HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LEGAL FILETO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ME]\{OR-I]\ID{.Ij\{ Tom Brau Andy Knudtsen January 8. 1996 Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing On January 4,1996, Tom lr{oorhead and I reviewed the attached memo and analyzed tbe Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end ofthe Employee Housing Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling uuits in Lionsridge Fourth Filing should be deed restricted as Type I EHU's. Please call me or Tom if you would like to discuss this further or would like additional documentation. TO: FRON{: DATE: SUBJECT: \TENTOR{NDLT,IT Tom Moorhead Andy K:rudtsen January 2.1996 Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing I. The Ouestion Tom Braun, representing Carol Orrison, rvould lfte to know if the caretakers units consgucted in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, ilI, IV, or V Employee Housing Units. II. Background Carol Orrison is the ouner of Lot 10. Block 4. Lionsridge Filing No. .1. There is currently a sin_ele family home and a t\\'o-car garage on the propert-v. The property has less than I 00 sq. ft. of GRFA ar.ailable for future development. He u'ould like to build a t\\'o-car garage and a caretaker on the properry. Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Sin-ele Family. Hou'ever. Ordinance l5 of Series 1989 allorvs a caretaker to be constructed on each lot. .As a result. each lot has the potential to support a Primary/Secondary tvpe of strucrure. Per Ordinance l5 of Series 1 989. the caretalier cannot erceed one third of the total GRFA allotved on the lot. The Ordinance specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the . ernployee unit is prorided in Section 18.13. rvhich is the PrimaryiSecondary section of the code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion of the ' Emolovee Housing Ordinance. The Employee Houiing Ordinance provides for five different gpes of employee housing. There are different attributes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards, but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing. Staffbelieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the Ernployee Housing Ordinance which match the situation under a Type I scenario. The Type II has only one attribute that matches this situation: hou'ever staffunderstands that thJone is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and u'ould like your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate' II I. y'rn'eK4' htq o/P t coaitfi}lrlY lEtrELoPMgl{r Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road. l/ail. colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax,: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: RAMMRATH DOOR/MNDOW Project Description: APPUCANT DOUBLE R CONTMCNNG PO DMWER.1499 EAGLE co 81631 License: 273-A CONTMCTOR DOUBLE R CONTMCNNG Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A NEW WINDOW AND DOOR Participants: OWNER RAMMRATH, HERBERT GEORGE &BO7IL3I2OO6 1159 SANDSTONE DR VAIL co 81657 DRB Number: DR8060305 07 I 13 12006 Phone; (970)328-1776 07 | t3l2o06 Phone: (970)328-1776 PO DMWER 4499 EAGLE co 81631 License:273-A 1159 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: 1159 SANDSTONE RD Lot: 5 Block: 1 Subdivision: LIONS RIDGE SUB. RLING 2103-014-1501-6 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt 07 | L3l2O06 C-ond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date { mvli0r Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.rnilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prlor to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particutar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparfrnent' The project may also need to be revie ed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences wathin one year of trtre approval. Description of the Request:v r-J w o n Locationof theProposal: Lou 5 Bbck: / Subdivision:L/a.. " ZtOL. Physical Address: parcef No.:{ t oS c t1 ls'c ( L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):.N MaifingAddress: t(5'S'rl* .t9, 1, -€ ;D,l Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:(-G .1 Lrc-){u+7'l o tA, 0 4 e rf3 * (o^-\** Mailing Address: I €-,-l e.cc O-<: E-mail Address: ttA \l 4t(, /',( 7 Fax:3Zt //[O Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration ( mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and _-----.>\- retaining walls, etc.( $20 Yor minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, -e-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planninq Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee **** * ************** * * * * * *****+** * * {. ***:1.+ * * * * * * * * **** **'*'* * * * ** * * * f ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ***+*** ** * *** * * ********** * * * * * * ***+*+ * * * * * * * * * * *** * *** * *:1.*{.i.:1. {.'1.***** * * * * * * * * l. * * * * * *'}******** Statement Number: R060000978 Amount: $20.00 07 /1,3/200608:18 AM Payment Method: Check I R I CONTR;ACT IIIG Ini!. : ,f S Notation: 6279/DOaBLE Permit No: DRB06O305 Type: DRB-Minor AIE,SFR/DUP ' Parcel No: 2103-014-l-501-6 Site Address: 1159 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Locaeion: 115 9 SANDSTONE RD Total Fees: This Palzment:$20.00 TotaL Ar,L Pmts : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 (n nn *********f******+*****,|,|****:t****,1*************************+********++****++**+++*+{.***:1.{.i.{.N. ACCOI.]NT ITEMLIST: Account. Code Descript ion Current Pmts DR 0 0100003 LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Yfi<Lt+ q( s )/6 ll Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_a lt_1 1-23-2005.d0c LLl23/2005 €NrS ,) 4 Page 6 of 13 . Location of all required parking spaces . Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.. Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . Landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20' or larger . Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan, . Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. . Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover,. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. . Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the boftom of wall elevations noted. o Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area . Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . REPAINT PROPOSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s) . Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERl"IlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 13 1r12312005 /nPLAN \ D2l .,/ &,AL.Ezl/o'tl='-ot' RETA/E FORTION OF IIIALL ABcVE FoR NEU,| lutNDouE FEI.IOVE FORTrcN OF UJALL F€R I.IEIU A.lD TRial.lgO'l EXl9Ttl6 9LrDtr{6 DocF,,TO 7E FEFIO\€D TAB Assodail€s ntl/db,tf*E tqaB!a?ai Ao,@ allDZPr (07o 7a&t{z}bFrqtall.a ri&4 PmrEClMr€ PROTECTNO: Ctl Ramafih Remndon I 150 Sandfine Road, Vail, @ ORA$'TETn|'E Demo[Uon Phne sc^le l/||n'{ ss[JEDATe CiEE -l I I 4 I I AI,UEgT ELEV r-------r -----'r F-----r r-----l ll rl rl L----_J T-----_-l I I I L__ EXt9Ttr.l6 UINDOUJg A.lD D@re 10 AE FEIIOVED /A gOUTI{ ELEV Pl|^se CD SHEET: D2.1 RE A.I GE}.IER,IU- NOTE* L ^Ore OF FGI|J rUlNDOUrg A}.lD DOORg To FATcr{ ExtgTtr€ 2. ALL ETLT@ PATCI{Eg TO HATA.I EXl9TfN6 g1u@ @LOF.- 3. uxlDaug At@ DooRg To FEctEvE rcu, TRIH TO PIAIC/'4 EXlgTtt€. 4. FEFER TO STFUdTRAL DRAIIJIhIG9 F€R NEIIJ FEdJIFED gTFIICTIJRA|- U,OFK 9CALE I/8"1='-@" lGu' unDanE rutTr{ r.tEru cchFt4IRATlci.l 9T ELEV 9CALE:|/8"1='-Q"9CALE..|/8"1='-O" PRO'ECT|{^I€ PFOFCTI{C GI' Ramrdr Remdon 1159 Sandebne Road, Val, @ DMITIIG TTIIE PhnB SC IE 1lL1'4 rS$rE D rE d& PIUSe GD SIGET: AC.1 RE E.I --\r '*''#48 :,.-',l.:1+=4:!j:;E% =;;1-r=,7--;j .-- -' . =a- ;\:\ .: "1; ;i q i'* i ;-l -.,. .- ,f ||iffi'rfu7:v v' ,#Hfff,I-J"r* v' " in# 4,rr "' t .1,{+\" UJ o o (J c z o =F o o !!i.a:i;: r+::=U r qi;= c-!:=:; ii,EEz.l.E 7= , .5;+i € r = e i:n P *.. a.a ?.. ;a!is-.: - rJ': c :i ii - == - i .a c : 2 z 1= |= E i;i;:;.'a y a ! a .1 2;-a-? 't ! ..E i .r a .!;F * arE:+:. l: ; o- EX b 5 5:Ei l; g.!i i+ a ? 3 ..:i:i; e; c'\ 0\ F F) ts .$ z o H H H U) T{ H & 2 H Fl v Ff 1,) ts Fr ld H z F ut o z v> Or FI U'z v (.) H z rlt d Fl - d !A z (.) |- F\rn CN (n Z E I E {t <r) I & d H ts z H u) & I z FT H u, EI & u)z t4 v H o F-'"urH gF)€>x >zz q<< 3ii a\av ;r\i- zaQ -z=IrE r->=t--H ^ lrJ \./ - A( ,^F-tr2 ZUA t{.1 \ -<F<=lrJ f- -,<v)ca or r z lrJ F- i- -!!<3.tU!FZt F<!/,\ llJ o;<l=z Fq->Z^=n-v t: ,.i pnH0 R:tr9 ilto>tssil9 =:gq Httx sI<X \.,FAV lL rr e4 I F>oy ff;<D USXH -FYl +Kg+Fi.}F F-\J,>F H F -a O. iF a-t ,Ft +f t et rt a. FP EN e--t r,F a -a .F a{ra H -l flJ a F i{-l +fr\€v rJ -a l!(F? -E Ie F da LI F. -E *Fl H H (f\ EY tH 11 Ar rFl d f-l rfJ fH .Fa rF||r A. € z q)*,, # P.ERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * SPECTION TOWN OF n \ a-\r-.palE'5--\-\\ READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES rfffiti. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - PROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED r"t- -t \t.\'C \ v \,]".j-+-\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT a\ \ ql'.\\ \ '\\-' DATE ^,- _ " .' JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: TION:MON THUR FRI AM (ffi\ . : .:- a '+. t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FINAL INSPECTION'S COT4PLETED The belol iters need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING MECHANI CAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMPOMRY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OCCUPANCY "rq DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF .. \ r\\r\\ r'.. ll- .,r-:r-..t.