HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 PARCEL A THE VALLEY PHASE 5 DEVELOPMENT LEGALPoal-lt'' bra|rl fax 1r;ti)s'niltal tnclno 7671 t ol pfttior t e o VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado limlbed partnershlp ("Dcclaranc"), is the record end beneflcirtl owner of all of the real ProperEy w!thln that cerualn oubdtvls!orr <lenomlnated The Valley - Phase V located in Eagle CounEy, Colorado. rhe f lnal plar of which was recorded at Recept:'.on Nunber -ln Booii, at Pase tn Map Case ', Drawer oT-EIA- records lli-rhe clcrk an'd Recorber's oFFfce for daffi County, CoIorado. Dcclarant does hereby make, publlsh and declare that che followlng Eerms, Cgvenanc6, condltlons, easemenE6,restricrj.ons, uses, re6ervatLons, IlmlEsrions and obllgatlons shall be deemcd Eo run wtth the land, shall be a burden and a benefit ro Declarant, lts successors and asslgns, end uhe Corrnty of Eagle, by and through Lte Board of County Commlssioners (thc "Board") , and any pereon or enclE,y acqui-rlng or or^ming an lnteresE ln Ehe real propercy which ls or becomes subJecE to Ehl-s Ins Erumenc and lrnprovements bul1c therecrr , thelr granteeB, successors, heirs, personal represenEaf'l-v16,dev:tsees Or B.sslgns. PI.ANNED UNIT DEVI . FOR THE VALLEY - PHASE V ; Aa used heretn, the followlng words Ehe following meanlrrgs I t The Valley - Phase V. 4 lot withln The Val1cy - Phase V. Colorado, GROSS RESIDENTIAL Ig a cerrn as FLOOR ARIA of the Zonlng ("c.R.F.A.") Colorado 't and t erme SUBDIVISION LOT DI{ELLIIIC UNIT OPI'N SPACE TMCT ?R'LII.IINARY PLAI,I ROAD Is a term ag defined ln of the Zoning Resolution SecE{on 2.02.06 of Eagle Counc,y, defLned in Sectlon 2.02.35 Resoluclon of llagle County, DUPLEX UNLT A Lor thst can be used sole).y for NISIDENTIAL LOT resldenEial purpoees and upon r.rhich noc more than one bullding concalnlng not motre Eh&n cwo dwelllng untts, and oee bulldlng or a part thereof conralnlng garage sp&ces, may be consCrucLed. A cracc wlchin the Subdlvislon chac shall remain ln 1ts natural and undissurbed EEace or rnay be landecuPed with grasseg and planc material lndlgenous Eo chc stte. Is a term:rs deflnod in Scctlon 3.II.04 of ehe Zontng Resolution of Eagle CounEy, Colorado. Thac portlon of cho Cr:uncy of Eagle road knoqn as Llon's Rldge Loo!, ruhicii is located wichtn ParcEl A, Lion'e Rl dge Subdlvlslon, Fi Iing No . 2 , EagIe Corlncy.CoIorado. DE,F IN IT IONS Z.GI'NERALPURPOSESlTlresecovenancsandrescrlcclons u." .li" for-hf pu4;?G-of creaclnS'., and kceping cho sub- al"iuton tniofar a" ioeetble destrabic' acEracEive' bonefl- cial and sulCabIe in'aichiteccural dcstgn, rnaEerials and aDDeaEance: and euardtnq agninsc flrce and unnecess&ry ;[[;;i;;;;i.-"itfi-inu-"8c"7"r beausv of -thc subdtvlslon all for Che mucua1 bcncflE'and protecCi-on of thc owners of any Iand tn the Subdtvlslon, ani for rhe beneflr of uhe CounEy of Eag1c, Ehrough Ehe Board 3' USIIS: A1l shall faIITfihin and use defLnitLons: (r) Lots and TracEs ln Ehe Subdivlsion be rcscricted Eo tiro followlng land DEFIN ITIOI.I LOT DDSCRIPTION Duplex Unit Rcs ldenElal Open Space 4.APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTI,OI'I PLANS:(a) No bulldlng or oEher sE?[dEi?e-TEE c constflicEtd; erecEed, or maln- tai.ncd on any Lol-, nor ehall any addlclon chcrcto or aLter- ation or change Ehereln be made- unELl cor,rpletc plans and spectflcatloni have been submlttcd to -the CounLy of Eagle - "ira Uy lE approved ln wrlting, as evidenced by ls.suance of appllcable Councy of Eagle bulldlng Permlcs. (b) The followtng speclflc resrrlctlons sha1l Sovern con6tructlon on any Lot r .a SITD COVEIiAGE AND DENSITY: LoE Tracr Loes 1 chrough /+, incluslve TracE A A buildtng olEuaEed o aI Lot and con- tatnlng a dwelllng unlc or dwelllng unLts shall nos exceed 25"A LoE coverage, and each dwelllng untt wlthln such buildlng shall nor conraln more chan Z,ZOO squaro f eec of G. R- l-. A. (f f ) SET BACK REQUIREMENTS: Mlnh:iurn sacbacks for Ehe locaclffi relacions to property l1nes shall be 25 feet from Ehe Road right of way and 15 feeC from aI1 oEher propert.y llnee, except aa oPeclfically provlded for parklng Btructures hereln- be low. (f11) BUILDING HEIGHT: No structure locaced wlchln the SubdiviE-io-i--6'EEff-exceed at any polnt on thc atructure three stories or a maxtmum helshr thirr: would exceed the air space found wLthln a 30 dc[ree acute engle wich the base of the anRle belne Ehe plane of the Road and c,hc apex of the an{ei betn[ the tenrer llne of che Rosd as 8ho'tn ln uhe Prellmlnary PIan for Phase V approved by the Board on Aprll 30, iggO (the "plan"), wiri.l.tev"r ia Iess (1v) PA-R.KI!qG, REQUIM)IENTS: (aa) For Lcuo I and 2 parking shal-@onsiruction cf a parking sLructure in substanEially che form of that certaln singJg parklrrg, structure approved for such Locs J-n Ehe PIan. - (bb) Iror Lots-.3 and 4 p.rrlclng sholl be provldecl by conscructlon of a parkfnL :rruicuru ln suLeEanelaIIy Ehe form of chat Eertlin single parhlng scrucEure approved for such Locs in rtrd Plin. -2- 't (cc) No bulldlng permlc for any Loc shall bc teeued until such clmg ae a bulldlng permtt for chc relnted parklng SCructure has been lssued or uncll ruch parklng sEruccure has been conscrucced. (v) ACCESS VISIOII REQUIREMENTS: At Ehe polnc of lntersecELOn of Ehe access ronda Eo thc abovo rererencco parlclng sErucguree and tftc paved porulon of uhe-Road, Ehere shall be an uninuerrupted llnc of vlslorr from such lntcrsecuton polnEs fot a dtetancc of I50.0 feet of che lengElr of qire Road tn eicher dlrection from suclr lnt,erscction poincs . (vl) be provlde llml Ea Eton fooc Aspon ae aPPraved ln ul're Ptan lrrcluding vrlEl'rout each planClng area containirrg five 8 ro 10 (v11) BEIAINAGE--4ND sroMcI: For oach Loc, reualnagc walls, rock:t@eas and snow si:orage areas shall be provlded ae approvecl ln rhe Plan. LANDSCAPIIIGr For each Lou, lsndscaping shall Ercce end threa 5 to 8 fooc Blue Spruce Erees 5. ISSUANCE OX' CERTIFICATE orfinalc@ on LoE I or Lot 2 unCll euch- rlme OCCUPINCY: (a) No ternporery I-T-siuG-Tor a dwelllng irnic a cert{ftcaEe of occupancy has tssued coverLng the enElre parking BtrucEure lntended to scrvlce both of s"Id Lote and ail ret;lnage and snow 6torage for boch of sald Lots ttugt be completed pilor to the lgsuaice of . a _temporary or f lnal cerrlf 1ca'te of oteupancy on elrher of saj.d LoEo; provlded, hor+ever. Ehat a cemporiry -cerrlflcace of occupancy may lseue condltlonal upon future cbrnpletlon of rarloacaplng arrd pavtng. requlred on elther of eald Lots. , (!) No.temporqry gr f1na1 cerEificace of occupancy shall lssue ror a dwellJ.ng unlt on Lot 3 or Lot 4 untll guch tlEe ae a cerEl-flcate of oc6upancy has lssued coverlng the enElre parklng sErucuure lntended to- aerVlce boch of eaid LoEs and arl retalnag6 1p! gnow sEorage for borh of sard Lors must be completed prior Eo tlre isEucnce of a Eemporary or ftnar cerrlfLcate o'f occuplncy on elEher_of oald LoEs; irroviied, however, that a Eemporary'""ttiii- !?tf of occupancy _may- lesue condLtton"i t pon fucurl conilerton or randscaptng and pav{ng requlred on eirher of sald Lots. res rrlc rrons ;mffio; tained herorn :l:11^?..I:r-.!I:,lenef{r or ."na urndiiii-,u";-;;;h- and every 6. -, -EI_rucT,AND_D9IiATJON OF INSTRTMENT; The cond{Etons, -3- parr- of the subdrvlsron, ana-;""ir-;"";; ;f-;";;;;ti"ir.,Ii.ii., 11: t:,:11:, -q35gonnl. regresenr"iiv"", Euc_cessors anb asst6ns'anq sualr conElnue ln fulr force and effocE unEll Januar! r :: ii..,t::l' ?999 A,D., u"J ir,uruaf Eer-ior u"cce""r.," periods oE ru year6 eachr-unloss at lea.sE 1year_prior to Janirary 1,2000 A.D., or aE lessr r y;";-;;I.i t"-l,trl-""piii.io, ot,u'y l!:!.19:Vear pertod of extendei durarion, rhts InsrrunenE 1s cermrnaEed as provlded herelnbelow, by reccrrded inscrumenr dtroctinE tcrminac,ron, H"tilrri-.oncatned rrereln strarl be cons l:rue(l to llmLe . the Doarct fioo .*"r.ising t cs rlgiris ,<Jucies and obllgaclons;;-;;y-;; p::ovlctorl t; t;;.- r .".r ^I- ^g.IlDryIU; .The conclirlous , res urlcttons , s Eipu-i:.1:t", aBreemeDrs and covenant€ cqnEaineri horeln slratl'noc De abaqdone(l . rerrnl.ated, or a.ren(lea eicepi <i j -rrv wrlrEen consent of rtre o$ner-s .oE'75"7" "r lr-t" r,"'ts incr.uicl wrchin che borrndarles of che S"Uafviiiii"-l"i by approval of che Bonrcl, or (ii.) aIl sucir provistons ";;;o;;i"g-uni'rer"-r.r! co zoning Ii::::: by. incrlpcndsnE ;";i;;;-;l-'En""d."ii""i'-f,ov uo Per-m:.ttcd by Iqre. or 9lta .a ' o Y ;; ;i;e iiouitto"" of ut'i" Il::::T:"t'rhreaEon co violS 8.EIIFQRCDIIENT; If any PerEon shall-violatc or i;^;i;;ri rle riwlti-f;;'che Boari, or. anv P:TsPn.or pcrsons owning a roa r pt"p.ili i;;";;;;-i"-h,u''s"t;i:i "l:1,.i:. ::'.tlF"t"iilllEoi"ll'i."ii['ii'r.i"!iii;i il i.io'"" Erre.provisr-ons of tlr{ q Tnstsrumant. co- io;-itain u[r" PGrEon violatlng or EhreaEe proceedlngs ag law ar ln equt Ey Eo enlgrse Lrrct t'av thLs rnstsrumenc' lo-iol'[tai.t u[t" P";;;n vioratlirg ?t-:Il:?.tening'iia-il:i!i"'"i-a'ot;s;;, ecEual aid Bill!L:i'iia"iIiI!'.ilIii"r""tii, "I"""'our"' uEr"i.oyr I feee, for such vlolations. 9. SIiVEMBILITY: Invalidatlon of any ono .of che pro*riiiorr"tiffiii=ffiir"i"n-C-[i-"ouit ordei or- decree eharl i;-;;-;;;-"Ii";;-;'t-';i-ti," -"tt!r provlslons, whlch sharr rernain l-n full force and effecc. VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD. ' A -Colorado llmlced PalrnerEhlP P, 0, Box 915 Vail, Col,qrado 81657 #tffi 3149, Va!}, Colorado 81657, ae AitorneY In Fact for Vallev Asebclatea, Lbd,, a Colorido llmlced ParcnerehlP COUNTY By and BOARD O OF EAGLII. STATE OF COLOMDO through icro ranE, STATE COUi{TY EXECUTED ae of t\*e :ZQ rlay of ay.&L-, 1980' DY; BYr BY: BY: Wltnesg my lron<l and offl,clal eaal. Hy cornmiseion exptres : The-,^foregoing inetrument was acknowlodgod befora ma ;:';,,#o ali 7t !tk%*' ol3 3 !i "tI"T'l ll:T i' .liil; o"Iinlted parEner$hlp. ATTEST T c"*n1";i;;;rz- /*WW"Ti"ilz,llr &, /n,f3 -4- FIRST AI.{ENDMENI TO PITAIINED IJNIT DEVETOPMENf PtAII FOR TTIE VALLEY - PHASE V RECITALS 1, VaJ-J-ey Associates, LtC., a Col.o::ado 1i-mited partnership, and county of Eag1e, state of colorado by and through its Board of Count| Commis-sioners (the "Board" ) executed and caused the Planned unit -Development Plan (the "PUD") for The valley - Phase v to be recorded Noirember 25, 1980, ln Book 313 at Page 857 of the real- property records in the office of the C]erk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. The PUD provid,es that the PUD may be amended by wriLten consent of the owneis of 752 of the l-,ots (as defined in the PUD) included within the Subdivision (as defined in the PUD) and by approwal of the Board. $ilf 3. The Subdivision, being the has been annexed into the Town the Town of Vail the successor under the PUD. The Town of the PUD 1. of 2. in real property covered bY the PUD, of Vai], State of Colorado, making in interest. Lo the CountY of Eagle 4. .752 of the owners of the Lot and the Town of Vaif desire to amend the PUD. AMENDMENT undersigned, being the owners of 75% of the Lots and Lhe Vai1, dJ hereby consent and agree to and do hereby amend as follows: sections 4 (b) (iii) , + (b) (iv) , + (b) (v) and 41f ) (wil) the PUD are hereby deleted in their entirety' Sections 5 (a) and 5 (b) of the PUD are hereby del-eted their entirety. As modi_fied herein, the PUD remains in ful-l- force and effect fN WITNESS ITIHEREOF, the underslgned Amendment to planned Unit Developmenc effective the 25th day of April , 1996. have executed this First for The Valley-phase V OIIINER OF LOT 2: Burghardt OF LOT 3 and 4: TO$IN OF VAIL Lars OVINER Attested: Town Clerk STATE OF COLORADO Rr,r.-r . Robert W. Mclaurin Town Manager ill* courvrY oF houJde(EA: . rhe foreooing instrument was acknowledged. before me thi-s lSt aay Lf f,€;:l+, Lg96, by Helga Burghardr. witness *y h*lv-nd of f ici"t "..a.(Notarial Seal) My commission expires: STATE OF COI.ORADO COIJI{fY OF EAGLE zdn" ,."."'i:ffidf,'*ryi;"'g-1.'oriinc'..[;: - -.- lF r$: -r.-- -- a.ll ir.l *iagvro$.'N Lt4;....--..,'ib$iz-bt,'ti'{} E'E|: foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of April , 1996, by Lars Burghardt. STATE OF COI'MTY OF COI.ORADO EAGIJE as: irltr$v $bHyh.""'^')1,"'" hrNw .)-. {A- . -' s lrlnt-:rr'rl Drrl-rl .i d r/lr s!rf v qf;rftff Mv cof;lission aa: official seal- PubIic ission .l fIh" foregoing inst.rument was acknowledged before me this :l day of April , 1996, by Ronnlr ,f . Ff aum. Wltness (NotariaI S STATE OF COLOR.ADO COI'IqTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of April , 1-996, by Robert W. Mclaurin as Town Manager for the Town of VaiI. Witness my hand and of f i-cial seal-. (Not.arial SeaI ) Notary Pubfic My commission expires: 3 1ds \wj p\phasew. tov PaBC [57 Recorrlcl: . 'ohrtnr!t t.. TI.ANNED UNIT DEVEII)PITENT PI4N ,1 F(rR t-. "j .)'y t ./ Tl{E vALt.Er - pHAsE v.- t- . t, .-./ ni i c!ni,(t _(,, j.)r- t'hillinr.f;e courr; vAt.LEY ASSOCIATES. :TD., a-Colorado llotccd prrEncrrhlp : . ,.. [,1":]:1"::^l:-1.: .:]-".::"::q-"lu-l;iiairii' ;fi;,:;i-;ii-;i' .,,, iii. i:ii:!'I;ilii":i.ll:. !li.*t*il-i:*i;li:l;:iu:i:*"q.' i. :l',ftnat ptal_of rrhtah r;;.-iiii"ilc-it'i.;;dit' v'rer"e' roc ;l ili;; "ru:'i l!i-q5#,'i: " ril: ii.:#:: *:H m , :, . i;..r..,. r' - ''; . .. -Declarant doer hereby r,ekc. puLtkh rnd drcier. ehrt :. , :*-J?l:?!ll8!3rnt.covcirrncr,-c6naili6ni;.;;;;;;.;reacrtcEtonri user.-rc.crvar{o"", irnii"'dilr;';;il;;iigactonr..:,i,' ,,t. -, . rltall bc decncd ro run erch-rh;-ianii-ir]iir br e.burdcn.and. : ,i-:. ::"**r:F ;:-h"ri.:"::r l:: ;l:"ii'jii.-iiii-"ilri.llHi lii!.: ,;{ :..i :,r-i^r[s DencrrE Eo D.c).rrrnt. rcr rt'cccrroir and arrtgnrrqend ;ir;.:,';i :..'...:1".i^ti counrv of Enrre,_by_"ni_itiio"g[-IlI ao"ra or coin-lj,::ciniursrloncrr.]:_ir,i .. ( the ,'Boar.tl,L ano .ny peraon or €n ', - ii iir;*i:i** iii'lu:ri:*i:tifl*:hlkrrffii:::,::,:i,1iii,d , - H"ili: :*i:it :t!_*:"H:3i:ffi*';1, t;*:n*nFhllll;:i:i:r ;.rli:'t4 : 5:;il:::' "i:iiilliii':" ",. ae:rona l, rr'l;tir::rlli:,:; 5;ffi , ',.r,., i l. ogrittiFonii. As. used hereili, rhe-ri;i .;:. ." : and tcrr.s FFEIT_-lllfin" toiionrni-il-ii"rniii:. - 4LuZ:t:i o -., : ':;';.r l,{:];,;a_1.-r:: , ' Thg Vdllcy I Phase ..:n j'," anC;plant oaterlal indilenous' PLAl{ rLtc. - , knowr' rr LtJn; c l"Sl g.{ writrin - paiiEi fr -11";t;-il il''r"r'' +';j i"'ii'l#r'r *ijl:::i;i:irii;i=fi"l z;" #qie: lff .,;'.;S:1 ' 'liii i 5:i -1.:- :.-(_:l{1;,_. {.a.t ' ,' ''l:- ". . ;.'; 8!aLr. or'-i-ul, .ii"il'"1il"'aliii'l i!"'i" .* *,"l.ii ll!;1'*' *'.:'1"1 t"1t*i"1ii.U: ,oifi ,],ffii' ir t.'1:li.1',1 :;ii *.g,il":i:,::lii;iii:*rl.i:;.:i:Hf.l* :rui g,*;-,:,,,.,,iil lf,ilgrllffi."^:Ld-*d-r.csr-rn .'h'.IP,1!!:il'' t'':ii urc dcfintetonJl.- _..- D. r..rrtc!.d to tbr rotio.iii_ilnc :..,.5 DEFInrrr@ . a, *rc*rrrrou .,. , .r, , '-:giil"Hli *. r.r! I cr,ro,rgbro:., ioa . - Opcn gprcc irrct' ;lt'lio":""ig-1'li-l:; +ir'ffiTffill;,,TilL.; lI lill:i,' : j I :l.l:_ :1,1 lg ".- ifi .;i" -;:'il:'di'li lf i "*iT:. t:ll-!rF :;a - ;d;ff .S.li I'ocat''qt ;.:ffi":ii$ ;,t"i:::r, :rr; f;i:; :i:r 3;";*gi"i:i#:i : ili,f*fixu.*i,"{;::*s.ti*l,li i ,,:;,,.ii'., ;: ;, ;;" r",- ?jr.:il;;;:::Il::i$,f, . {"") No bulldlng pernl r f,.rr an;, Loc rha 1l bc rlrued uncll such ttoc !r a brrt ld{n!, perni: fcr che relaced -parklng rrrucEure hae been isluea-or untft such perklnt str.ucturc har becn consEructed. (v, ,\ccEss vrsroj!_EEeurR4lrEl3g:_ Ar- rhc potnc of lntereec t l6ffiE-i:'lic Tcccrr roeds ro che rbov! icfJiencea 131rrna.scru.ccurca and chc pavca porifJn-oi tts Roi,t;---Enere. aharl ue ast unl,nlcrrupccd tine of vlelon fronr the.re. Bhall be arr untnccrruiccd tine of viit on-fiulr . ' r:: '"r ;:':such. lncercccrto'r potnrr fol ; ,l::Ji;n"i ,i-iiii.o.il"t ,, ' '.of che le.rgth of cire p.ord tn iiiii"i-Jri""trJn'iiri:lfu6 :.4.,;':::j \..rnrcrsecclon pointa. . I i''jii .-i,-. ,t l iiiil ;i, . (vt). +NpscApn{c: For cach Lor, landsceoi;i'irn"iil ' ,i;:L' .li ue provlccc ag aosroved Ln the plen lncludlng- vtEhout,il . ..:,1' ,... ..llnltatlon each liarrclJrg aree conEalnlng ifvi g io iO;tr:'. lrf,, ^...;,..looc Aspen treer and thicc 5 ro I foor Elu. Spiuce.ii..", i , ii. ,.-.yl'Ii1,}..ry..l.''']'l*i'il;iiii'l*liliii:li;et'air'ua-iioiio.o ae,approved r" rh":$i.ii_'J;ii.t.9.i,18ir"Is,"l:if i', ..riiii or fliar c i-;i&iirii:T;il;:: 5d;l " ;:::tiliiff"ffiI;i'i.'o-i;i on Lo! 1 or Lor 2 wrclt. aucrr'ii6e-ag-" ..iiirilii;,,#"=i;;iiFeil'i:iiid;;;r1r.,, .. . i$;::Tf.,i"ii"llto'*.f!$.ll'fi"l iuro"rure tncrnuii-'.o='li :":f ,ii;i::i,:.,; i ;' ' ili-[iir.-Ji"rlia"i,., musr. be conmrorarr :i9i^l1l^Tl1;.,ait'rage "'r.,'-i"i::, :.ri ;''ror uoitr-oi-''iia-ii't' musr. be ""'pr;;;eTfio;1:o?"* ijilifi!" ,''r'",'i;::: ir:'-'; of.a -ce'porary or frnal ""riiri""[!:ii-o""rrp.rr"y.irn clther or.:t.lil: tr, :li: :::1""'::::-t:'*3:9'^*::::::'tt:!--"'ieiliffiit:a?;-;fi;i;!l iiii';,iJiir,.';,i occupancy'uly r","'.diiiliil"i"iJ."1.:FiH::'iL;i3:l*::F:,:erjr:.liL+:'r..1I randscaplns and. pavlns reelircd oi gr,trrei:of.;iljtlj:,i,i . .:;;li,_,.;;, , .,::,,,0. ,EFfE-_ -"''.r...1 ..:--l---'"':--::"':--j.::.'.'':.:.'.. ii'.':,,.restrictl.,"IIEa:filglt;.""i.':.'::,..'}..j.i.' , . sharl be for'rhe.L"".ii"-ir-iia-iiiar"e upon each anot'"Jr" 'i;;,i'.*. i.,'.,,,,1.: ' l?:.,:I_!h"_!:!9ilisi.", ""a-1,'i"ii-Iin# ;F-;,;;;;.i=inU!id" ; i i.,,.." , ,r, :. ..,) ., " .i:--" v..,E,*L..i.. .,r s*q.!oEs.,,,:: . ;1... ., ill j;f :.J..' , . , . (g) . No,tenrporary or,ilnali cer-d{trcai.'of -t"i.rolily...alra1i., ,!\;ii,:,;:.=,r.-.. . i lssue for a 0v11i11q i,nrl orr-r-ot-5r;;-;;:4 ;iii:ilfiiifi:*r iit.",r;:i iii;'':,.. .i' ' a. certlf,icgte_of ocEupaney.her- i"pr;gg cover_tnll!6e _;ftiF. parklngi. rl ,!;.:..1 '' +;' atrucrure lnt€nded to- serllce bodr bf, eard:r,JEa-liina.ii,i.-:;.ii1;;;:1. l,.:,;i:.g ' - '*and anow aro'rige for boti*i-r"ii.loii;'ffilT; i;;il;iEi[a .prror .froi ji.=-..1.*. r ' r r' rhe rssuanbe or,a-cernpoial giJr"Ii Eaiiiirilc!-iiiE'lEup"r,"y on ;,.,,-i:,,!.... ,:.!. elcher-of'sald Lota; iroviied;i;frop9v.9p; that,r a ..rerpolrary_:: certlfi- \i;.; I r;;..rt.t-' '.'.i:.r cece cf occuDa'rcv.oiv'r"eue-c6;di'ii$li ifr[i.L;IilI=iffi'rl.i'iii:-:,::]..*ii'. ".i . of lendrchplirg airo pivini t"ili;"iiilTi;1ffi ;;;iariil....r,..:,.:;....- :.:.jr:;a :. , ,ln thd.',ilidfr # i ;ir *!i iit:i'$l] "'.., ,,,:. -., .,...taqlgnrf agEFA.E-end -cj,.'i.,1:;,':'.; i .;?? sbandolqd ,., rerarlnd tc it:lir-,,':"tJta.r$;li ep"l -iii;ii.i:; n; r,.E r.rrr Ene.oenetlc.ot and blnding. upon each and.biery :r:.',,:, <t. :.,i.,. .tl.'; parr of the subdlvisi.", ""a-lr'i"ii-il,i# ;F-;r;;;;t|=inu!r.i " :.1.!,. ,,,* '' lii. !i:i i' "Bff irffi '6"Hr r;i::!i :rr ik:n H ;;i;$f i:Hi i'i,i,.r;ir:; +i :r ' ' . 1l fld..l::::'199o ,r.o-,"-a"a:,;[;;J;.-.. i"-i"i!liri!. iliioi" .'.,'', iitti ::;ii..*:'2000 A.D- , and',therearr"i roi-euc.."'Jri.. frii.i": '.r:, r:,li ;;ir..r eacn;-unreas at lcl'!t 1.-ycar- prlor co Janirary.l,.:.';i-".::. .Jl::+.or at.lceac'. 1 ycar prlor:fo,ttr!.-:cpriatioii-o11.ni.,,.:ii;i,S-,:.1i; p' perlod . of ext cndcd, duret lon ; k[G . i;; ;;;;n'6 lJi 1 i., :1';: ; fr r -.,=,s'g- :Ll:::i ::o i *::*t::1T:-tl-:*r9:91rv;;G;;:: f;:,, $ i;:;, ;i. id-,;;;u:;;t,'#i;,".'li.illji'i:;.::'o:ff:.::T:"ff#.fr ,,i.;.f :iL;11 ,. ' : ' ' 2000 +iD,r; or ar'ro""g:i ii.i-iho" ro..thc..rcolrarlon ' 1' ,'.1 -:..,:!:5,iqjii:;np.irii-ii'!*i;;.[lduratlon.-rhrr rn"t*olftii],ri'i:;:;1:.:'!.rf . : .. :,.. .': ,.ucr\ lo-yeariperl.od .of extcndci, aureiion;,t[il-i;;;;il;;.6]ii,1.,,ii;f;r-.l,rJ ''',' - , i..'*r[i#liffu.:Ll#:ii:i,T::**:'x:ii-ii"ii!:i:ril#ii.'.f;i] :.F i;,:, ' r ,::':l'i:l;:i*s tititi:ltil; ;$:ltis.ffi':I"::"f,:::l;ili:iHfi: rr,i15li ''fii ,ir::r'liiiilfi:l;:::,i,ibiiillilfi!:l3"il'lii'offi4ti.i:iiii:i',:'r,{'.,,;:iir-.;lilrlj r:4l'1i,,''.:'..'".*ol;-].ffi#*x*.l:*::l.,.'::.j;'"'::f:::1;:1$::.'i;;:l.i:i# :;i:i!L:ll " of rrtthln '?o"?"' * '1*-''' . E. EltOBgEUEl|T r tf rly pcrdon rhell vlolecc or l clr.eaten rdlro-rrffinv. ot trl iii"iiliil'ir *,i, -i.J lr,-.r,t,lc chall be lerrful for- chc foari, or-aiy-p.rron o! pea.ona T1lq,i rcel propcrty. rncerer i -in -ir,.-'i"Ear"iiton iJ-iu-iit.,rt"proccedln',s sc rau or ln cqurly to cntoici-tti-pi6"iiroi;-;i*-chi.a . rne rruuei:r, !o rcr rrein - ii.,r -;.;;;- ;i.iic tii- ir- irrii"Ilrrr.,Ec.violare Bhen, and to r."o""i-dil;;;;, -iit,oi--i"i-ntiii"Ii: ,"and.costs Eogecher t'rrh reaionrurc aEiiinli;ii"Ii] I;::;fi1."vlolaE(onr. ', o* "1'.i"1i" : , *,,r 3 i o,," ffi*!i*li,J:;:,it":lil.'i,il, or decr€e she l r it :il;ii";ii;:i"ht":i.ff,::li,"i$i,3ilit,eti:f;.ii"ir', -,,i ;,1;,., ' I'" ' t'' :' t ':' '1 i :' '':l E.\rcuTED as of chlr po day ot A,v-L,'i , rgao-l '.: l,i _l , gs or Etrlt ZL- day of, Aly.tLi,. , l9g0 ., . , .. : ,i: VALLEY ASSoCIA?ES; LTD;: .N. -1i- , .;i-1.'ir ii laiiricienrp " .".i .*i,. , 'j.:'.7, t:.':';-:..:ii ., -.irr''i :v u)' -i . ',"ii : . ."; " -.",i".'"il; . + .', .r- Comle e l;xrerr t 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (30s) 479-2139 March 27, 1991 T.rrvi Fi f ..h The VaIIey Condominiums Board of Directors P.O. Box 3176 Vai1, Colorado 8i"658 REs Future Developnent in The Va1ley Dear Tom and Board of Directors: office of communily development I'le recog'nize your concern and appreciate your interest pertaining to the development of the remaj.ning phases of The Va11ey developrnent. If there are any changes to the current development plan, the proposed projects would be reviewed by the planning and Environmentar commission (pEc). At this tirue the iondominium association wourd be forrnalry notified by rnai1, however, if they choose to develop as per the existing approved plans, no adjacent property owners would be notified. These iterns would be reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) if they stay with the existing plan or change the pJ_an. There is no forrnal notification of adjacent property owners for iterns being reviewed by the DRB.Agendas for both the pEc and DRB are pubrished in the Vail- Trail prior to the neeting date. we wilL try to notify you. rt would be in your best interest to track the vail Trail weekly for any iten pertaining to this area,since we are unable to guarantee notice for iterns wt:_cf, have no adjacent property notification requirement. Thank you very rnuch. \,^ ^ \\ui\r---- ara l S anQ \",-- l /l rt{-i The Offi Y, f Cornmunity Development / dtu As some of you are no doubt aware, there are a coup1e of developments up Buffehr Creek Road that may be co*iog on Line at some point this sunrner or next,. r believe Ltre one below Ttle valtey near Buffetrr creek is to be by Ed zneimer, and the one above .r,he valley by st,eve Gentzler and/or ,Jack snow. we at, the Varley condorniniums would very rm:ch like to be kept informed arld updated of any developments pertaining to the development of these properties. Particularly we are interested in the overall design and look of these projects. specifically, we are concerned thai the meadows, hillsides, ald woods be 1eit. in their natural state as much as possible, and t,hat the impact Eo the environment is minimal . (we had heard that, rnany J_arge trees would be removed in Gentzlers' plan and we feel that *ould not be good.) Please keep us advised of key meetings and steps in the approval process for develo-p,ments up Buffehr creek noaa. you can correspond \^rith us at, this address and phone nuriber. rhark you very rnrch. since2Lyl { /flu- Tom Fi-tch O r:il I'IAR 2 71991 The Vail fown CounciL Ttre Vail Design Review Board The Vall Planning and Development Dept.75 S. Frontage Rd.vai1, Co. 81558 iaarch 26, LggL The Va11ey Condominj_ums Board of Directors PO 3175 Vail, Co. 81558 47 6-7202 t I : : BRowlgretn HYATT FARBER & MADoEN r,oRxl|| oFtt9|lSlgtF JTCX R, HYAIT StlvlN rr- r^F6€a l.A;rd f. (Egdr|Ro kEhNerS H. fiOEth5 Joria{ \r, l.looEft lr .JArt(s s. rarrca! IOWARO N- BAFTP gterrer *'- atett a oiucr 5 t. ?t50A!E rgN|tElH n, aeNNt{Grot roxN a cAtt ror cagpggl grtvar| x.60r|lER5 THOTAS L. SrFIC(utr0 Hl*l^|| 6. Agf,^n4Fi AIIN ', RIIEY ior{l!D 9, tEillLl tlN0 A retflvE Lrs^ totSY?rr tlrrFA JEAr eHFTgT AX nox^t0 A. r,|l(!