HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 OVERLOOK SIGN & LANDSCAPE LEGALo a TO!|IN OF VAIL -T S. FROIqTAGE ROAD vArL, co 815s7 970-479-2L38 DEPARI}4ENI OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMETiIT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES permit. #: 899_0104 .lob Address: J_330 SANDSTONE DR Status...: fSSITED Locarion...: 1330 sanasione or. ;;;iil;.., o6/2s/Lsss Parcel No..: 2LO3_L2t_Oi_OOr riGued...: O6/25/Lggg Project No.: pR,J97_oL46 Expires .. I L2/22/L9gg APPLICAf.E STONE CREEK ETECTRTC P -g--Pox stt, -;;i;'io erese Phone z e7o-e26-2oot colrrR.,aeroR STONE cREEK,ei'd6nic P.g-!ox 519,-t;ii^'co 8i-6s. Phone z e70-926-2ooL owNER BE_EcFrwooD-;fiDl;Ad DEr/ELopMEr{r * BEECIIWOOD ORGANIZATION, 46'-';ILLIS AVE, WTLIISTON PARK NY ]-159 Description: Electrical for outside irrigation contrvaruation: 50o.oo FEE SUUIIARY Eleclrical _ __ > 50, oo DRB Fee .Oo Tolal calculat.ed Fce6---> 53-oO fnveEeigation> .oo Additsional Foes---------> -oo vlill call----> 3.oo foEal Pcrmit Fee--------> s3.oo rorAr. FEE'-_-> s3.oo i,ffil;,;*_:::___-__::_l ,,:;; ll*r*a**ra****** tEi1Zlili;i:5flf,ffi ffi ft E#.ff :n"pp..,,"a,HE:E+.FIJ"'*:l;i:il:; rirr***arr***** CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIAI.ICE. DECI.,ARATIONS r_ h.rcby aeknoplcdg,c an.a .r^n:]: road. thl6 appticatsion, f,iLled our. in ful1 rh6 int,Fran, ahd E'eEc Ehar. arr .h6 rnro*a.r"" pr".,it"i-*i-req,,ir"c_io "or.""J._ ;.r;;;"il"::ilri"ffii.*..i1?:*:ril il:Ti:::i*,Eo co'ply with all fo$n ordinance' _."a "rlr.'i"-1.T"i a" bulld thiE .r*.a,r".-"."o"ding tso the Tosrr, s zoning and rubdiwiaion codea' de.iEn !€vle$ aPprovad, unlfor* ""iiir.g""la]"."d or.hcr o!aihan.;;-;;;;;;"" applicablc tsherero- REQUE'TS FoR rNaPEcrroNs 'HALL BE MADE Tv{ENrv-FouR HouRs rN A.Dr/AN.E By TELE'H.NE AT 4?9-213e oR AT ouR oFFrcE pRou g;oo AM s:oo pr -4 AND O9|NER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaternnE **************************************************************** stsatemnt Number: REc-0534 Amount: 53.00 06/25/99 08236 Palzment Method: CHECK Notration: #7758 rnit: Klvl?il Permit, No: E99-0104 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELEeTRICAI, PERMIT Parcel No; 2103-121-02-00L sitse Address: 1330 sAl[DsToNE DR Location: 1330 sandstone Dr. This Payment, Total Fees: 53.00 Toual ALL Pmts: Balance: *******************************L******************************** Account Code DescripEion Amount 50.00 3.00 53.00 s3.00 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELESIRICAL PERMTT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WII,I CALL INSPECTION FEE I Date: rowN oF vAL?oNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, or!?,"o'o*'ro;; ' ' ' INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLI,TE OR TflE APPLICATION WILL BE RX,JECTEI) Contac't the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # tr Parcel# ?lD3-l?-\ -62 -col Pennit # i lt ' JobName: OsFul-r>Di(. pu>b'-lr Jot,qOCress: l35O SRnf:Slcrre DR.. Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electncal (l)Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Subdiviston X Owners Name: Architect:Address:Phone# X Description of Job:o.&.* Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelline Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING S Additional ( \ wnq VALUATIONS -, (' ELECTRICAL: 5 5@- MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: ) Repair ( ) Olher ( ) Number of Ac commodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Regi stration No. to8-a Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reqistration No. Address: */^y' fJ4" / fu-c*L , h / Phone# Qb' Z@l Address: Phone # Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Oesign Review Ailon Form TOWN OF VAIL Overlook at Vail Project Name: Overlook at Vail Landscape Plan Project Description: Approved Landscape Plan Owner, Address and Phone: Bob Kedrowski Architect/Contact, Address and Phonq Same Project Street Address: 1330 Sandstone Drive Legal Description: Lot G4, Clitrside Subdivision Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: Approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans dated September 4, 1998 Town Planner: Georse Ruther Date'. 