HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PARCEL D SOLAR CREST COMMON LEGAL'T' ?H&.,:I FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development February 26,1996 WayneandMary Ward Solar Crest Homeowner's Association P.O. Box 3485 Vail, CO 81658 DearWayne andMary: This letter is a follow-up to my phone conversation with Wayne earlier today. Wayne agreed to ag1frToushsawn cedar siding over the top of the existing T-111 siding on the trash dumpster at e agreed to do tlis in the spring and I have extended the deadline for the of the siding to July l,1996. Ifyou have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call at 479'2150. Sincerely,'e4 tZ-L Randy Stouder Town Planner RSdr {2 r"no"o"*", FILE CO 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Deve lopment January 10, 1996 Solar Crest Condominium Assoc!ation O/O Wayne and Mary Ward 1400 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Dear Wayne and l'4ary: This letter is a follow-up to the pllone conversation we had a fe\! weeks ago. The plyurood siding, used on ihe newly instailed trash dumpster enclosure at Solar Crest, is an illegil buiEing mat,erial in the Town of Va!|. The plywood siding must be removed from the enclosure and replaced with solid wood siding no later than the end of January 1996' I apologize for the mis-information that I gave you earlier this month-l told you that the siding replacement could wait until Spring. lVe also discussed tha erosion problem developing at the eastern end of the new parking lot. Please contact Larry Pardee at 479-2198 for advice on how to remedy for this problem. In reviewing the plans for the parking area, I recommended that you make cuts in the curb at regr.rlar intervals so that the drainage would not be allowed to concentrate at the end of the parfing area and flov.r dovrn the hill toward the Post Office. Adding curb cuts is only one solution to the problem that you may want to explore. I am investigating your question regarding property boundaries in relation to the dirt dumping that has occurred across the street. I will let you know when I have completed my Study. Again, I apologize for ihe mis-communication regardirrg the siding on the dumpsler enclosure. Please change out lhe siding as soon as possible. lf you have any questions regarding this matter call me at 479-2150. Sincerely,4w: Randy Stouder Town Planner cc: Larry Pardee {2 *""""^"* oo' Yq0"1 , FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 I i 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX970-4792452 January 22,1996 Department of Community Development /' Solar Crest Cqldominium Association L---cio-$ravng-and Mary ward P.O.Box 3485 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Wayne and Mary: This teter is a follow-up to the phone conversation we had a lew weeks ago- The plywood siding, used on the newly installed trash dumpster enclosure at Solar Crest, is an illegil i:uilding material in the Town of Vail. The plywood siding must be removed trom the enilosure and replaced with sotid wood siding no later than the end of Feruary 1996' I apologize for the mis-information that I gave you earlier this month-l told you that the siding replacement could wait until Spring. We also discussed the erosion problem developing at the eastern end of the new parking lot. Please contact the Town Engineer al479-2158 for advice on how to remedy for this problem. In reviewing the plans for the parking area, I recommended that you make cuts in the curb at regular intervals so that ihe drainage vyould not be allowed to concentrate at the end of the paifing area and flovr down the hill toward the Post Office. Adding curb cuts is only one potential solution to the problem that you may want to explore. I am investigating your question regarding property boundaries in relation to the dirt dumping that has occurred across the street. I will let you know when I have completed my study. Again, I apologize for the mis-communication regarding the siding on the dumpster enclosure. Please change out the siding as soon as possible. Wayne, congratulations on the early season race results-iounds like you did very well. lf you have any questions regarding this matter call me at 479-2150. Sincerely, 724%-4- Randy Stouder Town Planner cc: Greg Hall {S *or"uo r*o (h,nn Review Action |hh TOWN OF VAIL category ruumuf Project Bui Project Description: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot / S-Pp qLor'LProject Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval (starnpprwat Conditions: trw 4 DaEiT 9? Yf DRB Fee Pre-oaid fr tr,4 * , ^ r: ,- ';:-{ 1Uu ,t rri't fr*f " - .)l ,L,i J\tr t/t*'' ' coP y a LEFI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 De parnnent of Cornntuniry Deve loprnent January 20, 1995 Solar Crest Condominium Association G/O Wayne Ward 1400 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Dear Wayne: The staff of the Community Development Department has reviewed your application to construct a parking lot on Lionsridge Loop. We feel that the project is appropriate and should go fonruard with the following conditions. 1. .-/tne ptans for the parking lot and the retaining walls should be stampecl by a certified professional engineer who has analyzed the proposed parking and retaining wall system for stabilily. Please work will Terri Martinez of our Public Works Department at 479-2158 regarding this issue. We cannot final approve your parking plans withoul an engineer's stamp on the drawings. The corner of the trash dumpster enclosure must be located no closer than 5 feet from the edge of asphalt. Additional landscaping will be necessary around the enclosure in the form of shrubs and trees. Please propose a planting plan for the area around the enclosure and indicate the exact location of any existing vegetation. All shrubs must be a minimum size of 5 gallons and trees must be a minimurn of 6 feet tall for evergreens, and 2-inch caliper for deciduous. Please contact me directly to discuss this issue further. The enclosure for the trash dumpster is acceptable as proposed with the exception that we feel that fulllength doors should be added to the front of the enclosure. A gap of 4 to 6 inchlt could be left under the doors so that ti ,-. swing more easily in snowy conditions. Plywood cannot be used as a final exterior finish material on the enclosure. Solid wood siding must be nailed ov' any kind of plywood used in the construction of the enclosure. The dimensions of the enclosure should be no larger than what is necessary to house the dumpster, and the doors cannot swing into the roadway. The dumpster enclosure should be constructed without a roof. The color of the dumpster enclosure should match the color on the existing Solar Crest buildings. 2. Mr. Ward January 20, 1995 Page Two 3. Adding additional light standards similar to the small landscape lights that you have currently is acceptable. I would recommend placing three to four lights strategically along the south edge of the parking lot. Only two are currently proposed. 4. We would prefer a wider planting bench between the two dry stack walls. We typically require a 4 foot-wide bench measured from the lower face of the upper wall to the upper back side of the lower wall. Can this be accommodated with the space available on the property? Plant material should be proposed between the two retaining walls. Consult with your engineer on this matter. Once we have resolved the issues stated above, we will complete the revocable right-of-way permit and issue you final design review approval. I look forward to meeting with you next Monday at 9:00 a.m. so we can resolve these last few minor issues. Sincerely,'4Jr5{-L Bandy Stouder Town Planner F IL E COPY Allison Lassoe agreed with the proposed changes to Chapter 18.71 and Chapter 18.57. She did not have a problem with the potential applicants who may request setback variances in conjunction with their request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Mike Mollica pointed out that the major change would be to the Type I employee housing units, Greg Amsden questioned whether PEC review of all future 250 requests was necessary. Bill Anderson felt that unless there was something "variance wise" to go along with the 250, that bringing 250 requests routinely belore the PEC was adding a step and making the process more bureaucratic. Mike Mollica stated that by having the 250 available for employee housing, the Town was creating an incentive to property owners to build employee housing units. Greg Amsden felt that possibly the whole GRFA concept should be reevaluated and possibly eliminated from the Zoning Code. He stated that he has never fully understood the relationship between lot size square footage and allowed GRFA. Mike Mollica stated that the Town Council had looked at modifying the GRFA section of the Zoning Code in 1991 and that they had decided not to eliminate the GRFA requirement. Bob Armour felt that the 250 should be allowed only for Type I, Type ll and Type V employee housing units and in general, agreed with the staff's position. Bill Anderson agreed with the staff memorandum and had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with the staff memorandum. She stated that she was one of the people who years ago wanted the 250 to be completely eliminated from the Zoning Code because it was contrary to the original intent. She supported going foruard with the proposed texts amendments as outlined in the staff memo but wondered what to do with properties which had very unusual circumstances. Greg Amsden stated that he would like the staff to conduct additional research inio the possibility of eliminating the potential for a demoirebuild in conjunction with lhe 250 reouest. 2. A request for a parking variance to allow for required parking to be located off-site for the Solar Crest Condominiums located at 1400 Lionsridge Loop/Solar Crest Condominiums. Applicant: Solar Crest Condominium Association, represented by Wayne Ward Planner: . Randy Stouder WITHDRAWN Plannlng snd Envlronmontel Commisslon Usollng Nlnulss January 23, 1995 7 tTO: MIKE bt/ McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to ,MNDY STOUDER Town Planner .PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION fu*&ot 'n'r-DATE OF PUBLIC HEARI tBY: ll /4 OF THE PROPOSAL: fi/"" C,ilf - 1@ Lt'^t/'**( Comments: .{q fi!i$tokl*.., b..,rd \ 'l ,.oce \o \\€ 'bu\r.\€(,i* .| 1/' :w-,a srira u{^\Y-ural to u{3s\ "*o;; Q(osJt{ tL ccc\r\crl J\c^'(: C*gt sde) %e( \'.,o\\ &.'v{n .or' "-tt., occo'rrt +'cri'c'\cdistz @o. u!a\\ dcs\gf\ <vrorrd tr,|*e+;\t rcF\eq \o o.drc.5 or o\c.rxr\\ o" G1illa "s"* ' d/z.G4 r^ceo "tr laQr'ur'-e')" Engineering: Reviewed by: 6,eq/ Terri Datc: t.l , /q4 Landscaping: Reviewed by:Dale: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Gommcnls: Dale: Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landscaping on DATE SUBMITTED: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Relurn to INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW \ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING .MNDY STOUDER Town Planner COMMENTS NEEDED BY: A/q BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Landscaping: Date: Datc: a a-fDalc: /u'L I ftoa /^hA f-)., IL-lbr(c-i.|o--5 l./ MIKE McGE (n haurqlf bry ^ J4^ Anr/ h*nj , [imrfruaf ,*, fahtr /"f a 7z/ pr'u 14 Af /f(ffJ>. d Engincering: Reviewed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dcpt.: Reviewed by: Commcnls: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: tOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDIVTSION STREET ADDRESS, ,/,/O0 /tslry ,a-tOae Leop The forrowing informaLion is required for submiLLal to the oesign Review Board before a final approval can be given: NAME OF PRO.]ECT: A. BUIIJDING T,IATERIALS: Roof Siding OLher Wall Mat.erials Fascia Sof f i t,s Windo'drs Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret.aining WalIs Exterior Light,ing OEher I,TST OF MATERIATS TYPE OF I,IATERIAT COLOR , A-ooat fpltue\*/*r<i et,rt7-,,^tG 45un,a }eo*s /o lt,+r<tt airtsrt,t<-' 272uarvAz (-) Designer: Phone: tr ts T/*t 9 !7-a-,-<. rr:E € i7ltue\ )oz-r D 7*rt rt B. LANDSCAPING:Name of wPLANT MATERTALS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Sooo- *IndicaEe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate rrffis rt- Common Nqme Lrees ,**Indicat,e size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon.Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare FooLaqe GROT'ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON COI{:IROL c. LANDSCAPE LrcI{TrNc: rf exLerior righting is proposed, pleaseshow t.he number of fixtures and locaE,ions on a separat.elight.ing pran. rdentify each fixture from the righting pranin the space below and provide t.he hei-ght above giade, -cype ofliqht' proposed, rumen out.put,, luminous area and a cuu sneet ofthe Iight f i.xr.ure. (Secrion 1g . 54 . 050 J) BoLanicaL Name Ouantitv Size* 2J D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, et,c - ) please specify. rndicat.e heiqhts of ret.aininiwalls- Maximum height of wa1ls within the fronE. seEback ii3'. Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on t.he propert.y is 6, TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTITENT OF OOXIIUNITY DEI/EI)TMENT AIX'RESIS iG.5E PR,OJECT 01 0000 4l 0rmni042332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0nn04l4I2 01 OOOO41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE IGN REVIEW BO 01 OOOO4237I .INTVESTICATION FEE (BUILDING 31 0000 45110 01 0000 4237r BUI LDING II.IVESTIGATI ON PMENTDISTRICT 01 0m0 41330 0l 0000 41330 CASHI 1.r.,+r ilSi *'" ulSD- coPyF'1. t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479 -2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 I FAX 303-479-2452 November 2. 1994 Deparnnent of Communiry Deve lopment Mr. Wayne Ward Solar Crest Condo Association P.O. Box 2933 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Proposed installation of parking at 1400 Lionsridge Loop Dear Wayne: I have completed the initial review of your request to install a parking lot along Lionsridge Loop. The following items and issues should be addressed betore we can schedule your application lor a meeting with the Design Review Board (DRB). 