HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 5D LEGAL FILEllb"o#ou 'n"0"$:ll,F"f,yF?,tffPoffnn Pase 11 Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, November 22,2006 ' Inspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 805-0192 Tvoe: A-MF Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Tvo6: Occuoahbv: U'se: V-B Insp Area: CG Ow'rier: KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERRE MICHEL Phone: 303-245-0540 Apolicant: Cohtractor: Description: Cominent: Comment: Comment: Comment: ISTP x 11" NION. - CGUNION D DRAWINGS SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION - JSUTHER sheets approved. DRB application will be required if skylights are installed. - Requested Insoection(s) Requesled Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 376-1031 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Inspection Historv Action: DN DENIED Comment: EW. SKY LIGHTS REQ DRB APPROVAL. 11t18tO5 Comment: 12109t05 Comment: C Item: 50 BLDG-lnsulation 12l09lOS tr Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Commenl: OKTO DRYWALL MASTER ONLY. INSULATE GARAGE CEILING. GARAGE WALI MAINTAIN 3" CLEARANCE FOR THE KITCHEN NON-IC CANS. REPLACE THE NON-IC CANS IN CEILING THERMAL ENVELOPE WITH IC RATED (AIR LOC) TO PLAN RACK, WARREN CAMPBELL, PLACED IN SLOT D-1 . CGUNION Item; 90 BLDG-Final Reouestor: Paintino bv Jesse Coniments: will call'Je'sse 376-1031 . Vail Point #5 Assigned.To: JMONDRAGON Action: Time Exp: FIVE FIXTURES. 12112105 Insoector: SHAHN Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: CORRECTIONS WERE MADE. OK TO DRWVALL. GAMGE CEILING INSULATION NOT COMPLETE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. NOT READY AT 11:00AM, RETURNED AT 2:00PM. Item: 60 BlDG-Sheetrock Nail ** Aooroved ** 12119!05 Inspector: JRM " Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION 12119!05 Inspector: JRM " Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: SHEETROCK PARTIAL . GARAGE NOT YET DONE.... INSPECTION REQUIRED 02108/06 Insoector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: GARAGE COMPLETE Item: 70 BLDG-Misc.Item: 90 BLDG-Final Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O REPT131 Run Idz 5992 11-20-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 35 4:43 om Vall- CO'- City Ol - Requestgd lnsp€ct pato: Iqesaay, November 21, 2006 - Insoectlon Ar€a: CG Slte Addrcss: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 L]ONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D A,P/D Information Activitv: M054290 Tvoe: &MECH ConstTvo6: Occuoahbv: Owrien KRONENBERG. JENNIFER & PIERRE MICHEL Reouested Inspectlon(s) Insoecdon Historv Item: 200 Item: 310 Item: 315 Item: 320 Item: 330 Item: 340 INSPECTED Item: 390 MECH-Final Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUED Ube: --- InspArea: CG Phone: 30324$0540 Phone: (303)591-2885 Phone:13031 591-2885 LOWEST BEDROOM ANDI,IASTER BEDROOM. REPLACE ALL SHAHN Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL APPROVED. Request$rrmei 8?8?l!T elecbical also scheduled , will call 37ClQ31 Time Exp: Entered BY: DGOLDEN K W*d n ,/r# ,u nr/ U ," ilY A O(Y V il I InsDecton INSPECTE REPT131 Run Id: 5990 Roquested lnspcc{ Date:- lnspoctlon Arca: Sitc Addrb3s: Tuesday, November 2{, 2006 JRM I88t LIONS RIDGE LPVAIL 1881 LTONS RTDGE LOOP, #5D A/P/D Informatlon Activitv: P05-0161 Tvoe: B-PLMB Const TvoS: Occuoahbv:Onirier: KRONENBERG. JENNIFER & PIERRE MICHEL Applicanl: NOTHNAGLE PLUMBING & HEATING INC Conbactor: NOTHNAGLE PLUMBING & HEATING INC Description: ROUGH lN AND FINAISH 2 1/2 BATHS Reouested Insoec{lon{s} lnsoectlon Hlatoru Item: 210 lism: 220 Item: 23d . ltem: Reouestor:' Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Item: 240 Item: 250 Item: 260 llem: 290 . .* Approved * c{Iavrs . *Apprcwd * coav|s Request€tlrnsi 8?i1?dT also scheduled, will call 37G'1031, VailPoint #5- Time Exp: Entered BY: DGoLDEN K Sub Tvpe: U'se: Phone: Phone: Phone: Action: AP APPROVED AcIion: AP APPROVEO ASFR 303-24ff)540 (303) 665-4764 (303) 665-4764 Stiatus: ISSUED Insp Alea: JRM V NI "*v /vi . REPT131 Run Id: 5990 ?l 3on#ot In"p""{l:l'lF"du?".! n:Fon'ng t"n" on Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 lnspection Area: SH Site Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D ASFR 303-245-0540 J, K5C,t1 -O i.81 Y]<'j -O\'1 L Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH AJP/D lnformation Activitv: E05-0290 Tvoe: B-ELEC Const Tvo6: Occuoahbv: OWrier: KRONENBERG. JENNIFER & PIERRE MICHEL Sub Type: Phone: Aoolicant: lNFlNlTY ELECTRIC Phone: (303) 973-2264 Cohlractor: NATIVE ELECTRIC Phone: 970-328-1293 Descriotion: REWIRING OF 1ST AND 2ND FLOORS AND UPGRADING SERVICE Cominent: RECEIVED LETTER FORM lNFlNlry ELECTRIC REMOVING ITSELF AS CONTMCTOR OF RECORD. RECEIVED LETTER FROM NATIVE ELECTRIC ACCEPTING AS CONTRACTOR OF RECORD. LETTERS ARE IN THE FILE. - JSUTHER Comment: SHORT CIRCUIT INFORMATION RECEIVED FROM EE AND lN FILE. TYPE LPN FUSES WERE INSTALLED PER STAMPED LETTER. - SHAHN Requested lnspection(s) Requested Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 376-1031 Entered By: DGOLDEN K S TO BE ON ARCFAULT BREAKERS UJ-:"'E ,l tt i r I S#.'r fuft/ 1f trf o e ITIONS NDING ELECTRODE AP APPROVED JZZI NEEDS #8 GROUND WIRE FROM MOTOR TO : CR COF )T WORK. 45 TO BE ON ARCFAULT EREAKERS CTION REQUIRED '.=_o{ j-o,-S \k 3 \)o--\ io.r'\ _T $ |-)\ f=^,cr+--r'^-.'.t;1-'t-S Insoection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service 02/03/06 | Comment: M FI Item: 120 Item: Item: Item: Insoectbr: SHAHN Action: COND APPRO\ METER APPROVED. OLD METER TO BE CAPPED OFF, R FROM SE TO WATER PIPE. GFI REOUIRED IN GARAGE. ELEC-[oggh _"_- Approved " 11117lO5 lnsoector: EG Comment: FLOOR BOX SHALL BE ME COLD WATRE PIPE AND G 130 140 190 ELEC-Conduit ELEC-Misc. 01/20/06 | 11l21lOO Inspector: EG Comment: MOVE RECEPT. 01126107 Insoector: SHA Comment: MASTER BEDR(ARC FAULT DI RECEPT. OVER JACUZZI or: SHAHN :R BEDROOM ARC FAUL' REPT131 Run Id. 6326 L;no R'fi-frT *6p oor*rfin cElELoPrErar Design Review Board ACTIOil FOR],I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 Jax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: KRONENBERG RES. CHANGE TO APPROVED DRB Number: DR8050636 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS-ADDING A SKYUGHT Paftacipants: OWNER KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR12i09i2005 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 APPLICANT KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR12/09/2005 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 Project Address: 1881 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 UONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Location: Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 3 Subdivision: Vail Ridge Filing 3 Parcel Number, 2IO3-I22-O702-2 Comments: See@nditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 12/2212005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paidi $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design reviorv must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiollar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approyal lapses untess a building permit is issued and conslruction commences within one year of the approval. Descripuon of the Request: Location of the Proposal :LoB I gtocf<: 3 Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: ?l I A\onr Zonins: ,\4bAf Phone: 3o g ' owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:n, n *--n'- b Mailing Address:AJo,-,,-,, oJ :1-t7- E-mail Address:cr13 ^ -l v r ott o v) o 0\ tA, O. 1q $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review D New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/duplex) X changestoApproved Plans (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): tr Separation Reguest FW: Warren Campbell - FW: Page I of1 From:'TOMOHARA"<TOHARA@afg-co.com>To: <wcampbell@vailgov.com> Date: 12/21120052:02PM Subject: FW: CC: <jkronenberg@novatix.com> Hi Warren; Here is the email I sent to Dan McNeill from the property to inform the Kronenberg's that their skylight request had been approved and subject to what conditions. Please let me know if you need anything else form me. Thanks, Tom O'Hara ---Original Message--- From: TOM OHAM S€nt: Friday, December 16,2005 2:21 PM lo: 'mcneill@vail.nef Subject: Hi Dan; Please inform the Kronenbergs that their skylight request has been approved for the 44' X 46" Velux south-facing skylight that is visible in their email to the Board ot 11127105 in the attachment #1 illustrating its location on the roof. The Kronenbergs will be required to sign the final version of the Declaration of Skylight Covenant as yet to be finalized by the HOA's attorney (this should occur by Tuesday of next week). Thanks, Tom file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Gw)00001.HTM 12/2112005 '|lt****+l'*****+'l******'|********t****+*lt*f*+******fl"|,|***!t***'ta'*+t*l'{'*+**+****'}***++***ftfr** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Stat€m€nt Stacenerrts Nr:nber: R050002129 Anount: $20.00 12/09/20o5o8:49 AM Pa),'ment Method: Check Init: iIS Notatlon: 4025l.lEl{r{IFER KRONBIBERG Permit No: DR8050535 Tlpe: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parce1 No: 2L03-L22-0702-2 Site Mdresg: 1881 IJIONS RIIrc9E IJP VAIL IJocation: 1881 I'IONS RIIX|E IOOP, f+sD Total Feea: S20. Oo ThlE Pa)zment 3 $20.00 Total AJ,L, Pmts: $20.00 Balance: S0. OO ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Accoun! Code Deecript ion DR 00100003112200 DESIGIN RwrEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 K*,', n- b'-5 Tnou-o /u-i Vai | ?"'i/ f{ / t [/ Lar' 7 dS" /-'T il-ileol' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES S b ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0192 Job Address.: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Applied...: 07/1812005 Parcel No....: 210312207022 Issued...: 0811112005 Project No...: - p ( lc.,((-di 51 Expires...: 0210712006 owNER KRONENBERG, JNNIFER & PIERR0T/L8/2005 phone: 303-245-0540 2Ll_0 NoRwooD AVE BOI]I,DER co 80304 APPIJICANT KRONENBERG, ,]ENNIFER 07 /L8/2005 Phone: (303 ) 517-41-94 2110 NORWOOD AVTNUE BOIII,DER cor,oRADo 803 04 License: 355-L CoNTRACTOR KRONENBERG, JENNTFER O7/L8/2005 Phone: (303]. 5L7-4L94 2110 NORWOOD A\IE}IUE BOIII.'DER corroRADo I03 04 License: 355 -L Desciption: ADDITION OF NEW UPPER LEVEL WITH 2 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $65,000.00 Fireplace Information: Resricted: Y O DE'ARTMENT oF coMMU*?" o"u"ropMENr rr1..r1-j\ L.\1 - S \J.'-^-\ t r-. r'\ Add Sq Ft: 850 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Building---> 974a.'15 Restuarant Plan Review-> FEE SUMMARY 'r++*{.*'*r.*r.*a*:*:*:r***:*rt{.*)t)t**'tl.:}'t+++***t(i.*i.*,}1i1.*r****)t*:}r***)t*{t* s0.00 Total calculated Fees-> 91,833.44 Plan check--> s485.59 DRB Fee----------- > SO.OO Additional Fees---------) 90'00 Investigation-> S0.00 Recreation Fee:------ > $595.00 Total Permit Fee----.