HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 4 COMMON LEGAL FILElnl l-( LtL] ---r;--= . :--'--:-=.=l='i),, I vi :f; s[P 07 2007 TOWN OF VAIL L,o^, KAr. ri[,31i. Revked 8/28107 ASPEN GROYE HOMEOWNERS ASS(rcIATION RTJLES AND REGULATIONS Aspen Grove Homeowners Association (the "Association') was formed in 1980 and has as members all owrers of residential tots within Block 2 of the Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 (*Owners")- Currently, there are twelve residenlial lots ('the Loa"). The Association is governed by ttre First Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants for Lion's Ridge SuMivision Filing No- 4, as amended (the'Declaration"). The Association owrts Tract C, Aspen Grove l^ane {the *RoadJ, and Tracts A and B, open spac€s adjoining tre owners' residential lots. The Associdion is incorporaled with the State of Colorado and operates under Articles of Incorporation and By-l^aws. The Association is nranaged by fte Board of Directors (*Board"). The following Rules and Regulations ("Rulas and Regulations") are based primarily on Section 4 of the Declaration. They apply to all owners. hmilies, guests, employees, contractors and agents. Nery Constmction, Renovetion & Improvements Construction Proccss Rulcs end Regulrtions l. Any proposed application for new constnrction, exterior rcmodeling or renovation of a structure (*Construction Project-) thar requires approval by the Design Review Board of &e Town of Vail ("DRB") must be submitted to a member ofthe Board and each adoining neighbor within 24 hours prior to submission to the DRB. It is strongly suggested that an Owner communicate with the Board and adjoining $t neighb; *"U i" advance ofany Constmction Projecl . rO'' nO 5t5i f,n ^fn" Asociation has detemined that it will not, at this time, exercise its design rer"iew t tl^n*.Gn "' authority pursuant to Section 4{a) of the t}eclaration and has not developed Design \U\ ^ O Guidelim. The Associarion and/or Owners may present comments and opinions to U.0.t'' the DRB during their approval proc€ss. Failure to comply with this notice C ^VCt) l, requiremenr will r€sult in a fine of $5,000 and notice to the DRB. 2Y' q.10.0r. All Consrruction Projects shall bc prosecuted diligantty to completion and shall be RgruY ' ) -., completed with twetve months of commencemenl, unless an exception is granted' A - lrb;J 'fu\i'- proposed timeline and raryeted completion date shall be submitted for approval by the (- n \ Co'] Board for atl Construction Froiects. . r\ .1 \6sar d- --l*r^ w:l[ nor- eaLccz +lnrc^cibs. l4L,-: U* (?;.*"; -{'tL- ii-gz h sc't -'l{t-5\2s Eo..re \{AU $*rt"- losl 3t.,*'r&--q-^-"-*(- {fC - {2oo MrkoSp^.1qp 4f q -90t1 Any Constnrction Project with a estioard cost in exms of $150'0ffi (as detennined by the cost estitrafe in fte application to tlre Tosn of Vail (*TO\f)) shall pay a non-refirndable fee into th Association Road Re$€rve as follows: $150,000 - $l million - S1,750 0".r$l millioo - $3J00 This fee is to compensate tbe Associati,onRmd Resetve for the additional war and tear on the Road resulting &om conshuction vefiicles. A parking plan for constnrction crews and other constnrction personnel shall te submitted to the Board for appmoval prior to comnrenc€,nent of any Constnrction hoject. Such plan chsll minimize vehicular traffic. During constnrction, parking is permittod on the Road bordffing thc Owner's L*ffid on the lct. There shall be lo overnigbt parking of equipment or vehicle.s on the Road or on fhe t ot. The locdion of temportry mnitary facilities and all trash dumpsters and containers must tre by the Board- They must be removed if not in regular usage- Such items shall beplaced to minimize impacton neighbors andtte Road. Upon receipt of a building pemit and prior to any Construction Pmject activity, the Owner must zubmit the following items to the Board for approval: a G€neral contractor information *tle namq address, phone and e-mail of th general oonhastor, plus the name, e-mail, and cell phone number of the project manag,er b. Propd timeline-asrequiredin Rule 2 c. Road Reserve Fee - payment as required in Rule 3 d. ParkingPlan-asrequircdinRule4 e. Proeosed locations - as requircd in Rule 5 The Road mustbe kept clean of dirt drxt and trash- The Association reserves the right to have dirt and dust removed at the Orlmer's exltense- Any damage, in ddition to normal wear and tear, to dre Road during aConstrucfion Pmject will be repaired by the Association and the cost, plus lsy",wrll be assessed to the Owner- Constnrction activities may only take place between the horrrs of 8:00 a-m- and 6:00 p.m., Monday throug[ Satuday, with no such activity or;curring on Sundays or U.S' n*ional holidays- Violations will result in an immediate fine with no Initial Waming Notice- The site and adjoining areas must be kept neat and free of trash and debri* Any holes or tnenches must be fenc€d for mfety. Temporary storage of building materials must be neat md, if necessary, covered. There shall be no storage of any materials or equipment thd is not in regular use. Any sound devices (radios, recorders, "boom" boxes, etc') shall not be operated outdoors at any time or operaled indoors at a noise level audible outdoors. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. t. 8. ll. t2. 13. The Associdion desir€s to maintain and imprrove tk rdlral appearance of landscaping along the4 Road md on the Lots- All Construction Projects and indiyidnl Intrc-landscaning mustminimize disrupfion of grtrliru: re-vegetale arul restore grcund coveq use plant maeerials rhat are compatible and harmonious with the SuMivision and provide for pmper drainage- 14. Any Consnrction Pnojct must comply with the TOV Develooment Standards Hatrdbook The Bffird reserves the rigft to notifo the TOV of any violations of those rules, regulatiom and standsds to ensure the general safety md welfarc of the Owners- In addition,tk Bomd may impose its oqm fires for violatiors in accordance with Enforcement md Penalties set forth below. Generrl Rnles 1. Speed Limil The spe€d limit of 15 MPH must be obeyed by all users of the Road. Vehicular noise from sound devicss d engines/muffters md rpid acceleration shall be minimized- 2. Signs. No signs, billboards, or other dvertising structure of any kinds shalt be erecte4 constnrcted ormaintain€d on any Loa forany p4pose whasoever, €xcept zuch signs as have been approved by the Boad orare permitted underapplicabte Colorado law. 3. Walls and Fences. The de.sip and location of any tempoxary or persnn€nt wall or fencing shall tre submitted and approved by fte Board pdor to ingallarion 4. Trash. Each Owner shall contrrct for trash removal aod abide by all rules and regulations established by fte TOV and its trash relnoval prcvifu. Rubbish, trash or garhge must b€ kept only in containers approved by the trash removal provider may not be placed ornside the residence before 6:00 anr. on the day the trash is to be collected and shall be pmmptly stored in an appropriate enclosure within 24 hours after tlre trash is collect€d- No littering of trash on the tats; the Open Space Tract or the Road is allowed- 5. Livestock No animals, tivestock, horses, or poultry (except dogq cals and other pets for domestic household enjoym,ent and not for commercial purposas) shall be kept, raise{ or bred in the SuMivision. 6. Pets. Household pets such as dogs and cats must be contaird ulxln an Owrrer's lot- Onners may not consEuct a fenced dog nrn on their lot. Pedesnians accompanied by pets withiil the Subdivision must have pets under their direct control according to TOV regulations. In additiorq walkers of pets shall clean up and dispose of the waste created by their pets. 7. Tennporary Stnrctue- No teryorry sfrircurre, such as a trailer or tent thall tr pemftt€4 exc€pt as maybe determined to be nscesary during consrurtion, and specifically autlorized by tk Board in writing, and in accordance with the ordinroces and regulations of fte TOV. 8. Trees. Shrubs and Noxious lVeeds. All dead or diseased hees, shnrbs and/or vegetdion must be removd pmmptly by Owner. The TOV Noxious Weed Ordinance (2fi14) requires all property orrners to remove these invasive plants. An example is tlre Caneda Thistle. See: www.vailgov.corn/docddl_formVweeds_newslette{Z 9. Screenine. Frnl tanks,, electric meters, boilers, air conditioning rmits, and clottres lines; boat, comm€rcial truck trailer, camper, motor home, RV and recreational vehicle parking and television and radio antennas, dishes and receivers, must be screened, burie{ or enclosed from view from surmunding poperties- 10. Repair of Vehieles- No automotive repair urork shall be perforrnd, except within the Owner's garage with the door closed- 1 1. Gmaqe Doors. Garage doors must be kept closed, except for normal residential usage. 12. Lighting- In order to reduce *ligbt pollution", exterior lighting may only be illuminated from du* to midnighl In ddition, no bright light sha[ be p€rmitted to ema[ate ftom any rcsidence which may be deemed a nuisarrce to the Owners or oceupants of any other residence in the reasonable judgment of the Board. Holiday lighting is only psrnitted from November 15 through Ivfarch 15 of each year. 13. Nuisance. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on, nor shall anything be done or permitted which shall constitune a public or priv*e nuisance. Fireworks of any kind ae not permitted. In addition, radios, televisions, speakers and music shall not be played or boilers and air conditioning units operated at a noise level audible at any other residence. Any activity that violates any TOV applicable stahtes, rules, regulalions or ordinances are not permitted. 14. Solicitation No advertisement, announcements, or solicitation of any kind shall be dishibded or pass€d out without prior written cons€nt of the Board. 15. SaleVTransfers. Prior to any sale or transfer of ownership of a Lot, the Owner must pmvide to any authorized m.l estate agent an4 ultimaely, t}te buyer, copies of the Declararioq Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Rules andRegulations of the Association. The buyer must complete the Owners Infomration Forrn' 16. Owners Information. AII Lot Owners must provide tlre Secretary with the following information as set forth in the Owners tnformatiqn form on page 9. Orvners are responsible for prompt notice of any changes in the above information. Enforument end Penelties Fach Owner has tre responsibility to verbally notifr any other Owner of a violdion and may report it to a Board member. Reporting Violations. Complaints regarding alleged violations may be reported by anyone to a Boad Member verbally or by fax or in writing. Initial Waming Notice. If a violaion is found to exist, an Initial Warning Notice shall be sent by any Boad member to the Owner and any related prty (YiolatorJ' explaining fhe nature of the violation Such notice may be by phone, fan, e-mail, or in writing. The effective date of the waning ("Notice Date') shall be the date it is given, regardless of when rrceived. Compliance shan bs within the time period indicatd on the lnitial Waming Notice. With respect to matters q/hich are an immedide nuisance and capable of immediate cure, compliatrce shall be immediate. In other matters, the compliance psriod shall b€ reasonablq but not to exceed 15 days- Continued Violation After tnitial Wamine Notic€. If the allegd Violator does not come into compliance immediately or withinthe period of time stated inthe Initiat Warning Notice, this will be considered a violation and a anotice of Violation" will be delivercd. The fine for a violation of any provision of these Rules and Regulations shall be $100 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense, and $500 for all zubsequent offenses within the previous 6 month period. Any violation that is not cured within the dxe provided in the tnitial WamingNotice, may be considered a separate additional violation for each zubsequent day that such Violation remains uncured- The Boanq in addition to fines, shall have the authority to take any additional remedial action it deerns appropriate, including but not limited to, self-help remedies (including entry upon any Lot to cor€ct afly violation), the filings of a lien" the filing of an action for injunctive relief or money judgmenr Nothing set forth herein shall be constnred to limit any remedy available to the Soara in the enforcement of these Rules and Regulations- There chall be a l5Vo charge addsd to any expenses incurred by the Association in any road repairs or self-help remedies. The Board shall have the right to exclude any contractor, worker, or other invitee ftom the Road for repeated violations ofttrese Rules. Paymenl Any fine shatl be due within twenty (20) days after the date of the Notice of Violation unless a written appeal is timely filed. If the Yiolarion is appealed and upheld by the Board, the fine sha[ be due ten (10) days after the date of the Board Compliance Meeting at which the appeal rras heard. All fines imposed by the Board and costs incurred by the Association in enforcing these Rules and Regulations shall be considered default assessments enforceable against residence and Owners in accordance with the Declaration and By-Laws. These include penalty interest and ability to file a lien on the Owners' property as set forth in the Declamtion. Appeal. Upon reeip ef a written request fm an appeat q.ithin l0 days of t[e issr:ance of the tnitial Waming Notice or Notice of Violation, the Board shall inform the Oqrner in qniting of the dat€, Iocation and time of the Board's meeting at which the appeat shall be heard. Appeals shall be head by the Board at least thirty (30) days from the date of the notice of 4ppffil. Failure to timely file a request for trcaring shall constiurte a completc waiver of aJrJral- The Board's decision upon appeal shall be made in is sole discrctiol. md no appeal shall be bad therefrom. Waiver of Fines. The Board may waive all, or any portion, of the fines if, in its sole discretion, such waiver is appropriate underthe circumstances. Additionally, the Board may condition waiver of the entire finq or my portion thereof, upon the Violator coming into and staying in compliance with the Articles, Declarario4 Bylaws or Rules and Regulations. Other Enforpement Means. The fin€ schedule ard enforcement process is adoped in addition to all otler enforcem€nt means ufiich are available to the Association through its Declaration, Bylanrs, Articles of Incorpcrdion and Colorado law. The use of this process does not preclude the Association from using any otlrcr enforcement means. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined in these Rules and Regulationg initially capitalizd or terms defined in the Deckation md Bylaws shall have the same meaning herein. Supplement to [-aw- The provisions of these Rules and Reguldions shall be in addition to and in supplement of tle tenns and provisions of the Declarario4 Bylaws md rhe law of the State of Colorado goveming Aspen Grove Homeowners Association. Deviations. The Boad may deviate from the pFoc€drres set fodh in these Rules and Regulations if in its sole discretion such deviation is reasonable under the circumstances- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Communily Development 75 Soul'h li'ont-o.' Roa,l, \iail, Colorado 81657 rc1:', i r.1' ).)).it i,.ri: 9) i.'179.2'15) web: www,ci.vail,co. us DRB i'lumber: DR8050367 honv44- +* .-, . .C.rD Project Name: lrrj:ct Description: ASPEN GROVE LANE SIGNS FII'lr'ii- ;,, , ,.'.., ''irl FOR A SllBDiViSiUit SICI{ i'L,,I ,.lJCi: L,\llE Patticipants: owNER LIONS RIDGE #4 HOMEOWNERS AS08i 1412006 o/o SMOWDEN SMITH 1493 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT HOMEOWNERS ASSOC-DONALD REMEOB/14/2006 1493 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: Location: SE CORNER OF ASPEN GROVE ON AND BUFFEHR Legal Description: Lot: TrC Block: Subdivision: UONS RIDGE 4 Parcel Number: 2103-014-1502-0 Commenb: standard aonditions apply fr111Ar n[ ]'.1 II i ,'rrlr WL tllll- Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/18/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $62,00 Planner: Sign Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approyal. Description of the Request:So €t.l r{ € eOu cv\U C+ Location of the proposal: Lot: TRt\fi;[k'C Physical Address: parcer No., alO ?o, +, soao rhP*?fi,.Hffi,"* #ffif.ffif.fr:r' n Zoning: K€S rf)r3s-l i r Cr,- Name(s) of Owner(s): v ,-'l AI t- Owner(s) Signature(s)l Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:t D, P. t?e"^e i Dgf"rr \ Lr-= E-mail Address:r 5(O Mailing Address:"ID.P rngY Type of Review and Feel tr Signs 0 Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition D Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (sin gle-fami lylduplex) fl Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request ESr DE*.i r I ^t Carc Phone:.{-tr, : lSSt I41t -t ;b $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee d-g t^t o ../4'11- - Yt+ lS TOI{'NM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Informatipn This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Communlty Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS B. L. n E. H, I. L K. L. Name of Business: l Building name and physical Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): Ar r. ",I* DFreestanding Sign QWall Sign !Hanging / Projecting Sign DDisplay Box ODaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign ffpubdivision Entrance Sign C Building ldentification D Mural fl window Sign C Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic ! Temporary Sign tr Other Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (aRach a colored scaled schematic drawinq @ 1/c" = 7): Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating he proposed location of sign(s)):- Materials and colors of slgn (aBach samples): Sign lighting plan: Nt' ./lr/c Q Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. O Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. O euach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, speciflcations, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. I have raad and understand the above listed submittal requirementsl Project Name: Contractor M. N. Date Signed $e JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature). (Date)' Page2 of 4/04128/04 ****** ** * *{.******************* ** * * ****** * * * * * * * * * +** * **f * * * *+* * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * + * + * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * * ** ********** *** * * * ************* * * + * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * *********+ * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * ********** Stsatement Nurnber: R050001213 Amount: $62.00 08/14/200601-:58 PM Payment Method: Check REMEY Inits: JS Notation: 1"294/DONALD Permi! No: Paree1 No: Site Address : Locat ion: This Payment.: ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 0 010 00 03 tL2200 sP 00100003t24000 ** * * * +* * * * * * * * * + * ** *+****+ * * * * * * + + * *** * * * * t {.++{r + * + * * * '} '} *,} * * * * * * * * * * * *+ ** * * * * * +* * ** ** * * * {r {r * * * DR8060357 Type: DRB - Sign Application 2l-03-014-1502-0 SE CORNER OF ASPEI! GROVA ON AND BUFFEHR Total Fees: $62.00 Totaf ALL Ptnts: Bal-anee : Descript ion DESIGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES $62.00 i62 .00 $o. oo Current Pmts 50.00 12.00 llt J e c, Fa eJ t r/ r #--v I x 6 t a I t I :,< ) /'..1 '.r. 2 LY ,|\ trJ ,]t *T .U 0 c \9 2 ru a \p 6 Yu,De e5 tYl +Es sg 0o 1l t ,0 Y 2 "-, t v rJ v^x 23 14! -cl L !0 tD :AP t arD Tt ,'r +vz ,x :g cb/ L b lu J v 9 Y *f 9 (} 2 @ 2 t 7 uo d u v / P V 2 rJ r) ) a'J tJ) -l ..,{ \', \ l,\7 ,) ru \> & I I t) 0 r tr)2s ,* Eg vtd 2cl I t aL \v ?v tp #s It I{ d l-L T\ (vl fvl I I I T p t. 4 L IU lJ 2 d ) tt ,il c lr/ t9 2 d J \, ).J ?1 2 (l/n \,4 ".tb: $ ta-:(o') \tc $. s w $* _t E /,1--\f":\\i/ \_ a\s.-xR fts \t. $o\:los {\, a \t {-$ d F"Sx.]' 2,t atl \-/ I ',} Q 'a tt \ \\ I I I ,t\lrt \ 1.- !O xr$ tY)I rl G qu €B ,t ll Q-l a,,ao,lo&It Fn*:'t $$ 'i $ $s !$ .. s oB I t >:>\ trJo.S .!i;,raoj s t pw ..'7 tt" {3 "q ,: su4 t B F,* Si 'o*'d '- rL B \[ =t O*-"r-^.^'a"-* q .-\Ao.-k- C Lr.r-ln R.dy. N.2+ \-\c ft ("^^^^r\-t 'lrnnr*-n,a .,o-D^t" ^'.-^ \n"*-f C 5C ' -.-S-+* +.^ '( 6u"' o 'tQ 't tJ1-&=k*r^ " a T, \J9"a N*o.^J"^ ('^^*^) ^QA:f "-k V"1-! ) to ,** s1 Rsq,": G rcru. tskr R) 10 tt"^r-tJ o--,.^-c) n.^.*-^f-; +1*- ho.-d. *P- T4'.r^"..rl @)Tnor-l- c )t R.oJ " t-r\."-i^"^**-i B\.& | * b*,*'Y - Cpr.^*r&t -l^cL^^^o.-- "(fl^"^ t*,t>.^^ A'.df trJ.r t* E \strog<- " F*tV .aR"* (0- ttrca for reco.d thc dry of-,^.D. 19-, .\ I p-ceot ion to. st-orctock-l-NEORDER. DEPt,'Y. DOC a.@@ thereurto betqtgl r€ or of thc said part(ies) part(ies) of the secorl ard seal, (SEAL) (sE L) 8y. QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, ta& this &y of betrean (rt'to' -o' Cotorrdo, of th" first Pft. rtd :i,iffif s'Ri5cd' -!b'. 4' FJca@om.'s AssclAfltcw' A @rJRiAm @RloRAftA{ JEFFREY B. SEI.,EIY AlD TCRO SEI',A:{ of thc ard stete of ColoEdo. to rit: courty of EAGIE rd st.t. ot @3/e3/gg 13:40 PG 1 OF a EA6LE CBUNTY CLERK' COLORADO i, rlrose tcscl !ddr..s i3 P'O' BOX lr19t, YjIL CO 81558 L of thc coulty of EAGTE lrd strtc o' Coloru&, of the s'coid P!rt: gITllEssETll, lhat th. slid party o? 3tre 1l1e! pa-rt. tor dd In cqridcratlor of thc rrrr of .IB,I Ibi.IAT€'AI.ID C/tr{B^ dgOD AND VAIINELE- @I€IDEREtrtCt{ to the arld Frt(i.s) ot the first Prft in hg,d P.ld by th. r.id Frt(16) 9t !!: "*o,td Prrt, thc reccipt rhereof ls her;- Uf "*"*J .rd - lckrl|t cdfEd, hac reri scd, rctcrscO, iotd csr}?rcd .td qJtI cLAtlGD, 8fid b/ thes. PFeaetrts do(es) r.tis., "it&., eou, ccwey arra orfli ClJttt unto ihc eliO pirt(ior) of tha accord Frt' (their) hcir3, arccsrors ard r3slg8' i;;;;; iit ihc riSit, tittG, i nrcrcst, cl.h !.rd isra *rtctr l. t ld. Frt(16) ot thc tir.t_P.rt h.(s) in rd to thc fottoling deecri6 tot or pei""l'of ieird eituatc, tyi' rrd Ucin in thi cdnry of E1G1E --^. &.'n hrf TracE A' R, ar.d CU(""tr.{.g, Lion;s Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4, County of Eagle, State of Colorado' .e6e-74 E-53ra p-l15 'OHNNETTE FIHILLIPS REC 1A,00 r{q also knosr as 3tF"et alrd n*er IIOI{SRIEE SI,'BDIIISI€N TO HAVE AXD TO IOLD thc SdE, togcth$ rith ltt ard sl]€utar thc rFFrrtc'|!.tc!3 cnd privi tcgce in cnyrigc therctnto sppcrtlining, rnd rtt th€ cstlte, rfght, titlc, interctt rnd ctrin {ratsoGvaF, of thl fir8t part, eitircr ln lls or GqJity, to tha onty pfop.r ura, b.nefi t td behoof ol the said part, (their) heirs dd assi gns forcrrr. rl| UITIIESS lflEREOf, Thc 6.id P!rt(i6) of the day ad year first Ebove rrittcn. signed, seat€d srd Dct ivered in the Pres€rEe of STATE Of OOLfiADO ccurty of Eagle The foregoirg irEtruFnt xss acknoHl€dged before trE this day of .tffFflglFgffiuARo sEx.,sY (0NLY) thc first p.rt ha(s) hereir'lto set hand uay 8, 1990 ,w t4y coflnissian expi res LA]ID TITLE GUARAIITEE COITPAIIY 3033 EAST RSr AVE- #600 DENVER, COLORADO 80206 COI'{PUTER qJI 'Escrol # VL5107 L2/5/93 CLAIII DEED ritref 1.5107V. ,19 . j5\.\\\' t\\ < Ilebther Mc A.fp ifletsrv P'.b t) . a' '':ATTACHiIENT TO QUIT LION'S RI.DOE NO. 4 fibfilH,*ftEi%'il!6Eln+f5filfi Bo..8FhBil f$Rp$trgr sELBy r0 The foreqoinq May, i996 by: instrument was acknowledged Jeffrey 8. Selby. before me thjs - \.1t}day of a .t 0 f) CI s 4'e6e7 4 F*sJB p-l18 AS/ee/96 t3;46 trGEOF a \- r$i 1.".,.... -.( I str C0. AMENDMENT TO FIRSTAMENDEDANDRESTATEDDECLARATIoNoFPRoTEcTIvE COVENANT.FORLION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO' 4 This Amendment to Declaration (this "Amendment") is made this -la d1V tf ^ $,911!t,,: 1999 and constitutes an amendment to the First Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants for Lion s niage i.rUaiuision Filing No. 4, recorded in Book -418 at Page 738 in the offrce of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (the "Declaration")' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declaration created and defined certain covenants, conditions' restrictions andeasementsfortheLion'sRidgeSubdivisionFilingNo'4;and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 19 of the Declaration, the Declaration may be amended-with the approval of seventy n'*r" p"r"*t (757o) of the.Owners of all L'ots and seventy five percent (75%) of all First Lienors faff '"uJiiafi"edterms herein unless otherwise defined shall have the same meanings as in the Declaration); and WHEREAS, such owners and First Lienors desire to amend the Declaration to eliminate owners in Block t , l,iont Riage Subdivision Filing No. 4 from the definition of an "Owner" under the Declaration, and to make Jertain other amendments as further provided herein' NOW, THEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as follows: l.Lots. A.SectionloftheDeclarationshallbeamendedtorevisethedefinitionof',Lot'. and the definition of "Residential Lot" to eliminate all lots in Block I from such definitions and to limit the uses on Residential Lots, by deleting such definitions and replacing them in their entirety with the following: LOT RESIDENTIALLOT A Lot within Block 2, Lion's Ridge SuMivision Filing No. 4, including the appurtenant interest thereto in and to the Road. A l,ot which can be used for residential purposes and (notwithstanding unyttdng in the Vail Municipal Code, as it may be amended, to the contrary) upon which not more than one building containing not more than one (1) dwelling unit, and containing not t" Lllllill,r,l,rl$ l|l! lr,til llgllllLl gtt mil r i-li-ia-n 9o.oo D o'00 N 0'o€ EaEle co more than one (l) garage for s:.'':" -':.1- maY be constructed' B. Section 3 of the Declaration shall be amended to delete tli: c-l::-::'. ,-: -: -:' the headings DEFINITION and LOT DESCRIPTION and replace theni "":::" :::= : ' '' - DEFINITION LOT DESCzuPTIO\ Residential Lot (which Lots I through 1 I ' shall not include anY inclusive emploYee unit or Primary/ Secondary land use, whether or not such use is Permitted bY the Town of Vail. Colorado) C. All references in the Declaration to any Lots in Block l, or requiren:e:ls pertaining only to Lots in Block l, shall be delcted' 2- Subdivision. Section 4 of thc Declaration shall be amended to add new subsections (i) and 0) to the end of Section 4 as follows: (i)NotwithstandinganythingintheVailMunicipalCodeorinany amendments to the same to the contrary, no subdivision of a Lot shall be permitted. (j) Notrvithstanding any designation of a Lot allowing Primary/Secondary stmctures or an employee unit, or anything in the Vail Municipal Code or in any amendments to the same to the contrary, only one (l ) dwelling unit shall be constructed on anY Lot. 3. Declarant. Section 4 of the Declaration (including all subsections therein) shall be amended to delete the word "Declarant" and all references thereto, wherever appearing in suclr Section and subsections. 4. Vail Code. Section 4(a) of the Declaration shall be amended to add, after the .rvords "Vail Municipal Code" in the first sentence of such Section, the words "or as prescribed in such provisions of the Code as may be in effect at the time of the commencement of such activitY". 5. Section 8. Section 8(a) of the Declaration shall be amended to reflect the new percentage shale of Common Expenses for the tnts by deleting the columns under the heading Common Expenses and replacing such colttmns in their entirety with the following: I lllilr lllll illllll llil lllll lllll llllll ltlllll llll llll tieiig o8/13/2ooo 08:584 135 Sara Fisher 2 of 18 R SO.0O O g.OO N 0.00 Eagle C0 Owners in Block 2 ofLotNo: Common Expenses Percentage Share of Common Expenses: I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 9.09/" 9.0f/o 9.09% 9.0T/o 9.09/o 9.09% 9.09% 9.09% 9.09% 9.09% 9.l0%o 6 Conflicts Between Documents. This Amendment to Dectarationhereby and controls over any contrary provision contained in the Declaration. In case ofconflie the Declaration as amended hereby and Articles and the Bylaws of the Association, the Dsi*;# .-:::i , as amended shall control. 7. Declaration. Except as specifically set fortb in this Amendment to Declararie- tu .i..,"riito-P"rru*ti;a.t*t hereafter be interpreted for all purposes as part of tbe Declaration. t ,,', 1 INwITNEsswHEREoF,theundersigrred,representingseventyfivepercent(759r'lij::u Owners of all Lots and seventy five percent (75%)of the First Lienors have execut+j.i{&s,,.':' ' Amendment to Declaration on the day and the daG written below. :":" "1,"'' 't.t,.-.. ' f LtrluMruU!UilUlll.|Lf !llJ.,qF,ffi,g oc 'is-i'go'm o o'oo N o'og Erglc o0 , ' 't' t' ""... :,,;,..,, 3 tlt t'', ' :. I . :, I I llllll lliii llii,li L| illri tllll llllll lil lill lil lll !"7l,lfi,,,,", Sarr J Ftsh6r E.sle, Co 135 R 55 0O D O.OO t=- \k>/ SECOND AMENDMENT TO FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR LION'S RIDGE SUIIDIVISTON FILING NO.4 'l'his Second Amendment to Declaration (this "second Arnendment") is rnade this l st day of February, 200 | and constitutes an amendment to the First Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants for Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4, recorded luly l2,l9g5 in Book 4l g at Page 718 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado, as amendecl by that certain Antetrdment Lo First Amended and Restated Declaration of Protcctive Covenauts lor Lion,s Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 recorded August 15, 2000 ar Reception N o.i36'720 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (collectively, tire "Arnerrdcd Deciaration"). All capitalized ternls set lorth heicru,der shall have the sanre mcaning as the meaning set forth in Lhe Dec laratior r rr riicss oLherwise tiefi ned herein. WITNESSETI{: WHEREAS, the Declaration created and defined certain covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements for Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4; WI{EREAS, pursuant to Sectiott l9 of the Declaration, the Declaration may be amended with the approval of seventy five percent (75%) of the Owners of all Lots and seventy five percent (75%) of all First Lienors; and WI-IEREAS' such Owners and First Lienors desire to amcnd the Declaration to permit the subdivision of Lot 8, Block 2, Lion's Ridge SuMivision Filing No.4, and to make certain other amendrnents as further provided herein. Now' TIIEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as foilows: l. SuMivisio'. section 4(i) of the Declaration is amendcd as follows: (i) Notwithsranding anything in the vair Municipal code or in any amendments to the same to the contrary, no subclivision of a Lo1 shall be permitted; provided, however, that Lot 8, Block 2, Lion's Ridge subdivision Filing irto. 4 may be subdivided in accordance with rown of vail requirements and the vail Municipal code, as amended. Upcri i.he subdivision of Lot 8 into two (2) Rcsiclential Lots and one (l) comnlon area lot to the Lot 8 ltcsidcntial Lots. Lot g shall be compr.iscd of residential Lots 8A and 88, and Lot 8c rvhich shall be owned joiutly by the owners ol'Lots 8A and 88. Lot 8c slrall not be conveved separately from Lots gA ancl gll, nor shall Lot 8C have voting rights or assessnrent obligations distinct from Lots gA and 88. Sections 5(a) and 8(a) I llilll llill llllil lil lllil lllll llllll lil lllll lil llli zinii.zi i;,,", Sara J Fisner Easl€, CO 135 R 55.00 O O.OO of the Declaration shall be amended to reflect the Division of the Road and new Percel:a;; Ownership in the Road Appurtenant to the Lot, new Common Expenses and Percer.'.:;,: Slure of Road Expenses for the lots by deleting the columns underthe headings "Percc:-.:: :: Ownership in the Road Appurtenant to the [,ot", "Common Expenses" and "Percenlage S. :.': of Road Expeuses" and replacing such columns in their entirety with the following: LotNo.:Comrnon ExDenses: Percenta;: :.::-:: of Road il.;::.,:', 833v, 833% 8.33e,, i:.::. 8.339o 8.33o/o 8.34o/o 8.34Yo 0.00% 8.33% 833% 8.35o/o 3. North Trail Easement. As evidenced by the signatures set forth below, the Ormers hereby authorize and consent to the Association Board of Directors'decision to grant to the Toiia oi Vail a public pedestrian and bicycle trail easement across Tract A for the sum of Four Thousand O;; Hundred and No/l00ths Dollars ($4,100.00). 4. Definition of Association. References to "Association" throughout all Assocl;:-:" documents are amended from Lion's Ridge No. 4 l{omeowners Association, a Coloraco r-;:r;::::'. corporation, to mean "Aspen Grove Homeowners Association, a Colorado nor:.p:cl! i-:-:-: -: . :.. -.., evidenced by the Articles of Amendment to tlre Articles of .::---:-.:.'-.. .- : : approved and executed simultaneously herewith. 5. Conllicts Between Documents. In case of conflict between the Declara::.':-, :: amended hereby and the Articles and the Bylaws of the Association, the Declaration as amenrie3 hereby shall control. 6. Declaration. Except as specifically set forth in this Second Amendment to Declaration, the Declaration remains unchanged and in full force and effect. This Second Arnendnrent to Declaration shall hereafter be interpreted for all purposes as part of the Declaration. Percentage Ownership in the Road Appurtenant to the Lot: 8.33% 833% 8.33o/o 8.33% 8.33% 833% 8.33o/o 8.3,1-o/o 8.34% 0.00% 833% 8.33% 8.35% I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 8C 9 i0 11 lilllllllll lllllll llll lllll lllil llllll lil llill lil llli iinii;7 n,.,,Sara J Fiiher Easl., CO 13S R 55.60 D O.OO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, representing seventy five percent(1 5o/o) of the ' Owners of all Lots and seventy five percent (75Yo) of all of the First Lienors have executed this Second Amendment to Declaration on the day and the date written below. The foregoing instr.:rneti +':s :;r;i','--::ja; :a'l:: 200!, by Nanci' M. Petersen. ffiT:'#,'-H'"il#ff ffi ffiH?i', IsEAL] LOT I FIRST LIENOR: By: Name: Title: STATE OF COUNTY OF Notary Public oF LTENORI ) SS. 2001, by The foregoing was acknowledged before me tiris - cia)' oi Witness hand and ofhcial seal. My of lsEAL] LOT I STATE OF Notary Public Jen-t4-auua I l:uo l'Ioa''al( Il(lttcll.t l(ltLf, a rcialltl lif,, I{irrqlr ColutY ?:::;$' :$ n":"frf,s,:: *;* CgNI'EYANCE or EA9E'ENT "orr ro**o*t' u"t'u tlti r5"l; lea-r ' i' I ir:rr;eo Y-^-"--- \__--r lj = .'.C.'/{f io? I,Jq qtr{st5-sll- ^€ VtE Grsocols, for and l'n corsidcraEt* :: *"--.:;"rr!", Grsogols, for ano ln gv"'---- - _:on, .jhe receip! {.10.00 and ouher goo{ an/- ualua-ole qonsidtr3c't' and srrfficien"v or tlr"t' "'e bcrebv-.ac:::ud':]}.t:t':& ::1,":::':'":; .";'::".. e ng'I-e*c*': pryes.e,"en'E ' and rishc "r ", *ut''-ll"',4J,* *o ,6 easemcnt an'l riShL of waY ' In col'\sidQtaElon of this conveyancc agton sgato'i obove' EhG P4Ec(ec hcteto :rcrel")' ::::.':":,'::*;'''ePai:!n8' enrtrtinB' lecoosrruccins ani rep)'oeing Co"iriti-tt provi'dinE or supPlyin6 uc':liries selwlces ot alt- kinds EhereuPoa' including' b'rc not lirliced ge, trac€fr sewer' eleccriclEy' oaEural gas' ':able relewisiotr . anc celephone serwicgs and fot t* t"i9-::: of coRssrucBing' nr:rlnteiniot ' rePeiri$8 ' enlargin6 6trd :econs cf,ucting a roadway Ehereul'on n"oi'U'r,' vs\j'sular and pedesutlar' in6ress :r!ra cgregs beBlren "o" tu"' ProPctEy (Ehe "PtoperEyr') dc'ecribed in E?dribi t E gtcitcheC ho?e(o arrd Egd'€ :t ParE irereof ard l-ion'g Ridge r'oP ' a councy rsad located in EaBIe co'dlLy ' c6lorado' To aAvg nno noto 3aid easenenc rnd !i8'E of rvay Lglco Grantec and irs successots and assitns' The 3JsemetlE and tigtr! of ttcy irereby granucd shall frn t.'icb chc l:nd ana shall be aPPrrrEentnr ro Etre PloPcrEy' guclr GII3E ^ r:atsfer c,f legal """ *-ttt ot "nv ?""'..,t.':tr:::-t"=::t:"tt:"tt:"tt aBccrrarlc'clly Gra:rsfer f, ptoPolrioorEe 1 z')r | -tt I | ,]6- qaal t-t0c .r--. !e 1 _ 19, r?6c nnc r'.'r(: ':-nJ idcf- :rlircc :ls ft)L lolis : e 1r E * =F @ Jan-l{-2002 12:06 t.Grao.scers riglrcs under che aaser[erlc and !i3hE of 'way heleby Slsnced rnay be assiBned by Greneee co any uc.illcy somPany ' Foverrdnengal auchorlcy ot quael- govornu'-cncal auclrotiEy prorriding any af che urillry lu.ti.." or orming and sraincaining che tcadttay oe."tib"a lbove' ard Grdlcorg' uPon ehe wrlcec:r lequesE of Giancee' shall dedicace by lecordeble ins grlnrenc in fo;m ':aristaucoty ro Grsncee a1I cf ai"i, tlgt"' clcle an<] in:clesc ir' |'nd ca she PJ jhr;Of l''ay ro che -gublic 'fo; i:re as a' publlc :oad ' Gran(ee, trgon che s'ticcen reqtt*si-'oFCrsrrcotg ' .;hal} deilicace .by recordable iascru:r'<nc in f or!