HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 14 LEGAL6tt/, ?^, l* rf Design Review Board ACTION FORFI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxl97O.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: LINN RES. LANDSCAPING CHANGES Proiect Description: FINAL APPRVAL FOR NEW PLANTINGS, DRYSTACK WALLS (NOT OVER 3' IN HEIGI-fD AND UGHTING Participants: OWNER ALE(ANDRA P. UNN TRUSTEE 0612212006 ALEXANDM P. LINN REVOCABLE TRUST 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT I-AND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, lNC06l22l2OO6 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 12s9 AVON co 81620 License: 130-5 Project Address: 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: 1350 GREENHILL CT Legal Description: Lot: 14 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 2103-124-0301-8 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DRB060243 Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActioN: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 07105/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paidr $2O.OO Application for Design Reyiew ,. $n3rgre1t of Conrrrrurity Developr,renl rr s0uIQ t.rorttsgc Road, Vnll, ColorarJrr f,t(i.,2 tef : 970./t,79,2 tJg fdx: 970,179,215) weD: www,d.vail.cs.us General Informatlon: #ff,iT".'ti[.f;#'"T#ljiiffi'#$ii:,"{i:'r,jiif'"",',";fli:ffiid,iri"ir';tJu:rilt,Tl r,ril;,iti;r,it s'llfi*ilifil.;,.r;:dHt'f,ft .ii'ili"iil:.*il,l:'ellBgtmf ii:nr#i".;i rrn.! vclr or trt. "'p-p.orri'*Prar unlere a bullrllng l|ernllt lr llruoo rni cin-riiuit,on r:omnrnocei withrrl '*1;!i:4d:ry,,f ff^il$n1_..,#r . tlt--lle--d!!L;I::38._rtuwt "tt r__ *__Loc.rtion of tho plepo5afi Lot;-___ Blocl<;, .____ Subdlvlsion: 1ar4 _.e4 phvsicel Addrsss: Jo?-, !+t4*ldL. (q.j*_* rbrtl Parcef ilo.; 1!-"6..?--l2O"4ltle*,rr* East* r;6, Arsessor ut sm.s:;s6;o rn,lu,,,.ur ,,u.i Zonlngl Narne(c) or owher(s): b rL:_eL*"*bf-L;. Hattinsldd.€sr: .l'r}q,? q(g!o"l:t(*_(a..1,__ vdt ; h " o,uro" :ffi:::H n'l: LM >,g:f-{J,i.; ";--ail=' " v"r-\ C rr,:::'-1o*'":::i - -?-- -b*i--rn6-1*i*: ?" p'{,r'i, ' b tDLjrEr, :l",:rX?:o: |+i4!1d a1 IOW E-mall Addr.ess: Iar, lr5,,l(r? lrrl,*, p w r a rl €, Lr Type oi Rcvlow,rnd feer I I Siurrs [J ccrncnptLral qoyl*^i i:00." *t $1'00 pcr :irltrar(: r()r)t uf total sign areir, E New constructton r-j n,,litr,-,,i,'-'''.''"" 3!i3 F;::"J#f[?i;1,""J.{j:,.,1ril:,[fiT:,Jr"JJii,],,,/ rl:si(r,,,,r;rr,rr tr M.not Alt,:r;rtirrrr (;Qrnmerc/dl l_u]ft]10 tinctudes 250,r4]1;11ip, & i,t;:ig; ;on;;;,;;;;r,;; " f"tritr-r*rriv))'",r'nerciat) $250 For rninor changes to truildings and sirrr iri ff ui,ror Arrerorion ' ",^ ;:i.T,lllfuJ["[:; ;ilfi" ffif;;;];''if'lJilliiili;,''i'll;lll ',',(sirlqlo-fflrnlly/dup,lex) +Lv ior nllllOr changes to buildlngs anr, site rlnl reroofins, p3;;d,,r;- ;;ffi' #;::l'"?iT:rn€nts, srrch .t';, I i (jhonsesroA2prove<Jprans $20 [ttti;11x{,,,.{*]f' *too* addrtians' larirlrtallln'l' t'r'r'ori antt | | Separauon R&tr^:{ *" -" ui.tiiliiiH,rLlled:t nlrrradv approvrd by Planr}irri Sfarr 1v1 111n Phone; --l-\i-'<-) ; -- t t I l.rr',i ND, :t?694'"i.:l2r3E l'la.U. 1,1 litlllr, l')'1:rr{rll I ,*ffi I, (print franre) Ala+^r,*rl,r"*. h** -.-, a luint owner of propertv k)cato(l nt (oclr'lr.rr'y'lcgul n*nooo,,, JZAo . $t ctJ.,X--(-n"L- provide Urrs letter as vrrltten apuoval of th.t plans CilteO -- ?,1l|-. .-';i/LU1"- eb - - whrch ltrrve t.:crl Subn tta(l to thc lown of Vail crtnmunity Dwelopment Dtlp0rtment for the prdpoftd inqlr'Jvr:*t rernt$ to be fl xnpteted clt the a<klrrrqs noted ohOve. I Understand that the propoSed lmprovernr:rrl's irrltr'ie: ^\.. 1,. r | , r, \ .,,,7e_]f.!LL(e _.4t.-,. |-l\.al'',f= *' r'' 1 1:...,---. U5l^Jr Ylri\T -1'zsl tl I .- /-;,.tvow.** -t* PLr*-w.- 'OINT PROPERTY OWT{ER WRTTTET{ APPROVAT TETTER I twuter unchl$:artd that rnlnor morJlflcotions may lle madc t0 the Plons over the trrursc ol tltc tevicw process tr.l crtsure cotltpliance with the-rown'5 applhahle codqs End reotllations' _JrI ftttttt ob (Date) ' P;rgn 2. of 13/ t1./17/03 D aanF AUt|I' VAIL F/A r= n l4\, IEU JUll 01 TOWN Ol h]t( t\Jl\ zo'a 2t.6O SO-SZ-SO oso6 zgt srl NNII XflV I f,OA Search Results Page I of6 123456789 10 11 Next CP-12 Arroyo CarmelrSeries Outdoor I 12" wide x I 1/4" tall Arroyo Carmel Series c post lantern Overlays available are Bungalc (D). Hillcrest (H), T-Bar (T), and no overlay ( your metal finish, verdigris patina (VP), miss (MB), ra\,'v copper (RC), bronze (BR), rustic I satin black {SB), antique brass (AB). antique pewter (P) or slate (S), and then pick the gla gold white ifldescent {GW), white opalescen frosted (F), clear seedy (CS). alrnond mica ( mica (M), off white (OF), cream (CR), tan (T glass {RN). Each Arroyo fixture is custom m' brass just for you All finishes will darken wit here in bronze with gold white iridescent gla, overlay. Uses 100wt standard bulb. Optiona included. #AROCP-12. Start Finish Colors Satin Black Glass/Shade .GoldWhite lridescent Trim *No OverlaY Qnty 1 EP-12 Arroyo Evergreen Series Oufdoor Lantern '1 2" wide x 12" tall Arroyo Evergreen Series , lantern. Overlays available are Classic Arch (T). Pine Needle (PF). Sycamore (SF). Hum (HF), and no overlay (E) First pick your met verdigris patina 1VP). mission brown (MB). rr 1RC1. bronze (BR), rustic brown (RB) satin Fla" L antique brass IAB) antrque copper (AC) pe slate (S), and then prck the glass you want: dallv*'L L rridescent (GW) whrle opalescent (WO1. froi seedy (CS) almond mica (AM), amber mica (OF), cream (CR), tan (TN) or rain glass (Rl' Arroyo fixture is custon"t made of solid brass All linishes will darken with age. Shown here brown with frosted glass with Hummingbird < 100wt standard bulb. Optional post not inclu #AROEP-12 Start I http://www.merchantmanager.com/lightingforum,MM046.ASP?pageno=66&aProds:ARO... 5124/2006 *lr+*t{r't*****fl+alt******t**++++a****r***l**+********i****t******t+++****+t**t****tt+****rr** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statemenl ft+*+++alf****t******f+l'****+**fa++++*+++**+*******t***********************{'*++tl'++++f***f*a Statement, Number: R060000855 Amount: $20.00 06/22/200604:32 pM Pa)rment Method: CaEh Init: iIS Notation: $/KATITY AALTo Permit No: DR8050243 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2103 - 124 - 03 01- I Site Address : 13 5 O GR.EENHIIJI, CT VAIIJ Location: 1350 GREBIHILL CT Total Feea: $20.00 Thia Palment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmta: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accourt Code Deacription Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LI-22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20,00 -""",,"::m4 ts9l8 of,'lle^'unoJ llrqueerD Osgl ecueprseu uur-I glo l* f:JB f7\.., WZ !I ,t D,+t-t"i P a:r *xs r3 s>,rJ FO,!1 a di zi"$( o trE {Filo \r--)F trq i..t \l -]-ia"T $q \ old f z t-o -l"I.{.z tt__,"4Jf .r; [fr ** rz -r-S] f F-l \ jl}-utTF ir q E4 +!'-^ -lJ {-F-cuJ r3tj -T< I ti t';-fsit + r fEH FfiH T 0 f-F ! ,(. -\)-q -s,----) !-dl ri, J cl-. <a--,r 4.-? i'.) 1,^v1 :l \-,, T \JF { d' F ).$sl. dh- ot u*. a ul g --F L{-T E 9e z \__i <. --Ja_ FE r --5-z fr F4 I. *rL $- rdF !! d {- -l F 7 r.u l z d \ J-' Z -l g Z -t d ll.l s_ f- I I x o d A- -a-{ F I {.dd-r 7 .rr O F - I( $-J -fJ<;S .r-5-u t r Isti $ i r* [fr vltl-Jr -) !--r v J l^ ul ; r - bl)l ',j' (du_ --r< 3i5i Ft r:; $ ,, S l.-u'{ 5 . uJ *).-'snt $fT.r 5 i,,, 't +;o ( $l f tl-- "Z rti ij*''.gIiF(fl iid *i Fi o uJ ,/,rl dJ tl) d I 7 rrl s "i t F ;lu tl. lJ- 6 ul k o : rA rC 4 .ttr l-s ($n$ rr- {,\, !r td FL \tf ^l-UI \+ t _3 fut FS -.o =-r.o[** r4. *(- -J rc$ .15-d zt iv ir> nfr J {] F r d. c)' ] *E 4.-za dJ- *( t.>Y (: r-J a3 \F FF IIJ s- $- 5 {. ) J <'t- 7 - lIJt:- :e >rl \s F-{ .fS-^a({dJ F{i st-9 a l-s!.<.)r $it a I014,'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roa{ Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.4192139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Linn Residence DRB Number: DRB010122 Project Description: Driveway Entrance Piers and Exterior Lighting Pa rticipants: OWNER LINN, ALEXANDM PALMER O5/1Z2OO1 Phone: 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT LINN, ALE(ANDRA PALMER 05/122001 Phone: 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address: 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 14 Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312403018 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApprovalt 05/23/200L Conditions: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004753 The pillars must be located 12'from the edge of asphalt for site distance (along the curve) and future road improvements. Ptanner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 -.Ov . Questions? Gll the Planning Staff at 479-2138 W. reIBT m$l*|l ffi MINOR ALTERATTONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUTLDTNGS h.tl0tl,',,111ffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" applicaUon. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which cleadv convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be useo. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). tl If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. r0 { d t BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior LighUng Other Lrsr oF PRoPosEp MATERTATa TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: m'rssm-Trotrlh @vDev pthKifh * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All oderior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting.Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting b propced, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. [Afhvr r4ld,lcrl PROPOSED I.AI{DSCAPING Botanical Name:Common Name:Ouantitv:Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: 0lrl4fcaPP c,Yr DCISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requiremenb for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Scuare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications L-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781(Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Oed Husky;lohn Boyd) T.C.I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed, NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, ff a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the lrtility represenbtive shall note directly on the utility verificatbn form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identifled problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public WorK at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easernent within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. .. _.! MON EREY -.*__ { F-c-l F._D-_-{ F-A___{ F--.-C___-1 F-- D-*{ FRtE HANGINC illL.rDEL L{rll' T I D I I T B. I D I I I illH-12 ruH- 17 lvlH-?0 l,1H-l+ NlH-10 !rH-]6 100\!'Al9 r2"locw,\t9 t7'' I 0r)W' .{ l9 1,0 ' I0 t./{' r)' ll' b ri1" t] 5/8', 10" tl 2: lb 30" 3L'i " 30' 1/ ?' t/+" 719" t0r1w.{i9 z+' i6 l1{" l1 t/t" l00W Al9 10" Ib 3/,+' !I l/2' lLrow Alg 16' 16 l/+" l1 1,,2" m ill?5,and IVIH-l Z ,!r'.)unr lvl(h rr 4 r,+" squale r j/8 ' crlll|lg (aDopy ' and lnclrJr. l2noJl"diarrct irtossrhnin; trlfl-lsr rrnd Pltl-?{ rnot,l.nt r!ith fl { l/-+'x t8'' cdiling co,rrrpv; }lli-JC und }lH.lb mount ,,rirh n j" s4rrare.r:l/b dcillng cirnopl. r;ll rnr,lq{l+ .1.1 ' ,sf 1 t;i Jiutn:ti:r brass chcin, .{dclltronql chaln avrir/ablc in A isnrths.W B w,{LL ruouNt MODEL tJ\'lvlP MB.I2 lvrB.IT f,lB.12 dlJachcs rc a4 liZ" r 9' -t 5/8" nrrurnng bocltpicle r$sdtnblJ lehich indudts 0l/?" s4rrare lrrrrs nnn. !'1,8-11 attachts io aj " ,r I I " x 516" rrrutouing bnclrplale rssrmbly rvlriclr irxidet u .V9" vluore bross urm, .lunctio't bo.x molnling lrole crn rrally btared.rrr brrrkplrrre. - to(rw Al9 12" I r 5/s" 6' 11 ' t00!v.{19 17" l+" E r/+" 19 r/z' T I B I I POST MOUNT MODEL LAIVIP i .-/ N,lP- l), MP.I7 8"ll'6- 8 1i+" li' t5 v2" I 60!V Al9 l2' r r00vv Al9 t7' &launas wilh d J'LD xJ" rrrsr alcrpft.rr. Oplroncrl J ' c).D, bross posr urtri/abl* rn lo'. {.9". flnrl i2' k'ngrhs COLUMN NIOUNT MODEL tAtllP lvlc-I2 I 60W Al9 12" 9" lvlc-I7 I l00W Al9 17" l2 i/+' MC-20 I l00W Al9 20' 'lJ 1/2" Mc-2{ I l00w Al.9 2,4" t7'lvlc-30 I l00W Al9 30' ll.'l\,IC.36 I l00w At9 36', 17', (4) mothting }rrles lorirred rn I'ottonr rrf.fntura. ll.l.)untlhg hulClart b,y dlhrrJ ) 6" 7" E l/+" I i/8"I0" ll v2" Il v2" 133i8',li r/2" Il Ji8"ll l/2" 13 3/8" DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS _ o Rurgusr t.gs: Airoyo crqhsmrn uSnring tnc CONSTRUCTION: Arroyo Craltsnan's ftx(urcr rre hand nssrmbled rnd cohsrr{.(id trf sc,lid brass. o(frrcd in a vrricry of rtyhs rnd rires thor rlc ruitcd [or vnriou5 tppiirrtionr. Moullrirtg hlrdwrrc includcd rvrth iirrures.xcept tivlL ierlrr. Flx(ures rr€ l.l.i.. l]sttd, LAMPS: All fix(ur'*' ar. wiled lbf tl0 iint volntc arrd cquigped wrth poruelain mediun basr socke(i for incrndcscenr lrmpr or oprronrl PL $()qh€(s (or Compact lluqrts(rnt lrmps; rvarhblt for mo*:ircr. (Lom?r bI oth.rr.) GLASS/lvltCA: A choicc u{ rclcct rn 6lss in disunctivc hlnd-nixrd colort, 0r nrrcu llor i&inor ust ooiy) u irvailuole ls foilorvs: . CS . Cltrr Scedt, CF = Clcir Fr,r cd.6$'= Gold Whire lrldiscBnr. M - Amber MtcB. WO . $hrr! Opoiesffnr. FINISHES: Ar:oyo Cralrsmon,s uniqrre e116,*rrs pa{irt fili$h rs stirrrrrlirrtl. Optionsi fioishc: ric ttorlsbte \ tt fojlows: AB : Antrqu. 8:rss, AC o Amque Copprr. EK.6tlck. ER. Eronre. \tE = Nlisrion Erown. P . Anriq.re fcwkr. RC - [;1w ispgcr, oRNAtvtENTATIoN: ,:r- = cloud Lrfe oy.rliry srilndird rs snDwr. o!\rronirl r'rnamrnratrcne rraihbk as ftrllows.GF = crspc vinc FrhXree (.), HF - i{umnittgbud Filignt (.], [,F. pioc \rrllc Fili8t.e, SF - Stc,rni r' FiilArrt l . l.Bur Orerlsy. Rclcr ro ehrt lnd Mcrnl Finirhca iE,. Ltir :!iHd F- C-{ r_.....* A.____{ F- C--{ l--A--_--{ ta{irrilllii ii:[rI- -ir-iuieil't,trer Anoyo Crattsman column mount light fixture *BC- 17 - (l) 100 watt bulb round fixlur6 BZ finish GW glass Colorado buff snapped €dg€ cap 1 piec€ w/ continuous llashing dowel lo pier - drill hole for el€clrical Owners copper letters on recc€ssed Colorado butf tlat sandstono fac6. Two light fixlures above and sloped angled steel anglo to supporl above stone rock pier batter on 4 sid€s 1'-8' wide x 1'-1" above ground boulder dimensions 2'-4' wlde x 1 -3" above ground boulder dimensions 2'-7 3t4'. loundation trost linE and conc. footing to go below PROPOSED West Pier UR,bAN ARCNTECTS 3320 North Ravenswood Street Chicago, Illinois 60657 T el: 773.281.1878 E axz T13.281.187 8 LINN E,NTR.Y I 550 GrecnhlllCsurt, rIE,R,5 Voil, CP Aprif I L, Zoo I 3. West Pier location 4. East Pier location {t sl [E' L Existing wall stone, cap stones boulders w/similar lights to be used at nevt entrance piers. View of existing driveway . URBAN ARCHITECTS Transmittal Date: May 14, 2001 Project Name: Robert and Alex Linn Vail Residence 1350 Greenhill Court Vail, CO 8f657 Glen Lion Subdivision, LOT 14 TO: Brent Wilson - TOV Tel: 970.479.2138 Department of Community Development CC: Alex & Bob Fax: 97O.476.6973 From: Julie Gross, AIA Tel: 773.281.1878 Fax: 7'73.281.1942 Urban Architects 3320 North Ravenswood Chicago, Illinois 60657 RE: Various ltems Pages: I I am transmitting here within the Application for Design Review Approval for two new piers at the driveway entrance, previous site plan which shows site electrical and building plans which show building lights. I have noted for your convenience the lights above 18" and the lights that are below I8". Also included are exterior color xerox's showing type of stone and color, cuts of light fixtures to be used on top of the piers and construction drawings of the piers. Call with any questions LINN VAIL HOUSE: CA TRANSMITTAL May 14, 2001 172 URBAN Architects a3320 North Ravenswood Street achicaeo. Illinois 60657 a 773.281.1878 a fax 773.281.1942 Status: I Approved Coluuu ttrrY DEVELoPM ENT Rou Fonrvr fr Approved with conditions Z Denied o TING Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:ost17to1 Routed By:Brent Wilson Date Due:05t23t01 Description of work:Driveway entrance piers and exterior lighting (on private property) Address:1350 Greenhill Court Legal:Lot:14 Block:Subdivision:Glen Lvon Comments:Date Reviewed:5-22-01 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Revocable rioht of wav permit required if prooosed boulders are in the right of way. Move pillars back to 12'from edge of asphalt, for site distance requirments and future road Leonard Sandoval / Public Works TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. o GEN ,<.l/dtJ COMMUNITY DBVET.,OPMENT ,/DEPARTI'IENT OF THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITTE: LINN RESIDENCE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT iIOBSITB AT ALI., TIMES PermiE #:898-0052 Clean-up spproved amount date osit Refund DescripElon:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings PrlvaEe Garages .'Ob AddTESE: 1350 GRBBNHILL cT AEiON...: 1350 GREEN TIITL ET Parcel No. . : 2]-03-L24-03-018 SEatus...: ISSUED Apptied..: 04/06/L998 1ssued...: 05/29/L998 E>cpires. . : LL/25/1998 Phone: 970-949-1800 Phone: 97Q-949-l-800 Nunlcer of Dwelling UniEs: 001 FacEor Sq. FeeE valuation Ject No.: PRJ98-0038 APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INL P O BOX 4030, VAII CO S16s8 coNTRAqfoR BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC P O BOX 4030, VArL CO 81558 OWNER LINN ALEXANDRA PAIilER 13?9 N WESTHAVEN CIR, VAII-' CO 81557 Type zone 3 V-N Zone 3 v-N Masonry Subtotsal z 7,O74 Tobal Valuabion: 868,847.05 12,489.38 901, 336 .43 rvL t rrv . 901, 336 ., 336 .43 ,000.00 138.55 40.46 6,27L 803 Table Datre: 05/L7/L995 Town of Vail AdjusEed Valuation:1. 900,.000 F1!6placo rnfoltrtion: RaBcricEed: Y *of oas APPli.ncGE: r {lof oaF LogE: 2 *of Hood/pallee: PEE sUlilt''ARY Bulldlng-----> ?,o4o.00 Re€EualanE Plrn R.ulcn-->. oo Total calculaced F666_ _ - > 14 ' orr9 ' 65 5o0. oo Addi:lonal F€e6___-__--_! 'oo .o0 Rec!6at1ol1 Foe-______--_> 940'65 Total PeJjnil Fe6-_------> 14'069'65 l.oo Cl..n-t4t D.Po.tL--------> 1,0o0'oo P'y rns6-------- 14'os9'65 ...........:::.::::::::::::::::::1.......11,111;11....,..11T::.::::::::::::::::'..".'-.'. IEEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTI'IENT DEPL: BUII'DING DiViSiON: O4/O6/Lggg .]RM ACUiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO CHARLIE 05/o4/Lgg8 CIIARLTE Action: APPR CHARLTB DAVrs rtem: o54oo PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division: O4/O6/Lgg8 JRM ACtsiON: NOTE PLANS TO PLANNING o4/L5/LggB DoMrNrc Actsion: APPR see condition Item: 05GOO FIRE DEPARTIiIENT Dept: FIRE Division: O4/O6/L998 JRM ACTION: NOTB PLANS TO FIRE O4/30/L998 cHARr,rE Actsion: APPR N/A rEem: 05500 PUBLTC woRKs DepE: PLB woRK Division: O4/06/L998 ,IRM AcEion: NOTE PI,ANS TO LARRY P O,/2g/LggB JRM ACtsiON: APPR APPR PW PERMIT TO tP rtem: 05550 ENGTNEERTNG Dept: ENGTNEER Division: os/2]-/Lggg TPARTCII Accion: APPR see conditions r r tt t I tl} r i r r r r t i See page 2 of Ehle DocumenE for any condiLions thats may apply to this permit. PIan check- - -> Inv€el lgel iob > wlll call----> DBCI,ARATIONS t h.raby rcknorl.dga ch.c I b.v. r.td chis rppltc.tion, fillcd ouc in full rhc lltfg!.tltElon r.qul!!d, cooPl'lcd an pl.n, rnd ataEa lhrE all !h. infor rllon provldcd Aa r:.quircd i6 correcg. r .Er.. so conPly rlch th6 lnforoetion lo coriply r.lth at1 ToIn ordln.nc.a and 6gac. Iass, and to bulld lhlE gErucEura accordlng to che Torn'6 zonlng and code., de€lgn r.vl.r approv.d. Unlforr sulldlng code end othcr ordln.nc.E of !h. Toln aPPllc'bl' tshcr'go accur-e!. PloL and trtlot Plen, 6ubdl vloion REeuEars FoR rNspEcrrowg sHALL BE r.,rADE TwENTy-FouR Hor.rRs rN ADvANcE Bv rELEpyoNE- lr 419-'2L3EIr- PotlR TFrcE rRoM foo AM 5 :0O Pl4 OWNER 86nd Cl..n-Up D.iro3ir Tor EECK AND Aasoc sIONAiItRB OF OWIIER OR CONTRASTOR FOR ttli'ISELF AND PAGE 2 *******!r*****!t********************.r******************:l************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permic #: 898-0052 aE of 05/29/98 Stsatsus: TSSIIED *************************************************************************i****** Permit, Tlpe: NBW (SFR, P/S, DIIP) PERMIT AppllcanE: BECK 6" ASSOCIATES, INC iIOb AddTESS: 1350 GREENHILI, CT LOCAtsiON: 1350 GREEN HILL C:T Parcel No: 2LO3-L24-03-018 Apptied: 04/06/L998 Isaued: 05/29/L998 ********************t*********************************************************** CONDITIONS **********rtt*********t**t*.t*:ri*************************+************************ 1. THIS PROiIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMET{T SURVEY. sucH ST'RVEY SHALL BE SIJBMITTED AIiID APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAIqE INSPB TION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVB A CEII.,ING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR T'ESS, AS ME.ASIJRED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TT{E STRUSTTJRAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO TTIE I'NDERSIDE OF THB STRUCTURAI, MBMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. Musts remove access doors on ground level plan sheet A2 ' 1- Eo crawl Bpace.This house ia noE entsiEled to interior conversLon' 4. A CONSTRU TION FENCE }IILt BE ERESTED FROM PROPBRTY LINE TO P ROPERTY I..INB ON iI]HE NORTH EAST SIDE. IF THIS CONSTRUCTION FE NCE IS DISTT'RBBD OR MOVED OR IF THE TOWN OF VAII.,, RECIEVES A COMPIJAITiTT FROM TI{E OWNERS OF LOT 15 ABOUI II.LEGAL ACCESS OR CONSTRUCTION ON TIIEIR I.,OT TIIB PRO'J3CT WIIL BB RED TAGGED ItNfIL ?HE ISSUE IS RESOL,VED at !t- **************************************************************** TolfN oF vArL, cor,oRADo stsaEernnE *********tf ***************************************************** sEaEemne Number: REc- 0408 llmount : 13 , 859 - 55 os / 29 / 98 r!1-r-6 Palment MeEhod: CK NoEatsion3 L6g7o rnit: JRM PermlE No: 898-0052 Tlpe: B-BUTLD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Parcel No: 2]-03-L24-03-018 Sit,C AddTESS: 1350 GREENHILL gT LOCAtsiON: 1350 GREBN HILL gT ToE.al Fees: 14, 059.55 This Payment 13,g59.65 Total ALL Pmes: 14,059'55 Balance: '00 **t**t******t******i****:t****************tt********************* Account Code Descriptsion AmounE ?, 040 . 