1. The project strelches onto an adjacent parcel of land that is apparently owned by the Post Office (Lionsridge Subdivision,3rd Filing, Block 1, Lot 1). Has Solar Crest purchased this property? You must supply proof of ownership in the form of title verification of ownership for the piece ol land in question. lf Solar Crest does not own lhe parcel, then you must produce a legally recorded parking easement agreement lor the area where you are proposing improvements. 2. The Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) zone district does not allow parking in the front setback without approval of a variance by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The variance process would precede DRB action on your proposal. Please contact me to discuss this issue further and to obtain help completing a variance application. I have attached a PEC submission and meeting date schedule, a variance application and the section of our Code pertaining to variances. 3. The retaining wall notation on the plan is unclear. What is the speckled area in front of the rectangles? ls this a concrete pad? ls all necessary grading shown? Please confirm that all retaining walls are less than 3 feet high. Multi- tiered retaining walls must have a 4 feet wide, nearly flat, planting area between the back of the lower wall and the front of the upper wall. 4. A curlc is recommended in place ol curb stops. The curb should extend along lhe entire southeast edge of the parking lot. 5. Please supply details on the type of lighting lixtures contemplated. I believe two new light fixtures are proposed. These lixtures must comply with the Town's lighting ordinance. Mr. Ward November 2, 1994 Page Two 6. The garbage enclosure should be equipped with fullJength swinging doors to conceal the dumpster from view. Also, please consider adding a rool to the plan. Please complete the attached materials list for both the dumpster enclosure and the retaining walls. 7. Landscaping may be required if existing plant materials are not sufficient to screen the parking area from adjacent houses. 8. The parking lot must be paved, plowed, repaired and maintained. What provisions have been made Jor maintenance ol the lot once it is constructed? A revokable rightotway permit must be executed for all improvements located within the road right-of-way. This would include the dumpster enclosure and the parking lot itselt. I have enclosed a copy ol this permit for your review. 9. A question I must ask. Can some or all of the parking be accommodated on your proPertY? 10. The current parking requirement lor a development such as yours is twelve spaces and you are providing eleven spaces. Can one more space be accommodaled? Your proposal lo construct a permanent parking lot is delinitely positive. Please call me to clarify the informational requests and potential issues noted above. Sincerely,{46J* Randy Stouder Town Planner t RECEIIT Tbe To*a ofVail oor, /.-' -4 - ,1 l9__ RECETVED A.DDRESS /i''/s 5{ HOW PND-Cash-Check -it=r--.j?-l z=F u* E: i-4 i =-a* i : i**n.= i;: ;-| ll l: -:'i;i ' r'r;:: :; ir: I : ': :...,,, ..,:, i.;, r ::: : :: ... .. ,u ! ,-,.-.. .-, : ': ,1. :. -...-:. ::ri; i!-. i::';' i::','i':,': ::llia'' ii::':r- ir ;;'i,:::,-irr 'i. '. i:: ,':i:i ! r:! l l'r=iit ?1|t i_.: : ai:,;iii,::t i l::iiii:1il:ri ', I '.,,,: :':',,' 1-1:; i': i-;-:i: : .':' ir . i i::' +t:l!i-i-i:. F= i = ':,::-::: l:::-i ',:r , iilj -I-H=;{i-{i.; r-';GE-! ;,r .,i'.ra -: j:.; -': ',:' I i:: i:f; i:'it' /- ,/.aoPe-tzv 6F ltar*r Ft?z-tec9 + F*at Canoo . Atl, /u:r (^t+f *G up FeP i--'t l l""1 1 i ,l ''l/tre )hqv'+aJt 'L-.Vt+Te-*1tu7 I 1lil't II il :l.t ;lal il .II ti :l:l i il Iil :i i ?1" i I ilflJ tl I : ' ii ;l li !irl I iiil ,i I LI,l 't Iifl,i i, l1 I lt.i I i.i i 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 io3-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 t 39 FAX 303-479-2452 November 2, 1994 Department of Community Development The proiect stretches onto an adiacent parcel ol land that is apparently owned by the Post Office (Lionsridge Subdivision, 3rd Filing, Block 1' Lot 1). Has Solar Crest purchased this property? You must supply proof of ownership in the torm ol title veritication of ownership tor the piece of land in question. lf Solar Crest does not own the parCel, then you must produce a legally recorded parking easement agreement for the area where you are proposing improvements. The Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) zone district does not allow parking in the front setback withoul approval ot a variance by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). The variance process would precede DRB action on your proposal. Please contact me to discuss this issue lurther and to obtain help completing a variance application. I have attached a PEC submission and meeting date schedule, a variance application and the section of our Code pertaining to variances. The retaining wall notation on the plan is unclear. What is the speckled area in front ol the rectangles? ls this a concrete pad? ls all necessary grading shown? Please confirm that all retaining walls are less than 3 feet high. Multi- tiered retaining walls must have a 4 feet wide, nearly flat, planting area between the back ol the lower wall and the tront ol the upper wall. A cub is recommended in ptace of curb stops. The curb should extend along the entire southeast edge of the parking lot. Please supply details on the type of lighting fixtures contemplated. I believe two new light fixtures are proposed. These tixtures must comply with the Town's lighting ordinance. Mr. Wayne Ward Solar Crest Condo Association I P.O. Box 2933 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Proposed installation of parking at 1400 Lionsridge Loop Dear Wayne: I have completed the initial review ol your request to install a parking lot along Lionsridge Loop. The following items and issues should be addressed before we can schedule your application for a meeting with the Design Review Board (DRB). fi'+ I4o? f& &.& lJ lir,,'( ,luu Mr. Ward November 2, 1994 Page Two F The garbage enclosure should be equipped with full-length swinging doors to conceal the dumpster from view. Also, please consider adding a roof to the O K- plan. Please complete the attached materials list for both the dumpster enclosure and the retaining walls. Landscaping may be required il existing plant materials are not sutficient to screen the parking area from adiacent houses. The parking lot must be paved, plowed, repaired and maintained. What provisions have been made for maintenance of the lot once it is constructed? A revokable right-of-way permit must be executed for all improvements located within the road right-of-way. This would include the dumpster enclosure ancl the parking lot itself. I have enclosed a copy of this permit for your review. 9. A question I must ask. Can some or all of the parking be accommodated on €r"u^ Your ProPertY? The current parking requirement for a development such as yours is twelve spaces and you are providing eleven spaces. Can one more space be accommodated? Your proposal to construct a permanent parking lot is delinitely positive. Please call me to clarify the informational reguests and potential issues noted above. z4aF-f olt' Sincerely,{4 Flandy Stouder Town Planner t ZONING Chapters:1t.56 Environmental Impact Reports 18.57 Employee Housing18.58 Supplemental Regulations18.60 Conditional Use Permits18.62 Variances18.64 Nonconforming Sites' Uses, Structures and Site Improvements f 8.66 Administration 18.67 Vested Property Rights18.68 Annexed Areas1t.69 Hazard RegulationsLE.1l Additional Gross Residential Floor Area 18.73 View Corridors (vdl9-29-92) 3m l:UPDATED 4l2L/94 Tirle 18 ZONINGl Chapters:18.02 General Provisions18.04 Definitions18.06 Districts Established18.08 Zoning Map18.09 Hillside Residential (HR) District18.10 Single-family (SFR) District18.12 Two.family Residential (R) District18.13 Primary/Secondary Residential District18.14 Residential Cluster (RC) District18.15 Low-Density Multiple.family (LDMF)District18.18 Medium-Density Multiple-family (MDMF)District18.20 High-Density Multiple-family (HDMF) District 18.22 Public Accommodation (PA) District18.24 Commercial Core 1 (CCl) District18.26 Commercial Core 2 (CC2) District18.27 Commercial Core 3 (CC3) District18.28 Commercial Service Center (CSC) District18.29 Arterial Business District18.30 Heavy Service (HS) District18.32 Agricultural and Open Space (A) District 1E.34 Parking (P) District18.36 Public Use (PUD) District18.38 Greenbelt and Natural Open Space (GNOS) District18.39 Ski BasdRecreation District 18.40 Special Development Districts -- 18.52 -,--Off*treet Parking.-and Loading -18.54 Design Review NOTE Foonotcs rrc aumbepd Orroughort thc rext urd ere locetcd rt tbe end of 0ris tirlc. 29 (vril 9.29.92) ?VARIANCES 18.60.090 Conflicting provisions. In addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pumuant to this chapter, a conditional use shall also be subject to ail other procedures, permits, and requirements of this and other applicable ordinances and regulations of the town. In event of any conflict between the provisions of a conditional use permit and any other permit or requirement, the more resffictive provision shall prevail. (ord. 8(1973) $ 18.900.) Chapter 18.62 VARIANCES Sections: 1t.52.010 Purpose. 1t.62.020 Application-Information required. 1t.62.030 Fee. 1t.62.040 Hearing. 1t.62.050 Planning commission action. 18.62.060 Criteria and findings. 1t.52.070 Appeal to the town council. lt.62.0t0 Permit approval and effect. 1t.52.090 Related permits and requirements. f8.62.010 Purpose. A. In order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be grurted. A practical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or traffic condi- tions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the _l 479 (vail 4-7-92) ? ZONING applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, useable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of Chapter 18.52, governing physical development on a site. C. The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by Chapter 18.60, conditional use permits, and by Sections 18.66.100 through I 8.66. I 60, amendments. (ord. 8(r973) $ 19.100.) 18.62.020 Application-Information required. Application for a variance shall be made upon a form provided by the zoning administrator. The application shall be supported by documents, maps, plans, and other material containing the following information : A. Name and address of the owner and/or applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner; B. Legal description, street address, and other identifying data concerning the site; c. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title that would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation; D. A site plan showing all existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary' pertinent to the variance requested, including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights, topography and physical features, and similar data; (Vail 4-7-92) 480 t VARIA}ICES E. Such additional material as the zoning administrator may prescribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the applicarion urd to the findings prerequisite to ttre issuance of a variance as prescribed in Section 18.62.060; F. A list of the owner or owners of record of the properties adjacent to the subject property which is subject of the hearing. Provided however, notification of owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent, or the registered agent of the condominium project, or any member of the board of directors of a condominium association. The list of owners, muaging agent, registered agent or members of the board of directors, as appropriate, shall include the names of the individuals, their mailing addresses, and the general descriprion of the property owned or managed by each. Accompanying the list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each individual or agent to be notified to be used for the mailing of the notice of heuing. it will be the applicant's responsibility to provide this information and stamped, addressed envelopes. Notice to the adjacent propeny ownen shall be mailed first class postage prepaid. (Ord. a9(1991) $ 2: Ord.50(1978) $ 1s(pan): Ord. 30(1978) $ 2: Ord. 8(1973) $ 19.200.) 18.62.030 Fee. The town council shall set a variance fee schedule sufficient to cover the cost of town staff time and other expenses incidental to the review of the application. The fee shall be paid at the time of apptication, and shall not be retundable. (Ord. 8(i973) $ 19.300.) 18.62.040 Hearing. Upon receipt of a variance application, the planning commission shall set a date for hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.070. Notice shall be given, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Sections 18.66.080 and 18.66.090. (ord. 8(1973) $ 19.400.) 481 (vdl a-7-92) ? ZONING 18.62.050 Planningcommission action. Within twenty days of the closing of a public hearing on a variance application, the planning cunrnrission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title. or the comnrission nray deny the application. A variance may be revocable. may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subiect to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. (Ord. 8(1973) S l 9.500. ) 18.62.060 Criteria and findings. A. Before acting on a variance application, the planning commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity; 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatability and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege; 3. The effect of the requested variance on light attd air, distribution of population, transportation and traf{ic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety; 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The planning commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district:2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health. safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; (Vail 4-7-92) when the aPProval (le?s) $ s(c).) 482 Dgcomgs rrrr4r' \\'., r\''' r v Nail a'7-92) 2oxnqc 18.62.090 Related permits and requirements. ln addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter, any site or use subject to a variance perrnit shall also be subject to all other procedures, permits, and iequirements of this and other applicable chapten and regulations of the town. ln event of any conflict between the provisions of a variance permit and other permit or iequirement, the more restrictive provision shall prevail' (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1e.900.) I I \ Ctrapter 18.64 NONCOI-IFORMING SITES, USES, STRUCTURES AND SITE MPROVEMENTS Sections: 18.