HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTEPHENS SUBDIVISION PARCEL B LEGALDEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES March 4, 2010 Anne Lonaine Horrenstine 2754 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Re; WellPermit No. 19061 Daar Ms. Howengtine: We havc revi*ed your request to recongider our decision regardirp the us€ of the aforementioned rryell, and have decided to grant your request. Based on thibtter submitted and convengations with me, it is apparent that you have made plans and epent considerabte capital based on information provided by our office. These expenditures includa the construction of a duplex on the lot on which the rwll is tocated. As such, we take note of the previous statements made by peraonnal in our offce in Glernvood Springc and clarfi that th€ w;[ with permit No. 19001 may be us€d for domcrtic uses limited to tire protedion, ordinary househo6 purp6es inside not more than three (3) single family dwellings, wilh agsociated iiiigation of h6m6 gardens and lawns on Parcels B-1 and &'2 of the Reeubdivision of Parcel B, Amsnd€d plat ot Stephens Subdivision. For your beneftt and for thc benefit of any party that uses thie tetter to understand the application of the law in thess situetaons, t would tike to clariff that application of the taw. A well that was permitted at the time and in the same mannsr as yours dodri have the potential to serv€ as many as three singlc-family dvuellings, ae vuell ar inigating up to one aire ol lawn and garqen, and watair|g liYesloclt end dom$tic animale. Hareyer, that is just anupry timit and the legally-allovwd uss is lirnited to th6 actual use that was in ptace on futay g, tgiz. ro the extent vve did not adequately convey that to you in our communications, wL tate responsibility and remedy thet h6rein. Also, please note that th€ location of the well provided with your change in ownership filed on February of 2001 Ooe! lg match the permittcd location of ihe rrvell. Ai such, you must complete the attach€d Form GWS-11 Change in Ornnerchi/Addrass/Cor€ction of L6cation to correct the location to the adual locEtion. Pleaee check the box next to'Corr€cition of location tor exempt wells pemitted prior to May E, 1972...'to agsure lhat the conection is procersad, Please contac{ me if I may be of any further assietance in this mattcr. Waler Rerourca Engineer EnclosureE; Form GW$1l change in omeruhiCAoorc$/coriocilion of Location Map illustrding rclativo locetioru of thc wtlls CML: PN 19061.doc Gc: Martin Haeberle, Town of Vail Buildlng Dapartment !1/ittiry T. Carlson, Town of Vail Community Dcrrelopment Bii Gibson, Tourn of Vail Planning Depertrncrt Lynn Brooks, ERWSD offlce of rhc strrc Engtneer 1313 sherman stteeb suite slt . Tffi i?ff; g::f: 300-s6&35E1 o Fax fl)3{5635Ee Bi[ Rlner. Jr. Govemor Jrmer B. Marlin Erecutiv€ Dire(tor Dicl Wolfe, P.E. Dircctolrslrie Entineer 5E EE €I'tEl .nl- I u 00r't j tEJ g $$","?* :EiisiltE 6$EE6EEE r___ffi|5 q I ot 0 ? E D ;lE \,\t v s \ N \ i \( L s ,a. t .t ri *(l $i \-q \fv +.$w\ h+ a s*R €s >-t aE cci €,E Eg n>dr Cl J4><q NE :-€o o tg lr t€ti t: lE W [.- Y "$'E i t.$j +el f- !t ) s,t h T' U 3 I a \ o ES =t 65 &f= sEl tr i!5 oza 5EE a:6' * g F o z E #I'J r P[s] i t>l 9t I oll ile I 5ldl n tol I cl l6l I arl I G tol I ol t!l tll t-I;l t|!l | (.) |tol lJl lo.l t|,}l I.EJ $E flrt z7 o lEl d r-r riq.l)l 6 = r,;1 j3= 3l: l.l ilEl !l sl EEJ o 2 ;! a o. b o () ts ig;i E trEI!z o F (, z c = J o-?OE 6!8e <3de lxxn orE El li FIEI ( $ t3l nlFl , HHHH HBH REtl,Fltrt ' Fili 2 2 li.rlu r'tl.,Lf."r, lji' i. Craiq ks Na'{'* Qo*rtt*S Ergrneier C.ot*"* Drurs,rbn Z{ u:, '4aloltthi--, fa itte. Cits#lr;'4alotrfzin fo {he. ext$iaq propuly wi{t AooLrr"s lb -lhe we-l,l . t went +hy* LU' fin' n c,y,ra.t .)onaz/s Wr#t llc 76t-,t ef Va;l tu;fh Fnif1 p/an <hccL .Je, . A.1a< n €,1,.o fr- T|o,-s-t -f Ud | , ' qora -3 ar\t thqj tha Wz.l &,nnof b- uscA #r a,l( +4r.2- ,<i,t'x.I ho-v<- ,qon4 {o i,ntzlse. eypelse, o-t -the ,*e,ll ,,^ttueh is- rh a. va."z,t* un/er -f-Ae, na,s drerJrrr<...Unfir+,za*-Q I c*nno* fqteaba be lt y.a's "rJo fitt &oot tfu- nara 6p -l/-r,e, Ena+nLt ,rt &"iwr-4 ti".d I l^)o"*eol brr;f sieu.,c<,eq +A--* Zfrf*, wus 4trecleA. at 11< frn chra'W a( e-wnetsbiT, rrllrf,s of o'r,nersh& e*c _7ft4* ofree ietq mQrraal me"of y^u offi<A Al this 'hfu l v,nutd ttqe yoi. otd yo* A-*q h 4+zis mater prg'S+1u as the. b*n -f h)l wilt d- rro &rtl.rz/ lcr-,Jtdr;14'ihsp..43-'r.s, c*4tt +hrs J fr*ga1nl ffirJor,<c . I a{ 69a-*er Reeo.nr"og t3V3 S,lr..e.rman S+te+t Q-oo,'^ StEr }erruer. Glorado toeo a $-ar Cnaiq , ot" h'erj p'e;rna'rr- * lloLl Deme's#tt -To €U1".'- u€ orr o-r lde,l,rore. c.-nvqs9.*rci-,s ef {Lq, (as4 lebJ A4s I woAd (rkg L +.ln the,#lc,.*,'' I purrJlesJ- +t irwelfv irt tr7 ard -tr*rsfer.J3 *he iel a',nqs;lie l. fy 'no-"- afsf-t. / ant;nua\wotked , ti+h yo* hleAwed S7r,S offiel od arns lold ar1 nu*nA761ag oca-siorE; thd /6e, wzll* na6l waa f ena;ned 4r threz d*e0nq cstlfs a.s if NaS de.r<aa( &pte'.rrbe-r, pS, t.ezsrby Otslnc* (htif *.{ C4u enclase4.\ a /o-.*rf,- ,n<.1(',' / | fher"{ad ,ve*Tdd w,lfL-t Pt T,1^,&, ^.?'o crlTt #4's'd)mv but(du:to r ,f & ,-r:t,ft ,-, - d'ure ,...__llnnet,l-ota,tne- Heweasf"n< Ph.. ?'ro- *7b-€rty &7.5+ S. ftonta7<" R-t. W. Va;l d 6fts7,' {,,roAt.-C : g/q sel.Ll a, eJr,ut6a. el annershiV #.tn. I Lo{ 6-l , SL"pk..*s SnUtutston rIL E COPY CASE NO.:09-08-0394C COMMIJNI'IY: TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COLTNI'Y' COLORADO COMMUNITY NO.: 080054 DIIAR MR. SLIFER: This is in reforence to a request that the Federal Emergency Managemenl. Agency (FtlMA) determine if the property described in the enclosed document is located within an identified Special Flood Hazard Rrea, ttre area that would be inundated by the flood having a l-percent chance ofbeing equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood), on thc ell-ective National Flood Insurance Program INFIP) map. Using thl information submitted and the effective NFIP map, our determination is shown on the attached Conditional Letter of Map Revision based on Fill (CLOMR-F) Comment Document. This comment document provides additional information regarding the cffective NFIP map, the legal description ofthe property and our comments regarding this proposed project- Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding the subject property and CLOMR-Fs. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are enclosed. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination/Comment document. If you have any questions about this letter or any of the enclosures, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federai Emergency Management Agency,3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. Sincerely, fu/J4";4 64-a, O* William R. Blanton Jr., CFM, Chief Engineering Management Branch Mitisation Directorate I,IST OF ENCLOSURES: CI,OMR-F-DEN COMMENT DOCUMENT cc: Mr. Thomas Froning Mr. Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer tr'ederal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 March 03.2009 THE HONORABLE RODNEY SLIFER TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOU'I-H FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 Page 1 of 2 Date: March 03, 2009 lcase No.:09-08'0394C I CLOMR-F-DEN Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C.20472 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL COMMENT DOCUMENT COMI,IUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Proposed Parcel B-1 , Stephens Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado The Lowest Floor elevation for the proposed building in this request are below the base flood elevation. Construction of buildings wiih this attribute will neoessitate actions by the Community and the Region before processing the as-built LOMR-F to ascertain adherence to design requirements listed under the Simplified Approach in Technical Bulletin 10-01 . COMMUNITY NO.:080054 AFFECTED MAP PANEL NUMBER: 08037C06s0D DAfrE:121412007 FLOODING SOURCE: GORE GREEK APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUOE OF PROPERW: 39.619, .106.430 SOURCE OF LAT & LONG: PREclSloN MAPPING STREETS 7.0 DATUM: NAD 83 coMt ElT TABLE Reeenope rue pioposED pRopERTy (pLEAsE NorE THAT THts ls Nor A FINAL DETERMINATIoN. A FINAL DETERMINATION wLL BE MADE UPON RECEIPT OF A$'BUILT INFONMA LOT BLOCI( SECTION SUBDIVISION STREET FLOOD ZONE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD ELEVATION NAVD 88 LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE ELEVATION VD LOWEST LOT ELEVATION (NAVD 88) Stephens 2754A South Frontage Road West Structure AE 7826.9 feet 7825.5 feet Speciaf lUoa Hazard Area (SFHA) - The SFHA is an area that would be inundated by the flood having a l-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in anv qiven vear (base flood). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Ptease refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CONDITIONAL LOMR.F DETERMINATIQN This document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's commenl regarding a request for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision bas€d on Filt for the property described above. Using the information submitted end the etfective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined that the proposed structure(s) on the property(ies) would be located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the ftood having a l.percent chance ot being equated or exceeded in any given year (base flood) if built as proposed. Therefore, tlood insurance is required for the properly described above. lf filt is placed on the subiect property lo raise its elevation above the base flood elevation atter the effective dale ot the Rrst NFtp map showing tha property in itle SFHA, then, for the subject property to be outside of the SFHA' it must be demonstrated that the subject property is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with Part 65.5(aX4) of our regulslions. Further guidance on determining if the $ub1ecl property- is reasonably safe from tlooding may be found in FEMA Technicat Bulletin 10-01. A copy of this bulletin can be obtained by calling the FEMA Map Assistance Cenler loll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or trom our web site at http:/,!vww.lema.govhiutbl 00'1 .pdf . This comment document is based on the flood dala presentty available. The enclosed documents provide additional information rsgarding lhis request and information regarding your opfions for obtaining a Letter of Map Revision based on Fill' lf you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Cen(er loll free at (877) 398 2627 1877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal EmergencyManagemenlAg6ncy,360lEisenhowerAyenue,suitel30,Alexandria,VA22304s439. fu/JZ"; 4 rl* \Mlliam R. Blanlon Jr., CFM, chief Enginoering Managemenl Branch Mitigation Dhectorate Oecopr TOIINOF l/l{II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 30,20Q4 Peter Papangelis Coldwell Banker Timberline Real Estate Inc. 286 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: 2754 South Frontage Road./Parcel B, Stephens Subdivision Dear Peter, This letter is in response to your fa,x dated September 29,2004. Your fax indicates that a potential buyer of 2754 South Frontage Road is inquiring about the tbasibility of constructing a garage addition/renovation of this property. As you are aware there are several issues which must be addressed as part of any proposal to renovate this property: . Any proposed renovation will require Town of Vail design review approval, which is typically a 3 to 5 week process. . Any proposed renovation will also require Town of Vail building permit approval, which is also typically a3to4 week process. r As this property is located almost entirely within the Gore Creek 100-year flood plain, a renovation of this property will likely require Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of grading/construction in the floodplain, this is typically a4 to 6 week process. r As this property is located almost entirely within the Gore Creek 10O-year flood plain, a renovation of this property may require United State Army Corp of Engineers approval.o As this property appears to be nonconforming in regard to several provisions of the Town's zoning regulations (i.e. gross residential floor area, setback, etc.), a renovation of this property may require Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a variance(s).. As shown in your fax, the conceptual driveway design appears to be located on Colorado Depadment of Transportation (CDO'I') property and will therefore require State of Colorado approval. r You also inquired about rezoning this property. Such a proposal will require Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council review and approval of a Land Use Plan amendment and a Zoning Map amendment, which is typically an 8 to l0 week process. Please reference the September 2,2004,letter to Greg Amsden for additional information related to the property. If