HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 1 LOT 1 US POST OFFICE EASEMENTS LEGAL4FTEs POSIC E*2 -t-al 2 U3Xll |'re*+tt*t.tI UNITED STATES POSTAT SERVICE Facililies Service Office Stantord Place l, 4th Floor 8055 E. Tufts Avenue Parkway, Suite 40O Denver, CO 80237-2881 {.iifl.' January 3, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Communi ty Deve'l opnent Department Torn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road l{est Vail, C0 81657-5096 Subject: Yall, C0 - lhln Post 0fflce Yacatlon and Abandoment of Easeoent Dear Ms. Pritz: The U.S. Postal Service requests that the Town of Vail vacate and abandon the fifteen foot easenent in width along the eastern, southern and western property lines of Lot 1, Block l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No.3, recorded p1at, Coun{y of Eagle, State of Colorado (U.S. Postal Service Property). l{e request that the Vacation and Abandonment of the Easement be presented and voted on at the earliest Town Council Meeting possible. Please coordinate with Mr. iloel K. Roitenberg of our office so tiat we may have representatives in attendance at the Town Council Meeting. Joe'f may be reached at (n3) 220-6524. }le have enclosed the "Vacation and Abandorment of Existing Easement" docunent, which we hope can be executed at the Town Council lleeting and then returned to us for our execution. l{e have also enclosed for your infovmation executed Vacation and Abandorment of Existing Easements from all the utility companies as foll ows: Publ ic Service Company of Colorado, the Mountain States Telephone and Te'legraph Company, Inc. DBA U.S. l{est Communication, Heritage Cablevision, Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., Upper EagIe Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and Vail Valley Consolidated l,later District. lls. Krlstan Prltz Yall, C0 - lhin Post 0ffice Yacatfon and Abandonent of Easenent January 3, 1990 Page Tm If you have any questions, please give me a call at (303) 220-6521 Si ncerely, R. C. Auth Manager, Design & Construction Denver Facilities Service 0ffice FSO] 03: RCA:JKR: 0833W E nc I osu res cc: Cheryl Hamilton, Manager, Rea'l Estate Branch, Denver Ernie Chavez, Postmaster, Vail, C0 Briner Strain Architects, Yail, C0 Kent Rose, llayor of Vail, C0 Ron Phillips, Town Manager, Vail, C0 Larry Eskwiti, City Attorney Peter Patten, City Council, Vail, C0 FS0 a -l YACATIOI{ AND ABAIIDOIIEIT OF EXISTIIIG EASEIGilT THIS INSTRUMENT ls made this dqy of , 1990, by and between UNITED STATES P0STAL SERVICE, (hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and TOl,lN 0F VAIL (hereinafter referred to as Eassnent User). WHEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abandoned described as a Utility Easement flfteen (15) feet in wjdth along and inside the eastern, southern and western lot lines of Lot l, Block l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF C0L0RAD0, allowing tlte Easement User tie use of such easement for a utillty easenent, (hereinafter the "Utflity Easement"), and IilHEREAS, t}te easement is not presently used for the construction, malntenance and reconstruction of utilities; and, I,IHEREAS, the 0wner realized no beneficial use in a'llowing such easement to remain; NO}J, T}IEREF0RE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1) Easanent User on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forcver abandon, vacate, release and terminate that portion of the Utility Easenent as nov, described as an easement fifteen (15) feet in width along and inside the eastern, southern and western lot'l ines of Lot I, Block l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No.3, ACCORDING T0 THE REC0RDED PLAT THERE0F, COUNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0MD0, Easement User hereby conveys all their right, title, and interest in and to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to Owner. 