HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VALLEY PHASE V LOT B LEGALa DEVELO /o/ /ft PMENT ///',%/ T/tt<t ; AI,L TIMES M98 - 0135 co 80112 co 8011-2 DEPARTI'IENT OF COMMIJNITY NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT MEEHANICAL PERMIT PermiE #: TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2]-38 Job Address...:Locatsion......: Parcel No.....: ProjecE. Number: 1521 buffher crk rd 2103-014-15-002 PRJ97- 0184 SEaEus...: FII.IAL, Applied..: 07/27/L998 Issued...: 07/28/L999 Brcpires. . : 0L/24/2000 APPLICAIqI WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD CONTRAETOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTESTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD OWNER LINDSTROM/FORKEN DescripEion: INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESION SYSTEM Phone: 3037920Q22 Phone: 3037920022 Valuation:9,3'75.00 *of wood/Pa1.l,et r *Of eaB Logs: FEE ST'UI{ARY Fircplece InformaEion: Re6t!icEcd:*of cas Appli.nc€r: l4.chanical---> Plan Ch6ck- - - > Inve6tigation> will call----> 200.00 50.00 ,00 3,00 -00 253 .00 Rcsluarrnts P].n R€vi-c!r--> .o0 Totsal calcula!.d Feea_ - - > 253.0u Additional F€e3--- ------> .00 Tocal Permi.t Foe--------> 253.00 Peldrcn!6------_- 25f-00 BAIANCE DUE----- .oo It.em:05100 06 /30 / L999 IEem:05600 o7 /2'7 /L998 o7 /30 /L998 BUILDING DEP.ART'MENT Dept: BUILDING Division:iIRM AcEion: APPR n,/a -Ffne oepannaeNi -- Depts: FrRE Division: CH.N,nr,ru Adcion: NOTE PI,,ANS TO FIRE DEPT JEFF A AcE,ion: APPR fd approves plans CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I b€r6by rcknovl€agc that I havc r€ad t'hi6 epplicetsion, fill.od ouE in fu1} ghc lnfordaclon rGquirad, coruPfel€d en accurete Ploc plan, snd lCaec tsha! all Che inforrnaEion providad aa required ia corrcct. I ag!c. !o comPly with Ehe {nformatsion and PIots Plan, to coEIJly uith tll Tolrn ordinanceE and 6Eate La$s, and Eo build this scrlrctsure accordlng to lhc Town's zonj'ng rnd Eubdivieion cod.s, d..lgn r.|wiclr rpprowcd, Uniforh Building codc end ochc! ordinlnc66 of tb.' TorJn .PPlicabl€ Ehcrato- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIALL BB MADE TWEITTY-FOUR HOURS IN.A.D1,'ANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AE 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM E:OO AM 5:OO PM SIOI{ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER *t*********** ******** *** *t** * **** * * ******** ***** ***t** ******* TOhIN OF VA,IIJ, COLORADO Reprlnt,ed A7/29/99 09257 SEaEemnE ********************************.******************************** SEatsemnt, Number: REC-0545 Amount: Payment, MeEhod: CK Notation: 5795 253.00 07/29/99 O9=52 Init: ,tRM Permit, No: M98-0135 \pe: B-MECH Parcel No: 2103-01-4-15-002 Locat,ion: 1521 buffher crk rd FIECHANICAIj PBRMIT This Paymenc Total Fees:253.00 ToEal ALL Pmts: Balance: 253 .00 253 .00 .00 Arnount 200.00 s0.00 3 .00 **************************************************************** Account Cod.e Descript,ion MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECITA}IICAI PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AIV CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL CAIJL INSPECTION FEE I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL/ CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Bui Lding-----) P [an check---> lnvest i gat ion> l.l i tt caL L----) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit # I 897-0348 Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK ].52]. BUHFFER CREEK 2to3-722-0 s-00 4 PRJ97-0184 ISSUED oe/2e/1.se7 to/06/7se7 04/04/reeB RD RD Status. . . AppIied..Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT RKD 1000 LIoNS RIDGE LOOP #3D, VAIL CONTRACTOR RKD 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP #3D, VAIL OWNER FLAUM RONNA J PO BOX 3117, VArL CO 81658311,7 Description: GRADING PERMIT FOR NEW SFR Occupancy: Type Construction: Phone:. 970-476-9228 816s7 Phone:. 970-476-9228 Bt 6s7 TQV/Comm. Dev. Cleair-up D approved amount date .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 1,111.50 50.00 AdditionaI tees---------> an Vafuation:50, 000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reDtace lnformat ion: Restricted:fOf Gas AppI i ances:#Of Gas Logs:fof !ood/Pal. Let: *t**i*t************i**************f*******i*t***t******t**t FEE SUI'l ARy **t***r**i*i********t****t**********t*t******************* 490.00 Restuarant P(an Revi ew-->118.50 DRB [ee--------.0O Recreation tee---------->3.00 C lean-Up Depos i t--------> .00 .00 Totat Pernit fee--------> 1,111.50 250.00 Payment s------- Divi s ion : WORK Division: requi red, compteted an Ae /2e /reel cHARirE- -A6Eiijii;--AiiFn cHanr,rE DAViS"'It'em:' 05400 PLANNTNG DFIPARTMEN.n Dpnf . IIqm: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 9? / 2e / \227^cUIBL.I_E._^As!1e4_i App Dept: BUILDING Division:VIS ? CHARLIE A-.ion. aFFn cHanLIE DAViS 00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT .Dept: PLANNING Division:7 CHARLIE Action: NOTE TO DOMINIC 7 DOMINIC Action: APPR It'e.m:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 92/,22/,!227 9q4B!1]E tcrion: Nor oe7le7leei noiiifric A;ri6ii: iiFiH II.em:. O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE IICm:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9? / 2e / \227^c!4BI-,IE -.Ae!!on :9?/2e/\227^C!ABI-,IE 4q!ron: AppR N/A ItEm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS 9e^/,?e-/,I2e^7 ql-148i_,1E Action: NorE Nor PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB ll4Bi_,IE Action: NoTE NoTr!''rED PUBWoRKS-Lo'/06'/ieez aHARLIE Aatioiii ;iFFR !i6;ti;;ty'b ********i*********************ff*****************i******1**********************************************i****t********************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLl,ed out in fuu, the information ptan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to coqp to compty uith atl, Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure accord codes, design reviev approved/ uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toyrl REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I4ADE TI.IEN]Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE wi th the i nformat i on accurate p Lot and plot p [an, subdivision ovn's zoning and e thereto. OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROI.I t%x :a -1- it Refund Send C lean-Up oeposit To: LINoSTRO /FORKEN OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HI}ISELF AND OI'NER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0348 as of 70/06/97 Status---: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALr SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--z 09/29/1997 Applicant-- r RKD Issued--- | rc/A6/1991 970-476-9228 ro Expire. 04/04/7998 Job Address: 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location---: 1521 BUHFFER CREEK RD ParceL No--: 2IO3-I22-05-004 Description: GRADTNG PERMIT FOR NEW SFR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF' THE 1991 UBC. ************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ********************************* Statemnt 1,l-11.50 rc/06/97 74:19 o *** **************************************************************** o *** Statemnt Number: REC-0341 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation:cK #5160 Init: LP Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment Accounu Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 897-0348 Type: A-BUILD 2IO3-I22- 0 5-004 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 1521 BUHFFER CREEK RD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Total Fees: 1, 111.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1,111.50 1,111.50 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 490.00 s0.00 318 . s0 2s0.00 3 .00 F o2 .a 2z; r&o I BrE t E3' HF 'z2 |l.l> 'tO I FTE 'vl 4 | !)9' o' F, t< 'az I dD I o rOl F: I o N'4 |al o' Brl tsF I H2 | O OO ( AE I F' '{ I FrI i Fll F'|<' \ar !4 Fl'4r |n rrl I FI 4l al Xl tr, ; Al >ro F' i tz rEl r!4 r9 Z | \rr.o I aa F{ | OC F I dr!ar Er o,ad r{ E I OU E UI 2I ,( d)r Ha z 91 | |]O trl Etr<l E El | .id o oEr ' oo Fi dA ' I r|l vr dO ' FH !t tU I ora (JU'!| FlI Bi Itr oz oE rz Fl p ho Ftr ao UO FI E o FI D tJ o H U 14 U k F U t! cl p (, r:l ;i F €. o E z E] F !t |np E> &I EqJ d40 AI) E aro t dd o A0lH ,. "- 'i,{.S'**-+ot'.}'*rl, lfl )*contact Eagr'e courittril::il:G:'ffi oF vArL "o"r*#$rffl 6 ?ggi*ngl pERlirr *-(,riirlloo?'*-,tf? l?. - , -- pERMrr AppLrcArroN F.RM ) _ ._.- oorE,_ /i t.i a-7 Tni , ApplrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED "o' ";;*ilj,JIqAnffi"W&cEp{rED ***************************** ""L]n$rlrifi;!;f('-/****************************n [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal gfo-otrrer AW)|,)Y7 Job Name: '"-.{Ntf >'-;tK-tt\t qlclv* Job Address: l,t). 1 , r.v r -i-r'- '- -) | '-t,/ I ' 7- 2.Y),1,)Legal Description: Lot eH-L_A v ,,J OD AClqreSS: LL),1 {.@ -A;@ \ rc.ze F--, ,{ 1-1..-;ili'..-: k'}ro.iv-Block_ Filing ' sugorvrsror,J: o,L.- Address: to.o itr,l ur.,.*\ tC (,\LL-'., nn. t17( ic,.+- Address: k ({ r-,r.,., . r'rrrd tfq t\> Ph. .lT( 1la 3 General Description:(ilrc-, -''t\l work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornmodation Units: \pmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances , T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS BUILDfNG: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et * ***** * tt** ** **** *** ***** * * **** ** C'l1rt;,;:k^;';;,' oTHER: $ '.'7,8t '"- TOTAL: $ !t******** ******* * * * * * ** * *** Town of VaiJ. Reg. NO. o->>-) Phone Number: ;t l-TL1z-z-<1:Z:-- Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLTJMBTNG Pr3fte epQff:fi"$fi, :,: MECHANICAL P!,[N: CHECIT FEE RECREATION F$E:: :^":$-Y:-.?::t:*:.$.i. 2 $ 'TOTAL PERMIT'FEES:'-' L' BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: DEPOSIT REFI'ND u)ne7- 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE! SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TTIE TOWN OF'VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, !5ack or deposit any soil, .""i, sand, debris or materiar, including trash iumpsteri, poriable toirets and workrnen vehicres upon any streetl ,ia;;"ik; -Ji;y or pubtic p11:" or any portion theieof. The risht_;;_;;t-;n arL Town of Vail streets and,5?"9= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement..Thi-s ordinance will be striliiy -enrorced by the Town of vail Pubric works DeDartment. pers6ns found viorating this ordinance wilr- be given a 24 hour writren ""ti""-t"-;;;;;;'=aid rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified does not compiy with the noti-ce within the 24 hour time .p""iii"a,"G"';"[ric works Department wirr remove said mateii.r it tir"-'""p."se or person notified. The provisions or iiris ordinance sharl not be appricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the .'ighi_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. O in Vail Building Dgpartment to '1 J -.-E coopet'a!ion...9r{ this rnatter. d acknowledged -f.1], pJ-ease stop by the Town of obtaj.n a copy. fhank you tor your onlRe p to Pro (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lronlage road vtil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlco of communlty doyclopmetrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If'this peryrjt requi.res a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (public wgrfs) reyiew and approvai,'i Firriini-b.purt "nt review or.Health Department review, and'a_review by the Builbing Department, the estimated time for a totar "euien-ilay iaII'as t6ng as three weeks. l]].-.gy:lSjal (]arse or smail ) and ail mu1ti_fami.ly permits will nave to foilow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential ill.:T:ll projects.shoutd take a tesser amount.of iiil:' However, it resroenrlar or smar)er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard. to necessary review, tfl"ie proj".lr'ruy also take the three-weet< peiioO. Every attempt wi'll be Tgge by this department to expedite this permri t as sgon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communj ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2) Date: J @-A7 Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need {or a "Public Way Permit": t)t, r)- \l' .,) .\ ^,) YES NO (L' t?-rKrvl\ fg\:^' \ \'\-'lsthisanewresidence? I ^ \ r - ,' ft'. fL: tL\\I 'r'"":;r..---..( ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Hight Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? '/ Date el 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Constructiqn Inspector, at 479-218.'.)zt l,/./ ,a /'I have reN Wprpaeretallthe above questions./ ,// -4 / ,/ .?-/1 ffi / ..1 /.^^. -/,':^, s Signature Clean-up D approved amount date TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L657 970-479-21,38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev, DEPARTTVIENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: LINDSTROM/FORKEN NEW SFR Permit ALL TIMES #: 897-0347 STAEUS...: ISSI]ED AppIied..: o9/29/t997 rssued...: ar/05/L997 Expires. . : 05/04/t998 Phone: 9'70-476-9228 Phone: 970-4?6-9228 eI No.. : 2t_03-L22-05-OO4 Project No. : PRJ97-0184 APPLTCAIVT RKD 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP #3D, VAIL CO}TTRACTOR RKD 1OOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP #3D, VAIL OWNER FI,AIJM RONNA J PO BOX 3Lr?, VAIL CO 815583117 Description:NEW SFR Occupancy Type DweJ-lings Zone Dwellings zone Prj-vate Garages zone Table Date: 05/r7/1996 ['i replacc InformaLion: ResLrictsed: Y Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Factor Sq. Feet Valuat.ion 2 V-N 96.12 L,357 r3A,249 .04 2 V-N Basement 2l-.00 L64 3,444.00 2 V-N Masonry 28.56 525 14,994.00 Subtotal: 2,046 a49,587 -04 Total valuation:. L49 ,687 .O4 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 540,000.000 {of cas Appl ianceB: 1 #of wood/Pal IeL: FEE SUMMARY PLan Check---> I nve st igaE i on > wil l caLl.