HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK D PARCEL A RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT LEGAL �y� � Quesiians''�E thc Pi�:,,,:ial�r Sia:, u. :-;-_.�'�s ; \ ��� � � ' �'1� APPLICATION' FOR LIESICN RCVIEW AYPROVAL TO�N OF Y�IIL � GENERAL 1NFORU[ATION This a,���ication is far any�rojc�t rcquirin,� Dcsi�n Rcvicw a�proval. Any�rojcct rcquirin�dcsi�i revicw must rcrcivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to s�bnlitting for a buildit}g permit. For specific infonn�tion, scc ghc subnuttal rcquircmcnts for thc �arti�;ular a�nroval that is rcqucstcd_ �'hc a�plication cannot bc accc�tcd until all thc rcquircd inforniatiun is submittcd. Thc�rojcct i��ay also nccd to bc rcvicu°cd 1�y thc To�m Council anci/or thc Pla�u�in�and EllVlf011111Cilfai Comrnission. Ucsi�n Rc��icrv Bnard appro�•at cspires onc year after final appr�val un(ess a " huildin� pernzit is issucd and construction is siartcd. A. DESCR[PTIn1�1 OF THE REQUEST: ��V�LaP �� N1 7�, OEErJ � �E�TfzlGT�of �1���fK��F3�-E f-fov�,r��fi�ct�G�T r,c�✓ A�L }��.,,�G/�+T� �N�l'�.�� [J�T711� �-, ,�-- � [3. LOCATION OF' PROf'OSAL: L�OT:��1/:� BLOCK: r� FILTNG: �►�k-'�'�-c.-� ! PHYSIC,�ILADDRESS: ,��'� �0 5�-�t-��>;�-�'-` ���` - OC I A,.�� �f 03-�l 4�-US -��D'�'_ C. I'ARCEL#: � �D S- b��� DS - (Cont�lct Ea�lc Co. Assessors Officc at 97U-32�-8640 for parcd #) D. ZONING: /b"(�DIlJ� N ULT/ �AM't- /ND/V�� E. NA1�7E Of= OW1�ER(S}: 7�oV'1/N c�F V�/�- 7S - � MAILING ADDRESS: 75 � �/eONTt1b� /`�X7 � GO PHONE: �'�°J' 2'�f-o F. O�'VNER(S}S[GNATUR�(5): � L �'�� —� G. NAME OF APPL[CANT: TH� �✓T�V,�/VS 6/?-G'�P, /I�G. ' MAILING ADDRESS: 3!Z � i4"�°`F�� �.��G,hl �� 81�r1� PHONE: `�7a °>Z�' l�71� H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: 0 New Construetion -S200 Cor�struction of a ncw buildin�. ❑ Addition - $50 �ncltidcs any addition�vhcre sq�arc foata�c is addcd to any resi�lenti�l or commcrcial building. O �-tinor Altcration - $20 1��cludcs �»inor c�tangcs to btiildings and sitc irnprovcmcnts,such as, rcroofin�;,pai��iing,windotiv�dditioiis,landscapin�,t-enccs za�d retainin� - �ti�alls, ctc. �"%� �',.� f r,� f .�?�,z�(;..., ��'.t ��,^t,i ��,,, ',f'J j� u �y r- ��r�� r: L� DR6 fecs arc to b���id at t�timc of submittal. Latcr,�vhci�ap�lyiri�for a'�uilding pcnnit,plca.sc ideiitify thc aceuratc valuatiun o#'thc projcct, Tl�c Town of Vail �vill adj�st tlic fce accordir�g to thc projcct valu�tion. E'LEASE SUI3M[T THIS APPL{CATION,ALL 5UE3MITTAL f2EQU[REn1�NTS AND THE FEE TO THE � DE�'ARTMENT OF COi�1MUNITY DEV�LOPIYIEN"T, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE RQAD, r 'VAIG, COLORADO 81G�7. , �or ftic Use Onl : Fcc Paid: CK�#: �}f; � 1 � Application Datc: DRB Mectin�D�tc: '��'� l � - Prc-A��licatian Mcetin�;Datc: • • 7. The hvmeowncr's docs for this devclopment should include a provision prcwenting parking in front of units 1 and 2 and should probably address parkin}� in de5ignated a�-cas only for the entirc develo�ment. �. Providc the details of the dwnpster cnclosure. Be sure to size the dumpster adequateiy far the numbe�� of units. You rr�ay want to consida-2 dumpstcr�, one on either cnd of the site. I recommcnd consulting BFI on ihe sizc issue. Of course, sizc will depend on frcquency of picku�. It may make some scnse to �rovide adcquate :�izc with fcwer�ickup5 as this wiil be a continuing cost to the owner5 of thc affordable housing. 9. Snow stc�ragc is ina.dequatc on-site. 4ur standard caIls for 30% ofthe�aved area on-sitc to exist as snow storagc. A liberal calculation of the arcas provided cquals approximately 2,897 sq. ft. 5,667 sq. ft is required. Plca�e show these ai•eas with a calculation of sq. ft. These arca� need to be realistic givcn the rnc#hod used far plowin�and given the location of proposed landscapin�;. 10. It appcars that you arc proposing ground lcvci dccks within the flood�lain. This is not allowed. There can be no physica� improvemcnts (i.c., no �;rading is allawed) in the flood plain. You can howevcr, cantilcver over the flood�lain. 11. The survey ne�ds to show extcnded floodplain line to the twin pipes. Plca�e revise the plan. 12. For parking s�aces t�iat are adjacent to �ara�es on this dcvelo�ment, in addition to thc 19' parking space, thcrc needs to bc another 5' bcforc you rcach thc drivc aisle. [n essencc, there needs to be 24' from thc front of the gara�c to the drive aislc. l3. The width of the roadway at the entry ta the housir�; developmcnt, need5 to be 24' wide and needs to havc a 9U° curve. 14. The d�iveway fccdcr road�vay ccnterlinc radius nccds to bc a minimum of 35'. Thc minimum curb retuin radius must bc maintaincd at 15'. 15. Your plan shows �rading that exceed5 2:1 slope. Pleasc bc aware that slopes nccd to be maintaincd at a 2:I. 16. Boulder walls need to bc laid back at a maxi►num I:1 ratio or nced to be stamped by a profcssional enginccr. 17. All walls must be no �reater khan �' in hci�;ht, nor ;reatcr than 3' in the front setback. 18. The public roadway foa• Red Sandstone Road mtist maintain a 3' widc shouldcr and provide drainagc conveyance �lon�the road��ay in order to prevent filooding on this property. 2 � • Apri12, 1998 Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Red Sandstone Housing Dear Andy: The Town staff bas reviewed your proposal for an 18 unit d�d restricted housing developtnent. Staff has produced the following issues which must be addressed prior to final review by the DRB. These comments are in addition to those comments you received from the DRB. Please address the following: 1. Please provide a survey showing"{�uildable area," which includes slopes over 40% and flood plain area. 2, (Jn the site plan,buildings 1,4, 16, and 18 encroach on the setbacks. Please revise. 3. The 4 parking spaces shown in the parking lot are only 14' deep. They must be at least 19' deep. 'The 24' drive aisle ca�not be encrQached upQn. 4. Parking for units 15 and 16 overhangs the drive aisle and conflict with parking spaces for units 17 and 18. This needs to be corrected. The parking at this end,as shorvn,is very tight and needs to be corrected. 5. The parki�g area and turnaround for units 17 and 18 dv not wark. T'he turnaround must have a center line radius of 20' and must be at least i 2' wide and must be designed to allow no more than a 3 point turn. Please show on the plan this turning movement. fi. Our new standards require a setback of 10' frQm a building to the access road. Unit 1 encroaches on this standard. 1 � � 19. The grading required for the stairway to tbe bustop must be shown. Please show on the plan t�e connection of the sidewalk to the sauth of the properry to the roadway at the enhyway. 20. Standards require cross-slopes be S% or less within the parking area. 8% is exceeded throughQUt this development. Please revise the plan in accordance with this cross-slope requirement. 21. Please correct tt3e drainage around u�its 15 and 16. Yaur plan shows 4" PVC drainage pipes. These shauld be a minimum of 8". Please revise the plan accordingly. 22. Please provide an 8'wide concrete pan with a 2" invert at the entryway to this development. 23. Tl�e grading plan does not show parking for units 1 and 2. Please revise the grading plan to show this paxking. 24. A guardrail wi�l be required along the public raad in areas where there are steep retaining walls on thzs development. 25. You will also be required to have a 404 permit to cross tlae creek with utilities. 2b. The fire truck turnaround area proposed does not adequately allow a fire truck to turn around on the property. You will need to soften the radius on the access to this iruck turnaround area. Making it wider will help to ease�hat turnaround prablem. 27. The Fire Department has indicated that a 4' side setback poses significant risk af fire spread from the �rst building to the next and so on. You may want to consider t�is in the redesign of this project. Additionally,trees placed between the buildings will also create a fire spread situation between the buildings. 28. Tlae proposed 8" water line will not provide adequate fire flow foc the development. Please reevaluate your fire suppression requirements. As an FYI, ladder trucks are required to have access to the development. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Senior Planner xc: Greg Hall, Town Engineer Mike McGee, Fire Marshall The Stevens Group, Inc. f:leveryoneldomU8latterlknudtsen.402 3 ' _ ��`�lE I��E� �1�1�� � � 1�58 LL STATE M��- a�.�� ' FIRE PROTECTIQN INC. " _ ` ` �'?�'� ����,��1��4�I�� ' ��}��+��L'� �, S�l��•�?����� [� " � , .,{,� . A'.e.������� C�,. �. l 1 � ..,,'�` � I //�� ...//�}�(/ . l:J. _ J�'�_���� / ✓ W` '. x. .. _... / � 1 / / ��,.; .� ��'' y �i/�.�- SGli�7�`���//,�Jit/.�Ul,��l��//�Lf/'�5 ' �, ��G�/ SGl//� �'Jr�J ; �v-�(�-��� �. s%��f.,�w%/,��r��- ��vo s r�%�� � ' � -�� f'���-;�ir�i��r/�'�.�'��-�'����' ��-;, � C��s�� 1 , .. - 1 � 1 1 1 . : . , � � ,��.1.��. " ,� " ��tt� _ t� . � � � _ =_.. � ' 6045 E. 76th Ave. # '� 2 Commerce City, CO 80022 ' (303;288-3901 • Fax (3Q3)288-1936 ' ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. , 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 COMM�RCE CITY, CO 80022 ' , HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS , FOR ' RED SANDSTONE CREEK BLDG.A&B REM.AR. #1 2HD. ' DATE: Nov 23, 1998 ' ' -DESIGN DATA- �CCUPANCY CLASS�FICATION: RESIDENTIAL 13R ' COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 20 ' -0" X 2Q ' -0" SQ.FT GALLON PER SPRINKLER: 13 .5 GPM �' NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCUI�TED: 2 sprinklers ' TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FL4W REQUIRED: . 27 .5 gpm T�TAL WATER REQUIRED (including hase) . 127 . 6 gpm ' FLOW AND PRESSURE (� flg) : 27 .5 gpm @ 89 . 0 psi SPRINKL�R �RZFICE SIZE: 3/8 inch ' DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: NORM THZLGES ' AUTHORITY HAVING JURI5DICTION: VAIL, FIRE PREV. CALCU�TIONB �Y HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 603G8$8 ) ' �� � HRS SYSTEMS, TNC. ATLANr.�A, GA ' . ' ' ,;�: ���.: -:� SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page �. Date: 11/23/1998 SANDIB.SDF .�� JOB TZTLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.1 2,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' WATER SUPPLY DATA - SOURCE STAT�C RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D N�JDE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRE5S. @ DEMAND PRESS. �� TAG {pSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) {GPM) (�SI) SRCE 1�.4 . Q 100 . 0 834 . 0 113 . 6 127 .6 89 .5 � AGGREGAT� FLOW ANALYSIS : :� '�` TQTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 127 .6 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE I00 . 0 GPM ' OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 0 .0 GpM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 27 .6 GPM ' DE ANALYS�S DATA NO ' NODE TAG EI,EVATIDN NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE �FT) (pSI} �GPM) ' SRCE o . o sovRCE a9 . � 2� •6 Sl 27 . 5 K= 2 . $0 23 .2 13 .5 S2 27 . 5 K= 2 . 80 25 .2 14 . 4 g3 27 . 5 - - - - 32 .3 - - - ' S2A 28 . 0 ^ - - - 25 .5 � - - 1 28 . 0 30 . 0 2 28 . 0 - - - - 32 . 0 _ _ _ , 3 28 . 0 _ � _ , 32 . 0 _ - - 4 19 . 0 47 .4 5 19 . 0 - - - - 50 .5 - - - ' 6 19 . 0 - - - - 65 . 6 - - - '7 19 . 0 66 .6 g lg. p - - - - 68 .I g 19 . 0 - - - - 69.3 - - - ' 10 9 .5 _ _ _ _ 56 • 3 _ - - l0A 9 . 0 �7 • 1 lOB 9 . � - - - - 59.1 - - - ' 11 9 .5 - - - ^ 76 . 0 _ _ i 20 8 .5 76 . 5 2�. 2 .0 - - - - 88 . 5 - - - ' B�'D 2 .5 - - - - 80 . 1 - - - BFS 2 .5 88 . 1 FLG 1 . 0 - - - - 89 • a ' ' � 1 .� SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULI� ANALYSIS Page 2 Date : 11/23/1998 SANDIB.SDF - JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO.� 2 ,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B , PIPE DATA � PTPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS. END �LEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. � NODES (FT) (K} (PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT SPS�) Pipe: 1 -13 .5 0 .811 PL 13 . 00 PF 2 .5 ' Sl 27 .5 2 .8 23 .2 13 .5 $ .4 150 FTG 2E PE -0 .2 S2A 28 . 0 0 . 0 25 .5 0 . 0 0 .146 TL 17 . 00 PV 0 .5 ;� pipe ; 2 -14 . 0 0 .817. PL 0 .50 PF 0 .5 S2 27 .5 2 . 8 25 .2 14 . 0 8 . 7 �50 �'TG T PE -0 .2 S2A 28 . 0 0 . 0 25 .5 0 . 0 0 . 157 TL 3 .54 PV 0 .5 ' Pipe: 3 -27 .5 0 . 811 PL 5 .25 PF 4 .5 S2A 28 . 0 0 . 0 25 . 5 0 . 0 17 .1 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 � 28 . 0 0 . 0 30 . Q 0 . 0 p .S45 TL 8 .25 PV 2 . 0 ' Pipe: 4 -27 .5 0 .811 PI� 0 .75 FF 2 .0 � 1 28 . 0 0 . a 30 . 0 0 . 0 17 . 1 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 ' 3 28 . 0 0 . 0 32 . 0 0 . 0 0 .545 TL 3 .75 PV 2 . 0 p�.pe; � 0 . 0 0 . 811. PL 12 .75 PF 0 . 0 S3 27 .5 0 . 0 32 .3 0 . 0 0 . 0 �50 FTG 2ET PE -0 .2 � 2 28 . 0 0 . 0 32 . 0 0 . 0 O . 00Q TL 19.75 PV 0 . 0 Pipe: 6 0 . 0 0 . 811 PL 9 .25 PF 0 . 0 ' 2 28 . 0 0 . 0 32 . 0 O . a a . 0 150 FTG T PE O . d 3 28 . 0 0 . 0 32 . 0 O . Q O . QQO TL 12 .25 PV 0 . 0 ' p�pe: � -27 . 5 0 . 811 PL 15 . 04 PF 11. 4 3 28 . 0 0 . 0 32 . 0 0 . 0 17 . 1 150 FTG 2T PE 3 . 9 4 19 .0 0 . 0 47 .4 0 .0 4 . 545 TL 21 . 00 PV 2 . 0 � Pipe: S -1� . 9 0 . 811 PL 20 . 75 PF 3 .1 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 47 .4 0 . 0 7 .4 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 5 19 . 0 0 . 0 50 .5 0 . 0 0 . 115 TL 26 . 75 PV 0 .4 ' Pipe: 9 -15 .7 0 . 811 PL 88 .50 PF 18 .2 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 47 . 4 d . 0 9 .7 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 � 6 19 . 4 0 . 0 65 . 6 4 . 0 0 . 192 TL 94 .50 PV 0 .6 Pipe: 10 -15 . 7 0 . 811 PL 5 .25 PF 1 . 0 fi 19 . 0 O . fl 65 .5 0 .0 9 .7 1.SQ FTG ---- PE � . � , 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 56 . 6 0 . 0 0 . 192 TL 5 .25 PV 0 . 6 Pipe: 11 -15 .7 0 . 811 PL 8 . 00 PF 1 .5 � 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 66 . 6 0 . 0 9 .7 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 68 . � 0 . 0 0 . 192 TL 5 . 00 PV 0 . 6 , Pipe: 12 -15 .7 0 . 81� PL 4 . 00 PF 1 .2 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 68 . 1 0 . 0 9. 7 150 FTG E PE 0 . 0 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 69 .3 0 . 0 0 . 1.92 TL 5 . Q0 PV 0 . 6 ' Pipe: 13 -15 .7 0 . 811 PL 11 .75 PF 2 .6 9 19 . 0 4 . 0 69 .3 0 . 0 9 . 7 150 FTG E PE 4 . 1 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 75 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 192 TL 13 . 75 PV 0 . 6 , �.. �,� SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 Date : 11/23/1998 SANDIB.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO. 1 2,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B � PIPE DATA {COTlt . } PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS . END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C} (FT} SUM. ' NODES (FT) (K) tPSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) P�pe: 14 -11 . 9 0 . 811 PL 10 .2� PF 1 .8 , 5 19. 0 0 . 0 50 . 5 0 . 0 7 .4 150 FTG ET PE 4 .1 10 9. 5 0 . 0 56 .3 0 . 0 0 . 1].5 TL 15 .25 PV 0 .4 � '� Pipe: 15 -11 . 9 0 . 811 PL 1.54 PF 0 .5 10 9.5 0 . 0 56 .3 0 . 0 7 .4 150 FTG T PE 0 .2 l0A 9. 0 0 . 0 57 .1 0 . 0 0 . 115 TL 4 .54 PV 0 .4 ' Pipe: 15A -11 . 9 0 . 81�. PL 11. 50 PF 2 . 0 l0A 9 . 0 0 . 0 57 . 1 0 . 0 7 .4 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 lOB 9 . Q 0 : 0 59 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 115 TL 17 . Sd PV 0 .4 � Pipe: 15B -11 . 9 0 . 81I PL 132 . 50 PF 17 .2 �.OB 9 . 0 4 . 0 59. 1 0 . 0 7 .4 150 FTG E5T PE -0 .2 ' 11 9 . 5 4 . 0 76 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 115 TL 1�9.50 PV 0 .4 Pipe: �.6 -27 . 5 �. . 291 PL 1. 00 PF 0 . 1 ' �1. 9.5 0 . 0 76 . 0 0 . 0 6 . 8 I50 FTG ---- PE 0 .4 20 8 .5 0 . 0 76 . 5 0 . 0 0 . 057 TL 1. 00 PV 0 .3 ' Pipe: 17 -27 . 5 1. 291 PL 14 . 00 PF 1 . 0 20 8 .5 0 . 0 76 .5 0 . 0 6 .8 150 FTG EG PE 2 . 6 BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 80 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 057 TL 17 .50 PV 0 .3 ' Pipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 88 . 1 a . 0 8 . 0 psi, 27 .5 gpm BFD 2 .5 0 .� 80 .1 0 . 0 ' Pipe: 19 -27 .5 1 .291 PL 1 . 00 PF � .2 BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 88 . 1 0 . 0 6 . $ 150 FTG E PE 0 .2 ' 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 88 . 5 � . 0 0 . 057 TL 4 . 00 PV 0 .3 Pipe. 20 -27 .5 1 .291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 1 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 86 .5 0 . 0 6 . 8 150 FTG ---- PE 0 .4 ' FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 89 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 057 TL 1 . 00 PV 0 .3 Pipe: 21. -27 . 5 4 . 155 PL 65 . 00 PF 0 . 0 ' FLG � 1 . 0 � . 0 89 . 0 � . fl 0 . 7 120 FTG ETG PE 0 .4 SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 89 .5 (N/A) 0 . 000 TL 102 .31 PV � . 0 ' rroTEs: (1) Calculations were perfonn�d by the HASS 6 .3 . 0 computer program under ].icense no. 603G888 granted by HRS Systems, Inc . ' 2193 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E. Atlanta, GA 30345 ' (2) The system has been laalanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of Q . 005 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of d . 1.18 gpm. 1 :' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULiC ANALYSI5 Page 4 Date: 11/23/199$ SANDIB.SDF JOB TTTLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N�.1 2,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' (3) �elocity pressures aze printed For information only, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity ' is 17 .1 ft/sec at pipe 4 . (45 PIPE FITTINGS TABLE ' Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP - PAGE: M MATERIAL: CT-M HWC: 150 � Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet {in) E T F R C S G N E11 Tee 45-E11 TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv NPTee ' 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . 00 4 .50 0 .5Q 0 .50 3 . 00 0 . 50 3 . 00 I .291 3 . 00 5 . 50 1 . 00 0 .50 0 .50 5 .50 0 . 50 5 . 50 ' PAGE: * MATERIAL: 540 HWC: 120 Diame�er Equivalent Fi�ting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D ' ___E11_' Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv A].mChk DPVIv N ' NPTee 4 . 155 11. 66 23 .32 7 . 00 25 . 65 13 . 99 2 .33 23 .32 11 .65 23 .32 ' r � � � � � � � � � � SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSZS Page 5 Date: 11/23/1998 SAND�B.SDF JQB T�TLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO. � 2,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B WATER SUPPLY CURVE � 120+ � �������� � 0 �������� � 110+ \\\�\\\ �������� �������� ������� � 100+ 100 . 0 psi @ $34 gpm-� * �'low Test Point , 90+X ' - P 80+ ' R E S ' S 70+ R E , &�+ � P -�: � I 50+ } ' 40+ , 30� ' ' 20f LEGEND " �� X = Required water Supply " 89 .50 psi Q 127 . 6 gpm " , 10� " 0 = Available water Supply " 113 .57 psi @ 127 .6 gpm " , 0++-+---+----+-----+------+-----"--}--_--_---+---------+------------� 200 30Q 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ' FLOW (GPM} ' . _' ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. ' 6045 E. 76'TH AVENUE �12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 i � HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS � FOR ' RED SANDSTONE CRE�K BLDG.A&B REM.AR.#1 1HD. ' DATE: Nov 23, 1998 , , -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CT�ASSIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL 13R ' COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 20 ' -0" X 20 ' -0" SQ. FT GALLON PER SPRINKLER: 14 . 0 �PM ' NUMHER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: �. sprinklers ' TOTAL SPR�NKLER WATER FLQW REQUIRED: 14 . 0 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (inC].uding hose) . 114 . 4 gpm ' FL4W AND PRESS'{JRE (@ f�g} ; 14 . 0 gpm @ 60 .1 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 3/8 inch ' DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: NORM THILGES � .AUTHORITY HAVING Ji7RISDICTION: VAIL, FIRE PREVENTION CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # �03G888 ) ' HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ' ' ' °;�- :.�. ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS Page 1 Date: 11/23/1998 SANDIA.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDST4N� CREEK REM.AREA NO.1 1,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ; WATER SUPPLY DATA SO'(�RCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. , TAG (PSY) (PSI) (G�'M) (PSI) {GPM) (PS�) SRCE 114 . � 1.OQ . Q 834 . Q 113 .6 114 . 0 60 .6 1 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: ;� TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 114 . 0 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE �00 . 0 GPM � OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOW.ANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 14 . 0 GPM , NODE ANALYSTS DATA ' NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYP� PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) , SRCE O . d SOURCE- 60 . & _14 . 0 S1 27 .5 30 . 0 S2 27 .5 - - - 30 . 0 S3 27 .5 K= 2 . $0 25 . 0 14 . 0 ' S2A 28 .4 - - - - 29 .8 - - - 1 2$ . � 29 . 8 2 28 . 0 - - - - 27 . 9 - - - _' 3 28 . 0 - - - � 29 . 8 _ J J 4 19 . 0 36 . 9 5 19 . 0 - - - - 37 .$ _ _ _ ' 6 19 . 0 - - - - 42 1 - - - 7 19 . � 42 .4 8 19 . 0 - - - - 42 . 9 g 19 . 4 - - - - 43 .2 - - - ' 10 9 .5 - - - - 42 .4 - - - l0A 9 . 0 42 . 8 l OB 9 . 0 _ -- -- - 43 .4 - - - , 11 9 .5 _ _ ' _ 48 .1 ' - - 20 8 . 5 48 .5 21 2 . 4 - - - - 59 . 7 _ _ _ ' HFD . 2 .5 = _ _ = 51 .4 = _ _ B,k'S 2 .5 59 .4 FLG 1 . 0 60 .7. , 1 ' ' ' SPR2NKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYS2S Page 2 Date: 11/23/1998 SANDIA.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO.� 1,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q (GPM) DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ . PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(CS (FT) 5UM. ' NQDES {FT) (K) (PSI} (GPM) F.L. /FT (P5I) Pipe: 1 0 . 0 0 . 811 PL 13 . 04 PF 0 . 0 ' S1 27 .5 0 . 0 3Q . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG 2E �E -0 .2 S2A 28 . 0 0 . 0 29 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 000 TL 17 . 00 PV 0 . 0 ' Pipe: 2 4 . 0 0 . 811 P� 0 .50 PF 0 . 0 S2 27 .5 0 . 0 30 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG T PE -0 .2 S2A 28 . 0 0 . 0 29 . $ 0 . 0 d . 000 TL 3 .50 PV d . 0 ' Pipe: 3 0 . 0 0 . 8�1 PL 5 .25 PF a . 0 S2A 28 . 0 O . d 29 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 1 28 . a Q . 0 29.8 0 . 0 Q . 000 TL 8 .25 PV 0 . 0 ' Pipe: 4 0 .0 0 .83I PL Q .7S PF 0 .0 " 1 28 . 0 O . Q 29 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 �.50 FTG T PE 0 . 0 ' 3 28 .� Q . Q 29 .8 0 .0 0 .000 TL 3 .75 PV 0 .0 Pipe: 5 -14 .0 0 .811 PL 1.2 .75 PF 3 .1 S3 27 .5 2 . 8 25 . 0 14 . 0 8 .7 150 FTG 2ET PE -0 .2 , 2 28 . 0 0 . 0 27 .3 0 . 0 0 .156 TL 19 .75 PV 0 .5 Pipe: 6 -14 .C1 0 . 811 PL 9 .25 PF 1. . 9 ' 2 2$ . � 0 . � 2 7 . 9 4 . 0 8 . 7 15 0 F'�'G T PE 0 . 0 3 28 . 4 0 .0 29 . 8 4 .0 4 .156 TL 12 .25 PV 0 .5 ' Pipe: 7 -14 .0 0 .811 PL I5 . 00 PF 3 .3 3 28 . 0 0 . 0 29 . 8 0 . 0 8 .7 150 FTG 2T PE 3 . 9 4 19 . 0 4 .0 36 . 9 4 . 0 0 .156 TL 2� . 04 PV 4 .5 , Pipe: 8 -6 .4 0 .811 PL 20 .75 PF 4 . 9 4 19. 0 0 . 0 36 . 9 0 . 0 3 . 7 150 F'Z'G 2T PE 0 . 0 5 �9 .0 0 . 0 37 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 033 TL 26 .75 PV 0 .1 1 p�p�; 9 -8 . 4 0 . 811 PL 8�8 .50 PF 5 .2 4 19 . Q 0 . 0 36 . 9 0 . 0 4 . 9 15d F"I`G 2T PE 0 . 0 , 6 19 .0 0 . � 42 .� 0 .0 0 .055 TL 94 . 50 PV fl .2 Pipe: 10 -8 . 0 0 . 811 PL 5 .25 PF fl .3 ' 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 42 . 1. 4 . 0 4 . 9 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 7 19 . 0 O . Q 42 .4 fl . � 0 . 055 `�L 5 .25 PV 0 .2 Pipe: 11 -8 . 0 0 . 8�.1 PL 8 . 00 PF 0 .4 ' 7 19. 0 O . Q 42 . 4 0 . 0 4 . 9 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 S 19 . 0 fl . 0 42 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 055 TL 8 . 00 PV 0 .2 ' Pipe: 12 -8 . 0 0 . 811 PL 4 . 00 PF 0 . 3 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 42 . 9 0 . 0 4 . 9 150 FTG E PE 0 . 0 9 19. 0 0 . 0 43 .2 0 . 0 0 . 055 TL 6 . 00 PV 0 .2 ' Pipe : 13 -8 . 0 0 . 811 PL 11 .7� pF 0 . 8 9 I9 . 0 0 . 0 43 .2 0 . 0 4 . 9 15Q FTG E PE 4 . 1 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 4$ .1 0 . 0 0 . 055 TL 13 .75 PV 0 .2 ' �17" '�;; �` ':a .� SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC P.�NALYSIS Page 3 �ate: 11/23/1998 SANDIA.S�F JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0. 1 1,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B PIPE DATA (cont . ) � PIPE TAG Q {GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH FRESS. END ELEV. NO�. PT DZSC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) {FT} SUM. `� NODES (FT) (K} �PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PST) Pipe: 14 -6 . 0 0 .811 PL 10 .25 PF 0 .5 � 5 19. p 0 . 0 37 . 8 0 . 0 3 . 7 150 �'TG ET PE 4 . 1 ,,� 1D 9 . 5 0 . 0 42 .4 D . 0 0 . 033 TL 1.5 .25 PV 0 .1 Pipe: 15 -6 .0 0 .$11 PL 1 .50 PF 0 .1 ;E� 10 9 .5 0 . 0 42 .4 0 . 0 3 . 7 15� FTG T PE 0 .2 l0A 9. 0 0 . 0 42 . 8 Q . 0 0 . 033 TL 4 .50 PV 0 . 1 �r Pipe: 15A -6 . 0 0 . 811 PL 11 .50 PF 0 .6 10A 9. 0 0 . 0 42 . 8 0 . 0 3 . 7 �.50 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 10B 9 . 0 0 . 0 43 . 4 0 . 0 0 . 033 'I`L 17 .50 PV 0 . 1 I �ipe: 15B -5 . 0 0 . 811. pL I32 .50 PF � . 9 � ZOB 9 . 0 0 . 0 43 .4 0 . 0 3 . 7 150 FTG E5T PE -0 .2 ' 11 9 .5 0 . 4 48 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 033 TL 149. 5fJ PV 0 .1 Pipe: 16 -�.4 . 0 1 .291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 0 11 9 .5 0 . 0 4$ . 1 0 . 0 3 .4 150 �'TG ---- PE 0 .4 ' 2Q 8 . 5 Q . 0 48 .5 a . 0 0 . 016 TL 1 . 00 PV 0 .1 . Pipe: 1'7 -�4 .0 �.291 PL 14 .OQ PF 0 .3 ' 20 8 .5 0 . 0 48 .5 0 . 0 3 .4 154 FTG EG PE 2 . 6 BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 51 . 4 0 . 0 0 . �16 TL 17 .50 PV 0 .1 ' Pipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE L�SS DEVICE BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 59 .4 O . d 8 . 0 psi, 14 . 0 gpm BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 51 .4 0 . 4 ' Pip�: 19 -14 . 0 1.29� PL 1. 00 PF 0 .�. BFS 2 . 5 0 . 0 59.4 0 . 0 3 .4 ].50 FTG E PE 0 .2 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 59 .7 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL 4 . 00 PV 0 .1 ' Pipe: 20 -14 . 0 1. 291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . � 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 59 . 7 0 . 0 3 . 4 15a FTG ---- PE 0 .4 � FLG 1 . 0 0 .0 60 .1 0 .0 0 .016 TL 1 . 00 PV 0 .1 � Pipe: 21 -14 . 0 4 .155 PL 65 . 00 PF 0 . 0 ' FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 60 . 1 0 . 0 0 .3 120 FTG ETG PE 4 . �4 SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 60 . 6 (N/A) O . 00Q TL 102 .31 PV O . d NOTES: ' (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 5 . 3 .4 compute� program under license no. 603G888 granted by HR5 Systems, Inc . � 2193 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E . Atlanta, GA 30345 , (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0 . 003 gpm and a maximum imbalance a� any node of 0 . 074 gpm. ' #� ' SPRIiVKLER SYSTEM HYDRAUL�C ANALYSIS Page 4 Date : 11/23/1998 SANDlA. SDF JQB TITE�E : RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO. 1 l,HEAD CALC.BLDG,A&S ' (3} Ve7.ocity pressures are printed for information only, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum water �relocity ' is 8 . 7 �t/sec at pipe 5 . {4) PIPE FzTTINGS TABLE ' Pipe Table Name : STANDARD. PIP 1�AGE : M MATERIAL,: CT-M �-IWC: 15 0 ' Dia�neter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in} � T F R C S G N Ell Tee 45-Ell TeeRun Couplg SwgC�k GatVlv NPTee ' 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . 00 � . SQ 0 . 50 0 . 50 3 . 00 0 . 50 3 . 00 1 . 291 3 . 00 5 . 50 1 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 50 5 . 50 d . 50 5 . 50 ' PAGE: * MATERIAL : S4Q HWC : 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in} E T L C B G A D ' Ell TeevLngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv A�mChk DPVlv ------------ - ------------- --- - ----- N � NPTee 4 . 155 11 . 66 23 .32 7 _ 00 25 . 65 13 . 99 2 . 33 23 . 32 11 . 66 23 . 32 ' 1 ' 1 ' � 1 ' 1 ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 Date: 11/23/1998 SANDIA.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO.1 �,HE,�D CALC.BLDG.AScB ' WATER SUPPLY CURVE ' �ao+ I\\\\\1\ � l0 1\\1\\\\ � sia+ \\\\111 \1\1\\\\ \\��\��\ ' \\\\111 100+ �00 .(3 psi @ 834 gpm-� * Flow Test Point '' 90+ ' � P 80+ ' R E S ' S 70+ U R � E 60+X ( P ' I 50+ } ' 40+ ' 3 0�- ' ' 20+ LEGEND " X = Required Water Supply '� 60 .57 psi @ 114 . 0 gpm " ' ia+ �� 0 = Available Water Supply �� 1I3 . 65 psi @ 114 . 0 gpm " 1 �� 0�-+-+---�---�+------+---_---+--------�---------+---------+------__---+ 200 300 400 500 60a 70p 800 90Q 1000 ' FLOW {(',pM) � �. 'L ,� ALL-STATE F�RE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 , COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 I , ' � .;� '�' HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS :� ,. i ,"�,� FOR �:. � ' RED SANDSTONE CREEK BLDG.A&B REM.AR. #2 4HD. � ' DATE: NOV 23, 1998 I ' i ; -DESIGN DATA- f_ ' OCCUPANCY CLASSZFICATION: RESIDENTIAL 13R '� ' COVERAGE PER SPftINKLER: 20 ' -0" X 20 ' -0" SQ.FT GALLON PER SPR�NKLER: 13 .5 GPM , ' NUMBER �F SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 4 sprinklers � T�TAL SPRINKLER WATER �'LOW REQUIRED: 55 .5 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose) . 155 . 5 gpm ' FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ flg) ; 55 . 5 gpm @ 79 . 0 psi SPRINKLER OR�FICE S�ZE: 3/8 inch ' DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: NORM THILGES �' AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTT�N: VAIL, FIR� PREV. CALCULAT�ONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGR.AM (LTCENSE #� 603G88$ ) � HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ' � ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 11/23f1998 SAND2 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 4,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ; WATER SUPPLY DATA - SOURCE STATIC RESZD. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. Q PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. , TAG (PSI) (PSI} {GPM) (PSI) (GPM} (PSI) SRCE 114 . 0 100 . 4 834 . 0 17.3 .4 155 .5 79 .5 1 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: ,'1 TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 155 . 5 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 100 . 0 GPM � OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 55 .5 GPM INdDE ANALYSIS DATA 1 NODE TRG EL�VATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (�SI) (GPM) S4 18 .5 K= 2 . 80 25 . 5 14 . 1 ' S5 18 .5 K- 2 .80 24 . 0 13 .7 S6 18 .5 K= 2 . 80 23 . 2 13 .5 S7 18 .5 K= 2 . 80 25 .6 �.4 .2 , S7A 18 .5 - - - - 26 .2 - - - 4 19 . 0 3� •� 5 �9. 0 - - - - 38 . 0 - - - ' 6 19 . fl - - - - 26 .8 _ , _ 7 19 . 0 26 . 9 8 19 . 0 - - - - 28 . 7 - - - 9 19 . 0 - - - - 36 . 8 - � - , 10 9 .5 - - - - 43 .5 _ ` _ l0A 9 . 0 44 .2 lOB 9 . 0 - - - - 45 . 8 - - - , 11. 9 .5 _ _ _ _ 59.4 - - - 20 8 .5 �0 . � 21 2 . 0 - - - - 78 .3 - - - ' BFD 2 . 5 _ _ � _ 66 .3 - - - BFS 2 . 5 77 .3 FLG 1 . Q - - - - 79 . 0 - - - SRCE 0 . 0 SOURCE 79.5 55 .5 ' � , ' , ' SPRZNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAZ3LIC ANALYSIS Page 2 Date : 11/23/1998 SAND2 .SDF JOH TITLE : RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 4,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B , PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS� HW(C) {FT) SUM. ' NODES (FT} (K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSX) Pipe: 1 -14 . 1 0 . 811 PL 4 . 50 PF 1 .5 � S4 18 . 5 2 . 8 25 .5 14 . ]. $ . 8 150 FTG ET PE -0 .2 6 19 . Q Q . 0 26 .8 Q . Q Q .159 TL 9 . 50 PV 0 . 5 � Pipe: 2 -].3 .7 0 .8�.1 PL 13 .75 PF 3 . 1 S5 18 . 5 2 .8 24 . 0 13 .7 8 .5 150 FTG 2�T PE -0 . 2 7 19. 0 Q . d 26 . 9 0 . 0 0 .150 TL 20 . '75 PV 0 .5 ' Pipe: 3 -14 .2 0 . 811 PL 0 .50 PF 0 . 6 57 I8 . 5 2 . 8 25 . 6 14 .2 8 . 8 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 S7A 18 . 5 Q . 0 26 .2 0 . 0 0 .159 TL 3 .50 PV 0 . 5 ' Pipe: 4 -13 .5 0 . 811 PL 16 . 00 PF 2 . 9 - S6 3.8 .5 2 . 8 23 .2 13 . 5 8 .4 150 FTG 2E PE 0 . 0 � S7A 18 .5 0 . 0 26 .2 O . Q 0 . 146 TL 20 . 00 PV 0 .5 Pipe: 5 -27 . 7 0 . 811 PL 2 . 40 PF 2 . 7 S7A 18 .5 0 . 0 26 .2 O . p 17 .2 150 �`TG T PE --0 .2 ' 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 0 0 .550 TL 5 . 00 PV 2 . 0 Pipe: 8 --10 .6 0 .811 PL 24 .75 PF 2 .5 ' 4 19. 0 0 . 0 35 .5 0 . 0 6 . 5 7.50 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 5 19 . 0 0 . 0 38 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 093 TL 26 . 75 PV 0 .3 _� Pipe: 9 1Q .6 0 . 811 PL 88 .50 PF 8 . 8 4 19.0 � . 0 35 .5 O . a 6 . 6 ].50 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 26 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 093 TL 94 .50 PV Q .3 ' Pipe: 10 -3 .6 4 .811 PL 5_25 PF 0 .1 6 19 . 4 0 . 0 26 . $ O . p 2 .2 150 FTG PE 0 . 0 7 19. 0 0 . 0 26 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 012 TL 5 .25 PV 0 . 0 , Pipe: 11 -17 .3 0 . 81I PL 8 . 00 PF 1 . 8 7 19 . 0 0 .0 26 . 9 4 . d 1� .7 150 FTG ----- PE 0 . 0 ' 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 0 0 .230 TL 8 . 00 PV 0 . 8 Pipe : 12 -44 . 9 a .8�1 PL 4 . OQ PF 8 .1 8 . 19 . 0 0 . 4 28 .7 0 . 0 27 . 9 150 FTG E PE 0 . 4 � 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 36 . $ 0 . 0 I .348 TL 6 . 00 P�T 5 .2 Pipe: 13 -44 . 9 0 . 811 PL 11 . 75 PF 18 . 5 ' 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 36 .8 0 . 4 27 . 9 150 FTG E PE 4 .1 11 9 .5 0 . 0 59. 4 0 . 0 1 .34$ TL 13 . 75 PV 5 .2 ' Pipe: Z4 -1� . 6 a . 811 PL 10 .25 P� 1 .4 5 19. 0 0 . 0 38 . 0 0 . 0 6 .6 1.50 FTG ET PE 4 . 1 10 9 .5 0 . � 43 .5 4 . fl 4 . 493 TL 15 .25 PV 0 .3 ' Pipe: 15 -10 . 6 0 . 81Z PL 1 .50 PF 0 .4 �0 9 . 5 0 , 0 43 .5 0 .0 6 .6 150 FTG T PE 0 . 2 IOA 9 . 0 0 . 0 44 .2 0 . 0 0 . 093 TL 4 . 50 PV 0 . 3 ' . r, -' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS Page 3 Da�e: 11/23/1998 5AND2 . SDF JflF3 TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0. 2 4,HEAD CALC.HLDG.A&B ;" PIPE DATA (cont . ) PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS} HW{C) {FT) SUM. � NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM} F.L. /FT (PSI) Pipe: �5A -10 . 6 0 . 811 PL 11.50 PF 1 . 6 l0A 9 . 0 0 . 0 44 . 2 0 . 0 6 .6 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 .�- 1.OB 9 .0 0 . 0 45 . 8 0 . 0 O . Q93 TL 17 .50 PV 0 .3 ;�,.._. ;,�,:-: .,� Pipe: 15B -�,0 . 6 0 . 811 PL 132 .50 PF 13 . 9 lOS 9 . 0 0 . 0 45 . 8 0 . 0 6 . 6 150 k'TG E5T PE -0 .2 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 59 .4 0 . 0 0 . 093 TL 149 .50 PV 0 . 3 -� Pipe: 16 -55 .5 1. 291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 2 I1 9 .5 0 . 0 59 .4 0 . 0 13 . 6 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 4 20 8 .5 0 : 0 60 .1 0 . 0 0 .207 TL l . Od PV � .2 ' Pipe: 17 -�5 .5 1.291 PL 14 . 00 PF 3 . 6 � 20 $ . S 0 . 0 60 . 1 0 . 0 1.3 .6 150 FTG EG PE 2 . 6 ' BFD 2 . 5 0 . 0 66 .3 0 . 0 0 .207 TL 17 .50 PV 1 .2 Pipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE ' BFS 2 . 5 0 . 0 77 .3 0 . 0 11 . 0 psi, 55 .5 gpm BFD 2 .5 4 . 0 56 .3 0 . 0 Pipe: 19 -55 .5 1.291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 .8 ' BF5 2 .5 0 . 0 77 .3 0 . 0 13 . 6 1S0 FTG E PE � .2 21 2 . 0 O . Q 78 .3 0 . 0 0 .207 TL 4 . 00 FV 1 .2 ,� Pipe: 20 -55 .5 1 .291 PL 1y00 PF a .2 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 78 .3 0 . 0 13 . 6 1S0 FTG PE 0 . 4 FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 79. 0 0 . 0 0 .207 TL 1. 00 PV 1 . 2 ' Pipe: 21 -55 .5 4 .155 PL 65 .00 PF 0 .1 FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 79. 0 0 . 0 1 .3 120 FTG ETG PE 0 . 4 SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 79 . 5 (N/A) 0 . 001 TL 102 . 31 PV 0 . 0 ' NOTES: (1) Calculations were perfarmed by the HASS 5 . 3 . 0 computer progratn , under license no. 603G888 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E. Atlanta, GA 30345 ' (2) The system has been balanced ta rovide an average P imbalance at each nade of 0 . 003 gpm and a maximum , imbalance at any node of 0 . 058 gpm. (3} Veloci�y pressures are pri.nted for informatian only, and are ' not used in balancing the system. Ma.ximum wa�er velocity is 27 . 9 ft/sec at pipe 12 . , ' � ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 Date: 11/23/1998 SAND2 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 4,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE ; Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP PAGE: M MATERIAL: CT-M HWC: �.50 Diameter Equivalent Fitt�.ng Lengths in Feet ' (�n) E T F R C S G N E11 Tee 45-E1�. TeeRun Couplg SwgChk Gatvlv NPTee � 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . OQ 0 .50 0 .50 0 . 50 3 . 00 0 .50 3 . 00 1 .291 3 . 00 5 .50 1 . D0 0 .50 0 .50 5 .50 0 .50 5 .50 PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 ! Diameter Equ�valen� Fitting Leng�hs in Feet (irl) E T L C B G A D Ell. Tee LngEll Chkvlv Bfyvlv GatvZv AlmChk D�vlv I ---N------------------------.._-------------______------- - NPTee ' 4 . 155 11 . 66 23 .32 7 . 00 25 . 65 13 . 99 2 . 33 23 .32 11 . 66 23 .32 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 � ' �,.._ 1 -. � . S __� �..sTEh.4q� S - 7` . -- , r � 'r,. t��.`,,y�. . t� g"� ';: �.°' �_ ...�:,n SYSTEM HYDRAULTC ANALYSIS Page 5 ��3LC: SAND2 .SDF }�QB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 4,H��D CALC.BLDG.P.&B ' yIATER SUPPLY CURVE . `; 120+ I������� � 110� 0 ��r������������ >::;� �������� ,y' �������� ;��: '% ������� :;�� 100+ 140 . 0 psi C 834 gpm-> * v�µ Flow Test Paint :°� 90+ C:`"_, '•..: ' P 80-F X s_, 1 � �>' S S 70+ ..,1 U R E ° , 60+ ( �. p S �.� I 5 0+ i ) ' 40f ' 3Q+ � ' 20� LEGEND " 1 �, X = Required water Supply " 79.53 psi @ 155 .5 gpm " ' 10+ " 0 = Available water Supply " 113 .37 psi @ 155 . 5 ggm " ' " ------ ------ __------+ 0++-+---+----+-----+-----_+___-----+-- +___ +----- 200 300 400 500 600 700 $00 900 1.040 ' FLOW (GPM} ' � . 1 . ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. � 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 CONII�lERCE CITY, CO 80022 , � HYDRAULYC CALCULATIONS ' FOR ' RED SANDSTONE CREEK BI�DG.A&B REM.AREA #� 1H. ' DATE: Nov 23, 1998 ' ' -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: RESIDENTTAL ].3R ' C�VERAGE PER SPR�NKLER: Z Q e _d�e �{ 2 p � _4�� S4,F,'�' GALLON PER SPRINKLER: 14 GPM , NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 1 spriniclers � TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 14 . 0 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (inCluding hose) . 114 . 0 gpm ' FL�}W AND �'RESSURE (@ flg} : 14 . 0 gpm @ 50 . 0 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE BIZE: 3/8 inch IDESIGN/L�AYOUT BY: NORM THILGES ' AUTH4RITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL, F�RE PREV. CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 503G888 7 , HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA r � � �., r�, � SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 1I/23/1998 SAND2A.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0. 2 l,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B WATER SUPPLY DATA 1 SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. Q PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. ' TAG �PSI) (FSI) (GPM� (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) �' . SRCE 114 . 0 100 . 0 834 . 0 113 .6 Z14 . 0 50 . 4 � AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: � TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 114 . 0 GPM T�TAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT 50URCE 100 . 0 GPM ' OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FR�M ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 14 . 0 GPM ' DATA NODE ANALYS�S ' NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (gT) (PSI) (GPM� , S4 18 .5 ^ - - - 29 0 _ _ � S5 18 .5 28 . 9 S6 18 . 5 K= 2 . 80 25 . 0 14 . 0 S7 18 .5 - -- - - 28 . 1 - - - ' S7A 18 .5 - - - - 28 .1 - - - 4 19 . 0 29 .4 5 19 . 0 - - - - 29 . 6 - - - ' 6 19 . 0 - - - - 2$ . 8 - - - 7 19 . 0 28 .7 8 19 . 0 � _ - - 28 .7 - - - ' 9 19 . 0 - - - � 29 . 3 - - - IO 9 .5 33 . 8 l0A 9 . 0 - - - - 34 . a 10B 9 . 0 - - - - 34 .1. -- _ _ . ' 11 9 . 5 - - - - 34 . 9 - - - 2Q 8 . 5 35 .4 21 2 . 0 - - - - 49 .5 - - - ' BF'� 2 . 5 � � _ _ . 38 .3 - - - BFS 2 . 5 49 .3 FLG 1 . 0 - - - - 50 . 0 - - - ' SRCE 0 . 0 SOURCE 50 .4 14 . 0 1 ' ' 1 ;�: ' r;: ,.� SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 Date: 11/23/1998 SAND2A.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDST�NE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 1rHEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' PIPE DATA pIPE TAG Q (GPM} DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. N�Z . PT DISC. VEL(FPS} HW(C) (FT) SUN1• � NODES (FT) (K} (PSIy �GPM} F.L. /�'T tP��) '�= p�.pe; � 0 . 0 0 . 811 PL 4 .5 0 PF 0 . 0 �� S4 18 . 5 0 . 0 29 . 4 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG ET PE -0 .2 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 000 TL 9 .50 PV 0 . 4 ;�� a, pipe; 2 0 . 0 0 . 811 PL 13 . 75 PF 0 . 4 �� S5 18 . 5 0 . 0 28 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG 2ET PE -Q .2 `' 7 19. 0 0 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 0 0 . 400 TL 20 . 75 PV 4 . 0 �� `' pip�: 3 0 . 0 0 . 8I1 PL 4 .54 PF 0 . 0 S7 1.8 . 5 0 . 0 28 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG T FE 0 . 0 S7A 18 . � 0 . 0 28 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 000 TL 3 .50 PV 0 . 0 Ipip�: 4 -14 . 0 0 . 811 PL 16 . 00 PF 3 . 1 S6 18 .5 2 . 8 25 . 0 14 . 0 8 . 7 150 FTG 2E PE 0 . 0 � S7A 18 . 5 0 . 0 28 .1 0 . 0 0 .156 TL 20 . 00 PV 0 .5 Pipe: 5 -14 . 0 0 .$11 PL 2 . 00 PF 0 . 8 S7A 18 .5 O . d 28 . 1 0 . 0 8 .7 150 FTG T PE -0 .2 ' 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 4 0 . 156 TL 5 . Q0 PV 0 .5 p�pe ; g -2 .5 0 . 811 PL 20 .75 PF 0 .2 , 4 19. 0 0 . 0 29 .4 0 . 0 1 .6 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 5 19 . 0 0 . 0 29.6 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 26 .75 PV 0 . 0 F' Pipe: 9 2 .5 0 . 811 PL 88 .50 PF 0 .6 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 29 .4 0 . 0 1. 6 1SQ FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 94 .50 PV 0 . 0 , Pipe: 10 2 . 5 0 . 811 PL 5_25 PF 0 . 0 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 8 Q . 0 1. 6 150 FTG PE 0 . 0 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 5 .25 PV 0 . 0 ' �ipe: 11 2 . 5 0 . 811 PL 8 . 00 P� 0 .1 � 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 .7 � . 0 1 . 5 150 FTG --- PE 0 . 0 'I ' 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 28 .7 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 8 . 00 PV 0 . 0 Pipe: 12 -11 .� 0 .$11 PL 4 . 00 PF 0 . 6 8 . 19 . 0 4 . 0 28 . 7 0 . 0 7 .1 150 FTG E PE � • a ' 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 29 . 3 0 . 0 0 . 108 TL 6 . 00 PV 0 . 3 Pipe: I3 -11 . 5 0 , 811 PL 11 .75 PF I .5 ' 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 29 .3 0 . 0 7 . 1 150 �'TG E PE 4 . 1 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 34 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 108 TL 13 . 75 PV 0 .3 ' Pipe: 14 -2 .5 Q . 811 PL 10 .25 PF 0 .1 5 19 . 0 0 . 0 29. 6 0 . 0 1 . 6 150 FTG ET PE 4 . 1 l� 9 . 5 0 . 0 33 . 8 Q . 0 4 . 007 TL 15 .25 PV 0 . 0 ' Pipe : 15 -2 .5 0 . 811 PL 1,50 PF 0 . 0 ��� 10 9 . 5 � . � 33 . 8 0 . 0 1 . 6 150 FTG T 8� �;.� 10A 9 . 0 0 . 0 34 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 4.�0 �'V 0 . (� 1 ,�JF. :�._. �:.'.. SPRZNKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 ' Date: 11/23/1998 SAND2A.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 l,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B PIPE DATA {cont . � PIPE TAG Q{GPM) DIA{IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ . PT D�SC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) {FT) SUM. �� NODES {FT) (K) (PST) {GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) ��.- ���` - Pipe: 15A -2 .5 p . 811 PL 11.50 PF 0 .1 � l0A 9 . 0 0 . 0 34 . 0 0 . 4 1 . 5 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 lOB 9 . 0 0 . 0 34 .� 0 . 0 0 . 007 TL 17 . 50 PV 0 . 0 �. Pipe: 15B -2 .5 0 . $11 PL 132 . 50 PF 1 . 0 ' 10B 9 . 0 0 .0 34 . ]. 0 . 0 1 . 6 150 FTG E5T PE -0 .2 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 34 . 9 4 . 0 0 . 007 TL 14g. 50 PV 0 . 0 �* Pipe: 16 -14 . 0 �. .291 PL 1. 00 PF 0 . 0 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 34 . 9 0 . 0 3 .4 150 FTG ---- PE 0 .4 20 9 . 5 0 . 0 35 .4 4 . 0 0 . 016 TL 1. 00 QV 0 . 1 ' Pipe: 17 -14 . 0 1.29Z PL 14 . 00 PF 0 .3 20 8 .5 0 . 0 35 .4 0 . 0 3 .4 150 FTG EG PE 2 .6 ' BFD 2 .� 0 . 0 38 .3 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL 17 .54 PV 0 .1 Pipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS D�VICE ' BFS 2 . 5 0 . 0 49 . 3 0 . 0 11 . 0 psi, 14 . 0 gpm BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 38 . 3 0 . 0 ' Pipe: 19 -14 . 0 1 .291 PL 1. 00 PF 0 . 1 BFS 2 . 5 0 . 0 49 . 3 0 . 0 3 .4 15d FTG E PE 0 .2 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 49 . 5 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL 4 . 00 PV 0 . 1 _' Pipe: 20 -14 . Q 1 . 291 PL 1_00 PF 0 . 0 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 49 .5 0 . 0 3 . 4 �.50 FTG PE 0 .4 FLG I . 0 0 . 0 50 . 0 0 . 0 Q . 016 TL � . 00 PV 0 . 1 ' �ipe: 21 -14 . 0 4 .155 PL 65 . 00 PF 0 . 0 �'LG 1 . 0 4 . � 50 . 0 0 . 0 0 .3 120 FTG ETG PE 0 .4 ' SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 50 .4 (N/A} 0 . 000 TL �02 .31 PV 0 . 0 NOTES : (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 6 .3 . 0 computer prog�am ' under license no. 603G888 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 2193 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E. ' Atlanta, GA 30345 (2) The systern has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0 . 009 gpm and a maximum ' imbalance at any node o£ 0 . 179 gpm. (3) velocity pressures are printed for a.nfornlation only, and are ' not used in balancing th� system. Maximum wa�er velocity is 8 . 7 ft/sec at pipe 4 . 1 , �;`; SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 �- Date: 11/23/1998 5AND2A.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 1, HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B i (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP � PAGE: M MATERIAL: GT-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet � ` (i.il) E T F R C S G N E11 Tee 45-E�1 TeeRun Cauplg SwgChk GatVlv NPTee � 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . 00 0 .50 0 . 50 0 . 50 3 . 00 0 .50 3 . 00 1 .29i 3 . 00 5 .50 1 . 00 0 .50 0 .50 5 .50 0 .50 5 .50 ' PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in} E T L C H G A D E11 Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv AlmChk DPVIv I ---N-----------------------------------------�---------- NPTee , 4 . 155 11 . 66 23 .32 7 . 00 25 . 65 13 . 99 2 .33 23 . 32 11 . 66 23 .32 ' � � � 1 ' , . ' ' ' ' 5�f. ` SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSZS Page 5 Date: 11/23/1998 SAND2A.SDF JOH TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.2 1,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&H WATER SUPPLY CURVE 1 - �20+ � 4������� . �r% 10 \11111\1 llo{ 1\\\1\1 ��� 1\�\\\\\ \\\\\1\1 111\\�\ � 100+ 100 . 0 psi @ 834 gpm-> * Flow Test Point � 90+ ' P 80+ ' E S S 70+ � U R � 6Q+ ( P � S T 50+X ) ' 40+ 1 30+ 1 2Q+ LEGEND " 1 �� X = Required water 5upply " 50 .�3 psi @ 11� . 0 gpm " ' 10�- �� 0 = Available Water Supply " 113 . 65 psi @ 114 . 0 gpm " ' O+f-+---+----+-----+------+-----51--+_____---+---------+------------r 200 3�0 400 500 600 700 800 900 �.000 FLOW {G�M) ' 1 ' ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTIOPI, INC. ' 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE #12 COMMERCE CITY, C4 80022 ' � HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS ' FOR ' RED SANDSTONE CREEK BLDG.A&B REM.AR. #3 3HD. ' DATE: NOV 23, 1998 � ' -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASS�F�CATION: RESIDENTIAL 13R ' COVER.AGE PER SPRINKLER: 20 ' -0" X 2� ' -0" SQ.FT GALLON PER SPRINKLER: ].3 . 5 GPM � N[JMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 3 sprinklers ' TOTAL SPR�NKLER WAT�R FLOW REQUIRED: 41 . 1 gpm TaTAL WATER REQUIRED (inCluding hose) . ].41 . 1 gpm ' FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ flg} : 41 . 1 gpm @ 94 . 0 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 3/8 inch ' DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: 130RM THILGES ' �AUTHORITY HAVING J[JS�2ISDICTION: VAIL, FIRE PREV. CALCULATIONS BY HASS C�MPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 603G888 } ' HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ' 1 1 a; ,:a°,' �' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 11/23/1998 5AND5 .SDF � JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEI� REM.AREA N0.3 3,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ' WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D ' NODE PRESS. PRESS, @ PRESS. @ DEMAI�TD PRESS. TAG {PSI} {PSI} (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (P5I) ` SRCE 114 . 0 100 . 0 83� . 0 113 .5 141. 1 94 .4 � AGGREGA'Y'E FLOW ANALYSIS: '� TOTAL FLOW AT SOUR.CE 141 . 7. GPM TOTAL H4SE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 100 . 0 GPM ' OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTxVE SPRINKLERS 41 . 1 GPM ' N DE ANALYSIS DATA O ' NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI} (GPM) S12 9 . D K= 2 . 80 23 . 2 13 •5 � S13 9 . 0 K= 2 . 80 25 . 0 �4 . 0 S14 9 . 0 K= 2 . 80 23 .4 I3 .6 4 19 . 0 - - - - 34 .2 - - - ' 5 19 . 0 _ - - - 26 .2 _ _ � 6 19 . 0 62 .5 7 7.9 . 0 - - - - 6� .1 - - - ' S 19 .0 - - - - 66 .5 - - - 9 19 . 0 68 .3 10 9 .5 - - - - 25 . 8 - - - � l0A 9 .5 - - - - 25 .6 = � _ lOH 9 .5 26 .5 11 9 .5 - - - - 76 .5 20 8 . 5 - - - - 77 . 0 - - - ' 2� 2 . 0 _ _ _ _ 93 .4 - - - BFD 2 . 5 81 . 7 BFS 2 .5 - - - - 92 .7 - - - ' FLG 1 .0 - - - - 94 .0 - - - SRCE 0 . 0 SOURCE 94 .� 41 . 1 ' ' � ' ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALY525 Page 2 D�te: �1/23/1998 SAND5 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.3 3,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B � P�PE DATA PTPE TAG Q {GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C� �FT) SUM. ' NODES (FT) (K) (QST7 (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 -�.3 .5 0 . 811 PL 17 . 00 PF 3 . 5 ' S12 9 . 0 2 . 8 23 .2 13 . 5 8 .4 150 FTG 2�T PE -0 .2 lOB 9 .5 0 . 0 26 . 5 0 . 0 0 . 146 TL 24 . 00 PV 0 .5 , Pipe: 2 -14 . 0 0 .81� PL 1. 25 PF 1. 0 S13 9 . 0 2 .8 25 . 0 14 . 0 8 .7 150 FTG ET PE -0 .2 10 9 .5 0 . 0 25 . 8 0 . 4 0 . 156 TL 6 . 25 PV 0 .5 ' Pipe: 3 -13 . 6 0 . 81� PL 9 . 50 PF 2 .4 S14 9 . 0 2 . 8 23 .4 1.3 . 6 8 .4 I50 FTG 2ET PE -0 .2 10A 9 . 5 0 .0 25 .6 0 . 0 0 .147 TL ].6 . 50 PV 0 .5 ' pipe; g �9.9 0 . 811 PL 20 . 75 PF 8 . 0 4 19 . 4 0 . 0 3� .2 0 . 0 12 . 4 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 ' S 19 .0 4 .0 26 .2 0 .0 0 .299 TL 26 .75 �V 1. 0 Pipe: 9 -19 .9 0 .811. PL 88 . 50 PF 28 .3 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 34 .2 O . Q 12 . 4 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 ' 6 19 . (} 0 . 0 62 .5 4 .0 0 .299 TL 94 .50 PV 1. 0 Pipe: 10 -19 .9 0 .811 PL 5 .25 PF 1 .6 ' 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 62 .5 � . 0 12 .4 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 7 19 . 0 0 .4 64 .1 0 . 0 0 .299 TL 5 .2� PV 1 . 0 ' Pipe: 11 -19 .9 0 .811 PL 8_40 PF 2 .4 7 I9 . 0 0 . 0 64 . 1. 0 . 0 12 .4 150 FTG PE 0 . 0 8 19 . D 0 . 0 66 .5 0 . 0 0 .299 TL 8 . 00 PV 1.4 ' Pipe: 12 -19 .9 0 . 81�. PL 4 .00 P�' 1 .8 8 19 . 0 0 . 0 66. 5 4 . 0 12 .4 150 FTG E PE 0 . 0 9 19 . 0 0 .0 68 .3 0 . 0 0 .299 TL 6 . 44 PV 1 .0 ' Pipe: 13 -19 . 9 0 . 8�1 PL 11 .75 PF 4 .1 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 68 . 3 0 . 0 12 .4 150 FTG E P� 4 .1 ' 11 9 . 5 t1 . 0 76 .� � . 0 0 .299 TL �.3 .75 PV l . fl Pipe: 14 19 . 9 0 . 811 PL 10 .25 PF 4 . 6 5 19 . 0 0 . 0 26 .2 0 . 0 12 .4 150 FTG ET PE 4 . 1 ' �.p 9 . 5 0 . 0 25 . 8 0 . 0 0 .299 TL I.5 .25 PV 1 . 0 Pipe: 15 5 . 9 0 . 811 PL 1 .50 PF 0 .1 ' 10 9 . 5 0 . 0 25 . 8 0 . 0 3 . 7 150 FTG T �E 0 . 0 l0A 9 .5 0 . 0 25 . 5 0 . 0 0 . 032 TL 4 . 50 PV 0 .1 ' Pipe : 15A -7 . 6 0 . 811. PL 11 .50 PF 0 . 9 J.OA 9 .5 0 . 0 25 . 6 0 . 0 4 . 7 154 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 10B 9 .5 O . Q 26 .5 0 . 0 0 . 051 TL 1.7 .50 PV 0 . 2 ' Pipe : 15B --21 . 1 0 . 811 PL I32 .50 PF 50 . 