HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 26A-B GRAND TRAVERSE DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY LEGALhorrs K4'3"a- /ot&1dEL c6fru tw oEl,ELFt€t{r Deeign Review Board ACTIOFI FSRI'I Department of Community Developmect 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 laxi 970.479.2452 vreb: www.vailgov.rom Project Name: STEANE TREE CHANGE Project Description: APPUCANT SHAD BLAKELY ProjectAddress: 1864 GLACIER CTVAIL Legal Descriptionr Lot 26 Block: 2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE FIL 3 Parcef Number; 2L03-L22-Q403-8 Comments: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO REMOVE 2 COTTONWOOD TREES Pafticipants: OWNER STEANE, MARILYN P. O7JT3I2OO7 1864 B GI.ACIER CT VAIL co 81657 07 / L3lZ007 Phone: 390-4311 DRB Number: DR8070317 Location: 1864'B' GI-ACIER CT Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt O7 | 13|2AO7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. loe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Planner: Change To The Approved Plans o€paffi€nt of cofmwity Del,elopfilcft 75 Soidh tu tagE Roa4 vdl Cdorado 81657 d: 9D.,179.2128 fa: 9iD.479.?4r52 web: www.vaihw.com Generll Infomdon: All projects rcqdring d6ign rqdery must rechre appro\ral pnor b $b|niuirE a bdldirE p€rmit apdbation. Pbase r€fer to the submittat r€qdrcments for tln prtctdar appro\€l B|at is rcquested. An applicauon br Dedgn R6/ieyv cannot be accepEd until all rcquired Infunnatton is r€ceived by UE Commurity Dareloprnent Deparunert The project may also need to tre re$ewed by ttre Town Courrjl and/or the Ptannhg and Environmental @mmis$on. ifcign rtdil eppronel lrpcs unlc e hdldng pamft b bsu.d .nd corrtructiqr oonmqree withln onc year of the approval. Locdion of thc Propocal: Lot: Block- StMtublon: Physical Addrcos:tgbq 8 GuActeK 6uEI- Paref rfo.: LfD3 I ZLo4o78 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97tr328-8640 br parcel no.) Application fior Design Review 0 fo @ o \, o f{|a\ \, llame(c) of {hrner(o):{rrq S'r€*d€ llailing Addre: /8 LLt B G' lAcreil c]T*y'Ptu c4 8lbs1 Phona: ?7o''+7q- oeg= Owner(r) Sign*urc(s): llame of Applicarh - €TL, tNc- Maiflng Addrcs= f .o'6"313L €AGLE.Lo 8 re3l Phona:n- E-mailMdrcsr:-32 3o Type of Revlew and Fec: B cf|ang€s to Approved Plans Submittal Rcquircmantc: Src For revisions b plans alread approved by Planning Stafi or the Delign Re\rlerv Bo€rd, 3 Sets of Plans Addressirp Project CharEes Signature of l-lomeowner(s) or Assockrtion A, Ched<t{o.: l 'V h,r*- Jt 2'( g 4\7 DFJo(,'OZrb F:bdev\FORMSFennftsFhrnirE\DRB\drb-change-to-apFw€dJtlarc-lJtags-lG1&2006.doc g5,l2ll2gL7 13:52 Mty 21 07 ([3la 3055456697 .hnrc and tlffittn CAXCERHEALTX KEISC}I PAGE SZIS2 p.2 bno 207{3Glmo IdTISIBIIYilIB wrlEr|'rrorfl.l.gltE I,(Ftrtn€m aFrtrrrofpq.rrYb(.El* tgL trwlrb ttls Eilrc wfrIn {rysd dfiG Phlt (|Gll lrttffi ir* h.n rnnsd bit|lhr dH cnunff fitd$ilntDtFt|rnt lbuc propd lntprurgmnn b blu'lilGE lrtl|id(lers|lbd rh. I utgrEltdfitut Fedlfl'pru.tttnt'lde AffiUoIft plncfd$rl*ar* bdr rhkf b ma*.tfG.U. I fqrr ,/: d r nffi tnt,tu ffit trEl b ffi b ot *riogt? s., ffat ,W pw b suJn a*a rtr Uc rbt,'t # e td q8ee, -w,v ltultof tr l&lautttffi8,frfrfffi'rfrhilcfldlbfrfrMiE dlri d tE tttff @' * bsfit e ot ffi U At ffi* E ffi* ed Hw,r*ffin {stc#EdsrfuL : !*pgaxl*tsdrUtjinoP twH Laris ffi4.4t a /,/lo oa,r .g\NrY oElEloPtfl*r Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479,2452 web: www.vailgoY,€om Project Name: STEANE TREE REMOVAL Proiect Descraption: DRB Number: 0R8060245 FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 1 COTTONWOOD TREE AND REPLACE WITH A SPRUCE TREE Pafticipants: OWNER STEANE, MARILYN P, 06/2312005 1864 B GLACIER CT VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT SHAD BLAKELY 0612312006 Phone: 390-4311 Prcject Address: 1864 GLACIER CT VAIL Location: 1864 'B' GLACIER CT Legal Description: LoE 25 Block: 2 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE FIL 3 Parrel Number: 2103-122-0403-8 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0612812006 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $2O,OO Planner: Jans Steane .fun O6aO6 OS: SSp 3h.d bt.trv 97G476€Z/9 970-324 - 30.12 llinor brbrior Afbmtiolr o N 6l o r o }.J rc.t]o tr lbnb3E p.1 p.l Applicdon br DeCgn nevkw DcFlIEl dornily h.-tf,!il '5 rann fl!.qFH,l'r|.ffi 8r6t u !'|0,(7t zEE h 970..rt9,x52 t*,ir.qro|tl Grrrf Kldcr:AIFE'G rqrh 4rgn rGk 94 caart Fnt r'br brtrltt9.bE|g F il.piladolr f*4 nltsrlo!: rffi trqrgrrE ftrE rthittrn tii:qr*c rr +futr idio$g! ilt,rGr cnnd !. -Fro lrr i rsru nffi E -r!r ur ur criurry rriirp;t drn dn ne Flldt ry-& rd b b r# t t Tar m rdb rr trrrr rt Eittndt annrscm.Drrh rbrr-rbrd.ltrgf -f otr- --r- ifia atsdt-*d L€rfrdtt.tnt-a}tnC tdts $lffi| ntscJre 16 ?lrrcd iot (CtrEt E gk e.,E.t lrrD3IE 610 frr prd no.) In(.)laor-GrE fE[q5-t €e. 8t/b OI'I|G)r|f,q.I rrndrfl* llelll;ltE-.4 etL?l EldlL- 3D llI*LIprfrcbdEigrc.bE l6e0 F c!ffidr tH hltBCtE tr!t3 fn F |t&rtE Frbg! batbq G#riH F mEfl h€ (lrrrb fsoeEi ffi orrrE).g) hrtlr.i.|lr'Dhfrgfrlllrltrffi,rdr 6 rcdrE, #!', ffir |tF{*, tri'eftg ftncls..d .S-ts*.lZ0 Farlrdn|r3b bgrtF.JrDhFsr|*,id|*,dqr ffig, rtrb ffi.E t neg||* ftnc6 x{rr|rffigr|'!ts lA tu rr,lbrr f rbG.f'tt illrd bt mE g.lt or nt r*nHEd fbFc T}"atf-l-adfr.8 El ggtE O Ooc$a ,tsrfr tr ilvrortttatEr tr&a O Hm.Eiln (''I|i.dr'ffi|Et4' J"l|alL|!||(lr|t}ffiCtE:) cr.rc3biFd'bE Scptrga / lollrr F$rEmiv ofxEn WRITTEI rIPROYIL1 TTTR ,f*,r,*", {,firi Ye,""A -'ai:idowmrorpropcolocabdat('ddresdhsal desq'ptidr) UlAd- *PN cr Favide f& FSr.6 wd|atr aptrord of thc phE drd u{ticfi hu'rc bc€n eJb|flficd to the Town d vdl csnNrt|lt, cbcl4r*|f, Dep.finst 'of $c pmpose" lnpnourefi|a lt5 b bc comPlcbd * Ul addlss ttrd abo'e- t rnrtrstand tiarrtre trq6ed ry",'ff' I furdl€ urd€tdaaxl d|* tdna ndfidirns mav be m"b to tie dars oer dre sree d the revictiv prffis to encrme cc4ranc uf,tr fie Tarrb appllalcc @ td r€gdttidls' #hhL- r :\cr.trFoRlls1lPe'trsPbn'{admBu'b.dry-lJ'gotovteit'|3JJt{-B-0}l r'2ffi'do€ (l ?'c alo€.-Bee-oe6 Itlzd ggElIAeWEa?tAl6I6r0l A.I?lq prqs .ea34g SO Sl=i;i -6bsbli[9a8 dStfl:tr u1u3 ASTfl"n:Lr]dJ gsrlr &Be-€-slj fY' '.- ltF#fl = ; E:: 9.3E;; !ElaE I:EE:T E!;!E€9.EE;5; s i:;3 E it lE; F i't E: i:E ? c.- > A =:;.=_E > € ia€;; 3E:;.!F Es€aE;tr E E ; L|: I -ri EI ill I o- 3 o ! -t 1.1 .u X cl .t q)(t E I (rl .rl ?i C! ; = /. a\ F-() * l].J --t?) Y!-==x r-l r,, v ! f . /\-zz,ca<<3iz a': ua v Lr_ J f_2u9 =7.=.\- -r. '1 t^-sz .\ L! \J -trz ZUA -! \ -'1 .aF(- rl..jF*J caqcQ Sr.:or z = -.'J =- ,'- :i r-{Y C;< F%-- FtL;Z-=<-:, i:.H --, 1--/\i F -!'l si-;-J. ,aO 2>i1 z i\\J-l 't'-s>i<'- -: ',a -).\:l=a\\-F.t--- i':< X .-7-u:c(l-trF -! .- -' 9)utx* ',^ :- \===+i- li -'- -- a- \-/ / :* F't- -O. l-t -l {r t I +9 r+ O. FFI tfl ts -.iJ a H .|-at -F tt rlJ -+<,F tr-a .FJ v lr -F{€ -F l{|e a+\da LI iF- -d *Fl F LT H C?f\ -l \/ rr-a 11 A.tlt d i{ o|J rF. rF)H L. O.c I 11 I I ''1 -t d I ! 'l H q.f ..1 q q .i '1 3 oq _1' ===J YI .r.ll rJl ol ri col 6l 'l >\ c.l r-t c)o I .rl .r1 a{ - a) Ir li II 14 t?tl tl t: du ol (rl l -'-ii >1 |Hl I (si I Et c').rrl ol li .-l ll Bl N ol ol zJ Fa -i = ']. P=-= ::J -. .=v-a fT'6( DY f1 2 n ,"YYYI- lbP'./ \f\ff\1 l\ru il ) O ,l O i€ s "€€:E:: 9-:E; i ii u,?c: U€ 6; €:;= E I *! i:€;-".4i E ?.i 3i?ljs 'i: *e.: c i ':3Ec1?i!Ei;l E 5:'1;E .3 9!:'-: e'.9;91;e- =.: ;4.__ .-.o >,.2 3 o " g a i:;:istil;;trE 3 ri i'i. t:: ,-(.': t -/ ) -:.'.\| .t.-^.t=\ ". ./,t=\ i'_ l./ t- = -rt of = .9 U U i.F I rf\ \", I *-l .,1 \-/l II r!cr.l .-l slll c 7. a !- = c U trl l! al 6rH t\ L- --\Y** Q.,,U azz Las< 3lz:a) <. \J rr \J l_zog -2.)r{\-F h i.^t5z FEZ a:.Q^!r.t \ --: -ic<:trJ l- J <hca 5=t:C"I Z !9:r ,1-F<Y p;<-27: i- (! t-> ^=t-9 A=HG 'FFO -r.j a.L a\:- 'rjF-v=);rrO v) F LrJ -z - -YV r-b+< =+i:J ,\l-c.\Jf-r.\-.{ t\ c<: FZU,'-c(:-uF _"..: ii :t n \,=.\=,-FY*+r3* -;:rr;t i-\J/- U s C 'H O. L{ a'1-, H. Or R IR E H -a flJ a Kn ?= iF{f\ \/ H Fl F d l{ l-c Ir al H t-H tzt *.,H #r{r{G 1F+ F{H A+\Ft 14,r{ rP t+{ rF)tFt Lr Ar \-/ ffi W ffi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2t38 TOV/Co DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: DAUPHINAIS NEW P/S NE!\l (srn,r/s,DuP) PERMTT PermiL TIMES 897-0193 lean-up pproved tmount date bb Address Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone z 97O Phone:. 970 I S SUED o7 /07 /res 1 o't /L7 /tet7 0r /13 /Ieet; cation.., ParceI No.. TYpe Zone 2 V-N zone 2 V-N 2,516.@ Restuarant Ptan Revie'r--> -00 1 ,635.40 DRB > 400.00 1864 GLACIER COURT 2I03-r22-04-026 PRJg7-0093 711.60 Number of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet 96.'t2 4 1964 25.56 r t]-99 328-5499 ':328-5499 oject No. APPLICANT DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS_MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 Description : NEw PRIMARY/SECoNDARY Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Bui Lding-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> tliIL Cal.l,----> Tota! catcutated Fees---> Addi t ional. Fees---------> Totst Pefmit Fee-------->.00 Recreation Fee----------> 1.00 Clean-Uo DeDosi t--------> DAN JRM DAN GEORGE Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLfE Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS DAN AcTion: APPR CHARLIE Action: CANC CHARLIE ACtiOn: APPR ENGINEERING Table Date: o5/L't/1996 Total VaLuation: Town of vail Adiusted Valuation: subtotal:A 'I 4", Units: 00 / Va Iuat irri 4B0,1lB.vtj 30 ,646 .41 510/7i4.5. 510'"c'+.52 544, 000 . 000 6,049 .00 .00 6,0/+9 . OO 5,83'1 .20 Fireptace Information: Restricted: #of Gas Appliances: fof Gas Logs: fof Llood/Pattet: *************trl***)t***********ffi**ffiff*ir***Jc************* FEE SUtltlARY ******lil***************li**i**************lt***********i**** 750.00 P Item:05100 o7 /07 /Tee7 rr /78 /ree7 Item:05400 07 /07 /res7 n1 /1n /1oa'7 ftem:05600 07 /14/Lee7 Item:05500 07 /07 /ree7 07 /74/Lee7 i't /i'1 /i aa'7 Item:05550 07 /74/Lee7 07 /14/tee7 07 /7-1/Les7 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DeDT! BUILDING D1V1SJ-ON Action: APPR DAN 7-6-977 Action: NOTE ADD ONS APPROVED GR(DRB) PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDI: PI-,ANNING DJ-VISiON Action: APPR GEORGE PLANS 7-7-97 Dept: FIRE Division N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division LARRY PLANS ''I _7_97 PER LARYY PER LARRY P Dept:ENGINEER Division 7 -L4-97 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERRI TERRI Action: NOTE SEE NOTICES CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LARRY P ***********************************************i*******************t***f*****************t*****lrt***t************************** ** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions DECLARATIONS :,I:":L":::::t:::::i:t_l^^:::-::::.,nt. appr.ication, rir.r.ed out jn rur.r the inrormat,ion rcquired, conpreted an accurate prot ::::*::.:::'":::-1":: :::1"n.1'l.uno :'1::.r"u'. and to bui,.d th;. ;;;;".;;";;.;;';;T;'.;"';J:" :"*l;'fl :il.?;?:,::codes, design review approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and othep ordinances of tfie T REQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TUIENTY-FOUR HOURs IN ADVANCE BY send C [can-Up Deposit To: Dl,lC TURE OF OI,INER OR CON CTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OI.'NER o that may apply to this perrnit. CE FROII PAGE 2 ***** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * ** * ** * * ** ** *** * * ** ** * *** * * * * * * * ***** **** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * *, r permit #: 89?-0193 coNDrrroNs oF APPRoVAL ***********************************li*?i-**i(?'.**********::?:H;.1::Y:?__... Permil .Type: NEW (SFR/p/S,DUp) PERMIT Applicanr : DTDIER CoN'STiUCTiOr.r-coupanv Applied: 07 /07 /1997 Issued: 07 /I7 /1997 Job Address Location ParceI No 1864 GLACIER COURT 2703-122-04-026 *********************************************!k********************************** *******************************.*-*:?I?]TI?f:----******************************* 1. THTS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMiTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTTC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRU'TURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. REF.T J.31 TONN OF VAIL-, COLNRAD{J F,At.Jf:: ;::J ARFA: DS ut,/\tI/9A O9: l7 RE.OUE$T$ FDR INSFE:CTION t^IURK S]HEETS FUR: 6/JA/98 Activity: 897-O193 6/:ihlc.)S Typer E-FJUIL,.D 5taL,..ts Address: [-oc*t i on : J.864 GLFIC I ER COURT F,ar.re I : 11 OJ_ l Ei.:_rz4_tzii::6 Occ] : Descr"ipt i on I NEI,J F.RIMARY,/SECONDARY AppI icant : DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMFRNY irhone: Owner r DATJFHINAI: S-MUSEl.-EY {:UNSTRUCTI nN Fl-r one: (lnntractor': DIDIER UCINSTRUI]T ION nOMpnNY Fhc'ne: : IilSitJED Constr r l{SiFR orzra 7 tjge: V t'l T7Z' .1i--B*5497 97rzr f,;:lg-:i499 Inspect i on Reqt-testoi" Req Ti me Req'-qEE1 ; llico : tl8: OtZ Inf or" m at i nri, g Inspect Cor menb s:ri ght tland r-{n ftrt:t i ort F,hone: 39rJz+trZr1 i.t/ and f rrial. landEc ComnenL!i Tiire [:xp:r Items 0454 Inspection Item: lltem: Item: Item: Ibem: Histor'y..... rZtO 5ti.t0 F,L,J-E;rek{'i I I Inspection la0tSrA1 FtJ -TemF. ac:c:ess/rJr'aina.qn 1.A/Qt&i97 Inspector': l-..F Fct i on: tQFtrR fiOSlZrg Ftl-Ror-tqh gFaiJe ltd/tdA/97 Insper:tor: l..F' Action: OAEAf, F'l^l-F L na I driveway qr'ade lVs/A8/9 r- Irrspeetor': [-.F f:lc:L ion: A'ZtrAlP.t BI-DG*Foot i.ngs/!3t ee l. fr7ic.:E:/97 Ins.pectar: L..FV Acbionr tdA/2.5/97 Ins{:ectrrr': L.FU Act ion: Not e E : MOVEID F, I Lt-AR TO suF,r,fiRl NAL.|... fifiAem P,L-DG-For-rndat i onl5t ee l. V7/E'cJ/97 Inspector: L-FV Flctron: NobeE: TIE llEBflR CORNHR SI-RAIGHT t^lAY A7/:aA/C7 lrisp:ector': I-FV ilction: OOSEA FLflN-It-C 5i.te Flan | | 1 17 /97 I ri spect or: tiEt.lRtjE Act i an : Olzllarlfi FL-DG-Fr.,a rn i nn fr1./;-l}/98 Inspector": CD Action: AFtl-'R $ULJlf4 UNIT Nates I Bf,CK BUX ELEC F,FINHL IN i.iRRRGE.i IJNIT SEFARATI.[]N FIRE BLOCKIN6 I5 RET]' D AT STfIIR STRINGEF.]s rzt3,/36/98 Inspect or': CD Oct i on: rlFF:'R N(]Rl-l] tJNII- Nota.s: FRDUIDE FIRE BLOLIKING AT AL-.l. REUin LOCATI|INS' |ITAIR STRI BETI.IHEN FLO{]Rs.. DROF' CEII.-INGS ETt: . . " " 0rZrZr:jO BLD6- Insrtlat ion nI /i:B/94 Inspector*: []D A3/to4/94 Inspector': Al?T [tfiO6A E\LD6-tiheetr-ock Nai I tztll/$E|/98 Irrspect or'r []D $3/ 1.iA/qg Inspectar":,.lRM $bfi7il BLD6*lYl isc. 1t/31/97 Inspector: fD A0rAqt2' BLDG-F i na I l7rrnc; i'rn Fl,l-lf:-Tean T /i1 ED RF, Af,F,R AF,F,ftr._tVED AF'F'R flF.F,RN U E:D l:rT'FR TIF. LA$-T E trLATE 5N. i:lFF,ti AF,F IItJVED DN NCIT R[: Af)Y r' ? t;l-'t:C: AF 'R CCIRNER REBAR, TOFI REBTiR Item: Item: Item: .lbEnr: Item: '[ L em: Itern: , --r t:1 rc,r NF,F'F $F'F,F':CIVE.I) Actionr r:tFtrR SOUTH LJNIT Act ion : fiFFR BLDti-In!i.'