----> 2, 5O0 .00 Restuarahts Plan Revier_ _ > 1,525.00 DRB Fee-------- . oo Recreatsion Fee----_-----> .oo Tolal calculaied gees-_-> 5.545.1'o 4O0.oo Addilional Fee€---------> .00 40?.10 ToLal Permi! Fee----__--> 5,645.10 3,oo clean-up Depoe i l - - - - - - - - > ?5o.oo Paymentsa_-------_--_-_--> 5,6s5.10 TOTAL FEES..---5,685.10 BAIANCE DUE---- .00 Refund *EW (sFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Address:. A52]. BITFFEHR CREEK RD Locati-on...: l-521 BI'HFER CREEK RD co 81657 co 81557 ILem:05100 09 /29 /L997 TL/ 03 /L997 Item:05400 09/29/1,997 1,1,/03/]-997 Item:05600 09/29/1,997 Item:05500 0e /29 /r9e7 LL/03/1,997 rtem:05550 09 /29 /L997 LL/ 03 /L991 BUILDING DEPART'IVIENT CITARLIE AcLion: NOTE CHARLIE ACT1ON: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE AcI,ion: NOTE DOMINIC Act,ion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLTE AcLion: APPR PUBI-,IC WORKS CIIARLTE AcLion: NOTE I,ARRY_P AcLion: APPR ENGTNEERING CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE CTARLIE AcLion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: PI,ANS TO ART FOR ART H DCPL: PLANNING PI,ANS TO DOMTNIC per rewi-sed site plan DePt: FIRE N/A DepE: PllB WORK PLANS TO PI]BWORKS LP DCPL: ENGINEER PLANS TO PI]BWORKS PER LARRY P Division: Division: Division: Di-vision: SEI{D CLEIII{ UP DEPOSIT TO: LINDSTROU/FORKEN P.O. BOX ll52 vArL, co 81658 see page 2 of this oo"u,lc for any conditsions ttratly apply tso Lhis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknosledge thaE I have read Chis application, fillcd ouE in full tshe infonnaEion rcquired, comPlcted an accurate ploE plan, and statse t'hat al.l Ehe information provided ae rcquired 1s correcE, I agr€€ to comply eiEh Eh! informacion and plot plan, to comply wich a1I Toirn ordinanc6B and seate lalrs, and to build this oErlrcEur6 according to tbe Torn's zoning and aubdivision codee, design review approved, Uniform Building code and oEher ordinanceB of Ehe Tolrn aPPficable EhcreEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STTALL BE I.IADE TIIBNTY. FOUR HOURS TN ADVANCE BY send Clean-up DepoeiE To: LINDTRoM/FoRKEN PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of L1/05/97 ********************************************************************************Permit. #: 897-0347 Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applicant: RKD JOb AddTESS: ]-52]- BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCAT1ON.. L52L BIJHFER CREEK RD Parcel No: 2AO3-t22-05-004 Status : ISSIIED Applied: 09/29/L997 Issued: LL/05/L997 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** ].. THTS PRO.]ECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH ST]RVEY SIIALL BE ST]BMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQIJEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASIJRED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTI'RAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE I]NDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTT]RAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. TOWN OP VAIL, COLORADO S Ea E€nng SEaEemnE Nuftber: REC-015? AmoudE: Payment. MeEhod: cK NoEaEion: 5{50 5, 4 s5. 10 rr/o5/97 L4:.23 IniE: MAI'' PermiE Nor 897-034'l I'}?e: B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Par.cel No: 21o3-122-05-0o4 SiEe Addlcsgr 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locaiion: 1521 BUHFER CRAEK RD BaLance: . o0 ToEaI Fees: Thi6 Paymenc 5,4s5.10 ToEaf ALL Pmtsa: AccounE Code Deacript.ion 5, 585. 10 5,585.10 Amounc 2.500,0O 200.00 1,525.0O t50. o0 407-10 3.00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OOlOOOO3].123O0 PLAN CHECK FEES Dl 00100002{03loo CLEANUP DEPOSTTS RF 111OOOO3I127OO RECREATION FEES WC OOlOOOO]112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE t rF o2 .o OE F oz OD ,o t- F- F z \9.AJ Fru aat Fl AH =rfr I AD U ,1 o ts' r'1 a E t U m a F1 U u 4 ,.2 !1D do FH 20 dEt oa AH zz !.o E]E F FFI ZA EO ErE FJH az ro H: o FF 3Z r0I)oo A: k ET v F EU zFt EEI o ult FI EA p s9 UU FI o o H d,o q z D a( H (,|o a d6 E> El :g r{q40 ero !ctE o t \sli' .,.-, ,.t ., :, , PERI.IIT # i..,-'Cr."k Legal Description: Lot D Address t &l__\EI= t/t',r\ cc, b\(qL P5. ci-76 ;c,, J.-- Architect 2 W? Address: lc{z, (.lcr\r€rx-.<_ tf $=C>P}:^. Z\]L 'iZ'?. General Description:\(c- fe..,,,\. .r r c *., ["r1. ,, '2\i\r,-f .,, \' .'1,1,1.:'./, ,.'- \ 1!' \ | work crass: vl-wew [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additionat 6 1-Reiair J l-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accomrnodation Units: Electrical Contractor: --ie+2 Nurnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- I Gas Logs I wood/pellet_v fit********************************* VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * * * *I BUILDING: J ttz-:c2-t, ELECTRfCALz $ z,crts.c, OTHER: $pLUMBTNG: $ 2r/.izL' MEcHANTcAL, ry: TorAL: +@ { t*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eenerar contractorz Fve Bq7-o3L/Z__ Town of Vait Reg. No.p:\t)Addressl, \cz:<:- wrolr', Ertar,- -?+atED=.--- phone Number: .i-t- )izVE: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Plumbing Contractor: Address: VALUATION Mechanical Contractor: @ Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comrnents: CLEAN UP I}EP,OSIT REFU}{D TO: (,,|'AlE€ :li 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB]ECT: olflce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, ,o"k, sand, debris or materiar, incruding trash lurnpsrers, portabre ioilets u"a---workrnen vehicLes. upon any streetl siaewair<, -;ti;y or publie p119" or any porrion theieof. The righr:;;;;t-;n alr Town of Vail streets and.5g"g. is approximately 5 ft. off pavemenr.This ordinance wilr be strill.iy -enforcld by the iown of Vair.Public works DeDartment. pers6ns found vi;raain; tnis ordirr.rr""wirl- be given a 24 hour wrirten ""1i""*ti^;;;;;;t=aid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-compry with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, tfie-puilic Works Department wirr- remove said rnateiiut at irr"--""p""se of person notified- The provisions ot irris ordinance sharl not be applicable to cbnstruction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities :.n tne-iignl_u_ruy. To review Ordinance No. 5 in fu1l, please stop by the Town of Y?11 B"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. thant you for your cooperation on this rnatter. onlReIat (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 3oulh trontage road vtil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty dey.lopmo[t BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If this peryit lequires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approvat,Engineer''s. (.pub'r ic 1gtltt review and approvar,'i ii.riiiii'bepartment review or Health Department review, and'a-review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a totar ""ui.n-"rav"iuii'is tong as three weel<s. f]l cgmmgrgial (1arge or sma'il) and a|r murti-fam'i1v permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia.r and.sma'll projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, it residential or smaller.projects impact the various urou" ,intion"o departments with reoard to necessary review, Ur"i" p""j".li".uy also take the three week period Every attempt will be T99e by this departnent to expedite this permj t as sqon as possible. - I' the undersi , understand the p'l an check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: l-i"rtxzra>vr - GrLen Date: ri Ic,-41 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way Permit': YES t/' NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being pedormed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B, lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NIA uia /' l,t' ""' Date Pv ltr*"\ 14*t-Q \)'.c la'-'t lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Conslruction Inspector, al 479-2'1e.. I have read and Lin*xe"wt answered allthe guq Job Name pcVeat s Signature TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 970 -479-2L18 El€ctrical---> DRB Fce IhveEhigat.ion > rilll call----> TOrAL FaEA- - -> ELECIRICAT PERMIT r]Ob AddrCSS: 1-521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location...: i.521 BUFFER CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 2]-03-L22-05-004 Project No. : PR,J97-0L84 8L657 81"657 .JOBSITE AT ALT, TIMES Permit #: 898 -01,22 status...: ISSIJED Applied..: 06/OI/L998 Issued...: 06/0L/L999 Ercpires. . : LL/28/1,998 Phone z 970827-5980 Phone : 970827-5980 Valuat.ion:500.00 DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLIEAIVT LECTRIC I]MLIMITED INC 1-768 ALPINE DRIVE ]-, VArL CO CONIRACTOR TECTRIC UMLIMITED INC 1759 ALPINE DRrVE 1, VAIL CO OI/VNER FLAITM RONNA iI PO BOX 3117, VAII CO 8165831L? DescripE,ion: TEMp powER FoR NEW SFR *r.rraat*irr*** FEE St t l,!q,RY .00 .00 . o0 l.oo 5J .00 Totel. calculaced Faes- - - > Addilional Pee6-- -- -- --- > Total Pennit 8ee--------> PaymentE-------- 53 .00 .00 53-00 53 .0O BATANCE DUE----- ,00 I!qq: .05000_EIJ_E9TRrCAI DEPARTT{EIirT Depr: BUILDTNG Division: 9F / oL / L29g c$ARLiE- -aEcion', - AijFn- cnanlrE DAfiS - lEem: o5500_qI&E DEPARTMEIfT Depr: FIRE Division:06/0L/L998 CTTARLTE AcEion; AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL L . FrEtD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpr-,rAtlcE. DECI,ARATIONS I herctty acknorledge thaE I have !.ad lhie applicaeion, fillcd out in full Lhe infornation r:equlrcd, coEplet.ed an accuraLe Fl,oc plan, and stsate th&t al1 ch€ infoldation providcd aE required i6 cor):ccb.. I aglee to comply niEh the inforrlati.on and plot. plen,bo cohply nieh all Town or:dinanceE and state lare, and to buiLd thiE EtsructurG according to the To$n,6 zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codes, deeign revier appr:oved, unifolil! Building code and otsher ordi.nances of the To$n applicable th61.eto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS 9HALL BE MADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A-DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE PRoM s:oo AM E:oo pM **************************************************************** TOIIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO sEatemnE ********************************************+******************* Stat.emnt Number: REC-0409 AmounE: 53.00 06/01 /98 L4:20 Palment. Mettrod: CIIECK Notation: #2268 IniE: CD Permit No: E98-O]-22 Tlpe: B-EL,EC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3-L22-05-004 Sit,e Addressl 1521- BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCAt,1ON: 1521 BUFFER CREEK RD Total Fees:53.00 ToEal ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account. Code Descripcion EP OO]-0000311.1-4OO TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS wc oor-00003L1-2800 wrLL CALL rNspEcrroN FEE This Payment 53 .00 53.00 .00 AmounE 50 .00 3.00 .... "". l;13;: "i.1'^" " 3"1,t,?,1" cr 970-328-8640 for Parcel 0. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTIO \RCEL I/ 3 - PERMIT APPLTCATIoN FoR.}.I (' DArE:/R a N AE q7 ot,t'7 PER,\IIT /I Pgtrt?-o t8{ ^ APPLTCATION }TJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORfiATION * * * * * * * * )r * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ 0 [ ]-Building [ ]-Prumbing ,D(,]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechani'car [ ]-other rob Name i Job Address: t s ?_1 Gr,.96e t, f r t-et LegaI Description: Lot Fl aaV r:..i 1 .i -v4v\,r! .c J- r rr'lq qltRnTUTqTOJ,": lwners Name: Lidf:.tf rrchitectt -Pk-O - Address: Address: leneral Description: .lork CIass: t.<l -New I I -Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other biumber of Acconrnodation Units: fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/PelIet i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * * * * * * * * ,k * * * * a ]UILDING: $ -- )LUl'tBING: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ lumber of Dwel-Iing Units: / ilectrical contractor: ,ddress: 4 5a-n - SllgTII gll : I -\,zanq.__ }IECFLANICAL: $ r * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTR_j{cToR INFORl,GlroN leneral Contractor: iddress: *********************** *x** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: -g!ts-Town of vail Reg. tto.'Lb>4 ffi ,Iumbing contractor: ,ddress: Phone llunber: J, OWn OI Va I1 Phone Number: 't own or vaIl. Phone Nunber: 87a.€.i9) Reg.No. Reg. NO.Iechanical Contractor : ,Jl-^^-.\L{Lll-eJ>. r i<* >t*>f *r< *:t*** ** ** * * * * *** *** ***** ]UILDING PER}IIT FEE: )LUI'IBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )TI{ER TYPE OF FEE: )R,B FEE: FOR OFFfCE USE't******************x'tx*:t***xiF* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CIiECX TEE: MECFIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lonnents: VALUATION I CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{IAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLIJMBING PERMTT JOb AddrCSS: 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCATiON...: ]-521 BITFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 2103-1,22-05-004 Project No. : pRiI97-01,84 OhINER FLAUM RONNA J PO BOX 3!L7, VArL CO 8155831_17 CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLI]MBING & HEAT p o BOX 525, AVON CO, 970_390_4312 PHIL APPLICAIVT BEAVER CREEK PLI]MBING .]OBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: P98-0076 status...: IssuED Applied..: 06/0s/L998 Issued...: 06/L2/L998 E>c.pires. . : L2/09/L998 Phone: 97O-47L-4850 BAIN 81520 Descript,ion : PLI'MBING RoUGH_FINISH ,rii**irrrr*rr FEE Valuat.ion:19, 000 . 00 SUMMARY r*rirra PIunlbing-----> Plan chcck- -- > Invc.!i.9.ts ion> will CaLI- -- -> Rcatuarant Plan Revi.ew- - >ToEaI CalculaC€d Fec6- - - > Additional Fecs---------> Total Pcrmit. Fce----- - - -> Payment.E-------- 295. O0 7I .25 . oo 3,00 .00 . o0 359.25 BALA-I\ICE DUE---- .oO Dept: BUILDING Division: ,fRM-DepC: FIRE Di-vision: IEeqrj.,q51q0 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT i|nif.tt' .t?tQB o oFY*" DE ptfi t.,u8si- EF Fn AP PRovED 05/05/1-998 JRM Acaion; AppR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS r heleby acknorredge that r have read chi6 appl.icat.ion, filled out in fult the inforqat{on required, codpleEed an plan' and stacc that alt the information provided a6 requiled is correcc. r agree,lo coftpLy lrich che j.nformation codes, design rcvicr apploved, uniform Buirding code and otsher ordinances of che Town cable Ehercto. REQUESTS FoR rNsP'crroNs SHATJIJ BE MADE Tr{ENTy- FouR HouRs rN A-D\rAr\cE By rE'E -211S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO A.