\CALLER TUES.READY FOR LOCATION: aR\\r{gj/WED THUR FRI --=-----@ eur BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAI'ING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOODUATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT SUPPLY AIR dr,*o. - O FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rtr 4 tl PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF ffis*fEFT *.'a READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr o D-FINAL I q FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER D HEATING D o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL o,-FTNAL E}:APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,t DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1 .' , JOB NAME INSPECTION REqilEST - TOWN OF VA|L -.' .? READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES MON WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 31,j7 d INSPECTION NOF Q/ a|t R5{fJEST \/all *r .,{} .PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE . /','j" ','' JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: l/'--ct -t ,',,f |;].'<- MON . -,, ,.L .r AM FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS B FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB x tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL ,d)appnoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED I ;!*DATE i i ''i {'il.i INSPECTOR =Bs-'l PERMIT NU OF PROJECT DATE tA READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN OF INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON u\-.,.CALLER TUES WED THUR PM BUILDI NG:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL GH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O{JGH / WATER S PIPING tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:ITIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ry tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR li. p|lnary/li'| rN$tctoN oo, ' r'-\ '\'\ t--JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED'r i\.SM'l PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ..I.a THUR READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUI}O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALTER xres-. wED THUR FRI .. -. -. . .-.:. .' ..: '. a' rNfr1oN REeuEsr rowN ee v.&Stfr ,-,# . AM /-il')\*-/- I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C UNDERGBOUND .+TROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E "APPROVED rlt OVED D :R€TNSPECTION REQUIRED /,.r-i \-- CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR pf'|\ 4.t1r|'.9n1,F .1.. r' ,r :;l*f {?.;'}rS {f }r{C. -" i z s') PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr\-\-\ JoB NAME CALLER TION OWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V.^ tr ROUGH/WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING trl trl a"\ INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr \)f* tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. FOWER IIEC}IANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr a;+fat tr FINAL movED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /' oor= /t/tf,//t rNsPEcroR --t. 2- L. I rns![toN TOWN OF $fipursr r'*'t J.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oora ', \JOB NAME CALTER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:wED a:yl FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL )9*eaoveo .--CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( INSPECTOR' f \ -3 J.r7 INSPECTION TOWN OF REO,UEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - rs'ff ,o" CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FBI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: IrTEMP. POWER tr ROUGH - MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED 7 tr DTsAPPR''ED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED GORRECTIONS: y, ,/.. trX nATtr /l / !_,,,_ . tt tt tNspFtiTotr o PE INS CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .',' i I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ( 1.,' r. FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL .,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - INSPECTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL . JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr i Di FTNAL tr FINAL ,l tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tNsPEcn*oN, ?F9+*e*r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -,t, JoB NAME - i ''I CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: ''. ' , ':' -', / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: b reup. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. #307 Avon. Colorado 8[620 303-949-7768 TEMP_ oat AM "at PM *te Moe, THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: , #4e z:o t4'tArz. 4 +{p =b" r' ,- Sr>EcnED -st+_'' + 3t4q^4/F f ' coPrEs To PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT IN tt- o SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL"L D . t DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES MON WED THUR FRI AM BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTiONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -- JOB NAME INSPECTION REOI'EST TOWN OF VAIL ' I a READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pdFsno" ./)t i. |.t- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF l, t i a- REQUEST V r'tl L --! '... . t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ,\ WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr-FOOTINGS / STEEL . '' -tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL./ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr Fll)lAL tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR I1AINTAIN F ence tla l l -Land s capi nE---.-----7-0ther_! Di,TE l/ t /ff AfucTuRE 0N A PUBLIC nlcHT-0F-w! or*rffi,nr, flrt^ lrrrrJ NAME OF APPLICANT A L L €N.tctf 11 f ADDRESS /c b,'x /{7f / uo* C. /- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT -)LLIJAL UT5UKIPIIUN UI- PRUPERIY TO BE SERVED: LOT J BLOC (If necessalS'Afiacn description on separate street. ) lorner 1ot ff Inside lotY x /s uBD. /- tons /'r /( e /t! fi,,^r, 2. DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-I^IAY 4:, : a '' tsrrt o', -.!ro'r -^("[:, ,!l'", Attachplansshowingencroachment,property1ine,sids, meters, manholes, any other affected apurtenance in the project area (to sca'le-or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if apbliiable). Does structure presently exist?/c Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as fol lows: 'I That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis sively to the land above described. That the permit js limited specifically to the type of structure appl ication.3. That the applicant sha11 notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in ordir that pro'per inspection may be made by the Town.4. That the gPplicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vajl from and against all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from, arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance of the above identified structure. 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever jt is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traff.ic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use Uy the public; - 9l it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficjent by the-Town of Vaii.6. That the applicant will remove, at his ixpense, the encroachment, o-bstruction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping issoc'i ated wjth the encroachment on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accompiished withjn ten days, the Town is hereby author.i zed to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the pr6perty and collect the iosts of removai in the same manner as general taxes are col lected.9. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued so1e1y to the undersigned appi i cant..l0. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditjons set forth in thjs application.ll. Special conditjons: Corner lot ROVED: Di re rof is restricted exciu- described in this APP /t/, /11 Oate opment Date / * -il/ rlrr gnature rectoT Manager )- c\ \(S q\..'-\ \-- \\ -..-\ \ i\ -\ t $ =.-\ -\t *-.1- \ Y s \ r{ \-.l i o^\ \,,.x-\Ua R* \:\'rr q- b l't- $..\ 6/L6/8e Town of Vail: This letter is to confirm I have beEn advised by the Town of Vail that the r€sidence I plan to build (Lot 5, Block 1, Lions Ridse Subdivision Filing 4) is in a rock fall hazard area and that I've read the Towne ordinance *5 concerning game. I have also had a site-sPecific geologic investigation comPleted' 'i2 6-/* Al len Pickens )4* ry*,-v-,\r-a''L i<* da77fu4,l?W C*au't*-q, q".,,/4- -OLZa'L^-A*/'''L igJ," rtu"l" v'e"/' ft,^>- , eD 6/t*s7 ffn-6 At'"'-" &{ft* /o-3-k( 0 /l $s N{l rt$ N N H 0 ht l- ,l 0 + '\l s I {t Xt </ :'6 \ ,l_ lo ua o t/t \- ! t .\ {l u s F- > NN r_1 \+ a \t \s :R +=q v r y $ \I t_i \t <r \$ -vl ts 3' o -{\ > $ Vt +. N Ho €* v^;,l;-x:. EE\ -llrl a\)FO(AC h€,s gg a6 t3.rA t | 4' a+ r- -_J * b I AY H v .t )t ru a te s .T' fr b ti 3 c t, N x x\fF Q..-t- l'^ =\ ? \N \ il$ t -3 \ \t tl # z a F A z.l o IL J -J t M v. f)z l! V U il I E .1\rl/ I *- I T I .g L=#++lp P.O. 8or 1597 48 E, B.tv.r Ci..k Blvd., t307 Avon, Colorldo 81620 JO3 SHEEI NO, cAtcul^lEo 8Y o*" 6+b96" 303-9i19-7768 CHECKED 8Y Fafr!{E:. 0'-\h fi |n. r.