00 300.00 4,576 .OO 1, 000 . 00 940,65 FEE 3.00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOOSTL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FBES PF OOTOOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES AD 00100002403100 CLEAIIUP DEPOSITS RF 11100003112?00 RECRBATION FEES tfc 00100003112800 wrLL CALL TNSPEqUON o 'Fr oz OE ..; o2 .o F H oa OH o@ ta oo E ra o oE F {'\o dl L' !00 F o h U a vr o d E ril o ii rl (] -2 io 40 FO o aql 20 OTI 2Z F{O Et- HF 2Z at5 IO F: f2 f,t EB i9 o EI F. tr HE oo AE td l0 t( 2 o h, Bl t(EO ze1 qt :g lll o c| lrl F IEA P S9 UU (,l t{ H E o a z c H a r: ; .{p En,E> altrs.l(,(O '{ rl ao4 ato!lldo a orti t Eaglc Couniy Asses gors -328-8640 for Parcel f. ll : 2103- 124-03-018 n""{rrn- oa38 onEac c 970 RCEL f \ TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTOM PERMIT APPLICATION FORH DATE:_April 1. 1998 PER.\IIT f I APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT -COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATfON * * J. * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ [-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electri.cat I J-Mechani'caI [ ]-other ob Name: Li nn Residence Job Address: 1350 Green Hill Court egal Description: Lot I4 Block- Filing suaotvtstou, Glen Lyon _ krners Name: Robert & Alex Linn Address: 2897 Timber Creek Dr. #024 ph.476-0559 Vail, C0 81657 rchitect: Urban Archit€cts/Julie GrossAddress: 3320 N. Ravenswood Ph.773-281-1878 3neral Description:New construction. single fami I v. two storv ,. rrk Class: [XX]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other rmber of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Accommodation Units: -0- rmber and rype of Firepraces: cas Apptiances. z Gas Logs 1 wood/perlet -0- i*****************ll*I**'k*** yALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k )k * * tILDf NG: $ 1.9 I'lillion ,UMBf NG: $ Unknown ELECTRfCAL: $ Unknown MECHANfCAL: f Unknown OTHER: $ TOTAL: S : * :t * * Jt rt * rt rt * * * * * * ,r * {' * }t *' * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMA.I'ION * * * *:k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * !r * * + ldress: ectrical Contractor: Not chosen at this time dress: urnbing Contractor: dress: chanical Contractor: dress: *** **** r!* * **** *** ** rt * * * ** ***** ILDING PERMT? FEE: UMBING PERMIT FEE: CHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: Town of vail Reg. NO. 117A Phgne Number: 970-949-1800 ' kevia/ utitli-l6wn df Vail Req. NO. Phone Number: llot chosen at this time Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Not chosen at this time Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. FOR OFFfCE USE *****************rnt************ BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBING PINN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP TO?AL BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE ZONTNG: SIGNATURE ECTRICAI-I FEE: IIER TYPE OF FEE: B FEE: nmencs: rneral Contractor: Beck & Associates VALUATION EAN I}P DEPOSIT REFUM TO: e TrIr . t- TO: FHOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLlC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEP.ARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Linn Residence Date: April 1, 1998 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "Public Way ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed 1o site other than existing diveway? ls any drainage work being done alfecting the right of way, easements, YES X or public properly? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Permit': NO 1) 2) ?\ 4) s) ol N/A N/A Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answered all the above questions. Contractols Sionature Date Job Name rS. 75 south tron lage road va il, colorado 81657 (3o3't 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olf lce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBl,rc WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEttELopMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any person to litLer, track or deposit any soil, ..o.t , sand, debris or rnateriar, including trash lutnp=cers, portabJ-e toiLets and workrnen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaiX, -"ii"V or public prace or anv nortion theieof. The rignt-oi-;;t-;" alr Town of VaiI streets lnd.Igags is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be striilry enforcld by the iown of Vail Public I'Iorks DeDartment. perslns rouna vil:-.[irg this ordinance wilt.be given a 24 hour written notrce to remove said rnaterial.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour rirne-"p."iii"a,";;"-;;;lic works Department wirr remove said mateli.t .t in"--""p""se of person not'ified- The provisions of this ordinance sharl not be applicable to cLnstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities i" it"-.Ig[i_"_r.y. To-review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1l,Vail Building Departroent, to obtain cooperation on this matter. please stop by the Town of a copy. Thank you for your 'all '1I .,- B.JL J Arso.;.L ionst-ipTo-eiffi-1i.e.contractor, owner) .. 75 south trontage road v!ll. colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otrlce of communlly devolopmerrt BUILDING PERT|IT ISSUANCE TII.IE FMIIE Il^!li:-q:"ljt.59ouires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval,Engineer''s (.publ ic Wo;ks) reyfew and approvat ,'a ptinnini-bepartment review or Heal th Departrnint review, anir'a- ruuie, uy-tt,e driliing - Department, the estinated time for a total ..ui"n-iluy'iuii'as t6ng as three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgial (large or smalt) and all mutti_family permits wi.ll have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requirem-enii. riesidential and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or snraller projects impact the various above ment.ioned l:f .!ry1.:.with resard to necessary review, th;;; ;;;j;.ii rrruy ars0 taKe tne three week period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this crepartnrent, to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure .rnd time frame. - A.r^.[.-. -Pioject Nanre Communi ty Development Departrnent. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 APPLICAIi[f CON:TRACTOR OWNER Description: NEW HEATING SYSTEM Fir.place Information: R€strLcccd: DEPARTT,IEI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAI-, PERMIT PermiE #: M98-0125 JOb AddTESS. . . : 1350 GREENTIILL CT Location..... -: 1350 GREENHIL,L CT Parcel No.. - -. : 2103-124-03-018 Project, Number: PR,l98-0038 SEatus. . AppIied. Issued. . Erqgires. .: TSSUED .: 07/22/]-998 .: o7/22/L998 .: oL/L8/L999 GUAR,AI{TEED PLIT4BING & }IEATING P O BOX 42LO, AVON, CO 81620 GUAR;ANTEED PLTJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 42LO, AVON, CO 81620 I-,INN ALEXA}iIDRA PALMER 1379 N WESTHAVEN CIR, VAII, CO Phone:845-6300 Phone: 845-6300 *Of Oas ApFli{nccs: 8L6s7 Val-uat,ion: {Of €as Log6: 72, 000.00 *Of Wood/PaIlel.: Pl.an Check- - -> Inve6t j.gation> witl call----> .00 .00 1, 903 . oo 1,803.O0 .o0 1,803.00 360-00 .00 3.00 DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES-.-.. Tot.e1 calc\rlat.ed Fces- - - > AddiEional Fee€- - --- --- -> Total. Permits Fee--------> Pal|m€ntse- ----- -- 1, SO3 . Oo BAIANCE DUE----. oo Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENI Dept: BUILDING Division:07/22/L998 ,JFJJ.I Action: APPR APPROVED ,JRIvr Ilelri.q5qqo_EIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division:O7/22/L998 JP.Iv t Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI-,D INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 60? OF TTIE 1991- IJMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE ].991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VE}flTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHAI,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIiTT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. BOILERS SI{ATL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NIING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FLOORING.7. PERMIT, PI,ANS AI{D CODE AIiTALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MESHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOI]EST,8. DRAITiI,AGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIL,ERS SIIAI-,I, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 OF THE 1991 I'MC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t h.lcby rcknorrrldE. tsh.t r h.v! -".a ,nrQrrac.tlon, f lllld ouL ln full tr," lrrrot .ulcguircd, couplcEGd .n ecculatc pt oE phn, rnd rErt. Eh.t. aII thG lnforurtlon ptovidcd er rcquLrcd :lB col:rcct, I .gr.€ to cobply wich t'ha infortr.lion and ploc plan, lo cor'ply vith rll Totlr olditr.ncat aDd !trt. hwE. rnd bo build lhlr atruct.u!. rccoraing to thr aown's zonl,ng end Eubdivision sodc.. d.llgn r.vic* .pprov.d, ljnlforo Building codc rnd othcr ordln-ncc. of the Tor|n a thclceo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS AHAIJTJ BE MADE T'T{EIfTY- FOUR HOURA IN AD!.ANCE BY OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM A:OO AM 5:Oo PM SIGNATURE OF O9INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI{NER TOml oF vArrJ, corJoR-A.oo Strt6nnts Sla!.nnt Nunbar: REc-0{26 AnounE : Pryrn.nE Mct.hod: cK No!.rEion: 3115 1,803.00 O7/22/9e 09 to7 Inl!: I'iAW PrlElig No: M98-0125 Tylr€: B-MECH MECHII{ICA! PERMIT Palcrl No: 2103-L2{-03-019 SiCG Addlggg: 1350 GREENHIIJIJ cT Loc.Clon: 1350 GREENHIIJTJ C:T Thi6 PaymcnL 1, S03 . 00 1, S03.00 . o0 Arnount. 1,440, O0 360. O0 3.O0 ToErl FGc€: I, e03.00 ToErl eLL Pmt€: Balencc: Accounts Codc Dc6cription MP OO1OOOO31113OO I{ECHANICAL PERMIT FBES PF 00100o0311,2foo PLA.Iil CHECK PEES WC OOIOOOO3T.I2SOO WILI, CAJ,L INSPECTION FEE *****************************************************************:r**!r***** rnf100r system sizing program by G1451-crete corporat.ion, Hamel , MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fSfIIig*. i :l. 1::?... * *-* * * * * * * *...i:*i:1. lt l. : * HBATING REQUIREMEI,ITS SUMMARY page 1 * ** .fob Name: LINN RESIDENCE 2/rO/gg ** LocaEion: +ff: Es-8#llt cr GLEN LroN Lor 14 l:o+ pm ** rnstaller/ * * ContracEor: GUARAIVTEED p&H '*========= ==== ================= ==== == ================================-======TorAr rNFLooR HEAT: r.4r-435 Bru/trr ourDooR DEsrcN TEMp: -20 deg. F.TOTAL SITPPLEMENIAL rIEAT: 2OO0 BTU/hr = ==== ===== == = ====D a,a.n t at^*^ | ==================-=======================================Room I Zone I # | # lRoomlame I HeaE Required I Bru/nr IBTU/hrlsq. fE. ,P os r$\ l_1 G.ARAGE 2 | 2 IWORKROOM 313 4| 4 EMTRY HALL BO1-BO2-806-BO5 -BO8 EXERCISE ROOM 812 1s996 | re. s 45L5 L6.9 L191.0 | Zt.t \ ro | ; | 6ili3'''iiR' 107 {T 11+Z I ii.l "\N L1 | e I enrnv ror .\l \r\ 12 | n | .:rr.r.npw .no | \\'/ | tt678 | t+.2 \I.;; | ; lSiiii**'l', Dv-l n:l 'n.,*i ii I *i 1ffi.p6"t;, nqt' w rJ\.J'iii | ;i,; Nt lll l?iilIffi".trTiii {a--o.Y'}ileil ,ro *ii I ii lmmri:'^ 't^o' I iitil lti 20 | rs I uasrun sArH rzr_rrs | +;\: I lB:3 tr=i]-i+ J-#pELpp:BggI:io__ __ _ L G73L I za.s s _I_ 4 | EXERCTSE BATH 10160 | :o.s 2831 | zt.+i | ; lffi;^rfif,*"'u" | 5^4:9[ 1?.1 t I t I gffi"fllu'*" *oo" .) :trtri I t,l 15 | IIAT,T, s.nriE---;t \ll 22 .N 23 N zi I i; I ffi#;3'101"' I ZBit $ = = = = === = == == = === = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========== = -==============: 25.3r -*- 20 .1_ Floor Cov. R-VaIue:fndoor Design Temp:Slab Edge R-Value: Wa1] i- R-Value Wall 2 R-Value lfindow 1 R-Value Window 2 R-VaIue Door 1 R-Va1ue Floor R-VaIue WalI l_ R-VaIue: Window i- R-Value: 23 .00 23 .00 3 .50 3 .50 7 .50 7 .50 0.20 70 deg. F. 0 .00 23 .00 3 .50 Heat.ed Floor Area: 950 . 0 sq. f t .Room Volume: O.O cu-. tt.Heat Required: 15996 BTU/hr Max Flr_Srfc_Temp: 29.4 deg- F.T\rbe Depth: O . 75 i; - Floor R-VaIue: 2.50 Floor Cov. R-Value: O.2O Il9o.or_?esign Temp: 7e deg. F.Slab Edge R-VaLue: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 273.O sq. ft.Room Vol_ume: O - O cri. tc .Heat-Required: 4615 BTU/hr Max F1r Srfc Temp:. 7g.5 deq. F.Tube Depth: 0.?5 i;. Room vorume: 54Go-o ""'. ii. I spr*iii iIJi'iiilliEo, ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamer, MN *******************!r*********f?fYli?l:.i:}.1::9...********n*...y:f:i?l.i;1.: * HEATING REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 2 * ** Job Name: L,,INN RESIDENCE 2/tO/gB ** Locat,ion: 1350 GREBNHILI CT GLBN LION r.OT 14 i:Oa pm ** vArL CO 87657 * rnstaller/ it * Contractor: GUARANTEED p&H * *======== ======= = = = = === == = = ========== =======================================Room: l_ Zone: l_ GARAGE lta1l 1 Area:WaIl 2 Area: Window L Area: Window 2 Area: Door 1 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:Splmntl HeaE. provided: BTu/hrlsq. fr. Req: Max SIab TenperaEure: 3L0.0 Bq. fE. 530.0 sq. ft.12.0 sq. ft.17.5 sq. f t.2L6.0 sq. fr.850.0 sq. fu. 850.0 sq. fL. 0.3 0.0 ft. 850.0 sq. fr,.0 BTU/hr r.8 .8 83-2 deg- F. 207.0 sq. fr.30.0 sq- f r.273.0 sq. fr.273.0 sq- fE. 0.3 0.0 fr.250.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 16 .9 81.8 deg- F. WalI 1 Area: Window 1 Area:Floor Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext- Room perimeter: Tube Coverage Area:SplmnEl Heat provided: BTu/hrlsq. fr. Reg:Max Sl-ab Teq)eraEure: ================================================ ===========================*oo*.:,^"J -Z:r:,- S ENTRY I{ALL BO1_802_BoG_B05_BO8 -"- t.ir l- Area: 88.0 sq. fr.llall 2 R-VaIue: 23 . 00 | --., ., . n*^_winaow r i-_ili;;; 't:ii | ''1133* : i::::. n'1,:3 38. fi:";i5"1 l-$3ilEi i:38 | q?i^t i!:1: -z::y4n.ie Floor c";. R-;;i;;; 6'.ti I o,^^'. ..,...f1?:: *::i: I1g.g :s. It.rndo.or_De".* i"{: ,9 ff". " | ^l}"&"ff::T:g i:::; unf:! sq. ru. Slab Edge R-value: 0.00 I ExE- Room perimeLer: 0.0 ft.t""."u*5l:"f.i,T::: .::*.: :: :: | ^ _*p:_i""..3s. Area: 500.0 sq. ft. Hear_Requi;&, r.1eio Bruih,--' | "o'ilf;Einiiil."f;:'f;EE: rl.i*/n.Max FIr Srfc Teq)r 89.9 A!rS. r.; Max Slab Ternperarure: 85.2 deg. F.Tube Depeh: O.7S ii. I ****************************t********************************************* rnf100r system sizing program pv eve-crete corporation, Hamel , MN *****************************!3!f**:.i:1.1:?3--.**********.,,.y:I:i:l.l;1.: ' HEATTNG REQUTREMEITTS SUMMARy page 3 * * Job Name: I.,]NN RESIDENCE * Location: 1350 GREmVHILL eT GLEN LION LOT t-4 * vAIL CO 87657 * Installer,/* Conlractor: GUARAIrrEED p&H ! 2/1-0/98 * 6:04 pm * * t *========================= ==================================================Room: 4 Zone: 4 EXERCfSE ROOM Bl_2 Wall l- R-value, ?l .99 | waIl j_ Area: 193 . 0 sq. f c.Wa11 2 R-VaIue: 23.00 | -.rr D ^*ar. ,.\,. n --^- vq.ruE, 1:.uu I Wall 2 Area: 306.0 sq. ft.WaIl 3 R-Value: 23,00 I rrrr ? araa. .^a ., ^-window i n-v"i""; "i:;i | ''iXA:i i ff::: ,+i:B i$: fi:Wj.ndow 2 R-Value, :.:g I wind.ow Z Area: 4.0 Eq. fr.Floor R-value: ?,50 | or ^zrr ?\y.a:. ,aE ^ ^_\ vcrru.E;, I .:! | Floor Area: 335 . 0 sS. f E .carpet R-VaLue: O.7g | .A ,..,1ar r,^a-. -)). ?, ^_r! y!r.tu.s. v. to | _ Carpet Area: 335.0 sg. ft.Carpet Pad R-Value: 0.62 | o.a rlr\F r- D..r a*as. ?rE .r ^_tl*:',:::ig"..T:Il' 7999s. r. I ei, ch;;;;; per Hour: 0.3 :l*^:ug:^l:"?l:: 9.90- | 's"tl"'i;ii"nEli,"l,ilii E.i ,r.l.L.n.""uo:::"f^+:::: "1::.9 :g. ::.1 ^ -*ilg".J,.,Ig. Area: 300.0 sq. rt.Room Vorume: 33s0-0 cu-. fr.l sprmrni r"ic-piJriaIa, Wall 1 R-Value: 23 - O0 | ,.., ,walr 2 n-viiue: 23.00 J vlar] l- Area: 73-0 sq. ft' srindow i R-v;i;": 3.50 | -rl3:* ? i:::: ,i:B iE: fi:Floor R_vatue: 2.50 | _ "-^'iioo, Area: 132.0 sg. ft.FLoor Cov. R-Value: O.ZZ I F,.t nnr lr^rrari 'a ^-^- . 1.-t t1 __ Hear_Requi;;;';igg'rr,ti;."' I "n'Hillinlil;.T::'i:l; r3.1*/n'Max Flr srfc Temp, 89.2 alg. F. I laax iiar'iEmperarure, a27 -6 deg. F-Tlbe Deprh: 0.75 i;. I rndoor_Desi;".i"di 'l ii, , | ^il'3i.ff::T:? *:il; "3:3 "d. fr- Slab Edge R-VaIue: 0.00 i;;d-i;;;"+*:: ,ll3'g :s :: | ^ h=.33T":il:T:::: ,03:3 I!: ,.. Hear_Requi;;d, zeii iru/hr--' | "n'iliiin:iil T::'$:l: r?."n*/n Max Flr srfc Temp, 8g.z ait- r.1 Max Slab Temperature: 85.4 deg. F.Tube Depth: 0-75 i;. r Room vorume: 1320.0 cri. ir. I sp:.mnEi iJii-iiIrioEo, '\ 'q'r(.s. 'rv - uu I c9i11rg Area: 162.0 sq. f t.Wa1l 1 R-VaIue: 23 .00 | *-l ., 1 .,re^^ wa11 2 a-vir""; 5i:53 I Ii+] i *::: :29.9:4. f:. Room vorume: r.Gzg.o ",i. ii. I sprmill iI.i'iiiliiEo, -==== ========= = == = = = = == = = = = = = = === == = = = = = = = = ==== = = ====== = == ====-=== ======= ==Room: 5 Zone: 5 GUEST BDRM l_05 Ceiling R-Value: 40-00 carpei-FJ; ;-";i;:: ;'.;i I ",._^:l'B:: *::i: :gz.g:q. f!. windowiR-+;i;;, 'j:i[ | --.wa11 2Area: u5.0sq.rt- window t i--Gi;;, :.so I l1n{ow 1 Area: 78'o sq' ft' carper n-v"i"", o.ze I *'*T^3 *:::: .ig.g:i-::. rld-oor o""rg" i"iii ,g'iin. ". I or, "fi:#:: ;l: *::l: '.1.1 "q. r'. Slab Edge i.-value: 0.00 ;;;;;;";*i:' .,1t7* :s. ::.1 ^ 1f;"=-E:T.:$:T:::; ,u3:3 5l: .,. Heat Reouirerr: ;;i;';-"';;..'"' | "p'T1:j-:91: P:9trdecl: -0 BTU/hr *********************************:r********************************rF******* rnf100r system sizing program by Gyp-crece corporati.on, Hamel , MN * ****************************!??Ifigl:.i:1.1::1...**********-..Y:f:l?l.l;,..i - HEATING REQUIREMENTS SWMARY page 4 * ** Job Name: LrNN RESIDENCE ../tl/gg ** Locacion: J_350 GREENHITL CT GLEN LION LOT 14 l,O+ pm *- VAfL CO 91 657 * rnstatrer/ * * ConLracEor: GUARAIITEED P&H * *=============== === = ====== == ============ ========= ========Room: '7 Zone: S BATH l_04 Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Wa1l 1 R-value: 23.00 Ceiling Area: 74.0 sq. ft.Wa1l l Area: 62.0 sq. ft.window l_ Area: 5.0 sq. ft. _ Tf "9_r Covering Area: 74 . 0 sq. f t .Air Changes per Hour: 0.3 Ext. Room perimeter: 0.0 ft.T\rbe Coverage Area: 50.0 sq. ft.Splmnt,I Heat provided: O BT'U/hr BTU/}rr/sq- ft,. Req: L2.O Max Slab Temperature: 2g.6 deg. F. Window l_ R-Value: Fl-oor Cov. R-VaIue:3.s0 0.22 r1$o.or_!esign Temp; 70 deg. r,.Slab Edge R-Value: 0-00 Heated Floor Area: 74.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 740.0 cri. tt.Heat, Required: 887 BTIJ/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp:, 76.0 deq. F.Ilrbe Depth: O.Z5 in. ===== == == = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == ========== === = ====== ==== = = == = = = = = = = = = == = = =Room: 8 Zone: G GITEST tfVfNG ROOM Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 .\ vq_!lrE: +u . uu I ceiling Area: 242 .o 8q- f t -Wall L R-value: 23 .00 | .-. , 1 ^,.^- . ..1E n __winaow i R-n;i;;; 'i:;9 I ''rlil* i i:::; ,i3-.8 EE: fi:carpeE R-value: 0 . zg I r!.^rrrar ^,^a- . 1A., ,\ __v-_r,ve.\ r(.J_ri.E- u./u | _ Carpet Area: 242.0 sq. ft.Carpet Pad R-VaIue: 0-62 I fla?.?-r6,- D5,ir n,^-. -r,,.t ,'r __'n; z8'ljs r. I or. "f;3fi:: ;3: fi5:i: 'n|'o sq' tt' q'l ih Eri^^ r't r'-'r ---lllp^Iug:^l:u3ll:, ^.9.90- | ';;:;;;""ili*:;$; I.i,,.l.L.HeatedoFlo";^1ff: : "1:1.9 :g ::. 1 ^ - *S _qJ".rIg" Area: 22s .o sq. f r .Room Volume:. 2420.0 "q. fr.f Spf*nEl Heat provided:*:i"*:f*::g: ;6;; p;in,'l | "n'#Einiiil ";::'$*; ,8.8*/n.Max Frr srrc remp- 7g-r ois. r. I M;-;i;;';&d;;r;E; ,o'i.l des. F.Tube Deprh: 0.75 ii. I -- Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 ;;ii*i il_;;ifi; l!:l8 I ";:ii"? ff::; 'ig:B 3'. Fi:wall 2 R-value: 23.00 | fiIir z Area: rog.o sq. fr.window 1 R-vatue: 3.50 | nd;;* l- Area: 28.0 sq. fr.window 2 R-va1ue: 3.50 | window 2 Area: 14.0 sq. ft.Floor Cov. R-Vatue: a.22 | oi^^- ;;:;:;inn r_^^ - .,,,.