HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 13 LEGAL FILErum0I'yAIt D epartnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,vail.gott.com July 19,2006 Mike Samples 2145 Meadow Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Unit #13 of the Vail Point Town Homes/Lot 1 , Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Samples, This letter is being sent to confirm that Planning Staff has released the hold on your Building Permit 805-0203, as approval for your dormer addition, with modification, has been received from the Vail Point Homeowners Association. You currently have submitted a revision to your building permit to make the changes to the window in the dormer to comply with the Associations requirements. Once the Town has reviewed and approved this changed you will be able to proceed forward with the window changes and all inspections. Please review these comments and if you have any. questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Cc: File {p ^""r.""o o,t,t^ FILE cuPy December 27.2005 Mike Samoles 2145 Meadow Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Unit #13 of the Vail Point Town Homes/Lot 1, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3 Mr. Samples, This letter is being sent as it has come to the attention of staff that the Vail Point Town Home Association did not improve the design of the dormer you are currently constructing at your unit. As you are aware, a part of the Town of Vail Design Review process is to obtain homeowners association approval for any construction on a unit within a multiple-family development. With your application you had submitted approval from the Vail Point Town Home Association. However, it apparently was for a design other than what you have constructed. I have attached to this letter several correspondences from your Association which I have received. As the Vail Point Town Home Association has contacted me and informed me of their concern that what was approved is not being constructed and the fact that the Association approval is required for any Town approved Design Review application to be valid it has been determined that the Town's approval is invalid. At this point The Town can not process nor perform any further inspections of your continuing construction until such time as a valid Association approval is received from Mr. O'Hara or some other authorized representative of the association. I have a placed a hold on your building permit, 805-0203, until this matter is resolved. I urge you to please work with your association to resolve this issue. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. rum'l0FyA[, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov,com With regards, tl 'U)U,l,ttn Wanen Campbell Senior Planner Attachments: Correspondence from the Vail Point Town Home Association Cc: File {p ^""r.r"o r^rt^ Dec 21 05 12:31p Steve Katz 9?O-4?6 -S428 Vail PointTowtr Home A$ocirtiotr I88l Lions Ridge Loop yrit, CO 8165? Decemb€,r 14,2005 14116e gsmple l88l Uons Ridge Ioop, Unit #13 Vail, CO S16sZ DearMike: The informatiou the Board has received indicetes that: I - Yoru application indicated that pu desired to duplicate the dorrn s sn #lz: ,'A@@ %r: % * y tfa 4arfrrg twfap votfrf h attzl Itqn[t ratct in alI asvncL, of tfn 6r:{{dg (ttu ,otrm *ifAtid*rt n *, ii^, ail rcofug nwterizft) tfiz doner uourdfai iautft (thc ,toun*i) -m;fj oJ on**ro *ru 6etfratofstuantrtuuiaainui toir(*zz) . -.-- ---'4e - The approval grantedbylheHOA on 7/t4/Os "Ifia rcqust to cfraryc tftz wintrow coafistrati*.fm- t6c ptniousfi appr@edoorli,ant whtou fo10t1lug zoa) is f,mii tru approaat hst J.af wss 6aref on natc,hg tfre [ormeraztrgh*.rf;frc aniaffi ,8, i1z, .ny*r 6uit&ng. jttfrougfr appm,et61 tfur^c tru'wrtlc* trut?* a tn"pnat*ity rflourunxtotfue4istirrg t*tit #rz, d ffy* t^ ,rWrzcion rwu&{ wr'"r_*"in" i,t * oyu^t*oiffi **t ora , - Please let me luow ofany information you havc irrdicding otherrrise. Sincerely, p.e /fl?MC"or7/*\ Thomas lV. O'Hara Presidat Yail Point Town Horne Association o"d at( o, ,z:3lp Steve Katz Architectural Committee Mr. l- de lraola - Chair Mr. J. Antonius Mr. W. Ettish Mr. J. Keamey Mr. & Ms, C. Zamites Re: lmprovernents for Unit #13 - mke Sampfe Gentemen: 9?0-4?6-9428 P.3 1881 Uonsridge Loop VailPointilF/ Vail, CO 81657 Juty28,2OO3 I I would like to add an additional roorn and bath in ttre cafredral sedions d my kitctren and garage. Thank you i,n advaqe for your consitieration. Sincerely, Mike Sample Here are tfie oubirle dranges requirirB yur apprwat:r A soutft window dorrner, ojttng in on the exisling roofline would be added- ltrrould t 1$ in at aspedb dtre buildkrg (the orrent a-rcfiibcfinat frnes, corors, and roofing inatedars). The dormerrririu rae *.ru,lil* ,"il;in). The size and appeamncewould bethdof Sfu ard Hi t.?lnrl,sOo,merAiZl o The froot door rruax and door si.te windqc wo'rd be moved out (tof,ards the ( ::rrrdriverray 2-3 ftet . -Doors ard wildows to ;;i"-ilt" sanre.l' I would al"o lil(e€pProvalfora fiont dormerfacing north housing a window in a i ootnn aceptabb to the coonnitbe and Board.