HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ04-0119TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: I(AUFMAN RESIDENCE ADDffiON DRB Number: DRB0401,10 Project Description: ADDMON OF GAMGE AND MASTER SUITE Participants: OWNER KAUFMAN, STEVEN E. O4|2L/20Q4 Phone: PO BOX 1608 VAIL co 81658 License: APPLICANT KAUFMAN, STEVEN E. 0412112004 Phone: PO BOX 1608 VAIL co 816s8 License: ProjectAddress: 4545 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 4s1s #D BIGH.RN R.AD ltJ* L-f z n. -D Legal Description: Lotr*frBlock Subdivision: Bighorn Sub. Add. 3 Parcel Number: 210112433013 Comments: SeeOonditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Margaret Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Joe Hanlon vote: 5-0 DateofApprovalt O5/l9l2QO4 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006442 That the applicant record an amended plat for Spruce Park Estates A ResuMivision of Lots 6 & 7, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition. Amended Plat, which revises the existing plat to include the new addltion on Lot D as identified on the existing plat, prior to requesting either a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy of Certificate of Occupancy. C.ond: CON0006443 That the plans submitted for a building permit indude a limits of dishrrbance fence shown on the plans. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Et t^^r-_ t:tocx_ Filin_e Addrcss Grncr Arch itcc t Zonc disrict Lot sizc allorvcd Scondary GRFA + (.125) (675+) + 6'15 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition 8SIl;.,) Front Sidcs .Rcar Vfinimum 20' .l5' l5' hoposcd usc e,,iiduut"*.m 6, M'l",i*^ PrinraryGRFA _+(4Zj) (e25"1 - =J7frIS .f + T1rL5 = 13,'716;,,5 3f,tr?q Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? t 1-, Horv mucb of rlc alloivcd 250 Addition is uscd wirh ttisr.qu.*l /LJn4 € Tllo. 3L{7\ = Go@ t|'"1* . Proposcd Total Rcmaining Sitc Covcragc Af/" Hcigbt Sctbacks r-td*aping @7o Rctaining Wall HcigiS Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay Complics rvith TOV Liglting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss rhan 2:l (50%) En r.ironmcntaUllazards Prcvious conditions of approva.l (chcck propcrty filc); 3't 6. Requircd - Encloscd AEt l, "^ttl.J Ffrbh ooor(@,*uo pcrmincdslopc n n Proposcd sror" lefs tliaE t.,t^ ?"il' v.r. ( Nq ' v.r' X No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (<.>j 2)Floodptun Nl 3) Wctlands I 4) Wdtcr Coursc Sctback (30) 5) Ocologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: _ l ,] 1:!: l.i a : sscrsv cJlJ c8ercls arous ',\ -' ' i'' r t.J.r, t , tr',' .'"l..i'i,.'., jr 1t ". ,lf : .. *-,'./.1.!, .'T'0."t'. (puno6:cpun) sap11p4 scFuvcplq$uns - ' uop"rggc^.O.C 4 nuio,"fi:".t 'r 1:-6:''1. ) -l ir.l ?i .!"?'.:: ,.i...:, sroq3!-qscr l?ld i.i'lfl'ipr*n ?:.tl': .sropgroc ^r.!A (cpe.6 puu ssrccrj ,{rolrnu., >tilr.t'jl'"i'"'\il'irl i :,*t.,j;'T"'^or arls -ii.:' s:lt?qFs sllr:ruqcEolJug tgipg tupipng cFls ii l-..;1. r *, r,.f ..- i i-. r. it,.r \ scldures ;eualeir iqppg .-i 1:1 . ' - l1l.r: ' cllsl9 folgqd -Ifi ''ti ^T. r," ' ,t1.-1i'., i rr; .