HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 10 LEGALQor?*, /t-t'ro Design Revierr Boa ACTIOfl FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com o€rallfrY tr\€LeuE'f,r Project Name: COHEN LANDSCAPING Project Description: Replacement of existing timber retaining wall with new 2 - 3' drystack stone wall; new landscaping along east of residence. Participants: owNER COHEN, RICHARD W. & DIANNE H05/03/2006 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATI-ANTA GA 30327 APPLICANT LANDSCAPE TECHNOLOGY GROUP, 051 03 12006 Phone: 970-748-1939 P.O. BOX 5147 VAIL co 81658 License: 157-5 ProjectAddress: 1467 GREENHILL CTVAIL Location: 1457 GREENHILL CT'B' UNIT Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Numben 2LO3-L24-0304-6 Comments: seecondition DRB Number: DR8050136 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ASTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/10/2006 Cond: I (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C,ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008012 No parking shall occur on Greenhill Court during entirety of construction. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO Mi nor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgor'.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiarlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description ol Request: Mailing Address: tr tr tr Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs O Conceotual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/d u plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee A tr tr t+++****rf+*+++{'+**++*+ttt'}****++***+lt*****+1t++{'l'+++*+***t**+*********+t+i*iri**it***t**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Satement *l****i ++ ********taa++l'***tl***{'**+** * * * ***+t+++lr*+**********'i****t**a***{'t***{'*+t{'********+ Statement Nunber: R060000508 Amount: $20,00 OS/03/200603:14 pM Payment Method: Caah TECHNOI,OGY GROUP hit: ifs NoEat,ion: $/T,AIIDSCAPE Permit No: DRB050136 TIT)e: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103-124-0304-5 Sit,e AddreEE : 14 5 7 GREEbIHII,I, CT VAII.,IJocation: 1457 GREENTHrI,I, CT 'B' [,NIT Total FeeE: Total AI,L PmCE: Balance : Thie Payment: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 * * * ***+t++*'i'il"t't'|.*******+*'|*+*******ti+++++ + * * * * * ***** *****,l.ii{' *+****+**++t***********'l'f rl'}'l+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 03 /30/2000 09: 30 '8-els,- 1998 I, (print FAX 40{2560999 ;42PM FRO{ RBA O oor 7.2 , prwide this bccn bbe bi at TOTilTPROPERIY OWTIER WRITTEII APPROYAL LETIER. aJont arner of popefiy lmbd at (addtedlegal wrfttarappror/d of OE pbrt'daGd Town of vail Cornmunty Derdoprnert Depa.tsnentfu tfie pWced lnpfitttttEnts addcss noted aboe. I urr<lcnbndthatthc piryoefil rnporcrngtts it€utb: thlt mLror modlfiotfors rnay h fiEdc b t ta pbns ors eisrire enrplbrp with the Tqvnt dpplbable odes and regulaUoos. K&-,LT ) cou'te of ttr€ review F.gt Z of a 't JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) l4(7 Cp+*" *rrc Cf Uu,r r1 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated OO5 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include; I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_1 1 -23-2005.doc lU2312005 Page 2 of 13 ,' \'t t MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTSX* u Stamped Topographic SurveYx D/ Site and Grading Planx { Landscape Plan*D Architectural Elevationsx o Exterior color and material samples and specifications, tr Architectural Floor Plansx o Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o Tltle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* n The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). *xFor interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature oatesignea 3-/l-e{ F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planni ng\drb_minor-alt-1 1-23-2005.doc 7712312005 Page 3 of 13 Botanical Name PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Common Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EfiSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *flt& Ouantitv 3 Size t 7'/, ut #{#f lnl*u^s 'l+t,noT lr""r lu*rr*ttbn*.oie+*.ttu\ $p*t 1 Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe GROUND COVER soD SEED *llfh IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Mr"uq f)**u,,rfy:t* tt?o (f' v Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Square Footaqe F:\odev\FORMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc 111231200s Page 7 of 13 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Wndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes! Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\F0RMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.d0c Page 6 of 13 L!12312005 I ' .l , crtr*t_sdTY tFt€LoFtf T 6btlQm,lntto Design Review Board ACTTOn FORlrl Department of Community Develogment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.t139 taxi 97A,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: KORT DECK Project Description: Participants: OWNER ELLENOREJOINTVENTURE c/o Joss EQUmES 180 N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO IL 60601 APPUCANT ELLENORE JOINT VENTURE c/o Joss EQUmES 180 N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO IL 60601 Project Address: 1,167 GREENHILL CT VAIL 1467 GREENHILL CT WEST'A' UNIT 091201200s 091201200s Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0304-5 Comments: seeconditions DRB Number: DR8050499 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE ROTING DECKS WITH STONY PATIOS TO THE SAME DIMENSIONS AND ADD PLANT BEDS TO BORDER THE PATIO - see conditions of approval LocaUon: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: APPROVED Date of Approval: 09/30/2005 C,ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Itnaldo Plrnnc: Ellsabeft Ecltel ono: coNmtgs O Apdicant shall ensure that all grades are returned to at least a 2:1 raUo by Ume of llnal{o Condr @1l1(X)07600 Appllcant shall rcSrc all dlsturbed areas of site wittr nahrnl vegetaton prlor b DRB FGG Pald: l20.m ,,* T_r General InformaUon: tzAZaZ7> .tZ4.p,zrta /, ' l/u All projects requiring design review mus't receive app;/ val prior to subrnitdng a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untl all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot: / 0 gbck: a13? Subdivisiont GLtu Physical Address: Parcel No.: |103lf\%OLt;:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: l-tatoenrtt'u Description of Name(s) of Owner(s): MairinsAddress: /10 *t. f +meap 0t i lft - , Gk sosf Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): tpT Name of Appliantz L*uOscklf TA-*u,-oay Gpur/ MaifinsAddress: 1.0.P; it+Z t l",rCO tt/..t o rfs 0 {.is \n E-maif Address: l-*ilnsL*laJhu O ku . Lo'^ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition il Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/commercia l) t $ Minor Alteration /' (single-family/duplex) fl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: q.70. ?t+tutn\q Faxi 4?o' ?Llt -oo3l $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Fg8ff* 980!o cn".r ruo.,'27 B3 ay, tteting oare,,/O' ( 7' of Planner: **+*tt**i*t+*+++tt{'*'}******'t*'t****i+++*********a*+********t***********it .t****a*f*******a**+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Stat,emenL Nurnber: R050001542 Amount: $20.00 09/20/2OO5O8:34 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS NotsaEion: 2 783 /r,A}IDSCAPB TEEH GROUP Permit, No: DR8050499 TlDe: DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 -124 - 0304-5 Site Address: 1457 GREENHIIJIT CT VAIL I,ocation: 1467 GREENHILL CT $TEST 'A' UNIT Total Fees: 920.00 Thia Palment: $20.00 Total ATJIJ Ernta: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 r;".P.l 03 OS O7:2Oa hafFicanaiFuray3 4rJ+7638?3? ttr.//\ , (a lU( / jL2INH'LL out,o LT, Minor Exterior Alterations lo evrew rrcation of the Prcposal: LatJz-Bbck-le-SltuHivisionl ?rrttk l AdCrctrc! zoning: t{am{s) of ou,rEr(i): Ovmcrts) Slgn.Ure(s): ilurcof Applicanh frlaillng Addrc*: .v+- z$6:l-+/L-- Iypc of Reui€Lr and Fca: E 99m .n Conceptlal Review PIur f1.00 pcr squarc fuot of ffial 5i9n area' Minor A&eraticn (muld-faarily/commechl) . Mircr Afteratrbn (side-family/dr+lex) Charrges m Approved flans Seoaration Rcsrcit ' For OfriGe UiG onty: Pail: ------ F ,o by Ptsnning staft Meding Dotr: Oleck No.: -- - 8y: fOot OS OS O?r2Or 3out,h.fr I crn. t Fuas3 "d.TlxLT." e ffiffiT"H 40.1 423?763 o p.2 1 t-ar P. /rts-tail h--+.-- bhtrrdcrlr u:*.,oo.dtu- ,,r._..-- ^l v'v*rs er FrtlEEl lh'rrsr Efu. LrdE vt,rf, 0*riwrttt ltrtlnc rrcln: h nn D h. ,l! or? tia our ot itc rG,tJ, firfrrqlpqE tc$furtl hFtcUros/qrc Ittlthnurhrhdiitdror t[(GbsrEcr|l||,E$l ,*ffi MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS{"t o Stamped Topographic Survey*o Site and Grading Plan* F Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*a Exterior color and material samples and specifications,o Architectural Floor Plansx tr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures tr Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, f have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed 1'n'otr Page 3 of L3l05lo6l05 Topographic surveyi e Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor r Date of survey . North arrow and graphic bar scale . Scale of 1"=10'or l"=20). Legal description and physical address e Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, and floodplain)r Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey . Propertt boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report, List any easement restrictions.e Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc,).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).r Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site, Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas . Telephone Water Electric . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. o Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger . PropertY and setback lines o Existing and proposed easements . Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including. decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge witti a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structu res. Page 4 of r3l06i06/05 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name [)ola,,0c l*,u-tntu, 6tu /r.,,ou, 'smt*rt / lrtot owt *' Common Name Cil ot-n" 512*ro I lFleru 5tacu Ltt*f 6ttn+ ttnr* Size t'- rz 3t' ^'d-9't+' bt6 lrerztJttr-ttsL t' *l (uilrs o*Tvt Crctzp* lql t Lt, 6+9 cgwHyL SlllzqS 3{#, Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Tvpe ^+f f ftlrs Lh.**fu-:y'*' tqv^nL Sh Square Footage 800 I l00o ,tbro a q00o Page 7 of L3l06lO5lOs Itlmur l-oa G*ou features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming UTITITYAPPROVAL & VERI This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to veriry service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utilw plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. o FICATION Date QWEST 970.468-0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley 970.468.6860 Jason Sharo 970,38,1.0238 XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4o76 (tel) 970-468-1401 (fax) Contact: Richard Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970-947-5435 (tel) 970-945-4081 (fax) Crntact: Mike Mikolic XCEL ENERGY 970,468.1a01 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 97 0.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Marian Phelps COMCAST CABLE 970.468-2669 x 112 (tel) 970.468-2672 (fax) Contact: Bradley Dorcas NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction/ the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diqging in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A buildinq permit isnot a Public Way oermit and must be obtained separately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the uUlities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otheruise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Authorized . Siqnature Comments Page 8 of 13106/08/05 TOIflVffi owners/Project nu ", Kott l-afinte Project Address:II+(7 6t-eauut+ L-r f*,r A Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com *fhis checklist must be submitted prior to Public Wot*s review of a prcposed developmenE Applicant: Submittal o Stamped survey of property o Civiusite plans Suryev Reouirements: o Surveyo/s wet stamp and signature D Date ofsurvey tr North arrow o Proper scale (1"=10' or L"-20')o Legal description o Basis of bearings / Benchmark n Spot Elevations o Labeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Lot Size a Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Requirements: L Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)D Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30olo of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 il. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan, o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.q I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of 13/06/05/0s Phone Number: 47o' ?qf ' Hh f Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) a Topography a Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. m. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12,o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)D 4 Foot Concrete Pan D B Foot Concrete Pan B Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.a Culveds have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stampeo.o .Less. than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devicep are^shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.D 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) I The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided u The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply) o Existing and proposed gmdes/contours are provided on the site plan. u All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.q All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. a Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)a All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. il. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) D All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.n All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. D All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. oPropersightdistancehasnotbeenattained.Explanationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review. Page 12 of L3lo6l06/05 Applicants Signature Siloam Stone - Stairs, Entries ffkwaVs & Patios t. tlonr.r Page I of2 Applications Tour Page 1of6 {> Stairso Entries Walkways & Patios The unique characteristics of our layered stone provide: An elegant natural appearance. Positive traction. Simplified installation procedure. Excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions. Minimal water absorption. Siloam sedimentary layered sandstone is idealfor stainruay and walkway applications. The attractive earth tone colors include Sienna Buff and Sienna Grey. 09/30/2005 Siloam Stone - Stairs, Entries ffkwafs & Patios Page 2 of2 i.iiflJt Siloam Stone offers tremendous flexibility for walkway and patio design. Small to medium size pieces can be mortared to provide a traditional formal design, or large slabs can be used to create an unforgetable rmpressron. One piece or multiple piece patios are viable options with Siloam Stone. The utilization of our stone is limited only by your imagination and skill rome I About us I Producte I Applicatlons I e"trry I lnto nequct I Exit Ph: 719 2754275 Fax 269-1033 315 N. 7th Street, Canon City, Colorado 81212 Applications Tour Page 1of6 {> http : //siloamstone.com/walks. asp 09/30t2005 From: David Rhoades To: ComDev; JR Rulapaugh; Mike McGee; Mike Vaughan Date: 09/28/2005 5:12:33 PM SubJect Red Tags issued 1. Vail HeQhts 3A (2099 Chamonix Lane) for unknortn scope of work. Do know that they have removed some drywall and extended the loft area. I could see that from the door but was not invited in. 2. 1467 Greenhill Court ls a Planning Red Tag. They have not gotten any approvals but have removed a couple of decks and patios anyway. PRJ05-0431 Elisabeth, )pu may be getting a call from the Planning Red Tag people. Theywere cordial though. Thanks everlone. l'll be out until Monday but please let me knorr what else needs to be done, if anything. David Rhoades Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer 970477-U',t7 970479-2452Fax drhoades@vailgov.com P/3:6^*/"*il* Design Revier! Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name; ELLENORE ALTEMTION DRB Number: DRBM0491 Project Description: Exterior re-paint, addition of windows and doors on north and west side of home, relocation of chimney, interior remodel. Participants: OWNER ELLENOREJOINTVENTURE 0911412004 Phone: c/oJoss EQUnES 180 N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO IL 60501 License: APPLICANT STUARTSMITH 09/1412004 Phone: 1434 SPRUCE ST #110 BOULDER co 80302 License: ProjectAddress= L467 GREENHILL CTVAIL Location: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST UNIT Legal Description: lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403045 Comments: seecondiuons BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED ' Second By: Dunning Vote: 3-0{ DateofApprovalz L010612004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consttute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006728 1) The applicant shall Emove all non-conforming lighting fixtures from the residence prior to the time of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. Entry: 10/07/2004 BY: ee ,Action: AP Cond: CON0006729 2) The applicant shall paint the flashing of the rooftop skylights to match the roof Drior to the time of the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. Entry: t010712004 BY: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO VJ?I+O, !vv-r {.,ar,I-r r..l:\ -tV+lJUUarUU l\Djt !41 lrvr '",:, ,X. ,,,,;::: ,,,,,r.;",.?"'"'""Jollolr:;- 4oc;38e3' ' uu"uu' P'' il i I f,Rplication for Design Review ,i f f. r-i i ,i i: ,; Deparhrent ol communlly DevElwmenl t t- (' L ; s ': I I 7s SdJtll F.o^tags Road, Vdl colom@ ,8-1657 ' -tut, SZO.+zs'2t39 lsx: 970'479'2452 ffffiAJL1;"g.1"*tn" ,*t|.^, rnuet rccd'e approul prior to submltltnq '.-i!'ig-HTfPPlicatbn Pleas{i reter (o the submi.at lruqulrernenls triitr" p"nLo"fi i dpprgysl thul ,is rEqud*tod- Ar appll.,rtton for D€sign R$'bw cannot bO Ocrcptcd Un1t arr raqur.",l- r"fo.La0.a la rccciv<$ Lv ttt-c cltitt"itv OevtJoOrrcnt Oeqanmenl' ThO proied may 3bo ne€d . o. ,.'f iio"oi;;i,i1,,1ry3,1y'::-:::.m'*^:-f'TlfffiS"-"1ffiil Tfll,tTV 0IyfiltP wsb:wu/w.vaibc,6m l I General ln(ormaiion: i r:ff"Til:yffo;'",ilff:;,# l'i,iriJiiil"..-'iii'L.u"a end cJnetructlon commcnces wrthrn onc yetr ol [hE Ooscriptlgn ol Requeatl parcef No.: Z t b3t2+O3O"t_QS (Contect Eagl. Co. Assssor at S70-3ZB€gt0 ior oarel no ) zonlng: st .tHlLraN FaFC-- -t-i -Locetion ot th€ qkoPosar: lot: /O- Btottt SrtvJiu-:' ' qhe-&-Ly. lN -' I PhyoralAddre*!: 1467 EF1EN Hlt't t Nam6(6) of MdilifrE gy,rper(s)r€ (s): NamE af APPlicd Malllng Addrass: E-rnsll Typc of Revicw . slgns I t6o PlLs 51 00 per square loot of btal slgn arva' r I - Iilo*"*'f"w NoFcE /tr . tlow corrsructiLn : $650 For corclruotion ol a oew building or detnay'rabrnLl' --. ff"fi*''""| " ; iaoo Foranaddilionwtrero4rrate,fvo(ag?.:{g!,!"-:ltt:$:l*aoortrorr | , cornmerciat bu1diftgt (indud6 25o sd]dflbns E inlsrbr @r'Ystsiont)' ptirror attereriol : $250 FJ'tiiti Ltrzlces-trj uuildnss "t-sltc i-qT-u-T:L:": "*a -.'il1ili#irit"-""rU I * ,o*n''q. pii'ititg' *'"0'* addirion6' rsnd6captne' renc€6 end ,*- ^u.,"rr"L , ,* FiT',::r?:#tn blirdinq€ and ErlE tmorov.n€nE, sudr as. {sinqle-tamlty/dup,ex) i.e'mfing. prlniting wlndow add\'tiofis' landseplno' tenc€s am I tetainirrg tYsUs, elc' C)rangr:* b Atbrcved Plani $20 foi ."Lio* io plam atready spproved by Plenninq stfi or ths - I O€sign Review BoBrd' . Separation Rahuest No Fea | ' - -.-r - lror orrrcqrtg Pilvl- - To^/.+6,|,t'tl linff*F- iLr-Fo'Y : - "in,"-.:-_-i{:-:r-- Feg€ 1 of 12l}4lo1l04 i,rr 6 2',/it (/ f,l7tli il'/?v't t7'"r' ,"i'5 ,'/flt/4'* [,lE &rz-* I 0s/+4/20P4 13:2E FAX 'o8/L1/20O1 14:06 FAI 1:€F.1S|€r7 3:3AM 303 449 3366 ro425s6ssgo RESORT DESIGN REA t- @oo2/ooz @ oor P-2 P.2 O.arrc{n scF lt Oa ortrc4!ta OSrAlr Sdrnh.tFl caFr I Fr.It lalaa tAl ,Ol ..1 tlat GORI D8brol ffi I I I I lufirut .uS||I rfi? ;'dl0F{at sbrdbtfr;Etrl[il I L Frir r. .tFl crvd ccgt{r0 Foll.il*E.rilrtlfFrl Fn'l|ltaE b 0f Tc-bft,| dr'll be:f OFtild frr Db Gdfl tEdr-dF I |'id''rr|l 0ttnrt.# t|.TUl|rgErcrdUd+ ?rDrolflroarot 0. t$rtn frFrrfr hcraL *r.r..affi:F tlrrr*l+a*al*alaa't**l*||||'talaa'a'al+**r';******t+'l*t'l*l+i'|**rat**tltir|llr+**a'}*a'a'!ll***al+al*ll* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemcnt lla*tlltl*altall*aaaatata*tatttflttatttt*+*at*1*'j*+tai**att'***at+tftlt***ar*ra'}t*+aaaa**tlat+ Statcm€nt Dlunber: R0{0006647 Amount: $20.00 O9/L4/2OO4O8:4? alr{ Pa)menC Method: Caab InLt: ilg Notation: S,/STUART 81.{ITH Pernit No: DRB0{0491 Tlpe: DRB-Minor Alt,gFR/DUP Parce1 No: 210312{03045 gite Mdreas: 1{67 GRBEMIIIJJ gT VAIIJ IJocati@: 1467 OREENIIUJJ qf, WB9T IINIT Total Fee6: $20.00 Thl,a Palmeat: S20.00 Total AIJJ P!rEa.: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 rl*lt|}***ala*******l*tt*ltta*a'i*a't{tal*+r}**rrr't**t***t't'}*+ar:t:t't*t***ttr't{r'l**ar*,ll*attttalt|l**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis DR OO1O()OO31122OO DESIGN REVIE}J FEES 20.00 Bulldlng Materlals PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Materlal Color Roof Siiding wndows -> Aurr"l. 6LA{c t{D. L.,lrh{sr, MFrLt{ r,(rgrtFc6t \Mndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. l ooD b+ooo WoOt:* tvl6-CAvi,, AJTO'^'{E. $m1UA vLv;n*4 btrtrQ ?AJ'"{'(ED AO lAeoe OtherWall Materials Facia Soffits Page 6 of 1zlMlO1lU Welcome to Eagle Window and Aaout Elor.c wtilDovl wt$Dom r FRoOUCtc O||crY DETLEN LOCATOR Products: Doors wr oms Dsors DEsto|l OPrl(''ts O'lu|lE SronG ]SEARCH E r lrl oraER |nFoH A?roa( REquEtr CoirAcr Ui Hinged French Doors SPACS . SlZEli CAI} DNTAII.S Where space permits a swinging door, there's nothing quite like the impact of an impressive French door. Dress up the look even more with EAGLE's Modern Divided Lights@ in your choice of three popular styles - or one of eight stunning designs available in our Decorelle Series@ glass. Because these French doors are made by EAGLE, you can be assured ofthe energy efficiency that makes them a great American value. EAGLE offers two hinge systems - a 2-way adjustable hinge or a heavy-duty, commercial grade hinge, and our advanced double weather stripping ensures an airtight seal. A heavy-duty, non- warping aluminum sill with an oak threshold channels moisture toward the exterior, so stormy weather stays outside where it's supposed to. Integral French Door Benefits EAGLE's exclusive Autolatcho multi-point locking system, featuring a thumbturn deadbolt lock and keyed cylinder, latches the top, center and bottom with one lever for lhe ultimate in home security. EAGLE's 3/4' tempered Low-E Maximizer Plus@ glass filters the sun's energy in the summer and reduces heat loss in the winter. EAGLE hinged French doors are engineered with structural integrity. The extruded aluminum exteriors and the mortised and tenoned wood rails and stiles allow for maximum strength and stability. Handle sets are available in polished brass, lifetime brass, antique brass, stainless steel, satin chrome, polished chrome, oil-rubbed bronze, pewter, black and white finishes. An optional blind system is available for light control or added privacy. Available in EAGLE Wood or aluminum-clad styles, both with natural wood interiors for staining or painting. (O 2003 EAGLE Window and Door. All riahts reserved. http ://www. eaglewindow. com/frenchdoors. cfm I BAcf, To ToP 9/13/2004 Gla Inswing French o d o Door Elevations 6'- 10" Units Scale 1/4" = 1t ott Double French Doors- Hinged Patio Door T-r tl tl tl tl s._ fl T-f-tl tl tl .tt S.- tl tl tl tt It ru 40610 ^y' 0R r/A ffi 20610 -2 28610 -2 J05r0 -2 c10.012.00 4D1625 3/02 50610 A/ m r/A 54610 ^/r 0R r/A 60610 ^/r 0R r/A EAGLE Windov'i and Door, Inc. reserves the right to change specifications \^,ithout notice. Welcome to Easle Window and AEoUI EA0IE wlilDolrt l ,t$Dom | PnOOucTs glu.€nY DEAICN LOCAIOR OTLINE Sron€ SEARCH E-ftrArL NonFrER l foititATtol REeuEir Conrrcr Us Page I of2 Products: Windou,s wtHDo|/rs Ddon$ DEstCt{ OP||Ofis Transoms When a big, bright and airy feeling is desired, or you just want to create a masterful statement, choose from EAGLE Window & Door's selection of window and door transoms. Used in combination with venting windows or an EAGLE French or sliding door, transoms add height and definition to any room. Transoms are available in rectangular, eliptical and half circle direct-set styles. Or choose from sash set styles including: casement, double-hung and French door Sl'E(:!i. SILHS ( ,r1, l) ]: l,r .s transoms. Either way you're sure to create a customized look. Transoms are available in 50 standard exterior colors, or if you prefer an optional custom color, we'll mix one to your liking. Upgrade your interior wood species from standard pine to optional hardwoods of maple, walnut, cherry, douglas fir, oak, alder or mahogany. Then choose from one of 8 stains or 2 painted factory finishes that provide a consistent, quality coating while enhancing the beauty of the wood. Whatever your choice might be, EAGLE answers your needs. Integral Transom Benefits ' Transoms are modular in design, allowing the flexibility of combining various styles over the to-p of other EAGLE products to create a custom window or door system. ' EAGLE Wood rM transoms are also available with primed, unprimed or clear exteriors to allow a variety of finishing options. ' Interior orimed finishes are available at no additional charge, saving time and money on the job site. ' Sash set lransoms allow for consistent sight lines between transom and unit below. ' Choose from a variety of design options, including: Decorelleo Series glass in eight stunning styles. Modern Divided Lightso in 718",'l 118" or 1 112" colonial profiles. Removable wood grilles or between- the-glass grilles for easy cleaning. Brickmold and accessorv trim metals. http ://www. eaglewindow. com,/transoms. cfin 911312004 Clad Casement **n *.-f z-orp'l l- n, 1/2- ---.1 o'-or1z' -----] rRAMEtrzr l-t-n-l F r-a --l 6'-0'-----l iitffi ffi Kmtr 'N I lLlr\rr ll Il -f-;;; - ,rro-, rzo2'-r .'ffi -ffi -Fffi i:ilRHr rk'JIEJ l[_]illt__llDl i I llr.i_Lrll l_L_ t 2026-r E 2026-2 t 2026-J -rrr:']l r_']]l|='__j _!E \.: ilffiI L..? * ilD-l-1t If .rrlL4lr dH Kt E 202E-r t 2028-2 t 2028-3 sm trN m-Ftr ; ; llli*:ll ilf'-il,L!i__,--'j,rJlllz__Jil llL\llL___llill/_Jil E 2030-r E 20J0-2 t 20J0-J {ffi mN m-Nt itlru l\Jlt1ll l\lllll-_lllltl1l t 20J4-r E 20J1-2 E 20J.