€n STEVEI.I C. OEHEY ATlORE!,f W. IOEWI CllAR!33 9. wrrTE r A FROFESSIONAL COFPOFA'ION ATTQRNEYS AT LAW TI{ENTY-SECOHO FLOOFI {IO 9EVETTEEHTH STFgEI DENV€R,CoLORADO 6Oeoe-4a68 tClgFHON E (3o3) 534.6335 fELEcOFTEF (303) 6e3.t856 ?eLgcoPraR {303} ag5-6607 a9EEFr Y.. NrCtOLg WATflE N. 'IYTAN t^e( J. !tCXAFggqt rt t, lOrrrSE FOI'ttFO-Aft oo0 5tANLEY l,6At tE T l.rcrlEr R.l.l.gtltr.l3 xtcri^El J. StESnrcr wr!r.r^X 0.|.gLelFt caFr n, Pgrta u34loeAfi na'r c t Foftr,t^d 98iJCE A-J^$Eg oOvGL^5 5. a,r'rorCit lSYtR r. EgxsrRo.t Dot{ltll J.6rt.Lrl glgvaH J. corr!N COrt flNEGAr. itAacaaE f. FoFarDc *taot|TIED r|t €atrro*hrr Ot,lll LOS aNG aLSS, CALtFOENTa OFFrat TELEPfiOt{E (2r3) 2AB-O870 T,7l D.ATE: TO: FROM: TELECOPY: , SENDINC j.ovER PAGE) :]OUNTER ANY e cAtL ouR February 22, 1990 Kristen Prita Steve Sommers r-47 9-21s7 YOU A PlcE TELECOPY (INCI,UDING . IF YOU DO NOB RECEIVE ALL THE PAGFS DlF'FICULTIES WIOH THIS TRANSMXSSION i oFPrcs (303-534-633s)THAI]K YOU.i La BRowNsrErH Hvnrr FIRaER & MAboEN HCR!.rr gRgkrisrEr',.r grEvlrr ,4, SovMEis . 'tf N" tlaf' TtoltAi L,sTFtcn!..No 9':1Er.r * fl{FgEF llr.qr^H l. IARAH}'L5 x^Pi., !8o!^Ro aRr. 9- trl|-lY x;{\i:r r( AcEtHs ictlAlo ir. r€€Rr!,- JoiN w. t4oofH rll LlfrgA ^. vrNElvE j^rts s rA+irE! ltSA tJSt5lErh tiwlFo ll a^aAo IIUFA JEiH Ci,Frslxr 3TErr.Er r.{ riErt t ROrlatSr.1rrL:{F OiuGLA.: n. tr!ol;-I SrEtEil ;. 9EitEY \Eh,aErr F eEliNlr.jtor 4Nifg,v w' togwr ,ro|t r',:^L- crAPLt! 8,'tvrtlE T !cr cqu,rseL A FROFES5Ic NAL COaPORAI jOH ATTORNEYS AT LAW fWET{TY-9ECONtr FLO6R 4IO 5evENTEENTH STFEET TeLetrHONE 13O3) 334- 8333 YeLECaPIEF (303I i3t3-rggE ret-EcoFiER (303) a9-1.eeo? nogEtr |. dtcFolg ry^YrlE f. ltrir|l|)r WAYiTE H. hlxaH 8a!CE l.-AxEg HAEX J. trctAhogoti tt q^q! C, Ftr|rfr a, l-Aq'58 AohiafiO.rlwot j gOlJSr,As 5 ^rr?.rat,'STI|LEY t.GatriS?1 PEI5t -I Eatsttlt oiMVER.CoLoRAOO gO?Oa-ai8A t'lcH^EL t' tc6lrihr3 SoNrlA'i ErLLrE rllClA€L J, STEFillc{ lttvan J. COitrN wru^N a rulcABY cot-E nrig{^H 6AiY r'r. FEfFt tltRq^tl r t,FcF.f 13.) uSa i{oGafl "loltYtEo rl ctLraouu olir LOS A{G ?1ts5, gALIFORTTA OffrCE iELEPN OHE (ar3) agg-O€7O February 22, 1990 VTA ?ELECOPY KriEten Pritu Conrmunity Developnent Dlrector Town of Vail 75 S, Frontage Roacl Vall, CO 81657 Dear Kristen: Attached is a cop:r of the nap anil legal d'escrlptlon for part of Farcel A, Llonshead Rid.ge, Flllng No. 2, which is the subject matter of a potential sale, Please revlew the encJosed documents and advise aE to '"rhethe:r vie have any problems with respect to the Tovrn of Vai-l subi.ivision re<rulations. Please call if you have any guestiens or comments ln thls regard. Thank !'cu for your attentlon to this matter. Very truly yours, ->te,r#"*W Steven M. Sqnmerd 8l'ts/p jd Encl-osures F EE Z: ','lil t:r: 55 ALTA fbe land referred to ln f,ollo$g: EI(EI{T APPIication l'lo' v14620 '";#fi#;ltgl"3"l$ FA^R.EL I rroNs*: zND FX',IilG qol'IU SCIIEDULE Y e - chafEcs - AI,ltA guner FolicY Tax Certlf '--torAr.-- '',,, Wittt your ranittance pl€aee ,?:.i: Effcctlve Uate! Novauber 29' ?ollcy te be leeued, and ProPosed rrALEArt OtfierlS FoliCY r[6--4-iiio- (ernencea xo-1? -? o) PrcPoeed Ineure4: I{ILLTI}ISREA'TycoRF,,l.ColoradoCorperation Ehe estate or inta!€Et ln the 1-111 descrlbed or rgf,err6d to this Contri',-nent ail-"Jte""d herein lst A Fee $irnP1e title !o the eFtate or interest csvered berein is at the liilEtl"" datE hereof vested in: NCffB SEXAS NATIONAL BAflX thlg cPlosltuent is degcrlbed aE $1, 111.00 $20. oo $1, 131. 0o tefet to V1'4620' 19s9 st 8:00 l't{' InEuredt 9425, 0oo. oo In 4+v*t q?f - dilF. * 17'r - 3/ r/ t1:t A p!3T oF PeacEr., A' r'''roN's RT99l-:uBDIvrsIoN' FrtTl'LG No' 2 A suEDrvrsrox neco*iil-irl'tsn oFTI-cI of rHE EAGI..E couxsx' corpRjlDo, ctERK o-"6"nE;oRi;ig, snro ii*i--or Fencer' A BEING tloRE ;H;i-ri.inil oesenrenD As FoLloHS : ES€IilNING AT A1{ EXISTIHG EFASS CAP T''ONIJMENf USSJilXG fIIE NoRrHI{Esf coR$ER,li"ir'ciroii-il,- tgdiiiiiG-sbutit, -RAlrGE 81 lrEs3 cF rfiE srxrH p*i*dini""*miigigf, r*ii:HEB-sourH oI DEGREES 35 MTNurEs 59 sncoNDi-rltis- r]es'sz'ruiil';rcNa tse llls'r lrNE oF sLrD FAscEt A AND sAl6"sicrrox- t-2, -i6 a-i-orxt oN lrP EAsrEBr''v Drdr{T oF t{AY I,rHs oi-LroNts RrDcE .d,o;; treNcs THE FoLr€l{rNG [GE OJ ratr\ttyt'31LI L qN!''I>r. 9.Idt] tr : A I CJE r e 'e -.; "'' 1l::9 C I .r: AL'tA C6H}TIT}.TENT SCT{EDUI.E A APPIlcatio No' Vl{620 rHo coL?-sEs ArsHG sArD RrGHT-ol.wA'J LrNE: (r)-lguls 21 DEcREss illiffi il' #iE"xJ: f I ef . is ii' Jnll ia'*."ilffi ;irgtr ji :' mXl rf nlf ;:ffi =S:f*qi iuii-'oi- pn an' e s-- g i-i r *urss a * sEcoNDs nru, ,oi]il iiii-ro 1_*o-rili'6u-rrrn-sourlERly LrNE oF sArD pArcEr- L' *'r'iotci-iuE-iqlgjiii iirnrE coqgsEs-ArdN6 s'\ID EouHDARY LrNE: 'iTi-iontri -si oeai;is^ilfu'yliils oo sEcoNDs EAsr ,532,e6 FEEr; t,l tiisiil'-ii onc*sss*ii iiwutis 0o sEcoNDs Ehsr ' 43o.oo FExr, t=i iliEiiil ;; qii4Fi i; ififtu'i;s oo'sEeoNDs EAsr ;:,,: ero. 00 FEEri r*nuti"iipGtlttg *iu-Ioriiinnr,v-l'r1T' NoRrE 44 .,. DEGREES ss ..{rr*i.;E-re-i;aoNu? gfi iilo?j-ir"r' Tffil{cE Eouft| 76 trEGRrEs cr xr*,iiE -sg iEioirbs wei'i iii'ir-reatr-8FEl'icE sowH ?2 DEGREES ,, u:noiii i; ;;;oliDs t19ii ;;:oo'reEqi tBENcE HoRrIl 11 DEGREp$ ag "=n ii! ol iiioiqos-E;i i6ii.s-e-rsET,--To A ForNr oN rtii NoRr'!{rar,v "iffi 6i ilrp "A*"Ei'^^if iirl--s1c11oN 12t TEENcE scutn *, o"o*t"it'ig-irri'ijris +r..sic6NG-t'Esr- s14'-5'e FEEE'lrdNc sArD NoRrH"e"" irfri 'do"iii-poiut-EF^'iioir"n-ixc, suE Ecf ro rHE ibr-,iowrxe ExcEYrroN ! EXcEFlrol{: ^s, PART Of r'roH's--}TPGE rSOP ROAD RrGIif oF WAY' DEDTcATED rar t.*?li ilwii;-Stpfi*-ox-slto rror{'E RrDGE suEDr.lrsrox, tiiiiq-rri'-' z' "Tlo.ry:iltl"a--s-iirp gl-mlrn ?0 FEsr tNliIE'tHnNpl,,iiil-gE-ieetoN^s}-ci^iioioi--ACENTERI'.INEtHAEIS i6ni-Faitlculrrr'i- psscRrBED As ForJol'ls : BEGIIIHI}IG AT A POINT ON TI{E I{EsT LINE OF SEIb ' SECTION 12 ' hlrElrcE r*r uo*rffili Eiiniii-or_ieii" ieci1'H _l1_EEARS NoBsB 0 1 DEGREES Tt uriiii- is -iitoiiut ne;i-rii ol ii-- seet^DlsrANr t rHsNcE AN .ARc brstr*d-;F ;;'li r!pq-ry'6ie*i-ioo'90 IgoT RArrus ctRvs to raE RrG:{r, ;AI^o ;;?G.-pytry;"Eniirnni oryqry^9t 1e DEcFrEs r.e Mrl.JrEs 4e !!ioNDi, orol e-*roil"i'rirt'r+r- ligFr' 61 DE*REES 21 MlFurEs. oo ii;;iioi'el,t1 .g.sE'l"i'r;-nr![q lgrt* ?t DEGRIES 01 tdrbr-rtg$ rc liEoiibi aesi-so'si iili; riisxcs-A$ IRc DrstlNcE ,,. oF ss.2s FEE' ;iliA-?- zo+rgl-I96t fraoiul cuRvq-Eo rl{E LEFl', ' sero cuelrE nrvixE-i Cxllinel-11ci'n bE-i+-nec4ns-ss HilntrEs 5r' MrNurEs, aou "*lloils-iiiir_-nl$:*tloii'n-is-nic3111 3:' MrNurEs 44 sEcoNDs "e,sruelii'iaib;-r15$q ;iEiiii ;; lqggf: 01 ltrt{ur's 48 sEcoNEs n*-rt ziil iz- iisi't -isrucs";;i-ari-nisraxcg oF e1' 2e FEEI ArrNG THE ARC oi'i-riel+i rusr iai*iul:'"unve To__TnE R'GHT' BA'D c$F.vE HAVIN€ a-isfrri"i-ryofl-gltTi-picnrCs 20 I{r$IrrEs 27 sEcoNDS, i.IiD i EiliieiittHer-EE-+Il n6e'iil-ts-olq11ls^ 12 llr$urls 0? sEcours ue., Jglil'ians' rIF{-qT 'ii;ffiii i+ oq9ry-19 22 t'IrNUl'Es 15 sEcoNDs"e"tj'ii]-.'.iia1;--nry1in'.iii.igi-ori!eu93oFl73"69PEET ArpNG A 440.2i-Fooi nipius cunv; A6 lirE ispr'-s*'ro eu:R\rE l{AvrHG .1. cEHrRr-t r*NGiE ot 2z P-Eg3lEl.t+ iir-'l$isJx-incoltDs AND A cHoRD rHAr BEARS noirx-zr-oEGREES on'iriiiliii-is -Eucouos El'sr t72'56 f.EET;THEilcIlioiiei-or_neiRsgs^aT.iiixiins-r+sucoxD$E}sT46.67 FEE*i rHElrcE r-i #"-iriitt"tf-gf 'gilii-iiri -1ry"9 A :'36'41 Foor RADtus c{rRJ-E to cHs BrGHf , sffn 6frffi nevilro A cENIRAIJ }NCLE Ol AGE 2 clp '-r I vn,.-3.IJ I r CINV'I*e!,.Is*bta.r 'tie 're'zc -fFF ee '98 1ei5E,5 .'n ALfA CO}T}IIf,UEN!! ECITEDUI,IS A Agpllcatlon No' V14620 40 DE.REE$ ?i lgffiI33 i3 3',:3il33'#iil:?iTffi'#ffili$ffi"ii nsGREEs oo llil1rygt 99 :ff;i$;: ;ffi; e;:ri rsErr THENSE AN rnq ;; ;EsREis 4? ulitxrEs 34-trluurEs.Hil"'i66i iripius-.ER"E Eo lt*ffitilffiiffi :e' ;''. DEGREE3 92 }tlXUt ,+ii: hGE 9?f-t rv/\,/'31&l& cINv'I x. ?2d.6? )47 ^+. --F-E :! ' :ra 1_ : 5T Pa rt {llsu of Plrcel A, Llonsridge. F'l I rng 2, kglrJwn os "Ths Yal ley, Phase Vl " l ir N $iu t".l 9.. a u s AD h't llnr.n tratrrr, !tlrntrt|lI ai 3hown orr Exnlblt A-t. (25,347 dcres more ur lus,l . V F. F "rF .b I H The Vall.ey Condominium Association P.O. -lox 3176, vai1, CO 81658 September 22, 1986 Mr. Dick Gustafson Mr. Jack Loughram Mr. Don Welch Board of County Commissioners 551 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 Re: El-k Meadows, A resubdivision of part of parcel A,Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, FilJ-ng No. 2 File #SM_467_95_E1k Meador^rs Dear Si.rs: The Board of Dj.rectors of The Valley Condominium Association, on behalf of the individual unit owners of The Valley Condor,rinlums, would like to express several concerns in regard to the proposed E1k Meadows Subdivision which adjoins our property. Our concerns are as follows: hle are in doubt as to whether proper notj.ce has been given for public comments on this proposal. Va11ey Condo-minium owners received notice of today, s meeting on Sept-ember J.8, six days ago. We have also been informed that a public meeting concerning this application had been previously scheduled and postponed, wi-thout our notifica-tion. In June of this year lve expressed our interest in commenting on thi-s proposed subdivision and were assured by the County Planning Departnent that we would be given adequate noti-fication. We are concerned that the County planning Department approved construction of a road on the proposed subdivision wj-thout public input or the submittal and approval of an overall development plan. It appears that the placement of this road is integral to development of the subdivision as proposed, and if an alternative development plan is necessary the road will have to be modified or removed. We do not beleive that the subdivision should be approved simply because the road is in place. In our opj.nion, the proposed subdivision does not con-form to the approved planned Unit Development plan for The Valley, either in specifics of in spirit. I{e are concerned that development of the parcel as proposed will detrimentally affect the character of the neigtrUornood by changing the land use pattern, that is, by developing Ltre meadowland on the valley floor and the nlavily wooded hillside on the southern part of the ProPerty insteal of clustering buildings along the northern (road) side of the property and leaving the meadolt as open space as has been done in the existing phases of The Valley' Lastly, the Lion's Ridge area which includes this property i= "r.tr."tttly in the process of circulating peti- Lions for reannexation to the Town of Vail, and we feel that any decision regarding the approval of the proposed suudivi-sion should be postponed until the eventual legal jurisdiction is determined. Thank you for your consideration. Steve Lindstrom Norm Justice For The Vall-ey Condominium Association sEP 2 3 886 r&,d&e*fMa 8Kffi $sw 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 16, 1986 offlce ol communlty development "The PUD proposal shall be consjdered as a subdjvision in accordance with current Eagle County subdjv.i sion regulations. The PUD zone amendment application shall be submitted wjth a preliminary subdiv'i sion plan. Included in this submittal shal'l be a PUD guide setting forth the proposed land use restrictjons.,' Eagle County Board of Commissjoners P. 0. Box 850 Eag1e, Colorado 81 63.l Re: sM-467-86 Final Plat for Phase III at rhe va1 ley, a portion of parcel A,Lionsridge Subdivison, Fi ling No. 2 Dear Commi ssi oners: The Town of Vail Community Development staff would like to outline two areas of concern pertaining to The valley Phase III. In respect to the f.i rst.i ssue, .i t was decided at the August 26, .|986 County Commissioners meeting that the fjna'l plat for Phase III at The Val 1ey would be reviewed us.ing a Type B Minor Subdivision process. The Town of Vail Community Development-Department staff does not understand why the PUD subdjvjsion process is not being used when the minutes seem to indicate that the PUD process is required for eich phase of The va11ey. Mr. Jjm Fritze, Eagle county Attorney, stated that jn the 1990 minutes of the discussion of The Va11ey it was stressed that each parcel would need to go through a complete PUD process. He jndicated that phase III of rhe va11ey was approved for ten units having a total of 16,000 square feet of GRFA. It appears that Phase III should be reviewed under the puD regulations. Our second concern'i s that the Type B minor subdivision will not prov.i de adequate review information, especially in the area of sjte standards. In the Planned unit Development Distri ct of the Eagle county zon.i ng code, it states in Secti on 2.06. 13 No. 'l : o The PUD guide would address basic site development standards that would jnc'l ude maximum 1ot area, maxjmum 1ot coverage, maximum floor area ratio, minimum setback, and maximum height of bui1ding. Our opinion is that the information requested i n the sketch pl an appl i cat ion, and prel imi nary pl an appl i cati on sections of the Planned Unit Development District (2.06.13 No.4 and No.6)should be required in order to review The Valley phase III. There are also specific standards and requirements (2.06..l3 No.2) and crjteria for evaluatjon of the PUD (2.06.13) which will help in the review of the proposal. (please see the enclosed sections of the code that relate to the pUD and Type g minor subdi vi s i on processes - ) As stated in our previous letter, we feel the proposa'l is inconsistent and 'i ncompatible with the existjng and approved multi-family development of rhe valley PUD. Phase III is bordered on the east by an existing muiti-family gloject (Phase I) and on the west by an approved, unbuilt mult'i-family project (Phase VI). To compromise the established planned-un.i t development,multi-family nature of The Va1 1ey PUD with a smal l-lot single-family development which w'i II be sporadically developed by each lot owner is not utilizing good planning principles. The valley represents a very sensitive area which requires consistency and compatibility (including aeslhetics) between phases we hope that you will consider these comments in your review on 0ctober 14,1986. The Town of Vajl Communjty Development staff wjll also send a representatjve to the meeting on october 14th to be present if you have any further questions. Si ncere'ly, K'+,^ ftih- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br cc:Susan Vaughn Mike Mollica Jim Fritze o Adeguacy of the proposed improvemenCs atreenent and/or off-site road improverDents agreement when applicable in accordanci: with Secti5n 2.20. For Submittal Dates, Revierv procedures, and Fees, See Section 2.25 TYPE B MINOR SUBDIVISION 1) Fiy" t:l copies of an application form along wirh a :t.",pran, papel copies of the final plaE, and any supplenental infornation shall be subnicted ro the Departnent of- Cornnunity Development. The nylar orig_inal of the final plat is iue the Monday prior to the Planning Commission hearing. Acconpanying the infornation shall be a Subdivision Summary Forn (as found in Appendix A) and the required application fee. - 2) The supplemenral information sha1l include the fol lowing : c) C 2 .2L.03 a) That the land included within the proposed map r \ fs proper]y zoned for the proposed'usl;b) That all lots on the propoied-roap abut a street or road rshich-is physically acceisible, or capable of being physically accessible'frorn the . public street by conventional vehicle;c) That satisfactory evidence has been furnisheo co the existence _of an adequate and dependable - wacer supply for each lot;d) That satiSficrory evidence has been furnished ro the existence of a septic tank disposal site. or other lawful neans. of-disposi"g 9f-human ,..i.",which_conplies with a1l_ applicible public trealttr _ lar.rs for each proposed 1oL;e) That satisfaccbry'evidence has been furnished to the geology, soil ,- topography, drainage, fire protection, and other condiEion" so ai io indicate the subdivision will not create anv hazards and thaE all lots will cont"i" ""i"]adequate building sitesl f) An iroprovenents igreemenE, off-site road inprovmenEs agreenenE, or other agreement ( 277 o 3) required by the Board of County Connissioners pursuanr to Section 2.20 of these negulaiions need to be executed and submitted io-th"-s-J"ra ^\ :j co"g:y Conmission"i";---6/ lnree (J) copies of al1 Ehe protective covenanEs, declarations, pafly rali-alreements or ocher resEriction" pi"i.a_ on the s,lbdivision,one copy of which shati be filed-i;r-;;;"-;;i"g in rhe office -of che ai";[ and p.ecorder ar the tine of recording ttr. -iin":. plat; This information shall be referred to the Councy Engineer, County_E"rri.o*""iaI Health Officer and Counry Arrorney for rneir'r."ilrr-.ilj ;;ffi:;;. The Zonine Adninistrator of the Department of Community-Development shall ...ri., the Type B Minor Subdivision and take final-";;i;" on rhe Type B Minor Subdivision. The ptannr;; C;;;ission and Board of counry Comnissioners wi1I""i!"-ln. final plar if ic has been approved uy trre-zJ"i"g-iari;i;;r5;;;.^- The Zoning Adroinistraror sha11 consider the following rn the review of the Type B Minor Subdivisio;;--' a) fjequacy of access, $/ater and sewage disposal on 1-\ the.Iand_to-be suUiiviaea;-'u) Kevre$r ot the llinor Subdivision to deternine if the proposed subdivision-conforrs -to--ii"*fiirf PlaE-requirenenEs and other applicable ...r i:i:.i::i.ns,'policies and s"ie;ii;;;;"\',t Asequacy ot the proposed improvemenCs agreement and/or off_site ioad inpro.ri.unc" agreenent when applicable in accordanc! wiih SectiEn Z-Zdl " *lI.:tt::l-:I !h. decision of the Zoning Aamrntstrator mav be roade to the Board Ef County Commissioners , piovicted,. t or"rr.i, _ that such appeal is made prior ro rhirry (30) oavs f6ri;;i";-;h.-EIE".."r the Zoning Adroininsirator' "-i""iJro.,. 5::.i:lrrtlr.;l u...", review procedures, and fees, see 4) s) 2.2L.04 ADDITIONAL REQUIREI4ENTS The additional requirements for shaLl be the sarne as those for a Section 2.L9. a Ilinor Subdivision Final P1at, found in 218 KI.IOIN ALL PERSOT.IS BY THESE PP.-ESEI'ITS LITAC VALLEY ASSOCIATES LTD., a Colorado limited parcnership (che "Partnership") 'l'ras made, constituted and appointed and by tirese Presents does make, constitute and aif oinc l'lILLIAll J . POST ("Pos t") as iEs true and larvful attorney in facc, and to act in ics name, place and stead in any rviy in whicl.i ir could act if p.tso.tilly present, wich fuil power and authoriry to do tl're iollorving'"tt. and to exercise Eire following por'vers, and -the Partners6ip incends thaE Post's pov/ers shaLI be construed in Ehe broaciert pos.ible nanner: l. To execute, file and record in the records of the CLerk and Recorder's Office for Eagle Counry, Colorado (Ehe "Clerk's Recor<ls") , a final plar (the "Plac") rvhereby the Partnership certifies iEs ownership-of certain real property iocaced in Eagle County, Colorado, as mor-e fully- described in Exhibic A aEtacired irereto and made a part hereof, as also described on the Plat' and subdivides and placs portions of such real ProPerty into lors as shor+n on the ?lar and dedicates PorEions of such real property Eo the public use as shown on the Plar. The authority and power conEained hereinabove shall be evidenced by- a sienature block on the Plat as follorvs: POI.IER OF ATTOP.iIEY VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A COLOMDO LII{ITED PARTNERSHIP P. O. BOX 9I5, VAIL, COLORADO 8L657 BY: , VAIL, AS ATTORI.IEY Ii{ FACT FOR VALLEY COLORADO LIMITED PARTNI'RSHIP ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Post's execution of Ehe Plat in such signature block shall be conclusive evidence of the authority and power granted herein. 2. To execute, file and record in Ehe Clerk's Records any and all Subdivision Improvements AgreemenEs (the "Agreements") entered into with the Count.y of Eagle, Scace of Colorado, as a condition of approval of che Plat pursuanE co Section 30-28-137, Colorado Revised SEatutes (I973), as amended, for tl-re real property described in E:<hj-bic A l'rereto, whereby such real properEy rviLl be subj ecced to tire Agreernencs. Tire authority and Do\.rer contained hereinabove shaII be evidenced by a signaEure block on thc Agreenenrs in Ehe saine forrn as set forri'r on Lhe Plat. Post's executi-on of the Aereements in such si-snature bLock shall be concLusive eiidence of che au;hcilt;.' and power granced herein. 3. To execuce, iile and reco::d in Ehe Clerli's Records a Declaracion cf Procective CovenanLs (the "Declaration")for ctre reai propertr/ described in E;<hibit A hereto, wirereb-v sucir re.ri properc;' wiil be subjecred co procective covenanEs. Tlre arrrltcr-:frl and rcr-.'pr .r-n r-i.rinr'd irercinabovc Slrall be evicenceti by a s:-gnacure biocli on ttle Declara[ion in tiie sane rcrn as seE iorcir on the Plat. Posc's execucion oi che DecLaracion in sucir siqnaEure blocii siiaiL be conciusive evi clence of :ire autircrr L'l rnd r;ower granceci irerein. 4. To execuEe, file anci record in Ehe Clerk's Records a Planned Unic Developnent Plan (Ehe "PIan") for rhe rcal property describla in Exhibir A herero, rvhereby sucir ieai property rvill be subjected to a planned uniE development plan. Tire authoricy and power concained hereinabove shall be evidenced by a signature block on the Plan in Ehe same form as seE forth on clie Plat. PosE's execution of Ehe Plan in such signacure block shall be conclusive evidence of the authority and power granted l'rerein. Giving and granting unto Post fu1l pov/er and authoriEy to do and perform all and every act and thing rvhacsoever requisite, necessary or desirable to be done in regard to the foregoing, hereby ratifying and confirming all Ehat Posc in fact has done or caused to be done, shall do or cause to be done by virtue of these presenEs. This power and authoritv shall continue in full force and effecE- uncil it is expre!sly revoked in writing by instrument executed by thl Partnership and evidence Ehereof is duly recorded in Eagle County, Colorado. Ii'l WITNESS WHEREOF, Ehis instrument is executed effecEive as of June 18, 1980. VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Colorado limited partnershiP LA]4AR PROP Il{c. , a BY:S, or n, its sole Delaw gene BY: STATE OF COLOMDO ))ss couNTY 0F EAGLE ) Ther,foregoing instrumenE was acknowledged before me thi,s /':./ji.i1 daf of-June, 1980, by Perer tktkils, as Vice PresidenE of Lamar Properties, Inc., a Delaware corporation,as sole general partner of Valley Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited parinership. Witness m,/ hand anci official seal My conu'.rission expires I'lotar1.' Pubiic .