| 3aEisfaclory co Glanlors all oE iEs figbc' clEle and incetesE in an<i co (he Righc 0f r"Iay Eo che public fo! use ag a Publlc roaC ' Grangols ehall aPplI ibei'r bcsc ef forcs so conEoeoc€ cons gtucaioir of a vchlcrtlsr 'roed (clte "Road.) uPon chc RiEirc of uay as soon as reasousbly possible alcet ene execul'ion o! shis lns crrrmenE: grovided' hovever, chag Grancgrs ' 9E che lsEeJc' shall cof[teace ecgual corEtruccion cf che Roa'i by June 1' 1980, and shall luva c':re Ro'rd congleced orr ot befo;e Augus c t' I9E0- Th'e RoaC airalt bc consc:ucced nc Ei'ra sole cosa 8nd 6:Pendc cE Granccrs and shalr be consGrucced !o scricc cooplianca tlich oll Councy of Eagle' Scace of Colorado' lul€s ' regu- laEions ' olrltnances ' !a-''s ' s?eei(icrqio:E and scandards percainlng co roads irclurled in r'tre road 2. sy:r:ern of ci'e councy of EagLt ' ,\f c<r conscruccion of shs I'r1ad o'nd uncil such ci'ne as c;1e Ros'i !3 dc(''icsEed eo che prrblic a'd accrPced by chc Counuy <rf t':6lc f c; rtl2-incenirncc PurPgses al: : public ro{td, !:S:;' rll co'lcs +r' "::nc a'in!nt' che 11oa<( iD iood ordcr: ' con<li cic'rr a:1(t r eP ait f'hflIl be lotnc, *qtttifY u"t-ou^ Gtt' tan-ta-a ta t ait)0 I I It-tCrUr l|lntlnJ nnltuS|l i rEll^r|lir 5- GranE'e thall reiobiurse Grlarctt for al1 rearonable aad noroal costs and expe$seg (excludlnt rap'fees and user eharges ' if any) acGu'rtly incurred bY Gla$cors :t' t""t"'f"'g tt:ilicy I'ines o! an;r kind unde: ' g'rer ' ecross and rhrough lhe RiShc 0f !''9y 'fron any uGi'IiEy cr"nk line locsEed adiacelE Eo !!'ot.'3 Ridge ioop tooa co ' line ;nEetsecting Ehe Rlghc oi.llay o"''"* no'o"t rrhele tl: orlEl'nal northe:rly iina or pat"er n. rro,,l j*rasi :':::r: ;".:'.:t::r" Ho' 2' Eagle Co\tncy ' Colorado ' o$ce rl Rigtrt oI thy (suclt potEtotr of gaid norrhe:Iy llne havin8 bacF vacaceC by Eagle CouncT Bas':lu;ion exccured Febrr'rarY IL.' 1980) ' Each pr..ovislon of clti's InstrrJ[eot- ' an<I agzeemcnc ' pronisc, covenanc ""t -atl t'*i'* * ":1,::.::".:"::"t::"t'": ", ahu" Iosrrurenr ' and any nccessar)r z:(cepglo cr grsng of cicle' escacer rLghu <rt incelcaf ro effec tuaEe any plo'rislon of ct'ti s 'o"ttJo"o" t (i) :har1 be dcened incol-Eorase'l in ecch deed or oElrer insctrlrc6c by r'dich any righc' ricle o: inseregG ln aril Por-aon of stre &ight of tJay ol th€ ?roperty 1s Itaflted, de"i?e'l oT conweted ' t'6echer ot noE sel fotEh or lefarred ro in such dced or scher lnserrt$enc: (ii) shall' bI viicue of acccPEancc o( any tighc' cicle gr lnEef,es' in nny portion of cbe Ri8'hE tl ut' "t- to" ProPe:Ey by an arner llaefeof ' be dearred sccepced' '-ar'ificd' adopced' and daclared as a personal covenanE oi s':ch o{Jrrer and' as a pcrsonal coveo:rtE ' shall be blnai-ng on Suc!. osnet anC his heirs ' ?e!son3l rrtDfe s entat ivcs ' succsssols and assr-::ts: and' shall be decnred a persorral sovenanc !o, rtl'Elr and for ;trc benefir of eacb orrner of an)' Po:Eion of ghe RiSbc oi Hay or tt'n "oPtttyt and (iil) slrall be ceem'd a real covenanE O' "nt 'o"t"u itereco ' fo: ghe:rselvcg ' circir successgtg t"O "*nt*"'' iod' sl'so gn equi'gnblo scfvl'udc' rrrnninS' in eagir €3s4 ' rs r' bsrdorr uj'cir t n''l uPon lhrr ti cl' co eilch jrnd evety porr:on o{ Ehe i(itir:: Cf Na:t ind iilc ?:clertT- -3- Ja,lt_ | {-3U94 ,4. va lti ef,feccive as I{ITNESS of cl:e P-I-Dy GSANTEE: ",'H,i:YtHn: a ll? ;i"i *.'P B1 ; STATE COUt{TC g.8. i;;.:'i;'l:??::i befolo me B . Selb:' ) ) - --lio- 5S. ',,r^rl PRO?ERiffS, IIC:' I g'l 'l ----^'; "i:EaotaErgn ' 'Delavaf9 J?n-14'allua la: tv ftlrfl^n ||l fll(t |rrusrrn I rc[Alnt E;(XTBIT A' (At.acrred f: :l*.f*3t?Ji!"t!:C oflveyart' e 1940, froln :lH::$Ei: :ii{j:'x:":ir 3t r?ili'ii'. !iii*"J-v;'; s'ruY co ValleY i;;'";4";" ' r'ed') L-gea! DegcrlPgi'on ll-*:lffi il,'r'tl';:;*,1'll:lllifft ff *'"i'1"'*;; *${$gsig***e**[ry Jen-t4-aultt tt: n)fIrfEAt( lrAYEl() |rit,3rafi I fBrr^rtJ !luarcr I It ,-t09 t -vltar 19, (AL c€l ctred co of Easc$enL Jef.f ra!' B - As socrage: ' E*t}l.l t B i:1^u"*:":,,::l', ;: til;:'?l:;da ce'J Februnty 1930, fron slirri-ona l{sro selbY Lcd-) c.o ValIeY ill :; ;;i:,1 tt"i,lttt]"i"t,',',:';i'l'1"'i ;l..', :';".''';';i .l:lri,'':::il;,::.'liiit" lili.,: il*ii,.il':'t:'1.'j,';;:i,:'::li:t,;i''"':; i;:.:,';,,i;;:"i:::t:'tr',;' ;;::;i.,' ;',' "i i,, 1.;",ll.,,i'1,;,,i,.,,, 1: i,f .;, ;, ;,f,ri;,i,r,*"ii.,":::":ii;ri,i*:. ;i ti'1,, i:' ii ,,,11;' i ,:' r : ,.,j :i ii,l*iii*^t. liii;.11;1,.,,,-,:,,i,.::,;;;.',-^i ::, ::,..;;,.i:: ,.,;,::l,".,':,l,,lll",,li,:l';";:',;:'"";;;.,;i ;'; *,''1' " 'l:," ::::'';,';:;,ll;:i;,;i;''i;':;::;;' i';i 11 '.;'"lllti;:1"- il,i;;.ri:l,i;,1.:;l i;:ilf ". ;,,,, :i, lj 1,.,.:,,t", 1i' iii,i jiti iff:,n- i::ilii"i' :,i:'ilt,'t,."." " - i:i:; ii.;,:i$iji,:1,,r,-itj,,,:1)r ,..,, ,i";",;:i;:,','' ., ,,:.,'ii':.titi:,*t' "' LegnI Descrig ulot ;. i.*t;:c'r c'( ':'ri'l i"rr'::t i' t;jtr'l t'rtr:''o '''r ,', :- ,t. rt4'0 1':'1':i';ullrrY ...,.-.; :r .,.;-,r:':'.- tt. '.'"...',,,', r,,r,,ii,,,,. .,,.,..t ,,,...-',:r: r '1,.:',i ;;lt''tt" ltri: ?)' l: :l'.'1 :.:,-L ",:l'1'. "1.1'r' d.l7i .rcr.:i, - - .1 : . .. ...n,.:r, - :i,rr,.1,. !.t !r(':il. .rlJcri::'r(l i': I f tl l'r';t ' ,,., ,.,..;il';'i";l:,1 ;...,",,i;1,,' :'i i''.''.'i"'l ;;:::'' '''i.:'; ;"i:' :''.::::..''.,; ':;;1.';"ll;]]l'j; il ;;ili;;.i,':; ;;:1, ;- l; ';i,.r,,i,iii,,i:,,; r ;,',,."1, il:i',iti:ii"ii'b,i ::,ii l;,"1:'':jl::Ii,,,';,ifji,','i;.lr.:' ,-, '';:;" ";'r' : ;'.:,':;,;rl,ili*,j' t_l 6 00$ Recital.s Fi!st Arnended and Restated Decl.aration Declarant u":_t!_". undersign"g ltt"! Lienors do hereby amend and resta!'e 1n i!: glfirert-;;;-inlrrai Ji"iiiition, and do herebv rernake' repubrisr, -ii,o-iio!"iii"-ri;;-l;;';orlowine cerns, covenants, . golgit,ioni, -iJ"ur.nt", restricirons, uses,reservarions, linirarions ana ouiigario;"-;;;ii-ie oeemeo to run with the property, shalf-U"-i.burden and a benefit !o Declaranr, his si1l9e1so5s ana-isllsl:, and any person or enriry acguiring or ownlng an inteie"l-In rhe property and a]l other rear properrv erhlcli is ;;-;;;;;"; subjecr uo rtis Decrararion and improvemenrs .l:ill !i:i"iil'-i"a..any- sranrees, successors,heirs, peisonal representativfir:ouvlsues or assigns. GROSS RESIDENIIAL AREA OR G.R.F.A. RESIDENTIAL LO? FLOOR .,, /t g iln: 7Jf ..ltN11r. , lt PHILLIPS 'r(;L[ '] lY. REC0R0ER lur 2 :q Pl{'85 SUBDTVISION OR PROPER?Y LOT DWELLING UNIT JEFPERY B. sELBy (-Declarantt) is the record owner of all the rear property !illrin ir,ui-""rt"in subaivi;i;, carred Lion,s Rtdge subdivision nit1n9 Ho. -lr-eagte c"r"cV,-iJioruoo ('Propertv'), the. finar'prii oi ,ti"t ""i-iiioiiio "r Recepri.on No' 202794 in Book No. :-oe it-eug" {rJ., of ir,"-i"ur property records of Eagle County, CojoriOo. Declarant, b9i1S the owner of all Lots (defined be]ow), and the undersisned horders or iiis['oeeos oi-ciu"i-on rhe Lors,belng che sole plrst fienors-iOifineO below), desrre to anend and res!ate in its. entirJii-tr,iE'certain Dec.r.aratlon of protective covenanrs for r,ion;"-nrge" i;udiui;i;; Firins No. 4 daEed \ruty 24, 1980,;;u iiiori"i_Aususr t, t980, in Book 306 aE page 410 of the records of eilfg C_ounty, Coloiado, as anended bv rhar cerrain ir"nirlii.to oecriiuiion-Lr prorecrive covenanrs for Lron'"-niag;-iitiiui"ion Filins No. 4 dared November 2I, t980 t'rniiiir-iliii.urron. t . I. DEF'rNITroNS. _ lr used herein, t.he f ollowing words and t,e rms siraffTaTE-ET? r.rrrriii n,laninsu, Lionrs Ridge subdivision Filing No. ,l . I !9! wirhin Lion's Ridge subdlvision FiJ.ing Ho. i including Ehe appurrenanr inriii"i ;;;;;;;, if any, in and to the noad. t 9T"+ling unir shalt.have rhe sarne definttion as ir aoes in-;u;;;o;18.0{.070 of Ehe Toh,n oi iii-i]-,,colorado Hunicipat cdA"-i"-"ii"", on the- date of the recording or-ir,i"Declaration ('Vart Hunicipal Code. ) . G.R.F.A. shatl have Ehe-same meaning as d_efined in secrio, ial0i.riE-ir rhe vail Municipal cooJ. ' - " 'rw r' A f?! uhich ean be used for residenEial purposes and upon which not. more rtair oire Uuif Oingl containing not. nore than 6ne ilwerltng unir and noi"rii.i"Eh"n on"lTPlgv"" unit (as resrricred bv secrion 18.I3.0s0 0f-ih"-iiir-,Hunicipat code, al! ls p"rriir"a uv 9g:!lon z.E or'vaii oioliiii""'frJ., r:ll?91. series ) (March it;-l;;i;t , ""no !?ltllnl"g nor mo-re. rhan one sarase tor each unit, nay be con"tru6t"I. /liu.>.t-\ (ShouId the zoning of the Subdivision or any Lot(s) be changed to primary/Secondary Residential D18trlcl, Ehen the restrictions appllcable thereto in the Vail Municlpal Code shall be deemed rncorporated herein and applicable to bhe Subdivision or such-. Lot, ( s ) ) . OPEN SPACE TRACT ROAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DESIGN GUIDELINES OI.JNER ASSOCIATION ROAD EXPENSES A tract wibhin t,he Subdivision bhar may remain in its natura.L and undisturbed state or may be landscapeg ?ith grasses and planr nat,erial indigenous to the site. a/t'4 us T6 -?- *A /t | *'-,1 ll lta Tract c within Ehe subdivision that may be used soJ.e1y for public utility and drainlge puiposei ano private use as ingiesi e-o ano egress frorn certain Lots to Lion's Ridge Loop, a publi.c road in the rorun ot VaiJ., Eagle county, Colorado, i" - /subject to Ehat cirtain conuiyince /of Easement (.The Ridge "t Vuif Easenent..) dated Febriary L5, t9g0,and recorded Harch 18, f-ggO in-eoof 300.at_page 290 of the recorOi of Eagle County, Col.orado The Town of Vailrs Design Review Board.. cuidelines for Ehe development of privately owned siLes wi.t.irin itre subdlvision as may be establi;ired by r.he vail MunicipaL coOe inO-itre'Design Review Bbard, and as *i" U"supplenented or anended Uy oeciarant or the Associati.on, which'"h;lI,among other t,hings, interpret, oi implemenr Ehe pr6visioni-6i-ir,i" rJeclara t ton. .\ny individual, corporation,partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, o. "6*uiniii.on of legal enbj.ries;'which f;-;h;-record owner of an unaiviOeO iee sinple interest in one-oi-*or"-Jr the.Lots, excepb as specificaify llnlEed herein, Lionrs Ridge No. 4 Homeowners Associat.ion, a Colorado .nonprofi t.corporation, which shaIl, aionq-witir Declarant, be .authorized'unJ-"' enpowered to enforce this Declaration. All expenses of administe ,rnn r/servicing, conservins, ."nisiiS,malnt,aining ( incruorng but not,linlted Eo snow removal)z repairing,improving or replaclng the Road; and the insurance pierniur-toi-tiiI--'rnsurance carried. under paragraphs 9(a)(i) and (ii) nereof. This Ftrst Amended and Restated Declaratlon of protecEive Cou"rranes and all anendments or suppfemenls -2- DECLARATION COHHON EXPENSES 1.GENERAL PURPOSES. Thls'Declaration is nade for purposes of creating and-keeping the subdivision insofar thereeo hereaft,er recorded in the records of EagIe County, Colorado. All expenses expressly declared to be Comnon Expenses'by this Declaratlon, or by the bylaws of bhe Assoclatlonl adnlntstratlve, Iegal,engingeri,!g and oEher expenses of the Association; and alI-expenses lawfully determined t,o be Common Expenses by the Board of Directors of the Agsociallonr and the insurance premiun for the insurance carried under paragraph 9(a)(iii)hereof The holder oi " promissory note,payment of which is secured by a first mortgage or first deed of trust encunbering an lnterest in a LoE. 'Mortgage'-sbaII include i deed of trust, and rlitortgagee. shall.include the beneficiary of-a Oeee ot Erust. Ehe as possible desirabre, attract,iie, -beneficiir ina-"urtable in archltectural des19n, naterlari and app"iian"e;-guaroing against flres and unnecessaly int,erfeiince with [he natriral beauty-of Ehe subdlvlsigli l;g providtng ineiu""-to and egress fron all Lots in the subdivisio-n to a piuli6 road al] for the mut'ual. benef it and protection of the oirneri oi-ir,e Lots in the Subdivision. 3. usES. Arr Lot,s in the subdivision sharr falr within the folloilfr land use definirions: FIRST LIENOR DEFINITION, ResidenEial Lot (with employee uniE, if desired, or any primary,/ Secondary land use if permitted by the Town of vail, Colorado): Open Space Tract Road LO? DESCRIPTION Tfots t -- ggugh Il, inclusive,BIo i*:fk#{Hf i.l* lfr "ush 6, Tracts A and B Tract C 4. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS. (a) No building or other scructure shal.I be consE,ructed, erected, or maintained. on any. l,ot, nor shaIl. any addir,ion r,herero or art,eratlon or ctrang-rir,eiiin"be made, nor shall rhe removal._of veserarton, sire iie;;;;;;;"; buitdins 9:lolition, dumping or fiateiiir'upon-a Lor, sign erecrion,exterior alteration or. enlargenenL of un "iiiting "t,ru"Eu.",!lYilg, fencing, or orher inrirovements of rhe pr6perry be commenced untess design. appr6val tras ueen ;;;";;;, by rhe Desisn Reviev Board as oresciibei-in Chapter 1g.54 of the Vail Hunicipal code. 'Tn agdl!ionl il-tne discreEl0n of Declaranr or !!"_1::?:ia!1on, ir shall Ue'rtquired rhar no such acriviries be commenced unress and unril Ddctarani;;;h"-;Jsociat:.on has E;il:ii":pproval in sririns of conpri"n""-,riir, 'Cie oesisn (b) If upon the the date of lhe submittaL Assoclatlon by an orfn€f r explratlon of Ehlrty (30) days fron of plans to Declarant or the the DechEant or AesociaLl0n has taken no aclion, the plans will be considered approved by the Declaranr or rh;^Asaocriiroi, *;;; such owner nay conmence constructlon afrer_gg1ui1i1S'tie-necessary approvals from bhe Town of valr, cororado, and-1tJ Deslgn Review Board.(c) Decr'arant or the Association sharl be authorized r'o revv a reasonaul* 11"!s"]"ior"exceeding r.5 cenrs for each sguare foot of, encloged eio6.--spac€,-for ieview-or finat plans and speclflcarlons, whi";-;;;r;5';r,;ri-i"-iJii"ix' uouun"" by Ehe Owner of the r,6t-see[r.";-i;; Declaranils or rhe Assoc!arlon,s aoor?y:1.- Ti;; irI"..o" or."uJr,-"lir9es shart be used for rhe adininlsrrarion aii-Jnror""""ni-or-;;i" pecrararion. i:3::f:1,:: i: i::s,lv.il iy;;';; ;;"'il"il':;;'# lil: ::;,iHI"l:'.::,,1:;.::ii;::"i$r ;i#::":i"g"i:,nli,i"f; upon Suln".ffi!!{{,{g:_.ge"Jur1nc or Lhe Associarion ;:;']i.::":".l:m1.]:i'iiy.io..il;:;:::':;"ff:i;l ;::i:;:i.':,";;:'1":::i::l::;:i! 5ffi;i :.3 ;il:5 ili'"'n3",,,n or the Associarlon ioi ;-;;;:;;;r;:;i;l: (e, In.passing upon all gueh plans and speclf lcaE,ions, Declarair li -ril'rc-^^., _!r (e) In 9::11tlnl or the e""o"Gti;"-;;I o'reunE as rlxe'l bv and with iEens ana mireiiars tnac Ere fn ^ln:-:l1p]::i.on or-ranascipins f;::';::l ft";i"::Il";j-!:::lli:"i:, iti:iiii: 31,!1",3llst;n,", i t.ens and mateii"____a--b..r,., rer Ene complet ion of landsca Escrowed f unds ".i ii ll.l^3.::_!g be insrair;;_by_ ihe owner. 13".P:"t in prace-i"-; ;;;;i'diin'" Ene ouner after.landscapins or rhe e""o.iition ro. a 6na_r,a--":l]:!i"tory ro the oeclaiani ;l;:i;:;;!ill"inl":ji::ll,?f.,,I: r""J"iiri"i iiii,rr Eake inro sul tablll ty of ci g"('rr LCr^ naLer { a I c r,e ,.,.. ]: proposed bui ldi ng ;:i";::;",,illn.li *r.;;i;i;^it",ihi$ :['f3":S i:.i3ilE :: :f:",i;: :ffl"Xljil":.^ j: -:t^;:":ii:;:ql".ij ii,il,l".i:i::,,1, fl"the surroundlnqi ys rrssc€o, E.ne harnony thereof nith , r.u"iu ii ;.."-;..:i":ll^.n:_ "fI:".:. of - trr e :ruii i.i;; ;; o rher Lots.i5l"ul,u r", as !rannJa, --on -ir,I"ii !i il;r":; j:lifl."i, ",lliinoo,, no ;:'.ff :i:il j::, ll :"il i: i;-irigiiiiffi l'"' ::';:;, li:":i:jtlorrffr"r:ll,:: :,1:^?.::l?ranr and rhe AssociaEion rs honog enoui arclilecsurar guallty harnonious with the eharaccer of lhe area. judgment in passi-- e'rs Assoclation shall use reasonable oeciaiJi r -;.";;;.19" l:il, i:* :i:|'.l prans _ano _"piii ii "a r i ons, bu E :;:"i;i":;i:::: *,;afrFii"-liii 3ff,i;.:i"fi:":'.;: Decta ran b o.' crre -l'i" Jiilu iii ;;;1.' P-t11", and . speci ri ca r i ons,. -ii f:l-its actions tn connecrr.n o,rri 3.?I-be. liabte to any pui"on ;3::: f: ;i:i"ff i"Fjt:t"ii;?i:"iil ;;:P5::i"flit"":'f;. {g) Declarant or rn passinq uDon a,fn:,,1i":ijl!i:"-sharl use reasonabre Associarion acied "irr, iJri;"";;';r;ff;ri"i*lffl (T) STTE COVERAGE AND DENSTfY: l;;t.;::::i.*: i::*l"i!,::i:3 :,i:.",;,. 3t"3"" or f ;ti"iff ili:! i;"' iilil: fiiii:;f ' f T. ir" il;" i;ii.' ^. . "p e rmi t t ed -toi -ii.iti3[:.{;;" lf"!, * . e. r. - "r,i r i"i" ]l:s90 ssuare iiec or slre area."l'f?t the firsr ::l_ ree! or c.R.f .A. -"fiii ;;=;;, Prus nor nore rhan :g!"I",f::t or irte "r"i-ouli il:Tllt:9,.ror each r00 Ene.bulldlng ls to conrii"'i'aiijiuu sguare feer. rf :1.?19y": unir, the sifJ-il"; ;;;;-rrns unir and an ssuare feer. tn ::.?! ; ;;;:";i;""..:;";,1;::0"".:,;::" ;:;;ril:lrf"-ft::.:nua'" ieut-or'c.n.l.A: sharr be iig llciuaiii iri8oioSd:n'F":;:r^?f _'iru"i,-Ju"ip ro 5iln"i36':,f*: Fr s.,i;;:;: ;;"=ii iiiJ"iii,lll",5l""I::! rrl r.i-"ii"!E"!tliri'$":;:",::;;;i;:ll: ;*f "pr'us nor more rhan rtv"-"euiil'i.". of c.R.p.A. for ( h ) ,n:^:-uil. uunicipal 9lg: _un9 rhe f orlowine i: : : :' sl I i I ";" ;:l ;.:";:H:it#:i;iif, j"' ifr "'iu' i r,,u,ii c i pa r -{- b. For Lots 3 through 6, inclusive,Block l, no slructure shall be locatecl on any such Lot except wlthin the 'Buildlng EnveIope. for eaih-Jrtn lpt 1". designated and desciibed on the finat pfai of the subdivision each I00 sguare feet sguare. feet. On any t,he units shall noc toEal G.R.F.A. Lots I through 8,inclusive, Block 2 Lots 9 r I0 and Il,Block 2 Lots I through 6,inclusive, BJ.ock L of site area in slte coneaining exceed one/third excess of 30,000 t,wo units, one of of the a]lowable (ii) S-Er?ACF=REqUTIEHENTS. Untess ot,herwise provid-ed in-E'e vaifipal code., ninimun setbacks for bhe locatlon of, structuris relative eo ploperty ]lnes shall be as fo.Llows: 20 feet from t,he Road and 15 feet fron all. other property Ilne.s. 20 feet fron the Road tThe inprovenents on.Lot II. are ptesently within 5 feet, from the Road); 5 feeE from the '40 foot Aecess and Ut'iIity Easemenl'designated and delcribed in ttre flnal_prar of rhe suuoivitioni- .and 15 feet fron all olher property Iines. 20 feet. from Sandstone Drive and 15 feet fron all. other p.opuriV-lines. (iii ) BUILpTNG HEIGHT. Un]ess ot,herwise provided in the vEffin:,crpal code, no strucrure Locared wirhin t,ne suuJi;i;I;;;;;ii ui""uo 33 feet in heiohq gor pu1lginlr-iitr, sloped roofs, or 30 feec in trei6rri tor uuiiai"i" ,trh f tab roofs. sharr be provid:9 ?1":i-un.3tf;l'i;ii ;;ll:i;"i"il::n parking standards in effeit ui--ir,u time of issuance of !1"-:.!il_qing pernir uv ir,u-roin-oe _vai], colorado, bur 1n any event no ]ess Ehan three ort_iti;_i-;;;;;;s spaces for t,he ff5st dwelling unir locateO ln-a-Lor and one additional parklng "6"Ju. for an employee unit,1f any, sharr be provided-on'iuct r,ot ana ttre'uuiraing containlng bhe Owilling unie "i-units shal.-1. have i:ii:l:j.a earase wiEh a-rinirum capaciry ro rrorlse .cwo are3s in rhe suuaivis?;".:dii 3lt;:;:l"rl"s":3:5il:"with rhe srandardsr_"p""iii"iiiiir" and requiremenrs of the Vail Huniclpal.'c"t",-iij-iiJ' rnaxinun permlssible drtveway or parline-;;;1"-;iuii=u" ror. Dec ra r anr ana tr, lul" "tffi#*. r.tl;n;:l:";;" ot 11!::ll appearance. or rhe-lr6oiui"ion and rhe malnrenance of such appearince. --rs pait--oi-.ii,"approval. process, ouneis of r,ois and Eheir representatlves or bullde;; ;iil be reguired to submiE ggmplege Iandscaping pfins-Ena-nare adesuare provisions for randicipr,ig EL-sc"-i; ;;;i;-iierarr consErucrton budget Eo-aciomp.Itsh the i"if"ri"gi- -5- gradlng t ground cover to erosl0n t sPecieg of plant.Declarant or the a.Hinimize disrupLion from Select the man-made are conpatible with the sire; . D. RevegetaEe and restore tmprove appearance and to reduce c. use indigenous plane naterials as established 6y tne Associa t ion; elenenEs that drainage paths topsoil, rock features. d.blend and e. Use exisEing or.naturaL whenever possible; and - f. Conserve and protecL.formations, and unique funi""iou- )c t ;: i:I.o"tl": ::.:::l :: :i:itv:- ie privare ""ii"-"i.,urr (Vi) WATER AND SANITAT.IoN. Each ;: i:::" :i" ?:" ill:g_eoffiv "if; iii ?::lg:- :lirl c5nnici-"'i;[-;;;;;'"ii iiiii{rl5l li:l : l: I ":^T"s:_i:a i rauie_-ut-ii";?; ;;;;;';;;:. 3:'::i":- il9 l::::-':g i:-y1 lt"r-b'""t'i;;i ;" ";i ! [. i "., l:.1::l.,as a -source oi ;;;;;';or";u;;;":;;"ffi;li";tl:irr iga t ion. the,Lots shall be placed Ile!!::"{-n", ".llililri#;. ::-:il:li"olnu oescribed on rhe final irut-ioi-rr," su6oiuiiion.Declarant and t.he Associatlon -sfraf f have an unEestrlcted, irrevocable easem""E-c"-ii"i"."u, cross,and uti.l.ize any porr,ion ,C -if,i"iors which may be necessary or convenient ln oio"i-Eo perform anv functlon required ro-i" iJri"Iila by rhe Decra?ant and Ehe Association pursuant to this Decraration. oEher adverrisi";tll.$#tii ol.uiinili;.rliliiu;:", o. erected, construcEea or -lniintiii"o on any. Lots for any purpose whaLsoeverr-except aurf, irgns as have been approved by the peclaranl .oi-[ir.-a"sociaEion.. rn addirionr all such signi, lirit"ards, or any other advertising strucrure -striti-;;;;iy ,.rirh chaprer r6 of the Vail Munlclpal CoO".--- (vii ffi',.underground. (of fencing shall Declarant or the lhe design and location _!9 "n9 approved by rhe prror to installation. x) FENCES:| .--oe submltted Association reruse sharr o" [illl"#o",.'Xlo.ii"l;r"il::,,,ilniln",Ehe subdivision. ih;;"-;h;;i';; no burnins or orher dlsposal of refuse out of doors. eacn Owner shall provide suitable_receptacles for the. ternporary storage and cortecrion or rei-use-;;; ;ii such recepracres :hill.be placed in "ncrosiii"-iiruched bo rhe buildinss so E,har.:-u."1r_;;;;;ra;iis sharr be screened fEom the publlc :i:y_1n9 pri,i""["a, from disrurbance.Each owner shoul.d_also ariange -rritt, the Town of VaiI or other governrnental. entiiy"ioi-tr,u pickup of refuse on at least a weeKly Uasis.'. --- -5- r.ivesLock, nor""jltll iffi.-"lir"llll]"l"rs and ocher pets for domestiL frousitrotO enJoyment, and noE !9r,c9tnm9rciaI. purposes) shalt ue reic, iii""J, .,Dred in the subdivision (x111) PETS. Household pebs such as dogs and cats must be c6iTi'ined upon an Owner's LoE,.Owners nay not construct a fenced run on their Loc.Pedestrians accompanied by pets within trre suuaivision must have. said pets under thetr direct conEro] by use of, a leash not t.o exceed 1.0 f eet in length. - (xiv) teUPORARy STRUC"URE. No tenporary st.ructure, sffi tent.be permltted ln bhe Subdivislon, except as may deternlned to be necessary durlng conitructloi,specifically authorized Uy. the D6cl.arant oi tni Associatlon in writlng, 6na in aicordanc"-riit - ordinances and regula.ions of the Town of Vail. (xv) TREES. Except for diseased or dead t rees, E r ees na ru r-lTfy ex i s ting- up"" -i.i-i" c ."lllt not. be cgE, Erinnea 6r iemov"a fron bhe Lob wrEnouE the prtor approval of the Declarant or thb Associatlon. mounred, "*po"ud(llil"ffi;"":;t;i:;:"or recelvers wlll not, be permit,Ced within the'Subdivlslon. such antenrri., oiJfr"" or receivers, if insLaIl.ed, must. be conceafei fiorn public view. - ( xvii ) SCREENING. Fuel tanks,el.ectric neters, garbagE?Gfrind clorh"" iin"",boat, commercial. Eruck, . traltei, -.camper, mot.or home.Rv and recreartonal. or lnoperabi" uei.,i"i"' ;;;;ins, uno aircondltlonlng egulpnentr' teievisron. and radj.o anLennae, dlshes and recelvers, and other reiiieo fac1I1t,les must be.screenea, buried, ot "n"io""i-rro,n vlew from surrounding propeiti;;: (xx) REPAIR OF VEHICLES. Ne autornotive repair wor@eo iiywrrere within rhe su6aivisi;;,-;;;;pf-"ietin privare sarajes SE9fI9999s' ^'ii:ii' rr be o! srmrlar constructlon naterlals and quaiici-""-Principal bulldings. Accessoiy-structures, includj.ng bul not llmlted co_greenhou""r, ilusE be of a design and size pernlsslbri uv crre-viir"'r.rr"i"ipii doi!-i;a accept,abl.e to the DecliranE oi-[n" Associarion. shall oe and lhe lllii ) _qoyrrNlrrry oF coNsrRucrroN.All. structures "onr"n""l:::i:lt:d 9lllgentlv to complebion and sharl be :::lr:::g_Ii!lll rweive,on[f," -;;-;"il;"i"iiir"inru"" sone exception is granted ln writing by o""iii"ni-o,the Association. (xxiii) NUISANCE. No noxious or offensive activlty shalt ieo on wibhin rhe be -7- owners and conrri:l;lsD3f;iii tNBeTRffiHa i, "no debris on the contruction "it"-it the end of each day. Trash and debris-;h"ii16"-.urou"d from rhe sire at least once a weet io-dr,"-"IJ"""t solid waste disposal s1t,e aoproved by eatie-county, Colorado or the Town of vaiil coforito.-'5in.., and conEractors a(e prohtblred r:oln.guTpins, buivins, -or-uuiniig-.ru.n anywhere in rhe subdivili;;: ---., owner and conrr"lllltlnffi;or'u"n 119ylatng. adesuare_eanrtiiy-i"iiirtr"s for .bis const,rucElon workers. --be .\,i .rr- (xxvii) PARKING AREAS.. Construction crews and other construcffiA-lfionne.l. shal.l not parj(on publlc roads or use other iots, Tracts A and B or the Road for parktnt pu;;;;""-i,liing consrrucrion. be done or permiEted or private nuisance. (xxiv) EQUIFMENT. Owners and SToRAGE OF MAIERTALS AND _--_ _.rr vv..r.r crr,Ll.rr D <ttt: pgEnlEued to :::::..:9.:!:!:!_i"l,rnarerial.s and esuipri,ni'on-tr,"ily'::::.::l:!l:"rton stre ourins -ir,"-"JiiJt;;"il;" lll,.::":::::!lon marerliis ;;;-;;";;;";;":;;i;';:'. :i: | +y^:.lll"9l _lI9e9I ]y -."u"i"i-;;I"';;;";iii'"ili"n il:ll_!: rhe reslonirurircv. Ji-inl"6"iil"il.irl ;:fi::::':l;.^9I3':: :rl-:"1!:;.i;i"-'iii iir"ii".u,u,ll1lg";,,1:::f"::.?r stori ;;;;;i;i; Ji-iniiii,:;;.;;other Ownersr Lots. LII:i_ii) REsroRArroN oR REPATR oF F:*i :3?plllyil 3AIAG*.' _ffir".ill53 l.Il, ;l:l:31.y_T:^ s;!_ j !;i t "a - i" - ;i ii:, .;.;:: Illjil, g:iu"yl":-oi o*,ei-irpill""il"il i!"ii,::::i:::':,^:i.?:v-:":1, d";;;;-;;;;;:; ii llli' o" ;;:"::;:.pronpErv ar rhe "ipii"i-Ji'iiu'Juliji 31,"r^n plvrsloN oF TlrE ROAD. Subdivision, nor shal. I anyt.hing whlch shall constitute a pubfii contracEors Percentage Ownership in the Road Aoourt,enant to che ioi - --'- "-*- 9.09r 9.09t 9.09t 9.09r 9.09r 9.09r 9.09r 9. 09r 9.09r 9.09t 9.10r owners in the .'lllillrffir.oii. .r,"conducr and behavl::,:! in;ji-igin.", euesrs,:;B:;;;l::i:l::r rnvlrees, uuir6ers, conrracrors, and q (a) rn:^*:l_d.- (rracE c) 1s hereby divided,conveyed, and made appurtenant io certain of Ehe LoEs .rocared in Block 2 ai'a;ii;;;; '- Lot I 2 J 4 5 o 'l o 9 10 'll (b) Each Lot wit,hln Block 2 ilo its appurt,enant inreresr in bhe Road shati ;; i;;ap".uiiJ ;;; ;I;,"or conveyed, -8- Leased, devised or encumbered one without Ehe other. A bransfer bv an ovrner or regii titr" io iir-;;;;y porbion or a Lot r+'i thln grock 2 sharl u,iioriri"arry iiin"i"i' a proporEronare interesE in the.appurtenant lnterest in tt," noia. No interest in the Road uv :tiiii-;ii"i.-;;anred,-"onuiyuil'o, assisned by an owner separate frorn his roi, except Ehac-ti,6 Road may be dedlcar,ed rb tne puuii""rici-ii" pri'or wriieen consenE of 5rr of the owners oe l:.t r,ot"-*ttt,in eloct z. (c) Unless dedicated !o !f," public, t,he Road shall be owned in common by the Orrners of all. lbt"-i"'si;"r z ( hereinaft'er' in -paragraph" i-tt,iough rl "uri"a-iouners - ) and shalt remarn undivio6o.' llo-orn"r _itratt u;;;;, any righr of partition wl.h respect Eo the Road, ano eactr-Jrn". waives any and arr rights of lart.ltron t"--ray hor.d by virtue of his ownership of an undivioeo rnlerlsi in the'noii-i" a renanr in common wiLh t,he other owners:-- -- '!vg\. c. ( d') Each owner shatr be e.ntitred to use Ehe Road in accordance ',irh.rhe purpose ror-uiri;;-i;-;""iniino.o, wirhouE !i-1!erinsr irp"g1!s,'oi-irfoiing upon rhe rishLs or rhe orher o'ners and 1n accordance with ttie iules ana-i"iurations dury ;::"i:l:led rron urre io iril iv-r;;';;"il;"['iB;, as provided 6. ADMrNrsrRATroN aNn Mrnr Road ind oln"adninletered and lgngs-J-ui-ii"-e""ociarion pursuanr ro rhis DecraraEton, the Artr6fig-i,t-ii.orpor"rlon, ino-tr,u Bylaws of the Associarlon. . Each orn"i "iiiri'u"-"-ilJ,i,u!l-oi rr,.Association and shar.r r"riin i"iemu.r unrir-tre Juu""" ro be an orrner. Each r"r?:: "t,iii-cornri :rricrty,{ir.h r,he provisions of rhis Declaration and or tn! irticres of rncorporation and Bylares of che essociation. -dicii.nember sharl be'bound by and shall. compJ.y wirb rureJ,--i.giiiii""r, resolurions, and decisions of the .lssociitio;-;;iy nade or adopred in the manner set fort,h in the erticles-oi i"i;.norarion or Bylaws. Failure of any nenber bo conply "iir, ",i"ir.provisions, rules,regurarions, resolutioi" oi-'auJi"ri,n" ;h;rr-6"-;'ground for an actton ro recover aanat-s-or-ii'outain-i;J;niiii" reri,ef, or borh' malntainaure by-ih" ii"JJ'irton on beharf of rhe orher o,ners' or ln tn:-tll*r caiir-5i "n aggrieved owner., rn addlllon, the Aseoctaiton,"-sifu;r" nay authorlze Ehe Association, during rhe perioi of any.o"ii"iriiiv, (a) Bo revoke a derinquenE orun"i"i-iigfii ro use the noad, and (b) Eo suspend a memberrs_votin9. priuil-"gu", however, no such suspenston 6hall affecr ttri ifi[is of a Firsr Lienor. not limited to sr ,r!r..s:ss, rxarrrcclneo ,( rncluding but bv the Associarrj:" t;:::i]J' I:n:,.tI"u, improvua, and (eplaced 1 S#I!!'AT:*+N3:+Epll|9otrrre'noeo. ?he Road sharr :l ;:i,'i:;:;::'l::;, :t;i:i:;;,.i;:!li. ri:i.?5'ffi; 3ll,':3ili:: :ii::*:l3l i::::" or aanite;-";;;.;:lil"ill35i"5'1"13i""0."aE,tgrneys, f ees. NSES. :;,.:,:l:::";i: ::;lij; :::i-ihi:li;i1;:;; ;: Ti[:";l;l"l"lli'i,:il1'i"l:i;olil.':l:'l: -:l:l:; ;";;;';; =i;";;"::':l:i":;i": :lligi"#i i:""I:-o:. il{li_ e" i1i"i.i:; ;;;:;='f,;"lii ;l;1i",;;,,05iii,,ff *:ii$:i"i:i;:.i;".:;:::.t,"1!f"iilii,u"n 8. (a) Each-Owner ohall pay connon Expenaea ana noio iiip"i"Il,followg: a- pro rata share of Ehe which proration shall be as -9- Owners in of Lot Comnon Expenses Road Expenses Block 2 NO:Percentage Share of Common Ex pens es - 5. 88r 5.88r 5.88t . 5.88r ' , 5.88r 5.88r 5. 88r 5 .88r 5.88r 5.9r 5,9r Percentage Share of _Comnon Expenses - s.88r 5.88r 5.88r 5.881 5.88r 5. 88r l z ? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 'I 1 Owners in of Lot Block L NO: t z 3 t 5 owners in Block 2 No:of Lot Percentage Sbere of Road Expenses ' 9. 09t 9 .09r 9.09r 9. 09$ 9.09r 9.09r 9.09r 9. 09r 9.09r 9.09$ 9.L0r I z 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 I1 (b) The board of directors (the ,Board.) of the Associarion shar'l rix, -aetei;i;;, revv ano .JriJ"t annual. and speclal assessmen!: !g _ue piio'-[y each of rhe orrrners ro meer the. Cornmon Expenses and Road ExDi ::i!:ts.:t y ;i;;;;; ;;;,;;;;.'"iiliiFi."ii".;";iiiiiguor """,,llscal year of the AssociaCion,-ttre Board "iraii-bdopt a budeeE f or that year. rhe buaf et-"r,iir incruae, [ili-Jr.,"rr no! be linited to, an estlnat"-"i ti'r'i-lort" of naintenun.", repair and repracement of rtre noaa,-lr,""io!t" ot connon-iii"n""", Ehe cosr of services to be .provideO UV-if,e Association, t,t " cost of lnsurance requlr.e!' pv ;;;;s;;p;"b n"i"in;-;;;,piopo""o capical expendirures- r!" uuoset irrair in.i;;;";n-uo"uiii.e reserve fund for common Expensis-";;-;;u; eip"""", i;=;;;", char such expenses nay be !:i9. tor. ttriouff,-regutar instaJlrnents of assessmenEs rather^!lr"l.Uy "p.iiul assessnents. For Ehe Associarion's current riitai".i;;;,.rh;-a"iij-ihall adopr rhe budger ar iEs n"Il^r:!iing-in.a-ousignare rhe daEe of commencemenE of the nexE innuar-u"""""r"nt., with the cos!s for common Expenses and i;;; ;;;;;;"; and any reserve fund needed therefor based on a good faitn-JJtimate of those cosrs, said estimate nay be basej on it"-"o"[" incurred by sinilar associarions in the g"n"rii-rJ;;i". -Thereafbar, the cost,s of connon Expenses ana ioao-iip!"Il" and any reserve needed therefor sharl be on utre uaiit oi-tr," previous yearls cosbs :_il! such adJusrmenrs thereto-as-ttu-sl"i;-;;;"i;;."appropriate. The budget "r,iir-ireo lncl.ude rhe annuar assessnent, for each owner. ip"ciaf a"se""rnui;; ;;iy be tevied - I0 - '/rhenever in the oplnion of the Board it 's necessary or advlsable ro do a6 (t) ro-niii rncreaJio-ipuiiirng o,maintenance expenses 9l.99sri, i'iij-!;-;r;ilil.ro. addirional caplEal expensLst. gr (ili) Ueiau:.:_gI emergenciegi however, if :1"-$??osed addir'lonai-cipiiii expenses ar anv siven rlme are rn excess of 40r of Ehe exisrlns. b[;;;;; J.i"i"i*p"nses rnay be lncurred only aftg: ttre Ownei", Uy tbe vote of, Ehe Owners bearing at' Ieaet 75t of tre iorinnon'Expenses, approve such expenses. Atr annual assessments shair. u"-6uuEa upon an approved budget; all other assesstnents sharl be in iEenized starenenr form and sharl ser forrh th; ;;;;ir-Jt rr," various expenses for whlch t.he asseggments ar" U"ing-*i0". ( c) The Board sball Drepare and provide to. each Ourner a staLenent for Ehe annuaJ. asgisstient and iny special assessnent aqainst his Lot. Annual u"i"J"r"itl for. che budgeted.conrton-Expenses ano iloaa g*p"n."i"'iiiiir be paid in guarterry lnscalrmenr,s, each tucir inliJrir"nl:oue and payabre in advance on the frrsi aay oi-eacu catenaii-qu-urt,"r, or more rrequenr insralrmenrs as riv-1"-a";";;i;;;'ir"li,," Board.special aasessnents shalr ui iu" and. payabre-as bpecified in the writben notrce oe sucrr-iss=lssment provided by Ehe Board. (d) I.f any.assessment shall remain unpaid Een days arter Ehe due daee lhereori iiie.ai;ii ;il. iiini,i'! a penar.by on :::1 glf"ylrlns. oyne! tn in imounr equat ro t.5r of.such assessmenr. 'Likewise, a penariy equit to-i.ii-or the unpaid assessmen. may be lmp6sea-on irrl first day of each carendar month thereafrer so long as "ucl, u"i.""rria-inlir be unpaid. (e) An actlon nay bb bro_ught by the Association to recove.unpaid comnon. expe-nse -uno^ n6u j !in"iii"^lssessmenrs f rom fhe Ownet liable for the'paynent-thereof,-wiEh or rrithout ;:i;;i:;ins or walvins *,8-iiiii'o;;;;i;;A ii'inl rouowins (fI AII sunrs assessed but unpaid for the share of cornnon Expenses_ana noao-eip"i"-"g_"ssessed to any LoE shall conscitute a r.ien on such t-ot tn ravoi-"i-ciJ issociation prior to aIl other Iiens and encunOrinc""r.except: (1) J.iens for Eaxes and special assess;;;il;-;ra itii-if,;-ri!i ot any firsr InorEgage or frrsE deed of tru"t-of iec6rJ--iniiiu"ring "u"1,Lor. rhe Assocrariont"-rr"n-iiari irtii; ;;;;T;e dare when the unpaid assegamenE shall Uecorne due and nay become forectosed bv rhe essocrition]-irr"I-ir,"--jriiiaing o, sixry (60) days prlor urtrr,en ;;E1;; Eo trre d;";;-;;;-rir". Lienors,in tike nanner as a morr,gase on .eif -piiiiiti,.ilpin ttre recordlng of a notr"",or-"iiin"tbereoi ei<ecuieo-uy " mernber of Ehe Board on beharf oe-lrre-iiioiiatron_settlng forEb rhe anounr,of the unpald Lndebredn;;;,1;;-nane of Ehe oinar of rhe Lor ild a descriprion. of cr,"-i6r."-ri*anv-iuJii'rilii*i. recorded by .ne Associatlon ' the owner strarr be reguirea-io iuy ,r,. costs and expenses of'che prepai"ijii'"no recording of t,he Association,s llen, inciuoi"i-."i"":rabl.e att6rn"ye, fees. rn any such foreclosure, rhe O*iei-:*| be.require-a to pay all cosCs and expenses_oi.suefr-pioi".alng", incfuOini reasonable acrorneys' f ees. _-Durtns rr,i-p"riou, .S- r"illiliiii., rhe o'rner of the Lot subJect c,o sich ac[ion.shatt_p" Iueriied ro pay a reasonable rencal to rhe e"io"iilion. tr," l"ioiiatton shall be enEi tted ro purchase the r,oi -ii-ir,e rorecioiiii!-!ur., and ro acgulre, holdr lease, nortgage-oi .onnuy the sane.(S) No_Owner shall exenpi_hinself fron Iiability before paynent of hls-"r,"ie-oi"iile comrnon Expenses and Road Expenses either by waiver or-trri"u"e or enJoynent of the Road or by abandonnentl saler-tiinieir or conveyance of his Lor..(h) Sale or transfer of any Lot as the result. of court torectosur"_of_3_ firs[_nrrirrr] ;;;E;;s";=f,lr""to"ur"Ehrough the publlc. brustee of-i-irrsE.-prj.or-i€y deed of E,rusr,or any proceedinq ln lleu of foriclosuie of.a fiist prlorlEv tten, Incrudrns rtri riinsr;; ;;';' deed in:ir!u'ii'forecrosui", -11 - shalr entinguish bhe.rien of such assessJnents as to payments thereof, which becarne due prior to such sare or transfeE, buL shall not relleve any forner.owner of personal liabirity'Eherefor'. .The First 'Lienor or purchasir of any such Lot who gequires tit.le by rray of forecr6sure or the ea*ing of a deed in lieu bhereoi, and thalr successors and. assigns, sf,aIJ. not,however' be Liable-for any past due assessm6nt'ana siraii-6nry become liable for future isiegsnents on bhe daee it is delivered the deed in lleu of forecl.osure or public Trust.ee's Deed.- No subseguent sale or t,ransfer sbarl rerieve such Lot from llabilrtv for any assessnent,s Ehereafter becomlng oue or tron the llen t,hereof. rn the event of the sare or tiansfer of 1!ot.l+th respect to whlch suns shatl be unpaid by a defaulLlng Owner, except transfers t.o a FiEsL lienor in connecblon wtth a forecl.oeure of its lien or a deed in Lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such Lot shalr be Jointly and severarry riabre with the serler or transferor thereof for any such rinplia suns, and any liin fo.unpatd asseesments upon iuch lot inatt coniinuq t.o run wiEh such Lot . ( i) Upon wrltt,en ."qu""j of any oh,ner, mortgageer tI?"?::!1y .Torrgig!!r purchaeer or othei rransieree 6f-a ior,Ene Assoclatl0n shalr lssue a rrrl-Eten statement seEt,ing forth the amount of the unpard conngn Expenses and Road Expenses, if anyr. wlth reapect to such Lot, the amounl of the current monEDry asses,sment t,herefor, the date on which such assessment became or shaJ.r becone due ina Ehe imount of any credlt for prepald erpensea. such statement, for it,ir['i--i.."onab]e fee may be chargedl is binding upon Eire Ass6ciiCion-in tavoi-oi-iny P::":l^:hg.lly rely rhereon ln sood fairh. .unless a resuest ror such statement.sharr be conpried with wiE,hin 20 dayi afEer :.:::ip!^!!eregft arl unpaid comrnon Expenses and Road uipenses wnrcn Decalne due prior to Ehe date of, naking such requeit snatt be subordlnated !o the rlen or other intere6t of tbe person regu€sting such statetnent 'ljl Any. parLy in favor of wbon a lien on a Lot has Deen created nay but shall not be required to pay any unpaid comnon Expensee and,/or Road Expenses wieh respicl ro such Lot :!9 ypon such paynent,- such paity shalt have i tien on such Lor for the amount so paid of tbl saine rank as the rien theretofore exlstlng. 9. INSURANCE. nee$9a/'l ,/?,, , !a ) tne Assoclation shall, on behalf of .he Owners:qpiEl"yide and k"9p in force, for t,he prorecrion of rhe Assoclatronr its offlcers and direcbors, ana arr the owners and fl:::_11:"1::, g9ne5a] public rrauiiiiv'unJ-pioperry danase lnsurance agalnst ctalns for bodlry inJury oi aLatrr'oi-pi6perrv liii l 1 : ! 3 1 : ; f B :, 8'++,f ilt-lffi ;, i'. i : ti t "; j " ; ; i ; i; * " " ;'perSons arislng_out of one incidint-or-disasterr oE-for damage Io property, and if higher ]imlts shalr at any iime ue cust,onary Eo prot,ect. against poss4-B{e rort iiiUiiity, sucfr hisher rinirs sharr.be-carrrea<(TE ;;;;y-i;;ii"n.. in such anoun! as the Aesoclatlon. may co-rvra-er n"ci"riii or advisable agalnst Euch other lnsurable-bazards us ,nii-tio',n tir" to tlme be conmonly lnsured agarnst tn ttre case orlrpperty sinirar to the Road and slnllar locatlon,s elsewhere; (ii-j:Dcarry directors and offlcers rlabllity insurance in iucrr'utou#"-"s the Assoclatlon nay conglder necessary or advisable. (b) All insurance reguired to be carried under tlris paragraph shall be carried in iavor of the Association, the owners and alr Flrsr Llenors, as rheii ;;;p;;ri;i'inrui""l" ,"y aPPear, as named lnsureda. Each lnsurlnc.e pollcy shall pioviJl that no cancerlation thereof nay be nade by'the -in.urunc" earrier wllhour having- frrsr glven ro aiysi ;;io;- wrlrren nolice thereof t.o the tssoelatlon, the oiner! ana arr First Lienors. Each lneuranca polrcy e[ralr arso-coniiin o 'severabtllty of lntereeta' endorgenent, that provldes in case _t2_ ,>fi',-J ort;''-; of vioration of any_ prov'sion thereof by the Association or one or more (but legs thln-aIL) of the.ownels, ttre-coverage of such pollcy shalr be suspended or inuiriai-tii-i"iv="!-ro.n"inherest of the Ass;ciacion oi'tte owner oi-6rilr" committinq the vioratlon and not as-io ir,"-in.erest of .any other owner. 