-J rr[M [m-ffi mn-nm s " IZIII lll,i llill '...lll ll,,' llill i i IEU ll l[... lill ..lll l[.. llill llill ,..'ll r_LEN llllLlil t!Jtt__lL__il E 2040-1 E 20t0-2 E 2040-l Elevations 2' - 0" Units Scale 1/4tt = ltott c0l.012.00 Klilruttr KilITID KITIE t 2028-3 Kt!lilE t 20J0-J Kil!IilD E 2OJ'.J 4D1007 U02 EAGLE Window and Door, Inc. reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Glad Gasements Specifications FRAME; All exlerior frame parts shall be clad with premium grade tempered aluminum extrusions, which shall be mitered at lhe corners and mechanically fastened togelher with corner locks and stainless steel screws. Fitted to the aluminum extrusions on the inside are wood members produced from select kiln dried, water repellent and preservative treated wood in accordance with WDMA standards. The wood frame members are block mitered, power stapled and sealed at the corners with silicone. The interior surface shall be suitable for either a stained or painted finish. The trame shall be completely assembled with all operating hardware installed. Basic jamb rvidth is 2 7/8". Pre-applied extension jambs are available to accommodate the wall thickness required. Folding nailing fins shall be applied on all four sides of the frame to permit positive anchorage to the building. Installation clips are available to be used in lieu ot lhe folding nailing flns. Frames may be joined togelher easily and efficiently in multiple unit groups. Inlerior wood surtaces are available in pine or optional oak, mahogany, cherry, douglas fir, walnut or maple. SASH:All exterior sash parts are composed ol a one-piece tempered aluminum extrusion which shall be mitered at the corners and mechanically fastened together with corner locks and stainless steel screws. The aluminum shall be joined to water repellent, preservative treated wood in accordance with WDMA standards. lt shall be ioined by sliding the aluminum onlo the wood. The wood shall be mortised, tenoned, glued, mechanically fastened at the comers, and sealed with silicone. Available in pine or optional oak, mahogany, cherry, douglas fir, walnut or maple. EXTERIOR FINISH: An exterior linish in one of EAGLE's 50 slandard colors is offered in a thermal setting acrylic film lhat fully covers the exlerior. This finish conforms to AAMA 603.8, 2603, 605.2 and 2604. lt is environmenlally triendly and efiectively shields the finish Aom the ouiside elements. Finishes conforming to AAMA 2605 are available as an option. INTERIOR FINISH: The slandard interior tinish shall be a factory applied off-white wood primer or an unprimed finish. GLAZING: All sash shall be glazed with 5/8" EAGLE Maximizer Plus@ insulating glass or clear insulating glass with a 7/16" air space. The insulating glass fabric€tion shall consist of a dual seal for added longevity and stability. The gtass shall be held in place from the interior wilh wood stops that are mechanically fastened for easy reglazing. The insulating glass is set in a butyl bed to insure lhe seal between the sash glazing leg and the insulating glass. lt is remmmended that the glass not be used in allitudes in excess ot 5OO0 feet above sea level. Special high-altitude glass is available tor lhese applications. WEATHER-STRIPPING: All units shall be rveather-stripped on the frame and sash for a positive seal. On clad and wood units, the frame and sash shall consist of a compression weather-slrip. HARDWARE: The unit shall be equipped with a gear operator that has all hardened steel gears. The hinges are mncealed from the exlerior. The hinge track and screws ate slainless steel. Each unit shall have a cam action sash lock (two locks are slandard on all units 3' - 9" and taller) and a crank handle made of high-pressure zinc die cast. The hardware has a phosphate mating that is electrostatically finished in either bronze, white, gold, black or oplional polished brass. Special corrosion resistant hardware is available. SCREENS: Screens shall consist of '18 x '16 charcoal fiberglass screen mesh set in a spring-loaded aluminum frame. The frame shall be bronze, white, gold or optional black in color, and shall be mitered and secured with mrner locks for additional strength. Aluminum screen mesh is available as an option. REMOVABLE WOOD GRILLES; Rectangular lite grilles of unfinished wood are available in 7/8" KO or framed profiles. All wood grilles will be installed in the units unless otherwise specified. Diamond lite grilles with surround are available as an option. SYSTEM 2 INTERIOR BLIND SYSTEM: Blinds shall consist of an extruded aluminum head and bottom rail. and l" aluminum slats. Blinds are faslened with snap-on mounling clips to an extruded aluminum storm panel. A conlrol knob at the bottom of the storm panel allows convenient operalion. Blinds can be raised to the stacked Dosition and held in olace with a cord lock. Blinds are available in White or Tan. Aluminum slorm panels are offered in bronze, while or lan. Note: EAGLE l\,laximizer Plus@ is EAGLE Terminology for Low Emissivity Insulating Glass with Argon Gas filling. C01.002.00 stqz EAGLE Window and Door, lnc. reserves the right t0 change specifications without notice Status: I Approved oo COuntturutrY DEVELoPMENT Rounruc FONAI n Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Fire Date Routed:09115104 Routed By:Planner Date Due:09t22t04 D,escription of work:Interior Remodel, exterior window changes, chimney relocation Address:1467 Greenhill Court. West Side Legal:Lot: 110 Block:Subdivision:Glen Lyon Comments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review IESONiT I'ESIGN -----Il('6:I ED*T rI ASSOCIATES KORT REMODEL 9-10.04 WEST ELEVATION d'."lt FI I TESONIr DESIGN E --':-rfctcyl r ASSOCIATES KORT REMODEL $10-04 PART]AL NORTH (FRONT) ELEVATTON KORT REMODEL 9-10.04 SOUTHWEST CORNER (MASTER BEDROOM SUITE) Elisabeth Eckel - 2003 1217BY.JPG Page 1 ',L '.?Y T1: l,.i li t" Yt- * ,i; rti ,Jr ,* 7 fr- F- ti .t., .".; ".,,).t '.- 't 'r'' Elisabeth Eckel - 2003 1217CP Elisabeth Eckel - 2003 1 r,.:i :.:,a. .;i r-;: r1l :rr-. -: ,:i Body HG77 - Alexandria Beige Trlm HC€s - Fairviar Taupe Garage Door HC€s - Fairview Taupe Moorlife@ Latex House Paint 1O5 A premium quality, alkyd-modified vinyl-acrylic latex flat paint which produces an attractive, matte flat finish. Ideal for masonry surfaces, hard board and wood siding, shakes, shingles and primed metal. MoorGard@ Low Lustre Latex House Paint 1O3 A premium quality low lustre, alkyd-modified vinyl-acrylic latex coating offering easy application with excellent hiding and exceptional durability and color retention. MoorGlo@ looo/o Acrylic House & Trim Paint O96 A soft gloss acrylic coating of the highest quality, offering easy application, superior leveling and hiding characteristics, and exceptional durability and color retention. Moore's@ House Paint 11O A superior quality, high gloss, long-oil alkyd house paint which dries to a beautiful protective finish. It flows on smoothly and freely, exhibiting excellent leveling and hiding qualities, and will cover most surfaces in good repaint condition in one coat. Do you want to paint your own photos? With Personal Color Viewer Professional you canl ) Visit http ://www.eisoftwareinc.com/products/benmoore.asp for more information on the software powrr.d bt eisoftware @ September 27,2004 Mr. Stuart Smith Resort Design Associates 1434 Spruce Street, Suite 1 1 0 Boulder, CO 80302 Re: Kort residence remodel DR8040491 Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1467 Greenhill Courl Vail. CO 81657 a{F*t"l i' (" '.: f'; j' \ Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for submitting an application for Design Review Board review of several exterior changes and an interior remodel at the above address. Per our conversation last week, I have scheduled the application for the next Design Review Board hearing on Wednesday, October 6. The Design Review Board will visit the site during its pre-meeting and will then discuss the application at the 3pm hearing in the Town Council Chambers with you and/or any olher representative of the project. To get to the Chambers, use exit #176 from westbound l-70. Then, head south under the bridge and take a right at the first round-about. The second right turn leads to the Town of Vail parking lot. The Chambers is inside ol the building on the east side of that parking lot. There are several issues that might be addressed by the DRB at that meeting. I anticipate that these issues might include the lollowing: 1) The application includes a re-paint. Please submit a color sample lor the repaint. lf the repaint will be a "same for same", please let me know the manufacturer and color name or number that will be used. 2) The Design Review Board may ask for additional landscaping on the west side of the lot. lt appears that several of the trees which were required from a previous approval have since died, leaving certain areas sparsely-landscaped. 3) Additionally, the Board may ask that some of lhe rooftop mechanical equipment be screened or otherwise made to appear more inconspicuous. Frequently, issues such as the ones that I have listed above, appear in the form of conditions of approval. Please do not hesitate 1o contact me should you have any lurther questions or concerns. Occasionally, the Degign Review Board is able to consent approve an application, meaning that the applicant's presence is not needed at the public hearing. Please provide me with a cell phone number so that I may contact you if this is the case. Meanwhile, I will plan on seeing you at the Town Council Chambers at 3pm on Wednesday, October 6'n. Best regards, .,- k' /' 't-".''2, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 ,O** OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Building:-- > 52,332.L5 Restuarant PIan Review-> Plan Check-- > $1 , 515 . 90 DRB Fee-*----------------- > lnvestigation- > Will Call---- > SO. Oo Total Permit Fee----> 93,931.0s s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIII LL/L2/20O4 JRM Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI{ENr L0/2L/2oo4 ee o2/2s/2005 ee Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS LL/22/2OO4 Is Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP o DE.ARTMENT oF coMMu*rv?vrr ;<kffy - S0 . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $3 , 931 . 05 go. oo Additional Fees-----> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BULD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0319 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST UNIT Applied . . : L0l20l2W Parcel No...: 210312403M5 Issued . .. : llllzl}Cf4 Project No : itr(O.\ -O SE() Expires . ..: O5/lll2AO5 ovitNER EIrI_,ENORE aTOIIilII VENTITRE LO/20/2O04 phone: c/o .Ioss EQUTTTES 1_80 N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO IL 50601 License: CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCTION LO/20/20O4 phonez 970-476-4343 2077 NORTH FRONIAGE ROAD SUITE 110 VAIL, CO 81557 License z 443-B APPL,ICANT HEID CONSTRUCTTON !O/2O/20O4 Phone t 97O-476-4343 2O?7 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUITE 110 vArr,, co 81557 License:443-B Description: REMODEI-, HOME, TII-,8, PAINT, WOOD FLOORS ADDED, NEW ROCK ADDED TO FIREPI,ACE Occupancy: R3 Single Family.Residence Ty,peConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $338,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 FireDlace InformatioD: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 r.**r**rrrr*:*t'r:**!r{.**:r**:r*r.**r*i.lt:r*l:l't:tt't:f rt:tr*r*rttr*'tt*,trt'}'1,***:t:*:*t***+,}:t'**:t:*a, FEE suMMARy *,t*:*,t't'***'**tt*+'t+tf++***+********+*l+****:*:i,t'i*'i:**'t't+i*++*11** S0.00 RecreationFee--------> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit------> So - oo Payments--------- > 93,931- 0s TOTAL FEES-------------- > 53,931. os BALANCE DUE-------> 90.00 ,t,* +*:r +*,* i(*,* 'l. r* * +,* *t +**t+*+*:t See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttnt I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *{.*'t'*'|.**********{.*:**!*{!****:*{t***:t******'|t*,}*,t*,**!****:*'+!*********!**,f,t,f**:t!B*!t**'t{t{.'}!t*******!k|!t*****:t!t,t****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #; B04-0319 as of 02-28-2005 Status: ISSUED *,r****'.,*ti,t********{.***'f***,t***'t*:|t*****:*******t|.'****!t{.*****,t.{.*{.'t:|.,t{.,t.1.:t.{.:t.*:t.{.,r*:t:t.****** Permit Type: ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: tltzDt}Cfi- Applicant: HEID CONSTRUCTION Iszued: tln2t2([/-970-n64343 To Expire: 0511112005 Job Address: 12167 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST UNIT Parcel No: 2103124030/'5 Description: REMODEL HOME, TILE, PAINT, WOOD FLOORS ADDED, NEW ROCK ADDED TO FIREPLACE ******;t****+*:t:f *:8*,*t(*********;***,tr****{.*:**!r'}:t *{.*:F** conditions !r.*!**!r.*'f *:r*{<:F:r***********,r*'trrr,* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETBCTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997IJBC. ta****++++'i**aaf++++**+|t****a*++ff*+ttaf**l****t+tt++++*+***+a*a***t*+aaa*****a+a+++*+ft+t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€ot *i+l+*l+*a+*t*+***ttla**fta'}*l!*llr*+**flf++*a+++a*a**aa*ta+aaa*aa***++tf++++t**+***aa**+*r*** Statenent Nuriber: R050000184 Amormt: $163.16 02/28/2OOSO2z2S pM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *872L/Hej.d,ConEtruction Permit No: 804-0319 :hpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L24O3O45 Site Address: 1457 GRBENHIIJIT ef \,AIL Location: 1457 GREENHIIJIJ CI, tfEST ITNIT Tota1 Feea! $3,931.05 This Payment: $153.15 Tota1 AIJIJ Pmts: $3,931.05 Balance: $0. O0 ***fr*t*****tll+*lltt*lt++*****+a+*'t*flf****lt*+ttttl*++laa**t**t+****r*l**r*+*tla+aaa*'ta*+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrl-ption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BMLDING PBRMTT FEES PF 00100003112300 PIAN CEBCK FBBS 50.40 1L2.75 o q t(lL APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Buittting permit H:jEel - A g 1 7 t\\f y\ s704zs-21ts (tnspecrions)be4i wWyMJ/ REVISIoN To TOWN oF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generat Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. o.:Contact and Phone #tsr ATTENTIONi JR, cHARLIa, cnec, oonls <../,1/l.7nLc.drt -? ) o y X _5, Contrac-tor Si gnaturg;_--- COMPLETE For Parcel # Contact Ea ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.e BE\IISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT Labor & Materials REVISEDAMOUNT:g ftV2."ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ Job Name. (aZ E n/ta.- r/a, +4 f L. c x V--- Legal Description Filing:Subdivision:;i ( t N / Y 4,c/ e7 zl.(..E S.aS REASON FOR REVISIONS f-z 4nrcz o._-',,''"'C*rwA) ftrsf,'*db-rttJu-l{g, rt-V/accJrr/,-,-f 1ps,fui1t,4+d, z<c/-oz2s<{/ <-/., 4 P.7 ragz€ . /,+n,t6* ) /r tzrt€.K J 2-V /l 7- s zz= 44-.,b,2-/a/(S_ **t*t****i**********t**+**tr**aRo uTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly**********44*+*******+***r++r******* PLANNING DEP4fiTM BUILDING DEPARTMENT: APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Brril<ting Pernit#: ;BO1-A 3l ? ST 0 47 9 -21 49 ( I nspectio ns ) \-:]TI / REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT MWNOFVA]LIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 el# C ***************************i**** Ro uTlN G INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY****r*************r*r*************** BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ROUTED TO: DATE RduTEU PLANNING DEPARTMENT: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contracton 'h) /!.,, Town of Vail Reg. ltlo.:Gontact and Phone #tsl 7,1 ,/*b'?)"'31a -. ATTENTION: JI{, CHARLIE, GREG, DORIS <:rtf77l+cttt-f )o .f X,St Contractor Sagnatur9;--..--- OMPLETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ & Vt "'ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ or Parcel # Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www eaqle-counlv com .F*argpti* 2lai r?z/o<als Job Namer i , .-- ,.,y',c2/ lftq,:Ae L-'yyf") (tzt,y,/rzc </c,t{/ L,,:,; - Legal Description Lot:. ,7:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ./ / r nr / c L!' !'_'i,tu/ Owners Name.Address:Phone: o'")82' ?:)sHt <,.r.t z 5>, < A.l.l aa e q' )TfTlArr".- ,. (f . -/>"*L),1'?'95'rn - t,/-<\- Enginegg,rtr,E:t_ t,.zt 't'1)' i-k,l' rtx,. .l-. , y'{'L' - LX't,t(-HY'/q<.as'.t: REASoN FoR REVlsloNS: (lt,r Er ) {vzs/r-'<{ 7-: 7vJ..r,tt)\ 7/*/; ct. $r't'-"{ ,v stao((1 f-c /< nrcz ,'4'- A-.t-i,rq.r72,fr<LZ (!ik-{P.taa?t€, /,+o,t4;o15/lt,A,€4J 7-D .z; f s zza ,'22 \ A, Z / o./( 5_ C:\windows\Oesktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Btdo oermit.doc 1Ct16t20C2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o DEPARTMENT oF coMMUMr" #*rorru*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PeTmit #: BO4-0319 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST LINIT Applied. . : 10/2012004 Parcel No...: 210312403045 Issued . .. : llll2l2004 Proiect No : N -r:'? <O q - o.SK) Expires . ..: O5lll/2005 ._.t-rJo4 _ , OWNER ELIJENORE.JOINT VENTURE 1,0/20/2004 Phone: C/O .]OSS EQUITIES 1-80 N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO rL 50601 License: CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCTTON 1"0/20/2004 Phone: 970-476-4343 2077 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD surrE 110 VATL. CO 81,657 License : 443-B APPIJICANT HEID CONSTRUCTION L0/20/2004 Phone: 9'70-41 6-4343 2077 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUITE 110 VAIL, CO 8L551 License: 443-8 Description: REMODEL HOME, TTLE, PAINT, WOOD FLOORS ADDED, NEW ROCK ADDED TO FIREPLACE Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: 5330,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGa.s Appliances: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 r t * *,t,t * *:tr,t':i. * *,t* Building------> 52,2aL.75 Restuarant Plan Revicw--> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 33,161 -89 Plan Check--> 51 , 483 . 14 DRB Fee------------> S0 . 00 Additional Fe€s-------> S0 . 00 Investigation-> 30.00 Recreation Fce-------> 50.00 Total Pcrmit Fee----> 53,'167.89 Will Call----> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit------> 50.00 Paymenb---------> 53,?67-89 TOTAL FEES------------> 53,767.89 BALANCE DUE----> 50.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT II/!2/2004 JRM AcEion: AP Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT 10/2I/2004 ee Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT TIem: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS tnleryactnowtedgcthat I havercad*QO""O*, fillodout in full the informationrequire4 completed an accurateplotplan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plm, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strncture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design revicn' approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOIJP$ IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8SO AM . 4 PM. SIGNATI,JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 *,t,}***'f'*:**,F:|t*'}*'t*:|**!t*+:t'+*!t,|.,*'}'t******!t,f*'t******{.*!t+lt{t!t*:|t*'|t'i*****!t{.****!.:i***!t++*:**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0319 as of I l-12-2004 Status: ISSUED * * * *:i,i * 'lr,l * * * !r ** * * * 't * ** * **,i +* * * *:* * * ** * * *'f **'f 't * * ++ * *'i * * +,i* * * ** * {. * * *:}* * * * * * ** * * *,} * !t +* * **{.** **,}!i***:r**+***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10/20/2004 Applicant HEID CONSTRUCTION Issued: ll/12/2004 970-4764343 To Expire: 0511112005 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST LJNIT ParcelNo: 210312403045 Description: REMODEL HOME, TILE, PAINT, WOOD FLOORS ADDED, NEW ROCK ADDED TO FIREPLACE **,}'|**'***{.'t**ts't'**'l*'}*t}+'t'*:}*****'}'}{t*{t:i:+'}***'}'}lt*****Conditions:t**'t***{t,}l.'t*t}***,}{.****:t:}'t*,*****:**,t********* Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. ***t+***+++******'|**t*'}l*i***'t+*+'t++l+*+a**a****+*******t****ti++*t*a*i*tf+***+****t++++**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement t**++la***+******l*lf*t*l t*ltfl+***+*+t***++tl+***t+****+++f+*++***l+++++*+t*rf+++*t*a****** Statenent Number: R040007L2L Amount: 53,167.89 7L/72/200402:5? PM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: geid Construct.ion / ck*8360 Permit. No: 804-031-9 T\4re: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 27O3L2403045 Site Address: 1467 GREEX{HfLL CT VAIL Location: 1457 GREETiIHILL CT, WBST I,NIT Total Fees: $3,767.89 This Payment: $3,?67.89 Total ALL Pnts: 53,767.e9 Balance: 50.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Etnts BP OO1OOOO31.111OO BUII,DING PERMIT FEES 2,281,.75 pF 00100003112300 pr,AN CHECK FEES 7,483.t4 wc 00100003112800 wrlr, CALL rNspEcrroN FEE 3.00 Description rt J Stct .II AppLlcATloN wlLL NOr BE ACCEPTED lF lNcoMPLEre oRurrrslc\ft;cs O sgd ICATI i rnernec hanica l, etc. ! t7 mr vDFUUL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CoNTRAGTOR INFoEMATIoN gFriCrC.rF€- 1r&- Z\QO -?',1"3':B*"' ffiGaAress: 4rrrrrnbnxlg<-@ @ 'r-rrrr. E.rEr Erl lll nlNl? PFRMIT Labor & Materials COMPLE I E VALt ,A I lLrtrJ r \.rr\ - I elecrnrcnr-,$ @ OTHER: $ BUILDING: $ TOTAL: PLUMBING: $ 3o,ooo MECHANICAL: $ 3O,OOO For Parcel # Contact E Coun Assessors Office at g7|'325'86a0 or'ffi *******************+*****'''*********FOR OFFICE USE ONL ztoblz-qo3oq 5 ffi-6peiENt\LL s- V>\u- Job Address:vE'5r- v'{ r-r-Job Name: Koul- @ EE$oPE-l- Subdivision: C'{-EA L{ot{ er6 ' Legal DescriPtion ' L^oq z6 a l\4lcb ils: zra nor-srr c*+trtn o' r-P : tq3{Lr o @toz hone: lo, qqq ?rlg P$/A.{ , ar\r<a- zot I 3trtiFgag c:P ffisdrifition-fwork: gstt'oe=.'ii ' t'E!' enc.e |gDDe -Io ffiion( ) Remoder(r) Repair( ) pemo( ) otlrer,( ) ilHu"*i.tuttn'.to""tion, Yes( ) *"f l ffi;''t'lGnor( ) Exterior( ) Botit(l') Type of Bldg : Single-family () Two-family (X, ) Multi-family (iTo--tt"*i"t ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) ffiA.."ffiodation Units in this building: ffittts D-"lling units in this building: L NOT ALLOWED es( ) No ffi)No( \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM'DOC ruNNffi Questions? Call the Building o Tea m at479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This cheklirt must be amoleM before a Buitdina permit apptication is acepted. r/ ltt pug", of application is complete d nutDRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy ofapproval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex 1 c/ Complete site plan submitted o -Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) a { sruging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aporoval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fa;ily) tl { o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) I C Window and door schedule { fn structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) / Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial ancl Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prlor to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated I y' S.ok" detectors shown on plans { lyptand quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: B- F< A-vLs Date of submittal: \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04t02n003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:SFAvA O+tA€is\9c.F- Print name Project Name:Ko!-T-PE,.AoDEL- Date: o,x tt , ztoq F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Dwelopment Depadment Russell Fonest, Director, (970)47s-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your initialcontact with our staf immediate slow 0r no one available ? lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not?., 5. Was this your first time t0 fle a DRB app-_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of the staf person who assisied you:54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use tlre Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our seMce. 1 8. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAy PERMIT.IS REQUIRED PLEASE REAS AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? yES Does demolition work being performed ,"Or'rfiJn"f" of the Right-of-Way, easements or No/ YES NO ',/ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? yEs No/ NO D o o o tf public property? yES Is any utility work needed? yES Is the driveway being repaved? Is any drainagfiJ"r2"'.n done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property? O o Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NO "/ i.s the Right-of-way, grsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO V lLlT*"t . NO, rs ayrking, staging or fencing plan required by pubtic Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in public Works at 479-ZL9B. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. t+E\$ co^t5TP.l/c-rK.,^l Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: kor-T- pE-^1, o vE_t_ Date Signed:P lrtl o,.l F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 o PW#:T[-TTNT PATCCI#:INTI TTN TT'TIT Brds. Permit#,8 n ! - I n f I 1. 2. Job Namo Street Address I ll ll l-l I (ilunknowncatl LJI 1l I i I 479-2138 ext.0) Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Number REOUIREO zip City Phone # Start Date Work is for (circle one) Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Date) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. Flubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to Process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ o. B. Public Service Company (1-800- Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) 10. 11. 12. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, exl 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town ol Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be clone by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172), Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to comrnsncing ot work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. t certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTBOL PLAN Show slreets with names, buildings, and location ot cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Print name cleady Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Coniractor How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "public way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontaqe Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. ; Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "public way permit" with a "Building Permit". NorE: The above process is for work in a public way oNLy. public way Permits are valid only until November l5th. A new public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the Z; r*' <z/>4 signature --'s:---ral rC ar F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 above. Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REqUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access Doints from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Sllt'* Dr,< FrrrrBerF'o.6 Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: F :leveryonelf orms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of tne iterns Oelo*. _ _ - (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-1Or DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PRbHIBITED unlaMul deposits: subject to subsection c thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director,s employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks,'muJ,dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public works' In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other autnorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and'upon hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlaMul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance G (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to conltitute a violation of any section of this Atticle, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the..charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shafi be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (ord, 2(1968) s i: ord. 28(1981) s 1) provided in subsection B above, be issued a summons to appear being found guilty of a violation I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Slh.,,rr lr( grtr r{ DLt D"F Print Name --=: t- zeo?-' Position or Relationship to Project: pf,rt Date Signed: talrl,lo,t F:/everyone/lbrnrs/bldpernr 7 Signature Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guest to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village and Lionshead Village Construction Hours Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the and the Merchants. to not actively participate to minimize the impact of New for 2004-2006 will be the Vail Village and Lio Village areas. Project. Work'to i clude all utility related improvements, streetscape and landscap Vail Village and All Gonstruction projects and/or Bluhm Town of Vail Streetscape Givens The following givens are intended to in the Villaoes: Vail 2004 Lionshead Village Construction Hours Information Handout should Scott construction lbe The public's health, safety and Adequate pedestrian, loadin be maintained. vehicle, a and debris. Vail Village and otl the Vail , refer to The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15-JunelB&SeptemberT-November19,7a.m. until Tp.m.,sevendaysaweek. June 18 thru September 10, work must end by 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. November 13 - April 1 5, 2005 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 'l 1:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special Construction delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 19 and September 5. 0c t-07-04 1'0m{0FyA[, ut:J4pm 9704t52452 t-172 P.002/904 F-532 Department of Communiry D"uiopiii 75 South Frontage Road Dear Sfuart, Thank you making the drive to-attend yesterdars Desiq nevigyv Board meeting regarding the above address.As we discussed, the Design Review Bo;d co;;e;iapproved the apprication wltn tne foilowing two condirions: 1) The applicant shall remove all non-conforming lighting fixtures from the residence prior to the time of issuance of the final certificate Of Occupancy.2) The applicarrt shall paint the flashing it tne roottop skyiights to match the roof prior to the time oi the issuance of the final certjficate of oJcupancy. I have attached the approval form that will be needed to apply for the building permit. per our conversation, the ,l'il',fs?:ffiiJ3?:"T,Y':l'Sy":*:"*y:""g'::"^i*.1::.:;*-':_"."4i.i:!," ro rhe heavv app,icarion ,oad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t s8 F/lX 970-479-24i2 www.vailgou-com October 7, 2004 Mr. Stuan Smith Reson Design Associates 1 434 Spruce Street, Suite 1 10 Boulder, CO S0902 (fax) 303.449-3366 Re: Kort residence remodel, DRB040491 Lot t0, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1/t67 creenhill Coun Vail, CO el657 Town of Vail OFF!0ffi SOPY 9oa, o4 (\ l''I":f ::?1fl :9:,:r:T: j^"1;ll?."'':.'t".*,.di#;iil-""v.*iiiffi;iff#T':; 2no'n>,*Yattv' thalu for vour patience in what is not arwiy= a "iriiJ'Jrig;TJ;:li";u:::,4"o.