-l .' ruroJ uogeegrua,r{13pq .a4s. F.",.:.i: (s " V) uodo:gpst . "^",rq{i:* 'sno3^tlnTDSII^[ . pncEcl scc4pcsodord. - scc-q tunsn:r . ;i. * '-"rr.' rr* I '"'," lr9,IiadvcsqN\rr D . NH:I acedg c9r14pru3 vfl9 lBuoplpps 052 YJU9 :ftS :'' '. r -i.'; . -it .r,ll slwrduoo'IJ O Tl.:iiriK..la^rns D qrcfor4 rsraxcsEJ A{ gIArU N9lsgc \ Application for Design Review REcElvEu l,Lil.l Z j DeDartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fay: 97 0.479'2452 web: www'ci.vail.co.us General Information: All prqects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' flease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for. Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatfient'. The pqect may also need to o" t"iiu*"0 by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval laps"s uiiesl a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Description of the Reque rt fr00 t f,orO A F 6*A*e Z'*+ mnq fCA { r tZ Location of the proposaf : Lot:---.lQ-etocu: {{1 suaaiuition, 6l( llo/n) ' JfAdll {t physical Address: urt{ I ! tty'. ' '4A hffid parcel No.: 1/O ltl-43?oOC (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Mailing Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' iioo For an addition where square footage is added to any residentiat or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee _.-----..----.-- e-mailAddress: €6k-nvCLt/hr/ - r'llf r^x' Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review ! ^ew Construction Ei nddition E Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) fl Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) ! Changes to APproved Plans ! Separation Request Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): F:J8tr'jgas*,y\b I / * * * ** **'* * * * r. * * f **,F*********************'t***'i'****,t 't**. * * *,*** * * * *:r *** 'r ****.i!t'i**:f'*ri*+*****,*'F'**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *. * d.*,F* * * *r. *,i*** * *:* * * *:f * * * *** ** {. ** * * * * * *,1* *!t i. 't*1. * * * {.** * * **** *** * * * * **** *x.!*:l * **{. *+ *1.*** * * *** * Statement l{lunber: R040005655 Amount: $300 -00 04/2L1200404:56 PM Palment Method: check Init : iIS Notation: Permit No: DR8040140 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210112433O13 SitC AddTESS 3 4545 BIGHORN RD VAIL I,OCAIiON: 4515 #D BIGHORN ROAD Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total AI,IJ l,rnt.s: $300 . 00 Balancei S0.00 {.!********!****:****'r***********ri*****!*t***:t******************rt**d.******t *******rl************'}* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 300.00 APR-06-01 l4:07 FRO[-Lakrmod Fordland Inc +303t345781 T-231 P.00r/001 F-696 I, (print name) -J nr. .. -\\-r-re--- a iointo$Jner of propaty loated at (address/legal o*.,,*n, ^lttr athfu/\ it , tnAY 4(' F*ref, wovtde th'F feEer as writtttt approral of the plansd&d n*/z'/ft'( whi'lt trYe been submitled to the Tqm of Vail Cqnmr,nitv [re\relopme$ oeParfi\entfor t|e propo*d lmpmsnents IdTIT FROPERTY olflilER UTTITTEI| APPROVAL TFrIER tobeomp|etcdattfieaclc|ngssndedabgve-IurrderstandthattheprcPogedimprorernerrtshchrde: -- -, .?-t-4A/,2 dt)t1 200n ,4aa4 fr. Ifur&erunderstandthatmlnorFpdiffcationsmayberEdebtfiepEnsor,ertheourseofhet€t/|ew prooess b ensrre comfliaFc. with the Tdflnl applicable codes and regulations' Page 2 of lzlo?Oiloz ilay 1? O4 O3: 2?p Stevcn E Kaufman 9?O -.