0 lOB 9 . 5 O . Q 26 .5 0 . 0 �.3 . � 150 FTG E5T PE Q . 0 �1 9 .5 0 . 0 76 . 5 0 . 0 0 .334 TU 149 .50 PV 1 .2 ' � ; � ,�� �«.��r1, SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS Page 3 � � Date: 11/23/1998 5AND5 .SDF $ ;,� J�B TITLE: RED S�,NDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.3 3,HEAD CALC.HLDG.A&B � � PIPE DATA (COnt . ) � � '�">` PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ . PT DYSC. VEL�FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FTj (K} (PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI} Pipe: 16 -41 . 1 1 .291 PL 1.. Q0 PF 0 . 1 11 9.5 0 . 0 76 . 5 0 . 0 10 . 1 15Q FTG ---- PE 0 . 4 :�:.; 20 8 . 5 0 . 0 77 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 119 TL 1. 00 PV 0 . 7 _�: ;;;� Pipe: 17 -41 .1 1 .291 PL 14 . 00 PF 2 . 1 20 8 .5 0 . 0 77 . � 0 . 0 10 .1 150 FTG EG PE 2 . 6 ;�t'. BFD 2 . 5 0 . 0 81 . 7 0 . 0 0 . ].19 TL 17 .50 PV 0 . 7 '`'�� Pipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE BFS 2 .S 0 . 0 92 .7 4 . 0 11 . 0 psi, 41 . 1 gpm BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 $1.7 0 . 0 � ' Pipe: �.9 -41. 1 1.291 PL 1 . 40 PF 0 .5 BFS 2 . 5 0 . 0 92 .7 0 . 0 10 . 1 �50 FTG E PE 0 . 2 ' 21 2 . 0 0 . � 93 .4 0 . 0 O . I19 TL 4 . 00 PV 0 . 7 Pipe: 20 -41 .1 1. 291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 1 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 93 . 4 0 . 0 10 . 1 154 FTG ----- PE a .4 ,_,.' FLG 1 . 0 4 . 0 94 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 119 TL 1 . 00 PV 0 .7 Pipe: 21 -41 . 1 4 . 155 PL 65 . 00 PF 0 . 1 ;, ' FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 94 . 0 0 . 0 1. 0 120 FTG ETG PE d .4 SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 94 .4 (N/A) 4 . 001 TL 1�2 .31 PV 0 . 0 ��: j_�' NOTES: �_. � (1} Calculations were performed by th� H.ASS 6 .3 . 0 computer program under license no. 603G888 granted by ' ' HRS Systems, Inc. 2�93 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E. ' Atlanta, GA 30345 �, ' {2) The system has been balanced to provide an average , imbalance at each node of O . Oa5 gpm and a m�imum : - imbalance at any node of 0 . 089 gpm. '� ' {3) Velocity pressures are printed for in�'ornrnation oniy, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum water v'e�ocity � is 13 . 1 ft/sec at pipe 15B. , . ' ' , •' � ' � SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYnR.AULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 Date: 11/23/i998 SANUS .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.3 3,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B ` (4} pIPE �ITTINGS TABLE "` Pige Table Name: STANDARD.PIP � PAGE: M MATER�AL: CT-M HWC: ].50 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Fee� _� (irl) E T F R C S G N E11 Tee 45-E11 TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv NPTee ,' 0 . 811 2 . OQ 3 .00 0 .54 0 .50 0 .5fl 3 .Ofl fl .50 3 . 40 1 . 29� 3 . 00 5 .50 �.. 00 0 .5Q 0 .50 5 .50 0 .50 5 .54 PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 � Diame�er Equivalent F�tCing Lengths in Feet (in} E T L C B G A D E11 Tee LngEll ChkVlv BfyVlv Gatvlv A1mChk DPVlv I --_N---------------------------------------------------� NPTee ' 4 . 155 11. . 66 23 .32 7 . Q0 25 .&5 13 . 99 2 . 33 23 .32 11 . 66 23 .32 ' ' � ' � � � , ' ' ' , �� , ;:�. ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSTS page 5 . Date: 11/23/1998 SAND5 .SDF `' JOH TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.3 3,HE,AD CALC.BLAG.A&H � .� WATER SUPPLY CURVE ;,, :x�, 120+ � �� � , ,;.�: *������� ` �<'� f � �������� f w, 110+ ������� t ;�, �������� I'`��= �������� ������� �, 100+ 100 . 0 psi Q 834 gpm-> * �� Flow Test Point X i I 90+ I < ' P 80+ I R E S !� � S 70+ R E �' 60+ ( P � S I 50+ ? ' 40+ ' 30+ � ' 20f LEGEND " ' rt x - Required water Supply �} 94 .45 psi C� 141 . 1 gpm " ' 10� �� o = Available water Supp�y " 11.3 .48 psi Q 141. 1 gpm " �, ' D�i�-f---i-----i------i-------+--------�--------f---------+_..�.----'----+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9d0 1d00 ' FLOir�I (GFM} ' ' ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. ' 6045 E. 76TH A�ENUE #12 CONMlERCE C�TY, CO 80022 ' ' � HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS ' FOR ' RET) SPNDSTONE CREEK BLDG.A&B REM.AR. #3 1HD I DATEs NOV 23, 1998 ' 1 ' • -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICAT�ON. RESIDENTIAL 13R ' C4VERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 20 ' -0" X 20 ' -0" SQ.FT GALLON PER SPRINKLER: 14 GPM ' NUMBER OF SPRZNKLERS CALCULATED: 1 sprinklers ' TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FL�W REQUIRED: • 14 . 0 gpttt TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose) . 114 . 0 gpm ' �`LOW AND PRESSURE (@ �lg) : 14 . 0 gpm @ 50 . 9 psi SpRZNKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 3/8 inCh ' DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: NORM THILGES AUTHORITY HAVING J[TRISDICTION: VA�L, FIRE DEPT. ' CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGR.AM �L�CENSE # 603G888 } ' HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ' ' ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALYSIS Pag� � Date: 11j23j1998 SAND5A.SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0.3 1,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B � PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q (GPM} D�A(�N) LENGTA PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ . PT DYSC. VEL (FPS� HW(C) (FT) SUM. ' NODES (FT) (K} �PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) Pipe: i -14 . 0 0 . 81�. PL 17 .00 PF 3 .3 ;� S12 9 . 0 2 .8 25 . 0 14 . a 8 . 7 150 FTG 2ET PE -Q .2 lOS 9 .5 0 . 0 28 .5 0 . 0 0 .15� TL 24 .00 PV 0 . 5 ^ Pipe: 2 0 .0 Q .811 PL 1 .25 PF 0 . 0 =' S13 9 . 0 0 . 4 29.& 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG ET PE -0 . 2 � Ip 9 . 5 0 .0 29 .4 0 .0 4 . 400 TL 6 . 25 PV 4 . 0 ' Pipe: 3 4 .0 0 . 811 PL 9 .54 PF 0 . a S14 9 . 0 0 . 0 29 .4 0 . 0 0 . 0 150 FTG 2�T PE -0 . 2 �.DA 9 .5 0 .4 29 .2 0 .0 0 . 000 TL 16 . 50 PV 0 .0 ' pipe; g 6 .5 0 .81]. PL 20 .75 PF 1 .0 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 26 . 8 0 . 0 4 .1 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 ' 5 19 . 0 0 .0 �5 . 8 0 . 0 0 .03$ TL 26 .75 PV 0 .1 P�.pe: g -6 .5 0 .811 PL 88 ,50 PF 3 .6 4 19 . 0 0 . 0 26 . 8 0 . 0 4 . 1 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 ' 6 19 . � Q .Q 30 .4 Q . 0 0 .038 TL 94 .50 PV 0 . 1 Pipe: 10 -6 .5 Q .811 PL 5 .25 PF 0 .2 , 6 19 . 0 0 . 0 30 . 4 0 . 0 4 . 7. 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 30 . 6 0 . 0 0 . 038 TL 5 .25 PV 0 . 1 ' Pipe: 11 -6 .5 0 . 811 PL 8_00 PF 0 .3 7 19 . 0 0 . 0 30 . 6 0 . 0 4 . ]. 150 FTG PE 0 . 0 8 19 . � 0 . 0 30 . 9 0 . 0 0 . 038 TL 8 . 00 PV 0 • 1 ' Pipe: 12 -6 .5 0 . 821 PL 4 . 00 PF 0 .2 8 I9 . 0 0 . 0 30 . 9 0 . � 4 .1 150 FTG E PE 0 . 0 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 31 .2 0 . 0 0 . 038 TL 6 . 40 PV 0 . 1 , Pipe: 13 -6 .5 0 . 811 PL 11 . 75 PF 0 .5 9 19 . 0 0 . 0 31 .2 0 . 0 4 .]. 150 FTG � PE 4 . 1 11 9 .5 4 . 0 35 . 8 0 . 0 Q . 038 TL ].3 . 75 PV 0 . 1 1 . Pipe: 14 6 .5 0 . 811 PL 10 . 25 PF 0 . 6 5 . 19 . 0 0 . 0 25 . 8 a . 0 4 .1 150 FTG ET PE 4 . 1 ' 10 9 . 5 0 . 0 29 .4 d . 0 0 . 038 TL 15 . 25 PV � . l p�p� ; �5 6 .5 0 . 811 PL 1 . 50 PF 0 . 2 ' 10 9 .� 0 . 0 29 .4 � . 0 4 .1 150 FTG T PE D . 0 l0A 9 .S 0 . 0 29 .2 O . Q 0 . 438 TL 4 .50 PV 0 . 1 Pipe: 15A 6 .5 0 . 811 PL 1�. .50 PF 0 . 7 ' l0A 9 . 5 0 . 0 29 .2 0 . 0 4 .]. 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 lOS 9 . 5 O . d 28 .5 0 . 0 0 . 03$ TL 17 . 50 PV 0 . 1 , Pipe: 15B -7 . 5 0 . 81�. PL 132 .50 PF 7 . 3 10B 9 . 5 0 . 0 28 . 5 0 . � 4 . 6 150 FTG E5T PE � . 0 11 9 . 5 0 . 0 35 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 049 TL 149 .50 PV 0 . 1 ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 11/23/1998 SA�D5A. SDF JOB TITLE: RED SA�TDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA N0. 3 1,HEAD CALC.BLpG.A&S ' WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVA�L. TOTAL REQ ' D � NO�E PRESS . FRESS . @ PRESS, @ DEMAN`D PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI} (GPM) (PSI) {GPM) {PSI} SRCE 114 . 0 100 . 0 834 . 0 113 . 6 114 . 0 51 . 3 ' AGGREGATE FLOW AN�LYSIS : ' TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 114 . 0 GPM ' TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLdWANCE AT SOUR.CE 100 . 0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM �LLOWANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 14 . d GPM INQDE ANALYSIS DATA ' NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHA�GE {FT) (PSI} {�pM) ' S12 9 . 0 K=_2�80 25 . 0 14 . 0 S13 9 . 0 29 . 6 S14 9 . 0 - - - - 29 . 4 - - - 4 19 . 0 - - - - 26 . 8 - - - ' S 19 . 0 - - - - 25 . $ - - - 6 19 . 0 30 .4 7 19 . 0 - - - - 30 . 6 - - - ' 8 19 . 0 - - - - 30 . 9 _ � _ 9 19 . 0 31 . 2 10 9 . 5 , m - - 29 . 4 - - - ' 10A 9 .5 _ � _ 29 . 2 _ 1{�B 9 . 5 28 . 5 11 9 . 5 - - - - 35 . 8 - - - 20 8 . 5 - - - - 36 . 3 - - - ' 21 2 . 0 = = _ _ 50 . 4 _ _ _ BFD 2 . 5 39 . 1 BFS 2 . 5 - - - - 50 . 1 - - - ' �'LG 1 . 0 - - - - 50 . 9 - - - SRCE 0 . 0 SOURCE 51 . 3 �4 . 0 1 ' t ' 1 ;�; '� � SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALY5I5 Page 3 Date : 11./23/1998 SAND5A.SDF " JOH TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREE�C REM.AREA N0.3 l,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B PIPE DATA (cont . } � PXPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(TN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL (FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. � NODES (FT) {K) (PSI) (GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) Pipe: 16 -14 . 0 1. 291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 0 � 11 9 .5 0 . 0 35 . $ 0 . 4 3 . 4 150 FTG ---- PE Q . 4 20 8 . 5 0 . 0 36 .3 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL �.. 00 PV 0 . 1 Pipe: 17 -1� . 0 1 .291 PL 14 . q0 PF 0 .3 ^� 20 8 .5 0 . 0 36 . 3 0 . 0 3 .4 150 FTG EG P� 2 . 6 - BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 39 . I 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL 17 . 50 PV 0 . 1 � gipe: 18 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 50 . 7. 0 . 0 �1. 0 psi, 14 . 0 gpm HFD 2 .5 0 . 0 39 . 1 0 . 0 ' Pipe: 19 -�.4 . 0 1 .291 PL 1 . 00 PF O . Z BES 2 .5 4 . 0 50 .1 0 . 0 3 .4 150 FTG E PE 0 .2 , 21 2 . 0 O . a 50 .4 0 . 0 0 . 016 TL 4 . 00 PV 0 . 1 Pipe: 20 -14 . 0 1 .291 PL 1 . 00 PF 0 . 0 � 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 50 .4 0 . 0 3 .4 150 FTG ---- PE 0 .4 FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 �0 . 9 0 . � d . 015 TL 1. 00 PV 0 . 1 Pipe: 21 -14 . 0 4 . 155 PL 65 . 00 PF 0 . 0 ' FLG 1. 0 0 . 0 �D . 9 b . 0 0 .3 120 FTG ETG PE 0 . 4 SRCE d . 0 SRCE 51.3 (N/A) Q . b00 TL 102 .31 PV 0 . 0 .' NOTES: (1) Calculations were perfo�med by the HASS 6 <3 . 0 computer program under license no. 6�3G888 granted by HR5 Systems, Inc. ' 2193 Ranchwood Dr. , N.E. Atlanta, GA 30345 ' (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imba].ance at each node o� 0 . 007 gpm and a ma�imum imbalance at any node ot 0 . 130 gpm. ' (3) Velocity pressures axe printed for information only, and are no� used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity ' . is 8 . � ft/sec at pipe 1 . 1 ' ' ' '.�f. �, SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 Date: 11/23/199$ SAND5A.SDF ` . JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA NO.3 l,HEAD CALC.BLDG.A&B I .� {4) PTPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP � "� FAGE: M MATERIAL: CT-M � HWC: 150 � Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet `°, (in) E T F R C S G N E11 Tee 45-�11 TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVlv NPTee 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . 00 0 .50 0 .50 Q .50 3 . Q0 0 .50 3 . 00 I�:`� 1 .291 3 . q0 5 .50 1 .Q0 0 .5Q Q .50 5 .5Q 0 .50 5 .50 �'� PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 '' Diameter Equivalen� Fitting Lengths in Feet � �in) E T L C B C A 17 � E�1 Tee LngEl.l. ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv A1mChk DPVIv , I ---N--------------�_--__--------------------_----_�----- N�Tee ! ' 4 . 1�5 11 . 5b 23 .32 7 . 40 25 .65 13 .�9 2 . 33 23 .32 1i . 66 23 .32 I, , ' � .1 ' ' ' 1 . 1 , , ' , �'; - ;�;�' ' SpRTNKLER SYSTEM HYDR.AULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 Date: 11./23/].998 SAND5A. SDF JOH TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK REM.AREA i3Q.3 1,HEAD CALC.HLDG.A&B � WATER SUP'PLY CURVE ' 120+ ,������� � � 0 �������, '' 110+ ������� �������� ;a ��r����� :' ������r 100+ 100 , 0 psi @ 834 gpm-� * Flow Test Point ' 90� � P 80� ' E S ' S 70f R E ' 60+ ( P ' S X I SQ� } ' 40+ ' 30+ 1 ' 20+ LEG�ND " x = Required water Supply �� 51 .31 psi @ 114 . 0 gp[n " ' 14+ " Q = Avai].able water Supply �� 113 . 65 psi @ 114 . o gpm �� � " 0++-+---+----+--___+------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+ 2Q0 300 440 500 &00 700 800 900 1000 ' FLOW {GPM) ' ' ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTZON, INC. � ' 6045 E. 76TH AVENUE ##12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 1 ' HYDR.AULIC CALCULATIONS ' FOR L�.�GCG RED SANDSTONE CREEK �'���7 LvGT1/ , BLDG.A&S GARAGE CALC. � �o�'�l ' FILE NUMSER: DATE: NOV' 2 4, 19 9 8 ' ' -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLA5SIFICATION: GARAGE, I3R .1.5/LARGEST RM ' DENSITY: . 15 gpm/Sq. f�. _ , AREA OF APPL�CATIDN: LRG. RM. COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: VARZES ' NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 4 sprinklers TOTAL SPR�NKLER WATER FLOW REQU7RED: 70 .3 gpm ' TOT,AL WATER REQUIRED (including hose} : 320 .3 gpm ' FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ flg) : 70 .3 gpm @ 99 . 8 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 1.i2 inch , DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: NORM THTLGES AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: VAIL, FIRE PREV. 1 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPT.JTER PROGRAM (LICENSE # 603G888 ) ' HRS SYSTEMS, YNC. ATLANTA, GA 1 ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 Date: 11/24/�998 SAND4 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, GAR.AGE CALC. , WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D ' NODE PRESS. PRESS . Q PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSS} �PSI) (GPM} (PSI) (GPM} (PSI} ' SRCE 1I4 . 0 100 . 0 834 . Q 111 . 6 320 .3 100 . 3 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: 1 TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 320 .3 GPM ' TOTAL H�SE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 250 . 0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 0 . 0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 74 .3 GPM ' NODE ANALYSIS DATA DENSITY � NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE AREA REQ. ACT. (FT) �PSI) (GPM} (FT�2} (GPM/FT�2} ' SRCE Q . 0 SQURCE 1.00 .3 70 .3 - - - - - - -- - - S8 9 . 0 K= 5 . 60 9 .2 17 . 0 104 . 0 0 . 150 0 . 153 S9 9 . 0 K= 5 . 50 9 .5 17 .3 104 . 0 0 . 150 0 . 165 S�0 9 . 0 K= 5 . 60 9 . $ 17 .5 117 . 0 0 . 150 0 . 150 ' S11 9 . 0 K=_5_50 10 . 9 _18 .4 _50 . 0 0 .150 0 .369 �2 9 .5 12 . 0 �3 9 .5 - - - - 12 . 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' �.4 9 .5 - - - - 12 . 6 � _ _ _ � - - - - - - - 15 9 .5 12 . 8 16 9 .5 - - - - 14 . 6 - - - - - - -- - - - - - � 17 9 .5 - - - - 41 .2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 9 .5 61 . 7 1.9 9 .5 - - - - 65 .1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 20 8 .5 ' - - _ 81 . 1 - - - - - - - - - - ^ - 21 2 . 0 99 .2 BFD 2 .5 86 .3 BFS 2 .5 - - - - 98 .3 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' FLG 1 . 0 - - - - 99 . 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' � ' ' ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYS�S Page 2 Date: 11/24/1998 SAND4 .SDF 3�B TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, GARAGE CALC. ' PTPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM} DIA(IN} LENGTH PRESS . ' END . ELEV. NOZ. PT DTSC. VEL (FPS} HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K} (PSY) {GPM) F.L. /FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 -17 . 0 0 . 8�.1 PL 9 .75 PF 3 .1 ' S8 9 . 0 5 .& 9 .2 17 . 0 10 .5 150 FTG 2E PE -0 . 2 12 9 .5 0 . 0 12 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 223 TL 13 .75 PV 0 . 7 ' Pipe: 2 °17 . 3 a . 811 PL 8 .50 PF 3 . 1 S9 9 . 0 5 . 6 9 .5 17 . 3 10 .7 150 FTG ET PE -0 .2 13 9 .5 0 . 0 Z2 .4 0 . 0 0 . 231. TL �.3 .50 PV 0 . 8 , Pipe: 3 -17 .5 0 . 811 PS� 8 .50 PF 3 .2 5�.0 9 . 0 5 . 6 9 . 8 17 .5 10 . 9 150 FTG ET PE -0 .2 15 9 .5 O . Q 12 .8 0 . 0 0 .237 TL 13 .�0 PV 0 . 8 ' Pipe: 4 -1$ .4 0 . 81.1 PL 4 .50 PF 1. . 9 S11 9 . 0 S .6 10 . 9 18 .4 11 .5 150 FTG T PE -0 .2 ' 14 9 .5 0 . 0 12 . 6 � . 0 0 .260 TL 7 .50 PV 0 . 9 Pipe : 5 -1'7 . 0 7. . 055 PL 6 . 75 PF 0 .�k ' 12 9 .5 0 , 0 12 .0 � . Q 6 .2 150 FTG ---- PE 0 . 0 13 9.5 0 . 0 12 .4 0 . 0 0 . 062 TL 6 .75 PV 0 .3 Pipe : 6 -34 .3 1. 055 P� 5 . 00 PF 2 .2 ' 13 9 .5 4 . 0 12 .4 0 . 0 12 .6 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 16 9 . 5 0 . 0 14 . 6 0 . 0 0 .227 TL 9. 50 PV l . ]. , pipe: 7 -18 .4 1. 455 PL 3Y00 PF 0 .2 14 9 . 5 0 . 0 I2 . 6 0 . 0 5 .8 150 FTG PE 0 . 0 15 9 . 5 0 . 0 12 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 072 TL 3 . 00 PV 0 .3 ' Pipe: 8 -36 . 0 7. . 055 PL 2 .75 PF 1 . 8 15 9 . 5 0 . 0 1.2 . 8 0 . 0 13 .2 150 FTG T PE 0 . 0 16 9 .5 0 . 0 14 . 6 Q . 0 � .248 TL 7 .25 PV 1 .2 ' Pipe: 9 -70 .3 1 .291 PL 66 . 50 PF 26 . 6 16 9 .S O . Q 14 . 6 0 . 0 17 .2 150 FTG 3T PE 0 . 0 , 17 9 .5 0 . 0 41 ,2 0 . 0 0 .320 TL 83 . OQ PV 2 . 0 Pipe: 10 -70 .3 1 .291 PL 53 . 00 PF 20 .5 , 17 9 .5 0 . 0 41. 2 0 . 0 17 .2 150 FTG 2T PE 0 . 0 18 9 .5 0 . 0 61 .7 4 . 0 0 .320 TL 64 . 00 PV 2 . 0 Pipe: 11 -70 .3 1 .29I PL 10 . 75 P�' 3 .4 � 18 9 . 5 0 . 0 61 . 7 0 . 0 17 .2 150 FTG ---- PE � . 0 1.9 9 . 5 0 . 0 65 . 1 0 . 0 0 .320 TL 10 .75 PV 2 . 0 ' Pipe: 12 -70 .3 1 .291 PL 23 . 00 PF 15 .5 19 9 .5 0 . 0 65 . 1 0 . 0 17 .2 150 FTG 3E2TS PE 0 . 4 20 $ . 5 0 . 0 81 . 1 0 .�0 d .320 TL 48 .50 PV 2 . 0 ' Pipe: 13 -70 .3 1 .527 PL 14 . 00 PF 2 . 5 2� 8 . 5 0 . 0 81 .1 � . 0 12 .3 15� FTG E PE 2 . 6 BFD 2 . 5 0 . 0 86 . 3 � . Q 0 . 1.4�. TL 18 . 00 PV 1 . 0 ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 Da�e : 11/24/1998 SAND4 .SDF JOB T�TL� : RED SANDSTONE CREEK, GARAGE CALC. ' PIPE DATA {cont . ) pIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS . END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. ' NODES (FT) (K) {pSI) (GPMy F.L. /FT (PSIy Pipe : 14 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE ' BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 96 .3 0 . 0 12 . 0 psi, 70 . 3 gpm BFD 2 .5 0 . 0 86 .3 0 . 0 Pipe: 15 -70 .3 1.527 PL 1 . aa PF 0 . 7 ' BFS 2 .5 0 . 0 98 .3 0 . 0 12 .3 150 FTG E PE 0 .2 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 99 . 2 0 . 0 O . I41 TL 5 . 00 PV � . 0 , Pipe : 16 -70 .3 1 . 527 PL I_00 PF 0 . 1 21 2 . 0 0 . 0 99.2 0 . 0 12 .3 150 FTG PE Q .4 FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 99 . 8 0 . 0 0 . 141 TL 1 . 00 PV 1 . 0 ' Pipe : 17 -70 .3 4 .155 PL 65 .00 PF 4 .1 FLG 1 . 0 0 . 0 99 . 8 � . 4 1 . 7 140 FTG ETG PE 0 .4 ' SRCE 0 . 0 SRCE 100 .3 (N/A) 0 . 001 TL 114 . 63 PV 0 . 0 NOTES : fl) Calculations were performed by the HASS 6 .3 . 0 computer program ' under ��cense no. 603G888 granted by HRS Sys�ems, Inc . 2193 RanChwood Dr. , N.E. ' Atlantar GA 30345 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average ' imb,alax�.ce at each node ot � . 007 gpm and a maximum imbaJ.ar�ce at any node of O .1�.9 gpm. {3) velocity pressures are printed for info�mation only, and are ' no� used in balancing the system. Maximum wat�r velocity is ].7 .2 fti/sec at pipe 12 . 1 (4) PIPE FTTTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: STANDARD.PIP ' PAGE: M MATERIAL: CT-M HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fi�ting Lengths in Feet �in) E T F R C S G N ' E11 Tee 45-E1� Teel�un Couplg SwgChk Gatvlv NPTee 0 . 811 2 . 00 3 . OQ 0 . 50 0 .50 4 . 50 3 . 00 0 .50 3 . Q0 ' 1 . 055 2 .50 4 .50 7. . 00 0 .50 O . Sa 4 .50 0 .50 4 . 50 1 .291 3 . 00 5 . 50 7. . 00 0 .50 Q . 50 5 .50 0 .50 5 . 50 1 .527 4 . 00 7 . 00 1 . 50 0 . 50 Q . 50 6 .50 0 .50 7 . 00 ' ' ' ' SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 Date: 11j24f1998 SAND4 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, GAR.AGE CALC. ' , PAGE: * MATERIAL: 54p HWC: 120 �iameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet {in) E T L C B G A D E11 Tee Lr1gE�.1 ChkVlv BfyDlv Ga�VIv A1mChk DPVlv I ---N---------------------------------__--_--_-------------- NPTee ' � .155 11 . �6 23 .32 7 . 00 25 .65 13 . 99 2 .33 23 .32 11 . 66 23 .32 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � , � ' 1 � ' , SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYS�S Page 5 Date: 11/24/1998 SAND4 .SDF JOB TITLE: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, GARAGE CALC. ' WATER SUPPL� �U�VE , �:t . 120� � � � '� r .' ' I������� � �������� � 130+ \\\�\\\ �������� �����`�� � ������� lOp+ X 1.00 . 0 psi C 834 gpm-� * Flow Test Point ' 90+ ' P 80� ' E S ' S 70f R E ' 6(}+ ( P ' S I 50+ ) ' 40+ � 30+ � 20+ LEGEND " ' �� X = Required wa�er Supply 100 . 34 psi @ 320 .3 gpm " ' 10+ " 4 = Available water Supply " 111 . 62 p�i @ 320 .3 gpm " � ! 0++-�---+----+-----�------+-____r'--�--------+----------+-----------+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1004 FL�W (GPM} ' ' �_- �.'; �ESIDEN�'IAL '1 �� � t�R� "� A UT4.MA�'�C SPI�NKL�RS '� �•� ��'�� FIRE SPR/NtrCtER 1�aD�.� J�L aw Fiow ;I�-'=� CURPORATIQN �� B'ULB S'PRAY►SERI.ES � � PENDENT �� �::. : RECES'SE'D �'ENDENT � . �� DESCRIPTIONAND OPEI�ATION � The Globe Model JN Low Flow Residential Spr�nkler is a low profile � �� yet durable design which t��ilizes a 3mm frangible glass ampule as the ��`=� � thermosensitive element. It features both economy and aesthetics. � The combination of the 3mm frangible glass ampule and RES3 styfe defleccor rnake tk�e Model JN �.ow Flow Residential Sprfnkler the �� ultimate in life safety and fire contra�. Tha Globe Pendent and Recessed ` ' Pendent Model JN Low Flow Residential Sprinklers have met tf�e strict requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Inc, as described in the UL � � . Star�dard for Residential Sprinklers for Fire�rotection Service,UL I 62b, � and shoufd be used accordingly. The heart of Gfobe's Model JN s�rinkler proven actua�ing assembly R�SlD�NTIAL is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely pEryp�rNT ' measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed,the liquid within tf�e bu[b expands i�creasing the internai pressure. At the prescribed temperature the interna� pressure wit�in tF�e ampu4e exceeds the ''� strength of th� gfass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon ,�'� defiector style usecf. . � �,,�. �ti� ,,�, .� �EC � HIVICAL DATA �;�3. U.S. Patent No. 5,494,I !4. -���� r� � ��" ,' �,.t�. a " See reve�se sid� for Ap�rovals and Specifications. Temperature Rating- l55°F (68°C), 175°F (79°C}. ' Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi {I 207 kPa). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 pst (3448 kPa). RESIDENTIA� � Maximum �ow ternperature glass bulb rating is -67°F �-55°C). I � RECESSED FENDENT � �rame - bronze Deflector- brass > Screw - brass � � Bulb seat - engineered plastic O-ring - sil€cone elastomer B�lb - glass witF� glycerin so�ution, 3rr�m size. ; :' � Escutchean Assembly - steel ; ! SPRINI�LER TEMPERAT'URE RATING/CLASSIIG'ICATION and COLOR CODIII�G C4ASSIFICATION aVAILABLE BULB N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM SPRINKLPR TEMPEitA7URES COLOR CEtLING TEMPERATURE � ORDINARIC 155°F b8°C R�D I�0°F :: 38°C ` I[�lTERMEDIATE 175°F 79°C YELLOW '� I54°F�'� : 66°C: _� 4077AlftPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHlGAN q8b5B 517-846-4583 • FAX 517-646-9231 ' �ULY ti993 A-IaN BU�.LETINJN-RES3, REV.##I �ESIDEIVTIAL ' A UTOMAT�C�i`PI�INKLERS Mo��� JN Lo�� ��oi� ,---� I B ULB SPRA Y SER�ES PENDEIVT o RECESSED PENDEN�' � � ►SPECIFICATIC�NS ' ORIFICE SIZE Nf)MlNAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH FINISHFS Factory Bronze ' *Satin Chrome 3/8" (!0 mm) 2.8 (40 metric) I!2'" NPT 2 114" Bright Chrome White Polyester � B1ack Folyester *Lead Coated NOTE: METRIC CONVER5IC?NS ARE APPROXIMATE, *FlhlISHES AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER.. 1 AP.�'�ROI�ALS SYYLE ORIFICE I55'F 17S'F CANADIAN N.Y.C.- 0.QB. MEA SIZE 68•C �9•C UNDERYMRITERS LABORATORIES INC. , U.L. 101-42-E PENDENT 3(8" X X X � — RECESScD PENOEN7 318" X X X X --- ' RESt���v�r�L I�v T ,... S ALLATIOND�TA ,.:. _ PENDEN7 ANQ RECESSED PENDEN'i' SPRINKLER \-_� ' MAXIHUM AREA MINIMIUM WATER DISCHARGE & PRESSURES NEEDED OF CQVERAGE SINGLE SPRINVt�ER TWO SPRINKLERS I 2' x 12' I� G.P.M.- I 2.7 PS.I. 8 G.P.M.- 8.2 P.SJ.{EACH) ' i 4'x 11' I 0 G.P.M.- I 2.7 P.S.I. 8 G.P.M.- 8.2 P.S.I.(EACH) I o'x I 5' I 0 G.P.�t.- I 2.7 FS.I. 8.5 G.P.i^1.-9.2 P.S.L(EACH) 18'x 18' I I G.P.M.- 15.� P.S.l. I D.5 G.P.M.- 14.0 FS.I.(EACH) ' 20'x 20' !1 G.P:M.- 25.0 P.5.1. - 1 3.5 G.P.M.- 23.2 P.S.I.(EACH) Cxoss S�cTrol�v ORDERING I1VF�R1ti�ATIOIV 1 "— 2 i5/�6� 9:A. = a-c� �:,c � SPECIFY �«� �«,.� � Quantiry Model iNumber Sryle ' ""7 °"" ' Y '�' Orifice Temperature Finishes desired � RE�UCER '�'~ � Quantity- Model JN Wrenches - P!N 325390 �, � '� �� r �,,, Quantiry- Model JN Recessed Wrenches - P!N 325391 ' _ 4 , :, � ,a�.. J � ��a-��N GL4'�E�'PROD IICT�'I�ARRANTY �ir% s/e-u., i� � ' ��� ,. ,,,,�� Globe agrees to repair or replace any o( iu own ���_�� ' '�;�"" manufartured produtts(ound co he defective in material or RECESS�D PENlDENT workmanship for a penod of one year fram date of shi�pment. for specific details of our warranry p�ease refer to Price ' ���� ����� List 7erms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price List). , } �4 ad 1��' �"� FIRE SPRINKLER 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 ' CORPORAT'I011! S 17-846-4583 FAX 5!7-846-923 I ' Jl1LY 1497 PRIN�TED U.S.A. BULLETIN JN-RES3, REV. #I �e�0 � Q UIC�{ RESPONSE ■r � � � � A U7'0��7 '� ���� FIRESFRINHLEH ATIC S�PRINKLERS' � CORPORATION ����L sIN BULB ►S�PRAY,S��RI,E,S ; 1� , � �`� I�ECESSED P�1VDLIVT ; ' � RECESS�D Tj�RTICAL SIDEl��1LL RECESSED �I p�IZO1�TAL SID�WALZ ' DESCRIPTI pN f1 ND O'PEI�TIOIY ._.__,�.- The Globe QuicEc Response Model JN Sprinl<ler is a (ow profile yet , ' durable design which utilizes a 3mm frangable glass ampule as the � thermosensitive element. This provides sprinl<ler operation approxi- �'- ,fy mate�y six times fast�r than ordinary sprinfclers. While the Quic!< . �; ' ' Response Sprinkfer provides an aesthetically pleasing appearante, it can ' � be instalf�d wherever standard spray sprinCclers are specified but of�ers ''x� r�''` " the additional feature of reatl increased 5afet to life. �¢ � y y Quicf<Response ' Spr-inkfers should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving QUIeK €��sPONSE authorities f�avir�g jurisdiction. The heao-t of Globe's Mode� JN spi-inkler pr-oven actuating assembly RECESSED PENDENT ' is a hermeticafly sealed fran;ible glass �mpule that contains a precosely rneasured amount af fluid. When t�eat is absorbed, the liquid wEt'hin the bulb expands increasing the internal pressui-e. At tf�e �r�escribed �� ' ternperature the internal pressure within the �mpule exceeds the � `� strength af the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water �`? � discharg� which is distributed in an approved pattern depending upon `� . tf�e def�ector style used. '����'�� �.� ``" _.�;.:�+ QUICK �ESPONSE ' TLFCHl'1'ICALDA7'A RECESSED VERTfCAL SID�EWALL � U.S. Patent No. 5,494,I I 4. � • See reverse sicie for Approvals and Specifications. • Temperature Rati�gs - P 35°F (57°C), I 55°F (6$°C), 175°F (79°Cj, _ � 200°F (93°C), 286°F (141°C). 7 �* �.�. � ' � Wacer Vllorking Pressure Rating - 175 psi (1207 kPa). � --�� �' • Factory tested �ydrostaticaliy to 500 psi {3448 kPa). � . • Maximurr� low temperature glass bulb rating is -67°F (-55°C). f ' • Fram� - bronze • Deflector - brass � Screw - brass QUICK RESPC3NSE • Bulb sea� - engineerec� piastic • O-ring - silicc�r�e elastomer RECESSED • Bulb - glass with gfycerin solution, 3mrn sfz�. HORIZONTAL SlDEWALL �. ' • Escutcheon Assembly - steei � l ' { T r � SPRII'��KLER TE.�1P�1'��T'�IRE' RATI��G/CI_ASSIFIC��TfQ�V�r»d COLOR CODI��G � ' CLASSIF3CATION r4VAI�ABL� BI�LB N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM � SPR[PlKLER TEMFERATURES CE�LOR CEILING TEMP�RATURE 1 ' ORDh''JARY 135°F/l55°F 57°C�69°C ORANGE�RED 100°F 38`C i IiVTER�'yEpIATE d75`Fl200°F 79°Ci93°C YEELOWiGREEN 150°F b6°C � :,1 H!GH 286°F [41°C BLU� 225°F 107°C � �077 AERPARK DRIVE, STA[*dDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 517-846-4583 • FAX 517-846-923I ! � ' JUNE 1996 A-7N BULLE7IN �N-Q.R. R�CESSED, REV. #3 Q r�rc�� R�s�olvs� � ' �i ��o1�rA��c SPr�r�vJ�L�Rs 1�1?DEL JN B UL13 SPRAY►SrERIES' �-�, � .�:= � I�EC�SSED PENDEIVT �I�.ECESSED VERTICAL SID�W�ILL RECESSED�OI�IZOIVTAL ►S`ID��Y��,L S��c1�rcA�lo��vs � ORIFICE SIZE NOMINAI."K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE '*LENGTH F11�15NE5 3;8" {10 mm) 2.8 (39 mecric) I!2" NPT *`2 If4" (SJ cm) ' Fa:tory BrCrze 7/1 b" (I 2S mm) 4.2 (59 metric} I/2" �JPT *'`2 I r4" (5.7 cm) *"Sa�in Chrome Br o�t Chrcme 1/2" (15 mm} 5.6 (BO mecric) 112"rJPT 2 i/4" (5.7 cm) yyh;�e Polyester ' 17/3�" {20 mm} 7.8 (I I I mecric� I12" PJPT '��2 114" (5.7 cm) g���k Polyester � �Lead Coazed 17/32" (20 mm) 8.1 (I 16 metric) 3/4" IVA7 2 71�6° (b.2 cm) � fVOTE: METRIC CONVERSIONS ARE A.PPROXIMATr. *HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL IS 2 9116". *`cXCWPdNG PINTLE. AP.��o�A�s �fINI5ME5 AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. � STYLE '�RIFICE 135`F f 55°F 175`F 200°F 286°F CANADIAN N.Y.C.- Q.O.B. SlZ� 57°C 68°C 79°C 43°C 14]°C u.L.f U.L.t MEA 10�-9I-E 3!8" X X X X X X X X � 7116" X X X X X X X X PENDENT RECESSED 112" X X X X X X X X ' 12"8 17f32'"or�fice 17132"* X X X X X X X X NOW FME approved w 117'adjustment esr,h. ��'"32" X X X X X X X X � V�RTICAL SID"clh'ALL 7116" X X X X X X 7G X _� ' RECESSE� $ [/z" X X X X X X X X 3;8" X X X X X X X X HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 7�I6" X X X X X X X X ' RECESSED § 112" X X X X X X X X §HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL U.L.AND GU.L LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR 4"TO 12"6ELOW THE CcIUNG. ��a�� �L ���Ol�� �LISTED FO�.AlL Hi-7AR�5. ' L ' c $VERTICAL SIDEWALL U.L.AND GU.L LISTED�OR L1GHT riAZ,4R�7 ONLY. ' 17�32"X I 2"NPT. •.S•�B'CiA FDiAA1W — �+Ae�i[EP.LVG �� 275-c'C�IA_ —. ,- lnlz'LNA — �_ YxiY n� �7� `� 2.oinr.iw. _ eE�LCea ll.Lf�llll'��'G I�VFORIIIATI�iY � �HOLE IN CEIIING RET�wER-� -� `" ' - ,zsara� — �aFO�icea ) y j cu� SPECIFY - F=_-au.ea. ��-- —— F_�L. / � �1 � ,.6-M,„ •Quan[icy • Model Number • $[yle �� �� � CUP � �� ���1 t� ��u. � • ' r r� � � \1 _��. 'Orifice Thread Sizes Tempera[ure '�� •Finishes desired f �Y l a M�� i.6'_ , ,, � �,s•�+,N LL -� •Quantit Model N Recessed Wrenches - PI(� 325391 =,+�- ;� ', I�� �� �-},�j,�l? �;e'Max, VERTICAL SIpE�1HALL Y � +.� --s (1/2"): pl1�J 325401, Rev. F (L.O.) ._- �`�M1 '� �---'-_ -�—� �:. •.��� r�ir�. �.a•- ' „°�'�` �.� T. GLOBE�PRO�+UCT l�''ARRANTY "'-'--S ---� qE7uGE� aaY- — \ ��:\ . � FEt�lD�NT � ' ' I `��—��_ Globe agrees to repair or replace any of iu own :S:rt ro��MM ��� � iilb�_1�'�`' manu(acwred nroducts found to be defec[ive in material or J� HOL'c�YCEL�M'i74 I ��_I r � Cu�-�=.,- �� r���� �- a' workrvianship for a period of one year fram da�e af shipment. e For specifit details of our warranty please refer to Price pp ��"°^�`p � ;�;"u•s List Terms and Conditions oF Sale (Our Price Lisc). _ � �;�� �o�� � �� ��. - e,,f� �e�a�-- ��--�_ � FIRE SPRIIYKLER 4077 AIRPARK DRNE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 46658 ' CORPORATION HORIZONTAI� 51 D EWALL 5 I 7-846-45$3 FAX 5 i 7-846-923 I , JUNE 1996 PRINTED U.S.A. BULLETIN JI'�-Q.R. RECESSED, REV. ##3 U ' Tlre C'oppe�• Tube Hc��tclboal� , Teclr�tical Datrr: TRbles � Table 2c, TYPE 11Z-Di�rtensin�ts ancl Plcysrca! Characteristics � Nominal dimension5,inchcs Caicu3ated ��alues(base�! on nominal dimcnsions) � Nocnioal Wcight Wei�;ht I t or Cross of tube of lubc& stanciard Coatents of tube scct�onal only, � ���atcr per[incar ft � size, arca of paunds pounds inches Outside Insidc ti'Vall borc, per �er I ' diametcr diametcr thickncss sq. inchcs lincar f�. li�car ft. Cu ft. Gal. � '�g .500 .450 .�25 .159 .145 .21� .00110 .0082b ,i , '�Z .625 .569 .028 .254 .204 .314 .�0176 .013� I ��������� '�a .$75 .811 .032 .517 .328 .551 , .00359 .0269 ! ' � � � I.125 1.055 I .035 .874 .465 .843 .�0607 .0454 ' ' 11�.� 1.375 1.?91 .042 1.31 .68? 1?5 .00910 .a58I i 1 l�z 1.625 1.527 .049 �.83 .940 ].73 .O l 27 .0951 � ' �-2 �� 2.125 _ 2.fl09 .058 3.17 1.46 2_83�� .4220� .165 I�i 2.62� I 2.49 .06� 4.89 2.03 4.i4 .0340 .254 a ' 3 3.125 2.981 .072 6.98 2.68 5.70 .0485 .363 � f���������� .� � 1�2 i 3.b25 , 3.459 .OS3 9.40 358 � 7.64 .0653 .488 �, �_� 4.125 3935 .095 12,2 4.66 9.83 .084"1 �C34 � ' [ 5 5.125 4.9fl7 .109 18.9 5 66 14.8 � .�31 .982 .�. �_� 6.125 5.881 .122 27.2 8.92 20.7 .�89 1.41 ; ' �� 8.125 7.78� .170 �17.6 15.5 37.I .331 � 2.47 10 10.125 � 9.741 � .212 73.9 25.6 57.5 ,513 3.84 ' 12 12.125 11.617 254 106 36.7 82.5 I .73� 5.51 � �������L�� � Teclnricnl Datt�: Tables Tlre Cappel• 7'irGe Harrdbook ' ' , titc:l;'C:1���IivD01��JSIDLSKTOP\copper subn�ittals�co�per tube type hl.htm 6/1/'�8 ' Aw..... -�. + +.�.�..�.+.v •V.1.1 aii ii��i����i CitxU VCiIVG3C..A}I11:5.1LU I11 G\iU1VQl1:114 1C:llblll l}1 LUUG� ll. 1"t��fs' 1 U1 d ' Tlte Co�per Tube Ha�tclbaol� � Teclr�ricnl D�ta: Tables �� TabCe S. Type M—Pressure loss i�t frtti�rgs aitcl rt�ali�es e�r�ressed rii � e uis�alefrt len tlt ��f iube, feet Fittings yalves ' n'ominal �tandarc! EIl 90° Tce � or I standard 5ide Straight ' size,in. 94° �l5° branch run Coupling Ball Gate Btliy Check 3/8 �-_.. '" I� 1.5 � — I—_J�� 1.5 i ' I�� l—.���� ���� 5�� I.S �I.��� ��� �.5 � 1 3�� 2 .5 3 — -- — — — 3 � � ��� ���� 1 2.5 �� 4.5 — — � ." I�� �.S � ' � 1� 3 1 5 " - _ _� a ����� .� �j�'�� � 5 ; � 1 ��'' L—.`�� 1.5 � 7 - �5 I .5 �I�l� 6.5 i 2 5.5 ��J�'J I .5 ��' 7.5 �� 9 . � -'- 1�_ C7 2.5 � 12 � .S .5 i — 1 10 11.5 � ����� 3 � 9 3.5 l5 �� 1 � 1.5 15.5 14.5 J ' 3— '�, � 9 3.5 14 1 1 �— 2 — � " ' � ���� I�J�� 1_.� ' � 1?.5�� ?1 � 1 �� 16 1$.5 ; 5 16 �27 1.5 1.5 � ; 11.� 23.5 ' ' 6 19 � 34 �� 2 � 3.5 13.5 26.5 I 8 29 11 5Q L�__._I� ' �� 12.5 39 ' NO�ES: r�,lloti�ances are for streamlined soldere�d fittings an1 recessel threa�el fittittgs. For threaded fittings, double ttic a11o«�ance sho���n on the table. ' The equi�•aIent Iengths presented abo��e are bascd u�on a C factor of l 50 in the Hazen-Williams frictio�loss fornmla. Thc iengths shotiin are rounded to the nearest haLf foot. 1 7'eclr�ricnl�Drrfrr: Trrbles Tlr� Co�pe�� Tirbe H�rrrrlbool{ ' � file:/,`C:\�'V1��i7�01�'VSI.DESKTOPIcopper submittals\copper fittin�s.htiil C/�/9g � P�,��� 3�,g. �-� �� ��yv � ��BC� SPECIFICATION SHEET I�O. 825Y (�/a" -�-- 2") O �,� ,�� � �� �, MQdel 825Y (3/4" through 2") � ����� �� Yr� � Reduced Pressure Bac�flow ��`�g �� - ��'� � `�����'��' �� �- � - ��k f��-;:� Preventer Far High Hazard Service ��xi� ��! ,� } `, 5 � ������ � d � ��� .k �� :��$ z :I,�� ���,:y m� ,� � �� k'�, � � f ���' �'� 1 i �. �` ��•f � � � �y�' ,f a � �.�� �^;�',{� •' ~,���r�,f � f5 r A��t J� ��� �,�� �* �� ���,3r ., .a yy��3 y 9 � 4 1 � .e. � '� � '� g $''�y y i 1"'� r:,�:. �.,iu�`��� � j'� 3 �+' � \ i-3 � * :-.� ' � ��'I" x "{°��8 7 5:;2.,��� �l�T ,:�'�S.,�ap `' �� s � f`�° '�`�e �` Shown with � ' " `�`°�* �� `�''�°�{ ��� Ball Valve shut-offs. �'`�;,f>"4�y. .k'��'w„a�z, sL rF ' � _ � �ea��res �`� � �...�-��;� • Ultimate mechanical protection of potable water,against bodies and relief valve cover.�iaphragm to seat area ratio ' hazards of cross connection contamination. shaal be 10:1 min3mum. Relief valve shall have removable seat ring.Check valve and relief valve componer+t�shalC be � Me2ts all specificatiorrs of AW1NA, ASSE and USC constructed so they may be serviced withoui removing th� Fc�un�ation `cr Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic valve bQdy from the line. All seat discs snall by reversibl�. ' ReseGrch. Shut-off vaGves and test cocks shall be full ported 4all va�ves. a documented flow curves established by University of �he assembly shall be rafed to 175 PSf water working Souther� Caiifomia Foundation for Cross Connection pressure and �vater femperature range frorn 32°F to 1�0'F ControE ar�d Hydrau9ic Research. , The assembly shall meet the requirements o�ASSE Standard � N�odu;ar rel:�f ��alve for ease of maintenance. 1013;AW4ti�A Standard Code C5�6-78;and USC Foundation . � Simpie Service proc2dures.All iniemal parts serviceable af Cross Connection Conlrol �nd �-'ydraulic Hydrau"�. . �1 i� line. Research, Sixth Edition. �-' • �ow head �oss. Typical Appli��tions • Spring load�d "Y" typ� check valves. Reduced Pressure assemblies are used to protect against ' * !nternal relief valve pressure sensing passages. high hazard (texic) fluids in water services to i�dustrial plants, has�ltals, morgues, mortuaries, and chemical ► Replace�bf�relief valve seat ring oe�3/4", 1", 1'/z"and 2". plan�s.They are also used in irrigation systems, boiler feed, wafer lin�s and other installations requiring maximum ' Op21'a�1011 protectian. fn a �1esv conditiori the check val��es are open with the Instaflation pressur2 betv.�een the ehecks, called the zone, being � maintain�d at�east 5.0 PSI lower than the�nlat�;essure and Red�.:c�d Pressure Backfilo�v preven.ers shou9d be instafled tF�e relief valve is maintained c�osed. with minimurr� clearar�ce of 12" bet���en r�ort and foor cr grade. They must be instatfed where discharge will not be Should abnorr�al concitions arise under na flow�r reversal �bjectionao�e and can be positively drained away. 7hey , of flow, the c�`�erential rellef valve will open ar�d discharge should be installed�vhere easily accessibfe fortesting and to maintain the zone at least 2 PSI lo�ver than the supply. maintenance and must be protecteo iro�m freezirag.Therm�l In resumption of normal�low,the zo�e's differential pressure �vater expansion and/ar water hamm�r do���nstream of the �vill resume and the rel �f valve vti�ill close. backffovr preventer can cause excessive prESSUre. ' Excessive pressure situations should be elirni�ated to a��oid Typacal Specifications possible damage to.the system and assembfy. The reduced p��ssure b�ckflow preventer shall cor�sist of Refer to local cedes far specific i€�stallatiQn requirements. ' two ind6�eno�ntly operating, sprir�g loaded, "Y" pattern Sorne codes may prohibit vertical instal6ation. check v�`vPs ar�d one hydraulically depencent di*ferential rel�ef val��a. Tn� assembly shalE automaticalEy reduce the pressure in the"zone"bet�,�,�een the checkvalves to at least _ s��e v�ew 5 PSI lo�ti��r thGn in!et pressure. Should the differential F��� � P�a1e�,�.�A � Moeel E?SY En�ICS��re bet�ti��en the upstream and the zo�+e ef ih� �nit drop l0 2 . � PSI,Ehe differen�ial relief valve shall open and mainlain the '` , _ proper differentiaL 3o n��x Water��eier II �� �,,�� � I �� � Mainline valv� bady and caps including relief va've bady '�"'"'�: �, . i: . ��s��s,�d — r; and cover shall by bronze. Ch�ck valve moving r�-�ember � - � shall be cenler s±em guided.All hydraulic sensing passages � � � • ' shall by inierna9ly located within lhe mainline and relief v�lve SS 825Y 2" 7"69 Characteristi�cs and Materiafs Dimensions an� lNeights (U.S.-Inches) ' Maximum tivor'�.ing pressure 175 PSI A• B � p � M�r Hy�rostat�c test pressure 350 PSI SrzE BV GV. WT.(lb5) TEfllp8f8�Ufe faf1C�2 .�2°�';0�8��" e�a 12'/a 11 '.'a 7?�a 4'/s 3'h 4''e 11 '/: F�l11Cj Water 1 13'/e 11 ia 7i/a 4'/r 3'/+ 4'%'s 12'/a End detail Threaded ANSI 82.1 �'�_ ��'i< �i'ia �'a a va s v. a°,9 i 4 r.- � Main valve bod Bronze ASTM 8584-78 � ��x 1e v� i 5'i. �o=% s ve a'i2 s 2s'iz : � Y 2 1 3 15'i 10:��+ 5;� d��_ 5 29� Relief valve body Bronze ASTM 8584-78 Ela�tomers NitrileASTMD-2000SeatDiscs.� (�etric-mm.) Diaphragms:Nitrile,`abric A• s c o E NET reinforced size eV. GV. WT.(Kgs.) Spa�ing; Stainless Stee1,300 series 2fl 3>> 2 295.8 196 9 ioa e �z e iaa a s z 'Or7 water systems that experience an excess af a constant 140`F,device 25 3<6� 2°5 3 19G 9 �oa 8 82 6 ���s 5� 30 362 0 298 S 196 9 1�4 8 82 6 10�8 6 4 , must be ordered with HW (825Y 1" HW). ao �63 5 387 4 269 9 133 4 114 3 127 0 12.Q �Can bg supplied with optional silicone seat disc. 50 �82 6 �s3� 2E�s a 33 a i ia 3 �2'o �3 0 A' �W is ap�roximate ler.gth with Ball Valve shut-o`fs. A A" ��. is approxirnate length with Gate Valve shut-offs. ' lr I B ,All di�m2nsions are approximat�. I I I � � Cr—�� . � Model �25Y Flow Cunres 11 �' (Flow Curves as Established by the USC Faunda�'on for Cross Connection Ccn:r�l ard H;dr�ufic Resea�ch) -r � � �� ' �� p — - ^ 20 � � . :� �; � � i � : �� . . � . � �$ . , .: _ . �� .. i ��° 3 >> p . , : . ..: � . _- :; � - : . � . � �,�a - /4 0 ,o , � : � . . . . , = . E :. ._ ' . , . " � � ,. � .. . , , e .. -- � r .u'', . ---�— w :° :'.. . . .I. : : . ;�� 1 ' . � z � � 1 �� � C�,� � ���� �r-'����J � 0 5 10 i5 2Q 25 3Q (GPM) 5 7[�-5� 1p 15 (=PS) 20 :. . _. ._. _ _: , _.:. ;: . > : o� � ; �-- S 5 .. ; . N. � � d � � �� _ 3 � :� � USC FCCC & H'R; 'Appraved � ' � F 3 ; A'JVWA C506 Conr�rmance � ASSE Listed 1013 1 f7 0 �o b� =, {. . - ` �° � � _ . ; v ; ' CSA 864.4 C�rtifi rd = S , ' ' :; ; ;: : : � ;:A ; _, ;.� , ' . IAPMO� Listed 0 1� 20 30 40 50 60 (GPM} � �o is 2� �F�s� ' Valves must be supplied with �° � ; 4 : ball va��e/resifient seated shut-of# � : � E � 3 � _ � � v 1� . ..� , : � €_..� � o:� iw�� } _��: � ...�_� � valves and test cocks fo� � ���'�� � . . • ,. � ,_ 1 USC FCCC & NR approval 1 " a '� �� ��: �� ��. � ` � � ' '�-_ ;: � � � � � � ' to be effective. 1 /�4 � �o .. = t _.._i. ; , t�T . _ _° (: . , � j � � ; � i� '. � � t ; € `�. :t .. =: S 0 20 ��J 6� BO (GPh�i) ' S 7 5 10 i� jFPS} 20 , E , , v� � � � ` "� _ a "� s � � � -� � , � �5 i a .t ...€ ..�.o -�..� ._. 4 � ' 1 �n ; , . � � ��. .___ :. 1 /2" ° , � �.-� ; � � f -� � ,d . a s ' �:_ , O ; .,..: :i: t':,` � ; . � _ � � ,} . ;, '. `; ' S d 20 40 60 8D � 10Q 120 iGP�'v1) 5 7.5 10 15 (FPS) � 20 . , _ � _� q — ; .� � : � : � °� �„ 15 -� �_ . :' � �°_ � ��, � � � ` � � .E.µ • . �, � � � .. //'y 1f O : " ' E a L Q �0 . . . . j . _ ..., �, ��� .... � W � q ' . . :_ . � : . . . .�.. �. . . ' z 5 0 a0 e0 i2o �bo �UQ 2ap (GPM) 5 7[��Js. 10 15 20 (FPS) �� � ' FLOW RATE (In GPM and FPS} ~- NOTES 1 W��IOCiti�s ar� �h� �If�d h�r`IOwS in Sched�E�=i0 SiBel p ��- ����� ? T/,��ral :�.e'+°r ,�1.,-m IIc�GV teloC,i�3�f 0:.)7 5 Ff'S ,r,�d �._ ..i.;c�1 Icr ._ , ._,"c"_PnC f e�i'np tr�. 50:•r ' Adivision of CMB Industries P.C�. Box 8070,Fresno,Califomia 93747,(209�252-0791 Telex:33-76�6 CMB FSO Fax:(209)453-9030 SS 825Y 7189 All materia�s copy+gt�ted. Pnrted m USA � BUTTERFLY VAL1lES - VALVES L�SS QaSITI0h1 MONITOR SINITCH ' 41:z.. ' � � � �^ ` AL+ ~ ~L+ 1 r � ' _ t ' ( D� a� 8 � i , � ,, � �` re , 'l ��, -T C� --� • - H ,1 '' fi%"i I � � ; M �'1_-`i' i � ' � A E�'-- ---.-� F I G 1 �0 �7hreaded �nds) BBVSC�00 (Grooved Ends) �� �,ly,� 1,fz�t ��i 2,�z�� . Sizes 2�� 2,,2,i � , > > > t V,�f�VES WfTH BU�LT-1i�a pOS17I0N M�NITOR SWITCH � � � a � ' � � i � i �Z I ��L ��1�y�' � r` i '� r � 1 � I ��c � '�� .---- �� I � J 5 r�i - g �7 � � ��' �- C I(_ I��Ii ' ,�1•`., IG,� - c _.__�r.., _ - � a--�-��_� � 3 � _ � . 1 . �� ; � ±-�---� o!-- —I � � . �— , � � ' i HREADED E�JDS GROOVED E�1aS 3�-SCS02 (2Vafve �r,r/h�onitor Switch} BBVSCS02 (Valve wl'Monitar Switch) ' DIhdEN510NS-[NCNES !�IA7EaL�.L LIS7 SIZ� � 1 1 1;1 1 3/2 2 � 21i2 NO.� PAftF MAT�R;AI.. SPEGr1CATi4N ' � I 2 �:g � 2�a � 2;� � � ,f� � � �;3 1 Indicatof Sirtter�d Iton FGQ08P 3 I � u'.9 � 5 i3��z I J 2'��'2 S �.3 5�'s I � I a�;:5 2 Housing � Bronze ASTM S� c I > >�-G i :s z��.5 z,-. o I � z�•_z I z,�s � z�� � 3 :,•A I s ,z 3 I �o�y � 6ronze � ASTM �?-� t = I = I = I � I •�JtB � 'S':5 � � ; �3 I �� � I �{3f1G���? ��aSS G I — I --- I — � a ,,�z I a ,rz � I Disc 5tain. SU. Type 30-4 ' '-� 1 — � � � , � z''g 2'3 �; Disc Seal EPDM el4stomer '�Y � 'J'� i 1 i;a 1 e2 � 1 ;1'9 E 2 .�;+ �, I 2-�5' i z.�� 3.zs' � s s� � �o.a� 7 I 5witch k;ousirg Die Cast Alc�r�inum � . ��1• �°.e� _�c�:-a,e-_a en;-�. �•ls"cw ressan��•er�'f-7 in rc;.na'er,'e y�e(s:..`.cCu'e 1J�:�a . '. , ' -- � �111L�VAU �EE VALVE C�MPAN`� 237� �cuth 6urr�ll Slr�ct PYlilwvaukea, 4V�sccr�sin �3207 ' Valv2s bui€t to lake it ... since 1�01 SPECIF � CAT � ��S F� F� SL�W �L�S � -. 1 SL.OW CLOS� BUT�'ERBALL VALVE MONiTOR P051T10N SWiTCH ,..� � VA�VE ASSEMBUES KiTS AND BUiLT-IN ASSEMBLIES � PATENTED �ATENTED � , 1. Provides slow opening ar�d closing properties in �. Available factory assembled or as a separate kit a quaRer-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate for field assembly. � hydraulic shock 2nd water hammer in tire � vyhen mounted on the 88SC100 Slow Close � protection and other�iquid systems. valves and wired up, the sw�ici� signals Gr�y 2, Econarnically reQlaces curnbersome O.S. 8� Y. movement af the valve disc from the full op�n gate va�ves. position. � ' 3. Compact, lightweight man�,al operatar has 3. Val�e posftior�can�e mon�tored at either one or scotch yoke design 8�visual �osition indicatQr. two locatians because it houses twq prewircd Close coup�ed tor positnre cfirect drive. S.P.D.T. micro switches. ' 4. Availat�ie with or without a built-in�atve position 4. Switch Rating: monitor switch. 10 AmpsJi 15 VAC -64 H� � �. UUFM rateci at 175 psi. Also availabte at 350 psi 0.5 Amps/28 VDC wit� N.Y.C. B.S.A appra�al. �, Wire leads are 24' long. Consuii factory ior special lengths. ' , 6. See back page of this spec sheet fo�ins;al[atian Approved �� � �ted instructions. - � 1 fior use with{ire protection sprinkler systems 175 psi. • , Approved by the New York City 8oard of Stds. & �.�:� Appeais under Calendar No. 996-81�M, for both 175 and 350 psi. �' � 6. For i�door use onty.. , MODEL D�SCRIPTION SIZES 88SC100 VaEve Less Switch �1UFM 1.� �,��� 1 Y2 ' SB-SCS02 Valve Wiih Switch 175 psi-Ttireaded Ends �VYC BSA 2��2,�=, Approved BBVSCiflO Valve Less Switch UUFM BBVSCS02 Val�e Wiih SwiSc� 175 psi-Grooved Ends NYC BSA 2',2Yz ' apprvved BBN5C100 Valve Less Swiich NYC BSA i', 1�/�', i�/:' ' BBHSCS02 Val�e With Switch 350 psi-7hreaded Ends qPP�oved 2',2'/i 6VHSC100 Vafve Less Switch � � t�YC BSA , BVFESCS02 Valve With Swftch 350�si•Grooved�nds ARQ�oved 2�'�r�'� BB-SCK02 Valve Position Moniror Sw�tch Fits AN Va]ves ' . � . MILWAUKEE VALVE G�MPANY _ "�����' � �. . 2375 So�th Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wiscansin 53207 ' Valves built to iake it ... since 1901 � -�� ' " VALVE AND P4S�T[4N MONITnR SW�TCH INSTALLATION ' INSTALLAT�ON -- USA B&SC WITHOUT A POSI71C3N MONI70R SWITCN �� A. The BBSC can be ir�stalled in any orient�tion in a r•.:�. . piping sys�am�sing standard National Pipe Threads. Wrench shouEd be used to hex on the end oi valve ; � being thre?ded to pipe. Pipe se�lants should be ` - ' - ' � used spa,ingiy. � 8. The BBSC-5CK02 switch can be easily mounted on � � the vaNe in the field. (See special installztion ' instruction sheet provided with every switch fcn). � G. If anfy one micra switch is required, simply cap the second 3 wire lead set with wire nuts and tuck into ' � j�nction box. D. Make efectrical cannections in accordance with local I cod es. INSTALLATION— {For Underwrfters' Laboratories of SB-SCS w�TH INTEGRAL POSITION MoN17oR sw�FCH ' Canada� A. �n5allatio�must provide upright orientation ot vafve. � r' ' B. EEeC.ric�l connections es tollows: "Bonding and � grounding to be in compliance with the requirements of the C�^,adian��Gectrical Code�art 1.' - C. Conduit: T1�e insertion deptn af the threaded conduit � ' must not 2xceed 1/8"into the switch housing, and � the threa��d conduit m�st f�t tightfy onto the switch. � ' INSTALLATION FOR NEW YORK CITY VALYES - - I�.Y.C.speci�l vaEves�ave a large ilow indicator which i =-_ poiMs in th2�iredion of the�alve disc,indicating open ' �`=;_'N'j or closed. Ths vatve should be�nstalled in a position NOTE• DETAILED INSTALLATION INSTRUGTIO�I SHEETS `'- where the in;icator is readily visible. ARE PROVIDED WffH EACH VALVE. ' W[RiHG DfAGRAM ' �N��� - Black POSRlOh1 U.. MON170R t!2'ELECTi�ICAI Lin e-1n SW(TCH CONDUIT N.C. Red � Line-O:.�t O � Harn, White e��l,or 0 ' Q L°n'p - a - ' Switch rosiiion With Valve Ful1 Open: p � z To Change Wiring �rom Normal Open To �IormzJ Closed, Reverse Red and Black p ' � UL LISTED Swiioh;�.ting: 10 AMPSJ115 VAC-60 Hz �JlJNCTiON .S AMP128 VDC eoX NOTE; Vafves incorpora#ir�g position mcnitoring swiiches are ior indoor use only. �ot intendad ior connection io an alarm control unit. . MILWAUKEE VALVE COMPANY, lNC, '- � 2375 Soutf� 6urre:l Street Milw2ukee, Wisconsin 53207•�592 Tnlanh,-+n�• �ra� f nrlo �1 1 n 17.1 A_�'3.+11 � F�x di d17dd.5Ad(1 • Sa1es Office Fax 4141744-41�3 � � IN � ��IIRCi� AMER: 1 �� . . '�� 200 �i�. �w ��a�z� c�re�k ��� � Horizortaf Swing • Regrindin�� Typa e �ene�vable Disc ' 200 PSI Non-Shock Ca�d Water ' - — r., �� . ' Conforms to Specification: MSS-SP-80 . MAl'ERIAl. LlST � tPART SPcCIFICATiJN � . 1. B�nnet 6r�r„e ASTM�8�2 ' � 2. Body _ 6ro�ze A.STf+t�-62__,. -- 3. Hinge Pin Brorz�f4Ttrl 3-140 A�F��C3;4W ur 8•1,',4 A!luy C23DJ� ' 4, p'tsc}ianger nronze kSTM B-F2 _ i 5. Hanger Nui Bronze PSTM 8-87 FJloy Cfi55�0 ' s � � �-( 6. Disc Holder 9ronze A;TM B-E2 ` 7. Seat Disc Rubber�TFE 2�h`b 3"j �`-� � � 8. Sezt Disc Nui Bronze P TM + S d-18,cr&97 A,by C655X1 �3 B — � � � 9. Hinge Pin�{ufl 8�onze ASTMt�J-140 Ali�y 1;32'�00 ��. . (Nrn Shywn� �! � k.:;:. ����. ;11 'i0. 5eat Disc Washer ASTi�i 8•12A�oy C65540 .. - r � ' � r..`,' ' • io ;;��i[ I •s�n�;s•,�u•.�a TK•ony�. :\ '` � � A � ' . Kl'-403-`,N KT•403-W N?T lo NFT � illf@3d2d nl�i�NSIGNS -- Va'E3GH75 — QfJAN�ITIES ' Mzster Hom[na) ��+�ensions ApFrox Box Carlvn Size A B Hel�+it. Quantity Quanlity • ' Vi 2'/� � 1 sl� .5 10 SD . 'h 27/.c S�y,� .6 10 SO , 3h _^Z's/,c T`1?�i __ a2 __ �0 5D f 3?/,� zi•,� 1.5 5 3U 7'/. d�/,s 2':;6 2.1 5 10 � 1'h 4'h _ 2'y;i 3.0 � 2 tU 2 5`/� 3i1/,y 4.9 2 1p '2'h 8 5!'� f2D i 5 '3 9Y� 5,,. 1b.7 1v - 4 —. -.:'� •OMered a�1(7a3]Y oniy. ^ N18C0 check valveY rtsay be insla11e0 in boih hori_onfaf and ver,'i�a!fines with u� w3ttl flpw er 9n a�y inle:mediale posilron. , NlSCO �NC., ELKHAR�', IN[�IANA ! :,: k 3_ ' �_. 1_.: 'f�1 �:�- � � � � ��.r. , G� -� , . ;��. >� ;� i�- i'� ��;. r, �� T�STa�'" ti;. 1;�` � IP.'ORIACd�� '�Yv i � _ '�" L �• •• �� {y +� {; � r'' � � �� � - � �. °� �� - ' 125 150 175 �• 100 fl F � � 15 Psi 225 �_� Sp 250 2i o 0 275 - � - 300 - �°''_� � ;< � •ltfi � � �I �' S �� � F"hRfi'x��. iTEST': - �_ �� � ",� �.,'�� � T�� A:'"..^��': ,-=,•�-_. . ���� �. � rusH ��� a, I�' _ vr �.. ` �' u. x";+: �i. � �� � O i ' _ r — .� � �� ���� ���� � ` � � �, ; ' � � � I � � � ` �tl�^�k''� � r � "� �+; .� � � ❑ The AGF Manufacturing Co. Inc., Model �O11 has beer� designed to provide both the ' Test Functior� and the Ex ress Drain Function in a muitistory ins#allation. It has fhe added feature of an Integral Relief Vq[ve with Drainage Piping. � ' ❑ UL Listed relief valve has an Infegraf Flushing Handle. Factory set at 175 PS( w�th other � set�ings available. � ❑ lt relieves excess system pressure caused by surges or temperature changes. � . ❑ The provided ReEief VaIve Piping solves fhe nagging problem of Refief Vafve Outlet ,� Drainage Piping. ��:� � �❑ The uni4 comes shipped in a semi-assembled state with the Relief Valve and t�� Bypass '-� Drain Ports plugged. This is dor�e fo ease pressure testing the system, ' ❑ All necessary components are included in t�e package. ❑ The i011T provides the fiiting necessary for the installation of a pressure gauge. ; � Pressure gauge nofi inc(uded. MODEL 1011 MODEL i Oi �T � �3 � �-::.. MODEI. 101 � WITH RELIEF VALVE AND BYPASS PIPiNG � MODEL 101 iT WITH RELIEF VALVE, BYPASS PIPlNG, AND PRESSURE GAUGE TAPP[NG. MODEL 7000 (UL LISTED) PRESSURE RELIEF VAI.V� FACTORY SE�Al' l7� PSf WITH �THER SETTINGS AVAILABLE. . Ro�� viEw - �oo�� � o� i ��o�� viEw - nno��� � o> >r � INLET A_�� � WLET A � � E-1 � E---�--► F � � � � TEST F owuN � owvN 1 0 ..