HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 27 CHATEAU TRAMONTE VAIL POINT III FILE 1 OF 2 LEGALD e partme n t of C ommun ity Dev e I opmen t 75 South Frontage Road I/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.c i.vail. co.us September 10, 2003 John Carlson, President Chaleau Tremonte Homeowner's Association 1890 Lions Ridge Loop Unit 84 Vail, CO 8'1657 Re: Tree replacement at Chateau Tremonte/Lot 27,Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Carlson: This letter is in response to a request by Kelli Anthony of McNeil Property Management to visit the Chateau Tremonte site to inspect the boulder and shrubs which were placed in the location of the removed Colorado soruce. This letter will serve as the Town's acceptance of the installed boulder and shrubs. Please be advised that the replacement of the removed Colorado spruce was imperative as it was a condition of approval for the Chateau Tremonte development required the tree placement as a deterrent lo the storage of snow on the southern end of the property which could adversely affect down slope property owners. Please be advised that snow storage should not occur on the southern end of the property. Snow can be pushed to the end of the driveway; however, at no point should there be such an excess that it creates a situation ol concern for down slope property owners. I appreciate your attention and cooperation in resolving this matter. lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at970-479-2148. With reoards. .l ; ;---'--' z1 ^ ill / | | | tl ,n, LlJtW,nti,tt'{wY Warren Camobell Planner ll Cc: File Kelli Anthony, McNeil Property Management {S *""r"""o ro"u t t Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us August 4, 2003 McNeil Property Management, Inc. c/o Kelli Anthony 2077 N. Frontage Road #104 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Tree replacement at Chateau Tremonte/Lot 27, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Ms. Anthony: This letler is in response to your request to visit the Chateau Tremonte site to inspect several boulders which were placed in the location ol the removed Colorado spruce. I have atlempted several limes to call you but repeatedly get the office voicemail system which states thal no one is in the office. As a result I will communicate my findings to you through this lelter. Several weeks ago we discussed the placement of a three foot boulder in the location. I stated thal at the time that could be a solution and requested a digital photo to verify the size was subslantial enough to prevent the storage ol snow in that area. I never received any photo of a proposed boulder. I also stated that I would be willing lo meet on site to identify the location of the reouired solulion. I was never called out to the site. Upon visiting the site Friday August 1, 2003 | found several smaller boulders had been placed in the location of the removed tree none of which were three feet in diameter. The installed boulders do not contain the mass and size necessary to prevent the storage of snow in that location. As well they are small enough for a plow to push them towards the slope down to Capstone Condominiums. This is evident in the existing boulder wall at the end of the drive which showed damage lrom this previous winler's snow plowing. Please add a boulder measuring three feet by three feet by three feel for a total of 27 cubic feet to the localion of the removed tree. The current boulders can be added around the 27 cubic foot boulder. ln addition please plant one 7-gallon shrub such as a red-twig dogwood in the general location of the removed Colorado spruce and the new boulder. I will gladly meet on site to discuss lhe location of a three foot boulder and 7-gallon shrub. So that you might understand why I am so adamant about the solutions to replacing the removed Colorado spruce I will provide some informalion on this developments approval. During the review and approval process of the Chateau Tremonte development the minutes of the August 26, 1996 public meeting show that there was concern from the neighboring, down slope neighbor, Capslone Condominiums over the pushing of snow to the end of the driveway which would evenlually find its way down the slope and adversely affecl the Capstone Condominiums development. The Town of Vail Code requires all snow storage to {S u.r"t"orntu occur own a development's own property. To miligate lhat concern the developer agreed to place landscaping in strategic locations to prevenl the accumulation of snow along the southern property line shared with the Capslone Condominiums. I appreciate your altention and cooperation to resolve this matter. l{ you have any questions please do not hesitale 10 call me al970-479-2148. 0d'0,,'^,l'CI Cc:File John Carlson, Chateau Tremonte Homeowners Association From: To: Date: Subiect: Warren Campbell BillKassW@aol.com 0711512003 3:27:20 PM Re: Chateau Tremonti replacement landscaping The Town will accept the boulder as described (3' x 3'x 3') and a 7-gallon shrub planted in the vicinity of the boulder. The location of both shall be approved by the Town. Again, the purpose of these improvements is to prevent snow from being pushed onto adjacent properties as prohibited by ordinance and to improve the landscape appearance of the area. Please provide some times when you would like to meet on sight to discuss the location of the boulder and shrub. Once again the Town appreciates your attnetion to this matter. lf you have any questions plese don't hesitate to call 97 0 47 9-2 1 48 Warren Campbell, AICP Planner ll Town Of Vail >>> <E[flKAssW@eo.l=com> 0710912003 1:41:14 PM >>> There was no text. The Board of Directors of Chateau Tremonte would like to place a boulder in the spot where the tree died. The boulder will be about 3' x 3' x 3'. ls this agreeable to the TOV? Sincerely Yours H. William Weiss Jr. President of the HOA of Chateau Tremonte. From: To: Date: Subject: Warren Camobell BillKassW@aol.com 0612612003 8:28:06 AM Re: Chateau Tremonti replacement landscaping FIL I coPy Dear Mr Kass, I am not certain what information you have been given to this point in time. This is not an issue of a complaint by a neighbor against the Chateau Tremonti Homeowner's Association. The tree that has died and been removed was placed in that location by the developer as a direct result of the design review process that your development went through. lt is correct that the tree was placed there to prevent the storage of snow which could cause run off problems for the down slope property. Upon doing a site visit I noticed that the existing stones at the base of the driveway were dislodged as a result of snow being pushed up in that area. This is exactly the problem whisch was to be avoided by placing the Colorado spruce in the location next to your home. As I have discussed with Mr. Carlson and Kelli Anthony with Dan McNeil's office we can look at other solution to replacing the Colorado spruce with the same plant. One of those options is to place a large boulder in that location. I informed Kelli Anthony to provide a photo of the proposed boulder before installation so that staff can affirm that it is a size which will effectively prevent snow storage buildup in that location. Please see the attached letters for further details. I look forward to resolving this issue quickly. With Regards Warren Campbell Planner ll Town of Vail 970479-2148 >>> <BillKassW@aol.com> 06/16/2003 1247'.56 PM >>> Dear Mr. Camobell: I am the owner of Unit D-12 which has my entrance on that location. The tree was not removed but died and was then cut down. I can not have a 10 foot pine in the original site because it would prevent me from gefting into my home. We just went thru a winter with over 450 inches of snow and there was no snow removal or piling of snow which could cause runoff in that area or it would restrict my entry way and also my garage. This complaint from neighbors is petty and shouled not take up the valueable time of TOV personnel. lf weehave 700 inches of