+77 - 13S3 p.1 Il:^*]9 teerinc of the spruce park Homeowners Association was herd on Jury 4ft,2003 atThe Tap Room in Vail Village- Present were:Geoff& Biaba Binney, Jim Niketh, John and cindy Nigh, David & rrtary GoldstelL Dana Johnson and Srcven Kaufuian. There was a call to o4o *g an update of the directory of residence. Ther,e was then a suspension of the reading of minutes. Next was the election of new offcers. which was a continuatiou of tlre present positions: StPve'n Kaufuan-President John Nigh-Vice president Jim Niketh-Sec./ Treasurer Next on this agenda was a review ofthe enclosed financiat statement and a discussion of repair and maintenanc".gfF" driveuray. sealant of rhe ariu"o,"v,noJa be done in the spring and nm iu the $3500 range. Anoil-based sealant,n"rrai" gi"J. Snow removal by Hollywood services was discussed in detail with communicaion-being th€ tey to eliminaing blild up of snow in hard to get at aoas. Trash removal has been arranged with BFI and bee-sprayingprevention r.as brought.p. John Nigh made a motion to revise dues to $425 a quarter to cover expeffEs. This was caried by unanimous approval, starting in S€pt€mb€r of 2003. Next under discussion was the addition to steve Kaufman's house. plans were submitted and there was a unaninous approval of said plans for the addition There was a discussion of a-warranty deed and surveying of theproperty bomdary behind 'nits B and c, -{ *o witrr-the "rt*go to'nit A and D. Motion was made and approved to survey bormdaries of the properr! using a lawyer. Tlrcr€ finished with a note of supplying a directory and &en therre was a move for adjournment of the meeting Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Watts Exterior Lighting Other Notes: {rtrw n+ quTrpa Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102/07102 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS -Ta---1ffirrs 616 T" Ul'Zila__ 5-/-Pv-:*-,'2r e EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED lUart) h-- Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2/OZl07lO2 I nprne8.,. 7:1ry8r911tr4 slEl-€y,oNFcglgufncn g"o-+7I-LglPS6s P'?/3 p.z I I .I urllrlytppnrl L&,vERrFtc{notr : ThB fcrm *rrrcs m rrvily t'|at Sre plBosd finlrovFnertF WS rlot tlpd aflf edihg oy popo*d utitFy servicrs. and also b ven'ff scwiae availabilEf ard locathn &r rreu, consFuction and should bs ssed in conjunctiof| ntth preparing your untr'Ey plan and sdreCuling inqFlhion+ A sile plan. incJuding gRdlng plan, floor ptan, and ele\ratbns, shall bc submitled totne follorMng utltdes for appmval a0d rr€rifi€tlon. AqgtotizEd 9oGtmqnEq D.t! Siqnature QWBSr em3fj/|.(}5.nfax) Contects: scott canington 921.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970J84.0238 EXCEL TII6TI PRF'sURE GAs e70.26?-q76(H> cortEcB Rlch Sisnemo Itt.ltlol HOLY CROIF ELECTNtrC 970.94e.5892 (EI) 970.94!t.4s66 (hx) GontaG: TEd tfu€ky E(CFLEN'ERGY 97c.262.{o38 (Ex) OonGactti Kit Boga* 970.?52.4{lr{ Jlm O'rcaf 9O26?.4W3 EAGI-ERNftRWATT,R& SAilITATIOII DISTRICT 90.+?6.7430 (tet) 970.476.r(189 (fax) Contace F €d l-(6lee GOTiCASTCAEI.E 970,949.1224 x r1Z (ld) ffi, E'cr-!dl-. h-?*:t f. lf tf|e utility apprcrrcl g lrerfficador frrm has slEnilJr€s fron each due utilfty colrFarles, and no qnfpnE are made diredt on ?iE forrn. thc Taryn will presunra ilt3t ther€ are no Prolteftrs and the detdopment can pra€eed. 2. If a utflity (omFany has concenrs with the Pr6Dpsed cot6h'rJctlon, tfE $gftty stl3[ noE dirsdly on the rfiFdf vrriitcaUoO |br{n ttrat tlrge is 3 prcbhfa rrirttidr n€Eds to be rcedred. The bslre shcuH than bs octqiled in a-n aUaOed t*r to tlre Tqrwr of Vail, tipu,elEc pleese keep in mhd dlet lt is ttrc rtspotts'h1tty of r|e ufiliv compa.ry ard the appliont b Gtolve idenqfied prollemg. 