HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1976-1996 (CO). .t TOI4'N# ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name; DRB Numben DR8050358 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 3 DEAD TREES Pafticipants: OWNER JOHNSON, DANA E. & IRMA D. 07l22l7OOS Phone: 479-1826 PO BOX 5581 VAIL co 81658 OWNER BENSON,TROYJ..TILLEY, MI 2432 ROCK CREEK DR FT COLLINS co 80528 APPUCANT JOHNSON, DANA E. & IRMA D. 0712U2005 Phone: 479-1826 PO BOX 5581 VAIL co 816s8 ProjectAddress: 4515 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: 4515 BIGHORN RD, LOT'A' Legal Description: Lot 6&7 Block: 1 SuMlvlsion: Bighom Subdivision 3rd Parcel Number: 2101-124-3300-1 2101-124-3300-4 Comments: S7rua.?r/h Sfrfu Stqltatt 7e Design Review Board ' lnf A BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DaE of Approvalz 0712812005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C.ond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this p@ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a buiHirg permit is issued and onsbuctbn is ommened and is dlligently pursued toward omfledon. Planner: Cteorge Ruther DRB Fee Pald: S25O.OO ;n ption of the trnoVe 3 PenU Locrtion of the Proposal:9rbdivbion: Physical Addr€s$:B\tttoeN &d r{o.: & +{\ Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): falling Address: Owner(s) Slgntture(s): l{amo of Appllcant: f,aillng Address: E-mail Address: Type of Revlew and Fec:. Sttns Cd|o€pfual Rsvirlw N€w Crdlstsuction Itrrtr Alt€ration (muIi-family/comrnscid) t €partment of cdnmunity Developrnent 75 South F ontagp fuad, Vail, Colonado 81657 tef : 970.4792'139 tax: 97O.4792452 ur€b: www.vaihov.com G€neral lnfomation: All prol{'c-t3 rGquiring dEqtn .€\,kny mu3t red\ro appro\,al prior to submitting a buiHlng pormit applicatioo. Pl€a ]Etur to lhe subnittal requir€m€nb br th€ perlicuhr approval that is requ€sbd. An apdicaton for Desbn R6\ri6w canmt be aco€pted unlit all r€quir€d infunmtim is recsivred by the Cdnmlj'lity O6r€lop.nstt D€pedn€nt. The prq€.i rry abo ne<l to be Jsvbwed by th€ Town CdlrEil adror th€ Pbnni€ ard Ervirorrnontal Corunission. Ihsign review rpproval ||p*a unlc!. r building permit ia l$ued and con3lruction commencec withln on. tbar of lhc epproyal. Application for Design Review ?wro €a v 6\rt*> 8d Minor Alteration (sin glefamily/duplex) c|H€E to App|o\Fd Plaru Soparalim R€q.|ost (Contac't F:sgle Go. Asse6sor at 970-32&8000 for parcel no. ) 55 rnimr chaE6 b buildngs and sit€ irprovemonb, sudr c, roroofing, painti.rg, windoyv additidF, lardscaping, func6 ard rotaining wals, €tc. For minor cfiaEps b hrilclngs and its irnprovsnonB, sudt as, reroof ng, panting, window eddtk s, landsEping, fisrloG and r6taining wa;6, eta $20 For r€vlsiorrs to p&ens alFady approv€d by Phnniq Staff or the D6ign tuvbwBdrd. NoF6 t20 ,%f"i^i For Offlce Use Onlv:FePaid: { q"cLUo., tlleeringDare: D-6.o\l 1 ol 12lMlO1lU ;|| ?r^r<c"P+ a lor (rq 33oo l U, 6 Q(^LLLla ztot l?'l3soot/ I ,,r F-t .i ,4" o. I t'., *( Sincerely, fu"^ Spnrce Park Estates Home Owners Association 4515 BigbornRood Vail, CO 81657 July 20, 2005 Town ofVail Dept of Community f,tevelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tnec removd for Sprucc Perk Edrtcr Dear Town ofVail: The Spruce Part< Horc Owners Association bave 3 dead trees on our propcrty that have been tagged last year as dead by A Cut Above Forestry Service. One ofthe rrees is leaning aginst Unit A We are requesting to have these 3 laggOd trees removod as they are a fire danger for the property. Th€se trees are in Unit A and Unit B area This has alt been appronrcd and disorssed with the Home Owners. Tlrere is a sense of urgercy due to the hot dry weather we have been having in Vail, to get the trees removed right away. We are disorssing adding trrees and budgets for the year 2006. Please contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached *,97O479-1E26. Dana Johnson Vice President SpruceParkE*xes Horne Owners Association P.O. Box 558l,Vail,CO E1657 FAX: 970-4744436 S-MAC DEVELOP o MENT COMPAN 201 GORE CREEK DRIVE . VAIL, COLORAoO 81557 . (303) 476-4262 . FAX (303) 479-9624. DENVER Apr:-l 25, L995 Mr. Andy Knudsten 'r'own or va]-r 75 SouLh Frontage Road V: i I Cnl nrarir- A'1 6,i;7 Dear Andy: This le:te:' is tc fc1-.cw-up on cur previous cclversat-icn conce:'ning the final Certificate of Occupancy at sprucs Park rn East Vaj-L. You :ecen:iy fcrwarded to us a copy of che Cer:ificat.e of Occupancy for ui.,it E and B. To complete our files, I need a copy cf the Certi-€icate cf occupancy f or uni-ts A, c, D, F , G, and H. i appreciace ycur follow-up on this issue. I wou:d certainiy 1i;<e r-c Lf r I{"cDonaid I APR 8D 1g9S T0l|.C0til,[E];ffif,f. LrN E (303) 893-38s3 Pres icienc e l\t Ft F{r 5sF .g.F F **9 R fieel F3. E I EF tri E rrH cl n .Ffi lo=91 frr>'t:r* ^- -'J (a frP*o !-=B e96l ;U..X 53,c5 r-Z-lr ?Rlh \-' r') a- =^{-;'v-to 5s:$ tF,q tJ^:a =.y<z; -j !4 .\j REo g"is rd'''{>\' r-{ rts "=*8 Oc.ri a- --J L ,--fH lr '\ FF YOt .= *';OrlrO \)-'' 6a-!3z;OnZ ^:gF :s5 *9p o--=oDu F=t -.j6 rD'<O -rl9 \.,/ fD lr, z 6 lF= lE I IF a H z c) c o IF I tr, I<n IH tll z H H F 5 z lt lB lr. lft lv,t* l\r It, I I tE' I t<!It{, I IFI l*; I rrt .!IZ /\IH toi lJ -i 1:K cv =i Fo gg 5' I trJ JH lo ]N Iz I F lir lH c' \l Irt It{o ,! trn lE!IF t>F N) lv Itr IH lo Iti tv lz i i ! s : =...,.::1 a 9-a i;-a.E ? +: r-C.i a 4:.:. :;i+fi ".i1! "':i: i; -:. i ;iiaii ,=i ii 3'i :,13 l"= i 13;=;ii E:4+: i - \a;; q- ii i.ri; : -'o. i;i.s; i 5, ^3.4 i' -- 5'a';:siFi o -t o z f o o t- o rn o e f\l }.t f+\ arrt I Hl ar+r f-1 a a-l a+.tg tl H1 I5r,\v lL1 l-t t)H E a+a-a+ -f-l ,F}\- GI tl t-ts rt R -/.