-tIat iLrn Ac'tian; AtrFR {l0l."ll-H LJNIT 0NL..Y th:{:ion : tiFFR RFF'ltllUED Act i on: AF'F:'R l-ATHE INSFECTiUN A3/L3/99 Inspector: trD Action: trA SOUTH UNIT ONLY Notes: REMOVE ALL CUNSTRUtrTION MATERIALS REPT131 TOt^lN OF UAIL' COL0RADO PAGE E4 } A6136/94 O9:17 REOUESTS FOR INSFTECTION I^IORK SHEETS FORr 6/3@/i8 AREAr DS INSTALL HARDWARE T]N PED DT]OR TT] GARNGE PENDING PLANNING APtrROUtrL TEMP HI}USE *S BEING USED TEMP STAIRS INSTALLED AT ENTRY trOF1PLETE SOFFIT SIDING Iten: er053e PW-TEMtr. C/A L0/AA/97 Inspect or': LF Act.i on : APtrR AFF ROVED Iten: 00533 FLAN-TEilP. C/CI Iten: 44537 PLAN-FINAL tr/O Item: OO539 Ft'f-FINAL C/0 Iten: OCI54O BLDB-FinaL C/O $S**5- \ a !*r + Y4a .1 -'r.; REtrT131 Tot^tN 0F VAILi CoLoRRDO IA6/30/99 IZI9:17 REGUESTS FOR INSF'ECTION IIORK SHEETS FT]Rz 6/JE/98 F.AGE EE AREA: DS Activity: tr97-O€t78 Addre s s r 6/3A/9A Type: B*F'LMB Status: ISSUED \ Constr': NDUtr Use: Location: lS64 GLACIER COURT Farce 1 : E1O3-138-El4-lZtA6 Occ: Deseription; NEtl F/S Applicant: MOUNTAIN HI6H FLUMBING Fhone: Owner'r DAUpHINAIS-MUSELEY CONSTRUCTIUN F'hone: Contnactonr MOUNTAIN HI6H FLUIYIBING Phone: 3Ut394945OO 3039494500 Inspeet i on Reqr-rest Inf ormat i on. , . . . Requestor: Rieo Req Time: tZtE:tZt0t Conments: right Items requested to be Inspected... 0Ae9O PLMB-Final Item: Item: F,hone r 39O-41O1 Ag/e3/97 Inspect or: LF'V rzt0eg0 trLMB-Final la3/lel98 Inspector.: CD hand lrn i t Act i on Comment s Act i on r AF'F R Action: AFFR hIATER TEsT. SOUTH UNIT ONLY NORTH UNIT I^'ATER CLMN TS SOUTH UNIT ONLY lfiIZI F.SI /NORTH UNIT AF'F,ROVED SOUTH I.JNIT ONLY Time Exp Inspect ion Histot'y. . ,. . It Em : Otae1fi trLMB*Underqr.orrnd Og/gn/97 Inspeetor.: LF,V Action: AFFR rattEerzr F,LMB-Rough/D. l,J. V. Al/67/9A Jnspector.: CD Action: AFpR Notes: I^IATER COLUMN TEST FERFORMED Al/L5/9A Inspector": CD Actionr AFFR A[tg3rA F,LMB-Rough/l,Jat er. @I/A7/9A Inspecton: CD Action: ffFFR Not es : lOtZt FSI AI RTEST F,ERFORNED AI/t5/9A Insoector": CD Actionr AF'FR erae4a FLMB-Bas F,iping Afie50 FLMB-trool/Hot Tub tzt0e6er trLMB-M i sc. Item: ltemr Item: Item: 'd . 't' ' REPT131 fi6,/3?t/95 O9: 17 TOWN OF VAILi COLORnDO REOUESTS FOR INStrECTION l,lBRK SHEETS FORz 6/3rA/98 F.AGE El AREfl: DS Qetivity; M97-OlO7 6/3fi/98 Addr.ess: 1864 GLACIER CT Location: l864 GLACIER CUURT F,aree I : P1@3-l ?E-?t4-A'ca Type: B-MECH StatrrE I ISSUED Constr: NDUF Use:Occ: Description: NEW P/S Applicant: MOUNTAIN HI6H FLUMBING Fhone: 3O394945OO Owner: DAUpHINAIS-MOSELEY CUNSTRUCTIIIN Fhone: Contractor": MOUNTAIN HIGH FLUMBING Fhoner 3O394945O4r Inspeet ion Req uest Reqtrest or : Rico Req Time; CtBrtZlE It ens nequest ed to AO39A MECH-Final Infornation.... Comments: right be Inspected.., Fhone: 39O41Ol hand unit Aet i on Comment s Tine Exp I nspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Iten: Alae0ql MEEH-Rough Ql/U7/9A InEpector: CD Action: AFF'R SOUTH UNIT ONLY Notes: INSTflLL UENTILATION IN LAUNDRY ROOf4 CCINFIRM BOILER INSTALATION ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING IS O. R F.ER I4ANUFACTUR O1,/15./98 Inspeetor. I CD Iten: OlAe4O PLMB-Gas triping IA./AB/97 Inspector: ART OL/L5/9A Inspector: CD Item: OA31St MECH-Heat ing At/47/98 Inspeetor.: trD Notes: UNDER I^,ORKIN6 F.RESSURE Item: 0El3g0 MECH*Exhaust Hoods Item: raA33A MECH-Suppl y Air Item: O034ra MECH-Misc.ll/o6/97 Inspector.: ART Item : Bet390 MECH-Final Q3/L?/98 Inspectonl CD BOARDS COMF'LETE L IRING FOR THERMOSTATS Iten: gt053g FIRE-FINAL C/0 ACt i ON: AF'trR NORTH I"JNIT Action: flPFR ain test 3O*/15min OK ACtiON: AF'F,R 30 F.SI,/15 MIN NORTH UNIT Action: AtrtrR SOUTH SIDE HEAT LINES Aet ion: AtrtrR Act ion: AtrtrR Air. test No&So Sys OK SOUTH UNIT ONLY REpT131 TOr^rN OF VAIL, C0LORADO 3/te/9A O8:€t5 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FORt 3/L?./i8 Aetivityr Address: Locat i on l Farce I : Descri pt i on : Appl icant l Bwner: Contrrct or l PNGE E: AREAr DS P97-A@74 3/te/* Type: B-PLFIB 1964 GLACIER COURT 4103-1ea-?t4-oe6 NEt"l P./S MOUNTAIN HI6H FLUI'IBING DAUtrH I NA I S-MOSELEY CONST RUCT I T]N MI]UNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING Status: ISSUED Constr: NDUtr Occ: Use r trh on e : 3O3949450O Fhone: Frhone: 30t3949450tO Inspeet i on Request Requestorl RIEO Req Tiner O1:O0 Itene requested to ofreq0 trLMB-Final Infornation... - DIDIER CC]NST. Eonnents: LEFT be Inspected., trhone: 39O-41O1 Action: AFFR WATER TE$T. ACIiONT AF,PR ST]UTH .UNIT ONLY UNIT . Aet ion Tine Exg I n rpect i on Iter: Iten: History..... 0lo?LA FLMB-Und ergror.rnd @8/e6/97 Inspectorr LF,U ooeeB trLMB-Rough/D. W. V. tdt /@7 /94 Inspect or r CD Notesr IIATER COLUMN TEST PERFORMED gl/ 13/99 Inrpeetor.: CD Iten : OOPSO trLMB-Rough/l.later AI/O7/94 Inspector: CD Action: AtrFR Action: AtrtrR NI]RTH UNIT WATER ST]UTH UNIT ONLY TS Iten: Itenr Itcn: Iten: Itemr Notes: 16O FSI RIRTEST FERFORMED Ol/L5/98 Inspector: CD OO34A FLMB-Gas triping OOESO PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub O@e6O trLlrlB-Misc, Ogl3e/57 Inrpectorr LPU 00e9er PLMB-Final OO538 FIRE-FINAL E,/O Aet ion: RtrFR 1AO PsI/NBRTH UNIT Action: AtrFR APF,ROVED i*; Er" T;'g Comnent s REPT 131 A3/LA/94 O8:OE REAUESTS FOR TOI.'N OF UAILI COLCIRADO INSPECTIUN tdORK SHEETS FOR: 3/I?/98 PAGE A/ AREA; D5 Flctivity: Address r Locat i on: Paree I : Dereri pt i on : Appl icant: Owner l Eontract or: l{97-OlO7 3/ 1,"/9A Type r B-MECH Status: ISSUED ConEtr: NDUF 1864 GLACIER CT 1S64 ELACIER trOURT 4163-1ee-04-0e6 NEI,I P/S MT]UNTAIN HIGH PLUMHING DAUPH I NA I S-MOSELEY CONSTRUtrT I T]N MOUNTAIN HIEH trLUMBING Occ: Use: trh on e : 3G394945OO Fhone: Fhone: 3O394945OO Inspection Request Requeetorl RICO Req Tine: O1:0O It ens requested to Infornation..... DIDIER CONST. Connentsr LEFT be Inspected.., Fhone r 39O-4101 Exl 's€a(s-srt Inspection HiEtory.....Iten: AA?OA MECH-Rough AL/A7/9A Inspectorr CD Aetionr AtrtrR SOUTH UNIT IINLY Notes: INSTALL UENTILATION IN LAUNDRY ROOM CONFIRM BOILER INSTALATION ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOT]RING IS O.K PER ITIANUFACTUR gL/L3/96 Inspector': CD Itemr @@e4A trLFlB-Gas triping te/@g/97 Inspeetorr ART AL/I3/9A Inspector: CD Iten: GO316 MEtrH-Heating Al/07/98 Inrpector: CD Notesr UNDER I,ORKINB trRESSURE lten: 063gel MECH-Exhaust Hoods Item: OO33@ MECH-SuppIy Air Itenr OO34O FIECH-Mise. Lt/Q6/97 Inspeetor: ART Itenr @O39O MECH-Final Itenrr 00534 FIRE-FINRL C/O Action; flFPR Action: AFrtrR Aetion: AtrFR ffetion: APF'R NORTH UNIT air tpst 3tZt{t/15nin OK sUI PSI/15 HIN NORTH UNIT SOUTH SIDE HEAT LINES Fction: AtrtrR Air test No&So Syi Ol+; j* l':r **i, tX UNI T Aet i on Comment s REF.T 131 TOUN OF VAII., COL.ORADO U3/7e/g$ o8:oE REAUESTS'FOR INSFECTION NORK SHEETS FORt 3/LE/98 ====--=== = == == ==== = === == == == == == === J== Activity: E97-O134 3/18:/98 Type: Address:Location: 1464 GLACIER COURT Farcel : *1O3-1€e-04-Ae6 Descript ion: NEN tr/S Applicant: AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORF' B-ELEC Stat F,AGE I: AREA: LV ==========::i:==3E====EE===-3:r-rs: ISSUED Constr': NDUF' F'hone: F,hone: Sgrzr-41rzrl Us e r 97rzr468rZ'e49 97rzr46SO349 Oec: Owner: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION Fhone: ContractoF! AUALANCHE ELECTRIC CORF Fhone: Inspect i on Request Inf or'mat i on. . . . Requestor! RICO- DID.IER CONST. Req Ti me : Ol : OB Comment s : LEFT Itens requFsted to be Inapected... AOl9O ELEC-Final UNIT flct i on ,W Comment . Inspeetion' Histony.,... *,f ,. Item: ErOl lO ELEC-Temp. Fower. . ,4., OA/e6/97 Inspeetor.: LPV lQem : gilztlerzt ELEC-Rough ,,{ A1 /e@/98 Inspeetor: EG 'l ae/e6/9a Inspector: EE Item: OO1;lA ELEC-Condr-rit Item: AAl4rzt ELEC-Misc. Ae/ I!./94 Inspector': EG Item: OOl9?t ELEC-Final It EM I IZ'OE;,:4 F I RE-ALARM ROU6H Iten: OrZr538 FIRE-FINRli C/O t i) '7a Act i on: AFtrR Action: AFtrR Action! AF'F'R Action: AFFR AF,F'RNVED AF'F'ROVED per'm elec serv ice .l t tf , t { n/l 1*Contact Eagle Couirty Assessors Office r ar 970-J28-8640 f or Parcel /l . TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERl.trr /i ' ^E y tv-Jzd-boqu ror rarcer t , :r.owN o!' VAIIJ coNsTRUcTro '-^h^Ft ,ll- \TAKLI:L 'T:-_- PERMTT APPLICATION FORM DATE: / APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPT.FTELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED X ''t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERI,IIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **rr***rl [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-ErectricaL r l-]techani-car [ ]-other Job Nane, /,l't t AftnElSq D{AeI?('r"ress: /8/,{ tcrcrez- Of Legal DescripLion: rotZQ Owners Nane: Architect: niring -? sunorvrsroN, &aal 4A6f Ph. Ph. 1 linepair 1 r-JJhg;co,s' Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ceneral Description:lnrr /du work C1ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional Number of Dwelling Units: b Add L Block Address: Address: * ** * *** * *** * **tt** * * * ** * * * * * L.* *** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECFIANTCAL PERMIT T'EE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MSCHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: FOR BUTI,DTNt;: SIGNAT'URN: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE:Solrlnents: SQ. FT.VALUATION -!/ ' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-4'19-2L38 Occupancy Dwellings Private Garagee DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: DAUPHINAIS NEW NEW (sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT Job Address: Location. ..: 1864 GLACIER COURT Parcel No.. : 2103-122-04-026 Project No. : PRJ97-0093 APPLICANT DIDIERCONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P o BOX 1595f EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VArr-, CO 81658 JOBSTTE AT ALL P/s ' Permit #: TIMES 897 -0L93 Description : NEW PRIMARY/SECoNDARY Status...: ISSUED AppIied. . : o7 /07 /7997 ri-sued... : o7 /L7 /Lgt7 Expires. . : 0L/13/L99t; Phonez 970 328-5499 i Phone z 970 328-5499 Number of Dwelling Units: 00:/ Factor Sq. Feet Valuaticri' 96.72 4t964 480,118'uti 25 .56 r tI99 30 ' 646 .44 Subtotal 2 6,!63 sLO'7F4'5'r ToUal VaLuation: 510r'7oI'52 of VaiI Adjusted Valuation: 544,000'000 Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Table Date: 05/17 /L996 To\rn FirepLacc tnfornation: Rcstricted: #Of GEs Apptiances: fof Gas Logs: #Of l''ood/PaLLet: *itrffif,**i***trt*****rr***f,ffi****ff'r|t'r**trtt*********t***** FEE SUI'IhARY *******************t********ff*********H*************** 8ui !ding-----> 2,516.00 Restuarant Plan Revieu--> .m Totat Catcu[ated t'es---> 6,049'00 Pl,an Check---> 1,635.40 DRB Fc.-------- InvestigatioD ,00 Recneation Fce----------> 744.& Total' Parmit F.e--------> 6,049'00 t.|it|.ca|'|.-_->3.ooc|'e6n-upDeposit-------->750.mPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES----- ,r,tfrnffi*t***ff**ffi***tffi****ffirt*******t*f*******************ffi*******t*t***r|*************ffi*t******S*************** rtem: 05too BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division: 07/07/1997 DAN Action: APPR DAN 7-6-977 L|'/LB-/L997 Jwt Action: NOTE ADD oNs APPROVED GR(DRB) It'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PL,ANNING Division: 07/07/199? DAN Action: APPR GEoRGE PLANS 1-7-97 07/lO/L997 GEORGE Action: APPR II.EN:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPI! FIRE DiViSiON: 07/t4/L997 CHARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A Item:'O55oO PUBLIC wORKs Dept3 PUB woRK Divisron: 07/07/L997 DAN Action: APPR LARRY PLANS 7-7-9',1 071L4/L997 CHARLIE Action: CANC PER LARYY O7/I7/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LARRY P ltem:'05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: 07/14/L997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERRr 7-14-97 0't /L4/1997 TERRI Action: NOTE sEE NoTIcEs 07/L7/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: APPR PER LARRY P *t**iH*****t******t*****f**ff***********Jrt*********ffi******i******i******i*t*i*****************ff******************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions DECLARATIONS may apply to this permit. I hereby acknovtedge thrt I have read this appl'ication/ fil.ted out in ful,L the information required, compteted an accurate p1ot ptan' and state that al'l' the information provided as requi red is correct- I agfee to compl,y vith the informstion and pr.ot ptan,v,, q,,q P rvr Pr,to conpl'y uith al'L rovn ordin'nc!6 and state tavs, and to buil.d this structure according to the Toun,s zon.ing and subdivision codes, dcsign reviel approved, Uniforn Bu.i Lding code and othef ordinances of tie ,*" """ir ""o,Z.t.l.""r; - '- - REAUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE TIAOE TI.IEIIW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY send Ctean-Up Dcposi t To: DilC o that TURE OF OI'NER OR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,'NER PAGE 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .,r t permit #: B9?-0r.93 coNDrrroNs oF APPROVAL ***********************************?i*?:-*#t-nl**********::?:H;-l::Y:?---.- Permit.Type: NEw (sFR,p/s,Dup) PERMIT Applicanr 3 DIDIER COW'Stnuctioll-cor,lpenv Applied: o7 /07 /t997 rssued: 07 /L7 /L997 Job Addrees Location: 1864 GLACIER COURT ParceL No: 2]-O3-122-04-026 *********************************************************rk********************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE TMPROVE}IENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMiTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTTC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TTTE SiRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DTRECTLY ABOVE. Aug- a3-97 O2 22OP E ARRY Lr - E.Fltrr-E tn'{rrr rdqflFillii0 l-. \ { t \ oo\ \e \X \tt tvt s ..{.\ \Q . $'\* n\ $:\ b\t Sst* N \ \ \ qDt s) *{x *q \ b.. $ $ a $ \ \ EO E HE HE trH HF fre f,H; EHq EEH EgH tb8 EHH EBN 1;3 H3E qa? EEE $HE EEE fr iEE Ee,EE*Eu n r3 a 6 HEfEssTEEE Enps-.s.sg iEE* i ia ie$ b 3E;'r!*oog E -!t.l-c'\..t*.a-...NdFrGa \Cr.tFlt--\Oq .n<a..ri-6 e{ '-r an -. -t Or ll \oGloC{r.rrl F ri2 dE oE Ec| =rl - .l- bl EO. _F t<eE Eaa?E,*E a & t{ = ..i .l qq C' Fi F Ea;ssHtsg r{ al Fr (\l Fl a.l ,{ >l 14 $ $ gsrE:"i$ tl I atllniFra F E:sF=es:IA -Or|'r.tlOg\GFl 3!;esG8*F 3**^d!'-Fl €HEfi*.8 .t E 3A U trE -B gHEEHEF sirit 'd2s gF A t 5 n ;{n t-re trU rn TE CE rg ?sr EEE BEE zo'd "o L6-gz-6nw JLr J o:) asuoS JalP P. oa =.8 g 'Ef;,,rco ]-u,!r11 = raa !!9#*?trY +*'d o- F t o o J tr t- qE IP w-lrl - -\nu==- \,, dRY eY{ EHI ![!(L FH q5 6f;} CN 6 o :F.;: ':: ..::: Q,;' ::: '::', t ...::::: tr l;: '. ,o .. .,:,: () o ro o o o o o N ro ct o o I (, (J lY o o 6 o cn 5 o 2 F ll-a ct, l-u g Q C)d r-$ 3d E;oS 9-: o 55 u) FF br th ll, E o. @ zgo L6-92-6nw suo3 H HE dx EH trH 3E EHE EEH HEE $il$ ailH HEE f, Ef;E JlrI 03 + qE AF( !t*$*$** e Efi E' E u .i t" \ $ \ * l $ \ \\ s t[ t 3 ul :t J f \L a \9 t \$ l{ N It' t t.- \ N \ a s \ $$ s tt $tff \\l s t( x { s F .t t I q gIA=EEEEsa EHAu----sI gEEu I tiinf FgXs3333B de Fa ^r (\ Fr Fr Fr a iP E e$ -ilil-- [io-*-o --j EflFpetE-F=* s.sH*F ioE EEgHSInFEE HFEBE i$g sEsEsE$nE aeneE iHfi :t e ilt " ?,. E*-H iEE E tii,iFH $ll*vo'd Erar azE o!vgT:€to ta-gz-6nv ' ..$::':: '..'. .,::' i 2.....2 '-:" 1..