, nOc. Phone: 3?al417-2559 1441 w. {5ch Avenue, Suite 14 800/385-3135 !enve:t, CO 80211-2338 Faxl. 303/477'2580 nrttF ra 6r tfltrIR r-arrelr|oS els?-i ltll.l-Ii3i! lx Do?.rrTtrrl ?.lGn'|| nctodcoD? (Dtxr l!r-500/l-ot /1i6 Clien:: Saratcb lard Co., Iro. Lab No.:109802 Proje':t !D:1163 Greclblll et.' veLl, CO 31657 Page: 1 of 3 Sarol,: Number DarCGrt SampleIrb.rtor D4ie Descripiion r- _al .ltr'pl? / | w.) / | m.r /../ - E t - .J-l- 'g)r. ll eardboatdl fwhite surface rnalerial l1. tB_t. 2IAI 2* _. Drrrua1l lwith surface material l tffirlte dn^rall sith inseDarable tan Drvwal l lrdiEb. surface material and DainEl twhlte drvhral l uith inseDarabl€ Lan eardboardl nralys 3s (percencs determined by visual estination) sanple Nu:rber: 1r . 1 tBl 2* _- 2 tAl - - - Le!'cr Pere.rtr 100 100 Asbest rs Milrerals : A.:nc,s i: a Arthop::yll ite Ch:yso :i 1e Crcc id,>l i :e Treno L I t,e-Ac:inolite fl\lTAL raBtS|I\og tDi. uDr. !D.f .tD.r ND*r 9999 __2 2 22 Nonfib:.ous Material 98 98 100 98 98 " coq)oEite analysis (nultllayered sarple, eee individual layer analysesl.i r !trD rneans l,lone Detected. Analys l: : Other :ibrouq Macerlals: Fi-brorr,; Glasd Cellul,:se Si1lthe:ica Other: Kenneth C. Shav€r DaEe: C8 / 01/ 06 AUG_ T-A6 TUE Og:45 FOR NAI''IED RECIPIENT ONLY 363 477 25BO P-g3 IrnS GIIOTIICE, IryC. Phone: 3O3 / 4i'7 -25'j9 -r.dl it. 45th Avenue, Sulte 14 800/386-3136 tl)en.wer:, CO 40211-2338 t'axt 303/477-2580 QErltl-frg oF Enrfi lFrrellss grIoI,tl IIiIILYEIE-BY DO?.rrTZErl LTGIfIT rrTaiOFCiODY ( 9rJ) !Dr- 60 O/l-ql., 11 6 'Jl i.enl-: Santctch l,aad Co., Ino. Froje(it .tD:1153 GreenhLll Ct., v.l'I, CO 81657 Lab No.:109802 Page: 2 of 3 Ealtpl,i ') ttrt l" __ 'l lAl I lr)l 3_rc I, : Nr.lmber llnseparable white surface nt,lterial and whiL€ Drvr.ral1 f hrith surf ace mater:i ,11 and Daint I N&rr / / _ fWhice drwall with inseparirde-lea- cardboard l HDrr / / lwhite suFface materiall. NDrr _-/- ./ - _ l$lhite painEl ArlaLyE,la (percerrls determined by visual estimaEion) SeLiI'I)1,: liumber: 2 tBl 31- 3 tAl 3 f Bl -- 3 ICl-- Lel'er Perccnt, r As;lies : is lt!inerals : A:rrisi.:: A:Ll::hop.:y; LiLe Cir::l,s():i 1 '5 C rccid.ii i:e T r er:.ol Ite-Ac:inoliEe 100 ltoll,L AsBEs$os llDr r O:lrerr rib.ro'ls l"la:erials : lDrr l[Dt r llDr r __ NDir___ Fi l>ror.r.-.. G Iass Cel1u.[,ise Sl rt:-he : i c:: ot ILerr : P.rceDt sample .l'8baitor Dafe r[D. t / / M**// DescrioE ion 98 2 2 Nc':il' il:::ous I'IaE,erial r C:onl)cs:.te ana-ysis (multilayered sample. see** I\lD lr.eans Iilone Det,ected. Ar]al.y.r,: ! 98 100 100 individual layer analys,:s ) . Kenneth C. Shaver DaLe:08/01/05 AUG_€1-('6 TUE EA:46 FOR NAf'IED RECIPIENT ONLY 3gS 477 25A6 P-A4 trRS g]IgT:ECtt, MC. Phone; 303/477-2559 I.il41 ^'. 461,1 ,avenue, Suite 14 800/386-3136 Denv3r,,:o EC211-2338 lrax:303/4?7-258c, nrEUL'rF Or Efi,r lf,Brg4o€ lrttpl,r ll!{'-vsrs Bv DOIJrRTzrn t.Totl|lr rTatnof,aoPv ( Dr,lrl !D-[-6OO 4\]91 / 1 r 6 ::..:.e.-:: tiBlr!.tch rJlttd Co., IBc. pr:oi3::c rD:1463 Greenhlll Ct., vrLl, CO 81657 jla:lgi, g_=\_rmlze_r 4 :Iil Lal) llo. :109802 Page: 3 of 3 4...i81. 4 icl P.rcont Sample Aab€8toa DaLe Descrint ion JN/Di* / / Dr'"nvall lwith surf ace ma!eli.2,l €\nd painil- \E ** / | --lWhite drtryall- uilh-ilgepar€-c1e- tan- !JDt.// ca4lboardl _ Iwhite surface materi-al l NDrr / / twhiEe paintl enaly6sE (j)e!cents determined by visual esEimaEionl Sturlrl:: llr.rrber: 4* _ 4 tAl 4 tBl - A_tQl____ Lay€r PerceDt: 100 Asibes t rs .Yirr'-.ra 1s : .Arlo!;i t :: t -.-1.^ ^ ^..1 1 ,l ! -ry !--LE Cn -r;q,- - : I c C rcic i 'i. :l i Le TI.croo I I te -Ac: inoli t,e ,tglrg, AaBEs$os ltDrr ltDr r NDrr NDrr _ Ot.her l:brous l'ta:erials: F i bro .: r Glass C<r l. r S''1r t-h,? : j-c,3 O:her : N.intll::curi lllill-eria1 9.q - ____98_ 100 100 ,,-_ * ':lornt)cs:l:e anaLysis (mulEilayered sampl.e, see inalividual layer analyses).* r I'lD riean:s I'ione Detect.ed, Ar::iiys:: 98 Iiei!:reth C. Shaver fa:e: IllllltLlxl TOWN OF VAiL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical------> DRB Fee-------> lnvestigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> NOTE: Job Addrcss: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location.....: 1463 GREENHILL CT, B Parcel No...: 210312403041 . ProjectNo : -fR3-oG O \14 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI-JNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUS'T BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires. 807-01 l7 Bad ^6 Xtl .: ISSUED . : 07/02/2007 . : 08/02/2007 .: 0l/29/2008 OWNER BLIVAS, .JULIE ].48 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLICANT HUGHES ELECTRIC SERVICE ].44]- LAWSON AVENIIE ERIE coLoRADO 80516 L].CenSe: JEE-E CONTRACTOR HUGHES ELECTRTC SERVICE 07 /02/2007 07 /02/2007 Phone: (303 )988-0s49 07/02/2001 Phone: (303) 988-0549 144], LAWSON AVENUE ERIE coLoRADO 80515 License:388-E Desciption: REPLACE/RELOCATEOUTLETS, SWITCHES, FIXTURES, ELECTRIC HEAT Valuation: $7,500.00 Square feet: 3E00 r|**r|**+*'r|t**r*|**..*,}************t**********,t******||********+*+ 9169.0s 5o. oo s0.00 $r?2.05 $172.05 FL't2 .05 Total Calculatcd Fees--> Additional Fees----.> Total l'ermit l;ee----> Payments---------> I]ALANCE DUE----> * * tt+ * | ++ l +,1+ ,1* i * Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07 /o2/2o01 srAN FIAHN Action: AP PER DISCUSS]ON WITH STAN. LYNNE Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTfONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *,r rt+ + l+ + lt* + t * l,i * * * * * + | | + 'i t + 'itl** DECLARATIONS l hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable 8;00 AM -REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BL MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 * * *a 'l tl 't t 't t + + t *++* * t * * * + * * * * * * * ** * * * * | *** * t f * * * * * * * | | t t + * + ** ** * * ** * ** r I * l' rt * * * i I *t * * r * 't I I I I I I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement I I t+ +t* * t * a** * aatt * * * * r at * * * * * rta* * * * *ai* tf t t * t* ** * * * * * t* * *ttr * * i*r*t * r* ** * * * tttt I I +** I t * t t I Statement Number: R070001411 Amount: $1?2.05 Oe/02/2OO701 :53 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: schneider 97 06 Permit. No: E07 - 0117 Type: ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-124-0304-1 SiTE AddreEs: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Locat.ion: 1463 GREENHILL CT, B Tota1 Fees: $172 . 05 TotaL ALL mts: $172 . 05This Palment : ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 00t 000031128 0 0 $1?2.0s Balance:90.00 * tt * * * * t | + | ** * * * * * | * * | * * * * | | | r 't 't ** * l * '1. 'l 'i* * + f lf *f +******r **'i't**'|*'l*l | **t*tr Description Current Pmts EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 159.05 3,00 11-A7-1995 4,59PM P. 1 75 S. Frontagc Rd" VafL Golorado El6!t7 GOIITRACTOR III FIORI'ATION COIIPLETE SQ. FdTTAGE FOR AREA OF WORI( AtD VALUATION OF WORK (labor & tilatedrls) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRIJCTURE:o ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $5D.oo- rob Narne; (3 [ t vq,s JobAddress: l4b3 B G WorkCfass: Na^r( ) ASltion( ) Xsrcd€l|U/' Repair( ) TempPover( ) Other( ) WonkType Interior (1z) E<tedor ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU o<lst at tfiis locationr Yes ( ) No ( TYpeofBfdg.: sirgl*.family( ) Dl'tpkl(tfMul|l.family( ) Commedal ( ) Restaurant( ) Odrer( ) No. of Brlsfing Dwelllng Unfts ln this building:No. of Accommodation Unib in thls building: ry I ro va \oV TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0147 -WG -oX.tL\ , Job Address: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1463 GREENHILL CT Applied . . : 0712512007 Parcel No...: 210312403041 Issued . . : 08102/2007 Legal Description: .?RjC% - O( tA Expires. .: 0112912008 Project No : owNER BLTVAS, ,rULrE 07 /25/2OO7 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLICANT CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING 07/25/2007 phone: 970-653-4300 PO BOX 1830 EDWARDS coLoRADO 8 r-63 2 License: 327 -M CONTRACTOR CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING 07/25/2007 Phone: 970-653-4300 PO BOX 1830 EDWARDS coLoRADO 81632 Li-cense : 327 -M Desciption: Install gas-fired boiler and hydronic heat system and install gas line to residential addition Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Rest cted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellct: 0 * t l * * * *,r * * *,r r+* 'r 'r r r * * r r * r* r 'r t t * * t,t Mechanical--> $400. OO Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> gSO3. OO Plan Check--> 9100.00 TOTAL FEES--------> $503 . oo Additional Fees-------> So. oo Investigation-> $0.00 Total Permit Fcc----> $503. OO Will Call-> g3 . oo Payments----> g5o3 . oo BALANCE DUE----> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 07/25/2007 jplano Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIaPTER ? OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S TNSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTbR ].o.oF THE 2OO3 IMc. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOIL,ER ROOMS SHALL, BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION ].004,6. |+t++t+,}|+}|||.}..tl+'|.+||+t|||.'t}|t.t'+|+i}|+.+1t++++++||+++}tl|||.l.+|ttt+|t+t++t++'+||+++++++t'|+t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply ith the infirrinat ion plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other REQUESTS TOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8:00AM-4PM. SIGNA HIMSELF AND OWNER towns zonigt and s oSthe Tdfun aor * * *tttt ** | I * * {' *'t *t* | | I * I i * * I ll** ll * t ** * * | * * | rrrr * * *tt I I I t++*** **** rtr * * ar | * | tt **tt * a* * * *tar * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO ' Statement | + +* +a+ *** * * * * *lrli'r I r. | * | + +l il* * * * * * a* r * * * * * t*tt I | + * * * t * *tatt* ti tl ti * * +*t * * t** +*tt * t* I r *at | | Statement Number: R070001413 Amount: 9503.00 Og/02/2OO702:04 pM Payment Method: Check 5Lr2 Init: LT Notation: Sawatch / ck Permit No: Parcel No: sit.e Addres s 3 Location: This Payment : ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111100 PF' 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 vtol - ot41 2103-124-0304-1 1463 GREENHIIJIJ 1453 GRESNTIIIJIJ $s03.00 Descript ion Type: MECI{NiIICAIJ PERMIT CT VAII, CT Total Fees; Total AllL Pmts: Balance : *irrall *l ll** * at*** ** * * | | rarlr* *ltt * ****** ** | *a* | t *aatlaa* ta* t* * +**a** r aatrat * a.at* a* * ttt t ** $s03.00 9s03.00 $0.00 Current Hnta 400.00 100 .00 3 .00 MECHANICAL PERII{IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED TOY Project #: _ Building Permit #:j Mechanical Permit #: i:fJjil]rfl"tt-1 ilfl'0\\ e7o-479-2t49 (Inspection", ?rj Ob_al,, Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o tr tr Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size anc tleat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORM/ LocaUon TION ir-,: '-, ''. , .,rirrtlll,;i ,lii I J I li!n1 I riiri,r 'iriii Mecha n ica I Contrartor:(X*Y y't ,tnt Qtt-'G Town of Vail Req. No.:?'zt1 Contact Person;and Pbene. #isl- -D*xrdrqsglPryg#E< r-Tax#: A a<</. 5<V37E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: 7 ,l u Contact COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials Assessors Office at or visit for Parcel # MECHANICAL: $ A0,U7O Parcel # 'ZLe3 rob Address: LAb, fi (,;zrJ,Il( (7 Subdivision: (S/4t,LUtZ'- Detailed description of wo_rk: :,t9u-- ltl /' 4!](-\f,\( (rr4: t tf WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alterationl'$'nepair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Boiler Location: InteriorM) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex No. of Accommodation Units in this building: N/ANo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Wood Burninq ( I Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bui'ning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (rQ ** * ** * * * * * *l?l* *t* * * *: * *-EoB_oFFIcE usE oNLy* * ** * * * * * *nfrw ftfJt{"sf teRMm\Building\mechanicaljermit-l 1-23-200s. Doc rtl23l200s Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria t- You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-2',28 6r dditionalinformation I ', *1, ij The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2003Int*nationaa Fuel Gas Code. All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: o Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. r Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than turo (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. If hno or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one latger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to hnro existing fireplaces to gas. If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or rgplaced by an EPA Phase II ceftified unit. ', t t 'l n. t ,!* , " *'.t-' t + t. " 1."1",ri r Ltl23l20ot. " i,F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanicalJrermit-1 1-23-2005.DOC [, (3u\rAs Rc n^{rbEr- tsTs- Ob - ctzl4 rVlq)rlo,n,nA iP--r" bitnrrcns.|r*\s TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P07-0101 W.-o{(1 Job Address: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1463 GREENHILL CT Applied . . : 0712512007 Parcel No...: 210312403041 Issued . . : 08/02/2007 Legal Description: +?aO6 . 6', (1 ( Expires . .: 01/29/2008 Project No : ohrNER BI-,IVAS, ,JULTE 07 /25/2007 ].48 S WESTGATE AVE I-,OS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLTCANT CASEY PLUMBTNG & HEATING 07/25/2007 phone: 970-5s3-4300 P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS L\J 6LO5Z License: 2!3 -P CONTRACTOR CASEY PL,UMBING & HEATING 07/25/2007 Phone: 970-553-4300 P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 2l-3-P Desciption: Add one bath, replace fixtures to residcntial addition Valuation: $20.000.00 Fireplace Information: Rsstricicd: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? +|**,t1+t,ttlt'|'t*'t * * Plumbing--> $300.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees--> g378.0o Plan Check---> 97s.00 TOTAL FEES------> $3?B.oo Additional Fecs--------> $o.oo lnvestigalion-> 90.00 Total Psrmit Fcs------> g3?8. o0 Will Call-> g3 . 0o Paymcnts----> $3 ? 8 . OO BAI,ANCD DUE > SO. OO l l + t +| t,t t +,t t,t ttrl * Item: 051-00 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT 07 /25/2oo7 jplano Action: Ap 07/25/2oo7 jplano Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FoR coDE CoMPLIANCE. *i**+ 'i ** +,t +++t+t+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoivledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN 149 OR AT O|JR OFFICE FROM 8:{D AM - 4 PM. CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER a * * * ********t*'t'i'l'il***** ***l**********,r*{r*tr********t**ttt t*it***t**r***'t*t't'|t**ttr***t***t*t** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement I r r tr t s t * * | t * | 'r * | * r * * * * * | * | | * r * * tr a * * r * * i * * t I i * t * * * * * a tr* * | r** * *r * * * rt * t I 't * I * I * * * * | * * t t t t * * * Statement Number: R070001412 Amount: $3?8.OO 08/02/2O0702:03 PM Palment Method: Check 5112 Init: LT Notation: Sawatch / ck $378.00 * | * * lti t tt* + ++ ++ t il*+++ ** * * * +la* * *l +l ****** ** * * * ** *'t *t **lt * *ll++* a* * *** * * ** * * ** 'l' **l' *l * t | * | * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Descript ion Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: SiEe Address : Location: ThiE Payment : PF 00100003112300 PP 0 010 00 0311110 0 wc 00100003112800 P07- 0101 2103-124-0304-1 14 5 3 GREENHII,L 14 5 3 GREENHII,II Tlt)e: PIrUI{BING PERMIT CT VAII, CT Total Fees: TOtAl AIJIJ PmTs : Balance : $378.00 $378.00 $0.00 PI,AN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMTT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ?5.00 300.00 3 .00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED T= /A\ f=: - -fl i: -{ = \t-'.= '' = Iill tr' ?6l',.0l Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 79-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTMCTOR INFORMATION PluRing contrat?r: Lbu^- LilFgtl Town ofVail Reo. No.:P-zr=Cqpbct Person and Phone #'s:De,L\ 1<S- Kz\rWF/A rax* th4F 7iK. tV78 Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ z{2cuu Assessorc Ofllce at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel # Zl De IZ 03Dzt( robAddress: L<b3E 6Wuh; l( Cl .rob Name: B[rn=6 R^*r& ( subdivision: 6t<y. LV ur..- Phone:3(o Sqt6ft| of work: L*"+ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(aq) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex @9 Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaumnt ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building;No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 ************** ** * ********* * ******** * *** FOR OFFICE USE ON LY**!k:k****** * ** **************** * *** ** ** \11$ oo F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\plumbing-permit-1 1-23-2005.doc 5tl> Page 1 of 1 rrl23l200s a. l. . \ a s ..... a, A{\^\ '" ,\\\\ I'Y \ rt {S/rJ --.r.1-lNINOFVALIY HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of VailSuwey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970) 47s.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 5432lName: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness oitre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best tme of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next tme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. -l /)tr- L_/ tr a,zr p, v.ir,,!",{1F?[ftfoffn9 P"s" 45 Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2007' Insmc{ion Area: JF Sito Addrbss: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL.I'163 GREENHILL CT a' I A/P/D Information Contractor: Description: Activitv: B0m2l4 Const Tvo6: O,rfrier: BLIVAS. . Tvoe: A-BUILD Occupah'ry: sub ru$i oBUP Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JP lneuooel KrrcHEN - Requested Tlme: I l:00 All' Phone: 3764124 Entered By: DGOLDEN K \---=--" -'--\ )/ '1 r *-/ I r,"{ t"I I I /l \,i ('l / f )ut tl 'J | ---'-'l---''-Insoection Historv Item: 20Item: 30 Item: 50 Item: 60 Comment:Item: 70 BLDG-Misc.Item: 90 BLDG-FinalItem: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/OItem: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O * {pproved .. mgsare Action: Action: AP APPROVED AP APPROVED REPTl31 Run Xd: 7293 11#;?oz tnspec$ltFffluFit neporting page +o Requcaq.d lnrpcct Dat€: [.gnday, November 26, 2007 Inspoctlon Arca: SH Site Addrege: 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL 1463 GREENHILL CT, B A/P/D lnformatlon Roouestod lnsooction(s) lnspoc-tion Historv Item: 'l10 Item: 120 Item: 130Item: 140Item:190 Activitv: E07{1 17 Const Tvo6:Orrfien BLIVAS. IContractor: HUGHES Description: REPLACE Phone: (303) 988-0549 , SWITCHES, FDCTURES, ELECTRIS HEAT SubTgne: ASFR Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH Requosted Time: 09:30 All' Phone: (303) 988{549 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: AP APPROVED PIPE AT FIML INSPECTION, REPTl31 Run Id: 7280 ,,., - t 11;?l"r$0, ,n=0""tl:,tF",gyF:lffFon,nn ,"n" * Request€d Insp_ect Date: Monday, November 26, 2007InsEectio,'ire3i 'fiu. .REENHTLL cr vArL 1463 GREENHILL CT A,/P/D lnformation Activitv: M07-0147 Tvoe: B-MECH Sub Tvoe: ADUP Status: ISSUEDConstTyp6: Occupahby: Use: Insp Area: jp Ow'rier: BLIVAS. JULIE Contractor: CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING Phone: 970-653-4300 Description: lnstall gas-fired boilerand hydronic heat system and install gas line to residential addition Reouested lnspectlon(s) Req uested Time: 01 :30 PM Phone: 970-6534300 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: lnsoection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh08t2u0r I Comment: ADDED NOT TO APPROVED PLANS: VENTILATION AIR TO SITE DURING INSPECTION. CALL FOR BOILER i'd xeettNo '124 !1, 08122107 Comment: Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL TALLEO SCREWS REMOVED, . BE USED. Item: 310Item: 315 ON WILL BE DONE AFTER IT IS INSTALLED. Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 08t23t07 Item: 320Item: 330 Item: 340Item: 390 M M M M REPT131 Action: AP APPROVED PE GASPIPE 30osi TEST XCEL METER RELEASE. Run Id: 7280 11:?!;?07 rnspec$g,T F?{tuF?t neeorting eagazt Requested Insp€ct Date: Monday, November 26, 2007 '"tf,$fiofrS3i 'fi., o*==nr,.. ", uo,. I463 GREENHILL CT ArPrD Infomatlon ^ A€vlty: P07-0101 - Type: B-PLMB SubType: ADUP Stgtus: ISSUEDGonst TvDe: Occupah'cy: USe: Insp Area: jp Ouirier: BLIVAS. JULte Contractor: CASEYPLUMBING&HEATING Phone: 970S534300Description: Add one bath, replace fixtures to residential addition Requested Timc: 01:00 PM' Phone: 970-653'4300 Entered By: DGOLDEN K lnspectlon Hlstorv l. .-\ (lt"frr.,^/,t,/,,t nI 1', il' ' lrl^lt hlu ,Ql ,U A..j '{,.r^li (,* t,n l''A u ' t,,\ tv' [) u' t,) .. 4 v'- /l ,l ,At t"l TOR SADDLE VALVE. (/' REPTI31 Run Id: 7280 t Coltf,.sfiY oeftrnll|rEt{r Design Review Boald ACTIO]T FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vaal. colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 fex. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Project Description: BUVAS CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070091 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO DELETE EfiERIOR RENOVANON WORK, UMITED TO ONE WINDOW REPUCEMENT. THIS CHANGE TO APPROVED PI.ANS REPRESENTS A SIGNIRCANTLY REDUCED SCOPE OF WORK. Participants: owNER BLIVAS, JULIE 031t912007 1.|8 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLICAI{T SAWATCH LAND CO. INC.031 L9|2OO7 Phone: 376-4124 P.O. BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 629-8 Protect Addr€ss: 1,163 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1463 GREENHILL CT Legal Description: Lot:8 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel l{umber: 2103-1221-0304-1 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: se@nd By: Vote: Gondi6ons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APPrcvalt O4lO4l2OO7 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rsriew committee(s)' 6nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Crndr 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 a All development applicaUons submltted to the Town after the etrecti\€ date of Ordlnance 25, Series 2(X)6 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulatlons in whatener brm ttrey are finally adopbd; prwlded, tpulwer, that if the Torn falls to adopt the pendlng employee housing regulaUons by Aptil 15,2ffJ7, this Ordlnance shall not apply to such development applicaUons. Planner: waren Gmpbell DRB Fee Pald: S20.0O t the Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General f nformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri Location of Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s)nature(s): Name of Applicant: a N @ gl oo -.o --lype of Review and Fee: rEI\ Changes to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. MAR 16 2007 3 Sets of Plans Addressing PQect Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Subdivision: For Office Use Onlv:-, Fer-Pad:*,fifr1f CheckNo.:! 07 / sy: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvedJllans-lJDage-05-11-2006.doc lr.'l;1 JotNr PRoPSRTY owNER WRflTEN APPROVAL TETTER (;ltr :,.!n;/t!ii;, C ?4@. Jornr ewner of propery lcr:rr,:rr :t Atl|l|ti(||.|i|l'y''plilesechetkthest{teflentbe|owwhichismostapp|i.cab|:t:''/')|'il 1.7 .[ :.n:Jerstar.d tiitat minor nodifitations nay he nadd b the platls over dte qi;ni! (tf aftl ti't'ilrv Lvt)i:is's' t( ensure mmplfance'with the Townb appliable ades and regut=ttit't;" 1.'--*-- -.-l ( l 'til "a; 1tt' t ) \./ ,f (i i. tztt7t,*,: that all modifratiorts, nlnor or otherw3e, whidt are made b ll\1 ,ii1" : tlt'?.' ai\'? ,l,r.rs= ,t,,...,i_,e .eriu* ,r**u, ii bmught to my attention by the appl'ant fof a.!Lt;ti:!1it' itJ'.um /a"' ;.elnt t1,'tlrlipoitrg ftt,iher revEw by the Town' 0l\1,:tr:::--(.lilal t.trzl _t: L'ilr L.!.:: ou-\ (Etnte) a ++{'*l****+***{t*+*'}.'***r********l+*+*+*+++***+*t******a*****t*'}'}++*+*lt++++'t********+**+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*++{'**'+{'*'l'}***la***+*****+{"}'}*+*+l++++*'t'}'}+*'l'lt**t******'f'}*+*fif++++*+1********************* Stsatement Number: R070000294 Arnount: $20.00 03/t9/2OO7t0:35 Alit Palment Method3 Check I,AIiID CO, INC. Init: iIS Notation: 502I/SAWATCH $20.00 ++*****1.****f,*X*****l.****++l++++*t*****'ttt*l'**+*f*l+*++t*********************f*+*++++******'i ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmta DR 001000031L2200 DESIGN REVIBII FEES 20.00 Permit No: DRB070O91 T!E)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plana Parcel No: 2103-!24-O3O4-I SiCe Address: 1453 GREENHIIJI' CT VAII., Location: 1463 GREENHfIJIT CT Total Fees ! Totsal AIJIJ PmIg : Balance: DeEcriDt.ion This Payment: s20. oo 920.00 $0.00 'l t \f mnHtrvfit ccft'i*.txrY *\t€LoFt€llT A*r4^,tr/ Design Review Board ACTTOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax| 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%(oin Proiect Name: BLIVAS ADDmON Project DescripUon: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060165 051 1612006 Phone: 970445-0098 Conversion of solarium space at west of duplex to new living space; eltension of existing deck to south and west; new walkway; new bedroom and associated window wel/boulder wall; exterior changes detailed in plan set. Pafticipants: owNER BLryAS, JUUE 051L512006 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPUCANT AMY BIRDSALL PO BOX 5927 VAIL co 816s8 1463 GREENHILL CT VAIL LocaUon: 1463 GREENHILL CT Lot 8 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. 2103-124-0304-1 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: Dunning Dantas 4-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 07 lO5120O6 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008246 At the time of the applicanfs submittal for building permit, stamped PE drawings ' I mtst be Induded fur all walb that exeed four feet (4') in height..{ r Cond:@MXXnz47' t / ' Prior b reeMng a TCO, Ure appllcant shall omply wih all To{,n of Vall Fre Depatnent rcqulrernerG fur gnoke debOr lnstalldon per SEction R 313 of Ute IRC (2003). Planner: Elisabe$ Edrel DRB Fcs P.ld: f3OO.OO { AddiUons-Residential or MAY 15 2006 TOWN OF VHii i ;, -\,t- r-r \r\l ili itll ffilAddrr6s: Application for Design Review D+rtmcm d Cmrrnry Da,tlog.ttatt 75 Sofi Fdlbg! R64 \hl. trS 8155, tsl: 97tL,D92139 ftr 970.'l79.z45z wcb: ffiw.t aagor.oan GG||CrslInbnnedon: Al p.ot .ts rqihg G$ r€\,€vr md rdv! aggotaa prb. b stmffng a hfftg 9.fi* ap0l@,1 Plee ftftr b 61! qi1tlc ;ech.rsrs 51' 0: pntloi1' ry3gnl otd b 11qr€.D4 ^n .gcldn lbr Oet;1 nrvhu camd b. rcce*O u.ff e ltqrfrO ffi.n$n ts.G.titcd by tl* co.mntt Oct dqm.tt oagat!|Et The p.oJad flEt abo mrd b br ra'trd by 0cTo r Ard d/6. tht E|.g ad Eil,ldIrntJ coil|Gdoft Dt lgn ]!ulatr.9p.olu.l l.F unlcar a b{fdhg pcltafr b bsrcd -d qrtu&l cunocncs rlfih oac !s of t'|. an0iov.L D€scrlDfron dftc n.r[E* 'T*'-, ' \ 2artear./ a errErr €-- llaaFoqtoCs t- -E -|i|'FCqaS/ 128.-l*t- Locatioo of the Propocd: v P 6)o c-. Ra Parcd o.: ?-lf ztz-4441lc',ta.t Zonhg! t{affingtddrcsc -.1+A Owner(s) 9igoature(s) : N.rne of APdlcanu trl.iung Mdr€ss: E-mail Addrcss: lYpc of Rcvicw and Fee: O SiEts O Con6eporal R€vi.x{ /Orrc.'cr*,oo,t ZE\Adffdl tr t{rEAlterduql (md-f.fitft/corff nedal) td.[ AlE dio.r(cndcffy/dd.{) ChfrFbAWorGdnrts Scp|.e.t ReC*st o o t5{, &! lr,(l0 pa. squre fooa of btd slgn a|rt. ib Fre *650 Fo. @.rstrrrdlo.t of . lsr htLlllg s &mdtcbnild. $3m For an rdduoal whete squ.te ftobgc b 6dded b a.ry Esllential or co.mErdd hrftq (lnd.das 250 ffiG & htsrior c0nErsio.6)' taqo Fa fl*s dl gEr b hr]fugs ild sits ittFutemerts, sdt 6. f€'aolhg. p.i{h& siillor ad.fdo.E lan6caphe furces rnd reh*{Fg ra!+ cE. lZ0 hr tnft dt .t{|Cs b hldn96 a.d slt! htFst snctrb. 9d| ts. l€ 6fi,t9. p*tthg. dn6l| ad&.q Lttctapitlgr lbtE a.d |!bid(€ ffil$ cE $10 Fr raEbns b Crt3 aHt il.otad bY PLmitg Cdf q he D€Cgn R3riirSod. llo Fe. E4* Co. A:secn at970-328€€43 br prrcl nu.) l|amqs) ot orrmr(s): *,o. /6lf -w' $ ,{r **++** * ***** * **'* 't !t'**1.**+ ++ ++++**+ +*+***** * **r.{. **at*** * **t * ********+ +++++**+ ++ + * *t** *** * ** t** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**f+ tl+*********'i**a**********+****i****ltft+tft++* +++*+** ** **tia+** * ** *******t**it *ttt**f*f + Statement Number: R060000501 Amount: $300.00 OS/L6/200608:24 Atrt Palment Method: Check Init : iIS Notation: 1011/JIrLrE BIJIVAS Permit No: DR8060155 T14re: DRB - Addition of GRFAParcel No: 2103-124-0304-1 Site Address: 1463 GREENHILL eP VAIL .Location : 14 53 GREEIIHIIJIJ CT This Palment: $300.00 Tot,al Fees : $3 00 . 00 Total ALL Pmts: 5300.00 Balance:$0.00+fftt+++f++**+*********************t*********************++++*f,+*++***+***********+*++++*f** ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3IT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 -5 ' emcrk;ant-rdTilcAsqc-!1!q!}gg1@1;$$!]j! COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSI'JRANCE ISSUED BY STEWART IITLE- CUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Tcxas corporation, -her.ein.called tlrc company' for valuablc consideration, rrereuy cunmits to is$e its potirry or policics of tide insurane, as idcntificd in S"-hAt t in favor of o" piqpos.a Inered nam€d' in sctteoute A' as owner or morlgagee of the cstate oi- in-,"*.t- *ro"a f,er"ti i" 'tfre froa dccribcd or rcferred to in Schedule d upon payment of dle ;;;;; "nd "rrog"" tofuor; "rr "*i".t to tlre provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hcreof. This comrnitment shall be effective only when the identity of $re proposed l. *t4 *d the amount of ,h;;t;;-p"ilicE oornmitted for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company' either at thc time of ihe issuace of tris Commirmcnt or by ubsequent endorsernent. This Commitrncnt is preliminary to rhe issuance of srch policy or policies of title-insurance and all fi.lifi,y ""0 obligations h€rcund; shCl ccase and terminete six rnontbs after the effective date hercof ; ;fu the policy or policies cof,mitted for shall issue" whichever first occurs' provided that the failure to issrrc such pohcy or policies b not tlre fault of the Cornpany' Signed under seal for the Company, but dris Comrnitment shatl not be valid or binding until it bcars an audrorized CountersigrBnre. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, StetrE t Title Guarmty company has caused its cofporate namc and s€al to be hereunto affixed by its duly au6ori2ed officerc on the date shown in Schedule A STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY chai rllan of tba STEWART T1TLE OF VAII." INC. P.O. Box 2{b0 vail, Cobrdo 8165E (970\ 92642n lt SCHEDULE A Order Number: 04035149 -c2 l. Effectiv€ date: Nowenbcr 18, 200{ et 7:{5 l'I' 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (Bt.nd.d) Proposed Insured: Amount of lnsurance $ S goo,ooo.oo STATEMENT OF CHARGES These &rgps rc duc md pay,ablc bcforc a Policy cen bc irocd. PnEaru axlrul t.m 3. 4. 5. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commiurent and covered herein is f,ee 6ll![rl€ Title to the t6e Firyt. estate or interest in said laod is at the effective date hereof vested in: LARRT BLMS ead antLIB BIrIvta (rce rsguirocatt tor v"tlag correotloa) The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEB ATTACIiED LECAIJ DaSCRIPTIOF (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed Insured: WASEINGTO}I X TU}IJ ASSIGNS (c) Leasehold Proposed Insured: Purported AddrCaa: 1453 Greeablll clB I vail, co 81657 (sl.od.rd) EAm, t.r., rTE SUCCESSORg lltD loE[glOEr TII CEBT t toru 100 fotu 110.1 tora 100.30 tor! 8.1 lola 5.1 $1, 0?s. oo 20.00 50. 00 x/c 215.00 30.00 215 . O0 for! 103.1 50.00 SCEEDIJLE A Order Number: 04 03 51,{ 9 -c2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel B, "nl " oo"-1.1! rndivldld lDt€rc't La aad to Prrcel c' a regubdlv{lLon ol lrot 8, OIrsI LYON SIIBDMSIOtr, aa raeld€d' accordlagtothePlstrecordcdxov'ob'rLl'L982ltrBook372atPag'720rt ReceptioD [o. 25903?. COUN:rg OF BIOLI STATE OF COI.'ORIDO. c2 DONE :-'-/"/o4 BY tlEE m rtoltD !C'rr AI|o!!II/PREI(ILU TErg COUI(ITM4IT ma PaaPrnED OS l{ovlxBlR 9. 2OOl' FoR OLESIIONS RIOIRDMO TAIS COOIIIXENT PLiltrAE CAIJ' nacAN EAt|ttBR, tE! trTr,E olFrgEB, lT 970,/766-0236' roR gUEsTIONg nESAnDtNO lBE CIro9ING' PLEI8E CALLI xAltlfv Toltxc, TSE ESCROW OFtrrcER, Nt 970/790'2652 This cqmLtlcDt lt t€gt to: T4ICEAEIJ rAl|ES 'l ' SCEEDTJLE B Section I Order Number: 04 03 51419 - c2 REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payrncnt to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or intcrcst to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. to wit: 1, Evldence satj,sfactory to 8te$art Tl,tl€ ouaraDty coq)aay of Paymont of aL] outatanding tax.B srrd ass€ssmcDts as c€rt1ll€d by Ehe Eagle Coulty Treaaurar. 2. ExecutLon ot aflldavlt aa to DGbt. aad Ll,€na rnd its r€turlr to gtewart Titl€ Guaranty comPa[Y. 3, Releaee by the Public Trustsca of Eagle County of tb€ Decd of, fru.t frol! Larry Blivas and .tuliG Bllvas f,or the uee of, 9fashiBEton litutual BBI1k, FA to s€curo s9oo,ooo.oo, dar€d octob€r 13, 2003, r€corded october 20, 2003 as Beeeptl.o! No. 85r1388. 4. De€d from Larry Btivas, vestj.ng fee aiupJ.e t1tle ia Julie Bllvas. NOTE: NOTA. TON OF TIIE LEGAIJ ADDRESS OF TIIE GRANTEE UI'ST APPEAR ON TIIB DEBD AS PER 1976 A}IENDMENT TO STATIITB ON RECORDINS OP DBEDS CRS 38-35.109 (21 . 5. Deed of Trust fron th€ Borrower to tbe Publlc Truate€ for the uec of tb'e proposed leuder to secure the loan- 5. NOTE: TIIIS DBED IS To BE RECORDED AFTER rHE DEED OF TRItgT EAs BEEII RECORDED. Deed frotn Larry Blivaa, vc€ting fee el.nplc title ln .7u1i€ Bllva8 atrd Larry BIlvas. NOTE r NOTATION oF TEB LEGAL ADDRES9 OF rHE GRTIfrtBE UUS! APPEAR ON TBB DEBD AS PER 1976 AITENDUENT TO 9TAT(ITB ON RECONDINq OF DEEDS CRg 38.35-109 (2). NoTE: EFFECTTVE SEPTEI{BE8 L' 1997, cRS 30-10-405 REQUIRES TEAT AIJIJ DOCITUENTS RECEIVED FOR RBC9RDII{G OR FTI.IIIG IN TIIE CLERX IIID RECORDERIs OFFICE SEAIL CONTAIN A TOP llAROrN AT LEAST ottE INCB AllD A IJEFa, RIOBT lIgD BoT1lpM IIARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE - EALF INC8. TEE CIJERf, Al{D RECORDER l'lAY BBEI'8B TO RBCORD OR FII'B ANY DOCI'UENI TEAT DOES tIO" CONPONX. NOTICE-- -Ef,GLE COI'!E[Y CLERK Ig NTFORCTNG TEIS RI'IJEI I I I lloNCONFORlrlIllG DOC$dE!trlS WTLL EE REitEetED. SCEEDULE B Section 2 Order Number: 04103 51{9 -c2 EXCEPTIONS Thc policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records' 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmgnts, and any facts which a correct survcy and inipection of the premisis would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, licns, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the efective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitmcnt. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. ?. Any and all unpaLd taxes and astca8nerltt and any unredaeoed tax sal€s- 8. The effect of LnclusLotla in a!'y g€n€rll or apeclflc Yat€r cona€rvancy, fire protection, sol1 congervatioD or otber dlstrict or itrcluglou in aD,y }rater s€rvlce or at!€€t LBprovcDeDt area. 9. Reaervatsions or eJcccptioDa coutained tn U.S. Patents' or Ln Acts authoriziag the isguance tsbereof, recorded october 2' L946 1a Book 132 at Paga 405, reservlng 1) Righta o! ttre proprietor of a vein or lode to €xtract aDd r€Bove his ore bherefrom and 2) rights of way tor ditchea and canalc constructed uDde! the authority of the gntt€d States. 10. AII matters sborm oD th6 plat of GleD Lyoo Subdlvisloa recorded as RecePtioa l{o. l-53538 and th€ A.nended PIlt of Gllea Lyotr Subdlvlalon, recordcd .Iu1y 18, 1978 ln Boo}. 