3, Thcse wflfietlons qo not 1tliE{r the conlracbr of $e nsWrstbltty to obFin t PqiDlic W.y Pctfilt fron $e Deprtnent of Pubk Works at tle Tolnn of \htf in arry oublk righM-way or easemcnt witfrh tfiE Tcilni of ttail. A hiidi^d u:g{t$t i3 not a Pubf,c Wav €mila0d rniBbe obtaired. +gcfek&. The Derreloper is rcguircd and aglEes tp submit any revitecl drawineF to tfie utilities fbr re'apProval A F verlfication if Sre suimtal pEn-s are alerad in any wev after tre authorbed srgnlh|rE d€tE (unless dte vrige specifirzlv r&d within tfte corn.nent €rea oF this fwrn). Det/eloperb SlgnabJre BprApr. 6, 2004:11:09AM stHOLY CROSS6aurnan Authodzed Siqnatulo s?a-q?1-r?s[l0.3899 ?. 2p.z C, o,mtncrlts D-at UTruTY TPPROVAL & \CRIf ICATIOH This fonn serves to veriry fiattln propcao ifiploreflreflts Ytill rtot inped any e$ting or poposed- rltility sendes, ard abo to reri'hf seruice imilability aird locaLbn br n*v colstrudion and should be used in conluncir:n rvtUr preparni your uUfrry gUn 9nA-sdEduling instalaations. A site plan iiduding giading phn' flwr plan, and ehvaU'irs, shali-tl s,rU"ttGA O Bre folto,r/rg utiFties fw approral and vei-icziion. QUyEST e-m384-087(ta\, Contacts:Sd Grrirqrff| 5t0.{68.6860 Jasm Sharp 970J84.0238 EXICEL HIGH PRffiI.IRE GAS 970.262.4076 (ter) C,orfl?aqt: Rkh sis,1efos *t -tlcl TIOLYCROSS EI.ECTRIC s70.s4e.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fa> Conbct Ted ilt sky HCELET{ER,GY 97s.26e4038 (rd) Contactr: Kit SoEart 970:62-4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RTVER WATER & SAilTTATION DTSTRICT 970.476.7440 (El) 970.476.4089 (f60 contad: Fred flaslee GOMCASTCAELE 97 O -9 a9. 122+ x 1 12 ('.€l) 970.94s.9138 (fax) Conbcti Flold Salazar d# ilorE5: 1Jf u.re utility apprur/al & wrifrGtir{r fDrm has signaurr€s from eech of Sle ljtrw @mpanies, ard no snrnents are made direaiy on n form, tr. -r qtrn witl pLurne tiat tlse are ro prsbierfls and the @velrpment en groceed. 2. If a ufility campany lre csxetrs vrith the pmpased consludbn, tte uittity rePrestbUve dtali tEE ffiy on the uElity ver;ficatton Ont iftatti€G ba'pniUlem'flt*Cn needF O be reiolvid. The issire shouH tlnn be detailed in an atladrecl '€ttpr b dre To$rfl of vait. tio*rrer, please keep in flfid $rai it G tf|e tespoilSrflry of the r.rtility cornpany and tlre appliant b reglve rdentified proHerns- 3, Tt€se vedfiGibns cto not refrel,€ the contrE(br of the tespofisibttY tc obta|n a. Publh Way Perrnlt frorn ile DEpartnent of P.lbtic Worl(s * d:e-fot,tn o|' Van. U5&t , loFti(ls mtFt -b3lbl:cq:tsP'ejligilg ln any gr$[c ,igfrt-of-way or easement wlBti;it€ tom ot val obtained seoaratelv- The Developer is requirecl and agrees to subnit aoy revised dta-urings.+o the lti.liEes fur rFapFoval & re' - veriFrcation if the gJbFlitted ai.oi are afet"a in any 'aey afipr dre a-utturiaa sbiraare date (u?tess oth€tldFe speciftcatV nated within the ccmnmt area o.r tris forTn). Developer's Signahrre HPR E6 '44 T1:1? FR XCEL ENERGY Hpr OG O{ lo:28a Steven E Kaufnan 97A 262 4838 TO 94??1393 P.8? 9?O-/t"?'r393 p'2 UTIIIW TPPROTIAL & TERIf, ICATION ThbhrmsenestoErlfyd'arihep'wo6€d'rr.proven.1ts,ry,lrueinrpactairygr*inggpmped'$fitv ser'\rtEes, aod atso E veriry re*C lt'i-l"urtV aiarocetlo" tot ner" sd*rudion ard dlouH be rsed in conluncfon rvrlh prreprring r;*"d;r-p;; il;dt"d"t "g Ir-s;i*r* A sfte plan, indsding gradinE p!an' floor gtan, ard et6rador:s, shafl ue suumifti to tte foltmlng riilfties for approvai and wri'cation' Auttrorize( qo#tmelE t"te Signatut€ QWEsf 97t).3S4.0254fax) Conbcts: scoft grrbrgton 970'{68.6850 Jason SharP 9m3e,..o738 EXGEL HTG'I PRS'I''RE GAs 9m.262.'t076 (tel) conta* Rich sisfl€roG *ft'J8S..