--> 91,833.44 Will Call----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit---*-- > $o.oo PaymentJ---------- > $1,833'44 TOTAL FEES------------- > $1,833.44 BALANCE DUE-----> 90.o0 ***t*t*******i(:t!*+ Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN| o8/o4/2oo5 cgrrnion Action: AP Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENI 07 /r9/2oo5 warren Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 08/7L/2oo5 gc Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wittr the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and otlrer ordiltruli@s of dre Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 TURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 ********{.*,************************************************************ t *:t *{<*>t<**<*t<**< ***,k** ** ** *X(**** ** ** * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0192 as of 08-11-2005 Status: ISSUED :1.*********{< *****{<*x<*!:t*:1.*{.*'F************************************.***,t *4.+x.** *********d<*d.*,1.*t r.*t<* **{<++****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0711812005 Applicant: KRONENBERG, JENNIFER Issued: 0811U2m5 (303) 5174194 To Expire: 0210'712006 Job Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL l,ocation: l88l LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Parcel No: 210312207022 Description: ADDITION OF NEW UPPER LEVEL WITH 2 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN wALtS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2M3 IRC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3ll.s oF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1OO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1OI2 OF THE 2OO3 IBC, Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3IO OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IO25 OF THE 2m3 rBC. ******** + +++++*****+**+*+**ff*t** ****++++ltf*ltttt*t***+*i*+** +1.1. ** *****f* ++++*+++++++ + ++ + ++ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +++ +*t+** * * ** **** **+*t**f * ********t+*+ + * *******t* **** ****+*+* **rl.rlrlrl****** * * *,Nt + * * * + + {t * * * * * * * * Statement Number: R050001282 Amount.: $1,833 Pa)ment Method: Check KRONENBERG .44 08/LL/200501:56 PM hit: LC Notation: #3919/,.IENNTFER Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: ThiB Pal.ments: 805-0192 2LO3-L22-0702-2 1881 LIONS RIDGE I,P VAII, 1881 I.,IONS RIDGE IJOOP, #5D TYPE: ADD/AI,T MF BUII,D PERMIT $1,833.44 ***+ +'t{.+*+**:}**t**** * * ******+*********+****t* * ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Accourlt, Code Descript ion BP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 PF 00100003112300 RF 1110 0 0 03 LL27 00 wc 00100003112800 ** * * * * * *rt:t** * *'l******'t* ******* current Pmt6 Total Fees: Total A]JIJ Pmts : Balance : $1,833.44 $1,833.44 $0.00 BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 748.75 486 .69 595,00 ? nn FR0l'1 : Nor./atrx Jgl l[J OS 0C:sop FltX NO. : ++393-245-a54A Jul. 11 2bA5 DZi 43Fn P2 hret Bzard nstocr.rrs C?00O30 p.e Li ApprrcAlorrr wfLL Nor sE AccEprEo ]F rNcoMpLErE oRl,..rs&!'o(. 0 zg ( aulcin'q'i#FTrG:p-ol ?I MVNOP 75S.F Vail, Colorado ryoR oFFICE usE oNL\.r'|'.*'r'ir'rrrfr'r''{r'r*r*h-ri^ For Parcel {u &!ilil 'zlObtZZoloZ2 rob Name: !(tza.re^raeea Peua*&bAdchess: tggl Lzr^is ?;", loor Leg.l Dcacnpdon I t-ot: 5u I euct; - [ rit;ng, - | subdlririonr \A..1 ?o,*r G..-.lrr€ orrn:ers Name: ':*,ira. K..-^,s,J Addtccs:'95L,;,, 'a-xa, 1,,*W"?n 4rqE. *'i?'Si?t"A*ro^n AEsd, . tr ooo'"''Po.€"* !oeg; va;u \\oatc-- glr* Engineer: 2Be-cc'oor^s{ Z*tls Wo* Class: Nevr( ) Addfiicn( ) Remooel (X) R.@ir( ) Demo( ) O'thor ( I Wo{t Typ€: Inl€r€r (x} Ertenor (.{ Both ( }Does an EHU exist at t:'6 locatjon Yes ( ) No 0C Typo ofBldg-: Sinqlelaniiy ( ) T.tdfarnily ( ) Multi-tsmilv (rQ Cor.mercid ( l R€darrant ( ) Ohet( 1 No. of Exisiing Drvelling Units in this buildingr 4 No. of Acoornrnodatoi Units in lhis birilclng: N.,4\ . f'ld/TvDc of FircDlEcd ExiBt ng: Gas Appliares ( r') Gas ! No/Typ€ ot Fi.BDlaces PfopoBed: q€e Acpl'€nce€ i ) Gas Logs (') J-rtooq/Pe[Et ( ) Wood gurninq (NOT ALLO\A:ED)" U2qurnalt@ 05,20/:g0a /s FROI'I : INDOOR ENUIRONT1ENTFL SERUICES PHONE NO. i 9-7A39^BAB7 Jul. 15 2AD5 AsiAzAn P3 Indoor Environrnental Selices, LLC Vrit Point #5, 1E81 Lionsridge Loop, Vail' Colorado Asbestos Report -Page l ofl July I l, 2005 Mr. Michael Haard. On July 7 ,2W5, Qucntin Danziger of lndoor Environmental Services conductod an asbestos inspection and collected bulk samples of suspeot material of the areas planncd for dcmolition in Vait Point Unit #5, l88l Lioinsridge Loop, Vail, Colorado BACKOROUND: Renovation is planned for Unit 5. Tbis is the predemolition asbestos inspeotion. ASBESTOS{ONTAINING MATERIAL: AII suspect material is NON asbcstos containing malerial. No asbestos was found in any samplc. Thank you for using lndoor Environmental Scrvices, LLC. Wc are proud to be your local indoor air quality consultants. Wc look forward to working with you in the future , Quentin Daozigv, BS, CIE, CMR Indoor Environmental Services, LLC P.O. Box 997 Vail, CO 81658 970-390-0087 O@SiglcSanctuary.com FROI'4 : I NDMR ENU I RONI.4ENTRL SERU I CES PHONE NO. i 97A39a,8,?8-7 Jul. 15 29'P5 B'si 8.ZAl1 P4 n m ro Inc Testin 7100 N. Bmadwry Ste.F -O.*.t, CO. 8022r Phone (Eftj)487'r'531 Far (.10.1)aE7'4534 B uLK A sBEsr gis.;i##;thE;*f#l YS Is R EIloEr CLIEI{T' CLIENTPBOJECTTT PBOJECT NAIvIE: IBBBEVTATTONS: INDOON, E'TTVIRONMENTAL SESVICBS F,O. EoN 997 VAIL, CO tl.sl r$r Lros-6 nIDG6 J5 6Er PROJECTt: 0705'12 DATE eF !:ECEIPT: 0?-00.05 DATE oP rrNALYsls: o?-l r '05 8AMPLED 8Y; CLIE\T PAGE *;toFl MATEXJALIIX]E CELL-C.llutor. ?C-Plbrdu! G1... AGG.AggrtPrrc Nf'Iron Flbrollr BIN-Etdtr SYN.SYathclc tltl.Hotr€ Hrlr gA!4ELLItrE vt.vlnyl tloot Iib Fs.flocrOhoot&E Ac-Ao||nlcrl tPrry-On Ct-C.Nnt Ttlo INM'Drt'rll Joltr Mrd rrVl,I9rll Phrtet GRATJ€rrrlrlrr ^68EfTEls.TYE cflEYgCbrttoltL AMOS-^aBirc CtOc-ctoddollt lry.Erl,ltanolbc !{AD-No AtD.tlo. D.a.ala(t rt^cE-<lt6 {5bc.tor orrttr MATBIIAIS 9cmth c..lH!n cl-|€rtrf 3Et I"AE r s,rr,ei,E DBSCnFTIOX t65trtl1xt NAD IIAD t00cll@l'EoarE |;olon YES Dt {l ."u1 I loobAcoREoaru l00iAo(itBoAtE cooD YEs ct4:arrrr I --^;;--1 0000 vls -rr.a-!|rrfnF claN NAD ul.lD ' l0i'CELL^AGG cooD YEtr 02.01 4t001 NA.D -t=_- :-rsq'cELl'^cc I QaoD !-r--I ltg,caLL.Acc i c^)oo YB3 YE'-02.02 .ti09 lSALLlQlArl,. t lll I l;' vr'All oz-tJ atflc WAT^L'OAIBWHIf!, ORAN o!-0t a9tl l TILL Tr rrutg.wttlr& orAN II^AD IO'IACCT:CATE oooD YE9 03'0r .9tt2 -T{rL tExru--'smTD |3t^tt T IIAI!ifr?f?I;recrtP cooD vEs 0t 0t .9t l!-SILI xTor6.rvllTS, GIAI{ NAD IOEl|AGGRF.OATE cooD YEt METHOD: DEfECTION LrMrTt .ANALY6TT Aulhoriccd 6lgrrluro: Polri2cd Ltht Mi.F-o?v. EPA ltldtrod 600/n'93/M fC tuD.aar Lrrr M&rrronr rnb,!o|'tFrraltr onl, F 6. lt|g E.!. TiI a.aron ia!,ftat L r.tlaaraad arar't|| d rtl F d.rrtl'tt![ thl, r+ort (&nol !. u.td $t rl..lltt' .. 'lai thd!'] ,r6gjifr6 iy xrn-* Jr dr.aaity ror.u t.6o"dnror, n,ru ftn irrnprn .f,rt tib -na f*aura (.1'tt) s.t{ or. to!t. rla ol &|or nD. Hllt{r. tttldt Ert Di obrrhdlyt!Ffor9Elf.Gv'L|r|Gc..|'tgi'!ni-ytt19ercccurr4turrr.icrrr.'roq'.''l'|.,tE}''TEv^h.t''l'(lbrtnho.cdd.lc!|ol}lo''.r.''r!r.tvl.t.d E NE lirt! .ra.. r4rlrt 1.. $q r.i Fr.-d<|oi).n r|.. t F.l.rtld LU*ltLUl '.|i rft.r -' rn|l-ti -t Il 'ld{'|ll t!t' FPOI'1 : I NDOOR ENU I RONNENTRL SERUICES PHONE NO. : 97a39a8q47 t938 OnGy Avanur chcrry x{1, f{J 0t009 15 2DA5 85: S3nr P5 !r r rr!l--- *_ _=,r_! n7|-_:ii ^n aLlLa. ., bt.6 iterr lrL'.ltt!t' J Acrolrch llborctotioe, Ing 3 PIK Mlotor'lology tolvstr' Inc' r 601 w xnu@n Orlve Pho.nir, AZ 960?7 a)r f .J OTdi -\L it s6...t"rcmr.co|n ot crr g00,116r.allc[! |o requc!: a cogy hdoor Envltonnantcl g.fvlces A. Al: O . Dr,Dt VJC ' W.llch'l I - grlt W - wel'l 3'3url.eo 9f.ra! sr.r.. tc Vlll, CO f l CSt Anrlyrtt R.qu.rted tttvr Ceq, t r 0t r. alv'|'ol !a f..aaa vlll^l ll MVNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Signature -/ . t ,'oate: 7//4 /aJ Document2 0512012005 ll TOhNffi Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: , r' This Checklist must be ompleted fuforc a Building Permit appliation is aceoEd,/-{ All pages of application is complete {7as DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form sa Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex 71o Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (See attached '7^' Construction Fee Schedule for calculations)Md Completesite plan submitted rt& puiltirWay Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist)N6 Siicugingplan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe EfrlSbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring d;\rchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) { fu[ floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodel/additions,4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) o -Window and door schedule { flstructural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) { Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family)n4 '9)n Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 3 Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated a Smoke detectors shown on plans Mtgp.rand quantity of fireplaces I have r€ad and u rcquirements: Applicant's Date of submittal: Documene Received By: 05n0t2005 Vail Point L'ownhome Association 1881 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 June 23, 2005 Jennifer & Pierre Kronenberg Vail Point Townhomes #5 2l l0 Norwood Ave. Boulder, CO 80304 DearJennifer & Piene- This letter is to acknowledge Board approval forPhase I ofyourarchitectural design review rrquest at Vail Point with the following conditions: 1 All Town of Vail requirements are met. 2. Owner (and all future owners) must incur all expenses of maintenance, upkeep and eventual replacement ofthis revision. 3. No construction debris disposed of in Vail Point dumpsters. 