\ ^ __\.\r,y. n-vctr-ue: s.zz | -f1o9-r Covering Area: 140.0 sq. ft.rndoor Design Temp: z0 deg. F. I ai.r-Cfrart""-p", Hour: 0.3 il3|-:ug:^I:u3*:""""'u*51:";^+*:: ,,'::': :g. I:.1 ^ ,*:"q#.;:;:T;:;; to8.X ll. t..I3"T^I?]:T:' 1199.9 "q-. ii. I sprmfi ;;;;-;;;,ie.d;Hear_Requr;;;, t;i; ry;ih,'"' | "n'HiEin:iil "f::'$:E; rB.?*rn'Max Flr Srfc Tenp: 79^.2 airg. f .; Max Slab Temperature: B4-O deg. F-T\rbe Depth: O . 75 i;. I ============ = = = = =:========================================================== * Job Name: LINN RESIDENCE * Localion: 1350 GREENIIILL cT GLEN LIoN LoT 14 * VAIL CO 81-657 * fnstral1er/* ConLracTor: GUARANTEED P&H Ceiling R-VaIue: 40.OO WalI L R-Value: 23.00 Wal-1 2 R-Value: 23 .00 Window t_ R-Value:l{indow 2 R-Value:Door 1 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-VaIue: Room Volume: 3600.o cu. fr.l sptmnai i""i-pi"rioJa, 3.s0 3.s0 3 .00 0.22 r1$o9r Design Temp: 70 deg. F.Slab Edge R-Va1ue: O.OO Heated Floor Area: L35.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 1350.0 cri. tt_Heat Required: 4628 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: g7.3 deq. F.Tube DepEh: 0.75 i;- Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Room votume: 2080.9 ",i. ra. I sprmiii iJJi-iil,iaEo, 'ear_Requi;;; ;;;i ;dih,'"' | .n'H;inli3;.T::'$:l: .8.?*/o.Max FLr Srfc Temp: BE 2 tT...r F I M:v c,l ^1^ ,F^--- ^ _ ************************************************************************** rnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamer, MN * ****************************lSPIfiYl:"i:1.1::3.-.**********...y:f:i?l.l;l.l * HEATfNG REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 5 * t 2/Lo/98 * 5:04 pm * * * * Ceiling R-va1ue, ^49.99 | ceiling Area: 360.0 sg. fr.wall L R-Value' 21.9g | .w"ii r Area: 89.0 sq. fr.Window 1 R-value' l.:9 | window l_ Area: 51.0 sq. ft.carpeL R-value: 0-?g | "^'.nar rro=. aa^ ^ ^_ sL c"'pJ!-Fi; ;-;;i;:; l'.ti | "",-,:lT:: *::i: l:: : :g' ::-,E: v.oz | _. Carpet padArea: 360.0 sq. fC.-t9::._3::ig",J:l!' 79 9:g. e. I ai, cn""!." p", Hour: 0.3 :l*^:dgg-l_v3rue, -g.go- | - e*e.-nl,?i"p5ii*Jl!., d.i r..HeatedpFro"I^+:::: "::g.g :g. It.l _ _*of-";;;;;s. Area: 3oo.o ss. ru.o BTU/hr :::."::T:::9, 41zs Bru/hr | ' Brrr/h; /;A.- ii . -neq, r_1 . G Max Flr Srfc remp, ,r.e ai:s. r. I M;-;i'i';ild;;d;:; ii.E u"g. ,.Tube Depth: 0-75 in. I ----- -----F Ceiling Area:Wall 1 Area:llall 2 Area:lfindow 1 Area: Window 2 Area: Door L Area:Floor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext. Room Perimet,er: Tube Coverage Area:Splrnntl HeaE provided: eW/hr/sq. fr,. Req: Max Slab Tenperat.ure: 135.0 sq. ft.17.0 sq. fr.83.0 sg. ft.31.0 sg. ft.109.0 sq. fc.32.0 eq. f E.135.0 sq. fr. 0.3 0.0 fr. 100.0 sg. ft. 1000 BTU/hr 34.7 94.9 deg. F. r*q.J_(rEi, :y . yy I Ceiling Area: 2Og . O Eq. f t .wall 1 R-value: 23 .00 | ..- , 1 rryrr . .t ^war.t 2 *-""i'lE; ;;:;; I ru}} r Area: L24'o sq' rt' window i n-v"ii": 3.50 | wall 2 Area: 57'0 sq. tE- window z n-v"ri.: 3.50 | Iindow L Area: 88.0 ss. ft._ Floor n-v"i,r.: 7.50 I - *'"Fi:"l t*:, 3l:3 3$: fi:Floor Cov. R-VaIue: o .zZ I F,l .r.\r ra.\r,ar.i na ngaq . .r,.r.! ^ __e: s.zz | _Tf"gI Covering Area: 208.0 sq. ft.rndoor Design Temp: ?0 deg. F. I aii-Cnarrg."-p"r Hour: 0.3 i:::-^tugi^I:u**:: ^^9.i." _ I e*r. R;;* plrimerer: 0.0 *.HearedRFlo"$^iff:: ":g:.9 :g :: I ^ . A;:^I;$.;#:"ff:;; ,oB:B li: ,.. Room volume: z5'0.o cu_-. tr. I sprmnti ;;;;-;;J.rIiEo, Room: 14 Zone: 10 POI9DER ROOM 109 Wall 1 R-Value: $lindow 1 R-VaIue:Floor Csv- R-VaIue: 23 .00 3 .50 o.22 r1$o-or_!esi9n Teqt: 7O deg. F.Slab Edge R-VaIue: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 121_.0 sq. ft.Roon Volume: 12i.0.0 cri. tt.Heat Required: 989 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: 23.7 deq. F.T\rbe Depth: O . 75 i;. 11"*_Illl*:, 1:gg._o ",i. fr.l sprmnrl ilii-iiJ.,iaEo, ============== =============== ========= ====================================__ **************************************************************t*********:t * Infloor System Sizing program !y Gyp_Crete eoryoraEion, Hamel , MN * ****************************9?tYfigl:.i:}..t?:1.****-***********y:f:i:l..ttl.: - HEATING REQUIREMETiITS SUtiO{ARy page 6 *t* * arob Name: LrNN RESTDENCE 2/LO/gg ** tocaLion: 1350 GREENHTIJL CT GIJm.r LIoN toT L4 6,:04 pxn ** vArt co 81557 * Instalter,/ * * Contractor: GUARAMfEED p&H * ========= = = = === = == === ======= = =============================== = = = = === = == = ===E Room: 13 Zone: 9 GREAT ROOM l_15 Ceiling R-va1ue: 40.00 | Ceiling Area: ?58.0 sq. ft.WaIL l R-VaIue: 23.00 wall 2 n-vJiue: 23.00 I #:ii I ff::; 1i3:3 3a: Ii.Window 1 R-Value: 3.50 | Wlndow 1 Area: ?4.0 sq. ft.Window 2 R-Value: 3.50 Door 2 R-value: 3.00 I wil9?* 2 Area: 245'o sq' rt' Floor cov. n-rlaiue, o.e3 | _lt"r. ."3::i; if:, ,tZ'.8 in: fi:tt9::'.1::1g".Ji1rry, ?g 9:s. r. I air-crr""!."-p., Hour: 0.3 ll:l^Iug:^l:ui1t:, __9.90- _ | ';;E:'i;;-p5li##it 6.i.r.Heatedp:*"I^+:::: .l::.9 lg. :F.l _ _irllg-EL,".Ig" Area: 7so.o ss. rt. ltir;"tig"i$:,;iii'rti;'"' | .n.H?binXi:;.";::'$:l;,1.8*/n. Max Flr srrc rerq), 8g.e airs. r. I uu*-ii"o';"lp;;;d;:; ,66.i des. r.I\rbe Depth: O . Z5 i;. I ;::::=;;-==::_=:==l-:==::::::=========================== ====================== WaIl L Area: Window 1 Area:Fl-oor Covering Area:Air Changes per Hour:Ext,. Room perimet,er: I\rbe Coverage Area: SplmnCI lteat provided: Bru/hrlsq. fr. Reg: Max Sl-ab Temperature: ====== == =============-=============== ==== = = = = = = ==== = = = == == = = = == = = =:: == = = = ===Roorn: i-5 Zone: 10 DfNfNc ROOM 11i. 4L.0 sq. ft.5.0 sq. fc.121.0 sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 fE.100.0 sq. fr.o aTu/hr 7.3 75.3 deg. F. waII 1 R-value: 23.00 | lall t_ Area: 34.0 sg- ft. . t[all 2 R-Value: 23 .00 window 1R-varue: 3.50 | --,wal-l 2 Area: es'o sq. re- window t R-;;i;": 3.50 | Ii"9* 1 Area: re'o sq' rt' Door 2 R-value: 3,00 | wildow 2 Area: 33'0 sq' ft- Floor c"". n-rili"e, o.2z | _yrog., ""?::i"3 ff::; ,33:B i$: fi.Indoor Desigm Temp: 70 deg. F. I Air Changes per Hour: 0.3 slab Edge R-vatue: 0.00 | r"r. noii-perimeter, o.o fr.HeauedRrlo";^H::: .:::.t :.g. ::.1 ^ -n t9 !J,.iase area: 300.0 sq. fe. Heau_Requ;;;; ;#; gdii..". | "n'ffiEinliil."il:.$:E: 13.8*rn,Max FIr Srfc Temp, 79.S ObS. f .; Max SIab Teq)erarure: 79.4 Cteg. F.Tube Deprh: 0.75 i;. I *****************************************************************i******** lnfloor system sizing program by Gyp-crete corporation, Hamer, MN * ****************************!3ffli?l:-i:1.1?:9*-.**********...Y:f:i?l.i;1.: * HEATTNG REQUIREMEMTS SUI&{ARY PAgE 7 * ** ilob Name: LINN RESIDENCE 2/1_O/gg ** tocation: 1350 GREENHILT CT GIEN IION LOT j_4 L:Oa pm ** vArL co 81,657 * f nstaller,/* ConLractor: GUARAMfEED p&H * * == = ======= ===== === == = = = = = = = = == === = ==== = == = = === = = = = = = = == = == ======= = == == = ====Room: 16 Zone: 11 KITCHEN l_12 Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Wall 1 R-Value: 23.00 WaII 2 R-Value: 23.00 Wall 3 R-VaIue: 23.00 Ceiling Area:Wall L Area:WalI 2 ATea:WaII 3 Area: Window 2 Area: Window 3 Area Door l_ Area Door 3 Area 228.0 sq. fr.122.0 sq. ft.113.0 sq. ft. 1-21-.0 sq. ft. 64.0 sq. fr.30.0 sq. f t. 22 .0 sq. fr .24.0 eq. fr. 228.Q sq. ft. 0.3 0.0 f r. Window 2 R-Value:}lindow 3 R-Value:Door 1 R-Va1ue:Door 3 R-Value:Floor Cov. R-Value: 3 .50 3 .50 3 .00 3 .00 o.22 hdoor_qesign Temp: 7O deg. F.Slab Edge R-Value: 0.00 Heated Floor Area: 229-0 sq. ft.Room volume: 22gO.O cu-. tt.Heat._Required: 6526 BTU/hr Max Flr Srfc Terp: g4.4 deC. F.Tube Depth: O.25 i;. 200.0 sq. ft.0 BTU/hr 28.8 90.8 deg. F. ===================================== ==== ============== ====================Room: 17 Zone: 1.1 BREAKFAST i.i.4 Floor Covering Area Air Changes per Hour Ext. Room Perimeter Tltbe Coverage Area SplmnEl Heat provided: BrU/t:r/sq. fr. Req: Max SIab Temperature: Ceilins R-va1ue, ^4g.gg I cgillng Area: 200.0 sg. fL.wa1l 1 R-varue: 23.00 | wal] r Area: G5.0 sq. ft..wall 2 R-va1ue: 23 . oo | ,., , r ny.ar . 1/.r_ /r --window r n-v.ii!: 'i:i; I lilal* ? iff:: 'li:B lE: fi:window 2 R-value: 3.50 | window 2 Area: 75.0 sq. ft.Door 1 R-value: 3.00 | _- _ ooo, 1 Area: 24.0 sq. fE.Floor Cov. R-Value: o.22 | F.r^^r ra^rrav-i na ^+a-- -t.,.r ^ __,v: v.zz | _T1"9_r Covering Area: 200.0 sq. fts.tti::',:::ig",,I:T!: rg g:g. r. I ei.-cr,""g""-p", Hour: 0.3 slab Edse R-varue: 0.00 | ';;:;Iii"n5ii*IiXil l.J,..*."t"u*31i";.i,T:: ,:l:.9 :g. ::.1 ^ .r"bg c",",!s. Area: r.50.0 ss. rE.Room volume: 2000.0 cu'. ii.l spr*ili ;;;;-;il;ffi;Hear Requi;;d; ;;;; ;dh.'"' I .n'HiEinfil;.";::'$:;: 19.8*/n'Max Flr Srfc Temp, sl .s aes. r. I Max siab ie'rEerat,r.", 90.0 deg- F.Tube Deprh: 0.75 i;. I Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Wa11 1 R-Value: 23.00 WalL 2 R-Value: 23.00 Wall 3 R-Value: 23.00 $lindow 1 R-Value: 3.50 lfindow 2 R-VaIue: 3-50 Window 3 R-Val_ue: 3_50 Floor Cov- R-Value: 0.93 Il9o.or_?esign Tenp: 7O deg. F.Slab Bdge R-VaIue: O.OO HeaEed Floor Area: 35G.0 sq. ft.Room Volume: 356.0 cu. tt.Heat, Required: 732? BTIU/hr Max Flr Srfc Temp: 90.3 deq. F.Tube Depth: O.Z5 i;. Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Room Volume: lslg.g cu-. ra. I sprm;i iJii-ii&,iaEo, Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 Room vorume: 3530.9_",i. ii. I spr*iii ;;;;';;I.,riiEu, ".* Hi:'s::yij*: ;tii f'xi*":' | "l-ffiidi;;-";::'*3l: ?3.3*'n' ************************************************************************** rnfLoor syatem sizing program by Gyp-crete eoryoraLion, Harnel , lrN * ****** ** ************* ** * * ** * S:?I|lg*,*i:l. *::3... **********...y:iil?l-l;].:' HEATTNG REOUIREI{EMIS SU}O{ARY page I * * .Iob Name: LINN RESIDENCE 2/Lo/g8 :* Location: 1_350 GREENHIIJIT CII GIEN IION LOT L4 6:0a pm ** vAIt co 8L557 * rnstalrer/ ' * * Contract,or; GUARAMItsED p&H * * = = = ============================================== == = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Room: L8 Zone: 7,2 OFFICE 1l_7 Ceiling Area: 356.0 sq. ft.WalI 1 Area: 154.0 s{. tt.!{a11 2 Area: 1j_3 .0 sq. f t .WaIl 3 Area: t_43 . 0 sq. tt .Window 1 Area: 52.0 sq. ft.Window 2 Area: 7e.O sq. ft..Window 3 Area: 77.0 sq. fL. _ f1o9-r Covering Area: 355. O s{. f t.Air Changes per llour: 0.3 ExE. Room perimeter: 0.0 ft.T\rbe Coverage Area: 300.0 sq. ft.Splrnntt Heat. provided: 0 BTU/hr BfrI/}Jff/sq. fr. Req: 20.6 Max Slab Temperature: 99.4 deq. F. = = = = = ====-=============================== = = = = == == = = = === == = = = = = = ==== - = = = = = ==Room: 19 Zone: t2 LAIINDRY 123 w;ii-i ;i_v;i;;; ll:[H | .;:ii"? H::; '33:3 3$: fi:}lindow j. R-Value: 3 . 50 Door 1R-Value: 3.00 I g0indoro l Area: 9'o sq. rt. Froor co.'. n-v.iie, o.22 | or^^- ,-..333I-: +::3: .72'2 ?s- ft-rndoor ?e"rd"'i"i,i: ,i'44" ,. | "11"ff"ff::';:: *ffl: 'ui.S sq. tr. stab Edge R-value: 0.00 | exc. no5m p'erimeEer: 0.0 fE-HeatedRFlo"f.t*:: ,l::.: :.g. :: | ^ :r"bg -cJi"i.g. Area: 125.0 sq. *. Hear Requi;;, ;;; ;dih,'"' I "n'Hl;inli:;.T::'$:i: rB.l*/n'Max Flr srfC remp, 77.q_A9S. r.1 Max slab Terperature: 81.0 deg. F.Tube Depth: O.z5 i;. I = = = = = == = = == ==== ==Room: 2o zone ! 'l;==ililfi=;;;;=i;i-_i;;====================================.L vq!(rE;, +u. uu I Ceiling Area: 353 . O sq. f t,.WaIl 1 R-VaIue: 23.00 I --.,.r 1 n_^^ n*xil* I t:;:lu: ;::ss | -.{iii } tfi:; i3s { :;: !i: - window t R-v;i;": 3 .50 | Ii'n{ow 1 Area: 90 ' o s{' rt 'Flooi a;,: il-v;i;., o.22 | ",^^'. I::::T-1 *::i: -:9.9 sd. [r.rlgoor oesisrn ;.ry: 'i'iin- '. | ^l*"3i"ff::T3g ffil; 'u3:3 sq' rc' Slab Edge F.-value: 0.oo I ExE- Room perimeter: 0.0 ft."""."u*Xl:";.iffi:: .::1.: ::. I:.1 ^_:."b9^g#.ils. o".": 300.0 sq. fL. *********************il**************************************************** rnfloor systsem sizing program by Gj4r-crete corporation, Hamer. MN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f?flfigl:. i :l.. 13?9... * * * * * * * * * *...Y:ff ill-l; l. I * * HEATfNG REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY page 9 r. ** irob Name: LINN RESIDENCE * Locationr 1350 GREENHIIJr., cT GLEN LION LoT 14 ;,r;"nrtnl:. VAfL CO gt|57 * rnstaller/ ! * ConLracLor: GUARANTEED P&H * *========= ==========Room: 21 Zone: L4 MASTER BEDROOM 120 Ceiling R-Value: 40.00 -\ '(.r,rs - .ru . uu I cei]1ng Area : 275 .0 sq. f t .Wal1 1 R-Value: 23.00 | ..r, 1 ^F^_r\ vq!(rs. zr.vv I WaIl i- Area: 136.0 sq. tt.WaIl 2 R-Value: 23 .00 | t.l-.l .'r 1 n*aa warl a n-varue; ij:33 | #:ii 3 ff::: 'li:3 3E: fi:window 1 R-valuet l-:g | ryindow 1 Area: 9.0 sq. fr-window 2 R-valuer l.!g j window 2 Area: 86.0 sq. rr.vilindow 3 R-value' :.:g I window 3 Area : 48.0 sq. ft.Carpet. R-value: 0.7g | ..rn6F r,^-. -!Frr n __ rnd-oor-De"rs" i.*i: '9'8" '. I ot..f;3l3::;3: fiffii; "3:3 sq' re' ::::-:ugi^l:ui*:: ^_9.90" _ | ExE. Room perimerer: 0.0 ft.*""'"uo5l:";-tff:: "1'z: :.g- ::.1 ^ .ilr-q#";:;:'5;::; ,'5:3 IE: ".Room vorume: 2750-o cri. ri. I sprmiii iI"i^ii;.riiEa, . v. /.' | _ Carpet, Area: zjS.A sq. ft.Carpet. pad R-Value: 0.62 r (e. ar_ D-,r 7r*a^ - ^,,F ., __ Hear Requii"a, etz. eruln,--'l "n'3i5)n:iil "F::'i:E; ,l.f*rn'Max Flr srfc Temp: g2_.3 a!rs. r. I uax siJ'ielnSrerarure: 116.5 deg. F.Tube Dept.h: 0.75 ii. r Ceiling R-value: 40.00 esall i n-vii".; li:33 | ":lll"g *:::: 1?1.9 :9. :t.- zr-vv I WalI 1 Area: L42.0 sq. tt.l{a1L 2 R-VaIue: 23 .00 | *.r , r ,.*a: - .1 l'lindow 1R-valuet 'i:i8 | ---w111 2 Area: 246'o sq' rc' winaow t ii-n;i;, s.so | #ilEil 1i:::; '3:3 iE: fi:Carpet. R-value: O,7g | .,-'-^F ,r,^- -carpeE F"d R_v;i;;, 6'.;; | _c",p5i.B:: i:::: B3:B l$: fi:rndoor Design Temp: z0 deg. F. I ai, crr""6"" per Hour: 0.3 Slab Edge R-value: 0.00 | Ext. Room perimeter: 0.0 ft.""""u*51i";"ff;: : ,i:; 3 :s' :: | "-, *::' .qi::i*g: +1.1 , - i9 .9-:q-. * .l<oom vor_ume, 7?9.9_q1.. tr.l Sprm.lt.r ri..r pi""ia"o, rooo'sd7h,Heat Required: 2074 BTu_/hr I B.rv/hr/sq. ft. Req: 25.3 Frr srfc Temp: ez.e_abj. r. I Max siab ie'*p-iar,rr", 1i.8-1 deg. F.Tube DepEh: 0.75 i;- | ***********************************************************t***********!t** rnfloor syatem sizing program by Gyp-cret.e corporation, Hamer, MN * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 93?Ifigl:. i :l.* 1::9-.. * *] * * * * * * *. ".y:*l:i. it l. : * HEATING REQUIREMEIflfS SUMMARy page 19 .r ** Job Name: LrNN RESIDENCE a./al/g8 ** Locarion: +ffl EB-HI#LL cr Gr.EN LroN Lor 14 l:oa pm * * fnstalLer/ :t * ConEracEor: GUARANTEED P&H * = = = = = == == = = = = = == = === ============= *-= = = = = == = == = = = = = = = = ====== == == =====Room: 23 zo,,e, 15 BrLr,ARDs 20 j. ========================================--] Ceil,ing R-VaIue: 40.00 war.r r. R-varue: ;;:;; I ";.'+i"? *:::: 1gg g :_q. :i.-! re4r.E;- zr.vv I WaLl 1 Area: t24.0 sq. fU.9Ia11 2 R-Value: 23.00 I al-.,.l 1 n*a^4\,s.Lrrr=- ::."u I I{aII 2 Area: 242.0 sd.ft.WaIl 3 R-VaIue: 23.00 | -.., 2 ?\*^- - .F- ^ _,:w+ndov' i R-n;i;;; 'i:i| | wall 3 Area: 165'0 e{. tt- wtaJw t i--ili;;, :.so I lindow 1 Area: 23.0 sq. rE. 'indow i i.-Gi;;i s.so I fiilffi 3 ff:l; lB:B l;i: fi:Caa?et R-Value: 0.Zg | ?ir a+ ^,^^. ,nn ,\ _^ rlg1or-ee.ia'i"d: 'i'ii". ". I or, "f;$B:: ;l: ffii: no8:3 e{- *- Sl-ab Edge R-Value: 0 .00 Hearert F.t nnw. ^e^^ - | Ext. Room perimeter: 0.0 f t. c"'p"[-Fia;i-v;i;;, [:ii I .,^--:3'B:: *::i: 1gg-g:E. Il. "'"'"u*:l;";"tf::: ^ll:': ::. ::.1 ^-,il:^g#";;;'5;::; "!:H ll: ".Room votume: 4000.o cu-. ri. I sprmilI iIJi-iiirioEo,HeaE_Requiiea, eoao irurhr-*' | *'ffi;hxiil."F::'$:l: rB.l*/n'uax rrr sr:"":;H: t3.9.ai:: " I u"i-ii"i'iE*p"'"ro.", 108.2 des. F. = ====== ===================================== ==== =========================== I l|t- I o q t" ''nw')I oF VAIII 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD vArIJ, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 r'jtirr.rrlJat*rtrrrartrr'rf t'rrrtat.rtrrrrtirrrrrt'rtrr'r.trrtrrr FBa su4(ARY El.ctrlc.l- - - > DRB Fc. hr.a a! Lg.g i on > will cr]I- - -- > tdf,A.IJ !BBs---> DEPARITI{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NCIIIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTBD ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0255 BIJE TRICAI, PERMIT ilob Address: 1350 GREENHIL,L CT Locat,i.on. . . : 1350 GREENHII-,L Clt Parcel No.. : 2L03-L24-03-018 Project. No. : PRJ98-0038 APPLICA}TT RESORT ETEETRIC INC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRA TOR RESORT ETJE TRIC INC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 8L620 OWNER IJINN ALEXANDRA PALMER 1379 N WESTTIAI/EN CrR, VArL CO 81657 f..r.rr.7iPIION: ELECTRICAL FOR NSFR Stratsus...: ISSTED Applied..: Lo/07/L998 Issued...: LO/12/1998 E:<pires. . : 04/LO/1999 Phone: 949-6013 Phone:. 949-60L3 ValuaEion:80, 000 . 00 293 .00 .oo 3.00 296 .00 raririrrraatt*r*t a i t * i t t * r t t r t r r r * t r * r i r r i , t Totrl C.lcu1rts.d F...---> 296.0o AdditloD.l Pa6.---------> 'oo Tocrl P.rnll F..--------> 295.0o 296.OO .00 Payuanl. - - - - _ - - - BAI,ANCE DUA.--- { rttl,ttttitattt tttataatataattttttirraittt!|ttt*atttatltttarattatttrtt}itltrttrr rtttttitttttaaa}ittittttr!rt i illtttatttt'latttrtf Itsem: O6OOO ELBqTRICAI DEPARII4EIIT Depts: BUII.,DING DiviSJ-ON:t0/O7/L998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED iIRIt{-Iiem;'.d5600-F-r-ns DEPAFIMENi - DepE: FrRE Division: LO/07/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A ratlrrtrt*ttitti.rtttttattrrsaJtarar*aaorraaar arriarl,itrJriorritJitt*tir.rJt*i*t'rrtt**tttt*ia COI{DITION OF APPROVAI, tr.trtt.t.t'rtaa.tritrttttt.rritt DECI,ARA:TIONS I h.r.by tcknorlldgr thrt t hrv. r.rd Chl. rppllcrllon, flll.a ou! tn full Ehr lnfori!.gLon rcqulrcd, conpl.tcd rn rccullC€ PIob p1an, rnal .gr!a Ehr! r1l, tsh. lnt0lErtslon grovl.d.d er rcgulrcd ir co!r.ct. I rgr.. Co cooply rlth !h. lnforn.Eion rnd ploE Pl.n, to coDply rlch r11 ?otn ordinucc! .nd rtrtc lu., rna to bulld tshi! ltructsura eccording !o tsh. Tovn'!' zonlng .nd cubdlvieion cod.., d.aign rcvt.r rpprov.d, gnlforn Bulldlng Coda and och.r ordin|ncc6 of gh! Torn rpPllclbL6 Ehcrrto. REQUEATS FOR INSPEETIONS SIIAIJIJ B8 INDE II{BFIY-FOT'R HOURA IN AD'I/ANC8 BY rttat!raa!|tatat'ltaafltratt!rtttatt!ttatttia,talr'attt!trraiitrtrtrrt,ttttitttr!rt lcn ot vll!, gf,rDo tl.E.[r! tilraatttortarttii!litairtttra,ritttra,aat!ttataailtataattt)t,ttaaaatattta ttat.raC lrrDaar IIC-Oaa, butE t 9ryr.nt l|!,h€.lt Ci trotatlcnr alal tta.00 lolu/ta lz rta ttd! r n 9.artc lor ltl-O2aa lli. t l-lLlC I'|cltlcr! Drttff 9.ra.1 lcr t10t-1aa-0t-O1l tlg. ldatlr r llao Ollltltll!tr. Cl Lcelc|rr 1150 C!trllt L Cl ltLr D.ym! lerrunt Ocaa lccrl t rr ata.oo lbl|l ll& trG. r Ll|[oar D..€ttte16 ,ta. o0 lta.00 .00 IDUIC 2tt,00 t.00 rt oo10000t1t1ao0 lGtcttlclt ttrt!! ttta tc o0100oot1traoo tlt& clt& ttaDlcttc rtt TELZ3ffJ-BA5,-ESS3 RESORT SERUICES P.A? PERHIT ' I .or.o, op vArL corsmuqrro*O PENET APPIJCATITO}I nmz: /O-Gl 6ddt"r", Addresg: Fonl t lt -d5 eL , lFPLrelTroN Musr sE Frr.?ttD OUE CoMprrE;ltLy oR rtr Hl'T lroT Eg AceEpitED It******rr r***r*tt***t*******t* PERI|IT fNFORilATfOH a**r rrtt**trta**i*** ** *rrr*a **ttl --l [ ]-Bulrcttnqr [ ]-PLulblrlng X-ur."*rtcal I l-[echanlcal I J-other ,- Job lfanc: .Lttlh - Job Mdreesi L,egal oescrlptlon: L€t Elock O$Ders Nanc: ArchLtcct: ceneral oescrlptlon: Ph. Ph. contractor: Town of Vall Phone Ntr lier! Il'h ot vrl.l Phonc Nuuhetr: Reg. No. 'l' * **tl*tt****t**r*a**tf lrt ****l*** EUTLDING PERUIT FEEI Town of Vail Reg. NO- Ptronc lfrrnbcr: OFFICE USE ***. r !r *ttt **** ** ***. * t*t+itttl* BUII.DING PIAT CHECtr TEE! PIJJ}TEING PI.AN CHECX FEE: UECIIANICAIJ PI.'Ail CflDCX EEE: RECREITION FEE: CIJEITI-UP DEPCISIT: 8qTAT, PERI{IT EEES: roR BUTLDilC; STGNATI'REI ZOTIING: SIGNATTIRE; work cla55: y{-nrw [ ]-Arteratlon I l-Aardlltionar I ]-Repair [- 1-other---* tfufiber of htelllng unics, l- ;gurbar of Acco-roaatlon Unlt=l L BUIIJDIITG: S Olnsn: I IOTAL:- X:::x':m=::r"'e:rf . Address: t * t t t f i t t. t r !r * i:tr * * r. CoIITR A(f{\R INFoAUATION r r r t r * !r r * r r r * r t r r *. r r r r r r * r contractor: bC'e tc- + 5E thSSoC. lorn cf vaLl Reg. No._ Phons lfurbcr: cr and fype of rireplaceg: Gag AppllancesX Gae log-_ Wooat/peU,et VAI;(IATfOIIS rlt *t*trt***l t**i ** ttaia***att*tt*r EW!{ETNG! I Electri Pluilblng AddresE: Mech,anfcal Contractor : Addrees: PIT'ilBI}TG PERilTT TEE: I{ECITNfICAI. PERITIT FEE3 EIjECTAICAIJ FEE: OTI1ER TYPE OT FE8: TOWN OF VAIt 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENf OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PI.,IJMBING PERMIT ilob Address: 1350 GREENHILL eT Location...: 1350 GREENHII-,L CT Parcel No. . : 2lO3-L24-03-0L8 Project No. : PRiI98-0038 GUARA}ITEED PLIJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 42t0, AVON, CO 81620 GUARJANIEED PLI]MBING & HEATING P O'-BOX 42L0, AVON, CO 8L620 LINN ALEXAIiIDR,A PALMER 1379 N WESTHAVEN CrR, VAIL CO 81657 Valuat.ion: .00 1, 278 . O0 TotsaL calculatscd FGcE- _ _ > Addigional Fcc6---- -----> ?otal P.rmib Fc€--------> Pa)nrcnls----__- 'JOBSITE PermiE AT ALL TIMES #: P98-0089 APPLICANI CONTRACTOR OhINER Plan ch€ck- - - > Statrus...: ISSITED Applied..: 07/22/L998 Issued...: 07/22/L998 E>cpires- . : o1"/L8/L999 Phone: 845-6300 Phone: 845-6300 68, 000 . 