10. APPOINTHE{T gp AtTgSNEy_rN . Each owner by his i::::::i" nveyance vesllns in him an lnteresr rn a Lor-d99e irrevociur;";;i;t';;";:";i;t";;"li[ :l-l:;::+":l::-:1:h.rurl_powei oi-siu"rlrurion as hls brue and I3. REGISTR,I "n"ti'."r i"rf:;l :;:". raurur a rrornev :;. li:_ll'i, -irlll_-;;;";i:;u"io"iinlill li"tr. ",and deal' with -his lnrerest in'the Road and hls rlghts under thls oecraratlon so aa to pernlt tt" e"io"iiilon-ro turfirl arI of its and the owners' auries,-iuiiguli;;;-;;;:;1shr,s hereunder and under The Ridge at Vall ei""neni, with full fower, righc and aurhorizarlon ro execur,e, a"i'no"i";;;"";;*i"i,.uu, uny contract' insrrumenr of conv"yunc"-ii""iioiiig i,li no. rimired to Ehe dedicatlon of the no"o'to 51" pubric upon obbaining the wrttten approval of 5lt oi tt,u-Jrn"."), proof of loss, telease or other instrumenr affecatS,i-suc1r t"i6riii-ir-in" owner, and to take anv orher acrlon, *riic[-rn" A;;;;i;tion-m"v consider necessarv or advrsabre 16 -give "if""t a;-.;;:;;ovisions of rhis Declararton. ' rf requesred ro'oo-so uv-ii,""i"5iliurion, each .wner sharr execute -and delivei a. written. instrumenE confirminq such appolntnent. The aciton-or-*,"-eJ"o"iuiiii"'in sebrring any cralm wlth respecr ro rhe Road sr,iii-uu-ii"il and bindins on all. owners. No owner-"nirr-'iiue any rights agalnst the Assoclarion or any of tts oeftcri" o. iiruirois-,iiti, respect !o this uecraratlon -xcept rn cise it rtauo or gross negrigence. I1, QUALITV gp WOBK.. Any repairs, renovation or r es t ora t l6ilo-FTEfriiFb,y ttri lssocia t i on as a t tor ney_ i n- f a cr f or the oi{ners s}tarr-be l6n""in^"uctr rnanner-i"-io make the Road ar reasr as ialuabre airei--Juiii work as, ii-ri" iirmeaiarety before the occurrence reguirfng the lrork t,o be done. "no iSiu ffi ::liitliil:l::':t"1";,:;::l;:as long as such rear piop;;;;-i; purchased ar a forecr.osure :?1u, and Eanstble anb ii,tuniiii.g:i:?ose or rr,i-"ii". ;t ;;i;";;";irffii:l:t"f:"3;:.il;":li"HI rnteresr in any il:h_tr:p"Ity-"r,irr o" oinu;-uv..ir," owners in Ene same.proporrion ai tireir'.""pectiv"-i;;;r;ir! in bhe comnon uxpenses and shalr not be trun"i'urabre except wlth a transfer of a Lot' The transfer ot-i-i,ot-sharl. transfer to the E ransferee ownershrp-oi lrt"-riln"feror ,;-;;;;;;"iar incer esr i n such proper ry wirh"i,t inv'-iuiii]i"". E,hereto . Each owner nav use.such property tn acc6rair""-"itr, Ehe purpose for which it rs rntended' wlthout^hrnaeiiid-oi. encroaching upon the rawful rights of the oEher. Owners. in"-trunsfer of title ro a Lor under f orec.l'osur e slrali enir ti"-trri -pu."r,"i" r'ii'ir," beref i cia I rnEerest 1n such properry assocliteo'wiirr-ttri iJr"crosed Lot. except ror nonEhrv staiirn6nti-iii-ofi;; ;;;ri;:";:ii:ll; iii other norlces or lernand; i;;;.;;i..o u. served upon an orrner shatt be senr bv errhei-t;;i;;;;ia o, cerriried inair., posraee prepald, addresied-iii -rr,i-i;;:';; tr,e own"i-ii'"iiltn resisrered naillng addrese. -_lff. notfc"", ilmunOs or other noEices intended ro be served upon-Ei! i!"o"rurlon shar.r be senr certlfied malL T:!3?:'p."p"ia,-ro_rhe address or rhe Associarlon as oisrsnire-o ri r[! gvri;; ;;-;;;'.r;oc:.ation.r{' ACCESS ,ry:- Decraran. desires to provide to the oi.rner s orTriEslETiEnroci - i, - the_ r ish r or . inir ".s r o a nd egress from rhetr Lots'to-iili iiao ttraet c) and-oeclarant hereby eranrs ana assis;; ;;-";;i o*n", of Lor,s I and e,Block 2r o D€EDeruat n6ii"*iiuiiii *u""^ent and rlghr_of-wav ( Ehe .Easernintil gni"{, ;;;;;-;;io""_"na--ii,irigi-ihat portion of said Lots I ind 9 aesignil"E-ina-a"";rit;;';; "lrre rrnar pr.at - lJ - of the subdivi.sion as ',10 Foot Access and ut.irity Easenent. for the purpose of conarrucring, mainraini;9, i"iiiii.e, enrarging and reconsrructlng a roadway or drivewaf'rr,eI-uiin-!roviJi;; 'vehleuJar and pedeetrlan lnlress to and egress-iiorrr said Lors I and 9 to the Road. The Easenenr hereby giin--a-ino assignio shalr run.sirh rhe land and shalr ue aipfriJninr-to each of said toes 8 and 9, such that a transfei-by an orn"r of regal lit.le co al.l'or any portlon of said r,ots -8 oi i,si,af I - automaticarly transfer a proporLional interest tn b,he Easenent. (a) The ouners of, Lots 8 and 9, Blgck 2, shall, as a joint and egual. expense, maintain, repaii, improvi and r6prace as reasonably necessary the road or driveway iocated on tire Easernent. the naintenance of t,he Easement itrari incf ude snowplowlng-and show removar.fron said roadway. rf Ehe need for repatr ig caused through the negligence o'r-wirlf,ul act of any,owner, hls fanll.y, agent, guest or invicee, such o$ner sharl bear the entlrl coit oi iuch repair oi-i6"on"r.u"tion. (b, Notwib.hsEanding anyLhing contained herein bo Lhe contrary, the owners of said Lot g or Lot g Jliir have no obligation nor incur any expense in "onn""Lion-"itt, naintenance and repair of rhe EasenLnr inctuding p;;"i;i;; ii"urun"" ""I:s!|1:9,in paragraph r6 below, untit'ru"rr-[ii.-i" "on"rrucrion or pr.lrrolng or strucE,ure on hls Lot has actuarly connenced or he otherwlse,rs naktng substantrar'use-oi-i[E-ii""menE. once such constructlon or use hae occurred, tt," ownei from thence forward, regardless of fut,ure use of tris Loi oi-or tne EaaemenE.r s.halr be Iiabre for all oblrgatio""-i"i naintenance,repai'r and'insurance with respect to tie easeneni as herein provided. lq .1.5 ,EASEMENT TNSURANCE. 17. EASET{ENT . RIGHT IO LIEN. (a) The owners of Lots g and 9, Block 2, shall each provide and keen in force for tbe protecEion of.hinseli-geneial public-liabtrlry and properry dana;. iriiii""I-ug"insr craims for bodlly inJuiy or 6eaLtr. oi prop6rty.-airisuloliurring in, on or upon rhe Easen?l!_alq^the improvendnrs thereon, in i fiirii of nor less than. $soor0oo.00 in'respecr of bodiry injury or {9ath. to anv numbir of pereona arrsins ",i; ;;-;;i acerdenr or dlsaster, or for danage-to property, ina-ir-r,rsi;", rimirs ar any tlne sharr be.cusEomary to prolect against-fossible tor!rtabiltty, such !rlgher ttnits sf,arl b. ;;;;i;j.''eacr, owner of Lots I and g shall name the other owner and lhe Association as an addirtonal lnsured party under any such-pori"v provided in accordance wlth thls paragiaph lo. (b) Each such owner of,LoLs 8 and 9 shall deliver to t'he other owner and the associaiion ""rtiri"it""-"uidencing the insurance requlred ro be carrrJJ under-i;i;-;;;;sraph ld, each containing agreenents by the insurSrs no. to-canier or rnodify Ehe pollcles wlthouE giving the othei orn"i'uii"ir," e""ociar,ion wriEten norlce of. such can6erraLion or *"oiei"ition at reasr 30 days prior to such cancetraiion-o. modifi.cation. Each such oi'Jner and Ehe Assoclatl0n shalr have the right Eo inspect and copy at1 such insurance poricies of the-oa;;;-";;er and reguire eviclence of the paynent if prerniuns thereon. (c) Nothing_provided in rhis paragraph 16 shall prevenE such owners of Lots g and 9 rroit Joiniiy acquiring a slngle policy to cover any one or nore of the hizaras required 1.1^lhl.:_farasraph ld ro bl separar"ii-tn"u;; ;;;;"sr by eacb sucn owner. (a) Elne, shall If the owner o{ lgt I or Lot 9, B}ock 2, aE. any neglect or refuse to perform or iay his. share of' - l{ - any obligat.ion reguired,under paragraphs 14, r5 or r.6 herein,Ehe other osner or the lgsocialton may, but shall not be obligated to, af ter 20 days I prlt.t,en -n6tice, unless rtre cireunstances regulre lrnnediate action, maki sucr, payment t oE r on behalf of such other 9wn9l, expend iuch sum as ira! Ue necessary to perform such obri.gation incruding, but noc rimited !g' t'he payment of any tngurance prerniuns req[ireo hereunder or Ene undertaklng of any work requlred hereunder for repalr,resE.oratton or malntenance. (b) All sums so paid or expended by an owner pursuant to paragraph 17(a), wlth interest thereon at the rate o! tgt per year f'rom the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by che ouner so faltlng- to perforn (-Ehe 'aeraurting-owner') upon demand of the other owner (c) Alr suns so demanded.but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constltute a Jlen on the t,ot bf the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner or lhe Association lrioi to all other llens and encunbrances, except: (i) liens Eor taxes and spectal agsegenenr,sr (!t) rh; tien-or iny ti;;r ,"irgii"-o,flrst deed of trust of record encumberlns iui,n-ior, and (iii)the J.ien of lhe Assoclation for any unpaid conmon Expense or'Road Expense assessrnenta. The tten strirr attach f ro-m the daee yfrpl t,ne unpatd sun shall become due and-nii-1"--rorectosed in rr.Ke manne.r as a- mortgage on rear propert,y upon the recordlng of a noEtce or cr.aln [hereof execuled-uy iire'nonaetauiai;;- - owner settlng f,orEh the anount of the uirpaid indebtednet!, tne name of the defaulting owner, and a aesciipiro"-it rhe LoE. rn any such f,oreclosure, the defaurting owner'slrait ue reeuiiia i6 pay Ehe cost'g and expenges of, such iroceeoingi,-incruaing reasonable atlorneys. fees. (d) The rien provided for herein sharl be subordinate bo the lien of any firsl nortgage or deed of trust and the lien of Ebe Associatlon-for unpaid-c6lrnon-Expense and Road Expense assessrnents, including all additional abvances on such riens.sare or transfer.of any Lot as t,he resuib oi-"ouit forecLosure of a firsr prlorlty rnoit.gailg 9r the Associaiions; 1i.en,forecrosure through utre pulrrc trustee of a first pri.orit.y deed of trusE, or any.proceeding in lieu or roreciosuie or sucrr firsE prioriEy llensr- incr[ding the transfei oi-a oeeo in Li.eu of torectosure of such. tlrst piiortty li;;;; sh"ff exiingui"h-such rlen as ro paynenrs ther-eof wnr'ch ueciire-due prioi Eo-iiicir sare or r,ransfer, but shall nor reriev.-ini"ioiiJr owner of personal l1abi11ty therefor. The Flrsb r.,i'enor oi purcnaser of :!gh lgt who acgulres ritre by way of forecrosuie ot such firsc prlorlty lien or Ehe. taking of a deed ln rieu inereor, shal]not' however, be llable toi any past. due assessrnen! and shaj.l only become rlable for future isiessnrents on the- daee it becomes the owner of such r,oi. --iro. subseguent sar.e or qransf er shaIJ. ret leve such Lor fron tlabtiiii-ioi-;;i ;;;""snenrs thereaft.er becomrng due or tion ttre rien uheieof. rn the even!of, Ehe sare or transfer of a Lot ,itr,-ie"p""i-io'"r,ich sums :|111 be unpald Py o-defautttng-olrnerr €xcepr rransfers ro a Flrst Llenor or lhe Associatloi tn connection with a foreclosure of its Iien or a aeea in lieu t,hereof, Lhe purchaser or ottrer rransferee oe an -ii;;;";;-;;-!ucrr r,oc sharl be joincly and severally rlabre wrth Ehe serrer or LransEeror thereof for any such unlald sums, and_any lien for unpaid suns upon such Lot shall conllnue to iun witfr-sucfr foi. (e) ttpon grritten- reguest of. any osner, nortgagee,prospectlve mortagee, purchaser or other'piosp"6tiu" t,ransferee of elther tot 8 or Lot-g' Br.ock 2, the owner of the other Lot using the Easement shall'issue a writ.len "iit"r.nt serbing forth the amounr he ts owed under crris ;.;;;;;;;l rr any, wirh respecr bo such Lor. such statement is'uiniini-upon the execut,ing owner i.1_f1vor of any person wtro miy'r"iy tt,"i"on in good fait,h, untegs a,reguesc ioi such statemenE sharl be complled trith 'rrlEhln 20 days af ter recelpl Chereoi, all unpaid - lq - sums which became due shall be subordinated person requesttng such prior to the date of to the lien or other sta tement. naking such request rnteresE, of t.he 18 ?illclF+IpipyT+Ilol=gF:Pl9liRlT . rhe condirions,I:":::"f* ."ifiEo.ililii"lij* :;.. : :":l:, :i::"i- :. -: ti-liiia rii',ijlii "i" It,,i;;':;"1;'Fi l."l?:::,:l:i'llll3::.:19, :: :i :il:l- ir-;;;p;;;; ;;i;.:l;:'nil'i"il", :: : :? :: : i :p:.:::" :l :iy":, .su cciss".! - ifio -"-i siii! ="'ij6 ii] r i i;:.:ll: *:,:::r jl:":.i19_95r""!-i;,-;-p;;iot"ir-io' iilii r,",ll:', j"1:^1"'::f I _:n3. g1eleai';;-;";-;.;"!;; i;i ii, ilu{.li"rli I:::i",.,":1, ::t:::..!ll: p9911rar!;; ;;;i;;-;;; il;;"ii,iio"i3 :::lln::dl 11. glgy!aeo rreiein, -iy"r"-;;;;;a'ii"illii"fiI., di recElng termliratlon. 19. AMENDMENTS. Thu conditions, restrictions,:::p:1"li6ffi-reEmenrs and covenanrs conrained herein shalr not, be abandoned, termlnaEed or anended ;;;;;;-;y written consent of t,he Owners and plrst Lrenors as follows: (a) paragraphs l through 4r 6r g through .L0, 12 and 13 bv such approvar oi zsi oi-tti orn"ri ot iri-ior", and 75t of the First i,ienors of aII iot!-. (b) paragraphs 5, 7 and 11 by such approvar of 75$ of the owners or all iot! in-irocl"i ino-isi-ii lt5'i,irsr Lienors of al.l Lots ln Block 2. ,'( c) ., paragraphg l4 through lg by such orrners of r.ors e aia i, -etd"i"il'uno rhe Firsr ewo Lots. approval of the Llenors of such (d) All other paraqraphs herein by such approval of 75t of owners or oii-iot5-iit-isr of arr riist-ii"nor". :I.r;i; ' '"o;:;:"f.:;i"'""underrakins r,o "orpiv "irt -iiI'r,'pr6visio;-;i ;hi" Decrararion, i!!?i:: li;;;":l',;l!:::l;1,;:,;:::rvaLion ;'-dirli-?r !iile,oec r a ri t i i,il - i i r " r,ir i-ue -;";i;"1;::;r:ll,:;.1i":::, "i":: t;,ocher insLrunenr, uy wrrich-ani-rignr, iiii;-;;-iit"r""t in any rand in the subdivi"ion-i"-giuni;0,'oeviseo-ir-conveyeo,wherher or nor ""r-ioi-rr,-i.'ililrrio ro-in-siir,-a"eo or orher instrumenr,. (ii). shiii,-'uv-"iii""^ gr 1"gqiti""" of any rishr,tirle or in!'eresr -in uity-ioni-rn trr. suuoiuiriin'oy an ovrner,be deened accepredr-rueiti.J] Joopt"o and declared as a personar covenant of such own"i-u-nai.";.'; iir"i"lr covenanE,shal.l be bindlng on such Ownei-and his heirs, personal represenr,arivesr. eucc€ssors and 31"f!^"i-ini,"f,i=ir be deerned a personal covenant-to, wtth-"nO'-eor the benefit of the Assoclation and or eich-oinui-oi-any land in-fn".subdivision,and, (i1i) shall ue aiJnei"i-.Jif_"ovenan!-by oecraranr, for hlnself, his successors and aisfgns, and also an eguitable servitude, running, in eactr;;;;, as a.uurden ritr,.no upon the ticle r,o each ano-iviiy-i;; ;;-Tracr in rhe suuoi,vi"i.on.2I. ENF.R.EMENT: fn addiEion to any other righes granted hereln, iET;lEEt,gon sharr uiii"r" or threaren to yiolate anv of the provlsioir: of . ttr"-o".iir-ar1on, i;-;;ii ie rawfut for-Decraranr, rhe ass-ocriri;"-;;-;;; orrner ro insriture proeeedlnss at t"t-:t-11. "s,1itv.'!o enforce.rhe provislons of thls Declaratlon, to restrifn tfre.person violating or t,hreatenlng bo vioiite-t;;;"u;;'ro recove danages, acruaJ. and ?:lt:i:;,,ili";i:;i.Eos"ih;i iiir, reasonabre urio,nuy", rees, 22. GENERAL: (a) rf lly of the provielons of, this Decr.aration or a.ny paragraphl senrince, claise, -prii"".-ir-"iioi=I, u,. - 15 - appricacion t,hereof i.n,any ciicumstance be inva-Lidated, such invalidtty shalr not affe;t Ehe varidity of the remainder of this Declararion, -and r,he application-oi ;;y-;;"; provision,paragraph, sentence, clausel'phrase or word in any other circumstances shall not be ieiecteO tt,"i"Uv. (b) Whenever used herein, unless the concexE shaLl otherwise- provide, the singurar number sharl include t.he plurar, the plurar ehe sin{ular and trre use-o;';;i' gender sharl include all. genders. (c)with bhe laws ( SEAL ) ExEcurED as of znis 44ay , 19/'.5: this Declaration shall be construed in accordance of the State of Colorado THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCTATION - ,//(-7 .irt'rr\,1rta, FIRST INTERSTATE BANK OF N, A.DENVER, STATE OF COUNEY OP -..-. *",-u.lo- .J/'E'i;^f':;1 instrurnent uas acknowledged before me ss. -this 'Witness ny and and Hy connission expires: STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ss. nstrument was acknowledged before me Irl-f{plRe sevrffifi l?91, by nrke Rrnaldl and FS of said associatlon. r eman , offi cia Not a ry Notary Hy comnission explres: -17- STATI OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF OEI{VER )) ss. ) before me this ,'as Vice president OEI{VER, l{.A,, on behalf of said bank. -18- )t\ \ Ll ) ' '. j w -t- <'' - \t --' .13 ,- 7 f, t'L S- !c-,q- 6..r, O. I''J i ORDINANCE NO. 26 Series of 1987 "'ou!T{"'n,4ov{ ti",;;'' d+lar AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ZONING DISTRICTS ON PARCELS OF PROPERTY IN THE RECENTLY REANNEXED WEST VAIL AREA INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LIONSRIDGE FILING NO.2 AND FILING N0.4, RIDGE AT VAIL, AND CLIFFSIDE. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail, Colorado,'recently re-annexed a portion of the llest Vail area, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, effective on May l, 1987, as depicted in the attached Exhibit A; and l..lHEREAS, Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Munjcipal Code sets forth procedures for the imposition of zoning districts in recently annexed areas; and WHEREAS, Section 31-12-115 (S) CRS, 1973, as amended, requires the Town to bring newly annexed areas under zoning ordinance within 90 days after the effective date of annexation; and I,jHEREAS, an application from the owner of Phase III of The Val1ey has previously been zoned as Specjal Development District 16, sajd rezoning shal 1 remove the parcel from the jurisdiction of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vajl has consjdered the zoning to be imposed on the re-annexed area at a public heari ng nd has made a recommendation to the Town Council to adopt zoning as proposed in this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interests of the publjc health, safety and welfare to so zone said property. NOI,I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAiNED BY THE TOI^IN COUNCIL OF THE TOI^JN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section l. Procedures Fulfilled The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed upon the recently re-annexed west Vail area as set forth in Chapter 18.68 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfjlled. Section 2. A parcel located jn the Valley known as Special Development Meadows, as generally shown on the attached Exhibit B, shal OTdJNance. THE REMAINDER OF SAID AREA SHATL BE REZONED AS AND INCORPORATED IN EXHIBIT B. Distri ct No. 16, Elk 1 be exempt from this SET FORTH AS ATTACHED Section 3. As provided in Section 18.080.030 of admjnistrator is hereby directed to map to indicate the zoning specified Section 4. the Vail Municipal Code, the zoning properly modify and amend the offjcia'l zoning herein. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordjnance is for any reason held to be invaljd, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remajning portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares jt would have passed thjs ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invaljd. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vai1 Municipal Code as provided in this ordjnance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violatjon that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revjve any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 2lst day of July , 1987, and a public hearing shalI be held on thjs ordinance on the __tulJ_, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail 21st day of Municipal Bujlding, Vai1, Colorado. Ordered publ i shed in ful'l thi s 21st day of July , 1987. Kent R. Rose, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON this ATTEST: READING AND ORDERED SECOND day of PUBLI SHED , 1987. Paul R. Johnston, Mayor Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk -z- e. Exhibit A LECAL DESCRIPTION 9l of. Lorg 20 and 21, Secc!.on l, and part of 5 South, Range 8l Uesr, of the Slxrh princloal descrlbed as a vhole as folloue: the N l/2 Seccloo !?, ol! :n Townahlp Hei id tan, EagLe Councy. Co!,orado, Be8tnnlng ar an exlsrlng brass cap oonunen! .oarktng che N I/4 corner of aard sec_llon IZi chence N00.OI'02,,U 61,12 [eec, along rhe vescerly llne of Lor t, The Rldge ar vall accordlnS ro rbe oap rhereof recorded at Receprton No, 202g00, ro rhe boundary of Lton'0.'Rrdge subdrvrsion Flllng xo, 4 occordtng ao rhc nop rhcreof r€corded 8r /Recep(1on Ho. 2e279t,i thence tie follgutng tuo*coursca olong the vest_::)L i:1 _^?rrherly ltnes of satd L!<rn's Rtdge Subdlvlston FtI!n8 No. a: (l) N00.0t,02"9 1307'56 feer; (z) Ng7'51'42"E rl7B.l9 feer, co rhe northeaiterly corner of rrld Lloo'e Rldge subd.lvlslon Ft!rng No, 4;-,!:r.r che folrovrng srx courses along che exts!lng Tovn of Vatl boundary: (l) 506.04,J9,,rl I]?9.5t fu.l "fong rhe easrerly Ilne of satd Llon's Rldge Subdrvt!r"i-itii"g No. a; (2) s88"17,49,,u 300.00 feec rlong che sourherly Irne of sord Lron's RtJge subdtvislon FlIlng No. {t ro che norcheascerly corner of Lron's Rrdge Subdrvisron Fr),tng No. 2 alcorotng, ro rhe m0p thereof recorded ar Recepclon No. l2lZIgl (J) sOO"Ol,ZS,,u tgS.lg feet along the easrerly line of satd Llon's Ridge Subdiuiiton Fiting No. 2i (4) departlng sar.d easterly line and conrinuing s0o;ol'25"u gg.62 fecr, ro rhe souiherly righr-of-va1.Ilne of Llon's Ridse Loopi (!) (88.67 (eec along said righc-of-vay on the arc of a l77l'95 foot radiui curve !o rhc righr, having a ccn!rar angle o( r5.4g,0(,,, and havlng a chord (har bears S5t.lg,OC;u iCl.l? fuect (6) S59.12,06,,rJ l2il.l0 feer along sald right-of-vay llne to che e.rsrerll, line of Lton,s Ridge subdlvislon lllilt f". !. according co !hc mrp chcrcof recorrJcd rr Recepr ion No, lg7l93; rhence contlnutnB along the exlstlng Tovn of !aLl boundury ond along the easterly Iine of sald,LIon's Rtdge Subdtvtsioi F tng No. I Nl7.09,lt,,tr 60.4l feer, !o rhc norrhcr_Iy rtgh(-o(-vay line of sotd Llon's-Rtr.tge Loopi thcncc. conrinuing along the exisrlnc Tos'n of Yail boundary and sard norrhlrly rtgh!-of-eay rtne N59.12,06,.8 gg0.ll feet' to rhe mosG u"rruilv.";;;;;i';;;;'lron,, Rrdge subdrvision Fr!ing No. Ji :l"ltu, che folloving nine courses "i""g-itt" er.isting Tovn of va!r boundary ond (he eascerly and norrherly Irncs of said t-ion;" ni.rgu Subdivisron Fr,l ing iro. l: (r)Nl9'54'08"u 310.95 feer; (Z) S69.46;:O;u"r.s.2t feecl (3) 255.16 feec atong t!re arc of a 115.00 fooc radius:uru" ::_clrc rtghr, lr"uing s cencral angle of l0g.t),q0,,,and having a chord rhar-bears N56.01 ,qOiw itA.8i i.,cri (() Sg4.;5,t0,,u O2t.o: ielrl (5) s50'05'oO"u 330.00-l:"1! !o) sis.ii,;oiu eeo.oo feer; (7) s74.45,00,.u 1lo.oo feecl (8) s66'15'00"rJ.5j2.96 i";,;-isi-rjl:o fcer along rhc arc of a 130.00 foor radlus curve ro the rl.ght._hcvinS rr ";"i;;i anglc gf OS.S],1I,,, and having a gheld thac bears slo'ol'49"tJ 11.35 furi. ,u-ir,u""u","rly llnc of soirl Lion's Ridgc sub-dtvlslon Ftlinc No. 2 arso being inu ruti"rty lrne of satd sacr, lon r?; rhcnce NoIr 35'59"8 l52i.t6 f"u,:]?lF ruiJ"";;;.;i;';i""r. r. cne norrh,,,esrcrly corner of scid secrion l2r thence Ng8'l9ir.l"E 2475.;i-i";; aloog, rhe norcherly line of said Lion,s Rldge Subdivision FrlinB No, 2_also i.i"r:- ir," norcherry rine of said sccrion 12, co (he nor!hves!erIy corner.of_said Lor t,;h; Ridgc ur t,iil; rlrcnce conrirrui^g ;rlong 3he-nor(herIy ltnc o( said sccrion tz anj ir,"' norrhurry lrn(.of srid Lur r. sgg.l9,1l"E 280.00 feer, to rhe point of Uuer";i,,8. igt:;\:'. .t\\\1 \ N-ffi}\ .l'l-r-f+A' 'l-fi-+t-i+**ll-*+1-l.Hit t'l-t-tt-F+ry M, lq,ol-i$+.. \&B)\yA (o-J \ v6] iX\3;:\ o x o:r\ Hffir iB"iffi i*?3i; Etyr;txoxo .\k irW ti,u iirdTJ N tl-ftt\+t-fl-fl-ril .|..ti# f{-*{-t-f}f i#|-r* l#-}*+++++g-+t-iFFH++W vf L\, iE\ ql :oxq \Xo:o\ I iffi\;9;e;A ffi!i €rES 3.\ift a\ \ \3:o RI \d sii.H (\\\\' E i:ls \ iiiiiti. il I i\ lil I iillil $llil: ll l tlll: ffiW ffiNNN N s"\i$$$ii$ii$ 1, i1'",$iiiiiiiiiii$ii{ friii iillilliis :n\ $iiiiiiiiiii "d\+iNiiiiiiii il iii; \ Ki,r,iiii. .t*iiiiii i *iiii ii\69 ile; iiil$ Ni J {r-- 4',@ !lhJ 3H E IJ E trJ t - = tr o z l 'o co J g tv 1o t- r.Jl,\Z lhr )4q \tT 11*11x Pt\ti5 l!NC)o zz 9=ro Lr- 1- HI T I E l*it:.;;+'.'..;.....: .i.l t{r'.t' i r'-r - /,' 75 3outh frontago road vsll, colorado 81 057 (3O3) 479-2158 dopartmont ot publlc works/transportatlon \Zq,IL1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Ron Phillips Todd Oppenheimer e/L2/eo Lionsridge FiI j-ng f 4, Tracts A & B ***************************************************************** At your request, I have looked into the suitability of Tracts A & B, Lionsridge Filing #4 for parks/open space use. My understanding is that the Town of Vail has the opportunity to purchase the l-and for as little as gSSOO. The land in question (29.35 acres) is a very steep, sout}. facingi hillside. Vegetation is lirnited almost entirely to native grasses arld sagebrush. A portion of Tract B may have been disturbed by utitity line installation in the past, but has been revegetated.The land is included within the creenbelt and Natural Open Space zoning district. Permitted uses within this district include 1)greenbelt and open space, and 2) bicycle and pedestrian paths.Conditional uses include L) parks and playgrounds 2) golf courses,and 3) equestrian trails. A portion of Tract A is a high hazard debris area. AII of Tracts A and B are within a medium severity rockfall hazard area. Being on the south side of the valley, there is no avalanche hazard. Public access does exist to the site from Sandstone Drive (at just about the boulder) and from a platted, but unconstructed roadway,through Lionsridge Fiting #1 just to the east. This right-of-way dead ends at the east property line of Tracl A. The land is unsuited for active park land development because of steepness. It is however, very visible from many areas of town and frorn the ski area. Developtnent on the site is not possible with the current zoning classification. It is reasonabl_e to expect an attempt at future developnent if the zoning were changed.Reference the Abe Shapiro project just to the east. IIEMO REGARDING LIONSRIDGE FILING PAGE - 2 lfhe reconnendation to proceed with the purchase of the property to protect it as open space, and to protect the scenic nature of the area. At the suggested purchase price of $5500, the cost is about $187 per acre. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. cc: Stan Berr]man l.fike Mollica D n ) T \l o\ s t6 1,.-,{lUz --C, '5 @E qE .-s 9 /\ ,E J\J o I \.J Jo. <)s J V t ,o R .9 3.9 1_ It- 6 ru v s ,Uq r-{ /a- -a ao (., z.Y 'QJ v-k --r x .n3 <)+- +i ;5 -- u {_ <.j+E,oe f, ---r'(o -'1 R J Z-\ F,,,=) - <-f {q sf ,'j ><(,^>- rl=lD* Engineering Consultants 953 So. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 202 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-6340 December 8, 1987 Mr. Tom Braun Community Development Department TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. l{est Vai'l , C0 81657 RE: Roadway and Uti 1 i ty Extensi ons Aspen Grove Lane Lion's Ridge Filing No. 4 Dear Tom: I apologize for not notifying your on the above referenced roadway and Kent R. Rose, P.E. Project Manager To bring you up to date, RBD was contacted by Slifer and Company to coordinate the efforts of a contractor and the area utility companies to complete their installations and the road itself to the end of the platted right of way. The work was to be done for First Interstate Bank of Denver who has the remaining iots on the end of the cul-de-sac under contract for sal e. Aspen Grove Lane is a private road but has been brought to grade and graveled to accommodate a full width of asphait and full-sized cul-de-sac.A soil stabi'l ization blanket was used between the gravel and subbase. Sanitary sewer is installed, inspected and approved by the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Djstrict. Telephone and cable television lines have been buried. Next spring power and gas will be put in the shoulders and it is anticipated by the Bank to pave the roadway. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. !'le are asking the utility companies to complete their work as soon as weather perm'i ts 'i n the spri ng. Very truly yours, RBD, INC.27 .r-7) .J€l/frl\v(a/'I:- department of the activity 'in progress causing you some concern. cc: Tom Doerk Other Ofiices: Fort Collins, Colorado 303/226-4955. Colorado Springs, Colorado 303/574-3504 Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Stalf Approval #{,.*.,-rt- ", . I ,,8r, --*-1 I I I I l I ll F{-rl ll J I J l I J L :' '* ,;.q:F L SELBY AI{D ASSOCIAtrES August 26, 1985 Mr. Tom Braun Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Tom: Please accept this letter as notice of I4r. Jeff Selby's intent. to amend the Geologically Sensitive Area Map (referred to in ordinance 5, 1985) to place his property, Lionsridge Fourth Filing, Blocks 1 and 2, outside of the currently designated "medium severity rockfall" zone. He has had a site specific study completed by a "professional geologist" and has made that study available to the Planning Department. In compliance with Ordinance 5, 1985' Section 5, Paragraph G., a hearing is hearby requested before Town Council to finalize the re-mapping. Please contact me to schedule this hearing at your earliest convenience. Sincerelv, ,.r ,./tll -/i /l!a*. 4u"4, Mark M. Garrison MMG: ns ( Vait National Bank Building, Suite 307 . 108 South Frontage Road West Vaif, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-0522 - vail e (303) 595-9385 - Denver Line t ls lr<Appl ication PIC MEETING Da te DATE-- $i?? l,t;1 B. APPLICATI0N FOR AxmWXlWoUr RETIAPPTNG 0F GEOLOGIC HAZARD ZON]I I. This procedure is required f91 any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Jeff Selby pHoNE 476-0s22 NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Mark Garrison ADDRESS 108 S. l'rontase Rd.West, Vail. Co 81657 same as a 1lcant PHONE c.NAME 0F 0WNER(S) (typ print) req Selby Si qnature ADDRESS 1 i cant tva {Y"r A'l t,4 cr,( .h', PHONE n LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS SelbySubdlvislon N /r\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOB A1T ELOCKS I&2 FILING Lions Ridge Fourth Filing E. FEE $I OO PAID CK#F ROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing aOOresies. THE APPLICANT I^JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSE5. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO .DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION WILL BE ACCIPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONiNG ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT.S RESPONSIBILITY TO ilnTT nn APPOINTMENT l1llTH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION r.,ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EV OECREAS]NE-THE NUMBER OF cONOITIONs OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIR0NMENTAL C0MMISSI0N MAY STIPULATE. ALL C0NDITIONS 0F APPR0VAL l'tUST BE COI',IPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI.IING MUST 8E SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. 2. The_ degree to which relief from the strjct or literal interpretation and enforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unjformity of treatment among sites in the vilinity or to atthin itre - objectivesofthistitlewithoutgrantofspecialprivilege. OVER 7101 West Yale Avenue, No. 601 Denver, Colorado 80227 303-986.6658 July 24, 1985 Mr. Jeff Selby Vail National Bank Suite 30? 108 South Frontage Vail, CO 8165? )-'F' R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. R, l( , 5-- E1"-b G *,lu r- .-fJW- ,4/ Building Road West Be: G-eologic Hazards study, Lion's Ridge, 4th Filing, Blocks I and 2, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 062 Dear Mr. Selby: At the request of Mr. Mark Garrison, the undersigned eonducted an engineering geologic reeonnaissance of the subject property on July 20, 19g5, to determine whether, in his opinion, geology-related- nazaro! should preclude or alter your development plars. Those plars are for single-family dwellings on 16 lots as shown_ on attaehed Figure 1. Filing No. 4 oeeupies all of thi sw r/4 sE v4 see. 1, T. 5s. l, R. 81w. on the northern slope of the Gore creek valley between Red sandstone creek valley on the east and Buffer creek valley on the west. The ground elevation ranges from about g,200 feet at the southeaitern corner of the filing to about 9,080 feet at the northwestecn eorner. The lots to be developed, however, all rie at the downslope end, in the southern and southeastern seetors of the filing. The ridge sector on which the fiting is sited slopes at about 1.s:1 across the upper part and at about 2:1 across the lower pait, but that general southenstward. dipping slope is.disrupted by a l,ow,'linear tail-of a morainal ridge that extends into the southeastern sector of the iiting. An aceess road alread!has been constructed from Buffer creek Drive northeistward along the topographically lower ends of Lots I through z to about Lot 1l in Bloek 2.sandstone Road extends qlong the topograp-hic bottoms of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 and across the heads of Lots I and Z of Aloci f. Geologie eonditions along this sector of the northern slope of the Gore creek Valley are -relatively simple. - Sedimentary strata of the Minturn formation,-ilainty interbedded sandstones and shales, but including a few [mestone units "" *"fi,--'-'eonstitute bedrock. For the most part, however, the strata are blanketed by'morainal soils across the lower thiro to half of in" nting ano uy-sropewash ioils across the upper hatf to two-thirG of the filing. ThesJsoils "ipe* to be a few inehes to 15 - 20 feet thiek, and appear to be mainly ctayey san'os. The morainal soils, where exposed in road euts are very uoutoery. some of the boulders are 0.i - 1.s eubie yards in size. A smarl a]luviaf fan has been built up aeross Lot 1 of Block -2. The fan soil is probably mainly erayey sands and gtavels. A few glaeial erratics of granitie rock are striwn a-uout tne ,ioge slope. Some of these are 1.5 - 2 eubic yards in size. Consultant to Designers, Contractors, planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 2 Within this filing the bedrock strata strike north-northeastward and dip about 30 degrees west-northwestward, thus into, rather than out of, the hillside. These bedrock strata erop out as a eontinuous band forming a s'to rs toot nign ciiff approximately paralleling Elevation contour 8950 feet-, and as a short etirf-rorming band 5 to 15 feet high approximately paraileling Elevation oontou. 8850 feet in the northwestern eorn€r 9{ ttre^ filing;'and as diseontinuous outcrops up to 6 feet high between about Elevation g460 ftet "no aseo feet in the centrar part of the filing. For the most part, bedrock is we[ cemented, widely jointed, mainly thin bedded t9 fl"Cgy sandstone, but locally the sandstones inetuoe thin beds of weak shale and of dark gray, m ieroerystalline limestone that is moderately hard and very strong. with rare exeeption the rock of these various ledge-forming unit,appeaN to be well-knit together and has not been appreciably iffeetec bv - --- erosional processes that in other areas have resulted in detachment of blocks from similar-ledges. some.brocks trave ioppreo, however, but most appear to have 3Lj:" into large slabs and have srid onry'a few feet o"""rtJ" rro,,i'tr,"i.-r"iii" In q'L opinion, three potentiar geologie hazards need to be eonsidered:landslides, roek falts, and debris- flois. we found no evidenee of randslides aeross any part of the .filing, thus judge the risk of landsriding du"ing the rife of l}_?l1i""d projeet to be low. LanAst-ioes could be precipitafed, nodever, Oy tmproper eonstruetion qnd exeavation praetices. In partieular, we urge that - structures be built on the existing slopes rather than on more-or-less horizontal pads ereated by excavating large euts into the..mode.rately steep ridge slope. The weights of the uuiiJingr,-'p"r se, are unlikely to destabilize- any of the slopes, but euts in exeess oi'l'to s ieet-trigtl e^ould. significantly undermine, thur.s deltabilize, either the soils or the bedroek.1" "t g suggest that surface drainage, mainly sheet frow,--ue speeoeo off the slopes by.appropriate drainage etranieG so that surface water is'not anowed to P9n9.T the property. In short, if the land is not disturueJ aplreciably, the landslide risk should remain low. The debris flow risk is relevant within the filing only to a narrow unnamed ravine that trends acnoss the northeastern eorne-r of "the riring. No dwellings or other structures, we understand, would be plaeed within or aiioss ttris ravine,th,o-the impaet of this type of event shouid not be signiricanl-on project development. The rock fall risk needs to be eonsidered in terms of both the probability of an event and the severitv.of the e-vent (i.e., the size of a partieutir utockl ir it happens. we believe the roek fau rist-G'llrn "".or" the filing if taken in the geographical eontext of.a location rl a high alpine valley. rt,'"-rlog" slopes are only moderatelv steeo: the redges of roek -"." i", *J .""i"tiu"iv row; the rock I?:i]"g-_,1:r" iedges'generarlv is thin bedded, thrs breaks into prates when a orocK roppres; toppling or sliding of blocks is inhibited because ih" beoding R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc.Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 3 planes of the sedimentary roek strata dip into, rather than out of the slope; and only a few, relatively small bloeks of sedimentary rock are strewn across the slope within the filing. That seattering attests to the rarity of a rock fall event, even in terms of geologie time, within the filing, contrast these eonditions to those of East Vail, where high rock eliffl overlook steep slopes that are strewn with large rock masses th&t have toppled from these cliffi. .A: ihe sedimentary rock tends to be thin bedded to platy, the risk of a large block detaehing from an outerop to roll down the hiU inio a strueture across the bottom seetor of the filing is believed to be low (in the unlikely event of a rock falD. More likely, the block would be small - on the order of 1 cubie foot or less - and would be e-aptured by the brush or trees that occupy the upper pffts of Lots ,1 through 8 of Block z. Those bushes and trees should suustaniiauy proteet Lots 9 and 10 of Bloek 2, and the tots of Bloek L as well. A few large glaeial erraties also are strewn across the bottom third to half of the slope within the filing. The granitie roek masses were dropped by one of several glaciers that extended out of the Gore Range down the Gore valley luring the Iee-age, whieh terminated about 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Those borrlders, eonseguently, have lain in their present positions in all probability for at least that long and possibly for several tens of thousands of years. We believe th,e probability that they will be dislodged by natural eauses during the life of this project to be low.. If any prove to ue in a construction area,- they would need to be moved carefully or broken up by careful blasting. They should not be undermined by an exeavation. conceivably, the rock fall risk could be reduced slighfly by judieious sealing of the outcrops. No rock bloeks imminentty in danger 1t itioing or toppling wire observed, however, although a few plates appearld to be loose. yiri miy wish to eonsider this work, even though the resulting reduetion in roek fall risk br in the probable severity of such an event would not be redueed appreciably from its already low leveL similarly, fences or berms could be constructed to impede the progcess of roek falls, but the cost of these mitigative measur€s, we bilieve, wiuto ue out qf proportion to the resulting small reduetion in degree of risk for a risk judged to be low. The small alluvial fan oceupying most of Lot 1 of Block z suggests thet surface water run off coneentrated in a narrow swale upslope of thaC Iot needs to be channeled away from that lot and its neighbor by controued diversion. R, J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. so long as dweuings are eonstructed within the haet without significanfly f_h-lnging.existing ground eonditiors, the geology-.eraieo taraiJJtrouro not be lncfe-rseo ror nerghboring properties or struetures or other facilities. This conelusion is based on the results of our geologie reeonnaissanee of the titing anO imm.ediately neighboring areas, as well as -on our experience with comparable projeets in eomparable geologie settingp. we have appreeiated the o-pportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or would like to diseuss any aspects of our work, please feel free to call. Mr. Jeff Shelby July 24, 1985 Page 4 Robt. J Consulting es lrish Engineering Geologist RJI:db Yours truly, \ \ I l l I o .it \ (,\ I I c\ ir-a d' u -)' u@ on. o az ="J lu- \ \ \ I \ \ I F O F F () t |- o s co ";/gj 'aL --: r 5@ 5t ur.o U'' E (E UJ 2 (J s F :) rn a ID $t t/.o q \ \\(o \ \ \ \ \o I \ \\ \ ] 6 gl |r) F (J t! ut v z ) f, z a -o l U) tr., c EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 8I631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Exl 226 or 229 CLER K & RECOROER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 2 36 ENVI RONM ENTAL H EALT H Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l 1 Basall 927-3244 cilman 8 2 7"5 751 SOCIAL SER V ICES 328-6328 TREAsURER E.Xt ZU I August 13, 1980 I{r. Williarn J. Post, Esq. P.O. Box 3149 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Subdivision Improvements Lion's Ridge Subdivision Agreements- Ridge at Vail and Filing No. 4, Countv of Eagle Dear Bill: Enclosed herewith are the following documents for your files: a ful1y executed Subdivision Improvements Agreement relative to the Ridge at VaiI; a fulJ,y executed Subdivision Improvements Agreement relative to Bion's Ridge (Sel-by's subdivision); copies of the deeds of trust submitted to the County for both subdivisions and copies of the recording data for the above- re ferenced documents. If any further information is needed, please contact this office at P.O. Box 85O, Eagle, Colorado, 81631 , or 328-7311- Sincerely, fu_r. A u>uw*,r.- Beth A. Whittier County Attorney cc: Tom Boni, Depart. of Comm. Dev. EAdEroouNrY Dept. of Conrmunity Development - P.0. Box i79 EAGLE, COLORADO 8'I631 TEi,-EPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 AN IMAL SHELTER 949.4292 A5SESSO R Ext 202 BU I LD ING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUEILIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Ext 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONN EL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 9 2 7-3 244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 August 8, 1980 Jeff Selby P.0. Box 1528 Vail, C0 81657 Re: File No. Su-122-80-F (Correction to letter of Aug' 1, 1980) Dear Jeff, At their rneeting of 30 July, 1980, the Board of County Commissioners approved your fina] plat for'17 single rfanily lots. If you have any questions, please contact this office' Sincerely, Thornas Boni Pl anner TB/J P cc: Board of County Commissioners EAG*COUNTY EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER RECFiV N A.i.j lj a i;ii;U {'r:'r ."i i ,.,t 4 !,:,t1.' !:f ;j i;]ti.rltj., tu,1. 949-4292 ASSESSO R e^ 202 SUILOING IN INSPECTION E tt 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDER e*217 COUNTY ATTO RNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eag le Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING,--' ExI 226-af 229 P,ICRCHASING/ /fERSONNEL f Ext 245 i ROAO & BRTDGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827'5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Jeff Selby Box 1528 Vail, C0 8i657 August 1, 1980 Re: Fi'l e No. Su-122-80-F At their meeting ot 30 JulyfS\, the Board of County Commjssioners approved your final plat firf 16jing1e family 1ots. This office will file the p.lat and otheN.dt6uments. If you have any questions, please contact this office' S i ncerely, .--,--; ,.7 ,/--,/no'"o.r' 1J*,. - Thomas Boni ,/ / Pl anner TBlj p cc: The Board of County Commissioners '1 'i" ZO?"1l-5 Recorded at 3:00 P.N{. August 1, 1980 Recorder: Johnnette Phillips Eagle County S UBD IV 1 S I OI{ I},TP RO\I T.]IIENT S AGR-E EI4EI']T Fee $18.00pd tsooK 5UO Page 412 THIS AGRXEMENT, made and entered into rhis 30th day oi - July, 1980, by and between JEFFR-EY B' SELBY and MARO SELBY' hereinafEer collectively called the subdivider, and the Board of counCy commissioners of Eagle county, hereinafLer i ,.:. called Ehe CountY. ) " WITI'IESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider as a condition of approval of the final plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing l'lo' 4' wishes to enter into a subdivision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-I37, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the sarne authority, the Subdivider is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Board of county commissioners to make reasonable provisions for completj-on of eertain public improvements set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, hTHEREAS, the Subdivider wishes to provide colLateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including consEruction of the above-referenced public improvements by means of a promissory note secured by a first deed of trust on real property located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and, I,IHEREAS, pursuant to section 5.02.15 of the subdivision Regufations of the CounEy, the Councy has determined that the subject subdivision and other probable subdivisions will jointly effect certaj-n off site access roads requiring improve- ments in such roads as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and ineorporated herein; and, I,IIEREAS, the County and the Subdivider have agreed upon a cost sharing program to upgrade the off site access roads by means of the Subdivider paying in cash a proportionaEe share of the costs of making the improvements set forLh in Exhibit B. NOW THEREFORE, in consider-ation of the following mutual covenancs and agreements, the subdivider and Ehe counLy agree as follows: I. ON SITE II{PROVEMEI'ITS 1. The Subdivider hereby agrees, at irs sole cost and exPense, to furnish all equipment and maEerial necessary Eo Perform and complete, within 24 months from the date of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements as shown in the final plat documents for the subject, subdivision in accordance with all plans and speci- fications for the subject subdivision filed in the office of the county Engineer and/or Department of community DevelopmenE and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. A11 final plat documents submitred prior to or at the time of final plat approval. b. A11 laws of the UniEed States of America, ScaLe of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service disLricts. c. Such other designs, drawings; maPs, specifi- cations, sketches, and other matter submitted by the subdivider t.o and approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entiti"r. i A1l said work shal1 be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of Ehe Gounty Engineer and/or the CounEy Building Official, respecEively, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Board of County Commissioners of the County or said Board's appointed designee. 2. The estimated cost of said work and improve- ments is the sum of $100,000.00. 3. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to -2- provide security and collateraL in Ehe following form' as approved herein by ttre County: a promissory note in the amount of $100,000.00 secured by a firsc deed of trusc on Lot 5, Block 2 of che subject subdivision' 4. The Subdivider may at any time substituce Ehe collateral originally deposited with the County herein for another form of collateral redsonably acceptable to the c o un E y c o guai an r e e t fiG-TtrrnTiiT c o-mp 1-e Ei. oif-df-t ti-os e- p ub I improvemenEs referred to herein and the per.formance of the Eerms of Part I of this Agreement 5. The County shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident' loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in part I of chis Agreement prior to E.he completion and accepEance of the same, nor shall the County' nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabiliries shall and are hereby assumed by the subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the County or any such of iEs officers ' agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or acEions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Subdivider hereunder; and the Subdivider shall reimburse the County for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action' This indemniEy provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Subdivider rnay have' 6. It is mutually agreed, Pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 30-28-L37 (3), Colorado Revised Statutes Ig73, as amended, thaE the County or any purchaser of any Ioc, lots, tract or EracEs of land subject to a plat restric- tion which is the security portion of a subdivision improve- -3- ments agreement shall have the authority to bring an aclion in any disErict court to compel the enforcement of any subdivision improvements agreement on the sale, conveyance or Eransfer of any such lot, lots, tract or tracts or land or of any other provision of this article. such authoriEy sha1l include the right to compel rescission of any sale, conveyance or cransfer of 4ny lot, loEs ; tract or tracEs of land contrarl-t-o--th-e*p-i'oVi3-f6-rfs-6'f*arry-such-"T.estri'ctions'-set forth in the plat or in any separaEe recorded instrumenf, but any such action shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the CounEy where so required' 7. It is further muEually agreed that pursuanL to the provisions of secEion 30-28-L37 (2), Colorado Revised Statutes Lg73, as amended, Ehat as improvements are completed, the Subdivider rnay apply to the Board of County Cornrnissioners for a release of parc or all of rhe collateral deposited with said board. Upon inspection and approval, the board shall release said collaEeral. If the board determines that any of such improvemenEs are not construcEed in substanEial compliance with specifications, iE shall furnish the Subdivider a libt of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficienL to ensure such substanEial compliance. If the Board of CounLy Commissioners determines thaE the Subdivider will not construct any or all of the improvements in accordance with all of the specifications, Ehe Board of County Commissioners may withdraw and employ from the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary Eo consE.ruct the improvements in accordance witir the specifi- cations. 8. The Subdivider warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of a1l work referred t.o in Part I of this Agreement by the County. Further, the County shall have a right to requi-re security or collateral be provided by Subdivider to remain, as determined by the County, sufficient fo cover any and all claims under this r^/arranty. -4- oFF SrTE ACCESS llOAD rMPRO]/EI'IENTS 1. The County has determined thaE the of making Ehe improvements set forth in Exhibit B with the Subdivider's proporEionate share of such $ 144. 00 . 2. The County upon executjon of this Agreement hereby acknowledges the receiPt of $.144'00, plid as -the Subdivider's full cost for the impact of the subject sub- division on off site access roads to said subdivision, and Subdivider shall have no further obligation for off site impacts. 3. The County hereby further agrees, at its sole cosc and expense to furnish all equipmenLr rand nm4tggial ' ' 1P,, lfrs A{'(E necessary to perform and complece, withinZi:flonths' frbm the daEe of recordation of the above-referenced subdivision final plat, in a good and workmanlike manner, all public improvements seE forth in Exhibit B in accordance with al1 laws, rules and regulaEions of the United States of America, State of Colorado, County of Eagle and its respective agencies, affecEed special districts and/ot service districts. If such improvements are not completed within the period set forth above or at any time that such improvements are not completed and the off site access roads referred to in Iixhibit B have been removed from Ehe jurisdiction of the CounEy, the Subdivider shall be enLitled to the inrnediate return of all money paid to.the County under Part II of this Agreement, as the Subdivider's sole remedy. 4. The Subdivider shall not' nor shall any prin- cipal or employee thereof, be liable or resPonsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in Part 1I of this Agreement, nor shall the Sub- divider, nor any principal or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property inj ured by reason of the nature of said work, buc all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the CounEy. The County hereby agrees Lo indemnify and hold harmless the Subdivider, and any of its principals, agents and employees total cost is $2,698.00, cosL being -5- against any losses ' claims ' danr'rges ' or liabilicies to which the subdivider or any such of irs principals ' agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses' claims, damages or liabilicies (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out. of or are based uPon any performance by the i County hereunder; and rhe CounEy shall reimburse the Sub- divider for any and all legal or other exPenses reasonably incurred by E1'u S"bdi"id"r i" ;"""".ti""-;IC6-inveFdigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, ,liability or action. This indemniry provision shall be in addition to anv other liability which the County may have' 5. The County warrants all work and material for a period of one year after compleLion of all work refetred to in Part II of this Agreement by the County' III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1- The County agrees to apProval of the final of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing llo' 4, subjecE to terms and conditions of this Agreement' p IaL Ehe 2. Parties herero mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided Ehat such amendments be in writing and signed by all parties hereEo. 3. This AgreemenE shall be enforceable against theSubdividerprovided,however,thatintheeventtheSub- divider sells or transfers'a11 or part of the subject sub- division, as shown in the final plat (prior to extensive sales of individually platted tracEs), the obligations of the Subdivider under this Agreement as to that portion of the subject subdivision may be assumed by the purchaser of ^,?(M, the parcel, and Subclivider shall have no further obligations W"l/// or-+ia$'j:Liries under Ehis Agreement. It is agreed, however' that no such assumption of Ehese obligations shall be effective unless the Board of County Commissioners gives its prior approval to such assumption, following an investigation of Ehe financial condiEion of the purchaser. -6- ,I 4. l.lotwirhsEanding anything conEained hereinabove to the contrary, if at any time Ehe subject subdivision is annexed into the Town of Vail or for any other reason is removed from Ehe jurisdiction of the County, the Subdivider shall have no further obligations or liabiliUies under thls Agreement and the County shall immediately return the promis- sorv note and release the Deed of Trust given as collateral hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Agreement as of the date have execuEed this written. OF EAGLE, STATE OF through its the parti.es first above COUNTY By and BOARD BY: STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Subdivision Improvements acknowledged befoie me this LcllL day of bv Jeffrev B. Selbv and l,laro-3Ef6v. husa by Jeffrey B. Selby and ltlaro Selby, Witness my hand and official seal. COLORADO RS r2n l- an emenE -7- - ' .l . EXHII]'IT A PUBLIC IMPROVEMSNTS FOR PRIVATE ROAD AND RELATED DRAINAGE IfORK AND WATER, SEWER, ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE AND TELEVISION SYSTEMS, AND RN-VEGETATION AND RESTOMTION OF AFFECTED TERMIN Said improvements shall include conscruccion' embanking, and paved surfacing of prj-vate road and related construction and installaEion of drainage htork and culverts; excavaEion and construction of central water and sewer system and underground electrical, telephone and cable 'television systems; and resroration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. All of the above as more specifically set forth on the final plat for Lion's Ridge subdivision Filing l{o. 4, and those public improvement maps, p1ans, and specificarions for said subdivision as filed in the office of the Gount.y clerk and Recorder, and/or county Engineer and/or the DeparEment of Planning and Development, respectively, of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, all of said documents incorporaEed herein by this reference' I I l 'a . EXHIIJIT B OFF SITE ACCESS ROAD I}IPROVEI''TENTS BUFFER CREEK ROAD ConstrucEion of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured from the edges of the existi:ing paved portion of che road) on each side of Buffer Creek Road from that point where Buffer creek Road intersects with the northerly boundary of Buffer Creek Subdivision to thaE poinL where Buffer Creek Road inEersects with Lion's Ridge Loop, in accordance with standards for Eagle County roads located'in locals similar to said portion of Buffer Creek Road. LION'S RIDGE LOOP ConsCruction of a six foot wide road shoulder (measured from the edges of ,the existing paved Portion of Ehe road) on each side of Lion's Rdige Loop from that point rvhere Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Buffer Creek Road to that point where Lion's Ridge Loop intersects with Parcel A, Lionis Ridge subdivision, Filing No. 2, Ln accordance with sEandards for Eagle CounEy roads located in locals similar to said portion of Lion's Ridge LooP. f,gcodg4 31 3 i 00 o'clock P M.,Fee $4.00pd R""'eti""N" t:10???G: @ Rc"o,6", Eagle co11tr Tros ltoBnrunE, Madc rhis 30rh day or JulY le80 , b€twaen JEFFREY B. SELBY AND MARO SELBY whoscaddrcssis P. O. Box 1528, Vai1, Colorado 8L657 part l-es oflhc first part, and the public Trustcc of countyof Eagle in thc Stat€ of Colorado, party of thc second part, Witncsscth: THAT. WHEREAS. The said parties of the f irs t part na Ve executeo tng]-f promissory nol€ b€aring evcn dalc hcrewith, for the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 -Douars. ha Ve executed their pavabl€tothcordcio{,County of Eagle, State of Colorado by and througfr its Board of Cor-rrty whose addrcss is p{ i Q. 7 book 306 Page 413 August 1, 198 0 seeddrcssis P{rO., Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631 ,' , / . NOW, THEREFORE, Thc said parties of thc first part, in consideration of rhc , do hcreby grant, bargain, sell and convcy unto the said party of thc sccond part propcrty, siluat€ in the County of E ag le , Starc of Colorado, to wit: Conmissicners Lot 5, Block 2 Lion's Ridge Subdivision No. 4 also known a-s street and numb€r. To HAI'E AND m HoLD the samc, toS.thcr with all and singular the privileges aad appurtenanccs rhercunto b.longinsr ln Trust Neverthel.ss, That in cas. ofdefauh rn thc payrncnt of 13id nolc or any of them, or aiy parl thercof, or in thc payment of th€ inlerest thereon, according (o thc tenor and affcct of sai, note 3.:3ll-9lth.Tt 91.i" thc payrn€nt of anv prior encumbiances, pnncipal or inrercst, if any, or i. case defauir shall be made rn or In casc of l9|.J:::::b.r:L.I1ll,:|.||."5Tr:..-9!ons,cduin-rsoragicjminr.'tr.reinconr"iniu.ttr!uir.erri"'vrri.euniiioiitretcgal}'otae, *:."*l::"0-ff,1J'-".1?p:-?jTy.:l:b:"9y.i,..nr1r,.*inii"-,uinJ -d;i;i:;-;;;il;; r;;p.;.li!;!i';;ai;;"f-Jf;.:li5lliJ""i'rillii""fi"l?ll.fi:.l:lTo,l:-319.?.^tll'YyJ'_1.t;iii';;;;ild;,;;;;ffi;;il''.':"ril.TJJi;fr##:ri"f;:J;lil-"il,i$J.',f'."i"'l;i$J,T'fr::$:f,bc r.cordcd In rhc rccorder's orficc or the'co!:ntt i;;hi;t!",,i'*l*;;a;i;:it*'A'ii.'iii'ft";"i'il'il.ir;iffi.J;;;;"#iil?Aijf "#Ii;sell arId dispos. of thc same (cn masse or in -separatc parccls, is irri ,"ia puuii" T;;;;y iii"k u..ii, u"a aI lhc nrhr, hrtc and inreresr serr a'd dispos. or thc same tcn .isie "i-ii-."p"-rc'piiirjl'-iiil',lii'itiii" r;$;H;"iir"i#l;'#l'ii'ffi'lJhi."ii,,f:.,l',lfl:.:i i ofsaidpart igg of lfre first patt,thei! heirs orassigns rherern, ar publc auc on"r1116EaSt fronr doorofrbc courr Housc. in rhccountv of l - Eagle . Statc oft olorado, ot-on sard prcmiser. or any part thereofas rnay be sp.cficd in thc nooc. of \aid {aj., for rhc tughe{ and bcsr pnc' lht sdmc will brins in carh, four w.eks public nolric havrng heeri'prevrou,,ly 8,".;'of i[; i;;-;J pracc ot such sate. by adverrrsemcnr, wcckly. in somc newspapcr ofSenc.al crculalion al that rimc publ.ish€d in said county of Eagle . ac@y of which norrc. rhall bc mailcd .' '. / . after thc date hereof, with interest thercon from thc datc thcrcof l ratc<rf\,, I t',,,-0-. per cenr per annum, payable a c c or dins to the terms set forth f,t the ratr '/' ,'.ng to the terms set forth iherein. AND WHEREAS. Thc said partigg oflhe first part are desirous of sccuring payment ofthc or a-ny ofthem may be. prcmises and for thc purpose aforcsaid, in trust forcvcr, thc following dcscribcd principal and intcrcst ofsaid promissory notc in whose hands soevcr thc said notc wrthrn tcn davs from lhc datc of thc fitt-!q!b!:.!i* llcrcof 19 the said.parties of rhc first pan a( the address hercin grvcn and ro such person or Personsapp.ann8lohavcacquircdasUhs.qu.n|rcordinterestinsaidrca'l.esta_teiitheadoressgi"eninttre.reco..l.diniir.,..nt;*t.e.-.on|ythccounryuirdiicis 9venasthcaddressthensUchnoticc5ha|lbe-maiIcdlothecoUntys.at'-aro,ii.t<iii''iigiti;i;;";;;i;;;;;i;;h;;;ioisr,,ctrpr.rperryiiiucr'se].6ffcidii ccrlficalcs tn.wntrnS dcsc nbrnS 5uch propcrty purhased, :rnd tir s,,rn o. *mi pu;o ttri..t r, anairt. rirni*t eiirr. furnii.r or pu..hase6 (or other pcrson entitlcd thcrelo) shallb. cnlrlled lo a decd ordccdathrrcior. unless t he \arDc shallbe rcdimed as is provrded by la,*:and sard ft blic T, u.r.e'.har. upo^ i.m*l uy r t'. p..ion oi p'rsons hol,ling lhe sard ctrtrficdle or certificatet of purchitsc, when .aio oemona is miJC.;;;;;i;;; by rtri -{rsin cnrilea ro a ieca r" ano rcn rrr.iiop.iiv purchas€d. at the limc such demand is rnadc,-thc dme for rcdcmption traving irpirJ,l, ;;; ;d' ixelrii io such pc6on or pcrsons a it.r'o o'r docdr lo the.rid pmpcrr' purchased *hichsarddecdor dceds sha be in iti.urOin^ry f&rn iif;;;";;;;c;;;d.;tiitit srgrea. acrnowrcdredard d.hvcrcdbr thc tard PuFlrc Iruslcc as Srdntor. and shall convey and quit.clarm ro \ucn per\on or prrsont enirtled to such- dccd. t, E;;;i;;,lh' sad Propcfly pu.chascd as ator.said and atl the righl, tille. interest, bencfit and cquity o[ redemptron of thc part igg of lh. first part, theif hci6 and assi8ns thcrcin, ard shall rccitr th. sum or_sums for which thc said propcrly was sold and shall refer to thc power of salc ttrrern containcd. ard io thc sa/. or sates made by virrue rhercof: and in cese of an assilnmeni oi iuctr clriihiaic o. cermcaiir* pur.L.i, ,ii in c^i .iiGi rctlcmpton of such propcrly'.by a subsequant cncumbrancer, such a\signmcnt or rcdempt-ion shall also be referrql to in such dced or dce<ts; but rhc noticc oisali ne'd not b. lct out in such detd or deeds and rhc sard Pubhc TrustJshall, out or rhj pr;;d; ; "r.irr oi iuirr .Je, "rr.r r^i p"v.g '""a .r.i"iif ^rriJr.clurgcs and costs of making said sarc, pay to the bcncriciary hcrcunder or rhe regal hordcr of sail notc thc pnncipal and inlerest duc on sald nota according to thc trnor and cffc{t th€reof, and all moncys advarre<t by such beneficiaJy or tcgal holdar of said notc for insurancc, La\cs and asscssarEn!', with interesl thercon at f/ par cent per annum. rendcring the overplus, if any, unto the said parr igs ofthc first p*t'theif lcg rcprcsentalivej or a!ri8ns: which salc or sales and said deed ffdceds so maric shall be a perpetual bar. bothin la* andcquity,aS instlhc rard parles of rh€ firsr parr. thgif heirs and assigns, and all other persons claming the said propcrty, or any pari thcrcof, by, ftom .thtorlqh.or u nd.r \d'd patr ieq . ofthcfirstpart.ordnyoflhem.Thcholdcrorholdcrsofsardnolcornote,ifiurypurchdscstrdpropcrtyoranypan lhcrool; dnd rl shall nol he ol'lrrr:TrttY rrf\)n the purchaser or purchilsen ai any (uch \ala lo icc to the applicatron of thc pu_rih:rse moncy. if a retiase actj * rcquncd' it rs agc.d lhat tht part ieS ofthcfir5tpatl' thgif hcrrs or assrgns, will pay th. cxpcns. thcreoi. Rel'.'79-DEEDot'TRUsr-I'ubricTrustee(with"dueonsarecraus€.,,)-R€ceiver.scrause-A.lorner'sFees. -Errdfordpubtishin8,t5t6J\tbsr44thAv.nuc.Cotdcn.Cotoradot040l_(]01)l7E-064{_l-80 No.34l-A. prtlents theV afg wcll teized oflht s&d lf,rd and tenemcnrs In fec srmplc, and h{re good nght. futl pow.r and lawful aulhonty lo 8rait, barSain, sall and convay lhc same in the manncr and form as aforesard. -hcrrby fully and absolulely u,ai!rng and relcasinS aI riShrs ard clarms they may havc rn or to sard lands. rcnernc nt!, and proFcrry as a Homes tead Excmptior. or ot hc r e xamplron, uodcr ard by virtucofany acl ofthe General Assembly ofthe Stalc ofColorado, not+ cxrslrnSorwh'c! mdy her;ftcr tre pa:sed rn relatrontharato ard t h:rt (hc samc ari fttc ard cfarof aflliens-and cncumbranccs whatevirglggp6 genefal fa:<eS fOf L980, payable JanUary 1, 1981, and subseqr:ent years, and the following of record: U.S. Patent Reservations, restrictions, easements, rights of way and protective covenants. ard thc abovc bargaincd propeny in the quiet and pe3ceable F()ss€srion of the said parly of lhc s€coirl parl. hrs ruccessors :rnd asslgns. a8:rrnsl all arvl c!cr) pcrsofl or pcrsons laMully claiminS or to claim the wholc or any part thcrcof. th€ said parl i_es of the first part shall and will $/arr.$l arxl Forcvcr Defend. Until parnrcnt in lullol lhc indcbtedness rhc parr lgg ol thc lrrsl parl shalltinrcly pil!all ta\c\ and asscrr0rcrrts lcrrcd r.rn lhc pro- nel\|orlhrt'qttit.cmcntlo|.thcbcncl.iciaryh!'reo[iI|anilmounlnollcs.tltlnIhctI|cntolal $riltcn noticc'to lhe beneliciar!. At ths option ol'thc beneliciary-. rhc original polrc! or policics ol insrrrarcc 'lrirll bc dclircred to thc bencliciary as lurther sccuritv for thc indebtctlncss. Should rhc parr .igg ol rhc lirst part lail lo insorc arrd dclir.-r thc policicr or to pitl la\gsora.i5essDentsa5thesamelalldue,ortor\il!intanrountrpirlil6|c sueh paymt-rts or procure ani such insurancc. and all nronicr so pard \\ilh intcrq\l thcrcon ll 1hc ralc ol 12 tr Jrcr il)lrnr rlrlll hc ldd- ed Io and become a pirrl oj-thc indcbtedness sccurcd b) this Dccd ol Tru\l irnd rnar hc paid out ot thepro,.-.'c-Llrol(lrc..rlr(rlthcpf()p(111 ;, noI.P.lidb}tlre1lartig5oitlrc|irstpurt'lnaddition,andaLitltrption, and thi. DeeJ ol tru\t ao he in dclil ll lor l.rilurc lo nrocurc rr\L.ra jc ('r Ilrirkc_an\'\1l thf I'il\'nr(rr\ rcqu'r.J b\ tlri\ firrir!r:rPh.lfalloa an! part oflhe prop€rly oran 'ntcrt\l lhcrern rr s6ld or lFon\frrred by Frrsl thrties wrthout hrneficiary r pIlL !'n(en (on\rnr. c\eludrnS td, the creadonofalicnorcncumhrance\UbordinalCtothrDe€dofIru5t.(b)lhecrcat]onofdpUrha{'moneys.curit'In|eI€\lforhol|\eht,lJ d.vls-c,dcscentoIbyoperationof|awuPonthcdcalhofdJointtcnanlortd)the8Iantofany)faseho|d|ntere\tofthIc..vc:,rrorlessnotctlnt.l bcnefcrarymay.atbene'flc|ary.soptlon'dcc|aEa||thesumssecuredbythl\DeedollrUsltobetrn'meJ|att|yduearxJpay:rble'Bencfr..rar1i|url|iralcw.leJsuch optto'toacce|crateif'priortolhcsaleoftiansfeI,bcncfciaryandthepefsontowhomthepropcrtylstobcto|dq|rarrr1circdreirchagreet'ent|nwnt|n8thllhccrdit ofsUchpcrsonissatisfacl.orytobenef1cia.ryandlhaltheiqt,ereslpayab|eonthesu!nssecuredby1hjsDcedofTrUstshiJ|b€at5ucl;rateasbeneci.tr'!hallreqtrest' AND THAT lN CASE Of ANY DErAULT, Wherrby lhe nghl of lbreclosure Gcurs hereunder. the rarl)e fufly ot lhe \econd pilrl or lhe hrrlder of siud notc or ccrtificate ofpurchasc, shali al once b€cofic cnlitled tothr po\session, usc and enjoyment oftbc prop€rty afore\atd. dnd k) rhe renrr, rssrres ao,,l p{ofils thcrcof. from lhe aacruinS o{ such nShl and during lhr pend€ncy of forrclosurc proi:eedrng\ and the fEnod of redcmlrron. It irn} thcrc be. i'nd such Possassion shall at oncc ba dclivered lo the $aid paaty oflhe second p"art or rhe holder of said note orcerlificate ofpurrhase on request, anr.lon rtfusal, thc d.iivcry of such poss.ssion may be enfo.c€d b!' t hc said furty of the r€cond pa,.l or the holdcr of said note or c€rtficate of pur chase by any appropriatc civll suit or procccdinS. and t hc said parly of the second pari. or thc holder of said notc or cenificatc of purchase, or any rhereof. s krll t,e enrid cd to a Recei\'€r for said property, and ofthe rcnts, issues and profib thereof, after such default, including the time covcred by foreclosure prdcedrngs and lhe pcriod of rrdemption, ifany llEre bc. and shall bc entitled rhercto as a marter of right *lthout regard lo tbc solvency o. insolvency of the p:gt igS ofthcfirst part ot of thc tbcD owtet of said propcrty and withoul Egard to the value thereof, arxl such Rccerver mdy b€ 3pfrointed by ?rny courr of compelent jurisdrctron upon cr, parte applicatronand \vrthoutooticc---notrc€ being hereby expressly waived----ard all renls. issues and profils. income and revenue th€refrorn shallbe applied by such Rcc.iver to thc trayment of the irdebtedness hcriby secured. accordrng (o the la\,v and (he orders and directions of rhe co||rr. AND, That in case of default In any of said pyments of principd or int€r€st, accordrng to rhe tenor ard cffect of said promrsiory note aforesaid. or any of I hcdt, or any part thercof, or of a braach or vrolauon of ar) of t he ( ovenrntr or agre€ments herein. by the parr igg of tha fitsl pafl, theif €xecutors, admirustrators or assigns, then and in thdt case the whole ofsaid pnncipal sum hcrehy secuied, and th. interesl thcEon to thc rimcilih'etie, may ar once, at lhe oprion ofth€ legal holjcr thereof. become due and payabie, arxl th; said propeny be s;ld in rhe rnarnncr arxl \|irh thc samc cffect as if said indebtcdncss had matured, ana that if foreclosure be made by the Public Truitee, an allorncys fee of the sum ofa feasonable afff]f-fft *.ir5 for scrviccs inth€ supervision of sajd forecloqwe pro.eedrngs shall be allo$ed by the PubhcTrust.ca5apsrtoftlEcoslofforeclo5urc,andiffo'ec|osurebemadelhrou8hthecoUltsareasonableattorney.sfeeshdl|t'eL,!xedbylhcc{)|rrtrsap|oflbe cosli of such forgclosure procccdings. Should any provision ofthis Deed ofTrusr be found lo violatc thc statutes or courtdecisionsoflhe Sta te ofcolorado. orofthe United Stares. such provisioo shirllbc detmcd to bc amanded to comply with and conform to such stalutes and decisions. And tlE satd parties of rhc finr pan, fo. covciant and agrcc IX wn n.'^fSS WIEREOe Thc sa.,d Frties tha day ajd ycar first abovc written. IfTfNESS: thernselves and tor theif heirs, exaculors ard adml'listrators to and with ttr said party oflh€ sccond 0art, that al the tune ofthe enseainS ofand dchvery of thcs€ ofth€ first part ha Ve hcreunro ser theif handS and 5ral lsEAl-l lsEAr-l lsEALl I J The forcgoinS insrirumenl *,as acknowlcdgcd b.fore me this - R4 JA aav,tt J',1n1= . -.oW.q -Teffrey--8.-Selby-and M,r. sd&y4qqbe4_ql4g{e. _ __ _ My commission expir * A-4^to.f 23 , -L7-8 3--- Wil[.ss my hand and oficial sca.l, b I l l 8 & J U iJ. F s l ll ti tt pt FE l-. * H F l-- l l I l tv lF i l I I I F (a D &F lr e t{ z n Y * a l- ( a P/6 FFr V uit tsr rc >l I'+ {l Y us> - lf ; bt d l)+ ic*U /l .,. t E b I E E g , = .a *--_'- 4.- ,; I o z & I I I -6 ! c .l : d g. o o z I ll l a o 6 z I EAGLE GOUNTV nnterof f nce nne nn@ ran d u nn to' Tom Boni, Planning Department subiect: F inal Plat Documents From: L.1 Beth A. Whittier, County Attorneyq<'J File No.:Date: July 31, .|980 Enclosed herewith are the fo1 lowing original documents: Final Documents in re the Ridge at Vaii:1. Deed of Trust 2. Subdivision Improvements Agreement 3. letter pertaining to payment of school land dedication fees 4. check 'in the amount of $705.13. ocuments'i n re Lion's Ridge Subdivision No.4 Deed of Trust Subdivision Improvements Agreement letter pertaining to payment of school land dedication fees. check in the amount of $1'478.49 Final Documents in re South Scottsville 1. Subdivision Improvements Agreement As you will recall, these documents were handed to me at the Board's Planning Day meeting held July 30, 1980. I haven't yet understood why I have . -.beLn del"gited the dirty io fi'l e these documLnts when said documents should be filed iimultaneously with the Final Plat. Also, the subdividers were not aware that I was in poisession of these documents and thus, did not submit the appropriate recording fees to this office with the exception that I am in recbipi of $8.00,e.s.; $4.00 from Selby as recording fee for the Deed of Trust and $4.00 from Post as recording fee for the Deed of Trust. Thus, unless the DePartment system as to the record'ing on such a responsi bi 1 i tY. of Community Development establishes some workab'l e of all Final Plat documents, I will not take My main concern js that unless such a system is is a strong possibility that important documents establ j shed, there will be lost in the shuffle and never recorded. I have retained the original promissory notes of which copies enclosed herewith. Such promissory notes are never recorded, A1 so, I have retained a check in the amount of $144'00 fron selby and a check in the amount of $172.00 from Val'l ey Associates as tiejr respective share of off-site improvements. I am in the process of eitaUlishing a trust fund so that said monies can be earmarked for such off-site improvements. If you have any questions, please contact this office at Extension 242. Terrill Knight, Planning Director Kathy Peterson, Planning Department have PROMISSORY NOTE $ 100 , 000. 00 Trust to be fully released, h/-/-J9#, Vail, Colorado July 30, 1980 JEFFREY B. SELBY AND MARO SELBY ("Makers"), promise to pay to the order of COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, BY AND THROUGH ITS COUNTY COIO4ISSIONERS ("Payee"), at P. O. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631, the principal sum of $100,000.00, togethei with simple interest from and after the date hereof at the rate of 0 percent per annum, with such principal sum payable in its entirety AugusL 1, L982. This note is secured by and is entitled to the benefics of a Deed of Trust (the "Deed of Trust") from Makers to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, Colorado, of even date herewith. Reference is made to the Deed of Trust for a description of the property conveyed and encumbered thereby, the rights and iernedie-s of the holder hereof thereunder, and the terms and conditions upon which this note is secured thereby. At the option of the holder heieof, the entire unpaid principal of this note and any interest accrued thereon may-be declared due and payable and the maturity of this note accelerated if any payment reQuired by this note is not made when due or if a default (whether in the performance of any covenanls or the breach of any representation of warranty or otherwise) occuls ,under the terms bf ttre Deed of Trust and such paynent or default is not cured within ten days of notice to Makers. Makers and anv signer, guaranEor or endorser hereof waive demand, presentment, n6tice 5f aisnonor and protest, and assent to any extension of time with respect to aly p?yment due under this nbte, to any substitution or release of collateral and to the addition or release of any party. Each signer, guarantor and endorser hereof guarantees the- payrtrent of this note according to its Eerms. No rvaiver of any payment or any other right un{e1 this note shall operate as a waiver of any other payment or rights. Makers and any signer, guarantor or endorser hereof shall pay all reasonable coits of collection, with or without suit, including attorney's fees, paid or incurred in enforcing this note. Makers may prePay this note at any time and from time to time, without penalty. This note and the Deed of Trust are given as collateral pursuant to that certain Subdivision Improvenents.Agreement (the "Agreement'r) of even date herewith, entered into between I'lakers and Payee. Reference is made to the Agreement for a description of the rights of the holder hereof to receive payment hereunder. T[e performance in part of any of Makers' bUiigations set forth in'the Agreement -sfratt result in a proportionate reduction in the amounL owing under this note ind, if at any time, there is complete periormance of Makers' obligations under the Agreement, this note shall be deemed paid-in full and Payee itratt immediately cause the Deed of JuLy 23, 1980 Eagle County Department of Communi-ty Development P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. SU-122-80-F Gentlemen: In response to your letter of July 17, 1980, pertaining to the required paymenc of school land dedication fees, please find enclosed a check in the amount of $L478.49. The above stated amount was calculated based on uhe following formula given to my counsel by Mr. Jim Williams of your department, with our supplying the value of uhe land: (Single Family Lot and Dwelling Units) L7 x .OL4495 (School Factor) x 96,000.00 (Value Raw Land Per Acre) = $1478.49 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please concac! me, 1y # Enclosure *"!,f, EAGTE COUNTY Community Development P.0. Box ,l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163'I TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL 5HE LTE R 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN IN 5 PECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT H Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLANNING E\t 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 sOC IAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 July '17, .l 980 Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box 1528 Va'il , Col orado 8.l657 Re: File No. Su-.l22-80-F At their meeting of July .16, .'