#.010 Purpose. 18.64.020 C.ontinuance. 18.64.030 Sites. 18.64.040 Uses. 18.64.050 Structures and site improvement. 18.64.060 Maintenance and repairs, 18.64.070 Discontinuance. 18.64.080 Change of use. 18.64.090 Restoration. 18.64.010 Purpose. This chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting or limiting (vsil 4t-92) 4U rEvl s eal G. F. 7 / L4/94 DESIGN REVTEW ZONING: NAME OF Meil inn -/ Minor Alteration ConcepLual Review BOARD APPI.,ICATION - TOT{N OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** T ********** DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) ($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI Block /e"rr-( d Subdivision 1,.'t>ui rrr./. If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet and aLLachLo this applicaLion. Er Lbrq € APyLJ-SAN I : ,@a *r- Ur.c'-f -L -d^^t CrF-ddress:6s^ 2939 V+t u ( ,a. Phone {7G -7 13.- APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE I. Condominium Approval if PROCESSED WTTHOUT ONn{ER' S SIGNATURE FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: 4A-INNVE CU*&Di'lai^ing F-<iciress , O, ,n O .,6;6 ]I . NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address t7a -,3 ^ ^ 2-A 3 7 Phone apprj-cabre -Tcu Arrc., ccclul t LC .I . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at thetime of submiLLal of the DRB applibaLion. Later, whenapplying for a building permi-t, please identify the accuraLevaluation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wiII adjust. thefee accordl-ng to the Lable below, Eo ensure the correct feeis paid. i ,.\, r^t - '-N l' \ r.se paro: s .-Jc - cHBcK *: I 13l oaru: lcltclQ4Byr)n FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION + \,,/ - + J-U. U\JU$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0.001 - $ 500.000 $s00, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over $1, 000.000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI. APPROVAI I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTIONrS STARTED. Ir. A pre-applicaLion meeting with a member of the planning sLaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsj-bitity to make an appointment r.oTith the staff to determine if there are additional submitLal reguirements.Please note that a coMPr-,ETE application will streamline the revi-ew process for your project.. IIL TMPORTAIflT NOTICE REGARDTNG ALL SUBMTSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to meeLing submittal requirements, theapplicanL must stake and tape the project site Lo indicaLe property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All Lrees to be removed musL be taped. A11site tapings and staking musE be completed prior to the DRB site visit. ?he applicant must. ensure thaL stakingr The review process fortwo separate meetingsconceptual review and NEW BUILDINGS normally requof the Design Review Board: aa final review. D. c. F, Applicant.s who fail to appear before the Design Revie\^/ Board on their scheduled meeLing date and who have not asked in advance t.hat. discussion on their iLem bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following iLems may, at the discretion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by Lhe CommunityDevelopment Department sLaff (i.e, a formal hearingbefore the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do nol alLer Lhe existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. At the time such a proposal is submitLed, applicants must include leE.ters fromadjacent property owners and/or from the agent. foror manager of any adjacent condominium associaLionstaLing the association approves of t.he addition. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow.wetland, etc. ) . a hazard study must be submit.ted andthe owner must sign an affidavj.t recognizing Lhe hazardreporL prior Lo Lhe issuance of a buildi-ng permiL. Applicant.s are encouraged Eo check with a Town Plannerpri:or to DRB appli-cation to determine the relationshipof Lhe property to all mapped hazards. For aIl residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans Lhe insideface of the exterior structural wal1s of Lhe hrri I di nrr' :ndvurrsfrrlj, ul. b. rndlcate w1 th a dashed line on t,he si-te plan afour foot di-stance from the exterior face of Lhebuildinq wal1s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application wiLh conditions ormodifications, aII conditions of approval must be addressed pri-or to Lhe application for a buildingf permr t . G, t 1-I7a 4v.I NEw coNsrt ,.l A. Three copj,es of a recent topoqraphic survey, stamped bya Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scaleof l-" = 20' or larger, on which the followinginformation is orovided: 1-. Lot area, and buildable area when different t.hanlot area, 2. Legal description and physical address. ' 3. Tvro f oot contour intervals .unless Lhe parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour inLervals may be accepted. 4. Existing Lrees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of. 4" or more, as measured from a. poinL one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and oLher significanL naturalfeatures (large boulders, intermittent. streElms, eLc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, eLc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek or stream setback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. slopes of 40% or more shall be . clearly delineated by cross hatching. 7. Ties to exisLing benchmark, eit.her USGS Landmarkor sewer invert. this information must. be clearlystated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same sLarting point. This isparticularly important for determining buildingheight and driveway slope. See Policy On SurveyInformation, for more information regrarding surveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Size and t.Irce of drainage culverts, swales, ^+^ b. Exact locaLion of existing utility servicelines from ttreir source to the structure, includinq: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone water Efectric c. AII uLility meler locations, including anypedestals to be located on site. or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property lines - dislances and bearings and abasis of beaz'inq. e. Indicate aII easements identified on Lhesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevations at Lhe edge of asphalt,along the street frontage of the property attwenty-ti-ve foot intervals (25'\, and a minimum ofone spot elevat.ion on eiLher side of Lhe lot. B . Si t.e Ptan 1. L,ocaLions of the followinq must be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainaqe on and off sit.e. t and spot elevations aL the propert.y line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of the drive Eo accuratelv reflectdriveway grade . d. A 4' concreLe drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit t.he street inan uphi11 direction. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas,walks, drlveways, off-streeL parkinq, Ioadingareas, retaining waIls (with top and botLom ofwal"f spot elevatj-ons) , and ot.her exist.ing .sit.eimprovements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heighLselevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves whendetermined necessary by the zoning administrator,sha1l be j-ndicated on the site plan with exisE.ing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C. Landscape Plan (tn - 20' or farger) - 3 copies reguired 1-. At a minimum, the following informaLion must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. Location of exist.ins Lrees 4r' diameter orlarger, b. Type, size and location of all existing andproposed plant material, c. Location of all trees to be transpl_anLed, d. A detailed legend of all proposed plant maLerial includinq common and Latin names. 2. The localion and Lype of exisLing and proposedwateri-ng syslems Lo be employed in caring forplant materj.al following its installation. 3. Existing and proposed contour 1ines. Retainingwalls shouLd be included with the contourinformation with top of waLl and bottom of wa1lelevaLions listed. 4. Complete Lhe aLtached landscape materials list. D. Siqn off from each uLiIiLv companv verifying LheIocation of uriliLy service and availability (see attached utiliLy verificaLion form) . E. A nrel iminar.' tiI l6 r6n.\ rf cChedUle A and B mUSL accompany all submi.ttals, to insure property ownershipand idencify all easements affecting the subject r'1 r-a'\n 6 ?- l- 1t F. ArchitecLural Plans (L/8,' - I' or larger, L/4" t-spreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed developmenL drawn to scale and fully dimensioned.The elevation drawings must show both existing andfinished qrades. 2. One seL of floor plans must be ,'red-lined" to showhow the gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) wascalcula ted. 3. Exlerior materials and colors shall be specifiedon the attached materials list. This materialslisL musL be completed and submitted as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding samplesetc., sha11 be presented at the Design Review ta meetins. Details i.r"r.tn, but not timitedto fascia, trim, railings, ehimney cap, meterlocations, etc. must be shown graphically andfully dimensioned. c. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if theprojecL is located within the Single-Family,Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districLs. H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adj acent struct,ures . I. The Zoning Administrator anat/or DRB may require thesubmission of addiEional p1ans, drawings,specificati.ons, samples and other materials'(includinga model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aprojecE will comply with Design Guidelines. v. MrNoR AT,TERATIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUIT.DTNGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redeveloprnent.proposal and the location (site plan) of the redeveloprnentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set. forth above, provided all importantspecificat,ions for tbe proposal including colors and'maLerials eo be used are submit,ted. VI . ADDTTIONS - RESIDENTTAI., OR COMMERCIAI, A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three seEs of proposed floor plans L/8" = t' or larger(t/4" - 7' is preferred) c. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. IndicaLe roof ridge elevationswith exist.ing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E . Phot.os of the exis Ling s Lruclure. F. Specifications for aLl- materials and color samples onmaLerials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning administrator you may a].so berequired to submit: c. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See at.t.ached utilityl-ocat.ion verif icati.on form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by reEisteredColorado Prof essional L,,icensed.'surveyor, I. A preliminary tirle reporL, Lo verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easemenLs. VII. FINAL SITE PITAN Once a burldrng permi.E has been issued, and consLruction isunderway, and before the Buj-1ding Department. will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Locati-oncerLificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer musE be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest benth of a foot. )ArI UE ]-Il_EV ServlCematerial uied, and linesize as-builtstrr"nand exact locaLion Eype ofof lines. Basis of bearing Lo Lie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. AIl easements, Garage slab elevations and a1l roof ridge elevationswith existinq and proposed grades shown under the ridgre1ines. VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW A. Submit.t.al recruirement,s: The owner or authorized agenLof any proj ect requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board Lo Lhe DepartmenE of eommuniLy Development., The eoneepEual review isintended to gi,ve the applicant a basic understanding oft.he compatibility of Lheir proposal wiLh the Town'sDesign Guidelines. This procedure j-s recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-family and two- family residences. However, developersof single-fami-Iy and two-fam11y projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. CompteLe applications musL be submitted 1-0 working days prior Lo a scheduled DRB meeting. The following informaLion sha11 be submitLed for aconceptual review: 1. A concepLual site and l-andscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feeL; 2. ConcepLual elevations showing exterior materi-als'and a descript.ion of the character of the proposedsLrucLure or s Lruc tures ; 3. Suf f i-cient information to show the proposalcomplles wiLh the development standards of thezone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, si-te coverage calcul_at.ions,number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB appli-cation form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an applicat.ion forconceptual des:-gn review, the Department of Community DeveLopment sha11 review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning cocie. If t.he proposal is in basiccompliance wit.h the zoning code requirements, theproject sha11 be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials sha11 be returnedto the applicanL with a written explanation as to whythe Community DeveLopment Department staff has foundthe projecl noL Lo be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB sha1l review the submitted concepLualreview application and supporting material in order todetermi-ne whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not voLe onconcepLual- revi-ews. The property owner or hisrepresentatr.ve shal1 be present at the DRB hearing. D. G. I,IST OF UATERIAI,S NAME OF PRO,JECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BI-,OCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following informat.ion is required for submiteal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUII,DING ITTATERTALS: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sof f i t.s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F1ues Flashings ,.r r- i -- ^..^\r rr rrlurgy -' Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior Lightinq Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer:phone: COL,OR .,"*.t"Botanical Name nrraril- i |-1r Qi -r6* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *IndicaLe cali-per f or deciduous trees. Minimum cal-i-per f ordeci-duous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feeL,**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qallon. -S.Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior Iighti-ng is proposed, pl-ease show the number of f j-xtures and locations on a separateIighlinq p1an. fder:Lify each fixture from the lighLing planin the space below and provide the height above grade, type ofl1qht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet oflhe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools. etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaj-ningwalls. Maximum heiqht of wa1ls within the front setback is3'. Maximum hei.ght of wa1ls elsewhere on the property i-s 6' D. I SUBDTVISION JOB NAME L,OT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utitities, whethertrunk lines or proposed 1ines, must be approved andfollowing utilities for the accompanying sit,e plan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. wesE Communications1-800-922-t987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -578L Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Ted Husky,/Michael IJaverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949 - 5530 SLeve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water& Sanitation District. * 47 6 -7 480Fred Haslee This form is to verifylocation. This shouldpreparing your utilit.yinst.allations. service availability andbe used in conjuncti.on withplan and scheduling they be mainverified by the Date NOTE: 2. For any new const.ructi-on proposal, t.he applicant must provide a completed ut.ilit.y verification form. 3. If a utiliEy company has concerns with the proposedconsLruction, the utility representative should not.direcLly on Lhe utility verification form thaE thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter Lo the Town of vai1. However, please keep inmind that it is the responsibility of t.he uLility company to resolve identified problems. 4. If the utility verificat.ion form has signaEures from each of the uti-Lity companies, and no cornments are made directly on the form, the Town will presumethat there are no problems and Lhat Lhe developmentcan proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a sE,reet cut permit from Ehe Town of Vail, DepartmenE of Public worksand Lo obtain utilitv locations before diqqincr in. any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVar-I. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit.. A street cut permit musL be obtained separately. 6. Inst.allaE.ion of service lines are at the expense andresponsibilit.y of the property owner. * Please bring a siEe plan, floor p1an, and elevations whenobLaining Upper Eagle Vatley Water & SaniEation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. ZONE CHECK FOR ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE PHONE PHONE BUILDABLE LOT AREA Existinq Proposed ToLaIAllowed (30) (33)Height ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks + 425 + 425 Front Sldes Rear 20, t_5, 1,5' Si te Coverage Landscapi-ng Retaining Wal1 Parking Heights 3,/A' Reqrd 4) WeLlands View Corridor Encroachmenl: Yes EncI caraqe Credit Tlr r lta . (3oo) (6oo) (9oo) (1200) PermitLed Slope % Proposed No(-r'\mit] i oc r^ri Fh 'F n \7 T i -h I' i n- r\rn j,,* -., - ..J. v . LrgttLl-rrg ur q-Lnancg Yes WaLer Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES NO EnvlronmenLal/Hazards :1) Flood Pl-ain 2) Percent Slope (< > 30%) 3) Geoloqic Hazards a ) snow AvaLancheb) Rockfaltc) Debris Flow No : - ----.. --l!/v!:D urrJ.D rsqugsL lttvrJrve d /,)v Aqul L-LOnJ How much of the alLowed 250 Addition is used with this Previous conditions of approval (check property file) : request? 10 rto 3.LM. FILING NO.2 TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDABY UONS RIDGE FTLING NO. 3 A RESUBDIVISION OF PARCELS B,C,E, A PART OF D, UOf{'S RIDGE FILING 2 qs'n?TRACT A ".ry \f Flrllrl-v, ]dlrlU' lrl2J -ok- t9i ;"9 {,P tF \----^Ll-\\_- \3'(ll v \" .\\s* \\s' X>"\J-$.\(4*IY\ .-.d* \!-\ \*:\ \.\ a \s a"-. cs \J *,s **ct II. rewised l'Orrrrrt This procedurevariance. Theinformation is I. T/rrr FoR A \rARreNcE ruy .tuli{ly/, tJty,OEp[ for any project requesting awill not be accepted until aLl, Application PEC MEETING 'Ft'*.' Datd' DAIE otc z_Z.llgl_ at-* t- b -?ZaA. NAME OF }.PP\rCIxttT )az,Ea. lle+€r C-p*'>o . ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF owNER (S) ADDRESS LOCATION OF BLOCK APPLTCATTON is requiredapplication '.submitted. PROPOS FILING Z. B. PHoNE c/7G - 7r3 { APPLI uoNr. 4) b'- 7/"a.(A) OWNER(S) (ty Pr jn|u) LIJA V^JZ- Zu 4/1,1) SIGNATURE (S) PHONE c. D. ADDRESS FEE s250.00 P THE FEE MUST BE Stamped, addreall property a PROPERTY BEHI names and mai RESPONSIBLE F ESCRIPTION: LOT ck+ jacent to the subject pr AND ACROSS STREETS, and F' AID BEFORE THE C ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL CCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. ed envelopes of the n s of owners ofrty INCLUDINGlist of thei-r1ng addresses. THE AppLI WILL BER CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. A pre-apprication/ conference with a planning staff member i-sstrongly suggested to determine if any additionaLinformation is needed. No application will- be acceptedunless it is complet.e (must include all- i_tems recrrr i rcri hrrthe zoning administrator). It is the appficani;responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THEAPPROVAL PROCESS TONEUN-PNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBEROF CONDIT]ONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNTNG ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STTPIIT,ATE !T.I.CONDIT]ONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLTED WITH BEFGE ABUiLDING -,ERMIT ].S TSSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THEVARTANCE REOUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THESTATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The reLationship of the requested variance toother existing or potent ial uses and structures inthe vicinity. ' S REPRESE ,^2' trr'*.::"::i:i,ifi'ril:il:H"ir'ri""" ' specifi-ed regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment amonglsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title withouL grant of special priviJ.ege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies wj-th VaiI's Comprehensive Pl-an. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least 1t = 20t stanped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of all existingimprovements, including grades and elevations. Otherelements which must be shown are parki-ng and loadingareas, ingress and egress, Iandscaped areas and utilityand drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least ttt = 2Q' showingexisting and proposed buildings. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preli-minary title report to verify ownership andeasenents. If the proposal is located in a mutti-famllydevelopment which has a honeowners' associatj-on, thenwr.itten approval from the association in support of theproject must abe recej-ved by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoni-ng administrator. For interior modifications, an improvenent. survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. rV. TIME REQUTREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accornpanying material (asdescribed above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the pEC public hearing.No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submlttal date. All PEC approved varj_ances shall lapse if constructionis not conmenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. ff this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town oiVai1, the application fee shall he inercaseci trrr9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot iinited to: Colorado Department of Hj-ghway AccessPermj.ts, Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shalt be responsibfe for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50% of theapplication fee. If , at the appli_cant.'s request r dtrymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appJ.icant. B. D. E. A. A.v. B. c *:i:it"; "o;:T:o"?Lri: "*ru!):"I:i3oil3:'.,other issues which may have a significant impact on thecommunity may require review by consultants other thattown staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consul-t,ant is needed Lo reviewany application, Community Development may hire anoutside consultant, it shall estimate Lhe amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timehe files his application lrith the Community Devel-opmentDepartment. Upon compfetion of the review of theapplication by tbe consultanL, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment of theconsultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. o 12-21-94 l, Whitney Grundtisch manager of Solar Grest Gondominiums, assure you that all of the ownerc of our complex have reviewed the plans for our parking lot and are in agreement. .\ rf\"erety,, ,1K*^o{*z-Whitney Grundtisch no'r)," ti t)V,nr? tq/\Y d) ir'! ill r$ {rll Altir U {1, $)\\r^ r d)s :> :Il il. 0) ttr tjl {t=-.rl r't0,4.)^ \9'\t U Nf) ftgi {} i\ ui >h # '"{ t'..J fi +llg t{ Jut :F-tr- IS Id'.{ \\t\\4'b 'q\ $;$ Gro\ $r\s Y.rl -fl$a ill tl lj ,j, \J :.-,} ','ll 0ql^N''^i $I$\\ \$\6)r. ''$$\$ $ \\\ lil 3.2/.fZ Ge.ca A//au,)eD t_r:)T :j aozz /2szg, "a 6uLIONS (n \d" \B- R IDGE SUBDIVISION ,P \ FILING NO. 2 EAGLE COUNTY CO LORADO \ SCALE 1' = 50" C - PIN FOUNO DECEMBER 20, L972 //s stk trn@f' L1 wai ze% I, I^;ILLIAM E. ARI'IFIEID, BEING A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN / TIIE STATE OF COLORADO, DO rlSnsay CE.RTITY THAT A SURVEY I'IAS t"lADE BY i.IE AIID UNDER I'lY SUPERVISION OF LOT 4 LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISIO}I FILI}TG l.lo. 2, couNTY OF SUl.lIilT, STITTE OF COLORADO, AND FOUND TiiE T"'lO sTOitY F;rtu\lE BUILDING To BE Lotrttsp ENTIRELY I{ITIIrN THE BouNDAllY LrNEs oF TL]E TBOVE DESCRIBED PROPEI1TY. TI.IE LOC]\TION AND DII'IENSIONS OP ALL BUILDIIIGS, II.,IPROVEI'IENTS, E;\SSUDNIS AllD RIGIITS OF .{AY IN EVIDENCE ;R-iNoi.iN-io-lin ar'to DNCR9;rcHIIENTS By oR olt rltF: PREt'trsEs ARE ACCURjT'rELY slloi{ll To rHE BEsr oF l"lY liNol'll.riocu rri;ff61[]5* No PRoPERTY conN!:rrs I{ERE sET r\ND No l'ENcES I{ERB l,oCir'r7rtv)ftffiil,i?c\.\v1q'9r''-'-'rco\a /':;\i^q.t !i.l^ :., | . wrr.torl. c:JLoRADo ra"w \ TWO STORY FRAME BUILDING woodenporc h 'f ireplace ( 2.O' x 4.C/ ) LOT o-. S?2 w \\ \ \ ,\ 4 ( ooron, --i,'p4 t \\tf\ q \ \ €o €o \\ \\ \\ \\1 \\ Qo. 9*. o 6A, (feotsTttr!\ /1 No. 4974 oF aor ,-I 75 soulh tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479,2139 oflice of community development April 1-2, L989 Ms. Linda Crosby Mortgage Associates 108 South Frontaqe RoadSuite 103Vail, CO 81657 Dear Linda: In July of 1,985, following the annexation of the Solar Crestcondominiums property, the Vail Town council approved. ordinance#1-6, Series of 1986, which applied Low Density/Mutti-Famj_Iyzoning. This zone district was chosen because it most croseLvparalleled the existing development on the property. While theproject is slightly larger in the number of units lnd in thesquare footage that would be allowed under Low Density/Multi- IlTifV zoning, the Town Council_ felt it appropriate to applythis zone district because of parking and otnLr site conllriint=on.the property. It was felt that no further development forthis parcel would be appropriate. section 1'8.64.o90 of the Town of vail Municipal code relates tothe restoration of a non-conforming use. This section statesthe following: A. rrWhenever a non-conforming use which does not conformwith the regulations, the district in which it islocated, or a non-conforning structure or siteimprovement which does not conform with therequirements for setbacks, height, density control,building bulk control , or site coverage is destroyedby fire or other calamity, by act of God or by thepublic enemy, its use may be resurned or the structurenay be restored, provided that the restoration iscommenced within one year and diligently pursued tocompletion. A1I new construction must conforn to theapplicable Uniform Building Code, Uniforn Fire Code, I.t" and other relevant codes regarding safety andconstruction which are in effect at the tine therebuilding is proposed.rl If you have any further questions on this subject, please feelfree to contact me. Sincerely, 1----> ?---) Iq-'<- Kz.^^,CJ Rick Pylman Town Planner RP: Kc -a ORDINANCE 16 Series of .|986 AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER, NORTHWEST oNE QUARTER, SECTIoN 12, T0IINSHIP 5 SoUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, COMMONLY KNOWN AS SOLAR CREST, HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE TOl^lN OF VAIL; DESIGNATING SAID ZONING DISTRICTS FOR THE ANNEXED PROPERTY; SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATING THERETO; AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP IN RELATION TO THE ANNEXED PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the property to be zoned hereby has been recently annexed to the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commissjon has considered the appropri ate zoning for the recently annexed property and has unanimously recommended that the Town Council zone the two parcels LDMF and R P/S respectively; an0 WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the public jnterest to zone said annexed property as soon as possible; NOl,l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Secti on I . The Town Counci'l finds that the procedures for the prov'i sion of zoning districts for property recently annexed to the Town of Vail have been fulfilled, and the Town Council hereby receives the report of recommendatjon of the Pianning and Envi ronmental Commission recommendi ng the zoning of the annexed property. Section 2. Pursuant to Section .|8.68.070 of the VailMunicipal Code, parcels of property 'l ocated in the Southeast One Quarter, Northwest One Quarter of Section !2, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6th P.M., Town of Vai1, Colorado are rezoned as folIows (parcel descriptions herein referred to shalI be in accordance with the parcel descriptions shown on the annexation plat approved by the Town Councjl): (A) The parcel described as Solar Cnest Condomjniums, containing 16,886 square feet--Low Density Multi-Family zone (LDMF) (B) The parcel described as part of Parcel D, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, containing 26,674 square feet--Residential Primary,/Secondary zone (R P/S) (C) The references to parcels and zones herein refer specifical 1y to the annexation plat which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Secti on 3. As provided in the ordinances of the Town of Vai1, the zoning adminjstrator is hereby directed to modify and amend the official map to include the zoning specified in section two (2) above. Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance js for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ord-inance' and each part' Section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsect'i ons, sentences, cl auses or phrases be declared inval id. Section 5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any rjght which has accrued, any duty imposed, any v'iolation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repeal ed or superseded unless expressly stated herein' INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED 0N FIRST READING THIS lstDAY 0F Julv 1986, and a pub'l ic hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the lst day of .tulv , 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Euild'i ng in Vail, Colorado. 0rdered publ ished in ful] this 1st day of Julv , 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED thi s day of ATTEST: Pamela A, Brandmeyer, Town C1 erk Paul R. Johnston, Mayor TO:Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Deve'lopment Department DATE: May 28, 1986 SUBJECT: Imposition of zone djstricts upon recently annexed areas of the Town of Vai1, common'ly known as Solar Crest.Applicant: Town of Vail I. BACKGROUND Colorado State statutes regulating annexations require imposition of zone districts within 90 days of the effectjve date of the annexingordinance. The Solar Crest area has long been an enclave of Eagle County jurisdiction within the West Vajl area. The Solar Crest property was never annexed duri ng the original annexation proceedings of WestVail. The Solar Crest property was annexed April 1, .|986 and the Townof Vail must impose zone distri cts on these parcels. The Solar Crestproperty currently consists of two parcels of 1and, a !6,886_square footparcel containing sjx units known as Solar Crest Condominiums and to the south a ?6,674 square foot parcel of 'l and that is currently vacant. These two parcels of land totalling one acre are alI that is remainingof a large planned unit deveiopment that was proposed through Eagle County. The ori ginal PUD concept has been abandoned and wjth the exception of these two parcels, a1 1 of the remaining land has beenreplatted. The current Eagle County zoning on these parcels is Resident'i al Suburban Medium (RSM), which allows five units per acre. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Developnent Department recommends the following zoning forthe Solar Crest oarcels: The northerly parcel containing six condominium units should be zoned as Low Density Multi-Famjly (LDMF). The LDMF zone district allows nineunits per acre. This parcel of l6,886 square feet contains six units which equates to approximately 15 units per acre. The LDMF zonedistrict is recommended because it c1 osely parallels the existing development on the parcel . Staff feels that due to the condom in ium izatj on of the parcel in additjon to site constraints such asparking, that no further development on this parcel is appropriate. Y The southerly parcel , currently vacant land, should be zoned Residential Primary/Secondary (R P/S). The zoning of the southerly parcel as Residential Primary/Secondary would result in the development potentialof one lot with an allowable GRFA of 4,917 square feet. The Town ofVail Residential Cluster Zone (RC) was developed in an attempt to matchthe Eagle County RSM district. The RC zone, as well as the County RSM zone, allows three units on a 26,674 square foot parcel . The RC zone, however, contains slope restrictions which affect density. The property owner, as well as the Town staff, agree that the R P/S zone distri ct is most appropriate for this parcel. oo rf f-r""--I $ur?is:\Lt {{<! rDutFoLJn.EI g) v.BI \l- ulE{*t; r+ Nfi nt4'q,+r >oA "-r{-u -. !)(\ \,J r^.-\l. --Jt.1t-.'AtJ5 { \ e,s NIt h =s oa Ftaottrna€ AD, p{ t0l oS s$L -t?1 C\ L/ rL t^-/(- {) ) ;') / (__ O-A'-X- . J/r/P( L--r = I A1<r- l3.,Y 3o:3 roJ ?#i,..- f(, .lc ,,o ^.l3o v ' 3{'3 L' tt -Y *Pa{':'--+ .\"1^ ^ Ct.r,r ,".o'/ t3- x {,/ 4 'Ud; , Jo"1 'rrlt /1 1--l(..1d.i6 l*-rnu I ,"rr:,.t .L J Lof s 1, o^- /ay *z Va;" /Z/L-acy' oI* \L^Jt Qt tQ * 3 -t) .!/'a ".- -e f L R- //"^.3]"1- r/'"' rit (/-l )lro4 0 ,':r Adh/w fr,ryruarz,za ,%J+A Jtr.',r',-) \ Q1,t'^ 4-'.ro G uur,--*e#p,-"i5 4a,-c-<-s. l)nrl\\ zr>^.q- l-3( c,c-.tr5 <d'vt ..-r--"{> t" ur.,{5 e7rgf.,,^ -jr a .-''o fj,, {ao /b,%6 4;?/ I 76r,/L /nr 82tr ,//trz4t cozf ZS/, 77sa , {*do)', / / 67 ,'"f tru'{4 - €rw LEQ - frr,ltn{b f7{' khqnffi-/f ab-r,ru t'4'zTsd 4%rZ{" c47,7g @7vr4L -.-------;-|'77/7fr 4 q.zn77/-/V/. 4 4,zr* 2666 1 ror,ru",/r**r= W /ztarpV Slrt*rh 6"^;a .5fr7a2: tt.47 ,r*Z/r- oo Y &'*-', /4-r.ffita&- -L"- /)4,rr - 1,",)h ".fril* fu44 //L- rffi/_ry,ir*k"/ z - /r".)b &fr^) n4//d*-/u '4rym l /r{/ k # .-zt,,"az "L-rZ -{L^.*2 tufT ,ttu^. h/. t4fu |-^nr--lI l5,ra' 'i 'i5 | !L-/- ' --rr-OOUU-NTVmnemnoramdm lo: Brr-.n Seb.irGt: Valuation change on Solan Crest Cond.for 1980 Froar r Eagle l":,unty Assessor Fih No.:Ottat Novenber 24, 1980 t L IF F$' na.: y, f:F F r^r.-t: Following are the f980 assessed valuat ions for' Unit 1 - Weinshienk, Hubent T. ET AL ttnit2-Park,Lisa Llnit 3 - shields, John R. t 4 - Sitt, Edward JLhit5-Siegel,Vi.rianLhit 6 - Baker, D. Gerald t Durfee' Hn. U. PT. of PCL. D - Livingston E Brown The land hadin Book 233 at each unit Solar Crest CondominiumI,AND BIDG. $ 1;6m-.oo $ eF-.oo1,690.00 9,230.001,690.00 9,230.001,690.00 7,430.001,690.00 7,430.001,690.O0 7,430.0016,000.00 --0-- as you requested: TOTAL$roF-.oo 10,920.00 10,920.00 I ,120. 00 I ,120 .00 9 n120 . oo 16,000.00 pr:eviously been split according to the Condominium Declaration reconded Page 762, trith .166? for each lJnit or an assessed value of S4'360.00 on the land. If we can be of further assistance to yout please contact our office. Eagle CountY Assesson r-a,Jir*4tr." ".ffi ..-, ..-.r.IlE*ti.[**:L.'*i -t-.ii-i * ,r.**s- ,f,ji*:+--... *.---"r-''l-llnQ'!.lf# s 7rz6a.v &P\rc.EL %'9'49'a)'/n-rc71 .72'M= 176.6O. 27 3e'z,t^,/ 7_\--{ (r 4 = tt6.ft,i'/' @'--'1--a -@,,-s6c'e -x'4, ,.t \ ,t^ \ :\-\ACt7 *$i:l{ n,^-s(tur,[$,'rs 7;,b4/'21 N c..h'@-w \ €oo'sqx,o)22.6; N,%'jt'fr"ut \@-9f. ',u ,,X*r,""');^rW,MWs ffiM"\ ,\=*wi%t {\:$ \r-: N37009.3'v 75-co' pi siety\:, AX,.. . to ..$N;r6V ,' ./,!, \.y'*r",.ft" ' t..". "'Xt );lt " \s'Y.p,?/ ,/,P' n' -s\:;- .-* \i'.aw'iKa .i ,15 '. ,afi{l {t/ t $eo'fi,a {* Eal $lt\s\s.s\\iS\ o.-\tL'.r)\ .-'\$ N ,'\f,N*\ ' "nt.l\*' fr.* , . .,, ,.')t'.,'l '-r t tl i (C -l o./ONS E/DGE LOOP /v6z'25'/765t 4rd ".. {t ON N \ s/ \ ,O^ | ltcL t-t z- :-t| -5.ler I( / / / I I / / It4rt s \' h'o;:- rzi'),ti.J ^1 ;7'-)i::...ra::: ,r..,i.rr?-:lt \\ EIiU,,,,*,r. \ \l \ ffi t /O3/72 '6,p at fis'12'a' ts'U/il '1_1 I I *\]Qrfu_Eas, ,rli .Jt7t 6 lv 10 loqP e- + W \\ 1...- -6i'nut I B04-r{'utitiu '{14.+, '..'\6 ,.- .". ?;r?e 'aa,*.dz '€2,w tJl6Hl'llY N0'74 .i7 RI C}IAR,DS EN G; }I E:I{s, p. O. ior 5Jl Vr,l, Colore.ro 31657 2\oor l.t 6. jO/ ? Di^v.. ti^..:tJr-t52t suRvrY No. /')1 -t!--t'N c. 4 /')-:D^r. /ti/jl_7,/-:-'22 1 _ft;i c! Szausttrc 7 ,'Y: (rnr y'tr:erg _-;ii-. ;;lo.rq :rft: 'n(l :,..1 ll rl|.scriirri.on rjelg prca;rri::,j l..r?t .o; :ri: i.:: r..rl r.rl.le. i. .'..:rn-'-,r il. ili,.ir.tr l;. I 'r ;: l.' -;:r|-,i".' :,'1 .,"U '- I \s|\ \t\ ^rltl),I ;j'-''V / r?lcftu' -\S) , btol'e - =.\s\i,,-- \} - \\\r\is'\>,---' i'li';i.i.,:-i. ii /c?;i'i:4i;)C*7'- i) i.. it.'};\/:;,;ii.:..:tlii ,i : | |i ll t l 'r ' ' lii i'. t1'l it !-i/--/i'/(:r a\ .Bl .$ €cch.' / ticn '5O ,L-zf I,iJ(;.\ L D ESCII IP.T IO)I : til.' );or:heast. C(rrner of .;alJ I'.trcel l) rvhlch is rr 1r<t'nq ,>f t{}ngenc on ih.r Southerly !ine of Llonr: ii.i.,l'1e L.ooo, rhence S 23"11'I7" Ii 33/ .95 f eeE ;rlonqritc ijoriheasterl/ 1lne o€ said P.rrcel D Eo !he:;rllih,..rsc Corn+r !her,rof '.vh lch i s l poinE on f helkrrcirerl.y I l-ne cri Inc?r$iacr irj3h,,ray l.'o. 70 lii.qhc-of -i.levI then,:e S 5:'50':!,,)" l, .l Zi).00 f .,etrir)n,t :;nld Ri;;rf -of -i.ia:r ..1 ine; iircnce i': 17"A9'11" i,t 7 j.(;t) t....'c t.hr:nce li li)riirr0O" t;:;ri.3.l r rr,:i; i.':renr:a 'll ll5'll.'10" :; ti3.il l-et; r..r+.r..e :; il'i0'00', it l1'| i)o f ..ri.::; iir.rnco:i ?1" l')'2t" 'l ',!..'id f ,'"r :o il pr.,:.nr on ;r j03t.7l i'oo1 ;-"rl iuli c,1;-'.,p r,.irir:ir i.i i\,. grlr'-h-rl;,, :i .., ,': :;.rirl i,ln':; l(i:l.ir. i,:ron; tllerc,_t l'iat,A0 i',,,,?- a!,rn 1 :ir+ .ri... 1.: I :;r!,1 ii) l'.,12 f.l,rr: r:rd:u.:u:v,' io r:ir" 1,.'t lrh')s: , ":.a:rL iiny,l.l i:; !".i9'f)'1" .r:rrl r..ri'r's-, .l 1r3r.; ,:l:.r-d tl.-. rr:r it tt2"''-; r-,i?,'| t-ii '..r'1 f .'.,' I i- i) a ;rolnt e;: g:11.',1enE 'rr<l tira i'oin: of b,.r,,ir,lLn;1 conr:rinin,l 4l'j51. i'i rr<1rr.r:-.-: f ..re lr' !.()0i) :y:t- !$ l.lrfc qr l--.s:j. ('' :i -' 'Ic.\-f :1r.::, i..,/ "'.'...'.'''' ci'rtlay tr',ri r t-,i ! l:'.1 r (r '_ O' ,CO PT PA,TCEI / \"\\\\ 43,5;V,.7 ,/ ,+ /'OCaC ac, if*^, 1tc a",'rlf 'r- i\-\.\T\':\',r(-\\\'\) 6eo)ifin' ft, /o.-,\<od ild t3\ s 't r\I \2{,' \t\ ', '\-\\\. tr\\ ::; i../ fi i::.) ii,)rl\c; \\'iit.:i tr\ \ ).u.6y .6ffii'n \-i\ \{ .r$\s Ji ri! I o i)6+1D)>o dr i.6 {t} r trUr*Z|.' f9?-"-- n.r*--tA!i5l- rcu I rn-------rtr' F--?:* *tt rrrrrdst ril-.# ! #rH lX,-r, r. Ltrr'c3rn ' | : .*rr.r' fE }IJ'LD o-vd r'!r' --_:1 | '::!'.''nl!" **,, -* rF ii-'' .'EE r$urr'' a Jollt t ltura ocv.r t 3r. ii?-t*'* #ffi r*fl *:*fitli:t5trqelffi ilE; *hd ollir' |rr| r See Erhlbtt A 't"cb't! hrreto ld locorPor't'd hercln bY rtfcr'ncc' ]..trvln!unSoth.Prrtl.'ofth.ttr.3Prr3'.tldth.lr.r..Fctlvchelrr.lrcc..tor..!d .!.lF', t ,t-:;t;:;;;;oi'udcr thc ProPcttt dgrcrtbcd ln sta Bhlbls A lor ric r,r.p".ioi-".iii, cooncctlnt' to'-rt-1!G'lnlnt' r'P'lrlnP .tt oalErul.c og.r't tnt t*'.'liti-tni'3tt lltrrt' snd Gl'lctrlc'l c'ble' Tv ..bL .!a trl.Pb.o' 'rtt toncoiiit rl"ltla -t tna "tgtr llld ProP'rtyi 'nd r lcrlrn .a ...c!!r tr. ..".ir-in; -.iiiii .- tt* ro.dv.t coo't3uct'd 'tt'l rli|||tcd rloog ttt *ttnG.ttt'iy-f -Lty of lht ProDcrt:i'drtcrlb'd ln urhlbl I t. rht.b .rfrtln! to'tt runt ti'l liir*t"ttiry arlt"iron fror Llonr' ltd!' lroP. +,+i##rtf *F*?:H:iiffi i:**:-aiii+iffii+Ei3#ngtfi,ffiH# tl. ll atrqlr! r'rlr^rtt trro - t-""' r'!.- t'hr|. lbpt,|'tr s 'br n''' fi_F obi- Ir:tr nl L4, r'h f: rJ0crrd'r!.ty | 7.,.rrt fiE rcor'l F l" lh a ad orlll4L Frt Y a - tald -d !.re ln bd rratt r lb.'d ln l. t.gtlrtnt crble. TYrly: aod :€d atti, 1lr l-rnlbl t '. lld?. t:e r qlb raFri!lL! ,.i les d tL ff. LlGiitd cdD.d, tftL |l. -r .r-.ldr ta t Frt d O.ff td F.dLr frilr r[ d . rfmaf - rdt .lid th.lr -.. .(8il Ll,-r\> lil Ll rG.,-....18sL1 D...r.trbr't frl -ltL*'r-.t-tE - itt|| -r.tr - --- t lt .liF , .t'1 ..-b tt--O.tE lxllltt r.'----'r "W#'@lI8oil p. prilr rm t,olE Ltot's irpcE VEr|:ntir' f,Botfr vEr1ror! ', GTN|'EE A tr.ct of lrnd ln Parc'l D of Lronr s-l.t'dgc Subdivlslon' iiiiii-ti. il"icclron rz, iornrtrip 5-gouth'-nrtq' lr il".t- 6t orc ittr PrlnclPll ;rrldirn' t'91' -@-unty'6i;t;;" ;';;J"Prrtlcuierlv dcrcr lDcd " lo r royr t ;;;;ffi; il-irrl- ro.tneeroirlv corne r ot '!ldlilill !ltt"tt:11: l.ll1.H.ti?!'o, . curer hrvine .thcncc 250.5? fcet alongiliiGl ii-idrr.?? !?"! T ;"*3:;Tif.n;ryi.:f'l:::; 1"31*'i'!5!'rJi.irone thc rrc or a aai.*ir,:i'i!{i:ii'lilfl !;,i':Lirrrri.i.,,?::i:'ll.J.'i?;!!'[?!i: ilrilrl i""t eo tho- Point ;;;Eil;I;, .rc'Pt tor. the folrorlne d"?:Tt?::. ;it;i-U'i6i te cicprcralv Grcluded lro thc rano canvcy€at hcrcbyl : ?i||! l,orlieu oi raid Parccl D l'1onra-Rid'eiiiiirii-"iii, irrrne ro' 2 dca€rib''r-rt: ,-diiiil.g ri trre n5rtheest corner or rt,'6 ilill]i-ii'rtti"r, l! t Polnt ot ungcnt on'.il-ii"utltrv line oi Ltonrt -Ridge.LooP'iiil'i!-i'ii;itiu' I 3lr'15 rc't rrone-iii!'ii'ir'"i...'lt"lll!,"lniil3t"iiili ?. "to tne Southc'ttiirii' "i- u'"-n"Ie::1'11$,"il*:'!';F-llaht1i llo. ?0 Rl30'2e'r rzo'oo il"i iioie' ia rd -nreht-or-rtv rinct tbcnc' i iros'il. r t5'00-l"t ::iri:iiili:l:illi'l;ii:!'i;il;i,ff i t:''oo' t{ 100.00 f'"t *ffii[$*'a"*t:pt**'rnclc lt 9'19 '05'ili!ii i-ci.zs. rg..:or3f;r;"fii.oi"r!grn,.r,,g, oolnt 9t t'ngcncIliiiii'itts-f 5:ss' 3' iqsrc- gc't nor' or lcr3' 14884? ,'. rZL-' € kia:t4T T/dr' 7e:/2+*:4'Pta B.i //e6 t/,t,,/ 1a/azan/a 6/61? ,1. L.<. E!?ff1-lEdtlf||rirrLlrvaa^lano rtt l4 Blt corlESS?ttffifus"e- q)nF' L*J^"J <-v*e- { d'?.^,\- n\^-\* (t*- JOHN SLEVIN oFFrcE(3O3) 4761482 HOME (303) 47633rr e&.., o /)ll;/"-W f;h- p I _-7--'=---a -c.c ll =.----------..-- =. | -.--- -/./-.t.--.'\ :-- 16 .1. /c \l*\Iz --)\ aLb'/ --'--- 1{t'-'-z;ry a--/',/t .t/'i-- ,..'9. (- - -'\---< -z c,4 , *ott j-' Solar Crest ted at 1420 Lionsr 5.nsideration of initia an area centl ed an common'l ( Rick Pylman explained the two parcels to be zoned. The staff recommended that the northerly parcel containing six condo units be zoned as Low Density Mu1 tiple Family (LDMF) and the southerly parcel ,currently vacant land, be zoned Residential Primary/Secondary (R p/S). The board had made a site visjt to the property. Hobbs moved and0sterfoss seconded to approve the zonjng. The votE was-E:0--li-T or. 6.Consideration of initial zoni of an area recent l ed and a nte terf moved and Hopkins seconded to le the item until Ju or at theatestunee vote was 4-s aDs nln Rick Pylman stated that this was a request to amend the conditional use grantedto-the.hand gun_range in January, 1985. The police were asking to extenl theallowed hours of operation to 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM four eveningi per monthduring the months of January, May and 0ctober on1y. He explained that it wasbetter to train the officens for qualification in]ow light. The police Department wi't I continue to the use the shooting range in Gypsum tor tniiningin larger weapons. Stat'istics were listed. One statistic was that over the-past decade,65% of the officer murdered were kil'l ed between the hours of 6:00PM and 6:00 AM. Donovan registered a complaint. Her home is across the val 1ey from the handgun range and the shots she hears when in her yard are very loud. Hobbs r.noyed g!,rd Schultz secon{ed_to approve the extension of the hours asrequested. The vote was 5-0 in favor. No- l{r!s!an Pritz exp'l ained that this parcel was annexed and the owners, vail Associates,had 180 days to provide written ootice to de.annex if the property wgs not zonedPrimary/Secondary. In July l985.the Town extended the agrbembnt io january 19g6 andto date the Town has not received notice to de-annex. A letter was receivLd from GeorgeGil1ett, Jr:-,.chairman.of VA, asking to table the zoning because he was negotiat.i ngto purchase the property. (7. t extend hours iI TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Imposi tion West Vail P1 anning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 10, 1986 of zone districts upon recently re-annexed areas of .:" , _. I.BACKGROUND State statutes regul.ating annexations require imposition of zone districts within 90 days of the effective date of the annexing ordinance. As you know, the Buffer Creek and Vail das Schone Filing #3 areas have recently been re-annexed and it 'is time to impose'new zone districts on these areas. It js not our desire to a'lter any of the previous zoning on these parcels, as we fee'l that the zoning adopted in'198.