& ,.t At'Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure t.lD l-t EECYC!,€O P/EEn s704t9?452 Design Review Board ACTION FORM _- FErqn*t of Community Ds/elopment 7s ?{h-lonFse Road, vati cobmOo st6sz te{; 97O.479.2t39 fax: 970,qg.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,Lrs r-172 P.003/004 F-53? DRE Number: DRB04G{9r Participants: OWNER ELLENOREJOINTVENTURE 09/74/2O04 phone: C/O JOSS EQUMES 1BO N STETSON 5555 CHICAGO IL 60601 License: APPLJCANT STUARTSMITH 1434 SPRUCE ST #110 BOULDER co 80302 Ucense: Project Address: 1467 GREENHILL Cf VNL 1467 GREENHITL Cr, WEST UNIT 09/L4/2O04 phone: Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403045 comments: see conditions Location! 0ct-07-04 0l:32pm From-T0Wl{ 0F VAIL-COIfiUNlTY DEVEL0PIEI{T _ I0t4^,m Project Name: ELTENORE ALTEMTION Project Description: .ffiio"r,jrt"aj|:?:"1ffj1."*indows anct doors on nortft and wesr side of home, relocation of BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Hanlon Dunning 3-0-0 Action: APPRoVED Date of Approvat: 10/A6/20O4 Cond: 8 Iffry)ilo changes to these prans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review -rrittCij.Condl 0 !PLAN):DR? approval does not constftute a permit for buirding. prease consurt w,th Io*l o^f-Y"tt Building personnel prior to consiruJonianuiti"r.Cond: 2Ol DRB apprrrval sharl not become varid for 20 days forowing the date of approvar.C-ondl.2O2 Approval of this projed shat rapse and becorne void one (r) year followi6g the date of final approval, unless a buirding permit is issuJ'ino construction is 6srry16E66g6 Qct-07-0{ 0l:32m FrorT0lf{ 0F VAIL CdffiJt{lTY OEVELOPiEI{T o and b dil(Jentfy pursued bunrd qnpledon.ffi: @N0006228 1) The apprrcantstnrr renrorrc ail non<onformiru rigturg fi:Gres frrom the resdene prbr tofie ume of isqnnce onUre. n.iiE uiiletilrLr,.y.EnUy: tOIO7/2oO4 Bf ee Action: Ap 6nd: @frt(X)06729 z).The appri;ant shail parnt t|e flashrng dthe rooftop shdghts to matdl u,e rcof prbr to t." trrne__of tfie issuance d the-finar ernncat! e-'d;p"d-Ertuy. LOlO7y'2(XX By: ee Acton: Ap Planner: glsabeth Ed(el DRB Fee paid: S2o.oo s701ts2152 o r-trz P.001/001 F-53? OCT l? 2OO4 8:36P1.1 B5-DER Er.rvIRoNr.rENrRL r.rHN t 5"' 6rrs -4121 Pba!: (303),+4g-l P.1 facsimile tansniffil To:Joyce Hy&(e10)?&2182 F& I (t66) 69e-al : I Frorn: Chrio Maron ron7tu4 146(\lD Greohill Cl., vail l1 o rltgprr d ranrvr,r' tr n:3oonrvmt' tr nnJLCy lJrl|lrrRrcytl' , OCT l? 2OO4 8:36Pt-l BoULDER ENvIROI{1.|EI{TRL ,.1H1{ I (q66) 6:t9 -.1 121 Ou MMK Boulder Environmental Managemeng Inc. pm*5dBff'T'**$il,:?,Sjfn ^ ocrober L7,2ln4 Mr. Hiltoulturt 2 l0 North Charnbord lhivc Atlanta, GA30327 RE: Bulk sarrpliug of suspccted asbestos-containing msrcrials f46?OfD Grecnhlll Cour{ Vdl, Colondo DaarMr. Kort: Attached is the rcport for the asbestos sun'ey and bulk sampling of suspecte :. arbestos containing building matcrials at f467(1Y) Grcerhlll Couri Vdl Colondo. This investigation was conducted on behalf of and for thc excfusivo use of ltl,r. Hllton Kort (clicut), solely for use in a limited asb€stos srrrvcy of the popcrty. Tbil rcErrt and thc fndings hcrcin shall nof in wholc or in part bc disscminatcd or conveyt,l to any othcr parfy, nor used by aoy othcr party, in whole or in part, without prior w:ilten :onsent of Boulder Environmental Managemc,nt. the resulb of this survey are limited to materials that wcrc asscssablp and fi,:c:icetble. Additional materials may exist behind bard sufices. PersoDnel krcwledgcr llhr ol' asb€stos containing materials should alwayn overs€o domolition astivities. I)croolition work should be halted and sampling performed by a satc of Colondo licensd bu lding inspoctor if additional matcrials, whicb arc suspected of containing asbcstos ate cncountered. If you have any questions rcgarding thc sont€nts ofthis report, plcasc do no h('sitlte to contact us. p.2 Sincerely, U,^ //t*" Ctris Maron Project Managcr *Arboltorrl*rdrlndurtrld HyglenetSrfotyrtrlnrl Ats Terdng' rE€dth rnd Sdety Tnlnlng! OcT I? 2oo4 g:37PH BOULDER ENVIRON]'|EI{TRL r.tnt{ I (q66I 6ttg-.+lZl p.3 oo Boulder Environmental Managemenl Inc. 5 DfiTnilRordBouldcr, CO g03@ Ph@a(303)4{9-1175 Frx:l(E66)699-1t21 BULK SAMPLINGREPORT 1467[V) Greenhltl Court, Vail, Colorado Inhoducdon: on october t, 2004, Boulder Environmcntal Managemant, Inc.'o building rrrrpccbr, chrb lUrrou, condrcted an rsbcstos suncy and bulk sanpling of euspecte,:r arbestos- containing matecials. Thc purposc of the slrdy was to idartif matoials surlrc,#rl of oontaining asbestos per thc Envirouneotal Protcction Agcocy (EpA). Srmpllng: Dunng thc sampling procese, srupect ACM was separated into tbrcc EFA cr:cgories. Those catcgories are themral Bys&rn insulation (TSr), surfacing Aca4 and r:,is:cllancous AC\4. TSI includcs all matcrisls uscd to pr€vent h€at loss or gein or water (:JDderaatioD on mechanical systsns. Exanrplcs of TSI are pipe covcrings, boiler insulati : n, duct wrap, and rud packcd fitting csmcnt Surfacing ACM includer all ACIrd th:.t ie sprayd howcllcd, or othcrwise applied b a surfaoc. These applicatiots re most co:rnronly usod in fircproofng, dccorativc and acoustical applications. Miscellancous matcr. als irrclude all ACM not listcd in the therural system inculation or surfacing catcgorics, ruch as linolcum, vinyl asbcstos flouing and ceiling tile. Bouldcr Environmental Managemcnt, Inc. followcd EPA recommended sanpling guidelines for idcntification of asbagtos in bulk matrices. A sct of thr€e (3), tive (:i), or scveo (7) sanrples were collectcd for each mafcriel tlpe and ryrallzed by Polrrrizcd Light Mictoscopy (PLM). Each sanplc 8ct wa8 eystematically analyzod. Upon de 'nrmtration that a samplc in a sct containcd asbcstos, analysis of the rcuraining saroples rr the s€t was discontinued If no asbcstos was deEcted during thc aoalysce, thc suspect nrrlc'rirl was det€rmined to bc negativc for asbostos conteot. rArbstor*Lerdilndmlriel IlygleneisrfctyiFlldAlr Terdrgr 2 rHcalth and Sefety Tlalnlng' ocT 1? 200r+8:3?Pf'l Uot* ENvIRoNI{ENTRL l.lFr{ t 5", 6rt9-4lel Boulder Environmental Managemen! Inc. 5 Dcc Ttlil Rosd Borldor, C0 S03@ Phone (303),149-1175 Fax I (E6e6994121 Rerultr: Thc following material was insoseseible and muet bc considsed ssbesto$ c,:ntaining rrnlcaE ltroy@ othcrwise: P. 't PRESI]MH) ASBESTOS{ONTAINING MATERHLS LOCATION Boiler Th9 fg[owing matcrial war melpcd and det€rmfucd b be traco ssbcsbc-cootirirng utili"ing polarizcd ligbt microecopy (pllvf). ASBESTO$CONTAIIIING MA SAMPLE II) -IEE COntained a tnoe drcrn point oount roctlod The rcmdt of thc r+aulyrcs was tat thc Dsterial containcd lcss tbrtr l7r .rbcstor rad coujd rr:nain in tho building during d.nolition as Img r.e OSHA Suideliaes rn follorvcd druing &rmlitio.r. The following matcrials wac analyzcd and detcrmincd b be non ssbestos{:)ilaining utilizing polarized ligbt microscopy (PLM). NON ASBESTOS{ONTAII\ilNG MAIERIALS MATERHL LOCATION SAMPLE ID Graypaper Boilcrroom floor 10-E{M-0lA 10-&cM-024 10-8-CM{3A Gitty to(tur€d drywall and jointcompomd Garagc -west wall, Garagc - south wall, Gance-eastwall l0-8.cM{48 l0-8-c\{458 10-8-Ch{{68 Roofflaohing paper Above firontentrydmr, At commotr arer betw€en cordo units, Atwcstporch offdining room r0-8{1!t{7c 10-8-C1\{48C 10-8{M49C *Arbcrtorf Lordrlndurolrl EyglonorSrfrty*X'lr.l Alr Trdugi *Eedth rnd Srfety Tnlnlng! Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 5 Dc.r Trail Rosd Boulda, CO E0302 Phouc: (303) 449-1175 Frx I (866) 699-4121 GMATERIALS SAMP[.EID I l0D ro-E-cM-llD IGE-CM-I2D lG8-CM-l3D IO.E€M.I4D 1G,8-CM-r5D l0-8{M-r6D Ilircurslon: Sunplc analyscs rcaults arc rcportod in perccntages ofasbcstos and non-asb : st'rs componcnts. Thc BPA defines any matcrial that contains gr€at€r thrn oncpt'rcont (l7o) asbestos, gtilizing PLM, ar being an asbcstos containing material. Matcrialr tbat aro identified as 'bon detpsted" arc spccified a6 not containing asbcctoc. Concluslon: The boller csutHng could not be rccgred rnd rhould be conridered rrbrstor contrluing. Tbe vumiculito in tbe second lwel bodroom lwel fircplacc corlgns less Oran l7o asbcstos. All ofter building matcrialr sanpled in this ruwcy are utir asbtstos conaining. Thc dcmolition of trace asbestos matcrials requircs OSHA class 2 asbcsbe r:'movll work prrctices. Tho malcrial is not regulatcd by thc Envircnmontal hot€ction Agcncy or thc Colorado Deporheot of Public Health and Eoviroamcnt The OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1926.1 101(g[l)(ii) aud (iii), as wcll as recor 1-kecping requirements uoder 29 CFR 1926.1l0l(n) tbat are associatcd with the negabvc €4rcsurc assessmetrt, pply so long as neithcr asbcstos permissible exposure linit (PI.!) is exceoded or miglt be exceedod. rArbcstosif,erdf lndurHal HyglenerSrfetf Ffrd Atr Tertlngr rHcdth rnd Srfety Tralnlnf OCT, r7 2OO4 a:3?Pll BUDER ElrvIRot{r,rEt{rn|- r.rRN t 5"' 6r1s-,r121 p.5 NON Knocked- down tcxtured drywsll andjoint compound Boilcrroom ceiling Southwest corDcr of thc kitchcn nook inside of cabinct, West bedroom closeton tte first bedroour lcvel, 2m bcdroom level - east bafhroom-west wdl, Top floorlaundry room, Top floor ea6t bedroonr cloeet, Top floor wcst bedroocr ocT 1? eoo.r 8:38Ptl "5.ot* El{vIRot{}lEt{rRL ltntl t 5", Boulder Environmental Managemen! Inc. 5 DcaTnilRocdBouldcr, Co 80302 Phoo: (303) ,149.1l?5 Frx t (860 6994121 29 CFR 1926.1l0lGxl)(ii) requircs: I'Wct mcthodr, orwetdng rgob, to conEol employeo erpocure durtng rtbedos hrndtlng'mldng reuovel cutdng eppllcedon, rnd eJeuup, crcrptwlrere employen demonrblte thrt itc urc of wet mcthodr ir Inferdblc duc 3o tbr cnmpf the creatlon of clecbtcel hazrrdq cqulpment rnrlfrrncflon, rn4 ln rcofing, ctcept gN provldc ln paragraph @(EXlt) of thlr recflon;r' aad 29 CFR 1926. I I 0l(gxl)(iii) raquircs: trhompt clcrn-up rnd dlrpolel of wntcr and debrlr contanlnrted wltlr rsbertc ln le*-dglt contrlncn erecpt ln rmfing opcrrdonr, wherc the procedures rpeclllcd ln prrryrapb (g)CIXlD of thfu recdon apply." Thc results of thir survey patain only to marcrials tgted. Thc laboratory Fport8 supporting frese findinp abovc arc attac,hcd- Plcasc contact Bouldcr Euvironmeqtal Management, Inc. with my qucrtioo i oi: ocrnccnrs rcgarding tbie rrport Sinccrcly, /)a U*/L Cbris Maron AHERA Inspoctor615 rArbotocrlordrlndurtrhl Ey3lenorSrfetf Xlml Alr Totlnit rEedth rnd Srfety Tnlningr 6:t9 -4ta1 p.6 17 2004 g: 39Ptl LDER ETtV I RONl.IENTRL I.IRN i 1l:,il*4$5;i -'r'i -. 66t G l9 -,+l2r 1(p.7 :'.,.,.i;rir-.* P.8 t9 :, irC 6 tfr ts I (86 i,,ir::,iO, hrEa,.;a D 8: tlGPl,l 1i;rr[ii;,ii i; -;:j;:&i.;.: ?oo1 ,i!iir,i"t',.i: i.i'r:, OCT 17 2OO4 8:soPl,l LDER EI{V I RO].I].IEIlTFL .1L?L ts l*"r+i :"-.i:t ::.:l .1 i- l i :ri !:i P.s !1r tr4'l. P. 10 ) 6 rs.-41e1 OCT 17 2OO4 €: S?Pi{ER EItV I ROIIHENTRL FIHI{ {:it ,i,i-f il ii t:! .';, ,t *il i! ; i; ;,; ! l'ar. 1 Ji. i { r!.l' 'lt :i$i;! .il :l ii li li t..l ir II r lta {,i ia -;x ln i; !l l;:i ,il !r !,i t! ii I,J 'll :it t; i r-;i; i: l:li ii .ii 1i ie 1! i--i.: :"j !t lf '!!qrl t( a,' lt" :i OCT 1? Z0ortr 9: O4Ptl BO ER ENV I ROl.{r,rEllTHL HRit I (86e;t 6tS-r+l2l ULD o P. r I Prge I d,t 2050 E4nrr $ Dt rr, CO 80211 (tct) S+f SB F'[({tC) 177{.273 Totl Frr (8tF) llE3l'E:NV October 12.20(X Chft Maron Bouldcr Envlronmenbl Man. (CS) 5 D€er Tr.ll Road Bdjdsco 00302 bboilfo.t Co.L: El.con'|rctNunb.r: bbor|lort Rapoft ftq.ct O..ct{Doon: iE8 1{A RE8',r0 0+t llona tlh an ll87 lJ, rinmHl Gt' Vell DcarCustfirff, Regcnnln ErMronnrcnhl, InG i6 an analyfc.l hboratory accnditcd for fi€ il4/t I ol lrduttnal tlygl€nc and Environmonbt mslriccs by tu Nttitilal vorJnhry l'borsry Acctdiiallon PF(t€tn (lwllP)' L'b Code # 101 896 and hr Arncdcen lndu:trial Hygienc As.ocirtlon (All-lA), llb ]D 1 0r ri3 ] ' .Accreditation Ccrtificate lt4EO. ThlB lsborstory ls otruntty proficicnt In both Proici.nsY T€!0ng :ft P/\T progtams rsspadiYlly. Reaarvolra Envilonmcntgl, Inc h.3 {alyr.d thc bllOilng samplos ftr esbcltot c(ntant ao pcr your raquct. Thc alalysia hs bcei comflcbd ln genofat scoordanoc YYltr ttU applcPrliltc m€hodology aE *aeC h trs "hhod anetydr tabh. ihe n'lull8 ha* ba.n subrnl1€d b your olllog. RE8 lo979a-t i8 thejob numb€r.$lgncd to this 8tudy. Thb roport h conildcEd higlly confid'ntiel and thc aol€ pmp€ily ol 0i cu5-bfiisr, Ra[ryoln Envimnm tel, Inc. wlll not dlqj8| € rly per: of thi! Cudy wiUr pereonnet onoithen thos6 of the cli€nt. Th. resr.{te deaoriboct In thi! cport only . ltp y tc thc lamph6 enav."O. fnf repot must not b. u!€d to ddm sndonoment of prcdudsor analyd(.l. ''itsltlts by NVTJ\P or "ny '"g"ncy ot Uti U.S. Coverrcni. Earplee witl be dlepoaad if a{ter ixty dayt rle :n lofi1gr 6rag' h r"queasO. f t you hrw any quesdon3 abqti fii! 'gport, pl€aso fool frcc b contad mc a: 3('$964'19E6' Psul D. Loscalzo l rsnlong Uu Prul F. KnepPG Rich WbgrrYn P. r2 BO ER ElIV I ROTII'lENTRL l.IHN rtt c ,2 !c OC'O OQ Fcto (\a€ .c r ,"5, 6rs-4rer E a ULD o ocT l7 2004 9: ortPtl Ittlrl.h i E N o CD 6 r : a g F F eee s o E T t o E I { E .g .9 .9 EUE o6t!EEE EEE Ab.b ? E E EEE $= E= - FgigEFcEEEgii$$ aa s T a E t E o E (, =3!*-eF lllrl E FJ z;t O FE gSI u,>R5 I EEI 3 63E b fr iz' -e :H H i i., i r f; r,E3t E fi HEE€5: aD o *ci 4, tEr = , EFE ! E i?i': i EtEtFFt E EggEgEE I : ::9F E I i! EE b(''(qCO N tT 60 eo cl {'o cl =ll, 88 99 -t qq .P?oct () :f ;l 't ?t $$-.qq 33 5!si 3933 coarct ?.!.?? ot I t o :=l|. uJ c I fi I Ei E; ;g rt 2,F HEE <>u P. 13 !t I a,:t o ctl o o-I E t i BoUER ENvrRol1llEnrnL HRN t ,"i3 6'rs -4r21 R8 8F 8R 3R -SR I OCI r? 2OO4 9: OSPl'l it E il P ii_ g i:E { iil!€ $E iii:E E g la = E t E FEgg g *g,gBo Eg:gEgEggEg t E f, ?x5 5s E; !$rl 2F ')'a rl :t t; .2 ..1 rl :9 :t t? .? ,t &s (D o o *q T CI t I t E i lt g i E=Et E6,P .E EiE H E'E E,5=g s fiHEE35:3 o = flEn 2 26 lll*9 . Fi;zEt O Ef,g1E uI >8.5 -fr*E 3 :EH O gtc !!o-=654 E ;zF 2 -c- I IIJ E oo uJo E* o a llJ o F 2 UJ (,E uJ o-i o J z -J )o .)4 UJ J o F {,= E P <.o O <o <o <.D <6 <Ec) **$ o <tl ol dfifi oat tt oor o ! *I ?CI oo Gl tt *:l q9 +c?oct oo C'?t$33 o , laE a=EE$EEE HEE <>uJ P. 14 BO ER ENV I RONT,IENTffL l.IFII 1 ( 866I 6rl9 -4121 ULD o OCT. I ? 2OO4 S: OSPi.l llll.ri.i!\g 18 #tl I lr, q E t o ai 6 q.I t € € q g E t E ct =i-EEn 2eF lllr9 . Fii 6EF gtl ul rri =&5s :638 a tt'6 BE luo t,i 8 ul P F 2 ul P Ir|G ./E ah j 2 5 e 5 c uJ J t0 F o t) i *?E1 E6€E E+6 +.'€ €FE R I,E E,5= g s fi;EiiFIg I I 1I t -.!E>E*Av i'r gI ll 2F ct .. t,! t , EnE € 1?*nc 8 i SFFEEE pEEEIESI R ? s o (t 88 t t EE € EE E E; : EEE ge g EE E ;F8 <>uJ HH g tr t .t? f 6cr0 fF GEBAU,nc II il tl tt u ,-Fre!O vt4if{ 4- Zx4ot-' ,frE7iL/u//";4 ftfu|ri drg RJt6e uL 4U,FPEAgcis .qCc 2 ?1,8 CF 2-U4z/,{h - -. i./-2r4 Tiiitz t/\tDEie AXtg-' ,t?ii7 - CEN /,,EFE e E{"q tucE co 4/J,. r 5/]4PZ)N Ptr;Abe-,.cL E4sa- 44/N ,7c ,.t-Yi FTG. 4 Aw ?!b ga.y a" Frb, afi .4-m PaF t/'vlu/i7?),@;F , _futt zEN/84 @ Extfl.1-2x/ooL,AEa,/E - tEiEL all z//q 4a4rtup& GzqAE-t* FE*D. ?zAt'j CzTA't 3-*5 8.1, t1,t/'1 a ,'FpEFa Bo-f a'i AIL por{- olfl E,p/4 x3 CCLU\4N 2 [zlor , -' fr.tI Flhnorq., 12/29/2A94 OBiEI 393949A284 KOECHLEIN EI.IGINEERS oo \ Koechlein Consulting Engineers, LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 (303)989-0204 FAX Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Phr1y. Sulte 115. Lakewood, CO 80228.2845 www.KCE-Denva.com AVON/SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 949-9223 FAX Dccacrber 23, 2004 Chip Talloa Heid Corutuctioq Irc. 0275 Maia St, Suita G-005 Edwards, CO E1632 l-.-l yw,0st7 Subjcct Excavation Observalion - Proposed Firg?lacc and Loft Addirioas 1467 crcqnbjll Court - Wast Duplcx Vail, Colorado Job No. 04-194 As tequested, a repraseotativc tora our office observcd thc matcrials exposed in thc opca cxcavations in the interior of tle subject dupler ou Daccoba 21, 2004. Thc purposc of ow obscreation was to vsrify that the exposed paErials will suplon sprcad foor.g foundationr for the proposcd fireplace ia the liviag rooo and thc proposed loft additiol iu thc garage. Thc fireplace footing will bc cotrsEucted in the crawl spacc bcneath rhe [vjag roosr- Thc ground orface ir tbe arca of the freplacc footing ras rciatively lewl and thcrefore did not require sep th"n a fcw inches of crcaration The dcpth of excavatiou for thc footing in the garagc vras approximately 1.0 fooi below thc cxisting slab-on-grade lcvcl The rnaterials ax,posed in thr botom of the excavatiow for thc proposcd fouadations consistcd of DaDJnl, dry, debsc, claycy sard with gxa.vel and scattered cobblcs aad boulders. All of tbc uatural soil cxposcd witlun the excavations was dease and undisturbcd If soilg become loose d"'i''g coEstuctio! ofthe foundations, thc soils should be properly moiiturc reatcd a,rvl compacted. Provided our rccoomoldalioas are followod, it is our opinion that tbe oatural soils exposed witbio tbc ocoavatiors will support a sprcad footiui3 foundation systco dcsigned for a ma:dmuo allowablc soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. Oru opiuion i.r barcd oo tbc foundat'on subgradc being wuatrrated and &ost-froc during footing corrstuctiot Tha opinious pracntcd in thir letcr arc based on obscrvations of thc materis,l exposed at the surfrcc of the formdation excavations. It is possiblc that oubsurface conditions could change below the cxposcd foundadon excavations. Wc apprcciatc thc opporhmity to providc rhis service. Ifwe cqn be of fi:rtbcr assistance, picare coutart our ofrce, KOECI{LEIN CONSTJLTING ENGINEERS, INC. Scou B. Mycrs, P.E., Senior Euginccr William H. Koeehleia P.E. Prcsident (2 copies senl) cc: I &xcd copy - Rerort Dcsigns I fo<ed copy - Gcbau Enginecriug PAGE S2 Inc. S'F..--"4 <,i. 33922 &tr*,"'e$ J**rrr*r oF coMMU*,r" orurfo"r", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT CT VAIL CT, WEST UNIT 0L/ 04/2005 0r/04/2005 Phone: 970-513-0053 0a/04/2005 Phone: 970-s13-0053 Desciption: REMODEL HOME WITH NEW LIGHTS FOR KITCHEN AND BATHS Valuation: $20,000.00 805-0004 J6 et -o5\ 1 . : ISSUED .: 0I/M/2ffi5 . : Olll3/2005 .: 0711212005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL Parcel No...: 210312403U5 Project No ' --D \<To'{ -6 38O OWNER EI.,LENORE iTOINT VEMTURE C,/O .JOSS EQUITIES 180 N STETSON s555 CHTCAGO IL 60601 Li.cense: CONTRACTOR ASCENT EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 2027 SIIJVERTHORNE, CO 80498 License: 134-E APPIJTCAN| ASCEMT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 2027 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 License: L34 -E ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Stanrs . . Applied . Issued. Expires . Phone: Elecrical------ > DRB Fee----- > Investigation--- > Will Call- ..---> TOTAL FEES_ > s350.00 s0.00 $0-00 s363 .00 s353.00 $0.00 9363.00 $353 .00 $0.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees- ----- > Total Permit Fe€---- > Payments----------- > BALANCE DUE-.---.-- > Approvals: Item: 06000 EITECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 01,/o4/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CoMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE PM. HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 l.++l****+*****++**********+++*********++t+******i+***+*++*+*f+**********ti*i+*****t*+*****t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++*'lt**'1.'l***f**+*****+++t*********+++***********+t**t**+f+*a*********t+++*+*r*f++*****i****++ St.atement Number: R050000024 Pa)zment Method: Check Electric Amount: $353..00 OL/]-3/2OOSLl :52 AI|t Init: DDG Notation: 2388 Ascent Permit No: E05-0004 Tlpe: ELECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2103124 03 045 Site Address: 1467 GREENHIITL CT VAIL Localion: L457 GREENHIL,L CT, hIEST ITNIT $363 . oo Total Fees: Total ALIJ Pmts 3 Balance: This Payment : ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 0 01000 03112 8 00 DescripE, ion TEMPORARY POWER PER.I4ITS WTI.,IJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 9353.00 $353.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 360.00 3 .00 ApplrcArroN vul no, BEAccEprED rrr".o"r.urEtuiHa".{- o s s o Building Permit #: ott -o CONTRACTOR IN TION Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspections) O dc, TDWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 8 - Electrical Contractor:--7;;:; €*o." fr, Town of Vail Reg. No.:. 13|{- € Contact and Phone #'s: D^*u< Cauosev< E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature:J 4//i /.iu h,/il/t COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ 70 Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcer # L+OalLqo:rlc( C JobName: | - -)!(.'o. k.=-lrf,-*JobAddress: l\81 ena--nrr^,... Crr ll*,-- Legal Description Lot: [1 ll Block:Filing:Subdivision: C-,*rJ l_v-J Owners Name: 14a\ f nAOrT:r_ZIjt rc,hA^4osfro P(t Phone: uo t 7,.v;4ti(i6 Engineer: Tor+s ARrrg f ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: R"*Oo_Llsr'.rr ..-./N9(J r-\c-u-rs, K,.t<-ur€J f 6eck5 workClass: -N@ Addition( ) Remodel S{ Repair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior (X) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ttoB() Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (X) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) tto X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ruo (X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0Q 763 -*'?***t ******************************+**FOR OFFICE USE ONLYo*****************.*-****_****r.*.******-*-t..- F{H#F:.lr*'9,'l_} Other Fees:Date Received: .J Ai'i Lr ,DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: l ov-cuM.DEV" \\\TAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FOITMS\PERMITS\ELECPEI{IVI. DOC tr tr Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #B will be permltted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is reouired. u If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required g :l ! a I have reaa afa understand the above. | /;/ '-1 l,'-f /tr,t ' , t /n////l r// / , Signature l) 4 *D4 - z/. t v I Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday/ Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of Bam and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0010 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST UNIT Applied . . : 0112012W5 Parcel No...: 2LO3I24O30/5 Issued . . : 0210312W5 ProjectNo : PRf6( OS:O Expires. .: O8l02l2N5 ol{INER EIJITENORE ,JOIli|:| VENTURE OL/2O/2005 phone: c/o ,Joss EQUTTTES 180 N STETSON 5555 CHTCAGO IL 6060r_ License: CoNTRACTOR SKYL,INE MECHANTCAT OL/20/2OO5 phonel. 970-524-68O9 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M, CO 81,637 IJicense: L21--li APPLTCAIflT SKYLINE MECIANTCAI 01,/20/2005 Phone.: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 cYPSUl4, CO ttrtrS / License: 121-M Desciption: VENT 4 BATHS AND 1 DOWN DRAFT KITCHEN HOOD Valuation: $1.000.00 Fircplace lnfonnation: Restricted:# of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 90. oo Additional Fees------ > S28.00 Total Permit Fee------ --> payments--------.------ > BALANCE DUE----- > Qoo*rrrNr oF coMMUNrry oevtp^aeNr Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > will Call---- > $20.00 Reshrarant Plan Review--> Ss.00 DRB Fee----------- > $o . oo t oTAl FEES---------> $3 .00 $28 - 00 $0.00 $28.00 $28.00 s0.00 Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT oL/2O/2005 js Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE l-997 UMC' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE L997 VYIC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAI,I, BE \rENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE L997 VI6C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 ,"oo". ) : ACCESS To HEATTNG "?-n""* Musr coMpr,y wrrH THE 1997 I]!,IC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 o CHAPTER (BI-,DG.): BoTLERS SHAIJL BE MoI'NTED oN FrJooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr. nNLEss I-IISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE AIIAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRrOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONIAIN]NG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BoIIJERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 3 AND S8C.1017 0F TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 o ****+*+**********++++*f|.*f,**l*++**+t*it+****+*****+++**********+++++**+*t++i****t****++++*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statenent ,i***+++++i*+*+*t**********++**********++++++*+*++*t*+*****+*t++*******+****t**f,**f,+++****t+* Statement Number: R050000090 Payment Method: Check Mechanieal 5824 Amount: $28.00 02/03/2oo5L0:49 AM Init: DDG Notation: Skyline $2S.00 **+++**+*++++**********++*+*****++++*********t+++**+****++****ta+++***tt+++**t*********+*+** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Sit,e Addres6 : tocation: This Payment: MP 00100003111100 PF 001000 03112 3 00 wc 00100003112800 M05 - 0010 2L0312403 045 1457 GREENHIIJI' 1.4 6 7 GREENHII,II T}4)e: MECIIANICAI, PERMIT CT VATL CT, WEST UNIT Total Fees: Total IILIJ Emts: Balance: $28.00 $28.00 $o. oo I{ECHAI{ICA], PERMIT FEES PI,AII CHECK FEES WILL CAI.,I INSPECTION FEE 20.00 5.00 3.00 AppurcATroN o- NoTsE ACCTPTED rF TNCoMPLETOR oq. os 0D o TOWNOFTAIL Buildlno Permft # Mechanical Psrmit #: 75 S. Frunt3ge Rd. Vail, Colorado E165 Permit will not b€ eccepted without the following: ical Room Lay oom-r:nsi Duct Siz as Line S Equipment Cut/spec Sh€€ts Offlce at 970-328-864O orui€it www,for Parcel # Par c€l # (Requirr:tl lf no Dldg. permlt * ls pnovlded aboye) Job Name: [cr-+ Eo-rnede-l Job Addressr I qb) f-retnh'.tI cr.Dr31, Legal Descrlption ll Lotr ll Bloct: ll Filing:Subdlvasion: owners NttutEller.,* oi a.r""u ll fl#tiltt s.t""^ F€A<, - fat - o^ ll Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone:-DA@ | -t/en!.ff-S"Jh trans d-- I - Do,j^ bn",+ lU'le)srt U@A workClass: New() nddiuon() Atreration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) fther( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-tamlly( ) Duplo< ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restalrant ( ) Ot?rer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelllng Units in this buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type cf Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) C'as Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is rhis a LDnversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase 1I device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COI6PqETE VALUATION FOR IVIECHANICAL PERMTT (tabor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ CONTRACTOR INFOR,MATION Mechan ica I Contractor: SLtillne tltec.lrvr^', rni *y Town of Vail RcE. No,: l3l- h Contact and Phone #'s: 1tL|.Grcq - qoq-Us5 Contractoi sisniturc:$;I Q^ f.]o 0,Or ^ . *-ltt ooLS l( * ** * :r**:tstr:t * * ** *** +*+ ++* FoR F: ,/ cveryone/fonns/ mecfiperm USE ONLY++++*++**{.'1.*l}l*ltrlf* JAN : :) TOV-COM.DEV.2g' ta 39vd TVCINVHCSI4 3NI']A)S arg1bzgaL6 9A:rr saaelazlta Qr*r".Nr oF coMMUNrrY oru*rrr*,TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PErMit #: PO4-0I78 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL CT, WEST UNIT Applied . . : l2l29l2$4 Parcel No...: 210312403M5 Issued . . : 0111312005 Project No : QR5o 't -,O 5iiO Expires . .: Ull2l2005 . OWNER EI,I,ENORE 'TOIMT VENIURE L2/29/2OO4 PhONC:c/o Joss EQUITIES 180 N STETSON 55ss CHICAGO ILr 60601 L,icense: CoIIIRACTOR HIGHLAND PIJIIMBTNG & HEATING,12/29/2OO4 phone: (970) 328-0988 PO Box 3 597 Eagle, Colorado 81531 License: 325-P APPI_,rCAr\flr HTGHT,AND PLWBING & HEATTNG, L2/29/2OO4 phone: (970) 328-0988 PO Box 3 597 Eagle, Colorado 8163 r_ License z 326-P Desciption: CHANGE PLUMBING ROUGH ON 2 BATHS, PUT IN NEW TRIM, MOVE BASEBOARD HEAT AND FIREPLACE. ADD WET BAR. ADD GAS FOR RANGE Valuation: $25.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: 22 # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas l,ogs: '!'! # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY Ptumbing-- > $390.00 Restuarant Plan Review-- >S0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 5490.50 Plan Check'.- > Investigadon- > Wiil Call--- > 59?.50 DRB Fee------- -..--> $0.00 Additional Fees .'------> $0.00 s0.00 ToIAI- FEES---------> 5490.50 Total Permit Fe€------> S490.s0 s3.00 BALANCE DUE,----.-- >$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT !2/29/2004 JS Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.qq Payments-----.--.----- > $490.50 t+*++**+t** ***+++** *******.'f+i** ********t++***** **** *++i****** * *++** +****** **t +* *** ******+** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +********** ++*t*** * ** ***+++** *** ***** tt+++*** *** * **+ + ****+++*++*** * * * * * **+* +++** ++* *++****i* Statement Number: R050000026 Palment. Method: Check 1585 Amount: $490.50 OL/L3/2OO5O3 :58 PM Init: DDG Notat j.on: Highland P & H Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addregs : Location: This Payment: PF 0 01000 03112 3 0 0 PP 0 0 r-00 00311110 0 wc 00100003112800 P04 - 0178 Type: PLTMBING PERMIT 210312403045 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL 1457 GREENHILL CT, V{EST I'NIT $490. s0 Total Fees: ToIaI AJ.,I, Pmta : $490.50 $490. so Balance: $0. OO ++i**********++f*********ta+**+******+++*****t**+f,++++**'*****+t**+****++t+******++t******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account. Code DescriDtion current Etnta PI,AN CHECK FEES PIJ]MBTNG PERMIT FEES WTLI, CA],I, INSPECTION FEE 97,50 390.00 3 .00 AppucArroN il-. no, BE AccEprED ,r rn.o"rt#t*.Ao.