snow there maybe a problem, however we should not worry about the end of the world because then there are no solutions which can be mandated bv humans. Respectfully Yours H. William Weiss Jr. \ ?ltE coPy Page '1 of , Warren Campbell - Chateau Tremonti replacement landscaping From: Warren Campbell To: billkassw@aol.com; jcarlsonl00@attbi.com; jryderl@earthlink.net; mcneill@vail.net; oscarpsevilla@aol.com Date: 06105/2003 9:33 AM Subject: Chateau Tremonti replacement landscaping Mr. McNeill, I am in reciept ofa letter from the Chateau Tremonti Homeowners' Association which discusses several option for replacing a Colorado spruce which was removed on the site. In that letter they requested that I speak directly with you or a representative of your office. An email was attached to the leuer from Kelli Anthony which discussed several options. The Town ofVail is willing to look at other options ifa Colorado spruce does not have a high chance of survival in that location. Please develop a plan and submit it to me for review. I am not a landscaper so please provide information on the the charatersitics of the plantings in the proposed solution so that I may determine if they are acceptable. For example how tall and wide does the planting get. Staff is only trying to achieve a solution which prevents snow from being stored in the location and eventually making its way down slope and negatively affecting neighboring properties. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Wanen Campbell Town of Vail 970479-2148 fi le ://C :\Windows\temp\GW ) 000 1 4.HTM 06/05/2003 -\a' Chateau Trernonte Ilomeowners' Association P0 Box 4694 Vail. CO 81658-4694 Mr. Warren Camobell I own of Vaii 75 South Frontaqe Road Vaii. CO 816i7 Mav 28. 2003 I)ear Mr. Campbell: We are in receiot of vour thoulrhtful and detailed erplanation rcqneslinq that our homeowner's association piant replacement tree(s) next to the entrywa),olunit Di2. ln response, rve have besun the Drocess of site evaluation and nricinq various ontions. We erpet:t that this and ofher landscaping issues wiil be resolved by late June and we hope our eiforts create a more mature and diverse landscapinp. presentation to our homeowners and anvone livinp near or passine bl the Chaleau'l-remonte development. As we discussed orevioush. the issue of site suitabilitv still concerns us. Fnclosed is a written {.ropy ol'an cmail message reocntly received by our boarui oi directors. in this lelter our landscape expeft oosits that a -spnroe is not suitable for thc lot:a1ion in quc,slion. Thus r.vr: are workinp. on alternative tree plantings which we hope will stand a belter change of survival and add to the overall amhiance of otrr cornmlnilr lf vou see anv callse for conccrn in the proposals set forth t'rv our landsc.aning cxpert. nlease contacl Dan McNeill at his office. Dan's number is 479-6Ua7. Sincerelv. Chateau Tremonte Homeor.vner's Association John Carlson Bill Wciss Oscar Sevilla John Ryder KcD JuN 0 42003 \Paqe I of 1 t' icarlsonl 00@attbi.eom From: "Dan McNeill" <mcneill@vail. net>T<s: "johrr V. R'vr-jei" ':ir-,'deii rAaaiiiririrk iret:-. "Biii ..irieiss" -<biiikassw@aoi cc;-;r:-, "oscari:seviiia" <oscarpsevilla@aol.com> ; "John Carlson" <jcarlsonl 00@attbi.com>ranr. i''ocri=r, t;,,1 27 ,:uu: 9.2 i ,..ii,i Subjeci: new rrees ioirii, i was asked b.v- Dan tlici\eiit to responci to your emaii regaftiing new trees arornd. 'llnereau i-. Due to the wind, lack oi drarnage and parttcularly dr,v soil at the south eird of ihe coini:iicx. I iecomineiicl 'rl'c st&'r cieai oi iisiirii soiiicc oi ijiiie. Althoush these trees are native to the area. they are extremely temperameniai anri have a hisher ri!!e oi iiriiure in the area. We sir"ive to use the most native. reriscapin.e nossible in order to he."vater elllcient 3nd hnl e e high rrtc ct _!ro\\-th :r-tccesr. We have, a fe.rrr options dependinp. on the a,ppearance and rr.se Chatcarr T is lo+king ta sbtalr. The followinc are -some ideas and e-stimated prrice-s withorrt in-qta,llation For the front entry. I recommend the follow: Shrrhcn ( 'hcrn'- u i!! tlou cr .rrril is r rooC sc:'ccn Sl5{} Mockora-nqe- a,shrrth will will prow'ouieklv. oood, f61 -screen. ercellent in dr.; a.reas;- $4(! A-spen- $22t| Serviceher'+.. s'l:nrh, e:*eellenf *irr dry areas- uill flc.,ver tr.hite .$.10 Back area: llopa ( )rahapplc- tiorvcrs- gooti scrccn- !i?50 Ponderosa Pine- hest pine for thi-c t\ pe of environment- $2 1 0 Cherr-v Retween the huil din g-q : !!onevsrrcklc- !:ootl scrccn, rvill llotrer- .$4{) Crahapple Installalion will be clepenclent upon the size and quantifu of tree-s. Please call me directlv regardins 'yor-tr opinion and the location of the rccs:. Thank vou- kelli anthony McNlerll l'ropertv [r,4 anagemcnt 5t?7 /2007 , FILE COPY TOWN OF VAIL D e p artme n t of C ommuni ty D eve lopme n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 14,2003 John Carlson, President Chateau Tremonte Homeowner's Association 1890 Lions Ridge Loop Unit 84 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Tree replacement at Chateau Tremonte/Lol 27, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Carlson: This letter is in response to your lener dated May 8, 2003. In your letter you discuss several items of confusion over the relationship between the need for replacing the tree and snow storage, concern for the survivability of a replacement lree, and the role of the Capstone Condominiums. I will address each item below in the above order. During the review and approval process of the Chateau Tremonte development the minutes of the August 26, 1996 public meeting shows that there was concern from the neighboring, down slope neighbor, Capstone Condominiums over the pushing of snow to the end of the driveway which would eventually find its way down the slope and adversely affect the Capstone Condominiums development. The Town of Vail Code requires all snow storage to occur own a development's own property. To mitigate that concern the developer agreed to place landscaping in strategic locations to prevent the accumulation of snow along the southern property line shared with the Capslone Condominiums. This relationship between the need for replacing the tree and snow storage was discussed in my initial letter dated March 12, 2003. Your concern over the suitability of the location lor a Colorado spruce in lerms of what caused il nol to survive initially is warranted. Whether il was soil, exposure, deadly fungus, pine beelle, or other factors, as slated in your letter, the site should be invesligated by a qualified arborist. The other spruce trees in the area, on the Chateau Tremonle site, should be assessed for their condition and any mitigation which could be performed to better their health before death and need of replacement should be initiated. lf after investigation it is discovered that a Colorado spruce will not survive il that location please contact me and we will work to find a suitable replacement. For example, groupings of aspens, large shrubs, boulders, etc. The reason the Capstone Condominium Association has been copied on all correspondence is that they are the neighboring property which is directly aflect by the loss of the tree as it was specifically located at that site to address a concern of lhe Capstone Condominium Homeowners in 1996. The Capstone Condominium Association has not filed a nuisance complaint against the Chateau Tremonle Association. The Town of Vail is not condoning "tit {S r"n"*o "or", for tat" complaints between this or any olher neighboring properties. Statf is following through on a call expressing concern over the missing tree which was received prior to my inilial letter dated March 12,2003. The Town of Vail staff is charged with investigated and resolving issues and in this case the specific tree removed had a specific purpose, location, and was a condilion of approval on the approved Chateau Tremonle development plan. In conclusion, staff is willing to work with the Chateau Tremonte Homeowner's Association lo reach a suitable solution. lt