HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VALLEY PHASE V SOL MONTANA TOWN HOMES LEGAL FILE(} luwn.o trru rh,l (l** " llal box 100 Yail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 department of community development July 20, 1981 Ron Abo 1459 Ogden St. Denver, Colorado 80218 RE: DRB Submi tta'l of 7 /I5/8I Dear Ron: At thejr July 15, 1981 meeting, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Sol Montana duplexes. Approval was for a G.R.F.A. of 2200 sq.ft. for the primary units (including loft) and 2168 sq.ft. for the secondary units for a total square footage of 8736 sq.ft. A'lso the timber retain'ing walls on the south side are to be elimjnated and the grade brought to a 1-2 slope and matted during revegetation. Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df / //, o^," 6/lz Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Comments: /A/7a ru/ffqq Legal Description: Lot It:-,,o"rfr*Z , r*nn a" 6 /b/ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Morion by: /(' '.'-r: ( seconded or, Crlo,rrrrz ,E7 4'/Lappaovat h -D y'- /t4:-zz 14 ,,' Town Plan ner D Statt Approval FOiM t88 - OESIoNEO FOR USE WTll COMpANtOtT ! tft DU,O-VUE EttVELOpE .rcrcryfrea,|41 JE/5E75 - NEW ENOLANO BUSTNESS SERV|CE. tNC,. |OWNSEND, 'ttAss. Ot169 Phone3o3 4t+.s2s7 1ffi'5&o 7c"-/ Hl "^" 1tt[F)Gunningham Gonst. & Dev. Gompany P. O. Box418 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TO E URGENT E soor/ /s PosstBLE D NO REPLY IIEEDED ""'ff7 %rr/ur,-T/,. ,- MEs,sAAE r GfY (st <-' SI6NED REC|P|ENT: WRTTE REPLY, RETURN WHI|E TO SENDER. KEEP TH|S PINK COPY. Projecl Application -n | "\r -{I licntqna - \rr,*-.r n)-r_,cnei, a Date ,6-) - El Projecr NamJ: SO\ Project Descrip tion, 2 - so)ac c)-,)C XEJ Contact Person and Phone 176-laia- qq?-6?6S Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot-:| ,{-?Alock ,u^n tt hr, V^llel Com ments: "" -:a"^, llbo lzlf 7 &rseo St gal-osctu J-\ \'/I i /P/1. t F f- (ra^ 1\Cj J-lLItv\ \ lu(16 Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL {O Su mmary: 3.@/14r'1/f/tf r?t774711, r',,/6 l4/+tLS. E statt Approval 2Y 'tu422 ON L,*zttO-/V4 'fub /E€/t , tt/6 SOL MONTANA TCIfNHOI,IES I,AN6 CAPE LIST PIANTS: F? 25 Native sage y' cal 9 Green SPruce 5 r 4"<,1 , ./a ilz-Aspen 2 " Dia . ,,Ar-* Aspen l" Dia. 24 coldtip Pfitzer 5 Gal 5 American Holly 5 Gal 27 Potentilla / Cal _l 3., (: _H sp^Native wild fJ.owey's (indian paint brush, daisy, etc.), Wild gfrass seed mix (blue, brome, clover, timothy, rye, vasque). MATERTALS: I t, Erosion control mat )t, ' $ in. PiPe sleeve n-- /a''1 tr- Peat moss Top Soil It in. irrigation tap t CIT CO4I'IITMENT iI LJNDCI€D4ENI I!O. BiDCRSEI,IENI TO COfiIIMENIT Reguirerrent D rnder Sctredule A as shcxm on the above nwrbered canrnitfient is heregz deleted. In all oEher respects, tllis c qnnltrnent sha II remajn the same. TMNSAI4trIUqA'I'ITD[ INSUI{ANCO CO. DaEed: 7/L3/8t Cunninghan Cqrst.lb /rtT CIIED TC Al.lD FCR4ING A PARI street I d 1 4105064 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 June 19, 1981 Paul Koppana Box 2124 Vail, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 6-17-81 Sol Montana Townhomes Dear Paul: At the June 17 meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your submittal for 2 solar duplexes was gjven preliminary approval wjth the following stipulat'i ons: show trees to remain on site, submit color of stucco to staff, obtain Public llorks Department approval , vacate easements, provide more deta'i I on 'landscaping and irrigation, and submit elevation of parking garage and retajn'i ng wa11s. Peter Jamar Town Pl anner Si ncerel NAIII OF PROJECT 5ot- t fOG ruTnfrft "-i:,.,- rrJ HornL'-, 'l;IS'l' OI: I{ATliR IALS Pfifi*. ---TEGAL DuscRIP'l'IoN: LoT I +? #dfR- E_i.rttnc_51=:hr- DESCRIPTIC:i OF PROJECT 2 i-X.'.',.