|980, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your final p1at. with the following conditions: 1. Driveway profiles to Lot 8 becorne an addendurn to the final Plat and be referenced on same. ?. Applicant work w'ith Board of County Cornmissjoners on agreements for school 'l and dedication and proportionate share of off-site road impacts. This recornmendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Comrnissioners on July 30, .|980, at l0:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners meeting room' 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact th'i s offjce. Si ncerel y, rlr.dcr';, ' /zz<<,i/c )L/Jrt Susan Vaughn Pl anner SV/J h cc: Board of County Cornmi ss'i oners I T-rf L-LN-j nf=I t=L-LJ-OUNTV f, nteroff lce mne nno randu nn ro: Johnson and Kunkel Mel Atwell, County Engineer Subiect: Final Plat Check fil{l0X Beth l^lhittier, (-^ounty Attorney From: Community Development File No.: Su-122-80- F Oatc: 1 Ju'ly 1980 The Enclosed Final P'lat for the Selby Subdivjsion is beinq referred to you for your review and comment. l,.le would appreciate any comments or recommendation you miqht have prjor to the 16 July Planning Corrrmissjon Meetinq at Which time the itenr will be reviewed. Than k JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. BOX 152A VAIL, COLORADO 8I 657 July 1, 1980 Mr. Thonas Boni Assrt. Director of Planning Eagle County Department of Cornmuni ty Developrnent Post Office Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom: Enclosed is the following infornation relating to the final plat submitted for the Lionts Ridge Subdivision, Filing No.4, which i.s located just east of the Val1ey at VaiL developnent: Five copies of the subdivision final plat. Five copies of the sewer line extention drawing prePared by Eagle Valley Survey and Engineering Conpany ' Five copies of the water line extention drawing prepared by Eldorado Engineering. Five copies of access roadway drawings prepared by Eagle Valley Survey and Engineering Company, Three copies of the subdivision protective covenants. Check in the arnount of $185.00 which represents the filing fee for the subdivision final plat. I hope this cornpletes the required submitted information for the final and if there is any additional information you need or questions about has been subnitted, please do not hesitate to contact me. JBS/cs Enc 1o sures B. D. plan what Yours I EAGTE COUB{TY Department of Buildinq Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 & Planning 15 July 1980 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN IN SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 2l 7 COU NT Y ATTORNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUALIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Exl 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Exl 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I e,aialt 927'3244 Gitman 827'575 | SOC IA L 5E R V ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Jeffrey Selby Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Sincerely, Re: Fi I e No. Su-122-80-F Enclosed please find a copy of the Eagle County Surveyor's 0ffice review of your final p1 at. It is the applicants' responsibility to be certain the items listed are changed at least 10 days prior to the County Commissioner's meeting. You or your agent may come to this office and make the necessary changes. If you have any questions' pl ease cal I me. /2*_-=--- Thomas Boni Asst. Director of P1 anning TB/sg JuIy 15, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Eag1e County Planning Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Lionrs Ridge Subd.ivision Filing No. 4 (sE-122-80-F)zf Dear TerriII, We have checked the plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivision,Filing No. 4 and have found it to be accurate and complete with the following exceptions: Johnson, Kunkel & Associates,Inc. LAND SURVEYING. CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING 2',) 3) 4) 6) 7) RECEt\i[n JUL I .i i:cv "'&['lHlt:;ff' 1)There is no date for the completion of improvements. There is no curve data, except for the arc length, around the Tract C cu1-de-sac. There are no street addresses for the 1ots. The government lots of 20 and 2L of which this subdivision is a part of, need to be shown on the vicinity map. There is no owner's signaturei nor notary signature. The Title Certificate is not filled in or signed. The Surveyor's Certificate is not signed. If you have any questions, please call Diana Wood at Johnson, Kunkel- & Associates, Inc. at 328-6368. Cirr,..arolrr vf rrvv! erl , .^. .a/. Diana Wood (Li c P.O. Box 409 . I 13 East 4th Street Eagle, Colorado 81631 ' Phone: (303| 328-6368 Iotnl Units Afforded Access A. Buffer Creek Road (Eagle County Secondary Road VV-1) Traffic AnalYsis General Proposed development of "The Va1 1ey" served by upp-er Buffer creek Road has prompted investigation of the impacts of traffic volumes generated'ny the proposed"development. Traffic data for this investi- iation was -based Lpoh criteria developed in "Eag1e County Traffic Survey," ievised 2/5/80, and "Inventory of Dwelting Units in Eagle County, Colorado," 12/31/79. Design parameters and reconnnendations are based upon;' l) "Roadway Des'ign Manual", Colorado Department of Highways' January, 1980.2) "A Pollcy on Geometrjc Design of Rural Highways," Arnerican Association of sthte Highway Officials, .l965. 3) "Geometr.ic Design Guide for Local Roads and streets," American Association of State ttighway 0fficials, November 1' 1970' 4) "Hight^ray Engineering," i'lriqht and Paquette, .l979, trl'i ley & Sons' Present'ly, the Buffer creek Road system consists of three pri ncipal roads and seviial minor roads. Upper Buffer Creek Road which serves ,,The valleyr', Lions Ridge Road and chamonix Lane are the princj pa1 roads and their ieiationship is shown in Figure 1. Current development-has causeo numerous compliints from resjdents near the intersection of Buffer Creek Road and the north frontage road. These complaints center around excessive speed on Buffer Creek-Road and pedestrian hazard due to increased traffic at this 'l ocation. Approximately 30 units now occupy iThe Val1ey,, and the primary complaint from these residents tras been the inability of county snow removal operations t0 keep more than one lane open on Upper Buffer Creek Road during winter' Traffic The map in figure I shows Buffer creek Road (vvll),. chamonix Lane (VS-6), and'Lion's-Ridge Road (VA-7) and their relationships to one inoth6i. Buffer Creek Road iniersects the north frontage road of I-70 about % m'i le east of the l^lest Vail interchange. Present subdivisions' p"oposda subdivisionsn and existing zoning_make possible a predict'ion bf tne number of residential units-that will be afforded access by each of the aforenentioned road systems. This prediction does not attempt to take account of such factilrs as future land exchanges, future zoning changes or new road construction that may take place. R Upper Road Li on ' s Ri dge Road Buffer Creek Road (?intersection with North Frontase Road .l73 units 436 units Residential jg #/^\\t !/) .,tt v'., @i<-qe" N. s *t a s =H I (/) a $ N s H" S c0 l s _<_+__s \ 15 i> 5 a $q \s a E a4 rU (/) \fi l\ 3 a) At the present time, residentjal developments of the type and density existing and proposed generate an average of 9 vehicle trips (one-way) per day per un'it. This figure was devel.oped from the traffic survey referenced in Appendix 1. As the dens'i ty of the area served by Buffer Creek Road and the Vail area as a whole increase, these trips per day nay'increase. The volatile fuel situation may a1 so eventually decrease vehicle usage by the average drjver so. a figure of 9 trips per day is probably reasonable for the forseeabje future. l. Upper Buffer Creek Road 0ne-hundred sixtv seven (.l67) units served by Upper Buffer Creek Road will generate tSb: trips per day (ADT) with an expected design-. hour'ly volume (DHV) of about 12 percent or .|80 vehicles per hour. The Colorado Hjghway Department suggest using 16 percent of the average daily traffic as an estjmate of the design hourly volume, however' l2 pLrcent was the fjqure derived from the Eagle County Traffic Survey and'will be used here. Using the Colorado Department of H'ighways Geometric Design Standards-such a traffic volume would require the fo1 lowing roadway geomerry. Geometric Design Type C Pavement type -medium (3 to 5 inches of bituminous pavement) No. of lane Lane width 5houlder width Design speed maximum grade R.0.W. width Maximum degree of curve Mi numum rad'i us z I I feet 6 feet 40 to 60 mph 11 percent 60 feet minimum le.0 (30 mph) 300 feet The above referenced criteria would be the geometry that the road shou'l d be built to if it were to be constructed from scratch and carry the ADT of 1500 and DHV of .l80. The present capacity of the upper Buffer creek Road may be calculated by deterrnining the following physical properties of the existing roadway. t. 2. J. Possible Capacity 2,000 vehicles per hour-'t 0perating Capacjty 1,500 vph (35 to 40 mph)' 80% restricted sight diptance 299 vph in mountai nous terrain;4 Lane width = l0 feet; 3% trucks @ peak hour.4, Lateral clearance to obstruction 209 vph 0 feet (no shoulders) 'I '0pt'imum capacity seems to be at about 27 Lo 28 miles per hour' a t"Roadway Analysis," Kent Rose, .l980. -2- The capacity derived above (209 vehicles per hour) vtas predicated on a design speed of 40 miles per hour. Several of the curves on the existing roadway limit the advisable speed to around 15 mph which will decrease the capacity by l0 percent. The nurnerous access points existing and proposed for the Upper Buffer Creek Road will also adversely affect the capacity because these accesses will not allow uninterrupted f1 ow of traffic. Uninterupted flow of traffic is the basic premise upon which all values for capacity were developed and the quantitative effects of violation of this basic assumpti0n are not easily d'i scern- able but it can only decrease the capacity of a given roadway. The present capacity of the Upper Buffer Creek Road is probably sometlhat less than '|80 vehicles per hour. The following are recommended improvements to the Upper Buffer Creek Road. l. Increase shoulder widths to not less than 4 feet and preferably 6 feet on each side of present roadwa-v. This would bring the roadway up to present local road standards and will provide ample capacity for development both in the short and the long term. Increasing the shoulder width will also prolong the economic life of the bituminous pavement by providing adequate lateral support for the pavement edge and by providing snow storaqe for snowplow operations which presently severely re- strict the roadway wr'dth in the winter.2. Provide signing, meetinq the requirements of the Manuel of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, to a1l curves whose radius is'l ess than 300 feet, stating the advisable speed limit and curve warn i ng.3. Provide an overlay of the bituminous paved surface of the existing roadr,vay. A l" hot asphalt overlay or a 3/4 inch chip seal would be adequate. 2- Lower Buffer Creek Road Lower Buffer Creek Road, south of the intersect'ion of Lion's Ridge Road, will provide access to 173 units from Lion's Ridge, .l67 units from "The Val1ey," and 96 units from Charnonix Lane for a total of 436 units. The average daiiy traffic (ADT) beloiv the intersection of Upper Buffer Creek Road and Lion's Ridge Road'i s projected to be: 340 units 6 9 trips/day/unit = 3060 vehicles,/day Design Hourly Volume = 3060 x 12 percent = 367 vehicles/hour Using the Geometric Design Standards of the Colorado Highway Department and the followinq Darameters: DHV = 367 Passing Sight Distance = 80ll restrjcted Average Grade = 5li or Greater Percentage of Trucks = 3il -3- suggest the geometrY of the number of lanes = | lane width = l2 shoulder width - 8 roadway should be: feet feet This geometry c'l oseiy resembles the Eagle county classifjcatjon of col J ector road. 3. Intersectjon of llorth Frontage Road and Buffgl-C19e(-899! Posted Speed of Hiqhwav in MPI'I If the DHV of 25 30 to 40 45 to 50 qq For a: The intersection of Buffer Creek Road and the north frontage road of I-70 wjll receive the following traffice volumes from Buffer Creek Road. 436 units 0 9 trips/day/unit = 3924 vehicles/day DHV = 3924 x 12 percent = 471 vehicles per hour No data is available from Eagle County concerning the present average daily traffic or hourly volumes present at the subiect interiection. It is estimated that present peak hourly volumes range from 30 to 50 vehicles per hour at peak hour periods which are probably 7:30 to 9:30 am and 4:00 to 5:30 pm. The followinq is the criteria used by the Colorado Highway Department to det6rmine when right or left turning lanes,and acceler- ation/deceleratjon lanes should-be incorporated into an intersect'ion design. "Speed change lanes for right turning movements are required accordinq to the following:" the highway 500 400 200 ]00 two..lane wi I I exceed: hi qhwa.v and the total DVH of the access approach will exceed 20 40 l0 two I ane hi ghway The intersection requires the followinq modifications in order to mitigate the effects of present traffic ind future developmenr. l. Addjtjon of a left turn lane from eastbound north frontage road to Buffer Creek Road; 2. Addition of right turn/deceleration lane from westbolind frontage road to Buffer Creek Road; -4- 3. Addition of right turn lane from Buffer Creek Road to westbound frontage road. Geometry for these intersection modifications should comp'ly with Colorado Highway Department design standards. RECOI"lMENDATI ONS Upper Buffer Creek Road l. Before further development commences, Upper Buffer Creek Road should be widened by the addition of 6-foot graveled shoul ders. 2, The exist'ing pavement surface should be over'l ayed by I inch of hot asphalt, preferably. 3. These improvements should be funded ent'i rely by the developers requesting approval of new subd'i visions' on a proportionate share basis. Public funds should not be committed. 4. Signing should be app'lied at all curves wjth a design speed of less than 30 miles per hour. 5. Stop s'igns should be installed on Buffer Creek Road at the Lions Ridge Road and Chamonix Lane intersections to control speed on the Lower Buffer Creek Road. Lower Buffer Creek Road l. Lower Buffer Creek Road should be classified as a coilector road and brought up to collector standards before develop- ment along L'ions Ridge Road begins. These standards should be l2-foot paved lanes w'i th 8-foot shoulders at a minimum. 2. Pedestrian safety measures such as the addition of curbs and sidewalks along ltith school bus turnouts should be instailed from the Chamonix Lane intersection to the intersection with the north frontage road. Intersection of Buffer Creek Road and l'lorth Frontage Road l. The following channel'ization at the intersection should be i nstal 'l ed. a. Add left turn lane from eastbound frontage road to Buffer Creek Road. b. Add right turn/deceleration lane from westbound frontage road to Buffer Creek Road. c. Add right turn lane from Buffer Creek Road to north frontaqe road. -6- April 16, 1980 Mr. Thomas Boni Assistant Director of P lanning Eagle Councy Department of Community Development P.0. Box i79 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Boni, J have reviewed the letter of April B, 1980, Lo Ronal d A. Todd trom Melton E. Atwe11 , regarding the selby Subdivision and the Buffer creek Road Traffic Analysis accompanying that letter. I would like to resPond generally to these as well as make more particular comnents regarding apPar:ent discrepencies be- t,n/een Mr. Atwell 's traffic analysis and the roadway analysis previously sub- mitted by rne. By way of general commenE, Ehere is not as large a di""r.p"n"y between the two studies as may first appear. It is just that two different approaches were taken. Mr, Atwe1l has used the state of colorado, Division of Hig.jrways, Design Manual criteria to design a roadway. I have used the same criteri.a to analyze an existing situation previously approved by t1're County and made recommendations to approve its safe use. The recommendations for speed lirnits, etc., are con- sistent with all roads 1n Ehe area. Mr. AEwel1 begins his analysis in Section A, "General", by pointlng out that Ehe area residents number one complaint is speeding and poor nlj-nter maintenance. Area developers should support I1r. Acwellts observations in these two areas and ask the County Commissioners to incre:1se their enforcement and maintenance efforEs to an acceptable 1evel. Between Secgion B, "Traffic", and my previous analysis, there is a difference in average daily traffic and vehicles per hour generated. I will not try to explain this here because the result is the same. The roadway is sCi1l capable of carry- ing four to eight Eimes Ehe Erafflc predicted depending on which figures are used. Simply, the roadway i.s more than adequate. Mr. Dave Campbell of the Coloraclo Department of Highways explained to me that the possible capacity of a roadway is theor:eticall1' 2000 vehicles per hour at speeds below 30 miles per hour, This is because at slower speeds the headway, or dis- tance between vehicles, can be less, thereby al Lowing more vehicles to occupy Ehe road. Mr, Acwells' operating t:apacity of 1500 vel-ricles per hour at 35 to 40 miles ner horrr is therefore less than what would be allowed at 20 to 25 m11es per hour which is the speed limit recommended. Uis reduction by B0Z of 1500 vehicles per hour to 299 vehicles per hour, as referencecl by his footnote "2" to my work should have been a reduction due to lane wlclrh to B0% of 2000 vehicles per hour, or 1600 vefi1cles per hour, a i]ross misintcrprctat:ion. Ilis reductions for lateral clear- ance to obstructions is also too Ureat clue to unrealistic design speeds. In summation, I believe there is no racional data supporting Mr. Atwells conclusion that the capacicy of the upper seccion of roadway is "sornewhar less than 180 vehicles per hour". t{is re commencia t ions for imProvements to the upper and lower Sections of Buffer Creek Road are based on design speeds that are unacceptable for the local area, Inlersection design is based on channelized traf fi-c control , which by defin- icion in the Design Manual is "an at-grade intersection in which Eraffic is direcced into definite paths by is1ands". Mlnimurn radii suggesEed are for channelized in- tersections ac sustained vehicle speeds of 15 n1i1es per hour whj.ch is also not the case where scop signs are involved and no islands exist. I firmly believe that the Commissioners should be presented with both scudies and understand choroughly the conclusions and recommendations of each, To me, ic is unrealistic to require a developer Eo make all improvemenCs on a roadway thac was accepted by the County years ago and has suffered through years of little or no maintenance. ]f the Commissioners deEermine thaE the design life of the asphaltlc wearing surface they approved has been exceeded, they should provide the overlay, They should probably also mainEain dicch sections and rebuild shoulders but should not require a developer to create an entire new roadway section Eo include wider shoulders, new cuts and new fills that would take months to revegiEate, all in the name of a design speed that far exceeds loca1 standards. A properly posted sign program such as the one suggested in my previously submitted traffic analysis is a viable and economically reasonable alternative to the recommendacions sug- ges ted by Mr. Atwell. I am free Eo dlscuss this at any time with any interest;d party. Thank you. Very truly yours, Kent R. Rose, P.E 1007 6 t: ,} TECHNI CAL SPECIF I CATIONS - !.{ ) TJ i . '.t .). ,, "l>' $ \,i i " ,,. 1,, : l ir \i, i . ,j '.. il il 1!irrj L f ri i, r -l /- /-2/- ?a-F STWAGE COLLECTION IMPROVEI'4ENTS LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO ';ll|,il -u ,,{ fl ill'JUI' VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC. P.0. BOx l813 VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 JUNE, I98O EAGLE *l3'l rG t. z. J. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. q 10. 1l tt. 12..l3. 14. 15. t6. 17 t6. 19. cv. 21. 22. 23. SEI^JAGE COLLECTION IMPROVTMTNTS LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO.4 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS ^rr .l uL_ | Scope General Description of Work Drawi ng s Materi a ls SCFl scP-1 sctr1 scPl sctrr scF2 scP-2 SCF2 scts2 5CF3 5Ctr4 sctr4 SCF-,4 5CP-4 scP-4 scP-4 scP-4 scP-4 scP-4 scP-s SCP-5 SCP-5 scts5 SCP-5 scP-5 sctr6 scP-6 sA-t SB.I sa-l Payments to Contractor Inspection of Work Final Inspection and Acceptance Gua ra nty Protection of the Pubjic, prrvate and Completion of the Work l,later Publ ic Property E lect ric i ty Survey i ng Access to Site Subsoi I Investiqati ons Materials Furniihed by 0wner Material Tests Blasting Notification Prompt and Proper Ordering of f'laterials Underground Structures 0verhead Structures State and Local Laws Disruption of Service 24. Test and Cleanup of pipelines 25. Safety Standards and Accident Preventi on 26. Subcontracts 27. General TECHNICAL SPECI FICATI ONS Excavation and Backf.i ll for Buried pipelines Pipel ine Materials for Sewers Pipel ine Instai lation for Sewers A. L. DRAWINGS ACCqMPANY ING SPEC IF ICATIONS Cover Sheet l. Plan and profile - Sewer 2. Plan and Profile - Sewer 3. Sewer Deta'i I s -l cc-| t. 2, 3. 1.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0.lr. t2. r3. t4. r5. r6. r7. t8. r9. 20. 21, 22. 2t. 2\. 25. 26. GENERAL CONDITIONS TAELE OF CONTENTS S copc Oefinltlons lntcnt of D.raurlngs and Spcc lf icat lons Avallablllty of Drcwlngs and Spcclflcetions . . Supp lcrncn ta I Drawlngs l{atcri al r, lJorkrnansh I p cnd Emp loycc s . lJ6rk. Paqe GC-2 GC-2 GC -2 GC-3 GC-3 cc-3 GC -3 GC -ll GC -4 GC -4 GC-4 cc -5 GC -5 GC -6 GC -&' GC -9 GC=l I GC-t 2 cc-t3 GC- | l{ GC-t5 GC-t5 GC- 15 cc- | 6 GC- l6 GC- r5 Royrl t les and Prtcnt3 .Salcs and Usc Tcxcl . .0thcrContrrcts.... Survey!. Pcrmlts, RcAu I ct lons Protcct lon of Uork and Propcrty; Acc ldent Prcvcnt lonl Oamages Surveys. Llncs and Gredes Chrngca In thc ttork ln3urlncc Performancc Bond. .Authorlty end Dutlcs of thc Rlghts and Rcrpons lbll ltict Progress and Con!rol of thc Payrnen ts to the Contractor. tnglncer.of thc Contractor Rlghts of thc Odncr cornpletencss of trork. Llquldated Oanages. San I tery Regu lat lons. Samplcs and Tcsts Clcanlng Up Safe ty 1.SCOPEt The cont.ract condltlons followlng are to conditl.ons not pertlnent to thls contracE. General Condltlons whlch are 1n conflict r.rlth whlch are not applicable to the work performed no meanlng and may be dlsregarded. DEFINITIONS: GC-2 general ln scope and nay refer Any provisions In these Ehe Special Condltlons or under Lhis Contract wllL have Engineer is used, it sha11 be under- Engineeriug and Surveying, Inc., actlng duly auttrorlzed in wrltlng for such act (a) The contract Documents conslsE of the rnsgructions Eo Bldders, proposal ,Contract Agreement, Perforrnance and other Bonds, Ehe General Condltlons,special condltlons, the Drawlngs and speciflcat.ions, lncludlng a11 modi-ficatlons chereof lncorporated ln the documents before Eheir execuElon. These f orur the Contract. (b) when the words owner or contraccor are used, these shall mean the corporations' persons' or parcnerships indicated in Ehe ConEracc Agreenent (c) Wherever i-n this Contract fhe word scood as referring to Eagle Valley personally or through an assistant by rhe Engineer . (d) When the word Bidder is used, ic sha1l corporation subnitting a proposal for by these specif{carions. mean the person, Ehe performance of parcnershlpn or the work covered (e) When Ehe word Surecy 1s used ic shall mean t.he entity whlch ls bound wlth and for Ehe conEractor for the perfornance of the work hereunder. (f) The term I'Lrork" of the contracEor or subconcracEor lncludes labor or materlals or both, equlpment, cransportatlon, or other facllltles necessary to complete the contract. (g) When ln the Speclflcaclons the words I'as directed,,, ,,as requlredr,, ,,as permltted," or words of Ehe llke neaning are used, ir sha11 be under-stood that the dlrbctlon, requirement, oi pernlsslon of the Englneer is lntended. Simllarly, Ehe words ,,approved,rr t,accepEablert, rraaEls- factory,r' sha1l refer to approval by the Englneer. 3.INTENT OF DMWINGS AND SpECIFICATIONS: The 6eng1."r Documenrs are lntended to be ln the on any as if complenenEary, and work called for on any Drawing and not. rnentloned speclficactons, or work descrlbed in the Speciflcacions and not shown Drawing, is to be regarded as incruded under Ehls contracE, uhe same se! forth 1n che Speclflcatlons ,and exhlbited on Ehe Drawlngs. The prices s hor,m in the contract. Documents shall lnclude the cost of all labor and materials, equipment and services, and all other expense necessary for Ehe complete execution of the r+ork contracEed for so that 1t witl functlon as a working unit of the planc of which it will be a part. In lnterpretlng the ConEract Documents, words describlng materials, or work }ravlng a well-known technical or rrade meanlng, unless otherwlse speclfically defined, sha1l be construed in accordance wirh such well-knowrr meaning recognized by englneers, archltects, and the trades. cr -1 4. AvAILABILITY 0F DRA\JINGS ANO SPECIFICATI0NS: Unless otherwlse provlded ln the contract Documents, the Engineer wlll furnlsh to the contractor, free of charge, all coples of drawings and specifications reasonably necessary for thi execution of the work. The Contractor shall keep one copy of all Drawings and Specifications on the work, in good order, avallable to the Englneer and to his r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . All drawings, speclflcations and coples thereof furnished by the Engineer are his property. They are not to be used on other work and, with the exceot ion of the signed contract set, are to be returned to him on reeuest. at the complet lon of the work. SUPPLEHENTAL 0RAwlNGs; vhen required by the specifications or Drawings and tor all undetailed material to be fabricated, the contractor shall rnake detailed shop drawlngs to amplify the Drawings referred to in the contract before proceed ing wlth the worr. such drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer, ln quadruplicate prints from the orlginal drawing. lf approved, two sets of such prints will be returned to the contractor marked [Approved.', lf changes or corrections are necessary, one set wil'l be returned to the Contractor with such changes or corrections noted, and the Contractor shall resubmlt corrected prints ln quadrupl icate. The approval by the Englneer of the Contractor-rs drawings is an approval relating only to thelr general conformlty with the Drawings and specifications and does not guarantee detail dimensions and quant lt ies. 6.IATER tALS. !,0RKhANSH tp AND EMpL0yEES Con t rac tor equipment, the execut shall provide and pay for l lght, power, transportat lon and completlon of the : Unless otherwise stipulated, the all materials, labor, water, tools, ion and other facilities necessary for worK. unless otherwise speclfied, all meterials shall be new and both workmanship and mater ials shal I be of a good qual lty. Prior to procurement, the Contractor shall furnlsh the Engineer, for his approval, the name of the manufacturer of machlnery and other equlpment and materials whlch he contemplates Incorporatlng in the work. The contrac-tor shall also'furnlsh lnformatlon on capacitles, efficiencles, slzes, etc., and other lnformat lon as may be requlred by the Englneer. Samples shallbe submitted for approval when requested. l1achinery, equlpment, materials, and artlcles lnstalled or used wlthout the tnglneerrs approval shall be at the risk of subsequent reJectlon. None but forernen and workmen skilled in the work assigned to them shall be employed on work requirlng speclal qualificatlons, and the Contractor shall dlscharge from hls servlce, when required by the Englneer, any dlsorderly, dangerous, Insubordlnate or Incompetent person employed on the work. RoYALTIES ANp PATENTS: lf the Contractor uses any deslgn, device, materlal or process covered by letterg patent, or copyrlght, ln the construct lon of the work under thls Contract, the use of which has not been speclfied or requlred by the Drawings and Specificatlons, then the rlght for such use shall be provlded for by a suitable legal agreement wlth the patentee or owner. A copy of thls agreement shall be flled wlth the Owner. The Contractor and the Surety shall lndemnlfy and save hermless the O'rne r from any and allclaims for lnfrlngement on any such patented design, devlce,materlel, process or rny trademark, or copyrlght, during the prosecutlon or after the complctlon of the work. 7. GC -4 lf any deslgn, dcvice, tnaterial, process, or product of a partlcular manufac- turer, covered by letterg patent, or copyright, is specified for use by the Drewlngs and Speclflcations, the Oxner shall be responsible for any clalms for Infrlngement by reason of the use of any such deslgn, devlce, material, process or product of r particular manuf actr.rrer, but t.he Contractor shallpay cny royeltlcs or llcense fees therefor. SALES AND USE TAXES: Prior to rhe purchase of any tangible personal property to be built into the work, the contractor and any Subcontractor shall apply to the Department of Revenue, State of Colorado, for an ex-emption to be used for all r^ork done under this Contract (Form DR-172).said exempt ion number is to be used by the contractor or Subconrrac[or for the purchase of all tangible personal property to be built into the work. All bids for the work under this contract shallexclude all sales,use, and RTO taxes otherwise col lected by the Colorado DeDartment of Revenue. 9. OTHER C0NTMCTS: The Owner reserves the rlght to let other contracts In con-nect ion wlth the work. The Contractor sha | | afford other contractors reason-able opportunlty for the Introductlon and storage of their materials end the execution of their work, and shall co-ordlnate hls work with thelrs. ln suRVEYs, PERHIIS. BEGUI-ATlg!g: The orner shall furnish al I land boundary sur-veys unless other*lse specified. permits and llcenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecut Ion of the work shall be secured and pald ior by the contractor. Pernlts, I lcenses !nd easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facllitles shall be secured and paid for by the O"rner, unless otherwise spec if ied. The contractor shall glve all notices and comply Frith all'laws, ordlnances,ruleg and regulations bearlng on the conduct of the work cs drawn and rp".i-f led. lf the contractor observes that the Drawlngs and speclfications are ot variancc therewith, he_shall promptly notlfy the Englneer ln wrlting, end tny nccessary changes shall be adJusted rs provlded In the contract foi changcs ln the work. lf the contractor performs any work knowlng lt to be contrary to such lar"rs, ordlnances, rules and regulatlons, and wlihout such notlce to thc Englneer, he shall bear all costs arlslng iherefrom. lt. (a)Protect ion of l,/ork and Property:The Con t rac tor shsll contlnuously malntain adequate p.ot--i i-n-oT al I his work f rom damage and shall pro-tect the o,rner I s property from lnjury or loss arlsing ln connect lon wlth this contract. He shall make good any such damage, lnjury or loss cxcept such as may be dlrectly due to errors ln the contract Documents or caused by agents or cmp loyees of the Onrner. He shall adequately protect adJ acent property as hcreln provlded. He shall provlde cnd nra ln-taln all passagc w.ys, guard fences, llghts end other facllltles for protect lon requlred by publlc ruthority or locsl condltlons. The Contractor shall be rcsponslble for protectlon of e l'l publlc and Prlvrtr property on and adJecent to the slde of the y{ork. He shall use every precaut lon necclsary to prcvent damage to plpes, condultg, and other underground !tructurca and to overherd wlres. He shall pro-tect carcfully from dlsturbancc or damage all land rpnuments end propcrty marks untll an authorlzed agcnt has wltncsscd or otherwlsc refercnccd.thelr location, and shell not rcmov€ th€m untll dlrected. lthen any IDENT GC -5 direct or Indlrect damage or InJury ls done to publlc or prlvate proper ty by or on account of any act, omlssion, neglect or mlsconduct In the execut lon of the work, or In consequence of the non-execut ion thereof on hls part, such damaged property shall be restored by the Contractor at hls own expense to a condition simllar or egual io that existing before such damage or inJury. (b)Accident Prevention: The Contractor shall at all times, whetner or not so specifically dlrected by the Engineer, take necessary precau-tlons to lnsure the protection of the public. The contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain, at his own expense, all necessary b6rri-cades, suitable and sufficient red lights, construction signs, provide a suf f icient number of watchmen and take all necessa.y p.ei"rtions for the protectlon of the work and safety of the publlc throuqh or around his construct lon operat ions. (.) !amaqes; The contractor hereby expressly binds himself or ltself to lndemnify and save harmless the owner, and its officers and employees against all sults or actions of every kind and nature brought, or which may be brought, against them or any of them for, or on account of, any inJuries or damages received or sustained by any person, form or cor-'poratlon, or persons, firms or corporation, in connection wlth or on account of the contractorrs work under this contract or by, or In con- sequence of ,- any negligence in connect ion with same or on accoun t of the use of any lmproper or defective materials or on account of eny poor workmanshlp or on account of any act of corrm iss ion or omisslon of the Contractor or his, its or their agent, servantg or employees or for any cause arising out of the performance of thls Contract. lz SURVEYS. LINES ANO GRADES: The competent men from his force and making meagurements and surveys, reference marks in connection wi Contractor shall furnish, without charge, such tools, stakes, and other materials as and in establishlng temporary or permanent th said work. the Engineer may require for the proper staklng out of the work, and ln All work done under thls contract shall be done to the lines, grades. and elevations shown on the plans, The contractor shall keep the inglneir in-formed, a reasonable tlme ln advance, of the tlmes and places at which he wlshes to do wbrk, In order that lines and grades may be furnlshed and necessary measurements for record end payment may be npde wlth the minimum of Inconven lence to the Englneer and of delay to the Contractor. Any work done wlthout belng properly located and establ ished by base llnes,offset stakes, bench marks, or other basic reference points located, estab-llshed, or checked by the Engineer, may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractorrs cost and expense. All stakes, bench marks, and other survey points shall be preserved by the Contractor. In case of thelr destructlon by hlm or hls employees, they wlll be replaced at the Contractorrs exgense. CHANGES IN THE l.tORK: Through the Engineer the Owner may, at 6ny tlme durlng the progress of the work, make alterations to the work provlded for ln the contract Documen ts wlthout consent of the Surety. The work, as changed, shall be performed as lf origlnally speclfled, and shall In no w6y lnvalldate the Contract. Any dlfference ln cost shall be added to or deducted from the smount of the contract, as the case may be, Adjustments in the amounts to be patd to r3. the Contractor on account of changed work shall be determined by fo'l lowing methods in the order I isted, the earljer listed being impract ical:(a) Unit prices submitted in the Contractor's Proposal (b) Unit prices agreed upon (c) Acceptable lurnp sum uL-b one of the used unless t{hen, in the judgment of the Engineer, it is impracticable because of the nature of the changed work, to fix the amount to be paid for it by any of the above methods, the anount payable shall be adjusted on the basis of change in actual cost, as determined by the [ngineer, p)us fifteen (i5) percent of the sum thereof to cover cost of supervision, rental of small tools, and all general overhead charges in the case of increased work, and with due regard for diminished reasonable profit in case of deletion from the work. Actual cost, whether directly incurred of incurred through sub-contractors, is to include al 1 expenditures for materials furnished-and used by the Contractor, labor costs (salary and direct benefits) ,i ncluding the foreman in direct charge of the specific operation, and rental for p6wer tools or special equipment which may be required, based on the rental rates for equiprnent as shown in the "Equitrnent Rental Rates Schedule,'of the As-sociated General Contractors of Anerica or the equipment rate schedule of the colorado Department of Highways. Profits and overhead costs of subcon-tractors shall not be considered as part of the "actual cost.,,The procedure for determining "actual cost" is to be agreed upon or specified by the Engi-neer in writing befor-e the work is begun, but will not include any allow-- ances for office expenses, general superintendence, or other general over- head charges. Pay'oll records, receipts, and other pertinent records wtrich, in the judge- ment-of the Engineer, are required for the establishrnent of "actua'l cost,"shall be provided to the [ngineer by the Contractor. In addition to the "actual cost,,as of the "actual cost" shall be added allowed profit. defined above, an additional 10 percent to the change order for the Contrdctor's The Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not in-volving extra cost, No claim for additional paynent shall be valid unless authorized in writing as above provided. 