is my hope that I have adequate addressed your concerns and if lhere are any further questions please do not hesitate to call. Slaff would still like to work towards having a suitable solution and the installation of a replacement tree planted no later that June 23,2003. The replacement tree should be a l0-foot tall Colorado spruce unless it is determined by a qualified individual lhat there is a better alternative for increasing the survivability of a tree located at thal location. I appreciate your attention and cooperation to resolve this matter. lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 970-479-2148. With regards, lilaw" Warren Camobell Planner ll Cc: File Dan McNeit, McNeil Property Management Dale Bugby, Capstone Townhomes Homeowner's Association Chateau Tremonte Homeowners' Association Mr. Warren Campbell Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 May 8,2003 Dear Mr. Campbel[: The homeowners of Chateau Tremonte are happy to work with the Town of Vail on issues of landscaping and other items. Per your request to replace a tree which died and was subsequently temoved, we have taken up the issue within the homeowner's association. Before we can proceed, a number of items need clarification. We are confused as to the necessitv of replanting a tree in the location specified. It seems the reason given is one of snow-removal conoerns. We do not understand how this enters into the landscaping equation. Specifically, is it considered that the addition ofthe tree in question would improve our snow removal capacities, or diminish them? Secondly. we are uncertain as to the survivability of a spruce in the location under consideration. As you knou', the developers planted a spruce in this spot. but it djd not survive- lt is possible that due to any number of conditions - soil, exposure, deadly fungus, pine beetle or other factors - this location is not suitable for the planting ofa spruce. Keep in mind that other spruce trees in the vicinity are unhealthy and may ultimately need removal. Lastly, we are perplexed as to the role of the Capstone Condominium Association in matters of concem to the Chateau Tremonte development. We note that the president of the Capstone Condominium Owner's Association has been copied on letters to us regarding this issue. Please explain what role this other development plays in our landscaping issues. "Tit for tat" is a slippery slope, and if Capstone is filing nuisance complaints against Chateau Tremonte, this is not a behavior which should be supported by anyone within the Town of Vail. Sincerely, Chateau Tremonte Homeowner's Association John Carlson Bill Weiss Oscar Sevilla John Ryder ilLt 00PY D e par t me n t of C ommunity D eve I opme n t 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail.co.us April 18, 2003 John Carlson, President Chateau Tremonte Homeowner's Association 1890 Lions Ridge Loop Unit 84 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Tree replacement at Chateau Tremonte/Lot 27, Block 2, Lions Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Carlson: This letter is in response to your call regarding my letter dated March 1 1, 2003. In that letter I stated that there was concern over the removal of a Colorado spruce along the Chateau Tremonte's southern property line and the placement of plowed snow in its location. In your voicemail to me you requested that I put in writing the details of what is required to remedy this situation and your desire to have staff meet with you on site to ensure proper location of the tree. It is staff's determination that a minimum 1O-foot tall Colorado spruce needs to be planted in the location indicated on the approved landscape plan from 1996. Staff will meet you on site or provide a copy of the landscape plan to ensure proper location of the replacement tree. The replacement tree should be planted no later than June 23. 2003. I appreciate your attention and cooperation to resolve this matter. lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me al479-2148. With regards, n 11 /J*^ 0r,^^ji Warren Campbell I Planner ll Cc: File Dan McNeil, McNeil Property Management Dale Bugby, Capstone Townhomes Homeowner's Association {S *"n"uo r^r", at arren Planner Campbell ll FILEWp,t' TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontqge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us John Carlson, President Chateau Tremonte Homeowner's Association 1890 Lions Ridge Loop Unit 84 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Snow plowing and tree replacement at Chateau Tremonte/Lol27, Block2, March 12, 2003 Lions Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Carlson: This letter is in response to a call I received regarding snow plowing and a dead tree along the southern property line of the Chateau Tremonte site. In response to this call I reviewed the file for the approval of the Chateau Tremonte on August 26, 1996. Upon review of the staff report and minutes of approval I found that there was great concern placed on the landscaping and snow plowing which was to occur on the southern property line of the Chateau Tremonte site and its impacts on the neighboring Capstone Townhomes, There was concern over the plowing and storage of snow at the southern end of the driveway. In order to limit the storage of snow the approved landscaping plan shows a 10-foot tall Colorado spruce along the southern property line which was to compliment an existing stand of aspens. Upon receipt of my letter please contact me so that we can discuss the snow storage situation and the missing tree. I am confident we can reach a mutually agreeable solution to this matter. I appreciate your attention and cooperation to resolve this matter. lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2148. Cc: File Dan McNeil, McNeil Property Management Dale Bugby, Capstone Townhomes Homeowner's Association With regards, {g r*o"or^ro >ct- F8 E a*"t FC)#E l-!,-O $s .it- * s o \-- --4- KGchlein Consultin? Engineers Gonsulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy . Suite 135 . Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (303) 989-0204 FAX (970)949-6009 (970) e4e-9223 FAX (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Septernber 8, 1997 Mr. Skip Organ DJ Organ Builders P.O. Box 1709 Fdrvards, CO 8163?.-l 709 Subject: Excavation Inspection for the Proposed Residence Lot27 - Lions Ridge Loop Building 3 - Units 10, I I & 12 Vail, Colorado JobNo.97-248 As requested, a representative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed irr the excavation at the subject site on September 5, 1997. The purpose ofour inspection was to verif that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed towltholne. The depth of the excavation varied frorn approxirnately 4.0 to 9.0 feet. The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of a moist, dense to very dense, silt and sand with gravels and cobbles. The loose soils within the excavation were compacted in accordance with our recommendations. In our opinion, the exposed soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Our opinion is based otr the natural foundation soils remaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. S incerely. SBM/ir ( | couv sent)'/4 cc: 'l-ou,n ol'Vail - b * f,\ |ilj'1 KGchlein Consultin? Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Plrwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE AVON SILVERTHORNE (303) 989-1223 (303) e8e-0204 FAX (970) 94e-600e (970) 949-9223 FAX (970) 468-6933 (e70)468-6939 FAX August 27, 1997 (Revised September 8, 1997) Mr. Skip Organ DJ Organ Builders P.O. Box 1709 Edrvards, CC I I 5i2- I 709 Subject: Excavation lnspection for the Proposed Residence Lot27 - Lions Ridge Loop Building I - Units 1,2 &J and Building 2 - Units 4,5 &6 Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-248 As requested, a representative front our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the excavation at the subject site on August 25, 1997. The purpose of our inspection was to verifo that the exposed materials would safely support a spread footing foundation system for the proposed townhomes. The depth of the excavation varied froln approximately 4.0 to 5.5 feet. The materials exposed in the bonom of the excavatiorr consisted of a moist, dense to very dense, silt and sand r+'ith gravels aud cobbles. We recornmerrd that the loose soils within the excavation be properly moisture conditioned and conrpacted. Provided our recommetldations are followed, we believe that the exposed soils will safely support a spread footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Our opinion is based on the natural foundation soils remaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opporlunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerelv. SBM/jr (l copy sent) cc: l'own of Vail - @ KOECHLEIN SULTING ENGINEERS 1}' ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT - THIS AGREEMENT. is made and enrered inro this )y'*auy or O.'/'!u 6K- by S-.,^-,:*//rae" cc<- , ana Fayn E;a bolo, ua.t^Atg-a quisr-municipal corporarion of the State of Colorado. hereinatier referred to as 'District''.zr.,* DrJhrcf. WHEREAS. Properry Owner(s) isiare presently propeny described as. LotJ ?, Block 2 , Filing J . Llott the ,owner(s) of cenain real RiJr< Subdivision. located in Eagie Counry, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement, /J- fsg1 1t width. running tfu'ough the aforemenrioned properry, which easement is described on Exhibit A. attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS. Properry Owner(s) desires to construct a permanent structure that will encroach upon the described easement in an area approximately // ' x Z? ', said encroachmenr being described on Exhibit A; anc WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The District shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner(s) shall indemnify the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Propeny Owner(s) shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any riamage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Properry Owner(s) shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to rhe District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximiry of the permanenr structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Propeny Owner(s), and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned propeny in Eagle County, Colorado until such time rhat the District abandons J. said easement. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the Iaws of the State of Colorado. IN MTNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. PROPERTY OWNER(S) DISTRICT ATTEST: ) Dennis Gelvin, General ,Manager By Assistant Secretary : -.',+.. . -.. .'...i- r'1. ,.".._.- .-'\,^..STATE'0F.COLORADO ) -'.ti.'. ;.; '_ ,)ss. ' : GOUI.fTY OF EAGLE ) . The_foregg g instrument was acknowledged before me this 14 day of Vac./ -' E\' aY J <2+^'. - 7 t I\{y Commission expires: 7 i -,a STATE OF COLORADO )ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this LZ luy of Vt / -, L99&, by Dennis Gelvin, as General Manager of the Upper Eagle Valley Consoiidated N N\ M a't \\ ,J ( ? Gr- I J t q / 'l . -l-l''+--.t.. i'.-'.-l t 'F z.l F; tlj t'.] \' Hl KilJ O.' ffil ,4'* ' -,2!/,,"d i* .i \J ri i\,+o ./*\o .-t> *o \_\\> ^s -.. d, .,ci\\t\ S L,'1 o --- -- _t{_ -\'\(\ -\ \zs -S= IIJ .J o & o 2 o >.. .''t,t', l.'( -\\ Tecordcdat--_oclock_M Keceptron No. _ QUITCLAIM DEED THIS DEED, r"ruae tri. 7 th day or November betBeen HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. re 96 a corporation dulv- organized and exirting under and by virtue of the laws of the state ofcolorado. grantor. and _ SIJMMIT PINES LLC whose legal address is 234 Loyola B1dg. i1911 New Orleans , LA 701L2 ofthe * Count_v of Eagle . State ofColorado. granrce,wlrNEssltTll' That the granto( for and in considcration ofthe sum of ten dollars and other sood and valuable cons idera t ion---------DOt L {RS. the recetpt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released, sold and eulr CLAIMED, and by these presents does remis€, release' sell and QUIT cLAtM unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, all the right, litle. interest, claim and demand whrch rhe grantor has in and lo the real property togelher with improvements, ifany, situate. lying and berng rn the said County of Eagle and State of Colorado described as forrows: A portion of Ehe fifteen (15) foot lride utility easemenr located along the northerly boundary of Lot 27, Block 2, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision,Filing No. 3 described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 27 and extending wesEerly a distance of 230 feet. Said easement rras dedicated on the plat for said subdivision recorded September lO, 1979 in book 29O at page 794 in the Eagle County Courthouse, Eagle, Colorado. This Quit Claim does not include any portion of the easement dedj.cated along the easterly boundary of said LoE 27. also known by street and number as: N r/A To HAVE AND To HoLD the same. together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in an),v,ise thereunto appertaining' and all the estate' right, title' interest and claim whatsoever, ofthe grantor, either in law or equit,v, to the only- proper use, benefit and behoof of the grantee' his heirs and assigns fotever. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural lhe singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOR The grantor has caused its corpoEte name to be hereunto subscrib€d by its General Manaqer )€(oddiroxfn Ofi< th€ day and y-ear fiIst above written. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. Secretarv STATE OF COLORADO County of Gar f ie ld The foregoing insrrument was acknowledged before me this KenE Benham as General Manager of Holy Cross Electric AssociaE ion, m-v hand and official s€al. notary commission expires: in Deo!e.. inserr "Ciry and'. day., of November -4 Inc . /-/.? QUIT CL4.INt DEf,D (Corporrtion) Bradford Publishing, | 741 Wazee Sl., Denver. CO 80202 _ (303) 292-25LU _ l2-92 (Fr'rse) and Addrcss of Pcrson Creating Newli Cr€jrcd No. 1088. Rer: 12-92. .re 96 e o; z c -E E o - - E -Ll -|- i -r't o c-o I o a) a, ? = FORM (G) 122-rO-r910 Recorded at o'clock _M Reception No.Recorder QUITCLA|M DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Public Service Company of corporation, of Denver, Colorado for good and valuable consideration hereby Document No. PIat No. Grid No. Colorado, a Colorado sells and quitclaims to present owners of the fee title of the property described below qt/tllfr&'vtrypl +n4state-e{aelerad+th e f o I lowi n g d esc ri bed rea I property in the (City and) Coung of Fagle and State of Colorado, to-wit: whose address is ZX4loyola, Building #911 That certain 1S-foot (15') wide utility easement adjoining the northerly property line of Lot 27, Lion's'Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3, recorded September 10, 1979 in Book 290 at Page-794, in the official reiords of Eagle County, Colorado. Address or property Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Vail, CO Consideration: (less than $600)€r{g with all its appurtenances. )* l* day ot fSt?+htt , p %o by George J Vonesh, Jr. as Manager, Engineering Suooort and Rioht-of-Wav ^{ D.,hri. earrrira rnrnna nw at catr'.aArt l* PUBLIC By srATE OF COLORADO, ) ) ss. City and County of Denver ) George J. Vonesh, Jr. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Support and Right-of-Way - ol Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation. My commission expires Witness my hand and official seal. 'Strike inapplicable phrase. Vnv*,b nzt:z -/ADDRESS Thisinstrumentshouldberecordedintheofficeoftheclerkandrecorderofthecountywherethepropertyislocated0sir rvsys.11.6. 