4. Call for management inspection when project is completed for final sigtr off. Please call ifyou have any questions. Vail Point HOA managing agent 970479-6047 r- ;J I0I44VM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontaoe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479:2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us Project Name: KRONENBERG RES. ADD. Project Description: 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: ProjectAddress: 1881 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 3 Subdivision: Vail Ridge Filing 3 Parcel Numben 2L03I2207022 Comments: SEE CONDmONS DRB Number: DRB04036b ADDMON TO UNIT 5 OF THE VAIL POINT CONDOMINIUMS. THIS ADDMON IMLIZED 26,5 SQUARE FEET OF THEIR 250 AND ADDED 588 SQUARE FEET OF INTERIOR CONVERSION. THIS APPUCATION WAS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE IN GRFA WHICH OCCURED ON AUGUST 2,2004, Fariicipants: APPLICANT KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0T/30/2004 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: OWNER KRONENBERG, JENNIFER&PIERR0Z30/2004 phone: 303-245-0540 L6cation: Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/18/2004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C-ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006592 The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the new dormer to be 9 feet six inches wide by 6 feet tall to match the dimensions of the dormer currently exisitng on Unit 12 in the Vail Point Conominiums. Revised dimensions shall appear on the plans submitted for building permits. Cond: CON0006593 The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the new window on the east elevation to match the dimensions and aliqnment of the exisitng located directly below' Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 9't0-479-2738 DEPARTMENT oF coMMU*t ouu"roPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO5-0I92 Job Address.: 1881 LIONS RIDCE LP VAIL Status.....: ISSUED [,ocation......: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Applied...: O7/l8l20f5 Parcel No....: 210312207022 Issued...: 08/11/2005 Legal Description: ?RSO.1 _O/ 61 Expires...: W/07/2M Project No...: OWNER KRONENBERG, ,JENNIFER & PIERR0T/L8/2O05 Phone: 303-245-o540 2110 NORWOOD A.|iIE BOULDER co 80304 APPIICANT KRONENBERG, ,JENNIFER 07/L8l200s phone; (303) st7-4794 2110 NORWOOD AVENUE BOT'I,DER coLoRADO 80304 License: 355-L coNrRAcroR KRoNENBERG, ,JENNTFER 07/L8/20Os phone: (303) st7-4L94 2110 NORWOOD A\IEITUE BOT'I.DER coL,oRADO 8 03 04 L,icense:355-L Desciption: ADDITION OF NEW UPPER LEVEL WITH 2 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $67,000.00 Fireplace Information: Rbsuicted: Y Add Sq Ft: 850 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 go.o0 Re$e3tion Fee------- > S59s,00 Total Permit Fee----- > $1,911.54 Building----- > 5?62. ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 3495-79 DRB Fee----> FEE SUMMARY ,r:t'rr:t+**'Fr*,1.:r:l.ri*{r**,}*,lit*rt*tr<:it(*:lx('r:4,*,1.i*,i**:r!*:}'r,}:r'1.,}**:r*t :i't*'r,}:a*:lr 90. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 51, 911 . 54 $0.00 Additional Fees---------- >$0. 00 Investgstion- > Witl Call---- >$3.o0 Cleaa up Deposit----> TOTAL FEES------------ >$1.91l.s4 BALANCEDUE---:->s0.00 ;ifi]--:i't:*!t*l.l*ill.*|.*,('t+:t,t:t*,tr**'i*:t*,t|i****.|.Ftt|*++{.*3**:t**itn*+**+{*+**+****** ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/o4/2ao5 cgunion Action: AP t2/o'1 /20os cgunion Action: AP approved revised 8 L/2,' x 11" structuraL streets. DRB application will be required if skylights are to be installed. ftem: 05400 PLANNING DEPART!,IENI 07 lL9/20Os warren Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS $ o . o0 Payrnents-:-------- > S1, 911 . 54 08/IL/2oo5 gc Actsion: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 * ** ** *,* * * * *. * * * * ** * ** ** ** * ** ** * *** **,t ** * *!t* ***:1.*+*'h *tr****** **** j.****t **. ** **. * * * * r. * ** *:& *:|. *:* * ** ** * * * ** ** * j**:* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B05-0192 as of 12-07-2005 Stanrs: ISSUED ***.*:|t***,t*,}**{.*4<*****'!*{.****:t*,|.*:t**,t*****{<:t(,t.***:i.*{.*********{.**d<***d<*|t*,<*,**,t*,t<*,}*{.*:|.*4<*{<*****,k*,k*:k****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07/18/2005 Applicant: KRONENBERG, JENNIFER Issued: 08/11/2005 BOr 5l'7-4194 To Exoire: A2/O712OM Job Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Parcel No: 210312207022 Description: ADDITION OF NEW UPPER LEVEL WITH 2 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2M3 IRC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3ll.5 oF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1OO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R31O OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 rBc. lftlt{'f****ll**+{'+l'{'*l"t't**l**'}f***'t'}*tt+f+ltt*lt**+*t****************+t+*+t++++*t*+++*+*f*t* TOWNOFVAIL COIJORADO Statem€nt 'l{r*{'tf**t**f*t*l'****t*f*{r*f'}'t**r*****+t*++t'}**a*r****+++++++a+****+**{'*+**********t*}*+*+}a} SEatement llumber: R050002111 Amount: $78.10 t2/07/2OO5O1 :45 PM Payment Method: Check Init: L,T Notation: Caeh Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Palment 3 ACCOI]NT ITEM IJST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 805 - 0192 2LO3-L22-0702-2 1881 IIIONS RIIX'E 1881 IJIONS RTDGE $78.10 TYPE:. ADD/AI.T MF BUILD PERMIT IJP VAIIJ LOOP, #5D TotsaI Fees: Totaf ALL Prnts: Balance: $1, 911.54 s1, e11 . s4 s0.00 Deacription Current Pmts BUIIJDING PERII{IT FEES PIJAIiI CTIECK FEES 14.00 64.10 /O Ws l'o't6,\4":D O fros-o€{r I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 COMPLETE REVI APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Building Permit 970479.2149 (ln REVISI WN OF VAIL Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mec ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials oR oFFlcE usE oNLY***tt************************tt*t*ttt* fit() 0 1 t1't),, ical, etc.! TOV-COM.DEV. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION and Phone #'s: '2-e ?(7'77 4 72t 2r7-7772 l-ft"(,- ATTENTION: JoE, JR, CHARLIE, GREC OTHER: S 4U- |REVISED AMOUNT: $ REVISED TOTAL: $MECHANICAL: $PLUMBING: $ For Parcel # Conta ct Cou Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # Job Name: Hr^rnhr,Rz^olrl JobAddrers;, ehn s,bl,L /^p#T Lesat Description ll r-Lt' ll ero"r, ll ririns'Su bdivision: Owners Name:Phone: ArchilecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer: SWa Pt n olcrtr.rl Address: 7bs p{tl . BrJlv ! o Phone:3ot yn-Doc REASON FOR REVISIONS:T - Gil',t"1 h n n8'lron."t tl,a1ltr 1",/t^ 7^f e[etal,a." nu/o/lb fu r,;.r1 WorkClass: New() Addition(,{ Remodel ('{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (.2) Exterior ( ) Both (clf Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (4 Two-Iamily( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (l Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bq!!4S l No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burniqg (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( 4 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( "t Date Received: FlUsers\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLOGREVlSlONS2004.doc 't2to2t2004 i0l{'Ar Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklist must be completed hefore a Buildina Permit aoplication is acceoted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted (4) Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan (4) included (refer to Public WorK checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwaE and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted iF demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodeUaddition, 4 seG of plans for new SFR, Duplex, Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie. loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown \ -'\ tl o D 0 o f, D o o a o o n o f a o I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: FlUsers\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlON52004.doc Received By: 12t02t2004 EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES e EVELO OWNER KRONENBERG, iTBiINIFER & PIERR11/14/2005 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOUI-,DER co 80304 APPIJICAITT INFINITY EITECTRIC TL/L4/2OO5 Phone: (303) 973-2264 8360 WIIJD AJ,FAI-,FA PLACE PACKER colroRiADo 80134 Lricense:354-E coNrR;AcToR TNFTNTTY ETTECTRTC LL/L4/2OO5 phone: (303) 973-2264 8360 WII-,D AIFAL,FA PLACE PACKER COIJORADO 80134 License: 354-E Desciption: REWIRING OF IST AND 2ND FLOORS AND UPGRADING SERVICE Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: 2200 ******,t r*,t****13*'** TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location,,,..: Parcel No...: Project No : Elecrrical------ > DRB Fee----- > Invcstigation-- > will Call------- > TOTAL FEES-- > ELECTRICAL PERMIT 188I LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP. #5D 2t0312207022 J ri.sCt'l-ol':1 s9s.4s $0.00 s0. 00 $3.00 $98.45 o D Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires . E05-0290 3os o \q 2- .: ISSUED . : 1111412005 .: 111161200.5 .: 051151200,6 Total Calcdated Fers- > Additional Fees------ > Toel Permit Fee---- > Paym€nts---------.- > BALANCE DUE.------- > $98.45 $0.00 998.4s $98.4s $0.00 Approvals: IIEM: O6OOO ELEETRICA! DEPARII{ENT Lt/]-6/20o5 shahn IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances'and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances gf the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOL'RS IN ADV BY TEI/EPHOIJE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ********f+***tt**++++++tt******+t+f+t**a*****+++a+t**t+++***++*+*d.****t************f******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent **+*********a+*++t****** * * * ** +** | | ************i*+**+++*t*++tt*+++*r+*titf***tttt*t*t*t++* *++ Statement Nruriber: R050001969 Amounts 3 $98.45 LL/L6/2OO5O8:55 AM Palment Method: Check Conatruction Inc. ?364 IniE: DDG Notation: Crown Permit No: 805-0290 T\4)e: ELEqIRICAI, PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3-I22-0702-2 SiI,e AddreEE: 1881 IJTONS RIDGE IJP VATIJ L,ocation: 1881 L,IONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Total Fee6: This Payment:$98.4s s98 .4s 998 .4s $0.00 TOTA]. AIJIJ ETNTS: Balance:tl.**t..*****+t+**********l**ti**t*f,**+**lf*+*+**at+++++tt+**:i++++*******+*+*+a**************+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr j.pt ion Current Pmts EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 EI,ECTRICAI., PERMIT FEES WILL CALI, INSPE TION FEE 95 .45 3,00 ApptrcATroN;LL Nor BE AccEprED rr rn.o"rrrtQ* u cf(- oag l Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #r 75 S. Frontage Rd.i,ilc';ffi=*,,Fo.s*?o Electrical Contractor: Ja(iufft4 €Leda.t-nt, Town ofVail Reg. No.: '3t '/'n C.ontact Person and Phone #'s: rJ,,,J." +\nFtT.-/,d'"o'';)'1rj' E-Mail Address:Fax#:zt 6V Contnctor Signaturef i 'fi/trrin /r t,'fl'n ,-,/ COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR RESIDENTIAL (SFR/DUP/CONDOS) and VALUATIONS FOR coMMERcHL (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: )) tc, (P ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Conta.t Asgessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Pa robAddress: l%t lnl e.1 Job Name: YmAer,14-*.,rA"l 'T"f_Tr#::1't21.+*,,ie "tt,z"t(d,'ut p( f-a)cb 5zr'/r:C WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel pQ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) BottJlC Typeof Bldg.: Single.familyF DupleLll"0-'Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: (No. of ExisUng Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X No ( ) F:\cdev\FORM S\PERM nS\ELECPERM. DOC I I /09/2005 mwxuvvtn ..{- ,J":i &r,.