{ S:OO pM acculaCe plo!. and plot plan, Bubdivi sion oP owNER OR cONIRAqToR FOR HIMSELP AilD OWNER tonn oP vAIIr, COIJORADO SEateEnt.rrrrra r*rarirt*r rrrrt rf *aa r iaa Strt..Ent Nudb.r: REC-0414 AEounE : Prl'ocnE ttclhoal: cK No!-t.lon: S2ils 359.25 o5l12l9e 13!03 PcniE Nor P98-0076 Typc: B-pLtllB pLtndBfNG PERMIT Ptrcel No: 2t03-122-OS_OO{ gllc Add!oe!: 152r BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locetion: 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Tolal F6as: Thi6 Patarcnr 3S9.2S Tolal AIiL pnts: Balancc : ,rrrt ar tti.ria r,r AqcounE Codc D.6criptl,on PP OOIOOO03lIl2OO PLUUBINC PERMIT FEES PP 00100003112300 pLlN cflEct( PEES TIC OO1OOOO31123OO }IIIJL CIIJL INSPECIION FEE IniE r !.{.t$l 3s9.25 .00 ArIount 2S5,O0 3. O0 I,. .'" ll\ata RaneiVgd :o'ncacc Easlc counc, n"."""o.1)rrr"" U'rE-Tt?o?';:";;;:r:i:lnEl!:!fl:i:;:*lrt;1 oF vArL coNsrRucrro*- JUN 02 19s pER.\,rr /,\RpEL l: df63'liJ*O5'OOY pERMTT ApplrcATroN F9RM gtZ_a3iT ( DATE:_._rL?[_ <rrt /^, i _ rr'--t.Y af /- ^ i ApplrcArroN *rusr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy "" ft'lt;(t {,;+rt#Y^"cEprED r * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * :t * * * * rr * * * * * *\?,,t l-Buildins tn-Prumbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechani'car [ ]-other ,-QI*h. c.-o* LegaI Description: tot Block__ Filing sueorvrsrox: pn.qrr -?+tP leneral Description r Pl*,- bX Zor( - ,p; .,-r.[ -. 'Iork crassr ffi-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Add.itionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwelling UniLs:. I Number of Accorlrnodation Units: J jlmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances.-_ cas Logs .--llood/peIlet-, k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * x * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * }i * * * * * * * * *\ IUILDING: $ Jwners Name: \rch itect: ?LUMBING:,+ iddress: Address: Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MEcHANfcAlt $_ '-_ - 8*i =ll? tv\l I Ph.?26-?aeA 1* * * * * rrc * >rr * 't * 't * * * 't * * *'*i*-*''k * * * * coNTR\cToR TNnORLATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,k * * * * * *f lenera] Contractorr RkD OTHER,: $ToTAL:+@ Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nuinber: ;lectrical Contractor : iddress:Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: 'town or varl. Phone Nunber: 't'own or va].r Phone Nunber: Reg. lio . Res. No. t(t-P 3ts^-V'/e I Reg. NO.Iechanical Contractor: rcidress: rlumbing iddress: lomnents: r-^h f rr.-t- ^F. )THER TYPE OF FEE. )QR Ftrl'. r,.i:Ii *.{l*j**SpR.. OFFfCE USE rt****,r**x*****t ,t ,,.r'- Ii:{-. ll}\ ^,,__L ii,.r : .;. tl . BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: 5+{l f.t.t*fpR. OFFfCE USE rt * * * * 't * * x * * * * * )t * * * * 'l * * * * * * 't * * = * i,t ,,., " ii:1r'-.{} \ -,,., I: I'..'I,I ] -, bUILDING PT,AN (.HE.'K FEF. i:; PLWBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:._-_l; : .\ !r !!.i., :'. MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:.' .RECREATION FEE: ;i"r CLEAN-UP DEPoSIT:rI, ToTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: : x * :tr * * * >t :l * * * rl * x * *-rt t +*j tft ]Uf LDING PERMIT P;ffd\ill"i',rr'. "1 f.rr'i'!1. l'-J )LUMBTNG PERMTT FF.EI 'IECHANIcAL PERHITI iFEE :-il' tTrrr .]LECTRTCAL FEE: ,.-, : GROUP VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFEND TO: .I, tnwn n 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 816 57 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROII: DATE: crIEt TE rr.n . o f llce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI,TN OF VAIL TOITN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI.I.ruNITY DEIrELOP}IENT IIARCH 16, ].988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to l-itter, track or deposit any-"oir]-.Ick, sand, debris or materj.al, including trash hu*p=."r., portable toilets and worl:men vehicres. upon any srreerl =ia;;.ii;";ii;y or pubJ.ic place or anv portiln trteieoi. --rnu right-of-way on arr Town of Vail stree*'l and roads is approximatery 5 ft. 6ff pavement.Thi's ordinance wirr be =t.i![iv"enforced by the To.rn of vai]Pubric works Department. p"rsirns found .rioruiing this ordinance virl be given a 24 hour written notice to re:nove said rnate.riar.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,"a;"-;;bric works Department will remove said mate;i;i-;r-ii,J'^I"p!"=e of person nohified. The provision= "f- [i,i= orcr]-nance sha]l not be applicable to ctnstruction, *ui.t"nu.ce or repair projects of any street or all_ey or any'utilitie; i; r;"-Iiii"_u_"uy- To review Ordinance No. e in fuII, please stop by the Town of lil] Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by:x -L <=----.----- ff.". contractor, owner) '.'lr 'l rl 75 south rrontBge road vall, colo ra do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 oltlco ot communlty deyolopme t BUILOINC PERTiIT ISSUANCE TiNT FMI,IE If this permit reauires a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineel''s..(.Publ ii 'orfs) "lvi.* unl'ipprouul , a planning Departnent review or Health Departmint-review, anl a-review by the Building Department, the estimated time tor'a iotat r.ui.*-i,uv"iuia'as tong as three weeks. All commercial (larqe or smail ) and a'l r rnur ti-family perrnits wilr have to follow irre ibove r*ntion.J-ri^i*r* requirements. Residential and.smali projects shourd take a ieiser amount of time. However, if residential or smailer.projects impact the various-;b;;. mentionea departmcnts r'ri th reoard' to* necesiily-i.uiu*, ill.r. i.":".ii ruy also take the three-weuf f"iiioJ. [very attempt vri'l I be made by this pet'mrl t . aS s.Qon as poss i bl e. I, th. unders igned, understand the frame. departnrent to expedite this p1 an check procedure and time s-J -qg , t-)"J*Project Communi ty 0evelopment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMOFANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need {or a 'public way Permit": NO ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed tirat requires lhe use oithe right of way, easernenls or public propeqty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed io site other than exisling diveway? ls any drainage work being done allecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public properly to be used lor slaging, parking or lencing? B. ll no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? . l{ you answered yes to any ol these questions, a'Public Way Permit* musl be obiained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained al the Public Work's oflice or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. iactor's Signature Date YES v 1) 2) 7a { 4) q\ r 6) 7) B) Job Name k--"--4 ,r-' '' I "') TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEIJOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIANICAL PERMTT ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0091 JOb AddrESS. . . : L52L BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCATION......: 1-521 BUFFEHR CREEKR RD Parcel No..... : 2ao3-L22-05-004 Project Number: pRJg?-0184 APPLICANT BEAVER CREEK PLI'MBING P O BOX 525, AVON CO, COMTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING P O BOX 525, AVON CO, O TNER FLAUM RONNA .] PO BOX 31-1-7 , VAIL CO Description: MECH FOR NSFR SLaIuS...: ISSUED Applied..: 05/12/1998 Issued...: 06/a2/1998 E>cpi-res. . : 12/09/1998 & HEAT 970-390-4312 PHIL & HEAT 970-390-4312 PHrL 816 5I3117 Valuation: #of Gaa Appliances: Phone: BAIN 81620 Phone: BAIN 81.520 970-47L-4850 97 0 -471,-4850 20,000.00 #Of Wood/ Pa l lel:FL'I LjaS !O<fa!: PEE ST'},IMARY Fi[eplace ]nformation: ResL):icced: Mechanical - - > Plan check---> Invest igat. j.on > wiJ I Call----> 4OO .00 ReBLuarant. plan Review- - > 100.00 DRB Fee-------- 3.OO .00 ToLaL Calculat.ed Fe.e --- AddiLional FeeE- - - --- > 503.00 Tolal ger-niE Fee------ -> Paymentss- BAIANCE DUE---- 501.o0 .00 501. flo 503.00 .oo Ilgq'i .051Q0_B_urLDrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDING Divislon:Q6/L2/1998 JRM A-Eion; -[FFR appRovnD JRM--llglri .q5€QO_!'r_RE DEPART"I4EN| Depr: FrRE Divislon:05/L2/L998 JRM Acr.ion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. qIEID-IT{gPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. g_o_r_{Eq TrQN ArR rS REOUTRED pnn src.--e o7 6F-rlrr-1gg7 uMc. ---3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACfURES- TNSTNOSITOIIS-ANO _ T9_APpENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE r9gr -UMC-. 4 . qAg_ APPI_,TANCES SHALL BE vENfED-AeeOnoir,lC TO CHAPTER 9 AND _ $EALL_TEBMTNATE AS SpECrFreD rt|.-sEc.goe-oF-rHit 1e91 nMC-.-s. aq_cEgg ro HEATTNG EQUTPMEUT-UUST-COMFLY Wlrr--sEe .5OS-alrO 703 0F TlrE 1991 UMCI 6. qqMBs SITALL BE MoUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. - PN!ESq LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSIIBI.,E-FI,OORiNG:_ --- __ 7. pEBl,UTrpI,ANs AND coDE awalySrs-Mfu5t-BE-FoSTEd--rn-prBcuaNrcar,- ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION NEOUNST,8. DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAI-N66MS_'E6UIAiIITTIC HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUppLy BorLERs sHALL BE EourppED w-tH A Fr_,oon Dnerll -Fnn Spc-.2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** DBCLARATIONS r h'rtby rcknorl'dg. thac r bav. r€.d thl. tppllcat,Ion, flllad ouc ln fqLl th. lnfofiraElon r.quLrcdr corqrleE6d an accurat6 plot Pr'n, rnd Btrt. tha! .1r th. infgrlrecioo proii.a"a as requlrco 1! corroct, r agra. !o conply rtcn lhc lnfgrnatlan 4nd plot plrn,ro coEply rlch dll, Torn ordinances and 6!ate l!as, and to bulld chis structqE tccording to th€ Torn?€ zoning end subdlvlsion REQUESfg FOR IN9PECTIONA SHAIJL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURA IH 6 OR AT oUR oFFICE FROM e'00 AM 5:00 Pu SIOIII,fURE OF O}JNER OR COIMRAC'I\3R FOR HIMSEI,T' AND OfiN8R -. -U *********************************************t****************** TOWN OF VArL, COI.ORADO StsaEernlrE ******************************!r********************************* St.atemnE. Number: REC-0415 Amount :503.00 06/a2/98 15:3L fnit: iIRM PaymenE MeEhodr CK Notation:5198 Permit Nor M98-0091 Tygre: B-MECH Parcel No: 2103-L22-05-004 SJ-TC AddrESS: 1.521 BIIFFEHR CREEK RD LOCAIiON: 1521 BI'FFETIR CREEKR RD This Payment. rotsal Fees: 503 .00 Tot.aL ALL Pmte: Balance: AccounE Code DescripEion MP OO1OOOO3T113OO MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEES PF 00L000031-12300 prJAN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIL EALI, INSPESIION FBE MECHANICAL PERMIT 503 . 00 503 . 00 .00 ***********************************!t**************************** AmounE 400 .00 100.00 3.00 n"""""",1,,r"" (M77et15 Parcel 0. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION Ef l- ct// PEfu\IIT f PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE:-"'-inZrr;-=Zt-,rr-p a-n-;'yf ft,Lt r,,t.'u Bh- f;---.our coMprETELy oR rT uet'Nor ge eccrpred ,_'^1 PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * *:k * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rk * * * rr * : I -EIectrical [fi-Mer.tr:n.i nar r ] -Other LJ - Job Acidress { Jfr-ZZrrut* Cr/rt-- R] ar.l.e Eil.i.e4v\,'! rrr.Lrlq qrtRn.trTqTON: Address: Address: leneral Descripti onrV Wwvl^c.-r I n a,. rork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dvrelling Units:Number Iumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances t -^ i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * *.* rk * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ))YIYT nTlt.-. t ILUMBING, T-t- r * >* >t * r< * )r''t * * * * * * * * t( * *.* 'k * * * * * * CoNT'RACTOR INToRMATToN leneral Contractor: '.11.iro<q. Itectrical Contractor : 'ddress: ,l-unbing iddress: ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMII FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: --'ai :ontac oc 970 \KLCL Eaglc Coun cy 28-8640 for . APPLTCATTON MIJST BE FILLED I r***************************** b [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing t Fob Name: LegaI Description: Lot fwners Nane: \rch itect : of Accomnodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/Pe11et ****** rk *** * ** * **** ** ** * i * *tt * * * x * * OTIJER: $ TOTAL: $ * **** *** ** * ** * ** rr* *)k * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail. Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. techanical Contractor: f 'rrn^_ Lruj-, 7f-*Town of VaiI Reg. No. lr/l'l rddress:Phone Nunber: : **r! * :l* * rt* * ** *** * * * ** *** * * rt *****FOR OFFfCE USE tt*** r(*********'r* ************ x*'i |LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )R,ts FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PLAN CIiECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: EI,E-CJRICALI $( HEcFrANrc ^L? 4Z@:__ Contractor: GROUP olnment's: VALUATION CLEAN IJP DEP.OSIT REF{IND TO: E25 o hojectName: LINDSTROM / FORKEN Project Numbcr: 06-1 1,98 Projcct Quote ; 0-6-{-?9- D'iigrrcd By: BRADLY SCIIEET/KAMEN SLJPPLY Dcsigrred For: TOM CRONEN PLBG 06 / LI/ g8 grJ i 4l il d,J 0l Notcs: Zaael lab A icstion 6t0r KAIIh]I\ SLIPPLY +--r UAllhiN A\ UN Serial Numbcr: 2416 kl UUZ/ 00r 05-11-1998 f.adiant t{orks 2.10 Room S cattons Hcrting lntensitY [Btu/b ffl Required Heat [Btu/hl Provided Hest [Btunrl Room Name Primary Spacing liol Primary Arec lfr'l Banded Specing linl Banded Area tffl AGD 12 420 25.5 10,702 lFid lo,72s 1fr ME( f l2 130 I ).1 Zone S catlons Entran LenEh [ftl No. of Circuits Sr' pply Fluil["Fl Dcltr T l'Fl GPM Head lftl Panel Load lBtu/lrl Entmtr Type 14,791 l/2" E-PexB @ 3 9E 20 1.7 2.87 oom lfearing Intensity [Btu/h fFJ -Required Heat [Btu/hl Provided Hest lBtu/hl Room Name Primary Spacing Iinl Primary Arel Ifi"l Banded Spacing linl Brtrded Arcr lffl Tn antnmD-.