- f;,,. fl"x-==- 'bt; on size and styte. T+ Cc: Vaitpoint eOO Attacfirnents: Modr-ugs for Front door and South dormer Dec rrl "r t?23?p Steve Katz s?o -/+?B -9428 p.4 Pagc l ofl rom dHARA From:, seat I To: ) .fim Keamey fildkeaney@hotnait.comJ iionday, December 12.2OOs 4:ST pM TqMOHARA Rs: VPTH #13 AC appticetbn sAUs ffiiffi#ffir;ffiLr#@rgs;€e subrect VPTH #lfl AC application status I There seerns tro be swre coafi. . a"a oe Ldif,"rE;'ffi'fi:Hf#I"::H ffii:ff"?ffi*trt changes. From discuss,-o's wirh rgnacio I ' Lower Icvel door and deck: lte Bord approves the backside door and deck addiriou as outrincd in your application.r' additioq thc Board sho4glv*suggssT F.ri T'u- Ht ii1. q" rr.d itoJHi;";ro lhc vcry closc proximity to a n'ngeroulrry sreep doumwad rcrrain gra&. c.r". "la .-tyr"io ue t"t-oia-fotJ i"i piii, **gr. 2' soutb-facing dormer: rhe rcqu9s1 tolbance tlrc window config'rafioa from the previousry approvcd dormer and wladow lavoul (Jutv 2004 is deni"-d.. Th. ffi;;ii;;; ** bascd on .at"ufi tt"-u-o.mcr and grass of the adjaccnt uait' #I2' in voru buildiag. ^,.f31*:r*"lJilv iriiat ?" s";-r;; ffi'fr;.1i;oxirdty oryo* unit o trrc #:X#H3.1.0'ffit"ilT::"*1m*-ffiIi"ii""r'""*,r'"'i,i;"rilii'lii,lrrommostuoyungre.rhe 3- Nordr-facing dgmer: Ar fris dme, the Board musr deny.$e.re+1st for a north-facing domcr (size and stytc to be trur orunit # l4)' sbilurd rou *"^3 f'+*ri rr;;#ffi;'ibt A.c. , *: B"yd wifl cJrsider this requesr wben it is subFittcd by thc AC' The Board.l arso scnsi$Jr".gntoas tg1"e. It wifi n'ake every effon b deliver aa inforned and spelor decisioru upon receipt of yow requesr &oin 6rad."o tr*i, recommendatioas. #l &2 abwe atesubject to 6e shndard conditions Iistcd bclow \-au ror maTagErneDt inspection when p-;r"t i, "oryi"ti?* fiaat sign off. Regaids, Jftr Kcorn Viccgesi{ent, VPTIIA $ffij1:ltff"trtrffJ,Tffi ,ffiffi ,e.orma jntenainirsthedeckpad.,*1f #Hff ::#i^1l1*_*.f *a"ii"fffi ""i ji-"ry,"*. 17ll ltlrot\< Deb 21 05 Steve Katz \". s?0 -.+?6 - 9428 p. s rl JuIy14 2005 MikgSample !88I Lionsridge Ioop {ail Poiut Town homes #13 I ( Dea/Mike- ffi:#f * to achowledge Board ilecisioas rqarding lour architocorral design review ' The Board approves rhe backside do<rr and dcck addition as outlined in yu'r { email-dated rrxxx. rn additioq the Boaru stronglysuggests that a saf,cfyrail erclose the ground floor deck due to ttra very crose poximity !o a dangerousry steep dovrmvard terrain grade- Color andstyle to be that of all othcr vail point t railings-r Tho ruquest to cbatrgc ,ue windw onfuinarion fronr thc previorulyapproved Dormer and window talout (Jufv ZOOaJE aaied. The approval last yea wm based on matching the dor-", "i.a glasliith, "Olaccor uni! #12, in yorn HlPl Ol*."rn llproyeo uv aleC, ,i" s."rd feels thar due to tbe r proxrniry oflour unit to. the €xisttrg uoit #tz, " dtffr"dgG;;guration would not enlrace thc vievr of Vail-poirt from most any angle , ' At.t{s.tiee! th! Board mwt derry thc rcquest for a !ito@ facing Dornc (size l and sryle to be &atof unir. # t q- at goiii the Archite*aral courmittee do€s not have enougfo information to marce an ini:orned recmmadatim to rhe Board , lcs3o-p-thg rcquesl- The Board *irt "o*ia* tnis requcst wtrcn it is zubmitted I by the Ac' The Board is arso sensitive."g.ruirg ri.i"i rt *i-r:l ,,"r" **y effort to O"U"o * .11!3_1_ *a ,pJiC?i"ioo, npon receipt of 5rour rcqueer from the AC rnd thst rEcqnmendations. , ll ft foln ojlalt rcquirern-rrqandp€rmits aie meL I .a.l rJwn€r (atrd aU futue oumers) must incur all cxpenscs of mainte__nansc.3'f No-constuctiou de.bris .uar ri" airy""J"rin vail point durnpsccrs.+- ( CaU for management insprction d.n p,oject ir corytsrpO for final gign .g The Board does oot approve at tbis time the proposed northern dosncr additim- t\ Pieabc call ifpo have any questions. Vail Point Town llome Association 1881 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Hand Delivered December 23, 2005 Mike Sample 1881 Lions Ridge Loop, Unit #13 Vail, CO 81657 DearMike: This letter is in regard to the December 14,2005 letter you received by hand delivery. To date, I have received only one response form you on Monday, December 19, 2005 to which I responded to you within five minutes. Now, three days later I still have not heard back from you. Since you have presented no evidence contrary to the approvals for your dormer as noted in the documsntation hand delivered to you last week, the Board of Directors considers