914/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Overlook at Vail - New Sign Project Number: Project Description: New sign for the Overlook Condos Owner, Address, and Phone: Overlook at Vail Condominium Association 1330 Sandstone Dr. Vail. CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Nicki Viars 476-1063 Project Street Address: same as above Legal Description: Lot G4, Lions Ridge Filing #2 Parcel Number: 2l03l2t2300l Building Name: Comments: 7.5 s.f. sandblasted redwood sign with natural stain, white lettering and graphics Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved with 4 conditions Conditions: l. Revocable right-of-way permit required 2. Top ofsign may not exceed 4 feet above grade 3. 1-2 MRl6 Mini Accent Lights may be installed at ground level to illuminate the sign only 4. Installation of sign must be supervised by Leonard Sandoval, Public Worlis Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: O8/04/OO DRB Fee Paid: 527.50 Project Name: Overlook at Vail - New Sign mft,v B. c. n E. r. K. M, N, o. Questionsfll the Planning Staff at 479-2138 Als.r lnrwM n4 'f "t' L: Lq.97z olpw*t|/tlttf 0 70v {nr'- (o-w >pecnc requrremenls Ll6t'4itq oil qMtilD ti+u,t;"ttrt 'td*JV pHysrcALADD*rss, lbbn 'zmJvSta,Je W. Uprtt, Cn 3lb5J LEGALADDRESS: Lot: (:''7 G4 en,cx,:- Ftingt LiotJ'd Pl'D&e 9LLb)i)soil 12 MAJUNG ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) :b"r H,NAME OF APPUCANT: ADDRESS: 143 Z. rigEnoou) T)L. +3aA t)krc SrtzS"l PHoNE: t{-l t" < CQ3 TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions): ,E Free standing o Wall Sign o Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: I NUMBER OF SIGNS E{ST]NG: srGNME5SAGE, -f*e oa€l?-LoCIlL @ U Aru SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on B.5',x 11', paper): LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE: SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application is for any sign that is locateC within the Town of Vaii. are avaiiable from the Department of Community Development. NAME OF BUSINESS:Atsetloolt-' kI t' U f(L BUILDiNG NAME and ADDRESSI MAILING \_-o a f,l 3i'**l['*a x), funn - 2{"e o HEIGHT OF SIGN(S) ABOVE GRADE: SIGN LOCAION (Attach a site pian proposed location of sign(s)): and an elevation drawing or a photograph ciearly indicating the L*{e}> r+t " PARCEL# Jt a1 Wt aaa0lr"t Easle Co.Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcer #) NAME OF OWNER(S): P. a. R. MATERTAE AND COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samples):flo ecraD egl t{o Q-D-ft-l r-r+ siq{L,lL.*L DESCRIBE SIGN LIGHTING. }-J LTI\J b-- <;E i IJ''JON€- FEE: $20.00,p|us$l.00persquarefootoftotal signarea iO t "l .SO= DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal I t?,so PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArl" COLORADO 81657. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEii{T*. tr Complete Application. n A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. tr Ele./aticn drawings or photos showing proposecj location of the sign or awning. i] Colored scaled (i/4"=1') drawing, inciuciing specific lettering and dimensions ano a photo, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. n Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awnin-o will be constructed. n Condominium Association or Landlord apDrovai - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: 1. Freestandino -A single or muli-faced sign affixed to a supporiing structure, cr imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. 2. Awnina or Hanoinq -Any sign attached to a building anci extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. 3. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and not projecting more than 9" from the face of the wall. 4. Dispiay Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. 5. loint directory siqn - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a multi- tenant building. 