00 Description: NEW PLIJMBING SYSTEM FEE SUUMARY Plumbing-----> 1'02O.O0 RrBt.uarEL Pkn R.vicw- - > TOTAI, FEES..... Inweetsigabion> . oo will call----> 255 . OO 3 .00 1,278.O0 1, 278 . 0O BAIANCE DUE. - -. r*""**.*r.rJt** IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPART!'IENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O7/22/L998 JR}4 ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRM-rrbmi'65e00 rrns ospARTl,IENi - Dept: FrRE Diwision: 07/22/1998 JRttt Aclion: APPR N/A t**rae.rii*ratt CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECI,ARA'TIONS I hercby acknowlcdgc lhac I hivc read rhi! rpplication, filled ouc ilt fulI thc infonaEion rcquircd, corrlPlcccd |n accuratse plot and plots plad, 6ubaivi€ion plan, ana BtsaLc lhrt all th6 Lnforn.lion plovidcd rE roquilca i€ corrcct. I egrcc !o corw]y wiEh lhc informaEion to compLy with r11 Toen ordinanccs and sCrlG IacE, rnd Lo build thiB struceule according to lhc ToPn's codc6, desig'D rcvier approvcd, uniforn Building codc and olhcr oldi.nanccE of the Town REQUEST9 FOR INSFECIIONS SHALIJ BE MADE TI{ENTY-FOUR ltOttRS IN ADr,,nllCE BY 2138 0R FROM S:00 AM 5:00 OF OWNER OR AND OWNER To[N oF VAIL, CO']ORA.DO sc!,teDn! SEal.innt Numbcr: REC-0426 Amounc : PryncnE Mcghod: CK Norqtion: 311? 1,2?9.0o 01/22/9A 09 tL6 Inic: !4Aw Pcrnir No: P9g-0o99 "}4'cr B-PLUB PLUUBING PERMIT Palc€I No: 2lO3-124-0f -O16 slt€ Addrcsg: 1350 GREENHILL cT LocaElon: 1350 GREENHILIJ CT Thid Pa)/rrenE AccounE Codc Balancc: 1, 27S , 00 1,278,0O .00 Amount. 1,O20.0O 255.00 3.00 ToEaL Fc€s I 1,274.O0 Totrl .AIJL PmEs: D€sc!iption PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI4BING PERMIT FBES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES wc 00100003112soo IIILL CAI,L INaPEcTIoN FEE aon.o"a Eaglc councy A""o""orlf 1""f;ltil%?lus$'"',kli",?2-,j'!'-DZUvvhr{3fl*?i_iillrff iiffi "FAIi \ oxra,z _Vet/ fr APPLICATION M1JST BE FTLLUD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ", PERMIT f NFORHATION ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r rr * ,r * * * * * * * * *\ ?[ ] -Building 1f,J -Plurnbing [ ] -ELectricat- [l] -Mechani'car ] I -olher tob Narne , Lr, /A Job Actdre ss: l-4gi2 Legal Description: t',ot /4 Block- Filing rwners Nane: /n/o/ t,*u ' ' Address: trchitect: teneral DescriPtion: fork Class: [Kl-New I Address: Ph. Ph. l-Alteration I l-Additional t l-Re-pair [ ]-other lurnber of DweLling Units I .tpnrber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS lurtor*o, $ ?LUl'rBrNGl. $ (e4 ru-t HECHANrcAr., $Jar6__ 1* * * >'r * * * >t >t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * goNTRACToR rNIioRMAr,roN leneral ContractoY: ,24'? - '\ddress: ...--------=------ ;Iectrical contractor : iddress: lechanical Contractor:iddressl. ,6X 'tf)-/o 4 r ***:trtrt* rt** ** ******* ** **** rl **** *FOR }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: 1ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: OFFICE USE rt * * * * * * * * :r * * *** * * * * rt * * * * * t<'t * * * * BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK .FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: EI,ECTRICAL: $ TorAL: +_Jl4r@__- ** * &* ****** rl* *** ** ** * * :k ** * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Tor+n of VaiI Reg. NO. )lumbing rddress: Contractor:^^pQhone Nunber: -- ov-'- Town of vail Reg. no. /767 Phone Nunber: f{f,-6=oA ts /{'- .2a5 a- Number of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pe)-)-et *** ** *** ** **** ************ * * * )f * ** OTHER: $ lomments: VALUATION , CLEA.N UP DEP.OSIT REFIIND TO: TO: FROI'1: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIfI't OF VAIL TotrN oF VAIL puBLIC WORKS/col"IIruNITy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH L5, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERTAL STORAGE 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 01657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 olllce ol communlly development please stop by the Town of a copy. Thank you for your rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to Iitter, track or a"poslt any-=lifl'rl.i, "una, debris or nateriar' incruding trash iu*p=.".=, portabre toilets and workmen vehicles. 1rtron any streetl siaewaixl -;ii;y or public place or anv norriln th;;";;:--ir. rishr-oi-*.y rn arl Town of Vail streetl and.roads is approxinately 5 fL. Lff pavenrent.This ordinance wilI be ;a.i;ii;"enforced by the Town of VaiI Public works nepartnent- --;;;;;ns fou'a viorating this ordinance wirl be given a 24 hour writl.n--notice-to*;;;;;;'="id nraterial_.rn the event the person so notified does ";t";;;pIy with the notice within th:-24 hour.ti*;-;;;;i;i;;,";;"';i];1ic works Deparrmenr wir-I remove said marei-i"i-"!-ih;^^;";;;re of person notified' The provisionr-"r'Ini= ordrnance shatl not be appricabre to cbnstruction, ^.i.,t".ance or repair projects of any street or arley or any'utiritie; i; t;"^;i;ii_"_""y. To.review Ordinance Nci. 6 in fu)_I,Vail Building Departnrent to oltiin cooperat j-on on this matter. 'r'll 'lrl onship (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 :outh lfonlage foad vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 olllce of community devolopmerr r EUILOING PERI.iIT IssUANCE TII.IE FMI,IE ft thls permit. requr'res a Tov,n of Vail F.ire Department Approval ,Engineep''s..(.Pub'l ii r'lopks) ""vi"* unl'upp.ouu1 , a pianning'Departrnent rev i ew or. Heat th Departm6nt rev i "n, un['u-";;i "; ;y'li;."tri i oi ns Department' the estimated time for'a-lotar review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large-or sma'l I ) and all multi-family permits wi1.l have to follow the ibove runti6n"J-ru"in'rr requirements. Residential and smali projects should take a lesser amount or time, However, if residential or snra'l ler.projects impiii the various above mentioned departmcnts wi.th regard' to- necessai-v-i.vi ew,-il .r" ir"j".ti ruy also take the three-weet< peiioJ. Every attempt vri'l I be made by thj s clepartnrent to ex'pedite this pet'rnit.as s.qon as possible. - - vv !'\rev' !! ' l, th" undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time f rame.. Prbject Name '/, Sh€e Communi ty Development Departnrept. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I MEMORANDIJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name:L,u,u Date: Please an 3) ls any'utilily work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the righl ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Flight OlWay permit' required? B) A. ls lhe right ol way, public property to be used parking or fencing? need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES /,+ 1) z) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public properfy? NO v .,\ w r easemenls or for staging, B. lf no io BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community .Development? . . lf you answered yes lo any of lhese questions, a'Pubtic Way permit" muslbe obtained, "Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otiice or al Comlulity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and Lturr- answered allthe ontra tions. Dat Job Name ls Signatu O o*n**ENr oF coMMnNrrY *"o"*"* NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRIEAL PERMIT ilob Address: 1350 GREENHILL CT LOCATiON...: 1350 GREENHILL ET Parcel No.. : 2]-O3-L24-03-018 Project, No. : PRJ98-0038 RESORT ELECTRIC INC P O BOX LO79, AVON CO 8L620 RESORT ELECTRIC INC P O BOX L079, AVON CO 81620 LINN ALEXANDRA PALMER 1379 N WESTHAVEN CrR, VAIL, CO 81557 ItsEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/25/1.998 ,fRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED JRI"I-Itbm:' 05500 FIRE DEP.I\RTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:o6/25/L998 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICA}IT CONTR,AETOR OhINER ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 898-0145 SLaEus...: ISSIJED Applied. . : 05/2s/1-998 Issued. . . : 06/26/1,99e E>gires..: L2/23/I99e Phone: 949-5013 Phone: 949-50L3 Valuati-on:1, 800 . 00 Description: TEMP PowER FBE SUMMARY Elcctsrical--->Total Calculalcd Foea---> 53.O0 Additional Fec6---------> .00 DRB Fcc .00 .00 3.O0 53 .00 .00 Invesliga!ion> tti1l calL----> TOTAIJ FEEg'- ' > ToEal PermiE F€e-------_> PaldenLs------__ BAI,ANCE DUE-. - - 53.O0 53 .00 . o0 CONDITION OF APPROVAL r t r r r t.r t t r * r a ta DECLARATIONS I hercby acknoilcdgc that I hrvc read thi6 applicatsion, filled outs in fuIl the information required, cot0pletscd an acculaEe Plo! plan, and 6tatc that. ell t.hc informatsion providcd a6 rcquited is cor!cc!. I aglee !o conply niCh tbe infomatsion and Plof plan, bo cornply with all Torn oldinanc€o and sEat.c lairs, and tso build thi6 stluctsurc according tso the Toen'6 zoning and eubdivision codee, dceign !evi€{ applov€d, Uniforn Bui.Lding code and oEher oldinanceg of the Torn applicable Eheleto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALIJ BE MADE TI'IBNIY - FOUR HOURS IN ADI'AXCB BY gtrt.$nts Numb.r I RBc-0{lt Anount: P.)dcnt tl6Ehod ! CHSCK NocaEion: 6205 S3,oo 06/26/9s t3.17 IniI: PEM P6rmi! No: 898-0L{5 Typ6: B-ErEc Palc.I No: 21o3 -124-03-019 gi,tc Add!cE6: 1350 GREENHfLL cI LocaEion: 1350 CREENI{ILL cI EIJB TRICAI PERMIT Togal F66s: Thls PayBGnt 53.00 Tolal AtL Ptnt6: Balancc: 53. 00 ASOUng 50. 00 t.00 **ttltrr**irr** r * t t t j t t t * f, f t * t * t t * tr t t * * ! r a | | ** jr**.rtt t t r* rrrr r t tt t AccounE Cod.Dc6c!lpclon EP OO].OOO031114OO TEMPOR.ARY POWER PERIITS NC OO1OOOO3112AOO WILL CAIJL INSPECTION FEE Date Received ^ JuN 2r ngo O'39X"?i Xiil,3iff3il"F5;ia oem, G-Lrf1,8 PER}IIT # $fY-oos& , APPLTCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT col,tpr-,ETEl,y oR rT l'tAy NOT BE ACCEPTED Ir******'r********************** PERUTT TNFORMATTON *********************!r*******Il -t i-Building t l-Plurnbing {-nrectricar [ ]-Hechanical [ ]-other Nrrmber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs- groodr/pelret_v D******t****!r********************* vALUATToNs ** ***** **** ***** * ** ***** ** ******* '!durr-,orlle : $ EregTllgl!: il/_BOO._ orHER: $qLWBTNG: E MEcIiANTcAL: r -- ;oil;; i-v ,u;:::i.::;:::..******!t**t* coNFRAcroR rNFoRrirArroN *************************** Address: r;;l"iio HH""f"hll,*"n- No.- Aui'rress; r-\, ! rv ,\ A$ b ^, gD t<t6ao phone Number: E&-6g.Ei- il;*l:? conrracror: Eal- Orl.( I:11 ":.y:il- ""n. No._ Job Nane:Job Address:35o Greea C legal Description: f,ot-l{Block Fiting owners Narne: n ltff t-i n n Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Pb. General Description: -2 work crass: )4-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other Nuuber of Dwelling Units: I Nunber of Accommodation Units: .rlr\^..! g-E Mechanical Contractor: Address:Phone Number: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLWBING PERUTT FEE: I'{ECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELSCTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: OFFfCE USE ************************ !r****** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PI,AN cHEcK FEE: I-{ECHANICAL PIAN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT BEFI'f,D o DEVELO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2a38 ..]Ob AddrESS...: 1350 GREENHILL C]T tocatsion......: 1350 GREENHTLL CT Parcel No.... . : 2l-03-L24-03-01,8 Project Number: PR'198-0038 APPI,ICAIiIT FRISCO FIREPI,AEE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX r-330, FRISCO CO 80443 COITTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPI,ACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 OWNER LINN ALEXANDRA PALMER 1379 N WESTIIAVEN CIR, VAIIJ CO Description: NEW DIRE T VEIiIT FIREPI.ACE DEPARII,IEIVT OF COMMUNTTY PMENT NOIE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANIEAI-, PERMIT PETMiT AT AIL TIMES M99 - 0 0i-L Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSI'ED 02 / 02 /]-999 Lr/t2/1999 051L012000 Pireplace Inforoation: Redlricted: Y *Of ca€ Applianccs:*Of Oae Lo96: Phone: Phone: 81657 Valuation: 970-668-3760 970-668-3760 2,947.67 #of wood/PalLet: FEE ST'}IMARY Mechanieal- - - > Plan check- - - > I nwe sC i gat i. olt > will call----> Restuarant. Plan Review- - > DRB Fee------- - TOTAI, FEES-. - - - Total calculatsad F6e6- _- > Addiliona1 Fe.€---------> TotaL PenBiL Fee--_-----> Palnocnta------- BAI,ANCE DUE-.-. 50 .00 15.00 '00 3 .00 .00 .00 7e.00 ?8.00 7A.O0 7A.OO .00 rttir*i**t*ttta BUILDING DEPARTT{EIIII DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:JRM AcIion: APPR APPROVED JRM-FIR.E DEPARTN{ENT Depts: FTRE DiviSiON: 'JRI{ Action: APPR N/A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION ATR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1-997 I]MC, OR sEqrroN 701 0F THE 1_997 rMC.3. INSTALLAT]ON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTUR-ES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIiilIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE 1997 I]MC, OR CI{APTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH C}IAPTER 3 AND SEC.].O].7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AIiID CODE ANAI,,YSTS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPESITON REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECTIANTCAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FTOOR DRAIN PER SEC.a022 0F THE r-997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. *****************************************Jr************************************** Item:.05100 02/02/L999 Item:05500 02 / 02 /L999 DECI,ARATTONS r hcrcby aeknonlcdgc thah r havc read Ehis application, filled ouc in fu1] the informalion lcqui.rea, co$pfetcd an accurabe plot plan, and statc thats alL th6 j.nfornBt.ion prowided as required i6 correcc- I aEree bo conply with the infordation and p1ot. plan, !o comply tith all Tot'n ordiDanccE and sLate 1aw6, and to build thi6 stsructure accordinE to thc To{nrs zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codes, deaj.gn rovieu applov€d, Itniforft Building code and oth6r ordinanc.ls of the Tolrn applj.cabl€ therelo. REQUESTS FoR INSPEC{ION5 SHALL BE MADE f}IENIY- FOI,R HOURS IN ADI/ANCE BY TELTPHoNE Al 419-A,L3a oR AT OltR OFFICE FROlil g:o0 At{ 5:oo PU * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * **** * * * *l* * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* n * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0590 Amount. :25.00 Lt/]-2/99 13:40 Payment Method: CHECK Not,aE.ion: #z27L4/FriscoFir Init: KMW Permit No: M99-001_1 Tlpe: B-MECH Parcel No: 2103-l-24-03-018 SiTC AddrESS: 1350 GREENHILL gT LOCAIiON: 1350 GREENHILL CT MECHANICAL PERMIT This Payment Tot,al Fees: 25 .00 ToE.al ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account. Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANIEAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO3]-12300 PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 78.00 78.00 .00 Amount 7. 00 15.00 3.00 Assessors Parcel il Offlce .39il"?; x3ll,;iff 3fi"F3lt DA,PE. //27//l PERIUIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY N.T BE ACCEPTED u.I*****************************rt PERMIT fNFORMATION ****************************r rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical I rJ--Mechanibat [ ]-other ;ob Narne: hk I tsiorAni Job Address:/3fo 6,wo 4, // (* Legal nescription: Lot Block-- filing susprvrsroN, Or.rners Name: Dfl0 Address: Address:Architect,: cenerar Descripti "", irak/ drrrl *nt frrfy'AC ,n/o nnt Sf< work class: td-ng; [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Ntrrnber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appli"n""=__lt Gas l,ogs_ wood/pellet_v l(**'t****************************** VALUATfONS ********************************* BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: $ oTHER: I rrLuMBrNG: T- nEcHAffid"i iW ;dil; s--" fi*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATJON **********************i****7 teneral Contractor: m^t.,h ^€ rt5i.r i,^-;;;;:::,,ye'L.sa(:Lc,r; _ I::l^".{..y:il-*"n. No._ Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor! Address: Mechanical Contractor: Actciress: ********************************FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. /0/m Phone Number: 1,64-3T- oFFICE US8 ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN IIP I}EP,OSIT REN'M) VALUATION 0cT t995 . t .-J UCi 1 4 1999 Department of Communit-tt Dev e lo p ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS Contractor: Address: TRISOO TIREPI.ACE & STOVE SflOP P.O. BOX 1330, FRISCO. CO 80443 TEIS PROJECT IS BEING FI}IALED OUT - TEIS UUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. Date Pcrmit was applied for :2l2le9 Permit #:_X:lg=ooII Balance due:$25.00 Plan Check Fce: $15-OO Job address: 1350 GREENEILL COURT Owner: ALEKAMRA PAI^HER LINN Job description: NEw TrrREcir vE|sr FTREpT.ACE I OUR SYSTEM SHOWS THE STATIJS ON THIS PERMIT TO BE OUTSTANDING. IT WAS APPLIED F'OR, BUT HAS NOT Bf,f,N P.{JD F'OR NOR SIGNT,D FOR THE CODE ON [,XPIR[,D PERIIIITS REQUIRES US TO COLLEC'I'THE PLAN CHDCK F'EE IF APPLICABLE. THIS WILL AF'FECT THE ISSUANCE OI'PERMITS THAT YOU APPLY FOR IN THE r,UTUR,8. IF'YOU HAVE DONf, THE WORKWTTHOUT'THIS PERMIT WE ARE REQUIRED 'TO CHARGE A DOUBLT, Ff,f,. WE \Rf, ALSO PLACINC A LOCK ON YOUR CONTRACTOR LICINSE WIIICfl WtLL PRTVT,N'I'YOII FR0I}I (;I]'I'I'INC .dNO1'HER PER]VIIT UNTIL'THIS IS RESOLVED. Pfe:rse call 179-2139 or come into our office ut your earliest convenience to lct us know how you would like to proceed- Thanli you. / ru -/1? -3,,% o !W,J ti,.i'- c*rec/ 08/04/Sg l0:02 89?o 468 o29s - -; -- --- -.-- Apgtcrdlll JobAddnrr: Lcad Derrr: 0rrcr: Mril'lns Ito!|t El3rruor Corsacror: Mrililg Phom Clurr of Worlc DocllboWoelc O r::B-o03 B NWCC0G lTEs rnr Errrarrm NO.375 P.3 Torrl For ]VIIT APPTICATION Psroit # ilqrrcE ltEtv JHs]-J|'t.L,\ttot{ }T.rc:I hctrry crdll 6rt. I hvc rad $d c*!mh.d dri! ?er53nrrr ci trddrr rrrvrror, rcrhri. rrr-lrt if,itt:ggllcdeo rnd brup lln ul| rE br l|f ard EorrrL All Up ro urd kludlng 310,000,00 Cf volvrdon . -$lqOO govisuu cf hw urd ordhmc!! lotrTrng hlr ggc of O,1r ji6.000 00 oi'rdugion . S!!O00 elW 5.OO O.:ct $ltltr !$'?lL{ rdt uftalrcr sgrrdhd bcrEin ot not. .rtlt Sr ,mo-oO or fi*dut 0|!6f ;rrr lJ0;o0O.O0 nra Frdrtl d r Frli3 rlorr .ot Frn tnc e llrl rrrlrorlr-r 6 rblu or clgl 6f FlvLloru of ltrt oOrt tttr; cr lasl. Ounbrritat .t trlvrrr rcfldln{c ltavrtDr: 'lrr rlolutlng contlr9$on ot rh: Frfinnrntr cf up o rne rncludlna s:c.t-- :r,.. iirnl!.:.. .r:. sljo Dll ct'Bttdor" OitrgCOm.m olnlur$on.trlt000dtctl.00 for U-L Z. lluwa T,I t,tx ffi.1cr (Den, tr'r'.lo!.rr.ufinrrrolTrsl 1fi8 x il"dfr''ffit#*'.xif,'"::I':r:ir"' t I v*u^tw*@ _L ata-$ - -h,lg< : ,t+ 4lZ(t -ffW/-J tltuw . -byz AttrDYrd bt! lhn ltl.tt ApptDYC Dfcrgror glrn rrvtrv rnd o.td litDccrlonr rllt DG GendurrcC by rtr Ncrthictt Cobrrdo CogDgll ol Gorrrrhl'rt! Pl.ar rlll bc lonmrdrd ro IIWCCOG fbr rwlor lnd lpprcval Sflcdula 3!fl.cdont by clrlrcrbt ar NwGtroG Ehvmr hrprctor rr (50) r68.0!t5 r l0t. Pb!|e nrt! cf.cl.r gqlrbb lo ilIVccoG. 3 1 1gg8 D.3. Plid Orn 94000.110 of rtlur$on .,trlt000 Ctc 11.00 for crch S 1.000.t10 or frrdon d:alevrr S?0.S0-0O trac.lpr t @oo1 Qot ts ^,u'f;ans JUL r .,-'n(lc l'v. o'\'rVvt'i Feb-I7-99 09: SztA Bec.k&As,lqoc. -/L-inn I Lll. 1 ' . f :t Y b: ){|'r'l ttc--\-'\ |-r rr,, 9t7 0 47 o I 9?49 FAX ffi8-oo52- P-OI PO Bor 41130, Vril CO 81658 Phonc (9?0) 949-1t00 Frr (970) 94$,433s To: Twnof Vril Attn: Chrrltc Drvir, Scnior Snil{ing Inrprctor Frr#: 47tL2137 Subjcct LiDn nc*&!cg 1350 Gncahtll Courr f,'rou: MilrWerocnlovcr Prge: I, ircluding this shcct Detu fcbrorryl7, 1999 C{IMMENTS: hEgnant to oru coovasrtion of lnV99, osr iile at 6s LiDD R.sideooe, ll50 Grcenhill Court, I would lik to ved$ ny undcrstoding of tc,o items ilisasred atthe abovc locuim: L Upm rwicn of tte stainrtay leadiag into ibe Bxcrcise RooD, na aG in agreemm tbatthe ovcrall width will uoct codc. this is depcorlcnt oD my fiFishin8 thir area accoding to tbe tssEnlnB u|e discusr€d. This will bc vcrified upon final C.O. 2, Upoo neview of the sitc v/ell a the west side of tbc &ivolzy, it q'os notcd tbat we {e 1p1 have ro inaall r guudrail per UBC spndrrdr becqrsc it is a ddve aod not a welkley: e ourb is $fi.oicut il rfiie siqs[66 Tluak you for rcviewing this nrcrno aod plcrse cdtacr rnc with ury question or coucads. Mlke Warmeohoveo Paga #90,[-129s Vttffn r4-\Mttn' Date Receivet FEB 1? 