+r-l \E9 rt }J ll{g -l {-\ sl -l -.v ul E f!| r>? 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H l<o-..; F=== EB==-oii =>rr=^ \./ i !-\9>=v >===ii==CU lc =a===-.:--:v-<-.:t--li==:i=z.- ''- !3 o x>{.z=iO=>=>f-=z =!c -l La - ====t'>iEE )r .: -.:xc.j ^Eo l\a " < > -..: ==F =zc -...2 -.: \J -:n>\J 3|:<>Sc Zzc \., (l \-'rrb -== \_ .- L,/3Ia .:' x H\J {+Fr ciEx z F z H H z ts H F K H z o I c o 2- {= r= c v- =. i. =-;7 I tJl l"t 3lI I e. l I I l<= ts/l z2 7, : 3 F.t t.){ \o iE? =Zr-;. -'- = -. = ===7=^?;2=3/i =1E 7i-.t ?ili i! ? ?'= ;'/ =-.i27';-!: lilli = =:.='; i i -=l=-=4..=?7a''-=:. -n = :-r - i''.>=<aa ii i s i E ?lr?r',- =. i=ai ?4. = z. +;22.:lz i?=.:^ +:17 - i I e 7Z'; i. t + c 2 j - o o 3p Rr)cL ltxlu o rf[I c0Py 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479 -2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Depar nent of Conununiry Development October 17,1994 Mr. Steve Macdonald N & H Development 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 RE: Landscaping at SPruce Park Dear Steve: On Thursday October 13, 1994, we walked the Spruce Park site and looked at the list of outstanding iandscaping that we had developed previously. Below is the following outstanding items flrat -need to be addressed prior to issuance of a Certificate ol Occupancy (CO) for the structures within Spruce Park. 1. In addition to the two aspens planted on the west side of Building D, add a third 2 inch caliPer aspen; 2. plant one multi-stem aspen on the south (closest to Bighorn Road) corner of Building C. This multi-stem aspen should have a minimum of lour stems, two of which should exceed 2 inch caliper; 3. Remove one dead aspen on the south side of Building A; 4. Plant one new 2 inch caliper aspen on the north side of Building H; S. plant one aspen a minimum of 2 inch caliper and 18 feet tall on each side of Building F, 6. Complete the paving for both areas of the development. Once these issues have been taken care of, it is my understanding that the Town will be able to issue final CO's. I understand that the paving will not occur until next spring; however, if you would like to complete all landscaping requirements and call me, we will be able to get ihat crossed off of our list. Thank you for your cooperation and please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,t ," ,/ r,Jr. /. I,/",--'J /r.,,( Andy Kdudtgen Senior Planner ---- I o (D m Iq !-o r.-, h E I<X f Ilt >r I lm: 6 l9n =lli g ItrP o liq I I-:m=r-l z I5 o<4e dP ;!L iio ct >t eg m.t 'rl !m = mq, l- ?- =2 a- Tttrt L'LI -n!Or z=o@ 2=:o z FItr-]x.r-i o.o z o {F c o =o z '9 m F 3 { o z.O =-{Ifi x<>A l1 +;>-^2 Y> 9p -rc p<F.a d3 n 8;4E ;= -{o o>vt- lo -{m nz,>m -{> I i m --t €z m u -t z 3 IT F. a) Frl nu E+-; ./oa ZP F< \' grQ |-ilH o>T ;< m I z o r _11 T-rY zl "l R-.(/) 'l.r tdl ,d f!5lr 'HJ(D it- t--Er x fl'I EF\6l rl' I ito I trl { m -m ld t= t; l<l>IF l* lc,z l = l{o t{ lz o ll F m 9) lz ! =€z 'rl - !m P z I = {m t- rn s'\o I 5 l-r l€ lz le IF lm |a lz t: lo l* l T = - l:) l-{ ls z o ll t- m F)z 'n 3 m I z () P' (, c)-=E >r -F >lt ol ots =N dF z I c, tsJ tFt F l-F1 E ts,z IE I I I q6 m; El lE8 lv) 'o lH<l-o t1t -tt :^m ;:o F<f -{ @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ I -{m .-.:o z t- !m t =(n 2 m m m l-< ' lz lz lr It lr- -l -tt m T c) z m (, ! r t-c m h*lnz tr;r- 9nm Hg H=tio Hei =t;z.t !.o o j; 'n z b€tr9 Fx P; -El N HI N Fl ." El 5 II tl tl tl tl Nt- xi X!;-: ln io >n 2O c)o <z c)u,da ;z a< = 3 3H g i :s3E.9 E;sqi sggB e 5;iFF = qr o:1 J - =-.o o)Psl;: €[siH OO^,@X P+iF; o^.:f ilrF=3-:r o- = :-< =t i=giP <>'# l 33eld lae{€ Eliq$ zl ol <l z 9l ll ,l I I tl -l I I VALUATION !m F = 2 o TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON n"*llril""'ftt61Rl[ loygr+ Block_ filing suBprvrsroN, Address: Address: \ * , APPLTCATTON I.{UST BE FTLLED OUT COI'|PLETELY OR IT l4Ay NOT BE ACCEPTED $*************************t*** 'ERMJT rNFoRl{ATroN *****************************,l ,./[ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [A/]-Electricat L-J]qect.anical [ ]-other rob Nane: S*. -*J"--lc rob eddr&)\Uto<?,li-ry- t .:.1 r f ?a- PERr"rrr " hg E1 Ph. Legal Description: Lot owners irame: Architect: General Description:5-d1'-.,',^, C"c-- o Ph. "/t !{ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar 1@nepaLr [ ]-other_,2 Number of Dwelring unitss ) Nunber of Accommodation units: ^ yrnber and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_ D************:r:r******************* VALUATTONS *********************************t I t-\ ..'