-7't ! -- .t '' '..t/ tl a - /i'.'i' I / Ii-t..-; t .: ,./.!:-" ter KdII(us,ice President A pcrt of flrce l rccordcd ln cltc olf ice h.Fr- ^€ Il,,--ol .\ lr,-i ..---ng EX|I tSiT A i\, I.ionr s Ridge StrbJivision, I;ilinq No. 2, l subdivisioll of thc lkglc Oourrc)', CoIor:ltlo, Clerli iIlrd llccorder, said ntorc parEiculrr l:,' <lcscribcd as foLlot;:;: BcgLnnlrrg oL n i)oint on tlrc rlorLl\ litrc of said I'arcc L .\ t"lrcncc cllc norLl)ucsE corner of Scccion 12, Tor,'nslrip 5 Souclr, Ii;rngc BI I.Jes c of thc 6ch Principal |leri- dian bears S 3So19r4l" lv 8I4.59 fecr discanE, Ehencc S 1.1"59'06" 1i 8ts5.53 fcec Eo a poinc on t.he norcherly righE.-of -r+ay linc of Lion's Ridge Loop, chence che following eight courses along saicl rigirc-of-rviry line: (1) N 61"58'28" E 4i6.62 feet; (2) 225.60 feec along Ehc arc of a crrrvc Eo rhe lcfc r"lriclr lras a r:rdius of 1058.71 feec, an inEerior anglc of 12"12'32", aud a clror-(i rvtricll bears ll 55' 52'12" E 225.17 feec; (3) N 49"45r56'r I 155.35 fcec; (4) L64.26 fcet along the rrc. of a curve ca t.hc lefc r{lrich has a radius of 1381.32 feet, an intcrior anglt: of 6'48',18", and a chord rvhich bcars N 46o21r32" D 164.16 feec; (5) ""42o57t0S" E 102.95 feer; (6) 151 .20 fcet- eloirg Ehe arc of il (:rrrvc to tlrc r'; i:,)L wlriclr lras a radlus of 26/r,16 fccc, ln i-ntcrior irrrglc of. 33'2b'32", rttrd a r:lrord r.rlrich bears I'l 59'40'?4" L 152.02 fect; (9) N 76'23'40" ll 42.91 feeE; (f0) l2l.l9 feet along Ehe arc of .r curve to thc lefc which has a rldius of 681 .20 feet, an interior angle of 10o11 '35", aud a cltord rvhich l:cars N 71"17'53" E 12I.03 feer; (ff; N 66'12'05" Ii 6.91 fecE, chence deparcing .said right-of- way liue N 35'55'53" Ii 189.78 fee!. to a point or1 Ehc nortir line of said Parcel A, Ehence along said norch line S 88'19'41" i{ 1246.28 fccr. to rhc poinc oE beginning, conEaining 676,821 square fcet or DaEe? /Yfu2.-4 /22/ /?8O 15.538 acres, more or less. ...'.: -.' 'n i ./ ./_(/.-(_{-D )dhn E. Stintn:trk : - --r-t THE VALLEY PRELIMINARY. |-2LAN LEG>ENP [x6it1l4x caNrdrF (s "lrava ' J -I cDr.4Mo.l ffil qeE ErBr i€ffiT\f UNE r <El=EAnoN FAclLmE ' f............t r|)L6tN6 160 D*lt1-= Il TAK.KNG lt/z/ t-tPrr x't t* KAA9 No-TE: 5EE LA<6E \-4AP5 FoR LJI-JPER€,R,ouNP PA.RKING e E.A=T Z. \was.T VILLAGE= =ee- L-^.e<;E FjA\F Fee_ -ii.::PI|l. A E>€ARIFJG- 4 a I z i- **r* *# o b roo ae TAYVB:I,ENVTNONMEN'NAL LAN D ('o M PANY C) c{) g U Oo,^. .9o . i,. 0C t 'J --uuet {,";,.,i,,.7 \-i \t az r--1 l+l 6. .-..| o r-l (.,) '] rr< k1 z rEl r> u)z {r rn;z rn a)o p ',f3 ! oolo v(| q- co _, C'r _. a o._ e, .^v [r-l l ! z"s\' r)> I' \q \\ box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 September 20, t982 Steve Lindstrom Box 1152 Va'i 1 , Col orado 81658 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-15-82 Dear Steve: 0n Septernber 15, 1982 the Design Review Board approved the parking 1ot expansion for the Valley. Four inches of topsoil should be pla99d on the berm and be reseeded wjth an appropr.i ate seed mix.Facilitjes should be designed in such a way as to save the existing aspen. These trees should be protected with a physical barrier during construction. A site plan should be submitted before work is started which indicates that the parking wilI be out of 20 foot front setback. Si ncerely 7* Jim Sayre Town Planner J5:df t .J- .l Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Motion by:/+ry4 APPROVAL Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL L/,o ) / P4z\te +4 rlg7--t rt.J 1 Seconded by: summarv: L/ 6fi r aPSo r L , RL' '<'a Ezt - tu'tnc:i:"-'4'*, ]AKt 5 VbtzE- I Twrl' oF ,+tubl) rz'c4 NhTtil Ea./ \ , c.o ' F,zar,f- SEiC. :?c,t;_ F E"Jb Oz:: E statt Approval FNECEFICI 9 OI IO JAY K, PET [ 'I',.O II WILL'AM J,,O5T Orro, Prrl:RsoN & Posr l\rToI{N.ltys A'f J.r!\\' POST OFFTCE |lCX:rr49 \/AII., (;OLOIIAD(J 8t(Jt39 - 3149 ':' ,/' l,i l .... r VA IL NATIOI,IAL BAN X gL IL I] INC t3o3) 476 - e)9? EAGIE VAIL PI?OFESSIONAL BL'Ii-Cii.IG t303) 949 5f aO OENVER DIRECT LINE (3 03) tjz3-59?6 August 5, .1983 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Town of Vail O"futu*."t Of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Gentlemen: This letter is '.^/ritten as confirmarj.on of my previous celephone conversations rvith your office wherein I have requested and directed thar the address of Va11ey Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limired partnership, and record owner of real propel:ty in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Stare of Colorado, be charrged in your office for a1l purposes including, but not limited ro, the receiving of any notices from the Town of Vail pursuant to its zoning or subdivision notices, to the follovring: Val1ey Associates, Ltd.clo William J. Post Post Office Box 3149 Vai1, Colorado 81658-3f49 If you have any questions concerning this matter,please contact me. Very truly yours, frlM,M William J. Post WJP/sjc box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 do Association department of community development April 22, l98l This letter is to confirm that there is no Town of Vail regulation concerning fencing of private swiruning pools. A fence in the fonn of landscaping and shrubbery around your pool will be acceptable to the Town. you nay wish to contact your insurance cornpany regarding their require- nents concerning pool fencingn as many times they are required. PETER JAMAR Town Plaaner And rtE en Fn y drh. fir3r p.i,lor itSglf ard fo. itS h.rri,ctccutor. ar'{i.dtl|lrlstr.rof! corctllntsandegrrasloendwithlh€laidplrrvoflh€sccottpafl.lhatatthcltncoflhcansaalntotanddchYcrvoflhca. prlsanls i - { S ucll rcued oflre rad l r: lJxj tenarn(nr\ tn fcc ltmnla. atd ln S pqd nthl. full fxtwcrard la\.ful aullronty to-tdtt.- -brrgdt n. tall ano conr.i tn( iamc In Inr manncr and toam an idoacsard. harcby full)- and abtolutcly rarrlng and tcicrrrng ell rhhs tnd c i.rm r it ntav havc In or to sad a..ndr. rcncmcnt!. a|xl prr,frcn v l!\ a Homesta,Ll t-rcmptrorr. ur r 't ntr etafnnlron. uld.'r,db}t,'.'].at.nYl|olth.(Jc'lcraJA\s.mh|voflhcsi.t.ofco|ondlo.no$'.\t'l|n!(tr*htchmayhclql,lcrtl.'r!|.\C|nrc1!|I|n|h t.r. ard cl;r o{ all rFns md .'rcurhl.r.oc.s whatcv.r. excepf genefal ta)€S fof: 1980 , payable Jafrf:afy I , 1981, ard subsequent yearsr, and the follol.rilg of record: U.S. PaEenE Reserv'ations, Planned tlnig DeveloFr€nt Plans, restricEions, easqlpnt, rights of v,Ey ard proEective covenants. atd lha abovc barFrncd prof'cny in thc guicr and p€ccable foss.!:!ton of rhc vnd parry of th(- sccrrnj f\fl, hrs suc{rssors and e\srgnt, .{.irrnst tdl atd !!.ry pcrson or parsr)n\ li\A,fully aiaijhrn8 or ro claim th. s hoa. or a.1v r\l; , I hcr eol. I h. slud Frrt Unlil patnrenl in lull ol thc indcbredncss th( nan y ol lhr' trr\l parr :hall trnrclv n:r\ Jll la\c5 and as\c\\r)cnrs hvre(l rrt lhc frro nel \orth \^'itll-Dnolli.lolhebcn(.i|.tar\'AllhfoD|loi|ollhct.en(-liclr\. btnclrcrar!a'r-:lher\ecunt)-to.thcrtrdcoieoncsr.shoriillncltalrY ')l rr.. it|\r pari 'ail ro irr.rrrc r,rr,l ue lirr'r th< polr.r(\ rr r(t fr.l\ ta\$ or assesim!'nls as thr \amc lill duc. or to pe] an\ ilntount\ pa\rblc upol| rci!or cDcun)brunc(\. il ar$,1lllc h('nclir'ar! nrir! nralc an\ such palmcnt. or pro!'urc Jni suah iosuranr'c, and Jll molties\opJtd\\illlinlerc\ltilcrcolilt lh,jrrlcot LL 0'r, pc'r arrnrrntrlt:rll be add. ed to and bcc{)nrc a pan ot rhc inrlcbredrrcss 5ccur.d b! rlri. Dccd oj l rrrsr dnd rir\ bc nirid oul ol thc procccdi ol thc salc (rl lhc f'rof'cnI ii nol paid b\ tl)e pJrl V o, thr' first pan. ln ilddilion. and irr its optirrl, rhe hcnr:ticiurv rrral dccllrc thc indcbtcdnr'.r rciurcd hc'rr'br tnd lllis f)c.i ol trust t6 be in detrull tor liilure to f,!o(urc rr\rrrl C! or nralc i:r.J! ot Ihc pivnrcnr\ rcqLrrrcrl ht thir plragraph. lf ailori$r- part ofthe prolertv or an Inlerasl lh.rcrn rs sib or lrdnsl(rrcd hv Frrst l,irl / wrthoni lrcneticr:rry s prror wntten con\€nt. ercludlng tattha crc.lronolahenorcniumbr.ucc5!bordlnatclolhisDccdofTrust.{b|lhtcr€:ttront'fapuNh]\cmoncysccuntyinlcrcst|brht)usch.'|dan dcvrsC.d6ccn{orhvoPcrauonof|a\*'Uponthcdcatho.aloln(tcrL11(or(d}rhcffxnto!drr}|at5.ho|dln!efctto{ih'EcYt:imlcs\ni)lconu bcncilciar y may. al bcnctlctat)--t opt ron. dEcrare all t he sums sccurcd by trui []]c.d of Trst to tr immeiat ly duc ard pityablc. Bcncticrary -stu1l iu vc u.:rired ruch optonloaccc|c|alrif'pno.|othcsalcortran5ieI'hcnctl(|ar!andtitJEr\on|owhomlheproo.rtyis(ot]cso|d-orlnrnstcrrcrireachagrnlc of sllch parson is salrsfactory lo bencficlary and lMl thc Intcr.!t F.yablc on th€ 5ums sccuncd by thrs Dc€d oiTrust shali trc at such;tc as bcncfcr:rr! shall rcqucst. A\D TIiAT Fi C'ASE Ol A,riY Df,FAULT. wh...bv thc nfhl oi lorcclolurc (rccurs h(reundcr. thc s:rfi. part-v of thc \ccond p.ut or thc holder ot s.jd notc d ccrtilicate of nurcha,lc, shali at onc. b.comc c rr| id c.l lo l h. fir\\assron. u\a irrd cnjo' mcnr of r he pr ofrrly iorcrard. ,tnd lo r hd rcnrs. r\sue\ ?\nd Fofits lhcrcof. troln lhc accrurru o{ such rulht and d0nn8 thc frcndcncy of foroclosrrrc prtxccdrn8\ $d th. frno,l of redcmptron. ti ,rn} rhcrc he. irid su.:ll Dollcision shall ar oncc ba dcltrarad to I hc sajd Fqrty of I hc sccond p'an or thc holdcr of said notc or ccrtificatc oi purchasc on raqucst. aind on ,Bfusaj. lhc dclitlry of ruch possaision rnay b. rnforcad by thc said frorry of thc sccond par I or rhc holdcr of $it not. or ccrtificar! o{ purcha$ by ant appropriat civil suit o-r pro.ccdin8, and thc aaid pnrty ofrhc sccodd parl, or lhc holderofsaid notc or ccrtficatc of purchasc. or any rhcrrof. shdl t entitlcd to a R.ccivct for said prolitty. and of tha rcnts. i5suls and profr6 thercof. afrcr such defauh, including thc rrmc cor.rcd by forccldurc procccdings 3nd lha p.nod of rcdamption. if any ll|crc ba. and shall bc cntrtlcd I hara to as a maltcr of nght wll hou t rcEard to t hc solvcncy or h\olvcncy of t he piJt \7 of I hc fi.sl pafl or ot tha ttEn o*ncr of said propcrtv and ulhout |t83rd to (hc valuc th(rcof. anl such Rcccilcr md' bc appoint d by any coufllJi compatanl junidrction Uponcxpa.rtcapp|icationand*rthoulIolicc..-{onc!bcin8her.hycrprcss|y$"ivcd--..eDda|jrnB.|5su.5a'dplofl5.incomcandrv.nucrhrrrfromshi'l|o.aPp|l by such Rcccrvar to thc pa!,nrcnt of lba lndabtadncss hcrcby scaurcd, accordrng to thc la\* and rhc ordcrs and drcctions of rhe court. AND, That in casc of d€fauh in any of saad payrcnts of principal or inlrrcst, according to lhc rcnor and cffcct of said promissory norc aforcsaid, or any of thcm, qt rny p&t I hctcof, or of a brcach or violadon of any of t hc covan:rnls or agrccmen$ hcrcin. by I hc part y ol llE lrJstPan, ruD cx.cutors. administralors orasri8ns.lh.n and in tl|al casc thc wholc ofsaid pnlcipal sum hcrcby sccurcd, and lhc intcrcst thcrcon to lha rirnc ot thc s3lc, may al oncc. at rhe option ofthe l.gai hotdcr t hercof. bccomc duc and payabie, and thi said pr operty bc sold in the nurnncr a.rl $.ith thc sarnc cffcct as tf said indcbtcdnasi had matu,cd, and that if forcclosurc bc madc by thc Public Trustcc. an altorncy s fec of thc sum of a fgasgnable all3unt *)gss tbr sc.vices in th€ slr;Ervision of sajd forcctoctrc procccdrnSs shrlJ bc atlo$cd by rhc irblic Truslrc-ar lpan of thc cost of forcclosura. arnd ifforcclosurc tE mada tfuouth rhc courts a rcasonablc anorocy's fcc shall b. ta.xcd by thc coun 3s a parl ofthc costs of such foroclosurc prccad;n8!. - Should any provision o{t his D.ed ofTrust b. found to vrolarc thc sr3rurcs or court dccisions ofthc Sl.alr ofcolorado. or of thc Uniled Starcs. such provisioi sba.ll t daamcd to ba amcndd to comply wlth and conform to such sbtutes and dccisions. ofthc fiIsr pan ha s hcrcunro sct itS hahd ar|d scd VALLEY ASSOC]AIES, LTD., A C.olorado limited partnerstlip tsEALl tsEALl lsEALl ecretary IN w J\-ESS WHEREOF, Thc sa;d par I /lhc day and ycar firrt aboi. *rirt n. ll'JTNEfsf ,, , ,,, r, /. r-t,t.1, ",,... i,i -,.( ('/' ,': '.. t .' ' , a , 't ,AIIEST: :.'i Presideni of Ianar ] o lh. firt, prnt \halla,lJ \ull \"l.srdnl.rnJ l-,,rcvcr Dclcnd , Inc., as sole a t I.r dr^ru or coLoRAm. I coun,, or k81e - 1... ' c i\ E L] : p I E E ; e c € t (i t-(h F r{r{ th iJX F? F =E id z &tt 8 d J Q lr Lr,l F o l o z z ;r. ll 1l Thr fo(csor46inslnlmcnl *as ackno*lcdg.d tct*" ^rrf;, f26 4 d^,t$.)Upltlbt{ rs.P-,uv Peter Kallcus, as Vice Rccordcd at o'clock V Rcccption No. .cr{uucd. tr rs a8r..{ rhdt thc acrr y oflhc firsr parr. ics h.tr\ or assrgn!. w l Fay thc cro.nsc thcrcoi. cas' of dcfau[ in t hc Fym.nt of rard nolc or any of t hern, or any parl thcrcof. or in thc paymcn( of rhc intcrcst thercoo, according to the tcnor and affcct o[ tald notc or an v of them. o. ln thc paymcnt of any prior cncumbranccs, phncipal or inrercst. if cny. or in casc dcfautt shall bc madc in or in casc of violalIonorbrea!hofanyotthcierms.condilions.covenanlsor!{o.rncntsh.rcincont!ti;d'rrriucnci.riarvniLuniliio|icle;lnoloero lrrebvmevdec|a:tavlol3tjonofanvofthecotenantsher€inconranedande|ecttoadvertrscsardoropcrt1;forsi'|eanddemandsUch\ie.lhcn.uFon|ili&nolic.o[ such!l6raonarddemandforsal€\r1ihthesjdparry.orrtre*econ<ip:rr|*t'o.t,"itug,n...".o.olsuchnotlc.o.c|!rjoonand€fdidr$jc trc..r6tordcd In ihc rrcorder's officc ol th. cou;ty in whrch sard rca.l isGi! ,s s,rr.rarqt, it \halr aftj may b. rawtul tbr said p.vri oi rrrc'*;il;ii;stll aid d*Dolc of thc samc {cn massc or In scprrarc parccrs. as rrre so.,r fit'iic r',;;i] ^;t';(,.'f- ;;;i ;;it "rr ,[i 'le.-hi."i;,rJir] ,i[|.'r ofsard pafl y oflhc iirsl parr. its;a,rro.r.st8lclheErn.arFUDlrc"u.uon",,6. Eagle fion(doorof(hc Coufl Houtc, rn rhc Counryof -. Eagle . . sta-tc of(:oloiado' or on said prcrdscs. orany pa't thcrcofas nuv he rr€cficd in thc notrc! ol said salc. for lhe fuchcst and bcsr pncc lhc raric *all bnns in cash. four weels public noricc ha";;i b.;; ir'"troii ii e,'in',;i it;-i;:-;; pt4c oa \uch iatc. by verrrljemcnr. wcckly. tn som. ncwlpapcr oagcncrnl citculation at that timc pubushrd in said counry of Eagfe . acopy ofwhrch nolrcc \hail bc majco *'ithin rcn dayr i.om rhe dal. of th€ first prrblication rhcrcct to lhc sald pst y, . . of thc firsr piln at thc addr.ss hercrn pvcn and lo such Farson or pcr5onsapFnnn8tohdvcilcqu|r(ddsub\.qlJen|r.cotd|nterest|n\aldrca'j'c5tat.atlhca(l 8rv€n3tlhc:rddrc5sihcn\uchnott.csha|JtEm3|led|o|h.coun(v!.!t.andtoma(candg!'etolne.L]rrh3\trornu.charsol!uchor0F ccrlltjc1tcs|n.9nl|n!'dcscnh]ng\ucnFroF.rlyFurchJ\c{j.3,drhc{u-ni*.'po,utr''ii.r*.-Jii"i'.""'.rci'i;';;;;;;".".P.,..nascrs{oro(herl!c|sncn0l|d lhcrctol\halib.cn!|dcdtoade€dordeed\therctbr.Unle5\thc\arneshdltberF6ecme,da5lsprov|il€dbvIrwiand$|dP;b|icTrtI5tce5hal|.|l pcr5onlnc|dlnlthe\ardc!rt]licatcorcerulicatc5olpurchaJc'wh.n$tddCm3Idtsnudc.orUpondcm3ndbythcpcrsoncntlr|€dtoa.l.-l..iJi.i6i!iJiiii purch:!sr{. al thc trmc such dernano i5 mtuc, thc lmr tor rrdcmDt|on havrng ciptrtd. makc ani cxeiutc to iuch rrrron or r\:r1ons a iietd or dc.d\tothc!|dpmr€rlypUfrhascd.w|.lchsa|ddccdordc.d\sha1lbcrntncirrdrnaryt<irmol!coll!cvlncc.andshallt"esrgncd.ic(no*r..rr..r.'*rili'i.i]il rard Publrc Trrr\rcc. rs gr!rtor. and \hall convcy and qutt-clarm lo ruch f,crstrn or ,!..sons cnir(lcd to such dccJ. ", g;";i;;. lhc ero nr('|o.rly purcha5cd as aforc\ard and all the raght. trtlc. Intcr.st, f.cn.ill rnd .q!1iv oi redemorr(rn of rhc part } .,t'thc first g::..i'qS.--,....k]lJnrll5slln5|hcrt|n.adishJ|rcciIclhcsUmor.suhs||ll*\lJiith.\!dirol.rit*:Lrsoidand:hal|rcf.rtot''ler('t.rofdc (,lcrcrn (onLrir.co. aaxt to ||tc s3tc ur v:c! mi:dc tJy !1rtue thcrcol. and In c;!.ic oi an $!r$lrh<nt oi such c€rtrlicatc or ccruicatcs (t purhai€. or In casc of thc railcmpui,n ul su!h prooarlv. b! a subrcqrrcnt cncumbranccr. such asstqnmcnt or rcocmpt on shall ajso ba reicrEd to In such dec,l or deeds: bul thc notrca ol salc ndli not tt r.l our ln \u(ii dced or dccd\ and lh. $rd t\blic Truitcc shrll. out of lhc pru:crds or ar'a:ls ot luch salc. atier trnt payrng aod .au,ni"f "! ra.a. notc .|ccordrnr lo lhc lcnor lrnd effcct thlcrcof. .nd all ftorEvs adv{nccd by srch trn.tlcialy or legal hoklcr oi vrtd nott for iniuranlc. tatcs and a\s€sltncnls. \*lth btcrc\t lh..c{rn al Lz pcr ccn( Fr .rnnl|m. rcndcnnx lhc olcrpfus. if any, rrnto rhc \Jrd nart y ot thc lirst patt' iCS l€gr1 r.prascntatrvas (rr a\rgns: Phrch salc or slles and sard dc.d or dcads so madc shall bc e parrtrual bqr. txrth In law and cqrrry. rgunrt th. chrrScs ard co5B of fialng \&d srlc. pay to (hc bcncticlary h.reundcr or lhc lesrl holJcr uf sad nora thc pnnclo:rl .1nd lntcrest duc on ttud cad Farr y "f lhc fir1r parr. itS hcr6 aJ|d assr8ns. ddlothcr pcBonsclormt'|l (hc satd proparlv. (rr any part lhcreol. by, rrom llrou&h or urdarrard oatt y oflhclirstpart.oranvofth.m- fhc hoidcr or holdcrr ofsaid notc (rrnotcs may purchasc rad pft)pcflv orany part (httcot: 3rxl rt shall not r< oFl,v:r(ffv uFxtn thc purchascr'or purchascB at :rny Juch srlc lo ra€ to thc i;:ctraal,orr of thc porchasa ,rrcncy tl :l rcrc.sc dced tE --_------------R c c ordcr Tms lloenrunE. Madc rhis 26th day ot September , t9 80 , h.twccn VALLEY ASS0CIATES, LTD., a Colorado limited parEnership whoscaddrcssis p. O. Box 915 , Vail , Colorado 8L657 part ofthc llrsl parr, and thc public Trustcc of in thc Statc ofColorado, party ofthc sccond part, Witnesscth: THAT,WHEREAS.Thcsaid party of the first pay County of E ag 1e ha " exccutcd its promissory note bcarinS cvcn datc hcrcwith, for thc principal sum of I Dollars.TWENTY THOUSAND AND NO/r00 payablc ac\tic c.dcrof C OUffty of Eagle', Srace of Colorado by and tlrrough its Board of Cora-rty Ccrnmissioners 850, Eagle Colorado 81,pJ 1631 aJtcr thc datc hercof, with intcrcst thcrcon from thc datc thercof pcrcent pcr annum, payablc ScCording Co Che terms Set forth dcsirous ofsccuring paymcnt ofthc or any of thcm may bc. prcmis?s and for thc purposc aforcsaid, in trust forcvcr, the following dcscribed - Phase V also known as strcct ald numbcr. To IIAIE A\D T0 HoLD thc samc. toS.thcr with a.ll and singular thc pntilcS.s and appurtcnancts rhercunro bctonSin8: ln Trusl Ncvcrrhcl.ss, Thar in No.3'll'.\.Rev.'79 -DEEDol"Tnusr-Puhi'<Tru.r..rwirh'du.onrrr.crru... )-Re<civcr'!crrui.-.lnorncyrf.... - I'rf,tubt''h'ns. l ! r6t w.r( ..r h Avcn!€. cordcn. Cotor.do 60.0 r e ?r-^6.. _ tio r=,AfAn f- fAlA rEA[tLLt-= \rV U ]NTV Interoffnec Rncnn@renGium'n To:Doug Pilcher, Road and Bridge Supervisor subiect: subdivision rmprovements Agreement - Off-SiLe Road Improvements From: c/s Beth A. Whirtier, County Attorney'c" File No.;Date: December 1, 1980 AtEached hereto is a copy of a Subdivision Improvements Agreement with respect to final plaE approval of The Va11ey - Phase V which was executed by the Board on October 29 , 1980. Said agreement provides that i,sithin 48 rnonths from the date of recordation of the final p1at, the County sha1l upgrade Buffer Creek Road by construction of a six foot wide road shoulder on each side of said road. The Subdivider has given the County an arnount of $ 105.82'as its proportionate share of such off-site road improvements. Said amount has been placed in the Off-site Roid Improvements Fund. Note should be made that this is the -Eh&r.d Subdivision Improvements- Agreement eP_p_roved by the -Board relative to the County's improvement of Buffer Creek Road' If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at ExtensLon 242. Terry Lowell, Accountant MeI Atwell, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director )) lj R.J1"\l .u 15- e _!t ?r E.NGINEIR it,.rl.' .JI3 1 ., , a 'R(Q m023tRecorded at 1:30P.II. Nou"'u"o;. 1s80 Recorder: Johnnette Phillips, Eagle County SUBDIVIS ION II'{PROVEMENTS AGREE,I"IE}IT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered inLo this 29th day of October, i980, by and between VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado lirnited partnership, hereinafter called the Sub- the final plat of. The Valley - Phase V, w,ishes to enter into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-137, Colorado itevised Statutes L973, as amended; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the same authority, the Subdivider is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Board of County Cornmissioners to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain public improvements set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the Subdivider wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced public improvements by means of a promissory note secured by a first deed of trust on real property located in the County of Eag1e, Stilt.r; of Colorado; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.02. 15 of the Subdivision Regulations of the County, the County has d.etermined that the subj ect subdivision and other probable subdivisions will jointly effect certain off site access roads requiring improve- ments in such roads as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, I,IHEREAS, the County and the a cost sharing program to upgrade by means of the Subdivider paying share of the costs of making the EXnrDlc b. Subdivider have agreed upon the off site access roads in cash a proportionate improvements set forth in ff\p\ flt.^-u-r*r-- Fee S 18.00pd NoW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following rmrtual covenants and agreements, the Subdivider and the County agree as follows: !_ ON SITE AND CONTIGUOUS IMPROVEMENTS 1. The Subdivider hereby agrees, at its sole .-r .- cust, and exPcoea,-.to .f:rrn1.sh a1t equipneni ar.'l 'naueris: necessary to perform and complete, within 18 months from the date of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements as shown in the final plat documents for the subject subdivision in accordance with all plans and speci- ficaEions for the subject subdivision filed in the office of the County Engineer and/or Department of Community Development and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance r^rith the following: a. Atl final plat documents submitted Prior to or at the time of final plat approval b. A11 laws of the United SEates of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service disEricts . c. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifi- cations, skeEches, and other matter submirted by the Subdivider to and approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. A11 said work shal1 be done under che inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and/or the County Building Official , respectively, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Board of County Comrnissioners of the County or said Board's appointed designee. 