{ - 03 sd Building Permit #: OO3 -O3i Plumbinq Permit #: 9 9 (Inspections) mwtlwtl 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor: l-J,.Ll,^J fs+fi Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3)6-P Contact and Phone #'s: J I 31o- t767 E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature:p/^z COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Assessors OflTce at 970-328-864O or visit Parcel #o JobAddress: i467 6-eenh,t/ C* Uai* We-st . V,-, I Subdivision: Engineer: Heid Co";*uo.L ttt Pnonet Lt76- Ll3,t3 Detailed description of work: C 1.,<.".f piu'.b'11 Roryi^. on 2 R,-.+1,, Puf ia nert *rt+t Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex () Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes PLUMBING: $ ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: r\r t1[ JI TO' DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: o*- E#FiV*il lF- i.; ,: .; , V-COM.DEV. \Wail\data\cdev\F'ORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPIIRM. DOC /-t1 07 26D002 0G1&20O5 Inspection 4;35 pm Vail, Requested Inspec{ Date: Frlday, June 17, 2005 ' lnspec'don Area: JRM - Site Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL I467 GREENHILL CT. VI'EST UNIT AJPrD lntormEflon Acthrltv: 804.0319 TVDe: A-BUILD SubTwe: ADUP Status: ISSUED ConslTyp6: _ _ _Q!cup4'cy: Use: VN lnspAtea: JRM Request Reporting CO - clty Ol - Page 46 OvJn€r: Appllcant HEIDCONSTRUCTION Phone: 97S47$4343 Cohhaclor: HEID CONSTRUCTTON Phone. 970-47$438 lnsoecton Hlstorv ttem: 10 BLDG-FootlnqYSteql 1?29M- Insooc Descrlptlon: REiIIODEL HOME, NLE. PAINT, WOOD FLOORS ADDED, NEW ROCK ADDED TO RREPI.ACE Cominent: RCUTED TO JR. ELISABETH ECKEL AND PUBLIC IiIORKS - JSUTHER Comm€nl: fln€ wlth olannlno. return€d to JR . EECKEL Comment: SOTLS REPORflN F!LE. - GDETICKLA Comm€nt: REVISIOf{S SUBMITTED ANO ROUTEII TO JR, ELISABETH ECKEL ANO PI,BLIC I/VORKS. (ADDED VALUATTON S85OO.OO} - JSUT}IER Commenh r€vlshns okaywilh phnnlng, return€d to JR on 022505 - EEqKEll comment r€vlslons okaywilh phnnlng, rBturn€d to JR on 02'25'05 - qE%r\ Reouesredrnspecoon(s) A A, 10,/{/U Item: eo BLoc;Hg3l ,^_^., |--YV | * Requested rlmgi glfg|il R€gusstoi: HEIDcoNSTRUcnoN /f I I I - Phon€: s7o-756-2180 -or- 970-766- Asslgngd.To: JMONDRAGON lL comm€nL EiiffiiFffiiiErl ail eise ok " ADproved * GCD ..F,rtron AP APPROVED Comment 1 2 SUSPEND REBAR 3: FROM EART}I 03,'10/05 Inspector: JRM Actlon: APAPPROVED COMMENT APFROVED PAD IN CRAW. SPACE PER ENGINEER DRAWNG COPY IN RLE 20 BLDc-Foundailor/S1eel " ApHoved * 01.'13.'05 Inspector: JRM Acdon: AP APPROVED Comm€nt APPROVED FiRST CoURSE OF CMU WALL (4FI) OFMASOTIARY F,,P 30 BLDG-Framlnq q2i16l05 -tnspoctor: GCD Acuon: CR CORRECT|O}I REOUIRED Comm€nt PROVIO€ AS zuILTARCHICTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAI'iJIT.IGS TO OIJR OFRCE 0301/05 Insp€ctor: CGUMON Acllon: CRCORRECIONREOUIRED Comm€nt: 1) FIREBLOCK AT ALL DROPPED CEILINGS-CHECK AT INSULAT1ON 2l PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATES REQUIRED AT NEl,\, STUD WALLS lN CaARAGE 3i ROOF COLUMI'I AT BATTTS3 WALL NEEDS TO BE SUPPORTED IN CRAVIiL SPACE BELOW. VERIFf FIX WITTI ENGINEER. REPT131 Run Id: 3315 Condn$sd: Comrner : i0 lfXz.f MlNlMt M SIZE CRAWL SPACE ACCESS REOI IRED FOR CRAU,L t M)ER IIASTER BEDROOTI TO ITIASTER BEDROOU DOOR OVER I'IPOD FRATil}.JG AT FIREPTACE FIEARTTI R@TI ATAREA OF R@F LEAI( AND RX ROOF "OI(AY TO REINSPECTMUS WITH I}.ISIJLAIION''tbm: 50 B|-Dcl"lmubtbn - Approvsd * (}3D.U(F lnsoocb.: Arl Actoo: APAITPROVED C;o|rmsNt APPRC}VED PAITTU\L' BEDROOttri l,2,3 & rinSTER B€DROon (}307,6 tnsoector JRM Ac{bn: APAPPRCnED Coffin€nt ]TEM 3A D6 REOIIRE CORRECTIOiI ACTION llem: 80 ELDGShcelroc* l,Lf " Approrid * 0q1oo6 lmDecbr: JRtl -- Acdon: PAPARTULAPPROVAT Comment PARTIiAI SIEETROCK APPRCIVED }IALLIwAY FROil LMl{6 RC,OM TO IIICLUDE ALL trPtlTAtRlt Roorrs omY lnsDecior: fiM SIGETROCK COf,IPLETE Insfec'tor: JRU lre nd ralls mountcd Inconactly all €ls€ ok Ptll$TEiltP.cvo ru\|V-FII.|ALOfO -Apgowtl" "Hlffi lnsp.dor: .€ Item: 7D Item: 90 llem: 533 It€m: 534 OJI/U06 Comment BLDG.MbG. BtDC-Fhat 0G/1S06 Comment Acilon: APAPPROVED Acdon: DN D€MED ACflon: APAPPROIGD REPT131 Run Id: 3315 *,^) O&1S2(X)5 Inspectlon Request Reportlng 4:22 pm vail. co - clqr ol - Requesbd lnsp€ct Drb: Thursday. June 16, 2005 ' Inspecton Area: JRltl Slb Address: 1,f67 GREENHILL CT VAIL 1467 GREENHILL CT, IfUEST UNIT Page47 AJPrD lnlbrmauon Act!,ltrr ConcTn6: Clwibr: Appflcant Conbactor: Descdp0on: EO+oOO4 Tlpe: &ELEC ._.. _.._*"upgjhy'ELLE}.IORE JOINT VENruRE ASCENTELECII?IC AI s /+*fll : ADUP Slatus:: In+fu€c:tsst ED JRM Phone: 97O51$0(F3 Phon€: 97$513{XE3 I.IEW LIGHTS FOR KIrcHEN AND EATI-IS ReouesFcl Inspec{on{sl lbn: R6qu€sior: C,omrmnb: Asslgned To:- Actlon: Comrnsnt t90 EllCfinal Chlp WILL CALL 2:7o/ n Requesbd Tlme:- Plrone: 0l:lX! Pff 37&3576 LTLLI'AN K EGLATZLE EntersdBy: Time Exo: fiolE6.ryTffilnfxtuies reschedulo, ffifniiE6-onty b€d]ooms €xtstlrg lnspeston Hlstorv ltom: 110 ELEC-Temp. PorY€r Item: 120 ELEC-Romh -ADoroved" 0181/05 lnspector: LP'V ' ' Action. AP APPROVED Comrn€nt ADD LIGHf SWTCH FOR CRAVVL SPACE Item:13O Item: 't40 Item: 190 ELEC-Condult ELEC-Mlsc. ELEC-Flnal 06/14/05 Inspecior: lpv Acllon: DN DEMED Comment notlesdy lnstall llxtures reschedule, hslf ll srea only b€drooms exbtng REPTl31 Run Id: 3313 &E.b&tqdln Erllr|lt.Biledrt lbm: leO H.EC+lnd i.drsc AscEilTEl.EclRrc Coom ;lcil3ttEG G !n$.c!iltllrbrv Tlxdry,.ll|t+2005 t\ n :ffiFn, -too ) r\"\-* t \.\\i- , \ , rv-/ ';Nt{r-w v#ry (j'{f (, APAPPROVED lnrp@9n n qtrad l'ld' OREET'I{XI CT VAL l.|dt CREiElf{iICT, UEST Ln|T ltnr Ero:i' nt ,w / YLslilil^- bm: ll0 ELEC-T.rp.Fillrr lbn: l2O ElICfioqth r'ADDoridF 0l/3t,6 ho.cbfi LP\r-' Aclon:CofiNU't ADD 1JGHTSUSTCHFOR CRAUU- SPACI d;iiil lE6 txHrs,tircH rcn cneYu- i,FriE hm: lil Et"Ec4oo(fun bm: lr0 EL"EC"ftc.tS EtEC"Frrl arlg: rar grl|: FSIED frpArr: fil| Rrqr|iltTfnc ([:mAt Plpm: 37l3.x1B Enrltd* filolDElr K rt Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 30, 2004 Mr. Stuart Smith Resort Design Associates 1434 Spruce Street, Suite 1'10 Boulder, CO 80302 (fax) 303.449.3366 Re: Kort residence remodel DR8040491 Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1467 Greenhill Court Vail, GO 81657 Dear Stuart, Thank you for inquiring about the landscaping requirements at the above address which we discussed earlier this week. Atter a little bit of research, I found that the owners had applied for, and received, a variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission in 2001 to construct the twenty foot (20') wall that currently exists to the rear of the home. Attached to that approval were several conditions specifying the amount of landscaping that was to be added to the site as a result of that variance. I have attached the PEC memorandum, which includes those conditions, lor your reference. I also searched for an amended site plan, but found only hand-written notes on plans that had been approved as early as 1992. h may be that an amended landscaping plan is a Design Review Board condition of approval. Furthermore, I have scheduled your item to be the first on the agenda for October 6. I hope this helps you schedule your day! Please let me know il you have any further questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you on the 6"'and will plan on receiving an update regarding the re-paint by Monday. enclosure {p *t"*"rbo r^r"^ DATE: SUBJECT: Community Development Department November 12,2001 A request for a variance from Title 14, Development Standards, to allow for the replacement of an existing retaining wall with a new wall thal exceeds six feet in height, localed at 1467 Greenhill CourVlot 10. Glen Ellenore Joint Venture/Richard & Diane Cohen George Ruther/Allison Ochs Applicant: Planner; DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant's, Richard & Diane Cohen and Eric Joss, are requesting a variance from Title 14, Town of Vail Development Standards, to allow for the replacement of a failing retaining wall with a new engineered retaining wall that exceeds the six-foot height limitation,located at 1467 GreenhillCourVlot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The existing timber crib wall was constructed at the time of the original home conslruction. The existing wall is a two-tiered wall with a maximum height of twenty-one (21') feet. Since its original conslruction, the exterior timbers and internal deadman timbers have rotted causing the force of the retained earth to create several bugles in the wall. The wall must be replaced to protect the residence from potential damage. The applicants are proposing lo reconstruct a single wall with a maximum height of twenly (20') feet. The wall will be relocated to the south a distance of twenty (20') feet from the back of the building. The twenty (20') foot distance is needed to accommodate ground nailing and drilling equipment. The exterior surface of the new wall will be earlh- tone colored shot-crete. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: The relationship of lhe requesled variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or lo attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. il. A. 1. z. Subdivision. ej i'iqr.steO variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application.The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings 2. Fitting buildings into landscape 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography 4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision lor snow storage on-site 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 11. Location and design of satellite dishes 12. Provision of outdoor lighting III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION hhil The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested >#lilfr retaining wall height variance to allow for the construction of the new retaining wall. The , .. yu"l recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section f\ftSN^*ffi lV of this memorandum. This recommendation is subject to the following findings: \".r J/v- J n\0', " 1. That the granting of the retaining wall height variance does not constitute a grant U I of soecial orivileoe inconsistent with the limitations on other nronerties in thc U I of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the ,r ftt ^A Primary/Secondary Tone District. 4 Ltll ;{\Y\trr \ . /tr'* ^ ^ fiff0' 2. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the wall height regulations -Dhld'f "f\ \ results in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with M(\. url4) the development objectives of the Municipal Code or the Primary/Secondary Zone ^ '*,\d-*''- District. lrrt l'lt' L! ^ 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do nol apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve the requested variance, staff recommends that the following conditions be made part of the approval: B. tv. That the applicant installs a six-foot tall chain link construction ferice with an attached erosion control mesh along the western limit of disturbance line to limit site disturbance and prevent encroachment upon Town of Vail property. The applicant shall also install a four-foot tall plastic construction fence around rne remainder of the construction area. The conslruction fences shall be erected prior 1o the issuance of a building permit for the retaining wall work and shall remain in place throughout the duration of the construction project. That the applicant removes the temporary site access road and restores the site 1o its original grades and revegetates all areas of disturbance with nalive grasses, prior to a final landscape inspection. That the applicant returns to the Town of Vail Desiqn Review Board proposed final landscape plan for the site. The plan shall incl surface drainage, the mitigation of twenty (20) aspen trees (0 caliper inches) and the screening of the ends of the wall with coniferous trees. shall return to the DRB for final approval prior to Januat$2902. BACKGROUND Title 14 of the Vail Town Code regulates the heighls of retaining walls. Pursuanl to the regulations, no walls shall exceed six (6') feet. in height. Title 14 does allow for the continuation of non-conforming sites and site improvements and would allow for maintenance of non- conforming sile improvements. This would allow for the replacement of any relaining wall exceeding 6 feet in height, provided the wall was reconstructed in the same location as the original, non-conforming wall. However, a variance is required when the nonconformitv is increased. Title 14 states: "To encourage redevelopment, there shall be some ftexibility granted to nonconforming sites and structures. However, whenever possible, compliance with the Development Standards shall be achieved." On November 7,2001, the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a final review of the proposed wall design. Upon taking testimony from the applicant and discussing alternative design solutions, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the applicants' request with conditions. The four conditions are as follows: 1. z. That the approval of the applicant's Design Review Board is conditioned upon an approval of a pending application for a retaining wall height variance currently scheduled for final consideration of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, November 12,2001. Should the variance reouest be denied by the PEC, the DRB approval of November 7,2001, shall become null and void. That the applicant installs a six-foot tall chain link construclion fence with an attached erosion control mesh along the western limit of disturbance line to limit site disturbance and prevent encroachment upon Town of Vail property. The applicant shall also install a four-foot tall plastic construction fence around the remainder of the conslruction area. The construction fences shall be erecled prior to the issuance of e 4. a building permit for the retaining wall work and shall remain in place throughout the duration of the construction project. That lhe applicant removes the temporary sile access road and reslores the site to its original grades and revegetates all areas of disturbance witir narive grasses, prior to a final landscape inspection. Thatlhe applicant returns to the Town ol Vail Design Review Board with a proposed final landscape plan for the site. The plan shall include provisions tor surtice drainage, the mitigation of twenty (20) aspen trees (1g0 catiper inchesjind the qcre_ellg of the ends of the wall with coniferous lrees. The applicant ihall return to the DRB for final approval prior to January 1,2002. V.CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS A. 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existino or potential uses and structures in the vicinity staff does not believe that the requested wall height variance will have any negative impacts on other existing or potential uses and structures in lhe vicinity.The new watt wiil be of the same heigi-rt as the existing warr,-onry iiwiti'o-" rnin""n (13') feet further south. .staff betieve! that the applqca-nt is essentialty refairing and maintaining an existing non-conforming wali.' rechnicaily, prir.i"ntio rn"non-conforming struclures section of the Zoning Regulations, irre apfiicant couto have repaired and replaced the wail without vaiiances, however, in'droei to ensure the longevity of the.wall,. a new design including ground nailing ii proposed. The need to get equipment behind the reside-nce causes tigneed to relocate the wall to the south. The applicant has moved the wall the minimum distance necessary to gain access for the construction equipm"ni. - 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and riteral interpretation and enforcement of a_specified reguration is necess"ry tl i"t i"ue compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites'in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this titte without a lrant of special privilege. ]!9 gntiqa.nl has. proposed the minimum deviation necessary ro receive rerief Irom tne strtct and literal interpretation of the retaining wall height reoulation.Following discussions with the appricants' representa-tiver, ii"i;*ouiJ -"- recommend that the applicant regrade the area at lhe base of the wall lo reduce me apparent height of the wall. The contractor will be removing a substantial amounl of fill dirt and staff betieves that the fiil dirt coutd ue use-o iiine-oase or the wall to.bring the grade up. while lhe wall would be consrrucreo *itn a' layiTlm heighr of twenty (20') feet, the first four or five feet ot wait Coudoe buried- below grade. The area could the-n be repranted with the rrees reqirireo as part of the Design Review Board's condition requiring tree mitigation. lfirre nrr tt. The effect ot the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes there will be minimal, if any, negative impacls on lhe above referenced criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before erantine a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. Thal the granting of the variance will not be detrimental lo the public health, safely or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to lhe same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Bota nical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantiil Size PKUTU>trU I KTtr) AND SHR.U35 Number of replacement trees as dGte?mfned by DRB - elimination of veg'i tated terrair- E{STiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED approximatelv 20 a-spen--trees--15j' =12"ca I j-per 1 soruce treet appq.exrlqslcIy 6' hiqh Minimum Requirements for Landscaptnq : GROUND COVER soD SEED IR.RIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROI' Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe disturbed areas wi I I trp rorzagi tated using f,yaro seed, affecting approximately c. 6,000 sq.ft' n a t r rr-al- Please soecilv other landscape features (i'e'retaining walls,fences, swimming pools, etc. ) a concrete surface will be nstalled waII to October 7, 2004 Mr. Stuart Smith Resort Design Associates 1434 Spruce Street, Suite 110 Boulder, CO 80302 (lax) 303.449.3366 Re: Kort residence remodel, DR8040491 Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision 1467 Greenhill Court Vail, CO 81657 Dear Stuart. Thank you making the drive to attend yesterday's Design Review Board meeting regarding the above address. As we discussed, the Design Review Board consent approved the application with the following two conditions: 1) The applicant shall remove all non-conforming lighting fixtures from the residence prior to the time of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. 2) The applicant shall paint the flashing of the rooftop skylights to match the roof prior to the time of the issuance of the final certiticate of occupancy. I have attached the approval form that will be needed to apply for the building permit. Per our conversation, the building permit process will likely take between three and six weeks to complete due to the heavy application load that the Town is currently experiencing. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. Additionally, thank you for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Beqt etidab6th Ecket 970.479.2454 enclosure rU copr o MMUNITY D 6unX7-, 5uo/-trrg;-t EVEL.PMEN, lofto TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF CO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0167 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 Greenhill Court Applied . . : 07/0312003 ParcelNo...: 210312403045 Issued...: 07109/2003 ProjectNo: -PRS > -oi\-l Expires...: 01105/2004 owNER ELIJENORE irOIN:t \/Eli|lTURE O7/O3/2OO3 phone: * Joss EQurTrEs 180 N STETSON 5505 cHrcActo rL 60501 Lricense: CoNTRACTOR TCC CONTRACTORS, rNC. 07/O3/2O03 phone: 970-328-2340 P.O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 81,620 License: 540-B APPr-,rCAr{Ir TCC CONTRACTORS, rNC. 07/03/2OO3 Phone -. 970-328-2340 P.O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 41620 Lricense: Description: Common Element - re-roof sanne for same Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $17,748.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplac€ lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t + +,| ++:rt:| a:a* * * r * aar atl * *l laa*t l att Building----> $293 . 25 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $486 - 86 Plan Check-> 5190.61 DRB Fee---> 90 .00 Additional Fe€s-> S75 . 00 lnvestigation-> $0. 00 Recreation Fee---> $0.00 Total Permit Fee---> $551. 86 Will CaU--> S3 . 00 Clean-up Depnsit--> $0. 00 Payments--> $551 . 85 TOTAL F'EES-----> $485.86 BALANCE DUE-> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/o9/2oo3 jrII. Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS t t *,1* ***:l *:i l l+ ++t See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 *+,}'}*{'*'t,t'l***'|'|****,},*'***tlt*'|*'*!*'}:r*!***:t**1*++|'|,}*****'}'}i'*!tt*'}'t*'t,}{t:t!t,}'t****'*|**:************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0167 as of 07-09-2003 Status: ISSUED ***,|,i'|,i{t:}'t't'}'}'}'}'|*****'|***{t*'t**'}*+******!t****'|*'}'|'t*'}'}**,}**|*:t:l*{t'}{.**!t{.*************!t*+|+++* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07103/2003 Applicant TCC CONTRACTORS,INC. Issued: 07109D003 970-328-2340 To Expire: Oll05l2OO4 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1467 Greenhill Court ParcelNo: 210312403045 Description: Common Element - re-roof same for same 'l{t***'}'l'l**'l'l'l:l******:}***'t****'t************:l****'l** COnditiOnS l***ttlrl**rf ,f t}*rt**t*t},f tt**{ttt**{r'l i't't'}*'}'t't*t***** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF TTIE 1997 UBC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ^,,,f; " 6h I".. " 8" ffi-*., w * #r* Building Permit #: 97 9147 9-214s (l ns peCJio4s) GP MIT Ltc plu TCIWNOFYATI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 ired for e RACTOR INFO 0-",^*ttt CC Koo€ r.., Contact and Phone #'sl- "q O- 13t q Email address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ t1 ,'118, D O ELECTRICAL: O ,tl /A orHER: t ^llA PLUMBING: $ N lA MECHANICAL:$ N II rorAL:$ 17,7{8.t3 For Parcel # Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit vvww.e lgrge_l# Dqt\ex rlru\t (A) atoS t.rc) tz+ 6Zoa5 t?+o>o +to Job Name:Job Address:/+b'1 (2we.et ) i1l 1[ L,l r'.la Legal Description ll tot: / D ll atocr: il;t,€ ll riting:Subdivision: bte r) LiOiJ Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesiqner: ^ t, ,. I t--- fv tJ'\'r €Address:Phone: Engineer: n/OilE_Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work. it r:_ ot at,?€?{E5.Ei?Z Tl?r_ltr!.fr?,FS{F;i E*.^-tf,i.f-i, -;R",^i1*eL ^-, o ,. g ,^ , , i:-. s\ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) RepairpQ Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior K) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: SingleJamilylQ TwoJamily ( ) Multijamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/TVpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOIVEQ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( **r*t***i**+*+******t****+*.*!t******FoR OFFICE USE ONLY*"*******************:H*i********t** r Fees: DRB Fees: \\Vail!Cata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC o IOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cohen / Joss re-roof DRB Number: DR8030244 Project Description: Common Element - re-roof same for same Participants: OWNER ELLENOREJOINTVENTURE 0613012003 Phone: o/o IOSS EQUffiES 180 N STETSON 5505 CHICAGO IL 60601 License: APPUCANT TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. 0613012003 Phone: 970-328-2340 P.O. BOX 1822 AVON, CO 81620 License: Project Addrcss: 1467 GREENHILL Cf VAIL Location: 1467 Greenhill Court Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcef Number: 2L03I2403045 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 06/30/2003 Condations: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult rvith Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO Jun 26 O3 11:38a I l-O7-lSE | ,APM Jsn ?5 03 I1r 56. S tt'"" Tlrr Siron s7 870-Sa3- 9 -S?2S o-94 o 9?49 p-a P.2 7.2 : l-3. a--+ U t'ii h3 tSo 6lltl pqnEofrc {n rt..bfts ' ItI tucr&d. rr|lhqGrqfil in F, frr tF{rifqpbrfrbxt GtnlE t cirdlftrafi CdaF Z'0rfritf fro.tl,t'i'E}39 Ftrrfrch|rrF bDf d*hrerarq ire, ,ffrt ffi rfrq' ||ret.O fia. d tafrgr*'c'$O brFrd,|rrb!l*csd*lB'!.i!q,-r€,nOl ftl rrb. rG.q hq|r* ftnalr .I riJrht tia$ ar fjD turE b ts rFo F tt t rnt llrl c r>0.*nHrtbt!'t5fr ApOXdim br Deliglt frriery Oa.-idcGfrHrafi ESiR*h(rt,cffi t[65' G tlo..Dltiu:l' b ftO-'C9:aEl *mrld.ror6 C:.l Irfu rd!|ri flt{Ff4irh'a.9,r,Fbr'|ntcdarFrtp,b b ttffifi r n*rte f.rrn ?9tjn etc r* 6 rr dni6| ndiri* b e r.l.' ryci. or 3 'te#- fi ffir flr oGiF ttir a||t E noo u||!i { rq|||s |lro.iE | ,|d.t q ft €!il|r|tt oqrFd uotritr- rTl FFA Dy D ft€ !D D! |{E rt.D 'td.,t cN w !r i||t[! rt BrFrtnt GIEL 4r - Itir! r- =-trr t-- -- - - --Ecr t-g -l ot:prrdfbr'!rL DE*n.f LelcJrhrqd uJlre.d!1l ntn|c a l.ftltt ?.,rd tlo,: h(Utiffi* tfrcdlgrcrlt T.99,Eitlo C-rdlff:- tFotirlcr{tE:ogF f|.ClirlAatm' O Xar Gdrer O&l tr lllslFdle (Erlturylmdl) '| riltr n*t ($tFoitaraao O Or.lrrDrF xt E O lru.r rF vrl1.(Ortcr Ergb 6. l*stl !?D!i2}LOfts Pd m., r-rlr^|Etr- las-\rlt<'-rJi Jun 26 O3 11:38a . Jun- 24 -O3 1I : rloA "jJ.="T:,eg rnc 970 -9r+S -972S .rr-.Ooooo p.3 P.02 Jua ?3 (|t !2r let ttD Si -oll s"o-Dr!-irai p.2 repHonlorDcCan fet'|ru "EffiFEM €:;pddec @'''il5;,^# -----.--- - o-a n -lAli!&iijjsb&ilg,mtih o' nn' r t'Dttrr'o rt trqr F') tq Le{? w||dr-ldrtdFc.:OE;n c'Elrr kF El f,rrCtfr&onb O FK bE oi-lt*bfrtElfl' ll rrr stt eib'Bnltra|', o or|..srattf i- O Sa'rur ia.F I io F.. tllo 'T rtto lr0 dl it ltr t|tt.rtF4rSdEatt!tD '!'ar-tdi tr - !-l t Gtqrtrrc f!. Ia-GlratEFaEEli!F rt oeCf fft lfdr !O-or r h:ir oit|!a'|3t' ?rrd rtlrlt} !-al t! r Cuirtaltj ElG ai- 'raDg, t-ol .tEr -aEr -Erarc tG- !E .r ll|*,G- t: -dn- a rah.rt t.tt€rt!. -G r .r!!-! rGf -i -r --r Elfi d tdiar-.--L*- t-ri-F- - tt--i9 dt a* qJtr Fr.rtt 0, ]d-tbdltr ffi5r * b z c,g S = o DEPARTMENT oF coMMUMrt *rooMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0358 job Address: 1457 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: l46TGreenhillct behind duplex Applied . . : 11/1,2/2001. Parcel No...: 210312403045 Issued. .. : 03/05/2002 Project No : (\rSO . ' d.t? I Expires . ..: 09/02/2002 ogrNER ELLENORE ,JOINT VEMIITRE tt/L2/20OL Phone: * JOSS EQUITIES 180 N STETSON ssos CHICAGO II, 60601 Iricense: coNfRAcToR YENTER COMPANTES, rNC. LL/L2/2OO]- Phone: 3O3-279-4458 2O3OO STATE HTGTIWAY 72 ARVADA, CO 80007 I-,icense : 114 -B APPLTCATVT YENTER COMPANTES, rNC. LL/L2/2OOL Phone: 303-279-4458 2O3OO STATE HIGHWAY 72 ARVADA, CO s0007 License: 114 -B Description:Replace retaining wall Occupancy: R3,U1 Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $182,596.00 Add Sq Ft 0 TOWFJOF\!\IL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Investigation-> will calt-._> .*r .-+[i1,'l'S.llL '1"'l to # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Lngs: 0 # of Firenlace lnformation: Restricted: Y Wood Pellet: Building----> $1,072.00 RestuarantPlarReview-> Plan Check-> $595.80 DRB Fee-> $0 - 00 ftscreation Fee-> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit-> go . o0 Total Calc-ulated Fees-> $1, 9?1 . 80 S2o0.oo Additional F€€s-> $0.00 SO.O0 Total perurit Fee_> 91,971.80 $0 . 00 Payments-> S1, 9?l - 80 s0. 00 TOTAL FEFq---> 51,9?1.80 BALANCE DUE--> Approvals:Ideim: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Lt/2o/2oo:- cDAVrs Action: AP sEE coNDrrroNs oF APPROVAIJ Item: 05400 PL,ANNING DEPARTMENI LL/L3/2oot ao Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS , LL/L9/200L tk construction staging is public way permit muEt Action: AP If to be done within be subnitted sith the TOV ROIY a a staging plan. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio4 filled out in fulI the inforrration require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design. review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATI.JREOFOWNEROR FORHIMSELFANDOWNEF lr PAGE2 Pernit #: 801-0358 CONDMONSOFAPPROVAL as of 0&062002 Status: ISSLIED PermitType: ADD/ALTSFRBULDPERMIT Applied: 17/72/2ffi7 Applicant YENTERCOMPANIES,INC. Issued: B/M/20[l2 3UY2J79458 ToExpire: O9/O2/2W2 Job Address: 1t16,7 GREENHILL CT VAIL I-ocation: l46TGreenhillCtbehindduplex Parcel No: 21037240tsl04i5 Descripion: Replace retaining wall Conditions Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONfi[5123 A Special Inspection report is required. This report must be approved by registered structural engineer containing approval for all soil nails nad injected grout. Also include infonnation that the wall complies with approved engineered plans aaaaaaaaa*aaaaa taaa+*++l*+++++ + +tf*fall faa+f+ft+ ft+a++att+tt at++fttatttttatataat*aa***tf*tat TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€,meNrt Statetnent Nurnber: R000002015 Amount: $1,971.80 03/06/2OO2O2:18 Pll Pa)ment lrlethod: Check Init: LC Notation: *O32949/vail Cascade condo Permit No: 801-0358 Type: ADD/AIJT SFR BUIIJD PERITIIT Parce1 No: 2LO3L24O3O45 Site Addreas: 1467 GREENHIITIJ qr VAIIJ ' Location 3 145?GreenhillCt behind duplex Total Fees: 51,971 .80 Tlris Payment: $1,971 .80 Total ALL Hrta: S1,971 .80 Balance: $0.00 | | *+ * f at l*a l ttaal t+ar* + +a* t t'i aar a*a*al*++**aa***tl*l'l **ataatltaaaf+++ai+**aaf*aaaaaraaaa+aar ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descn'iption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO311I1OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31i23OO PLAN CHECK FEES t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE | .072.00 200. 00 696.80 3.00 ,,.fai/i r [-t'r; reilil)fl Bt ASfDtG lh. r lr\r at-- c(NlBACf BI.TSING snvw$ _\. - \- EUI'AN EUllillwr snvlffit9 w wffitEt vmAnoN sEctAusls lFllcac.. aoi* vo^*r,YD )to Y'ETTER Town of Vail 75 South lrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: J R. iV{ondragon Re: Soil Nail Wall at 1467 Greenhill Court, Vail, Colnrado Mr. Mondragon; The soil nail wall at the above referenced location was designed under my direct supervision. The wall was designed using Federal Highway Administration standards for soil nail construction. The construction was performed by Yenter Companies' employees. During the construction, I made periodic visits to the site to insure that the design was followed for installation. It is my opinion that the construction of this wall meets the design requirements. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Albert C. Ruckman, P. E. Marclr 26, 200;r v'arc'zo'$, 7/zr /oz 20300 W. Highway 72, Awada, CO 80007 .3031279-4458. Fax3031279-O908 . www.yenter.com APPLICATI o ON WILL MVNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Separate Perm its a re req uiretl for electrical, plurn Uing,-""f,"nicrlffi General Contrader: Jeurq4 LLrt?ntltES Town of Vail Reg. No.: '14-B Contact and Phone #'s: c4€f ElJ,{h zzo,3ot"a7b3 Contractor iignature:i | <-:-- t b7. 4l.o?og \ 1,4---,r-l COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PE RMIT Labor & Materaals BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orurn:g iBLiSlb .oo PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl $ lBZ,Sq A,oo te Nssessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcer # Zl03 -tL+ 4e -qS-(application will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name:rob Address: 1467 GBes,lHtLt Cookr L.s"f D"*ripti-Jt_L.tJqJt_Bb:k' lV4Jl riting: M+ ll srbdi,ri.ion, 6tau /JoN Address: 7: Pf udeN-(+L P@ /a, 24 /rlu Ll<i I Rh An/r!r* bu t ll 3iz 86t. ,/4oc 4o4.2.;2. '\,1> Architect/Designer:Address: 7t-tt<,,Phone: Engineer: /r*rrt^ G,nperre J %._Ercwry1ruTl@ Detailed description of work: 4€PtACO^at7 Otr RLT+tutr,t6- fltcc fH*r 4As pe tui'7 ft2rc.et7f.B AttD ts ffirttt)G WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet ( ) RepairfO Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Q( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (V) Type of Bldq.: single-family ( ) Two-famity pf) Mutti-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: (/) fAo ll ruo. of Accommodation Units in this bur'lding: -e- Norrvpe of Fireplaces 3) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burning ( ) Nofrvpe of Fireplaces s Loqs ( ) Wood/pelpt ( ) wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ()$ N"T-Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) No (tf ) For Parcel S Contact ***J,***********!*****+*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************** r Fees: Fees: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: ner 3032790908; Oct-22 16:09;-01 o APPLICATIOT{ WIll iloT aE acctPrFo tF tf,co{rutE oR U P2 Prorc(l *! ?3 5. Frootrr Rd.v-rl!. f.olondo lt63l Sent 8y: YENTER COMPANIES; t't +l ,w Page 212 Jot- o,4v1 ",HiiBffii,*g;,a=s= DPPor- o3(fi €ol*ragry: fr, Uom?aue 72o,3aLg763 t rcr. 271-o?o orlGR: t lgLr5?b,oo Trnr.:t l$/ .tgV&. P!?g* t (rpf$sfbn urfr nd t .6!Ptl|'rid|out p.|cd numlrr) lalr Abna.rooAocrrcss: l4b7 &ef.|IwLt- &ag-f TT* H-* a 9staileddcsaigitndrvork,t^_-,rD-kr$cqw ot &nwtnu lfncc fvm lff >at*2.tol+l3b lNb tg fritcttt| iryortCiass:. fre*() Addq!!l,Rentodct( ) RcD.trK) oenro( ) Oo,er( ) Wo*Typc: Int rfir( ) Aftrioro{)a*-tr( )Does an IXU crbt et thts *r.-!tA'?t ygr ( ) ilo (y) TYpe ot B.l9': sittgn€'htnly ( ) Twcffily [m HrrlHrflriv ( ) co.n,'|e dat ( 1 ncou.att 1 ) otnr ( ) Ne. et 6dai€ C\,reiing Untts in ttris burUag:-AJE;No. of A€en'modatlsn Unls in Sx's iruirJirg: -e- r{4TtBof FHsccaExt*|nq: 6|'Aoptia|ca{ I GasL6s(31 WbodrFeld( ) $bdBrninE( } xqBle,0,FhlplxrsPfoootad:GlsApdnrcg( ) G.sl.oqi( )woodca[cl( ) warnam(N0TAr"Lotvo) ooes r acne t""ll.itl.i.l.l.tr..ilrtt....ttar.ir r.F1OR OFfifCT USE OllLY...lr aar r.....atr.r*rr aa r.ta...rtr.ar.. F;lqciyorelfrmluitgp:rnr eo'a d6z:zo ro-zz-aco DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will b€ approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: -Dn 1,4orlcl,"[o^ Signature Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 /l .LL,ot Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. D Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifled, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penaltyt As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-I AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(i968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unaftended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and olaced in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundmentcharge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord.28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornplv with the above code orovisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signcd: Ir : /everyone/forms/bldpermT Signature DESIGN DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR A GROUND NAIUMICROPILE WALL A[1467 Greenhill Court, Vail, Golorado ITIIITI TIIIITTITTTITT TTITIT Tourn .:f Vaif 0F;:;;; CoPY Preoared for: Arthur Abplanalp WestStar Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657-5012 Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 West Highway 72 Arvada. Colorado 80007 l' TEFK November 15,2001 ^4.. - Y'El| o o Design Details, Specifications and Galculations for a Ground Nail/Micropile Wall at 1467 Greenhill Court Vail, Colorado Prepared for: Arthur Abplanalp 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657-5012 by BillZietlow n --'- ba /'tu PaulR. Macklin O lt r-t 11/()^\-:-( l( /l'(&gz: Reviewed by Albert C. Ruckman, P.E. November 15,2001 tt/r r/a t 1.0 Limitations The findings and recommendations given in this proposal report are site-specific, and are valid for a proposed retaining wall system to replace a failing timber crib wall at 1467 Greenhill Court in Vail, Colorado, only. The design proposat is based upon information provided to Yenter Companies, Inc., such as the recent topographic survey, visits to the site and an understanding of the previously constructed timber crib wall as depicted in the 1981 site grading plan from Charles Gathers & Associates. Yenter Companies has not undertaken an independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the factual information and data, or the suitability of the required design parameters, set forth and implicated in these documents. 2.0 Introduction The existing timber cdb wall was built sometime in the early 1980's and is showing significant distress. The wall extends along the back of the residence where it attains a maximum overall height of approximately 18 feet near the southeast corRer. The wall gradually diminishes in height along the east side of the house eventually terminating into a boulder-landscaping wall. The wall is comprised of two tiers. The main, lower tier wall extends full length and reaches a height of approximately 14 feet. The smaller upper tier is offset approximately 6 feet from the lower tier and attains a height of approximately 4 feet. A 6 foot walkway separates the residence from the timber crib wall. Portions of the facing in the main wall have buckled and spilled onto the concrete walkway at the back of the residence. Differential movement in the slope above the tinnber crib wall delineates the extent of the wall failure. The degree of distress in the main wall at the back of the residence suggests that the wall is in a state of pending failure with further collapse likely within the next couple of years. 3.0 Wall Selection: The access to the crib wall is restricted by the public open space (Donovan Park) bordering the residence on the west and a neighbor's lot to the east. The overall I t t I I I T t I I I I I t T I I t I I natural slope is approximately 2H:'lV and is well-treed with mature aspens and some evergreens. Any wall option that disturbs the existing timber crib wall will require excavation support to ensure a safe working environment. Options considered for mitigating the failing timber crib wall will negatively impact one or more of the following issues: 1) Disturb the existing timber crib wall thereby requiring excavation support. 2) Alter emergency egress via the walkway at the back of residence. 3) Destroy trees on the slope. 4) Eliminate maintenance access to the exterior wall of the residence. For example, removing the timber crib wall and laying back the slope will destroy the most trees and create a very large scar above the house. Constructing a concrete cantilever wall in front of the timber crib wall will disturb the timber crib wall (to construct the concrete foundation), alter emergency egress, eliminate maintenance access, etc. We believe that the most viable wall option for mitigating the failing timber crib wall is a ground nail wall system. A short section of micropile wall may be necessary along the east side of the residence because of easement restrictions. 4.0 Ground NailWall System: A ground nail wall system is constructed from the top down. The excavation proceeds in incremental lifts of approximately 4 to 6 feet. After each lift, near horizontal holes are drilled back into the slope to a specified length on a regular pattern. A steel bar is placed in each hole and encapsulated with grout to create the "ground nail." The grout bonds the steel to the ground. After a lift of ground nails is installed, steel reinforcement (welded wire mesh)and geocomposite strip drains are placed against the excavation and concrete is sprayed (shotcrete) onto the excavation, thereby creating a reinforced concrete panel connected to the heads of the ground nails. This process is extended to the bottom of the excavation where the strip drains are manifolded into an open graded backfill, or french drain that is graded to transfer water to the side of the residence. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 Micropile Wall System: A micropile wall system consists of row(s) of closely spaced grouted steel bars, beams or pipes installed vertically or near vertical (rather than near horizontal). A single, rigid, reinforced concrete grade beam integrally connects the micropiles. The excavation proceeds after the installation of the micropiles and reinforced shotcrete is installed onto the exposed micropile row, creating the same shotcrete finish as that of the ground nail wall. The method of installation is similar to that for the ground nail wall. .:; 6.0 Materials: 6.1 Ground Nails The function of the ground nails is to reinforce and strengthen the existing ground. The nails are a single-strand steel reinforcement bar and will be supplied by Williams Form Engineering Corp or other suitable source. The bars will be epoxy coated, No. 10, Grade 75 conforming to ASTM A 615. 6.2 Micropiles A short section of micropiles may be installed along the eastern property line at the owner's request. Two rows of micropiles, oriented near vertical on 24-inch center-to-center spacing, reinforce the soil and provide the flexural stiffness necessary to complete the excavation. The micropiles are S3x5.7 Grade 50 steel beams encapsulated with grout. The steel beams are supplied by St. Thomas Steel, lnc. or Arvada, Colorado or other suitable source. 6.3 Bearing Plates The plate is an 8-inch x 8-inch x 0.S-inch, 436 Steel with a 1.S-inch hole in the center. The plates are manufactured at Yenter Companies' facilities in Arvada, Colorado with steel purchased from St. Thomas Steel, Inc. Arvada. Colorado 6.4Grout I I t I t A pourable cement grout will be used to fully encapsulate the nail. Cement grout will be Type lll Portland Cement mixed with waterto a flowable consistency, with a water to cement ratio of approximately 0.4 to 0.6. The cement grout will have a minimum 3-day compressive strength of 1500 psi and a minimum 28day compressive strength of 3000 psi. The supplier will be White Cap Industries, Denver, Colorado or other suitable source. 6.5 Centralizers Class 200, non-corrosive 2-inch PVC centralizers will be supplied by C&M Manufacturing, Santee, California or other suitable source. 6.6 Shotcrete This work consists of constructing a pneumatically applied concrete (shotcrete) for the construction of the wall at the locations shown on the plans in Appendix D. Shotcrete will be composed of portland cement, fine and coarse aggregate and water. The shotcrete may contain admixtures. The shotcrete will be reinforced with welded wire mesh. Shotcrete will be applied in layers to a minimum thickness of 6-inches. The shotcrete desiqn will be as follows: MIX PROPORTIONS Per Cubic Yard of Concrete: I T t I I I I I T I I t t t Cement Fly Ash Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate (#8) AEA Water The above dry condition. aggregates. ASTM C-150 ASTM C-618 ASTM C-33 ASTM C.33 ASTM C-260 ASTM C-94 lbs lbs lbs lbs oz lbs (36 gal.) 144 pcf 1to3 690 50 2140 710 2.0 300 weights are based upon aggregates in a saturated, surface Batch plant corrections must be made for moisture in Desiqn Phvsical Properties of Shotcrete Mix Unit weight Slump Obtained (inches) Water/Cement Ratio O.4 lf admixtures are used to entrain air, reduce the water-cement ratio, retard or accelerate setting time or accelerate the development of 6.7 6.8 6.9 I I I I I I I I I I T t I t t I I I T strength, they will be used at the rate specified by the manufacturer and will be compatible with the cement used. Air content shall be 6 percent (plus or minus 2 percent), tested in accordance with AASHTO T1S2IASTM c231. The combined gradation of fine and coarse aggregate used in the shotcrete will meet the following grading requirements: Sieve Size ll2inch 3/8 inch No.4 No.8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 100 90-100 70-80 50-70 35-55 20-35 B-20 2-10 o-2.5 The shotcrete will be capable of attaining 2500 psi compressive strength at 7 days and 4000 psi at 28 days as determined by ASTM C39- 84 testing of compression test cylinders. Welded Wire Fabric Two layers of welded wire fabric will be used in the shotcrete wall facing. Installation will be at the locations designated in the plans. The welded wire mesh will be type 4 x 4 - W4.0xW4.0 conforming to ASTM 482. Geocomposite Strip Drains Geocomposite strip drains will be installed behind the shotcrete in direct contact with the excavated ground face in the locations and spacing shown on the plans. The strip drains consist of 12-inch wide JDR Drainage Composites SD-6, or an availabb equivalent. Supplier will be Vance Bros., lnc., Aurora, Colorado or other suitable source. Horizontal Drains During installation of the ground nail system, horizontal drains may be installed to dissipate pore water pressure in the slope as needed. The horizontal drains will consist of 2-inch PVC that daylight in the excavation and are then covered by strip drains. The location, depth and frequency of the horizontal drains will be determined in the field by an engineer or geologist from Yenter Companies. 7.0 Method of Installation 7.1 Equipment 7.1.1 Anchor Drill. Yenter Companies, Inc. maintains a fleet of over 30 drills. A Furakawa hydraulic drill rig will be used to installthe ground nails. 7.1.2 Shotcrete Pump. The shotcrete for the rock anchor wall will be placed using a wet mix process. The pump is capable of delivering shotcrete in a continuous manner to the excavation face 7,1.3 Grout Pump. The grouting equipment used is a positive displacement pump that produces a grout, free of lumps and undispersed cement. The grouting equipment is of adequate size to enable the grout to be pumped in one continuous operation. The mixer is capable of continuously agitating the grout. Pending on- site ground conditions, grout may be placed after or during insertion of the ground nail. 7.2 ConstructionSequence The ground nail walls will be constructed from the top down. The initial cut will be excavated to a depth of approximately 6 feet, pending on-site ground conditions. During construction, the stability of the excavation will be evaluated and the depth of the unreinforced cut may be modified to speed the installation of the anchors. After completion of the stabilization, the next bench or tier will be excavated. The wall will be installed in the following sequence: 1. Excavate wall location 2. Drill hole for ground nails. 3. Install and grout ground nails. 4. Place strip drains. 5. Place welded wire mesh. 6. Place shotcrete and install nail head bearing plates. I loo I 7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 as necessary to final grade of ground nail wall. 8. Complete shotcrete drainage system.I T I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I o APPENDIX A EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS t I I I T T t I t I I t I I T I I I t 1) Furakawa 2) Grout Pump 3) Shotcrete Pump I I. I I t t I I I t I I I T T t t I VERTICAL DRILLING COVERAGE (HLrrtZ0NTAL SECT|0i'i ) HCR9.D HORIZONTAL DRILUNG COVERAGE VERTICAL DRILUNG COVERGE (H0RlzoNTAL SECT!0N) HCR9.E A- ,"' C€f|ter o{ Doo.n swingl X VERTICAL DRILUNG COVERAGE . (VERTICAL SECTI0N) 4355 (1{',3') \ .6.a-(ft 31_ | _ -_ ,: HCR9.D HCRg-E I t t I t I G ENERAL SPECI FICATIONS Weight Overall length Overall width 9,100 kg (20,060 lbs) 8,5O0 mm (25' 11'l 2,400 mm (7'10') 2,75O mm (9') 9,000 kg (19,840 lbs) 9,000 mm (29'6-) 2,400 mm O'10') 2,600 mm (8'6') DRIFTER Overall heiqht Model Overatl length Overall width Overall height Weight HD6O9 1,050 mm (3'5'| 382 mm (1 '3') 260 mm (10-) 16s kg (363 lbs) 2,300 - 2,800 bpm 0 - 250 rPm Number of Number of blows revolutions TRAMMING Track length Ground contact length Width of grousers Ground pressure Ground clearance Oscitlating angle Tramming speed GradeabilitY 2,785 mm (9'1") a155 mm O') 3O0 mm (11 ') 0.70 kg/cm, (10 Psi) 5lomm(1'9')n" 0-3.5 km/h (0-2.1 mPh) 300 3,055 mm (10') 2,425 mm (I' 11') 300 mm (11') 0.62 kg/cm, (9 PSi) 540 mm (1 '9') 200 0-3.5 km/h (0-21 mph) 30" I I DIESEL ENGINE TSUZU 6BD1PH41 Water cooled, 6 cylinder in line, direct iniection type 125 PS 023 hP) / 2,600 rpm 30" in all directions 200 t Raled outPut Allowable tilting angle I Fuel tank HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Variable capacity pump Fixed capacity PUmP Axial-plunger PUmP Gear pump 170 t Oil tank Model Boom Boom Boom Boom length lift angle swing angle JF325-20 Fixed boom 2,000 mm (6'6') up 55o, down 20o right 45o, left 15o J E326-20 Exlension boom 3,330 mm (10'11 -) up 45o, down 15o right 35o, left 45" GUIDE SHELL slide Model Overall length Guide slide length Guide swing angle Guide tilt angle Feed method GH83G2O 7,240 mm (23'8') 1,500 mm (4'11') right 30", left 90" 1800 Hydraulic 1,500 mm (4'11') cH830-20 7,240 mm (23'8') 1,200 mm (3'11 ') right 40o, left 40" 1800 Hydraulic 4,450 mm motor drive motor drive Fe€d Model Free air delivery Working pressure 4.450 mm 4',8-)4',8'l COMPRESSOR AIRMAN PDS175, screw tYPe 5.0 mg/min (175 cfm) I J "t. I t t I I t I I OUST COLLECTOR Suction capacity Number of filters Dustofl method Pre{uster 16.0 m3/min (565 cfm) Automatic air Pulse iet Optional Suction ELECTRIC SYSTEM Battery Lighting ide type is 12V, 100AH/20Hx2 24 V, 70 W x3 (halogenlamP) oc24v Source Numb€r of rods ROD CHAHNGER Number of rods ROD RACK CABIN Weight Standard accessories 460 kg (1P10 lbs) Air conditioner Bit dia. Rod size C65-90 mm 12112' -3U2'l H32, R38, R45'BIT & ROD Rod 10 tt mm), 12 ft Sgecitications are subject to change without nolice' I I T I !. ;. - ,-',i:;;n'- ,-.,.J--{E& Hxf"Tffit'$x:ffili::ff:". for the placement of proprietary based lements (Wil-X-Cement). A 22 gallon laoacitv mixinq tank has been provided for t6ptimum efliciency in mixing the materials Jhe mixer discharges directly into a gener- lusty proponron"o- pu.p screeneo nop- ller, allowing the operator to begin prepara- tion of a new batch of materials while J'##'J::::1;x":';l?',:ff "::i,"cavity pump is employed to deliver the -nixed neat cement grout at a rate of up to l"',,*l; ;,";J:[,'ff#r? :fi::i' orout in excess of 200 feet. ]roru^r" o*o BENEF'TS J2 cALLoN MIXINGTANK: Mixes up to 2 lacks of material at once and allows for drout to be pumped during mixing or mixed Jithout Pumning. VARIABLE PUMPING RATES: Variable ]rout flow rates of .5 to I gallons per minute I5 GALLON SCREENED HOPPER: Hoids enough mixed grout to enable continuous l3liloJf"t MrxER coMPoNENrs: rhe -GP 540 is designed so lhat the mixing l:notor and paddles can be quickly disas- Hn:$t:UMi*e' arrowins ror rast ]tte scneeruED HoPPER SIEVE: Frne *creen prohibits lumps of grout trom enter' ing the hopper, preventing the grout hose lf rom cloggrng. I *....:-.i"? STANDARO SIZE AIR MOTOR INLET FlT- TINGS: The air motor inlet fitting allows for a standard 3/4" diameter air hose. DISCHARGE HOSE: Standard hose is 3/4" LD., lull f low x 25' 0" long, with cam locK fitlings. OPTIONS AT ADDITIONAL COST: Water meters. wheels that can be mounted on a sKro. TECHNICAL OATA: Weight: 450 lbs. Dimension Size: 50" Long x 30.5" wide x 52" high Production Rate: 8 gallons per minute at 150 psi.), ra ffiffiffifle Trailer Mounted Goncrete PumPs I t t I I I I I I I I I I I t l- li Features I Deutz diesel engines meet emission standards through the year 2000 with performance and dePendabilitY You can count on' I Rexroth hydromatik variable displacement piston pumP - world famous for dependability and long life. lREEDso|idstateblackboxcontro|providesmodernstateoftheart,maintenancefreeperfor- mance.standardona||REEDpumpsfrom5to200yd3/hr(3.8to153m3/hr). -.s valve" provides iong life and ability to pump a wide range of materials including 1-1/2'(38mm) j rock, extremely low slump shotcrete and thin grouts' I Ruggedconstruction'moderndesignandva|uepricingprovide|owowningandoperatingcost.i .A{nttt ofi' ' I l, I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I Dimensions (HighwaY Axle) SPECIHCANONS trooE- Co(slto Ot rpd Cooc|tte Press0r€ O€(rlz Oiesel Engin€ l&dn Hydrauftc F\fitp Rerotr t[Ptomatic Cooct€te Cyind€fs 1&xi'ru1a1lgg€gate Size Hopp€r Cspacity ttytrar.aiC Oil Cap**tv Fu€l Capadty otrtl€t Siize Weigm(App|ox-) trrEnh (S€e above) : 49 .. (12{5mm) y'l14- '-(870mm) i i-..- &48 4G508 -'33-3/4'"-' (857mn) 4050HP 4050HPS 50 {0 38 31 14?F 1866 99 18 112 1@ u 1l9 163-1/4'(11) (1147mm) 180-(12) (4572mm) - 6:'- (l6OOmm) 8'l' (213ilmm) 21' (53mml cu y'ds/tr qr m/hr psi bar hp kw cclrev. in mm c{r ft liters gal litefs 9al liters in 6x36 152 x 914 1-1t2 38 14 396 40 151 2 83 5 127 470o n& Ll 4{t 50 31 38 1191 136'l a2 94 79 79 59 59 71 107 107 107 6x36 6x42 6x42 152 x 914 152x106'7 152x106/ t1n 7;1n 1-1n 3a 38 38 STANDARO 2 manual outriggers, 1 front jack stand, pintle hitch, hoPPer sPlash guard, hopper gratg autornatic pr€s- iure release at shutdown, stainless steel contol panel, forged steel pis- tofts with ureffrane Slis{on cilps' higtr .' way axle with electric brakes' high capacity hydraulic oil cooler, fend- ers, and lights- OPTIONAL Basic hood, harsh mix hoPPer, hydraulic outriggers, hopper agita- toc vibrating hopper scteen, chem- ical dosing PumP, radio remote' APPLICATIONS Concrete, refractory shotcrete' pressure grouting, slurries. mm in mm lbs kg 14 396 14 396 14 396 40 .55.' 55 151 208 208 22 ,() 40 83 151 151 s55 1?j7 127 127 4750 4S5O 5300 21fi mo 2M r/tdrrtriffi p..tomrriptrrso$.0*andrtnc[Q(rJd p'Et€GtIFrbe|€adttd*trlrtE6rr Fe"ofilirvnvJyd4dt&€drcrtP'tdxd€dgntd i+"r;c.t-t* *"tud"." s.ti€ci b crsE€ wihqn p'ir "ode REED ;*,,#'#"g?ln I T APPENDIX B MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I 1) Williams R61 Grade 75 All Thread Rebar (Ground Nails) 2) J-Drain (Geocomposite Strip Drains) I 3) Shotcrete Mix Design with Compression Test Results 4) Grout Mix Design with Compression Test Results I I t T I t I I T t I I T t t t, I I I I I I I I l'* I T I t t I I I oo ii R61 GRADETS ALLTHREAD REBAR 50,.0" SECTION R61 GRADE 75 REBAR ASTM 4615 REBAR DESIGNATION MAX. 0.0.YIELD STRENGTH MINIMUM ULTIMATE STRENGTH #6 7tB"33,000 Lbs./146.8 kN 44,000 Lbs./195.7 kN 1'45,000 Lbs /200.2 kN 60.000 Lbs./266.9 kN #B 1-1tB'59,300 Lbs./263.8 kN 79.000 Lbs./351.4 kN #9 1-1t4'75,000 Lbs./333.6 kN 100,000 Lbs./444.8 kN #10 1-3/8"95,300 Lbs./423.9kN 127.000 lbs./ 564.9kN #11 1-1t2"117.000 Lbs./520.5 KN 156,000 Lbs./693.9 kN #14 1-7lB'168,700 Lbs.i750 kN 225,000 Lbs./'l 000.8 kN #18 2-7116'300,000 Lbs./'1334 kN 400.000 Lbs./1779.2 kN SUGGESTED WORKING LOAD- 60% OF ULTIMATE STRENGTH 1 I l I I I t I t I I t I LIJ*J l tl I i -€tTE WATER ONA]ffiCOMPOSITE. 02622J B-"ydn. ftii -t'-.t i R iln -T- 9r I I I r I I se 00, c I Ys!' 1, lirci phoretto, gcorgio 30004 ;l''li: J--i^ 'Site Wo prdinoge llri:l ;lt r-.J--. !. .l : I irb.;- | . I ll fm Enterdr 292 soufh moin srrcct!;it ;l I'r-fi-. t I I ilrJJ4l2riJE ba( Ytl)l-tub U)Ib : Ji) INSTALLATION Ihe prirnory steps h fhe inslo(lotion procers ore os follows: l. Delermino droinoge lolrcd. Mork field witn cholk line od fench loccilons cut ond rerncve sod pnor to trenchi(€ (opflonol). 2. Ihe trenches ore exco/ctted. 3 to 4 inches [S0 to t Oo mm.]wde ond q minirnrn or '!2 inctx:s 130 cm.; cteep to prom.,t€r droinooe in the roart /one. tench brotloms sfrould slope o 1116 ot .006 nches. 3. Unroll ord ploc(e l{if h Sflo{ into trerch ceniering wiln lernporory wood tokes ord backfill with selec? boc[fi]|. 4. Remo/e temporory stokes ond Sq)d trench with \4€ler to promofe p{oper cornpoction. 5. Top oft reft:h wrlh sond orKJ f@loce scd. 6. Relurn field to plo/. f{lftain srfl0{ ifiRoln=$IHD;r:r-r Fi Site \lhtcr Drainage Co*porite5- tsf AVAILABLE ITTTTINGS (J-DRain SWD-6) 6X6X6 T ( \)NNECTOR TYPI(;AI, DR^INAGE 60 END CAP LAYOUTS l. Ib i- I TO O{'TLTT SAND TN^hi > PAIRWAYS -o^ LlwNs l"z er. RANDoM }ATTEtu\,i HIGIIWAY ED(;E DRAINS SLo?l: T1 PTC L GRIbIRON PATTERN dn ain i ttri -iz isuiu-io BaCkr .t. cnf,tNs t,1lrl.vAYS t"Awh's TYTIC L IIU N.RIXCAONE FATTP.RN /sw044 /$WD-36 TEC BOX.E.S F^Inw^vS L{TYXS cn!ars ATHLITI(: PIgLDS BACKFILL: Trrc normrl brcktilt marcriet is tha cxcavsted soit. Prior to use, lt is highly rccomrnended thlt rhc backllll mrteriel bc cvrluSted by r qurtificd gcot(rhrucll loits ht ontor]. Shorrl<l hrckfi,ll matcrirl be unsuirrblg 6ca brckflU rcquircmeDts on opp(}sitc prgc. RAsEcouRsE .i ,anrb ta! TYPICAI, HIGIIrvAy EDGE DRAIN DE1AIL Fl'rfIllGS: End-outs. Sidcouts rnd Spliccs SYNTHE.I'IC FIT:I,D DRAINAGE I{IRAiN SWO-12 J'DRaio SWI)-f 2 [s r vcr1, cosr cflec- li,c rltcrnrtivc to r grrvct fillcd trench rirrl pipc dreiur6c iystcta. tr Gtiminatas tbc crpcosive r:rcry.aion rnd grrvct cqrO ls wcll |5 considcreblc ravingr in l.bor. For rccommcndcd drrin -11'rcing rnd design esrlrtrnc.r contrct :o t n !r fz cto tcr. - ,a.rh llr.!' / i.,L).1 / ,, , -t .. ! r' ,: I - /r t / /t t.. '':. /: ./:.- / .. / !. : ryPICAI. SYNTITETIC TURF (-.ROSS SECNON 82/25/2gqr 73:17 50578795 ICAN i{NlcAL S, INC. AMERICAN TECHNICI PAGE AI 7557 Elack Hswk Rd., PO, aox 140 Pine Nesdto O.tuo, Speerfieh, SO SZ7g3 . pr,ronc t6OSl eai-Aiir-; fr4"U-,r" gSg.gZsS REPORT OF SHOTCRETE TESTING Client: Attn: Tom Bradskv Date February 20. 2001 Placement Location Shotcrete - Soll Nall Wall. East gnO Method of Placement: Shotcrete Nozzle I I I I I I I I TotalYards Placed: 10 cy Gallons of Water Added: ,Unknown Weather: Unknown Procodlre: ASTM C 1{3 Stump ASTM C23l Air. ASIM C3 Copies to: BSG - Spearfish, Yenter City of Deadwood File Time of testS Truck #Slump (")Air content %Conc Temp, F" # of cyl cast z Specifications: Remarks: ATS Set Number 8094-SCl Date Cast: 1123101 Aqe tested 7 dav 28 day Date tested 1t30t01 2120t0'l Cylinder strength 4490 6540 Specified Strength 4000jsi/28 day RICAN TECHNICAL SERVICES. 