\BUTLDTNG: Er,EcrRrcA t, + ,/2 gV"z orHER: $ ^ PLIMBTNG: $ MEcHANrcAr,: $]- ToTAL: v I*************************** CONTRACTOR fNFOR}.!ATfON ****************:t**********7 Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: phone Number: Electrical Contract Town of vail Reg._ \9. I 9'E Phone Number: -qtn-T-<Address: - Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEEs MECHANICAL PIJ\N CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR OFFICE USE BUTLDING BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLBATY I'P DEPOSIT REFI'I{D TO: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A .,PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED r// tr r TO: FROM: DATE: RE: NO d Y 1) 2) Job Name:.'v lL L,f cy,o,i v1 \frL Date: Please an the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? . B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspec{or, al479-21*. I have read and answered allthe 3) 4) s) lg X x Y 6) 7) ts Y Date o {p*0,/;/TJob Name PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permit: 1)qrmit a lisation. €) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lf yes was answeredlo any of the above questions then a "public way permit" is required. You can pick up an application a either community Development,located at 7s s. Frontage Road or pi,olic works, tocated at rgog VailValley Drive. Notice sign otfs for utirity. companies. Ail utilities must field verify (rocate)respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility corn'p-anies ,eqlire ,j to a 48 hour notice to schedule i locate). A construction tratfic gglrot pran must _be prepaleg on a separate sheer of paper.This plan will show rocations of ail tratfic dontrotdevices (signs, @nes, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) skelch of wo$ bging performed rnust be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tramc fontrJ phn or a site plan for the job. submit completed application to the public work,s.otfice for review. tf reguired,locates wiil be schedured forrhe Town of vair Erectriciilft ;;fiion crew. The locates are take prace in rhe moming, but may require up to 4g nlurs to perform. The Public work's conslruction tnspector wilt review the application anct approve or disapprove the permit. you wiil be contacted as to the .iditr. ano any changes that may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g nours Joeing received,but please allow up to one week to pro"e"i. As soon as permit is process_ed, a c-,opy wifl be faxed to community Development allowing the_'Building permit" to ue ,eteaseJ. pt"a"e do not confuse the "public way Permit" with a "Buirding permit" to oo worr on " prol.ci lit"'it "rt.Note: 'The above process is lor work ln a right-of-way only. 'Pubric way permrt's are vatid onrv untif November 15th. 'A new Public Way permit ls required each year. hwn 75 south Ironlage .oed Y!il. colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 off lcc ol communlty devolopmcnt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE II_i!i: ?!"lit.lequi:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approvat,Engineer"s (.Pub1 ic |'lorks) review and approval ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, ani'a_review uv lne driihing - Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review *V i"i.-as l6ng as three weeks. All commercial (large or smal't) and al'l multi-family permits will nave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential 119.:T1ll projects.should take a 'lesser amount of time. However, if resroentlat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9ill"F:1,:.with regard. to necessary review, ttrese proie.Ir"ruy arso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this departunent to expedite this pernit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame.. Communi ty Devel opment Department. (:auno a aa./ :nor( :oE JO U/'^otr, o:6 o1 dr PT ---<-4/-','t7,/L14" nor >1ueqs, '.ddoc y yl=eqo ;l'li:H.:1l3"";"i3Fff"fi:;aql r(q dols aseaTd ,ilnf uT 9 .oN acuEurp:o AaT^aJ oL '.{en-e-1q6l]_"q1 uT saTlTfrln ,{ue :o .ta11e :o 1aa:1s r(ue g:o slca[o:d :leda: :o acueuJ+uiilru ,uo11cn:1sddc o1 alqeclldde aq fou rT::l: :::"yIpr" sTql Jo suolslao:d er{,1 ;p-lii+o.,uos-rad 3ro asuadx" agl 1e- lerfileur pres a^orual ITTA ?uauru.daq s>tJoirt cTfqnd ar{l ,paTJlcads eurrl rnoq ?Z aq1 uTrllTr.r acTXou aql q+TA z{ldruoc 1ou sa6p-pe1;rglori os uos:Jd iq1 luaaa aqx ur 'TpT.:aleur pres a^ourar 01 acrlou uaa?Trn Jnoq ,z e ua,rl6 _q.itii acueurp:o s1q1 6u11eT9T^ pun6gr suosJad .1uau1:edag s>t:oll cTrqnd TTPA Jo ul\roJ aql z(q pac:ogua r{11c1:?s aq TTTA acueuTpro sTrtJ,'xuaua,red JJo .xJ 9 z(1a1euryxo:ddi sg sp'edi puE s?aarfs TTeA Jo uAoJ' TTe uo zte.r-gro11q6r: aqg, .JoaJaql uo11:od x.i" "J--j=it c11qnd :o Ie11e ,>J1eoa!1s ;1aa:1s r(ue'uodn--"1"1q"r, ueuD{:o'pup sxafTol aTqp+.rod. ,s:alsdump gse:1 6u1pn1cuj ;1et:"1"ui ,o =I:1"!_:p:_": 11":t 'TTos ,{ue 11so&ap ro'rceii ;";11TT 01 qos:ad Aue:oJ TnJApTun sT 1T 1rq1 sa1els 9 .oN acueuTp:o';r{:e*r,n. rr1 g9\fio&s Tvlua&w[ B 9NIXEVd NOr.ICOU,tsNoc 885r ,9T gcuw{ ,rNst{doTEAgq I&INn]MOC,/SXUOAI CITSnd IM dO N}lo,tr TM JO NI-IOI sltf, H,tIu gausf,slgsu TtT,INinnmc suorcvu,INoJ T'fif luourdololap lggunutuoc lo .rllo :,lc3I€nS :g,lvq :r{ouJ :o& 6Etz-6lt :o g€Iz-6/? (Goe) zsglg opeJoloc .lle peor a6eguorl qlnos gZ 75 south trontage road vall. colo.ado 81557 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 ollice ol community developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OI{NER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1-99t, the Town of Vail Buitding Depart.ment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. Tbe Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail- roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points frorn the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for j-nspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call- 4'1 9-2!60 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving afl final drainage and cuLvert installation with resulting road pacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Fi nal- Certificate of Occupancv issuance, 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 1 2. FAILURE