the construction of your dormer in violation of the VPTHA'S approval. As such, the Town of Vail has been given false direction as to the approval of your construction. They have informed us that, since the VPTHA's Board has the final approval and not the Town of Vail, they will neither complete the final inspections nor issue a Final CO until they have an approval for the project from the Board, I addition, you received a hand delivered letter on December 14,2005 requesting you allow Dan McNeill, our property manager, to access your property to measure the dormet to determine its size as compared to the approved size of the wit#12 adjacent to your property. Even though you stated to me that your unit is definitely larger than the unit #12, the Board felt it was still important to have each unit's exact measurements. Given this violation of the Association's construction approval, the Board requests that you cease any additional work on your unit until this issue can be resolved. Sincerely, Thomas W. O'Hara President Vail Point Town Home Association Cc: Warren Campbell Townof Vail VAIL POINT TOwl\ HOME ASSOCIATION I88I LIONS RIDGE LOOP vArL. co 81657 June 30, 2006 Mr. Warren Campbell, Senior Planner Town of Vail Department of Commun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Point Townhomes Unit l3 (Lot I, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3) Dear Mr. Campbell: The Board of Directors of Vail Point Townhome Association has met and reviewed the status of construction at Vail Point Townhome Unit 13. of which Michael Sample is the legal owner. Except as specifically noted below, the Board has approved the plans dated June 20. 2005, and related information which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department and of all work previously completed for Unit l3 under Building Permit B05-0203. The only item for which the Board has taken exception is the size of the casement window assembly with is located in the south-facing dormer. The Board has requested that the existing casement window assembly be replaced with the window described in the attached drawing and specifications. The Board requests that any hold be released and that any other negative action with regard to the Building Permit 805-0203 be rescinded and that all approvals and permits be restored to good standing. This letter does not constitute approval by the Board ofany other exterior building improvement not shown on the plans and not presently made and which would require the approval of our Board and the Town of Vail. Sincerely, Vail Point Townhome Association z ./ .' -/l .,/r f/, ,.- 'L t! /.//(itl+v; 'w - (' l:ftt Lz'-- Thomas W. O'Hara. President !-',t-. ll li t- 1i il t'- JUL t\ii 1 i 2006 :-r-.,.t'\! ,fF \/All i ,'./ vr" ' '.-__._-j t. DORMER CASEMENT WINDOW VAILPOINT 1881 Lions Ridge Loop, Unit 13 Vail, Colorado 81657 'lLt'it DORMER CASEMENT WINDOW Drawing and Specifi cations Page I Plan Drawing of Dormer with Pella Casement Window Assembly Page 2 Specifications 'ib"x ro :N nj? \-lf I -*- ---re+_ee_itls.@ ,-_--._-7-?'. t_.leiv Uobeiiir"er ri"".- 7 DORMER CASEMENT WINDOW DESCRIPTION The existing new dormer structure to be modified by the replacement of the existing Pella casement window assembly with a new pella casemint window assembly. The specifications for the new Pella casement window assembly are as follows: Odd&Jiew - SltIl!flLDrslllulor 3-Wlde Casement A: 2953 @) I*ft Hlnge Crrement, Frame:29 X 53: Architcct Scries, RO: 7' 3-314" X 4t 5-314" Ciad, Modcl2, Brown, 5i8" LsulShld ftA lG Glazing, Chanrpagnc WallCond: 6-9l16"Scrccn, Champagnc Hardware, Fins (per dcsign) B: 2953 Fixed Casement, l'rame:29 X 53: Architect Series, Clad, Model I , Brown, 5/8- InsulShld IIA IG Glazing, Itins (pcr dcsign) C: 2953 @) Right lllngc Crsemcnt Framc:29 X 531 Architoct Scrics, Clad, Modcl 2, Brown, 5/8" lnsulShld HA IO Glazing, Champegno Screon, Champagrc Hrrdware, Fins (pcr dcsign) Any necessary new siding will be the design of that now on the dormer and the dormer will be painted in the color of the existinglownhome. L 1tfr ruil,rvm Project Name: SAMPLE RES. ADDffiON Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www'ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8040369 ADDMON TO UNIT 13 OF THE VAIL POINT CONDOMINIUMS, THIS ADDMON LINLIZED 26.5 SQUARE FEET OF THEIR 250 AND ADDED 588 SQUARE FEET OF INTERIOR CONVERSION. THIS APPLICATION WAS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE IN GRFA WHICH OCCURED ON AUGUST 2,2004, Patticipants: OWNER SAMPLE, MICHAEL t. O7l3Ol2O04 Phonei 2145 MEADOW AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: APPLICANT SAMPLE, MICHAEL L. 0713012004 Phone: 2145 MEADOW AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: Project Address: 1881 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, UNIT #13 , /_ lg lt(<\ ( t L, n L,\', y,--( LegalDescripUon: Log2Block:3Subdivision:VAltLtronsheadfitlo+t ./.: Parcel Numberz 2103L2207030 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date ofApproval: 08/09/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006599 The applicant shall revove the existing gable above the garage door on the north elevation and establish a flat sloping roof ldentical to others within Vail Point when constructing the new dormer on the north elevation. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: f3OO.OO zoNE CHECK o^rr'-1'9L oL( Lot / Block Addrcss Osncr Architccr Zonc disrict Lot sizc Pbonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca Total CRFA lAnq. Total fgSl,af Rcmaining 0 Prinary CRFA + (425) (675*) = Sccondary CRFA (125) (675+): --3-r*r L;ou RrJjr. Fl;n l + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 2j0 addirion tt Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addition? Ye S Horv much of ttc allorvcd 2j0 Addition is usc,J rvith this rcqucst? Sitc Covcralc Hcight Sctbacks * ,E^Stt $ !.tv;* ctav'e.6,1 6s o lerf * ful oil,.e+, ' ?t,as /<\ (301(33y Front Sidcs Rcar +.= I 20' .,15, IJ' iv{inimum Lrndscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglrh pargng Rcquircd_ caragc crc<f.it ." "". ,-a --- Encloscd (3oo)(9rteoo).(t2oo) Drivovay Conrplics rvirh TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Enr.ironmcntaLftIazards Pcrmittcd Slopc _% proposcd Slopc 9zo | ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcttands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards !',/ 6' Ycs \ No Ycs- No tl)o Cltony fio oh".,,r a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall $; c) Dcbris Florv Prcvious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: 'ff,t applutrn u)as tab,nr&cl pr:or h 1t4. c-kays +' GRF+ fua( ast into e&"ri' sn Auysr), Aoo,7, U,"Lr G(f+r$k*fv. ta A",Sust), Aool, aLl cRr* @ )ot! fain+ q^,t uhL'*l ^nA yrq owA65 ts,lho,#o odil;ltons + inteot b^tarcins. .fIi 1., 1r'r i l. r i :',;- i(fq',i,1iq{ti.r.Wt' . !. t rlr':-(d t fi,,.;ct'\ .i!rl* tru,: I li; Iittt,ii, ' :) t'.i ..\j'i{ it,',,i. ,. ; r,ir; d.. -:-I ! Scalc Bcnchrnark Lcgal dcsoiption Lot Sizc Buildablc Arca Eascmcnts 'I Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn hl Hazards Trees O SITE PLAI\I U. tility locations Spot clcvations 'i it* r. -i'if : r c$,\.\tgriq5Eon i ,:'.Uf- .f-t!ftfffiUov'i\lr!" '>'? rr ltrli Utilitics (undcrground) Vcrv Corridon, v#r.c{.'Y'i. , ,,t Plat rcstriciions -:-1 +,S\ l'.r- la I ':'rr*iI txt ;l .. -, . I .- , jr vl , .. t..: I L/ c,q $t :': 'J r ' l-t r Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicaton for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: RECEIVED ; TON/N a/4 i rtztz-'z'o a1c I t/o.'l Tt{.Pitt-Location of the Proposal: Lot: l)- - r l-r\l ,l i-Zoning: l"i l-ll"l r Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:Co Sosotl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name or Applicanr fl[ t cU A at /- 9n r Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: 26 E-mail Address: Av eN ue frU ENA E Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E, New Construction M Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Fee Paid: Meeting Date: Planner: Page 1 of L2l04l2Ll04 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) tI.- f).*".,A--rt * l/ri4P6h* ajein*tlrl'nelrvfpropett;r#eated at @dciress/legal fui provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 7/e g/aoou which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvemenG to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: 'fi -ira* tt o-rrz4 -0r,{ yh., a/ / 9tr1 {u** fz,z+! fl-a,I fufther understand that minor modificafons m-ay be(/h6de it, Uf,&, gt, rns'over the cdurse of 1 to the olans bver the cdu the review Drocess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 7,zeo7 (Date) Page 2 of t2l04l29l04 TOI4NM ADDMONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations, I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** -a tU.All pages of Application is complete tK Checklist is completed and signed tr Stamped Topographic Suruey*tr Site and Grading Plan* Q-Landscape Plan*q Architectural Elevations* 0,. Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Zl Architectural Floor Plans* D,tighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures E/, Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* E2hotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. tst Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable 0 Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed neces$ry to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the maturtals noted with an uterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Contractor Signature )\t\ Datesisned >il4 2q/ Aoo( ,t ************'t********{.