1- 82/L4/2AAI 18:33 PAGE 8T INICAL cES. rNC. 7557 Bl6ck HEwl Rd., PO. Box 558, Blcck Hcwk. SO 577'18€558 . Pnonc (8O5) 787-9303 . FA,\ (eos) 787-9515 1dO Plno Noodlc Orive, Sp.rrfish. SO 57783 . Phona (6O5) 642-2742 . Mobile 39Oi1788 REPORT OF GROUT/MORTAR TESTING CIiENt: BY DEVELQPMENT INC. DATC. 2I14IO1 Address: 927 Main Street Rapid Citv. SD'57701 Attn: Tom Bradsky Project Name: Deadwood Hotel & Convention Center Project No: _ ATS #98-8093_ Mortar/Grout Prepared By: Yenter Producl ldent. & Spec. Section: Soil Nail Wall - Eaet Uooer End Placement Location: Soil Nails Method of Placement: - Pumo Cubic Yards Placed Weather: Cloudv. 35" Field Technician: Justin Foster Date Sampled:1117101 Set No: 98-8094-G1. "GROUT. SET #1 TEST RESULTS ASIMC Io9/AASHTO T 1og Remarks: 585787e5t AI,IERICAN TECHNII I I I I I I t I I I I I I It lr I I Age Tested 3 DAY 7 DAY 28 DAY Date Tested 1t20t01 1t24t01 2114101 Tost Strength 3190 4120 6240 Spec Strength 4000 Psl Copies to: City of Dwd, Yenter, FILE roject Manager I I t o o APPENDIX C DESIGN CALCULATIONS | 1) Ground Nail Wall Calculations 2) Micropile Wall Calculations SlProposals\200'1 Proposalst200l-70-737- Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl.mcd I t T I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 1of 9 Overview of Analysis - Service Load Design Method. Step 1: ldentify Section for Analysis by Station Step 2: Select dimensions and material properties. Step 3: Define Controlling Group Load & Reduction Factors (SLD Method) Step 4: Calculate Loading on Reinforced Shotcrete Facing Step 5: Determine Flexural Strength on Reinforced Shotcrete Step 6: Determine Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Shotcrete Step 7: Determine Yield Capacity of Ground Nail Step 8: Determine Grout-Soil Bond Capacity of Ground Nail Step 9: Provide Summary Table of Ultimate and Allowable Capacities Step 10: Graph Allowable Distributed Resistance Along Ground Nail Step 11: Check Upper Cantilever Section for Shear bnd Flexure Step 12: Check Splice and Development Lengths for Reinforcement in Shotcrete Step 13: Check Extemal StabiliV Step 14: Perform Global Stability Analysis - SLOPEM (separate attachment) Reterences: 1) FHWA, "Manual for Design and Construction Monitoring of Soil Nail Walls" Report No. FHWA-SA-96-069, November 1996. 2) AASHTO, "Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges," 16th edition, 1996. 3) ACI Manual of Concrete Pratice - 2001 Buildino Code 1. Section for analysis: - lbf Maximum height cross section. psr := -fr- 2. Dimensions and material properties: Soil/rock propertres: $ := 37deg soil angle ofinternal fi'iction c := 150psf soil cohesion , ^^ lbf 7 := 120 - soil unit weight 1 It 6 := 27.0.deg shotcrete/soil interface friction Wall geometry (see figure 1): Ho := 24ft height ofground nail wall h. := 2.0.ft height ofupper cantilever section i6 := 5.7deg angle ofthe face batter with the venical B := 28deg angle ofbackslope with the horizontal Figlre 1 C{dt1d Nalwdl Sdren€tlc t t T I I I I I t I I T t I I T I I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-2794458 Page 2 of 9 Grib Wall Replacement Reinforced shotcrete th, := 6in W,1 := 8in A-., := 0.08inz An.,1., := 0.08in2 Sn.,u := 4in Sn,1., := 4in f. := 4000psi f1,yy := 60000'psi Du6 := 0.5.in nu6 := 0 D56 := 0.5.in n56 := I Ground nail properties Qu := 25psi D6 := I .27in Dn := 3.25in 36 := 4.ft Su := 4ft L:= l9ft fr:= 75000psi in := 15.deg Hvdrostatic loads: thickness of shotcrete (minimum) width of plate area of wire in wire mesh (vertical direction) Two layers of 4x4 W4.0 x W4.0 area of wire in wire mesh (horizontal direction) Two layers of 4x4 W4.0 x W4.0 length of wire mesh opening (vertical direction) length of wire mesh opening (horizontal direction) compressive strength of shotcretc tensile yield strength ofthe wire & facing rebar diameter of the vertical reinforcement bar number of vertical reinforcement bars (assumed discontinuous) diameter ofthe horizontal reinforcement bar number of horizontal reinforcement bars (assumed continuous) ultimate pullout resistance (ground-grout bond) diameter ofrebar used in ground nail diameter of grout hole horizontal spacing between nails vertical spacing between nails length ofnail yield strength of nail nai I inclination(horizontal) Figuc 2 Sol Nail & Reirfoced gEtctde SdEndtc height of water on shotcrete face (from bottom of wall) unit weight of water h. := 0.0 ft height of uniform surcharge hw := 5.0.ft tbf y* := 62.4.- It Surcharge load: I I t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I t I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 3 of 9 S:\Pro'posals\2001.Propos€ls\200'l -70-737- Grib Watl Replacement By: Fzietlow Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl .mcd 3. Controlling group loads and reduction factors (Servi:a Load Design method): Reduction factors applied to ultimate strengths for facing, tensile yield of bar and ground-grout bond. From Group I loading, Tables 4.4 & 4.5 pages 97 &99, Reference l. facing flexure aS:= 0.67 nail tensile strength cr1 := 0.55 ground-grout pullout on := 0.50 4. Facing load: € := 90deg ' 'D Ku:=,in(e + 4)2 .in(o )2 h sin(e -a)llr. ^-t tl tt Ka=0288 Fp := 0.5 ," '= [' (ut; n*)t * v [(Ho - hw)'hw] * (' -'*) no''] *. . \ n*' pa = 2 Fp Pu'S6'Su 4lbf l.l x l0 -fi 'F -Ilo tr = 7005 lbf earth pressure facing load sin(0+6).sin(0-9 sin(e-o).sn(e+p) S:\Pdposals\2001 P,ropos!'ls\2001-70-737- Crib Wall Replacement Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Rev'1 .mcd Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl .mcd t I I I t T T I T t I t I t I I I I t Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada. CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 4 of 9 5. Flexure capacity of reinforced shotcrete (per Reference 1): Cp:= I C5 := I vertical flexure: ( D'u)2 Avb:= nvb.n.[, 2 J Sh A.u Ay5:= - + Au5 5mh er,r.(.,u /th. Au..fruv )mnv:= -'---------: l- - |56 (2 l.7.t.sh/ Avb = 0 in2 Aus = 0'96 in2 vertical bar area total vertical steel area mnv = 3.388 - 103 f'*bf negative moment n,o,,.- (A', - \"u) f'uy.[ th, (nu. - nuu n.,u) furl n.'o,,=:.rsgx to3tur.l positive moment 56 lZ 1.7.f..S5 I ' fr (disconrinuous rebar) . ./ash\TyFF:= Cp.(mnu * rnp.').| "- | TyAF:= TvFF.df \.v ./ TVFF = 54212lbf vertical flexure capacity horizontal flexure: / ^ 12 luhbl e6g:= n6g.n.l . I \z,/ Sr" Anrh A5.:=- + A1,g vrllv A5..(,,u (th. An. fo," )m.,:=-.1 -- I ' sv [2 l.7fcsv, . , ( a's")THFF'=cp.(mu+-dIU J rHeF:=THrr"cf THpn = 64465 lbf horizontal flexure capacity Ahb = o.2in2 Ah. = l'2in2 horizontal bar area total horizontal steel area . ^l ft.lbf negative moment equals the mv = 4'029 x |0- - oolitive moment (continuous tt r""'" rebar) I I t I T I t I I I I I t T t I I I I S:\Probosals\200 1 Prooosals\2001 -70-737- Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl.mcd Crib Wall Replacement By; BZietlow Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 5 of 9 6. Punching shear capacity of reinforced shotcrete (Reference 1): Dc := WD + ths Dc = I .167 ft MPa := 1000000. newton 2 VX:=4 Ui f.. I psi.n.D..th, VN = 6.670x l04lbf / o" + ttr.\2 e.:= | il----l | .r, Ac- 3t4.2in2 -\ 2 ) / n \2 or,=lTl^ A*-8.2e6in2 " \2/ 'rr' [C..(n" - n")l TAp:= TFp.of l-t-'--l L sv.sh - As J Tpp = t1022rcf punching shear capacity 7. Ground nailyield capacity (Reference 1): / l)r,\2 1'gy := fr. | - | n T4y := Tgy al '\t ) ruy = 95008 lbf tensile yield capacity 8. Grout-soil bond capacity of the ground nails (Reference 1): T96 := Qu.Dr.a T46 := T1;6 cr* lbf Tg6 = 3063 | grout-soil bond capacity per length of ground nail tt 9. Summary of ultimate and allowable capacities: tr.= 7005lbf earth pressure loading on facing Ultimate Capacity Reduction Factors Allowable Capacity Flexure (vertical) Tvpr = 5 x lo4lbf cf = 0.67 TveF = l6322lbf Ffexure (horizontal) Tspp = 6 " lO4lbf qf = 0.67 Tne,F = 4flg2lbf PunchingShear Trp=8r. lOalbf qf =0.67 Tep=51605 lbf Tensile Yield Tuv = 95008 lbf q,1 = Q.JJ Tey = 52254 lbf Grout-Soil Bond ru6 = 3063 l{ ae = 0.s0 ra6 = l s32 U I I t I t I t t I I I t t T I I I I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 6 of 9 S:\Prdposals\2o01.PropoFlst2O01-70-737- Crib Wall Replacement By: Bzi€tlow Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl.mcd E 10. Graph of the Allowable Strength Distribution along Soil Nails to facilitate lnput for Global Stability Analysis (separate calculation): 50 40 Yield :....)< {tl a raceloao 20 ---Jc-..---*\\\ l0 0 0 5 l0 15 20 TY, TY, TY, y feet Graph ofthe Allowable Strongth Distributlon to facilitate Global Stabllity Analysis. Earth Pressure Facing Load, Allowable Nail Yield and Minlmum Allowable Facing Resistance are plotted tor information only. fzr ole) | 2e.0e9 |n=lrr.onn I tt \0 ) r oo )10.0 1 v=l lft ' I oo I \ 19.0/ tabukued resktance distribution per nail (must divide by horizontal spacing before inputing into global stability program nail length Liround Natt wa uatcutattoft S:\Proposals\200'l Proposals\2001 -70-737- Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl,mcd Crib Wall Replacement I t I I I I I I t I I I I t t I I I t Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwv 72 Arvada, CO 60007 303-279-4458 Page 7 of 9 11 . Upper cantilever section: Shear: K".Y.h.2 vcl=tbf v^ = 69.1 -TT thf V.. = 4554: tt thf V=3051: ft Flexure:lbf.fi mc=46- ft Ats - Avb Asv '= - ,.ns..nD Ash := .2 Asv = 0.24 I- ft .2 Ash = 0.24 L fr Minimum Area of Steel Required per foot of wall Actual Area of Steel frorn WWF vertical Actual Area of Steel from WWF horizontal Minimum cover requirements (ACl 318 Section 7.7 Concrete Protection for Reinforcement): The reinforcement steel in the shotcrete will have a minimum shotcrete cover of 3 in. which meets or exceeds the ACI requirements. Splice requirements for welded wire mesh (ACl 318 Section 12.15 Splices of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wire in Tension): Section 8.30 of AASHTO (Reference 2) requires that the splice length between outermost crosswires must equal or exceed lhe greater of (2Smh + 2 in), 1.S'Ldb or 6 in. Ldb is computed from AASHTO Equation 8-68: f .wv L66 := 0.27.An.,1., smh J rc'Psl Therefore, provide a 8 in. splice for the wire mesh th" - Vn, := 2. - ./ f". | .psi V:= cr f .Vns Because V>vc, the design for shear is adequate h c'vc mc := ----------;---T 3 co{i6) An.:= Fo.Rt.th..l2.I nn, = 0.2f 6{-tt-tt Because mnv>mc, the design for flexure is adequate 12. Reinforced shotcrete reinforcement: Minimum reinforcement ratio (ACl 318 Section 7.12 Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement): For Temoerature Rt:= 0.0018 minimum ratio of steel reinforcement area to gross concerete area (for Grade 60 steel) Fn := 1.67 Factor to Increase Gross Concrete Area due to Uneveness in Cut Line Shear load on section One way unit shear strength of reinforced shotcrete section Allowable one way shear strength lhf . fr mn., = JJ 66 - tt S:\Probosals\2001 Prooosals\2OO'l -70-737- Eric Joss Crib Wall\GNW Revl .mcd Crib Wall Replacemenr I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 8 of9 13. External stability (eccentricity, overturning and bearing capacity): Bearing capacity factors: (from page 50 of Reference 2) N-'=,"n(+5.d"o * s )2..n'r'nt4)' \ - 2) N. := (No - t).cod4) Nq=429 Nc = 55'6 Nv = 66'2 (after Reissner, 192 4) (after Prantl, 192 l) (after Vesic, 197 3)N, := z-(No + t ).tan(g) Note: Because all the ground nail walls are longer than 5 tlmes lhe width (23 meters), the original, ultimate bearing capacity equatlon derived for the plane straln condition (continuous footing) is appropriate. Adjustment factors for footing shape, load inclination and slope are not required. | ---l'--1 1t-I l-fn /ll3--<Fh L11 ,--xm-j ngre O. Cdolde trp !\eigtt ad ntrrErt arrs (ftorn toe I of udl) fq ffe se\ren docr<s confridrg tfE tdrforced gdvity' udl ad the fnrid*d earh Fr€s$e for tE od€nd S*ility cdoldiots. Xl := (L - tS0.nrm).cos(in)Xl = 17.877ft X2 = 20.062ft Xm = l8.97ft X2 := Xl + (Ho - tr.).sin(i6)SeeFioures5&6above. Xl +X2 Xm:= E Hm := Ho + (xm - Ho.tan(i6)).tan(B)Hm = 32.813ft -t (y -r*) , zl..+ _.nw |.l(a +)l ,n = [' r "- n*l' + y.[(Hm - hw).hw] Yw ')_.hw- 2 Ph=1.9 * toa E ft Hm -3 F'gu€ 5 Esladish'rE tfle bas€ widlh (footir€) ard I venical bacr(\,!all (horizodal e?.h Dressue) o{ tr|e I reinfo.ced'graw 'rallfo. odemd statility cab-latio.6 i Y = 10.9 ft Eiti'r.jJ".SFfff,%rPrfrWs€rs9001 t0-737- crib wall Replacement I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T t I I I Yenter Comoanies, Inc. 20300 W. Hwy 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 9 of 9 Mresist:= Wl.mal + W2.ma2 + W3 ma3 Mresist = e.lrr " to5 tUt.! ft Movert:= Ph.y Movert = 2.095 " lO5 lblft W]':= Wl + W2 + W3 wr=s.ees' lo4.M ft Mresist - Movert Resisting moment Overturning moment Total weight of "gravity" wall X0:=wl Br:= 2.X0 Br = l4.l ft xo = 7.068ft ",= Xt - *o 2 Reduced footing width e = 2.417 ft WT qmax := - qmax = 29.4 psi Bearing pressure from gravity wall q := 0.psi neglect embedment term qult:= c.N. + 0.5.(f - y.v).8r.N.,, + q'No qult = 245.1psi Ultimate bearing capacity Xm e'=- -,(u - 2 e = 2'4ft Eccontricity check for overturning X6 ,= X- (e should be l€ss than or equal to x6) 6 X6 = 3.2ft oult FS6" := :- Factor of safely for bearing capacity qmax FS6" = $.3 (should be greiter than 2.5) Mresist FS.,, := - FSo, = 3 Factor of safety for overturning Moven -' (should be greater than 2.0) (r) 'r) /.-\co -.J o(D @n\ F- i-/Rcl 19();^::v .tr)(/) 6/1 !'-o(U Lof 6N ql 'c i(T lr) >E >E j?# JLa (J; (.' - C o5:H =';..2- o EEiEi t 33# Eu F r^-€ r-,. at o o c o -c.g o(/)f ()(Lo- b O6 '=:;U E ,(I,E&' g O:J _(tr 0 E= oR bE sffsFF hi'- UtC s.>Y o )l ;j :t +9t.9 bg c E>,^.o EbER.EY = E)o 9c r E,eEEl O(J lL J<(L I I T I t T I t I I t I I T I I I I I o.rlo.rlo.oo..,o-o-o-(Otr)IaJSS(OaONNr- (lael) OZ t.g+ uorle^olj S:\Proposals\200 1 Proposals\2001 -70- 737 -Etic Joss Crib Wall\MP calcs 14ft.mcd 1467 Greenhill Court Vail, Colorado I I t I T I I I t I I I I t I t I I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. HighwaY 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 1 of 2 Exposed wall height - Pile length - Depth of penetration - H:= 13.5.ft Hsol:= 25.ft D:= Htot - H D= ll.5ft Retained soil cohesion - c := I 50.psf Frontslope angle - ct := 0.deg FSo := 1.5 " lbf ^ lbf psr := - pcr := -ftz f'rl Soil unit weight - y := l20.pcf Retained soil friction angle - 0 := 37.deg Backslope angle -B := 0.deg Factor of safety against passive failure - Factored passive friction angle - Earth pressure, Rankine - p. 35 o,'= "*(#) ,, =267de' active -xu:= cos{B)..o'(p) -Ka = 0'2 "o'(p) + p. 14 ro := cos(cr). .or{o) * passrve -Kp=z6 .or(o ) - External moment (penetration depth check)- vertical stress at bottom of pile, active - o'a:= (H + D).y ova = 3000psf vertical stress at bottom of pile, passive - ou':= D y 6vp = l380psf horizontal stress at bottom of pile, active - o6u:= Ku'ou3 oha = 746psf horizontal stress at bottom of pile, passive - ohp := Kp'oyp ohp = 3628 psf total active force -ru,= 1.1H + D).o6u Fa = 9322.!!! per running ft of wall active force acts at - ,u,= 1.1H * o;ya = 8.3 ft above bottom of Pile total passive force - no:= 1.D.o6o Fp = z63ez.!!l per running ft of wall passive force acts at - Vp:= ].O 3 yo = 3.8 ft above bottom of Pile sum of moments around bottom of pile - Mg := Fa'ya - Fp Yp MU = -2290lbf (ft"lbf/running ft) Mt should be near 0 or negative, if positive' increase D "or(B)2 - .or{O)2 .o.(o)2 - .or(4 r t2 r,1,2 cos\d, - cos\9 p/ S:\Proposals\2001 Proposals\2OO1-70-1467 Greenhill Court Vail. Colorado 737-Eric Joss Crib Wall\MP calcs 14ft.mcd Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 2 oI 2 I I t T I t I I t t I t T I lr It It lr ,l lntemal moment - trial depth to zero shear - zu := l9.5.fr pointof zero shear- v,=(!.'"2.x^r)- I (r" - H)z.rc'.r u = -r.rzo$\2 ) 2' ft maximum moment in pile - r.lo,= |.[""3'ru - (", - n)3.rl.r.t Mp = 2.sst * l04ft.lbf (ft'lbf/running ft) Moment capacity of pile - pile moment of inertia: pile reinforcement - S3x5.7 in strong direction pile area - A := l.67.inz pile width - b6:= 2.33.in pile offset from CL - d := 4.in pile moment of inertia - I := 2.52.in4 staggered pile moment of inertia - Is := I + d2.A ls = 29.24 in4 Pile section modulus - S := l.68.inl pile yield stress - f, := 50000.psi pile yield reduction - y. := 0.55 moment capacity - Mc ,= A vt;ft It Mc = 6.66t * t 04 ft lbf Bending factor of safety in Pile - pile spacing - s6 := I .ft M" FS6 := ------!- FS6 = 2.61t FSb should be greater than 1'0 sh " .M^ I .fi Y S:\Proposals\200 1 Proposals\2001 -20 1467 Greenhill Court Vail. Colorado 737 -Eric Joss Crib Wall\Mp calcs Bft.mcd I I t T t t I I t I I t I I I I t I I Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 'l oI 2 Exposed wall height - Pile lenpth - Depth of penelration - H:= 8.1-ft H1o1 := l5.ft D:= Htot - H Retained soil friction angle - O := 37.deg Backslope angle -p := 0.deg Factor of safety against passive failure - Factored passive friction angle - Earth pressure, Rankine - active -xu := cos( p). passive - Kp := cos(o). total active force - D = 6.9ft Retained soil cohesion - c := l50.psf Frontslope angle - o := o.deg FSO := 1.5 / t"n(o) \qo:= atan[lf ) rr=26.7des Ka = 0'2 Kp = 2'6 ,u'=l1u*o1 r" = 3356J!! per running ft ofwatl p. 35 p. 14 Ya=5ft above bottom of oile active force acts at - total passive force - Fo,= 1.D.o6o 2"(F., = z5lo lbf per runnang ft of wall I vo := -'D yn = 2.3 ft above bottom of pile 3 "Y sum of moments around bottom of pile - M6:= Fu.yu - Fp.yp Mb = -495 lbf (ft-lbf/running ft) Mt should be near 0 or negative, if positive, increase D passive force acts at - "or(o) + "or(o) - External moment (penetration depth check)- vertical stress at bottom of pile, active - ova := (H + D).f ova = l gOOpsf vertacal stress at bottom of pile, passive - ovp := D.I oup = g2g psf horizontal stress at bottom of pile, active - o6":= Ku.ou" oha = 447 psf horizontal stress at bottom of pile, passive - ohp:= KO.ouO ohp = 2l77psf Fu '= 1.1H + D).c1. ^ tbf _ tbf psr := - pct := -.2 1 ft- fi- Soil unit weight - y :- l20.ocf !9s(B) - J.o,(p)' - .or(O)2 .o,(p)*t*Gf-;F "or(.,)2 - .or(4 "or{o)2 - .or{oo)t silro6o$rruool Proposats\2001-7ol 1467 Greenhill Court Vail. Colorado 737-Eric Joss Crib Wall\MP calcs 8ft.mcd t I I t I I I T t I I t I I t t t t I Internal moment - trial depth to zero shear - z, := ll.7.ft pointof zeroshear- u,=(!."u'.*ur)- i C" - u)2.ro.r v= -2.70e.!!! berowtoe )z maximum moment in pite - l,,ro,= 1.[r,'.r u- (ru -H)3.x0].r.n Mp = 5.50s x r03 ft.lbf ' 6. (ft.lbf/running ft) Moment capacity of pile - pile moment of inenta: +:; pile reinforcement - S3x5.7 in strong direction pile area - A := 1.67.in2 pile width - b; := 2.33.in pile offset from CL - d := 4.in pile moment of inertia - I := 2.52-in4 staggered pile moment of inertia - Is := I + d2.A Is = 29.24 in4 pile section modulus - S := 1.68.in3 pile yield stress - fr:= 50000'psi pile yield reduction - y, := 0.55 moment capacity - Mc '= A yt_ft't' Mc = 6.661 " lg4ft.lbf S Bending factor of safety in pile - pile spacing - s6:= 3.ft M. FS6 := -;- FS6 = 4 93 .h.,,^ I.ft Y Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 W. Highway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 303-279-4458 Page 2 of 2 rowN'or.vall F,RE orro*rru*, O vArL F.RE DE'ARTMENT r\ t _1 S-._V o **i:;t' U,.a.. tO t 75 S. FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2135 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT I467 GREENHILL CT VAIL I467 GREENHILL CRT EAST UNIT permit #: AO2_0027 g6i -Cc'5 3 Bol.-(;J3A yy61-Ct'l 3 Status...: ISSUED pt -ce4\ Applied. . : 05/1612002 Issued. . : 05/30/2002 tsxpires . .: ll/26/2002 Phone: 97O-945-2L52 Parcel No...: 210312403046 ProjectNo : p{{J:Or, -d)q3 CONTRACTOR APEX SECURITY GROUP 1429 GRAND AVENTIE, SUITE GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 I-,icense: 424-S APPIJICANT APEX SECT'RITY GROUP 1429 GRAND AVENTIE, SUITE GI.,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 os/1-6/2o02 D os/1-6/2002 D Phone: 97O-945-2L52 OhINER I-,icense : 424-S coHEN, RTCHARD W. & DIANNE H05/L5/2OO2 Phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATI.ANTA GA 30327 License: Desciption: REPLACE EXISTING DEVICES,ADDING NEW DEVICES TO ADDITION AND GARAGE Valuation: 53.227.40 + + + * +,tt + t t t,l:r*,r,* l Electrical------> DRB |ee-------> Investigation--> will ca --> TOTAL FI]ES-> s?2.00 $0.00 s0 - 00 93.00 $?5.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional I jees------> Total Permit Fec----> Payments--------------;' BALANCE I)UE-.----.> $?s.00 90.00 s7s.00 9?5. O0 $0.00 Approvals:Ifem: 05500 FfRE DEPARTMENf 05/2L/2oo2 mvaughan Action: DN incomplete submittal . reflected ceiling pI. device locations required. o5/3o/2oo2 mvaughan Action: AP see notes r * *:l **:ti l 't * + + l + l l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with'all 'lbwn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY .FOUR HOTIRS IN FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ++*l' al'* aat *ta***+aa + af * *** ttl' ** '3'f* f a+ + **+ *ir*'i +**l' ++++* + | * a** | **** lf+ta * *t att++tf +++ + +**a **l * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€m€nt **+lfta++lt+r+**t+*++arr***l aa **+lf+++l* ta**ra**lrrt++aa +lt +**aa*li++**r't *****al ++****aaaaa t statement Number: R000002488 Arnourlt: $75.00 05/30/2oo2L2:41 pM Palment, Method: Check fnit: IJC Notation: #3788/Apex Security Permit No: A02-0027 TyE,e: ALARITI PBRUfT Parce1 No: 210312403046 Sl-t,e Addresa: 1457 GREENHIIJL, ef VAIIJ Location: 1457 GREENHILL CRT EAST T'NIT Total FeeE! 575.00 ThiE Palment: $75.00 Total ALL PrntsE: $75.00 Balance: $0.00 itl*aatafa**fta*a+*++f + a+ll* f* aai'l't+++**+atalaa*a**+++ **a*a**ll++ '}a*f* *t+*aa+fa *:ta *t r*a* *+++ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PO.IER PERMITS I.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 e70479-2138 o DEpARrMENroFCoMMU*tt"u*opMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFR BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0030 fob Address: 1457 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREEN HILL COURT UNIT # B Applied . . : 03/79/2002 Parcel No...: 210312403046 Issued. .. : 04/07/2002 ProjectNo : (ft-S1Z -OoL(j Expires...: 09/28/2002 APPIJICANT WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. 03/L9/2OO2 Phone: 970-845-9698 P.O. BOX 3939 vArL, co 81658 License: 148-A owNER COHEN, RICIIARD w. & DIANNE Id03/t9/20O2 phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATI.ANTA GA 30327 License: CoNTRACTOR WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. 03/!9/2OO2 Phone: 97O-84s-969A P.O. BOX 3939 VA]L, CO 8165I License: 148-A Description: ADD SEDROOM AND BATHROOM Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $75,000.00 Add Sq Ft 300 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs; 0 # of S0. 00 pavmenls--_-_> 5I,242 -75 Fireolace Information: Restricted; Y Wood Pellet Building---> $515 . 0 0 Restuarant Plan Review-->So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> SL,242 -'15 Plan Check--> 9399. ?5 DRB Fee---> So. oo Additional Fees-..-__> S0.00 Investigation-> $O . OO Recleation Fee------> $225 . 00 Total Permit Fee--> 51'242 .'15 will call->93 . 00 Clean-up Deposit---> Approvals:I€erm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/26/2002 trRM Action: AP ICem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMr 03/26/2002 J?e. Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PI]BLfC WORKS TOTAL FEF-+---> 5r,242.75 BALANCE DUE---->s0.00 See fage.2 6t uris Document for *ionaitio* that may apply to * o*, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the inforrration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that dl the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infor:mation and plot plan, to conply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structue according to the towns zonin5 and zubdivision codes, design review approved Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESISFOR INSPECflON SttALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT47lA38OR ATOLJR OF'FICE FROM 8:(x)AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Depcit To: N/A CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSETP AND OWNEF PAGE2 Perrrit #: 8024030 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of (X-01-2002 Status: ISSLJED PerrritType: ADD/ALTSFRBULDPERMIT Applied: 03/79/2m2 Applicant WOODSTONEHOMES,INC. Issued: M/m/20[2 970-UU9698 ToExpire: 09/28/2002 Job Address: 11157 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 14[67 GREEN HILL COLIRT UNIT # B ' ParcelNo: 2703724O3046 Description: ADD BEDROOM AND BATHROOM ffi *!r***l*****ffi**'ffi***ffiffi Conditions Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TOCHECKFORCODE COMPUANCE. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORSARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOIvIS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 7997 UBC. ++ +a* * ***'|'|l t *i t | **** * t** l+++** +++ ** aa*** | *tar *'t {' ** + *'t '}*+*++ *t* * ** a ** l a aa *** * * *+ ++ + ++++ ++ +* + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat mmt + ++ a++ ***a+a **a*t **** + **f f+ +++ +taa+**t+*a' {tttaa'tl tftflr*f*++++*** **aa*a a a +r *+r***+t+ +a++a * '}*a'}Statenent lfunber: R000002091 Anrount: iL,242.75 04/OL/200210:28 AItl Payment Method: check Init: LC Notation: #1o732/vloodatone Homes PETMIt NO: BO2-OO3O '.,B/I)E: ADD,/AIJT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2IO3L24O3O46 SitsE AddTEEE: 1457 GREENHILT ET \TAIIJ I,OCAtiON: 1467 GR^EEN HILI, COI'RT T'NIT # B Total Feeas St,242 -75 This Palment: SL,242.75 total AL,L Etnt8: $L,242.75 Balance: $0. o0 * * +l + + ++*++* * +*'| | * **a * I * | *t **** a + f* a f* * ** a+*t* a*+ l+ *+ | fl *a+ * * *t t ** * +* ** **++ + + t****a r*a+** * *a ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PER}IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO bJILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 615. 00 399.75 225.00 3.00 APPLTCATION s mwTtuvutnll 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 lZ{rttighfffnffi CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: E q///* ToTAL:$ 7tr,n0 Parcef # 2/0ZI24Cj0//b (application will not be accepted without parcel Job Name: /-, Address: /Q63 4/rtt,Phone: 4 7n _)62 Detailed description of work: AU ggl,Kld/l ,.*"/ B/TWnA//'/ WorkClass: New() AdditionlX) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X)Work Type: Interior (n) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family $) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood let ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUI ING PERMIT Labor & Materials For ParceI # Contact Fees: DRB F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm Assessots Office ************************************************************************FOR \"\\@ T0l{'N 0r l"4lt '*$ . Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: ft 'q E n' f?F4 ' / This Checklist must be omoleted before a Buildina Permit appliation is acepted. o All pages of application is complete { Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form I Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex D Complete site plan submitted D Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) D Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 seG of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans -Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Date of submittal: ty w" u a @ o { D a F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: t$ /fuJ'r..)s/./ NntfrvnY HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970) 479-213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contacl? Building I Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB PEC Was your initial contact wilh our staff immediate v slow no one available ? 0r 4. Was your project revietred on a limely basisZ @ m file a DRB app_ PEC app if no, why no? Was this your first time to Bldg Permit Vf) fUA 6. PJqase rate the performance of tre staff person who assisted you: (r) 1 3 21 Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of tlre Front Service Counter. (5-' 4 3 2 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use tre Front Service Counter? n/t zt4v - 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. lf you were lequired to wait, how long was it before you were WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": D o o D D o Is this a new residence? YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? NO-A - Does demolition work being performed require the. yse of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES- NO-A_ YES NO X Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO_A_ Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ NO__x_ YES NOX Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NOX Is the Right-of-Way,easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO X If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NOk If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. bl^fr'2fl rfIrur H0MFa /tr., Job or Project Name: Date Signed:3//'//r3 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildina Permit Application, If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTEr The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal, nderstand the above.z= Date Signed Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projecls may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:Jn//il a LtuerrE Project Name: -/ ./Date: <//V/fr 2 Print name F :everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 o PW#,r[-DIlI Parcer#:I I I n - I I I - [ I - I n I Brds.Permit#'E ! !'I.,n I I 1.Job Name Street Address nnn_n (ttunknowncall I rL.Jl i I | 479-2138 ext.0)2 Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractois License Number REOUIRED Phone #7ip City 5. 