you have any questions or comments, please f'eel fiee to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2173. {p ^""".""o rtr"o Sep FS 2OO4 12: ?1Pl'l Coldurel l Banker Timberl in 97O-s26-S164 F.1 TIME tt:sS am TIMBERLINE REAL ESTATE, INC. DATE Sepr4$cr29,2004 FROM; Peter Papangelis REFERENCE 2754 South Frontage RoadFaroel B, Stephens Subdivision FA)( # 479-2452 Inctuding.this.covar sheet,_ you should recelve 2 pages in thls transmission. lf you do nol 1999_lve afl of the Pages or if any of them are llleglble, pleas€ conlact us by telephone or FAX. THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDMIbUAL oR ENTITY To WHICH IT IS DIRECTED AND MAY GONTAIN INFORMATION WHICH IS PRIVILEGED,CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNOER APPLICABLE LAW. If th6 reader of this message l3 nol the Intended reciplent or the employee or agent responslble for deliverlng the message to the Intended reclpient you are hereby nolifled that any dlssemination, dlsklbutiqn or copylng of thls communication is strlcgy prohibited. lf you have received this oommunlca8on In error, please notify this ofllce lmmediately by collect telephone call and destroy the transrnlttal. ., 286 BRTDGE STREET vAlL, co 81657 BUS. (S70) 476-2113 FA)( (e7o) 476-3084 BEAVER CREEK LODGE BEAVER CREEK, CO E1620 BUS. (e70) 949€409 FA)( (970) S4s-9426 Bill Gibson TO: PHONE NO. FAX NO. 97Ol 476.2113 exL ll 970t 476,€08,4 TOLL FREE NO. 866/476-7653 MOBTLE NO. S7013T6-3784 I Dear Bill, Please nevlew survey and drawn In propoeed extension of driveway and additton of a two car attached garage. Gan you please glve me and the potentlal Buyers of this property, Tom & Maggle Fronihg, your opinlon and or a preliminary approval or not if this change would be allowed by the Town of Vail. I would also like to know what the maxlmurn allowable GRFA fior this propergr would be. As I understand tt, garage rguare footage is not deducted from GRFA- t understand that no official Town of Vall appronal can be obtalned untll fomat plans and appllcatlons are filed. The Fronings ar6 just trying to determine if the drlveway extenslon and addltlon of a two car garag€ ls feasible or not lf lt is not, they probably will not buy the property. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible. You can calf or fax me at any of the above numbers or lf possfble please e-mail me,at poterp@val.not . Thank you very much for your asslstance. Sincer€ly, ,4 Pelor Papangelis Broker/OwnEr FtL[ s$Py D ep artm ent of C ommunity D ev el opm ent 75 Sauth Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 2,2Q04 Greg Amsden Amsden Davis & Fowler 500 South Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 RE: 2754 South Frontage Road/Parcel B, Stephens Subdivision Lrear urcg, The following is a brief overview of the developmgnt standards for Parcel B, Stephens Subdivision: Zontng: Residential Cluster (RC) District . Total Lot Area: 23,344 sq.ft. Pursuant to the Final Plat for a Resubdivision ofParcel B, Amended Piat Stephens Subdivision, approved by the Town of Vail on June 4, 2001, the follow'ing development standards apply:. For zoning purposes, Parcels B-l anp B-2 shall be treaiid as one lot.. No more.than two dwelling units,shall be allowed on the combined area of Farcels B- I and B-2. Pursuant to Article 12-6E, Residentiai Cluster District, Vail Town Code, the following development standardil apply:. Setbacks: The mininrum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), tbe minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15). The minimum setback from the centerline of Gore Creek is fifty feet (50).r Height: For a flat roofor mansard roof, the height ofbuildings shall uot Bxceed thirty ' feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height ofbuildings shall aot exceed thirty three feet (33). . Site coverage: Site coverage shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the total site area (i.e. 5,836 sq.ft.).. Landscaping and Site Development: At least sixty percent (60%o) of each site shall be landscaped (i.e. 14,005 sq.ft.).i. Parking: Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10, Vail Town Code. No parking shall be located in any required front setback arqa, except as may be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapto 12-17, Vail Town Code. At least one parking space per dweliing unit shall be located within the main buildiilg or buildings or lvithin an accessory garage whenever the development is reasonable - and appropriate for the site and is required by the design reyiew board. 12-3-1 CHAPTEH 3 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 12-3-3 entered in the absence of the owner or tenant without the written order of a court ol competent jurisdiction. Serve Notice: The administrator may serve notice indicating the nature of any violation, or requiring the removal of any structure or use in violation of this title, on the owner or his/her au- thorized agent, or a tenant, or on any other person who commits or partici- pates in any violation ol this title. The administrator may call upon the town attorney to institute necessary legal proceedings to enforce the provisions of this title, and the town attorney is authorized to institute appropriate actions to that end. The administrator may call upon the chief of police and his/her authorized agents to assist in the enforcement of this title. (Ord. 8(1e73) S 21.102) 12-3-3: APPEALS: A. Administrative Actions: Any decision, determination or interpretation by any town administrative official with re- spect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures herein- after sel forth shall become final at the next planning and environmental commission meeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next de- sign review board meeting) following the administrator's decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the board or commission. SECTION: 12-3-1: Administrator;Appointment 12-3-2: Administrator; Duties 12-3-3: Appeals B. 12-3-4: Determination Of Similar Use 12-3-5: Declaration Of Site Allocation 12-3-6: Hearings 12-3-7: Amendment 12-3-8: Zoning Changes; Town Property 12-3-9: Compliance;Violations; Penalties 12-3-1: ADMINISTRATOR; APPOINT- MENT: The town manager shall appoint an administrator who shall adminis- ter and enforce this title. The position of administrator may be combined with anoth- er position of the' town. (Ord. 8(1973) s 21 .100) 12-3-2: ADMINISTRATOR; DUTIES: A. lnvestigation; Inspection: The