***|'i{.'i**************{.*'t****t *****{.:************'1.'i**1.,1.,********{.,*****:}* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * *{. * * * * *** ** lr*i * * * * * * **:t* *'r.* +* * * f d<'}**{.{.*r}*{.{.1.'t'}**********,t,i****,t***i.******:t**:l.t ***{.******* Statement Number: RO40OO53O9 Amount: $30O.OO 07/30/2OO402t4'7 Ptq Pa)rment Method: check Init: iIS Notation: #rr24/MTIHAEI' SAI4PLE Permit No: DR8040359 TIT)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LO3L22O7O3O Site Address: 1881 I,IONS RIDGE I.,P VAII, L,ocation: 1881 LIONS RIDGE L,OOP. UNIT #13 Tota1 Fees: $300.00 This Pa)ment: $300.00 Tota1 ALIr Flnts: 9300.00 Balance: $0.00 ** ******'t! ***,t**d.1.********{.x.*'}*****!**:}1.****{.*******'t***********,1.'f * * x.1.,1. * * * * * * * *:t * * * * * :t * * * * ,t :1. * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIE!\I FEES 300.00 Form o 1341 (6/87) ALTA Plain Lanouage Policy Page POtrcY ffi' TITTE INSURANCA *s .r A M E iR l o ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company RESIDEt{TlA! IIIIE INSURANCE 0ns.fcFour Family Restdonces OWNER'S COUERAGE STATEMENT Thispolicy insures your ti e to the land descrlbcd In Schedule A - rr rnat tano ts a onFto-tour family residential lot or corF dominium unil ..Your insurance, as described in this Coverags Statemenl is etfsctive on the Policy Date shown In ScheduldA Your insurance is limited by the following:o Exclusjons on pagg 2 o Exceptions in Schedule B . uonoitions on pages 2 and 3 CI|VERED TITLE RNI(S lhis Policy covus the folrowing title rlskq if they atfect your title on rho poricy Data '1. Someone else ow s an interest in your title. and miterial furnished before the policy Date _ unless you 2. A document is not properly signed, lealed, acknowtedse4 isnid iJplvloiiiiil"ooi'anii'."terial 0r oelveted' 9. Others hare rights adsing out of leases, contracts, or optftms.3. Forgery, {{aud, duress, incompetency, incapacig or .|0. someone else has an easement on your rand impersonation' 11. Yoljr title is unmarkelable, which aliows another person to I g9fec_tivs recording of any document ietrsiirp'Jrrorrii'Jrit,:jiitd'purcnase,toteas60rtomakoa c. riu.00.n0t have any legal right of access to and fiorn mortgago loan tne land' 12. You ire forced to removo your existing struclure - other 6. 'lhere are restrictlvo covenants limiting your use oflhe land. ttraniLiinalrv w'ali'i,itiiid- oecause:7. There is a lisn on yourlitl8 becauseii . lt o(tends on to adjoining land or on to any easement . a mortgago or deed of trust r it violates a restriciion s-hown in Schedule B ' a iu.dgmenl tax 0r special assessment . it violalss an existing zoning law - ---'- - t a charge. by a homeovvne/s or condominium 13. You cannot use the lani because use as a singlFlamily association residend tiolates i ieslrictidn inown in schedute B or an 8. There are liens on your ti e; arising now or later, for labor exisffng zoning faw. --' - .|4. other delects, lienq or encumbrances. COMPAilTS OUTY TO DEFEI{D AGAITIST GOURT CASES ,",H: T^'ll*l?T^.{99_titl?jl 1y court caso as t0 thal part of tlt6 cass that ts based on a covered TiUe Risk insured againsr by this r0 cy. uve w t pay tne costs, attorneyS feeg and expenses we incur in that defenss. Yrtj-can,en0. tnls luty t0 delend your tille by exercislng any of our options listed in ltem 4 0f the Conditions.Ints rolcy ts nol comptets wlthout schedulos A and B. First American Title Insu ra nce Company Fy F^I"V64"ib",o",- 7354 77 Ar-rEsr /2"*L/- 4.t'tpt't - sEcRE"aRY We insurs you agalnst actual loss resulting lrom . any tiu€ rlsks covered by this Policy - up to ths Policy Amount and . any costs, attorneys'fees and expenses we have lo pay under this Policy SCHEDULE A -FEB 21. 1995 Order No. ES0OB4BB94 Amount of fnsuranee s3@0, @aa.@a Date of pollcy: OCToBER L0. 1994 At 8r@0 THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Nrn{BER J207565, r{nLCH LIEU OI'POLIUY ITEREBY CANCELLED. IN IS dnni- ,Pol1cy No, J735477 Prernlum S493,00 A.M. 3. 