=o*r. e70,949.5892 (te,) e70.949-4566 (fax) ContaG Ted Huslv EXC€LENERCv 9ni.Z6Z403S (hx) Contacts:Ao QeeoorE THE tu" s:;;iv; ??? 4 r"o4 rtl V,Jrr-u y.le NIZ,D Kt Eogart 970.252.4024 lim O'n€Ef 97t .ZEZ-4003 EAGLE RIVER,WATER E SANITATIO,II DISfi[tCT 9/0.47674St (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Colrtad F ed Haslee CONGASTGABLE 9?O.9rt4l. 122.1 x 112 (t€l) eru.949.9138(fax) C;onbct Floyd saba ffi *,* apro.,al &'rerfr.otign f'rm has dEnabrt"?.t'ott ach of tftc utilitv cotigdlieg' and no ernrnerts an" rnade diredy on t,.,e form. tt. Tou.n wi$ pfesutne tftti ti"te arc rr Probierns and dle de*elopmett 6n prcd. ra uurity cornretrr,y rEs cooae'ns yst g" ryqrg EPjg PJ%ffi:l#$H z. r a utnity c"qfn1 lErs_ coo(prns rv*rt "E r,i'."w '-,fr -JJj 6 .* drhat. Tt€ bsuc s:roug then b€ -1ne Grli lretih-iil', fonn thartrere t.? fg-:l -r-*- r,.. rr ,rrind rrrat ir b the resoonsbiltt-v or tfie d.| the dinv \rerificatpD rrrm uri* tIrl:rE ir €r |,..rc" "';d;;-k ap r, m:na urat t b rtre esponsblltt-v or $p oetrir.o iin ah att atea kttrr b he Town d v.d:.-HT*--- 'rttrrv;;;tty ;"d tn" aopmam to resole identified Problerns' 3. rh€se yefifi@tiors do rpt refett Up contedor q' st: ryIi5: :=5 "#5Hm-"m"ffi ffi ffi i[ff#5ff.S"31$[,,1fr ibi$*.tr*'ffi *H**mF:SH*De9afttrent q PuEltc wors af, qE ranmt v' Yc.' iO-ftlrili o. .*ett wi$in He Tsrvn of vail' A buildin obtained seooraClv- The o6reloper is requirEd arrd agrees to sutt 1llfgfll drawil€s b the utiEties 6r rFagg(ovdt & r€- vErificatidt f EF grbmnted Plar!3 ate alies€d lil a$y wqv "re''iiJ i'"'tn"tiz"C siErEErte date (unhss otlE t"ise rp"cifc*V noteC t$t'rir: tle r=rnrnent area C th's for'-n)' De€lope/g Signahre 979 471 L393 it'fi PNGE.@ TOTfl- PAGE.€2 GIE SeBVI et? g6 'U t6t3€ 9?8468l4Al r0 47?1333 P.6t/at APR 65 ?AA4 16:38 FR SILUERTHORNE HP Rpr O6 Or] lO:3rla st'cven E AGw' r"r'r UTIUTY APFROVAL &, \,ERIFISATIOI{ yhb tbrm ctn e, b wriFy thlt thc pqoad impro'ctneirE win not itrJact eny 1*1gy *Otod 'Snt sewices, an a,so b "e.iry ,;;;';'dbiny ri"Jqp#'ni" J;i'',cn;. 19 r5'o bc 'sed i:r conlunctbn *tn preparing youriitv pii" ira.ra"ouung'i,ttii't''"; A s'te plan' indudinE gradr* plan' floor phn, and eterrations, shafi be;;#d;'n ti* rdrrnins t tii,= ton "ppr*tl and rerifrcatpn' a"rtr^'bed 'Complntq DaG ewEsT 970-384.0257(fax) cootafts: Sott canington t0.'168.686O l*n Shatp 970.34+'0ZtB EXC€L HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970.262.4076 (t€l) contaEE Rich Sisneros *o.fL:JJ3t*="to. s70,949.5892 (tel) 970.9{9.4566 (fax) Coniact; Ted Husky E(CFLENERSY 97t.262.{038 (fax) Conkrt9: Kit BogBrt 970:62-<024 Jim dneat 970-262.4003 EAGLE RN'ERWATER & SAT{TTATIOil DISTRICT e70.47e.7{so (tel) 970376.'10$9 (fax) ConEct Fred Haslee CO],ICAST CABLE s?O.949.L224 x 1f2 (td) 970,949.9138 (fax) Cnrltadi FloYd Salazar IIIOTES: 1. lf $e utiw appro\rdl & i/€rifi@tbn form has s'En*'rq frorn' each of he stlity @mpanies' ard no adrrments are ,nade directl-v on tf,e for,.,.,,-ttre -r own wfll presume d;ffi;; i" ptolitsns and the dardopmerrt can proceed' ,--&,4i-^ r+ra r oitir\, €rr€li€ntstfn s stell noE dit€dly i*Uliil,'g#'l#ffi ffi f#B""'ffi#ffi #tr'y:9""F:i*'J;*'i',nr''nu" de*i6 in an atbctrect