- .1,.r.: ... ::l,i: <.t -.,:,. F I '" O:..iO --1.:--.--- I. E ,':.4 '. .:r- :i : :. t:,_ o. : (t -T--i,* lr" Oi: :O ;..-- ):'),-:O O 'a t ,.., fl F- i: I $ lo t."gt:.O) (\3 o. UJ @ tu.o- F ul o- F ltl (,o ut IU t < UJ E, fi t uj E = ;'I o UJ f,I E.o I II lp I o o 5 2 d o () E.o I u,U' 5 (, k UJ (9 e = to I IL t-rl g an F TL g o F lr-o 2 5 lr J F lrj o,luE d5 Ill l-(J F ...5 ryat tlo >F YO 9*9i H3 ?n A3 lJ E. o 6 ul , cl, o 00 Itl .ul tr () o o (] tl 3 I ul * c o o lr- IJJ o f,(9 z o I i UJ G F o 5 v) t!o 6 .. ri.i. o :. I :.: C):. ; rfi|. :: (D:r;.::o.:. @ i ::..:O -:.::: O,,..:O:,:.,1O".: O :...: O.... .g , Al'g-?j€,-g7 o'32rza ldter const co Inc lo ==t ttr." CItsTfitl[TR: MOttNTAtN FrGs p&H (:IlANtl TItTt\|ER\r I OT 16 pRlMaRv SrqE DATH, t/2t47 sNow M E{ tcA r.cu taTto'\q ARDA r r0TAr,S SQ FT l?50 lgoo BTUH 201250 tot2so BOTLER INPUT BTUH 3593?5 3393?5 FEETOFTUBE 2250 2Z5O LOOPLENCTH 250 #OFLOOPS s 9 TOTAL GPN{ lJ,4 , tt.{GPMPERLOOP I.5 Fr HD (LOOP) ll FT TID (MANIFOLD) S TOTALFTHD 16 PIPE SIZETO AREAtvtANTFOLD r-v4, AREA TIJBE SPACINC IO" AREA l- PAIMARYSTDEDRIVE\ilAY .{aaraoo 3zz &r/oc P-06 J\ -l.-vrt rjJ -5ts sri l^ .c .F *r srn g-{.{sF Ffr \'g,+tu s- rD *MS ."i o- S -**t\ -5 t\ 1 -.re 5 S H--5 \s s-+ E s- s..$ 5.-F'J b+* s=o n I --+T_ F- =r s- €g -v r,i+ rn'rD F''i .5 F*-* fr, s-l .F v,qt- $(a i i* $i s \9 5{.f * **s s:i..$ s --= L-$y.:i i s9d,NE -tll s M s V N z B LU v1 g. -c 1l 30 \f It r-)- -.s {- -s rb ..JL-F* :qF t:-{;. g- -GG st s'5 -* !:'a r) -!l (t I ra t J s e + a.+5 B# o -S- I -te .r- --s \.9 t,.t -Jr-r t,t { -.sl-(t (rt! *j' g.J aur oJ +suo' .,.aorOar:Ero 26-9 z-f,nv 6rar aza ".O Lf'- d 'r[pn {f-7a ,Q,rU. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHAN]CAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0107 353. 00 .00 355. 00 .00 353. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, CO 81657 97 0- 47 9 -2t38 Job Address... Location Parcel No..... Project Number APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descr j-ption: NEW P/S 1864 GLACIER CT 1864 GLACIER COURT 2103-122-04-026 PRJ97-0093 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 DAUPH INAI S-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 .00 3.00 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 14, 000.00 #Of l,Jood/Pa L Let : Status. . . nppl j-ed. . Issued... Expires. . APPROVED 07 /07 /Lee7 08/26/ree7 02 /22 /1.ee8 Valuation: #Of Gas Logs:Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted:fof Gas App L i ances: ff ***ff***ff *******************ff ***H**********ff ******** FE€ SU ARy l.lechani ca [---) Ptan check---> Invest igation> t,i tL Catt----> 2E0.0O Restuarant P lan Revieu-->70.00 DR8 TOTAL .00 .00 553.00 TotaI Catculated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> Tota t Permit Fee--------> Payments *********ff*************t*fi*********t*************i********************t***********************t*********fi*****************i**** Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 9? / 26 / \227^cEAB_LiE__Action : App 08/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVI Itbm:,O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT NF Dept: BUILDING Division:VIS Dept: FIRE Division: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. qql_4qqgTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMe . -- 3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES- II.ISTNOEiIOIIS-AUO TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 uMC.4. EAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACeORDiNc TO CHAPTER 9 AND _ STjAL TERMTNATE As spEcrFrED rN sEc.906 oF THE 1s91 ur,{C-.-s. OqqESs ro HEATTNG EeurpMENT MUST eor.lpr-,y wrrH See .Bos-Auo 703 oF THE 1991 uMcl 6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. - qNlEgs LrsrED FoR MouNrrNG oN coMBUSrrBLn ntooniNG.7. EEBllrTrBr?ANS AND coDE ANALysrs Mrusr eE Fostro rN MECHANTcAL - ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C6T.IIAINT}{G HEATING OR HOT-WATER qqPBLY BOILEB$.SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A F-OOR DNAIU iNN iJEC:'2119 0F THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** FIRE DEPARTMENT 68 /16 / 10e1 -cHAiiirs-- iia€Toii; eeen u/a CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application/ fitted out in ful,l, the infornation required, compteted an accufate ptot ptan/ and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compLy with the infornat'ion and ptot ptan, to conp !y uith aLt ToHn ondinances and state laws, and to bui(d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codcs, design revieu approved, Uniforn Euil,ding Code and other ordinances ot the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-2I'E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROTI 8:@ A 5:OO PI.I SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,'NER Town of Vai I 25 south Frontage Road vai1, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21-38 PIan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building code NoTE:Thecodeit'emslisLedinthisreportarenotintendedtobeacomplete listing of all po"sibte code requirements in the 1991 UBc' It is a guide to sefected sections of the code' SE PAFATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Buitding 0'0 FeeE 0-0 Feet EAST Property line 70 ' 0 Feet 70 ' 0 Feet ioutn propertv rine 27 -0 FeeL 27'0 Feet WEST property line 45 ' 0 Feet 45 ' 0 Feet Proj ecg Number: PRJ97 0L22 Address: 1854 GLACIER cT contractor: DIDIER CONST Type of const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK N9RTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG WALL WAI-,L PROT WAI-,L WALI, R3 thr:* 1hr* NOP Ohr Ohr M1 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr Name: GBAND TRAVERSE DUPLEX S Date: JulY 14 , 1997 OccupancY: R3,M1 Engineer: TIM BOYLE EXTERIOR WALI., FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 1?-A & Table 5-A SOUTH WEST OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNC PROT WALL WALL PROT WAI'L WALIJ PROT None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None None - - NOP above f ire FL No fire protection requirements for openings' openings are not permitLed in this walI' These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches the roofing. fhe parapet wall is requj-red t-o have the same rating as lhe wall- SeL section 1710' for details and excepEions' NAME AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN'VENT NO'EXITS EGRESS 2 Living room 2 Dining roorn 2 Kitchen 2 Pohtder room 2 LaundrY room 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 HalIs, closets' eEc' TOTAI, FOR FLOOR 1 Garagre 1 Bedroom #2 1 Bedroom f3 1 Bath room *3 I Bath room #4 1 Hatls, closets, etc. TOTAI-, FOR FLOOR BUII,DING TOTAL 508 -LOl L79 24 324 12 IO / L466 501 L52 t64 39 39 200 1205 2571. 50.80 15.50 L7 .90 0.00 0.00 32 .40 0.00 0.00 0.00 L6. ZU 16.40 0.00 0. 00 0.00 25 .40 d . z2 8.95 t-o. zu 3.50 0.00 0.00 8.10 8.20 1 qq No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No L 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 L L l- 1 t_ 1 1 FOOTNOTE S : 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly is required tto. itti" room' The minimum clear openable the following- -- Sec' 1204- l-) The mrnrmum clear height is 24. inches 2 ) Tlre mi.nimun clear width is 2 0 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximurn si}l height is 44 inches 2) The number ot ""tt"-i" based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanic.t tre,ttitation =ystem may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventrlation' -- sec' 1205' (c) -;:ft?:fi:tl3)l; "n"tt have a ceilins heisht or not ress than 7 ree' 6 inches. Kitchens, halls' babhrooms and toilet conpartments may have a ceiling heiqht of ? feet rneasured uo iit" io*est piojection' If the ceiling is stoping, ttren tfre rninimum heiqht is required in only I/2 of the area' ,r"ri'!;"1?ll;tilr. sharr have ar leasr one room which has not ress than 120 square feet of rroo.-ri".. oLher habitrli. roo*" except kitchens shall have an area of not l"."-ttt"" 70 square feet' -- sec' 1207' (b) Habit-able room= otner that' a kitchen shall not be less than ? feel in any to the exterror area must meeb dimens ron .Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All, glazing in hazardous focations is required to be of safety qlazing material . -- Sec' 5405' (d) 1) ciazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousres' 2l Graz.lg in fixed and stiiing panels of stiainq door assemblies and panels in swinging doors oLher than wardrobe doors ' 3) Glazing in storm doors - 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors ' 5) clazinq in doors and enclosures for hot tubs' whirlpools' saunas' steam rooms,bathtubsandshowers.Glazinginanyportionofabuildingwall enclosing these compartmenLs where ihe bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less tha; 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet' 5) Glazinq in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door-where the nearest exposed eaqe or the qi"'*ittq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the dooT in i closed position and wher:e the bottom exposed edge of t-he glazing is less t-han 50 inches above the walking surface' 7) Glazing i-n an i ndiwidual fixed or operable panel ' other than those l-ocations descrjbed in items 5 and 5 above' Lhan meeLs all of the iol i owi ng condj r ions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than.9 square feet' B. Exposed boltom e<1ge less t-han 18 inches above the floor' C. llxposed top edge greaLer than 35 inches above the floor' D. one or more waiking surfaces wiLhin 35 inches horizontallv of the P1.ane of the glaz ing ' 8) Glazing i-n rar.ting! t"guit]]""" of hej ght above a walking surface' included are st-ruci--ural baluste. purr.i" and nonstructural in-fill i:anel, s. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: e smok" detector is required on the ceiling or located. in the corridor or area giving access -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Asmokedetector'sr"quiredontheceilingorwallineachsleeping area. -- Sec. 1210'(a) 4' A smoke detector is required on all stories ' -- sec' 121-0' (a) 4' If Lhe upper level confains s]-eeping t""lnItt ' a smoke detector is required in the teiling of the upper level close to the stal"rway' -- sec' 1210 ' (a) 4 SmokedetecLorSarerequiredtobewiredtothebuildinq'spowersourceand' shall be equipped ;ii; " batterv backup ' -- sec' 12].0 ' (a) 3' Detectors shalt sound-".t "f"r.]n ""iibt" in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which thev are located' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: Betweenthegarageandtheresidence,maberialsapprovedforlhrfire construcLronarerequiredonthegaragesideonlyandanydoorsbetween t-he garage and the Jesidence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door' -- Table 5-B & Sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 STATR REQUTREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide' -- sec' 3305' (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches ' -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. f1 provide a handrair on one side a stairway 34 t.o 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers' -- sec' 3305' (i) Provide a guard raj-l- where drop off is greater than 30 inches ' Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening slze = 4 inches ' -- Sec' L1)-2 ' (a) exc' #1 The minimum head.room is i et'- 8 inches - -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usabfe spac"-under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr f i re-resi sti.ve construction' - - Sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross -sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with noL less than 25 saqe galvanized sheeL metal wibh all joints locklapped' The outsid'e must be L hr constructlon. All openinqs into any such Lnclosure shall be protected by not l.ess than a seL f -tlo"in'q solicl wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equi-val.ent. - - Sec. 1705. (f ) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible 3 floors or Iess do not need - - Sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gas venbs. not exl-end Lhrough not Ra t i-o 'r/150 wal-I at a Poinb centrally to each sleePinq area ' piping installed in walls passing through to be in t hour shafts' f actory-buiJ.t chirnneys, pipinq, or ducLs tha! do *ot. l.hur, 2 f Loors need not be in t hour shaf ts ' Mi.nin',.um sq-ft-. of venc- l.-4t -- sec . 1705. (c) 4) AII other shafts are required to be enclosed in a l- hour assernbly' - - Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : l") Provj-rie ventj lation eiLher: by mechani cal means or by openings in exterior walls. opening sha11 provide a net area of not less Lhan 1 square foot for each 1.50 square f eet- of area j.n ct:awl space. openings shal I be disbributed on two opposiire si.des and be located as close l-o corners as practical ' -- sec. 2515- (c) b. Note: Vent openings maY be reduced to lL0% of Lhe abol'e if grouncl surface ar:ea r,s covered. wit-h an ipproved vapor barrier and tlie buj-1ding of f ic j-aI aPpl:oves. F'or a 220.0 sq-ft. crawlspace area: 2) Provide 18-inch bv 24-inch access opening to the :t111.:ltt" area' Note: opening may be required to be-1arg:er if iechanical equipment is located in the crawf space' -- sec' 25L5 ' (c\ 2' 3) Unl-ess the wood i-s listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treaced to"a, tf'" minimuln clearance bethreen exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches' The minimum "l"ttt""" to beams and girders :-s is 12 inches. -- Sec' 25L6 ' (c) 2' ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occuPancy This Project will require a site shalI be submitted and aPProved inspect.ion - improvemenE survey' Such survey Drior Lo requesb for frame A1I crawl spaces wrthin the Toi"n Of Vail are limited Co a earth to structural ffoor ceiiinq heiqht of 5" be earth floor onIY' be ventilated as per uei- )h6 (ci g witn rninimum access as per uBc ziie<cl2 and maximum access of 9 sq' fE' Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. so.fl--a"tiqt' shall address drainage' soil retarnage and structural design. ExcavaLionbe].ows]"absongradeshallnotbepermittedwithoutprror approval . Addressnumberssha].lbepostedplainlyvisibleand.legiblefrornthe streeL. For Ml- occupancY Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside !o provide a floor drain with sand. and oil interceptor to dry well or to- sewer' Any q|arage floor drain connecced to se$'er must be approved by Eagle River Water & Sanitalion District' area above, the wal1s of the garage wiich are shall be proEecLed with one hour fire uBc 503 (B) . In garages with I iving bearing the area above resistive constructron- l-own of Vail 25 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis bescd on thc l99l Uniform Building Code Pr:o j ect Number: PRJ970122 Address: 1854 CI,ACIER CT con:ractor: DIDfER CONST Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code iLems listed in this report are not intended Lo be a compl-ete Iistinq of a] 1 possible cccle requirements in the :199i uBc. IL is a guide to selecLecl secLions of the code. Name: GRAND TRAVERSE DUPTTEX Date: July 14, 1997 Occupancy: R3,M1 Engineerr TIM BOYLE ]] IRECTIC'N BOUNDARY NORT]I Property tine FAST P-operty J ire SOIITH Bui lding t{E sT ProperLy L ine NOR,TH OCC BRC NON-BRG OPNG WALI, WALL PROT R3 Ohr: Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr lqone sEP.4,RATiOli AREA.I}]CREASE I8.0 Feet 35.0 FeeL 0.0 Feet 35.0 Feet F]RE PRO?ECTION 18.0 FeeL 35.0 Feet- 0-0 Feet 35.0 Feet- OPENING PROTECTION SOUTiJ BRG NON BRG OPI]G WALI, WALL PF.OT thr* 1br* IJOP thr* thr* NOP NXTERIOR I^IAi,L FIRE RATINGS 'l'able l7 A & 'fable 5 A AND EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAI,], FJALL PROT Ohr |Jhr None Ohr Ohr None WE ST BRG NON BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr I'lone None NOP FL No fire protection requirements for openlngs. Openings are not permitted in this wall. NA[4E AREA MIN . i]IGHT MIN . VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS 2 Living rocm 2 Dr,nrng room I Kr Lcnen 2 Master bedroom 2 MasLer baLh 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room #2 2 Laundry roon 2 iia11.s, closets, eLc. TOTAi-, FOR F'I,OOR I Garage 1 Bedroom #3 1 Bedroom #4 1 Bath room #3 1 Bath room #4 1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAI, FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAL 555 238 159 111 147 5t B1 280 1955 598 228 L79 108 38 ?.aq L)JO 3 492 55.60 23.80 15 .9 0 34.50 0. 