-,,3 Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rcadily accessible, andlocated ne:t to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walfs and spaces are xempt NM Cable (Romex) an be used only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceding 3 stories. Type NM cannot be used in any building mixed with Type A,B.E Eil[M AS. Aluminum conductorcsmaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of elcterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineeis wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-line and panel schedules are reguired if load is added or distribution is altered. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2I47. The inspector can be reached on Monday thyr Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. .t t o o F:\cdev\BUILD ING\APPUCATIONS\ELECPERM2005rcvdrft .DOC o l44e-ee52 p.1 Lt*;/ *r Vail 970479-2457Fax Stan. Town Of Vail Elechical lr:rspector. Stan, Here's soure information for the 200 amp service upgnde forthe building Project located at 1881 Lions Ridge Loop, Unit # 5, Vail, Co. I've enclosed -the ori.Cinal drawings that were shoum to you by Rob Routand" the general contractor on the project. I've also enclosed load calculations and one-line drawings from our elecical engineer. Ifthere are any question, feel free to contact me at303434'2052 Thanks for all yor:r help on this mafter- I WilliamNelson )vfanager */;*'/ E,L P*az L6ft- a )zo 2lt 71v2 ii? rlsb Tn , Ln r't-il ' frj 'n t r /a {"b'-l \r r5, ''/' 1I,DDD^. - Ffi'{ ;" ' *('^^' }lt 'f*-'l #waJ trt$ l: * i.**f F 6 y';'r* F,*t* 0'ltri'"{ cr p.2 5*n-nnut 70 Et Ir' L ltt -v o- * 8l- Vi, l,o -2'-i\Ar4O=o't:o-4rft '-;1lU eibs !uui {;;;'a E; t, =+1 i 3zL -{ *Ee 1 7!E t f z 6i 3l o tjl 9l Jan 06 06 11:17a r-l^^^i Eoulde4 CO 86At 303-49+6355 t0?494-3297 tAx l IE r\Y/ I E I I 'yr F Associates 780 $hcyeaae Ce '#r ,y tr tr, i H 1l _t t-rr January titoT IT COI\TDOMINIT]M, VAIL COLORADO ONELINEDIAGRAM >-nr-j-E fr1 .-.t L N @@ -Er-L-rj ----t<\.-J -i-;- a-1 Lur 1 [ '-*-r >--- @'-,l-i--31 {-rl ----&1---l: -t a -.:.- T v j L F cll o o t I I a v tt rl -11 >\a 2 x +-6!rrD i z=4 if;3 i:in r+ / g iY '' s4fr *L>r ar _tr 'fi tr, v r -trP J 1--1 * '-El fl #r nO e3 1+at sn I -. NIJ '5 x ft'* ,/l -4 i o rli\ ! -4 it. .o r ;l -l I -l l1 I *:F .f l -'* i:-' 3- -. ,v t b"'g ''1 tai ,dY 'r g.J FP o.-*i f*i e ffi+ | ,:l --tJ ?--- -ul-.J--- 1 , -l ?l 7-l Jan 06.06 11:17a I to Yn-tnut - sD(lINrT CONDOMTNTUM, VArL COLORADO r BUILDING LOAD CALCULATiONS PERNEC 33,500w 36,000 18.000 p.3 3000 watts @ 100% 84,600 waas @ 35o/g 6 ranges (NEC/220.19) 6 dryers @ 50Qow x .75 (hIEC 220-18) 6 disposa$ @ [zoow 6 dishwas[ers @ l500w lspa | | Electric h6at 3,000w 29,610 25,550 22,500 7,200 9,000 1,500 1.800 10Q1 l0 w: 27E amps @?OBV Note: Service is 800 amp,3 phase ,1 ,) I Jan 06.06 1118a {l ' ".,/ i p.4 o I I I Z,Ttne-r- [ Uy^ rra-1s ).t* S?A "lq.,.e- u,r, u l+a )lro P[.uV w/ *arr.,,*r o f ' rl I A".ft fh,5 !qlL!.tC€ ,i V':<<t,,. [ur+ "rt€-.-*;*!-*t :; r2,' er.a4 J/ ,',:{*1. ',:. oflb \ ' 1€4" i ./l .-i1i !.'\ \,- rS i, 7 N* ?"ro*;;:'? sE i t;*rl wr tr[u il rr- rl l l'rl,Ottvq i tl , L_] I rtT-H o (xr >ln1 ir.,€{ra ' $"...K* CrrL. uL- /r.t \ oA De ^ ^na :,. r lt. - &,h, ( 'l' ',Ju', ;u.111:.li- ,rrr, T -l''"; s I fur"*i 7t" @o aw '|- L Ottrt,-tfia'" ' al txr(*-rid I , i-.Jl^-lr,irr{Fgn/ Srr5 I l+j{ffi$. | {u ':' \ $,;,ori{' r ' j I I il {''*l \' I FROM :NRTIUE ELECTRIC INC. o1/2712006 14 1? FAI O FRX No. tsTaszltzss O"". 2s zaa1 a6i44Pt1 P1 0 001/oo2 hdk gll.lrd F/nl F3dB Xlnbl ql Lft|.lFa. @ otg a # Kinko's.qr Fax Cover Sheet ltleghonc: S63il.19S FiE|sttoa ls58 tlumber ol p.grr -/- litcludhg cou?t 9.$l To: ,r,-..Lr4K'</ ,o ?70 '3Sl ' '/e?3 colqll,Ir( Zta;t7 .{tt' '*'? utq''tme 301. -?7J -#C l/ CDn trnE Utitnn tl't llcniorirrcrbrirlr'qthr hG&r|I'tFl ,.llfi'zftc'tLltntnirtc rfaanla's' TrW Ag #^s E"ceal 7a/za'n) ir4 c.Lene- Od+1 /-f Sa?l 87 Ttnaurr A444tc ' &s &oor*' I I gl - L/64t zwe /66F Mr # t /3v 1fo7'u' €Tzcnzr c ?raesr€ ,r \ aat ll,nt, l)xrrtf v Ertt- I s tr\t l .fu*,, 1t B-a*-o/ ?2. 6,au* Vv+C A<rv Nty t{oou 'ffiM:w D. &nxta€r/€ ?v* L{&1e yvtor.-E 14.11 J-"fr, JAN 3 o 2006 TOWN OF VAIL LF Y--vI Lat-l .lt FROM :NRTIUE ELECTRIC INC. 0112712008 14:1? FAli O FRX No. ts?@3zaLze3 O an. 29 2?€,6 6t44Pn Pz I002/002 y'-/n ,-fr/)n;17 Ekr*r. el sllti *)- ?)act A/a/,',t, S'/te/rtc ?.tnt..;.r 2b /clt auet 7ol arrL- Vtxtl d g-oS-o8a . *, Ah)2. !,L j{.;a, ^tctltet lrt.ttt. . Zrtat/7 fhc*t3 cJ Jlst Jlat c, sttt/ ac Atr 2<- 6. >ll. !/<</c;re/ ca^tbceJce . )/rJrt dh.fu,c ,t',t! attJ #r- au, l^ttxt/ {tttla ,<. - 2san n,Lae llJ;l,o 48g/ #drlA+. 't-.P J€ Z,nrt.7"u ,4 **/Za.g E/..{-,'a EtrGEro=n [1l rAN s o 2006 U TOWN OF VAIL FROI4 :NRTIUE ELECTRIC INC.O FAX r.rtl- is?aszalzs3 o.t. a2 2aa6 a9t44Pn P2 ' P el V; t ?':*+- rya &Arcocleter ,rr7AUtwA.Wt,@Ufr IHAHr$ lrfF#*lP7.lz FcDnary l,Xt05, To: ErlcNoviski, NSW Ebcfric Rc: Sbr Usit Crurdoalnirn, Veil, Colorado (,1n E48 /erLo DogEric, for(t fvila.l.rtrit ,rr- 91.-?J--t t--- ---. - *u ry brrikrr procl in thg rono&hd cnrrlnminirrnr lait. You brvo adt ird ustt rtr tLollxgrlr tg3,tilg ttdt sU ruit conrylur ir 300 KVA, 120fft rolt, 3 pbur. !o Q I qUlgf,,lfult qdull edcdsioo- ur l1ti nalng Ycl'r fr"l] ."'-.e -'r,Lrrr. ttr2, r- ;--rr.n7 bltcd a 8 l% ltruf,oruer ftnlnrlrryr whicb ir e rorrt crrc cmdtioo lt is orr crycrijre 6d RgA utilhics tilc Hoty Cmc rtr nrrt .figiart trurforocil rnrl 6rk fuh .Nlrtotr ; ouch brcr. An Xcd l{D KVA trrfuer would hrvc rn availrblc hrlr cunsr nt trp trorforrar madary of fE 900 aps. usiog ttir nrntaad e[ngiqg fu fuscl inrh zttr ry fiuibtc dtrcoord s iei Hin5 ttc 200 op Drcdr prnol ro Buroaur tlN200 fi'cr q,ould rclwtr pmuca- rfr{ rhurrh" cunurt o'fa LPN2@ t$c ir ?oo0 enge , Ttc brgrlrrrr b tto pra:l havc an IETrias crpanty of I Oqt(l saF so rhe] arr psor€c0ri by b. tpl{ firsca. Wc us rbo raading e rwlsal mt l|nc dhgtm rlro\fli4 SEe ctmsar. Plcrq.u nll if pu Drvs lny $stiool. El*o*B',e{Lrdryr t i,. ct ,r:.r ays & A.erociates ITIE (l:ryrrtn Gl furlrll+arAOQN fir|ry516 tel.1*.JM7ttr IIIX T'NII' CONTIOMINIUM, VAIL COLORADO f oNE L'NB DTAGRTTM 6,) I ; H) lt-rl i ,1 T - 1,. . I : I ?i I . .la.r, . - tl i *. -,l'., i li i'*-:t.. ,*. - ..1 (+') e) :r QJI' .f 't!. t :r a {r o tt r! ;F \ ,hnuary.t. ?(Xtft 'l-ei H x1t E i-r t i f t.i rt" t " " iI i r rv- Ir t3 F l. i .,t'i- i'r tt' | .,tl ./.i,ifi ,a.rr- ' '' 'I I i. .' /l .-r ,l i" | ,1,. ,4tt ..: tt l. i t'r": "' ,t {. I * 1:' !: 1r r!rU 'i t .,+ Iil'r ,t+l.'!.. i.u1{I 3 -""' i .ilt-'j f.'arlil r -', r. it 'i!!r i '''' ' d c.l.t!:.r-a,l 'Il t -r' $L ?'5];. i.f I tl'\i' i Jr 'l'." a -'L a:i " i.'' '.'I .i ^t rl '-n , e €' l. - ,..:r! : s. "h '1 I e .L ! I r','* rT'l #. 'A tA .S .:i *l t'a , '... r '!t' t ., i,,l '.r . |-l I .,ftlau !i , !.. ' [j] "...: .F- ,rfl, t' t.il " - i i I t- I I I t" I I I t-. I I i I 'fi ::(t. li ri .9 'al + -t t ,e ,, .r'Sli i lrti r- i,: ,?]'-I n hc rr'l tt ;1 l,a t, ,. l,iot r ,l; I I l'"" .f,NI f,IUT3="E 3NIIUN: I^IOUJ o t6zr&Eg,L6t 'ON XUJ Ed Adsr|6@ gfuw za'q=a Jan 06 06 11;17a { 303449'9952 o p.1 r\p I L i1,DDD ,rrr ,^r\-- Nr ulu' I \o L'^ tt { Pr*'\ , $araJ r.'/ $ F rull +J)i *llu ilnl *{ 970479-2452Fax Attention Stan. Town Of Vail Eleotsical lnspect'or. $Er, Hetp's some infqmation fc the 200 amp senrice upgnde for the building project locded at i8gl Lions Rilgc Loop, Unit # 5, Vail, Co. I've eircloscd trs odginal drawinp th4t r*rre shorrn to you by Rob Rorrlan( the general aort6etor on the project. t've alsJenclosed load calculcions and on+line drawings from our electical engineer. I Ifthere arre any question, feel free to contac't ae a1303434-2052 Thanks for all yor:r help on this matter. I WilliamNel6n Fr lt 72 -r,, ( c *'- ': )ao 2l^r 7)vy , 'i '/ [V4t '*'l' ' ['"'' p.z 303-449-9952 O Jan 06 06 11:17a IT CONDOMINIUM, VAIL COLORADO ONELINEDIAGRAM fal--+ o' '- --*ljr -J I ;- --- -r;t.-.! - l- --.1- -af u.f = . i_-_ o * -- - G-il - -; -:3: --a- | *- srx I I t./;'rl\ '(-.' l- -al r_ _v! T ! F $al 6 o I}I o \.J, tt I tl -1,v v x +tlra l.t=i Ir-'5 "o:ir'f t-|. t 'n c-2.K n+lv^:u,i.;, q, -4';.*L>'. c'.E t-r -:*'kt >-tN btrB taj i" 5 'r-o zs - c-6 v z-F ( .fI p ?lr.? v n -trF I f----"-r .lrl {.,f|0- c nQ .3 1+ N [--J ftx vl -1 -z c. /l\ \ F 3 .-J .() r ? € E;iY' L 1., 4,0 h $,: F9t " F L7 \\?r?i o -.+ tfr t ."iis 4 Ja vibrs Lr !3 7vv n i E;.5 ,t L o zE;t 7+1 i iz_1 d 'f' ) 1" 5'2 ', '-Ft: -6Fti an X-^t t o'l3 E ftt @o I t- Jan 06 06 11:17a 303449-9952 o 3,000w 29,610 25,550 22,500 7,200 9,000 1,500 1.800 100,110 w =778 amps @ 208V p.3 o I su rtNrr collDoMrlvrlM, vArL coLoRADo I I t r Fumnqc LOAD cALcuLATIoNs PERNEC tl' I1,400 sq. ft Residen{al @ 3w 33,600w 2a inrallappliancecir{uits @ 1,500w 36,000 I2lhunrlr circuils @.t.500\^' 18.000 ii f,ilfv'iilJ,' 6I,s l8-000 3000 watts @ 100% 84,600 watJs@35Yq 6 ranges 0.{ECp20.l9) 6 dryers @ s0{Or x .75 (NEC 220-18) 6 disposalf @ [zoow 6 dishwaslrers p l50Ow lspa | | Electric h[at Total Note: Service is 800 amp,3 phase ) f I ,\l l' Jan 06 06 1'1:18a {'2 ...:! | I 303449-9952 o o p,4 I E,Trnuxt { uy,*'. ,'yr ) 4'^l +[is : + ()e-E- "[o*.n- or\ /U* S.rc,'].+: ,Jo.^ PLI-V{ *oa:,.o{ r,frit,., i> i5 [4-h *g -Lai' ..s.rnfl*\ i;l.e+.A.J1 *rr?f , lfl 4l$. \,1 {.r!$H f tr[il fur"*j &"a @o nry 'i- Qt/btorta''f' On.- b,-s -?:J'1, 'i*' ogri. \ | \€a..'it;t"I r,1 ''f* o {, j'-. - |' t e. xr )r./il t\t+QE !-7...'K* CtL, uL* lr,.u \ ok Dg ^ ozvo ),r * l, t - th) t5 b0 r..TL fi,.6P B"*a lD,\lw*k', {l i;:trihiir I ' i*.Jl^ -lr,ltrC{ron / dii5 t t lltrlao L" L-dfue.. T,w; ln,''",u .-"du,l'"F l-Ji"lu'{'i; u{,sTl5ili'i," ) 'oo u* f',f^o,rrY tn1' I 'tt t*t ; I 01/27/20n8 14:19 FAX @002/002 O ,/or/* Eo5- o Ll D -frf-,l7 fkt/r;c a./ y'li, y'rq- 7/v.t A/a/t", F/-c/r,< p1.'v.'r"'o,r, 7r. y'.L ou.. At ()'zJ<- pt.*.;t/ o A-g6ta - , c, Na/tce Z/.eJe ;<. 4lcsltrt lit.ttl,:.t. la/.u; )7 .ru.r.r. ar/ /lr,' Jal., Itit/ ara Att 7<. d- >1. .!,ht/dc</ (c^y'acc>/e.. ill*- {Ldr.t *,ll aqol /ki opn taa/A?/ Tat,ilert .' lren.nLc kl/,o- teet z,-,/i.J7,'Lf t" -/ l.n./c 7"u ,4 Jtj N+*,,re eL".-'{ac- 1lO.>28- tL1, o iafi^'f €/"{n"c TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0290 -Bcs-o\q'L Job Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Applied . . : 11116120[6 Parcel No...: 2L0312207022 Issued . . : Llll8lz0[6 Irgal Description: ..; r: r ,rr( - C,( <1 Expires . .: 05117/2W6 hojectNo ' \ r\ )v OWNER KRONENBERG, iIENNIFER & PIERR11/]-5/2O05 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BO{'I,DER . co 80304 APPITTCANT MECHANICALLY INCLINED 11 /L6/2005 Phone: (303) s91-288s 5291 IJICHEN PIJACE BOUI-,DER COIJORADO 803 01 License:334-M CONIRACTOR MECIIAIIICAIJIJY ]NCIJINED 1-L /L6/2005 Phone: (303) 591--2885 529L IJICHEN PLACE BOI'I,DER COITORADO 80301 License:334-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW ZONE FOR UPSTAIRS LOWEST BEDROOM AND MASTER BEDROOM. REPLACE ALL POLY PIPE EXCEPT BASEMENT Valuation: $4.m0.00 Fireplace Infornation: Resticted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: Q #of Vy'ood Pellet: 0 a**{.tt}tlt+l++l.,tl{ra+l.r+1.,1.+lrll*lt+l+ $80. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0 .00 Total Calculated Fees..- > $103 . 