272 at Pag€ 370 ae RecePtLon No. 168?73- 11. prot€ctive Covenarttr of OIen Lyon Su.bdlvlglon recorded Aprl1 4, L91A ltr Book 268 at. pag€ 598 as Recegtlon No. 155082 and lDeDdmeDtg recordcd Scpt6nber 15, 198? tn Book 469 at P.ge 801 ae R€c€PtioD No. 366021 and record€d \by 2' l99O in Book 528 at Pagc 15{ as RoceptLoD No. 424315 rrrd all lDeadnents thereto. 12. Agrees€nt recorded Noveubcr 14, 1983 Ls Book 372 at Page 719 at R€c€ptLon No. 259035 and re-recordqd ttarch 23, 198{ ln Book 381 at. Pag€ 342 aE RecePtlo'r No. 277 650 . 13. EaEement AgreeBcDt racorded Noveobcr 14, 1983 ln Eook 372 at, Pege R€cepsion No. 259035. 14. Atl matterB shown oa tb€ plat recorded Nov€mb.r 1'1, 1983 in Book 720 aB RecePtj,on !Io. 269037. 718 as 372 at Pag€ &aoR ' DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C.R.S. l0-l l'122, notice is hereby given that: (A) THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED TN A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT; (B)ACERTIFICATEoFTAxEsDUELISTINGEACHTAXINGTRISDICTIoNSHALLBE oBTAINEDFR0MTHEcoUNTYTREASURERoRTHEcoUNTYTREASURER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; (c)INFoRMATIONREGARDINGSPECIALDISTRICTSANDTHEBoUNDARIESoFSUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' T}IE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR TI{E COUNTY ASSESSOR. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph c of Article -vll requires that "Every title ."iiny rft"ff be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording when€ver the title ""iii "o"A*" the closing and is rcsponsible foi recording or filing of legd documents resrlting from the transaction which was closed, " providea that Stewaft Title of Vail, Inc' conducts the closing of the insured transacrion and is responsible for recording the legal doCumeats from the transaction, exc€ption number 5 will not appear on the owner's Title Poticy and thc L€tder' I Title Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative MechaniCs Lien Protection for the Owner may be available (tyPicaUy by deletion of Exception No. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A. The land described in Schedule A of this commitrnent must be a single family residence, which includes a condominium or townhouse unit' B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or materialmen for purposes of consmrction on rhe land described in schedule A of this commitment within thc past 6 months. C.TheCompanymrrstreceiveanappropriateaflidavitindemnisingthecompanyagainstunfiled mechanic's and materialmen' s liens' D. The company must receive Payment of the appropriate prernium E. If thefe has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property tobe purchased, within six rnonths prior to the Date of the Commitment, thc requirernents to obtain cov€rage for unrecorded liens will inslude: disclosure of certain construction infornration; financial information as to the scller, the builder and/or the contactor; paymant of the appropriate prerniuu\ fully executed Indemnity agreemErts satisfactory to the company; and, any additional requirerncnts as rnay be necessari/ aftfi 8n examinatio'n of the aforesaid information by the Company' No coverage wi be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. NOTIIING HEREIN CONTAINED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE TEE COMPANY TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE COVERAGES REFENRED TO HEREIN I,NLESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE FULLY SATISFIED. Order No. 0{03 514 9 -C2 Disclosurcs (YSDD) Rcv. l0/99 STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPAIIY Prlvacy Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Tirle V of the Cramm-Lcach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibis any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless tbe institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categorics of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this documcnt, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Gurranty Company. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: -- Inlorrnation we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. -- Information about your transactions we s@ure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. -- Information we receive from a consumcr rsporting agency. - Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real cstate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically ststed otherwise in an amended Privary Policy Notice, no additionat nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our oustomers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: -- Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, oonsumer finance, securities and insurance. -- Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOLTT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW We restrict accsss to nonpublic personal information about you to thos€ employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. FllG No. lx036la9.c2 Srr.r Tld. of vdl. 3... Prlv|cy Pollcy Nollc. (Pr!o l) Rcv. 072001 (YPPNI) STEWART TITLE OF VAIL' INC. PrivacY PolicY Notice PURPOSE OF TIIIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leactr-Blitey Act (GLBA) gencralty prohibits any financid institutioq dircctly or through its affiliates, from shanng *npolti" p"it"-r infgr'",cion uto"t you with a nonaffitiated third party unless the institution provides you *id, a n.t.. of it" p"ivacy policies and practices, srch as the type of infonnation that it collects about you and the -ago.io or pcrsons o. entltie" to whorn it rnay be discloeed' In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you'*i6 this &crmreot, which notilies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title of Vell' Inc. We may collect nonpublic personal informetion about you from the following sourccs: - Information *" ."""it'" fro- you' such as on applications or other fortrs' -- Information about your tranJctions we secrrre from our files' or from out affiliates or odrers' -- lnformat ion we rec'eive from a consumer reponing agency' -- Information rhat we receive ftom oth6s involved in yor.r trarsaclion, such as the real estate agent or lender. unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. we may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliatis or to nonafliliated third parties as permitted by law' we also may disclose this information about our customers or fonner customers to the following types of nonaffiliatei companies rhat perform marketing services on our behalfor with whom we have joint marketing agreements: - Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, collsumer finance, securities and insurance' -- Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers' WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPI.JBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW' we restrict access to nonpublic personal infornration about you to those employces- who nccd to know that information in order to provide iroducrs or scrvices to you. We maintain physical, eleclronig and procedural ,"r"gr"rar that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonprblic pcrsonal infornraion' FllcNo.04o35t{9-Cl Stc'rrr Tld. of vr!' ltc' Privrcy PoticY Notlc. (P.t 2) Rcv,07/20O1 (YPPN2) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS L The term mortgage' when used herein' shall include deed of trust' trust decd' or other security instrument' 2. If the proposed Insured has or ecquires actual lalowledge of any defect' lien'- ;;;;;ffi*' aaverse ctaim o' otho matter affectins the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this CommiEnent - o6er than those shown in Schedulc B hereof, *a tf,"fiitil io - disclose such- knowledge to the Company in ;ffi;: dt. a;;p*v tltti b" Jieved from liabilitv for anv loss or damage resultingfromanyactorreliancehereontotheextenttheCompanyisprejudiced bvfai|uretosodisclos€s.,cr,ho*ruag".lftheproposedlnsuredshalldisclose ;J#i;;;;; . a" c""tp*v' ot iT the companv otherwise acquires actual ;;*ltdg;;F-y "'"rt a"rt* iieT ' encumbrance' adverse claim or other matter' the Company at its opiion-- may amend Schedule, B of this Commitnent accordingly, but slch "-;;;;i th"ll not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred p* t-i" p-"graph 3 of these conditions and stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named ' ;;;;;A tns*"a "r,a'st'"i parties inctudeo qd* 9: definition of Insured in the fornr of policy o. po,,"'o -*ttin"A for and only for acnral loss incurred in reliance hereon in .rnaerating in good faith (a) to comply-with,q"^ t"1ll1-T"1t: 1".".i, "iiul to eliminarc ol"tptiont shown in Schedule B' or (c) to acqure or createtheestateorinterestormortgagethereoncoveredbythis.Commitrnent.'.In no event shall such riau ity exceeo ["" o-oont stated in schedule A for the policy or policies committed ror'"iJ,"Jriuuility is subject to the insuring provisions, the conditions and Stipulatfr -il th; Eiclusions from Coverage of the form of ;Iil;; ;ilt* "o-.ial r* in favor of the proposed lnsured which are hereby it""tir-"LO by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expresslY modifi ed herein' 4. Any action or actions or rights ofaction *ra11lre nrgled Insured may have or may bring against the Compan-y arising olt of the status of the title to the estate or intercst or thc status of the nrcrtgate thereon covered by this Commianent must be iluJ on and are subject to the piovisions of this Commitnent' STEWART TITLE GUARAI{TY COMPANY All notices required to be givefl dre Company and any-statEment in writing required to L" nrr"f*,"d tire Company sh"ir U" "oatitttO to it "i P'O' Box 2029' Houston' Totas 71252, ,rdidentify this **-l**'by its printed COMMITMENT ORDERNUM- iliri-tiii"rt.epoo on d* b"t; of the front of dre first page of this commitrnent' / JUli,21,2006 BBS/N4UCH SHELISTl0:42AM N0,0712 P, 2 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER " descriptionl I'(LZ a4suNi*,r, oT, nt** u r'- provide this letter as writbn apprwal of the plans dateO [l whlch have been ' submibed to the Town of Vail Oommuniiry Development Deparment for he proposed improvements b. bg completed at the address noted aborre, I undersond that the proposed improremenE lnclude: av, dr7,.o-w^.,14 o( dbaceat rilt d{ #4-Eot)774 :lv+ Nr,,J lrawf en-dvd*rc? a.4.ox (Q d{ (Q- "*n /r\ fXa 4l-4/4 C,tt.V^d tt flNen OUcy u)&1 S,uA da:qn (u,/^eJ, dr€ry I further understand $at minor modlflcations may bc made b the plans over the course of the revievv pfocess to ensure compliane with tle Townl appllcable codes and regulations. lu t&.fnk Sftpc{ fu,t+'t1,6, e/ n'/a (Dato) '1 '1'i j F:\cdw\FORMSlPERMItHPlennino\dfi efHlllon I 1.2i.200F-dor: v1^6lr4u, /,Ve/ /oc)( laoe ? # 14 !1/t117nns l4{r3 e7&t thLL CT fbhaDtr qttlll nFulna |lrltllDll <'! o ci -, <t> -J - -<) -= coo >< : e \oc> aa- ---: -A3.0 tNSPIRATEC STUDIOTi FATSEES(U vm- GG.d Do arl t7!.a4l.oorl I1O3 GREENHITI- CT GOLORAOO o(taB P€lll ?6ctrG z.oF6ct -l|rIao =rr,E, () JI =rrJtIT&(t cA(0< fr *Natural Cedartone 45 Buildinq Matefials PROPOSED MATERIAIS TVpe of Matgrial Color Roof Sklirg O$er Wall tvlaErials _ ._ J€gq *.--- S;ffits. -__-_. Win&u,s --'.-__ WndowTrim *-_-__-_..r Doors _ ---\.r.r.\ DotrTrim ,\:.\\. l-land or Deck Rails._-_..- Flues ----.--. AJLLr@ ./ryA. Flashing Greenhouses A\ Retainingwalls \\. + -\-.- Chimneys \-. @ Tmsh Endoqrres Exterbrt'orrtino %L*g- €r,fosrE---..<-- |@t/qc*Es, Wother t.-q.fu'+re-.2*-- alB - jlt$,UFF Notes: r # 8,TVre &)(-tjt.{rl$'2. elx:ag -aE:#€ .. +r.{ rstrnr*ce+as+rL Pbas€ specin' $e nnnubcttrer's nanre, the cdor narne and number and attacfr a?tor ctrip. {S=- 3 Wd"L>lQLUr;A*-g --+!I/t t\A*t/re PFft { lb . Page 6 of t2l04l29l04 ts. €isges w":rLEmrno I rps IFffirr--J ffiIffieEDEnj fffidTd-oiil-el IF-tr,-srl mrdes----] IEcriffiOffil c|datcenffiE I Kichler Outdoorllanging Lights 98690.2 - Decorating etc. is your source for kichler outd... Page I of I nEe.rw fr.r rottMt ttvtM Call us Toll Free 1466-LTGHTS4 (1S66-5 Kichbr l{ight Olde Bronze Outdoor Hanging I Our Price: Call for Best Price Due to manufacture/s intemet pricing policl need to call for best pricing. You can also us Quote" option on the left side menr Item # 9E69OZ Lhtd Umb.? Gl.!t l{ight 160-W. flar. (flcdiu]t| Br*d Lrmp} 9- Squ.r., H.bm ft lA', 01,.r.ll l|l lf,' Ertr l..d wlrc tlz' U.L. Ud.d for g.np l-ocdbn For.ddltlon l ch.ln ordcr, 209CQZ Fo. .ddl6on l rt.|r., oftlcr 2998O2 (g') or 2fgctz (tf) lr Free Ground Shipping for orders over $ locations within the continental Unite< http://wlw.decorating-ac.com/Sqrrce/IGchler/Outdoor/Hanging/Lightspec_KlC-9869O... 5ll5/2006 Outdoor Lighting - Hubbardton Forge Mission 16 l/4" High OutdoorWall Light (59841) ... Page I of 2 F vPr c"rt Live Chat 1 keyword or itenr # PRoJEcrs coirrAcrus @a LAXIP' PLUS Ceilino Ltghtiog y Lanrps v Wdl Lighting t Outdoor Ughtino t llome Decor v Oo|ers v }IOflE O SALE CLEARAIICE CATALOG STORELOCATOR TYPORTFOLIO I-AMPS P|US > Outdoor > 59841 Zoom In I view Larger I View in Room Scene I P.int This Item HUBBARDTON TORGE You may also like:Select the items Rcturn To Hubbardton Forge Mission 161/4" High Wall Light ( s9841) From Hubbardton Forge's Mission Collection, this o light was created using a hammer and anvil techni LAMPS PLUS Price $25e.se Com pare $404.99 FREE SHIPPING on this itemr Please call (8OO)782-1967 for availability. l{o Payments for 90 Days on purchases ove. g3OO with Bill Product llescription From the Mission Collection by Vermont's reno\^/r Hubbardton Forge, this veftical outdoor wall lighl the Collection's goal: a syntlresis of old and new according to the the company's traditional harnrr technique, the powdercoated natural iron finish i and rich. Closed-top opal tube glass inside. o Powdercoated natural iron finish.I Closed-top glass tube inside opal glass. r Takes one 100 watt bulb (not included).o 16 l/4" hi9h,8" wide; extends 61/2" fror below and add them directly to your Portfolio or S Add selected items to P l Add Selected hfrp://www. lampsplus.con/productdoutdoor/S984 I 5lr5l2w6 L IttsptnnrEc Sruoros 14638 GroenhillCt Vail, Cobrado Ei657 Existing PMo $udy Existino East Ehvdion Posr OFFtcE Box 5927 VAL CoLoRADO 81&58 970.445.0099 Aily@tNsptRATEcSruoros,cou FriCinqSou0r Ehvr0on Posr Orprce Box 5027 VAil- CoroRtDo 81668 970.,1.45.0m Aw@lspRATEcsrLuos.coil EnigtintWeot Ehvrtion Posr Ornce Box 5927 VA|L Cor.oRADo 81658 970.445.0098 Ary@tNspmTEcsTuoros.con Exirtno Wed Elevation at Adacent Secondrry Unlt Posr OFflcE Box 5927 VAn Cor.oMDo 81658 970.445.0C8 Amy@lNspnATEc$nD|os.corl \ ffi *s+i='o {t- o_ 00f( 6 # F k il *Ffl:- 1qtn-fi fIll-, I-_ -F- RECEIVE STO{E I NEWRMERROCKITO MATCH EXISTING I ADJACENTUNII I -{l- r NEW STUCCO COLUMN AT WALL TO #exrsrrno COVERED ENTRY PORCH IN1ERIOR FLOOR HT INSPIRATEC STUDIOS POST OFFICE BOX 5027 vAlL coloMm 8i&58 970.41s.0098 14638 GREENHILL CT ADDITION/ REMODEL A2.l JUNE 21. 2006 NOT FOR CO.ISTRUCTIOII NEW LIGHT FXTURE NEW ENTRY FEATURE W COPPER ROOF, GLULAi/ BEAMS, STUCCO COLUMNS, WOOD DOOR, STUCCO AT EXISTING FACE OF WALL NEW RMER ROCK TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT OWNER UNTT INSPIMTEC STUDIOS POST OFFICE BOX 5927 vAtL coLoR Do 81658 9 7 0.4i| 5.0098 14638 GREENHILL CT ADDITION/ REMODEL A3.O JUNE 21. 2{n6 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION t-ll- ,-[ NEW STUCCO CO{-UMNS AT ENTRY UPPER LEVEL =J.T0z7rEr Y- MAIN LEVEL =--883'-7mr Kt> 9AUrJI ELB/ATION AT ENTtr*AE V.F. ,'<)' .NEWWINDOWS, . STUCCO, AND CEDAR \BELLY BAND INSPIRATEC STUDIOS PosT oFFlcE 80x 5927 vAtr cotoRAm 8155s970.445.0098 14638 GREENHILL CT ADDITION/ REMODEL A3.l JUNE 21, 20O6 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION May 24,2OOG Ms. Amy Birdsall PO Box 5927 Vail, CO 81658 amy@inspiratecstud ios.com Re: Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourVLot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06-0165 Dear Amy, Thank you for submitting an application for an addition and several exterior changes at the referenced address. I have reviewed the application and summarized my comments, and the comments of the other applicable Town Departments below for your review. Planninq Deoartment 1. Please submit the adjoining duplex owner's signature. I have attached a copy of the page that will need to be comoleted. Feel free to return it to me via fax at 970.479.2452. 2. Please revise the square footage calculations indicated on Sheet A0.0 of the plan set. According to Title 12, Vail Town Code, the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for a lot of 20,158 square feet is 7,170.&f square feet. This number is then divided into a 60/40 split, in which case one unit may never use more than 2,868 square feet, or its 40% allotment. This allows the "B" unit at least 4,302 square feet of the total allowable square footage, as opposed to 7,106 square feet, which number was listed on the plans. 3. Please submit floor plans for bofh sides of the residence. This will allow me to calculate the GRFA for the entire residence and ensure that the proposal complies with the allowable square footage referenced previously. 4. Please note that according to Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, one lighting fixture per 1,000 square feet of lot size is allowed. This number is not required to be split into the same 60/40 split that applied to the square footage calculations. Feel free to distribute light sources as you wish. 5. Please submit a site plan indicating the following:a. The existing structure and the proposed changes; and,b. All required parking spaces for the entire duplex, indicated by 9' x 19' rectangles. 6. Please submit a stamped topographical survey. This will allow Staff to verify the total lot size and thus verify allowable site coverage, GRFA, and the site plan already requested. Publlc Works Department 1. Please provide stamped Professionally-Engineered drawings for all walls that are four feet(4') in height or taller. Flre Deoartment 1. Smoke detectors required per Section R 313 of th€ IRC(2003). 2. Fire sprinkler s),stem recommended. 3. Monitored fire alarm system recommended. Finally, please note that in order to keep this item on the DesQn Review Board's June 7h agenda, all requested items'must be submitted to the Gommunity Development Department no later than 9 a.m. on Friday, June 2d. lf that is not a plausible deadline, wB may place the ilem on the June 21d agenda Inetead. Please let me knowwhat works best for !ou. Please don't hgsitab to contract me with any remaining quesiions or @nooms. t look fonvard to recoiving revisod drawings ftom l,()u soon. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel s70.479.245/- enclosure Comuururv DeveLopMENT Rounnc Fonnn I Approved with conditions fi Denied Status: I Approved Routed To:Georqe Chalberq, PW Date Routed:05117106 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:05t24t06 Description of work:Addition/exterior changes Address:1463 GreenhillCourt Legal:Lot:8 Block:B Subdivision:Glen Lvon Subdivision Gomments:Date Reviewed: 5/19/06 Need additional review bv Fire Deoartment. Provide a site plan. Provide stamoed PE drawinos for walls 4' or taller. S.c lin ld DrcrlDdon Approv. d R.q Ibm Acdorl lnhcrlhbb 5400 PI.ANNING DEPARTMENT No R 0 No 56m FIRE DEPARTil T Y6 o 1 AP No 55q)PUBLICWORI No o 0 No Total Rows: 3 ar Apprcvals for DR8060165 13:36 05/19/2006 s,6aa/4ah AA ag.(/a' Page 1 Il- 7'. June 14, 2006 Ms. Amy Birdsall PO Box 5927 Vail, CO 81658 amy@inspiratecstudios.com Re: Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourUlot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06-0165 DearAmy, Per our conversation this afternoon, I will expect the following things from you before the end of the day on Friday, June 16'n, in order for this item to remain on the DRB agenda for Wednesday, June 21". Plannino Department $' l. Please submit the adjoining duplex owner's signature. 2. Please revise the square footage calculations indicated on Sheet A0.0 of the plan set. According to Title 12, Vail Town Code, the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for a lot of 20,1 58 square feet is 7,1 70.64 square feet. This number is then divided into a 60/40 split, in which case one unit may never use more than 2,868 square feet, or its 40% allotment. This af lows the "8" unit at least 4,302 square feet of the total allowable square footage, as opposed to 7,'l 06 square feet, which number was listed on the plans. 3. Please submit one set of floor plans for both sides of the residence. This will allow me to calculate the GRFA for the entire residence and ensure that the proposal complies with the allowable square footage referenced previously. 4. Please note that according to Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, one lighting fixture per 1,000 square feet of lot size is allowed. This number is not required to be split into the same 60/40 split that applied to the square footage calculations. Feel free to distribute light sources as you wish. 5. Please submit a site plan indicating the following:a. The existing structure and the proposed changes; and,b. All required parking spaces for the entire duplex, indicated by 9' x 19' rectangles. 6. Please submit a stamped topographical survey. This will allow Staff to verify the total lot size and thus verify allowable site coverage, GRFA, and the site plan already requested. Public Works Department (this item may be safisfed as a condition to be fulfilled atthe time of building permit submiftal) 1. Please provide stamped Professionally-Engineered drawings for all walls that are four feet(4') in height or taller. JL ,z _4 4 . i,- I FI Deoartntent (agaln, the* items may be satis,ied as a @Nithn to be fulfrlled at the tinp of tuilding pemit subniftal) 1. Smoke detectors r€quir€d p€r S€ction R 313 of the IRC(2003). 2. Flre sprinkler syBtem recomm€nded. 3. Monitored fir€ alarm system recommended. Please don't hesitrate to contact me with any remaining questions or oonooms. I look forward to receiving revised drawings thls wsek. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.24il r*,hffif ft 7 !l June22.2006 Ms. Amy Birdsall PO Box 5927 Vail. CO 81658 amy@inspiratecstudios.com Re: Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourULot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06-0165 Dear Amy, Thank you for sending Jeff Sage to represent the Blivas addition at the Design Review Board public hearing held yesterday. The Board tabled the application until July 5, 2006, or until the following concerns may be addressed: 1)TheBoardcommentedthatan#*dedtothesouthemunitmustmatchexactlywhat has been/wiil be applied to the northem unit. The Board discussed that perhaps the river rock on the north unit could be replaced with another stone that the unit owners could then match. Please dlscuss fhis rissue with the owners of the duplex. 2) The Boad was pleased with your intent to keep intact the architectural style of the home, padicularly at the westem elevation. 3) Several members of the Boad rcquested thatult-lescending fiorl the re-modeled kitchen to the south be located slightly farther to the west to avoid il ;;. one Boad memberfett Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 quite strongly that a trce of this size could not be tnnsplanted successfuily. 4) The comment was made that more subsfanfiil should be considered around the windows on the south elevation. q 7:7;:::iIi;!t;EIlH#,#i.{:i:H?1,X,'IE:,,,n#::":#ff#,"##:::",:;:;li":f{' and between Lot I and the adjacent open space was mentioned by severcl fuard members. 6) Ptease submft -Ar- @r apprcpriate cuf sheeft that clearly indicate the windoildoor colors, the garage color and style, and the copper roofing proposed for the new rcof forms. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. I look forward to receiving revised drawings before 5 p.m. on June 30tn to retain placement of this item on the July 5'n agenda. Best regards, Irrrsprnnrrc SruDros r) Town of Vail Elisabeth Eckel Reed 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 June 30, 2006 Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourVlot B, Glen Lvon Subdivision DR806-0165 Dear Elisabelh: Please nole the following responses pertaining to the comments presented by the TOV DRB at the June 21, 2006 meeling. A new set ol drawings is attached with the pertinent revisions. The Board commented that any stone application added to the southern unil must match exactly what has been/will be applied to the northern unit. The Board discussed that perhaps the river rock on the north unit could be replaced with another stone that the unit owners could then match. Please discuss this issue with lhe owners of the duplex. At this time, the owners of both units would like to maintain the River Rock. The Board was pleased with your intent to keep intact the architectural style ol the home, particularly at the western elevation. OK Several members ol the Board requested that the staircase descending from the re-modeled kitchen to the south be located slighlly farlher to the west to avoid disturbance of the tree. One Board nember telt quite strongly that a tree ol this size could not be transplanted successfufly. The staircase descending lrom the deck has been revised. Please see drawings A1.0, 11.0 42.0, A2.1, A3.0, 43.1, A3.2. The comment was made that more substantial headers should be considered around the windows on the south elevation. The architectural design intent lor lhe remodel is to create sleek lines and a minimalistic, modern aesthetic. The wall is meant to read as a tlat stucco wall with simple window punctuations. In my estimation, the addilion of window headerc would detract from the design antent. Please submil a landscape plan as paft of the final submittal. The need for more substanlial landscaping on the entire lot as well as the integration of a natural, attractive landscape bulfer between the hot tubs and between Lot 8 and the adjacent open space was mentioned by several Board members. A Landscape plan has been submitted. Please see drawing 11.0. Please submit a color/sample board (or appropriate cut sheets) that clearly indicate the window/door colors, lhe garage color and style, and the copper rooling proposed for the new roof forms. A color board will be brought to the meeting. /l 4) 6) Posr OFFtcE Box 5927 VA|L CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMY @ INSPI RATECSTUDIoS.COM Please let me know if you have any queslions or commenls. Best Regards, Amy Birdsall, Assoc. AIA Principal PosT OFFtcE Box 5927 VA|L CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsptMTEcsru0t0s.cor,,l t ' lf 1 t ' Blhlr Rcdd€nce Fhal DRB(bOt65 07.05.06 Cmddm of ApprcYal l. At the tlme of the appllcant's submltal for a bulldlng permit, stamped PE drawlngr must h Included fur all walls that exceed four feet (4') in heighs 2. Prlor o receMng a Tempo.rary Certlffcate of Occupancy, the appllcant shall comply with all Town of Vall Flre Department rcqulrcment for smoke detecton Installation per Secdon R 31 3 of the IRC (2003). Block l" , . Addrcss Osncr Architcct Zonc d Lot sizc 09.zt.oe ZONE C}IECK Pbonc Pbonq _ ftoposcd usc : Buildable Existinq . Proposcd rorarGRFA Xt!0= * lStttnnt: 7,17 / Prinraryo*oo "/ tt *1orn1uu1=V7 ,/:(30)wv.v Front Sidcs Rcar\/ .rl u"i,^,{bqL!!1,0?4 ,fus.7 . sccondarycnr.r r/'( * 1+zs16t;*y=fffi /rhgl . + 6'15 = 4lcrcdit ptus KltX? Addih\? orv much of tbi 2i0 Addition is us-fftf-this rcqucsr? Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hcigtrts Parking 3' t6' Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics Mrh TOV Liglting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) EnrironmcntaL/!Iazards 11/ .i- o W-un,ror"o l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain t ?2- 3) Wctlands - -r 4) Watcr Coursc Suback (lO) (SO) fu 5) Gcologic Hazard s '.-z?t7ltZ. ; w " lY-'1 ilt-t ! |Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc): , I \6,.,Av'r ls thc propcrtynon-conforming? Dcscribc: I t )f./)n,,. 6q4UU nnn oF afutut/r ztliz - jz\r a) Snorv Avalan "h" r*za . t b) RocHall uz?0 l i .t , c)DcbrisFtow 4 -.a*, l6^H -grt b* ffiz ";L?,u7K .,, fll :W_- //-/ /v.. u ,!j",, Tj6 q, /3Zt /f/=-t'*r 5w Bcnchmark .'-'jrLcAl dcscriptibn Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography 1001'r. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn hl Hazards Trees Utility locatjons Spot clcvations fl, ffi r"frcirro*,orr*- Titlc rcport (.4, & ts) Photos of,sitc Building matoial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Ang.lcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors vananccs Plat rcstrictions 7--'€FXL-- ef Brltt.D[.rc ELEVATIoNs r', / c.,^r^'':" --!rWc -./ Cgor\Matw;as \ .---- --4oof+ik\\ + W 4y-v;,il,,h,41/. Existing bccs Lcgcnd '/* f Scal c Building Height Encr0acnmcnts.' , Sctbacks lrusnnnrEc Sruoros ? Town of Vail Elisabeth Eckel Reed 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 September 25, 2(Do Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill Court/l-ot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06-0165 Dear Elisabeth: ln comments I received from Chris Gunion for our buidhg permit, the awning windows at the West Elevation Bedrooms were questioned for meeting egress requirements. I would like lo resubmit the windows as casement windows for Design Review. Atached are the DRB Approved West Elevation and the Proposed West Elevation. Please review and provide your feedback for the proposed revision. Once we have received your feedback we will resubmil the drawings for Building Permit. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Best Regards, Amy Birdsall, Assoc. AIA Princioal Posr Ornce Box 5927 VAI CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsprRATEcSruor0s.col,r = rqzEN;F 6?AqIEF* i :B g C9HgHE EgEfiEE t_ PJ Qri ==,;fPxt>4 6z 14638 GREENHILL CT ADDITION/ REMODEL lii ,3-PY =!:gE =1::,a (/, m;E! C) I,lfl>l -1 :l , I o 24q: a3Pi cEiAi; ;Ei;3E l-, FA o a@ Ti =<i;f*xe>e d 14638 GREENHILL CT ADDITION/ REMODEL :=7 qG.PY =T:sE = 4- '^2^ * U) ln;fr C) - Re: 1463 Greenhill Ct.. Vail 1 I From: Elisabeth ReedTo: amy@lnspiratecstudios.comDate: 1111412006 10:1 3:53 AMSubject: Re: 1463 Greenhill Ct., Vail 6/tu rt/a,y' furu//@'/, h/ , Thanks for forwarding, Amy. I have reviewed the letter and placed it in the applicable file for reference by our Staff. I have submitted my resignation to the town and will be headed to another position next week. lf there is anything that I can do on this proposal between now and then, let me know. Otheruise, we can feel confident that capable hands will carry this fonrvard with you. Thanksl Elisabeth E. Reed Planner ll. Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 970.479.2454 otc 970.479.2452tax >>> 'Amy Birdsall" <amybirdsall@excite.com> 11112106 10'07 PM >>> Dear Larry and Julie, Please review the attached letter regarding the Design Review Board approval for your home in Vail. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Best Regards, Amy L. Birdsall, Assoc. AlAPrincipallnspiratec Studios, Inc. PO Box 5927 Vail, Colorado 81658(w) 970.445.0098(0 866.468.2334amv@lnspiratecStudios.com Join Excite! - htto://www.excite.com The most personalized portal on the Web! il.}P (?"^I*Jo"* ba- 'at-?'tzs Irrrsprnnrrc SruDlos November 12,2006 Larry and Julie Blivas 148 S. Westgate Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90049 Via e-mail: lblivas @ aol.com iuliecakesl 48@aol.com Dear Larry and Julie, The drawings have been revised and are prepared to be submitted to the Town of Vail for the building permit. However, one of the final issues that need to be resolved prior to being able to submit the drawings is completion of the Town of Vail Design Review Board approval. The two issues thal need to be addressed 1. The stone at the entry area. 2. The revised windows at the West Elevation to allow for the required egress from the bedrooms. When the Rubenslein's were notilied that their approval was required for the revised windows at the West Elevation, Jetfrey noticed that the stone at the entry on the East Elevation was not exactly as he had approved it back in June. I have included Jetfrey's sketch ofwhere he envisioned the stone and the drawings thal I submitted and were approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. I had included the stone at the entry per Mr. and Mrs. Rubenstein's request, but needed to make a modification to where the stone terminated due to aesthetic considerations. Any matenal change needs to occur at an inside comer, not at an outside corner as he had requested. There would have been a small strip of stone between the column and the corner - this condition is not desirable and is aesthetically unacceptable. Mr. Rubenstein has presented placing a comerboard of wood at this location to make the transition between the stucco and stone. This is also an undesirable condition. The wood comerboard would not make sense here since there are no other wood cornerboards on your side of the house. Elisabeth Eckel Reed, our designated planner, from the Town of Vail sent a letter dated 10.1 | .06 to me and Mr. Rubenstein in response to his concem about the stone. You can see that the included letter supporh the stone termination at an inside comer, which is what I proposed. Also, the Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter which was signed by Susan Rubenstein on June 15, 2006, states that, "l further understand that minor modification may be made to the plans over the clurse of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations." This substantiates the Rubenstein's understanding that the Design Heview Board has the right to make adjustments t0 approval. I have sooken with Elisabeth and discussed this matter further with her. She stated that we could resubmit the drawings as Mr. Bubenstein has proposed, but that the Design Review Board would deny the stone terminating al the corner of the house. The Design Beview Board has final say in any design matters lo ensure quality development within the Town. Posr oFF0E Box 5927 VAI CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsptRArEcSTUDtos.coM ln essence. I have done whal I can do to create a comoromise between the Rubenstein's reouesl for the stone al the entry and the Town of Vail Design Review Board's requirement to terminate any exterior shealhing material at an inside corner. I don't see any other aesthetically appropriate, approvable solutions other than what has already been proposed and approved. We are at a slandstill wilh how to proceed. The Rubenstein's are holding back from approving ltem #2 (the revised windows at the west) due to this obstacle, thus, blocking us from oblaining the Building Permit for your n0use. I suggest that we proceed in this way: 1. Discuss this situalion turther with the Rubenstein's, thoroughly explain the situation and see it it is possibly to come to a resolution. 2. lf we can't come to a resolution, submit revised drawings to the TOV Design Review Board (TOV DRB) showing the slone terminating at the comer as the Rubenstein's have requested. The revised drawings will be formally denied by the TOV DRB. Go back to the Rubenstein's showing that their proposal has been denied. Continue discussions with them to approve the original design and issue #2 (the revised windows at the west). I will fonruard this information to Mr. and Mrs. Rubenstein and discuss this issue further with them. I suggest that you do as well. Please review all of the information thoroughly and let me know if you have any comments or questions. Best Regards, Amy L. Birdsall, Assoc. AIA Principal cc: Susan and Jeffrey Rubenstein Elisabeth Eckel Reed POST OFFICE BOX 5927 VAIL COLORADO 81658 970.445.0098 AMY@INSPIRATECSTUDIOS.COM {tl ,9 NF d\ x i 5 I 'd 619€ q -qtt3" \-g Posr oFFrcE Box 5927 VA|L CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsprRATEcSruoros.cor,,r EHii: 'rxul]u/lrollnw r.3T1IHN33!9 8€9tt unE ;Eg c'i {i ri \gP & {{ iI $I llr l{ it il i i!