00 14.70 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 22.80 L7.90 10.8C 0.00 0.0c 0.00 21 .80 11.90 7.95 L I . Z) 5.55 7.35 l - v) 4.05 0.00 0.00 11.40 8.95 5.40 1.90 2.C0 0. 00 No No No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No No No 1 1 1 I 1 1 i i 1 :r 1 1 1 I I I 1 t- 2 trOOTIT]OTE 5 : i) FIGRESS An operable wj nclow or door lhat opens di:ectly to the exterior js required from Lhis room. The minimum cLear openable area musr- meet Lhe 1'o i I owi ns. Sec . 1204 . 'l ) The minin',um cLear herght- is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear '/r'i.iLh rs 20 inches .l i 'l'he m-i n imun cl ear area I s 5.'i square 4) The maximum sril height :r.s 44 i nches 2) The nurnber of exi t-s i s based on Tab1e 3 3 -L -1 ) A mechanica'l verrf.:i i al-: on .system rnay be' useri openi.nr-Js ior: venl-i laLion. sec. 1201,. (c) pane greater Lhan 9 square fect. 18 inches above Lhe floor. 36 inches above Lhe floor- wiLhin 35 inches horizonLally of bhe ROOM DIMENSiOI.IS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling heigirt of noL less Lhan 7 feet 5 j.nches. Kitchens, ha1ls, bathrooms and toileL compart-menLs mav have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowesL projecLion. IF the ceilinq i-s sJ.oping, tlren the mininum heiqht is required in only l/2 of Lhe area' ' Sec. l?,A'i. (a) Fl./ery dvJellinq unit shall have aL Ieast- one room which has noL less than 120 €^^F ^F Fl oor area. Othe:: nabi.tabte roor,rs excepL kitchens shall have bLtuar e .n ut"., of not- .l.ess Lhan 70 square f eet. - - Sec. 1207 ' (b) ilabitablc t:oons orher Lhan a kitchen shall not- be iess Liran 7 feet in any d imen s ion -Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZiNG REQUIREMENTS I A11 giazing in hazardous locaLions -i-s requ:-red Lo be of saf er-y giazing maLerial . - - sec. 5406. (d) l) Gr azincl in ingress and egress doors except jalousies' 2) G., az ing irr fixed ancl sl idin<; panels of sliding door assembl ies and panel s in swrncling doors ol,her Lhatt warrlrcrbe doors ' 3 ) Gl azi ng i n sLorm docrs. 4) clazing in al.1 unf ramerl swjnginq do,:rs. 5) Glazing in doors and enciosu.r'es fo.'; hot Lubs, wllirlpools, saunas' .5ie.lrl room-s, bai-,hl-ubs and shcvrers. G.l.azing in any port'Ion oi a building wa L'l enclosing t_hese comparLmencs where Lhe bott-om exposed edge of Lhe glazing is less than 60 inches above a st.anding surface and drain inlet.. 5) clazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent tc a door wnere the neares: exposed edge of the glazxing is wiLhin a 24-inch arc of either vertical ecrge of lhe door in a closed posiLion and wtrere Ll-re bottom exposed edqe of i-he <;lazing is Less i:han 60 rnches above Lhe walking strrllace. 7) Glazing in an j nclividua l. iixed or operable pane1, oLher than those .l ocations described in iLems 5 and 5 above, than nreet-s al 'l of Lhc tr, llowing cond.r j.rns: A. Exposed ar:ea ol an irtdividual R E vh^q6A h.1l- f .rm odc.l I psq i ila'1 ,, r !^vvre\/ C. Fxposed. Lop edge greater L'1an D. One or more walking surfaces pl ane oF Lhe glazino. 8) clazinq i.n r:ai l.ings regardless of height Inc Luoed are st ructural. balust-er panels panels. feeL (l-'wetllnqs) in in lieu of exterior above a walking surface. and nonstructural in-f ill SMOKE DE'IECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke det-ecLor i s required located in the corridor or i,.r'. 121:).(u\ '1 . A smolie deLecLor is required area- - - Sec. l-210. (a) 4. A smoke dececuor i.s required on the ceiling or wall area giving access to on tlie ceiling or wall at a poinL cen L ra lly each sleeping area, in each sleeping on a.i i stori es Sec . 121.0. (a) Tf the upper level conLains sleeping roorn(s) ' a smoke d'etector is required in the Leifinq of t-he upper level close lo the stairway' -- sec. l-210. (a) 4 Smoke det-ect,ors ar:e requi.r:ed Lo be wirecl to the building's power source and shail be equipped witln a batt-erv backup' -- sec ' 121A ' (a) 3 ' DetecLorsshallsound_r.talarrl""dibl"inallsleepingareaofLhedweliing in which Lhey are located. '- sec' L2L0 ' (a) 4' OC(.UPANCY Si]PARAT'ION : Bet-weelt ttre ctaraqe antl Lhe r:csi dence, materials const-rlrct- j on are r:equired on Lhe garage si-de the garage anci bhe residence are to be a self core rloor or a 20 minuLe fire door' -- Table appl:ovecl for thr f ire only and anY doors bet-ween -closing l- 3/8 inclr solid 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 ST'AIR I.IEQUIREMENTS : A : -airvca',' in r dwcLlinq lr'usL ihc maxrrnur rise of a sLeP is Sec. i306- (c) eY'c. #l be aL least 36 inches wide' -- Sec' 3305' (b) 8 .nches and '.he nininun run is 9 inches - Provide a handrail on one side a' sLairway 34 Lo 38 inches abcve the nosing if '-here is 4 or: rnore risers. -' Sec' 3i06' (i) Provldc a guard rarL wnere <lrop off is greater than 30 inches ' Minirnum helghr - 36 rnches, maxlmum openrnq size = 4 inches' -- sec' IlfZ' (a) exc' *l The mi nimum headroom is 5 fb.- 8 inches' -- Sec' 3305' (o) t;nclosecl usabLe space under t-he sLair-c i.s required to be protected as required for ltrr fire resisr'ive construcLlon ' sec' 1305' (1) {| tu\t.'1' t.iNCLOSUltlS : .l ) chut-cs ancl dumbwalt:er shal rs wi i-h a cl-oss-secii.onaI area of rrot more than 9 square teet may I I ned ort Ltre j nsicie w j th no1; .l ess than 26 qaqe qJ Ivani :1c:ci shcet, mef-ar wr t'ir al I joini's locklappcd' The outsicie must, be I hr consLruct-lon. Al , openlngs lnto any such enclosure shalI be protected l-r], noc Iess i-h;Ln a sel[-tlt,sing solid wc'od door 13'l8 inches thick or equivalenL. " sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas venLs and noncombustible piping installed in watls passing thrcugh 3 floors or less do not- need to be in t hour shafts' - - sec. i 706. (c) 3) Shaf t-s for gas venLs, f actor:y-buiIt chimnays, pipinq' or ducbs that do not extend ttlrough not- nore tnan 2 floors need rrot be in t hour shafts' - - Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shaf i-,s are required. to be enclosed' in a L hour assembly' -- sec . 1705. (a) C RP.WLS PACE REQU IRFI"ISNTS : 1) provide venLilaLion eiLher by mechanical means or by openings irr ext'el:ior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less Lhan 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space' Openings shall be disLribu'ted on two opposrte sides and be located as close to corners as practical ' Sec. 2516. (c) 5. NoEe: Vent openrngs may be reduced Lo 10t of the above if ground surtace area is covered wit.h an approved vapor barrier and the buildinq of f i.c j,a1 apProves. For a 135.0 sq. fL. crawl-space area: Ratio Minj.nrrm sq. f t' oi vent 1 /1qn 2 .24 2) provjl.-Ls inch by 2.1 _inch access cpening tc the cr:awl space area. Not-e: opening may be reguired Lo be i arger if mechanicai equipment is locaLed in the crawf space' -- sec- 25L6. (cl 2. 3) llnless Lhe wood is ljsLed as an appl:overl wood of nal-ural resj stance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and f l oor- ioi.st is 18 i.nches. The ininimum clearance to beams and girders is is l2 inches slec. 25-15. (c) 2 , ADDITIONA]., REQUIREMENTS: For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvemen! survey' Such survey shal l l:e subml tted and appr:oved prior to request for frame inspec L ion . A1 I cr:awl spaces wit-hin bhe Town Of Vail are llmiLed Lo a earth to struct-uraI floor ceiling height- of 5', be earth fIoor only' be ventilahed as per UEC 2516(C)5 wiLh nrinimum access as per UtsC 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavatjon befow slabs on gra<1e shal1 not- be permitted wi thouL prior approval. Address rrumbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the street . f^? Ml Slope garage floor to allow for drainage Lo orrtside to provide a floor drain wiLh sand ar:C oi1 inbe::cepbor Lo clry well o:: l-o seh'er' Any garage ftoor <lrain connected to setrel' musb be approved by Eagle River Water 6. sanitaLion District. In garages -rrith iiving area above, the walls of the garage wiich are beari ng the area above shall be protected vJith one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B). Town of VaiI 25 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uni-form Building Code Project Number: PRJ97 0122 Address: 1854 GLACIER cT concractor: DIDIER CONST Type of consts V N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Nane: GRAND TRAVERSE DUPLEX Date: July 14 ' 1997 Occupancy: R3,Ml Engineer: TIM BOYLE # SHEET TDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 1 Exterior surfaces wiLh slucco sha11 be provided with exterior metar iatn as per uBc 4705 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be .aequatety flashed(not with just screed meLal) ' A lath inspection is required prior stucco apPl ication ' A bathroom is requrred to have an openable window or " *""fr".i""l veniitation system' -- sec' 1205' (c) In bahhrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected direclly to the outside shal1 be provided' Bathrms which contain only a watel: closet or lav' rnay be ventilated with a recirculating fan' UBC 1205(c) ' Crat^Il spaces are required to be ventil-ated by mechanical means or by openings' Such openings shall have a nec area of not less than i- sq' ft' for "".ft fSO sq. ft. of under-floor area' UBC 2515(c)5' Provide a minimurn !8X24t' underfloor access' UBC 25a6 (c\ 2 . Heating and cooling equipment located,in the garage shall be install-ed with the pilots and burners or f't"uci"q elements and swilches at leasL 18" above the floor fevel of the garage' tMC 508' Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of "v"t.^, s j.ze (BTU and volume) of equipment' vent locat,ion and ter:mination. and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation' The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr iirelresistive construction on the garage side' ,- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door bebween the garage and the dwellinq is iequirea to be a I 3/8 inch thick sol-id core or 2C mj.nute self closing door:. -- Sec' 503' (d) exc'#3 agle County 8-8640 for a""Jr" Parce 1 /l . Office TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON CATTON FORM PERMTT APP Address:r''( (2 Cc et(bed( l-Alteration [ ]jAddit,ional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other PEfu\IIT iI , APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *n - t{j -nuirains t}! -numuins i[ -nrectrica:. [ft -Mechanicar [ ] -orher ,rof, Nu,n", QhnffpNerse l,il,lv Job Acrdre "={ __!3_(,1 6tlc,e,< dT Legal Description: rot ?G nlock__,!_ ririns t suBprvrsloM kon[ltlG € owners Nane: D ,tilruu-Hote<e/ Address: Ro-, ({i f ,.1)Atr._,,Ph.(l('Eogf General Description: \r Work Class: [\1 -New t -r\ Number of Dwelling Un llpmber and Type of Firepla€g,s-: cas Appli.rr""=- Z Gas Logs - Wood/peJ-Iet .-r V... .. gtrr-J\', r.l\:-' fi*:t't'r***********r.*****d*********** -VALUATfONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iurr,oruc, +'l 3( occ Er,EcrRrcAr,. s i8. @o nrHE,r,. s Jurr,oruc, + J ]( occ Er,EcrRrcA r"z + i9, @o orHER: $ - P^LUMBING : $'l S Aa O MECHANICA; q A'7ia -- Torar.: $--7717-n.,rr,--;rt-TorAL : +_:_QZ_/_A@_.-O O Architect: Address: Contractor: its: Z-Number of Accomrnodation Units: '-- INF()RMAI'f ON * * * * * * * * * * * tc * tr * * * * * * rr * Jr.i * * *el-lf:Q!'i3 rown of vail Res. no.jLQB Phone Number: BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'{ECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Cornrnents: -ry. VALUATION tcet L lTott'/rown or Vair Res. No. t!{.€ ----_____r_,_# _4olfrf,one Number z 4 4l - ofcT- -rown of VaiI Reg. No . t3+-P f a Innone Number: 4qq -1tor * Mechanical Contractor: Address:OQil7At^)Lctdottt ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEP,OSII REFIIND Drtc lnu l]or I (tf , y)*,L, e0 glLf I 'r 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTIYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC woRKs/coMMUNrTy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur. for any person to 1itter, !5ack or deposit any ."if,-r".f, sand., debris or materiar, including trash d.umpster!, po.i.ui" toilets and workmen vehicles. upon any streetl si-a"waitl -;Ii;y or public pr?:" or any porti-n theieof. The righr_oi_;;t-;. arL Town of vail streets and.roads is approximateiy s ft. 6ff p..r.*".,t,.This ordinance wirr be strilliy -enrorced by the Town of VaiI Pubric works DeDartment. persons found viaraain; this ordinance wirl be given a 24 hour written ""ii""-to-;;;;;;'=aid rnarerial .rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specifi;;,"tn"'i"[ric works Deparrmenr wilr remove said rnareiiui ii-[h;";6;;=e of person not_ified. The provisions of ahi; ordi-nance sha1l not be applicable to c6nstruction, ruiri".