00 $20.00 TOTAL FEES-_----> $103.00 Additional Fee,s-------> $0.00 $0.00 s3.00 Totrl Permit Fes----- > 5103 .00 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Meclunical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > wilt cdl---- >Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE....---- > s103.00 s0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI tL/L6/2oo5 ,Js Action: AP i Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARIMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQITIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO !4.ANIIFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 / (BL,DG.): GAS APPITIAIICES SHATIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAIJ EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 20 Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SI{ALI-, BE MOITNIED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI'MTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG')r PERMIT,PLAT.IS AND CODE AIiIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PR]OR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BIJDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALI-' BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1.004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR PM. o 03 IFGC. ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****++i******++******+++t****ta*++t**** ************+*********t******************** * * * ******* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * *+*+ ++**** +++******* +*+* +*****+f +++*********++* *++* t:t't'l*'l+*!t't't+++****** +********* * *** * ***** Statement Nurnber I R050001992 Arnount: Palment Method: Credit Crd Rob Rouland $103.00 77/L8/ZOO,O1 :19 PM Init: LC NoEaEion: credit card Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : tocation: This Pa)ment: MP 00100003111100 PF 001000031123 00 wc 00100003112800 2LO3 -L22 - 07 02- 2 1881 IJIONS RIDGE I.|P VAII' 1881 IJIONS RIDGE LOOP, *5D $103.00 $4>E: MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: Total AJ,L Pmts : Balance : M05 - 0290 $103.00 $103.00 $o. oo +++.+** * * i****f f *+f +*****{. **+*++++f *********lll*** * * * *i*t*i******t*+++t*******f *****'i+'+ + ++ ** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Current Pmts MECHAIIICAIJ PERMIT FEBS PI,AIiI CHECK FEES WIIJL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 80.00 20.00 3 .00 ApptrcATroNQLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEr?R uNsrcNED- TOV Project g' t )85','o',lo'zt) i NVNAFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Buifding Permit #z't#:--(4 t 97 O - 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) \r tc ('?111(l -R.[l Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***************************** fr^rrt$ Mechanical Contractor: lr1yhcu, ca r*v1 . -i)e J,,,zl Town of Vail Reg. No.: .i 1'( - !i\ Contact Person and Phone #'s: W? (-iic\ (o 3'> c ti z.- -)r E-Mail Address:Fax#: contractor sisnature: nii i;r)r< MECHANICAL: S 4 OOC\ Contact Assessorc Office at or visit wvvw.for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: 'y'4olLtil BW 'k$t,->e.nt-d:.e JobAddress: itET t-tta^ts ?t lcqa. Loeg t+ L-- Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivisionr Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: {p fhCu Nt+t 'ZJ)N€ '''tr;fAp- Bz & r.,,t,- - Q.zDLr "r_ Xl!* fr,- v'tf5i?,re s T)'ir, 'B,,rln |,t,., r,,.,- i.t^+ Bt<lri:on l- ?rDe, trtcc|>l- ?nsnc^i Work Class: New ( )Addition fu Alteration( ) Repair( ) Boiler Location: Interior (){ Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family |q) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No'ofExistingDwe||ingUnitsinthisbui|ding:<No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( lJ Gas t-oqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( y _._ ^3 F:rcdev\BUILDNGTAPPLICATIONSU\rECHPERM2005.K l r- Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria r You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mecha4ical lvork will involve ANY elcerior work. This intlude! and is notJimited to removalapd reg[acembnt of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact af,tanner at47g-2l2Sfordditipnal infdrmatiorr.'t.J..tr r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2OO3 International Mechanical Code anfthe 20o3 International Fuel Gas Code. o All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipmenl Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te onstruction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that Ume the ordinance has undergone numenous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. r Dwellinq Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). r Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r Accommodation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unat may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. r If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be convefted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II ceftified unit. F:\cdev\BUILDING\APPLICATIONSWECHPERM2005.DOC 06/08/2005 1\ Gas hot water boirer G124x il/Dr-Moder Boirers WARNING Before putting the boiler into operation read this manual carefullv. WARNING lmproper i nstallation, adjustment,arleration, service or,ynaintenance g1l^:?-u::. i"lury or groperty damase.Heter to. this manual. For assistanc6 or additionat information consult a l1"lt]"d i{stailer, service agency or the gas suhlier. The operating ma docurnentation th, rs part of the delivered to the r. Go through the i nf o rm ati o i{S[ ih i;;;; ffi",il;owner/operator and make sure that he or she is made familiar with allthe necessary operating instructions. 6301 3782 -O8/2XO1U^'^- ',- )=-; l:' Buderus I I HYDRONTC SvSTEMS '':' l: , --+r | -. | #- .rq ,/cl : .fa[,tf l\) 7u\n'Lul J Instalfatiofr,- LiLr"tion and maintena,nce manual Notice: Thic rnan,.ot -..-.' r- - ---. '..\ ,l .:--i" i{r- - ..Jl ' t!'r .1,, 'h ,1 2. Dimensions and supply connections aaza Fig. 1: Front, side and rear views, measurements in inches Table 1 Diagram 1: Pressure Drop 10 o1 o <J' Dimensions boiler size boiler input . (BTU/h)inche s vent ll inches vent ol Inches mtntmum relief valve cap. lb/hr number of burners boiler water volume US Gal. dry weight ros to 74000 BTU/h )s.o 5 oz n 2.4 229 --23--4tl,r6{fr;30.2 db 2.9 240 32 132 500 BTU/h .tu.v o 110 3.4 JO/ model H vent damper oullet H middle draft inducer outiet tl 37 inches DI 38 inches Table 1 a 103 000 Brulh/l32 500 BTU/h ',7. Gas SUPPIY Gas connec$ons Deiermine the proper gas pipe giee needBd for the instatlation using tables 2 and 3. Do nol neglect lhe pipe fitting loses. A sediment trap must be inslatl€d at the inlet o{ the gas $uppty piping to lhe boiler, When local codes require, a manual shutoll valve musl be instalted ouleide the bollar iacket, it is recommended that a manual shulotl vatve be installed on the main gas piping to lhe boiler. The gas piping tnust be supported external to tie bo,fer. When instslling the gas supply conneclion, il musi comply with the local regulatJons or, it $uch r€gulations do nol exist, with th€ National Fuel Gas Code' ANSI 2223.1. In Canada, the gas suppty connaction must comply wilh locai regulations or, if such regulations do nol exist, wilh csA/ccA*8149 Installation 6uidelines. WARNINC Do not check for gas leaks with 8n open fla$e - use soap and water solution. Failuro io do so can cause severe pet$onal injury, d€aih or sub$tadial property damage. The boiler and its individual shutolf valve nust be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pre$sure tssting of lhat system al test pressures in excess of It psig. The boiler must be i$olated from the gas suoply piging systern by clo$ing ils individuai manuai shulofi valve during any pres$sre tesling ol the gas supply piping system a! tesl pre$sures equal to or less than rA psig' The boiler and ils ga$ connsction musl be leak tested bef ore placing lhe boiler in op€rat'on. $ee "Placing the boiler in operation', paEe l5' pipe joint cornpound {pipe dope} musl be resistanl lo corrosive aclion of liqutfied petroleum gsses and applied sparingly only to male lireads ol pipe lotnts. High Altitude The boiler i$ laclory shipped {or in$tallation below 2000 le€t slevation. Th€ boiler musl be derated tor in$talla- lions above 2000 leet. The derate is accomplished by changing the main burner orifices. lf your elevation i$ above 2000 teet, contact yout supplier to order appro- priate parts. Do nol atlempt lo detale fhe appftance withoul Buderus certi{ied part$ and instructions. Tabie 2: Gas PiPe CaPacitY Max,mum orpe capacity In tuhr basod on 0.60 specillc -s;ry;iiit pressure-of 0.5 psrg or less and a 0 3" w c' Pregsure droP. L*ngth ot PiPe in Feet CAPAOry OF PIPE IN CUBIC FEET OF CAS PEF IIOUR rra "1 l1-/r" 10 132 278 5?0 1060 1600 ?a 92 r90 350 730 1100 30 'r2 tzz 285 5S0 890 40 63 130 245 500 760 50 56 115 215 440 olu /5 45 93 1'7 E 360 545 100 ?c 79 160 305 480 150 '41 64 120 250 380 Eauivalant length of pip€ liftings in leel Nominal hon Fipe $ize (inch€$) Type of pipe litting ;" e'*.T t* | Gr,u vn,u* | e"t;*o lflow lht{ btarici} {luil Porl} Equivalent lgnglh in teet ,..{"1.4 0.80 2.,d.l 1.25 I z.o A'0.6 1.60 1 1.,.t "o.8 t t( 4.O 8^0 no Z.JU Table 3: Equivalent Length Chart TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o EVELO Job Address: Location...,,: Parcel No...: kgal Description: Project No : OgINER KRONEIIBERG, iTENNIFER 2110 NORWOOD A\rE BOITI,DER co 80304 APPIJICAIVT NOTHNAGLE PIJI'MBING & PO BoX 504 TOUISVILI,E coIroR;ADO 80027 Licensi:345-P CONTRACTOR NOTHI.IAGLE PLIJI{BING & PO BoX 504 IJOUISVILLE coLoRADO AOO27 License: 346-P Desciption: ROUGH IN AND FINAISH 2 l/2 BATHS Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:2? # of Gas Applian@s; ?? o D PLUMBING PERMIT I88I LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL 188I LIONS RIDGE LOOP. #5D 210312207022 V\<SO\-6281 & PIERR11,/09/2Oo5 Phone: 303-245-0540 HEATTNG1l/ 09 /2OOs Phone: (303) 665-4764 HEATTNG1l/ O9 /2005 Phone: (303) 665-4764 # of Wood Pallet: ?? 9138.00 $138.00 s138.00 Permit #: P05-0161 -$os o t1 (_ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : lll09l2D5 Issued..: llll4lzm5 Expires. .: 05lL3l2N6 Plunbing-- > Plan C'heck-- > lnvestigation-> Will Call---> Restuannt Plan Review- > TOTAL FEES----------> FEE SUMMARY $0. oo )rJat. uu f of Gas Logs: 'l'l Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fe€s------ > Total Permit Fe€----- > BALANCE DUE------...> $60. 00 s15. 00 s50. 00 $3.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENr tL/o9/2oos Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EIflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 : (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OL'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 l********flll+*t******tt+++t{'+'t*****t++++*****l*************ll*ift't*'t*t+'t**++++++++*+++***** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Staternent ***i*+*ff+*******+*++++tt***!t***+++++***f*******t*tt****ri******i!t't*'t:l+*{'11'***+++++++*++**** Amount: $138,00 tL/L4/200511 :53 AM Init: DDG NoEation: Crown Statement Nunber: R050001949 Pa)tment Method: Check ConEtruction 7361 Permit. No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Irocat,ion: This Pa)ment: P05 - 0161 21-03 -122 - 07 02-2 1881 I,IONS RIDGE 1881 LIONS RIDGE $138.00 Type: PIJttl,lBING PERI.