|fi!|, POST OFFICE BOX 5927 VAIL COLORADO 81658 970.445.0098 AMY@INSPIRATECSTUDIOS.COM ,{tr_ l:ll-4r-.qDI:14rv tD It..,{ ' -ll J 3 fi t! ftdlE3i<) 1= E3d ltr {18 3if o 'EEEE 7 d.) 6 5 E- 1100IUU /NorilCov $ nlHN:LIUg 889tl F g d f;:ll, Er?+ POST OFFICE BOX 5927 VAIL COLORADO 81658 970.445.0098 AMY@INSPIRATECSTUDIOS.COM October 11,2006 Mr. Jeffrey Rubenstein Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. 191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, lL. 60606 Re: Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourULot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06-0165 Dear Mr. Rubenstein, Thank you for sending along your concerns regarding the Blivas residence and the events that have transpired in the proposed application of river rock to the southern unit of your duplex. On July 5, 2006, the applicant's proposal for an addition and exterior changes was heard by the Design Review Board, which voted unanimously to approve the applicant's proposal, including the provision of stone to the residence. The architect's proposal to terminate the use of the stone at the southeast corner of the residence was in response to the Design Review Board's general requirement of all design proposals within the Town that the application of any exterior sheathing material must always terminate at an "inside" corner. Because no sensible termination point exists on the south elevation of the Blivas residence, the options for stone termination were limited in this case. Additionally, please note the statement provided by the Town at the bottom of the Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, which your wife signed on June 15, 2006, and furthermore which you entitled "Exhibit A" and included in your fax to the Town dated October 10, 2006: "l furlher understand that minor modification may be made to the plans over the course of the review process fo ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations'. lf you are interested in speaking about this further, please don't hesitate to give me a call. I would be more than happy to further explain the Town's position or to aid you in your desire to maintain a high quality of development within the Town. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 cc: Ms. Amy Birdsall PO Box 5927 Vail, CO 81658 amy@inspiratecstudios.com POST OFFICE BOX 5927 VAL COLONADO 81658 970.445.0098 AMY@INSPIRATECSTUDIOS.COM cs'. GC: 0cT. 20. 2006 12:54PM BBS/l/lUcH SHELISI N0, 4284 P, 1 " INUCH.-"SIJEIIST ATroRNEysArLAw 191 NORTH WACKER DRIVE cHrcAGo, rLLrNors :i[:.]:lg i11i'lTii# www,muchshelist.com FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FORM FROM: Jeffrey C. Hubenstein DATE: October20,2006 Sende/s Phone: 312-521-Z4AS Sender's Email Address: jrubenst€in @ muohshelist.com MITIE EBIUEOUPANY EEEDENLPHONE NO.FAX NUMBER Ellzabeth Reed Town of Vail 970479-2100 970479-2452 Amy Birdsall Inspiratec Studios, Ins.970.445-0098 866.468-2334 Larry Blivas LBJ Realty Holdings, LLC 310.345-6767 310-440-1938 No. of Pages: (lnduding oover page)3 Total No. of Transactions:3 Total No. of Pages:15 PLEASE CALL 312,521 .2134 ]F YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES. CLIENT NUMBER.MATTER NUMBER; 9999999.0804/JcR COPITRAK USER NUMBER/GODE; O7Z MESSAGE: RE: l46sGreenhiil Court 1 t-o'r b UW Lf,l{ stgvtsroq Elizabeth: Attached are the emails trom Larry Blivas regarding his agreement that th€ river rook should be on both sides of the door. Please change your liles accordingly. lf you have any questions, please call me. Thank you. Jeffrey Rubenstein MENIS:This telecopier lransmittal may contain confldential or privileged informatlon intended only for the uss of the individual or entity named on this cover sheet. lf you are not the intended recipient, please understand that any disclosure, copylng, distribution, or use of the contents ol thls transmittal is strictly prohibited. lf you have received this transmittal in eror, please notify us by telephone immediately so we can arrange tor retrieval ol ttre documents at no cost to vou, Thank PLEASE BETURN Fru( CONFIRMATTON TO: JCR OcT, 20, 2006 12:54PM BBS/MUCH SHELIST Halina Fernandez N0, 4284 PP. 2L of L From: lbllvasl4S@aol.aom Sent Wednesday, Ostober 18, 2006 B:32 pM To: amybirdsall@exclte.com Ce Jeffrey Rubenstein Sublect: 1463 Greenhilt Gt. Amy- IJggt completed a phone call with my neighbor and ftiend Je,ffRubenstein . snd I was eurprised by his comments in regards to his request that we keep the front of the houee in similarriver rock mode ae is his home, As Julie and I advised you befoie and apperently thcir hee been some nisinformltion, but we do want our house to havi the same river.i6ck formatlon on thefront Jeff is friends wlth some of the people on the Board at the town of Vall and he spoke with !f9n and they did concur tbat their is no problem with this design feature. Please be sire to make this correcdon immedtately.I wtx be in Cfucago until Monday aia nop" you can continue your completion of your work at that ttme. Have a gooil weekend! - Regards, Larry Blivas President LBJ Realty Holdings LLC. Telz310-345-6767 X'ax: 310-440.193t ItWir[s.com Cfuekut-lhe.rtpwA0l- Most comprehensive ser of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of highquality videos ftom across the web, free AoL Mail and more. 0cT. 20. 2006 12: 54PM Halina Fernandez BBS/M[JCH SHELIST N0.4284 p? Ffom: Sent: To: Subject: Jeffrey Rubensteln Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1020 pM 'lblivasl 48 @ aol,com';'amyblrdsall @ excite,com, Re: 1463 Glreenhill Ct. Larry thank you. To be very clear this means that the rocks are on BOTH sides of lhe front door as depicked in my dnwingwith my consent. I believe I am correct in staying that neither Larry nor t ouiect to'j woocen srrip oown-mJ sorrtn corner otthe property. Again thanks ! Jeff ^<http://pLatwola,com/promoclu1615326657x4311227241x429zoil2137laol1redir-http%3A% zFoto2Fwwf/olEaola/o2Ecom/e2Fnewaol> Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free sifety ind security tools, free access tomilllons of high-quality videos from across the web, lree AOL Mail and more. Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ..-- Original Message --. From; lblivasl 48 @ aol.com {blivasl 48 @ aol.com> To: amytirdsall @ excite.com <amybirdsall @excile.com> Cc: Joffrey Rubenstein Sent Wed Oct 18 20;31 ;37 2006 Subject 1463 Greenhill Ct. Amy- | just.completed a phone.call vYjth Jny neighbor and friend Jeff Rubenstein - and I was suprised by his comments inrega.rds to his requesl that we.keep the frdnt of the house in similar river roc(moOe as is his nrjme. esiutie and I advised 1/ou belore and apparently thelr has been some misinformation, but we do wani our house to trave lhsii;J river.rocklormation on the front. Jeff is friends with some ot the p€ople dn the Boaia aiihe town ot vair ano il*l; with them anothey did concur that their i. Tfpb]:t*.,th this design fea'ture. Please be sure to rnake this correction immediately. I witlbe in Ghicago until Monday and hope you can continJe your comptetion ot lour woit ai1h"t tir;- i;i; a gold weerenor Regards, Larry Blivas President LBJ Realty Holdings LLC. Tel: 310-345.6767 Fax 310-440-1938 ItWirks.com 0cT, 20. 2006 12:54PMl BBS/MUCH SHELIST N0, 4284 pP, 4t orz Halina Fernandez 4Fi,_rr_tl.!l||t From: lblivasl4S@aol.com Sent: Ihursday, October 19, 2006 7:35 AM To: Jetfrey Rubenstein Subjecil Re: 1463 Greenhitt Ct. jeff- thanks and we will be in chicago this wcekend for 3 bar mitzvahs- Regards, Larry Blivas President LBJ Realty Holdlngs LLC. Tel: 370-345-6767 Fax: 310-440-1938 ItWirks.com -----Original Message----- From ; jrubenstein@muchshelist.com To : lblivasl4S@aol.com ; amybirdsall@exctte.com Sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 8:20 pM Subjech Re: 1463 Greenhill Ct. Larrtr bhank you, 1lo be Very clear this ueans that tbe rockE aze on EOTTI siiles ofthe ilot1t door as deDicked in rry drawins oith nl' conaerllE, f beLieve I am correc!in s raying thaE neither r.arry sev r objec! bo a wooden strip down the souehcornar of the property. .again Ehankg ! Jeff sent floE rcy Blackterry WireLess Ea$dheld ----- Original Message -----Fron: tbl,iV4.s_148€ao,!- soE <lbllvaa14BOao1 . cotrD To : amXh i lds a 1 1 G.exc i t_e_.. c.o4 < ilngbi gqg a_lll! e4c i. Egg> Cc; Jeffrey RubensEein Senc: Wed Oqc 18 20;31:3? 2005 Subject: 1453 Greenhill Ct, Arny- 1 5.,"t conpleted a phone cal,r with qp nelghbor and friend .teff Rubengtein -and r r{as surprlaed w his conEnents in reEards to his f,equest thaE rre keep thefroEt of tbe houee in similar river roclc qode as is hie home. as ,ruIie and radviseil you before and apparently thelr has been sorae misinformaEl-o4, but wa do wenE our house to have ehe gane rlver-rock forrnario! 04 the fronE - .Teff isfriends wieh Fone of Ehe people on Ehe Doard aE the town of vail aad he spokewith chen and Ehey dld concur Ehat their is no problern lrriEh chls desigr flarure. Please be sure to rnalce Ehis correction iumedj.ately, I will be in Chicigo unell llonday and hope you can conEinue your corq)letlqt of your work at thaE r j.ne. Havea good weekend I negards , Lrarry Slivas Presidenb J,BJ Rea1ty Holdtngs lIrC. TeL: 310-345-6?57 0cT. 20, 2006 12:54PM Fax:310-440-1938 ItWirks , con BBS/MUCH SHELIST N0,4284 pP, 5zorz <h!9I".*/ lpt ' atetele ' corU.pronoqlk/ 15_1532 5 6 5 7x43 r L227-24rx429Q092!37 / aoL.aqgilrlFtr_E gp t 3Ax2-F_t3Fvrw$rt?rcheclc out Ehe new AoL. uost corprehensii-e eet of-EIEE-s a fe iy ino Eecurity cools,free accesi to millions of ltigh-qua]t by videog frgn1r ac;oss ifr. ,n.1, free AOL!{ail and nore. 'tef,frey Rutensb€in MUCTI SHELIST lfuch Shel-iB! Fre€d Denenberq AnenE & RubensEela, p.C. 19L N. Wacker Drive, SuiEe 1900 Chicago, IL 50505 Diroct DiaL 312 -521-243 Srax NuEber 312'S2L-2335 j rubens gej!Il@!rsbpS.!.,.99rr Vlgit our nen websi Ee a! wrur-nuchshelist. - cqrr TIE INtrORT'ATION COATTAINED IN THTS EMAIL COMI{I'NTCATTON IS IMTEIDED ONLY FOR THEPERSONAL AI\ID COI'FIDN|TI}.L USE OF TEE DESIGI\IATED RICIPIEI\IT MMED ABOI/E. TITiEmBsEaEe nay be a4 Abtorney-clienE eomunication, and aF ruch ie privileged aadconfidencial - rf the leader of ehi' nessage is noc che inrended recipie^t, youa'e hercbr' notified that you have recelved this cotrqunicaEion in er.ror, ancl ctta Eany review, disserninatl0D. ditstrlbuEion, or copying of the rnearage iE EerictLyprohibiead- trf you have received this erensmission in error, glslss noEif,y usirmediaEely by Eelephone and/o€ reply enralL. cIRCEr,Ar, 230 NOTTCE. To ENSIJRE coMPrJrANcE wrTH REQurRsrENTs ItdFosED By trHE rRs, t{E TNF9RM you rnAtANY U.S. FEDERAI. TAX ADVICE COIilIAINED IN TITIS CO!{MU}IICATIODT (INCIJUDTTTG A$IY ATTACHT.IEAITS ) IS NOT INTETIDED OR WRITTEII rO BE USED, AIi,D C3I\]NOT BE USD, rOR rHEgi'RPosE oF (r) AttorDrNc PENAT,TTES UI{DER TrE nflrERnArr RETVEMTE coDE oR (rr) PROMOTING, !'ARKEITING OR RECOMMS'DTNG TO AT{OTHIIR PARSY AIIY TRA1VSACTION OR MATTERADDRESSED I{EAEIN. C.hgEk_ccLte_netu AoL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access tomlllions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AoL Mail and more. October 11,2006 Mr. Jeffrey Rubenstein Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. 191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, lL. 60606 Re: Blivas Residence 14638 Greenhill CourUlot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision DRB06{165 Dear Mr. Rubenstein, Thank you for sending along your concerns regarding the Blivas residence and the events that have transpired in the proposed application of river rock to the southern unit of your duplex. On July 5, 2006, the applicant's proposal for an addition and exterior changes was heard by the Design Review Board, which voted unanimously to approve the applicant's proposal, including the provision of stone to the residence. The architect's proposal to terminate the use of the stone at the southeast corner of the residence was in response to the Design Review Board's general requirement of all design proposals within the Town that the application of any exterior sheathing material must always terminate at an "inside" corner. Because no sensible termination point exists on the south elevation of the Blivas residence, the options for stone termination were limited in this case. Additionally, please note the statement provided by the Town at the bottom of the Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, which your wife signed on June 15, 2006, and furthermore which you entitled "Exhibit A' and included in your fax to the Town dated October 10, 2006: "l further understand that minor modification may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations". lf you are interested in speaking about this further, please don't hesitate to give me a call. I would be more than happy to further explain the Town's position or to aid you in your desire to maintain a high quality of development within the Town. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed s70.479.2454 cc: Ms. Amy Birdsall PO Box 5927 Vail, CO 81658 amy@inspiratecstudios.com OcT, 10 M 2006 3:36PMl ucHs BBS-liltJCH SHELIST NEE,T5Y N0,8231 P. 1 ATTORNEYS AT IAW 191 NORTH WACKER DRIVE SUITE 1800 cHtCAGO" lLLlNOls 60606.1 61 5 T s12.521.2000 F 312.521-2100 www,muchshsligt.com FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FOR FROM: JetfreY C' Rubenstein DATE: October 10' 2006 Sender's Phone; 312-521'2435 Sender's Emall Address: lrubenstein @ muchshelist.com NAi/IE FIRM/COMPANY RECIPIET.IT PHONE NQ.FAX NUMBER 970-479-2100 970-479-2452Elizabeth Reed Town of Vail Amv L. Birdsall Inspkatec Studios, lnc'970.44s-0098 866-468-2334 No, of Pages: (lncluding covel page)7 Total No, of Transactlons:2 Total No. of Pages:14 PLEASE CALL 312.521 .21g4IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES. CLIENT NUMBER.MATTER NUMBER: COPITRAK USER NUMBER/GODET MESSAGE: 9999999,0894/JCR 072 @onfidentialor-privi|eged.in|ormationintendedon|y for the use ot the individu"i'oi entity named on thii cover sheet'..lt..yoY are T!lh-9 inienUlC iecipient, please ,nderstandthat any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of ih;;6rG'oi tnir itansmitt"-r-rt siioilV protribiteO. lt you have reoeived this.transmittal ii;;rr"r,;b35g notify us ny'i"fenn."ll"imediately so we can arrange for retrieval of the documents at no costto You. Thank PLEASE RETURN FAX CONFIRMATIONTO: JCR OcT. 10, 2006 3:37PM BBS-VIUCH SHELIST Susan Rubenstein N0.8231 P, 1 Page I of, E.rtrIBIT C From: Jeffrey Rubenstein firubenetein@muchshelislooml Sent: Thur€dry, Septembcr 28, 2006 2:48 PM To: arny@lnsPinteoSfudios.com Co: susierube@gmail.com Subjecti REI 1463 GreenhlllCt Dear Any, We may hwe a problen but I will spcak with my wile. Plesse nots that thc rlnwing with Suson's mbnilsion dearly hrs stonc on both sides of tbCdoor and the drawing is an cxhlbit to the approval Perhape you can conslder vood ol the cortrer to seperate the corner from the gtocco. Than}s Jefr JeffteY Rubenstein IUUCH SHELIST Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P-C- 191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, lL 60606 Direct Dial 312-521 -2435 Fax Number 312421-2335 rubenstci n@)muchs helist"cof.l. Visit our new websito at rww.muchsheJrst.com N{E INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS EMAIL COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR TIIE FERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE DESIGNATED ieCf'fief1n iiAUiD ABOVE. This me;Ege rnay be an Afiomoy-Client ctmmunicalioq, snd s6 €uclr ls privilegod and confidential. lf fie leEdrr of lhls messaqe i6 oot he ,ntenigdre6|olent,vouareheebynotfea.tratyiunavereceivjdthiscommunioEtionin3rr6?,andhatany]Eview,disemination,digtibutIoiiliii pronnlGO, )f yo,.r have recotued this tnnimission in error, pleaaa nod! us lmmedldely by lelephone End/or replv Emall- clRct LAR Zl0 NOTlcE. TO.ENSURE coMpLliANCE wTH REQUTREMENTS |MPOSED BY THE !Rs, UrE [JrgEMfoq T!i414NY U.S. FEOEML TN( ADVICE CoNTAINED lN rHls cofir,,ru-nrrcnriot tiNcr-rtolrue ardAtrncHMENTs) ts Nor TNTENDED OR VVRITTEN TO BE USEo, AND CANNoT BE usED. FoRTHE PSIP.O._SE_qF_(|) 4VOIDING ;gtjAtii;suiiDEi iiElxienHru- nAEr.rue cood on 0D pRoMoTtNG. MARKFnNG oR REcoMM€NorNG To ANoTHER PARrY ANY rRANsAcrloN oR MATTER .)ODRESSED HEREIN, From: Arry Blrdsall fmailto;amyblrdsall@o<clte.mm] Senfi Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:24 PM fo: Jeffrey Rubenstein Subiece 1463 Greenhill ct. Dear Jeffrey, ln response b your fux that you sent this moming ' I hare in nry fllcs the signed Joint Pnoperty GvnerWritten Appror/al Lett€rfrom Susan on 6.'15.06 that sbtqs: 'l understand that the pioposeO irirprovementi Indude: matitrin! river rock on the wall of the east slde of the South Unlt between the garage and the new front enhance.u , This letbr specifically indica6s where fie river rock is intsndad b be placed and, as such, this is whatwe agreed to and submitbd to the Town of Vail Dedign Review Board for approval and which hey have appmved. Furthermore, from a probssional Archites.tunal perspective, flre River Rock will complement the mck hat is on your unit to-oreate Jfr""Veneii Uetneen thc two unib which was youi obJective. Exbnding he river rock all th€ way to the.outside comer of hat face "ig," wiii qg* htq on this rjnft beciuse there is stuico on the adjac.ent tuq, l w.9yl{ never just end one material ;n6ifucemateliitonanadjacenthceofwa1l-ardribc.tr.rral|yspeakingthlsisa.poorsolutionandnot ic..ptaure. I rnateriar (gre'nvJi'roci1 mrJt nave a logialsbpping point I've included thi plan A2.1 and adjacent elevation A3-2 to Jnoni you that we have-croatpd a logical stopping point at thc mlumn' OcT, 10. 2006 3:36PMl BBS-MIUCH SHELIST rluGitnELrsT October 10,2006 N0,8231 P.2 ATTO*HE}€ AI LAII, 191 N. WACKER DRIVE sulTE 1800 cHtcAGO, lL 60606.161s r 312.521,2000 t 312.s21.22co www.muchshelist-com DIRE T DIAU 312.521-24Js jrubenstein@muchshelist.com Town of Vail ?5 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Attention: Elizabeth Reed Re: 1465 6reenhi1l Court DearMs. Reed: on June 2!,2oo6,my client and wife, Susan Rubenstein, conscnted to the work on the east front of the south p"r,ili oi the ouptcx ui t+os Greenhill Courr ("South Duplex") with the - consent stating that "consenii* gtu"n O'IUV with such design" which provided for a rock faqade on borh sides of the proposed nJw front door. Attuched as Exhibit A is rhe Written Approval Letter and the drawing which makes it very clear thar the stone was to be on !gg[ sides of the proposerl new door. See Exhibit A' Ms- Amy Birdsall of Insflratec studios, Inc. represenrilg tt oyYt of the south Duplex requested approval for additional changes on the west 6ack of the South Duplex' While my wife likely will have no objecdon to that pdposal, we noticecl that the drawing of the rock fagade on the east front did not include the area on bott sides - not on the south side of the propose! door' See Exhibit B. This is clefuy nor in conforming with my wite's consent with the attached drawing. See Exhibit A. M;. Birdsall stated in a recsnt email to me that "This (Exhibit A - eppr""lfl rcuer specificatlylndicates yh.t: ry river rock is intended to be placcd and, as such' this is what we agreed to and submitteO to the Town of Vail Design Review Board fot approval and which they have od;ilI i; n*niu;, C -Ms. Birdsall's e'rail' As you can see' Mls'. Birdsall admits that the a$eed rlesign was as set forth and d'rawn in *re ApprovolL.:tttt .I do not undersrand how the Towi of vail c6uld have approved a different desig- espccially-b-oth . without my wife's "onr"ni LA spacifically againit her position (note the word "oNLY" in the Written Approval Letter). 0CT. 10,2006 3:36PM BBS-|!,|UCH SHELIST nUGH gnELtSJ Town of Vail Attcntion: Elizsboh Rccd ; Ocmber I0,2006 P94:eZ iro, 8231 P, 3 In surnmary, thcrc is @ cotscnt tO M8. Birdsall'e drawing which amsndcd my wifg's - epecific poeition utd was ttt tta against thc consenl Plessc advise mc Bs soon as poseiblc how to rEctify *ris situation. Very truly Yours, th+l*4e "P.ilrt,il';4 W{vC.d.ubenstein JCR/hf Enclosurs cc: Amy Birdsdt €dn$_1 10, 2006 3: 36PMl BBS-MU0|Iffi T,Umnrrffil.r SHELIST : , p:rurilr a l ':' JOINT PROPERTYOUfiER WRITTEN APPROVAL LE .ITER DA I, (print n rul ? {il PV Gts,J t@rb joint owner of pmperry tocated at (address/tesal descrfitibn) ltlL7 cPtmJktut cT,FPff+ u ^r rr . provldc this letter as written approrral of ttrc plans aatea flA o1 lt ,zA b /ail Community Oarelopment Depafinent for the proposed improvements to be I . completed at the address noted above. I undershnd ftat tre proposed improvemenE lnctude: v\4r+4;r;1 ltvel roclc an (.l,t,waltl o( {Ln*cuaf ti& d4 &{EaJTTJ *)!-(<. tul ktwfe"-dw*tr? a,[ow o't\ {/- ^11-""/4@&d L flVen yNLV w,{'1 Suel, &o:q^ (bAdA ab6v fu t{+vna<w4 *7a.th^;s1,{e, I turther undercbnd tiat minor modifications miy ne made to the plans over tie course of the revierv process to ensure compliance wfth the Town! applicable codes and regulations. ''r'i I F: \dsAFoRMs\PER!4m\PlanninE\dft -addtionJl-23-2005, doc lu?Bl200s (Date) 'n Page 2 of 14 l4{r\ &+v) {,/-L CT EwDtr 'A-otfiual !a\ o.i <'!co - f,.Ft*li rtdta*ta, --#tFF JI HIEIrqlNIFtl - - - =)> I 6 > \<> r_o d p,s-e^ N&r{e{|., E{SI]NG EAST EI.EI'AIIEI,I &all, Ut-r-f |NSPTRATEC STUDIOS ror crrt rot g rrIL Cd;oRllO 8t!|l rr0.att.oo3l GREENHU GT 00L0RADO ottao PEulLFBc[lo z.oFo ?flljao LUE F(J J4 -zturrl E.(t ci,(o<f A3.0 o lDfl:r IF l* lF + h.. lr lF E Fa eI E o , 2 2 ,EEiEfiifi,EIE l;E IHIEIH ItFIH lHllt HI!E Eg-T C^fb q Haoi ;-dEgr,.I 14638 GREENHILLCT ADDITION/ REMODEL iil EG lEi Hf; 'd ndl[:[ 9001 '0 t '1c0lSIIHS ||Jnn-S88l[28 '0N Conf I rmat i on Report - Job nu ber Date To llunber of pages Start t i|16 End t ire Pages s6nt Status Job number : 831 Memory Send Page Date & Tine L ine I E-la i I llach ine lD 001 0ct-I0-06 02: | 2pm 9704792152 T()hII OF VAIL COilUI{ITY DEVELOPTfI{T 831 0ct-10 02:llpn G9t8661682334 003 0ct-10 02:llpn 0ct-10 02:lZpn 003 (}K *** SEND SUCCESSFUL d.*+ 75 slorrrla Fro-tr.gc lt<rsdV.il, CO E163?970-479-2'-3AF.^>< 970479-2452 'CO1\4I\4IIT\T:rY DE\ZEI-IOPI\,/I-EFIT Ii-A:< TR,ATYSI\IIITTAI- SIiI-:ET TOt .E.A.TE: lO'rO (,6 Tllt/tt: # OF PAGES Ir\a DiCD(CI'I\IIEN:r (NrOa' IF{CI-r'I>I1\IG CO\ZEL SIIEE'T)_ R.BSPIOFTAE R.EQITF.ED? !'TF'TT EY :fol't'Fr OF \tl,IL cron nfft rrTla DE\rELo'I'lvtEri:I. FA:< # T'OA\'N IOF IZAII. CC>I\AII4IJIIITf!' I'E\ZEI-OP}I:ENT'TEI.EPEC'I\IE # SPECLAI- 'COlIlt lElrTS Arr{It I\I,O:rEs: HOPKINS 97A/j.767491 ^/ P.c. *" ?tryrf alovl P-I 7bt4M/ OD .6-46-2W lA,laAM FRO},| fl{owmN AND Snowdon and Hopkin. fr.nitects, vzwv? L.wa> rv).4 tu 476-??01 476-7491 201 Gore Creek DriveVail. Colcrraclo 8tS57 6?wLa'trd aJrt ->€ t r a-0 \, -J a-> 7TI l_ C\\, ; \) r_ s 3 Yt.t'-1\tL r--- a r-'t\)a rrlan#f0 aLv{um WAwu4Mtuuhpoffi''d@r .-\'r \q, / ..\re3 : 1- =J+a \\\t\--, i->\5-='D - -5 1 -A fP=-\ \ ao \Pt-ar\ rr**1h .it\z-i ib \z!\ N. _\s\ k -J A,.s\7 \ rxiafuq tnla .6-a6-2aaa s'slAM -ou'lo*ooN AND HopKrNs s7@ 767/€:' p.4 snowdo5r and Hopkins o Architects, p.c. ,"i A)Wan w+qcoa. 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado E1657 SHEET NO, BY 970 476-2201 FM 476-7491 7fP4Haot4t+ c^1107Y NFN 4ot1?Y2r1W7'- ',^W{Wawaae 4t?tw {n'd"* -Ho?:rft a,wanal .6-A6-nA@ 9.51AM FROMIiNOWDON AND HOPKINS J ,Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects, p.C. 2O1 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 970 476-2201 FAX 476-7491 La $) 3[F f^"Ks. i\ \\.\ d- $us\; K,. trs K \ \\' T. k s : tN'..\. aiN_ xz-\s- *1\-7'vH.ys KN 6-A6-2W 9:S@AM *"lT*^ AND HopKrNS s7aa767as1 O :Design Review Action Form- TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Rubenstein Residence Project Description: eddition of stone Parcel Nnmber: 2LA312403042 Cornrnents: Owner, Address, and Phone: Jeffrey end Susan Rubenstein Architec-t/Conta6, Ad&ess, and Phoue: iliHJ H.T"Jft Vsil" CO 81657 47G2201 Project Street Address: 1463 Greenbill Ct Legal Description: Lot 8A, Glen Lyon ProjcctNrmben priOtrOf3E P-2 BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Cooditions: Town Planner: Date: 5l22l00 kojectName: Documedl BoardlStaff Action Action:Staff Approved with conditions l. Paint the meter to match. Allison Ochs RECEIVED JUN 0 7 ?000 TOV.COM.DEV. Rubensteiu Residence DRB Fee Paid: S20 ,6-A6-2AAA 9:SOAM Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81652 FROM SNOWDON ANO HOPKINS 97A476749] _ p.3 .?n,,""rs, p.c. .;, mlGt+Tetx ?vt4oDbt' 7&Tr';'r'^31 ?tr4-?'*(_w6ltFW WI, ECEIVED JUN 0 7 2000 (4t40VO ?Ybtne2te6( - ?fk{ ^$t q*i$o, TO\{coll-DEV. f"'Tr-':.' . ar;-r.d. I , l|.+*t REPT131 Q9/47/e@90 O7:38 o COLTIRADO SHEETS F0Rz 9/ 7/?6 Actlvity: BOO*O13O 9/ 7/eO Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Address: 1463 GREENHIL.L CTLocation: 1463 6REEHILL CT Pareel r E1O3-1P4-Q3-S4?Oce:Use: U N Deseriptionr ENTRY REMODELTADD STONE Ttr EXT & REII1ODEL BATH o TT]WN OF UAILI REEUESTS - INSPECTN WORK ipAGE ld AREA: JRM Applicant: BOLES CUSTOM BUIDERST INC Owner: RUBENSTEIN SUSAN TRUSTEEEontractor: BOLES CUSTUM BUILDERS, INC Fhone: 97O-936-3€OE Phone: 773-P_96-6636 Phone: 97tl-986-3308 Inspeet ion Request Infornat ion. . . . . Requesor': QUINT Req Tine: O1:{tE ConnentE:Itens requested to be Inspected... Afas3O BLDG-Tenp. C/0 - Fhone:9O4*O573 Inspeet i on Itemr Item: Iten: Item: Iteml ll.em: "*".a[t"en: pk;I;ra0{t3'A BL-D6-Fr.an i ng 07/L4/An Inspector: CD AOOSO BLDG-Insulat ion A7/L4/AU Inspeetor: CD StZrtAEUr BLDG-Sheetr.ock Nai L A7 / L9/AV Inspect or': JRM AAAT$ BLDG-Misc. O|Z'O9'A BL.DG-F inal OA53E BLDG-Temp C./O faBS4fa BLDG-Final C/A ffCtiON: APF.R RPPROVED 4't=.*G'3, REF,T 1 31 TOt^lN trF VAIL, COLORAD0 F.FIGE 'IAREA: JRM Iagl|a7/'eaao rZr9:59 REOUESTS - INSpECTN l.tORR SHEETS FARI 9/ 7/?Q Occ: =============E ====i====== = =: = = = =:: = = = = F = = =:a==== =i: !:: === ===== i::;a======::E *:==i== ==i: =:===== =IActivityr lrlrltZr*O871 9/ 7/'Z,td Type: B.-MEEH Status; ISSUED Eonstr.: ASFR IAddress: 14€,3 GREENHILL CTLocation: 1463 GREENHILL CT Far.cel : 31tr3-1Prr-O3-O4E Deseniption! move P exhaust fans add I new Applicant r SKYL.INE MECHANICRL Ownet': RUBENSTEIN SUSAN TRTJSTEE Cont r.act or: SHYL I NE MECHAN I CAt- Use: fans Fhone: 97rZt-5E4-68O8 Fhone t 773-'89f-*61-3& F,hone r 97{t- 584-68O8 --.1Inspeet i on Reque s t Req ue st or': Req Time: O1:itB Items requestecl to U'B3Sta HECH-FinaI Information.. Eomm ent s: be Inspected. Fhone: Act i on Ti me foaat't- Inspeci; i-on History, . . . . Itemr OESOIZI MECH-Ror-rgh Item: rZrO;j4rA F'L.MB-Gas Fipin4 Item: AAJIO MECH-Heat inq It em: lzl0f,L:iO ltlE.llH-.Exhar-rst Hoods Item: O[rJSrA HECH*SI-IppIy llir''t'bon : Ot?t.l4O lrtECH-ltli sc. 417 / L4 /$il Inspect or': CD Item : ArZrJgfi MEIH-Final Act i on: AFF'R i/ent s dr-rrt s 8.terminartion *t6+'-....'. REF'T 131 . ::,. ,,1. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO F AGE 1l AREA; CD itA9/R7/eAtA$ 87t4S REOUESTS -' INSFECTN I^JORK SHEETS FBRI 9/ 7/EA Occ: . Activityt trilr7-fi087 9/ 7/EtA Type: B"FLMB Statrrs; ISSL|ED Constt": ADUF lAddr"ess: 1463 GREENHIL.t- Cl' Location: 1463 GREENHILL CT Faree I : 31O3-184-tzl3-04e DeEcriptlon : ADDITION l"tl BATHROOM Rppl ieant I ROBINSON PLUI4B,/HEATING SGURW CRH Owner': RIJBENSTEIN SUSAN TRUSTEE {]nnt t'aet ot- r ROBI NSON FLUMB/HEAT I NE SOUAhl CRK Fh on e z -q7fr-9'EQ"-3859 i -------JInspeetion Reqr.test Informat ion. , . . . I Fhone': 93€'-385? Use: F,hcrne : 97Pt-.986-3459 Fhone: 773-396-F,€,36 Rerqt-1s91si'; BGB Req Ti me: Et1 :tZr?t Comment s: NORTH SIDE OCregO trLlrlB-Final Eom ment s I nspect i. on Hi st or"y. , . , . It em : r}raelrzr F,L.MB-Under.gi.ound Item: OOEE'I f-,LMB-Rough./D. t^,. V. fr7 / le/AQ Inspector.: JJhl It em: OO33O FL-MB--Rot-tghi'l.Jat er A7 /Ie/OW Inspector: JJW Item: rl0i4O F,LtrlB-Eas tri;,ing It em : tZt0lStl FI-MB-F oo I /l-{a b Tr.rt: Item: tZtZtEEtZ pLqB-I4isr. ,4 -.|tem: tZtOFl9O FL.MB-Fj.naI -7.* -- Ac.tion: R[-,FR AFFROVED Aetion: FIFFR RF,F'ROVb- , -lo (D mIoi-- .D.l-ttl --r ii ol<: ft'o Y Iln: dlonsf-nx-lri SITP ol4r m Ol<; 3lir 31C o.<ft .rdE -|Di; c,ctt>lA4 _Tl mft -r =FF 9pz YPf-ooza{7co =oz Tmn3 { z=o@z2--l a)o-'z O E EI = b |>I< tr l<lb r"tr! lo ltslP E IPI UMl'l"rFr I lE l>,d tr- t> t.)lt'J lc) lr(c) io' ,{ ttdO il'.Il iF,a iFI tv,r)it'! -triF!,+Fllcn-zthIolisttil\olxll\olrltiNJIii'*r I llFlti _n i t-r tI!lolrn l€Flzl.D.l^ lE!s tY lll:it: tHall ltrst; t6o\ lm Ilo lc) tA t=tY tvIIH wtFt\) Fjl! lH l\$leIrl\ttrl -i t-rmloIt€''' lzlo IIl> t= lm ta lz le I I I I az --{ Yll1 "'1 m I <nO "q< i< -r'l Hr;'- It!< €o(r@ mxm.It z C- @I -tm N)tv m =-l zo za 7 ;! = z-z - z>oR ,! c)*= i- mlaa zc: o l z 1) m =a z mm mo @ (r, =Crl z = Im _l z Xx o _= z m-o c-0 o =z z E l-: a) >sr- -o l, ->=zoirQoo<zac)<4 Io 62 ^= c: z<t^=='nzz{ (!- a< IH lFdIPtz lol6)IPlg Fq lE l*t> t- l> IF] t* I I I I I I ;H3d- O 1C ,ri iax-5 =o:6(JI=- !-<oto{P; = 4d,*; ;66 (, O:1 r e 1:- 5:.s{3ar (D =^lr 4=q:r -o i.(o9+@ 6e4€ =, ot -='.o-f3u i=oi'::1.55-o o *(/,l--= !eiei=9P * .= L 9 o'F=at:R <o-l 0:a I o' :fc5- o) i.: 3 a 8i *H a =.,39d+o=::I@o= o 5.o{ o c f 3 ql g. 5(o oo o A)f =o o =' oo =oI t g, ! =o \ ) a 1 (v z I m =z m 6',' =o d VALUATION olt,z'>alz 9i["IHc)t> ;w- [Ttrx I I l'o I Its,I t(, I ..tl trr FF L t-rirt b ft I I I I =z6-l I z . =o zo m U) z crlXHIt c) z F r9 ftt -{ r-.It m 3- 'Tt mm U) m9 z m{ o nt tn --l oznmm c 2 zoImo c !m =i m 3 ='n mm U) 3mo z 3 2 g z 5 }. '( p"'i rpc! I , 75 louth fronlrge roed nll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 otflce of oommunlty devclopmcnl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval ,Engineer''s. (.Pyb]ic l.lorks) reyiew and approval, a planninf'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Auilbing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenis. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wr'1.l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. p1,.i\ecl I 4-1=' Date Work Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. \ 75 soulh fronlage roed v8il, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS Ct'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I!{ARCH L5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpster-, portable ioilets andworknen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way in afi Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wilr be strilhy enforcid by the iown of VailPy!]i-c works Departnent. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewrl-r be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th-notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLric worksDepartment wirl remove said matelial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. rtrank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by:-.->tt(l \< 'zc q\rlcv t-L k<-Le\c."->L=.-\re*= ' Pos it ionlRelat ionslrib to-Eiotect-- ( i . e . contractor, owner) _ A'zj-{ -'73 Date ,r Qb- z-,1-Lz- \ --&rd+- 3ca.-Xi-\A- $rrl=, ar-.,nvn e-e- .- -_Ul- r*re€-ld- \itre pa-r,r-d- -tl,-e- A,ewrp ?s' - _ _ +-r--..>_=e-J- +\-a l.Les !.e r*J\ to*i ,^C q u C-,"*-U F"# -I er,-c.-let-<_.P r c.1r-:le. r+-vr& e->. Q-\>a-<aac-(--g-y - g-pe.,ltrt- e=p\a4.1Lo^2 &- s'gq al^; .P.^"j..J --@L--j: fr!*- +- - @Grrr6(t- Cott {]lllrt l€lEL,oPtlEl{I Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 telr 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: BLIVAS WALL Proiect Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR REPLACING ROTNNG TIMBER WALLS WITH BOULDER WALLS Partacipants: OWNER BUVAS, JUUE 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES cA 90049 APPLICANT LAN DSCAPE TECH NOLOGY GROUP, L0 I 07 | 2005 Phone : 970-748-1939 P.O. BOX 5147 VAIL co 81658 License: 157-5 CONTMCTOR LANDSCAPE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, LOI 07 12005 Phone: 970-748-1939 P.O. BOX 5147 VAIL co 81658 License: 157-5 ProjectAddress: 1463 GREENHILL CTVAIL Location: 1463 GREENHILL CT Legal Description: Lot: 8 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0304-1 Comments: see conditions DRB Number: DR8050539 LOl07l200s Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalr 10/19/2005 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date .ooof final apprcval, unless a buiHing permit ls lssted and consULicdon is commened and ls dlllgenUy pursued torvard ompletlon. Planner: Matt Gennefr DR,B Fee Pald: $2O.OO 6uvp !-ts.ffi e# T:i[.: ifii#'":,"i:P't rcwll Ir-T-l1IF ^ T"Tii;"#,::,H'#'ffi'lT3 do4'L6s7 web: www.vailgov.com General fnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. pleaserefer to the submittal requirements for the particulai approvat that is requesiJ.- nn iijtication for Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the communitv o"u[rlprunt Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or the plannini ino enuironr"ntal commission.Design r€view approval lapses unl..s a building permit is issued ana cdnsttrrction @mmences withinone year of the approval. DescripUon of the Request: Location of the proposa l: tot: fr ebck: 04,ff Su uivtsion: Guzx.t Lvoru Safututst* 70ll""^ill-i, @ AZoning: lLzaouvrFv A.a,tvName(s) of Owner(s): a .-(,) Maifing Address: V l Jf Owner(s) signature(s): Name of Applicant:nl Maifing Address: Vl Phonl: lla - ZW-,r=O I E-mail Address: L|&-tlt1l+tQlu-.ce.' Fax: q?d - ?q?- aoll - f _ r TypeofReviewandFee: Y E Signs $50 plus g1.00 per square foot of total sign area. t\E Conceptual Review No Fee _y tr New construction g650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuird.D Addition $300 For an addition where square f;tage is adcled to any residential or tr Minor Arteration $zso ;:lffiin1l|1:?J i:',lif;,t:lr':fliJ;,:J:ffi1::ffi':i:"t(mulu-family/commercial) re'roofing, painting, windoi additions, landscaping, fences andJ retaining walls, etc. K li|]|r,jll.jr,l,|,l _, . $20 For minor changes to buldings and site improvemenrs, such as,' (slngle-ramrry/ouplex) re-roofing, painting, window additions, randscaping, fences and tr chanses to Approved ptans $20 i:?ll:lgi,'fflt',itfiians arreaoy approved by prannins starr or the tr separation Request No F"" D"tign Review Board' ,ALlggli994 15:59 31S4401 O..Grlnddn of thlr+rt: 938o LBJ RE}I-TY LLC PACE g2 Dllnor Exterior Altcrations AppllcaUon for Design Review IrrFfi.rt of @ilruflq DRtiptrdtr 7l So,rdr Frurr1et Ro.6, \hia, Coh*l' gf657 d: 970.{tt:tzE tlc 9?0.47931'lIrt!: v'rt wrailpr.cmr eo.rdltrfrnndcr! lgrF^tsry,tq -,ry mu* r!4tnc rppferr.t gts F sutndttrg I hddino ptrm,t lFck bon. ptcle !Yf-T-:Iq lginrf tor[r nnnrrar epFsrat rlrt tilqdld. rn aedfic.sd, idr oergn nrvrrohnc m rc*d uilr rl ,lrrfrsl htbnnrton ts rrchd bt tno cdrnrilxriv oaitbpnprt oeoarrrlrt- nc Drltc.t nrry tb n d to !G rlh,id br dr rcrrn ouut e*/a trt ptrnrtni mo eriaronrncnirl €arrmbdoo,Hgu rrrir rp*u l.Cr ntr e tr.mrg fitt rt ||irad rnd on*nrctbo com|tEnc.t wlltlrqnVnrdtfuEorrl. Ldonrf tln 0{ffsuhiMsin: flrfdcd f.fir|r Fnr.flfo.! }lto3tJ|{'oto+t (Coftbct E gh co. Arsessor it -070.A$8640 frr parcd no.itbrfn$ lLAnFryr.lrl- .. .. t|rnr(r)d0tnrlrX 6ururq, :fa,rf . ., -Hrfftcrddll|.s ' -148 a- r,'lifiaft *u* , t tt_hua*< r.(' aoo.+4 ?honr: - J? ownc(4tg|nur't(r): ilrrdADpLcr||u ilrllhg Arfilrrc o o tr ql t\ o tr TyFotn vaur.tt||h OE!S0 &f $L00 g rquarcfod drGtson ua!. rsFe |ao |e0 lbF|. Gncptnfrrnr ibromfirthn r{dUdl ffi|cAllrrdm (m$.tunJy/Com'r:rdd) Itlhtor Ailrfhn (drEb{lntf,y/dfla, Orne.itoeppurd PErr 9rptilo|r taqurf rh tuc|3t|lcnon o,t nrw hildq crCmo/nhftc. for il ddfton vrhst 4ucrr teg. b.dcd b .ry tld&nthl a onnnsUd hddhg Crdrb3 2S0 ddthri3 t hE tor cilwruaonr).hr .nfr cDrrgcr b irffitEs uld tb irnp|lvnnaffi, f,Gh tttC.rsfitr!, p*ttrll, ilntbw !ffiqrr, lrndscaphg, flncs rdrd*ho w.Ir, dc.Il' nru drugc ur h.f,dhgE and $e inp|l'lrc|moB. erch !t,tlr|utT, panon$ 'idrfif a(ll0onr, l![dr('phg, lbncca tdrthhoHth,.