- Br iEMENT E,,TDER*-t-- ENIRY t7 132 8.1 r,076 2,088 1,163 1,519 12 6 96 t50 17.L 15.7 i5J 12,494 12,516 3,727 3,780 OFFICE l2 240 R ifications Znne S catrons SupplY Fluid ["FJ Delte T rrl GPM Head tfrl Panel l.oad lBtuitl Entro n TYP" Entran Length [ftl No. of Circuis 105 20 2.7 3.02 22,054 1/2" E-Pexll 250 7.Ot Room S cations Bauded Area Ift'l Heatiug IntensitY lBtu/h fel Required Heat lBtuAl Providcd Hcgt lBt"/hl Room Narre Primary Spaciug linl Primary Arca lffl Blnded Spacing linl .IIEDROOM I l2 196 77.e 3,397 4,373 BATH I l2 48 T.7 1,042 1,0 /) LINDCRO. RAD Page 1 copyright (c) 1992193,94,95,96, 97 Heatway o6/lli 9E uE:.lJ t1303 UU5 6261 Radiant Works 2.10 BEDROOM 2 Zone 4 (Thin Slab Applisation) I{AMEN SIlPPLI HEATWAY Zone List Zone S ificati +++ EAMEN AVON lglool,.nnF 06-l-t -1998 3,229 CLOSET 2 l2 35 19.3 674 787 BATH 2 t2 50 I l.t 590 l,l l6 LAUNDRY t2 40 l6-6 666 t97 BEDHALL t2 32 4.0 tz7 658 ons Supply Fluid ['F] Delta T rFI GPM Hesd lrrl Panel Load IBtu/bl Entrgn Typ" Entrcl Length [ftl No. of Circuits Itt 20 1.6 2.40 12,497 lE" E-PexB 200 3 Room Specifications Room Name Primary Spacing linl Primary Area IfF] Brnded Spacing linl Banded Area lffl Heating Iotensity [Btu/h trl Required Heat lBtdhl Provided Heat IBtu/hJ LIVINGROOM 6 +41 47.0 20,716 14,035 * KITCHEN l2 221 32.9 7,262 12,040 PANTRY& POWDER t2 1t 25.9 2,018 2,344 DININGROOM 12 240 27.s 5,5e9 13,081 BRJDGE t2 76 7.6 57s 4,770 t The flagged rooms moy require aroriliary Zone Soecifications Supply Fluid ['F] Delta T rFl GPM Hesd tftl Panel Load lBtu/hJ Entrrn TyPu Entran Lcngtb [ft] No. of Circuits 20 4.2 3.15 40,445 1/2" F.-PexE 225 Room Specifications Room Name Prirnary Spacing liol Primary Arec tffl Banded Spacing linl Brnded Area lffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h ffl Required Heat lBtu/hl Provided Hcat [Btu/h] READINGROOM t2 64 23.6 1,508 2,324 I"{ASTERCLOSET t2 4E 16.9 t09 1,74t }.4ASTERBATH t2 220 28.6 6,299 7,951 MASTER BEDROOM 12 204 36.3 '1,398 7,4t0 LTNDERO.RAD copyright lcl L992,93,94, 95, 96t 97 Heatway Page 2 08./ lll 08 0u: 4J tlJoJ 2.ro 825 o 0 201 IiAIIUN HEATWAY Zone SUPfLY List -r+-r UAlrltjN AVQN l4l 110.1/ u0b 05-11-1998 Radiant Works Zone S cations Supply Fluid ['Fl Delb T rFl GPM Head tfrl Paoel l.,oad lBtu/hl Eutran TYPe Enlrau Lcngth [fil NO. Ol Circuits 142 20 t.8 2.60 16,'l02 l/2" E-PexI]200 3 Proie ct Totals System Punping Specs: l?'0 GPM at 3-15 feet ofhead System Boiler Loai: 10549t Bhr/h (excluding Supply & Retum pipine) 4625'of U?'E-PexB LI ,'IDCRO. RAD copyright (c) 1992,93 | 94,95 t96,9? Ileatway Page 3 I(AMEN SLIPPLY -}ri DAI[bl\ AVON l4l uo5/ oob HEATWAY Zone List 06-11-19,t8 . 06/LL/gE oE:,13 tlJ03 E25 6261 'Racliant Works 2.Lo O hoject Name: LINDSTROM / FORKEN ProieotNumber: 05-Il-98 Project Quote: 06-ll-98 Dcsigted By: BRADLY SCHEET/KAI{EN SUPPLY Serial Numbcr: 2416 Designcd For: CRONEN PLBG Notes: Zonel (Snowmelt) Room S catrons Rrrnm Nrme Primery Sprcing linl Primrry Arer lfr'l Brnded Spacing linl Brnded Ares lffl Heating Intensity lBtu/h fPl Required Hert lBtu/hl Providcd Hcat [Biu/hl DRIVEWAY 8 1,128 128.0 144,372 r58,974 PATIO t 763 128.0 91,656 1o7,499 DECK I 32t 12t.0 41,981 46,212 Zone S Supply Flrrid [oFl DeltE T lorl GPM Head tfq Pencl Lord IBtu/hl Entran Type Entran Lcogth [ftl No. of Circuits 91 20 46.t 42.45 333,479 5/t'E'P.exB 250 t4 Project Totals Systeur Pumping Sppcs: 46.E GPM rr 42,45 feet of bead System Boiler Load: 333479 Btu/tr (excluding Supply & Rctum piping) 3500' of 5/8'r E-PexB Page 1 CROSN"I|.RAD Copyright(cl L992,93,94,95,96,97 Heatway ,r14r rn c\ .r FN N N z z TN ef UZ o,x -t N n -T'I n n _7\- rTt z N TN (lt U rn z o fit n: \{q('ryfl\ E f-m n € 6 {5 m z -t Ii >.:fr€ -rq I'ES :? c .I n n -n Mini-Fino Dimensions & Specifications l-- I I I I 11" o'\,',ffiilTi$il'#il" Note Example SIDE VIEW 61t4"t4 ilz" N O45 PM FI This heater is 45,000 BTU natural gas Mini-Fin@ boiler. lt is pumP mounted and has Fl firing controls. 5 3t4" RB tu T- I c -J- RBN045PM.F I F-- L FRONT VIEW 45,000 36,S00 1t)"r49 rO \6 tl F-A_-.J RBN()75PM.F1 75,000 6 t,500 165 6 t/4"l8u2"u2"5 314" RBN(]9OPM.F 1 90,000 73,800 r65 6 ll4"18112"112"5 314" RBN I35PM.F 1 r35,000 110,700 o7 t87 6114"u2"5 314" RBN I80PM.F 1 180,000 147,600 r29 6 114"26112"3t4"5 314" RBN225.F I 225,000 184,500 l6l 3t4"?13 29112"lt 3t4" RBN2iO.F 1 270,000 221,400 194 32112"3t4"lt 314" RBN315.r9 3 r 5,000 t"258,300 35112"11314" RBN350.t9 360,000 295,200 256 38 I12"1l 314" *1 r "- '--- '-*&- nBN3rr.F'399,000 327,180 315 47 11118" 10"r r 3t4" RBN5O(),F9 410,000 53 318" Note: Chonge 'N' to 'L to denote L.P models. Pump pre-mounted ond wired on oll modelc All models opproved fot noturol L.P gos lnlet ond Outlet - I th" N.P.t, models 045 thrcuqh t 80. I 1 314" I t/," N.PT., models 225 thtough 500. L.P Cos V.llve Connedion is thi models l8O. Y.', models 225 Standard Features . Dual Adjustable Higlt-Limit Controls . Circulating Pump Mcunled and wired (models 045 through 180). Tenrperature and Pressure Gauge . 30 PSI ASME Pressure Relief Valve (rnodels 045 through 360) o 50 PSI ASME Pressure Relief Valve (rnodels 399 through 500) o Calvanized Jacket . BuilGIn Draft Hood . Gas Valve with Built-In Manual Shut-Off . Pump Relay r High-Gloss Acrylic Paint . High E Ticiency Stainless Steel Burners . Lightweight Loch-Hear Ceramic Tile Combustion Chamber . ASME Certified to 160 PSI Working Pressure (all models). National Board Certified . AGA Design Certified for Closet Installation (models 045 through 180). AGA Design Certified for Alcove Installation (models 225 through 500). Automatic Vent Damper (models 045 through 270) Optional Equipment o Flow Switch . Combustible Floor Shield (except 399 and 500). Manual Reset High Limit . Low Waler Cut-Off (Probe Type) o Pump Delay . Spark lgnilion (models 045 through 270) o Module Firing Gas Valve with Spark Ignition o Multi-Stack (See Accessories Section) Firing Control Systems Standing pilot, thermocouple supervision. (Standard equiprnent, models 045 through 270.) Electronic pilot supervision, spark ignilion, 4-secortd mailt gas shutdown.(Standard equipment, models 315 through 500.) Same as F-9 with module firing gas valve. (Not available on 45,000 BTU model.) FI3 (FM Approved), Fl4 (IRI) & CSD-| are availnble. Please consult factory for available models & conlrols. FI F9 M9 @@ The Builrln Advantage Lcrhinvar (i:tptrnltion ' N:r.shville, ]'N J7ll0 ' 615r'81J91t900'/F:rx 615r'us5-.r'r(l'J LrrHo - 1oM ' s/s7- PRrNrEo lN usA s@ffi Ilr suPlRs ' Lifetime Wrrunty. ' Superslor Indirect Fired Wttcr Ileuters are UL certified. t Constructed of type ,Jl6l' stain'less steel, toLerates h,igher te mperu'tures, Itrtotl't melt. Superior rorrositttt resisLottce . ' Heat. exchanger constructetl of high grarle 90/ I 0 cupronickel. t Supplies unsurpassed recoaery conl- pared Lo conuentittnul wuter lrcaters. . Maximum. heat transfer elficiency. . Minimum, pressure drop through systenL. t Mu"ximum corrosiort utrcl erosittrt' resistance, deters blue waler Jront' low Ph leaeLs. ' ControL prouitles J'Lexibility rt'nd seruice- abilityfor zone ualues or circula,tor installation. t 2" thickfoam insulation allows less than'/t" per hour heat loss, the best irt the intlusLry. ' Full line of 24 models auuilable' ' Easy installation and cleaning. ' Superstor Inrlirect Fired Water Heaters are designed with all the new energy standards in mind! lVfutt k uls of wuter lrcaaers are uouiluble,, 'l'lrr^ trrrr lrrrratl t:alcgorit:s of tlttnu:stit: ltot witlt:l' gerrelalion at'e direct Iirerl and iru.lirtct [irerl s) stenls. I l)irer:t [ilul units cotrsist of lrasir:ally lhr-ct rvl)es: a Gus Jired z Ebctric c 0ilJirul 2 [rrrlilect firerl unils tlepettrl ott lrt'a( ftrrnt another source aud vary cotrsitlerablv in rlesign, cxrnsllucliott atrtl olrcratlott: A Tunkless heuter 8 'l'unkle.ss heuter u:itlr C lleut exr:lutnger in u tunk l)ilect firerl units of the gas anrl oil [irerl type prrr- vitle reasorrable lr:covery lales fbt llttir lutlit:ular tank size. rlhile electric watet lrealers, lvith their' very slorr r€covery lales, nlust be vety largr, in tank size to pnrvirle enough slorage fol rlonleslit' hot later tteeds. Direct filcd units of the gas and oil fired lypcs lrling rrilh thcnr all rrl the lrnrbletns an(l (:orx'cnrs of an additional conrbustion chamher. and lheir ond how do th.ey open e? stornge tunk conrlrrrstiott t:llicir'rr<:y is gurclirlly tttttt'lt lt'ts llritrr llrt'lxriL'r' used to heat your lronte; two buutcts ltt setvit:tl ittsleatl o{ rtttt'. Dircct Iiletl units t'ottstanlly lose lrt:at up the llue. n ilh arr ovt:r'all slantl-lry lrrss of 7' lo l2'pn lrour. A sat lilit ial itrrrxlc lrxl is usr:rl itr all rlilr:ct lil'rl rrrrils arrrl ils iolr is lo sitclilit e itscll lo Ilrr: t:orlosive lltslt tvalt'r so tlral llrc turk ilst:ll uorr'1 ltt sat'ti- ficr',1.'l'lr,'1,t,,1r1,'ttt is llrrtl llrcs, litttks ittt', illrcrgla.. ',r sl',rr, linerl and one liny inrper'lct:liorr irtt iles rust ill to eitl up tlte lauk.'l'lte itntxles arr: itltttttsl ttevet teplat'crl lvhiclr is one reil:ion lirr tlre short li{e assotialetl rvitlr rlilecl filerl rratt'r heitlr:ts, Attotltet reasott frrl this shortt't lrttk lile is that tii turr)l)etiltulc t:ltlttges tx't:ut' 'lvithirr tlrr: turrk, tlrr: glass linirrg arrrl thc ttrttal tank €exp.rn(l atttl <rtntrat:l at tli[li:r'errt ratt:s. Sttesst's atr: st:t up lhrt cause llrc littittg to t:tat'k . . ' r'esullirrg irr a tarrk that lvoukl krak. In suttttttitty, tliler:l [ilerl utri(s tkr rrot ltrake tlrc lrcst use of your ct:rttt'al lrcal'ing syslcttr. 'l'ltcy lrling n ith tlrerrt prol> Icrrrs of thr:ir uwtt atttl atltl kt lltt' t ttst rl olx:tating yttLtr t t'ttttal healing systenr us well as youl tlxnestic ltot wah:r syslellt' Too Cos t Indirect fired water heoter - Ircw it prouides Lore ltol. naler ut far less cost! Supcrskrr lrrovides a truc irdvalxienlent in lurl rvakr gt:nerutiun- I-ty tying intn your existing Jroiler as seplrate zone with a r:ir- culator or zone valve, it slafls the lrurner only when necessary and transfers heat eneryy through a highly elficient cupninickel, fin-tube heat exclranger. The donrestic hot water is storetl in a high gratle (316L) stain- less steel tank. The 2" ftram insulation ket:ps the w.rter hol wilh a standby loss of less than l/2" per hour. This allows your lmiler to stay "Off" nrost o[ the day and night. The result is tnore hot water with reduced boiler water temperutures and rlrastically reduced standby losses. HOW ll WORKS Superstor simply circulales heated boiler water through a cupronickel heat exchanger heatirrg the surrounding domcslic hol watcr. The heat exchanger is localed near the bol- tom of the tank just above the cold rater inlet to provide fast and efficient heat recovery. The Superstor is so efficient that it has a first hour raling (the amount of hol nater pnrduced in an hour's time) of 140 gallon for lhe 30 gallon rnodel, which rs greater than most 80 1o 100 gallon waler healerc. moDERil GOll DEgrOrl Old style coils can produce discolorerl tapwater which affects taste and leaves blue bathtub rings. The cupronickel coil provides maximum heat transfer efficiency and resists mineral buildup and dis- colored water. NO SEPANATE CHIMilEY OR BURNER }IEEDTD The Superstor indirect fired water heater operates frum your existing boiler system. LOI|G lAStlNG COITSTRUCIION Onlinary hol watt:r heatt:rs ate t:ttttstt'u<:letl ol lighl gauge. nriltl stcel with gla.ss, stone, or plastic lirlirrgs lhat tttay t'rut'k t,r selta- rille. \Vater can leak and rusl the tarrk"l'he Superslor ltealer is constructed of typt: l) l(rL staittless stcel lntl t:tttttes with a non- metallir: jacket which won'l t:lti1t or rust. MI IIIAL STANDBY TEflIPENATURE LO3' Other' f rrrt rvaf cr healcn have l/2"-1" rrf /,,,,, supon-r insulutiun arrrl llreir stotetl wulet lusrs l f( I".suln:.ion tk,grr:es per lt'ur or tttttre. Strlrrsluri l\ l\ closed cell insulation rerlut'es slantlby I ll ll lo.ss lu less lhan l/2" ptr ltour. lt'ss lltatt l2' per tlay. N,APID RECOVERY RATE Superctor has two or nlore tinres tlte re(lvory rate of gas fired heaters and supplics as muclr as five tinres the antount of hot water as a comnarably sized elet:tric water heater. EASY IIISTAILAIION AND C]IAIIINO The Superslor is an ideal replaccment for existing waler heaters or new conslruction. A vent or stack is nol required. The tank's light weight makes il very easy k) maneuver in light corners' Each tank is equipped with an adjustable Well Type Control which is highly accurale in measuring the lemperature of the water to activalc lhe heating appliance in diverting healed waler when needr:d. Plastic jacketing provides nrainlen- ance free operation front scratches and rust. Superstor cupro- nickel heat exchanger is highly rcsislant 1o any scaling tleposits and is positioned so entering water provides scrubbing aclion, elirninating the need lor chenrical cleanings. Ilot lllrlter 0ntlct.7$r' - 2" I\tltun'thant lintnr I nsuhtt ion ( )n ( )ut sitlt'. l,<,ss'l-lrlrn tl i' I','r Ilur ll rt t/'sr R l 7 )l l(tl, Stainlns Stotl Douptti<'llutcr (onnectiont "lt" NI'T' (ss-2o, 30, ,t.o. r " i\i P't Ou SS-(IQ. I tli' NPl' O,t SS-80, SS-l Iq) I'llrlrtic Jut'l:et Iintlosul'I.hc run*t ll'ell Cokl I et & Druitr (lloilor llittr Supplt & ltctrrrrr I' 'l hn'olcl) Doilor Supply Cuprorritkel (.oil 'lssenbly lJoik:r Relunr SPEGIFIGATIONS AND PERFORTANCE RATINGS *l)OE'l\'st llletlrcd busc<l on 90"1' rise, 55'1115" u:ith lloih,r ll'utcr (! Ill0" l;. SuPerst<lrhosuftIIin<'of24'nrdcIsuuuiklbIeilrrirsi:rls..2o,3o,'lo..'nl6061.II.n.. . llrr'.10. tO, gtf. u rCI|Coi[l}rrostcrNlotlels-opel.lcsirrcoltjultr:tiutlrvillrtanklt:ss|x:itlt:t.tttitIt'rtlaseltolrvateIsbragc [)rrll (].il Motlr:ls art: [rrr corrrrrren'ial al)pli(:ati.ns wlrcrc r:vt'rr Iriglrcr r.tx',r,t:11, ralcs lft] l.o(llrirc(1. St't: t:trgittct:t ittg & sl)ccificrliolr ntalrual [ol our conrl)l(:[c (]ornlncrr:ial lirrc arrrl sizirrg guirle. ( )LxL.l Skrrnge (irlxrcity 11r (lir< ulutor or 'lb F r,".rt" | [n/(lrrr llrrrresti<: (irrrnr.cliorr | )irrrr.rrniorrs ttr Ttrt* Slrippirrg Wr.ir.ht Itrcrcrrrr. 