HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 1 TO 5 TIMBER RIDGE GENERAL LEGALMEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: File NinaTimm June 6, 2007 SUBJECT: Summary of Town Council's discussion regarding redevelopment of Timber Ridee On Tuesday, June 5, 2007, staffmade a brief presentation to Town Council regarding specific issues related to the redevelopment of Timber Ridge. Some of the items discussed were requests for further clarification that Open Hospitality Group/Hillwood Capital Partners (OIIP) has requested and other items were brought up by the Vail Local Housing Authority. The main topics ofponversation were: r' The mix of for-sale units and rental units { The configuration oft}re for-sale and rental units r' Deed restrictions on some or all of the units. both for-sale and rental r' Ownership of the land Town Council stated the currently proposed mix of 312 rental units and 167 for-sale units seems to be appropriate from their perspective. There was some concern noted about the market for 167 for-sale units in the highly dense development that is currently proposed. At least one Town Council member suggested that the developer do a site specific market study to ensure the depth of demand at this location and what sort of unit types and amenities would be expected by fufure owners. Town Council appeared to be comfortable that there was enough demand in the mmket for rental units at this location. Town Council would encoumge the developer to reconsider the unit sizes on the for-sale units and create more one- and two-bedroom for-sale units. Town Council did not believe that this location and proposed density would appeal to families in Eagle County. Properly targeting the for-sale product will be critical. Again, further market research should be completed by the developer to ensure the market demand exists. Town Council recommends providing a variety of rental unit types. Recognizing that Town Council has not closely studied the rental market they suggested a range of rental units from studios, one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom units. Again, Town Council recommended a site specific market study to ensure the markets needs are being met with the rental units developed. There was unanimous agreement from the Town Council members present that all units, for-sale and rental, should be deed restricted. There was not significant discussion regmding the type(s) of deed restrictions that should be put in place. Some discussion was had about a variety of types of deed restrictions, some of which may carq/ a price appreciation cap. The Vail Local Housing Authority has suggested that the Town and the developer evaluate the viability ofproviding a land lease to the developer rather than Fee Title to the property. The Town historically has had a policy of not selling land. The Housing Authority believes that over the long term this will benefit the Town in multiple ways. When the term of the land lease expires the Town will be involved in future uses of the housing. The Town will have the ability to adapt to changing market forces. Additionally, if the courts take a more conservative view on long-term deed restrictions the Town would not be at risk of losing the desired use of the property. CORUTM REAL ESTATE GROUP Marc.h 30,2006 Mr. Jack Hunn Vail Resorts P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Timber Ridge Redevelopment Dear Jack: Following up on our recent discussion on the Timber Ridge redevelopment, the best and most sftaightforward way for us to communicate our thinking to you is to provide you a copy of our curent correspondence with the Town as to how we propose to put this deal together. You will find attached my most recent letter outlining our proposed arrangement with the Town and describing VRI's proposed involvement. The attachments detail the unit count and square footages that you requested at our last meeting, and the manner by which we propose VRI recover its investrnent in Timber Ridge. These figures require explanation, and we look forward to discussing them in detail with you at our meeting tomorrow in Vail. Sincerely, V. Michael Komppa President ONE DTC o 5251 DTC PARKWAY r SUITE200 o GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 8011I FAX 303-796-2065 . 303-796-2000 / CORUtvl REAL ESTA'I'E CROUP March 30, 2006 Mr. StanZemler Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Stan: After our initial round of discussions with the Town and Vail Resorts on our initial proposal for the Timber Ridge redevelopment, we have run into two major issues affecting the proposal. First and most significantly, the cost figures we received from Weitz Construction after their initial review of the project were nearly 40% higher than our March 6 budgeted costs. A sigrificant increase in constuction cost is currently a widespread phenomenon as you know, and one that occurs in every development project to a degree. The only reliable way to get fum construction figures is to provide as complete a set of drawings as possible, which is what the initial phase of predevelopment accomplishes. The next step is to specifu a budget that the contractor must achieve in order to make the project viable; this requires significant time and effort on behalfofthe contractor, gets him invested in the process, and produces very good results, in our experience. Nonetheless, the Weitz numbers represent the best information currently available, and we have incorporated those costs into our model. Second, our assumption that US Bank would tade its cunent position of $22 million in bonds with the Town's moral obligation for a $5.5 million paydown from condo sales and a $16.5 million junior note at 4%o for 30 years is simply not realistic. We are also assuming that the Town would not provide long term subordinate financing for this project. Moving $16.5 million from a low interest junior note to a near term requirement obviously affects the capital flows. In order to mitigate the effects of these issues, we have had to rethink several aspects of our proposal in order to make the overall project viable. The most obvious item to address is the $18 million income tax payable on the condominium profits in our March 6 proposal. This is a significant drain on capital, and we have come up with a couple of ways to structure the transaction in a more tax efftcient way to preserve some of these funds. The revised structure we propose is as follows: 1. TRAHC would sell the land to a Corum LLC for $22 million in order to get the land off its books and the Town offthe bonds. The $22 million price would consist of $6 million cash at closing and a participation in condo profits equal to a minimum of $16 million. 2. The Corum LLC would borrowthe $6 million initial land payment under a construction loan from US Bank or another lender, and advance it to TITAHC as part of the land ONE DTC o 5251 DTC PARKWAY o SUITE200 o GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80t I I FA){ 303-796'2065 t 303-796'2000 / March 30, 2006 Page Two purchase price. In order to get US Bank to refinance the $22 million in bonds, TRAHC would advance the $6 million cash to US Bank and assign its $16-million participation. We believe it is realistic to assume that US Bank or another lender would accept $6 million cash and an assignment of a $ I 6 million minimum participation to refinance the bonds. 3. At this point we would expect US Bank to release the Town from its moral obligation on the bonds, and have them rely on the minimum participation in condo proceeds for repayment of the remaining $16 million. Whether $6 million and $16 million are the right figures here is obviously negotiable, but our intent is to repay the $22 million in bonds without requiring the Town's financial participation in a complex real estate development. 4. The $16 million participation would be deductible to the LLC, and the 45olo income tax payable would be retained within the capital structure. Moving some of the income from condo sales out of the LLC where it is taxable over to the TRAHC where it is not, and allowing TRAHC to use the income to repay the bonds helps preserve capital. 5. The Corum LLC would create a second level of participation payable to the Town in the amount of $ I 5 million, which would also be deductible to the LLC. We would ask the Town to make a soft loan or other non-taxable contribution of this $15 million to reduce project costs. While this obviously constitutes financial involvement by the Town, it is using project proceeds rather than tax dollars to make this development more affordable. This reduces the tax burden on the development by 45% of this additional $15 million. 6. To further reduce the project cost and to help convince US Bank to release the Town's obligation, we would ask that the Town consider funding the $3 million pedestrian bridge, since it would obviously be a public improvement, and it is an important element to the viability of the development. 7. We would ask VRI to contribute $17 million to the LLC in a manner to be determined other than a "payment in lieu" for affordable housing. We would give VRI anote at zero interest repayable via a 50Yo participation in cash flow from the apartment and seasonal rentals. VRI's cost for doing this would be essentially only the lost interest on their $17 million, which we believe is cheaper than using their more valuable land to build the units. This would also motivate VRI to direct their employees to live in the new project in order to keep the units leased and recover tleir investment as quickly as possible. 8. We would reduce the size of the 18 affiordable condo units from 1900 SF to I 8 units of 1000 SF and shift the square footage to condominiums. This adds nearly $3 million to the condo profits, which in tum reduces the cost ofthe seasonal and apartment rentals We could make the project viable on paper with the revised construction costs by reducing the seasonal and rental unit count and increasing the condo side to 337 units. The resultant building mass is significant enough that we are not certain it fits within the Town. We do not think a project that size and scale serves the Town's interests well, nor are we comfortable with a condominium development of that size. March 30, 2006 Page Three The attached Revisd Timber Ridge Analysis dated 3130106 illustrates ow current thinking on project scale and unit count. The Revised Capital Structure summtrizes our qrrrent thinking on the tansaction structrne and dernonsfiates a viable result. We look forward to discussing this with you in detail at ourmeetingtomorrow. Sincerely, V. MichaelKomppa President cc: Russ Forrest NinaTimm I TIMBERRIDGE ANALYSIS R.EDUCE 4 BTIILDINGS BY ONE STORY WeiE Pricing - Wood Frame Use Cost Quantify (SF) Unit Cost Condo $53,346,325 306,864 $174 /GSF Rental $77,815,018 521,568 $149 /GSF Project Totals per PBA Site PlanDfieil3122106 Buildings Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal 2 233,616 't92,733 245 780 Rental 3 301,248 259,445 288 432 Familv 1 41.904 JO,OOO 18 72 Condo 2 2U,960 231,840 185 392 Totals 8 841,728 720,684 736 1,676 Revised Totals - Cl & Dl From Rental to Condo Buildings Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal 2 233,616 192,733 245 780 Rental 1 82,944 68,429 to 114 Family 1 41,904 36,666 18 72 Condo 4 483,264 422.856 337 715 Totals I u1,728 720,684 o/o 1,681 Reduced Totals - One Floor from A1, 81, Cl, & Dl - Adjusted Unit Mix Buildinqs Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal 2 191 ,031 157,600 200 636 Rental 1 125,529 103,562 116 174 Family 1 20,571 18,000 18 54 Condo 4 383,781 335,808 267 567 Totals I 720,912 614,970 601 1.431 tlsc*Y**l March 30,2006 Ivft. Stan Zernler TownofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Stan: After our initial round of discussions with the Town and Vail Resorts on our initial proposal for the Timber Ridge redevelopment, we have run into two major issues affecting the proposal. First and most significantly, the cost figures we received from Weitz Construction after their initial review ofthe project were nearly 40%ohtgher than our March 6 budgeted costs. A significant increase in construction cost is currently a widespread phenomenon as you know, and one that occurs in every development project to a degree. The only reliable way to get firm construction figures is to provide as complete a set of drawings as possible, which is what the initial phase of predevelopment accomplishes. The next step is to specifr a budget that the contractor must achieve in order to make the project viable; this requires significant time and effort on bebalfofthe contractor, gets him invested in the process, and produces very good resultso in our experience. Nonetheless, the Weitz numbers represent the best information currently available, and we have incorporated those costs into our model. Second, our assumption that US Bank would trade its current position of $22 million in bonds with the Town's moral obligation for a $5.5 rnillion paydown from condo sales and a $16.5 million junior note at 4Yo for 30 years is simply not realistic. We are also assuming that the Town would not provide long term subordinate financing for this project. Moving $16.5 million from a low interest junior note to a near term requirement obviously affects the capital flows. In order to mitigate the effects of these issues, we have had to rethink several aspects of our proposal in order to make the overall project viable. The most obvious item to address is the $18 million income tax payable on the condominium profits in our March 6 proposal. This is a significant drain on capital, and we have come up with a couple of ways to structure the transaction in a more tax efficient way to preserve some of these funds. The revibed structure we propose is as follows: l. TRAHC would sell the land to a Corum LLC for $22 million in order to get the land off its books and the Town offthe bonds. The $22 million price would consist of $6 million cash at closing and a participation in condo profits qqual to a minimum of $16 million. 2. The Corum LLC would borrow the $6 million initial land payment under a construction loan from US Bank or another lender, and advance it to TRAHC as part ofthe land ONE DTC r 5251 DTCPARKWAY . SUITE200 o GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 80lll FAX 303-796-2065 r 3 03-?96-2000 March 30, 2006 Page Two purchase price. In order to get US Bank to refinance the $22 million in bonds, TRAHC would advance the $6 million cash to US Bank and assign its $16 miltion participation. We believe it is realistic to assume tlnt US Bank or another lender would accept $6 million cash and an assignment of a $ 16 million minimum participation to refinance the bonds. 3. At this point we would expect US Bank to release the Town from its moral obligation on the bonds, and have them rely on the minimum participation in condo proceeds for repayment of the rernaining $ I 6 million Whether $6 million and $ 16 million are the right figures here is obviously negotiable, but our intent is to repay the 522 million in bonds without requiring the Town's financial participation in a complex real estate development. " 4- The $J6 million participation would be deductible to the LLC, and the 45olo income tax . l,*. Lpdable would be retained within the capital structure. Moving some of the income from lrv e '" 0 j condo sales out of the LLC where it is taxable over to the TRAHC where it is not, and --, ,l'vl t- " allowing TRAHC to use the income to repay the bonds helps preserve capital.rv+t t 5. The Corum LLC would create a second level of participation payable to the Town in the amount of $15 million" which would also be deductible to the LLC. We would ask the Town to make a soft loan or other non-taxable contribution of this $15 million to reduce project costs. While this obviously constitutes financial involvement by the Town, it is using project proceeds rather than tax dollms to make this development more affordable. This reduces the tax burden on the development by 45% of this additional $15 million. 