>ivr: !'h.C 6.p\6N:\ The follorring information is Board befc:'c a final approrral A. BUILDING IIATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Fascia Soffits Itlindows Windolr Trin Doors Door Trin Hancl or Deck Ra.i ls F lues Fl ashings Chir:meys T'rash Encl osures Greenhous es Other PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetati-ve, Landscaping Botanical Nane required for subnittal by the applicant to the Design Review can be givcn: Tyle of Itlatgrial Color Mat erial s t'p.\t:tr,,\ :od coo€ + oc Red qec''-_!gs!+rq!_c\ Cedo-c NA!ftNJ SALFR QOtit(SDR PANttS Ilaterials including Trees, Shrubs, and G Conunon Narne \\uant it PRtecc B. mr-qho i)ine.r pc\ + \\\\q r-l\J qrcss Ll-6 d Cover) Si.ze 1l I l,t t:!- --'l e -' -,5- C.6-E t*_" c. olliljR t,AN.pscAPg F[A'rutr[s (Rctaining Walls, Fcnccs, Swirnming Pools, ctc.) I'lcase spccify. -t rt ; (Acceptable) (Not Acceptable) / .l- ENGINETRING CHECK LIST Subdivision Lot Bl ock Fil ing 1. Submittal ltems 2. (A) Topo Map (B) Site Plan (c) Utitity Plan (D) Title Report ( E) Subdiv i sion Asreem"{( fl_gppfjsqbt "t [,nqineering Requirements \-lvewe (A) Culvert Size /2" ( B ) D r i v er.ray Gra del 87-Eali-0\cJTi-)-- 3. Source of Uti'lities A D C D E F El ectri c uc5 Sei,ler l.later Te) ephorie Tlt 4. Corrunents: Approved: Di sapproved: Departmcn'i of Public l,lorks Bil l Andrcrr,s IVED FROM l.i"ri\\ t \"1., RICEIPT - The Town of Vail a:, le--:-L Ng 1404,1 K., ADDRESS rro*r sl:o'- Pemit Numbers -HOW PAID-Cash-Ch""U / PAVEE THIS STAIEMENY AEFORE DEPOSITI NG Cunningham Koppana Venlure I .OAYE ACCOUNT OR tNvotcE No.DEsCRIPTION AMOUNT OISCOUNT OR OEOUCTION NET AMOUNT '';- s-ls-E\o S\^ cp\cc-\ort Q<=ZO.a EMPLOYEE.S NAME Cunningham Koppana Venture I PAY PERIOO ENOING NET EARNINGS PAI O EMPLOYEE: THIS IS A STATEMENT oF YoUR EARNINcs ANo oEDUcTIONS FOR PERIOO INOICATEO, KEEP THIS FOR YOUR PERMANENT RECORO DRB SUBMITTAL CIIECK LIST projcct *r..5 o'l h q'f iFo Checked -t- t, i ?-(J,.\ J r ! - NEW CO)iSI'RUCTION l. 2. 3, 4... 5. 6. Stamped toPograPhic maP (2 coPies Site plan showing utilities (2copies) ULility location verification Prelirninary title report (1 copy) 'Landscape Plan (2 coPies) Architectural plans (2 coPies) (all floors and alt clevations) Materials list (l set) Color Sanples (1 set) Subdivision agrecrnents t/ t/ t/ ' =-Yt{ t/ 7. 8. 9. I.IINOR ALTERAI'IO}JS TO TIIE (if applicable) EXTIRIOR OF BUILD1NGS 1. Photo or sketch shos'ing altelatiorts (2 copics) 2. 3. 5, Site plan (2 coPics) ' llaterial specifications (2 sets) Color sanrples (2 sets) Letter of approval fron condo assoc'(if applicable) ADDITIONS - RESI.I)TNTIAL 0R COII|'IERCIAL 1. StanPed toPograPhic survcy 2. Original floor Plan (2 coPics) 3, Ncw floor Plan (2 coPi'cs) 4, Sitc Plan (2 coPics) 5. Dlcvations (2 coPjcs) 6. t'hotos of cxistirrg structul'c (1 sct) 7. trbterial -spccif ! crrtions (l sct) 8. Col or sarrrples (l sct) 'aF I I i Sol nc}rnf, n Tc.,nt rrrrk REVISED DRB PROCEDURIS AND INSTRUCTIONS DATE: March, 1981 T0: Architects working in the Town of Vai'l FROl'l : Department of Community Developrnent, Town of Vail The Design Review Board meets the lst,3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of each month at 2:00 p,m. Below are the dates of the meetings 'and the Levised deadline dates for submitting applications for those meetings. Due to an anticipated fieavy building season and deadlines for publishing agenda items in the Vail Trail, the submittal deadline has been increased by one week to allow the staff tjme to study the submittal materials and meet publishing deadlines. Materials must be submitted no later than 4:00 on the deadline date. The new submittal period will beg'in with the Aprii 29 meeting so that submittals for that date must be turned 'in on April 13. There is also a revisionincluded in the submitta'l requirements that you should be alare of. A ut'i fity verification form, which is enclosed, notrl replaces the need for separate letters fron each