-nce or repair projects of any street or alLey or any utilities i" it"-rl!ii_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu11, please stop by the Tor,rn of I:l_1 Py:lding Deparrmenr to obrain a copy. rnani< you for your cooperation on this rnatter. osition/RelatfonshIE Proj ect (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 oE 479-2L39 ottlce of communlly deyclopmeltt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit lequi,res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approvai,Engineer''s (publ ic w91fs) review and approvar,' a Fiinnini-b.pu"trunt review or.Health Department review, and'a_review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a totar ".ui"*-iluy'iu[!'as tong as three weeks. All commerciai (rarge or smarl) and a] r murti-family permits wirl have to follow the ibove nrenti6neJ-miiirrn requirements. Residentiar and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or smarler projects impact the various unou" mentioned departments with reoard. to necessary review, il"t" ir"j..ii'ruv also take the three week perioJ. tvery attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit aS soon as possible. - I' the unders'i gned, understand the pran check procedure and time frame. b2Q Communi ty Devel ooment Department. TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0- 47 9-2I38 Electrica[---> DRB Fee I nvest i gat i on>uitL CatL----> lof AL r L I s--'-> Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcef No. . Project No. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0134 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1864 GLACIER COURT 2r03-L22-0 4-026 PRJ9'1 -0I22 Status, . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 07 /07 / ree'l 07 /71/1ee7 0r /13 / reeB 80249 APPLICANT AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27 15t DILLON CO 80435 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE ELECTRIC CORP Phone : 97 04 6 Phone t 97O468A249 OWNER P O BOX 2'1 15t DILLON CO 80435 DAUPH INAI S _MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1515, VAIL CO 81658 Description: NEW P/S Val-uation: 18,000.00 *)t****************1**************************************** tEE SUtlllARy ***i******************************************)t**t******** 257.00 .00 .00 3.00 2( '.) . OO 260. 00 .oo 260. O0 260 . OO TotaL Ca Icu Lated Fees---> Addit ionat Fees---------) Tota L Permi t Fee--------> Payment s **************************************************************************************************************************t(*tr***,ri I!e$l ,gq0q0 BLECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:01 /I1 /1997 CHARLIE Action: ApFn FoR ELEC DEph-Item:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *************t**********************************************************************ri**********************************t()t**t***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, *********************i*************************************************t********************************************************i* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that f have read this appLication, f itl.ed out in ful,l. the information required, compteted an accurate plot pLan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with tire infornation and plot pLan,to comply with al'l' Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buil.d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdlvision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town aooLicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE IiIADE TIIENTY_FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC€ BY TOWN'OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 97 0- 47 9-2138 P L umbi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> uitt cat!----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P97-0078 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. 1864 GLACIER COURT 2703-122-0 4-026 PRJg 7 -012 2 Status . . . AppIied.. Issued... I S SUED 01/o7 /reel o1/fi /reel 07/13/reeB 94500 APPLICANT MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HIGH PLUMBING Phone:3O394 Phone: 30394945OO OWNER P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 DAUPH INAI S_MOSELEY CONSTRUCT]ON P O BOX 1515, VArL CO 81658 Description: NEW P/S Valuat.ion : 45,000.00 ********)t************************************************** FEE SUltltARY *1***i1*******i*********1******'l****t**trtrrt*******i******** 675.00 Restuarant PLan Rev i ev-->168-75 ToTAL t EES----- .00 3. OO Tota L Calcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Tota t Pefmi t tee--------> _00 446 .75 416.75 .00 81,6.75 > 816.75 Payments *****,r****)r*******r***,\***d********,l,*********,r*********************)ri******************llfllii-lYi;;;;;;;iiiiiii************il?*** ItSlni .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0'r /Il /1991 CTIARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAtrg Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Oivision: *************************************************)t**********************************************************i********************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *tt**************l****************************************t*****************rt***************************)t************************** DECLARATIONS r hefeby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, f il.ted out in fuLl, the intormation required, compteted an pLan. and state that al'l the inlormation provided as required is correct, I agree to compty t,lith the information to compty with al'L ToHn ordinances and state [a]is, and to bui ld this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and accurate p lot and p Lot p [an, subdi vi si on codes, design review approved/ l.rniform Buil,ding code and other ordjnances of appticabl,e o. REAUESTS FOR IN5PECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE T\,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 113: ANO OTINER TOlriN OFVAIL o qu..tiufbolt thc Planning StatTat 479-2l2tl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is lbr any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any pro.jcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw ruust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting tbr a building pcrntit. For spccific inlbrnration, scc thc subnriffal rcquirenrcnts fbr thc particulir approval tlrat is rcquestcd. The application caurlot bc acccpted until all thc rcquircd infbrntatiou is subntittcd. Thc pro.icct may also nccd to bc rcviervcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Envirounrcntal (lonrntission. Dcsign Rcvicw Bolrd approval cxpircs ono ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building perrnit is issucd and construction is sta DESC IPTION OF TH EQUEST:4xte c!_- ll. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 2Q S c:. D. f). E. n l. pHysTcALADDRESS: 1861 4.C*e:e-l C-:r . (Contact Eaglc C)o. Asscssors Ofllcc at 970-32ti-1i640 for parccl #) NAME OF OWNER(S):L€Y MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: Constnrction of a ncrv building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is nddcd to any rcsidcntial or cornmcrcial building. Inoludcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc irtrprovcurcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, rviudorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. For any application rvhcrc thc applicant rvishcs to nrcct with Dcsign Rcview Board to dctcnninc whethcr or rrot thc projcct gcnerally conrplics with thc dcsign gtridclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcviovs. For Officc Use Only:.: Fee paid: 5o cR#: 3,?rB By, 6-A. /lls lq1 . PARCEL #: ZONINC: C;, TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: trI. New Construction - $200 XAddirion - $so El Minor Altcration - $20 tr Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 DRts lbcs arc to bc paid at thc tintc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcrmit, pleasc idcntify thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fcc according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBII{ITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMBNT OF COMMUNITY DBVELOPIIIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAtL. coLoRADo 81657. MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: - a..\ ./\'' ) |1,,/t7L- PARTYWALL AGR,EEMENT DECLARATION OF I AND ()\l \ COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATTONS FOR I,r,rL 26, BLOCK 2, LION'S RIDGE SUBDMSION' FrrJrNc ilo. s, AccoRDrNG ro rHE PL,AT REcoRDED sEPTEMBER tci, Ls79 rN BooK 290 AT PAGE 7941 couNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RECTrALS Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc',. a. -colorado Corporation' (nereiniiter referred to as rrDeclaranttr) is -the owner of the real p;6;;t-"it"ui. itr tr,. county of Eagle,.stiate.of Colorado, descrlbed as I"ot 26, Block Zr-iion,s Ridie Subdivision, Filing No. 3, according to the Plat recorded September 1b, 1979 in nook zgo at Page 79!' p-ouitty 9f nagfe, State of Cof-jiaao, subject to the restrictlons set forth in the attacned Exhibit I'Ar' ("Subject Propertytl) ' Declarant has constructed on the Subject Property- a building consisting of two- units, each. designed -"lld. intended for use and occupancy .= . ."=identiai dwelLing g{it,.which are sometimes referred ir-n.i.ii, separately as rtUnittr or collectively as rrunitsrr. DECI.,ARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followlng terns, "ot"tutri"r- conaitions, easements, restrictions, use, feservatigns, linitations and oUfig"tior,r shali be deemed to run with the land a"rEiif.a herein, snait be a burden and a benefit to DecLarant, his Dersonal represetttatives, helrs, successors and assigns 3n{ afY person ilili;T;-#-";;;t"tr itrt"r"=t in the rear property wtrictr is described n"i"i" ""a impi'ove*ents built thereon, nis grantees, personal representativesr- helrs' successors and assigns' 1. DEFTNITIONS. UNICSS otberwise, the following terms the context shalL expressly provlde shall have the following meanings: A. ,tThe Propertiesrt neans all of the real estate legally described as Lot )ir'S7ocX Z, Lionrs Ridge Subdivisl-on, Fillng l,[o' 3' iccordLng to the PIat recorded September L0' Lg79 in Book 290 at Page 794, county of Eagle, State of Colorado. B. (Lotil, ttBuilding Sitert, or rrParcelrr means Lot 26-A, Irtt 26-B as shown on the MaP. l[ ufllJ l[f lf l![,|I l tll |ll! r!!t |[[LI I tf lllf l I I I I I I r ii-is n rc.oo D o'oo N o'oo Eegle co c. rDuplextr or rrBulldingrr means the constr:ucted upon the ParceLs or Lots' tg.to contiguous dwelling unlts D.rrDlplexrr. ilUnl-trr means any one of the two dwellings comprising the E. rrotmert' means a person, persons.r. f irm, corporation' Dartnership or association, or- other'Ieiaf entity, or any conbination Lhereof, oiing an interest in the Lots' F.'r!{ap,, neans the englneering survey "f. flr: ?ropi:lits by Duane D. f"'n"f"g"T, Colorado F.f-,.S. 2eOZe , - _entitled Final P1at, a .r!--:-l^- =rl'r i+la rra il""JaifitilT'"r :-ot 26, Block 2, Lion'; Ridge subdivislon, Firilg No: .,- r .r ?J--.r ^ .r^rr-rFr, .tan i z.r. i rerr and 't ocatino srrecif iClty i;-ffi;'""i'viirl;"slL -;;;ftt; alpicting ."q _ locatine spec.ificltv "r^^^-* i Ari lt^thereon the Lots, recorded on 1998 as RecePtion No..LC,ES, re(.:c,[qcs rJrl , , 1na'ls hereby submiEd'E-This Declaration' G. trAssessnentrr means any periodic or on-e time charge to cover the cost of any "ip""r" or charie'thut becornes due and owing by virtuq of thie DeclaratLon. 2. nnscRrpnioN AWO RrsrqvATtoN. Every- Cofrtract of sale, Deed, I€as€,}lortgage'ffiother-1nstrunentshal]-1ega1ly a.r.iiuJ a dni-t or real property interest as follows: . Every such description shall be good and sufficlent for all pofpo""" io seIIr--ron.rdy, transfer, encumber or-otherwise affect the ,Lots and all "pb"ii"""itt rights, benefits, .*d burdens thereto as created by the privisions of this Declaration, an! each such description shatl be so constiila.- rti. piovision shall.apply_to tle properties as liia t".n (the properties) 13 aefined in thls Declaration. according to the Plat recorded , 1998, as RecePtion No. -, CountY of Eagle,state of Colorado. 3. PROPERTY DIVTSION. A. Declarant herebY establlshes the Properties into Two (2'l Lots for indlvldual and separate o!ilners of L,ot B. Lot 26-A and Lot 25-B shall be subject to the easements noted on the nap and those set forth herein' c. In the event Lot 26-A and L,ot 26-8 are oWned by the sane entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply' LtrIIl lu[f l! H!! | ril lJllttu uLil t lllllJ I r r I i'ii-is n ra.oo D o'oo 11 0'00 Erst c0 Lot 26-A and Lot 26-B (as the case may subdivlsion, Fillng No. 3, a ResubdivLslon be), Lionsrs Ridge of Lot 26, Block 2, this plan for the subdlvislon of owneiship in fee sinPte bY the 26-A and Lot 26-8. I D.ThepartiesrifnorethanonerhavingtheOwnershipofar.ot shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such Ordnershlp; provided, however, in"t if a coiporation, partnership, associatlon or ot;; f.;;;i entity shall becone an owner or the parties' ifnore.thanone,havetheconcurrentog'nershipofaLot'thensuch entity or concurrent Owners shatl fron tine €o tlme designate one individual who sniff represent such entity or concurrent Oerners in all matters .or,..rrii;- ;ii- iigttt and ob-ligations pursuant to thls Declaration. E.Anysuchentityorconcurrentor',nersshallgivewr.ittennotice to the other o""".-d"tiinating tne inaividual to act on its or their behalf and suclr notice shall re efrective until revoked in writing by Buch entity or owners. Any utt or ornission by- such desl'gnated individuar sharr ue uinaing oti ttt" entity or -ownerJ havlng deslgnated hin in favor of the other owner or any other person who may rely thereon. F. Each Lot shal] be considered a separate parcel of real ptop.iiy and shaLL be separatety addressed and taxed 4. FNcRoAcHl[ENTs. If any portion of -Lot 25-A or Lot 26-8 now encroaches upon thl other Lot as -a result of the construction of any iliiefit, or'if any sucn encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easenent for the encroachment and ior the -maintenance of the sarne so 1on9 -as the. bu-ilding stands, shall exist. In the event any buil-di.ng shall be partially or t"t.iff destroyed as a result of fire-or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eninent dornain proceedings. and then rebuilt, encroachments of puttr of the buifdinj on the other Lot, due to such rebuildlng, shall 'Ue-perrnitted, - so long as such encroachrnents are of no ;;;;Gil-"t""C tnan €nos" pt".'.io,.,sly 6xisting,- and valid easements for 6ucn encroachments and the- naintenance thereof shall exist so long as the buildlng shaIl stand. 5. PARTY WALL. A. The conmon separating Lot 26-A portlon of roof over the rrParty Wallrr. wall placed egually divided on the conmon boundary and Lot 26-8, the footings underlying and the such waII are collectively referred to hereln as I B. To the extent not inconsj-stent with this Dec).aration, the seneral rulee of law regarding party.waLls, and liability for darnage due i""""iiis"il.,-ririi"i-i.tr oi bmis3ions shalr apprv to the Party wall' c. The owners of either Lot shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other Lot on which tbe rarty.wall is located, for party waII purpo"t", i.r":..taing rnutual support, _nlintenance, repair and Lnsplctfon.