6. Subdivision entrance siqn - A sign to identiFy a major subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage aiong a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone distrid. SUGGESTIONS: 1. Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You may wish to check the Code to verify the type and size of sign you are allowed. 2. Be specific. Vagueness in iie description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3, Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowecj. 4. Lighting ,'or awnings may spotliEht only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual business signs will be re,riewed by the Depaftment of Community Development. New sign programs or amenciments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. o o sig4 sizc 18" x 60" letteri4g sizc top row, ?.6" caps; secoq4d rorr, 5.6" caps qhg OYerl at ook \hit sarldblasted redwoo,l ngrt with a 4atural staiq white letteri4g aRd graphics. sig4 safari 668-5438 I ,tt" Name: ,,c:\cAswrN\ToM\ovERlooK.scv' I I 07l05/oo $ED 12:08 FAx. 9706O00 THOIITAS HRONIK @ oor STGATSAFART Slifer Management 749 T.n.&file D,i"" P.O- Bo" 54.d9 lFris.n, CO 80445 lFax' 970-668-1t500 Thomas Hronek Ftr'or", 970-668-5-458 Fax: 4762523 Pages: I Attn: I{icky Date: 7-*M Re:Sign Quote CC: 18" x 60" sandbtasted redwoo4 raised white rettering and graphics Includes 2 - 4" x 4" post, nanral stain, hardware and assembly Secdesign. Sign Quote s873.00 Installation: A ballpark price for installation is $260.00 depending of soil fype (roclcs). Note:. A 50% deposit is required to begin production of the order.r Does not include permits or taxes .0o.rn lir4/i", --6 /. o//.1 Orrrolf.o /?b - Th< Ovar loo ( _"4 ol u; r \r I f7 (ao"nro t'.."- m H -1 rd t - z FU )-a r- D)w o F-{|rl T I l-{'IJ H.H fl D)l-a TTl g. llr FF H.s,v r{rJ t-f tl{o il -o gt) R.ECEIPT fe Town of Vail DATE.- RECETVED FROM 51525 ADDRESS Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check @7 2 , ":"''-ao 6? ="#ffift;'ro*""rr ;rt*rro* iyL*", 1330 SAIIDSTONERD oVAIL, COLORADO 81657 2 Pages Sent Via Facsimile (970) 479-Z4Sz July 10,2000 George Ruther C/O Toum of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Ovedook Townhome Association 1330 Sandstone Road Dear George, This lettgr is confirmation that in accordance with the management agreement dated september 12,1999, this firm has written authorizatiou to represent the Townhome Association in matters related to the common area ofthe property as referred to above. If you should have any other questions, please contact me at the nurnbers below. With kindest regards, {/91fu*- Property Marager Attachment - Landscape Drawing cc: File c/o slifer Manqemcnt company Inc., 143 E. M€adolr Dr-, suite 360, Vail, colorado g1657 Telepbone (920) 47GI 063, Facsimite (970, 47 6e523 JUL- I 1 -gcl ,a o? . 5E FROI{ ' lrEC ENC I ES OAG o rD.?l3E}97tSlS PAGE 2/2 ^-.\.1^ \5n,\.^ \1\ PorZurun), oredTdn+l ? r,^ 6i" z_ \fJ R (\\,\ \ Department of Community Develop*lent 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Receipt.No. 5/ 5>S ox"-Zt-L rfu Please make"checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 314't110 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 tnternalional Plumbing Code - 'l997 0000 314 1112 lnt6rnational M€chanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 1112 10000314 1112 0000 314 11'12 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 1 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 111 to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 OOt OOOO gta 121 1 Blue PrintdMylar Copy Fees 001 0000 314 1111 0000 314 1111 314 1111 001 0000 315 001 0000 311 2300 Off Hours Inspection Fees 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 001 0000 3112200 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1000 1 0000 230 2000 Spec. Ageess.-Restaurant Fee to .001 0000 310 1 100 PEC APPUGATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 0000 311 2s00 nal Use Permit Exterior Afteration - Less than 10Q sq ft.001 0000 311 2500 - More than 100 sq. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 1 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 1 0000 319 3100 chlr;k# 5'&?? Received bY: F:/Ewryone/Foms/Sal€act.€xs 06/06nm0 A-W cY luLr*rf1wu{ @ ilo'qvor Si{,N 4 rr. oVERLOOK @ V NL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O Slifer Management Company, Inc. 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 360 Vail, CO 81657 (970) 476-1063 July 31, 2000 George Ruther Town of Vail, Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 This is in regards my discussion with Ann last week. She advised me that the Town of Vail had three different issues that were holding up the application for the entrance sign. 1. Placernent - I met with Leonard (of the Public Works department) on Thursday July 27,2000 and he has approved the area for placement as per the attached picture which is in accordance with Town of Vail regulations. 2. Lighting - We had requested overhead lighting and Ann requested us to put in ground lighting. I have spoken with the Board and they do not care what type of lighting is installed. I have attached several options, which can be chosen from. Please let me know which one you prefer. 3. Landscaping - As you can see from the picture of the area the sigr is to be installed is already completely landscaped but I would like to install two potintella's and pansies. Please let me know if you have other questions. I look forward to hearing from you with approval to install the sign. Withkj4dest ,"g tfi,r /'-. l/: A/u/4. l/rA't/ Nicki Viars Property Manager fficD JUL 3 12000 I o 2OV) E rlood tighr tINE VOTTAGE tr & tr PAR38 FTOOD TIGHT & PAR2O ACCENT LIGHT Aoplicolionr: \'ersatile. nrulti'ptlr!'o.rP fl\fure is popular for rriiightlng trkes building iscades. \1a.,s. alrd spot lighring Conrlrurlion: One-piece injection molded R:iron PPS Full]' adiusrable sr'!'ivel a.nr rr'ith locking teerh for precise ai ing capa- i)il-il]. Bronze thermoset po\rder coat finish. [omp (nor included): \o.:]\'SJE uses r P.\Rlo lar]f '1' ro l.:0\\'-An .EfL, uo to Ii0$ n13! Lc 'ls-d \\ilh optronal lensrshroud l\o :j\.i:-,g \Lr J|bjJ ls;s J P-\R:0 laurp up to :0\\i. -\n R!0 up to i0$ nll! op used \Lirh op ional ier.s shroud \o. :l\ S:l; Instollolion: Pre-\tired $ ith iS -\\\'G hlgh temperature !\ ire for 120 iolt ( ircuit. l,':" )iP-< mounring arnl. Acces3orie5: \o. lIS3S. Roratable lens/shrotld (\o 3\:S:l9l reduces glare and seals ii\iure. fo. 3\'S-36. Rolatable lens/shroud (No JlStt) reduces glare and seals fisture- UL ond C-l.J! tisred (E1513721. U PAR38 CLASSIC ACCENT Applicoiiont: ( plrghlrFg lrees h'rilding Ii( ades \tirlls and spot ljghltng. II" 3trracli!c desi!n m:'kes ir a qood .tl.olce lor appLLca' lions uhere it rente:rs lr vie\\'. such as Ilcocllgnllns. ll also r';orks rvell fo! silhouetting and shadoi\.ing. Conslruction: Hea\'\..lur! cast aluntin(l'll houcing Large $Pep arcas (n shroud allolt tr'3Ic: Jnd dehris ro rr';*h off tlre fronl of rhe ialr.p. Full\ ad.iustahle s\tirel arm $lrh lockln:l -eelh pro\ id-s precrse'airrt:ri.r!,rrbrLitr'. Bronze po$del cofll :inlsh !omD lnot in.ludedJ: P-\R:lS. l:'u \ralt nra\inium Instollotion: Pre-11ired rtitf iS -\$'G high Tenipera!ure $ire for l:0\-cIcuit. I/2" NPS mounting arm. Ut ond C-UL Lisled (E1i15i:)). TYPES E MINI IN-GROUND UPLIGHTS Applicotions: Flush mount installation ior uplighting trees. build- ing facades. and lvalls. Congku(lion: S.:r3'"-pi.ce fiL,erglass relnforced- l)olJ esle! compog ite housinI rnd aLiard will not corro le rrr Ileel tronl soll conlaln. inants or we ather-incl udin g coastal salt sprat enritonmenls. Se-l-\\asllint t.r pered {hss aon\es lPns lntPgrll lort |ohage lrrnsfontrei (included) ior llRlr: lot! roll{3c lampllrg. lnlern;l qlnrbar rinl linrD ho:der allo$s :]i" rotalion Jnd l5' off renical ,diusrabiJi;\ t' i ainrjns l:rctp. Drle"tional guard helps conrrol glare.,\r.hilectural bronze finish. Lomp Inot;ncludedi: \lRlC. -5 rrrtt nrarinrunr. In5tollqtion: Pre-$'ired Kiah 1S A11'G high :emperalure \rjre for l:0\'circuit. Ut ond C-Ut Liited (El l66i;). tr FLUORESCENT SIGNLYTER Applicoiions: l'se fof sign lighring. !va]] \tashing