1','"1 TW,,"tl* llt'rrl lixcltlrrgt Srrrllr.r' l"irst Ilorrr ll rI irgs + @li(rT@ ..L ss,:l( )20 {;xll,,,l ;1"22"/," N.t1'| t\taL.2 t-"f;r t,tF.300 t5l I s0 l,sl | 5 s t./lt.lll)gprlr l52gplr ss-3(l .10 (illlon 3"'/," N.ll'll M.rl,'lt, tl (,7 Lhs.3{X) I)St t50 Pst l5 srp./li.lll)g1rh l()llglrh :s-30l.ll itO (lallrrn 3"2:1"/," N.t1't:\laL'2||'t;',2]',1 70 LLs.:!(xt I,sl lI)0 l5l l5 sr1./fl.lir.lglrh 2litgpL ss-.1{),l{) (irrllorr 3"14t"'/"' N.ll ll l\lrrh.l'2 | l;'t9 'l 78 t_t,s.;l(u lsl t50 I5l l5 s1./ft.lTirsplr 2 t2splt ss-({)fi) Galhrrr +(r"l" N.P.'ll lllah'32'h"2:ltl 9lr l.hs.3(X) I'Sl 1..{r I'sl l1-r sq./tt.22(lgplt llllirgph S:-io ll{) (lall'rr 2<)"($"| '/2" \.ll ll llllr.i2"2J"13,) l.l,s :to() Psl r50 l,sl :l I sr 1./li.:tl X rspll ,10{)gph 55- ('I l() Callon .10 7 i'l 66"I V?" N.ll'l: rL'i:l | /,",,:2{Xr l,hs.300 l5l l.)(r l'Sl li I sr;./lt.illliFl'l 5lllgph your Heat Transfer products, Inc. Super SlorrM indirect-lired water heater is protecled by lhese Heat Transfer Products, Inc' war- ranties. These warranties are applicable to original consumer purchases only' WARRANTY COVERAGE FOR RESIDENTIAL USAGE The warranties listed in this section should apply to Heat lransfer products, Inc. Super StorrM rndirect'fired water healers used In a residential setting by original consumer purchases only. A "residenlial setting" as used herein shall mean usage in a single family dwelling in which the oraginal consumer purchaser of the Super StorrM indirect'fired water healer resides on a permanent basis' ,,Residential setting" shall also mean usage in a multiple lamily dwelling providing that a Super StorrM indirectfired water heater ser- vices only one (1) dwe ing in a multiple family dwelling. The ferm '?esiiential setling" shall not include any usage of the Super StorrM indirect-fired waler heater above 1500 Fahrenheit. Heat Transfer products, Inc. warrants that it will repair or replace, at it's oplion, without charge, any defective or maltunctioning component o{ the Super Storrm indirect-fired waler heater during the first year atter the original date ol installation the dwelling lt is expressly agreed between Heat Transler Products, Inc. and thelriginal consumer purchaser that repair or replacemenls are the exclusive and sole remedy of the original consumer purchaser. During the remaining lifetime of ihe Super Storr; indirect-fired water heater, Heal Transfer Products, Inc will repair or replace' at its option, without charge any super storrM, indirect-fired water heater having a defect or malfunction that results in a waler leak from the outside jacket, inner tank, or heat exchanger as a result ol normal use and service. lt is expressly agreed between Heat Transfer products, Inc. and the original consumer purc-haser that repair or replacement is the exclusive and sole remedy ol the original con- sumer purchaser. should a defecr or mallunction result in a leakage of water within the above stated warranly periods due to defective material or workmanship, maltunclion, or lailure to comply with the above warranly,such defect or malfunction having been verified by an autho- rized Heat Transfer products, Inc. represeniative, lhen Heat Transfer Producls, Inc. will replace the delective or malfunctioning Super StorrM indirecl-fired water heater with a replacemenl Super StorrM indirect-lired water heater of the nearest comparable model avail- able at the lime ol replacement. lf Heat Transler products, lnc. is unable to repair or replace a Super SlorrM indirect-'lired water heater so as to conform with this warranty, after a reasonable number of attempts, then Heal Transfer Products, lnc. will provide at its option, eilher a replacement product, or a full refund of the purchase price. These remedies are lhe consumer purchaser's exclusive remedies lor breach of war- ranry. lf at the time of request for service, the original consumer purchaser cannot provide a copy of the originalsales receipt, deed' or equivalenl document, then the wananty periodlor the Super SiorrM indirect-fired water heater shall be ten (10) years from the date of manutaclure ot the Super StorrM indirect-lired water heater' WARRANTY COVERAGE FOR COMMERCIAL USAGE The warranties listed in this section should apply to Heat Transfer Products, Inc. Super StorTM indirect-fired water healers used in a commercial setting by original consumer purchases only. A "commercial setting" as used herein shall mean any usage not falling within lhe above definilion of i,,residenrial seiting". A super storrM indireclfired water heater shall be deemed to be used in a com' mercial setting" if at any time il is operated at a lemperature above 150" Fahrenheit' Heal Transfer products, Inc. warrants that it will repair or replace, at it's option, without charge, any defective or malfunclioning componenl of the Super StorrM indirect-lired water heater during the tirst year afler the original date of delivery to the original con- sumer purchaser. lt is expressly agreed between Heat Transfer-Products, Inc. and the original consumer purchaser thal repair or replacement is the exclusive and sole remedy of the original consumer purchaser' During the second through tifth years after the original date ol delivery to the original consumer purchaser, Heal Transfer products, Inc. will repair or replace, at its oplion, without charge, any Sup;r StorrM indirect-fired water heater having a delect or mal- function that results in a water leak lrom the outer iacket, innei tank, and heat exchanger as a result of normal use and service' lt is expressly agreed belween Heal Transfer Products, Inc. and the original consumer purchaser the repair or replacemenl is the exclu- sive and sole remedy of the original consumer purchaser. Should a defect or malfuncjion result in a leakage of water wilhin the above-stated warranly periods due to defective material or workmanship, mallunction, or failure to comply wilh the above stated warranty, such defect or malfunction having been verilied by an aulhorized Heat Transfer products, Inc. represenlative, lhen Heat Transfer Producls, Inc. will replace the defective or malfunclioning Super StorrM indirect-lired water heater with a replacement Super StorrM indirect-fired water healer ol the nearest comparable model available at the time of replacernent. ll Heal Transter products, Inc. is unable to repair or replace a Super StorrM indirect-fired water healer so as to contorm with this warranly alter a reasonable number of attempts, then Heat Transler Products, Inc. will provide' at its oplion, either a replacement product, or a full refund of the purchase price. These remedies are the exclusive remedies of lhe original consumer purchaser' see reverse side for exclusions, timitations, remedies, and seryice request information. t2o Bralel Road. Eas. fi'rcetou.nt. MA 027 | 7. (5OS) 763-807 t. )-800J23-9651 (Ouuitlc MA)' l'ax (508) 76'l't769 Heal Transler Pnrhtcts. lnr:. resenes the right [n rnake llnrlucl changes or inprovemenls at any time wtth(]tlt l,l\r 2[xt 06/ IL/ ttt 0n: {: 'diJ0J lr:5 0;,rti1 hi\r\llrN sl l'l'1.\'', ' l-Aill-N ,t \ Ur\tU UU.1/ UU.) 0 5-1_1-1998 Radi; nt l.lorks 2 .10 Desig, cd For: TOM CRONEN PLBG hoject Name: LINDSTROM / FORKtrN Projer Number: 05-11.98 ProjectQuote: 05-11'98 Desig, :dBy: BRADLY SCIIEETIKAMEN SUPPLY HEATWAY Zone Lr-st' Serial Number: 2416 Nores. oom Roout Name Primary Spocing linl Primory Arer lfel Banded Spacing linl Banded Area tft'l Ileating IntensitY lBtu/h frl Requircd Heat IBtu/hl Provided Heat [Btunrl t2 420 25.5 r0,70?10,729 MECITAMCAL t2 130 15.2 I,9t0 3,307 R ifications Zo ifications ne c Supply Fluid ["Fl Delts T ["F] GPM Head lftl Panel Load IBtu/bl Entron TyJrc Eutran Length [ftl No. ol Circuib 9E 20 1.7 2.82 14,793 l/2" E-PexB 200 lication Zone? Room Name BASEMENT ' Name Room S ifications Bauded Spacing linl Room S ifications lleating Intensity [Btu/[ fPJ 12,516 3,?,'c fleating Intensil ' JBh/h ft'l Pr 'vid'rd rlcat tBtu/hJ 4,371 Primary Spacing linl 1,519 s.tp Fluirl Zone S cauons 1{q. rrf Circuits pplv ,t rrl Delta T rrt GPM II ead tfrl Prnel I.oad IBtu/hl EntrEn TYP' Entran Length [ft] 05 20 2.7 3.02 27,054 ll2" E-P. xB 250 5 Primary Spaciug linl LINDERO. RAD copyright (c) 1992,93,94,95'96t 97 Heatway Page 1 0ti/lll{rE 0$:,lJ ?llJoJ ullS ri!lil ++-' lrA Li\ A\ Ui\l{4,luUJ,/ 0U., 06-11"-1998 Radi.r nt Works 2.10 BEDROOM 2 I(AIILN SUPPL\ tiEATwAY Zone List Zo ifications 22.4 3.220 3,229 144 t2 :LOSET 2 t2 35 l9-3 674 782 BATII2 L2 50 I l.t 590 l,l l6 UNDRY t2 40 16.6 666 t97 BED }IALI.L7 32 4.0 t27 558 ne Srrpply Fluid ['Fl Delta T rFl GPM Hesd tfil Panel Load IBtu/b] Entrgn Typ. Entrcr Length lftl No. of Circuits il8 zu 1.6 2.40 12,497 12" EfexB 200 3 %one 4 Slab A lication Roo ifications Zone Specificatious m Rocrrn Name Primury Spacing linl Primary Area lffl Banded Spacing linl Banded Area Iffl Heating Iotensity [Btu/h ffJ Requircd Heat IBtu/h] Itrovided Heat IBtu/L] LI\TNG ROOM 6 441 4'7.0 20,716 14,035 * KITC}IEN 12 22r 32.9 7,262 12,040 PANI RY & POWDER t2 7E 25-9 2,018 2,344 DNINGROOM t2 240 27.5 6,5e9 13,0u i, <IDGE L2 76 .6 5?5 4,1 t The flagged rooms may require atuiliary hcat' ne Supply tr'luid ["F] Delta T l"Fl GPM IIesd Iftl Panel Load lBtu/LJ Entrrr Typ" Entran Length [ft] No. of Circuits 130 4.2 3.15 40,445 12" E-PexB 225 ZoteS hin Slab A lication Rr om Name RT ADIN Ivt,STER lvl . BEr ,ROOM Room S cations 7,951 LINT]CRO. RAD copyright (c) L992,93,94,95' 96,97 lleatway Page 2 0s./11/98 0E: 43 tlJoJ SllS d!ti1 hAII!N SUfPL\ HEATWAY Zone List r-+ hAtrlhi\ A lOt\t&l uu,l. uu, 05-11-1998 Radiant Works 2.10 Zone S cauons Supply Fluid ["F] Delra T rFI GPII{Head tfrl Penel Load [Etu/h] Entran TYPe Etrtrrtr Length [ft] No. of Circuits t42 20 1.8 2.60 16,7gz l/2" E-PexB 2D0 Proiect Totals Systern Pumping Spccs: l?.0 GPM at 3-15 feet ofhead Sisten Boiler Loai: 106491 Btuh (excluding Supplv & Retum piping) 4625' of Lll" E-PexB LINDCRO. RAD copyright (c) L992,93,94,95,96' 97 Heatway Page 3 06/ LI/$8 oU: ,13 ?1'Jo3 Ela ri2til Radiant Works 2.10 t hAltLi\ sL Pf LI I{EATWAY Zone tist +.+ l-:,ArUbN AIUN o igl UUJ/ UUr 06-1L-1998 hojcct Name: LINDSTROM / FORKEN ProjeotNumber: 06-11-98 Project Quote: 06-ll -98 DcsignedBy: BRADLY SCFIEET/KAI{EN SUPPLY Serial Number: 2416 Dcsigncd For: CRONIIN PLBG Nott,s: Zone l (Snowmelt) Prinary Spacing Iinl Primrry Arsa lft:] 1O7,499 Zone S Heod lfrf ons Psnel Load IBru/h] J33,479 Iqis.l-TeeE Systeor Pumping Specs: 46.8 GPM at42.45 feet ofhead System Boiler Load: 333479 Btu,/h (excluding Supply & Retum piping) 3500' of 5/8" E-PeiB CROSNOW. RAD copyright (c) 1992,93,94,95t96t 97 Heatway Page 1 I DEVEL TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI!"TAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT OPMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0325 .fob Address: Location. ..: Parcel No..: Project No.: 1.52]. BUFFEHR CREEK RD 1521 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 21,03-122-05-004 PR,J97-0r_84 Status. . Applied. Tssued.. E>cpires. ISSUED 12/07 /L998 3-2/07/L99-" 06 / os /re99 LECTRIC I]MLIMITED 1768 ALPINE DR]VE LECTRIC I]MLIMITED ]-768 ALPINE DRIVE FLAUM RONNA .] PO BOX 3117, VAIL INC 1, VArL CO 81657 INC t-, vArL co 8l_557 co 816583117 Phone: 970827-5980 Phone: 970827-5980 Description: ELECTRTCAL FOR NSFR Valuat,i-on:18, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY Eleccrical---> DRB Fee Inve6Ej.gation> 9^Ii11 call----> TOTAL FEES---> Totsal calculaeed Fee6---> AdoiEional Fees___-__-_ : Total Permit Fee-------_> Pal4nentsB-------- BAIA}ICE DUE--- - 93 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 96.00 95.00 .00 95.00 96.00 .oo *******i****,** ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENI DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:1,2/07/1,998JRM Act.ion: AppR APpRovED,fRJ"f Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Diwision: L2 / o7 /1998 ,JRM AcE.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I heleby aeknowledge Ehat I have read this application, filled out in fult Lhe information required, completed an accurabe plot plan, anil state that all the information provided as reqr:ired is col:rect. I agree to conpLy with Che information and plob p1an, to compLy witsh all Toed oldi.hances and stsaE€ laws, and tso build this Btsluctsure according to Lhe Toen'B zoning and etrbdivieion codes, design rewiew approved, Uniform Building code and other oldinances of the Tonn applicable theleto. .:.'l'qnc Eop TrrspScTIf)rs SHALL BE tlAtE TWEIIXy-FOr_rp ltlups tlt AD!'lNcIt By TELEPHONE A.l 1J9 2I3? OP.A.T O'JR OFFICE FROM 8:00 Al"l 5:C0 pM TO"^IN OF VAII,, COI,ORA'O S ua cemnE 95.oo 12/ o't /99 rstso fniE: ifN ScaCemntr Num-ber: REC- 0483 Amoun!: Paymenl. Met.hod: CK NotaEion: 2406 Perni!. No: Parcel No: siE.e Address: Loca!ion: Thie Payment. 898 - 03 25 Tt?e: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL 2103-122-05-004 1521 BUFSEHR CREEK RD 152 ], BUFFEHR CREEK RD ToEal Fees: 95. 0o Total lllll PmE6; P ERI,I IT Balance: 96,O0 95.00 .00 AccounE code Desclipuion EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICA], PERMIT FEES !'C OO1OOOO31].2SOO WIIJIJ CAIL INSPECTION FEE Amount 93,00 3,00 .,t .l,Co: r E.r lqa 4: qLo^ ,-,i*,.i:n;itu-864o tor parccl rI rrinN oF vArL "o".rLu"rroi :-r\RCE', f :ffi PERMIT APPLTCATTON Fopll { APpLrcATroN }rusr BE FTLLED ou? coMpT.rr?Er_,y oR rr 1t4y }lor DE AccEp?ED i****t * * * ' * * * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * * * PERt{rr rHnonulrtoN )k }r ,* .* * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * r* * * * :r :: :f i :**[ ]-Bui)-dingf 1 1-rlumbing !!.-Electrical [ ]-.]fechani-ca1 [ ]_other f ob IIan e : L- r r,,. $15+{11 r,,,_rs <>\..n*_(xr,\ F<)LlE-l:-u Job. Addresu, _LS&-@ €A .roa l freqr-ri nf-.'a-. T ^+-_g+ verv!r1.L...L_irr. !eL. Blocp._ Iilirrg SUSOfvfSfOli . sr,.r rts Address:--- r-, L.r.'\+>r\l VF&\ _ph..:-clritect: QV_O' Address: .':neral De scri.ption:Ph. ' l1n.p.ir r r*aa".',m'er or. Drel t-iiE' units.: t Number of Accorunodation ,rr.,r;, -.