{IT LP VAIL IJOOP, #5D Total Fees: Total ALLr Pmts : Balaltce: 9138.00 s138.00 s0.00 Current Pnta ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PN 00100003153000 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 Description PI,AN CT{ECK FEES IMTESTIGATION FEE (BI,DG) PI,I'MBING PERI{IT FEES VIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 15.00 50.00 50.00 3 .00 APPLICATI o ON WI LL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEri on unsrffig q_ 0 L$ |Proiect #i = -= - Buildinq Permit #=Bnt- - oi1)- Plumbilng Permit irDc,5= Ot O( 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) NWT]WVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: 6u'et 0b1, 4*lh Town of Vail Reg. No.: E-Mail Address: Contractor ' ltlillrrir - COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel # JobAddress: /frtt /toii '7du* lrr,-p *s'Job Name: (1Zc,,o t.18, rt1 .T2-- ur[rlf Filing: Owners Name: 31.,.,,r {. h "..e _.-rar.+ Detailed descriotion of work: 2-1, '?>nrt49 17a,urr; ,r.' ! Fi-rrH WorkClass: New() Additionx) Akeration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ${ Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:9.No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No ( PLUMBING: $ 4cCr, ************************rr**r.******:t****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****,k****rt***********tr*************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \,3b / \\VaiMata\cdey\FORMS\PERMITS\,PLMBPERM. DOC 0'7126t2002 6n'5 @f<rd4,-Gt"y 3 lrf, l, bl?3 ( llolil OF VAIL DESIG1T REVIBW ACTIOtr FOR}I ProjectNamer KRONENBERGCHNGTOAPPROVED DRBNumber: DR8050337 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS FOR A REMODEL TO A TOWNHOME. Pafticipants: OWNER KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0Z11/2005 Phone: 303-24s-0s40 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 APPLICANT KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0Z11/2005 Phone; 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 ARCHITECT MICHAEL HAZARD AIA 0711L12005 Phone: 970-949-4958 P,O. BOX 1068 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001400 ProjectAddress: 1881 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOa #5D Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block 3 Subdivision: Vail Ridge Filing 3 Parcel Number: 2103-122-0702-2 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= O7lL3/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007327 The applicant shall match all exterior colors and materials to those exisitng on the building and within the Vail Point complex. This include but is not limited to the hand rails to be used on the new deck located on the east elevation. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO FROI''I : Novatrx ' Jul l0 05 0C;SBp FRX NO. : ++3A3-245-A54A Jul. 11 2465 @2:44P'n Pj 11 lci:!cl llazlrd n33ocr€lee 9709494038 p.3 Applioation for Design Review Depalmsnl ol *.r! gn ly 0avsi39r\E1t 75 So..,th F.ontoqe Roaa. ya1. 6o1qE63 01657 t€{ 971.{29.2j39 hx 970 479 2452 u,gb. w\a!, \ail0ov cD_n i0r'rym Genc(al lnlotn!tioo: .qlt pfqects raq,Jrrrn! dasig'r t€yie? ritust ieCorv€ agpro\al pnor to ruDmlt'nc a DJrld.ng Fcrm J9plc€(on Ple€e rster.ro the s,Jbnirti, €qul.rrlsn> for ihe pan.cl:h. awroml thrt is r€qu6ta\d. Atl lgglacenon br Oeti6tt Revre| gnrvrt be ac[eptec rr.i t Otl teciJi€d infoinadon 18 rEcavad by lhe C€rnnuni! DaYtbp'iel: DcgSrmgn: r;re pruiec! rroy 6!Eo nd lo Dc reri:wod by tic Tgfin Coutlcil €nd/6r',,t€ Hannjng and Envronrcntal Cofirm€son' Defign rcvicw agprcrrst hFs unl.tt t bolldlno petoll lt lrlurd rnd congtrliqllon comn.ncas,ithin onr yerr of rho rDDroYil. -a 7' It LJ. -a -nl t!7 -^- J -t v @ t -LJ '' I c w w v s Descrlprionof rhe R.qucrc -@:r6fi Tb A€Peo./O 84:L4 tre'P 4 ry'AJ.epeL jlD-A -rDilrh!*Du€ . CltCsiftg rr-!VoL.L{6s Af'F'nb..l ff ?'!p BFii,r4€*tLr t-caflon of tha Propo{l: Lo:: 5g euct; ..-slJodMsbn: Plrysical Addras: -l $-LLt Parcel l{o,: 2\OVL2ZO7922- (c.n'acr Eode Co, Ass€6so'at 97}3z8{6e0 ror parcel rp I Zoning: Namr{3} ot owncr(s) : l.{ rerr}4t { ll-SbJlt\W VAt r- ?drr-tr l0r.'rr-+lOrua f*S r,',sg igSigo*" 0'3 -o5= - cc *'*- i i I l Owner(s) Sign|ture(s H.iliBsAddr.r.r - SAM.a E.meil Addre3s: Typ. of Rcvicw end Fea: ' Srgng . cor.capual Rrvi€w . New cons'tnrctian . Aldlbn ' lYhor Aie.tlio'l (mu'r,-lamiV,/corrr€rcbll . ?.,linor Atraloi (9r9E-'arnil yrcupler i l/ en "a,t+ t A:rrr,,.it n',.rt . S€FraboF Reu€sl Pag6 : of l?tulol lu _ ChO'rt. n;ipfal. 4a z4t-d54o- S50 PlJs 91.00 De: squai/e foot ot btel 3qn cle Nc Fec l€sc F r corErttEljod of 3 no'* bvJd'.q 3'deno/?ebuild S3Cg Fof rn addttion wfiarc sq(larE lbotsge 6 aoc€c lo cnt !'E31oe1!el o' comrn.ttirl builJ,ng (inclsdet 250 addfto'r' & nEnor conralSora) SZSO rc. mlnot drJtrg6 to bLil.inss lnd tf! i'nptoveftL s. 6udr r' :eroofrg. gaini 16, v,ndow sdd(b^s' lartscaorg. bn€es 8nd :aainin0 ' alb, etc S?0 iof, rn no. chtngEs to buiid',liF and Sits inprort rcnB, guch 6, ro,oollnq, pardtrng. wrndow attd loliB. lsTis'ElrE fertces eod retain,ng *-.tl E. eE EfO Eq rrr-isrcrc vr dFnq tlrA;{l/ Ani'ov?O ;'/ a60ni'rq s-lrfi or lht Da)gn Ravi* 8oard. No F€e Vail Point Townhome Association 1881 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, C0 81657 June 23,2005 Jennifer & Piene Kronenberg Vail Point Townhomes #5 2l l0 Norwood Ave . Boulder. CO 80304 Dear Jennifer & Pierre- This letter is to acknowledge Board approval for Phase 1 ofyour architectural design review request at Vail Point with the following conditions: l. All Town of Vail requirements are met. 2. (hrner (and all future owners) must incur all expenses of maintenance, upkeep and eventual replacement of this revision. 3. No construction debris disposed of in Vail Point dumpsters. 4. Call for management inspection when project is completed for final sign off. Please call ifyou have any questions. Vail Point HOA managing agent 970-479-6047 .-: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Deivelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co. us Project Name: KRONENBERG RES. ADD. DRB Number: DRB040366 Project Description: ADDMON TO UNIT 5 OF THE VAIL POINT CONDOMINIUMS. THIS ADDMON LJTIUZED 26.5 SQUARE FEET OF THEIR 250 AND ADDED 588 SQUARE FEET OF INTERIOR CONVERSION. THrS APPUCATION WAS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE IN GRFA WHICH OCCURED ON AUGUST 2,2004, Farticipants: APPUCANT KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0Z30/2004 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: OWNER KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0Z30/2004 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: ProjectAddress: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Lo€ataon: 1881 UONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D l€gal Desffiption: Lot: 1 Block: 3 Subdivision: Vail Ridge Filing 3 Parcel Number= 210312207022 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date ofApproval: 08/18/2004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0006592 The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the new dormer to be 9 feet six inches wide by 6 feet tall to match the dimensions of the dormer currently exisitng on Unit 12 in the Vail Point C,onominiums. Revised dimensions shall appear on the plans submitted for building permits. Cond: CON0006593 The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the new window on the east elevation to match the dimensions and alignment of the exisitng located directly below, Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 Page I of6 MichaelHazard From: Jennifer Kronenberg [JKronenberg@novatix.coml Sent: Thursday, July 07,2005 11:43 PM To: [unknown] Subject: Vail Point balcony & windows... Vail Point #5 Remodel... 7t8/200s Vail Point #4 Page 2 of 6 7t8/2005 Page 3 of6 Current Vail Point #5 7 t8t2005 Page 4 of 6 7181200s Page 5 of6 7/8t2005 Page 6 of6 Vail Point #4 viewed from #5 deck Created with SendPhotos, the easiest and fastest way to share pictures. Check it out: http:i/www. sendphotos.com 7/8/2005 *+**************************'1.***+**+***t******+************'1.:f'1.:t*t ***+********++************* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ****************{.{.{.+***+**+************************'}**********,t !i:t +*******+********+********* Statement Nunber: R050001044 Amount: $20.00 07 /IL/200503:28 PM Pa]'ment Method: HAZARD Check Init: ,fS Notation: 8729IMICHAEL, This Payment.:$20.00 qT)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans LP VAII., LOOP, #5D Total Fees: TOtAl AIIJ PMIS : BaLance: S0.00 'f*'t*******+************************+*+**r.****************+*******J.*****,**1.**i.************{.** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt ion Current Pmt.s DR 001,000031L2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Permit No: DRB0503 3 7 Parcel No: 2!03-L22-07O2-2 Site Address: 1881 LIONS RfDGE Irocation: 1881 LIONS RIDGE $20.00 $20.00 'l t^ t TOl4IN Project Namer KRONENBERG RES. ADD. Project Description: Pafticipants: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB04036b ADDMON TO UNIT 5 OFTHE VAIL POINT CONDOMINIUMS. THIS ADDMON UTIUZED 26.5 SQUARE FEET OF THEIR 250 AND ADDED 588 SQUARE FEET OF INTERIOR CONVERSION. THIS APPLICATION WAS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE CHANGE IN GRFA WHICH OCCURED ON AUGUST 2,20M, APPUCANT KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0T/30i2004 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: OWNER KRONENBERG, JENNIFER & PIERR0T/30/2004 Phone: 303-245-0540 2110 NORWOOD AVE BOULDER co 80304 License: Project Address: 1881 1BB1 UONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: I ]<-.- r' \ L-,1 t))-(-|(l'W- 3 Subdivision: \bil-RittEe Filing 3J Legal DescripUon: Lot: l Block: Parcel Numben Zt03t22O7Oz2 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Motion Byl Second Byl Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/18/2004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafF and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date / I of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constuct'pn is commenced " ulJ:3Hifityrs;fued toward compretion' The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the narl dormer to be 9 feet six inches wide by 6 feet tall b match the dimensions of the dormer cunently exisitng on Unit 12 in the Vail Point Conominiums. Revised dlmensions shall appear on the plans submitted for building permits. Cond: CON0006593 The applicant shall revise the dimensions of the new window on the east elevaUon to matdr the dimensions and aliTnment of the e>dsitng located directly below. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: f30O.00 r Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Orrncr A.rchitcct Zonc discci Lot sizc Total GRFA Prinnry CRFA .___+ (425) (675r) =_ Sctondary CRFA + (i25) (675+) =_ Docs tlris rqucst involvc a 250.Addition? J^ln 3t,lwt zoNECHEcr( - I Block ? F;ri.- Li on.,*t L;^. R,* fl,n3 Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc BrLildable ar Allorvcd Er.istin e . Proposcd 2,ll-b. (tlt45 = + 6'15 = 425 cr-cdit plus 250 addition SgSq $ fucaor 6a*rsioa Rcmaining a Horv much of rlc altovcd 250 Addition is uscd with N, ,.qu.n?_&{ JF _ Sitc Covcragc I{cighr (30x13) Total Sctbacks Front Sidcs Rcar I 20' .J s', I <t Lendscaping Rclaining Wall Hcighh PrrlJng Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay 3',t 6', Rquircd ivlinimum Encloscd Conrplics Mth TOV Lielring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) E n r.iron nr cn ta L/ll azarrls Pro.ious conditions of rpproval (chcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc; Proposcd Slopc _9zo ^bJ,'-f 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands a) SnorvAvalanchc i olonou, /oSW c) Dcbris FIorv lTr,'*p"q p.^{-^J a- )50 o ,t r,t4A' ;b 'GRfn yruh,^a1\ Irt #t 2, Mo'Ll .n v {^lj^ta, W ?,^Om'{ [,)dl Pt"J h,J ,r* M1 G(FA {r" ?Sos ^A, Irfu,^v" C.*'*A J--/W( Pt,o. 6j^^ to 00Tr4 Goof@o)(eoo).(r2oo) Pcrmittcd Slopc _% v.r.--{- No Ycs Nn l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 4) Watcr Coursc Scrback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards O STJRVEY Saalc Bcnchmuk Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildablc fuca Eascmcnts 'i Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain Walcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn hl Hazards Trccs Utility locations . . ___ Spot clcvations Q SITEPLAN Scalc BuilCing Hcight Sclbacks Sitc Covcragc Eavcs/Ovcrbangs (4) - .Declsn.t.onio fr:? -' Garagc conncction . Sitc Gradctslopc Rctaining lValls rI t &i .-:- . tr FLooRPLA].IS - Scalc 1 ,*> I *[i'lii*F\ Gnc**'rr{ Q BulLD[.rcELEvATIoNs Scalc Color\rVatcrials \oofPitch 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Condo Appror.al Titlc rcport (A & B) Utilig.vuif cation form Photos ofsitc Building matoial samptcs r .g l- frrt Q LAI'IDSCAPEPLAN Exr'sdng fccsl -.Proposcdhccs Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS ,-., ,\r - ,$._ r. f ritrir l!3r. Fcnccs Parking/Garagc ',:;;''F:l{.Sn$tr;tir Firi:.{,cccis J' .:,' .;"-1:" ',''.t' ]:' ii;ti I .,t$rj-r F.'.,1*' ,r.rttd'; Vicrv Corridors. t",)qt: Varianctst J t Plat rcsticiions a T0Y'ry 0f c^Ar\, * Lce rcr 5e 3t c- .Yo, - t' ,-(s. Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requiiements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received'by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval' of the Request: Location of the Proposal: t-ot: -{D Block: 3 Subdivision: tnl L rcfts k rc] \)c^ Physical Address:L parcet No.: li O'Zt Z ZO+ 0 ZZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zonins: rn,z.\ t "rn Jpr,:;-13 wr*l'i. - {"''.,1! Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: 2l \ o Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: RE( EIVED $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' iroo For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painling, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For ievisions to plans already approved by planning staff or the Design Review Boarcl. No Fee .,-td), ')p.''"+ Tr't o- w coJ 9o 3c>' Type of Review and Fee: I Signs E Conceptual Review n -DJew Construction 0/Raoition fl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/du plex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Page 1of l2l04l2&l04 ** * {' r. {. ** * * * * * * * * * * 'r * * * * * *,r'r | **t ******{r,r*,t * * ** * *1.,t 't,} # {r,r * * * * * r. * * ** * {.,1. * ** * * * *,} * {. * * * * * * 'f '}#,1.***** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement l. * * * t * * * * {. * * * t {. *,t {. *{.*** {. *,f {.*****'t*****'t**{.*,t,1**,t!t 1.*,t ***********'t**'l.l*'F**{.'r,***1.{.*******rt***** Statement Number: R040006301 Amount: $300.00 07/3o/2oo4o9:11 AI"1 Pa)ment Method: Check Init : iIS Notation: #3675 / JUI'IF' KRONENBERG Permit No: DR8040355 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel trIo: 2].O3]^22O7O22 Sitse Address: 1881 I,IONS RIDGE I,P VAII, Location: 1881 L,IONS RIDGE LOOP, #5D Total Fees: $300.00 ftris Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * {r {. * * * * * * *** ** t,r * * ** * * * *,} * ** *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refered to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitrnent shall be effective only when the identiry of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commiftnent or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitrnent is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Cornpany. Signed under seal for the Company, but this Commitment shall not be valid or binding until it bears an authorized Countersi gnature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Chairman of Lhe STEWART TITLE OF VAIL, INC, P.O. Box 2000 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 9264230 Counters i9nature Order No. 040353'19 SCIIEDULE A - Order Number: 04035379 l. Effective date: April 09, 2004 at. 7:45 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (Extended) $ +go, 000.00 Proposed Insured: JENNIFER KRONENBERE ANd PIERRE I{ICHEIJ KRONENBERG (b) A.L.T.A. Loan (staodard) $ 35?,s00.00 Proposed Insured: WEITLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, its successors and/or as s igns (c) Leasehold $ Proposed lnsured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commifrnent and covered herein is fee simpLe 4. Title to the fee simple estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: TITE TITOMAS R. GOUGER REVOCABIJE TRUST 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED IJEGAL DESCRIPTION Purported Address : 1881 L,ions Ridge Loop Vail, Co 81657 STATEMENT OF CHARGES These charges are due and payable before a Policy can be issued. PREMII'M OWNERS: S1433.00 MORTGAGE: 140.00 TAX CERT: 20.00 form 110.1/otp 50.00 form 100/ntp 50.00 form 8.1/ntp 30.00 SCHEDULE A Order Number: 04035379 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5D, VAIIJ POINT TOV{NHOMES, (Formerly known as The Talon Townhomes) According to the Ptat recorded iluly 2, L99L in Book 557 at Page 224 as Reception No. 453356 and the Declarations recorded October 3, 1989 iD Book 514 at Page 595 as Reception No. 410770, recorded February L9, 799L in Book 547 at, Page 948 as ReceptioD No. 444090, recordedl iluly 2, 1991 in Book 557 aU Pagfe 223 as Reception No. 453355 and recorded Augrus t 6, 1991 in Book 559 at Page 459 as Recept.ion No, 455589. COI'N1IfY OF E,AGIJE STATE OF COIJORADO. THIS COMMITMENI'WAS PREPARED ON APRIL 21, 2OO4. FOR gUESTIONS REGARD]NG THIS CLOSING PIJEJA,SE CONTACT KAU!{Y YOIJNG, ESCROW OFFICER, AT (970)479-6010. FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS COMMITMENT PI,EASE CONTACT MELANIE IJANC, trITLE OFFICER, AT (970)926.0230. This comnitmeat is seDt to: 'Jennifer & Pierre Uichel- Kronenberg Tbe Thomas R. Gouger Revocabl.e Trust Diana Meehan, CoLdwell Banker DaD GiLman, I{e1ls Fargo Home Mortgage SCHEDULE B Section I Order Number: 04035379 REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to wit: 1, Evidence satisfactory to Stewart TitLe Guaranty company of paFent of all ouEstanding Eaxes and assessments as certified by The Eagle County Treasurer. 2. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stewart Title Guaranty Conpany. 3. Ewidence satisfactory to Stewart Title cuaranty Company that the reaL estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of vail has been paid or that the transaction is exempt from said tax. 4. Pal,ment of any and all Homeowners assessments and expenses as required in the Declaration of vail Point Townhomes and certificate from Vail Point TovtDhomes verifying that such payment has been received. 5. The Company requires for its review a satisfactory affidavit executed by the owner of tbe land stating that there have been no improvements on the land (includiDg fences or other structures) since the datse of the prior survey. If the survey reveals any encroachments. overl-aps, boundary line disputes, or other adverse matters, they may appear as exceptions in the Pol-icy. 5. Release by the Public Trustee of Eagle County of Ehe Deed of Trust from The Thomas R. Gouger Revocable Trusc for the use of First Federal Bank of Colorado to secure $160,000.00, dated Septedber 5, L997, recorded Septerrlcer 8, 1997 in Book 736 at Pag'e 450 as RecepEion No. 632404, 7. Execution by Authorized Trustee of the The Thomas R. Gouqer Revocable Trust, of StaEemenE of Authority pursuant to the provisions of Section 38-30-172 C.R.S. Note: Trust Affidavit for The Thomas R. Gouger Revocable Trust, recorded Septenber 8, L997 as Reception No. 632402, discloses the followinq trustee: Irawrence P. Gouger. 8. Deed from The Thomas R. Gouger Revocable Trust, vesting fee simpJ.e title in ilennifer Kronenberg and Pierre Michel Kronenberg. NOTE: NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEJAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AI{ENDMENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). 9. Deed of Trust from the Borrower to the Pub1ic Trustee for the use of the proposed lender to secure the Ioan. ,1. SCHEDULE B Section 2 - Order Number: 04035379 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereoll but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes aDd assessments aDd any unredeemed tax sales. 8. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district or inelusion in any water service or street improvemeDt area- 9. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 aE Page 542, reserving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and. remove his ore therefrom and 2) riqhts of way for ditches and canals constructed under tbe authority of the United States. 10. Easement and right of way as g'ranted t'o Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., iD instrument record.ed. iluly 31, 19?3 in Book 230 ats Paqe 351 as Reception No. 1262t4. 11 . Easement and right of way as granted Eo Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., in instrument recorded ,Ju1y 31, 19?3 in Book 229 at Page 655 as Reception No. 125511. 12. Protectiwe Covenants recorded September 20, !972 in Book 225 aE Page 443 as Reception No. 121218 and recorded Septernber 29, L972 in Book 225 aE Page 565 as Recept.ion No. 121341 and the Amendment recorded in Book 233 at Page 53 as Reception No. 128943. 13, All matters shown on the pl-at of lJionrs Ridge Subdivision, Filing No' 2 and Lion's Ridqe Subdivision, Filing No. 3. 14. Easement and right of way as graDted to Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., in instrument recorded August 24, 1967 in Book 27! al Page 103 as Reception No. continued on next page Continuation of schedule B - Section 2 order Nuriber 3 04 03 5379 105436. 