2. The estimated cost of said work and improve- ments is the sum of $20,000.00. 3. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to -2- provide security and collateral in the following form, as approved herein by the County: a promissory note in the amount of $20,000.00 secured by a first deed of trust on Lot 1 of the subject subdivision. 4. The Subdivider may at any time substitute the ccllaEeral originally deposited with the County herein for tnother 'forrn of ''ollaEeral reasotraLriy a'l:ep'-abl e lr' r:'6 County to guaranEee the faithful completion of those public improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of Part 1 of this Agreement. 5. The County sha1l not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in Part I of this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall Lhe County, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the naEure of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to rarhich t.he County or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions i.n respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Subdivider hereunder; and the Subdivider shall reimburse the County for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the County in connection rrith investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Subdivider may have. . 6. It is mutually agreed, pursuant to the pro- visions of Sect.ion 30-28-137(3), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended, that the County or any purchaser of any lot, lots, tract or tracts of land subject to a plat restric- tion which is the seeurity portion of a subdivision improve- -3- ments agreement shall have the authority to bring an action in any district court to eompel the enforcement of any subdivision improvements" agreement on the sale, conveyance or transfer of any such lot, 1ots, tract or tracts or land \J- J- *... i--. -iltl - - '--.- j i- -^J-..: ' -' -'^;, . - shall irr"frra. the right to compel rescission of any sale, conveyance or transfer cf any lot,-lotl, :'' *l or frecrs ()f land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in the plat or in any seParate recorded insLrument, but any such action shall be cormneneed prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 7. It is further mutually agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-L37 (2), Colorado Revised Statutes L973, as amended, thaE as improvements are comPleted, the Subdivider may apply to the Board of County Couunissioners fo:: a release of part or all of the collateral deposited r'rith said board. Upon inspection and approval, the board shall release said collateral. If the board determines that any of such improvements are not consLructed in substantial compliance with specifications, it sha1l furnish the Subdivider a list of specific deficiencies and shall be encitled to withhold collaEeral sufficient to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Cormnissioners determines that the Subdivider will not construct any or: al.l of the improvements in accordance with all of the specifications, the Board of County Cormnissioners may withdraw and employ from Ehe deposit of collaEeral such funds as may be necessary to construct the improvements in accordance with the specifi- cations. 8. The Subdivider hTarrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in Part I of this Agreement by the County. Further, the County shall have a right to require security or collateral be provided by Subdivider to remain, as deterrnined by the County, sufficient to cover any and all claims under Ehis warrantv. -4- r1. OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS l. The County has det.erminecl that the total cost of making the improvements set forth in Exhibit B is $2,698.00' ' with the Subdivider's proportionate share of such cost being s105.82. 2. The County .ugonra;.ec.utioir of ;his A3reeneni hereby acknowledges the receipt of $105.82, paid as the Subdivider's full cost for the impact of the subject sub- division on off site access roads to said subdivision, and Subdivider shall have no further obligation for off site imPacts. 3. The County heleby further agrees, at its sole cost and expense to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete, within 48 rnonths from Ehe date of recordaEion of the above-referenced subdivision final plaE, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements set forth in Exhibit B in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respecEive agencies, affected special districts and/or service disEricts. If such improvements are not completed within the period set forth above or at any Eime thaE such improvements are not completed and the off site access roads referred to in Exhibit B have been removed from the jurisdiction of the County, the Subdivider shall be entitled to the immediate return of all money paid to the County under Part II of this Agreement, as the Subdivider's sole remedy' 4. The Subdivider shall not, nor shall any prin- eipal or employee thereof, be liable or resPonsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in Part I1 of this Agreement, nor shall the Sub- divider,-nor any principal or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the County. The County hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Subdivider, and any of its principals, agents and employees -5- against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities Eo which the Subdivider or any such of its principals, agen'-s or employees rnay become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or li.abilities (or actions in respecL thereof) Efrac <irrS€ ,.ruc or of &'; Daseu upon any periormance by ciie County hereurrder;'anc the County shall reimburse the Sub- divider for arry,and all leqal or oth€r expenses :easondbly incurred by the Subdivider in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision sha11 be in addition to any other liability which the County may have. 5, The County lrarranLs all work and material for a period of one year after completion of all work referred r.o in Part II of this Agreement by the Ccunty' III. GENEML PROVISIONS 1. The County agrees co apProval of the final plat of The Valley - Phase V, subject to the terms and condiLions of this Agreement. 2. ParEies hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided Ehat such amendments be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 3. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Subdivider provided, however, that in the evenr the Sub- divider sells or transfers all or Part of che subj ect sub- division, as shown in the final plat. (prior to extensive sales of individually plaEted tracts), the obligations of the Subdivider under this Agreement as to that portion of the subject subdivision may be assumed by the purchaser of the parcel, and Subdivider shall have no further obligations hereunder. IE is agreed, however, Lhat no such assumption of these obligations shal1 be effective unless the Board of County Conrnissioners gives its prior approval to such assumP- tion, following an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser. -6- t 4. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove to Lhe contrary, if at any ti-rne the subject subdivision is annexed in.to the Town of Vail cr for any other reason j-s removed from the jurisdicrion of the County, the Subdivider shal I have no further obliqations or liabilities under this .-.;!f,e€Illgnu and the COunty SIraIl imner.ria"=-r recurn cile P--^''-'- slry note ar:.. r€lease the Eeed of-TrLsi given as collatcral hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ehe parties have executed rhis Agreement as of the date first above written. SUBDIVIDER: VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD,, A Colorado limited PartnershiP P. 0. Box 915 The foregoing Subdivision .Improvements- A€ireement was acknowledged Sefoie me this 4-!'/- day of Cr lolsrr , L9 Uy Wiffi"il .1. po"t, as Attorney-In Fict fo-?-ViTTEy-A?soci STATE OF COLOMDO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) Ltd., a Colorado limited partsnership. Witness my hand and official seal . My corrnission expires : 3L49 , Vai1, Colorado 8L657 , as Attorney In Fact for Valley Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited Partnership 6,, -n=^',. (,1 Onrl'oo4," Notary Public COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO By and through its BOARD OF .COUNTY COMMISSIONERS l) , t,t: .rr; '\L BY: _ {W :..:. -- -. \r!d!r! Vail, Colorado 8L657 -7- o EXHIBIT A . PUBLIC 1},IPROVE}8NTS FOR PUBLIC ROAD AIID RE-VEGETATION AIID RESTORATION OF AFFECTED TERRAIN Said improv€mcflts shall include constructiorr <;i road stroulder and retaining wall for congiguous public road and restoration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. A11 of the above as more specifically set forth on the final plat for The Valley - Phase V, and those public improvement maPs, Plans, and specifications for said subdivision as filed in the office of the county clerk and Recorder, and/or Cor:nEy Engineer and/or the DepartmenE of Planning and. Development, resPectively, of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, all of said documenEs ineorporated herein by this reference. EXHIBIT B OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS BUFFER CREEK ROAD ConstrucEi-on of a six fooE wide road shoulder (measured from the edges of the existing paved por:tion of the road) on each side of Buffer creek Road from that point where Buffer Creek Road inEersects with the northerly boundary of Buffer Creek Subdivision to that point where Buffer Creek Road intersects with Lion's Ridge Loop, in accordance with standards for Eagle CounEy roads located in locals similar to said portion of Buffer Creek Road. LION'S RIDGE LOOP construction of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured fron the edges of the existing paved portion of che road) on each side of Lion's Rdige Loop from that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Buffer Creek Road to that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, Ln accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located in locals similar to said portion of Lion's Ridge Loop. i_EAGLE GO nnterofflce nneRn@reRdum To: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS subjectr Subdivision Improvements Agreement - The Valley, Phase V From: Beth A. Whittier, County Attorney*\ File No.:Date: 0ctober 27, 1980 Attached hereto are copies of the fo1 lowing documents w'i th respect to the to the above-referenced matter: a) Subdivision improvements Agreernent;b) Promissory Note;c) Deed of Trust;d) Power of Attorney; and e) Partial Release of Deed of Trust. Upon review of the above documents, the fo1 |owing are my comments thereto: a) Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 1) The public improvements to be constructed by the Subdivider are set forth in Exhibit "A" attached thereto' The estimated cost of same is $ 20,000'00 and the Subdivider desires to secure the construction of said pub'l ic improve- ments by a promissory note in the amount of $ 20,000.00 secured by a Deed of Trust on Lot l of the Valley' Phase V. 2) The construction of sa'id public improvements shall be compieted wjthin 18 months of the recordation of the Subdjvision Improvements Agreement. The Sudivider warants all work for a period of one year after completion of said public improvements and acceptance of same by the Board. 3) Exhibit "8" attached to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement setsforth off-site improvements as determined by the County. The cost of such off-site improvements is $ 2,698.00 wjth the Subdivider's proport'ionate share being $ 105.82. Said agreement, which is identical to those Subdivision Improvements Agreements previously approved by the Board relative to the Ridge at Vai'l and the Valley, provides that the County withi n 48 months shall construct said off-site improvements' If the County does not construct same or if the subiect property is annexed unto the Town of Vajl' the County shall return the monies paid by the Subdjvider in the Board of County Conrnissioners Page Two October 27, 7980 amount of $ 105.82. In addition, the County warrants such work upon completion for a period of one year. 4) The Subdivision Improvements Agreement, if approved, should be recorded, and a copy and the recorded original submitted to this offjce. In addition, the check in the amount of $ 105.82 should be submitted to this office for proper processing. b) Power of Attorney. The Power of Attorney should be recorded. A copy of such recorded document should be submitted to this office. c) Deed of l41st. e) The County should'inquire if such Deed of Trust is a first. If so, the Subdivider should submit to the Board evidence of a fully executed partial release of Deed of Trust sisneA-6y-lmTlnningham relatjve to Lot 1 of the Val 1ey - Phase V. Such partial release should be recorded and a copy of such recorded document submitted to this coPY. d) Promissory Note. The orig'inal promissory note should be submitted to this office. Final Plat. By policy of the Board, the Title Certificate thereon is not required unless the Sbudivider is dedicating publjc improvements to the County. If you have any questions regarding this matter' please contact this office at Extension 242. cc: Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director Susan Vaughn, Department of Conmunity Development Mel Atwell, County Engineer Doug Pilcher, Road & Bridge Supervisor $20, 000. 00 VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado limited partner- ship ("Mak€r"), promises to pay to the order of COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, BY AND THROUGH ITS COUNTY CO}.{MISSIONERS ("Payee"), at P. 0. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 8163f, the principal sum of $20,000.00, together with simple interest from and after the date hereof at the rate of -0- percent per annum, witir such principal sum payable in its encirecy April 29 , 1982. This note is secured by and is entitled to the benefits of a Deed of,Trust (the "Deed-4f Trusl") from Maker Maker and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereof vraive demand, presentment, notice of dishonor and protest, and assent to any extengion of time with respect to any p?y'o"l: due undei:7 *6st{,/.tp/8 @EiVy{*:t or reiease ot corlateral anf co 9p,gqLV/op*)t9)e"fg-ot any parry. f,acn srgner, glJldt.anffT and/endofser ngreor guarancees the payment of this note according to its terms. No waiver of any payment or any other right under this note shal1 operate as a waiver of any other palrnent rights under this note shall operate as a waiver of any other payment or rights. Maker and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereof shall pay all reasonable costs of collection, iuich or without- suit,including attorney's fees, paid or incurred in enforcing this note. Maker may prepay this note at arry cime and from cime to time, without penalty. This note and the Deed of TrtLst are given as collateral pursuanC to Lhat ccrtain Subdivision Irirpri;vements Agreement (the "Agreement") of even datc hereivith, errtered inco bet\,reen Maker and Payee, Reference is made to the Agreement for a descriDtion of rhe rishts oF t.he holder hereoF Lo receive payment hereunder. The performance in parc of any of llaker's obligations set forrh in r.he Asreement shi,-l-l resulr, in a proportionate reduction in the amount orving urrder chis note and, if ac any cime, there is comp j ece perf orrnaircc of l"laker's obligations under rhis Agreemcnt, this note shal1 be deemed paid in ful1 and Payee shall immediately cause rhe Deed of TrusL to be fullv relezrsed. VAL].TIY ASSOC]ATBS , J.,'I]D. , A Color-ado 1im.i Led oarCnersl-rio PROI,IISSOR'' NOTE n,, . Vail, Colorado September 26, 1980 to the Public t'"1t.Y"1 ;?*i;i;"2";Ranr"i"ai,' or even date herewith. Reference is y{de Eo 6e beed/of Trust for a description of the propey'ty cfny'e!ed an{"encumbered chereby,description of rhe prope'y'ry c$ny'e!ed an{'encumbered chereby, rhe rights and remedies,rof tfl,e /holLder hf,reof thereunder, and the Eerms and,condicLon$ up,6n t{"n thfls note is secured rhereby. \ ,./' \--"' v f Ac thi-oprion of tne holde{ hereof, the entire unpaid principal of this note and any interest accrued thereon may be declared due and payable and E.he maturity of this note accelerated if any payment requiqed by chis note is not made when due or if a deiaittc (tn.iU{fi n !;he perf.'-matrce of any covenants or rhe breach of any rtefx.esg{r.catifln of warranEy or ocherwise) occurs under tlne flerryA @lhe /Deed of Trust and such paymenE or defaulc is nof, cu?ed withiTfi ten days of notice to Maker.t/ LA}L\R PROI'ERTIE,S, INC. , A Dc lar+a\e cordoration, ics soLJ xiner:: I narcrter .---/-/ c!-'' By' R.*ra.u"t O o'clock M., + _-----Rccorder I I j Tnrs InorxruRE, Madc this ha , cxecutcd its TWENTY THOUSAND payablc tc rhc crdcr of C owrty whose addrcss is : r r. U. DOX a! thc r:r(e bt- - 0- rL^..,r ! *Lr lel- <; rl t AND WHEREAS. The said Reccption No. 1)\_(!l:,1 .i )[--;rLi_ i,-..,.b,]l 26th AND NO/100 betwccn I i I i day ot September re 80 VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado limited partnership i. P. O. Box 915, Vai1, Colorado 8L657 of thc first part. and the Public Trustec of tatc of Colorado. party ofthc sccond part, Witncsseth: rHAr,WHEREAS,rhcsaid party of the first,Si)tr;.."-t County of E ag 1e promissory note bearinS €vcn date herewith, for the principal sum of Dollars, of f"gtL', -Sc"t. of Colorado by and through its Board of Coul Conrnissionersi 850 ' Eagle colorado 8L6"?h. u"," n"rcof. wirh inrerest rhercon from rhc darc rhcreof percentperannutn,payablc aCCofding to the terms set forth ,it ll I I I ofthe first part desirous of securinS payment of the or any ofthem may be. prcmises and for thc purpose aforesaid, in trust forever, the following dcscribed principal and i;ttercst of said promissory n6te in whose hands soever said note W, TI{EREFORE. Ttre said part } ol rhc firsg,{Vrr, in consideration of the hereby grirnt, bargain, sell and convcy unto r.tl'c sfd party of the second part , State ofColorado, to wit: ;;;,_:"'*"" *Y,"1 U f s'a'eo''^**)'"n rhe va'eY - enase f l/ , i ,4rr I/ also known as strect and numbcr. TO tt1'!€ AND TO HOID th. samc. lotether wilh a.lt and singul:u thc pri!ilc8es and appurtenanccs thcrcunto bclon8rng: In Trust Neverrheless. That in cas. of dcfaull in the payrncnl of !tid note iltLJtr' -IIEl:l,{tl'Titl;Sl -I}uhli. Iru\trr{wirh du.onsnlcclflrsc.')-lrr.i,i!cr'\( ta|'io-.\ o.ner'rt,oes. ll l t; :i I t_ or any o[ them. or aflv parl thrrcof. or in lhc plymenr .)t lhc inleresl lhcrcon, itccordinF lo the tenor and eff(1*l txre"cl'rdedintherecorder'so!'l1.coflhecountyinwhtehs;rrl.lre:r|esle tell and dispo5a of the samc {cn massc or In \cparale parcclq. ls thc sxid Prrbltc frristce mav tlllnk bestl, lnii Jl thc ;ghr. rrtlc,rn,j r'ntercst otsddr\'rt y ofrhetiI\rr\u,. itS f,.,r.,n,"rrrgn.rhercin.rrprrL.l..,,,,.,,,,n,,,,1.r. EagLe fronrd,\rr,.trhe(ilurrH,,,,c.inrleC",,,nrvof 'Eagle..sL]tcof|..olt'r:ldlr..tr,\n\r|dnrcr|(.\''-irn\,r\''rlthc'co|J\rru|!'t\r{.d|cdlnt:cnotlJe.)|\.]|d\"l|e'|uIthCh,itC.t.lnll.\|fncc Inc s.rmt wlll bnnt In (a(h. fau. $c€k\' prrhlrc notitc havrnc r*scn lrc!k,d\ly jr\cn,,,t thc trme i!r,j pldce (,f .,,ch ,uic. tl .r,lrcrtrrement, wcckly. in some ncwrpafrr ofgcncral circ tition at that trmc pubtished in said countr .,t tragle , ac(Dy ol whrch nolrc€ ,,hi,ll hc rnajed witNn tcn days from lhc dalc of thc fir\t nuhlic:rrt()n lhcreo{ to the sicl part Y o[ the lrt\t flrl ;rt lhc addres5 hercin givcn and to \uch person or purch:r(cd. at lhe ttme \uch dtmtnd is rnndc, thc tllt)c lor rdcmnl|()n h;rvrnq crprred, miLlc iuri crciutc (r) sltch f{t\on or f{r\on\ a rlctd or said Public l_rustce. irq granror, .rnd shall convcy nnd qult-clarnr to \uch ncr\on or f\cr\ons cntitlcd to sLrch dced, ir\ f,rantec. thc sard propcrty purchared as alorcsaid and all rhe ri8hr. rrrle. intcre\r. hLncfit ;rnd cqrriry r.f rcdemprion of rhe n^rt I of rhc flrst F'1.its.hci^andlrssr5lns{hcrcrn.arxlrhi|||rcc|telhc5t|mor\tln|\|ilr$,hi(hlhc5:Udprortrlywa\solLlM(l5ha|lre|erlolheFocroi.g|c clrrtScs irnd cosLs of makrnS sard vrlc. Fa!- (o thc hcncllciary hercrnder or the letirl hoklc. of \.rLl rotc thc principal .frd inlerc\l du. on i:id nole acco^lrnS lo th. lenor irnd cflcct lher.('f, ;rnd itll moncy\ adlnnaed by rlreh b(ncficiffy or lcrd holdcr (f !\rl note for It\Uranlc, !a\cs and asse\lrEnts. wrth Intcres( thcreon al L2 p<r ccnl f'cr lnn(|m. rcnderinS rhe ov€rplus, rf an], rulo the \.ard piut y (n thc Iirs( p!r!'itsle8:r]fcPrc\cnlal|tesor;rrti8nr'whrch\.1|cor\i||cs;udvlt(l(lcc(l()r(lee{\om said parl y 1)f rhc fi.sr parl. itS heir\ irnd assrgns. arrd all ol her pcrson\ cl iminE the \.ud proper ty, i)r irnv ptrt thcreof, by. fn,m'thnlrrfhol'rrnJetr:r'tjP.utyo(|hctlr\tni'r| lhercol; ifl tt <h.rll nol N rcqur€rJ. il rs iurceri thal th. t!1 r I rrf rhc tir,,t p:fr. itS lr.rrs ()r a\irgni, l{ rll pl' {hc crncnt. thcrcrtl No. 341-A. Rev. '79 -i-' ' ' : r'j -Er.dfordPrhIrhrDF lJrr'\$rrtJtrhA!.rtrr.(,oldcn.('rlorad,,f0.t(tt-riititttn,ri.r.r. r-ro tr! I I Ard tlE !r|J f[rrt c{rvcrlurl s y "{,h. n^,f., itself and r." ic"O hc,.,. e\ccur()r! and admmtsriaro- iud agrce S roandq,rlhrl€!:ridFrlyoflhcrccondJufl,th;iralrhetsneofth..n.'calrnS('fJnddch!.rt'oflhd\a or ccrllliaale ol purshlsc on rcqucs!. uttl on n:ftrsd, rC\e(!'nd n:tl't,(,rtlr< h,'lijcr.rl '.r,ri n, 'lpl- (,1 ce,lrll(:ltc(,fpureh:t\c,ori|ny thenjof, 'hlll t,e tnlldcdloir .,0(\,rn,J nrolrrs lhcrcL-rl. ltrr sui!.1.trrult, includrn8 thc trnre covcred try li)re!lo:'urc pr()cctdrn8l i,nd thc t._riuJ of orlLnl5 il- iq *cll\ci"edoltha$ldl.lrl\landtrncmcnl\rnfec5lnrple.andl! S larxNl ri8ht, fullpowcrand lawful lurmnry r"_jY.'i"Udrgrrn.5€ll rnd cdnrc' the \rme In rhc m.rnner itnd form $ rforc\rrd, bcreby lull! and lh5olutclt *;tlttog and rtlciitrng all nghts anl clilms it mry har c r n 0r to rartl l.rn1jl!, ta ncm. n(\, aril proprr y its r I iomcsttird I: \cmplr(rrr. or ot hcr.er cmptron. urrJi.ardbyvrrtucotnn-yl|oftheccncElArtemblyolthcSuiet'fco]orJo.no*cr|st|o rrcc arrl ctcrr or;rlr |ens and cncun,br.rnct! nhdrrlcr ex.ep t genef al taxes f6f 1980 , payable_JafrUary I , 198I, and subsequent yearsr, ana ine following of record: U'S' Patent Reservations, Plarrned Lhit DevelopnenC Plans, restrictions, easefiient' righEs of way and protective covenants. ardrhcabovcbiugrincdPropcflyinlh€qU|ctandPeacclblcJJ5e\\0nof|hcsir|Jplr|yofthcstcorxlr|'hj\\l|cce!\or\1 person ot pcrsons ld\rfully clarnrinS or lo c);um lh. \\hole or:rrr} f\trl lh{reof. thc \iud Frrt ] tf ttrc lirrt p.,rt rhiJl ilnJ \rrll Wirnlnt dnd fbrcver tLfend opuon toatcelcrrtc rl. p oi luch J,<rron rs ratr' ANDTlL{TlNcA.qt:o}nx{r,J'n.r-I.