1, Name of Insurecl r MICHAEL L. SAMPLE 2, The estate or lnterest in the land whlch 1s coverect by thls po11cy 1s , FEE SIMPLE Tltle to the estate or lnterest 1n the rand 1s vestecr 1n r MICHAEL L. SAMPLE The land referred to 1n thl8 pollcy ls descrlbecl as foltorlrs LOT 13D, VATL POINT TOWNHOMES, PHASE 2, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF'RECORDED JULY 2, 1991 IN BbOK 557 AT PAGE 224, (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE TALON TOWNHOMES, RECORDED FEBRUARV 22, ]-983 TN BOOK 353 AT PAGE 943), AND AS DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION REEORDED OCTOBER 3, 1989 IN BOOK 514 AT PAGE 595, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION RECORDED FEBGRUARY 19, 1991 IN BOOK 547 AT PAGE 948, NOTICE OF ANNEXATION OF PHASE 2. VAIL POINT TOWNHOMES RECORDED JULY 2, 1991 IN BOOK 557 AT PAGE 223, AND SECOND AMENDMENT RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1991 IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE 459,COUNTY OF EAGLE State of Coloraclo SCHEDULE B ' Order No. , ESOO84BB94 NOTE: Exceptlons nr_rrnbered 2 through 6, A11 taxes and assessments for the l-len, hllt not yet dLle or payable. Pollcy No. ' J73547? EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Thls F'ollcy does not lnsure agalnst loss or clamage (and the company wlll not pay eosts, attorneys' fees or expenses ) whlch ar-1se lry reason of: 1. Taxes and Assessnents not certlfled to the Treasurer's offlce. 2, Any facts, rlghts, lnterests or ctalms whleh are not shown hy the ptthlle records but whleh could be ascertalnect by an lnspectlon of the 1anct or by maklng lnqr_r1ry of persons 1n po8sesslon thereof , 3, Easements, or elalms of easements, not shown hy the puErllc records. 4 . Dlscrepancles, confllets ln boundary l1nes, shortage 1n area,eneroachments, and any faets l^Ih1ch a correct aurvey and lnspeetlon of the land wor_rld dlsclose, and whlch are not shown by the pllbllc reeords. 5. Any 11en, or rlsht to a l1en, for servlces. labor or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, lrnposeci lry 1aw anct not shown bv the plrhl lc records 5 aTe HEREBY DELETED. year 1994 and sllhsequent 7 ' The rlght of proprletor of a veln or 10de to extraet or renove should the same be follncr to penetrate or lntersect the premlses granted as reserved 1n unlted state patent recorde.l August 16,Book 48, at page 542; and any and iff aselgnments thereof or thereln. years, a h1s ore therehy 19@9, ln 1nt erest I' Flsht of way for dltches and canars construetect by the authorlty of the unlted states as reserved ln unltect states patent of recorcr. 9. An easement for rlght of way and lncldental purposes granted to Holy cross Electrlc Assoclatlon, rnc. by the lnstrument recorded July 3r, 1973 1n Book 230l at page 351 and ln Book 263 at page ?28. L@ ' An easement for rlght of way and lncldental pLlrposes granted to Hor-y Cross Electrld A_Rsae1at1on, Inc. by the lnstrtrment recorded August 24, 198?ln Book 211 at Page 103 and recoroect ,lr-r1y f f , rgif ln Book 230 at page 351. 11. An easement for waterllne and Lltlllty and lncldental pllrposes granted to Llon's Rldge Water Dlstrlct ancl Vall Vlltage West Water and Sanltatlon Dlstrlct l-1y the lnstrument recorded May 13, f igf ln Book 322 at page 972, t2' An easement for water llne anal lnelclental purposes grantecl to L1on,s {SEE CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B ON NEXT PAGE) (CONTINUATION OF' SCHEDULE B) Rldqe Water Dlstrlct and Va11 Vlllage west water and Sanltatlon Dlstrlct by the lnstrument recorded May 13, 1991 ln Book 3zz at page 973 and May 13,1981 1n Book 322 at page 974. 13' An easement for eleetrlcal and/or cllstrlbl-ltlon llne and lnqlalental pl.lrposes granted to Holy Cross Electrlc Assoclatlon, Inc, by the lnstrument recorded Jtily 29, 19Bt- 1n Book 326 at pase 929. 14. An easement for plpellne and lncldental purposes Creek Company by the lnstrument recorded 1n Book 2I4 at set f orth on the plat of Llon, s Rlclqe Llon's Rldqe Suhdlvlslon, F111nq No. i, 15. The followlng ltems as Sr-rhd1-v1s1on, F1llng No. 2 and to-w1t r granted to Page 243. BLlf f er all lnterlor 1ot feet along the A. An easement for utlrlty and lncldental purposeE 'ver 11nes, 2O feet 1n wlctth, 10 feet on each slde and 15 Westerly end Southerly portlon of sLlbject property. 15 ' Easenents, conclltlons, restrlctlons and reservatlons as shown or reserved on the recorded plats of the Talon Townhomes and Va1l polnt Townhomes, Phase 2. L7 . Terrns, condlt 1ons, prorrlslons, agreenents and obllgat lons sF,eclf led Llnder the Agreernent by and between Tayvel Envlronmental iand cornpany ancl Motrntaln States Telephone and Telegraph eompany recordeal SeptenF,et zj, 1973 1n Book 231 at Fage 291 , 18. Terns, condltlens, restrlctlons and stlpLllatlons as eontalned ln easement for constructlon and malntenance of cante tv transmlsston rlne reeorded.Tr_rne 15, 1993 ln Book 361 at page 691 . ,19' Terms, condltlons, provlslons, agreements and obllgatlons speelfleci Lrnder the Easement Deed by and between Gorman_Whltney_SMF, ValI I, a general partnershlp and Llon's Rlge Water Dlstrlct, a quasl_mllnlclpal corporatlon and va11 vllrage west water and sanltatlon Dlstrlct, a qlrasl-mlin1c1pa1 corporatlon reeordecl May 13, 1gg1 1n Book 322 at page g74. 