1999 '67 :I s\ \\ \.<, l=/i - IT III IIII BECK i||ll*h ,E Toua dVsil Community Dwelopmcut Departmcnt Cbarlie Davis lll 9.FmdagcRd, Wcrt VBil, CO 81568 Dcu Chrrlic: Purcuant to oottvorlations befivcco you urd Mke Wartncohovsn from our ofEoo, it is ou udcrrtanding that wo arc allowtd two gar log fircplaces rcquiriug A tl4e vottr and onc gas apptiauce requiring a B tne vort in a single ftmily rcsidcnce in thc Town of Vall. Wc havc this mnditim on tho Linn reridence thet is cuncotly uadcr consEuotion, and wc vralrted to m*e euc that rrc rrc in compliarcc wilh fro ton'n m this ieeua Ifmy rmdcrrtauding is not coroct, plcaso got bock to nc rs soon rs possible b diccruc the Bsfcr, I can bo roachod at our main office at 949-l E00. Ttank pu for prr assistsrcc , 1-qg Sinoacly, -/-<-'",'t-r)D€cT //' -@ -'\ms KevioO'Dqrncll |\+ )'Projcdlhnagg L ! \'z Bcck andAscooidos c{x Miko Wrrmcnhoym July2, l99t FlUrlS I \DOCS\KBVIIII\UNIIUru\TOITFLU.WD oErEirl coiltliacTuar F.O, EgX 1090 vAtL, coLonADo ata50 (s7q e19.1800 FAxt (s7il 949.43da NO. 126 P.1 FA)( 7-*it,L (', urM ,/ ) .r r'' /') r,-.a t / /fLL\ 1 Qltlrrai 2 PO Bor 4030, Vail CO 81658 Phone (970) 949-1800 Far (970) 949-'t335 To: Town of Vail Atb: Charlie Davist Scnior Building Inspector Fax#r 179-2157 Subjcrf Linn Residencg 1350 Greenhill Court Fmm: Mike Warmenhovcn Tages: I, including this sheet Date April 14' 1999 COMMENTS: Prrrgnant to our convcrsation of 3178199, on sitp at the Linn Residence, 1350 Greeohill Court' I uould like to veri$ my uuderstauding of nro items discusssd at the above location: l. The stainvay from thc main lwsl to ths upper @illiard Room) lwel does not necd a continrrorrs hadrail on the outsidc (right hood side) of the stsirs. The intermediate landings do notnccd ahmdrail application. 2- The stairway fromthe rqain level to tlc lowcr (Exercise Room) level doss need a continuous handrail on the outsidc (right hsnd side) oftbe stairs as thesc stcps are too small to bc olassified as landings. Thank you for rwiewing this memo aud please contact mc with any question or conoolns. rntrbr ak. Mkp Warmeohoven Pagpr #904-129s la I -l EiT-r C }(NTPFtrISTI)oCW.CS P.? NORTHWEST COTORADO GOVERNMENTS 970 468-0295 'NO.7A7 REPT131 TOHll OF YArL, COLORADO PAGE 5 AREA: CD 6L|O7/26OO O8:.37 RE0UESTS - fHSPECTII IORK SHEETS FORz ll 7/2O =======================================================-========================Acttvity: lt99-OO11 ll 7l2O Type: B-llECH Ststug: ISSUED Conetr: HSFR Addregg: r35O GREEIIHILL CT LocatLon: 1350 GREEIIHILL CT Parcel : 2lO3- I24-O3-OIA Descrl-ption: llEI DIRECT VEIIT FIREPLACE Applicant: FRISCO FfREPLACE & STOVE SHOP Orner: Lltlll ALEXAIIDRA PALIIER Contractor: FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP Occ:Uge: Phone: 970-6,6,8-3760 Phone: Phone: 970-6,6,4-3760 Locka, Holds, ACTIVITY llotice: and lloticea.... OUTSTATDTIG PER}TIT - LETTER SEIIT 1OlI4/99 - JII Inapectl.on Requeet Regueetor: IIIKE Req TLre: OLzOO Itena requeeted to o,o390| IIECH-Flnal Inforration... Corrents: UfLL be Inapecterd. . Phone: 9O4-L29.3 CALL Acti.o Conlente Tl-re Exp Inepection Hietory Iter: OO2OO IIECH-Rough fter: OO24O PLIIB-Gae Piping Iteu: OO31O IIECH-Heatlng Iter: OO32O IIECH-Exhaust Hoode Iter: OO33O IIECH-Supply Atr Iter: of|,340 IIECH-lliec.Iten: OO39O IIECH-Fi.nal REPTI3l Toult oF YAIL, COLOBADO PAGE 4 AREA: CD OL|O7IZOOO tb$z37 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII UORK SHEETS FARz l/ 7/2Q Actlvityr P9A-OOA9 Il 7/2O Typer 8-PLilB Status: ISSUED Conetr: I{SFR Addrese: t35O GREEHHfLL CT Locatlon: 135O GREEIIHILL CT Parcel z 2lO3- 124-O3-OIA Description: llEU PLUI{BIHG SYSTEil Appll'cant: GUARAIITEED PLUIIBIIIG & HEATING Oune'r: Llllll ALEXANDRA PALIIER Contractor: GUARAI{TEED PLUI{BING & HEATIilG Occ: uee: Phone: 445-53OO Phone: Phone: 445-63Ql0 Inepectlon Request Requeetor: IIIKE Req Tlne: QIIOO Itens requested to QtO290 PLI{B-Final Infornation. . .. Connente: HILL be Inapected. . . CALL ,r'(* \ \'/r'Y \ I \-\. -/------L InapectLon HJ"etory ften: 062lg Pl-|IB-Urrderground 67/23/9A Inepector: JRll 6A/3L/9A Inapectorl JRlt Iten: OO22O PLItB*Rough/D. lt. V. OL/26/99 Inspector: JRll llotea: PRIIIARY AllD SECOTIDARY Iten: OO23O PLIIB-Rough/Uater 0I/26/99 Inepector: JRlt Iten: AO24O PLIIB-Gaa Plpi.ng AIl26f99 Inapector: JRll llotee: TAG LEFT HITH PLUIIBER Iten: OA25O PLIIB-Pool/Hot Tub Iten: 00260 Pl.ltB-lligc. Iterr: @,o.299 PLIIB-F1naI lOlOAl99 fnspector: CD on: APPR ActLon: APPR Action: APPR STDES Actlon: APPR APPROVED 7' AIRTEST SECOIIDARY SIDE 7* AIR 7+ AIR TEST OI{ BOTH APPR TATEN AT 1OOI Actl-on: APPR APPR 1:i* AIR TEST GAS ON SITE Action: PA gee note llotee: nlgc. plunbing fLxtureg not get all raster }ineg are ceppe One rorki.ng bath conplete for ganitation purpoGtcts in the UBC. Enough for a TCO Llt/2L/99 Inepector: GRG Action: APCR STILL OK FOR T.C.O. llotea: BAR SIilK HOOKED UP & COIIPLETE, ItIilOR BATH (ROOtl 106) HAS TETPORARY SIHK & YAIIITY TOP UIITIL AilTIAUE SITIK & FIXTURES ARE REPAIRED. STILL OK FOR PLUTIBII{G T. C. O., BUT UILL XEED FII{AL PLUHBTilG RE-ITISPECTION PRIOR TO BELEASE OF FITIAL C. O. HEPT131 TOrl| OF YArL, COLORADO PAGE 2 ABEA: CD eUOTlzUn O8z!l BEQUESTS - IIISPECTII UORK SHEETS Fo,Rt Lt 7l2o Act1vlty: B9A-@52 tl 7l2O Type: B-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Constr: XSFR Addreee: l3SiO SREEI|HILL CT Locatlonr 13:icl GREElt HILL CT Peroel t 2lQ3- L21-O3-OI8 Deecriptton: llEU SFR Appliaant: BECK & ASSOCIATES, MC Orner: Lllltl ALEXAIIDRA PALIIER Contreatorr BECK & ASSOCIATES' IilC o,cct OjDlDT Usel Y X Phone: 97O-949-IAOO Phone: Phone: 97O-949-IAWD Inepectlon Requeet Requeat'orl llIKE Req Tirer OIIOO Informatlon. . . . . Gorrenter ilILL CALL Phone: 9o4-1295 Conlents TLre Exp Inepectlon Hletory..... Iter: OOSOI Pt-Terp.accese/drainage Iter: OOtu? Pt-Rough grade 07/O7 l9A Inapector: GRG 67 lLG|9A Inapectorr GRG OAlLTl9A Inaper:tor: JRlt Iten: O9,52O PLAII-ILC Site Plan Olf2A/99 Inepector: BREIIT Iter: OOOSO BLDG-Franlng OLl2Al99 Inepector: CD ' llotee: CORREGTIOIIS: Iter: U||Dfu Bl.D6-Ingulation e2l05l99 Inapector: CD gi2lt9l99 Inepector: GRG Iterr (|ie|l60 BlD6-Sheetrock llal.l W\l L2199 Inapector: GRG b2tl9/99 Inepector: GRG Iterr: U$TO BLDG-lll.ga. Itens WgO BLDG-Final Iter; OO53O BLDG-Terp. CIO Iter: OOSO3 PH-Flnel drl-vevay grade Iter: @OLO BLDG-FootLnga/SteeI t6/3Ol9A Inapector: GRG Actl.on: O7lO7l9A Inapector: 6RG Actlon: OAlO3l9A Inapector: JRll Actl.on: 09122198 Inapectorr JRll Actlon:lloteg: tO FOOTIIIGS TO BE IITSPECTED APPR l good bearLng, lape, etc. APPR rest ftgs except n bdrr. APPR APPROYED IIASTEN B ROOI Dll lto coLrRAcTon , l|o PLAlls O9l24l9A Inapector: JRlt Actl.on: APPR l{OT READY THE FIRST TIIIE llotea: APPR IITH COXDITIOIS THAT OTHER 2 UEST IALLS BE FOR}|ED AS PER PLAllS,COilTBACTOR POUBED FOOTERS frTH OUT rllsPECTIOll Iter:OOO2O BlDG-Foundatlon /Steel Actl,on: APPR Action: APPR Actlon: APPR Actlonr APPR Aatlonr APPR PARTIAL, NY L/2 ALL ETCEPT II. BDRII APPR ITASTER BEDRII APPROVED TITH CORRECTIOIIS HORZ. ASSEIIBLIES -ADD FIRE BLOCTING AT ALL YERT. TO -IITSTALL CRAIL SPACE VEIITILATIOII -ATTIC ACCESS AT BEDROOTS STBUCTUBAL 8il6. TAS OTI SITE AS INSPECITOTI OCCURED. HE ALS APPROVED THE STRUCTURAL FRATIilG ELEYATOR SHAFT ASSEITBLY IIOT COIIPLETE AT THIS TIT'E Actionr PA EAST SIDE Actl'on: APCR CHECIi CRAIL SPACES LATER Act1on: PA EAST SIDE Actl.on: APCR I.SIDE' ADD UilDEn STAIT! REPTl3I TOril OF VArL, COLORADO PAGE 3 AREA: CD O1/O7 I2OOO OBz37 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII HORK SHEETS FoR; Ll 7/2Q LOl6Al99 Inspector: CD Action: Dl{DEITIED llotee: PublLc rorke approval requlred Planning approval requi.red change erJ'ng of shorer door in guest bath (2) ped doorg fron garage to unlt not conplete retrove all construction msteriale cooktop not functionLng add egrees hardvare to naeter bedroon vlndor enoruelt boiler nuet be operatlonal t0l20l99 Inepectorr 6RG Iten: OO532 PU-TEIP. ClO LO/6A/99 Inepector: LS lloteg: DRMIAY OK Actl-on: APCR 1OlA CORRECTIOIIS DOI{E... Action: Dll sEE COilDTTTOilS NEED CULYERT CLEATIED OUT DIRT REIIOVED FROII SHOULDER AIID DITCH SECURE COI{STRUCTIOil AREAS LO/25/99 Inapector: LS Actl.on: APPR APPROVED llotee: CULVERT fAS CLEAIiED, DITCH AnD SHOULDER UERE CLEAR, CO}ISTRUCTIOTT AREA TAS SECURE. Iter: OO533 PLAII-TEilP. ClO LO/2L199 Inapector: BRENT lten: OO537 PLAI{-FIilAL CIO Iterr: OO539 PU-FIilAL C/O fterr: OO54O BLDG-FlnaL CIO Action: APPR BOIIDED LAIIDSCAPIIIG I \ tl ir ll\rt'i IVJ 'i J [.l)in 'on't\) ( "nM ()f sF..r +.tffiic-- 4'9.IAPF COLORA| 5ANDST.) FASTENET IJJALL UJITI 9TAINLE9 +#fth coNT. l-lr 3. DRY ! gLOPE. F \/ENEER Alcl-loR .gEE 9TT +#+s +#T# 2l/4', Rl BRJggEI PAVER9 2'gAND 9^NI.6'N''--.'.-t'-'_s\t|J |'lt 4',DlA. l DRAIN 1 COII?A CAl FILi REllsof FOtltlDA - 9EE, 9l 9AUARE OR Ah{GIILAR ICf.IEOIJS GRANITE OR gIIlILAR ROCK REgIgTA{T TO pp,4cruR[,,1c oR u.EATl-lERlhlG ( b' -o'olA. 10 4',-O',9lA.T'(? FILL A9 GRAVEL A9 REA'9 FON DRA 1 _l" l' O G :l 1 i -,t_-t I ti -r r t--tQ _l I l_ru! -l I '-l \tj;---: I I l----1_l I I -_-_{ t-t t ,- I I-i l I :-;-t-- |-i,l--r1l .-t rl- li :i ri--lr rli :1 il=l |l=ii--t I l-i i t-.t I {--i I l-l I l-r r -1| l-l ; l--l I l--i I r--; , r- r r-i-lil-i ./-i i i--il --<1 ---r I r-='-l |.-r I;-: i 1/2' ETAINING WALL Receipt tunds lo: Name: CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT LegEl Deggription : Lot-lfBtocf -Subdivision:@ Address:- Dar, of Exprrat'on: I J7-r> lft a$t,e#rt llfo (1P'€^k1{ cY DEVELOPEF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this z r day ot--o 6-ro-?-e.y,195-\ by and amefie Q,r N ,,-. tl J (hereinafter called the "Develope/'), and the TOWN .-..r!- OF VAIL thereindfler called tlrs "fown;j and bos w t t / (hereinafter called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the ,t .t a F{ \ ii . plans, dated < I t ", tS te, wishesto enterinto a Developer lmprovement Agreement; anOT WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set lorth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town ol Vail amount of $ 2-F , o o o (125% of the total cost of lhe work shown provide i security for the following: IMPROVEMENT LAPo ScaV,nt ?C. o ^,\. I r_€ -i r u,-J R"ECEIPT- ?- Town of Vail DATE i,, I iI t9 RECEIVED FROM r r (g'/o'yao tL la ',*,I_***__ N9 I 500?0 ADDRESS DOLLARS $ i HOW pAlD-Cash_-Orcck Rw Permit Numbcru Police Rcccipt Numben NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutualcovenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvemenls, on or before tolu? | 41 . The Developershall complele, in a goodworkmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town ot Vail, as affected by special dislricts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount of $ Lf r ooo to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvemenls set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally'set forth above lor another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town' s sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any oflicer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance ol the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the FlEVERYONE\FORMS\DIACASH.DOA 2of4 Town or any of its officers, agenls or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabililies (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability 0r action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. ll the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements c0ntemplaled hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreemenl on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements, The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such lailure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work refened to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail propefiy or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant t0 Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. FlEVERYONE\FORMS\DIACASH.DOC 3 of4 Dated the day and year first above 2/""'T^:,":?n"'NffEw*"y\UT\?,"',*w*^"*',*"oTt;fr a',n'." STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE \Mtness my hand and official seal. My commission expires G/rs rr'l 19- -.F l-J --- Planner,'Community Development ss. _Jhe foregoing Developer lmprovemeqt Agreementlvas acknowledged before me this A /a'aay ot -AA rP BA ,fin- oy 82En) r w r ts o.J Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: FIEVEHYONE\FORMS\DIACAS H.DOC 4 of4 oct - 2l - 99 os : oGP Ne i I s Snceford Shop P -O? NEILS LUNCEFORD Linn Residenue 1350 Grccnhill Coun Vaal. CO 81657 I.AND.SCAPE ESTIMATE - 1/8/98 lr () llf,): :tl.lr., :.i.'t: ll I "'1'. i ,;,t,: i .!tt [.rJ'ir.,r't,', :) ,1; .1;ii; ,);..i '] i:t> ,.1,.,, -ri;:: ri.r i. t 72,585.00 Sitework $ 19.5O0.OO M('Cl vritlr gL,txiral corrlfiiclof lo coorrltnntc dti.tull)iltuc Zuftou. dquu tenhtl(l Ptoce:+:+ ;tf lcl progaeF,F, Citle.r;rl L'L'[tlirutot to rlesn tlp $tle ot lr | .riu.]tf(t::tiot\ clcbt.rs, wood c(rncrele, Pilillt. .'jtUsqo ets pr|(n 1.) landrcap-o rjr)ntf.tctur trcgitrrrirrg srle vJork (jettc'ral cutrkaulor to provtcte pronerly gra(lccl subllfade fur rlrainaqe and re;ir!y tor tot)s,')tl I ilncllicnFe (nntfactot to !trFply pk(;e Bn(l ttne gfnde tof.,noil in prcpatrtto tllf l!rr.l.lcapc lt eHltnenl Or e(ll (trvpn lor eviry t::.y of topruil (fr or|l exstrnq F tc) rJF.cirbl-A flftr,f con.,tntl-.riD ) (S,30/c.y. t possiblc addl onal savings herc l inds,-:i['.f C':rntr'tutut 1(J cle:{fl Ltp iree sc,ifi. on exis,ting t.t rrii urrd prr,rrre Iu(rt.i and t)I]ln(:fte$ v,rhere ntces,-.,afV Rock Work $ 1a.?35.00 Rcttri irrg Walls - l-nllrrreered gfealter rhitfr 4' (by othersl Rr('.Iniru; rvl{ls - Non-engtncFrr-x.i lusg tltalr 4' At.r::,rtt b(iuldqr.; l5 Uhltr to be fo[nd on SitC) cDlrb (l d plill€ inor)e Incllldcili Cotrble dr:rrnaec .-wal{l Install Planl Materials g Z4.B50.OO nttillation irrr,lu(,es plnnt nlt:llFftal tax, d,_.livery plnrrtrno libor ...orl irnFnrir)FnL.,. s.taktng fc,rlilizur anrl f rtuli:h In Flant :.flricer 4 Spruse - E'-8'Collcctcd 4 Spruse - 8'-10'Collcctcd Z Ltrtstlec,rrD,:, l--rrrq 6' Collected 20 A:.yrr:r'r 1 75' l ]5- (:;r ootlertFd | \lJ /\erccl\laf rls.(r:!f,*\1.'t rIll:ll:) oc,t-21-ee 03:o6P Nei rs,Jnceford Shop Norrq tttrlrrrleal Murch $ L500.00 trlatcc !l (l(r(l-a(j woorJr.:l'ltp |rtlllclr 3'deep In ;ill D antng bodj Edging tliil€l srcel e(lqit g fer se;xratrcrn hetweult rc'ud & :;od arei:. arnil plaf rlif tg be(i,-i (;rpflrD: 10O Lf.lrrrore rriiy be rcquusicd (4 ,qflcled rlosl (not in this plrase) $ trrigation s I 1.ooo.oo lDsli!ll F,y...t"rl't tr$ dcrsril)ed r)n rflCntton plirrr dsled ilt)_14_g7) n'rlntu 'l EfJluy cit rp l0 lreeF, and Bllrub-"; Nulel ' Thrr :. an Cstillat!. only A t nirl bici Wi I tre ixrmp eticJ ot\ fL]rttrer ..(r,ll(litratruf r wrlh H-.ck OPtlrrri! ' lf Heck in:;tiallr; llre engtnFer+d |ctainirrrl ,,va r NLI would rupbse [rirt coi,f (:i r 0,:lls) wrlt) npprox ,31-.r0O.00 for observitran (rf WaluboLrldcr p|3c.em-.nt no wofk budgetcd for Neilt Luncefotd P-03 14 Aspen - z.?ai'' 2.5" Cirl Cullc.cterl 4 Mrrurrlarrr Alder - (i -H NrtrF.p[y Gt(twf r 1O1.]O :, t Wtl(ltiuv/ur Sod or Perennrat.- (not in lhis phasel Wtldfltwr'r' Sud Additron In lront hy ron( {tlpprL'x I000 r" i i 56000 (not in this phasc) 15:l Shrub +1 Nursery Grown (per planl Seeding S 1,Soo.oo t (:vcactEtc cll drs rrfre.l areai witl) gldrie a d v./tl(illowcr seecl ft.lix ;iDlrroxrnrrlc y 10.000 lf i,.)v./ rtt 'rijrj rn I (C 3 ltjli/l O(X) e,qfl !rpl)ly st3rtcr fertttt,rer Q) 51b.cJ1000 sqfi [ake n]atutials ||tlo sotl Sod add ! r \l i./\cxr:el\lat),1$Ca pe\l Innlili ll Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Linn Residence Project Description: Revision to lighting plan Owner, Address and Phone: Robert and Alexandra Linn Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Julie Gross, Urban Architects 3320 North Ravenswood Street Chicage,IL 60657 Project Street Address: 1350 Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot 14' Glen Lyon Subdivision Parcel Number: 2103-124-03-018 Building Name: nla Comments: residence approved l0ll5l97; this is a minor alteration to the approved plan Adjustlble Well Star I{l - recessed can lights - Total of 8 exterior lights Board / Staff Action Motion by: nla Action: StaffApproval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions; Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 2104199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla F:\Evll,RYOllE\DRB\APPRoV AL\99'\LINN2.WPD +t\ Adjustable Well Star can be used in ths most rugged aPPlications' The solid, cast-brass well cover and tempered-glass lens allows the Adjustable Well Star to be used in drive-over or walk-over applications' Three concealed, recessed, stainless steel set screws, lor welt cover attachment, makes the Adjustable Well Star virtually tamperprooi' A black anodized Nite Star fixture is held securely in place by a stainless steel bracket that allows for a full 35'aiming angle. When specified with the concrete-pour collar, a completely flush installation can be achieved' Features ' -.-iJmp!reo glass lens on cov.er-and-ilxture' . ciiiJpiicico t partm ent with gaskete*:::^1 . ;Ei8;Ei;ilt"r, heavv watt-c..omposite housing' - rrrtaahinad rlr rminum blacK Nllg 5lar.. Machined aluminum . MaCnlneo alull lll rur rr \rrsvrr . 6ast Urass well cover. Stainless steet llcljustoblo tUgll :!91 . s usted with MRl6lamps to 50 watts' . por use with remole transformers see oaoes 36, 38 or 41 ' :?f,iig1i""jlb',:'1"'.$la"*1ff 3:?:?33;3 j"o'" q {t + AM-o-6x14-lo-ll wtth Fc?c-67w Gravol lor Dralaage (8y otber) SIDE VIEYf l:,ri.It:::"1:r:S$jifr*,i;:,];iili:li'i H g-n ttoHTtNg lttrc I o .l tl I * g ()vl z J o- G o o J lt o z 3 o E (t --r-I .* E €a CI E E {0 I af Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Linn Residence Project Description: Addition of transom windows Owner, Address and Phone:Robert and Alexandra Linn Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Julie Gross, Urban Architects 3320 North Ravenswood Street Chicage, lL 60651 Project Street Address: 1350 Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot 14' Glen Lyon Subdivision ParcelNumber. 2103-124-03-0lE Building Name: nln Comments: residence approved l0ll5/97; this is a minor alteration to the approved plan Motion by: nla Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: lll9l99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPRovAL\99\LINN.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla N LINN/A PALTER cc tjftttft Drlsrn, Tov z4q* l6y- 114.?ffi 303 4?6-6S73 I W: Linn llowt- -Wur dlleriims o1-10-99 a P. 01 13343 {Ypvv1'.J6lie firr$. rxiii'[r{Y,+'* qAA U:MArhs bl0^1 E4ilb trrvrrhs '?W"[ -rr^ 'tc\'qtu-os4 -pgLz llb fllt . ,ldil ttuyr' t'r$lt {ttw Ilfih*+, n Motfer urirrr .A{ fur. ui{,u D,@.l (t\.;. J 4nxrdfi^;l \y )4n=ll .ddd narrnrivtud.,ii'1"'"FrK\ mrl,fiffii;rn rii"6rilfC wnoi,elel€ OO Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name:Linn Residence Project Description: Revisions to landscaping plan - grading, boulder walls Owner, Address and Phone: 2897 Timber Creek Drive Unit D24; 476-0559 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Urban Architects, 3320 N. Ravenswood St., Chicago , (7731 281-1878,, Attn: Julie Gross Proiect Street Address: 1350 Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot 14, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: Building Name; Comments: For future reference: Public Works has requested that a site plan showing the entire lot be submitted for revisions. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board I Staff Action Action: staffapproved Approved per plans faxed on 8l2l/98. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 21,1998 F:\EVI',RY( )ND\DRts\AIPR( )VAl,\9llV-INN. 82 I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Poaf-lf F8r Nols 767\orle -ffi)rb Wrsrt Wilv^'T Jttla- &Ir'n tutw. TOV Dhnrrirr-'" Utln, F17etr,Phomr J P'r^t 7?t.*tl.lt7g tl7t.F.i. .7?"..ttl .WE t,rrrrr* Lo137 77s2sLLs42 . ,.):'.li--i r\r; --,. I-/', l;,,,:' "/ /' -*' -'-z r \\. t,s1 ,, -/r"/ SMNEBERG GROSS ARCH PAGE A2 idartctt ,.Rer fievitd KtY.lasfi tsn=tLo \wifvk"laet .t' pfacenent' to'save Lrees../\r.€\\ l.t o oo*- ' 'ath 74.O +.71,5 (-3'-4'^ -- --- l 'r a \'\ \,' t\ + Z:L be q**i Eouider.Wall \ ao ao Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Proicct Name: Linn Residence Project Description: Trout Pond - Water Feature Owncr, Address and Phone: 2897 Timber Creek Drive Unit D24: 476-0559 Architcct/Contact. Address and Phone: Urban Architects, 3320 N. Ravenswood St., Chicago , (773) 281_1878 Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 1350 Greenhill Court Lot 14, Glen Lyon Building Name: Motion by: N/A Seconded by: N/A Vote: N/A Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Datc: June 24. 