15. Agree$ent between Tayve1 Environmental lJand conpany and Mountain States TeLephone and Telegraph Company reqorded Septenber 27, L973 in Book 231 ats Page 29L as Receptiou No. 127161. 15. Easement granted to Lion's Ridge Water District and Vai). village west Water and Sanitation District,, in instrument recorded May 13, 1981 in Book 322 at Page 974. 17. cabLe Tv Transmission Line recorded June 15, 1983 in Book 361 at Page 591 as Reception No. 258019. 18. Easement Deed between Gorman-WhitDey- SMF, vail. I, a general partnership and Lion,s Ridge water District, a quasi- municipal corporation aod Vail ViJ.J.age west $Iater and Sanitation District, a quasi-nunicipal corporation, recorded llay 13, 1981 in Book 322 aE Paqe 974 as Reception No. 219341. 19. Underground Right of $Iay Easement betrreen corman Whitney-SMF, vail I, a general partnership and Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., recorded October 15, 1982 in Book 347 at Paqe 319 as Reception No. 243561 and Easernent recorded November 24, t982 in Book 349 at Page 405 as Reception No, 245745. 20. All matters shown on tbe Plat of The Talon Townhomes, recorded February 22, 1983 iD Book 353 at Page 943 as Reception No. 250299. 21. Declaration of covenant.s, EaEements and Restrictiotls for The TaLo[ Townhomes recorded october 3, 1989 in Book 514 at Page 595 as Reception No. 410?70, First AmeDdmetrt to Declaration of Coveflants, chauging the name from |tTalon Townhones r to nvail Point Townhomes, recorded February t9, L99L in Book 547 at Page 948 as Reception No. 444090, and Notice of Annexation of Phase 2, Vail Point Townhomes, recorded iluly 2, 1991 in Book 557 at Page 223 as Reception No. 453355, and Anendtr|eDt recorded Augnrs t 6, L99L in Book 559 at Page 459 as Receptiou No, 455589. 22. Agreement recorded October 3, 1989 in Book 514 at Page 627 as Reception No. 410802. 23. All natters shown on the Plat of vail PoiDt Townhones, Pbase 2, recorded ,fu1y 2, l99L in Book 557 at Page 224 as Reception No. 453356. 24. Aty and all existing leases and tenaDcies. NOTE: EXCEPTIONS 1 AND 4 ABOVE WIIJIJ BE DEIJETED ON THE FINAL OITNERS POLICY, PROVIDED BOTH SELLER(S) AND PURCHASER (S) EXECUTE THE HERETN REQUIRED AFFIDAVTTS AliID SAID AFFIDAVITS ARE APPROVED BY THE COMPA}IY. EXCEPTf ONS 2 AND 3 WII.,I, BE DELETED ON THE FTNAI, OWNERS POLICY PROVIDED THAT THE PRESENT OI{NERS EXECUTE THE SURVEY AFFIDAVIT, EXCEPTION 5 WIIJIJ NOT APPEAR ON THE OIINERS POLICY, AND GAP Continued on nexu page Continuation of ScheduLe B - Section 2 Order Nuriber: 04035379 PROTECTION WILL BE GRANTED PROVIDED THAT STEWART TITLE OF EAGLE COITNTY PERFORMS CIJOSING DISBURSEMBiTTS AND RECORDING OF AIJIJ DOCITMENTS. SEE IDISCLOSIIRES' INCITUDED HEREWfTH, DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C. R. S. I0-Il-122, notice is hereby given that: (A) THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED IN A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT; (B) A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LISTING EACH TAXING ruRISDICTION SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE COUNTY TREASURER OR THE COIJNTY TREASURER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT; (C) INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article WI requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed. " Provided that Stewart Title of Vail, Inc. conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the tmnsaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lender's Title Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative Mechanic's Lien Protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception No. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the foltowing conditions: A. The land described in Schedule A of this commitrnent must be a single family residence, which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or materialmen for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C. The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemniffing the Company against unflled mechanic's and materialmen's liens. D. The company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E. If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased, within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosue of certain construction informatiou financial information as to the seller, the builder and/or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium; fully executed Indemnity agreements satisfactory to the company; and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circurnstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. NOTHING IIEREIN CONTAINED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE TIIE COMPAI\Y TO PROITDE ANY OF TIIE COVERAGES REFERRED TO HEREIN TJNLESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARf, FULLY SATISFTED. Order No. 04035379 Disclosures (YSDD) Rev. 10/99 STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Privacy Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institutiorl directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal inforrnation about you with a nonafliliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you ofthe privary policies and practices of Stewart Title Guaranty Company. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: - Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. - Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates or others. - Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. - lnformation that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privary Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affrliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffrliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: - Financial service providers such as cornpanies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. -- Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfitlment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH A}TYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. File No. 04035379 Stewirt Till. of Vail. Inc. Privtcy Policy Noltce (Page l) Rev,072001 (YPPNI) STEWART TITLE OF VAIL, INC. Privacv Policv Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affrliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title of Vail, Inc. We may collect nonpublic personal inforrnation about you from the following sources: - Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. - Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affrliates or others. -- Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. - Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affrliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffrliated companies that perforrn rnarketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements:: Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer financg securities and insurance. - Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. File No. 0403$79 Slerdsn Title of Vail, Inc, Privrcy Policy Notic. (Prge 2) Rev. 072001 (YPPN2) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed oftrust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commihnent other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, 1ien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitrnent shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions, the Conditions and Stipulations, and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out ofthe status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commifinent. STEWART TITLE GUARANTYCOMPANY A1l notices required to be given the Compary and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identiff this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT ORDER NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first page of this commitment. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** ,/ EI_.Rll pages of Application is complete gf Checklist is completed and signed tr Stamped Topographic Suvey* /rt/: Q Site and Grading Plal* t'//rl fl Landscape Plan*u/4 EI- Architectural Elevations* B ,Exterior color and material samples and specificationsN/fl El- Architectural Floor Plans*Q Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures N1A tr , Title report, including Schedules A & B to verifi7 ownership and easements* Et/ photos of tire existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. D/Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable ^,/ A Q Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* t"/ rT O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the naterials noted with an asterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior chanaes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:Va, I .P"ir,f { JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) z /).--zi r"ft,t aj al description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 1 I ?-1 / O which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: 'l .-t J b"_J ba*4'- 7..2-a < (Date) c:^ v1 Q -J -t)t,, n7&l wJ' ws -t" I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of 12104128104 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturerb name, the cplor name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of lZl04l28l}4 ;. I Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. Trees - 2" Caliper Trees - 6'in height - 5 Gal. Square Footaqe lls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING t*tno-Nupt__n-r^,r Jf l.fl--&LI-- Size Page 7 of L2104128104 t MEMORANDUM DATE:July 29, 2004 TO: Community Development Planners FROM: Clare Sloan SUBJECT: Vail Point Condominiums GRFA Interpretation The Vail Poinl Condominiums, located at 1881 Lions Ridge Loop, is a developmenl of 40 townhome style residential dwelling units. The property was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1979 and the condominium project began in 1981 and abruptly stopped in 1984 for unknown reasons. The project was finished in 1991-1992. The site was developed under the Medium Density Multi-family (MDMF) regulations and proposed to be 860 square feel of GRFA less than the maximum allowable GRFA by MDMF standards. However, two of the owners have indicated that they believe some of the buibings may have a larger building footprint than shown on the development plans. A development of 40 condo units could have easily utilized the excess GRFA (860 sq. ft. according to the file). Two condominium owners are proposing to convert the upper portion of their garage, which has a 20 foot high ceiling, into a bedroom and bathroom. Under Section 12-15-4Interior Conversions, the conversion of existing floor space is only allowable if the GRFA for the entire site has been exhausted. The units are eligible for the 250 addilion and interior conversions because the GRFA is at its maximum allowable under MDMF regulalions. 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