• �--- � - -—- — �— — ° - -�- —- -- ,. H � � H � Z �O i O� G � I � � G ��II I � ��� , ��� ' From the �ebruar 1 , 1994 �dition of NFPA �3: Raragraph 4 - b.1.2.3 req�ires a relief val�e be installed downstream of all regulafiing vafves. �' Paragraph 3 - i.2 �equires ALL GRIDDED SYST�MS be provided with relief va�ves. ORIF[G� SfZES � �VAILASLE - 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 17J32, ELO{�/g)*, ES�R(3/4)" DIMENSlONS - 1NCHES MATERlAL L[ST OVERALL LENGTH yoti �ottT 1011 AND 1QI1T pART: MATERIAL: S�Z� A A E F G H 3/4 9 3/16 �� 9/16 3 3!8 � 3/4 a 9/iG 6 5/lb HANDLE STEEL STEM ROD BRASS � 9 3/16 �� 9/16 3 3/8 � 3/4 4 9Ji6 fi 5J16 BALL C.P. BRONZE BODY BRONZE 1 i�a 9 �r2 lz 3 sns t isna 5 i�z 7 ��,e VAI,VE SEAT IMPREGNATED TEFLON 1NDICATOR PLATE STEEL 1 i�2 IO 15/16 �4 ��is 3 �n 2 aie 8 i��b to ���6 RELIEF VALVE BR4NZE 2 to �sns �a rnb 3 �i7 2 aia 8 �i,6 �O )/T6 BYPASS FITfINGS BRASS BYPASS TI�BING NYLOBRAID 'Ava fla bl e on 1 1/4'to 2"aze u nMs only. • � . •• � • 4 q� JOB NAME• �"� AGF MANUFACTURING COMPANY � 325 Westtown Rd. Unlf#9 ARCHITECT: West Chester, PA 19382 Te�ephone: (61�)429-4299 ENGiNEER: � Fax: (610) 429-4321 nnAOE�N�.s.a � CONTRACTOR: i �... s:� ;,�:�...�:.: ; � � � .:�:��,� ,ti�� ,� � ' � } }9 ` ! � r n ` � � o .,; � � � '3 V : m � . c .� '� t: �? � �j ��� � �" � � � i�� � �� , �a { � �� 8, �� � m � , � � ;� � F � � '� % � � �'• .7�. 7�' y�;. i �,�;',, s` ��.41.'j�. 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Approv¢Is-Underwri±ers'Laborator�es listed and �,��;�, ' Factory ?✓utual Engineerir,g approved. Con(orms ������� � fo :ed�rGl Specifica�ion��1V�'-H-17iE,ty�pe 10,�a�;� ��t�` �;. Mar.•.afact��rers Stancardization Soci�ty �P-�9, �°�-"} ' tyP' 10. �h� Maximum Temperafure - 650`F r� '� Finish - 'u1i1. Gal�an�zed, HDG, and Stainless ' s+� l %: Orc�er By - Figure nu�nber and pi�e �ize. �z _ _:j � ��. l l r._� � =_J ,_ f — � I 1 I =� � B 1 "� /`'I `\� II I ' �� -�-- �I ! ' -- ----------- :�4.AX. APF'kOX. P(PE ROD 5T6CK REC. u'�IGE�T SGZE SIZE A S C 5l�E LO.�D L35. PEit 100 ' 1/2 3�"8 3-1/$ _ 2-�, � 1 3,3 lEga� ��8_ 400 Z1 „ � , � t „ .r � ..3 l �+� $ ��: , :3� i,g 2'jr� e , � � � �i��a�,a;"?�_' '4+3i? > ` �`� '._}3'� �i . ... J + ... 1. _. _. �... r . . _, � ... _ .L ..._,'. ._J . . _ .,. _. _ '".�_...s._, - _f. 1 3;8� 3 3;8 ..2-�;3 1 1,S 1� a�caj8 zG0 12 '.p�.'��� ,,'- ���-- --.._ 3� `)�4 ... ,.,.��'�`.`�$ A.f.. 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Y .S�`�I: �'---'' -'r...a..,.�... - . �_ ��_� .�! 66 � 1/2 9-1i3 6 Ij4 3a8 .gax 1 16 125Q - - - .. - - - �1 ��� - - . - - � ,�P;iw' }'r ' . �'..�r,.... . 1�2'.:. .,:'1�;��$::.. �:•'�,r`��.._ .�. �-:�i'.`�:�'r._.:: . lYs�,Y�}•'�'JI`�; ,•�����, .. �. '�:�;��:L,� ,.�••� - ,.1�2.- ' � 13-1i8� �-3;� �3-1;'4 ��2ga x 1-�;-� ]25� 136 1 � �__�__._—.—__a—� �. � March, 3999 Made En U.S.A. �� � ��° � q � � � � UDfBL� l VfS1BLE �:�' Johnson Fire & Spec�alties, Inc. SIGNAL ' SERI�S 33�Q ,'=,' . `�� APPL�CAT[aN ,,� . COMMEACIAL or pESIDENTIAL _ ;-,-,.,..-��_,,.n-.:- '��I �� -..�.�"w,a°'�,� �. ` EXl"ERIOR or INT�RIOR �� . , �;:� . •�. ::1 r .....:,:.�-� . ��.:� }d:. - �, e �t Yl ,1i�:f��. �.A".. �; , ,� � �. F � � E . :� ���:;-�.�' . � �'° �'��� � �' ���:�.�:.. � I �'EATU R ES ti� ,����' '� i'e� �� -- t�-� ��i �O,'°•. . _ .* ;� O���_� /Y� ;�'��-4'',�"e'.��-•- �J,�.��-, _ � _� � _:'aoaLrm.•„�y,.�1 �� � �vT� ' � � �`�t,, �-� ' WEATHERPROQF CONS7RUCTION . � ��a �� '� '�� � � �� C�; ,,,_�, �-� :'�` .t ��• ;k � � , ,,;: . - �.y �, �:�f 1��:_����- � C�MPLET�LY D - �' R ' . ,O �: r���. . IST{NCTfV� FRQr�I ANY flTHER . �:,T�_��:.tt �� ►�_ �� �� -. �� � ' ALARM SIGNAL � _ _..�J�:=;�:- t��;�i� ='t'`=����,- . � t��,!• ��i`�i,h,� - '.`�1.h , FAST, �ASY MOU,'VTING - ON ANY 7YPE OF�h�ALL - ��` - �'� ���`�'l�������� .. _„ �; . - '�. E�IMINATE THE NEED F'OR ANY AbDITI�NAL SIG�JS -• ON BUILDi�lG EXTERIOR IAPPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD-OF-HEARING The FARR-LARhZ is the most attractive and occuPa�vc��s practical signal made. It is com�act in s�ze, (8"x -'AVAILABLE IN 1i5VAC, 24VDC OR 12VDC W17H OR $") and wan't cornpromise the esthetics of the WITHOU i ��ASNEFtlSTR4BE . � exterior wall like an elecEric bell «�itn a l�ird cage, � or a water-motor gon;. 't;�fAlN�ENA�'CE-�aEE OPERATION - F�LLY GUARAN i E�D FOR 2 YEARS Suggested mountrng is directly abo��e the fire ' department connection. Say Goodbye to - During daylight hours, the horn will direct the , Watei'Sta�ned �va1�s �u� Dzpartment ta che cannzction as �•e�� as alert Ug(y s'igns to spoil estheti�s the occupants and passers-by that a fire condition ' r �X1St5. No Mo re 01d-fas�lioned belfs At night, the flasher/strobz can be seen from a ' Pfpes that elvg and f�eeze distanc� to guide the Fire D�partment to the connection. Polic� patrollin� a« industrial complex ' or a neighborhood with their windo��•s up may not ���;r,4ti f�ear tfte horn, but they will "see the li¢ht". �7'�� y .. �i i 4 ;'�„ y- F� Since 1975, every FAC�R-LARAi is assembled by ' ���.� �, . har7d, inspecteJ acrci testcd :�t ttte facto . � m�rr mmpmr�h r�UL Lial�d�nd � Fu Iyxro..a � ' � . �� .... ...... .:. .::..........: ....: :,:.;,.�.. .;...:.;. ,.,:...; .,:.�:.. ....�v�.� ,�..,�,.;,,. _��;,.,.,,::; .�,.,;,:w, ,.Y..r....�:;.;,..,..,.;,.;;�..;,�:,., .:.,:.:;, .m..,.... ....._..r :..:....:..., �General Specif�cations ' � � Signal Specifications � Modei Number Input Voltage Rated Curren# dBA @ 10 Feet Approvals 3300-115 f 15VAC 0.160 95 � 3300NL-115 115VAC 0.160 95 UL, ULC, 3300NL,-24 18-31.2 VDC 0.063 92 � C�M, FM, 3300NL-12 9-15.6 VDC 0.125 92 CSA, BSA, BFP � 3300S-115 'i15VAC 0.160 95 l�L, CFM, BSA, FM, BFP 330�S-2A� f8-31.2 VDG 0.0�,3 92 IJL, €J�C, CFM, ' 3300S-i 2 9-15.6 VDC 0.125 92 SSA, FM, BFP NOTES: 1. Typical dBA at 10 feet is measured in an anecholc cham6er with nominal input voltage. 2. All models are protided with in-out screw terrninats. 3. DC horn ' models inctude RFI suppression to minimize induced noise on the alarm lines. 4. DC homs and strobe horns have an in-rush current of approximately 3 umes rated curreni during inipa]turn-on. 5. Svobe hom models shown in table are recommended tor use on continuous alarm sysems.. 6. Approvals: UL=Under- writers LaSorator.es,ULC=Underwriters Laboratories ot Canada,CFM=State ot CaJifornia Fire Marsha�l,FM�Factory Mutual,CSA=Canadian Standards Associaoon,BSR=A1ew York Ciry Board of 5tar�dards arrd Appeals,8FP=Ciry o(Chicaga 7. A!I listings artd approva!!s above are for Y+lheelock,lnc.,which ' manufacP�res the signals used in the FARR-LARM. �I ' Ordering [nforma��on . Is E SERiES 330Q • � MODEL 3300-'f15 Aud€bteNisible with incandescent light � � • �'7 ; ��:�. t�' � _� source. Flash rate @ 60 per minui�. ��:;; :;: � ���� � • � ' SERIES 3300NL MODEL 3300NL-i15 Audible only , SEAlES 3300 d� 3300NL MODEL 3300NL-24 MODE� 3300NL-12 ' �. _ `:�:..:. ::� � T.��7' • sERiES �aos �°�� �� ' � ��� � MpD�L 33005-115 AudiblelVisibfe with 8,000 c.p. strobe. �fash rate @ 55 per minute ' MODEL 33�OS-24 MODEL 3300S-rt 2 SEAfES 3300S � l ' JOHNSON FIRE & SPEClALTIES, INC. 12975 �5th AVE NORTH P�YMOUTH, MN 5544� ' VSR-F � VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ' � ALARM SWITCH WlTH RETARD � Potter Electric Signal Company Potter Electric Signal & Mig., LTD. 2081 Craig Road •�.0. Box 28464 55 Glen Cameron Road St.touis, MO fi3146-416i Thornhilt,Ontario, Canada L3T 1 P2 , �314)878-4321 •(800)325-3936 (9U5)882-7833 UL,ULCandCSFM Lfsted,FMandLPCApproved,NYMEAAccepted ' _ ----�--�-M:K �,,,�--u �,ry T,��:,•` Servlce Pressure: Up to 450 PSI � 1' -� 7 �''f ti`���4 �,:�„�,.;�r�y ;y 7�',q'.�'�� MinimumFlowRateforAlarm:SOGPM . i'~�l:tiY•S.l�� i'��. a9-v ��:,F , ���s';�;���''�, �Y ��� Maxfmum Surqe: i 6 FPS � G� �•T ,V�,{ . r'�;,�;���Y.'JrL qi ,y•;,�-�;,, ., Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT(Form C) ��.�7�� � � �+"'��' 15.OAm s at 125/254VAC �a.�'a+�;� °��S P "-`"'-# ��r��.�••''" 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resisiive ' �'�"��;Y�"° Conduit Entrances; Two knockouts provide�for 1/2"conduit -� EnvIronmental Specitications: :�-:���:� �•- =�`'` �-�r:. • Suitableforindaororoutdoorusewithfactaryinstailedgasket ��. � -" and die-cast housin �� �`�$ �q�}.,J g. �' s��-'�� �:-.'��: • tJEMA 4/1P54 Raied Enciosure-use with appropriate conduit _ r� :������ �:s _ fitiing �:-�'f` �� '��1�5 � �t"'T' ` � • Temperature Range: 40°F/120°F, 4.5°C/49°C , �����'„J 1tr�;� `;, .;� • �lon-corrosive sleeve tactory installed in sadd(e c � � ^r' '��r �' ' �°�''� �� Ca�tion:7his device is not intended fo�applications irt exp{osive �< s�-=:'=r'=��� environments 1 ' �,_ r ' �`a ��_�,.,-, � � j``�''`�`�� Sizes Available: Pipe scheduies i0 thru 40,sizes 2"ihru 8' �:t ' �:�_s� BS 1387pipe SOmmthru 200mrn rY�. `�=�:c:��:��z.-�=,'��'� Service Use: �,_.:�,.,;-. ..:.. `�- Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-i3 One or ivro fami ly dwelling NFPA-i 3D U.S. PAT. iVO. 392'f 98g Residential occupancy up tofour stories NFPA-I3R � CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 National Fire Alarm Code NF�'A-72 OTHEAS P,�TE[�TS PEND WG Optional: CoverTamper Switch Kit,Stack Na q094018 POTtER EL�CTRIC, Rd., �990 � ' GENEF�AL jNrORMATIQN lNS7ALLATION: Ses Fig.2 � Tha M�el V�R-F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet These devices may be mounted on ho�izo�tal or veRical pipe. On ' sprinkler systar�s. It is UL Listed and FM Approved tor use on horizonial pipe they should be installsd on the top side of ti�e pipe s,eel pipa; su^'�edules i 0 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8". where they will be accessible. 7he u�its should not be installed LPC approvzd sizes are 2'ihru B' t50mm thru 200mm}, withi�l fi' of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow or within 24'of a valva or drain. ' Tns unit may a!so be used as a sectional waterflow detector on prain the system and drilf a hole in tY�e pipe using a circular saw in large systems. a slow speed drilL The 2' {50mm) and 2 1/2" {65mm)devices The unit contains two singfe pole, doubfe throw, snap action require a�ole with a diameter of 1 1I4'fi 1/8'- 1/16" (33mrrt ' switches and a� adjustabEe, instantly recycling pneurnatic retard. t2mm). All other sizes require a hole witn a diameter of 2"t1/8' The s+��tches a.a ac#vated when a flow of t0 gallons per minute (50mm t2mm). or mora occur,downstream of the de�ice. The tlow condition Clean the inside pipa of all grarvth or other material 4or a distance must exist for a �eriod oi time necessary to overcome#he equal to the pipe diameter on either side oi the hole. ' selecled refar� period, ENC�OSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die- �0��the vane so that it may be inserted into tf�e hole;do not bend o cast housir,g. 7he cover+s held in place with two tamper crease it. InseR lhe vans so that tha arro�v on the saddle points in ' resista�t scre�l•s wi�ich require a s�ecial key for removal, A iield the direction of the waterffow. Install the sadd[e strap and tighten instaliable co���r tamper switch is availaE�ie as an option which . nuts alternalely to an e�enlual 50 ft-Ibs. of torque (see Fig. 2). 7�e may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. bu�letin no. 5�00775 for instaElation instructions of this switch. Specifications subject to changa without notice. ' PRINTED IN U5A MKT.1�8800001 -REV L PAGE 1 OF 2 NiFG.q540Q761 -11195 � 1 VSR-F � . VANE TYPE WATERFLOW � SWITCH WITH RETARD � �IG. 1 FIG. 2 �� �a�� �Cr�,�C c'?�[2 r,rF rGR SWITCH TERN.V�AL COtitiECTI0N5 '�'EII:',[J f E fiIGU LiF iIIdL , CLAMPINGPLA7�T�F.MfNAL F;E-;,{.�� �^,�i �i_.11![�dT; 1� +�t�, Id�E 1�tlE 'L�F:iJ hW.i€3 (EITIICf2 �'�FEGTION) �,�^3 TIf,HTEI',� IJUTS \ \ f, f ,iC,,1";CD iIIlE [�ELA'Y, USE 1hiE I.�Ir.l�,:,uld y l,IiCRIiA1CLY TO l,IJ ��� .' ' r� �rl}_I�T �F RE1.4RD PJ�GES;AFcY TO f�FE�'CtJT r'1 '� �~ � CVEIJflIAL 50FT.—LCiS � \ r' .,\ fn1`E n1 nf+InS, A C� �ETTIWG IS U�UnLI`i '"� �'�,� li ��~ �,�-� / UF TO�OUE � � �,_;��_-� r�l°EL�uniE roR iFi�S. Fl,cli�r,r iS SET Tp ��a�� ��,,' �-� �,��; � � �� ' / / � I ,�= �, `��,��/� , �s• . ;. . � r `'� :-� CAlJTION: TO INSTALL,DRILL A HOLE AS IND CA7E�: � ��z j` h+DUNT ON P',FE 50 ' ./` �;RC4ti ON ;:'��DLE An u�insula;� se:;'ion of � � � � �c��vis �N ���c��c�a a singie conductor should PIPE SIZE Ho�E size _ �.\ ��� r,F v,�.�E�F�t�v c,ot be laop=d aro��nd the ' z•to z vz• a va•+vs•-i��a• , '�rminal and sen�e as hvo f � (50mm1o65nm) (33mmf2mm� OLL F4ppLE IN s�parate cennec5ons. !� , — c,r�uc�� C�,�.scr�t,i� The wire m�st b� �vered, 3•lo e• 2�fiva• � �'1' oF ��va���F�ow Ehereby pro��ding ;u�ervi- {8°mm'ozoomm� {sommfzmm� � '�� `� ' sion of the conn�:,'i�n in �==i, �� the event��,�t�he ,4�ire oFEC'�c�a oF�, j. becames di3lodg��� frorn ��`,"��r,;��� �, , ' � ' � - under t�e t�rninal. �� `�1 � ;-Y�cx. ��T�;Ra s��T�h�cS (�v �ec5.) �,,"'I � �'�, // � � � _ 1 o t f'� ��/ 7 -za �o--c �.--;�=.-?o -.. - �" ., ° - -- - - - r� 6'-_� ,v�i. � FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRlCAL CONNECTIONS ' -- . - _ �_t�5 3 15nLE -` `�:C-r=-_!�c �--= �:,R i,h-. _ � (��� t��irE - CL�^=c G�=N G�J C+.C-E ON - -' - ' ` s ,-J �f•.� AL„rt!d Al.A?I.1 Z � �i `� -J � �:�_'._'vR ' - , No:e: For supervised ci�cuits see �•.-� --:�:G ��—" °Switch Termina[ Connections" �u���,_,� ��,P �;�E ,,,,,�� drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). ' _ :. __ _�. . . __�,'' J�=1y `'J \ �I�`== '�ti ..� a_'L'L �� _ =L���d / A ='A �rr-�. �_ C�_rdT-nL � � GR �E"ur.��� .� . .�L -/ �� ' -�^ C�'d-=vL T �+ ��-��:. a'E�"7 ' ��1�J. 1. Thp 1�40��1 V��-F has t�vo sv��itches� on�c�n be used to operate a central station, pr�prietary�r remote signafing unit, while the ct�er ccn`.act ;s �sed to operate a local audible or visu�,l annunciator. ' 2. A ccnci_��n of L.�C Apprcval of this praduct i; th�,t the electrical entry must ba sea�ed to exclud? moistu�e. 7�STI�ICa i he frequ�ncy of irspection and t�sting for the madel VSR-F and its asseciatpd proteckive monitoring system should be in , accordanc����ith �palicable �lFPA Codes and 5tandards and/or the authori[y having jurisdiction (rnanufacturer recommends quart�rfy or mora f�aquenkly}. If pro��ided, the i�>nacior's test vafue, that is usually focated at khe end of the rnost r�mote branch line, sha�ld always be used for ' !est purpos�s. If ,;,ar� are no provisions for festing the operation of the floww detectior� device on .f�e system, appfication of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimun lo�,v c€ 10 gpm is required to activate this device. ' IMPORTAyT NOTICE: Pleas� advise the person responsible for tesUng of the `ire protection system that this system must be tes,ed in accordan��a ���ith the testing ir�strL�ctions. � PRfNTED Ih!USA MKT.k8800001 -REV L PAGE 2�F 2 MFG.�5400�51 -11,'95 ' � ��r. i : , GUARDiAN F1RE EQUiPMENT, INC. - � � 3430 N.W. 38th STREE7 � � MIAM1, �LORIQA 33142 (305) 633-036� � � i '� ��, THE RESfDENTIAL FIRE DEPARTMENT INLET CONNECTIUN �:�.,-� �>:;� * GUARDIAN Number 151-A, 1 1 J2"x 1 �l2". !� * Cast brass construction. Round plate with E integral iniet body, �emale pin lug swive! and ��, plug & chain. �� ' * Comp�ies wit#� NFPA �3D concerning the � insta�Eatian ot sprinkler sy#ems in one and #wo family dwelings and other st�uctutes as ' required by local authorities. • ],952 ' 2.598 � _' -}..i%`+ �� �� ,� ' f I � � � l._. � �..� 1 �. �� � � ' I . � I � � 81.681 I 1.170 � , ORDERING DATA � '•Y:4?:iS;•'�;.:i%�i'r'r:vi:i:;:?;:!:ti::. ��::L:Yi�i}�C::;<Y::�t::::4:::i:::.i:^i':C•:'i:;:<5:::::+.•iii:{:ii:'v>::i::i:'<::tt::�<i:;ii�;%;: '::5::;:;::w:� r..{., - ................ ;::::.:.. :..{:. _ E r.,: :a<.. ;.}.:4 :i%Lv": i��h� 1•:•j:}•:. <�$. 'i:{:.l 4:}:•i :�j:•:•' n-0i:::'': ;:;:}:: i:•}'.•v i:::� - •:•'�.�'. :�:{::?::ti.....:• i}�:;i:•::....:'.''v.-r :4::i:'.. ::::L::Y.:.: �::Yi}:Ci �:•: J,.:}f�: - �:S�i'v Y.v{. :�,:5:i�'--": !rS:':. ,i:n ...... ..v:: :*' '..:{C..::: ..�.ti:.ti:�:?:::i::::i" ..�::.� �:� ��.�: .....: :.S:r'i<i' i�i..:.. 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' ; ,>:.;.::::... ....;:.. . . . ,. ..:.:;: : . ..:. ....... ...:...:::.:;..:.:::..<:;::::.:.. ..::.,..... .: ....: . ... ,.:t. ; ... ��1�'�:.��'T�i R��lq� � ���' NP� ���1�� ° �;?;:, ..:: .:..:.:. . . ....:.:. .,. . .:.:..:::..:.::.:...: . ' ` . . .. ... i F,� � ` ' . SPECIFICATIQN FIRE E�UI#'t�iENT FOR I ' I�IFE SAFETY SPECIAL HAZARDS � i ,` �►��1�� . jt �: �t ��� TOWN OF VAIL � � � Department o,f Community Development � ?5 South Frontage Roctd Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 ���_ � � ;". _ F.9X 970-479-2452 ���� ��� � ,�;, 4ctober I5, 199� Town of Va�l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Va1l, CO �i I f�57 RE: Assigneinent af Addi�ess for Red Sandstane Employee HouSing Poi�tion af Parcel A, Block D, Lion�a-idgc l st To VUhom It May Cance��n: Thc Dc�a��ment of Community Dcvelopmet�t has a��ravcd yow� a��lication for thc assignment of address for 945 Red Sandstone Drive, [3uild�ng A and B. T'hc follaw�ing a�cncies have bcen natified of tl�e changc: � Eagle Couniy Ambulance District Town of Vail Firc Departn�ciit Town of V'ail Poliec Departi��cnt L?.S. WeSt l�.S. £'ost Office ` �agle River Water an�i Sanitatic�n Dish-ict E�oly Cros� Electric Public Scrvice Compa�ry Pub�ic Service Hi�h PreSSUre Gas TC[ Cablcvision E�iglc County Asscssor's Oftice Should you have any fuj-ther qucstion5, please fcel fi�ee to contact me at 47�-2'3h9. Sincerely, ��e �� Alfison Ochti Planner I �,��'A!�.11�ATA',EVERYQNE'�,ALLI S�N''�9�tLE'T\RF..nSAI�i� ���R6L'YCLF.O PAYER +_ �rD � OC�4 '98 19 � 51 �a .a05 P .02 :�l 4 � 11�fYNOF YA1L $7���'�'Ai,}DRESS ASSIG,�IM�N7 AN�]CFiANGE FQ�tM (t{�d Provlde the lnf�rm��ipn r�QueitCd on thr npper portior�ev,f thfy iorm�nd��t�ra to tha�_put�tss�R oE Comatunfty Devalop7F+�7n�?b 5c►+� F �i ad.V�[l. a,OJOfadO Sl PtiOPERTY OWNE'L i�AME� �� ---�— 1u1A]L1NG A17DRr•.a5• � r.�—---- �- pTtOPQtTY O WNBR SIGNAT[7R ����' . AG7(Ofd KEa'L•�,S'C�: L�Y ,� ..� .--_...,.,. fAsr33�t�eu o AQ�tuaa,�. �ge of,�dd�v�.Chan;o o crovl na�a � CU1tYt�N7 ADGP(pSS: -----r,— (H4+++c,Yum6rt 8 0!!+1'aaw Lat,atuc.lc, ubctivis: t�) -- P1��POS�D xDDA�- _ _�.�— - - -- __,.._�.... - -- ---- "��+"��FO.1�OF'F�iCf,�L USL'DNLY*#«** RFnt� YIR��l�pRCiVJLC � � ? ��j_ �j�, � 1POL[CE D�FARZ1rtE1�'�:` —�l� ' f� ``- � ���4� Piwt►e 479-2iGb !ax�79-22ti � FIRh D$tAICIM�IVT: ' ' ' � '' � � , 't, • �� �hoa�i79-7s�0 Fuc 479•XI76 r�a�c wcr�cs: r �t� r�/!� Phaac�T9-21S6 F�cl75►.�Idb CO�ML7NITl'17�VEL0l�N�NIt �� (� �a��n� I��x sri-z�ax ;��,k rsAG�cavl�rr�r,�btBUF.AAtc�n[srAfc'i5��_���� ;� � �� �JmOno�760855 F x92frS235 �c�v�YN4rn�tCAnc�:, l�u followil��a�cticle��Y1It be stot�afttr thls rtqu�u!uu bem spproved: U6 YYak (Pkono 97G�1�i91� Fu s�-z4a-�a3av) LI_S.Pou 041iw, (phpn� i7i�717� R�x 474.1D�q F�g[c l�fver Watar wd Bealtxllen Duhtct(Phvnc+lT�-�aao Fu a�e-4oe9) � HoIy CS�ori B1ed�ic (�t+vnc Pi�5S9Z �ax969-4555) PubIie Savia t;e�upan� (p"l�oate 242�056 F�c P�I9-i�fq) Pob]3c Ser�iu M1�h Pressu�Gu (Phaae a63-2S21 t�uc�bS-1�02) r 7C1 GWarlrlosu (,�ona f WtifS� Fwc 4qp-933ilD i Eajie Coaary Asscsso•'s Of9u(1'2sanr 326�b6S0 C�u826•73'7D1 � NO�:Town of Ysil J unfdpai Caa�8retion xS42 req,�co�Utr.��pri�te�addmc be rnns�iwa�l; g�tEd 6n t�p�RUfO/. �t0 ov�aua►�f�s aF1�lI�in s�utp N�4lt�tt w�'kh�11��QQtMd�1�9U6 Arid��itll�6.�tL6�L Erom 1l�e rlms. Mulei 'ansiiy d�wllle�,s alull be aiaigne�a dn6Ic nuaerdc addreu. �lpartmc�ltt,Ssil eR. l3uplat Unets,and okh r dmtt=r tlivistvaa shai[havc�a�lpha,olpha-ev�metie,or di�+otFlonsl c':�igaaH m such 1!►�t w{I!nvt coaAie�o CCf+1t�ob�lon`+lth thr prlt[ury addrtaa- � . � �! � �s � { � �1. '+ .: �' \ �- ��,+� _� ���°d��� . �` �'��►1� �oti�v oF v��L �i� ����� . � . . Department of Comntt�nity Development • 75 South Frontage Road vail, Colorad'o 81657 970-479�2138 FAX 970-479-2452 PU� REVZEw RED SANDSTONE, SIX 2- STORY UNITS IN EACH 0�' 2 9-UNZT BUILDINGS Pl�n analysis based on the 199� Uniform HuilcJing Code (U�3C1 Permit Numbers: B98-024�, B98-0257 Name: RED SANI}STONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING, 6 2-STORY Uri'ITS ##s 1-6 and 13-16 Address : RED Se�NDS.ONE DR Date: Auqust 25, 1998 - Contractor: PART'r.IN COVSTRUCTIOCS OcCUp�ncy: P.1,��1 Archikect: BAKER-FP.LLIN Type of Const: V-r1 (Type V-N with inst�lla�ion oE an automatic s�rinkler syster� throughour used as a sunstitution for th� 1 -hour construction normally required by sec. 22o2 (b) , 1991 vsc) Plans Exar.iin�r: Gary Gopdell �. 1`dOTE: The code items listeil in this re�ort are not intended to be � complete listing o`_ all posszble code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It zs a guidP ta selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analys� software by b w & a. (719) 59G-5622 . Portic�s oF the materia]. contained ir� this pragram are TM�epro�uced fro:n the Un9�o�m Suildinq Code (1991 edition} v;ith perre�ission of Tnternation�l Conference of Building O�ficials . _ ------------------------------------------------------------------�- ------------------------------------------------�___��_ An a�.�tomatic fire spr�.nk]�eA syster,7 as being pr��ided t:�rougr��:� �r_e k�uilding S�PARAT20N FROM PROPERTY LIIvES, PUBLIC WAYS & OfiHER BUILDINGS: DTfiECTiON BQUD:7ARY A?EA INCRF,ASE FIRE k'ROTEC`i'ION N�ft'£'H B•ailc3ir.y 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EAS^ Public way 97.4 F�e'c 67 .D Feet. SOUTH Public way 65.0 Feet ?5 .0 Feet WEST Property line 2Q.0 Feet 20 . 0 �'e�t �rea i.ncreased 5Q .00o for onen area on 2. siaes . FL NAMi: OCC hIF,X FLR .FaREA .F�LLC4'7�D RATI O STA i:i S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?. 2ND STORY 6 UNITS R1 OK 3527 35750 0 . 22 OF.* TOTAL r^OP. FLOOR 3�27 157�0 � .22 C�E:* i 1ST ST�RY 6 U:�ITs R1 OK 3Q38 157�0 0 . 19 OK 1 E PRTVATE GA�?:GES M1 Oi�: 1575 60DQ D .26 Oi: TOTAL FOR FLQOR �613 9000 0 . 57. OK BUILDI�IG `I'�TAL 8140 3750Q 0 .�'-_ QI� ' *P10TE; Ar. automa�ic fire sprinkler system is being inst�l].ed thrpughout this bui2dinPr a-�d the remair�ir.q 3 attached units ti�rhich arE senarated fror� t'reis 6-�nit portion of the building by tv.�o 2 -hour area separatio:� wa11s. The sprin',�ler sys`.em may be usel as a substitutzon for 1-hour fire-resistive constructior: (per Sec. 508, i591 GBC) . Thus, tha 1-'�our fire-r�sistive coastruct�o� reQUirerr.ent of Sec. i2G2 (b) is met by the installation ot the sprinkler syater� and the bui�ding may actually be constructeci as a �ype v-N building, subje�t to the limitations of Se�tions 508 and 12024b) , ls� C�hECYCL.F'UPAYEX � , .� , �' . .. ' . paragraph. The allowahle area for the R1 accupancy portion of this i�ui�ic3ing, per Sections 505 and 506 and Table 5-C, is 1�, 500 sq. Ft. , X 2 for multi-story, = 21, Ob0 sq. Ft. + 50� far open on 2 sides = 31, 500 sq. Ft . HEIGHT AND h�UMBER QF STURI�S: The actual height of thi,s building is 32 .D feet. The max9mum perr�issi.ble height of the bui�ding is 50.0 feet. - - Table 5-D The actual number of stories in this building = 2 = OK. The maximum permissibl� number of stories as a Type V 1-hr R1 occuoancy is 3 . EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Tab1e 17-A & Table 5 -A Since all exterior walls are at least 5 ft. Frorn praperty lines and at Teast 1Q ft. from other buildings or. the s�me prqperty, there are no requirem�nts for fire- resistive rating of exterior walls and there are no requirements for proteetion of openings in exterior wa11s . In addition, no openings are proposed for the 2-hour �rea separation wall senarating units 1-6 and 13-18 from units 7-9 and 10-12, respectively. The exterior wa115 may be of COhiBUSTIBLE material. Sec.2201. OTHER BUILD�NG ELEMENTS Table 17-A EL�MENT MATERIAL RR^_T_D1G NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr InteriQr nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Fra:ne Any fl hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr Shaft Enclosure Any 1 hr* F1oor/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None *LVOTE: See Sec. 1706 . (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 91 in areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor sur�ace shall be of noncombustible, nonabsozbent materia-�s . - - Seu. 702 . (c� & 402 . (b) DRAFT STOPS: Tn the �loor/ceiling ass�mbly, dr:ft stops sr311 be instal�ed in line witn wal�s separating individual dwe7.ling units and guest rooms from each other and from other areas. - - Sec. 2516 . {f) 4.A. {ii) Tn the roof/ceiling assembly, dzart stops shall be installed in line with walls separa�.ing individual dwelling uniks and guest rooms from each other and from other areas. - - Sec. 2516 . (fy4 .B. (ii) See exception when sprinklers are installed in concealed sgace. OCCUPANCY SEPA32ATIONS - - Table 5-B R1-M� (between dwellinc� units and garages) : 1 HOUR (Note that thi� reauires an aonro�✓e� 1-hour-rated doar between dweilina units an3 aaraaes . ) ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR �1 OCCUPANCY; A 1-h, fire separation is requi�xed between ciw�lling units. - - Sec. �202 . (b) FOR M1 �CCUPANCX: Note 1-hour wall and Ceiling and opening protection requirements above. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: Far the m.inimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f} For the rrinimum width of stairw�ys, see Sec. 3306 . (b) HAN�?ICAPFED ACCESS: r �_� . � ,--� 1 ' + , � � f ` ' ' ' • � , i) Iiandicapped access is requirEd to at 1@ast one prir�ary entrance to this building. - - 5ec. 3103 . (a) & (b13 . 2) If a ramp is vsed for handicapped access, the r�ax slope is 2: 12 . - - Sec 33Q7. (c) N�TE: It is assumed that Units 1 & 16 will be adaratable units that can 'be adaoted for ase bv persons with c3isabilities . Backin4 in wa11s ffor arab bars. etc. ) and ath�r constructi.on features should be provzded so that the units eomr�lv with all applicabla state and f�deral laws recrardincr accessibilitv. 5TAIR NOTES: Within a dwellinq unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at ieast 36 incrAes wide. - - Sec. 3306. (b} The maximum rise af a step is 8 inches and the minimum r�n is 9 inches. - - Sec. 33Q6 . (c� exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side of skairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there axe more than 3 risers . - - Sec, 3306. fj) Exceptions Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches . Minimum heiqht = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. - - Se�. 1712 . (a? exc 1 For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is '7 in�hes and the minimum run is 11 inches . - - Sec. 3306 . (c) T:iE rrinimum width of a stairway is 36 inches . - - Sec. 33�6 . (b) Provide a guard rail wnere drop off is greater t�an 30 inches . MSinimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. - - Sec. 17"_2 . {a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft. - B inches . - - Sec. 3306 . (0) Enc�.osed usab�e spaCe under the stairs is required to be protected as reauired for 1- hr fire-resistive construct�on. - - 5ec. 33D6 . (1) �` Provide a landing within 1 inch (% inch at doors r,�ed for handicapped access) of the threshold. - - Sec. 3304 . (I) The mina.mum w�dth is same as door width a:�d the mir.imum ler_qth is 44 inches . - - Sec. 33G4 . (j ) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required to be C1ass C - - Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204 ar.d ICB� research reports for requirements. AU'FOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Tf there are 100 or [r�ore sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler syste:n shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietazy, or remate station service or a local alarm which wzll ga.ve ar, audible signal at a constantly attended 1o�ation. - - Sec. 3803 . STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS: `�'here is no requirement L"or a standpip2. - - "Pabls 38-A WALL AND CEILING FIIQISH: 1) wall and c�iling finish materials are required to eomply with uec. 4204. (a) and Tab1e 42 -B. INSULATION NOTES: 1} All insulation materiai includinq facin�s are required to have a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density oE 450 unless it is in a concealed space an� t�e �acing is in contaet uritr a v.�all cr cei�ing. Sec. 1714 . {c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. - - Se�. 1713 . GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be af safety glazing material . - - Sec. 5�06 . (d) Please modif 3 ns and or window schedules to shcw iocations re uirin safetv alazina. E • � ' � � 7 � � � � � • � � ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For R1 occuoancv: All R-1 accupancies witnin the Tow:� 0£ Vail will be required to have all landsc�ping �nc paYking facilities complete to obtain fin�l inspection approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and leqible from the street. Provide a window or door to the exterior fro:� every room used for sleeping. - - Sec. 7.2C4 . A window must provid� a clear open area of 5.7 sq. ft. , a clear height of 24 inch�s, and a clear width of 2Q inches (minimum} . - -Sec. 1204. All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openinqs equal to 1CJ�S or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) - - Sec. 1205. (b) NO`I`E: It aoDears that the 2nd bedroo�ns in Units 1 and 18 do not meet this reauirement. All �ab�.table rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5o or more o£ the floor area. (min S sq. ft. ) - - Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in a11 sleeping rooms and areas hauing access to sleeping room� . - - Sec. 1210. (a� 4 . The mini[nurn ceil�ng in a k►abitap2e space is 7 teet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. - - Sec. - - 12Q7 . (a) Por M1 occupancy: S].ope garage floor to allow for drainage to autside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer rnust Yae approved by �Tpper Eagle Valley Water & Sanita�.ion District. In garag�s with living area above, the wa11s or other structur�l supports f.or the gara�e which �re supporting the area above sh�11 be protected with one-r,our fire- resistive construction. UBC 503 (B� . - Th� minimum clear height is required to be 7 feet. - - Sec. 1102 . (c) HAh1DTCAPPED REQ[JIREMENTS: NOTE: Sec�.ion numbers listed below are fron� ANSI A117 . 1 - 19$6 TOYLE7' FACILITIES: 1) A 5 ' diamet�r unobstructed turning saace is required in the toilet room. - - Sec. 4.2 .3 & Fig. 3 (a� 2) Wnen water closet is not in a compartme:�t, t'rte c1ea� area required is ; a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach. - - Sec. 4 . 16 .2 & Fiq. 28 b1 48 inches wide by 66 irzches deep with a front approach. - - Sec. 4. F5 .2 & Fig. 28 c) 60 inches wide by 56 �nches deep with both approaches . - - Sec. 4 . 16 .2 & Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to skart within 12 inch@s of the bacl� wall and extena to 54 inches from the back wall. - - Sec. 4 . 16 .4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is requiret3 to be 36 incYies lcng. - - Fig. 29 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the flocr. - - �ig. 29 (a) , (b� & Fig. 30 (c? , (d? �} The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17 �.0 19 inches above the flaor. - - Fig. 29 (b) & Fig. 3Q (d) 8) Accessible iavatories shall grovide a clear area under the Iavato�y of 29 inches. - - Sec. 4 . 19 .2 .1 & Fzq. 31 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inChes is required in front of the lavatory. - - Sec. 4 , 19 .3 & Fig. 32 10) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches or the flonr. - - Sec. 4. 19 .6 & Fig. 31 R-1 HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS: Adaptable dwelling units are requirad. - - 5ec. 1103 .1.2 .9, ' 94 USC. Public-use and common-use areas shall be accessible. - - Sec. 11D3 .1 .2 .9, '94 USC. CORRECTIONS/REMINDERS : # SHEET IDE�I��FICA7IOI� COR�ECTIdN REQUIRED �� , , R � . , � i � � 1 S1-S3 I^IEED CIVIL ENGIN�ERING DRAWINGS Provide a complete site plan showing all structures, dimensions, public ways, utilities, grading drainage, drives and other site improvements ta the TOV Public Wor➢cs Dept. - - Sec. 302 . (a} 2 . 2 3-3 , 13-15 WINDOW SCHEDULES Glazinq in a hazardous location is required to be glazed with sa�ety material . - - 5ec. 54Q6 . Please note on the plans and/or window schedules the wind�ws that are reQUired_ to_be safetv lazin . 3 11 & 23 L'PPER ATTIC VENTING? i�rovide attic ventilation that complies with Sectian 3205 . (c) The �lans note that continuous soffit ventinq is ta be provided, but da rot appear to note how ur�oer roof ventina will be accomnlis�:ed. 4 ??? ACCESS TO RTTICS? Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to each attic area. - - Sec. 3205. (a1 5 27 USE SEC 5d5 (F� (6) -EXCEPTZON. Area separation walls which tezminate at roofs of different height shall terminate at a point 30" above the lower roof with the ext. w311 above the lower roaf of 1-hr. const. & op�nings protected, or ceilings below may be fire resistive as per UBC 5D5 (e) 5. 6 1, 13 UnTITS 1 & 1C1 2ND SEDit00�f This area requires qlazed apening Cs} havinq an ar�a �qual to 10� or more of the floor area. - - Sec. 1205. fb? - 7 ??? SriOKE DETECTORS PER 1210. Smoke detector loca�.ions are not shov�n on the plans. Smo'{e detectors are required on every level and in every sleeping room, etC. , in aCCOrdanCe with Sec. 1210, UB�. NOTE: A11 �etecto-�s are to sound an alarm that is audible in all sleeping areas. - Sec. 1210. (a) 9 . 8 1 & 13 1-FiR DOORS REQUIRED BETW�EN DWELLING UNITS AND GARAGES. This is rec�uired to be a 1-hour assembly since it is a FULL i-HOUR occupanCy separation. - - Tab].e S-B & Sec. 503 (c) . 9 ??? 6 ' -8" MIN. STAIR HEADROOM Tne minim.um headroor� vertically from nosing line is 6 feet B inches. - - Sec. 3306 . (0) 10 ???? EIANDftAILS PER SEC.3306 (I) A handraiJ. is required along a stairway. It is required ta be 34 to 38 inches above the nosinq af the steps ar_d if the side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches. - - Sec. 3306 . (I? & 1712 . 11 ??? EXT. GUARJRATLS TO HE 42 . " A 42- inch-high guardrail with a m.axi:num opening of 4 inches is required where ch�nge in elevation is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below. - - Sec. 1712 . 12 ??? 1-HR UNDER ANY ENC. STAIR Any enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by 1-hr fire-resistiue co�struction. - - 3306 . (1} 13 ??? EXT, GUARpRAILS TO BE 42" mhe open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 3�" above grade shall be pratecte� with a guardrail . Openings can not exceed 4"' . Within R-� occ. and alJ. R-3, height min. is 36" -outside R-1 occ. height min. is 42 . " UEC 1712 . 14 ??? HANDRAILS PER 3306 (i) Stairways having 4 �r more risers for dwellings sha11 be provided with a handrail . Such handrail shall be between 34-38" ht. abave tread nosing, be grippable, and ends shall be returned. For other occupancies, 2 or more treads w�ll require a har!drail as defined. . .. , j � r , A .. { 15 ??? 1-HR UNDER ANY ENC. STAIFt Enclased usabl� spacE under stairs sha11 be protected as required for 1-hr. fire resistive construction. UBC 3306 (m) 16 ??? ELECTRICA3� PER ' 96 NEC A11 electrical work to be completed in acco�dance with the requirements of the 199E IVational El�ctrical Code. 17 ??? AIR GAP EOR QISEiWASHERS No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly ccnnected to a drainage systern without the use of an approve� dishwasher air-gap fiY.ting. UPC 608. 1B ??? FLOOR DRAIt�T, MECEiANICAL. For heating or hot-water supply bailer applicatians a floor drair. shall be s�.�pplied for suitable disposing of aceumulated fluids . UMC 2119 19 ??? FLOQR DRAIN AT LAU�DRY? Supply a floar drain in tt�e laundry room to adequately dispose of watier due to overflow or line breakage. 20 ??? BATH/LAUNDRY VYNTILATI01�? In bathrooms with a tub oz shower and in laundry rooms a mec�anical ventilation system directly connected to the outside shal] be provided. UBC 1205 (c) . 21 ??? DRYER VENTS? Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UP�C ll04 & 1903 . Flexible duct con�,ectors �tay not exceed 6 ' length - a:�d shall not be concealed w�ithin constructian. Duc�s sha11 terminac? outsa.de the building and not exceed 14 ' lenqth. - 22 ??? COMBUSiI0n3 AIR? In ]buildings af ur�usu�lly tight construction (ail new construction in Town af Vail) all combustion air shall be obtained from outside air. i3MC Ch. 6 23 1 & 13 MECH 18" ABOVE �L�OR? Heating and cooling equipment located in '�he garage or separated from the garage �y only one door shall be insta�7.ed with the nilots ar.d burners or heating elements ana ssritches at least 18" above the floor. UMC SQ8 24 ??? TRUSS SHOF DRAWINGS? Include enqineered truss details by the tr.uss manufacturer' s engineer. Tnese must be availabl� an site for the inaQeCtor tq review as �art of the rou�h framina insgection 25 ??? PROVIDE SOILS REPOR�. Inciude a eopy of the soils report for the site. - - Sec. 2905. If the soils rer�ort recommends that_ foundation drawinas be r�re�are� and s�ampgd bv a aua� ifie' st-�uctur�� ena� neer plans stamped bv an enqineer will be recruired. The resul.ts of anv on site inspections by_ the soils n ineer or structural en ineer the results of an com action tests etc mus` al�o be arovided to the B�:ildin� Safe�u & Insoection Services Division. 26 ??? CHECK SNQ�^7 & DE�K LOADS R�o�s r.�ithin the Town of 'V�il �hall be designed for a snow load of 80.1bs per sq. ft. De�ks shall be designed for a li�re load of 100 lbs , liwe load per sq. ft. 27 ??? TREATED SILL PLATES? Foundation plates and a11 lumber in dareck contact with conerete shall 4�e either redwood or pressure treated lumber. UBC 251E (c) 3 , . � . , � - . � , �►:;�� . �� �����, , �ti ������ TOYVN OF YAIL � � � a Deparrntent of Corr�n�unity�Devc(o�r�ierir • 75 SautJi Fron[age Roa�! T✓ail, Colorado 8J6S7 970-479-2138 FAX 970-47'9-2452 PLAN REVIE'i^1 RED SANDSTONE, TWO 3 - STORY UNITS IN EACH OF TWO 9-UNIT BUILDINGS Plarr analy�i� based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code (UBC} Date: Auqust 26, 1998 Perr�its Numbers: B98-0246 and 698 -07.n7 Pdame: RED SANDST��VE- F'OUR 3 - ,,�'iTORY UNITS �$S 7 � 8r 11 & 1.2 Address : RE17 SANnSTD�IE DR Contractor: FARTAICd CONSTt�UCTIdN ' OccuQancy: R3 ,b".1 Type of Const : V-N ArChiteCt: BAhER-FALLI�I + Plans Examin�r: Gary Go�de�1 �:��TE: The cade items listed in this rep�rt are r�ot ir_tezded ta be a cor�plete listir.g of all possible code requirer�ents ir� the 1.991 UBC. 3t is a guide to selected seckians of the code. P,epo�t ereated using Plan Analys� software by b w & a. (719) 599 -5622 . Portions of the material containec3 in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1991 edition) with �ermission of Tnternationa7. Conference af Building Otficials. Sprinkler system throughout the building NOTF: These four 3-st�ry units are actually parts of two 9 -uait buildings, but, in each of the two buildings, are separated €rom, six 2-story units on o:�e side and one 2 -story unit on the other side by two 2 -Y�our area separation vialls. Thus, for buildir.� code review purposes, ti�ese tuao gro�aps of two uniks are each considered a separa�e "buildin�" containing two single-family d�.vellings (3 two-family dwelling, or "duplex") w�tich may and will be classifiea as R3 occupancies of Type V-N construction under the UBC. SEPARATION DIRECTION B�CiNDARY P.REA IEVCREASE EIRE Pc�OTECTION PJO�TH 8uilding p ,� Feet O .Q Feet ERST Public way 115.0 Feet 85 .G Feet SOUT:i Suilding 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet W�ST Property line 30 .0 Feet 30.0 Feet Area increased 12 . 50o for open area on 2 sides. � C` hF,r'Y(.'l.f.'UPAYER M� , � r � � ' � • FL NAN:E OCC MA}C FLR AREA ALLOrr'!ED RAT20 STATZIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3RD STQRY, 2 UNITS R3 ok 784 Unlimited cak TOTAL �OR FL��R 784 Unlimited ok 2 2ND STORY, 2 UNITS R3 ok 129A Unlimiteci ok TOTAL FO:t FLOOR 1249 Unlimited ok 1 2 3-STORY UC�ITS R3 ok 1010 Unlimited ok 1 2 PRIVATE GARAGES M1 olc 500 Unlimited ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR 151� Unlimi.ted ok BUILDING TOTAL 3536 Unlimit2d ok The actual height af this �uilding is 32 .0 feet. The maximum height of the building is 40.0 feet. - - Table 5-D EXTERIOR 4VALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENI1dG PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST S�UTH WEST OCC BRG NON°BRG OPI�'G BRG iVON-BRG 0?NG BRG NON-��G O�N�� BI�G NON-BRG flPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 lhr* lhr* NOP Ohr Ohr None 1hr* lhr* �TOP Ohr Ohr t�oae M1 Shr* lhr* NOP Ohr Ohr None lhr* lhr* NOP DYar flhx None � The exterior walls rnay be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.2201. None - - No fire protection requirements far openings . ,� Prot - - Openings are to be prot�cted with 3/4 hr fire assemblie�. SO�S of the area of the wall m.aximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2203 . & Table 5-A Maximum single windaw size is 84 sq. ft w�ith :�o dimension greater than 12 feet. - - Sec. 4306 . (h) NQP - - Openings are not permitted i.n this wa�l . * IVOTE: There are actually two 2-hour area sepa�ation walls in these locations . Thus, the requirement for a 1-hour exterior wa11 due to these two units being located immediately adjacent to other ur_its is satisfied by the 2 - h�ur area separation walls. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEMENT MAi^ERIAL RATING I�IOTES Interior Hearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wa11 Any 0 hr Suructural Frame Any 4 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any b hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any 1 hr* Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assem}aly Any a r�r Stairs Any None *NOTE: See Sec. 1706 . (a) for Sriaft EncZosure exCeptions. FOOTNOTES: i) �Jements in an exteripr wall located where openirigs are not permitted or where protection of openings is requirec3, shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing w�lls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. - - Table 1?-A, footnote 1 9} In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface snall be of n�ncombustible, nonabsor}aent materials. - - Sec. 7Q2 , (c) & 902 . (b) DRAFT STOPS: If there is open space between the flo�ring aad the ceiling, aYa�t s�ops shall be i.nsta�.led so that the area a� concealed space c3oes not exceed 1QOQ square feet. - - SeC. 2516. (f) 4.A. (i) 1 _. 1 !� I � � I � � 1 I OCCUPANCY SEPARATI�NS - - T3ble 5-B R3-M1 lhr hiaterials approved for lhr construction are required o� the garage side only and 1 3,/8 inch solicd core or 20 minute, self -clasing dooz. - - Sec. 543 . (d) ex #3 EXIT REQUIREN3ENTS: FL NAME OCCUPAIVT DIUMBER EXTT PANIC RATED DOOR N�TES LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWI�1G 3 3RD STORY, 2 UNITS 3 1 0. 1. No No N/R TOTAL 3 2 0. 1 No NO N/R 2 2 2ND S`I`d�Y, 2 UNI`I'S 4 1 0. 1 No No N/R TOTAL 4 1 0. 1 No No N/R 1 2 3 -STORY UNITS 3 1 O . i No No N/R 1 2 PRIVATE GARAGES 2 1 0.0 No No N/R T�TAL 5 1 0. 1 No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. FOOTNOTES: ' 2� Basem,ents and floors above the 2nd floor ase requir�d to h3ve 2 exits . - Sec. 33D3 . (a) NOTE: In this case, Exception #3 to Sec. 3303 (a) applies. If the third story within an individuaJ. dwelling unit does not exceed 500 square feet, a second exit fram the 3rd storv is not reQUired. STATR 1V0'�ES: A stairway in s dwelling must be at leas� 36 inches wide. - - Sec. 3306 . 4b) " Tne maximum rise of a s�.ea is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. - - See. 33�6 . (c) exc.#� Provide a hardrail on one side of stairway 34 �.0 38 inches above the nosing if there is more than 3 risers. - - 3ec. 3306 . {j) Exceptions Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches . Minimum height = 36 inehes, maximum opening size = 4 inches. - - Sec. 1712 . {a) exc 1 ^he minimum headroom is 5 ft. - 8 inches. - - Sec. 3306 . (0) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive construction. - - Sec. 33�6 . (1} RODFII�G REQUIREMENTS: 1) The raofing on this buildinq is not required to be fire retardant. - - Table 32-A AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 1Q0 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an ap�roved central, proprietary, or remote station service or a local alarm whzch wi].1 give �n audibie siqnal at a constantly attended location. - - Sec. 3803 . ST.A.NDPIQE REQUIREMENTS: There is no requirement for a standpip�. - - Tab1e 38-A WllI,�, AND CEILING FINISH: 1} Wall and cei].zng �anish r�aterials are reguired to comply with Sec. 42D4. (a) and Table 42-B. 2a Carpeting on tr�e ce��ing is requirec to have a Class I fl�me spread rating. - - Sec. 42G4 . (b) 3) Textile wa11 coverings sha�l have Class I f]ame spread raking. and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.a.C. Standard No. 42-2 - - Sec. 4205. INSULATION 1VOTES: 1) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- , ' � � �� l � 1 f / spread ra�ing of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it �s in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. - - Sec. 1714. (c) exc.�2 2) Foarc� plastic insulations are required to �e proteeted. - - Sec. 1713 . GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazinq in hazardous �ocations is requized �o be af safety ql.azing material . - - Sec. 5406 . (d) PJ. ase revi e drawin s and or window s�hedules to indzcate lacataons where safetv alazina is reQUire3. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For R3 occuq�ncv: This projec� will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and aopraved prior to request for frame inspectian. Ad��ess numbers shall be asted lainl visible and le ible from the stree�. Provide a window or doo�` to the exterior from every raom used for sleeping. - - Sec. 1204. A w�ndow must prov�de a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft. , a clear heiqMt of 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches (minimumD . ° - Sec. 1204 . A11 habitable rooms require exteri�r glazed openings equal to l0o or more of the floor area. (tnin 10 sq.f t. ) - - Sec. 12Q5 . (b) A11 habitable rooms requixe an operable exterior openings �c�+:al to 5% ' or more af the floor area, (min 5 sq. ft. 1 - - Sec. 1205. (c) The minimum ceiling in a t�abitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitcnens, hai�s, and baths m:ay have a ceilin� height of 7 feet. - - Sec. - - 12Q7 . (a) Pravide a smoke detector in all sleepinq rooms anc3 areas t�aving access to sleeping raams . - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4 . Provide a smoke detector on all floors ch�t is connected to an alarm �,udible in all sleeping areas. - - Se�. 1210. (a) 4. For M1 occuz�ancv: Slope garage floor to a11ow for drainage to outside to Drovide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry we11 or to sewer. Any garage floor drair_ connected to sewer must be appraved by Upper Eagl� Valley Plater & 5anitation Diskrict. In garages with livin� area above, the wa11s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha7.] be protected with one hour fire resistive construCtion. UBC 503 (B) . The mir�imum clear h�ight is required to be 7 feet. - - Sec. 1102 . (c� �,` > . � , j � � � � '�7. � _ '�� ��t��� � . � ,����, . , �,,1'��� „ � ,y ,��'y' T�O WN OF UAIL � � � Department of C�mmunity Development • 75 Sourh Frontage Road G'ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 �;., FAX 970-479-2452 plan analysis bas�d on the 1991. Uniform Bui.lding Code Project Number: Permit #s 898-0246 & 898-0247 Name: RED SANDSTONE SINGLE 2-STORY UN��`S 9 & �.0 Address : RED SANDSTONE D� Date: September 2, 1998 Conkractor: PAR�AIN CONSTRUCTION Occupancy: R3 ,hI1 Architect: BAfiEF.-FALLIN T��pe of Const: V-N Engineer: Plans Exa:ninez. Gary Goodell, 479-2321, FAX 479-2452, ggoodellC�ci .vail .co.us r:OTE: The code items list�d in this report are not intende� to be a complete listing of all possible cod� requirer�ents in the 1991 USC. It is a guide to _ selected sectio:�s of the code. Pcrtions of the material contafned in this program are reprc�duce� fror� the linifo�;n Suilding Code ( 1941 edition) with germission of Incernationai � Conference of Euilding Officials. Report created using Plan Aralyst by b w & a. (7?9) 59g-5622 SEPARATION DIRECTION E�UD:�?iR� AREF� II�CREAS� FIRE PRCTECTION ,�ORTI? Building 50 .D Feet 2j.D Feet EAST Public way 117.0 Feet 87 .0 Feet SOLiTH Subld,�ng D .0 Feet O.D E�eet 4�E5T Property line 25 .0 Feet 25 .D Fee't EXTERIOR WF.LL FIRE RATI3VGS AND OPENIi�TG PROTECTION T=ble 17-A & Tanle 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTF: W�S`I OCC BRG FVON-BRG OPivG ERG N()�7-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BFG OPr:G �RG CJON-�RG OPN� WALL WALL PROT W�LL WALL PP.O� WALL 4�7ALL FROT WALL WALL PROT R3 O��r Ohr None Qhr Ohr None lhr* lhr* �]OP Ohr O:zr None T:1 Ohr Qhr r7ane Chr Ohr i�'one lh?°* lhr* fdOP Ghr O:�r None The exterior walls may �e of COMBUSTIHLE r��terial . Sec.22�7. . Paane - - No f ire protECtion reauirerr,ents for openin�s . Prot - - Openings are to be protecked with 3/4 hr £ire assemblies . 50o of the area of the wa11 maximum. 5ec.2203 . {b) & Tanle 5-A M�xir�um single window size is 84 sq. ft. with r_o dimension greater than 12 �eefi . - - Sec. �306 . (h) �]OP - - openinqs are nat permitt�d in this wall . * - - `I'hese v.��31s may be zequired to have � p�zape� ���a7.� 3� .:r�chea above the roafing. The �arapet wall is requared to have the same fize rating as the wall . See secfiion 1710. �or details and exceptions . NOTE: mhese units are actually each one oE nine units in t�sro �-unit buildin,;s . Tnese single 2 -story units are separated from the remainder of the b�ui�din� by - ��RE:r'}'CLE'DPAPt.'H ' � . , � � ' � � � - � � a 2-hour area se�aratian wa�l constructed in accordance with Sec. 505 (f) , 1991 UBC. As su�h, for building Cpde plan review purposes, titey are eonsiderEC� to be single-family dwellings and are classified as R3 occupancies of 'Pype V-I� corstruction. They do have automatic f�re sprinkler systems installed throug�out, as do tne remainder of th� units in the two 9 -unit builciings . The 2-hour area separation wall satisfies what would normallv be a UBC Sec. 5�4 (b) reauiremen� for the wa11 between this and the ad�acent unit to be 1-haur__fire- resistive construction wi*h no ooeninas r�ermitted. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGi3T M�N.VEI'JT N0.E}iITS EGRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 BedrQOm #1 155 15 . 60 7.80 1 Yes 2 Sedroom #2 f75 17 .5{? 8.75 1 Yes 2 Bath room 97 D.00 4 . 85 1 No 2 Ha�Zs, closets, etc. 105 fl.00 0 . 00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR 533 1 1 Living room 1�0 16.00 B.DD 1 No �. bining room 56 10.00 S.QD �. No 1 Kitchen ' 95 14.OQ 5.00 1 No 1 Garage �443 O.aa 0.00 1 No TQTA�, FpR F'LOOR 75� 1 BUILDING TOTAL 1287 1 + FDOTNOTESc 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exfiera.or is required from tha.s room. The minir�um clear openab3e area must meet � the fO1�0Y1].�1y^. - - S2C. ZzO�S . 1} The minimum clear heigh�. is 24 inches 2} The minimum c1e�r wid*h is 20 inches 3} The minimum cle�r area is 5.% square feet 4? The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is base3 on Table 33 -A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanieal ventilatipn system may be used in in lieu of exter3pr open�.ngs for venkilation. - - Sec. 1205. {c} ROOM DIMENSIONS; Habitable space sha11 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches . K�tchens, nalls, batnroo�r.s a:�d toi]et compartr�ents may have a eeiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest prajection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 1/2 of the area. - -Sec. 12Q7 . (a) Every dwe].ling unit sh�ll have at least one room which has raot less than 120 square feet of floor area. 0*h�r habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. ° - S�c. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 £eet in any dimension. - - Sec. 7.207 . {;) GLAZING REQUIREME�ITS: All glazinq in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . - - Sec. 5406 . (d1 1) Glazing in ingxess and egress doors except jalousies . 2) Glazing in fixed and sla.ding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing ir. storm do�rs. 4) Glazing in a�1 un�rame3 sw�nging doars. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hok tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam roorns, bathtubs and showers . Glazing ir� any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge �f th� glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjaeent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazx�ng is within a 24-inch arc af either vertical _ , . � a � . ` "" i r edge of the docr in a closed position and where the bottom expose� edqe of the glazing is ].ess than b4 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operabl2 panel, other than those lacations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all oE khe following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edqe �ess than �8 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 3fi inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railinga reqardless of height above a walkinq surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fil.l panels . See exceptions. SMORE DETECTOR REQUIR�M�NTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally loCated in the corridor ror area giving access to each sleepinq area. - - Sec. 1210. ia1 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all stories. - - Sec, 1210. (a) 4 . If the upper level contains s�eeping roomis) , a smoke detectar is required in the ceiling af the upper level close to the stairway. - - Sec. 1210 . (a) 4 Smake detec�ors are required to be wired to the building ' s power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. - - Sec. 1210 . (a) 3 . Detectars sha1T saund an a�arm audible in all sleepin� area of the dwe��ing in whici� they are locate�. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage ar�d the reszdence, R.aterials approve3 for _h� =ire Construction are required on th� garage side only and any doors between the garage and �he residence are to �e a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solic3 core door or a 2d minute fire door. - - Table 5-B & Sec. 503 . (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENT$: A stairway in a dwellinq �c,ust be at ].east 36 inches wide. - - Se�. 33'�6 . (b) The rnaximum r�se o£ a ste❑ is B inches and the minimum run is 9 inches . - - Sec. 3306 . (c) exc. #1 Provide a hsndrail on one side a stairway 39 to 38 inches above the nasing i` there is 4 or more risers. - - Sec. 3306 . (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, m�ximum ope:�iner size = 4 inches. - - Sec. 1712 . (a) exc. �l The minimum headroom is 6 ft. - 8 inches. - - 5ec, 3306 . (a) Enelosed usable space under the stairs as required ko be protected as required for 1hr fire-resistive constxuctior_, - - Sec. 33Q6 . (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1} Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not morE than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not l.ess than 26 g3gE galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be 1 hr construction. All openings into any suc� �nclosur� shall be orotected by not �ess than a self-closing solid waod door 1 3/8 ir.ches thick or equivalent. - - Sec. 1706 . ff) 2} Gas vents and noncombustible piping instialled in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in 1 hour shafts. - - Sec. 1706 . (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, �iping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in 1 hour shafts . _ � , � , . .. , ._. , � . � - - Sec. 1706 . (c) 4) AZ� other shafts are required to be enclosed in a 1 hour assembly. - - 5ec . 17�6 . {a) ADDI�IONAL REQUIREMEIVTS: For R3 occupaney: This project wil� require a site improvem.ent surve}=. Sucn survey shall. be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. Al1 crawl spaces within the °POwn Of Vaii are limiked to a earth to struetural floor cei�ing heiqht of 5 ' , be earth floor only, be venti3ated as per UBC 2516 (C) 6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516 (C) 2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degre�s or more shall x'equire an engin�er design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural e]esign. Excavation below slabs on gra�e shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers sha11 be posted plainly visible and legible from the - street. For M1 occupaney: ' Slope garage �]oor to alloti�. for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well o� to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be apprpved b�� Upp�r Eagle Valley 4Vater & San�tation District. In garages with livinq area above, the wa] ls of t�� garaqe wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire r�sistive constructian. UBC 503 {B) . 5ep-03-98 08:49A Bann�r Associates, Inc. 970 243 381Q P. 03 t � 1 �.'—C3�' �, �� I s�o�� �/�°'/FT. ..�—� --- �.. I9 D .�a 3 57: ) Q r D ( D < .P-. fl ` � �4. �..�� '"'� �� � 21". 4_....��_,�—_`-:.._. .`:. � � �, �I�. 4 REBAF2 12 O.C. E.W. ,,\�.��. COMPACT SIfBCRADE T0� 95� 5TD �RC�C TOR 4r V """" P �IV DETAIL N.T.S. g,_p,> � � _�_4^-S�.-____.��� � �� � I ��.OPE 1�'4��/F�T� � i . . -----��.--_. .. '-`�`=r= ---- I� � 4 � � D'. q :; y, r� 4 ` p. G 4 ) 4� ._ .4! , A "� 6 f D Q �q, P � OG �� -���"'��`°'"�., � � :��.+�'!T'�Ti=.�ri`�,.._�A'Tt` ,'6.. NJO. 4 R�BAR 12° O.C. E.W.--f � ���� CUMPACT S�BGRADE T0� 95� STD PROCT�R � , � � V-- PAN DETA L N.T.S. � y� 6" 2'-0" _� 4 t j2" _� �/s" R i �*-- �D.O. . �d 4 �n�T. � �I � � a'' �.L A�a � a a,a a,� � o � Ia � . � D a 9 .� �q;: pp"d� � p �'G'! . � -�L.�-::.�.�--'�' 1� � � � i2" R I � - STANDAF�D CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL_ �� �� N.T.S. 1 � � �t��-� � - r �esi• s rl �n Form n Review c ,. g �o,���y�L � T�WN OF VAIL Project Name: Red Sandstone Employee Housiag Project Description: 18 new deed restricted dwellin�units Owner, Address and Phon�: Town of Vail Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Town of Vail Project Street Address: 945 Red Sandstone Rd. Legal Description: Por#ion of Parcel A, Black D, Liansridge lst filing Parcel Number: 2103-014-OS-001 and 002 Building Name: Comments: Subject to cequired that complete civ�l plans approved by Town Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. Board / Staff Action Mation by: Pierce Actioa: approved Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 5-0 Conditians: 1. The dormers on the east elevatioa either be remaved or constructed according to detail provided by the DRB. 2. Revise roof element accordiag to applicants revised condition. 3. Chimney caps provided as proposed. �. Chimneys shall be stucco. 5. Wood column bases per detail provided by DRB. 6. Consider reducing project by one dwelling unit ta improve guest parking condition on-site. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 7/15/98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla F:IEVERYONEIDRBIAPPROVAIA481REDSAIVD.71 i � � � _- iQ � " �-- ^ �` � lJ � � � � x � ►� �` c�:� � °� o � X -� � � N : �� �� .\ � , . � �, , r _ � � - � , � 'I ' � , \� - II. • % J -� ' � � o � _� ���``� 1�'� � � ` � � ' '�, - �,' � ' � r � �: � i ��f ��� �' _�--- � I � ��� � ,� � \� � ,` � � - � ,; � 1 �v � s � � 2����•� -r-oP �-r�r . ,�� , r�-�o ^ \ _T ` �i� �'} � , � \ Y �� 8 +� -- �� I�_G!�P ,� • r" I'�N 2" 7"�-�n^ � • -� f���� j _-_ ..:._4��+ G�i'at� �1t71N6 /V'��GH �'�I!-�1N6 ��i�-!T�� Gd fJ G{7.�j'� I 1�.!h b-�1� . ��P�+-r�r � ��, � � . � , � , , , , , 6� �„ � , , , , �.�vr +�� --- I � _ _'I '-__'_' • 1 _ ___-`__ __ ,�� f ���� r'i�r N r� ta ��r� ��.U�rr N �.*�,.� c��r,���. , � ___�..� � � f �— � `� �t�t "�� (xj��J� • • � ',� � �- _ � � �I �� �. .: .._ - - - - � - - - -�-- --- - - - - - --- - -- - � �_`7 R^�'iS�D GOP�IDITIUN 7Qt"t, DIC7N'T TNc A��iG US TC? L1R,4P 7Nf5 ROC.� dROl1NC, B-�OR� 7 TN�,r' 11�R� RICz�#?', T�-IES NEW VERS ON IS W�AK_ I � I � � � � � � � �Ik �� _ T��- � _. _ _ - - - � _ � _ - - - - --- - - - - - - --� -- - - � �_�, �XdS�fN:� GONDfTI�f WE ��L t1-E,4t �I�� ORfG-IN,4L IDE,4 �5 MUGN �IIG��. acale 3/32 = 1'-0" 7998 From:Harry Gamcr To:Tom Stevcns Date:7/15l98 Time:11:17:44 AM Pape 3 of 6 • . 2x1/2" 8AR STOCK � 24" O.C. BEhIT �O A RADIUS OF 12�--0" _ DEFLECTION OF CURVE: 3 1/B" 26 GAUGE SHEET METAL PA�NTED BLACK G D1 vAra�s � :�: :.,..> ::�.:;. �;�. �� .. ... ...... . ;>r,�:�.,,.,����t �T.Yf`�` ' .... ... ...... . . . ,........ .. . .._� y��. fi��1 ��""' � �r • .,� ��� f:�Z ���� r . 9.�F 1�4'. NON--F].EC�� - � i � '18 OALI� �� iu �ru c�w �7�D E�FROI��sIOE. .. ; A 11F7iIFY L,OC.A71di1�3 �� ::• . . �/ ARCJfI'IE�C . .� B �i�� Di 8CJ1LE !' � 1'-0' .,..,.,-.�— �,�_ .... ..:....... -� ,,.-_- ,.<,,..,-�-�.:,..•..,,,. :�-,;-�,--�..,....,�;, ..,.....,.;�. =•�-,-,��.,..,,.,. .�-,,.�.,- . ..TT-,:,.. .. .,�.... . - . . . , : ,., ,. .�.__. _...._.... .. ...,... a .... :. • • - -- . �- �", ,�'.v"�P�r i"�Q � -- � , L-t'X�N . � � f i i I � � li 1+ .. � � X2 I , i � E , � f - k � � � t�X(�� � � � � ''x-�" t��r� _ _ .. _ I I - - — 7"��x` b�K�hcG � F��r�F�1� e�r'�t�. f%"� � '-a " �r 7•��� , Printed by Dominic Mauriello 6/02/98 11:23am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Dominic Mauriello TO: Greg Ha�l, John Gulick, Mike Mcgee Subject: fwd: Red Sandstone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ===NOTE====------=====5/Ol/98==4 :56pm== CC: Andy Knudtsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy has routed directly to you a revised plan for this development. This item is scheduled for DRB on Wed. The revisions should address your issues. The form is in the camputer as redsand.601. �£ you could have comments back ASAP I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your cooperation on this Town project. Thanks, Dom Fwd=by:=John=Gulick===6/02/98==8 :26am== Fwd to: Dominic Maurieilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We wi11 go over it this afternoon and send it back to you. Our dept. is going to Denver for the next 3 days to burn at the South Me�ro Fire Academy, so we are goinq to be running short. Fwd=by:-Dominic=Mauri=6/02/98==9:19am== Fwd to: Jahn Gulick I.understand. The�only.remaining�issue was paving versus pavers. Let me know what you think. Thanks FwdTby:=John=Gulick===6/02/98=10:16am== Fwd to: Dom�nic Maurie�lo I reviewed th� plan this�morning, �and found the modified version of the grass pavers. We pr�fer 4" asphalt with proper compaction and base underneath, but, if the green space is that critical to the project, go ahead and do it. We wi�l deal with driving over them fpavers} on alarms. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 1 �rinli d by Dominic Mauriello 5/i4/98 � :15am — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Dominic Mauriello Confirm receipt To: Greg Hall, John Gulick, �I`_ke �ICgee Subject: Red Sandstone Housing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =-=URGENT=NOTE______________________________________________________________ CC: Andy Knudtsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here is a copy o£ the ietter we sent Andy �rom our last review. It might help you in the review. Additionally, � have included my new comm�nts . Please provide comments as soon as you can. They would like to attempt the May 20 DRB if possible. Let me know if that will wark. `Phanks . Apri7 2, 1998 Andy Knudtsen `I'own o f �ai 1 75 5 . Frontaqe Road Vail, CO 81557 Re: Red Sandstone Housing Dear Andy: The Town staff has reviewed your pro�osal for an 18 unit deed restricted housing development. Staff has produced the fallowing issues which must be addressed prior to fina7 review by the DR�. Thes� comments are in addition to tnose comments you received fror� the DRB. i�lease address the follawing: l . Please provide a survey showing "buildable area, " which includes slopes aver 40°s and =1ood plain area. 2 . On the site plan, buildings 1, 4, 16, and 18 encroach on the setbacks . Please revise_ 3 . The 4 parkinq spaces shown 3n the parking lot are only 14 ` deep . They must be at least 19 ' deep. The 2Q ' drive aisle cannot be er.croaehed upon. 4 . Parking for units 15 and 16 overhangs the drive aisle and conflict wi.th parking spaces for units 17 and 18 . This needs to be corrected, Th� parking at this end, as shown, is very tight and needs to be corrected. 5 . The parking area and turnaround for units 17 and 18 do not work. The turnaround must have a center �in� radius af 2D ' and must be at least 12 ' wide and must be designed to allow no more than a 3 point turn. Please show on the plan this turning movement. 6 . (3ur new standards require a setback o� 10 ' from a building to the access road. Unit Y encroach�s c�n this standard. 7 . The horneowner ' s docs for this develapment should include a provision preventing parking in frant of units 1 and 2 and should pxobably address parking in designated areas only for the entire development. g . Provide the details of the dumpster enclosure, Be sure to size the dumpster adequately tor the number of units. You may want to consider 2 dumpsters, one on either end of the site. I recommend consulting BFI on the size issue. Of course, size wi11 depend on frequency of pickup. It may make same sense to provide adequate size with fewer p�ckups as this will be a continuing cost to the owners of the affordable housing. 9 . Snow storage is inadequate on-site. Our standard �alls for 30�5 of the paved area on-site �.o exist as snow storaqe. A liberal calculation ot the areas provided equals approximately 2, 897 sq. ft. 5,667 sq. ft is required. Please show these areas with a calculation af sq. ft. These areas need to Page: 1 - Prinl,�d �y Dominic Mauriello ��/14/98 8:15am be realistic given the metho�ed for plc�wirig and given t t�e ���t.ian af proposed landscaping. 10 . �t appears that you a��e �roFos�ng c�round 1�ve1 dec�s w;.t:�in the flood plain. This is not ailowed. There can be no physical improvements (i .e. , no grading is allowedl in the flood plain. You can however, cantilever over �he floodpZain. 11 . The survey needs to show extended fleodplain line to the twin pipes. Please revise the pTan. 12 . For parking spaces that are adjacent tn garaqes on this development, in addition to the 19 ' parking space, there needs to be �nother S ' befare yau reach the drive aisle. In essence, chere needs to be 24 ' from the front of the garage to tlae drive aisle. 13 . The width of the roadway at the entry to the housing dev�lopment, needs to be 24 ' wide and needs to have a 90 curve. i4 . The driveway feeder roadway centerline radius needs to be a minimum of ?5 ' , The minimum curb return radius m�st be maintained at 15 ' . 15 . Your plan shows qra�ing that exceed5 2 :1 slope. Please be aware that slopes need to be maintained at a 2:1 . 16 . Boulder walls need to be l.aid back at a maximum 1 :1 ratio or need to be stamped by a professional ertgineer. 17 . A1J. walls must be no greater than 6 ' in height, nor gzeater than 3 ' in the front setback. 1B. The public roadway for Red Sandstone Raad must mainkain a 3 ' wide shaulder and provide drainaqe conveyance along the roac3way in order to prevent flooding on this property. 15. The gradiz�g required for the stairway to the bus stop must be shown. Please show on the plan the connectzon oF :he sidewalk to the south of the property to the roadway at the entryway. 20. Standards require cross-slopes be BQo or less wit�i�n the parking area. 8o is exceeded throughout this development. Please revise the plan in accardance with this cross-slope requirement. 21 . Please correct the drainage around units 15 and 16 . Your plan shows 4" PVC drainaqe pipes . These should be a minimum of 8" . Please revise the plan accordingly. 22 . Please provide an 3 ' wide concret� pan with a 2° invert at the entryway tn this development. 23 . The grading plan do�s not show parking for units 1 and 2 . Please revise the gradinq plan to show this parking. 24 . A guardrail will be required along the public road in areas where there are steep retaining walls on this development. 25 . You wiJ.1 also be required to have a 40� permit to cross the creek with utilities. 26 . `�he fire truck turnaround area proposed does not adequately al3ow a fire truck to turn around on the property. You will need to soften the radius on tk�e access to this truck turnaround area. Making it wider will h�lp to ease that turnaround problem. 27 . The Fire Department has indicated that a 4 � side setback poses significant risk of fire spread from tk�e first building to the next and so on. You may want to consider this in the redesign of this project. Additionally, trees placed between the buildings will also create a fire spread situation between the buildings . Fage: 2 _ - - Print�d by Dominic Mauriello �/14/98 8:15am . - - _ __ _ - -- - - _ - -- -- 28 . The proposed 8" water 1�will not provide adequate f_r f- ow for the development. Please reevaivate your fire suppression requirerr;er.��s . As an FYI, ladder trucks are required to have access to the development. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Senior Planner xc : Greg Ha11, Tpwn Engineer Mike McGee, Fire Marshall The Stevens Group, Inc. My new comments FYI : 1 . The walkway tp the stairs must be paved. It is currer.�yy showr3 as gravel . Also the connection of the stairs to the paved street shall also be paved. 2 . The drive aisle in front of units 4 and 5 is less than the required 22 ' wide. Also, note that the parking in frant of these units do not meet the proposed standards . Since these standards are not yet adopted, the DRH we make the call on whether or not this is acceptable. IE they find the condition acceptable, we may need to change the standard. 3 . Provide a survey showing buildable area CAndy is providing) . 4 . Remove all grading from the floodplain. Place a note an the plan khat no grading shall occur in the fiood �lain. A constructior fence will be required prior to gradinq on site. The fence shall be placed on the floodplain line. 5 . Buildings appear ko encroach on the stream setback. lease correct any encroachments . No that an ILC urill be required at foundatio� inspection in order tQ ensure complianc� with setbacks. 6 . Homeowners doCS should include a provision preventinq parking in front of units 1 and 2 and the fire turnaround areas . 7 . Please provide a detai3 fo� the dumpster enclosure, It must include a roof and be consistent with the arck�itecture of the buildings proposed. It appears tk�at the site plan does r.ot prov�de adequate area £or this enclosure nor is it oriented in such a way as to a�low adequa�� access by the truck. Please note that this dumpster sha�1 sit u�on a conerete pad and should include bollards that prevent destruction of the enclosure. S . T believe there needs to be trees placed in front of the building in order to break-u� the facade af the building. The landscape plar� seems very weak to me. The DRH was concern,ed about landscaping fesp. Hans) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 3 Print�d by Dominic Mauriello 5/14/98 9:a1am __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Andy Knudtsen To: Dominic Mauriello Subject: Thanks for your quick. . . ===NOTE====--=---=====5/14/98==8:46am== . . .review of the Red Sands�one P1ans. I think we can address everything you talked about. Pavinq stairs and walkway - - no prpblem. Survey of buildable area - - EagZe Valley found it in their files and are mailing it today (Thursday) . Should be here on Monday. Grading in flqodplain - - a11 wi11 be removed. No problem with �ence. Stream set back encroachments - - didn' t think any were still in there. All will be removed. No parking provisions in HOA docs - - no problem. Dumpster encloser - - this hasn' t received the attention it has deserved. Final design will address your comments. Trees in front of project - - couldn' t agree more. Thinking about Mountain Ashes in qrates to provide a canopy to �over teh project. Only comment that may be difficult to address- - width of drive aisle in front of units 4 and 5. Do you have a minute to show that to me on the plans? Thanks again for your quick review of this - - I knaw you have a lot of things going on. Page: 1 Printed by Dominic Mauriello 3/30/98 12:45pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Dominic Mauriello To: Andy Knudtsen Subject: Red Sandstone Housing ===NOTE_____________________________________________________________________ CC: Mike Mollica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here are my initial comments. I will forward Public Works and Fire Comments when I receive them. 1 . Are the utilities proposed to be placed under ground? 2 . The fire turnaround is shown at 22 ' wide but scales at 21 ' . Please revise. 3 . Need ta have a survey showing "buildable area. " which includes slopes over 4Q� and flood plain area. � . On the site plan the following buildings encroach on the setbacks: Unit 1, 4, 16, and 18 . Please revise. 5. The 4 parking spaces shown in the parking 1ot are only 14 ' deep. They must be at least 19 ' deep. 6 . Parking for units 15 and 16 overhanqs the drive aisle and conflict with parkinq spaces for units 17 and 18 . This needs to b� corrected. Tha parking at this end, as shown, is very tight and needs to be corrected. 7 . The parking area and turnaround for units 17 and 18 does not work. The turnaround must have a center Iine radius of 20 ' and must be at least 12 ' wide and must be designed to allow no more than a 3 pain� turn. Please show on the plan this turning movement. 9. Our new �tandards require a setback of 10 ' from a building to the access road. Unit #1 encroaches on this standard. 9. The homeowners docs for this development should include a provision preventing parking in front of units 1 and 2 and should probably address parking in design�ted are�s only for the entire development. These are just my comments. merri will be forwarding her comments to me and I will give them to you on Wednesday. To remain on the April 15 agenda, we wi11 need revisions by 5 :D0 pm Apri� 7, 1998. Tf there are additional issues, after these revisions. then that may push you to the next meeting. Thanks, Dominic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 1 Printed by Dominic Mauriello 3/30/98 4:12pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: Dominic Mauriello To: Andy Knudtsen Subjects red sandstone additional comments ===NOTE_______________________________ Here are the remainder of the planninq Comments: 1. You shou�d consider providing a massing model of the entire site. 2 . Provide �he details of the dumpster enclosure. Be sure to size the dumpster adequately for the number of units. You may want to consider 2 dumpsters, one on either end of the site. I recommend consulting BFI on the size issue. Of course, size will depend on frequency of pickup. It may make some sense to provide adequate size with fewer pickups as this will be a continuing Cost to the owners of the affordable housing. 3 . Snow storage is inadequate on-site. Our standard calls for 30� of the paved area on-site to �xist as snow storage. A liberal calculation of the the areas provided equals approximately 2, 897 sq. ft. 5,667 sq. ft is required. Please show the5e areas with a calculation of sq. ft. These areas need ko be r�alistic given the method used �or plowing and given the location of proposed �andscaping. 4 . It appears that you are praposing ground Ieve1 decks within the flood plain. This is not allowed. There can be no physical improvements in the flood plain. You can hawever, cantalever over the floodplain, 5. Will the divided light windows shown actually be applied? Thanks, IIOminic Paqe: 1 Comm�y Development Plan Routi�F'orm Rautcd To: Lac-ry Pardee, I'ublic Works Greg t�all, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Rctw-n To: Dominic Mauricllo, Communiry Ucvclo�incnt Datc Routcd: 3125!9� Rcturn By: 4!1!9H Projcct Namc: Rcd Sandstonc Employcc Housin� Project Addi�css; 945 Rcd S�andtitonc Road Pi°ojcct Lcgal: Lion4rid�c #1 Projcct Descz-i�tion: 1R ncw dwclling unit5. V4'ill go for cr�nccptual an 4i1/9R Approved Deni�d (cite detailed reasons} Approved with conditions � ; �'��1�7 NI�iN�Il� _ _ _ __ _ / ) ..S ��� ���� -c'�,.�-� � ,� .:,�_ :>,,�� � ;_�� ���� Y. ., r���-•�� �� i=. .� /�<�� - , j .�, y, ���,,.� l -- �? ��., . ;� ',� - ,,N � ,� ;A � � `4 N//' �i` f /�, .i 4� C.- �. ��c`- - 't�r) �LE -- i'.%� � - �_ � /`i � � _ ! j A �1C��:��- /°.� ..��Ct�C:...�� �-`( /�J �.� l� �fi�.'r'.,�� 7 I �� ' 3 T t � 5 /�+ , �� /�f �� �/ ��.� � i .Sir--C�i �P�"` /�/,'C�� ,�.+5�; '� _y, v � ,�� '�iSi< rf �/.�7 < ��_ �r�c_ ,, ' � /��c�'� L� , j�-' .'a . � y � . 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'-� �ili/� /L.%�t L- '�'-�' �!['` �. .�� j�; �').. ..c Kc.') f J -� .y / C, �. _ ��� L r7.> ��� • ' ,- � � fr, } ��c � �f' /%'__ � .c" j� � �.f! � _. � /-�-' /�'s.�,:f; ��C_ �c �LCf�/ ;� 4'���`i � �f n L� ,/ ",� � � �V � �I�G��1� L���� 7 � L�J�' 1/�. —��i��� �.� ' r��� � Datc rcc�ivcd: Rcr�icu�cd by: Datc r�vicwed: I�."�.��•crvuncld nm`a�oul lin�m C��rr�ri��it�' Uc�vi�r���ent P��a� R���t� �����-nr R��uicd ���a: �, :;r-ez�; f�trill, f'�ihlt� tit'c�rl:ti _ �� J�1�n �u�ic�ic, Fi�-� iZciurn �l�o: � Andv KT�udt�cn � I),�tr Routc�l: � l,i2l�l9i� ,� Rrtiia�n I3y: AS��I' � �'rt�i�ct Uailic: _� Itcd �ane�tit��nc h��ia�in�� _ _ ____ �. . � I'r�ij�;ct ,11ddr�s4: ''� I'I���c�:t L����I: p E'r���cct i�c.�;cri�ti�+n: Rc:vitia� s,,�<din�; �n�� �irair�a�c � , a i '� � . 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' ' - `�:.rf -1 f_'.(� i._���lJ/�.�.;�-- � 7 �ti�✓n � 7 17�+I��< �.Ec '� �•P �+D�+-1 1r�..t rC �.� l.-�.�� �c. �w��� .�.�a �js �. 1 . � Comr�ity Deveiopment Plan Ra�g Form Routed To: Gxeg Hall, PubliG Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To: Dominic Date Ro�.ted: 6/1/98 Return By: ASAP Project Name: Red sandstone housing Project Address: Project LegaL• Project Description: Revised grading and landscape Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions � .a�� �'1'. i'.\\\":\il:� v:ti:�' ':.\`.::�..:..:'i i���:{:1��4:i���iu:{.�v 4���`+k.\�: \y \ ' \•. +�`. +?,'.::?c,4�:,,\�`2;.\,�ti�Ctiw.', :',�;�?R�:. .�,.�.,*..�..y:.+�ti::;�::<?Sn;ci:r^::..: .�F..::2::::;�.. .�`fi`�. .,�...�. ".��\..�'�i:..�. �., 'ti: ,e;,,,, .�'ti�\'; \ \�`,`, ��ti,. ..\ \.. :+�\. .ti...:.:...,.:.....,:..�:.;., \. .ti\��*�. „•.� � . ..�,��...,\..... 1�.�.. � ��: �4. ��. .��.y�\�yA...��;�:.y. \ \�1\:ti:.,v,... .\...n.\A..n;T:�..\�.. .\+:4•:y�.�.. 4ti.�*}._ �xi�:��.\� ^.� � .+\�\� \�1�+ \\:\4...k�1... .��\4\�\�ry, 1•k•• \.. .\ • v:.Cvi'i�:v:.v.vv+4.+.x\ n:\..J.ay+•:••�4.... 4 ,.'�..ti�\. •��.\\., ..\��.S. ti:\. .ti;�.�;R.:�,�.,. .�...>,:::k•:::��;.\...»,3.�-,:.:...:.\...,.-,� �...�.ti�. •v.�;::;\. . .y ti \*..�, � :.:a:::<'::,, ..ti.. �::�.4.4\\�....�v�.:hj:':}\\\�.:..:.�� ..�\, ti., ti�+:�,�+:�.. .�.<•:.. �\�;;•��.. ?'�\�,���, ��� +Q�.�>C�::•.. .������� �,,, � ' „�,.: ,k.:..>...- ,•�,1�.\.. •\,., k�.\ \ � .� "�C" \ �.��:::v. ..\.;,..� �\ �\.�.\�\.v.tid'�. • \':.^i�i\..�� ��� �\•. ��ti�w.��4� .:U\\��4�'i: ~-'���:.,.yc;,. .�.�..,+.....�;.:ti::. ..;;y.:::••ibk..::..�C\.��.. ...�. .R�\�: ti ..�'�... .'ZM;,,4�\���+.�\`i"�1,���`,'� ��•���:��^titi�.��..•�,v:\�" `;�:'a\�ky+.w,• „\.h\45�45 v.�\i.O\ti5,��}�\\\.\.....\�...., �.,•4a'•:,•ti•.+>�ki.htiti'�1.\.���\...:� ,.4�;:�,, ��h.�. ��� ^.Y�`k���� �� �� y�l1�A..�;ti�.\..��� ti.\l���h...�4�\�;1. 4\�:1. .�1 ti�.. �^titi\`. k....�� �.,:.ti��,��. �. ,�.. ;�.'w� \ ��,,..,,•�;;.:• � '' �* ��, .,���ik���•, �,��.•�����.�.>.:;.,,;�, �.� y ,,.,. ..;�;.� �k,•;•,� ..�.�;s. �;,:, , ���� .�..:,z'��. 1)An item that was me�tioned not the last time but a previous time was to insure the connection of the sidewalk to the south with the driveway. 2)This is a new itern. The 2' diameter Spruce tree is severely impacted by the grading than previously. In either case,the survival of this tree is not going to happen. The foundation excavation alone is a substantial impact. 3)The Grading associated along the back of the units is very questionable. The use of walls at the tightest spots along the flood plain do not allow the elevations to be achieved as stat�d due to walls being laid back at 1:1. In addition there are areas where the grades are pitched back into the units creating depressions. 4)As mentioned previously a Army Co�ps of Engineers 4Q4 permit will be required to cross the stream with the utilities. 5)All grading�st be shawn at 2:L There are areas wher�the grading exceeds this standard. This is especially along the raadway where the bench is trying to be created. 6) The grading plan needs to show the spot elevations of the existing asphalt road on the p1an.These Spot elevations are the existing e�evations fram the survey to t�e tenth of a foat. 7)Walls in excess than 4'require a stamped design by a Colorado Registered proFessional E�ngineer 9) The top and bottom of all walls needs to shown. 10) Snow storage will need to be shown on the plan and 30% of the paved area will need tv be provided. 11) The grading of the drive entry will need to be correctly adjusted to accommodate the pan. The wrang spot elevation was used. The driveway entry width and radii will also need to be corrected these items also affect grading. The spot elevation on the catch basin appears to drastic in relation to the 96 contour. 12)The grading along the roadway still needs to be refined to meet our standards. If an 8' flat beach along the roadway with 2:� grading beyond is provided, no curb and gutter and guardrail will be needed. It is not apparent what n�ethod is being used. The curb and gutter does not get extended into the asphalt as shown but is attached to tbe edge of the e�usting roadway. The use of the curb makes an actual 7.5' bench with an increase in elevation of a .5'. This is actually warst than no curb and a flat S'bench. The plan changes dramaEically to accommodate the 8' or 7.5 foot. I have prepared a grading plan showing the results of the 8' bench. 14) Complete Civil Engineered Plans and profites for all the impravements and calculation on the storm sewer will need to be submitted and approved prior to building permit issuance. � u 15)Is t�aere a step between the firu floor elevations and the garage spo#el ions provided? to see how the driveways drain and to make sure a11 drives are at the proper grade. It appears there may be areas where it is extremely tigi�t. 16) The roadway is not the 22' between units numbers 3 and 4 and 5 and 6. 19) The space at the last driveway(northern) does not back out with a 2Q' center(ine It can get partially out but is un able to move forward enough to maneuver out due to a car in the space next to it to 20)The centerline radius of the entry drive needs to be 35' minimurn. This means there is 12' on either side of the centerline. With an increased width of 24'.this is not shown on the grading plan and is incorrectly shown on the site development plan. Date received 6/1/98 Reviewed by : Greg Hall Date reviewed 6/1/98 F:1E VIItY023E,1DR1PUtOlFTING198BOiTINC�PL3BLIC WO\REDSAND.601 Com�ity Deveiopment Plan Rou� Form Routed To: Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To: Daminic Date Rauted: 5/�4/9$ Return By: ASAP Project Name: Red sandstone housing Project Address: Project Legal: ProjecE Descriptian: Revised grading and landscape Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions �}:\•�}�vi}}:yi'•i:�.:�;.��;.y�. .tiv4•ix:ti:.}. . :\\:�.��.4.'.h.�.}�ti.�v '4.;v_\i.�,� .�;�»�;+ �,�,��.y�4?"'C�•ti'::•::ii�i�C:`i:i;�?:ti:�,�.h�. � n`;1 ...�.. �.� �ti�� i� :'}..hn �}T;�;.,-;�;n��;, :.y.:. . . ��.n..�. x:•::1L?iiii�:4:.�:vv::m��:: ...�i:..��: ...�. ..� .m ..�... . �ti.Mt�h..:�.v:..:t. �tih+i4•::•.v.� . ♦. .��.l �. .� ..1.. ..1 ..�...v�, i:1\�,4+:\lv. �t4•. .�l \.nS::.�.�..u:::..�:��:v:l:.i:�*.;i:i:ii�:i:��:i:.�� �. . ..1n4..1v.1.. .x..... .... ..�x..1�\ ..t �...\�.M\.l\.1�..4�.ti4ti��..x....v:4.v.:.l.�v4•.vv«:�vw:h.�....:... ............�...........�...�y:.h•i?:.l•i. . ti.., ti�kt..\•:K•:Si4�:.v�u4:�.�.;•.} ....,tik..ti. ..,...2.....\.... .ti..\.,ti :\...4.�,...\...,.�.\...,, .,......:.�.,..:::...:.:...:.....,.. .\:4...;,........,.... ..�:::�::,,:� ...titi.ti•.,,k:..:::�•..•::.:.. ..ti:.. ..\, .v a... :..ti...:.>t\... . .\:4.:..5.n...41.......l...ti\_.�wti._...n...n v w...w.... ><.x:.y.xay;.... .� .,M ...t.ti .k:�. �r:?�ti, .�v. •�rx`;�ti�...,`..:;c::�>::s•;.ti...k....:2.\��ti!2.;.;,i...ti, .., v. .• . �. .. ;::R::;`.::+::;c:;p:j. .��.. .•.��.. ...\y...........w...ti..........., „ti•.. v\. y�s :.:ti::<.}::.::}::>:;ii:j:;i::::f+,....,...... ..\.}..:1•. .\. • 4.:,.. :•ti•:>:.t•:>:..:•.,•:�,.•:•: ......... .... ......,,.,,;. ,titi}�}::•?ti%�+.1.\4::":::{•}4}:^ili•i}:•:v? .y l' • : `. .: � : •.�titi. \. •\'i �.� i:;:'y'•� �::\:y �:}:;:`�•�:`� .�\. ♦.^h \.l\\. Ub,.1�4Jy. �� �v4.� �'�4v .�.. �'n _ +;x<;:.:v. .,�1... \. '•\L \�\�, iC' ,�� 1 »ti,\titi. <<:ti�ti:*o-:�'��.� :�:.�ti;� .�•: '.^+s:"�>;, ...., .....,.�..t.,.�.. ......:. -�....::,.._ . : �,a�:.,�:�.. . .„a�w�.\\��.w�:. . . .:.�:-.�::._...,• ..+....y..{:p..;�,,,;,,,,,,,;,{;•'�ai45:?.,i. .:......:. +::\� •.ti.,.a\;i•:�•:'•::.•:+::C:•� .•:ti:\.:.;:::.::�:.;.,..... - ..\..\:>:;. .ti<•s<'..�. ,+ti:.� .:\;•.\b\\.\...\.....,.. •::ti•:o-:. k...,.,...4•:..,�y.��. `;, ..:, j.:. .. . .w. ..\ \\\\ :;��.. �;a•:� \ .•:ti,.,,,.••:;:>. .\. .,ti.. ti. k :.o:.. �;:\;;:: :.y�x.k;...x::i:;:. ::ti�e;�s\w::. �.ti..� .st :.:..•;. :qi:::.. :i::;::.y,: •.y 'titi`; ,�.a.»�ti�z• :�'�?.M���. .���:1` .�....�.;`�z::';�•;::•>'�::'v>�:?`�><t?i;i.t;i�i��+:a<3:;;j:;`ii`�+':;++:;<t�i•`.�i. »ti,`;;», ,a,`ti;. :•`hy:: ��.4�. .� �;lti� .+}`.� ..4.t 4ti\♦ ..h...h.v ti:�1'4:'�\\�l ' ..\.* ..�lti::i� .4. ... .. . .�..�h:::'i{�:•?�:�:':..�y....�:.:.�• ';ti•i�a\,wii:t;;:;;�::^:�\\u;;�iS:;:�\?ti:.\\�ti:;2�i<• �;.,�..-:��.�.�•;.���,., � t�.+:.+:t:::: ..�, •..\.\ `;ti:� .�.ti. #.\�. \" l)The Flood plain line needs to be shown on the grading plan. 2}All grading within tfie flood plain will need to be removed. 3}The floar plans show a deck or patio on the backsides of the units. Please identify if this is either a cantilevered deck or an at-grade patio. Grading associated with patios will need to be shown and kept aut of the flood plain. 4}Certain units do not clearly indicate what the finished floor elevations are. Show clearly what all finished floor ele�ations are. 5) All grading must be shawn at 2:1. There are numerous areas where the grading exceeds this standard 6) The grading plan needs to show the s�ot elevations of the existing asphalt road on the plan. 7) Walls in excess than 4'require a stamped design by a Colorado Regisiered professional Engineer 8) The grading for the stairs ta Red Sandstone needs to be shown. 9) The top and Bottom of all walls needs to shown. 10) Snow starage will need to be shawn on the plan an�30% of the paved area will need to be provided. 11)The eight foot pan at tbe entry is not shown. T`he grading of the drive entry will need to be adjusted to accammodate the pan. There may have been confusion of this issue when I last spoke with tom Stevans as I thought we were talking about a pan across the guest parking areas as being $' and I stated it could be 4'. 12) The grading along the roadway still needs to be refined to meet our standards. It appears that if we are able to obtain an eight foot flat bench along the roadway witb 2:1 grading beyond that no curb and gutter attd guardrail will be needed. This can be accomplished with some additional small walls from the fire turnaround to the southem walls. And by changing the type of wall system at the fire tumaround. In addition the northem wall appears it will need to be 2 3'walls with a 3' bench between the walls. 13} The storm sewer pipe needs ta be shown and connected on the plan. 14) Complete Civil Engineered Plans and profiles for all the improvements and calculation on the storm sewer will need to be submitted and approved prior to building pernvt issuance. 15) Sp4t elevations need to be provided to see how the driveways drain and to make sure all drives are at the proper grade. It appears there may be areas where it is extremely tight. 16) As you mentioned the roadway is not the 22'. 17) The curb is also required to be outside the 22' width. 18) Is tbere curb and gutter and p along the building side of the dr�vewa s there was b�fore? 19) the space at the last driveway (northern) does not back out with a 24' centerline I#can get partially out but is un able to move forward enough to maneuver out due to a car�n the space next to it to 20)The centerline radius of the entry drive needs to be 35' minimum.With an increased width of 24'. 21)Internal. The issue of the 5'behind the parking space was needed for various reasons, shoulders snow storage walk way drainage buffer strip but the main reason was to meet a 20' centerline radius into a parking space it is needed so yau don',t force the car off the roadway to get into t�e space. Date received 5/13/98 reviewed by : Greg Hall Date reviewed 5/21/98 F:�EVERYONEIDR]P\RO[ITATG198ROiT1NC�PUBLICW 011tEDSAND.514 � � �_��►\ � � '� ��I�1`� i� �� ��� �ti T�l��'OF UAIL �' �' � � • ` D Depnrnrtc�cr of Co�ri►rtu��iry Developrttc�tt . 75 Sou11c Fra��tnge Road i�ail, Colorndo 816_57 970-479-2�38 FAX 970-479-2452 January 6, 1998 1�'ir, laennis Gel��ir� I:a�le River Water & Sanilation District ��16 ��orest Road �fail, Cc�lorado 51657 Re: CR���SDl7"own of��'�il lntcr�overnc��ental A�rcemen� I��ar I?es�nis: ��itached �lease fi»d a si���ed ori�ir�a] of the a}�ove-referenced a�ree►1�ent for your filcs. I'Iease cafl ���c sf�oulci yc�ti 17avc any qucstions. SiT�ccrcl}�, ��� � �� �� l,ise I�isc}7cr I If)US111� Ca�rdinaior 1;►1cic�s�ire C� Ht.'C}"CLF.1)PAPF.X + ,. INTERGOVFRN�SI:N'1'AL AGREEMEhT ��� This Intcr�overniz�c��tal fl�recmcnt ("��recinent") i5 made and cnteG�cd tl�is-??�'t}1 day of Dcccmber, 1997, t�ct�4�cc�� E:'�GLE RIVER �1�'ATF.R � S�1N[TAT[ON DISTR[C�I' ("LRI�VSD") 3nci TO�'��'�1 OF Vt�[L, COLORADQ ("Town"), collcctivcly rcfcn�cd to as ``ParticS". 1�1�'l-[ERL�1S, To�vn is thc coordii�atin� cntity and cicvcloper af a proposcd multi-unit housin� projcct tc� bc i�scd �rin�aoily for thc t�ci�cfit oi�m��loyecs in t��c Eablc County rc�ion {"Project"); and 1V1 IL:RL��S, f.�Rti1�'SI� ti��ishcs to pa�rtici��atc ir� thc I'rojcct, and i5 tivillin� tn contribute two pa��cclti of��roj�co-ty to�vard thc Projcct; ancl 14'[{LRI:�S, LR�I'Sll anc� thc Ta�vn bcRicvc thc cicvclo��ment �vo�ilci bcncfit Uy m�xii��irin��thc i�umbcr of hr�using t�nitti that cot�ld bc madc availablc; anci ���[fl:f�1:�15, �;R1,1'SI� ar�d "I�e�«�n havc ��t17 cictci�miilce� that tlic provi5ic�n nf l��tiSing foi� the �cncfit c��local ci���loyecti is �ln a����roE�riatc, nccc�sary and �°alid public j�urx�o;c. 1�'04'�', 'I'f 1[-•:�LFOR1�, in cc�nsicicratioi7 of thc tcrr��s and condition5 of t��i� r1�;recmet�t, thc sufticicncy c�Fwl�icl� i5 miitually ackno�vlcdgcd, I��11'IICS 1�1'CC cl5 FOl�O�i'S: 1 . C"ont���iE�oiti�n �f Pr<>1�c1rtV. �l. "I'o�v�� Sha11 c�ili�ciltlti� ��urs�EC tl�c acq<<i5itio» of a E�arccl af rcal prorc�ly �rcticn�ly o�ti�ncd h_y U,S��S, and tt�orc �arlic�il�rly dcticrihcct ��n l;xhibit A �vhich is attachcd ��ncl incorE�c�ratcd by thi� T-cfcrcncc ("�I�o�vt� I'��a�crty"}. 'I�f�is .�1`�rccmcnt i� cx�i�c5sly C0I7t117�CI7k lI�OI� I OtVI]'s acqt�itiitioil of tl�e To���n i'roperty frc�n� USFS. b. LR�ti�"SL) is �,resently thc o��nc�� of 2 pai-ccls of�t�opci-�y �vhich a��e t��ore particularly d�cscribcd on ]:xl�ibit I3 and sha11 bc contributcd to t�ic pcoject. 2. .�oint f't�irticinatic�n and thc �lffordablc Housin� �ff�rt. Eacl7 �arty i5 a co-applicant in thc c�cvclopmcnt of tlle lan�, c�lcl� shall contribtrt� thc land hcld by thc ERWSD aitid the 'I,own to�vard the projcct and s}�all take title t� the fo�rt��cozning dwelling units ir� accc�rciance to thc follotiving ��cne��al �tiidclines: f:�.cv�r;one�.AndyJ7_admin`�c��ti sd.n 1 I 1 ., ,. � a. As co-ap�licants, cach party shall co-sign the To�vn oFVail ap��icatio�s for dcvclopmcnt rcvicw (i.c. Spccial Dcvclopment District Amcndmcnt and Dcsign Rcvic4v arplications). ?hc Town, as thc Icad abcncy, r.vi11 bear a11 initia� costs as5ociated with thc dcsi�n, planning and devclopment review of the proj cct. b. Upon approvat of the project and prioi�to the issuance of building permits, the ERWSD and Town shall provide constiuction fnancing fo1�the project or shall make interim cash contributions to cover canstilrction costs or shall make othcr provisions for the construction �inancing, Such as rec�uiring the dcveloper tn provide it. The funds shal� cover all constiliction costs and shal I be providcd by each pai-ty based on thc pro-rata slzare of the square footagc of the floor area of un�ts to be ultimatcly owned by each party. Costs associated tivith thc constiuction phase shall include, btit not be limited ta pcimit and tap fecs, excavation, building materials, sitc work, landscaping, changc ordcrs, labo�•, ctc. c. Upon complctian aFthc �rojcct as cvidcnccd by thc is�uancc of Tcmporaiy Ccrti�catcs of Occupancy, and ��-io��to any individual Safcs of units, each �ai-�y shall dcdicatc thc land cach owns to a homco�vncr's associatian to be crcatcd din�inb thc constiliction ��hasc of thc dcvclo�n�cnt. d. U�on ca�nplctian of ti�c �roject and aFtcr thc cstablishmcnt oFa homcowncr's association, each cntity shall takc titic to its �hai-c oFunits, which it wil] thcn scll or Icasc to it5 c�nployccs. "I'hc t�nits shall bc distributcd as follows: 1-- "!'OV: 5ix units. 2-- L:IZWSD; Thc }�alance of thc dcvclopmcnt, likcly to bc 12 units. 3-- If LRWSD docs not Sc11 0�� Icasc its sharc of tilc unit5 to its c►�iployccs, thc To��-n may thcn p�u�cha5c thc balancc to scll or lcase to its cmployccs. 4-- Rcrnaining units shall be madc availablc to the generai public through a systcro similar to thc Systcm used to selcct buyers for the Vail Coznnnons Dcvelopmcnt. e. �ach party shall have fir�st right af refusal on any unit resalc included in the initial dist��ibution per paragraphs d-1 and d-2. Each pac-ty shall have second right of'refusal on any unit sale �o# exercised by the other party. F The ERWSD and To�vn �vill establish a�d implcment a maximum cap on appreciation for cesales in order to ensure the long term affordability of the loca� employee housing units. All units shall have a deed re5u�iction f:le�eryonelAndy197_adminlenvsd.n 1 I 2 � .. consistcnt �vith thc restriction� attachcd as Exhibit C (i.c. "�'ail Gommons" dccd i-cstric�ions.) S�ich rest�-ictions, in adclition to bcin� includcd in cach dccd of convcyancc, shall bc incoi-�oratcd into thc candominium dcclarations. `�'ithdra�v of Pai�ticiration. 7�hc Town of Vail «�ill is5uc requcsts for pt�oposal5 from �l�l�icl7 thcy �r��ill tcicct a cicsign tcam that tvill also be res�ansiblc fo�� buildii�b tlac �rojcct. Oncc ti�c dcsign tcam is sciccted thcy ��ill dete�7l�ii�c cost Cstimates whicll wiEl bc considc��cd �rio��to e�tct�ing iizto a ccsntd�act rvith tl�at t�esign tcam to move fo�tivard on the �rajcet. Up to tl�c timc of accc�tin� thc �ro�osal of thc ticsign tcam, citl}cr pairty to this a�,E�ecrnci�t can �uithdra�v i'rom thu projcct �nc� concludc tl�cir ��artici�ation. Oncc cich party I��s rcviewccl thc PraEaoscd costs and a contract has bccn cntcrcd into ��ith a gr��rantced r�laxi�7lum �ricc as part of tlic I�esi�n Buift Cantract, cach �arty iti thcreby boun�l t� contin�ic thcir participation and can n� loi�bcr ���ithdra��- from thc Projcct. 1�:leveryar,ulAndy�97_ad�ninlenvsd.n l I � � a IN WITNESS WHEREOF Parties havc caused this Agi-ccmcnt to be executcd as of the day and ycar first abovc wi�tten. EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT g �_��-.��--- Y• Dennis Gelvin, General Managcr ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO ) � tiS. COUNTY Or EAGL� ) Thc foregoing It�tergovei-nmental Agreernent was acknowledgcd bcfore mc this ��th day of`�e�'�Gu�C��^ , 19�Z, by Dcnnis Gclvin, as Gcncral Managcr of the Ea�lc Rivcr Watcr & Sanikation District. Witncss my��and and official seal. Notary Publ i My commission expires; fa �� I�d� d_ f:leveryona�Andy197 adminler.vsd.nll 4 � . T01�V1� QF `✓AIL By: �G� � R c►-t �V. McLaurin, Totivn ivtanaacr ATTEST: ,��/�` '�, j� .-_ ? ��:�.L.i"� � ,l���l��t� _ t��:� L�`�rcic.� Donaldson Town Clcrk , STA"I'E, OF CO[,OR�1D� ) ) ss. COUN'1'Y O�' EAGLE ) "I'hc f�rcboing Intcr�c�vcrnmcntal A�rccmcnt ���as acknowvlcci�cd bcforc mc thiS-�^�"�`{day of _!c ��c.,�. 1�:- , 19��_) , by ]tol�crt W. i��1cLa�►rin, as 'i'own Mana�cr, of thc To�vt� of�'ai1, Colorado. 1'�'itncs5 my hand and c�f�cial scai. ° ,�' �' � � �_-„�. Nc�tary Public / - -- , �.rnn E.U�right,�v��Jtary Pu61iC 'viy Corr.inissian Erp+res 6-17-19"}3 ��:y' �OI11It71Sti30[7 C��lll'GS: 75 S.Fro�i'.a��Pr;.� f^.ev�ryon��Andy.`97_admin`,en+�ad.rc I 1 5 � i TOWN OF VAIL Red Sandstone Creek Request for Proposals December 23, �997 � L Introduction and Overview The Town of Vail intends ta develop the 1.6 acre Red Sandstone Creek site as employee housing for locals. The Town is requesting proposals from design-build teams made up of qualified contractors, architects, developers, designers, lenders, etc. The Town is looking for efficiency in the number of consuttants iavolved,while still addressing all of the tasks to be completed. T'he Town l�as teamed with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to provide for-sale housing to their long-term critical employees. Each entity wili �e providing land, at na cost to the praj ect,to ensure that the homes to be created are affordable. The units wi�l be permanently deed restricted, including reQuirements for owner occupancy and full-time emplayment as well as a limitation on appreciation of 3%annually. The challenge for the prospe�tive developmeat team is to: 1. Complete the site analysis; 2. Maximize the use of the site with an efficient design; 3. Verify plans conform to Town Development standards,proceed through aevelopment review process with Town staff, and present the development plan to Town Council and the Design Review Board for approval; 4. Guarantee a maximum construction price; 5. Secure financing(ogtional); 6. Complete construction; and � 7. Convey the dwelling units to the employees af the Town and District. Specific details pertaining to each of the steps are provided below. The Town intends to select ane development team to take the project through two distinct phases. The first phase would be made up of steps 1 - 4 listed above. The second phase would be made up of steps 5 - �. �ontracts with the same development team will be executed separa#ely for each of the two phases. Proposers must lists the costs and fees associated with each step separately(as further c�arified in Section 8). The Town is cnrrent�y requesting proposal from design-build teams far the "A-Frame" site. Town hvpes to creat� synergy and an econamy of scale by involving the same development team, design concepts and construction effort with both sites. Proposers must specify if the development team is interested in one or both of the available sites. 7'UWN OF VAII. DECEM$ER 23, i997 RED SANDSTONE CREEK PAGE l�F 10 ► 2. Bachground 1'�� site had been designed as an affordable housing development previously, but projected canstr�action costs for the desi�n resulted #n sales prices whicb were not affordable. As a result, the primarv challenge for the second iteration is to control costs. The Town is looking for a team which can defiver an affordable ra� duct• The previous development plan, w�ich u�as proposed by the District, received approvaI from the Town Couneil in October of 1996. Since that time, the previous development team has va1ue engineered the plans, but ❑ot to an affordable level. In October of 1997, the District voted to transfer the development of the Red Sandstone Creek employee housing site to the Town. The District's commitrnent ta the project has not diminished as the Board continues to support the concept and has not wavered in its commitment to prowide a majoriry of t�e land to the project at na cost. Mamy technical compo�ents of t�e former design are transferable to the new effon, sueh as the ciwil engineering drawin�s, infrastructure cost estimates, drainaae report, sorls studies, etc. Technical components are availab�e upon request in the supplemental infornnaticrn package (see Section 11). 3. Site and Cantext The 1.6 acre site is approximately 150' by 600'. The narrow site is situated between Red Sandstone Road and Red Sandstone Creek. The majoriry of the site is flat, but bas steep slopes on the perimerer adlacent to the road. It has been cleared of a fonner water treatment faeility and is now vacant. Constraints to take into consideration are the Red Sandstone Creek floodplain and wetlands on the western ed;e af the property. Drawings available from the previous design provide a detail of a boulder retaining wall running the length of the eastem side ofi the properry. The wall construction reflects t�e most site disturbance and expense, as the rest af the site is relatively flat. Based on the analysis af che previou$ deve�opment team, the best access point to the site is located an the southem end. Detailed designs have already been completed for access, which combine the curbcuts of two existing adjaGent condomini�rri develapments. The civil engineering drawings also include a�ati�iri1 plan which shows that all utilities are available to the site with only two (sanitary sewer ar�d natural gas} requiring some effort to bring to the deveiopment. Note tbat an existing vverhead utiliry line must fi�e removed from the site. TOWN OF L'AIL DECEMBER 23, 1997 RED SANQSTONE CREEK PAGE 2 Q� 10 ' The neighborhood surrounding the site ranges in densiry, age and qualiry, as seen in the several condominium developments surrounding the site. T'he chart below identifies the densities of the surrounding praperties, as well as the potential deusity of the Red Sandstone Creek site: PrQI� Parcel ni Gross Densitv � ' � � - Red Sandstone Greek 1.6 acres Maximum of 22 units{net) Brooktree 1.23 acres 48 22,0 Potato Patch Club + l 0 acres 44 4.4 Sandstone Park 1.54 acres l 6 10.3 Aspen Tree .49 acres 15 30.b The quality of the neighboring condominiums projects also cover a broad range. The following sales prices reflect the range in quality: Pl'o18C1 Year Constructed Tvnical Unit Pn.ce/sa.ft. 1 Pri Brooktree ]978 $I 75,000 �l 50lsf Potato Patch Club 1978 $525,000 �183/sf Sandstone Park 1979 $3�0,000 $f 80/sf Aspen Tree 1975 $106,000 $129/sf Gomments neighbors made during the previous review mainty focused on the height of the project. Potato Patch Club owners express concems about potential impacts on their views to the west. These issues were addressed by keeping most of the project at a two-story height, with only a f�w units at#hree stories. 4. Development Program The Town believes that given t�e size of the site and the character of the neighborhood,the best development program is a collection of for-sale townhomes or condominiums. The long-term p�aa� for the development, after selling the homes, is to require t�ie future owners to manage the developrnent via a conventional Home Owners Association. The current zoning allows for 22 units. The previous design provided 17 units. T�ie Town�iews the previous approval as the minimum number of units ta be proposed. The Town believes that at least one additional unit should be added and is amenable to more units, provided that the quality of the site planning is not diminished. Individual unit design shoul�include a range of sizes to accommodate a variety of needs and financial resources. T�e Town anticipates most of the development to be a mix of two and three TOWN OF VAIL DECEMBER 23,1997 RED 5AND5TONE CREEK PAGE 3 OF 14 � bedroom townhames, with just a few one bedroom units provided for variety. Garages are ofren cited as the sing�e most desired ameniry i❑ a �orne, and the Town would l�ke to see mast, if not all, homes with at l�ast a ,�ne-car garage. Storage is also a key issue whic� many resideats put as a prioriri�. Whether provided as part of the garage flr potentially in an unfinished basement, storage should be inei�ded in the desi�n. The Town anticipates that the desi�n will conform to all medium density mutti-family (MUMFj zoning standards, specifically set backs, height, site coverage, gross residential floor area (GRFA), etc. These standards are provided in the supplemental information packet, and are summarized be�ow: Zonin�: Medium-Density/Muitiple Family(IbII?MF� L.ot Size: 1.60 acres or 69,887.66 sq. ft. Buildable lot area: 54, 140 sq. ft. Allowed Densiri� 22 d.u.s Heiaht: 3$' GRF.A: 18,�9 sq. fl.. 5etbacks: Front: 2 0' 5ide�'Sidc ?0' Rear: 20' Site Coverage: 31,449 sq. ft.or�5°ro Reauired Landscaping: 2C),966 sq, ft.or 3(1°r� Parking: 2 spaces for units between Si?()and 2000 square feet Percent enc�osed: SQ°o of required parking 5. Target Market The target market for the development is the employees of the Town and the District. Most of the units are anticipated to be sold to employees of these two entities. However, the Town and District may purchase a few of the units to have available tv rent to employees. All units will be permanently deed restricted, r�equiring oecupants to be full-time employees. Aaditionall�,the deed restr�ction caps resale value at a 3°ro aooual appreciation rate. A copy ofthe Vail �'ommons deed restriction is available in the supplemental packet, which shows the language likely to be used in the deed restrictions for this development. DECEIviBER 23, 1997 PAG�4 OF 10 # The distribution of the Red Sandstone Creek units is as follows: l- The Town will have the opportunity to sell or lease 6 units within tbe development to its employees; 2- The Dist�ct wili have the opportunity to sell or lease the balance of the development � (likely to be 12 units)within the development to its employees; � 3- If a11 12 units are not purchased or leased by District employees, t�e Town (or its employees)will have the opportunity to purchase the remaining units; 4- The units not purchased by tbe Town and its employees or the District and its employees will be made available to the general public through a lottery system administ�red by the Town staff; and 5- The agreement includes an flpportuniry for a first right-of-refusal to be exercised at t�e time of resale for both the Town and the District for their 6 and 12 units, respectively. FurEhermore, there is a provision for a reciprocal second-right-of=purchase for both entities for any unit not purchased under the first-right-of-purchas�provision. 