14. INSURANCE: The Contractor shall procure dnd maintain, until final accept- anEe UyTne Engineer of the construction covered by the Contract, insurance of the kinds and in the amounts hereinafter specified, un)ess modified uy the special conditions, in insurance companies authorized to do business in the Stale of Colorado, coveri ng all operations under the Contract. The Con-tractor shall not commence work under the Contract until he has submitted,for approval by the 0wner, certificates of insurance showing that he has compi ied with the insurance requirements, nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to conmence work on his subcontract untiI any insurance re- quired of the subcontractor has been obtained and approved. The insurance coverages enumerated herein constitute the minimr.rn require- ments and said enuneralion shall in no way lessen or limit the Iiabiiity of the Contractor under the terms of the Contract. The Cbntractor may procure and maintain, at hjs own cost and expense, any addjtional kinds and amounts of insurance that, in his judgment, may be necessary for hjs proper protec-tion in the prosecution of the work. GC- 7 (a)Builder's Risk Insurance with Ixtended Coveraqe: The Contractor shall secure'AlI Risk" type Bujlderrs RlafTns'rrarrce for work to be con-structed under the Contract. Unless specifically authorized by the Owner, the amount of such insurance shall not be less than the contract amount totaled in the Proposal. The policy shalI cover losses due to fire, earthquake, wind, flood, collapse and other periods during the construction period, and until the work is turned over !o the 0wner. The policy shall name as the insured the Contractor, the Engineer, and the Owner. (b) Contractor's General Public Liabilily and property Damaqe lnsurance: ancg shall be issued Lo, and cover the Iiability of, the contraclor with re- spect to all work performed by him under the Contract, written on a comprehensive policy form. The insurance shall also jnclude contract-or's Protective Liabil ity insurance covering the liabil ity of the Con-tractor with respect to al 1 work performed by his Subcontractors. This insurance shall be wrjtten wjth a limit of liability of not less than $100,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injury, jncluding death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any one person, and not less than 5300,000 for all damages arising out oi bodiiy injury, in- cluding death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by two or more persons in.any one accident; and nor less than $25,000 for al1 damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one acii-dent, and not less than 950,000 for alI damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of property during the pol icy period. This pol icy shal l specifical ly cover al l -of the Contractor,i blasting operaIions. The contractor's General publ ic Liabil ity and property Danage pol icy,required under paragraph l4 (b),,,General Conditions,,,shall name as additional insureds the Owner and the Engineer and their officers, agents and enployees. (c) l.lorkmen's Compensal ion I nsurdnce: Workmen,s shall covei the oblTdTlona fThe Contractor prov is ions of the l,lorkmen's Compensation Act,of Colorado. Cornpen s a t ion Insurance in accordance with the as amended, of the State (d) Indemnity: The contractor ancj his insurers wil I hold harmless, indem-nify, and defend the 0wner, the Architect, the Engineer and his con- sultants,.and-each of their officers and employeei and agentg, from any and all liability claims, losses, or damage arising, or iltegeO to arise, frorn the performance of the work described herein, bul not. in- cluding the sole negligence of the Owner, the Architect, the Engineer and hjs consultants, and each of their officers and emp loyees and agents. uL-o r5 pERFoRtlANct BoND: The Conrractor shall be requlred by the Owner to furnlsh a Performance Bond, on the fornr furnished by the 0wner in. an-afiDunt not less th' the ful I arnount of the con!Irs!_gl_l re ", i".,rrlty for the falthf r.r I perf ornranc oftheContract,forthePaymentotaltPersonsperformlnglaborandfurnlsh- iig-,*,".r"t, and for ell'oiher obligatlons Incurred in connect ion wlth the ..oit . lf, durlng the contlnuance of-the Contract, the Surety on the Contract or,s perfor.ance BonJ becomes lrresponslble, the 0wner shall have the rlght t rcqulre additional and sufflcient surei.ies 8t the contractor's expense which the Contractor shall furnlsh wtthln ten (10) consecutive calendar days after wrltten notice to do so. ThecontractorandhIsSuretyshallbejolntlyresponsJbleforthemalnten- ance and sat lsfactofy operation for a p-er iod of one (l) Year, followlng the Flnal Acceptence, of '"f i rrcrk performed under this contract, and for the sati factoryrepairorrePIaccmentofanywork,materlalorequIpmentwhichbe- comes defectlve durlng thlr period; providlng any fai lure results directly or Indlrcctly from faJlty rvorkmanshlp or negilgencu by the Contractor, from faulty roe'ufictur lng-or irom faulty erectlon oi inproper handllng of materlai or. "qripment furnlsied or lnstallcd by the contractor. Neither the contract( nor Surety shall be liable under thls paragraph for-any.fallure resulting frr the Owneris neglect or want of proper operation of faclllties or dcts of € th Ird party. lJhcn any faulty condltlon ls found, the owner shall serve not lcc to the con- tractor and/or nrr iriutf of thls condltlon, Upon recelpt of sald notlce the Contractor or ti, Sui.ty shall proceed lnrnediately and wlth due dlll- g.i.. ," perform all repa lrs and/or rep laccnents in a satlsfectory manner at no addltlonal cost to the 0wner. The explratlon date for thi repalred or rcplaced work shall be thc asmc 8s that for the orlg'l nal uork' lf,lnrcpalrlnghlsownrtork,theContractordamagestheworkorProPerty of others, the repala-"no p"yr"nt for such shall be the contractor's rcsponslbllltY. Shou I d the Contractor rnay at his oPt lon end such work to be done fall or refuse to proceed as stated above, the Owner wlthout fr.rrther notlce to the Contractor arrange for at the €xpense of the Contractor. ffi pe rformcd according to lts or clalm against the Orner ' GC-9 15.ENGINEER: The Engineer is des ignated by the --- I :ontract and to see that s behalf under tnlS t. ..r.k^,.,i.;;;. v;;; unier this contract mav' wlthout be suspended by the En9 inee r for substant i al O.ln e r It Is cos t cauge. Vhen the Contractor l3 not Present on the work' he shall have a superlnten- dent or other representative present who shall' a'ring the absence of the Contractor, be his representative and have immediate charge of the work and who sha' have "' oi'tti autr,ority and duties of the contractor hereunder' The superintendent ;; ;;;t;;;"!at ive, shal I have the contractorrs author itv to act in lieu or tie Col,i".,o. in his absence. Any person employed on the work who falls, ..rui"i or negiects to oiuy tr',u instructions of the Engineer in anything relatlng to the same or "ppt"" to said Engineer to be lncompetentt disorderly or unfarinilr,'trt"it' 'pon the order of said Engineer' be at once discharged by the Contractor and not agaln employed on any Part of the work' (") rosineglt?,oE:rsio!!:,ln:^El?:^"::*:n:::i,l;::'l"",:;iiil"31",ii'l,",,, ;G7_th-e k Presentat ion to n lm' n of the Owner or the Contractor and on all other matters relatlng to the execution and';';;;";; ;;-iit "'ol.t' or tne Interpretation of the contr€ct Doc ument s . (b) All such declslons of t lme andlor f lnanc la I nrcn t ln regard thercto ln thls work the Contractor rccords kePt bY him. 0etermlnat lons for PaYment: -;ffi;Gts and quantitles of the Engineer shall be final except In cascs where conslderations are tnvolved' whlch' lf no !9ree--it-i.i.i"a, shall be lubject to erbltrrtlon' The Englneer shall make cll determlnatlons ,oix-pi.fotmed hereunder' To assist hirn ri.ii l'"1" avalleble for lnspection any (.)Access, to lJork: The Engineer and.hls.authorlzed represcntstives shall have free access ro tie'wort< et all tlmei' and the Contractor shall furnlsh them wlth facilitles for Bscertaintng wnetner the work belng oerformed, -or the "'oift *nich has been compleied' ls In accordance wlth th€ requ lrenrents of the Contract ' (d) construqtrq! !!ecrin! (!:?:lvi:i::li."ln:":Hll;";"?:l)":"1: o":'''':X;:.- ffiT':',:il:::,:;:l"l:'5;"rvat|onsandconstruct|oncheckin9 ls to determlne the progress ot tr''"'*olt "na to 1ee lf the work ls being pcrformed rn ""to'l"lct'*lttt nr' pi"nl'"nJ 'p"tlflcations' He wlll in no lray bc resPonslble for how the *ork ls performed' 'safety In' on' or e bor.rt thc Job slte, r:thods of pu t io"'nce ' or t ime I lness ln the Perror- mance of the wor k' (.) lnspcctlon of Work: InsPectors may be appolnted'to lnspect materlals used anct *o.x !6i?' Inspectton' tlv-l"i!'"a t" e I I or tnv part of the work and to thc PrcPrrutlon or.""";i";;;;;-oi tttt naterlals to be used' Thc Inspectorr-*i li'not be authori;";-i; alter the provislons of thcse Spcclflcatlons, or to dclay the r'iiiri*it or the tontract by follure GC-t0 to ln5pect materlals and work wlth reasonable promptness. An lnspector cannot issue Instructlons contrary to the Drawlngs and gpssiflcations or act as foreman for the contractor. The Inspector wlll have authoritv to reJect defectlve materlal and to suspend any work that ls belng done'improperly subJect to the final declsion of the Englneer. lf sub-standard materlal, not conformlng to the requ lrements of the Drawlngs and $ps6lficatlons, has been dellvered to the proJect, or has been lncorporated ln thc work, or lf work shalr have been ierformed of lnferlor quality, then such materlal or work shall be cons idered as defectlve and shall be removed and replaced as directed by the Englneer at the expense of the Contractor. All materials shall be subJect to examination and test by the Engineer at any tlme during manufacture. The rlght is reserved to reJect defec-tlve materlals durlng rnanuf acture or before they have been Incorporeted into the work. lf the contractor falls to replace reJected materials,the Owner may rePlace them or correct defectlve work and charge the cost thereof to the contractor; or may termlnate the rlght of the dontr".tol.to Proceed. Any fallure to earller de tec t defect ive material or workman-shlp shall not lmpalr Ownerrs right to a flna)ly completed proJect a9 conternplated by paragraph twenty-one of these General Condltlons. lf the speclfications, the Engineerrs lnstructions, laws, ordinances or any public authorlty requlre any work to be specially tested or approved,the contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for inspection, and lf the Inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such inspect lon, Inspect ions by the Englneer shall be prompt ly made, and where practlcable at the source of supply. lf any work should be covered up without approval or consent of the Englneer, it must, lf required by the Engineer, be uncovered for examination at the Contractorls expense. Re-examlnatlon of guest loned work may be ordered by the Englneer and lf so ordered the work must be uncovered by the contractor. if such work be found in accordance with the contract Documents, the owner shall pay the cost of re-examinat lon and rep lacement. lf such work be found not'ln accordance w.l th ttre Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pey such cost,unless he shall show that the dcfect in the work was caused Ly another Contractor, end ln that event the O,vne r shallpay such cost. (f) guspens lon of l,/ork - climatlc conditlons: The Englneer may order the contractor to suspend work that may be damaged or endangered by cllmatlc conditlons. When adverse cllmatlc conditlons are unusuil and extensive, an rxtension of tlme may bc Arented the Contrector by the Engtneer. (g) f Inal lnspectlofr agd Acccptance: When the work speclfied In the Contrrct ls cornpleted and the flnal clean-up has been performed, the contractor shall notlfy the Englnecr that €llwork under the Contrrct has been com-pleted, and the Engineer will, wlthln ten (10) days efter such notlce, make the flnal Inspection. lf the Englneer finds that the work has bben completed In accordance wlth the requirements set forth ln the Contract Documents, the Englneer will lssue € Flnal payment Estlmare. GC- 1t t7.RIGHTS AND RESPONSIEILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR: (a)Bglgl: lt ls hereby agreed hlmself as to the nature and and quant lty of the mater la ls cond i t lons , the equ I pment and thc local condltlons, and all under th l5 contract. by the Contractor that he has satisfied locat ion of the work, the charac te r, qualitv to be encountered, including sub-surface facilities needed to prosecute the work, other matters which can affect the work lf the Contractor, ln the course of his work, finds a discrepancy between the Drawings and the physlcal conditions or any errors or omissions on the Drawings, lt shall be his duty to Inform the Englneer In writing lm- mediately, and the Englneer shall prompt ly lnvestigate and make any deter-mlnatlon required by the clrcumstances. Any work done after such dis- covery, untll authorlzed, will be done at the Contractorrs risk. In all cases the Englnecr shall decide the intent of the Drawlngs and Speclfica-tlons and hls decislon shall be final and blndlng, except as hereinafter p rov lded. (u) ls|!Es: The address given in the Contractorrs Proposal is hereby des lg- nated as the place to which all communlcations to the contractor shall be delivered or malled. The dellvery at the above-narned place by registered mall of any notice, letter, or other cormunlcat ion to the Contractor,shall be cons.ldered adequate service upon the Contractor, and the date of sald servlce shall be the date of such delivery. The Contractorrs sddress may be changed at any tlme if a wrltten notice slgned by the Contractor ls del ivercd to th€ Englneer three (l) days prlor to such change. (c) Payment for Labor and Materials: The Contractor agrees to pay promptly for work, servlces and labor of every klnd, including payments due Sub- contractors, for rental equipment used on the work, for materlals that are used ln the work, and for labor and material incidental to the .com-pletlon of the work. lf the Contractor has at any t ime failed to pay for work or servlces of any klnd, before final settlement, Includlng amounts due for labor for Subcontractors, or for rental equipment employ- ed on thls work, or has falled to pay for the materials chargeable to the work, or lf the Oener suspects that such payments have not been made, the O.rner may withhold a sufficient amount to cover any unpaid item until I len walver or other sstlsfactory evidence of payment shalI have been exh ib I ted to the Eng Ineer. (d) &]l!Sj|!L: lf the Contractor conslders any r+ork demanded of him to be ou ts ide the Cont rac t requ lrements, or if he cons iders any ruling olt the Engineer to be unfalr, he shall lmmedlately ask for a written In- struction or declslon and shall proceed to perform the work to conform wlth the Englneerrs rul Ing. lf the Contractor cons lders such instruc- tions unsatlsfactory, he shall, wlthin ten (10) days rfter thelr re- celpt, f lle a wrltten protest wlth the Englneer, st!tlng hls obJect ions and the reasons therefor. Un'l ess protests or obJectlons are nade ln the manner speclfled and wlthin the tlme llmlt stated hereln, the Contractor hereby waives all grounds for protests. uL-tl (.) Clalms for Extra C.ost: lf the Contractor clalms that any instructions by drawings or otherwise involve extra co5t under this Contract, he shalI . glve the Englneer wrltten notlce thereof ulthln a reasonable tlme after the receipt of such lnstructlons, and ln any event before proceeding to execute the work, except ln emcrgency endangering llfe or property, and the procedure shall then be as provlded for changes ln the work. No sucn clalm shall be valld unless so made. (f) Superlntendence: fhe Contractor shall keep on hls work durlng lts pro- gress a comPetent superintendent and any necessary asslstants, all satls-factory to the Engineer. The superintendent shall not be changed except wlth the consent of the Engineer, unless the superlntendent proves to be unsatlsfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be In hls employ. The superlntendent shall represent the Contractor in hls absence and all di-rectlons glven to hlm shall be as binding as if glven to the Contractor. lmportant dlrectlons shall be conf lrmed In wrlting to the Contractor.0ther directlons shall be so conflrmed on written request in each case. Thc Contractor shall give ef f icient supervlsion to the work, using hls best skll I and attention. (g) Coltractor's Rlqht to Termlnate Contract: lf the work should be stopped under an order of any court, or other publlc authority, for a period of three (l) months, through no act or faul t of the Contractor, or of any- one employed by him; or should the Owner fail to make payments at the t imes prov ld'ed in the Cont rac t, the Contractor shall, seven (/) days after having glven notice to the 0wner, have the rlght to suspend work,or at hls option, after thlrty (30) days have elapsed from date of said notice in wrlting, should thc Owner continue to be In default, he may terminate the Contract and recover the price of all work done and mater-ials provided and all damages sustained. Such failure by the 0wner to make payments at the tlmes provided shall be a bar to any claim by the Orner against the Contractor for delay In complet ion of the work pro- vided the Contractor suspended hls work for that reason. (h) lndegendence of Contractor: The rights of inspection and control of the progress of the work reserved In the owner are for the protectlon of the Grner in assuring that the work wi ll be done satisfactorlly and do not relleve the Contractor in any way from responslbllity for selecting ippropr la.te means of fulfilllng hls obligations hereunder; nor shall the Contractor at any time be constltuted the sg€nt of the Owner for complet lon of the work or any part of lt. I8. PROGRESS AND CONTROL OF THE ITJORK: (")Prosecu t lon of thc Contractor materials, equ I shal I mee t pmen t , and Eefore work ls started and materials ordered, and consult with the Englneer relative to all arrangements for prosecut ing the work. The work shall bc prosecuted at such tlme and in or on such part or Parts of the proJect, and with such forces of workmen, materials, and equ lpment as may be requlred to complete the work prov lded for ln the Contract In a flrst-class and acceptable condition withln the time llmits speclfled or ag reed upon. The Contractor, lf so dlrected, shall furnish a schedule of expected Progress of the work under the Contract, showlng 6pproxlmately the dates GC- l3 on which each part or divlsion of.the work is expected to be begun and finished. The contractor shall also, lf so dlrected, forward t6 tne Englneer as soon as practlcable after the first day of each month, s sunmary report of thc progress of the various parts of the work under contract In the mllls, shops, and In the field glvlng the exlstlng status, rate of progress, estlmated tlme of completion, and cause of de I ay, i.f any. (b) SybcontraFts: The Contractor shall not sublet or subcontract any por-tion of the work to be done unde r this Contract unt ll approval oi suctr action has been obtalned from the 0wner through the Englneer. The Con-tractor sgrees that he shall remain fully responsible to the qwner for the acts and omissions of his Subcontractors and of persons either dl-rectly or indirectly emp loyed by them as he is for the acts and omlssions of persons directly employed by him. Nothlng contained in the Contract Docutnents shal I create any contractual relat ionship between any Sub-contractor and the 0wner t (c) Assionrlents: Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet lt as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to him here-under, wi t hout the prev ious wr i t ten consent of the Eng ineer . I9. PAYHENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR: (") fu9l.!l-U-3!.: The quantities shown ln the Schedule of \./ork items In the Proposal, and the Invitation to Bid, are approximations only and are for the purpose of comparing bids. Claims shalI not be made ageinst the 0wner for excesses or deficlencies, actual or relative, in the f inal quantities. The Owner reserves the right to ellminate a part of any item in the Proposal that actual construction work discloses as being unnecessary (b) Partial Pavments: Unless oth€rwlse stlpulated ln the Speclal Condltions,partial payments will bc made to the contractor at monthly Intervals. Honthly payment estimates wil'l be made by the Engineer based upon his estimates of the approximate amount and value of work completed during the preceding monthly period, less a retainage of ten percent (lO%) of the total value. Partial payments made by the 0wner shall not be con-strued a9 an acceptance on the part of the owner, or its Engineer, of any part of the work done, or of material furnished, but slmply as pay- ments on account. (c) Final Payment: Within a reasonable time after the Final Acceptance of the work, the Engineer shall certify a final estimate showing the total work done and the amount due the Contractor therefor. After deducting therefrom all previous payments, and any other amounts to be kept and retained under the provisions of this Contract, or as requlred by law, payment in full shall be made to the Contractor; provided ho*evef that payment of the final estimate under this Contract, lncluding the amount of the retalned percentage under the partial estimates, shall not be due or payable untll the Contractor has furnished adequate proof that all claims, llens, or other obligations incurred by him and allof hls Sub-contractorsr ln connect Ion wlth the performance of the work, have bee prope r ly paid and settled. "l I GC- l4 Further, unless staied to the contrary In the Special Conditlons, before the Contractor shall receive or be paid the amount of the Engineerrs f inal estlmate, the O*ncr will publish In a newspaper published In the vicinlty of the proJect and post 6t the site of the work a not ice statinq that lt has accepted such work as completed according to the Drawingr "nj Specificatlons set forth In the Contract and that f inal settlement there-for ls about to be made and that upon thlrty (10) days after the first publicatlon, speclfylng the exact date, the Owner will pay the full balance due under the Contract, and that persons having claims for labor,services, equipment rental, or material furnished the Contractor shall present their claims to the 0wner prlor to said date specifled for such Payment. This provislon is solely for the protection of the Onrner. The Contractor shall have no rijht or claim by reason of the failure of the Orner to exerclse the privllege set forth in this paragraph. (d) Payments Vlthheld: The O,vner may withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any certificate to Such extend as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: ( l) 0efec t ive work not remed ied (2) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicatlng probable filing of claims. (3) Failure of the Contractor to make paymen ts properly to Subcontrac- tors or for materlal or labor. (4) A reasonable doubt that the Contract can be comoleted for the ba lance then unpa id. (5) Oamage to another Contractor. When the above grounds are removed, payment shallbe made for amountg wl thhe ld becausc of them. 20.ltctTs 0F THE O!/NER: (") Rlqht to Annul Contract: The O,vner, at any time, shall have the right to annul the Contract upon givlng written notlce to the Contractor. ln this event the Contractor shall be entitled to the full amount of the approved estlmate for the work done by him under the Contract up to the t lme of such annulment, including the retalned percentage. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for such expenditures as, In the judgment of the Englneer, are not otherwise compensated for, together with the cost of moving to and from the work, and a reasonable profit on the work de- leted by reason of the annulment of the Contract, in order that an eqult- , able settlement shall be made with the Contractor. (b) Riqht to Termlnate Contract: lf the performance of the work set forth under the Contract is unne,-essarily or unreasonably delayed by the Con-tractor, or if any of thc provisions of this contract are being violated by the Contractor or his Subcontractors, the Engineer, actlng ln behalf of the Olner, may gerve wrltten notice upon the Contractor and the Surety of the lntentlon to termlnate the Contract. This notice wi ll con-tain the reasons for the Intentlon to terminate the Contrsct, and unless GC-15 h/ithin five (5) days after serving the notice upon the contractor and the surety such violation ls corrected, the contract shall, upon the expir3-tlon of said f ive (l) days, be terminated. ln the event of such termina-tlon the Engineer, acting in behalf of the Owner, shalr rmmediatery serve notlce thereof upon the surety and the contractor, and the surety shall have the right to take over and perform the work called for in the con-tract Oocuments, provided, however, that if the surety does not cormence performancc thereof within ten (10) days from the date of said notice,the orner may take over the work and without prejudice, prosecute the work to completlon and the contractor and his surety shall be liable to the O^rner for any excess cost occas ioned the owner thereby. (c )Right to Do Vork: lf the Contractor work properly or fail to perform any Olner, af ter threc (3) davsr wr ltten out prejudlce to any other remedy he and may deduct the cost thereof from the Con t ractor. (d )Riqht to Accept Poqtlon of the rJork: The Owner shall take possess ion of and use any completed or part iallv should neglect to prosecute the provis ion of this Contract, the not ice to the Contractor, may, wlth- may have, make good such def iciencies the payment then or thereafter due have the right to comp le ted port ions 2l of the work, notwithstand ing that the t ime for cornp le t ing the entire work or such portlons may not have expired. However, such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work not completed in accord_ance with the Contract Oocuments. lf such prior use increases the cost of or delays the work, the contractor shall be entitled to such extra com-pensatlon, or extension of tinre, or both, as the Engineer may determine. C0HPLETENESS 0F WORK: The facility(ies) to be installed hereunder is to com- Pose an integral part of the system and plant controlled bv the Owner and un-less the contrary clearly appears from the contract Documents, it is under-stood and agreed that the Contractor shall be obliged to complete the facili-ty(les) and to place it in good working order as an integral part of said sys- tem and plant, and his work shallnot be complete unt it he shallhave done so.Eefore f inal acceptance, all parts of the work shall be examined and tested if necessary, and each part shall be ln good condition and working order, or sha.l I be placed in such condition and order, at the expense of the Contractor.All tests of cornpleted work and equipment required under this contract shall be made under the dlrectlon of the Engineer at the expense of the Contractor,who shall repair at hls own expense any damage resulting therefrom. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the contract 0ocuments, the amount to be paid for work hereunder shall includc all labor, materials, forms, tools,scaffoldlng, plant, equlpment, iervlces, utilities, royalties, fees, and.cverything, whether temporary or permanent, necessary to complet ion of the work speci f led here in. 22, LIQUI0ATED DA|{AGEs: lt ls mutually agreed by the parties of thls Contract that tlme is of the e5sence of thls Contract, and that lf the Contractor docs not complcte the work ln the specif ied or agreed upon tlme period (after al lowance for any extensions granted by the Owner as descrlbed followlng), the contractor shall pay to the orner as llquldated damages and not as penalty the sum stlpulsted ln the Special Condltlons for each calendar day the Con- t rac tor ls In default. The O*ner shall have the rlght to deduct the llquldated damages from any monlcs due the Contractor or to sue the Contractor to obtain the cornpensa- t lon for damages st tpulated hcreunder. GC- l6 Extensions of time will bg granted the Contracto-by the O./ner when, In the opinion of the Engineer, such time.delays are beyond the control of the Con-tractor being due to circumstances which could not reasonably be foreseen or avoided and not due to negligence on the part of the Contractor. Examples of delays for which time extensions will be given are; f ire, strikes, and delays or changes ordered by the Owner. Extensions may not be granted on account of unfavorable weather or job condit ions, unless specifically approved by the Eng inee r. 23. SANITARY REGULATl0NS: The Contractor shall be proper health and sanitation facilities for his lations of the State Board of Health. or other shal I be fully complied with. respons ib le for prov id ing emp ioyee s. Rules and regu- bod ie s having Jurisdictlon, The Contractor shall at all times provide an abundant supply of safe drinking water for his employees and shallglve orders aga;nst the use of water in the vicinity of the work, known to be unsafe. At convenient places the Contractor shall provide fly-proof outside toilets which are to be maintained in a sani- tary conditlon. Toilets wlllnot be permitted in any water reservolr area. and wi ll not be permitted where they will pollute € water supply. 2\.SAi4PLES AND TESTS: Seforc f inal acceptance, all parts of the work shall be tested and shalI be in good ccndition and working order, or shall be placed in such condition and order at the Contractorrs expense. ln the ebsence of direct references, the sampling and testlng of materials shall be done in accordance with the currrnt accepted m€thods approved by the American Society for Testlng Haterlals, or the Amerlcan l./ater Vorks Assoclatlon. Tests that 6re specified or regulred for approval of source of materials shall be made at the expense of the Contractor by an independent laboratory whose work and facilitles are approved by the Owner. Certified copies of reports of such tests shall be furnished in the required number to the gwner' for hls approval. Approval of acceptable tests will apply only to materials that equ€l or €x- ceed in quality the accepted test specimens or samples. Any change in ma- terials or their origin, method of preparation or manufacture wlll require new tests and approval., Te5ts of completed work reguired under this Contract shall be made under the directlon of the Engineer by and at the expense of the Contractor who shall repair at hls own expense all damage resultlng t he re f rom. t).CLEANING UP: Upbn completion of the work the Contractor shall remove from the site and any occupled adjoinlng property, all plant, buildings, rubbish, unuged materlals, form lumber, and other like material.belonglng to hirn or his Subcontractors. All prlvy holes shall be satisfactorily backfilled. Failure of the Contractor to clean up satisfactorily will result In the O.vner doing the same, and the cost therefor will be charged to the account of the Contractor or his Surety. 26. lAI4, In accordance with general ly cccepted construction practices, the Contractor will be solaly and cornplcte ly rcsponsible for conditlons of the job sit€, including safety of all pcrsons and property during perforrnance of the work, This requirenrcnt will apply continuously and not be llmited to normal working hours. Thc duty of the Enginecr to conduct construct ion revlew of the Contractorrs pcrformance is not intcnded to include rcv iew of the adequecy of the Con- tractorrs safety measures, In, on, or ncar the construction slte. SCP-1 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS 1. SCO?E: The speclal consEruccion provlslons are intended to speclfy and provlde addltlonal descrlptlons for condlLlons thaE are lncluded or are appllcable to this contract. Ocher portlons of the Speclflcations, Inf orroaLlon for Bidders, General Conditions, and Supplemental General Condltlons whlch are 1n confllct wlth these Speclal ConstrucEion ProvlsLons may be disregarded. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: The slte of r.he work ls ln Eagle County, Colorado ln the Lionrs Ridge Subdivislon Filing No. 4. The work consisEs of furnlshlng and installing approximately 1371 l.f . of 8-lnch saniEary sewer, complece with connections co the exlsting systerns,4-inch P.V.C. servlce slubs as shown on the plans, manholes, and appurtenances. For Ehe work under this ConEract, the ConEractor shall furnish all requlred labor, materials, Lools, supplies, equipmenE, plant, EransporEation, services,permits, patent costs, and all ocher things nccessary for che work, and pay all caxes and oiher lncldenEal costs_ 3. DRAWINCST The Contractor shal1 malnEaln one complete seE of ConEract Drawlngs and an approved copy of all shop drawlngs and manufacturerr s lnstallatlon drawings or sketches at the job site ln good undamaged condltlon. For approvals, shop drawlngs and pertlnent backup data shall be submltted ln five copies and when approved, two copies shall be reEurned. The approval by the Engineer of the shop drawlngs 1s an approval relating only to thelr general conformity with the Drawings and Speclfications and does not guarantee decal1 dlmensions and quanticies. 4. I'TATERIALS: Unless ocherv/ise speclfted, all materlals shal1 be new and lrlthout. damage or defects. Any materlals damaged in shlpmen! or after dellvery to the sife sha1l be removed from the area of the work. Prlor to procurement, the Cont.ractor shall furnish che Engineer, for his approval, the name of the manufacturer of machinery and ocher equipment and materlals whlch he concemplates incorporatlng ln fhe work. The ConEractor shall also furnish lnformation on capacities, efflclencies, slzes, etc., and other lnformatlon as may be requlred by the Engineer. Samples shall be submltced for approval when requesEed. Machinery, equlpmenc, materlals, and arEl-cles lnsEalled or used r.riEhout che Englneerls approval sha1l be aE the risk of subsequent rejeccion. 5. PAYMENTS T0 CONTMCTOR: Partial paymenrs made by che Or^,ner shal1 noE be conslrued as an accepfance on the part of Che Owner, or lt.s Englneer, of any part of tlte work done, or of material furnlshed, buE simply as paymenEs on account The Owner nay withhold or, on account of subsequently discovered evldence, nullify the whole or a par! of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to proEecl himself from loss on account of: a. DefecEive work not rernedied. b. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable flling of clalms. c. Failurc of the CortLril(:tor t() nr kc pirylncnts properly Lo Subcontractors or f or mat.erlal or Iabor. d. A reasonable doubE EhaE the Contralrt can be conpleted for the balance then unoaid. 6. sc P-2 e. Darnage to another ColtLractor. when the above grounds are rernoved, payment shall be made for amounts with-held because of them. Further, before the contractor shall receive or be paid the amount of the Engineer's final estimate, the Owner will publish in a newspaper published in the vicinity of the project and post as the site of the r.rork a notice statino that.it has accepte{ sugh,work as completed according to the Drawings;.;Specifications set forth in the Contract and that finil settlement therefore is about to be made.and specifying the exact date, the 0wner will pay itre - full balance due under the contrait, and that persons having claimi ?or - labor, services, equipnent rental , or material furnished thi Contractor shall present their claims to the Owner prior to said date specified for such payment. The contractor wi'l I not be allowed any change jn unjt irices because of iny decrease in the amount of r,ork. INSPECTI0N 0F xQR(: Inspectors, as representatives of the Engineer, may be appoinTea-To*lnspect matbrials used and work done. inspeitori wi|r not-be authorjzed to alter the provisions of the Specificationi or issure instructions contrary to the Drawings and Specifications. The inspector will have authority to reject defective materials and to suspend any work'being done improperly,subject to the final decisions of the Engineer.- The Contrictor snail iroviie proper facjlities for, and access to, all work under this contract wherever 'i t.is in preparation or progress to the Engineer and authorized representatives and representatjves of the Owner. FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: l.Jhen the work specified in the Contract is has been performed, the Contractor shall notify the_Engineer that the work is complete and the Engineer will, within ten days after the notjce, make a fina1 inspection. If ihe Engineer finds that the work has been cunpleted in accordance with the requirlnents of the Contract Documents, a letter of acceptance and a final payment estimate will be issued GUARANTY: For this Project, the contractor and his surety shal'l guarantee ETl-ii't-eria1s, equipneli, gna work periormed for a period 6f on. y6ar from the date of the letter of Final Acceptance issued by the Engineer. Should the project be in su.bstantjal completion and the Owner take-over and operate the facility or any'part of the ficility prior to the date of acceptance, the one.year guarantee period shall start at the date of substantial completion,as determined by the Engineer. 8. 7. 