--- ,mber a'd Type of Fiteplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs_ I,tood,zpelle,r- -fe-v.,\-g _ €qg - ci7L PEP..\iIT i] tf LDII{G: $EI,ECTRTcAL: $<2.. /^/|).IJ},BTNG:MECTANICAL: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: $---.----._-: :r**>rxxx r :" * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * arnNT.l3 r.,nr,.\b .rrrh^_--_ _.-:nerrl c.:ntractot, -a;; - uuN L'rtAcl'oR INFoRIIATION * * * * * * * * * * 'r * * * * *.* *.,r rr ,rr ? * * * r *idre::Lt Town of Vail Reg. Wo.333 - A Phone Numbe,r: - - ''- cctrical Contractor: :1i= . - l:"1 : . 9oy,, ry o. " " " J'ff o"ri r*A?"ta(€D ()() a---_-- ,;*:l? contracror: Eql_ O^^Lg ':ha: rical Contractor.: +**t * * * *,t * * * * 't * * * * !t,i * x******** Town of Vail Reg .- No.ZOZ.,E Fhone Number: _a115ffi Town of VaiI Rerf . NC,.ynone Number: --------:-- Lk- Town of Va:'-l Reg. NO. .Pn on e l{urnb er : . FOR OFFfCE USE !r..r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * * * * * x ;ILD. NG PNRMIT TEE: 'il-IE l;c PEI::]II? FEE:]iIA] .|:AL IJ;RI,IrT FEE: JCTI IT.JAL IrEE i IER IVPE OIT FEE:I Frr'. : !-UMING Pr,AN cHEcK FEE: 3lYyPrNG PLAN cHEcK fEE:HECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECR-EA?TON FEE:CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT F.EES: I Q. FT.saIL_BUTLDTNG, fqb SfcNATUp€. - ZONTNG: STGNATURX: '!Pr IGROUI .lents: , li_ :' ? _lEelll1lfiry,m_Ig-t VALUA"ION TO: FRO}I: nmi: SUBJEC?: Reaq and -o 75 sotrth lronlagc road va Il, colorrdo Bi 6S7 (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2t39 acknolrLedgecl by: o lllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRNCTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEP.ED ].ITTH TFIE TOIfN OF VAIL TovIN op VAIL puBLIc I,loRKS/colB.ruNITy DEirELopi.rEilT l.tARcH l_6, 19BB CONS?RUC TrOI{ PARKING & }.TAT]]RrAL STOR;.GE ii, liili;'itii3il"li"u"ilo;.u.::l::: llrr- -i!. is un'awru). . ror any ;:, ili:;'J li i"l::i"ai'. g ti. =; "5;;i:. 3il, =;]li.ili!"i.ii ltt :' ;:'i = I 1, :;^ :: *; -; ;i.i5i"*f, ll"lf :""ii."ii;fr if :r_,i:l ;:";i,ilili:-",va L :..r):r:cts ancr,roacls i= opproii^ul"iy-r"ra.,-Iti pou.*.nt.rh - ordi))ance will le ;r.;:ii;'enforced by the Town of Vail Pu)'ric'I?orks ouoar€nentl"'pJiilns founcr ri'"r.!irq this orcrinance vilr be sj.ven a 24 hour r.itili"notice-to*;;;;i;:rsaid marerial.I:.1:: ;l:ili".i; person so noririecr.doeJ-nii,,,IJiory rvith the :Dele 5lrnent "ir. i..i.i3"l"l5r5T:.:iiii.l:.r"i;:;i::: :."Fi::=. "noLified' The urovision=-rr'ifi=,ordlnahce sharl nor be applical: re to "fn=tiu.t;;";^r;i;!:li":. or repair project,s of any st.re't or al1ey or any'r-rliiitrn= rn.tho right_a_way.. To revier'r"ordinance Nb'- 6 in ful-'., prease stop by tt.'* lo"n or 13; ;"1]ii:i"9,";ili:.il:it.::"";;;in a copy. rhan): you ror your (i.e. '-t r \' onlReIationG to Pro X-. ( 2--1 -'qz contractor, o.lner) 75 !oulh Ironlag c road vs ll, colorsdo 01657 (3e3) 479-2138 or rtTg_2l39 : o lllco ol communlly devolopme l bunoiHc pERl.irr IssuANcE Tir,rE FMr,rE If thrls permi.t requ,irep a Tovrn of Va jl Fire Department Approval ,Ensineer''s (Publii t.lorks) ;;vi'.;'unl:ipp.ouui,1, ni'Ji',iin!"b.pu.tr,.nt revier'r or Herr *r oepai'lm6ri-i;;;.;;"uii. u. revi eu by the duir dine Department, :he estinrated time tor'a-iotut revievr may take as ronc as threc wee:(s. _Jwt I syrcy/ tdy tdKe All commercir:1 '(1ur::^:l:-Tl]l and a,t.t mrr.lti*family perrnirs vri.t.l have to forl.'r ihe above .menti6neJ-ririrr. requ.rrements. Residentia.l and sma'll prt jects shou'rd.tu[" u-i"r'].. urornd of -ii;;:' Hovrever, if residentfar r r snra lr er ,pfoltefis-i;;;;i' the various above mentiohed departments r., i. th re,ai;; ili;-ih;';ilr.;;ei:!oti.i;;;:'arv revicw, these proje.fi'uv ;::;{,:i,|'!5i"";ltol;,Tii:.bv this crepartnrent to expedite this . l:.i|. undersigned, understand the plan checl: procedure and time T rame . ,'y'n^hft,*=rr-n,,* [F.**V n ., 'Communi ty Deve'lopmnnt Departrnent. .-.-.'*-,_J TO: FROM: DATE: I,4EIIOFANDUI/ .ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC l,,lAY g, 1gS4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WOHKS PERMIT' DEPARTIIENT IS REAUIRED Job Namp:j=.11s=1>'L\illr$ [ f - .!-c,*-.oate: ti.-'1- Frease answer 1n3 tollov/ing questionnaire regariJing lhe ls this a ne yr residence? ls. demolili'rn work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of rvay, easements or public prope;ty? ls rny'utility rvork needed? .ls .he crivervay being repaved? ls different access needed t6 site otl'er than existing ddveway? ls ;rny clrainage work being done aff,:cling the ritthl ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revor;able Right OlWay permil' required? A. ls the right of vray, easements or public property 1o be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no lo BA, is'a parking, staging or lencing'plan required by Community Development? I you answered yes 1o an.' of these questions, a "Public Way permit' rr.t be obiainecj. "ublic Way- Permii' applications may be oblained at the'puLlic Wor,r.'s ofiice or at to.1n1u1ily Deve.lopment. .Jf you have any questions please.callcrrartie Davis, the Tovrn oiVail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-2158, I have read and answ,rred allthe above questions. L Contractols Sign need for a 'Public Way permit-: YES NO t) v X \ ( L)i ?l B) ,-irrl: l(ame F."z--tag TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 E1.ct!Lcr1- - - > DRB FaE InvestigaLion> will calt----> DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNIIrY DEVETOPMENT Description: ElecErica1 for new SFR ValuaEion:18, 000 . 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTR]CAL PERMIT iIOb AddTEAS: 1521 BI'FFBHR CREEK RD LocaEion. ..: L52L Buffehr creek Rd Parcel No. . : 2L03-L22-05-004 Project No. : PRJ97-0L84 APPI-,IEANT WAGNER EI-,ESTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 4995, VArL, CO 8L658 CONTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 4995, VArL,, CO 81658 O!,INER FLAITM RONNA ,J PO BOX 3LL7, VArL CO 816583117 ON JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES Permit #: E99-0131 StaEus...: ISS(]ED AppIied. . : o't /28/L999 Issued...: O7/28/L999 E:qrires. . : 0L/24/2000 Phone z 970-949-6L6L Phone . 970-949-6L6L ToEal calculrted F..6---> 96'oo . oo .00 3 .00 TOtrArJ FEES- - - > 96.00 Addilionrl Fcc6------ __ -> Tocal Plrllic Fce--------> PaltdantE---- -_ _ - . oo 96.00 B}.NCE DUE----- .oo rttf*r*tar*t**it t**i ' * i * i r i ' * r| ' t t * * i' r t Itrem: OSOOO EI-,ECTRICAI DEPARITIIBI{r _ Dep!: ,PUILDTNG Division: 07/28/L229 KATIIY -Accion:. APPR Approved pPr .tR/Kw oEc it.bfr;' 65600- r-iFs DEPARTr,IEi.il DepE,' FrRE Divislon: 07/28/L999 KATITY Acrion: APPR N/A ***,*!.*.rti'r'ii't'J**t'**+i*tr*tr'tJ*!r*ii*i*itit.rrti*'''**l,*t*'ttt****'t**'tt*r}itl**'.|*l,**ttii**}'ii*it'** CONDITION OF APPROVAJ-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS AR3 REQUIRED TO EHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IANCE. tiitiftttii*r*ii'ir*'f**r**i','ttt++*.***l|*lt.'li'trtl.'*t*ir**t'til'!r'*jr*l'***'* DECTARATIONS I h.r6by .cknolrlcdgc ghrE I havq r.sd this .ppllcat'lon, fLl.led out ln full gh. infolDaci'on r.gul'red, co[PlclGd an p1m, and st.tc thaL r11 lhe informlion plovidcd rs rcquLr.d 16 cor!cc!. I agrce to coEply wl,th lhe lnforflallon ho conply |.ith all Tovn ordinancos and 5tats. 1an6, and to build ghlE Etrucbure accgrding to !h€ Tqwn'g zoning and codBE, dBgigm rcvlc$ approved, Unlforo BuildLng coae and ocher ordinanceB of th€ Tonn aPPlicabl. lhe9!o' OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM er00 Al4 5:00 PM accu!.te lrIots rnd plots tr 1.n, 6ubdivi6ion REQT'ESTS FOR INgPECIIONS gI{ADI, BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCB BY OF owNER OR coNTRAcIoR FOR fiIMsEtF AND oHl'lBR ************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ********************************* Statemnt 95.00 07/28/99 15:33 Init: KlilW o *** **************************************************************** o *** Statemnt Number: REC-0544 Amount,: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1554 Permit. No3 899-01-31- TlTle: B-ELEC parcel No: 2103-]-22-05-004 SiLE AddrESS: 1521 BITFFEHR CREEK RD I-,ocaEion: 1521 Buffehr Creek Rd ELE TRIEA]-, PERMIT Thj-s Payment. TotsaI Fees:95.00 ToE,aI ALL Pmt,s: Balance: 96.00 96.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELEETRICAT PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CA,IJL INSPECTION FEE Amount 93 .00 3.00 TowN oF vArOoNsrRUcroN pERM't a{rcATroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RXJECTEI) Permit # Job Address: Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical p Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot_ Block Filing_ Subdivision Contact the Eagle County Assessors-.1)ffice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel #Parcel# 7\C.t:_ J-+., e2CQt\ Archirect: (V V \., t 4 Description of Job:CLLL FaL xy,f t Other ( ) Phone# ,11L, H:7-' Phone# 't- ArF€ne L(t(- V,{2.1 rt:{t9 {\9K w( Work Class: New ( 1d Number of Dwelling Unils: Alteratron ( ) \ Additional ( ) Z Repair ( )Otier ( Number of Accommodation Units: ) \ Number and Typc of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLI.JMBING $ Gcneral Contractor:L: { 1} t:Jc- Town of Vail Reeistration No.471.r> Torvn of Vail Registration No.aaa'E Plumhinq Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Re gistration No. re31 . ,-r ' ' . - '\'. r Efc.,ctrical Contractor: \U\,t <F- Cl <c- . Address: ELECTRTGAL: $ l!1;,1 (L ) oTFIER: $MECHANICAL$ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone #-11L.'iZZ;, Phone# 'l't'( blLl Address: Phone # Address: Phonc # Cas Logs WoodlPellet VALUATIONS FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 FIEIJD DEPARTII'IENI OF COMMUNIf( NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANIEAL PERI4IT ON iIOBSITE Permits AT AI.L TIMES #: M99-0099 dlob AddresE. . . : t52L BIIFFEIIR CREEK RD iocation... -..: 1521 BITFFEIIR CREEK RD Parcel No-.... : 2103-122-05-005 ProjecE Number: PRJ97-0184 APPI,ICATiIT TIIB HEARTTI EXCHANGE INC P.o Box 670, MrNrttRN CO 81645 CONfRA TOR lrHE HBARTII EXCHANGE INC P.o Box 670, MrNruRN co 81645 OWNER FI,AIJM RONIiIA J PO BOX 3LL7, VAIIJ CO 81657 STAIUS...: ISSUED lppliea.. t O7/29/L999 iieueO...z o7lt0/t999 Expires..: OL/25/2ooo Valuation: phone z 827-9623 Phone l 827-9623 3, 000 .00 Description: rNSter,L 2 APPLTANCES, 1 GAs I-'oG sET pircplecc lltfoto.lion: R.r5tricts.d: Y ltof oa. A!4tllanc..: l+of oa' Logs: *of tlood/Pal1ot: FEB gIlUt{ARI * t * t * 'r * t i * t ' t* ir * u6ch|nical'_-_> 5o'oo Re'luarrnts Plen Rowicv_-> 'oo ToLal calcuhced F'6'_--> 134'oo Prrn chcck---> ls'oo DRE Fc'-------- '-l--t'--' '!9 Lditltsional F€€a---------> 'oo Inv..Lf.grcion> 50 'oo TOTAL FEES----- w*1 crrr----> 3.o0 fiiil5l:";;;:--:-::::-'::l "'-13 *i*lr.rtltt**i!r+t i*t*t*itttt*Jt*t *******tt'i+i'** rtem: 05100 BUrr.,DlNG-DEP.ARTT'{$NI- - -------^r DepE: BUTLDTNG Division: gZZi,:ri??3;"F$[_;;;tfrFfrSft+ APPR approveo Depr: FrRE Division: 07 / 30 / LssivJfifi'* "--[c*iioiii nppe u/a COI{DITION OF APPROVAI., $lsEF"HF;tresfl.?HlT{-l-8:Tfl "le:#:i*?:H'ffi L9 5. T'NI.,ESS I-,I 7. PERMIT,PL MECIIANICAL SUPPLY l-022 0F I ff"Elif,rTlsH#Eli;Htl#flfr +E+*H 88""9ffi?"8* COI\/IPIJY WITII 8 8"'*8fi.6fi *********************t********************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS r h.r.by .cknoyl.aEa th.t r haw. !..d thi6 applic.tLon, fill.d out. in fu1l thc lnforuetlon roguired, coEPLCtcil 'rr accuratsc plot plrn, rnd.Erts. th.! rtl thc lnfomagLon plovld.d rr rcquircd r.. corr.cts. I agr.c to coEply;iEh Ch' Lnf,orE[Cion end fttog Plan' ro coroply r,itsh rll rorrn oldinEnccs tJrd .tsatsc 1116, and tso bulrd ghi! .itucEura rccording Lo thc tosn'a zonitg rnd €ubdiviEion codcs, dG.ign rcvtGr aE prov6d, Ulrl.fort! Bullding Cod! and oeh€r oldin$csE of !h€ Towlr .pttlicablc lhercto' REeuEsrs FoR rNspEquoNs sHALL BB MADB TvtEltfy-FouR Houtut rN AD\aNcB Er TELEEHoNB AT 4?9-2138 oR AT ouR o['FrcE FRoM 8100 ]'M 5:00 Ptl SIGIIATT'RE OE OwlTER OR COMIRACTOR FOR HIM9E1,F * :r * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ***!}** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * !t * * * * | * * : 1::: TOWN oF vArL, col,oRADO i 4r!!4J...**. statemnt **************************************************************** sEatsemnt Number: REc-0549 Amounu: 138'00 og/L3/99 toz47 -i"ry'r! yi:Tl S:I--yd::l:-y'22? ----1::l:-T- Perrrit No: M99-0099 Type: B-MBCH MECHANTCAT'', PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-122-05-005 SiUE AddTESS: 1521 BI]FFEITR CREEK RD IJOCATiON: 1521 BITFFEHR CREEK RD Locatr-clrr: J-22)- EUL-L'E TOEaI FeeS: 138 .00 This Pa)rmentr 138'OO Total ALL Pmtss' 138'00 Balance, '00 ****************************************i*********************** Account code DescriPtion AnounE MP OO1OOOO31113OO MES{ANICAL PERMIT FEES 60'00 pF ooloooorrrz:06 bur cgecK FEEs 15'00 wc 00100003112866 wir.,l car.'r' nqsFsqrrow rse 3'00 pN 001oooo31s300o rN/ESTrGATiiill-Fie (BL'DG) 60 ' 00 TowN oF vArloNSTRUcroN pERMlr AtJcATroN FoRM INFORIUATTON MUST BE COMPLETE OR TTIf,, APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Wce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet4J/03 - /&A -Qt: OoU Date: Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Description: Orvners Name: Architect: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: BUILDING: PLUMBING ) $ OTHER. $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Recistration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Resislration No. Plumbing Contractor: Tou n of Vail Rec.istration Nc. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Pernrr# 'bn1 C-V\1 Descriprion orna: a-lc( ?ca- gzf-&u*."