{c for trvLbnr to Cm! alrcady approrad by planrlng grtr a u! DrCgo Rwirw LEr!. $50 #n0 |as0 ttl:- c|lttlt'.:-* ,'A1/AAlL994 16:59 LR' REAI-W loofiPtotRTYowr|ls WRITTETI APPRoI,AT I.ETTIR 3Lg44Al 938o PAGE A3 TOWV t,1.v,trtro,r*) Tu lr'C BliloJ .riortt.^,ffiof prnpertylccotcdtt(5adr*iLg.l dscrlptlon) rcvr'de thlr lGtt6t ts wtiRm tppro\r.| of the fbns dated wilct hac brn submihed b tm Toirn of Vat Canrrurtty Oclclog/frst Er€ptlffi ht Ere proposcd imptorttilcn! to bc onplerhd rt th adfirre nobd ebovc. I undeattnl th* ttn proped lmprorGntefiE lmludc: I furtcr urrderstand tlut rninor modilietirs mry bc m2jte to the dals ol,cf the coure of t\: rcvi*t pmca to ensure compliance wlth $G Tornt a,pplhabh codcs and ruEul.tio'1s,w/ I Pe.2 d $/!6/06/05 TON'Nffi MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey*o Site and Grading Plan* X Landscape Plan*s Architectural Elevations*o E)Cerior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtureso Title report, including Schedules A & B to verifo ownership and easements*o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Page 3 of 13106106105 Topographic sunyey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surueyor. Date of surveyo North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20')r Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, drd floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.r Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the propefi at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities tojnclude: Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,r Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property.. r Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of I"=20'or larger. Property and setback lines. Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed gradeso Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed seruice lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of t3l06l16l05 APPROVAL & VERIFICATI This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verifo service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. o ON Comments o UTILITY Date QWEST 970.a68-0672(tax) Contacts: Sam Tooley 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 XCEL }IIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262,4076 (tel) 970-a58-1401 (fax) Contact: Richard Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970-947-5435 (tel) 970-945-4081 (fax) Contact: Mike Mikolic XCEL ENERGY 970.468.1401 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogaft 970.252.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Marian Phelps COMCAST CABLE 970.468-2669 x 112 (tel) 970.458-2672 (fax) Contact: Bradley Dorcas NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verificaUons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diooing in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A building oermit is not a Fublic Wav oermit and must be obtained sepirrately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the uulities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Authorized Signature Page 8 of L3/05/Oel05 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name IMtk I EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Pln Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Gliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL plr pl^ 250 ulLL o1kTpa* Tt'J,- *I6rtlatt- bkLaE(- w*La- ,4-T- TFp SvrLkz,* {a rtt* Iluve - Plea-se specify other landscape features (i.e, retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 13106106/05 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€nt Statement Nurnber: R0500016?0 Anrount: $20.00 LO/07/2OOSI1 :35 PM Palment Method: Cash Inlt: iIS Notation: S/TANDSCAPE TECIINOI.oGY GROUP Permit No: DRBO50539 T14re: DRB-l{inor A1t, SFR/DI,P Parcel llo: 2103 -124 - 0304-1 Site Addrese: 1453 GREENHIITIT ef VAIIJ Location: 1463 GREENHIIJL CI Total FeeE: $20.00Thie Payment: $20.00 Total ALL PmtE: 520,00Balance: $0.00f+*a**t*ft't*'l*'++ltti**t+*****laf*llar*i'i*'i*la*+*r'}*'t'}tl'*+ll*+l*aaar***af++*f*tr*a**++++**tft ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription CuEent Pmtg DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGIN RE\'ITETI FEES 20.00 fi?: J ,, I $I \ Snbwdon and HopkiO .l"r''iiects, p.C. 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81 657 910 476-2201 FAv. 476-7491 $l) $$ NIq\-z'v trA. RN VAIL IEW ROVAL /p/ap Lft d $s$\ K !$ \ in 7\LT Snowdon and Hopkin] lnitects, P-C. 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 ?fr"4rlaotfitlA\fioY\" NA^l 4albVZrIW? - W<wfma w,pao 4t?tw t 97O 476-2201 FAX 476-7491 _\I]04fr ol" O I Srrowdon and HopkiO . Cnitects, p.C. l\, 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 WA4" 970 476-2201 FAX 476-7491 qHEtrT I\IA ?HI?-{-WTnfrufn- 4{BtN ?Vt40Db1' Vt+P-( ?n{r( D^IE "#swh**K Q**.'*r "rtffi flIil *"r"0,*', 75 S. Frontage Road , / Yall, co 816s2 rt t *^ ", lafUld M0/,/U2t- Address: ' - /' 'a*"iprNo.-51Q2 o""-5SCCProi6cti PleasE make checks payable hr the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Toral 001 0000 314 1110 Zoninq and Addr€ss Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building CodE - 1997 - Volune !&2 CB _ $50.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Unlform Buildinq Cod€ - 1997 - Volum€ 3 $s7.20 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 CB s36.00 001 0000 3141',t12 lnternational M€chanical Cod6 - 1998 CB $3s.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Cod€ -1997 $33.60 001 0000 3 t4 1112 Uniform Fire Cod6 CB i36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Cod€cg i37.00 001 00003141112 Abatom€nt of Dangerou6 Bldg.'s 1997 $9.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Mod€l En€rqy Code - 1995 $ | 0.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 3141112 Oth€r Cod€ Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Bluo Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 11 1 Xerox Cooies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1 111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.S0/S1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1 111 Sh.rdi€s. Mast€r Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 P€nalU Fe€s/R€-lnspecbons PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re+heck FeE ($40/per hour)PF 001 00^n ?15 2000 lOtt Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0( ool o do1 o -^-. ;t; 001 0 001 c ooT-i oo1 ( 0or r '001 '001 *,*, #ir,#;,ffi ufril,,A'o #mk*T ffirr- e ,10 -- F.- irl_-- 001 oo1 OOI oo' 00 00 00 oc 0( 00, IRD€R DEIRIL ffiH3 n*, |ffiff,, fto.fr,4,n IIfi YIil F(]f, Y{UR MNFIII rend nend 001 00003112500 lZoninq Uooe arrrE,,v,,,v..r- SP $20.00 SP DR ,4P,CX) PN AD RL SA TP T7 MS PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $200.00 PV $59q,90 PV _$1,500.90 $1,000.00PV PV $200.00 PV PV $250.00 PV $250.00 R+Zonino PV $?_g!.90 001 00003193100 Gr€€nstar Program Oth€r -MS TOTAL::1/,/.(y() connanu: , -= 6- y"" - "" - _,*2L,lkU1/4(Z/i F:/Eve4rone/Fonnslsales6cl.6xe 2llo/W) fuiltr-4*. G. 'EL-*'<ltl DEPARTIqE}III OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI,OPMEI,flf FEA sU}IUARY Buildj.ng-----> Plan chcck- - - > Investiga!ion> See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply t,o t,his permit,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ r€ad t'hiE applicaLion, fillcd out in full the i.nfortnation required, complct6d an accurate p1ot. p1aa, and Etsate t'hat all. the inforuaLion prowided as required is corlecE. I aElec to coEply vith tho infornation and PloC plan, tso comply uich atl Tolrn oldinances and scale laws, and tso build tshis Elluctsure according to th. Aoin?s zoning and aubdivision codes, deBign levicr approvcd, Uniforn Building codc and otshe! ordinanccB of the Town applicable thclcto. RBQ{IESTS FOR INSPBCTIor{S smLIJ BE MADE T!'IEI'IIY-FoLR HOITRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoIIE ISSUED 06/o7 /2OOO 06 /L6 /20OO 1,2 /t3 /2000 TO!iIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROT\TTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2l.38 NOTE: ilob Address: Locati-on. . . : Parcel- No. . :Project No.: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON .]OBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #: 800-0130 Stacus. .applied. Issued. . Expires. 1463 GREENHILL ET ].453 GREENHIIJL CT 21"03 -L24-03 -042 PRJo0-0138 APPLIEAI{:T BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC P.O. BOX 426, EDWARDS, CO 81532 CONTRACTOR BOLES CI'STOM BUILDERS, INC P.O. BOX 425, EDWARDS, CO 81632 OhINER RI'BENSTEIN SUSAIiI TRUSTEE 1014 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE IL 50091 Tov78?irif 7.7 b- 2e 6 - 653 5 *Of Gaa Logs:*of Wood/Pal1et: Phone: 970-925-3202 Phone:. 970-926-3202 Description: ENTRY REMODEL,ADD STONE TO Occupancy: R3 !1pe ConstrrucEion: v N Valuation:26, 000 Fireplace InforEatj-on: R66!rlcts6dr YEs Clean-up D Exr & REMODEL BATH approved 209,30 . o0 will call----> 3.oo T]49e V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: +of cas Applianc€s: N/A N/A Total calculat.ed Fees---> AdditionaL Fee6---------> Total PerEit Fee--------> Pa)dentss------- . oo 934 ,30 s34.30 BAI,ANCE DUE--.. .OO .00 50.00 .00 250 .00 93{.30 sit Refund single Family nesiaefiJ8ount date R€etuarant Plan Revier,- - > DRB Fee-------- Recrcacion Fee----------> clcan-(tr D6polits- --- - - - -> TOTAT FEES- - - '. Itrem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI\,IEIiIT06/08/2000 KATHY Action: NOTEo6'/L6'/2000 'JRM Action: APPRItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI{T05/08/2000 KATITY Acrion: NOTE06/09/2000 AOCHS Act,ion: APPRItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTIiIEN|06/08/2000 KATIIY Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PITBLIC WORKS06/08/2000 KATI{Y Actsion: APPR DepE: BUILDING Division: ROUTED TO ,IR APPROVED DePt: PLANNING Division: ROUTED TO ATLISO Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: OPFICE FROM 8:00 Atl 5.0o PM {J- &'tsz seid Cl..n-up Deposic To! BOLES AND O!{NER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITTONS Permit #: 800-0130 as of O6/L6/00 Stratus---: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applied--: 06/07/2000applicant--: BOLES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC Issued---: 06/16/2000970-926-3202 To Expire: L2/L3/2000 JOb AddrESS: 1463 GREENHILL CT LOCAIiON--.: 1463 GREENHILL CT Parcel No-- : 21,03-L24-03-042 Description: EIiITRY REMODEL,ADD STONE TO EXT 6r REMODEL BAfiI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOnS tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CJIEEK FOR CODE COMPLTAIVCE, 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER S8C.310.6.1 0F THE 1-997 IIBC. 3. NO PARKING OR STAGING OF IATERIALS IS ALLOWED ON TOWN OF VAIL STREETS WITHOUT AIiI APPROVED PARKING/STAGTNG PI,AN. IF NEEDED CONTACT LEONARD SANDOVAL IN PT]BIIC WORKS. YOU ARE SUBiTECT TO RED TAG WITHOUT THIS PERMIT l*t*****:l**t*t*rt*ttilil*lt*tt*!}****l**rt:l***i*ttt*l****i*:t**:ll**ili* TOWN OF VATL, COIORADO ,gtatemnt **t********t*l**t*******it*****ir*t**t***ttl***tt**irt**rt****t***** Statennt Number: REC-0643 Amount :814.3O 06/L6/OO 1,2.42 Init : iIARPalment Method; CK Notati-on: 2973 PermiE No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocacion : Ttris Pa)ment Boo-o13o rype: A-BUILD ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PB 2LO3 - t24 - 03 - O42 1463 GREENITILL gT 1463 GREENIIILL CT Total Feee: 814.30 Total ALt Pnte: Balance r 834.30 834 .30 . oo llrt***ttt*t******!rrrt**tir*!r**lt***rr**t**rrr*ir*********i*i******i*t* Account code Description BP OO1OOOO31111.OO BUII,DING PERIiIIT EEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE!{ FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEBS AD D2_DEPO8 CL&ANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO I{ILI, CAI,L INSPE TION FEE Arnor:nt 322 . OO 30.00 209 - 30 250.00 3.00 o o I 3EcrD'oo!t oa FIl|alo EH e AIH 6 6 E 3 'Io ooC' ct o o .\| oo I a c g E aBIA|:HDo faIu" OHIlnt8IIoo oo OIoco o 0 o o o aa aa IEt: a -U E EA|: A c B o ooo lrt3d8 EH EEalroa oo oC' FI E Ea ET Er E EE *to E EEtaA I 3i IH 6 ,* a I|- El'at6aoIIotII 6. E f;8 o i E Il. A EIIE ot EIE H oo IA F t: o icD ESBr*ttoAEITIrot EE€ ,. -. - Pqoo' rowN o, ut"oNSrRUcroN pERM,, oOL,"AroN Fo-R" INFORIVTATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTf,I' Contact the Eagle Counv Assesso,/s Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # oraS Ol30 Parcet fl. '?lc, Sl Z '193 O4 Z- ttDare: 6/ z /oa RECDJUNOTZOOO Permit # EGy't>O€t-JobAddress: l'1t-3 GgeP rtt cr- C:i1 Electrical ( )Meclunical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot-6,8- Block- Filing Subditisigo 4lfu LYO AJ 4'vl OwnersName:JEFFtSulttp P.u86r:fl i1'564t"ss'f-iul I't,LtEv€u4r:D,Cdrtr4Qcrir-Phonc#173-L7G-Ab3G Architect:5lsor,^:Dop t $oP rN5 xaress2,t>l @L€ LP€€LDlL, _phon#_'l&:?Zo_L_ Dcscription ofJob: Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Cas Logs Wood/Pellet Job Name: Eu tsE'x-:<rT6r r.-: Building [q)Plumbing ( ) Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelline Units: Alteration $qf I VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL$ . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Cas npptiances t /A. /r.BUILDING: S 'l-1z.h?c) PLI.JMBING $ Generaf Contractor:W... Address: 94. LlZl Town of Vail Registration No. I Cdj - B Phone #.izL 3zD'L Elertrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registralion No. @!jqtontractol: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. JUN o 7 ?nt} SIGNATURE: G..:,uD glu3z TO: FROM: DATE: ST]BJECT: ALL CONTRASIORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMT]NIryDEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORACE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROEIBITf,D A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thcreof, it is unlawful for any person to littcr, track or deposit, or cause to be littcred, tracked or dcposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any strcct, sidcwalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Noticc; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or &ruses another to violate the provision ofsubscction A hereof, or who has in the Director's cmployment a person who violates or causcs another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirg snow, ice or any othcr debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event thc person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Dircctor of Public Works, or other authorizcd agent, rnay cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removcd from any street or alley at the cxpense of thc notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereofshall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintcnance or repair project of any street or alley or ofany water main, sewer main, clectricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto, 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials nccessary for thc protection of the public safcty; and 3. 1'o public areas dcsignated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to thc notice for rcmoval providcd in subsection B abovc, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said vrolations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hercunder be punished as providcd in Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as providcd in subsection B hereofl :urd any such person shall, in addition to paymcnt ofthe expcnse of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hercunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: (^ , lu"rQ WuAoL Position or Relationship to Ptoj..t: ?QO. i .. U,,,&P . EC-B t _ o.r", Lf tf oo (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pcrmit rcquires a Town of vail Fire Departmcnt Approval. Enginccr's (public works) review and approval, a Planning Departmcnt review of I'lcalth Dcpartmcnt revicw, and a revicw by tlc Building Departmcnt, the estimatcd timc for a total review may take as long as thrce (3) weeks. All commcrcial (large or srnall) and all rnulti-farnilv pcrmits will have to follow thc abovc mcntioncd maximum rcquiremonts. Residential and small projccts should take a lcsser amount of trmc. However, if residential or smaller projccts impact thc various above mcntioned departments rvith rcgard to ncccssary reviclv, thesc projects may also take the three (3) weck penod. Evory attcmpt will be made by this dcpartmcnt to expcditc this permit a.s soon as possible. I, the undersigncd, understand thc Plan Chcck procedure and time frarne. I also undcrstand that if the pcrmit is not picked up by thc expiration date. that I rnust still pay the Plan Check Fcc and that if I fbil to do so it may aft-ect future permits that I apply for Agrecd ro or,(, el.*..J l,[rre*./ 4, p ?t i projecrNanrc:g\r_86\{.tr€}J___gep69gq?€$DD6 L- Datc: c h /^ woisL.K"r,***",* a",r****="**, o*, {g "n"u"o'"r TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM AII CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. I999 WHEN A "PI]BLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED No-k- DATE: t- PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QI.JESTIONNAIRE RECARDING TIIE NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAYPERMIT": l. Is lhis a new rcsidence? YES 2. J. t/l/ Ytil,n ( lth rc" L: Contractor Signature Is demolition work being perfonncd that requires thc use of the Right-of-way, easemerts or public property? YES NOV Is any utility work needcd? YES Is the driveway being repaved?NO_)a_ Is a different access needed to the site other than the eristing driveway? yES NO_v_ Is any drai-nage work being done that affects thc Right-of-Wat easements, or public property? YES No+,2__ NOX 4. 5. 6. 't. 8. Y A. Is the Right-of-Wa-y, easements or public property to bc used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO trB. lf NO to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES-- NO X Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES NO W If you answered YES to any of these questions, a *Public Way Permit" must be obhined- *Public way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public work's oflice or at community Devclopment. Ifyou have any questions plerse call Leorurd Sandoval from Publ.ic Works at 479-2198. I IIAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TTIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Company Name o DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8t557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY NOTE: T"HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT PMEIqf .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E00-0118 FEE srnUARY JOb AddrCSS: 1-463 GREENHILL gf LOCAt'1ON. . .: T463 GREEMIILL CT Parcel No. . : 21,03-L24-03-042 Project No- : PRJ00-0138 APPLIEANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, VAIL, CO 8L658 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VAIJTEY ELECTRIC OWNER P O BOX LIL6, VAIL, CO 81558 RI'BENSTEIN SUSAN TRUSTEE 1014 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE IL 5OO9]. DESCTJ-PIiON: ELECTRICAL FOR EMTRY AND BATHRM Eleccrical Status...: ISSITEDApp1ied..: 06/28/2000Issued...: 06/28/2000 E>rpires. - : L2/25/20OO Phone z 970-827-5772 Phone:. 970-827-5772 Phone: '773-296-5536 Valuat i-on:800.00 DRB Fce . oo Total CaLculated Feea---> Additional Fees----- - --> T'ocal Perrli! Fee--------> Pa).ment a- - - _ - - - EAI,AI'ICE Dt,E- - - - InvcegigaEton> will Call----> TOTA', FEES'. - > 50 .00 53 .00 ,00 53 .0O 5l .00 . oo - oo 3.OO 53 .00 rEqqi .q6000 ELECTRICAT-, DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUTLDTNG Division:06/28/2000 JRM ACTION: APPR APPROVEDICem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FIRE Division:O5/2e/2000 JPjvt AcEion: APPR NA CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C:IECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. DEELARATIONS I heleby acknowledge thats I h.v€ r€ad tshis applieatioa, filled out in ful1 tshc inforbation rcquiled, co&pleted iin accuraE. p1ots p1an, and 6C.aEc tshat all ghe infornation plovided a6 required is corr.ct- I agree to conply lrith tshe inforEation and plot p1an, to coEply wiEh all Tonr ordinanceE and ltaCe 1aws, and to buj.ld this sbructure accoldj.ng to ghe Tovn's zoning and cubdivigion codes, design rcvi.ee approved, UniforB Building cod€ and oth6r ordinances of Eha Town applicabl€ tshereEo. REQUASTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADB TWEITTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY !t*!trrl*tatarl*t*tralltrrrar*****;*.tr*r***ftlrt*ta*rlt**!ti_rr!rrrt* TOIIN OF VAIL, CII€RADO 'gtateDnt :a rt a rl* rl t* * * a t ll rt *+ *t *rt lltt t t t t atl| i i*i * t t !rf trtt !tt*a t t I * I *a+a*r t * a * t t gtatse@t l{umber: RBC-0548 Amount: 53 .OO O6/2e/ OO 16: 06 Palmeat t[ethod: 15394 ltotat,ion: EAcLa vAIJ&Er ELB Inlt: int Psoit No: Parcel. No:gite Addre6s: 800-0119 | B/pe: B-BIJEC EL,EqIRICAI PERIIIIT 2LOL-071--].2- O06 333 BBAVB, DAU RD lbir PalmeBt Total Feea: 53.00 Total AIJJ Pnts: Balance: 53.OO 53.OO .oo laa**:}*ltrlla**tt*'li*ta**iltitaltarliilttta*t*tt**+tlia**a*t,rtli*atat Account Code DeEcription BP OO1OOOO31114OO BI,EETRICAI, PERIiIIT FEEA tfc 00100003112800 rILIJ eer.'L rNSPEerrolI FEE LnouBt 50.00 3.00 AppLrcArlo|LL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEilR#itl[]jr"_r* Building Permit #: 800-0130 Electrical Permit *: €OO- Ol t I 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) mwv uvYtn 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, ColoraZo 81657 Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 9Z0-329-964O or visit www.for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # lob Name:Rubenstein Residence lob Address: 1463 Greenhi.ll court Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll nitins:Subdivision: oryueJS#{rBanstein - rrustee llffil8strnh,ood. wilrnette, rL 6ooFh*tn3-2s6-6636 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Entry and Bathroom remodel workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (y) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior (1) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (1) Duptex ( ) Multi-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (.,. ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( 1) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: I CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electri4c, Inc Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 6s1. 904-5944 Sam Bishop 827-5772 *+*****rJ.******:k***r****************r.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******+:rr.**rk*****rr*********rk*****r.***q\2 Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Feesl Acceoted Byi Planner Sign-off: F :/everyone/forms/elecperm TOVIII OF VAIL75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMEI{I OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLTJMBING PERMTT ilob Address: 1463 GREENHILL CTLocation...: l_463 GREENHII_,L CTParcel No. . : 2].03_1,24_03_042Project. No. 3 PRJo0_0138 APPLIEAN:T ROBINSON PLIJMB/HEATING SQUAW CRKP O BOX 54, EDWARDS CO 8l_632COTiITRACIOR ROBINSON pLUl,tBlHEATrlle SeUaw CnXP O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81532OWNER RI'BENSTETN SUSAN TRUSTEE 101.4 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE IL 50091 ON iIOBSTTE AT AI.L TTMES Permit, #: p00-0067 St.atus...: ISSITEDapplled. .: O7/LO/2oOOIssued. - .: 07 /tO/2OOOExpireE..: OL/o6/20Oa Phone: 970-926-3859 Phone: 970-926-3859 Phone: 773-296-6636 Descripti_on: ADDITION,To BATHROOM iriirrrr'rrrrr.iir.r***rr*rlrr. FEE SUt MARyPlunbing-----> 60.oo ResEua:jant plan R€v-:exr-->P1.n ch.ck---> 15.00 ToTA! FEES , _ , .00 Valuation:4, 000. 00 InveaLigatlon> WilI eal1----r Total CaLculated Foes- - - > Addi,tion.l Fc..------- -' ToEel P€rmlt Fe.r--------> Prl/tlcntB-------- . o0 78 ,00 78 .0C .o0 7g .00 78 .00 ,...,...,TH::"3T:;;;.:;;;;;:;:,..._..",,.":::__. IEEM: O51OO BUILDI\IG DII-]AR'JMPIfI'_ PEPT_:- BUII.TDING DiViSiON:o7 / to / 2 o o Q^ KATEI-_-_ -AcEi'o; i' EijFn appnovED phn KwrEem: 05600 Finr nspAR,iTtrEifu Depr: FrRE Division:07/L0/z0oo r<aiH'i -.--Aati6ii, nppn u/a CONDTTION OF APPROVALl-' FrELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cI{EcK FoR coDE coMpIJrAl{cE. | * * t * a * a * * * j t t * t t t t t * * t t * t * * * * rr * ', * r * t * * * * * * r e * * r + r * * * t * * * t ,t * * * * * * * DJCLARATIONS r h'r'by rckrotbdgo !hr! r hav6 f€ed rl1i. ipFlicrEior: filrcd out. in ful1 rb6 inforE tsion lcqqir.d, coBpl.tcd an acqurrE. ploEplan, and.!a!. EhrE rl1 the infc;itr3rcion p*ol.,iO"a ae reqr-rred i.€ co!!ccE. I aglce Eo comlrly xlth th6 informtsion .nd plog plan,Eo couPly ttith all Totlr ordinances and ltete lawa, and to bulr,d this 'ErucEurc eccolding bo the Toyn, a zoninE and .ubdiviaioncod's, d'6igtl ravlaw aE[troved, unifonn Burldlrtg code and oLher ordinanceE af Ehe Tovn rppllcable lh€rsco. REQUBSTS 8oR rllllPBcrroNs sHAtrL BE MADE T1lENTv - FouR Hotttri r.,{ AlrrANcE By TEIJEpHoNB AT {79-21 AT OUR OFFTCE FROU s:OO Att SlOo pM, 12, SIONATURE OF OWNER OR COIITRACTOR HIMSELF IrogtN op IIAIL, CILORADO stsatemlrt, *!t*********t***!r**************:t*****!t****!t*********tl****!rl***!t** SEateffirt, Number: RBC-0652 AmounE:?8-00 07/LO/OO 09:35 Pa)nnenc Method: cxIBcK Notatsion: #1963/ROBINSON Init,: XMlf PemLt No: Parcel No: P00-0067 T149e: B-PIfiB 2to3-L24-03-042 1463 GRBBNHIIJL ET Pt ITMBING PER!,IIT Site Address: ToEal Fees: 7S . 00 Total AI-rLr Pmt'e: Balance: **t*!t*!t*****i***:t*********************************************|l!r ?8.00 .00Thl-s Palment AccounE Code PP 00100003111200 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Descripuion PLITMBING PBRMIT FEES PI.AN CIIECK FEES WILIJ CAIJIJ INSPBCIION FEE Amount 60 .00 15.00 3 .00 rDwNuFvln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 GNED Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: HAo- 97 0-479-2!49 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Contact Asseseots Office at 97O-328-8ilO or vistt for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobName: R.,-(rr.-=J=,r^Job Address: QreenhrrL Ct Lesat Description ll lot' ll eo.t, ll ririns,Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Adc!.ih:n \s \-+rrr\za-:-.-., WorkClass: New( ) Addition({ Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex pf Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Z No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ .1' -tt--l->c)-:x, CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor: n 8^u, -..-^A e- { l[dfi", Jt,-^,(.' Town of Vail Reg. No.: l5q- P Contact and Phone #'s: ?zb il\r/A-'o ly?-Tsro *)r***r.r.tr*******************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************-^-*******+** $ ro'l F/everyone/forms/plmbperm HOW DIDWE RATE WrrH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)479-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contac0 Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi immediaie_ dow or . no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to fle a DRB app- PEC app-- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of trestaf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectivenessofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. o DEVEIJOTOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vA.rL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT PMENT JOBSITE Permit AT AI.,L TIMES M00 - 0071 970 -524-6809 970 -524-6809 773 -296-6536 L,000.00 *Of wood/Pe11!r : Job Address.. -: 1463 GREENHILL eTLocatsion...... : 1-453 GREENHILL CTParcel No..... : 2103-L24-03-042 Projects Number: PR!T00-0138 APPLICANT SKYLINE MECHANICALP.O. BOX t258, GYpSW, CO CONfRACTOR SKYLINE MECI{ANICAI-, P . O. BOX L258 , GYPSI'M, COOIIINER RI]BENSTEIN SUSAI{ TRUSTEE 1014 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE IL Description: move 2 exhaust fans add 2 new fans SEatus...: ISSITEDAppIied..: 07/LO/2000Issued...: 09/07/2000 E>qgires. . : 03/06/2001, Phone: Phone: Phone: Valuation: 81,637 81,637 50091 Fireplace Infoination: ReaLricted: Y *of eas Applianceg: FEE SUT4MARY *Of Gas Loge: M€chanical---> Pl.an chcck- - - > In1'c6tigatsion> wl11 call----> Restuarant Plan R€viet --> DRB 8ee- - - TOTAI. FEES------ ToEal Calculabed FleB---> Addi,ti-onal Fees-- ------- > Tocal PeniC Fee----'---> Payoencs------- 20 .00 5 .00 - 00 3.00 .00 .00 28 .00 28 .00 .o0 2A .00 28.O0""';;;;;;;.;;;;;';;;;; .. ;#';;;;;;;;';l;;;;;;:: ' 0711-012000 JRM Action: APPR APPROVEDIEbm: .q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTIIIENT DepL: FIRE Division:o7/L0/2O00 JRxl Action: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAI, ].. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701- OF TI{E 1997 IIMC, ORSEETION 701- OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUETIONS AIVDTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T'MC, CHAPTER ]-O OF TI{E 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 A}.IDSIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1.997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1-997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMEI{"T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AT.TD SEC.1O1-7 OF THE 1-997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIAI,L BE MOI]I{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NI.,ESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE AIiIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECTTANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO .LI{ INSPECTION REQUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPTY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 OF THB L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I h.r*rlt rdaotl.€. ch.c I h.v. r.rd thl. qrpllcrtlon, fillcd qrt ln fuU th! infos!.tion rrgulrrd, cq)I.trd.n rccu8rB. plo!plrn, .nd rE t th.t rU eh. lrfotr.ttoB provld.d r. r.gul.r.d ir cor!.cb. f agE.. to cqrly dBh gh. irrfor!.tlon .nd plot pl.n,to cqtly rlth rll Tortt otdL!r|nc.. rld aurtr lara, and co build chl. rtructsur. .ccordl,ng Eo chr Torn, ! rdrhg .!rd .ubdivl.i,qrcodI, &riEn nvi.r +Dron d, Itrifon sutlding Cod..ad othcr ordimrcrr of tsh. Torn rFplicrbl. th.r.to. iIQUAATS FOR tfSPtelloltlt gmLr, BE lqDE llEtll-ttom Holns Uf lD\nl|e! BY lEMltOtlB .|Il {79-2138 On' AT Otn O?trCB ltoll rlOO ll| 6:00 rlf sr(Isllttl ot dfltn oR c613ActoR roR t|:raE',r LfD oHltR rtra.t'rr.rlrt*rilr+t.**ri!r*"**aa*rt*ar*..*r.ritlrr*ai*rrr.rr*.r. TONN OF UAII., CIIPRADO StateEt tta*latti!ta*itlttalllatlftataa|}+tlttt*t*tt+tltataatllatat**laiiaat+t gtat€mt tluDber : RBC- 06?4 Anount :28.OO 09/07/ 00 09 :50 Pal|r€nt lletbod: 2776 lfotat,ion: SKyLMB IiIECmNIC Init: iIN Pe:ilit lfo: ll0O-OO71 Tl[16: B-tiECE Farcel }Yo: 2103-12{-03-042 MECHANTCAIJ PBRI|IT IpcatloE: 1463 GRBEIEIIJJ CT !1rl.! Payu€nt Total Feee: 28.00 Total AIrIr Pnts: 29.00 28.00 .oo e&ourt 20.00 5.00 3.OO Balarce: fl*a t*tilt*ta a tt**t *titat ttlt i t*t I tl * ***tttf***+rt it t tt alitta*ttt Account code Deecrlptlon tlP 001OO0O31111Oo XBC$ ICAIJ PERI,ET FEBS PF 00100003112300 Pr.Ar CEBCK FEEA tsc 00100003112800 r[r.IJ eJtI.,L lNaPBcrroll PE8 AppLrcATrotL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncomer-*ul IVWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaif, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: - a I1 t#;.ln'"HT,?Tl:':ff Location Af) | r r Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location \ ^ t V-: ioT,'o*ff.t;l"r'Eo""sheets t t0, v Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 I -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be acceDted without the followino: Contact Assessrs Office at 970-328-8640 or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bfdg. permit # is provided above) 2/03 - /2tE B\tre_ rob Name: Ru brl srtEN ,?es Job Address; t ua s epeetl,atzr (T . Legal Description Lot:(-.tv Block:r'rins6/fs J 1 fn rdsubdivision : Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Move- 2- E/AuSr VE^tf3 ;f ?€'^./T 2 ^ A/€L.,t €XAu3f F4U 5 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(-$ Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (J Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo (,{ Type of Bldg: Single-family (z(I Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Existing: GasAppliances(l) Cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning flreplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (labor CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * x x** * * * * x * * * * FoR oFFICE USE ONLY* * * * * * * * * * * * ************ MECHANICAL:$ -7-A ftPeox t060.ao Mechanical Contractor: SKYutpE AT<t1 Town of Vail Req. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:5usr,N 9o I -6225 F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm RECDJULO?2OOO oo rNsfrcroN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECT.I LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: )------------'EETiftcs / srEEL C-(..,"l"', - tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL fnoucn / D.w.v. fnouanl wArER/rnnurrr.rc -b lg..o.I^LsiSFR O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT E-_ tr SUPPLY AIR o_ D FINAL EI FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^',, "Tf , t /N ,NsPEcroR bzzu PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: ,*#noN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLERv:)6@ ----@ #la7 l$. C LOCATION: 77f - 73/t d/- BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING { rnsuurroru tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ tr SUPPLY AIR D- tr fINAL tr FINAL dJneaoueo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: PERMI DATE fiszz T NUMBEB OF PROJECT5//-// READY FOR INSPECTION: 7 JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 li,tr uc'/nCALLER MON, .// ruES @-FRI z3<z -? LOCATION:/// - fi'fu ar j'8/ - 4. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ._, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB {sHeernocK NArL o_ tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH ,D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL tr FINAL tr/nppnoveo4\.VCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstcroN REeuEtr.,i -') .-.t .--t/r/ "r'..-< , ',r.. , .', .' ,7 TOWN OF VAIL ,, 479-2138 I ir PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME l\4gN CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /it't:: -7 ' ./'L,r. . t I I Ernppnoveo RRECTIONS:co O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND o rdtjruonrtoN / srEEu tr RoucH / D.w.v. o D tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr .tr tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: '),MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR otr T] FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNstcrroN REeuEsrr' @ I i I C CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: purLDrNrf )tt*-:__--Z E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr u tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n #rrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - O FINAL el VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR TION REQUE$TTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t .' L! ' ;1 ,e ., =" AM /fiN\____)READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NU JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ]r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR d mIg:.- ot-..h El<x al;i ;l9s 3l'oi S14fi Il=; =t--1 a 3is o.<1o-dPa9iioctt>:lA4ii= tl Tm -.{ NDE;iE '.r- \a;- ia2!