4. Starl Date Work is for (circla one) Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Oate) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6, ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TFIAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Totat LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ L Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1587) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, eK. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town ot Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479'2198) 9. THEBE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Pub|icWorksDepartmentpriortoissuanceofthepermit' '| 0. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 1 72)' 1'l . Permittee must contact Public Works D€partment at 479-2198 24 hours plior to commencino ol work. Failure to notity the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreemenl Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT' Date of Signature Whit€ - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED By PUBLTC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depadment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftiflcate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: jq /t,' ( L///r?7/f F Print Name Project Name: Date Signed: tnHF , tG'. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlavvful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks/ mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereot or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penaltyr As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED a No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) I 1) D Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord, 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: )C/t, 0-117/7TE Signature Position or Relationship to Project: t/ Date Signed: I ' ;' ", F :/everyone/fornrs/bldpernrT PJirt Name '1ab, 'l,fE<ilt4/< Mz/oafoz Io aF"^ reaH (P*tilt-TAOU Torvn of Vail ,?)),i t4- | f1 a(rllritr i f|u* c' 7;4^.*t.D !\fy' AiDV ch;bifitrri' ' CAIVfi 77YoPry u qgPQ uHu6froo OFFEMq *OPY ffirr( fa??xu4"tv' fnvo?1r, tru?T- ?Yl1'(tnh l4W,+A*t#V lil (Phlll/4fffi'- / V|'.?kW fl?'ri frvtltrv v'il*w4- VV'P'lfY 41o?- '- -' r2w? hrnv6)' tt ff .t? Vll7r,ta 6:lHtNd, Voavi tr\v':{tW v YqV n?F- 4a'u'4 \'/+,';2 VXF{tr-l,a '"XIWlo?klt** h9lf'i e\f' rl? 0?lcllq oi't;rlE;" llPa{ WaVl'1 ?i;r'-i' W"ltt?:ri) NII]LU,N-3 . /].,4"';a-*) *- r'hdi+\ b'f:l', t1 1Pl i-i'; !\\,4',k" tli,r d^ *e: ?A#aerl 4ulf? ?>i\t uw ;::i,:-:,af h PO Box 3340 . Vail, colorado 81658 o pho ne: 9?0-4?6-2201 r Fax: g?0-426-24g1 ooll7tl ?Vv100?t/ t/or/ao ?A?(t l, ?>fualo{ Tolvri of Vail h3D ?t''qiri;,f#Wr'4?ru6 (o Pv 'lsi4rcvw? {c f1Zi" i \2bQW)t'l t-lft^t hlrfir4tfJ"+ (f(2tt +iii;l*'r,.:,1c 1.tlp{un p$ofr Vf ro VAI' L ,-4ztt'i' ?i1, t76p?' i F rr/rvbr4-,*yir' l. r n^l lhlthv t107ft1 Ab',g\flN 7-Wl"3l1(fr 3u3rJ Wql auwzvt+totj UVO#,?O TOWN Project Name: Cohen Interior Conversion Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020054 03 / 13 I 2002 Phone: 47 6-2201 Convert existing B' high crawlspace into bedroom & bath with addition of egress windows Pafticipants: OWNER COHEN, RICHARD W. & DIANNE H03/13/2002 phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATLANTA GA 30327 License: APPLICANT Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects Box 3340 Vail. CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81658 License: Project Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Locataon: Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403046 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 03/13/2002 Cond; B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. t1frffil+ i002 Tov'coy'DEv' Planner: JudyRodriguez DRB Fee Paid: I wt!Nrhl I qq:(' (ib"'7J o 4t+'ffrqqq'ijfiDr z)an 16',{e +r{ AHA+ffi{e. Wr'tV,ExeL w ! o, -44 ^ y^ar A)AD,V 6tdt'l r/4E1bq /O@ryqrmz FMt/+ lt'-o^ 10A) AQgtu.b 1oil4" xt*ttvftutacfivHl tue ?ea#e W,,rt S ., + rJl._ . W^**r,r4 f,fao- /k-A 1ut %tgt. lo?t1" W9.^VD6s{. Dffig1t^r,?t{N. bl*EbhfrtY 76'&Vac.*ttt@6Nro AflatraTV^W, 9+IANIL EWT Qr.owtor+rtf). l],A.|--^.'. u,r* Vnn,VQuttWtto+fl rcudNttflen- en@. ' ; |or*i-$i nt/,'a' 4ir?lon vAtul'ca&4qt o o NI \01 rl sl ri l Ni loLLOYzr 2' TrtttO ^ ,/ A+ElWlW fu'-ePA-lbt lo) alhl L'(^lawva^l uNrcbtm NNAV0/10'ac, Ilvrw o e lb'o.c, vreRM.4 ft!>-2L61' /0wz41zrv zaa.z rMo/+ thftO,ll%rfilV ru,/0M-it/fttt-rao,t /b EWAptlfuZ. o FAre +/4o /*Wthnoo, ?W** {nolo(ottntn Wt*qwtuxe 0 ?fr'ac. lillA,ucwmft -ew'aa nv''Wl'r:l fww4eeM.ac. wtoW,+ pwM.9ellf 0,c, fJI/N| il5Ws e wo.c, ffiwatal6na,c, #6W9 ol6"ac.12)c"Ip" ,fr?y %K ffiiiLR ffi #'na|.1 Wdtcozre ff?Pd'(a,rwrnoq %^ffiffi7w gt*'r& {6:"ii i,:".9ouruR$ U Fo{rhdrtlon d..Lgn b.r.d upon ngoll. n.portn aE pr€pared by r r Fox, INc. DITaD 2-26-81, lfaxlnui lolls b.arlng capacltY of 2o0o prf nnd €qulval.nt fluld pr€EBura of 50 Pcf to b. vcrllled by r !otl. €ngln.er at tl.a of excav6tlon. In.tallatlon of p.rl!|eter draln 6nd .lt. trrtgrtloh to conforn rlth 60tl6 r.poit by angln.ar, ft.ld te.t draln. befor. backflllIng. Alr foollng! ar€ to b.!r [pon netural undl.lurb€d 60ll or conpac!.d .tructurrl flll 6t tpprov.d by th. .o11. engln.er. subtnlt copy of report to chglhaor. Al.l tound.tton around p€rlrcter of ltructura ahall hlv€ rlnhiutr fro6t protactlon of a8' to bottor o! footlng. AII foundation tall. .nd d6lunn. to b. c.nt!r!d on conor.te footlng. unl€68 .hovn oth€rwlag on pltn.. lll cr6t lD placa concr€to nust be tad€ vlth Portfrnd ceh€nt rnd lttrln rlnlnur cotpr.!.lve strangth of Sooo psl aft.r 28 day.. D.rlgn b!!.d upon BUrI-DrNC CODa REQUTREHB TS POR RtINFoRcBD coNcRETl (lcl 3f8), 1995. concr.to pllc.n€nt tc conlorr rlth 'con.tructlon R.qult. .nt.n a. dallnad ln Arncrlcrn conoret. Inrlltut. cod€ he'|tloncd abov€, lIl concrats slabs on grada ru.t be provld.d control iolnts (.oored or cut) ln accordanc. ylth .otr! r€port, All .xpoE€d edged of concrege .hrll hrvs l/2n chlrpf.r. concrate York .h411 not h.1ve any borizont.l cold tolnt6 un16.. .uthorlted by the gtructural englneer. Fleld coordlnrt6 all vertlcrl cotd Jolnts t..ith 3tructu16I €ng lne.r.R.lhforclng at..l l3 AsTx crad€ 40. All ralded wlre fabri.c ru.t confor. elth Aa'r J|l85. Rclntorcer.nt placetrene .haI1 conforr vltb II NUAL ot ST IIDARD PRAeIICA, 1997 !s preParod lry cRsI. All l.p .pllcea to b! .lnl.un !6 ltrr dlan€te!3, a]l horltontrl r.Inforclng rtaal to ba contlnuoug around cornera and at rell lnt.r..ctlon.. lllnlnu|l rainforcalont prot.ctlor. -Concrlt. poured rgrlnst 3!rth ln -concrata pourad ln ton. 2' -alrbr 1. All lurb€r tlhrll bs Doug-tlr 12 E{5 or battar, !1I wolnanlzed lurb.r .h.ll bc H.r-Flr f2 AaS or b.tt.r (all ltrnber rithln 1en ol llnlah grrd. !u.t ba rolrrnlred), Provld. lolld blocklng at o,-oi on c.nt.r ln 6tl. dl6phra9r.. All columnr to b. contlnuou. baarlng to foundetlon. lnchor bolt. lnd boltr lhall br ^1o7. All Trubolt lledge Anchot. and Rarieta to b€ Inalall€d accordlng to tranufacturers !pcolflcatloha. Llv. lord! u66d for de.lgn- -Roof-90 Pa( ano$. -floor-{o p6f r6rld6ntlrl. -D.ck-l0o p.t. -rlnd-25 p6f. -Earthquako-Zonc I UBC. All conrtructlon rust cornply elth the 1997 unlforn aulldlnq Cod. a. rdoptotl by th. Tonn of V6tl Butldlng Departnent .nd ths "C.n.r61 Cottdltloh. ol thc Contract for Con.tructlon'r (aI,\ Docuacnt A2OL). AII cdhstruatlon iu.t be cohplot.d elthln Ur€tolGr.Dcea dercrlbed In tbc 'Re6ld€nti.1 Constructton P.rlorianca GuldcltnG.r as pr€par.d by th. IATIONAL ASSoCIATIoN OF IIOI{E DUILD'RA.conatruct tJalla ra lolloea--Exterlor-2x6 I 15' oc. 2l 3) I*mn*oo4|t,c."Ar{hW 5l 6) 7l 8) e) F*b$el0"0t -Intcrlor-2xa I 16n oc., unlGaa notad otharwl.e.lO) III b.ri., Jollt. and r.f,t.r.6r. to b.ar upon usll6 or beains OR b. hung vlth AIXPAOr| Atrong-Tle hang.r. or .pproved equalE.lll conn.cllon hrrdru. !r ranufrctur.d by SIltPsoN strong-T.Ie or approvcd.qu.lr, tl) All rtructural !€nbGr. lre 6ho*n ln th.ir llnol poEltlond prop.rly brac.d and .upportad, durlng conBtructlon Lt risy b€naccrerry to lhora portlonr of th€ structure r.lhlla other portlon! ar. b.lng con.tructed. qontecl th. .tructurll .nglnc€r lor con.ultltlon a! rlqulr6d.12) contractoi l. rcapontlbl. lor all norl-lplctfl€d connect{onr, contact ltluctural .ngln!.i for dotallg aa raqul,r.d. 8n9ln6er to rpprov. all rtructurGl .ubrtltutlon.. llt Contrrctor l! to ooordlnatc rll dlrphraq! p€netratlon6 (i6,chlrn.ya, plurblng ..t.r., .tc.) through floora, rools and loundatlon valla 9lth approprl!t. .ub-cor|tractors . ceneral Contractor la rcaponrlblc for ncana, nathoda, technlqu€E,..qu.nc.a, ptoc.dur.r, vorkranehlp rnd Job-rlte 6afety !.rocletcd rlth thl. proJact. c.n.ral contr.ctor to v€rlfy ar1 dlr.nrlonr rnd .l.vatlon. vlth ,rohltccturrl alrrel,ng.. l{otlfy .nglh..r ol t|ll confllcta ot orl.llon. b.tv.cn varlou. .l eri€ntB o! th. rortlng airs*lng. and th. .xl..t{ng condltlon! b.fora cotr anclng t,lth thlt pottlon of th. proJact. coDeral Contrlctor to ln.pcct rarodal proJact. lnd v.rlfy prlor uso and prop.r albporal ol crlrtlng i6t.rlel. (1.6. albaatoa, atc.) !!r.qulred by coda. Idant!.ty of rll .xktlng hldd€n Etructural .l.r.nt. ba..d upon Dl.n. by cErRLEa cATttERIt I ASSOCIATES dated a-24-tL.lat All r6t.rhlr .xpo..d to .xt.rlor and/or [ol.tur. condltlonE rhall b. tr.ltad for thaaa condltlonr (1., ch€nlcal treathentr rtrlnlng, palntlng, dr proollng, nembrane.r fllrhlng, ltc.) as r.qulr.d by cod€. All naterlala to b. tre.led for flrs r.alllanca aa rrqulrcd by cod6. hMhgbcwr,-IUtulMfioh 0-Mmq. t(0H4/ F6|DaNM qztttu ufl14 COLopADa t t /0 ffiHunp7 /aa?-, tt4'z;"' elwP/Vo TOWNOF'VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2738 #oor*r*r oF coMMLrNrt orurtMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0033 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1467 GREEN HILL LINIT #B Applied . . : 04/17/2002 Parcel No...: 21.03'1.2403046 Issued. . : M/29/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1.0/26/2002 orttNER coHEN, RTCITARD W. & DIAIINE H04/L7/2OO2 Phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATLAMTA GA 30327 License: CoNTRACTOR DANTCT EIJECTRIC 04/17/2002 Phone: 719-486-0603 ]-838 SII,VER EAGI,E COURT I-,EADVIIJLJE, CO 80461 Li.cense : 114 -E APPL,ICAIim DANICT EI-,ECTRTC 04/1-7 /2OO2 Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 SIITVER EAGI-,E COURT LEADVIIJI-,E, CO 80461 I-,icense: 114 -E Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW BED/BATH ADDITION Valuation: $2.000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical----> DRB Fee---> Inveshgation-> will calt__> TOTAL FEE9-> $50.00 $0.00 $0-00 $3.00 $s3 .00 Total Calculated Fees-> $53.00 Additional Fees------->s0.00 Total permit Fee_> 953 . 00 Payments-------> $53.00 BALANCE DUE---_>$0.00 Approvals:I€e'm: O6000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT o4/a7/2002 DF Action; AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiII CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BIJDG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and,subdiv,ision codes, design r"rri"*Qpro*,"d, Uniform Building coa" "oa o?"r ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESIS FOR INSPECIION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Try TELEPHONE AT 47}2138 OR AT OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET s mvnilFwnl! Building Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor:Ntct €.%Lrrqc Town of Vail Reg. No.:t and 'a-lz- r tls COMPLETE FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and V TIONS FOR ALL & Materials AMoUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: tS O ETECTRICAL VALUATION: g 2OO69 Assts Office at 970-328-8640 or lorPareel S ffiffi rob Name: Coflf4l RLt robAddress: t 4L1 G(ffii Htu cl6,"rs Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:SuMivision: l'',- Owners Namet r O il€ Nl I Addres:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Et+,rw-*< cutt N(? A6fl-gnn+ fiootfiorr WorkClass: New() Addltion() Remodel f() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior 0Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Type of Bldg.: Singl+family ( ) Duplo< C{ Mulu-family ( ) Commercid ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Un'rts in thb buiding: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (d) DoesaFireAlarmExisil Yes( ) No( ) lDoesaFireSprinklerSysternExist Yes( ) No( ) tt.i**rtt*t*tttt**t.*.*.*rrrrr.ir*rrrrrFOR OFFICE USE ONLYi** *r**r *r * r r I rr rr r*. **.r rr..*.t *rrtt F:/s/eryon€y'tbnm/elccperm rr r a al6 A tl REUU APH I6 /UUI' -,.r-xh .:1!,t* "_,.i.rq;tt!',.;.,v., If this is a remodel in a multi-family buibing from the association is required. " i.*. i ' ':,l o o o o o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located no<t to the meter on the o<terior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected bellore back-filling the trench. In multi-fimily dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to andler. Common walls and spaces are accePted. NM Cable (Romer) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures o<ceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VArL ELECTRTCAL PERMIT GUTDEUNES All installafions of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted wlthout a copy of the DRB approval form atbched (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot hrb or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot hrb or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriry that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. with a homeowners association, a letter of permissiont ' t;',{" o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and underctand the above. Signaturc Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions' pteasecontacttnefown of Vail Electrical Inspecbr at97O-479'2L4T.Theinspectorcan be ieached on Tuesdan Thursdayand Friday mornings betrreen the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspectorwill call you back TOIVN OF,VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2738 #oorrr*T oF coMMUNrrY oruutrr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0093 job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 146TEGREENHILLCT Applied..: 04/30/2002 ParcelNo...: 210312403046 Issued. .: 05/07/2002 Project No : -tRf Of rto L( j Expires . .: 11./09/2002 ohrNER coHEN, RTCTTARD W. & DTANNE H04/3O/2OO2 Phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATI,ANTA GA 30327 License: CoNTRACTOR R & H MECHANTCAL LLC 04/30/2002 Phone: 303-s43-9894 1047 CHERRWALE ROAD BOULDER, CO 80303 License : l- 84 -M APPI,ICAIVT R & H MECI{ANICAI IJIJC O4/3O/2OO2 PhONC: 303-543-9894 ].047 CHERRWAI,E ROAD BOUL,DER, CO 80303 Li-cense: 184 -M Desciption: DUCTWORK REVISIONS Valuation: $2,250.00 # of Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Fireplacc lnJornation:Restdcted: Y Wtx Pellet:FEE SUMMARY Me.chanical--> Plan Chcck--> Investigation-> Will Call---> S60 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> A1q on DRR Fon------------------> S0.00 TOTALFEES-------:> $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> S0.00 AdditionalFees------> $78.00 T )tal Perrnit Fee-------> PaYments------------> BALANCE DUE--> s?8,00 $0.00 s?8.00 $78.00 $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIflT o5/o7 /2oo2 ,JRjM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIIII CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIPLD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cotdz 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIt'lC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO I{ANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T'MC, CTIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 v (hT,NE. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHATL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I'IUC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH TI{E 1997 I]MC A}iID CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,,ERS SHAIJL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,B CONST. IINITESS I.,ISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON EOMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI-, ROOMS CONIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SI{AIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRJAIN PER SEE. TO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcrroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledp;e that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o CHAPTER CHAPTER CIIAPTER 8 AND SHAIJIJ 8 OF THE 1997 IMC- 3 AIiID SEC.]0L7 0F ITIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAI-L BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN /DV PM. SIGNA AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 44urc,ao OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Provide to scale to o o Flue, o Heat oEq Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Ez;-;*:;;; ?N-s 176 Town of Vail Reg. No.: / -)*-htfbdt 970-328-8640 or forParcel # rob Name: C-ahl ho,ror r.,-robAddress: tit.%/ e,tlttt- 6, LesarDescription lut: lQ I nnct' ll rims'sumivision: 6-{ft'.1 LtO{ owners Name: (n+rzl I Address: i+b1 €- U4EA l*q Cnil Phone: Ensineer: N)F llAddress:Phone: Detailed description of work: D,lcr ,/erLtL Au,s rcsrl g WorkClassr New() Addition( ) Aherationffi Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) E:<terior( ) Otnerpll Does an EHU exist at thb location: Yes ( ) No X Typeof Bldg: Slngle-famiv( ) DuRlexP 'Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Edsting Dwelling Units in this building: 7-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aoolhnces ( ) Gas toos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noffype of Fireplace Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnirg(NoT ALLOWED) Is 6E; conveEionEm a wooo buming fireplace to inTpe Pnase Il device? Yes ( ) No ( 4 o 7ry,{ W6tx. 44!o:t: Sa Oc.r s€f4w5nNb a4t ft1lrl+<-t 4',vYe' (il412" h" rr'-2" wTffiDlOUq-Mftu{arfl?Al a1q1p6(ou{ffiH .Ib e ?EWe t ttr lL t)vcf acoglr-rz le*tJ TO Softrr? Town of Vail , oFFtnr c0PY Det"ro (Grtl DvcT 0t*1o 17tt?- Dvcr c r t ^t A A woQr0l- EAMuil, -g..' Raloc*Te tzf'tL ,rr9g 1z) 9S's gp$6 4?tLvt' aw+re<ttuw lgr P, Abl HaH vAnl'coto(4qo TAwaeL 4)WtvEtotl r+tu>lbu /0 ft@Lu{?t/luz FMt/+m TOIVNOE VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 otoorrr*T oF coMMUNrrY orur*orr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0024 Job Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 1467 GREENHILL CT Applied . . : 04/12/2002 Parcel No...: 2'1.031.2403046 Issued. . : 04/19/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 70/76/2002 ov\tNER coHEN, RTCHARD W. & DIANNE HO4/L2/2OO2 Phone: 2950 RIVERMEJADE DR ATLANTA GA 30327 License: COIifIIRACTOR AST AIID MCFERRfN PLWBING & O4/I2/2OO2 Phone: 970-926-5862 P.O. BOX 1303 EDWARDS, CO 87632 License : 2O2-P APPI,TCANT AST AI{ID MCFERRIN PI-,T'MBING E O4/L2/2OO2 PhONE: 970.926-5A62 P.O. BOX 1_303 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 Iricense': 2O2-P Desciption: ADD 1-WC, 1 TUB AND 1 LAV Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplacc lnJormation: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas [ogs: ?? # ot $?8.00 sss.00 5?8.00 Total Pcrmit Fee----> $133.00 Wood Pallet: Plumbing--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> S60.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $15. 00 DRB Fee--_--> so. oo TOTAL lrLlls--------> $3.00 $0 . 00 Total Calculatcd Fees--> S0.00 {ddili6n6llge5---2 Payments---> BALANCE DUE-> $133 - 00 90. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIT o4/Le/2oo2 JR]M Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plotplalt, tocomplywithun fo*rrort"rr"esand stateliaws, and tobuild *?*r"accordingto thetowns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, UniformBuildingCode and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOI,JR HOURS IN ADVANCE trYTELEPFIONE AT479-A38OR ATOTJROFFICE FROMS:(n AM -5 PM.( TTJREOFOWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIT4SELF AND OWNET o P OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2L49 (Inspections) RM TION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contact and Phone #'s: -6dtp,*fu rlo, Town of Vail Reg. No.: 7/L P!-UMBING: $ As*ssorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit parcel # (RequireC if no bldg. permit # is ptovided above) rob Name: 6"9'" ftpq't;:1yff" /4U7 ;retur ta,'// rt l/ail I-egal Desqiption I rce, /fi Block:Filing:Subdivision'fi- Lyart ourners ^u^"t fl ,r, ho.r/ Lo h rt Address: l4[7 6noa hiilcrr Phone: Ensine€r:ly'orr4 fuuefuf Address: 1tr),,i Phone: WorkClass: New( ) Additionfi) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) T1rye of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Ouplex [x) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other () No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ";1 l No( ) for Parcel # **:l********************t***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**rr*t******'k*********+*****+*****)t*** Ottrer Fees:Date Reeived: DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: F/e\6yondformdplmbPe rm rc,M- DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: 1'd r98S-926-Ot 6 2lqt2qt d urJJelcX i 1sU egt!60 ZO ZI JdU Mpfcgerrin PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. FAXCOVERSEEDT rROI&GLENNAST FAX: (970)92658c1 PEOIYET DAfEt PAGES TO: FAX: COMMENTS: -rl RD. ,*r/6 *o{€ q wt r'+/+ftg 2u. M,/ Erq ,? AoA P Otr,,,, (IllOReE & \rlage ayd.. $.a8 Ae(F . P.O.E(rlS]3. Edwer&, co 81632 ' [S7Ol 9265862 ' l97O! 926.58681 1'd egBS-ge6-OL6 ?tHt?qta ulJJaJcLl t tsg e6t:60 eO Zt udU o o (t]'J o o o A I L-- --J./ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us FILE /j/iPY May 14,2002 Mr. J.J. Hoeft Land Design By Ellison, Inc. P.O. Box 1259 Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax: 949-3288 Re: Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision /1467 Greenhill Court Dear J.J.: The purpose of my letter is to provide you with written documentation of the Town's approval of the proposed landscape plan for the Joss Residence. The landscape plan approval is a condition ofa preyious ret'ining wall height variance request approved by the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission. This approval shall meet the obligations prescribed by ftg Qe'"mis5l6a. Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, rL.-Rr*tu,t George Ruther, AICP ChiefofPlanning Town of VaiI {g ^"n"uor ro 06-Mar-200?ll6:21 FrorDlJl{t{ I ! AgPLIilALP O 9?0{761755 t L.ew orrtccs DuruH & AePHr'rALR P'C' a tFaa4|ettr cotPor tr& WesrSrr.n B^N* Bult-Dlrto toB SourH FFoNlac? Rolo WEsr Sulvg:oo Vetl' Cotonroo gl6!7'6Oet 6 March 2002 I T-118 P.00t/001 t-717 Jotlx w. pullll ^RTHUF . ASPTAi{ALF. JF. INGA HAAGEIT5ON CAUSEY at cot l€tL: JERRY 1.,. HA N H YELE ' }IO '{ E i (s70r 476-0300 TACSIHILE: tf'ror 4?6-47C5 tt;glE.flryE rtoali ornrt udlb.ie1,!furea cEFl|?laD L3t* .allllArl XAREX H. DUNNI CL'/IS Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail DePatment of Community Dsvelopment tti south Froutage Road West vail CO 81'657 Re: Iot 10, Glen LYon SuMivirsion Dear George, ' : As you are aware, our Firur leprfents Ellenore Joint Ventute, the owner f rhe west dupiex residecne located on the above property' you recently u[ote a le$er at the request of Dr. Richard cohm confirmiug that the internal conve$adon oia portion of thi east duplex on the ?bq" Pmperty by Dr' a;#;;rdd uot atrd the rigbt of_the oumers ol the west duplor to use ceftain ;J;;ilp;; rights avaitabte t6 the tatrer property. Ellenqre would siurply like to confirm that your ""r**"" ortends to ttre ltitity of EU"''ore to enjoy the benefits Of an 25g-foot renovati;; addition, if that fras ,not otherwise been used' 'Your confirmation of that below, and the rerurn {i-O[tl"n*'"non to rts by telecopldr' would be aPPreciated. t ' Thank you agai{ tor your assistance and yotu efforts' I Ttre foregoing is confirrred:Town of Vail I DIJNN & a Ellsrore Joint Venture ;By: I0t4rA,m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cohen Interior Conversion DRB Number: DR8020054 Project Description: Conveft existing 8' high crawlspace into bedroom & bath with addition of egress windows Participants: OWNER COHEN, RICHARD W. & DIANNE H03/13/2002 Phone: 2950 RIVERMEADE DR ATLANTA GA 30327 License: APPUCANT Pam Hopkins 0311312002 Phone: 476-2201 Snowdon & Hopkins Architects Box 3340 Vail, CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81658 License: Project Address: 1467 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: Legal Description: Loh 10 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403046 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approval: O3lI3l2Oo2 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid: l20.OO l'lan 13 O2 nO4: 25p 2-26-lggs 4,wtPr4 .Feb 05 02 O5:0{p Snoudon&Hopkins Rrch i tect FRO.v SnoudontHopkihs nrch i ttct 7.?P2 ,/r Gacrrl tnnornrtlonl 4-ryts r0qqlC.d6bl ctiefl n t reetw r9orofid rirro arhniniry r hit{ha p.nnt.s*irton. nfar 6 the snnfid rqdrrtlnts b 0le g..ddf.r rFFoi,.l drn b 'tetacd, ^,r Pfr|s cEl p-Z VED Erlt E slC svomGl lqtlflllLl|Gl !t ole oaiuOfaf +Fosal thn b cqucfod, Art npf,qon ,or OrScn Rctt€vr camot b |cegted mtil tf ,lqdrcd Jnturn rm b ncdvcd by hc Co'rfiurtft OGI*,F ct* ocpcrfntcrn, ffr proJed rfy also io.d to be ra/i€ricd h th? Tfin Carrtt rnd/or hc ptilutne ard'tnrtrqrute &ilnbdoo.Dc.h .Cvirw rpprlBl lrtacr oahts. lordiry rrn*t b h|Grl r|. o|:tnrtbn con|rHcai ritt*r oar yrr of l||c rgprwrL :: tocatlonottlrc Pmpof r r^r',1 0 .ttrlttt Phyrkallddrctt:' u,w Dr&tPX t{andr}of {bnct(s): Ltdir-: Ounc'(i) sig[r.u|n (r): lrr.no ot Aptl|Crne TyF o? RcMcu ild Fcc! El 99ns O CorEeDtrral Rr{isw tr ihw Coruhnin O Atldi0orl O rtnc rtuttin (muH-{.dtt/colttrn rdd) I nrror rnenrioo ' (sh9lc-faii$y/dr9€,0 O c'rangt3 io;Atprovcd tbnr O S.Fr{bo f8Srcst t5! llo ftc t6r ls0 lr50 $il EIE 9!.m pt qrn" bot of |ctrl l9n nrco. fo. cd||!rudoo o{ a rnr &Shi a dancTahiu.Fq ddlEcr rilrn sqrr. ftobgE Ir rddd b .ny .!*tand!l or omnarid hiUry firdrdcsZCt ddtirrr i ntsdor onrursos). . for mhd <hrngt5 b !f,rrgr |t|d *! bnFoylr|a rs. s,th rt rErefing, prl$n9, wiGbi danbrr ftn€e3 rnd rtoin rg fdq crr. fs nttor qtr{:s b ht5n$ |0al rlC.||rgunn€|tt, $Ch G, ttrcofiC, p.lthfL rldor ddrin4 |tlt'rc.pirg. tbno.6 .rd t&I'ltitr0mls,at l2O Fo rcat qr! n ptons rsdy ,pFoi,cd bf nr.rrrng frtaff or Ole DeCatr nay|e|Y lqfll t{o Fac pltr.d o.: 810?lt*0blef(cont!dEagteCo.lisersor!t tom l"lar 13 O2 O4: 25p lZ-tbr-200? l5:t3 FrurDtllll s-2Et-lggg 2'37PM (ao 2t Ue ur:JJP ':'' 'q Snourdon&Hopk i ns Rrch i tect ^BPrt o?o{I6tt65 FRClM gnoudon&l{oPkrns flrch rteci O, Poo?/ooz F-tBs p.3 {r JOIdiT PROPETTY OWIIER WUTTETI IPPRIOVAL LEf rER' rul{l\| ,, (prr, *r*).4!'?4e - -h fl utut'\ffi " ''*,-1rytv TYrl1yo" aellrlffit} IqU I provide this letter as rrrlttBn cPilw0t of $s ptln&ded whifi tuNn Dcensubnlttedto$rrorrnofvaltCornmurreyoc"t+lrtcr'tD€pr'tmcr*ford|ePtopdedimprocments !obecomPblcdat$eaddressDotedabrre.tutlHsndBlatttreproposcdimPro/e'nenu*:^ | --, ut4r tl / I I ftrrtfier ufrdersnfrd tlrat mirror nrodslcltiols nroy be rndc to d|e Dhns sver ure cot'rse of tne revidv I pfocess to'e;rsurccsnPllme{th thc'-f3aryrfs |Pclcabe cdls andregulofnm'' -*Uet'tsP+^tT \tddful't t'flAE (-, \(^. ln'**- (5ignabre ,--B.Z.o.l , (ogtc) f"la r' 13 O2 04:25p Buildino MaterialF Roof Siding o ottrer Wall Materials Fascia Soffits wlndows Window Trim Dools Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Llghtinq Other Notes: Snourdon&Hopk i ns flrch i tect o PROPOSED T.,IATERIAIS p.4 +lo @!er Flues Flashing o I I I I I I I I i i 'l i I ;i.-. i t Please specifo the manuracturer's name' ttre color name and number and Pago6 of t?'l0Ur0l02 auadl a color chip' Mar 13 OZ 04:26P PO Box 3340 | Vail, Colorado 81658 o Phone:970.476.2201 . Fax:970-476.7491 sgf"ttt"Pkins Frchitect AHVfi qVTAOW-NAN It TWWVD 4/4b/02- fi h&o q UHU^HOa ro aF F++t W*tt)L,4rAo6 ,?_il) t .f- 6 ^d|i{a i rlYt t. ft{g-{fi ,'\N aw (ArfiivfJ, \ ?Y!{rrt.t t4%lArlmv lt1 C{.lNu4r/hO6 ? NUN I 14? l\W*rb V4/|lw, ..f' e1flrfi '\--:--) \ dw{vlE'wwto+F* aw? hr^{6') fivt J Nvtltw wl\eq1--,.vv*|tr\ ryl"rp :-- " vYWltrlo l2tfiil'.i6, Wcfr bXt:t4tw vr$v4e? c0u:4\AF.0 zvwaN 4}t{o ?