- * f oa-- 4 Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Z Gas Logs VALUATIONS Electrical ( )Mcchanical f Othcr ( ) Block Filins Subdivision Address: Address: Altcration ( )Additional ( )Repa[ ( )Otier 1 ; Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet ELECTRICAL: $- MECHANICAL $ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: W/29/L399 L2:A7 whd r [r'o rDO your aI PAGE 9744279222 GI .lt : FORYOUHSAFETY Do not r$tore or u$e gasollne ol other llammable vrporu and'llquids in the viclnlty ol thle or any other appllance, US'" SERIES APPLIANCE AND INS ION INSTRUCTIONS |SERIES: DECORATIVE 30", ee'6) \_-/:i 'i ': mUSt be us€d fOr installAtlon ol the NOVUS Serlae Gas Aooilances and reralrtr6 nqal must be us€d lor installatlon ol the NOVUS Serlae Gas Appllances and retalned by fie hornaowrrer tor g and malntenance instrucriang. i / / __ : tt|l/29/L999 I L2:al 37aA213222 PAGE A2 : SERIES B.VENT I I ffi onal components include: t. i rrim Hre 2. I ran hr 3. I Romore conrrol 4. i Relrac,tory s. isplit LoOs 6. iFixed Doon i 7. i?ubtde Air Kh , I_T9.11 buildlns supp[.c nomaly r.qulFd f or lnEtottafl on: Iooh Bui|.|lng gupptbg ::.* Walt_finishlng mEterhls Pliers Ffiamang mal€/ial HAtImer Fifeplace sunound rnxrpsEcfenddvpt Caulklngmatarial rope meisurc Plumb tine Lgvel€r Eloclfic&l drilts/bits Squar€ AFPLTANCE wlthlrhe.Nauonat ruar Gascod;lryCifiai]ili*r : [:,#::lrffia cKN Propane Gas to Narurat cas yril?tl" the U.S-A. ard rhe CAiJr_814e-H;-;:-' lion, 14 CanadE. OFlohel Componenrt l^ql yistarce.iD t€guired during Instailation pfoase This gis appriance haa been bsred snd,sted for use : Ftsfl#il,',tr*XTFJ":#:ffiri;i[:H;;";wlth llie opuonql components tigted.m tS";, ffi; , Str*r, Mt. pteaeant, lowa s2641.opuanTl sompq66nt8 may le purchaserl SeDarat€lu and lnltall€d at a later date. Aowever, nsdrr"uo-nirr : HllTtt1-Tgn@ and Novus- are rogi6t6r€d trade-a remolo conkol o, fan kit wifl rsqutrr oloctrical lryk" ot Hearitator lnc., a HON fruOfjSfnf eS'"0]i-powor. i To avold costly rbconslruction, "l"a,t "f ; FanI. pourgr Fhoulc, b€ cofinectod to th€ unil gt lho tirne o,i rl hEa\rt-rrr.rr- -..i il. DESCRfPT|oN oF THE SYSTEM This HgAILATOFI syetem mus consirl of tlre fot- - rowng: , I Too6 and bu dlng 3upp .1. GaB Applianc€ | r.qulFd for lnEtottaflon:2' B-Vent gystem ' | -s.l rerminan-on i l13.:t .qfi!q"g Fteouhtor ltoftuttatohli*pku F U.Sl rnd crnada Certricedon nepwus i"'ies oas.4d;** has been teot€d r $";:g#gffiJ5"J'etiJ:fssrbre add'ion :1pl11.:nh rhe AN-st standard 21.s0_ise; Fual or njcenada, |h€ cunont cAl.l/ccA.2.22-M86, lR4;and fave boen LIsTED by unoenfldrerEGtolbdm yY ^9dillon6, changes or convrraon6 reguird in ,!liit",llf:"F*" and operadon as oeacriuf,i"-- ord€r tor the appfiano to sarisfactotry meirr rhe th61 Ingtailatlon.and op6rating Instructions. A1 applicaton noeds must be maoe by i Heatilru. ois-oomSionenls are uL, AGA, ca;i oi Clie *'r".1,iu,n - lribulor uslng lactory specifioct ano .pp.""o p"rt . lT-l ^ . Tlrie prcduct is nranufas[ur€61s use natural gtas or :ffi_fiil=,*bu,dinscod_eas-encypnorro fifi;d""ffiHff::*::Hl*;ffi,n,llHftH*:X*ilTr:'^"#;,TgiiltrJg;- on,i ir ne cri ^r;;;;;; propane Gas bw-ui inspbcton". irtrJi.i"tl-n"tion muar cor orm convpr6ion Krt b used. In the everit your appltance with $caiiooes o, , i'r,"'"t"n"" of local cldes, rnrst be convertsd bad( lo natural g"; fronl irop"*,wlth $e Natlonal ruar eas-coL- lNst 7',r rr,.&. , 19! musl uqe a CKN Propane Gas to Naturarl cas -' l/W*r' 6 rfl Z7/29/L999 L2.67 97A8279222 a3 : SEFIES FVEiITGAg I APP UAilC€ a Ioiltit lUlLlU..rl 77*[W*ot bftdaw IV. PRE.INSTALLATION PREPARATION ;h I A. For 4.5 trol f CuCCed lapplng |3 pot'!6ad on the gas-corF : neaf the outlet to tre main bumer immoclalely : unlt Otlflce 3lzr. ll|rurd Gt!Fropcne Gas s6" Deco.dtvo .113 ln/2.07 tufl .003 lr|/t.6 rnm 30"/Sl' Deco|advo .tol inP.50 mm .059 ltt/l.49 mm C. APPLIANCE LOCANONS AND SPACE REOUIREUENTS Thls spplience may b€ lml.|ted along a wall'.Trcur a corner or use atronsrior chagg' The NOVUS Seliee rnay ue instalted dirsctty on tho fioor or rai6€d uo to enhinca tb vlsual irnpaFt Figuro I illuElrabc a ,l.rctv ot wavs lho spplhrr,e .niy ba locgted In a tmnr. lreti opplisnc€g at€ slco cartlfled lor inslsllE' il* ln " u"uroonit or bed/sttling room ln th€ U'S, and canada. D, CLEARANCES ;o Input inpot inpul pDpane p(ppana gss; lhe lnches column, A 1/0' an rEqull uMng Duo to try br no6f me ouuol (q |f|G Jllalrr uurrlEr nrxrrguqrert ! ol the gas supply conneption to the appliance' I I tor a te3l g8gls connec{ion' : ursl gag t |lI a rq-r g4vs erttrev$e'|!' nraniHd prsssure le 3.51 water column tor nal' : nd 10,5" watsr column fbt popsne ga8. : B, For ALTITUDE INSTALLATION Input set I fice I For c l€sl, 4s00 The lollqwhg c-lsatancoE to combustiblas mud ba m"inf"in"O tttton in$tSllhg this +pllanc?; itllnimum cl€arancr3 to lho top standdb ol lhg unn ' (f' floor' 6ii u*i: 112l, dd; - n', Ec6 ot lh€ unit to celllns - iO, to aside wall - 1'. Minimun c|earanogc to ,"ntinq "t" aE per ths wnt nla lulactrier's spsciflca- uon., iire minimum height ol ncrl hstalhtion must o. s;trot m" q of the spplianco' T?re maxlmum hoizonbl ofiset tnu8t nol ercE€d 50% of lho venl height of tho aPpllanc€' IN AT.ID REPA|H SHOULD BE DdNE 8Y A OT'ALIFIED SEFIvIGE PEHSON. THE SHOULD BE fisPECTED EEFORE USE ANO AT LEAST ANM'ALLY BY A OUAU- 'lci pEnSON. ilIORE FREOUElrr CLEANING llAY BE REOUIRED DUE TO EXCES' FROU CARPEnilG, EEDDING iiATERIAL, ETC. IT IS IMPEBATIVE T}IAT CONTROL nilrfs,aUatEpS iND C;RCULATIf{g An PASSA6E111AyS OF THE APPLTANCE BE HIGT{ TEIIPEBATUFES, T}IE SHOUTP BE LOCATEO OUT OF IFAFFIC FROilI FURNINJNC ENO DRAPERIES. THIS APPLIANCE IIUST NOT BE CONNECTED TO A CH]MNEY FLUE SERI'ICING A SOUD FUEL BUFNII{G APPUANCE. 07/291L999 L2iA7 9788279222 PAGE 64 o Figur. 1 : Locrtlom tqd Clet?ancas ! THE ENCLOSURE Flgurc 2 Fnmtng NOVUS SEFIE9 B.VEIiIT GAS APPLIANGE Flguil 3 Flnbhlng fadtrlib FiguG 2 ahows a tyPical lraming ol lhis eppllanc€ aiuming combrraliblo matedalo alt used' All rcquired dearances to comh5tibts€ atound lhe sDDlanc€ musr be sdhsld t!. A 1/2' air doorancs rin be matntain€d at lho back and Eides ot thg fitp' box assemily. Any framlm on top ol the applianco muet bc above tre top stadoffe' F. FIT{IS}IING IIATERIALS only no{roombuslible rnatedale may be ussd to covel th€'Uack surlacas of the appliance- fhe upp€r radl- anl panel may be coverEd, but the circulatiffi grillos must nevef be covsrd. Combuttlbb Fhlihlng ilnbrhl. Material mads of or gurfEced wilh wood, oompr$sed Papet' pl6nl fibers, da$ica, or any macdd capabl€ ot.lgniUng and buming, whedrer lbme Eoofed or not, pla8l€rtd or uldast€t€'d. Irlonco'nbucllbla Finlrhlng llttadal' Mat€rial wirich will nol ignite and butn. such materiale ars tros€ oonsisung ontiply cf stoel' iron, brich tile' con- crcte, Jate' gb& or plistero, or combinadon thsrsd' or have a UL FilE rating of Z€lo (0). Hloh lbmFfoturo SoCl]ft lruterhl. Sealanls that wlil-wfih*dnO rngh tempgnahirs; Gieneral Electric Hwt03 (Bl*D:oI equhtal€nt' Rutand' Inc' Applianco Mortar $63' or €qulval€nt' Atter cotnplethg the Itamhg and applylng lhs finlsh- inq matadal (drywall) ov€r the trarning' e noncom- brisdnb saatid, 1/8' inch $rlde minlmum, musl bo u6ad lo doss ott 8ny gaps st ths top and sldeo . . botwsen the apdiance and tacing lo prove oolo ar t€al€. sae Figuro 3. I I ]licfl Tehos.aturo sesbilN ;;1_::\ CorblAdblo-,'l ilffir\: ,j Noncontupublo mststial oftly mav @lrot InO -blrd( taco zol tlP urill ./ bul mu8l fff a7/29/1939 L2:87 97a8279222 PAGE O6 Heat-N-GIo Fireplace Installers Guide U.S. PdfiE 5,429,495 md hlcns Pqrdrng Undcfvuritcrs t aboratories Listed BEAD TIIIS MATUAL EEFOXI INSTALUNG OR OSNATINC TItr8 AlptIANCE, Tn[S INSTf,LI'ERS GUTDE MUSTIE T,EFTWfTII A}TIJANCE FOR FIJTT,,RE XEBBENgE. WARMNG:IMPROPER TNSTALI-ilTION, ADIITSTMENT, ALTERAIION, SKWCE OR MAINIENANCI CAN CAUSE INTTTRY OR PROPMIY DAIVIAGE.nrrtn ro rnrs MANUAL. FoR ASSISTANCE ORADDMONAL INTORMAUON CONSUf,TA QUALTHED INSTAEE& SEnVIC! AGENGY, OR THE GAS SUPPLIER. Please cultact yoru Heaf.N€Io Fireplae hoducte,Incdealer fo'r any questionr or conaerns, For the number of your neerect Ileat-N€lo dealer; please calt 6,111{90€367. hinbdinU.S.A Copwisht1997, rteii-}{qo Fireplace hoducts, Inc. .5665 West l{ighway 13, Savage. MN S5378 :CORNER-T\ITI-, .CORI\IER-IVtrL Do nqt sbrt or uee greotine u ottur f,an-i mrblevapon crdli$ids in Orcviclnityof his or rrry othcr arypliane, Ulh.ttodoif youqnUgt :r Donottrytolighturyapplirnce. ; . Donottqrdranyjtecbiralwvitch. I . Do not urc rrry phgrc in yorrr build&U. . Iuurcdiately call ybur gae supplEr f(6ria nci$rbods phnre, Follow tlrc grr nrppli4r's instsrrctiqu" :i . tf you carurst rsadi yo,r gar supplbl cal the li -i tutaltrUor ana qcnriie nust be prforrcdiby a i qualiticd inrtalter, rcrvicc ng:ncy, or Erc gli IF TIIE TIIESE R8SI.'XTCA PROPERIY D4\D,!4G!ZLS,EONAL INjUBY, ORLOSS OFLIFE. : 455-,0F.AtD? 87/29/19e9 97682?s222 PAGE 66 il Approval Listinss ahd Codes l-lpptienccCctdficaUon The HeatJ{Cto firEdaeo mod€b rt[serss€d ln thb ,rr.rilafsn Grl*t€ han been bebd to-;tfi#d- standarde and feted by the appticaHe E ;,lfi;. Carsult your locel gpe rXllity fur aeclctance in dctcrmining the proper orlflce for your locat'on, I i foDEt : j LAFORATOW WPE cERnHCAilOil 8TANDARD Hier-TVFL L€onrer-71/FL R-Comer-TVFL S.,r{zTVFL Underudhrc ldborabfus SWnt Oecorstfr€ ANS|zl.srlccAaz In*rtletonGodcc IIt !!ff!n lgFJ|€Ig9. nTrr confiorm ro tocatcodee. Before ingtafling urc nr€pacc, consdt the local building coOe ege'cy to ensure U,at you iidn'-conpliane wlfr a[ aiti,cabb coia. i*tEoiig'r;#ir" "no tnep"aionr. 1?.tr-1P1ery9of locaticoaca,-ltrc fireptace insgtt*ion must conform to thc Nstionat Fuet Grs CodeANst ZB. r ifn rhe nnilt $abt; il; crii rTciil Bl+e Inetdr'tion Godcs rncryraoai: 'Til ;fii;;;-mugt ii.i.cniJrl- ' grcund€d In amrdancb ntttr Localcooee oi, r[ niioeenoc or ioieilpies *nn thefl ariorrarErcckiccodeAnsrrrurFi{rozoii'iur,i'lurniiisxiliil,oitffi *" cglC22.l can.dbn Ebcfiia coOe tin Canai;i:-'' l letoan'n/ A712911999 L2:a7 970A279222 lt LL 1 :o i o tlre i The diagramt€taflstr* space and clearene ; rEquicflsntsfor @ng e frrepfs€ vrlfiin a mom; 0 i Call .,T** rI D uo(s|q-rrf,. ,d5 o : Figutu Fit'ephac Locrtom end Sprcr Rcdtfuimtt l; Qlsrnnce Roqulbmentr ]he bp, back, ard aftlee of he fireplae arc dafined tiyehnd.ofib. ;:, tlnlmum Gleenncec hom thc Filpphceto Gomburdbb tebrisls Glas SIder Floor Bac,k of Fltlplecc tatel Ends ot Firoplrcd Top of Flrlplacc csiling :16 int'1 (914 m BA n) 0 1/2lnch (13 mm) 112 incfr (13 mm) +1/2 inchcs (89 mm) 31 incfies (787 mml The minlmum cllararice to a perpedkuhruall e$endttg psot the facs qf |hE fi,aflace is orn Inctr (25 rirn). i The metal end(st of fteaefieplae may IUOT be nrcssed Inb o0mb6tible cmsfrudion. A -l/("Mttut- t J PAGE 07 \ lnstallingthe Firepface \ 6 a7/291L999 I 19 L2:A7 978,8279222 PAGE rr{t*l rEn rcn l coftc$ll a- Fbll? 15.8celaDt nrm irl, 08 CAUNON thofimdace Eunound. l.Applyonlynon. !comhnlible i facing materialtb IF JC'INIE BEflIE]EII n//IE F/,N'SHED WAU.S AIID THE F'REPLACE S'/n(RO'IND fiOP AND STDES) Are, SEALED,A gWE- N'MNW SEALAil7 UATERAL UI/97' FA t/$iEO. tHEEJOINTSARENOT RIEoUIRED TO BE SEALE0.. ONLYTTfl/. CO',BUSNBLE 'IATEf,AL ruS'A'G 3W F. r/IilHLMADHESIv,E tF NEDED) C,A,,t BE APUED AS NAC,NC TO,TI{E HreFIACE SURROT/I,D. SEE THE D'AORAN s,lo|ln' BELOW, l{carth Extonelons ' A hoerfi o(brflrion ruy be deeiraHe for aedtelic tefl*ta. However, ANSI or C.Al,UCGAbstiE sbndatds do rrt tqtire haatfi euGnabnc for goeftedffiapCbncaE. tnrtrllins tlre Trim Cornbudin€ materiab may bc brcqht uplottn spcdficd dcerenocs Gn thc si(b end bp fiont edg6 of Ure fl€phce, but ilUST NEVER otslsP onb fi€ fiont faca. The Finie b€i,rEn tF frniehed uall ard iha fireplaco top and dds can only be 6eel€dun$ a3m'F. (14$ C) mhknum scahdl. Step'11 ffillins Inm, LogE,indEmlrr \ D=C-1?-1398 16:11 Date: Decembor 15, 1998 Projcct: Lindstom/Forkeu ResidencE Weathcn Sr:rury Monroe & Newell Engineers, [ltc. D, AZIEJ Project #3695 Location: Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Ternp: 25" at l:30 P.M. To:RKD PO Box 3378 Vail, CO 81658 Attn: Mr. Jack Snow Thc purpose of the site visit was to conduct a tiaal observatron of struchual items. The following was noted: t. The nofiltwest comer of the living room. was not connecteil to the south window wall. The oontactor shall movc all electrical cables to the outside of the wail and install a solid 2 x 4 and piyvood paok from top to bottom of the gap (where elecirical Iines cannot be movcd leave 2" space). The infill pack shall be naiicd from each side with I6d nails at 4" on center. 2. At thc north kitchen wall a glu-lam beam saddlo was attached to the beam with some bent nails. The contractor shall weld a %" x 6" x 6" stq:l plate to the top of the saddle aud install oue 7e" diameter x 4" lag-bolt. 3. Above the south window wall of the living rtrom two bolts are missing in a steel plate beam saddle. The contractor shall install (2)-%" diameter x 3" lag-bolts. 4. Connections of the rcof steel beanrs to the fireplace LI.M.U walls were not in plane yet. 7fl Benchftrdlk Roird . Suile 204 . PO tJ(lx l59r ' Av'Jn' Ctritrrttdo 8l tr?0 19i0i t49.r?68 + FAX (970) 9i9'405{ + cm:til; mncngrr(4rvaIl,nr' p. 43,'8J 5. 6. Tlre stcel column supporting the roof beams on the hearth slab shall be coruectcd to the C M.U. chimney walls with t/q" x 8" x 8" steel plates at 2'-0" oo centsr with (l)-%" diameter x 6" expausion anchor each plate. The plates shall be installed on attemate sides of the column. In the w€st rake wall of tho master bedroom wiug the doublc top plate was cut ia four places. The contractor strall bstatt a Simpsou MST24 at the inside of thc wall at each of these locations. Metal connectors were dctailcd in the previous lield report to connoct roof members in the soutVeast toof comer of the master bedroom. These connectors were not yet insralled. The building appeared to have been constructed in gureral cornphance with the construction docunents. 7, 6. TOTS- F. E3 ts7 /-c t' / /Lrt' f( tF/ ( T*.rf,lO(tL ;f, ,i7 - 032 O'lf. ?/c'z -'f h-)lr;r,,., ,'l ttlntf /oty/.t'tr': f ht,t clntr 1fu rl,r/,'i,t f r,,r, frrrfor , f ft/.'tr) l,rr, lrr)ri!, dCi,,/rr/ '/,' h)i7r'" llrhr Jic b jtv>v) 'ltt ' /r'r/a/ ?,:'t'tt'1 ti/fu, - / /L' /a t,/ z. , / To: From: Date: Subject: Vaill 1997 Charlie: The corrections for this plan can be addressed as the project proceeds. The structural is stamped and signed by an engineer. The plan for the masonry fireplace does not include any sections or details to verify that construction and clearances comply with Chapter 37. I have included that they need to provide this information. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, HOfrI.I!ID O [sEOCIffil Consulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMORANDUM Charlie Davis Art Hougland November 1.1997 Lindstrom-Forken residence L..- t''"t{ ,"/1 v2 t.' ,#R /A:{ \\\ ff{ tKP }$Engine ffi ---'.lgP- o ering,Inc. 817^o3'17 SOIL AND F'OU NDATION INVtrSTIGATTON FOIT PROPOSED RESIDENCE sDD #34, LOT B TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9779 SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 I'IIEPARIID FOR: MR. JACK SNOW RJ(D l0r)0 t,tONSRil)Gti t,ooP, sl,l'l'll 3l) vAtL. co 81657 P.O. lirr 1-til. Aron. Colorrr<lo lll(iltt . (Q-{lr f.tl-,90118 Tcl . (9-()) Sl-.9(lS!) F;rr TABLE OF CONTENTS E)GCUTIVE SUMMARY SCOPE OF STUDY SITE DESCRIPTION . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . FIELD INVESTIGATION . . SUBSI.]RFACE SOIL AND GROLINDWATER CONDITION FOTiNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE LAWN IRzuGATION LIMITATION.. FIGURES LOCATIONSKETCH .....DRAWINGNO. I SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOGS. ' FIGURE NO's l-2 SWELL/CONSOLIDATION . FIGURENO. 3 GRAIN-SIZEDISTRIBUTIONANALYSIS.... . "FIGURENO.4 PERIMETERDRAIN ......FIGURENO'5 2 a 2 5 J 4 + 5 ) 6 6 LKP Engineering, Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. They should construct the footings on the undisturbed silty to gravelly Sand at a minimum depth of l0 feet. See Foundation Recommendations. 2. Geologic Hazard Study for the lot was prepared by R.J. Irish, Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc., in a separate letter. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on SDD #34,Lot B, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. SITE DESCRIPTION SDD #34, Lot B, is on the west side ofBuffehr Creek Road, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the site is steep. Vegetation on the lot consisted of aspen LI(P Engineering, lnc. forest with thick underbrush. Drainage is to the southeast, toward the road. Lot No. 2 and the adjoining lots are vacant. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that the proposed residence will consist of two to three stories, wood frame construction, with a slab on grade for the garage and a crawl space at the rear of the house. We anticipate loads to be light, typical of residential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, they shoUld notify us to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on August 21 and 22, 1997 , consisted of excavatir.rg, logging and sampling two test pits. The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. l. The excavation of the test pits was done with a trackhoe. We show the soil profile of the test pits on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's I and 2. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSURIACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profiles encountered in the two test pits were fairly uniform. Topsoil, 4.5 to 6 feet thick, was underlain by reddish-brown, soft to firm, silty to slightly clayey, sand. The silty Sand was gravelly with boulders from about 7 feet to the maximum depth explored of 14 feet. Ground water was not encountered in either test pit. We sampled the soil in the test pits at random intervals. The soil samples were tested in our laboratory for natural moisture content, natural dry density, swelVconsolidation and grain size distribution. The test results are shown on Figure No's 3-4. LKP Engineering, Inc. 4 Geologic Hazard studies are outside our scope of services. They rvere investigated by R.J. Irish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc., in a separate letter. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The clayey Sand in Test Pit No. I at 5 feet, exhibited moderate, consolidation potential. Footings place at depths from 5 to l0 feet, should be designed for a maximunr allowable soil bearing pressure of 1000 psf. At depths greater than l0 feet, they should support the proposed residence with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and Z feel for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least 10 feet. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The fondation excattatiort should be obsened by lhe undersigned engineer to verify that the soil conclitions encountered during conslt'uction are as artticipaled in lhis report. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. We recommend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation, should be backfilled, in 8 inches loose level lifts and compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as deterrnined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A structural fill, placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil, organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction should be proofcompacted to dctcct and rentove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots LKP Engineering, Inc. 5 and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of- 3/4 inchgravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score controljoints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of60 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures, retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of45 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizonlal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prev€nt the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend installation of a foundation perimcter drain (sce Figure No. 5). A perirrretcr drain should bc LKP Engineering, Inc. 6 installed behind every step in the foundation. The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location, at a ll4 inch per foot for flexible or at a l/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe should be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3l4-inch free-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent Siltation and clogging of the drain. The backfill above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet ofthe ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatic pressure. Additionally, for.the rear foundation/retaining wall we recommend Miradrain 6000. The Miradrain should be wrapped around the perforated pipe, as shown on the detail SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95o/o of themaximum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90% ofthe maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWN IRRIGATION It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing LKP Engineering, Inc. sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within 10 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irigation must be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or irnplied. The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No. I and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted imrnediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Jack Snow of RKD, for the specific application to the proposed residence on SDD #34,Lot B, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Luiza Petrovska, PE President Sincerely, LKP ENGINEERIN LKP Engineering, Inc. O I r-- I o- -J Pir #1 I I I.oT A I-ot C I I tD pir +z -"- I BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD clYlL/c[0TEOINl( AL Engitteering', Inc. P O Bt,r l45l Av.r, (t0 Sltr20 ter (9711) 6:7-!i0t,8 {,1r i(_r7O) S27-90q! I,OCATION ,'IiETCII r.4o.,Ecr N.rr g77,-) sDDl,LArE rttll'N 0a l'A1L E A (: Lf t" ()t-t t,r f l. (.oL 0R A Oi) rF'TF'AA'ED 'CIR Il ItI) t . .rif | - 1t. i, lr:_(l_--!- b-c,1,if/-c' ,rd,--- I DArEExcAvArEo, e,rg; 2I , LggT TEST PIT NO. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLELOCATION s I!{ B o --- 5 --- l0 -- l5 _20 DD=96.9 pcf MC= 6.9 %Reddish-brown, silty Sand .rl\r\- tr 2 0/-zvv- J.J /o Reddish-brown, silLy Sand, gravelly, with boulder size flat, angular, rock fragments firm from 11 to 14 feet No Ground Water Encountered Bottom of Test Pit Z : Relatively undisturbed hand drive t : Bulk sample DD - Natural Dry Density MC = Natural Moisture Content -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Limit PI : Plasticity Index PRoJEcrNo. g71g SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LKP ENGINEERING.INC. DArEExcAvArEo, e,-rSJ 22, lgg| TEST PIT NO. ELEVATION: LAtsORATORY TEST RESULTS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL NND SAMPLELOCATION s M B o I sample fell aparg too loose --J -10 DD=101.3 pcf MC= l0.B 5 No Ground WaLer Encountered dish-brown, gravelly Sand BotLom of Test Pit Z = Relatively undisturbed hand drive I : Bulk sample DD = Natural Dry Density MC - Natural Moisture Content -200 : Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Linit PI: Plasticity Index SUBSURTACE EXPLORATION LOG LKP ENGINEERING,INC. 9779 3 Projcct No. Figure No'LKP Engineering' Inc' ;e -0 S-6 3-2 tl c o ,1 _4 UJ _B .9 a -10 o o -?e- .9 c o :-4 lrl -8 c o c B -10 o () -LZ APPLIEO PRESSURE - ksf Somple of Silty Sand Noturol Dry U nit Weight No luro I Moislure Conlenl from Test 96.9 Pcf 6.9 percenl Pit No. I at 5 feeL L- o.l t.o APPLIED PRESSU(E - ksf to 100 ffi No luro I Dry Unil \{ai9hl = Noluro I Moirlurr Conlcnl : S""d lr*t 101.3 pcf 10. B p!rccnt Test Pit No. 2 at l1'5 feet - L.) -l rnl ; @ c iI (d a x ,_t (J P f!t.|rn T be, h t.1 r-l I Nl a F..l -J c tr)l NI Nl : Project No. g7-lg l.! | l6 l tr l lo lp l=l- I I il =l :t :l -l ;l :l dl l-l "l l- l' t- d ta le t.; li t ti O tl tl I It I l- c t rq LI OJ (,lP to l" OJ Figure No. 4 GRAIN SIM DISIRIfl]TION AIGLYS o Percent Coarser bY Wei ght o oqoq3R333 (\r (a <t u'O o {J o 0)lt{ p r'l z .tJ 'r{ (,= o OI :l Y O o c! o |,|1 (D =:l z, o d, o z, z<t (5 zi 't! o o z F 91 =Oot@ LKP EIGINEERI}IG, DIC. Pe rcent Finer bY Weight o I CO\fFi FAC(FILL wTH LINE FA.l OF F ELATIVEL I' iMPERI'IOIJ5 SOIL 'N'ALE FL?OR 5, :; TL't\.| +--!-:i,- ,\ rtti ,.,_-_ _ _- _ -r---:.-=-=]--]r /r.,. li'.1 i L F' F R () Ct l t !'l L A'i I l.;,\D ir' A I I't L; | ) L) a I !LIER F)ERii, flL)On :t ) :.' it 4 i // / ,,. , /... ,: / ..1 lllPf F'l'i( tt t', 1,,11.t,',7rrFF B.AR,?f R t.Lt-!f, l;.t lt;I I r'tl/lf[)..1 i,,t.,1.1 llJ,lt ' / 1-lt1taH 0t.1M[ if R FfA tF.-l[c F,'trF ,:/ tlilai .- n1 .1 , i r T.1 r"1 [ a'! ' .,' .1 AL /...1' f.LR Fttt.tI FL)i, iL[:'\,t6LL rllJl AT i..,,3' FIF FOt.)T F(:,F R G,:D F;f'L it\f f ir.' r-)lFFt AF clf lLilc ltoTEcI Nt( .\L I!ngineering", Inc:. t, 1r trr,r 1,1.,'t /.!.rj. in lil(, a) tr | (,i,- ) f.l; '(rt-t lir, 1" (r\ tt. Lllt.r,l NILI, .4ND PERI)IETEI] DR,II'\I FFr\. r5r i t(l '!, ,9 500 lil. LOt R TOWI\I (14 VAiL EAGLE COL|NIY, a(l: ORAOO FREF ARELl f')R IihI) s'!Lt l/ TS -;* - O:l-02-'!7 ,n+ a n IBHN UF VNIL,REPTI3l 07/?gll999 O8:19 RE Activity: JlHdress: Locat i on: Parce-l: Description: Appl icant : Owner: Contraet or: INStrECTN IIORX if9A-O991 7l?g/19 Typer B-lilECH 1581 BUFFEHR CHEEX RD 15EI BUFFEHR CREEKR RO al03-1ee-o5-004 }IEUH FOR NSFR BEAUER CREEK PLUI'IBING & HEAT FLAUITI RTJNNA J BEAVER CREEK PLUI{BING & HEAT PAl 1999 ISSUED tronstr: NSFR Use: COLORflDO SHEETS FOR PA6E AREA: CD Stat us: Oec: Phone r 97Q-471-483Q Phone: Fhonez 97O-4'71-465O Inspeet ion fteq ue st Requestor: JACK Req Tire: O8:0O Iters requested to O039O iIECH-Final Inforrat i on. . . . . Corrent s l be Inspeeted. . , Phone: 471-37P8 Aetion Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History..... lter: OOPOO ttlEtrH-Rough O6/P2/99 Inspector: JRFI Action: APtrR TN SLAB Notes; HEAT LINES.EAST AND IIEST SIDES lOS pSI fl TEST GARffGE LINE 6IAPSI RIR TEST l?/L4/iA Inspector: CD Aetion: APPR SEE NOTES NOTES: BUILER FLUE APtrRBVED (}IAINTATN E' ABOVE ROUF I.IITHIN 10' DRYER VENT RUN IS BVER 14' JACK SNOT.J WILL trROVIDE SPECS O URYER OR INSTALL A trUhIHT{ ASSIST UNIT TO DUCT UPPER LEVEL HEAT LINES INSPECTED AN AIRTEST FISUT BE PROUI Iterr Ao.e4g FLftlB-Gas triping Iter: OO31& MEtrH-Heating ggll*l99 Inspector: JRlrl Action: trtrPR SNt,t', FIELT REAR FATIO Notes: AND ENTRY IJAY STAIRS 1OO * AIR TEST fter; Oe3?g llEtiH-Exhaust Hcods Iter: BOJ3O ilECH-SuppIy Air Iter : O034O ltlh,CH-ttlisc.lo/?3/99 Inspector: ART Action: Atrf'tl{ Radiant heat as noted: Notes: AF.PROUED RADIANT HEAT pIpING FOR ENTRY tlAY FLATFI]RFI AND KITCHEN FLATFORFI. AIR TEST 90* + OK le/13/99 Inspector: cD Action: NR HEAT LINES NOr UNDER TST 3A6/eg/99 Inspector: CD Action: RtrPR SNUI^IMELT DkMt'lAY Notes: JACK SNtltl (G.C.) STATES THE DRMIJAY ERADE DtrES NOT EXtrEE HAXIITIUM ALLUI.fED BUT ALSO STATES Nt] ROUGH GRADE tiHECK HAS BEEN DONE Iter : OO39O ltlECH-Final A6/?S/99 Inspector: CD flction: NO SEE NOTE NOTES: ADUISED SUBCONTRACTOR THAT THE PLATFORTTI FOR HERTING EOUIPIIIENT lrlUST BE iIODIFIED TO flLLOtl 36" IIURKING CLEARANCE FRONT OF THE BOILERS. A 4?' RAILINE I{UST ALSI.] BE INSTALLE FIRE STOP REOUIRED flT THE THOUGH PENETRATION IN GARAGE I.IA Iter: OO53A FIRE-FINAL C/O lrHpT 131 07/?8t 1999 O8:19 REQUEST JOHN UF VF|ILT CULURffDU SHEETS INSPECTN T.IURK 7/?E/Ig Type: B-PLttlB Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Aetivityr flddre s s : Locat ion: Parcel l Descript ion: ffppl icant : Orrner: Contractor: P9A-0076 I5E1 BUFFEHH CREEK RD ISAI BUFFEHR CREEX RD e103-ree-os-oo4 PLU}IIBINC RUUGH_FINISH BEAUER CREEK PLUIIBING FLAUM RONNA J BEAVER CREEK PLUiIBINB E. HEAT Occ:Use: Phone: Phone; Phonez 976-47I-485o fnspection Request Requestor: JACK Req Tire: O8:OG Iters requested to w?99 fnspeetion History..... OSeIO PLltlB-Underground 06/16/94 Inspeetor: JRI'I OOeeO PLMB-Rough/D. l,J. U.Ll/16/98 Inspeetor: ED OO?3O PLltlB-Rough/Wat er Lt/16/94 Inspector: CD AO?4O PLDIB-Gas Piping 11/16/94 Inspector: CD OO2ti$ PlltlB-Pool/Hot Tub o,o,?69 PLltlB-ltlisc. O0e9O PLltlB-Final OO53S FIRE-FINflL C/O Inforrat i on, . . . . Phone: 471-3728 f;orrents: be Inspected... Flction Corrents Tire Exp Iter: Iter: Iter: Iter: Iterr Iter:Iter:Iter: Action: AtrtrR Act i on: AtrFrR Aetion: APtrR Act i on: Atrl.rR APTJRUVED AIRTEST 6PS 8*trT 166 #pT l5*pT ', l