D e pa rt m e nt of C ommuni ry^ D ev e lo p m e nt IXFORUAIIOf, IBEDED lfHEf AFPLIIXG FOR A !.iECHA]IfCAL PERIIIIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCALE F'LOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DTMENSIONS AND BTU RATTNGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LocATroN oF coMBUsTroN ArR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. IO PROVIDE THIS ITFORI{ATIOIf I|II,IJ DEI'AI IOUR PERIIIT. uolcldsNl Stvo oSurno3u No[cfdsN13u tr oSAOUddVStO tr :sNoucSuuoc ofAouddvF. IVNII tr tr IVNII tr tr tr tr utv tddns tr ll noNoc H9NOU soooH lsnvHx3 tr 9NIIVfH tr u3MOd sE l :lV3lNVHC3W :1VCtUlC313 .IVNII D IVNIJ tr o tr 'lvN vcoHl33HS tr NO[VlnSNt tr gnt H/tood tr cNrdrd svc tr cNI'IVN OOOMAId n 833HS E JOOU " U31VM / HONOU O A'M'O / HOnOU O oNnoHeHfoNn tr :0Nts$!n'ld CNlt/'{VUl tr r33ts / NollvoNnol tr 'Efl-S / SgNtrool tr :0NtoTng NOl ,l :NOrrCSdSNl :NOt1V90l uol cvSu IUJ UNHI-O3M S3NI €Or /ri: -S ,?SIVO Selz-6Lv rcStoBd Jo H3snnN 1|l tu3d L' IIVA IO NMOI rsEnosH NorrcilsNl uf t-rv3 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 3rd day of March, 1994, by and among East Vail Joint Venture (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions tor completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to provide a cash escrow account with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount as set forth below, such cash deposit account shall provide security lor the following: IMPROVEMENT Stucco on Spruce Park, Unit G NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before March 25, 'l 994. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the olfice of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any ol the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $6,000.00. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount ol $6,000.00 to be held by the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above il there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable lo the Town to guarantee the laithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town ol alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any ol its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. 6. ll the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specilications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 1, the Town may withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request of the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to the release ol the funds to the Town, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such lunds solely upon the Town's written request. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year atter acceptance ol all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or on road right-of-way. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above wriften. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. 2W The forqSpifs Developer lmprovement -)'-day ot lV({unAL- .1t7!by "' owledg before me this t( Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE .r The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this /// day ot /hafcl .192lby Aolt<r tt. /D"tauh'r./ Witness my hand and otficialseal. &4r.4a/ /dh l'/ly commission expires: OmXsC3ClO,t$rrhat bturrFurlraft zts.F!fitlbi,f,0o !r6tt n r'/l ' ,Ugx ^-Adao r,---,-, i; . ' :' "Xl | 3tl',"' ""'r tetf ,d! rr: :la;,1''. :+ril tryu -.:'i 'i ill Ita.a @...b, i.rf lr'lor' ddr "' *.rsFi{.r.txlt@rrrr|E|iJ'nlnf!-.' I'ilrnprrrul Eyergroen Dovelopment P.O. Box 466 AVoN, COIOBADo 81620 (303) 049-O?E2 jr14-7{tD .$rdor.l$10lrli u9r0a f' l tDil,rllLt lr gl01$e)yl ,^ffi o o From the desk of.,. ' L.'trJ /'tL fL'j Q rv,t "f,t iv' cL"L'o- e.^.5 O w.d ,e'7*-^-4,.-. &""'t Sih-"* ae [^^-.zJ -,L1 . 1"].- @ C.,C,..^..-{ 14 ,'.-r*-*f ^- A /t.^-,4o2 f Andy Knudtsen ,ffi o o From the desk of... TLb voatl J/ tlz{- Andy Knudtsen sl ts u--l'd '''"''-/'/ 5{*"" L L l''^'- 3("s' 4 t/,- ""L"/ '*/ ^' :/3/'s H/44/*/#-\ FRO'I : 4lYh=f,\'\'d ' r rru.ir I ri ! iNrrrrr:l|h, i,ro. $rr! ilatl b0.1r' irliq t()u tru | r PHONE NE. : +926 1099 l'lar. @7 1994 A1i43An POz , r.{. 1ir.:.... Pags No ol Peg6s lfiruplrul Evergreen Development P,O, Box 466 AVON, CO|.ORAOO 81620 (303) 94$0282 PltoFcsAL EUSMttltD 1D -- -5 : n rte- D Ea ttoa,* r,.ff 'u'n'fi6-fut3 uJ|le 2-78 a4 f -==:+:9=l=---Gfu * -x- O&,--cttY, $rATr ,ANo ztF coor t/A't. c/J ft6g €et?pce PAfut- tt(oq t' 'j-or-rocar?ii--2/{/f Bthrhuil Kaco untlnft; r' rlrcHrllcT n;r.f &ilil, t)Etul^ts o^ll ol el Ar$ 7->/-?a /*,t co gr (r 7 Jot Pn0N6 We hereby Subrrlr sDeclllcs$onr rr.d fttinrates lor: E.M=U d. Fattre*4-,' A 2 CopT strUc;ca $q,6fr;iryr r, / r..-. W tr7/ . # €,r,rt 7\Uz,rEl- Ft x,s2/, fo G V'd V,-4/4p € eL. 4 .v,c* . rlEa,n**. l)ft utT Frru, s /I Tllrs (|ta Ta-<-LqwL4 T1a,1-tt4,,-F+ atf,w Ea - ollarr ($). a[ firt.rrr lr sr'.nnl4{ ln tr..r EErclflrd. All l,forl to br conlDlclcd in o wolArlrl]ll*3 rr,eonrr tccordrt3 to r{.ndr.rt prr(tlc6, Any r[grdiDn or d6vl&tlon figm thold tptLllicr' ALllllotlloq tiorir invo{vifrg trir6 coitr wltl ht lta.ut€d only uf,on vrrill!|' o.d€rt, rnd will b.c9ne !o Signllulc rrl.r nh.rgn oyal !ftl lDova tha ortlmaF. ill tttssmsnl6 contin{cnt !pon 6tJuai, nacidtr r ot daloyr Dlrotd 09, lrrrttrol' Owolr lq t{iD lit!, lolnad$ rnd glhdr nacltllty l lSuleflca Our woiterritr lully covurod bt Wcr*nnrt'r Lrqmpint.tbn Inrutarcs. wilhdr'lw'] HLt(ii- lry uE il |l0l wilhio day$, ,4 AfCfltgfff Uf ilfUPOSel -- Tne sb,rvo pricsr q,oc,rl(oironr and conditlonr rro satlglaclory aod ata hrrrsby accspaod. You are aulhofizcd lo do tho vrork a6 6p0citrcd, ttymsnl will bo mgdc ,s outlin0d abrv0 ft-r- r,, A'.i.J.^^r,r S gl.lrrtu --..-.--_Signlturr -- FRoFI :-4lYh=hYYd PHoNE NO. | +926 L899 COMI4t,NY su&/Ecr FRAM flory Ptt"t,r*4rrr R ua{ /6Hona)untf t'6 tl Sl-Arre. {rn-o- TOTAL tWtnBEH OF F{GES fi\/c;LUDlNG fmS m1t---?-. F vOU DO NOr FfJcEtVE Ail. R{GFS, FLEAilE CONtrcT Us. a7 1994 B7i42Cn PAL FAX rRANS'tt SSrOrV no,,u, ffi D*#.##l{trry/,i'o1d(j3,tr" rruHl!!rr1r1!,llrr'nFLEasE coNnRM RECEtpr oF THts FAx By V nnur Tlrnx o !E lo to lv to f{!ru i=t'l;lF ro lru F o II .D JI a llJ ut l*,o lJl tsl Ir|l r-f F+rur =B =!o bc' rgg F'" b 8FP o=f; s$9 s9 !-{ =9 (o tb I Fr It {€ I I I I I d "is }f,. F a : !a l; s NIB o o l-|- a (t, TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMEI.iT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AYABLE TO TOWN O F VATL T PROJECT DONA I33O .EXTERIOR ALTERATiON i.t tzn <-- -1-:_l vo f L__l cli-# I -/<-}^-<<,t l?'-'l \.-.._. // t-o-n- ts,AJ '/ [,' ..,/c4'^- TOWNOFVAIL tuxlws \ Jt r,, t,[4 a ( , PROJECT PAYABLETO TOWN OP VAIL 0r oow 4241 ORM FIRECODE 01 0000 4t ffiw42412 RS LICENSES FEES RE PAID DESIG 01 0000 211l ltd-27 LLt,.c-.4.<- ' f l-t-n'vt +-. -,#.L'I MO.# L__J CK# I DATE:-l-/_ REC. BYr 'v*"'1t Q<*ho - C/ )aepG ,rA. J-'/ tfl t ,/K i Revised 5/I/92 APPI,ICATION FOR SINGLE FAII|ILY SUBDMSION CEAPTER L7.25 \TAIL MT'NICIPAL CODE Date Received bY the CommunitY Development nfrtment: n$'D FEB 9 1gs4 b^r'#'(PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS c/o S-Mac Developmenc, Inc' PH0NE-_476-4ru _ B. PROPERTY EAST VA JOINT ACo ado Linlted Partnershi OY|NER'S SIGNA HONE 476-4162 MAILING ADDRESS 201 Gore Creek Drive Colorado 8165 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSAT: LOT 6 & TBLOCK 1 SUBDIVISIOH sishorn FILING3T4 i\!5!iE!gn n ApplrcArroN FEE 5100.00 pArD lllo.llll cHEcK * *11b , MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED' - AI.] Iq4 ftJ\ Two mylar copies and one paper coPY, of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of community Development. The plat shall- include the following: The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor l-n India ink, or other substantial solut.ion, on a reProducibfe medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet io one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-hal-f inch on a1I other ?/a sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundari-es, streeLs' setbacks, alleys, easement-s, strucLures, areas Lo be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. A11 curves shall be circufar arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. .A11 dimensions' Uoin iinear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in ihe field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand- O/' North arrow and graPhic sca1e, t;l' A systematic identification of all existing and proposed UuiiOings, unj"ts, lots, blocks, and names for alI sLreetilL AnidentificationofthesLreets,alleys,parks,andother public areas or faciLities as shown on the plat, and a 'dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the pubtic use. Areas reserved for fuLure public acquisition shaLl also be shown on the plat ' €:t: A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure' The i"..ud. of each 1ot or plrcef shall be shown in this manner as weII . 7, y v.->' S. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set' which maik the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. MonumentperimeterperColoradostatutes.Twoperimeter monumenLs shafl be established as major control- monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town onrr i noe r srrY-Lrrss! - o4 STREET ADDRESS 4515 Biehorn Road h *":"e:ilil\"2\.End survevor ecain'ns how bearins base A certifj-cate by the registered land surveyor as outl-ined in chapter 1.7.32 of this tltte as to the accuracy of the isurvgY ."J-pi.t, and that the survey was performed^by him in accordance with Cofoi.Oo Revised Slatutes ).9'73, TitIe 38' Article 51. q? A certificate by an attorney admitLed to praclice in the State of Colorado, Sr corpo;ate tttte l at the owner(s) of record dedEeElng to the public the public rioht_of_way, ur"""-oi-iicirlti_es as lho*n thereon are the .ri.r""in.i6"r-f"-iee simpte, free and clear of arr liens and encumbrances excePt as noted 'e- The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County cLerk and recorder. y AI"I current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval ;-p1;;. - ini" in"i"o"" tu*." *-hicn have been billed but are not yet due. Th;-;;;ilficate of Laxes paid must be signed on the pLat or a-siatemenL from t'he Eagle County Assessors office must be pto"ia"A with the submitLal information ;;;li;s itrat ati taxes have been Paid' Certificate of dedication and ownershi-p' Should-the ;;;;I;r;.te of aeJication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of- Oeeas oi trust and mortgage holders on said real property wilf-it-teq"ire{ --Lo sign trre certif icate of dedicationand"*""'"nipinadditionLothefeesimpleowner thereof. - L 9-/-'Signature of owner k. m, t,? ')/ The plat must contaln the following statement t ll?t zonlng purpos,?sf the loL;-"ititta by this subdivision are to be treated ". one rot with no nore than trro dwerring units a110wed on the corn6fned area of the two lots." fn"-"tuiernent shall be modified to indicate the tlt:^U"f5f unils and loLs proposed' A copy of the declaratigns lnd{o1-:"::?:i::.:::":'.":.:t":m 3'ilYlt!i";;"";;;;-;;;ii assure the maint:':l:?.,o1,.1"L::T:: :::::"ili:ii' *:;'# ;;;;i';:--il: i:'":ii':^:l:]1-:"*, I*'p":n;i::3""H3':f;^Ti"o!