>Atl *t6r\wa rtl.'P,i.irr-!it..: llfr-Ni h\'?'r?? 6?tQt9 ttu.t*> y 1 I .::,ttJIil : t4lpl/A{l/+:. HAiit?Jf Li/F4r\' ltsV*t Nra.\ llht 'turb, aJtwrLacr// | / li b'H' ruwttw tl/ 4rh'{-ll x-1auLt4{tzN *fYi'/ \- HF+l ct+Al4{ W**v':.: NlilEpN-3. 4 "a'N-ir + Nat W(,4,Ptrlo \\\\ -., | ,-tl att,tft' l-) WA', hbf6v^\-/ @{p.64nr2q- 10 v?F:W "*l.firla /'4-le,vy1 1 l rl4v\ aNl+WL t hrydrlul4 fal? P P#ryq'Y4lotl L3 OZ O4:26p on&Hopkins Rrch i tect P0 Box 3340 r Vail, Colorado 81658. Phone:970-4?6-2201 . oov+6tl wt\oo?ll ? ?rwL. F a x : 9 7 0 - A 7 6 - 7 4 I 1 /arloo ?vw^fl2A ?*Y4irlo Op,^Nr- 47F*V (P rPv 'i{tY1fr7VW? {9 ttfrVi ytqvwayl l'+tKl hltl'irtrhi* 6i\24 "i,i:;)iiiri- 4$ v1t{'2) ft,qwvt1Plt1 ?EwflN e\(A mpalc? I2('lo al/e$ v'(d at'la?Fltgtel{' VAlt, u COVoY^?a llar 13 02 O.l: 25p Snourdon&Hopk i ns Rnch i tect o p.1 lo PO Box 3340 r Vail, Colorado 81658 ' Phon e: 9.70-476-2201 . Fax: 9?0 -426-2491 +7q ,/-4b2- Facsimle Transmittal Dare: O fioloo Dare: az llqloa 'l?l M Jtl Ail- of pages, incf uding this trapsmit tal sheet: Q Lohrn Pduddt To: From: Number R[: I t , W MH Jp1,y11psryfrq wb?4*6 PIAN a,pv. f,oo #4o tt/A0^14 ,Jrrdrl tl l*a+a*aaa.aa++*la ++ aa a a a aa+la++*a+ a aa aaaat+*fai aara*a++a aaa:tt+aa+ + fl+a I faat+a*ta fl+ a t++tt+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statcmcnt +aaa+a *fl a+t+ +a ttt*r**aalt*t t *tt tta t a**t t t+ aat ta af *ff +tf t ara taatft+t+ftaaa* a+atr a at**ta+tar * gtatement Number: R0000020rr4 Arpunt: $20.00 03/L3/2OO2O4:46 pt{ Palment Method: check Norar,ion: 43e-s"o",i;it;"Jff"" Archirecra Pemlt No: DRB02O054 T!pe: DRB-Uinor Att, SFR,/DUP Parcel l{o: 2LO3L24O3O46 glte Addreeg: 1a6? GREBSHIIJL eI vArlr IJocatlon: Total Fees: $20,00 Thla palment: $20.00 Total ALIJ PmtB: $20.00 Balance: 90.00 I t tta*'} t ++ ++aftlfaaaaft+aa+a t aaaa * *fafaaatfa*tf+at tt **t*taaaaaa fft*ftaaaattaaaa*atataaaa++tt ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts DR 00100003i12200 DESIGN REvltl', FEES 20 .00 o\)tur "----- MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November 12.2001 SUBJECT: A requesl for a variance from Title 14, Development Standards, to allow for the replacement of an existing retaining wall with a new wall that exceeds six feet in height, located at 1467 qreenhillCoun/_Lo1l!,Glen Lvonsubdivision. - - --rr-l Applicant: Ellenore Joint Venture/Richard & Diane Cohen Planner: George Ruther/Allison Ochs I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant's, Richard & Diane Cohen and Eric Joss, are requesling a variance from Title 14, Town of Vail Development Standards, to allow for the replacement of a failing retaining wall with a new engineered retaining wall that exceeds the six-fool height limitation, located at 1467 Greenhill CourVlot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The existing timber crib wall was constructed at the time of the original home construction. The existing wall is a two-tiered wall with a maximum height of twenty-one (21 ') feet. Since its original construction, the exterior timbers and internal deadman timbers have rotted causing the force of the retained earth lo create several bugles in the wall. The wall must be replaced to protect the residence from potential damage. The applicants are proposing to reconstruct a single wall with a maximum height of twenty (20') feet. The wall will be relocated to the south a distance of twenty (20') feet from the back of the building. The twenty (20') foot distance is needed to accommodate ground nailing and drilling equipment. The exterior surface of the new wall will be earth- tone colored shol-crete. II. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmenlal Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potenlial uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utililies, and public safety. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but musl review any accompanying DRB application.The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings 2. Fitting buildings into landscape 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography 4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation 5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms 8. Provision of landscape and drainage 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances 1 1. Location and design of satellite dishes 12. Provision of outdoor lighting STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested retaining wall height variance to allow for the construction of the new retaining wall. The recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. This recommendation is subject to the following findings: That the granting of the retaining wall height variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. That the strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the wall height regulations results in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Municipal Code or the Primary/Secondary Zone District. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the Primary/Secondary Zone District. Should the Planning & Environmental Commission choose to approve lhe requested variance, staff recommends that the following conditions be made part of the approval: J. 4. B. ilt. 1.That the applicant installs a six-foot tall chain link construction fence with an attached erosion control mesh along the western limit of disturbance line to limit site disturbance and prevent encroachment upon Town of Vail property. The applicant shall also install a four-foot tall plastic construction fence around the remainder of the construction area. The construction fences shall be erected prior lo the issuance of a building permit for the retaining wall work and shall remain in place throughout the duration of the construction project. That the applicant removes the temporary site access road and reslores the site to its original grades and revegetates all areas of disturbance with native grasses, prior to a final landscape inspection. 3. That the applicant returns to the Town of Vail Design Review Board proposed final landscape plan for the site. The plan shall in surface drainage, lhe mitigalion of twenty (20) aspen trees caliper inches) and the screening of the ends of the wall with coniferous trees. shall return to the DRB for final approval prior to Januarf{ 2002._! BACKGROUND Title 14 of the Vail Town Code regulates the heights of retaining walls. Pursuanl to the regulations, no walls shall exceed six (6') feet. in height. Title 14 does allow for the continuation of non-conforming sites and site improvements and would allow for maintenance of non- conforming site improvements. This would allow for the replacement of any relaining wall exceeding 6 feet in height, provided the wall was reconstructed in the same location as the original, non-conforming wall. However, a variance is required when the nonconformity is increased. Title 14 states: "To encourage redevelopment, there shall be some flexibility granted to nonconforming sites and structures. However, whenever possible, compliance with the Development Standards shall be achieved." On November 7,2001, the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Design Review Board for a final review of the proposed wall design. Upon taking testimony from the applicant and discussing alternative design solutions, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the applicants' request with conditions. The four conditions are as follows: 1. That the approval of the applicant's Design Review Board is conditioned upon an approval of a pending application for a retaining wall height variance currently scheduled for final consideration of the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on Monday, November 12,2001. Should the variance request be denied by the PEC, the DRB approval of November 7 , 2001 , shall become null and void. 2. That the applicant installs a six-foot tall chain link construction fence with an attached erosion control mesh along the western limit of disturbance line to limit site disturbance and prevent encroachment upon Town of Vail property. The applicant shall also install a four{oot tall plastic construction fence around the remainder of the conslruclion area. The conslruclion fences shall be erected orior to the issuance of 2. tv. J. 4. a building permit for the retaining wall work and shall remain in place throughout the duration of the construction project. That the applicant removes the temporary site access road and restores the sile to its original grades and revegetates all areas of disturbance with native grasses, prior to a final landscape inspection. That the applicant returns to the Town of Vail Design Review Board with a proposed final landscape plan for the site. The plan shall include provisions for surface drainage, the miligation of twenty (20) aspen trees (''|80 caliper inches) and the screening of the ends of the wall with coniferous trees. The applicant shall return to the DRB for final approval prior to January 1,2002. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino the Relainino Wall Heioht Variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff does not believe that lhe requested wall height variance will have any negative impacts on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The new wall will be of the same height as the existing wall, only it will be thirteen (13') feet further south. Staff believes that the applicant is essentially repairing and maintaining an existing non-conforming wall. Technically, pursuant lo the non-conforming structures section of the Zoning Regulations, the applicant could have repaired and replaced the wall without variances, however, in order to ensure the longevity of the wall, a new design including ground nailing is proposed. The need to get equipment behind the residence causes the need to relocale the wall to the south. The applicant has moved the wall the minimum distance necessary to gain access for the construction equipment. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unilormity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. The applicant has proposed the minimum deviation necessary to receive relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the retaining wall height regulation. Following discussions with the applicants' representatives, staif would recommend that the applicant regrade the area at the base of the wall lo reduce the apparent height of the wall. The contractor will be removing a substantial amount of fill dirt and staff believes that the fill dirt could be used at the base of the wall to bring the grade up. While the wall would be constructed with a maximum height of twenty (20') feet, the first four or five feet of wall could be buried below grade. The area could then be replanted with the trees required as part of the Design Review Board's condition requiring tree mitigation. lf the fill V. dirt and regrading were done, maximum height of the wall above finish grade would be reduced lo fifteen or sixteen feet. Staff believes that this option is superior to constructing a second wall, as a second wall, while creating a tier for landscaping, still results in twenty feet of wall face. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traftic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes there will be minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above referenced criteria. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq lindinos before qranlinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious lo properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with lhe objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. JOHN W. DUNN ART H UR A. ABPLANALE JR' INGA HAAGC NSO N CAUSEY o. coutr54!: JERRY W. HAN NAH Law OFFlcEs DuttN & AeplnNar-e P.C. ^ Pfio.EssroNA coipoR^rror wEsrsraR BANx B u lLDr NG loe Soulx Fnor'ttao: RoAD wesr Sutre goo Vatl, Colonaoo a | €5 7_ 5087 17 October 2001 TCLEPHONE:(970) 476.0300 FACSIMILE: (9701 47 6- 47 6= highcounttyl6w.com e-inaiL vcil l.w@v6il.net cfFlratEo La6^L ^ssrstarl XAREN r'1. DUNN CLAS Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Communir"v Development 111 South Frontage Road West \/ail CO 81657 Re: Retaining Wall Repair, 1467 Greenhill Court, Vail, Colorado Dear George: Our Firm represents Ellenore Joint Venrure, one of the owners of the duplex located at the above ploPerry in Vail, who has been given authority to act on behaif of the other owners, fuchard W. Cohen and Dianne H. Cohen' Our clients have asked that we request of the Town of Vail permission to repair the retaining ra,rall rvhich lies above and to the south of this properry through its replacement by a concrete reraining wa11, secured by soil nails, to be located aPproximately 15-20 feet south of the exisiing residence. This lener is being provided in the hope of obtaining the approval oith" O"p".r*ent of Communiry Development for repair of the wall through iti reconstruction with more suitable design and construction matedjrl' As you are aware, the retaining wall in question was constructed of timbers intended to protect the naro residences on the ProPerfy against movement of the mountain toward the duplex building. The wall is failing, and the verbal reports which our ciients have received fi'o* the engineers u'ith whom they are working indicates that the properry is threatened by the current siruation. lf the situation is not corrected before winter, the iikelihood of total failure of the wall and destruction of the residence increases sigrrificantiy. Because of this siruation, an emergency exists u'hich requires immediate aftention and correction. Our clients recogrrize that the repairs to the wall in question r"'i11 result in a retaining wall higher than that normaliy permined under the Municipal Code. However, the existing r,r'a]l is already higher than normally permitted, ard, as such, it is a non-conJorrning use. The repair of the wali caused by movement of Vail Mountain toward the residences on the above properry appears to be perrnitted under the Municipal Code. Section 12-18-9 provides as follows: JD RESTORATION: Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regUlations for the district in which it is located' or a nonconforming stnrcture or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, heighi densiry control, building bulk control or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other calamiry, by act of God or by the public enemy' its use may be resumed or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced u,ithin one year and d.iligently pursuant to completion' All new construcrion must conform to the applicable Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire code and other relevant codes regarding safery and construction which are in effect at the time rebuilding is proposed' The earth movement is properly characterized as both a calamiry and an act of God. Neither our clients ,tot "ttyott. else has control over that activiry' The new waLl wili be corstructed in a manner consistent with applicable codes relating to safery and construcdon. With reference to safety, reconstruction of a wali identicai to the failing wall would not provide safery, and the proposed desrgn is necessara in order to achieve a safe siruation while *it.i*itittg impacts, and while maintaining consistency with ttre Town's goa.ts. The height of the proposed repair is necessitated by a combination of (a) the need to hive su-fficient room to secure the wali to the slope (through soil nails), (b) the height of the slope to be retained, and (c) the fact that a staged"or tiered wa]l wou-ld resu-it in the d.esmlction of many more trees, which would be iounterproducrive for both the Town and the proPerry owners. while our clients recognize that they might apply for a variance in this situation, a variance does not app; to be requiied, and insufficient time edsts for the variance piocess if the work *tr.i"ir is required to protect the house against damage and destruction through the required repair of the wall is to occur prior to winter' Wehopetohaveanengineeringreporttoyouwithinthenexttwodal's,mg1g specifically sening forrh the iistory of the problem, the effons to repair the wall with a less aggressive approach, the requirement for the repair of the wall through reptacenie-rrt; the current threat to the residence, the likeiihood of damage to the ."rid"rr.", if no action taken; and the requirement for action' If you feel that you are able to act on this request based upon the contents of this lerter, that would be ideai' If you require the engineering reporr, then action may be deferred untii we have that to you. Ii you requirl add'itioni informadon, please advise me of that fact' xc: Ellenore Joint Venture Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen AdArp*nrg- t i ffiul- futM,tk funh.,,," ilrffir'//fu ut\ r, fu dfuh44, lont $Un- w+t/ &nful-adrqru6+ wrw nrnrtlo WVt wv,fu,r rtd'ru rh, t qff, dwl.wu. Vffitu AL-Ynricu \wvdu fd, nutWrd,,a (W na^rl,'A( ^' t/[h6et, ,[v,tw tWW" Ailn-^WL vfimu rn+ + oko ld',,kna dorn'L W\wo lvq tr lwiqarnttt ffuru \'rqn{o dt "br'4i q'fr,,iV ^W @trh/ -sL !.d|n it' v4r$uA t&t y LANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS o MISSION Monday, November 12, 2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME MEMBERS ABSENT MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt Diane Golden John Schofield Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Site Visits : 1. 2. 4. 5. Driver: Hagerman residence - 1784 & 1794 S. Frontage Rd. West Cohen residence - 1467 Greenhill Court Lions Square Lodge - 660 West Lionshead Place Mountain Haus - 292 E. Meadow Drive Parks residence - 4166 Columbine Drive Brent % 12:45 pm PEC hearing extends until 6;00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, to allow for the conversion of accommodation units into employee housing units and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for Type lll employee housing units, located at the Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M,N and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Daymer Corporation Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED MAJOR AMENDMENT TO SDD NO. 5 WITH 2 CONDITIONS: That the approval of this major amendment to Special Development Dislrict No. 6 shall not supercede any previous approvals for this special development district. That the Fire Marshal completes an inspection of the site prior to second reading of ordinance to ensure compliance with all applicable flre codes and safety provisions. NOTE: lf the 1. 2. \ APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the conditional use permit to allow for Type lll employee housing units shall expire on June 1, 2002. 2. That the applicant shall enter into written agreement with the Town of Vail in a form approved by the Town Attorney stating that these units shall be used for employee housing until such date that the conditional use permit expires. A request for a variance from Section 12-7H-10 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, at the Lion's Square Lodge, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1"'Filing. Applicant: Lion's Square Lodge Planner: Bill Gibson TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 10, 2OO1 A request for a variance from Sections 12-7A-9 (Site Coverage) and 12-74-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new front entry feature at the Mountain Haus, located at292E. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Mountain Haus, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson MOTION: Dick Cleveland SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-1 (Schofield opposed) TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 10, 2OO1 A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5 (Lot Area and Site Dimensions), Vail Town Code, a minor subdivision of Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, to relocate a common property line and a rezoning of Lot 3, Vail Village West, Filing No.2, from Two- Family Primary/Secondary Zone District to Single-Family Zone District and setting forth details in regard thereto, located al 1784 & 1794 South Frontage Road West/Lots 2 & 3 Vail Village West, Filing No. 2. Applicant: PhilipHagerman/AllisonOchs Planner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL TO CHANGE ZONING MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Dick Cleveland VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED MINOR SUBDIVISION WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits a final plat of the resubdivision of Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior to recording the plat with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder. The final plat shall be recorded within one (1) year of the date of Planning & Environmental Commission approval. MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED VARIANCE ?. ? 4. 5. A request for a variance from Title 14, Development Standards, to allow for the replacement of an existing retaining wall with a new wall that exceeds six feet in height, located at 1467 Greenhill CourULot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Ellenore Joint Venture/Richard & Diane Cohen Planner: George Ruther/Allison Ochs MorloN: John schofield sEcoND: Doug cahill VorE: 6-1 (Doyon opposed) APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant installs a six-foot tall chain link construction fence with an attached erosion control mesh along the western limit of disturbance line to limit site disturbance and prevent encroachment upon Town of Vail property. The applicant shall also inslall a four-foot tall plastic construction fence around the remainder of the construction area. The construction fences shall be erected prior to the issuance of a building permit for the retaining wall work and shall remain in place throughout the duration of the construction project. 2. That the applicant removes the temporary site access road and restores the site to its original grades and revegetales all areas of disturbance with native grasses, prior to a final landscape inspection. 3. That the applicant returns to the Town of Vail Design Review Board with a proposed final landscape plan for the site. The plan shall include provisions for surface drainage, the mitigation of twenty (20) aspen trees (180 caliper inches) and the screening of the ends of the wall with coniferous trees. The applicant shall return to the DRB for final approval by January 11 , 2002 prioF{eJa+uaqf{Jo0? 6. A request for a worksession to review preliminary alternatives for the development plan of Middle Creek Village, located at the site known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 10,2OO1 7. A request for a variance from Sections '12-6C-6 (Setbacks) & 12-6C-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type I Employee Housing Unit, located at 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Parks Planner: George Ruther/Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 7-0 TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 10,2OO1 8. Approval of October 22,2001 minutes 9. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, T5 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. rt Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department .linlr Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us February 26,2002 Mrs. Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, P.C. P.O. Box 3340 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Interior Conversion, Lot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Pam: I have received your letter dated February 21, 2002 inquiring about the impacts of an interior conversion on the overall development potential of a property. The purpose ofmy letter is to respond to your inquiry and to inform you that the interior conversion that you have proposed for the Cohen residence will not negatively impact the overall development potential of the property (Lot l0). The interior conversion of crawl space areas within a house is pcrmitted by Chapter 12-15-4 of the Town of Vail zoning regulations. This provision is intended to accommodate existing homes where residents desire to expand the amount of usable space in the intcrior of a home. The interior conversion of the Cohcn's crawl space to Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) will not impact the firture development potential of the adjoining duplex unit owner (Joss) since this potential square footage is within the Cohen residence, and thus, only available to the Cohen's. The Joss' may also be eligible for intcrior convenion square footage. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I can be rcached most easily by telephone at (970) 479-2r4s. Sincerely, flry-R,*,1,-,r George Rutheq AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {g *"no"or r"* PO Box 3340. Vail, Colorado 81658 'I Fax:970-476-749 1 414 4+5L RE=Dr(tnlrold hohn - hald, yn laa t"a ,tlus rc a- brd'traru ht'a^ n't ttrc'k'o"i araal[rye tufrt ilildd +/4r /i6lar4 lhdabrMt'ut'o, lL aPLs ;^'i*;'a;/d/t"4 oa'bnbr a/*/*ar/ i t< " il*, bi 'lto rvtl ol W' il/5'h/'4 4a//aq' //D W w;/l /ww tL ta 4hrra urw " *'nurL a 6/'rl- urlrnu fut41 :/?{' ,1,fu2 rr**iz -t'tri t'"f r/b*'///r naqhbt's 'ntlr'ilir*"J, ta,n qm do tlhiE ? ilat4 hbors ara I r#/ffi-xr# ?:! aoJ Dr l/uert'.1o4 41rt t a*l +M 152 i 1100 4,&7 ,llnhan Uorq nuil4 lr,'qo'.r L'b, P0 Box 3340 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . Pho ne: 970'476'2201 t Fax: 970'476'749'l .t I t/ot /po Feb 2l O2 OLz?'lp 3/W{!rto VlWHhrith;t. Suon&Hopkins Hrchitect ,bY?l{ Af.,o\4* Fo? f "lE#tt , r-.')07 , VWI?^\''r.li .l'r+L1g,';!' ?-til'-I il ' F'ltrt+:'Pli'"F1..: I)vA wnvlr4' lt'{Vlt4tfb OThNVeV; >s \t YVI-IIVV VXr4'2rc?.?*(art 2Y,(Wtav P25.it(l; i..::' a4*-ws' Al i-,. {, vyw4Ne c*larypftb I0 &,rP4t*u*r?d' pufl \xqt:i a - -rs 000V' h2ol'? ') t/l"Aft a?-w62w\ ?bw"6v Udvd WPaHcv wf to av6*w0il ^ubptvl4pN YHV: fuvar*w tsla(*', e&Hv?dv e+(#drc? IP v"7l7Y 4 Nd2ftprf ar.rNw" <AwV+t1W 7vlc7 L rb_ tlvil W" ayv+'ittl@ J iri Bxrrr.frfra V-tl..t,v r rrr.l x{\t NPN Vvitry zvt v- bfttrt;awxou --}, ?H,ffinrfikM*:-n* HFH Y&PO|*I l'^'lit'{ftrri: 4,4or(4" 'f;{rit+i gX{. aWtifi;, lc MAf;i.r{-., ,t ll -#1.$I tft Feb 21 O? O1:27p SrSlonfUopkins Rrchitect PO Box 3340. Vail, Colorado 81658 r Phone:970-476'220 1 I Fax:970-476-7491 u++6tl wt*10w1/? m^ urXftlSK p.3 uLb ?Nt4fi!"c PFrt'|r'1V' aJ?Puv {o ov ,frY1@VW? {O f+frvi ?20v}'(&?vl -' Fltrht hltt-icalJ+ V|YW .-rii;;1;"it', 40 YlF{,un 4flwv t10?lA AEWlotl p\orl ?epalcv W tO AvAl W^1 abLlw?vta|ail VAll, u COVoV?:?o loftc 2ra qrC ] 1 ... a TELEP HON E:(970) 476-0300 FACSIM ILE: <970' 476-4765 highcountrylaw.c,om e-mai!: vaillaw@vail.net CERTIFIEO LEGAL ASSISlANT KAREN M. OUNN CLAS Law Orrtces Duruu & AepLeNrauq P.C. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION WesrSren Banx BurlorNc roe Sourx FRoNTAGE Rolo Wesr Su rre soo Varl, Coloaaoo 81657-5047 28 December 2001 JOH N W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUNSEL: JERRY W. HANNAH Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Community Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 Re: Retaining Wall Repair, 1467 Greenhill Court, Vail, Colorado Dear George: As you are aware, our Firm represents Ellenore Jointventure, one of the owners of the duplex located at the above address in Vail. Ellenore Joint Venture has been working on its own behalf and on behalf of the other owners of the duplex residence at this address, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen, toward resolution of the failing retaining wall south of the residence. Both our clients and Dr. and Mrs. Cohen appreciate the work which you and Allison put into obtaining approval of the repair and replacement of the retaining wall which lies above and to the south of this property. The repair of the wall during the winter, as planned bythe property owners, has proved to be impossible because several factors, including the arrival of substantial snow and the inability of the proposed contractor to identiff the impact and cost of winter work. Further, our clients' principals have been unable to determine the wishes of Dr. and Mrs. Cohen with reference to scheduling in view of these problems. As a result of these factors, it seems unlikely that any work toward repair or replacement of the wall will occur during the winter. Our clients are aware of the January deadline for a landscape plan, and they asked that I contact you in order to determine the effect of the change in scheduling on that deadline. In our conversation earlier this month, we reviewed that issue, and it is my understanding from you that the Town's concern related to having the landscape plan approved as soon as possible was associated with the expectation that construction would be proceeding immediately upon approval in November. r[lfoe A,'Q. Ifff,clrED'