2l This Vacation and Grant shall be blndlng upon and insure to the beneflt of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. (Company Name) By: (Authorized Si gnature ) , STA1E OF COLORAIIO } ) COUXW OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Vacation and Abandonment of Existlng Easement was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,1990, as by of By: Witness my hand and official seal . W Commission expires: Nota ry Pub-l i c 0wner hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easement Contracting 0fficer Unlted States Postal Service Facil ities Service Office Date VACATIOI.I AT.ID ABANDOI{ME{T OF DilSTING EASB{E.IT fiIS INSTRIIMH{T is nade this 27th day of October , 1988, by ard between UNIIED STAIES POSTAL SERVICE, (hereinafter referred to as I'Ownerrr, ard PUBLIC SERVICE CoMPANY 0F CoLoRADo (hereinafter referred to as Easement User). WI{EREAS, a certain easenent of record to be abardoned described as a Utility Easement fifteen (15) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard uestern lot tines of tot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACCoRDING TO TIiE RECoRDED ptAI IHEREoF, CCttNTy 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F CoL0RADi3, allowirg the Easernent User the use of srch easenent for a utility easement' (hereinafter the trutility Easernent"), ad IIHEREA,S, the easenent is not presently used for the constnrction, maintenance and reconstnrtion of utilitiesl and, IIHEREAS, no future use of the easenent for the constnrction, maintenance ald reconstruction of utilities is contelrylated; and, 'IIHEREA.S, the Orrner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easement to renain; N0lt, THEREFORX, in consideration of the nutual promises contained herein and the nutual benefits to be derived ard other good and valuable consideration' the parties hereto convenant ard agree as follours: 1) Easement User on behalf of thenselves, their successors ard assigns, by this instrument hereby foreyer abardon, vacate, release ard terminate that portion of the Utility Easenent as now described as an easeoent fifteen (tS) teet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard rastern lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACCORDII.IG T0 II{E REC0RDE PLAT THEREOF' CONTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F COLORADO, Easement User hereby conveys all their right, title, ard interest in ard to that portion of the Utility Easement vacated above, to owler. 2) This Vacation ard Grant shalL be birding rpon ard inure to the benefit of the srccessors ard assigns of the parties hereto. PI'BLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO (Coryanf Nane) *, ]'-Za'&- (Authorized Signature ) STATE OF COTORAM ) )ss COt NTY 0F suurr ) The foregoing Vacation acknorledged before me this by Paul A. Hage ard Abardorment of zzrn day of Existing Easement was 0c tober , 1988, as operations Manager, Mountaln Dlvlslon of Publlc Service Company of Colorado- Witness ry had ard official sea1, I'ty Cormission expires:/o/ s lqo Notary tublic S; lrettlr.o-re- ,co toQq t Owner hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easement ti ////3 / e'/ Date Contracting Officer United States Postal Service Facilities Seryice Office VACATIO,I AI{D ABAND0}'IMB.IT 0F EXISTING EASF{EIT IHIS IISTRIMENT is between IINIIED STATES made this 2o Jh day of S"p/ut,lu- , 1988, by ard P0STAL SERVICE, (hereinafter referred to as rr0unerrr, ard (hereinafter referred to as Easenent User). WHEREA.S, a certain eas€rnent of record to be abardoned described as a Utility Easenent fifteen (15) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard western 1ot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge SuMirrision Filing No. 3, ACCCRDING 10 lllE RICoRDED pt-{T IHEREOF, CC[rNTy 0F EAGLE, STATE OF COI,0RADo, allowing the Easenent User the use of srrch easenent for a utility easenent, (hereinafter the "Utility Easenent"), ad WHEREAS, the easernent is not presently used for the constnrction, maintenance and reconstnrction of utilities; and, WHEREAS, no future use of the easement for the constmction, maintenance ard reconstnrction of utilities is contenplatedl and, IIHER.EA'S, tlre Owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easenent to renain; t$l{, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mrtual promises contained herein ard the mutual benefits to be derived ard other good and valuable consideration, tlre parties hereto convenant ard agree as follorr's: 1) Easenent User on behalf of themselves, their successors ard assigns, by this instmment hereby forever abardon, vacate, release ard terminate that portion of the Utility Easement as nohr described as an easenent fifteen (1S) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard uestern 1ot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACC0RDING rc THE REC0RD$ PIAI THEREOF, CCI.rNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0, Easement User hereby conyeys all their right, title, ard interest in ard to that portion of the Utility Easeilent vacated above, to Omer. Z) This Vacation ard Grant shal1 be binding rpon ard inure to the benefit of the successors ard assigns of the parties hereto. 