- f-n tne'event of darnage to or- the destruction of the Party LHlJ|JHllHuilil|lllrlltl|lllliltlu rril rrrl i'.i-is-n ia.oo o o.o0 N 0.00 Eeslr c0 Wallfromanycauserthentheownersshallatjoint-expensein-shares get forth in paragraph 8 below, t"piit or rebuiid-said party wall' and each owner, shari'haie the rrght t'o tne fulr use of said party warl so repaired ana renui-ii. Notwltfrst.r,airrg anything_contained above to the ;;;;;;,-il il;'negrisence, willful act or omission of any owner, his fanily, agent o" ittiil6", shall ti""t darnage to or destruction of' the Party wall, "t"n- owrr.t shall f"it the entire cost of repair or reconstruction fto the extent that such damage. is not covered by insurance), and ";-o;;; wno uy his neglisen! ?f wirtrut act causes the party wa1I to ue--exfosed to,ttt",Lrer6nt-s shal1 bear the fult cost of furnlshlng the n""L.^"uty protection against such elernents' A.Eachownershallfromtimetotine,athisso]-ecostand expense, irrlgate, titrrtuitr.PTes?5ve and rep'lace'-as needed' the trees' shrubs and grass'focaiea witirin ttte-bound.fi"t of his Lot commensurate with the stanaarOls-;;;;i- ti" otigitlul.developerls landscaping of the Lots and each Owner sha-ll fron iiroe to tind, at his sole. cost and expense, undertalce';"h -l-;;dscaping and general outdoor irnprovements on his tot as the owners may jointly deern neceri..ty and proper for the harmonious irnprovernent of tne Lots'in a conmon thene. The Owner of one L,,ot shall not unreasonably darnage tfre vatue of the other Lot by shoddy upkeep of the Lotr but bot-h owneis shall make al} reaEonable efforts to ;;;;;'t"" a harmonious common appearance of the Lots' B.commonutllltyorserviceconnectionsortines,connon facilities or othei-"g"ii'mtnt and property -r?""!* in or on either of the Lots but used'l-n -"'"^-to'"n with tiie other Lot, if any, shall. be^owned as tenants in corornJn-J"quur undivided one-half interests by the owners of each Lot and, except for any "*pEtt"" or liabilitv caused through the negligence or willfui act of any-o;;; his fanili' agent ?T.tTYi:""' whichshallbebornesolelybysuchowner'aI}expenses-andliabilities concerned w:.trr sucn prop6rty snait be shared in tne- proportions set forth in paragrapfr S Uefow. btre O"n.t of the Lot on which such property is not located shall have a perpeiuat easernent in and to that part of such other Lot containing such property as l? reasonably necessary for purposes of naintenance, repair, and inspectl-on' c. Each owner shall be responsible for al1 necessary maintenance, repair, replacement-ita i.p.o.r"tettt=, (.including snowplowing), of aII driveway and warrwiy i."a" Iocated on his Lot' ' D. Nothing provided in -this Article 6 shall prevent the. owners fror JLintly-miiit-.i"itq the improvements located on either 1ot' with the cost to be sniiea on-an eguit-able basis as agreed to by the owners' 6. | []lt ilr llllll llllll llll llll llllll llllllll llll llll 649346 Q3/t7/199E 1l:301 29E Serr Flrhf 4 of 1! R ?6.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Erglr C0 .7. ALTRRATTON, I''AINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. Each Ohtner shall, at his sole cost .and expens,e,. - provide exterior naintenan"" ""a exterior repair upon his Unit and ttre other improvenents 1ocated on his Lot ut w"i1 as Lhe unimproved portions' of the Lot upon whicn nis Unit is located, including, but not lirnited to, the exterlor walls and the roof of tife Unit. Such maintenance and repair shalr ue c"r."nsurate with 1ne standards set by the original developer and each Owner shall Jndertake a1f rnaintenance and repair (includlng periodic p.tttt-lnq- and staining) necessary and proper for the harmoniou' appearan'ce of {ne f,oti ina iinlts in a- conmon theme' The owner of one Lot shall not unreasonably d-an-ra.ge -the value of the other Lot by lrnproper *"ini"tt.ttce and repair- of his Unit and L'ot, but both O1',rners shall nalce all reasonable eff-orts to preserve a harnonlous connon appearance of the Units and Lots' Hothing plovided. in this Article 7'A' "t-uii- pr"v"nt the Ottners frorn jointly - mlintaining the inprovements tocated on either Lot, with tne cosc to ie shared on an eguitable basis as agreed to bY the owners. B.Eachownershallbesolelyresponsibleformaintenanceand repair of the in=il"-"i-fti" Unit incfrjaing fi*tur"" and improvements and all utllity tines and equipment ftcal"a-tn"t"in and serving such unit only. In perfonning such rnaintenance and repair' or in inproving or iitli.i"S h'j.J unit, no Owner .sha1l do any act br w_ork which irnpairs the structural soundness of either unit'or the Party- WaIl or which iniJrferes with uty "u".tent granted or reserved herein' c.Utilityorserviceconnectionsorlines,facilitiesorother utility eguiprnent urra ptop"rty located in, .on or upon. either of the LotE, which are used solely t" ""ppiv 3. service or utility to one unlt shall be owned by the Ownelr of tfid-rinit using such utility or service and all "*;r.rrr"r' ..a- fl.iliti"t for repair an{ maintenance shall be borne solely by the owner of such unit., who shall have a,perpetual easenent ln and to ttrat part of such other Lot or unit containing such property as ls reasonabty- n.t.ttuty-iot p.ttposes of rnaintenance, repair and inspection. D.Nool,nershallnakeorsufferanystructuralordesignchange (including a coloi schene change), either lerrnanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exte-rior of his unit or construct i"v udditional buitding structgl" ."f any, type or nature whatsoever upon ;;'y ;;;t;f ni, i"i-ritn""t first obt;ini;s the prior written consenf thereto from the other Owner, such conseni shatl not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any Un-it--or any part thereof by any cause whatsoevLr, th; Owner of such Unit shall cause with due diligence the Unit to be repaired and restored, aqplying-. the proceeds of insurance, if any, -fof ttrat Purpose.' such Unit shall be restored to a condition compararle lo that'prior-to the danage and in a harmonious manner to prornote the common theme of both Lots' I llllll lllll lllil llllll llll lllll llllll llllllll llll llll 644t36 03117/t998 11:304 298 Serr FlrhG ! of 15 R ?6'00 D 0.00 l{ 0.00 Eeglr C0 8. AT.ToCATION OF EXPENSES'- Costs and expenses of all activities whoee cost is antiEif,fteilEo ue snaiea by both. bwners, except as gaused by negl1g"rr." oi""^iir-r''; -."1- "e 1"" ori"t' shall be allocated in the farlorr:ins ProPortions : Lot 26-A Lot 26-8 508 508 9. A. ExcePt for iterns incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any Owner shall cause uriy n J"tiil to be- furnished to his l-'ot or Unit thereon or any labor to.O'e'p"J"-r.ea th-erein or thereon' the other ornrer snarr-ioi'tina.i uny gii.uriJun""" be riable for the payrnent of any expense fn".rir"a or fdr tne vafue of the ltork done or naterial furnished; arr sucn-woix snarr re ai lnt-t*p"n"e of the owner causing it to be done, una tntn o""tt shall be solely responsible to contractors' Iaborers, naterlallnen and other p"r""n"-i"inishiing labor or rnaterials to his rot or any ,.d;;;;;t;;;;t;i;-Jt-t["i."n; n5_thinq herein contained shal1 authorize Litner owner ot tti !;;^".9"ar-i.n's-!h::-::?f"'yi:n "t under elther o"n.i-io "nitgt tne ilnit of the other ovrner wrth any nechanicrs rren Ji oirttJ tfen oi tnt*u*n"t whateveri and' on the contrary (and noticl i"- tt"t"ny given) the ri-ght and power to charge any 1'en or encumbrance of any kind ag-ainst one owner or lgainst one ownerrs Lot for work don!-Jmu€"tiafs euinished to the other Ownerrs Lot ls herebY exPresslY denied' B. Except as provided lot belolt' if' because of any act or orniesion of any Owner, any rnechani"i.-oi ottier llen or order for the payment of rnoney;il;ii u"'rir"o against the other oltnerrs Lot or any i;i;;;^;;t"'-i-rr,ir"in or ther"o" oi-"giinst -anv otlrer ox,ner (whether or ili']1]!1''-il;;;-.;a;r is varid or-"trfor""able as such) , the-owner.wtrose act or omission r"r^"-tt" bisis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense ."o". the sane to-Ue-cin""f"a and discharged of record orbondedbyasuretyconpany'"""o'.uuty.acceptable,tosuchotherowner,within 30 days aftar th-e &ate "i'-ii.iing thereof, and further shall indennify and save the other Owner harrnlesJ from and against any and all costs, expense=, "tai*", foss-es or darnages' includlng reasonable ittor,ieyrs fees resulting therefrorn 10. TNSURANCE. A. Each owner shall keep his unit and atl fixtures therein insured against i;;; ;t damage -uy- rit. ind extended coverage perils (including vanaaffsrnlna naficious''nis"ni.f1 for the maxirnum replacement valuethereof.Anyownermayonro-aayslw.rittennotice,butnotmore freguently than ori"t t.'"ty €hree *"ti,. obtain a-,written estimate of the replacement "o"i-oi tnd units U'V ifi"""sed contractor, and the cost I llllll lllll llllll llllll llll flfftlllll llLlllllllll llll Lii.d5i'oliiiii-se-i"'itl'oC 2sE s'' F I rh* E'Ii-ir-i ?;'60-D o'oo tt 0'06 Eerlr c0 ofguchestimateshallbesplitbetweentheownersonaso/sobasis. Such contractor str"ii f" u aitittt"i"=t"a and independent third party who ie unrelated in any manner .t" -"iin"r owner -wttetner through joint business adventures or otherwise' B. Each owner shatl provide and keep in force, for the protection of himserf, g*n"?-ui -p"[irE-.riariritv dd propertv danase in191ance against claims roi-[o.iiry inJury or dlath or properly darnage occurring in, on or uponr--his f,oi oirnea in fee sinple - and the irnprovements thereon, in a liniiof not tess tnin 95OO,0'O.OO in respect of bodily injury or d,eath t"-inv nurnber or p.irons arising out of one accident or diaaster, or for danage to properiy, a"a 16 hiFner linits shall at any tine be customar!-'lJ pi"t""t-'"g"'i;'tt[ possible tort liability' such higher lirnits shall be carrred' c. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing aII i"""iu""" required-i" U" carrled under this paragraptr' each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the policies wittrout -givi"g_ tp" -other b"tt"r written notice of at least 30 days. Each olrnei in"fr have the iisni to_inspect and copy arr such i;:;;"";-itrill.r of the other orri"t and require evidence of the palment of Prerniums thereon' D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shlll prevent the owners frorn Jointry ac4ii;i"s.. single policy tb cover anv bne or nore of the hazards required in this putugt.pi*lJ'u"-".parater] insured against by each ovtner. E. AtI insurance policies obtained by - either ohrner shall exDressly waive ifi-iignts'of subrogation as against all other Owners ;a-ah;i; respective finilies and invitees' 11. NESTRUCTION OF IMPROVqMENTS ON IOT' A.Intheeventofdamageordestructiontoaunitbyfireor other disaster, the insurant. p.o""-ds if sufficient to reconstruct the Unit shaII be i.p""it"a info a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the slgnatures of both the owners' or disbursed directly by the insurance carrier. The ohtners shall then pronptly authorize the necessary repair ira-i""or"iruction woi[ ""a the insuianCe proceeds will be applied by the owners to a"iriv-tne cost t_hereof. rrRepair and Reconstructionr of Units, .r .r""a i't piragraph 1.1 .A and 11'B hereinl neans restoring the improvenents t" s"uitattdiairy the sane condition in whlch they existed prior to the damage with each unit havinq the same boundarles as before- B.Iftheinsuranceproceedsareinsufficienttorepairor reconstruct any damage to a Lot or the irnprovernents constructed thereon' such damag" o. o""Liriction shall Ue-fromplly. repaired and reconstructed by the Owner o"ltr! tn" insurance' pro.'cee-ds ind the proceede of an ilililililr llilll llllll llll lilililllr ilr illll llll lill t49836 O3/17/l9gE lt:301 298 Sere Flrhr 7 of 13 R 75.00 D O.OO N 0.00 Eegh C0 asgessmentagainsttheowner(s)ofthedamagedLot(s).Sucltassessment shall be egual tL tfre anounl fV- wtti"n in6 cost -oi reconstruction or repalr exceeds tie-r"r-"i-tn.'it""r"n." proceeds allocable to such parcel . sucn assesm"r,t shatl rc-Jue ind payalle forty-flve (45) days after the aeterninition of tne--aiii"rltL" between tbe cost of recon'truction u"t-'J"i"ii i"a i"""t"""L iroceeds and all such funds il;ii-;;;.po"ft"a .tta ai"U.trsed pursuant 1o paragraph 11'A' C. If the Owners of Lot 26-A and Lot 26-8 and the holders of flrst mortgages or-f"nJi"iaries oi iitii deeds of trust on Lot 26-A and r,ot 26-8 un.r,itorrJiy-"giu"-"ot t; repair or reconstruct danaqe or destruction to fci Z6-e ?r tot Ze-g the'Property shall be sold and the proceeds ehalr be divided as agreea-to--it-in! tiio" of the agreement not to rebuitd by the orn"i" of iot ie:e u"a iot 26-8 and the holders of f irst mortgages J'"i-'U"""ficiaries ;i- first deeds of trust on Lot 26-A and lot 26-8 (the iii..ft ownerrs snare oi Proceeds'r) ' Each ownerrs share oi-pi".."ds sirall be disbursed as follows: 1. for PaYment of favor of anY assessJ-ng entitY 2. for Palnnent of nortgage or deed of trust; taxes and special assessrnent liens in and custonary expenses of salei the balance of the Iien of any firEt 3. for paynent of any sulns due under this DeclaratLoni 4.forpalrmentofjuniorliensandencumbrancesin'theorder of and to the extent br tneir priority; and 5. the balance remaining' if aDY' shall be paid to the respectlve owners. . L2. RTGHT TO LIEN. A. rf, an owner' at any tinre, shaLl 1e91ec!- or refuse to perforn or pay hls share'"i-lilv-"liiiation'required f,ereunder, the other owner nray, but sharr toil" "lrigat5a to,'ui€"i.30 days written notice unress the circumstanceJ 1-"q-ttit""-i^r.aiite action, mlke such palment or' on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as ryy b9."":::"1:Y t" perform such obriGtl"; inciuairigl'uuu ""t l:Ti!_..u €o, the pa'nent of anv insurar,". p."i1i,i;;d;i;;J-nJJ.una"t or tbe undertakins of anv work re-cruired hereunder for repair, restoration or rnaintenance' and suclr otlier Otner shal' have an """.r"ni- it, and to that part of such defaultlng owneJs ilot-u" ls reasonably necessary for-such repair, restoratLon or maLntenance' B. AII sums so pald or expended by an owner' with' interest thereon at the rate of 1-8 percent ;;F;; fforn the date of such paynent or er<penditure, srtiri-r"-pivable rl--!la oYT"I "^?--f*li"s to perforn (the ;U"ii-"fiing Ownerr') upon demand of the other o\"ner' |s[llr,1l4|'#$!H u!t$l'Hf lll':llllr] rru [r I c.Allsumssodemandedbutunpaidb{.t.hedefaultingownershall constitute a lien on Ln" Lot of tne- o.raurting owner in favor of the other owner ptr-ot L" "ir other il;;t t"a "tt"'itbrances' except: (i) Iiens for taxes and speciat att"""tl"l"; ""4' (ii)- the lien of any first nortgage or firsf aela or trust ;;';r;";d'encumbering such lot' The lien shall attacn riom-tne aate "n"n tne unpaid surn sharr becone due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a nortglge on -real property upon the recording ot a noli"" ot clafin tn"r""f 6x5cutea uy €ne-Nondefautting Owner setting for-t-f tne-imount "f^Jtt" ""piia indebtedness' the nane of the Defaulting owner. and t a"=ti'ipt.i-o-n-*-..:l: unit' rn any such ioreclosure the Defaulting owner shatl be required to pay the costs and expenses of such-;;;;J;id;, i""i"ai"g reaionable attornev's fees' D.Thelienprovidedforhereinsha].lbesubordinatetothelien of any first.oit-gug. ot oeea ^o?