r.trui'o-tltJit"n- or u.ir- -n**"*,'"ei"fri"i itt titu r,.t e *' tt* €uootlsib'liiy of the iliilil;il ",td 'G ;tlit;tt- to tet"t* idertified pcoblerns' 3. These wrifications Gto not rdiepe'Je contracior oi the r:sporsibil|v to obt"jn u' l!1T Wult Peftr'it frqn the o.p"***.rP..,0r,"wo*,,Jtf,-rl*;;;*t. " "sGi;i or easedrentwithin the Tc"vn of vail' A'build obtained geoaratdY. Ttre Developer is r€quit€d and agrees q tut-TltTI.Aised dt?udrEs to the utillties for re'apprural & re' v€rirtcetilrn if tire submlted pian! are atta'neo-in ?q waY "'?i;'i;;;-tfi;t""d signab'rr€ date (unless drctwrse ;JiAV not"a "tru*n the cc<nfi€nt are4 of th'ts torm)' Deveiope* Signahure xx TOTffL PAGE. B I XX Apr-08-2001 09:12 Fron-EillSD QwEsr Yr0J84.0Zt (fdx) @nbcts: Scott Grringrbn 970,488-6960 Jason Sharp 970.38{-0?3g E)(CEI HIGH PRESST'R,E GAS 970.252.4075 (tet) contat+: Rlcft sisnefos xorf[c8# elEcrRrc 9ru.949-5892 (tet) 970-9r+9,4565 (fa/) Corilad: Ted Hudry gCRET{ER6Y 97c262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kn 8€aft 97O.252,.f024 Jim Oheal 970.?;62-400} EAGLEEIVER WATER & SANTTA'IOil DISTRICT s70.476.745{t (Et) 970.{76,4089 (fax) Contach Fr€d Haslee coltcAsTCABtr 974.948.1221x 112 (tel) 90.949.9138 (fax)6nbct Hoyd Sabzar Aulhorbed Slnnature co&rtrentS T-?63 P 002/0i2 F-e60 DatE st01761089 IfIUTY APPROVAL & VERIfICATIOII Thir.form selvg to vetify u|at fle pmposed lrryq,E rr€fts-will r|d ilFoct ary exlEsng or p.opced uttity :lp,:ttd 3F to reriff serv:ce availabilrty eird loetirn for t e* -,G-uciiinirc $rould be used in Lsnjunct|on wnn pr€paring your.utility phn and schedulrhg insblhions. A site plaq indudanE gt"d,nS pbn, floor PEn, ard elevotiom, stnil L.e submitred to ttre tuilowrng umues ror apprcnaiinl'rJmeuon. \€-d{ f{OTES:. 1' If be ut-lty aPpntval & verifiqplturm has sBnatures fiom eactr qf the uulity cornpanies, and no qnments are ma€le dit€ctly on tf|e form, the Town wtlt presunre ttut ther€ are no probfoms irU *rl Oor"topme,it'crn procEed. z' l.f. a ugllty comFeny tes conaems wlth $re proposed conl8uet-ron, tfE qEliv r€preserrb$ue s!ia[ noE &€Gty 1n {r whty verfreilrn tun Otat Grere b a'ptiubm whidr need to be rc;dv;. The lglrc shoutd tien be detailed ir an atbdrecl teter to 0ire torywr of vail. lio,vever- please keep in mino urat it al He re5po$ftty 66dtu utiliv aonparry and tlte aFplicant 0o rEsohrE ldentiFnd proDhrirs 3' Th€se vetificadons do noi rctie€ the cofltracbr of the responstbitity to gbiEin a pubtic way Fermlt frEfn u|e DeFarercnt of Publrc works -Et tfre rg"n of F!1. unr,F geji6rr5 ;gti b" ob ir b -iftiG i" ;t ilt right-of+tay or easement within tfre Torryn of V"iL o@ined seoaratFiv The-Dercloper is required ard agrees to subtrit any revised drawings !o the utilitfes for rsappmvat & re vedrlgtign if ttre- submitted pnns are atered_in any nay arur tne a-rrUo.izec slg'n u.rre oate (unl€ss ofllrenvise specifically nGd wfthin t|te cornrnent area cf Ur;s iorm j. tln l$ Darclope/s Signafure D& SIUOYART TITI,E OFVAIL, INC. P.O. BoxZlfll Vail, CO 81658 Phone(9?lD 92.ffi230 frxfiO) 9?ffi231 WruTIET{ OWI\IERIIHIP A}{D ENCTJMBRANCE REFOIiT OANDENo.:72270.8 Cnstomer Ref.: smJiL al'sntBss nDHllusTT.ltlolf DISASTN ASSISTIIICB - AREA 3 44OO Arfi)tr crgf,ER BIJVD, gf,E 102 roRT tloRTg, Tx' 76X552608 Fee: $ 1OO. OO Address: {515 *D BrG !ont[ aotD, nAIIJ, C! 8]-557 I*gd Description: SEE ATrICEE LEGA'.