2@. Terns, conclltlons, provlslons, agreements anal obllgatlons speelfled under the Undergrollncl Rlght _of _Way Easement by ancl hetrreen Gorman-Whltney-SMF, ValI I, a general partnershlp ancl HoIy Cross Electrlc Assoclatlon, rne,, a cooperatlve eorporatlon recordecr oetoher 15, 1gB2 1n Book 347 at Paqe 319, 2r ' Terms, condltlons, provlslons, agreements and obllgatlons speclfled Llnder the Undergrollnd Rlsnt_of_Wiy Easement by and between Gorman-llhltney-sMF, vall r, a general iertneiinipl-ano aory cross Etectrlc Assoclatlon, 1nc., a cooperat lve corporatlon recorclecl November 24, 19g2 1n Book 349 at page 405. 22 ' Terms , qondlt lons , provls lons , agreement s ancl otrl lgat ions speclf led nnder the Annexatlon Agreement by anrC between The Town of Va1l, a Colorado ml-lnlclpal corporat lon end Ll"on's Rldge Aasoclates, Ltcl ., L1on.s R1clge at Va11, a Jolnt ven-t-ure partnershlp ancl Northwestern Nat1onal LLfe Insurance company recorded November 1, 1995 1n Book 42g at page 935 end November 1,1985 1n Book 428 at page 937. (SEE CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B ON NEXT PAGE) . (CONTINUATION'OF' SCHEDULE B) 2_3 ' covenant s , condtt lons ancl rest rlct lons, whlch do not lncrude a forfelttrre or reverter elause, set forth ln the lngtrument recorcleci Ser:tember 20, j,972 t Book 225 at page 443 ancl Septemher 29, Ig:.Z tn Book 225 at Page 555. Amendment of sald covenantg, "6nortlons and restrlctlons by an lnstrument reeorded ln Book 233 at Page 53. provlslons regarcllng race, color, creed, and natlonal or1g1n, 1f any, are ileleted. 24' covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons, reservatlons ancl 11en rlghts,hthlch do not lnclude a forfeltllre or reverter clallse, Bet forth 1n the Deelaret 1on, reeorclect octc'l-rer 3, 19g9 1n Book 514 at page 595 and Amend.ments recordedl Fel:ruary 19, 1991 1n Book 547 at page 948, July 2, 1991 1n Bocrk 557 at page 223 and August G, l99L ln Book 559 at page 459, 25, Temrs, conclltlons, reservatlons, restrlctlons ancl ohllgatlons as contelned 1n Agreement recorded October 3, 1989 ln Book 514 at pJge 527. 26, Easements for publlc ut1Iltles, sewer purF)oses, dralnage and other lneldental purposes aa shown on the plat of seld subdlvlslon and as reserved 1n or created hy varlous lnstrumentg of record affectlng only the common area. 27, Deed of Trust from Mlchael L. Sample,Connty. for the beneflt of The prudentlal securlng an orlglnat prlnc1pal lnclebteatnegg anoltnts and/or olrllgat lons alatecl September 1994 1n Book 852 at page 59. to the Publ1c Trustee of Eegle Home Mortgage Company. Inc.,of S235,@@@.@@, and eny other 3@, 1994, recorded Octoher 7, ENDORSEMENI Order No. ES@0848894 Attached to Po1lcy No. J'| 35477 Issued by FZrtsr AfitEELTeArv rzrr'E -TruS.E E?zrNCE cahtpA-rvy The above referenced pollcy is hereby amenclecl by addlng the following to scheclule A following the policy amount! The Policy anount wllL autonatically lncrease by 1@? of the amoun! shown aborre on each of the flrst five anniversaries of the pollcy date. This endorsement ls effectlve only when attaehed to an AJ,TA plain Languaqe policy insuring a 1-to-4 fanily resj-dence. This endorsement is made a part of the Pollcy and 1s subJect to arl of the Eerns and provlsions thereof and of any prior endorsenents thereto. Except to the exEent,expressry stated, it nelther modifies any of the terms ancl provlsions of the pol1cy and any prior endorsements, nor does tt extencl the effectlvi ,late of the policy ancl any prior endorsenents, nor does it increase the face arnount thereof. Dated; OCTOBER t@, 7994 Colorado lon 130,3 Authorlzed Sisnatory Page 1 of4 + East Elevafion South Elevation of Building including Unit 13 Tuesday, July 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC Page 2 of4 South Elevation of Unit 13 on left side and Unit 12 on right side. Existing dormer is installed on Unit 12. South Elevation of Units 11 , 12, 13, and 14. Existing dormer is in Unit 12. Tuesday, July 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC Page 3 of4 South Elevation of BuiHing in which Unit'13 is located. South Elevation of Unit 13. Tuesday, July 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC Page4 of 4 South Elevation of Unlt 13. South Elevation of BuiHing in which Unit 13 is located. Tuesday, July 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC Page I of2 North Elevation of Building in which Unit 13 is located. (,,. 'gA, : \ ' ir",11,/'-. " $,' .\, nnt- ,\i.