6. To further reduce the project cost and to help convince US Bank to release the Town's obligation, we would ask that the Town consider funding the $3 million pedestrian bridge, since it would obviously be a public improvement, and it is an important element to the viability ofthe development. \75,f4' 7. , pe would ask VRI to contribute $17 million to the LLC in a manner to be determined .r/11 lother than a "payment in lieu" for affordable housing. We would give VRI arrote at:z // l4l interest renavahle vla e 5io/n narticination in cash florv from fhe rnqrfrnenl end scqcnn; '- / t'- ------' , ,r/11 /other than a "payment in lieu" for affordable housing. We would give VRI a rrote at zsro U/ l4l interest repayable via a 50o/o participation in cash flow from the apartment and seasonal rentals. VR['s cost for doing this would be essentially only the lost interest on their $17 million, which we believe is cheaper than using their more valuable land to build the units. This would also motivate VRI to direct their employees to live in the new project in order to keep the unitg lease{and/ecovep th-ir investment as quickly as possible. 8. i we would ,"gffi"Xfr,Yt?^4?#r[{uor.condo unirs from le00 SF to 18 units of _ lt - ^ ,h 1000 SF arfif shift the square footage to condominiums. This adds nearly $3 million to ,/\ { vt' the condo profits, which in tum reduces the cost ofthe seasonal and apartment rentals '11J We coulC make the project viable on paper with thp revised construction costs by reducing the seasonal and rental unit count and increasing thp condo side to 337 units. The resultant building mass is significant enough that we are not certain it flts within the Town. We do not think a project that size and scale serves the Town's interests well, nor are we comfortable with a condominium development of that size. t March 30, 2006 Page Three The attached Revised Timber Ridge Analysis dated 3/30/06 illustrafes our current thinking on project scale and unit count. The Revised Capital Structure summmizes our current thinking on the transaction structure and demonstrates a viable result. We look forward to discussing this with you in detail at our meeting tomorrow. Sincerely, V. Michael Komppa President cc: Russ Forrest Nina Timm I ] TIMBER RIDGE ANALYSIS REDUCE 4 BUILDINGS BY ONE STORY Weitz Pricing - Wood Frame Use Cost Quantity (SF) Unit Cost Condo $53,346,325 306,864 $174 /cSF Rental $77,815,018 521,568 $149 /GSF Project Totals per PBA Site Plan D*ed 3122106 Buildings Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal z 233,616 192,733 245 780 Rental 301,248 259,445 288 432 Familv 1 41,904 36,666 18 72 Condo 2 264,960 231,840 185 392 Totals I 841,728 720.684 736 1,676 Revised Totals - Cl & Dl From Rental to Condo Buildinqs Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal 2 233,616 192,733 245 780 Rental 1 82,944 68,429 76 114 Family 1 41,904 36,666 18 72 Condo 4 483,2U 422,856 337 715 Totals I 841,728 720,684 o/b 1,681 Reduced Totals - One Floor from Al, Bl, Cl, & Dl - Adjusted Unit Mix Buildings Gross SF Net SF Units Beds Seasonal 2 191,031 157,600 200 636 Rental I 125,529 103,562 116 174 Familv 1 20,571 18,@0 18 54 Condo 4 383,781 335,808 267 EA-7 Totals 8 720,912 614,970 601 1,431 5'tfu ,"-/ t qtlb //J t9 F q) a q) A cr) tr t u) z a F z E) z E z () a 4 a a9 O ra){A i-g> a ra,6 r,-c{ {J b! F :T E E.g xq,:tr ;s H8 .*(t) EE ii()-t as> FO,cf oo ql F (D oo a -f s+ e { a1 c.l fr:II n frl: z g 8o F'r 97 .6e rr \o \o F G e an 9)e * \o \o :. o\ o\ = ..r rn \o ral ar a.) 6 F- e c- 9+ t: ga a.l \ aa -t -l.g fr t- .E :d- E 1r^ D-- =! EEE orr FIr arOa.lOO lY(n('\\o.+cFel.ro 6/ er9 E l\ Vl !? ,rt O' c-r r.,!icl\oi-$ ra) la) (a (-r F e € i .-."ia- E4 e as -P ; rar rar 6 -1.Roo\co\o =-idi..:,'.1 e9 66 I F o\o\o\o \o €\ ca rt c.t c.l s55E$ ral \.o F- 0O O\ e{\oi-\t=ii;ior; d \o oo c.l c'l d Fr + .., C.\ p {, a E o F a z ID (rt6<tG E FqtqCAO .E^<<QQ ,€ 6 U d U aB t Fq F{ Fr r*.tr(aF<C{.4+ I U) (n F z F z F F{z v U Ftr]z(J rif !l -(aa O. ri AY rJz .t =14 ->s 2 r-\ \J -\XE Fr E r-i J F ::-a z ra9 fd :;f X r|t 6l -x> 5 -?lY. ir ,t+. =,)r-'t H 5E FZ -r- i r'--l 4. A. r- =a c\t-t- G +a> r- ao I !J 7 F eaas+a c- a 9-Vl{'9a1 = -.. E4 tD F ;)@o)ooo .:aqqq r--crc)oo \o 6 lu?-, .., o o olr-c-, * l.'i F9t AE h5 o cr) x?33 66bO c!dct a'di',8 dr ar 'o ()o: :h(D 6';a e ?? + ?J g G cc q) o F (.) oolco r-r | ..< z a z a o z Q =i a-\9 e+ -+ &&e.l 4 G 6 a € (.it rr t.- c.t f- a..t E+ c.; oo g g4 oo t- c.l ' cpa (u bora 9a -::=== $ o oa oo c't c{ .;-EE !:.J() oclra (J ro q. F.s c\t_(,(o e o o o o o o 1r, @o)!c rf, lot$rf- it- $- lrl- t: ('rF(O tf F- o) t-(v aot6 d rolood (o OFOI F {A (r}@@ o o o o o q t- r.C,$- N s (\l GI @ c) E (u o tl)E E o E (l, E &s* E€E ; EnE ?E* : q;€ F=€E stHEs ;(-* EdE 8E 9- (5 (5 0 0<(,pga 4sscp (f, @ oi F q c\t ser;s gfiggfi;gpg Y} @ r.) rql c.t F. @- r{)o @ o o o-{t--{- F-F f'l ! tu.z>f-l F >e O. ;)'^, tY.vt-..I H r---r A >r Hf,E rr i rrZ l-l i^ (\l c?> r-r r \ (t)ilv.ET d<*7 H=FC ii >i hr l-{ !Lt tl. o) v od N a @ ga E E F .$gE H E9, q E egi I <otr99 s -.c ^.c |J)5 (,):s (,) r.-9888 P !-@CDO sssa Fi <', F =$F-O)X Nco\i-^ c{ ro (, :,@O-a i- F €1> \-/4'e,v ro a"F.*o{ CD F o ot-8E E 1-E ,Fq.g g*5E.E saFE E3 rE€ FgEf, ts*Ee Fs#g FTEEE! Agenda Timber Ridge Development Parameters March 31, 2006 Community Development Conference Room 12:00-3:00 1) Briefly review project background and project goals-Russ a. RFP Goals for project i. "Creates an integrated community which will help blend Vail work force both full-time and seasonal" "develops the site so it is an asset to the neighborhood and community" ii. Maximizes number of units available to local employees either rental and/or for sale housing and to ensure the housing units are affordable for future employees iii. Creates a viable project on the site that improves the Town's financial investment I the property and /or results in the Town's exposure in the property ($23 million) being eliminated or significantly reduced iv. Pursue Opportunities to connect the Timber Ridge property to Vail Case Cascade Village and Vail Mountain Ski lifts. 2) Review proposed process-Russ a. Create and apply zoning to land-Currently no zoning exists on land b. Transfer land to Corum c. Corum will proceed as applicant with a development proposal 3) lmmediate goal-Develop parameters for a new zone district or an amended Housing District a. Uses b. Height c. Density d. FloorArea e. Site Coverage , f. Land scape area 4) Review current program and bulk and mass proposed for site- Corum 5) Discussion on development parameters a. Discuss what parameters work for a Housing District and the site b. What parameters don't work and why , c. What are alternative concepts that should be explored? 6) Potential Next Steps? a. Follow-up meeting with staff b. Meeting with neighbors (Savoy Villas and Grand Traverse Subdivision) c. Public Discussion on zoning amendment and development plan for site ' d, PEC meetings e. Others? TIMBER RIDGE REDEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY CAPITAL STRUCTURE sl1912006 Total Proiect Cost $162,217 '624 Less: Bridge by TOV ($3'000'000) Plus: Cash Land Payment s6.000,000 Revised Project Cost $165.217,624 Revised Proiect Cost $165,217 '624 Less: Condo Costs (S 101'361,3 54) Less: After Tax Condo Proceeds ($13.602'968 Less: VRI Contribution ($ 17'000'000) Less: TOV Soft Loan 15.000.000 $ 18.253,302 Condo Revenue $168.918'500 Less: Condo Costs (s 10 l.36l '3 54) Less: Commissions & Closing (Sl1,824.295 Net Condo Revenue $55'732-85 | Less: TOV/US Bank Payment ($16'000.000) Less: Additional TOV Pnrticipation $ 15.000,000 Condo Revenue afier Payments $24.732.851 Tax @ 45o/o $11,r29,783 Condo Revenue after Taxes $ r 3.602.968 Apt/Seasonal NOI $2.980,777 Apartment Debt Service*111 Flow $l '702,521 50%o to VRI (Up to $l7MM) cash to LLC $851'260 * 5 .7 5o/o, 3O year amortization Revised Proiect Cost $165.217 .624 Less: VRI Contribution ($ 17 US Bank Loan Amount $148'217.624 US Bank Loan Amount Repayment: Condocosts $101.361'354 o Revenue after Taxes $13,602.968 Apanmentloan $ | 8,253.302 V Soft Contribution $15.000,000 Total s148.217.624 I of I Timber Ridge Analysis 5-19-06.xls 5/1912006 4:0'l PM TIMBER RIDGE REDEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado PRELIMINARY I.JNIT MIX AND PARKTNG SPACE COUNT r lry chJ't APARTMENT UNITS Total Rent Seasonal Units 2 Bed/1 Bath 2 Bed/l Bath 4 Bed/2 Bath B lended Wi nter/S ummer Rates $ 1.62 $875 $ 189,000 I lYo 2jo/o 69% l8 lt0 36 r28 440 9,696 20,661 539 646 $2.7r $1.750 $672.000 $2.13 $r.750 1/.rtt lfOr+ 120,770 s2.r9 $r.6s2 $3,171.000 90.413 Total/Average 160- ij Traditional Units I Bed/l Bath 2 Bed/l Bath Total/Average 29 53 106 s1.29 s 1.33 852 24,698 1,13 1 59.926 tn??84,624 $r.32 $1,100 s382,800 sl $954.000 qr 15q $l,336,800 82 | 35 APARTMENT PARKING parking Type Spaces Spaces/Unit Spaces/Bed Rent/Space Total Rent -st u"tu."a spaces - Included 242 1.00 0.32 $0 XiO Struciured SDaces - Rented ?54 496 0.34 b/J $228.600 TotaVAverage 2.05 0.66 s228,600 llt tLtv CONDOMINIUM UNITS Condo Units 2 Bedi2 Bath 86% 2t4 214 1,200 2s6,800 $500 $600,000 s128,400.000 3 Bed/z Bath 14% 3s 70 1.640 s7.397 $s00 $819,9s? -$28'6?q'i00 lotafiAverage 10A06 249 284 1,262 314,197 $500 $630,918 $157,098,50, Condo Units Familv 3 Bed/2 Bath l8 $300 $300.000 $5.400,000 Total/Average l8 $300 $300,000 s5,400,000 CONDOMINIUM PARKING parking Type Spaces Spaces/Unit Spaces/Bed Price/Space Total Price Structured Spaces 320 1.20 lncluded S0 Structured Spaces Detached Carages Carports 0 0.00 0 0.00 $30,000 $6,420,000 s0 $0 $0 $0 zl4 0.80 TotaUAverage 2.00 $12.022 $6,420,000 Timber Ridge Analysis 5- | 9-06.xls lof I 5/19/2006 4:01 PM #4 1 ;:,.,'ffi :,',.:..:, t, ;,. ..' = ". .')-,: .'". ,.:': . ':.:t\'_...: .'.- .. ..'l .-1.'- ttt-',-' ,' * .-Jl .- -j-=>>*- ,:.ti: , t'i,,',.,t,, "1! 1, - --- -,:'tl ' -- * -=- "-::'-.--i"-.\ l\---,--:-- \ \'\1,-- .--,-=, \\\:t.\.- i,'----/,, ,',t' ,. ,.i :--l:"*;1i.. ..1i1:. __.----_:- l=-=-=-'-.. t -' .-t--': ,1,' -'': ,' . , , .,, ,'' . :-,;:-,';-r': 7;r. ---.-' ;,,, .:.: ._ -.... . t.',-'.-4,'' tt-.11 t'--.'-1 ;-.'V ,,. ,a::= .t'.,: .,.7 "2-- *- .- .-,--_---r,- _:j -: 'r/: '-:,,. --..-::'-..'.: -- -.,.- " .:- a::' .",...'l t--',' . ',.I a 9 I N g s,-)coRUM ilt Rr.Al. r.\'r A1[ (]t(()ut, August 4, 2006 Mr. Stan Zemler Town Manager Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Timber Ridge Redevelopment Dear Stan; In anticipation of our presentations schcduled for this Wednesday and Thursday we have updated our Timber Ridge redevelopment analysis to represent our most current assumptions. The most significant changes we have made since the analysis we sent to you on July 27, 2006 include the following; l. Removal of Vail Rcsotts $17,000,000 contribution and related mester lease assumptions on seasonal units. 2. Transfer of 45,402 SF from "market" condos to "family'' condos so that the project now achieves a 50/50 ratio between market and affordable square fbotage. This translates into 317 units or 949 beds of"affordable" housing, far in excess ofthe targeted 600 beds. 3. Transferl8parkingspacesfromapaftmentstocondostokeepthecondoratioat2.0:1. 4. Reduced Land Cost to 59,500,000 to maintain the Year I viability of the rental project. Obviously, the greatest impact resulting from the loss of Vail Resort's capital in this transaction is on our ability to pay offall of the Town's current $22,000,000 bond indebtedness to US Bank. Although it is possiblc that Vail Resorts may reconsider their position over time, it is timc we explore other options to cover this $12,500,000 diffcrcntial in order to keep the redevelopment effort moving forward. We have had some discussion regarding the Town providing some of this capital or allocating some portion of the Town's arurual real estate transfer tax. I would like to suggest that we set aside some time between our meetings this week to explore both of these options so we can determine if either are viable altematives for funding the land differential. We should also plan on allocating some time to discuss the project predevelopment budget and our discussions to date with LaSalle Bank, the schedule for the next round ofpresentations and, the overall schedule for the rezoning and master plan approval process. Once we begin this presentation process it is important for us as well as our perspective predevelopmenVdevelopment lender that we have a clear undcrstanding as to what the time line is moving forward. I will plan on giving you a call Tuesday aftemoon to discuss the specifics for our presentations for Wednesday and Thlrsday and to makc sure we can coordinate some time to discuss these other topics. ONE DTC r 5251 DTC PARKWAY . SUITE 200 o GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 80lll FAX 303-796-2065 o 303 -796-2000 O Page2 Sincerely, V. MichaelKomppa Jamie Fitzpatrick TIMBER RIDGE REDEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL SUMMARY 8t29t2006 Summary of Costs and Rovenues Condo Revenue Net of Closing Costs Less: Condo Costs Gross Profit Less: Taxes (45%) After Tax Profit Apartment Costs Less: Condo Profits Remaining Apartment Basis Apartment NOI NOliApartrnent Basis $ 185,188,947 (s140,7 t7 ,297) $44,471,650 (s20,012,243) $24,459,408 $44,393,20'7 ($24,4s9,408) $19,933,800 $ 1,684,977 8.45"h Sources Construction Loan TOV/TIF Bridge Funding Totals $185,110,504 $3,000,000 $188,t 10,504 Uses Apartment Construction Condo Construction Bridge Construction $44,393,207 s140,717,297 $3,000,000 $188,110,504 Timber Ridge 8-29-06 i03 No VR xls l of 1 8129/2006 I l:30 AM TIMBER *tou:,T ff3fJt" oPMENT PRELIMINARY UNIT MIX AND PARKING SPACE SUMMARY APARTMENT UNITS sersonal Units - MrEter Lcase Studio I Bed/l Bath 2 Bed/l Bath 3 Bed/l Bath Sersonal Units Studio I Bed/l Bath 2 Bed/l Bath I Bed/l Bath 7o/0 5 5 265 1,325 9% 6 12 480 2,880 240/o 16 32 650 l3%o 9 27 750 6,150 4 Bed/2 Bath 46% 31 124 850 26'358 -TotaVAverage 100% 6'1 200 7t2 47'713 26s 480 650 750 850 10,400 1,855 3,840 16,250 r2,000 39.1 l2 4 7% 8% 25% t6% 4sYo 100%102 305 't 8 25 l6 46 7 l6 50 48 184 Total/Average TOTAL RENTALS 169 '1t6 13,05'1 ?t5 120,110 APARTMENT PARKING Parking TyDe sDaces spsces/Unit SDafe-s{Bcd ----Tli"trt"d Spu"e" - ln"lud.d '102 0.60 0 20 Strr.rotured Spaoes - Rented - 209 1.22 0.1i Tota?Average 308 r'82 0'61 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ni. T\,na Mix units Beds Net SF Total SF Markct CoDdo UDits 860/. 184 184 1,200 220,E00 3 sedtz sath aY:. ?e- lt r '9-11, -!,7'e2s-TotavAyeraee 100% 213 242 l'262 268'795 2 Bed/2 Bath Familv Condo Units Total/Averdge TOTAI, TOR SALE CONDOMINIUM PARKING Structured Toasll Average AREA RATIO CALCULATTON Total Renhl + Rcstricted For Sale Square Feet Total Market Rate For Salc Squaro Feet 100%148 444 444 t00%148 184 0.51 1t,l 2.00 361 686 I,155 416,82r ParkingType Sprfes Sptces/Unit Spaces/Bed -struituted Spaca5 538 1 49 1.000 148.026 |,000 148,026 50% 268,196 50"/o 268,795 Timber Ridge 8-29-06 103 No VR.xls 1of I 8/2912006 I l:30 AM Residenlial Income ljnitTvDe Mh Units Beds NetSF Total SF RenVSF Rent/Unit To!4Rent TIMBER RIDGE APARTMENTS Vall, Colorado PPJLIMINARY PRO F'ORMA 50/o 5 5 265 6% 6 l2 480 t60/o 16 32 610 9% 9 21 750 4 Bed/2 Bath 3@/o . 3t t24 E50 26,358 $l-75 $1,600 $s95'200 Tot"U,l"erage 66% 6? 200 tl2 47,713 $1.68 $1,194 $960,000 Seosonal UDits - Mark.t Rete Sarlonrl Urits - Mts(€r Lease Studio I Bed/l Bath 2 Bed/l Bath 2 Bcd/l Bath Studio I Bedll Barh 2 Bed/l Bath 2 Bed/l Bath 1,325 $1.?5 5400 J24,000 2,880 $1.75 5800 $5?,600 10,400 $l.75 s800 $153.600 6;t50 $1.7s 51.200 $129,600 a Bed2 Ba$ 45% .46. 184 850 39,112 $1,50 $1,2?5 $704,015 Total/Avcrage 100,6 tA2 305 116 '13,05'7 $1.50 S1,074 $1,315,02s Trrditioml Urits 70/. l 7 265 8./o & 16 480 21o/r 25 50 650 t6r/o 16 48 750 u/oo00 1,855 $l.50 5398 $33,390 3,840 $r.50 $720 569,120 16,250 Sl.so $975 $292,500 12,000 $1.50 sr.r25 $216.000 0 $0.00 $0 $0 0 $0.00 $0 $0 I Bed/l Bath 2 Bcd/l Bath 0./6 0 00 3 Bed.rl Bath 07o 0 0 : 0. _0 $0.00 $0 $0 Tohl/Avefage 0/r 0 0 0 0 $0 00 $0 $0 All Units Parkinglncom€ Traditional Unit Vacancy Pa.king Vacaocy r69 715 12n,110 $7,275$25 s30,000 32,s30p8s $0 (s92,052) s0 ($7,502) ($202,800) (:$59,150) ($42,250) ($r6,900) ($ r0l,400) ($67,600) Spaccs - Included 102 0,60 0.20 $0 $0 StructurEd Spaces. Rentcd 206 1,22 0,41 $75 $185,40q Toisl/Avemse 30E l'82 0.61 $185'400 Storage Incotre Spaces Monthly Rent other lncomc $40'560 Monthly Income Pef Unit $20,00 t00 s15.00 Srorage/Other Incomc . 