7 (Conpanl'Nane) (tr.?4!4.r9,tc;/<,, to, tuo (Authorized Signature ) STATE 0F COr.oMDO ) )ss COIJNTY OF fulpe! )+- The foregoing Vacation ackno,rledged before me this ard Abardonment 2o TH day o'f Existing Easement was of Szftem4=,L , 1988, by Witness my had ard official seal. l"ly Conmission 1ic Owner hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easement ,/ t .,4 vy r'{'{A.u,G( /t7-n-,-..,- Contracting Officer United States Postal Seryice Facilities Service Office Date VACATIO.I A'lD ABANDIIMEIT 0F E(ISTII{G EASEVIE{T fiIS ITSTRIMENT is nade this 2 l.day of Sepre-rber, 1988, by and between IINITED STATES PGTAL SRvlffidtlbr"ffierred to as '?Ohnerrr, ard EEL (hereinafter referred to as EasementeEkF gIE2o Wlm,EA,S, a certain easement of record to be abardoned described as a Utility Easement fifteen (15) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard westem 1ot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, tions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACCoRDING TO TltE REC0RDm ruAT ffiR3oF, Co[rNrr 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F CoL,0RADO, allowing the Easenent User the use of srrh easement for a utility easenent, (hereinafter the r?Utility Easement"), ad WHEREAS, the easenent is not presently and reconstruction of utilities; and, used for the constmction, maintenance I'{HEREAS, no future use of the easement for the constnrction, maintenance ard reconstruction of utilities is contenrplatedl and, WHEREAS, the Owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easenent to renain; ISl1|' THERIFORE, in consideration of the mrtual promises contained herein ard the mutual benefits to be derived ard otter good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto convenant ard agree as follovs: 1) Eassnent User on behalf of thenselves, their successors ard assigns, by this instnrment hereby forever abardon, vacate, release ard terminate that portion of the Utility Eassnent as nohr described as an easenent fifteen (15) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard uestern lot lines of Iot l, Blak 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 5, ACCORDING T0 TI{E REC0RDED PL[f THEREOF, CdJNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0F C0L0RAD0, Easement User hereby conveys all their right, title, ard interest in ard to that portion of the Utility Easenent vacated above, to Owner. Z) lhis Vacation ard Grant shall be binding rryon ard inure to the benefit of the successors ard assigns of the parties hereto. ITERITAGE CABLEvISION P.(]. 5CX 4Jv 0140 Metcalt Rd- Avon, CO 81620 (Autbrized sTAlE 0F CorfRADo ) )ss COT'NTY OF The foregoing Vacation ard Abardorment of Existing Easement uas acknowledged before ne this 2l .+ aay of SdmEn-lVgZ , IggB, bv ( {.vq /J , ,nrr ^t Ait te F aro rr of Witness ny had ard official seal. l"ly Comnission expires: lrln,' te le?8, Notary Public Owner hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easenent ?; o i, a.-, ,at: 4, Date United States postal Seryice Facilities Seryice Office /at"C./ //".*',- Contracting Officer VACATICI{ A.ID ABANDOI{ME.TT OF E(ISTING EASR,IBIT THIS II.ISTRUMEIT is nade this 2lst day of between UNITED STAIES P0STAI SERVICE, (hereinafter referred to as ,'0wner'r, ald HOLY cRoss ELECTRIC ASSOCIATIoN, INc. (hereinafter referred to as Easement User). WHERXAS' a certain easdrent of record to be abardoned described as a Utility Easerpnt fifteen (1S) eeet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard western lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 5, ACCoRDING 10 TI{E RECmDm PL,AT THEREoF, CCt'NTy 0F EAGLE, STAIE 0F C0L0R.AD0, allowing the Easement User the use of srrch easement for a utility easement, Sep t cDber _, 1988, by ard {hereinafter the t'Utility Easementr'), ard WHEREA,S, the easement is not presently used for the and reconstrrrtion of utilitiesl and, constnrc t ion, maintenance hIHEREA.S, no future use of the easement for the constnrction, maintenance ard reconstruction of utilities is contemplated; and, I{HEREAS, the Owner realized no beneficial use in allowing such easement to renain; IOI{' THEREFORE, in consideration of the nutuaL promises contained herein ard the mutual benefits to be derived ard other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto convenant ard agree as follows: 1) Easernent User on behalf of thenselves, their successors ard assigns, by this instnment hereby forever abandon, vacate, release ard terminate that portion of the Utility Easenent as now described as an easement fifteen (t5) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard rrestern lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdivision FiLing No. 3, ACCORDING TO TltE RECORDED PLAI THEREOF, CCIJNfi 0F EAGLE, STA13 OF COLORADO, Easement User hereby conveys all their right, title, ard interest in ard to that portion of the Utility Easement yacated above, to owner. 