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFF APPROVED I: :\EVf :RYONE\DRB\APPROVAL'98\LlNN.624 DRB Fec Pre-Paid: $20.00 , 661281L994 JUN I s-99 3r9. L9?24 3122811878 STINEBERG ARCI{ITECTS PHONET PAG 62 APPLICATTON POR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL A-S'*iii',t{ffifflffi PHvsr(rAL ADDREsS _bO!_It rcen h I'ARCEL f :,"-* * .,il"?:fr:::ate7rL328-E6c0forprccrf) NAME oF ow-^,r,nrsr. __fl 1lotrfJ f ;ffi -.----_ MN II,tNC,\DDRESS: C. E. F. I,LOCATION OF PIIOFOSA ---_--_*--G. l.r. owN0R($) StGNATURE(S)r E NwcoqrrreJ";'-;2d" o,,,.-,-l^*^.-_,- flX: B Addirion - r(l pfpct,rn of{ ncw buirding. NAME OF APPLIC,{Nl': MAILING. f. Tl'pEot REvrgw ^*orrJ, ---11-- u_.4.!Z!_ r|tO.NE: rJ ,ru||ruon - SS0 lrcludcs rnv"d,,.., --- ,H'inorA,$,,tior, - $r0 ;i,*m*.fruil;T.:,#;::,:::' rcroo{ing; ;lrindng wirulow aeo,i[iii-*i'r*O,rg, fcnccc ana rctainin3 E cooccpru.r Revicr,r, - g0 ifi|rpp,*on wtcn rhc qrylicrur wishei ro mcd wtrh Dasign R,,,*isw Bo.d to ddc{min" wr,cr,c" ilJi* ruilL*ty compilcr witrr rrrc rrcrgn gridcrines. The DRB docs;-;;;;-".nrrnt rwisqrs. DRB fecs arc ro bo Doid Et rbc timc of submitrnl, ?,o, *lg rmllng for a 0uilding pcrmir, ptonsa rrtcorig the aocrrate vrluation of ilrc pej*t - tt" ir-r'#vriiwitt ,aifiliiJr-i#lnt ,orhc projacr vd,etisr.PLEASE suBMlr rHIs AppLrc-ATroN, ALL suBDlr$, neorrIREMENTs AND T*E FEE To THE DEpARrvrErrrorcor,friui,i#;ETdbpMe"iizii:iiil,iii-rilinrAcER'AD veu,, coLORAuo uiii. - -Y -.- ^ ^\ IWqN0r Tt'i*qptio,rdorl"_E-ffi t"..*.'ootgi'ilrili#1'. f-|!u:dns. Dqil$ Rcvi c\ frJ'H*1iil#,#il":F. :"ffJi$f:'trH:T;r1"4:fr'i'[,ffifi xil,T{",p Eavirsnncrro,*;";:'*,ff m**.ili, ;ljl#,[]!:iTfr Jffi,p'tod.unrir,r""d;#;'"bo'dine pornii;;;;;;."" coorrrocrion is sr*rerr.. ovrl crpirer d;;Iiiil"ljrTfjlr,jil,,TllKT, I I b , Ezo4 ?92{ s2 Qqc.oio's? (+rr ll,.ptanningSraffa,orolli 2/2 ttLOCK, _p,Ct,.rG vc(r + t8 rl li : I ir trs o F o z -9 CN oo tnF 53 atr z o z UJ J C' r\ t )o v o ( E -i l \-. I z =:<-t^rE 6rr o F 2 I c o I o I d z d rP -@ 10 io :.F rE .R oE :< Ul lr.l 5=-Y O !{z I x= -FE g8 29 R $$ 66123lLgsa LAi43 7732811s|STO\EBERG GRO6S Ail URBAN ARCHI'T'EC'TS PAGE A1 Trotmhal Drlc: June 23. l99E Project Nrnre: Robert and Ahx Liun Vait Resideuce l35{t Greenhiil Court Vrll. CO El6Sz Glen Lion Subdivision, LOT 14 To: rov Plrnning.rhpartmenr rel: g7o.47g.zl3}prx:g7o-479.2452 Altn: Breot Wilson 75 tfouth I'rontesc Rd.Vrit, CO tl657- From: RE: CC; fulic Gros, AIA Urbnn Archltecte 3320 Nonh Ravclrwood Chiclgo, Illinois f0657 Applicrtion For Dcsign Rrvlcv Approvrl LANDSCAPE FEATURE - Trout Pond A|tr unrl .8ob Llnn Pagcs: 3 Find enclosed thc tbllowing revised information on rbc rrout pond: fie trorrt prmd will bc.l stand {one gond which will re-circulaie atrd aerare tlrc srunrlinl3 wirter. It will nol divert water to or fiom any location. The pond will be lincd with a 50 millirnctcr waterDroof membranc which will not lcak thc water into the .surrorrn<ting roil. Enclosed is thc detail at ttri rim of thc 'f*m pond" stnrcture which will be (ifeilted. Encloscd is a.rkerch which indicares the rcviscd contou$ in plan. LINN VAIT. HOUSE: TRANSMITIAL Junc Zl. t99t 9 4 URBAN An'htrct:tr a.l.l20 Nonh RavQaswood $trcet oChicago, Irlir.oi, 6A657 a 77J,2gl,tS7B e Jar 77l.2Et.t.NZ S5l23l1998 14:43 N IIilN/A PAL|'EI 77328L1942 o 303 STIINEBERG enoss anor 3 O6_Zt_g tO;30 PA6E 63 P.0t It?€-6gnt Anchoring Detaite 9cil Ctttcr. Dozdr Trench 6uDyl Crulk vb"xr Alumlaum Ertbn Wrehar ( ory,'tac14 ': \*'**. hE (homcmbranc Ltncr F asteninq to Concrete Environmente I Frotection, f nc. S939 US.DI Sourh NE. pO Bor 333 M.ncclonr. Ml aDo!ie.0333 Phoq€. 1.fr0o.OK.LlNER o|tjj|cFgi., 6t€-S8r_et$ Fu: 0r&S07_EOAo vltehlltr4 wwwg6o?rmmbr.no.con e,me,f: pvclineffirn"ffi._.*. Antlvn lrcnrtr 6" U,n.f. -f Convenlional Trench D-9801 ' O6/281L994 L9=24 3l228Ll 878 o STI}.IEBERG ARCFIITECTS fnrt$ bllaK f,r''* t..: 'r-l ,o \ \ \\\ \ \ €s -l I l{t t \r$ TG t \ I I nole'Fc shct At.t I r tar tnfiwnd bctlion lo hov,gt ( siP PAGE A4 "/- - -,, lnnf pnil ltn. il.tllls t\Yt/\l \ORAINAGE EASEMENT { \trie \ \r \\E I tF \i .\-. i.- \t B#;il'h= ,',-'--l*- .. t, n t*/z a/t" - 1'-O ' b/tuW . ABlz3lL998 14:43 7732ALL942 o 'y'- -' STTNEBERG 6RT]SS ARCH PAGE A2 o /-- tril.d.tfi . ffirrr{'\sr \ \\ \ \ \t- \) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ L \\ \\ ts E tt=\\ts\>Gr-.lF\StE -- r-- \r\\\p"tr\ liil ,// I ,t \/ \ slTE PtA^ (l*'bWc A61281L994 L9i24 3L22ALLE URBAN ARCIIITEC,I'S STONEBERG ARCHI 7A o TECTS o PAGE 6L Dale: Projcct Nrmc: June 16. l99E i.,u ! #ldti.[,'.,x,' $::i, ttoT,"&,clen Lion Subdivtsion, t0t.-i4 "-*' Transmitktl TO: From: CC: RE: Pager:/+ TOV Plrnning Departmeot Attn: Brent Wilson 75 South Frontgse Rd.Vail, CO t1657- Julic Grocs, AIA Urbrn Architects 3320 Norlh Rrvcnswood Chicrgo, Itlinoig 6065? Alex and Bob f pp!51tlon_fogedgn Review Approval LANDSCAPE FEATT RE - Trout'iond Tel: 970.419.21 38 Fax: 970.47 9.2452 Tel: 773.2E1.tt?8 Fax: 773.2tt.tg42 Find enclosed the l'ollowing applijation-form and a site.plan drawing for a new trour pond to be located at | -150 (iri.'cnhill iouii. Recently'*" ni"" riltii'ed a buildiis p"r.ii f"i ir. new house und havc rt'rlcd constnrction. Thc owncs wbuH like to mate itrls -m"ii iciiiioii ir tn" .iop" or *"*.This trout ponrl i,i 16 be locurcd in the rsar yard. Foi yirr,, r,rrn*,cnicncc $cc ihe lOnstruction set s6ccl A l. I for locatrng rhe pond from this paniaf sitc plan enclosert. The owuers Rohr'rt und Alex Linn will be dropping off thc $20 fce for processing rhis applicarion. Plcast' fccl I'rcc lrr clll my office witb arry rpcrlitrns. Respectfull;,. Julre Gross. AIA duft. W o D esign Review Action Form Project Namc: Linn Residence Project Description: Railing detail for staffapproval Owner, Address andPhone: Robert and Alexandra Linn Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: TOWN OFVAIL Julie Gross, Urban Architects 3320 North Ravenswood Street Chicage, lL 60657 Project Street Address: Legal Description: 1350 Greenhill Court Lot 14, GIen Lyon Subdivision ParcelNumber: 2lO3-124-03-018 BuildingName: nla Comments: residence approved l0ll5l97; railing detail one of the conditions of approval Motionby: n/a Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 416198 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approval F :\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\LINN.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nlt ,nnAdEnlAr rTL, HAhDr\AIL P'NDER dAAT 'DLA{6' I l V,t.-li +" rl lkd tN- f, rr ptAtFrN (rLoMno DurF sAh0ffrt\E (AP R,LI TilNU tO ITAIR FTO, 514 lR .nA ln ' trL H Anpnart lIL,"rf llAntili6t'7 see nAn l"-- l'-0" o o ?,f,.r,yi *, ri I - il- 4L nn. IenRAcE , s- ,s F-t- -J -s -6E sz Eg 'c-r, +5' - rl \fx ..-S t? o"s,-!+ =€F" ! # €v c{ &-- . a'{\,5 E*:E;5 "..s! E s A r --- dt .l4 -({-3 -fg; x - _lcrt_{\| 1,,- - t-:.g<trf. t. c-F,< lr--s 5 "--G5 s -l =l e.c.(. =\rt o z 1r- .--t t- j l-c u, c.C I t- \t =-c. i '.s s=IEV I €. =,i ;a El | =.i Fl.r--tra--;+ O3l2gl1994 A4r2A +(i (O O APPROVED BY Tlit TOWN OF \"/A:I. SIGN REVIE\,V BC,AR 66R^be<ourd T I .J -L;,1 ,l Z, bLo h' att' --?=EE,G5 l",lb J _--':j -F I I I I =l /l l.'+ la tb -l_ e.-e '.------+ T - I ll II 3L22AttA7A =:m:f ()c:)-7 F:O'n T I ) Po.Hf Far Notc &^fq./ #H#4 lrtdrtirq I hrtt ., ,--# 9r Ern <=lJ rn s9 l-j o D Project Name: Linn Project Description: New single family residence Orvner, Address and Phone:Robert and Alexandra Linn Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: *r;ti:"!,;:il yd}# Architects,3320 North Ravenswood St., Proiect Street Address: 1350 Greenhill Court Legal Description: Lot 14' Glen Lyon ParcelNumber: 2103-124-03-0f8 Comments: BuildineName: esign Review Action Form TOWI{ OF VAIL Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: October 15.1997 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Motion by: Secondetl by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Bill Pierce Ted I{ingst 1) A minimum of 12 square feet of landscape area be added along the driveway. There shall be a minimum of 3 aspen trees. 2) Provide the railing detaii to stafffor review and approval. i...EViP.YONE\DRB\A.PPROVAI-ts7\IDRBAPPR,FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 Tcl fimdfrilL- ttrtl^ hr'tWn v1A W WndoLl/( wtl't*r' U SEI.J L (' j( | g2/ s5/ L994 I . 9.J r r\ srB€sERG "*{f* I PA6E O?88:s5 31228U8 U.S. Wc$ Colrnuttiulrti ons l-lt{l(}.e22-r917 46$-6tl60 or 949-451{) Putrlk $rrvisc (tonparry 949-57rr Grry Hall Holy ('m*r Elc+rric Arsrrc. 949.5re2 Tcd Hrst y/.lt*rn lloyrl T.C.t, 949-5J.10 floyd Salazrr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Senirnion Districr ' 47(r.7at0 Fr,".rl Ha*lcc I UTTLIM 'l his fomr s to vcrif *rvicc arailabiliry axl kxatiot for ncw sonsrrucrio6 q|d shddd bc lf3cd in estjudioo with ftroFruin,: your rrtiliry plat rul x:hc.duling Lrstallatiorrs l hc locatiot gld arvrdl$ility of udliriqr wlt{lrer thcy bc rn'rin tnrrtk linlxr rr lro1po:p{ linar. mrrr bc opprovc<t md vcrificd by ttrc fottowing ulilitier for tbc aocortrpanyint sitc ph{r Detc * ' Plcarc biag a sitc plan. floor plur. rc<t clcqtims whcn obtaining uppcr Ergh vrncD, wtcr & sanir*iun signlturr^r. firc flory ncc4\ nturl bc addrc{sgd. NOTES -1. ) Itrhc rrility vcrilicaion fqm h*,r signarrcs frorn cacb of thc rlilitl,conpurhc. ad no c_.'nryfis arc oudc dirocdy or rlc form. thc rom will prcarnrc <lur 6cra rc no prcolsrns u<J thc dcwckrptrclt cin Fracccd_ tr' e utitiry cor,{re|ny hat conccnl\ wrri tha propocod eorlct{rgdoo. tlrl ,rtitity ,".tno.rrr*ino rLll norcdirrcrly ol rbr: utility verifradoq form rhst rhc.c is e probtcm whbl o-cct to bc rccouca 'l'hc issrrc shosld rhcn bc dctgitcd h rn rnachod lcttcr to tlc Town orvrir. uo*cycr. ptersc kccp i' nund rhat ir is rhc rcepooribility of rbo unliry cornparry end $e afDticd b rcsof$e idtntili crj prr*rl cmr. Thc*c vcrifreio.! do not rcricv-c rbc cqrmctor of rho rcspotdbitity.ro obr.in I hrwc wey Fcrruil fiun tbc Dc')<fn|Gnt of hrblic Wor\s at thc Tows-of Veil. il;liw I*-rin.,,. *.o O ctlrssllhrfqcjr4+int in any public right-of.way or erscrnefl wioltG rourn of voil. A Cltao'O CO Qril 6t p N*uet * f Nor. - &trrito &oesa u I lavl ,(12 ,ldLr / Fa PED ftr- 8,/ t o^/rE/c- /ll*t*d{- I I Authorizcd SigUrtuE ; S€F t5 '97 at:gg 3'ae?rlBl8 "ifffufP?.r :: ],hisfornristttvcri|iscr'viccar.litobitirynndlocationforncwoorrstnrcdonrur<{shouldbcunodinconjunctio|) rvirh prcparing, y(r*r I,ritiry '1",, ,,iil ."iLrutin! i'srattniio-.t,:ri,r i"r.iiiit nnd. avaitahlltty of trtilitics' whclltct' rhr"y hc nrrhr rnrrrk tmcs * pr"ni"ii ii".*. ,u,lt ur rppio""o "rJ n"Jntu uy lhs foltowing trtilitics fof thc ;rccotttPnnYi np' sit c Pllttt Authsdzdsisailrc DAg U.!l' Wc"r ('tlrtlttllltt t'':rttlqrn$ | "fro0-922- l 9t7 46tl-6116{f or t)49 "1 5.1 (} Futrlic scr.viu c (l<urrpilty 949'57t1 Grrry Hlll Holy Cnrrlr lilcctric Attsoc ' 940-slle 2 Tcd HusXYilohn lloYtl T.C.I 949"55r0 FloYd Snlirzlr gaglc Rivcr Wntr'r & Sarlrtntiorr l)istttct' 47(r"74|(() Frcd Hiislcu 1- tLq- .-+44 r plcasc hring a sitc plurr. floor plan. entl "1svn1le1'ls whcn obtaining Upper Englc Vallcy Wirtcr & Sanitnttun signi rrru.,t tliru tlorv llccds nrtlst bc addrcsscd' NOTES' i lfthc urility vcril'ication fornr has signrturcs from cach ofths u{ility contpanics' and no .'o,n,u"nrr'url"j*;';ilil iltr.'ioirl' tr,. ro* will presurirc thnt thcrc erc no probluttts and thc ttcvcloPntcnt cart Prooccd' : : tf n rnitity co5tprny has conccrn.s rvirh thc pregoscd constilcdOn' thc rttiltry rqlrcsenta(ivc shitll nrrrc dilscq1, on thc utitity nc6tcation ioml that thcrt is a problenr rvhich nccds to bc rceolvcd 'l'lrc rssrrc should thcn bc detailcd in .,ritto.f,fa tctcr to thc Torrn of Vail' Howcvet' plcasc tc.:p i' ,riud tnar rt is thc rc.qrronsibiliiioittt" utility company aud thc applicant to rcs<rlvc rdrntificd Prohlcnr's' t Thcsc vcriticstions do not rclicvc thc contractor of the rerpol-{bilitt:,:bllt:}].bli'g Wiy l'cnrril tiorn the Dcpartrncntoi'Pt'blit t;tkt at thc Town of Val' iltrtitv-locationlg::t-bl fiililUiiil; il;ffi ii'.il ;"",; ngh,t'or'wav "i,Ti1'5:1]:iy:jT,l"* orVal A 3leE9ll87S PAGE-aqz i r TarTfiL PAr.iE ' rAAS 't' r,(EEF 15 '9T l9:43 oi z / -v:l-"rt i tl 6 a; R )/. .rE i..'.'.-"n- --r n,/'-. u {v$ " "-*.,"",), : \\ rt \ dr'r lYrrt pipe a n s! rit ry 6r/o ffi, t\-"--i_ hF.I RESDE}.ICE ). -..--..:..-:._t-L._l',,_..- . * '( J"hmh4.:t drivdolr ,AL Cq.ORADO IflE FITN EEP. rri. 1397 9: eERf'1 HOL'/ CRO55 o2/o5tL394 97i57 :31228118t 1,'g I L UTILIIY LOCATION SroNEEERG ARcFrISs l.lo . :rb 1 F.? PAGE S2 l,{iffi$,[;;;'1,iil''{:jiillll.JtT.il*fi1$."ry;,,'.:,.,:Jffifi"fr'"*;iffiU:Xln,W#:F,l lhw bc rtrairr lrultk lirre.n ()t nronortr.l linr,r ,,,...e hi --_- -._ , .lltry bc rttnirr truuk lirre.rr ()r nronoro,t r;"""-,,..3., "l'lll".,"r' I rrs l(r(:;rnol'l an0 avaihhility of utililicn. whr irocornpanying sirc ptrur PtoFo:icd linc$' nrust bc approvd al|a "cinsi'tf irr-"i?to*a,g utilirics for thc U.S, Wcst Coltrnrrnicuriorrs t -tr00-922_t 9r7 4 (tll-611611 or 9.19-45.1 0 Ptrblic Sr.:wicc (brn1,,,,,y 949.5 78 r Onry Hnlt Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5fl92 Ted I lusky/.trrhu lJoyr.l T,C'.1 94e-J530 Floyd Sllrrurrr F.aglu llivcr Watcr 4, Sanitirtrun l)i$fricl ' 476-148(l Frid l.taslcu NOTES; A r., thorizc{Sj goatrrc :r Dntc o-ta-.?7 ;;ff:.ltlf; fifJ,','::;f,:i,It:'.:ifl'.1ff:ions whcn obtainrng uppcr Fagre vlirrry wor.r c sarriruriorr 2. ::*,,Si.;t;:::f;t,;,Sfr- rrrsoignnrrrrcs rionr ench of rheurilitlcornpanic.s. rnd no rr,, ,r."!op,,*ni".i,i.i.Jolt ths fonn' thc Tor+n wilt prcsumc ,ti;il;l";;iy,roor*r,,,0,,.r [lJili[il:iil'J.hjfi;T':ms with the prq,oscrl congtsrction. tJc-uririry ^:prc.rcnraiivr; sharJ .r hc issrrc shorrl,r rh,... *:r-llTJiu'r form rhar rhc.rc ir a problenr uhich;d;i; l" rcsorv.ld lgil';,Hli5,, jlT,1;"ftFi;;;6;,ffi ;:l#lKl,'#i)*,l',fl[f.rssotvcd iaciriri.,l p.ori;;; " "'- 'csponsibilitv ortho trtilitv co,np*v*a 11r" uJilr"^liillo;rr. ,,1 Ijs:,;:::.,T:T-:T:I!:,3 rhc c-onrracror of rhe rcrponribiriqli ll3:nllT Deutnr.nrt or il;i. w"[:i ;'-'T !9 obrnin a hrbtic Way 3. i',.e s,-r^*.I-'-:11:':'"f | :Ylrc worKs at thc Town of Vail. li tih ! rnttrypublic right-of.w€y or cascalent thcTown of Vnit. A "" ;),7,-.,7!,,1 t' g: "5*o" ;i;.T,; f"' t' U.S. Wcrl C'onrnruniqrr ions | ,t100-922- t elt? 4686[60 or 9119-4510 f\rbl is Srvicc ('i rrnpany 949-578t Gary tlell Holy Cro*s Elccrric ,\rsoc. e49-5892 Tcd Htcdry/Jo}n l.!oy<l T.C.r- 949-5510 Floyd Salrar Eeglc Rirc Watcr & Sanit:rtion District ' 476-748A Frcd Ha+lcr- t. : !'l'his fonn is to vcritl, scrvicc arailability anrl locarion lor ncw aoost Udiosr and shoirld tc utcd in conjundion *itb FrtT'xting y'trrr [tiliry ptrn and rchcdulinll iostrllntionr: Tltc locatioa md au*tao iry or (ilitis$. whcficf thcy bc nurin rnrol tirts or g'."o*4 lincs. mur* bc qrprcvcd snd vcrifiod by rhc follor&rog urilati$ fqr ahc roconpanyiog lsars frlxn. ',,*o.13;,l,3i|?"= Authorizcdl Sigtaot PAGE 2/3 r'A('L. 6'? Ddt 4 i\s ge,,,*qd\r*fsd *n*S. i Plce$c briag a sitc plan' floor plan. and edcrrsriers whcn obtrining uppor Eaglc vdlc,y lyEcr & SrnintiQo ItigaiturFr. Firc tlow nccd.,i nrr.rr hc addrerscd NC}TE.S: 3. lf thc utility vcrifrc(iqr form h*. sigr,turc$ from cacb of thc utit$comJrrnic*, urd no commcnr{ arc medc dircctlv on trrc form, rhc Tovn wirl t r'",mc thrt thcrc arc no lroutoru "no thc dcvclqtmcnt catr prgcd :lf a utility comp;rny har conccrns with thc propo$cd con-{t/ru.;tiou. thc utifity rsfrr*srtativc shall nolc dirlrrtv on rhc udritv "afrcaton rmn ,r,irur"* ir i p*orcrn whicrr necds to bc rcsotvcd.I hc i.scrc $hourd rhci bc dorsifcd in an arroJ iJn*iit* r."r, ,rv.ir. -lrL,*"" pl**lccp in ruind thrt it rs thc r*r,ondbirit ;;";ri;.;;e.,ry and the rlryricrrrt to rcsotve irlcnti llcl Snotrtcms. -- - - -""!J vvl"' Tlrcsc vcrtficariqrrs do nor rdia,e tbc cortacto( of thc rcrpndbility to otain u hrblic Way Pcrmit frorn thc Dcruttrrnt of hrbl* WoG ; il";;; of Vail. t-kilitv rocrriclls ,r*|ar !,ohtrinc{tbcrc'qltliggineinarrypuilicrig[t."f_""V;;rcmwi&inrhcTownofVait.6 \ryTtr vl vdt '\ sEP-re-sz t r,06 FRoM.u...Q.o.,o =tuof""t PAGE 3/3 4 tz o o 7 ct 6 i ! lq \ 1c.tj v ,'., :,4\!(\*l \-) / LYe i Nd els \.,. 3, \el lc.rj |lJ)> lr/lt | .,' I|? I I l,/ t.,/'| \. l'.'.. I t. A' i'iFi ''/t ^ <o O \r : : /Rt N 4',t/' \ '\lV\ gF$ ''', i 3 ; il: ."v ';giil Ft='Ei i= 13) I \-/ =y ... .! ''J{;t oi (J jl is;n;. "J,./jg: A - *fr \qi"e{"3,.€"#ite- \T.ffi : ')-, 7-, () v il,' *fl ,,.3 I icl ! *x{ ii;//' -s;_: /' E'\ 1- k-**:/iZ' =E: $.\Ag ilF; --''qii16g: ii 6 \ "E\.tiI* ' 5;i .r, i\ \.. ifil ir: li'7i+tl ll. ,5; irt'"l.<t. -l.(.t:3 /o)\ i:-l =:l lsP ::: t -dl.it ,o-,, : sGf <iic c ::> >-EZ 'o* $€g ;r; i-, ,,€':< a i6r (o- 9:88 E:;! a -ii-:+ j: { l.r 5 'p fi g 2 a- .t g, ;EE=l-o a i Qo:* '-; rg3#j. o t.ft ZONE CHECK L,cgal dcscription: Lot \4 Block _ Filing Addrcss Architcct lrdre., Grass Proposcd use Lot sizc d TotalGRFA Existine Primary A _+(425)( Socondary C 425) (67 5*) = * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? W 5tfr t 9?? Allowed ttl, 53Gb_ r &D =_67tb__ r'Sitc coveragc 1-db /u"ight (g.6u.1, rlandscaping 6dh /n"taining wall Heigbts y'Parking /Gara1e credrt r' Drivcway /Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc /Arc finishcd gradcs less tban 2:l (50%) /Environmental/Hazards ./^t'Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propoty file): r' a@ (3oo) (600) (eoox@ooD '1zd Permitted Slopc 17 Vo ProposedSlope lL o/o yes_y1-- No Ycs-1 No l) Pcrccnt Slope (< >30%) 2)Floodplain |/ld 3) Wetlands Vl,O 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50) tA, 5) Geoloeic Hazards a) SnowAvalanchc VE b) Rocldall no Phone Phone a?3 za\ trf,+g Proposcd Total Remaining + 0l8E How much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with tJr:s requesfl 7>n> fr,ov€+ 4449 = H13 %gO Front Sides Rear Minimum 11,75 3't 6' Rcquirea 3 20' 15' l5' bD U" t.lF lOct 4.psg- 4ka- o e--Encloscd v lsthcpropertynon-conforming? Dcscribe: y' c) Dcbris Fbw WW Yv,Vyd-, DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Project: tr suRvrv ,'/ ,,/ / ,,/ / -, J ,/ r/ / tr SITE PLAN v. L/ r' ,/ r/ ,./ \/ / / v ,/ Scale Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Cor:rse Setback Environm ental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elcvations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVoverhangs (4') DeckVBalconies Carage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and gradc) Snow Storage Fire Access O FLooRPLANS '/ Scale '/ GRFA l\4 250 additional GRFA ( rd te4a'' (P.fwotL*c-n'sve) / Crawl\Attic Spacc fiL EHU O BUILDN{G ELEVATIONS '/ Scale / Col orV\4aterials \/ Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPE PLAN -" Existine fees r' Prooosed trees t'/' Lege,nd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval \./ Title report (A & B) / Utility verification form / Photos ofsite "/ Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances TOWN OF VAIL D epartme nt of C ommuniry D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 october 1 , 1997 Julie Gross Urban Architects 3320 North Ravenswood St. Chicago, lL 60657 FE:l350 Greenhill CourULot 14, Glen Lyon Dear Julie: The Town of Vail stalf has reviewed your applicalion for Design Review Approval for Lol 14, Glen Lyon and has the following comments: Planning/zoning issues 1. I have calculated the total Gross Residential Floor Area to be over lhe allowable by 71 square feet. Please revise the plans to reduce this amount of GRFA. 2. The proposed cantelevered area on the east side of the building must be removed from the setback area. The total projection allowed in the setback is 10% of the total wall area lrom where it projects. Public Works issues 1 . The maximum driveway grade for the first 10 feet of the driveway is 8%. After that, it may go up to 12%. 2. Please provide a letter of approval lrom the adjoining property owners on the west t0 work on their property to build the retaining wall for the driveway. 3. All retaining walls over 4 teet will need to be engineered by a professional engineer. Please provide a drawing from an engineer, detailing the construction and lay back of the walls. 4. Many of the spot elevations on the grading plan by Neils Lunceford do not correspond with the proposed contours on the plan. 5. Finished grades exceed the maximum of 2:1 in numerous locations. {p *o'""'o "^'"r The above issues musl be addressed and revised plans submitted to our office by noon, Monday, October 6, '1997 in order to remain on the agenda lor the final DRB meeting on October 15, 1997. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479- 2454. Sincerely, ,l L-fulzttt't Lauren Waterton, AICP Town Planner the mj mueller co., inc. I;ETIER OF TRAITSI(IITAIJ Date: 6 October 1997 To: Mr. Lauren Waterton TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 Project: L,inn Residence 1350 Greenhill Court Vail, Colorado Please find the enclosed documents, as requested by Julie GrosE for the DRB application for the above mentioned residence. P1ease contact this office if you have any questions regarding this project. THE IiIJ UUEI.,I;ER CO., INC. litark J. ltlueller, PE civil architectural and structural engineering a p.o. box2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 476-2637 IFAXI o o fuifrlba(LhblataL ,'tbf'l@,E o(Wrvc& AMilAL T,EF W)ffxrr o ./ rxAct)HM qL WaPfryWtM@A frwAsrd2wTt%( Ww I l UruU ?-6AW^,W ) Vffi'-t A, 1e,(,4?i W(fr M qA.e vmat*o w" ?lauareoTrtw) UA\n, !€l4o ae WrJP@ --l!@ - # nnX?Z rcvJllvt6loH @a)M€^ris '- 1^E frA@, rc& ?W,9 4v %,rFt X+ yZaS@roftW *glq'E, 1 WApi s $ > N J-I N N s \t z s { $ Ill'ktW!4 (,f,rT, o o frw7rtuaft w1 I'tnEa,tol ttffinf VtW4 LpeQ.ft.- W frwt'ts- W,oo b0"o WqwaM'0,c, btiuutukow &l(t'0{, 0,Mwu (n,,t(, I\fful,(bf,rt)n. /&UlA,raLt / (ElLftilaicc. blhea[0 Wh,eepbc. lyo^Ltl(,"rrW,Y 6tt4a#6kpt '1 / &/6'ac. o qWovA,@Lu/A&tA W,ff'l'awlutr@ 0#!i,wi^ ,*Vwct6'ac Mrs,Mle 6gg,frt6@s hrwaf{na< &/6'?,c )ra /k o { l/a<O*l+4 T/,',(y:u wvy w'/,c, #(ffi;: ryr?.#t?46 ffis: bWw,m, WO,^I@non mN0wq's latMtt't"c lrwUV(^wLy MgNt4 ttt?ttotL W4Q^oQ'- c{frhwv k(maa @hc. bau@f6rue.o 1z'1,c, AtWA#6m,tar QUgQto'rv A p,"a,c. laA *-sth VhWfAW.WAtrtwl '6la,lot'W'Wqf Wacs(zfun affiat4 H6e/6'ac; w{NNh''.{a' , . /W( W'919e t'al 4r ' 1 q,O-((wrrw@ -ffi !/" /lrttil, taffiw Co ty Development Plan Routing Form o mmum Greg Hall, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Jeff Atencio. Fire Lauren Watedon, Community Development Ootober 9,1997 Linn - New single family residence 1350 Greenhill Court Lot 14, Glen Lyon Project Description:New Single Family F :\everyone\dripVouting\linn.o09 Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions l) Pleasc provide a letter ofapproval from the property owners to the west of your property, that approvcs your working on their property for the building of your driveway retaining wall. 2) Please fix the center line turning radius from driveway into the singlc car garage, it's not on a 20 turning radius, To make your 20 radius right means you will have to move your boulder retaining wall north about 2' ft. To havc 6' ft clearancc on each side of center line. Com o mun ity Development Plan Rou o ting Form Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Larry Pardee, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Jeff Atencio, Fire Works Return To:Laurcn Waterton, Community Dcvclopment Datc Routcd:Scpt.22, 1997 Return By:October l. 1997 Project Namc:Linn Residcncc Proiect Addrcss:1350 Greenhill Court Projcct Lcgal:Lot 14, Glcn Lyon Projcct Dcscription:New singlc family residcncc F:\cvcryone\drioVoutins\l inn.o0 I --Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions | ) Maxinrurn drivcway gradc for the tirst l 0' from cdgc of strcct is 8% aftcr that you may go up to l2o/o. 2) Plcasc providc a lcttcr of approval from thc property owncrs to thc wcst of your propcrty to work orr thcir propcrty to build your rctaining wall for your drivcway. 3) On your d;ivcway rctaining wall at the down hill cnd it's at 8'.6". 6' is thc maxirnum wall hcight. 4) All retainir;g walls.l' and ovcr will need to bc cnginccrcd and stampcd by a P.E. Thc rctaining walls on the south cast comcr of building do not work, a) the contours and thc srrot clcvations do not work toscthcr nlcasc fix. 5) Grading is ovcr 2:l in a fcw places. Datc rcccivcd: L Aerial Photu of Site 2. Aerial Photo of Site eiflr- 3. North-east corner of Site looking South 4. View Looking South at Debris Flow and Black Timber 5. View From Site Looking North-West to Greenhill Court 6. View Looking South at View Corridor 7. View Looking South &t Debris Flow and Black Timber 8. View ktoking South- east at Aspen View Coruidor rGE \ sEF-19-139? ' AL - Charges Owner's ExEend Tax ReporE *** TI{JS JS TO THIS O FREI1 S. F. JFiCKLE/!?D KIIYUt'LlU NA'I'IUNAL RBSIDENT SCHEDULE A Cvg. Policy AL-- AN TNVOICE, BII:| Alt ER, PTEASE REFERENCE i-i r r'1 1 Tr_'l -I'I'I'L|j l.NSUKANCN' IAL COMM I ?l--:l::li i:i-;: UUfliC.A3I Y ITMENT 15: U F. r:1:,,,in Our order * v257L79-2 For InformaE,ion OnIy $1,837.00 $20 .00 $l-, 857 .00 ,dThTT {aAk *u V:00 EFfect.ive Dat.e Policy to be i Owner's Ext,end sued, and proposed Insured: d Coverage Policy-1987 Rev -:rep€.d Insur AIEX.A.IVDRA P ?he escaEe or Ehis Commitmen A Fee Si.mple Title t.o date Tbe Land refe follows: LOT T4, GLEN RECORDED JULY EAGLE, STATE (For Single F ly Residence)$750, o0o . 00 EeresE in ehe land described or referred to in and covered herein is: c,aE,e or hereof 'i nFar ered her ve ICKS and RIA cKs l\- --.--\ ;r1P$t is aE, rhe X'/)\.-/ ed eo in this ConmritmenE is described as oN SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO Tl{E Ar\,IENDED PLAT 8, 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370, COIJNTY OF COLORADO. o FROIl ES following are requiremenE,s PaymenE to E,he ac insured. roper WARRANTY NOTE: Item - moort].eo or SEP-19-1'-r5? 15: , ALTA ROVI.gIONS ED HICKS of Schedule al-aA 5. rl. JffaKLE/g?A 1?6 4!.94 IDENTIAI.,, C SCHEDULE B-1 (Requiremencs) Our ITAVE B LOR CKS TO (of vour Drevious commitment.) has been \??3-.i-,iL;t1? P.gr./1';Ti'l EN'I' Order # V25'1L79-2 o MT rt M he co De comptlecr ,r.n-__.._----. \\*_t(@rtgagors gf\ estraBe or intreresE Eo be executed CTORY TO and duly F VAII TRANS COIIDITI B-1 ae rGE SEF-1:-r-19!7 15:3.1 AL.I,A FFrL-lf] 5. R. JRrll'(LE/ -':t?D 4?a, 4414 T-J I( li J L lJ E l\ J, J, A tJ L U lvl lrl SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our Order # v257L79-2 te policy or policies Eo be issued will contain exceptions E.o E.he lllowing unless E,he same are disposed of co the sacisfactrion of .1e Company: \r,*rn*-. ^SEandard ExcepEions l- t.hrough 5 printed on Ehe ccver sheetr O-t\g- @ral-n O ,.'A A" 0^.-r-^ [r( l\,{ I Ia-td*esandassesSmentrsnoE'yeEdueorpayab1eandSpeciu.i% assessmenes not, yet certified to Ehe Treasurer's office. _va' RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CA}IALS I'NITED S?ATES AS RESERVED IN IINITED L946, ]N BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. CONSTRUCTED BY "HE AUIHORITY OF THE STATES PATENT RECORDED OCt.ObET 02. ). RESERVATION OF THE RTGHT OF THE I]NITED STATES, ITS PERMITEE OR LICENSEE, TO ENTER UPON, OCCUPY AND USE, ANY PART OR ALL OF SAID LA}i-D FOR THE PURPOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OF .rT'NE 10, T92O (41 STAT. 0163), AS RESERVED IN THE PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1946 IN BOOK 132 AT PAGE 405. L. TERMS, COI{DITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TINDERGROUND RIGHT OF WAY SASEMENT AS GRAN?ED TO HOLy CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC- RECORDED February 27, 1919 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 387. 2. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI.ITS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIIT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF A}TY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED April 04, 1-978, IN BOOK 258 A? P.A,GE 598 Ai'ID AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEMT RECORDED AuguSI,25, 198?, IN BOOK 458 AT PAGE 447 TI{ROUGH 472 AIID AS RERECORDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEI'{BER l-5, 1987 rN BOOK 459 AT PAGE 801, AND AS AI4ENDED fN INSTRTJ]YIENT RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 154. ./-'/ !. DRATNAGE EASEMENT ls FEET rN wrDTH ALoNG THE EASTERLv Lor LINE oF suBJrcrl I pRopERTy As suowN oN THE RECoRDED AIIENDED ptAT oF GLEN LyoN suBDrvrsroN. l I. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS A}.ID RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RISERVED ON TTIE RECORDED A}4EIIDED PI,AT OF GLEN I,YON SUBDTVISION. ;. THE EFFECT OF CE}O?ERLINE DITCH ON SI'BJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LocAfrON-EgRTrFrcATE pREpenen av e.tcr,e Er,LEy suRvevrue, rllc-. MAy 19, 199? rJ LrlJ l\|\./. OZO. o FFr:rl"l Our Order * v257L79-2 o 1??:r:E^ i. r..i: ]f l\ ! i .;,,..,;cEE- 1 ,:)- 1 Qil 1 q: lq 5. f,. JiiCKLE/f?rt 4tFJ 14'fJ TD luDl\rt|!rJuvl,'r SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcepEions ) .1"r"\tr TZED AFFID RESULTING }xrt rffi/l t{rcKs HALL ].tA v tf AT THE PROVAL OF 40F NO. 4 OF THE ST CEPTIONS IS DELETED woer on-ffieRiAl, runi'ltstteo AJ THE LORIA HICK OLD REPUBLIC\NATIONAL TITLE SURANCE C R ANY LIENS ARISTNG FR.OM WO OR MATERIAL T(A YAIJIYIEK Ll. : ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED RDS THE DOCU}4ENTS REQUIRED IINDE NOTE 100, TREAS ITEM N s !;w El( NOTE: IE.e modified or UPON PROOF OF PAYME}TT OF TAXES, I / uNlJ.lll( >LnE! AND ITEM 5 TILL BE ED TO READ: ES NOT YET DUE OR PMABLE AND ASSESS NOT YET CER uttr\-t. 8 UNDER SCHED B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON TO DATE. PROOF'TER AND GES ARE PAID 140 Schedule B-2 (of vour previous commitment) has / \r*v'n r. shee!/il} noc aPpear afford dard Ex FJ ^-^ 1 FL I-.!\JIID I LII -ch + orinted on E the Owner't,end by said policy Coverage Policy and Eh ecific c6verages subsEituged. rf Land GuaranEee Ehe Eransaction Eo r r't c1! r r Ehis cdnduct.s E.he cl ho of l_tn6 n f tt- arn q ^.F Notse: The Owner's Excended Coverage Policy (OEC) will automaEically increase coverag'e by 10 percenE on each of the five anni.versarj.es of tshe policy daEe, aE. NO addiEional charge. A\'E sEP-19-199? I f ./-\r 1' /'-\l--t r ll , \./ t.I l\,r1,_l-\_, 3799 HlCl{wAY 82 P, O. DRAWER 250 CLENTV@D SPRINCS, COLO JanuarY I7, Mr. Ed Hick 3025 S. Padr Corpus Chrj.s RE: Elect,ri GIen LY Dear Mr. Hic Holy Cross E prinary el as s hown on easement (in 25, L979 by HoIy Cross E staking of J. an error in entirely on ask that, you presence of Shou1d you 949-5892. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS E n -/tF./,7t John Boyd, JB: lsz Enclosures cc: JobnT 4I3 : Easement cc:HCEA Vai oo FRDP1 5. A. JFCKLE/9?g 116 11'J4 TD L7?321]1L34? S ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, C -i; ,t lt I A, t /"-'t lI\\=.. AREA CODE 303 945.549 t ADO 8 I 602 983 Island Dr.i, TX 78415 Easement - Lot 14 n Subdivision s: ectric Association, Inc. presently has underground installed copy of an ded to cover said, facilities) executed f'ebruary raeme Woodhouse. ectric installed said facilities relying upon the ! corners by the developer. APParentrly there was ic lines and a pad-mounted transformer e attached sketch. AIso enclosed ls a at original survey, and the transformer is not e easement. In order to correct this error, we please execute the enclosed easement in the notary and return s.une to us for recording. ve any questions, please feel free to cafl me al c AssocrAfroN, rNc. <?''4 .'.: Technician I 'l Lyon Sub gineering 0-12 : GIen Office 'l/ \13 KN0tl ALL CRAE}IE good and. va hereby ackn ELECTRIC AS address ls ttGrantee") ,exclusive r repair, cha ground elec the undergr useable ln requir'ed ab Together w tion and o ably neces above gran hereunder,to its fo promptLy r or damaged GranEor ag descrlbed removable TO all IIAVE unto Crant IN I.II duly execu STATE OF COUNTY OF The day of Myc FRor.lQ. F. JH.<LE,ero 4?E .iq,l.l UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF.WAY :??:jr:i: -r.l: F . iT ':r:r t.t - 4 D.r ..,h- Z-.t' l- f. TI: EASEI,IENT A cen of the CounCy l{umber CIerk as fol /:,q) <_ J rfr._-. BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, oE wide lower liue easetnent locared withln,Lot 14 nrended Piac. Glen Lvon Subdivisiotr, Town of Vall, f Eagle, SEar.e of Colorado recorded as documenE 168 773 in Book 272 aE Page 370 of Eagle.County nd Recorderrs records mor6 Particularly described ows: ng ar the Northwest corner of said Lot 14 being 5n a 180.00 fooc raclius curve which is che Soucherly Beg inn a poin righE- said c curve 3'11 '4 r0.03 thence on Ehe a dist poinc f,-way line of Greenhill Courr; thence EasEerly along rve to tlre righc an arc discance of 10.04 feet,, said aving a radiul of 180.00 feec, a ccntral angle of " and a chord bearing l.l 67"11'25" )', a dlsEance of eet; thence S 27"30'00" E a distance of 9.18 fecE; il i,* f' ): t. by Grantee on the above GranEee and shall be and si e, LEs successors and- assigni, 86. GLE inslrument was , 1979, Wl tne s rny hand Ynd officlal seal.sslon expiresffiffiem;niri.i.fr'."r1 i;;t TO HOLD said righE-of-way and ular the rights .and privileges easemenC, together wlth appe'',:alning thereto,forever. NESS WHEREOI, Grantor has -,gAuted these presents to be ed on *tsZ2nd day of \Y RADO ) ) ) )uAA-u- L_'?Notary Publi DHOUSE, (herelnafter called "Gratrtor"), for a able conslderation, the receipE wlrereof is wledged, does hereby granE unco HOI.Y CRoSS ocrAfroN, INc., a "i,o[erative corporation whose; ] lenwood Sprlngs, Colorado, (herelnafter called and Eo its suicessors and assigns, a PerPetual non- ghE of way and easement to construcc, reconsErucc, ge, enlarge, re-phase, operate, and malntain an under- iic transmlssion-or disriibutlon 1lne, or both, with und vauJ.ts, conduit, fixEures and equlPmenE used or onnecELon therewith, together wich assoclated equlpment ve ground described as follows r \j tit .If $r il' S 62o30'00" t,l a distance of 10.00 fee[ to a poinE l^lesterly Iine of satd Lot. 14; rhettce N 27o30'00" W nce of 10.00 feet along said WesLerly line Co the f beginning. h the right to remove any and all trees, brush, vegeEa- tructl.ons wirhln said strlp of land when such ls reason-ry for the implementatlon and use of the rlghts hereln-d. After the exerclse by Grantee of any of Lts rlghrs ranEee shall prompcly restore che surface of Che ground r condiEion, as nearly as is practicable, and shall'lace any and a1.1 trees, brush, and vegeEat,ion removed y Grantee.I, \ es that all facllities insEalled ands shall remain the property of C Che option of Grantee. - (Glen Lyon Sub: 7B-7l+13:50-12) :,EP-1',3-iB::? 15: f,8 o FRtf.l 5 F . JFIiiiLE,'!TD Ji?:, 4i:]J Ti:I HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. UNDERGROUND RIGHT.OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, ED HICKS and GLORIA HICKS (hereinaft,er called rtGrantors") for a good and valuable conslderatlon, the recelpt whereof ls hereby acknowLed,ged, do hereby grant unto HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATfON, INC., a cooperatlve corporatlon whoee post offlce address is P.O. Drawer 250, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, (hereinafter caIled "Grantee") and to its successors and asslgns, the right of ingress and egress across lands of Grantors, situate in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, described as follows: Lot 14 of GIen Lyon Subdivision, as recorded in Book 348 at Page 206 ln the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder' Eagle' CoIorado. And, to construct, reconstructr repair, change. enlarge, rephase' oPerate, and mainlain an underground electric transmission or distribution line, or both, with the underground vaults, conduit, fixtures and equipment used or useable in connection therewith, together with associated equipnent required above ground, within the above mentioneil lands, upon an easement descrj'bed as fol lows : The westerly ten (f0) feet of the norLherj.y fifteen (15) feet of the above described tract. Together with the right to remove any and al} trees, brush, vegetation and obltructions within iaid strip of land when such is reasonabfy necessary for the implementation and use of the rights hereinabove granted., After the exerciie by Grantee of any of its rights hereunder, Grantee shall promptly restore the surface of th-e ground to its former condition, as nearly-as is practicable. and shall promFtty replace any and al} trees, brush, and vege- tation removed or damaged by Grantee. Grantors. agree that all facilities installed by Grantee on the above de- scribed lands shall remain the property of crantee and shall be removable at the option of Grantee. Grantors covenant that they are the owners of the above described lands and that the said lands are frle and clear of encumbrances and Liens of whatso- ever character, except those helC by the fol-Iowing: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, said right-of-way and easement, together with al"l and singular, Ehe rights and privileges appertaining thereto, unto Grantee, its succeasors and assigns, forever. WHEREOF,Grantors have caused these presents to be duly executed , 1983. IN W]TNESS on this 2L day of Jan STATE OF Texas couNTY oF Nueaes )) ss. I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged January , 1983 by ED and GLORIA before me thisr HICKS. day of WITNESS my hand and official My commission expires: seaI. Address: (Job*74I3: 50-I2 :Gien Lyon Sub Easements : I-I?-83) @rpus Christi, Texas SEP-19-19',1? t5:48 E. o FRDI1 5. R. JIICKLE.'S?o 4Tb .i..t5{ LXHIBIT "A'' f ??l.:,:ri I'J;l F . '_ir.'ir.1 GLENLY}N 5{JG Drv'sloN 7R ANsTOPMER UNOEP6POUND POWEP- LINES j tl JI ll tl t] i fl{ SCALE NOT 5!F-19-19'l? 15:44 FRD'.1 ,.? to,,o.a /-J,tr 1?6 ,!ii; rr-i './ l.<tl 4?. .l At,,t, 4)"i ..nI ,li .'{ ,l tl:l EII t, il - h/,l/1 ft ,t ' 05 i:. i ii., {ll{//,irr(,,,t"'r_llllrV *%K,.1 k*-1, '5,. brirrec*://i//: (, i?e?h f f.,ff i ,. \---l \\/^' Lot 52 Y o a82B Aci- ;/'?..1t'l'roi.t- i ,4-/-.zre9 x'..\?Jof"."\ _,/','4,\- .*ltl rff 7/:A:^., ! ; -,',wffi. ;-.,, ;'\,' %"i;'\ A:i /1lh,i,N _{ i "&":*,' rffi .lt' tt r,,rr'i'!// i'/:'"" ti\ i'."rfr'72-ir:4;"--'\i"n\?'J,1,j!lsll,'.'1ih';q tt, /-.ri:|t^: \ ".;''^c { r{/tf"ir1'.t'.-',, ,'['f{*ulotso r'/7/r1i'::7( '-t x ffi;;">t1ffi*, ;;;:lsi^"i,*::, ,,,,Wr1;at))/ ,i,:i, //,e{:r t1,,,t '1,)"" :'"r-,r"ru"' ,/ ,..j')/' i'ii\ ,- - :, ; ;\ "' : ;i * i /#^,uyf)wi,l:i!.a^ Lol 28 \-ctr o osag ec \\9, .-/; l-..\da ' vi/'ffi /lirt,tii)iiffilsi\.,\Lqi[ilEilii"(t!#. I ;H"i li 4 J^,; I #i i;i ru! rif ; ; i; ; ri ;; r r i r: iit it m i ]i I,,!n,i'.,t|t,tt',i'.'.'i.,..'..',.:',,'-.. ffiffiEu;,'ffi/,;?rt'',:;'i-'i' o" /../t)' /,' I I | | I I / /,{ /',t i'4v).2',t:rir.;#11.\'' r ' ".://.,,' / i !,!' | 1 I I i i:,1-///'/,,i,2,,'y',";€1:;i' if .-/.r" ;'! i ; I.'Jti't:',r.i,'';//,"././'/r:::, 1//.. r'.1':' l'1''/ti /.t.i L /lII', l 'v'i ''': '' r"'|"' '/'r''1/-!''' e"" '.,t ,/ t/ t.t ' ! ;,:,i t//1,t.,'t.',t2!.'4,'".r'/:/i' e,'t".'.,/ /, i .i ,t | .i / ,t l t;./ ,t i / i/"!/,n::i:a(;l .vjy'/. r, ,1 ;i't \: t;'\" / 'li;t ,l |,/i't|!;,iii;{1 lr,,i, !1':t i l/, [ ! i,ffi$((ttit :'t:' "l;1 ; ': - ;i:i :-:':;i' : Jiid'!;tl'\,i.ii" i r; it iE r i ;'-.. :''1t' :,n *,,^;; lnu ru.r,,", opl,\fiilqi' ;,',t iii*l.,t -\.ii,J*t,, E..,ii rfT tilil nu :i':i;?t|;/i ,\Xil;tl 2.rrl *i f^7 /.,;?'i':i:.|: "'| {fif(1,riiiffii;i,', .4 {:1 :I 1r ,i'' \ ;4 lili 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June'l 7, .i983 Will Trout Trout Creek Collaborative Clock Tower Building Vaj1 , C0 8.l657 Re: Hicks Residence Dear Hill: 0n June 15, .}983, the Design Review Board denjed the folloling changes of p1 an for the Hicks Residence, Lot l4, Glen Lyon. l. The Des'ign Review Board disapproved the application to change tne entry wall materials from rock to timber citing sect'i ons 18.s4.070 (B) and 18.s4.010 (C). 2. The Design Revjew Board also denied the plan to dump 1000 cubic yards of fill to the rear of the lot citing section r8.54.0r0 (A). A construction boundary must be established five feet south of the "exisiing tree 1ine", shown on the landscape p)an. A sturdy snow fence nust be erected and maintained on this construction boundary or the job sha'l 'l be shut down. Sincerely, '/z^- Jim/Sayre Town Planner JS/bb lOrrolect Appticatlon tr proiectName: illcnS tf'StDf'X":- - t'r' ctJF.46t- Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /'/ , Bloct< Comments: Filing 6LEN LY]AI , Zone o 1#44 V oF HArfl/ttAL Design Review Board Ega 4-t wAv-Ti) Ttt)OEr-?_ . s"1" 1,tl'1/ tl; 93 i Motion vy: Tft.? o'l /) Seconded by: -,-- --T-*-.( t2H-N ) \.--:'"' DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL ?oO c.trUc vaaat r'r FLLL- El statt Approvat 75 south lrontage rd. Yall. colotado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development llay 25, .1983 l.li I I Trout Trout Creek Collaborative Cl ock Tower Bu'i 1d'i ng Vail, C0 8.l657 Dear hlill:Re: Gl en Lyon Lot l4 Hjcks Residence the fol 1ow'i ng staff Persuant to your letter of May 19, .1983, decisions have been made: 'I . Items 29 and 30, concerning deletion of stone and dumping of earth shall be reviewed at the DRB meeting of June .l5, 1983. 