{rr.,cbt,r..n[r,/.,,|(|re(|()\ltreLcu,sh.,er,r,.l"..thc\.'r|)cni{,ly norc cr eertifrcotc ot ourcl proftr Ihcrcof. from the accr;ngfr.rf ' IfiilIoranypartoflhcpropi:rtyornlrntere'ttherernirsrllrltrrtr.r1*trr.pdby\rntt,yt)*(h0\rtRLn<ti(|iry.tF possession shall at once bc deliver+d to lhd !.rd Frrty of thc k'lond nJrl or lhe holJcr of satd nule the delivcry ofsuch F)ssessiofl mad bc enfurccd b,t rhe sirid Nvty of lhc secon,l Frr l or the h9ly'{r of 5.nd no{c or ier lifir:Llc uf pr)rchd{ by an! :rppronriatc civil suit or proll:eedrng, and the said Rrceiler for said prot'.rty, ar,l of the partoiofl|rtheno*ncrtrisaidpropcrty.nJw|lhoUt|(8Udrof*\'.li,itlr.r.}'t,irrx1 irpon t'r parte applicat,r\n irnd w,lhourndrr. c bi, such Re;errli to t hc f{rr mcnr If rhe rrrj(hrr.lne\. hq;f'y .c. r,fi. lr..'rJrn5l ' r n( ,r* .,r.1 t hc or J-'r' .rc{ Jrr/;trorl' .rl the t,rtrr t A.ND, Thar In crs. of d.tJuh rn any oi .lrd *rf n,,, u, p;If I u, 'nr/.rt. .,..u,,.i'ng r,, rt,c r(ar -y'.,i".r1"f *,,r tl{,rnr\\or} note .rJoresa irl. or an}t t '+,*^"ynfi..y',n"*VY ofl henr, or any port thcreuf, or of a brerch ur r r.tl"uorlvf,rnv of thc covcnrlt\ .,r Ur*f,rsrparr, itS erecrrr,,r r. :sJ*rnr,,rrarorr .r a\.rgn., rhLn.rn a;V(l r#V"l-1,,'ttufiu,l pnn;rpr,l rum hcrehv reculed. and thc Intctc\l rhcreont,rihctimcr'lthc5Jc.may3tonie'dt|heit|t|l,n(\ftk|<!'.rlh''l(t('(hC'c('|.ht.i'} rhe sdme .ff.cl ar rf sard rnrlchrerlnr\\ hJJ mdturcJ. .,nd thrt ,l frlrcr!yry{ b9 fr,rl.l l,! lhe I'uhlr( LL,\lcc, .r,1 rtl(rIncy-\ tcc ut lhc \rrm lhe same cllecl as tl Satd indcbteqne!5 hird malurcd, ilnu tnal ll l(lle!lprur! 09 $aU.- "ry Ine l unrrr .rLLoI'rcy \ rsc of a reasonable arcun t / *l*,-,,I* ,I/'a/. l(e .rrlclrsrc,n r.rl uLr ri,reii(^,,rc r,,r'!c(.J,ns\ \h.,rr be rrh)q({ r} the co)b of such firreeftrrrrre procecdrnsr. ,, 1 f If I ShoLr|danyprovi5ionoflhistI'cdofTru}thcf.t.,n.ir.ou'<itr,re|fg.rg{e deem.d to be imended to comply wrlh an.l .(,nnrrm t,:\ucn rlrftrf r'.{..1 .lec',u,nr s{ *TINESS wllERfon rhe said p'rr t y 1 , utfilrit"r pnrr tt, S he.cunto sel itS hanrj :orl rcll ni wTINEss wllERton The said pd t y I i ottfiglrsr pnrr tra S he.cunto ser itS hanrj rhc day and year if5r above wriu€" l]ri vAUIy AssOc?LIES , LTD . , a . '' Colorado hrnited parfiership \4TrNES,S: rcdcmpodn. Lf any tlKrc . an,l shrll t',e (ntrtltrlrhrteto,r\!mrllcrqiSr<rlh),rlrct.rr{.1 l,'lhe\(l\cn(!or'nsolr(rri}'ritl'tlurt y. otlh.'lit.l By, IAI'4P.PR$PERTIXS, INC. , a '- -"ffie"4;ifrovlttoi','";s -- ' rstArr $r1Ar. I 8 -..] t) F F tt:3E .:l I ai I E ,a Ll: QE :, .j c :{ F a 7 F F lt)PF F =9 F o z a- o (, I .s d a)(l o -U c z IL c 2 <a o z e LL r- I Kxorv Ar.r. llnu Bv TtIrsr PnESr:Nrs, | ,'^-,--, ^ r1^1 ^-^)^ Ar.r. llnu Bv Trrrsr PnESr:NrS, Thaf, \l',helea., I RItconDER's s'f'{lllP i l "Iot*" AssocunEs, LrD., a colorado t*b?9uo#tFlfi5;ntn dated tha lSth dry of APril , 19 80 ' and duly recordecl in the office of the County Clerk and Iiecolder of the CountY of Eagle , in the State of Coloratlo, on the lSth day of April , 19 80 , in Book 301 at Pago 835 (filnr No' reception No. ) * convcyetl to the I'ublic Tntstee in said Eagle County, cert:rin property in said Deed of Trust de-qcribetl in trust to secure to thc oriler of Lot 1, T}D VALLEY - PHASE V, Eagle Cotrnty, Colorado, _ ac-ording tb'the recorded plat thereof, Rccorded at...... situate, lying and being in the State of Colorado. I,ll4. JAIGS GNI'lINGIlAl'l the puynrcnt of thc indcbtetlness ntentioned therein. AND, \VIIICR[]AS, saicl indcbted ess hirsr irecti partiull.v l)1|irl iurd thc ptrrposes of said trtrst havc ircen partially sati.sf ied NO\\/, TIIItItttFOIIE, at the request of thc lcgal holrler of lhe intlcbtedness secttrecl by said l)ccd of 'l'r'ust, and in consitleration of thc prcnrises,:rntl in fulther consit'lcriition of thc sum of l"irc Dolllrs to mc in han<l paid, the receipl rvhercof is lre reby irt'k nou'lr:dgcd, I, as thc Public Tlustee in said Eaele County, <lo hercby rentise, rclease and quit-claim unto the and present owler or orvners of the property hereinaftcl described and ltnto thc heirs, successors assigls rif said orvner or owncrs forcver, all the right, titlc lnd intcrest rvhich, I, its stlch I'ublic Tr.ustee have in and to that part ancl porlion ol thc ploperty, set forth and de.scribed in the aforesaid Deed of Trust, described as follorvs, to rvit: Countyof Eagle I RI'CONDER'S S'f ,{]IIP i and da1' oi i I I : !l ii ii TO IIAVII AND TO IIOLD the same, togcther rvith :rll rnd singuirr t.he privileges and appur'- tenalces thcreto |elonging folever'. Anrl further, that, as to the abovc tiescribed property, the said Tlust Dee4 is to be considured as fully and absolutely releuscd, currcelled aitr.l forever discharged. lVitness nry hand and seal this day of (SEAL) County(f F'ro'l e ,19 STATE OI' COI,ORADO, County ol Eagle The foregoing instrunrent was 1q I ' lss. ) lcltnorvledged before me , by. as the ihis Public 'f lu stee in the said : I I il i County of Eagle , Colorado. My commission expires Witness my hand and Offici:r'l seal. NoLrry Public. To the Public Trustec in said Countl'oi Eiigle : by thc tri.rrrvu nrctrlionetl Dced of 'Irust Planse execute this relclse, the irttlebtcr Incs-s .sccttretl having been paltially paid and satisfied. -l li( l( r.r'l )r,l'li ! r'f tlL{, r,,l, l)t,!irr.\r scfrrre,l bY sni,l Dc€d ol Tnrtl, Itn. Janes Cr-n-uringham 'ln countics rvhetc book atrd pagc ttunrlrt'rs hllc lteen ubo]isitctl' No. 92?. PARTIAL RI:l.L^sll ()!' t)0UI) Ot''IItUST lr\''l'lll': I't:nl.l( 'l'ltt s1'lil'1. Firr(lt,'.d t\r blr:hr'rs (lo . D.n r.r. ti'i,)- lI ?! I(I'IOI^i ALL PERSONS BY THISE PP']ISENTS tIiAT VALLEY ASSOCIATLS, LTD. , a CoLorado limitecl partnership (tire "ParEnership"), has made, constituted and appointed and by tl'rese-presents does make, constiLute and affoinr WILLIAI'{ J' POST ("Post") as its true ancl lalvful attoiney in fact, and to act irr- its "t*",-p1uce and stead in any whi'in which it could act if petsonilly pt""".ti, wirh fuil pbrver and autl'rority to do che following'utt" and'Eo exercise the follorving powers, and the Partnersiiip intencls that Post's powers shalL be construed in the broadest Possible manner: t. To execuLe, file ancl record in tl-re records of ttLe clerk and Recorder's office for Iiagle county, colorado tLLIL "ctutk's itecor.ls"), a final plat (the "Plac") wllereby the ParEnership cer tif ies i Ls orvnership -of cerCain real properCy iocated in Eagle County, Colorado, as more fulLy'deicriLed in Exhibit A attacired lereto and made a p.rt hereof, as also described on the PlaE, and subdivides and plaLs portions of such real properEy inEo loCs as shown bn rhe- Plat and dedicares portions of such real property Lo the public use as shown on the PlaE. The authority an<l power contained hereinabove shal1 be evidenced by- a sigirature block on the Plat as follows: VALLEY ASSoCIATES, LTD., A coLoRADo LIIIITED PARTNERSHIP P. O. BOX 9I5, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 POhIER OF ATTOPJ{IY I,JILLIA]'I J. POST, P. O. 13OX 3IZI AS ATTORI{EY II{ FACT FOR VALLEY , VAIL,LO ASSOCIATES , LTD., A BY: COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP PosE's execution of the Plat i1 such signature block shall be conclusive evidence of the authority and power granted herein. 2. To execute, file and record in the Clerk's Records any and all Subdivision Improvements Agreements (the "Agreements") entered into wirlr rhe County of EagIe, SrIte of Colorado, as a condition of approval of the Plat pursuanE to Section 30-28-L37, Colorado Revised Statules (L973), as amended, for tl-re real property described in Exleibic A hereto, whereby suctr real nrnnorrrr r.ri l 1 k^ ."1''i 6.'raA '-n ,-lre Aoreemenf -q yrwyg! LJ lvl-!r L,E >uuJ <:\- L-srr "nL^ ^1,i1,^-i r-'rr --'l Dorr.:r corlrnined lrereinabOve SlraII bc rrrg 4LrLtl(rL r-LJ clrr\r t/v!vrrL evi dpnopd hv a s'i .rn c rrr *a lr'l n.']. nn Flre Arr-ecmen IS in tlle s v !\rsrr\-s\r vjl q' or5i.rs.LL,rr s u!v!r same forrn as set forth on the PLar. Post's execution of the Agreements in such signature block shalL be conclusive evidence of che aurhority and power granred herein. 3. To execute, file and record in the Clerk's Records a Declaration of Protective Covenants (the "Declaracion") for the real property <lescribed in E;<hibit A irereto, whereby such rcal property will be subjecred co protective covenants. Tl-re authority and porver containcd liereinabove shall be ^r,-i r^-^^.r 1-,, ^ ^.'-r. r-,!r-cr hlnnt, r,n L[Le Dcclaration in tlie C V-l-LrE(l\-CLl U_v ..l bI|:li.rLLl! e L-/ L\-,/Ll\ lrll same form as set f-orrh on tlre PLat. Post's execution <lf the Declarati-on in sucir sisnature bloclt siralL be conclusive eviclence of clLe authority and porver grant-ed lLere Ln. 4. To execuLe, file an<i recorcl in the Clerk's Records a planned u"ii DevelopmenL plan (rhe "PLan") for the real propetry-a"".tiUld ln Exhibit A hereto' whereby such real ptltp.tty rvill be subjected to a planned unit deveLoPmenE PLan. The aurliority and power containecl hereinabove shal1 be ""ia""""a by'a signature block on the Plan in the sane form as set forth on tfi; Plat. Post's execution of rhe Plan in il.t"i-t-"ig".i,lt. btock shall be conclusive evidence of the authoriiy and power granted herein. Giving and granuing unto Post full power and. auLhoriEy to do and [erfort aLl and every,act and thing.wlratsoever requisite, necessary or des-irr6l" to be done in regard to thd foregoing, hereby ratifyin-g and confirming all that PosE in fact 6as lone or -caused to be do*e, shall do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. Tiris power and authority shall continue in fuLl force and effect until it is "*prustly revoked in lvriring by instrument executed by thl Partnership and evidence thereot is duty recorded in Eagle County, Colorado' Ii{ WITIiESS WHIREOF, this instrument is execuEed effective as of June 18, 1980. VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Colorado limited PartnershiP BY:LA14AR PROP De l awar-e co genetral BY: T NT TT n, its sole or , (SEAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF COLOMDO )) ss tsAGLE ) The,,foregoing instrument rvas acknorvledged before me this /Alh a^l of*June, 1980, by Peter l(alkus, as Vice Presiffir of Lamar Properries, lnc., a Delar'rare corporaEicn, as sole general partner of VaLLey Associates, Ltd-, a Colorado limired partnersirip. Wicness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ,71 .,r r ,1 I "-/J[-L=!c -(7 ter r.arKus, ice PresidenE -2- EXLI I.]J1T A ,r\ prrt of l..)irrccL A, l,itrntsi lii(lgc SlLrlrrlivis;.iort, l;i. 1. inli lio. 2,;t srlbdivision rccordcd 1n Lltc ()I l- Lcc Of Llrc liaglc (lrrrLrLy, Color;tdo, (l.l crl< ;rrrd l{ccorder ' sald parc of Parccl A bei ng niorc P.rrLictrlar Ly clcscribccl as f olLt-rt"s: Ileglnnlnpl ac n po j. t on thc llorLli lillc ol. sa id l'art:e I r\ rvltcncc Lhe nortlll''esf corner of scct-i.,1-1 12, 'forvnslrip 5 S1.lutlr, liangc [ll hrcsL ol- Lirc {:Llr l'r:incipal Ileri- dian bears S tJg'19'41" !{ S14,59 feec c-lisLanr, Llrcncc S l.l.'59'06" 1'l tJB5.53 feer to a point. ou Llte nof tlle rl), rig,lrL-or-r,,.-ty linc ol. l,ionts liidi'c ),oop, Lltcnce Lllc f ol1owi.ng eight courscs along sai.d riglrt-of -rv:ry .l.itrc: (l) i'l (;1o58'2iJ" E 4)6.62 feec; (2) 225.60 f ect a l-ortg Llrc. arc of a ctrrvc t.o tllc 1cf L rviriclr lt;rs a raclius of l05B.7l- f ci:t, an itrEcri'rr 1111r'113 of 12"12'32", arltl a cltt>l:d r''lrich bears fl 55" 5Z.,LZ', E 225-17 feer; (3) N 49'45'5(;" li 155.35 fcrrt.; (4) 1f;4.26 fcct aloLrg t.he arc of a curve to Elrc leIr rvlrlch ltiIl; ;r r;rdi.u:; of 1381.32 f cct , an inter j or augLt: o[ 6o4Bt4[]," aucl fl cliord r,lrj.ch bc.-rr:s fl 1r6"21.'J2" li 164.16 fcec; (5) N 42;57'08', [ 102.95 I.eer,; (6) 151 .20 l ccL :rlorrg Llri: arr: of (]rrrvc to t:lru riilltL wlriclr lrirs u rarl lus ttl ).6i.16 ft'e e , rrtt .i.ttLr:r lot' :rt1', l(' of 33'26 '32", ;trttl il ( llol:(l rviri.ch bc:rrs l.j 59'40'21r" li -152.()2 l'ccL; (9) N 7()"23'lr0" li 42.91 l:ctrt; (.f0) 121.19 feeE alotrg thc arc of a cur..vc Lo Lhc Lcf t: rvlr it:lt lti.tr; lr r;tci ius of 6Bl ' 20 f ceE, an inLerior anglc of l0oll '35" , and a clrr>ril tvlticrir lrcrtr:; N 71"17'53" I 121.03 f cet.; (1r) N 66'12'05" il (r.91 lcet, thcncc dcp;rrti.ng said righC-of- way linc N 35'55'58" 1,,l 1fl9.7B f cct to a point On Llrt: norLlr Littc of said P;rrccl A, chence along saicl rrortlr linc S B8'19'41" II 1246.23 f cctl Lo Llrc po.irlt of begilging, conLairrilg 676,821 s(lrJarc fceL or 15.538 flcr-cs, lIrOrc or lcsS. DaLc: F/apr-z.t //2, / t'€?o _ box 100 department of comnrunity development vail, colorado 816.57 (3031 476-5613 January .|6, 1980 Eagle County Planning Cormissioners Eagle County Court House Box .l79 Eag'le, C0 81 631 Re: File No. SU-].l4-80-P2 (The Valley Pl,.rse V) Dear Planning Commissioners : The Town of Vail Pianning Commissioners have reviewed the Vailey Phase V and has several concerns regarding the design of park'ing and the size of the units. By eliminating the front setback and placing the garage underground the driveway s'l ope problem on these steep lots has been aljeviated. But other problems have deve'loped out of this sclution. Sight f ines for vehic'l es entering Buffer Creek Road are poor particularly if the cars must back onto the road. Visually, a 45 foot bui.lding is created which overwhelms the roadway because the front setback requirernents were waived. If development is to occur on thse lots, the Town would favor underground parking if the deve'l oper wishes. However, the plan must be careful 1y thought out so that other probiems are not created. l^lhatever the result, all of the lots should be treated in the same fashion. S'incerely, 2L./.4-- Dick Ryan Director caj box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 February 6, 1980 department of community development Eagle County Planning Oonmissioners I'agle bunty Oourt House bx L79 Eagle, Oolorado 81631 Re: File No. Su-114-80-P2 (The Valley pha^se V) Dear Planning Cormissioners : The Torpn of vail has revi.s,ved the prelirninary plan for pbase V of the Va1ley ard generally supports the pIan. The undergror:nd garage design is the best parking solution for developnent on the north side of the road. The applicant nay consider featheriag the road cut back to irrprove the sightlines for vehicles entering the roidr,vay.one concern which is an a{unct of this design is the bulk oi the buildings.A 45 foot building could be created *hich would overu{relm the roadway.Ife request tbat the applicant i.nclude the forlowing requirenrent il tbe deed for eadr 1ot. \ No part of any structure (except chirrneys, flues, or vents) sha11 project up thror:gh the bulk ljmits. Bulk lirnits are defjned by a plane wtrich starts at the center-line of the road arrd extends up over the lot at an angle of 3Oo frorn horizontal (a pitch of 2/3 fcrlt additionai rise for each foot additional setback). See attached. the Town is concerned about the size of the units for this developnent. Ibve_v91, the valley's GRFA naxi-nn-rn of 2@,@o sq.ft. is acceptable and ue will continue to supporb projects in the Va11ey wtrich follow these guidelines. Sincerely, 2"24"_ Dick Ryan Director {-o z 5\ o JS d ,'f /-$" ,p -.-l frr *_l-=jF ,' o -l tV s tfr r{ FR ED ERICK S. OTTO JAI '(. PETERSON WILLIAM J. POST Orro, Pnrnnsou & Posr ATTOENTYS AT I.AW POST OFFTCE BOX 3t49 VAIL, COLORADO At€67 October 29., 1980 VAIL NATIONAL BANX BUILOING (3O31 .76-OO92 EAG LE-VAIL PROFESSIONAL E UILOING (303) 949-s3SO FR EOERIC X O. GREEN oF couNsEL i Eagle CounEy DeparEment of Conrnunity DevelopmenE P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. SU-114-80-F2 The Valley Phase V Gent,lemen: In response to your letter of September 18, 1980,pertaining to the required payment of school land dedica-tion fees, please find enclosed a check in the amount of $69s.7 6. The above stated amount was calculated based on the following formula given to me by Mr. Jim Williams of your department, wiLh our supplying the value of the land: (Duplex Lot Dwelling Units) 8 x .014495 (School Factor) x $6,000.00 (Value Raw Land Per Acre) -- $69s .7 6 If you have any questions concerning tshis matter,please contact me. Very Eruly yours, 6;zr4Bp William J. Posr / cvt enclosure N.. 33945 t, ,t Treasurer's Office, Eagle County, Colorado Brniuri uf ,o., dt nlo(on p z , re .gzj N" 33944 County Treasurer's Office, Eagle County, Colorado frrrriupi nf ./czr,,tdA Yiii-,W'nh DOLLARS , Treasurer Account of Cash Book Page_ _)a(da*-- , Eepu+F PLANI{ED UNIT DEVELOP}IEI{T PLAN FOR VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado limiced paltnershlP ("oeci"i"nt"j, is the record and beneficiaL o''tner of all of the real property within that certain subdivision denominated The Valley -'pn"i. V located in Eagle Councy, Colorado, the final plat of which vlas recorded at Reception Nurnber -' in Booii at Pag; , in l'lap Case - , Dlawer --- FTF"records ifr-the Cferk and Recorcier's oIEIce ior Eagle County, Colorado. Declarant does hereby make, publish and declare that the following terms, covenanEs, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns, and the Cor.rnty of Eagle, by and through its Board of County Cornmissioners (the i'Board"), and- any person or entity acquiring or owning an interest in the real-ProPerty which is or becomes subject to this Instrument and improvements built thereon, their Srantees, successors, heirs, personal representatives, devisees or assigns. 1. DEFINITIONS: As used herein, the follor.ring vrords and Eerms sEaTI-Eave the following meanings: THE VALLEY . P}IASE V The Valley - Phase V. A lot within The Vatley - Phase V. Is a term as defined in Section 2.02.06 of the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado. Is a term as defined in Secti-or. 2.02.35 of the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado. A LoE that can be used solelY for residential purposes and upon which not more than one building containing not more tshan two dwelling units, and one building or a part Ehereof containing garage spaces, nay be constructed. A tract wichin the Subdivision thac shall rernain in its natural and undisturbed state or may be landscaped with grasses and plant material indigenous co the site. Is a term as defined i-n Section 3.fI.04 of the Zontng Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado. That portion of the Councy of Eagle road knorsn as Lion's Ridge Loop, which is located within Parcel A, Li,on's Ridge Subdi',rision, Fil1ng ilo. 2, EagLe Coun:1r, Colorado. SUBDIVISION LOT DI^IELLING UNIT GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA ("G.R.F.A.") DUPLEX UNIT RESIDEI'ITIAL LOT OPEN SPACE TR-{CT PRELI]'IINARY PLAT{ ROAD are made f@f creating and keeping Eh-e Sub- division insofar as possible desirable, acEractive, benet:.- cial and suiEable in- archiEecEural design, materials and appearance; and guarciing again-sc fires and unnecessary iir'cerference wic[ che nituial beauEy of the Subdivision all for the muEual benefic and protecEion of the owners of any land in Ehe Subdivision, and for che benefit of the Councy of Eagle, through the Board 3. USES: All Lots and Tracts in the Subdivision shall fall-wlEhin and be rest.ricEed to the following land use definitions: DEFINITIOI'I LOT DESCRIPTION Duplex Unit Residential Lot Open Space Tract APPROVAL OF CONS : (a) No building or other s erecEed, or main-4. SITE COVERI\GE ANN DENSITY: Lots 1 through 4, inclusive Tract A A building I Lot and con- tained on any Lot, nor shall any addition thereto or alter- ation or change therein be made until complete plans and specification5 have been submitted to the County of Eagle -aira Uy ic approved in \driting, as evidenced by issuance of applicable County of Eagle building permics. (b) The foltowing specific restrictions sha1l govern construction on anv Lot: (i) situated on a Duplex Unit Residentia taining a dwelling unit or dwelling units shall not exceed 25% Lot coverage, and each dwelling unit within such building shall not contain more than 2,200 square feet of G.R.F.A. (ii) SET BACK REQUIREMENTS: Minimum setbacks for the location of structures with relations to proPerEy lines shall be 25 feeE from the Road right of way and 15 feet from all other ProPerty lines, except as specifically provided for parking structures herein- below. (iii) BUILDING HEIGHT: No sEructure located within the SubdivlsT6i-TEElfFExdeed at any point on the structure, Ehree stories or a maxirnum height that would exceed tire air space found rvichin a 30 degree acuce angle with the base of the angle being the plane of the Road and the apex of the angel being the center line of the Road as sho'wn in the Prelininary Plan for Phase V approved by the Board on April 30, 1980 (the "Pl-an") , vrhichever is 1ess. (iv) PARKIi{G REQUIRn}{ENTS: (aa) For Lo,rs I and 2 parking sh@onstruct-ion of a parking structure in substantially the forrn of rhat certain single parking structure approved for such Lots in the Plan. (bb) For Lots 3 and 4 parking shal1 be provided b;r conscruction of a parking structure in subscancially the form of chac certain single paricing strucEure apDrovec ior such Lots in the Plan. OF CONSTRUCTIOI{ PLANS -2- (cc) No building'O"t*ra for any Loc sirall be. issued unril sucir Eiie- as a building permit for the related parking sErucEure has been issued or unEil such pari<ing sEruccure has been consEructed' (v) ACCESS VISIOI{ REQUIREMENTS: At the point of intersecti- the above referenced parking structures and the paved-porEion of fhe Road,'th"t. fn"lt be an uninterrulted line of vision frorn such intersecEion points fol a distance of 150.0 feet of the length of tite Road in eiCher direccion from such intersection points. (vi) LANDSCAPIIIG: For each Lot, landscaping. sha11 be provided as app?oved in the Plan including wiuhouE limication each fianting area containing five 8 to l0 fooE Aspen trees and three 5 ro B foot Blue Spruce trees (vii) RETAIi{AGE AND STOMGE : For each Lot, retainage walls, rock-contour shall be provided as reEeinage areas and snow storage areas approved in the Plan. 5. ISSUAT{CE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: (a) I'lo ternporary or final c or a dwelling unit on Lot I or Lot 2 unCil such- time as a certificate of occupancy has issued covering the enEire parking structure intended Lo service both of said Lots and all retainage and snow storage for both of said Lots must be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary or final certificate of occupancy on either of said Loti; provided, however, that a Eemporary certificate of occupancy miy issue conditional upon fuEure -completion of landicaping ind paving required on either of said Lots. (b) No temporary or final certificate of occuPancy-sha1l issue for a dwelling unit on Lot 3 or Lot 4 until such time as a certificate of occupancy l'ras issued covering the entire parking structure intended to- service both of said Lots and all retainage and snow storage for both of said LoEs must be comp_1eted prior to the issuance oi a temporary or final cerEificate of occupancy o-n either of said LoEs; irovided, however, that a temporary certifi- cate of occupancy may issue conditional upon future cornpleEion of landscaping and paving required on either of said Lots. 6. EFFECT AND DURATION 0F INSTRUMEI'trT: The conditions, restricfio tained herein sha1l be for the benefit of and binding upon each and every part of Ehe Subdivision, and each owner of property Eherein, his heirs, personal representatives , successors and assigns and sh.all cbnEinue in full force and effecE unEil January I in the year 2000 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of l0 years each; unless aL least I year prior to Januar;.r 1, 2000 A.D., or at leasE I year prior to the er-piration of any such l0-year perioci of extended duracion, tiris Insrrumenc is Eerminated as provided hereinbelor,r, by recorded instrument directing terminaEion. i'lorhing contained irerein shall be construed to linit the Board fron exercising its rigircs, ducies and obligacions as may be provided by laru. 7 . AllEi{D}1Ei'lTS: The condiEions, resEriccions, stipu-laEions, agr--ements and covenanEs conEained herein sha11 noE be abandoned, terminated, or amended excepc (i) by rvritten consen! of che o\.rrrer s of. 75% of rl-re Lots included wichin the boundaries of Eire Subdivision and by approval of the Board, or (li) all sucir provisions concerning and relacing Eo zoning matters by independenc actions of tire Doard as na-v be pe:r- rted bv larv. - 3- /! 