| ITBSCRIPTxOII Date: aprLl 21, 2003 Tax Scbdule Number R029803 Appal€ot Owo€r ofRecord: $rEv:g l- trlnrrals Deeds of Trust, Liens, md other Encuobrmces records of the Clert ard Recorder of tilGLE SEE ArIECEED BXCEPTIOIS whir,h pwport to aff6t the above described goperty' as disclosed by the Coung, C-olorado: The liability of Steryart Title of Vail, Itrc. for any errors or omissions in the information prcvid is limited !o the a6o11at paid for &is report. Maximm tiability is fiuther limited to our cxrstoner. Th€re is no sQressed or irylied warr.mties tlat Anr teport is rt{iable for title information od, therefore should b€ verified by a Commitment for Tltle Insurance. No r€pres€ntatiotr is Dade to the corryleteness, validity or &e legal sufficieacy of such documme, mr have any of suctr docnmts been €xamired to d€termi[e whether or not there arc any Exceptions, Rescrvations, hcumbroces or otter mafiers which migbt be d€trimcotal to Title. No search has boen rrade for any prior Restrictions, Covenanrs, Easemeots, Rights of Way' if any, recorded prior to the cofimencement dafe of this search. Cstification Date of Search: AItrl.I 17, 2003 Autborized Representative of Stewtrt Titl€ of Vail, hc.: uEIfislB rArse SCIMI}I'LE A Order Number:. 7227o.8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Ertsate D' SPRIICE PARX BSTATBS, Accordirtg to tbe plat recorded ocuober 3, x99O ia Book 539 al Page 391 aa Rec'FtioB llo. {35541, and accordiag tso t"he to tbs Decl.aratiso of CovolaDtE, R€EtrictiolE a,!d Ea5€neats of Spruce Park Estatee ' recorded October 3' 1990 in Booh 539 at Page 392 aa RecaPtio! !so' t1355tt2 aad the rlrsg loenfueag tshereto recorded Auglrst 6, 1991 ia Book 559 at Pagie 410 as RecePcl.oD No- 455540 and tsbe Second supp].eo€at to the Declaration recorded iluly X-0, L992 Lt Book 584 at Page 526 as RecePtLoD llo. 480631. COUIimC OT BAGI,E STATE OF COIJOR.EDO Report llrte: MTXUM ll8:55Alll EAGLE COIJI\TTY TRD,ASTJRER CERflFICAIBOFTAT.S D{JE F.te: f cmTih 3ct5 ASSESSEDTo: KAI'FMAN. STEVEN E. VENDORNO:90 STEWARTTITLE ATTN: MELAI.IIE P. O. BOX 20m vArL, CO 81658 POBOX 1608 VAIL, CO 81658 STJB:SPRUCE PARK ESTATES I,OT:D 8K4559 PG{X@ MAP 08469T BK{I'59 PG+4I O DEC ATP-91 STTUSADD 1,531.48 d}4545 BIGHORN RD VAIL 0.00 765.74 765.74 7f6.74 Authority EAGLE COTJNTY, OOI . OIO cMc,0r2 RE50r SCHOOL,016 MINTURN CEil{ VAIL P&R CRWC ERWS wcw ECIISD TOWNOFVAIL,036 TAXES FOR 2OO2 MltrL€Y 6.99 3.Wl 2t.!Er 0.436 2360. o.255 1.300 t.3yI 2.O1r: 4.717 Am$nt 2j3.76 B3-g) 7v-16 14.56 92.L8 8.52 43.42 46.6 gt.t7 157.55 Vdu€s I-AND IMPS Actud Assessed l37,gl0 12,5ffi tn,570 a,&n TOTAL 36.ssto 33,/W 45.853 1,531.€ AI' TAX IJEN SALE AMOI'NTS ARE SI'BIECT TO CIIANGE DUET0 ENMRSEMENT OF CI'RRENT TAXES BY fiTE LIENIIOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WARRANT FEES. CIIAIi@S MAY OCTUR AND T:HE IREASUNER'S OFFTCE wlIJ- NEED TO BE @NTACTED IRIOR TlO REMITTANCE AFIER TIIE KIIJfWING DATES: PERSONAL Pf,OPERfi AND MoBILE IIoMES - SPTEMBER r' REAL PROPERTY - SEPTEMBER . TAX IIEN SAI;E REDE}'PTION AMOUNTS MI. T DE PAID BY CAS OR CASEIBS CEECK. SPECTAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND TIIE BOTJNDANIES OF $rcH DISIR.IfiS MAY BG ON FIIT WITII TIIE DOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TIIE COI'NTY CIERK, OR THE @UNTY ASSESSOR. This ccrtiftsE does [d iElu& lrd or improv€oetris assesscd undcr a scpanf eccorm rumbcr. pcrsol potterty Ares, lrrtrsftr t1)[ or mbc- trx colhcEd 6 bc&.