'f t TOIW OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/,657 970-479-21 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 August 27, 1996 D e p art me nt of Connnunit-t D eve lopn ent 0$copr Steve Gensler 5299 DTC Boulevard Englewood, CO 801I I FAX 303-688-2273 RE: Thc submittal requircments for Dcsign Revicw Board revicrv of thc proposcd Vail Point Phasc Iil proiect Dear Stevc: Thank you for appcaring bcfore the Tovm of Vail Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC), on lvlonday, August 26, 1996 u'ith the proposcd Vail Point Phase III setback variance request. As you are aware. the Planning and Enrironmcntal Commission unanimously approvcd the rcqucsted front setback variance. as amended. u'ith six conditions. Thc purpose of this lettcr is to providc you rvith rvritten documcntation of thc PEC conditional approval and inform you ofthe six conditions placcd on the approval. This lctter is also intendcd to provide;'ou with a list of outstanding issues, rvhich must be resolvcd prior to final review of your project by thc Toun of Vail Dcsign Review Board on Wedncsday, Scptcmber I 8' i 996' The PEC piaced the follorving conditions on your approval: I . That the applicant schedule a hearing before the Vail Tou.n Council for review of the proposcd site plan. pnor to appearing bcforc thc Toq.n of Vail Dcsign Review Board, as rcquired in the Arr.ncxation Agrecmcnt of July I 7, I 979: and 2. That the applicant vcrifo thc vacation of the l5' widc, utility easement along thc nonherly property line priOf to appcaring bcforc the Town of Vail Design Review Board; and 3. That tbc applicant rcceivc To.vn of Vail Public Works Departrnent and Torvn of Vail Fire Department approval of thc proposed sitc plan pnal to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board: and {S *r"""rro r*r* That the applicant install a constuction fence, ps@ to the issuance of a building permit' along the qbZ ,top" line and the area around tGEisring landscapg implgv:ments to the south, to protect these areas during the construction process' and thlt said fence shall not be remoned until all driveway and building construction is completed; and That the applicant submit for review and approval, a snow removal and storage plan; and That ifthe three, coniferous trees indicated on the approvedplans are transplanted by the applicant, that a bond of 125%be established to guarantee the survival, or replacement, of the said trees for a period of two growing seasons effective the date of transplanting' 6. In addition to the conditions of the Planning and Environmental Commission approval, the following issues must be resolved qfigl to inal review of your proposed request by the Town of Vail Design Review Board: That all retaining walls, greater than 4'in height, be reviewed and stamped approved by a Physical Engineer; and That all top and bottom wall elevations are provided on the ploposed site plan and landscape plan: and That a surface drainage plan be submitted for review and approval by the Town of Vail Public Works Deparlment; and The proposed site plan must be amended to remove Building #l from the required 20' wide front yard setback: and That a limit ofdisturbance be delineated on the site plan and landscape plan and that a constuction fence be installed along thc limit of disturbance; and That a topographic survey of original, existing conditions on the site be submitted and that the site pian be amended to refleit existing topographic conditions on the properly; and That a landscape plan, witl a landscape legend, be submitted for review and approval by the Design Review Board; and That a hre-lane access easement be dedicated and recorded for emergency vehicle access and circulation on the property; and That the proposed site plan show All, roofridge and eaveline elevations to determine building height; and That a fue hydrant be located on the property in tbe landscape island, between Buildings #3 andll4'.and t. 2. ^ 5. 6. 1 8. 9. 10. ,' ll.Thatemergencyvehicleaccess,withaminimum3g.tumingradiusfromLionsridgeloop' be provided: and 12. That a tree preservation and relocation plan be submitted for review and approval in accordance witu tne ptanning and Environmental comrnission approval of August 26' 1996: and 13'ThattheapplicantappearbeforetheVailTownCouncil,asrequiredbytheAnnexation Agreement ofJufy ii, 1979,fortheTown Council's review and approval ofthe proposed develoPment Plan. Again, each ofthe issues addressed must be resolved prior to,final review ofyour project by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. In order to prouid. sufficient time to review yow proposed flunr, you will neJ to submit all revised plans to the Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Deparbnent by no later than noon, Tuesday' September 3, 1996' If you are unable to meet this O.iJtin", the 6esign Review Board will not be iute to provide you with. a final review on September I 8, 1996. The item could be scheduled for a conceptual review by the Design Review Board with a final review to follow at a subsequent meeting' should you have any questions or concerns with regards to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily during regular office hours at4'79'2145. Sincerely, 4.1 /J4-.Kur'h)l George Rutber Town Planner GR/jr 8i*:':+ j;:;.g,+,,{ tet TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Julv 31. 1996 Steve Gensler 5299 DTC Boulevard Englewood, Colorado 801l l RE: The proposed front setback and building height variance for Lot 27, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing # 3. Dear Steve: Thank you for your Planning and Environmental Comission application for thc front setback and building heighi variances proposed for Lot 27, Block 2, Lions Ridge SuMivision, Filing # 3. Upon pieliminary review of your request, it appears there are numerous issues which must be resolved prior to review by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. The purpose of thir l"tter is to inform you of those issues which must bc addressed prior to final review. The following issues must be addressed: 1. Please submit a proposed landscape plan. The iandscape plan shaii identifu the iocation and quantities of plant material proposed for Lot27. 2. In order to determine if any encumbrances exist onLot2T,, please submit an updated title report including Schedules A and B' 3. To determine the total buildable area of the site, please submit the topographic survey, dated either 1989 or 1993. The survey must indicate pre-existing topos prior to the dumping of fill dirt on the site. 4. Buildings# 10,11 and12areoverontheallowablebuildingheight. Maximumbuilding height for the Medium Density/Tvlulti-Family Zone District is 38'maximum. {,7 *""'"u' "*"" 5. Emergency vchicle access to the sitc is inadequate. Firc vchicles cannot make access onto the property when approaching from thc west. Please amend the driveway access point to accommodate fi rc emergency vehicles' 6. A fire vehicle tumaround is requircd on the site pursuant to Section 10.203 of the Uniform Fire Codc. 7. A fire hydrani is required on the site. The fire hydrant should be located in the landscaped island, bctwcen Units # 3 and4. This would providc for adequate flne-flow requirements per Uniform Fire Code Appendix IIl. 8. Additional ridge elevations are rcquired on the proposed roof plan. The additional eievations arc rcquired in order to detcrmllc building hcight. Please underlinc E!! roof ridges. 9. Please indicate areas for proposed snow storage. 10. A 15' wide utility easement exists along the northerly propcrty of Lot 27' An encroachment agrcernent will be rcquired ifa variance approval is granted. Again, each of the issues identified above must bc resolved prior to the final rcview of your front setback and building height variance rcquests before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. In order to rcmain on the agenda for the August 12, 1996 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, you will need to submit each of the items identified above by no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, August 2, 1996. If you are unable to mcet this deadline, your itcm will be tabled from the August 12, 1996 Planning and Environmental Commission. Should you bave any questions or concerns with regard to the information addresscd in this lettcr, as always, please do not hesitate in giving mc a call. You can reach me most easily during regular offi ce hours at 479-21 45. Sincerely, L*n-t(.