2) This Vacation ard Grant shall be binding rpon ard inure to the benefit of the successors ard assigrs of the parties hereto. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (Conpanf Narrc) Davld - (Autbrized Signature) Sage, Preeldeac STAIE OF COLORADO ) )ss C0UNTr 0F cmr.rnr,o ) The foregoing Vacation ard Abardonnent acknorledged before ne this 2tst day bY David Saee as hereby accepts the foregoing Existing Easenent was September _ _, 1988, of of of HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. hard ard official seal. l"ly Comnission expires:4/4/91 Pre s ldent P. O. Drawer 2150, Glenwood Sprlngs' C0 81602 Vacation of Easement /,, Date Contracting Officer United States Postal Seryice Facilities Service Office and VACATI0I.I AtlD ABAIIDONMBIT 0F E(ISTING EASEI"IE'IT IHIS II.STRIIMRIT is nade this U€ day of Do.^ho-.,2 , 1988, by and between UNIIED STATES POSTAL SERVIG, (hereinafter referred to as r'0vnerr', (hereinafter referred to as Easenent User). WHEREA^S, a certain easenent of record to be abardoned described as a Utility Easement fifteen (ts) eeet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern ard westerr lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge Subdiyision Filing No. 5, ACCORDING IO TI{E RECORDED PI.AT THRIOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COITRADO, allowing the Easement user the use of such easement for a utility easement, (hereinafter the "Utility Easement"), ad IIHEREAS, the easement is not presently used for the constnrction, maintenance and reconstn:ction of utilitiesl and, WHEREAST no future use of the easement for the constnrction, maintenance ald reconstruction of utilities is contemplatedl and, WHEREAS' the Owner realized no beneficial use in alLowing srrch easement to ranain; NOI{' IHEREFORE, in consideration of the m:tual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived ard other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto convenant ard agree as follows: 1) Easement User on behalf of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instnrnrcnt hereby forever abardon, vacate, release ard terminate that portion of the Utility Easement as now described as an easement fifteen (tS) feet in width alotg and inside the eastern, southern and western 1ot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge subdivision Filing No. J, AccoRDrNG To rltE REcoRDm PIAT THEREoF, CflTNTY 0F EAGLE' STATE 0F COLOR.ADO, Easenent User hereby conveys all their right, title, ard interest in ard to thafportion of the Utility Easernent vacated above, to Or,ner. Z) This Vacation ard Grant shal1 be binding rpon ard inure to the benefit of the srrccessors ard assigns of the parcies hereto. (furthorized Signature ) ( oompany Nao,e)D tsf,r\a* STATE OF COIORAM ) ) ss cot NTY 0F &\ctt ) The foregoing Vacation ackncHrledged before me this ard Abardonrnent of Existing Easement r*as iqg dalofM, 1988, L-- r.^'rn ' -_:\o)r lLtulrom [(-sr-r\q_ as@ of ( I PF u F...rI e. \ l^r \ \r S C cr'rqFt rA, n k.0 .Son.t-of.r-i}.,ah.cJ Witness my hard ard official seal. lvly Couurission expires: Z\:\q: Notary hrblic Omer hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easement ///ft/4* Date Oontracting Officer United States Postal Service Facilities Service Office VACATIOI{ AND ABANDOI.IMB.IT OF EUSTING EA,SE{E.IT fiIS II,trSTRTMEIT is made this rg't} day of Drrr.. ^-\osl/ , 1988, by and between IINITED STATES P0srAt sERvIcE, (hereinafter referred to as 'for,ner', ard (hereinafter referEd to as Easement User). WHEREAS, a certain easement of record to be abardoned described as a Utitity Easement fifteen (ts) feet in width along ard inside the eastern, southern and western lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Lions Ridge subdivision Filing No. J, ACCORDING 10 II{E RECORDED PtAr MEREOF, CflJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOR,ADO, allowing the Easenent user the use of such easement for a utility easement, (hereinafter the ''Utility Easement,,), od l,llHEREAS, the easement is not presently used for the constnrction, and reconstnrtion of utilities; and, WHERIAS, no future use of the easement for the construction, maintenance ald