|f of olter clitix. speciel or locrl imfovsEstr disirict a$essoEnts or mohtle tom€s, |ml6s specificaly rcdioned I, lbe rDdcrsigtr€A do benby ecrrify 6at lhc entira sEotnt of brDs dp upon the above desribed percels of reel property sd aU our$rDding srtcs fur uqdd trr€s as shown by the rccords itr my otrce from whkth ihe sem may still bc redcarcd wih Sc Nm|nt requireO frr rcOemptlon arc as noetl hcrein Itr wilEss whreof, I brve hc.ermto set my btd atd scd rhis 22trd day of April, 2[16- TREASUNA" EAGI,E COT'TTTC, KARHTI SEEAFIEN. BY P.O.Eorr4fr, Erdb, CO 8r6314f79 (9m)3z{tflr fi::""*tt:.l} {i seet- ig *# r \ Status: \ ,approveo GonnuuHFY DEVELOPMENT ROUNHO FONU n Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Chad Salli, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Date Routed:04t28104 Routed By:Planner Warren Date Due:05/s/04 Description of work: I Garaqe Addition and Master Suite Address:4515 D Biqhorn Road Legal:Lot:7 lBlock:l lSubdivision:Bighorn Subdivision Addition 3 t Gomments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Cblorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Steve Kaufman PO Box 1608 Vail, CO 81658 April30,2004 Re: Kaufman residence addition located at 4515 D Bighorn Road/Lots 6&7, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 3 Mr. Kaufman, This letter is to inlorm you that staff has performed a review of your proposed garage and master bedroom suite addition. Upon reviewing your application slaff has developed the following commenls. . Your application proposes to conslruct a large portion of the addition oulside of the platted building envelope for Lot D and into common area. Please provide verilication that that your homeowner's association is aware that the recorded plat will need to be amended to increase the size ol your building envelope which will reduce the size of the common area. I have attached a reduced copy of the recorded plat to aid in visualizing the change that will be needed. ' Please show a limits of disturbance fence on a revised site plan.. The plans show that a portion of the existing retaining walls will be removed to west of your unit on order to accommodate your addition. Will the existing portion which is lo remain die into the new wall of the garage? Please provide details on how this will be accomplished. lf you have any queslions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. I will be out of the office from May 1-17,2004. In my absence please direct all questions and concerns regarding your application which is scheduled on the May 19, 2004, Design Review Board agenda, to Joe Sulher who can be reached at 970-479-2128. Responses which satisfaclorily address the commenls listed above must be submitted to the Community Development Deparlment by no latter than 3:30 pm on May 14, 2004. I look forward to working with you to gain approvals to construcl your addition. {p r".r"uo r r"^ tgtr! ! > tirl!r !i!f;6'r i ae:3 ! ;tJ-a - ili:85,l1!:! t rlt! ri i it:il 'fr!': liea I --r7t :!'tB -lt:t i !!:' ;i{i : t!;I ii: I i;: ! ::i !:i;!r,l !!;i ll .lr . iri iz: ll :!: i!r ! t i r i iii!r iji S'rF+st# Rl=rH NI ,F !a I rt i \,3i t'!ifi n ifi 1 ii; lii;I l,; - ll; ffi;1li I ti :- trr'J d \-J ..l|rl fi:E:!*l;l iiiii iiiii tllii iilii iiig: Eq"lI s$;$il ::$f;$ iEtxF isit- ;tuit ! si * $$:ri q rfiffifi tt ii'../ 'f .li--:=::+-i I ,'lY:r j a,r :l tL ?3'i" '*'6to-'?,.ta- i lo ! F It I ; t