-',''t George Ruther Town Planncr GFJjr Printed by George Rutsher t7/ ---t|-'.,t|'--'----- F'rom: Jeff Atencio To: George Ruther Subject: vail Point rrr ===NOTE==LLl12/96=--2 :55Pm= George,Vail Point III, the Plans are here and they do work' Fire Department can sign off on this Project with no obj ecLions ireff Atencio November, 12, 1996 Page : l- o Irl ,Fi ():tc ( a l"J 3e2 I-(DL .t9,uro) 01 N;4ro: z,i>oo(E t,, a\rt !r I - -O O T .I: -I 7\ :I I f 'art -I -tt a a f O -il _o- &---.c-\tn o..r' 2 -'o -:+ <_Yi\ce ) i'--)- ----, (io \1 \c>u h; _ -\-_ \9:-J z-' *---,J :{ * -? \\'\-\* ll -{J"l saS*|uil:'":yl#T:* 3*l=l e Ac+1 4A?A4e , .'.r..F^r.f'71'llrr'..t.''f'-JTr{T:--1'v'i dlign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel tzl.* lak fjeretLIJtIt) Project Name: Bullding Name: Projec{ Descripton: Orvner,Address andPhone: arEu€- &etl<la4 ArchitecUContacl, Address and Phone: Legaf DesoiptiontLot Z'7 Block 7 Subdtuision La*r*z;4,= :*D zoneDistrict Vlwtttr Project Street Address: Comments: €@staff Action / F Approval E Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: t. jt t-tt,h , eer' €,^ /flzt*cnf TJaJ Seconded by: lflvil t4 ./") I -l ^ .t-n - K, . -f ./u^,./ Town Planner o*e, /Zf<f qA DRB Fee er"-p^ia 20.(D 1\ 0y l?:c-t a- tr- I, i ,i, !ocJ 1b,,, updated 4ll7l95 I. GENERALINFORMATION ' tt -lag,a<_e <ebrt&| h6;1ftl This proccduro is rcquircd for any project rcqucsting a varianco. Thc application will not bc acceptcd until all thc information is zubmittcd. A. BREIIT DDSCRIPTION OI. PROPOS appti"utionnuto 7 - /J-S?'/ ffi I 5 fr\". t1l-\jrri,i i PEc MEETING nnrsJ:--:w vtiu'll' APPLICATTON FOR A VARIANCE ? $$6 u['i Iir l)i iiLt I lzv", t s L'"u/r ,J otJi'L /a*t o"z4q NAME OF APPLICANT (typo or print ^DDRESS 5:2f f )f( llut #J?go prc:Nt:_hl22J-ff-f) CITY, STATE, ZIP C. NAME OF APPLICANT'S RI]PRESENTA (re,u: ADD CITY, STATE, ZIP Lrl (-, D. NAME OF OWNER(S) (typo or print owNER(S) srGNA ADDRI]SS CITY, STATE, ZIP E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL:h.ot) 4*- with a planning staff member is strongly rccommended to dctcrminc if any additional No application will bo accopted unlcss it is complctc (mu$ includc all itcms rcquircd It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointmcnt with thc staffto find 6ut about additional submittal rcquircmcnts. V. STJBMIT'TALINFORMATION PLDASE NOTE TIIAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE TI.IE APPROVAL PROCDSS I.'OR YOUR PROJECT BY DtrCRtrASING TI.IE NUMBER OIl CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TIIAT TI'IE PLANNING AND D}.IVIRONMI]NTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATI,. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BI] COMPILED WITII BI,FORD A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. T^ ,.--./. ror--2.1-----slocrr:l-ennrc L,;"^'r€"'J I e J" lJl' 'TREETADDRESS (io^t€,<t[( Co.of .ITY,STATE,,,o VT,:L , G|.n,,d.^ rr.. FEE I $2s0.00 roro?,4'60-.K#JZL-L-8" Sfrl,t".- t' ! "f-.- Tho fee must bo paid bcfore thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dopartmcnt will accopt your proposal. III. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIT-ICATION Stampe4 ad&c.ssed envelopes ofthc names ofowners ofall propcrty adjaccnt to thc subjcct ProPcrty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addrcsscs. TIIE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSIS. tv. B. c. a FOUR (4) COPES OF TITE FOLLOWING MUST B[ SUBMITTI]D: A. A written statement of the precise nature of the variance requested and the regulation involoved The statement must also address: a l.Tho rclationship oftho requostcd variancc Lo other oxisting or potcntial uses and structuros in tho vicinity. The degrce to which relieffrom the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified rcg:rilation is neccssary to achievo compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain thc objcctives of this titlc without grant or spccial privilcge. 3. The effect ofthe variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transpofiatiorL traflic facilities, utilities, and public safcty. 4. IIow your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least 1" = 20'stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sullicient to indicate the dimensions, geneml appearance, scale and use ofall buildings and spaces existing and proposcd on tho sito. A prcliminary title report to vcrify ownership and eascmenls. Ifthe proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then wrinen approval from the association in support ofthe pmject must b€ received by a duly authorized agent for said associalion. Any additional material ncccssary for the review ofthe application a.s dctermined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement suwey and site plan may be waived by thc zoning administrator. TIMII RIIOIJIRIIMRNTS The Planning and llnvironmental Commission mccts on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of cach month. A completo application form and all accompanying material (aS dcscribed above) must bs submitled a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the datc of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning stallbefore or altcr the designed sbmittal date. All PEC approved variances shall lapse ifconstruction is not commenced within two years ofthe datc of approval and diligently purzued to completion. OTI-IER Ifthis application requires a separate rcview by any Local, State or Fedcral agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fce shall bc increascd by $200.00. Examples of zuch review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of flighway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. Tho applicant shall be responsiblo for paying any publishing fecs which arc in excess of50% ofthe application fee. Il, at thc applicant's request, any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing tho mattcr to be re-publish€4 thcn, thc entire fcc for such re-publication shall bo paid by the applicant. Applications decmcd by the Community Dcvelopment Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the communiry may require review by consultants other than town stafl Should a determination be made by tho town staffthat an outside consultant is needed to reviow any application, Community Developmcnt may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of monoy nccessary to pay him or hcr and this amount shall be fonvardcd to thc Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon complotion of tho rcviow of the application by the consultant, any ofthc funds forwarded by thc applicant for payment ofthe consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall bc retumed to the applicant. Expenses incured by the Town in cxcess ofthe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. D. I i" {--r\. G. VI. B. VIL A. B. C. f:\everyone\formsVariancc4 I 7 Vail Town Council l. Process WhenLot2T,Block2,Lionsridge#3wasannexedintotheTownofVail'anAnnexation egtl"-"nt was executcd (July 17, 1979)' According to the agreement: * there would be a review of each proposed site plan within the annexation area. review would be by the PEC, TC and DRB' the review process is similair to an SDD, the proposal is not an SDD no specific review criteria was established' stafffeels the MDMF zone district, goals of the town' and DRB guidelines are applicable critcria, DeveloPment Potential development potential per Eagle County approval approval allows for 15 dwelling units and 19,445 sq' ft' of GR-FA + credits total allowable GRFA is 22,162 sq. ft. ProPosal The applicant is proposing to construct l2 dwelling units comprising a total of 21,614 sq. ft. the remaining 548 sq. ft. of GRFA will be removed per this request on August 26,PEC approved a front setback variance allowing unit #7 to .n".o*h into the required 20 ft. front setback up to l2 ft' PEC approval carried with it 7 conditions "r"^l ,l fno{e ko fi#olA 6.