9.PR0TECIIQN 0F THE PUBLIc, PRIVATE AND PUBLIc pR0pERTy: The contractor shalt mes, whether or not so specifically direc by the Engineer, take necessary precautions to insure the protection of the public. The Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain, at his own expense, alI necessary barrlcades,sujtable and suffjcient red tights, construction iigns, provlde a su?ficlent number of watchmen and take all necessary precautions foi the protection of the vrork and safety of the public through or around his constructibn operations. A11 paving, roadways, vegetation, drlveways, fences and ditches disturbed by the Contractor during the construction of-the work shall be, at his expensel repairer SCP-3 or replaced and left in as good condition as found prior to the conmencement of the construction and to the satisfactjon of the [ngineer. At all times the Contractor shalI protect all fence cuts so that livestock cannot leave the field in which they are confined. All property sl'gll be protected from damage. Any property damaged by the contractor shall be inmediately repaired by him. It is the intent oi tnis Contract not to harm any areas not in public rights-of-way; therefore, the Contractor shall confine all equipment movement, stockpiling, and all other operations to the designated rights-of-way. Property line easements shall be smoothed, cleaned-up, and grassed in accordance with provjsion elsewhere in these Specificat'ions. _It js the responsib'i lity of the Contractor to be fully aware of rights-of-way locatjons prior to beginning operations, and he shall inform a1l emptoyees, subcontractors, operators and suppliers to be aware of these limitations and be responsible for their actions. Potential damage on private property would include but not be limited to, tire tracks on grass, sca'l ping, or injuring bushes, shrubs, and trees. Any areas damaged shall be repaired (if poss'i b1 e)at no addjtjona'l expense to the Owner, and if not repairable, assessrnent of damages will be made by the Engineer and charged against the Contract. The Contractor shall assume all risk and compensate the Owner for any damage to,or loss gf, tress, shurbs, and crops that are outside a private right-of-way or easement. Where the location of the work is such that excavated material may be deposited on ground seeded to lawn, the Contractor shal1, at this own expense, spread burlap to protect the lawn The Contractor wi'l 1 be required to perform hr's operations on public roads 'i n such a manner as to protect the public's safety and convenjence. Roads shall not be closed to traffic at any time, unl ess such is permitted by the County. lJhen necessary, adequate temporary bridges shal'l be constructed across the trench to facilitate travel . For the work in County roads, the Contractor will be required toobtain the permit and pay any costs in connection therewjth. 1n C0HPLETION 0F THE W0RK: The 0wner will reouire that al'l ffi1lowing specified time. The Contractor wj'll be required to begin rrork within ten date of the Notice to Proceed. AlI of the work shall be August 1, 1980. No extensions of time will be granted because of adverse weather conditions. of the work be (10) days after the compl eted by the Contractor If the work is not completed on or before the or as may have be.en extended by the Engineer, the Owner 1iquidated damages in the annunt of every consecutive calendar day that the work date set for completion. 11. l/ATER: All water for normal constructi0n at Uy ttre Contractor. SCP-4 date fjxed for completion, the Contractor shali pay $200 per day for each and is incomplete after the the job site shall be furnished 1,2. ELECTRICITY: All electric power shall be provided by the Contractor and paid for by him. 13. SURVEYING: The Engineer will set location and grade stakes for the stiuEturesn and location stakes for pipeline centerlines, It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to reset any stakes destroyed or moved. 14. ACCESS T0 SITE: In order to be well aware of site conditions and the means toTEiI-TFE site of the work, the bidders are requested to personally vjsit the site in order to have full knowledge of the site and road condi tions 15. SUBS0IL INVTSTIGATIONS: Subsurface exploration has been nade by Chen-& Atsoaiatet -nd-TIEir report is a part of these Special Construction Provisions 16. MATERIALS FURNISHID BY oWNER: The Owner will furnish no labor, no equipment inffiactor. It is the intention of this Contract that the Contractor furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the complete construction of the work. 17. MATERIAL TESTS: The Engineer may elect to have a corrnercial testing E6oreTory run tests for compliance wjth these documents. In the event such tests indicate specified quality of materials or work, the 0wner will make payment for tests. Cost of test results that indicate qualities of work or materials below the minimum conlract specificatjons will be charged to the Contractor's account. 18. BLASTTNG NoTIFICATION: Should blasting be done in conjunction with the @thisContract,theContractorsha11notifytheVai]Fire Department at least two hours prior to blasting, giving the time' location, and expected duration of blasting operations. 19. PROI,IPT AND PROPER ORDERING OF MATERIALS: AII NECCSSATY MAtCTiAIS SUbJCCt shall be PromptlY-and ProPerlY-. ordired to insure igainst p6tential delay in any portion of the work. The order shall specify delivery to meet the construction schedule estab'l ished by the Contraitor is Oeing iecessary for the completion of the Proiect within the specified tjme I imits. No extenslon of time w111 be dellvery of materials unl ess ordered. scP-5 considered for delays resulting from late those materials were promptly and properly 20. UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES: Any known underground utilltles and structures are shown on the Drawlngs. Thls lnformatlon ls s horr'n for che convenlence of the ConEractor, but ls not guaranceed to be elcher correct or conplete,and rhe Contractor shall make such l-nvestlgatlons as he deems necessary to verlfy 1ts correctness and conpleteness. The contractor shal1, before excavatlon, locate all underground utill!ies and structures so Ehat they will not be lnjured by his operaclons. Future utilltles shown on Lhe Drawlngs wl11 be consErucEed afcer thls Contract. 2I. SyERIEALSTRUCTURES: The ConEracror sha11 advlse the utlllty company when ffi1tyof""p;;;;1"gpowerpo1esandhe,thecontracEor' musc proPerly protect all poles so that they will ln no way move from thelr posltlon and the overhead llnes wlll not be danaged ln any way. The concraccor wl1l be required to observe any requlrements set forth by the uE111Ey company concernlng the protection of its fac1lj.Eles. 22. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS: The Concractor shall conforur to all state and local laws in carrylng ouE hls obligacions under che Contracc. 23. DISRUPTJoN OF SERVICE: IL 1s essenElal Ehar durlng connecrlons Eo exlstlng pipe, the servlce disruptlon be llmlred ro a maxlmun of Ewelve hours. The O^rner shal1 be notlfled at leasL 24 hours in advance of any servlce dlsruptton. 24.Tpsr AND CLEANUP 0F prpELlNES: rE is imporranr rhat durlng rhls conrracL cleanup and tesclng be done lmmediat.ely followlng lnstallaiion of a reach of pipeline which is sultable for testing. The contractor sharr test and backfill the lines, and cleanup the rlghc-of-way withln one week of rhe lnstallaclon of a segment of water maln belween two valves. Exceptlons nay be granted by the Engineer if requested ln wr1tlng by the contractor.rf the contracEor falls ro make rests wlthin the specifild t1ru, he shall be assessed llquldaEed damtrges 1n accordance wlth paragraph 22 of. the I'General condiEions.r' Ilowever, the contraccor shall be glven ac least 3 days r,rritten notlce by rhe Englneer before cormencenent of the liqutdaced damages. SAFETY STANDARDS AND ACCrDINT pREVENTTON: t^Iirh respect Eo all of hls work undei this coffi comply wich rhe safeEy scandards of applicable laws, bulldlng and construct.lon codes, and the .Manual of Accidenc Prevention Ln construction," published by the AssoclaEed General Contractors of Amer lca . The contraccor shall also maintain at hls job office or ocher well-known place at t.he jobslce all arcicres necessary for givlng flrsL ald to the lnjured, an employee who has corupleced the American Red cross standard First Ald Course, or lcs equivalent, and s.tanding arrangemen! for Ehe imnediate renoval to a hosplral or a docEorrs care of persons (including employees) who may be lnjured on the jobslce. on jobsltes on whlch less 25 27 SCP-6 than ten enployees are worklng, a standard first ald klt, equlpped to serve 10 to 25 people, may be substltuted for the above requlrements. However, in no case shall employees be permltted to work at a Jobslte before the employer has made a standlng arrangement for removal of inJured persons to a hospltal or a doctorts care. 26. suBcoNTMcrs: The contractor shall submlt t.o the Englneer a llst of rhe nasres and addresses of all subcontractors he lntends to use on the work. No concracts sha11 be entered lnto wlth these subcontractors unt.1l they have been approved by the Engineer. GENERAL: The laws of rhe State of Colorado and rules and regulacLons lssued ptusuant thereto shal-1 be applled in the J.nterpretatlon, executLon and enforcemenc of Ehls contract. Any provislon of this contract erhether or not lcorporated hereln by reference whlch provldes for arblcraclon by any extra-judiclal body or person or whlch ls otherwlse ln confllcE wlth sald laws, rules and regulaclons shall- be considered null and vold. Nothlng contalned 1n any provlslon lncorporated hereln by reference whlch prrrports to negate thls or any other speclal provlsion in whole or in part shall be valid or enforceable or avallable 1n any action at law whether by way of conplalnt, defense or otherwise. Any provision rendered null and void by the operarlon of thls provislon will not invalldate the remainder of chis contract co the exlent rhag the contrac! ls capable of execuElon, The slgnaEories hereto aver Ehat they are familLar wich 18-8-301 , ec seq.,(nrlbery and Corrr.rpE Influences) an<t 1B-B-401, ec seq,, (Abuse of publlc office), c.R's. r973, as amended. and thaE no violation of such orovlslons ls presenE. The slgnatories aver that Eo rheir knowledge, no state ernployee has any personal or beneflcial- interest whatsoever in che servlce or property described hereln. SPECIFICATION A sA- 1 EXCAVATI0N Al,tD BACKFILL F0R BuRI tD plptLINts PROTICTION OF TXISTING FACIL]T]ES; I SC0P[ 0F |.JORK: The work to be ----.--...--rnctuoe ail labor, materials,for the excavat inq and backf il ficatjons or addiiions to tnis cial Conditions". performed under this Specification shall .equiprnent, and serv ices as are necessary tins 9l.alt pipeline trenches. .nny moJl-Specification are set forth in thg'a;;- The work shal I inc r ude the excavat ion and backf il 1 of hfia[ever sub-stances are encountered to the depths shown on the Drawlngs, or modified in the Field by the Engineer. GiNtRAL Rt0UIREMENTS: Except as shown otherwise on the Drawings, ar l EFca'aiion;h-errre made by open cut. permission-.il uui.unted to tun_nel under driveways, crosswaris, currring, warkways, and utir ity instal l-alions, but such tunners shail not exce6d r0 feei-ir-i.niin, The length of trench permitted to be open al any one time may be limited whenn in the opinion.of the-Engineer, such rimitation is necessary for the safety and convenience of tIe puOiic. Hhen excavations are throug.tr ldwns, cultivated fields, pasture rand, or areas h-aving grass -c,over, the conLractor must stoctpili separatery'ait top soil which shall be replaced on top of tire'uackfiriing i; in.trench. AlI surfaces^that have grass sha11 ue re-ieeoeo uy tt. contrac_t0r at u.!]r9 designated by the Engineer but within the riie of rhe con-tract. All lawns and othei grass-iouered areas, not excavated, on which excavated material is praced, shar I be protected from damage dy ptacint burl ap over the grass. uhere indicated .on the oiuninli o,. required herein, removed grass shall be replaced wjtn sod. It is the general intent that the contractor reave the work area irr rr si;nilar and equal condition as it was precedrng the contract mrk. l'lhen.excavating trenches the contractor must conform to the Rules and Regulations Governing^^Excavation, Trenching, and shoring, part I926,Subpart p, of Tjtle 29 Labor-, Chapter .XVII-;f tne Occufiiionat Safety and Health Administration including revisions thereto. The contractor shalI provide al I necessary sheeting, shoring, .bracing, and supports of the sidewalls of the trench and other excavat.ions. rhe timber. sheeting musr be of sufficient dimension ano prtper design to ?fiu.lt caving,-sl.ipping, sliding, or collapse of the tirencn sjOewil ls.Arr snorlng shail be removed from the trench after use. slTE PlEPARATI0N: F.e^nces, wa.) ls, curbs, sjdewaiks, or structures shown dn'TFc--D-rari-TnE3-to be rembved, bi -ir -riot so shown' on the oii*i,igi ;i authorized in rvr"iting by the Engineer to be removed, shalI be so removed and shall later be replaced in i manner acceptable to the Engineer. Ail materials removed and not re-used shall be niuteo from the site and dis-posed of by the Contractor, at this expense. a' General' txisting power rines, terephone lines,6-inch diameter TTEJix feet or -more from the pi pe center l ine, shrubbery, fences, 4. 5A- 2 water majns, gas mains, sewers, cables, conduits, ditches, embank- ments, and other structures in the vicinjty of the work not author- jzed to be removed, shall be. supported and protected from injury by the Contractor during the constructjon and until cornpletjon of the work affecting them. The Contractor shal I be liable for al 1 damages done to such existing facjl iLies and structures, as herein prov ided, and he shall save the Owner harmless from any liability or expense for injuries, darnages, or repairs to such facjl ities. Underground Fac i I i t ies. The type, s ize, locat ion, and number of al I @lities have been shown on the Orawings; how- ever, no guarantee is made as to the true type, size, locaLion, or nunber of such facil itjes. lt shal I be the responsibl ity of the Contractor to verify the existence and locatjon of all underground utiljties along the route of the vlork. The unission from, or the inclusion of, util ity locations on tne prawings is not to be considered as the non-existence of, or a definite location of, ex'ist i ng underground ut i'l i t ies . The Contractor shall notify lhe owner or owners of the exisling uti-lities, whether above-ground or underground, prior to proceeding with trench excavatjon wtrenever such trenching operations are within ten feet of the possible location of dny exist'i ng utility. Should any such utility be damaged in the trench'i ng operations, the Con-trdctor shall jmmediately notify the owner of such ut ility and, un-less authorized in writing by the owner of lhe ulility, the Contrac-tor shall not attempt to make repairs. Duplicate copies of any wli tten authorization given to the Contractor to make repairs shalI be fiIed with the Engineer and shalI be so worded as to save hdrln-less the 0wner of any responsibility whatsoever relative to the suff ic iency of the repairs. in the event that during construction it is determined that dny underground uti lity conduit, including sewers, water mains, gas mains, and drainage structures, and any above-ground util ity facili-tjes are required to be relocated, the Contractor shall notify the utility ownerwelI in advance of his approach to such utility so that arrangements with the owner or owners of the affected utility can be completed wjthout delay to the work. Except as otherwise provided in the Proposal, the cost of relocating botlr un{srground and above-ground utilities, exclusive of house water and sewer service connections, will be borne by the 0wner. CLASSIFIED EXCAVATION: - N(JLK . 5.Excavation wi lI be classified as "Earth" or , SA-3 Excavation shall be categorized for payrnent purposes according t0 the following criteria: a. Iarth Excavation shal l inc'l ude al I material not having properties trilffia-?gi-ijdssifications as rock excavations; shall include alI loose, broken, and/or laminated rock or stones and boulders wtrich can be reasonably broken, plowed, and removed with power-driven ex- cavating equiprnent, skillfully operated and having comparable capa- bi lities of a normal excavating machine. Unless otherwise Stipulat- ed. d "normal excavating machine" shall be assumed to be a 3/4-yard capacity hydraul ic backhoe, or equivalent. Soft sandstone, or similar material and removed by a trenching machine for as "Rock" excavat ion. , r,rfrich can be reasonably broken will not be classified or oaid b . Rock Excavat ion shal I inc I ude al I so I id rock masses nfr ich cannot be idl6lil6-il-Eio-fen, plowed, and removed wjth power-driven equipment soec ified above in "tarth Excavation", and boulder or stones which because of size or position jn the trench, require blasting for re- moval. Payrent for blasted rock excavation shall only be made for volumes within trench limits specified below; except that pa.ymenL for any one blasting operation, which is successful in the opinion of the [ngineer, shall be for not less than one cubic yard For blasting operations, suitable weighted plank coverings, or mat- tresses, shalI be provided to confine al I materials lifted by the blasting to within the limits of the trench or other excavatjon. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances' and applica- b1e safety code requirements and regulations relative to the han- dling storage, and use of explosives and the protection of life and property, and he shall be responsible for all damage thereto caused by hi s bl ast ing operat ions. 6. TRENCH WIDTH: .The minimum clear trench width measured at the top of the EitE T;itET-hal I be nol less than the outside pipe d jameter, plus 16 i nches . For all pipe, the maximum clear trench width measured al a point 12 inches above the top of the pipe barrel shall be not greater than the trench width shown on the fol lowinq table. Pipe 0iameter Inches 4 6 I t0 T2 l5 l5 16 20 ?T Max imum Trench I nches t4 26 30 33 35 3B 40 43 44 P i pe D'i ame Ler Inches SA-4 Max im um Trench Inches MX I I'IUM TRE NCH I,{I DTH TABL I 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 48 48 52 60 05 tt 75 6(. In the event the above-stated maximr.rm trench widths are exceeded, either through accident or otherwise, and if the [ngineer determines that the backfill will exceed the design loadings of the pipe, the Contractor will be required to either cradle the pipe in concrete or gravel! or to use a pipe of a strongsr c1ass, if such be avajlab'le, as required by the Engineer. The cost of such remedial measures shall be entirely at the Contractor' s own expense 7. TRENCH I{ALLS: General ly, al I the trench side wal ls shall be consjdered To-E-v6ifical from the bottom to the top of the excavat ion, for palment quantities. The Contractor may request that the Engineer grant him permission to slope or bench the trench side walls. In the event the Engineer grants the Contractor permission to slope or bench the trench side wal1s, the sloping or benching shall terminate at a depth not less than one foot above the top of the pipe barrel , and from that point down, the trench wal I shal I be vertical . |.lhen sloping or benching is permitted, any special backfill material re- quired will be measured and paid for on the basis of trench width set forth in the table in Subsectiotr 6, "Trench l.lidth', for the size of plpe being installed. No backfill outside of these specified trench widths wi I I be measured for payment. in the event sloping of the trench side walls is permitted by the Engi-neer, the trenctiinf operation, including the spoil bank, shill be con-fined to the ridth of the permanent and temporary rights-of-way, if any. A clear area shall be maintained a sufficient dista4ce back from the top edge of the excavation to avoid overloading wfric'h may cause slides 9. sA-5 or caving of the trenih walls. The excavated material shalI be kept trimmed jn such a manner as to be of as little inconvenience as possible to the public and adjoining property owners. Unless otherwise author- ized by the Engineer, all public thoroughfares and crossroads shall be kept open to traffic. At street crossings, sidewalks, and other points where the Engineer deems necessary, the trenches shalI be bridqed in a safe manner so as to prevent serious interruption of travel and to pro- vide access to fire hydrants and public and private premises. Such bridging shall be approved by the Engineer. TRENCH lltPIll: Tlre trenches shol I be excavated to such depths that the pl--tfF-n€ r,{il-f be laid at the elevatjon of the grade Ijnes shown on the 0rawings, or at such olher depths 0r covers specified on the Drawings. CUTTING PAVtMtNT: The excavation in streets with permanent paving must 5e-46'nffiea-To a minirnum width. The pavernent shal I be cut wjth a veri-tical face 6 inches beyond each trench wall and on a straight line, For paFnent purposes, the maxjmum width of pavement that will be paid for wjll be 36 inches on either side of Lhe pipe centerline, and a maxi- munt total width of 7? inches when pavement is excdvated on both sides of the pipe centerline. After the backfjl-l has been approved by the Engineer, and the Highway or Street Deparlment hav ing jur i sd ict ion, d B- inch base course shal I be added and the paving shall be replaced to the same deplh as the undis- turbed paving, using hot-mix asphaltjc material approved by the Highway 0epartment having juli sdiction, except the thjckness of the paving shall not be less than 3 inches thick, but shall equal the depth of the ex'i st- ing paving, if such is more than 3 inches thick. Preparation for paving shal l include cleaning and prime and tack coats. After placing the material, the pavement shalI be compacted with a smooth roller. Al I methods shall meet the requirements of the Highway Department having jurisdiction. Al I maintenance of traffjc shal I be performed as descr jbed by the "Manual of Uniforrn Traffic Control Dev ices for Streets and Highways," published by the U.S. 0epartrnent of Transportation, Federal Highway Ad-ministratjon, l97l. All work shall be coordinated so as to avoid the closing of slreets or public ways. During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall pro- vide free access to fire h.ydrants and to water and gas valves. Gutters and waterways must be kept open or other suitable provision made for the removal of storrn water. The Contraclor shall bui ld and maintain tempo- rary driveways and crossings such as in the opinion of the Project Engi- neer are necessary to reasonably accommodate the public. In the event of the Contractor's failure to complv with the foregoing provisions, the 0wner may without notice cause the same to be done and deduct the cost of such work from any money due the Contractor under this Contract. Performance of such work by the 0wner shall not serve to release the Contractor from his general or particular liabil ity for the safety of the public or the uork. 5A-6. No street traffic lanes or parking area shall be closed to the public by the Contractor except as authorized by the tngineer and in accordance with procedures outl ined here'i n. No total street closures wil I be a'l lowed in this Contract. Whenever, in the prosecution of the mrk, the Contractor finds it necessary to close a street traffic lane or parking area to traffic, it is required that he advise the Engineer as many days in advance of the closing as practicable, and jn al I cases involviig normal prosecution of the rrmrk and convenience of the Contractor, thi closing.not ice must be given to the Eng ineer at least forty-eight (a8)hours in advance of the time when the street requires closing. In cases of emergency involving condjtjons over rnf,r ich the contractor has no control, it wil I be agreeable to authorize the closing of streets upon 0rder of the Eng ineer. In these cases, the Contractor is requ'i red to. give notice of the emergency condit ions with the least possib'le delay. 0n al l streets and alleys, wirethsr partially closed to restrict traffic, the Contractor shall provide Ianes for access of fire-fightjng equipment without any restrictions; and further, access to alI fire hydrants shal I be continuously available. in alI cases involving street traffic lane closures, the Contractor shalI coordinate his operatjon through Eng ineer.. Contractor shal I be responsible for insur ing that all work sjtes are properiy cleaned and barricaded prior to completion of each days,activities. As a min imurn, al I barricad'i ng shal l "Manual of Un iform Traffic Control published by the U,S. Departrnent of minjstration, .|97.l. The ,anticipated costs for the above requ'i rements shall be included in the bid item expected to cause the same not be the subject of extra pay- ment . The Contractor shal I be respons ib le for the control of traff ic in construction ireas. The Contractor shal'l be required to maintain traff ic as spec ified. The Contractor shal l be required to supply.erect, maintain and remove slgns, t ragmen, conesr and other devtces necessary for the control of Tr;tTjT=nd as ttrtlt-, -t^q.r* Any gravel- surfacing removed during trencheiEffiacedtonotlessthan6-inchcompacted depth. After the backfill has been approved by the Engineer, the gravel shall be placed over the backfill. The gravel shal l be compacted by a vibrotory roller to the elevation of the undisturbed surface. The gravel shall conform to the requirements of the Highway or Street Department having jurisdiction. The cost of re-graveling shall be included in the price bid for constructing the pipel ines. be in accordance with Part VI of the 0evices for Streets and Highways" Transportat ion, Federal Highway Ad- 10. SA- 7 11. TRENCH PREPARATI0N: Iach trench shall be excavated so that the pipe can 5e*faTd--i-o-t6e-nnnment and depth required, and it shal I be excavated only so far in advance of pipe laying as permitted by the Engineer. The trench wall shall be so braced that the workmen may vrork safely and ef-ficiently. Al I trenches shall be drained so that pipe laying may take place in unwatered condjtions. Trench preparation shall also conform to the details shown on the Drawinqs. The wjdth of the trench shall be ample to permit the pipe to be laid and jointed properly, and the backfi I I to be placed as specified. Trenches shall be of such extra width, when required, as will permit the convenient placing of timber supports, sheeting., and bracing, and the handl ing of special units as necessary. Bell holes shall be provided at each joint Lo perrnit the jointing to be made properly. AfLer excavalion, the trench bottom shall be unjformly graded and hand- shaped so that the pipe barrel (exclusive of the joint) wjll have uniform and cont inuous bearing on fir;n, undisturbed trench botTom, or plpe. Ihe trench grade shall permlt the prpe sprg0t to be accurately tEfr-tered in the preceding-laid pipe joint, without lifting the pjpe above the grade, and withoul exceeding the perrnissible joint deflection.lf it is neces-sary to raise the p In the event unstab le foundat ion is encountered, lhe Contractor shal I excavate the unstable material and backfi ll the over-excavation with l-l/2-inch uniformly-graded concrete coarse aggregate. The over- excavation and gravel bedding wil I be paid for as set forth in the Proposal. In the case of unstable natural material , the pay quantity may include grave'l placed up to 4 inches above the bottom of the pipe barrel, as directed by the Engineer. For areas wtrere large stones or rock excavaLion are encountered, so that hand-shaping of the trench is impractical, the trench shal l be over- excavated approximately 4 inches, and the trench bottom brought to correct grade with approved granular bedding up to the pipe invert. For paynent purposes, the width of trench shall not be greater than the trench width specified in Paragraph 7 and the depth not greater than 4 inches below the bottom of the pipe. t2- SH0RING: As needed, all trench sidewalls shall be proper'ly sheeted and 5-ra-E-dEI-to furnish safe rvorking conditions. The shoring shalI be ar- ranged so as not to place any stress on portions of the completed work until the general conslruction thereof has proceeded far enough to pro- vide ample strength. Any damage to pipes or structures occurring through sett lements, heav ing, water or earth pressures, s1 ides, cav ing, or other causes, due to lack of sheeting or bracing, or due to failure of shoring, or due to improper shoring, on the part of the Contractor. shall be his own expense. SA-8 or due to any other negligence repaired by the Contractor at shoring shall be removed as the urork progresses, unless left in place by written order of the Engineer. The contractor will be paid for'shorino so ordered left in place on the basis of invojce material cost only. lf the Engineer is of the opinion that at any point the trench walls are not properly supported, he may ordelthe placement of additional sup-ports by, and at the expense of, the Contractor, and cunpliance with such order shall not relieve or release the Contractor from his resoon-sibi lities for the safety of fhe work. 13. BLASTING: In general , excavatjon blasting wi lI be per;nitled for por-TionTlT- tne work whlch may be exped ited thereby, and a permit is granted by the municipal authority having jurisdjction. The Engineer shall have the right to limjt the use of explosives or to order tha dis-continuance of any b)asting methods which, in his opinion, may endanger any part of any public or private property, Lhe safety of inha6itants of the area, or the traveling public. The Contractor shall enl ist the serv ices of an experienced explosives engineer for advice on blaslihg methods and proLection of bxistinq structures and faci lities Elastinq sha1l be performed in such rnanner that no damage wjll result to any building.' structure, pipeline, utilities, or faci)ity.on or off the sile of the work, or above or below groundline. Any damige suffered as a result of blasting shall be repaired to the satisiactioi of the Enqi-neer, at the Contractor,g gxpgn5g. t.lhen blasting, the trench should be over-excavated 4-inches beneath the established elevation of the pipe bottom and brought back up to grade with approved bedding material . Elasting shall.be done in such manner that the rock is not loosened nor disturbed below the pipe foundation. unless authori zed by the Engineer, blasting in a trench shalI nol be done until the trench walls have been shored or braced in a manner sat-isfactor.y to the Engineer. 14' lEM0VAL 0F WATER: The contractor shal I provide and maintain at al I Times ample means and devices with wtrich to remove promptly and to pro-perly dispose of all water entering the trench excavation. l,,later shalI be disposed of in a suitable manner without damage to adja-cent property or without being d menace to public health and conven-lence. No wdter shalI be drained into work built or under construction without prior consent of the Inq ineer. qa- o Unr.,atering shall be accomplished by well points, sumping, or any other acceptable method which wj lI jnsure an unwatered trench. Any unwatering method shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. purposes of this Specification, the 15. BEDDING AND EACKF I LL I NG: For the terms "standard bedding," "standard ported bedd ing," and " imported codrse backfill," select backfil1," "'im- aggregate," material s shal I be as identified on the Pipe Trench 0etails shown on the Drawings. Except as ljsted in the Proposal, no sepdrate payrnent will be made for any of the fol lowing described materjals. a. Standard bedding material. This material shal I consist of approved ffithe excavated earth, and having no stones greater than 3/4-inch in diameter for Asbestos Cement Pipe, PVC Pipe, Vitrified clay pipe, Concrete Pipe, and l-l/2-inches for 0ucti'le lron Pipe. w b. Standard backfil l material. This material shal I consist of the ex-@ c. Select backfill material . This,naterial shall consist of the exca- ffishall cated in the-followinq table: have no sLones greater than as indi- 2 inches in diameter for Ductile Iron Pioe I inch in diameter for Cast-lron and Concrete Pipe 3/4-inch in diameter for Vilrified C1ay, Asbestos Cement, and PVC pipe. Imporled bedding material. This materjal shall meet the fol lowing gradatlon: Sieve Size Total Passing by Sizes (% by |,{eight l-l/2-inch No. 10 No. 200 l00x 801 ( Imported Coarse Aggregate. This material shall consist of suitable approved matei-aT havinflno stones greater than l-l/2 inches in dia- meter and no stones less than 3/4 inch in diameter. General requirements. Al I backfi I @nic material ,ris. 9. Bedding/se'lect backfill installation. Al I bedding material shal I be s. TamPing equiP'mentr such as hand "T" bars, or air or mechanical uhits, rrflich can thoroughly tamp material to 95 percent maximun dry density, or greater, shall be I material shal I be free from deleterious material, and deb- SA- IO used wjth particular care for tamping rnaterjal below lhe spring I j ne. After the bedding has been placed and has been approved, the pipe trench shalI be backfilled. Standard backfill material shal l not be used from the top of the bedding to a point 6 inches above the top of the pipe. Select backfill shall be compacled in place t0 an elevatjon 6 inches above the top of the pipe. This b.lckfill shall be placed and com- pacted jn distinct, separate l ifts noL to exceed 6 jnches of loose depth. If sufficient acceptable backfill material (sujtable for placement w'i thin 6 inches of the pipe barrel) is not available at any parti- cular location, the Contractor shall segregate or screen out large stones or shal I provide acceplabie material frorn excavations at other'locations in the work under the Contrac!. N0 extra cost will be paid for this moving and handling of backfill material . Backfill inq in Roads and Streets Riqhts of l,lay. Eeneath al I trave led way -in roads and streets, al I backf i I I above the protected pipe shal l be careful ly placed and cornpacted. Compactjon shal I be by mechancial tamping in 8-inch maximum ljfts. When approved by the [ngineer, which wjll be based on the Contractor's guarantee of how the work will be performed, compaction by "hydro-harnmering" may be approved. Regardless of the method of compacting, al I compaction in this Paragraph shail be 95 percent of the maximum laboratory dry density in accordance witn ASTM Specification, Designation 0698-70, Method C. Soil density tests will be required and shall be paid and arranged for by the 0wner. The top B inches of backfill materjal withjn street pavement, driveways, or street curbing areas shall be equal to Class 6 road base as specified in the Colorado Department of Highways Standard Specificatjon and as shotvn on the Drarvings. Backfillinq in all other Locations. Unless shown otherwise on the +Dt-tln uction Provisions, ail backfill above the special1y placed backfil I around the pipe shal l meet the requirements of specification .l6.h. above for Backfilling in Roads and Streets Rights-of-l.lay with the exception that the compaction shall be to 85 percenl of lhe maximum laboratory dry density in accordance with ASTM Specification, Designation 0693-70, l'4ethod C. Soil density tests will be required and shall be paid and arranged for by the Owner. Eoulders. No boulders over 6 inches in diameter shall be allowed in IIe Top-.)2 inches of the trench. FurLher, ai 1 backf i I I shal I be carefully placed so that no damage will be done to the pipeline. No backfill material shall have boulders larger than 24 inches in dia-meter. Boulders larger than B inches in djameter shall be carefully 16. sA-ll lowered into trench until the backfilI is four'feet over the top of the pipe. k. Taintgnance of.Backfjll. All backfill shall be ma.i ntained in a sat-isf actorf-Eono-Tlionl--and al I places showing signs of sett'lenent shalI be filled and maintained'during the li?e of ttre contract ino for a period of one Jear following tlre date of final acceptance of al I work performed under the contract. when the contractor is notified by the - _Engineer or the Owner that any backfil l i;hazardous, he shall correct such hazardous condition at once. Any utilities and road surfacing damaged by such, settlement shall b;repaired by the contractor to'thi satisfaction of the Owner and Enginee,r. In addit ion, the Contractor shalI be responsiUle for ine cost of the Ovrner of alI claims for damages filed with the court,actions brought against the said Owner foi, and on account of, such 0amage. SURFACE RESTORATION; a. General. Where pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, or other Tmpr0vea surfaces have been removed duiing tire course of the work,such items shal I be restored to a condition equal lo that prior to removal, to the same elevation and alignment. The sub-grade for all restored surfaces shal I be thoroughly compacted by michanical or hulg tampers, weighing not less - than 20 pounds-, or vibratory rol lers, or by other proposed means of compaction acceptable to thi Eng i neer Ease course shalI be added for bituminous pavement sod, def ined as densely grassed turf,, ntrich is removed, shal l be replaced with sod of the -same quality, or the sod removed may be put back jf it has been properly stored and renains in a nealthy condition. b. Slreet I.mprovemsnts. Paving, signs, curb and gutter, sidewalks or other street imp-rovement^ destroyed, removed, or damaged during construction shall be replaced with the same type and diriensions oi units removed and shal I be equal t0, and ionsistent w.i th, the undisturbed portions of the improvements existing prior to the trench excavat ion. The contractor shal I not handle- traffic control ligngl equipment (signals, loops, or mast arms) which wjll be handled in accordance with the provisions of this specification.Replacement of curb, gutter, and sidewa'l k will not be paid for separately, but the cost of such mrk shall be included in the other unit prices for doing work. All debris sha'l I be removed from the site of the rork at the expense of the Contractor. Al I concrete used quirernents of the The thickness of d i sturbed Pav in9 , 17.FINISH GRADING AND CLEANUP: @effect trench line. - BoulderS rtr ich stralI be collected and hauled tor, off the Owner's ProPertY' in the restoration wrr k shal I Street or HighwaY 0ePartment al I pav ing shal I be the sane but 'shal I not be less than 3 sA- 12 be equal to the re- having jurisdiction. as the adi.acent un- i nches . The Contractor sha'l I grade the trench Iine a neat and workman like appearance of the -cannot be placed in the trench backf i l I to a dump site selected by the Contrac- easements, and rights-of-waY. Excess exCavated material , if any, sh-all be similarly hauled away' t0 a location designated ly-tfie gwnei'off- the edsements and rights-gf'way for thie project. nfitinitJy' iltt Contractor may haul this material to privdte property'upon opptouit of the owner of that property and the 0;;, tn.orbn '*re in-glneer, as lo,n9 as. the f inal site conditions meet ii.'brdriii6ns -O.f inJateO in the Sp"ecial Construct'ion Provisions' Roadwav surfaces snal I be repaired as required by th.e specifications' ;;;-D;;rri;9s, ahd/or the "special Construct ion Provisions"' Al I too'l 3, equlp.nent of the v{ork, barricades and temporary structures shal'l be removed tror lr'e- slte Oy tne Contractor. A'll excess dirt and rubbish shall be removed, and thi construction site left clean' ?. sB -l SPIC]FICATION B PIPTL INE MATIiIALS FOR SII.ITRS GtNtRAL: Th is Spec ification shal I govern al I sewer pipel ine and appurt- enant materials used under this Contract. Al I materials shall be new and the best available. Al I material use(l shal I be according to the ment ioned standards of the Anerican I'later t./orks Association, the Amer i- can National Standards Insitute, the Anerican Society of Testing and l4a-terials. Misce'l laneous fittinqs shallbe as calIed out on the 0rawinqs. PIPELINES: a. Polyvinyl Chlorr!LP_r!9' The pipe shall be polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and shal'l be suitable for gravity sewer service. A1 1 PVC pipe and fittings shalI meet or exceed all of the material requirements of ASTU Specificat ion D3034 and thickness requirements of SDR-35. Prov is ions must be made for contract jon and expansjon of each jo int with a rubber' ring, and integral thickened bel I .ts part of each Joint. Pipe shall oe supplied in layinq lenqths of 20 feet. Al I pipe and fittings snal l be assembled wjth a- non-toxic lubricant. Each length of pipe and alI fittings shall have marked on the ex-terior the following: N,lme or trademark of Monufacturcr Nominal Pipe size PVC Cel l classif ication Legend - "Type PSM S0R-35 PVC Sewer Pipe" The Des ignation "ASTM-D-3034', At the job site, al 1 pipe will be field inspected and checked for out-of-round, joints, interior and exterior surface damage, and gasket s . Any pipe rejected at the job site shall be marked',Rejected',, and the Contractor shal I remove it immedidlely frorn the Job siLe. All fittings to be used with the PVC pipe shalI be those manufactur- ed by the manufacturer of the pipe. Each specla'l fittings shall be a complete manufactured unjt with either bells on each connection or bel l and spigots that are an eract duplication of the bells and spigots on the pipel ines. Fittings with any other type of connec t ions wi I I not be accepted . CONCRETE FOR THRUST BL0CKS AND ENCASING 0F PIPE: The concrete for Lnr uSt D loCkS and tOr compress ive strength @ipeTt-ne shall of not less than 3,000 psi. 1 have a ?9-day sB -2 Al I re inforcernent required shalI be standord deformed reinforcement con-forming to the requirements set f0rth'in ASTt',l Specification, Designation 46l5-68, Grade 60. 