-=,-r,'\*x"'ur ooz0{Fco =oz !mF ={ ft l rr r r(! I = ,t _Y f. z=- oo "22: =o';z Oz -{Ym-1 mtlHoliolt .Itl<6ot 'Tl n rn;u;fi (D mxm1'J oz o @2-{m H7l ;- I Il.- Irc I II O ctl@(^) Ojzric3= a2C)o, mrm or o 2n-{mnz.>mon-{> TIm €zm z-{I' i mo z (- z 3 IT P o aato F -t z =?_'.o 3 a,pl o acro H. F, = Ii o.{ \OF PJl-trio r -{ @r -r1 t-zn 3 o o B o l{tol€lzlo l1lt<t>l- lmlo F.._t o\ I NJ!tJ 'n = Hoo oai ts ona l-rtol€lzlolll>l-t,lm Ie,lz le l5llI' I I |.J I(, l.J N) T = o H FH t-to rio oE =b*FDLPiFvmatt;l(, Icol t!lx-lr,! ltj \olF.l\olrl!l vl !l5l --{ t--tmlOFl= lo l-rlt<l> lFl!lm l9r12 le I l I l--{|ol{lzlo IIl>l- lm le,lz FA'O-iE3a- o9d : 5'Bq ;g iisE; 3 =:EFiiRt' (/,o=f iigro 6- 5 ^, =- q, ru5of:5^ oP +a*;(o9=o 6e4€ -ro or E e3-=F islsf-o o *(,3l= dEE&i=93 i; a: s= iil<o_> 0:d. P o'Yrcj 8 H B* $ui a 5.,ERA F;; !(o=:*x oai-:sf E$i' €no- Eir 3Fq .o( l.t c n-Dr Iy=I. u3 -L @hv =.'pd-( "Br{g?e-gt #tA"114 *lHql' doL.,.t;t(2 3fr=ittr:it o.il orYl q dl ;-l o <l *al :r FInl mo{zm m ! It z :z =z t--o mI =ozmm m l< lz 12 1=It1l- --to<n-om *1' m -t zaCr I z --lI- zm cm tr€o!r;z6 'z : z>eRrb!<r.j.t < >oolm:ao zcz = l l zm€ m I ^2 =z t5 rn m c1' -n c =z oX ort 0q tso X o c. >O N F1m16 X3:.i s3>'n3n 68._o < ztr e Iifo6r;Z c::2 <nta^ = ^i'n z zil ,< = N )n ) D "t D D I I\J €ooo ^lr.J Il'lIol (nl 3l ;l.l $l D a H'oo { a l..J lE'In lo l"|r1lolo loroIts. lF' lc)txlo l0llplHIE l3lo,t< ls IF la.p) (t) =z F @ Ft-t z zoimg) , t.Jlul a oo r-f 2z =z6-l m tiFr,,- =5' r_lxotaz li9n '<= tHlP. >i (, lrl oF l6 (, .-,l t- m ='Tl mma, am m z Irt LI tTl o2 m m{ m m --t z'ntnm 3m-z t-c3 2o tn m = t- z c)-mc)x c|- =o m m ='TlmmU' VALUATION =mo z a) |- 3@2 m m --{ t- c|- z H. F' !! 1'mn ==zI I l, \l { O \.i NJ \\! $ N @ o ts'ir oo o F l\O llr)Lr lc) lLrtO l. lS,. lo l.ololo+t IL,)t I00 1 |I3t I tJr}'ul 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WIIH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewa)-k, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the public WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of pe.rsonnotified. The provl-sions of this ordj-nance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) PIan Review Based onthe 1992 Uniform Codes NAI{E:RUGENSTIEN REMODEL DATE:3/15/93 ADDRESS:1453 GREENHTLL CT. CONTRACTOR:BOLES CUSTOM BLD.VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:PIPEROCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXA-I\4INER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe items listed below are not intended to be a conplete listingof all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sectiong of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of, any of the pro-vigions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . ].) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 2) VENTILATTON IN BOTH BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM IS REQUIRED PER SEC.1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3) FLOOR DRAIN IS REQUIRED FOR THE MECHANICAL ROOM PER SEC.22I9 OF THE UMC. 4) FIREPLACE MUST COMPLY WITH TOWN REGULATIONS CONCERNING A_VENTED TYPE FIREPLACES. 5) MEC}IANICAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED SEPARATE FROM THE BUILDING PERMIT AND REQUTRES A MECHANICAL DRAWING BEFORE BEING ]SSUED. 6) AN I.L.C. IS REQUTRED BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS DONE. FRAMING INSPECTION W]LL NOT BE DONE WITHOUT SURVEY. s8s/INSPECTION REQUESTOF VAILPERMIT NU DATE PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER TUES ,,Weo --)READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL (PLlIBryg=)'-t:-uN6-fRGRouND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UGH / D.W.V.r,r-'ifr-t N FRAMING €H.FIT{HeEtr r_1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr D GAS .P..IPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr o o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL P_;f'PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JOB NAME MON TUES ]NSPECTION REQUEST, I' , TOWN OF VAIL /ffi) pu\'z-READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '7 .t,///--\ / / PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr F-lNAt- -:::----E FINAL ELECTRICAL:S-----'-----tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: {^ouo^ tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr tr FINAL \./ 4 /./qAPPRoVED 6 f,'.4CORRECTIONS: ./- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE 1-; 9s INSPECTOR '"',"-.T-'. -U INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESi VAIL ? *' 58c t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CAL TUES WED BUILDING: o rooriruqs / srEEL PLUMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ._'ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL .44 -APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFsnoP JUH-16-9= THU :56 EOLES CUSTOT'l ILDERS P.g1 P)Sf ?FFICE BOX 7279 | AV?N' 10L0RAD0 81620. (303) 926'3202 FAX COVER LETTER FM:30X92&2078 'Bo,'r, SPECt t tNsnucTloNs: c B USTOM UILDERStc. ffi ^=nE-fifivf -r-I or PitiFS TO Fot I OW -RE: Rubenstein Addition BCBI #9259 Attached is IMPROVEMENT i,OCATION CERTIFTCATE (lLC) from Starbuck Plcase call with cOmments. Pat McDonald TIOI{ CERTIFICATI F0utrDAL Ur'J' & REEARts i6Er7 LoT 7 eir\EwAY EnsEtrEtlr ocrnL gl2 |'69. ?16 - E gI d rt 6 f otJNllAL CAF & RESAR N I I i DAN CORCORANlJ 166?7 |\ SCATE Y I I Ercc od tlIttlllt IotllE t I $Uf/ l/,/wrll( r orlauxt,r{al 9PrrID h'#1,"0fr'' \ \ ,o^or, \,\\ o,or7! rq 'i P.0. Eot t56a. EtE I Ch^Ebdr 1r!., t aL, c0 ll6:!t . ^-.a \ ', \ ] \\ \{L .) \ '$ i I t \'. ) N \ N .\iti .tlll.l-l tl-:tI THI 3 : -8 Bnt FR t':ttSTnH Btt ta o P. 'TI Prcrl A rnd r ona-htlf undivld.d6len lyon Subd'lvlslon rr rmnded, Co'lorailo. accor{lns to the llnal'rt Page 720, rs reieptlon nurier lotere3t ln P8rcel C. A Resubdlvlslon of Lot 0.Iom ol Yal'|, County'of Easle' Slate ofIat rccorded l{ove br 14. 1983 ln Eook 372 69037 of the Ergls Countt recordt. I h$rby ccrtify thrt thls lfiprovQncnt locatlon certlflcate ras Drenlrad for Boles Cirstor Buillders rnd the lorn of Yalll that it ls not a lanil slrvey Dlrt or lnDrovennnt suryey Dlatl and that lt ls not [o be relied upon for thrc:Labllshrnnt of fohce, lrullding oF other future lnproycmht lin6s. I furthcr srrtify thrt thr llr|Drov$nntr on thr rbov. drrcribad oarcel 0n thl!drtr. Juic L 1993. exilDt ltllity conncction3, arr entlrely rlthln theboundirlt! of thr Drrcrl; exc€Dt ls shoml that there are no encroachncnts uounthe dcscrlbcd prcnlscs bi hprivenents on any gdjoitilnq Dreriser, excggt asindicrted; rnd.thrt thffC tD'no rppfent evliienci 0r tlgh of rny c.irnrbntcrosslng or burdcnlng iny prrt of tald parctl, txc.pt ri notad, SubJ.ct Drop.rty It not locrtid in r desloniltcd 100-year flood plaln, llotc: Thcre ms no tltle pollcy lvallable for thls survey, 80 th9r9 rly bsslsefignte 0r rllhts-oF-ilal of rbcord othcr thrn kh.t lf shohrn 0n thlicert I Fl c.te, Noticci Accordlnq to Co'lorado lar. you nr3t eornencr rny 'leqal aetlon based uoon any defect In thls certlfltate trlihln three Jerrs after-you-first dlscuyer suijhdsfecl. ln no cvent, nay any acllon based up-on any defect In thls csrtific.tgbc cotlnnced nore then ten ierrs fron ths ditr of- certif icrtlon rhorn her.on, D** y'2.-a- 1 /€/?3 0 I NPR,OY EIEIIT LOCAI I OII CEP,T I F I CTf E l{63 Greenhlll CorrrtVall, Colorarlu LEGAL OE,SCRIPIIUII irob Prgc tlo. 93-06eZofz stf rDucf grryenrt aN tnsl oaercP.0. 0ox 1581,-Easls. Col-ordo 81631(ni) 3?t-r20e Eallet (fit) 628-3913 Rtftc 473 ) PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI JOB NAME CALLER WED THUR vi INSPECTIONt./ / , TOWN OF Ltt 4UiEt(t, , REQUEST VAIL PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL ( ,tuy, ___.,_/\_-tr rJNIIERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELFINAI=- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER o tr E tr ROUGH o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT FINAL t../ (4 tj VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFs.oP t- INSPECTION.TOWN OF /.7-r L., REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:.@'u BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEu ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING .l -/: ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS ICONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL \ APPROVED ,,.'-,1 CORRECTIONS:'''- tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE 4- e, - ,'3 INSPECTOB L_"INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NU,M DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:U,''-U';:7 ,1 WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING (tNsuurtor.t tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr B FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nffis,,,* 5.8s PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL -----@ PMRIF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WAIER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: niiFs'* INSPECTOR tSPE T JOB NAME IN ii', , -414,t ,* CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VA|L . CALLER /': READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR -AFRII/JES ' .'t( I NUMBER OF ? ('i: t''st-BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER 6roorrrucs / srEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK o tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: <-,/, -- /e iDA1E \tZ// 7 /-' tNSPEcToR ./') ./f t ./ | "--.'- t( / <-/<'L,-c\ L-- DATE I /a) JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL AM PM t</ z 6'eevh'tl (T., PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: X rouruonrroN / srEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 'doveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ;82 t TOWN OF VAIL d ?.:c\J /-t5 :l ((sl<>6(\ t't .K ls READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I O DISAPPROVED {nerruseecroN REeUTRED INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND fnouoH / D.w.v. ;H noucn / wAtER O FOUNDATION / STEEL -I drnnuipro tr tr tr ROOFS SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SneetR-OCX ttAtt- tr.tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP..POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINALb tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR tINSPECTIONi ;' JOWN OF //-J/'i .1 L /J-t-t-Y ( c REQUEST VAIL I JOB NAME CALLER PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL { neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 11'' :'/i JOB NAME .\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /lj .,.','-/,,/t.) O REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT UAIt READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER Or PROJECT tr Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: i -.---=a--- '' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATTOry/ STEEL l/ .' t I ff rnnutruc ' .--- n' '-/- noor & sHEER -\-li-.,.. i'' f," PLYWOOD NAILING +- tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL ----- D ''t"'- tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER i .',(tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr D D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr tr FINAL t IPEtNsrt'i3 t CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBER L'AIE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECT JOB NAME {w CALLER TUESTION; 4 Jl aINSPE t4t wED (@ FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING $ rr.rsurnrror.r O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n E tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL E FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niFsnop INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: NAME CALLER - -MON i TUCS WED THUR FRI tLj TOWN OF VAIL Bt tr tr E o ,tr\l x tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL MEGHANIGAL: tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nffielop l)Ei3l . r .1i..i, ,.. INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED NAME READY FOR LOCATION: ONc/Tl .1 INSPE APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTl^l I -^,r-. I( ,')DArE / / dlt [---- JoB o tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PfUMBTNG: ,r.tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROQF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK r] POOL / H. TUB tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS A y;c,-,/, oor, 7 -Z/. 2? , rNSpEcroR --' ..,' 4) t- ) t-'-, L, I PERMIT NUMEER,OF PROJECT oor, ,i,,,')/ JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /ti''l :' CALLER MON TUES , WED .THUR .' FRIt' |'-----+' ' .', t ../ , . ', ! INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I AM -PM BUILDING: tr F'OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEfrGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o o D E tr n ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ,I FINAL E FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED V orseppnoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE PERMIT DATE v'Y,':l PROJECTOF ') JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI ) ..: iAMPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PL tr D r_l o tr D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr drtrunl O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr N SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL b frFpnoveoL-tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3034792100 FAX 303479-2157 January 13, 1993 Ms. Susan Rubenstein 1014 Elmwood Wilmette, lL 60091 Certified Mail RE: 1463 Greenhill CourULot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Ms. Rqbeqgtein: Attached please find a copy of the memorandum dated January 4, 1993, from Todd Oppenheimer to me regarding construction access to the approved addition to your property through the upper bench of Donovan Park. After visiting the site, we determined that access to the location of the addition with construction equipment could most likely be made around the south end of the duplex building. We both feft that access to the project in this way would minimize the environmental impacts on the native grasses in Donovan Park, and that the sod would be much easier to restore in the event that it is disturbed by the construction activity. ToCd has notified the two contraclors that are bidding on the project of our findings (please see the attached memo). Please let me know if I can answer any questions that you may have at (303) 479-2138. Best Regards, 6"4li Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner attachment Duane Piper Todd Oppenheimer iREC'D JAN s 1995J 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 1 0 t -47 9 -2 I t 8 / FAX tqt -47 9 -2r 6 6 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: D e p o rtm e nt of P ab I i c lIlork s lTra n sp ortotion MEMORJAbIDE}f \ r .tu. Tirn Devlin, Community DevetoPment - I'a'ir Todd Oppenheimeq, ?ublic works-a7-,1,,! &^flA".ri"".iv'a, 199\3' - l60tt' "t r Rubenstein Acidition 1453 Greenhill Court Lot 8 GJ.en Lyon Subdivision Requests have been received from twoproject to access the site through the These contractors were as follows: contractors bidding on this upper bench of Donovan Park. Brad Foster Boles Cumstom Builders 926-3202 Jin Guida 82't -57 00 After inspecting the site with you last Thursday norning I feel iL is appropiiate to deny the requests. It appears access can be made aroun-d the south end of the duplex building on private proPerty. No trees or shrubs would be impacted and sod is much easier to restore than native glrasses - Please notify the owner of this decision so he may develop an access agreement with the appropriate Property owners and have his contractors bid accordinglY. The o\nrner can contact me aE 479-2L61 if he has any questions. TOldr cc: Larry Grafel iREC'D JAN 5 I99' 75 Sotth Froattgc Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX 303 -47 9 -2 I 6 6 Department of Pillic llorktlTransportation MEIIORANDI'M TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Tim Devlin, community Developmera" 0 p"rr*tr/v/* ' 3:33.?|T:ni;u'' Public *o'*"-fEzl/ qr Rubenstein Addition 1463 Greenhill Court LOI U Glen Lyon Subdivision Requests have been received from Lwo contractors bidding on thisproject to access the site through the upper bench of Donovan Park. These contractors were as follows: Brad Foster Bo1es Cumstom Buiiders 926-3202 Jim Guida 827-5700 After inspecting the site with you last Thursday morning I feel it is appropriate to deny the requests. It appears access can be made around the south end of the duplex buil-ding on private property. No trees or shrubs woul-d be impacted and sod is much easier to restore than native grasses. Please notify the owner of this decision so he may develop an access agreement with the appropriate property owners and have his contractors bid accordingly. The owner can contact me aL 479-2161 if he has any questions. TO/dr cc: Larry Grafe- Project Application // o,u" /O/2/ /f L,/l€dProject Name: Proiect Description:Zlv p6on" fla,qne 2/'trz F./ -47a /i/r- (? rtf fo74X fon ^"rPerson and ( \;= Address and 1/z 95{ thaa Address and Phone:27t,ttt fr;-ZZ Legal Descriptio n, tot I . Blo"x ritins Q0/ /,/a^/ , zon" t Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by:/ hnB Date D ISAPPROVAL Seconded by:€' 2zzaraz2 4-o /Tnnt/1tuttv l/vtt tttllPe ltzPtD Aaurt /aa ftrn % zqad furP/rAE rt/ls /s Su mmary: - , . t '/./fu S- 7r,O 41.*l* E statt Approval i , o1'la /.. , a773 /c. ,7257 la ' ,\- %3 / ;,,, APPi.lCAiir-\N F0R PR0PEli t'i t5 llr '1f-, 9496253 .^.tr -<95 "t; ht t{ a' '- r crt I t r:r ': r, : f0,t ADDITi0NAi GRFA IXCEsS CF ALLOhIAELE GRFA Lf)t.iii iri'r 0F l'4i-l; i,,,rl t^ J,,j11' ;;r ta',.").i ,-e j,i I ,rSc " i,, r.i, . Iti*i r-t 'i1 ,i.!.-\ 1 ,'" It 1, ,.,i t-Yor+'--1 . -f.. r ,.- .. ) t- \A'."1 tli ' .a, ^;,.J'r',r ess ly-t!_ 13\_\l',!. l:..i' .*,...ii NAyb. CF AIrr*iCAriTrj iii:pRi. li :i,-r, r-luur t): Sio,r3l1; g'9; ftddres s K-.,'i'r:. .. j- .i , | ' ..a:--.- I >:Dnone F. Flllng fee af f/iju.J; The fol low l rrg lrrfgr;r,61'.u., requlred Hitl' thls subnriti.r l. Verlf 1'jati0rr 1,frar- tr,e 1r,,..rdiiion Io l.r']- .,r, ;iUlrl requlreifleots, ShalI be ,l; ,t hi! | eir j"c:,: a '-i'r.l -ertlflcate cf occupency. ..,r' 1 .'rir..,- -y c'Frtgr ; and of owners ofr'i,r, i- i.:r jable fron Ltre [agle County e.t'^,___J46 @;i.,; r,31 IIzLIqr- *Q)@n- \.llames ar,d ma ii inq add,unlts 0n the sa,re lr,iAiSesscr's office. !.1:,:ri5 '- l ( l'lr j g irrigr,; \r'\ X Condor0 lnium assoc'l ttiJ:r tpp!'rvll itf ".r.'t tr:i;le). \4. Exlsti rrg f loor p1r1n oi i lrg,;1,u, .... Your ;: .,;,c:') , wi lI be rev iarerj f ur ccnF, :6,1 rriih Val l's Comprehensiye Plan. I i. I ri : flIC'DSEP 21 tlg i,aie of epgrcatri,n_1lr2l l_al? Dafe of DRts l,fecting*t_al2J+37 g&L- 8r^l .!,1 LA | l_c iU'iIiIBi Hc l- A pr'e-ap1,ii-u-r. lor., confer€11.., witl. r rtent,ci- cf the planrling Staff is stronql.yenc0unaged to uiscirs:. i'hr prc' isi..rns undrr wrri.h ad.l it{onit CRfR .in-U.-.ia[Oto a sltp. I.. sh.'iu!J ie urrdt,st,l..:d lhat ihi: or.cir,ance doeg not assiJre each prcpertydn_adrj:r-ioral 2S0 sqriar-e feet ur cir A. 'pather, tfre oidlninie iif o*i-fjr. gp fl''25Q 3g9qig -f-eft if certain conditioirs a'-€ mer, A:;i';'ri:,rtt5 60, addltlOnS r.n.ip,. li.is seCt.i or, will not be aCcepted unleSS theyir€.Lr,r'riii:,!e. - This inclu,lc:: al r lnrorniat )cn requrred on thi;-i;r; i, *"ir"ii'irest! FevleF bgrr-rr 5,,1,,,.'-1,r. 1..11'.1ire rpirtq. Il I A. t,R0itLl i,!5tLi!,Tilri1 oo _.,r ^ | I4C'': 'i lz1[Qz'' 'i c).Uy7- IHPRO\IEI{ENT IOCATION CERTIFICATE PAROEL A' AlfD AI'I-uND-rvrDw L/z TNTEREST rN AiID To pARgEL c,A RESUBDIVISION OF T,gI A, ETCftPM PIAT GI.MI IJYON S{IBDTVTSTOXTown of VaiI, Eag1e County, Colorado I hereby certlfy that thia rmprovement rocation certtfrcate waePrepared for Suaan Rubenateln, that lt ie not a land eurv.y pi"tor lmprovenent eurvey pfat, and that it le not to be reriei iponfor the eetabliehment of fence, bullding, or other futureimprovement Linee.I further certify that the lmprovennentB on the above deecrlbedparcel on thle date, Au*uet 21, 1ggz, .*".pi "tiiitv connectione,are entlrel"v wrthin the boundarle" oi the p""""i-r*cept ae ehown,that there ar€ no encroachmente upon the deecribed preurreee byimprovemente on any adJolning premleee, except aa tnafcated, i.nd ^/ /t/z//4L- ua!e that there are no apparent evrdence of '"r,y "l.a.rent crosera$,,6y,,,,,,_burdening any Part of eaid parcel. axcebr. nn nc.rr-ert - -- ----.r.$Tn if nt n'!,',burdening any part of eaid parcel, except ae noted. Record eaaemenr lnformatron was researched by Land ,,"i?if;;n;;";';;$s-s\'sGuarantee co. and the eaeemente rreted o. corrnlt;";-;;: 3rc?lbbll;,"..'Guarantee Co. and the eaeemente 1leted on LOr 7 and Lechner NORTH SCJ\LE lr I to'ADOi,6'' ; la63 6REEN f, LL COuG.r EAAEMENT (',cp( AZ , that lie within the eubJect property are ahown on drawins below. Note: According to CoLorado }aw, you must conmence any 1egalaction based upon any defect in thle certlflcate wlthln threeyears after you frret diecover aueh defec?. rn no evenr may anyactlon based upon any defect in thle certiflcate be commencedmore than ten yeare fronr the date of certification ehown hereon. [5'," +r'* o tO Aut-, )z: ^0vo. r.z! t--v. oo JJ--zuuu(Aj .9 |/J t7 d b N V, R ' go.ootL. /e,15 l=is: ^\ -' "at'N1 |ff; 5r'lo'rre ,rf9 Fx.u,tI! v) ltj b F nl PAR<EL C *.si: F} PARCE-L Ao,oa1e ac. ? -,'ry ,o \? C P.RTY WALL OUPLJX s t/a DupLeK PARCEL B s E1' rZ' 41 "E I .1T- a l<a .r, ' LIST OF MATERIALS , NAME OF PROJECT:t LEGAL DESCRIPTION:T-I SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTIoN oF PROJECT, 24 O/#IT,L.^ The following information is required for submj-ttaI to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be I j-ven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Sidlng Other wall Materlals Fascia Soffits Windows Wi.ndow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or D€ck Rails Flues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: NAME of Designer: Phone: Common Name Ouantitv Size* R PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED tr\}1i-L * Indicate catiper for deciduous trees. Botanical Name trees , Indicate height for coniferous r PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will Design Review Board application on Octobes 2L' L992Vail Municipal Building. bein reviewing athe Tovrn of 1. A request for an additional 250 sguare feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Rubenstein Residencelocated at L463 Greenhill Court. Lot 8, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant:Susan Rubenstein The applications and information abouts the proposals are availablein the zoning adninistrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. Comment should be received by September 11, t992. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 25, 1992. q\ \ r-), cNa ,\\\\ ',*\ \,\ r\r:fltf\, \\:t $,,r\--' \r-t:bi\\a\'\* \\tr ) ,*\\.1 9mM| APPLICAf,ION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA Susan and Jeffcry Rubenstein 1453 Cnsrhill Court \rhil,Colaado ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Idt7 Irc Epscin Box 393 Ross, CA 94957 P.l. Vand€nberyh 11613 OovcllyRd. Clovelly 2031 Autraila I-OT8 Sottand Paul hcker 3301 Lawrence Sr Dsnvcr,CO t0205 LAt9 L.ot 9 Joint V€nture 2121 N. Frontage Rd. W. #210 \hil, co il657 LOT 19 Fred Fishcr 3995 S. Col@do Denv€r, CO 80110 RichrdDelude 5ff/Wclch Rd Corning, NY 14830 : 0l cs00 424115 UNT.TOL\{ B I'ILDNC COD E Tohlhl EF (rFl I l- l'liscel laneous Csh 819-t?-91 69: El : 15 Receipt S 183826 Hccount #C:K * 455 5U5FI.{ FIUEEHETEII.{IFRE FF FIL 6EFFI Flnror-rn ? t ende red > Item paid El6BEE41331EtE€t fflffEEF413f,0ffEr6 Change reiurned ) TIE:B FEE'.RBIiITIBH 258. BE Frount paid sEr. 8E ?E€I. BB Ll. nfi THFll.ll< VOIJ Vour c.rshier JEI.{HIFER I * t * * ** * * Itoo'.! LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COI{PANI Repreeentl-ng Title InBurance conpany of ltl.nnceota : THANK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER August 13, L992 Our Order No.: V19366 BLYER/OWNER: SUSAN RT'BENSTETN SELLER: cARrrH rNv8srt{EltTs, rNc., A coLoRADo coRPoRATroN ADDRESS: CIOSER 1 Attn: LES KEYS WEAR, ROSEN AND TRAVERS surTE t200 1OOO S. FRONTAGE RD. vArIJ, co 81657 2 Attn: iIIU I{EAR 303 476-7646 / T{HontzoNs wssr #306 108 S. FRONjIAGE RD.vArr, co 81658 1 Attn: DIANA UEEHAN 3O3 476-6220 'oo'i LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY Repreeentlng Tltle Insurance Coupany of l,llnnesota THANK YOU TOR YOITR ORDER CIIRISTIATiIIA AT VAIL 356 IIAIfSON RAIICH ROADVAIL, CO 4L657 1 Attn: TERRANCE FERRY PICKED I'P FOR DELIVERY ArlI PII COVENAI{TS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TrTLE QttEStTONS CALL t(ARElr FLETCHER 3O3 476-225L FOR CIOSING QUESTIONS CALL LES KEYS MINNESOTA TrTrF lf HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P O. Box 544O Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 lFAX322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9s96 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80q02 420-0241 / FAX 423-1355 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #520Littleton, CO 80120 794-s307 / FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 7514336 I FAX 745-2669 FIDDLERS GREEiI 6400 5. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103Englewood, CO 80111 77145391FAX 771-4s26 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 945-2610 lFAX945-4784 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 I FAX 7504267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood. CO 80215 212-3111 / FAX 238-2956 NORTH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster. CO 80030 427-9353|FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth. #lt5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 4444101 I FAX 786-8423 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 / FAX 453-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS t 02 S. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821/Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357.|08 S. Frontage Rd. w' Vail, CO 81558 47 6-2251 lDirect 595-96 1 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860 I FAX 247-9089 P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-225 1 I Oircct 595-951 3 FAX 4764534 LAI{D TITTE GUARANTEE C,oi/FAtl/GommitmentTo lnsure lssued thtough the qffie of: LATDTFI.E GIIA,P,ANTEE COirfhl.IY 289? u.r]o3 nta fuqeuits aaltiotltnV VIOS]NNIL/{ JO ANVdWOS ]SNVUNSNI ]IIII fuoleuDrs pazu0qlne loqlo.r0 tactJJo 6urieprlen e Aq paLrbrsratun03 uaq/vr prle^ aq 01 'V alnpaqrs ur uM0qs alep aqt uo s.ra]|to pazu0qlne /'lnp st Aq paxUJe otuna]aq aq ol lpas pue au.reu aletcdtor stt pasne3 seq p]0sauurl/! J0 AupdruoJ aouernsul 0l]11 J0lUlHM SSlNllM Nl luaur}luluroS stql Aq para,roc u0ajaq] a0e0u0u J0 tsaralur l0 alplsa aql anle^ Jol proJal lo sarrnbie parnsrr pasodo-rd aql alep aq] o1 roud lnq J0araq atep aArlJalla aq] ot tuanbasqns Durqceue i0 sprooar rlqn d aq] ur 6uueadde ]srl'paisarJ 'AuB ]r 's]0ueLr Jaqt0.r0 surel3 as]aApe 'saJU€rqurnJUa 'suarl 'sl3aja0 g sptoce,t rrlqnd aqt,4q unnoqs tou pue Mel Aq pasodLlr 'paqsrurnJ.rsuear0q .ro aJo]olaraql leualeu.ro r0qel 'sa3r^.ras r0J'u3rl e o] ]qbu r0 'uar1 ,4uy tr'sptocar crlqnd €ql lq uMoqs ]0u a.re q3rqM pue asolcsrp plnoA,\ sas'ua.ld aq] +0 u0 rlJa d su I pue /{a^ins lJat.l0t e qirqM s1le1 Aue pue 'sluauq3p0rJUa 'ea.re ur ebepoqs'saurl l\repunoq ur slJrlluoJ'sar3uEdarcsr0 0'spj03a] f,r qnd aql Aq u^\oqs l0u 'sluauasea ]0 su]|el3 .10 'sluaurasel Z'sp:orar rrlqnd aq]iq uM0qs 1ou uo ssassod u sarued l0 sullelc Lo s1q6rg 1 6urrr,ro1;01 aql 0l lJalqns osle srtuaulruru-loJ stLlt'ol palralai aA0qe a0elaA0O ruo]l sU0rsnlsxl pue suorlPlrrd ls pue sL0 l puo3 aq] ur paureluos slaueu aql 0t uor]rppe ul SN0[d]!Xl 0UVCNVIS luau.r1ru.lruo3 srq] +0 suo stnold aql 0] loalqns ale pue u0 caseq 3q lsfrx lualulLr.r.lrir0S s qI ,(q p la^0! uoaraql ebuSlour aul lo snlels aq) r0 lsalaiur r0 arElsa aqt 0) allll aq] ]0 snlets 3q] +0 lno Dutsue iuedujoS oqr -surcDe 0urq Aeu rc al?q Aeur parnsul casodord aq1 leql !0 ne 1o siq0r ro suorpe r0 uorl:re ,{uV t u ajaLl pa ltpouj Alssajoxa se]da:]Xa]!0lx}|!]t].]0JSq}J0uedeapeu]pUea:Ua]a}a]Aqpa}elod;orlt^qalaqa]eq]|']Mpa]nsUpasoooldaq11olo,lejU|J0+pai]u'll]l03sa|J|0d]0^|Iod fo ullOr afl jc a0ela,ro3 uoll suOrsrrllra aq] pue suOllelndtls pue suo]lrpuo3 aql pue suolsr^0rd Du rnSUr aql o1 lcalqns s fur1 qerl qrns pUe ro] paurulujo3 sat:tlodlo,b|0d3ql]c.|V3||paL]]S|]|pa}elS}Un0u-]eaq1paa]Xaft1qetqrns|E|]s]Ualr30Ut|}Uaull|ll]t1,o] alElSad[]laiPr]]]0arlnb.]P0]l])r0,Balnpaq]SUlu,t,loqssuot1da:xaateUiul|a0l(q]]0}0ara..']s1uaualtnbalaq]q1|M^|d03 ut u03laq sJuPlltsl u psllnJ']l ssol en]le l0+ i u0 pue l0l CaUrlllll0J sAllr 0d r0 iJ lOd +0 uj0j sql u pornsul j0 u0t1ru!]ap aql lApun papnlrur sarled u:ns pue parnsLl pasodord paueu aq] cl Alu0 aq lleqs tuarutiuur03 s qI iapun ,(ueduro3 aqt 1o l.trl,qerl g suotlelnd lS pue suo t puoJ asaql l0 t qder0eted o1 luenstnd palnrur i;sno rrard fr1 qerl uror1,{uedLroJ aq} ala l0r }0r.1 | eqs iuaurpuaue q:lns lnq ',rlurprorce lraLLrlruru0J srq} }0 B a npaqJS puaue ieul u0lld0 slr 1e r{ueduo3 aq] lraueu raq10 J0 rJrpl: asra^pe 'aruErqurnJUa '!3 I ']J3+40 qins Aus l0 abpalM0ut l?nlrs sarnbJe as Mlaq]O ,{ueduo3 aq1 1r to ^uedulo3 aql 0} anpalMoitl qrfs as0lrsrp I Pqs parns!l pasodord aql 1 aooalivtoul !3ns aso ssrp 0s 0l psrnsul pasodOrd aq] ]o arnl e1 Aq parrpnlard sr Auedul0J aq] luatxa aql 0] uOataq aJ're lai ]0 l:e,(ue uorl 6ut1lnsar a6eLuep ro ssol ,tue ro1 ^]r1 qerl uror] pa^a lal aq 11eqs,(uedLuo3 aql '6urluM ur lueduOJ aqt 0] anpal,rloul qtns esol3stp 0] lrPl lie.ls pte '+oaraq I a npaLjrs u uM0qs asOql ueq] laql0 luatlll utll03 stql Lq patar,or uoaraql abebloLu ]0lss]alur r0 alelss aql 6urlrage tapeu taqlo to "Lrell asr€Ape 'asuErqurnJUa 'uar 'lralap iup l0 J6paiM0ut lpnlle sarrnbsP r0 seq palnsul pasOdOrd aq} ll z luaunrlsur ^lunlas raqlol0 'pa€p ]snrl 'lsnr] i0 caap spnpur ieqs 'uraraq posn uaq,u ',,aOe0pour,, ural aql I sN0lr\fli tdrts ONV sNOlltcN0l Auedur0J 4,.11 +0 l npl aql l0u sr sarr 0d J0 iJ 0d qtns anssr cl alfl !l eql leql Oapr^0rd 'srniro lsr + raAaqsrqM 'anssr leqs roi pal-t urx0j sa l l0d r0Ir 0d aql uarlM.r0 ]oalaq alpp a^rlJal1a aql raW sqluour xrs aleuru.ral pue asea: lleqs rspunaraq sucrle6 lqo pue Al lrq€,j le pup scuansur a 1r] l0 sars l0d r0 /{c lod ilcns l0 aclPnssr aq] 0i fupu urla.ld sr ]uaulrulu0S srql luaurasrOpua tuarbasqns lq r0 ]uaultrNr.ll0] srql l0 aluenss atll J0 aLUrl aql re raqlrs ',{uedu0J a.lt ,{q Joaraq v ainpaqls r.r I pa!3sur uaaq a^pq t0+ pautuluor sa rrlod to ,{} od ctr) 101!n0ue aqt pue palnsul pasodold aql j0 /\ltluapt aqt laq,rn.{1uo a }ralla aq lleqs lualultuur0S s ql loals,l su0 ]elndrls pue su0rlrpu03 aqt 0l pue B pue V sainpaqos ]0 su0 st^0ld aqt 0] Falqns 11e :to1ataq1 sa6teq: pue surnrursro aql l0 luaul^ed !Odn 'v alnpaqss ut 0l pallalat r0 paqltsssp puel 3q] ur /\qsta[i pa.J3AO) ]sala]ul r0 aletsa aql +0 aa0e0lrcu.r l0 rauMo se 'V alfpaqrs ur paueu palnsu pasodotd aq1 yo tonel ur 'V alirpsqts .lr paLl luapL se aruelnsur all .l0 sarujod ro A]1lcd slr anssr o; s;rtutuor Aqalaq ".l0tte,aplsu0r alqenlp^ e ro1 '{uaduo3 a,lt paller uraraq 'uotlerodro: etosauu r! e'Vl6SlNNlrr,l J0 lNVdn0J IJNVHnSNI l'lill ^au 016 1 -tuaulu!uro3 vl]v z'Fft raryl V=,t,',. snua^v puaJas 40, ernsul oI ueurilu|lro3 V1OS]NNIW o SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V19366 '- For Infornation OnlY - charges - ALTA Owner Policy 9627.00 s3?9: 33 ****WITH YOUR REIIIITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OT'R ORDER NO. V19366.**** 1. Effective Date: August 05, 1-992 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAn Owner's Policy $330, 0oo. oo 1987 Revision (Amended 1990) Proposed Insured: SUSAN RUBENSTEIN 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Commitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: CARTTH INVESTMENTS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Connitnent is described as foll.ows: PARCEL A, AND AN UNDIVIDED T/2 INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL C, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 8, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER L4, 1983 IN BOOK 372 Al PAGE 720, COITNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. oALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 1 ooALTA COIt{I,IITUENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) our Order No. V19366 : The following are the requirements to be conplied with; 1. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to beinsured. 2. Proper instruurent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERI'{S, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VATL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFTED. 4. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OR CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING OF CARITH rNvEsTl{ENTS, rNC. A COLORADO CORPORATTON, TSSUED BY THE SECRETARy OF STATE OF COLORADO MUST BE DELIVERED TO AND APPROVED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM CARITH TNVESTMENTS, rNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO SUSAN RUBENSTEIN CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE COI'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETTJRN ADDRESSES ON DOCUI,TENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 AL oTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)our Order No. Vl-9366 : I The policy or policies to be issued lrill. contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I,NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OctobeT 02, L946t rN BOOK t_32 AT PAGE 405. 10. RESERVATION OF THE RIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES, ITS PERMITTEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY AND USE, ANY PART OF ALL OF SAID LAND FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF JUNE 10, 1,920 (41 STAT r_O53), AS RESERVEDIN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. 11. RESTRICTM COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFETTI'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGTON, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED ApTil 04, L978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AI{ENDED IN INSTRI,JMENT RECORDED August 25, L987 IrN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS AI'{ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Septernber 03, L987,IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND 39 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER ].5, L987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 801. 1.2. UTILITY EASEI.{ENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED AII{ENDED PI,AT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. 13. RESTRICTION CONTAINED ON THE RECORDED PLAT AS FOLLOWS: IIBY VIRTUE OF THIS suBDrvrsroN, THE THREE LOTS OR PARCELS CREATED HEREBY WrLL NOT COI.IPLY WrTH LEGAL LOT REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OT A SINGLE FAI{ILY RESTDENCE, AND, THEREFORE, NO BUILDTNG PERMIT SHALL BE GR,ANTED BY THE COUNTY OF EAGLE FOR SUCH A STRUCTT'RE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SUBJECT LOT. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONLY ONE TWO-FA},IILY RESIDENCE SHALL BE PERI'{ITTED ON THE COI.IBINED AREA OF THE TBD LOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT.II PAGE o -tA ERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEI,IENT RECORDED Novernber 4, 1983 rN BOOK 372 AT PAGE 7l_8. ( ts.. YERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED November l-4, L983 IN \-_,-,,6oo1 372 AT PAGE 7l-9 AND RERECoRDED MARCH 23, 1984 rN BooK 381 AT PAGE 342. ].6. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AI{ENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION AND THE RESUBDMSION OF L,OT 8, GLEN LYON SUBDTVTSTON. rrEMs 1, 2 AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTTONS VtrLL BE DELETED FROM THE OWNERS POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY IMPROVEMENT LOCATION SURVEY. NOTE: SAID SURVEY MUST SET OUT THE EASEMENTS SET FoRTH IN SCHEDULE B-2 HEREIN. PLEASE PROVIDE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WITH THE NAME OF THE SURVEYING COMPANY AND WE WILL SEND COPIES OF THE NECESSARY DOCI'MENTS. NOTE: IF THE IMPROVEMENT LOCATION SURVEY IS NOT RECEIVED BY LAND TITI,E GUARANTEE COMPANY IN SUFFICIENT TIME TO REVIEW AND ENDORSE THE COITIMITMENT PRIOR TO CLOSING, ADDITTONAL EXCEPTIONS MAY BE ADDED TO THE POLICY. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY, EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COI,TPANY THAT ALL OUTSTANDING BILLS FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS HAVE BEEN PAID AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FI,JRNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF CARITH INVESTI'TENTS, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA SHALL HAVE NO LIABTLITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SUSAN RUBENSTEIN. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCI'MENTS REQUIRED I,JNDER SCHEDULE B-].. AL COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Our order No. V19366 I NOTE: UPON PROOF OF BE DELETED AND ITEM 6 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS PAVMENT OF ALL TAXES, rTEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: FOR THE YEAR ]-992 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM NO. 8 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. PAGE ooLAND TITIJE GUARANTEE COUPANY a I DI SCIJOSURE STATEI.TENT Regulred by senate Bill 91-14 A) The subJect real property nay be located in a special taxingdistrict. B) a certiflcate of faxes Due listing each taxing Jurisdlctionnay be obtained fron the county Treasurer or the countylreagurer' E authorized agent. c) the lnfornation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts nay be obtained fron the Board of County Cornml,ssionerE, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County AsgeEsor. Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A certlficate of Taxes Due llsting each taxing Jurisdictlonshall be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County SreaEurer, g authorized agent. ooza-{Fcc){ozTrnn3 -{ al-r a\ m Ttr_ltxt r q--w. t € Ef;F li'E 3E!! 19 r r FE" |! E it=E 5 -tT-lf '1 < E _L rl_lll f J t,,:J v o <6Y! T o- ^z< o EHoo .r, IHlz e €t =r') > IE: 6 g Fm,,F9 /-!xm H Fl O'trz.;--l cT< /,=u i/'\ mz; >; ioo> o 2anz>mc)f,l-{>or- -r =mo -nrzo l- z t.F< z tt) (- z IT F x H z = Fr c) : r c) 5'psn5.\l \| m _.1- zo z--t o o 2.O qr l--llol€lzlo l1rt<t> r- l$12 -D H rn c) 4dH .1'c)H z l-.r t{lz 111t<l>t;lntm lo t; I Ilu)l(,t?Iri I I F.! I@@ f !- + t-lmlorl= lolll>l-IIlm l6-,lz l" I I l-{bl€lzlo l-Tlt<t>l- z -tm FIzl.-ozo.ItF<Fo'r1 -!-!*3€fN-{o (D mxm.It{oz Lo(D @Im )F Fz HC)zO.n(r5o) LicD Lt*--J P-\. II m llEs sg g t Ilsi i 3*=e Ila:'9ii-r|..<_;Jf o-!.<oJta=Eif i+qi.^-; ld.' =qr(D:at Hb ar -15i59 :s iif;oo^,(,xIiaB=56p.=6', o*o;iat\,-'o*=p-a l;-Eo! Lr qds=il I 3g;3i L l:igi*_.illo,drt\ : =< l$ de;f=1-ss=;e #Ei#ar, 858=lFsie+aSHa= B;1ie ) F" n)-t' aq r|.\" \]J {: m n tzm o7) z{:0 Io 'n I =mr'n q) -iz xzo m : z t-_o m i-iazmm m )z l=t;lr ioc-.1 l- a lP = l9 F l,ofro<>.nl1 2arct- --l t7 !m t;o z l- z. l-IFti IOq€otr+i-26 .z = z>o8 IoI<!.:.t < >0olmcoozc = 1l zm€ --lm '.t z c] foz r-?7 _! I m c c --t 2 trtONFtsZ Bl ^-;i a ** !eEe aqHijoG5r" I Ez^? c:>=? -: =1zz-€B9 ;=xE; -Rl N @=lNm= H::Z@lr<Hl = =l"l I I I ooo G] P lrlH H c!z(t H F 1tl trr P a Pz c..tr)*FrP-'c (.FlEt]g ">Fq -mtrltl zz ==--l --l o m >t-zYl-z xrl =6:u>'H-l(t)trt rzl P-, => Fl@ GI\olt! I c) X r. EPzz FG ! l.J -l i r- mn =:.l1 mm U> c m{ x t(z Itr. qF 0mIc)z m mt tno m =z'nmm mor z T 2 m m o 't zc) mox (!c|- =o'ttm = 1lm ==_Tl mmU' S VALUATION !mu =I zo 3m zo c =z mt-m g t- z (^ N(^ /-'*' ,,ri\\15 blt,,$.,2 /t 75 roulh frontage road tall, color.do 8't657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlce of communlty d.ualopmcnl BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pub1 ic l.Jor"ks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Departmentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weel(s. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentjoned maximum requirements. Resjdential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite th'ispermit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. DatellottrSheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. liii I I tl \ 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlco of communliy development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.,IATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any Person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour r^rritten notice to remove said rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public WorksDepartrnent wiLl remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beappJ.icable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofVai.l Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledcred bv:acknowledged b_y: Date "7 -?- fz- (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Revier Baged onthe 1992 Unifom Codes NAME:PACKER RESIDENCE ADDRESS : 1463 GREENHILL CT.vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY:R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:8/1.7/92 CONTRACTOR:BEEHIVE CONST. ARCHITECT:NONE ENGINEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe items listed below ar6 not intended to b€ a complete listingof all possible code requirem€nts in the adopted codes. ft is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tob€ construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro-vigioag of tbe adopted cod6s or any ordinaace of tbe Town of Vail . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.1210 OF THE ].991 UBC. CONCRETE FOOTERS TO BE 48I' IN DEPTH. 1) 2) 3)HANDRAIL ON ONE SIDE OF STAIRWAY 34 TOIF THERE IS MORE THAN 4 RISERS. PROVIDE OFF IS GREATER THAN 30". MINIMUM HEIGHT = 4" . SEC.171"2 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4) STAIRWAY MUST BE MIN. 36" WITH A LANDING srzE.sEc.3306 0F rHE 1991 uBC. 38 INCHES ABOVE NOSING GUARD RAIL WHERE DROP =36" AND MAX. SPACING OF AT LEAST THE SAME INSPECT ON REQT.|EST T N OF VAIL CALLER TUES .WFDREADY FOR IN LOCATION:i. BUITDING' tr FOOI+NGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ETOUNDITION / STEEL /--Jtr FRAM]NG tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WAIER -'Roos & $HEERu,,-ruYwooD- NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ihegpo"* *o'.tr n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr B 0 EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT El SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ffis'€P rNSfrtoN REeuEsris63-l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL t WED THUR FRI 479-2138 INSPECTION: BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n HOOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr Tl kprNer-tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH o o Tl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR C] FINAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oorc S /,,, / ?/ rNspEcroR ,// ,. rt I 6 oo I ii PUBLIC WAY PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fl 1. J.Work is for (circle one) permit Fee S' 5 i) . lf) (Excavating Coolractor's Name, Adclross, Phone, and License No.) ..WATER SEWER( GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLEW OTHER LANDSCAPING }EIWPONENVSITEACCESS (Contraclor s o ii I ' ; .9 o- I E3 g;1; 1o l'ub 1 Paid:Receipt #: (Public Works) -,/\\INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHEO ';'I' APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 Legal Oescription Street AddressJob Name Excavating Conlractor Name .t TOV Contractor's Licanse Number e Start Oate 4. Work is for lcircte one)Water Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Temporary Site Access Telephone CATV (Permit Expiration Date) Other Landscaping 5. Trench-width (min. 4') 7. o. Length Qepth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of lhe area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480)t.^t Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530)' U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) , -- ,,. 'i i Town of Vail: lnigation (479-2161) Public Works (47 9-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" oJ utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date ol Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment Gold - Contractor Electricians (479-2171) =_ ,.",=_ .l - -, 9. 10. 11. 12. ly\ \-- .. \A ,' t!.Q\0 l\. 1MEl ^-'i s- $AlN \ \ \I , \.i "'8; Gdc\r os',1 'r\,i c( -r s\ \rr (.or )JUnOC -?1lH1rfs3y9 , oo'l,l AA..oe,o2.So S ".1\o v'r N (o V 8 E laz(D =f-z- 0r uJt00ff{ 3 -fqt a+b1zt C bJ trj (rt c acs rn </ ul ,*\r \L oA .ca {,, %";/** oo. Ar.' %:"n 45.ot9z e0 bJ ir.rL) () _) ll.lv E.s .lN3hl3sv3 A_Lt-lu_n,az. -t vr Ttno ogib z ErI { rdze.o olrl A. P"\\v\'g\ t<rt- 7- uF b(r.ern lld t"olI'l8ttI tJrlt0lz 't\ rf-5 { a o.t.9 ( rtJI ilo)dJiBul| {&F-.1f n d (, 'q, lr jx ;",F0-NJqOd{ a ( J rJoEil Y sA A ,,9l,gs-oo S.oo'>el (.or) , oo-ltf JunoS TilFi1..f3359 xtn dcosatd.-t 1-oo,oz.so s N F YIg lazCD td F.2'.tu uJvrO ffd "Ji. r;n r bJ rd CTrr c o'o rn ,oo'>gl -t'\'\ >)\:- - .-l-. *fi;;" d ,* \'1 '"* oo. AI.l 'K"'" *''P 0 bJ () ) rdvus J-N3W3S\/3 AJ-t-'trJ-n,oz -t 6;nv ognt z ErI< ( ulzdo otll A P"\\v\ i"\t(if- td o(! -atoc l€lz 't d-s IFbq ln { aq \,-€ {rl)i f o-ldridrdi r&F;d(} r\, $t. a. l5 EC 33ds .z ( ) rJutil A,,91.ge-Oos cf_t$fldNn T ' . ,. ' 'x'ls,;H*|;FFl -r - o Date Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block ,r"^"flb' Com ments: ------: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town ,fio,,,*n o, Project Application ^,,r / o^," Y/3 / 7?,l Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and 2tL l;. t ZtA H aq€ sd / Architecl, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board ,to"" *'/3/(z- Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPR OVAL ,4 ,fruH,* /r+-4 Town Plan ner tr-/' /o"r". " rJ//Z Staff Approval c a27,u f/n o FILE COPY, 75 roulh |ronlag€ road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3qr) 4792139 oftice of communily d€velopment January 16, 1992 Ray Kutash Bee Hive Construction Company 1256 Hover Longmont, Colorado 80501 RE: Lot I, Glen Lyon Subdlvlslon Dear Ray: As it has been some time since we have talked about the Packer Deck Expansion proposal, I thought it would be best for me to write you a letter and let you know that I can help you complete the application at any time in the future. For the time being, I will put all lhe application material in the permanent file. I have attached the section of the code regarding setbacks and decks. As you can see, decks at certain heights can encroach into setbacks different distances. Please make sure any deck proposal conforms lo these sections. Thank you for your cooperation. lf you have any questions, please call me at 303-479-2138. Sincerely, J---t,L/.I\- \-, Andy Knudtsen Town Planner llrd )..fE--*, "( /--.^--^'L rovised 9/419L IPPLIEATION - TOIfN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICAT]ON RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIORADO r'rs ^PP,.rc^rfil;;l]il, "" AccrPrED ITNTIL ALL REQUI*3. J.TO.T'::tION IS SIIBI.TITTED @: A. DESCRIPTION: P2-t'(- t t|/./'r, B. TYPE OF REVIEW: I. D. New Construction ($200.00) / Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS:1a LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T,Ot {) B]OCK p+rt e. Subdi-vision (rt z'N t -{ctJ If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING::; =-r = NAI,IE OF APPLICANT: . IJ+.7 ?r+<Mailing Address:?)c, 3() 2__ LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a gurrent stamped survey showing lot area. 'T>r'c'r-/(<L(-<r H. NA}{E OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE:Mailing Address : i-Z-il ( iz- a meets and bounds 1egaI on a separate sheet and *SIGNAIIIRE (S) : l-cr .r -\)r.a-k- * Ma j.1ing Address:A-- Uai v Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later' when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below' to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:)-o.o O FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - I 1o,oo0$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,000 s150,001 - s 500,000 $500, 001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 J. K FEE$ 20.00$ s0.00 $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\TAT EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AI'TER FTNAL APPRO\TAIT SNI'ESS A BUII'DING PERMIT IS TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCITON TS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION IIILL BE PROCESSED WITBOTT OI|NER'S SIGNATURE Phone LIST OF MATERTALS LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT-CL BLOCK Ezr. SUBDTVTSTOH ln-lerrttlrnt srREEr ADDRESS: iil6 3, (t'e.e"rvi. \ [ (-t, DESCRIPTfON OF PROJECT: fPD,^i(t- \'<.p :P. P-P'--j--"'T> i>at'=- 'ft^ ,i (-t-€ ,L i-> A-,'O €.-i 6-- t | /v (1-' ->Z-<--k- ' ,D-l> t+ ..--r,/-.t i2- NAME OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final,required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other waLl Mat.erials Fascia Soffits windows Window Trin Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encfosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAI COLOR .2.\ L-,7 t /U (r 3-|P,t <_lu E €- {-.3r.-,1-1 ,ttTLANDSCAP ING :Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIA],S: PROPOSED TREES Botani.cal Name -..-_..- I Common Name Quantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches- Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coDiferous trees is 6 feet. 'lm ocr r qlggl' IlecHlvc Concfu:rrctlon Company IIEIB Hovcr. l.onfrmontl Crrlo. t0FOl et l-ttat ne{ro {{7-8ffO4 {a&3rao?e.rier.r' Tor^rrr G,(U*i-' ' Aad,y ,'h{,il/, \,lC Ars t r^,*rcctft {. .^ t &C.^\ 1 r c,}r,{ 3il1l' tI K*il *l*e f;t v tcw st4e rltt' r c I '';l-l i=a\.a,e- ba 1"4 utr.ll rJ+;l *e *'*Ll 2le ; cu:trhn2 ,*if,- T'tl $- ie /oueh b7 khptr"e to {rc..-- fh;s hetd .b . h- et4. a7phe*/tott l- /.. k 'Th *,uls, o(r 4, lov tC ** q'r trlt 3*{ K-t'}th .5",i (-, L ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS lo - z-j'Q1 z':> Block a?,,FiIing ^tli,:{r. (r\erL\t.|CV'l o DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: OWNER tlricl-eltt-L ARcHIrEcr N/1" -I . -- PHONE PHONE zoNE DrsrRrcr 5'( 6 ( .>) ilQ pRoposED usE g,-", trr ,-4-\j,A^-' tl(.> t \v,zT ' **LOT SIZE \,'6'n\ Allowed (30) (33)tu/n lt /(1- ^/^ _* Height ToTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Hazards : 6L" (,7* uD ,*: S lf *.'//" /' / tuwh *r't r "r'oO'-/;w"- /''l rr,f ,J ,{,,4 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 88 Actual SloPe Date approved bY Town Engineer: No zzz ^ /N +425= ^/n ^/^ + 425 20' r.5, L5' (30) (50) Yes l.) 2l 3) noFlood Plain Percent Slope "rlrtlt,k'Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche3--glb) RockfaIl t."w lt'5,q1 c) Debris Flow -,.,,.rc1!5jlJ4) Wetlands aa.<- Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Does this request involve a 250 Addition?nL) How much ot the alfowed 250 Addj-tion is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.I2.090 (B) and 18. L3.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than tsr0b0 sq. ft. in area may nor construct a second dwelling unlt. The Community Development Depirtment may grant an exception to -thl.srestrict.ion provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections l8 .12.090 (B) anO f-8 .13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu11- t.ime employees of the Upper Eagle Val1ey. Existinq ProPosed Total -_r2-1I.l %-t,l7 .lLt\ f47a - 10 tlElloRlttDltlil TO: FROU: DATE: File Shelly Mello April 2, L99L SURTECT: Lot 8, Glen Lyon It was deternined thatstorage space on thlsThis residence is now GRFA. Bhe revised GRFA is as under the 199L GRFA regrulations, the rockresidence shall now be considered GRFA.a non-conforrning property with regard to follows: Lot size: 201158 sq. ft.AIIowabIe GRFA 4,265;8Allowable 2nd L,7O6.32Existing Prinary 3,652ExistLng Secondary 2,467Total Existing GRFA 6tLL7 * All numbers should be verified. Stamped survey notavailable. Lot size taken from file. Za) q, o R<Z'A--l Y3io .2.--{ -Y> zi--r c{<6P-1 Z(Jc.) z,; ;= o> 2n-imnz>m --l > c) -Imo--l €zmn 7(- (I,z m a./l (n (D c+ c ox fiFo>.|-NE <tr .l. \.l;1= !r> f- "1la z zr- tqzl Ir,c, Il-r Itoll:lFi l=lttrtltlrl f- o nm o = !- rI 3l=ll =>ln.l-l<t>ltollatml l'lll-ll-ll tltl l3t> lF IE I I-t I <lr2lt-1=>lolY lall .;,; l= l.qlcl' Itct I(Dl< l(Dt-llo l.D lctItlllrl = l- .)I I =:r o m - P oozo{nco =ozTmn3 { Im Il\,1lll@lll@ I 1'7o mc)J 2o cla- CLE€.o@ l-{ fcl< :-lE gYlo -Z l-T]. Ool= Jl'.:-' ot33l...rcI!3. .:o =;Gr 5- ai\ aot mzm =-.nO oon E -.r Y-r^ <O> -@xo 6'n2{ x ob€<imfitEuz lct-22= --l CZEzo?d= trm@B;9 3=r'+z VALUATION za>,ax;oifr=itt F3a a z: _> ara>-'r -l 7-l --. - = a -:>:Dtl lr.'a;2>,a- <A:::l;oi "igt- !:;;:;E7;:. tliltt m =...1 z DATE ,, ;' JOB NAME rNsenoN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL I CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr o tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL PMt o,..rNs#cnoNTOWN OF DATE CALLER TUES AMBEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL rl tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '. ,rl CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES .READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION "tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr O#HAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,tr DISAPPROVED _F RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED ',.'.1 ,:l *. .. , ,,1- DATE INSPECTOR rNsfctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL IJ,1 IE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: IPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING E. SNECTROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING o tr o ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr o SUPPLY AIR n FrNAL D FINAL CORRECTIONS: / -t --i,,/DATE tNSPECTOR -.":-.r'-/.2- : ., .-. it<.. . -..{r. i +(..:-',t:' jrr 1. "::. .;F .-.q.;*;;. l' ; rN#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL/ t. o^r, / 4{{/ JoB NAME tt READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPINGI tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR o rrw(-tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o$tINSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE r READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME !t MON ,,J',-rt ,.t.T-?' THUR FRI .-i,tt---------------- fllvl \. , __. ) Fn,t I CALLER BI D tr tr ryt'o o LI o n R \,ll H TINGS / STEEL ON / STE PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. UIL FC FC FR 'rNi Sh DIN )oT )UN IAM SUI. IEE' ING EI tr o o ROUGH / WATER ILDING: NDATI LATI ON CK GAS PIPING ETRO NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAf O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 0b rN#ctoN REeuEsr a' CALLER TOWN OF VAIL +-/ JoB NAME ,i-''t'3fZ- 7r"aDATE/ /_2 "r-/ / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON l'--AM rfv )ruES {.fr6} rHun FRI ^-././L ( aa( f BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING\rSI INSULATION -o'sneernocK NAIL O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o tr O FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FIN4L tr FINAL ?-'err^orro tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL o tr cl POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: J O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT $ueerv nrn tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i INSPECTOR *o JOB NAME r MON). I ---rA -t t. ' ,- ao __ I .1.. .1.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THURINSPECT)4(.vl1 \r r-4..'.e t ! , PROVED ORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED U REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ! nouen tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ., /' INSPECTOR ;4 rNs#[toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL,'i. !DAIE t','-t j! JoBNAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO a" '\MON TUES' WED THUR FRI t ' . '1, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E tr N FINAL tr FINAL ii neenoveo CORRECTIONS: '{.O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -t ,/<t' ./DA1E, ?-,^{ |NSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEI,tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ;(aeenoveo . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Lt !.rtb.r,r€'r l, *" JOB NAME rNSttoNTOWN OF ,, ,,' ) REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL d B tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB o N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: q'DTSAPPROVED ' !..' tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t"rNs#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JO8 NAME MONl^ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ' A tr,\ t PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL N POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL XAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,,' |)INSPECTOB o- JOB NAME INSPECTIO4: t, /./a1- .4/YI'-l-\ .j:.; i . .j t_a/ CALLER TUES ii,v;D) rHUR rNs#cnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: M t'p BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: ! TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL p'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o.INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL') / 'DATE ; "' JOB NAME I Nl Q D trn-r tr\ Nt.MON CALLER TIJES--' WE-DI THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL E POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: In rEH,tp. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr ROUGH D tr FINAL ,fleeenoveo CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INS 'fi 'i i; TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR I LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI€9t\-t/t.*- - i BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 1..'s" ,$ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED srr:E 7-z z^ F/ rNSpEcroR o DATE , i I ', :'i JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-1 tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER D ROUGH D CONDUIT tr tr FINAL CALLER -!r.. -t-IF INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr D MECHANICAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL a DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDD APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .!'' DATE CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI I I READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING I ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr E FINAL - tr FINAL tr,.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I o I-_) -- --D;rE;-"tffibi couNlssEssoR- - -t pAGE: *._- SUBIUVISION-LISTING cODr: na8l erlnnrVISION: cLrnt LYON SUn. nR 0272 PG O6q2 TAX ITEr.lS; 9149 ========= ========= ============ === ====== ==: TAX rTtrMS. 9r4e __ ' OO.rs SCHFnULF: OZl86e nISTRICT' 117 --------------.--:' ---. TOI"IN OF VAILI Box roo3 vnru- STATE: CO ZIP CODE: Btbsa-- BLK - LOT TR. D 0056 SCHEDULE: OO82OB DISTRICT: l17 vAI L BUSINESSj{EEIINC-4SS0CJaTESi--.- -SUITE IlIO, BANK OF CALIF. CENTERSEATTLE -_STATE: tJA ZIP CODE: ?8164 BK O27B PC o6a? OO57 SCHEDULE: OOA24I DJ.STRI4T:-JJ7-- VAIL LENDEL7724 CIRARD AVENUE. SUITE 3OO LA JOLLA - SIATE:--CA--ZIE-CODE: 92037-- BLK LOT 48__ BI14ZZ3.-1C--O964-- TAX ITEMS: 11I I u4 -d IsrRlcr:--ll7- & { SCHEDULE: OO8l79 DISTRICT: IL7 9o*' t1 ZIP CODE: 07924- BK O?78 Pe 0465 -- - oo59-. SCHEDULE;---OOS203-.--! WILLAMAN, VERNE I'I. BERNARDSVILLE / -) ..., I <-y 3 -7 ) O/ ---STATE:.-NJ --.ZrP-CQDEI- 07?24-.. --L- :1 l- '"', BLK - LOT 2t -.-- -8K 027€_14_:0465-_- TAX ITEI'IS: 1111 1)EHr9 gt; zgi- F,$85 H:3OUJ .OJb6g aEs 5I=oooJJF h 1 t T e$$;5P[rl 't) t s$s uco- 3s 3fi B3 "tu e3 $H $; 9HEET ,f (,ob)IUNOC l]HN33ue I ,,oo ,oz ogo s .qs\J(D69 Sul , a.J .t-o'_'1.' I o, EJ @ F 9 I I I A/Itltltl (ultrt6t8t3l,:I \lol;i -*lol Iol -lclol r!l I I I I I I i =N\t io/;lvlcrt-lzt o. a o- Proiect Application (,-r4,9f T 0JP(tProject Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL box lfl} uail, colorado 81657 (303) 4765613 department of community development May 7, 1981 Steve Yates 288 Bridge St.Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Sunset Duplex Lot 8, Glen Lyon Dear Steve: At the May 5 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittalfor a duplex was given final approval . Preliminary approval was given a'l so on landscaping. Approval was for a Primary/Secondary residence with a total GRFA of 4200 sq.ft.: 2779 sq.ft. primary, and 1421sq.ft. secondary. The following stipulations were made: driveway slope be approved by Public Works Department prior to issuance of building pemit and 'look into tinted glass, more landscaping -greater number and b'igger trees. Si nc Peter lltfiar Town Planner PJ:df t Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: {7 Legal Description: Lot A , Block Filing at f'4 ( {oN Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: DISAPPROVAL rJN 4IryuoJS Summary: ',L,u^--' Administrator Chief Building Otficial LIST a sN% ENGINEERING CHECK Subdivision Lot B'lock Filing 1. Submittal Items 3. Source of Utilities (A) Topo Map(B) Site Plan(c) uti I i ty P'lan (D) Title Report(E) Subdivjsion Agreement (if applicable) 2. Engineering Requirements (A) Culvert Size(B) Driveway GradE "/--1- r/ (81 max) (Actual ) A B c D E El ectri c Gas Sewer l.Jater Tel ephone F) T.V. 4.Comments: Approved: Di sapproved:.-' 3/so/. ft.A nt s ,^,,tzc 6€ otsnp ate-rs on>rtc oetugtm7 Peo rk.en t t ecveip. PAt ve tuAY f Pr')/<ou{v AS frP pr*, Ne,.e,"ev 'aaqy f l, loSf Hfte/P c176-/oz6 (Acceptable) (Not Acceptable) J oatoevtAl Bill Andrews Project Application , '\. a'project Description, .<,a-L-A{<- L=\r\(Jl-- i { owner Address and phone: S'.Tf-t1'r! trf(ftifr':: ,\ \1, - \ ti-l/ l):,'-: - r\ t '-.t f L.7' tt,'t:. Architecl Address and Phon€: .l LJgal Description: Lot 6 , Btocr ririnn .:-'l, tJ LtfDN .SrJi?..- Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by:-, ,/, I Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL / 4ft'?r+rf Sum mary: Administrator Chiet Building Olficial t''LI Sl' Ol: l'lA]]il{lAL.S dAl'lD OF l,RoJ[cT SUN.SET REAI ESTATE A{D LDGAL DESCI{IP'IION: LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PNOJECT So lar The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits lVindows l{indow Trin Dcors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues F l ash ings Chirnneys 'fla sh EncL osures Greenhous cs Other Botanical Narne required for subnittal can be given: by the applicant to the Design Review Col orT)'pe of llaterial YIaho+any#Effi NaturaL Cedar Oxford Brown A-C External Plv Oxford Brown Wood Casement Oxford Brown Cedar Oxford Brown Fir. -Pane.led Natural Cedar Oxford Brown To Match Siding Natural Galvanized Metal Oxford Brown Galvanized MeEal Oxford Brown To Match Siding Natural To Match Siding Natural B.PI.ANT MATERIALS (SEE LANDSCAPE PI,AN)(Vegetative, Landscaping lvtat eri al s including Conmon Name Trecs, Shrubs, qgantity and Grould Cover) Si ze Standine Seam- Sett if Lisht Beiee c. olllER LANDSCAPL Fll^'l'UltES (Retaining ltlal ls, I'-crrces,Swirnrning Pools, etc,) Pleasc spccify. d/ Gs-v2[Fp\kb,t6.9.. (rE rprtr.Ir' POLICY NO. AZ 23TBg? Al1';rurti::d f,{,""esotrJ,t.t lr.,su nar.rcr f,o" to"t J rrr-e I r'rsu *nr.rce fiorrr enr.rv or EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: t. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including bul not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating lhe character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a seParation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records al Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or ageed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured clairnant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimart acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company Prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulthg in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATlON OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 {Amended 10-17-701 OF a Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnetota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDI,JLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDMIONS AND STIPI.JLATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPAI.IY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy s]rown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attomeys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: l. Title 1o the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. bck of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. [f'lrnr.resora -lT L J {"&Form l30 2/73 3oln Copy.ighr 1969 Arncrican Ltnd Title At3oci.lion 13, tflrlrr.F ' Grur. ro.. ur e-r.'-D.i'rrril ii tirlc to th3 G3t.t. on intsrtrt, arlccurity imlrumcnl. vinu. of thb pollcv' or qll.t:.-ti: :; .:::t';;; iortcc rlrtl :,;,,w*l*#*i'tdf"i:H: o' rrw rmP.''| flt'g'xrff1t-flii::*::T:i";;l-t File l'to. tlOL77,l gC.HEnLILE {i iimcurrt t 11(J' i)q.rt). rlt.t Jiddrr.ss a ). t. Pol icr tratc': rl|]ToEER- 1r], l'?EO at g:r)r) ,-1.M. :. N.anr€ nf Insured: ETEVE YfTTEE .:-r. Thc estate or inter.est in the land describu-d in tfris ScfrEdul e anduhich is encunrbered b"r this nal icy is: A FEE 4, Titl e to the estate ,:r interest csvered by this n r:, I ic'r at the date hcreof is vested inl STEVE YATES S. The I and ref er'ned to in this pol i':t' is situated in EAGLE Count'v, Dsl,rrador Eod is dgscribrl'l as f ol l ous: I-OT g, GLEN LYON SUBTTIVISII]N, ACCORBING TLf THE AMEI.II'EI] PLAT THEREOF' REr:LlRtrED JULY 18, 197e IN EIIOK:72 f11- PA6E 37O, CrlUl.lTY OF EA|SLE, 5TATE OF CFLT]RANO. F,r:e I This F'ol icr" val id onlv if i-;chr-'dulc- B is attached. r rn 'rrdner rertt .a=1 .! o F i l.-. lt,--, . '.t,.)LI/.1 O r,., I rr- i llr:,. rti:.ill;): rj.r:.HEfrl-ll.-E Fr ll,i: r,r'l r ci' ,jc,es rrr-rt irrsur's a --r.:. lrrgt I ''r53 ,rr' d.rnr.lge bi' r'c.l'5orlrt the : f r'l I nruin3: t. Right:- r-t r. rl,linrs c'l- r'a|-t j.es irt p,tss€ssifrn n']t sh,lujrt b'r the PUt'i ic fef'-rfrlS. '.1. Eascnrentsr nf. cl ainrs of if aseflrerrt s, rrot sh':'uJn b'r tfre Fubl i': recr-rr'ds. .:i . f!i5':r.e.F|anCi,::5, C,lrrf IiCtS irr t":r U rr d.Lr"r' I irrc.s, :.h'-rr't.eSe irr 'tr'ea, i? n I r' r1 ,t c h rn g n t s , and arr",' f a,:ts trtfri r--fr .l cr-rr'rer:t EUr'vc'r' and insPJ':tiL.trt ,rf thr.' ;-,r.€rnis,L1s uJtrU ld di5cl Osr. arrd ulfrich ar'e rr':'t tht'uJrr br t frr." PUbl id f'et,:f'd:. '1 . Anl I iLrn'. r,rF risht to ,r I ien, f r,r ser'viti,-s, lah'or'' c'r rr'atLar'ia i thErr-.-'tr!f r-'rLr ,.-, r here.af tc,r' f rrr.rri:hed, inrp'rscd b't lau .f.rrd n':'t =.h'lurr hi' the rubl ic rc-cords. 5, 19,,]() TAXE:J Nt:t T YET DI..IE A[IL] FAYABI.E. I:,. LIEI'I5 FI:IF| UNFTIITI I^'ATER AI.IT] -TJELJER L-HARGE!; ' IF ANY. 7. RIGHTii 'JF t,,lrY FrtR Lt Irt-lHr--::: rJR r-/.'if.lr)l-.:i L.r-rfl:jrRU[lEo Br fHE {\t-i lHuRIiY uF .1-115 IIIIITFN 3TATE5 AE; RESERVETI iI.I I,]t{IlEN ::I'}'IES FT}TEN-I REUDRL'EIJ rtr-jirlBER t, 1.,r46 IN Burrt'i 131 l\t- t,Ar:iE .1C)5, Al.lll rHE FURIHER HETERVF\lIl:rN ':IF THE RIGHT TIF THE UNI'TELI L:;TA-I Eg, ITg FERI-II I l EE IJR LILET'JTF-E' 'IiJ EhtIER r_rFrll't, r:iltr:r_rPY,lND rJgE, At.tY frrlRr r-rF ilLL uF 5,:\Il-l LrrtFln FUR t'Hts FURP|:|5E9: FRtrVItrEn It'l THE ArT ilF -l[NE 10, l:r.jcr (41 :;fnT 1ctc.3i, Ag RESLRVEIT IN rHE PATET.IT REl:r.,fttrEn OTITL]BER .?, I'14/: IN B0':rl',i 132 Al' FAsE 4t-t5. .\(r.) r_trILITy Ar.tlr nRAl.tAL-iE EAsEtlEN| ?o FEET IN tJrnrH ,l|.-uhtfi THE tlESlERLY LI]T LII'IE AS LiHt.-tt.IN ON ].HE RE|]ORLIEL] AFIEI\II.IED PLAT LiLEI.I LYI:II\J IiLIFNIvISICtN. -:.1 . RE::;TRIT:TICII.I:=.;' i.JHIT:H Ttt:' N.IL-1T C:I:INTAiN A FLIRFEITURE OR REVERTEft I:LT.}U5E, BUT DMITTII.'J|J RESTRICTIT:IN5, IF f]NY' BF\SER LlhI RAI.JE, DI:ILIIR, RELIGII:I1'I , TtR NATIONAL C|RIGIN, AFJ II-INTAINED IN IN.JTRUMENT FECI:IRIIEN APRIL 4, l:?7L1 It'.1 Br:rBii ?4.,1 AT Pf\LiE,r"ali. 1CT. IIFETT I]IF TRUST FRI:IFI FA'IRII::1A A. I.IT,IR[], TI:AREN LYNN I,JARLI TiNLI IION/TLN HIL1EIE Tt-l IHE PUBLirl TRLISTEE r-rF ETIGLE L:DUNTY FOR THE U5U uF GL'RE t::REEI,i ASELILIIATE!:, A RHLITIE Is;I-ANN LIMITEN PAR TNER:;HIF 'I il liEf,URE I HE ::Lll.t r:rF $41,?5O.OO REt:r:rRlJaO pggRl-lr]RY 6, t'.r7;l IN Buuli 2i11 ,\T FAtiE 3u?, '. 1. DEETI TIF'TRU5T TIATETI [IL-:T[IBEF t]4,, Igg(' FRI: 'I 5. TEVE YATE'; TI] THE F'LIFLIt] .t RU:JTEE I]F EAI]LE Ci]UNTY FUR THE U5E UF PATRIL:IA i:\. T.JARLI 1-t] SECURE THE 5ut"l trF S5?,(rOO.(:rC) RELr:RnEtr BC].OBER {r?, 1?90 IN EDtr}':31(:r AT PA']E E7t). E'-- -. -r UTILITY LOCATION VIRIFICATION svBDtrstol. el€z 4t/oz- JOB tw lQ-1*ocx FILING ADDRESS I The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk iinui, ntrst Ue approved and verified by the following acconpanying site Plan- Authorized Signature lines or ProPosedutitities for the Date lilountain Bel1 lfestern SloPe Gas Public Serrrice ConpanY Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. tlpper Eagle ValleY Water and Sanitation District NOTE:Theseverificationsdonotrelievethecontractorofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut Pertnit fron the Tom of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Towr of Vail' flnva\tvol'> zor'rE fij.[-cr(. forSFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Onner Zone Proposed Use Lot Area dioL/fg /:--Jtei sht At lowea # proposed 3 4 / Setbacks: Front-Requirea-ZOi -'proposed L/t ' Sides-Required l5' Proposed _as, I! I Description: Lot --&- Block -- Fil ing &a tW Architect District' Rear -Requ'ired .l5, ^ p: rposed ,r, lrla t erc ou rs e -rg1n rry?24fur0 po se d --- warercourse-requlrgo qto?T I,/ - GRFA: A-ttoweo i 87^ %orro"r"o-EZI{= __!@E_vGRFA:Primary A]lovred _f4at /Primary Proposed Al I or,red ,l/Secondary ProposedSecondary Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: Drive: Slope Pernitted Envjronmenta'l/l.lazarcls: Ava'lanche Conments: F'l ood P.' a i n Sl ope Proposcd cg'K_o< Alrorved " o -.