2. The remainder of the changes in plan are hereby "staff approved". A building permit appl ication will be accepted by the Planning Staff before June 15 if it i'l lustrates that the rock wall has been retained in the p1ans. If, at the June l5th DRB meeting, the DRB does accept the durnping of earth materi al at the rear of the site and the deletion of the rock wa'l 1, a change of plan will be accepted By no means does the staff favori tem 30. Si ncerely, /). 74/ Jim 4ayre Town Planner JS/bb d"T^- a -75 soulh fronlage rd. vrll, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 department of community development RE : DRB S ubmi tta'l of 11- 17 -82 November 19, 1982 Ron Bryne 82 l,|est Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: 0n November 17, 1982 the Design Review Board approved the duplex for Lot 14, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Approval is for a duplex of 4200 square feet; no more GRFA are avai'lable for this site. Two items are needed before a building permit: a'l etter from Art Mears indicating that the engineering drawings meet the criteria out'l ined in the Mears report of Qciober, tggZ shouia be sent to this departmenti Public hlorks approval is also needed. Si ncerely, fu*.// Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Project Applicalion Date 1c1 '.--x ", T' Contact Person and Phone :.r u r'.../ l' : I ;* Legat Description' Lot * l{- , glocr I hlllno \-'.l '-, Zone Com ments: Design Review Board ,/, Motion by: /1)/O Seconded by: r-lNt+L- (.APPROVAL I t--'- --------'5 _-- cJ DISAPPROVAL Summary: P:/6UL wca.h 3 4 'vu4t-. ,€,<Q t frz-t 46/tC-.-1'n, G Town Plan ner to/ E statt Approval the troutcre$oot*omtlw nflne \lM {ih\Agz T,r,V, 67ft1'tt d&l'1 |JrClEj add€ss 4 plec.oaGto\-)'. li-x> RJtatd\-i drTL-ll-!E . lfe,Ut4tu,rFaf-J5-r-o) sA*/E|Z: I tLrDtcAfrFD .-rwtir uFDr) fuEtPT 1r7 t<B./r6lci*J Ll6T 7 R#3'Jt^g>p,pL^.-i{j r# u-faJt5 F<a,/tEU WJ) . LH 'TD AGJ>TzsrrLJ IF A r' 67AFF LJa../tsL" /(F$2Fcrr'l<L GJL-D b9 F.c*trD,fl) A)".D lqou{6F u3 kz&*zolt-sz,rLY,?savgz, TrjAT v@) 6-fKtr RF/rE\A,r'tT l.Jff W apK( T. e,V, Avtw' t*tr\Ei 1 rcaAgt I^)flJ SE4oteE bt-'w +-11d.r-- f<EAl'6lc)'-JS -T> b=, AJ@+4trTg3 A(DVreFr3 TLAT AbT11 -16B Ll6r /\r-D F?EUTGFO Ef<L\t4s fua.Us FE t'JfuHtfirc alr fT<tDdY 24 l+Bf EA, IRaJT: architects group ttd p.c"the clock touer vafl colorado 81657 @9147€'tfl8 the trcut cre$colaboratiue g*d, tltan<a ge.=tr-,a-..ta=' 'fi 824-c- o Jlu t . RJRttras.rf 1D a)e- M#t1r-Y1 '(e{=Z*V )TW v>ytarnu.h ta A Lr6f ee fLJF l<=vl6lou6 1Htr NtZ 6>ta-Ji,r r4zra ftpe.SF'TZ'-j^ 'h Tb prcE fo a].fa--\ a->6TF.LIE:T15-) WDL)A*XSi l. WLEIE Ex1Wt6?- w2., -ro uayr---:tL *--* T?dE W?64 WAI-, . I 2, ReLa-me Fffiuaz w)zffiDq -rra U , au E=45-r veu- -rD 'Jtrtz-r?l + frrry,?*te D6TA-il- frP, luluea;5 lo LIF,vJ dF. btz ? II 7, D?t-Ef+ --ffiJa= + lt-:aTe.u-' Q.6 anq% ?Fara Hg,z Pi-fL6 b,lwct?& e J!444 ffiE_e:_*--_ \Bt-J 4 ,<g $ b, a e,. 4, r;li*:r 1 / Arrzqe-: -ra'rgL. (*r DE.t t1=.- ----,W3 7 Fif;4$:.- pt-11o da)fr * ts-tTl \'RAJ6E RE-rNUU-4 u-,t',t-, sKnRs{' *r:,'>v \*t*.NErAJ ryA4$ UArr+a;7 ffi- 9? 'tl ffi*Fl7 1pg r'5A14i" lL) I.JEIZ, Rgras'E 16r nzdL FJ]KV Rete6 b finK( d)-'l 1H* 4e.srgL T4-D t#D_Ai9. the clod< tourer vafl colorado 4|65/ @3f4iBfft6 arcfiitects g:orlp ltd pa o o the udltcreecoHor*hre -v ntme addees 'n. WLEffi aH-E vA-Wb trygB;nfrf rr-r rJq w&ut/a 2P l*JD'IuTu |srDfr d pFluFHTrs/ ! ruara-.u, Flp{f+e._lJ19 fr*aL-ea -ru ira^: F:(..'-o R)43 ffiz- ru.l 32, aa, ea- v6. aqfiects gror"pltd pc. .., the ciod( to$er nal colorado 8l6lt I I z0NE clr[cK t:8' Lot /1 Block 2-5Ls for P/S Z0i{E DISTRICTS Fil ing Rrn Legal Description.: 0nner l+r1-,l<Architect t. Zone' District ,< gO proposed Use ' p\)A.L\tr..v- t-/t - - . I Lrpv.Jt,v v)s y-. -e-,s ""-"": t t-ot'nrui eigrrt ntlored 30 j prop.sed '':|'tg l' "' ''' : '': Setbacks: Front-'RequfiJa-Zor'*Pioijirsea "a Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear =Required.15' Proposed 12 / t- - 2f .. f,laterccurse-requi red NA 'Proposed AlIoned 'GRFA: . . GRFA:Primary Al'lor.red Primlry . Proposed Propcscd _ SLL| 3 Secondary Site Coverage: Al I or'ted SecondaryPropcsed i g7 _ Proposed 1/oo Proposcd c) Pr - "/'ProP:j: ed Drive: Slope Permitted Bo/'. slope ActuuL - ?,/% -. Envi ronmental /l la zards :. .l\val anche Flood P'iain NA:(cotta,,-a4) . 'Slope -'6EO t"$pT ANT. H / 63o Allowed - (.'lI3 Landscaping:'Required . ParLing:. Requirecl *f Conncnts i .-3To o ! -'' 4r3-JA---?Jar- 12- /ElzPl t f " lt r I lt/ .. rc 5 o J:oUEF^)t\rU- c.c'uCr i,;; | 4 ,;l '; l: ; i; ir.., o GLE'J uY.:^.l t rlr.i . Sr^Jeue V*tnU_Y Eg>rsa|C,e -zcrJeo W-t'l@l#o r*t ( llrlrt i tlrl l'ol' .:')l)t'i i t l,r I t'; r t; lt(' ,:it't,tr: Itlr-t lt''(.,.r I or l','ir l I I'iat eli aI s Fasc:a Soffi ts lTindor*s I{indor,r'l'riru I)oors Door'l'ri-rn l{anc! o:: Dcck llai I s Flues F1a-shi.ngs C;hinnc1's Trlsh En:l usules G-r'cci rhoirs e s 0tircr' ol dn gp ;&tl._ qW_ erA*g__.:hr_qry erus3a y s:'oJe-{@(e@ W,#)----:. i (lree 24"t ) --EaAIAdle ---KAr\=EaAp-ll Fs -era-cpr.:1qaa:-q,+oa FArrcs - _fLAcz_a72JE__- Q&tBc'-6ruN217 ftt4Rvt{ tooo C -. P ? tvnFQ___B:r8lE -.itrnEl:- ,.:ooo -3ffit *EEEN4IL l"AivztiAtZr'Q vneT*1- -7,t 1n^lf Blea,+nt) G\sAc/e sqto/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: Phone : PLANT I'IATERIALS Botanical llarne Conrnron Nante Qglt j ty TREIS ?onD= -fevna)Lo-'s A)QEJ P.l r_E4_-Ed!rLEi'?_L^l I i FdoLe.ntl 5B2()(, _._ ll r.l.- le t\ t r{ t? Si ze tl SCAr uronz z" ti1-; 1l rL-J:r I'l-lu ,) a tl I,L" i:!-"' -) ,l sltRUris r-AT IRtUA Zt!r:._<rx a-4 'r A _ _(&_?*E l?'t)L ..t_ .?II tt ll 7__ I ,l 3-l-'-t- , It-t-l'> -l ?-/., ll tr .r, I .r'{fE2r+JntO fr.u1-te2*--. .!q ..jr,,t,,, |(t,,!;,,t S-&Jo- - -+ 4 w.tt .lfn u rls2_ct $ :T F4*.)l s *.5- \t tvL _ &.> se _ _ ?ps*__t+za,e-?L i____L: od fug-gul_ et,?No> tToLe,tsl_noea_ tt, *f SOD +fofit SEED SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0ther Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences,sw'imrni ng pools, etc. ) please specify. S<-'B' r---,^i f, )-=LIE_--.|aI:E,1:-- REtisr--{ .a 't4-t3,r) NATURAL HAZARDS STUDY OF THE PROPOSED HTCKS RESIDENCE LOT 'I4, AI{ENDED GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared For Mr. Ron Byrne Arthur I. Mears, P.E., Inc. Gunnison, Co]orado 0ctober, 1982 SCOPE AND LiM]TATlONS This report was requested by ltlr. Ron Byrne of Vail, Colorado and addresses the geologic hazards to a proDosed build'ing (the "Hicks residence"), to be b.uilt on Lot l4' amended plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Vai1, Colorado. Specific hazards considered here include (l) snow avalanches, (2) rockfall, and (3) clebris flours. The conclusions and recormendations contained herein are site specific and cannot necessaril.y be applied at other locations. REV ] E|,l OF PREV I OUS I.IORK Geologic hazards of Vail were surmarized by Royston, Hanamoto, Beck, and Abey in a1977 study for the Town of Vail. Arthur I. Mears was reta'ined as a consultant to delineate and describe the hazards. Lot l4 and the surrounding area was described as a "level 'l debris-flow area," defined as fo'l lows: The area is affected by a'l aminar flow of mud, urater, debris, and rock. Velocities may range from 2 to 20 mph and soecific wej ghts from .l00 to 150 lbs/ft3. Exposed structures can be damaged b!erosion, relocation, inundation, and impact. The ,'level l" des.i g- nation 'imp'l ies a lour frequency of major debris flows. Annual probabilities were estimated as between L"% and 10%. Our field inspection of the site on 0ctober 26, 1982 confirms that the pro- posed Hicks residence is located on an alluvjal fan built by debris flows. However, major flows have not reached the fan in several decades at'l east. Consequently top soil has developed on the debris and vegetation, including large aspen trees, are established on the fan surface and do not show evidence of debris impact. However, during very wet and unstable conditjons debrjs flow are possible. These flows would initiate from the upoer portion of the drainage basin some 400 to .1000 feet above Lot .|4. Large flows would become more ljkely if timber cover from the upper basjn were destroyed (by fire, for example). In addition to the above-mentioned hazards study, a soils and foundation study was conducted and descrjbed in an 0ctober 20,19Bz report by chen and Associates, consulting geotechnica1 engineers. Thjs study appears to have been conducted according to nonnal professiona'l standards and found the soils sampled at two locations capable of supporting the proposed structures on spread footings, The study also states that the geologic/hVdroiogic conditions (e.9. debris f'lows) affecting the site are beyond the scope of the report. OTHER GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Snow Avalanches are a major hazard throughout much of Vail and have been con- sidered here. A1 though avalanches can occur in portions of the upper drainage basin southeast of Lot 14, they do not constitute a significant hazard on the alluvial fan at the present time. However if the forest cover in the uoper basin (in particular on s'l opes steeper than 3Oo), were destroyed, avalanches would be much more frequent and could reach the alluvial fan. Care should be taken to ensure that tha forest cover is not removed. Rockfall a'l so occurs at many Vail locations but is not a hazard at Lot .l4. .|4. COMPATIBILITY OF THE HICKS RESIDENCE |/llITH DEBRIS FLOW HAZARD The building design considered here was prepared by the Trout Creek Collaborative as shown on drawings dated October 25, 1982. Any major rev'isions of this design may invalidate the present evaluation. Because the building will be located near the top of the al'luvia'l fan described above, it will be exposed to rare and infrequent debris flows. The design has taken debris flows into account in the fo1'lowing ways: (l ) The building is buil t into the hi'l'lside and therefore wi'll be stable against external loads with respect to sliding. (2) The south and east exposures are oriented at a.oproximate'ly 45o relative to the alluvial fan fall line, therefore any dynamic force would be reduced to approxinrately 50% of those acting on slope-nontnal walls. (3) Windovrs on the south and east exposure are 3 to 4 feet above finished grade. This will help prevent debris from entering the building. If debri s enters the building through windows on the east and south exposures this uould not cause major structural damage. We must reiterate that the precautions outlined in points I - 3 above are minimum standards that will not provide complete protect'ion against any major debris flows. However, are appropriate because as of stated previously, minimum standards at thi s'l ocation the smal'l probability of flows. Furthermore' even if major debris florvs do occur and some debris enters a lower level of the building, major structural failure wjll not occur. Arthur I. Mears, P.t. ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards Gnsultants zzi F^odt}n-}n A,r. Gunnimo. O'l<,r,& 81210 n3-ut.32t6 ,f E ''.f Vs n " '' l, I t382 October ?9, t982 1,1r. Ron Byrne 82 Meadow DrLve ValI, C0 81557 Dear ltlr . Blrrne : The enclosetl stucly of hazard exPosure of the ProPosed Hlcks resldence was cond.ucted ln accordance rlth our Proposal letter of octotrer 27r 1982, Please contact us lf you have any questlons or deslre addltional con- sul. tatlon . Slncerely, \il,r" I vlba*t Arthur I. Hears, P. E. Pre slden t Al,l r Ic EncI . ccr J. Rallson Mas Wosling ' Amlonchcs t Amlonche Contrcl Engineedtg to ARTIJUR I. MEARS, P.8., INC. Na tu ral Hazards Corr.uhanr I t}i} 222 Err G<,rhn Avc. G,,r-!'oa, Cal<nd<, 81 2]0 to} - ul.3276 October ??, L982 Iir. 8on Byrne 82 If est Itiead or Drlve ValI, C0 815Jf Dear Mr. Byrnel In accordance xlth our discussions earlier this xeek wLth l',r. John RaiLson of Trout Creek Architects, I subnit to you the foll-oring proposal to coniluci a hazards s tud.y of the proposed Hicks resldence ln lJest Va1I . Speciflcally, the xork proposeil includes the folloring: (1) The site xt}l be vlsited. to deterrnine its exposure lrlth respect to debrls floxs and other rnass-nasting processes. (Z) A solI and foundation study comducted. by Chen and Assoclates w111 be revleHed.. (f) Previous hazard,s studles by the Torm of Va1I 1111 be reviewed. (4) Design draxings of the Hicks r6sldence by Tbout Greek Architects 1111 be revlexed. (9 A qualltative appralsal of the hazard wtll be nade based. upon steps 1 through 4 (above). Thls nork ri1l be conpleted. xithl-n L5 - 20 working hours (tnclud.ing travel and. slte lnspectlon). Total fees and. charges w111 be based, on a bllllng rate of $45 per hour plus neals anil travel costs of 20f per nile. Total charge will not exceed $900.00. Tbe rork descrlbed above will be conpleted and sent to you by Oclober 2p, 7982. Please contact rne if you have any questlons. Slncerely, CU1,'I \Tlao< cc: J. Railson Arthur I. I'lears, P. E. Presiclent l/::s ll'alt;ng . Aralonch,s . Adache A*d E"gi*";ng Subdi vi sion Lot Bl ock Fil ing ENGINEERTNG CHEEK TIST . lrccepteble) - rZ- --7 -t/ -t/ -- 1.Submittal Items fA) Topo Hap (.,1 Site P'l an (c) Utjlity Plan ( D) Ti t1e llePort iEi i;il;tii!on Rg.e"ment (if -'vrrcable) tnqineering Requirements (ltot Acceptaute) ffi,,. - -t-..-4J--;- - 2- (R) cutvert size - n zJu.* 'l"'-2 5c t)1a:n\/4'+ y'/'$ is)Driver.,ayGrade-lEF-maz.t'-frciffi uliii,azr^@l;"''n 3. Source of Util-i!l!- i. A B c D E F E'lectric Gas Ser.rer lfa ^uer Te'l ephorie T.V. 4. Corrunents:$# ll t^, rnca Aeco,zr CLt&)8I6'4)*z Deueu'e"''s ' Approved: Di sapproved: Dct,ailn',.:'ffi Bill Arrd:'e:+s Stllri)l\riSI0N _ J0tJ NAt'iti o til Lor_-Ir__BLOCT..I; I l,lI.i(; hl)DRDSS The location of utititics, .rvhether tlre).lincs, nrust be approved and vcrifiecl by acconipanyi.ng site plan. be ntri.n t runk the Ir:l)or'ring I j.l!r:'s oI pt:opos ed uti.litics for the i'{ount a in llel 1. l'l'est ern Sl opc Gas J)ub1ic Service Compiurl, Iioly Cross Electric Assoc, Vai-1. Cable T.V. Uppcr Eag;lc Val1ey Water and Sa.r,itat j on Distr j.ct Date _pz$a 7a -Jf/7 A-as-F- /a'z /- B z 1P:4:rZ ry",11* N/rt"frffi' lQ-ae €z"no I NO'I'E: 'Ihese verifications do not relieve thc contractor of his responsibi.Iity to obtaj.n a street cut pernj.t from thc Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public l{orhs and to obtaj.u utility locations before digging in auy public right- of-rvay or easenent in the Torm of Vail. A. building pcrmit is not a street cut perrnit. A street cut pelrnit nust be obtained separately. This form is to vcrify service availablity and location. This shoulcl be uscd in conjuuctiotr wj.th prepalirrg your utility pl,an and scheduling i.n-stallations. i t 5 o Octa{*'u- u'.tr-T l+ -sr{GLe FAwlr-f l { i'rr i ,'r'(l l'tlt' ..':1,: ,.';, t, 1,.. lii t'r.rr: _lyr_i_ ryl- l',;r I l i'ia1 cri'i als Fasc ia Soffi t s l'rti n cl ot,'s l{iri tior,r 'l'ri rit Doo: s Door l'rirc I'lanri or: Dech Rai ls Flues FIa-shj.lgs Chinneys Trasir [nc] os ures Grr'clirir oirs es OLirer' : ,lri.,t: ri ip:r i', ,t i i-t::t I r:1;1r'oy,;11 i i ', i jill i r'\ l,ti ;Gt_F-^.l r--yc^.J Rg-\lcrihb,E- - ?cr-lEo D'r,a-F>/ t;ti 3*-=c',e:*g - ub<-e-s- - _-. - - - rLp,,:!,gF.L__ __ - J"k- -<e J -e.rlqd-!E L:uo-r<-: - _. 3 v s p rl _- 1.48.r I _t,) / g -.3€.fA-drd9-:__KArtE:b€_:IlE:-__<:g_c.olegrlaa<."^\_!-..;-r_cq FAJI c < :_-_ELAe_-aZq:Le r-.ooo c_ ? _q4 tra __g:l2sJ€ _ft,:ig..-...-_Tp- _B\$ I_Es),^] -Es. --- __*a 13 -itulsQ__5&ee__ ____e9J-_1Lts_ ES(- __ "L7JJ_f._ . t4 EfA!-__ {,A.LZA{' ?W_ =y fu.,_b_V _--J- Cor.cQA6: F,32yq€7i____ -a_rY,:215 B. LAIiDSCAPIIIG Naire of Designer: Phcne: PLANT I,IATERIALS Bot.anical l{anne Co:irrirorr Nari;e TRTIS ?c-t?l,U= a U pw, Z_tuD-,S ___ A: f;rJ __ 'l -Gl'l-Ac4e- Ouant i tv Si ze ll .2fJlLt().-,t z" ,lt 'l l/z -t*' /o'-tZ' ?-lgE{- e-lLG r-er^r-A{ I i Ft,i'-;,-.r-7,1 _-_=Pqe-Lp__- __5 !-L-:J:' l,'-/s I iiiu iis - r', T lF:'r! |{ 'r2 f i.... t,..'n-r I r,/.>-t7 t- - .-. !,'-'i1-:._=.1. -.:.- -!:__ .l-:<Y2.?-)-::_:- !'..'._I ?:!-, .-La -: i o F:Pr..7,LA t)1'/ ^-. I r F,-r'.t_t--r\ ' \,/ ) ' tNa. .edar't lf.e ,,.tw als.Tela)_rs,-5_ \l!Q- !^:.*- - QQ_sk_-qzgi.4sli _L: rf -?eg-p.Jta-. --;ltzgN!>_2:r_z_ue^l fior^ r ,: d f SOIJ SIEI)TYPE SQitARt F00t ilGE' SQUARE FOOTAGE .) ':i /7, I L' r .(= 4 /=lt-'t '' ' AZ(E-t-s.--76 rz -r '7i !!-rr.' s:g TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IlETHOD OF TROSION CONTROL c' cther Landscape Fcatures (r'etainilig r{al1s, fcrrces, sr.iir,rining 1;ools, etc.) please sl)ecify. :""' --22----i -, .::---=:--- -J: - -t'-.__ _.. _..._ , , = ('-r' itt -.t - Y Ir", t,;.ill' | ...,' , ,i:' r{if.i,r, ., ,. ,t I i i,:,ftfi f( irrrl,i: ir.,i ij,L iir i , li Ililll ii 0t tJii i i r/li r) l I i.iil:li {iti r:ANnt.:; | | i;ll llll l'l llJ lrl,rll.,, iili lil:!il lir",l l) lri |,1 , ,:rlrliIl. 'i4r l ).'.', lil l;,,r!j;( l,.1il r:ri l.r\t;t. ,l 0l: Tlll- l.li,lll {,j' iir: tiii.r lli} trirtllii, r; t.ilIi':il lll: L r ,.,;.llr .. L'ii,.i lJlit., r-i;'lY l'i;i., i., ['lll'ii]0lll; i, i ir','.j r',i i, , rl ilji r\{t i ir! ,!ltilr } lilrllt-lit/t:. lj l;,1 tirr " ;,1 r rii.!l{jill lrr r/ {)i .),.; : , r.)illt Ill r i'li;'ril.rl; '.) lr) i i'ilLl i.r,.l t' ; i:i.,:.1 . i(. '-j[i i. ; i;6.; t,ti t,lt,,: ,.it.r :.iiirt.ioii ri{ t.he ,,,, i iivf,t^ !;l'l*81.. :r,.1 ;j:, :i. i;r [ ;it $(ir";gt0tri l, r, rtr) tir' lltr_ AtJItlollITY 0f:. , rr i. i'ATt'l{'r RF00[itit- t) I l.; t lri;i111:11 f{[.IiF.RUATION ,r I ri i (:j.' t 1C[l{lititr'f0 ' 'i r ,'i l l) l.rrllll) f:()l( l ll{: ' ,; I li fA f, J il1,,1 ) , tr$ Irl tlr(){.ri( l.',..t h i f,AnE 1, t.i \ri li lt-li fl r:iil{t[: r . Li)l .)lr, l;ll.l. tl;l {)}l /j.i i,,.)lilll i; i1l'[i.i | (r/, | , 1 i\ l i. iiiii,()0 j A'l t 0l.l ,lil l:()()l( ..'i: ri i t:'A[iF. iri.l Il'i Y L,r ,,,'1 , 1ili,. tN ri'l ;t.,,,lli ,'i iJ ;' , rr;\;\ll'lA{il j ,i,.1 ,ri ;r i :illi.l.lt:,ll i ;i.;)i 1.r. :.illri):l VIll 1 'r.i i,.r, iti ilir. lt, \ i r.1' ',f , jl il t. ,''1[:f] \;' 't\ 1 ;, 'l , !t ., r, I,.: ; tr.il;ir;;; 0iil! t. i..;i .r . l (trrrr': r' l'r, lr, -;l-r':tiri,1f. [ :i I t,.;.i T;ril i.err't ri, r0 il,i l,Jit.li 1r,l.r i i,,'r ti, |'',)ll.r)'j,I , ii, ir) ill(:t{t, '' .," li'l 't..ir.l . rjrj ' i,. tii.r r l,i,.ti.i , lri,( t 11,.,', : ; l)i) t:r,. 11 . l"rIl'(,S,':.r 'i'r I lir lr, i ' ir '..,. "Al_1^,| I,( t,,) /it r< , lf, .'r li ,rr i, l, (,.... i,'l !,..,t i,;i, ; . 1,, rilir) , fil.) ; i;'r l,!.rtl" {1{l i i: l. ti1r,lrl ;;q :jr Iri']i i.lltJ lt ; t il()lli'il7 ' Ii "r ' I,i i,.. r, i' rr t'r r,t i t.lrt i , . , r't r-_ iil.ir,t.ii . I 'i l: 'r lt ':r; .r 'i) l(" ll l h'i l.rri''i i0t 14, !,1-r:0li0itl) :,1ATL 0r' ,:1ti,i, t;t^ iirtii-,.i.,'. 1. ')'.i ,;;.i i.lllr.l :.,r.i t'li I l', r',, ii Il ;rt. 1.|i,:, l,f{',rc t i ve l,l in thi.i .',.rr-,,,..1:I t1t. t-It'..t t.l t l'l /r'l I llI l([ (]li Al: t.:.(,;jl .1.:. t , .i 'ti i :'t " ", l Yrrii :ljl.'r' l{}z t:()l ()liAitil , '., ) i L .lt i ,,; l, r'i ir,,,' i i, i,,, ,; . ,ij:,Iy I .; J /"i ; ,.r].t iii {.,_,1.,, i : { /';i tN lr/i1 ,, ..;.i i,: . I L rItll({i()l'l I(} fI} tt, .,.,11 ',:' iJii tlil,li'fli ,,,;) r)ritir.:ilill l .,'.i ii,rl i r lA.( ,. i!;i, i , l:ll,'li lr a / department of community development 75 south fronlage rd. Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 7, 1982 Ron Byrne 82 West Meadow Drive Vai I , Col orado 8'l 65 7 Re: Lot 14 Glen Lyon Dear Mr. Byrne: The purpose of this'letter is to outline the zoning regulations which pertain to Lot'14, Glen Lyon Subdivisjon. Genera'l'ly, development on lot l4 will be subject to all Town of Vail bui'lding and zoning regulations extant at the date of DRB appli- cation. The regulations include, but are not limited to, the fo1 lowing: l) The Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subd'ivision, Town of Vai'l , Eagle County, Colorado. In the covenants note "Design Review Board" on p.4, "Hazards" on p. 7, "Parking" and "Dwell ing Units" on p. 8 and "Land Use on p. 2. 2) The Primary/Secondary Zone Djstrict of the Vail Municipal Code (Chapter I8.13) 3) Design Review (Chapter .|8.54) 4) Env'ironrnental Impact Reports (Chapter 't 8.56). If the Mears report eoncerning the Park Meadows Gulch debris flow hazard is deemed insuffjcient, further ' study might be required. 5) Supplemental Regulations (Chapter '18.58). Note Sections.020, 040' 050' 060. 6) Hazard Regulations (Chapter '18.69) 71 Off-street Parking and Loading (See Section 18.52.080) Enclosed is a DRB submittal check list. All the items'listed under "New Construction" must be submitted and al'l zoning requirements nust be met before an application is placed on a DRB agenda. , Ron Byrne 10/4/82 Page 2 If you haveanyquestions concern'ing our regu'lations, do not hesitate to call or set up a meeting. Si ncerel y , /--'e'-7-.----JIM SAYRE Pl anner JS:br