utility; holever, individual 'letters wjll also be sufficient for the requirement. No submittals will be accepted unless thev are complete. If you have arry questions, please cal 1 Peter Jamar or Betsy Rosolack at 476-7000, ev.t. 236. MEET I NG April 1 April 15 Apri 1 29 May l"lay June June July 1 Jnly 15 July 29 August 5 August 19 Septcnber September Septenber 0ctober 0ctober November Noveurber Decenrber 2 December 16 DEADL INE 6 20 L7 March 23 Apri I 6 Apri 1 13 Apri'l 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 20 August 3 AugLrst 17 August 31 Septenber 14 September 21 0ctober 5 0ctober 19 Novenrber 2 Novembcr 16 Novenber 30 1_ IO ?n a1 LL tl 10 t IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: l. All new buildings will.require a site visit by either the.Design Review Board 6?TfrE-trFF. *T6ur building locations and driveways must be staked' 2, The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will nornally involve two seParate neetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two weeks for their approval. People who fail to appcar before the Dcsign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be re- published. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Adninistrator for approval: a. Windows, skyLights and sirnilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building. b. Builcling additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, have had letters submitted fron adjoining property or.ners approving the addition; and/or approval frorn the agent for, or manager of a condorniniurn association 3. 4, I. l"lAlURlAl- T0 llL sul!fll'f'l[D NEW CONSI'RUCTION A.To ranh i c and s ite lan of site containin thc fol l owin (2 copies): Licensed engineerr s or surveyorrs stanp, Contour intervals of not rnol'e than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5r contout intervals will be accepted' Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with dianeters of 4" or nore one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intennittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40eo ot nore, if applicable. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert ' Locations of the fol lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to inclu.:lc existing sources and proposed service lines fron sources to the stlucture. Utilities to inc lude :CADIE IV t e 1 ePhone sewer wat er 8as 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 electric c.. Property lines showing distances d. Proposed driveways ,ith p"tc"nt e. Al 1 eascments and bearings and a basis of bearing slope and spot e l evat ions 8. Existing and finishcd grades 9. All existi.ng and proposed i.mprovements including structures, landscaped areas, Service areas, slorage areas, tt'a1lls, driVeways, off-Street parking, loading areas, and other site inprovenlents. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with exist-i;;g grade shorrrl underneath) to detentit.te height of building. To bc sirbrnitted with site plan, C. Prelirninar.;l !1!]c rePort to accorlpany a]. I subrrit_lj_]j, to iitsure propcl'ty orr'rrcri rty. D. Lq4:..19j]_g (lr'= 20' or largcr) - 2cof,'ies 1. Show the location of 4'r dizimcter trecs, otl',i.)r' .shrubs atrcl nativc plants that are on t[c sitc and t|c location and clcsi ln of proposcd larl<lscape area with thc varieties and aplrloxitnlte sizc.: of plalrt lnatcrials to be Pl.ar-rtcd. 2, Conplctc lattdscapc materials list-. 3. Dcsi.gnatc trcc-'; to bc savcd and tlrose to bc ltr:;t. NOllj: As mrrch of thc nlXrvc inforrnation as ptrssiblc sltottl,l occl.lr oll thc sitc pllttr, so tltllt tlrc jntlr.-r.clution ol' tlrc valious conll)oncrrt:i j:; clcrtr. 'l'll l' llut,.lscrtPc PIan sll()Llltl [)c s(:l)ar- atc. 'l'hc cxist j.nll topogtlplt ic tnd Vcgctlttionirl clxrractt'r'i:;r- jcs rtt:t1' bc il scl)ill'il1.c lltill). llov;cvcr', th is infolnt:tt iott lttttst lrl)pcar on thc s itcr plltn. 