adminis- trator shall be responsible for such duties as prescribed in this title, and shall be responsible for enforcement of the zoning regulations. The admin- istrator and his/her designees shall have the right to enter on any site or to enter any structure for the purpose 'of investigation or inspection related to any provision of this title, provided that the right of entry shall be exer- cised only at reasonable hours and that in no case shall any structure be Town of Yoil February 2004 I z-J-J owner, and adjacent property owners (notification within a condominium project shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent or the board of directors of the condominium associa- tion) at least fifteen (1 5) calendar days prior to the hearing. A hearing shall be scheduled to be heard before the planning and environmental com- mission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the appeal being filed. The planning and environmental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) may grant a contin- uance to allow the parties additional time to obtain information. The contin- uance shall be allowed for a period not to exceed an additional forty (40) cale.ndar days. Failure to file such appeal shall constitute a waiver of any rights under this title to appeal any interpretation or determination made by an administrative official. C. 4. Effect Of Filing An Appeal: The filing of a notice. of appeal shall stay all permit activity and any proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed unless the adminislrative official ren- dering such decision, determination or interpretation certilies in writing to the planning and environmental commis- sion (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) and the appellant that a stay poses an immi- nent peril 1o lile or property, in which case the appeal shall not stay further permit activity and any proceedings. 'The commission (or board) shall re- view such certification and grant or deny a stay of the proceedings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the planning and environmental com- 12-3-3 mission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines). 5. Findings: The planning and environ- mental commission (or the design review board in the case of design guidelines) shatl on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must sup- port conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the re- quirements of this title have or have not been met. 6. Fee: The town council may set a reasonable tee for filing an appeal of an administrative decision, determina- tion or interpretation. The fee will be adopted in a fee schedule which shall be maintained in the department of community development. The fee shall be paid at the time the appeal is filed. Appeal Of Planning And Environmen- tal Commission Decisions And Design Review Board Decisions: 1. Authority: The town council shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determina- tion or interpretation by the planning and environmental commission or the design review board with respect to the provisions of this title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. 2. Initiation: An appeal may be initiat- ed by an applicant, adjacent property owner, or any aggrieved or adversely atfected person from any order, deci- sion, determination or interpretation by the planning and environmental commission or the .design review board with respect to this title. 'Ag- t. Ioutn of Yail February 2004 I Z-5-J 12-3-4 and any proceedings. The town coun- cil shall review such certification and grant or deny a stay of the proceed- ings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the town council. 5. Findings: The town council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on lhe particular . evidence presented to it. These find- ings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. 6. Fee: The town council may set a reasonable fee for filing an appeal to a planning and environmental commis- sion or design review board decision. The fee will be adopted in a fee schedule which shall be maintained in the department of community develop- ment. The fee shall be paid at the time the appeal is filed. Procedure For Appeals; Sign Regula- tions: The procedure lor an appeal of an administrative interpretation of the sign regulations shall be the same as that of appeals of an administralive action as set forth in subsection B of this section. Appeal Of Town Council Decisions: Any applicant, adjacent property own- er, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person aggrieved by a final decision of the town council with re- spect to a filed appeal may seek re- .view of such decision by a court of competent jurisdiction in the manner provided by the laws ol the state. Conduct Of Hearing: The town council shall have the authoritv to set stan- dards, by administrative rule, on ap- pellate hearing procedures including, but not limited to, time allowance for the presentation of evidence and the time allowance for oral arguments. (Ord. 2(2003) g 1: Ord. 7(1se6) S 11) 12-3-4: DETERMINATION OF SIMI-- LARUSE: A. Uses Not Listed: ln order to ensure that the zoning regulations will permit similar uses in certain prescribed commercial zones, the town council, on its initiative or upon written re- quest, shall determine whether a use not specifically listed as a permitted . use shall be deemed a per,mitted use on the basis of similarity to uses spe- cifically listed. The procedure pre- scribed .in this section shall'_not be substituted for the amendment proce- dure as a means of adding new uses to the lists of permitted uses, but shall be followed to determine whether the characteristics of a particular use not listed are sufficiently similar to certain classes of permitted uses to justify a finding that the use should be deemed a permitted use. B. Review Use Characterislics: The ad- ministralor, upon request of the town council, or written request of any per- son for a determination under this section, shall review ihe characteris- tics of any use proposed to be deter- mined as similar to permitted . uses, and shall transmit a report to the council advising in what respects the proposed use would be, in fact, similar to specified permitted uses in the same district, or in what respects the proposed use would not be similar to permitted uses, or would be similar to n E. {. Town of Yoil February 2004 I z-o-o Notice: 1. Not less than tifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the hearing before the planning and environmental com- mission, the administrator shall cause a copy oi the notice to be published once in a newspaper of general circu- lation in the town. 2. ln addition to the published notice, the administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to bb mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid to the owner or owners of record of the prop- erty which is subject of the hearing and the owner or owners of record of the property adjacent to the subject property (if the adjacent property is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent, regis-'- tered agent or any member oi the board of directors thereof), for any amendment, change or application relating to: a. Changes in zoning district boundaries: b. Conditional uses; ' c. Variances; d. Development plans for special development districts; and e. Changes in the density control sections in any of the zone districts. 3. The within required notices shall state the time and place of the hear-.ing, name of the applicant, a general description of the subject property indicating its location (which may be shown by map), a brief summary of 12-3-6 the subject matter of the hearing, and a statement that the application or information relating to the proposed change or amendment is available in the administrator's office during regu- lar business hours for review or in- spection by the public. Evidence: 1. The planning and environmental commission shall base its determina- tions upon statements contained in the application or petition, upon re- ports trom the town statf or consul- tants, if any, and upon evidence pre- sented 10 the commission at the hear. ing. 2. The town council shall base its determinations upon statements con- tained in the application or petition, upon reports from the town staff or consultants, it any, upon evidence submitted to the planning and environ- mental commission and the recom- mendations or findings of the commis- sion, and upon evidence presented to the council at the hearing. 3. Hearings shall be conducted in such a manner as to afford an appli- cant or petitioner and all interested parties the opportunity to submit ex- ceptions to the record, contentions, and arguments with respect to the issues entailed, provided that the planning and environmental commis- sion and the town council may limit the taking of evidence to evidence not previously submitted and made a matter of record. (Ord. 49(1979) $ 1: Ord. 16(1978) $ 7: Ord. 8(1973) ss 21.400,21.403) U. Town of Yoil November 2002 .t z-J- I tute spot zoning as the amend- ment serves the best intefests of the community as a whole; and (5) The extent to which the zone district amendment resulls in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment. includ- ing, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegeta- tion, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural fea- tures; and (6) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district; and {7) The extent to which the zone district amendment demon- slrates how conditions have changed since the zoning desig- nation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate; and (8) Such other factors and crite- ria as the commission and/or council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. b. Necessary Findings: Before recommending and/or granting an approval of an application for a zone district boundary amendment the plan- ning and environmental commission and the town council shall make the following findings with respect to the requestecl amendment: ' (1)That the amendment is con- sistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan 12-3-7 and compatible with the develoo- ment objectives of the town; and (2) That the amendrnent is com- patible with and suitable to adja- cenl uses and appropriate for the surrou.nding areas; and (3) That the amendment Dro- motes the health, safety, moials, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that con- serves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a reso( and resi- dential community of the highest quality. 2. Prescribed Regulations Amend- ment: a. Factors, Enumerated: Before acting on an application for an amend- ment to the regulations prescribed in this title, the planning and environ- mental commission and town council shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment: (1)The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the zoning regulations; and (2) The extent to which the text amendment would better imple- ment and better achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives, and policies outlined in the Vail com- prehensive plan and is compati- ble with the development objec- tives of the town; ano Town of Yail November 2002 (,, 12-3-7 G. Hearing By Town Council; Upon re- ceipt of the report and recommenda-' tion ol the planning and environmental commission, the town council shall set a date for hearing in accordance with subsection 12.3-68 of this chapier. H. Action By Town Councih Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, the town council shall act on the peti- tion or proposal. The iown council shall consider but shall not be bound by the recommendation of the plan- ning and environmental commission. The town council may cause an ordi- nance to be introduced to amend the regulations of this title or to change district boundaries, either in accor- dance with the recommendation of the planning and environmental commis- sion or in modified lorm, or the council may deny the petition. ll the council elects to proceed with an ordinance amending the regulations or changing district boundaries, or both, the ordi- nance shall be considered as pre- scribed by the charter ot the town. (ord. 4(2002) $ 1: Ord. 4e(1e7e) $$ 2, 3: Ord. 50(1978) $ 17: Ord. 16(1978) S 8: Ord. 8(1978) $ 21.500: Ord. 8(1973) SS 21.501, 21.504, 21.506) 12-3-8: zoNING CHANGES; TOWN PROPERTY: A. Appropriate Zoning: All real property owned by the town and acquired'by sale, purchase, gift, dedication or any other means shall be zoned or re- zoned to a zoning category appropri- ate to the use or proposed use there- of. 12-3-9 B. Rezone Requirements: The zoning classification of any real property owned by the town shall not be changed wiihout full compliance with the terms and requirements of this title. C. Town Bound By Title: Property owned by the town shall not be used contrary to the terms of this title, in