building iacades. and rool lighiin(. Conslru(tion: Hearl-dut; one-piece el:rruded alunrinurn housins $irh archirecturall] st...led. rounded cast aluminunr end caps end integral shro d. Highlv reflectile hllnnlerlone alun1iionl !eflec_ ror f'or a slrlooth beani pattern. C]ear acr]'lic. fu-lil'gasketed lens- Bracier is nlnted for ecsl relan pinq,. Tuin adiuslsble nrountrnr arnrs rn lrll tibralior ploof locklr\g lpelh. tinishl Touqh Irr nze ther:nloset po$'der coat finish. Lomp ond bollost: t sps onc Fi- Tb lan.p. nol tn(l.rd?d' and er.' i!.).rrr.'t,',,. l.:JI' "lliciell() (old \r'c:rlller t, F' e:e(t.r,t ( bi, last. lnsrollotion: Pre.\\iired r\.ill' tS A\\G l,L1ir tpcrperirurP ilil ln: L:10\'(ircurr. Trvo. I l' \PS mountin( Jrnls wllh adjust3bl' dL' tance berr .eei swiyels. Ut ticfed (El00lS7i for &'eL locations. ll' t1 lt I .{ll fi\lllres cle (lesigl_, tloutr(i gf('LInc co\'el :r' lJt AND C'UL l-isted {E l5: -1 MUSHROC Appli.olions: Both st 1-i, :Jr! lar\dscaPes (ontlruclion: Hea\-:'_dri!l fdi. \o .i\.S60 htrs hL iuusltt oonl caP to colri' ,i riushfoon] coDe 1!l iiiihout an}-glare. \o hj!ue! iiSlrr Ie\'els an(:1 iiai:h: Hard rtrhbed \ e 3ple:1l i1llce of naluraL aap is ii rellectl\-e Nhli Lonp lNot 'ncluded): L's' lnrlolldiion: Pre-irired il0\ circuit. I/l \PS glN ApFlicolioni: Creates x ed for laldcn areas ar (on5truclion: Hea\'dtt secure PaScda ca! i inclurlecll. Giass jar I efficiencl ilnd Painiec Li{hr is reflected off t irie sntooth unilomr I finish: Hand rubbed \'( apFrr -irnce of naturai tomp [Not Included]: L: Instollotion: Pre-\'lred llo\. circuit. t,/: \PS O DOM ApDli<olioni: ContenrP Id conrl)lilllent Bollar krnp x"rj (Norl,lff"d"d)0Escriptioh Dimensions iln.)H"iohl Width (lncl. A n' tensth (Di.-i HAOCO shps Ecl Yt 3V438 Sl!.03 i51.ao i.:l 3V836 ir..l7 44.60 l: A P-\niS or R{0 110\1'\nh Oprional Sh-roud lElll Sjr'r 6 BC}H P.{i.:o or R:0 30 $i!h Opliond Shroud 6\Ril Standard -{ccent Lisht BCI.H Cl DI P.{RJE IRl6 F]2TS l;0 lEl ir ?5 uillt i2 0\'R66 I ClNsic -A.ccenr Light nhi In'Ground Lp[gj]t s.th Guard Sichlfi er nuoresc€n! Lisht 10:0-H 3V843 rTJt6c.H 3Va50 \rr:UFj:C\\'E Ncw/4LW2O I t S."Xl j.lj :9 its 00 ?4.40:.)213.50 i.0 317.OO t;.{' Ct Or-trer ;amp t fres a.artabl( lbr a niorc conrpiere ii$ ing see lnder urder Lanps, lncandescent. i,'l Deno!€s en er{' eficrent procuc! LINE VOLTAGE tl20V) LIGHTING ACCESSORIES ROTATABTE IENSES,/SHROUDS !.or_1y8^?e._Foruseo^n^No.3\i633.Hadcobland Reduces lighling glare and se3ls ':"' -^- (iL|LLL ) bnpg-\11'uvlos frorn moisture and din. Iuust b" "":;e';i;i List $80 92 Each " .." - """".' " " " .' s47'20 type "R" lamps- No. 3V837. For use on No. 3VS36. Hadco brand (lCHLCl. Shpg. r,+r.0.S lbs. Ust $71.19. Each..............................-.--....-....... ....-......S40'95 1114 GRATNGER When it comes to lighting, no distributor outshines Grainger-Orderin GUIDE ,N AREA OR OBJECT omPl€ l2V System rtcATloNS oNtYJ lommonlY , Lighting PAR36 Accent Light MR I5 Mini Accent Light El6lo28 Et6lo28 - . LqmP Not ln<luded Woll Lyler MR I I Micro Ac<ent Lighf lighring an objec! that is seen I \ ' .r Li:l:lllrs l\iriL'll{llls laI 'ls' lL's al nllltr l } illutrliLrr_inJ :r..r.r '...rr ,r\ - rs. JFriils. or foliL-lp LiLfqe plan'i in'rlos -trPe^s'.., ,:",,.. ",r:l:. liiLfiL.s. four\rtins :culpturps. dec'ij. Jlrd pdrloi , r.rr rtL r,e .'rLhrrr, -d rriir"..i tiP LrLlrl..qucs tle{ rlb'(t on prgts ii,,:.,llri 1."\ To plerent glrre. iL' p:11 [ix'urPi rLl"ulrl oexlnreo rNxv lrr)rI ,)bservlrs and conceaied behind shltlbberr_ to keep il-' ir",.i....i, " -ti,tiil and un.,Lutrered L'se in-grounci lights to STAKE MOUNTID C:n5tru(tion: F!rl1! adjustable s\\'ivel arlr] lvith iocking teeth fo! proclsiou aiming crpability. in:tollotion: Ple-*aire.l with J6 clble atrcl quick connect (includ- ed fnr r.u !: ,rp to lo\r' \ ollfqP srr!,pL] line. Ac(ei30r,€s: L 'r v rlt.rqe nlo .nllrrg 5'.r^tsr noI itrL lttde'I I_se \'-r' 'l\SSI i:l ) ,)r \,r. JVSSI ll-ll") ()r1 pllge 111:j' n- PAR36 ACCENT LIGHT Applicotions: \'ersarilp. nl,rl'i-t'rrrp se firt.rLv i' I'uprrlJr for upltghtlnl rces. huildl g frcil,le5. wclls. lnd spol LLlnrLcg Conrtruction: One-t'rece ;ip, u 1n I0ul,lP!l Rylort PPS \\'irh rot.rt rble shrarLrl (o reauce {ltie. finilh: Color imoregnaretl nraterill in bronze. l'6-mP Inot includ;d):-L:es douhlp i.r-\s rprnflnxl PAR :rl lalrrp up -o Aggrovols: LL Lisred (E1610:S) for LS.