- propos "d: / (/?a-- Required ft) "4 Requirecf ? propcsed Slope Actual 'isapproved : I :Zoning Adminisbrator Zoni chen and CONSULTI associates, inc. NG ENGINEERS ELt Tq,mA'nil EXOIXEEFrXO 5O8O RD. 154 .GLENWOODSPRIIIIGS,COLORADO 81001 r 3Gl/04&7t058 SOII, AND FOUNDATION PROPOSED DUPLEX, LOT SUBDIVISION, VAIL, INVESTIGATION8, GLEN LYON COLORADO Prepared For: Steve YatesSunset Development Co.288 Bridge StreetVail, CO 81657 Job No. 22,29I July 15, 1981 OFFICES: DENVEF, COLORIOO / COLORAOO StFlNG3. COLOFAOO / CASPER, WYOirlirG / SAIT LAXE CITY, UIAH BE.,E C'GTIENIS ocuxll(lEi gE PruSED GIE}IRTTTCN SfE CIIDTTTOtr; grB$rL oDrxtors ITIT{DAEICN @iIENDAIrIOls ITGRAL EARTII PRESSTJFES GUJND EIONS TNDEFDRAIN SY]STEI{ g,RFACE DRAIT.IAGE MISCE,,I.ANES.IS FIq]RE 1 - ICATICT.IS OF 1EST PIIS FrqJRE 2 - rGS OF lESr pr[s, LmEND AlitD tn'rEs FIG,TRES 3 and 4 - $ffi.iIrGNSOI-JDNEON lESr RESULfS FIq''Rts 5 - GRABIICN IEST REST'I,TS TAB[.,8 I - gj!fiAFg G IjMR,Af,OIIT IEST REST'LTS @tg,uslchts fte prcposed &plor can be fonded with spneadfoortirqs plaed qr t}e natural @arse granular snbsoils designed for a rnaxim.:m beariJq lressureof 3,000 psf with &sigrr details ard precautions as discussed belsr. so@E Itris relnrt preserrts tle rezults of a soil ard. forrdatiqr investigaticr for ttn prcposed drrplex to be located on rot g, Glen l,yam subdivision vail, 6lora&. rhe report presents tre recomerded tpe fotrrrlatiql arrl al'lotable bearing pressure, general subsoil condiLiqrs togettter witi otler soil rerated desigrn arxi const-nrgtiqr details. PROPOSD @T{STFUETICI{ fte poposed duplex wilr be 2 stories of qood frane constnrction wit}l a wal]ort bassrent. For-rulalion loadings are e<pected to be relatirrely light. I\4aximrn occavated depth of about 12 feet is anLicilnted at the soutleast irrilding correr. scne bacJ<fill urder groud floors ard paved parking areas is also erpected. SITE @NDIITCT{S Itp site frsrts on the east arrl dcr4nhill side of eeen ttilt court. At t}te tfuE of our fietd rcrk, tte rot was vacant and covered witll lrrass' reeds, sage ard scne gml-l trees. rte gorourd surfae sl0ped dourn on an aFprsxirete 10s to 30t grade t q,aris the east-rprttreast wit]t -2- aFprcxirnately 15 feet of erevatiqr diffenential across tlre proposed structure. l4axim,nr elerration differential aqross tlre site was an tle order of 35 feet. ltn drrylo< will be located within ttn nnderately slopirg srtral porticr of the lot. S'BSOIL @.IDITIO{S Ite subsoil cqrliticns rrere irnrcstigated by excavatiag 2 oploratory pits at tlre approxi:nate locations sfphn on Figrure 1. Gnaphic logs of tlre subsoiL profiles ar.e stqdn on Figr:re 2. rhe test pits strcned tlp s$6oi1s to qlsist of I fot of topsoil above 2 to 4 feet of soft, low atensity ard organ-ic silt. cverlyjlg ned.:iun dense silty sardy gravel with obles srt occasicnal. bculders to tle maxinun occavated depttr, 10 feet. srell-onsolidation test resuLts, presented on Figures 3 ard 4, irdicate the lcry density silts to @.rpress occessi.rrely rpon conditions of r,'etting ard loading. Gradation test results of ttre underlyj-ng gnanular soils are shopn on Fig:re 5. I\bisture ontent of tte sulcsoils was described as being noist and. ro free water \.,as enountered at the tinre of test pit excavation. FTXINDATIO{ RMOO,IENDATTCNS Tfrc near surface silts overlying graiels lretle stp\^rn to be noistr:re sensitive ard harrc a high settlsrent potential r-pon retti_ng ard loadilg. These soj-ls harre poor road bearing charaqteristics ard are r:nsuitable for foundation suq4nrt,. cursiderirg tte general tlpe onstructiqr and subsoil corditions, spread fotings placed on the @arse granular subsoils stpuld be used for sr.pport of tle stnrture. The follcr"ring design ard onstruction details shculd be obserrcd: (3) (4) (s) -3- (1) Fcrtsiigs stslld be placed elti-rely cn tte natr:ral coarse granular subsils beJol any topsoil ard silt ard designed for a suximrn bearirg pr€ssure of 3,000 psf. settlqrEnts slpuld be withirt tolerable limits, approxirnately I jrntr total arri 3/4 irrJr differential. (2) ltiainun fotirq widti stpuld taken as 15 irrtes for walls ard 2 feet for olurns. Oontjrl-pus for-rrdation wal1s shor:ld be adeapately neilforced to sPill an r-rrsr44nrted length of at least 10 feet. Basgrrent rralls actirrg as retain-ing sbrustures should also be desiged to resist lateral eartfi pr€ssures as d.iscussed belcrrr. AIt topsoil ard any local soft pod<ets of soil fornd at the base of tte foting occarration should be rsroled ard t}re er<ca'ntiqt extsended to tle lcr"er firm soil-s, A11 fotings stpuld be prorided with adequate soil orier abcnre their bearing elevation for frrost prrotecLion. IATERAL EARrtI PRESSJRES Bad<fill placed against retaining structures ard forlliation elenents shoul-d be r.rell ccrpacted to reduce totaL acLilrc pressur.es ard develop Srassive resistance at lor strails. Based on tlre general subsoil orditions, basqent wa11s acEing as retaining strusEunes slpttld be designed to resist an eguivalent lateral earth prersure of 45 psf per fot of depth. BacJ<fil-l should onsist entirely of granular soils epacted to at least 90t of stardard Proctor density at a npisture ontent rear crptfuun. An trderdrain syst€rTl should be pro\rided to pre\rent hldrostatic pressure build-r-rp. Additional surdErge }oadirtg -4- aqainst the r4:LriIL walls onld also ocqlr as a resr:J-t of vetricular traffic atd/or slcpirrl bac*fill ad strou.fd be qrsidered. GRCJIID ETMRS lte qrsite granu.Iar sulcsoils belcry all topsoil ard lcrr density silt are suitable to sr4port slabcrr-grade qrstnrtiqr. required fiIL placecl beneath floor slabs should cqrsist of ruregansirie grarnrlar soils oqncted to at least 95t of stardard P:rcetor density(As'IM D{98) at a nnisture qrtent near optinLun. ltE on-site granular soils stpr:.ld be suitable for use as badcfill- provided orrersized rnaterial is rgtotrcd prior to orqnction. Ib reduce tle effects of scne differential Irvenent, slabs stpr;Id be separated fr"on bearirg rrelnbers with a positive epansion joint ard adequately rejlforced. A rnininn-rn 4 inctr layer of free draining gravel slould be pr.owided j:nrediately beneatn slahn-grde flors to distribute loading ard provide a trriform surface for cqrcrete plaorent. GraveL shoul_d consist of a maxinn-m 2 inch size and harre less than 5E passilg the #200 sieve. UNDERDRAIN SYS'IEM Altlnugh nc free water was encor-rrtered irr tle test pits at ttre tjrre of e<cavalion, it has been our epe.rience in the alea ttnt local-ized seeps or perdted water can derrelop at tjnes of seasonal rurpff. Ttrerefore, tlte lorer level or each lerrel excavated into ttrc hillside shouLd be protected frun rretting by an wderdrail qfstern. ItE wderdrain system stpuld cqrsist of a lerforated pipe installed in a gfavel filled trenctr placed at least 1 foot 5sfoh, edja€nt flor slab or crawl space grade leadirg to suitable gravity outlet. Ite grarnl -5- bernatn the djaent flmr slab slrcrr]d quEct into the rrrlerdrain qfstsn. ltE clrain gravel betrirri tne rpslope rmlls stpuld e:<tend several feet in eleyati.qr aborie flor level. gJTtrACE DRAITi&GE Tte folJovrirg drahage precautiqs stsrld be observed during @nstrldiqr ard maintairpal at aIL tines after tlE buildiJrg has been orpleted: (f) D<cessive htettirg or drying of ttre for-rrdation excavation stpuld be avoided drrrirlg qrstnrticn. (2', l4isellaneous bad<fill a:cor,rd tie building stpuld be noistened and orpacted to at least 90E of stardard proctor density. (3) Tfe g:ound surfae surrourding tle exterior of ttre tndldirg strcuLd be sloped to drain alray frcrn ttre building j-n all direcEions. Irb reccnfiEni a rrdrrinun slope of 6 ildres in the first 10 feet. Dririe ard parking surfaces stpuld drain aray frcrn the building to suitable outlet. (4) Ftof dodnspouts ard drains should disctnrge r'ell beyord tte Umits of a].l bad<fi.ll. MIS@JANM.JS Ihis report has been prepared in accordance wittr generally acaepted soil ard fourdation engileering pracLices in this area for tie use by tlre client for design g.rrposes. Tte cqrclusions ard recrcrnrerdatiqrs suhritted jn ttris report a:c based rpon tle data obtailed frcm the test pits ercavated at ttre locations jndicated qr tte test pit plan. TtE -6- nature ard extent of variations betrcen tlE test pits rmy rnt besrE eyident urtil excaratiqr is lnrforned. If , duri-rg qrstructiqr, soil ard g:.oud r*ater srdilicrs appear to be different f:sn tlpse described hereil, tlis offioe shcr:ld be adrdsed at orne p ttrat eernluatiqr of tle r.eqmendations ray be nrade. !€ rreornend on-site obsenratiqr of er<cavatiqs and fourdatisr bearfuq strata by a soil CI{EI Al,lD ASS@IAIES, IliC. By.4 SteFh Reviercd*%(:fu"*- St€\En L. Pa!,rlak, P.E. sAD/dc cc: Tirn Boyle, P.E. ffi$};liP #i$"""';E:.S'i - , urrr'\ @'-,$ o *ir"t" s."r., l" = 20.0r Property Line # 22,29L LOCATIONS OF TEST PITS Figure I o 480 475 470 EIEI Pit I 478.0 r Pit 2 176.01 q)lr. I o (t c) tfC = 8.3 47 DD = 80.8 +) IDc) I o a,6 o -200 = 19LL=23PI= 3 465 LEGEND: Lr Topsoi I Silt (0L), organic, sandy, with some angular gravel & cobbles, soft to mediurn stiff, low plasticity, moist, brown, with snal l roots. Gravel (Gll), sandy, si-lty with cobbles, angular, nedium dense to dense,noist, light brown, sone sandy silt and calcareous zones. Disturbed Bulk SanpJ" e. F Unclisturbed Hand Drive Sarnple NOTES: f) Test pits were excavated on ,Iune 23, l98l with a backhoe. 2') No free water hras encountered at tirne of excavation, 3) Elevations are approxirnate and refer to contours on Figure 4) WC = Water Content (e") DD = Dry Density (e") -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 SieveLt = Liquid Linit 1r";PI = Plasticity Index (%) f?l,291 LOGS OF TEST PltS, |.I:GIIND AND NOTES Figure 3 al.t.t rr \ aar lls. Morsture Contcnt - 9.9 pcrconl Dry Un't Weight . 82 .9 pcf Sanptg sr sand' silt, organic F rom: Test Pit I at I foot due to ()tl 0 2 4 6 8 10 L2 t+ 16 APPLIEO PRESSURE - ksl # )t ,)o l SWELT-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fag o thn0)tr Mo,stLrre Conftnl . 8.3 pcrccnl Dry Unrt Wcrght . 80.8 6,1 Samplr ot sandy s i lt, organic FromTest Pit 2 at I foot r 0 r0 APPLIEO PRESSURE _ Ksf #22,29I SWELL.CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Frq 7HRI5 MIN chen and associates. o nc. '100 'g) 'ro'30 '16 o12 20 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS oz_ z I z Fz o 80 MrN r9 MrN a tlrN r Mrx CLAY TO SILT o z F2 o. GRAVEL 55 % LrourD LrMrT 23 SAMPLE OF sandy siltl' gravel 26 % srLT AND CLAY PLASTTCTTY |NDEX 3 FROM SANO 19% % at 5 feetwith cobbles Test Pit I T €O MIN 19 MIN ' MIN ] MIN CLAY TO SILT U S STANCARD SEFIES '1(n '5O .40'30 .16 07. lag 297 | 5$ 1 19042 20 OIAMETER OF PAFTICLE IN MILLIMETERS '10r'87HRr5 MIN o z- 508 z mo 70 80 f9l 381 762 127 GHAVEL % LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF C! SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX SANO FROM GRADATION TEST RESULTS SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 8. 1 ?q I Fio -q or ci -l;l >J (!i iEl(, ,i lol,1 rl o-toI a\a+ tn F z; Hg u't at(i c o =bzot)z E x^iid C.l C.lc! o-so oFJfo trl tr Futotrl UJF1. PtrX-oo tr Fn;: ? I6 AJELuo tr( T :fo t./ . / OJi+:--4:a TDATE- rqj_?e:_e_3_ APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEH A.NAME OF MAILING APPL ICANT \. ADDRESS j >a c-\.-+...^..- :\ B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PHONE l.NAME OF OWNER'S MAILING PROPERTY OWNER S IGNATURE PHoNE 776 - ?-7( ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LoT___!ft_BL0CK sUeoIVtsION S[c.,^ L*o"". TILING G\-._ Ltc-. --. )E. FEE $100.00 PAID F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Two^mylar cgqjg:-9Llhe-duplex subdivision prat fo1'rowing the requirementsof section .l7..|6130(c) 'l ,2,3,4,6,1,8,9,10,.|i,ri una iA;f the suddivisio;Regul ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposesr the two lots created by this subdivision are tobe treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowedon the combined areas of the two lots,', The statement mlst be modifiedaccording to the number of lots created. 3. A-copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenanceof any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl.'l CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 11,24 of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING be responsible for promptly recording Eagle County Clerk and Recorder lJ. The Department of Cormunity Development willthe plat and accompanying documents with theupon Town of VaiI approval . H. 8-9-83 To; Toun of ValI Rc; Gbn Lyon dupLox lot B I tho undonslgnod agleo to cornrct tbr lolloulng my Landscaplng ln a tlnoly and profcsslonalproblcms ln nannat. I. Rrplaoo 2. Put I0 5 3, Sod r.rar [. Rlp r.ao !. Cloan up 6. Flx naII aII dced or. dylne tneog and Junlpers. callon Patrntllla ln front of bousc yard dralnagr swaLr tlnbcrc to south of bIdB. ln frront of housr. Rospectfully lzb Tlm Dabncr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL'.. 1(. - | : \ | JOB NAME ---'=']. | ''( r i -Ii i ) ,9 V - t-.G MON TUES WED THUR .tAt /., i t, r !'' . t, t 't t t. l'.L \ I CALLER INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr n tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL +Grr.rnr- h L4IJA.94QtuG FINAL ELE OT DF OC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,fr,LT\DATE October 7, 1983 l,lr. William Andrews 75 Frontage badVail, Oolorado 81657 Re: Glen Lyon Dq>Ior, Iot 8 Dear Bill: Refererce is nede to ttre nreeting held on October 4, L983' w"ith you, Joe Hartt and rryself. At that Lirre we agreed witfi tlre ltorn of Vail that the drairnge ard lardscaping as corpteted on the property referenced aborrc r,iould rpt be sufficient to hardle the drainage to ttre adjoining prqerq/. In order to correct this sitr:ation, Joe Hartt and I, on betralf of Ernryr Hcres, agreed to install a catch basin and oorrect all drainage problems, inctuding renedying ttre culvert ttnt runs directly onto ttre B,erridgeprcperty. In additj-on to satisfying ttre buildi-ng requirenEnts of the Tcrrn of Vai1, 1pu nentioned this would also renprrc anlz threat of 5ossible futr:re larqsuits relating to drainage probletrs. Please be adwised ttrat we have jrrstrrrcted ttre contractor to proceed w"ith the npdifications in order to c€nply wittr yor:r suggestions to correct the drainage sj.tr:ation, ard thereby neet all buildi-ng requJrenents of tlte Toh,n of Vai1. Yours very truly, '{'z- Artln:r Berlinger 1803 I'lcntare Drive East Golden, Colorado 80401 525-0340 Richard Berridge BY REGISTERED MAIL September 25, 1983 Mr. Roland B. Bonar 210 University Blvd.Suite 820Denver, Colorado 80206 Dear Mr. Bonar: Enclosed for your reference is a copy of the Driveway Encroachment on Lot #7, Glen Lyon Subdivision preparedby Eagle Valley Engineering. There are tvro ways todeal with this: 1. Remove the improvements that encroach on theproperty and setbacks, correct the two drainageproblems and restore the grades alongr the propertyIine to their original height. (Estimated cost is $7,500 - $10,000.) 2. Purchase the encroachment. (Estinated cost on apro rata basis based on appraised value of $151000.) In ad.dition to this matter, I hope you are aware that wehave cl-aims totaling $1rtl-g.95 related to professional fees and topsoil which have not yet been paid (copies enclosed) : Please let me know at your earJ.iest convenience, as to how you intend to resolve these issues. Sincerely, - ObJ^t Lr I cc:Willis _CarpenterTTown of vaiL gf Enclosure 245 Vallejo St. San Franclsco, CA 94111 (415) 433-2357 {\ -/ ryul' Richard Berridge June 13, 1983 Mr. Peter Jamar Town of Vail- VaiI , Col-orado 816 57 Dear Peter: Prior to the Town's issuance of a final Certificateof Occupancy for Lot # 8 (Yates/oabner), please be aware that their site improvernents have directedconcentrated surface drainage onto our pfoperty,Lot #7, shared in two places aLong our property line. We hope this problem wj-ll be corected prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy. Respectfully, 245 Vallejo St. San Francisco, CA 941 11 (415) 433-2357 75 soulh trontege td' vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 13, 1983 Tim Dabner Suneet Development 2329 Chamonix Vail , Co]orado 81657 Dear Tim: This letter is to confirm that from the west portion of Lot B,Certificate of Occupancy can be department of community development RE: Sunset DuPlex once the mound of dirt is removed Glen Lyon Subdivisjon, a fina1 i ssued. Town Pl anner PJ:df box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of c,ommunity development 0ctober 12, 1982 Nick Adams Matthews & Associates Box 3567 Vail , Co'lorado 81658 Dear Nick: RE: DRB Submitta'l of 10-6-82 0n October 6, 1982 the Design Review Board gave final approval to the landscape plan for the Sunset DupIex. The Board's approval is contingent upon two items: that additional hardy plans be added to areas adiacent to the driveway and bui'lding, and that the landscape plans of both lot 8 and lot 7 be studied to ensure that there will be no "no mans land"'landscaping between the'lots and that there will be a visua'lly pleasing transition between the lots. Si ncerely, 4 ,/-^dim Sayre Town Planner JS:df &'r*"-' O Project Application O C;lr, t-,?'LDate :i; f I L-l' I proiect Name: ';'": r.'+{'4i-f" li)i i pi-t:-l'. -, Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: 1i'!r-rfr M '. r ti-( l Lt,<. =:'c,+ Vi'.,.i .-. "-" (-\ iO':.,bti (t, Legal D€scription: Lot tr) , Block zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board s-r -- (-) Date APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Bt t L.2/N u Chief Building Olf icisl 8 Cb" +-, S'b. NEL'57 November 17,2M vIA FACSIMILE 90-479-2452 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Elizabeth Reed DearElizabeth: Attached please find the agreed changes to 1463 Greenhill Court per Susan Rubenstein and Larry Blivas. JCR/hf Enclosure attotrltt at t ar 191 N. WACKER DRIVE sulTE 1800 cHrcAGo, rL @@6.1615 r 312.521.2000 ] 312,521.2200 wwwmuchshelist.com DIRECT DAL: 312.521.2435 jrubensteirrtomudtshelist.com L-+ tuGils Re: tWen""nnill Coun TNW}J OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL DA'E l?-_2_4oe- Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. $ ',r'F:. WA rmR#t tolrt FnoFCrrrwllRrllrrttafDrov^L rlltB l Grfrt|m@ r Jolt oirs of proprtt bord { (dd.fsrbgal lar a&a*Et 5 ttr Tcrn ot lbf cofl rurtry ocr.*gtlGiti Daprtttst for thl fnfoocd mputuro*l b D. q[ihdrr rFffi nd.br,a r rnC.||brd urt tt: p|ogd lfif.qfft dr rtduh €ElraSEF-- \^llrlr-y?Lls .!Ft- -T;rc. I dr:r, L€!.EL- c!,F- . t frrt*r |nabitr.t ttfi mabr toflbtb]| |nrybc ]nrh lo EF pba. oru tlt r|!! of Urr rtvld p.c lr.||nsnlhsc nft i! Torrf. rpclcsb cerb rd qpbr. tl-2.t -46 ooerurl l4tz*r 4Uv+e.:$hLl-- r'r-",/ l-d'r€, 6, e t: l-,U,^\.qr+F{rr41FA, Foyttft{a hrts- wgrsq d Ur-ortffi %rYHdr lrrc (re) :. F r.@de O r-) 4fr=aNorroov/"Eooyr3u s=g r\IC-l'llHNllu9 sgtt q H o- \O,- o- ; Ui'li -Jt.lti. L.t cbl'-l i t.iJl'-.-{r') tLlJ-flq) z 6rilo N 5ssi{f /3\; s (-. \, $ R.rys Ms --lFIU\ w1\ P\\j/ \Ol'i. l&eig= 3f \&?' \* /r&l s\,\l$: /ll -Tlrl+l\ | Ji Fl '3Hl FFi (t r -l o\$1,9 +dls\Jt I\NJ:ffi$ {,.r1N/ |$l t NI$ $ $l;$\il I I I EI Page I of 2 Halina Fernandez From: lblivasl43@aol.com Sent: Thursday, November30,2006 1:48 PM To: Halina Fernandez Subiect: Re: 1463 Greenhill Ct. i received it and signed it and faxed it directly to Elizabeth Reed- do you need a copy also? Regards, Larry Blivas President LBJ Realty Holdings LLC. Tel: 310-345-6767 Fax:310-440-1938 ItWirks.com -----Original Message----- From: hfe rna ndez@ m uchshe list, com To : lblivasl4S@aol.com Sent: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 11:44 AM Subject: RE: 1463 Greenhill Ct. Mr. Blivas: I resent the fax to you at 12:11 p.m. (central time). I hope you have received the fax, Please let me know. Thank you! From: lblivasl4S@aol.com Imailto: lblivas 148@ad.com] Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:03 PM To: Halina Fernandez Subject Re: 1463 Greenhill Ct. Halina- Actually- i did not recieve the fax- could you please resend it now to fax: 310-440-1938 thanks and have a good dayl Regards, Larry Blivas President LBJ Realty Holdings LLC. Tel; 3LO-345-6767 Fax: 310-440-1938 ItWirks.com -----Original Message----- l)l1"nNY\ Page 2 of 2 From : hfernandez@muchshelist.com To: lblivasl4S@aol.com Sent: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:41 AM Subject: RE: 1463 Greenhill Ct, Mr. Blivas: I just wanted to confirm you received the fax Jeffrey Rubenstein sent you on November 21st which included the revised drawing for your signature and also the Written Approval letter signed by Susan Rubenstein. Also, please confirm you sent these signed documents to Elizabeth Reec, Town of Vail office. Thank you, Halina Fernandez Legal Secretary MUCH SHELIST Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, P.C. 191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, lL 60606 Direct Dial 31 2-521 -2053 Fax Number 31 2-52'l -21 O0 hfernandez@ muchshelist.com Visit our new website at: www.muchshelist.com THE INFORMATION CONTAINEO IN THIS EMAIL COMMUNICATION IS INTENOEO ONLY FOF THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT NAMEO ABOVE. This message may be an Attorney-Client communication, and as such is privileged and contidential. lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication in enor, and that any review, dissemination, dislribution, or copying of the message is strictly prohibited. lf you have received this transmission in error, pl€ase nolily us imrnediately by lelephone and/or reply email. crRcuLAR 230 NOT|CE. TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH FEQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY THE IRS, WE INFORM YOU THAT ANY U,S. FEDEBAL TAX ADVICE CONTAINED IN THIS COMMUNICATION (INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS) IS NOT INTENDED OB WFITTEN TO BE USEO, AND CANNOT BE USED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF (I) AVOIDING PENALTIES UNOER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OR (II) PHOMOTING, MABKETING OR RECOMMENDING TO ANOTHER PAFITY ANY TRANSACTION OR MATTER ADDRESSED HEREIN. Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more. 1)n7nnfi6 tuGHs HELIST October 10,2006 VIA FACSIMILE AND CERTIFIED MAIL. RETURN RECEIPI' REOUESTEI) ATTORflEYS A' LAW 19.I N, WACKER DRIVE su TE 1800 cHtcAGo, tL 60606.1615 f 312.521.2aOO F 312.521 .2200 www.muchshe ist.com DIRECT DIAL: 312.521 .2435 jrubenstein@muchshelist.com Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Elizabeth Reed I't63Re: tr€Gre€nhiltla4 , uT 8 Dear Ms. Reed: &Ay LW os. On June 21,2006, my client and wife. Susan Rubenstein, consented to the work on the eastfrontof thesouthportionof theduplexat l465GreenhillCourt("SouthDuplex")withthe consent stating that "consent is given ONLY with such design" which provided for a rock fagade on both sides of the proposed new front door. Attached as Exhibit A is the Written Approval Letter and the drawing which makes it very clear that the stone was to be on both sides of the proposed new door. See Exhibit A. Ms. Amy Birdsall of Inspiratec Studios, Inc. representing the owners of the South Duplex requested approval for additional changes on the west back of fhe South D',rplex. While rn;'u'ife likely will have no objection to that proposal, we noticed that the drawing ofthe rock faEade on the east front did not include the area on both sides - not on the south side ofthe proposed door. See Exhibit B. This is clearly not in conforming with my wife's consent with the attached drawing. See Exhibit A. Ms. Birdsall stated in a recent email to me that "This (Exhibit A - Approval) letter specifically indicates where the river rock is intended to be placed and, as such, this is what we agreed to and submitted to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for approval and which they have approved." See Exhibit C - Ms. Birdsall's email. As you can see, Ms. Birdsall admits that the agreed design was as set folth and drawn in the Approval Letter. I do not understand how the Town of Vail could have approved a different design- especially both without my wife's consent and specifically against her position (note the word "ONLY" in the Written Approval Letter). /a* .26 @@Mucl^ She,ist F.eed Denenoe'g Anent $ Rubensr "'",Pf,. ./ 4///t&:E ll4fur frz{tutr' tuGH snELrsTTown of Vail Attention: Elizabeth Reed October 10,2006 PageZ In sumrnary, there is no consent to Ms. Birdsall's drawing which amended my wife's specific position and was secured against the consent. Please advise me as soon as possible how to rectify this situation. Very truly yours, e PJt ril""^t6 ubenstein JCR/hf Enclosure cc: Amy Birdsall 653281_1 EXIIIBIT A JOINT PROPERWOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAT LETTER I, (print nururful-Pll BaJ s'{zhJ a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)lrl UZ GtuzN/thtz-c cT Fo(t_r+ u N,T- provide this letter as wriften approval of the plans dated [A which have been submitted to the Town of Vail community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: 'k,zuud o( tlL wea,,(- ;rrfu- u+ //<- E<sJt% -Q-r'-".u tl<-q-a-.ro o, -ICz<- tu.^L 4.d*f a-dvr,,-tcg a-4. oty lQ n6rz\<i4-a +d ev'ty,n a\ */* "fk-/4OtvVd t, Z\ten Oucy ui,{'( St^z* dU:q.n (u,&A at^fu I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town! applicable codes and regulations. (Date) F:\cdev\FORMS\pERMITS\ptanning\drb_addition_1 1_23_2005.doc t'ry,W# t7<'r\u/ue, / .-/6/ /{ /ob Page 2 of 14 Lt/2312005 NW /\sdttt.sc\ q qlI.*s?a* I \\ \\ TI \ ,h qs\ IE\ lE\ ssr\?x R N R9 Fxm {a2 rEF g 1463 GREENHILL CT REMODEL/ADDITION iFIgfi g- #g= EE Ee; 2- Fl: ]]AOyIIU /NOtItoCV lS rrHNtlEc 809tt zo EA Fi=!-ob^c<DY hz q 6.t Il<IEtzt- -1 loIEt-r - l-uf i,"?z EAA# 2 ot 'lHlHIFclHI XItcl EpeetEs E93;5Ee: 4 E a EI $lJl cilT $lzl 1l9ll9l'+ Page I of2 Susan Rubenstein EXHIBIT C From: Jeffrey Rubenstein firubenstein@muchshelist.com] Sent: Thursday, September2S, 2006 2:48 pM To: amy@lnspiratecStudios.com Cc: susierube@gmail.com SubjecC RE: 1463 Greenhill Ct. Dear Amy, We may have a pr_oblem but lwill speak with my wife. Please note that the drawing with Susan's submission clearly has stoneon both sides of the door and the drawing is an exhibit to the approval. Perhaps you can consider wood on the corner to seperaie thecorner from the stocco. Thanks. Jeff Jeffrey Rubenstein MUCH SHELIST Much Shelist Freed Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein, p.C. 191 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1800 Chicago, lL 60606 Direct Dial 3 1 2-521 -2435 Fax Number 31 2-521 -2335 .riu tre nsi:e inri=)m uc rts h ei isr:.ccin Visit our new website at: w,,,Jw. t'ri ! rLlitsle, sl. c0m THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS EMAIL COIVMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR lHE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE DESIGNATEDRECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE. This message may be an Attorney-Clienl communication, and as such is privileged and conftdential. lf the reader of this r""""g" i" notli"intendedrecipient,yoUareherebynoti'iedthatyoUhavereceivedthiscomm.unicationinenor,andthatanyreview'dissemination.diStribution'orcopyingoftie.'..gJi. strictly prohibited. lf you have received this transmission in error. please notiry us immediately by telephon; and/or reply email. ctRcuLAR 230 NOT|CE. TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY THE IRS, WE INFORM YOU THAT ANY U.S. FEDERAL TAX ADVICE CONTAINED IN THISCOIIMUNICATION (INCLUDING ANY ATTACHI\,IENTS) IS NOT INTENDED OR WRITTEN TO BE USED, AND CANNOT BE USED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF (I) AVOIDINGPEtllALTIES UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OR (II) PROMOTII.IG, I\4ARKETING OR RECOMMENDING TO ANOTHER PARTY ANY TRANSNCTTOT.T ON r,,l|Arr-ENNi.}DRESSED HEREIN. From: Amy Birdsall fmailto: amybirdsall@excite.com] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:24 PM To: Jeffrey Rubenstein Subject 1463 Greenhill Ct. Dear Jeffrey, In response to your fax that you sent this moming - I have in my files the signed Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter from Susan on 6.1 5.06 that states: "l understand that theproposed improvements include: matching river rock on the wall of the east side of the South Unit between the garage and the newfront entrance." This_lefter specifically indicates where the river rock is intended to be placed and, as such, this is what we agreed to and submitted tothe Town of Vail Design Review Board for approval and which they have approved. Furthermore, from a Professional Architectural perspective, the River Rock will complement the rock that is on your unit to create cohesiveness between the two units which was your objective. Extending the river rock all the way to the outside corner of that tace of the wall does not work architecturally on this unit because there is stucco on the adjacent face. I would never just end one material on one face of wall and begin another material on an adjacent face of wall - architectuially speaking this is a poor solution and not acceptable. A material (the river rock) must have a logical stopping point. I've included the plan A2.1 and adjacent elevation A3.2 to show you that we have created a logical stopping point at the column. 10t5/2006 ' l:l " { t-/ r' lnstollotion instructions for Venting Skylight - Monuol ond Electric Instrucciones de instoloci6n poro trogoluz de ventilocion - Monuol y el6ctrico Feuillet d'instructions pour I'instollotion du puits de lumiere ouvront t/) / - J_,7-t [(- - - - '/ .i-'Ct\t-r-t rJ\\. - Monuel et 6lectriq u e --, inf t ')i ttla./','t,',''' ;-\i-- >t: ).ll\ i .'l vs/vsE \',€-'l.l(crr:Y.|.''L_? ndex P 2 nlr.dL,cl or P 3 P o"n ng P 5 Prepor ng crockels P d Op: o:.o :c'eer ond :csf' P 7 Po5lloninlJ oncj serl rg sky !Jhi P 9 Adi..lstment ord lincr oflochmenl of sky ght P lO Inslolling rnder oyme.rf P l? Flcshing P l3 E ectricoi .onnectron P l5 in'cortcnl nsto oto. f,rrh [rd cc P 2 .tt34J..." F' ll I'cr f coc on l' .-l l'rei:c'oc i_ de cs e:,^ o c'o; P 6Desmoncede c nosqirrero ; c ho c op: cno P 7 Co ococ 6n y ;,cc on de rrogo uz P 9 A L,ste y liiocior lro dc lroclcr ul P lO Insio ocion dc o ldm ncr dc !oporref' 12 Topo]untos f' l3 Ccn--x 6n e ectr co P l-5 Ccnselos ce nsio cr on m po rlc:rle s irCex P 2 ntrcdurticl P. 3 P.o. licol of P 5 Preporct on cle5 eq!e'ret l. fxotion P 6 Deroniog-" de lc moL,si qLrc re -"r dLr ch6ss s (fccL, ioi fl P / Pose et orrimoge du prr fs ce umrbre P 9 Aiusiemenls ei I xolroI lino e du puiis de umiere P. lO lrslollcrl on de lcr sous P. l2 So lns P. l3 Connex on 6lect iqrc P l5 nporlonl! conse ! d insto I oilon Noie: Dlf lerert typcs,'lf VELUX lloshings ore ovoiob e for melo roofing moier o s. coniocl VELUX. Nolq: Exlslen dlstirrtos lipos de-a -1c t.. r r'^ VFll /, - ' f, e,.or de'' t"' mclerioles meto icos Ponqorc en conioclo cor VE LU X. Remorque : Divers fypes de so ins VFIUX sonl d spon b es pour es moter oux de couveriurc mctolliqucs , veu lcz com nruniquer ovec ur repr6serltort de VELUX. l\ ftt-V,L',1 { APPT]OVAL I rs'-as" I STAFF Dt.lii Note: Contoci VE lU X for grouping/combi inslcrlloiion of sKyr g nrs. Noio: Ponqose en VELUX poro o inslo ocior de odosodos (com bi) Remorque : Commun quez qvec un repr6senlori de VLLUX pou' I'insto lotion de pu ts de lLrm ere groLrp6s conlocto coa os trcrgo !ce5 decrrkql connedinn (VSE o.,Vl Conexi6n el&"hico (VSE solomentef Connexion 6lectrique (VSE seulementl AWARNING A ADVERTENCIA A AVERTISSEMENT lllt is curCnnnrar's necponstillity:. To comiod o qudfficd eledricol insl,olkr-. Tq -s,,ns il1hot ihe allacjrtriol insiolkdirn ls qdlequorle qnd in confio*rnrity $ilh Nclionol Eleddc Code, ANSIAFPA 70 - lqrac €di lion". ond oll locol codes ond ordinomes. Foilure io do so could rcsuh in ftrt" electrkol shocli. othef serbus personol iniury or deolh- To rcdrre rhe d* of frre, personol iniury ond deolh:. Als.cts swikl olt porwar b $a op.rolo. ol ilre sewke ponal when cotrnectlng the *1r f,ght, *l-" insulhng occessories ond wherr evcr tfia oparotor corar is lenowd.. I operqtor oas su3;ricious]t, s*ikh oft porrer ond coll for servke.. Observc thot the roin sansor odivohs do sing fundion when toucH or gaiing \,,raL. Nercr let clildrcn plcy with tlle *ylight- Keep pmole control owqy lrom clrildrcn- deari<d Sho* llood . Tha sly'ishl opcmlor is o closs I producL. Electrkol ground is rcquired on this *tlight. lmpoper connection of *e equipmenf grounding conduclor con resuh in aleclricol shocl.. Checl with quolihed electricion if 1ou ore in doubt os to whe$er the slylQht is properly grounded.. Disconnect power to the iunclion or outlet box belore sarvicing th€ *tlight.. This slylight must be connecled to o grounded, metollic, permonenl witing syst'em" or o grounding connecl,or should be coo- nected lo the gounding t'erminol or wira leod on the skylight.. Do nol how o fuse in the neuhol or ground ing circuit. This could resulr in o lira, electricol shock or ofher personol in|ury. 'Nolionol Fire Protection Associolion, Botlery- morch Pork, Quincy Mossochusetts 02269. SAVE THESE INSTAUANON INSINUC. noNs. Es rcsponsohlidod del clie,nte:. Forrerse en conbclo con un instolodor el6c- trico coliffcodo-. Asagumrse de que lo inslqloci6n el6ctrico seo o&oro& y cumplo con los normos del Cr6d;,9o Fldarico Nocionol, ANS/NFPA 70 - rihimo edhbn", y con todos los rcglomen toci:nas y oldanonzos locoler En coso dc no hoccdo, pucde producirsa un incendio, ele<Jrocucirln u ohos lesiones sarios o mueala. Forc redrrcir loo peligros de incendio, doffos persorrolas y muerl'e:. Siempre dcsconactc lo olimentoci6n el6c- tricq &| opemdor en el ponel de seMcio ol coneaor el trogolua inslolor los occewios y codo nez quc sc rctirc lo cubierio del oper+ dor.. Si el funcbnomienb del operodor es onormol, desconecfc lo olimenloci6n y pido repqmciones.. Veriftque que el sensor de lluvio ocfiw lo funcidn dc cierre ol t'ocorlo o ol moiorse.. Nunco permilo que los niios iueguen con el togoluz- Mont'ango el conhol remoto fuerq del olconce de I niios. Fcfrgro dc dcscorgc al'ictko . El opcrodor dcl trogoluz es un producto de closa l-. Esle lrogoluz requierc puest'o o lierro.. [o conexi6n inodruodo del conductor o term del equipo puede ocosionor uno des coqgo el6ctrico.. Consulb con un elechicisl'o coliffcodo si no sobe con seguridod si al hogoluz esl6 conect'odo o fierro odecuodomenla.. Derconcct'a lo olimenloci6n del empolme o el tomocorlienla ontes so roolizor roporocio nes en el hogoluz.. Esle hogoluz debe coneclorse o un sisl+ mo de cobleodo motdlico. pormonanta y con puosl'o o liefto, o deb€ conocl'orse un conec- lror o fierro o lo torminol o teno o ol exhsmo del coble del trogoluz.. No coloque un fusible en el cirquilo nauko o o lierro. Esto podrio proyocor un incandio. descoqgo el6ctrico u ofros lcsioncs penono |eS. *Asocioci6n Nocionol dc Protccci6n conho Incendios, Botlerymorch Pork. Quincy Mossochusetls 02269. CONSERVE ESIAS INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTATACI6N. ll incomba oux consommolaun :. De communiquer qv€c un instolloteur 6lec- hique comp6l€nl.. De s'ossurer que l'instollolion 6lectrique est od6quole el conbrme oux normos du Notion ol Elechic Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 - derniire €dilion', oinsi qu'oux normes el oux rigle menls locoux en vigueur. le d6loul de suivre ces direcfives pourroil occosionner un incendie, un choc dlcctrique, des blessures gmnes ou lo morl. Pour r6duirc lcs risques d'inccndic, dc bles sures ou de mod :. Coupez louioun l'olimenlotion 6leckique du m6conismc d'ouwrluo sur lc ponncou de s€rvice ou momenl de lo connexion ou puits de lumilre, de l'insbllotion d'occessoires sl du reFoit du couvcrclc du mCconisme.. Si le m6conisme ne fonclionne pos comme il se doil, coupez l'olimentotion et oppelez un raorlscnlont dc scrvicc.. V6rifiez si le d6bctaur de pluie enkolne lo fsrmeture du puits de lumidre lorsqu'on le buche ou ou'il cst mouilld.. Ne loissez iomois des enfonis iouer ovec le ouih de lumiCre. Gordez lo El6commonde hors de porldc dcs cnfonts. Rirquc d'rllccfrocution . [c m6conismc d'ouvcrlurc du ouilr de lumidre est un produii de closse l, o Ce puih da lumiCo exige una mise d lo brrc 6lcchiouc.. Une mouvoise connoxion du conducteur de mise d lo torrc peul rdsultar an des chocs Clcchioucs.. Foilos oppol d un rilccklcien comp6tent !i vous n'61'as pos corl,oin que le Puits d. lumiars c{ corractrmcnt mis d lo tene.. Coupcz l'olimcntotion ou boltiar dc roc. cordement ovonl de foirc l'onkelicn du ouits dc lumilra.. Co Duits dc lumiio doit 6lrc conncctrl d unc instollotion ilockiquc pormonenlc, m6lol- liquc cl misc d lo brrc, ou un conduclaur dc misc d lq torra dovroil 0lrc roccord6 d lo bornc ou ou fil dc misa d lo tcrre du puitr de lumilre.. ll nc fout por dc fusiblo dons lc ckcuit dc mossc cor calo pourroit occosionnar un inccndic, dos chocr ilcchiqucs ou dss blcs- suras. * Nqlionol Fio Protcctlon Arsocloilon, Bottuymorch Pork, Qulncy Mqsrochuscits 02269. CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS D'INSTALTAIION. Introduction Introducci6n Introduction lnsure <orrecl instollofion The chort below will ossist in instolling the skylight. Frome dimension reoresents the outside meosurements of the frome. Rough opening provides the dimension of the opening in the roof deck. Finished froming dimen- sion is the distonce .equired between froming to ollow ftnishing with %" (13 mm) ftnishing moteriol. The rough opening ond finished froming dirnension ore bosed on perpendiculqr interior finish rnoteriol on oll four sides ond these dimensions will vory depending on the roof conslruclion ond ihe thickness ond the design of the interior finish moteriol (see poge 4, illustrotion 61. Asegrirese de que lo instoloci6n es correcto [o loblo odiunto le oyudor6 o instolor el kogoluz. los dimensiones del morco reoresenton el bmoio exterior del mismo. l-o medido del hueco se refiere o lq obertu- ro necesorio en lo cubierto. los medidos poro lo tertni- nqci6n interior corresoonden o lo distoncio necesorio enhe los rosheles ol empleor ooneles de ocobodo con un grueso de 72" {13 mm). Lo medido del hueco y los dimonsiones d6 ierminoci6n inlerior se boson en el uso de moterioles de terminoci6n perpendiculores en los cuoho lodos y pueden vorior dependiendo de coroc- lerislicos como lo conslrucci6n de lo cubierto, su grosor y el diseio del mobriol de lerminoci6n interior (veo pdgino 4, dibuio 6). Pour s'ossurer d'une bonne instollotion Le schdmo cidessous peui €he utile pour I'instollotion du puits de lumidre. les dimensiones du codre se d6finit comme 6toni les mesures exlErieures du codre. les dimensions de I'ouverture brute indiquent Io grondeur de I'ouverture dons le toit. les dimensions hors tout menuiserie or6cisent lo distonce n6cessoire enke les chevrons pour qu'un mqt6riou de finition de 72" (13 mm) pr.risse 6tre ins6r6 porfoilernent- les dimensions de I'ouverlure brute et les dimensions hors tout menui- serie reoosenl sur le foit que le mot6riou de finition d I'intdrieur doit 6ke perpendiculoire ou puits de lumidre ou d lo fen6tre de toit sur choque c6t6 du codre, et ces dimensions pourronl vorier selon I'orchitecture du toit oinsi que l'6poisseur el lo composition du mot6riou de conslruclion (se r6f6rer d lo poge 4, sch6mo 6|. VS/VSE Truss Series English: for Truss Series skylights lhe finished froming dimen5ion is the distonce required between froming to ollow finishing with 5/e" {16 mm) finishing moteriol. 