reconstnrcti.on of utilities is contemplated; and, I{HEREAS, the Ouner realized no beneficial use in aLlowing srrch easement to renain; IW{' THERXFORI, in consideration of the mutual pronises contained herein ard the mutual benefits to be derived ard other good and valuable consideratiotr, the parties hereto convenant ard agree as follovrs: 1) Easement User on behalf of thenselrres, their successors ard assigns, by this instmnnnt hereby forever abardon, vacate, release and terminate that portion of the Utility Easement as now described as an easerent fifteen (tS) feet in nidth along ard inside the eastern, southern ard rrstern 1ot lines of Lot 1, Brock l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, ACCORDING TO TI{E RECOR-DED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY 0F EAGLE, STAIE 0F COL0RADO, Easenent User hereby conveys alt their right, title, ard interest. in ard to that portion of the Utility Easeruent vacated above, to ouner. 2) This Vacation ard Grant sball be binding rpon and inure to the benefit of the successors ard assigns of the parties hereto. naintenance (Authorized Signature) (Oompary Nane) rstrlcJ STAIE OF COLORADO ) )ss acknorledged before me this (eg aay of Dsrrrv,bc,- , 19gg, by of ,/,/rr Date Contracting Officer United States postal Seryice , ._.:Fdci,ljqies Service Office \ ' r'r'.. cotNTY or 6Af=LE__) The foregoing Vacation ard Abardorunent of Existing Easenent was Witness my hard ard official seal. lvty Conurission expires: 2F\qZ | ^ r lAi i't F<.; r* *\. H\ \Fu'. Notary Rrblic Orner hereby accepts the foregoing Vacation of Easement ,,L 4FTES Postt i*z ziF I (^s.lt^ll rr r-r raittt.tll UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Facilities Service Of f ice Stanford Place l, 4th Floor 8055 E. Tufts Avenue Parkway, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80237 -2881 )t t l/ ^J.t/rt -J-.(\Z ltt''/ | lo l r'iifi,' [tt'!\ n, t,','. l,/ i1ru'' ^tlt ''"'#) itjl-\tl'l' January 3, .|990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Community Devel opment Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, C0 81657-5096 I tl ko-tev\r \'.,l,ol{'i $,i' 'g5"D lo\''z dU"^o)lt- eo'Xl^'-L [* 5i*"^ qp"'er Subject: Yail, C0 - llain Post 0ffice C I -._^. u.:A*b.O Vacation and Abandonnent of Easement llo* L'o^'\'" VT- l- Dear l,ls. Pritz: l- [ t C S't '+ *''*W wo/e' -. The U.S. Postal Service requests that the Town of Vail vacate and abandon I the fi fteen foot easdnent in width along the eastern, southern and I western property'l ines of Lot l, Block l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing t No. 3, recorded plat, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (U.S. Postal '^, Service Property). l.Ie request that the Vacation and Abandonment of the \- Easement be presented and voted on at the earliest Town Council Meeting L/possible. Please coordinate with Mr. Joel K. Roitenberg of our office so f that vre may have representatives in attendance at ihe Town Council Y-Meeting. Joel may be' reached at (303) ?20-6524. l.le have enclosed the f ^"Vacation and Aba-ndonment of Existing Ease+ent" docrment, which we hope ^e can be executed at the Town Council Meeting and then returned to us for !1- N-our execution. E , lJe have al so enclosed for your information executed Vacation and Abandonment of Existing Eassnents from all the utility companies as fol I ows: Publ ic Servfce Company of Col orado, the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company, Inc. DBA U.S. West Communication, Heritage Cablevision, Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. a-o a )r q2 -Qr (oL - ils. Kristan Pritz - Vail, C0 - llain Post Offlce Vacation and Abandoment of Easmnt January 3, 1990 Page Tro If you have any questions, please give me a Si ncerely, call at (3031 220-6521. R. C. Auth Manager, Design & Construction Denver Facilities Service 0ffice FS0'l 03 : RCA:JKR : 0833W E nc losu res cc: Cheryl Hamilton, Manager, Rea'l Estate Branch, Denver FSO Ernie Chavez, Postmaster, Vai1, C0 Eriner Strain Architects, Vail, C0 Kent Rose, lhyor of Vafl, C0 Ron Phi 'l 1 i ps , Town l,lanager, Vai I , C0 Larry Eskr.rith, City Attorney Peter Patten, City Council, Yail, C0 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Facililies Service Ollic6 6800 West 64lh Slreel - Suile 100 Overland Park, KS 66202-4171 CER2:WRLangiey:cdh January 3, .1989 Vai1, Colorado Rel ease of Uti 1 i ty Easements l,lain Post 0ffice Site Mr. Larry Eskwjth City Attorney, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai l , Col orado 81657 Dear [t'lr. Eskwith: As per our conversation of September 28, .