{bi\5^L o { t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission community Development Department August 26, 1996 A request for height and front setback variances to allow for the conslruction of roui irijfl* buitdiigs, located at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing #3 (Vail Point Phase lll). Applicant: Steven Gensler and Stephen Katz Planner: George Ruther PIiDJECI!E.9MIEIICN A. Qeneral Description Steve Gensler and Steve KaV. are proposing to construcl lour, triplex units on phase lll at Vail Point. Phase lll is'zoned medium density multi-lamily. The four' triplex structures will be served by a common driveway, 22'wide,$tith an emerge,rcy vehicle turnaround at the south end ol tfre drive-vrray._There will be a totat 6t 12 dwetting units comprised of 2'1,614 sq. ft. of GRFA . The units will range in size from-1,783 sq. ft. to 1,804 sq' ft. Staff will discuss specific corn'ponents of the development under the analysis in section lV of this memorandum. Thg applicants are Pr encroacnes uP to 1Z'intg tltg=, p to 9' into tne sgtback:. A totql of 286 n the front setback. According to Section Ti-.18. m front setback for structures built in the Medium Density Multi-Family Zone District shall be 20'. Therefore, the applicants are requesting a variance lrom Section lAJ€Jlql' to allow for the construction of two structures to encroach into the 20' required front setback, up to 12'and 9'respectively. The applicants have stated that the location of Lionsridge Loop in proximity to the northerly property line warrants the granting of the requested variance. A letter from the applicants addressing their position on the variance has been attached for reference. The applicants had originally requested a building height variance to allow one ot the lour, triplex structures to exceed the allowable building height of 38" The applicants have since withdrawn their building height variance request. Therefore, staff will not be addressing the building height issue in this memorandum. J 1,L,3 Gq_) 1 I B. Process When Vail point was annexed into the Town of Vail, the Annexation Agreement dated July 17, 1979, (Book 428, Page 936),stipulated thalthere would have to be a revrew of each proposed site plan by the Planning and Environmental Commission (peb), ifre VailTown Council and the Design Review Board (DRB) for each phase of ine Valt Point project. Though the proces-s is similar to a Special Development District (SDD), the proposal is not an SDD. Furthermore' the annexation ordinance did not specify review criteria. However, applicable criteria for this project include the standards for the Medium Density Multi-Family Zone District, gen6rat goals addressed in the Town of Vail's long-range planning documents an-d the Design Review Board Guidelines (Chapter 18.54) of the Town oJ Vail MuniciPal Code. The annexation agreement permits 15 dwelling units and 19,462 sq. ft. of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), plus credits of 225 sq. ft. per dwelling unit for Lot 27 . Under the proposed design, there are 2,700 sq. ft. of credits as there are 12 dwelling units. By adding the credits to what is allowed, the total allowable square f ootage tot tol 27 is 22,162 sq. ft. ol GRFA' II. BACKGROUND OF THE VAIL POINT PROJECT The Vail Point Townhome development (formerly Talon Townhomes), Phases I, ll and lll, was annexed into the Town of Vail on July 17, 1979. Ordinance No. 29, Series of 1979, addresses the annexation. Upon annexation into the Town of Vail, Lot 27 (Phase lll) was designated Medium Density Multi-Family zoning with the conditions outlined in the annexation agreement. The review process was defined at the time the project was annexed into the Town of Vail, as described in Section I of this memorandum. The Vail Point Townhome development is comprised of three phases. Phases I and ll are located on Lot 1, Block 3, which is on the north side of Lionsridge Loop, and Phase lll is located on Lot 27 . Block 2, which is across the street, on the south side of Lionsridge Loop. According to the annexalion agreement, Phases I and ll were approved for 48 dwelling units, while Phase lll was approved for a maximum of 15 dwelling units. The list below summarizes the history ot the Vail Point Townhome Project: Phase I Phase l, as constructed, includes 20 dwelling units having a total GRFA ot 27 '759 sq. ft. lt is completed and final certificates of occupancy have been issued. Phase ll As originally approved, Phase ll called for the construction of 20 dwelling units having a totalallowable GRFA of 28,045 sq. ft. In September of 1989' the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a modification to the plan to oecrease lhe number of dwelling units by one and increase the total GRFA allowed by 750 sq. ft. This approval resulted in the overall total allowable GRFA for Phase ll to be 28,795 sq. ft. The 750 sq. ft. of additional GRFA granted by the Planning and Environmental Commission to Phase ll was required to be deducted from the total allowable GRFA for Phase lll. Phase lll on June 8, 1992, Steve Gensler proposed a modification to the approved plans for Phase ll. This plan was approved by the Planning and Environme.ryll . Commission ancl was subsequently constructed. lt included a total of 28'682 sq. ft. of GRFA in 18 dwelling units. The difference in GRFA (1 13 sq. ft.) was to be transferred back to Phas6 lll. A large portion of this was used at a later time by a 96 sq. ft. interior expansion lo the KaE residence in Phase ll. The 96 sq' ft' expansion left only iZ sq. tt. of GRFA to be transferred back to Phase lll. Construction in Phase ll is not complete' originally, there was 19,445 sq. ft. of allowable GRFA (plus credits) allocated for totiZ linase lll). The totalallowable GRFA has been increased by 17 sq. ft. to 19,462 sq. ft. plu's allowable credits. There is a credit of 225 sq. ft. per dwelling unit lor units constructed in this zone district. On June 13, 1994, Steve Gensler appeared before the Planning and Environmental Commission with a request for a worksession to discuss the construclion of four, duplex units on Phase lll. At that time, the applicant was proposing to reduce tne totat density on the property from the allowed 'lS.dwelling Lniis to 8-clwelling units. The Planning and Environmental Commission discussed at length the site plan tor Lot27. Of most importance, was the preservation of the existing landscape improvements, constructed by the owners of the Cappstone Townh-omes, along the southerly property line of Lot 27. Additionally, the Planning and Environmental Commission was interested in seeing the developer keep a minimum of 15' of Separation between each structure constructed on the property. The Planning and Environmental Commission did discuss the possibility of granting a front Setback variance lo allow several of the structures to encroach into thefront setback, in order to preserve the existing landscaping along the southerly property line. lt is important to note that the discussion was preliminary, and a more specific application would need to be submitted for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Planning and Environmental Commission was specifically concerned that lhe applicant needed to exhibit the existence of a physical hardship, allowing the granting of a variance at the time of f inal review. On June 13, 1994, a motion was made to table the discussion to the July 27, '1994 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. On September 12, 1994, the applicant requested that the item be tabled indefinitely, to allow the applicant time to address the numerous issues identified by the Planning and Environmental Commission. On August 12, 1996, Steve Gensler appeared before the Planning and Environmental Commission with a reouest for a front setback variance, to allow ffio ' croach uP to t 9' into the front setback, while the other structure was proposed to encroach up to 17' into be built in the front setback. After a lengthy discussion on the proposed front setback variance request, which included public testimony from adjoining property owners, the Planning and Environmental Commission voted unanimously to table the applicant's request to a subsequent meeting, to allow the applicant time to redesign the site plan. The planning and Envirorimental Commission members agreed that a hardship existed on the property, thus permitting the applicant to encroach into the front setback, however, the'Planning and Environmental Commission members did not teel that the hardship warranted a '19' and 17' encroachment into the front setback. The Planning and Environmental Commission requested that the applicant reduce the ahount of encroachment into the front setback' A copy of ttid Oraft August 12, 1996 Planning and Environmental Commission minutes addressing the applicant's request have been attached for reference. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Description: Zoning: Lot Size: Allo,vable GRFA per Talon Townhome recoros: Development Slandard Height: Density GRFA: Setbacks: Allowable 38', 15 D.U. 22,162 sq. ft. Prooosed J/.3 12D.U. 21,614 sq. ft. 8'--E- 24' Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 3/'1894 Lionsridge Loop (Phase lll)' Medium Density Mutti-Family (MDMF). 2. 103 acres (per Eagle Valley Surveying) or 91 ,637.2 sq. ft. 19,462 sq. ft. of GRFA + a credit of 225 sq. ft. per construcled dwelling unit or 22,162 sq. tt. Front: 20'Side/Side 20' Hear: zu Site Coverage: Bataining wall heights: Parking: 45oh ot 41,236.7 sq. ft. 15ol. or .13,716 sq. ft. 3',-6' 6' 2 per dwelling unrt 2 enclosed spaces per dwelling unit IV. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested setback variance. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity' Phase lll of the Vail Point Townhomes is approved' per the Annexation-. Agreement of 1979, lor 15 dwelling units.and 22,162 squalq feet of GRFA'. ifie prJpJseO Oensity ot Lot27 (P-hase lll) is.compatible with the density of tne ott'et multi-family proiects in the vicinity (Vail Point Townhomes Phases | & ll and tn6 baistone Condominiums) The applicant lta:. -, . propoleo to construct .12 dwelling units comprising approximately 21 ,614 iqriare feet of GRFA. The applicant has proposed to construct the{eu+, tiiilex buildings as tar to the'north as possible to maintain an adequate sdparation be'tween the Capstone Condominiums to the south, and to preserve the existing landscaping and landscape improvements - encroaching on to L;t 27. This has been propos-ed as a result of worksessio-n meetings with the PEC in June of 1994. ln order tO maintain the existing landscaling and pr6vide an adequate separation between the proposed itructures an-d the 6xisting condominiums to the south' the ipiticant has proposed to encroacfr up to 12' into the 20' front setback' , Staff believes the variance is reasonable, as the s lot severe onto acre lot has structures Lionsridge Loop is constructed within a 70'wide right-of-way' The astual width of pavement is 22' to 24' . The road, as constructed, is all the way to the north side of the right-oFway, and therefore, approximately 50' of right-of-way is located between the edge of existing asphalt and the . . applicant's'north property line. Staff believes that the 50' of vacant right- of-way will act as a sufficient bufier between Vail Point Phases I and ll, Lionsridge Loop and the proposed structures. The degree to which relief from tnettrict and literal interPretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the viciniry or to attain the obiectives ot this title without grant ol special privilege- Staff believes the t has ed the minimum amount of relief own of Vail Municipal Code to are intended to provide, in Part,um separation btructures and uses, and to insure adequate light, air' and open the 2. spaces and maintain desirable residential qualities. Staff believes the reouested variance to encroach into the front setback up to 12' is in there are extraordi .t. staff has had conversations with the applicant regarding the slight shifting oiitructures to reduce the encroachment into the required setback area. stiti *orro ,rggest that the pEC discuss with the applicant the ability to reOrc" tne am-olnt of setback encroachment through slight site plan modilications. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public satety. The staff believes the requested variance to encroach into the front setback will have positive impacts on existing developm.ent.in the area. Staff believes the variance will allow for greater separation between the proposed structures and the Gapstone Condominiums, without negatively impacting Phases | & ll of the Vail Point Townhomes to the north' B. V. before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the lollowing reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enlorcement ol the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the ob.iectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. @ The Community Development Department stafl recommends approval of the applicant's reouest for a variance from Section 18.18.060 to allow the construction of two structures lo encroach into the 20' required lront setback up to 12' and 9' respectively. Staff believes the applicants have met the Findings necessary lor the Planning & Environmentai bommission to grant an approval of their request. Specifically, staff finds.. that the applicants have met Finding 8.1 in that the granting of the requested variance will not result'in the grant ol special privilege. Finding 8.2 has been met, in the opinion of the staff, since the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety o|. *efare, or miteriall! injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and that Finding 8.3(b) has been met since there are extraordinary circumstances, in the form steep itopei ind existing landscape improvements, which prechldes the applicant from Oefiopitig tne tot to its t-utt potential. Additionally, Finding 8.3(c) has also been met' since tire itrict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation wo.uld deprive the applicant of privilegis enjoyed by the other property owners in the same district. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to grant an approval of the requested variancel statf would suggest that the PEC find that: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant cf special privitege inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone district, and; 2. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and; 3. That the variance is warranted since the strict literal enlorcement of the front setback regulation would result in an unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ol Chapter 18 ol the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, statf would recomrnend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: rl 1. O(/ That the applicant schedule a hearing before the Vail Town Council for review of the proposed site plan, prior to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board, as required in the Annexation Agreement of July 17, 1979; and That the applicant verify the vacation of the 15' wide, utility easement along the northerly property line prior the appearing before the Town ol Vail Design Review Board; and That the applicant receive Town of Vail Public Works Department and Town of Vail Fire Department approval of the proposed site plan prior to appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board; and That the applicant install a construction fence, along the 40% slope line and the area around the existing landscape improvements' to protect these areas during the construction process, and that said fence not be removed until all driveway and building construction is completed. FrrZe Lhu€- fu.ma-ff | -r\;c-,+fED tO. 2. 5. .-J#"x -?''d -),rffi 'A@* 4. ba*t WtwF -'/Ylote \- 6,+=Lee. Aeca=. Couotho,m 'l ..4 , nt ft#o4€ urrh t dt\ lL, 1-O Agpaoveo b.^e .--._--.=--*-_- LJof 1,2,1 _ .. '- :l!!l.!i lF-x.d -c r r qi n 6 .t 6 (E !- -:- " i{.'It r 't- y'r i-.. ./ :L" I d' \ ,, \\ u o o J \IJ '" o -al z = t' I 'rl v 1 I t