'Note: EKL ond EKW COMBI'FLASHINGo ore not ovoiloble for skylight size 156. Espoiol: Poro trogoluces de lo Serie Truss, lo dimen- si6n del morco lerminodo es lo distoncio necesorio enlre enmorcodo oue oermito lo terminoci6n con moleriol de ocobodo de %" (16 mml. 'Noto: Los morcos superiores Combi EK[ y EKW no estdn.disponibles poro lrogoluces de lo tomoio del lrogoluz. Frongois : Pour les puits de lumidre S6rie Enkepre neur/Production, lo dimension hors toul menuiserie repr6senie lo distonce n6cessoire d respecter pour osrurer el fociliter l'insertion du mot6riel de finition de %" {16 mm} d l'int6rieur de lo moulure de finition du codre du puits de lumidre. 'Note : Les solins groupds de lo s6rie EKI et EKW ne sont pos disponible pour lo toille du puits de lumiire. Skylight size Tomoffo dcl trogoluz Toille du puits de lumi€re Frome dimension Dimensiones del monco Dimensions du codre Rough opening Medido del hueco Dimensions de l'ouverlure brute Finished froming dimension Dimensiones de terminoci6n inlerior Dimensions hors tout menuisGri€ r0l 2lk"x 27%' 546 mm x 695 mm 21V'x 27%" 546 mm x 708 mm 2O%"x 263Ai 518mm x 665 mm 104 21k" x 38%" 546 mn x 975 mm ?l V'x 38%" 546 mm x 988 mm 2O%"x 37 34"" 518 mm x 945 mm r06 2lV"x 4611" 546 mm x | 175 mm 21'A"x 46 %" 546 mm x | 188 mm 2Q%"x 45 Vc" 518mm x ll45 mm'-ffi;'21'A"x 54'5li 546 mm x 1395 mm 21'A'x 55'1" 546 mm x ld08 mm 2O%" x 53%" Slll mm r 1.t65 mm 304 3o'li'x 38%' 776 nn x 975nn 3O'Pli'x 38%" Z26 mm x 988 mm 29 '/l{ x 37 3li 748 nn x 945 nn 306 3O"l{x 46%" / /o mm x I l/5mft 3O"lix 461r." 776 mm x I188 mm 29'lo"x 45 'Aa"248 mm x | 145 mm 308 3o'Ql: x 54151;'//o mm x lJvl hm 3o'Qlo'x 55'1.' 776 mm x 1,t08 mm 29 ?/,i'x 53 3/i 748 mm x 1365 mm 60r 44%"x 27'A" | 136 mm x 695 mm 44 %"x 27%" | 136 mm x 208 mm 43%"x 26%i I108 mm x 665 mm 606 443/""x 46'/."' JO mm x I t/J mm 44%"x 4631" ll36mm x ll88mm 43'A" x 15 'lillOSmmxll45mm Note: lf using 5/8" (16 mm) finish moteriol, odd t/a" 16 nnl to "Finished froming dimension". Noto: Si poro lo terminoci6n inlerior se utilizo moteriol de 5/s" ll6 mm) de espesor, se debe oiodir I /a' 16 nnl o los "Dimensiones de terminoci6n interior". Noto : Si on utilise un mot6riqu de finilion de 5/6" (16 mm), oiouter | ft' {6 mm) oux dimensions hors tout menuiseri6. Note: lf using 72" {13 mm} finish moteriol, ploce o shim between froming ond finish moteriol to ensure o tight ioinl beueen finish groove ond finish moteriol. lf using 5/e" (16 mm) drywoll no shim required. Noto: Si utilizo uno pored en seco de 71 {13 mm} , coloque uno cuio enire el morco y lo pored en seco poro osegurorse de que lo iunlo seo estonco enlre Io ronuro del moteriol de ocobodo y lo pored en seco. No s6 requi6r6 cuio si utilizo uno pored en seco de %" {16 mm). Notq: Si vous utilisez un moldriou de finition de 7r" (13 mml de lorgeur. plocez une pidce d'oiustement enhe le codroge el le mol6riou de finition pour s'ossurer d'un ioinf 6tonche entre lo moulure roinur6e et le mol6riou ds finition. Si vous utilisez un mot6riou d6 finition de 5/e" ll6 mm), oucune pidce d'oiustement n'est n6cessoire. Truss Series Skylight size Tomofio del trogoluz Toille du puits de lumiire Frome dimension Dimensiones del morco Dimensions du codre Rough opening Medido del hueco Dimension de l'ouverture brule Finished lromino otmenston Dimensiones de lerminoci6n interior Dimensions hors loul menuiserie 156*23Xi'x 46%" 592 mm x llZS mm 22'A" x 4551i' 572 mm x ll50 mm 22'A"x 45 %i 572 mm x I150 mm Plonning Plonificoci6n Plonificotion English: ldenlify lhe oppropriole locolion ond cul observolion hole (l ) lo determine the oplimum posilion, obskuclions etc. (2) considering posilioning in relolion iol . Roofing moleriol loyout ond . Ro{ters ond inside conditions Level, squore ond mork with cholk line 13) Cut rough opening (4) Instoll heoders (5) observing position of the skylight finish groove ond the interior finish moteriol {6) ond leove on oppropriole gop for loleronces. Moke necessory supports before cutling roof rofters ond obtoin expert guidonce ond professionolly prepored plons both before cutting roof husses ond before cutting more lhon one rofrer. Instoll iocl rofters etc os necessory to keep skylight ddequotely sup- ported by the roof 1f two or more roo{ windows/skylighls ore lo be instolled togelhel see instoilolion inslructions supplied \'iIh COMBI,FLASHING, Esponol: ldentifique el lugor oproprodo y obro un ogulero de observoci6n en el telodo {l) poro deler- minor lo posici6n 6ptimo, obstoculos etc. {2) conside' rondo su ubicocion de ocuerdo con:. Lo disposici6n del moterrol de cubierto y . Los roslreles y los condiciones en el inlenor Morque el hueco, n velodo y o escuodro, con un cordel poivoreodo en tizo (3). Corle e hueco en lo cubierlo (4). Ensomble con lislones los viguelos olrededor del hueco (5) y d6 un morgen de loleronc o, lenrendo en cuenlo lo poslerior colococi6n de los poneles del recercodo en lo ronuro de remoie del morco (6). Anles de corlor los listones de lo cubierlo coloque los p,n oles de opoyo q"e {uero_ necesolos, y srgo los Lnslrucciones de un profesionol, y plonos ldcnicos, cuondo se lrole de corlor en el enlromodo de suspen- si6n del techo o mds de uno viguelo de Lo cubierlo. Coloque los lislones de empolme elc. que seon necesorios hoslo consegu r uno superlicre s6lido que soporie el lrogoluz sobre el lecho. Poro lo inslolocion de dos o m6s venionos de tejodo/ lrogoluces iunlos, veo los inslruccione5 conlenrdos en el emboloie delCOM Bl-FLASH lNG. Froncois : D6lerminez le meilleur endroit por..rr I'ouverture el coupez un trou {l ) ofin de vdrifier lo posilion optimole, Les obstocles, elc, (2) loul en tenont comple. de 'ogencemenl des moi6rioux de couverlure et . des chevrons oinsi que de loul ouhe obslocle d 'inl6rieur Assurez vous que l'ouverture esl de niveou el d'6querre el lrocez un lroil de croie (3) Coupez 'ouverlure brule (4). Inslollez es eniremises (5) en lenonl compte de lo roinure de finilion et de l'ongle que vous d6sirez don- ner ou motcariou de flnilion {6) el conservez un espoce pour permettre un olustemenl. Assurez vous qle les chevrons sonl supporl6s ovoni de les couper et consr-rllez un experl qui vous procurero rn pion ovont de couper les fermes de toll ou plus d un cherron Instollez des supporis de chevron pour soulenir le pu;ls de lumidre Pour toute informolion concernont I'instollolion de deux ou plusieurs fen6tres de toit/puits de lumidre ensemble, veuiilez uous rrlf6rer oux inshuclione con tenues dons les boites d'embolloge des solins group6s 2 3 4 6 Plonning - light shofr opplicotion Plonificoci6n - Preporoci6n del hueco de luz Plonificotion - Owerture du puits de lumiire English: For skylights provided wifh qn insect screen, o flored light shoft is required to remove the insecf screen. See delqils. Espo6ol: Poro poder retiror los mosquiieros es necesorio que los trogoluces lengon un recer- codo de poredes oblicuos. Veo los dibuios. Froncois: Pour les puils de lumidre munis d'une mousliquoire, il [out une ouveriure dvos6e pour enlever celle.ci. Consultez les d6tqils. English: Decide on the design of the light shoft. Optimum light distribution ond increosed oir circulolion ore obtoined with flored/exponded lighr shofts. Delermine the position of the light shoft in relo- tion to ihe skylight olreody inslolled {7). With the some slope os the light shoft, instoll heoders in the ceiling (8), following lhe procedure used when instolling heoders in the rool. Frome the light shqft (9). Insulote corefully oround ihe light shoft ond finish the inside, including vopor borrier etc. (10). Espoiol: Decido lo formo del hueco de luz. [o distribuci6n 6ptimo de lo luz y uno moyor cir- culoci6n de oire se obtienen con huecos oe ruz expondidos o con poredes oblicuos. Determine lo posici6n del hueco de luz deseo- do con reloci6n ol trogoluz yo instolodo (7). Con lo mismo inclinoci6n que el hueco de luz, conslruyo con viguelos un cerco en el techo (8), siguiendo el procedimienfo utilizodo ol instolor viguetos en el lecho. Monle punioles ooro construir el hueco oe ruz (9). Coloque cuidqdosomente el oislomiento qlrededor del mismo v reolice lo lerminoci6n del inlerior, incluido lo borrerq de yopor etc. (lo). Frongois: Choisissez le lype d'ouverture que vous d6sirez. Une ouverture 6yos6e vous oermel d'obienir plus de lumidre et une meilleure ven- tilotion. D6ierminez I'ongle de l'ouverlure en lenont compte du puits de lumidre qui est d6id inslo116 (7). Instollez des entremises dons le plofond l8) en conservont le m6me ongle que I'ouverture el en suivonl les memes inslruclions que lors de l'instollotion des entremises du toit. Conslruisez lo struclure de l'ouverture du ouits {9). lsolez bien le pourtour du puils et terminez l'int6rieur en prenonl soin d'ojouler le coupe vopeur (lO). Positioning ond securing skylight Colococi6n y fiioci6n del trogo luz Pose el orrimoge du puits de lumiire @ English: Position skylight on roof, con- sidering roofing moteriol ond oppropriote floshing, os detsiled. Mointoin cleoronce beiween side fromes/top frome of skyllght ond roofing moteriol, see detoil. Check for level. Tempororily ottoch oll brockets with one noil lo ollow for odiustment. Insure thot the brockets ore supporied by rofters. VSE: leove wire pockoge inside the rough opening. Espo6ol: Sitrie el trogoluz en el telodo, de ocuerdo con el tipo del moteriol de cubierto y topoiuntos, como se indico. Monlengo un espocio libre entre los lodos/lo porte de orribo del morco y el moteriol de cubierlo; veo el dibuio. Compruebe lo niveloci6n. Fiie temporol- mente todos los escuodros con un clovo pora permifir ojusles. Asegrirese de que los escuodros esten suietodos por cobios. VSE: Deje el poquete de cobles denlro del hueco. Froncois : Posilionnez le puits de lumidre sur le loil, en tenqnt compte du mot6riou de couverture et des solins convenobles, comme indiqu6. D6gogez un espoce enlre les piAces lot6roles/sup6rieures du codre du puits de lumidre et le motdriou de couverture (consultez les d6toils). V6rifiez si le puits de lumidre esl de niveou. Fixez lemporoire- menl loutes les 6querres ovec un clou pour permetlre l'ojustement. Assurez-vous que les 6querres de fixotion sont soulenues por des chevron s. VSE : Loissez le c6bloge d I'int6rieur de l'ouverlure brule. - 11h" l3O mm) Golvonized Ring Shonk Roofing Noil, 7a" dio. heod, I O go/ 0 150" diol3 per brocket. Clovo de lecho golvonizodo, onillodo, de I Vr" (30 mm) pulgodos, cobezq de Ta" didmerro, medido de l0/0.150" di6- meko/3 por escuodro. I Vd' l3O mm) clou o toilure onnel6 golvoniser, diomeke de tCte 7s", l0 9ol0.150" diol3 por 6quene. @tG\EDL/EKr ! - 4t1r, €e:Lro " F )lvo" (30 m.)r(- mq1 l/2,, (13 mm) o - 3/{, 0-20 mm Positioning ond skylight secunng Colococi6n y filoci6n trqgoluz del Pose.el orrimoge du puits de @ English: Position skylighi on roof. Skylight should be posilioned on roof lo ollow o full course of tile below skylight. Mqintoin cleor- once between side fromes/top frome of sky- light ond roofing moteriol, see detoil. For explonotion of full course of tile ond "cut tiles" opplicotion, see inslollotion inslruclions provided with EDW floshing, or contoct VELUX. Check for level. Temoororilv ottoch oll brock- els wilh one noil to ollow for odjustment. VSE: leove wire pockoge inside the rough opening. Espofiol: Coloque el trogoluz en el techo en uno posici6n que osegure que hoyo uno hilero de teios entero deboio del trogoluz. Monlengo un espocio libra entra los lodos/ lo porte de onibo del morco y el moteriol de cubierto; veo el dibuio. Poro uno exolicoci6n de lo oolicoci6n de "uno hilero de tejos enlero" o de los teios cortodos yeo los inslrucciones suminislrodos con el lopoiuntos EDW o llome o VEIUX. Verifique que est6 nivelodo. Fije los escuo, dros temporolmente con un clovo poro per- mitir oiusles. VSE: Deie el poquete de cobles dentro del nueco. Frongois: Posilionnez le puits de lumidre sur le loil pour permeltre lo pose d'une rong6e compldte de tuiles sous le puits de lumidre. D6gogez un espoce enke les pidces lol6roles/sup6rieures du codre du puits de lumidre el le mot6riou de couverlure (con- sultez les d6toils). En ce qui concerne les tuiles pleine dimen- sion et coup6es, consullez les inskuctions qui occompognent le solin EDW ou communi- quez ovec un repr6senlonl de VEI-UX. V6rifiez Ie niveou. Fixez lemporoiremenl toutes les 6querres de fixotion d I'oide d'un clou pour permettre l'oiuslement. VSE : loissez le cdbloge d I'int6rieur de I'ouverlure brute. - lt/t" l3O mm) Golvonized Ring Shonk Roofing Noil, 3/r" dio. heod, l0 9ol 0.150" diol3 per brocket. Clqvo de techo golvonizodo, onillodo, de 1t/l' l3O mm) pulgodos, cobezo de 3/0" di6metro, medido de lO//0.150'did- melro/3 por escuodro. lVt" l3O mm) clou o toiture onnel6 golvoniseq diomehe de t6te 3/e", l0 gol0.150" diol3 por 6querre. Adiustmenf ond finol ofiochmenl of skylight Aiuste y filoci6n finol lrogqluz Aiustements et fixotion finole du puits de lumiire del @ English: Reploce sosh, if removed eorlier {I). Slida plodic lock into locked porition {2}. Adiurt frome by checking diogonol froma meosuremenb or simply enrure thot the cosh moves freely in the frome beforE connection of the choin. Noil down remoining mounting brockels using lhree noils in eoch (3). Con- necl choin lo reloiner ol bolfom by engoging pin l1l. VS: Close sosh {5o}. VSE: Close sosh by monuolly roloting opeF olor counlerclockwise using lhe hexogonol sockel wrench provided with the skylighl. Do nof uro pover fools to opcn or clorc corh (5b1. Espoiol: Vuelvo o colocor lo hoio si lo des. mont6 onlsriormenb (l ). Deslice lo trobo de pl6sfco en lo posici6n cerrodo {2). Aiusle el morco verificondo los medidos diogonoles o simplemenle osegrirese de que lo hoio se mueve libremente en el morco onles de coneclor lo codeno. Asegure los escuodros de montoje reslonles usondo kes clovos en codo uno (3). Conecte lo codeno en el suietodor de lo porle inferior conecton- do al posodor (4). VS: Cierre lo hoio (5o|. VSE: Gire el ooerodor en senlido ontihororio poro cerror lo hoio usondo lo llove tubulor hexogonol suminishodo con el trogoluz. No u:e herromientor molorizodor poro obrir o carror lo hoio (5b1. Frongois : Si le ch6ssis o 6f6 enlev6, replocezJe {l }. Glissez le loquet de plor fique vers lo posilion de vanouilloge (2). Aiuslez le codre en v6rifiont les mesures diogonoles ou ossurez-vous simplement que le ch6ssis se d6ploce librement ovont d'engoger lo choine. Clouez les oulres 6querres de fixotion en utilisonl lrois clous pour chocune (3). Engogez lo choina du dig oosilif de refenue ou bos du ch6ssis en fixont l'ottoche (41. VS : Farmaz le codre ouvront (5o). VSE : fermer le ch6ssis en tournont monuel- lement le m€conisme dons le sens controire des oiguilles d'une monlre d I'oide de lo cl6 d douille hexogonole fournie ovec le puits de lumidre. Nc pos utiliser d'outils 6leclriques pour ouvrir ou fermcr lc ch6rsis l5b). I l0 Instolling underloyment Insfoloci6n de lo l6mino de Instollotion de lo sous.<ouche soporie @ English: To opply underloyment, remove the clodding ports in sequence l-3. Espoiol: Poro colocor lo l6mino de soporle, desmonle los oerfiles de recubrimienlo como se indico en lo secuencio l-3. Frongois : Pour oppliquer lo sou+couche, enlevez le revetement dons l'ordre des illuE trotions I -3. @ tnglish: Wrop bottom frome with underloy- ment os shown- Follow roofing monufoc- furer's inslruclion. In oreos wi$ severe weolher condifions, o self-odhesive roofing underloyment musl be used. Consider use of VEIUX underlov- nent ltype ZOZ l2l in US ond ZOZ 2ll in ConodoI for this purpose- Espoiol: Fiie lo l6mino de soporte o lo porle inferior del morco; veo los detolles de los ilustrociones. Sigo los instrucciones del fobriconte del sistemo de cubierto. En 6reos con condiciones clim6ticos severos, debe usorse uno l6mino de soporte outood hesivo poro fechos. Puede ser convenienle ulilizor lo "prolecci6n conho el oguo y el hiefo" (VEIUX ZOZ 121 en los EE.UU. y ZOZ 211 en Conod6). Frongois : Recouvrez lo portie inf6rieure du codre ovec lo souscouche, comme l'indique l'illustrotion. Suivez les inslruclion: du fobri- conl de lo couverlure. Dons les r{3ions o0 les conditions clime liques sonl rigoureuses, il foul ufiliser une membrone de rev6lemenl de loilure oulocol lonle- Prdl6rez l'utilisotion de lo membrone outocollonte VEI.UX ltyp ZOZ l2l oux E.-U. etZOZ 211 ou Conodql. @ English: Wrop the side fromes with underloy- menl os shown, Espofrol: Fiie lo l6mino de rcporte o los lodos del morco. como se indico. Frongois : Recouwez les porties lot6roles du codre d l'oide de lo rcugcouche. comme l'indique l'illustrotion. :" Instolling underloyment Instoloci6n de lo l6mino de Instollotion de lo sous-couche sopo rte Q i,rql rl.: Wrop the top frome wiih under oy menf o s shown Espcrir<-,1: File o om no de soporle o o ^^rrA -,,^ar,^r )o'^n..^ .^-o se .d,co Froncois : Recouvrez o portie superieure du coore ovec o sorrs-coucne, comme indique l'illustrot on @ t,,q l'i,, lf flosh ng is noi to be insiol ed immediote y, reploce the clodding ports storting ot the boitom Interlock side frome cloddings with boitom frome c odding os shown Secure the c oddings with the origi nol screws FsPonoi: Si no se vo o colocqr el cercor.^n 'n, \ i^ " elvo o colocor los perf es de recubrim enlo comenzondo por lcr porte infer or: Enlre oce os recubrimientos loieroles con e recubri m enlo nferior como se mueslro. F e los perfiles de recubrimienlo con los lornillos o rig in o lcs. Fr oncr.-r : Sl le solin n'est pos inslolle imme diolemenl, replocez le rev6lemenl en com- -e'co1' por e bo: l-blq.-rez les p ecer ^t;,^ - A- A-,-,,,,- .l^, . . . -. ,1. 1,, ,,,,,'i- nferieure du codre, tel qu'indiqu6 (2) F xez e rev6tement d lo de des v s originoles Floshing Topoluntos Solins English: For floshing informotion sge inshuctions supplied in eoch floshing corton. Erpoffol: Poro informociones sobre el topojun los veo los inshuccionss conlenidos en el embcr- loia del mismo. Frongois : Pour plus d'informolion, veuillez vous rif6rer oux inslruclions conlonues dons les bo! les d'embolloge de solins. l3 Eleclricol conneclion (VSE onlyl Conexi6n el6ctricq (VSE solomentel Connexion 6lectrique IVSE seulemenrl English: A iunction box or oudei box prc vided by others is required for connection of the 20 ft. (6 m) skylight coble. A single phose l2O V - , 60 Hz 60 W bronch circuit (confinuous electicol feed) is required. The bronch circuil must be protected by o l5 ompere circuit breoker or lime deloy ruse. The junction or outlet box in which ihe sky- light powar supply coble is lerminoted must be occessible for insoeclion ofter instollotion is complefe. A listed iunction or ou el box ond listed wire nuts musl be used for morking the conneclion lo the bronch circuit. NOTE: lo operqte thc s$ight, the insea scre€n musl be properly instolled to octivotc the screen swilch locoted ot the bonom of rhe skylight, Espofrol: Poro coneclor el coble de 20 pies (6 m) del trogoluz hoce folto uno coio de empolme o lomocorri6nle suminislrodo por lerceros. Se reouiere un circuito derivodo monof6sico de 120 V-, 60 Hz, 60 W (olimentoci6n el6ctrico continuol. El circuito derivodo debe eslor protegido por un disyuntor de l5 omperios o un fusible temporizodo. [o coio de emoolme o lomocorriente donde termino el coble de olimentoci6n del kogo- luz debe ser occesible poro inspeccion uno vez completodo lo instoloci6n. Debe usorse uno coio de emoolme o lomocorrienfe lig lodo y lusrcos poro olombre listodos poro morcor lo conexi6n ol circuito derivodo. NOTA: Poro poner en funcionomiento el irogoluz. lo mosquitero debe eslor instolodo odecuodomcnte poro ocfivor el interruptor de lo mosquilero ubicodo en lo porfe inferior del lrogoluz, Frongois : Un boitier de roccordement {non fourni por VELUX) est n6cessoire pour lo con- nexion du c6ble de puits de lumidre de 20 pieds {6 m). Un circult de d6rivoiion monophos6 de 120 V-. 60 Hz. 60 W d'olimentotion 6leckioue coniinue esl n6cessoire. Le cir' cuit de d6rivotion doit 6ke proi6g6 por un mdconisme d retordement ou un disioncteur de l5 ompires. [e boitier de roccordemenl ouquel le c6ble d'olimentotion du ouits de lumidre esl con- nect6, doii pouvoir elre inspecl6 Iorsque l'instollotion est termin6e. ll fout utiliser le boitier de roccordemenl el les 6crous de cdble indiou6s oour lo connexion ou circuit de d6rivotion. NOTA : Fonclionnemenl du puits de lumiirc : [o moustiquoire doit 6tre correcte- menf instoll6e pour qu'il soit possible d'qctionncr I'interrupieur siiu6 ou bos du puits de lumiAre. [ength of coble supplied wilh skylighf 20 feet l6 m). Longitud del coble suminisirodo con el kogoluz 20 pies (6 m|. Cdble de 20 pieds (6 m) fourni ovec le puits de lumidre. Junction or outlet box (not pro vided with skylight. Coio de empolme o lomocor- rientes {no suminislrodo con el kogoluz). Boitier de roccordemanl {non fourni ovec le puits de lumiire). l4 TIiiTTIiR lmportont instollotion hinls Conseios de indqlqci6n imporlontes lmportontr conreils d'instollotion I )i I ) English: Roof pilch: For roof pitch less thot 3:12 (15 dcg.l coll VE[UX for lnsiollotion guidclincs. Snow ond mctol rooflng: In oreos wilh exlreme gnow condifions, lnow iocks or other proiaclion should ba used obove thc skylight to prevent sliding snow from domoging the rkylight. Prot'cction ogoinrt rliding snow ir podiculorly imporlont on metol roofs with roof pitch ooovQ /it a lJU oog.,. Vopor crcopc ond vopor borrirr: Insure tlght lolnts whcrc thc finish motlriol connecis lo fte finish groovc ond to thc ceil ing - detoll l. Instoll vopor bonier lo the finish groovo . detoils 2. Undcrloymrnt Instoll undcrloyment up ogoinrt $e froma on oll four sider qnd otoblish ovorJlorhing droinogc ot the iop - detoill 2, Consldcr usg of VE[UX undcrloymont (type ZOZ l2l In US ond ZOZ 21 | in Conodo) in orcos wlfh scverc wcoficr conditionc ond on roofs wlth low roof pitch, Inculotion: Insulotc corcfully oround skylight olwoyr moinloining min I /2" ( 1 5 mm) dlstoncc to florhing . dctoil 3. In cold orcor o combinotion of florcd ond 4" I I 00 mml perpcndiculor lining ol top ond bottom ollowc for bcicr inrulo on. dcloil 4. Espofrol: Incllnoci6n dcl tccho; Poro techor con inclinqci6n inferior o 3: l2 (15 grodorl llome o VEIUX poro gulos de inrtoloci6n, Nicvc y tcchor dc mdcl: En 6rcos dondc rc produccn fuerfes nwodor, dcbcn ucor!€ grolgclorar conho lo nisve robrc cl hogoluz poro evilor que lo nicvc quc rc dcrlizo dofie el trogoluz, [o protecci6n conlro lo nicvc qu. rc dcdizo er porficulormcnfe imporlonlo cn lor lcchor de melol con uno inclinoci6n supcrior o 7:12 (30 grodod, Ercopc do vopor y bor.ro dc vopon Arcg0rerc dc que lo uni6n del motariol dcl r.mola con cl folrc tccho y lo ronuro del rcmole sso cclonco . datolle I . Inctqlc lo bongro de vopor en ol folro tccho - dctollcr 2, L6mlno dc rcporfc: Inrlole uno ldmlno do looorlc contro.l morco on lor cuolro lodor y cstoblczco cl drcnoie sobrc cl topoiuntor dosdc orribo - dclolles 2, Pucde uror l6mino de roporte VELUX Itipo ZOZ I 2l an EE.UU. y ZOZ 211 en Conod6l en 6rcos donde lor condiciones clim6tico: ron sovaros y en los lechos con inclinoci6n boio. Airlqci6n: Alsls cuidodocomente olredcdor del trogoluz monlenicndo ricmpre uno distoncio de como nlnino 1 /2" ll 5 mmI con reloci6n ol topo. iuntor - dctolla 3. En 6reos f or puede logrorsc uno mcior oilloci6n combinondo rccubrimicnto dc 4" (l 00 mm) pcrpcndiculor y oblicuo . dctollc 4. Frongois : P.t a da toit: Pour fer pentc dc loits dc 3/12 { 15 degr6.tl oU moinc, oppclcz VEI.UX pour obtenir der rccommendofionc, Cowcdurcr & ioil cn md0ol ou de ncigc : Dons las r6giont o! il neige, il fout ufiliser dec moncheltes d'6lonch6it6 ou ouhe3 di3politifs de prolection ouderus du puits de lumiirc pour 6vilsr quo lo neige n'orroche le puilr de lumiirs ou l'une ou l'oulra de ses conr polonle!. ll cd porticulilrement impodonl de pr6voir unc prolsction conlrs lo nsigo qui glisse pour lcr loitures en m6lol oyonl uno penta de plus dc 7/12 l3O degr6sl. €vocuofion dc vopcur cl coupxoprur ; Follca un ioinl dlonchc ld o! lc mol6riou de finitlon rcioint lo roinurs dc su#oce et le ple fond . d6roil l. Inrlollaz la coupevopgur sur lo roinura de curfoce - d6toilr 2. Sourtouchc : Inrtollez lo souscouchs sur les ouolre c6l6s du codre et le d6riveur de pluie ou hout - d6toils 2. Songcz d ufiliscr lo sous<ouchc VELUX lda type ZOZ |2I oux Etotr.Unis et de type ZOZ 21 1 ou Conodo) dons los r6gions oU le climot osl rigourcux ef pour lcs loitr de foible ocnlc. lrololion : lrolez bien le pourtour du puits de lumidre; lo distonce enhs le solin et I'isolotion doil Strc d'ou moins l/2" (15 mm) . d6toil 3. Dons las r6gionr oi le climot est rigoureux, uno combinoison de revSlement perpendicu- loirc de 4" (100 mm) el 6vo!6 ou houl ai ou bol ossure une meilleurs isolotion. d6toil 4. 4is t5 NOTICE AII GLASS MAY BE SUBJECT TO UNEXPECIED AND SPONTANEOUS BREAKAGE rn rore crr' cumstonces due lo imperfections in ihe gloss lhol ore undelectoble during the monufocturing ond inspection process by the monulocturer of the gloss ond VEtUX. VELUX offers lhe choice of lominoted or tempered gloss skylights. Lominoted gloss is o combinolion of iwo or more gloss sheets wiih one or more inlerloy- ers of plostic (PVB) or resin. In cose of breokoge, the interloyer is designed to hold lhe frogmenls togefher. Tempered gloss does nol contoin on inlet loyer io hold lhe frogments together. Insleod, lem pered gloss is designed to breok into smoll, pebble- like pieces. When tempered gloss breoks, pieces ol gloss come loose ond moy skike on individlol. CONsULT IOCAI. REGUI.ATIONS AND/OR SUITDING MATERIAI. CONSUTTANTS TO DETERMINE WHICH TYPE OF GI.ASS IS RIGHT FOR YOU OR IF TAMINATED GIASS I5 REQUIRED IN YOUR APPLICATION. AVISO BAJO CIERTAS CIRCUNSTANCIAs. TODO CRISTAI. ESTA SUJETO AROMPERSE DE MANERA INESPERADA o espontdneo debido o imoerfecciones en el cristol no detectodos duronle su monufocluroci6n o duronle el proceso de inspec- ci6n por el monufocturodor del cristol y por VEIUX. VETUX ofrece lo opci6n de trogoluces de cristol lominodo o lemplodo: El cristol lominodo es uno combinoci6n oe oos o m6s hojos de cristol con uno o mds copos intercolo- dos de pl6slico (PVBI o resino. En coso de roturo, lo copo eslo diseiodo poro sosiener unidos los frogmenlos de crislol. El cristol temolodo no conliene cogo inlercolodo pqro soslener unidos los frogmenlos de cristol. En su lugor, el cristol templodo estd diseiodo poro que s€ rompo en pedozos bien pequeios- Cuondo el crislol templodo se rompe, pedozos de cristol pueden soltorse y golpeor o un individuo. CONSUITE CON I.O5 REGTAMENTOS rocArEs y/o ASEsoREs DE MATERIAt DE CONsTRUCC16N PARA DETERMINAR CUAL TIPO DE CRISTAT ES ET MAS ADECUADO PARA USTED O SI 5E REQUIERE CRISTAT LAMI. NADO EN SU APIICACI6N. ATTENTION TOUI THERMO/VERRE POURRAI fCLATER D'UNE FAQON BRUSQUE ET INATTENDU dons de rores circonslonces d0 o des imperfections du lhermo/verre qui ne sont pos d6tectoble lors de lo fobricotion et de l'inspeclion suivonl lo fobricotion por le monuloclurier du thermo/verre el VELUX. VELUX ofke une s6lection de fiermo/verre lomin6 ou kemp6 pour ses puils de lumidre. L6 th6rmo/ verre lomind repr6senle une combinoison de d6ux ou plus d'unit6 de verre incluoni une ou plusieurs couches In16rieures de plostique {PVB} ou resine Dons le cos de bris instonton6, cetle/ces couches inldrieures ouronf lo propriet6 de retenir les frog' ments du thermo/verre ensemble. Por contre, le thermo/verre tremp6 n'inclus pos ceife/ces couches intr!rieures pour retenir les frog- ments du thermo/verre ensemble. Le thermo/verre hempd esl congu pour s'6mietl6 en de petils frog- ments de verre, lorsque le thermo/verre tremp6 se cosse, les pelites piOces de verre 6clol6os pourroienl dons certoines occosions cous6eg des dommoges physiques ou de 169dres blessures oux individus se trouvonl d proximil6. CONSUTTER VOTRT CODE DU BATIMENT ETIOU UN PROFESSIONNEL-CONSUITANT AFIN DE BIEN DEIERMINf [E IHERMO/VERRE RECOMMANDf POUR VOTRE APPTICATION OU SI UN THERMO/VERRE I.AMINE EST NECESSAIRE DANS VOIRE CAS. I l { English: Seller ossumes no obligotion whotsoever for foilure of qn orchitect, instoller or building owner to comply with oll opplicoble low ordinonces, building codes ond sofely requiremenls. CABO Norionol Evoluofion Reporr - NER 216. Espoffol: El proveedor no osume responsqbilidod olguno sobre orroro3 d6l orquitecto, instolqdor o constructor por el incumplimiento de ordenqnzos legoles, normos de construcci6n o requisilos de seguridod, CABO Norionol Evoluofion Report - NER 216. Froncois : le vendeur n'oisume qucune responsobilit6, quelle qu'elle soit, dons le cqr g! un qrGhitecie, un in*ollolour ou un ProPri6toire n'observe Pqs les rdglements de lo loi qui sont opplicobles oinsi que les normes du (ode du b6timent et de s6curit6, CABO Norionql Evqluqtion Report - NER 216 OVEtUX, VETUX lolro, VS, VSE ond COMBIfIASHING ore regirered trodemorks uld !nde,licenc. b/OVEIUX, l. loso VELUX, VS. vst 6r COMgI FIASHING sonl des morques de comne.ce d6po5€e5 et emolova.! iour iceice de VFIUX Grcuo vas !50953.0705 English: lmportonce of proper instollqiion Solisfoctory producl performonce depends on orooer inslollolion. Seller occepts no responsibility whotsoever for foilure of on insloller lo instoll VELUX roof windows ond skylights in occordonce with these instollotion inskuctions. Although VETUX roof wlndows ond sky lights ore designed ond monufoclured to the high- est stondords, severe climolic exposure os well os odverse indoor conditions (i.e. high humidity) moy produce temperoture condiiions which exceed prod- ucl performonce slondords. In these coses, speciol preventive meosures moy be necessorr, Seller reserves the right to implement producl chonges for improvement withor.tl prior nolificotion. Wood treolment Although the wood hos received o temporory keol- meni ogoinst mold ond mildew, further keolmeni wiih wood stoin, point, etc. is necessory ond con be done prior lo insiollolion or shortly ofter instollo- tion. Core should be token to insr-rre stoin. eic. is nol opplied to weolherstripping. Operolion ond occessorieg V5: Veniing skylight VS is for monuol operotion ond monuol occessories only, VSE: Venting skylight VSE is designed for electricol operotion ond prepored for inslollolion of electricol occessories. Esponol: lmportoncio de uno inliolqci6n correclo El rendimi€nto sotisfoctorio del produclo depende de su correclo insloloci6n. Los ventonos de teiodo y los irogoluces VELUX deben instolorse siguiendo eslos inslruccione5. El proveedor no ocepto responsobilidod olguno por errores del inslolodor. Aunque los venlonos poro tejodos y los lrogoluces VELUX se hon diseiodo y fobricodo poro logror los niveles de colidod m6s ollos, lo exposici6n o condicrones clim6licos severos e incluso unos condrcrones inleriores odversos (por ejemplo, humedod muy olto) pueden producir niveles de temperoluro qu6 6xceden los condiciones de desemoeio del produclo. En estos cosos pu6de ser necesorio estoblecer medidos prev6nlrvos. El proveedor se reservo el derecho o hocer modifi cociones o los producios sin notificoci6n previo con el fin de mejororlos. Trotomi6nto de lo modero Aunque lo modero ho recibido un kolomienlo pre liminor conho hongos e insectos, debe bornizorse, ointorse- elc. ontes de lo insloloci6n o inmedioto' mente despuds. Tengo cuidodo de no bornrzor, pintor, etc. los juntos de hermeticidod. Funcionomienlo y occesorios V5: El hogoluz de ventiloci6n VS esl6 preporodo poro [uncionomiento monuol y occesoros monu- oles solomenle- VSE: El troooluz de ventiloci6n VSE estd diseiodo poro el occionomienlo el6clrico y preporodo poro lo instoloci6n de occesorios el6chicos. Frongois : l'importonce d'une bonne instqllotion Lo quoliti de I'inslollotion influence le rendemenl du produ;t el, pour cetle roison, l'enkeprise. Le vendeur d6sire vous inlormer qu'il n'occepl€ oucune responsobilit6, quelle qu'elle soit, dons le cos or) un instolloteur ne se conforme pos oux inskuctions recommond66s dons ce feuillet pour l'instollolion d'un puits de lumidre ou d'une fen6tre de toil VEtl,JX. Veuillez oussi remorquer que m6me si les fen6tres de loil et ouits de lumidre VELUX 16pondent d des normes de fobricotion 6lev6es, il se peul que cerloines conditions climoliq!e5 porticu- lidrement s6vdres, d l'intdrieur lex. humidit6) comme d I'extdrieur, offectent lo performonce du produit. Dons ces cos, des mesures pr6venlives s'ovdrenl n6cessoires. D'ouke port, le vendeur se r6serve le droit d'op porter, sons pr6ovis, des chongements d ses produ- its dons le but de les omdliorer. Troitement du bois N'oubliez pos qu'il est n6cessqi.e d'olouler une iein- lure pour bois, de lo peiniure, elc-, ovonl ou imm6 dioiement op.ds I'instollotion, m6me si le bois o regu un koiiemenl lemporoire conke lo moisissure. De plus, il [out s'ossurer de ne pos recouvrir les ioinls d'6tonch6it6 de teinture ou de oeinture Fonctionnement ei occe5Soires VS : Le puits de lumidre ouvronl VS fonclionne mo nuellement ovec des occessoires monuels leulemenl. VSE: Le puits de lumiire ouvront VSE o 6ld congu pour fonclionner 6leclriquement et esf pret pour lo oose d'occessoires 6lechiques. VELUX Americo Inc.I I 8OO 88 VELUX 800 888-3589 VELUX Conodo Inc. v.usa tzr5-0705 O2000, 2005 VEIUX Group