|988, please find attached copies of the "Vacation and Abandonent of Existing Easement" documents which have been executed by Public Servjce Company of Colorado, U. S. West Communications, Heritage Cablevision, Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. In our conversation you had advised us that as soon as al1 the utility companies had consented to the releases we should send copies of said releases to you, and you would then obtain the necessary re1 ease frorn the Town of Vail. Please take the necessary action to have the Vacat'ion and Abandoment of Existing Easement document provided to you in our September .|3, .|988 letter executed by the Torvn of Vail . As soon as we receive the executed document we will take the necessary action to have it properly recorded along with other vacation documents. Your continued cooperation and assistance in this matter is appreciated and your earliest attention to this release will allow us to procede with our constructi on pi ans. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at the above address or by calling 913/831-5464. Si ncerel y , or.lc1na1 Slgneit b9 l,lILLIAM R. LANGLEY Real Estate Speci al si t cc: Mr. Peter Patten, Jr. Conmuni ty Devel opment Di rector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 8.|657 w/attachments FF ^FrEs Posra i*a z*F I IIS-MAIL |'i *-t {*tttlf' UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Facilities Sorvice Oltice 6800 West 64th Slreet. Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66202'4171 CER2: l,lRLangl ey: cdh Vail Colorado Release of Utility Easement Town of Yail 75 South Frontage Road Yail, C0 81657 Attn: Mr. A. Peter Patten, Jr. Community lJevei opment Director Dear Mr. Patten: September 'l 3, .|988 In 1986, the United States Postal Service acquired a parcel of land in Vail, Colorado on which to construct a new main Post Office on. For your use and review, we have attached a copy of the boundary and topographic survey. Please note that a l5' utility easement was reserved along and inside the southerly, easterly, and westerly 1ot lines of Lot l, Block l, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3, as per the Plat recorded September 10, .|979 in Book 290, Page 794. The easement was reserved at the time of the platting however, it has never been utilized by any utility company nor the Town of Vail. In order to develop the site for postal use, we are requesting The Town of Vail to rel ease any right, title or interest you may have in this 15' utility easement. In order to obtain the necessary release, we are attaching a Vacation and Abandonment of Existing Easement document for your execution. We are also inciuding a self addressed franked envelope for your use in returning the document to this office. Your earliest attention to this release is appreciated, as we are desirous of proceeding with our construction p1 ans. We apprec'i ate your cooperation and should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at the above address or by ca1 iing 91 3/831 -5464. t,,ILLIAM R. Real Estate ere1y, EY Speci al i s COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF l STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS HIGHWAYS PERMIT SH No/MP/Side: Local Jurisdiction: Dist/Sectio n/Pat rol DOH Permit No.: Permit Fee: Date of Transmlttal r70F/174.30(L Town of Vail 30 219 388107 $7s.00 8-18-88 THE PERMITTEE; United States Postal Service 6800 West 6fth Street, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66202-4L7I is hereby granted permission to construct and use an access to the state highway at lhe location noted below. The access shall be constructed, maintained and used in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit, including the State Highway Access Code and listed attachments. This permit may be revoked by the issuing authority if at any time the permitted access and its use violate any of the terms and conditions of this permit. The use of advance warning and construction signs, flashers, barricades and flaggers are required at all times during access construction within State right-of-way in conformance with the MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, Part Vl. The issuing authority, the Department and their duty appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any action for personal inju ry or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise ol the permit. LOGATION: . 