6. Target Sales Prices The primary issue is cost control. The Town anticipates simple designs whic� can be constructed efficiently and economically. The ballpark figures for sales prices, inclusive of all costs, is provtded below. Sales prices must reflect all costs, including hard costs, soft costs, permit fees, tap fees, infrastructure impro�ements, financing costs, real estate fees, etc. nit T ar F ota e �ales Price T tal al Pri r Ft. .Three�drm ]350 125 �169,Q00 Two bdrrn � 950 125 $1]9,000 One bdm� 700 120 $84,000 The benchmark for affordable housing has been set by the Vail Commons development. �n 1996/97, the development team provided hornes at 33% to 50°/a of marke#rates. Homes of similar size were delivered at an average sales price of$112/sq. ft. T'he challenge is to create a development as ctose to the target sales prices as possible,while maintaining an attractive, high qualiry design reflective of the Town of Vail's standards. The project will be reviewed by the Town's Design Review Board, which will ensure that t�e quality of€he architecture meets the Town's design criteria. Proposers must prepare a plan which balances the two goals of affordability and quality,meeting the target sales prices as c�osely as passible. D6CEIvIBER 23, 1997 PAGE 5 OF 10 � 7. Financing Alternatives, Real Estate Services, and Marl�eting A. Construc�ion financing and permanent financing ar+e the twa areas of expertise which the Town is seel�ing. To make the project as affordable as possible, the T4wn and District have considered providing the construction financing. In the proposal, the development team should calculate the cost to the praject under the seenarios of conventional financin� as well as financing provid�d by tbe Town,�District. The development team should have the expertise to secure co�structioa financing, and take on tbe associated risk of carrying the project until the units can be sold to home-owners. If tbe altemative method is provided. the proposer shauld adjust the eost and fees accordingly, as the exposure and cost tt� thc developer is limited. Expertise in providing permanent financing packages to the prospective purchasers is also an important part af the services the Town desires from the development team. Experience from the Vail CommQns �evelopment revealed that many buyers needed programs that catered to entry level buyers with limited resouxces. FP+�MA prvject appravai proved ta be a critical cornponent of the sales package, as that availed buyers to a broadcr range of loa�s without having to pay additional points or choose loans at higher rates. The Town will consider other n�pes of permanent loan packages which enable the target market of entry level buvers to close loans. These coutd include FNMA, FDMC, FHA, private portfo�io placem�nt, or internal placement within a mortbage company. B. The development team must provide all the necessary services to transfer t�e owa�ers�ip of th�e constructed units ta t�e future home-ow�ers. The cost for these services must be providcd and included in the total cost of the purchase price. The Town expects that thcse services not exeeed 2°ro of thc purchasc prices of t�e hames. C. The buyers will be �elected bv the Tawn and the �istrict by criteria they establish intemall_y. If all unirs are noz selected by employees of the Town and District, the Town will conduct a communiry-��ide lottery to generate a list of prospective buyers for t}�e remaining units. Because the projected sales prices are significantly below� market price, it is anticipat�d that the project will attract buyers without significant marketing efforts. QECEMBER 23, 1997 PAGE 6 pF 10 1 8. Proposal — Material to be Provided T�e Town requires the material in each proposal to be organized according to the following outline, addressing each of the components sequentially. i n 1 Introduction and A r�� oach � � A. Articulate the team's understanding of project B. List development team members and their role e ti n 2. �cope of Work � Provide a description of t�e work plan, specifica�ly address the abiliry and resources of the team to effectively complete each of the steps of the project. A. Complete site analysis; B. Maximize the use of the site with an efficient design; C. Verify p�ans conform to Town Development standards,proceed through development review process with Town staff, and present the development plan to Town Council and the Design Review Board for approval; D. Guarantee a maximum construction price; E. Secure financing (optional}; F. Complete construction; and G. Convey the dwelling units to the employees of the Town and District. ti n Project� A. Phase �ne (Tasks A through D listed above) The project budget must be broken out for each step, listing all fees and costs. Note that the T'own wi11 campensate designers and subconsultants based tbe time invested in the project -- not as a percentage of the total project costs. Fees should be estimated accordingly. B. Phase Two (Tasks E through G listed above) The cost analysis should be broken down into three categories: total project, per unit and per square foot as shown in E�ibit A. While Ehe Town is not asking each proposer to design and bid a detailed project design, we are looking for expertise in understanding what it wili cost to deliver a project of this scale. As the project is fully executed, the Town understands that the numbers may fluctuate slightly. Proposers should specify how much deviance from the projected costs is likely, in the event the Town awards the contract and looks to the team to deliver the project based oa t�e information show�in the Exhibit. DECEMBER 23, 1997 PAGE 7 OF ]0 t- Sectian 4. chedule A�. ��erify tbat the timeiine p�ravided is achievable or list the timeline ia which the deuelapment team will be able ta eomplete each Qf the steps in the project. Sectron 5. Qualifications and Experience � A. Describe the teaxn's expertise as it pertains to the delivery af affordable housino. B. Provide examples of previous developments. ection 6. Refer nces n R sum A. List references from other c�ients for simrlar projects. B. Prov2de profiles of each vf the team members who will be working au the project. 9. Criteria for Evaluation Propflsals will be evaluated on the following cntena: 3U°o ,4bility to bri�Q a finished produ�t on-lir�e at a cost not exceeding the target sales price. 2�°�o F�esponsiw�eness of the proposal and coverage of all points listed in tbe RFP. 20°�o Qualflty af the proposed work, relative to t�e cost. ?0°�n Track record of�re��ious affordable housin� developanents, specifically showing that qualin� and economy were both achieved, S�o Qrganization af proposal. 5°-o Familiariry with t�� Town of Vail standards and review process. 10. Deadline, Contact, and Schedule A. The deadline to submit proposals is 12:00 noon, Tuesday, Febtuary 3, I998. Provide five copies of the camplete praposals to: Andy Knudtsen Senior Housing PoIicy Planner Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO, 81657 Phone: 970-479-2440 Fax: 970-�79-245? DECEMBER 23, 1997 PAGE S OF 14 Any progosers wanting a supplemental information packet should call the above number. Questions that proposers might have should be directed to Andy Knudtsen. Answers to complicated quesrions will be faxed to all parties who have requested an informatian packet in writing and provi�ed a fax number. B. The schedule for the project is as follows: 1. Proposals Due �_3 2. Interviews with finalists (if needed) 2-9 ta 2-10 3. Select design/build team and related team members 2-12 4. Generate Design and construction budgets 2-13 to 3-13 5. Preapplicatian meeting with planning staff 2-19 6. Tawn Council review of conceptual budget and desig� 3-10 7. ToV Development Review application deadline 3-�6 8. DRB conceptuaI review{if desired) 4-� 9. DR.B conceptuai review 4-15 10. DRB final review 5_� 11. Final Town Council approval ofproject 5-12 12. Building permit application 5-13 13. Building pemvt issuance �_3 14. Start of construction b-4 15. Lottery {if needed) August 1 b. Closings January 1999 The schedule asswnes that the team will begin construction documents based o❑ early responses from the DRB and Town Council. In the discussion of sche�ule within the proposal,proposers should address this assumption. 11. Other A. S�p��emental InfQr��ion Packet 'Tl�e Town has assembled packets of information which are available ta interested proposers. Call 974-479-2440 to request a packet. Much of the material is made up of the drawings associated with the previous design. Survey (on disc and hard copy) , Civil engineering dra.wings Architectural site plan Vail Commons Master Deed Restriction DECEMBER 23, 1997 PAGE 9 OF IQ Medium-Density Multiple-Fanvly zone district ordinance and sta.odards Subsoil studv Draina�e report Planning and Environmental Comunissioa Memo Infrastructure cost estimates Wetlands study B. Srte Visit Staff wiIl be available on-site Monday, .Tan�ary 1?. 1998 from 2:04 pm to 4:00 pm ta explain the site and program in �reater detail to those indi�fiduals or teams who desire a greater randerstanding of che scope of the work. C. Fair Housing Act Standards Proposers s�auld be aware of the requirements for accessibiliry, per the Fair Housing Act af 1988 (FHA) and its amendments. Determining which units rr�ust comply with all seven items and which units are exempt will be the responsibility of the development team. There are seven general areas of compliance: l. Accessible enuances. ?. 14ccessible common areas, 3. Usable doars, 4. Accessible rouxes through units. 5. Light switetaes and 4t�er cantrols in accessible locations, 6. Reinforced bathroom walls far grab bars, and 7. L sable kitchens and bathrovms. D. Selection Authoritv Proposals r��ili be evaluatea by the Town of Vail and any cansulta�ts it may retain. The Town u�ill decide up4n the selection of the team after the evaluation of the proposals (and interviews, if deemed necessary ar desirable by the Town). Tbe Tawn is not obligated ta award the project if it decides, at its so�e discretion, that tl�e proposals do not meet the cr�teria, objecrives and requirements for completing t�e project. E, om leted Drar��inas Ali work by the seleczed tearn will become the property of the Town of Vail at the cornpletion of the design effort. DECEA4BER 23, 1997 PAGE l0 OF 10 Sheetl Exhibit A _�___ � � ' ' � --�- --- Cost Analysis for the A�D SANDSTONE CREEK Pro osal -- ; T�� -t - Development Team , Con#act Person , � � Date o! Analysis I . --� 1_�_� __ � Total cost Cost per unit �Cost per --�-- _..._. _ } for project I I sq. ft. �1-- � Site improvements --�Excavation Grading Sewerlwater � Drainage Paving Landsca ing Fees/general conditions Undergrounding eleclric � _ Sub total � — Conslruclion Cosls � — � � ISub total _ - -`---�____ _. _._. _ 0 _� � --- -- -- - ---- - -{---- Soft Cosis ---- -- I_ -- Architectural fee i ___ _ _ _ Subcansultanls lisl below) _ ------.. . ._ _ --- --- ---- -- � -_-- ----- . -- � ___–�--- � — Project Management/developer(ee � Legallaccounting � Insurance Titfe fees Construction financing Project ap�roval for permanent linancing Tap fees Building permit fees Rea! estate transaction fee Other Sub total 0 � Total for �raject Page 1 TOWN O� VAIL A-Frame Ho�using Site Request for Proposals December 23, 1997 1. Introduction and Overview The Town of Vail ovu�ns a 0.42 acre parcel in West Uail and intends to redevelop the site as employee housing for locals. The Town is requesting proposaks from design-build teams macfe up of quafified contractors, architects, develapers, designers, lenders, etc. Aithough this site is separate from the Red Sandstone Creek sit�, whieh is also currently under consideration by the Town for empioyee housing, the Tawr� hopes to create synergy and an economy of sca�� by involving the same develapment team, design cancepts and construction effori with both sites. Prapasers rnust specify if the development team is interested in one or both of the available sites. The goal of the Town for this site is to provid� housing for its long-term employees. The current residence on the site (an "A-Frame") will be razed and the Town intends ta r�place it with a duplex and ca�etaker unit. The Town may retair� ownership of the three dwre�ling units and then lease the units. Another aiternative is for the Town to sell the units. In either case, t�e units will �e permanently deed restricted, including requirements for full-time employment, a cap on appreciation of 3% annuafly, and a requirement#or owner-occupancy, if sold to individual Town employees. The challenge �or the prospective development team is to conduct the similar steps required in the Red Sandstone Creek RFP, focusing on the delivery ot an affordable product. 1. Complete the siTe analysis; 2. Maximize the use oi the site with an efficient design; 3. Verify plans conform to Town Development standards, proceed through development review process with Town sta9f, and present the development plan to Town C�uncil and the Design Review Baard for approval; 4. Guarantee a maximum construction price; 5. Secure fi�ancing (optional); 6. Complete constructior�; and 7. Gonvey the dweiiang uniks to the empioyees of the Town and District. Specific details pertaining to eaeh of the steps are provided below. The Town intends to s�lect one deveiopment team to take the project thraugt� two distinct phases. The first phase would be made up of �teps 1 - 4 listed above. The second phase woul� be made up of steps 5 - 7. Contracts w�th the same dewelopment team will be executed separately for each of the twv phases. Praposers must lists the costs and fees associated with each step separately (as further clarified in Section 6). T�� 12-23-97 A-FFil�ME 1 of 6 2. Site and Context The site lies at the base of a wooded hiilside and abuts US Forest Service land to the west. The West Vail neighborhood borders the site to the east and north and '+s mad� up of duplex and single famify homes. Currently, there is a single family residence on-site, which must be razed to accammodate the new deveiopment. Development at the front of the lot is lim�ted by a thirty foot wide drainage easement. A perennial stream runs throc�gh the easement and serves a the draanageway far the hillside above the lot. Utilfties are located in the right-of-way adjacent to the lot. 3. Development Program The goal at the Tawn is to ereate two h�mes for Tawn employees and their families. In addition, the Town hopes to create a caretaker unit for a shingle employee. A�1 three dwelling units will be in one structure. The zoning standards for the site (Primary/Secondary Two Family) albw for duplex-type development, with the stipulation that one half of the structure be no greater than 6�% af the allowed floor area for the site. The �wo dweiling units are allowed "by-right," but the potent�al caretaker unit must be approved by the Planr�ing and Environmenta� Commission (PEC}. For most duplex and primary/secondary sites, designers maximize the development potential and use all of the available floor area. TF�e max�mum development progr�m for the site is: Primary 2$B5 sq. ft. Secondary 2052 sq. ft. Caretaker 500 sq.ft. (via the credit for deed restricted employee housing) A more reasanable and aff�rdable program would be: Primary: 1350 sq. ft. Secondary: 1350 sq. ft. Caretaker. 600 s�. ft. (v�a the credit as well as square faatage transferred to khe caretaker from unus€xl GRFA in the primary and secondary.) Because the Town's primary interest is a_ffardable housing, the size of the homes will be less than what is allowed. The second of the two scenar�as listed above nat only caters to the iocal market, but aiso includes the potential for an economy of scale in conjunetion with the Red Sandstone Cr�eYt site, as the recommended square footages are the same as those listed for the Red Sandstone Creek program. The Town will consider large� dwelling units, if the sales prices remair� affordable. Two key elements of a home which are frequ�ntly brought up by potential home awners are garages and storage. Providing needed storage areas with unfinished basements has beer� highly successtul in Vail Commons, a previous affordable hausing eftort in town. The d�velopment standards for this site are provided in the supplemental information packet. The Tawn anticipates that the design will conform to all Primary/Secondary (PIS) zoning star�dards, specifpcally set backs, height, site coverage, gross residential floor area (GRFA}, etc. TOV A-F�iAME 12-23-97 2of6 4. Target Market and Sales Prices The target rnarket for the c�evelopmer�t is the employees of the Town. The Town may rent or sell the units, as discussed above. All units will be permanent�y deed resiricted, in either sc�naria. The primary issue is cost control. The Towr� antic�pates s+mple designs which can be constr�cted efficiently and economically. The batlpar�c figures for sales prices, inclusive of all casts, is provided below. Sales pric�s must reflect ail costs, including hard costs, soft costs, perrrrit fees, tap fees, infrastructure improvements, financing costs, real estate fees, cfemolit�on costs etc. - Unit Tvoe Square Footaae Saies Price T9ta1 SaFes Price per S�Ft. Three bdrm • 1350 125 $159,000 Two bdrm 950 125 $119,000 The benchmark for affordable hausing has been set by the Vail Commons development. In 1996197, the development team provided homes at 33% to 50% of market rates. Homes of similar size were de(ivered at an average sales price of$112/sq. �t. The cha�lenge is to create a development as close to the target sales prices as possible, while maintaining an attractsve, high quality design reflective of the Town of Vail's standards. The project will be reviewed by the Town's Design Review Board, which will ensure that the quality of the architecture meets the Town's design criteria. Proposers must prepare a plan which balances the iwo goals of affordability and quality, meeting the target sales prices as closely as possible. 5. Financirtg Atterrta#ives, Real Estate Services,and Marketing A. Construction financing and permanent financing are the two areas of expertise whict� the Town is seeking. To make the project as affordable as passibie, the Town has considered providing the canstruction financing. In the proposal, the develapment team sha�ld cafculate the cost to the project under the scenarios of conventional financing as welt as financing provided by the Town. The development team should have the expertise ta secure constructio� fmancing, and take on the associated risk of carrying the pro�ect until the units can be sold to home-owners. If the alternative method is provided, the proposer should adjust.the cost and fees accordingfy, as the exposure and cost to the developer is limited. Expertise in providing permanent financing packagss #o the prospective purchasers is alsa an fmportani part of the services the Tovsrn desires from the develapment team. Experience from the Vail Commvn5 development revealed that many buyers needed programs that eatered to entry�evel buyers with limited resources. FNMA project ap�roval pro�ed to be a critical component of the sa�es paekage, as that availed buyers to a broader rar�ge of aoans without having to pay addstional points or ct�oose loans at higher rates. The Towr� wil! consider o#her types of perman�nt taan packages which enable the target market of entry level buyers fo close loans. These could inciude FNMA, FDMC, �HA, private portfolio placement, or intemal placemer�t within a mortgage company. B. The development team must provide the services to transfer the owners�ip of the constructed units to the future home-owners. The cost for these services rnust be includeci in the total cost of the purchase price and should not exceed 2% of the purchase price. The buyers will be selected by the Town by criteria established internally. rov tz.2s-s7 A-FRAME 3 6+� 6. Proposal -- Mater�al to be Provi�ed The Town requires the material in each proposal to be organized according to the followir�g outline, addressing each af the components sequentialiy. If proposers ir�tend to subrnit rr�aterial for both the Red Sandstone Creek development and the A-Frarr�e devekopment, the material to be provided can be consolidated. Sectians 2 and 3 must be completed separately for each project, but the other sections do not need to be duplicated. Sec#ion 1. Introduction and A�rflach A. Articulate the team's understanding of project B. List development team members and their role ection 2. 5c�e oF Work Provide a description of the work plan, specifically address the abiiity and resources of tt�e ieam to �ffectiveiy compfete each of the sfeps of the praject. A. Camplete site analysis; B. Maximize the use of the site with an e�ficient design; C. Verify plans conform to Tawn Development standards, proceed throt�gh development review process with Town staff, and presen#the development plan to Town Council and the Design Review Board for approval; D. Guarantee a maximum construction pric�; E. Secure financing (optional}; F. Complete constructian; and G. Convey #he dwelling units to the employees of the Town and District. Section 3. Praject 8udaet A. Phase 4ne (Tasks A through � listed above} The p�oject budget must be broken out for each step, listing all fees and cosTs. Note that the Town wi�! corrapensat� designers and subconsultants based the time invested in the project -- no1 as a percen�age of the total project costs. Fees should be estimated accordingly. B. Phase Two (Tasks E through G listed above} The cast analysis should be broken down into three categories: total project, per unit and per square foot as shown in Exhibif A. While the Town is not aski�g each proposer to design and bid a detailed proj�ct design, we are looking for expertise in understanding what �t will cvst to de{iver a project of this scale. As the project is fully executed, the Town understands that the numbers may fluctuate slightly. Proposers should speciiy how much deviance from the projected costs is likely, in the event the Town awards the contraet ar�d loa�CS to the team to deliver the project based on the inforrrration shown in the �xhibit. Section 4. hedul A. Verify that the timeline prov�ded is achievable or list the timeiine in which the devefopment team will be able to compiete each of the steps in the project. TO V 12-23-97 A-FRAM�E 4 of B i n . Dualifications and �x�erienc� A. Describe tf�e team�s expertise as �t pertains to the dslivery of affardable housing. B. Provide examples of prev#o�s developments. i n . R f r n R m A. �ist references from other clients ior similar pra�ects. . . B. €'rovide profiles of each of the team members who will be warking on the project. 7. Criteria for Evaluation Proposals will be evafuated on the following criteria: 30% Ability to bring a firrished product an-line at a cost not exceeding the target sales �price. 20% Responsiveness of the proposal and coverage of all points listed in the RFP. 20% �uatity of the proposed wark, relative to the cast. 2Q°/b Track record of prev�o�ss affordable housing developments, specifically showing that quaiity and economy were both achieved. 5% Organization of proposaf. 5% Familiarity with the Town of Vai� standards and rev4ew process. S. Deadline, Con#act, and Schedu�e A. The deadline to submit praposals is 12:00 noon, Tuesday, February 3, 1998. Provide #ive copies of the complete praposals to: Andy Knudtsen Senior Housing Policy Pianner Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO, 81657 Phone: 970-479-2440 Fax: 970-�479-2452 Any proposers wat�ting a supplemental infarmation pac�Cet should call the above number. It inc#udes a survey (on disc and hard copy) and fhe P/S zane district standar�s. Questions that proposers might hav� should be directed to Andy Knudtsen. Answers ta complicated questions wilt be faxed to alt parties who have r�quested an infarmation packet in writing and provided a fax number. B. The schedule for t�e project is as follows: �. Proposals Due 2_g 2. Interviews wit� finalists {if needed} 2-9 to 2-1 p 3. Se#ect design/build team and related team members 2-�2 4. Ger�erate Design and construction budgets 2-13 to 3-f 3 5. Preapplication meefing with planning 5taff 2-19 TO V i 2-23-97 A-FRAME 5 of 6 6. Towr� Councii conceptual approval of budget and design 3-10 7. TOV Gonditional Use application d�adline 3-16 8. PEC Conditional Use hearing 4-13 9. DRB conce{�tual review 4-15 10. DI�B final review 5-6 11. Final Town Council approval of project 5-�2 12. Building permit application 5-13 13.�. Building permit issuance s-3 14. Start of construction 6-4 15. Lvttery (if needed) August 16. Closings Jar�uary 1999 . The schedule assumes that the team will begit� construction documents based on e�rly responses from the DR8 and Town CounciP. fn the discussion of schedule within the prflposal, proposers should addr�ss this assumption. 9. Oither A. Town Staff will be available on-site Monday, January 12, 1996 from 1:00 �am to 2:00 pm to explain the site and pragram in greater detail to thos� individuals or teams wha desire a greater understanding of the scope of the work, B. Proposers should be aware of the requirements for accessibility, per the Fair Housing Act oi 1988 (FHA) and its amendments. Determining which units must comply with all seven items and which ur��ts are exempt will be the responsibility of t�he development team. T�here are seven ge�eral areas of compliance: 1. Accessib�e entrances. 2. Accessible common areas, 3. Usable doors, 4. Accessible routes through units, 5. Light switches and other controls in accessible locations, 6. Re�nforced bathrpom walls for grab bars, and 7. Usable kifcher�s and bathrooms. C. Praposals will be evaluated by the Town of Vail and any consultar�ts it may retain. The Town will decide upon the sefection of the team after the evaluation of the proposals (and in#erviews, if deemed necessary or desirable by the Town}. The Town is nat obligated to award the project if it decides, at its sole discretion, that the proposals do not meet the criteria, objee4ives and requirements for completing the project. D. A�� work by the sele�cted team will become the property of the Town of Vail at the completion of the design effort. rov A-FRAME 12-23-97 so}6 Sheetl Exhibil A Cost Anal sis for the_A-Frame Affordable Ho I � -� -- -�- - - Y - O4 usin Pro osa! } � � I _ _. _��---- __ __ __l --��-�� L- } --- - :�--- --- Develo�menl Team ' Contac� Person -- - - - -- s--..- - --- -�--� �---� - - -- Date af Analysis _ ` _ � _ _-_ _ -� � -� - - - i --- - --- - , � Total cost , �- ICos1 er _____ _� _ f �Cast per unit p - -- ---f - -, - - --- � I(or pro�ec�� I � Isq ft.-- -�- - . . ._� I I Site Irraprovements__1_ r _ __ Excavation � �Grading�� _ Seweriwater - -- -- -- 'Urainage� _ l --- f'<7ving � , � - - - - � _ ___ --_- - --- Landscapir�g-- _ _- --- � -- -- --- - Fees/general conditions Undergrounding eleetric - -- . .- - I - �--- _ . _ - -- ; f Sub toial -- _ __ -- -- - - -� r - --I----- - �-- � � Construclion Costs �I � I � � - -- -- --- �- ' Sub taia'I � � � - ----- - - -- � -�-.�� _ _ � - - -------- -- -- - -- ------ � ---- , - - - - - -�-- - -- -- -.---- I -_ -- -__ -� _..�----- i- So(t Cosls -- - - �_� � --- - - ___ _ - - I�rchitecEural iee -- -- - -- � �- - - _ - -- -- -----���- ---- Subcansultants (Gsl bela�v) -- - - -- ---- -;- _ _... ._ __-- - -- - -!- -- -- --- - -- - —___�_�� .�__� _- -- -- --� � - � � _. _. . --- - - - { --- Proj�ct Management/developer lee -- - . ._-- --------- - _- � - -- Leg�l/accounting � � �-- `- ---- -- - --- lnsurance ' � ; _----- ---- -- -- -- �Tifle lees � A . _ �Conslruction financing _ _ _ _ f'rajec!_approval for perrr�anent financir�g -- Tap fees�` -- - --- _ Building permit fees�___ Real estate fransaction fee ---- ------ ------ - - ----- Olher _� — � - -- ---- -- I - - I Sub to1aV �- � -- _ : - - �� 1--- . � j i I� -- Total for Project Page 1 �°���� _ � � �: �r ` a - � ' `�` � ������� - a ��. sQ�.� �l�V����T11����T��I� ����J�I��T�, ��c�o - Mr. Andy KnudYsen Town of Vail 75 South Fmntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 December 17, 1997 Dear Andy; P[ease find enclosed two copies af aur wetland delineation report and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ("Corps") Nationwide Permit 26 notification, dated October 30, 1996. Also included are one copy of the original Corps approval and letter from Torr� Braun rec�uesting an extension to the appzoval. Neither Tom nor I located a copy of the letter from the Corps approving the extension. However, Mike Claffey from the Corps will be fon�varding a copy to me which I wi1L immediately send ta you. Montane also did no�have extra copies of the fotlowing drawings, as they are the property of the previous c�ient: a drawing showing the Red Sandstone subdivision lot lines (Append�A); drawing of survey�wetland boundaries {Ap�end�C); and drawing of�andscape plan {Appendix E�. Please give me a call if you have any questions. 5incerely, l� � - I�tO Anna Higgins Enviranmental Scientist Enclosure: Report P.O.BOjC 361�.}�AiL,Ct3LOfZt�DO 8i65� . �'�fON�}FA3f{9�43j�-f�450 . PHONF}Ftl3Ct��4)328-6t58 ������� �✓.r �, � � A�'�.o���l\� ���������'11iJ.� 1 �� , /� I �A� ~. 1 ��.�� .F�`: ~ � �� ����JT����� �tC�.. _ � - �]�, . .�Lti . INVOICE B[LL TO DATF• 12117�'97 �T0�1VN D� VAIL INVQICE# 159 ANDY KNLIDTSEN 7� SO�CEFH FR aMAGE f�OAD PR4JECT: VAI�; �OLO�ADO 81657 RED SANDSTONE D�.SCR.IPT�ON AMpLIN�I- Qverhead 17.50 Keproduction cost 7.22 �'OTAL AMOLINT DLIE $24.72 POST OFFICE BOX 3611 VA[L, CO 81658 TE1,: 970-468�4�0 �A �r s��urv �ssa�i,�T�s, �NC. PLAhSI�1NG ind COMMUNI i`! DEVEIOPF�'IENT Uecember i2, 199b Mr.Grgd�►L.M��re,Chief Northwest Colsx�do R�egulatory 4�oe 402 Ronk Avca�c,Koom !4z Crand 7uacti.on,CU 8154 i 2563 RE: PrOjeC# �996755�1 Dear iV�r.McNur�c. `The pnrpose of ttris lctner is tv roqoest an ext�ion a�the Nationwide C,�atteral�trmit Nim�ber 2b wt�ich has been ap�ravcd bY Ya�ot�ce fort�e abo�c refcr�nc�d�r�oc� As a�p�uvcci,Uxis permit is valid�1]anuary 21, 1997. Co�stnictian af tI�e pro�posed Pm,jax is not expoc�ad o0 be�in until spring aF I997. As sx�ch,�reqncst that tbis prxmit be t�che�ad�d to be valid thran� 15►9'7. 'I'haolc you fa�yrnu co�ation. Please do not hesit:�e L�oantact ma with$aY 9��Y'� t�'l�ve. y� , l ���- - Ttioln�s A 13s�ann,AICP c� Maitsae F.avirommearal 5o�utioss,clo Anns Hi�iag Eagk ii�v�cr Wafler amd Saiaiis�oa Di�rict,da D�eanis Gelvi�t T�v�m of Vaii,clo An,dy Kn�dtse� �r �� � � � l(,t �' 1 _ Te F�a„ ,..��y►..� Oo�Dav4 t�o. Pl+aw A phprMe�► � � i Minteun IrarnMxlte Ru�ki� Phrnw_S7f3A375197 20i Main Srtee�2nd Floor ��-97p.$2'/.5.Sp7 post Of�ce Box r7�s Mirdturn. Cdoracio$1645 TQT�1L P.01 ���_�- ; � DEPARTMENT OF TH� AR�4AY '.���� ����'� U.S.ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT,SACRAMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEERS �, � i 1325 J STREET ���; SACRAMENTO,CALIFORNIA 95814-2922 � __ REPLY TO ��___� nTTeHnoNOF December 3 , 1996 Regulatory Sranch {199575527) Ms . Anna Higgir.s hlon�ane Environmental Solu�ions, Limited Pos�. Box 3611. Vail , Colorada 81658 Dear Ms . Higgins : _ I am respcnding ta your recxuest for a Department of the Army permit to fill approximately 0 . 08 acre of wetlands for the propos�d " Red Sandstone Locals Housing Project . " The project is located at Red Sandstone Creek in Section l , Townsh�p 5 Sou�h, Range 81 West , �ac{le County, Colorado . The Chief ot Engineers has issued nationwide general permit number 26 which authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material in waters of the United States knawn as headwaters and isolated waters . Your praject can be constructed under this authority provided the w�rk meets the �c�ditions listed �n *_�e enclosed informat�on ti�heets . This veri�icatioii is contingent upon implementation and completion of the mitigative measures disc�xsBed in your written submittal dated October 30, 1996 . These mitigative measures shall be compl�ted no later than September 1, 1997 . Upon completion Qf the mitigatian �worlc, you will submit a written report, with photographs, to this office describing the succeea of the work. A follow-up report on the success of the mitigataon work shall be submitted to thi.s office one year later. This permit verification will be valid until January 21 , 1997 . You should contacG thzs office if work will extend beyond �his date . Please note that nationwide general permit 25 i.s expected to be re-issued with same modifications by February 2 , 1997 . Typically, when nati�nwide permits are re-issued, verifications under the previous versions are good for another 12 months . You may wish to contact us after February 2 , 1997 ta confirm this verificaticn as stilZ being valid. -2- We have assigned number 199575527 to your projec� . PTease refer to this number in any eorres�ondenee with this officp . If yau have any questions , please contact me telephon� number { 97d) 243-1199 , extension 11 . S ' c rely, �� �l � �1,�� . d L -e� � , N rthwestern Colorado _ R tcry Offic� 4fl2 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, C�lorado 81501-2�53 Enclosure Copies Furnished: Mr. Bi11 Clark, Colorado I�ivision of Wildlife, 711 Independent r�venue, Grand Junction, ColQrado 81501 Town of Vail , Attn : ��.ty Manager, 75 S Fron�age Road, Vail , Colorada 81657 Eagle River Water anc3 Sanitation District , 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 ��;�T.�f�� �; r � t , . q � � . � � � �- �=�=.ra `�' ��,�,:��r- ^�A � �A�Atl;� _ _I � ������� �J � �'.' � � .^. Y,��� ������J ������������� ���������� �'��, Mr. Mike Claifer SacrarrienCo District l l.S. Army Corp� of En�ineers 40? Rocx{ Avenue, Rc>c7n� 14? Grand Ju�cti�n, Cc�lciradc� $1501-?563 October 3�, 1996 Subject:Nationwide Pennit 26 Notifi�atian Dear V1ike; Please find enclosed a brief discussion c�f the propcysee� `Red San�tone Local'� Housin,� Prc�ject' ("Pr��ject"), whicli will encrc�acli upon 3,308 square feet c�l�jurisdictiutial wetland:�. The �ury�ose �f this letter/notilication is to c�btair� yc>ur approval 1or cuvera�e under a P�latic�nwic�e ?6 Per�uit - Headwaters and Isolated Waters Discl�ar�es. Tlze Project is locateci ac�jacent to Red Sandstone Creek, wAiicti accorc�ing to t�ae U.S.G.S. ktas � drain�;e a�e� �{ 7.32 square miles. Data lrorn the �;ag�ing:tation upstrea��a of the Project �liows the average annual daily flow ?.5 cfs (Table l.). The ['roject is located e�n Rec� Sandst�me Creek Road, V�il, Colorad<}, in t�ie SW 1/4 c�f Seetion 1, Township 5 South, Range 81W (Figure 1). The property is cor►ipr�ed of .3 lats knc�w� as: I'�rt of Parcel 1 (0.648 acre) of B�oc-k D, Li��n's iRid�� Sub�l��ision, P�art of Parce� ? f�.56 acre) of Block D same suhdivi�ion, and a portic�n of Parcel A (0.3964 acre), c�f the san�e subdiv�.�ion, totalin� 1.6044 acres (Appendix A}. The current prc�perty owr�ers are the Ea�;l� River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD}, f<�rn�erly t�ie Vail Valley Consc�iidatec� Water District, an� tF�e [I.S. �orest Service, who c�wns the 0.39G4 acre parcel. Thi� �arcel is currently under a land eachange in v►�hich the Tc�w�n of Vail will acquire a 5.7 acre parcel of which rhe 0.3964 i�� part. Once tlie exchan�e is complete, the C1.3�64 acre will be incoc-porated intc� the Project property. T�te project proponent� are hcat�� t}�e EftWSD and the Town of Vail. In an inter�avernr�lental ��reetnent, the� ERWSD i� the priruary develc�p�r and the Tow•n i� prov-idin,� lanc� and i� a participant in t}�e fundin�. Cc�nstruction i� scheduled t�� be�in in Spri�1�, 1997. �'.��.B:�X 3611.VAII,.C��L��R,�D��ti1658 . PI I��NE/FAX ;�)70;aht3 0�+5�1 . I'H�`NF%FAX(97(1;3"?8 C�ISt3 ��' , , � � . 8 . , �� �� � � � � , o". � � � � � �, \ ' � �f � � , � 9800 9 � , ,�, �, ������,� � , //� , , , , ,, � ,, �, , � % � ; �' ';t�% - � � ; �� � ,: �, i i � .., � � ���1� �� � �i 11) \� \�;:CI���,, ; � ; JJI; � '` ;\\\\�,, `"� � � \ , I � � �\;';�;;��� � � ,�� 1 , � , � � :E ; �. � ; � , � , � 9.�1����;� � �--� � , 1�I'�'\''�' " ��� \ � �iii���;" l � �_ ��, �1�� ` 1 \ ` ' 1 � � ?���� ��, 1 , � � ��, „I ��` � � , �� '� i�j� �� ,� i"��� � � ���`, � ��,��^ � � �i'�,` � � � � � �?� ��il �� �,�1 ) 'rvg�ll�i�. .�.'� ', �1����\\`1����\ �`_—f�\ ��II�1��`�'`1�\� �� --� A ' �� �� ;� \ � � II �f�� I �\\\\��\��\�� I 8\����� ---;%� ����i I i � A���?p� � , � �L=� � �%� `I\\\� / i �\\``\��}>,rl� �1 �� 1 � ,\ � �r� ; �, � %'� � � �,��a' �111� 'q � � �, A �- i�� `���� �l `,.\ \ l� �� \��\��\���\�ll�\�� ���—�_ C,,, ,v, , O � ,� ;y� ,,:,,i , .v ,. , , , �_— �- o� � �� � ��'\�\��\��\s �:���l�l�li� r/�� t1��`�t���d T�.'r� _� / �� 1� :>�� �� �����A4> i � �llp .,i �\������� V� '? �I . �� �.� � � i � � 4��/ 1 _ - -� — � \ i � � � � \` ��1\\� \\\\\�� `� /�9��/��J1�II\������� ,��` � `L r�" `� ' '�« �� Il,� �\ � ��� ,�����''�X� I� SIT'E LOCA'FION ���IJ ;.���"'� '� -- /, -��\���1 /J���`�� \�\ ��/ , l�I�/' �� ��, I���J/ /,��� `'` _,.,: ��ir—_—— + t —��� ����� �-.1 �� � � �� � ' � � � � ��' �� � —� �� ���i �I1) ���� �-�����������'�� � � ��" .�_ _ ,�� i\ �i �\� \ i � �gb � ',i;,,, ,���, , , ��; , i �; '� , 1::- .I .�'.- � �� ����� ��1 ����� �',`�� _��//� =�j�/,�.;� �/' �J ���,'� ��� 11�.. �\i � � � �� �`�.� � �A���'� v/ � '� � �._ . —q� . � A�.� �I i I J � ��!!% !"� . � i i U'� I � �T� �� _ i I 11�l1t .\. 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D-,,p �j�� ����/�//�l / ���`` � ' •/� .I .% ig7 - ''/ / ///:'��I��/�II'/I�/ � � '�___ '_— �`� " - '.�� � I ��78 25'� I]79� ]80 • �wrceiow—aao�nc�u��w�v�r wu�iwa�or�.o c � .i ,v �e ; ,. �81°°°m E. ap T USC�7S MINUTE QUAD,VAIL FIGl1RE t • • � w�;T,co�or�[� SITE VICINITY ;_ a �� TABLE 1 U.S. Geological5urvey Water Resources for Colorado Historical Surface-2 Year Data Surface Water Data Retrieval Server-Station Data("http://h2o.usgs.gov/sK•r/co/") US GEOLOGIGAL St�RVEY DA1LY ME.AN DISCHARGE DATA(in Cubic Feet per Second} Station name : "RED SANDSTON�CREEK NEAR MINTLRN, CO." Station number: 09066400 latitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds)...394058 state code..........08 counry code........_037 lon�itude(degrees,minutes, and seconds)...1062403 district code..........08 hydrologic unit code..... 14010003 drainage area (sqvare miles).............7.32 ea�e datum (feet abo�•e NGVD).................. 9150.00 DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE D�SCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE I 993.09.30 I.6 I 993.1 1.I 4 1.8 I 993.!2.29 I.3 I 994.02.t 2 I.2 I 993.!OA I I.7 �993.I i.I 5 i.7 I 993.E 2.3U I.3 �994.Q2.!3 I.2 I 993.t 0.02 I.7 I 993.I !.I 6 I.6 I 993.12.3 I I.3 I 994.02.I 4 I.2 I993.I0.03 I.7 I 993.I I.f 7 I.b I 994.0I.0I I.3 I994.02.I5 I.2 I 993.10.04 I.7 1993.I I.I 8 I.8 I 994.0 f.02 I.4 I 994.02.I b I.2 I 993.i 0.45 I.6 I 943.I I.I 9 I.8 I 994.0 I.03 I.4 I 994.02.I 7 I.3 I 993.i 0.06 I.6 I 993.I I.20 I.7 I 994.0 f.04 I.3 I 994.02.I 8 I.3 I 993.I 0.07 2.2 I 993.I I.21 I.6 I 994.0 I.05 I.3 I 994.02.I 9 !.3 I 993.I 0.08 2.6 I 993.I I.22 I.6 I 994.0 i.Ob I.3 I 994.02.20 f.3 J 493.10.09 2.4 I 993.I I.23 I J I 994.0!.07 I.3 I 994.02.21 1.2 r 993.I 0.!0 2.3 I 993.I I.24 I.8 I 994.0 I.08 !.3 I 994.02.22 1.� I 943.I 0.I I 2.3 I 993.I I.25 I.6 I 994.01.09 i.3 I 994.42.23 I.2 I 993.I 0.12 2.7 I 993.I I.26 I.4 E 994.41.I 0 !.3 I 994A2.24 I.3 I 993.I 0.I 3 2J I 993.I I.27 I.3 f 994.0 I.I I i.3 I 994.02.25 I.3 I 943.1 OJ 4 2.6 I 993.I I.28 I.3 1994.0 I.I 2 I.2 I 994.02.26 I.3 I 993.10.15 2.6 I 993.I I.29 I.5 i 994.01.13 I.2 I 994.42.27 I.3 I 993.I 0.I b 2.6 I 993.I I.30 I.6 I 994.0 I.I 4 I.3 I 994.02.28 I.3 1993.10.17 2.4 1993.12.41 1.6 1994.01.15 1.3 1994.03.01 1.2 1993.10.18 2.4 1493.12.02 1.6 1994A 1.16 1.2 1994.03.02 1.2 I 993.I 0.I 9 2.2 I 993.!2.03 I.6 I 994.01.I 7 I.2 I 994.03.03 I.2 I 993.I 0.20 2.i I 993.t 2.04 I.5 I 994.0 I.I 8 1.2 I 994.03.04 I.3 . I 993.10.21 2 I 993.12.05 I.5 I 994.01.I 9 I.2 i 994.03.05 I.3 I 993.10.22 I.9 I 943.12.06 f.5 I 994.01.20 I.2 f 494.p3.06 I.3 I 993.I 0.23 I.9 I 493.I 2.07 !.5 I 994.0 I.21 I.2 1994.03.07 I.3 I 993.f 0.24 I.9 !493.I 2.08 !.5 I 994.0 I.22 I.2 I 994A3.08 I.3 I 993.I 0.25 I.9 1993.I 2.09 I.5 I 994.0 I.�3 I.3 I 994.03.09 I.2 I 493.I 0.26 I.9 I 993.12.I 0 I.4 I 994A!.24 I.3 I 994.03.I 0 I.2 �993.10.�7 I.8 I 993.I 2.I I I.4 I 994.0!.25 I.3 I 994.Q3.I I f.2 i 993.I 0.�8 I.9 I 993.I 2.I 2 I.4 I 994A I.26 I.2 I 994.fl3.I 2 �.3 I 993.I 0.29 I.4 I 993.I 2.I 3 I.4 I 494.0 I.27 i.2 I 994.�3.I 3 I.3 I 993.10.30 I.9 I 993.I 2.I 4 I.3 i 994.01.28 I.I I 994.03.I 4 I.3 I 993.I 0.3 I I.8 I 993.I 2.I 5 I.3 I 994.0 I.29 I.I I 994.43.15 I.3 I 993.I I.01 1.8 I 993.I 2 I 6 I.2 I 994.0 I.30 1 I 994.03.I 6 I.4 1993.11.02 t.9 1993.12.17 1.2 1994A1.31 0.9 1994.03.17 1.4 I 993.I I.03 2 I 993.!2.I 8 I.z I 994.02.fl I 0.96 I 494.03.I 8 I.4 I 993.I I.44 2 I 993.I 2.!9 !.I I 994.42.02 I.i I 994.03.I 4 I.5 I 993.I 1.�5 I.9 I 993.12.20 f.E I 994.02.03 I.I I 994.03.2U I.5 1993.11.06 1.9 1993.12.21 i.! 1994.02.04 I.I f994.03.21 1.5 I 993.I I.07 I.8 I 993.I 2.22 i.� I 994.02.05 I.2 I 994.03.22 I.6 I 993.i I.08 I.8 �993.I 2.23 I.2 I 994.02.06 I.2 I 994.03.23 I.6 I 993.I I.09 I.7 I 993.I 2.24 I.2 I 994.02.07 I.2 I 994.03.24 I.5 I 993.1 I.I 0 I.7 I 993.i�.25 I.3 I 994.0�.08 I.3 I 994.03.25 I.5 l993.1 �.I I t.8 1943.12.26 1.3 1944.02.09 1.2 1994.03.26 1.5 I 993.1 f.i 2 1.9 1993.12.27 1.4 1994.02.10 !.2 1994.03.27 1.4 I 993.1 I.I 3 I.9 I 993.12.28 I.4 �994.02.I I I.2 I 99�4.03.28 E.4 pATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DlSCHARGE QATE DISCHARGE 1994.03.29 1.3 1994.05.13 35 1994.46.27 8.3 1994.08.11 1.9 I 994.03.3Q I.3 I 994.05.14 37 I 994.06.28 7.6 i 494.08.!2 I:8 I 994.03.3 I I.4 I 994.05.I S 35 I 994.(}b.29 7.2 i 494.08.I 3 2 I 994.O�P.O I i.4 I 994.05.I 6 42 I 994.06.30 6.8 I 494.08.I 4 I.9 I 994.04.02 I.5 I 994.05.I 7 47 I 994.07.Q I 6.2 I 994.08.I 5 I.8 I 994.04.03 I.6 I'994.05.18 50 I 994.07.42 6.2 I 994.08.I 6 !.7 1994.04.04 1.7 1994.05.19 54 1994.07.03 6.4 1994.08.17 1.9 1994.04.45 I.8 1994.05.20 57 1994.07.04 5.4 1994.08.18 1.8 1994.04.Ob 1.7 I 994.05.21 53 f 994A7.05 5 I 994.08.14 3.3 1994.04.07 1.6 1494.05.22 50 1994.07.06 4.7 1994.08.20 2.8 1994,04.�18 1.7 1994.05.23 47 1994.07.07 4.b 1494.08.21 2.1 1994.04.04 1.8 1494.0514 42 1994.07.08 4.3 1994.08.22 2.4 !994.04.I 0 I.9 I 994.05.25 44 I 994.07.�9 4.1 I 994.08.23 2 1994.b4.11 1.8 1944,05.26 46 1994.07.10 3.$ 1994.08.24 1.8 I 994.04.�2 I.b d 994.�5.27 43 I 994.07.I I 3.7 I 494.08.25 I.8 I 994.04,I 3 I.5 I 994,05.�8 45 !494.07.I 2 3,6 I 99a.�8.26 I.7 1994A4.14 I.7 i 994.05.24 45 d 494.07.I 3 3.5 I 994.q8.27 I.7 1944.04.15 1.6 1994.�5.30 50 1994.07.14 3.4 1994.08.28 2.2 I 994.04.I 6 2.2 I 994.05.3� 52 I 994.07.I S 3.3 I 994.08.29 2.I 1994.04.17 3.6 1994.06.01 53 1994.07.16 3.2 G 994,08.30 1.9 1994.04.18 4.6 1994.06.02 48 1994Ai.17 3.1 1994.08.31 1.8 I 994.04.I 9 5.4 I 994.06.03 46 I 994.07.0 8 2.9 I 994.09.0 I 2.I 1994.04.20 6.3 1944.06.04 44 1994.07.19 2.9 1994.09.02 4.4 1994.04.21 7.4 1994.06.05 34 1994.07.20 2.8 1994.Q9.03 2.5 I 994.04.22 9.5 I 494.06.06 35 I 994.07,21 2.6 !994.09.04 2.I 1994.04.23 II 1994.Ob.07 32 1994.07.22 2.5 1994.A9.05 1.9 1994A4.24 12 1994.06.08 29 1994.47.23 2.5 1994.09.06 1.7 I 994.04.25 I i I 994.06.09 26 I 944.07.24 2.7 I 994.09.Oi I J 1994.Q4.26 8.2 1994.06.10 24 1994.07.25 2.5 1994.�9.(38 I.6 1994.�4.27 6.8 1994.06.11 22 1994.07.26 2.4 1994.09.09 I'.6 I 994.0428 5.8 I 994.06.I 2 21 I 994.07.27 2.3 I 994.09.I 0 f.7 I 994.04.24 �.2 I 994.06.I 3 �f �994.07.28 2.2 I 994.09.I I I.6 I 994.04.30 4.8 I 994.06.f 4 I 9 f 994.07.29 2.2 I 994.09.I 2 I.b I 994.05.0 I 4.6 I 994.06.I 5 I 8 I 994.07.30 2.2 I 994.09.I 3 �.8 I 994.05A2 4.5 I 994.06.I 6 I b I 994.07.3 I 2.3 I 994.Q9.14 I,$ I 994.05.03 4.7 I 994.Ob.a 7 I 5 I 994.08.0 I 2.7 I 994.09.I 5 I J I 994.d5.04 4.9 I 994.06.i 8 I 4 1994.08A2 2.4 I 994.09.I 6 I.6 I 494.05.05 8.5 a 994.Ob.I 9 I 3 I 994.08.03 2.2 I 994.09.17 I.S 1994.05,Ob i4 1994.06.20 14 1994A8.04 2.1 19'44.09.18 I.S �994.05.07 I 8 I 994.05.2! I 3 I 994.08.05 2 I 994.a4.19 I.4 i 994.05.08 20 I 994.06.22 I 9 I'994.08.06 2 I 994.09.20 I.7 I 994.O�.Q'4 23 I 994.�6.23 I 4 I 994.48.07 I.9 f 994.09.2 I 2.7 1994.05.10 26 1994.06.24 II 1994.08.08 1.9 1444.09.22 1.8 1994.05.11 33 1494.06.25 10 1494.08.09 2 1994.09.23 1.6 1994.05.12 37 1994.06.26 4.1 1994.08.10 2 1994.09.24 1.4 Red Sandstone SW Data DATE DISCFEARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCNARGE DATE DfSCF�ARGE i 995.03.24 I.5 I 995.05.08 2.2 I 995.06.22 I 04 I 995.08.06 3.4 I 995.03.25 i.5 I 995.05.09 l.4 1495.06.23 74 I 995.48.�7 3.2 4 495.03.26 1.4 I 995.05.I 0 2 1995.06.24 58 I 995.08.08 3.2 I 995.03.27 I.5 1995.05.I I 2.2 f 995.06.25 50 I 995.08.09 3.2 1995.03.28 1.4 1995.05.12 1.5 1995.06.26 51 1995.08.10 3 1995.03.29 1.4 1945.05.13 1.4 1995.06.27 47 1995.08.11 3 1995.03.30 1.3 1995.�5.14 2.1 1995.06.28 44 1995.08.12 �2.9 1995.03.31 1.3 1995.05.15 �4.2 1995.�6.29 45 1995.08.13 3 I 995.04.01 I.4 I 995.05.16 5.4 I 995A6.30 �45 I 995.08.14 -2.9 I 495.04.02 I.4 I 995.05.17 4.9 I 995.Q7.0 I S4 I 995.08.!5 2.9 !495.04.03 I.5 I 995.05.I 8 4.8 I 995A7.02 47 I 993.08.I 6 2J I 995.04.04 I.6 I 995.05.I 9 5.7 I 995.07A3 5 I E 995.08.#7 2.5 �995.04.05 I.6 I 995.05.20 6.7 I 995.47.04 5 I E 495.08.18 2.4 I 995.Q4.Ob I.8 I 995.05.21 8.I I 995.07.05 44 k 995.08.I 9 24 I 995.44.07 2 I 995.05.22 I 5 I 995.07.06 44 !995.08.20 2.7 I 995.04.08 2.I I 495.05.23 I 5 I 995.07.07 49 i 995.08.21 2.8 I 945.04.09 !.8 I 995.05.24 �5 I 995.07.08 S I I 995.08.22 3.I I 945.04.10 f.8 I 995.05.25 14 I 995.07A4 52 I 945.08.23 3.3 I 995.04.I I i.6 I 945.05.26 I4 I 995.07.i 0 5 I I 995.08.24 3.5 I 995.04.I 2 I.5 I 995.05.27 14 I 995.07.E I 5 I I 995.08.25 3.3 1995.04.13 1.7 1995.05.28 II 1995.07.12 42 1995.08.2b 3 I 995.04.I 4 2.1 !495A5.29 I 3 I 995.07.13 29 I 995.08.27 2.7 I 995.04.f 5 I.8 I 995.05.30 I 6 I 995.07.i 4 27 I 995.08.28 2.5 I 995.04.1 b I.7 f 995.05.3! 17 I 995A7.15 21 I 995A8.29 2.4 I 995.04.17 I.9 f 995.06.01 23 !995.07.1 b 18 I 995.08.30 2.2 I 995.04.I 8 I.8 I 995.Q6.02 3 I f 995.07.17 f 6 I 995.08.3 I 2.1 I 995.04.I 9 I.6 !995.06.03 4 I I 995.07.I$ 15 I 995.49A I 2 I 995.04.20 I.6 i 995.06.04 50 1995.07.I 9 i 3 I 995.09.02 2 I995.04.21 I.S I995.06.Q5 67 1995.07.20 I2 I995.09A3 2.1 I 995.04.22 I.4 I 995.06.06 8 I i 995.07.21 9.4 I 995.09.04 2.I 1995.04.23 1.4 1995.06.07 85 1995.07.22 9.9 1995.09.05 2.1 1995.04.24 1.4 1995.06.0$ 79 1995.07.23 7.7 1995.09.Ob 2.1 1443.04.25 1.3 1995.06.U9 62 1995A7.24 6.b 1495.09.07 2.1 I 995.04.2b I.3 I 995.06.1 Q 53 I 995.07.25 6.2 I 995.09.08 2.6 1995.04.27 1.�4 1995A6.1I 64 1995A7.26 6.1 1995.09.09 1.4 I 495.04.28 I.9 I 995.06.I 2 92 I 995.07.27 5.6 i 995.09.[0 I.7 i 995.04.29 2.I I 995.46.I 3 I I 8 I 995.07.28 5.I E 995.09.1 I I.7 f 995.04.30 I.8 I 995.06.I 4 !34 I 995.07.29 5.2 4 995.09.I 2 I.8 I 995.05.0 i I J I 995.06.I 5 i 48 I 995.07.30 4J I 995.09.I 3 2.2 I 995.05.02 �.e I 995.06.I 6 I 42 I 995.07.3 I 4.5 I 945.09.I 4 2.I 1995.05.03 I.8 1995.06.17 141 1995.08.01 4.3 1995.09.15 - 2 I 995.05.04 i.8 I 995.Ob.I 8 I 39 I 995.08.02 3.9 I 945.09.I 6 I.9 1995.05.05 2.2 I 995.06.!9 109 I 995.08.03 3.6 I 995.09.17 I.9 1995.OS.U6 2.4 1995.OG.�O 114 1995.08.04 3.5 1995.�9.18 2 1995A5.07 2.4 1995.06.21 115 1445.08.05 3.4 1995.09.19 2.1 DATE DISCHARGE pATE DISCHARGE 7 995.09.20 2.3 1995.09.29 4.5 7 995.09.21 3.1 1995.09.3� 3.4 'i 995.(?9.22 2.4 - 1995.09.23 2.2 1995.09.24 2_2 1995.09.25 2 1995.09.26 2 1955,09.27 2 1995.09.28 2.7 Annual Daily Flow 2.5 c�s Red Sandstone SW Data DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARG� DATE DISCHARGE DATi E DISCHARGE !994.09.25 I.4 I 994.I I.04 I.4 I 944.I 2.24 I.I I 995.02.07 1.I l 994.Q9.26 I.3 I 994.I I.I 0 (.4 I 994.I 2.25 I.2 f 995.02.48 I ' I 994.09.27 I.3 I 994.I I.I I I.4 I 994.�2.26 I.I I 995.02.09 I I 994.09.28 I.3 I 994.I I.I 2 I.S I 994.i 2.27 I.I I 995.02.I 4 0.9$ I 994.09.29 I.3 I 994.! I.I 3 I.S I 994.I 2.28 I.I I 995.02.I f 0.98 I 994.09.30 I.6 E 994.! I.I 4 I.4 I 994.I 2.29 I.I I 995.02.i 2 0.48 1994.10.01 1.8 1994.11.15 1.2 199q.12.30 I.I 1995.02.13 0.92 I 994.I 4.02 I.9 I 994.I I.16 I.3 9 994.I 2.3 I I.I I 995.02.I 4 I I 994.I 0.03 I.8 I 994.I 1.!7 3.4 !995.01.0 I 0.94 1995.02.I 5 0.9 I 994.I 0.04 I.6 I 994.I I.i 8 i.3 f 995.0 I.02 0.9 I 995.02.I 6 0.84 I 994.I d.05 I.6 I 944.I i.i 9 I.3 I 445A I.03 0.46 I 995.02.I 7 0.8b I 994.I O.Q6 I.9 I 994.I I.20 I.3 I 995.0 i.04 I.I I 995.02.I 8 0.88 ]994.I 0.07 I.8 I 994.I I.21 I.4 I 995.0 I.05 I I 995.02.I 9 0.$8 1994.10.08 2 1994.11.22 1.3 1995.01.06 I.I 1495A2.�0 0.9 I 994.I 0.09 2 !994.I I.23 I.2 I 995.01.07 I.I I 995.02.21 0.92 I 994.I 0.I 0 I.4 !994.I I.24 I.2 I 995.01.0� I.2 I 995.02.22 p.94 I 994.I 0.I 1 I.8 l 994.I I.25 I.3 I 995.�I.09 I.2 I 945.02.23 0.96 I 994.I 0.I 2 I.7 �494.I I.�6 I.3 1995.01.I 0 I.2 I 995.02.24 0.98 I 994.10.13 I.6 I 944.1 1.27 1.3 !995.01.I i I.I I 995A2.25 i I 994.I 0.I 4 I.6 I 494.I I.28 I.2 !995.01.I� �.I I 995.02.26 0.98 1994.10.15 I.b 1994.11.29 I.I 1945.01.13 I.I 1995.02.27 I.I I 994.I 0.I 6 I.b I 994.I I.30 I.2 I 995.0 I.I 4 I.f I 995.02.28 I I 994.I 0.I�' I.5 I 994.I 2.0 I I.3 I 995.0 I.I 5 I.2 I 995.03.01 I I 494.I 0.I 8 I.5 I 994.I 2.02 I.3 I 945.4 I.I 6 I.l I 995.03.02 I I 994.I 0.I 9 I.5 I 994.I 2.03 I.3 I 995.0 I.I 7 I I 995.03.03 I I 494.!0.20 I.5 I 994.I 2.04 I.3 I 995.0 I.I 8 0.95 I 995.03.04 I I 994.Q 0.2 I I.5 I 994.I 2.a5 I.3 I 495.0 I.I 9 I I 995.03.OS 0.96 I 994.f 0.22 I.5 I 494.I 2.�6 I.3 I 995.0 I.20 �.1 I 995.03.06 0.92 I 994.f 0.23 I.S I 944.I 2.07 I.I I 995.01.21 3 I 945.03A7 0.9 1994.10.24 1.4 1494.12.08 I 1995.01.22 0.9 1995.Q3.48 Q.96 I 994.I 0.25 I.3 I 994.!2.09 0.78 I 995.0 I.23 0.86 I 995.43.09 I I 994.I 0.26 I.2 I 994.E 2.I 0 0.$4 I 995.01.2�4 0.98 I 945.03.I 0 I.I I 994.I 0.27 !.4 I 994.I 2.I I Q.92 I 995.0 I.25 I.2 I 995.03.! I I.3 I 994.I 0.28 I.4 I 944.I 2.I 2 I I 995.0 I.26 I.2 I 995.03.k 2 I.3 I 994.1029 I.4 I 994.I 2.I 3 I.I I 995.0 I 27 I.I I 995.03.I 3 I.2 I 494.I 0.30 I.4 I 994.I 2.14 I.2 I 995A E.28 I E 995.Q3.14 I.2 I 994.I 0.3 I I.3 I 994.I 2.!5 I.I I 995 A I.29 I I 995.03.I 5 I.3 I 994.I I.0 I I.3 I 994.I 2.f 6 f.I I 995.0 f.30 I I 995.0�.I 6 I.4 I 994.I I.02 I.3 I 994.I 2.I 7 I.I I 995.0 I.3 I I I 995.0 3.I 7 I.5 f 994.I I.03 I.4 I 994.I 2.I 8 I.I I 995.02.0 I I.I I 995.03.I� I.6 P 994.I I.04 I.4 !994.12.I 9 I I 995.02.02 I.I I 995.03.!9 I.6 I 494.I I.05 I.4 I 994.�2.20 I.I E 995.02.03 I.I I 995.03.20 I.6 I 994.I 9.06 I.4 I 994.I 2.Z I I I 995.OZ.04 I I 495.03.2 f I.5 I 994.I i.07 I.3 I 994.I Z.22 i I 995.02.05 I 1995.Q3.22 I.b I 994.I I.Q8 I.4 I 994.I 2.23 I.I I 99�.02.06 I.I I 995.�3.23 I.5 Red Sandsione SW Daia �ROJ��o�sc����o� v�r�r ���D �ro �u�:�c ������ The Project wiEl inelude 17 condominium units, ranging fram 774 to 1,500 square feet �ar 1 to 3-bedroorn units. �our buitdings and adequate parking are being designed to allow fox tri.�e construcrion ef£iciency so to meet "affordable" constc�ction costs. The Project is being developed in order to address the lack af housing alternatives for Eagle County workers, particularly ERWSD and Town employees. The ERWSD's goal in pursuing the Project is to create a quality housing groject that wi�l not only be attainable by their employees, but will also provide t�e type of living environment that wil� en�courage families to establish their homes in VaE1. In keeping with that objective, the intergovernmental agreement between rhe ERWSD and the Town of Vail sets forth a number of requirements designed to ensuce the deve�opment rernains a locals' housing devclopment. For e�mple, no fewer than 75% of the units shall be restricted ta occupancy by individuals who are employed in Eagle County. Natwithstanding, this requirement, it is anticepated that lOQ°lo of the units will be restricted. The development is intended to be "revenue neutral," meaning unitis that are sold to individuals wifl be sold for what they cost to designed construct. No "developer profit" for the ERWSD or the Town will be included in the price of for-sale units. In additian, a ma�cimum cap on appreciation and other deed restrictions wifl be established in order to ensure long term afforc�abiliry of the far-sa�e unirs. Upon cflmpletion of the Praject, ownership of the 17 units will be joindy held by the ERSWD and the Towri of Vail. It is a�nticipated thax the ERSWD will retain ownership of a small number of units and tnake the remaining units available for sale to ERSWD emplayees. It is anticiparted that the Town of Vail will tnake all of their units available for sale to either Town employees or the generat public. D�SCRIPTIUN OF WETLANDS Our delineation of wetland areas was conducted an October 9, 1996 using the 19$7 Corps Manual for Wetland Delineation. �ur data sheets and photographs (Appendix B) and surveped boundaries (Appendix C} are included at the end of this letter. The two wetland areas identified on the property are degraded wetlands due to factors relating to their piroxi�nity to significant development in the area. On the west side of the creeic, where there is a townhome development, the area has been seeded to the creek's eclge with bluegrass. In addition, the Project site was previously occupied by a water treatment faci�ity and storage area, which has since been removed from the site. These factors have, to some extent, influenced the vegetation and velocity of the water flow, which as a resulti, appear to be causing the creek to be gradually incised. This is mosr evident in sections of the banks that are steep and void of vegetation. RE.D SANDSTONE 2 Wetland A (adjacent to the creek) is a lir�ear wetland/riparian area, laeated downstream from a section of the creek culverted for a road crossing. It occupies approxitnately 4,923 square feet. Its degradation is evident in the quality of the vegetation where thistle (Cirsium.aruense) is common in the herbaceous layer in rnuch af the narrow wetland. The predominant vegetation is in the shtui� layer where Salix drummo�ndii is dominant with occasional Populus cremu�Oid.es (Data sheet 2). The corridoT of wiildw shrubs begins near the culv�rt tio the north and stops approximately 1bQ feet frorn rhe bridge to the south. The creek banks are eompresed primarily of large and medium sized boulders,with advantageous thistle and other weedy species emerging in t�e crevices. Wetland B, on the east side of the pmperty is a man-induced wetland located at the base of the steep slope from Red Sanstone Road. It is approximately 1,325 square feet in size. It is created by a seep emerging from the slope which channels the water into a grass-Lined trench along the length of the slope. Lacge willows, Salix drummondii, have established themselves along the toe of the slope and are the dominant vegeration type. �'RQ}ECT�LAYO�.I�"WITH REC�R.D TO W£��I��AV��7A�C£, 11�I��t1T1flN AND UNAVOIDABLE 1MPACTS Effort was made in the Project design to avoid 'rrnpacts ta jurisdictional wetland areas. Wethout the sn�all encroachment onto the wetland areas, the PTOject would not be feasible. The property is a long, narrow pareel restricted by requirec� setbacks fmm Red Sandstone Koad, drivewaqs, and parking areas. In addition, the flooc�plain of Red Sanstane Creek and steep slopes confine the buildable acreage of the 1.64�-acre property to 1.24 acres. Approximately 11,850 square feet of the property e�eceeds 40% slope and 3,900 square feet af t�►e property is within the 100-year floadp�ain of Red Sandstone Creek. In the rernaining buildable area, the buildings have been sited away fram Red Sanstone Creek ta the maximum e.xter�t possible. Improvements an the creek side of the Project have been kept to a minicnum (i.e. grading and very small �awn areas far each unit), and t�e line of existing willows will remain untouched as much as possible. DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCE The area of disturbance will tatal 3,308 s9uare feet of jurisdictional wetland (Table 2). A drawing outlining a jurisdictianal wetland boundary arnd disturbance area for construction is included in Appendix C. The profile dravrring in Appendix D shovvs the approximate axnount of fill materia� ta be used to grade the site. Disturbar�ce wi�l involve removing willows and placing fill material to grade the stte for construction. As shown in the landscape plan (Append� E), some areas will be landscaped with Kentucky bluegrass for the i�dividual condominium units, and trees such as Colorada blue spruce and Lance-leave�cl cottonwood will be planted. RED SANDSTONE 3 During construction, it is the intent of the developers to avoid impacts to Red 5andstone Cxeek and adjacent wetland areas. Soil erosion control merhods standard to the profession w�ll be imp4ementied to avoid sedimentation and runoff fmm the construct'tan site into these areas. Soil erosion, sediment cantrol, etc.wi�l be coordinated wrth Russ �onest, Senior Environmental Policy Planner from the Tow�n of Vail. TABLE 2 WETLAND ARE,�,(SF) �$E,A OF DISTURBANCE !S� _ A 4923 1483 B 1325 1325 TD'�'A�.S 82,48 3308 n�r�c�r�orr The Town of Vail is requiring that the project propanent transplant and plant the willow areas that will be disturbed. We propose that in a mitigation plan, revegetation efforts will concentrate the steep banks of the creek that have been disturbed and those that are curret�tly void of vegetation. The mitigation would 'enclude the planting of willow cuttings along lower half of the creek batik Yo prevent further erosion and enhance the current wetland and ripari�n areas. The upper half of ti�e bank wouid be re-seeded with a native grass m� designed for the site. Efforts could also be concentrated in the area dose ta the bridge on the south end of the project. We propose that willow cuttings be taken fro�n adjacent willaw bushes during the winter rnonths and replanted into the strearn bank in spring using accepted bioengineering techniques. coNCLUS1oN Baseci on our site visit, wetland delineation, and understanding of the Project, we are of the opinion that the efforts put forth by the developer to site the buildings and still maintain the Project's feasibi�ity are reaso�table. At rhe time of our field vvork, it was evident that xhe surrounding and previous land uses have impacted the quality of the existing wetlands and riparian area of Red Sanclstorie Creek. In that, we Uelieve the mitigation offerec} will be sufficient for an area such as this to enhance the wetland and riparian area adjacent to the Project site. RLD SANDSTONE 4 If yau have any questians nr need additiana4 information, p�ease do not hesistate to contact Montane Environmental at 970-328-2015/468-0450 or Tom Braun of Braun Associates at 970-827-5797. Sincerely, c��1{F�✓� Anna Higgii�.s Environmental Scientist c: Tom Braun Attachments fZ�D SANDSTONE 5 A�END� A SLIBDNISI��V LOTLf1��5 Please obtain copies of drarving from surveyor. SL�B��S��NLC������5 APPENDI� B D�I�� S�I��TS�t1�D I3HOTOS oara �oaNi ��^A r;f:.� °t'�a{r�r � ROUTINE WETLAND OFFERMWATION' � • V�i.�'��f,Jb �1987 CQF Wat�ands Dalineaticn�lanwp ' . . . ProjectlSite: (�a, p�• ' (Q (� ApplicanVOwn r: ��. lr�vestipator: ` . S�: Do Normal Circumstan�es aacist on the sitep ' � No Community ID: , Is Lhe site sipn�cantly disturbed fAtypical Situstianl� �s- No Trsaseci 1D: � Is the area s potentiat �roblem A�T Y�s Na Plat.lD: �,P 1tf needad, axpfain on reverse.� YEG�TAT�DN � omin�nt PI�►�t 5 ei• hstun ie�tor mi++��f'!�j Sw�n. . . � cit r 1. �,_..,� i. �_... �. �� 70. ���. ..._� 9. ` 11, ,..._�,��_ 4 ��-� 1.T. 5. � 1�. i�_� Y• ��� �i���� . 7. �_. �,.._.." ts. :. � • - - _�.�.�.._.�, ��. ___._._ hresr�t af Deenir�nt ip�an d�t an OdL,�ACW w�A� . {arcludinp fAC-I. R�msrka: • . ' HYnRa�ocY � � : _,Il�eord�d Dat�IG�ee�in A�n�kal: 1pi�dad Nydrele�� �strswn.Lak�.er Tfd�G�up� �ry�: , • �A�ri�l M�otoprapM �� : QtlNr f�es��d in�lpp�r�I Inol�s �Mo R�oard�d Dst�Ava��bla w��� D�t t�tn� � � :�d'n�t D�po�i�r Rdd Obs�rvacia�s: pe�in�p�l�I�tqnti!n W�d� D��ch et Suriae�Wae�r. �������: �.I O�eidr�d lle�t CIMrrMi�b U�r 121ebhn ' W�1�►�tain�d LMrw . � D�ptb to Frsr W�Ur In� �y • ����� FI1G��1 T�t D�Pth to 5awnt�d Soa: � •'lin.l �OdMr{'E�1in b A�nrirsl R�rrNrics: _ . . , / . , . S{]ILS M�p uNt N..n. �1 � Q�,,;,,.a.a«,; (S�ei�s�+d MuM�I' I`►� 5 . � pp��rvatfoea • Co�iiem M+pP+d TVPi7 Y�� No Ta�tonomy ISudp�reuPl: �ofil• D�rcrin�iQn: . '�'�octiu�;Canca�tion�, ��p� pI1�Ui][COIOf MOL1lf Cdort ��� �n�rn�rw etC. • e� }�oritq�_ �Mun�ell Moi�ll « _�_ . 2 � � _ � 2:�_ _� � r �. l... . ____ �.. � � . � � . , �— . Feydrio soit�ndlwurs; N�N� Histosd �� �rli.da Ep�a�d�^ —Nph°'°�a C°r'arR In su[t.o+�.►►*r M s«dr soii. ^�ullidio OdaK �aa"i°stn�ic�q in�d►/� !Aquia Ma�wn ll�qirM Wtsd en iowi FtlNria saP�U�t 11�duainC f�t+��O^� !Lkt�d cn Natiarl Fhd�ia s�� �W�rd or Lo�virr Cdors �,Od'�lE�ln�"�sl Rs�n�rk�: Cpbb( � I l w��.�r�o-� p�`e.��'�_ urn��c� �� .wt.�_ -�G�. b" � ) . � _.�- � . w�aNO o�n�mu�►noH (clroi.� NVdroPh�tla V�pnnlon h�rtT YM ��Grdil W�d�rd Ftyd�doQy Ptr�amT YN 'No • Miy+ddo sdt.rt�ssatt Y�ar � i�titis s�mpl�+��dnt 1Mwn E w.dudJ Y•* Ho ��.. �, a �, c�,g-fr� `nn.t. sifc I�aS b�-�t t� � � � ��� � � . -- �0,►.0 Y ��. DATA FORM �y`J1•�(,,�, I?d t��� '�„ ROUTINE IAi�Ti,p11iD DETFp11A1Np'nON' � " t1987 COE Wedands Delineation Manwl� • �� Projec2l5he• Dsts: � Applicant/Ovvner: S Cp�ty; ��� I�vestipatar: S�: Ov Normal Circumstsnces axist on the site7 � ���c No Cammunity ID:�p�,_ , Is the site sipn�r,anUy disturbad tAtypicat Situ�tianll �1ris- No Tansect ID: �. _�,=____ , Is tt�e area � pvtential Problem Aroat Y�s Na Pbt-ID: tif r�eeded. explai� o� rovene.l , ""~`-`�– VEGETATiDN � nrnt Af�nt 5 �cie� t ttun rc or pominrnt M�nt So�d�� �rrturn � o► 1.�LIXL�+ftivVlwls)1h � ��.}' �. i �^' 2.�LZI2IGQ.�fd 1ntlU�LtG;Vb�1�L C� � =O. � �— �. �U1� t7. �. � ___.....�._ �� t=. ,.� 6. �U''ae1 pa,c.rntilu�t a�u.+M,,,,�,� C ta. e. �_ G , 14. ��.,.___ • 7. te. ����� �_� f. • .,....�_.�,_. �i. ����� hre�M ef Oomin�nt Sp�aN thrt�n O8�FACW er FAC . incehd;nQ fAGI. . n.,r.r�,:�.Vtsc W���rnn�s �cQi-�{;u,�� �a �� � _ � . 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Near bridge looking south, � r w r v � � '� t�. 1� p f t ,,. r a �; � � ,� � t. � q�' -,', '` I`� � k',' � �4�•, ��'? m�tigatiun area. � q - `,. �. >� � �* � , r ,..' r ���. .. +,N 3� r�¢a����.��3 ,. �ti',��;��f�} �r�„ I .-�e - +.,E� .d W�: ��t'rr d',.h r�r {��1!Y,��i��' �5 �. � 1 � ��. ♦ � f � � . � ,� � , ..,�, � � *+d Y .�� :.�'k r� l +�� �r,�� `: o- u� , :.::.`=-+_.r �1 �.� � ,.� 'f�{1?�4r`� { JY:i . _ 4yr�-� — d �' � . .;�t`�, � y �-ry.- - {' uE r y { . � >"S.4 ;i�,�r _ `+�. �l' '!' r'a,.�r.�,i'�'',r,�� t�/`�,..Inwr � �., .y �� .�g.–� v � . ff� � � � ,y�V�`�,� '�"�r � • `J - �, _ `'T�� j . . �•!. ���* � .r 1.� J�Y'�1 ��'.r 1.��f�J " '` ..A,. .'� � �� wa, �,� r� 1"'�..�„ � .s �+:_, � �1 �1 � �4'.` � �- � r`�t� ..�� �5.1 i ° a �� 1; �.. � �'"���'' ���,'�y�"��y',�,t�� }`i`�' r1'1`'`�j �:°� .�.�a� .. �.a .� h�� .. � � - '►.r�. .�"'�"'+i''a.' ,s-yF r � � ' � � � � *� v � , ,�.� t�,a� , , i►44. � �.. , 44 � ���� ��+�5 �M"�� `�.� ''}y, _ r a� � ` , � �F m.'� i ��j�<.. .- .°r- :��±:. ,..� � V' ' � � � � � ... .. ��-°t��sj9'�`�. : ,r: r � �_ _._ APPENDIX C �SL�R If�Y�'fl ��'�A�D BC��f�D��I�S u Please obtain copies of drawing from surveyor. ���. ���� ����a������������ ���E���X � 1'R�FT���i����D�1`S�t��RBr��C�" ,� � , 1 w � o� �, �� � � � z � Q � a � ll//♦ /1 �//l�//._ .� C � ev iw W � G'i"� U V � � � � � � -o „ � �-- o � . Q � a � � . . . . ., z � � . w o � ... . . . . '"� L.l.. � � � � � J ,� , Ci, � o � �4 � � � W � � Q y � � Q e °° ° z "' � c �° ` � '� � 'w •;c a ^ n W L�. Z u n Q � J) � � � 1 �, ' o Q � � 00 H z � N a 8 a � � z � � � � � � �I��1�D� E I�11��5����'�LA� Please obtain copies of drawing from landscape architect. ���������� '�,��;�T�,�,�` � � f ' ,, � 3 � f`�t .; S e's-:w-'�� � ;,- 4,�,f:�` =• ,�^ AVJI'i_.�'���+� i '�l� ���'�'��. �otiL�� �����������d�� ����������- � ���. Mr. A�ike Claffev Sacramenro Di�rrict U.S. Ar�trv Corps �f Engineers 4(�2 Roc�c-� Avenue, Room I4� Grand J�nction, CUlorada 815(�1-25G3 October 3(1, 1996 Subject:Nationwide Pennit 26 I'�Totification Dear i�hike; Please find rnclosed a brief di.cussion of the prc�po�ed 'Red San,tc�ne �ocal's H��u�ing Project' ("Project"), v��liic�i u�ill encroach upon 3,3�8 squar� feet of juri.�dictional ti��etlai�ds. The purp���e �1 this letter/notilication is to c,btain }�our appra��al ic�r co��erage under a I�'ation�a•ide ?6 Per�iiit - Head�n°ater� a��c3 Isolated Waters D��charge�. T�Ie Project i.� tcxated adjacent ta Red Sandstor�e Creek, �•��i�}� aecc�rding to the I_i.S.G.S. ha: a clraina�e area c�f 7.3? �quare miles. Data frc�m the �aging statio�l upsaream o{tl�e Project �ho��� t��e ati•zrage annual c�aily ilov+• ?.5 c(s (Ta4�le 1). 1`he Project �s located �n Red Sandstc�ne Creek Road, ti'ai1, Colc�ra�a, in the SW 1/4 of Section 1, Tov��nsliip 5 South, Range $1W (Figure 1). The property i�s co►npri.�ed of 3 lots knuv+-n a.�: Part c�f['arcel 1 ({�.643 acre) of$�ock D, Lion's Ridge S�hdi�•ision, Part of Parcel 2 (0.56 acre) of Blc�k D same su��divi.�ioi�, and a par[ion «f Parcel A (11.3964 acre), af the �atu� suhdi��i.�ion, totalin,g 1.6044 �cres {Ap�endi�,:A}, The current propem; ov��er� are rhe Eagle Ri�-er Vilater anc� Sanitation Di�trict (ERV{-'SD), formerly the Vail Valley Cansolidated Water District, and the U.S. Fc�rest Sen�ice, a°ho c.»�z�c the Q.39f�4 acr� parceL Thi.c �arcel is currentl}• under a land ekchange in �•hich the Tou�n of�'ail ��ill acquire a 5.7 acre �aarcel of��hich the 0.3964 i�G part. Once the excl�an,�e i� complete, the 0.3964 acre v�•iIl 1ie incot-poratec� into the Project property. T1Ye �roject proponenLs are hotl� the ERWSD and tl�e TouTn of VaiL In an i�it�r�ot�eraZmental a�reement, the ERWSL� is The priman dereloper and rhe Tu«7� is pro�-ic�ing lanc� anc� is a partici�ant in t�ie fur�ding. Constructian is sch�eduled to L�egin in Spring, 1�97. f.L1B�1X �hll .\':/11L.CL1L�..1f:r11��� .`�1C�-i:� . f'f i��tiC/1,�'�.'�: (�)711;_�(�,�s ll}�i) . �'I I��\I>I;�\X(�)7E1;3?.`�(�1�.`� r ! `� 1'� � 7 " / 1 ,����� % -�� �������,, �� ���8 , ' � t������ � � �/�`� � �. �� a � �� � \� � � � , � l'� � �� � ��� r- . � � �`�� � , ;( , ��� ,� � � �. o �, - �'�, � �� ,; � , ��, � ���'�� ((/ � � , �� � ( ��� � '' �,=� � �� � � ,�,�\\_,���� ; %� �� j �I � � � ��; , � , .��,., , .� �, ,, ,�f�� ;' ` , �� �� ,�,, i � � ;(� _ , � , ;, , � C�-`��. ��� � ; ��; j� � � �,, ��� � � �� � � � � = � i I �1�; �r �i ' l �,� ii`f � \ ��\\��-/j 'J) � ��; '`� ` ,� �\ \ �l\��j' � �� � `\ i�/- �� '����� I � � �A..,���� \���.�� ,r,� � ��������� �� � ���wa S �� ���� � � �� � ��1�� � �� � ��� i�« � �� ��; �� ; � ����� �� � '� �� � � � � � �I i ' � �' � �� ' \ l � " / � J�I� � ��'� �I�� �I ��� �� � ��� �'�� A � I �� � �) i � �I � 1 ��—��-•.i �� �� �l' A �� � , � � � A 1 � � � . � ���� ���� � J / � I � A l � \ ��'� � � ` ' � Ati(� � � , J J�� �i,�� �� . � ' ��� �;, ��,� � � ��,, � , �� �� ' � � ��''� � ��� �'� ',������\ ' 1 _ � ) ) , �� �� , � , � �\ ���� �.� ��� � � �� �� " -�� � ��� ��� � ��_ . � � �% ,�. �' � ���--�---v, � �`,; --_ V ' � i i � �� .�V � � � � A��� � � � '��� � � \� 1��1 1 �) �/l �� .�'� �� �� I f �i �, A �/�V '��� . �,A J � � �.� ����-� � ` �* �i . _ A�T� `,�A �\� �,�� ` ��,�V��� � � ���� ���� l. �� i ����1 � � ��/�� ��� ` i `A �� �� ���� �i � � ��� �, I1� � / t I,r ���I �`�. 1>� `\�',�� \ ��I��\�\I�III\ I���;� 1�1�� � t �-_ J�'' �i I III` I�i � ���\,' . 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F[GIIRE t ' ' '� USCS 7.5 MI�IUTE QUAD,VAIL S[TE V}CINITY ' �' WEST,COLORADO � TABLE i U.S.Cseo�agical5urvey VVater Resources for Colorado Historical Sur4ace�2 Year Data Su�ace Water Data Retrieval Server-Station Data{"http://h2o.usgs.gov/s�•r/co/"� US GEOLOGTCAI,SURV�Y D.�41T.Y MEAN DISCHARGE DAT.A{in Cubic Feet per Second) Station name : "R�D SANDSTONE CREEK NE.aR MINTL-RN, CO." Station number: 040664[10 latitude �degrees, minutes, and seconds}.,394058 state code..........08 counry code.........037 londitude (degrees,rniriutes, and �econds},..106?403 district code..........08 hydrologic unit code..... 14010�103 dxainage area{square miles).............7.3Z paee datum(feet above NGVD).................. 9150.00 DATE DlSCHARGE DA7E DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE 1993.09.34 1.6 1943.1 i.44 4.8 1993.12.29 1.3 l994A2.12 1.2 I 993.I 0.0 I I.7 I 993.I I.I 5 i.7 I 993.i 2.30 I.3 I 994.02.I 3 I.2 I 993.I 0.02 I J 1993.I !.I 6 !.6 I 993.I 2.3 I I.3 !994.02,i 4 I.2 I 993.10.03 I J �993.I 1.17 1.6 I 994.0 I A I I.3 i 994.Q2.i 5 I.2 I 993.I 0.04 I J I 993.I l.l8 i.8 I 494.0!.02 I.4 I 99�.02.15 !.2 I 993.I 0.45 I.6 I 993.I f.I 9 I.8 I 994.41.03 I.4 I 994.02.I 7 !.3 1993.10.06 t.6 1993.11.24 i.7 1994.0l.04 1.3 1994.02.18 !.3 t 493.1 d.47 2.2 1993.I 1.21 1.5 f 994.01.05 I.3 1994.Q2.i 9 1.3 I 993.I 0.08 2.6 I 993.I i.22 I.6 I 994.0!.06 I.3 I 994.02.20 !.3 I 993.I 0.09 2.4 I 993.I I.23 i.7 I 944.0!.07 I.3 I 994.02.21 !.2 i 993.I 0.10 �.3 1993.I I.2�4 i.8 I 994.0 I.08 I.3 I 994.02.22 I.f i 993.I 0.I I 2.3 I 993.1 I.25 I.6 l 994.0!.09 I.3 I 994.02.23 1.2 i 993.I Q,I 2 2.7 I 993.I I.26 I.4 !994.01.i 0 I.3 I 994.02.2�F I.3 I 493.I 0.i 3 2.7 I 993.I I.27 I.3 I 494.0 f.I I I.3 I 994.02.25 !.3 1993.10.I 4 2.6 f 993.I I.2$ I.3 i 994.01.!2 I.2 I 994.02.26 1.3 1993.10.15 2.8 1993.11.29 1.5 1494.01.13 1.2 1994.02.?7 1.3 i 99�.I Q.I 6 2.b I 993.I I.30 I.6 I 994.01.I 4 I.3 I 994.02.2$ I.3 I 993.10.17 2.4 I 993.I 2.0 I I,6 i 994.0 I.I 5 I.3 I 994.03.0 I I.� 1993.10.18 2.4 19g3.12.02 1.6 1994.0f.16 i.2 1994.fl3.02 t.2 1993.10.19 2.2 1993.12.03 1.6 1994.01.17 1.2 1994.03.Q3 1.2 1993.10.20 2.1 1993.12.04 1.5 1994.01.18 1.2 1994.03.04 1.3 . 1993.10.21 2 1993.12.65 1.5 1994.01.19 1.2 1994.03AS 1.3 I 993.I 0.22 I.9 I 993.�2.06 I.5 I 944.0 I.2Q I.2 I 494.03.05 I.3 I 993.I 0,23 I,9 I 943.i 2.07 I.5 I 994.0 I.2 I I.2 I 994.03.07 I.3 1993.1�.24 I.9 I 993.I 208 1.5 I 994.01.22 !.2 I 994.03A8 I.3 I 993.!�.25 !,9 I 993.12.09 I.5 I 994.41.23 I.3 I 994.03A9 I.2 1993.l0.26 1.9 I 993.12.14 1.4 1994.01.24 1.3 1994.03.l0 I Z 1993.i0.27 I.B 1993.12.! I 1.4 1994.01.25 1.3 1994.43.1 I 1.2 I 993.10.28 I.9 t 993.I 2.12 I.4 I 994.0 I.26 I.2 l 994.03.�2 I.3 1993.10.29 1.9 1993.12.13 l.4 1994.01.27 I.? 1994.03.13 1.3 I 993.I 0.30 I.9 I 993.I 2.f 4 E.3 I 994.0 I.28 I.I I 494.03.I 4 I.3 I 993.10.3 I I.$ I 993.I 2J 5 1.3 I 994.01.29 I.I I 994.03.I 5 I.3 I 493.i I.Q 1 I.8 I 993.I 2.I 5 f.2 I 994.01.30 I i 994.03.I b I.4 1993.I I.�2 I.9 I 993.I 2.17 I.2 I 994.0 I.3 I 0.9 I 994.03.17 t.4 �993.i I.03 2 I 993.I 2.I 8 I.2 I 99q.02.01 0.96 I 994.03.I 8 1.4 1993.I I.04 2 1943.f 2.i 9 i.I I 994.02.02 I.I I 994.03.I 9 I.5 I 993.I I.05 I,9 I 993.I 2.20 I.I 1944.02.43 I.I I 994.A3.20 i.5 i 993.I I A6 !.9 I 993.I 221 I.I I 994.Q2.U4 I.I I 994.03.21 I.5 I 993.I I.07 !.8 I 993.I 2.22 I.2 I 994.0205 I.2 I 994.03.22 I.6 I 993.1 I.�l8 !.8 I 993.12.23 I.2 I 994.02.D6 I.2 I 994.p3.23 I.6 I 993.I I.09 I.7 I 993.!2.24 I.2 1994.02.07 I.2 f 994.03.24 !.5 1993.1I.10 i.7 1993.12.2� 1.3 1994.OZ.08 1.3 1994.43.25 1.5 i 993.I I.I i I.$ I 993.I 2.26 I.3 I 994.02.Q9 !.2 I 994.03.26 I.5 1993.1 l.12 1.9 1993.i 2.27 1.4 1994.02.10 11 1994.03.27` 1.4 I 493.! I.I 3 I.9 I 993.i 2.28 I.�4 I 994.02.I I I.2 I 944.03.28 I.4 bATE DISCHARGE QATE DISCHARGE DATE [71SCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE 1994.03.29 1.3 1994.05.13 35 1944A6.27 8.3 1994.08.11 1.9 1494.03.34 1.3 1944.05.14 37 1994.06.28 7.6 1994.0$.12 1.8 1994.03.31 1.4 1944.05.15 35 1994.06.29 7.2 1994.0$.13 2 I 994.04.0 I I.4 I 994.p5.I b 42 I 994.06.30 6.8 I 994.08.I 4 I.9 1994.04.02 1.5 1994.05.17 47 1994.07.01 6.2 1994.08.15 1.8 1994.0A.03 1.6 1994.05.18 SO 1994.07.02 6.2 1994.08.16 1.7 i 494.04.04 I.7 I 994.05.I 9 54 I 994.�07.43 b.4 I 994.08.17 I.9 I 994.04.05 !.8 I 994.05.20 57 I 994.07.04 5.4 I 944.08.I 8 I.8 i 994.04.06 I.7 I 994.05.21 53 I 994.07A5 5 I 944.08.I 9 3.3 1994.04.07 1.6 1994.05.22 50 1994.07.06 4.7 1994�.Q8.20 2.8 I 494.44.08 I J I 994.05.23 47 !994.07.07 4.6 I 994.Q8.2 I 2.I 1994.04.09 1.8 1994.0524 42 1994.07.08 4.3 1994.08.22 2.4 I 99�.04.I 0 !.9 I 994.05.25 44 I 994.07.Q9 4.! I 994.08.23 2 1994.04.11 1.8 1994.05.26 4b 1994.07.10 3.$ 1994.a8.24 1.8 1994.04.12 i.6 1994.05.27 43 1494.07.1 � 3.7 1994.08.25 1.8 1594.04.13 1.5 1994.05,28 45 1994.07.12 3.b 1944.08.26 I.7 1934.04.14 1.7 1994.05.29 45 1994A7.13 3.5 199�.08.27 1.7 I 994.04.15 I.6 I 994.05,30 50 !994.07.14 3.4 I 994.08.28 2.2 I 994.04.I 6 2.2 I 994.05.3 I 52 !494.07.I 5 3.3 I 944.08.24 2.I I 494.04.!7 3.6 i 994.0b.0 I 53 I 994.07.I 6 3.2 I 994.0$.30 I.9 I 994.04.E 8 4.6 I 994.06.02 48 I 944.07.I 7 3.I I 994.08.3 I I.8 I 994.44.I 4 5.4 f 994.06.03 46 I 494.07.I 8 29 f 994.09.01 2.I 1994.04.20 6.3 1994.06.04 44 1494.07.14 2.9 1994.09.Q2 4.9 f 994.a4.2! 7.4 I 994.�6.05 39 1994.07.20 2.8 I 994.09.63 2.5 l 994.04.22 9.5 I 994.06.06 35 I 994.07.21 2.6 I 994.�9.04 2.� I 994.44.23 E I �994.Ob.�7 32 I 994.07.22 2.5 1994.09.05 !.9 f 994.44.24 I 2 I 994.06.08 29 I 994.4i,23 2.5 1994.09.Ob I.7 1994.04.25 II 1994.Ob.09 26 1994.07.24 2.7 1994.09.07 1.7 I 994.OA.26 8.2 I 494.06.I 0 24 I 994.07.25 2.5 I 494.Q9.0& i.6 I 994.04.27 5.8 I 994.d6.I I 22 I 994.07.2b 2.4 I 994.09.09 i.b 1994.04.28 5.8 199�.06.12 21 1994.07.27 2.3 1994.09.10 1.7 1994.Q4.29 5.2 1994.06.13 21 1994.07.28 2.2 1994.09.11 1.6 I 994.0�+.3d 4.8 I 994.06.I4 i 9 I 994.07.29 2.2 I 994.09.I 2 I.6 I 994.05.0 I 4.6 I 994.06.I 5 I$ I 994.07.30 2.2 I 994.09.I 3 I.8 I 994.45.02 4.5 I 994.Ob.1 b I 6 I 944,07.3 I 2.3 I 994.09.I 4 I.8 1994.05.03 4.7 1494.06.17 15 1994.08.01 2.7 1994.04.15 1.7 I 994.05.04 4.9 I 994.05.i 8 I 4 I 994.08.p2 2.4 I 994.Q9.I b I.b 1994.05.05 8.5 1494.Q6.19 13 1994.08.03 2.2 1994.09.17 1.5 I 994.05.06 I 4 f 994.06.2Q I 4 I 494.08.04 2.I !994.09.f 8 I.5 1994.05.07 18 1994.06.21 13 1944.08.05 2 1994.09.14 1.4 1994.05.08 20 1994.06.22 19 1994.08.06 2 1994.09.20 1.7 1994.05.49 23 1994.06.23 14 1994.08.07 1.9 1994.09.2! 2.7 1994.05.10 26 1994.06.�4 II 1994.09.08 1.9 1994.09.22 1.8 1994.05.11 33 1994.06.25 IO 1994.08.09 2 1994.09.23 1.6 1994.05.12 37 1994.06.26 4.1 1994.08.10 2 1494.04.24 1.4 Red Sandsione SW Data DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE D15CHARGE l99�4.09.25 1.4 1994.11.09 1.4 1994.12.2q 1.1 1995A2.07 1.1 199�4.09.2b 1.3 1994.11.10 1.4 1994.12.25 1.2 1995.02.08 I ' I 994.09.27 I.3 I 994.I 1.I I I.4 i 994.I 2.2b !.I f 995.0209 ! 1994.09.28 1.3 1994.11.12 1.5 I994.12.27 1.1 1995.02.10 0.98 I 9 94.09.29 I.3 I 9 94.I I.I 3 I.5 I 9 94.I 2.28 I.I I 995 A 2.I I 0.98 I 994.09.30 I.6 I 994.I I.I 4 I A f 994.I 2.29 f.I I 995.02.I 2 4.9$ 1994.1�.01 1.8 1994.11.15 1.2 �994.12.30 I.! 1995.02.13 0.92 I 994.I 0.02 i.9 I 994.I I.I 5 I.3 1994.I 2.3 t 1.1 1995.02.14 t I 994.10.03 I.$ I 994.1 I.17 I.4 !995.01.01 0.94 I 995.42.15 � 0.9 I 994.I 0.04 f.6 I 99�.I I.I B I.3 I 995.0 I.02 0.9 1945.02.I 6 0.84 I 994.i t1.05 I.6 I 994.I I.I 9 (.3 I 995.0 I.03 0.96 !995.02.(7 0.86 I 994.I 0.06 !.9 I 494.I I.20 I.3 I 995.0 I A4 I.I I 995.02.I 8 0.88 I 994.�0.07 I.8 I 994.I I.2 I I.4 I 995.0 I.05 I !995.02.I 9 0.88 I 994.I 0.08 2 I 944.1 i.22 I.3 I 995.0 I.06 I.I 1995.02.20 0.9 I 994.i 0.09 2 199�.1 I 23 I.2 1995.41.07 i.1 1995.02.21 b.92 I 994.I 0.I 0 I.9 I 994.I I.24 I.2 !995.0 I.08 I.2 I 995.02.22 0.94 1994.10.11 1.8 1994.11.25 1.3 1995.01.09 1.2 1995.02.23 0.96 I 994.10.I 2 I.7 I 994.f I.26 I.3 I 995.41.I 0 I.2 f 995.02.24 4.98 I 994.(0.I 3 I.6 I 994.I I.27 I.3 i 995.01.I I I.I I 995.02.25 I I 994.I 0.14 I.6 I 994.I I.28 I.2 I 995.0 I.I 2 I.I �995.02.26 0.98 I 994.f 0.I 5 I.b I 994.1 I.29 I.I I 995.0 I.I 3 I.I !995.02.27 I.I f 994.10.16 I.5 I 994.} I.30 1.2 I 995.0 I.I 4 1.I 1995.02.28 I I 994.�0.17 I.5 I 994.!2.01 I.3 I 995.01.I 5 I.2 1995.03.01 I I 994.i 0.I 8 I.5 !994.I 2.02 I.3 I 995.0 I.I 6 I.I I 995.03.02 I I 994.I 0.I 9 I.5 I 994.I 2.p3 E.3 I 495.01.17 I I 995.03.03 I 1994.10.20 1.5 1994.12.44 1.3 1995.01.18 0.96 1995.03.04 I I 99�4.I 0.21 I.5 I 994,I 2.p5 I.3 I 995.01.I 9 I I 995.03.05 4.96 !994.10.22 1.5 1994.12.4b I.3 1995A l.20 I.I 1995.03.06 Q.92 1994.40.23 I.5 1994J 2.03 1.1 I 995.01.21 I 1995.03.07 0.9 1994.10.24 1.4 1994.12.08 I 1995.01.22 0.4 I995.03.08 0.96 1994.10.25 1.3 1444.12.09 0.7$ 1995.01.23 0.86 1995.03.09 I i 994.I 0.26 I.2 i 994.I 2.I 4 0.84 I 995.4 E.24 0.9$ I 995.03.I 0 I.I I 994.I 0.27 I.4 1994.I 2.i I 0.92 I 995.0 I.25 I 1 I 995.03.I ! � I.3 !994.I 0.28 I.4 I 994.I 2.I 2 ! I 995.0 f.26 I.2 I 995.03.I 2 I.3 I 994.I 0.29 I.4 I 994.I 2.I 3 I.I I 995.0 i.27 I.I I 995.03.I 3 I.2 4 994.I 0.30 I.4 I 994.I 2.14 1.2 1995.0�.28 I 1995.03.I 4 1.2 i 994.I 0.31 I.3 I 994.I 2.I 5 I.I I 995.0 i.29 I I 995.43.I 5 � I.3 I 994.I I A t 1.3 I 994.I 2.I 6 I.I E 995.0 I.30 I I 995.03.I 6 I.�4 I 994.I I.Q2 I.3 I 99�.I 2.I 7 I.I I 995.0 I.3 i ! I 995.03.I 7 I.5 I 994.I I.d3 I.4 I 494.12.I 8 I.I E 995.02.0 I I.I I 995.03.I 8 E.6 1994.11.04 1.4 1994.12.19 I 1995.02.02 I.! 1445.03.19 1.6 1994.11.05 !.4 1994.12.20 I.I 1995.02.03 I.I 1995.03.20 1.6 1444.1 I.tlb 1.4 1994.12.21 { 1995.02.04 1 1995.03.21 - 1.5 I 994.1 I.07 I.3 I 994.12.22 I f 995.02.05 I I 995.43.22 I.b I 994.I I.08 !.4 I 994.I 2.23 I.I !995.02.06 I.I I 995.03.23 I.5 Red Sandstone SW Data DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE D�SCHARGE DA�E DISCHARGE 1995.03,24 1.5 1995.05.08 2.2 1995.06.22 104 1995.f1$.06 3.4 1995.03.25 1.5 1995.05.09 1.4 1995.06.23 74 1995.0$.07 3.2 1995.03.26 1.4 1995.05.10 2 1995.06.24 S8 1995.08.08 3.2 1995.03.27 1.5 1995.05.11 2.2 1995.06.25 50 1995.08.09 3.2 �995.43.2$ I.4 I 995.05.I 2 I.5 I 995.06.26 51 1995.08.I 4 3 1995.03.29 1.4 1995.05.13 1.4 1995.Q6.27 47 1945.�8.11 3 1995.03.30 1.3 1995.05.14 2.1 1995.06.28 44 1995.08.12 2.9 !995.03.3 I 1.3 I 995.05.15 4.2 I 995.06.29 45 d 995.08.13 3 �995.�4.0� I.4 I 995.05.I 6 5.4 I 995.06.30 45 f 995.0$.I 4 2.9 I 995.04.02 I.4 I 995.OS.17 4.9 I 995.47.0 I 54 I 945.Q8,I 5 2.4 I 995.04.03 I.5 I 995.05.18 4.8 I 995.07.02 47 I 995.08.1 b 2J 1995.44.04 i,6 1995.05.14 5.7 f 995.07.43 5 I 1995.�8.17 2.5 I 995.04.OS �.b I 995.Q5.20 6.7 I 995.07.64 5 I I 945.08.I 8 2.4 I 995.04.06 I.$ I 995.05.21 8.1 €995.07.(}5 44 I 995.08.I 9 2.4 I 995.04.07 2 I 995.05.22 I 5 f 995.07.06 �+4 I 995.08.20 2.7 I 495.0�4.08 2.i I 995.05.23 I 6 f 995.07.07 49 I 995.08.2I 2.8 1495.0�#.09 1.8 1995.65.24 15 1995.07.08 51 1995.08.22 3.1 1995.44.10 1.8 1995.05.25 14 1495.07.09 5� 1995A8.23 3.3 I 995.44.I I I.6 !995.05.2b I 4 I 945.07.I 0 5 I I 995.08.24 3.5 1995.44.12 1.5 1495.�5.27 14 1995.07.11 51 1945.08.25 3.3 1995.p4.13 1.7 1495.Q5.28 II 1995.�7.12 42 1995.08.26 3 1995.04.14 2.1 1995.05.29 13 1995.07.13 29 1995.08.27 2.7 1995.04.15 1.8 I995.05.30 16 1995.(37.14 27 1995.08.28 2.5 1995.04.l6 1.7 199�.05.31 17 1995.07.15 21 1995A8Z9 2.4 1995.04.17 1.9 1995.Ob.01 23 1995.07.16 18 1495.�8.3Q 2.� I 995.04.I 8 I.8 I 995.Ob.02 3 I I 995.�7.17 I b I 995A8.3 I 2.I I 995.04.P 9 I.6 I 995.06.03 4 I 1995.07.I 8 I 5 I 995.09.0 I 2 I 995.04.20 I.6 �995.06.04 50 I 945.C17.I 9 I 3 I 945.09.02 2 I 995.04.21 I.S I 945.06.05 57 I g95.07.20 I 2 l 995.09.03 2.I f 995.04.22 I.4 I 945.06.06 81 I 995.07.21 9.4 I 945.04.04 2.I !995.04.23 I.4 I 995.06.b7 85 I 995.07.�2 9.9 f 995.09.05 2.I 1995.04.24 1.4 1995.Ob.�B 79 1995.47.23 7J 1995.09.06 2.1 k 995.04.25 I,3 I 99S.q6.09 62 I 9'95.07.24 6.6 I 945.09.47 2.I 1995.64.26 1.3 1995.06.10 53 1945.07.25 6.2 1995.09.08 2.6 1995.04.27 1.4 1995.06.11 64 1495.07.26 6.1 1995.09.09 1.4 I 995.44.28 I.9 I 995.06.I 2 92 I 995.07.27 5.6 I 995.09.!0 I.7 I 995.04.29 2.I I 995.06.I 3 I f 8 I 995.07.28 5.I I 995.09.! I I.7 149�.04.30 1.8 1995.06.14 139 1995.07.29 5.2 1995.09.12 1.8 I 995.05.0 I I J I 995.06.I 5 I 48 I 995.07.30 4.7 I 995.Q9.!3 2.2 I 995.05.02 I.8 I 995.06.I 6 I 42 I 995.07.3 I 4.5 I 995.09.�4 2.I 199SA5.03 !.8 1995.06.17 141 1995.Q8.01 4.3 1995.04.15 2 �995.05.04 f.8 I 995.06.I 8 !39 I 995.08.02 3.4 199�.09.I 6 I.4 1995.05.05 2.2 1995A6.19 109 1995.08.D3 3.6 1995.09.17 1.9 I 995.05.06 2.4 I 995.06.20 I i 4 E 995.08.04 3.5 I 995.09.I 8 2 I 995.05.07 2.4 I 995.06.2! I 15 i 995.08.05 3.4 I 995.p9.19 2.1 DATE DISCHARGE DA7� aESGHARGE 1995.09.20 2.3 1995.09.29 4.5 1995.09.21 3.1 1995.(�9.30 3.4 'E 995.09.22 2.4 1995.09.23 2.2 1995.09.24 2.2 1995.�9.25 2 1995.09.26 2 1995.fl9.27 2 1995.09.28 2.7 Annua� Daily Flow 2.5 cfs Red Sandstone SW Data I'IZ.�JE7� D�SC��P�fl� L���H �tE��tD TO P�BL�� ��£REST `rhe Praject wi31 include 17 condominium units, ranging from 774 to 1,500 square feet for � to 3-bedxoom units. Four buildings and adequare parking are being designed to allow for true conctruction efficiency so to meet "affordable" construction costs. 'i"he Project is heing developed in otder to address the lack of housing alternatives for Ea�1e County workers, particularly ERWSD and Tovvn ernployees. The ERWSD's goal in pursuing the �'roject is to create a quality housing project that will not only be attainable by their etnployees, but will aiso provide the type of living enviranment that will encourage families to establi�ch their homes in Vail. In keeping with that objectit-e, the intergorernmental a�reerrtent betvveen the ERWSD and t�ie Town of Vail sets forth a number of requirements designed to ensure the development remains a tocals' housing development. For example, na fewer than 75% of the units shall be restricted to occupancy by individuals who are employed in Ea.gle County. No��ithstanding, thi�s requiremerit, it is anticipated that 100% of the units u•ill �e rectricted. The development is intended to �e "revenue neutral," meaning units that are �old to indi��iduals will be sold for what they co�t to decigned construct. No "der�eloper profit" for the ERWSD or the Town will be included in the price of far-sale units. In addition, a m�in�um cap on appreciation and other deed restrictions will be establi�hed in order to ensure long term affordabiliry of the for-sale uni�s. Upon completion of tlle Project, ownership of the 17 uni� wil� be jointly �eld by the ERSWD and the Tow�n of VaiL It is anticipated that the ERSWD will retain ovvnership of a small number of units and make the remaining units availab�e for sa3e to ERSWD ernployees. It is anticipated that the Towm of Vail v��ill make all of their units available for sale to either 7'own employees or the general public. D�SCRIPTION OF WETLANDS Our deLineation of wetland areas was conducted on October 9, 1996 using the 1987 Corps Manual for Wetland Delineation. Our data sheets and photographs (Append'v: B) and surveyed boundaries (Appendix C) are included at the end of this letter. The two wetland areas identified on the property are degraded wetlands due to factors reiating to rheir proximity to significant development in the area. On the vwest side of the creek, where there is a townhome developrnent, the area has been seeded to the creek's edge witl� bluegrass. In addition, the Project site was previously occupied by a water treatment facility and storage area, which �as since been remo�ed from the site. These factors have, to some extent, influenced the vegetation and velocity of the water flow, w�hich as a result, appear to be causing the creek to �e gradually inci�Ged. 1'his is most evident in �ections of the banks that are steep and void of vegetation. R�D SA\DSTO��E ? Wetland A (adjacent to the creek) is a linear vvetland/riparian area, Iocated downstream from a section of the creek cu�verted for a road crocing. It occupies appcoximately 4,923 square feet. Its degradation is e��ident in the c�uality of the�•egetation where thistle (Cirsium arvense} is common in the herbaceous layer in much af the narrau�u�etland. The predominant vegetation is in the shrub layer where Salix drummondii i� dotninant t�-ith occasional Populus rremutoides (Data sheet 2). The comdor of willow shrubs begins near the culvert to the north and stops approximately 10� feet frotn the bridge to the svuth. The creek banks are comprised primarily of large and medium sized bou�ders, with advantageous thistle and other weedy species emerging in the crevices. Wetland B, on the ea,�t side of the propem� is a man-induced wetland located at the base of the steep slope from Red Sanstone Road. It i approximately 1,325 square feet in size. It is created by a seep et�erging from the slope which channels the water into a grass-lined trench along the lengtli of the slope. Large witlows, Sa� drummondii, have establ�hed then�selves along the toe of the s[ape and are the dominant�-egetation type. �'EZOjECT{.,�1YC�U� Vb'ITH R�GAf�D TL ��'ETL�-1ND AVOI�A�1C� R���3vl��TIO� AND UNA�'OIDABLE IMPACTS Effort was made in the Project desigri to aroid itnpacts to juri.Gdictional wetland areas. Without the small encroachment anto the wetland areas, the Project would not be fea.sible. The properry is a long, nanow parcel restricted by required setbacks from Red Sandstone Road, driveways, and parking areas. In addition, t�e f�ooc�plain of Red Sanstone Creek and steep slopes confine the buildable acrea.ge of the 1.64-acre property to 1.24 acres. Approximately 11,850 square feet of the property exceeds 4�% slope and 3,900 square feet of the property is within the 100-yeaz floodplain of Red Sandstone Creek. In the remaining buildable area, the buildings have been sited away from Red Sanstone Creek to the tnaximum ea�tent possible. I�ziprovements on the creek side oE the Project have been kept to a minimum (i.e. grading and very small lawn areas for each unit}, and the line of exi.ating willows�•iil remain untouched as much as po��ible. DESC[�[PT[ON G�F DiSTC.IR$ANCE T1ie area of disturbance will total 3,308 square feet of jurisdictional wet�and (Table 2). A drawing outlining a jurisdictionai wetland boundary and disrurbance area for construction is included in Appendi�t C. The profile drawing in Appendix D sl�ows the apgroximate amount of fill material to be used to grade the site. Disturbance will involve removing willou�s and placing fill material to grade the site for canstruction. As shown in the landscape plan �Appendix E), some areas will be �andscaped with Kentucky bluegra.ss for the individual candominium unit�, and trees such as Colorado blue spruce and Lance-leaved cottonwood v��ill be planted. RED SAI�DSTONE 3 During construction, it is the intent of the developers to avoid impacts to Red Sandstone Creek and adjacent wetland areas. Soil erosion control methods standard to the professian will be implemented to avoid sedimentation and runoff from the construction site into these areas. Soil erosion, sediment control, etc.will be coordinated with Russ Farrest, Senioc Environmental Policy Planner from the Town of Vail. TABLE 2 WETLAND AREA{SF) BREA OF DIST[IRBANCE ��F� A 4923 1983 B 13?5 1325 '�'O'�'ALS {24$ 33Ca8 MITIGATION T�he 'Town of Vail is requiring that the project proponent transplant and glant the u�ilIow areas that will be disturbed. We propose that in a miti,gation plan, re�egetation efforts wi11 concentrate the steep banks of the creek that have been di�sturbed and those that are currently void of vegetation. The mitigation would include the planting of willow cuttings along lov��er half of the creek bank to prevent further erosion and enhance the current wetland and riparian areas. The upper half of the bank would be re-�eeded with a native gra..�s m� designed for the site. Efforts could also be concentrated in the area close to the bridge an the south end of the project. We gropose that willow cuttings be taken from adjacent willow bushes c�uring the winter months and replanted into the stream bank in spring using accepted bioengineering techniques. CONCLUSION Based on our site visit, wet�and delineation, and understanding af tlie Project, we are of the opinion that the effarts put forth by the developer to site the buildings and stilt maintain the Project's feasibility are reasonable. At the time of our field work, it was e��ident that the sur�ounding and previous land uses have impacted the qualiry of the exi�5ting wetlands and riparian area of Rec� Sandstnne Cree�. In that, we be�ieve the mirigation offered will be sufficient for an area such as this to enhance the wetland and riparian area ad}acent to the Project site. RED SANDSTO'�iE 4 lf you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesistate to contact Montane Environmental at 974-328-2015/46$-045b or Tom Braun of Braun Associates at 970-827-5797. Sincerely, �lt,..�l,.I.��)�j 1�►� Anna Higgins Environmental Scientist c: Tom Braun Attachments RED SANDST�"�1€ 5 A�'�,��� A SLIBDI1lIS101V L�TLI��S Please ohtain copies of drawi�7g from surveyor. :5 L�B fl�I5��7�V L C j�L��V F S ,�PPENDIX B D��t� S�-I�f TStIND �HOTOS ' ' ! ' DATA FORM �A'Y'� Y�l-E f r�'�t�►T � ROUTiNE W�LqND DETERMWATION' • V PL�"�',JD (i 987 COF Wet�ands Delineation�ar�wl� � . .. ProjectfSnn: (.,cCa pa�s; ' �O �v Applicant/Own c: ���.� Investiflator: 5�: _ Do No�mal Circumstances exist a��e sitej � � No Commun�ty ID: , Is the site s1pR�cantly disturbed (Atypica! Sjtu�tion)T �rs- No Tisnsect ID: � Is the aros a potermat Problem ArasT Y�t No Pbt ID: �P (li nseded. explain on revena.) . VEG�TATION � 71�on�inant Pl�rtt Saecir� t'tum nator Qonrrnrtt}1�ett So�d�� i�n� c or 7. ��� �. ��. 2. ��('� �O. �. , ���,�. 11. _� 4 ��.�'� �2. . 6. �-�.�...��..�� 13. ���� d. 1�. ��-----�— ���� . 7. 16. -__�,��� •. . : �` �.� fs. _� hre�m of Domina�t Sp�oiN iM w OBL.fACW�FAC . �tuefudFno FAC-}, R�merks: • . . HYDROLDGY � � � ��.00„d.a o.�.��.+��.�.f: w.e.,�a��,� �aw.m.L.+c..er�e.G«�w �Nma��n�n; , . �M�ai�h°toqr�p~ . �idutb : �Olh�r Man�t�d In Llpp�r 1Zlnaha „No R•card�d Ow Avw'1�1� w��� . . . Oelft Lfnrs � � s.ain�.nt D.po.+d Fisld Obi�rvEdens: Did�Mnnr b Witl� In�lea�«s t2�w�err nquir�dl: D�R�oi Surlaa�W�t�r. /n.! 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Project/Site• Daa: � AppficarEt/Ovmer: S Coutriy: �'M�I.� lnvestipator: S�: Do Narmai Ci�cumstancas exist on the site7 � �Y��s No Community ID: �., Is the site sifln�car�tly dEsturbed Ultypiral Situaiion)1 �i�s- No Trsr�sect ID: ` . 1s the area s poterniai Prob�em Araa7 Y�s No PIot.ID: � �If nsadad. sxp(ain �n raver�te.� . "�'�'� VEGEi'ATIDN . � orMn�nt rl�rrt S cisr �y �n ic or pomin�m f'f�So�d�r � or t.5 ` " . .��c�r�L..t .. _� �...� ,o. a. �_,�°�� �i. �; ' �_ u. . 6. �4�''act e.u,w�l�.�tatu.+�_,,,�,_ G �a. � e. Gts urwi n�rc.rt.�,e. N � :s. . �_� 7. 16. ,�_�.— _�_ s. �s. ' �—�— —— hresnt et Oomirnnt Sp�dM eM ar�OlL.�ACW or FAC - laxeludinp FAC•1. . a.�:a�.r�x. wi Ilr,ws ��ifficu l� '1a t�' � - � HYDRQL�GY � ' �R�oord�d Dat�fD��o�!n lt�k�F: w.,�,d w�a�,�,� �swnn.l..+c..«T1d.G.up. �ry�, , . �,,,_Miid Matopnph� ' , �� ' '' �� �Mbn�ad in f�pK 12� _Na R�aord�d Oat�Av�l�bh ��y��s : �. 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G � ^ �,;, a ° � x � � � � � � c. � �, ,= c T � ri � { ,.n � . . . . .. � � m � r . � . . . . . � � � � � �. v; $ ; --� 2 � � � r`' �'- �r � � > a n Z � � �i^7 � r, o: O ^ G c c c a 07 -� C z „ 9� D e��''�+�c*r � r` �f�� „� .. r.. fr _ � `� � �1I�I�END�X E ���c������ Please oblaan copies of drawi�7g from la��dscape archilecl. �1�L3SC�I�f�LA1V , "'*� � � �� � �� � ���� ��y TOi�VN OF VAIL � 75 So�rtli Froritnge Road 1)eparti►ie�zt of Corru+tttnity Developrrieiit Vail, Colorac�o 81657 970-479-213�/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 :1u�u4t I 2. 1�)�J7 f�1a'. .I,ia�i�ti I�. 1�1��rtrr, f��11,1 I�lc�rtc3� r\rchitc�ts 143 tl��sl k�1c�ti�lti�ti� [)rivc ('rc�ssrua�is at Vail Vtul, ('<�I���'�►cl�� �il(iS7 Rt�.: Itccl Santlst�>:�c in���l��ycc l���usin;� ��E�ay�ect I)car .P�m; 'fhis I�ttc�� scivcs a� a formal �]csign Itcvicw [3c�ar�C ��t�ns���n of thc Krcl Sandsiunc cm��l��ycc I��ius�iei�; �lcvcl�����>>cnt. 'I'hc Dcsi�,i� Rcvic�v 13c7trrcl .iE�F�r��vcc� tl�c dcvclo���ncnt i�n l�ccci��i�cr lK, I')�)l�. 'I�I�is 6cllcr c�lci7cls il�at a��4���ci��t�l until Dcccmhcr l K. 1�)�);{. `I'Itis clucs n«t uf�i�ccl kllc ���ccial Dcvcic��7ii�ciit I�istricl �iE��et�v,tl. ili�►cl� hy thc��c��vn Council ot� I�cccnil�rr 17. I�)�)(, {?n�l Itca�lin�,). It �vifi IaE�sc U�rcr yc.it', alic�- ll�c a}�E�r,��-ti1. �vhiclti ��•il9 hc I)cccn7hcr I i, I�J�1�). I tiv,is c�ictjtira}Tc�l tvith Ehc cliscussi��n hcicl al lhc Ett�;lc Rivci� 1�'atcr ai�cf S.inil.itiun Dislri�t E3c�ar�! incclin�t�n .lulv �1 sE. ��hc�fo���n ��ishcs }°ou thc Ucsl c�f luc'k ir� valuc �n�inccrin� thc ��roj�ct lo an ap��r����riatc lcvul of�qu.ilrl_y �intl tcasihilily. Lct us kno�v iClr���fo�titn c�ul 11c1� in any way. ��i�ccrrly, � �.c.t�-G� �lnciy :n��citsc� Scnic�r I IE�usi�i� I'olic_y I'lanncr �1KIjr r�: �usarti C'c�nnclly N1ikc ;�li�Eli�:�t E:',cti•ci}'nnc`�andy\y7_lcttelmc�rtcr,{i0� i• xt,'r,rr;ct.�f�ra�.�'u tr • w � � L -.,r:�:;l I . ' �V� \��l\ ,.. Va�l Colo�a�o Ptr" 1 ��1 v`�.I � I V L�. � � 970!47&•St05 FAX 970 r 476-0?17 August 4, 1997 Mr. Andy Knudsen Senior Ho�sing Policy Plann�r Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81�57 Hello Andy, As we discussed on Thursday, July 31 , 1997, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District respectfully r�quests an extension of one year of the expiration of the Town ofi Vail Design Review Board's final apprQVal of their propos�d housing project r�n their property on Red Sandstane Road. If extensions of the Planned l�nit Development approval, or of any other actions or approvals of the Town of Vail Plannir�g and Environmental Commission, Town Council, or Department of Community Development staff are required, please notify us innmediately so that we may pursue such extensions as well. It is hoped that construction of the project will begin in the summer of 1998. Thank you for your help and consideration. We look forward to receiving written confirmation of the extension�s). Bes� regar s, Ja es . orter, FAIA R ARCHITECTS cc: Rick Sackbauer, ERWSD }� � i � . _ ����, � �� : . l..L�vC .--'r-- ��,.c, '�`� �( � .� �` � � Q�� ��-��cr C��LCr•'E�c:f �4tY— CL�L42 � ��I�-Y'� � ,�� � �-<-�.e� � _r . � � �o ���`�`-�'�� ��zt�� v -�"„° (./Ld--�'�J� � ! �-` ��~L J . ! - `�t�.�L�� /�_/�'�f�(y' J '`/ I 4� EAGLE RIVER �� WATER 8e SANITATIO�N DISTRICT � 846 Forest Road•Vail,Colorado 81657 (970}476-7480•FAX(970)476-4D89 l�pl'il 10, 1997 Andy Knudtsen Tc�wn of V�il 75 S�uth Frontage Road Vail, �C�O &1657 llear Andy: I'i� writing to advise yt�u c�f a chan�e in scliedule fc�r construction of housir�g uni;s on our Lionsridge site. At last month's meeting the Board c�f Directors ot the E�gle River Watei- & S�nitation District decided to delay the start of construction unul the Spring or Summer of 19g8. We re�ret that it has become necessary to delay construction, hut we expect that proceedinQ cautiously will result in a better product at a lawer eost. �lease let us know if yau have any questions. Sincerely, EAGLE RI�JER WATER cYc SANITA,TION DISTRICT .l--� /� l���.�"�--J /�-�-�_ �� �ZT:iii� vt;i'v7ii, y�"" ciiCi iii .vi«.��`��Tei �c: Tom Braun �im �vlc�rter Jim Wear ° Jim Cc�llins ERW&5D Board NIP.?EP, WV45TEVJP.TER, OPERATIOPJS t� MAIJAGEMEfJT SER'wll�ES � � � � � Town of V�ii Eagle River 1�ater and Sanitation � Affordable Housing Development j �t � Red Sandstvne Creel� � � Submitted: March 23�d, 1947 �- � � � � � 5ubrnitted To: Town of Vail 75 South Front�ge Road � V�il, Calor.ido 8 F 6 Submitted By: The Stevens Group, I�ic. � 3l2 E Aspen Airport Business Center Aspen, Calor;�do 8iG11 (�)70) 925-5717 � � � � � DEVEL0��ITENT AND CONSULTiNG TEAM � Architeciure• � Brad Reed Reed or Reed, Inc. 216 M Pueblo Nort� #227 � Taos, New Mexico 87571 (505) 776-27b 1 lohn Baker �� Baker Fallin, Associates, Inc. I?SO Ute Avenue � Aspen, Colorado S i 611 �970) 9?5-4252 F � Civil Engineering: Hans Brucker Banner Associates, Inc. 605 Easz Main Street Aspen, Colorado 8�61 1 (970) 379-9483 � La�►d Pl;lnni��g/Site Development: Tom Stevens � The Ste�ens Graup, Inc. 312 E Aspen Airport Business Center Aspen, Colorado 8161 I � (970) 925-6717 Re�l Est:�te Sales: � Lai�rie Stevens SilverLode Real Estate Company, Inc. 580 R�ain 5treet � Carbond��Ie, Colorado 8I623 (970) 963-�891 � � � � 2 � � � � Red Sandstone Creek � TAI3LE OF CONTENTS � SECTiON NIJMBER p� � _� � I. INTR�DUCTiON 5 Q. EXISTING C�NDIT141VS 6 � III. PROPOSED DEVELOPM � E T S A. Deve�opment Pro�ram 8 � B. Unit Categorization and Projected Sales Rates 8 C. Architectural Description S D. Deed Restriction 11 � E. Site Capacity 11 F. Generai Site Improvements I 1 � i. Access 2. Grading and Draina�e 3. Landscapin� � 4. Open Space 5 Utility Serv�ce a. 1�Vater S�i�f�ly b. Sanitary Sewer �, c. Private Services 6. Recycle/Trash Collection � 7. Outdoor Li�hting 8. Parking H. Homeowners Association 14 � l. Development Schedule 14 � J. Requested Variances l4 � V. EXHIBITS � A. Application Form B. Utility Location Verific�ttion � C. Geotechnical Repnrt D. Wetlands Report � 3 � � E. Drainage Report � VL 1VIAPPING � A. Existin Gonditions Ma � P B. Site Develapment Plan � C. Grading and Drainage Plan D. Landscape Plan E. Shallow Utilities Plan (gas, electric, telephane, cable) � F. Utilities Plan (water and sewer) G. Architectural E�lans an� Elevations � � � � � � � � � � � � � q � � I. INTRQDUCTION � This applicatian, submitted by The Stevens Group, Inc. (herein after referred to as the � Applicant), requests Town of Vail Design Review Board approval for the deveiopment of the Red Sandstone Creek af�'ordable housing. � The Red Sandstone Creek housin� clevelo ment wili house em lo ees of the Town of � p p Y � Vail and Eagie River Water an� Sanitation. The sale of tf�e units, as well as the qualifications of the purchasers, shall comQly with al� applicable regulations set forth by � the Town of Vail in effect at the time of purchase contract on each unit. � The Applicant seeks to subdi�ide the Red Sandstone Creek parce�, which consists of approximate�y 1.b acres. Further subdivision will occur to accommodate the eighteen � deed restricted units, all associated access, util�ties and open spa�e. This has been described in detail in Section Ill, Proposed Development, of this application. �` While the Applicant has attempted to provic�e sufficient information to enable a thorough evaivation ofthis application, questions may arise which result in staff's request for � additional information and/or clarification. The Applicant will be pleased to provide such information as may be rec�uired in the course of the application review. �l � � � � � � � 5 � � II. EXISTING COND[TIONS � �� A. Project Location and Acrea�e� � The project site 5s located within tt�e Town of Vail and is situated between Red Sar�dstone Creek and Red Sandstone Road. The site acreage is 1.6. � B. Current Zonin�: � T he current zonin� is Medium Density Multiple Family (MDMF). Based on th�s � zaning, the site will support 22 units and/or ]8,449 square feet of Gross Residential Fioor Area (GRFA). � C. Site Access: � Red Sandstone Road, a County road, provides access ta the site. The road is contained within an existir�g 60 foot Ri�ht of Way. This road also provides �( access ta the adjacent condominiu3n project at the south eastern portion of the site. ■ � D. Existine Uses: � No uses exist on the pro�e►-t_v with t��e e�cception of the access to the adjacent condorr�inium �ro�ect. � D. Util^ ities; � Telephone, cable TV and electTic service are adjacent to the site. Qverhead electric traverses the site from east to west. Gas is located west of the site within � Red Sandstone Creek road but is not within close proximity to the site. Water is located at the north end uf the site. Sewer is located on the adjacent condominium �1 parcel near the brid�e abutinent. � � � 6 � � E. Topo�raphv; � The site contains a roximate4 25 feet of rade chan e fallin from north to PP y � � , $ � sfluth. Red Sandstone Creek borders the site to the west. To the east, along Red Sandstone Creek Road, the site rises �y 8 to �2 feet. � F. Vegetation; � The #�at portios� of the site consists of sparse native �rasses. The creek edge contains the most ve�etatior� and consists of wi�iow and dogwood. One large � spruce tree is lacated on tl�e north end of the site. � G. Wetland Desi�nation; The Existin� Conditions Map locates the mapped wetlands contained on the site. � The attached wetlaneis repo�t ciiscusses the wetlands and the rec�uired mitigation associated with develop�nent eti�cr�achment. � � �; � � .� � `� � � � �� � III. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT � A. Deve�opment Pro�ram � 7 The proposed development pro�ram calls for the development of�8 residential � units of the followin� mix; 12 t�vo-bedroam/one bath units, 4 three-bedroom/two bath units, and 2 one-bedroom/ane �ath tsnits. All units contain a one car garage. � The current tota! GRFA is 17,9 i i,9 square feet. Building configuration is two and three story. All two-bedroom units and three- � bedroam units are contained within four-plex structures while the one hedroom � units are within duplex canfi�uration. � B. C1nit Proaected Sales Rates Current pro�ect sales price tar�ets are as follows; one bedroom units are � approximately $100,000.00, two-�edroom units are approximately $135,aao.00 while the three-�edroom units are approximateEy $170,000.00. This pricing � structure applies to 1998/1999 cainpletion dates. � C. Architectural Descri�ion � The conceptual aret�itecture resented in this a lication has been created to I� PP � accommodate the development pro�ram most ef�ciently on the site while creating a"fit" with surrounding Vail architecture. Ail units have been designed to be � town home confi�uration allowin� for the sale of fee simple lots with the units. Additionally this pravides ground leve! access to the creek for all units from the � main livin� area oftl�e home. Tl�e units orient to the creek with the living area and the master bedroo�ns wl�ife tl�e garage an� storage are iocated on the access � drive side of�the ��ni[_ � � $ � � Typical with four plex development, the interior units receive only two sides (the � two ends) of light and ventiIation. With the addition of garages, this is further reduced to one side. The proposed architecture creates a design system thai � provides side wall light and ventilation for alI units thus increasing the livability � of the units substantial ly. � The living dining and kitchen area has been configured as ane large room creating a sense of lar�er space than is typical in at�ordable housing units. The kitchen � counter t4�at extenas inta the room will be counter height for"bar" seating and thus oper�to the overall space. � 5torage has been provi�ed ay enlarging the �ara�es to accommodate either a run � of counter and cabinets alang t1�e long wall or shelving units. Additionally, separately designated stora�e rooms have been provided wherever possible. � Creatin variet with the exterinr of the units has been a rimar desi n uideli�e. � Y P Y � g � This is complicated by the need for stn�ctural repetitiveness for affordable housing. However, by turnin� roofrid�e�ines 90 degrees and utilizing the three � story element of the three-bedroom units, this has been helped greatly. Siding, solid body stain colors and trim coiors will vary from structure to structure further � providin� variety. Materi�l an� color boards will be provided at the second DRB meeti n�. � Exterior materials, as represented on the architecturai plans will consist of lap � sidin� (with an alternate for a�aard and baton created from 4 foot by 8 foot cedar with 1 inch by 2 inch �ats e�ery 16 ir�c�es). Siding types and disectio� of jap � siding will vary from str��cture to �tn►cture. All siding will receive solid body stain. Roofiing wiil be Timberiine cornposite shingles in charcoa� biend. � � � � � � ` �7'AE3LI: ONE DEVEL{)P11EtiT D:�T.� � �'arcel Size I.60 ac. Existin� Zoning 1�1DI�1F � Proposed Zc�nin� Same Proposed Use Residential �Jumber of Units I$ � Number ofBedroc�ms 38 12 �'wo-bedroom units �4 -t Three-�ecfroo��� �lnits l2 � 2 �One�bedro�ili units ^ GRFA ran�e S�e r�ttached Summary n Required Landscaped ;"�rea .-'"'�0.�9b s.£ . � E�equired Minimum Sett�acks � ����� Front 20 5�de �o � Rear ?0/30 from stream Parkin� ?iunir + 4 �uest I� (S(�°'o) enclosed � � � � � � � � � � 10 � � RED SANDSTO;�iE CREEK GROSS RESIDENTIAL C'LOOR ARE:�S � ONE BEDROOM �i�,,�'l��J � Garagc - NA � Sccond floor—��8.7 sf �� !�S ��'"��"�� �' Third floor— =��.7 sf Tutal— 717 -i sf � T��%O SEUR00^�1 �'NIT ��A�� - � � ,�`) � ��[�'� �� First tloor�- -�-t�l �i ;ti J� � S�cond floor--�U2.fi sf Total-- ���7.-� ;f � T1�V'O BEDRQO'Ll [,NIT ��B'� � �����5 ��� � First tloor-- -17?.6sf � Sccond floor--�92.6 sf �'otal-- �>h;_? ,f � THR�E f3FDR0()11 I;NIT��:1�� , i � First tloor-- -4-��4.t{ sf Sccond floor—�4�)2.6 sf � i>>ird floor-- �90.1 sf � Tuta�l-- I?27.� sf � THREE BE�ROOI��1 UNI.1' �-E3.. � � f=irst tlaor- �7�'.h st' � 5cc;c�nd floor--ly?.6 sf �il�ird tloor-- ��)0.� sf � ��Total-- 13;;.� st � � � � � RED SANDSTONE CREEK GROSS RESIDENTIA,L FLOOR AREA TdTALS � � ONE BEDR�OM UNITS: (2) ��L 714.7 sf each. = 1,438.8 sf � TWO BEDROOM UNITS (6-Unit ''A") %cL 937.4 sf each. _ �,62�.� sf � TWO BEDR�OM UNITS . (6-Unit ''B") .'ii 965.2 sf each. =�,791.2 sf � THREE BEDROOM UNITS (2-Unit "A") '�i.; 1227.� sf each. = 2.��0.�4 sf THREE $EDRO�M UNITS (2-Unit `'B"} �cr; �Z5�.3 sf each. =2.S10.b sf � � TOTAL PROJECT GRFA'S-- 17,911.9 sf � � � � � � � � � � � � � D. Deed Restriction It is currently anticipated that a stlndard Master Deed Restrictian wil( be by the � Town of Vail Housing Of�ice that �r�il! 6e sim�las ta that used at Vaii Commons. These deed restrictio�s will be permanent, require owner occupancy, full time � employment and provide for a 3°lo appreciation annually. � E. Site Capacity Pursuant to the underlying zaning, the site has the capacity for 22 units with a � maximum of Z 8,449 square feet of GRFA. IR cor�sideration of setbacks, site constraints, and the project pra�ram, I 8 �inits are proposed with a total Qf � 17,9] l.9 square feet of GRFA. � F. Genera! Site Improvemer�ts � The Applicant t�rill construct al1 rec�uired site improvements associated with the proposed residential �ievelopment. Thsy inciu�e ti�e following; � 1. Access � Access to the property tiv�ll be in the vieinity of the existin� �ccess to the adjacent condamtnium project. This existing access intersection will be � realigned to provide a 90 de�ree ali�nment. Access to the Red Sandstone at�ordable housin� wifl i��tersect with the acljacent condominium access � road, again at a 40 de�fee �ntersection ali�nment. Once within the development parcel, tl�e 22 foot access roa� will provide vehicular access � to alf parking �arages and surtace parking spaces. Fire access and turnaround will also be accommodated within the deveioprnes�t access � road as depicted on tlze Site Develapment P'4as�. � 2. Gr�din� and Draina��e Gradin� and draina�e h7s b�en desi�ned to mir�imize the site discurbance � to the �reatest extent p�ssib�e. The buildin�s w+!! be set at an elevation to � 11 � � provide positive draina�e away from the structure. Each driveway drains � away from the gara�e at 3°�o minimum to the access drive. THe access drive has been �itched at 2.5% minimum to the east, or towards Red � Sandstone Road. At its edge, curb and �utter has been proposed to col[ect surface drainage and raute it to the south, along the edge of pavement, to � the southern portion of the site. At this location, drainage wiil be collected in a catch basin and piped under the access drive to an outlet adjacent to � the creek. � The existin� draina�e pipe t}�at discharges onto the site from under Red � Sandstone Road will be pi��ed under the access drive, in between buildings one and two for disch�r�e to the creek. � 3. Landscapin; � There are two components ot�the landscape plan; wetlands mitigation and residentiaUarchitectural enhancement. The wetland mitigation complies � with the recam�t�endations set f'orth in the attached wetiands report and primarily involves the addition ofwillow shrubs in areas disturbed by � construction. � Within the site, native pi��ilt material h�s been added to provide � �rchitectural "softenin�", shade and screenin�. Materials include aspen and spruce trees, sod and native seed. All landscaped areas will be � irrigated via permane��t under�round autoinatic irri�atian. Pursuant to tt�e zoning regulatians, 20,99 sc�uare feet must be contained � within landscapin�. Tl�is project exceeds that amount. � 4. Utility Service � a. Water Supp€y - � l2 � � � Water service will ori�inate in Red Sandstone Road at the north ofthe site, with the proposed service running the len�th of the site and connecting � with existin� service to the south of the site creating a loop system. � b. Sanitary Sewer— � Sanitary sewer service will originate on the adjacent parce� to the west � next to the �rid�e abutment. As the Uti�ity Plan depicts, this service will be tapped at an existin� manhole, cross Red Sandstone Creek and run � within the access drive to service the pro�osed units. c. Private Services � Gas, electric and telephone service are available to the site. All, with the � exception oF�as, are in the immediate vicinity of the site. The gas service will originate west ofthe site within Red Sandstone Road and require � extension of the existing line to the site. It is not anticipated that this will rec�uire disturbance ta the pavement as construction of the new line will be � within the road shoulder. � 5. RecyclelTrash ColEection Trash collection will be privately contracted by the Horneowners Association and � include recyclin�. A co►r�mon collection area has been identified on the Site Development Plan. � 6. Outdoor Li�htin� �' Outdoor "13ndscape" li�htin� will be prolzibited. Only architectural lighting wi�l be provided which will be lacated �t unit entries (per UBC cade) ar�d be }ow level � down lighti;��. � � 13 � , 7. Parking � Parking has been provided at 2 spaces per unit plus 4 guest spaces. Fifty percent � of the required parking, I 8 spaces have been provided in attached garages. The remainin� 18 required spaces l�a�e been provided as surface parking with 9 foot � by 19 foot spaces. � H. Homeowners Associatian Due to the fact that there are elements of this development that will require shared � expenditure, a Homeowners Associatian will be formed. This association wijl be a Colorado Non-Prc�tit Corparation and cate=orized as a Common Interest � Community. Responsibility wi�l include maintainin� the access road and parking area, trash collectior�, taxes and maintenance of common open space areas. � Additionally the Association wili be respflnsible for architectural review of all proposed modifications to the units. � � I. Development Schedule � It is anticipated that �pon appruval by the Desi�n Review Board and the Town of Vaii Town Council, tllat the Applicant wiil submit for a gradin� permit. This will � provide for cor►struction to begin with clearing of the site and utility development. Comp�ete building permit appt�cations wiil be made durrn�gradin�, and actual � building construction wili be�in immediately upon issuance ofbuilding permits. � All constr�iction work �vi�l be acco�nplished in one phase with an anticipated b�ild-out ofoRe year. � J. Requested Variances � None � � 14 � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � EXHIBIT A 1 � � � LIST 4F PROPO5ED M1iATERiALS � � I3UILDTNG MATERIALS: TYF'E QF i�1ATERIAL: C�LOR:"' � � ROOf �v^;vi�'�1;-'-' �..,����� � ,--��'.�.r,�-� ,`:' r�'� _ Siding :�:' � ���:�r" � - ��T--`^r�'�. ='=� , —r� ._ — _-- �_ ,�' 4� �j.= 'r`^ � � .1 (�thcr'4Vall Matcnals .��f- •� �^ � � Fascia ��� ��,�,�=- �L %r=�-c: ,=G- � r•-^ , � i rJ' ,,.^ � �r- r� `�� ;'ti:'/✓. ✓^'��-+ Soffits ���ri� „ �r �^r i:���•� � - i � �. ..� � ` `�1f1�OWti .�✓ � � �'�111(�OW�flll] 'Y �`" � � � . � � - �� Doors � --��'.�" ��4'�^'�' � �-- �. �> � D��orTrii�� � '�k��t� �;.��-� �'`� ��+- C,'��. � G,�= �'' '•% ' -_ =_�" Hand ar Dcck ftails �,�,� -� ` .. r- , r I a�c s '�', �r� -�.�-.;,y, �C.. � Fl:�shiEi�*s — ' � � C}lIi]1F1CV5 • Trash Enclosures � Grecnhouscs Retainin� l��alls �%-=' -'—�-- � ' —' ` � �J .� . Exterior Lighting*# # dther t ' Plea�c s�ecify the n�anufacturer's colar,rn�mber and attach a sma]E color ehip � ** AIY cxtcrior li�htin�must meet#he Town's Li�hting Qrdinancc 18.54.050(J). If extcrior lighting is pro(�osed, �Icase indicate thc numbcr of fixhucs and locations on a senarate lighting pian. Identify each fixture type and�rovidc the height above�rade, �umens out��t, iuminous arca.and attach a eut shect of the ligh4ing fixtures. � _ ? i r„��rPd r,�9� � � PRfJPOSED L.4NDSCAPING � Botanical Nan�c Con�mon I�1am� Ouanritv SiZ� �J . -�. � PROPOSE�TREES -�'.�i._.=- — - —".:���.�' �`� `—'i�,� AND SHRUBS: ��� , � s���, � -_,�-, , .:+ �-` � 1 .�.-�'1' � - � � < "�" �:���X �'�' �/ �i�! 1/+„� � � � EXISSING TREES TO � BE REMOVED: � �1�1inimum rcquircmcnts for landsca�ing: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch cafiper � conifcro��.s trccs -fi fcct in �ci�ht shn�bs - 5 gallons � Tvnc Squarc Footaec GROUND COVER � SOD /�L�J���l�,�t���c � t>��U SEED /`��T1 \/� ��, S�� � IRRIGATIOi� i�UT�i�I,�?t"� U �DE ' u�� � �vo , � TYPE OR METHOD OF ERQSION CONTROL � OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swim�ning�ools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom cievations of rctaining walls. h1axim��m h�i�ht of wails within thc front setback is � feet. Maximum hcight of walls clscwhcrc an the�roperty is fi fect. � �'.r . � --_ � r^ �- � �• � _�..�� �� � .`, l ��f� �� J ' ��.� . { �� . ��.�i � � 3 Updatcd 6/97 � � * l „ NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW l� TOWN OF YAIL � � � ?he review process for new consbrWCtion normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Re�iew Board:a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their devclopment proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. � I- ���I�'TAL REOUIREMENT� � � A prelirninary title report,inciuding Sche�uies A and B,to venfy ownerships and easements. � Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures,where a{�plicable. � ❑ Condominium Association ap�roval. if applicable. � Three(3l cnniP�of the following: � T.Qpo�ra hic survev_,stamped by a licensed surveyor,at a scale of 1" =2d'or larger, on which ihe � following information is provided: C�' Ties to existing benchmark.either USGS landrnark or sewer invert. This information must � bc clearly stated on the survey so that all measuremcnts arc�ased on thc samc cotnmencement point. � Lot area and if applicablc,bui idable area. � C3' Legal dcscri tion and h sical P � v address. � �3" Scale with a graphic bar scalc and north arro�v. 0" Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01)af a foot accuracy. Distances and � bcanngs and a basis of b�aring must bc shown. Show existing pins or monumcnts found � and thcir relarionship to t�e establis�ed comcr. � 0' Topographic canditions at twa foot contour intervals�nless ihe pazcel consists of 6 acres or more,in which case,5'contour intervais may be accepted. � C3� Existing trecs or groups of trees havinE trunks with diameters of 4"or more,as measured from a point onc foot abovc gradc. � C�" Rock outero�pings and other si�ificant natural features (large boulders,intcrmittent strcams, ctc.). � D� Alt exisiing imQrovements(inciuding foundarion walls,roof overhangs,building overhangs, etc,). � Hazard areas�avalanche,roc�Cfall, ctc.},centerline and edge of s�eam ar creek required � creck or stream setback, 100-vear tloodplain and slopes of 40"/0 or more,if applicable. � � � ' � section and elevapon drawings shall be�ro�ided on the�lar� or separate sheet. � C,�' Delineate areas to bc phased and ap�rapnate timing,if applicab�e � �ds��p�.ar a scale af 1"=2a ar larger,shawing the following inforn�ation: � _ C�' �.andscape�tan must be drawn at the same scale as the sitc�tan. � � LocatioR of existing trees,4"diamcter nr�arger. Indicatc tre�to rci3�ain,to be relocatcd (iRCluding new�ocadon),and to be removed. Large stands of trees rr�ay he shown,�as bubble) if thc strand is nat being affected by t�ie proposed improvenieuts and grading. ' (� [ndieate all existing ground cover and stitubs. C3— Detailed legend,listing the rype and size(caliper for deciduous trees, height for cor�ifers, � galion size fbr stuvbs and#�eight for Foundation shrubs)of al[the ex�sting and proposed plant material inc[uding ground covcr. � 0 Delineate cri�ical root zones for existing trees in close Praximity to site grading and construction. � � [ndicatc the locadon of ali proposed�lanrings. �' The locarion and type of existing and proposed watering systen�s ta be employed in caring � for plant material following its installation. � Exispng and proposed contour iines. Retaining walls shall be includcd with the top of wail � � and the bottom of wall cicvarions noted. ❑ A.�chitcctural Floor Planc�l/8"= I' or lar�er, l/4" is prcferred),including the followin�: � 3� Floor�las�s of the�roposed devclo ment drawn to scale and full ii P y d ncns�oned. Flaor plans aad.building elevahons must bc drawn at the samc scale. � � � �— Clearly indicate on the t7oor Plans thc insidc face of t�e exterior structural walls of the bu�lding. � C]' i.abel f�oor plans to indicate the ro osed floor arca usc{i.c. bedro n k' P P o i, itchcn,ctc.). � �' Oiye set of floar�lans must bc "red-lined" indicating how the grosti residential floor area (GRFA)was calculated. See sectian 18.04.131)Floor Area,gross residcntial (GRFA) af tt►e Vail Munici}�al Code for the definirion of GREA. � Cj' Provide di�uensions of all roof eaves and overhan�s. � � �h��tural Elevationc{1!8" = t'or larger, 1/�" is�referred),includir�g the following: � AI! elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimcnsioned. The � cicvadon drawings must show both existing ar�d fmished gades. Floor plans and building elevations m��t be drawn at the same scalc. � � � � C� Sf building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the nornial buiidin� elevarinns,show these faces also. � C3" Ekevations sha�l show propased f:nished elevation of floo�and roofs on al[ leve(s. � ❑ Afl extenor materials and colors si�all be specified on ti�e elevatior►s. _ � The foliowing sha[i be shown graphicaliy and fully dime�sioned:fascia,tnm,rai�ings, � chimney caps,meter]ocations,and window details. - C� 5how all �roposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. . ` L3� Illustrate all decks,porches and balconies. � ❑ ]ndicate the roof and builcling drainage syssem�i.e.gutters and doumspouts). 0 indicate all rooftop mechanica�systems ar3d a14 other roof suvetures,if a�plicable. iCi' iilustrate proposed�ailding height elevation an rnof lines and ridges, �'hese etevanons should coordinate with the finished floor eievarions and thc datum used for the survey. � ❑ Exterior color and material sample.c shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meering. � � � in ,indicating type,locarion and nuniber oF6xmres. Inciude heigi�t above grade. Iwncns uutPut, Iuminous area and attach a cut shect of eaci�fixture. � 0 Thc Administrator and/or QRB may req�irc the submission of additional �}ans,drawings, spcc�fications,sam�les and other materials(iRCludic�g a rno�e!)if deemed nccessary to determine whcthcr a project wi11 comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent�f the proposal is not cicarly ' indicatcd. II. I PR V M N L ATI E T Ff AT � 4ncc a building permit has been issucd,and consuuction is underway,and beforc the Building Department will schedulc a framing ins�ection,fwo copies of an lmprovement Locarion Certificatc survcy(ILC)stamped by a registered professional en�ineer must be submitte�. T�e following � inforn�ation must be provided on the [LC: A. Basis af bearing and tie to scction Comer. � �3. All property pins found ar set. C. SuiZding iocativn(s}with ries to properry corners(i.e. distances and angles). � 0. Building din�ensions,including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot. �• Building and garage floor elevatior�s an�all roof ridge and eave�ine elevations. � �• AI1 drainage and udlity scrvice Iine as-builts,showing rypc of material,size and exact location. � H. Ail easements. � � i 1 � i � i 1 i 1 � � 1 i � � 1 � E?CHIBIT B 1 1 �AR 20 ' 98 6 : 54 FR U S WEST 978 244 4349 TO 9197092557�7 P . �2i02 a3/1S/98 20:42 'a97092?YB34 ROARING FORR CL9 �002 , � ' • 4.t. . � . t�rr�mr t n� Y�nrt vEtti�scd�. �� �� . � . . � . � .This form is eo vcsify sav��,+silab+�iry aad loaiaon far ncw c.�aaavcrion md�ufd bc vsed ia cw��u�c6as witb pr�i�g yo�utnitiry p(an aadstiscdu[ing instaf(uions. The ioa�on�nd av�ilabiEsty ofudliea.wbaitar ti�c.y bc�erur,k lea�a,ot�nopo�rd lirus,awstbe afq�rc�ved and verificd by t!►c fcllOwiqg+�ti�itia for thc ac�cor�r►rpss;k Placs. � � � � � � � � • �.4 , � U.s.w�ac Com�ru�iatsons . .i•$0!)-922-�9r$? �-� �- �- Cf� •• .� � 7a� Z�f`�f���� - ' ['uib{sc SaYice C,ao»patiy • � � 944-S�R� Gary Hau � — ' Holy C�oss Elearic Assot. 9�4-5892 � Tcd i-[us�•y1]aliri Boyd T.C.1. . - 9��9•3�30 , . i � _��� � ��w�w�� - � ���IL��1..��~ a�r�-7ax� Frcd Hx�icc � 'f'irasc bsinr a sitc�laa,lloa�pl�and cicvaoont whca obraoning Upper Esge V�llc.y Waux&Saeiacian si�aaisst. FFr+c Ro�r ncaLt rrnssc bc adQ��td. � .N4TF5: . � .. 1. if thc udl�y vaif�tatiaa fann 6iass sig�+stures fro��cach af thc ut'slity compa�►k�,7nd na � cammasts at��dircctlY a�tt�fona thc Tawn wif[pr�tl�t!l�rc ar+e no peobls�ns and 1'ha drvclOpmcat oa�coc�cd. ? tf a utility Company l�as conc�a witb thc proposod Cons�veaan,the�ailiry�epresattazfve sball � nocc dire�tty oo s�te�ity Maific�aae+foes�c6at chcrc ir a�cm w6;cb noodT w be rrxc�.►eb Tke isyuc sl�ould tlsat be�ikd ia an smd►od Icttu to t�c Towa of Vatl. NAweva.plcase kxp in e:sind ehat ec is t6c rt�pa��o�ity of t�e�tility co�ay aod tle��pptiriat ta tesvivc � idaatifi�d�tablems 3. Tbesc vaificatia�s d�o iwt rclicvc t�c cancraRa of thc respo�biliry tn ob�a s Pub[ic 1�ay � Parrnic�thc Dc�aeat nf Wbtic W aks u s1►c Town of Vail.lhr7itv ioeacia�s must bc �,e�befac_�_��in�ay pnbkic righc-of-way or c�a�tat withinthc Taw�of Ya�. � h�uidin��enait is not a P�b�ic W a,,,�ner+nit and asc bc abtt+n�smaratelv. S - � a Upd�d G/97 HAR 19 '98 9:48 _ „ 9789272834 Pf�GF.902 � 03. 20. 98 02 : 10 PM * AVON, C�LORAD �. POI _ � ui 0��201�8 1�:d6 '�8?O�Z7Z8 4 a ROARIKG FOAK CLB ._.. , ���r��- ,�� �� — . .. � . _ : .y �, � , _ .... . " . �1 �Y� , . , � .. . .... 7 Y�' J�1. 1 . .. � '� 11V .r i� ,}� . i . ,' � 1 y � '� ,�Q� i , ,' 4 1. ' •4 � ',yl. � { ...; 'Ar , M1�{� _ ' .. �r� , ..� . . ' � .a'M1 -k G 1� rJ� •�.h� _ � • �} � '� +� � ; � n +i-M- �t " - ' _ , - � � i.. ,y�� ��'+7�r�''^-^/�c�ay:.��Kr r �4 . .. . .. , . �. . . . . . �� � � ,. Ir � u � < A ti ��`y � 4 s'„ a r ,_ ' .; '�''�Sr�� *1r�:ii"i sn...*N�v.�" '�� ` ° . i�„+�'���%i �t_>r ' i _� .� 1}�4� �� .!, .� � .� .. ::'�h,s form�5 to v�hfy scn!�cc avail�bal� -•r; , cr..;..� �..:�5. .:�.ti.-,.�s–,��' �-��'�• ._ . �� � - .. ty u+d lqcahnn fon c�w cor�s�uct,on and anculd bc i,�ed in con�unc�o� . . .. � :: �wsth . .. , . .. : ��c�nng Y4yr utilirypian sitld sct►cd�}[tng inyta[lations �:Thc Iocation'�nd avai�ib�lity:of uEilitie�:whether . . � . .. __. . . . ..;��7+m�mitin trunk,lincc or pro�►oa�d��nca,:muSt 4c agprovcd and vp�fied by the follpv�nng uti[itics for tt� : " �+ir�g a�tc plan _ . . . ', � . •.- J T._ w:. -- . • � �•, _ • ' �F� :.��� _.. ... -.. - ' . . . . ...f. i. , , .. • , ..r. U S.Wcsf Comniunfc�t�nns : ' _ ',� �_ . ,� _ . :. 1 - �- . • . ., ;- . . - . . .�-AOA-422-1487 _ • .... -.. ;... . . . r •,. � . ' ' . .•_ ; .. . .... .: �.:::.,: . .:: . ' ' : . - ... � � Q � 8-686_ . . � :.- 0 Or 949-4538 ' •�,,._ -..:_"–'�� - . , ._. : . ___ : . ♦ - . � . r'ciblic Savia Gornpany '� .: '. � '..949-578 t _ . � . ,. , .: ..,.,..:� ?•�' . w� . ' °'. „ r�,� .., . GSlyl f'�8�� . ' ' • � . ... . ' � - ' . , • •, , - — � , � . . .. .. . ` .. ' ..Holy Cross B1ect�ic ASSOe.. _ .. • . . .. :_.`:. . 949-5�92 .. � .. . : ,. . . , . . . .. _. .. 7�d Husl.y/JalulBoyd �:....�. . _ ' . . ., � _ . . . . . _. . . � z.c.r. , � , . , , � 94�•553� � •Ftoyd Salarar . � . . . � �5��tt�y�w�c� & $anittuinn DiStric[" � : ! � 47ti-74K� �. �'rccl Na�jca • ' ' ' plcasc bring a Bite lan.floar (M a . . � #� . nd ctevahan�whcr,obtair►tr��U��or Ea�le YaI]cy Watcr&S�rt�ratton �SSr�anuc�, Firc t�a�v ncc�s must be sddresapd. . � •NOTL�B: ' , � 1. �fthe udl�ty vcr;fics�ion iorm haa si�Raturos from cach ofthc utiliry com�nies,and no cammcnts ue madc dicoet�y on chc torn�,cnc'fown�il1 nresu�ne tha�criore ara no Arob[onu and thc dcveioprntnt can praeeed. �� Z. If�e,tiliry eompany t�s coqcans with the praposcd t��ts�uotion,the�ltili notc diractly an the ut�lity veri�carion fo�rr,tbat thera is a prot�lcm which trccds o be reslv d[, � � Thc issue�hould tlam be dctailed in aa attached}ettu tv the Tawn of Yii�. However,please kcc�in mind that it is thc r�spor�bi3lty of t3sc utititX campany and thc a p plicant to resolv G ident;t�ect pr�oblems. � 3. : Thc�e veriftca�lons do not relicwc tfie contractar af ti�e responsib�lity ta obcaiQ s PnbGe�ay Ptrrrut from thc�pnttment of P�bI�C Workg ut tLc Town of Yail. �• h �� �ned OCC f f+b�nn , � .��in sap pubi ie rigt�c-o�way a c8scmee�t within thc Town of Vail, g � � . � ._ . . � °t blrc i � .. ... - , • . ' ' . . ... .' .: . ' .4 . ,. . :UPdtoed b�97 � MRR 19 ' 9B I�: S1 PA�E . 001 0�/18/98 14:51 'Q9T09Y728�4 ROARI�G FORR CLB �001 . ° • .. - :_�_•:::• . .. - . --"��`w . . � �1 . . .. , �.•. . . . , . , .' . _ � _ .� '--� � �,� �.r��.�i - . . . . . •', , , .. , UTiLiTY LO�AT[ON vE[xiFrc�A t �r � . .. ,,,. . . , . , . Thi�form is to ver�fy savicc avaiia�lity�rid f�cafion for new cor,s�ruction snd should bc�tsed��coajuncrion Iwith pr�a�tg y�our utility rlan��d schcdufip�instaUatjons. Thc Locaaon and avatl�biliry of ualities,whatEtcr tbcy��mair�ttvnk 1it�cs.or prop4�ed lines,mast bc a�provcd�d v�rificd by tha fcllowie�g ut�liaES for cha accampanyin�Bito plan. . • � . � ' ' A+lchorized Si� � � � U,S.West Communications . , + � .i-800•92�-1987 4b8-686�or 9�44-453D �•. � ' ['ublic Sc�vicfi COrt�aey � '�' , 949-�781 � � ,p a� Gary Ha11 � . �-� � — . / I Ho�y Cross El�ctrie Arsoc. • �47�509� 7Cd HtiS�►'yd]a�ln BO�l1� � , ,T. . : 949-5530 , -- '• •Ftoya Salaaar , F.xglc[tivc�latcr ._' ' &S�riitation Dist.^'.ct' 47b•7480 �rcd Haslcc � ' Plca,s��nRs A SISC pli�n,flaor pl�,.nd cicvacio�a wbrn ohtainin�U�cr E$glc Vat[cy Water&Sacu�tioa sigr�nuos. Firc flow nccJs rnust ba addce�cd _ . • . (_,,,,�, . � •NQTES: �� %���iLJ.t� �%2Gl�CJ 'G�'�''� . � ], 3f t�C 1�ti]!ty veriftcation fOrm has si��t�re,�from esc3i of the utiiity companie�,aad no � co�mncnt3 aro madc directiy oc�thc fann.thc 3'own wils presz�mc ti�,at thcr�arn no problems and thc dcvdop�t wc�j�coCCCd. ' 2. � �ira�tn���any t�as��w����os�a���,the�mi;ty�o���s�,�tr nota diraxty vn the utility vcrifi�tion form tlaat there is a�cablcm which�eceds to be�soi�ed. � 7k=�ssuc shauld then bc ddsiled ia an aaac�ed lettcr to thc Twvrs of�ail. Kowev�,pieasc � kCCp ia mit�d t�at it is thc�os�se�iiity of thc util�ty compas+�r and ti�e a�pli�nt to t'CCblvc identifsed problems. 3. � . T?1CSe vpiftcat�a�s�a nvt tclicvc the coettactor of the res�ar��ibility to obtaiA a Public W$y ' Pennit fron�the[Jcparcmer,c of Public Works at t6e Tawn of�/�Il. ' ' � �iair�ed befare di��ir,any�lie cight-of-way or�sersient within thc Town of Vail. A �nldine perntii' not a hlia W y ncanit and bc o�tained swaaxlv. � • ' 4 Updasea 61�97 - - �'-••��a��� ao a• , � � 97Q9272634 PAGE . 801 . MAR.19.1998 12�32P�gTuv��r�a�aSS VRIL �OAAIHG FdRK CLB �.951 P.1 �001 �ailaiaa 12:4a r,,*r,;. ...�. . ... �i�:��r�t• _;_;::::.:.t.. � � � ' • . H. .. ;r • ...__. ' ',i' , � .•1`. . • - ,.n.. .^ • .:.. � , . � . � .. . ... .,i�_�=1►�nr��nNVFAr�rraTrn,�r � � ���' -� ..' � : .. . -ti.. . ... . . � . , �::. . � . . -. - .. , -- -'� . � . • . ,,,.�� . . ..s,, ... : . . .. .� . . . . . ,Tiris form�s to ye�lfy�avico availability and lacaaon tor new cor�auctioA�nd ahauld bc used in�onjw�cti�a � vWth p�ating you��nifity plam�n��chedulin�in�ntiazians. The�oc�tion and tvailability a€vafitica,wb�cthcr they be mxit��ic iiaot,or pra�r�scd lin�r.must be�pprovad and vaified by t�c foit�wiag uatma for thc ' �a�panyirtg�itc pl�ri. _ . � � . ,. ��. . , , ' � ' , • Atit�nniod Si� • � , ' U.S.Wc4tCommvniraaons .. . . • ' � ,1-804-932•��987 �' . - ' _ . . 468-GSbO of 949-4530 ��. ' i��brcSanrieeCom�ae�y . ' . ,. , - . , ' 949 378t , . � G�ry HaH' • • � . ' � � rHaly Cre.�s�leccrir Aesa�. . . . ' 449-5�42 . � � � v��+�� , T�d Flusky/3nf►a$oyd r.c.�. . ., • . 949-5330 � � . . �' •Flayd S�(a�u . : F:a6la Rivcr Vl��er - � � . _ , � —� � �Sarritatian Disarict� � ' � 47G-7480 • . Frcd HgsJcc - - . - , � � � ' Pleasc bring a sitc�rtari,tloor pl�rt.�end el�vations w�l�en obtainin U Ea e Val! Watar&Saru�daa S P[� � i7' , signaturr�. �irc flow ricais must bc addresscd � � .r,o�s: , � - , - . � 1. lfthe u�lityvcriftcation focm h�s 3ig'�tuccs f�om rach oC thc utilit�►cvmpanics,�td tto • commcn�u�rnadc diratly os tha form,thc Tavm wilI pres.+n�c thu therc ue ao probicros aRd . thc d�vcfopmcuc caa�d. '. . 2. •. i�'a ne'stityr.oa�pen�r ba�eateans�vith thc proposcd�ueiion.she uti�iq►ropresancaciyc sha�� •, • . • not��li�,ly oa�hv un'li#y vQif�ian fb�m that thcr�is a ptvblem whiCd�to be resolved. � � ' � 'Che is�ue=hauld thea bo dmilcd ia aa at�e�ed l�tter to che Town�f Slail. H�+ve�►ecs plea9e � • kecp m miad#D�t it is the respona'biEity a�th�utiliiy eorinparry►aad ehe a�licant tc resatve - �d�t�cd ptableras:- - '� - 3_ � .'I�esev�rifw�ions da noc ret9eve the wn�r�[or of chc r�wnsi�oilifiy m abtait��Pu6lic Way . FC[mit ftant t�e Dc�srtmrnt af F�ub1iC Wo�kR at rhe Town�f Vai1.lLtilih►ls►s,ations��be � in any�blie righc-o{way oc cssem�cr�t wiel►in t�c Town of Ysi3. � � : '. . . . ot Atblic W ' ".. ' • • . ,- ' • � . • � ' 4 . Updacod619T O�iia�be9.19�S 5� 2s i6F��Mt�70��CI AVQh{ COLO ROARING FORS CL8 N0.869 P.2i1@001 .t�,.;; . , ... � .'i'L:4Uy�Y;::J,i#;t:.�:.�. ,,.. , , . ' , ''!:y.w. ".'7�l'arj�li:.f�r;..,'�. ' • '�,e;'��• ' . •H� . h�� .}i.'n�•�� , ��. �� � , � . . . �� � � . �' .I����J���I�•,�. � , � � ' ' .. ' . .� � . . � 1• • . , . �;. ' •.�• .. . , . ' iR�ITY iAC�IT[ON YFRZFi�AT[�1V � •f �. , . ��y. .� „ � �. . � . � � . � , • � , r •�i'..��� � .. . � . . � • ' ' , �� , . • i�fornn i=to vcrify sorvice avsiir�'liqr snd[a�ion for n�w oonstrnztia��d sbould be u�ed in con�vnction th prfip�rin6 Your�iiry p�att,�e�schod�lingm�ll�#io�. Th�l�on and�vs�l�bitit�r o�utititie��rhe�r 1iVi cy b�maia t�vnk linr�oe pro�o�ed line�mu�t bc a�pr�nycd ahd verified by the followir�udlidcs for t�e ' �aompanying sito pl�n. � . . ��';; ', 1 , . � � � � � . ' U,S.Wrxt Communie�cian� . . , � . �1-�aa4�2,.1987 • , , . 4bS-G86Q or 949-4530 �*'� ��blic Savice C.�mpa�y . 949 5781 ' ' ' ' . Gary H�II • • � — �Haiy Go�s�toctric Assoc. � ' . 9�4-5�92 . ' 'Tcd Huslcy►1lp�tin poyd � T.C.[. �. - ' 9�9-j53U ,, •� 3� ��_� a •Floyd Sala� • a T�r +�+rRG A�Rre.••.-f' �gi�t�,►�w� —• . ' &Sar�itatian Dlstrict� . �7t�-7�8p t�rcd Hasicc � '' !'1ca,Se bring a t�ite pfan,fl�o� I�n.8nd cicvatioRS whcu ebtain' c Ya11 Wat�&Sa4it�t�oo p �VAR�'�d cY , �ig�atwcs. Pirc flo�uv e�cds must bc sulclressed. 1Nai�s: • ' � , • , � {, lf thc utility vaifi�tion form hss sig'natures front each of the utiltty companiea,aed no com�ac�t�ac��dc di�cetly�n thc form,thc Town wti1[preswnc thh��tt thac aro no problemq acsd the d�w�clopntont can�rrace,e� � , Z I'Es LRIM�1 COInP�Y'�S C011CCR1!W�tI1 lI1C plOpGIBCd Co�Stry�ti0t1.thc�tiliqr raprassn�vo sha11 � note diczedy on t6e ut�'liqr valficat�on form t[►�t tha+e u a rxablan�►hic�n�,e�d�ta bs rpol,rcd. � � � � �+�ls��uw1d�he�+bc de�ik�in�n�dea lot�er co�a rawn af vs;E. xo�,�a,�e� k�p i�mind tiiat it is t6e reapodsibtlity o�tha utility c�ny aad t�s appliane�raolvc �dere�5cd proble�. , ' 3. . Tt►e�o va�ic�ia�do aat rclicvc the eat�aetoc of tha�or�bi�i#y to vbtAtia�Publi�Way : PQmit from the D�e�of Public W'orks at thc Totm a�f V�il. ' . ' in any pu6lic rigtu-cf wa�r or cas�ment ari�ia thc Toam of Va�1 g , � n , . , ' . . : ' 4 U�da�ed 61�97 ; ' MAR-19-96 14 :46 FRdM�E.R.u.BS.D. ID=97m4764089 PAGE 2/2 ✓� . _. - . .,C . , .. .. . , . � � � , . 1• ''=' v � . ' . .. .+_ . . • . .. ... . • � � . , . . . - . , •r�' ., .. , - . . . ' • .. .. i..,. � • . . . , -Th�forsa iS t0 vCi'i iCtYIOG t�►8�0$'t a�d tC�aRan fo[��r _ . � . l�ty ccrostincttoa a�d sleoatd br u�d��oa�mahicn . vr�ah pr�ir�g Yq�u!�iry�arta�liag ir��oos. �c ioc�tim as�avail�biliry of e�i��at�a � ci�ey►b�raaa,uu�lc tiaes or propomea tia�,roo�sc bc apQr�a�a vaiFcca b�y ma fouo�g�roa for�hc . accompa�yi���ite plan, - :•,�. ' ' � • AuEhair�ci Si�turc ' • �, . U.S.West Comm�ir�tioz�s . . . . .1�QO-9?.2-I 987 � ` . ' �68�686�oc�#9-�53a ~'.. . i'c�blic Suvice Compa�ny � - . � . . ' � 9+�9 578I . . • . �Y� � ' i�o1y f:�oss Qoctric A� . - . 949 5892 Tad Hu�ylJoten Boyd � T.C-i_ " . , 949 553D � : .FFoyd gla�r �, ' Eag�e Ri�V�later � �s� ���C G��o�L1�Gs�1��9��� •�n + . &saei�D�cx• °`� � 4TG-74RD - F��� �as� _ 3•ia.� ' '�cax bc;eg i stc�q�Ioar��d d�►adc�ns.vE�cn o�aiaiag Upper Fagle vaElcy Wa�cr&Saai�tian sig�naQa�s. F"�rs tlonv aaads�bc addresa� � -NOTES: ' � , • . ' .. I. If�h�e uc�' vesific�tiaa faum� frvm wc�attke uti ' a�d aa . �Y ��t 1rtY oom�ua. . , oott�romts�tc madc�ly oa Wa fom�tf�Tawn wiii prz�u,na Wit t[ta�e ac�aa p�oblams sad the darc��cat eaa pc�cecd. � z � Zf a,�ity co�apa�Y r'+���,�mc pcvpoeoa coc�ernaioa,rlre nalety�c stiati � . nao�d'irsctty aa�e�►ver�on�tmc�i�a problcm wnid�eKOds t�bK�tKd. � .reo�����a�oam���eai���r��v� xo�a�� t�iu r�d t�at i�is�crapoa�e3�r a�tb�u#ili�yy camp�nyattd�appl�s torr�Ev� ' ide�cd p�obiia�s. , � 3. . 'Ihao v�niticatiaa4�a�t tet�cvc the cvaac�a�r of tlic nxpooatbility to abqqa a�1�btic way ' P�rnit ttoeu ti�e Dr�acta�nc of Pt�61�e l�ifarl��t t[�e Tewn afYai� l ' - �Ai�iti�Q� rswinsr Ip�y�����"'�'�y Of CiSC�MIlZ�1QL t�C TDWa 4'FV81Z. � ' • • I . � U�cod b�9T • �_ � � , ' � ' 1 ' ' � , 1 , ' ' 1 � E�CHIBIT � 1 1 1 KRM CONSULTANTS. INC. 97694915T7 �yLj � � P. 02~ ANp`� �w��s-� , Tyw.v o� ya,L � HEPwOR'�H-PAwLAK GE4'I'EeHNxCAL, XNG soso R"°d�s� C1�nwnod Spcin8x,CO E15D1 � Pax 470 945-8�54 Phont 970 945-7983 � , . . t � � �. � SYJBSOIL STUAY F��t�'OUI�AATTQN DESIGN � FROPUSED HOUSING �ROJ�CT � �ED SANAST�NE XtOAD YAIL, CU�ORADO � � r � � .roB rra. ��6 �a� ' DECEMBER 2'1, X996 • � � rPREFARED FOIt: EAGLE RIV�R 'WA,TElt AND SAI�ITATION DIS"�RICT ' A1TN: AEIVNIS GE�•VIN 846 FO�s'��aAD YAII., CO�.ORALlO 81.657 � � ' � KRM CONSULTANTS. INC. 9709491S7T P.@i � �/ � TABLE OF COh'TENT5 � PLfRPOSE AND SCOPL OF STIIDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 � PROp�SED CONS'Z'RUC'TION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 _ SITE CONDITTONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 � �'IELD EXPL4�tATI�N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 � Si1BSUR.FACE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 F�UNDATYON BEARING CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 � DF.SIGN RECOMMENDATZONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 FOUiVDAT�ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 � �LO(3�tSLA.BS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SURFA,CE DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 � LII��'A`�'XONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b � FIGURE 1 - LOCATT�N OF �{PLORATORY BQ�NGS FIGURE Z -- LOGS OF EXPLQRA�'O�tX �QRZN'GS � FIGURE 3 - LEGEND A,ND NOTES FIGUR� � - SW�LL-CON'SOLIDATI�N TEST R�SULTS k�GURE 5 - GRADATI4N TES�' E�ESUL'z'S � 'T'ABLE I - SUMIV�.A.�tX OF LAB�RA'TOA'Y TES�'RESULTS � � � � H-P G�asfcK � KRM CONSUL7ANTS. INC. 9709491577 P.93 � - 2 �' SITE �OIYDTfION5 � The sitc, which is bounded by Red Sandsta�e Crtck ta the wesc an,d Red . � 5a�dstone Road to the east, was prcviou�jy �ccup�ed by water treatz�e�t ptant facilities. The pre�ious d��eiopment res�tted in existing ftll, and sozzze s�abs or other substructuces r�ay stitl remai�a on site. The site as ge�texal�y low lying with existi�ag �' delineated wetland areas. Tk�e xound surface s10 es scrongly.dvwn to the southwest ~ � P � from about ? to 14% in the buildi�g areas. Steeper grades are present along the north- �o�theast part of Lhe s�te_ Elevation difference acxass tl�� butilding arca is about 20 fett, � with about 2 to 5 feet a�toss individual proposed bu�ldit��s. Vegetatian on the site as minor and includes wiL�ows along the creek a�nd ic� the wctZand ar�as, and a largc � evergreen tree i� the �orthern �►art of Ehe site. A,bout 3 feet of ss�o'w covered the gro�nd at the time of our �'feld work which limiteci our abservation af the site conditions. � �, ��Z.���P�,E�RATION � T�e fi�id exp�ozation for ttze prvject was canducted on Derernber b anc� 9, 1995. ' Six exp2oratory borings vs►eze drilled at the loeations shown on Fig. 1 to evaluata the � subsurface con.ditions. The bor�ngs were advanee� with 4 inc�. diacneter continuoas flight augers powered by a truck-mounted �.on�year BK-51�-1D drill rig, '�'�e boxRt��s were logged by a regresentaiive pf�epw+ort�-Pawlak Geoteckan,i,ca1, Ir�. � Samg�es of the subsoils were taken with 1�'e inch �z�d 2 �z�ch I.D. spoon sam�lers. Tk�e sa�plera were driven i�to t#�e subsoils at va�ious deptl�s with blows � from a I.40 pqut�d hammer fatling 30 iutcktes. This tesi as simiIa� to the standard pemetration #est described by AS�'Ni Methoci D-15$6. The penetratian resistance values � a�e an indicatior� o�the xelatave density or cozi.siste�,cy o�'the subsoits. Depihs at which the sam�les wc�e taken and the �enetration resistance values axc shown oz� the Lqgs of r; &�p]oratory Borings, �ig. 2. The sarnples were remzz�ed to our laboratory for review by the project engiz�eer aao,d testing. � � H-P GEOTECH � ' KRM CONSULTANTS. INC. 9T09491STT P. 61 � . - 4 - � czisting �II and foundation bcaring saii conditions should be further eval�ated at Ihe tirmc of cxcavation for the buildings. � Considcring the variable sahsurface cor�ditio� and risk of cxccssive scttlement, we rcco�end spread footing placed pm the natural sand and gravel subsoils ox on � compacted structural fill for support of thc buildings. This could zequire excavation af the exisiing �l� to below design, be�;�ic�g levels. Deeper ex�avations wi11 probably � encounter gcound watcr and require dcwatcring. � � DESIGN RECOMMENDA,'X'IONS � F�UNDATION5 Considering the subspi! condidons encountered i�n thc exploratory borings au� � the nature of thc proposed const�ruction, we recomm�z�d the buildings be founded w�th spread foo�'tz�gs bearing on the r�amral granular subs��ls or on com�acted structural fll. � � Th� design and construcuota criteria presented betow should be obse�rv�d fox a spread foodng foundation systen�.. � 1) Footings place� on the titamcal granu�ar subsoils or on structurat #'�1 st�ou�d bc designed fox an allowable soi� bearing pressurc of 2,500 psf. � Based on our ex�er�etzce, we exgect settl�rxient of fnotings designed and c0�stz�ucted as discussed in this section bc 1 inch ar less. � 2} '��,e �ootings sl�ould have a mi�iumum width �f �8 �nches for continuous walis and 2 feet for isolaced pads. � 3) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated azeas should be �rovidcd w�t� adequate sv�t eover above their bcaring elevaEion fox �rost � protection. Placement of fourulaEions ac �easc 42 inc�es below exEerior grade is typical3y used ia this �rca. � 4) Co�ttiauous foundaiion walls shou�d be rei�vrced top and bottom to s�an Iocal anomalies an,d better withstand di��erential nc�ovemez�t such as by � assw�ing an unsup�orted lengt� of at least 12 �'eet. Foundation walls acting as retaining sttvctures shc�uid also be ctesigzzed to resist a lateral � earth pressute corresponding to an equivaient k�uid unit weaght 4�4S �cf. � H-P GEOTECH � KRM C�NSULTANTS. INC. 97094915TT ` P.@2 � - 6 - � �) �z�utldatio�o#'the foundation excavat'sons aad understab accas sho�ld be avoaded during construccion. � 2) Exter�ot 6ackfill shauld bc adjusted to near ogtinnurn moisture and compactcd to at least 95% of t�,e maximum staztdard ,�zoecor dcrasity in � pa�ement a�d siab areas and to at lease �0% o�chc malcimum sca�da�nd Froctoz dcnsity in iandscape areas. � 3) Th� ground s�rface surrounding the excerior of.the buil�i�gs shoulr! be � sioped tb drain away from the fo�cndatian in alI directions. Wc � recommend a m�r�iznutn stope of 6 inches in the fizst 10 feet in unpavsd ateas and a minimum siope o�F 3 ir�ches in the first 1Q feet in paved areas � �) Itoof downspoucs and d�rains should discharge we}1 beyond tl�e limats o�' a�i backfil�. � � LTMITATIUNS . � This study �as bee�n�onducted in accordanee witt� gen�rally acce�ted geoteckuzical ez�gi�neering principlr�s and p�actices in this arca at this time. We make no � ather watxax�cy either expressed or impEied. �'tte concl�sions and recvmznenciaEion�s �� subm�it[ed in this re�ort are based upon the data obtaEncd from the �xploratory borings � drilled ac ttae locat�ons indieated on ��g. �, the pro�osed type of eo�cnietion and our � experiez�ce in the area. Our fmdings �r�clude inter�olation a�d extrapolation of the subsurf�Ge coaditions identified at th,e exploratory borings and variatians in thc su�surFace canditions �ay noe becomc evident until e�eavat�on is �erfnrined. If Co�die�or�s encauntered clttt�'tng e�nstt-�etion appear c�if�'er�nt from those described ic�this � xeport, we should be notified so that re�va(uacion of the recoznmendat�ons may be �de. � This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by ou�r cXxen�t fq[ design puxposes. We are �ot zesponsible for te��,oucaf interpretations by othezs o�'our � iufotmation. .E�s the proje�t cv�lves, we shauld provicie continued cansultation and �ield serviCes duci,�g constructivn to rev.iew az�d monitor the i:ngtemeatatian of our reco�azme�da�or�, and tv verify ck�at the �ecommendativns l�ave been appro�riately � inte zetcd. Si nificant dcsi ck�a;� es ma rc uire additiqnal anal sis or modifications rP g � � Y � y � H-P GEaTECH � KRM CONS�LTANTS, INC. 9709491�77 P. 02 � � . . APPRQXIMATE SCA[.� � I„ Q 80' � �� �� PROJECT � � �� �BOUN�IE.S " n � � �� BORlNG i � �` � ^ BtDG. D � � i r� ��J � �8�R ItVG 2 ` , % � 1 � �� F'RO�OSE� 1 �� BE.DG�G BUIl.DII+�GS TYPICAL? BORING 3 � � � '; i a � z �.e � � � q �wc s� cry I 4 �� l f � � ; �' � � eoa�r�c � � gl�G.q � � � ` BQRING « � � $�' �: �` � � �4' . i . . � �� y � � i � � 4 ;� �,tv � � �� � BO�I(TREE QRIVE � \ � ` � � � � � 9�p � � � � 196 607 H�PWORTH- PAWLAK .....,��.. ....___ ._ t c]CATln�t n� �XPL�aATDRY BORINGS F�a_ 1 � KRM CON5vLTANTS, INC. 9T094915TT ` p� g2 � L.�GENU: � �iil:marf-piaced silty to very siity sanc�wittt some gre�vel. cobbles and scattered bauld�rs, mixad with some vegetat�on and tapsoil,maist,dark brown. � TOPSOIL; orgar�+c very silty sand vyrth gra„e�and some cobbres, high�y maist to wet,dark brown. � �� SAIVD�SC-SM 1:silty and cfayey,slightly g�a,retty to gravelly with scatter�d cobblas arrd possil�fe bau�aers, medium dense,maist to vvet with de�th, brovm to red brown, �ow plastic fines. � SAND AND Gi�AV�L t SM-GM :with i _. .4 ) cobb es and scattered boulders,sl�ghtty ssEty to si�ty, rriedium den�to dense,moist to wet with depth,red-brown, subangular r�ck,low to non-plastic firres, � pRelativ�iy undi9turbed drive sample�2�incn I,p, CalifomEa liner sample. � � �rive sampi�;stend�rd penetr�tian cest(SP'T). � 3/�-ind, l.D.split spnvn sample,A53M D-1586 � Drive sampie bldw count: indicates �a�� that 1 Q blaws of a i�40-paund hammer�aliing 3Q:nchea w8re Tequired to dmre the Cafifomia or SPT sampler t2 inches. � 1 J Diaturbed twlk 5emple. � �'4 Free water leve!in bori and num r _ �►y be of days aftef dnlling measurment wes mada. � ---�+ Depth at whisn�aririg caved following�ast wrdter check. � Praciical rig r�fusal. � NOT�S: 'f. Exptoratary borings were drilled on Dec�mber�and 8,1996 with a 4-inch diarnet�cqrttinuous flight power auger. � 2. Lacatians of expioratory borings were measured a�proximat�Iy hy taping fmm features shawn nn the site plan provided. 3. Hevatio�s of exploratory borings w�e obtatned iay interpaletion 5etween contours nn the site plan provided. � 4.7t,�ex�toratory ba�irag ixatians and eleratians sf�outd be considered accurate onfy ta the degree implie�hy the methad uaed. � 5.The lines betv►r,�e►�materials shown oro the explvratory boring�ags represerrt the approximate bound�ries bstween material types ar�d transitions maY i�gradual. � 6.Water leviel readings sfi�wn on the�lags�n�ere macle at tfie�ime and�nder t1�e condetions indicatad. Fluctuatio�s ir�water�vef may occur witi�time. 7. L�boratory TeSting Results: � WC w Water Corrtent{��6) -200= Per�ent passing Na.200 sieve. DD� Dry Denslty(pc#� LL� Liquid timit i9�? +4 = Percent ret�+�ed ott No.A sieva. P#-�Plasticaiy�ndex(°J6 f � �gg� tiEPWORTH -PAWLAK ��ND AND NOTE5 Fi�. 3 GEOTECHNICAL,, �NtC, . - ..+����.����,�+..���.r.. ��..r•.���•�. � ��,.� - ���...�yL�'�C���� .�...�� �� ..��..����....�� .��..�����.�.�����w.���.....��o.�r...��� ���� ������w.��,��.., ��� �������� �� ^�r�.r+i���i �� �i����������� �� � 1��� ��w����r�����r��� rrr ��= ���� ��r������r� ���� ���������������� � r���r ����.�������� ' �r��i����w� ���� ���� �������a�i��� i���lw��� �=�r� ������` ���s�� �.s�������� r��rr�r..s�� ����e���.��■� �� �� aA��������i��� �—� ���— ��ir���� �—� ����� �����—��—�r ���� ���� —�f ���� �`���r�M�r�a������lr���� �—������—I ����� �� ���—�—�--���� r�—��� ����r���� +�������� � ��������� �—�—�--��� _— _� • ��—������ ��=������� � ��� ���� � �� �` � � — _ � �� �' • � � � p 1��� ��R'.;„-_��.•=."�i � � � 1 � s • r �i • • • •• :• � � � • � � ������� �w� ,��r �������w�����w��s=�� � �i � �� ' �r� �� ��� wi�w� �i�� �� ���� ��� ���� f� � �� ������������ ��A �w ����sw���rr�w����i���� �������r��� ��r���� �������.���v����� ��������� �� — �� ' ������lw���� �� i�a�aJ��A�����I�'� .r� �r �� � �� ���r1��������� ���� r� � �� ���r � ������ �Il��r���! �f ��� �w ���� ��������������i������� �—�r���'�������������� ��i��11������� _ ��� �������— �� - � r� -- �� • �. ��1 �w�w� �F•i�+:.'•.��A�.i`. ��w�•.•�-� � � � • i �'J • � � '• i� • ' . •1 � � • a � � , � . . � r • � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �' EXHIB�T D � � � ."i .�: � � .`i � � � ��pi�T�N� � � � , a . � � �,�"��`��t �'Mf � lV'JL�J����JL� 'L� ` �w �� 1 �a F � A�. Soti �1`��1�I��O�I��I����, -`'►��L�J������ L��. - � �(r. And Knudtsen Y Town of Vail � 75 Soutli Frontage Road uatl, Colorado 8Z657 � December 17 199 , 7 Dear Anciy; � Please fintl enc�osec� t-wo copies of aur �-etianc{ deiineation report and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ("Corps"} Nationwid� Prrmit 26 nc>tification, dated October 30, 1996. Also inclttded are one copy of the original Corps apprava! a»c� letter froci�Toni Brau� rec�uesting an extension to the approval. Neither Tosti nor I located a cc�py of the le�ter from the Corps approving tlze � extensi�n. However, Mike Claf fey trom the Corps will ��e forwardin� a copy to me whicl� I will i�niuediat�ly send tc�you. � Ivto��tane �l�o did not �iave extra r.opies of the fo�(owin�drawin�s, as they are rhe properry of the previc�us client: a drawing showin�t�te Red Sanc�stone subdivision lot lines (Appendi�c A); drawing � uf surveyed wetland boundaries (Appendix C}; and drawing of landscape p[an (Appendix E}. Ple�.se give tne a call if you have any questions. � Sinc ere�y, ��.►l.��i� ut� � � Anna Higgins � Enviranmental Scientist Enclosure: Report � � � 1 f'.O.B�X 36�i.�'Ali..COL4RA�30 8(658 . P1-fON�}Fr�?i{�370)4bS-(3�#�0 . PHO�:faffA3�C(9�0)328-6�8 � � �A','I's1; . �,� l f, = � �O�T�'��TE Ei���I���T���T��� ` �T,�^ J•+�~Y � IF.y � �t^r r� ��� �.���,�-+ �T{ r;' � V � V �J����g ���e �f�' ' tl' ' Y ,`, 1 �' � ����. ti�L'� � -� -- �----- - I N V Q 1 C(�. �' E31I.L I-C L�,�TI� l�7/97 � TC�IVN OF `�AIL INV�{C�# !�9 ;�NDY KN�IDi�SfN 7� S�?Lt�f�l i f=f��IV�AC�L �Z��AI� I'f�CJL-C:-I�: � ti'r�IL, �:�LCI��'�1�0 �IC��% I�I=D 5��1'�][�5���'�9E � [�L:��:I`lf'�ION_� ,�1V10UNT �verltead E7.5() � Reprcx{uction c<�st � �� � � � � � � � fc��f�L nh10uN I [�llt� ���.7 ' � - - ---- — -- --�'L��� ��� f �t_�. Ql�� )��1� - - - - -- -- - -- - � �';��f:, l�l� i��Ei��S �l�fL 9"'i�-�i��-D-�5�� � .. � � �A �� sR��� Assoc�A�r�s. �NC. PLANN�h1G a��d CQMMUM1l1 i Y [��VE�.O�MEN; � � Doceraber I2, 1996 Mr.Grady L.�cNure, C�ief � Norih�rest Colora�o R�egulat4ry 4ffice 402 Ro4k Avc�tu�, ltopm !4� Grand Junction,CO 815Qi-2563 � RE: Project 19967551'! �, D+�ar Mr.MrTltiu7e: The puipose of this icmer is to roqucst an eactens�o�af ttae Na�anwide Cr�ra��'ermit Number 26 which has beea aPP�'�bY Ya�nfhce frn'ihc abo'vt referenccd pr�oct.. As a�ptvva�,tLis � permi�is valid until January�1, 1997. Co�strnetion of the pr�posed Ptojax is not expxtcd to �c�iu untif spring of 199'7. As suc�,I reyues�t that tisis germ�t ba ext.extd�ed to be v�alid throngh 199'7. � Th,ank you fnr your aonsidcradon. P�ca�e do�ot hcsitate to coatact me wit�any qacstions you msy b�3ve_ � s�n y, � , � � � � 'i'�om,as A. �rann. AICP � ac: M�.taac Eaviroumeut�t SdutioQS,cJn Anaa HiRp�ins � Eegtc Ri�zr�Vaoer and Sani�tatiott Dia�ict,do I3ennis Gelvi.a Town of Yail,c/o Andy Knudts�o � ._. __ .. . .. . _ -- - ----, - -..... . . ...._ _ �• �� �e�, � �Z l(� �► l � �'�' —�-a�. � ��. �, �� �� r�.oc« b�o�t s`a r-.R r � =_- _ Minfiirn Imnwnrkc Ri��}rlm�p- �:�nP. '37T)A�75797 � 3fll Mam Strce,2nd Fleor Eax-97l}.82'/.5507 post Of!'�te 3cx r7b Mmturn. Cdorado 81645 � 7DTAL P.01 i � ,����, DEPARTMENT OF YHE ARMY . �" ����: �� U.S.ARIWiY ENGINEER DISTRIGT, SACRA�NIENTO � ;�I CDAPS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET � REpLYro SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814-2922 _- A7TENTIONOF December ? , y 996 � Ragt;lat�r�.� Eranch ' I99675�27) � ^•9s . ��:-ia .ig�i::s � P�lantane Enviror,rrzental So�utions , �imited Pos� aox .°s611 '.rail , Ca�oraao �1658 � Dear C•9s . �Iiggins : _ T_ am resp�ndi:�a tJ your �eaueCt `ar a ��e�artt;�ent cf �.he Army � r�ermit �o �a.11 ap�raxi;nacel,r 0 . 08 acre of weclands ��r the �rQL�OSE(] '� F.2C1 S�L1QSt�1:� LOCc,�LS �-I'JL'S1I1C3 �'�O;i�C�. . " "::e ��'J]�CC -S' ��ocate� Gt �eci canast�ne ��eek �r. S�cti.or. 1 , Townsnip � South, :?ange Bl ,^Jest , Eag1e Ccunty, Colo�ado . �` ':'�:e C��e� c� Engineers has = �sued nat��anwic�e cenera� ermit P nurn��r 25 which authorizes the discnarae of dredge� or �ill � material i:-i waters of tne �'nitea States kr��wn as h�adwacers and �soiated �aters . �our �ro;ect can b� c�nst_ucted under t!�is autt�or�tv provided thg work rr.��ts the ccn�itions listed �� r?�e � �ncloseci informatic�n :;heets . Thia verificatioii is contingent upon implementation and eompletion of tha mitigative measures discussed in your written submitta� da�e�d October 30 , 1995 . � Theee mitigative measurea sha�l be completed no later than Segtember 1 , J.997 . Upon completion of the mitigation work, you will submi� a written xeport, with photogsaphs , to t:�is office describing the succ�ae of the work. � foll.ow-up reDOrt on the � succ�es of the mitigation work shall be submitt�d *a thi� office one year later . � This permit sserification wil1, be vaJ.i� unti]. Januar��r 21 , - °�? . You snou�.�d c�ntact this oz�icA if wozk wzll �xte�d 3�eyonci ��is date . Please r.ate that �aticnwice aeneral perr.:i�. :5 i.s exp�cted to be re-�ssued with �ome modifications by February 2 , � 1497 . Typicaiiy�, when naricnwi�e perm�ts are re-issued, -��erifica�ions undeY the previous •.Ters,�ons are gaod _`�x anather 12 months . 'i�ou may wish to contact �.�s a�ter February y , 1.57 to � contirrr. this •.��riLicaticn as st�.�i bei�� va'l�d. � � � � � � � �- �ve hav� assigneci nu�nber 19957�527 tc your project . ?lease � �-�fer to this number in any carresr�onaen�e with this orf�ce . If �,�ou have any cuestions , please contact me telephone number � 970 ) 243 - 1199 , =x.tension 11 . � S y�� Y'`1`r, ;' � , ��- �� C�,l�.. � , d�✓ J ., ��. � � � � _ , . �' � , �1 r�^:�aesteYn voloraao � _ R �a� v �'ff �� �?02 RQOCi A��enue , R�om 1-12 ��rand Ju�ct�on, ��lorado ?1501-��63 � Enciosure , ���z�ies Furnished : � '�Ir. �i�1 Clar�; , Calorado �ivision or ��lildlire , �-°- I.-:depen:ent Avenue , �ranci Junction, Colorado �15�J� � Town o� Vail , Attn : City Manager, 75 5 Frcntage Road, Vaii , Coloracio 81657 Lacl� River Water and S�nitation �istr�ct , 046 �•�rest Ro�d, Vail , �alorado ��16�7 � � � � � � � � � ����T`��� . � � � �✓��``� � �o s �-`�'���-���' `" � � •``A,f - ,�, ��� q�l:�� ��l� � Q � .�L` 5�v� El�����I�I�E�fiT�,.L S^C�I�IJ�It��TS Lrc1.� � � Mr. Mike Claffey � Sacramenta District I1.S. Artny Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Rooin 142 � Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-2563 " Octolier 30, 1996 � Sub;ect: Nationwide Pennit 26 Notification � Dear Mike; �� ['l�a�e find enclosed a l�rie#� cliscussion a�f the proposed `Red Sanstone Locat's Housing Project' {"Projeet"), which will eneroach upon 3,30$ square feet of jurisdictional wetlands. Tlie purpose of this letter/notification is to obtain your approval for coverage under a Nationwide ZG PermiC - � Headwaters and Isolatee� Waters DiscliarQes. 7'Lle Praject is located adjacent tc> Red Sandstone Creek, wliicli according to the [J.S.G.S. Ei:is a drainage area o� 7.3? square miles. Data from t}ie �aging station upstream c��tl�e Projec.t shows the average annual daily {�ow 2.5 cfs {Table 1). � Tlie Project is located on Red Sanc{srone Creek Road V il i►i 1� , a , Colorac3o, t e SW 1/4 of Section 1, T�wnship 5 South, Ran�e S1W (Figure 1}. The property is compri.yed o( 3 Ic�ts knc�wn �.s: Part � <>f Parcel 1 (0.648 acre) o{B�ock D, Lian's Ric{,��e Subc�ivision, Part of Parcel Z (�.56 acre) of Block D S�1IIl� subdivi��ion, a►Zd a partion of ['arcel A (0.3964 acre), of the same subdivision, totaling 1.G044 acres (Append'u-A). � Ttie current property owners are the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD), � fornierly the Vail Valley- Consolidated Water District, and the U.S. Forest Service, wlio owns the 0.3964 acre parceL This parcel is currently under a land exchange in which the Town of Vail wiil acc�uire a 5.7 acre parcel of whicli tkie 03964 i� part. Once the exchange is coinplete, the fl.3964 � acre will be incorporated into the Project property. T�ie project proponents are both tlie ERWSD and t�e Town of Vail. In an iiiter�oveTTimental � agree�nent, tlie ERWSD is the primary cieveloper and the Tov�rn is providing �and and is a participant in tfie fundin�. Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring, 1997. � � P.O.BOX 3611.�'AIL,COLORADO 81658 . f'HON�/FAX(970}46&0�50 . ['HOti�FJFr1X(�)70)328-6t58 , � � ��y;;;�� ,;:���� ��� ���V'���,�,� /,�`l,ar �:,A!:�i, ',','�,� �� �£\-��/ ,��� ���� \� � %�( ����l/ �` < < <° l �� i i l � ,� �fI � /1 � �%/i �� �� \,\.��� �� O� /i��i/�. �.��Y / �i � \ - �� �\� / � l / � % ) ;f �� �� 9BOO�i � �� ��. ����V�� �� � ���� � � � ����� � � � � / � ,,,, �� �I� ,��� �\�i1f��\ �/i�`��' ` ( � /�/ �/� ,�) � � ( �I �� �� �_ � � � \ �� � ;��'�v,% ,, �, � � �`'�� �_� � � ;�� '�����j J,��%��l'� I'�A � ;�C ����/ / � � � �� �� �� y� . � � � , �% � �/ �� r / ii( ji��/�( ���--��"1' i//%' � �� � � �� / � i � ;:� � � � � , �\�� _,� � � � — �������� (��� ���� �� �����i �' � � ( � ��I� � � � �������V I� _" ' ^U� � A � \ �_wa� s � � �� �� � � � , � l� r- „ � ��, � 1� ' � � , J ) l�� _ �— � ��) I � � � ',� �� � � ����_.� � �1 i�- , � � � � � -�AJ ( \ � r I I , ', � ., � )-'-- ' / � / � _ � ! 1 ' i� � � � �', ���� ��,����' �����', I � ��- � . ;�� ��i�i � � �� ���'; ��`1� `'���_A�� � % � � ~���� ,� �� ��� �� �� ( ��������� i � ��, �., �� � �� -��A ' ' ��:�� �,:�,�� �_J �� ��� l,A�� i _` ��., � �,�t11\���� �� �� \��� ��� �� / , -- � ?��� (,��� � �� � � ���>� a� ��\.._�_ ,�.\,I\\���;�\\\ J�� ' �1 �� �'\) \` t�,- .����;��l`, ;;,,`\\\ ==�("i ���` \�---���\�\\� I' � / ) ��� � ��� ���:� `� � V�� ,���•.���. ,� �� ��°� \� �� _— � , � I� �\I,I``�/��\.. \ 4T.\` \� \ ��\\ 111I II`�'111 i � . /�` ,— �� i�r� � \�\�\\\� `J� � ,!5 4 � � � � � �� 1 � � �A _*.. � / �� 1 t � � -� � ��� (S\ �� � � i � U/�� �\ , A �A � �� � � C t� 1 � �A�. ��� ��1� �� 1 (1 � I'� �aVA�����A�- � ����� � `����`��—�� �li �l i����� i r��� � 2��� � �'��= i� !�i� 1 �./!�1 ��, i �( ,�"�'�---' / � ��. � _� �- ��I �` � ��x��-. 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V,�IL .: , I �vFST,coLORA(� SITE VlCltil TY . ��� � � TA�L� 1 � U.S.Geological Survey Water Resources for Colorado Historical Surface•2 Year Data S�rface Water Data Reirieval Seroer-5tatian Data("http://112a.ttsgs.gov/s�rr/co/") L'S G�OLOGICAI.5L'RVEY Dq1LY'v1EAN DISC}f.4RG� DA�'A(in Cubic Fc�t �er Second) � Station name : "R�D$.�NDSTONE CREEK NEAR '.�11N�L'KN, CO." 5tation number: (190G6400 latit��de(deerees, mintites, and seconds)...394(158 �tate code..........{18 connry code.........037 lonsirude (degrezs,minute�, and seconds)...lOb?4{�3 disrrici code..........OS }t}-dmlogic unit code..... 14010003 � draina;e area(square mile�).............7.3? ea�e datum (�eet abo��e NGvD).................. 9150A0 pATE DfSCHARGE DATE D75CHARGE DATE DISCNARGE DATE DISCHAi�GE � f 993.09,30 I.6 I 943,l i.14 !.8 {993.{2.29 4.3 i 994.a2.1� 1.2 I 993.I 0.01 I.7 I 993.I f.I 5 I.7 I 993.I 2.30 f.3 I 994.Q2.13 I.2 I 993.!0.02 f J I 993.I E.I 6 I.6 I 993.I 2.3 I I.3 I 994.02.14 I.2 1943.10.03 1.7 1493.I1.i7 I.5 199#.01.01 �.3 1994.02.15 !.2 � I 943.I O.Q4 1 J I 993.I I.i 8 I.8 I 994.01.02 1.4 l 994.Q2.1 b l.2 I 943.E 0.05 I.b I 993.I �.I 9 I.8 I 994.0 I.03 I.4 I 994.02.i 7 I.3 f 993.10.05 I.b 1993.1 1.20 1.7 I 994.01.04 I.3 I 994.02.I 8 I.3 � I 993.10.07 2.2 I 993_! 1.21 I.b 1994.01.05 1.3 1994.42.19 1.3 1993.10.08 2.6 1993.! 1.22 l.b 1994.01.�6 1.3 1994.02.20 1.3 I 993.i 0.09 2.4 I 993.1 I.23 I J I 994.0 I.07 I.3 I 994.02.21 I.2 � I 993.!0.I Q 2.3 I 493.! I.24 1.8 I 994.01.Q8 I.3 I 49�.02.22 I.I I 993.I 0.I 1 2.3 �993.i I.25 3.6 I 994.0 I.09 I.3 I 994.02.23 I.2 I 993.I 0.!2 2.7' E 993.I I.2b I.4 I 994.01.10 I.3 I 994.02.24 I.3 I 993.10.!3 �.7 i 993.f I.27 I.3 199q.01.I I I.3 I 994.02.25 I.3 � I 993.I 0.I 4 2.6 I 993.! I.28 l.3 I 444.4I.