4.0"/g {$2,855) Total vscancy Allowlnce 'i {Sd4r ($102'408) Elleelil,e Cross lrr.omc S2'128,511 Operrting Expens€s Pcr U it Tolsl -Dlp:nses Adminislrative $l'o5o (sl7?'450) sr,200 $350 $250 $ r00 Cross Polcntirl lncone Seasohal Unit Vacancy - Mast€r ltase 0,0%o Seasonal Unit Vacancy - Market -1.0V. 1.04/D 4.O./d Payroll Grounds Maint€nancc Repairs and Mainl.nance Janitori&l Utiliti€s(AfterR.imbursem€nts) $600 Property Taxcs Net Oper!tiIg Income $400 Insumnce ,," ,1250 (tt?'?50) Torrlopereting Expenses "#4,2q0 ($?09'800) Crpital Reserves $200 ($33'E00) lofl s1,684,9?7 8/2912006 ll:3lAM Timber Ridge 8-29-06 103 No VR.xls TIMBER RIDGE CONDOMINIUMS Vail, Colorado PRELIMINARY PRO FORMA Residential Sales Income Condo Unlts 2 Bed/2 Bath 3 Bed/2 Bath 86Yo l4o/c' 184 368 87 $sob $500 I,200 220,800 $600,000 $l10,400,000 t00%2t3 4))1,262 $630,974 $23 s134,39?,s00 l -o))4'1 Total/Average Condo Units 268,'795 $s00 3 Bed/2 Bath 100%o 148 I 148 1,000 148,026 $59.210.400 $400,070 $59,2 r 0,400 Total/Average 100%$400 All Units 361 1,155 416,821 $s36il0 s193.607.900 Parking Sales Income parking Type - spacs spaces/unit spacesBed Price/9plcg Total Price - Structured Spaces 538 | '49 0-60 Included $0 Structured SDaces 184 0.51 0.20 $30,Q()0 $5,520,000 Detached Garages 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0 $0 s0 $0 $0 $0 Carports 0 0.00 Surface TotaYAverage Upgrade Income $?'64s $5,520,000 $0 Per Unit Gross Sales Income Sales Expenses Commissions $199,127,900 (s9,9s6,395) 982.5s ($13,938.es3)Total Sales Expenscs .l Timber Ridge 8-29-06 103 No VR.xls lofl 812912006 ll:3lAM TIMBER RIDGE REDEVELOPMENT AFFORDABILITY RATIO MATRIX rOtr0t2006 Square Feet 268,'796 268,795 Proposed Units 340 2t3 Proposed Beds 93t 242 Units 96 140 70% 213 N/A Beds % 33r 55% 242 N/A Land Basis $9,500,000 Yield 6.77% lncrease over Existing (2) Scenario A 50% Affordable (l) 50%o Market Rate File Timber Ridge 9-12-06 Scenario B 50% Affordable (l) 50% Market Rate Scenario C 55% Affordable (l) 45% Market Rate I R ' Propoted \l u",tr t\r Increase over Existing (2) Square Feet 268,',196 268,795 Square Feet Proposed Units 340 213 units 94 140 70% 213 N/A Bq,b % 33t 55% 242 N/A Proposed Beds 931 1A't t iwt1l f, Proposed Beds 989 221 Increase over Existing (2)Land Basis s0 Yield 8.37Vo Yield 7.27% File Timber Ridge 9-12-06 No Land Cost File Timber Ridge 9-20-06 ntr 2e3.3ely Units t69 193 % 85% N/A Ech % 389 65% 221 N/A uilt':'Z 2M,200 Square Feet 209,733 327,857 Proposed Units 270 258 Proposed Beds '791 297 Units 94 70 3s% 258 N/A Es& % l9f 32% 297 N/A lncrease over Existing (2)Land Basis $22,000,000 Scenario D 39% Affordable (1) 6l % Market Rate Yield 8.01% File Timber Ridge l0-10-06 Notes: 1 . Includes seasonal rental, traditional rental, and subsidized family condos. 2. Existing Timber Ridge: 200 units, 600 beds. \orma h.s^lc / il,r/.r"{r# ( t4 .rtf ( s{' a,r'\- v q t' I l 0- l 0-06 Comparison.xls po,kz-/o,z.entuz_- I of I \\/ 10/10/2006 5:20 PM La$*lle 8ai:ir. November 13,2006 Jarnes G. Fitzoatrick Vice President Corum Real Estate GrouP. lnc. 600 S. Cherry Street, Suite 625 Denver CO 80246 Dear Jamie. Thank you for providing LaSalle the opportunity to review the Timber Ridge project located in Vail, CO. We have received your request for both a pre- developmenUdeveloprnent loan and construction loan. We understand that the construction figures are preliminary at this time We are interested in having furtherdiscussions with you on the project and would like to obtain additional information so that we may provide you with terms under which we would consider financing Timber Ridge. As we discussed last week. initially the pre-development loan would be limited to no more than $2,000,000 to allow for the initial design of the project and re' zoning approval. During this time period, collateral will be provided by the Town of Vail to secure the pre-development expenditures. The form of this collateral needs to be discussed funher and must be acceptable to Lasalle. At such time as the property is appropriately re'zoned, additional pre- development dollars wrll be made available. At this time the collateral provided by the Town of Vail may be released and substituted with alternative collateral acceptabie to the bank Ultimately, upon full approval of the development plans and receipt of final cost figures and prolecttons for the operations of the development, LaSalle wtll consider making a construction loan that will ultimately be secured by the underlying land The purpose of this loan will be to refinance the extsting bond debt upon the land as well as provide hard and soft cost dollars in combination rvith equity to complete the construction of the project. Any pre-development loan funds outstanding at the time of the closing of the construction loan will be repaid rn full by the new loan Jamie, I hope this letter appropriately re€aps our verbal conversation of last week. As I mentioned previously we arc interested in furthering our conversations on the Timber RiOge project as soorl as you are available to do so In the meantime. if you have any further questions on the potential loan structure' please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Yours trulY, Itr* Kathy Thurston Senior Vice President Division Head TIMBER RIDGE AS THOUGH VACANT 1280 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, coLoRADO BOWES AND COMPANY RESTRICTED-USE APPRAISAL REPORT TIMBER RIDGE AS THOUGH VACANT 1280 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO Prepared For Mr. Matt Mire Town of Vail Town Attorney 75 Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Prepared By Bret R. Poole. MAI Date of Value November 7,2006 Date of Report November 27,2OOG BOWES AND COMPANY I I I I I I I I T I I t t t I I I I I BOWES AND COMPANY 62I SEVENTEENTI{ STREET, SUITE 260I DENVER, COLORADO 80293-260t TELEPHONE 303-29?-0400 PAX 303-297 -2314 E-MAIL bowes@bowesandco.com WEB SITE www.bowesandco.com EUCENE C. BOll'ES. MAL CRE 1916,2005 PETER D. DOWES, MAI, CRE BRET R. P(NLE. MAI November 27,200,6 Mr. Matt Mire Town of Vail Town Attorney 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Mire: The property appraised is the site of Timber Ridge, a 10.08-acre, affordable housing apafiment project located at 1280 North Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. The legal description is in Exhibit A. The purpose of this appraisal is to determine how many market-rate units would be required for Vail to recover its basis in the property. The analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this restricted-use appraisal report is prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Data and reasoning applied and the value conclusions are summarized in the report that follows. Respectfully submitted, Bret R. Poole, MAI Certified General Appraiser CCtOl32O472 BRP/DEB:laf BEAL ESTATE APPRAI6ERS AND COUNSELOBS 10 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE APPRAISALASSIGNMENT .......2 IDENTIFICATIONOFTHESUBJECTPROPERry ........ 2 oLIENT. ...........2 INTENDEDUSEHOFTHEAPPRAISAL ........ 2 INTENDEDUSEOFTHEAPPRAISAL ...........2 WPEOFVALUE..... ......3 PROPEBWRIGHTSAPPRAISED ......3 HYPOTHETICALCONDITION .......,4 DATEOFVALUE ..... ....... 4 APPRAISALMETHODS/SCOPE .... ....... 5 SUBJECT PROPERTY . . ,. .. , ., .. 7 SUBJECTHTSTORY .... ............ 7 SUBJECTSITE ,.... 7 zoNfNG ............7 Proposed Pedestrian Bridge . .....7 HIGHESTANDBESTUSE ..........,8 ANALYSISANDCONCLUSIONS .........9 STANDARDCONDITIONS .......15 oERTTF|CATION . .... 17 APPRAISALANDCOUNSELINGQUALIFICATIONS ..... .... 19 TABLES: I COMPARABLE LAND SALES II CONDOMINIUM PROJECT SUMMARY EXHIBITS: A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BOWES AND COMPAI.IY I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY The property appraised is Timber Ridge in Vail, Colorado. The address for the subject property is 1280 North Frontage Road. The subject property is a 10.08-acre, affordable apartment project site owned by the Town of Vail. The legal description is in Exhibit A. CLIENT The client for this assignment is Mr. Matt Mire, Town of Vail Town Attomev. INTENDED USER OF THE APPRAISAL The intended users of the appraisal is Mr. Matt Mire and others at the Town of Vail he designates relating to the redevelopment of the existing apartment project. Use of this report by others is not intended, INTENDED USE OF THE APPRAISAL The purpose of the appraisal is to determine how many market-rate units would be required for Vail to recover its basis in the property. This report is not intended for any other use. APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT BOWES AND COMPANY -,, - I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I TYPE OFVALUE Market value. defined as: The most probable price which a specified interest in real property is likely to bring under all the following conditions: l. Consummation of a sale occurs as of a specified date. 2. An open and competitive market exists for the property interest appraised. 3. The buyer and seller are each acting prudently and knowledgeably. 4. The price is not affected by undue stimulus. 5. The buyer and seller are typically motivated. 6. Both parties are acting in what they consider their best interest. 7. Marketing efforts were adequate and a reasonable time was allowed for exposure in the open market. 8. Payment was made in cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangemelts comparable thereto. 9. The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold, unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. Sowce: The Appraisal of Real Estdte, lzt\ Edition,200l PROPERW RIGHTS APPRAISED The subject property's fee-simple interest is appraised. APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT BOWES AND COMPANY 2 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I HYPOTHETICAL CONDITION According to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) hypothetical condition is defined as; that which is contrary to what exists but is supposed for the purpose of analysis For the pu{poses of this assignment, there arc two hypothetical conditions. 1. The subject property is zoned Special Development District, specifically for the existing apartment development, but is appraised as though it is zoned High-Density, Multiple Family (HDMD. 2. The subject property is appraised as though a pedestrian bridge is built across I-70 connecting Timber Ridge to Cascade Village (see page 7). DATE OF VALUE The date of value is. November 7 .2006. I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I This is a restricted-use appraisal report that is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(c) of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Prcctice for a restricted-use appraisal report. As such, this report does not present discussions ofthe data, reasoning, and analyses that were used in the appraisal process to develop our opinion of value. Restricted-use appraisal reports are only intended for those who are familiar with the property and/or the appraisal process. Additional documentation conceming the data, reasoning, and analyses is retained in my file. I am not responsible for unauthorized use of this report. The three traditional appraisal methods used to value real property are lhe cost, sales comparison, and income capitalization approaches. These methods are: The cost approach is based on the premise that the value of a property is indicated by the current cost to construct a replacement for the improvements, minus the amount of depreciation from all causes evident in the improvements, plus the value ofthe land. The sales comparison approach is based on elements of direct comparison. Adjustments are made to the sale price of each comparable property to reflect the differences between the sale and the subject property. The income capitalization approach is based on measuring the present value of future benefits of an ownership. Income stueams and reversionary values are capitalized/discounted into a lump-sum value. APPRAISAL METHODS/SCOPE BOWES AND COMPANY -s- I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I The scope of the assignment includes: inspect the subject property gather and analyze information about the subject area gather and analyze information about the subject property prepare a highest and best use analysis of the subject site as though vacant gather data needed to apply the sales comparison approach (land value by comparison) reviewed Corum pro forma determine number of market-rate units needed to recover Vail's basis in the property prepare a restricted-use appraisal report I relied on the sales comparison approach (land value by comparison) to appraise the subject property. The cost and income capitalization approaches are not applicable. Comparable sales were gathered from throughout Vail. Data were confirmed by examination of deeds, deeds of trust, other public records, and/or by confirmation with the principals or agents of individual transactions. In a related assignment, we appraised the land underlying the Lionshead Parking Structure (Lionshead appraisal). Data and analysis collected for the Lionshead appraisal were used in this assignment. I also searched for comparable sales data elsewhere in Vail and expanded our sales search to include Avon/Beaver Creek. Ultimately, however, none of the data from outside Vail was considered meaningful. APPRAISAL METHODS/SCOPE BOWES AND COMPANY -6- I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I SUBJECT PROPERTY SUBJECT HISTORY Timber Ridge was acquired by the Town of Vail in July 2003 for $20,000,000. The purchase price was driven by the value ofthe subject property as an affordable housing apartment project. According to Vail, its basis in the property is about $22,000,000. SUBJECT SITE The subject property is a 10.08-acre site located at 1280 North Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. The legal description is in Exhibit A. ZONING The subject property is zoned Special Development District, specifically for the existing Timber Ridge affordable housing apartment development. According to the Vail Planning Department, Special Development District zoning is typically an overlay that supplements underlying zoning. The underlying zoning is typically used to establish permitted uses and zoning requirements. However, the subject has no underlying zoning and is effectively unzoned. For the purposes of this appraisal, the subject property is appraised as though zoned High-Density, Multiple-Family (HDMF), a hypothetical condition. Proposed Pedestrian Bridge The subject properry is appraised as though a pedestrian bridge is built across I-70 connecting Timber Ridge to Cascade Village, a hypothetical condition. The bridge will cost approximately $4,000,000. The bridge may either be built at the developer's expense or paid for through public frnancing. SUBJECT PROPERTY -7- BOWES AND COMPANY HIGHEST AND BEST USE Highest and best use of the subject property as though vacant is condominium development. Maximum density in the HDMF district is 25 units per acre. Applying 25 units per acre to the subject's 10.08 acres indicates the subject site can support 252 units. I conclude highest and best use as though vacant is condominium development with 252 units. SUBJECT PROPERry BOWBS ero COMPANY -8- I I I t I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS The scope of the assignment was based on using information gathered in our appraisal of the land underlying the Lionshead parking structure for this assignment. For the Lionshead assignment we identified five comparable land sales (Sales I through 5) from Lionshead and Vail Village that we used in the appraisal. The comparable sales from the Lionshead apprisal are summarized in Table I, page 10. For this assignment we expanded the sales search throughout Vail, adding Sale 6 (also in Table I) to the list of comparable sales. Sales 1 though 5 are located in Lionshead and Vail Village where condominium prices are significantly higher than the subject area. Land values from Sales I through 5 approach finished condominium prices in the subject area and are too high to make direct comparisons to the subject meaningful. Sale 6 is the purchase of the Roost l-odge for the development of the Timberline Lodge. The Timberline I-odge is proposed for 28 condominium units and a 101-room Marriott Residence Inn. Sale 6 was not considered a meanineful or helpful sale. I also expanded the search for comparable sales to include Avon/Beaver Creek but did not identiff any meaningfrrl comparable sales. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS BOWBS AND COMPATIY at -t- I I TABLE I COMFARABLE LAND SALES NAI'E LOCANON GRANTOR/GRANTEE RECORDING DATE PFICE ACRES PRICFJ SOFT LANO AREA RESIDENNAL UNITS PRICE'UNIT (ROUNDED}ZONING cot lENTS 1 I 2a One Willow Bddoe Rd/ Soulhvvssl come-r ol E Meadow Dr & Willow Bridge Rd Sonnonlap Propertios, Vall Dover Assoc, LLC 03/04 $ 13,675,000 0.83 F78.23 $ 622,000 PA Under construction. 22 units lncludino 10 le6 units and 12 tractionil-tee units. 10 fee units are ore sold lor Drices ranoino frod $3.6 million to $7.5 niillidn {$2.000 to $2,200/sotl). Fractional-l€e units arb l|/ owneFhiD and are 65% pre sold, Dric€s start at $630.000. Four Seasons West side oI Vail Fld b€tw€an l-70 S Frontaoe Hd &W Moadow Dr - Doramar Hot€ls, Inc./ Vail Developmont, LLC 0205 $ 1 1 ,700,000 2.94 114.78 40 sDo #36 Proposgd redovelopment of former Holidav Inn {Sale 2a) and seNic€ station lsal6 2ti). Propos€d d€v€lopm€nt includ€s 18 condominiums, 22 fractional- lge units. 118 hotal @oms. and 34 smploy€€ housing units. 2b Mosllentine L^and ComDanv. LLC/ Vail Dev6iopment, LLC 1 1/05 8,500,000 0.41 475.93 Tol,al $ 20,200,000 2.75 168.69 $ 505,000 T Vailolo Lodoe Soulhwest 6omer l-70 S Fontaoo Rd & LionshMd Circl€ Vailolo Lodoe/ Lionlhead fnn, LLC 1 1/05 14,000,000 0.64 502.18 Not detemin€d LMU-1 Purchase of Vailolo. former Best Westem holel bv adiacent own€r. According to bu)r6r they paro a pr€mrum ror me asssmblsoe. Buwr is in earlv Dlannino 61aoes. Plans are to - knock down botfi th€ Lionshdad Inn and Vailolo tor a 1.6-acre redsveloDmEnt. ,ta I Solairs Nonhwest comer of E Msadow Dr& Villsoe Center Fld Trovina. LP/ Crossroads Ea$ One, 01/04 3,482,500 69 507,000 csc Propos€d r€de'l€looment of Crossroads as Solaris. Rezoninq aDoroved in Julv 2006. Aooroved tor 69 coidominiuri units and 74.088 soft of commercial ddvelooment. Commercial dev€lobmsnt includes a throe- screen movie theater, and t€n- lans bor,vlino allev. 58.804 sqfi ol commercld ddvslooment. ' excludinq the th€ater and bowling.- Land acouisltion included assamdeoe of 24 condominium units inclu-dino two comm€rcial [frevina LP dwnsrshiD) and 22 iesidantial unils. Publib recod shows 20 ol the 22 residantial unlls have been Durchased. ownershio has adreemants to qcquire ramainin-g hwo unib. total assemDtaoe ts r$35,000,000. Unit Drices havs not been linalized - Iikelv r$2,600/sqft. 4b 4c Trevina, LP/ Croseroads W6st One, a1rcd.9,904,230 Valtaus - 20 ot 22 condo units Various 15,857,O70 otal 4a, 4b and 4c I $ 29,249,800 2.U 254.30 r35,000,000 2.64 304.35 I I Vail Mountain Visw Flesidonces ,t42 N Frontago Rd Karl Finzel et aU Lunar Vail, LLC 0do6 10,5@,000 r.30 185.42 24 438,000 HDMF 24 condominium units and 100- space structured parking Sar.aSq uno6r con$rudron. unrts pncao at about $1.70c/soft. Strono pre sal€s. Accoding to bu)rsr, oemolfion and asoestos abatement cosis wsre $500,000. Existino Bn tlom€nts onlv allow 24unitS.mavtrvtoast ' approv€d foi a&itio-nal units to take advantrago of parking garago. 6 I Timb€dins Lodo€ 1783 N Frontag! Rd Lestsr W WaD€cha Timbedino Boost Lodg6 07/05 4,800,000 too 55.43 28 171,000 PA.2 Propos€d redevelopment of form€r Roost Lodoe. 28 condominium uni6, 3 emplowe housino units, and '|ol-rcbrn- MafiioiI Rosidence lnn. Units include studios. one- and two- b€droom unils ranoino fuol].|. 7fi to 950 sqft. 169 DErkino soac€s (abov€ ahd belo\ir gradE). ' 10/06 I I ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS BOWES AND COMPANY _10_ 13"/o I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I Due to a lack of comparable sales we defaulted to estimating the land value for the subject property based on land value as a percentage of finished condominium prices. I estimated finished condominium unit prices based on analysis of Multiple Listing Service (MLS) submarket averages and sale prices in specific projects (see Table tr, page l2). The subject property was analyzed as though the pedestrian bridge from the subject to Cascade Village was built. Based on our analysis. I concluded as follows: DESCRIPTION Average condominium unit siz6 (sqft)1,100 1,300 Av€rage unit price per sqft $ 700 $ 650 $ i'r0,000 $8/r5,m0 I applied the land value per unit at l34o of the finished unit price. The I3Vo applied was based on analysis of Sales I,2,4, and 5 and information from our files. Indicated land value per unit is: DESCRIPTION Estimated condominium orices $ 770,000 $ 845,000 Land value as a percent of condominium price 't3fh $ 100,100 $ 109,850 Based on information from our files and our general experience, we applied the affordable housing land component at $0 per unit. I applied Vail's basis in the property at $22,000,000. The estimated cost to build the pedestrian bridge is $4,000,000. Funding for the pedestrian bridge has not been determined. I applied the cost to complete the pedestrian bridge at $0 to $4,000,000. Application of the pedestrian bridge at $0 is based on the bridge being funded by Tax Iacrement Financing (TIF) or some other form of public financing. Applying the pedestrian bridge cost at $4,000,000 is based on the cost to build the bridge being a cost of the development without any public subsidy or reimbursement. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS BO1VES exo COMPANY 1l - ll - I l T TABLE II COTiIDOMINIUI' PROJECT SUMiIARY oEscRlPno NUI'gER OF UNTTS UNIT SIZE IN SOFT PRICE/ SQF'UNIT PFICES LAND PRICE/ UNIT INDICATED LAI{O PBICE AS% CONDO PRICE COMI'ENTS Llonsridge Bow€s conclusion 1,'100 to 1,300 $ 650 to $ 7oo $ 770,000 to 845,000 Value bas€d on bridge over l-70 to Cascade Village. Timber Ridge Corum proposal Market Total Simba Run Sun Vail Condominiums MLS market awrage Villag6 Wasthaven Coldstream MLS market average 2 bd2 bth 219 1,200 1.668 1,27'l $667,200 927.479 Avg $706,545 114. b 12./o lnlormation lrom Corum proposal. January 20OS to date. Prices ar€ increasing. 2006 sal€s (4), average $fr08 per sqft. Four Eales in 1993 addition. Prices rang6lrom $651,000 to $770,000 and lrom $6081o $657 p€r sqtt. Located north side l-70 adjacen to Lionshsad l-70 bridge. About three limes as tar to a litt as subiect, but poxlmity lo Uonshead superior to Cascade Village. Prior 12 months. Prlces lange from $364 to $657 per sqft. 13 condomlniums in wo buildings. und€r construction, dalivsry planned in 2007- Build in 1980. Five sales ifl 2005/2006. Prices range from $668 to $1,023 per sqft. Pdor 12 months. Pdcas rangB tmm $668 to $1.355 per sqft. MLS market average Villega One Willow Four Seasons Mountain View MLS mart€t av€rags Anabslle 12' lo 13'/" Prior 12 months (Octob€r 2005 to September 2006) Neadng complotion. Proposed. Proposed. Under @nslruction, Prior 12 months. Noaring comploton. Prcposed. Prior 12 months. I I ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS -12- BOWES AND COMPAI.IY I I Variables in the analysis are applied as follows: I Avsrage Condo unit price Average unit size 1,100 1 ,200 1,200 1 ,300 Price per sqtt 700 $700 $ 650 $I Applied $ 770,000 $ 840,000 $ 780,000 $ 845,000 Range $ 20,000 $ 845,000 I Land value as oercent of Condo value 130,L 13o/o Applied (land value per unit)$ 100,100 $ 109.850 I BRIOGE PAID BY TIF ERIDGE PAD BY DEVELOPEB Vail's basis $ 22,000,000 $ 22,000,000 $ 22,000,000 $ 22,000,000 Adiustment for bridge 4,000,000 4,000,000 I $ 22,000,000 $ 22,000,000 $ 26,000,000 $ 26,000,000 Land value Der unit 100,100 109,850 100,100 109,850 I Market-rate units (rounded) Atfordable units 15 Total units 252 252 252 I Market rate units 1O3"/o I Atfodable units 1v/"21"/"66/o I I I I I I I I I I note the followinE: Indicated land value as though vacant based on 252 market- rate housing units is on the order of magnitude of $25,000,000 to $28,000,000 (based on 252 units at $100,100 to $109,850 per unit). If the pedestrian bridge is funded by TIF or some other form of public financing it would take 2N to 220 market-rate units for Vail to recover its $22,000,000 basis. If the developer is required to absorb the $4,000,000 cost for the pedestrian bridge it would take 237 to 260 market-rate housing units for Vail to recover its $22,0000,000 basis. The land value estimate is based on average unit prices of $770,000 to $845,000, which is 9?a to 209o above the average market-rate housing unit price of $706,545 applied by Corum in its pro forma. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS BOWES AND COMPANr _13_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Applying 252 market rate units at an average unit price of $706,595 (based on Corum's proposal) and land value as l3Vo of the unit price results in a land value of $23,146,000 (rounded). Applying the average unit price at $706,545 based on Corum's proposal would indicate 240 market rate units would be required to cover Vail's $22,000,000 basis if the pedestrian bridge was funded by TIF or 283 units if the developer was required to pay for the pedestrian bridge. As part of its negotiations Vail should consider structuring the transfer of the land based on a minimum fixed price plus a negotiated percentage (say 73Vo less a credit for the fixed price per unit) of the sale price for each market rate condominium. Our understanding is that a similar arrangement is used at the former Lowry Air Force Base, Stapleton redevelopment, and other market transactions. My analysis and conclusions are all cash or its equivalent and subject to the Standard Conditions and Certification at the end of this report. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The subject property is appraised as though it has: marketable title: fee-simple title as though free and clear of all leases, mortgages, liens, or other encumbrances, except as may be discussed in this report; responsible ownership and competent rnanagement; full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless otherwise stated in this report; neither hidden nor unapparent conditions relating to the real estate, soil, or subsoil, or structures located on the real estate that would affect the analysis, opinions, and conclusions with respect to the real estate; Acceptance and/or use of this appraisal report by the client or any third party constitutes acceptance of the stated Standard Conditions. My liability extends only to the stated client and intended users only. no structural defects hidden by floor or wall coverings or any other hidden or unapparent conditions; all mechanical equip- ment is in good working condition; and that all electrical components and the roofing are in good condition, except as may be specifically discussed in this report. If the client has any questions regarding these items, it is the client's responsi- bility to order the appropriate inspections. I do not have the skill or expertise needed to make such inspections. I take no responsibility for legal matters, questions of survey, or opinions of title (except as may be discussed in this report). Drawings in this report are intended as visual aids and should not be construed as engineering reports or surveys. Loss or removal of any part of this report invalidates the entire appraisal. Couft attendance or testimony regarding this appraisal is not required unless prior anangements have been made. STANDARD CONDITIONS BOWES AND COMPAT.IY 1<- IJ' I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t The data gathered (except confidential data fumished by the client) arc my property. I will not violate the confidential nature of the appraiser-client rclationship by improperly disclosing any confidential data furnished, analysis, or conclusions. However, I am are authorized by the client to disclose all or anv portion of the report and the related data to appropriate representatives of professional organizations with which we are affiliated if such disclosure is required for us to comply with the bylaws and regulations of such organizations; and states in which I am licensed or certified if such disclosure is required by the laws of the states. The forecasts or projections included in this report are used to assist in the valuation process and are based upon current market conditions and anticipated short-term supply-and-demand factors. Therefore, these forecasts are subject to changes in future conditions which cannot be accurately predicted by me and could affect the future income and/or value forecasts. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (e) (h) (i) I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief: The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are our personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and we have no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. I have no bias with respect to the propefty that is the subject of this report or to the paxties involved with this assignment. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. Compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occunence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics & Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute, which include the Uniform Standards of hofessional Appraisal Practice. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute and the State of Colorado relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. As of the date of this report, I have completed the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. CERTIFICATION -17 - BOWES AND COMPANY I t C) :ff*iffilliil,n".,t"'ofthepropertythatisthe I n Hffi::1 provided significant real property appraisal Bret R. Poole, MAJ Certified General Appraiser cffi1320472 CERTIFICATION _18_ BOWES AND COMPANY I I I t I t t I I I I I I t I I I I BRET R. POOLE GOVERNMENT REGISTRATIONS: . Certified Creneral Appraiser - Colomdo - CCfi132O472 EDUCATION: . Colorado State University, Bachelor of Science in Business Adminisfration, area of concentration in flnance and rcal estaie . University of Colorado at Denver, Master of Business Administration, arca of emphasis in finance MEMBER/PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: . Appraisal Institute (MAr) EXPERIENCE: . Seven years experience in banking, including commercial real estate analysis and mortgage loan originatior,. . Appraisal, counseling, research, litigation support, and testimony regarding land and comn€rcial, special purpose, recreational, environmentally-impacted, and other invesunent real estate in Colorado and a number of other states beginning in 1990. . Instructor, University of Denver, Daniels College of Business. . Qualified as an expert witness in Colorado Dstdct Courts and County Boards of Equalization. . Ptincipal in the firm of Bowes and Company, Denver, Colorado, specializing in appraisal, counseling. res€arch, litigation support, and testimony regarding land and commercial, special purpose, recreational, environnentally- irnpacted, and other investrnent rEal estate. APPRAISAL AND COUNSELING ASSIGiIMENTEi FROM: Insurance Companies .Financial Institutions . Public Utilities . Covemment Entities . Universities . Industrial, Service, andRetailingOrganizations.Develope$.Investors.Charities.Trusts.Foundations.Attomeys.Estates.Hospitals. Individual Clients APPRAISAL AND COUNSELING QUALIFICATIONS 2006 -19-BOWES AND COMPATTY I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I |tCA! DESCRFTOII LOTS 1,2,3,4,qnd 5, o Resubdivision of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Block c, occording to the plot recorded June g,'ig7J in Book 229,of Poge 458, County of Eogle, Stote of Colorodo: ond oll rights,title ond interrest to on Eosement iri the following described property Thot propcrty described in on Encr6ochment Eosenient Agreement".filed for record Jonucry 30, 1980 in Book 298 ot poge iZ, more porticulody described os follows: A port of Lot 6, Rlsubdivlsion . .of Block C, Lion's Ridge Subdivtslon., Eogle County,.'Colorodo,..o subdivision recorded in the office of the Eogle county,. colorodo, , clerk ond Recorder: soid port being.mdre portiiulortf described os.follows; Beg.inning of o point on the westerly line of ,soid Lot 6. whence the southwest corner of soid Lot 6 beors S 37.09'J1 ','E . : 40.54'; thence N 37'09'31 " W on Ssid westerly line 10J.01,:.thence deporfing_ soid wcsterty tine N 41'23!21" E 7.2S'; thence S"4E'36'39" E 5J.16';' thence S 41'23'Zt' W 4.gO'; thence S.., 18i9:9.9" E f7.80'; thence S 41'ZJ'21' w. ZZ.i3O'; to the:pointrqf . Beginning; soid troct contoins 10,0E,Acres .or 4Jg;151.JJ souore itet more or less. i .rt 1280 North Frontage Road The following document seeks to outline existing conditions, both physical and legal, surrounding the property of 1280 North Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado, herein referred to as the "proposed site." The proposed site is 10.08 acres (approximately 350,000 square feet of buildable space) and is located on the North side of the North Frontage Road between the West Vail and Vail exits of l-70 in Vail, Colorado on Lots Cl through C5. The property is governed by the laws of the Town of Vail, Eagle County and the State of Colorado. Legal documents relating to this project include, but are not limited to, the Official Zoning Map, Town of Vail Land Use Plan, the Eagle County Housing Needs Assessment, Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (Title 12 of the Town Code) and the Development Standards (Title 14 of the Town Code). These documents are available online or by contacting the Town Clerk or Community Development Department of the Town of Vail. Previously, the proposed site was called "Valli Hi" and in 1991, the name was changed to Timber Ridge. In 1979, the Town of Vail adopted Ordinance 7, Series of 1979 to create a Special Development District on the proposed site to create affordable apartments for employee housing. Currently, there are 16 buildings on site with 198 two-bedroom, one-bath units. In July 2003, the Town of Vail purchased the property to maintain deed restrictions for affordable housing. The property is owned by the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Corporation, which is comprised of the Town of Vail staff. Need for Affordable Housing in Vail: In recent years, real estate prices in the Vail Valley have become too expensive to accommodate locals seeking a primary residence. Not only are real estate prices rising, but locally employed individuals are continuing to earn low wages that restricts their ability to purchase or rent property in Vail. Other factors affecting the affordable housing stock in Vail are condominiums being increasingly sold to out-of-area buyers, reducing the rental stock as well as more out-of-area owners moving into their units for retirement, also reducing the rental stock. Over the next few years, Vail will be undergoing major redevelopment of the core areas of the town including Vail Village and Lionshead. This Billion Dollar Redevelopment of the town as well as the move towards making the Town of Vail a four-season resort has had a huge impact on job creation. Over the next few years, a conservative estimate of new job creation calls for 1 ,150 new employees, who will require between 630 and 770 housing units. These numbers are only for the Town of Vail and do not include job creation in the neighboring towns of Avon and Edwards, which stand to have up to four times the job creation of the town of Vail. Eagle County estimates that jobs will increase in the county from 35,195 in 2005 to 65,708 by 2020. ln20O4, the Town of Vailcompleted the Middle Creek project, an affordable housing development that was the first significant rental housing to be built in Vail since Timber Ridge. By mid-winter of 2005, all by three of the 142 units in Middle Creek were rented. With estimates for new job creation so high, the Town of Vail needs to create more affordable housing within the town to accommodate year-round residents who work in B recreationalfacilities are also allowable activities within this land use. Properties along the North Frontage Road from the Postal Service to Lionsridge Loop are also designated High Density Residential land use. To the Northwest, tract 38 is designated open space in the land use plan, due to the severe topographic and environmental conditions. To the east of the open space is Medium Density Residential, which extends to a large portion of this area. Across Highway 70 is a large land use district of Resort Accommodations and Services. This area is known as Cascade Village, and is one of the residential and commercial centers of the town. The close proximity of the proposed site to Vail Mountain as well as commercial centers of the town makes it an ideal location for residents to live. Hazards: The Town of Vail has three possible hazards that are shown in three official hazard maps. These are rockfall, avalanche and debris flow. Of these three, only one affects the proposed site. Due to the steep slope of tract 38, the Official Rockfall Hazard Map, Adopted by the Town Council on October 17,2000 by Resolution 13, Series of 2000, shows that there is a high severity rockfall hazard zone that extends 111 feet on average into the proposed site parallelto Lionsridge Loop and the North Frontage Road. However, surveying should be done to determine current risk, as the data for Rockfall Hazard may be outdated. Proximity to EGO Trail along North Frontage Road: Due to the close proximity of the recreation trail along North Frontage Road, the development needs to comply with the Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan. Parking must be at least 10 feet from the trail or a barrier at least 42 inches high such as a guardrail or shrubs may be required. lntersections of the trail and roadway need to be comply with required guidelines, including proper signage. Transportation: According to the VailTransportation Master Plan, a pedestrian overpass in the vicinity of the Post Ofiice would provide an important pedestrian safety improvement ni an arca where pedestrian crossings af t7A are cunently prevalent. An overpass connecting the proposed site to Cascade Village would provide a gateway for residents to the mountain and commercial centers of Vail. Buses are also a common means of transportation, with three bus lines stopping in front of the proposed site, including both West Vail buses and the Lionshead Loop winter shuttle. Environmental Design: The Town of Vail has adopted the International Building Code, which includes the International Energy Conservation Code. ln 1991, the Town of Vail adopted an Environmental Strategic Plan, which outlines goals for Vail's environmental vision. "The Town of Vail will be a leader in natural resource stewardship and will strive as a community to aftain environmental and economic sustainability.' With that in mind, the Town of Vail seeks a developer who is committed to environmental stewardship and green innovation in design of the proposed site. SPECIAL DEVELOPTIIENT DISTRICTS Data Source: Eagb County GlS, TOV Plafltng Dept trr Oqlrty Raalta.tf HunOrrfy hdr o..|ryRrcnc fi-cr A.armrddo.a lra Si.ic- Cd Yrrwdh. O or..t "r.." 0 lm2(x) 30O Feet Y LAND USE MAP Data Source: E4b Cotr|ty GlS, TCnr' Phfr$ng h I (t) ID <) Fr rt) € ts l|, h F frr a z o F z 7 z U 6 a 00 Fr+ O'.)€,9 t-e g t 6 F- O)e?a oo \o:lle ,r ia I i-. -r -lal s q 7 !o E o E. o E =o U) c) (J I v) !J (l U) q, t- Or co 6 +.T e+ g !t 4 c...1 f e n:l{ fr frl: z X tD rr .1a Z S .o&lr \o F € F- I t,- q \ 4 a F- F. e \c |'l F- (o f- X ss = r.t rl.l .EEii EOO ;a^-)r E gEE FF arOC'lOO E -i oi.d +BF\€)r.)O oa (a r F- ra) -- saGg+ $s !t ,o o, c.r ..r a.',1 \o -d q) V-l l.) aa a.l F€a€,+j;^s 64 \*:\arrat€+ioo\€\o *{ --.: c; ,- *' '1 eG66 F o\o\o\o \O O\ cq l.t t\ (\l i) (A (l) a t tt) .D z t|) aoooo16 |.) \o r-- o6 0\lr- rsjxHlE or ro oo cr c.r lQ - -.+ cr alX €st$$ dtctqt6 E aqOlaO '= --o{el J€ d U 6 U 6EFrriHbr E (a - c'.1 .a -t c,(A (n tr z F z E t- Fr z (J U Fr a z tl z X F z p z Fl trl L U F z F1 F]ri 14 Frl tv. Frl rn lrl rl. * tEl F I 0CT_05_01 FRI 02:40 ptl tg/g1lail L?tfi? GREENBI'fiG t{rbd'llll llrltl ' Drrlsl C fltl FAX NO, TRfl.RTG t 9843576s@1 llrlflllll P, 02/04 m'349 l'14' t |rfrEl r-rrl Fr1{r "t f cnn Dr Yrnf ".*!silffi':::33J' Tof,rlnteh Enploltr nrwul -"- - -J-,-,i flr,E.nd?Effilffi ,u,i$t#Hffiiffil '*' \ rltls, i*#"il?ffii'sfill$'1sffiffim Wm.$tffi ,tf-lU.'Sgntmnmmffiiiiim*nnP'q.'q' ,,-##y,rfi llflf*Cgmr"rmoTtourrnr'nri'rw'rhbh rr.r..F-r - ' fr0$llt *#m'flSH'ffi;RlB$l$ff ifi'?Jilii$rivibs#iffi' WtGRt S' l1ntH nldF InCudt tu utrh rrtr| rru'4du hunu fei ary levJl rlrrcnqlo1ol;i 'no ffirffi,ffiilffiJ .*Jmffigf,i#sgihHl'if.*v ro fur ilna uppr E{h vd$ ftltEttlA! r lrr Totri hl; I cl{C |5 d h n|ltEvF hru*n$ xtt *.H.ffir,wffi ,nri*n m$,I''I $igri[$ounr ttr zorc ,*.rH[Hllriffii'wmr*e n u uncardt'tmrt o*'o'"1 m'J n9f,toA,?ttl 'ttll ltll uJ Rqt?,l lH tm?.-q{Fl"s 0cT-05-01 FRI 02:40 Pl1 La/w,^r rt's? GFENB*G rFfl-rRls " t*T*o,n r'lrvtfilll'llrltt' fretfi il $lr P. 03/04 w bF.349 ?.r$frut ntl @ffi*Irss:r #, "*"t Sfftfi"" ilrd*rhrFrrnnrrudNrrlrr''rr' NufrrrESWillltsr'rf,F - slArrorcotFB*t lr. *tx#vqeg#-J-- -=,.. ,br;DbtilW' Uff,S'WeHJi' Llro" mlillidrra' t$1{r Ws.Hh'' r|tst' -^.--|-tr.rt tnft $lJ UI lqrZl llr InnT'-ctl-l$ FN( NO,ls'34e I.Ol t lrrrurr tqll 0CT-05-01 591 $2:41 lg/gSfML 1?."41 t'$t ll'$ll'Srlil' Iti un *r^u* TR **rG " ttt*tuTlnn u h..ltil S $lt *$sEffilsil.::;H,@ srx1gwttlJ||oll ) l*. a*t"*r-*-l-*r**r^u f*,nt ! qsn* a'ttbtJdsrLutrs' #i$#J'55 - :.. ;F.*r.itrr--:+.*-'+a_._- _:,,-# ?llrtl UJ Dq:7.1 lt{ lw''qtFlffi ffi l*'mffii$&idM csfifi"r*8f? fttft ryaar Design Review Boad ACTIOH FORH Oopartm€nt of Cornmunlty O*velopment 75 Sa:th Frontage &ord, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel;070,479.2139 fax:970.479.245? webl wary.vallgov.(orn Projest Name: TIMBER RIDGE RE-PAINT Project Description: ProJectAddress: 1280 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL 16 BUILDINGS AND CLUBHOUSE DRB Number: DRB080202 Location: Re-paint of Timber Ridge with the same colors. Grey for the body and forrest green for the trim and facia. Pafticipants: OWNER TIMBER RIDGE AFFORDABLE HOUS O5/09/2OOB CORPOMTION/ ATTN ; FINANCE DIRECTOR 75 S FRONIAGE RD W VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT APARTMENT EXTERIORS INC 0610912008 Phone: 303-424-4784 3072 W 4OTH AVE DENVER co 90211 Legal Description! Lot: C-1, Block: A TO SuMivision: UON'S RIDGE FIL. 1 Parcel Number: 2103-121-0500-8 Comments: See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/11/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS, Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0010090 The applicant shall paint all wall penetrations to match the grey body color or green trim color depending upon which they are located (ie, bathroom exhaust vents), Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO E6/A4/2AEE LL:68 383825828A t.rFfrEffirhm*|L THE STATION PACE El/61 lilinor EliErior Alh]aHons lppHon forDcign Rcriw IIplDefi of cflrtqry oartsr[rir tS lqdr RdqG Rd, td. CEfgEdo 8f6t *,Em.qaaB E rltr{tsr{rfl rYEb: rrflt.riliggv.cftYl GcrrrCllfrm#ru AI-Frqpc! rEqtjrln! desE rEiety dr.Et recefirc +plEld Fla B| aliltflEtrg I b(lflfing ptrrtft rpFfc|daa FrhEIE EiI 9.m Tryl n+nunert frr tlr pitsJar aFpToF| tE ts lt{usd. An riflrdg| frr ttE g| Re{ofl ffi E ali€Fd i.|lfi all rusriGtt hbftEEoat E |gdtrcd Ey tra cll|t'trdry D,rre,tafiElt q.edtrFrt, Tl,e prciEt mW rb nctd tD tn raiueit ry t|e Ttw| ArU rr4a tt p{rffiil ntd Hiviurr,utd Odl|lbfrdr IIq'_tnHf n|Ufit lt: utr r hlfii grqfr tu hrC *d orndm anrcu rurh aftrreryrft -Rm,::\ty EUrs * ( [4["*s' L"uEttrioftt lrofs*loti_*Sor*1,_.. suHifiHri Flryrtatldr.|r fV Fo.^uc-.l c hfdh (ConEhgk Co. tsffiqat 97O32$SF|0 hrpartd na) fardngg l||ht{r)ofgrr|st|}r mftt3l Adfrru Outr$lf,lrilhrll(i), ilrmrCfffllt* i|rl|ngfttrfffi .'\I \|9- Q-+5{r{e Lt G l*rJ€rt PIF|E! litrr Crrrtltddq;J;aQqltc+rA€n| FG ' ?F{fi#rr,rs. C6.r1 T;1notR4herdF*r g sqrr tr SncBpurl Umn O t{ew Cotstrdor tr lddltion f,, !,lln* Aft:r:rlon ' (|nfiffitt[finrfrdrD tr tfnon ^Mon ({rffirnily/4rpltft} tr Ot*rgE to rlF 6rd FtdrF tr srFemonR(qti3t $o l{o Re f6s $00 sTsd IEe tr,fi Pa sqr* tbqtof bi{ can *€. F6r rEfisfii.ffirt 0f a rEry hd,AfB r dgfloftrhiE tur En a4ltofi {trcr0 6$rr|r ftE!|EE r #c u Ary ltsldsmd or ortmeOd hJXlm (mr,!s U50{ffiA,|l& h[rlqrctrnrr$fir]tu |ttltr{rHt s E hndFgr frd sE l|ltrlNslEf$ JItr rsr ''l{ffirBt [rnrfi] $rdExv a(l oB lm@fir$ tncs du ftie.WEildhrD ftr rfiltr rtl*t* b hlr*6s aE dte ]mprolfilqnE sdl er,tercfifE. o*ruql rrifih'r storq tsrGdrE ftncE9 fltd |EbrrrE ffils, eE.q tEFffi E IhE drst aFd'ld ry PtdrirD Sf, fi rne OdqnerHbilt. il?0 *20 ilo Fen 0(- HIIIOR, EXTERIOR. ATTERATIOTI S TO BI'ILDITIGS A]ID SITE I}IPROVEIIETTS 9UBTIIITTAI REQUIR,ETII EilNS Gerrcml Informaton: Thb applkatlon b r€quir€d fur propcab inyoMrE mlnor srErbr alEratlons and/or sib lmFovements. Prcposab b add lanGcapirp do not rcqulrc DRB appwal unless tlrr lnvolve the addltbn of patloe, water Eaturcs, gradng, or the addtion of rctatnlng walb. 1@ o Stamped Topognphk Survery*o Slte and Gradirq Plan*o lanGcape Plan*o ArchitecturalElaradons*o ErEbr color and mahrial samples ard sped0cations.q Arctilbctural Fbor Plarr*tr Lightilg Plan* and Cutshee(s) br pmposed hGurcs o Tlth rcpo|t, lrrcldiru Sche&les A &. B b v€rify owrEchip and easemerts*q PhotG of ttre exlsdrp slte ard aqFcent stntrtut€s, whet€ applicable.g Wrtbn apprwal frqn a ondominium assodatlorL laridord, atd Jdnt owrcr, if ap|icable o Slte€@fic Geologkal Haard R@G f applkableF tr The Adminbtrabr and/or DRB mry rcryhe tlr subnissbn of addtirnal phG, dravylrEs, speclficatiorc, samfles and ofier materhb (lncludlng a model) lf deemed necessary to detennine whedrer a profect wlll comfly witfi Deslgn Guihlines or lf the lnbnt of E|e popcal is not clearly indhated. Has shtnt frre (3) @a o/tte mffi ned mia, o otuitt /7. **For lrterbr @nv€rclrns wlttr EldHhffhaE, the $Smiltal r€rluirernents Injude a oomplete set of odsurg and propGed ffoor phns, a title t€po4 ard wrltten appnoal fr,om a condominium ctochtlon, landlord, and itnt owrEr, if applhable. . r.- \ ,. ,- t - /r\I pai *\:9 f .Ee +.- l-. F-e ( 1'^1G.h./) I have rord rnd undrrrtandthc above lrbd rubmlttrl rcqulrsnanb: Pr{ect llrmoi QePl:'.\ Gonlracbr S[nrturr Dab Sigrc{ F:\cdsv\rc$4s\FnriB\Pltnhglqd ft.nt\db-naB-4&2&Zlt&q hgF3dUt {{:i,&q i, './ i. i, : .,, g. ts ,. '& , ,"ts" {., ; -![- - -cc frihlndToVilloTu o(lsttw DElELmf, r Decign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORII Depaitmeot of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 fax:970.{79.2,152 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: TIMBER RIDGE DECK RAILS Project DescripUon: DRB Number: DR8070613 FINAL APPROVAL TO ADD TIMBER RIDGE DECK RAILS Particapanb: OWNER TIMBER RIDGE AFFORDABLE HOUS1O/24I2007 CORPOMTION/ ATTN: RNANCE DIRECTOR 75 S FROI{TAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT BLU Slfl RESTORATION CONTMCI10/24I2007 Phone: (303) 789-4258 3O{O S. TEION STREET ENGLEWOOD coLoMDo 80110 Liaense: 910-8 CONTMCTOR BLU SKY RESTOMTION CONTRACTI0/24/2007 Phone: (303) 789-a258 3O4O S. TE]ON STREET ENGLEWOOD coLoMDo 80110 Ucense: 910-8 Project Address: 1280 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL LocaUon: TIMBER RIDGE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Legal DescripUon: Lot: C-1, Block A TO Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE RL. 1 Parcel Number: 2103-121-0500-8 Comments: See Conditions Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approvah LU07|2OO7 Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town C.ode, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAI-S. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permlt ls issued and @nstruction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009545 The applicant shall paint the new deck railings to makh the odsitng color within 15 days of the niling installation. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paldl g25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approial lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) t+ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:?0 Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: v F o o \) o 0- E (ril \al05 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction D Addition b Minor Alteration (multFfami lylcommercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee I WE MAKE IT BETTER ] FA tr s = 6 4 I t\rP tr F DI s F .-..9' 6- ?r F TNWI.! OF VAIL Df I-]]GN REVIEW .,--l-.; ,\P;r,!, 1OVAL lF'r F J "-4 ),q,] rcvuli oF vAtL\ DESIGN REVIEI/Ii\ STAFF APPROVAI- \ DA]I|:: ffidrK,2tq-Tnhlruf .lf/ttyc- @a'!u{rY tE\€LoprrEr{r Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORII{ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tatt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,ccm Project Name: TIMBER RIDGE FENCE REPLACEMENT Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR TIMBER RIDGE FENCE REPI-ACEMENT Participants: OWNER TIMBER RIDGEAFFORDABLE HOUS CORPOMTION/ ATTN: FINANCE DIRECTOR 75 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT BLUE SKY RESTORATION CONTMC09/25/2007 Phone: 303-789-4258 3040 s. TEJON ENGLEWOOD co 80110 ProjectAddress: l2S0NFRONTAGERDWVAIL Location: TIMBERRIDGE Legal Description: Lot: C-1, Block: A TO Subdivlsion: LION'S RIDGE FIL. 1 Parcel Number: 2103-121-0500-8 Comments: Keep fence natural, no replace front DRB Number: DR8070523 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr BOARD/STAFT ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah O912612OO7 Cond: CON0009391 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent. Cond: CON0009392 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009394 Keep fence natural, no paint. Do not replace fence in front entrance area, highlighted on plan. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO b Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review N/.{ Department of communtty Devetopment H nfiNETrLf ^'ili:ii;:lix::,x"'#ffi"1"#oi,f,'u" v web: www.vailgov.com tO General Information: a ^- flf;?ffn:'#iflij:ffi:;g#iilT:1ff3t$;li:iil:.::'g:H*,1i1:iffi:,".iiJ;tl?,1;,i"itri 6) cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The tl project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. L Design revaew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and onstructlon commences within V -one year of the ipprovat, \,- 1r, -, Y parcer No.: k1031A05002 (contact Easre co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcer no.) N zonins: z'ihffiry- 9DT+g | . t Name(s)orowner(s): { | -f C. n,,r-l Strn Z",nk- U, o Location of the proposa,, R.!- (n Physical Address: tzAd, \t F. N'f^ar- Zr- , \ - -- V j 1lf Maifing Address: i2 2, Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 3o3 1On-4191 Type of Review and Fee: n Signs ! Conceptual Review tr New Construction ! Addition I Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Altemtion (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per Euare foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addltions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For minor changes to bulldings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revlslons to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Uhv.a -lrj C. i^ .1 .ofk"o &"*J e"z"- - U0-t I etQ (c , -r , -t'( ' 'L'q ""'JL"'"'L E-mail Address: Fee Paid: - Check No.:_ By: -t J_fQ, 1<t t tS F,l 2x6 iail (tieated) 5€t post In concrete (tvp) ] r.ril Fcrrcr .Jelerl TIMnT-RRIDGT- lr,l,(.tl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, Cb 81657 970-479-2138 Lo4s c \, c1,C3,g1Jcf, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNtry DEVELOPMENT t^^o^_^r_* t r+ o -S^V---i?^\*.o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES G."-+.^.I MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0256 Job Address: 1280 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: TIMBERRIDGE Applied. . : 12105/2003 ParcelNo.,.: 210312105008 Issued. .: l2l05n003 ProjectNo: Expires..: 06/02/2004 owNER EXOHO/TIMBER RIDGE ASSOC Lp L2/05/2003 Phone: C/O MALET RE;LT,,TY I-,TD 900 w .IAcKsoN Br_,vD 4w CHICAGO II, 50507 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR sToRM KING MECHANTCAL L2/05/2OO3 Phone3 (970)945-8583 680 Canyon Creek Drive Glenwood, Colorado 81_6 01 License:. 275-M APPr-,ICAlrr STORM KING MECHANICATJ L2/05/2OO3 Phone: (970)945-8583 580 Canyon Creek Drive Glenwood, colorado I i_5 01 License: 27 6 -Yl Desciption: ADD BATHROOM EXHAUST FANS IN 60 UNITS Valuation: $18,000.00 Fireplace lnfqrmation: Restricted: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 a*i*5+ +a,t,t a+ 'l)*,t 1.:l Mechanical-> 9360 - 00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $453 . 00 Plan Check--> S90.oo DRB Fee---------> S0.00 Additional Fees-----> ($453.00) Investigation> $0.00 TOTAL FEES------+ $453.00 Tottrl Permit Fee-----> $0.00 Will Call---> $3. oo BAI-ANCE DUE----> $o ' oo Ttem: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{Eriflt L2/05/2003 JRM Action: AP MUST MEET 1997 IIMC CIIAPTER 5 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI.DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 70r_ oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI.,DG. ) : INSTAI,I.,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 uIr{C, CHAPTER 10 OF THE L997 IMC. Cond: 25 (Br!DG.)i ees APPrrrANcEs sHAr.r, BE vEMTED AccoRDrNG To cttAprER I Ar{D sllArrrr TERMINATB AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TITE 1997 t]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1OL7 OF TIIE ],997 IJMC AND C}IAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOT'MTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI.,IOOR]NG. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE A}{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 3O (BLDG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTIOIT 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET MVNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2A49 fl nspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room lryout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensions a Combustion Air Duct Size and Location o Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size anc Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMI D tr -0lr' iTI Mechanical Contractor: *ara /Lrno [-lt.lzt.-tct (- Town of Vail Reg. No.;'2_7L M Contact and Phone #'s: 1"-.o 6*.-n ?f?'ooFV E-Mail Addre6s: Contractor9Tr"r|4 t'ns4 ./ Line Size and Locati COMPTETE VAIUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials a,>C{ Assss,s Omce at fZO_g{-gOnOs visit for Parcel # JobNamefin fk" 7,a." €xtr Job Address: t t f0 No"nl Eaai>*e K4- Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: TD.JF.r us ljarL ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:/\'Kerttc,,*a- €x'Aa'vsi-Ferts fre::: kB WorkCfass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(f gepatr() Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg: Singte-famity ( ) Duptex ( ) MuttFfamitvj{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniS in this brilOing' h No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) r'fonvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gai Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********************x******* Other Fees:Planner Sisn-off:Accepted By: DRB Fees:Date Receivedl \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\I,IECHPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 'f t t'' |l ."! tr, 1 .t ' " * l. o '13 r ..t -. '9\Y Permit Number: f\i,.-:,' , .l^::1 Date of lnspection;i r - /- 1- ...1:_ INSPECTION REQUEST Town of Vail 479-2149 Day of Inspection: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri A I P Job Name: Job Address: Requested By: Other Comments: BUILDING: o Footing/steel o Foundation/Steel c Framing s Roof & Sheer o Plywood Nailing s lnsulation o SheetrocUNail -l PLUMBING:*Underground 'Rough / DWV *Rough / Water *Gas Piping *Pool/Hot Tub o Final ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: *Final Temp power k *Rough_ il * Heatinq o tr tr tr tr Rough *Exhaust hoods Conduit * Supply air Final * Final Approved Denied Reinspection required Corrections / Comments: lnspector:Date: I t-\, 02.20-20CI4 7;11 anr insPeetion Reque*et Reporttng Page 9 - - IfAIL CQ-: I0$ttit OF*- R€quested Inspelt Crat€: lrrrlay, February 20,?O0/.' Inspe,jti<ro Lrea: .rR[-{ Site Addres6: 1280 t{ FRANTAGH RD y/€sT VAiL TJIIBERRiDGE SID tlfonlEgS! ,rc$vtty: lr,lolt 25€ TyF-B: &MECi"i Const Tvr-B: Occuoancv: Or#iqr: EXOI-IO/T|MBER R|DGE ASSOC LP Applkrnt: STORM Kll.tc MECHANICT\I. AMF Stat|s: ISSUED hspAr6s: JRM I,hone; 97O.9890O86 BeSCeSteE&CEeqgg4{sl Itern; 380 MECH-Final R€questor: sTORil{ KING MECI"tANK:,qUKsiih CommEnts: lvlll CALt/97tr989OO€6 Asslgned -l'o: r.lDAt'lli lll)Actlon: / I li llm€ €xD: 1/,/-ztu-aJ. Ins-lrecdon Hiqtorx It€rn: 20O MECH-Rouoh 12lOBlO3- lhspactori SCD Acllo*: Pl pAfl'tL{L. N*Ptr:Tllltt Commer,ts: BU|LD,q UNITS t Tl-'lRU 6 AllB S THRI] 1?. ? 2a-1 Request€d'i]m"' /0t,6-o ant I Phone: 970"64S8551 Enlerad Hly: LcAItitPBELL RU;LNGUNITSlATIL]'J" SUILD I UNIT I GROUND FLOOR OPEI{ Fi}R INSPECTIOI'I. UNI]S ?.3 FAI{S WORKS BDD oPEhrs. UNITS 5 TIiRU l? DUCT lN AT-Ilri INSFECTEtr,,qDP SIJPPOjIT T(} DIICT Te:: lO FEET. II'J$ULATIOI! IJOT REOD. lnspector: rcD Acfon: pi ilAR l'tf1t. lh{SPEcTlflN BATII EXI-IAUST'JANS tsurlf, o uNlTs r T|JRIJ 4.5&6.9 THUR 16. lns0.,ctDf : GCD Actionr CR (:OREECIIoN REOUIRED BIJ|LD C UNIT:J NOT TERUIINATED OO T'IOT F'ATCH C[ILihX3. Insp€ctfr: GCE A.:.tlonr Pl Pi\FTlAi, lNliFfiCTltlN UM S 3AI.'D 5 THRU I1 APPROVET), /) r^-,''v r) {?/1(}03 t;omm€ tst l?/12rO3 Cornmenls:.t7l12rDZ C*rnmenls: i2l15i03 Commer'ls: 12t1VioiJ Celinr€nK: '12;1$ro3 gor!'!rE€nts: ln$n*clor: 6CC! Bt"lll{:} C UNITS j.{.6. SUILD G UNri$ 4,5 BUILD P UNiTS 1.3.4,5,6 lnsi)€cior: SCD BUILD F IJN|TS ?.8.9,'l L l2 h$pector: G*D dclion; Pi PARTIAL lt"lStr€CTION BUILD L UNITS I THRU 12 AND 13.I4.15.17.18 :.JNIT 16 BDo DOESN'T OPEtt. t, K BUILD P UI.IIT 2. 1?i24t0il irispocloci GCO Action: FtPARllAllN$tlECTiCN Comm€nt$: BUILD tul Ul{lTS 1.2.3,4.5.6,8.91 O,1 1. 1 2. APFFOVED UNIT 7 BDD DOESN'T OPENI.,^ , ,MEC.I{-Heallng a/ K PLMtIC€s P:plrra MECtr-€xtrar6t t{ooos Ac.t!on: PA PAtiTt4l APtlRt)VAl. Action: PI P,ART!Ai INSPECTIC,:'I ttsnt: ttam: it6m: 310 315 320 R[:PTX-:J1 Rrllr Id: 164? o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, &lorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 far<t 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: Timber Ridge Prcject Description: Replant 3 aspens (where 3 were removed due to collapsed sewer line) Participantst OWNER E(OHO/EMBER RIDGE ASSOC LP 0411L12002 Phone: C/O MALET REALTY LTD 9OO W JACKSON BLVD 4W CHICAGO IL 60607 License: APPUCANT Caroline Bernhardt, Manager 04 I Itl2002 Phone: 476-6759 Timber Ridge Village 1280 N. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 License: Prcject Address: 1280 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Behird Building E Legal Description: Lot! C-1, Block: A TO Subdavision: LION'S RIDGE FIL. 1 Parcel Number: 210312105008 Comments: I DRB l{umber: DR8020088 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz O4l 2612002 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: i25O.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479 .2457 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must feceive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The prolect nray also need to be revrewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. t€#rli t:{;' {:R5*". .t e 7o-:lzs-sogo.r :- // Owner(s) Signature(s):'1.+1.ltzL Name of Apphcant: 77 Mailing Address: E-mail Address:-'-,-_ /ruj) Description of the Request: 47F .eE 4-j- Type of Review and Fee: n Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction tl Addition ' Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) n Changes to Approved Plans C Separation Request $50 No Fee s650 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For constructron of a new buildinq or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition wltere square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversaons).( $250 \,For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, '.--. . ... -.--lrerooirng, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining lvalls. etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Desrgn Revrew Board. No Fee fl,"'- Planner: approved by Planning Staff or the : 31t tt -Ll tl ", u l = t"tJ o =t"tt t . ? 4 3 4 E . " o' #tt *ott"r tttlo* t l= = 'OIIIT PROPIRTY O{,XER, IVRITTTN AFFROVAL LETTER Enl< fia,"ih; (t'P + Y'Jg W, | #{'^ ,,tonn,.r "L.$ P"#ffit€dar(addcss/rcaEr dei.rrpron) . t.."gg_l4-byJ%.W, Drovidethislettpreswrlnenapprovatoftheplerudetad 4 *f@ Z A"**-ffinno* been su fiitterl to thi To"Yn of Vail Comrnunity o.veloprnenl Department tor the FroFode€l imFrovem.dL$ to bq csaplete'd ;t the addrecs nded above, t understanrf trat the proposed improvq nrnts Inctudet Jet 3 44r"* +r'e4 PA6E AT.gI c.at I0r{tv I ffthcr unchrstand that minor mcdlflcations may he made to the plans o/et the course of th€ revtetv Prue 2 cf LU0A07|02 re?B+"1;a'gi'a'6 P'i F.62 lD ' E?94?ll66S- pacE r,/ I trtrrr€rrht,Fi F t t r..,"r'J rr.r-"ji*ir .rJltf lii fgf l+fU!. rrrr*l ri.tlt, trl. r.f tfrdtaltlt urtt';t{aill}rr*lrs iffiffi" "" rprlr tUtffi|.ll B IHHH' \ W 3"ry. lna-Sb .Mrt|!ttFrrrrtre,rylcnnr-i wrlr..slth.i wlmifrlfiy w€i.tl /i*'iqrJ- W*ryry# a-4:9-Z.. -f Il'gtfilttn ? | _r rt _ -,, r. tlF l ffO*{a*ttoSflHiarEr *---.-- --._j!t.ir.r Erl lflHHt 5lg$'U$-" H-q-eE-iHUtry a(sft'd r*rr' -qr"t {4 > *.hcr.g...,#Al55|;;:#Hiiffli r*n*m,.rlrn rH F rdr$q ttrr, fr#lElTflhT'tr#,ffi t t ft t' I I lrtOil l:,.rr+ ., FnYCnKXI$giFtrf QEtNaTd to aL s11d-L t-tItrt'r WdA tutJd? 0 a r / f,'*t 'ill,t IF. *li €/,a 5 a'' -** "t*,F_ ,.-; J g,' rfi' .-{ ,c*'r-{-.1 ; t"".. ti3 ?-**I tl I I i I HT I JI |'- t I I Lr.{I f-il f ; i !r ill :'-l I'J s a T ii !.,.-l t'. { I I I t t I ., I rl 1'.4 i I "; JF--r :1 il ;l i 4 v,,i-t-i- t-- | I /Fj i.v ,- e\ t2- t tr t i1:,ty 'F :w I r i, x.t a I *{ q i {I I ;. i ,. 1 I I i t a I l t. *, .l tt." .{ vt, ,/E 9, -1 f't :o w^lt S f'.t TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Re: March25,2002 Manager Timber Ridge Village 1280 N. Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Removal of vegetation (trees) without Design Review Approval Dear Sir or Madam: One ofthe many functions ofCode Enforcement is to provide for the enforcement of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes. It has come to our attention that the above-described property may be in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes as follorvs: Reported Violation(s): You removed three Aspen trees rvithout approvals. These were removed to accommodate the excavation and repair ofthe sewer line. You will need to replace these trees with Aspens of similar size or replace a total of l8 inches diameter (using I or more trees) to comply with our request. Please take steps to remedy the situation within fifteen calendar days ofreceipt ofthis lener. lfyou believe thar the violation does not apply to you or if you wish to discuss the matter. please contact the undersigned at (970) 477-3417 within the same fifteen-day period. Your prompt attention regarding this matter rvill be greatly appreciated and will help assure that Vail continues to be the desirable and oleasant resort communitl for r,l'hich we all strive. Very Truly Yours, DrrdRl*a^, David Rhoades. Code Enforcement Officer Community Development Department {p *"n"""o '^'o A. B. 12-1 l-3: DESIGN APPROVAL: Scope: No person shall commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, building construction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection, exterior alteration or enlargement of an existing structure, paving, fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits of the Town unless design approval has been granted as prescribed in this Chaptei. The addition of plant materials to existing landscaping, gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision. Violation: It shall be a violation of this Chapter and the building permit for any person to commence, continue or complete work that has not received design approval as prescribed in this Chapter and/or is not in conformity with the plans approved and authorized by the Administrator and/or the Design Review Board and the Building Official. (Ord. 39(1983) $ 1) Nonconforming Sites And Structures; Effect Of Design Guidelines: 1. Buildings and sites which are not in conformance with the design guidelines, due to annexations or changes in code provisions (i.e., legal nonconformities), shall be required to conform with the design guidelines when allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA) (the GRFA that is permitted by the density control section of various zone districts), commercial floor area, or garage area credit is added to any existing structure or site. 2. From the effective date of July 21, 1998, there shall be permitted a one-time exclusion from this provision for an expansion to single-family, trvo-family, and primary/secondary residential dwelling units. This one-time exclusion shali be allowed for a single expansion of five hundred (500) square feet or less of allowable GRFA or garage area credit per dwelling unit. In rvhich case, structures may be expanded without requinng upgrades to entire structures and sites to confbrm rvith the design guidelines. The addition itself, however, shall conform with the design guidelines. An expansion which is greaterthan five hundred (500) square feet, or any subsequent expansion to a structure, regardless of size, shall require full compliance of the dwelling unit with the design guidelines. 3. General maintenance and upkeep ofa property shall continue to be required regardless of the amount of floor area added to a structure. The one-time exclusion noted above shall not preclude the Design Review Board, pursuant to the design guidelines, from requiring landscaping and other improvements necessary to buffer or mitigate development impacts associated with the expansion/remodel. C. **+**r* ******** + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * i. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * *+* * **** * *** *+******** ***{.1.r}:}** *'t**{.1.* ***'l.i..r* ************+* * * * * * * * *,} * * * * * * * * *,} + + {. * * * * * I * * * * Statsement Number: R000002139 Amount: $250.00 04 / lJ./ 200204.27 Pur Pavment Method: Cash lnit : JAR Not,at.ion: Permit No: Parcef No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: DRBo20088 2r-0312105008 1280 N FRONTAGE Behind Building Type: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi RD WEST VAIIJ E Total Fees: $250.00 Total AIJL Pmts: 9250.00 Balance: $0.00 $2s0.00 *** *+*** *********** * * *+* * * * * * {. ,N. + * * * * * ,t + {. {. * * * * * * '} * * * * * *'** * * * +,f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ** * * * * * ** * * * * + ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Desc ri pt i on Curnent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES 250.00 00T_05_01 FRI 02139 Pil FAI( lt0.P, 0t/04 o-Edl: DIr.ct: mnunurgQ\orcu,clt clm so3-376-5016 GORSUCH KIRGIS LLP ArtonNrvs Ar Llw Torcr l' Eultc llt0{lr 1516 Atiprhoc Etrcctr DcnYatr. OO SoiZUI ' TcLohoac; (3031 376'5000 TclicoPY: 13031875'SoOl TO: TELECOI'Y NO.: FROM: DATE: MESSAGE: Russ Forrest 970'-479-2452 Malcolm M, MurraY October 5, 20Ol PHONE NO. e7j.-479-2r48 Attached is a faxed copy of the agreement which has been signed by Exoho/Timber Ridge NO. OF PAGES TO FOLI,OW: 3 CLIENT: Vail/Cascade FILE NO. 57399 ootrr|DEnflfl.nFr totteE: Thc in{ormation contaiDcd in this telccopier- mcssogc is ccridential informnrion intendcd ouly foi gro "* "f trr" inOi"la.t"t ot *tity ""-.d aborye'- If (he rtader of this meseagc is not the intcnded r*iphnt, ygg *c-lcreuy notirratai'iiy ois**inuo*, distribution or copy of tlis communication is strictly prohibittrJ, lf you have rrcci".i'fi-li'".-i-unicaLion in cr:or, ptcasc imrncdiotcly rrotify us by tcle.phonc ana-iciu"n t}rc -ciginrl t*"""g. ;-t. at thc abovc addrcss via thc u's' Fostsl $cnrice. FOR ASSISTANCE, CALL (3O3) 376-514I ST:05-01 FRI 02140 Pl,l LO/\,@I 1215? GREENBTRB TFf,'RTG tfrfil+t|r trrllr' trrttt gl tlll rHs^cRs$[l-t{Tl.:Ht# lilnorvsnr*s[q,ffilff::l to trlrrbln ErrPlo[r I -.-,*.'-' r; )sl*#HffiF* H#ffiffi# FA)( NO, ) *B3irl65@r tlrlttllll P. 02/04 m.349 l/tr5 I rarlr t{tr P;r-r irrr.n r'-' F' ' fr0Fll'l *ffi ',ffimm'lgLt*'1.uibsff'iiL*' WtlEBt^8 ' ThlH nEF lndu{il r u rr$r urt eruidu hunrr for cru 3o vJl ilrarrilltlrri rttc -,''.#ffifuHffiffi# |'tt}' lt f$ ilm uPPrr ErhvdbY $lEtrEAl' lrr r*t nar r ullsl ||d l|? ci'EF toqdil tii ",,.Hffii,*ffi#tillffi *.1**$'#'EXH*urzmc | | ri0nclfirills{md *#trffi*ffi --TIESSSS'ffi'ffi l'ffi Bl$!ffiS'f S'#J* h$rrt' fiffilftHdtttthrrfi U|rnrwterF'r'!r'|-' --' qu upnlltriltrr rrtlEbL .,-##**'*UifiSS*'fi'ff ?n .J neato6l2ttt 'lll wI uJ S.qt?.t lH Lmz.-qFIS 'mT-05-01 FRI 02:40 Pl1 FAX No' . La,6n6r rz.s? GFE|{B," 'RR.'RIE " u*Tir*,o t4! r'orr'tt'tlil'lt$r' lftlil t $lt' 19.39 t.$nl!t ]<r3 P. 03/04 ffi I i ffi ffi*ffi rs irrsni of i'r PrrB' ..' il, -. rt Tf,ffir,r rrn'ra rm rrrntNrdrr,r' UufinEiDYfl[lfW'trD?-- $AficFcols$tlt, . t ,!ar.b;!b.ivf'""ifi o' * t - '_l,U,n$rHf,, aa Jtc"*2ee1' ! raFir HfiH#"ffil:ll I* '"t t*t t' rffrr rst Fllf M:*m*d.5t rrff' i; "i-.",'j' \.U";')',,r? "':-it'i - ^-rarrr Gt 1111 9tlJ Ut !Ql?l ll'l lnM'{n-lJ!0 tAx N0.|n'349 ? $srr$ t4rl 7*1**t tRI 02"41 GFEENEFG TRnntG ' sossresf,l iltaililrl $r@ffit r2'gl Ln*u"'ililrr- tre!ils$tt' Iti sfltEflllrioll t- t" .**rr*.o* -1.*r.*.r. /cr' !frnp*' illr'|n'rdnLlrrt* #;s#m ?dr,l uJ tc:7.1 Ir{ tw'-e|Furl lr Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 7 oa. *71 | 1i0'- Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone:\/-J'a+T'] \&-ED nrcnitq@-@Dadress and Phone: Comments: E;infstarr Action Vote:E- o Seconded by: ;{nnRrovat D Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid *******!rrt . t.vit.a Al17l91 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **rr*****!r* I. A. n tt F. T ,t. H. Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB application. Later, erben applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of vail will adjust Btre fee according to the Lable below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. PEE PAID3 S 20.00 CHECK S:2862 DATE: By: FEE SCHEDULE: ,y VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 i .",vur - $ rU,uUij $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:KPTRES ONE YE,AR AFCER FINAIJ APPROVAIJ ITIIIJESS A BUIIJDING PERI'TIT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARIED, 1 |/E]y, D{iPT PROJECT INFOR}TATION: DESCRIpTION: Reroofing Project/Shingle Revj-ew TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) x Minor ALteraLion ($20.00) Addit.ion ($50.00) :Conceptual Review (90) ADDRESS: Tlmber Ridqe Vil1aqe, 1280 N. Frontase Rd., Vai1, CO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot C-l--thru C-5 BLock -O- SubdivisioD r.innis iirlge - lsj- E:LLirg If property is described by a meets and bounds ]-egal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING: Residential NAI{E OF APPLICANI:Malet Realty, Ltd. Mailing Address:14 East Jackson Blvd-. Chicaqo. IL 60604 Phone ?1?-?60-14on NAII{E OF APPIJICAI\II tS REPRESEMIATIVE: r-yhprcrrn Engi nFFrng, rn.Mailing Address:_64-&2 s. 1 1 1 Pho:re ao?, -'t 41 -6n)o Malet Realty, Ltd., asent for:NAI{E OF OWNER(S) : Exoho Assoclates - OTTNER(SI SIGNATTJRE: Mailing Address:-J4--€ast Jackson B'lvd.-, chir-agn, .rt. 6O6O4 Phone 112-?,60-1 400 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED ITITHOW OhINER'S s.rcruaruRE rI. PRE-APPLICATTON MEETING: A pre-application meet.inq with a member of the planning sbaff is encouraged to determine if any addit.ional application information is needed. rt is the applj.cant's responsibiliEy to make an appointment with the sEaff to determine if Lhere are addit,ional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPIJETE applicaeion will streamline the review process for your projecc. III. TMPORTAIiIIT NOTTCE REGARDING AI,I, SI]BMISSTONS TO TEE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must. st,ake and tape t.he project site t,o indicat.e property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees Lo be removed must be t,aped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site wisic. The applicant must ensure that, st.aking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally reguires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review, C. applicants who fail to appear before Ehe Design Review Board on their scheduled. meeting date and who have noE asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from ghe DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following it.ens may, at the discretion of the zoning administ.rator, be approved by the Community Development DepartmenE. staff (i.e. a formal hearing efore the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exLerior changes which do not, alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At Ehe time such a proposal is submiLted, applicanLs musL include 1et.t.ers from adjacent propert.y owners and,/or from Lhe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stat.ing the associaLion approves of the add.it,ion. E. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, et,c. ) , a hazard study must be submiE.E.ed and the owner must. sign an affidaviL recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encourag'ed to check wiLh a Town planner prior to DRB applicat.ion t.o determine t,he relationship of t.he property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential. construction: a. C1early indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural wa11s of the building; and iJ. Iudj.sale wilh a oasheo line on Ene sLte plan a four foot disE.ance from Lhe exterior face of t,he building wal1s or supporLing columns. c. If DRB approves the application wiLh conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior !o the application for a building permit. l-t '7. 1 1. ti5 I-l g Jr.!#7-13S 13!4ll . rtrd tlrt/tr :2t'l AM ',|,ttALET REALTY' LTD. Fll:? grmcil{ Ed, ' 3Bt 74L 3ilTE F.lz ilITd IFNAI l('Tl! tllltTCtEIS ' 80fi! 0[ Yls, cotp]tlDo Dlttl RlClrltEl qilE or Dil uEltIlG; trlltltltl itttallatl El9iEsl-rElllMr.fl: mECRI?Tlotf I nrroofing PqqJer:!./thlnglr lrvl--!s . -- B. Tr?E 0F llllilllfr t. D. t. F, ji[,Ei.'i'iii313tr tf3oo. og) ---l-Xlnor r.lltretLoa lfzq'00)-' *Ieenctllurl ftttrrrp tl0l lDpaEqg i Ltet! DttenrtDIQHr r'otq{ltrI}.g-!sroE* -+gUbdlvlr{ou l.r ar tr, utegr - t rlraana+- I f n?doertv tr dleecribetl lry I nceEr t80 botfscr ralAl a;";;i;;i#,-ereri"-pmnii-e ss i reprr*le shrrt 'nd rt'toeh Eo thi I laglication - ril|uc oF AppLrcju{Tr aI€E Re'ltyr o!"t ==r ' , , , ,. ir-arlinq iad;a=! 'lboDs l.1l=L6.0-Il0n-- G.l{lr|a oF uaLl iue teE&IeN|r.s lCilrcrt: rpPeteAtrdfit nfi& Nr/t 3E Er(j,r;jilsgw Jtrt/'tr,o,i OErt srmtutl condoor{ nirrn lggrov+I il apDlieaSt'' DRE t$E: DRB treo, a! sboer$ l50va ' lr! ?o br. Faltl "-t*:l'i'fi.-iI'lumiiiii'oi the D*l rpptlcaLiou' --r'atel' rnen #i"il*" ;ii i:t"t il lli *tu tr ilH' ;r'$f i'ii' io:.3ff i'Hl valuruloo 0t E$e DtoPo iEi'iIiJiaii,s--t' [[r-;;ie uerou, Eo !!ll'urE thr corrrct !e' lr DBid. rnr prur--l--Hl'-g.9-- grFF *rIB5z ornrr ' lili---------- lsr-TCEEDllEi vel,ua'r.fOr lP | 0-- r 16,000 ! ?P'oo I i,:.riil - i .iu'uriti l.il'''ou 5 io,ooi ' i iso'ogo tlgP'oo irio'oot'i iio.ooo ll99'oo i;;[;ooi ' ir'ooo,ooo t!^09'oo I qv€r it;oso:oao lsoo'oo D!3td8 lsttrEw Eoar.D rPEnovl! Et:tlt-! qF- J!rt1 Atr'llii lrlEr' ep!!ov[! trnrlra ^ sut;;ift'ElEi- ri issulD Alno o6'"!!tue!rfl .r8 3ErlltE. Td?HL P.62 n,r- u f. tJ! 0l !l Fv totl c.rwNER{g}: CyberC July 24, 1995 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Design Review Board Application Reroofing Project: Timber Ridge Village Dear Mr. Ruther: Please be advised that the color preference for the GAF Timberline Natural Shadow Fiberglass Class A shingle has been changed to Weathered Wood Blend. This particular color is one of the samples on the GAF Color Chart you received today. We would sincerely appreciate receiving a written response regarding your committee's decision tomorrow, if possible, since the roofing materials cannot be ordered until we get your "OK". Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, .at ',n6tneertnq,lnc. Perjormance i., L ,. -',. ,. ,i".,, \r - i, ,a,fr1F$X:970-479-2452 0-"^J t-Jt Candace S. Lovato Corporate Secretary cc: Ernie Reinstein Malet Realty, Ltd. Ed Rothbauer Plath Construction 6482 South Qucbec gtrect, tsldq. 3, Englewood, CO 8olll - P.O. 6ox 621832, Littlcton, CO 80162-1032 Euatnces Fhonc: ( 5O31 741'6020' F Nt (3051 741 -5n6 CyberCon En7ineerifr4, lnc. Quality July 21, 1995 Performance SENT VIA AIRBORNE Mr. George Luther Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Design Review Board Application Reroofing Project: Timber Ridge Village Dear Mr. Luther: I have enclosed a sample of the GAF Timbertine ttatural Shadow Fiberglass Class A shingle which has a weight of 300-310lbs./sq. for presentation at your staff meeting on 7125195. The enclosed sample represents the "Slate Blend" color preference, (listed within the brochure previously sent). As we discussed today, we won't be submitting the Atlas Pinnacle 'l shingle for approval, since it does not meet the minimum 300 lb./sq. weight requirement for the Town of Vail. We will look forward to hearing your decision as soon as possible. Thanks, George. Candace S. Lovato Corporate Secretary cc: Ernie Reinstein Malet Realty, Ltd. Ed Rothbauer Plath Construction 6482 South Qucbec Strcct, Bldq.3, Englcwood, C0 8)lll ' F.0. Aox 621832, Littlcton, CO 00162.1832 Audncss Fhonc: (5O31741'6020 - FNC (3051741-5no JUL-2S-1995 L@tt4 CYBERCON ENGR.3A3 74t 5?76 P.Az ffi zE! $ltldm ni f0 gor rSE60/rx /:iffi5mr fiflalfi r8rlq l99f l[r. Edldltrrtl lldCqnrshe Ura P. O Dnrlct 1920 AqCdnrle llfto Dqtf,tr. Rsiglrrs.. Ttrr vou fr undrrairy rhc ur ef rDrcAr-ttatnc g{4gl* oa rrr*rr *i.r vdr etncbn orTcnioilvfft.rF, lftffi gq^h.i.;dE i"tucc yw rurd tr r*hr dtuil D.'.r*rr Fo&E-ri. *dshr-*d.'; ;-hr nn5 pffi Eyar nd rdrllbri t&rurgoq, ple* h r br. fhcrillt, q J-e,"h"*r- fr:U $dcltrtnrger TOTRL F.A2 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorodo 816J7 t 0 t -479-2I t I / 47 9-21 19 September 29, 1992 RE: Timber Ridge Apartments 1280 Frontage Road Vail, Eagle County, Colorado FHA Project No. 101-11025 PM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please be advised that, to my knowledge, there are regulations or ordinan@s of the Town of Vail which rental rates. Very truly yours, t^^ r' l.^tvL'/t /v/Ftr',:-- ./v- | Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning D epartme nt of Com mun ity Deae I o pn c n t no existing or pending stiatutes, restrict or would restrict the ability to set 75 Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-213 I / 47 9 -21 39 Department of Comtnanity D ea eloptnent September 22,1992 RE: Timber Bidge Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Eagle County, Colorado FHA Project No. 10'l-'11205-PM To Whom it May Concem: Please be advised that the above-referenced project is in compliance with all applicable zoning laws. Very truly yours, 4J l'ta- Mike Mollica Assistant Planning Director ul u J o 9 z { =F q E '==rala=jirEt: :Iii:i ? 1:;'=-E i,i i =i!,i:'ii : ; ! i l.='l = Vitia,i', Ee;i?= Siit:; iiz+ianz aa q) o (J 2 F.{ o Fl z ' v2 (,z H i.r FJ F:B o Fr fr E fr h I I:1 C9 { Ff H trl l{ a\xtr-urH 9tD flr +6o a=3 3d2 ^41.,:op =z:r..r I l=r32 L=Q oB: r-fz EqE *F<{- ca qa ca 5=t:crr z 3FF *kl<Hii ;$E l{z ?bF srix ^.=l{{tu-*O* Er83 SFxs l:8F SEFF -F-Y:FEsE 'l{IF -g. --aa +r L a H.A. FI tfl ts -,F .A r.a .l-|+ -a H -t rlJ E'F fH f{\sv F'a+:r *F? 11 le f+\aa L} F)*d * -ts t"*t-l .