- !u' t"i;tJY' I NorthElevationofUnits12, 13and14. ProposeddormerswouldbesimilartothatnowinstalledinUnit14as shown on extrem€ dght skle. Tuesday, July 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC Pace2 of2 a Tuesday, luly 27,2004 America Online: MLSamplePC I DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM July 29,2004 Community Development Planners Clare Sloan SUBJECT: Vail Point Condominiums GRFA Interpretation The Vail Point Condominiums, located at 1881 Lions Ridge Loop, is a development of 40 townhome style residential dwelling units. The property was annexed intothe Town of Vail in 1979 and the condominium project began in 1981 and abruptly stopped in 1984 for unknown reasons. The project was linished in 1991-1992. The site was developed under the Medium Density Multi-family (MDMF) regulations and proposed to be 860 square feet of GRFA less than the maximum allowable GRFA by MDMF standards. However, two of the owners have indicated that they believe some of the buildings may have a larger building footprint than shown on the developmenl plans. A development of 40 condo unils could have easily utilized the excess GRFA (860 sq. ft. according to the file). Two condominium owners are proposing to convert the upper portion of their garage, which has a 20 foot high ceiling, into a bedroom and bathroom. Under Section 12-15-4 Interior Conversions, the conversion of existing floor space is only allowable if the GRFA for the entire site has been exhausted. The units are eligible for the 250 addition and interior conversions because the GRFA is at its maximum allowable under MDMF regulations. ) t o /\ -l-!-l-dl d,\ i/ 'f IT h-is Kt1"'fr,n? 3 /,t /, btL 3 (.,, ,, Va il. C olored o Denver. Colorado D illon. Colo ra do ,'.rirlrl* Y: Monroe & Newell Engineel..s, Inc. November 8.2005 Mr. Mike Sample 2145 Meadow Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Re:Vail Point Unir B13, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado (M&N#6794) Dear Mr. Sample: The structural framing of the above residence's renovation was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the framing of the residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our office. To the best of our knowledge, any deficiencies found during our observations have been corrected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL Spaeh, P { Platinum Sponsor The ColoBdo Chapacr of ' Thc Amc.ica! lnsliruc ofArchitects \\'v!'w. ntonroe- ne'well. com 7O Benchmark Road o Suite 20.1 o P.O. Box 1597. Avon, Coloraclo 81620 O10) 949-7768 . FAx (970) 949-1051 o email: avon@monroe-newell.com Principal IA/ 3L/ 28A5 11 : 49 9709494A54 Date: OctobErz7,2005 Project: Vail Point Unit 13 Weather Sunny To: Mr. Mike Sample 2145 Meadow Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 |,40NROE & NE[^,ELL PAGE 62 Vajl, Co I orado DenvGr, Colorado Dlllon, Co lorido Monroe & Newell EnBineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Project #8794 Location: 1881 Lionsridge Loop, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Temp: 50'at 11:30 A.M. The purpose of this site visit was to observe installed framing. The following was noled: 1. The framing of the new upper. level ,lloor appeared to have been constructed in general compliance wfth tho construction documenti. The floor beem reinfor@ment below the new dormer wall had been altered, but appeared to have been oonstructed structurally sound. 2. The dormer framing was being erecled, 3' The new floor erea above the garege had not been sheathed. lt was proposed to ,ower the shower floor. The contactor ihall instalt additional floor framing as shown in the attached partially revised floor framing plan. No other exceptions to the struc,tural documents wer€ noted. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL Hannes Spaeh, Pdncipal 2(h5 Plrdlun Sponsrr I* Colondo Chrprof th6 riE t.|o tnrrihE of A(EbiEra ws'w. mo nro€-neweIl, corn 70 Benchmark Road r Sr.rire 20,{. P.O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado Bt620 <97O) 949-7768 . FAX (970) 949-4054 o email: tvon Ornonroc-newell, com \A/3I/2OA5 11: 49 9769494254 Monroe & Newell Engtrnecrs, lnc. MONROE & NEI,JELL PAGE A3 n T R ' #{ts f/\\O VY * 4LHPIE& OF OATE OATE rnq,EJ t+t Grt nit 'o't tra-) 78/3L/2AA5 11:49 97A9494A54 |{ONROE & NEI^JELL Avon Office 70 Benchmerk Roed, Suite 204 PO Box 1597, Avoq CO E1620 (970) 949-7768 Phone (970) 949-4054 Fax avon@monroe-newell.com FAC S IMILE TRANSMITIAL LETTER PAGE { /h \tt --E-jL TI I; rt trtt it al lMonrocBcNadl Bnrtra, ha SEU.n d P.sioer! out", l.-'3o'cS pages f1tEgffinj ?-888888888888888 444 zgzu (including nansmittal) : Attention Company Tclephone Fax From Subject Enclosed: Telephone Fax ,-j.ou. . GY94 r 1= tE-D P€1oagT .*fEt2 G lo ,28.s\3 Message : lf trunrmittal ir nrl. ar indicarcd plcrse notify scorJcr TgFE -t7h--i- 2005 Plrtinum Sporsor The Colorrdo Choptcr of Thc Americnn Institute of Architccts wryw.monr!!-n€!*cll.coD Vrll, Dcrv.rr rnal Frttco Omcct v*l-?-rilrT lV GY=4 ,o" UAIL SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE q ' '^ JfIY HH 1i \\ F V1 Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc.OF - OATE DATE t1# rflXXXlI2o+1 (Si?.Sa)20$1 lkdd)