| has worked very well for the Town. Original'ly, there were a number of projects approved by Eagle County which were accepted by the Town through the provisions of 0rdinance #13, Series of l98l . Attached please find that.ordinance which applies to the Vail Commons mixed use project within the Cormercial Core III area. Essentially, Ordinance 13 accepts the development plan approved by the County and provides for Design Review Board review as well as a process' to be fol]owed in the event of any changes to that p'lan. : STAFF RECOMMENDATION - .. : ". The Department of Conrmunity Development recomends approval of the previously existing zone districts to be imposed on the recently re-annexed portion of Uest Vai'l as per the attached map. Furthermore, we recomrend that the zoning regarding the Vail Conmons proJect the sane as imposed as Ordinance No. 13, Series of l98l which is also attachedfor your reference. 4" .t -,1 .t: I 1 Cj rr. tpf - u.<ea= ;"i''sl. itlro' tgr I 6.LOC,K ! t2 $.\\$' 6.v42'&'F,, I a4t 't2'fuc1gr.&' ' /rt .j l'lj l \ l,\ 0 ,l\.:l, ,.,\s's-\3''- Vr'S'ro '$r:,: r{}\c "ii (\r v i p'F1 t7 73 LOUIS F. LIVINGSTON 7OO FLAGSTAFF STAR ROI-JTE BOULDER, COLORADO 80302EfIIIMATD TCEAL ITrcNIHLY B&U$|IE 4 2 - 7 2 s 6 soLfiR*GREST BYRON D. BROWN POST OFF ICE BOX 547VAIL, COLORADO 8I657303 / 476-2211 Omn:nal Dpense ( Paid to Solar+Crest Associetion, a nonprofit Oolora& Oorp. ) l'anagerent fse------$1o. m Tra.sh Haulin ___g 5.A0 Outside lfaintenance ( snow rermval, laldscapi-ng, exterior caJ:e, swirrning 1rcol & tennis colrt rajn- tenance, etc. )--- -$ 9.OO Insurznce ( liability, stotltr, etc. )---$10.m Esti-uated Cmunal Dpenses--------$4. m Tlre furd for m.intenance, irsrtrance, and ligbting is held il the Oon&nri niun Associatiqr s account and rmy wa:ry with unforseen situations. Personal Eqpenses ( Billed directly to omrer. ) Gas ( heat and hot water)----$22.06H-ectricity- --$15.00Ta)<es ( Real Estate)----$75.0o fnsu:rance (personal property)----$ 4. m Water and Sanitation District pses____$16.30 Esttuated Permnal Erpensesr--$132. 30 ESIII|AID lttIAL--_ $166.30 SIARrcREST INFUNMA1TICN SIET Unit l.lo. A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 Ibstairs ceilings are rough cedar panelling. including g"rden lenel, ale wtrite textures. 2 plus garag€ Fireplace Color Blue SOI..,D SOI.,D Yellow SI.JD ffiD Appliance Color Cireen lb. Bedroqrs Gold A11 other valls and,ceilings, sorfrR*cREsT Unit ttufrer A-1 A-2 A-3 A4 A-5 A-6 PRICE LIST LOUIS F. LIVINGSTON 7OO FLAGSTAFF STAR ROUTE BOULDER, COLORADO 80302303 / 442-7296 BYRON D. EROWN POST OFFICE BOX 547VAIL, COLORADO 8I657303 / 17 6-2211 Prie€ $59,5@.0O SoId' Sold' $57. 5OO. 0O rmnagerr s unit Sold So]-d ( Rl cil,A..R.Ds Ei\lG: )l E:fts, li\l c. . O. 0or lJl t,/)\1" survrYN(r.---li:,;!.- -\ /,oooc r:c, rlr\ r9rli:' ii4i?C,ii'- i:l t:-i{i,! /.!; }fii..:r}t:l j? $ a\ fics/e.'/tich'5O ,4.ei r.iiG\1. Di:sc;r tP'!: lov : 1ro'6; r1f tatn:te:lc on ihe SorrlhrrrlT ! 1ne o! l.!on'i lilrlle t,oog, tirenec S ?l"lt'17" .t': 3]1 .')t feec ;rl.rng thr, !lrrthrarte ?tI lltrr ol rlnlrl Inrcll |) !o 8lr'r :)!iil.:.vr.J!\j \\\.:: \ i'llJ n' j\ porrlon ol [;rrce!. D. Llotl'f; RlDcii suSnrrtSt(lN _;)ftl.l::(: l!0. 2, ,'t ..;trhrll'rt:;ton ln tire Crtttn[7 of liaqlc, .1.,:'--',,.2lii,r:+ of Co!.orsCo rleseriberl .rs: . t',.!3innln1 rlc -11 ,/ cil.. ):or:heasC C(!rnar of :r;rlit l"rrceI l) rrhleh 1:r rr ,$t' 4I box l OO vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-s613 department of community development Septernber 50, 1981 Mr. Byron Brown Box 547Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Annexation o Dear Byron: In order to annex the solar Crest and your ProPelty, the following informat i-on is needed: 1. A petition for annexation of the area. Enclosed i-s a copy of the annexation Petition form of the Town of Vail . 2, Four copies of an annexation nap containing the following infonnation: .., ?. A written legal description of the boundaries of the area- proposed to be annexed' b, A rnap showing the boturdary of the area to be annexed' c. within the annexation boundar)r mP, a showing of the location of the boundaries and the plat, numbers of plots or of lots and blocks. Next to the bowrdary of the area proPosed to be annexed, a drawing of the contiguous boundary of the annexing nunici- pality and the contiguous boundary of the annexing nmicipality abutting the area proposed to be annexed. will need to have the annexation map before the process start with the Town of Vail. d. You c:rn Solafest -2- s/30/8I 3, For the Solar Crest area we will need a site plan showing the building layout and parking. 4. Before the annexation process, initial zoning discussion should take pl ace. If there are any questions, contact Peter Patten o:c Peter Jamar' Sincerely, =e; L&* DICK RYAN Conmunity Developnent DePartnent DR: br Encl. I L 136320 s-1{a-ORDINANCE NO. 8 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER,NoRTHWEST oNE QUARTER, SECTION 1? ToWNSHIp 5 SOUTH'RANGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO INTO THE TOWN OF VAIL. i HILLIPS nEcoRDiri wJ/-* ir,ti . i: 'i, Li JI i'. l,n 18 | :o PH'8[ lllHEREAS. the unincorporated area more particulariy descri bed in the annexation map attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof is entirely contained withjn the boundaries of the Town of Vai1, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said area has been so surrounded for a period of not less than three (3) years; and [.'lHEREAS, 31-12-106, c.R.s., as amended provide that unincorporated areas entirely contained within the boundaries of a municipality for a period of not less than three (3) years may be annexed into said mun.i cipality by ordinance. NOW' THEREF0RE, be it ordajned by the Town Council of the Town of Vajl. Colorado as fol lows: Section 1. FINDINGS The Town Council hereby finds that the property set forth in the annexation mao attached hereto as Exhibjt A and made a part hereof by reference is entirely contained within the boundaries of the Town of Vail and has been so surrounded for a peri od of not less than three years. Section 2. The area set forth in Exhibit A is hereby annexed into the Town of va.i l. Col orado. Section 3. After the effect'ive date of this ordinance, the Plann'i ng Commjssjon 1s hereby directed to set a date for a public hearing to consider the zoning djstricts to be imposed on the annexed area jn accordance wjth the requirements of Chapter 1g.69 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vajl and said zoning shall be imposed upon the annexed area within ninety (90) days as provided for by the statutes of the State of Colorado. Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decjsion shall not affect the vaiidity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Councjl hereby declares it would have passed th'i s ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be deciared invalid. o solfrflxcREsT solfr]txcREsT SOLAR*CREST. A nice ploce to live. You'll find SOLAR.CREST pleosontly locoted on o sunny hilltop overlooking Voil Volley, designed in o low density plon to provide you with spociously privote surround- ings. We've keptthe noturol setting in mind! Poved privote drivewoys ond conven- ient wolks ore illuminoted ot night by soft goslights. A quiet, refreshingly octive, exclusive condominium communitv. SOLAR.CREST. Townhouse living with condominium convenience.A functionol hexogon style of orchitecture which moximizes spoce ond creotes privocy for eoch owner. lt's o townhouse, o building in itself, yet treoted os o condo- minium, you will never hove the worry of upkeep forthe common oreo surrounding you. SOLAR"CREST. Mountoin living experience. The view is unrestricted, horizon to horizon, from the top of o sunny hill in Voil Volley. The rugged peoks of Eogles Nest Wilderness Areo usher in the sunrise; mountoin tops ond foothills of the Sowotch Ronge odd splendor to the sunset. SOLAR*CREST. A ouiet ideo. Only o few eosy minutes to the recreotion ond entertoinment centers of Voil, Voil/Lions Heod, ond the new Eogle/Voil oreo, SOLAR*CREST iscloseto the fun, yet quiet in its setting. Or, just enjoy SOLAR*CREST, you hove your own swim- ming pool ond tennis court. We've creoted SOLAR*CREST to be pleosontlyuniqueondprivotelyexclusivefor o speciol reoson. . . .You! Shown below is o recreotion room or bedroom ond goroge. A full both ond utility oreo ore inc luded on this level. The circulor stoircose leods to the lower level from the inside ond sliding gloss doors ollow entrv from the outside. This oreo con be orronoed to orcvide o number of voriotions such os: three bedrooms. c bedroom cnd o goroge, o workshop ond recreotion room, or o goroge ond recreotion room. Shown below is o three bedroom design. .1. "or ,. '4t* . , "rltn, fire ploce. >j t-. I'€ *' { '4t 'u/*t't': =.,'k ARCHITECT-CHARLES A. HA-RTLI\G AIA A functionol l<itchen oreo proviCes omple spoce f:r entertcinrnent cockinq, -vet leoves moxin.rm spcce fcr the living oreo rvith bol- cony. sooring rvindclvs, oni o frec stonding The srcc ior-r s t:p :pens C sc reetly tc shc ring the s:o rinq, dow. 1-l "'.'.. { ::r m:ster bed rccm the lrv ng rcorn 5elcrv, i',vo st:r ry picture win- .i' ', 'i ''t'-- ,' * ;*t: * ".€t FLOOR PL o AN The convenient, spocious kit- chen feotures oll electric self- cleoning ronge, refrigerotor, disposol, ond dishwosher. The ccbinets ore mohogony. The moin entry leods to o lorge livino room wolled with floor to cEiling windows. Noturol cedor wolls extend two storiesto form the heow-beomed ceiling, common to the top two floors. The free stonding f ireploce odds cozy wormth to the end of the dov. \" \ A fullv coroeted circulor stoir- cose leods from living room to the top floor moster bedroom.A full both is on this floor. Holf wolls give light occess from the lorge living room windows, yet discreetly restrict oll inword view. i\ ',\.' sffi '-, The lower level con include o number of vcriotions such osthe three bedroom design shown here. Another voriotion features o privote goroge, spocious room ond loroe closet. A full both ond utility oreo ore included in oll lower level desions. .1. "or ,. '4t* . , "rltn, fire ploce. >j t-. I'€ *' { '4t 'u/*t't': =.,'k ARCHITECT-CHARLES A. HA-RTLI\G AIA A functionol l<itchen oreo proviCes omple spoce f:r entertcinrnent cockinq, -vet leoves moxin.rm spcce fcr the living oreo rvith bol- cony. sooring rvindclvs, oni o frec stonding The srcc ior-r s t:p :pens C sc reetly tc shc ring the s:o rinq, dow. 1-l "'.'.. { ::r m:ster bed rccm the lrv ng rcorn 5elcrv, i',vo st:r ry picture win- .i' ', 'i ''t'-- ,' * ;*t: * ".€t Poved drivewoys cnd omple porking give cleonspoced buildings. The hected pool ond tennis dominium to provide you with quiet enjoyment occess to the fully londscoped grounds thot surround generouslycourt ore included with your purchcse of o SOLAR*CREST con-owoy from the villoge oreos. I F. SOLAR.CREST is close to tne cen-ter of octivity thot is Voil. Two chompionship I8 hole golf courses, o multitude of tennis courts, swim-ming, horsebock riding foc ilit ies. More thon ten squore miles of ski-ing troils moke Voil one of themost popuior oreos in the world. Ski touring is ot your doorsrep. Unusucl shops, restouronts ond en- ertoinment ore ot o hiqh point in ony seoson. Surrounded by noturecnd the obundont beouty of the mountoins, close tc Voil Villogeond ihe exciting Lions Heod, SOLAR.CREST is o first closs con- dominium community. Whether you ore troveling eost or west on ond proceed to the Lions Ridge sign which ot the moin Voil turnoff, enter the North Frontoge Rood your right. Turn in ond follow the signs to SOLAR*CREST. / I\\ \l4l\\lA\/.-."11" / YA'L l-70, exit will be on l6?6i Sy',, va|l../Ltot{sHEAt) rlt ,:*YD For rnore informotion, contuct: LOUrt r. LrvtNGtToN 7OO FLAGSTAFF STAR ROUTE BOULDER, COLORADO 80302303./ 442-7296 BYRON D. BROWN POST OFFTCE SOX 547VAIL, COLORADO 8I657303 / 476-2211 ),s-/[ L 5.Consi der of an area recent l annexed and common'lat 1420 onsrl qqe canE: Rick Pylman explained the two parcels to be zoned. The staff recommended that the norther'ly parcel containing six condo units be zoned as Low Density Multiple Familv (LDME) and the southerly parcel ,currentlfv l Primary/Secondary (R P/S). 