1.l.tust includc floor plans and all clcvations as tltcy will appear Elevations must show both existing and finishcd grades' Ext.erior surfacing naterials and colors shall be specified and for revicw on thd naterials list available frorn thc Dcpartmetrt Devel opnent . on completion. submitted of ConmunitY 2. F.Thc Design Revicw Board na ire the submiss ion of additional Plans drawinIs ications, sanPr es other material nga dec neces- to determine whether a project will cornply with design guidelines' II MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIqR-qF BUILDINGS spec sary Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what plan) of proposal nay be subnitted in lietr of '"Uou!, as'long as they provide all important colors and materials to'be used. is proposed and the location (site the more formal requirenents given specifications for the proposal including II1.ADDITIOI{S - RESIDENTIAL OR COIOGRCi4l Original floor plans with all specifications shown Floor plan for addition - 2 coPies Site plan showing exl-sting atrd proposed construction - 2 copies Elevations of addition Photos of existing structure A. B. c. D. E. F.Specifications for all available at Department naterials and color sanples on natcri"als list of Comnunity Devel oPment ' iJ:--1ry4!--9{g-gA\ ffiithasbeenissued,andwhentheprojectisunderway,the following will be ""qrriruo bcfore any builtling receives a fra;ning inspection fr:om the Building DePartment: A certified inprovement survey showitlg: A. Builcting locations rvith ties to Property corners, i'e' dj'stances and angles' B. Building dincnsious to neal'est tenth of foot' c. All utility service lines as-builts slror'ring size of lines, type of naterial usecl, and exact locations' 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 coPies E. Bas:s of bcaring to tie to section col*nel" F.At}pr.opcrtypinsaretobecitllerfoutrdorsctandstatedonnap. G. A1l. easements. p o ON uTIl,l'lY LocATr0N vlilllf IcAl'l SUBD IVISICN JOB NAIIE L$J22-_BLocK FILING ADDRIJSS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nrust be approved and verified by accompanying site p1an. Mountain Be11 Western Slope Gas Public Service Conpany HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable'l'.V. Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitati.on Distf ict be nain trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date 4241 iz.ed +zts-gl fupt Ll13.t7 NOTE: T']rc-,se verifications do not rel ieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public lttorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any prrbllc ri.ght- of-way or easement in the Tom of Vail. ': 'irr r|ir l.:fi.-l tliis., F':, li,:r o :,.{ ri.;. i i,.5iJ{:b;}iG, ..j ,'.i . - rr' i....i Jn f nr.:,::,ifl-idr.t I i:.. ; nLi -.+ L1 i: i: ,.: i' l3: I. ,. .. l,t :. '.: a' v i. r' J. :.1 ,,'.t: l irt l: r iL-iL [:.,t I :11. r I ii' F i-i: I FiF.L.Litrlrf;-f-r Elrt-il.H, Sifi'l t: i I li -r r iil ,i ';i:,i ihi: f ':I l.l:'Itr', .:tlili,,rrli .l t f .i '::ln:'l . 17;. 1 ir:, t.t,r. \,,'.r1,:,.t.,: : ..:,1.f i[: [it_rl t- rr l. 'r | .r .'- f l.l':t. t t,. ,':..:i I i .::ii ',::'i Li . F *t nr " .' :L?tr:i "'""S :, r' f :'- /r.rnllc i -i.,':uF ."r',.' :',:: :1 f rl !, . -*, t':ti'rrt il :-'tJ h I rr:-. .-i r Ir r:r uJ rr b i' i.| r ; |JF.E lrlL I .:, j r'il-!i1br.i I i.r-r ilt-ltJr..l:. 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O, ,,. r,,., ...:.r...t O | ,, i r,. , r:i li i ' ::1. l-th.i-rrJLC i: ,.: ii .ti.. ,,i, l.'i --r-. -.: ./q.r 41..-:.rh,;... .-.-,.*'i / , '-J,i'i-:ir 1f.l- rrLtlrt:.-tt(rU 'rll!-rl.t\riF:.. /5i.I , '-J ri';-:ir 1f.l-" rrLrlrt:.'-tt(ru ''r.rl'.ttnr\riF:.i /5i.: il,'.r.6i; .+rit fli F'.iiiifi t;ll:i.'ft'., : er.Xhi.J,: t.7. i tlit )L.i-r:.lF'F- r :::. !,r1:. ri.l'l r_rir r r ii ') I l{ iiL,r.rl.. .::r.j, r\l- Ffi6E ;+,1 . 't. i . r-' l.lfJI l:.-.r :., :.f r i r_rii t.ir ' ,ti rr jrj ,.,iri i r. , ri -.:.!., l::::,-, I i,l t.ir.-rirli .:. l::;rl Fl't l.: r itX i HF. ,,'i:l l.[: r-i:r-lr'l:,:: \r fi!: t_..t_riil !i- i.r i.{t-ri,rt.[iHl..li .:f., l:ri-,.J ll.l !jt_t,_lii l-;lr-'E :::i.; . 'iltrtl i.rt- ihr-rlti i.itVL itj\.,li.h!r'lI.i l::. Fiii.l t!i[.:. ,.rril .i.t-.v...F].ir::,._,1. \, F.r"r_.r.!i.lr,rF_tJ l.l .:'4., i:r:i,rl l!.t ijt-'t-,t.. :l.:; ;il i,rrl-,1: :.... . .: iirt.l t i.ll-'1..'..'-:. i L.ll.l .l ilf-'ii'-t'.'i ili-.t.| l r-)L'fit-l'i'll f\i i r,..1-, '.irlitiii: i11.r.,i- j,lr.l:fr ,,,ii, r:1;::r.,, .l r.,l ril-rlrf. F t'rl-:t: ::;:.:. I hll:.I i-lr r lt:Lr ::,1-t-. i F--flrib.ii -'r:,, I i,..,.r |. }.:,-ri,l ,.rrr[-[.[:t ri:.;r_rl. Ir;tF.:i.i'HE PUt'L- 1r-. t *i_i::, ib_F_ irr . r.irr_.,1_rl r:.r-ri-il.l I y f_r:.:ii I I its_ l_t::.b. t_rF T.HE t.-.t_li.ti,j l.,r I r-c. FL,Lrt-1r-. rrit_r.:, I r_r_ r_rr .E.trt_''t_[: t_.t-t!-!l.l ty l_ t..:ti llits_ l_l::.b. t_tF THE l.-.t.:, :. I-irTt: LrF t'.Lrl-r-riii'ri.trJ , i:t. I r l,lr-, ir.l I it.[! tr_ll ir-rLjr_l]i I.l::, kitrihir r.ri-- t-.irf1ll t::.'.: l rJl.lLFl ;, ir:t ::,1-_L:l_tliF- l ijf :;: l..l r ry f.;r-: , r.rr-n.r. (-rr:, f {L:t:.rlkiitLl i{.1{,, 1',,!:r_r ll.l i.ririri...1J.:l irl'l.r-:i.tt t:,,:,.::. irtijl.i::r..i::, L_irl l., {if,. . 'lfis f I a I 'll it ,lirl .i titl 'l I i l lil ll,l, lr l. l : I \ *. ( tt Inter-Mountain Eng'ineering rra. May 29, l98l Pau I Koppena 2t24 l, Colorado 81657 Subject: Site Inspection, Lots | & 2, Phase 5, The Valley, Vail, Colorado Project No. V-ll22G Reference: ttSoi I and Foundation lnvestigation for the proposed East Val ley Duplexes and Residences, Lionrs Ridge,Vail, Colorado.rt Prepared by Chen & Associates, Inc., Job No. 99 17, dated September j, 1913. Dear Mr. Koooena: . As requested, we performed a visual inspecfion on May 22, lg}l ,al the subject site. This inspection was performed to review the soil condifions encountered befween Test pits No. 4 and 6. Soils condifions that will be encountered at the site are expected to be severa I feet of topsoil underlain by sand and gravel wifh various amounts of silt and clay. Upon comp lefion of the excavation for the foundation, a comp lete soils invesfigation will be performed. lf we can be of further assis-tance, please do not hesitate to call. SPR: cj n 80x c-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072; DENVER 893-1 ggt Mr. Box Vai 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOO. CO 80215 232-0'158 ffIJ,tii"s "ri'$" '(b".3 L?,i'oo:+j,^; 61fr"*":[q $ tii€ Sincerely, ve Re i ner, P. ief Soi ls Engi ? UTILITY EASEMENT An easement for utlllty servlce across a parE of parcel A, Lionrs Rldge subdlvislon Filing No. 2, a subdlvislon recorded rn the office of the tagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, bei.ng more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the southerly rlghc-of-way line of Lionrs Rldge Loop, whence the nortlrwest corner <rf section 12, Township 5 south, Range sI \ilesc. of the Sixth Principal lteridlan, which is also the northwest r'()rncr of said Psrcel A, bears N 47"57'26" l.l 1364.39 feet dlstant; thence S 11"59'06rr E 3I .72 feer to the northerly line of an exisElng utllicy eilseruent, thelrce tlie followlng two courses along sald northerly 11ne:1) N 74"40100" 8 22.88 feer; 2) N 62o57'01,'E 2.23 f.eet; thence deparring said norcherly line N llo59r06" w 36.99 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Lio'r s Ridge Loop; thence along sald rlght-of-way line s 61"58r28" W 26.01 feet t.o che point of beglnnlng, conEainLng 864 square feet or 0.020 acres, more or less. I I I \ \ ( ) I a-'( sile plons posslble building siles ,) l --T-\ \';,;,,,,,,','fi {.1 -J ,a che n and associut*r,9n.. 50tr f, IOUNDAII0N TNGINTTRING Job No.9917 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 96 S. ZUN| . O€NVER. COLORAOO 80223 1924 EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER. WYOMING 8260I SOI L AI..ID FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED EAST VALLEY DUPLEXES AND RESIDENCES L I ON'S RI DGE vAtL, c0L0RAD0 P r.p"r"rlo, , TAYVEL ENVI RONI4EIITAL LAND COMPA}IY c/o G. CAB CHILDRESS 6 ASSOCIATES 225 EHERSON DENVER, coLoRAoo 80218 303/744-7105 307 1234-2126 September 7, 1973 \ t'' ( ( C, TAELE OF CONTENTS coNcLUs | 0Ns SCOPE slrE coNolTloNs PREVI OUS INVESTI GATl ONS PROPOSEO CONSTRUCTION SUBSOIL CONDITIONS FOUNDAT I ON RECOHHENDAT I ONS FLOOR SLABS SURFACE DRAINAGE I,II SCELLANEOUS FIG. I.VICINITYI,IAP FIG. IA - SITE PLAI.I SHOWING TEST PIT TOCATIONS FIG. 2 . LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIGS. 3 and 4 - sr.rEtL-coNsoltDAT|oN TEST RESULTS FIG. 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS TAELE I . SUMHARY OF LABOMTORY TEST RESULTS I 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 ( ( c*- ir il . ,41 i;l r "i I i coNcLUs t0Ns The proposed indlvldual resldent lal units and duplexes should be founded wlth spread footlngs placed on the upper natural sol ls designed for a maxlmum soll pressure of 2,000 psf and In conslderation of desiqn and construction details dl scussed be I ow. sc0?E Thls report presents the results of a soll and foundat ion investlgation for the proposed East Valley duplcxes and residences to be located at Llon,s Ridge, vall, colorado. The report presents the most deslrable and safe type foundation, allowable soil pressures, water table condltions, and design and construct ion deta I I s. S ITE COND IT I ONS The site tvas vacant at the time of our investigation. The ground surfacc at the sitc slopes dorvn moderately to the south and southr.rest v/ith slopes on the order of | 0"< to 20?,. The maximum elevation difference across the site is approximately 20 feet. Thc site is located in an east-west trending valley which ls bound by Lionrs Ridge to the south and a sharply rising scarp slopc to thc north. Bcdrock outcrops were not obscrved within the site lnvestiqatcd, but it was exposed along the Lionrs Ridge and imrrrcdlately north of the site. The bedrock consists of thin to masslve bcdded, fine to medium grained sandstone with some thin beds of conqlomcratc. Surf ace drainage across the site is goocl , follor.ring the natural slope vcaetation at the slte consisted of grass, sagebrush, willorv, evergreen ( ( ( \ .l ''L ,rl ,i I I' 'I -2- and aspen trees. In general, the f lat portion of the valley is covered wlth grass, and lt ls sparsely forested. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATI ONS We prevlously conducted a preliminary soil and geolooic lnvestigation ( un<jer our Job No. 8023 dated Hay t!, 1972, Subsequently, we inspected several excavat ions for residences whlch was reported under Job l{o. !!0J dated July 13, 1973, PROPOSED CONSTRUCT I ON \'Je understand that sonre res idences and some dup'l ex apartment bu I ld Ings are proposed for construction at this site. The imposinq structural loads are expected to be light, typical of these type structures, and slab-on- grade floors are proposed. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS seven test pits were excavated wlth a backhoe at thls slte at the locatlons shown ln Fig, I to determine the subsoil conditions. Subsoll conditions were somewhat erratlc. In general, the subsolts, below I to lr feet of sandy topsoll, consisted of medlum dense, silty, gravelly sand or sandy gravel and cobbles wlth occasional boulders. A layer of soft clay was encountered ln Test Pit 6 below depth 7 feet. Our laboratory swell-consolidation test results, Fi9s.3 and 4, Inclicate that the subsolls at the site are generally nonexpansive but will settle modera te I y unde r load lng. Free water was not encountered ln the test pits durlng our Investigation, ( ( -3- FOUNDAT I ON RECOHHENDAT I ONS Considering the subsoil conditions and thc proposed bel leve the most desirable and safe type foundatlon would placed on the upper natural soils. Settlement should be limlts, about I inch total and 3ll lnches differential, i design and construction details are observeo: (l) Footings should be praced on the upper naturar soils be lovr the organrc topsoll and designed for a max imum soil pressu re of 2,000 psf. (2) cont inuous foundat ron walrs should be werr reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported rength of at reast l2 feet. (3) Any excessively soft or roose pockets of soil found within the footing excavat ion within the loaded depth of the footings shourd be removed and replaced compacted or the footings extended to the rower frrm so I I s . (4) All footings should be placed below frost depth. FLOOR SLABS The upper naturar soils' excrusivc of the organic topsoil, are capabre of supporting llghtly loaded floor slabs. To minlnrize damaqd due to slight dlfferential srab movement, froor srabs shourd be separated from bearing walls with an expanslon joi n t. Floor.slabs should be provlded wlth control jolnts and adequately relnforced. A minimum 4-lnch gravel layer should be provlded beneath the floor slabs. construction, we be spread foot ings within to lerab le f the follorving C, ( ( SURFACE The t ion and DRAINAGE fol lowlng dra ma ln ta lned at be observed dur d ings have been I ng construc- Con S t ruc te d : Inage precaut lons shou ld all tlmes after the buil (r) (2) -tt- Excessive wetting or drying of the foundatlon excavat lon should be avoi ded durlng construction. Backfill around the bui ldings should be moistened and compacted to at least 858 standard Proctor density. The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the buildings should be sloped to drain away from the buildings in all directions. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge r.rell beyond the limits of all backfill. H I S CELLANEOUS (tt) (3) 0ur exploratory tes t to obta in a comprehens ive sol I conditions may occur in the exposed excavation, the foundat lon excavat ion. pits were spaced as closely picture of the subsoi I condi between test pits. lf such it is advisable that we be as feas ible in order tions; hovrever, erra t ic conditlons are found notlfied to inspect ( CHEN AND ASSoCTATES, lNC. Hovi k Baghoomlan, P. E. "*uO Ut H8/d I r cc: Anderson E Has t I ngs 120 Bryant Street Oenver, Colorado 80219 By ( C I I I t o t- q) c q) C - vt I I .l x I tl \\ I I I ;t! c fF U J o c c lE 0l = o g. I lr tr t:/ll l'/itr lt t /ll ln tli itil iittr I l tl til llt tll r I I I I I I tt tl ti tt lrl I // l1 1../i i'll tl tl rl tl ll t.l ltl itl rtl tl llt tl t!tt-tta t I // : c a,c) I t't/ I I l ll!f\Ir IF f I I I ,l I I I I r!f' \ \ \ (, =o I *,tl l, It \, E I o-F vln o ll * 1*: vY ra, t t_t .Ys lJ: 6^ i? ( I t;?i I ..i/ /ll ll rl II _' l!c- ,l I r:l <l ol dal I ;l u1 | o-' I \ ( c 3 ------ra C ,";h;)\" \i\ \ <-v ..--+t--* lri ,1, j it: I il IV t,v -tt l ,:I tr (, :. e ,\ t. ';,n .., L,lr-l ll 'l t!i :i 1l Not to Scale (.., 'l Test Pi t 5 ': I : ( i; . , Test Plt 3 ;' t. Test Plt 4 I ( , " ": : , :='; ''-! : i " ..1.- ,i j,, .\ .,..* Ct s lrE , pLAlr sHowr NG rrsr p r i' r_ocArloirs ' _! -r ?' !99r7 (:ll' ,' t') tt !Fig. c lor ;,> r-t n, @.- ;u i 3. - '\J -.c*oo ; ...-;: c : ^^ cr u ;; _lt.:.- L Q.t,r- :'- !v vr.-E: 5 -f ; 6-t 5'i:'r (JCO.J 1i .3 i 3 I g .9 '-o-" l *(--oLc =iitt_ -,-t-r: - D irii' ,,lf ti'ro o ctl f, ru L.g e,.r il\q\ ccn .a O\ r\ c{\ r a\ o\ o I lc L) O c-,1 >or N -t .O \oO t, --o | 10 (J O .\r >Ol |,tl ,' rl a\ o- r -=>o I z ql .It F tr.l I zl .:r .F\ L.\ c:l Itl (JO O .O . F., _f .'\ o lt __c) ll ll C'(Joc! Cr\ ...t I o llo (J C- c.l a)- 4J J nNNM,=, r llSJ - itldlo I .,$ | #'f g c t99t7 ,e€ c .9 IU t-o E (J ( d? t c .o 0,L o E o (J ( t.': t.?r t ,orls -:----! r3.o ... I . 'ii,iill iiliill \- Additlonal compressioh unaeri dohil ---n_+---'- pressure due ito i:i:ft:ti I \ ' li-il ill \ ,liliiil \ ' -' -i-ii-.lil i l-r itjj 'illlll : i ii iijj , i illil ant sample of sandy clay from Test Plt 2 at t lq' I ,l:iliil ' : I I l: il _.\r. . i. it.l lll . | : I lll \ i i:li:!i i i;lll ii;ii;i .. i.: I . -'. '-i Expansion under constant p.erfrpl i !,_--_ Expansion under constant presfuig i !1/-- 4 upon wetting. , i:ilii \ , ..1.,i .i iiii -j-l:iill llrllii , riii'i :li'ilii t\L \ ,:iijjii l- - j' : ' ;"r-;':;i-l I Tvoical ranrplq of sandy ctay from Test ptr 3 ar depth 3i' i i i i iii L : "--i-.Lir-l-il ;T-'-' -- '-' - . "" l '^'" "r' i-* rc(. Fls. 3 -.S, $$,u i t ,,.,1 rillr :, 'i I +9 c .9 IO, E (J dc I c .9 q) L E o (J .: I I : t iona I compreS s ----:--p res sure du . i- ... I I I,., t I i I i-* i ( ? Tesl Pit 5 at ( sandy clay from Test Plt 5 I at depth Fls. 4 fl99t7 BESIOOPY C ln2 7 |I v). I I 16.4 t.. ...r sample AyAil.,{BtE e CHeN nruo AssoctA Conrulting fng incers i l Soil ond Foundo I iorr Engincering 2600 WISI Znd AVENTJI, SUTIE 7 orNvtn, cotoRADO 802t9 (t t i {! l , - '*_l ( GR^'w,--!- 52.0 ",b LIQ(rlu I ls. I I :,AMlLr (', Gfavgl :-ll i Atit)(tAi t9 t,g7..,11, 11. t^r()f \ (Cn-CN) , sandy , ,?i1'n Test pit C08S! f 3 8.0 % IQ I at depth 5'-0" - '-t - -'- r'--- s- . | ^r tCu^FI Opt,r,1|G! ra? .ttr I r!t !o o .o= !ot I I toa ( 'oo !a. CtrY rt:rr?'Ct tO Sr Ll ,iO.- t! r r '.C i GRAV E r- % l- | or,li) l tr\rt I r/aLi''Lt or. ,0 GRAOATION TEST o/; srr,: ar;:) r !ar tr'. A\'1.. I i r' t-.{rr { cotcLt3 ,o o: RESULTS fl99t7 Fls. 5 ( 40. o "; : t t a J. lr 'l , i"l I I l I, I I I l ,l I 1 a F J :)a tl'l tr C i--_- p I o z' c)o ').!vl o()o uurJ !! $|!v1 Vl F (t) a iur ;F :\J IY ;o o uF <:< o lr zFo {zt TL uo t. l a ( l-,;lqin lrr:i .-.t,lFi'r l< i__7 _ rl. Ii o O o o_ - ll | | | ,, r.J 1 - -tY -Fr ;r lt.r\ .f .n .'\ N i -----1i- lr l' i t,li'lir't, :!l - : c{ , F\ . \o , l . - r ----i--- : 1., rili I ri .-..-_'+; Ii i i! 'I t; '-; -l'r "--.----f-il lirr,i:il ' i I i r ll :lil ' i : : i I ll !lll ;:;illil ';i-i , - I I --i----, il co -f F- cr1 r._ cr\ l-__oc)oo1 ( lr aL r 8t$l uuPi AVNI./|BLE a 'v t1 I box 10O vail. colorado 81657 {303) 476-s613 department of community development June 5, 1981. Pau'l K. Koppanna Box 2124 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submittal of 6/3/8i Temporary Sign Dear Pau'l : At the June 3 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for a temporarjr sign was approved with the fol'lowing stipulations: height not to .exc€ed 8', erected at the time of excavation -- wording of "4 Luxury S0lar Townhomes'r be removed. PJ:df Jamar Pl a nner of ao Project Application :, \^J rvle \ a^ l(- . I oate J-16-Zll Project Name: SO I fQo^L,"K, Pro ject Description: Contact Person and phone tle Owner, Address and Phone: G ---.rt.--, tt \ I l ", Q.<,o.,\d K , Abo lbnue. Legal Descriptlon: Lot )&z Phcse -V- afouk --J-- i' Co m ments: Design Review Board Motion by: o^," A '' 3,- ,(r/ DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Tow NO//Y6 E statt Approval t I SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid ,1^..^ (-- lk-k{ | voLc _) . w tJ Name of proicct Sl e-{"e'-l'^'nlp."l Pnone gL{!- 61c( Location of Project b\s \t" -i-seTke'&)ie| Desuiption of Proiect A, &l'leXcS The fol'lowing information is requirerl fot' submittal by the applicant to the Desigi Review Board before a final approval can be given' Siqn submittal fee is $20.00. ,t A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Comments !l4T!&rALS sUuull'Trp l.lIT|l[tJi.IC'ATIqi{ 1. Si te Pl an 2. Drarvi rrgs sfiowilrl c-xact I ocation 3. lirotooi'aplrs slroivirrg lrropo:cd loci-[ion -- 4. Actuai si gn 5 . Col ot'crl :;ca t c-ifii*rTilg __6. Plro[.otyrirlrlr of s ign Sigri irrii;r ri is rr:Jtcrr-_* Applovr:rl fol' flltll Srrlrrrrittal Di i,;rpprot,crl ior tlllli Srrlrrnil t,il---' (. i,,rr A'!r:ri;r i'; I t,t l.(ll'