particular, the restrictions of the zoning dislrict in which the property is located. (Ord. s(2003) $ '19: Ord. 24(1978) g 1) 12-3-9:COMPLIANCE; YIOLATIONS; PENALTIES: A. Compliance Required: lt is unlawful to use or occupy or to permit the use or occupancy of any building or portion thereof, or site, or both, which-may be erected, converted, altered or placed into use in a manner or for a use or a purpose which is not in conformily with the requirements of this title. B. Building Permit: No permit tor erec- tion, alleration, moving, or rcpair ot any building, slructure, or use shall be issued unless the proposed building, structure, or use complies with the requirements of this title. C. Not Exclusive: In case any building or structure is erected, structurally al- tered, extended, moved or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation ol this title, any per- son may file a writlen complaint in the town municipal court alleging said violation. The filing of a complaint to the municipal court shall be an addi- tlonal remedy, and shall not preclude the imposition of any other civil or administrative action or sanction. February 2004 Town of VaiI Iz-otr-I SECTION: 12-6E- 1: Purpose 12-6E- 2: Permitted Uses 12-6E- 3: Condilional Uses 12-6E- 4: Accessory Uses 12-6E. 5; Lot Area And Site Dimensions 12-6E- 6; Setbacks 12-6E- 7: Height 12-6E- 8: Density Control 12-6E- 9: Site Coverage 12-6E-10: Landscaping And Site Development 12-6E-11: Parking 12-6E-1 ; PURPOSE: The residential clus- ter district is intended to provide sites for single-family, two-family, and multi- ple-family dwellings at a density not ex- ceeding six (6) dwelling units per acre, together with such public facilities as may appropriately be loca'ted in the same dis- trict. The residential cluster district is in- tended to ensure adeguate light, air, priva- cy and open space for each dwelling, com- mensurate with residential occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential quali- ties of the district by establishing appropri- ate site development standards. (Ord. 24(1s74) $ 3(B): Ord. B(1e73) S 23.100) 12-GE-2: PERMITTED USES: The follow- ing uses shall be permitted in the RC district: 12-6E-3 Multiple-family residential dwellings, includ- ing attached or row dwellings and condo- minium dwellings with no more than {our (4) units in any new building. Single-family residential dwellings. TwoJamily residential dwellings. (Ord. 37(1e80) $5: Ord. 24(1e74) $3(B): Ord. 8(1e73) S 23.200) 12-6E-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the RC district, subject to issuance ol a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast as lurther regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. Dog kennel. Funicutars, and other similar conveyances. Home child daycare facility as further regu- lated by section '12-14-12 of this title. Private clubs. Public buildings, grounds and facililies. Public or private schools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. CHAPTER 6 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ARTTCLE E. RESTDENTTAL CLUSTER (RC) D|STRICT Town of Vail August 2004 12-6E-8 date of final approval. lf the project is to be develgped in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the completion of the previous stage. (Ord. 31(2001) $ 5: Ord. 16(1991) S 1: Ord. 1s(1979) $ 5: Ord. 50(1e78) S 18) 12-6E-9: SITE COVERAGE: Site cover- age shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the total site area. (Ord. 17(1991) $ 3: Ord. 24(1974) $ 3(B): Ord. 8(1e73) $ 23.s07) 12-6E-10; LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT: At least sixty percent (60%) of each site shall be land- scaped. (Ord. 24(1974) S 3(B): Ord. 8(1973) S 23.s09) 12-6E-11: PARKING: Off street parkinS shall be Drovided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. No parking shall be located in any required lront setback area, excepl as may be specifically autho- rized in accordance with chapter 17 of this title. At least one parking space per dwell- ing unit shall be located within the main building or buildings or within an accessory garage whenever the development is rea- sonable and appropriate for the site and is required by the design review board. (Ord. 24(1e74) $ 3(B): ord. 8(1973) $ 23.510) 12-6E-1 1 Town of Voil Augusl 2004 /i tz-tt-l 1 )-17-7. t1-tt-o: 12-17-2 SECTION: 12-17-1: Purpose 12-17-2: Application Information Required 12-17-3: Fee 12-17-4: Hearing 12-17-5: Planning And Environmental Commission Action Criteria And Findings Permit Approval And Etfect Related Permits And Requirements Reasons For Seeking Variance: In order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsislent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpreta- tion and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing stiuctures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the imme- diate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or condi- tions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Exceoted: Variances may be gfanted only with respect t0 the development standards prescribed lor each district, including . lot area and site. dimensions. sel- backs, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open ipace, landscaping and site deveiop-. ment, and parking and loading re- quirements; or with respect to the 'provisions of chapter 11 of this title, governing physical development on a' site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not ' extend to. the use regulations pre- scribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives of this litle is provided by chapter 16,',Condi- tional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7,'Amendrnent' of this title. (ord.8(1973) $ 1e.100) 12.17-2.. APPLICATION INFORMATION REQUIRED: Apptication for a variance shall be made upon a form provid. ed by the administrator. The application shall be supported by documents, maps, . plans, and other material containing the lollowing information : A. Name and address of the owner and/or applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the CHAPTER J7 VARTAN.CES i Town of Vai! December 2001 t1-tt-+ ed in accordance with subsections 12-3-6C and D of rhis rirle. (ord. 8(1973) $ 19.400) 12-17-5: PLANNING AND ENVIRON- MENTAL COMMISSION AC- TION: Within twenty (20) days of .the clos- ing of a public hearing on a variance appli- cation, the planning and environmental commission shall act an the application. The commission may approve the applica- tion as submitted or may approve the appli- cation sublect to such modilications or conditions as it deerns necessary to accom- plish the purposes of this title, or the com- mission may deny the application. A vari- ance may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 1e.500) 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: A. .Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: i. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and en- forcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested vari- ance on light and air, distribution of t1-tt-o population, transportation and lraffic facilities, public facilities and utilities. and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental iommission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limita- tions on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be .detrimental to the public heaith, salety, or welfare, or niaterially injurious to properties or improve- ments in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified reg- ulation would result in practical diffi- culty or unnecessary physical hard- ship inconsistent with the objectives of . this title. b. There are exceptional or extraor- din ary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified reg- ulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of FI Town of Vail December 2001 't2-18-1 SECTION: 12-18-1: Purpose 12-18-2: Continuance 12-18-3: Sites 12-18-4: Uses 12-18-5: Structure And Site lmprovemenl 12-18-6: Maintenance And Repairs 12-18-7:. Diseontinuance 12-18-8: Change Of Use 12-18-9: Restoration 12-18-1 : PURPOSE: This chaoler is in- tended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and struc- tures by prohibiting or limiting their enlarge- ment, their reestablishment after abandon- ment, and their restoration after substantial destruction. While permitting nonconforming uses, structures, and improvements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement which would increase the dis- crepancy between existing conditions and the development standards prescribed by rhis tiile. (ord. 8(1973) g 20.100) 1 2-1 8-2: CONTINUANCE: Nonconformiig sites, uses, structures, and site improvem'ents lawfully established prior to the etfective date hereof may continue, subject to the limitations prescribed in this chapter. Sites, uses, structures, and site improvements lawfully authorized by per- mils or regulations exisiing prior to the etlective date hereof may continue, subject r z- t6-3 to such limitations as prescribed by such permits or regulations. (Ord. S(i979) s 20.200) 12-18-3: SITES: Sites lawfully established pursuant to regulations in effect prior to the effective date hereof which do nol conform lo the minimum lot area and dimension requirements prescribed by this title for the district in which they are situat- ed may be continued and shall be deemed legally established building sites, subject to the site development standards prescribed by this title. No such site shall be further re- duced in area or dimensions. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 20.300) 12-18-4: USES: The use of a site or struc- ture lawfully established prior to the effective date hereof which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, provided that no such nonconforming use shall be enlarged to occupy a greater site area or building floor area than it occupied on the effective dale hereof. Any subsequent reduction in site area or floor area occupied by a non- conforming use shall be deemed a new limitation, and the use shall not thereafter be enlarged to occupy a greater site area or floor area than such new limitation. (Ord. 5(2001)$ 5: Ord. 8(1e73) S 20.400) 12.18.5: STRUCTURE AND SITE IM. PROVEMENT: Structures and (. CHAPTER 18 NONCONFORMING SITES, USES, STRUCTURES AND SITE IMPBOVEMENTS Town of Voil December 2001 t1-ta-6 council shall determine that the proposed use does not increase or aggravate the degree of nonconformity existing prior to any such change of use. (Ord. 8(1973) s 20.800) 12-18-9: RESTORATION: Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regulations for the district in which it is located, or a noncon- forming structure or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other .calahrity, by act of God or by the public enemy, its use may be re- surned or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion. All new construction must con- form to the applicable adopted building codes, fire codes and other relevant codes regarding safety and construction which are in effect at the time rebuilding is proposed. (Ord. 31(2001) $ 12: Ord. 39(1982) g 1: Ord.35(1981)S 1: Ord.8(1973) $ 20.900) 12-18-9 Town of VaiI February 2002 12-21-1 12-21-2 CHAPTER 21 HAZARD REGULATIONS SECTION: 12-21- 1i Purpose 12-21- 2; Definitions 12-21- 3i Master Hazard Plans 12-21- 4: Approval Of Master Plans 12-21- 5: Town Manager Accumulate lnformation 12-21- 6: Supplemental Studies By Applicant 12-21- 7: Report To Town Council 12-21- 8i lnterpretation 12-21- 9i Disclaimer Of Liability 1 2-21 -1 O: Development Bestricted 12-21-11i Flood Hazard Zones And Flood Hazard Studies 12-21-12: lmprovements On 12-21-13: 12-21-14:. 12-21-15: Nonconforming Structures Duties Of Administrator Restrictions ln Soeciiic Zones On Excessive Slopes Resirictions In Geologically ues and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with flood plains, avalanche areas and areas of geo- logical sensitivity and slopes; to minimize damage to public lacilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief in cleanup op- erations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where llood plains, avalanche areas and areaS'ol geo- logic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, salety and welfare. (ord.5(1s85)$ 1: ord. 12(1e78) S 4) 12-21-2: tained in lows: DEFINITIONS: For the purposes ol this Chapter, the words con- this Section are defined as fol- BLUE HAZARD AVALANCHE AREA: An area impacted by a snow producing a total static and dynamic pressure less than six hundred (600) pounds per square foot on a flat su rtace normal to the llow and/or a return interval in excess of twenty five (25) yea rs. FLOOD HAZARD ZONE: That area covered by the base flood. The base flood area is any numbered A, AO, AH, or area of 10O-year shallow flooding indicated on the Flood Insurance Bate Map, associated work .. maps, and Flood Insurance Study, The flood hazard zone is also any area indicat- ed as 'flood plain" as defined by the Gore Creek Flood Plain Information Report, 1975, as designated in Section 12-21-11 ot this Chapter. Sensitive Areas 12-21-16i Right Of Appeal 12-21-17: Requirernent Of Bond 12-21-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this Chapter is to help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers relat- ing to development of flood plains, ava- lanche paths, steep slopes a.nd geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate develop- ment on steep slopes; to protect the eco- .nomic and property values of theJ6pp,lo----.