-,v rF.i1 f.tFf d LI .P fH rF)rFt h A. € (n t q rn J F{vt FT B I F|z lr H d o z o (\I () 9 !n .$dl z @ c\ o (v) c trl E o z tn z F'u A o !E Ff A rl i g !0 €.'tr cea k o +,.u z September r !992 Re: ?lnber Ridge Apartnents l28o N. Frontaqe Road vall, Eagle couJrty, colorad.o FEA Project No. 101-112o5-Plil fO WHOI( IT I.IAI' CONCERN: Pleaee be advised that the above-referenced proJect is in qonpliance yith all applicable aoning laws. Very truly yours, TOWN OT VAIIJ BY: (Prlnt Nanel -'---'--- TTTI,E: e'd ES:EZ 26. IZ dfS fle'f,iiP ,: .; itgg I I REGAS. FREZADOS & HARP AT+OFINEYS A.r !A''' III WEST WASHTNGTON SAFIEET cHrcaco, tLLlNols 60602 .AXF3 A, TEGAS FllT:'R 6. Ttlllzaoos PETER L, 'tgO^S iI. I(YIIN HAFF -F^E . CAiDEN DAIIEL T. CtlO{TE wlL|-ralt 9. OALlat FFANX i, DUFI(t' OT.'AXE J' O,CDNXOR ROIEnT ia. oLoEisHAV/ rxoliaEl l. acHECl( oiNlEL J. St)FTCHaC(ro: COUPA}IY NA}TE: TELECOPIER NO.: FROII!: DASE: TELEPr.aor{E a3l?) e35.4.OO iElecoFrEtt ( 3lz) ?35. I t 2e TAr couxl3ll- 6U9t t. clcLaY.r wr!LlA! a' loxaaaolF 'couaagEt PHtLtP Ei. llowanD .rAxgE lrl|. LAr|.:lSGl FEFEi tO rlra No. TEI..ECO}IUT}NICATION TRANSilISTA], TdIAL NT'I,IBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TII1S COVER SEEETS IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AI'L PAGES' PLEASE CAIJJ POSSIBI.IE: TELECOI.TUI'NICATOR: {312) 235-44oo Bea Tt}R RESPONSE: OUT Te1efax.No, 2 DACK AS SOON AS (312i 236-112e or (3L21 236-7720 ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Pleaee comPlete ) PIeaEe read For your lnforuation For your files Pursuant to Your requesi Please sigm ) Please return ) Please telePhone me i Please read and adviee i Please acknowledge receiPt ) Please handle ) Please coment RE: Tjirber Rl !arI, Eagle CounLY, Colorado EIIA Project l'i'. l0l-].1205-fi{l'IEl[o: .ri -^.crort grrn recririres a leLter frqn ttte lugn of Dear l4ij<e; As r.re i .scu$sedr IIIJD reqFrres a Vajl rrdrcaU-nq LhaL tire proj ecL rs in ccnpliarre rrril| alt applicable zoning 1are" I arr} iransnr Lling hera'v:-1Jr' a sanple fgnn lett-ex for tqr use !n {:-lPrrrg al* ttsu: leLtertead). vrle rrcr"rld 4p.preciaie yo:r faxilg t'o us tlre retlped lelt€r ard prttJ:ng tb€ baid. cogy oF sane ln tfre nail t.o us Gn1. attenLaill: trtnnk ftan tor l'rculc nerp. " rfease call stlcnrld ycrr have any qreslrons ' Bea ZS:EZ Z6t lZ daS 96 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Filing , Zone - Design ReYiew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: d\st"rr Approval ' r4.' Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner /Date: fl..statt Approval / I I rrl ---. rdo/*_ { \ ^-..-\ t x. \'r \F , F- I )\ N,,.q_ :v +\F .\,.t\,:lt' I 1\ \ZILI-A,GE Ne\r Dumpster Enclosure Cosrts for Timber Ridge Vil].age: Single Enclosure Costr 7 Enclosures will complete the Plywood tinch, 4X8 - 8 Sheets $86.78 2x6t 16 - 10 ft. $56.00 2x4t 30 - 8 fr. $52.64 2x4t l0 - l0 fr. $22.04 Shake Singles 100 Squares (30O per project total) 1x4r I ft.r #3 Pine T-llI' 4x8' 4 Sheets Tar Paperr 2 Rol.lsr 30 lb. Bid made at Northstar Lumber project. $85.00 per IO0 $8. 19 $94.72 92r. OO 1280 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD o VAIL, COLORADO E7657 . g03-476-6759 il \ Y I I / .: ., T I I I r{f !: li -f f,u.- trNr \l WV\**s' 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47!t-2138 (303) 479-2139 otface ot community ddelopmenl October L2, 1989 Timber Ridge Condominiums Attention: Rose Parker 1280 North Frontage Road Vail, coforado aL657 Re: Lighting of Signage for Tinber Ridge Dear Rose: It has been brought to our attention that the lighting for your entrance sign is extremely intense to the extent that the lights are blinding drivers on the North Frontage Road. The section of the code that relates to lighting is as follows: 18.L6.080. rrl,ighting should be of no greater wattage than is necessary to make the sign visible at night and should not unnecessarily reflect onto adjacent properties...ll We are requesting that you reduce the anount of intensity of your Iights to the degree that your signs will be 1it, but drivers will not be blinded by the actual lights. If you have any questions about this request, please feel free to call. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, 866',t,-[Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician Proiect Application Proiect Name: -: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Comments: Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E Statt Approval . - --:' Proiect Application Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Block Zone Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E Statt Approval 'a I ..t--, L \,Dg ,)w FeePaid^4fuq SIGii APPL ICiTTO;I Da te 8- Nane of Project rimner nirrge vi r ra erl ./i Hi Apts. Nane of Person Subrni tting cyrrthia H - Manhr-E Loc:t,ion of Proiect- 1280.'N' Frontage Road Phone 4234t* oesc:'iPtion of Pro.ject new s19n The.follo,.ring infornaiicn is required for subnitt;1 by the appliclnt to ihe Oesigi nerieti-doaic befcre a final apprc','a1 can be givee- SiEn sub;ii,'..:l fee is 52C.00. A. Sign i,lateriul sand-blasted wood with raised IetLers' Same s ign. B. Descripiion of Sign -SEaCSr III€dSUflo€DtSr AII 19.8 souare feetr double-sided rnaEEEi-als as used in previous c.Si:e of Sign f9.8 square feet D. E Lengih of 1. Si"e Plan x i'. 6iu"ingt sFo"rrr'g e.r:c''- lcca"'ic:t 3. Photogr:phs shc';tit'lg prapcseo locs:lci x 4. Aciual sign 5. Colored scale ora';rtn9 -Y- e. PhotcgraPh of sign APproved for DR3 Subniti:l bisapp.oued for OfiE Subniit:l - ACnlnlsirJ!0r Sign I Pttmilto r37 U J q 5 rl oo Fto rQo BO oul t{5 @ -l Ed O'.{f.r g !{o ]J od o|E .dc .col O'-l u) IJ oc Fl .Fl o oo ol .c Ul rU PE o EO sJz rI (U. Q+J 4(l,(, .Ft sl o .rl lJ .-l (d -t5 d('>a EO o.l.tOl .q{ .-l 0, o r+{ (t o|o c o -t o3 r{NO ..1 .-l C >ul q{oco ot ol ro.Ft o ..{olI MO trr)! ..{ .lJ oo .Q O-l Eur '-l qO HrdC .C td oo .lJa O r.l oz a uto C.tJ .dco _c o-o oo go ou o, ld rcl .,{zcd ('! d --C Ot >t +J ..1 (t .-l ul!3 FO (r -€c(' 5 oo tddlr ut tH OJ4 OrJ O .d JJ O.Q CrJ O .-l .o EC O oB{r oo (,o d 'i q.{a d.o x t b -i"i3&v J q. l11 t, q ,t l*- a q q SJ !$:p F a SI u_ ;IL t--a{s R. I Project Application o"," 1J'1 l*1 l'f Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:4? U-2(O Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Morion by: fio Cl, ''sf ,o Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL APPBOVAL Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner. Add ress and Phone: Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board I o"" 1lt1 lr DISAPPROVAL f'L Cl,r:f ,o APPROVAL Summary: Valli Hi Apartmente 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 176-6759 April 3, I9B9 Kelly Moore Cottonwood Belvedere Exterior Stain, Sherwin Williams Body Trim Cotto (Pastel Base ) Cottonwood - 1245-11 TRIT.I Esf L-Lv2414 (uediun gaae)'a-*"EffiF Belvedere - L24,531t DOOR & OVERHANG Doors (OiI Base Serni-Gloss Pine Needle Doors - Overhang ( Fash Neutral Bas..r Pine Needle Overh.:i,i Exter ior ) B3Yr6 2Cv32 Latex ) - r2 t 5-55) B-3YI6 D2YI6KX2Y24 -2v32 D2Y16 Kx2Y24 qi*,.lcr "lD Utut ill€{-E- r^).roTtf,- U&+'? .l {f I I I I I R/' ts 5 o t c0 l J \-, \--* S.,s s. l}- o \ j I I ;o z a J f cq \t a-s \J I i S'o. Qr eo i I I I I I ; l ; I I J I i I I { I I , t { I i \, -,f I j ; ,'- - i- i -/-\r 't\\ :(,r'. \Y ,\r) l t t\il u 5 O +o 3 U q *ix i ,',^. ' * / \i \-r .oi si ai 00,n l-----/ i \ll o (F I . L!)F r\)Asr o. \- APPLICATION DATE:April 3, 1989 DATE OF DRB MEETIi'IG:April 19, 1989 DRB APPI.ICATION *****THIS APPLICATION bIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to a.l.irihi if any"aAaitjonal jnformation is needed. No app'l'ication wj1l. be.accepted unless it is compi"t"-ir"it inctude all items required.by the.zoning adm'inistrator). it is ttre appticlni;i iesponsibility to make an appointnrent with the staff to find out about aifditionaf submittat requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streami ine the approval process for.your proigct by decreasing the number Jf-conaitions of'app"ouit ii'rat the'DRB may stipulate. ALL cond'itions of approval must be resolved before'a bui1d'ing permit is issued' A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: Valli lti Apartments B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 1280 North Legal Description Lot Bl ock Fil ing Zoning S?""it1 D"t.lopt"tt Di"t.i* C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 1280 North Frontage Road West. Vai1. Co 81657 telephone 47 6-67 59 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: steven MacDonald Address P. 0. Box 2824, YaiL, Co 81558 tel ephone 476-2113 E. NAME OF OWNERS:Exoho Associates F. Si gnatureJohn Address 400 N. Frankrin street. chJcego. rr 6o610 - telephone 3L2-923-9000 DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tjme a building permit'is requested. VALUATION FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 1.50,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDiNG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appi'i cant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees- that will be removed ihoutd also be inarlba. This work must be comp'leted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wjll normally involve two separate meetings oi tte Des.ign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled r""ling and who have'hot asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. \ 4. The following items no longer have to be presented-to.the Design-Revjew Board' iiiey,-noweu"i, ttiv" to be iresented to the Zonjng Admin'istrator for approval: a. l||indows, skylights and sjmilar exterinr changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed frory qny other lot or public spacen whjch have naj ietteis submitted from adjojn'ing property owners approv'ing the addition;-anJfor ipproval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. .a _-/ Project Application t t{J Contact Person and Phone Nl,t* l(*1./..hs' 971-G7s-7 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: -t t,! u { n'- vr--- f a,./ s, UrU-,,,T, r, I L, o c I -1 r.(l*s -- q €" .'1'". 'ir,',, l^ ",a .+k - h" l,l !(c, ,a t:. -, . / o, n' . (1,( Town Planner f st"rr Approval LIST OF ( lIb t" <-/ MAT o r^1,.- | | |L\ r /t I ,T elt )4....1. ?t' NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The fol lowing Board before a A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng nformati finai ap TERIALS: i F MA t 'lI tl on is required for submittal by the applicant to the Des';n Review provai can be fiven: COLOR \ W\ R--il, ther Material s I^jq/ I r S l,I w B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty S'i ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indicate calioer for deciducious trees. . PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical J,lame Common Name Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Sor,ii:e Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. QTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. I /, a ottlce ot communlly dcYelopmenl September 26, .l983 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Doyle Hopkins Box 3667 Ft. Smith, Arkansas 719L3 RE : Val I i -Hi Payment on Permi t Dear Doy1e, Thank you for your time on Thursday, September 22, 1983, where on the phone we discussed the permit fee that is outstand'ing on the Vall'i-Hi Project. At your request, I will try to explain why the permit was not paid, and why you owe the various amounts. The reason the perm'i t was never pajd was an oversjght by both the Town of Vail and yourself. At the time you picked up your first phase permit (see attached) there was a change in personnel at our offices. Thus, when the present staff took over we assumed that the entire project had been permitted. This was not the case. As far as your end of the matter, you probably assumed the whole project was permitted the same as we had. Since we both agree that phase II of the project was never paid for (as verified by enclosed permit, showing 102 units permitted out of a total of 199), I will try to itemjze and explain each of the fees owed. First I would like to let you know that the request for payment sent to you by Peter Patton on January 4, 1983, and then again in August of 1983, by Ed Drager had several mistakes. The mistakes were that the figures shown were all based on today's computation, but after hearing you say that "If I would have known there was monies owned, I would have paid," we feel it only fair to charge you what the rates were in 1979. I will now try to explain the enclosed permit fees that are contained in the permit work sheet enclosed. Let me also explain that most of the fees are based on job valuations (I have also enclosed the fee schedules that are enacted by ordinance and were in effect in 1979). The 97 units in question were valued at $2,910,000.00, which represents 72,750 square feet, valued at $40.00 per square foot. Thus, the bu'ilding permit fee of $3,956.00. /. Page two The next fee is that of plan check. Plan check fees are 50% of the building permit. In this case, the fee should be $1,978.00. However, on your first phase permit you were assessed at 65%, which represented $752.00 too much. Therefore, we are subtracting the overpayrent of $752.00 from the $1,978.00, leaving a balance on plan check of $1 ,224.00. The next fee is that of electrical . As you can tel 1 by the ordinance enclosed, your electrical fees on phase I were undercharged by about $900.00. However, in as much as this is the fee charged, approximately $S.00 per uni!, we will keep the same ratio and thus the electrical fee for phase II is $485.00. The pl umbing fees are based on $7.50 per thousand valuation. The valuation of $l ,216.00 per unit is in direct comparison with what was charged for phase II is $.l.l7,952.00, resulting in a plumbing permit fee of $885.00. The mechanical fee for phase II is $45.00. This is based on a valuation of $59.00 per unit or a total of $5,723.00 at $7.50 per thousand. The last fee to be changed on phase II is the recreation fee. The total amount of recreation fees to be paid on 199 unit at Valli-H'i is $74,625.00 (.50 x 149,250 sq ft.). 0n phase I you paid $38,250.00. You also have a credit of $27,400.00 (see attached memo concerning reimbursables). These two items total $65,650.00, which leaves a balance owed of $8,975.00. Once the entire permit is totaled, a balance is owed to the Town of Vail of $15,570.00. Doyle, I hope this will clarify a1l of the issues on both sides. If you do have any questions, please contact me, as we do need to clear this matter up as soon as possible, Thanks agai n, s:ncf!, ('/t/,^-- Steve Patterson ENCLS. SP/rme op 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 VALLI HI FACT SHEET Lots C-1 - C-5 Lionsridge 1st Fi1ing 3 Bu i 'ldi ng Types TYPE TYPE TYPE # Buildinss A (2 stories) 7 B (3 stories) 5 C (2 stories) 4 16 Size 10.08 acres # Units per Bui]ding 12 18 6 # Total Units 84 90 24 198 All units are identical - 744 souare feet 2 bedroom 1 bath Recreatjon Building: 2 bedroom, 1100 square foot managers unit two 'l aundry rooms, total 17 washers 17 dryers 437 square foot recreation room wjth pool , pjng-pong 1150 square feet of storage/office space Parki ng: Totai parking 308 spaces 1.55 spaces per unit Previ ous Zon i ng: and foosball tables Resi dent'i al C'l uster Resi denti al Cl uster al l ows 6 dwel I i ng uni ts per acre Al Iowable development through zoning; 60 dwel ling un'its GRFA al I owabl e is 25% of bu i I dabl e si te area ,,. t1 xl Timberridge/PO 4/LL/eo James and Rose of Timber Ridge asked the Town if we thought the Po should have used erosion control on the area that they had reseeded. <. Todd oppenheinrer, landscape architect for the Tottn, .'..-''ooked at the reseeded area today, and he reported the following:. d,r, .vjnun'llr *t He did not feel that erosion control was necessary. Todd stated that the new grass devetopment rnay be spotty, but that this would be the result of variation in the tlpe of soil , and that after the present seed germinated, additional seeding could be applied to those areas in need of more grass.