8. Ei'IFORCEIIENT: If any Person shal1 violate or Ehreacen 66EIoTEEE any of the provisions of this InsErument, ic shall be lar.rful for the Board, or any Person or Persons owning a real property interest in the Subdivision Eo insEifute proce6dings at lai"r or- in equity to enforcg !h".provisions of this Instiument, Eo restrain the Person violaCing or Ehreatening Eo violate them, and Eo recover damages, acEual and punitive, and cosEs together with reasonable aEcorney's fees, for such violations. 9. SEVEMBILITY: Invalidation of any one of the provisions-of tEIG-EstrunenE by court order or decree shall in no rvay affect any of the oEher provisions, which shall remain in full force and effecc. EXECUTED as of thi-s ,2Q day of VALLEY ASSOCIATES, Colorado limited P. O. Box 915 Vail, Colorado 8L657 BY: , 1980. LTD., A partnership 3149, Vail, Colorado 81657, as Attorney In Fact for Valley Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership COUNTY By and BOARD DT: RV. OF EAGLE through , STATE OF COLORADO it's COTO{ISSIONERS ranE, .A/ Thg.foregoing instrument was acknowledgeci before me tltLs , j(/!v da! of- t\Ltbr , 1980, by wilfiam J. Post, ----:----_----_-i--i- .as AErorney In Fact for Valley Associaces, Ltd., a Colorado limited parcnership. IoliEness my irand and official seal. M.r comrni s s ion exDires :-/,,,/, i. /e,i-3 ATTEST: erl( ot tire Bbar ;;;;r-e"Yiw,uful U *o::::,;;'-":,,:, nn a,, z c oao I €4 c4t 7,r7| |-t1r+ //t/i/t* TECHNICAL SPECTFICATION TS 1-1 0f 7t/it,//r-/,/ A',F {u 7vy:TTExcavaEion and Embankment l/{'4r''ttt" A. GENERAI This Article covers requiremenEs applicable to all excavation anc' embankment to be perforrned for Ehe Fconstruction of lalc#t @. ot/ aA6t€ eo/,,/r/ zoootff'1.LoL,: # 1. Lines and Grades t I.Io rk of this cont.ract shall be perforrrred to the lines, grades, sections and densities as shoqrn on the drawings or as specifi"ed. I,Io rk not conforming to the lines and grades specified or shor'n shal-1 be re-rvorked until requirements are met by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. Compaction Control a. Testlng necessary for determining suitability of naterials' mois ture-density relations of soi1s, and field in-place densities being obtained sha11 be performed by Contractor's tesuing agency. If, during the course of the work, requlred testing ls noE being provided by the ContracEor' the Owne r may engage a testing agency whose cosE shall be chz-rged to Ehe Contractor. AohPzz'q,'a ^na.€ e2 les € b. Before installation of# may begin on cuE areas within the roadway' the exisEing material which forms the finish grade of the subgrade shall be compacted Eo Ehe densities required hereinafter. Prior to comrience- menc of aoy fill operations Lrichin Ehe roadway, the exisring material shall be scarified to a depth of not less than 6 inches and sha11 be compacced Eo the densj-tles required he re inafte r . c. l4oi s c ure-densi cy relacions of soils sha11 be deEermined in accordance with ASTI1 Scanclard D698, whlch wilL be referred to as standard density or maximum densiEy hereinafter. Field in-place densiEy EesEs of compac!ed fill' backfill 'srrhorade- srrhbase and base course will be performed in accordance wirh ASTII D1556 or DZL67 or D2922 nuclear meEhod. Where in-place densiEies fall belorv specified minimums, the ConEractor lvil1 be required Eo re-i,rorlc those zones unEil required densiEies are obEained, and if not obtained' Ehe ConLractor shall be required to renove and recotrstrucE Ehe deiicienc zones aE no addicional cost' co che Or"'ner. ci. DensiEy tests shitll- be cerf orne,i on subr;race ' sr'-Lt'€-cE*'aet=Ef L A^'L) negc@fu*l aggreg:rte base course as direcced by Clte O''"'ne r out not Less oiten than (1) resc per every 500 Lineal ieeE oi road- \'/ay . E4c-9-Ftj-r'e r Le.ss-tirrcne.derrsi.e@ack=r'i#l-oPrgei on .K - l3 - -/]4 1'fl/ e. ,) attt tt ! During placing and/or compacEing operations uPon earEh or earth and rock mixEures, the moisEure content of material in the layer being compacted shall be wirhin 2 percent (|-) "f optimum and sha11 be as nearly as uniform as practicable throughout the 1ayer. Fi1l shall not be placed in layers exceeding 12 inches in depth under any circumstances. The ConEractor shal1 perform all operations necessary to ensure the proper rnoisture content, including but noE limited to sprinkling, scarifying, aeration or drai-nage. The Contractor shall coordinate his placenent and comPacEion operations with the sampling and testing operations of the lesting agency, permitEing Proper inspection as the work Progresses. The Owner or Ovrnert s Represenrative may suspend any portion of tha earth\qork when density requirements are not being met, or r.rhen satisfactory results are doubtful. Earthruork compaction operations sha11 not be perforrned during periods when freezing temperatures, excessive moisEure or similar factors preclude salisfactory results. When working conditions are marginal, the Contractor shall obtain the Ownerrs approval to commence or proceed wit.h compaction operaEions; however, it sha11 be the Contractorrs responsi- bihEy that the work, when tested ' r^rill meet the compaction requirements specified herein. Should prevailing temperatures induce frost in the fil1, backfill, embankmenE or subgrade in such amounts that iE is contributing to unsatisfactory densities, placenent sha1l be suspended and sha1l noE be resurned until conditions are favorable. Dter*ehergfcttgd dur+trg:Jrgrj:ods-=ziren=fu.eqg'ri-*E:t=enPeEaE*s{eke:f*Lt:5}rtl]+e coflIl}eee-};L€hawed ??i6-Eo--comnafi.TLtlg.:b'ack-f ii*-anxFeorRFge-rttn oreratio!^s,. Throughout all work under Chis contract, the Contractor shall maintain drainage in the various r,:orl: areas such as to preveni collecrion of r,'aEer in excavations, ponding, erosion and excessively weE or unstable soil condlcions. OperaEions to be performed by Ehe Contractcr in accomplishing the foregoing shall include' buE not necessarily be limiEed to' Ehe Eollowine: a, Grading in chc vicinicy of a:rd for a dis*'ance of approximately 25 feet ou!.side e.ech e:ic.tvution, includlng slopes ' shall be continually and cffeccively controllecl to p13\'ellE surt-ace rvaccr from encerjnq Etl(j exclvaEion. b, Any uater accu:ruLacing in JxcevaEions, from lihaccver sourcc' shall be promDtlv re rnovc<i by the ConcrecEor' using deruacering ncc.noos acce pr.rblc E.o El.rc dnqincer. I..'tre re direcced. Jctuecerin; opereLions shall be ton!.i-nued as necessary ror maincaining 5. h J. /,(-]t- 'rr4''N O suitable condicions in the excavaEions throughouc backfilllng operations. c. Ditches shall be constructed as required for drainage and proEecEion of the r.to rk and shall be maintained unobstructed and free draining. B.}IATERIALS 1.Sui table l,laterials Ilaterials for constructing fi1ls, embankments and as select structural fil1s or backfills for this ted on the drar,rings are defined as follows: a. Fi11 zones desi8nated project and indica- Material excavaEed from within the project right-of-way or construction easements and used as fill or embankment material shal1 be free from perishable maEter' debris, frozen material and stones or cemented pieces larger than Permitted by the specified gradation. l'laterial shal1 consist of any on-site excavaEed material containing 100 percent Particles smaller than 12 inches, excluding topsoil, saturated silEs and clays' peat. and other organic matter. The rate of placement of f111 materials sha11 be coordinated wiEh the compacting ogerat.ions and density testing such that the required densities are obtained and verified before further placement is made on these areas' t e e fs try€ tsr aVKaG r ia]' '/--'{r at{o.l"gs'i,s6a1l- cons.is/t of inorganic--t6its having J-00 percent particies finer thin16 inche.s',. a. mixirnum of 25 percent minus 100 particles .nd 'a $lascicity index of approximately-. 10 ' percenc. Backfill Backfill unless showr oEhen/ise on the drar,rings shall consisc of Ehe material specified hereinbefore for Fills excepE EhaE 100 perceot of the particles shall be smaller Ehan 6 inches' . Pipe Beddine Pipe bedding shall be a selecE sanci/gravel mixEure wiEh 100 percenc parEicles passing the f/4-inch si.eve , 35i:-7 5Z passing the tlo. 4 sieve and 0,"{-8ll passing the r\o ' 200 sieve ' .'r-L-i; Fr'I Far ltf.F'rri al Fabric EiLcer mscericl shall be "TIPAR" as manufac[ured by I. E. DuPonE or Jn Ol'rner-urproved equal' :ii n(-i5- 41, v o 2.Unsuitable MaEerials llaceria1 conEaini-ng vegetation, roots, stones larger than permitted by che class of fill being placed, highly plastic clays or oEher material having unsatisfactory compaclion characteristics shal1 be classed as unsuitable for use and shall be disposed of as specified or other\.rise directed by the Owner. C. CLEART}.IG AND GRUBBING 1. Trees, brush, buried vegetation, trash, stumps, subsurface roots larser than 11< inches in diameter and all matted roots shall be completely removed from within and to 5 feet outside of areas to receive fill, gravel surfacj.ng, sdnr=te?nled and to a line 5 feec beyond the top of any cut or toe of any fill or enbankment. ExcepE in areas where excavation will fol1ow, depressions created by grubbing sha11 be filled rdth suitable material and conpacted. z!.'Anl ' /,,+" ,.io, ^r4na aisposa/,o t, cnisflat.Sr'nl{r y' "o*pi..?a'6v 'tqfitru.,/". "y'a "r'":1:' ty'.rn 7/vart dr tt'i.J cor{Eract'. L \- D.STRIPPING 1. The ground surface w-ithin and to a distance of ! feet beyond the liraits of areas to be occupied by the roadway or areas to receive fill sha11 have all topsoil and soils containing grass' roots and other organic materials removed by stripping. The minirnum depth of stripping sha11 be 6 inches. A11 areas requiring stripping shall be scarifj-ed to a depth of 6 inches and cornPacted as described hercinbefore before any fill materials nay be placed- 2. Topsoil renoved by stri.pping sha1l be removed to a site designaced by the Or"ner and stockpi.led for reuse and kepc separace from other srnckni 'i en n;rt-erials, EXCAVATION l.General ExcavaEion shal1 be carrieci Eo the elevaEions and Srades required tor che subgrades and finish grades s hor.ryr on Ehe drawj-nqs. ExcavaEion r'.i11 nor be clas'sified and shall consist of che satis- faccory renoval and disoosiEion of all r:rateriels as necessarv for nrnnor noriorr::rn,.c oF rh,' '..'o rl: - rr.prrdless of ilre naEurc of che l,ruysL naEerials encounEercd. r\s nesrl',' as praccicabie, rnarerials e:<cJvatei uncler chis concracc and not previousl;"' speciFied :rs unsui!.abie shall be ErsnsDorted Eo and utilizeci in che fill and backf:ll ercas of the pro.jcc!. or in storige areas shot"n on Ehe drar,rings or designated blr the Otvrrer ' )M -J lrr ?h:rs,:-j-porficr--rr-tn:=l'r+i.:ee--bte-e?e--rer|tr-irfti-EffiFiD"i:+E e n l tl NW -}tJ- -e W ^A (J''lyl't'' 2. @jfedJrv rhe Contractor in the :reaq 'hor"m on the-trawie P?'rovaT J rom-ehe-€rsne=- Ove re xcavat ion Except as directed by the Grner, overexcavaEion sha11 be carefully avoided. Vlhen the indicated lirnits of excavation are reached and the exposed macerial is found, in Ehe opinion of the Ornmer, to have unsuitable qualities, the Owner will direct in writing the corrective measures to be taken' and- an equitable adjusEmen! in contract price will be made for this additional work in accordance with Eh€ applicable (add) unir price for directed overexcavaEion in accordance vrith this contract- Directed overexcavation shall include boEh excavation and fllling with suilable materials and compaction to the specified densicy to re-esEablish the excavation to the required lines and grades. Quantities as the basis of PaymenE sha11 be established by field measurement and survey of unsuitable materials removed and of suitable fill materials placed and compacted- UnauEhorized excavation and the corrective measures necessi- tated thereby will not be considered as a basis for claims by the Contractor for additional paymenE. Where unauthorized excavation is carried belor.r Ehe elevaEions indicated, grades shall be broughc up to indicaEed elevations with fill material of the type specified and compacted to the applicable density specified for rhe material being placed. VIhere unauEhorized excavation is carried bevond the horizontal limits indicated, the correccive rneasures shall be as directed by Ehe Ot'rner ' -3----I,xcav.eei€ft -for-Ifffehsf '--Ditches shall be excavated to Ehe slope and -c-!e e9::sect ion inrticated on Eh;--a;-e!ilngs---Ovq re xcava t ion shall b.e_mainrfined by ehe contracEor during Ehe construction pErto+-- *4-----L<c.1:rat-i-orL--l+€-+renche s- Trenches shall be excavated Eo the required tlepths and rvidthq-as f ollovrs, . Trench walls shtrll be vcrcical for not mor-e- -Ehsn-i FeeL and Ehen shall be sloped or stepDed Eo gr3de co- provida for the saiety of the worlcers. Linless of hcrr,/ise- shorrn on Che dratrings, Ehe rri.trh rr '. h,, r6n .-,F F1a,\ ,,^--;^.1 .','ri-i."1 Of :hC CfCnCh SirlII be . - LLr(. vu ! L ;Ldr-. tr! ! L lv t' a ma::inum of LB inchcs on cecit sitle .-rf thc pip'': cl i:rmccrr For pines lcss rhan J6 inclles in dianrccer, 24 inchcs for.p-ipes bct\reen i6 incnes 3nci 9(r inchcs in di:rrneEer a6d 16 inchcs [or-.plpes larger than 96 inches in--cliameccr. Alr Pipe E.rr:nclres shall l)e overe:lcavaEed itE LeasC 6 i.nches bclorv the b,oEtom of pipe elevrltj-()n, unless othcr- -37-1(.^r'l I I iise shown on the drawings and the overexcavated depth back wirh pipe bedding material placed in 6-inch lifts sp across che full vidth of the trench bottom. Shot-,ld necessary to overexcavate more than 6 inches in backfilled wilh suitable materials and cgmficted to 90 percent standard densicy before placing of b-edding maEerials. Bedding ''.materials shall be compacted aftgr/pLacement and shall be shaped I and graded to provide uni f orm' b-5aring and suPport for the bottom shall be of only strdh length, depth and width as-iequired for propdr instalied-{i an area of fi11, the fill sha1l first be constructed to reqfired density to an elevation at least one foot above the'--. i.p .i-irr; pip., .il.r, excavated for the pipe as described above'.---.. .r_ Borror.t prep-aration and excavation of borrow areas, and further procg-ssing'1 of ine excavated material if necessary, shal1 be perf-ormed 'as and graded to provide uni f orm' b-earing and suPporE tor tne boEEom I guadran; of rhe pipe for_-.th6' entire le"gtfr.qi Ehe pipe except wherA necessary to excavate_--.d5pressions for pipe ioints. The depressioris "t,"if U"'of only str6h length, depth ""a ini.Jtt asiiequired flr prop{t f ir Eins gf -iI" p.articular_ :lp . -: I l:li. :. -11"1?_lloi^'l:::.::^ _-, \ required to prodiice -maEerial suitable for the intended use' Clearing, g.,tUUi.tg and stripping of borrow ari:as' stockpiling strippea topsoil, disposal of unsuitable materials and maintenance and iiessing of borrow are4s "shall; -as--necessaiy, be performed as operations incidental--Lo borrow. eicept.-as. oEherr.rise permitted bv tire Ormer, borrbr+ locations shall be neatly eibavated and aieouatelv dfained and rvhen borrow operations are comp leEeld- shall be ieft in neat condition. Borrow areas shall be as shown on the - -- drawings i \ 6-..---.-l.totkP i lilg ..\-.---\l,Jhere Shown l)n J.Oe ora'.vings o rn-he re -directed by the Or.rne r materials may be placed in sioetpff--1.]g f f.t.nt classes of maEerials shall be stockpiled s,eparauely. Pre?-lration -.and mainEenance of the : -- . ':Y -t. ^ ve J Lvv.!r-5 stockpile. areS-shall be accomplished by -ihe*-Con addirional cosE Eo che Osmer. 7. BackFillinq Trenches Backfill sirall- noc be placeti unEil the pipe installation has been inspecced, a11 required Eests have been completed and -che pipe Erenctr ttas been approved for backfilling' Trenches shalI be backfillcrj rqiCh baclifill r,raceriel as specified hereinbeioreEocheelevaEionsslror.m.Tlrebackfillshallbe broughu ,rp in 6-inch cornpacEed l:rvers evenly on boch sides o€ :he pipe, ca!:ing care Eo ensure Ehorough conpircLion under ElLe haunches of' eire pipe- Each layer sh:rll be chorouchly compacEed before placingEhcsucceedinqlayer.Tlrisrnerhodofiillirrg:rndcompaccing shall conEinue unEil che conDilcEed b:rclif i.l-l tras reachei s.n eleveEion cf "as lees. LS incircs above che rop of t6e pipe or finished subgrade' -38-4fit'ff'il rtii"i.'.r". is less. l,tinimum compacte-d--density--of-be-cA?-ilT-mlTJria1 sha11 be 95 percent--iaximum- dendful--.-fn. resc of the trench shall be backf-illed in accordance with the tur<:{n materials. Cut and Fi11 procedures .and-.-specif ications 8. To the greatesE exEenE pracEicable, cuE and fill operacions sha1l be coordinated so as to minimize haulage and rehandling, and permit placemenE of excavated materials directly inco fills and embank- ments being consEructed. However, at the direction of the Ovrner, borrow areas may be worked Eo remove and/or process material and the resulting borrow material hauled and stockpiled in other areas of the projecE. rAIIS Gene ra1 Fills sha11 be constructed to the lines, grades, sections and densit.ies shor^rn on the drawings or detalled in these specifi- cations. Materials meeling requirements for the particular use shall be placed and spread in horizontal layers, moistened or dried to the specj-fied moj.sture contenEs and compacted to the specified density before placing the succeeding layer. To the greaEesE extenE practicable, fill operations sha11 be conducted to minirnize hauling and rehandling' and to permit placement of excavated materials directly into fi11s being constructed. Vlhere direct placement is not practicable, suitable maEerials shall be stockpiled for later placemenE. The earEhr+ork operaEions necessary for construction of fi11s shall be suspended at any cine spec'ified densicies cannot be obtained due to rain, snow, freezing rueaEher or other unfavorable conditions, Fil1 shal1 nor be placed on frozen material or surfaccs contaj-ning frost and frozen maEerials shall not be incorporated into the r,rorii. It shall be the CooEracEorr s responsibiliEy to derermine, Eo Ehe saEisfactlon of the (I"'ner. Ehat no frost or frozen maEerials are presenE in the fil1s before comrnencing fill placement. The materj-a1 in each layer shall have Ehe moisEure contenE r"ithin Ehe rsnge nccessarJ- for obtaining the required degree of conpacLion aod shalL bc I''eEteci. dri.cd or othcrr"rise man.ipulaEed to secu!:e che reouired noisture corlEenc E ilrorr,-:trcu r che Lal'er. 1) )) -3!'- $s "/ 4)The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of a1I fil1s constructed by him, and sha1l reconstruct' any portion vrhich has become displaced due Eo failure to properly construct or protect the fills, aE no additi.onal expense to the Ormer. Where fills are being constructed upon natural slopes sEeeper than 3 to 1, the natural slopes shall be stepped or benched as the layers of fill are being placed. Where fill is being placed against previously constructed fil1s steeper than 3 to 1, the slopes of the existing fills shal1 also be stepped or benched as t.he material is placed. Benches, where required, sha1l be ten feet wide with steps not exceeding 3 feet high. Hauling and spreading equipment sha1l be operated over Ehe full width of the fill and sha1l noE follow in the tracks of the preceding equi.pment. Leveling equiprnent shall be kept in continuous operation during placing of Ehe layers to spread, b1end, level and compacE the rnaterial as it is being placed. The rate of placement of fill materials shall be coordina- Eed vrich t.he compacting operat.ions and density testing such lhat the required in-p1ace densities are obtained and verified before further DlacemenE is made on Ehose areas. b.Placernent and Densities Fi11 material , backfill maEerial and select structural material sha11 be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose FL,i^l'-^^- -t- ^nr-i -,,m .nniqirt1.p .^nt-ant l'.1-) ? nprnant- end Lrllei\rrsDs t dL uPLrt'ru \_/ 4 HL!Le comDacEed Eo 95 percenE. inaximun density- Sub:rrCe Preoarat ion Excepc where such surfaces consisE of undisEurbed roclc or other undisturbed hard-cernented maEerial ruhose densities would no! be increased by compaction, as deterrnined by ttre Or.rner. all surfaces to receive fill and ernbankmenEs or ocher areas to be occupied by the roadrvay shail be scarified to a ciepth of 6 inches, brought Eo within 2 percent (+) of opcimun r,roisture conEent. and compacted to noE less :han 95 percent maxinun densiEy. ConstrucEion sha1l noE be cornnenced on these coinpccEed surtaces unEil JensiElr tests have been complctecl and approved. After conoacEi:rq to Ehe rcquircd densitv, Ehe finished subgredes for roads shall be uniformlv sr'rooEh and sh:rll not var'./ more Ehan 0. I ieef above or belo''u Srade and no rnore char: r).05 fcec ibove th-: c;-picrl cross-seccion aE :n1' 'livcn point E he recn. q\ 6) 7) e( 4\T ,fl,J o d. Compaction Equipment For consLructing fills and ernbankroents composed of earth or earEh and rock mixtures, the ConEractor may use any type of compacting equipment ruhich satisfactorily produces the re- quired densities. Such equipment will be subject to the Ownerfs approval and shal1 be suicably modified or replaced rvith acceptable equipment at any t.ime acceptable results are noE being obtained. FINISH GMDING A11 areas of earthwork under this conEract, including adjacenE transiti.on areas and areas scarred by the Contractorrs hauling and parking, shall be left uniformly smooth graded. The finished surface shall be reason- ably smooch, compacted and free fron irregular surface changes. The degree of finish shall be that ordinarily obtainable fron motor grader ,.operations. The finished and graded surfaces sha1l be not more than 0.1 feet above or below the required grade or cross-section, except EhaE this tolerance shall not permit lovr areas r,ri th resulting ponding of runoff. G. PROTECTION AND YAINTENANCE OF CO}IPLETED I^IORK A11 embankments , f i11s , cuts, cut slopes , di'tctres , -$+-ie*Cs and other work hereunder shall be protected frorn damage by actions of the elements and shall be maintained by the Contractor as necessary or as directed by the Owner, throughout the effective period of this contracl' Such maint.enance shall include, but sha1l nof be limited Eo, the following: Altr--<i:Lc etes--artd-eu.1ver es-shal-L-be -*na.in.Eained -iree--f-ron.