*iot tqt iE }&rzr.ti onroo Englneerlng Consultante P.O. Bor 1597 It6 E. Buvrr C?.ck Blvd,, f307 Avon, Colondo 8162O CALCULAIEO BY DAIE 303-949.7768 CHECXED !Y oAtE tm.ElGtlq|l.o,r\lt.o.tr.t od.io|[r(r!n$]G?t'{ o tHEEr XO. cALcutAtlo lY 303€49-7768 cHroxlo !Y t ii, ]j.: I t0 l<l o x ,;[l {1 ilr. il,r F lIl E €Een 2N 6)+. -:4/;.rs;tlr ) I ,l,t. tnl|trlErro-rhior.r.oir'|oclq,!rErsar{o a Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 PIan analysis based on the 1985 Uniforn Building Code ra Project Id: PICKENS RES. Address: LOT,5 BLK,1 4-LIONSRIDGE Occupancy: M1 ,R3 Type of Const: Y-N Date: June 9, 1988 Contractor: PIONEER CONST.Architect: M.L SANNER Engineer: NONE Plans Examlner: GARY MURMIN NOTE:The code ltems listed in this report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of all possible code requirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide to selected sectlons of the code. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 124.0 Feet 124.0 Feet EAST Property line 18.0 Feet 18.0 Feet SOUTH Property }ine 25.0 f,'eet 25.0 Feet !{EST Property line 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet Area increased 6.25 % for open area on 2 sides. FL NAME OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 3 Dwelling R3 1027 Unlimited 3 1 0.07 TOTAL 1027 Unlimited 3( 3) 2 O.O7( 0.07)2 Dwelling R3 1898 Unlimited 6 1 0.13 TOTAL 1898 Unlinited 6( 8) 1 0.13( 0.16)1 Parking Garage M1 572 3000 0. 19 3 1 0.06 1 Dwelling R3 1326 Unlimited 4 t 0.09 TOTAr 1898 9890 0. 19 7 ( 11) 1 0. 15 ( 0. 23 ) BUILDING TOTAL 4823 49551 O.1O 77 x NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Table 5-D f NOTEr Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec. 3302.(a) exc. The allowed M area is 3000 sg.ft, for a mixed occupancy.-- Sec. 1102. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS 111-R3 t hr Materials approved for thr construction are required on the garage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex S3 AII glazlng ln hazardous locations (see section 5406.(d)) is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. ExrERroR nf,l ,r*, RArrNcs AND op'Nrrf*orr.rro*ta NoRTH EAsr sourg wEsr . ''. OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT M1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None' R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wa1Is may be of COMBUSTIBLE material. None -- No flre protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected wlth 3/4 ht fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec 504. (b) NOP -- Openlngs are not permitted in this wal1.* -- These waLls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 lnches above the rooflng. The parapet waIl is reguired to have the sane fire rating as the wall. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTIIER BUILDING ELEI,ffiNTS Table 17-A ETEMENT MATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONS Interior Bearing wall ANY NONE Interlor nonbrg wafl ANY NONE Structural Frame ANY NONE Exterlor Struct tr'rame See footnote S1 Shaft Enclosure ANY t hr Floor,/Ceiling Assembly ANY NONE Roof,/Celling Assenbly ANY NONE Stai.rs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES:1) Mlnimum on exterior side aLso based on exterior brg. wall requi.rements. Based on sectl-on 3202. (b) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 lnches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.S1 The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run ls g inehes. Provide a guard rall where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height=36 inches, maxlmum opening size=6 inches. -- Sec. 1?11. exe 2 The minimum headroom Ls 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3305.(p) The maximum travel distance ln this building is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) -. -ADDITIONAT REQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For Ml occupancy For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A wlndow must provlde a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches, and a clear wldth of 2O inches(mlnlmum). -- Sec. t2O4. A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10% or more of the floor area, (mln 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a)ALl habitable rooms require an openable exterior openings equal to 5%or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The minlmum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kltchens, ha1ls, and baths nay have a ceillng heieht of 7 feet. --$ec. -- 1207. (a) o z tr E uJ o \t |*\o\rn N (\ o UJ uJ u- ts = uJ IL \*sss z F.) z H E >'1 tl ,ol lo\,-l l\ol r(\l L'F I r*3'l-'l IH Er tr{l ! xr I I rl .l l:d,t?l 'F1 |l,9 l :<-x tc)& |IE lx> |rvan I rz r'r I t6 Fq I lla ttd tt<llN tt<ll'1l lH 5l ls tlv ttE tt"ltE llo tt&lt*| ;;&I Iid liH -- | \JFr ll zta Jlo'r tl7x nl iY.zl ) =l6Q ll.6x :l(F Zl =-<l&:it N 91 rEl E trl tq *-l B z l! |ll @ i o F o z o uJ z B od u- uJ :i Ev <F ?;YZ o< $ fl\$.\ h I R Y I t $+$ il !i i,l I t/ll^ I l: c.9 .=o Eo) =L t= o(! -Ca -g =_Y ;>cP o.9 l'(6 eo -=;i-.=- o-(u CL +f rt (u -E -(D -(! O(! .cs 60 lr! q) 9)Gl !r-c|l 36 o(! -! d- (!0 >g 9a Ets r-o -o (g .Y, (t'(,)y\ o oi \ H lSN EN rxe I Efg\( IFN F-: B-J : EE :Fo Eeg -o- 5FF: E 5E r{). * l!'l I F5N-- E 3d .e:: t, -cEE *t :E;t,ooV 5B i ir -o o. I oc(g o{l 6'.t tl $;o fl HI C-)I €o\(\.-.t -r. v il o o 'rA 'U U:u. 1..' ' J a 6rl / F =d uJ z o ! x I z J a F J z E =: J z = 7 -l_".1 q a'u u, z tr tu E u,E 3 uJ t!e.z o TIJ 6 !U z UJ J o x F ul o :f (n l! UJ t! = uJ ) F F z =f 9 E F uJ J UJ z 6 J 2 I Lu = ; F F NOt].Vn]VA I l. tFl IH tz t,^cl; .olV Nl< NIH - tr4 .-&v< 5c) =!E Z lr-F 6zB =tr> 6E ni 6- <- trCJ zz UJ FI auD =>(r -- z E ="l ato Vx l)z tL<oI u.r ?(LY ax iN = z tr f J g E o :f o e.(J uJ F c! cn t (L LU E J z o =o o ;o k e.lu x X t< =z tl tl t z l z our <o o< >E >E P!!6o <z L z Az -F do 36 OI N o UJ o uJ IJJ z @ tr (r trl o-) z I =o o l J (I UJ z (-) I F z F )l a z I &I I l l l l^ 69 I(l ol< |.JJt(r.) \o c{ H ts H H E a J J 3 i o uJ o- t!>o F u,o o.^ =z 6"<(l J<(o()- N -+ N r\rn c\ -$ an I I E FJ ts F z t .".a- 'rj 82 : 9! '2 E ? ^6 I $ a =2,':B 9 ?4Y,rr a ', I v-, E i =r LHIH! 5 b=l ,€ i Fl "dq E P bl =s€H a tl =3*E i at dd=,ry HHB 3 o E -- u) I l 6 'l F ) z J tr -t f l A -t t h R z H 14 an z rI1 v H ui z CD -' z H z Fl F-l LU z I I Dl rl -l {l -l :-l {l ")3 d CI {{a = .+ I Ol i z F tr ) l I I I Fl \Ol -l XI Fql I *l I a 04 3 : = F\ I i z F =l ol Hl HI OI &l F.{ |(nl zl ol "l rdl Frl zl vl 'l =l trl I I I =.1 ot utl trl JJ <l >l lLl ol zl ;l 9l Fl I C\ r\ ui J ul F Fl a =g o z ci IJJ J 2 3 F F rd Fl rI]v)p E &(9 == C u II F \' I o\ \l d4 E F =c z LIJ (r z 3 o F 'l 7 ;i'. ia la./ t', I 7 =E tr :{ iit I 4 o z tu = tl-o z 3 a:( a/r I." I I .',i ."/ z" uJ ) IJ,J F I E UJ z = F IIJ =? <F uJ<zE UJF .nZ C) <o ()F trs YF -2.ili O lo :a 1,,, =<z.& )z rJ-o <;YF r2 -: lv iiF Y, z. =g d i, = Oz )<O a4 A ;ui fo a \/ t"4t 'J/ 1 1') / .'?)- ,)/ ) ,. \ /)2 /,2 ,-l ',// UJ t o @ -z F uJ Y IJJ o o - E TE@ ulm 0_ o\ xl r-'sl a "il O s.l r- ?l i=l gLu :^F lst zo F =E, LrJ o-z o F () :)E F o z o () o Proiect Name: PICKENS NEI'I RESIDENCE Prolecl Applicalion rt ,. 4/20/88 Proiect Oescription: Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls:change of location fron previous des i n which vras approved bv DRB on 2/3/ffi. Design Review Board Motion by:Gwathmey Date A/?O/ss DISAPPROVAL Leary S€conded by: APPBOVAL 4-0 Town Planner o^r"' / ./ ',+/t r E statt Approval Nicholas Lampiris, ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0554 HIGHWAY 82 CABBONDALE, COLORAOO 81623 (303) 963.3600 Febrnary 15, 19gB Thi:i i ertter ig ir December ,= , - irrll"::;:"::, il'Hl;ffi::,ll i::.:;..;;.,1?:1,""*Rocl,;f al I Harard at yolrr si te. The hoLrse ori entat r on has oeen altered somewhat as shown on tf,. accomp.lnyi nq drawings. Yoctr .rrchitect, Mr. Michael L. Sanner, has provideo me with a compl ete get of !r.1wi ng, ,hori n!*tf," new ori entat j. on and views from alr f .urr c'rnpass dirJctionE. The berming on the critical sides o{ tne ntme ";;';; I. recornmended pre,viously and the new orientation ig u"it"r than before because the "c.,rner facing urphilf .,,. gesi;;-;;'a safer one in that i.t does not provide a direct hit suri+ace to rolling roctrs. I hope that I hav n ew d es i s n' - " i ;*;* *i::i';:":"I" n:';"'l:."i *,i' i *" ifl *,,1 : ":. : n t =further qurest i ons. Al len Fic|,:eng F. O. Box LiTg Avon, Co. A1630 RE: Rock{al I Sturdy l)ear Plr Fickens: cc. Mi chael Sanner 5i ncerel y,."'///7 .. r"i LrAt zbwn0q, Ni chol as Larnp i l- i s Congul ti ng 6eologist. 75 3outh lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlly development February 4,- 1988 Mr. Michael Sanner Box 667 Vail. Colorado 81658 RE: Pickens Residence, Lot 5, Block 4, Lionsridge Filing 4 Dear Michael: At the Design Review Board neeting yesterday, the members approved your new proposal with the following conditions: 1. The new design and placenent be submitted to Nicholas Lampiris and his response submitted to me. 2. The submission of a new landscape plan with the suggested changes included. r have sent a copy of the new driveway location to Rill Andrews and will let you know his opinion as soon as I have it. Please call if you have any questions. 11"./, cc: Tyler Hoff Enclooed to TyIer is the landscape materials list for revision. r' '6f 4.,\*'_,..4', \ -..-a-a Prolect Appllcation Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and ?, .[Q*-- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: s-,rn Ll7 #/ ,ro^.P/-,Legal Oescriplion: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary.,*l Date: Town Planner E statt Approval I C o ?rc APPLIcATIoN ,arr, t Z/ iYftV DATE oF oRe MEerrNe , I lU lgy II /a L'-\ DRB APPLICATION *****THI5 APPLICATION tlllLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:S trva tt -Alt-eS/0€Nc€ A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determihb if any additional information is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipu1ate. ALL conditions of approval must d4, r ,-,(o,/,.a>rt n r^- *r ^ b61 ),r {'Jlu cz,t"i - e 'q O B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add res s lsl Legal Description Lot 5 Bl ock Zonins S' /r..t <'t e - Firq t ,Y C. NAME OF APPLICANT:L L€N I cK€Ns Addres s 0.''