-- protect the aesthetic and recreational val: 'I Town of Vail 12-21-4 12-21-4: APPROVAL oF MASTER PLANS: The master hazard plans shall not be considered to be official . hazard master plans of the Town until and unless the Town Council adopts the same, by motion. No substantial modification of the master hazard plan shall be made un- less it is first approved by the Town Council in a similar manner. As soon as the master hazard plans are adopted, or portions thereof are adopted, a copy of it shall be placed on file in the olfice of the Town Clerk, where it may be inspected by any interested party during normal business hours. (Ord. 12(1978) S 4) 12-21-5: TOWN MANAGER ACCUMU- LATE INFORMATION: The Town Manager, with the advice and approv- al of the Planning and Environmental Com- mission, shall continue to study and accu- mulate in{ormation as to hazard areas. When additional information is available, it shall be reviewed by the Planning and Envi- ronmental Commission and added to the master hazard plans. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) 12-21-6: SUPPLEMENTAL STUDIES BY APPLICANT: lf an application is made to build in an identified avalanche hazard zone of influence or modilication to the llood plain, the Administrator may re- quire the applicant io conduct supplemental studies as specified in this Chapter. The information submitted by the applicant fol- lowing completion of said studies shall be viewed by the Town staff and the Planning and Environmental Commission and may be added to the master hazard plans. (Ord. 12(1e78) S 4) 12-21-7: REPORT TO TOWN-COUNCII:.--,- The Town Manager shall report 12-21-10 to the Town Council not less than once each year on any additions that have been made to the master hazard plan. (Ord. 12(1s78)S 4) , 12-21-8: INTERPRETATION: The provi. sions of this Chapter shall be deemed to be minimum requirements. Noth- ing herein shall impair the obligations ol or interfere with private agreements in excess of the minimum requirements. Where this Chapter imposes a restriction different trom that imposed by other applicable provisions of law, contract, or deed, the more restric- tive provision shall control. (Ord. 5(1985) s3) 12.2"1-9i DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: This Chapter is based on scien- tific and engineering considerations -which are continually being developed. Compli- ance with the provisions herein cannot insure freedom trom risk to life, safety or property. This Section shall not create lia- bility on the part of the Town or any otficer or employee thereof Ior any damage that may result trom reliance on this Chapter, or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder, The designation of certain areas as hazard areas or geologically sensitive areas pursuant to maps incorporated into this Section does not imply in any way that areas not so designated are free irom all risk to life, safety or property. (Ord. 5(1985) 54) 12-21 -1 O'. DEVqT.OPMENT RESTRICTED: A. No structure shall be built in any flood hazard zone or red avalanche hazard area. No structure shall be built on a slope ol forty percent (40%) or greater except in Single-Family Residential, ( Town of Vd.il 12-21-12 B. Application; Contents: Applications lor the substantial improvement for struc- tures shall include the following: 1. Engineered drawings and specifica- tions sufficient to illustrate that the proposed structure will be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement during a base flood event. Such drawings shall bear the stamp of a registered, prof essional engineer. 2. Floor plans and elevations illustrat- ing that the lowest tloor elevations including basement, of the structure shall be elevated to at least one toot (1') above the base flood elevation. 3. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issqed f,or a substantially improved structure, an improvement location certificate shall be obtained illustrating structure location in rela- tion to property boundaries, building dimensions, all utility service lines as bu ilt, easements, lowest floor eleva- . tion, and root ridge elevation. The improvement location certificate shall bear the stamp of a registered, profes- sional surveyor. (Ord. 16(1983) S 1) 12-21-13: DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR: The duties of the Administrator shall be to: A. Review all building permit applications to ensure that the requirements of this Chapter have been satisiied. B. Review improvement location certifi- cates lor substantially improved struc- tures to ensure that the lowest floor elevation has been elevated to one toot (1') above the base flood eleva- tion. 12-21-14 C. Submit an annual report to the Feder- al Emergency Management Agency concerning flood hazard zone man- agement and development activity. (ord. 16(1e83) S 1) 12-21-14: RESTRICTIONS IN SPECIF.IC ZONES ON EXCESSIVE SLOPES: The lollowing additional special restrictions or requirements shall apply to development on any lot in a Hillside Resi- dential, Single-Family Residential, Two- Family Residential or Two-Family Prima- ry/Secondary Residential Zone District where the average slope ol the site beneath the existing or proposed structure and park- ing area is in excess of thirty percent (30%): A. A soil and ioundation investigation, . prepared by and bearing the seal of a registered professional engineer shall be required. B. Foundations must be designated and bear the seal of a registered pro{es- sional engineer. C. A topographic suryey prepared by a registered surveyor, with contour in- tervals of not more than two teet (2'), shall be required. D. Structures must be designed by a licensed architect. E. Site coverage as it pertains to this Chapter, as permitted by Sections 12-6A-9, 12-68-9 and 12-6C-9 of this Title, is amended as lollows: 1. Not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the site area may be covered by buildings; and Town of Vail