\ au.l C:rnl(lit. rpsuict glare.oll aLL sides lthen fronr severai dLrectlons Nole: Lo'! voltJse lightLng i\sreltr colrlpolrellls need to be or(lere'i ..u"rrrelv rlnlrrs auterL. Lo\\' \'oll:rge conll'r'nenrs ln'Lrldc fi\_ i;;i:. ;,;r;i;i;'q "r'i,i.-n*u"ring s:rkps lrnLp; caolPs Lr:rr)j formefs. and c.innectors. ACCENT LIGHTS tr MRI I MICRO ACCENT TIGHT Aoolicolionr: JlicIo srze illlo!ts fist rre to be hidden in planters 'r aiio,iq gtouno cover for spo'liqlrtilrq snlallcr obJects Con:t.-rrciion: DtlrJblr rrs llunllntrllr hortiine \virh.shrouo L\L^' ui"i" "o".tt.""riotl for easy relrnlpins Inclu(Les clear lempere(l glass lens. fini5h: Bronze Powder coilt. L".i I*f "a"J :-or\. rtn tt rr, L'jp fluo'1. Fi\ture user up to J5\\-' Aoorovals: LL Liile'l rEltil0lcr for LS\ 'rnd Canrdr' O WALI TYTER Aooli(oliontl Clam shell style fjrture is Perfect for general walL ii:.!r'rit i ,o creilte silhouetring or shirdo\\ ing effects' Consrr,.r<"lioo: D rr rhL' , asL clulllinllltr h''lsiltq !1_irh et_rudell stert "n,i- i,:-' Spf [irrer. Inc]1t,les rlrol'l'd :lcr]lic lens secureo $'lIrr stainless steel sPring cliPS ii"ili, nr"a rubtetl ierde antiqued over black thermoset powder iii'",".'"r"r, tliti lrmp. Sug;es e'l r''pl:rc{'menr \o lE;li Aoorovols: I LLLste'l Eltil )iS'f^r'LS{ iln'l Cnnade Slock 0Escriplion A@s AND oRDERING DATA 0imension! (ln.) flSilqi;r knsrh ll''','l shps- --a-- 1.0 0.9 :.1 HA0C0 Stock Modsl No.Each 357,45 7 4.OO 64.1s 60.15 Accessories On Poge I113 BPLlti-H 3V84()BCLLGH 3VS41 BL;ll-HL 3V442 c-\tr-G 3vgs7 Lin s-,,rr l 9:1.:13 3:.06 9;1.69 LANDSCAPE ACCENT TIGHTING FIXTURES row VoLTAGE (l2V) TYPES pocing for Pools ' of Light T.T f -(. s Grainger'is easy - Calt, f ax, visit or go ontine @ www'grainger'com GRAINGER 1109 l,Ert'l'Aub . TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.Of.WAY I Ii{II I0l1,l, -THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO tsE SEBVED: ,/-foi G$foix-buao iv6pN t-,7i';3- E;D-€c' ?r"6n'45/1^} n;L' (lf necessary, attaclr description on separate sheet). Corner lot Inside lot D Er yiED fl Esg aret bo wi;; xy w ofr Fil, F*( s ) | N ro R I G H r - o F -w A y : Does structr,rre presently exist? ---- 1l Proposed date for commencement of constr" In consicieration of tlte issuance of a revocabte permit tor t6;siructure abo"e i"dicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. l'ltat the structure herein authorized on a rcvocable permit basis is restncted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is lirnited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. l-hat the applicant shall notify the Projecl Planner and Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, irr order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harnrless lhe Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including wiihout limitation claims arising f rom bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or darnage, or arly other loss of any kind whatsoever, wfrich arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or dantage is caused in whole or in part by, or is clairned to be caused in whole or in pad by, tlte act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his conlraclor or subcontractor or any officer, ernployee or representative of the applicarrt, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any suclt liability, clairns, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs anr.i attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims. or demarrds alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. 5. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant io this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its oflicers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or aclions or causes oi actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or irtjury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of- way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitules a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the riglrt-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroaclrment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient bv the Town of Vail. 6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocalion of said permit. That lhe applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated wilh the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby autlrorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Recording Fee for Revocable Right-of-way Permit is $10.00 and $5.00 for every page therea{ter. Make checks payable to Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Soecial conditions: 7. B. 10. 11. 7Q€'tt1?t//"r 7n Pd nG ilL Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) Department of Public Works PW/FORI\4Si M IS C/ REV OCAB ROW, D OC REVTSED 1/19/2000 Date i i'- -,,if ./L'U APPROVEDI Project P o TOWN OF VAIL AT'PLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OH MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGI{T-Of.WAY ,THIS FOBM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS o |EiN'AB'b TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall LandscaDinq Other - Z n/-,, {'d,'Z /uo/t (* (/lt't c LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SEBVED: -/.toi CfeloCx-sueDrvrsroN- a-/,ft{9!C! ?,"nfa4 <ildl n;L. (lf necessary, attaclr description on separate sheet). Corner lot__ Inside lot o"gf '"o"F:""1:'bwl;;ly?"fr F;ir€M(s)rNroRrGHr'oF-wAY: Does structure presently exist?y'a Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideralion of lhe issuance of a revocable permit for applicant agrees as follows: e s'tructure above indicated. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. That the permit is lirnited specifically to the type o{ structure described in this application. l'hat the applicant shall notify the Project Planner anrl Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of conslrurclion, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. The applicanI agrees to indemnify and hold harnrless the Town of Vail, its officers, enrployees and agents agairrst all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation clairns arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind wlratsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or datlage is caused in whole or in part by, or is clairned to be caused irr whole or in part by, tlre act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his conlractor or subcontraclor or any officer, ernployee or representative of the atr.rplicartt, his contractor or lris subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or clemands at the sole expense of the applicant. T'he applicar rt also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. 1. 2. J. 4. B. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or aclions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, siclewalks, or rights-of- way. 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a uuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the rightof-way by the public, constitutes a traflic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or strurcture exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. 6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. 7.Thal the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment. obstruction. or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as oeneral taxes are collected. 9. That the applicant has read and understands all of the lerms and conditions set fodh in this application. 11. Recording Fee for Revocable Right-ol-way Permit is $10.00 and $5.00 {or every page tlrereafter. Make checks payable to Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Soecial conditions: flt'fc'E/, /rnk/L) nG (L Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) Date Department of Public Works PW/FORMS/MISC/NEVOCABROW,DOC REVISED 1/ 19/2000 10. APPROVEDi, Project P