-accumula- r i on s ,o E-E rssh-,-nreeds-Afcl -i.le b-f i-sl-an d-fronrsi* e i'ng . Slides, consisting of maEerials originating outside the sEaked lirnits of cuE slopes, which move inco che staked limits of excava- tion due Eo action of che elements, shall be removed and disoosed of, and t.he cuE slopes refinished. slides in ernbanlcrnents shall be replaced, recomoacted and che enrbankmenE slopes retinished ro line and grade. Any erosion of embankments alrd cut slopes sha11 be repaircd by filling Lhe eroded areas with suicubl-e material, comp:rcEing, and dressing Ehc arcas to Ehe appro'red siope. Road shoulders r,'hich beconre rutccd shrll be resEored Eo EIle ir originrl condiEion lji-th suitable naterials lrnd recompacted. Hand olacing anci iinisir-in,t shall be rrerrorr:ed ils necessary. Any seEElenienc oi finish qreded are:s shall bc repaircd and gredes rcesrablished to rcquired elevaEions, slooes lnd densiEies' fuiv--culverr pine- or f l-arcd'-cnds-d.ina-qdil-e-1;1hE.-conTYrcro r's-q u.Lpnenc- s hal-I- -be--+e no veci- -nno- re p itca i-f;I-Eh-ncri m,fce ri-f,{s -E}E-{lo--€ i L}i}*se-- E mitrr ^fl glrer- ' 'lv K6,te - ir - ^C W- /!t'll)''' t'' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TS 1-3 Aggregate Base Course A. }LATERIAL Aggregate for constructing base course shalL consist of crushed stone, crushed and screened gravel, sand or a combination of such materials. Base course aggregate sha11 be free from vegetabl-e matter and all oEher deleterious materials. The following testing procedures sha1l be used when determining specified properties: Mechanical Analysis AASHTO Designation T27 Passing No. 200 Sieve rr tr T11 Liquid Liurit Plasticity Index 2" h" 1tt 3/ 4" No. 4 No. 8 No. 200 Liquid Linit Plasticity Index rr fr T39 tt tl r91 Los Angeles Abrasion rt 'r T96 Base course mix gradation vhen tested per MSllTO Designation T27 shall conform to Class I gradation fot L\" noruinal size aggregaEe and Class 2 gradation for 3f4" nomLnal size aggregate. Sieve Size Class 1 Class 2 100 90-100 100 95-100 50-90 30-50 30-70 1-1 ?3-15 Mininum acceptable values of specified properties are defined as f oll-orvs: Los Angeles Abrasion 35 or less 30 or less 6 or less B. CO\STRUCTION 1. Base course maEeri3l sha1l be placed only on finished subbase meeting all requirernents for seccion, densicy and smooEhness' and which are frce from loose or frozen naterial' Base course aggregace sha1l not be placed on Ehe PrepareC subbase irtren the moisEure conEenE ol= Ehe Eon 6 inches of the subgrede exceeds optinum, The batse course maccrial shall be pLaced in uniform rnixtures and Shall be sprcatl in layers or r.rincirotrs r.ri t.houE Segre- gaEion. Segregaced m;rccrials shall be mj-xed until uniform. -47 - .,il,g 'r'/ The base course material shall be spread, r,ratered, processed, shaped and conpacted as required. Spreading may be accomplished using motor graders or other approved spreading devices. After the top surface of the base course has been spread and shaped and before compaction is completed, all surface transverse and longi- tudinal irregularities shatl be eliminated. The finished and compacted surface of the base course shal1 conforn Eo Ehe grade and tlpical sections shor,rn on the drar,rings. If the required compacted depth of the aggregate base course exceeds 6 inches, it sha11 be consErucEed in Cwo or more layers of approximately equal thickness. The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shal1 not exceed 6 inches. When vibratory or other approved types of special compacting equipment are used, the conpacted depth of a single layer rnay be j.ncreased to I inches upon app roval. Unless oEherwise indicated or directed, all base course sha11 be compacEed Eo not less than 95 percent maxinur,r dry density as measured by AASHTO T1B0 and sha1l be vrithin * 2 percent of opEimum moisture content. CONSTRUCTIO)I TOLERANCES The top surface of the finished base course sha11 not shorv any deviaEions in excess of one-quarter inch r,rhen Eested r.riLh a 10-foot straightedge. The variation above or belo'.v the testing edge of the straightedge shall be measured beEween any Ewo conEact points. I.Ihe re the thick-ness of the conplsggal base course is \tithin one-half incl-L of lhe thickness shor.'n on t.he drarvi-ngs, Ehe base course rsill be considered to be rsithin acceptable chickness tolerances provi-ded Ehat no more than 50 percen! of the thicknesses tested are belor'r the rhickness shorvn on the drar'"ings. I,Ihere the Ehlckness o f the base course is less Ehan Ehe ririckness shown by more than one-half inch, ehe base course sha1l be corrccted in such :rreas by scar-iEy- ing, plac:ng additional r.ateriaL, blenciinS, smoottting and conpacting as necessery. fiIhere Ehe base course is norc than one-iralf inch thicker than t.he thickness shor,rn, the base course will be considereci accepcable provided the surface conforms to the established grade and thiclcness secEion. Base ccr.lrse constructed to excess Ehicliness or beyond the Iimits shor"-n r,rill not be the basis for addicionaL cos ts. J. 1. e(_48_ de ., .;1p7' ti.,, r t 7 .t {t,: Clt'i'tt - f :rt:'f{,/r(.i u. e 1a/;) r;",€ t{y' S:tJ',.:.5r.2 Cl ///1ai17;/ p/(:u,t r' u Atf'lr-ht. A. CENEML Y','r,r '1. Maxinurn Stone I.Ieight (pounds) 50 Gabion fill rnaEerial may viding that the height of basket being fil1ed does TECH}iICAL SPECIFICATION TS 2-3 Gabion Baskets Minimum and l'laxirnum Range in I'Iel8ht of Stones (pounds) Gabion baskets shall be installed as caIled for on th€ contract drardngs. Elopee-of4-rl-or-f.1at E€r--sha'1'1-be-consLructe&.ue4e*ne*bh-e1J -^Li<\'t-' -ba ske t-i-as.t a1l-a E-iorrsr GABION FILL MATERIAL Gabion fill material sha11 consist of hard, durable rock or stone. The rock materials shal1 conforn to the following gradation: Weight Range of 75 percent of Stones (pounds ) 5ro50 10 to 50 be hand-placed or placed by machine pro- drop from hopper or bucket to bgttom of noE exceed 3 fee t. C. GABION BASKET CONSTRUCTION Length, widEh, depth of gabion ce11 and diaphragm dimensions shall be as shor.m on the drarrings. The recEangular, compartmented containers shal1 be corrsErucEed from hexagonal mesh wire. The longer dir.rension of rhe mesh openings sha1l not e:<ceed 4 inches. llesh ruire gage sha1l be noE. less Ehan .10 incires and shall meet the requirements of Fecieral Speciiicacion QQ-I'I-461g. The rsire mesh forrning che container and all oEher materials used in the conslrucEion of Ehe basket shall be gal- vanized and sha11 contain noc less chan 0.8 oz. /square foot of this zinc coacing. I'Ihere che heighE of the gabion basket exceeCs one-Ehird Ehe depEh, rvires connecEing opposite sides of che birsker shal1 be inscalled. Connecting r+ires sha1l be locaEed in the baskeu as re- quireC by the Or,mer. Connecting ruire gage shall be noE less than .10 inches in diameter. Each baskec shall be anchored. Eo the subgrade by not l-ess Ehan 2 stakes r,rhi ch sh.rll be driven in ad-j:rcent or opposite corners of the baskct and sha11 have a length noE less than 4 feec. The Eop of che stakes shall noE exEend farrher beloru che cop oi the basket Chan 2 inches and shall be of a material aoproved by rhe Ot'rner. ni rrrirrrl'rn.: ch,rll .1,- ronrrired r,h,-r.' rlrr! lnnlt r ni rl-o lrrsklf eXCeedS vrur/rr!usLJ t.i,/ic3 the r'ridth. Di.rrrhragns shall l>e consErucred of che sarqe nesh nateri.ti ils tire basket and sirail be sp:rced such Ehat thc basliel IenqCh is cli',,i.ictl inEo .rnproxinrtelv cc-r:rI rarts rvich :lo p:lrE cxccedinl che tuicirir of the bi.rsltec- - 5l - t:r fr :c? 0F 'iq zf, b-r Og(,-ti EEE E,?- $ E FSo J B' an S.: ;::;.. e l"r : d: o ii: fr :r3 0 :l' uJ q1-: i - {:i R F tz z z 9 cl J ,:l$ifui* 'iii$i$iii E I ()z z o (D g L.tJ F <n J o F <ts I-- \tr' > ,F\ ; I jl lrJl (Jl zl ol (!l <l 'rl <l -l z_l ,r,l ll"rl (rl =l 9l -l 5l uJI =l zl '5l *l :l <l il OI 3 a uB: 8.. ;B Z.s a L'f ;l >l Fl <l bll rl -l r!l ql ;l E i \' i ;lz io 'iL ilo i(E 'l lo l:O ir' i N so h 3 rx a ft; 'l/r^ 4[L'rn FIJ ZJ IJI o =<<'- lrj F '(t z. C:< d? 1""r rl f r I F tr,.t o- t € ts t ( \ a E ! i ,] a <)) u) -cx al )'> t ;: i! - s I I I r I R s T I \ t R d s.l s t t \'\- ! -- $s 3is ;. ,, -L * til !,_- -!,r- \- lr : r-\ \r\tt ilr I I ,, li ,tl +l zl ^ <; I ;o: nnterofff ncc nn@ nn@ rand u nn subiect: subdivision rmprovements Agreement - Off-Site Road Improvements Date: December 1, 1980 Doug Pilcher, Road and Bridge Supervisor From: Beth A. Whictier, County Attorne C/I rzY Attached hereto is a copy of a Subdivision Improvements Agreement with respect to final plat approval of The Valley - Phase V which was executed by the Board on October 29, 1980. Said agreement provides that i^zithin 48 months from the date of recordation of the final p1at, the County sha1l upgrade Buffer Creek Road by construction of a six foot wide road shoulder on each side of said road. The Subdivider has given the County an amount of $ 105.82 as its proportionate share of such off-site road improvements. Said amount has been placed in the Off-site Road Improvements Fund. Note should be made that this is the third Subdivision Improvements Agreement approved by the Board relative to the County's improvement of Buffer Creek Road. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at Extension 242. Terry Lowell, Accountant MeL Atr^relI, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director ,. SUBDIVISION II,PROVEI,IENTS AGREE}IEI'II THIS AGREIIMENT, made and entered into this 29th day of OcE.ober, 1980, by and between VALLEY ASSOCIATES' LTD.' a Colorado Iimited partnership, hereinafter called che Sub- divider, and the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle Ccunty, hereinafter called the County. IJITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider as a condition of approval of che final plaE of The Valley - Phase V, wishes to enter into a Subdivision ftnprovements Agreement as provided for by Section 3O-28-I37, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended; and, WIIEREAS, PursuanL to the same authority, the Subdivider is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Board of CounEy Cor.rmissioners to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain public improvements set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporaced herein; and, WHEREAS, Ehe Subdivider wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced pubtic improvements by means of a promissory note secured by a first deed of trust on real property located in Ehe County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.02.15 of the Subdivision Regulations of the County, the County has determined that the subject subdivision and other probable subdivisions rviII jointiy effecr ce-rcain oif site access -'-oa'is ;:equiriiig ilrrp-iclie- ments in such roads as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporAted herein; and, WHEREAS, the County and the Subdivider have agreed upon a cost sharing Program to upgrade the off site access roads by means of the Subdivider paying in cash a Proportionate share of the costs of making the improvenents set forth in LXnaDr-E lt. NOW THER-EFORE, in consideracion of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Subdivider and the CounEy agree as follows: I. ON SITE AND CONTIGUOUS I}{PROVEI"ffiNTS 1. The Subdivider hereby agrees, at its sole cr.rst and exPense, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete, within 18 months from the date of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements as shown in the final plat documents for the subject subdivision in accordance with all plans and speci- fications for the subject subdivision filed in the office of the County Engineer and/or Department of Community Development and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Al1 final plat documents submitted prior to or aE the Eime of final plat approval . b. All laws of the United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service districts. c. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifi- cations, sketches, and other matter submiLted by the Subdivider to and approved by any of the abowe-referenced governmental enticies. All said r+ork shall be done under the inspecEion of, and to Lhe satisfaction of the County Engineer and/or the County Building Official, respectively, anci sharl n<.rt be deemeci colrrPiete until approved and accepted as completed by che Board of County Commissioners of the County or said Board's appointed designee. 2. The estimated cost of said work and improve- menEs is the sum of $20,000.00. 3, To secure and guarantee performance of its obligacions as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to -2- provide security and collateral in the following form, as approved herein by the County: a Promissory note in the amount of $20,000.00 secured by a first deed of trust on Lot I of the subject subdivision. 4. The Subdivider may at any time substitute the collateral originally deposited with the County herein for another form of collaEeral reasonably accepEable to Ehe County to guarantee the faithful completion of those public improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of Part I of this AgreemenE. 5. The County sha11 not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in Part I of this Agreement prior to the completion and accePtance of the same, nor shall the County, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or ProPercy injured by reason of the naEure of said work, but at1 of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indeuuoify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, danages, or liabilities to which the County or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based uPon any performance by the Subdivider hereunder; and the Subdivider sha1l reimburse the CounEy for any and all legal or other exPenses reasonably incurred by the County in connection with investigating or ciefending any such ioss, cia:-m, damage, liabiiicy or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any oEher Iiability which the Subdivider may have. 6. It is mutually agreed, Pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 30-28-f37(3), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amencied, that Ehe County or any purchaser of any loc, lots, tracc or tracts of Ianci subject to a plat restric- tion which is the security portion of a subdivision improve- -3- ments agreement shall have Ehe authority to bring an action in any district court to compel Ehe enforcement of any subdivision improvemenEs agreement on the sale, conveyance or transfer of any such loE, lots, Eract or tracEs or land or of any oEher provision of this arEicle. Such auEhority shall include the right Eo compel rescission of any sale, conveyance or Eransfer of any lot, lors, tract or tracts of land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions seE forth in the plat or in any seParate recorded instrument, but any such acEion sha1l be cornrnenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 7. It is further mutually agreed that Pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-131 (2>, Colorado Revised StatuLes 1973, as amended, that as improvements are completed, the Subdivider may apply to the Board of County Cou'missioners for a release of part or all of uhe collateral deposited with said board. Upon inspection and approval, the board shall release said collateral. If the board determines that any of such improvements are not construct.ed in substanLial compliance with specificauions, iE shall furnish the Subdivider a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Conrnissioners determines that the Subdivider will not construcc any or all of the improvements in accordance with all of the specifications, the Board of County Commissioners may lvithdraw and employ from the deposit of eollateral such funds as may be necessary Eo construct the improvemenEs in accordance with the specifi- cations , 8. The Subdivider warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of al1 work referred to in Part I of this Agreement by the County. Further, the County sha1l have a right to require security or collateral be provided by Subdivider to remain, as deterrnined by the County, sufficient to cover any and all claims under this ---'e^qFrr wdfL-Ld.LrLv. -4- II. OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD I}IPROVEI'IENTS 1. The C.-,uncy has deEermined chag the cotal cost of making rhe improvements ser forrh in Exhibit B is $2,698.00, wiCh the Subdivider's proportionate share of such cost being $10s.82. 2. The County uPon execution of this Agreement hereby acknowledges the receipt of $105.82, paid as the Subdivider's full cesE for the impact of the subject sub- division on off siEe access roads to said subdivision, and Subdivider shall have no further obligation for off site impacts. 3. The County hereby further agrees, at its sole cost and expense to furnish all equipmenL and material necessary to perforrn and compleLe, wiEhin 48 months from the date of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements set forth in Exhibit B in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America, SEate of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respectiwe agencies, affected special districEs and/or service districts. If such improvements are not compleCed within the period seE fort.h above or aE any time that such improvements are not completed and the off site access roads referred to in Exhibit B have been removed from the jurisdiction of the County, the Subdivider shall be entitled to the immediate recurn of all money paid to Ehe County under Part II of this Agreement, as the Subdivider's sole remedy. 4. The Subdivider shall noE, nor shall any prin- cipal or employee Lhereof, be liable or resPonsible for anv accident, loss or damage happening or occurring Eo the works specified in Part II of this Agreement, nor shall the Sub- divider, nor any principal or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but al1 of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by che County. The County hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Subdivider, and any of its principals, agents and employees -5- againsE any losses, claims, damages, or liabilicies to which the Subdivider or any such of ics principals ' agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) EhaE arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Councy hereunder; and Lhe County shall reimburse the Sub- divider for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Subdivider in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the County may have. 5. The County l^tarrants all work and material for a period of one year after completion of all work referred to in ParE II of this Agreement by the County. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The County agrees to aPproval of the final plat of The Valley - Phase V, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from Eime to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 3. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Subdivider provided, however, that in the event the Sub- divider sells or Eransfers all or part of the subject sub- division, as shown in the final plat (prior Eo extensive sales of individually platted tracts), the obligations of che Sub<iivider urr.der this Agreement as to that porEion of the subjecc subdivision may be assumed by the purchaser of the parcel, and Subdivider shall have no further obligations hereunder. IE is agreed, however, that no such assumption of these obligations shall be effective unless the Board of County Commissioners gives its prior approval to such assump- tion, following an investigation of the financial condition of che purchaser, -6- 4. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove to the conErary, if aE any time the subject subdivision is i^nnexed inco rhe Town of Vail or for any other reason is removed from the jurisdiction of the County, the Subdivider shall have no further obligations or liabilities under this Agreement and the County shall immediately return the promis- sory noEe and release the Deed of Trust given as collateral hereunder. IN WITNESS tr'lHEREOF, the parLies have executed this Agreement as of Ehe date firsE above written. COUNTY By and BOARD BY: OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO through its SUBDIVIDER: VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Colorado limited PartnershiP P. 0. Box 915 3L49, Vai1, Colorado 81657 , as AEtorney In Fact for Va11ey Associates, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnershiP STATE OF COLOMDO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Subdivision Improvements Agreement was acknowledged Sefole me this 4-/'P'day of tz loiscr' , 1980, by Williai J. Post, as AEtoriey rn Fict fo-?