-r;-;-i;;^ s,,itanle-ioi reco.dine with the Easre CountY Clerk and Recorder' 3. Schedules A and B of a title report ' APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA The burden of proof sharr rest with the appricant to show that the subdivision complies with the zoning ordinance with respect to buildi_ng location and other aspe.ls-or the structure and ground' with the originat plat ""-tppt9"eO Ly. ine Oesiqn Review Board of the Town and the accuratei";;;;A-i''tugtity of t'he survey data found on the plat. Upon recelving. two copie:, of-1-::*plete submittal along with payment oftheapproprJ-atefee,thezonrngadministrator'shallrouteonecopy of the site map to the town enqi"Eui for his review' The zoning administr.to, "nIIr-tten conduct this review concurrently' The town engineer shalr t.ti"* ine submittal and return comments and norificario.," to"ii!"ro":-"g ao*inrstiiioi tno shall transmit the approval, disapprli-f-"i-"pp.o\rui-*iih modifications of the plat wirhin fourreen days ro the appli";;;-. "-ine zoning adrninistrator shal1 sign Lhe plat if approved o, ..q,]I.e modificationi on the plat for approval or deny approval d":-::'i"""""iitencies with the originally approved pran or rairure to make ;-t;;;-required modifications of the p1at. F]LING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development lif}' recgrd the plat and any rerated covenant; ,oitn tn"-nagre-ci;nty ctert and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the uppii"iirt. The_communi-ty Development Department wirl i"t'ii" on6 mvrar';;;t-;i the plat for their records anb wilt record the remaining mylar copy Revised 5/L/g2 o o I TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT NO.fz DEPARTMENT OF CoMMUNITY DEI/EITOPMENT r:- t5a5 NtTt (-t.'- Q 't Ct Ct* D ^TE_________!t _______Lt __-:__: CHETCKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL accottNT No-ITEM IIO. TAX COSTEA- TOTAL 01 0000 41540 ZON]NGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0r 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE s36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECFTANICAL CODE s32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM F]RECODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0t 00ffi 42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 0r 00w 42412 STUDIES 0t ffi00 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $s.00 0t ffi00 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0t 0fixt 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE_CHECK FEE [S4O PER HR.I ot w0042332 OFF HOURS ]NSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGNAPPLICAT]ON FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL S]GNAGE FEE ISI.OOPER SQ.FT.I 0l 0000 4244t)VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 0000 42371 INTVESTIGATI ON FEE (BUILDING) 31 0000 45110 TOV PARKINCFUND 0r ooo0 22927 TOVNEWSPAPER DI SPENSER FUND * 0l 000021112 TAXABLE @ 4vo (STATEJ * 0t 0000 41010 TAXABLE@4% (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGAT]ON OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES .AIi: 01 0000 41330 ADDIT-ONALGRII{ "25O"$200.00 01000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 01 Omo 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN IOO SQ.FT,I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI $1,500.00 01 OOOO4l33O,SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1,m0.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION IGC' 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $2s0.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER IToTAL: lC'C' - COMMENTS: Lt+;' '1 4(/DATE * / I/ ''REC. BY: , Riannoueut ro lrMrrED PARTNERSHTP AGREEMENT OF EAST VAIL JOINT VENTURE, A Colorado Lirnited PartnershiP /RiC I ;,-; r, tg94 THISAMENDMENTToLIMITEDPARTNERSHIPAGREEMENTissignedon the date or dates indicated below to be effective as of APriI l-0, i-gge, - UV and between M & H Developrnent c-o'^' --Inc' ' as General Partner, S-MAC Developnent, Inc' and G'w'A'P'O'M' Partnership' as Limited Partner. The General Partner is changed from M & H DeveLopment co.. Inc. to S-Mac Developrnent' Inc' The transfer shall ;;;i";;-i"-lnl rishrs, rJsponsibilities and liabili--ies for all work cornpfeted on iuildings F & G at spruce Park only. Under definitions 1-3 - Building Costs' This number is increased to $85.00 per square foot under this section "r,a ""y ana ati oltt"i refelences to this building cost' ii-ti"-[i,ifding cost adjustrnent to $85'00 per sguare foot =iiiir r" m"a6 in aIl lertinent sections in the contract in"inaing, but not limited to, the foLlowing sections: i.z, a.a-i") ' s.1 (b) (i) ' 6.1 (f ), 6'3 (c)' Sectj-on 8 (b) under Termination shatl have both dates extended for one year to December 31, 1994 and December 31, L995 resPectiveIY. AtI other sections of the original lirni*r-ed partnershj'p aqreement shal1 rernain the same' T II. III. IV. INwlTNEssWHEREoF,thisinstrumenthasbeenexecutedbyoron behalf of the Partners on the date or dates indicated bel0w' tt l^.'/ K-/s4 |\-)rJtI- Date df Executlon ecution elopment Steven MacDonald Page 2 Amendment to of East VaiL Limited PartnershiP Agreement Joint venture G.W.A. P. O. M.Partnership Partner STATE OF COLORADO COTJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE was acknowledged by Robert HaneY before me this <+h PresidentofM&H ss. day of oevetopmE-E company, Inc. WITNESS mY hand and official seal . My commission exPires: STATE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE Thq fPregoing instrument dalz of h-l'O\,cez , 1993 'S-MAC DeveloPmentr Inc- was acknowledged before nre trris -4 by Steven MacDonald President of WITNESS my hand and officj-aI seal' My comrnission exPj-res: Notary Publid e1'-.i:qff=:"",r"i':asl a cEirerifF66Gi of G.w'A'P'c vail Joint venture Lirnited Partnership, I-,TD., a colorado limited partnershiP. hand and official seal. explres: Thp foregoing instrument waq a"pqw1$pged.before me this ls{"r |1v .o r^1t{{4 r=-_ _- - _ _ _, ; ? t'" : #-t" STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COTJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE : .1'f i.-' yy commission expires: \:::::1_. ss. exp]-res: hand and official seal. as a General Partner of G.w-A.P.o.M. r *Joint Venture Lirnited Partnership, LTD., a Colorado limj-ted $;te;r*1lilship-i : ,^--. I i il i- ..'trtT.n\TF< c i. --- iwftNEss ny hand and official seal..: .-..-', ThA toregoing instrunent iLLq'\acknou\edged before me this lS+\ day of \)CldorV , L993, by 6$en"lr I4Prv = =as- a e;;EiET-FEr€na1 of c.w.AJ.o:M., a Linited Partner of East vail Joint Venture Linited Partnership, LTD. ' a Colorado l-irnited Thc foreqoinq instrument was acknowledged before 4 this^ lsh day of Oc\ouri t !ss3, ry Jho".u ff\a:*\r""r.$e {hlrrf *a^^.rd9rlL+..,1i" as a General ParEner of G,W.A.P.O.M., h Ll-nlted 'Partner oI .EiasE vail Joint Venture Linited Partnership, LTD., a colorado linited partnership. Therforeqoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l$JN. day of tlel'tlv , Lss3, uy lhonnrs {\$*1,c.^4 =a<!. e r:E;;;e] pa;t;E? of c.W-A.F.o.U.. a Dinited Partner of East STATE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAGLE ss. '€;?j' My conrnission expires :a.t. Notar-Il The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before rne this day of , A993, bY as- a cEiffil?GEi or c.w.a vail Joint Venture Lirnited Partnership, LTD., a colorado lirnited partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission exp j-res: Notary Public J 1 b il k -f- F z ur E, * -J J g tr ul (-, =g c (/, : \J :l -rP";'p'J-. \J \,Y \ s It-r i LtavC v. ,.s. o'7 r..r!'i * l:.- c? rr 3r?r.sr,0 4.. \p \( 3 I it€',te;errl r-! .- /u24+ZC DecK /-/u/46 3A2112 c I aatg //o.?€<<e I I I I bi 'l vi \l {tF A(f,1,+ q , n,/l2AH,4-e4)LEVE U Z O i:? ..1 ''"4 J] ,;i "l ':.i ''a I' J 1 I nl k v gE { ul (-, =g 0 (f, o o \a Qi $: Itr i (J \$\( a ?E'leaett --(-t ',..1 f.,--X-/u24*ZC 1/A/.lG 3A2/42 <//4.?854C @ @ @p:,'r,*(- 24,/zza c RF Yl Yl.\r f, ,. ,i \. ,'. i '4\.'/ ,t 'C, LEVE U Z TUTN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departrnent of Comntuniry Development October 4, 1993 Revised January 20, 1994 Mr. Steve MacDonald M & H Development 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 BE: Spruce Park Dear Steve: On Thursday, September 30, 1993, we walked the Spruce Park site and agreed that prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy (G.O.) for Buildings A, B, C, D, E and H, you would plant the following trees: .(t. Two, 2" caliper aspen on the west side of Building D; c1d iH a-o-. 'l c-u ; t t\'r q 2. One multi-stem aspen on the south (closest to Bighorn Road) corner of Building C; One, 2" caliper aspen to replace the two dead aspen in between Buildings A and B; One, 2" caliper aspen at least 12 feet tall, to be planted on the southside of Buildino A:QS. One, n6w 2" caliper aspen to be planted on the north side of Building H; € Remove the three rocks on the rock wall that are higher than 6 feet; fleplace the aspen on the south side ol Building E. Once these seven issues have been taken care of, please call me. lt is my understanding that landscaping is the only outstanding item on these six buildings. Once these have been planted, I would like to field verify them and then issue certilicates of occupancy. The additional parking space in front of Building G is acceptable to the Town' as long as there ls only a maximum of two spaces in thls location. Moving the deck on Building F to the southeast side of the home is also acceptable, as long as there is a minimum 15 foot setback from the eastern property line. .4. '/4- Lv-<^, a i.<.J \)tiJ i.' t ,l ,.'_ I I (,. Ir + L' Mr. Steve MacDonald Page 2 Thank you tor your cooperation in this effort. Please call me if you have any questions' I can be reached at479-2138. Sincerely, A / r./' ,tt {14-+.1 f-.^,__/}_/\r lf \ AndyMtsen Senior Planner \rd TOWN OFVAIL /- \. 'i/pr<(L-t' | ., t{"5 l,;'l'r" ' tln'lL1 "tL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October4, 1993 (*',t<L Ja. *"-a Mr. Steve MacDonald M & H DeveloPment 201 Gore Creek Drive vail. CO 81657 RE: SPruce Park Dear Steve: nnent of Commynity Development 1,,, - - J' l-1.' zc,t'?.r(n[,r** " I h' l ,*tL | ,\L tc lLc' P,,IJ .v P" on Thursday' September 30, 1993, we wa|ked the Spruce Park site-and agreed that prior. lo issuance of certiticatel ot-o""up"n.y (c.o.) for Buildings A, B, c, D, E and H, you would plant the following tree: , ,r"l' -{r.( ,'ur+ k tS,>t-,- ,il\ 1. Two. 2" calioer aspen on tn"Go6ii"of Building-D;.. .. \- tr' 2. one mutti_siem aspen on the sou(t6#iorner of Building c; 3. One, 2i caliper aspen to replace tn'e$o dead aspen in between Buildings A and B; 4,One'2,.caliperaspenat|eastl2feettal|,tobep|antedonthesouthsideot Building A; 5. one, n6w 2" caliper aspen to be planted on the north side of Building H; 6.Removethethreerocksontherockwal|thatarehigherthan6feet;7. Replace the aspen on the south side of Building E' Once these seven issues have been taken care of, please call me, lt is my understanding ihai landscaping is the only outstanding item on these six buildings' Once these have been planted, t wdu6 like to fieli verify them and then issue certificates of occupancy' 61 '4 r/ Thank you lor your cooperation in this effort. Please call me if you have any questions' I can be reached al479-2138. Sincerely, ,'""#"/, / J4,-,1 Andy Knudt6en Senior Planner \rd '---) ,Ar/ 'l'l* 4 sMD coNsrRrflo" coMPAN" 201 GORE CREEK DRIVE . VAlt. CoLoRADo 81557 .l,303\ 476-4262. FAX (303) 479-9624. DENVER tlNE (303) 893-38s3 *r*otoN tq s January 17, 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtaen Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Andy, This is to follow up on our previous conversation, as well as,your letter of October 4, 1993 concerning Spruce park. Two minor adjustments are needed as to locations of trees from your October 4th Letter (enclosed). Items L and 2 should be rewritten as follows: 1. Two 21r caliper aspen on the west side of Building D.2. One multi-sten aspen on the southwest corner of auilding c. Andy, we had also discussed two mLnor changes concerning the site and sonstruction of Buildings F & c. prease take this as a forurar request to verify that these two adjustments meet with your approval " fv\&f' 7 'r{)o'4'u The first reguest was to add an exterior parking place in front of Building p.r which would be adjacent to the parklng space behind.the garage.' The second request r,ras to move the deck on Buildlng F to the southeast eide of the houre,, I{e had discussed both of these changes previously, but r felt it rlas lnportant to finarize then in writing. \ Thank you very much for your tine. ,i- . ^lr--.t \ \ "v n:*' t- \ [{,r' ,,r{o,* Lrd*\._--.- ^n (, ,'' I [- " rlt {r"tt tq' '/dt't./ Sincerely Steven l- TILEQOPY TOTYN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I i9 FAX 303-479-2452 October 4' 1993 Senior Planner \rd 1. Two, 2" caliPer asPen 2. One multi-stem aspen 3. One, 2" caliPer asPen and B; 4. One,2" caliper aspen Mr. Steve MacDonald M & H Development 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: SPruce Park Dear Steve: on Thursday, september 30, 1993, we walked the spruce Park site-and agreed that prior. to issuance of Gertificates ot O""up"n"y (C.O.) for Buildings A, B, C' D' E and H' you would plant the following trees: D e partrn ent of C onntutt ity D eve lo pn e nt on the east side of Building D; on the southeast corner of Building C; to replace the two dead aspen in between Buildings A at least 12 feet tall, to be planted on the southside of Building A; 5. one, new 2" caliper aspen to be planted on the north side ol Building H; 6. F|emove the three rocks on the rock wa|l that are higher than 6 feet; 7. Replace the aspen on the south side of Building E' Once these seven issues have been taken care of, please call me. lt_is my understanding that landscaping is the only outstanding item on these six buildings' Once these have been planted, t woutO'' tit<e to field verify them and then issue certificates of occupancy' Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. Please call me if you have any questions' I can be reached at479-2138. :c -' "1 Project Application ,^," /a/27/ ?z- Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /"t7 arocx f ,ru,^n 6n./o4 3d ,.on" Commenls: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Y'^'Approval Project Application ,^," id/27/ ?z Project Name: Pro.lect Description: Architect, Address and Phone: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /"f'l atock ,/ , r,ling Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: V'.tApprovar cument: FaH lS/26/92 3.27 Ptl, crealeii l8/25192 3i2 I o Page 2 ot 3 APPIICATION @ -oc-f z_q I lotq2- (P l€a sE NAME O[' NAI{E OF ADDRESS 8a1nE gr PROJECT Tvpe )5Pavcs PAP+L PERSON SUBI''IITING Poi5 HAI€Y_"goxe--:W2 5t5 NAr,rE oF owHrn sPar.rc€ 04&la . H.9-4-.,--- noHe--3'l!.3:145 ADDRES S €A SIGTTAIT,RE LOCATION OF DESCRTPTION OE O}INER THE FOLIOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUEMITTAL BY THE aiFilceri PRroR ro rne nnouesT-IEING scHDDULED BEFoRE THE DESTGN REVIEW BO]IRD, A. DESCRIPTToN oF rHE srGN/AwNrNG !M!^!r{9IIGr.l}ll',3R8:::iliil El.i1"'iiiilit"iiti'li$ioi l?iriii'iE;' rc';^ a+e Bouruae=+€.eu4v- t'seao€ PeAa'r,- "q?,!? .. , r-4.€nS " ',6"--21 - 2"'r ,._A u/ a SIGN OR AWN ING IIATERIAJ, t, SIZE OF z-7o SIGN I € OVERAL!SIZE OT LETTERING AND LOGO 3t D,HEIGHT OF SIGN AEOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) LENGTTT OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (iT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AFPROVAL 1. -3. - Sile PI an iii"uiri.= showing exacL locatlon of sign ot awning on the bui lding Bnoio6rapns gho'.Iing pioposed locau lon Colored scale diar'ting SamDIe of Proposed rnater! als Photograpn of sign if available I l^|.t ra Ei?; 'iL.ll i"'i"3liofl"lu* 'ou^*- uoo'"iLHt'*ls*-l-1,t - .x- Nt/.r SUBMI TTED l{Irtl APPLLIGATISI o |-ETTEIL.iG trTe I c 51n be ll I t' I FAC€ Bor.ltDgtU to 6'x3" tr.TiaLs t.25 + - t^l{" r.e?ltll -o7 + l=rn-{ SPATNG- -s+ -.o.+2.)t+ hr.SPRIcE maK 't6ts Br<r+to/:-*r vp,-t, &.rr.09/19 g0lkrA^J