6. The board had made a site visit toTfie propEIty. Hobbs movediru[-- Osterfoss seconded to approve the zonjnq. The vote wasl-0 in favor. Consideration of 'initial onl n of an area recentl annexed and owned b a i 'l Assoc i ates own as Sora e Creek oca northeast o a0Interce No. Krjstan Pritz explained that this parcel was annexed and the owners, Vail Associates, had 180 days to provide written ootice to de.annex if the property wqs not zoned Primary/Secondary. In duly 1985 the Town extended the agreement to January 1986 andto date the Town has not received notice to de-annex. A letter was received from GeorgeGillett, Jr., chairman of VA, asking to table the zon'ing because he was negotiatingto purchase the property Osterfoss moved and Hopkins seconded to tab'l e the item until June 9 or at the request to extend the hours of use of the Town of Vai I hand un ran ocated at the Town sEr LL. Pol ice Oepartment Rick Pylman stated that this was a request to amend the conditional use granted to the hand gun range in January, |985. The police were asking to extend the a'l lowed hours of operation to 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM four evenings per month during the months of January, May and October only. He explained that it wasbetter to train the officers for qual'ification in'l ow light. The Police Department wi'l I contjnue to the use the shooting range in Gypsum for trainingin Iarger weapons. Stat'i stjcs were listed. One statistic was that over the past decade,65% of the offjcer murdered were killed between the hours of 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM. Donovan registered a complaint. Her home is across the val 1ey from the hand gun range and the shots she hears when in her yard are very loud. 1 fi of initia'l Solar Crest nte r ch an qe Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to aoorove the extension of the hours asrequested. lhe vote was 5-0 in favor. a Conditions of Approval of the Sonnenalp Variances Planning and Environmental Commi ssion Meeti ng May 28, 1986 Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the requests for vari ances per thestaff memo with the following conditions: 1. If and when a pedestrian path is constructed along the Town of VaiI stream tract south of the Sonnenalp property, the owners will allow the Town access across their property in the area between the northeastcorner of the Vai l Road bridge abutment and the new trash room forconstruction purposes on1y. This shall be a lega1 agreement submittedat the time of building permit. The Sonnenalp owner shall be responsible for submitting this agreement to the Town of Vail staff fortheir review. 2. The vacant utility easenent that bisects the Bully III Restaurant willbe vacated before a building permit is released for the project. 3. The parking calculations for recreational faciI ities inside alI fourbui)dings assume that these facilitjes would be prjvate. If therecreational faciIities become avaiIable to the general public, the Sonnenalp wjll go through the appropriate Town of Vail revjewproceoures. 4. The applicant agrees to provide the 6" curb and gutter system with a drainage swale along the west side of the property along Vail Road fromthe west entry south to the Vail Road bridge. 5. The planters which exist adjacent to the k'i tchen will remain. E* -t omIql-o l.-.r = A,t<x ft! :l Ilm: 6l.r ; ttix ,.lri g lmP ot.u i- ol<-iIf-m=l'..r r: 5'<E o< dPagi;octt>l16 .rl -o m = <!cp 24= YFl- !tr! trrt] ooz(n {ncc) -{oz !rr|7 =-{ 'nT z<Qq,>= z q,z -tYm; lc+ ,lP tl5 ol' o| 'Yr I o'' ilotr- Tr<)!oT'a -{-l in mxm -l ozco @ U) =m c)T =mo--{ €zm z T tsr!t o t{tn r=t r!tr oH H zA >mof,,--l >or-1 c) z--.t cT< tzOO mt-mo--t o t- c) z -l o Z r-\ ano mc)- z- z.--l --l u -n l-zo ao tslFF oNfrl(/) F] oozt' .)B =t><F l>ppt,rn r III I I o13 =t><F t> |a|nrn r I-9 1-l I I r--1 |-nloFt€Flzl le l=t< t-l> lFr llt lL.JItrll!' lrd 16 lEl lf{ttF1IFllq|E lrrur ll!lr loFJ IHlt' l6 l=lollt> IFlr lfl12 l6l€ |qt<t> lFll, lo l;l{ l<lzllolElt>ll-lt!ltfl laltt|ltltl -l lrmlO5l€'lzlol:l> la lBlz lo I I I I ;H3d- oqd369€?r ii*6'iPxsEi 3'.'< Q {o{E6--+il,*!.- *;, (, o:f =-.oo,c=*-oN!-ii9;.oi- < ^. i.o o5ol:U'g.ts3.*+f, ru =.to9*@ =96o-o oEd.3;3 Ja9 3i r i-'crr3l=qeisi=9P*iE-. i =< j*+d:9oq- a=;q<o-=0:d-R a :36dci Q o=' Sili a 5.,ER6*a:€ueE=. o 6'{ q) ! o ot =. 3 s. ;(c) o o f o .D 'T'- (r,ma--Tl z -lIm €zm to l-D (I) 3 i al ll.l= !lr-r r-,[i- #o>-n--{ ool z l- 1lmt = zmm mol< ' z t= l= c IIooI r tm -l€l>1tr o) Io zm ! cln IOT€aim4i zc) 'z = I z>oo'-o I<+<>oo-m=cDozcz = lltl zm€ t-Im --t z 0 :f z m! xX -t in c) oc o l,.Tl c --t;z t-t F o F ut Hrr z ONzx2m:frin-.i.P ioF>n =zott \'t \)c)<2xoa,joo2-Z c Xzq 'nzz€o x n< = N o EtdrltrtH trrhoE Hc) rnH KHn PH F IF (,J 2 2 F c- 2 z -lma zzc) =z6-1 m i I F{t,gF ;bo Tr\o po\t I Flot4 =wovo[/)+H 3a-F E trrtd I o-.{ t- mn ='Yl mm(t am-{ ot-m 2 om q -l mIoz m€ @o m m 2 mm =moI zo |. r- . ma-m --l o z -m g 2 1lm :i !mn ==_Tl mm VALUATION mF3 =z m zo t' t- =2 m mo 6 @g a- = Lr) ov! ts o urH cn# ryqnl ,p,,lf {.+ dirMr I F* =flE l: BHEonF li P=1*l9le dF9 FP" Id FEil* H=l!!!'- 5FExr 6 -€5= 3 ta:; ss$ 9xa L/, I=im ><><><xilg o 'lg m 8=z\ {> dg o9pi=o= H6 ,arm4n+cJ =J d9trr- c) -lmnz>mOD-.t >orD oT =mo-l €zm tutht;tzI>l= J'TItllvt-Itlftoltlro U aiclVI ot-mrnaA()>'r- l-{ t-tmlOtl= t;l.-lulm le,lz lo I I I l{ Elz IO l'nt<t> lF IH lF)lzlo l-{|ol€lz le lsl!lm lplzlo t' I I r* l:+ll $F E16ul-ID ldl l- Fy +(\+* \ f\.- .+ c IHrEtl l/i :Fl= EIBI =| ll 3FF iHF 'FFl[ I]']fl i I I I Io|-r I I I I trt-zc, ><.X clt -e=l oozU'{nCo{ozTmn ={ -a- m loz a-!m ...! CI'z|r|m Er l-< ''i 6Izln >(nZAoz --{ >Iimc zOm'nI6€zm o 'l1 =g,mf-.ll :fo " 96 23 ;A Il ; E q ?o o 6I: 'tl z 2f:\l ipP; = 9z4q-,t(t K8t)^Tt4;l'" 'll---! m!3f -{o @ -tfi-xmm.It T1 -.1Fo =z =bz. Itc) at >r{ua. m -2.mrnImct -nOF TIr z,c, T'mF ={ l= c)IEOl-,5lrDaI c't O Io,lo- ol- (/t l=.l=^(o r-.v7 at(D>x-9 Jt- fD t{=-)a, f>.+ CD-r. l-om5 \-, t- 'Dd.c+ID Jr-5 = l\) a\) ao U' -f, c) rNsPECfl*O||,REOUEST VAIL DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooo NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ORU I NANUI Seri es NU. 8 / ('{' ( of 1986 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER, NORTtiliESi 0l'iE QUARTER, SECTi0N 12 ii,"iiSir-. : SCUT; i'',;ici ai WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERiDIAN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAOO INTO THE TOWN OF VAIL. WHEREAS. the unincorporated area more particularly described in the annexation map attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof is entirely contained within the boundaries of the Town of Vail, Colorado; and I^IHEREAS, said area has been so surrounded for a period of not less than three (3) years; and tl|HEREAS, 31-12-106, C.R.S., as amended provide that unincorporated areas entirely contained within the boundaries of a municipaljty for a period of not less than three (3) years may be annexed into said municipality by ordinance. NOI,J, THEREF0RE, be it ordained by the Town CounciI of the Town of Vail, Colorado as fol I ows: Section 1. FINDINGS The Town Council hereby finds that the property set forth in the annexation map attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof by reference is entirely contained within the boundaries of the Town of Vail and has been so surrounded for a period of not 'l ess than three years. Section 2. The area set forth in Exhibit A is hereby annexed into the Town of Vail, Col orado. Section 3. After the effective date of this ordinance, the Planning Commjssjon is hereby directed to set a date for a public hearing to consider the zoning districts to be jmposed on the annexed area jn accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail and said zoning shalI be imposed upon the annexed area within ninety (90) days as provided for by the statutes of the State of Col orado. Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validjty of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Councit hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR ; FR)' INSPECTION REQUEST t TOWN OF VAIL AM PM'rREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETBOCK NAIL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL - E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffiffi,aORDINANCE NO. 8- Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER, N0RTHI,,EST ONE QUARTER, SECTi0N 12 TC;ii'iSH:; r S0UTH R;INGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO INTO THE TOWN OF VAIL. IIHEREAS, the unincorporated area more particularly described in the annexat'i on map attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof is entirely contained within the boundaries of the Town of Vail, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said area has been so surrounded for a perjod of not less than three (3) years; and WHEREAS, 31-12-106, C.R.S., as amended provide that unincorporated areas entirely contained within the boundaries of a municipality for a period of not less than three (3) years may be annexed into said municipaljty by ordinance' NO14, THEREF0RE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado as follows: Section 1. FINDINGS The Town Counc'i I hereby fjnds that the property set forth in the annexation map attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof by reference is ent'ireiy contained within the boundaries of the Town of VaiI and has been so surrounded for a period of not less than three years. Section 2. The area set forth in Exhibit A is hereby annexed into the Town of Vail, Col orado. Secti on 3. After the effectjve date of this ordinance, the Plann'i ng Commission is hereby djrected to set a date for a public hearing to consider the zoning districts to be imoosed on the annexed area in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vaj'l and said zoning shall be imposed upon the annexed area within ninety (90) days as provided for by the statutes of the State of Col orado. Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance js for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ord'i nance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sectjons, subsections, sentences, cJauses or phrases be declared invaljd' Section 5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that thjs ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the 'inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the VaiI Municipal Code as provjded jn this ordjnance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred pri or to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repea'l ed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shali not revive any provision or any ordinance previousiy repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED 0N FIRST REAOING THIS - day of 1986, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the - day of , 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal 8ui 1ding, Vai1 , Colorado. 0rdered published in full thi s day of ,1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Cierk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED thjs _ day of , 1986. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town C1 erk -2- MI NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, Apri 1 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Counci I Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eri c Affel dt Dan Corcoran Gordon P ierce Hermann Staufer MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Gai l l,Jahrl ich-Lowenthal TOi^JN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk . The first item on the agenda was a consent agenda for the foilowing items:A. Approval of minutes of March 4 and 18, 1986 meetings.B. Ordinance No. 5 Series of 1986 second reading, concerning the Doubletree Special Development District.C. 0rdinance N0.6, Series of 1986, second reading, on title certificates. D. Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1986, second reading, concerning h_orse drawn venlctes.E. 6ilTnance No. 8, Series of 1986, second reading, regarding rne Annexati on of _Solar-!-test-F. Ordinance No.9, Series of 1986, second reading, vacationing the small p o r t i o n of__g__Qh_alel_8 o ad cul-:d e - s_a c_ a ti o I de n Pe a k .G. Ordjnance No. 10, Serjes of 1986, second reading, zoning the reannexedportion of West Vail. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read all the titles in ful'l . Dan Corcoran abstained from voting on jtem E, Ordinance N0.8, due to his involvement in the issue. Eric Affeldt askedthat j tem B, Ordinance No. 5. be removed because he would not be able to voteaffjrmative on jt. Jay Peterson also asked that Ordinance No. 5 be removed from consent agenda because he had questions requiring further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Rose removed items B and E from the consent agenda. Hermann Staufer then made a motion to approve items A, C, D, F, and G, which Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item was Ordinance No. 5, Seri es of 1986, second reading, concerning the Doubletree SDD. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the full title. Jay Peterson had questions-concefilng s-ection 9 B to which Peter Patten responded. After a short discussion, an additional sentence was included: "Any proposal to condominiumize the accommodation units would require approvai as per the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vai]." Oan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordinance with the amendment, and Hermann Staufer seconded, A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1, with Eric Affeldt opposing. The third jtem was 0rdjnance No. 8, Series of 1986, second reading, regarding the annexation of Solar Crest. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the title in full. There was no discussion by-TounclTTr the puUlic. Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve theordinance, and Eri c Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0,with Oan Corcoran abstaining due to his work on the project. The next item on the agenda was Resolution No. 9, Series of 1986, concerningauthorization to deal with Merrjll Lynch. Charlie Wick gave a brief explanation ofthe resolution noting changes requested by CounciI at the afternoon work sessjon had been made. There was no discussion by Counci.l or the public. A motion to approvethe resolution was made by Hermann Staufer and seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote wastaken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. MINUTES VAIL TOl.lN COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail 7:30 p.m. jn the Vail Public MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOI.IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Council or the pub'l ic. Gordon Pierce made a motion to second reading, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote passed unanimously 4-0. The first item on the agenda was a ten year employment anniversary award to Pat Oodson, Director of the Town's Recreation Department. Ron Phillips presented theten year Vail belt buck'l e to Pat. Mayor Johnston expressed his appreciation of Pat and commended him on his length of service. At this time Ron Phillips announced that November is "It IS My Job" Month. Hestated that he had been given a cassette tape that day by Lori Aker, which goes along with the employee values the Town had adopted. The tape was a song by.JimmyBuffet, "lt's My Job"; Ron p'l ayed the tape. He noted afterwards that Town employees were working on emphasizing guest relations and had a goal to be the best. The second item for discussion was the approval of the mjnutes of the 0ctober 7 and21, 1986 meetings. Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the minutes, which Kent Rose seconded. Mayor Johnston commented that he had noted a few typographicalerrors earlien to Brenda Chesman to be fixed. A vote was then taken and the motionpassed unanimously 6-0. The next item on the agenda was a consent agenda for the following items: 1. 0rdinance No. 29, Serjes of 1986, second reading, adopting a budget andfinancial plan for the Town of Vail. 2.Ordinance No, 25, Series of 1986, second reading, ploviding--6-rrection of Town Council was held on Tuesday, Novenber 4, 1986, at Li brary. Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer Eric Affeldt Gai I llahrl i ch-Lowenthal Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney There was no discussion by approve the ordinances on was taken and the motion the legal description of the ordinance annexing r[e Solar Cres Condominiums to the Town of Vail. -\-'----------"/ 3. Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1986, second reading, amending-special Development District 5, by incorporating a partial site and parking p1an. Mayor Johnston read the full titles of the ordinances. The fourth item was Ordinance No. 30, Series of 1986, first reading, amending the -.l0Qnmercial Core III Zone District. The fulI title was read by Mayor Johnston.@ckErotrmFinformatjonontheordinanceanatnireasoningbehindthe applicant's request to amend the zoning code. Hermann Staufer requested a wording change in subparagraph 0 "Comnercial Storage'r fron "as long as it does nothave..." to "as long as it does not include..." There was no other discussion. Amotion to approve the ordinance with the wording change was made by Gordon Pierce, and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. The next item was 0rdinance No. 32, Series of 1986, first reading, requesting zoningfor land previously designated as State Highway R.0.I. to a Parking nistEict. Theful'l title was read by Mayor Johnston. Rick Pylman exp'lained the zoning request andthe criteria for evaluation of the request. He noted that the Planning and Environmental Commission had voted for the zoning change. Jay peterson, representing the applicant Hilliam Fleischer, requested that the item be tabled. Hesaid that since there were only four Councilmembers present and there was not a good tape recorder being used at the Library, his client would prefer to table the itemuntil the next Evening Meeting. George Rosenberg, represent.i ng the owners of MI NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 1, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the VaiI Town 7:30 p.m. in the Counci I Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Council was held on Tuesday, July 1, 1986,ctt Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Dan Corcoran Gai I l,lahrl i ch-Lowenthal Hermann Staufer Eric Affeldt Gordon Pi erce Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The fjrst item on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 16, Seri es of 1986, first reading, regarding the annexation of the Solar Crest area of West Vail into the Town of Vail and amending the zoning map in -FETaEIon----*e annexed property. Mayor Johnston read the full title. Rick Pylman explained the ordinance and the zoning changes proposed. After a short discussion by Council, Gail I'Jahrljch-Lowenthal made a motjon to approve the ordinance, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1986, fjrst reading, an ordinance defining when a dog constitutes a nuisance and expanding the areas of the leash law. Larry Eskwith gave background information. He also noted a correctionin Section 4, line 6, which read "... or any athletic event..." t0 "... while any athletic event ...". After a discussion, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the ordinance. Dan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The third item on the agenda was the appeal of the PEC decision approving the-Cafe Gorsuch deck. Tom Braun detailed background information and listed the cni teiiiTfi-e. ------'-'7-"i-pLU used t'o maKe their decision. There was no representative present for the appealing party. There was no discussion by the Council or public. A motion was made to uphold the PEC decision by Kent Rose, which was seconded by Gail Wahrljch- Lowenthal . A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fourth item was an appeal of the PEC decisjon denying a GRFA variance request of Lace residence. Kristan Pritz gave background information on the appeal . _fTm Boylg)gave his reasons why the appeal should be approved. There was a lengthy diEEussi6n by Council, Peter Patten, Kristan Pritz and Tim Boy1e. Dan Corcoran made a motion to uphold the PEC decision, and Hermann Staufer seconded. Diana Donovan gave comments on the appeal . A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fjfth item on the agenda was Resolution No. 18, Series of 1986, supporting the Town of Vail request to the State Division of Highways to reduce the speed ljmit on the South Frontage Road. Tom Braun explained the reasoning behind the resolution. After some discussion by Councjl to extend the 25 m.p.h. speed zone from the intersection of Vail Road and the South Frontage Road easterly to the area of the Ford Park tennis course and reduce the speed limit to 35 m.p.h. from the Ford Park tennis courts to Vajl Valley Drive, with the 45 m.p.h.zone east of Vai1 Va11ey Drive maintained as presently existing, Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the resolution with the changes discussed. Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 5-0. The next jtem on the agenda was consideration of an air rights easement for Cascade Village c[a!_LLLft. Tom Braun gave a brief overview of the request for easemen-t since it had been discussed at the llork Session that afternoon: he also mentioned changes had been made which Council had requested. Dan Corcoran suggested labelingthe three Exhibit A's for reference identity. Larry Eskwith suggested there be a term period in case the Forest Service did not approve the request; Council decided to make the easement effective upon Forest Service approval within eighteen (18) BUIID]NG DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 FIETD COPY BUILDING PERMIT APPL ICANT OATEByr.on D. Ilrown {STREETJ ( c oNTR'S r-tcENSE) PERMTT roWI[.-] sronv NUMAER OFDWELLING UNI TS(PROPOSED U5E ) ! ' E I t i i :' I t t- IL @ j() I,o 't , ',h. F.: Ii-.* su'orvrsroN Solar Crest Condos .or 4-6 ".o.*-!PJ. BUILOIT{G IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - trT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION EASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARKS: zoN lN6Ar (LocArroN) 1LOO tiont s Ri.dge l.oop orsrRrcr-INO.) {STREET) BETWEEN AND(cRoss srREEr){ CR OSS STREET) AREA ORVOLUME EsrrMArEo cosr $ 1r 500. 00 FEE"'t $ 2 7. 50 ( C U9tC/ SQ UARE FE ET) BUILOIorrn." Byron D. Brrcwn & Louis F. Livinqston ;;"-;. INSPECTION RECORD EAGLE S,NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECE'PT oate 6/ z . rs 2? CASH AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision A lication Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Bu ild in9) (Zoning) (Subdivision) otal Received All items are received for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for no-payment of any item. Ne 2327 ,, &.2..o r&42u9/-, BUIL o DING PERMIT APPLICATION I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. .'f EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT VALIDATIoN ^ +FVO7O M.o; 6fo.:uail/^ or€ a2 CASHPLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTO //oo ,l-,' on5 ^4o'^;, tF-lsrc a rracHEoh; U^* . IHEEYII oEscn,lo, Lt^. o\ivNat -. MA|L aoolEss zt"z iJvron D i3no,'u,- * l- or,-is F k: v; nu o To,u l7g-zelt LICENSE NO..n.-'D'B. o ,-,-.- AR CH ITEC ' OI OESIGNIEI4Y MA|L ADOR ESS PrrON E EN G IN EEI /- IJSE Of IUILDING /- 8 Class oI worK: f] NEW E.NOOITIOT D ALTERATION N REPAIR I MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Change of use lrom /Vo* PERMIT FEEll Valuation ol work: $ -/5-OO PLAN CHECK FEE Occupancy Gaoup sPEclAL coNDlTtoNs: Work within the Countv richt- Size ot Bldg.(Totar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklort Required Cyes ElruoAPPFOV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACESNo. ol Owelllng Unlts NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIFED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sr0raruiE rrt coNrRACToi oi ^uiHorrzl0 ^cENT ZONING FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Sp€clfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT Form lOO,1 ll-73 TNTERNATTONAL coNFERENCE oF BUTLDtNG OFF|CIAL l INSPECTION APPROVALS OATE REMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. I County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERIT{IT 731 $............................ $................-........... $......?.Q.r.-0..Q........ - $......,.6..0o. ....... . 26.00o-- --. ------.. -......--.--..- LTOl.t- ,rob Name..F.9.1g.r....c..r.e-"..!...-c..qn4.e-s...:...L+q..ner.-.iC.ge:...U-e-p..!...Y-ai1 Date of Application-..-...-........Iun.e-......-...--l"l+........--...........-...19.....--..7.:l---.--.. Erectrical contractor-.... Ii :. g : . 91 9.9.-t+-9......... Applicanr......-SltDaturc APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Fermit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Drtr !/t.r-/-zz. Dat? Date paid....-.. .. .....6/.!l+/.7.7...-.........-.... Received By...claglg. 9.!1-e.-ft ..... . FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS N)VANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS THTg .rOB Receipt No. 2l+22 rtrct*tnr PERMTT nppu?nrtoN to complete numbered sqaces onlY.Applicant Juridiction of ,,L I oESC i.fpee rrrrcxeo sxe er) MAIL AODTESS ZIP L IC ENSE NO.x-?L AiCHI TECI OI OESIGNER MAI L ADORESS PHOX E LtcENSE |lO. ENGINEEi MAIL AOOTESS PHONE LTCEN3E tr O, MAI|- AODIEsS AiANCH IJ 5E OF IUI I.DI N G 8 Class of work: D NEW n Ao0lTl0 tTE RATION N REPAIR 9 oescribework ' trA RECEPTACLE Outt6rs SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPFOVEO fOR ISSUAIICE BY RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. 5TA. APPL. Ih H.P. MAX. SERVICE E new E cxance PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE}THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK.M.O.-1* a z4qa-4u4f -4' aqe 2- rfua"'-t eqLtl ol+/27 INSPECTOR FOrm 1OO.3 11.73 TNTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. r!.o | . w|rrrrrER! ca(!F. ro.or USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. : : .i j i EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT gals 1t //2./ .: lg zZ ITEM lication For Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee 9ode: (Building))(Subdivision) Totaf Received All items are received for colleclion no-payment of any item. N9 2422 q, AMOUNT be cancelled :-.b j \o -- \-*-*."- **----.E!o--<r-_---' It-l: '1..-' !.d": i: -. AP P R O V E D Date Permit # tnsP. --.-...----- FAGLE COTJNIY, CciOn,'rOO Ii. -t \ a i,. :- l, .l .tlgtIqA?pRovED \ /t . Date ..-.-. Permft # 'n'o ioclu aor* *nr* F,}' DEPASTHEHT OT PIHHNIII& f,[ID DEI'EI,OPHTIIT l\{cDonald Bldg. 550 Broadway P,O. Box l?9 Eaglc' Colorodo 81631 )t May 7977 Byron D. Brown P.O. Box 5l+7VaiI. Colorado 8L65i Re: Appllcation for Building Pertnit in Eagle County 14OO Lionr s Ridge Loop, Solar Crest Condominiums The Eagle County Building Department requires that appllcations_forbuilding permi-ts in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planningt . Engineering and Environmental Health Departments.for their commentsprior to issuanee of the perrnits. Your application was routed on tB tlay 1977. Listed below are the coruflents and recommendations which were made by the above departments during the routin€5 Drocedurer ff you have any questions or wish to get further explanati-onr please contact theappropriate departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of the conr-.rnenting departments are Listed with each commentr PI,ANI{ING: Not approved. I'Need site plan to d erma Box 479, 328-6338 back nnerco 81631 resolve any problemsnot to delay the issuance for your information. ,e, ft would be to your advantage if you begin toand/or requiremenLs as soon as possible so as of. the permit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a copy of the Review Routing Forrn v4 J mu,ch, -'1 ^ ^l;r<r Dy Building Official LLD:TK/ge OIIC r cc: Terrill Kngithr Eagle CountY Planning Department ['l:rnning Dt'prrtnxrnt/l)ltnning Conmissicn: Suhlivision, Iluilding Official: Ruikling I'ermits and Inspection, Zoning lbzoning, Applications and Ileviow (303) 32E'6336 Adminisl.rrr tion {303) 328-63:}9 EAGLE couNt BUTLDTNG pERMtr ApltcArtoN Review Routing Form 6/tr/zz Date Referred Permit No.Appfi cant . /1Aola-t- cw.a &nA,sntru-<;r"' t qan .{ r 6?' t 4^"f Location Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. / ,i. /'-,/l-7,77,.-.,1.t ui' '/ /t,(' .K ' -'nPlanning Commission File No. _ Planning: Compl ies with: Yes No Reviewed b(h Date: \subd. Resurations f:l f-] _ '' Zonins Resulations [l At:]ft RWboRecommendApproval lr,zl l{l Comments: --f-a\ l-\ F -+- ,. /o DETaAnrNl:- sE-T134c(S E]E]tftf [fEtlt] County Engineer: Recommend Approval Roads Grading Drainage Comments: 6 ll^L Pt[tt'r County Health: Recommend Approval Sanitation Water RlEtl -K rlTtln comments: *,'Z %,- s-2G - 7/ BUTLDTNE PERMTT nppucettN Jurisdiction of EAGLE COUNTY I \. to comptcte numbered spsccs only. h,HEN PFOPEBLY VALIDATED {IN TI{IS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT o rNsr=.rG* HEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONB:328-6339 DATE ':.,,,.',''JOB NAME Tf ME REcEfvED ,/ / . t'{tla-rvl-;ervr CALLER EAGLE COUNTY I ornen n pnnrrnl.LocATroN t1:, iio. y' READY FOR INSPECTION WED d::l rar ;?,' 3 ,-) otr{t) D orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: DATE INSPECTOR rNsi"=rt*r FrEouEsrBUILD!NG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 -PXOtrtE: 328-63:19 JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY -/DATE TfME REcEfvED t : 'iAM PM 'CALLER I orHen E pnnrrnr-. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON GOMMENTS: TUE WED .I.-THUR I ./- "FRI ..,.. AM;PM,.' ElappRovED ! orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTfONS r.' , ", INSPECTOR DATE BUILDING DlVISION P. O. BOX 789 .PHON9:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER tNsieecrfrru HEouEsr EAdLE co urr@ ?j/dbz,,r ! oruen n panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI ": AM PM I nreRovED I orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr fI UPO|T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR