HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 2 LEGALC{I lr-rftY oEl,ELroPt€t{f Design teview toard ACTION FORM Department of Community Developraent 75 South Frontage Road, Vril. Colorado 81657 tel2 979.479.2135 fafi 970"'+79.2,152 web: www.vailgov.com ProjectName: ROARKRESIDENCE Project Description: Participants: FINAL APPROVAL FOR ADDMON OF GRFA (UVING ROOM) DRB Number: DRB070106 03 | 26 I Z0O7 Phone: 97 0-926-2622 03 | 26 | 2007 Phonet 97 O-926-2622 owNER ROARK, GREGORYA. &EUZABET03/2612007 POB 210 WOLFEBORO NH 03894 APPUCANT RKD ARCHITECTS PO BOX 5055 EDWARDS co 81532 License: C000001770 ARCHITECT RKD ARCHTECTS Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion Byr Second By: Vote: Conditions: PO BOX s055 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001770 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1873 UONSRIDGE LOOP LoE 2-B Block 3 Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION 2103-122-0203-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProval= O4lO2l2OO7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building' Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approral, unless a building permit is issued and aonstrudlon is ommenced and is dlllgently pursued bward cornpledon. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Tovn after the effecttue date of Ordinane 26, Serles 2006 shall be subject to the pendlng employee housirg reguhUons in whatever form they are f,nally adopEd; prwkled, horverrcr, that lf the Town fails to adopt the pendlng employee houslng reguhtions by April L5,2W7, thls Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment appllcations. BillGibson DRB Fee Paid: $30O.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbal Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. LocationoftheProposal: Lot: / ebck: 1 suoaiuisiont Lionsa'lt$t Fi(tvt 3. PhysicatAddress: ''73 ()onrn'd,f | ,of . T ParGe|No.:2Io^|Dmag|eCo'Assessorat970-32B-8640forparce|no') Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: [J Signs ! Conceptual Review !7 New Construction d nddition ! Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) ! Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Additions-Residential or Commercial x -n 7 \ry 0. \, o \o a phOne: ,tto- zbLL rax: (1?tt\lzb-'18)a $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallq etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Description of the Req lto , tunlkboro A/+ 03 Owner(s) Signature(s): \ 7-olo F*;ff"'FE't' *,u.r*.,%s ey, l'lan 20 O7 12: 25p rKLr't .cJI . Hrr l9 07 le:llp FFD< t 0.:3E:17531243 JOI'IT PROruR'Y OWIIER WnTTEil APPRO\IAI U'T€R t1pr. 79 M?11 r 15ff4 P2 t0. c a lo|n: owner of F€perty tocatcd at 1gZ3_W r, (Farnamel@_l- Fa[iers i8-l 3 L6..-'t R.',*. Loo, aswrittenaeprovaro*Eprins"* ?ffiffi':ilt Tqvn ofvdl carrnunily DernlopmdDt DepBE Err br the pnopescd imgrgverncot b be cornpte*d at ui€ addr€s6 noEd above. t lnderstroj that the prcpsed t.nproeerrEnts indudc:As shcsn on Uactrcd plsn Addi0or|.It pfa.se drcd. tf|G ,tf[nc|rt h.bE wlrHr b mort .FptisrHt to vou: IutMdaf nxincr atffirad&b mrl E,rB& @ (E glxv oter tc outg of ilE rETbw,ro<rsg, b pnfrarre uih tle TowrrS arylpape rc aoa ryuamti, -' D l rq,Je VEf dl twlfiattort, riturtdf@wt<t, r/.rt tue flE& b Wy'ila ou*t E Laar* olahe EEI,W;!h*r"rtEmyErtentbob,wqpn"irrnroauortewrowtb{aEuntutgbrrgtfurtEt ilrlt"tE;) e\Gt4Fonl,n*.b,**"*"r,0_-#_1fffi ' * ",-'##' rl 1V23tro06 p.1 dr aEzrne Or(lcr Nutrther: 04035158-c5 SC}IEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lor, 2B, I,ION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FII.INC NO. 3, A RESUSDIVISTON OF LOT 2, BLocK 3, 4ccordLng co the recorded Plac ther€of recorded oclober 15' 1996 in Book 708 aE Page 523 aE RecePtLon No- 504504. couNlrY oF E"[GX.E STATE oF COLORA'DO ' ALTA OIIT.IER'S POLICY SCIIEDULE B Order Nutnber: 04035158-c5 Policv No. : o- 9758 - x55 g9l T5is policy does not insure agaurst loss or damage (and the Company will nor pay costs' attofneys' fees or expcnses) wl, ich arise bY rea.son of; | . Righrs or clainrs ot'parties in possession, not .shown by the public recotds, l. Easentetrts. r'rr clainrs of ei\sctnents' not.sh(rwn by rhe public reaords' 3 Discreparrcie.s, conf'licrs in hounclary lincs, .sbortage in area._ encroaclmcnts' and any facts which a corrcct . survey and inspecrion ot'ttre preuri.l* *ouid di.sclo,-se ancl whiclr are not shown hy the public records' 4, Arry tien. c)r righr ro a lien, for services. labor or marerial her:etofore or hercafier furnished, imposed by law and tror shown by the public record.s. 5. IJ nparenred mining clailrst re.qcrvarions or exccptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rigl'lts, claims or tirte to waler, 5. any and all unpaid laxas and adBeEEDentE and aqy unredeerned ttx EEle€' T.TheeffeccofincluE{onsinanygeneralorepecificwet€rconEetvancy'fire protecElon, soil consarvaEion oE other di€trLct' or incluslon irr aay trateE gerwice or SEreet fuq)rovolrent area' e. ReEerwrelonE anat exceptlone in PaE€nts, or AclG aulhor{ztDg the igguance thereof, including rightE of, way for ditcheE and canalB conEcrucled und€r th€ auchoriEy of Ehe united star.6E and bhe raservation of the right of PaoPriecor of a veln or lode co €xbract and retrrove hie ore bherefrom ehould lhe same be Eound to Penetrate or inteseect the Premige€ eE reeerued i'n tlnited Stete6 Patcnt recorded August 15, l'909 Ln Book 48 et ?rge 54?' 9. RestricE.iwe Covenangt Eor L,ion'E Rldge Sr:bdivieion recorded septenber 20' L972 in Book 225 at Page 443, and inetrrr-"ta """o=ded septenbec 29, L972 Lt book 225 at FaEe 565, and the smendrnenE recorded in Book 2!3 aE Page 53, and in Eook 362 at Page 804. 1-0. A1l tnaCE€ra aE ehor*rr on tlre plat of, Lion'E Ridge subdigieion, Filing No' 2 rnd Lion'e Rldg€ FilinE No- 3- NOIE: qtrLtclaixr Deed from Publie Serwiqe company qf colorado Eo summi c Plnes, LLc, conveyed thet cerlain 15-foot vrl'de utilitY eaEera€n! ad.j oining clre northerly property llne of I'oe 27 ' Lj.er.' a n'3-dge 6rlJcdlw:l s l'oa Fl-lingNo.3.saiddeedreco=d.edFebluary4'199?LnBqokTLT9tPege900aB Rec€Pciorr No' 6L3874. 11. AgreeDenb between Tayqel Env{ronnenlar Lrhd company aDd' llounEal-n staceB Tel.ephoneaBdTelegraPhcoN'any,providingtoftel€phone{nst,allall'oBend E€rvice throughour lJlon,e nidge subdiwieion, Flling No. 2' recordedl Sepcgnbor 27' !973 in Eook 237 al Page 291' contiEued oo ne*t page continuabion of schodule B - Ar,TA gtrner'€ ?o1icy Pol-icy Number! o-9769-155891 1,2.A11matEer€asshorYnant}:'ep]'atinBookToEatPage52SaERecePEl.oBNo. 604504, 13- rarEy WalL Agreemen!, covenarrts, condlt{one and RegervaEiong recorded october 15, 1996 in Book '708 at Page 524 as Reception No' 604505 ' 14. A11 mal'ters ae ehou'n on the trrBprovemcnt Location CcrtificaEe dats€d Dec6$ber 10' 2OO4 by LeLand l,echner- 15. A D€€d of TrusE dat.ed DeceDb et 11 ,2004, executed by Gregory A- Roark and BlizabeLh E. Roark, to Eh€ Public Trutte€ oE Ea91€ Coqaty' to a'cure an indebEednesa of $x.,031,250.00, in favor of cherry cre€k MortEage co' Inc' recordad in Ehe office o! the Eeglo county colorado clerk and RecordeB' E7/LElL335 L3:48 I370E45B49ra 2101 We$t vale Avenue, No. 60l Aenverc? 8OZZ7 303-986-66s8 R. J. lrish Consultlng Engineering Geologist, lnc. July 7, 1995 trAGg Ei Tht-Dle=lvlr. William Sa rgis Southwest Partn€rs P. O. Box 1083. Edwards, CO 8163? Re: Engineeling Geologic Hazards -Study, Lot 2, Block 3, Filing 3 ( | 973 Lion's Ridge Loop)' Vail, Colorado. Job No. 368(126) Dear Mr. Sargrs: As requested, I returned to Vail, Coloradc,, today' july 7' | 99-q' to review geologic conditions pertinent to Lot z of Block 3, Filing 3, of the Lion's Ridge Subdivision' end to re' assess those conditisns in the light of the geology-related hazards some of those conditions rnay pose to the construqtion of the 3-level cluplex residence planned for congtruction on this site' The lot, sited on the northern slope of the Gore Creek r/alley, is about 350 feet long, measured upslope frgm Lion's Ridge Loop, and about t 50 feet wide. The building, I understand, is to be built adjacent to this road. The backwail cut of the site exgavatton planned to provide a level building site of about 30O0 square feet is expected to be about Z? teel high meximuln As noted in my eertier rgpgrts on thig property and neighboring lots, geologic conditiotrg appear to be benign, except for a potentral rock fall hazard- The property is not in a debris flow zone; geologic conditions do rrot favor lanrJgliding, arrd no landslides v/ere observed on the prop€rty or uphill f rom it; no avalanche chuteg cross the property; and the lot is well above the f loodplain of Gore Creek The rockfall hazard is inposed by 3 long bluffs of outcropping sancaton€ and shale lying at about El, 8340 feet, 84OO feet ?nd 8450 feet, and by large and srrsll blocks of sandstone that have falten from those bluffs and travetled down the slope 50 to 1 50 feet. The tallest of the bluf fs (the middle one) is about 30 feet high; the other Z are less than l0 feet high' Since 1979 lhgse bluffs have bgs repqqteclly re-examined (by me). and the rockfall hazard imposed A7 / LO! 1.395 13:46 i:176S458498 DILL :,A'<LII J hy those outcroFrs has begn repeetedly asscssed to be low. lrnportantly, I have Seen no evidence of rockfall actrvity ,luring that 16 year period, Moregver, the outcrops have been scaled of loose rock twice since I979. The blocks of sandstone strewn about'the mcuntainside upsloPe from Lot ? are partly buried in the colluvial soils and are universally lichen-covered. Those two facts urge the conclusion that the boulders were detaehed from the outcrops upslope a long time ago' possibly near the ehd of the lce-Age sorre 8000 /ears orso ago. They a ppear to be very well stabilized in place and are unlikely to move again for rnany hundreds of years. So long as the constructjon of the ptanned dwellirrg does not materially chang€ the existtng ground conditions, thus the stebilit;'ol the exrsttng soils and,zor bedrock at tnis site, slope stability should not be impairecJ. As an excavation rryith a backslope cut on the arder gf ZZ f€et is Frlanned, however. it should be designed b;r a geotechnical engineer to mitlmize the risk of cut- slo pe instability. Otherwise, the cc'nstruction as planlred should not Increase the hazard tg other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streeis, right'of'ways, easements, utilities' or facrlities. I hope thBse evaluations and conclusions will be of sorn€ service to you. lf you have any questions, please call. Yours tru iy, F,ftfu'A#' Robt. Jarnes lrish Consulting [ngineqrrng Geologist PAGE E? |t,v,\l R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Zone Check Lot L Block oate: 4/2f6-7 Legal description: Address tb73 ttd,q- Loo Owner kocuL Phone Phone Architect RKD Zone district Lot size Proposed use Buildable area Allowed Existinq Prooosed .tr{ 6 Total Remaininq Tratl 2,rt/ r37 2,38/ t vp - 7r7tt 3.6b? + 14 = .z.tot (,Ztl Minimum (30) (33) Front Sides Rear 27,t$ 3'/ 6', 20' 15' 1s', .l'l, lul r1,$f <33' ur-tq e,Xttfr? 2t5' --4t #./ 3,?to ,l* Reouired 5+3 86 % Proposed Slope no &1P o/o Yes anrB#,? No 1) Percent Slope (< > 3O%) 2) Floodplain 4A 3) Wetlands ^y'l{4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) /d^5) Geologic Hazards tzi Previous conditions of approval (check property file): ^tltl Yes cax{+? No a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Total GRFA 46a_r lW + 11fr* rB>- : ?, -o{ 6t Lo1 Primary GRFA -FatHeru) = _ ,tlA 4ttg secondary GRFA .{{€f,H€fgr)=- T W *@ Doe Site Coverage Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway L0?r (3oo)(600) (eoo)rzdo Permitted Slope Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/o) Environ mental/Hazards ls the Property non-conforming? Describe:il|ft Design Review Checklist Project: tr SURVEY tr S]TE PLAN Scale Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Setback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Eaves / Overhangs (4") Decks / Balconies Garage connection Site Grade / Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking / Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access tr BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale D FLOORPLANS tr LANDSCAPE PLAN tr MISCELLANEOUS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl/ Attic Space EHU Color / Materials Roof Pitch Existing trees Proposed trees Condo Approval Title report (A&B) Utility verification form Photos of site Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun / Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridbrs Variances Plat restrictions 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Connnuniry Deve lopment \ I -) i.,, fl -)t''''' \. !,, ' ., r - i.;,'/ '{ t'D' i, I l', JILY 22, 7994 Gary Chief GM/ rr nuilding official xc: File Tom Moorhead' AttY .1 -)( '1 I "t .J ;^ 1,1"1 01\ Ned HarleY P.O. Box 4577 vai1, CO 8l-658 Re: Building Permit No. 6292 1873 Lionsridge lroop, LoL 2' Btock 3' Lionsridge 3rd Filing Dear 1"1r. HarIeY, on AugusE.3L, 1993, the Town of Vai-I approv-ed-the above nentioned permit on your behalf . Per Sec' 303 (-dl of the 1991 U'B'C' your permilhasexceededLhel80dayq'"""'periodforcommencingwork. Therefore, the pi"" "t."t fee-$i,230'b0 is due and payable upon receipL of this letEer. rfyourintenLisEoconstrucLthisresidence,YoUwillneedto furnish a leELer requesEing an extension of your building permic and pay in fu1l ioi tir" p6rmit ' -Th; pran check fee is due and payable to the cotn teguidless of wheiher or not you inLend to construct Lhis home. o UJ F z z o J r CO z 2 E F I z o 4 z clrtF r< qr, tl I I I I I H< ;J<'l €s-.JX .9;"'Z "..t.q= a uJ t!/ ll- L .f r"r ::: <'t!J llJ U) =I (r ; F o F z o (! E l,/J z =ocE L! ll,l o2 ',. } crv <F Aa YZ @< .! 8li cl .; gEE:$ E.c Ci 3:;E E 3:;.= (! - (g FfcXo € gE:-$ 96S.Ec =Ee;a r.=-EF : OE F-P 35t:9 ,.':i6{i EEF;H ;€li€! q;i 6 3ls'EE E.G AE i o=-o"(!):O-lJ .o=6-9F 5fiE;i :a,'"oo OE ! X(J s c.9 x ^o(!=--:'iaE9€cs:"?=:-o:9d.. i i5 e"E e-.s'F55 E n s g l:3 a O(!=;o =c-=-> H v;Eo9 ^Hi3;Rs Eg:E; E iE$8E 3 c.J O a\ o ca N -a o IJJ o-: z LIJ -)o r-l r-.{.rl = LIJ uJ II ,:;: UJ F F J 9 E uJ z 6 =l (L (_) z I uJ = u,t z o t! o =uJ ;tu z 6 o z a !: ; F UJ cii v't qI -t,.r ll co ll ll pll ell botl -1ll <rl !u F. o o z (l d o ur o ltl uJ z a F E UJ o J z E o o ii ul F ) a d z I z o F tl nl Q] d !! o i z I L z l z o o o o (J t: =r5 z : T IJJ @ : - z tr (J : Y e. 3 ZtL 6z >9 XF a o z (J z o E o o -s I o\ ,l cal F-l ^l >l ol uJl ccl Jl <l >l t!l ol zl ;l 9l b0 .rl -l .-l A] o d ta G I I I .l =.1 ol llJl :l al >l Ll.l ol 3l g ol uJ FI F \T 6l I $ ,'I *l -l q (5l qt <l >l ?l ol FI .r{ ! +J q,) r-t 0, cd r-.1 t tr I tl tl lp. I ttl l.nl lFrl l-rl h0 l cl -i I €91 l.l .{ ol o-{ -lul I:I EJI .g =l 4 r..1 l.l .11 '1 zl E3l ct q rJ-t Fl I I o- c! 6 F lr--l l\ol l..ol LI lxl lol H](Il cl dl 9l ll -ll Hd 981 tq >t J El a r,l-l >l o c! F \T I fl \Ol r^l Nl I I =) tul 1l sl al.l ol zl 3l ol FI .r{ .u .lJ a o ,u rd =E I I I >i olr it ol I o{zl LrJl >l A o OJ rl tt o) >1 q., lr Lll z z .J tr i I I 1 Y J .D F F O G.F z 2 r C) UJ Eir = Oz o . (-) <Q OF -< 2z (.) t >Y ;# :z q-o F u,l =I O E <F- L!<ZE I]J F (nZ & L,IJ z =o ? <,r (\ a L! LU --: o o z E =uj FUJ 6aL o z ze 60 =z O- r.! ."i5 zEz dd= F (I tt o- o uJ z f U)v) 9 (r (! |.;= duJ >(I OL!oo \ lll :>HF a tll c0 cr t- o E o o,! tr E o o o --- E =g. lrJ o-z I F ()f E F o z o () r{it ,i i XJX]XJ ' ' m owN oF vArL ""-f*"*ro* uff - '-'l F pERl'lrr o-a'&' ll'',1" ) owN oF varr., cow.t-nucrro I \--_---.' ,''Iffi,3JUL 2 g tl:i,)eFulrippr,rcrrroN FoRM I I DATE: ! r APPLfCATION l.lUSif-BB--ttLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT l,!,AY NOT BE ACCEPTED |.1 I****************************** PERMIT INFORITIATION *:r * ********************** **** 7l [;]-Building [ ]-Pluubing Job Narne: [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechanical [ ]-Other /'r2 ^ /t Job Addressz / 101'3 ( r|,n'-, rt'&A; (a rP Iegal Description; Lot z alock_L rif ing ? suBprvrsroNt Lr \rr Ortners Name: \Zt) \+qAJ-a-l Address: Architect, *t€Lt €sP ^sasa' ph. L{"L.\3?-\ -^AddressiPo Esr 6c,n . A,coo pn.9't9.6"10 e^LUUBTNG: TIE.:;b.ro MEcnANrcAl,t $E5_effi TorAL: . -_jga,+^ "- -tr, [*******************l******* coNTRAqtoR TNF9RI,1ATJ9N *************************** 'I if EeneraL Contractor: (hrrTph.reo\,-A.ya,-rqrbv Coi^r,hl,.a,l Town of Vail Reg, NO.B-.?-SG-I Phone Nurnber: ha{.,zqsb Ad<trerrs: tBbl urqlr Q-,Du. \pop _ General Description: Work class: fl-New [ ]-Altera tion [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Acconnodation Units: \ {prnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Woodr/Pelletl_v rt''***:l:t**:*:r**!r:r************:t****** VALUATfONS ********************************* r! riurr,prNe : $ 3.{5 coo,oo ELEcTRrcAr,: $ l\.(ds0.€9_ oTHER: !___ Electrical contractor: Au'lur,*^r.'*t. ?.*o*. Tohtn of vail Reg. No. 188'2 Address: lZn Btoyros.r Cfn aru-ertxuovot- Phone Nurnber: {G8:g?tq 2l^5.i\.r.ci{.| Town of Vai-l Reg. r{o. \43-Q Phone Number: Q<f.qCil Plunbing _contractor:Address: Town of Vail Reg. No. l?1.?phone Nunber: 4,.f.qger -- *****rr'***********************-*** FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* 0c Mechani cal Contractor : GtAd+ot$un$uLg_Addressi: . Po go> tsqo en:oplccxo---EiEb- BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I,TECHANTCAT PERMIT FEE: TIECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT AEES BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURS: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTITD TIO:il 1.',t\- / l 75 soulh frcnlegr rord yrll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUR]ECT: oftlce ol communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII EITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIT PUBLIC WORKS/COM}IUNITY DEVELOPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anv person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial, Lncluding trastr dumpsters, portable toileti and workrnen vebicl.es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and_roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-l1y enforcEd by the Town of vail PtPli-" works Department. persons found violating this ordinance Ifrrr be gi.ven a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply wlth the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulfic Works Department will remove said mateiial at the expense of person notif,ied. The provisions of this ordinance snift not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of VaiI Building Department to obtain i copy. firank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and qcknowledged by: I Crl..f*"^- .-') (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 louth troniage .o!d u.ll, colorudo El657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlco of oommunlty dcvclopmcnt BUILDING PER}.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this perryt requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval, Engineer's..(Pgbl ic l,Jorks) reyiew and approval, a Planning' Departnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uilbing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as long as three weells. All commercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, .if lesident'ial or smaller projects impact the various above ment.ioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attenpt wil'l be nade by this departnent to expedite this pennit as s.qon as possible. I,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. M tffiTnTo-Eh'e Coranuni ty Devel opment Department. NaME: HARLEY RESIDENCE n,rf e. Arrorrsf 10. l-993 r].^.^,,^an/'.\.'. P? M1 vvu ul,srrel 'f\zno nf f-.)n q, | . \/-N rl I,e v! 'I'OWn OI Val--L , \ q/\ttr r! k r/\Y,\r a.16 Koao ! r v.rus9e \/ai - f-nl rrradn 9,1651 (303) 479-21-38 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Town of Vail Address: 1873 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Contractor: CANTON CONST. CO. Architect: M. SANNER Engineer: T. BOYLE Pfans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN Sloped glazing (skylights) shall be tempered over laminate glazing as per UBC 3402. Pfastic glazing sha11 be as per UBC 520'7. A curb may be required Aanandi ?1.r rlhr' rr n1 az) n.r m:farial qI rrnc of rnnf clr \rsPsrlsrrrY qvvlr Yf qaf r1v lrLsev! rs4, fl:qhi nrr rrq.prl "frhic nrnianl- r^ri l'l rarrrri rp a eii-e imnrorzcmFnt sr'rr\/tr -*- . -jy. This survey shalL be submitted and staff approved prior to a requesL for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done withouL an approved site improvement survey. Only one wood burning fireplace may be insEalled per dwelling unit within the Town of Vai1. Gas annl i enr.ps r^r'i f h nR" rrcnf s nnl',.r are noc restricted s}/}/f f qrrlu g wlrrLp vrr4J rrnAor |- hi c rarrrr'l r,F i ^- a\-F 1^- -nnaraFttq,e:jU4ULILJIL \.rct - -L\rV o'fJIJq!!rLuJ retrofitted within wood burning chimneys are restricted as such. r' Exterj-or surfaces with stucco sha11 be provided wit.h exterior metal lach as per UBC 4706 with 2 Iayers of r-\Aner Wi ndows and dnnrs arc rerruired to be vuF/v r adequately flashed(not with just screed metaL). A I erh i nsno.r'i on i c rcrrrr i rpd nri nr Stucco application. A11 new consLruction within the Town of Vail- wil-1 be required to have an initial inspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert install-at.ion. This approva-L must be complece prior F^ -ar-r1/ i nqha..l- i nn hr,' i-tro Rrri I di nrr Tlaneri-mant-ev gr r_! This project is restricted from the burning of wood in f ireplaces. Unless the lot j-s a restricted loL i n ci'za i-trraa rrac I nrrq f i ran'l anaq :nd j- hroo rr.a c 9! :Jgg 4v:j9 !+! uu :,qv appliances are permitted per unitr allowed. Gas Iog chimneys enclosures shal1 be one hr. protected. 10 II la IZ t-J I4 t-5 1,6 rn bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilat.ion system connected di rpcF l'r.r fo rhF oul-side shall be orovided. Bathrms vf!vvL+_t which contain only a water closet or lav. may be venti]ated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha1l be j-nsLalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shalL not be concealed withrn construction. Ducts sha11 termj-nate outside the building and not exceed L4' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be drrectly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connection control- devices sha11 be installed r,.\ nr/-\r- 6-.r- rr^1 l rrf i ^n nf nnl- .ah'l a r^rFF '' l-" "-uv r,!ve!ee r/v++se+v^r ,.cLer sup!)'y I)y use of approved backfl-ow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparaLus shall be crrrrrr'l i arl r^r'i i-h :n arrrroq.q, nancl f nr i nsner-t ion anrl |J LrI"/I-/r f s\r yulrvr repair of equipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material-. UMC l-901. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplace flue shalI be protected by a one-hour fire res j-stive consLruction. UBC 1706. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock and f i re-tani ncr "ioi nF-s.!!!v !e!,+1 Gas firenlace annl ian.es artr rtr.nrireO co be vy4svv insfal ,ed as ner IistIncr insi-alIation insCructions -sv !/vr wj-th a "8" vent on1y. Combustion air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vai-l. Qrrrrrr'l rr a rnor.'|.r:n i a.a I drar^ri rrrr indir.-atina rloci nn nf u UP}/ rj system, size (BTU and voLume) of equipment, vent l-ocati-on and termination, and combustion air t.o be crrrrrr'l i a^ nri nr i- /-. --.. l --F- l l -F i ^.*J any J.nstrarratrl.on. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize fLow restriction devices, Al-so, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f ]ush. 17 18 19 20 21- 22 The enclosed usable space under Ehe stairs 1s required to be protected by thr fire-resistive consEruction. -- 3306. (1) AE eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. T\^Io layers of f elt solid mopped to sheaEhi-ng and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . Any building site with a slope qreater than 30 degrees shatl require engineer designed drawings 'Avalanche areas sha11 require such engineered drawings also. Drainage and structural i-ntegrity shall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this projecE's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage t.o areas below finished grade. UBC L707(d) . The structure is reguired to be anchored to the foundataion wit.h t/2 inch anchor bol-ts. The bol-ts must, be into Ehe concreEe or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feeE apart. See code for addiEional requirements. -- Sec . 2907 . (f) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. Town of VaiL 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 84657 (303 ) 479-2]-38 Plan analysis based on the l-991 Uniform Building Code onffiiipr, Address: 1873 LTONSRIDGE LOOP Cont.ractor: CANTON CONST. CO. Architect: M. SANNER Engineer: T. BoYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a compl-ete in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to AREA MIN.LIGHT M]N.VENT NO.EXTTS EGRESS Name: HARLEY RESIDENCE nat-a. Arrrrrrsl- 10. 1993 Occupancy: R3,M1 T\rpe of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items list.ed in this report 1.i-L.r-- ^E ^1r rns,s.i hle r.orjc rF.ruirements !!DLJ-rrv \r! ctrr p\JlflfrrJf \- vvue reyr selected sections of the code. NAME 3 LofL 2 Master bedroom 2 MasEer bath 2 Bath room#2 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room#3 2 Bedroom #3 2 Laundry room Z UIIlCE ? If.al lc rrl ncarc 6r.! TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 T ;...i r rJr v J-rrv J- \.r\Jrrr 1 T'\.i n i f ef rrtrlY ! \JvrL.'1 E'ami I rr rnnm 1 Kitchen 1 Furnace room 1 Bath room#1 1 office L Bedroom #1 1 Solarium 1 Bath room#2 1 T{-r'l 1c nl^car TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Garage TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL '1 '1 A 351 173 40 203 4Z ro / 38 I4Q 588 31_0 J-Ol- 249 300 40 L2Q 72 2L2 o/ 2T 6L I 2369 /l-o 7t6 4285 11 .40 35.10 0.00 0.00 20.30 0.00 L6.70 0.00 14.00 0.00 31.00 l_6.10 z+. >u ?n nn 0.00 0.00 10.00 )1 )n 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .'7 0 .55 6q .00 .15 .10 .35 .90 .00 .00 .50 .0s 4q .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .00 .50 .00 No YeS No No YeS No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 1,7 8 .) 10 ) 8 l_ 1 0 15 8 11 15 0 6 5 10 5 I 0 1 1 t 1 1 1, l_ 1 1 t_ 1 I t_ 1 1 1 t_ 1 1 1 1 l- 1 1 1 2 0.00 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door E.haE opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. I2Q4. 1 2 3 The mi-nrmum clear heighL is 24 rnches The mi-ni-mum cl-ear width is 20 inches The minj-mum clear area is 5.7 square feet The maximum sil-l heiqht is 44 inches 2l The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellrngs) 3 ) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on sec. rzu4. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habrtable space shall have a ceiling height of noL less than 7 feec 6 j-nches. Kitchens, hal1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceilrng height of 7 feet measured Lo the l-owest. projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum herght is required in only I/2 of Ehe area. --Sec. ].207 . (a) Er/en,' dr^rc] I i ncr rrnit sha11 have at least one room which has not less than 120 u v vrl' uvref f f ..:J s square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not fess than 70 square feet. -- Sec . 1-207 . (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet. in any dimension. -- Sec. 7207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous focations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazrng in ingress and eqress doors except jalousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemb.lies and nancl q i n sr^ri nrri nrr rlnnrq nf her than warCirObe dOOrS.lJqrlvf r rrr !vY+arYrl 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4J Glazrng in aII unframed swingi.ng doors. 5) Glazing in doors and encl-osures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gfazing in any portion of a building wal1 enclosing these compartments where the bottrom exposed edge of the glazing is fess than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain j-nlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Lo a door where the nearest exposed edqe of the qlazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edgre of th6 door in i closei position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) GJ-azing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the foJ-lowing conditions :A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet..B, Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the rrl.ano nf tho r:'1 a.zir,rt B) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are structura] baluster oanels and nonstructural in-fi11 panels. See exceptions. SFIOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : 7r amnLa Aal- aaFa-i c rarlrri rod nn f ha r.oi I i nrr nr r^ral I al- e nni nF ceniral lv l1 JJ.tl\Jr\g \.al:Ll:uL\r! -LD r g\4Lrr!s\r \Jf I \-lrE \,Errrrrv qu s vvrrr J . located j-n the corridor or area giving access to each sfeeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke deLector is required on the ceiling or walL in each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4. A smoke deLector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector l-s required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. Tf i-he rrnner 'lerzel .^ni-ei ns. c,'l ecninrr rnnmf q) e smgftg deteCtOr iS required st/ye! v^vvy+..Y in the ceiling of t.he upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and eh:l l hp errtt i nncd r^ri f h a haf itrr-\' l-raalrrrrr -- (an 1210, (a) 3.ve e\4qr}/}/ s lseevlf Detectors sha1l sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwe]Il-ng in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. STOVE REQUIREMENTS:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2) Clearances and hearch size must be per manufactrures approval. -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chi mnew heiohf mrrql- krp ner manrrf^r'f rrrpr's ;nnroval and TabIe 37-B rref Yrre yv! rrlsrlsls " *^r'l/ OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Rci-rnrcen fhe oararre ,and Fhc -esi de-rnp m,af prielq ann-nrred for ihr fire urrs Ys-svs: , rrLquullsls qyyrv construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and Lhe residence are to be a self-closj-ng 1- 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS:A sra irwarz in a dr^rclIincr must he at leaSE 36 i-nches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b)ar euqf rvrsl The maximum rj-se of a step is B inches and the minj-mum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handraif on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above t.he nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 i-nches. -- Sec. 1'7t2. (a) exc. +1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- B inches, -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usabl-e space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (t) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dunbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectionaf area of not more than 9 square feet may lrned on the inside with not l-ess than 26 gage galvanized sheet. metal w:-th all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shaLf be protected by not l-ess than a self-cl-osing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent . -- Sec . 1706 . (f )2l Gas ventrs and noncombustible piping inscafled in wal1s passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 1) Shaff s for .r^s \/enf s. f ar-f orrr-l-rr li lt r.h i mnprrs ninino nr drrr.l- s' l-hat do not ext.end through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1-706. (c) I 4t A11 other shafEs are requj-red to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitEed and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crawl- spaces within the Town of Vail are limit.ed to a earth to structural floor ceiling heiqht of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBc 2516(c)6 with minimurn access as per UBc 251-6(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a s]-ope of 30 degrees or more shal1 requi-re an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shaIl not be permitted without prior approval. Address numbers sha1l be posted plainly visible and legibfe from the street . For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage fl-oor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & SaniEaLion DisErict. In garages with livinq area above, Ehe walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha1l be protected with one hour fire resistive consEruction. UBC 503(B) . - Bui tding---) P Lan Chcck---> lnvestigation> tlitL Ca L t----> TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8/479-2139 Job Address: 1873 LIoNs RIDGE FAX7TO-479-2452 Location...: SAME Parcel No.. : 2lO3-L22-02-020 Project No. : PRJ95-0134 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: FALLIER DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT co 81632 co 81632 Nurnber Factor 93.48 27,60 Subtotal Total Town of VaiI Adjusted JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 89 5-0 216 Permit Department of Community Development Phone: 97 O-845-9124 Phone: 9'10-845-9124 LP Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 07/L8/7995 Issued...: 08/28/!995 Expires. . : 02/24/1996 APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.O. BOX 1083, EDWARDS, CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.O. BOX 1083, EDWARDS, OWNER I{ARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577 , VArL CO 81,658 Description : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Type Dwellings Zone 2 V-N Private Garages Zone 2 V-N Masonry of Dwelling Sq. Feet 2 r720 507 3,227 Units: 002 Valuati-on 254 t265 .60 t3 t993.20 268,258,80 268,258.80 268,258 .800 .00 3,523.45 > 3,523.15 Table Dare: 06/ZO/1995 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: Y Valuation: Valuation: td**ffi *ffiffi**rrffiffir**ffi*#ffi****ffi*i FEE SutilllARy dof Gas Logs:,of Uood/Pat Let: TotatCatcutatedFees---) 3,523-15 #Of Gas AppLiances:2 I ,416. 00 9?O.40 .00 3.00 Regtuarant Ptan RevieH--> DRB F Recreation Fee---------> C Iean-Up Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES----- BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT CHUCK Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT RANDY RANDY RANDY .00 200.00 4U.05 500.00 3,523 .45 AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Payments Action: APPR see conditions Action: CANC see holds Action: APPR see conditions-release BALANCE OUE--_ Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Divisronr Dept: PUB I{ORK Division: .00 tt#r#r**ffiffi*ffiitffi*tffi,r*****MffM**t*ff**,r*****fi*****ff*****ffitit,r*ffi**ti*##ffi(#* Item:05100 o7 /26 /Lee5 .Item:05400 08 /2L / Lees 08/2r/Lees 08/24/tees Item: 05600 Item: 05500 08/L8/rees FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: APPR *,ffi*ffiffiffiffi*****ffiffiffi***trct**t#ffi*****rt*ffi*ff**ff*ffi*i.*ff**ffi(ffi(****ff********#r**r.ld see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hlreby acknoutcdge that I have read this apptication, fil.ted out in futl, the infornation requi red, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, snd state that att the infornation pfovided as required is correct. t agree to compLy uith thc infornation and pl.ot ptan, to co0tp [y Yith al't Toun ordinances and stat! [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the To]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I'IADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS I't ADVANCE BY TE 479-2138 {Son uo"ud R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF ANO OI.'NER o OF OI,INE S IGNATURE o ILDERS ST BU 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development PAGE 2 **************************ik*************rr*************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08/28/95 Status: fSSUED *******J.*********************************************rt************************** Permit #: 895-0216 Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP SAME 2103-122-02-020 applied; 07 /t8/1,995 Issued: 08/28/L995 *** * * ** ** !k** * * * * * * *** * *** ** * * **** * ** * * * ** ******** * * * r.* * ** * ** ** * * ** ** * ** * ** * * t *** CONDITTONS *** *** * ** t ** * ** * * * *r,** * * * ** * * * *** * ** * * * * * t ***** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * ** *** * * * * * * * * * *t rk** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Please take note: The building must meet the TOV height restriction of 33 max. SeveraL ridges are close to or at the maximum hei-ght. This wilL be carefully checked at ILC submittal prior to framing inspection.all retaining wa1ls in front setback must be 3 feet tall or less. all retaining wa11s elsewhere nust be kept on-site and must be less thin 6 feet taL1. no slopes gieater than 2:l between hralls. walls must have a minimum of 2-4 feet of separation between boulder courses. This will aLso be carefully checked prior to framing inspection. Due to presence of >30t slopes and extensive retaining, the following are required by code: archi-tect stamped p1ans, PE or geotech. eng. stamped retaining wall_ and foundation plan design. The engineered plans rnust incLude a review of the grading and drainage plans shown on the site pJ.an. Roadway in front of project to be kept clean of mud, debris,building equipment and materials, and construction workers vehicles at. all times during construcLion. 2. ? 4. 5. {S r""r"""o r*"r ;€.9 "= E 8 E;: Y.EE;E iiraE 9E F Pi s: Ui 6€ €=;: E I bEI*{j€ 3i;E€??i:EeF f€E:€:c - c.- > o d om -.= =€E;i:l o >.3 ] o "FH:;!F Eg€AE;tr b 3 a &l: t\ (> \ (rA I c{ \l I I I I I I I I I I I I l*lo lc ol Et (J ett F1l a ztz I ^-l H >rl Fl 14l ,-_l I c.)Ml F-<t co '-l I €_! -t- = =co -a . c c a = o o- F .l TI ?l l'|l sl C 7. = = a- .=-l =ac E ca & i') X t'l }l A B z 5 F-l & Fl ,t ti, () - Lr! -J_ra r r l-- :__j v-.-<>x LJ .' V -zz as< 3iz a\ 2. \-],':- a\ i-z"v It t-'1-.q;i\<t - i-r.l v tstrz Z (r ^.-r-lj *i '-.1 1F<=trlF-az La aQ i <,r :.oi z -- s9S !-z-r-{Y y/)*\z_ i-{i Z.=<-y Z:".,1 -,- \ -.r'. \,_, L- - ^- F!!.r.j ito> J?)\J 2>i] z - -Yv li€=+ 'r i7 '--L . .\ i- = a\\.,-/-\- * r. c( I !zl,:a( t- rr t- J.x* i^:-\--: i< :< -\_t,-- rFt -?O. H k a x.6. FR trn ar tQ .F l+ F -a .fJ d F il-l ff\!-,\/ r--a fr(t -11 re l+\aa LI l- -d *FT F L.t* -,v rF. ta A.tFl rc l-l rP iFf .F)+rf f{A € REF.T I 31 TOhIN OF VAII., COLFRADO F.AGE lE AREA: CF q7/31 /97 07:56 REBUE$TS FOR INSF'ECTION I^,ORK SHEETS FORz 7/31/97 FOR CALLED CONTRACTOR 5/89/96 AND INFORMED T]F THIS o,6/ L4/96 lnepeetor.: CD ACtiON: AF.F.R WEST UNIT ONLY Not es : FI RE BLOCKING REG' D ON lllALLS OVER lEr' ACCEBS RHQ' D FOR HOT TIJB ADD FACKOUTS I^IHERE DESIGNATED TN FIELD Item : OGAEA BLDG-Insr.rIat ion @7/L9/56 Inrpectot': EE Action: AFFR Ag/L6/96 Inspector': El3 Action: AFF'R A9/le/56 Inrpector: [F Ac:tion: [:'A Item: AA060 BLDG-Sheetr"ock NaiI A7/ltl96 Inrpector.: CF Action: AF'FIR Notes: BATH NUT DtrNE! REGIUIRES 5/A X UNDER lh/14/96 Inspector: EG Action: AtrFR Item r AAATA BLDG-ttlisc. lg/ 1.4/93 Intpeetot': CD Aet i on: RFFR 6e/Aq/96 Inapector: trD Action: AFFR Notes: FLEASE SUBMIT ENG. OF RECORD LETTER BAtrKFILL U3/ge/96 Inrpector'; CF f,ction: fiFFR A3/97/99 In;pector': EG ffction; AFFR ft5/lg/96 Inepector: CF flction: NO - Notes!'COURTESY FRAMING WALKTHRU ONLY A3/etl95 Inspector': DS Action: AtrFrR '-r Notes: NEED ROCK I'IBOL IN trARTY WRLL IN LEIU It em: lAqtla90 SLD6-Fina1 te/n4/96 Intpector': CF Action: AtrFR Notes i FUR IN I^IASTE pIFE IN BARAEE f,Elt. INE 4". SEtrERATION AA/Ae/96 Inrpector.: CF la8/lJ196 Inspeetor.: CD EXTERIOR HANDRAIL TOT]LsI MATERIALS Item: OO533 trLAN-TEMP. C/O 0L/:E?t/97 Intpector: D$Item: O853ft BLDG-Temp. C/0 IA/L4/SA Intpector': DS Notes: 3 HANDRAILS RE0UIRED ltUO3/96 Inspector: LF' Iten: S'053P F,II-TEMP, C/O LL/le/96 Inopector: LF' Item: OUl537 F'LAN-FINAL C,/O Item: Oret539 FW-FINAL C/0 Item :,lala540 BLDG-Final C./0 Qct ion: AF'CR AF'FROUEDICDRRECTION REBD Action: N0 ENG LETTER PRIMARY RECEU API.,ROUED RPF.ROVT:D west side qar'age DOE5 NOT INCLUDE GARNGE STAI R5 RF'F,RNVED I^IE.ATHERPROOF FOUNDAT ION BACRFILI- INSF,ECTION INSF,ECTION REF.ORT FOR DRNFT STOF' BETWEEN WALLS FARTY I,'IALL INSF.EDTION NOTIFIED AF.PROVED I]F I" AIR sF.ACE EAST UNIT TO COmpLETE 0CCUpANCY Actisn: Act i on: ACt i ON : AF,F,R APPROVED Action: AFtrR RPFR0VED BEIN6 INSTALLEI I MUsr BE REFrovE{ 0? b \-?\-\> rGtenrqLs rN FRtrNr cbr4bbf " Wlll:T-/q7 Inrpect--drri Cf y Rc{ i on: AFFR ERST LINIT Notes: INTERS€ff T DOES NOT HAVE TO BE REINSF'ECTED Item: 005lzr3 Fl.J-Fifral drivFa.y qrade 6we RETJT I.J 1 fr7 / 3r /97 Activityr 895-tZtEl6 7/3I/97 Address r 187-i LIONS RIDGE L-l:' Locat i on: $AME i F,ar.ce1 : ;:1r?f,-1fle-0E-tAe0 \ Descri pt i on: NEt.l DL,FI-EX Aprpl irant r SOI-|THt^IEST BUILDER$ Owner": HflRl-EY NED R N D Contr.act or" : SOUTHT^IEST BUILDEfISi F,nGE. 1 1 tlREFl: trF == ====::= =::Type: B-BIJILD Sbatr-rs r IS$UED Constr': NDIJF TnNN OF VAILr [UL-trRFlDt) O7:Ffr,1I':GtJESTS FnR INSFECTION HURK S|{EETli FnRt 7/isl./97 L..LC LLC Occ: IZ1OO7 Use: V N F'hone : 97tZt-Fj45-9 ILi4 Fhtrne ! Fhone I 97rZr-S45-9 lr:4 Inspect i on Request Informat ion. . . . Req Time: OB:OO,CornfE It e ms -p'Fflrg9f,gs..d5"u" r.t a BLDG*FinaI C/ ted,,. Act i on Conments AroA _10 _ - _ -: _ _ _ _ _ _ _:: -__: --_ --_-- _ __ _l_ :1::: _ :.: -- * :-r:: -- : -::- :; :; - a;-.----1---- -----r 0d v'vwryg Inspec.tion History,.... ,, U Item: OUt5lO dr'iveway qr-ade final | - | U // 1:/01/95 Insoector': Ltr Action: AFFR Fhl-Drive by ItrE Reouestor': RON WILL E F,h or.r e : JgrZt_,JAg3 RIOR F,AS$ED AL.RHADY,/F"XTF.RIOR ONLY Ti me FJxp Item : rZtOUllft BLDG-Foot ings/5teel 7A/e3/93 Insrrectot': CD Act i on: DN FRCIZEN SUFGRADE Notes: ttlUD AND FROZEN MATERIAL lf,] FOOTING SUBGRADE MUST RF:CI-It-Y CALL FOR REINSF'FCTION BLANKETS MU$T BE ON SITE TO PROTECT FROM F:REE:ZIN6 ' SIJBMIT REVISED DRAHIN6S FOR ISUILDiNG DEF'T. REViEI^l IA/27 l9= Inspector: tlD Act i orr : AF F'R flF'F'ROVEI) Notes: STJBMIT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER' S REFORT DOI',ICERNING F{DCr,, OUTCROF.F,ING IN FOOTING OT SOI]1 FII^JES"T CORI']ER CLERN REBAR OF MIJD F,UNLIC I^,ORKs MUST Dtr ACCFSS AND DRF1INA6T INSF'EC] ION BEFOR FOUNDATION INSPECTION A4/il3,/96 Inspeetor': []D Action: AFFR N[]RTH[^,EST CIIRNE:R FflCITING Notes: COMFACT SIJBGRADE T0 FROFER DF-NSITY DR REMOUF- I-OOSE MRTERI AND FILL I^JITI-I CONCRFTE PROTECT CONCRETE FRT]M FREEZ IN6 Actionr AFFR A6/lft /96 Inspector.: CF Notes: FIERS FOR WESI- DHf,K A7/@1/96 Inspector': EG $7/$9/SA Inspector': f,F Notes: ADD STFEL FER F'LAN, A7/IA/96 Inspector: EF Item : OOtZtI:tZt BLD6-For-rndat ion/5teel 1g/ra1l95 Inspect on: CD Notes: TIE ALL LOOSF: Bf:lR$ IN SUBMIT DETAIL SHOIi'INTi SUBMIT 5TftMF.ED LETTER \e/L4/93 Insnector.: CD Item; tAraS=rA F,L-AN*ILD Site F,lan $6/ L4/96 Inspectot': l-AURI|N Itern : taaraJra FLDG-FI.aming 45,/;ic),/96 Inspector": CD Notes: II-.C NOT AF'F.ROVED Artion: AFFR IL.tl agrgit" we:ib side only HEI}T UN I-T Action: AF'[-,R sor-rtir sicle pi"imar"y only Actlon: DN DECK F0OTERS CHANBE *fzr FFIR TO *fl BRR Act i on : AF'F R DECK F00'l'I NES Action: flF'CR AF'FR0VED/CORfIF-CTION RE:0D FORI'IS. MOVE TOF BAf'l$ FOR I.:L-EAIiANCE CHANGE nN NORTHT^IEST I-:UFINER $I.{ONIN6 INTJF.ECTINN FRNM S'TRUC" ENTJ. Act i on : AF FR ENfi. LIl"f TER ] S RE C[. I UED Action: DN CANCELL,E:D BE, PICKEN UF' AND T-,AIt)FIELD $ET TJF RTVI$HD DRAhIINGIJ MLJS1 Bui td i ng-----> Plan check---> Investi gat i on> t{i tt catl,---> THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECB TITLE: FALL]ER DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/STDUP) PERMTT 1873 LIONS RIDGE SAME 2r03-1,22-02-020 PRJ9 5 -013 4 co 81632 co 81632 Department of C ommunity Deve lopme nt JOBSITE AT ALL Permit #: LP Status. . . applied..Issued... Expires.. TIMES 895-0216 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.o. BOX L083, EDWARDS, CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.O. BOX 1083, EDWARDS, OWNER ISSUED 07 /18/tees o8 /2A /ree5 02 /24 /tee6 Phonez 970-845-9124 Phonez 970-845-9124 HARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577, VArr, CO 81658 *ffi*ffi*ffi***##*ffi*ffi FEE SUl, iARy Description sNEW DUPLEX Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Table Date: O6/20/L99s F i replace Infonnation: Restricted: Y Number of Dwelling Type Factor Sq. Feet Zone 2 v-N 93.48 2,720 Zone 2 V-N Masonry 2'7,60 507 Subtotal: 3,227 TotaL Val-uation: Town of Vail Adiusted Va.Luation: #0f Gas Apptiances: 2 #0f Gas Logs: Restuafant P lan Revi eu-->Total Ca lcu lated Fees---) 3,523.15 Additional Fees---------> Totat Permit fee-------->Recreation Fee----------> c Iean-Up Depos'i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHUCK Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT Units: 002 Valuation 254,265.60 13, 993 .20 268,258.80 268 ,258.80 268,258.800 #0f !,ood/PaL tet: 3,5?3.45 3 ,5?3 .45 .00 Division: Divis ion: Divis ion: Divis ion: I ,415.@ 92O.40 .00 5.00 .00 200.00 484.05 500.00 3,523.45 BALANCE DUE---- *ff(tr***'h*ffitffitffiffi*tff*****ffi#fi***********Jr**ffi*ffirr********H**ffi*****:tff*rhtffirHoffi***rt*tHot Item: 05100 07 /26 /Lees Item: 05400 o8/2!/Lee5 o8/2r/Le9s 08/24/Lees Item: 05600 Itern:05500 o8/L8/ree5 AcIion: APPR Action: CANC Acti-on: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE AcIJ.on: APPR Dept: BUILDING Dept! PLANNING see conditions see hoLds see conditions-reLease Dept: I'IRE DepT: PUB WORK RANDY RANDY RANDY ***ffiffiffitrffiffi**ffi*ffi***ffi***f(Sffi******ff***rrt*t***ffi*rr*ffi*trffiffiff*****r******ff* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknontedgc that I have read this appl,ication, fit(ed out in futl, the information required, conpteted an accufate ptot ptan, and state that atl the informetion provided as required is correct. I agree to conpl,y yith thc infornation and ptot pl.an, to GomPty uith €tl' ToHn ordinancls and statc [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approvcd, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ondinances of the Town appt,icabLe REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {g^*"urr*d 479-?13A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIt.ISELF AND OI,INER o OF OI,|NER SIGNATURE 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of C o mmunity D eve lo pme nt PAGE 2 **************r.***************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08/28/95 ********************************************************************************Status: ISSUED Permit #: 895-0216 Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP SAME 2LO3-r22-02-020 Applied: o7 /18/1995 Issued: 08/28/L995 ** * * * * ** * ** * * ****** * t *****L*** * * **** * * * ** ** *** *** *** * * * * * *** *** * * * *** ** * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS **************************ik***************r.************************************* 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. Please take note: The building must meet the TOV height restriction of 33 max.Several ridges are close to or at the maximum height. This wilL be.carefully checked at ILC submittal prior to framing r.nspecEron.all retaining walls in front setback must be 3 feet tall- or less. ai"l retaining walls elsewhere must be kept on-site and must be Less than 6 feet talL. no slopes greater than 2:l between wal]s. walls must have a minimum of 2-4 feet of separation between boulder courses. This will also be carefully checked prior to framing inspection. Due to presence of >30t slopes and extensive retaining, the following are required by code: architect stamped plans, PE or geotech. eng. stamped retaining wal_l and foundation plan design. The engineered plans must include a review of the grading and drainage plans shoron on the site plan. Roadway in front of project to be kept clean of mud, debris,building equipnent and materials, and construction workers vehicLes at all times durinq construction. 3. 4. 5. {P *""'"u"ut" KRI'I COTiSULTAHTS, I HC.9t=7-l (9701 g4g-9391 FAX 949'1577 3e s94 o P.g2 KRM coNsulrANr$tc. F,O, BoX a5?t VAIL. COLORADO 81688 TO: FIELD NEPORT ATTENTIONT /FzEr'-, ,/ C.t*Ae.t-tE PRO.IECT: JOE NUMBER: .,ffut-c.try F -t>uz-F ;# ?ji5b ' 19 "' The following ltems were obssrved to be completed inconectly and slrorld be mrrcc6d before pouring thc foundation wall' - The horizontal steel to b€ plbced at 8' spacing (as indicated on derail3/s7) did not exist in tlre l7 foot high rvall' - Thp 4 foa wide buffiess iatt *as lacling the (2)-full height f,7'8 vcrticel as indicated on detail 3iS7. place an additional #5 r€bar horirontal benroen tte #5's at 16', o.c. wheru rcquired * dle ;_terir; facc of the 17 foor high wlll a$ tndlcarFd on deuils 3/s? ard 3/s8. Placc (z)-tuU height f,/'s vertical at location shown on detail 3/S7' DEPARTT ,r.-ro A WFATHER: uvt#.-caS-i COPY TO: 3€994915?7 P .63 KRi,I CONSULTANTS, INC.o KRM coNsuLTANTs, lnc. F.O. lox 4872 vAlL, coLoRADo 81658 (970ts4$93S1 FAX 84$.1S77 RECORD JOB NUMBER: |gnrr T I MEETING I I RESPONSE t I CLARIFICATION/CHANGE A7 'f +t€ r-clan?od wr/r+::f?6 f+€ to<r-f ltvG P&)rZt+ Aod St+A;t-O4)j Tt+6 FNbaN ' ) tuF.J l9lA.(eE lbv,a.EE PRLa1\ -7o. !A*r-l-s.) !+eoa,,/*t4 F,€ctt7 ON P,,_*Uto4J ,q4i(sb pe'-t"r'rL EEenufif'tu'< p*pr11 ( ot \ lr4 L-l uNt)&- -f^J.-J BEVIEIit'ED: l.lerrPt r'^) GOPY TO: KRI'l CONSULTANTS,I HC. SIEET NO 3Ets94915?? KRIYI gONSULTANTST lFlC. P.O. 8oil 4572 YAIL @LORADO 81658 'J?18loT&Til" cA.ur.r*Fngy :Z-g tt - -t!:!/2 -r cl\> cr(t ggr.V tvrasJ oF €('AC.. o(tsT|F.lrr : F=rrffr[& CD E\" KRH o KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P,O. BOX +672 CONSULTANTS, I NC.59491:577 o EO P.gl (970) 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 8t 658 FAX TO: 1, NAM coM FAX tl n^fE l-Ll o{ lqJ - E- D. PANY {.x.rzr,t t,r.rr-sZ a.-rA.A- 8.t.d- q--'t9c) 2.NAME CrlFfer-ls 4. COMPANY -r aurd- eE r4&tr=-COMPANY FAx@ FAX TRANTMITTAL COMPANY NA 3. pROJECT Fk+ttgr.. t>.-'iLq}: JOB NUMBER F h-au- !2,,,, tt NUMBER OF FAGES (INCLUDTNG THI$ TRANSMITTALI .1 '-.'_- COMMENTS: 'Tt+C rc)LtlJurt^t1" p.t+t-EJ ge,o-*b.) 7Hg E,€i,.r.-'lS'7o Tk€ FIEL.> utlSreeg-tto,J pq<.F<-:tsr<FL tt at't tt/ 2,2- / .rS.A bETAtL /J FLt(^ til (Lut\€h 'TD saLv(E fHE t>r?.:rt-Evt w*6.z-€ ,-td t^z)T/^/4 WllJ Pa+tRaIb, /oo Sl-t4Lc-dw.t. SIGNED a f .\I .\ .-.-i::-- . - _- t .-\J\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE ',,'.JOB NAME CALLER HEADY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FR AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o E-D tr D FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL O FINAL t] APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D HEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR !n;- oz/L a INSPECTION REQUES 479-2138 oor. l, / z?/q{ JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC CALLER TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr D o tr tr tr tr o rl FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULAT.ION SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL FINAL D FINAL ELECTFICAL: El TEIVIP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o E c] ROTJGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DTSAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIR y'LDn<E Sa B lu t 1- + d ? Tr?- Ai Pafu.,pr n a./' ,.\ ^, I I i:" l-.\1./ L.,l { / | I i ! Q 12- L!t.l (' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ! 4l. v INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: II MON iQrll BUILDING: F FOOTTNGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED RECTIONS: DISAPPROVED Ar..lr) T ?o r) f RErNSPEcrroN REeUTRED tlvl f oc-l t r'.1' F:r'7-i F fir'.'1 |( /'lZ ( P { tni 3 Df r'Qd7'-l - ,QLrYtrlkr; r'-- v1a u .-'l B{ a r-r 9 t -TZ- 'r<, - PQu r F.-r ft',-vt^ {-/tf-{ " r tJ 6 'A , l' \ ,z 4 <onte iL) - 't'-'- r tNspEcToR ,:'r- .'-; 1.7,- --1:; , 't N'.,- D IY; lrr rNFoRMAr rffi i- "",*titql ilt'.dh V* ffii'* * * * * * * * * * * t!-euilains rn:-gruyrgi,qg- r llet6ctricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other ***:-, I 7t, N t6\ Job Narne: f*'ffi( Hr ".- .Tolr Artrtra<qr t?'ra | ,--,' A.a^- /^^a. APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COUPLETNT,Y ON TT IT /I ACCEPTED Job Addressz 1373 Lt*lsenjt tep Legal Description: Lot___j alock-_ | Filing Owners Name: Soutn Architect: R KD General Description: Work Class: Xl-rew [ ]-Alteration Number of Dwelling Units: i )ozr'tHrerFSF F-rle:os d.4(Address z P.O. bx nt\ lbtt,ttcs /o pn. Eti- ?t)/ Number of Accommodation Units: I ^ Ilrmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appli.r,""r a cas Logs_ wood/pellet_v /f********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* pn.173. D)j [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other utt | , ec,l rtcl T BUILDING: $ BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: { OTHER: $ BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: TOTAL PERMTT FEEE: BUILDfNG: '.' 1 STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: PLI'MBING PLAN CHECK. FEqi -', MECHANTCAL PI,AN .CFECT Fffi I RECREATION FEE: ,- . ,\ . CLEAN-UP DEPosrr: 2a'\{ trytl'( ELECTRICAL: $ C EAN I'P I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO: *IuTT(T.'FJT Our,fi.J L LC .p-s.gox lot3 Pot^,,+eq1 , 6o. f,g3t - pLttMBrNG: ^l___ ' _. MECHANTCAL: $- TorAL: $--V (V-152fr;/ [********iL]*Y*'d************* coNTRAcroR TNF9RMATT6N ***************************f Eeneral contractot, Sa:rrffu,'eiili;,,i)j--c]a'i.---' Town of Vail ngg. llo.VA:n-Addressz P.Q-. tOtl . ex.-"o5. Co. iltZ> phone Number: :L{:?,c!e Electrical coi{tractoi i, ___Z_GD Town of Vail Reg. NO.Address: phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: fBD Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: _- phone Nurnber: I I Y::llilcal contractor: fAA. Town of Vait Reg. No._I Acloress: _ phone Number: r-- ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* +.--- VALUATION UL 1 fTr-- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? YES t/ NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) l/ /2""/ cui or'/ x 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pg6i0gor fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion Inspector, at 479-2158. t/ t/ t/ t/ read and answered allthe above TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the l99l Uniform Buildins Cods Project Number: PRJ95-0 I 34 Address: 1873 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Planner: Randy S. Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of Const: V-N q*of vril oFFlcF 00p' Department of C ommunity D evelopment Name: FALLIER DUPLEX EAST Date: July 26,1995 Contractor: SOUTHWEST BUILDERS Architect: RKD Engincer: K. MCCEE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not' intended to be a complete listinq of all possible code requirements in the 199L UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 2 Bedroom #3 2 HaIl6, closets. etc, TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Living/Dininq room I Kitchen 1 HaIl s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Bedroom #1 B Bedroom #2 B Furnace room B Garage B Halls, closels, etc. TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR BUITDING TOTAL z5z z5.zu l-) / -L). /u 4r.5 0. 00 804 320 32. 00 244 24.40 379 0.00 943 t5J l-5.JU r28 1.2 ,80 34 0.00 50? 0.00 558 0. 00 1480 L7 47 11.50 7 .85 0.00 15.00 L2.20 0.00 7 .55 6 .40 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes Yes No No No N^ Yes Yes No No No Yes {S rrn"uorut, 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970 -479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artment of C ommunity D eve lo p me nt FOOTNOTES: l) EGRESS - An operable window or door thaE opens directly to bhe exterior is required f rorn this room. The minimun clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimurn clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimurn clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5,7 square 4) The maximurn sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A 3) A mechanical ventil.ation system may be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the Sec. l-2 04 . feet (Dwellings) in in lieu of exterior basement is based on ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, haI1s, bathroor,ts and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured Lo the Lowest projection. If the ceili;rg is sloping, then the minimum height :s required in only I/2 of the area. - - Sec. 1207 . (a\ Every dwelling unit shall have at }easL one room which has not less lhan L20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207, (b) Habitable rooms other than a }:itchen shall not be less than 7 feeC in anv dimens ion .Sec. 1207. (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AII qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safeLy glazinq' material. -- Sec. 5405. (d) L) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jal-ousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and slid.ing panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools. saunas, steam rooms, baLhtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wa11 enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less lhan 50 inches above a standing surface and d.rain inlet.5) Glazing i"n fixed or operable panels adjacent to a d.oor where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of eiLher vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottorn exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) clazing in an individual fixed or operabJ-e panel, other than those locations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets a1t of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor.C. Exposed t.op edge greater than 35 inches above the f1oor.D. Qne or more walking surfaces within 35 j-nches horizontallv of the plane of the glazing. {,2 *"'"uo o*t* TOWN OFYAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-47e-2138479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 8! Glazing in railings regardless of Included are structural balusler panels. See exceptions. D e p arnne nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt heiqht above a walking surface.panels and nonstructural in-f i1l SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A srooke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a poi-nt. centrally located in the corridor or area qiving access to each sleeping area. - - Sec - f210. (a) 4. A smoke det.ector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. - - Sec. 121-0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required j-n the basemenL. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke detector is required on all stories. -. Sec. I2L0. (a) 4.Tf the upper level contains sleepj-ng room(s), a smoke detector is required.in the ceiling of the upper level cl-ose to the stairway. - - Sec . I2I0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required !o be wired to the buildinq's power source and shal1 be equipped wiLh a battery backup. -- Sec, l"2l-0. (a) 3.Detectors shall sound an al.arm audible in all steeping area of the dwelling in which they are l-ocated. - - Sec. l-210. (a) 4. FIREPTACE REQUIREMENTS : }tASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace musE be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 370?. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and. walls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum crearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney warls is 2 inches. combustible materiar may not be placed wiLhin 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within L2 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each l inch of cl-earance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearLh must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible maLerial . The hearth size must be at least:If Openinq size is! Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.f t.5 sq. f L. or greaLer -- sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney heighE nust be per 15 inches 20 inches Table 37 -B 8 inches l- 2 inches FACTORY BUILT FIREPTACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit, -- Sec. 3705.(a)2) Clearances and. hearth size must be per manufactures approval,.-- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B {p ^u""uo"u"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artme nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Bethreen the garage and the residence, materials construction are required on the garage side the qarage and the residence are to be a self core d.oor or a 20 minute fire door. approved for thr f ire only and any doors betr^,reen -closing 1 3/8 inch solid 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc, #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at. least 35 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and. the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. - - Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches, I'linimum heiqht = 35 inches. maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7 12. (al exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- B inches. - sec. 3305.(o) Enclosed usable space under Ehe stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fi-re-resistive construction.Sec. 3305. (l) SHAFT ENCLOSURES r 1) chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more Lhan 9 sguare feet may lined on the insj-Ce with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal wiLh all joints locklapped. The outside musL be t hr construction. A11 openings into any such encLosure sha11 be protected by not less Lhan a self-closing sol-id wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or onrrirr:lonr -- coc. l-706. (f )2) Gas venLs and noncombustible pipinq insLalled in walts passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. - - sec. f705. (c) ?l qhrfl-a f ^,r .rac rrarlr-c not extend through not -- Sec. i-705. (c) 4) Afl other shafts -- Sec. 1705. (a) CNAWLSPACE REQUTREMENTS : 1) Provide venLilation either by mechanicaL rneans or by openings in exterior waIls. opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 sguare foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings sha1l be distributed on two opposite sides and. be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 25).5, (c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10sb of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the !.,, i r.ti -- ^Fti^.i -1 lJur rcrrrrg (JrLr.crdr approves. For a 77.0 sq.ft, crawlspace area:RaEio Minimum sq.ft. of vent I/15O U.J-T 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to lhe crawl space area. Note:opening may be required to be rarger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. factory-buiIt chimneys, piping, or ducts that do more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. are required to be enclosed. in a t hour assemblv. {p *""'""o 'u"r 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 97 0- 479 -2 I 3 8/47 e - 2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 D epartment of C ommunity D evelopment 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treaCed vrood. the minimurn clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25]-5. (cl 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3 For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey sha1l be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. A11 crar.rl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5'. be earth floor only. be ventilated as per UBC 2515 (C)5 with rninimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural desiqn. ExcavaLion below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers sha11 be posted plainty visible and Iegible from the street. For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor to aLlow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer.Any garage floor drain conDected to sewer mus! be approved by Upper Eagle ValIey Water & sanibation Districc. In garages with living area above, the wal1s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha11 be proeecled with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B). {g *""nuoru", Town of Vril OFFICE COP' TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Town of Vail 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 47e-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Numbcr: PRJ95-0 1 34 Addrcss: 1873 LIONS RIDGE LOOP Planncr:Randy S. Occupancy: R3.M l Typc of Const: V-N De p artment of C o mmunity Deve lopme nt Namc: FALLIER DUPLEX Datc: July 26, 1995 Contractor: SOUTHWEST BUILDERS Architcct: RKD Engincer: K. MCGEE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN *****i*********lt**t*******************t*t*****************t*************t***** Th is nroior-f wi I I racrrli ro r ci ra imn,^r'.,,,,P'_"emenL survey.This survey shal1 be submi-tted and staff approwed prror Lo a requesL for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be d.one without an approved site improvement survey. AII areas delineaLed as crawl spaces or nontrabit. basemene shall- have less than 5'hL. fron earth to structural floor/ceiling above, be venuilaFed as per UBC 2515, wi.th minimum access as per UBC 2515 and mAx ^.-acs nf a <a. f 1-. A1l new construction within the Town of Vail wifl be required to have a Public Way permiL plus an iniLial inspection by the T.O.V. Public Works Department to approve site drainage and cufvert installation prior Lo any Building Dept . inspections. This project is restricted from hhe burning of wood in fireplaces. Unl,ess the lot is a restricted lot in size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gds applj-ances are permiLted per unit alLowed. Gas 1og chimneys encl-osures shall be one hr. protected.. {7 *""'"''""o'o* 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development THIS PRO.]ECT REQUIRES TWO ONE HOUR WALLS BETWEEN EACH UNTT WITH A ONE INCH AIR SPACE FRO}4 FOUNDATION TO UNDER SIDE OF ROOF SHEATTNG. In bathrooms wiEh a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecbed directly to the outside shatl be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or 1av. may be ventilated with a recircuLating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be instalLed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and sha11 not be concealed within consLruction. Ducts shalI t.erminate outside the building and not exceed 14' lenghh. No domestic dishwashing nachine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fj-tting. UpC 608. Cross connection control devices shall be i_nstaIIed to protect polluti.on of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UpC 1003. Pl-umbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shalI be supplied with an access panel for inspectj-on and repair of equipment.. UpC 904. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotecLed combustible material. UMC 1901. A chimney encl-osure for a wood burning fireplace flue shalI be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1705. This involves lining the inside of such chase with 5/8" type X sheetrock and fire- taping j oints. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fue1 burning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shal- l- be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a nechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipmenc, venc Location and termination, and conbustion air Lo be supplied prior to any installation. 10 11 !2 l-3 14 {P ou"'""u"*uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to util-ize flow restriction devices, Also, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gall_ons per f lush. The encLosed usable space under the stairs is required to be proLected by thr fire resistive constructi-on. -- 3306. (1) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shatl be provided to protect a structure from ice buj-ldup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between Iayers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32E]1. Any building site with a slope qreater than 30 degrees sha11 require engineer d.esigned drawings. Avalanche areas shall require such engineered drawings aIso. Drainage and structural integrity shall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required Lo be dampproofed to prevent d.amage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored. to tLre foundataion w:-Er, L/2 i-nch anchor bo1ts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec. 2907.(fl Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. If, lo T7 L8 19 20 {,7 *""'""""*"" NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: FALLIER DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895-0216 ALL #: Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.O. BOX 1083, EDWARDS, CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC P.O. BOX 1083, EDWARDS, OWNER 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP SAME 2to3-122-02-020 PRJg5-0134 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. APPROVED 0? /18/tees o8/25/Lee5 02/2r/res6 co 81632 co 81632 Phone z 970-845-9124 Phonez 97O-845-9124 HARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577 | VArL CO 81658 Fi reotace Infornation: Restricted: Y #of Gas Apptiances: 2 fof Gas Logs:#Of tlood/Pa l, Let: **'r'Hffi*lr'*ffir*#*ffi***ffi*ffi*#****Jr*****ff*ffiFEEsUl1llARY*ft*ffiffi****ffi**ffi*** Description : NEW DUPLEX Occupancy Type Dwellings Zo\e Private Garages Zone Tabte Date! 06/2o/1995 8ui f.ding-----> 1,416.N Ptan check---> 920.10 Subtotal:3,227 Total Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: Restuarant Plan Reviev-->.00 200.00 484.05 500.00 3 ,523.45 Totat catcutated Fees---> 1,523.45 Additional, Fees---------> .m 2 V-N 2 V-N Masonry Number of Dwellinq Factor Sq. Feet 93.48 2,"120 27.60 507 TotaI Permit Fee--------> Pay||lents------- BALANCE DUE---_ Units: 002 Valuation 254 ,265 ,60 13,993.20 268 ,258.80 268 ,258 .80 268 t258.800 3,5?3 .15 .m 3,5?3 .45 Investigation> l,i l. L ca l. L----> .m 3.00 Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHUCK Acti-on: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Dept: PLANNING see conditions see holds see conditions-rel-ease Dept: FIRE DepI: PUB WORK ****************ffi ff *****ffi **ft ***Mrffi H**ffi ffi *ff *rffi ffi ffi Hffi ffiffiffi Item:05100 07 /26/rees Item:05400 08 /2r / rees 08 /2t /1.ee5 08 /24 /7ees Item:05600 Item: 05500 08 / 18 /1.ee5 RANDY RANDY RANDY AcIion: APPR Action: CANC Action: APPR Division: Division: Division: Division: FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE AcLion: APPR See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtcdge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in futt thr information requircd, compteted an accurate plot ptan, and state that al.l the information provided as required 'is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and plot p[an, to compty r{ith al.l, Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Torn appl.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-21'8 OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROII 6:M Ail 5:OO PTI o I LDER S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08/25/9s NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP SAME 2103-L22-02-020 Applied: 07/L8/7995 Issued: 08/25/1995 ******************************************************************************** CONDIT]ONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQU]RED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. P1ease take note: The building must meet the TOV height restriction of 33 max. Several ridges are close to or at the maximum height. Thig will be car6fully checked at ILc submittal prior fo framing inspection. 4. all retaining walIs in front setback must be 3 feet tall or l-ess. aLl retaining walls elsewhere must be kept on-site and must be less than 6 feet taLl. no sl"opes greater than 2:l- between walls. wal-ls must have a minimum of 2-4 feet of separation between boul-der courses. This will also be carefully checked prior to framing inspection.5. Due to presence of >30t slopes and extensive retaining, the following are requj-red by code: architect stamped p1ans, PE or geotech. eng. stamped retaining walL and foundation plan design. The engineered plans must incl-ude a review of the grading and drainage plans shown on the site plan. 6. Roadway in front of project to be kept clean of mud, debris, building equipment and materials, and construction workers vehicles at aIl times durinq construction. Send Ctean-Up Drposit To: soUTHllEsT BU SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR FOR HI}iSELF AND OIINER PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** o OI.INER Permit #: 895-0215 Permit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parcel No Status: APPROVED **********i.****************************************************!t**************** .. t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, CO 81657 97 D-47 9-2t38 OWNER E Iectrica[---> DRB fee lnvesti gati on> Ii tt cat t----> DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL permit #: TIMES E9 6-009 8 APPTICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVOII CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 7079, AVON CO 81620 SOUTHWEST BUITDERS I,LC PO BOX 1083, EDWARDS CO 81632 Job Address Locatiou... Parcel No..Project No. 141 .00 .00 .00 5.00 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP 1B?3 LIONSRIDGE LOOP 2103-122-O2-O20 PRJ9 5 -013 4 Statu6. . . Applied.. I66ued. . . Expires. . Phone: 303949601.3 Phone: 3039496013 144.W .00 144.00 '144.00 .00 ISSUED 05/20/7ee6 05 /20/Le96 17/16/ree6 Deecription: ELECTRICAL FOR NEVI DUPLEX Valuation:25, 000 .00 *********t****t********************t****t***************** FEE SUHIiARy i**********t*****t*t**********frt**fth********trt*ffif****** Total Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Feesr--------> TotaI Penmit FcF-------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- *****ff**rr**ffi***t***t****t*f,***********ti****************************************t**ftft**rrffi******ttl*fliffi**ffii****tl**tl**** ftem: 06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARrMENf Dept: BUfLDfNG Division:o5/20/L996 DAN Action: APPR FOR ERNST G.- **t**)t***i*******t**********i**************rr**t**********t***t*****************t******************r*/r******fi**********ft*****t** CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FTELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHSC4-EOR-qODE COMPLIANCE 2. er.r, ELECTRTCAL woRK MUsr-coMPLY wrrH 1996 NEc ***************ff**t****t****f,*********i**ff******t**********t*****************t******t*************t*itl**********t*****i****** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in ful.l. the information required, co_nPteted En accurate ptot pl.an, ahd state thit att the information provided as required is correct. I agrc. to_conpty uith the infornatlon and Ptot.PLan, io c6nrp fy yith al,t Town ordinances and etltc [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision codes, disign reviey approved, Unitorn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun aPP[icabte thereto. TOTAL FEES-_> 144.W REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL gE I{ADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS III AOVANCE BY TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job AddrEgS: 1873 I,IONS RIDGE tP Locatiou...: 1873 LIONSRIDGE LOOP ParceI No.. : 21"03-L22-O2-O2O Project No. : PRJ95-0134 APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES P O BOX LO79 | AVON CO 81620 SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC Po Box 1083, EDWARDS CO 81632 ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: 896-0098 Statua...: ISSUED Applied..: os/20/1ee6 r6aued...: 05/20/7996 Expires. . : 71/16/L996 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEVI DUPLEX Valuation:25, 000 . 00 **************t*****************t*tiff******************** FEE sui tARy ********************************ffi**************** Tota! Cal.cutated Fees---) 11,4-00 Etectrica[---> 141 -0o DRB Fee lnvestigation> .0O [i Lt catt----> 3.0o TOTAL FEES---> 114.W REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI{E TY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY Additional. Fees---------> Total Permit fer-------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- .m 111.@ 144.OO .00 ***************ffi******t**ff*****r*****************#***i******t******f l**i****t**ftl*****ff*t**fil|**ffffi***ffffiiffff****** Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Oivision: 05/20/1996 DAN Action: APPR FoR ERNsr G-- ***********tl***ff******fif,r*******i*****fi***t**********i***************************t****t***}************t***ffi**ffi********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO qIlEqK^TOB-qODE COMPI,IANCE 2. ei,t-Et-,EeTRreAL woRK MUST-coMPLY wrrH 1996 NEc ******ff**ft**********.rr**f,****************ffi*****frft*****#**************t*t****l******************i**ff********************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutcdge that I have read this app(ication, fil.(ed out in futt the information required, conPteted an accurate plot ptan, and state th;t atL the information provide<l as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the information rnd.Ptot-pten. io clmpfy vith att Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and io buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes,'dlsign reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. TO$IN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1873 I-,IONS RIDGE LP Location...: 1873 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Parcel No.. : 2103-122-02-020 Project No. : PRJ95-0134 APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES P o Box 1079, AVON CO 81'620 SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC PO BOX 1083, EDWARDS CO 81632 ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: E96-0098 StaIUS...: APPROVED Applied . .. os/20/L996 risued...z 05/20/I996 Expires..: 71/L6/L996 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEw DUPLEX Valuation:25, 000. 00 ****ffi*J.******ffirr**l*#r*ffi!ffi***iffii**ffi**ffi FEE sUlll'IARY *lot*ffrtlrtrt****tr****trrffi*r**ff,*t*f,*i******ftff*}tffi Tota l. Cal,cul,ated Fees---> 144.@ ELectli ca t---> 141 .0O DRB Fee AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- .@ 144.@ .m 144.6 lnvestigation> r,ti l, L Ca l, l,----> TOTAL FEES---> .m 5.00 144.00 *ffiffir***ff.ti****rHr**rr*ff****tffi***ffi**********ft**ff**ffi*******ffi*********ffi**ffi*tffir**rt*ft***ffi#*ffr** lre.mi .o6oQo ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divieion: 65/Io/1gga opx Action: APPR FoR ERNST r-. ***ffir*************tH(#ffir*J.n**ffiffiffi***ffi(ffitli*******t***ffirffrttt*rt*tffiffi*****t*t***lr*f'rf***i CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FrEr_,D TNSPECTIONS ARE REQqIRED To cHEqE qoE_qoDE CoMPLIANCE 2. hil-,-nlECiRreAl woRx ltusr-coMPl,Y wrrH 1996 NEc lr#rL*Jrffi ffi ffi**ffi **t*ffi r*ffir*fi tt*!ffi ffi *rr**ff *ffir#rtr****f DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovledge that t have read this appLication/ fiLl,ed out in ful,L the information requi red, comPllted an accurate pl'ot ft"n, "'no state thlt e1, the information provided as required.is correct. I agrcr to cornpty vith the infornation and ptot ptan, io compty vith al,t Toyn ordinances and state [ays, rnd io buiLd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and suMivision codes, dlsign reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toen appticabl'e thereto- REouEsTs FoR lt{spEcrroNs sHALL BE IIADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADvANCE By TELEpHoNE Ar 479-2136 oR AT ouR OFFICE FROl't 8:00 Al{ 5:00 P}l SICjTIATURE OF O9NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HINSELF ANO OIINER a - Tcontact Eagle Counry 1,""""sf 0f f ice O $l at 970-328-8640 for p^arcel ll TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN KPARCEL /l:2ro3-'22 -oI- o&o -iinurr AppLrcATroN FORM lv omnz s-}o -7'6 PERI"IIT /I P&5-zs-ot3.1 Architect:Address: -a' ar work class: D{-New [ ]-Alteration I l-edditional [ ]_l-Repair [ ]-other al Number of DwelLing Units. /Nunber of Accommodation Units: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'I.IBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELEETRTCAL FEE! OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFTCE usE *** ** *** ** **** ***************** BUILDTNG PIAN CI|ECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEFOSIT REFIII{D TO: 7;>7 75 3outh f?onlage rold y€il, coloredo 87657 (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ortlc. of communlty dey.lopmant TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.'ECT: ALL CONTRACIORS CTTRREI{ILYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VArt puBl,rc woRlcs/coMMuNrTy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTNG & !{ATERTAI, STORAGE rn surmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. any ="if,-rJ"i, sand, debris or naterial , including trash i.rf=trr=, portable toilets and workmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewalk, alley or public prace or anv porti-on th;;.;i:--iie rignt-oi-way in arr Town of vair streeti ind.rgags is approiirui"iv-s-it--iri pavemenr.rbis ordinance *ill b".;ar_i;iit"lnforced bv the Town or Vair.Public works DeDartment. pers6ns found ,rihili'i this ordinance wirl be siven a 24 hour rriai;;-;oti""-to-;;;;""=uid narerial.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne-speciried, the pulr.ic works Department wirr remove =iiJl"t";i;i-;;-iu""".p"*i;e or person notified' The provisions-or--tnll o.a.nance sharr not be applicable to cinstruction, ,"i'I"r,ur,ge oI repair projects of any street or alley or any utilitres rn the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of :3:i"::ii3i"3"Tf,if*:i:.:4"";;;;" a copv. rr'"ni< vou ror your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, or.rner) lnwn 75 gouth trontsge road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlc€ of communlty deyclopmot|l UILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit requires a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer''s (pubr t' t:fl-l;y!"y .ni'ipp"ou.i,'i piii'irlii"blp."t .nt review or Health Department.review, rni' "-""ui.; ;i-;;;";riiotng lsri[l3;',1;"lLf "'.truted time ror'.-tot"r ""ui"n-iluv"iui!,a, rons All commerciar (rarqe or sma'r) and a'lr murti-family permits will have to folrow the ibove r"nti6n.J-riiirur requirements. Residentia.l and small projects shou'ld tur. J-i"iier"amount of time.' Hoiever, it residential or sma|r er,projects rmpiii the various above mentioned departments with reqard to-necessily-."u.i",r, these projects may also take the three week per.ioJ. Every attempt will be rnade by this deparuneni to expedite this permi't as soon as possible. ' I:-i!" unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and time trame. Communi ty Devel oorn.nt Department. KRM coNSUL tNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vAtL, coLoRADo 81658 o TANTS,t970) 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 FIELD REPORT TO: So."?t1u/c:1-f 3 L"/a-/)E fa\ ATTENTION: /2o / DArE: alElsu ARRfVE: /::Jo p DEPART: Z:,ta p *rorrr . Pr. ,rQ,.,.+-.q PROJECT: Flictt-1< DUPLc:/ JOB NUMBER: f*to -t1 The following is a review of the site observation completed on August 09, 1996 at the Fallier Duplex location (primary side). EASr sr Oe Primary Unit This was a frnal retum visit to verify that the items listed from the 08/06/96 site visit were completed. All of the items were found to meet our satisfaction and the general construction appears to comply with the structural drawings and specifications. "'U-ffiiu*ttqt M/", COPY TOr Radgf Engineefing Ing. -11r1-l ir-ri r-l r- r{u-rir,=iiii-l l-tiit-rn{ PO BOX 780 . AVON, CO 61620 . Tehpfiorn 9708t{t-7910 Charlie Davis Town Of Vail I I I S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 tzt4t96 R-i{.r RE: Fa{*ic.rDuplex (East side) Permit # M96-0068 Charlie. I have reviewed the power venting installation for the East side of the Fallier Duplex. The combustion air louvers were being replaced with the size indicated on the engineering sketches dated.9/26/96. With the proper combustion air louvers in place, the installation appeared to conform to the engineering sketches. The sequence ofoperation was observed and upon a call for heat the appropriate power venter was energized and the boiler was then allowed to operate. Please call ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, J. Drew Rader, P.E. Rader Engineering Inc. fffi JDR/dap a-Iro o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0005 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3e FAX 970-479-24s2 APPL]CANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Departntent of Contmuniry Development Job Address Location. . . Parce1 No. .Project No. SOUTHWEST BUILDERS,P.O. BOX 1330, VAIL/ SOUTHWEST BUTLDERS, P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, HARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577, VArL CO 63 .75 .00 3. O0 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP 2to3-t22-02-Ci20 PRJ95-0134 LLC co 81658 LLC co 81658 816s8 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. .. Expires. . Phone z 970-4 ISSUED 0r/23 /tee 6 or/23 /ree 6 07 /2L/tee6 7 6-2338 3?1 -75 .00 321 .75 tz.t.t> Phone z 970-476-2338 Description: PLUMBING DUPLEX **ffi*****#*ffi****lr****H*i*trl******td*t****i***i*rit F EE SUnl,tARy Pl,unbing-----> 255.00 Restuarant P lan Revi eH--> TOTAL FEES----- Valuation:16,800.00 **************************#**H***ffi *ffi *#*l#trt** .@ 321 .75 OUR OFF CE FROII IOR HIT.lSELF Ptan Check---> Investigation> Hi t L ca l, L----> TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Addi tiona I Fees---------> TotaL Perm i t Fee--------> IIem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0L/23/1996 DAN Acrion: AppR Dept! BUILDING Division: ******lr*L*********t ****l|*'ht***tr*****rrrr***#*************t*****lr**ff****************************************r****************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **ffi***i.t***ffi**Jr*********trrrk***i***********i*t******************t***********i**********ffi**t**H**********t* DECLARATIONS I. hereby .ackno!, Iedge that I have read.this apptication, fitLed out in ful,L the infornation required, Ptan, and state that a[[ the infornation prov'ided as required is correct. I agree to compty-Hlrbjri comp[eted an accurate ptot to comPty Hith al,t Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure arcopdji'Ir io and pLot p [an, subdivision codes, design revien approved, Unifofn Buil.ding Code and other ordi REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE o- {S ,u,',',',,,,,*,r* ofmat ton ' s zo\i ng and NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmiT AT ALL TIMES P96-0005 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e part m e nt of C o mmunity D eve lo p rne nt APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS I LLC P.O. BOX 1330, VArL, CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, LLC P.O. BOX 1330, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER HARLEY NED R M D PO BOX 4577, VArL CO 81658 Description: PLUMBING DUPLEX ***ffi********************ffi************************** FEE SU l,lARy Phone: 970-476-2338 Valuation:16, 800 .00 *****************i****lr*************#***#******ffi ffi ** .00 321 .75 P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> lnvest i gat ion> Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--> TOTAL FEES----- 255 .00 63.75 .00 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No..Project No. 1873 LIONS RIDGE 2I03-L22-02-020 PRJg5-0134 LP Status. . . AppIied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone: 970-4 TotaI Ca Icu lated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Peyments------- ] SSUED 0r/23 /Lee6 0r /23 / rse 6 07 /2r/lee6 7 6-2338 321 .75 .00 321 .75 321 ,75 IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 0I/23/1996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: **********************************************************ff****tlr******t*tt*ffi*****************************ffi***ff********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****ffi*ffi*ffffi*****ffi**ft****************************i*********i*Jr*lr*****i******************************************* DECLARATIONS lli l.l. catL----> 3 -0O I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f il.ted out in ful,L pLan/ and state that atI the information provided as required is correct.to compty with al,l, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to bui(d this struct codes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinanc REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TlIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE the informat ion requi red,compl,eted an accurate ptot I agree to compLy Hi and ptot ptan/ subdivision reto- OUR OFF RE OF OI,INER TOR FOR HI}ISELF ormat r on {,7 *""'""' '*'r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0005 Job Address: 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP Status...epplied.. 1ssued... Expires. . APPROVED or /23 /Lee 6 oL /23 / ree 6 07 /2r/ree6 Location. . . : Parcel No.. : 2tO3-I22-02-020 Proiect No. : PRJ95-0734 APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, LLC Phone: 970-476-2338 P.O. BOX 1330, VATL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS/ LLC Phonez 970-476-2338 P.O. BOX 1330, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER HARLEY NED R M D PO BOX 4577, VArL CO 81658 Description: PLUMBING DUPLEX Valuation: 16,800.00 **#dc*JoHrffir#r*#****tr*Jr*****##**tr*t***tr*{cffi FEE SUl4f,lARY tc*tdr*****H**to****irrnffi(ffi#****lr****#*********** Pl.umbing-----> ?55.00 Restuarant Pl.an Revi e!,/--> .00 Total Catculated Fees---> 321 .75 PLan check---> 63.75 TOTAL FEES----- Investigation> .OO Tota[ Permit Fee--------> 321 -75 ! i l l. cal t----> 3. 00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- *ffir'r'rffiffirlcl*lr,r,*,rliffi'.*lr,(ffirtiffi(ff***********************Jr*******i.** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0l/23/1996 DAN Action: APPR *************************************ir*'Bdiffiffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***ffiffi(******trt****#*ffiirffir#rffirtH(**ffi(**i*ffi*ffiffi.lrt rr*rr#ffi*********************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that I have nead this appl.ication, fitted out in fuLI the information required, compteted an sccurate Ptot ptan, aird state th;t atL the information provided as required is correct- I agree to compty with the information and ptot pLan, to compLy with aLL Town ordinances and state !aws, and to bui !d this structure according to the TolJn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Euil.ding code and other ofdinances oJ the Town applicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS ITI ADVATICE BY TELEPHONE A"T 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO Al'I 5:OO PI4 SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER f,#.i;';l ,::::iTGrt"ffi oF vArL coNsrRucrro,P t*Cont ac t Eagle County 28-8640 for PER.IIIT /I ttA PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: - t APPLICATIoN MUST BE FILLED OUT coItfPLETELy OR IT !,tAy NoT BE ACCESTED S***************************** pEIII{rr rNFoRr,{ATroN *****************************rl [ ]-Building [1]-pturnbing [ ]'Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Addressz r B 73,{. .7€. /.o".,- Ph'ft{-233?_ PIr. q74,iz'z( l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repalr [ ]_other Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Phone Number: 2- Mechanical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. No.ZZff Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Contractor: ********************************FOR OFFTCE usE **** * ** * **** ************ *******BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATIIRI: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIJI.fBING PLAN CHECK IEn:I'IECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: Job Name: Eu,e,z Tlplt Legal Description: Lot Z.Bloct 3 Onners Nane:52ut Architectz ZED Address: ceneral Description: llork Class: [Xl-New I JLUMBTNG, @ nicgAifid;; i1a ;ffi;; L-v -r**************************tl COITIRASFOR fNFORI,IATION ***************************'X;ff::l ,""hr;"fr:rz.SE,<zz!rt,6( /5t,,tdtrs I:"" o-f Vait aes. no.#zid Plunbing Address: Number of txuel.i"ing Unitsz ?_ Electrical Contractor: Address: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFITTID !O: 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF vArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPITTENT MARCH 15. 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit.any soil,-roci., sand, debris ;:rffi*'+:*i"i::t"dins trasir iuurpster3, p"ii.[IJ. ton"is ;;;--- prle" "' ;t-;;;!iliill"3fl"li"=ii;HilSii:i"I"':,*i:*-",Vail streetl ind.Igug, i.s afproxlnatery 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance witl be =t-i;irv-'lnforced by the Town of Vai.r Public works Departrnent. --F"i"lnI founa "iirr"Ii"g this ordi.nance wirl be given a 24 hour written--n"ii""-t"-;;;;""."id rnaterial.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specitiea, the pulti" works Departmenr wir-r- remove =iia-r"t";i;i-;r-irr""""pli;e of person notified' The provisi-ons-or_trtli oror.nance sharl not be applicable to c-onstruction, ,iirrt..rurrge 9-r repair projects of any street or alley or any utifiires in the right_a_way. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in varl Building Department to cooperation on this matter. Re Y ad and acknowledged by: .fr11, please stop by obtain a copy. Thank the Tohrn of you for your Date 75 south tronlage road vril, colo7!do 81657 (3o3) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 oftlco of communlty deyclopmeltl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,|E If thr's permit requires a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (publ t. t:fl_l"ui"n .nO'approvai ,'a ptJnntni'i"p."t unt review or Hear th Department. review, unl'u-".ui." lv-iii."iriiorng lirt[H;',1;"1!: "rttr.ted time ror'a iotar i.ui"*-il"v"iu["'i, rons All commerciai (raroe or sma'r r) and a'r r murti-family permits wilr have to folrow the ibove menti6ned ri*irrr requirements. Res.identiar and small projects shourd t.t" J-ietrer"'amount or timJ.'Hoiever, it residential or smaller.projects impaii the varjous above mentioned departments with reoard to-necessiiy-r.ui"*, these projects may also take the three-week period. Every attempt will be made by this permit as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the t rame . departnent to expedite this p1 an check procedure and tjme Communi ty Devel oomont Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Date: rl,elq,/ Please hnswer ihe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility woft needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the rfght of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit' x required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or y public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging y or lencing plan required by Community Development? lfJgY. "!:Itred yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' must be obiained.?ubfic Way_Permit' appfications may be obtained at the Pubtic Work's otfice or at Commulity Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-219.' I have read and allthe questio ConEctor's Signal ft4tfizz 1_ 1) 2) YES A \ NO >f X 3) 4) 5) 6) x Job Name A"4JZ_ TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Deparonent of Contmunity Development TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0290 Job Address: Location. . . : Parcef No..:Project No.: RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 10?9, AVON RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON HARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577 t VAIL TEMP POWER ONLY 1873 LIONS RIDGE FALLIER DUPLEX 2103-L22-02-020 PRJ9 5-013 4 co 81620 co 81620 co 81658 FEE SUMI,IARY Phone: 30394 Phone: 3039496013 Valuation: I S SUED 12/27 /Lee5 12/27 /rees o6/24/7ee6 96013 200.00 LP Status. . . App1ied..Issued... Expires. . E tectr i ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation> t,itL CaLt----> TOTAL F EES---> Totat Catcutated Fres---> Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Prrmi t Fee--------> .o0 .00 .o0 3.00 53.00 Payments EALANCE DUE_.._ ql rv) .00 53.00 53.00 .00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/2't/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR DeDt: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that t have read this apptication, litted out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the 'information provided as requircd is corrrct. I agree to compty u'ith thc information and ptot ptan, to compty vith al.[ Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH appfoved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {p *'o""uo 'uu* TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: E Iectri ca [--> DRB Fee Invest i gation> l,i l,l, caL l.---> TOTAL FEES---> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Department of Community Development TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRTCAL PERMTT Permit #: E95-0290 Valuation:200.00 tl:ffir#*ffrir*.Jr**lr#ffrl**#(ffi lcHtHrtffirirtffi **FEE SUtll,tARY ffi****t***,s(*ffi!hlrl*ffiJr******ffi Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON HARLEYNEDRMD PO BOX 4577, VAIL TEMP POWER ONLY .00 .00 .00 5. OO 53.00 : 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP : FALLIER DUPLEX : 21-03-122-02-020 : PRJ95-0134 co 81620 co 81620 co 816s8 Status...: ISSUED AppIied..: 72/27/19es Issued...: t2/27/1995 Expires. . : 06/24/1996 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Total catcu(ated Fees---> 53.00 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> .00 53.00 53.00 BALANCE DUE---- ffiiffit*,ffif*lffiffi**Hffi#ffi******rr******l***'Hr*#**ffi*****fiff:ffi#o$<********ffiffi** Deptt BUILDING Division:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 12/27/t995 CHUCK Action! APPR tc****iik***ti:t***!***ffitlrtrk*******ffir*ffi*ffiffi*trtr*****************ff*************#ffi#rlr***trtrffi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ir****tr******ffi**trt**rr**#*ffi**ff**tiH***ffiffi*****rr******ff*SJr*******lbr***rr****rc**ff(ff(ffi**********r.i*rc*ffi* DECI,ARATIONS t hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futt the infornation required, compteted an accurate plot ptan, and state that att the information provided as rcqui red is correct. I agree to comply vith the information and ptot ptan, to compty Hith.al,t ToHn ordinances and stgte [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes/ design review epproved, Uniform Buitding Codc and other ordinances of the Tolrn appIicabte thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY {2 ^""'"""o '*'* 2,+1n.s Zy''-.-f { NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT PermiL #: 895-0290 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. FALLIER DUPLEX 2703-r22-02-020 PRJgs-0L34 Applied..fssued... Expires. . APPROVED 72/27 /ree5 12/27 /Lee5 o6/24/tee6 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP Status. . . APPI-,ICANT RESORT SERVICES Phone: 3039496013 P O BOX 7079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES Phone: 3039496013 P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 OWNER HARLEY NED R M D Po Box 4577, VAIL CO 81658 Description: TEMP POWER ONLY Valuationt 200.00 ffi'Hrffi**Jdff****|t**ffrffi(***FEEsUl'|ARY*,rrr'Hrfir*lr*i****ffi******** EtectricaL---> .00 Total caLcutated Fees---> 53-00 DRB Fee lnvestigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 53.00 lri l. l, ca l. l.----> 3.00 Payments-------- TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 BALANCE DUE---- **ff****ffi*##****ffff**t****t****M**ffi*ffitrtffiaffi**********rtJr*******ffiff#ffi***ffi*******t**ffi* Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Di-ViSiON:1,2/27/7995 CHUCK Acrion: APPR **********)ffi rffirffi *******ffi rffirffi(******ffir'ffir CONDITION OF APPROVAL ************ffi *ffi ffi ffi *ffid******tffirffid(ffi(****sr#r*ffi lrtlr****:t***ffi '*ffi *#(*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknow[edge that I have nead this apptication, fitl.ed out 'in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate p[ot pLan, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is correct- I agree to compty with the information and ptot plan, to comply with atl, Toen ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, tlnifofm BuiLd'ing code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T! ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2134 OR AT OI,JR OFFICE FRO}I E:OO AI4 5:OO P SIGNATURE OF OLINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER 1) i r-,. o ..|lowg oF vArL coNsou"ttol E')-{-d4/Q PER}TIT APPLICATTON FORM D^xe,z /2-2-?45 ^l AppLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED orrlf cot{plErELy oR rr }rAY *Ttvt cffiflffiroE\/, DEPT Y********!r********************* PERI{IT INFORMATION *************************!r:r**A \./- -1 ;-Boilding t l-P1,.-u'binS lXl-n:-e.trica1 [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other il. 't (D.r,rlg Block -a Address: FiLing I r t/)i Job Nane: Leqal Descri.Ption: Lot -.\,owners Nane: *-: " Ad{gessr-'--- Ph. Pb. Electrical Contractor: Add,ress: ?.o. lo) 1 Plurnhing Contractor: Address: l.lechanical Contractor: Address: *******************************i FO:i BUTIDING PERMIT FEE: Pil'I.'BING PERMIT FEE: I,IECIiANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EI-,ECTRTCAI FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 'l -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Ptrone Nurnber: Towrr of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI]MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI PE3},TIT FEES ! tion I .L., r<J I ?.;i. BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTJRE: Architect: General Description:Ins LV{/COn .'- -a Work Class: $New t l-AI Nuuber of Dwelling Units: \pnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: eas Appliances- Gas Logs- wood/Pellet- !k********************* * *** ***!r**** VAI_TUATfONS **************:l**************!r*** Y r1 ar-, -dutlorre : Er.EqrRrcALz l_-499:-- orHER: $- RLUUBTNG: l********** * ** **** ********** CoNIRACTOR INFORIIATTON *************************** Ileneral contractorz lf-J'ij c'.,:'l Town of vail Reg. No.- Address: Phone Number: tera /1 d-\ Coruments: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEPINTD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,,, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...:Location......l Parcel No.....:Proiect Number: -6'f 7 ,Ei ': L , ," ' l(''i- 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSTTE AT permi_t #: ALL TIMES ilse-oooa 1873 I.,IONS RIDGE LP 2103-t22-02-020 PR,l96-0101 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 06 /13 /ree6;o6/13/res6 12 /to /tee 6 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Investigation> tli l. L ca L L----> WIEMER'S HEATING & SHEETI"{ETAL P.O. BOX 22, EAGLET CO 81631 WIEMER'S HEATING & SHEETMETAL P.O. BOX 22t EAGLE/ CO 81631 SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC PO BOX 1083, EDWARDS CO 81632 #0f Gas Atptralces: Phone:. 524-9375 Phone z 524-931,5 Description: MECHANICAL VENTS FOR NEW DUPLEX Fi reptace Infornation: Restri cted: Val-uation: flof cas Logs: 2 / 000.00 fOf tlood/Pa t Let: ffi***,rt**********ltH<***trl*tr'*Jffi***'cl#**FEiS|.j|4|.lARY'.***#**#********ixi}*xx*Hffi***Jr';r|**j<********Jct l'lechani ca l.--->40,00 Restuarent Ptan Reviey--) Ptan Check---> 10.00 DRB .00 Totat ca tcu lated Fees--->.00 Additional.tees--------->53.00 TotaI Permi t i:?e--------> 55. @ .00 53.00 .OO TOTAL F EES----- 3.00 Paynents-------- ItEm: -O51OO BUILDING DEPAR,TMENT 06/13/1995 CHARLIE Action: ApPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITIOI] OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI1ECK FOR CODE COMPLI;.TJCE. ****************************************'****************************J.*********** DECLAR,ATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication/ fiil,ed out in ful,t the iniormation recu:rec, col,rp'.eted an accu;.ate Dtot ptan, and ststr that atl the informtion provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy h'ith tire iniormation and pl.ot ptan,to compty vith att Town ordinances and state [aws, end to b!:td this structure according io th: Torrl,s zoning and subdivisiLn codes, design revieH aPProved, Uniforn Buitding coCe and ot|1:r ordinances of the To|ln appticabLe thereto- REQUESTS foR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR i':ouRs I:,1 t;.Aii:i BY;ELEPH0NE AI 179-213E OR AT OUR CfFICE F ROr,t 8:OO A 5:OO pll SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR IOR HII,ISELF AND OUIiER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit t: i'lse -OOoa APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER WIEMER'S HEATING & SHEEI'METAL P.O. BOX 22t EASLE, CO 81631 WIEMER'S HEATING & SHEETMETAL P.O. BOX 22, EAGLE, CO 81631 SOUTHWEST BUILDERS LLC PO BOX 1083, EDWARDS CO 81632 flof Gas AFpIialces: 1873 LIONS RIDGE LP 2103-1_22-02-020 PRJg 6 -0 10 1 Status. . . AppIied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Val-uation: #0f Gas Logs: T S SUED o6/73/tee6: o6/73/lee6 t2/ro/1,ee6 Pirone: 524-9315 Phcne: 524-9315 Descrj-ption: MECHAN]CAI-I VENTS FOR NEW DUPLEX F'i replace Informrtion: Restr i cted: 2 / 000.00 #0f Uood/Pa I let: 'iffi*ffi*ffi*****#t*ffiffiffiil#tiEsul4MARY*,**ffi*****ict**ffii*t*i*#ffi*****jl***********ff llechani ca[---) Ptan Check---> Inv.st igst ion> lli l,L caLt----) Restuarant Plan Rev: ew--) DRE Fer------- TOTAL FEES------ TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additionel. Fees---------> Totat Permit F 3e--------> Paynents------- 40.00 10.00 .00 3.00 .00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 53.00 53. m BALANCE DUE----ffiffiffi#*#(ffiffi*ffirrhr*t**lrti*****t****ffiffitti********#ffi*** H#*ffi*****t**ffirt**ffi*** IIen: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/13/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR DepI: BUILDING Divisi.on: CONDITIO}I OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEC?]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI;.IJCE. ****************************************'********************t************r.****** DECLARATIONS l.hefeby.acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fiiLed out in ful,l, the information recu.rec, col pl,eted an accuiate ptoi plan, and strte that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with tire informat.ion and pl.ot pl.an,to compLy uith al'l' ToHn ordinances and state taws/ and to b'J:Ld this structure according io th3 Toun's zoning and subdivision codrs, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding coCe and oth:. ordinances of the ToHn appticabte thereto. REQUESTS toR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE THEITY-FOUR itorRS r,r A!.Ai\:E By iEL!PHONE A1 479-Z||3E AT oUR oFFICE FRol'l 8:00 Alt 5:0O Pll SIGNAIURE OF OIIN€R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OI.IIIER OR b 9S -oatb PERI*IIT /i ^ ' APPLTCATION MUST BE FILIfD OUT COI-IPIJTELY OR IT I,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED U I********** *********** ********* PER!{IT fNFORMATJON ****** !r r ******** ** *** **** ** *fl I J-Buirding I J-ph'r.hing [ ]-Erectrica] g(uecnanibal I J-other ddress: General Deseription: t - I{ork crasst rtf-New [ ]-Alteration I J-Additional t ]-Repair [ ]_other Ntrrober of DnellLng Units. J_Nurrber of Acconmodation Units: drnber and rlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appriances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_ fi***"*:r*****************!t!r******** vALuAuoNs * **************** **************** BUTLDTNG: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: TOTAL: TNFORUAEToN ************r**********r**r fL C, Torm 6 f vr i r o^- ,,^, 4z'; i - h I:11 o.f Vair Res. No29r?-8.Ptrone Number: Electrical Contraccor:Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. TYPE GROUP SQ. FT.BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: Conments ltEcHANrcArt $:];@, CONTRAqTOR .\Ie *: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Iff*:::*i3t:+?+__w ***************** BUTLDTNG pERMrr "iil************ FoR oFF-rc!-gqE ******************r!r***********BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICA].I PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rown of vail Req. "o. l9f l{Phone Number: SAq _ q:-lF BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I_LrygrNG PrnN cHEcK FEE:!,TECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REFIND VALUATION sr fiTIt 0 75 touth trontagc rord u.il. colo..do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 TO: EROM: DASE: SU&TECT: Read and acknowledged by; ect ( ottlca of cornmunlty dey.lopmcnl AI.L CONTRACTORS CURREITILYL REGISTERED !TTH EHE TO!{N Or VAIL TOI{N OF VArL puBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVEI,oPI|ENT uaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqITON PARKING & IIIATERIAL STOR,AGE rn surqmar'' ordinanee No' 5 states g-lt it- is unrawful for any person to litter, tracl< or aeposi!-"ny soif,-rock, sand, debris or materiar, including ti;=;-i;psteri, drta;I;. toilets and worknen vehictes, upor,-any-=I""-"t*l siaewaii] ;ii;y or pubtic f:ii"=::.:ig ffF.ri" tr,"i"";;--rt" rigrrttoi_iii=in arl rown or p,r : ord inance ;i [_T:. ::"_i:Eil.iliF:i;'i;:,r: *f :]lit, "'Public t{orks oeoaineit. --pJi=ins found .riirr"llnE this ordinance ni'rl be siven a-zc houi r=1il;;';otice to-;;;;;:r=.rq nareriar.rn the event the person so notiried.aoes-nli-'I"iprv with the no+-ice within the 24 hour tir.-lp".ified, ttre puific Works Departnent wirl ""ro.'"-.liirltliar -at-trr"'r"pJise or person notified' The nrovi=i""=-"r-ilis orainance sniti- not be applicable to cinstruction, -ili;i anv street oi "ii"t-;;-;;;'diiiti:3"i; :i"":$il-:Tj;cts or -To.review ordinanee. Io..5. in full, prease stop by ttre iown or :::i"::ii:i"3"":f,lf**.::""i.*ii; i-;.pt. -;f,.;il you ror your fr-r\''\"* l,t.t I 60.1 5r,)5 B-?08 P-52-l 10./15 /7-qge 0o:32P PG 1 OF 10 REC DOC \O1' Sar-i-r .T . Fi sher Flaele Co'rnt-..' Cl erl.: f,. Recorder. 51 . Ll C) PARTY WALLAGREEMENT COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 2. BLOCK 3. LION'S RIDGE, NUMBER 3 Town of Vail. Countv of Eaqle. State of Colorado r \ RECITALS A. SOUTFMEST BUILDERS. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. a Colorado limited liabiliqv company is the Owner in fee simple of the real prop€rty situated in th€ County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as I,ot 2. Block 3. Lion's Ridge. Number 3 , according to the Plat thereol rocorded in the Real Property records of thc County of Eaglc, State of Colorado ("Master Plaf'). B. Declarant has constructed on said property, certain improvements, intended for use and occupancy as residential dwelling Units and which are divisible into two Units, to be designated hereafter as lot 2A and Lot 2B C. Lot 2 Block 3 shall be suMivided into Lot 2A which shall contain_Secogda5lIJgil_and into Lot 28 shall contain Primarv Unit DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following tenns, @vervrnts, conditions, stsements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations, and obligations shall be deemed to nrn with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, their personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, and to any person acquiring or ovrning an interest in the real property which is described herein, and improvements built thereon, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns. DEFINITIONS Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the fiollowing terms shall have the following .:meanings: ;: .-l A. *The Properties" shall mean all the of the real estate legally describ€d as Lot 2A and Lot 28 located r? upon Lot 2 Block 3 Eaglo County, Colorado, according to the Map thereof recorded in Book-Z9Q_at Page 794, of the records of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. B. "tot" may be used interchangeably and shall mean one of the Properties. C. "Duplex" or "Building" shall mean the two contiguous dwelling Units constructed upon thc Properties. D. "Unit shall mean any one of the of the two dwellings comprising the "Duplex". E. "Map" shall mean the engineering survey of the Property by Peak Land Surveying Inc., depicting and locating with specificity thereon the Properties, Units and other improvements, and the common area, such land and improvements being herein submitted to this Declaration. Such Map shall be recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to the recordation of this Party Wall Agreement. F. "Owner shall m€n a person, persons, firm, corporation, partnership or association, otler legal entity, or any combination thereof, owning an interest in tle Properties .@.,r-*l**i;= ;:; //317/ 6 7(, I r-l t& G. 'Party Wall" shall me:n collectively, the common wall built as part of the original construction of a Unit and placed on or about the horizontal boundary line bet\ileen two Units, equally dividing the common boundary separating lnt 2A and Lot 28, the fmtings underlying and the portion of roof over such wall. H. 'Related Usef' shall mean anyone residing at a Unit any fanily member of an Owner, art agen! employee, servant, invitee, or tenant ofan Oqmer or of an Owner's Related User. r. DESCRIPTION AND RDSERVATION Every Contract of Sale, Dee4 kase, Mortgage, Trust Dee4 Will or other instrunent nay legally describe a Unit or real property interest therein as folloss Lot 2A or lnt 28 , (as the case may be) according to the recorded ldap thereof and according to the Party Wall Agreement oflot 2A and I.ot 2B Recorded in Book _at Page_ of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Every such description sball be gmd and nficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effect the hoperties and aU appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens thereto, as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be constnred. Tbis provision shall apply to the Properties. 2. PROPERTY I'IVBION (a) Declarant hereby snbdivides the Properties into two (2) Properties for Ownership in fee simple consisting of Lot 2A and Lot 2B , as more particularly described on the Map ttrereof attached hereto as Exhibit'A" and made a part hereofby this reference. @) No Owner shall bring any action in partition or division of all or any portion of the Properties. (c) ln the went I.ot 2A and Lnt 2B , are owned by the same entity, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. (d) The parties, if more rhrn one, having the Ownenhip 6f sasfu ltnil 5hrll agree ,rmong themselves to share the rigbts and obligations of such Ownership; prwided, however, tlut if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an Osner, and there shall be more tlan one entity, having concurrent Ownership of a Unit, then zuch entity of concurrent Owners shell from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent Owners in all matters @nc€rning all rights and obligations pursnnt to this Declantion. (e) Any such entity or concun€nt Owners she'll give written notice to the other Ownen designating the individual to act on its or their b€half, and such notice shall be etrective until revoked in uriting by such entity or Owners. Any act or omission by such ofthe other Owner or any person who may rely thereupon. (f) Each Lot shalt be considered a separate lot of real property and shall b€ separately assessed fI c\l art tu c\l to O) F-l ro r-l FI +sl ro o. t* I ro ()+ ; t t and taxed. .' ir Cr o a. o. a\l ri ta) (\l ra) I A. O t- ra) C)(f 3. ENCROACHMENTS (a) If anyportionof l.ot 2A ,or lnt 28 , now encroaches upon the oth€r Lot as a result of the construction of any Building, or if any such encroachment shall occur here€fter as a result of settling or shifting of any Building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of tle same so long as the Building stands, shall exist. In the event any Building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire of other casualty or as a result of condemrution or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of paru of the Building on the othcr lot, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted so long as such encroachments are not of geater extent than those prwiously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the Building shall stand. (b) If the driveway accessing either l,ot encroaches upon the other Lot, there shall exist a valid easement for such encroachment and for the repair and maintenance of the same. 4. PARTY WALL (a) To the extent not inconsistent with this Party Wall Agreemen! the general nrles oflaw regarding Party Walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shall apply. (b) The cost of maintenance, repair, alteratioq improvement and replacement of any portion of the Party Wall shall be shared equally by the Owners. (c) lf any portion of the Party Wall is destroyed or damaged by fue or other casualty, either Ov*ner may repair or restore it, and the other Unit Owner shall immediately upon receipt of written demand therefore, pay his or her portion of such costs to the Owner making such restoration or repair. (d) Each Owner shall have a perpenral e,asement in and to that part of the other Unit on which the Party Wall is located for Party Wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair, and hspection. In the event of darBge to or destruction of the Party Wall Aom any cause, then the Owners shall at joint exp€nse, repair or rebuild said Party Wall, and each Owner shall have the right to the fiill use of said Party Wall so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding an1'thing contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willirl act or omission of any Ov*ner, or Related User, shall caus€ damage to, or destnrction of, the Party Wall such Owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstructioq and an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the firll cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 5. LANDSCAPING ANII) SERVICE FACILITIES (a) The Owners from time to time shall jointly undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements including, but not limited to exterior painting as they nay mutually and unanimously deem proper for the harmonious improvement of the Properties in a common theme, an{ exc€pt for any expense of liability caused through the negligence or wiltfrrl act of any Owner, or Related User, which shall be borne solely by such Owner, each Owner shall share expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements. The Owners may from time to time by muhral agreement appoint one Owner as the responsible Owner or may establish a system of alternating urnual responsibility for such landscaping. The responsible Owner would handle all administrative matters with respect to and oversee the maintenance, repair upkeep, and replacement of all such landscaping In the event the Ourners are unable to mutually agree on a decision regarding the landscaping and general outdoor improvements, the Owners shall proceed with such dispute according to Section 12 herein. The Owner of one Unit shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Unit zuch as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious cornmon appearance of the Units. O) Common utility or service comections or lines, conrmon facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the Units but used in common with the other Unit, if any shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half (l/2) interest by the Owners of each Unit and, except for any exp€nse of liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any Olvner, or Related User, which shall be borne solely by such Owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property is not located shall have a pcrpcnully easement in and to that part of zuch other Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. (c) Notwithstanding tle foregoing, the maintenance, repair and upkeep of the driveways and parking areas for each Unit shall be the individual responsibility of each Owner, and each Owner shall pay his own expenses in con-nection therewith. :l 6. ALTERATTON. MATNTENAI{CE. ANp REPAIRS 1., (a) In addition to maintenance provided for, the Owners shall, at their joint expense , provide o exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the Units and the unimproved portions of the Properties upon which are located the exterior wall and roof of the Units; repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windows shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through the negligence or wilthrl acts of any -r Owner, or Related User, such Owner shall bear thJ entire cost of suchiepair or reconstruction.al :- ,. O) Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his Unit f; including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located herein and serving such Unit only; :] window glass and frames shall be deemed interior maintenance. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in : improving or altering the Unit, no Owner shall do any act or work within impain the structural soundness of either : Unit or the Party Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. C)c) (c) Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property I located in, on or upon either of the Units, which are used solely to supply a service or otUity to one Unii shall be ':l owned by the Owner of the Unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and ?, par of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair or inspection. lf (d) No Ovmer shall make or suffer any structural or design change(including a color scheme j, change), either permanent or temporary and for any type or nature whatso€ver upon any part ofhis Lot without ,-, first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other Ovmer. In case of damage or destruction of any Unit f :g, or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the Owrer of such Unit shall cause with due diligencr the Unit to be { 3 repaired and restord applying the proceeds of insurance, if any for that propose, such until shall be restored to a v "1, condition comparable to that prior to the damage, and harmonious manner, to promote the common theme of both Units. lr) r(f I Costs and expenses of landscaping service of facilities, alteration, maintenance and repairs, except as caused by <r the negligence or willfrrl act ofan Owner or his Related User, shall be allocated in the following proportions: lnt2A 7. ALLOCATION OT' E)(PENSE l.r,t28.50o/" f'l 1 C) C) La) cJ o. o. a\l cr) la) C) AI taj I or CO (\ I tr) tr) -.| 8. MECHANIC'S LIEN: INDEMNIFICATION (a) Except for the items incurred as a common expense as provided for hereiq if any Owner shall cause any material to be furnished to his Lot thereon any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other Ov"ner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred offor the value of any work done, and such Owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialme4 and other persons furnishing labor or material to his Int or any improvements therein or thereon; nothing therein contained shall authorize either Ov"ner or any person dealing throug\ with or under either Owner to charge the encumbrance whatever; and on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien encumbrance of any kind agains one Ovner's l,ot for work done or material furnished to the other Owner's lot is hereby expressly denied. (b) Exccpt as prwided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the other Ovrner's l-ot or any improvements therein or thereon, or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as zuch), the Owner who act or omission forms Oe basis for zuch lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to b€ qmc€led and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other Owner, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indemni& and save the other Owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expens€s, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attornsys' fees resulting therefrom. 9. INSURANCE (a) Each Ov',ner shall keep his Unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any Owner may, on thirty (30) day's wriuen notice, at any time one (l) year or longer after the last appraisal of the Units obtain a written appraisal of such Units from a comp€tent appraiser, charging both Ownen with the costs thereof. Such appraiser shall be disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either Owner whether through joint venture ventures or otherwise. (b) Each Owner shall prwide and keep in force, for the protection of himself, general public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property darmge occurring iq on or uporL his parcel or the improvements thereor\ in a limit of not less than $300,000.00 in respect to bodily injury or death to any numhr of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property and, if higher limits shall at any time be customary to protect against tort liability, zuch higher limits shall be carried and each Omer shall name the other Owner as an additional insured party undcr such policy. (c) Each Owner shall deliver to the other Owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragrapb, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modi$ the policies without giving the other Ovvner written notice of at least thirty (30) days. Each Owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all zuch insurance policies of the other Ovyner and require widence of the payment of premiums thereon. (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prwent the Ov*ners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover aly one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each Owner. C) C) IO. DESTRUCTION OR IMPROVEMENIS ON PROPERTII,S (a) In the went of damage or destruction to a Unit by fue or other disaster, the irsurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the Unit, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both of the Owners. The Owner shall then promptly authorize the necessary repa.ir and reconstruction work and insurance proceeds will be applied by the Owner to defray the costs thereof. "Repairs and reconstnrction" of the Units, as used herein, means r€storing the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they prior to the damage with each Unit have the same boundaries as before. O) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damaged Unit, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds ofa special assessment against the O*rer of the damaged Unit. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the Unit exceeds the zum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such Unit. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than lhirty (30) days after written noticcs thcreof. The special assessment prwided for herein shall be a debt of the Owner and a lien on his lnt and the improvements thereon and rnay be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the Owners and first mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged Unis may agree tlat the destroyed or damaged Units shall forthwith be demolished and all debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the Properties regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolition work shall be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess irsurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such Owncrs and their first mortgagees jointly. 1I. RIGHT TO CONTRIBUTION/RIGHT TO LIEN (a) lf an Ovrner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to make any performance or discharge any duty or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other Ownsr rnay, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payment on behalf of such other Owner and expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance required hereunder, or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoratio4 or maintenance, and such other Owner shall have an easement in an to the part of such defaulting Owner's Unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoratiorL or maintenance. O) All suns so paid or expended by an Owner together with interest there, with interest thereon at the rate of eigbte€n p€rcent (187o) per year from the date of zuch payment or expenditure, sball be payable by the Ovrner so failing to p€rform (the "defaulting Owner') upon demand of the other Owner. (c) All sums so demanded and unpaid by the defaulting Owner together witl interest thereon and any attorney fees expanded by the nondefaulting Owner in enforcing his rights hereunder shall constitute a lien on the Unit of the defaulting Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other lien on the Unit of the defaulting Ovr,ner in favor of lhe other Ovmer prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special ass€ssments; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or flrst deed of trust of record encumbering such Unit. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like marner as a mortgage on real property upon recording ofa notice or claim therefor executed by the nondefaulting Owner, and a description of the Unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any fint mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or trander of any Unit as the result of court foreclosure ofa mortgage, foreclosure tlrough the Public Trusee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payment thereof which become due prior to such sale or trander, but shnll not relieve any ".i:r (.: oi o, a.l ar) ro ro '1' :.t '() a.l fs- ro c) LC) c) 3l f,t ..J 1J C) tu nl a') ra)o to O c.l ro A c) I tr)o r.) former Owner of personal Uability therefore. The mortgagee of zuch Unit who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking ofa deed in lieu thereof, shall not be liable for any pas amounts due hcreunder and shall only be liable for future amounts of the date it becomes the Owncr of such Unit. No sale or transf,er shall relieve such Unit from lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a Unit with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a defaulting Owner, exc€pt transf,er to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferes of an interest in such Unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any zuch unpaid zums. (e) Upon written request of any Orner, mortgage€, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee ofa Unit shall issue a written statement sefting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any with respect to such Unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing Owner in favor of any complied with within fiffeen (15) days after receipt thereoi all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. (F) The right of a Unit Onner to contribution from another Unit Owner pursuant to this Party Wall Agreement, shall be spputsnanl to the land and such rights and obligations shall pass to the Owners' successors in title puruant to this Section I l. 12. N)MINISTRATION AI\D MANAGEMENT Both Owners shall be equally responsible for the administration and management of the obligations created hereunder. However, in the event that both Owners cannot agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the impasse shall be resolved as follows: L MEDIATION. Mediation shall first be attempted to resolve the dispute. Either Owner may initiate mediation by filing a written request for mediation with the other Owner. The request for mediation shall contain a brief statement of the nature of the dispute and the names and addresses of all parties to the dispute. The Ov*ner to whom the notice is given shall respond in writing within seven (7) days of receips of the notice sening forth their willingness to mediate and suggesting a mediator. The mediator is to be chosen within fifteen (15) days of the date of the response to the initial request for mediation. The mediator must be an unbiased person, without any financial or personal interest in the dispute or its outcome. If the rnediator cannot be decided upon by the parties within the time set forth herein, the parties shall contact the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and shall allow the AAA to appoint a mediator. Prior to accepting an appointment, the prospective mediator shall disclose any circumstances likely to cre:tte a presumption ofbias or prevent prompt meetings wirh the parties. Upon receipt of such informatio4 the parties shall either agree to use the current mediator or choose a new mediator. The mediator, with the agreement of the parties or on the mediator's own initiative, shall fix the time and place of each mediation session. The mediator is authorized to conduct joint and separate meetings with the parties and to make oral recommendations for settlement. Whenever necessary the mediator rray also obtain expert advice concerning technical aspects of the dispute, provided the parties agree and assume the cost and expense of obtaining such advice. The mediator is authorized to end the mediation whenever further efforts at mediation would not contribute to a solution of the dispute between the parties. The mediator shall maintain the privacy of the mediation effort. Nothing that transpires during the mediation process is intended in any way to affect the righs or prejudice the position of any of the parties to the dispute in any later arbitration, litigation or proceeding. There will be no stenographic record of the mediation proc€ss. The expenses of witnesses for either side shall be paid by the party producing the witness. All other expenses of the mediatioq includiag required traveling and other expenses of the mediator or the cost of any proofs or expert advicc produced at the direct request of the mediator, shall be borne equally by the parties unless they agree otherwise. I-. a, ''. ..J C) C) co (.) c- a. i\l (r) C) O) ta a) .:i :\l ta) j o"1 al t-' I r.ai 1 II ARBITRATION/LffiGATION In the event that Mediation is unsuccessfirl, the parties can elect to make available to them arbitration under the rules of the AAA. In the alternative the parties may jointly petition the Eagle County District Court for a judicial determination of the controversy which decision shall be binding upon both Owners. Pursuant to Section l8(a) below any Arbitrator Court shall award the prwailing party its costs and any reasonable attorneys fee incurred in the mediation or enforcing or defending such action. 13. USE R.ESTRICTIONS (a) Each Unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and to such uses, as well as conditional and accessory uses as shall be allowed. O) No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either Lot, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Lot nro (2) domesticated dogs, and or three (3) domesticated cats; provide4 however, that zuch domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuisanc€ to the other Owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with al County of Eagle ordinances that may apply to such animals. (c) Each Ovr'ner may keep no more than three (3) automobile vehicles permanently on his Lot. Parking of boats, trailers, qrmpers, mobile homes, ATV'S or recreational vehicles on either Unit is expressly prohibited. Parking of more that three (3) automotive vehicles by either Owner or Related User on zuch Owner's Lot for more that a forty-eight (48) hour period is expressly prohibited. (d) No "time-sharing", "interval Ownership" or similar interest, whereby Orrnership of a Unit is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Unit without the prior written approval of both Owners and all lienors holding a firs mortgage or first deed or tnrst of record on any portion of Lot 2A and L,ot 2B , which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. 14. NOTICE -Each Owner shall register is mailing address with the other Owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners shall be sent by certilied mail, postage prepai4 addressed in the name ofthe Owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered in writing, personally to Owners. 15. DI]RATION OX' DECLARATION. - Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws and rules sometimes referred to as thg nrle against perpetuities or the nrle prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in firll force and effect for the period of twenty-one (2 I ) yean following the death of the last survivor of Declarant or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter providd whichwer fint occurs. All other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and renain in firll force and effect until 2010, and thereafter for successive periods of ten (10) years duratior! unless this Declaration is terminated by recorded ilstrument directing termination, signed by all Owners and all lienors holding a mortgage or deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot2A orlot2B 16. AMENDMENT OR RD,VOCATION This Declaration may be amended or rwoked (i) by Declarant so long as Declarant owns both&12A, andl4l2lll_ or (ii) upon urunimous written approval in recordable form of all Owners 604505 B-?08 P_521 o 1n /15/1996 05:32F pc 9 oF. 10 17. ET'F'ECT OX'PROVISIONS OF IIECLARATION _Each provision of this Declaration" and any agreemen! promise, covena atrd undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provisions of this Declaration; (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any righ! title, or interest in any portion ofIAtZA , or l,ot 28 , is grantd devised, or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of l,ot 2A or_L4t:28, by an Ovmer, be deemed accepted ratifie4 adopted and declared as personal covenant of zuch Owner and his heirs, personal representatives, zuccesson and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with representatives, successors and assigns; an4 shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each Owner of any portion of l,ot 2A or Lot 28 , and, (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itse[ its successors and assigns and also an equitable sewitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each every portion of Lot 2A orlo! 28 18. ENF'ORCEMENT AND RDMEDIES (a) Each prorision of the Declaration shall be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a zuit or action to recover darnages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prwailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewitlU including reasonable attorney's fees. @) Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in any only in the District Court ofEagle County, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provisioq the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or any other provision of the declaration. 19. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with resp€ct to the other Owner's Unit including, but not limited to, the use of any €sement gnnted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not urueasonably hinder, impede, or impose upon such other Ovrner's use of his Unit. 20. SUCCESSORS AI\II ASSIGNS Except as othenvise prwided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Declarant and each Owner and their heirs, personal representatives, su@€ssors and assigns of each. 2I.WEBAE&ITY Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in pan shall not effect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of this Declaration. 22. CAPTIONS The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. i i I ; i 23. CONSTRUCTION When necessary for proper constructioq the masculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter, gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. INWTINESSWHEREOF,DeclarantbascausedthisDeclarationtobeexecuted thrs // aayof 2*sgyl4 SOUTHWEST BTJILDERS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY A Colorado Limited Liability Company I subscribed and swom to before ne a notary p.buc trisAaay "COhkf,rsgdo Witness nry hand and official seal. My commission expires; MY Commission Erpiree 604505 B-708 P-52.1 l0/L5/1996 05:32P PG 10 oF rrJ I l I I .,J :a )."i 'l tl rfri -t,.tJ- r a t\. 1 n-'l't r 10 srArEoFa]C lOir\drl ., oF r-o cr I €- o!,nn Review Action F TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone:c, ( 6",.t '4kl ,J /^r Legal Description: Lot ?' etock 7 Subdivision Cp Fro 17 Zone District f/S Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Statt Action Vote:Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval {stattnRprovat conditions: /-*^., / A-^ a r'6 f7"-.<- Town Planner Datet /-9 - '! (DRB Fee Pre-paid ^//A otgn Review Action Fo* TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ---Block -1. - Subdivision Zone District Project Streel Address:ri \ Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ,! Approval , fl Disapproval t'l Staff Approval Conditions: -,-i,1,li\-., 1'1 \ t',, Town Planner '!I \/Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid ..d al ll l9r DEsrcN REvrEw "ooOo"'LrcATroN ' T.I{N oF vAl ,ffi DATE RECEMDI DATE OF DRB MEETING: *!ttft!tfttt tt*i****t*Tfl.I. A. PROJECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction - '-eaairion (g5o. oo) ($200.00) Minor AlLetl!i-?i... Conceptual Revl'ew ($20.00) ($0) ,g T,lnsrtdlz /at. C. ADDRESS: D. I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION I Subdivision If property is described bY i."-"iiittioir, Prease Provide to Lhis aPPlicaLion' a meeLs and bounds legal ;"':";;p;;ate- streec and aLLach E. F. G. H. I. T ZONING: NAf'{E OF Mailing NA},IE OF Mailing |dd;es91 APPI,ICANT: APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE I APPIJI}ATIDN|flIIJI'NoTBEPRocEssEDwITIIowo'tluEn'ssrGilvATI'RB condoninium Approval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo bt-Plig al the Eime of submirrai'oi"t.[.-pia-appticaEion. r.,aber' \dtren applying for a- n"fiii"s-permit'-pi"t"t identify the accurate valuation or tne ii6;;ti ' rhe ioil-or-viir tirr adjust' Lhe fee according to th;'Iif,i; ueio''-lo ""t"te the correct fee is paid. NAME OF OWNER(S OT{NER fSI STGNA?UREI uailing AddrPsq: - hoa,r doobc--, / 7r^ (lull. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YBAR AFTBR FINAI' issuso AND coNsrRucrrou FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o $ 19'999 $ to, oo1 - $ 50, 999 $so,oo1 -$ 1s0,999 $tso,oo1 - $ sgq,qgg $soo, oo1 - $1, oo9, 999 $ o.ter $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIT EXPIRES eFpnovel, ITNIJESs A BUTLDTNG PERI'lrr rs IS STARTED. NurE6 R'g\t6rD^l oJ"J FJ-eVAT|0NE @ 0{AN6t rD tdtNoot\, vuorz FFoN NtttfC- TD 6,6-. O orr* o, *n"*r*, NAl,lE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTTONt LOT 7 BLOqS STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is required for submit'Eal ReviewBoardbeforeafinalapprovalcanbegiven: A. BUII,DING MATERIAIJS: TYPE OF MATERIAI, to Ehe Design COITOR Roof Siding OLher wa11 Maberials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other I-,ANDSCAPING: f - a{7,*,'/. . = , i t ( - ce"tor- u4n/.' 4*raccd l)aao/ ' ccLr o' n '' ' " nr I (I+d - F '1e 2'aaz Sir// /Jd/ Designer: Phone: SUBDIVISION B.Name of -*..\ - b- 1-I o t.! 1r \v' ,/ r / ba ,|t'{r l-.-l- ---i.rf zeS t{- -?lFlt 'r 7, 'r!'r u ( I I I Fuil "_r, a{fttr, aYTF A70 . ?l.aF+, O rrn H, atalv* fAl FtrPP tt't L. ?rr'6,6t 6 - af*l Af Q ?p?e5t6t 'la? r"rr+ boflart p+tL , -trALtta? %l%lpFHoe : :t- /.-T b DfuAr+L ol / ?t?? w zt ^voa?o?4 , an P9b,?Yflrft##. €sUel - FA ll-'lHa Pen*"ll-I 'l' 1'-ol .vl.ll+,F ' rv!''Flry*tnFqrttlF}'. .t ru.4'l De{n Fievrew Acrron Forf TOWN OF VAIL t Category Nr^O" eroiectName: {t {(ter J Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: /t -- lda /,);f'7 Comments: -r -// -z -u i -,, r'/- / Legal Descripti on:Lot ).-' Block ? Subdivision Lt','-t) lt/ar J"> ZoneDistrict {u/l Project streetAd aresst / f,1 '7 I )"r" iq,lr, r la,ri' Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: [] Approval D Disapproval ( statennrovat 'J.a ii Town Planner { ,,, il t/oa",/2.4 ) )DRB Fee Pre-paid FFqC='tr ryTffi REVIET{ BOARD APPI,ICATION - TOIVII OF VAII,, CO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ****t****t TTOJVS *rir****ti r.att.t 7l lll9l DESIGN Jolssb I, A. PROJECT INFORI'TATTON:p\ -t0$\i B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Addi tion ADDRESS: ($s0.00) D. a meeLs and bounds legal on a separate sheeE and aLEach New Const.ruction ($200.00) X$inor AlLeraLion ($20.00) neview ($0) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described by descripLion, plelase provide to Lhis application. ConcepLual E.ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: G.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: l{.NAME qF ObTNER(S) : OWNER(S) SIGNATURE:(- Mailing Address: Phone I. .I . APPLICATIONS WILIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOVT OIifi|JER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aL lhe Lime of submiLLal of Lhe DRB applipation. taLer, when applying for a building permiL, please idenLify Lhe accurate valuaLion of the proposal . The Town of Vail- will adjusL t'he fee according to Ehe table below, Lo ensure the correcL fee is paid. '"uj{ I /65< J-4<( FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION a.r .r v .i rv, vuv $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50,001 - g 150, 000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, o0l- - $1, ooo, oo0 $ Over $1,000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ ITNIJESS A BUIITDING PER.IIIT IS IS STARTED. FEE Q zv. vu $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AT.ID CONSTRUCTION Phone Motch Sherwin Willloms sw.1O94 Pczzi pOO1 "White" Roinbow Mix-- Reduce Reds Wood Siding and Soffits, Fascia and Trim Stucco lVindows Stone Base COLOR SCHEME Olympic 71 8 "Noturol Tone" o r.vi..d 8/17l9{ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *rltti**!r!l** INCOMPIJETE APPIJICATIONS TIAY NOT BE SCHEDVIJED FOR REVIEW. ***!a****** PROJECT INFORITIATION : DESCRI PTION: I. A.otsrh'chrn ,fl'',ri , frfi "? R TYPE OF REVIEW: --2CNew ConsLruction ($200.00) Minor A1 reraEion 'r Addition ($50.00) conceptual Review fi.Ll.-ttti J D : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdi.vision ($20.00) ($0) (. D. If property is described by description, please provide to this application. a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet 1egal and attach ZONING: NAME OF Mailing NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT:-,f,*/' APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address :// (9 6/657 phone r. J. NAME OF OWNER(S) : OIINER(SI SIGNATI]RE: "aiitn r"fuHz' APPIJICATIONS WIIJL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNERI S SIGNATI]RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. the t.ime of submittal of Lhe DRB application. LaLer, when applying for a building permit, please idenE.ify the accuraEe valuat.ion of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according Lo the table beIow, to ensure the correct fee o,Q 6oob VALUATION $ 0 $ t_0.000 $ 10.001 $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1s0,001- - $ s00,000 $s00,001 - $1,000, 000 g Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNIJESS A BUILDING PERIT{IT IS IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0 - 00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI.TD CONSTRUCTION is paid. II PRE - APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning sLaff is encouraged t.o determine if any additional application informatj.on is needed. It is the applicant's reiponsibifity Lo make an appointment with the staff to determine j-f Lhere are addiLional submiLtal reguirements. Please note that a CoMPLETE application will streamline Lhe review process for your project. III. IMPORTAI T NOTTCE REGARDTNG AIJI.' SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. rn addition to meeting submittal reguirements, the applicant musE stake and tape the project sj-te to iir-clicare property lines, bullding lines and buildinq corners. AIl Lrees to be removed must be taped. A11 site capings and staking must be completed prior to the one siue visit.. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winLer is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUTLDTNGS normally requires t.wo separaLe meetings of Ehe Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. ApplicanEs who fail to appear before the Design Review nolrd on their scheduled meeting daEe and who have noL asked in advance Lhat discussion on Lheir iLem be postponed, will have their iLems removed from the DRB agenda until such time as Ehe item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning ad.minisLrator, be approved by the CommuniLy Development DeparLmenL staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skyLights and similar exLerior changes which do not alEer the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions not. visible from any other Iot or public space. At Lhe time such a proposal is submitLed, applicants must include leLters from adjacenc property owners and,/or from the agent for or managei oi any adjacent condominium associaEion stat.ing Lhe associaLion approves of Lhe addition' E. If a properLy is locaLed in a mapped trazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockf aI1, f lood pJ.ai.n, debris f 1ow, wetland, etc.), a hazard sLudy musL be submitEed and Ehe owner must sign an affidaviL recognizing Lhe hazard report prior to the issuance of a buitding permit' Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner piior to DRB application to determine the relationship of t.he propert.y t.o all mapped hazards. F. For all residential const.rucLion: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans Ehe inside face of Lhe exterior strucLural wa11s of Ehe building; and b. IndicaLe with a dashed line on Lhe siEe plan a four foot. distance from the exterior face of the buildinq walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the applicat.ion wiLh conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval musL be addressed prior to the application for a building permil. rv.o NEW CONSTRUCTION -\ A. 7.11 7't"' ,4t''/c ;'n tlf't,t,_ t tf lv' Three copies of a recent Lopographic survey, stamped by a Colorado Professional L,icensed Surveyor, at a scale of l-" = 2Q' or larger, on which the following information is provided: , J \ ':\ '.1. IJoL area, and bu(ldabl$'area when dj-f f erenL t.han 1oL area 4. Legal description and physical address. .{. Two foot cont.our intervals unless the parcel consist.s of 6 acres or more, i-n which case, 5 ',, 'contour int.erval.s may be accepted. \',1< , ,..,1'4.v"" rxist.ing trees or groups of Erees having trunks wi-th diameters of 4', or more, as measured from a pornt one foot. above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermitt.enL sLreams, Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal1, etc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek or stream set.back. and 100 -year f lood plain, if applicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be clearly delineated by cross haEching. Ties t.o existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informatlon musL be clearly stated on the survey so that all measuremenLs are based on t.he same starting poinL. This is part.icularly importanL for deLermining building height and driveway slope. See Policy On Survey InformaLion, for more informaLion regarding surveys. Locations of the folLowinq musL be shown: '-a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, af d ,,v' ,4 t () \ ".1 4 ltw- " I ,'<l€ L t" \ \ ->v n ./c lt.r :, t o'.-*11 ,^tru",\ l tt ,U" TJ ./> . 8. Exact location of exisLing utiliEy service lines from Lheir source Lo the sLructure,includinq: c9ewer i) cas i-J water .-'Electric "cab1e Tv -,T elephone AlI utility meLer locations, including any pedestal.s to be locat,ed on site or in Lhe right-of-way adjacent to Lhe site. Property lines - disEances and bearings and basis of bearing. the following must, be shown: and finished grades. surface drainage on and off sibe. t\tJ 7. I,1J6. @/ '/a Qi f e Dlan Locations of Y". Exis t.ins e. Indicate all easement.s idenLified on the subdivision p1aL. Provide spot. elevaLions aE Lhe edge of asphalt,along the street front.age of Ehe properEy at twent,y-five fooL inE.ervals (25') , and a minimum of one spo! elevation on either side of the loL. It"' w*f ffu.Proposed 1?Proposed driveway, irrcliairrq pcrcenL sloDe and spe!_eIe\te!+94€-3t Lhe property line'qaraqe-EeE-E;aM c-EfrEerfJne of the drive to accurately reflect driveway grade. d. A 4' concreLe drive pan at the edge of asphalL for driveways t.hat exit the sEreeL in an uphi11 direction. AI1 existing improvenents including structures' landscaped areas, service areas' storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wal1s (with Eop and bottom of wa11 spoL elevations) , and oLher existing site improvements. rn order to deLermine proposed building heights elevations of all Lop roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning administrator, shall be indicated on the sit,e plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape Plan (1u = 20'or larger) - 3 copies required 1. At a minimum, the following information must be provided on the landscaPe .P1an: a, Locat.ion of exisLing Erees 4" diameLer or Iarger, Type, size and location of all existing and proposed planE material, IJocaLion of all trees t.o be Lransplanted, A detaj.led legend of all proposed plant material i.ncluding common and Latin natnes. 'l) n't t'..->\2. The locacion and lype of exist'ing and proposed watering systems Eo be emptoyed in caring for ,.-zl plant maLerial f ollowing its installation. , .-ttu % - \ ,r -. /..@ :. ExisLing and proposed conLour lines. Retaining { \ 1'.<'.t | ,...-tl wal1s should te incruded with the contour ' I .,i,fe-u* U intormaLion with top of wall and bot'Lom of wall I t-r elevaLions list.ed. ,-"t O. 4. Complete the aLLached landscape materials lisL' sj,on off from each uLilitv comDanv verifying the IocaEion of ulility service and availability (see aLLached utilj.ty verifi.cation form) . A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must aclompany aI1 submittals, to insure properEy ownership and identify all easemenLs affecting Lhe subjecE properEy. Architectural Plans (l-/8" = 1' or larger, L/4" Ls preferred scale for review) 3 copies are reguired. Floor plans and all elevaLions of the proposed -development drawn to scale and ful1y dimensioned' the elevation drawings must show both exisLing and - ' _--i*-r--.-=----finrshed qrades One seL of floor plans must. be "red-lined" Lo show how Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculaLed. Ext.erior maLerials and colors sha1l be specified on the atLached materials 1ist. This materials lisE musE be compleEed and submiLEed as a part of Lhe applicaLion. Color chips, sidinq samples etc., shall be presented aL Ehe Design Review. Board meeting. becails including, but not limited \- i l-L i-l LC,tv ,t . \n, i LW\ /'vz- ,\-^ l t( ^t. L (Er+' r-: r ' (,tu- Y r_)a b. 5 F. 1. \*-1 A 2. ,l o Lo fascia. trim, railings, chimney cap, meLer Iocations, oLc. musL be shown graphically and fully dimensioned. Zone check lisL (attached) must. be completed j_f the project is locaE.ed within the Single-Fami1y,Primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone dj.stricts. Photos of Ehe existing siLe and where applicable, of adj acent s truc t.ures . The Zoning AdminisLrator and,/or DRB may require t.he submission of additional plans, drawings,specif icat.ions, samples and ot.her maEe;ials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine hrhether a project will comply with oeliqn Guidelines. PhoLos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment.proposal and the location (siee plan) of t.he redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal reguirement.s set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal includ.ing co1-ors and mat.erials to be used are suUrnit,ted.. A. Building locat,ion(s) wj.th E,ies to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions Lo the nearest tenth of a foot. G. H. \t vI . A. Original f1oor plans with all specifications shown. T!19" sets of proposed floor plans L/g" - 1' or 1arger (L/4,, = 1, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construcLion. Indicat.e roof ridge elevations with exisE,ing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the exisEing sLrucLure. F. specificaLions for all materials and color samDres on materials Iist (attached) . AE the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: c. A statement from each utitity verifying location of service and availability. See attactred ut.iIi_t.y location verificaLion form. H. A siEe improvement. survey, st.a$ped by registered Colorado professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary t.j-tle reporE, L.o verify ownership of property, which lists alI easements. VII. FTNAIJ STTE PIJAN once a building permi! has been issued, and const,rucEion is underway, and before Lhe Building Department. will schedule a framing inspecLion, two copies oi an- rmprovement LocaLion Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a reqistered professional engineer must. be submit.tea. The fo1l0wing informat,ion must be provided on the fLC: B. - RESIDENTI c. D. G. H. A11 utility service line as-builEs, showing LLpe of material uied, and size and exact locaLion of lines ' Basis of bearing to Lie to section corner' All property pins are to be eibher found or set and sEated on imProvement survey. A11 easemenCs. Garage slab elevati.ons and atl roof ridge elevaEions with existi-ng and proposed grades shown under the ridge 1ines. VIII .CONCEPTUAI, DESIGN REVIEW A. Submittal resuirements: The owner or auLhorized agenE of any pro:e?E-ildliittg design alproval as.prescribed Uy this-.fripl..-*iy suUmit ptins ior concepLual review Uv ttre oesiqn Revilw Board to the DepartmenL of C-omnunity o6velopment. The concepEual review is intended to -qi".'ine applicant a tasic understanding of the compatj.Uificy of uheir proposal .with Lhe Townrs Design -cuiaeiinei. rhis pr-ocedure is recommended primirity foi applicationi more complex than.single- ianily and two--ritnirv residences' However' developers of sinqle-tamifv and two-family projects shal1 noL be excluded tto*-iire opportuniEy Lo request a conceptual design review. complete appticacions must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting' The fotlowing information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A concepLual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale oi one inch eguals tr^tenty feeL; 2. Conceplual elevations showing exterior materials -andaa.sc'iptionofLhecharacLeroftheproposed sEructure or s tructures; 3. SufficienL information Lo show the proposal complies with Ehe development sLandards of Lhe zone d'isLricL in which the projecL is to be Iocated (i.e. GRFA, siLe coverage calculaLions' number of Parking spaces, etc'); 4. Completed DRB applicaLion form' B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an applicaLion-for conceptuar aelign revilw, ctre peplrtment' of community Deve]opment inaif revj-ew the submiLted materials for general "o*pii"rr". wiLh the appropriaEe requirement's of ihe zoninq coae. If lhe proposal is in basic compliance with the zonj'ng-code requirements' Ehe proj"ct shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If lhe application is noL generally in compliance wiLh zoni-nq code requiremenLs' ttre appiication and submiital mateiials sharl be returned t.o- ttre appli-ant with a wriuten explanation- as to whv the Community Development DepartmenE staff has found Lhe project ;ot Lo be in conptiance.witl' zoning code requireirents. once a complete application has been received, the DRB shal1 review the submitted concepLual review application and supporEing material in order to determine whether or noE tne project generally complies with the design guidelines- The DRB does nou voLe on concepLual reviews. Tbe property owner o lrs representacive shall be pres-ent aL Ehe DRB hearing' I,IST OF MATERIAI,S NAI',IE OF PRO,IECT: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTI ON: LOT 7 BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: Tbe following information is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING MATERIAI.IS: / Roaf'L'-" Siding Other Wall Materials required approval TYPE OF for submiLLal can be given: MATERIAI, Eo Lhe Design /(Y Fascia Sof f i t.s Windows window Trim Doors Door Trim rfiand or Deck Rails I F l rra<: Enclosures .?11 '-# PL t'1,{ ll \' Ud-/ (-:1'""n SUBDIVISION /oo/ /9n Greenhouses ing Wa1ls =----t.erior Lightinq\. B. Phone: PIJANT MAT PROPOSED o ERIAI-,S TREES BoLanical Name Common Name OuanEitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioer for deciduous trees j.s 2 inches. rndicate height for ffi. Minimum hei.ohL for coniferous Lrees is 5 feet.**Indicate sire oEJioposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qa11on. Tvpe Square Foo t'aqe AND SHRUBS **u/rr*/t GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining wal1s' fences' swlmmlng pools, eLc.) Please specify. rndiiace heights of reLaining wa1ls. Maximum height of wltls wigtrin the front setback is 3' . Maximum heiqht of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6' C. LAIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of f i.xt.ures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the tpace below and provide Ehe height above grade' tlpe of light prbposed, lumen ouLput, Luminous area and a cut sheet of the light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 .T) D. SingIe DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ADDRESS: O TNER ZONE CHECK FOR ly Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS lock o Fami -.v Primary/Secondary KlD ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE .-Setbacks FronL Sides Rear Site Covetaqe/l-fr \5 i,andscapinsT -bA W ^l zoNE DrsrRrcr //A/e.td Lor srzE uB fof Vf :=(,,"ffi-*f#'(-i*t*, ,,/ror.1 cnra (eilt r df(r = u'6rimary cnre '1fu + 425 = '{'l'l > / s""ond^to''!!!i r{?t +425 ^ /\ ., '',= d7a 5 26 -:. \ i,andscapins7 - bA W , tkM ./fu'r'Y[Y ReLaining watl Heishts * -... L-J 4,7 'rSr to 6'nr, ;l{M €;' / nnct 20, 15' L,5'#=.TQtr4* - ' ^.!(2'l i'( t aa- @-te qcnt _.!)' //t7ut/ .;V 3, /6' ) neqrd 1_\Jcl racre Credi L ting Ordinance (30) (s0) 1) Flood Plain t')'P/( 3) Geologic Hazards c) Debris Flow Ok'o4;1 l-1 parking )"'.'{af- nrive: 'nj- r Wcompties wit.h T. o.v. . l,ic /rr4-"/ \), - ArO h.'l (f oo Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50t) View Corridor EncroachmenE; Yes_ .\ Does Lhis request involve a )50 Addition? 2 r ? subdivision tT/ao PH'NE /fl- 7U BUILDABLE Exis tinq LOT AREA Proposed r-/(3oo) (600) (eo0) (1200) (.)d- permiELed slope 4 * Proposed slope I z yes Y No tr4 yes '-/ "#-- a). Snow Avalanche f{'6j Rockf arl ,'T 4) weLianat U4 *oX '1'rY 3.1 '3: ;: BE Fqcfl rLBLI(: Ei:Fr.rl:E r.r:rlL UBB'3!Ud EZ0EBcTOLE ,awlra{ t / l r,,9l 3FGE. EOE I'I81 tFI EZ AVV JOB NAI.{8 SSBDIVISION wT *- _- ErJocx Ff f,tNG ADDREgS ThE fonr lg ueed to'rerlty Eorvlcg rvellablrigy and rccacion. This tnoul(l be used in conjunctlon niEh prsparlng ysur uiil19y plan and scheduling instaltaLions. For any neu conttrueglon proposal/ Lhe applicanc must provide a completed ut:Iity verifieallon fg'!r. The location and availabitity of uLiliLies, whether they be maiB Lrurrk lines or proposed lineg, srust be approved and vsrlfled by the tqllowing utiliLies for the accompanying eite plan, AII futborizlng rignscures need to be originals. ^rrLho'{,ecl.Sidrrarr!?F Dif.Ell u.8. wegg Cosrmunlcaeionr 468-6E60 or 9{9-4530 Publlc Service Company 9 rl9 - 611s orry Hrtl/Rich coorey Holy Croaa ElecEric As5oc. 9{9-5892 Engineering Degt. Ted Hurky/Uiclrael Laverty f ' *-a' rrfCl Cablcvtrlo:r of the Rqcki 949 -t224 Mrrk Oravr! ?',lr L {-;+{ ttupper Eagle velley waLer & gu:lBation Distriet r 47 6 -7180 Fred HaElee .rA llta Plrn ls raquilsd.glcal location ot ltsgrrtt utlltttcl Estt Dc rf,ora on tlC aite pLaa-. uBltlty Iacatieas tnry oE tgi?! oflcr cerrice r," ibi pioptiii ri"", rol ucirlty exteoelos rrqulred rball bG the rGsgoaslDtllty of the grogsssy orB.r. 1. rf a utilJty conpany has concerps wi-th tlrc proqooed cansLructicn, - ittl ttiirity repreasntative should not alirectli/ on sh; uiilitv i'eriitcaLlon forrn thrt. Lhere is a probrcn "lfit teeia Lo bt reeolved' fhE lrcuc should lhen b; ;;eri"a oue ln deLail in an attrctr'd lecter Le lhe Toh of val!. However' PLease.I?:P l" rind tshat iC ig ehe responsibillcy of the uBlrrEy conPany to resolve identified probhnc' z. rt the uttlity verilicallon form has elgnaLuteg fron each of thc utilily comgonles' and ng csruBente 'ts nade directly on tire io-rm. tbe Town wI 11 presune that LberQ eie-tto problelrt and ttral ghc develoPmqrL can proeeed. N(IIE: I I ?t-<?- 4r-e\\o\ 9- ) r :l o_a o 6' o o U' f o o g. o o 6-{ a 6- It o o =-o o-t r.D :t .=g d- .o i; -o c+-ii F!. oJ ii ?'o 1- JO a* o.x;;ia =.o ox f- oF o o d o o f o d o o o o o o -o c t-c a m =c -o 6 c \t,o m z --t -n ii z 3 m 08/21,/1995 LL:52 1978e45849e gSl2L/1991 tt:44 9794769923 L./ ' J|.' \'/ EILL SARGIS RKD PAGE A2 PAGE g2 1l:,.tf i,l?.Lroa p.i:.,.1:\jq)/PU6 Z1'95 hr3/hErrs lrcd thr SrltA ;=::'i iif,ffi;a fiererd Rcnon' aareo $?ATE OF egtOF*D+ COUNTY OF ffi.,w;ww oritutod the Aernc tor tho pu,poacr and clnsldg/olionnrlau,fi .--J Prrlon whotC horxoc'redu,ora'neronGi'fi ,##'"tr"lTffi jHl]ffilll,ltiff :i#: My oonnlgjon g&lrer; .r{ri!lrrl,, Received: OB/22/95 01 :05: 1 0 From: 9704769023 ols Ha4rd Btvhw (lqirl 9erortpiioii jr,iEH:ii*#"_, My comrnlsglon orplrel: Thelnd. ersigned has/have read the Zrtik Hazard Report, dated 19jf, prepared by 6"2r lAVe understan{fromlhe conclusions that the proposed building is llk/ir"f<-- l'"'t /cfa.(l hazard zone, and there is fre potential reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit. located in a hazard ot ,eoctl to accept these facis and (Name, Orner) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF (Name, Orvner) and acknowledged side tion therein expressed. I ) ss. I The foregoing instrument was 19_, by is subscribed lo the day of be the person to me that he whose name executed the same for the purpo My commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of known to me to be the subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged lo me that lor the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 19_, by person whose name is he executed the same My commission expires: c$D(rnr\h!:.!rd o"Q" Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL o rm ,./ category Numbr'lt/Z:- Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: n/o Legal Descripti on: Lot L Block J Subdivision 4r; atn(+zone District e/ r Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionby: H+-- vot", //-(/ Seconded {ooo,*n n Disapproval 3 StaffApproval Conditions:t-('/ rant Q- oae: -7' 6' 7 f DRB Fee er"-p ia' Jd L. o^ *P bf a"nct->ptt^yel 2,x..-b q tqen;c{5& /.L^ /4r* n >Z//.__X(W {y,*f +eel;.)r;,'.ffk:,i,&), Town Pfanner u L (' ^ -, / ftna " /'//;f,,*i{f uH',,*l ,/ GREG HALL TODD CPPFNj!-i|_iMEF. Relurn to *oliDr srcuDE!' Town Plannei' PRoJECT: {o-t&|" DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI-: ? INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: Dalc: Engincering: Revicwed by: Commenls: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Landscaping: Firc Dcpt.: Rcviewcd ny: 4ktatC Datc:_ - commcnrs: /cr:'{ fr*tog tlfdTb"notrtb.q va*ble' /o /<ce5: , sftvclvt< -iff; - ,t!o',^f;o,,a- av\ *trf-d {D ,frc.,os Rp,, };1rwry ;'i i""/ u-/ll* ''r4"e'ai4:r) to ';*+ -io, ioj-' {(r"L,tr.''?\.,fs Clos€ b,lt s*i\\ - vn*b\e *o f,e*cb v',i\\n ':{;:'i'^{;t't''iZ'nr- 'sftv'\"' {ro-- *oP of , $,***;-' (o, s+,'1,^'1 -*n') 'Qu'',nf 'g.,,.* e.c '''7rir"'tvt( rodi'* -f Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, public Worl<s, and Landsc uping on I f l\ JK ATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 710l West Yale Avenue, No. 601 Denver, CO 80?27 303-986-6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. July 7, 1995 Mr. William Sargis Southwest Partners P. O. Box 1083 'a Edwards, CO 81632 Engineering Geologic Hazards Study, Lot 2, Block 3, Filing 3 (f 873 Lion's Ridge Loop), Vail, Colorado. Job No. 368(126) Dear Mr. Sargis: As requested, I retumed to Vail, Colorado, today, July Z, l gg5, to review geologic conditions pertinent to Lot 2 of Block 3, Filing 3, of the Lion's Ridge Subdivision, and to re- assess those conditions in the light of the geology-related hazards some of those conditions may pose to the construction of the 3-level duplex residence planned for construction on this site. The lot, sited on the northern slope of the Gore Creek Valley, is about 350 feet long, measured upslope from Lion's Ridge Loop, and about 150 feet wide. The building, I understand, is to be built adjacent to this road. The backwall cut of the site excavation planned to provide a level buifding site of about 3000 square feet is expected to be aboutzz feet high maximum. As noted in my earlier reports on this property and neighboring lots, geologic conditions appearto be benign, except for a potential rock fall hazard. The property is not in a debris flow zone; geologic conditions do not favor landsliding, and no landslides were observed on the property or uphill from it; no avalanche chutes cross the property; and the lot is well above the floodplain of Gore Creek The rockfall hazard is imposed by 3 long bluffs of outcropping sandstone and shale lying at about El. 8340 feet, 8400 feet and 8450 feet, and by large and small blocks of sandstone that have fallen from those bluffs and travelled down the slope 50 to 150 feet. The tallest of the bluffs (the middle one) is about 30 feet high; the other 2 are less than l0 feet high. Since 1979 those bluffs have bee repeatedly re-examined (by me), and the rockfall hazard imo by those outcrops has been repeatedV assesse=d to be low. of rockfall activity during that 16 year period. Moreover, loose rock twice since I979. R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. lmportantly, I have seen no evidence the outcrops have been scaled of The blocks of sandstone strewn about the mountainside upslope from Lot 2 are partly buried in.the colluvial soils and are universally lichen-covered. Those two facts urge the conclusion that the boulders were detached from the outcrops upslope a long time ago, possibly near the end of the lce-Age some 8000 years or so ago. rngy_appgelto!-e very well stabilized in place and are unlikely to move again fof many_hgndreds-ofJeals. So long as the construction of the planned dwelling does not materially change the existing ground conditions, thus the stability of the existing soils andlor bedrock at this site, slope plellg{lgyrleyer,itshauld_b! lg_glSngd !y g ge_o_ge_c-l-1flca! enEle-e1to minimize the risk of cut- slope instability. t---dtherwise, the construction as planned should not increase the hazard to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, right-of-ways, easements, utilities, or facilities. I hope these evaluations and conclusions will be of some service to you. lf you have any questions, please call. Yours truly,gr#*-*.,fu Robt. James lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist o o frInter-Mountain lAt-qineerinnLtd. a, SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 2, BLOCK 3, LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.3 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLOMDO PREPARED FOR: DOUG DOWD -ts'r'tss .-,1t. -4 \ t!i*' - .-"1;'|'PROJECT NO. 90165 APRIL 1990 Box No.978 r Avon, Cotorado 81620 . 9495O72 Denver 893'1531 TABLE OF'CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION RECOM},IENDATI ONs SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDVIATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE LAWN INRIGATION M]SCELLANEOUS TEST LOCATION SU},I}IARY OF TEST BORINGS SWETL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESUTTS PERIPHERAI, DRAIN DETAIL 1 I z 2 .t e 4 5 6 6 7 B 8 Drawing No. 1 Figures No. 1 Flgure No. 3 FiEgure No. 4 -2 L CONCIUSTONS 1. Subsoil condltlons a,ro falrly uniform . over the glte wtth fees than 2.5 feeb of topeoll underlaln by clayey eand eoile to the maximum depth explored of 11-5 feet' 2. The proPoeed residence ehould be founded on the undleturbed clayey eand soile on conventional spread footinge'deslgned for a maxlsrum goil bearlng pressure of 2500 psf' 3. Lot 2' Block 3, Lion's Ridee Subdivision FilinB No' 3 is located in a "High Severl-tv Rockfall" zone on the map "Rockfall Studv - Town of Vail" prePared by Schmueeer and Aseociates. SCOPF Thie report presents the results of a sollg and Foundatlon fnvestigation for the ProPoeed resldence to be conetructed on Lot 2, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing No. 3, Town of Vail' Eagle County, Colorado. The lnvestigablon ritaa PrePared by means of test pite and laboratory testlng of aamples obtalned from theee plte. Thie purpoee of thle foundatlon exploratlon waa to determlne the varlous eorr proflle eomponenta and the engtneerlng characteriatlce of the foundation materLals, and to Provide criteria for uae by the desLgn englneerg and architectg ln preparing the foundation dealgn. Evaluation of the rockfall hazard ia beyond the acope of this report. we reconurend that a quallfied professional be consulted to provide recotnmendatione. 2 SITE LOCA'TTON AND NESCRIPTION The site le located at 18?3 [,ion's Ridge Loop- The lot sLopee steeply at approxlmately 35 per cent- The source of the rockfall hazard is the outcroP to the north of the lot. Cobble and boulder size rocke are ecattered on the ground aurface. Vegetation eoneleted of snall a6pens' underbrueh and grasses. SJTE INVFSTTGATION The field lnveetigatlon performed on April 18' 1990 congisted of excavating, Iogging and eamp.llne 2 teat pite. The location of the teet pLte are ehown on Drawlng No- 1. A eummary of the teet pit loge are detalled on Flgures No- 1 through 2- A aunmary of the teet reeulte are ehown on FlEure No- 3- Sanrplee obtal-ned during the field invegtlgation were returned to our laboratory, insPected and claesified ln accordance wlbh the Unlfled SolI Claeslflcatlon Syeten and the teet plt,/boring logs \tere edited as necegaary' To aid in classlfylng tlre soile encQuntered and to determine general eoil characterlstics, aelected laboratory tests (such as moisture content, unlt weight, Atterberg linite, grain elze diatnibutlon, gwell-consolidation) were performed on rePreEentative eoil aamples. The test plte were excavated with a conventional backhoe. Laboratory aamPles were obtained at selected intervale by driving a "Californla" hand eampler lnto undisturbed eoil ' SUBSURF'ACE AND GROUNDT\IATER C0NDITIONS Refer to the sunmary of test pits, FiEnrree No. 1 through 2. Subsurface conditl-ons are falrly uniform' Less than 2'5 feet of topeoil was underlain by firm slope wash solls consleting of clayey eand wlth cobblee and boulders to the ma-xlmum depth explored of 11.5 feet. The upper eollo were very moiet wlth the molsture.content generaLly decreaslne with depth' No groundwater wae encountered in any of the teet plts at the tirne of excavatlon. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based upon the information Provlded by Doug Dowd, it le underatood that the proposed resldence will eonalBt of two 4 f100rs. The first f100r wilt be cut back into the hill and walk- out at the front. Maximum anticipated cutg are aPProxirrately ten feet. T'OUNNATION RECOWENDATIONS Topeoil and clayey sand with cobbles and bouldera wlII be encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings deslgned for a maximum soil bearing preesure of 2500 psf' At this pressure, settlemente are anticipated to be approximatefy one inch. A minimum footing width of 16 inches is reconmended for continuoug wall footings. The footingo should be constructed on the undisturbed clayey eand aoile- The footlng Bxcavatlons should be emooth, free of debrie, organics, Iooae aoil' frost, and etandlng water. Any over- excavations ehould be backfilled and comPacted to 10O percent wtthln 2 percent of oPtfunurn molature as determlned by a atandard Procbor densl.ty (ASTM D-698). A repreeentat'lve of thie offlce ohould be contacted to inapect the foundatton excavatlon to verify that the soil conditions are the sane aa thoee antlclpated ln this rePort. The bottorn of the footlnge ehould be plaeed a mlnimum of 48 lnches below final grade for frost protectlon- Voide left by the removal of cobbles in the bottom of the footlng excavation ehould be filled with lean concrete or a granular goil with a maximum Particle size of three inches compacted to lOO percent of standard Proctor (ASTM D-698) within 2 percent of oPbimum molsture. Sf.AB CONSTRUCTION A11 excavations made fon the foundations must be properly backfilled wlth sultable rnaterlal compacted to a minirnum of 95 percent of standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698). The on-site clayey aand is suitable for uee aa fill. Before the backfill ts pLaced, all water and looee debrle ehould be removed fron theee excavatlona. Prlor to the conetruction of concrete floore' the undieturbed aubgrade ahould be thoroughly proof compacted to a unlform high deneity wlth a loaded rubber tlred loader. speclal care ahould be taken in areae where underground utllltiea have been lnstalled. The floor slab ehould be relnforced and jolnts ahould be provided at the Junctions of the alab and the foundation walls, Eo that a enall amount of lndependent movement can occur wlthout causing dalnage. I A granular mat should be provided below the floor alabe. Thie ehould be a minirnun of four incheg in thickness and compacted. The purpose of this granular mat ls to Provide a capl-l}ary break between the elab and eubgrade' GROUNDT'IATER AND DRAIN SYSTFM while no groundwater was encountered at the tlme the field investigatlon waa conducted, lt ls Possible that eeasonal variatione will causre fluctuationB, or for a water table to be preaent tn the upper eoile during the ePrinE months' or after a prolonged period of ra1n. To reduce the riek of hydro-statlc PressureE developing on below grade walls, a foundation perlmeter drain as detalled on Figure No. 4 ie recoElElended. using a free drainlng imPort backflll on the upslope eide of etructure wlll provlde an additional reductlon 1n rlsk. 6 RETNFORCING The foundation ehould be well withstand differentlal settlementa. reinforced and rigld enough to Foundation walls retainlnE earth ehould be deaigned to reelat an egulvilanf fluld PreaBure of 90 pcf, for an ..at rest.. condltl-on aesumlng a level drained backfill condltion RACKF'ILL AND SURF'ACE DRAINAGF Backflll should be molatened or dried to near 1ts optlnum moieture content and compacted bo at least 90 percent of the maximum gtandard Proctor density- Structural backfill should be compacted to at leaet 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor deneity - surface water running boward the structure from upsloPe areas ohould be diverted around and away from the building by meana of dralnage awalee- The final grade ehould have a Poeittve elope avtay from the foundation walle on all eldee. A rnlnlmum .of L2 lnches 1n tle flret ten feet le recommended. Downapouta and elll cocka ahould ' dlecharge lnto aplaeh blocke that extend beyond the }funlte of the backflll. The uae of long downepout exteneione in place of oplaeh bloeke ls advLeable- B LAWN IRRTGATTON DonotlnstallsPrink].ersygtemsnexttofoundationwallg. If eprinkler syEteme are inetalled, the eprinkler heads ahould be placed eo that the epray from the heade, under fuII preesure' does not fall wlthin five'feet of foundation walle' Lawn lrriiation must be controlled' MISCFT.T,ANEOUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience tn the area and from the onsite field exploration. The infornation obtained fron the field expforation and laboratory testtng reflecba gubsurface conditlons only at the epecific locatlong at the partlcular tlmea deslgnated. subaurface conditlons at other locatlone and tlneg nray dlffer from the conditlong at these locationa. The extent of any variationa between the test Plts nay not apPear evident untll excavation la perforned. However, only srlnor varlatlona are expected. If during conatructlon conditlone appear to be dlfferent' thie office Ehou1d be advleed eo re-evaluatlon of the recournendatLone may be nade. This report has been prepared for the exclueive use of Doug Dowd for the epeclflc applieetlon to the reeldential etructure to be located on Lot 2, Block 3, Lion'e Ridge FiIlnC No' 3, Town of f', Val], Eagle CounbY, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of thie report have been obtained in accordance with accePted profeesional engineering practlcea in the field of foundatlon engineerinB and soil mechanlcs. There is no other warranty, either exPressed or implied. Sincerely ' INTER_MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING' LTD. CI4ML Christopher Bittner Geologist Revievred By: I P.E s anel, de +iffii".z w"$ I 'w onttp , JJIO rrtt:ts ,ta EATUO 59106 'u r:r'oYa qAoq cn00 uoJ osru010t 'tr,I,Nnol g'ltvg .IIVA JO NI1OI oNrIrJ ggoru srNorl 'g rxo'Ig gcNg0rssu cssodoxil E '0N ,z IO'I Noltvcol JsJl € lo't I TO1, O EPTII tx aFrl oEscFrPllota oF lrltEa|^L i€rArrt o 5 10 e o # $$ ffi TOPSOlL 4.5 FEET LIqUID LIMIT 28 PLASTIC INDEX l6 Z PASSING NO. 200 srEvE 40 BROWN, Morsr To vERr ilorsr GLAYEY SAND (SC) WIIH COBBLES AND BOULDERS SLIGHTLY MOIST FROM 5 FEET BOTTOH OF TEST PIT AT 1I.5 FEET NO GROUNDWATER BNCOT'NTERED- SUMMARY OF TEST PITS LOT PROPOSED RESIDENCE BLOCK 3, LIONIS RIDGE FILING TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOR DOUG DOLID 2,NO. PioJEcl ,.o1 90165 ncuiE t{o., I PIT NO. o€scnrPtlor oF ultE FllL a.": (%F) TOPSOIL BROWN, SLICITTLY MOIST TO UOIST CLAYEY SAND (SC) WITH COBBLES AND BOULDERS Borrolt oF TEsr prr | *o c*ouo"ett* AT IIFEET I ENCOIJNTERED SUMMARY OF TEST P'TS PROPOSED RESIDENCE BLocK 3, LION'S RIDGE FILING NO. TOWX OT VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOR DOUG DOWD No2 5 SORING DEPTH \ \ \ \ :e-l J J uJ 3-2 v, I Z-1 o F o, =tn z a-5 roo 9,3 1 0l SAMPLE OF CLAYEY SAND IKSFI l0 NAI VOISTURE CONTENT 1.0 LOAO SAMPLE FLOODED AT I.OKSF NAI DRY DENSITY 102.1 PcF 70 SWELL,/PRESS. EORING NO, I OEpTH I1.5 \ \ \ \ d J J uJ 3 an i z o tr e J o (/t z o C) -I -2 -3 0.1 t.0 CLAYEY SAI{D (KSF| l0 NAT. MOISTUR€ CONTENT 7.8 SAMPLE OF 7o SWfU,zPnESS,SAMPLE FLOODEO lr--l:9xSr NAr. DRY DENSITY 103. I PCF e k SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS PROPOSED RESIDENCE 2, BLOCK 3, LIONIS RIDGE FILING TOIl'l'l 0F VAIL EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO rnD - ^r'^ n^r.tr\ NO. 3 ii v o 'Foundation llal I Backfi I I moi stened compacted and wel I \ Polyethelene Molsture / iliit.r elued to foundation (Mirafl l40N or equlvtlant) Minimum of 6n of 3/4 inch gravel 4rr dlameter perforated rlgld ptpe oloped e ulnlnuo of 1/8tt per foot to seuer lateral aubdraln, euop punp or dayllghtetl. DETAILS OF PERIPHERAL ORAIN SYSTEM FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUNDATION Jr_t1 z1 '95 Ee: lEFt't F{rri-'i nnY 8. '9= ?r0€ Floll 8et "3DUd Ed0G9ct946 rt rr- lrltlta ;#"1.r""r;E ,/rrL o trl oagg . gE"3 Cl €t , El atLl trlr JOI lltrll il,|Dlvrltq rF lDDrarf iltr torr lr urr6 Be vrrlll| .lrty-}9!iiiiuii-lr-groo tn soorwrttcr rlur lslicurrac introlll!1063' Fof rn{ ii;ii;il1'nsri grovldq r ceiurllrl rvrllrDlltly rnd toc.tlon' Slllt il:;ili;t i6ur eGlrrBY eron.rrt6 '"lJ-Eliiirlolto Psol,of ll I Lho Jr,ili ty vtsittcrtlon tcllr' Thr locrBlor rnd lvrilebllrly ol uli:lli€r' uhclh'a Brunt tlnrr or ptoeEiia lGai.-ll!:-:? rPDlor'r'-'no iiiiltiilnsiirirol - iei itrr rccmprnvioc r llr PlrD' Bbat bG mln -vrr-lllltl Dlt tbo 5a-j,./-{ 6'- zt-?s tll ilr:lo33rtq lltnrlur'r iled 3e tr slglnrlr' !i!:.tto,!#!lii'oo' tublls lrrvfcr cdtrly Sllitlli,rtreh coorG' *iil:iiii"ffi*rr'illliu .rfct cablrvlalotl of tbc e.t -ttlt Ltl Otrvaf A. a-*.'s Olr,J- c\\}ra-+\rr G. .rupr.r.l!!l!-v:11:I.::t:t *.Q' * ?.\O3^\ i]lEliiiton Dt'lrtct ' \0 i.o. r\.. "o,n r, ?S iil!*t#jljiiiiilt'#l*Silrili*iffi ;:: "= *rit**f|$fffiHulutffi 0ttr llr rhst 10Bl !iB(csl figfi*;i:'l':3ru:ild'iiiffilliH:: // arf .?at0- -I.--.i}=-l($I4r;.- -v.-..;7 ?red ilatlaa (lilr ro$elq-?t-Fg$ ::11** ! t r trr rrnfrlrlO? nf Zg FVd (>IU eu s59llea6 6E fgtr 9661tlzlgg + \B 32 '.t' \r "sZ '-, '{ t- r, =^2 / tr:\t ffi-..ffi#".ffi\', \ o (- \ \ \ \\ \\ r& A ta..t lr), < :"1 >fr L)o? u!z oi /*1 Q I l!11ft r N O lrl a t O $ vrl /-5 ir \ *' -tll\' \ \ "o +\t *--\\-\ o / nd '\ "' ,;6,'3 i t\ ' .,r'' '..' \).. ,fil a fA r\ rEl \? n(w e ,\.2{ '+ ' \\r,* \-'.--. L- \ F O v.t- 06. ?1.95 D2:30 tl." r/!lJ Ltl \i !l 5U l.J, tll qFY 8( 't! ltAQ FRct! Btg'rDUc eeESErts{6 a|t,lr{ trltrla iror rI|!fgtDlvtf rot lDDrttt +AVON, COLORADO, SgFU I CE 'JFI I L P0 i PAOE . S02 Irrg: Et, 0l Aff,t C P!91 IC Tln ton lr urtc gc vlSltY rarvlc! rvrtlrDlltgy rna rocrclon' Tbtr iii6uii-5r-urii' in - ioii"iEi,rea-ri in errcrrinc y. gyl -r.l ll sy elf a. .n.t ii[iiirinc-iiitiirrft6ar. For onv nru-eoarirlclloB-Ptotgtll' tlr' iiiiiirnC-"urc arorili- I coroprrrci utillry vfrltlerttgn tot!' Tht loerrlsn ooo rvslllbltlly of utillLlil' snttbal lhfY b€ aaln ilunl-ilnci oi prop-rod-llnci, nuf t br rPl,rowl.rDd vrcltr'a by ulr iollou{ng uailtilcr lor thc eoougrnyins rtls glfn' ell ruBlortlloi rifnrturat nce0 to br orlslntlr' u. f . ttaf g €ornunlglllotr 06l"alfo 0t tl9.r!10 Dtrblte trrvlcc ComP:oY r{9 -61l! OrrV |t.l]/nleh CooicY {-t4?s- 4*'t, t|oly elolr ?lecLrlc Aaloc . tit. 3!tl lnsioccrtng D.PB' tl6 HurkY/|lich|.r glvarEy .rtel e.bltrflon of the Rsc,ti ra9 .121a tiarl Oa3wrt rf'rlrgaa lfgla Vrllcy Yf.cer liiuttglricn Dtlrrict' f?l'1430 trcd H.tlas .rl tltl 9lr[ tr r-.qultdt ' -'{tt92L losttloB ct ltsora uttitllrf ouf r D. $ouo oB d:-ii;;' prlil, - -ului iiiiciricr ?.i -?tt1$i!.d &; ;r i.Fi:. w- rS,ifi*;r[' ti!' r,Sl,ii'llll.*"-.'lhafl Da tla tala)sflDrrlEy vr bt.E t-vyr'" v-- f,qtD: 1' rt r uttttBy c?$rll.lrr cons"&r ltll th' Drolpre'l o*. c i oii i 6ir, - rhl u t r r jt+.iiii:llin'i$"'!iil}iii. i:':';:1":i"'3irll' llll'' :;-;:- ;iii .rveg' - iiii - r i'ur ,r,o,i r[^ iiiF'u i- r p r r r ec "fu il, ; ":liii-] : i i, $ :: n$.1''i::!.i":: lt.':11."''"liiiiruiiiiy-oi ir.c ut t tl ty o*irni i"-i"ior"e lqrniitr* gsoDlss' 2, rt Lh3 uslligy.v?riticrSton lolo hlt-fltlaEuser ltos c"" i"t s -iii- ui n i r v -" *iit-i i il; ill""lif$llitllll .tili **:'ll'olo'li";i:il iiii iil; d'-di'rtoP'nr gln Itoee'll' .rthrac verlilcrttgnl lto not r'll3t'3 th' conErrclot of 16 39Vd EZEjFSr.rBlE 6g:t1 9E6I/Ie.i 9A o a t- o_ --r l-n:e l;c5cr- l- o - a' l_. o 6 i f,. *(D o to : o lr clo l-tr. d I o =a lli - o I O:J ld 3?= :'f o ot: Q _r. ;<-oo.iio .ao -i 5 q =:oJ { I -Y-q i*.11 I :. s2l o qi {ol 9ol @ O ffi ffi ffi 3 @ o -c a)C n t D z --l o c]7\ !-m l r= - fn I n o -o r-c 3 o :r cl m c)I rrl t :B o a l @ l -! -E -m = l -v m z a -o :D c m c)o 3 =O z z D 3 m - U o c c O (D t @ m lJ) D c ll m -= o r o o (, c)c O o 3 o !,')c c z t,J u)2 l qi c -n -T| :D r O lc G-)I C r G)n 6 -u !c z c D = I -)z D -o x,c z c <t - G)z 5 z D r C d o 6)q i o -E o -u c -C --l x,m 3 C T o o C -9 6 m D -o c z 6)m Z c) z --l - z D 3 m s s a o co ql t-.) @ c0 o ('I 6)D UI 6)D ('I o I G) ,D r N (tr I @ N I,EGAL DESCRIPTI ON.. I.OT 7 BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: NAME OF PRO.JECT: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING.MATERIAIIS: Roof IJIST OF ITIATERIAIJS f o /4rr ,) required approval TYPE OF for submitLal Eo Lhe Design can be given: MATERIAIJ COLOR Siding Fascia Sof fi ts Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior L,ighting Other LAI,IDSCAPING: Name of wh , /oo/ /9y'n..o Designer: Phone: SUBDIVISION furrt 16 aH- //P/- ccLr windows 2" NUt,Aq/- ilA,t R **u/rr*/* *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous urees. Minimum heioht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.*"IndJcaG size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Square Foofaoe GROU}ilD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI-, C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixcures and locations on a separate liqht,ing plan. rdentify each fixrure from the lighting plan in the iplce below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of liqht. proposed, lumen ouEput, luminous area and a cut sheeE of the light f ixture. (SecEion 18.54.050 ,l) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rebaining wa11s, fences, swimmingl poo1s, eLc.) Please specify. IndicaLe heights of retaining walls. Maximum heiqht of wa1ls within the front seLback is 3' . Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the properEy is 6' PI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Corunon Name ouanLiLv Size* trees. Minimum caliper IndicaEe height for D. ZONE DISTRICTS ZONE CHECK FOR Si-ng1e Family Residence, Duplex, prirnary,/Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LO Iock ADDRESS: OWNER Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa11 HeighLs Parking Garage CrediE Drive: Complies hriLh T.o.v. Water Course SeEback 3, /6'l / neord -T Lighting Ordinance (30) (s0) Flood Plain BUILDABI,E LOT AREA Existing Proposed Yes Allowed (30) (33) Total Mh +425= / enct gz 2t4<6 n"bq & At+ o/a 1,""t() 6'r,,", a )_ -i- -1- (300) (600) (900) (120 _l PermiLted slope t P sed slope I z "oV Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental/Hazards: L) 2) 3) View Corridor Encroachment: a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow PercenL Slope (< Geologic Hazards E I ta ts ,3 ,rrour.rision dq /ao ARcHrrEcr K/O pHoNE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE HeighL ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 20, 15' 1s' I '1,4'zq 4 ) weLian u" IJA t Yes- "o 2( Does this requesL involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used wit.h t,his Previous condiLions of approval (check property file) : 10 ,t'' - r.vt..a 8/17l9t DESIGN REVIEW BOARI)APPIJICATION ' TOT{N OF VAII,, COI,ORADO I. A. DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **!ta****t* INCOI{PIJETE APPLTICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCIIEDULED FOR RE]r.IEW.********** PRO,JECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: 2(New Const,ruct.ion ($200. 0O)" Addition ($50.00)Minor Alterat.ion (920. 00) Conceptual neview ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision rf properLy is described by descripLion, please provide to this applicaLion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and atLach APPLICANT: Ad,dress: F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address:.t at .,r/ (e 6,/25'7- Phone H.NAME OF OWNER(S) :,'J dtr,ob ONnlfER(SI SIGNATURE:Maillnq Addr,grss: APPIrrcATroNs wrrlL Nor BE PRocEssEDlrtrrilow owNER's ST?NATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. the time of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. Llter, when applying for a building permit, please idenEify the accurat.e valuation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to t.he t.able below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. I. J. FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VALUATION $ o $ 10,ooo s 10, 001 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - g 150,000 $1s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAII &XPIRES APPROVAIJ I,NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERIITIT Is IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI., ISSUBD AIID CONSTRUCTION o II. PRE.APPI,ICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicanL's responsibility to make an appointmenL with the staff Lo debermine if there are addiLional submitLal requirements. Please note Lhat a COMPI-,ETE applicaLion witl streamline Lhe review process for your project. III. IMPORTAI{I NOTICE REGAR.DING AI..L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. rn addi-tion to meeting submitLal reguirements, the applicant must stake and tape Lhe project site to indicate properLy Iines, buildinq lines and building corners. A11 Lrees to be removed musL be Eaped. Atl siLe Eapings and sLaking must be compleLed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lha! staking done during t.he wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUTLDTNGS normally requires two separate meeLings of the pesign Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. ApplicanEs who fail to appear before Lhe oesign Review Board on their scheduled meeLing date and who have not, asked in advance thaE discussion on Lheir iEem be posLponed, wj-ll have their iEems removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D. The foltowing items may, aL the discretlon of the zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development DeparLmenL sLaff (i.e' a formal hearing before Lhe DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exberior changes which do not alEer the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildi-ng additions not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the Line such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and,/or from the agenL for or manager of any adjacenL condominium association sbaEing the associaLion approves of the addition. E. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfatl, flood plain, debris f1ow, weEland, eEc.), a hazard sLudy must be submitted and the owner musL sign an affidavit. recognizing the hazard reporE prior Lo t.he issuance of a building permit. ApplicanLs are encouraged t.o check with a Town Planner prior to DRB applicat.ion Eo determine Lhe relaEionship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resident.ial construcLion: a. CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the inside face of Lhe exLerior sLructural walls of Ehe building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of Lhe building wal1s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the applicaEion with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the applicaLion for a building permi E . IV. NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a recent t.opographic survey, st.amped by a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scale of l-" = 20t or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. L,oL area, and buildable area when dif ferenL t.han lot area. 2. Legal description and physical address. 3. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 ''contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing trees or groups of t.rees having t.runks with diameters of 4't or more, as measured from a point one fooE above grade. 5. Rock ouLcroppings and ot.her significant natural feat.ures (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, af .. I 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfalL, eLc.),cent.erline of streams or creeks, requj.red creek or st.ream setback, and 100-year flood plain, if applicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be clearly delineated by cross hat.ching. 7. Ties t,o existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informaLion must be clearly staLed on the survey so that all measurements are based on Lhe same starting point. This is part.icularly important for determining building height and driveway slope. See policy On Survey Information, for more informaLion regardi_ng surveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Size and Eype of drainage culverts, swales, erar b. Exact Location of exist.ing utility service lines from their source to the st.ructure,includinq: Cable TV Sewer cas Telephone wat.er ElecE.ric c. A1 1 ut.ility meter locations, including any pedestals Lo be located on site or in Lhe right-of-way adjacent Eo Lhe site. d. Propert.y lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearinq. e. Indicate uff "u""*enLs ident.ified on the subdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevations at Lhe edge of asphalt,along the st,reet frontage of t.he property at t\^rent,y-f ive foot inEervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot, elevation on eib.her side of Lhe loL. B. Site plan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Exj.sting and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. c. Proposed driveway, including percent slope and spot elevations aL the property line, garage slab and as necessary along Ehe cent.erline of the drive to accuraLely reflect driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt. for driveways that exit Lhe sLreet in an uphi11 direct.j'on. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures' landscaped areas, service areas, sLorage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off -street parking, loading areas, reLaining wa1ls (with Lop and bot'Lom of ' wa1l spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heighLs elevat.i.ons of all Lop roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning adminisErator, shall be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C. Landscape Plan (1u - 20' ot larger) - 3 copies required 1-. At a minimum, the foltowing information musL be provided on Lhe landscape PIan: a. Location of existing trees 4" diameLer or larger, b. Type, size and locaLion of all exisLing and proposed planL maLerial, c. LocaLion of alt Lrees Lo be Lransplanted, d. A deLailed legend of all proposed planL maLerial including common and LaLin nanes. 2. The locat.ion and type of existing and proposed watering systems bo be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 3. ExisLing and proposed contour 1ines. Retaining watls should be included with the conLour informat.ion wiLh top of waII and bottom of walI elevations listed. 4. CompleLe Lhe aLLached landscape maLerials list. D. Sign off from each uLititv companv verifying Lhe location of utility service and availability (see aLtached utility verification form) . E. A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must accompany al1 submittals, to insure property ownership and identify all easemenLs affecLing Ehe subjecE properEy. F. Architectural Plans (L/8" - Lr or larger, t/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. L. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings musL show bobh existing and finished grades. 2. One seL of floor plans must be "red-Iined" to show how Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Exterior maEerials and colors sha1l be specified on the atLached materials lisE. This maEerials list. must be completed and submitLed as a parL of the application. Color chips, siding samples eEc., shall be presenEed at Ehe Design Review Board meeting. Details including, but noL limibed G. I. t.o fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, met.er locations, ebc. must be shown graphicafly and fu11y dirnensioned. zone check lisL (aEEached) must be completed if the projecL is located within the Single-ramify,erirnary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. PhoLos of Lhe existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. The Zoning Adminisbrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawinls, ' specificat.ions, samples and other mateiials (including a model) if deemed necessary to det.ermine whether a project. will comply with oeiign Guidelines. VI Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redeveropment proposal and the location (sice plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submiLLed in lieu of the more formal requirement,s set forth above, provided aII important specificat.ions for the proposal including col-ors and materials to be used are submitted A. Orj-ginal f loor plans wit.h all specif icat,ions shown. Tlf9" sets of proposed floor plans L/9" - 1' or larger (t/4" = L, is preferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing and proposed const,ruction. rndicate roof ridge elevations with exj.sting and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Phot.os of the existing structure. F' specificalions for alt maLeriars and color sampres on maLerials list. (attached) . At tl'e request of the zoning Adninist,rator you may also be required to submit,: c. A statement from each ut.itity verifying location of service and availabilit.y. See attached ut,ilitv locaLion verif ication form. H. A site improvement survey, sLamped by regist,ered Colorado professional L,icensed surveyor. I. A preliminary t,it1e report, Lo verify ownership of property, which lisL.s all easements. VTI. FINAIJ SITE PIJAN once a building permit has been issued, and const.ruction is underway, and before Lhe Buirding Department wilr schedure a Ir*+lg inspection, two copies oi an- Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a rlgisLered professional engineer must be- submit.t.ed. The forrowing informaLion musL be provided on the fL,C: A. Building location(s) with t.ies t,o properLy corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest Lenth of a foot. B. - RESIDEMTIAIJ A11 utility service line as-builts, showing tlpe of material used, and size and exact location of lines' Basis of bearing Lo Lie Lo section corner' A11 property pins are to be eibher found or seL and sLaLed on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab elevaEions and all roof ridge elevations wit.h exisLing and proposed grades shown under Lhe ridge lines . VIII . CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW D. G, A. submiEtal requirements: The owner or auEhorized agent @g design approval as prescribed by th-is- chipter mJy submit plans for conceptual review Uir ttre oesign Review Board to the Departmenc of C-ommunity o6velopment. The conceptual review is intendedtogivetheapplicanLabasicunderstandingof the compatibility of their proposal .wiLh the Town's Design -cuidelinei. This procedure is recommended primirily for applications more complex than single- iamily and tro-tamifV residences. However, developers of siirqle-family and Ewo-family projecLs shall not be excluded from Ehe opportunity Eo request a conceptual design review. combfet'e applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeLing' The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: L. A concepLual siLe and landscape plan aL a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2,ConcepLualelevaLionsshowingexteriormaterials . and a description of Lhe character of t'he proposed strucLure or s truc Lures; 3. SufficienL informaLion to show Lhe proposal complies wiLh Lhe developmenL sLandards of the zone disLrict in which the projecL is Lo be Iocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculaLions' number of Parking spaces, etc.); 4, Completed DRB aPPlication form' B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application-for conceptuar deiign reviLw, the Department of Community DevelopmentshallreviewthesubmittedmaLerialsfor general compliance with the appropriate requiremenEs of Lhe zoning code. rf the proposal is in basic complj-ance with the zoning code reguirements, the pto-iect shall be forwarded Lo Lhe DRB for concepEual ieview. rf Lhe applicarion is not generally in compliance with zoning code requiremenLs, .the appiication and submittal materials shall be reLurned to- tfre applicanE with a written explanation as to why theCommunitype.relopmentDepartmentstaffhasfound the project not to be in compliance.with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitLed concepbual reviewapplicationandsupportingmaEerialinorderLo deLermine wheLher or not the projecE generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on concepLual reviews ' The property owner or his representaLive shalI be piesenL aL Lhe DRB hearing' 06/23/s$ FRI 14:57 FAL 303 s45O2 I \' ti' i'! ao: FRO|{: DAIE: RE:geologic hazard naP-bY z, +, S Block r, Fillng No- 3, 2, Lionsridge Subdivision lrou to nediuu saveritY rockfall . thc Hazard ordJ-nance includas a provlsion to allov troPg+y onTlers to ararnd thalr hazard designation. :tbe ouners ol tha ai,tv.-refaEancrd lroperty ha:re suiaitted a alte sgecif,ic rtudy to Jurtlfy this aurnincht. -ntlis dccision lc thc punrleu of the Town a;;;ii ;ith ;; lnput or r€conDendatlon fron the P)'annlng Coanlesion o! otbel Toun boarils. Th. staff has not provldcd a reeoErnendation in rasponsa to thls r'"(!',r"rt. Ihis is due to our lack oi exllertise l-n geo1o91e. lig=ii.iii"il--dir-atscisrine, gs act*''oilldg"+ by Ecolosists, is inf;orently'suujsciiv; ;;a iuljrct to varyini- intcrpretations' lii-fiif"nlng is takei froro the 19E4 rockfatl study that isialflsfred fne tnq rockfcll aoneg vithin tha Tosn: ftIt Dust bc underEtood that thc interpratations of-nan)'| g.of;gi. r,"""iatl-inciudting.rocxfalls-, are subjective to sone degre". --wo't"o-ge.ioiiEts uould draH run-out lines at tlae Ea!1e exact- iocati5n in-all areas of a particular study' Ay the ""t" ioXtt, tt"t "ff geoloclst sould acsign ttre game degree "r ".'J!iIIf t"-""y-pi=tflirar roclcfalr-" rhis not vi€tnt.nafnS,-lhei" r,ay E"'disagrecnents uith eorne of our concluslons. r It was clealty the intenb of the Hezard Ordinancs.to allorr f,or nodlfications to tft"-'""ipi"g Uasea on sitc speclfic analyels' It is acknovledge tna-i-tne' ioui-viae reconlaissince -conducted during tlrc dcvelopnent "i-ti.-fie+-stuOy fs.n"! as. detail-ed as a site spccific analysisl -in tit"otf, tit.it"oy subnrttcd for thir aicndtrnt should pt"iia"-'ior'"' a"l"if"d'and accuratc. inlornation then thr tosn-vlal';iil;r.'';'t il.-v.-n"ve no r.asan to doubt the tindlngs o! thn r"poit-iifod for-thcse 5 lots' 'u€ ar€ lacking the background t" groJiie-tie-council t'ith a definttive recorn:nandation vrii-..g.ia-t" the r€Porte valldlity' PRT BEAVEJR OREEK |-"ru/b+lb5ri ".rn 0oo' Torrn Council coonunlty DevalopEcnt Depnrtnent April. 17, 1990 A rsguest to ernend tlre reclasstlylng tots 2, and lpt t, Filing xo. hlgh sevrrity roc*lall ou::-?(n, FRI 14:5s FAI 303 aasfz. . ..-.,- SinccrolY PRTI BEAYER CREEK a3+476+2E5e P. A3 @ oo3 [arc,h 12'1990 Oftleo of Comnunity DrYeloPmcnt l:-: il:ile. no"a 'J"',i,'totottoo E1il7 sublect : :',:.:":'rt*S:::: ;^"H:Xt :Ti:; rubdivigion ' Vail' Coloraoo' 111 I"*1,1',-i;j; :" ;.:;;;il;il t, [i *i;T"ril:[]i:?-'". rnd rrr. t',u':.:::[l ]"n"".,n, t"l"':_::JJ;: 1,.. r,r"e. No. 2, I would *o-"r* ,ra, rn thc Geo'iogic 5sn>r"-- - _,_ ei3k Rock Fstl the clasrification ot our '- '- . . ^ - M.derate Risl ^ -.,- r6tE be reclassifl"l t" : -l .uumittinE a rite \rc wourd desire tn"t-t::-;;isr crrssific.,lot' t- Jo.n Eupports our ^-r". t-" its Present-:':;';r. Robert James-lrrenrl.-o."a. P" o- B.o* speciric acolosic t"t-:::.;.;ri,n. uv addrcss lt;,:: ,-., trrr Lionrs Rldse h:"'lJi] :T 1H:;"'-'"' Mr' cantons qoo"lr -"' ,*r. u.t,. to 81657' :erning our p,ease ,*l *::. :"rl":lff ;':::il:",.ahv:quertlon' con( r€quctt' Th'nk t Bruce O' o6t23/ei FRI 1s:0I F{I 303 84s02 t nol w"*.H H"[l:.H fil5-Elfi;'*.'3#t-;"tttt octobcr 2' 1989 PRU BEAVER CREEK T:iiTilil;;llJiri: jo'"'"n' ; r. Brucc.:' t""to* ,_;.,j 5. E}ock 3' ::':' l+*u*** iirfl'*""""" O?ntl'illn: **d*"'t*ru * ,g',1,....3'ffi '1,'.,'"''i..,$i,:-tt.;..'ffi1.,"":"''.:"iT''''"," jl: Can3itff{ 1o DorignEF' Codfrdorr Pl3nnotl o6/.23./si FRI ls:03 rAr JoJ ri.t'(J2 ::*i:.'::'l ;!;""" coneanv Fage 2 *fi*fix**s*d**}t**'.' H:"hrl'*#ti'ir':'$::ii:FiT"1,.","; i-ffjl]]- htis* Pllt Ilhr\\'Ell L:lillLF.klii{)5 * .j"ii"t*r#*W:: lJr'; i; cr-{r' a r c " "v. n t' ana lh' s!'-:-'-: toPPLe ) ' 06/::/sr FRI 13:06 FAI 303 845f2 PRI. IJEA\'[R CRI]tsK O.r'" rbr.zbiH p. aF ttJ doo Fl. J. lrish Consulling Enginearing Geologist, lnc. canton consDructlon conpeny octoD.r 2, 19E9 Psgr 3 tlc Drllcvt th! reck frII r13k, tn teflns gr probabl llt,y, !.l-lq!i-Jor Lolr ?, li and nost ol f, but tr Judgcii-f be mrdium acrost ruog! of L,oL.-l and a snall 'rea tg Ehc routh.ssBrrn corn.-i oi-uit F-iFliutt zl' The brurf!'iDovc LoEs e' 3' I rnd aotl of 5 arr relrrtvcly ne-rt-dg- and irc fonted of landggonc tha! rPP€.r3 to be ieiattvrjv nllstvo. lriiouirr ro tound evldence of,Iooscnsss of a fe'{ thln PlaLcr lnd tmall blocks of rook. for the tpst Part Ehc rock aorosl th€ ledga in th' vlclnl'y of El,rv. afgg -f."i-io ef"r- 83qb feer 8nd lhe none promlnent D)'uf f ln Lhr vtctnlty of EIGY. E3EO f..r !o Elrv' -E{eo !eor' 3PP'rr! to bG rela|lv€ly lnr,rcB. Th€ JotnBs thri arc ogcn tcnd !o b€ pcrprndlcular to the slope ragncr rhan parrllcl Bo tl' ilor€ov€r, th€ llraLa dlf l1!o i.ht :I-o1,"- rathar thrn ouL' ghus rock broct s are nuch lers rlkety to toppit rlth I'hoss Planss at thotr bas8r sEprrttlonl. Ov€r geolgtlc tln6, blocks bave scparlte{ from !ho:e tro bluffr' but ncst of thosa apgrr co b€ qullq old' ttEnt arc pattit uurtea l.n l[t-er'op€sash and talus' and bh€ frssh rook sunfaces arlgtnElly ,sxpisgd bv.rh€ l.:lllp or tbos€ rocK n!s!o! r! Bh.y fell are nos reaDhor-oo"'Loa ' inls evtdcnce! conslderEb]€ !ntlqulty. Hltn rarc ei"u'paror,, ttrese uro-c'i<s hsve !c8L!srcd only about 150 io 2oo fcct dor,,nsloPs rrom iic blufi's from rhich Lh'y arr dcrlved' Tba nesld6nces to be con8sructed ".,iio -f" ;i";;t nror" ural' txtce rnst d:glance aHay frorn the D1uffs. llosL ol lf," -io"r bioels have broren up uhcn they toPplod lnto sma]1ar platy Dass€g chat hayc no! lravdlloC rar ri-orn ih€ outcrop. Thev arc LraPPld by thr vsgsBatlcn and oEhor Rock blocks 'tt"'n it"ot" the uPP-er Paf! of she slope' Iir clnnos conplot€ly dlsprl ihe posrtbllrii ttlot ln. sotEe -futqf€ tImG large rock blocxs toPPllns from th€se luc.outcroPs li t:::t":.fjt'irtil:'.;ur;"tfi' buu Lhe blocxs EoPPrrns ""' ::1: ;;:.-;;;;';'iiit "". rere r}a the rirk rg.'' g;ologle evldcncc lndicatea thrt thosc €Ytn .---- ii't"or-itrrt by only a lnall lnc?€nant' The rock forrning th€ lousr bluff fron about Ekv' 83{0 fecr tg EIsv' 8380 lect and €xb.ndtng "rrr'""f,-t1-oii t';; ti;tt uuov" ena cesi of -thc aalLern harf of Lqt ilo. 5 aeperF! Lo b. iierr-il'r""nrry nore bi;";;- (ilgu.". 2)' -th'oSe"ilocks fron plrc€ to pr8oa rPPGa;;;; to"J p'on' tt'ilpprr"e thEn' crlcvhcre ulLhtn lhe rLudy.rca. lhls 13-evldcnccd bv 8 f'n;;;ii-;;'J-!1111t' eha! !r' sG!rleFcd betov tDc blrllf sDov. i"i-i-iia'eectsrrd ioi-"i"u. e3o f6rt'- conllqu'nLlv' e' *';":!i::"'*:,,*mi ii oe"i -'i i ". ca n b c dfii+,r{+ilry;*;l "'i: l t t ;U4 i'..;ff;l; } ir rA:i dcnolod bY Xrs nuDber b-L--l-lStrtjrriprns- Ariernativelv' shosa t"t'"r:ii"Ji= slrfg-tg-;m'a'-"1!h- rock boIE!. nrfiovar apPeBr! Eo us Bo be e prcl-oreiie an;u"r; bovfiiG*nl scrtlng of l0ise rlebs ano urocrl'-c*ra u. Gxtcndld ai'il" to"* ouEcroPs. to thc ges! also' Tbls r.ould be rn€rcly an lns-urrnc. oereur! 'in"J-.i"ia .educa uhe alrsadv lo{ flsk '1,( -l ' o$/23-/s: .FRI 15:09 Fr\l 303 843e2 ,.. ,- PiTTi UEA|LR CRUI:K (l utl T - re3+176+265.9 p.g'l - consuttins *;,*;$i Geologjst, lnd .IoY.ut You d'velop Lhose Eo dlscq!! ary arplccr of 5:ffi:rt:l",trire t I an co'Panv ll lop" utc ebovr oor j,ilrjljj*:, r; iliff:,""";til":l,;j"vrr rerrr Dl€asc frcl frre to "all-.-- -..- loDo ccFytcc Co or yould like Consul. tI'lg BJI:ct frlsh Englnrerlng ccoloStst 06i23/95 FRI A <v= rd ffi ? -)(J-].t 4 /b+zb5g COXSULTING EIOI EERIT'G GEOt-oGisT', iNc' PROPERTY LOCATION MAP olte ' g/ro/ae it *o.' ls. (t26) Pt{.i 08.\\'ER CRtiEfl f'.,r*o,onroo, ".09 t4"t"'a6,'2 /95 FRt l5i I I I { I i i t le T1 B I \t I I I \ I \\\ \ I ll n E rtl Ll J IE .![ E5 Ir r ;r ,' EF tt t'';9 sF|tri#f iiirtii iir* ii "--t i fT$T t I .aE EHE ruE! E$H s?D 6*! A6121lI995 LA:44 1978E4iS49AO e r -- =A=,ar: O -!1;E d2 ./quR LANp TITLE GUARAI,ITEE COMp.aJry CONTACTS lw-r\r nQ nOOq .:+Lve , -J -aJ Buyer/Borrower: Sel"ler/Owner': ProperE.y Address : Our Order No.; VS25976-2 sw surlpERs, !!! l clloRApo LrMIrEp r,IqBI{,I.TY COMPA}IY NED P. . IIAR:EY, I!: . D . If you have any inquiries or require furttler assistance, Flease conEact one of the nurnbers listed below: Fcr CLosing Assistance: For Title Assi*sEance: ARZANA RUCKER SAR.LH DORMAN P.O, BOX 3480 iO8 S. FRCNTAGE RD W. OO3O BENCHM.AF,K RD. #216 VAIIJ, CO 81658 .4,'\,/ON eO 815?0 Phone: 303 476-225L Phone: 303 949 -5099 Fax: 303 476-4534 Fax: 303 949-.t892 ItroE,e: Once -an original commitment has been issLled, any subsequert changes wiIl be emphasiz€d by untleriir:1ng. Ti{AI\TK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER I A6/?l/1995 10:44 1s7s84584sso OLD R.EPSBi.JIC aut }***WJTH YOUR REMIT?A}ICE FI-L 9AqGI3 PAGE A4 NATIONAI, ?[TI/E II{SURJ\NCE COI4PANY A CO}4MITMENT SCHEDULE A 3ur Order S vS25975-2 For fnformaLion OnI1, _$9 8?r qo PLE"qSE RETER TO OUR ORDER NO, V325976-2**t* 1 . Ef tect.ive Date : March 06, f.p9j Z. Policies co be issued, and proposEd rrALTArr Owner' s Pc-,J.icy I0-1-7-92 Proposed rnsured: St\' BUILDERS, LLC 4 COLORADO LTT4ITED 4. -. a:,tA " loan Pot j, Froposed rnsured: qONSTANTINE J. FA.LI.,IERg A-N-p ELECTRA FALLIERS The estrate or "inf,erest i"n the lancl cescribed o::this Cornmitment and :overed herei.n ie; A Fee Simple Title Eo Ehe estate ol inLeresc. coirere,l herein effective daLe hereof vested in: NED R, I{ARLEY, M.D. at 5:00 P.t4. rnsured: LI.qBILITY $2Brr, C00 . 00 ccqP+N]: c?an nnn nn Y€rvl !'vv vv referred to in 1s aE the - Ch: rr-o s - Af..,TA Owner Polic Alta Lender Policv PAGE g612L/L995 LOt44 BIi-L SAR,qIS GUARANTEE PAGS 09 A) B) A)A Cercificare cf TaxeE shall" b6 obtained fron Treagurer's auEhofized Due iisting each taxing jurisdiction the Count.y Treasurer or the CounLy agenE. 1s7a84584e6o I,AND TT'F?-II COMPANY DiSCI,OSURE STA?EMENT Reguiled by Senace Ail1 91-14 The subj ec! real praperuy nay be locaE.ed in a speclal Eaxing district. A Cerr,ificate of Taxes Due lisring each taxing jurisdiccion rnay be obt,ained from the Count,y Treasurer or t.he Councy Treasurer's authorized agenE. C) The informat.ior. regarding special districts anC t.he boundaries of such clistricts may be ob*,ained from the Board of eounEy Commissi.o;rers, the Count.y Clerk and Reccrder, or Ehe Counly Assessor. Reguired by Senate BilI 92-143 E6/21/13e5 L8:44 1s7E84584en(l ErL: ;ARGIS o PAGa 85 OIID REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCS COMP.ANY ALTA COI,lMiTMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order F V-sz597€i-2 5. The land ref erred to iir Liris Commicnent i,s ciescriced as Ecllows: LOT 2, BIOCK 3 , LIOl.r' S RIDGE SUBDIVTSION FIIJING IJO. 3 , ACEORDING TC THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER ]-C, L979 IN BOOK 29C AT PAGE 794, COIJ}.ITY OF EASLE, STATE Or COI,ORADO. PAGE 2 86/21,/L395 LAi44 197ES45E49AO BIL- -AR:13 O PAGE 06 SCI{EDULE B - 1 (Requirenents) Cur Order # VS25976-2 The fol,Iowing are tire requirenenEs Eo be conplied wite: 1. Payment to cr for Ehe acccunE of the grantors or mortgagors of Ehe full considerat.ion for rhe estace or inEer.est. co be-i.nsured. 2. Proper instrumenr (s) creating the esEqte or inaeresc to be insured nusE be execut.ed and uJ.y filed to: record, to-wiE.; 3. EVIDENqE SATISFACTOF,Y TO THE COTIPANY T}LAT :EE TERMS, CCNDITIONS .\ND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFEP. TAX I{AVE BEE}I SATISFIED. 4. +g:st$.gg_g$AIi?lryI laE sw BU{rJpERs, Li'q ! colcRAps rJrrttrrEp LrABrLrry -coMpANY MUgg BE FiLED WITi{ THE SEiFETAF,y qElrErL E-T0Tv-ETm',rpsply THE sEcp-Er4g oF srers wET-qE rue^\lEEEo lq LNg-tlTLE-EuffirEE cotr.p_AF?.- 5. ryg DEED FROM NED R. HARIJEY, M.p. TO SW EUTTJDERS, LLC A COLORADO rorr'tTTED-:,rAB r r,lE-c0Mp+l.lI -mNvEy rNG TS;tEcr pRqFE'Fw . 5. DEED OF TRUST F8._O_ltl SW BUILDIIF,S, LLC A COIJCRApO LIIvtIfEe tIAErlITy COMPANy TO Ep_lE-_=ricgggg-gF-EAgi.,g *t+A -ANp Er_,ECIRA FALLTERS p SECURE TH.E SUM 6-F-$5FO,660.0b. NOTF:. Icem t 4 of Schedule B-1 (of y,cur prewious commit.ment) has been nroafFied or oefeE6o. - === AL?A COMMITMENT THE COUNTY CLSRK AND RECL]RDBRS OFFICE RSQUIRES RETURN ADDR.ESSES ON DOCLTVIENTS SENT FOR RECOF.DINGI! PAGE 3 aEi 2l./1995 16:44 13788158'l9EO BI** rAR;I-j O PA;= 67 ALTA, COMMITMEIIT SCI{EDJLE B- 2 (Excep:lons) Our 3rder S VS25975-2 Tre pclicy or prI -cies to be iss'.red i^rill cortain excep;ions to Ehe tol,lowing unl-ess the same are ci:sposed of Eo the saEisfacbion of the Ccmpanl': 1. Standard ExeepEions 1 Ehrough 5 princed cn the cever sheeE. 6. Taxes and assesEme:rls ncc yet Cue or 1:ayable and special assessmerlr.s not '.e: cert.if ied to the 1'1.9"a,_,rer, s of f ice. 7. Any unpaid f.axes or assessnenf.s agnirst said lanc. 8. Liens for unpaiC water and sewer charges. ii arry. 9 . RIGHT OF PP.OPF-IETOR OF A VEIIJ CR L,ODE TO Ei:TR'.CT AJ..I:) R.3IV1OVE I{IS ORE THEREFROI'I SHOUL;' THE S,\II1E BE FCTII\D TO PEN5TRj\TE cR INTSRSECT THE PREI'{ISES AS F.ESERVED Ili TJNITED STATES pATENT RECOF.DED Augusr 16, 19c9, IN BOOK 48 AT YAL'E >.t I . 10 . F'IGIiT OF t{.rr,Y FOR DITCI{ES OR CANAi,,l CO}JSTRUCT3D BY TqE AUTHCRITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS F-ESERVED IN Ut{ITAf STAT'ES PATENT RECORDED August 16. 19C9,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 1i, F.ESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WH:CH DC NOT CONTAIN A FOR,PEITURE OR REVBRTER CLAUSE. BJT OT4ITTING RESTRICTIONS. II' A}IY, ts,\SED OII RACE, CCLOR, RELIGIO].J, OR l.lAT I ON.qIr ORIGTN, AS COIlT-AilnED IN :NSTR'JI'4ENT RECORDED September 20, 1972,Ill BOOK 2?5 AT PAGE 443 AND AS A.[\!ENDED lIJ ILISTF.UMEIIf RECCRDED Sepienrber 29,!972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAIIB 565 AND AS AIIEI]DED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED Jar:uary 22, L974, rN BOOK 233 AT FA3E 53. 12. LTTILITY EASEI4ENTS 20 FEST II.T i,iIDTH, :O FEET O}I EACH SIDE OF AL.J INTERICF, LOT LINES A}JD A i5 FCOT TJTILIT'i EASE$1EIJT ALONG AND A3LT:TING O}I ALL EXTERIOR LOT LIIIES AS RESEF.VED ON THE Pl.\T Fr-lR LION'S RiDGE SJBDIVTSIOII, FILING NO, 2 AND LIO){' S R]DGE SUE[rIViSrON, FIL,ING NO. 3 . 1]. UTILITY EASEI',IENT AS GFANTED TO HOIJY T-]F.OSS ELECTRIC ASSO(:IATIO}T. II{C.,INC. iN INSTR-JMENT RECORDED Aususc 24, L967, IN BOOK 21r AT PAGE 131 , 14. AGREEM3NT BETT4EEN TAYVEL EI|v'IP.ONM?NTAL LAI'ID COMPAIIY AI\T) MOUIITAIN STATES TEL,EPHOI'q'E AND TELEGRAPI{ COI4PAI.IY PROVIDI}.:G FOR TELEPHONE INSTALLATIoN AND SERVICE TI{F.OUGTiOUT LION'S F.IDGE.SUBDIVI.qIO\I, sILING N3. 2 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOJI{. 231 A? PAGE 291, ].5, EASSMENTS FOR WAT8F. LIIJE AI]D I.JTILiTY PURPOSES AS GR3I.ITED TO LION'S RIDGE hIATER DISTRICT iU'ID VAIL VILLAGE i4EgT r/iATER AIID SANITATION DISTF.fCT Ill INSTRIJT4ENT RECCF.DED MAY 13, ].93i IN BCOK J?2 AT PAGE 972 AJJD 973. PAGE 4 A6/21/1995 l0:,14 137S845849SO Ei!. SARGIS O FAGE FE ALTA COMMITMEI'IT SCHEDULE B-2 i Rxc'cnt i ons ) Our Order # VS25 976'2 i s^! !I/v * v"t 16. EASEI,IENT FOR ELECTRICAI.I AND./OR DISTRIBUT;ON LINE PURPCSES AS GRANTED TC HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCI.\TION, I}dC,, INC. IN :NSTR'JMENT RECORDED JULY ]9' 198J, IN BOOK 326 AT PAGE 93C. 1?. TERMS, coNDiTIQlis ANt) pRovlsIoNS oF Iu\NENATION AGREEMEIJT RECORDED Novemlter 01, 1985 IN BOOII 428 AT FAGE 936 ANI| RECORDED 1}T EOOK 428 AT PAGE 93?' 18. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND ITESTRI'?TIO$1S AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION/ S RIDGE SUBDIVISIOI{, FILING NO ' 3. PAGE 5 I,EGAL DESCRIPTI ON.. I.OT 7 BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: NAME OF PRO.JECT: The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING.MATERIAIIS: Roof IJIST OF ITIATERIAIJS f o /4rr ,) required approval TYPE OF for submitLal Eo Lhe Design can be given: MATERIAIJ COLOR Siding Fascia Sof fi ts Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior L,ighting Other LAI,IDSCAPING: Name of wh , /oo/ /9y'n..o Designer: Phone: SUBDIVISION furrt 16 aH- //P/- ccLr windows 2" NUt,Aq/- ilA,t R **u/rr*/* *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous urees. Minimum heioht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.*"IndJcaG size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Square Foofaoe GROU}ilD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI-, C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixcures and locations on a separate liqht,ing plan. rdentify each fixrure from the lighting plan in the iplce below and provide the height above grade, tlpe of liqht. proposed, lumen ouEput, luminous area and a cut sheeE of the light f ixture. (SecEion 18.54.050 ,l) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rebaining wa11s, fences, swimmingl poo1s, eLc.) Please specify. IndicaLe heights of retaining walls. Maximum heiqht of wa1ls within the front seLback is 3' . Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the properEy is 6' PI,ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Corunon Name ouanLiLv Size* trees. Minimum caliper IndicaEe height for D. ZONE DISTRICTS ZONE CHECK FOR Si-ng1e Family Residence, Duplex, prirnary,/Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LO Iock ADDRESS: OWNER Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa11 HeighLs Parking Garage CrediE Drive: Complies hriLh T.o.v. Water Course SeEback 3, /6'l / neord -T Lighting Ordinance (30) (s0) Flood Plain BUILDABI,E LOT AREA Existing Proposed Yes Allowed (30) (33) Total Mh +425= / enct gz 2t4<6 n"bq & At+ o/a 1,""t() 6'r,,", a )_ -i- -1- (300) (600) (900) (120 _l PermiLted slope t P sed slope I z "oV Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) Environmental/Hazards: L) 2) 3) View Corridor Encroachment: a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow PercenL Slope (< Geologic Hazards E I ta ts ,3 ,rrour.rision dq /ao ARcHrrEcr K/O pHoNE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE HeighL ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 20, 15' 1s' I '1,4'zq 4 ) weLian u" IJA t Yes- "o 2( Does this requesL involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used wit.h t,his Previous condiLions of approval (check property file) : 10 ,t'' - r.vt..a 8/17l9t DESIGN REVIEW BOARI)APPIJICATION ' TOT{N OF VAII,, COI,ORADO I. A. DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **!ta****t* INCOI{PIJETE APPLTICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCIIEDULED FOR RE]r.IEW.********** PRO,JECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: 2(New Const,ruct.ion ($200. 0O)" Addition ($50.00)Minor Alterat.ion (920. 00) Conceptual neview ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision rf properLy is described by descripLion, please provide to this applicaLion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and atLach APPLICANT: Ad,dress: F. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address:.t at .,r/ (e 6,/25'7- Phone H.NAME OF OWNER(S) :,'J dtr,ob ONnlfER(SI SIGNATURE:Maillnq Addr,grss: APPIrrcATroNs wrrlL Nor BE PRocEssEDlrtrrilow owNER's ST?NATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. the time of submittal of the DRB applicaEion. Llter, when applying for a building permit, please idenEify the accurat.e valuation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to t.he t.able below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. I. J. FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VALUATION $ o $ 10,ooo s 10, 001 $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - g 150,000 $1s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000 g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAII &XPIRES APPROVAIJ I,NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERIITIT Is IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI., ISSUBD AIID CONSTRUCTION o II. PRE.APPI,ICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicanL's responsibility to make an appointmenL with the staff Lo debermine if there are addiLional submitLal requirements. Please note Lhat a COMPI-,ETE applicaLion witl streamline Lhe review process for your project. III. IMPORTAI{I NOTICE REGAR.DING AI..L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. rn addi-tion to meeting submitLal reguirements, the applicant must stake and tape Lhe project site to indicate properLy Iines, buildinq lines and building corners. A11 Lrees to be removed musL be Eaped. Atl siLe Eapings and sLaking must be compleLed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lha! staking done during t.he wint.er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUTLDTNGS normally requires two separate meeLings of the pesign Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. ApplicanEs who fail to appear before Lhe oesign Review Board on their scheduled meeLing date and who have not, asked in advance thaE discussion on Lheir iEem be posLponed, wj-ll have their iEems removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. D. The foltowing items may, aL the discretlon of the zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development DeparLmenL sLaff (i.e' a formal hearing before Lhe DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exberior changes which do not alEer the existing plane of the building; and b. Buildi-ng additions not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the Line such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and,/or from the agenL for or manager of any adjacenL condominium association sbaEing the associaLion approves of the addition. E. If a properLy is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfatl, flood plain, debris f1ow, weEland, eEc.), a hazard sLudy must be submitted and the owner musL sign an affidavit. recognizing the hazard reporE prior Lo t.he issuance of a building permit. ApplicanLs are encouraged t.o check with a Town Planner prior to DRB applicat.ion Eo determine Lhe relaEionship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all resident.ial construcLion: a. CIearIy indicate on the floor plans the inside face of Lhe exLerior sLructural walls of Ehe building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of Lhe building wal1s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the applicaEion with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the applicaLion for a building permi E . IV. NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a recent t.opographic survey, st.amped by a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scale of l-" = 20t or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. L,oL area, and buildable area when dif ferenL t.han lot area. 2. Legal description and physical address. 3. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 ''contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing trees or groups of t.rees having t.runks with diameters of 4't or more, as measured from a point one fooE above grade. 5. Rock ouLcroppings and ot.her significant natural feat.ures (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, af .. I 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfalL, eLc.),cent.erline of streams or creeks, requj.red creek or st.ream setback, and 100-year flood plain, if applicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be clearly delineated by cross hat.ching. 7. Ties t,o existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informaLion must be clearly staLed on the survey so that all measurements are based on Lhe same starting point. This is part.icularly important for determining building height and driveway slope. See policy On Survey Information, for more informaLion regardi_ng surveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Size and Eype of drainage culverts, swales, erar b. Exact Location of exist.ing utility service lines from their source to the st.ructure,includinq: Cable TV Sewer cas Telephone wat.er ElecE.ric c. A1 1 ut.ility meter locations, including any pedestals Lo be located on site or in Lhe right-of-way adjacent Eo Lhe site. d. Propert.y lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearinq. e. Indicate uff "u""*enLs ident.ified on the subdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevations at Lhe edge of asphalt,along the st,reet frontage of t.he property at t\^rent,y-f ive foot inEervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot, elevation on eib.her side of Lhe loL. B. Site plan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Exj.sting and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. c. Proposed driveway, including percent slope and spot elevations aL the property line, garage slab and as necessary along Ehe cent.erline of the drive to accuraLely reflect driveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge of asphalt. for driveways that exit Lhe sLreet in an uphi11 direct.j'on. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures' landscaped areas, service areas, sLorage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off -street parking, loading areas, reLaining wa1ls (with Lop and bot'Lom of ' wa1l spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heighLs elevat.i.ons of all Lop roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by the zoning adminisErator, shall be indicated on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. C. Landscape Plan (1u - 20' ot larger) - 3 copies required 1-. At a minimum, the foltowing information musL be provided on Lhe landscape PIan: a. Location of existing trees 4" diameLer or larger, b. Type, size and locaLion of all exisLing and proposed planL maLerial, c. LocaLion of alt Lrees Lo be Lransplanted, d. A deLailed legend of all proposed planL maLerial including common and LaLin nanes. 2. The locat.ion and type of existing and proposed watering systems bo be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 3. ExisLing and proposed contour 1ines. Retaining watls should be included with the conLour informat.ion wiLh top of waII and bottom of walI elevations listed. 4. CompleLe Lhe aLLached landscape maLerials list. D. Sign off from each uLititv companv verifying Lhe location of utility service and availability (see aLtached utility verification form) . E. A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must accompany al1 submittals, to insure property ownership and identify all easemenLs affecLing Ehe subjecE properEy. F. Architectural Plans (L/8" - Lr or larger, t/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. L. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings musL show bobh existing and finished grades. 2. One seL of floor plans must be "red-Iined" to show how Lhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Exterior maEerials and colors sha1l be specified on the atLached materials lisE. This maEerials list. must be completed and submitLed as a parL of the application. Color chips, siding samples eEc., shall be presenEed at Ehe Design Review Board meeting. Details including, but noL limibed G. I. t.o fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, met.er locations, ebc. must be shown graphicafly and fu11y dirnensioned. zone check lisL (aEEached) must be completed if the projecL is located within the Single-ramify,erirnary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. PhoLos of Lhe existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. The Zoning Adminisbrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawinls, ' specificat.ions, samples and other mateiials (including a model) if deemed necessary to det.ermine whether a project. will comply with oeiign Guidelines. VI Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redeveropment proposal and the location (sice plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submiLLed in lieu of the more formal requirement,s set forth above, provided aII important specificat.ions for the proposal including col-ors and materials to be used are submitted A. Orj-ginal f loor plans wit.h all specif icat,ions shown. Tlf9" sets of proposed floor plans L/9" - 1' or larger (t/4" = L, is preferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing and proposed const,ruction. rndicate roof ridge elevations with exj.sting and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Phot.os of the existing structure. F' specificalions for alt maLeriars and color sampres on maLerials list. (attached) . At tl'e request of the zoning Adninist,rator you may also be required to submit,: c. A statement from each ut.itity verifying location of service and availabilit.y. See attached ut,ilitv locaLion verif ication form. H. A site improvement survey, sLamped by regist,ered Colorado professional L,icensed surveyor. I. A preliminary t,it1e report, Lo verify ownership of property, which lisL.s all easements. VTI. FINAIJ SITE PIJAN once a building permit has been issued, and const.ruction is underway, and before Lhe Buirding Department wilr schedure a Ir*+lg inspection, two copies oi an- Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a rlgisLered professional engineer must be- submit.t.ed. The forrowing informaLion musL be provided on the fL,C: A. Building location(s) with t.ies t,o properLy corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest Lenth of a foot. B. - RESIDEMTIAIJ A11 utility service line as-builts, showing tlpe of material used, and size and exact location of lines' Basis of bearing Lo Lie Lo section corner' A11 property pins are to be eibher found or seL and sLaLed on improvement survey. All easements. Garage slab elevaEions and all roof ridge elevations wit.h exisLing and proposed grades shown under Lhe ridge lines . VIII . CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW D. G, A. submiEtal requirements: The owner or auEhorized agent @g design approval as prescribed by th-is- chipter mJy submit plans for conceptual review Uir ttre oesign Review Board to the Departmenc of C-ommunity o6velopment. The conceptual review is intendedtogivetheapplicanLabasicunderstandingof the compatibility of their proposal .wiLh the Town's Design -cuidelinei. This procedure is recommended primirily for applications more complex than single- iamily and tro-tamifV residences. However, developers of siirqle-family and Ewo-family projecLs shall not be excluded from Ehe opportunity Eo request a conceptual design review. combfet'e applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeLing' The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: L. A concepLual siLe and landscape plan aL a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2,ConcepLualelevaLionsshowingexteriormaterials . and a description of Lhe character of t'he proposed strucLure or s truc Lures; 3. SufficienL informaLion to show Lhe proposal complies wiLh Lhe developmenL sLandards of the zone disLrict in which the projecL is Lo be Iocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculaLions' number of Parking spaces, etc.); 4, Completed DRB aPPlication form' B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application-for conceptuar deiign reviLw, the Department of Community DevelopmentshallreviewthesubmittedmaLerialsfor general compliance with the appropriate requiremenEs of Lhe zoning code. rf the proposal is in basic complj-ance with the zoning code reguirements, the pto-iect shall be forwarded Lo Lhe DRB for concepEual ieview. rf Lhe applicarion is not generally in compliance with zoning code requiremenLs, .the appiication and submittal materials shall be reLurned to- tfre applicanE with a written explanation as to why theCommunitype.relopmentDepartmentstaffhasfound the project not to be in compliance.with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitLed concepbual reviewapplicationandsupportingmaEerialinorderLo deLermine wheLher or not the projecE generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on concepLual reviews ' The property owner or his representaLive shalI be piesenL aL Lhe DRB hearing' 06/23/s$ FRI 14:57 FAL 303 s45O2 I \' ti' i'! ao: FRO|{: DAIE: RE:geologic hazard naP-bY z, +, S Block r, Fillng No- 3, 2, Lionsridge Subdivision lrou to nediuu saveritY rockfall . thc Hazard ordJ-nance includas a provlsion to allov troPg+y onTlers to ararnd thalr hazard designation. :tbe ouners ol tha ai,tv.-refaEancrd lroperty ha:re suiaitted a alte sgecif,ic rtudy to Jurtlfy this aurnincht. -ntlis dccision lc thc punrleu of the Town a;;;ii ;ith ;; lnput or r€conDendatlon fron the P)'annlng Coanlesion o! otbel Toun boarils. Th. staff has not provldcd a reeoErnendation in rasponsa to thls r'"(!',r"rt. Ihis is due to our lack oi exllertise l-n geo1o91e. lig=ii.iii"il--dir-atscisrine, gs act*''oilldg"+ by Ecolosists, is inf;orently'suujsciiv; ;;a iuljrct to varyini- intcrpretations' lii-fiif"nlng is takei froro the 19E4 rockfatl study that isialflsfred fne tnq rockfcll aoneg vithin tha Tosn: ftIt Dust bc underEtood that thc interpratations of-nan)'| g.of;gi. r,"""iatl-inciudting.rocxfalls-, are subjective to sone degre". --wo't"o-ge.ioiiEts uould draH run-out lines at tlae Ea!1e exact- iocati5n in-all areas of a particular study' Ay the ""t" ioXtt, tt"t "ff geoloclst sould acsign ttre game degree "r ".'J!iIIf t"-""y-pi=tflirar roclcfalr-" rhis not vi€tnt.nafnS,-lhei" r,ay E"'disagrecnents uith eorne of our concluslons. r It was clealty the intenb of the Hezard Ordinancs.to allorr f,or nodlfications to tft"-'""ipi"g Uasea on sitc speclfic analyels' It is acknovledge tna-i-tne' ioui-viae reconlaissince -conducted during tlrc dcvelopnent "i-ti.-fie+-stuOy fs.n"! as. detail-ed as a site spccific analysisl -in tit"otf, tit.it"oy subnrttcd for thir aicndtrnt should pt"iia"-'ior'"' a"l"if"d'and accuratc. inlornation then thr tosn-vlal';iil;r.'';'t il.-v.-n"ve no r.asan to doubt the tindlngs o! thn r"poit-iifod for-thcse 5 lots' 'u€ ar€ lacking the background t" groJiie-tie-council t'ith a definttive recorn:nandation vrii-..g.ia-t" the r€Porte valldlity' PRT BEAVEJR OREEK |-"ru/b+lb5ri ".rn 0oo' Torrn Council coonunlty DevalopEcnt Depnrtnent April. 17, 1990 A rsguest to ernend tlre reclasstlylng tots 2, and lpt t, Filing xo. hlgh sevrrity roc*lall ou::-?(n, FRI 14:5s FAI 303 aasfz. . ..-.,- SinccrolY PRTI BEAYER CREEK a3+476+2E5e P. A3 @ oo3 [arc,h 12'1990 Oftleo of Comnunity DrYeloPmcnt l:-: il:ile. no"a 'J"',i,'totottoo E1il7 sublect : :',:.:":'rt*S:::: ;^"H:Xt :Ti:; rubdivigion ' Vail' Coloraoo' 111 I"*1,1',-i;j; :" ;.:;;;il;il t, [i *i;T"ril:[]i:?-'". rnd rrr. t',u':.:::[l ]"n"".,n, t"l"':_::JJ;: 1,.. r,r"e. No. 2, I would *o-"r* ,ra, rn thc Geo'iogic 5sn>r"-- - _,_ ei3k Rock Fstl the clasrification ot our '- '- . . ^ - M.derate Risl ^ -.,- r6tE be reclassifl"l t" : -l .uumittinE a rite \rc wourd desire tn"t-t::-;;isr crrssific.,lot' t- Jo.n Eupports our ^-r". t-" its Present-:':;';r. Robert James-lrrenrl.-o."a. P" o- B.o* speciric acolosic t"t-:::.;.;ri,n. uv addrcss lt;,:: ,-., trrr Lionrs Rldse h:"'lJi] :T 1H:;"'-'"' Mr' cantons qoo"lr -"' ,*r. u.t,. to 81657' :erning our p,ease ,*l *::. :"rl":lff ;':::il:",.ahv:quertlon' con( r€quctt' Th'nk t Bruce O'