-"tt""i, including all additional advances thereon, dur. or transfeior ritn"r lot as th-e result of court foreclosureofamortgagerforeclosurethrough.theoublictrustee'or any proceeding in iiil-;f fot".ro".t"il-"niit-tiiinguisn the Iien of such assessments as to payments tnereoi-riri"n t"to^" due prior to such sale ortransfer,butshallnotrer;.eveanyformerownerofpersonal liability therefor. The mortgag."- "i such .Lot wh.o accruires title by way of foreclosure or the taking "f -i a"Li -i" Iieu €hereof, shall not however, be fiaUl" for any pist due iit"tttntnt and shall only becone liable for future assessments on Iii. aut" it becones the owner or is entitled to becoire-ltl orr,.r of such Lot. No sale or transfer shall rerieve such Lot iron-liauirlty foi J"vlr"""sments thereafter beconing due or fron the Lien thereof. rn-trre'event of the sale or transfer of a Lot vrith respect to which s"t" sna-ii be unpaid Py " Defaultinq owner' except transfers to a first rnortq;ggt it co-nnec-tion with a foreclosure of its rien or a aLLa in rieu tneieJi, the.purchasen or other transferee of an lnterest in-s"cn Lot shallJ"'i"i"tiy-and severally liabte with the selle. ot ttintt"i"t thereof for lny such unpaid surns' E. upon written request of any owner,- mortgagee, . prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other pr"r-plriiire transf_e:-e_e of a Lot, the owner of the other r,ot- "n"ff issul a ^written statement setting forth the amount he is ot"a ,,.,a"r this put"gt"ph'. tt 1ry-', 'with respect to such unit. such statJ^.r,i-i" binding .ipori tn._executing o!'rner in favor of any person who rnay rely thereon in- jo"o faith' unless a reguest for such statenent shalr be conpliea wifn'"iini" fifteen days after receipt thereof, arr unpiia tt'^" wii"n lJ"u*t -aue prior to the date of naking such request snafi-Ue-suforainateJ to the lien or other interest of the pa"tot iequesting such staternent' 13. USE RESTRICTIONS. A.Eachunitshallberestrictedtoaresidentialdwellingasa oermitted use, ana conaitional and accessory uses as defined by the iown of vail zoning ordinances' | illll lllll llllll llllll llll llllillllll llllllll llll llll bl-sd'5C6irir/199E 11:301 29E slrr Flrhr 9 of 15 R ?t'00 D O.OO N 0.00 Ergh C0 B. No exterior nounted radio, shortwave, tel_evision or other tlpe of antenna wt"tso"lJer oi ianr or anl *ii4'-"-it-le-r elevated or buried' or clothealin" or fnliilltiloi ot any tilnO whatsoever or outside etorage of any persor,.r proil'ri!. !t"{ l"--lli"iiit;;;-;;-malntalned on el'ther Lot without tne prroi writt"n approval of both owners' c.Noanirnaleehallbekeptormaintainedin'onoruponeither unlt, except that each o$tner t"; "k";; qd-y:ltain within nis unit donesticated anlnals; provided, .noi'ev"r' that such donesticated anlmals are kept under .o,,ti"i- at all !1t";' do not -present a nuisance to the other Orner, and are kept controffe-i in stricf conpliance with all Town of Vall ordinancJ til€ rnay apply to such aninals. D. Parking on either Lot. of boats' trai-lers' canpers' motor homes, Arvs or .|";;.;i;;i r-.r,r"il"-i"-"ip."ss1v prohiblted, unreEs iocatia wlthin an ownerrs garage' E. No otime sharingrr' -rf interval ownershiprt or sirnilar interest' whereby ownerenip-"r'-i-uiilt'is shared by owners on a tine basis' shall' be establlghed on'.ftn"i rtt witfroii-Ift!'piior-tritten approval of both' olrners and all rie-n-ois-norotng a iir"t mbrtgage-or first deed of trust' of record on any portion of Ilot zi-e-ot tot-26.l, which approval shal1 ;; ;;;idted in-a document or record' F. The owners understand and agree that- potentlal development rlghts may exlst-o--rra", pre€ent "r-?"t"i" Town of vail regulations that may penmlt expanJ;;;f-ah" unitsi-iiicn- aeveropurent rights have not been utilized to date. The owneii or rct 26-A and Lox ,6'B shall be deemed to have "*"iiJirr" ownlrsnip--.r-.nv-iisnt".as currently are being utiJ.ized by tbeir respective -Lots' Nb exercise of any developnent rlghts not utllif"a 1"- -date shali- be made by one Or'vner witfrout f irst obtaining trre wrriien consent or 1ne other owner,, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. me"itrtei-o"tttt, -before giving written consent, shalt le'entitled to r"iri"" Ine devel.opnent plans and any bLueprints ot "or"r-"yi';l+i"f i-n connection with the development Prans' The owner of rot ze'-n'shirl have fi;;;;I;si; rigttt to thb use of 40t of the Deveropment Rishrs *fi9l h;;; ;;t-u."n "iiiized to date and 40t of all future Developnent Rights ;ii";;' by !h9 Town of vail except as set forth betow. rn! owner ;f Lo[-;;-s "ttitf have the exclusive right to the use of eot of the Developr"it-iigttir .r*"n have not been utllized to date and 6ot of alr future n""rilpr"?ti Rights alrowed by the Town of Vail except as r"t ioitfr below. UnJEi-curreit Town of Vail regulations there nay exlst ""rfuin developneni iignts because a structure ls norc than flve tsl v"Iil-li.i.--e"V'risil;s-;;I"i""a under such resulation or any future "r*e-TfrJJli .jiilr"[i""-rnurr belong sorelv to the owner of that unit. rf either or"tner exceeds hii developt"l! ri91rt1'^11:1"Y: tnt consent of the "tli;; &;;;, ina nlcii".-"e-tttis tfre oiher owner is not aLlowed to utirii"-[ir iuri o"".iii",""i iisnis-, the excess developnent shall be removed by the o$rner tn"rJii'-i*e-aTitery upon the demand of the other owner. I mlll lllll llllll llllll llll ltlll llllll llllllll lll llll I lll-u rr-u.t!rl 845136 srr. t,i-95d"irl:i6n 2ss^sm Flrhrr id-!i-rr-h-rcloo-o-o'os t{ 0'00 Eett c0 L4. NorrcE. Each owner shall register its-rnailing address with the other Ordner ""Jifi notices oi aeminas intended to be served upon oerners gha1l be gent by certifiea;rnail, postage- prepaid' addressed in the name of tfre- Ownef at such t"qi=t'"r"d .rniif inq address' In the alternative, notices may be aeriv6iea if in wrifing, personarly to Ogtners. lS.DURATIoNoFDECI,ARATIoN.Eachprovisioncontainedinthis Declarationwhichissubjectto.th*elawsorru].essometimesreferredto as the rule against perpetuities "i tn. rule prohibitinq unreasonable restraints on arierr.tioi, shall continue and renain in full force and effect for the period of 2L Vtut" -ioilowing- th-e. death of Patrick G' Dauphinais and srr"""L n. ou.titti"u'i;-;td tn6ir living issue, or until this Declaration is terminated as ii"t.inufter provided, whichever first occurs. A11 other provision" """i"in"a in trris Declaration shall continue and rernain in full force ina errect until January L, 2028 A'D" and thereafter roi s;;";;;i";-periods of 10 years eachi unress at reast 1 year prior to Ja.ruary r, zoza a-'t',- "i "€- least 1 year prior to the expiration of any. such- -!-0 year pttioa of extendel duiation' this Declaration is terninated by recorde[-inii.ut"ttt, directing termination' sJ.gned by all Orn-"rr--"na iir ri"nlir n"rai"g a-first nortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of f.,ot 26-A or Lo|- 26-8' 16.AMENDMENToRREvocATIoN.lhisDeclarationnaybe^amendedor revokedonty,,po,.,ffi"n"ppio"a1inrecordableformofaI1 owners and all rienors hording a first- mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of r''ot 26-A or Lot 26-8' L7. Er,E',ECT oF PROVTSIONS 9r DECLARATI9N' -Each provision of this Declaration and and undeitaking to conply with each provisio-n of this becfariiion, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, u"[u[",'risl! o-r interest to effectuate any provision of lni" p.cf.tutiont--iij "niif,be.deened incorporated in each deed or other instrunent uy wnicir ilt right, titre or interest in any portlon of r,t1 Ze-a or Lot ZelS- i" irantiO, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or reierieA- to in such deed or other instrurnenti (ii) shall, by virtu"-"i*""ptance of any rlght'.title or interest in any portion oi f,ot Ze-i oi f-,ot Ze-g by an Ohrner' be deemed accepted, ratifiel",-;ti'nl"l ""J a"trured as a personar covenant of such owner and, as a personaL coven.nt-, "-nurt ne 6lnaing on such owner and hisheirs,personalrepresentatives,succes6oT:uldassignsiandshall be deerned a personal covenant t", witi.tr and for the benefit of each oltner of any porEion of--f,ot 26-A or r,"t iili;-una-<iiil shalf be deened a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitabr" t"r,rifuJ!r-t""ni"g,.in each case' as a burden wlttr and upon the titre to "..f-J,iJ'";;;t p5iti'o" of Lot 26-A and Lot 26-8' 18. FNFORCTMENT AND REII,TEDIES. A.CourtPioceedings.EachprovisionofthisDeclarationshall I llllll lllll llllll llllll lllllllltllllll llLllllll lll llll biEdil oiTttlrsOe rr'son 296-srrr Flrhr ii-ii-ti R ?6'00 o o.oo N 0.00 Erglr c0 be enforceabJ.e by any owner by. a proceeding for a prohlbitive or mandatory injunctlon 6r by a suit oi action Lo recover damages' If court proceedingt-"r. in3tituteJ it connection with the rights of enforcement ancl remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailinq party shatl be entitled to recover iis costs and expenses in connection [treiilwitn, including reasonable attorney fees' B.VenueofcourtActions.Eachownerherebyagreesthatanyand all actions in eidlfa?E raw which are instituted to enforce any orovision hereunder sha1l ue urougiii in and onry in the District court bf nagte CountY, State of Colorado' c.Waiver.FailuretoenforceanyprovisionofthisDec}aration sharr not operate as a waiver ot -utty'sich provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafte;; ;; "f unv other provision of this Declaration. 19. nXERCISE OF RTGHTS' Any exercise 9f any right granted hereunder by one Owr"r rith r".p""i do the other Ownertl Unit including but not rinrited to the use o1 any- easement g'.r_anted herein sharl be exercised in a mannei which shall not unreasonably hinder, inpede or fi;;; upon such other owner's use of his unit' 20, succEssoRs AND ASSIGNS' Except as o-t-he.rwise provided herein' this Declaration #;11 5! bf"df.S upon lnO shall inure to the benefit of eactr Owner and the heirs, p"t="ti"i- i"f."t"ntabives, successors and assigns of each. 21. SIIIEBAEIIfiII. Invalidity or. unenforceability of any provisions or tnilifr.aration in "n"rt or in par!. sha}l not ef fect the validltyorenforceablepartofaprovisiono-fthisDec].aration. 22. cAPTroNs. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience *only ina s-ha1l noi u" cons-idered in construing any provisions of this Declaration' 23. coNsrRucrroN. when necessary for proper construction, the masculine of uny:?o-td .tt"a i" -it G-beclarition shall include the ferninine or neutJr g.rra"t, anA tne singular the plural and vice versa' {$lx,WITNES IVHEREOF Declarant has executed this Declaration this of , L998 DAUPH rNc., CoNSTRUCTION,tion By:ck G. Da s, Pres l llllil illil il1ililil[ ][ ]ilt lililt ilt ililt lil ill 349836 03/17/t99e 12 of 13 R 76.00 D 11:301 298 Sere Flrhm 0.00 N 0.00 Eeglo C0 eE. Da STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OT EAGI,E Subscribed and sworn to before rne this --.-- day bv Patrlck Dauphinais as President and suzanne SLrlii"v---of- biuptrtnats-MoEeley construction' Corporation. ' wltness mY hand and official seal' , MY conrnission exPires onl ss. of -. 1998 E, DauPhinaiE as Inc., a Colorado t||lllll]ilililL]il[ ]L ]iltilll|tiltilil[ il ill 64Et3C O3/17/l|9fl,e 1lr30t 29t Sre rrifiri - 13 of l3 R ?C.OO D O,OO N 0.00 Erlh C0 L3 The undersigned holder of a certain deed of trust upon the property covered by ttris oecraration ""i-Jiitvwal^I ..Agreement, recorded on september 22, LggT ir-n""r 737 at p"i"1li of the- records in the office of tbe Eagle county, colorado,- cl;i- anJ Recorder' hereby consents to the foregolng Oecf-iiation and nart"y-wufJ- agil"-""t-'.lt. subbrdinates its interest in the property described €herein io the riqhts and obligations created hereby. Notwitirstanding """ii-"ont.nt and suEordination, all the rlqhts of Decrarjil"r;';;d- i" """n-pt.frdy sharl renaln encurnbered by su6h deed of trust. FIRSTBANK OT VAII, (sEArJ) STATE OF COIPRADO COUNTY OF EAGI,E )) ss. ) instrurnent was-gcknowlgdgeil ,l9lor" ^" a*- @1v "'-'aotXtl A fU,((U- aB vt(Q", 1998 bY FGt-sant of vai1. WitnesE.ny hand and official seal' >ires on: U..A -qY uy comniFslon exg ..:.: I |l|ril lllll llllll lillll llll lllll llllll lll llllll lll llll t4983t 03/1711998 lt:30e 29E Sere Ftrhr l{ of 15 R ?C.00 D O'OO N 0.00 Erth C0 L4 1. 2. 3. 4. F:XHIBIT IIAII TO PARTYI{ALI, AGREE}'TENT AND DECI'ARATION OF COVENANTS ' CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR rnP 26t -B-ro& 2, LfoNrs RIDGE SUBDTVISION' FTLTNG No:-4,-ecconornc ro rHE PI'AT REcoRDED saprrusnR iti, tgzg rN BooK 290 AT PAGE ?94' counry or necr'n, STATE OF COI"ORADO Llen fOr taxeE or assegsments, not yet due and payable' Riqht of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and renove his ore therefrom shourd-tn.-rir" ue rounato penetrate or intersect the premises "- ,"=at.r"a in urrited states ilatent recorded August 16, igog, in Book 48 at Page 542' Right of way for Ditches or Canals constructed by the authority of the United State-s i"-i"".t""a in-Unit"a State-s Patent recorded Auqust 15, 1909, in-B""X 48 at Page 542 RestriCtive covenants which do.not contain a forfeiture or reverter crause, but onitii;; ;;!;i;lions,--ir "nv' .based,on race' color' religion, or natt-onJr -origln, "^"_ J""tui""a it lnstrument recorded september. 20, 6il-,-i" ioo[ ^2^25 i' Page 443 -and as anended in Instrument recorqed septenber zg, -tiiz'- l-n gook 225-at Page 565 and ag rerecordea in inrliiunent recordEa,rinrl.rY 22, 19"1 4' in Book 233 at Page 53. Utlltty Easement as granted- t-o Holy cross Electrlc Association' Inc., in Instru*"ni fJ"orded Augu"t za' Lg67 in Book 211 at Page 103 and recorded ;;;"-it;-lgzz ii ioZx zzg at page 555 and recorded Joiy fr, 1973 in Book 230 at Page 351' Agreernent between Tayvel- Environrnental Land c-omPany and Mountain states Telephone';;d rerugrapn corpany. providincr for Telephone rnstallation and Service tniough";t' iiot,'= Ridire Subdivision, Filing No. z, ,."or-"a Septernber lii'tg{{ i sooX itt at Page 291' 5. 6. 7. 8. Easements, reservations and the recorded Plat of Lionrs Terns, conditions and provisions of egrednent recorded November L6, 1994 I ff|il llilr llllll llllll llll lllll llllll ilLllllll lll llll C4gE36 O?ll7/l}el 11:301 29E Sre Flrhr 1! of 13 R ?8.00 O 0.68 N 0.00 Ee3h C0 restrictions as shown or reserved on niaS. Subdivision, Filing No' 3' Trench, Conduit and Vault in Book 655 at Page 184 ' 15 Revised 5/2/92 Development Deparlm APPLICAITON FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter I'l -24 Vail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) A. APPLICANT Dauphinais-l"loseley ConstrucEion' Inc ' MAILING j1DDRBSS 1404 Moraine Drive 3:::,ffi:iI"S.::t:"::Comntunity EI C. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING ADDRES \-.J LOCATIOT'J OF PROPOSAL: Vail. Colorado 81657 pgOND 476-8o55 RBPRESBNTATIVE Jay K. Peterson S. Frontage Road Wesr, 1t204, Vail pllONB 476-0092 hinais-Moseley Construction,. .Inc. l,-i-:76-8055 oraine Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICANT' S ADDRBSS I08 STRNET / I)DRBS5 LOT 26 3LOCK 2 SUBD1V15l6plion's Ridge FTLING IT3 PAID X APPLICAT ON FEE $1OO.OO MATURIAi.S TO BE SUBMITTBD: CIIECK # Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivis;ion plat shall be submitted Lo the Departrnent of Commurrity Development.. The plat shaII include Lhe fol-lowing: a. The final plat shal"l- be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or ot.her substantial solution, on a reproducible mediu'n (preferably mylar) with dimension of t.wenty-ft-rur by thirt.y-six Lnches and shall be at. a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger wj-th margins of one and one-haLf l-o t.wo inches on the lefL and one-tralf inch on aII other sides. Accurate dimensions to the neare$t one-hundredth of a foot. for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, sel-backs, alleys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. A11 curves shall- be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. AI1 dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be det.ermined by an accuraLe control survey in the field which rnust baLance and cl-ose within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systematic identification of al-I existing and proposed buildings, unit.s, lots, blocks, and narnes f or al-l streets . An identificat.ion of the street.s, alLeys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown r)n the plat., and a dedication theleof to the publ ic use. An ident.ification of t.he easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future public acquisition shalI also be shown on the plat. p A written survey descript ion oa $" area inclucling Lhe total acreage to the nearest. appropriate lrignificant figure. The acreage of each Iot or irarcel shall be shown in t.his manner as wel_l. h d. f. DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and enteted into rhis 13fr o^, ot /rf,lr'et ,rE by and among Dluhxtn,+t -Hoce-.cef Cottrt\herejnafter qalled the:Eevelope/'), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinatter called the "Town") anO tllsf Vl"tt< e U4te (hereinafter called the "Bank"). /t' WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval ot the L-OT 2L fLANt plans, dated t, Z+ , ? + .19_=- wishes to enter into a Devetoper lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set lorth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improve rnents by means of the following: Developer agree-s to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amouni oI $- 2+, 5oO. oo 025% oI the rotal cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the foilowing: IMPROVEMENT /1 .l) 4.r r.*y'rua v /t(r'(rc*T/ou' y'ett Ktld NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as foilows: '1 . The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and materi4! necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before {4t4 (, l1 ? f' . The Developershallcomplete, in agood workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the olfice of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: in the amount ot $Jl+t9 O' 90 (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements Agreement by Develooer. Irrevocable letter of credit #0g with. 'Ff /(- Page I of3 above if there is a default under lhe 3. The Developer rnay at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the'Towh'ot aileirrative coilateral shail be at the Town's sole discrelion. r\.\ .,r ,; , , :, ,r. l. .-. . *,4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to lhe work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof , be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and nay of its officers, agents and employees agalnst any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or emptoyees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, darnage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have, 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the-Town and the Town shall ",authorize lor paqial release of the collateral deposited with the Town {or each category of ' 'improvembnt at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as reierenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specificalions set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the tunds to the Town nor shall the Bank be requiled to verify.in.dependently that such improvemenls have not been completed as required by'this agreement, but shall releise such funds'solely upon ihe Town's_wriuen . request. lf the costs ot completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest-at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or mhy be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town il such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.1 6.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all partles hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Pagc 2 of3 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires; bD. lt1r"l,".'i"/UT'T'".''"""'TitJgATJ-?i,Tl?:if tffi fl i'f fl :;T:,.. cc E:J:,;:I*',^7f,"ixff;'@*"\"-.o,n;w:j-*y2y"on":o"p;":::2 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires; F1 I J---^'t- L(r^!A ' t Planner, Cbmmunity Development l4r,ar5"* 4 Witness my hand and official seal. LV e L.,,-+ar e- V\ L- e- Y( < 3 d ftrtrl- ga-'-L >'{ \Jc-* Mycommissionexpires: I O/>/ c] flao), 4-ct&r"+ /"w lW -e4:,;:i'"7tDaiilP"*w-"^"^.lnJqgil-"FffiTrryT8oi'1"."*: l:\everyone\tormsVevimpag.llr Page 3 of3 f,ITBAN( FlrstBank Of Vail 17 Vail Road VaiL CO E1657 (970) {t6-s686'LENDER. rT or van 75 South Vail, cO TEIIPHONE I{O. IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT lrlQ.; ggrrosz Frontage 816s7 loEtmFclTtor{ No. Dauphinais-l.lo Eeley Conatructior Petrick c DauDhilais Clarkaoa P ttoielev suzanne E Daupbiaais ADDRESS 1,{04 Moraine Drive Vail, co 81657 EfIRATION DATE This Letter of Credit shall expire upon th€ €arlier ot 1. the close of business on March 12, 19 99 and all drafts and accompanying stdements or docum€nts must be presented to Lender on or betors that time; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of this Letter of Credit has been drawn. sum of Lender hereby establishes r nf ndetrtv Sevetr el at th€ request and for th6 account of Customer.Thouaand Five Euadred atrd tro/loo'r 3ililif.ffi address indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary in writing) during regutar business hours and accompanied by th€ signed ffitten statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO EENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. IF YoU FEEL UNABLE To MEET AI.IY oF ITS REQUIREMENTS' EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFTTERMS AND COND]TIONS L€nd€r shall honor drafis submitted by Beneficiary under the following t€rms and conditions:quarantee conpletioa of laudscaping on rfit 26, Lious Ridge Filiug l{o. 3, row! of vaiJ. . Upon Lende/s honor of such drafts, Lender shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this Lett€r of Credh and sha not b€obligated to mak€ any further payments under this Letter ot credh once the full amount of credit availabl€ under this L€tter of credit has been drawn. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of its dishonor on or betore the tims specified in Paragraph 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credh once Lender has honored any draft or oth€r document which complies strictly with this Letter of Credh, and which on hs fac€ appears otherwiso in'order but which is signed, issu€d, or presonted by a party or under the nama of a party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to clatin through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary whhout Beneficiaq'/s authorization. 8y paying an amount demanded in accordanci with this LBtt€r of Credit, Lender makes no representation as to the correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not b€ liable to Bensficiary, or any oth€r person, for any amount paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any nonapplicdion or miiapplicaion by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary c€rtifies that eeneiiiary nas not and will not present upon th€ other, unless and until 8eneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lendsr any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of ths Letter of Cr€dif s maximum drawino amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS All drafts must b€ marked 'DRAWN UNDER FirstBaak Of Vait TRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDTT NO. 991losz DATED Marcb 12 ' 1996 ,' and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary or Beneficia4y's Transferse (if this Lett€r of Credit is transferable) may complete a draft and accompanying statemEnts or documonts required by this Lettgr of Credit and make a draw under this Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereundlr. Partial draws fl are permitted @ are not permitted under this Lstter of Credh. Lendeds honor of a pafiial dra$, shall correspondingly roduce the amount of credit available under this Letter of Credh. Following a partial draw, Lend€r shall rEtum this original Letter of Credit to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted hereon; in the altemative, and in its sole discretion, L€nder may issue a substitute Letter of Credit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above, loss any partial draw(s). 3. PERMTTTEDTRANSFEREES fl lf checked, this Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon prior written notice to Lendsr of th€ transfer. The Transferee shall be de€med tho new Beneficiary of this L€tter of Credit and th€ documents of the Transferee, including drafts required under this L€tt€r ol Credit, will b€ processed by Lander (or any intorm€diary) without ths originai Boneficiarys intsN€ntion and without any further obligation of L€nder to the original Beneficiary. E lf check€d, the right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A' A transfer (in hs €ntirety, but not in part) by direct operation of law to ths original Beneficiary's administrator, ex€crrtor, bankruptcy trustes, r€c€iver, liquidator, successor, or other rspresentative at law: and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entirety, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party aftsr express approval of a governmental bodv (udicial, administrativs, or executive). an lrrevocable Lstter of Credil in favor of Bengficiarv {or a 4. TRANsFEREeS REouTRED *"uF*a Wh€n the pres€nt€r is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the docum€nts required ficr a draw shall include: A. All documents requir€d elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by ehher the original Bsneficiary or thE pr€s€nter permitted by paragraph 3; and 8. When th€ pr€sent€r is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A. or a third party under paragraph 3.8., a certifisd copy ot the one or more documents which show th€ pr€sgnte/s authority to claim through or to act with authority for the original Beneficiary. 5. TIMING OF DISHONOR L€nder may r€ly upon any r€ason for dishonor which it communicatesto Beneficiary or the presenter within thres (3) Banking Days after Lender has rec€ived th€ last document forming Beneficiary's pr€s€ntment (the 'ThreE-Day Period'). LEnd€r shall be Entitled to rely upon such rsason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made before th6 Expiration Dat€, or (ii) thE timing inside th€ Thr€€-Day Period ol any pr€liminary communication(s) ftom L€nder concerning the dishonor decision or any reason for dishonor. For any r€ason ior dishonor given during the ThresDay Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have m€t thE 'reasonable time', Vithout d€|ay', and other timing r€quir€mer s as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary CrEdits, .|993 Revision, ICC Publication No 500, as most r€cently published by the International Chamber of Commerce (the'UCP') may impose. The Expkation Dat€ shall not b€ €xtonded to accommodat€ a presentm€nt made less than three (3) Banking Days before the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entitl€d to submh a draw request or provide Lender whh any documents in support of a draw aft€r th€ Expkation Dat€. Lender shall not be required to communicde a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day P€riod. 'Banking Day' means any day, excspt Saturday, on which commercial banks tocded in colorado are open. COMPLIANCE BURDEN L€ndsr is not responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliancE with the requirements of this Letter of Gredit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowl€dges: (i) that unless and until the pr€s€nt wording of this Leuer of Credh is amended with Lendeis prior writt€n conssnt, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Eeneficiary and (ii) that Lender is relying upon tho lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's inhial and continu€d approval of such wording. ilON.SE1/ERABIUTY lf any asp€ct ol this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenbrceable for any reason by any court or govornmental body having jurisdiction, Lende/s entire engagement under this LEtter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be r€stored to th€ position each would have occupied with all rigtrts available as though this Letter of Credit had never occur€d. This non-s€verability provision shall ovenide all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within this Letter of Credh. cHorcE oF LAWJURTSDICTTON This Lett€r ol Credit is subiecl to the UCP. This Letter ot Credh shall be governed by and construed in accordanc€ with th€ laws of the 514s 91 cdlorado , United States of America, except to the extent such laws are inconsistent with thE UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the iurisdiction and venue of any court selecled by Lender in its discretion located in thg State of Colorado in the event of any legal proceeding undEr this Letter of Credit. 9, E(PIRATION Lend€r h€r€by agrees with Beneficiary that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit will be duly honor€d it presented to the Lander on or before the Expiration Date. Dd€d: Xerch L2. L998 ENDORSEME]IT OF DRAFTS DMWN: 7. 8. Dat€ Negotiat€d By Amount ln Words Amount In Figures MASIa@B Q FomAlton T.chnotogt.i tnc, (el3igel (Boo\ g37{?0g