0n the north side of I-70 Frontage Road, a distance of 1584 feet east from Mile post 174. ACCESS TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO: Vail Post Office. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Attached Sheet. MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. By (X) Not Required Date Title Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the t€rms and conditions and referenced attachments contained herein. All construclion shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from initiation. The oermitted access shall be completed in accordance with the terms and condrtions of the germit grior to being used. The permiltee shall notily AI Pierce wilh the Colorado Deparlmenl of Highways in at j?8-6',185 , al least 48 hours prior to commencing construclion wilhin lhe Slate Highway right-ol-way. The person signang as the permittee musl be the o\,vner or legal represenlative of the property servect by the permitted access and have full authority lo accept the permit and all it's terms and conditions. earmittce rxr -l'.'/^-Lrf ";"t-f o^t" I o /lthf This permit is nof valid until signed by a duly authorized representative ol the State Department of Highways. STATE OF COLORADO,DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROBERTtrIC Bv (x)931s 11-7-88 1;11s District ROW Eneineer (Date of issue) COPY OISTRIEUTIO : Required: - Make copies as necessary fot:Prevrous Editions are Obsolele and wrll nol b€ used OOH Form 101 9/85 1 Oistrict (Original) Local Aulhority ' lnsp€ctor 2 Applicant MTCE Palrol Trallic Engrneer PERMIT NO. 388107 Local ordinance requires a construction permit from City of rr^.i 1 Access to be constructed as depicted on plans dated July 1,L988. On site storage of drainage shall be provide to prevent any increase of the drainage time of concentration to the highway system. Lanes shal1 be constructed as per Colorado Department of Highways specifications, with the following material placed for final grade:1-2,1 ABC, Cl_ass 1;6,'ABC, Class 6; and 3't of HBP, Grading E or EX place in the following lifts:2 5',lifts class 1; 16" Iift class 6; Z L.5,'lifts HBp Shoulders along the speed change lanes shal1 be 4 feet and paved. The new pavement shall slope on the same plane as the present pavement surface. The entire roadway shall be overlaid with l-.5" of HBp. permanent highway striping and signing shall be done by the Colorado Division of Highways The actual cost of the work will be billed to the permittee. The cost will not exceed an estimated $2000.A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER must pTovide ce e meeling specificatron. CERTIFICATION Will be sent to the Colorado Division of Highways. NOTE:Pavement design for constructj-on may be modified upon submission of an approved design by a professional engineer. Such design shaIl have a Structural Number no less than 3.35. Written approval of the modified design is required before construction. No dralnage from this site shal1 enter onto the surface of the highway. All existing drainage structures shall be extended to accommodate all new construction and safety standards. Contractor shall follow the applicable construction specifications set for by the Department of Highways in the latest manual Standard Specifications for Road and Bridqe Construction. The property owner is responsible for any utIfTEIEs d-Isrupted. by the construction of this drivewa| and all expenses incurred for repair. Any damage to any existing Highway facilities shall be repaired prior to continuing other work. Compaction of sub-grade, embankments and backfill shall comply with Section 203.11 of the Division of Highways Standard Specif ications . Compaction of Hot Bituminous Pavement (HBp) shall comply with Section 401-.17 of the division of Highways Standard Specifications.If frost is present in the sub-grade, no surfacing material shal-l be pla.ced until all frost is gone or removed. Saer or score asphalt to assure a straight edge for patching.The first 20 feet beyond the closest highway lane, including speed chang'e lanes, shall slope down and away from the highway at a 2eo grade to ensure proper drainage control.A11 excavations on Utility lines, culverts, oiher trenches or tunnels shall meeL the requirements of Colorado Department of Highways, OSHA, Colorado Industrial Commission and the Colorado Division of Mines whichever applies.The area around the new work shall be well gradeA to drain,top soiled, fertillzed, mulched and reseeded.Work shall BEGIN AFTER 8:30 A.M. and aII equipment shall be off the roadway BEFORE 3:30 P.M. ear':h rlaw- 8 9 10 1l_ 72 IJ PAGE NO. ].