-vaTGf,Fsociates, Ltd., a Colorado liroited partnership. l'Iitness my hand and official seal. Mv cormnis s ic'n expires: ATTEST:OF .COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Vail, Colorado 8L657 -7- LI\NID!I 11 PUBLIC ]}fROVEIIENTS FOR PUBLIC ROAD AND RE-VEGETATION AT{D RESTOMTION OF AFFECTED TERRAIN Said improvements shall include construction of road shoulder and retaining wall for contiguous public road and restoration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. A11 of the above as more specifically set forch on the final pl.,at for The Val1ey - Phase V, and those pubtic improvement maps, plans, and specifications for said subdivision as filed in the office of the county clerk and Recorder, and/or County Engineer and/ ot the Department of Planning and Development, respectively, of the County of Eagle, Stace of Colorado, all of said documents incorporated herein by this reference. LAII.I 5j. I D OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEI-IEIITS BUFFER CREEK ROAD construction of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured from the edges of the existing paved portion of the road) on each side of Buffer creek Road from chat point where Buffer Creek Road intersects with the norEherly boundary of Buffer Creek Subdivision to chat point where Buffer Creek Road inEersects with Lion's Ridge Loop, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located in locals similar to said portion of Buffer Creek Road. LION'S RIDGE LOOP construction of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured frorn the edges of the existing paved Portion of the road) on each side of Lion's Rdige Loop from that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Buffer Creek Road to that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Parcel A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located in locals similar to said portion of Lion's Ridge LooP. FR ED ERIC K S. OTTO JAY X. PETERSON WILLIAM J. POST Orro, PnrrnsoN & Posr ATTORNEYS AT I.AW POST O FFrCE BOX 3t49 vaIL, co!oBADo 4t667 October 29, 1980 VAIL NATIONAL BANK EUILDING (3O3) 476-OO92 EAG LE.VAIL PROFESSIONAL BU ILD IN G l3o3) 949-53aO FFI ED ERIC K O. GREEN OF CO UNS EL Eagle County Department of Cormnunity Development P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. SU-l14-80-F2 The Valley Phase V Gentlemen: In response to your letter of September 18, 1980,pertaining to the required payment of school land dedica-tion fees, please find enclosed a check in the amount of s695.7 6. The above sEat.ed amount was calculated based on uhe following formula given to me by Mr. Jim Williarns of your department, with our supplying the value of the land: (Duplex Lot Dwelling Units) 8 x .014495 (School FacE,or) x $6,000.00 (Value Raw Land Per Acre) = $69s.76 If you have any quesEions eoncerning this matterr please contact me. Very truly yours, I^IiIIiam lcvt enclosure .A N". 339{5 Tleasuret's Office, Eagle County, s /l( B? County Colorado saetu, coto., () ofoia-t 2?, le.Jzl ltrrriuei uf DOLLARS Account of Cash Book Paee- rxE c r. Nc.cxrL ca . oENrrR (T t) N.. 33944 . ... $ Treasurer's Office, Eagle County, Colorado County BerriueD of ,t9 h Z4ooLLaRs Cash Book Page_ r|r c. F. io.cxrl cr. o.{v(R (r !) EAGLT @UNTV nmterof f lee mne nn @ rendu m To: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS subject: Subdivision Improvements Agreement - The Valley, Phase V From: Beth A. Whittier, County Attorneyq\ File No.:Date: October 27, 1980 Attached hereto are copies of the fo1 lowing documents with respect to the to the above-referenced matter: Upon review of the above documents, the following are my comments thereto: a) Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 1) The pub'l ic improvements to be constructed by the Subdivider are set forth in Exhibit "A" attached thereto. The estimated cost of same is $ 20,000.00 and the Subdivjder desires to secure the construction of said public improve- ments by a promissory note in the amount',f $ 20,000.00 secured by a Deed of Trust on Lot l of lrite Va'l ley, Phase V. ?) The construction of said public improvements shall be completed within 18 months of the recordation of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. The Sudivjder warrants all work for a period of one year after completion of said public improvements and acceptance of same by the Board. 3) Exhibit "8" attached to the Subdivision Improvements Agreernent seEforth off-site improvements as determined by the County. The cost of such off-sjte improvements is $ 2,698.00 with the Subdivider's proportionate share being $ i05.82. Said agreement, which is identical to those Subdivision Improvements Agreements previously approved by the Board relative to the Ridge at Vail and the Va11ey, provides that the County within 48 months shall construct said off-site improvements. If the County does not construct same or if the subject property is annexed unto the Town of Vail, the County shall return the monies paid by the Subdivider in the a) Subdivision Improvements Agreernent;b) Promissory Note;c) Deed of Trust;d) Power of Attorney; and e) Partial Release of Deed of Trust. Board of County Conrnissioners Page Two October 27, 1980 amount of $ 105.82. In addition, the County warrants such work upon completion for a period of one year. 4) The Subdivision Improvements Agreement, if approved, should be recorded, and a copy and the recorded original submitted to this office. In addition, the check in the amount of $ 105.82 should be submitted to this office for proper processing. b) Power of Attorney. The Power of Attorney should be recorded. A copy of such recorded document should be submitted to this offi ce. Deed of Trust. The County should inquire if such Deed of Trust is a first. If so, the Subdivider should submit to the Board evidence of a fully executed part'i a1 release of Deed of Trust signed by Jim Cunningham relative to Lot I of the Valley - Phase V. Such part'ial release should be recorded and a copy of such recorded document submitted to this copy. d) Promissory Note. The original promissory note should be submitted to this office. Final Pl at. By policy of the Board, the Title Certificate thereon is not requ'ired unless the Sbudivider is dedicating pub'l ic 'improvements to the County. If you have any questions regard'ing this matter, please contact this office at Extens'ion 242. Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director Susan Vaughn, Department of Community Development Mel Atwell, County Engineer Doug Pilcher, Road & Bridge Supervisor c) e) PROI'IISSORi NOTE $20, 000. 00 Vail, Colorado SepEember 26, 1980 VALLEY ASSOCII\TES, LTD., a Colorado limiced Partner-ship ("Maker"), promises to pay to Ehe order of COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By AND THROUGII lTS C0UNTY COI'II4ISSIONERS ("Payee"), at P. O. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631, the principal sum of $20,000.00, together with simple interest from and after the date hereof a. the ra;e of -0- perccnt per annum, witi-r such principal sum payable in its enLirecy April 29 , 1982. This noce is secured by and is enritled to the benefits of a Deed ofrTrust (che "Deed-4f Trust") from Maker descripcion of che propd/tl cfn{e'j'ed an<}r. encuntbered chereby, the rights and remedieslof tfle/ho!-der hfreof. c.hereunder, and the ceims and,condition6 up/n ltly{eh Ehfls note is secured chereby' \- -,.--- \'-/ '/ /At the-6-p-cion of the holdey'hereof , !h", entire unpaid principal of this note and any inter6st accrued Ehereon may-be declarLd due and payable and the maturity of this noCe acceleraCed if any payment required by chis note is not made when due or if a be?airlc (wheih/? in fhe-ps-Eforgarlce of any covenants or the breach of any 1fe$resVhtatipn of warranEy or otherwise) occurs under the,ilermi df *he /Deed of Trust and such paymenE or default ).s no{ cu{ed, ilicni,^{ cen days of notice to Maker.// ro rhe pubtic t'"lcl"/;;-;*i;'^Eo"KVOr.iii",'or even dace hereruith. Reference is yr{ae P fr".beed/of Trusc {or. a Maker and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereof waive demand, presenEment, notice of dishonor and proEest, the payment of Tchis note according co its cerms. No waiver of any payment or any other right under this note shall oPeraEe as a waiver of any other payrnent riglits under this note shall operate as a waiver of any other payment or rights. Maker and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereof shall pay all reasonable costs of collection, with or withouc suit, including attorney's fees, paid or incurred in enforcing this note. Malcer may Prepay this note at any cime and from rime to time, without penalfy. This note and the Dced of Trust are given as collateral pursuanE co chal ce::tain Subciivisiott ltnprovenlcnts Agreement (the "Agreement") of even date herer.rich, etrtered inco betireen Maker and Payee. Referencc is made to the ;\greement for a description of che righcs of the holder hereof to receive payment hereunder. The performance in part of any of }laker's obligations set forch in the Agreement shal.l result in a proportionate reduction in the amount orving urtder this note lnd, if ac any time , there is compl ete perf ormance of l'laker's obligations under this Agrcemcnt, this note shall be deerned paid in ful1 and Payee shall imrncdiaLell/ cause tire Deed of TrusL to be fulli'released. VAI,I,I]Y ASSOCTATI]S, I,TD. , A (loIor:.rcio linrj Lcd narLnersltip Bv LAi'L\R PROI'EP.TiES, IIIC. ,n,. I -,,^ *^ ,... --J^-U(:.LSWaftc Cr) f Porl C IOn , sole-, F rner:r L _p:1r tner /-z c:l "-' ..', ',../':.y'*- /-" .''. /-,-- PcLer i..la.llius . "/ice l'rcsidenc a Rrr. llsserdq,l 11-l -----p clock \l O o Reccption No.Rccordcr Txts IxPgxrunE, Marjc this 26ch VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A i' P. 0. Box 915, Vail, of thc first part. and lhc [\rt lic Trirstce of tatc of Colorado, party of I hc sccond prrt, Wrlncsscth: ha " executcd .:r-^ -LLD ,la v trt September t9 80 . bct*ccn Colorado limited Colorado 81657 I par tnershiP County of Eag le rHAr.WHEREAS,rhcsaid party of Ehe firsr,[i]-)fcrl _:__?. \f 'r I bearinS crcn dalc hcrcwith, [or the principal sum of I g1631 Conrnissioners iUtcr thc date hcrcof, with intcrcst thcrcon from thc datc thcrcof ] promiss0ry note Dollars, i Colorado bv and through its Board of Coun I I I try TWENTY THOUSAND payablc tc rhe crdcr of C Ount/ whosc address i: r , n !. u. DOX al thc ratc ot- -0- therein No. 3.1l-.\. Ilcv.'?9 AND NO/1OO ol l,agle, Scate or 850, Eagle Colorado per ccnr pcr annurn, payablc €rCCo,fdilg to the terrns set forth AND WHEREAS, Thc said oflhe first part desirous ofsecurinS paymeot of the or any of thcm may be.principnl and i;rtcrcsl ofsartl promisrory n6te in whose hands socvcr saad n('!lc OW, TllERtiFORE. The said part y ot thc fi . in considcration of the premises and for thc purposc aforesaid, do ejc) hcreby gr"-nt. bargain. scll and convcy unto party of the second part in trust forevcr, the following dcscribed also known as strect and number. To lt.{\t AND T() lloll) the s^mc. totclher with r l and \rnsuliu lhe pnrrlqles and appurrcnancc\ thcr.unto hr'londrng: In'liust N.vcrthcle\s. That in casa of dcfault In thc tu:/mcnt of !1rd nora or iiny of lhcfi, or imy parl thereof. or In lhe pa:'m€nt (rf t hc intcre\t thercon, accordrng to tha tenor ind cffa-\-t i.rrd nrrl y herrr:rnd ir\\r8ns. .!rd nll othcr frrton\ cl:lrnling thc \ird proF<rty. !v iny Fr.rt thcrcof. by, in tl.e county of Eagle auey - ,*".l'V t ,i,/ )) ',;')'a'-l {) vl.l/ | lr' |trecrrrded1nthcrEcorrlcl.\Llt.|iceoflhcCoL|!rtyin!vhlch!ti|calcsLl|c rcll .tnd drspo5c of the (amc lcn m:r\te or rn !cFarate F:rrccls.:r\ rhe \iud l\'bjrc f rstcc m.r\.thrni bcst). and all r'hc nghl. tttlc anrj inrcrtst o[sdld F:rt y oflhe tlr{t f,.r,. itS h.,rroros\iEnstl|cr{rn.:rtpuhl,.,,,,.,,on,,,,1r" EagIe fronrdoorof(heCourtflrn:s€,inthcCqrntvof Eag le . Sh tc of t- (trrrido. ()r.on q:rid !r('misa\, LV itn ! n, rr I tbcrcof ai rna\ I-r \f,ccd jed in (hc not rce o[ \1rd \irle, lor r he htghc\l nnd bcs t Pncc th. sai|€ wrll bnnS in ca.h, four *cckr' nuhlrc notrcc ha\'rnE trccn prcvrr'uslv.1:rrcn ('f thc tmc anJ pl.rcc of \Lrch \aje. hv ,j""rt,..m"nt wccUy. rn somc ncw'spaFr d gcncrJ iircutlt()n at thlt trmc publrhc'd in s:rirl corrnry o1 Ea$Ie , a copy ot whrsh ndrca rhitll l.c m:11lcd withntcndnyrrromthcdalco[thctlr.tp||h|icationth.rcdlolhc\:ridpiftYofrt'.|it\tnxrlitllhci|(|reis FUrchi\!a|.:rirhctlrne<|'chdcm].d'\d1;idc.thclln!c|(rrEdcntPl|o.hn\|ngtxn||cd.miJic.[dL\cCUtel{|\||dhF'rr\(|n(}r.r\(|n\ \:r'd Prrblrc frurtcc. ,lr trrnlor. .'nd \hall con!cy Jnrl qurt-cl;r1n) to \uch nrr\on or ner\(rn3 cntrtlcd to srrch ,jcc,l. as frxn(.e. lhc rrd trrtncrly purth.rr'l Jr ;rlot.\.',d JnJ rll lhc rsht. trtlc. rnt€r.\1. hcncfir ind €or.tv nt reJemptn! ol th. nirt Y of rhc tirsr F\tflicslrrninJ.r..rr5nrthcle|n.irx,\hltllrc(|lcthc\l|rnor\ltnl\i(}r$h|chlhc\.ltdr''(|t\_t|yi[\\old nGd not f,c chuScs .md co\tr of m;rhn8 \i!d vrlc. pll t,' the h.ncllcr.ry hcrelndcr or thr lcr;rl hr,klcr !!f \ J n,rta thc pnn.rpi nnd rntcrc\t duc (,n iiud n0lca.c.nj|nAbthctcnornnd('f|ccllhctc('f.;|ndidJmoDev\nd!,|n!cdbvs|lchtLnc|lclilryof|caidh(|ldLrof\||dll0t. tarci and a\\.\\hen!s. wrth rntcrc\t llkrron.rl L2 f,.r .:(nt frr lnrrrm. rendcnns rhc olerphr\. r[iln]. un(. rhe $rij F.rr y (tt thc lirrr paJt.ics|cgJrcF'rc\cnlJl|!c\(rr.lsrtns:whrch!co...||c\itnd{uddccrlorrlccr|sromarlcih||k.iFlFt[l] oflhc llr\t nirrt. itS r.qurcd. rt r\ r\irccd th;rl lh. p:vt y ,tthclir\tn;ut. itS lrrr\ or a\\rEn\. rtll f\r' thc cr|an\. lhcrcol. - l , t: t: l r t , l -l i t l Sl - l,uhl;. fru.tcr r'rh dup on \ r te.le us r. 't - tt(.ei{r r,\ (.tar r. _ \||o.ne).r tcri. - Br,nlfr)rd 11'f.l!rh'r'r l{16(1!.rrrJrh.tr.r,,..(,,rtJ?n,(.!ndrrrt{t8t).!ot_rt0rtl:rr,rtt 1in ,^1,* -u -, y ur Ir,. r'i.,r P.rV @vananl S lnd agrce S arxt f.r iCs hcrrt. e\atuttrt and admmlstrdlors lo 3n,l ,rr(h tha \Jrd F'.tty ofthc JcctrntJ Frrt. lhal al the lma of lbe 'rl\'!Llrr{ I'f and d'lrt€ry ({thc€ , cxcludins (al the p*s.n!! ir iq ,. ..-.. *'ll'"i"dor'hcsaidli*landtcnrm.'"i:"].1:;i'1."':ifl',ii. i.,.n, lury rn,.r ,h\,8,r'Hr;ltll'iiiru..;iil::l.i'luthonty t o^.' .ri-b.{8ar n ' \cll anrl contcy tht \rlnc In thc mJnncr 'r' a.ll nxhts arrj cl":ms if mky h.r\crn(,rto\n,,.i lJfld\.lrn(mc t\. rLtld propt rrv [r a I lomcsrc.ii] l \ejlrpllon. or ol hd t\t mP(run ' unJg..tfJby\((tu€{|onyctoltneUcn<mlA\\cohtyo[thcsb|t(lf(.t}l.|(!r,o.n||*crlrtln8()rh|\hmJvh{[e.|iai a,rj ir6r or arr r,ens'imd cnlurnbr.nc.t wh.tt..'v;r. ex.ept gene1.a1 taxes f6r 1980 , payable_JanUaf.v I ' 198I, and subsequent yearsr, ota En" following of record: U'S' PacenE nt""*.rio"s, pianned uni-t fovelopnent Plans, restrictions' eassnent' righcs of way and protective covenants. .'dlhcabr,tcba'!'IncdPro''crty|nthequictandpc-accab|cFxtssc\\|onofthc\J|dpartyofth\:1ecotx|p3rl. pcrson or pcrsons ia'r.{$lly chinllng or lo clium (hc wholc or 'nt!y Fitrt thcr'of' (h( \'ud Furt V ,rt the l-rrrt n.ut \hall irnd *rll W:urrnt aod l:orcvcr Dtfend' ttcl \otth rcquitcntcttlr ol tltc bcttcliciltrr lltrr()l itl iltl ilrlr(rtltrl ll(rl l( btnclicilrr! .r\ lu lrcr sccLtrit! lor lltc ittdci tcdrtcs\. Sllttrll(l ll)c t)JrlJ ol tlrc lrrri ltltti l,,il t.t itt.tttc illl'l (l(li\.r tltc l)oli!ic\ or lr) l)'r] - - ri,rr ". "nt ",-r .f rt e r,r.r.*rr v or riri ,ntcrc\t rhcrcrn r\ !;ld ('r t r:, utcrr.ed b r irft Pf t y erlhouth(n([cr.rry\prror\rntlcnaon\cnt cxclud [1 all oa an] nivt ol tne proFjarly or {o rnlcrc\l lncrcln r\ lolu or II crcarion ofr l,cir or cocumbrirrnc:r subordinutc to thrs Dlcd ofTl u\t. (br lf all o. an! nivt of the proptrty or aa rntcrcrl thcrcrn r\ lold o. tri,hrI A,\D TIL\T L\- CASE Ot ;n(rn€y \erunr\ rfl lcr.\i li)ihou\.h('ld itFtllr.tncc\, (cl! trrn\ltr by ,,i torach,\ur. Lcurr hcreurrJcr. lhc \.rnrc nlrly ol'lhc \trond p:,rl {'r thc holJct oi \itd davrsc, desccnt o. by oFrution ofh* up,rfl t hc dc:ll h !,1 JJornl tunirnl In(ar a\t ofthr.c yciJ \ or lcs! nttt aurrturninS:rn optlon lo f,lli.hlse, to h( rntnr(Jrat.ly do( :rnd nryitblt lldncllel.{r} \}r!ll lu|vc.\a:uved \ttah bcncicru' m.). it l'.ncliaritry s oplidn. dccl:dt Jll thc \lrm5 ron to st;elcarte lf.lnor tJ t ha qitle or lr.rnrfcr, i'(ncll(riLr' lrid i D!cd ,,1l[!ll\l to t'( Inrn'(Jr.rt.ly Jr,c .rnd n.ry.rhlt l|.ncller.r] \Irr'l ruvc qiurru \rrLn tu \|'l','ln rll,/Fr,)t--r (y r' t,' r'c i'lJ.'r tnrn\r(rr(d r(u!h rl3rs.tlr(nt In *-rrtrns thJl.t hc Jl€J,t opuon to 3caclaiJle u.lnor lo Ina s of such frrson rs satirlnctory lD be bv thrr Dt'ctl ot TrLrst rhirll bc .rt \uah nrtc :rs benclici:,ry \hitll t(qucrl notc or ccrtifrcate of p.ofits thctc(rf. irr'm tht accr WTTNESS: .rf such to th. r \\t\\ion. o\t .rnd cnftt mcnt of thc ntof'crly ldirl (\.ud. 'lnJ l(r cncv irl lbrctlosrrrr pr(xtcdrnf\ ilnd thc f't n(rl of r(rlcnlflron. rt .!nt thc rcnt\. l\:'rle\ :.n(l t hcrc hr;lnd \rr(ll go\s.ssion shall a! onc. t'.ro thd vrid furty of thc sdaond f|ilrl or lhc holdcr o[sirtd nole the deliYcrt ofsuch t{tss.srion bc t nforccd the said t\vly of the ldcon'l FiL! I or lhe h9D(r of lrrd notc civil suit or Frocledin8. and the said Rarci!cr for lard proFdrty, and oftht of a reasonable afixlunt dcemol to bt amenJc.l lo comply $ ith and a,)ntdrm l(')Lrch \tr thc day aril yeal first lbova \[rrllen. or ccrtillcate of pur!ha\c on rcqtrcst. i.nd on Rfusxl. or cerlificat': ol porch.r\c by any aPprolnatt of srd lbreckr'ure Frrr).ccdrn85 \hirll b1 :tlk)u(\j t'y lhc VAIJ-EY ASSOCIA|ES, LTD., A Colorado limi-ced parrlersl[P , INC., a FE/\t- | $uAr- | r1.econd oi,rt..,r th. h,'l,jcr.ri '.,r,1 n.'tcl L.'r iellrli(.rtc ('iPur(h:'\c or 'i'ny Ihertol \htlll'(tntrtk\ll|'r rLrer arul prolrts thcrcof. "licr \uaj,./.l3ul{ rnaluJrnl: thc rrnrciu\crcJb} l'n{"1.|\tl'c nt\{t(drru;} ind thc F\:nul Lrl i(rr\h:Jlh< l-1a\n 1 rc \:: ___-_- - - - - -- .- -. gF..A.r.l 1) (,, o\ 'o: r!l 2l -t El -l :lr i t.\ ,rl t-ta F It DI -!) HC( F z c ;z t (l. ?n ; o c J (J !r. gj F o (t t -r a o c z ; u. I I Kxorv Ar.r. ]les Br I ' VALLEY .\SSOCIAi]iS, of dated the 18th and dull' rccordctl of the State of Colorrdo, in Book 301 reccption No. in said situate, lying and being in the State of Colorado. Witne-*s nty hand and seal this Trrr:sr Pnesrlts, Thr,t, Wherelg, LTD., a ColoraCo limitcd partnership ' by Deed of Trttst tlay of APril , 19 80 , in thc of f:cc oI the Cotrrtt' CIcrk and llecot'der Corrnty of Eagle , in the on the lSth rlay of APriI , 19 80 ':tt Pasc 835 (filnr No. ) * corrvcycd to the Irublic Trttstee Eagle Cotrnty, certlrin propertf in said Countyof Eagle LOt L. TIIE VALLEY - PHASE V, Eagle Cornty, Colorado, accordirLg to the recorded plat thereof, Dced of Trrrst <lesclibctl in trust to sccure to thc orrler of I,JM. JAI'IES ClJi{l'lINGllA,ii the plynrcrtt of the indcbtetlness nrentioned thcrcin' ANI), \\'IIItRIIAS, seid indcbtcdness has bcctt partirrll.v l)1Iitl and thc pr.rlposes of said tlust havc l:ccn palt iall-v sutisfied NO\\', TIiItRItl'OIiE, at the rcquest of thc lcgui ltoltlcr of the indcbtcdness sccurecl by srrid I)ecd of 'l'rrrst, ancl in consitlerution <lf thc prcnriscs,:lll(l itt fttt llrer co nsi tlctlrtiort of the sunt of lrivt' Doll;rr.s t6 mc in llrnd paid, the receipt rvltcrcof is htlrrrlr"v:rcknoll'letlgcd, I, lts thc Public Tr.lstee in said Eagle County, tlo hercby renrisc, rclcasc and quit-clairn unto the preselt owler ol. owners of the property hereinaftcr describcd itnd unto thc heirs, successors and as.sigls 6f said ownor or orvncr.s forcver, all thc right, title untl intcrest rvhich, i, as such I)ublic Trustce htve in lnd to that part ilnd pol'tiotl of thc Ilopct'ty, sel folth arrd described in the aforesairl Deed of Trust, describetl as follorvs, to rvit: TO IIAVIT AND TO I1OLD the sanrc, togcthcr rvith lll rntl singuirLl thc privileges and appur- tenalces thcrcto belorrging forcvcr. Anrl ftrrther, that, as to thc abovc dcscribcd ptnpclty, the said Tr.ust Deed is to be considcred as fully tnd absolutell'rele:tsctl, crrttcelled aitrl forevet'discltarged. diry of and daJ. of 10 (SEAL) counrr t,r Eagle STi\TE OF COLORADO' Corrnrl. oi Eaqle Thc fort'go ing instrunretrt rr'as ,19 As the F[l,lic T.l|-te in snitl I I ' is.;. l acli trorv ledgcti beforc nrc th is ,by as the Pulrlic Trustcc in the said Countyof Eagle , Colorado, My commission exPires lVitness my hend antl Off ici:rl seal. Notrrr Public. To the I'>ublic'frttstee in sltiii Co u nt1' oi Eagle : b1' thc lrlurvc nrcrr'r-joneri Deed of Trust Ple':tse execrttc this rt'lclrse, thc intlt:btcrl nt'ss .;ccurcrt having been partialll' paid rtnd satisficd' 't'i,c l, ;rl ll.1 trr ,,1 tl.r r',.i,I,1,..1,'B ' sL."r.t t v rn'.t Dq.rl of'fnrt!. l.Lrr. J:lnes Cunninthan 'ln coutttils rvhct e booit a r.d paql nurnlrcrs lr:rvc lttclt u,b,rli.irlrl. No. 92?. I).\R'l'I,\1. Rt:l,l':.\sE oF l)UF;l) Ot" TItt'ST Il\'1'llr: l't'lll.l( 1'li( slEtj. Ir rrrlr.,rrt l,ut,i!:h il{ (','. []en ! (., (.rl'. I l.;3 liltcoRDnR's POI'IER OF ATTOIJiE'i I(I.IOI.J ALL PERSOIJS BY TiIESE PRIiSf,IiTS TIiAT VALLIY ASSOCIATES' LTD., a Colorado -fi*if"a partnership (the "Partnership"), has made, consti.cute<1 and-aopointed and by Ehese-presents does make, consti;;t" a"a af point I^1ILLiAI'{ J ' PgST ("Pos t") is ics true and riwiul ortoittuf in fact' and to act irr irs "t*", pi.". an<l scead in any 1'/a)'in r'rhich ir could acr if p"t.o.,"1ly pturu.,a, -rvich fu-ll pbrver and authority to do Eire follorving ."r" orrJ'ro exercise the follorving powers ' and -Ehe piri.ut"i-,ip incenJs-LhaE Post's po\^iers shall be construed in the broadesE Possible manner: I. To exccute, file and record in Etie records of the Clerk ancl Recori.r's Of f ice for Eagle Co!rl1 ty., Colorado ilft" "cf "tk's Recor<1s"), a final plar (chc "Plac") ril.,ereby tl.re part.ership cerEif ies iLs or,rnership _of certain real properclr iocated in Eagle County, Colorado' as more fully deicriLed in Ex6ibit A attaciled Sereto and made. p.tc irereof, as also described on Lhe Plat, and subdivicles and pLats po::cions of such real property into lots as sl-ro\^rn bn the- Plat and dedicaEes porEions- of such real property Eo tire public use as shor,.rn on the Dl -F The auEirority anr! power contained hereinabove sha1l be evidenced by'a signature block on Ehe Plat as folloivs: VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A COLORADO LII{IT]iD PARTNERS}IIP P. O. BOX 915, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 BY:, VAIL, AS ATTORI']EY Ii{ FACT FOR VALLEY ASSOCIATES, LTD. ' A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNIRSllIP PosE's execuEion of the Plat in such signature block shall be conclusive evidence of tire aut[ority and porver granted herein' 2. To execute, file and record in the CLerk's Records any and all Subdivision Improvements Ag,reements (ti-ie "Agreemencs") entered into r,ritir rhe Councy of Eagle, Stite of CoLorado, as a condition of approval of the PIat pursuant to Section 30-28-L37 , Colorado Revised Statutes (l-973), as amended, for the reaL property described in Exhibif A hereto, wl-iereby sucir real property r..'ill be subj ected Lo tLle Agr:eements. The arrthoricy and po\ter contained hereinabovc sl'raI1 be orri rlonnnd h.r r c i --. -"-- h1 ^-1.- nrr Fr'rn Aor-oomOn f-S in tif e v J-\.rgllt,L:11 U ! (a O ISrlc!LUr g 1,, lV\-r\ 1r,i! uLrrrLrr uv 4 sane f orrn ai sef iortit on tire Plar. Pos t' s execution of the Agreenents in suclr signacure blocl< slrall be concLusive evidence of che authority and power granred hereir.. 3. To execute, file and record in the Clerk's Records a DeclaraLion of Proteccir,'e Covetlants ( che "DeclaraEion") for the real property described in El<hibit A liereto, rvlrereby such r:ca I DroperEy rvill be subj ccccd to pro EecEive covenir.nts . Tlro ;rrrrlrori r,.' ;rnri nnr\rtrr- con r.1 inr'rI lrcrcinitl>orrc sirltlL bc pyi rl,.rrcorl lrv .r q j o,r'r r,"-a i. l /\^!- /\-1 LiLe DcCIaraL j.Otr i.1 tirC g v r\rglr\,s\1 same f<>rm as set I.orrir on Elre PLat. Post's e:lccution of tl-re Declararion in sucir signature bloci: slraLl be coucLusive evidence of Ehe auLtioricv and po',ver granced ircrc.Ln.