/-'*/-- D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: lO.9ov /5'7f Co. S i gnature Address Ao. B"x Sh,vosrorc ,trrk'u-4' t/ozo tel ephone '409 qn - /?b{ lj o F-F Addres s E. NAME OF telephone ?/7-tloS- F. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 -/ $100.00 L/ $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake the s'ite to indicate property iines and building corners. -Trees that will be removed should also be mark-ed. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEt^l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at'l east two neetings for their approval . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed . Gcoztr+ /<7f A,tonr Ca. ( lt zo telephone ?*?'//os be paid at the time a bui.ldjng permit is requested. rEc DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $so,ooi-$ 15o,oo0 $150,001 - $ ,5o0,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 tc(€N.{ 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing p'lane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had 'letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl,l CONSTRUCTION ,'-\ 'l ( n. ) fopographic map and site plan of sjte containing the following (2 copies):'<J 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, i ntermi ttent streams , etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year fl ood plain and slopes 40% or more, if app'licable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer jnvert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts, swal es, etc. _ b. E:act-locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service l ines from souree9 to the structure. Uti l ities to includer cabl e TV sewer gas Te1 ephone water el ectri c c. Property ljnes showing distances and bearings and a basjs of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevatjons e. Al I easements 8. Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . 9. All existing and proposed improvements jncluding structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, waiks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wal1s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (wjth exjsting grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary -title report to accompany all submittals, to jnsure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shrru6s ana^ilaiive plants th are on the sjte and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materi als list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1an, so that the inter-relation of the various components'i s clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteri stics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and buildjng corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. o E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they wi'l 1 appear on completion.. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. ?. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submjtted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Conrnunity Develop-ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meet ing . F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (jncluding a model) if deemed necessary to detenn'i ne whether a proiect will comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that cleariy indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in ljeu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. I]I. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COI,IMERCIAL A. 0r'iginal floor plans with al l specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site p1 an showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Adminjstrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached util ity Iocation verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and ljsts of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required before any building receives a fram'i ng inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners,'i .e. djstances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All util'i ty service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of materjal used, and exact locations. 2 cop'i es D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to t'i e to section corner. F. A11 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building f1 oor elevations and roof ridge e1 evatjons. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIALS \J r-'p rz V€.-sl'=- F+'- V'*-{fE ' -rvL>Y'tw | .tth .''--t\.'J t:/)f .';) A- F,(-:'-\\J1* 1,y,0: (.1 p (-cx,)tt\ ':txe'p c€r7'.+- c.*t\I +c51+ (,x:nx",r\ :/.fi(tz,c, Y>F<J Ac;z-F-t- 6rf-l , ovJ,4 ': 1it>r-'€ - v:t|t-g- T-<-< Y- ;,\l 4 c,.*a- Zyl2- F.1t /.vpac- (*g,u(+ os'1] 1. t-. t.'t-'. -ilA t t-,fP, r--(F-ft a7 e'vt c-:*' * DESCRIPTION OF P / - -,,r,r+_J .-/ ,/ I c rr-J 'c - \,\q-r\-,!?/:', t\e,r-t - F *t-trt >l' F:€z'-\C-G+l '< E'- The following information is required for subrnittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Sidi ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails h I ues Flashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther lLt 7rit'' qVy'i ,'t . att rAt: .-,Att4{ p etr{I a- ii 1'c' fJ,'r-* ')(l (/-z) 14frl4,c- 4(r:*f -.: ,/ ( '1-. / E;uz i:tt v.t <1r\na * c 517 ----.- B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: phon., PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name -TYl-r-.e- Vctf Common Name krr4 Si ze* PROPOSED TREES 7pf'*_fr:*,r-,-J: Y'8 t' vA:, 1( (t'\vur tY.t (, f.t-i.e /'Xrtuz- L Quanj ty EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED t-'aNI? F4t4t];r; for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate he'ight "'PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name (con't) sHRUBs Ti1 f-*jir\L./\_ifl\)\L(r-l .-l-\1 ff.ev. - L c-,s-14 v, l.t \ a' y! /\;7-t7-i'r' gfztvff-fd EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SEED L E- r:-yFA4<, Type /.,7t-.t VtF-/, alr.t Common Name 5AG$r{ r'-i Pt\Jg'7s,11,- Jip'r(F--F- Quani ty .ln Si ze fuerr'4 6n rg 9{--?t-pp1x12,e"j A+tutt*,tt4f Square Footage cnn au:lzEg :p 4\ - E. t t t 1 -a \ i:.(>y,{> y'+F4\.. > 1-€tD ,v 1n7,, (tr* ,',7o , {=v1,1-11,''[o 1i i 1,rtKt -, 'Tz r?7: tm'€C4€ EF-tr: L,r1..., F?<'t- tlrrT- TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 7 N-,t- -r?t29 7Y':t:'2,92-D C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wai1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify- /+ti V*z'r-zt d( -Crtjr: itr'4 , - UTILIfi LOC;\TION VERIF ICATION SUBDIVISION L to rtSi. t06 € n JoB NAME ff u uEN f i( Xe MJ LOT 5 BLOCK F IL ING The location of utilities, lines, must be approved and acconpanying site plan. whether they verifi.ed by be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 l.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai I Cab'l e T.V . Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Val 1ey l,Jater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek /J-4 f'le f o /J-ts O4 '6/ r new cons se fiil ou ched sheet / FN ea .t- - €)o * 'pl at F - f plzbz ?Zi.4a + /-z-r*e,c-^ )* &r"/.4a44fr.,e Ert;* Authorized Signature taldlsT --7---'--'-r- NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A building pernit rs not a street cut pernit. A street cut permj.t nust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availabli.ty and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. DA1E: tz/tz/t'l Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks; Front Sides Rear VJater Course Site Coverage La ndsca pi ng Fence/Retai ni ng Wa11 Parki ng Credits: Garage ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: Lot 5 Btock ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE OIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE --7 Hei ghts Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SIope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Filing f one Phone L n .l(.., -' er06t/4€ 4** (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) (s01116s1 (25) (50) (2oo ) (4oo ) $ 'i"Slope Actual od A Ba < (;(") ,'\ u o' f''{2 l.t.- ' Pro posed a4 <1 1..; i. : "), tl .f ,. ;, * , 600 /07 Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geologic Hazards conrnents, ft Stre-SlectFrc G€ot'06tcAL Staff Signature /t/u65rten-rpn kTTftc*aO Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Y4,J- * fr-' tF';- o n \_-/ ="/-< 7" a/4 I 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development December 22, 1,987 Mr. Michael Sanner P.O. Box 667 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lot 5, Block 1-, Lionsridge Filing #4, pickens Dear Michael: r have reviewed your Design Review Board apprication and will need the following items 6efore this can rL'scneJured for a Design Review Board rneeting: 1. A topographical survey by a registered engineer showing: a. contour intervals of not more than 2 feet b. rock outcroppings and boulders c. size of lot 2. We will need elevations and heights of all wal1s,incruding the rock retaining wa1rs. we wilr not need cross sections. 3' on the landscape plan, aspen trees must be a rninimun of 2tl caliper and evergreen trees a minimum of e ieet in height. 4 ' The allowable driveway srope nust be resor-ved with the Town engineer. ,1 5. If you plan to locate the garage in the front setback, you will need to do a slope stuay -howing alr areas where the slope exceeds 308 under the garage. rn the meantime, if you wish, we can schedule this project for the- January 6th meeting for conceptual review only. ti you wish to have a conceptual review on January 6, prlase nake sure that the lot will be staked. If you have any guestions, please donrt hesitate to call. Sincerely ,4 +- ,4 KTT/ n a /'->L{2 ) /@J / a- | Betsy 7ho'solack Planning Technician cc: AIIen Pickens .) Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. @NSULTING CEOLOGIST 0554 HIGHWAY 82 CARBONDALE. COLORADO 81623 (3(B) 533600 Delcermber 2i.J r 194 7 Al l ern Fi c 1".:ens F , O. Etox t 578 Avon, C0. 9162t1 REr Roclr.f al l Sturdy Dear I'lr F'icl,rens: I have compl eted my investigation o{ yolrr hnLrse sits ;rnd how j.t re-'lates ts the medium rnck-f aL l as rnapped on the Vai I rockFalI hazard maps" I helieve that the h.-l:ard tc: yourr lot and propcrsed br-ri ).ding site i:; mi. nor n hecause o.f ttre site specific topograFhyn but there are $clme mitigative stepg that shoLrld he tal:en. The hou::e' site lies on a {airly gently north*gloping hillside with a grade cl{ approximately 1.37. to 3(:r7.. The hiIl::ii.dr: steerpens considerably behind the home, wittr a ,falss crust approli imately i. (:l(l {eet erbove the gite" rshere a Lh j.n nutcrogr o{ l i mestone clccr-rrs. This bench is very signi{icant o h*.s grt:ves o{ aspens growing; in it, and FhoLlld serve is an excelIent barrier t(] any rc]c[,:s which may cmme dfiwn the longer hiLIside 'frorn abnve. Therre i*; ;r sli.ght rr+*le wf'rich I eads toward the bni l di ng si te whi ch wor-tl d terrd to trave a {unneling e{fect on any rocl::s which come ourt nf the+ thin outcrop previ oursl y rns*ntioned. l'trpr-erf nrr"., ttre mitigation that I suggest is t r.r{rf oId: f irst o pr i or to construrct i on , the clne or two .qlreadv l cjose b l oc ks near this olrtcrop shor-rld tle st.abaajlzsd, .rnd secondly, r:orne desi gn steps need to be talten i n the congtrlrcti r:n o{ the hot.rse "rnd the elne-:Lti ng I andscapi rrg. Thie latter is thel rnogt important for this site, even .Lhough it is highly unlikely that a rocl": wil l cnme thi r:; f ..er riown the hillside* wj.th enolrgh vei.ocity tn caLtsfl d;rmaqe" I relcnmrnerrd L t@_E5-elt!_dE,l:etween f nur and r:ix 'f eet- above'_!re.9sr1|jL__gr_ade and be st-Flicfurai i i comFdtErit tcr wi thgtand ft {orce of ap6rra;< i rnatel y St:t0 poLrnds per sqLrare foot. It is also hi. -ne*riii-te pLaced L{p against t-hig gtem wa:L l wj.th tlx cavated--mE.bslr i a I r+j.th a regnlting uphill {acing slope of l.:1. l'his trerrn or Iandscape f eature can have ::orne simal I steps j.n it *or Etability ancl {or purposes o{ planting various types of pl.snts or ghrutrbery. It shorrl d r:;cte*niJ to Lher t:cr: n{ the -";tem December 23, ISAT Rockfal 1 Study Page Two walI along the entire rear of the home and be ct:nvex tcrward the uphill. Just enough compaction to keep the berrn from easily eroding will suffice. Fositive drainage around the berm and home site iE also neceEsary (see sketche:i). This site is in a geologically sensitive area., blrt corrective engineering can be accompl ished and wiIL nr:t increase the hazard to other properties or structurreg or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements or {acilities, or other property o{ any kind. I do not believe that it is appropriate to change the geologic rockfall mappingn but the mitigative steps should sur{{ice to I ower the hazard to quite an acceptable level. I+ you have {urther questionsn please do not hegitate to contact me. Thank You, Consulting Geologist encI. NL/cl k ui 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly development January B, L9a7 Mr. Michael Sanner P.O. Box 667 Avon, Colorado Bl_G20 Re: Lot 5, Block 1, Lionsridge Filing #4, pickens Dear Michael: on January 6, 1988, the pickens resi-dence was brought before Desi-gn Review Board for conceptual review. concerns expressed by the Board included: l-. The river rocks be washed of concrete. 2. The retention be treated with care, as it will be as visible as the hone itself. The specific type of retainage with detaired drawings sirould be l.ruritt"a. 3' Rerated to the above, a perspective of the northwest corner of the house and site would hetp to visualize this. 4. Tylgf may wish to reconsider the height of the plantings at the base of the stone walls. They seem small in comparison to the wa11s. 5' Prease subrnit new elevations by wednesday, January 13th. At present, r have not received comments from Bill Andrews, the To!'/n.Engineer, but r.wi11 pass his concerns arong to you when l receive them. The pickens residence will be reschedured for L/25' if we have received the elevations by the 13th. please call if you have questions. Planning Technician cc: Allen Pickens Tyler Hoff Sincprely,/<,r- '=2 Lz'-,l Betsy Rojolack K."^ 7 le,,-*-=:;:-...- - - - { /r Z 9u-ZfL /B L_t z3 .t- Y bzz,'7t'L z"- ')t 38 o,zi/ 1y -19'F, /y t1 , " s-'l't, f t"/ ? ,)./-/. 3sc r Qvz Y c'? ') I f 7 J. t- lyol J 1\q. 'z g-.ia 6 Ys 1 q3,7 8yr I (- Q-) ._ i .,, \." r. \ -, - "t1.' vl,1 oo O o LIST OF MATERIALS ..1 ! NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof S'idi n9 0ther hlall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses FILING i B.LANDSCAPI NG:Nas'{e of Des i gner: phone: *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees. Quani ty Indicate height for conifers. (o ver ) Botanical Name Common Name /.to B^t".^ts &st*-At.9cBucE Eo-r--fo*, *,o" t 4)rn*n ",4 tPsn T0 ,/o.rta ,] Si ze* ,t/t) 6 ' z"+.s"rrp 0e/ EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED PLANT MATEMALS: OSED TREES Size Square Footage Quani ty /g " PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name dzztnua FBDTrcxa Type s0D SEED Zro/ seo.4s 8<atto < /4/Fp/vt o g lEsrvca ozr A 6;0 tl? , ssi.ss/Zo| ra o77ER X"a"pf<o^l ser4.S*,r".rrEL*"t &ryg. 4p/e zye.e -sysrau zZ flrEs * sHAuB-g TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL 0F .eFEA/e4 4,%As 'd)/za AE /va1c?€2. -,</ /7-4 <r/<Ab/ 04 €RASC //Ay ExeEz-< /{2 D€V/ilC .,1 4y AE lsEO /tt) s,r.tF /*<EAS C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, sw'imming poo1s, etc.) P'lease spec'ify. Eoce ul/LL ,QE s'ro &' ,Qtc ,A< ,?/8,,(s.)/eE Ro"<s t)tt-t aE Pteen {IznJz1 4,<t [:,fi, )oc Fee ;4.25 plat thereof, recorded August 1, 411 as ReceDtion No. 202794. o rl COUNTY OF EAGIJE ' STATE OF COLORADO Csrl..It:totrs5F.,'Ealend-nutrdl*-ar* 'I OGETHER with rll and singular the heredi(aments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and rcversions. renraindcr and renrainders. rcnts, issues and prolits thereof, and all the estate, righl, title, intercst, claim and denund whalsoever of the grank)r, either in law or equity, of, in and k) the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and app[rlenances. TO ITAVE AND TO llol,l) the sakl prenrises above bargaincd and dcscribcd with the appurtenances. unto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forcver. And the granlcr. lirr itself, and ils successors, does covcnant. grant, hargain and aliree 10 and with thc grantee, his heirs and assigns, that !( the (inrc r'rf tlrc rnsealing and dclivery of these prcscnts. it is well scizcd of the premises above conveyed, has good, surc, perfecl, absolute and indcli'usiblc estate of inheritance. in law, in lce simple. and has go<d righl. full porver and authority to grant, bargain, sell and conve_\, the saure in nranner and lbrrn as aforesaid, and that the same are l'ree and clear from all lbrmer and other grants, bargains, sales. liens, taxes. lsscssnents. encunrbrances anct rcslrictions of whatever kind or nalure socvel except easementE, restrictionsr reservations and rights-of-way, all of record and real property taxes for the year 1987, not yet due or payable. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND K)REVER DIIFIIND the abovc-bargained prerniscs in lhe quiet and peaceable ;xrssession of the grBntee. his heirs and assigns. against all and every person or persons lawfully clairning the whole or anv part thercof. The singular number shall include the plural, thc plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall bc applicable to all genders. lN LTNESS WIIEREOF.'I'hc gr:rntor has caused its corporate nanre to bc hereuno subscribed by its President, and its corporale seal 1o he hen:untu aflixed. at(estcd by its Secrr:tary, the da) and year first above wri en. 'cowERcrAL FEDERAL SAViNGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAATON FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE ii'riijil:: o[ DENVER day of Ioan AssociaLim fA</a Tfe EIpiJe Savirrgts, &dldirg* a ^corporation. ON a Texas , Stale of O(XXXS, granteel t /.\ < BLOCK I LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4 According to the recorded 1980, in Book 306 at Page TOWN OF VAIL lleccption Nu, Rciorded rt o'ckrk \IARRAN'I r- DEED Ttlls DEED, Made this 9th dll ol October . 19 17 belween COMMERC IAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOANI ASSOCIATION a cotporation duly organized and existing undc'r and hy virtuc ol lhc laws of thc Sllte of Colorado , grrrrkrr, ancl ALLEN J. PICKENS AND GTORIA G. PICKENS, AS JOINT TENANTS AND NOT AS TENANfS TN COMMON whose legal addrcss is 15775 N. Hillcrest, Ste. 508 Dallas, Texas 75248 of the *tiounty of DaIlas WITNFISSETH. 'l'hal lhc.ufirnl()r. tbr and in considcration ol thc sum ol TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION--------- DOLI-A'BS- the receipt and sut{icicncy rrl rhiclr is hcrcby aekurwledged, has grantcd, borgaincd, sohl and convcyed. and by thcse prcsents do€s grant, baryain, sell, conrcy antl confirm, unto lhe grantee. his heirs and assigns forever, all the real property, together with imprwements, if any, situatt'. lving and being in the County ()l'Eagle State of Colorado, describcd as lirllows: i433*V ll'.tr|[,nLi ltrhlish'nS. tx:r w r'lh Alr..l-nlcE(x{. aO 80]ll (nlr' lrr 6rri(l 18800q ..oK.-fu-- P^nJtQ.." J,]IIHNITTE PHILLIPS 1;ACt.t 0TY. ntC0nDtn 0;r l{ I rg Al'l'81 Eagle County State Dcc. Fee , BUIDING AND LOAN October ,198 as Senior Vice Prcsident as As si stant Secr€tary aLrA Uwnar's Potiav - (5 TATl POLICY OF TITLE INSUFANCE ISSUED BY STIE.IVAR.T TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY '':' t;,' suBJEcr ro rHE EXcLUsroNs FRoM coVERAGE, THE exciprrorus FRoM covERAcE coNTATNED rN SCHEDULE S AND THE CONDITIONS AND ST|PULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: - 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other rhan as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability o{ the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to u,ld fror the land. The Company will ilso pay the costs, attorneys'fees and expenses incurred in defense of ihe title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. lN WlTl'iESS \ JHEREOF, Stewarl Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. .? .--4 u '\-6arlr- Vt,-+ =t ?X*$I3-t*T LE W EXGIUSIOI{S FnOM @VERAGE erclsded lrom lhe coveroge ol thi: policy ond the Compony will not poy loss or domoge, cosls, ottorneyC lees or Presrden t Company Crty, Srare The following motters ore erpretsly expenser which orise by reoron of:1. (o) Any low, ordinonce or governmenlol regulolion (including bul not limited m building ond zoning lows, ordinonces, or regulotions) rcstricting, reguloting, prohibiting or rdoting to (i) the occuponqr u5e, or enioymcnt of lhe lond; (ii) the chorocrer, dimensions or locotion ol ony improv?ment noy, or hereo{ler erecled on the lond; {iii) o seporotion in ownership or o chonge in the dimensions or orco of the lond or ony porcel of which the lond is or wos o port; or (iv) environmentol proteclion, or the affect o{ ony vioiolion of these lows, ordinonces or governmentol regulotions, lxcepf to thc exlcnl lhot o notice o{ the en{orcement thereof or o notice o{ o de{ed, Iien or encurnbronce resuhing fron o violotion or olleged violotion oilecfing $c lond hos bcen recorded in the public rerords ol Dcte of Poliq. (b; Any governmenlol police power not excluded by (o) obove, ercepl l,o lh! crlcnf thol o nolice o{ lhe exercise ihercof or o nolicc of o deled, lien or encumbrsnce resuhing {mm o viololion or olleged violotion offccting thc lond hos bacn rccorded in the public records ol Dotc ol Poliq.2. Rights ol eminent domoin unless notice of the exerrise thereo{ ho: been rxordad in tlre public records qt Dqte of Poliq, but not cxcluding from coveroge ony toking which hos occurred pdor lo Dotc of Policy which would bc binding on fie rights o{ o purchoser lor voluc withott hnowladgc.3. De{ech, liens, cncurnbontes, odversa doirns or olfisr mo'ncrs: (o) creoled, sull6rcd, ossumed or ogreed b bry thc inlurad doimont; (b) nol known to lhe Compony, nol recorded in rhc public rccords ot Dotc of Policy, but known to ihe insured cloimont ond nol disrlolcd in wdfing lo the Compony by lhe insured doirnonl prior to the dolc $e insured cloinont become on insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or domoge lo the in:ured cloimont; (d) ottoching or creoled rubsequenl to Dote of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or domoge which would not hove been sustoincd il fhe inrured cloinront hod poid volue for fhe rstote of intercst inlured by this policy. .-,.-i3;&* 'I : . s- .' .-.\;d}{*.:. , r-. ..,.._-,ia_r, dOl Rev. 6. E7) Ch arrman of the Board Serral No. ' . '.: coNDtIroNsAND srtruultoNs t. orRiltrtoH oF TERMS. O tdl ln gli coses "i th', policy permits or requires tbe Gompony ro prose. Ihe follo*,ng terms when used in thil policy n'eon; cute or provide for the defense o{ ony oclior or proceed'ng the rrs;.ed rholl (o, "rnsured"; lhe insured nomed in Scnedule A, ond, subtecl lo ony riqhts secure lo the Cornpony rhe riqht to so prosecute or pro"ide b'erense ii t're oc'ron or defenses the Compony would hove hod ogoinslhe nonred insured, rhdr who or proceeding, ond oll oppe'ob therein, ond permit the Conpdny to use. o; its succeed to the interesl of lhe nomed insured by operot'ron ol low os distinguished option, the nome of the insured for lhis purpose. Whenever requeslqd by lhe from purchosc including, bd not linited lo, heirs, iirtributees, devi*es, ruwivors. Compony, the insured, ot the Cornpony's expense, sholl give rne Conpony oll personol.represenlotives, next ol lin, or corporole or fiduciory ruccesson. reosonoble oid (i) in ony oclion or proceeding, securing evidence, obioi''ring wil- (b) "insured cloimont": on insured cloining los or domo'gc. nesses, prosecuting or lelmding ihe oction-or procdd;ng, or e{fecfing ienl+ (c) "knowledgc" or "known': ocluol knowledge, nof conshuctive lnowledgc ment, olrd (ii) in o-ny other lqwluj oc which in tht opinion -oi the Compo-ny moy or nolice which moy be impufed lo on insured by reoson of fhc public records or bc necessory or desiroblc to estoblish the title to the estote or inierest os iniured. defined in lhh policy or ony olher records which imporl consiruriivc nolire o{ lf the Compiny it preiudiced bythe foilure ofthc inrured to furnish fhe requircd moners olfecting fic lond, cooperofion, rlie Componyt obligotionr to fhe in:ured under thc policy sholl tcr. (d) "lond": lha lond dercribcd or referred to in Schcdulc A" ond improvc minbte, including ony l;obility or;bligot;on lo defend, prosecate, or continue ony mcnh offired thereto which by low constitulc reol propcrty, thc tcrm '\lond" litigotion, wfth rigori to thirnoter 6r motiea requiriig such (ooperotion. docs nof in(lude ony proPerly bryond fhe lincs ol the oreq dgcribed or refened 5. PROOF 0f toSS Ol D MAGE. io in Schedule A, nor ony right, title, inlered, eslot? or eoscmcd in obuning In oddition lo ond ofier the notices required under Secfion 3 of these Condi. streeh, roods, ovenues, olle),l, lones, woy3 or wotervoF, bul nothing herein sholl tions ond Stipulotions hove becn provided lhe Compony, o proo{ o{ loss or <iom. modily or Imit the cxtent to which o righl of occess ro ond from the lond is oge signed ond s*orn to by the insured clqimont sfioll be furnished to the Com- Inlured bJ thrs Polt<y. pony within 90 doys otter lhe insured cloimonl sholl oscertoin the focts giving risc . (e) "morfgoge": mortgoge, deed oi trust, trust deed, or other security io tlie los or domigc. The proof o{ lors or domoge sholl dsrribe rhe ie{elo in,rnstumcnt. or lien or encunbronce on the fille, or other moiler in*red ogoinsl bv this policy (l) "publk records": retords esloblished under slote 3tolrrtcs ot Dote o{ Pol- whirh ronstilutes the bosis of lors or domooe ond sholl stote.L the eirenr bossi. icy for lhe purpose of imporling conslruclive not;€e of mofter rololing to reol ble, the bosir of colculoting fhe omount ol ihe los or domoge. lf the Compiny ir properiy io purchosers lor volue ond without knowledge. Whh respecf to Section oreiudiced by the foilure of the insured cloimont to provide the required prool of l1o)(iv) ol the Exclusions From Coveroge, "public recordJ' sholl oko include loss o, damoie. $e Comosny's.obliqotions to the insured under the oolio sholl environmenlol proleclion liens filed in thJrecoids ol fhe derk of the United Stotes ierminore, iniiuiinq ony iiobi;tv or jbliqotion to delend, prosecute, i:r conrinue districl courl {or the dis*icl in which $e lond is locoted. ony litigoiion, wirh-regdrd to rhi notter-or motters requiring such proof o{ los or . (gJ "unmorketobility of the rifle": on olleged or opporent mo er offecting dohogi. the itlle to the lond, not excluded or excepled frorn coveroge, which would entille In oddition, the insured cloimont moy reosonobrl be required to submit to o purchoser'o{ the estote or inleresl described in Schedule A lo be releosed lrom exominolion under ooth by ony outhorized represenlotive ol the Comoony ond the. obligotion lo pur€hose by virlue of o conlrocluol condition reguiring fie sholl produce for exominoiion, inspection ond copying, ot such reosonoble'times dehyery ot morketoble htfe. - ond ploces os moy be designoted by ony or,thorized representotrve o{ ine Corr-2. CONIINUAIION Of INSUIANCE AF ER CONVEYANCE OF TtTtE. pony, oll retordi, boohs, -led sers,' cheiks, co,respondence ond memorondo, The coveroge o{ this policy sholl continue in force os of Dofe of Policy in wheiher beorinq o dote before or oher Dote o{ oolicy, wnich reosonobly oertoin fovor of on insured only so long or the insured reloins on esfole or interest in lhe to the loss or donoge. Furfher, il requesred by o'ry outhorized represenrotivc of lond, or holds on indebledness secured by o purchore money morlgoge given by the Compony, lhe insured cloimont sholl gront its permission, in vriting, to' ony o purcho.ser lrom the insured. oronlyso.long osthe insured;holl hova lioibilit!, bjr ouihorizid iepresenrotive of the Compony to exornine, inspeo onJ copy oll reoson of covenonh o{ woronly mode by the insured in ony tronr{er or convef- records, booki, ledgers, checks, conespondlnce ond memorondo in the cuitody once o{ fhe estole or infefesl. This policy sholl not continue in lone in fovor of or control of o third porty, which reosonobly pertoin to the loss or domoge. All ony purchoser fronr the insured of either '(i) on eitofe or intercst in the lond, or (ii) informotion designotld o'r onfidentiol by llre insured coimont provided -to rhe on indeblednes secured by o purchose money mortgoqe given io the insr;red. ' ComDony prrsuJni to this Section sholl n'ot be disclosec to othen unless, ir. rhe 3. NOflCE OF CIAIM IO 8E GIVEN 8Y INSURED CtAtA,lANl. reos6noble iudoment of the Comoonv, it is necessory in rne odm.nrs?rotion of lhe ... The insured.sholl. notify.the Com.pqny pryrnp{y in wriring (i) in cose of ony cloim. Foiluie oithe insured cloiniont'io submit lorixon,norron underooth, prc liligotion os sel forlh in Section 4(o) below, (ii) in cose knowledge sholl come to duce other reo:onobly requesled in{ormotion or gront permission to secure reo" on insured hereunder o{ ony cloim of litle or inlerest which is odverse lo the tille sonobly necessory infornrotion lrom third oorlies os required in lhis ooroorsoh to lh€ estote or inleresl, os insured, ond which might covse loss o, domoge lor sholl tdrminote ony lobility of the Conpony under lhis oolicy os to thir clo'im. which the Compony noy be lioble by virtue of fhis policy, or (iii) ii title io the 6. OPIIONS l0 PAY Ot OIHERWISE SdfIE CLAIMS; estote or inferesl, os insured, is reiected os unmorketoble. ll prompt notice sholl IERMINAIION OF UABltlTY. not.be given lo lhe Compony, then o: lo lhe insured oll liobility o{ the Compony In cose of o cloim under thir policy, the Compony sholl hove the lollowing rholl termrnole with regord io ihe moner or nolters lor which prompt notice il odditionol options: required; provided, however, thol foiiure to notify the Componf sholl in no cose 1o) lo itov or lendcr Poymcnt of lhe Amovnt of Inruroncc. prejudke the righls oI ony insured under lhis poliq unless the Compony sholl be io poy oi tendet poymint o{ the omount of ins,rronce under thii pclicy preiudrce_d by lhe loilure ond then only l,o lhe cxtent ol the preiudicc. together wilh ony cosis, ofiorneys' fees ond expenses incurred oy the insrrej 1. DEFENSE AND PROSECUION Of ACllOt{S: DUIY OF INSUIED clo-imonf, which Jere ourhorized'by rhe Cornpo'r}, up ?o rhe rime o{ poyr.n'o,' CtAlllANl tO COOPERAIE. tender oi poynent qnd which the tompony 's obiigdted to poy. {o) Upon-wrincn requelf by lhe.inrured ond subiec to the opfions conloined Upon'th6 exercise bythe Compony o{ ihir optiin. ol iiobiliiy ond obi'gotions in Scction 6 ol lhesc Conditions ond Stipulotions, lhe Compony, ot ih own cosl to the insured under thii policy, other ihon to .nole tne oovnenr reglr,rei, snoll ond withouf unreorcn"lle. deloy, sholl provide for the definsi of on insured in ferminote, including ony fiobility or obligotion to defeno, prolecure, or conrnr€ liligolion.in vhich ony lhird porry orseai o cloim odvene to the f;tle or interesl o! ony litigotion, oni tlie polici, sholl ie rurrendered io tne Compony {or inlured, but only os io thosc rtoted cousas ol oction olleging o de{ect, lien or conrelioiion. cncumbronce or olh?r motter insurcd ogoinsl by this policy. Ihc Compory sholl (bl lo Poy or Othcrwisc Srttl. ltith ?ortics Other lhon fhc Inturad or hovc the right to:clect counsel o{ ih choice {subiecr m the iight of the insured to V/ith'thc Inrurld Cloimonf. objed for rcosonoblc couse) lo reprccm thc insired os fo thorc totcd couscs o{ (il to ocy or olhervise settle with other podies {or or in the nome ol on oction ond sholl nol bc lioble {or ond will nol poy thc fecs of ony ofhor counscl. insured clolmont ony cloim inrured ogoinsf undci this policy, together with ony lhc Conpony will no poy ony feg, <osts or cifnser incurred b the insured in coits, ottorneys'lcei ond expenres iniuned by the insrjred 2ioim-ont which wcri the defcnse of those tourcs of oction which ollegc moners not insirrcd ogoinst by outhorized by the Compony up ro the time o{'poyment ond whirh the Compony thir policy. k obligofed io poy; or (b) lhe Compony sholl hove the righl, ot its ovn cost, to insdtulc ond prosc- - (ii) lo poy or orhcrvise sctile with the inrured cloimont the loss or dom. cufc ony oction or proceeding or to do ony othcr oct which in ils opinion mby bc oge provided {or Lndcr this policy, togelhcr wilh ony costs, ottorney:' {ees ood nlt?ssory ot desitoblc lo estobliih the title lo lhe eilole or infcrerl, os insured, or erpenles incurred by thc insurcd cloimont which were oufhorized by thc Com. to pfcyenl or reduce loss or domogc to lhc insured. Tle Cornpony moy tole ony gony up to the time of goymcnt ond which the Compony is obliqoted to poy. oppropriotc oction under the lermi of this policy, whethsr or not ii sholt be tiobti 'Upon the erercise by'firc Compony ol eilhcr o{ tha optioniprovidcd f6r in hercundcr, snd sholl nol ihereby conccde liobilitl or woive ony provision of this porogrophs (b)(i) or (ii), t}c Compon/s obligotions to the insured under rhis pol. policy. lf rhc Compony sholl cxercise itr rights under this porogririh, hsholl doso icy for rhe cioi.ca ioii or domlgej other-thon the poyments rcquired ro'be diligenlly. .. mode, sholl lerminole, including ony liobility or obligotion lo de{end, prosecuic (cl Whenever thc Gmpony shsll hsvc houghl on odion w interposed o or continue ony lhigotion. tiefcnse os required or pennited by the provisions of this policy, the Compony 7. DETERllltlAllON, EXTEIIT OF UABIUIY AND @INSURANCE. moy Punue ony litigolion to finol determinotion by o courl of compelent iudsdic'- This policy is o controct of indemnity ogoinst octuol monelory loss or dom. tion ond expresly teserves ihe right, in itr sole dilcrelion, to oppeol {rom ony oge :ustoined or incurred by the inrured cloimont who hos suflered loss or dom- oCverse iudgmenf or order. ffr.":l:.r:ild"f motters inrured ogoind by rhis policy ond only lo the extenl (continrrad anel nanlllrrdo/ nn lact nrna af thic nnlinwl dLTA OWNEN'S POLICY Lhi/ 1b SCHEDULE A Order No.: 3433-VC3 Dateof Policy: g"6ober 14, I1BT At 9:19 A.M. 1. Name of Insured: ALLB,I J. PICKENS AND cLORfA 2. The estate or interest ln the land which FEE SII'{PLE PolicyNo.: O-994I-059687. Amount of Insurance: S 42 ,500. OO C. PICKEIJS is covered by thls PolicY is: 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: ALLEN J. PICKENS AND GLORIA G. PICKEI\IS 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: LOT 5 BLOCK 1 LION' S RIDGE SUBDIVISIOII FILING NO. 4 According to the recorded plat thereof recorded August 1' 1980 in Book 305 at Page 411 as Reception No. 202794. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO AUTHORI ZED COUNTERS IGNATURE Paoe 2 STE'W*|trlT TITI-I.: CUARANTY COMPANY CIO: tnt2,Pcv.6/8/l SCHEDULE B o-9941-03?587 Policy No.: This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the company will not pay cosls, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Righrs or claims of parlies in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims ol easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which ara not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeened tax sales. AL IA LIWNIH 5 I'ULIL'Y ORDER N0.: 3433-VC3 10. 6. 8. 9. fhe effect of inclusions ln any g'eneral or specific water conservancy, fire protect,ion, soil conservation or other district or lnclusion in any hiater service or street improvenent area. RiVht of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United. StatesT as reserved in United. States Patent recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefron should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserved in United States Patent of record in instrurnent recorded. August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542. Right of way for d.it.ches and canals const,ruct,ed by the authority of the United States and right of way for an exisEing road. being 40 feet in width granted to the Eagle County Board of Conmlssioners as reserved in Pat.ent recorded July 27, L979 in Book 288 at Page 885 as Reception No. LBiZB7. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, contained in instrument recorded Septenber 20,L972 in Book 225 at Page 443 and instrunent recorded Septenber 29, L972 in Book 225 at Page 565 and the Amendnent recorded ln Book 233 at, Page 53 and in Declaration recorded in Book 300 at Page 758 and rerecorded in Book 300 at Page 758 and rerecorded in Book 301 at Page 415. Utlllty easenents 20 feet in width, 10 feet on each slde of all interior lot lines and a 15 foot utlIlty easement along and abutting on all exterior lot lines as reserved on the plats for Lion's Rldge Subdivlslon,' Fil.ing l{o. Z. tl. 12. Restrlctlve Covenants, which do not contain reverter clause, as contained in tnstrurnent 1980 in Book 306 ab Page 410 as arnended by See Continuat,ion Paqe a forfeiture or recorded August 3,instrurnent recorded STI'\f,\I'T 1'ITI,I.: Of,r^RAr..TY ( olf P,1lY 1{ri i fi,,v 5I',Page 3 oRDER No.:3433-Ve O Attached to and mads a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company futicy No. O-gg4L-ASgOUl Continualion of Schedute p l\Iovenber 26t L9A0 ln Book 313 at Page 824. 13. Easenent and rlght of way granted to Holy Cross Electric Associatlon, Inc., recorded August,?0, 19'19 ln Book 289 at Page 989. 14. Easetnent granted to Valley Associates, Ltd., recorded March I8, 1980 ln Book 300 at Page 290. 15. Agreenent between Tayvel Environnental Land Conpany and l,tountain States Telephone and Telegraph Cornpany provlding for Telephone installation and servlce throughout Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 recorded Septernber 27 r 1973 in Book 23I at Page 291. 15. Easements as shown on the plat, of Llon's Ridge Subdlvision Filing No. 4. 17. A Deed of Trust dated OCTOBER 9, 1987, executed by ALLEN J. PICKENS AND GLORfA G. PICKENS, to the Publlc Trustee of Eagle Count.y, to secure an indebtedness of 914,000.00, ln favor of COI4MERCIA.L FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, recorded OCTOBER 14, 1987 in Book 47L at Page 787 as Reception No. 368005. t5il:r4 '-d6i STE\,VAITT TITLE GUANAN?Y COMPANY Pag6 f o,r,oNs AND snPULATIoNs continuf (continued and concluded from renerse side of Policy Ficel . (o) The liobility of thc Compony under thir policy sholl nol cxceed lhe leost ol: (i) the Amount ol Insuronce stoted in S<hedule A; or, {ii) lhe differcnce be?wecn lha volue of the insured estote or intercrl oi inrured ond the volue o{ ihe inrurcd rsffi! or int?rett rubiect to the dcfcct, licn or cncumbroncc insured ogoinst by ihis policy. {bi ln the event lhe Amount of Insuronci stoted in Srhedule A of thc Dotc of Policy is less thon 80 percem o( thc voluc o{ thc inrured rstole or intere:t or thc full considerolion poid for thc lond, whichevcr is lcss, or if sub$qucnf lo lhc Dolc o{ Poiio on imorovemenl is crecled on ihe lond which incrco:es the volue oi the inrured cstote or inleresl by ot leost 20 perccnl over the Amount o{ latqronce sloled in Schedule A, then thir Policy is subject |,o rhc following: (i) where no subsequent inprovemcnt hos been mode, or to ony por. tiol loss, the Compony sholl only poy the loss pro roto ;n the proporlion thot the omouni of insuronce ol Dote of Policv bears lo thc biol volue of the insured eslofe or interesl ol Dote of Policy; or ' (ii) where o subsequent improvenent hos bcen mode, or to ony poriiol losr, the Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rofo in fhe proportion ihirt 120 percent o{ the Amount of lnsuronce ltoted in Schedule A beors to the sum o{ the Amounl oi iniuronce sloted in Schedule A ond fhe omounl croended for lhe improvemenr. The provisions of fhis porogroph sholl not opply to costs, ot'torneys'{ees ond expenses lcr which the Compony is lioble under this policy, ond sholl only opply to thot ponion of ony losr which erceeds, in the oggrego'te, l0 perrent o{ the Amourrt ol insursnce stolgd in Schedule A. ic; The Cornpony will poy only lhose cosl!, otlorneys' lees ond expenses incurred in occlrdonce with Section 4 o{ these Conditions ond Stipulotionr. 8. APPORTIONMENT. l{ tne icnd described in Schedu{e A consists o{ tuo or rnore porcels which ore not used os o single site, ond o loss is esloblished ofiecring one or more of lhe oofcels but not oll, the loss sholl be compuled ond seiiled on o pro rofo bosis os i{ the omount of insutonce under this policy wos divided pro rolo oi to the volue on Dote of Po cy ol eoch seporole porcel to the whole, exclusive ol ony mprorenenls mode rubsequeni lo Doti of Policy, unlesl o liobiliry or volue hos otherw se beer ogreed rpon os to eoch porcel b'/ the Cornpony ond lhe insured oi the .ime cf rle rssuonce of this policy ond shown by on express dolernent or by on eilc/sere"t qitcthed.o rhis polky. 9. Uf,ilIAltON OF UASIUTY. (ot lt rhe Compony esloblishes the tiile, or removes the olleged defect, lien or encumbronce, or cures the lock oi a right o{ occess lo or lrom the lond, or cures'he cloim oi unmorketobility of title. oll os insured, in o reosonobl), diligeni monner by ony nethod, including litigotion ond ihe completion o{ ony oppeols iherefrom, it sholl hove fully performed its obligolions with respecl lo thol mofter ond sholl nof be liob)e lor ony loss or dornoge coused thereby. ib) In the event of ony liligotion, including litigotion by the Conpony or wilh lhe Comoony s consent, ihe Compony sholl hovc no liobility for los or donroge vn'trl 'here nos bec'r o {inol deterrninotion by o courl ol competent iurisdioion, ond drsposition of oli oppeok fherefrom, odvlrsc to thc title os imurid. {o The Compony sholl nof be lioble for loss or domoge lo ony insured for liohili! voluntorily ossumed by lhe intured in seltling ony doim or r.rit withoul the prior writlen consenf of lhe Compony. 10. IEDUCI|ON OF INSURANCE: IEDUCIION OR IEMINAIION oF uA8ruTY. All poymenb under this poliry, cxcepr poymenB modc for cosh, oltorncys' {ees ond exqenser, sholl redure lhe omount o{ the in$ronce pro lonlo. 1I. UABIIJTY NONCUMUIATIVE. It is expresly understood thot fie omount of insuronce undcr ihis policy sholl be reduced by ony omount lhe Compony moy pcy under ony poliq insuring o morlgoge hereofter executed by the insured or osumed or ogreed to by the inrurerj ond which is o chorge or lien on the eslote or inlered described or re{erred io in fthedule A, ond the omount so poid sholl be deemed o poymenf under this oolicv to the insured owner. 12. PAYfi{ENIOFtoSS. (o) No poyment sholl be node without producing this policy for endone- orerl ol the poyment unless the policy hos been lod or destroycd. in which cosc proof of loss or destruction sholl be furnishcd to thc solir{oction o{ lhc Comgony,' ib) When liobiliry ond the extenl of los or domogc hos bccn definitcly lixed in ocrordqnce with these Conditions ond Stipulotions, thc lors or domogc sholl be poyoble within 30 doys ficreofter. 13. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT 0n SErrU,UENr. io r Thc Gmpony'r light d Subrogotion. Whenever the Compony sholl hove settled ond poid o cloim under this pol. icy, oll right ol subrogotion sholl vcsl in the Compony unolfeded by ony oct of lhe insured cloimont. lhe Compcny rholl be rubrogotcd lo ond bc entitlcd ro oiidg[tt qnd rrm+ dies which fic insured cloimdnl vrould hove hod ogoinst ony pcrson or propcrty in rcaped to ths dsirn hod thi: poliq not ben isruad. l{ rcquested by thc Com- pony, the ;nsufcd cloimonl rholl frons{er lo tfic Compony oll dghts ond rcmcdicr ogoinsl ony prnon or property nrcessory in ordar tro pcrfecl this righl o{ rubro golion. Ihc inlured doimont fioll permil thc Compcny b we, comproni* or rcttlc in ths nomc of thc imured doimont ond to u* lfie none o{ rhc insurcd doimonl in ony tronsoction or litigotion involving these rights or remedies. l{ o poyrient on occounl ol o cloim doci not fully covar lhc lorr o{ tfii in:ured cloimoni, the Compony sholl bc rubrogotcd ro thera righb ond rcrncdhr in the groportion which thc Compony's poymcnl bmrs lo ihc wholc omounl o{ lhe loss. lf loss thould resuh from ony oct ol t}rc insured doimont, os stolcd obovc, thot ocf sholl not void this pol;i, but thc Compony, in tlrot evcnt,:holl bc required to poy only lhot port of ony losses inrurcd ogoinsl by thh policy which rholl erteed lhe ornounl, if ony, lost to hc Gmpony by rcorcn ol the impoir- rnenl by fhe insured cloimo o{ the Compon/l right o{ subrogotion. (b) lha Compony'r Rightr Agoinrt llon.inrurcd Obligor. The Compon/s right o{ subrogotion ogoind noninsured obligon fioll crirt ond sholl include, without limilstion, the right! of the;.rured to indemnities, guo- rontiel, oiher policier o{ inruronce or bonds, notwilhsfonding ony terml or condi lions conloined in those instumenfs which povide for iubrogotion righh by rcc- son of lhis oolicv. I1. ARBIRATION Unless prohibited by opplicoble low, either fhe Compony or the insurcd moy demond orbitrotion oursuqnt lo the Title Insuronce Arbifotion Rulel ol fhe Ameri- con Arbilrolion Associotion. Arbitroble moiler noy include, but ore nol lirnited to, ony controversy or cloim between the Compony ond lhe insured orising out of or reloting to this policy, ony service of the Compony in conneclion with its isu- once or fhe breoch of o policy provision or olher obligofion. All orbitroble mot. ters when $e Anrounl o{ Insuronce is $1,0@,000 or less sholl be orbitroted ot t}re opiion o{ either lhe Compony or the insured. All orbitrqble mo'lten when lhe Amounl of lnsuronce is in excess of $1,000,000 sholl be orbitroted onry wnen ogreed lo by both the Compony ond lhe insured. Arbitrofion pursuont to th;r policv ond under the Rules in effec on ihe dote the demqnd {or orbitrotion ir inodi or, ot the ootion ol the insured, lhe Rules in e{Iec ot Dote of Policv sholl be binding upon lhe porties. The owotd moy include ofiorneys' lees only if the lows ol the stote in which the lond is locoled permit o courf lo qword otlomeys' lees to o prevoiling porty. Judgment upon lfie oword rendered by lhc Arbitro- to(s) moy be entered in drry court hoving ,u dicion lhereo{. The low of the situs of 'the lond sholl opply to on orbilrolion under thc fitlc Insuronce Arbitrotion Rules. A copy of fhe Rules noy be obloined {rom the Compony upon requesr. 15. uABlurY UMITED IO lHlS X)UCY: rcUCY ENTIRE CONInACT. (o) This policy together *ith oll endorsements, if ony, oltoched hercto by fhe Compony h the entire policy ond conlroci belween lhe insrired ond the Com- pony. ln intrerpreting ony provision of lhis policy, this poliq sholl be consirued or o wnole. a (b) Any cloim of loss or domoge, whether or nol boscd on ncgligence, ond which oriser out of the stotus o[ lhe litle lo the eslote or inferesl covered hereby or which orhes out of the siolus ol the tide lo lhe eslote or inlereil covered hercby or by ony oction osserfing such cioim, sholl be restriced io lhis policy. (c) No omendment of or endorsement lo lhh ooiicy con be rnode erceot by (i) No ornendment o{ or endorsement to this policy con be mode ercept by lc) No omenomenr 0r or enoorsemenr r0 rnrs polcy con De nooe ercepr Dy o writing endoned hereon or ctloched herelo signed by eilhar the Preiident, o Vice President, the Secrelory, on Assietqnt Sccrelory or volidoting olficer or outhorired signolory ol the Compony.outhorired signolory ol the Compony.0uthonred srgnotor) 16. SEVEIA&UrY. In fhe cvent ony provision of the policy h held involid or unen{orceoble under opplicoble low, thc policy sholl be deemed not lo include thol grovision ond oll oihir orovisions sholl rern'oin in lull force ond effect. 17. NollcEs, wHERt sENr. All notices required to be givcn lhe Cornpony ond ony siolrmenl in writing rcquired fo be fumished the Compony sholl include thc number of this policy ond sholl be oddresed to lhe Compony at P.O. Bor 2029, Housf,on, lexas 71252. 18, Ihe prcmium specified in Scheduie A is lhc cntire chorge for occeptonce of ri*. h indudes clrorges for tille seorch ond erominofion if :omc ir cusiomory or rcquired to be :hown in the:tote in vhirh the policy il irrued. s'1.'It\\'^\ lt'l' 'I. I'l'L It a;t:,{nArTY (-()vPA:{t