�2 I.2 I 994.42.26 I.3 I 993.I 0.i 5 2.6 I 993.I I.29 I.5 I 994.01.13 I.2 I 994.02.27 I.3 i 993.I 0.1 b 2.b I 993.I I.30 !.6 I 994.01.I 4 I.3 I 994.02.28 I.3 � 1993.14.17 2.4 1943.I2.44 1.6 4994,01,15 1.3 1994.03.0� 1.2 1993.I 0.f B 2.4 I 993.I 2.02 I.6 I 994.0 I.I 6 I.2 I 994.03.02 I.2 1993.10.!9 2.2 I 993.I 2.03 I.6 I 994.0 I.E 7 I.2 I 994.03.03 �.2 � I 943.I Q.20 Z.I {99 3.I 2.04 I.S I 994.0�.I 8 I.2 1994.03.04 1.3 1993,I 0.21 2 I 993.I 2.05 !.5 I 994.4 l.l 9 I.2 I 944.03.05 I.3 I 993.I 0.22 I.9 !993.I 2.06 I.5 I 494.a I.20 I.2 I 444.03.06 �.3 1993.14.23 I.9 i 993.I 2.07 I.� !994.01.Z I 1.2 I 994.03.07 I.3 � I 993.I 0.2�4 I.9 I 993.I 2.08 I.5 l 994.0�.22 !.2 1994.03.08 I.3 1993.I 0.25 I.9 I 993.I 2.09 I.5 I 994.0!.23 I.3 i 994.03.09 ].2 1993.I 0.26 I.4 I 993.I 2.I 0 I.4 I 494A E.24 I.3 !994.03.I 0 !.2 � �993.1Q27 1.8 l993.12.! � 1.4 1994.41.25 1.3 1494A3.1 � 1.2 i 993.I 0.28 I.9 E 993.I 2.I 2 I.4 1994.Q I.26 I.2 I 994.03.12 I.3 I 993.i 0.29 I.9 I 993.I 2.13 I.4 f 994.0!.27 I.2 1994.03.I 3 I.3 � �493.I 0.30 I.9 1493.I 2.14 I.3 !994.0!.28 i.i !994.03.i 4 I.3 1993.I 0.3 I I.8 I 993.I 2.I 5 I.3 l 994.Q I.29 I.! 4 994.�3.15 1.3 I 993.I �.01 I.8 I 993.I�.I 6 I.2 I 494.01.30 I i 994.03.I 6 !.4 1943.I 1.02 I.9 I 993.I 2.I 7 I.2 I 994.0 I.3 I 0.9 1994.03.I 7 I.4 I 993.I I.03 2 !44 3.I 2.1$ !.2 I 994.02.01 fl.95 1994.03.1 S 1.4 I 993.I I.04 2 I 993.I 2.i 9 I.I f 994.02.42 I.i �994.03.I 9 1.5 1943.I I.05 I.9 I 993.I 2.20 I.I I 994.02.03 I.i !994.03.20 I.5 � !943.1 l.06 I.9 I 993.12.2 f I.I 1994.02.04 I.� 1994.03.21 I.5 !993.1 �.07 1.8 I 993.12.22 I.2 I 944.02.05 I.2 i 444.03.22 I.6 I 993.I I.08 1.8 1993.12.23 1.2 1994.6?06 1.2 1994.03.23 �.6 � 1993.II.Q9 1.7 1493.12.24 1.2 1994.02.07 1.2 199�4.03.24 1.5 I 993.I 1.I� I.7 I 993.I 2.25 I.3 {994A2.08 I.3 199A.03.25 I.5 I 993.I f.E I I.8 I 993.I 2.26 I.3 I 494.02.09 I.2 I 994.03.2b i.5 1993.I 1.!2 I.9 I 493.I 2.27 I.4 I 994.02.!0 I.2 1994.03.27 I.4 � i 993.I I.l 3 I.9 I 943.I 2.28 I.4 1994.0�.I I (.2 !994.03.28 I.4 � �' DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE 1995.03.24 i.5 1995.05.08 2.Z 1995.Q6.22 l44 1995.Q8.06 3.4 � I 995.03.25 1.5 f 995.05.09 I.9 I 995.05.23 74 I 995.08.07 3.2 I 995.03.2fi I.4 I 995.05.I 0 2 I 995.06.24 58 t 995.0$.08 3.2 I 995A3.27 i.5 l 495.05.I! 2.� f 995.05.25 50 i 945.08.09 3.2 � I 495.03.28 I.4 !995.05.I 2 I.S I 995.06.26 5 I I 995.08.I 0 3 1995.03.29 1.4 1995.05.13 1.4 1995.06.27 47 1995.08.11 3 I 995.03.30 I.3 i 995.05.I 4 2.1 I 995.06.28 44 I 995.08.I� 2.9 I 995.03.3! I.3 I 995.05.I 5 4.2 I 995.06.29 45 I 995.08.I 3 3 � I 995.04.Q� I.4 I 995.05.I 6 5.4 I 995.06.30 45 I 995.08.I 4 2.4 �995A4.02 I.4 I 995A5.17 4.9 I 995.07.01 54 I 995.08.I 5 2.9 i 995.04.03 I.5 I 995.05.E 8 4.8 I 995.07.02 47 I 995.08.I 6 2J � I 995.44.04 I.6 I 995.05.f 9 5.7 I 995.07.03 5 i I 995.08.I 7 2.5 1995.0�4.05 I.6 I 995.05.20 6.7 I 995.47.04 5 E I 995.08.18 2.� !995.04.46 I.8 I 995.05.21 8.I I 995.07.05 44 I 995.08.19 �.4 � 1995.04.07 2 1995A5.22 I5 1995.07.06 44 1995.08.20 2.7 I 995.04.08 2.1 I 995.05.23 I 6 !995.07.07 49 ]995.Q8.2 f 2.8 1995.44.09 I.$ 1995.05.24 15 1995.07.06 51 1995.08.22 3.1 l 995.Q4.10 !.8 I 945.05.25 i 4 V 995A7.09 52 1995.0$.23 3.3 � !995.04.1 I l.6 I 995.05.26 14 I 995A7.10 51 I 995.08.24 3.5 (995.04.I 2 I.5 I 995.05.27 14 I 995.07.1 I S I I 995.0825 3.3 1995.04.13 1.7 1995.05.28 I � I 995.07.!2 42 I 995.08.26 3 � I 995.04.14 2.1 I 995.05.29 I 3 I 995.07.!3 29 I 995.fl8.27 2.7 I 995.04.I 5 !.8 I 995.05.30 I 6 I 995.07.I 4 27 I 995.08.28 2.5 1995.04.16 1.7 I 995.05.3! 17 1995.07.15 21 1995.08.29 2.4 � I995.04.17 I.9 I995A6.01 23 I995.07.16 18 I995.08.30 2.2 I 995.04.I 8 I.8 f 995.06.02 3 I I 995.07.17 I 6 I 995.08.3 I 2.l I 995.04.I 9 I.6 I 995.06.03 4 I I 995.47.I 8 I 5 I 995.09.0! 2 I 995.04.20 I.6 I 995.06.04 50 1995.07.E 9 I 3 I 995.09.02 2 � I 995.04.2I I.5 I 995.06.05 67 I 995.07.20 12 !945.09.03 2.1 1995.04.22 1.4 1995.06.06 81 1995.07.21 9.4 1995.Q9.04 2.1 1995.04.23 1.4 1995.06.07 85 1995.07.22 9.9 I995.Q9.Q5 2.1 � I 445A4.�.4 I.4 I 995A5.48 79 V 995.47.23 7.7 i 995.49.Ob 2.i !495.44.25 1.3 I 995.06.09 62 I 995.0?.24 6.6 I 995.09.07 Z.I I 995.04.26 !.3 i 995.06.I 0 53 I 995.0�.25 6.2 f 995.09A8 2.b � I 995.04.27 f.4 1995.Ob.I 1 6�4 I 995.07.2b 6.I I 995.09.09 I.4 I 995.04.28 I.9 !995.06.12 92 I 995.07.27 5.b 1995.09.10 I.7 I 995.0�.29 2.l !995.06.I 3 I I 8 I 995.07.2$ 5.I I 495.09.I I I.7 i 995.04.3Q I.8 I 995.06.I�+ I 39 I 945.07.29 5.2 I 995.09.I 2 I.8 � 1995.05.01 1.7 1995.06.15 148 1995.07.30 4.7 1995.09.13 2.2 I 995.05.02 I.8 I 995.06.I 6 I 42 I 995.07.3 f 4.5 I 995.09.14 2.I I 495.05.03 f.8 I 495.06.17 I 4 f I 995.08.01 4.3 I 995.09.I 5 2 � 1995.05.04 1.8 1495.Ob.18 139 1995.08.02 3.9 1995.09.16 1.9 I 995.05.05 2.2 I 995.Ob.I 4 I 09 I 995.08.Q3 3.6 !995.Q9.17 4.4 1995.05.06 2.4 I 995.06.20 1 14 I 995.08.04 3.5 !995.09.I 8 2 � I 995.05.07 24 I 995.Ob.21 1 l 5 I 995.08.05 3.4 I 995.09.19 2.E DATE t]ISCHARGE DATE DISCHARG� 1995.09.20 2.3 1995.09.29 4.5 1995.09.21 3.1 1995.09.3d 3.4 � 1995.p9.22 2.4 � 1995.09.23 2.2 1995.09.24 2.2 � 1995.0925 2 1995.09.26 � 2 1995.09,27 2 � 1995,09.28 2.7 Annual Daily Flow 2.5 cfs Red Sandstone SW Data � � f ROJE�T� DESCRIPTION W�TH REGARD TO f'�[3L�C Ii�TERF�T � Tlie ['royect will include 17 condot►iinium uni ts, rangZng fram 774 to 1,500 square Ceet for 1 to 3-bedroo�ti units, Four 6uildistgs and �det�uate parking are bein� designed to allow {or ttue � construction ef(icienCy so to meet "affordable" construction costs. � Tlie Project is being developed in order to address the Iack oF ho�sing altematives for Eagle County workers, particularly ERWSD and T'own empfoyees. Tkze ERWSD's goal in pursuing the Project is to creaCe a quality housing �roject tliat will not only be attainable �y their employees, � but wil� a�so provide rhe type of living en�vironment that will encourage families to establish their homes in Vail. � In keeping with Chat objective, the intergovernmental agreement between the ERWSD and the Town oF Vail sets forth a number of requireiaients c�esigned to ensure the development remains a locals� I�ousin� deve(opmenr. For example, no Cewer than 75% of the units shall ��e restricted to � occupancy by individuals who are employed in Eagle Counry. Norwithstand'ang, this rec;uirement, it is anticipated that I00% of the units wiil be restricted. The cieve�opment is intended to be � "revenue neutral," �neaning units tlzat are soId to individuals will �e sold for what they cost to designed ennstruct. No "dev�loper gr�FiC�' for the ERWSD nr the Town wil! be included in tl�e price of for-sale units. In addiriori, a nia�cimuui cap on appreciatiori and other deed r�strictions � will be established in orc�er to ensurr long-tertYt affordability of tihe for-sa[e units. Upon completion oC the Project, ownership oC the 17 !unitG will be jointly f�eld by the ERSWD � and the Tuwn of Vail. IC is anticipated rFiat the ERSWD will rrtain ownershi� of a s►nall number of uni�s and niake t�ie reii�ainin�,r units available for sale to ERSWD employees. It is anticipated � tk�at tkie Tc>wn of Vail wil[ make all oF tf�eir units available for sale to either Town ezYiployees or the general public, � UFSCR[I'TION Oi� WI��rL,ANDS f�ur c�eIineation oF wetllnd areas was conducted on �ctober 9, I996 using the 1987 Corps Manual Eor Wetland Delineaticm. Our data s}ieets and photograp}�s (Appendu B) and surveyed boundaries (Appendix C) are inc�uded at tFie en� oE this letter. � The two wetland areas i denttfted on the property are degraded wetlands due to factors relaCing to � their proximity to signi(ir,arn deve�opment in the area. On the west side of the creek, where there is a townhome development, tl�e area lias been seeded to the creek's edge wit� bluegrass. In addition, the Project site �uas previously occupied by a water treat�nent facsE'sty and storage area, � whic�l lias since b�en removed frorn tlxe site. Tliese factors kiave, to some extent, influenced the vegetation and veFocity of t�ie water flow, which as a result, appear to be causing the creek to be gradua�ly incised. Tl�is is nYOSt evident in sections of tlie l�anks that are steep and void of � vegetation. � R�p SANDSTGV�E � � � Wet�an� A (adjacent to the creek) is a linear wetland/riparian area, located downstream from a � section of the creek culverted for a road crossing, lt occupies approximately 4,923 square feet. Its degraciation is evident in t}�e c�ual�ry o( tkie vegetation wl►ere thistle (Cirsium ara�ense) is common in � tlle herbaceous layer in much of the narrow wetland. The predominant vegetation is in the shrub layer where Saliz drummondii is dominant with occasional i'opulus rrzmuloides (Data sheet Z). The corridor of willow shrubs begins near the culvert to the north and stops approximately 1d0 feet � (rom the bridge to the south. 71te creek banks are comprised primari[y oC Iarge and iuedium sized boulders, with advantageous thistle and other weedy species ecnerging in the crevices. � Wetland B, on t�e east si�e of ti�e property is a man-ind�ced wetland Located at the base of the steep slope from Red Sanstone Roac�. It is approximately 1,325 square feet in siae. It is created by a seep emerging from tl�e slope which channels the water into a,�rass-Iined trench along the 4ength � of the slope. Large willows, 5n�ix drummondii, have establi�hed the►nselves along the toe of the slape and are the daminant vegetation type. � ('fZO�LCT LAY�UT W1TH REGARD T� W�TLAND f1V�IDANC�, N11�If1vt17�TiON � AND UNAVOIDAI3LE IM�'ACTS E�fort was made in the �roject design to avuic� itnpacts to jurisciictional wetland areas. Withaut � tl�e s�nall eneroac�iment onto t�te wetland areas, tlie Project woulc� not be feasible. `I��e property is a long, narrow- parce� restricted by re�uired setbacks frocn �tec� Sanc�stone Road, driveways, and parkin� areas. In addition, tl�e flc�oc�glain of Rec� Sanstone Creek and steep slc�pes conCine tlle � buildable acre�e of tkie 1.64-acre properry to 1.24 acres. Approximately II,850 square feet of the property exceeds 40°/u slope and 3,900 syuare feet of tlie property is within t�le 1Q0-year � flc�udplain of Red 5andstone Creek. [n t�ie recnaining buildable area, the builciin�s liave been sited away from Red Sanstone Creek to tlie �i�aximuin extent possible. Iiiiproveinents on the creek side of tl�e Pro�ect have l�een kept tc� a minicnurn ti.e. grading and very sma[[ lawn areas fot � eacli unit), and the Line of existin�willows will recnain uzitouclied as muc[i as posGible. � UESCR��'T�ON C�F D�STllRBANCL Tl�e area oF disturbance wilI tc�tal 3,308 sc�uare feet of jurisdictional wetland (Table 2). A drawing � outlining a jurisdictiot�al wetland l�oundary and disturbanee area for construction is inc�uded in Appendix C. The prafile drawing in Appendix D sliows the approximate amount oE fill material � to be used to grade the site. Disturbance will involve renloving willows and placing Fill material to grade the site far � consiruction. As shown in tLle landscape plan (Appendix E), some areas will �e landscaped with Kentucky bluegrass for the individual candominiucti units, and trees suc� as Calorado blue spncce and �.an�e-leaved cottonwooc�will be planted. � � �ED SAND�T�NE 3 i ! Durin,� construction, it i,5 the intent of the c�ecelopers tc� avoid i�npacts ro Rec� Sand�tane Creek � and adjaeent wetlanc� area.s. Sail erc�sion ec�ntrc�l inethcxls stlnc�ar�� to tlle prole��i�n will be imple►ner�t�c� to av�id seditnentation and runolt Erom the cc�nstructi�n site int� tl�ese areas. Soil erosion, sec�inzent control, ete. t�-ill ��e cc�ordinatec� wit�i Rus, �orrest, Senior En�•irc�nmental ['olicy � Planner (r�m th� 7own of Vail. � rn«��� z W ANQ ��(�F} AREA OF DISTZ_"RB��]CE (SF) � ,a 4923 1983 � B 13?S 13Z5 ��TOTALS 624�6 33C�8 � � � ��1CI1G;ITION The Town c71 Vzil qs reyuirin� tk�at the prc>ject propc,nent tra.nsplant ar�d plant t�ie +��i�luw areas � tflat will l�e cji.�turhed. We pr<��c�.e tliat i�l a ti�iti�;ation pla�i, reve,�et�tiaii ei(ort� �r�ill c�ncentrate the steep ��ank� <�l^ t�ie crerk tltiat li;ive l�eeiz disturf�ed anci t�iose tkiat are curre�itly ve�id of te�etation. T1�e initiR>ation r��oulc� ine.luc�e tkie plantin� ol r��illc�w cuttin�s alan� lc>u•er half of the � creek bank to prevent turther er�sion anel �n�iance the current wetlanc� anc� riparian areas. Tl�e u�}�er li�lf od� tE�e b�nk ��oulcl be re-��ecirc� «�irh a native �ra.es rnia; c�esi�,med for tlie �ire. EfForts � c<aul�l als<> be cc7ncentrated nn tlie arra cl�ase to tl�e hrie��e c�n tl�e soutl�, e��� oE tl�e pr�7jeet. �.�le ��ropc�se that ��iil<�w cirtti��,�� 1�e taken (rc�ni ac3j�cent w•ill<���� hu�lies c�uriia� t3ie �ti•inter tnr�nths and r�planrec� i�ire� tfir scr��atn bank in •�rin� u�in�r ar��:ptec� kiic�en��inrerin� t�chnic�uc�. i �.����_�.u���� � E3asecl <�n c�ur �ire vi�it, we�laizci ���elineatie�n, ,�ncl �u�t�erstan�lin� c�f tl�e Proj�et, �1�� ar� oi th� c�pinion that tl►e eff�orts put t�ortli by the d�veloper tu site the huildin�s and sti�l inaintain the ! Project's feasi�ility are reasonable. .At if�e tirtie c�( our {ield wurk, it w�as e�'ic�lent that the surrow�c�in�; an�� previous land u�es have i��ipactecl the c�uality vf tlie exi.stin� �i�etlands and � ri�arian area ��i Reci Sanc�stc�ne Creek. Itz tliat, «�e k�eLie<<'e the miti�ation e�f(�erecl will he �uf�icient 1<�r an area sucl� as thi� te�� ezlhance the 4vetl�nci �»c� ripariai7 area ��l��cent tc� tlie Pr�jt�t�ite. � � � I:l:f� �;1\I��T`�''`'E -} i � IF you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesi�tate to contact � Montane Environmental at 970-3Z&2d15/45$-0450 or Tom $raun of $raun Associates at 970-827-5797. � Sincerely, � �� �� Anna Higgins � �nvironmental Scientist c: Tom Braun � Attachments � � � � � � � � � � � � RED SANDSTONE 5 � � � � � � A�'P�,�ID� A � sLl�����slo�v L aTL��v�s � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Please obtairr copies of drawing from surveyor. � ��� flIU'ISIC?NLOTL11VF5 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � API'ENDIX B � DA T �i SHF�TS�1ND 1'HOTaS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � DATA FORM �;,f�',�.�, ,,�� ;"��,f�T � ROIfTINE WETIAND OETERM[NAT10N' . . J��l'- PJ� (1987 COE Vyetfands Qe[ineaticn 11Aanw!} . � • ProjectlSite: L�,a. D�e• �0� ld � ApplicanVOwn r: E ��� Investipator• � F S�: Da Normal Circumstancas ex�st on �� �Q? ' Y No Comm Is the site si�n�ca�tly disturbed (q � +D: �— , � typical 5ituauonll �s� No Transact 1D: � Is the area a potentiat Problem Areal Yss No P{ot ID: �P �it naeded. exptain on reverse.) i . VEGEI'AT1DN � omin�nt PF�rrf 5 sciet f+srt�m rcrtoT omina ei�i t rtn icrtor 1. LS � �p�c- /. � �� -�---�d � ��. z. � , ,,. 4 '�^'_ � ��� 12. 5. .� 1�. e. �� ». � �. � . �� 16. �. ,_�, �s. � P��c.na o!aomin.�t Sp�a�.chrt �n OBL.FAGW er FAC . {�eludinq FAC-1. iismsrks: . � � HYDROE.OGY � : �Rroord�d Drt�(D��er�a fn Ilwrvrk�l: W�d�nd HrdreFo�Mtdoa�r� . � �iW�.n.Lak�.ar TW�G�up� ��: . A�rial thotaQnpM . #ssd�nd �a�r faoieaud!n l�p�1�jnol�n � _lilo R�cord�d Dru Av�7�W� Mlecrr M�rt�s . D�ift Un�s Fi�ld O���rw�ions: S�rt�b � Diaiewq�tii7anr In Wrdandr a i� Ird�a�te��2 w nwn r�quindl: pth af Surtac� W�t�r. `�_F�.1 OvddFr�d Rw�t C7rr�ln IJpp�t 121naMs � w.ahz�+�d l..r.. D�pt?�to F»r W�t��ln R� �_f�.! Lead 6d Sur�r p�ts � � . �FJ1Girwtrai T�se O�pth tn Ssturat�d 50�: ``^� ��������1 � Il�rturtu: . / • � • . � . . � . � n� � DATA FOAM �rn p� {�p;(�� L RDUTlNE WE'rLAND DETEAM[NA710N' w .. (�987 COE Wetla�ds Delinearicn Manwq � �ject/5ite: p�. . � 'canVOwner. S ��y; � tipator• Ststs: C4L97P�r C�P i Normii Circvmstances exirt on tt�e site7 � �Yu� No Commsmity iD: �,_ , � site si flnifirandy �sturbed (Atypi�al Siiusuon)7 ��• No Tnnsact fD: � • . area a potential Prablem Areat Yas No Pfot.ID: (Ii needed, sxplain on reverse.� � E?AT]ON � nt P1�nt S eeis� trsMn icrtvr Qpmin,�rn�'}rrrt sp���* �t►tRnn tcttor . _ Q�!X�'�L�{M UsA/)�_�_��' �. ��� 10. 0. � ►N 11. � � � 12. ' � �U. � � 13. u 1--I � ». � _� 16. � " �s. � al Dominartt SpsdN tl�tt�s OBL fAC1N er FAC . x ��+v FAC-). . ""'":d[.�tsr, w�f��v,as �i-�{icu�i- � c��r � k . � . � R�Q GY � �ord�d D�ta (D�■cr�in ll�il: Wsdand Nrd�de�Ineiwtaa� ' �itr�wn.l.ak�,er7id� G�uQ� . ��,����. . • A�rial rtwtoQrapM . �� ��" ' Ma�r�ad fn tlpprr 1 Z Incf�s a •cordb A�ta At►alabl� W��� . . �L�na idin�rn D�po�ib I ObrrrvROioro: _p�T��y�yy� i��ondary indfaasas�2 w n+o��*'�q�ir�df: � of Suriic� Wat�r. ��_in.} Otiddi�i ileet Chrn�ls in llpp�r 121neh�s . W�lr-ilaimd��w to Fns W�t�r in� ���� `������p�� FAC�H�utsal T�st � ta Satururd 5a1: �„� �O�l�1�i�in b Rw��riu) �. ' � � � � � � APPENDIX C � sLfl�. lf�'Y�'D �V�'�A�D BOLf�DAI�.IFS � � � � � � � � � � 1 i 1 � � � � � � Please obtain copies of drawing from surve or. y � S�lR V�'�'FD U/�'7��D BOLI�Dt1�IFS � � � � � � � � � 1 � � � _ - � � � � � � � A�'PEN��X D ■ 1'R DfIL�'Of �,�'�,A�D�IS��.BA�VC�' � 1 1 � � � � � � � i 1 � � � .�� � . . � � .1 � � � a o� � �;�� � � � �� � � � ' z — w 0 � � � , �///L��//�� � o � � , � � U � � , C � f1j � � � � � v . � c~f] .� � Q '� � � ' . . . . .. � � . w � .. . . . . . � � T O � � � � � � O � � � ' 3 v � C� `" 'D U ° � � ., o � c '° � � "r ,n eb µ+ X G �r-�. n W k, z n u Q ( � � � 1 F� ' ° a w ' �. � � _ � , � z � o S � � � � � � � � � � i 1 1 1 1 1 �I�PENDIX E � ���SC��E��� � � � � , � � � � , � � � i 1 1 1 1 � Please obtain copies of drawing from landscape architect. � �I�VD�'C�41�f�GAN � 1 � 1 1 1 i � � 1 � � ' � ������� � ~ � � � S � ��,j ~` � � y � � � i .'�` - {� l��i��`�� � � � � �_ "- - o '�'A�, soti� � �IV�����E�'�T��L ��LIJ�'I��T�� ���.� � , Mr. Mike Claffey Sacramento District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , 4d2 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand�unction, Colorado 81501-?563 ' �ctober 30, 1996 � Subject: Natianwide Pec-tnit 2b Notification Dear VI ike; , PFease find enclosed a brief diccussion of t�7e r � ' ' ' p opo_ed Red Sanstone Local s Housing Froject ("Project"�, v��hicl� wiil encroach ugon 3,308 square feet of jur��dictiona� ti�etlai�ds. The purpose of � this �etter/notification is to obtain your approva� Cor coverage under a Nation�•ide 26 Permit - Heaawaters and IsoIated Waters Discharges. Tlze Project is located adjacent to Red Sand,rtone � Creek, v►�hich according to the U.S.G.S. l�ti a drainage area of 7.32 sc�uare mites Data From the gaging station upstreant o{the Project shov�•s the a��erage annual c�aily flow 2.5 cfs (Table 1). � The Project i.s located on Red Sandstone Creek Road, Vail, Colorado, in the SW 1/4 of Secrion 1, Townsl�ip 5 Sourh, Range $1 W (Figure ]). The property is compri��ed of 3 lots knoti�n �e: Part of Parcel 1 (0.648 acre) of Block D, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Part of Parcel 2 (0.56 acre) oE $lock � D same subdivi.�ion, and a portion of Parcel A (0.3964 acre), o� t�e same subdi�-ision, totaling 1.604$ acres (Appendv:A). � The current property at��ner� are the Eagle Ri�er Water and Sanitation Di�trict (ERWSD), foruterly the Vail Valiey Consolidated Water District, and the US. Forest Ser�-ice, ��ho ort�ns the I 0.3964 acre parceL Thi�S parcel i�s curren�ly under a land exchange in��hich the Tou•n of Vail wil� a�quire a 5.7 acre parcel of wliicli the 0.3964 is part. Once the exchange is complete, the 0.3964 acre will be incorporated into the Project properry. ' The project proponents are both tlie ERWSD and the Town of Vail. In an inter ovemniental � agreement, the ERWSD is the primary developer and the Tou�n is providing land and i� a , participant in the funding. Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring, 1997. ' ' P.O.I3�X 36ll.V,qIL.C�LORAD��31658 . f'H�"�\E/FA,�C (97t1;-�C,8�4450 . f H�\'E/FAX(970,3?8-h153 � ' !% \��\�'`�\�\'l�,f� ` ,� l\�11 �� ����/� � �/ (\``�8r����;` i� I/�� i— ,� , A�. _�� ,,.������� �?il ,( � .� / � '��( /� �� � , . � �,�o ���:, �, , �� �,�,�,�, � ; � r ��;,,;����__ 9e� � �, l � � ����� � , ;� , , �, �, � � �� i ;, �,� =—� ( , � \;;�����„� �/, �� �,��,� , � , �,_ � , 9, . , � � i ( ) � ' �--,�i ' 1 �,;��� �.�� `_ �' ��;i�a, ( � il � � � � — � ��'�,, �� _ _ .l' „ i� �I(�� ��, , l� , ,l � � ' i,� � i � � - ' ', � � ' �1 � �� ' � ( ��%��' � � � � � !,���\��� �_ -�/��l' ( � �,\'�,� , � �� ( :, ,, !i �'I I l- � ,�;,�. � ,�� = � ����� u ,�I .�. , , ,� ����w� s � �r�� i� � � I I .. _ � l�l, � � Y`�4Pat ��� ?li�� � � � i �� � � � � i �� . �l ' � � I - �J �� �, ,��� , � 1� ;,�;� �V�V��,� ,��i�� ��, � � �" ',� �� � ��i8� � � _�� � ��/� ���1 ���� � �' ��� , , �- ��y, � � � �' f((� ���--�� � � � i I � � 76�, � �� � � � � � ��� � ��\ �� i I 1 � �� r1 J / ��\� �\ �� \ . / �/ \'`\ � � I � / \��\�.���,` ..��,11�\�. ` � , �\ rr . 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' USGS 7S MINUTE QUAD,VAIL FIGURE 1 � �I WEST.Coi.ORA�o SITE VICINITY � ' „ 'd"` � � � 2�331 E � U.S. Geological Suroey Water Resources for Colorado Historical Sarf�ce• � Year Data Surface Water Data Retrieval Server-5tation Data("http://�i2o.usgs.gov/51�•r/co/") ' US GEOLOGICAL Sl.'RVEY D.AILY ME�1N D1SCH.ARGE DAT.A(in Cubic Feet ner Second} Station name : "RED S.gNDSTONE CRE�K NEAR M INTL'RN, CO" Station number: 09066400 iarirude {degrees, rninute:, and seconds)...394058 � state code..........08 counry code.........037 loneirude{degrees,rninute., and seconds)...1063403 di�trict code..........08 hydrologic unit code..... 14(110003 draina�e area{square mile�).............7.32 �asz datum (feet abo�e NGVD).................. 9150.Q0 , DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE dISCHARGE bAl'E DISCHARGE I 993.04.30 I.6 !993.! I.14 I.8 I 993.I 2.29 I.3 I 994.02.I� I.2 I 993.I O.0 I I.7 f 993.I I.I S I.7 I 993.I 2.30 I.3 I 494.02.I 3 �.2 , I 993.I 0.02 I.7 �993.1 I.E 6 !.6 I 993.I 2.3 I !.3 I 994.02.I 4 3.2 I 993.10.03 I J I 993.I I.i 7 ].6 E 994.Q I.0 I !.3 I 994.02.I S I.2 I 993.�OA4 I.7 I 993.I I.I 8 I.8 I 994.0 I.02 I.4 I 994.02.I 6 I.2 ' 1993.10.05 I.b 1993.1 1.19 1.8 i 994.0l.03 I.� 1994.02.17 1.3 I 993.10.46 1.6 I 993.I I.20 I.7 i 994.01.04 I.3 !994.02.18 I.3 1993.10.07 2.2 1993.11.21 I.b 199q.01.05 1.3 1994.02.19 1.3 1993.10.08 2.6 1993.11.22 I.6 1994.01.06 1.3 1994.02.20 1.3 , 1993.10.09 2.4 1993.II.z3 1.7 1994.01.07 1.3 1994.0221 1.2 1993.10.10 2.3 1993.11.24 1.8 1994.01.08 1.3 1994.02.22 I.I I 993.I 0.I I 2.3 I 993.I I.25 I.6 I 994.0 I.09 I.3 I 994.02.23 I.2 � I 993.I 0.I 2 2.7 I 993.! I.26 I.4 I 994.0 I.I 0 I.3 I 994.02.24 I.3 I 993.I 0.I 3 2.7 [993.I I.27 I.3 I 994.01.I ( I.3 I 994.02.25 !.3 1993.10.14 2.6 I 993.1 E.28 I.3 1994.01.12 1.2 1994.02.2b 1.3 ' I 993.I 0.I 5 2.6 I 993.I !.29 I.5 I 99�.0 I.I 3 {.2 I 994.02.27 I.3 I 993.I U.I 6 2.6 I 993.I I.30 i.6 I 994.0 I.I 4 1.3 !994.02.28 I.3 I 993.!0.17 2.�4 I 993.I 2.0 i I.6 I 994.01.I 5 I.3 I 994.03.01 I.2 1993.I0.18 2.4 I 993.12.0� 1.6 i 994.0l.I 6 I.2 !994.03.02 1.2 � I 993.10.I 9 2.2 I 993.I 2.03 I.6 I 994.0 I.!7 I.2 i 994.03.03 I.� I 993.I 0.20 2.i I 993.I 2.04 I.5 I 994.0�.18 (.2 I 994.03.04 I.3 i 993.I 0.21 2 I 993.I 2.05 I.5 I 994.0 I.I 9 I.z I 994.03.05 I.3 ' 1993.10.22 1.9 1993.12.06 1.5 1994.01.20 1.2 1994.03.06 1.3 �993.I 0.23 I.9 E 993.I 2.07 I.5 I 994.01.21 I.2 I 944.03.07 I.3 I 993.I�.24 I.9 1993.I 2.08 E.5 I 494.0 I.22 I.2 I 994.03.08 I.3 I 993.I O.Z5 I.9 i 993.I 2.09 f.S I 994.0 I.23 E.3 I 994.03.09 !.2 � I 993.!0.26 !.9 I 993.I 2.I 0 I.4 I 994.0 I.24 i.3 I 994.03.I 0 I.2 I 993.f 0.27 i.8 I 993.I 2.I I I.4 I 994.0 I.25 I.3 f 994.03.I I I.2 I 493.10.28 I.9 I 993.I 2.12 I.4 I 994.01.26 I.2 i 994.03.12 I.3 ' 1993.10.29 1.9 1993.12.13 I.q 1994.0l.27 1.2 1994.03.13 1.3 I 993.(0.30 I.9 I 993.!2.I 4 I.3 I 994.Q I.28 I.I I 994.03.f� I.3 !993.I 0.3 t I.8 I 993.i 2.I 5 I.3 I 994.01.29 I.I I 994.03.15 � I.3 � !993.I I.01 I.8 I 943.I 2.I 6 I.2 I 994.01.30 I I 494.03.I b I.4 1943.I I.02 I.9 1993.I 2.!7 I.2 I 994.41.3 I 0.9 I 994.03.17 I.4 I 993.I I.03 2 I 993.I 2.�8 I.2 I 994.02.01 0.96 I 994.03.I 8 i.4 I 993.I I.04 2 I 993.I 2.19 i.I I 994.02.02 #.I I 994.03.I 9 I.5 ' 1993.! 1.05 �.9 1993.12.20 I.I f 994.02.03 I.1 I 994.03.20 1.3 I 993.1 I.O6 I.9 I 993.I 2.21 I.I I 994.02.04 I.i 1994.03.21 I.5 I 943.I I.07 I.8 I 993.1222 I.2 I 994.02.05 I.2 I 994.03.22 I.6 ' !993.I I.08 I.8 I 993.12.23 I.2 I 994.02.06 I.z I 994.03.23 I.6 i 993.I I.09 I.7 f 993.I 2,z4 I.2 I 994.02.Q7 I.2 I 994.03.24 I.5 I 993.1 I.10 I.7 !993.12.25 I.3 I 994.02.08 I.3 I 994.03.25 I.5 , I 993.I I.I I I.8 I 993.I Z.2b I.3 I 994.02.09 I.2 I 994.43.2fi i.5 I 993.I I.I 2 !.9 I 993.I 2.27 i.4 !994.02.I 0 t.2 I 994.03.27 I.4 I 993.E I.I 3 I.9 I 993.I 2.28 I.4 I 994.02.I I I.2 I 994.03.28 I.4 ' � ' DATE DISCF�ARGE DATE DiSCF3ARGE DATE DISCHARGE DATE DISCHARGE I 944.09.25 I.4 E 994.I I.09 I.4 1994.I 2.24 I.I I 995.02.07 !.I I994.09.26 1.3 1944.I i.10 I.4 I 494.I2.25 I.2 �995.02.08 I • ' 1994.09.27 i.3 i 994.I I.I I 1.4 I 494.12.26 #.I I 995.02.09 ! 1994.09.z8 f.3 1494.{ 1.12 1.5 1994.12.27 I.1 I995.02.10 098 1994.09.29 1.3 I 494.1 1.13 I.5 1994.12.28 I.� i 995.02.1 I 0.9$ I 994.Q9.30 I.6 I 994.I I.14 I.4 I 994.I 2.24 I.I I 995.02.!2 0.98 � 1994.i0.01 1.8 1994.1 �.t5 {.2 1994.12.30 I.I 1995.02.13 0.92 I 994.I 0.02 1.9 I 994.I !.I 6 i.3 I 994.E 2.3 I I.I I 995.02.i 4 I 1494.10.03 1.8 1994.11.17 1.4 1995.41.01 0.94 1995.02.15 � 0.9 ' 1994.10.04 1.6 1994.11.18 1.3 1995.0l.02 0.9 1995.02.16 0.84 �994.I a.US I.6 I 994.( I.I 9 I.3 I 995.0 f.03 0.96 I 995.42.I 7 4.86 I 994.I a.OG I.9 E 994.I I.20 I.3 I 995.01.04 (.I I 945.02.I B 0.88 ' 1994.10.07' I.8 I 994.1 1.21 I.4 !995.01.d5 I I 995.02.19 0.$8 I 994.10.06 2 !994.! I.22 I.3 i 995.01.a6 I.I !995.02.20 0.9 I 994.10.09 2 i 994.1 1.23 1.2 I 995.01.07 I.! I 995.02.21 0.92 1994.10.10 !.9 1994.11.24 1.2 1945.01.08 1.2 1995.02.22 0.94 ' 1994.10.1 I I.8 1994.1 1.25 E.3 1495A 1.09 1.2 i 995.02.23 0,96 I 994.f 0.I 2 t.7 I 994.I !.2b I.3 I 995.0 I.I a I.2 I 995.02.2q 0.98 1994.10.13 1.6 1994.1 i.27 �.3 1995.01.1 I I.I 1495.Q2.25 I ' I 994.i 0.14 I.6 I 994.I I.28 I.2 I 995.01.I 2 I.I I 945.02.2b 0.9$ I 994.I 0.I 5 I.6 I 994.I I.29 I.I I 995.0 I.I 3 I.I I 995.02.27 I.I I 994.I 0.E 6 I.6 I 994.I I.30 I.2 I 995.0!.14 I.I I 995.02.28 I 1994.10.�7 1.5 1994.1�.01 1.3 1995A f.l 5 1.2 1995.03.01 � I , I 994.I 0.�8 I.5 I 99�4.I z.02 I.3 I 995.0 I.f 6 I.I I 995.03.02 I E 994.I 0.19 I.S I 994.I 2.03 I.3 f 495.0 I.17 I I 995.03.03 I I 994.I 0.20 (.5 I 994.I 2.04 I.3 I 995.Q 1.I 8 0.96 I 995.03.04 I ' 1994.I 0.21 I.5 E 994.I 2.05 I.3 I 995.0 i.(9 I I 945A3.05 0.96 i 994.I a.z2 I.5 I 994.I 2.06 I.3 1995.0 I.20 I.I I 995.03.06 0.92 I 944.10.23 I.5 ]99q.I 2.07 I.I 3 995.01.21 I I 995.03.07 0.9 , I 994.I 0.24 I.4 i 994.i 2.08 I I 995.01.22 0.9 I 995.03.08 0.96 I 994.10.25 7.3 I 994.I 2.09 0.78 I 995.01.23 0.86 f 995.03.09 I I 994.I 0.26 i.2 I 994.I 2.10 0.84 I 995.0 I.24 0.98 I 995.03.I 0 I.1 1994.10.27 I.q 1994.12.11 0.92 1995.01.25 1.2 1995.03.1I 1.3 ' I 494.E 0.28 I.4 I 994.I 2.i 2 I I 995.0 I.26 I.2 i 995.03.I 2 I.3 I 99�1.I 0.29 I.4 I 994.I 2.13 I.I I 945.01.27 I.I i 995.03.�3 I.2 I 994.I 0.30 I.4 I 994.I 2.I 4 I.2 I 995.01.28 I I 995.03.1�4 I.2 ' I 994.I 0.3 I I.3 I 994.I 2.I 5 I,I I 995.0 I.29 I I 995.03.i 5 I.3 I 994.I 1.01 I.3 I 994.I 2.I 6 I.I I 995.01.30 I I 995.03.I b I.4 I 994.I i.02 I.3 I 99�.I Z.17 I.I i 995.01.3 I I I 995.03.I 7 � I.5 ' �994.I I.03 I.4 I 944.I 2.I 8 I.I [995.02.01 I.I I 995.03.I 8 I.6 I 994.I (.04 1.4 r 994.12.14 I !995.Q2.02 I.I I 495.03.I 9 I.6 I 994.I I.�5 f.4 I 994.I 2.20 I.1 I 995.02.Q3 i.I I 495.03.20 I.6 I 994.I I.06 I.4 I 994.I 2.21 I (995.02.04 I (995.03.21 I.5 ' 1994.11.07 1.3 1994.12.22 � 1995.02.05 { 1995.03.22 I.b 1994.1 1.08 1.4 1994.12.23 I.I 1995.02.06 I.I 1995.03.23 1.5 � 1 ' � Red Sandstone SW Data ' . I PROJEr DESCR�1'T#C�N 1�'{TH REGARD TO P[.IaLlC iMFRi=�T ' The Project u�ill inciude 17 condominium uniLs, ranging frotn 774 to 1,500 �quare feet for 1 to 3-bedroorn uni��. Four buildings and adequate parking are being designed to allow for true con�truction efficiency co to meet "affordable" construction cost�. � The Project is being developed in order to adclress the lack of hausing alternatires for Eagle � Counry workers, particu�arly ERWSD and Tou�n employees. The ERWSD's goal in pursuing the Project Lc ta create a quality housing project that will not only be attainable by their employees, but �n•ill also provide the n�pe of li�7ng emironment that v►•ili encoura�e families to establi�ch their � homes in Vail. In keeping w�ith that objecti�•e, the intergo�-emmenta� agreement het���een the ERWSD and the � Tou�n of Vail sets forth a number of requiren�ents designed to ensure tlle c�evelapment remains a lacals' 1lousing de��zlopment. For example, no fe��er than 75% of the units shall l�e restricted to occupancy �iy individuals���o are emplayed in Eagle Counry. Notvrithstanding, tli�s requirement, , it i� anticipated that 100% of the units �a•ill be restricted. The de�elopment is intended to be "revenue neutral," m�aning units that are sald to indi�-iduals will l�e sold for �•hat they co�t to � designed construct. No "de��eloper profit" for the ERWSD or the Tounz �t�ill he inelUded in the price of (or-�ale units. In addition, a maximu�n cap on appreciation and other deed restrictions v��ii( be estab[is[ied in drder to encure Iong-term affordabilit}= ofthe for-sa[e units. � Upon completian o{ the Project, ov��nership of the 17 unit�� ��ill be jointly held by the ERSWD an� the To�•n of Vai�. 7t i,, anticipated that the ERSWD ��ill retain owrsershi� vf a srnall number � of uni�c and make the remaining units available for sale to ERSWD employees. It L� anticipated that the To��n of Vail u�i[l make al� of their units avai�able for sale to either To���n einployees or the general puUlic. � � D�SC�tf PTf ON C�F \'JE3LAND5 Our delineation of �r�erland areas ��as condu�ted ozt October 9, 1996 using the 19$7 Corps � Manual for Wetland Delineation. Our data sheets and photographs (Append'u• B) and surveyed �oundaries (Appendi.x C) are included at tl�e end of th�s letter. � The two wetland area.S identified on the propeny are degraded wetlands due to factvrs re�ating to their proximiry to significant developmenr in tlie ar�a. On the N�est side of the creek, ��here t}iere is a townhome developrnent, the area }las reen seeded to the creek's edge r��ith �iluegra_ss. 1n � addition, the i'roject site was previousIy occupied by a water treatment facility and storage area, which I�as since kieen removed from the site. These factors ha��e, to some eatent, in{luenced the � vegetation and velocity of t}ie �•ater flov��, w�l�icli 1., a result, appear to be caucing tlie creek to be graduaIly i�zci.�ed. Th�s is most evidetic iit sections of the �ianks that are stee� and void of vegetation. � RED SA�DSTO�'� � � r � Wetland A (adjacent to the creek) i�s a �inear u�etiand/ri arian area, located dor��nstream from a P section o{the creek culverted for a road crossing. It occupi�s approximately 4,923 square feet. Its � degradatian is evident in the quality of the��egetation a•Iiere thistle (Cirsium arvense) is cammon in the herbaceous layer in much of the narroN��t�etland. The predominant vegetation is in t�le s4�ru� iayer where Salix drurnmondii is dominant v�-ith occasional Popu[us tremuIoides (Data sheet ?}. The � corridor of t��illow shrubs begins near the culvert to the north and stops appraxin�ately 1C?Q feet from t�e bridge ro rt�e soutlz. Tlze creek banks are cvmprised prirrzarily of large and n�€�ium sized � boulders, with ad�antageous thi.�tle and other��eedy�pecies emerging in the cre�•ices. Wetland B, nn the east side of the propem• is a man-induced wet�and located at the base of the steep slope fron� Red Sanstone Road. It L approaimately 1,325 square feet in size. It i� created by �� a seep emerging {rom the s�ope v��hich channels the a�ater into a rass-lined trench alon the len I� g � � of the siope. Large u�iltov�•s, Sa1zx dri�mrnondii, have establ�Ghed them�elves along the toe of t}ie � s�ape and are the dacninanr t•egetation type. � PRC�]ECT�.AYC�L,I� W[TH REGARD T� 1�V�TLAND AVC>I�ANC£, ��1�;�1�11�AT1ON AND L�NA�'C`1DAEiL� IMPACTS � Efforc was ntade in the Project desi�� to a�•oid iinpacts to jur�sdictional ��etland area_G. Withaut the smal! encroachment onto the�•etland area.�, the Project��ou1d not be fea.cik�le. T1�e properry LS � a fong, narro�t• parcel restricred �y required .etbacks from Red Sandstone Road, dri��ev��ays, and parking area.5. In addition, the floodplain of Red Sanstone Creek and steep ��opes confine the bui�dable aczeage of the 1.64-acre properry to l.?4 acres. Approximately 1],850 square feet of the rj property exceeds 40% slope and 3,900 square feet of the property �s ��ithin the 100-year �� floodplain of Red 5andstone Creek. In tfte remaining buildable area, the �iuildings have been sited away from Red 5anstnne Creek to the ma�;imum extent possil�le. Impro�'emencs on the � creek side of the Proje�t have been kept to a minimum (i.e. grading and very sn�all lau�n areas for each unit), and the line of exi�ting N�il�oH�s �+-ill re��ain ur�touched a.S much as pos�ible. � DF�SCEZIPTIOIrI OF DISTURBr1NCE � The area of disturbance v►rill tatal 3,308 square feet of jurL�dictiona[ wetland {Table 2}. A drawin g outti�ing a jurisdictiona� wetland �iaundary and disturbance area for construction is inciuded in � Agpendix C. The profile c�ra���ing in Appendilc Q sliows the approximate amount of fil� material to be used to grade the site. �, DLturbance vt•ill involve remo��ing willov��s and placing fill tnaterial to grade the �ite for cor►struction. As shown in the landscape plan (Appendi�: E}, sotne areas v��ill be landscaped witlt Kentucky bluegrass for the indi�-idual condominium unit�s, and trees such as Colorado blue �pruce �� and Lance-leaved cottonwood v►�ill he planted. � RED SAT�FDSTu;�E 3 � � � Durin� con�trt�etion, it is the intent of the de��elo ers to avoie� in� acts to Red Sand�IOne Creek � P and adjacent ��etland are��. Soil erosion COIIifOI rnethc�ds stanc�ard ta the pro(e�sion vvill be � impEe�nented to avoid SeC�lIl1eT1[3ilOTl and runoff (rom the construr.tion site inro t1�e�e are�s. Soil erosion, sedinient control, ete. «�ill l�e coordinated ��ith Russ F�rrest, Senior Ent�irc�nmenta� Policy � 1'lanner from the Tou�n o{�'ail. � -r�rn�,E 2 �X/ETLAi�D �g,R .A (S�') ARE.A QF I�ISII)R� B�,N .F (SF� ! � 49?3 1�53 B I3?5 13?5 � TC)TAIS b24S 33L� � �'�hITIGAIIL;�f � The Tow�n of Vail i� rzquiring t��at the pra eet ro �nent tran� lant and lant tl�e �ti•ill��� are�� ) P P 1? P that ��•ill be �ii�tur��ec�. `'�U'e propose tl�at in a miti�atio�z �lan, re�-egetation e((orL� ���ill c�ncentrate � the stee� Z�an�:s c�f t}�e cree� thac liave been e�Lst�lrl�t� and tl�ose that are cvrrer�tl}' ��c�id of vegetation. T1�e ri�itigation ��ould incPude the plantin� of��illow curtings alana 1ou�er half of tlie creek bank to pre�•ent (urther ero�ion and enkiance tl�e current �n�etland and riparian �rea.c. Tlie � upper half o( tlie hank v��ould he re-zeeded ��•itl� a native gr��s mix cle�igned far tlie site. Effort.G could also �ie concentrated in t��e area close to the bric�ge on the soutii end of tl�r project. We � prdpose tliat ��,•illo»� cuttin�: �.�e tal:en (rom ac�jacent ��illa�5� �u:hes c�uring tlie �ti-inter riiontl�s antj repEanred into t}ie strea�ri bank in �prin,� t��i�i� acce�t�d hi��en,�ineerin, tecflnique�. � CONCLLISIC�N � Based on our site ��isit, �i�etCand delineation, and uc�der�tanding of the Project, ���� ar� of the opinion tl�at the effor�� put fc�rth hy the de�-eZoper to site the builclings and ctill maintain the Project's {easibility are rea,c�nable. At th� titx�e o( our field ��ork, it ��as e�-ic�ent that the � surrounding and previous land uses ha�•� inipacted t�ie quality of t�ie exi.5ting r��etlan�s and riparian area of Red Sandstune Creek. In tllat, d��e ��elieve the initi�ation offered �i�ill be �ufficient � for an area such as thi�5 to eiihance tl�e w�etlaild anci riparian area adjace��t to the Project �ite. � � R.CD 5,��'�;���I-��`ti'E: � r � . � If yau have any questions or need additional in �' format�on, piease do not he,�scate to conta�t Montane Environmental at 970-3?8-2015/468-0450 or Tom Braun of Braun Associates at `� 970-B27-5797. �. Sincerely, �.�i'�T"1�1 IF� � Anna Higgins Environrnental Scient�5t � c: Tom Braun Attachments � � � � �' � � � � � � � RED SANDSTON� � � � � �' � � � ��'��ND� A � Sl.1BDl t�ISIOIV L t�T LI1��S � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Please obtaijr co�ies of drawi��g fronr surveyor. � SL�B,�IIfISl01V LOT LI�VFS � � � � � .� � � � � � � � � � � � � AP�'ENDIX B � D�l ��I SI�FFTS AND 1'H�TDS' � � � - � � � �'� � � � � � � � ' . � DATA FOAM �f�`�" ' r�'l.E . 'r'���T '� ROtlTfNE yy��„qND DE7��ypnON' , . V F�:-1�.Jp � �1987 CDE Weuands Delin�ri� �wq . . � Projectl5ite: . � Applicant/Own r: E �� Data: �� (v � � Investiflator: ' CO�� Ststs: Do Norrnal Ci�cumst=ncas exirt on th� �e7 ' Y Na Community iD: (s the site siQn�cantly disturbed (Atypicat Situauon�l �• No Tnruect i�: . � Is the uea a potentiai Probiem Ar�l Yu Na PIoi.ID: 111P Ilf needed. sxpiain an roverse.) � VEGET ATION � omin�nt Pl�rtt 5 ecis� ttetun icrtor mina � � n icttor 1. 1S �-�iLP,Jr f. 2. � pin r � �; '- , �� �,. � ��u . ,�. �. .. .� ,�. e. .� ,.. , . •. ' -�.� �6. �.� � --".�: �s. ' ti►e�nt oi Domin�r�t Sp�oiK tfirt an pgL,FAG�V K FAC � Is�tcludinp FAC-}, . . R�marks: � : .. • . � HYDROLDGY � : . ,_R�oord�d Dtu(Dncrb�in R�erfyl: w.n.ne��,�„�d,� � ,_:v..f.�.t..r�.,o.na.c.�q. . � �,,,A�ria1�otopn,pM �1►tidaROn: . • Ottwr �� `No R�card�d D�ta Awe1sW� ����k�12�MS w�e..� � o�i+c un.. Rrid Obs�rvtt�ons: s��� . Oi�p�htt�nr Jn Wrtl�s � D�pth st Surf��Wn�r. � O��d Reet C'M�� Upp�r 12�naf�s w.w•sdnd L..r.. 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The report studies both the existing and deve�oped site canditions. Residential townhomes with an common � driveway will be constructed on the site. This report has been prepared to meet the Town of Vai1, Construction Design Standards, Mechods and Details of the Vail Municipal Code. � � Site Con[titions The Red Sandstone Locai's Housing Project is located west of Red Sandstone Road, south of � Sandstone Drive and east of the Sandstone Park development. See Figure 1. The proposed development site is approximately 1.61 acres. � Red Sandstone Creek runs thraugh the west side of the property. An old water treatment facility � is currently located on the site. The treatment facility wil� be removed during the construction of the townhomes. . � Site coverage consists of native grass with brush and a few trees a buiidin and ravel drivewa � �, g Y� The�ot currently slopes to the southwest. AlI the nino£f f3pws into Red Sandstone Creek. A � visual study of the Potato Patch area indicates that roadway and drainage improvements have recently been constructed in the area. In this report it is assumed that the only area tributaty to � the site is Red Sandstone Road. � The US Soit Canservation Service soil survey does not extend to the area which the site is located. An interpolation was made by studying the mapped areas nearest t�e site. It appears that � the soils should be classified as a Forsey and/or AnviklSkylick/Slighting group which corresponds to a Soil Conservation Service hydroiogic soil group of"B". � � � � � - _ _ __.__- � _ . _ __ _ _ . _..... � , � � ' SANOSTO � • , � , '.1-.�` ' � � � NE,..S.'G. , ', � SW 11 �� '.. �� �:� � �4 `';*,� ` � � ��° / � - ' o`' ��-� �:: � � CJtCUI� �: � • � ,'"' `. �� � � � �'' • . � � ,� �� � 1 � � � �' `� i � . , •� , . , �— • � ,. . '1*� + , `f ,/: . � � , S-��� . ,' � , / ' �' ' � ,' �' ,-- � �, � f �o' a` � r ` i � � � � � � W � � � 1' �. � Z � i � � •, U / %I .::•' • ... � c%) � ;' `•d� � � .' , � � /` �O � �f� . ° Q / _�, � � �� 51 � . ° ��� � , g_7 � / � , , � �Q , 52 , � � � '' � , / ,` /', •`� � ^ ' B-6 '� 1 ' � "� � . q i • � / � � ' � � ' � ::,:..,. .. � '�`;�• , ��, � ..... 1 ��' y�Q- ,. � � 4-°� !�� . .. � . � o ,- � �- �-������ ' .. . _ ., 1 4 L . . IB-5 . �' � - ���� .. , �-- � . ..:�: .., VIC�NITY MAP pROJEC7 ND.: � E�GINEERING 96a62 scn�E: Nrs DESIGNWORKS RED SANDSTQN� L�CAL'S HOUSING PROJECT oArE. 9/23/96 � /��� VAIL� CO FIGURE NO.: 1 �---..._.... - _._.,,_.,,�� _�-___-...� . ------�_. _, .. _. ......___. ..___..____. . . ------ - . r.. � . � - -- � � Existin� Peak Dischar�e � When calcula.ting the anticipated peak discharges for the existing conditions the site was considered tc� be one subbasir� since all the runoffflows into Red Sandstone Creek. See Figure 2. � As described abave, the hydrologic soil group is "B". "Qne acre residential district" seems most apprapriate ��or a cover description. Since site is �.b acres, this classification is canservative. � The eak dischar e wa P g s caIculated using the time of concentration from the hydraulically most distant point which was determined to be from the east side of Red Sandstone Road. � Below is a table summarizing the anticipated 10, 25, and 100 year peak fIaws. The calculation � sheets and figures are located in the Appendix. � Table 1 Existing Peak Discharge � ��rs� � 10� ear 25- ear 100- ear EX-1 0.3 0.5 0.8 � � Develo ed P�a[c Dischar e The developed site �ian has been divided into three subbasins. All three subbasins drain toward � Red Sandstone Cre�k. � Basin D-1 encompasses Red Sandstone Road. A drainage swaie has been added to the west side of the road to divert the runof�'from the road away from the site. Ths su�ale wil] run to a 18" � CMP beneath#he driveway. Basin D-2 includes the embankment below the drainage swale along Red Sandstone Road and the �' proposea driveway. Basin D-1 and D-2 meet at t�e CMP beneath the driveway then travel to Red Sandstone Creek. � 2 � . . . _ _ _ __. � ��--�—�•��'`, � •� t , i�• � �—�S ���� .�� � a �`, o ��� ,%i �.�'-. � :� ��', `° � �� ' ..•. `r !.� v.., _ _ �`, =u i � I i � � � � ���� � ��� cv I � / ��� � — � tA ��� � C Z ♦ �' ��;��y __ :���� �o��� \ �. �; W / / � : �� : _ ��� ���� \\, �� Q � / i J�i�� .� �` _ _ ���� �. � � � u � l �� f f �� � � ����� �n � i�iL � �i i � ��\� � � �] �`���i � � � � O \��` , ` F �/ I/ i � \\� \\ �7. //j��j�% � ~ � ♦ � `� } �\� �' � � w � �/ � / _ �� � _ \ � �,\ � � �r,:,'%,'�,,'%,� � ,' ' �� , � , �� ,� �,` � � •, ; � ,� ,� _ \ � I j � �`, ♦, \ � . �� � � � 5 � � \ �}`� � � � � QE� 1 1 � . � � ♦ � � d � L — '�� � " cp � }�� � 1�, � - `- \ ` � � `�\ \\\ \1 1,1 1,�1 � Z � , , . — . _ ,, , ,, , j ��� � 1 . � `, ' � � W l s �l � _ ���`���` ���� j � `u � o � y ♦ t`�, � /�- - - - - -_��.������` rt �` o d ` �-f----;----- - ���,�t , � '� / � \ � 1 \� �� � ��'i� , �y( i � �\ �\ 1 � 'i• �1 `�� ��� ir i Z / ��\ ,\` � �\� �Hp! ��� �',r �! �` �����, �— �� �W�� � —� _ � �" � � ;�� � E �����'� � �'I� 1 �l ?� \ d 1 , r � � 1 1 1ti � 'hL �i5 � I 1 � 1 � � `� 1 i i i ` � � � � � ' Z � ���� � I � �`�i —i— +� `�� ` i i� 1 ~I�� � 11�1��.i �� Sw�ii P � a i � �I Q� 11� i �,�t��,• � �� �1 � l � 11 x �`Za � �`4 ' �"` � � O �`�'_� �, � W A Q '�,�`�� i � �'i Z U a i� � � ` 1 1 � � }\�1�� ��i (� � � !�� �ti� , �� F ,�o f � _ i '4� r� � Q -' I � � �� ���1� ,i �'� i � ��� ���/ � ��' m W � � . � � , � ��+ � � � 1�t' - - - � � rl �y`�j ° t,.� p � � �� � '�If,��c} � -,;i - - - _ � -�'dti1 i� � j � F". 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The draina�e swates between the buildings will transport this runoffta the creek. � The hydralogic soil group remains "B". The develo ed cover descri tion wa cl p p s assified as impervious surface and open space (fair) for the landscaped areas. � The time of concentration was calculated fram hydraulically most distant point in each subbasin. � The time of concentration for all the basins was less than 0.1 hr. � Below is a tabie summarizing the preliminary anticipated peak flows frflm the deveIoped site. Calculation sheets and figures are located in the Appendix. ' � � Table 2 Develo�ed Peak Discharge (cfs) � 10- ear 25- ear ]00- ear � D-i a.� a.S o.7 D-z o.s o.6 �.a � D-3 0.5 0.6 1.1 Total Runoff _ ].4 �.6 2.8 i � Conclusion It has been attempted to prepare this report in accordance with the Tawn of Vaii, Construction � Design Standards, Methods and Details of the Vai]Municipal Code. The regulations require that the site be designed to handle the 25 year storm with no major structura� damage from the 104- � year storm. � � 3 � � � With a slo e of 4.5 ercent the 1 foot P P , deep with 2:1 side slopes dramage swale along Red � Sandstone Road which har►dles the runofffrom basin D-1 has an approximate capacity of 8.5 cfs. The anticipated 1�Q-year storm event from basin D-1 is 0.7 cfs. � The 4 foot wide 2 inch deep concrete pan which diverts the runofffrom basin D-2 has an approximate capacity of 1.2 cfs so it will adequately handle the 25 and 100 year storm. The 100- � year anticipated peak flow is 1.0 cfs. � The runofffrom basin D-3 flows into Red Sandstone Creek thro�gh several different swales which are I foot deep with a 10:1 and 2:1 side slope and approximate capacity of 15.8 cfs. � All of the site drainage structures are capabie of handling the 100-year storm event. ' � The development of the site will increase the anticipated peak flaws rates fos the 10, 25 and 100 year stonns from 0.3, 0.5, and 0.8 cfs ta 1.4, I,8, and 2.4 cfs. The increased runoff does not � affect any adjacent property owners since it flows direct�y into Red Sandstone Creek; therefore, detention facilities have not been designed. � � � � � � � � � 4 � � � � References � 1. Eagle County, Land Use and Development Regulations, March, 198G. � 2 P . erkins-Bober Architects, Inc., Elk Meadow Townhomes, Iot S, Tract F, The Horoestead, � Eag]e County, Colorado, May 25, 1995. � 3. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Procedures for Determining Peak Flows in Calorado, March, 1980. � 4: USDA, Soil Conservation Servics, Soil Survey of Aspen-Gypsum Area, Coiorado, Parts of EagZe, Garfield and Pitkin Counties, May, 1992. � 5. White Surve in To _ y g, po Map, Lot 5, The Homestead Filing No. 3, Eagle County, � Co�orado, May 25, 1995. � � � � i � � � 1 � 5 � .....----__ __ _---- _. _ ..__ .._ ._._ -� _... � � � , � � � � APPENDIX i � � � � � � � � . 1 ! 1 r � � . . � � � , � � i 1 � � � Z � a� U 'r� f4 . � � > c . Q � 0 i '� m ' i. Q vov `o oZ �o � � U Q � 'r- M'r' C I 3 � � � � U ti � = E � d: j � � � J Q Q r O N O r N � � � O Q„ x "� `� E � t� p o Q, � � I; a � � o o N , � � o ca � r� cA �S Q `'' c�D C�D � N � � o � � I� � � O L � � r C � - Z LO OQ� � li o (D O Z (� cn o-, o ° � c`! o 'U � ° o c � � � � C O � � U U ° �' � � � � � o � � � " > � c �� z � � � v � "� �'�O � U ��C.� 1 i N � U o .� r_° ,C � ° c �y �... 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WA�LL� � GHECKEO �� __. - - a� e�s ��" ���,E aur�r vra. , N c] �,---- � []AT� ����Auk, 'Atztate� ---- �---�-- _ r W�HZO cy�s�►C�� � M 1- 25-9� �ti o-V �Fr� `�� 4ti�x�t�iRED. ��G. --- � � SCALE 3/wCa" - 1=a" Wf !Z M��-E x cos'PER ��DApT�2 �aB n�o. ����� �3i�Z"r�RBPL� CQNT'RoL VA.�ht/TAMR�R SW. ��� ��� `�a��� - --4 ��� 81-IE�T f� '..'L�7 L'�G'-� �iE� UN�fll�RGR�UND .._ __ _ .,._ --- ----------- i �f���7'�/ _.�. l` u . . ? �� �-+- M A 11'� R 1 S E_4Z ��CTI 1(�I� �� ,�j �YPICL�L 8�176_ S��-�4�N (�aT THREE F��oRS� oF SHEET$ , �.. -- --- - -- - ---- - - --- - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - - - - -- , � �. ': . . �f�,,- _ 'a;��E": "�ereby certify that t�is qmpr�vPrr�e� ; ����- �� � • ; �rtiif�cdte �vas prQpared � i uATE �' SuRVEY 4J2%5�y '�_� F.1RTAll� CONSTRUC7h N I _---_- -_ - ----------s--�.__. 2ti �URvE`�OR HAS MP4DE NO IN`Y�STIGATI��I �R !N'uEFEhJDENT :�EA.RC:N � :;R th��t �t i5 nat a I�nd Surv�y �,'a'� r ��7 F � e�r��_r-�r Sur•.�ey p�ot. �7nd th�t it i; EAS�MEN�5 �JF R�CORG (OTH�R ?HAN PLATTEC�), EhJC:UMBRAN�.Ea, not �o be �elied u��n �a� ?hr � w �hi�F;;- ,e� ? �� fence, bu�IdVn� ,�r other ft,ture RESTR��TIVE COV��.�1A�1TS, OW�ERS+�IP TITL� EV�DENCE, OR ANX OTHER r�,provement I��es. FACTS TF�AT A�1 A�CCURATE AND CURRE�T ' " SEARC�+ ' DCSCL�S£. � further certif th�at tne �rr� r��veme+nts on �he above c�escrihed a�cel - 3j NC1TlCE ACCORDW(G TG COLOF?ADO LAW YOU MUST C09�MENCE A!�lY �... � y p p ACTICtw BASEQ UP'flN ANY �EFECT iN Tw�S SURv�' WIT��ha THR'EE �F�=�� �-, dat�. a12/99 , excep� utility connec#ions, are entirely wit9��r tne ` A�TER YCTi� �l�c�'r D1Sr��vER ��i�� p�FE�'T �N Nt� E�'�'J'' �IAY aNY upon�khe Sdescr bed �,rem�ses t,y� �mp crvementsaont oery odjo:n ng prerr, es.�I.,,,` 'HA�v �EN `� : ?: ,'Y � . ' _" � � r -,- ,,`,r ��-�-; „ P - F - - a.Tiar� B,a . � ����� �� �� p ;1 s no apparenr ev,dence or s�gn o` onv �+EREG'. , exce t as �nd cated, on�+ ±hot t'�ere � � � .,-�s�,�r�t a -� r;ur�en�r� �_ ���� of sa�� �_�,��t as noted I� �O^d�� a� BaS15 � . . _ .. ��� �� �, . �� � ,�,,, � U " � �� BASiS rJ!F PROPERTY LINE LOCATi"��� .4 � 'kn.; � � ��-L=L.L--� � - � I ����J� f�u .. �•,,, ,, .r� �+�-*-- , L�CATI01� i rF CR'N SEC. � 16! `� _' . ^ +� � =+ �:,` •'' HU�, ��?,` � I��/ ��7C� - ��j�"~ -'L�T t' fn F-�es--=� :: ---- -- - _.. _ _ __ _ -e � -� � ' �'' *_ t�'.���P't� `�� s WF�Y P.T 1�IME OF 521�", r y ��v' ; E) NG aRIVE _ �: 2 6 5 �� -' _ �:, PEAx �LEVATBGN fiAKEN i c, 1+�;,, . . _ �� � P.^ B�I�L�wNG MEA�IIR� ?AkE^J �-� �,�JV{�Cl� tiHEATHiN, _��..._ . -- '�, ' , . , �,���� . Ln� B-? "t � -- T" W � �,� � `� J ���,� .�.x� ,. 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E�`i.E ^� 'iJNC IHALx J`f � ilVEkHAN2 �� i� 92 5 ��, � ��'� o;i'Nt��,� � _ E _ a, �, vEF�-,�NG " c, �6 �-. � h ��, ; _ ,_ " _ _ UNPLATTED F .� 'k�. 'A:'A l k I a w� { � � 3(e 14 A�:PE`�. � �g 49" � PART 4�F ��_ s s ° � ��� �n, - � � � � � PAf�CEL 2 � � � - �' �,���, � ��A-�F- �A-:r �I � -�. r� c:sao Ac��s �\ I z� i y ,8r coNC. w�u.K-----C`_ - °� $o,' I 8�'S4 2!�' � � _ _ �� ���' � � � � . " R��27 , - • � , ,� . . - L�4�.S0 � _ . � T�28.49 LCl37.82 ': � ' } d i� ' ,�.��!'� CS�S 7(7'21'44" E - � ��� g�k�,� r� �QPO .� (y}y�1 fV1 � �. ; -� , f ' 4'�..0 :'.,� :;.-P'v:�'�.'�`°ft.'" I �� W . . - � ��N � � h'i-'�F . .. . . V - �Q�'F' RE� _. 6� 5� � ` � , �0 w ,,��S,TOH� o „ ., _ � _ ¢�a _ �O �.H,, -r. ;��< <1��=-�o� ♦' . . .. a or:el ot land ,r�th�r �O I� � ��- VR�OPERTi C1ESlRIF'Tlph r �,�r e: a� one an cr• s pon ,+ 9�ocw 'C of t�u !�on's R�Oqe !ne NE'.n E• »� v '�/ r� � Su�d�w�sio�, ka ie Co�rnt Lo4o�aao, a�luotea an Sectaon 7, F ' _- 2e'� Townsn�p 5 South. Pon9t 8! West of tne Fth Pr+nc�poi Me.�d.��, mo�e South. Ranqe 81 West of the 5� -cA �c" ',"P,F �r `�-aiP .�':,. 4~ r _ oort�cuiorty deacribed os �oiAows Godo�odo described ae folM1Ows �co C � � , [, , l�j d�.� k p ��,�.- $aQinninq at the r,oRheczs: cu�mer of sa+�tl pG�rce�i, which corner �s Bey�nning a! �� pom4 on the Sauthe�iy ��+�e :;t soid t�E'!�4 SL1%4 A - - _ *a� � � - ca+ntidsnt w�kh t�e nartheast corne� ol !he SE?/4 pf tne SE�/4 0' SecUO� '. eni� po+�t alx� Dei�g the r�orthwesterly corner of $loCk �� a� -__ _ Settion 1, Township S Seuth, Range �: West, 6tr P��nc�ppi 'Meru.�;ar;, 0. Lion's Ritlqe SuDd�wsron, accord�nq ro the *nQp therr�! fecortlea ) _ _ in Qook 2�5 at ?oge 648 �� the o�}ice of tne �Eog�e Courtdy, 7 L thence Sd0°d4'45"V+ 8�35 fe�t, thence 519°26'14'W 86flb leet, - - • . , C�lorqdo, Clerk �n� Recorde�; Ihe�n�ce. departin saod sout+�er�y �-� -- -�- �-� ' � thenre S85°24'11'W "5530 rteet: therce N22°16'JS`E 35.8, 1eet. Nmt. N2^4'33'G�"W 84t3 }eet, the��ce N��°4;'2�"� 5�p5 feet � th�nce �rlG4'+�1'2}"W 7g,�0 !eet, t�+ence N22°33'60"w 62 68 reec �hercF '�P,'°48'35E 19fi.28 fee! t� the Go�nt p� Be9inn�ng trunc� 53 85 feet olong rhe a�c ot o cu,rve tc dhe r�ght. rt�ov r,� .. rad�us ct 2�70.�0 feat. a.centroi onqle uf 'S•25'35° an�i o chorC .�4� tho? peo�s y57'28"E'E 53 69 ieel. tt�ence 4+ 9p feet ylo�g ±he ' ' orc of o curve to t+�•e rVgn�t, having a radws oi 2?OG �ee4, � a ;.:.;...: o� o^d n Bloc� D. t�on'a Rtd Suba�vwaior, :o�nt ot cerotra� onqle of 88°5a'25�, and � chord tnot beora S?0'2�'4a i �V 'Q�°�4�4'�' E - 84.35 � Y S'82 feet; tne�ce �25'S4'31"E !3%.47 feet to tht so+C scytM,e ;c:air, �tcate of Calorodo. de�cribed as foldowr i��e o+ !he NE �i4 SE 1,�4 SecGOn �. saa iine ufso be,nc •.re Be mnin at a pvi�+! wl�ence th�e �o�tneost carnvr o1 tne S�E1 j 4 SE-1 i 4 n�rthe-"�y iine of eo�G Blnck L1; tnsrvce, olong 9o�d 'ine, of Sec6on 1, Townznip 5 South, Ranpe Bt �Hest a� the 5tn Pr�nCbpol S87'48'35�7N 150.82 feet to the Point Ot Begf�mng, cantoinin Me��d�or bea�s N33°38'gg"E 2G7.68 teee i�ence 585°24'� �' G 3964 acres. Mo+e o� �ess 65.�5 feet, tnence 522'�6'35"W 8! 37 fee , tha�aca 57.6•a4 '� E *Me �eonn s uf the ob �e oescribed porce! ore bose� cr _ ' � 93.51 �ee!, t+�ence 51 t � �5"W 129 6a Feak; +ne�ce S5"°3� r'� `� 0 90 fert t e��e Nt'+00<9 E 5� 99 �eet 2hence 5�5'S8 � � u87'a6'3.`,"E �n tnr ��e of the �'f� "c �� ' �, `,P.- 1��j�+, /�I/�� ��[/ , �, � :a, F.t J pc�.. "vC� -Q�E H6'3^�. 1,r�� � �e� 4 � �`�5. �H�A'. L'«r +'h.e . ' . _ . Ri�l�e 5�bn�. -. � �,� 1 v • �� ��� ��1�� �/�'n� � � r . � . • "< �i,. : ...�. ,,,�. .,.. �.i:. _;:.,.4.� r;' : . .,:.� ;;. ,• �.a� ... .t _ �...... _,4.,_. ._ .._, �-�� . - - �� - . . _.t._.._� .,._ ... __ . .. . . - -- .�....:_.v�v ....d�._ - - � .� . . , _ � ., .,�„�.� , fMPR�VEM �I� T LOCATrUI� CERTIFICATE PaRT OF BLC��K � ' � ' � � �GE SUBaIVIS� �N - ��_����T�-=�_��:- - �: r�'N 0� VA I c. 4^;99 HIGHWF'� !` rsc 24, Eti _ �,���E caur� T ���, �c���i�,�u� � c�. Ox � ,�� �,,F�. M �.,_.��,rql ,,,,,,y4 JOB No. � 935.2 �-,�w,aROS, co. a�s;z �s,nl9ap-��a�E - �