4. MANH0LtS: Manholes shal I be constructed of pre-cast concrete rings, in accii6ance with the details shown on the Drawings. The concrete-rinqs shalI conforrn to ASTr4 specification c47g-64T and shalI meet coloraio State Highway requirements. Concrete for rnanhole bases shall have d co,npressive strength of not less than 3,000 Psj after 28 days. To b|i ng the manhole cover to the correct elevation, the top section of each manhole shall be constructed of brick which is sound and true in shape and size and shall be 6rade S-t"l, frorn Clay or Sha1e. Pre-cast concrete grade adjustmnet rings rnay be substituted for the br ick. These rings shal ) be not 'less than 6 inches wide and furn'i shed rn heights to al low for one-jnch adjustment. Joints between manhole sections may be sealed by by "Ram-nek" pre-formed gaskets, ds mdrrufactured lnc., tiouston, Teias. Cement mortar for joint'i ng shalI consist of one Type ll, or better, and three parts of sand. a full mortar joint, or by-RTT. Snyder Comparry, The monhole frarne ond cover and the steps shall be r ng s . part Portl and cement, as shown on the Oraw- Stubs shallbe provided at manholes when so shown on the 0raw,i nqs. Such stubs shall be sealed wjth d removable pluq. t a SGI SPICIFICATlON C PIPELINI INSlIlLLATION FOR SEt.JIRS GENERAL: This Specification shall govern installation and placing into TFFvlcFalI sewer pipeline facilities involved in this Contract. In the absence of specjfic rrnrding to the contrary, the Contractor shall follow normal good c0nstr uct ion pract ice in accordance with mater ial s manufacturer' s Drinted instructions. 2. HANDLING OF MATIRIAL:Pipe, fittings, manhole concrete rings, manhole accessories shal l be Ioaded and unloaded by frames lifting Under no sk idways 9rouno ' dno covers ano with hoists or skidding so as to avoid shock or damage t0 them. circumstances, shall any materials be dropped. Pipe handled on shal I not be skidded or rol led against pipe already on the ln distributing the mateli al at the site of the work.' each piece shall br'unloaded opposiLe or near the place rihere it is to be laid in the trench. INSTALLATl0N 0F MANH0LES: Manholes shall be constructed to conform to ffiDrawing. The invert channels shall be smooth and serni-circu'l ar'in shape, conforming to the inside of the incoming and outgoing sewer pipel ines. Changes in direction of flow snal I be rnade with a smooth curve of as large a radius as the size of the manhole wi ll perrir it. Changes in size and grade of the channels shalI be made gradu- ally and evenly. l.lhere large differences in invert elevations exist, sloped flow channels shall be formed so the sewage does n0t underg0 a vertical drop. The invert channels may be formed directly in the con- crete of the manhole base. The floor of the manhole outside of the channel shall be smooth and shalI slope twoard the channels not less than one inch per foot nor more than two inches per foot. The manhole covers shal I oe set wi lh their tops at the grade I ine. as set forth on the Drawings. l,lhen a manhole top is above the ground line, compacted backfill shall be placed around the exposed section as shown on the Drawings. PROTECTI0N 0F TREATTD WATER PIPELIIItS: l.lhen the location of the treated ecific protection is set forth on the Drawings or in the construction requirements, the Contractor shall be governed by the following jnstructions: a. When a sanitary sewer pipel ine crosses an existing water pipel ine, and the sewer is less than a clear distance of l8 inches below the water pipeline, the Contractor sha'l I encase the serler pipeline in a concrete encasementr constructed in accordance wlth the details set forth on the Orawings. Ihe length of the encasement shall be such that the sewer pipeiine is not less than l0 feet: horizontally on both sides of the water pipel ine. t 5. sc2 b. I.lhen a sanitary sewer p jpeline is fourrcJ to be less than lo feet hor-izontal ly from- a water pipeline wfrich is para)lel or converging to the sewer pipeline, and the sewer alignrnent cannot be mqved to an approved new alignment at least l0 feet from the water pipelinJ,then the contractor shall encase the sewer pipe) ine in a concrete encasement, c0nstructed in accordance with the details set forth on the Drawings'for the distance that thc sewer pipeline is less tnin '10 feet from the water pipeline. FLUSHING AND TESIING Stt,JiR PIPTLINIS: Pipgl ine Flushing,. The contractor shall flush the pipe'l ines, as rhe worK progresses, Dy means that are rn accordance with good practice,to insure thdt earth, sand, rocks, or other foreign ma[eriai a.e.e-moved from the interior of the p.i pel.i ne. 8]ignment. and Grade. Sewer pipelines will be checked by the Engi_neer to delermine rttrether any displacernent of the pipe hls occurred after the trench has been ueioeo to an elevdtion of'6 inches aoove the pipe and tamped as specified. The test will be as follows: A light -will be flashed between rndnholes., or if the manholes have not as yet been constructed, between the locat ions of th m"arrho iei, uy mc.ans of 'a iiJin- I ign! or by reflecting sunl ight with a mirror. If ilre illum jnated -,interior of ine pipel ine shows poor a I ignrnent, d isplaced pipc, earth, or other debr is rn the pipe, or any other kinds oi clefects, the de_ f ects, deterrnined by the tngineer,, shall be reme_ d i-"q Uy the Contrdct0r at fri s own expense. Test wi I I be repeated. after cornp)et ion of' backf il l ing qnq any poor alignment, displaced pipe, or othei defects, determined by the tngineer,' shall be corrected at the Contractor's exDense. I I a For - sewers on curved alignrnent, between manholes,or 'locat ion of manholes if not constru.tprt aftpr or 'locat ion of manhoIes not constructed, after the pipe has been laid and the backfjll has been placed above the pipe, a heavy rubber ball shall be passed through the pipe. The rubber ball shall be similar and equal to a',Mac l,lane gall,'. as manu- hole, or its location. The bal I shal I be secured by a line to control the rale at wtrich the ball is al'l owed to pass throuqh the sewer. facturpd by tj.-e Sidu CompanJ, Long Beach, Califor_ n i a. The bal I shal I be infl ated- and the outs ide diameter shall be the same as the inside diameter of the sewer pipe. The balls shall be placed at the upper manhole of the sewer to be cleaned. A head of water shall be placed against the ball to force the ball through the sewer and debris f'l ushed from the Iine shall be collected at the lower man- al' Leakage. Tests for watert ightness in the presence of the Engineer, and not leak in excess of the followinq Pipe Sizt: ?{--lncn 2l - irLc h l8- irrch l5- inch 12- incn l0- inch 8- inch 6- inc h At the discret ion of the t est may be snortened by in the leakage rdte shown sc-3 sha l I be rnade by the Contractor the sewer and connections shall rate for a 24-hour lest period. Al lowab le Leakage in Gal/Foot of Sewer/24 Hours f,m - -725*-- -T.T2--2.00 I .00 1 . 70 0.85 I .40 0. /0 r . l0 0.55 0.90 0.45 0. 70 0.35 0.50 0.25 [ngineer, thc t ime for the leakage rate four (4) hours, with the proper adjustment above. a.f The tests dnd -the medsurement of infiltration or exfiltration shall be conducted jn a manner as approved by the Engineer, The Contrac-.tor shall repair the sewer and re-te5t untjl satisfactory tightness is obtained. Infiltration tests will be used if [he ground water table is one foot or more above the finished sewer; otherwise, exfjltratjon tests will be used. The minimun head for thc exfiltration tests shalI be two feet above the top of the pipe dt its hightest point in the test section. Sections shal I oe bulk-headed so that during any test lhe head on the sewer at its lowest elevation will not be more than l0 feet. This restriction does not apply to ductjle-iron pipe. Should, in any section of the pipeline, the head at the lowest point in the sectjon exceed l0 feet, then the tngineer wi lI set forth the special method of testinq to meet the field conditions. 6. TTSTING MqNH0LES: Ourinq the construction of the manholes, the Contrac-tor-ifin;-in accordance with good practice, insure that no earth, sand, rocks or other foreign material s ex ists on the jo int surfaces during assenbly of the sectjons. The Engineer shall check each manhole to det- ermine uhether the manhole fulfiIls the requirements of the 0rawings and Spec ifications. a. Vjsual Examination. The Enqineer shall vjsually check each man- Fofe;-5oTf-eneTlor and interjor. for f1aws, cracks, holes, and other inadequac ies wh ich might affect the operat ion or watertight integrity of the manhole. Should any inadequacies be found, the Contractor. at his ovrn expense, sha'l I make any repairs deemed necessary by the [ngineer. I a- f.t'- sc4 b . !ed[age, T.ejt . A] I manholes sha l I be tested for Ieakage and al l tests shdll be witnessed by the Engineer. The leakage teit shallbe conducted prior to backfilling around the manhole and sha'l-l be carr-ied out in the fo1)owing manner: (l) A] I lines leading into or out of the rndnhole shall be tightly p I ugged . (2) The manhole shall be filled with w,rter to a level at least one foot above the uppermost joint. The water shall be allowerl to stand for two hours to al low for norrnal water absorpt ion into the manhole material. At the end of the two-hour stabil izat'ion period, if the water level in the manhole has dropped belorv the top -rrng joint,,additional water wi lI be added to bring the level above the joint as before. Any visibre external leitage noted wi th in a one-hour test per iod -shal I const itute fai I ure,and the Contractor, at his own expense, shal I repair the man_hole and re-test until.satisfactory tightness ,i s obtained. The above separate manhole test \,vill not be required *tren man-holes are testd simultdneously with sewer pipe. INSTALLATION OF PVC PLASTIC PIPI: Pipe Laying. Pipe shall be laid with bell end facing in the direc- t jon .of Iaying, unless directed otherwi se by the Eng ineer . No def-tect ron 1n the joints shal l be al lowed. t.Jhen pipe laying is not in progress, tne open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug. Tl" cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shalI be done in a neat and r,orkmanl ike manner- *itt'out damage to,the.pipe and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to tne axis of the pipe. Bevel the end of tne pipe witti a beieling tooi after the pjpg !l field cut. place a clearly visible positio-n mark at the correct distance from the end of the field_cut pipe. Jojltting,!he Pipe. The outside of the spigot and the insjde of the Dell shaii be thoroughly wiped clean. Set the rubber ring in the bell with the marked edge facing toward the end of the bell. Lubr,i - A h cate the spigot end using lubrlc ant . Push the pi pe pleted joint so that the a thin film of the manufacturer-supplied spigot into the bell. Pos'i tion the com- mark on the ipe end is jn line wjth the a .- -( end of the be sc -5 o.W,ctruc srwrn ptpt: The openings between the and any new pipe instal led must be c losed water-tight, including the bottom of tne pipe, with a firm mix grout of .!lJ:, tt.:^g:::,,', oirainable r.o, i.i.' Construct jon Suppty Company, ut of Denver, Colorado. "Five star Grout". sha'l I also be used for srno.thing the enlarged bottom channel s in ex ist ing manho les "Five star Grout" shall be used for searing ail sewer pipes that are designated to be sealed. 9' lERyIgE qqNNE,C,Tt0NS: Customer service connections shalt be installed in accordancT-wiTtr--Th-e details set forth on the 0rawings f;llo;i;g-ihi;spec if icat ion. After the serv ice connect,ion 'is insra l ied, the end shal ,l be plugged watertight with the sp.iifi"o pt19. \t I rj. -a EAGLE COUNTY C otvnu ni t g De ve J o pII:e_ n t P. O. Bor. 779 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TE LEPHON E 303/328.73r I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSo R Ext 2O2 BUILOING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LI BRA RY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC H A5I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Easalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20l 30 Mag 7980 Jetfreg SeJbg #307 VaiT NationaJ. Bank 708 So. Frontage Rd. W. VaiL, CoTorado 87657 Re.' FiTe No . Su-f 22-80-P SeTbg PreTiminatg PTan At their neeting on Mag 28th, the Board of Countg Cozrnissioners approved gour preiiminhrg plan with the condition that prior to Final" PTat approvaT, off-site road impacts be satisfactoriTg resolved (proportionate share of the cost) . ff gou have any questions, please contact this office. -/Z---* E-; Thonas Boni Ass't Director of PTanning rB/kp 1909 Wr':.t ; llr Avr'rril P O B(r\ .10:lrl Dct'lvcr Llo[)r,]c() {li),'( 1,1 r 1 303-5;3 ;FB:' .16\ . €t\""u, 9, rg'o >Jv1 ?.1;' woodwapfl #tVtS consultants MAY 1J iJ80 Mr. Ronald A. Todd Arch i tect P.O. Box 1753 Vail , Colorado 81557 Re: Engineering Geologic Consultation, Lions Ridge Subdivision, FiIing No. 4, Vail , Colorado. Job No. 20004-19570 Dear l'1r. Todd: This Ietter report will confirm engineering geologic opinions given to you by the undersigned durinq the course of his geo- logic reconnaissance of Lions nidge Subdivision' Filing No. 4, on Friday, May 2, 1980. Our objective was to evaluate the risk of rockfalls from ledges croppJ.ng out across the Property and to recommend a means to reduce that riskr if appropriate. Fili.ng No. 4, situated within the Sw L/4 SE L/4, SecLion l, T. 5 S., R. 81. w., occupies a sector of the northern slope of the Gore Creek VaIley betvteen Red Sandstone Creek VaIley on the east and Buf fer Creek Valley on the lrtest. Ground eLevation ranges from about 8200 feeE at the souCheastern corner of the filing to about 9080 feet at the northwestern corner of the filing. We understand you propose to construct single-family residential units within the southeastern third of this 43-acre parcel . Geologic conditions across this sector of the northern slope of the Gore Creek Valley are relatively simple. Sedimentary rock strata of the Minturn Formation, maj.nly interbedded sand- stones and shaLes, but including a few Iimestone units as welI, constitutes bedrock but, for the most part, the strata are blanketed by morainal soils across the lower guarter of the filing, and by slopewash soils across the upper three quarters of the filing. within this filing the bedrock strata Cr)n,;Ltl[]Q i t rlt'trl:rl, (;,!rr,rl.,l', arLI t frvr'r)rrtlti)rlirl l;r.r, rllr ,l Ollrr:es n (Jllrcr I rrrrr: l) ri ()1r", L^It Woodward-Clyde Consultants Mr. Ronald A. Todd May 9, 1980 Page 2 strike north-northeastward and dip about 30 degrees west- northwestward thus into, rather than out of, the hiIlside. Within the filing the hillside slopes generally from north- westward to southeastward at about I/2zI to 2=1 ' alt.hough variations from that range locally are common. The bedrock strata crop out as one continuous band forming a 5 to l5-foot-high cliff approximately paralleling elevation contour 8950 feet, and as several discontinuous bands forning cliffs 5 to I0 feet high between Elevations 8700 feet and 84?0 feet. For the most part' that rock i5 well cemented, widely jointed sandstones ranging from thick bedded to thin or flaggy bedded, but locally Ehese sandstones include thin beds of dark gray microcrystalline limestone that is moderately hard but very strong. With rare exception' the rock of these various ledge-forming rock units appear to be welf knit together and have not been appreciably effected by erosional processes that in other areas have resulted in detachment of blocks from similar Iedges. we conclude from the evidence we observed that the risk of rockfalls from these ledges, with certain exceptions, is Iow. We would judge it, moreover, to be considerably lower than in many other sectors of the Gore Creek Valley. The exceptions to that eval.uation are few but are prominent. Four blocks of limestone are loosely perched on the sandstone tedge near the top and at the western boundary of the filing. These blocks are 18 to 24 inches on a side and appear to be balanced precariously. Two of those blocks lie west of your boundary in the neighboring tract, but if they should fall they could travel southeastward into your filing. Three other cubical blocks of rock lie loosely on the ground surface to the wesl and east of a rock outcrop in Lot 9, and a large slab of rock is balanced precariously on a rock knob near the western boundary of the filing in the vicinity of Elevation 8700 feet. Several other loose rock blocks were noted during the course of our reconnaissance but we detached those and let them roll down the hillside where they no longer constitute a rockfall hazard. We would suggest that you follow that practice with the rest of the loose blocks noted above. Once those are removed, the risk of rockfalls should remain low for many years. We would be haPPy to help you with that work if you desire. Y.Woodward.Glyde Consultants Mr. Ronald A. Todd May 9, 1980 Page 3 In summary, we believe that the risk of rockfalls across Filing No. 4 is generalJ.y low but could be improved by the removaL of 8 to I0 small blocks of rock that appear to be Ioosely perched on the hillside. Those consti.tute a higher leveL of rockfall hazard but risk inherent to those individual blocks could be eliminated by pushing those blocks fron their Present sites and alLowing them to roll. down the hill to a natural resting pl ace. Otherwj.se, the rock forming the several ledges and cliffs across the filing appears Co be stabl e. You also asked that vre comment on the geotechnical feasibitity of the proposed 300-foot-long eastern extension of your project access roads. This road would require a cut no more than l0 feet high for a few tens of feet. The logs of test pj.ts excavated in the vicinity by Chen and Associates earLier this year, and our own observations, indicate that soils, mainly silts and sands, mantling bedrock should be less than I5 feet thick along the access road extension. Those soils should create no unusual cut slope or road founda- tion problems. For your initial designs, \.re suggest that you (I) plan for 1:l cut slopes in the soil; (2) plan for drainage ditches at the tops of slopes to catch water and to route it around the slopes, and plan to revegetate those slopes immediately, and (3) plan for I/4:l slopes in the rock.Revegetation not only should minimize the visual impact of the road cuC, but also should i.mprove cut-bank stability. The road base coarse and surface could be designed to accommodate subsoi.I conditions evident at the time the work is done. We have appreciated the opportunity to work wj.th you on this project. If you have any questions, or would Iike to discuss any aspects of our report, please feel free to cal.I . Robt. James lrish Seni-or Associate and Geology Division RJI: Ifc (3 copies sent) ahiof Frank Vice Holliday 6s ident 2909 West 7th Avenue P O Box 4036 Denver. Colorado 80204 303-573,7882 May 6, l-980 Woodward. Glyde Gonsultants I'"1r. Ronald A. Todd Arch i tect P.O. Box 1753 Vai], Co]orado 81657 Pa.Engineering Geologic Consultation, Lions Ridge Subdivision, F.iling No. 4, Vail , Colorado.Job No. 20004-19570 Dear Mr. Todd: This letter report wiLl confirm engineering geologic opinions given to you by the undersigned during the course of his geo-Iogic reconnaissance of Lions Ridge Subdi.vi.sion, FiJ.ing No. 4,on Friday, I4ay 2, l-980. Our ob jective was to evaluate the risk of rockfaLLs fron J-edges cropping out across the property and to recommend a means to reduce that risk, if appropriate. Filing No. 4, situated within the SW L/4 SE L/4, Section l,T. 5 S., R. BI W., occupies a sector of the northern slope of the Gore Creek Val1ey between Red Sandstone Creek Va11ey on the east and Buffer Creek ValJ.ey on the west. Ground elevation ranges from about 8200 feet at the southeastern corner of the filing to about 9080 feet at the northwestern corner of the filing. We understand you propose to construct single-family residential- units withj-n the southeastern third of this 39-acre parcel . Geologic conditions across this sector of the northern slope of the Gore Creek Va11ey are refatively si-mple. Sedimentary rock strata of the Ivlinturn Formation, mainly interbedded sand-stones and shales, but including a few l imestone units as well-, constitutes bedrock but, for the most part, the strata are blanketed by morainal soils across the lower quarter of the filing, and by slopewash soils across the upper three quarters of the filing. Within this filing the bedrock strata Consultrng Engrneers. Geo ogists and Env ronmental Screntrsts Olfrces In Other Principal Crlies o It Woodwa rd.Clyde Consultants I"1r. Ronald A. Todd I"lay 6, 1980 Page 2 strike north-northeastward and dip about 30 degrees west- northwestward thus into, rather than out of, the hillside.Within the filing the hil,lside slopes generally from north- westward to southeastward at about I/2:7 to 2:1, although variati-ons from that range localIy are common. The bedrock strata crop out as one continuous band forrning a 5 to 6-foot-high cLiff approxirnately paralleling elevation contour 8950 feetr and as several discontinuous bands forming cliffs 5 to 10 feet high between Elevations 8700 feet and 8470 feet. For the most part, that rock is wel-1 cemented,widely jointed sandstones ranging from thick bedded to thin or flaggy bedded, but locally these sandstones include thin beds of dark gray microcrystalline limestone that is moderately hard but very strong. With rare exception, the rock of these various ledge-forming rock units appear to be welf knit together and have not been appreciably effected by erosional processes that in other areas have resulted in detachrnent of bLocks from simiLar ledges. We conclude from the evi.dence we observed that the risk of rockfal-ls from these ledges, wi.th certain exceptions, is low. We would judge it, moreover, to be considerably lower than in many other sectors of the Gore Creek ValLey. The exceptions to that evaluation are few but are prominent. Four blocks of limestone are loosely perched on the sandstone ledge near the top and at the western boundary of the filing. These blocks are 18 Lo 24 inches on a side and appear to be balanced precariously. Two of those blocks lie west of your boundary j.n the neighboring tract, but if they should fall they could travel southeastward into your filing. Three other cubical blocks of rock Lie loosel-y on the ground surface to the west and east of a rock outcrop in Lot 9, and a large slab of rock is balanced precariously on a rock knob near the western boundary of the filing in the vicinity of Elevation 8700 feet. Several other loose rock blocks were noted during the course of our reconnaissance but we detached those and Iet lhem roll down the hj.llside where they no longer constj-tute a rockfall hazard. We would suggest that you follow that practice with the rest of the loose blocks noted above. Once those are removed, the risk of rockfalls should remain low for many years. We would be happy to help you wl,th that work if vou desire. Woodward.Glyde Consultants I{r. Ronal"d A. Todd May 6, 1980 Page 3 In summary, we believe that the risk of rockfalls across f iling No. 4 j.s generally low but could be irnproved by the rernoval of 8 to 10 sma]I blocks of rock that appear to be loosely perched on the hillside. Those constitute a higher levet of rockfall hazard but risk inherent to those individual blocks could be eliminated by pushing those blocks from their present sites and al]owing them to ro1l, down the hill to a natural resting place. Otherwise, the rock forming the several ledges and cliffs across the filing appears to be stabl e. You also asked that we comment on the geotechnical feasibility of the proposed 300-foot-Iong eastern extension of four project access roads. This road would require a cut no more than 10 feet high or a few tens of feet high. The logs of test pits excavated in the vicinity by Chen and Associates earlier this yearr and our own observations, Lndicate that soils, mainly sil-ts and sands, mantling bedrock should be less than 15 feet thick along the access road extension. Those soils should create no unusual cut sJ-ope or road founda- ti.on problems. For your initial designs, \"re suggest that you:(1) plan for 1:l- cut slopes in the soil; (2) plan for drai.nage ditches at the tops of slopes to catch water and to route it around the slopes, and pl an to revegetate those slopes immediately, and (3) plan for I/4lI slopes in the rock. Revegetation not only should rninimize the visual impact of the road cut, but also should improve cut-bank stability. The road base coarse and surface could be designed to accommodate subsoil conditions evident at the tine the work is done. We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any aspects of our report, please feel free to ca1l. Yours truly, , u.Fl*-e.+' d \-.:' Ps.trO fl. 7Ho1 I id ay Vice trre€ident RJI: Ifc (3 copies sent) i."."9l 3o'^'" D9 EAGLE COUNTY Community Development P.0. Box .|79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrSSroNERS Exl 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN I N SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S ION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE E\t 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 827-575'l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6324 TREASURER Ext 20 | l{ay 8, '1980 Jeff Sel by P.0. Box 1528 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Su-]22-80-P At their meetjng of May 7, the Planning Commission recommended approval of your preliminary plan with the fol lowing condjtions. 1) Thirty (30) foot curb radius at intersectjon 2) Details on drainage culvert interface with ex'i sting culvert under Lions Ridge Loop Rd. This reconrnendation will be forewarded to the Board of County Cornmissioners on l'1ay 28, .l980. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfully yours, Thomas Boni Assi stant Director of Planning TB/J h cc: Board of County Cormissioners box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 dopartment of community development ME]VIORANDUM EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COI'TVIISSIONERS TO!ilN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5-7-80 FILE NO. SU-]22-80-P, PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEt,l OF I7 SINGLE FAMILY HOMESITES FOR JEFF SELBY httn TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Since the last rev'iew by the County P'lanning Connission of this proposal , we have received no further information concerning Lot 8' as the County requested. l.le also were not aware this item was on the agenda for today until l1:00 A.M. as it v{as not ljsted in the copy we received. We had planned to present the proposa'l to our Planning and Environmental Conm'ission on Monday, May l2 for their comments. }le would appreciate more cooperation jn 'lead time for revjewing these proposals. The Plannjng Staff remains adamantly opposed to Lot 8 in B'lock 2. Access to lots is a mojor p'l anning criteria in evaluating new subdivisions. Adequate access to Lot 8 does not exist. The environ- mental destruction from cutting into the verysteep, heavily wooded hillside for access to the single fam'ily 1ot clearly dictates the 'l ot is unreasonable and should be dropped from the plan. 0bviously' there are rnany potentially beautiful 'l ots with buildable areas and fantastic views in the County, but there exists no reasonab'l e access to the lots and they should remain open space. As stated in our prev'ious letter, we fee'l successful design solutions for access to'l ots in Block I shou'l d be required before they are approved for development. l,le are very wilfing to work with the developer in this capacity. P'l anner EAGTE COUNTY Cornmuni ty Devel opment P.0. Box .l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 3031328.7311 EOARD OF COUNTV coMMrsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550 R Ext 202 BUILOING IN I NSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO RDE R Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Baialt 927 -3244 cilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20'l April 18, .|980 Jeff Sel by P.0. Box 1528 Vail , Colorado 8.|657 Re: File No. Su-122-80-P ': At their meeting of Apri'l 'l 6, the Planning Commission tabled your preliminary plan to allow the applicant to: l) Redesign the driveway to lot 8 shovring engi neeri ng deta'i 'l 2) Rockfall hazard study should show safe build site.3) Redraw uti'l ity plans to show stub-outs' culvert location and fire P'l ugs.4) Plat restrict resource as greenbelt. If you have any questions, p]ease contact this office. Respectf u'l 1y yours , 4ln-a'a ,Oaur/w Thomas Boni Assistant Director of P'lanning TBlJ h box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 (3{t3l 47S5613 department of community development TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TOl.lN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PETER PATTEN 4-16-80 FILE N0. SU-l22-80-P, Preliminary Plan review of 17 sing'le family home sites for Jeff Selby The Town of Vail Department of Conrmunity Development feels that the proposed submission is acceptable with the exception of lots I and 2 on B'lock 3. The 'l 0% access to these lots and the over 40% slopes where access would be placed makes these lots unreasonable. We see no valid reasoning with regard to the environmental destruction which wou'ld take p'lace to a'l low these two'l ots. Another reservation concers lots on Block'l . Access to these parcels is also djfficult because of the slopes coming off the main road. The Town would require successful design solutions before these lots are developed. S i ncerel y, /.)etu Peter Patten PI anner Dick Ryan Di rector April 16, 1980 Mr. Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning Eagle County Department of Cormnunl ty Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Co 81631 Dear Mr. Boni , I have reviewed the letter of April 8, 1980, to Ronald A. Todd from Melton E. Atwell , regarding the Se1-by Subdivision and the Buffer Creek Road Traffic Analysis accompanying that letter. I would like to respond generally to these as well as make more particular comments regarding aPParent discrepencies be- tween Mr. Atwell rs traffic analysis and the roadway analysis previously sub- mitted by me. By way of general comment, there is not as large a dlscrepency between the two studles as may flrst appear. It is just that two different approaches were taken. Mr. Atwe11 has used the State of Colorado, Division of Highways, Design Manual criteria to design a roadway. I have used the s ame criteria to analyze an existing situation previously approved by the County and made recormnendations to approve 1ts safe use. The recomnendations for speed lirnits, etc.' are con- sistent with all roads in the area. Mr. Atwell begins his analysis in Section A, "General", by pointing out that the area residents number one cornplaint is speeding and poor winter, maintenance' Area developers should support }tr. Atwell's observatlons in these two areas and ask the County Commissioners to increase their enforcenent and maintenance efforts to an acceptable level . Between Section B, "Traffictt, and my previous analysls, Ehere is a difference in average daily traffic and vehicles per hour generated. I will not try to explain this here because the result is the same. The roadway is still capable of carry- ing four to elght times the traffic predicted depending on which figures are used. Slmply, the roadway is more than adequate. Mr. Dave Campbell of the Colorado Department of Highways explained to me that the possible capacity of a roadway is theoretically 2000 vehicles per hour at speeds below 30 miles per hour. This is because at slower speeds the headway, or dis- tance between vehlcles, can be less, thereby allowing more vehlcles to occupy the road. Mr. Atwellst operating capacity of 1500 vehlcles per hour at 35 to 40 miles per hour is therefore less than what would be allowed at 20 to 25 miles per hour which is the speed limit recommended. His reduction by 80% of 1500 vehicles per hour to 299 vehlcles per hour, as referenced by his footnote "2tt to my work should have been a reduction due to lane width to 80% of 2000 vehicles per hour, or 1600 vehicles per hour, a gross mis interpre tation. His reductions for lateral clear- ance Eo obsEructions is also too great due to unreallstic design speeds. In summation, I believe there is no rational data supporting Mr. Atwells conclusion Ehat the capacity of the upper section of roadway ls "sornewhat less than 180 vehicles per hourtt. His recormlendations for improvements to the upper and lower sections of Buffer Creek Road are based on design speeds that are unacceptable for the local area. Intersection design is based on channeli zed traffic control , whi ch by defin- ition in the Design I'lanual is "an at-grade intersectlon in which traffic is dlrected into definite paths by islands", Minimum radii suggested are for channelized in- -2- tersectl.ons at sustained vehlcle speeds of 15 nlles per hour which ls also not the case where stop slgns are involved and no lslands exist. I firnly belleve that the Comrissl-oners should be presenEed wtth both studles and understand thoroughly the concl-usions and reconmendations of each. To me, It is unrealistLc to requlre a developer to make all funprovements on a roadway that etas accepted by the County years ago and has suffered through years of little or no naintenance. If the f,onvm'i sslongrs determlne that the design 1lfe of the asphaltic wearing surface they approved has been exceeded, they shoul-d provlde the overlay. They shoul-d probab ly also rnaintaln ditch sections and rebuil-d shoul-ders but shouLd not require a developer to create an entlre new roadway sectlon to lnclude wlder shoulders, new cuts and new fills that would take months to revegltate, all in the name of a desLgn speed that far exceeds l-ocal- standards. A properly posted slgn program such as the one suggested in uy previous 1-y suburitted trafflc anal-ysis ls a viable and economlcal-1y reasonable alternatlve to the recomlendatlons sug- gested by Mr. Atwell. I an free to dlscuss thls at any tlne wlth any lnterested party. Thank vou. I)I Il:t.ll.''l i ltl/rl tY t'1.-/'.il ct il'..()i ( t-,1:--;'t' [:ilc l.]rrrt rl rt.r' O orrr rni,'rt t s tz' t4 . D irlc l'l;:i:c: i r'', i... fful.* 4 I:.-. t.l P;'.ici !ni rl-rt)r of [)s'cllirrrr Ljnit: ?-t lr.-,'tif ic;rlion to /'\r()at 'l'.i!vt-rrl ll - l-::nd Sr rrvct' [:'l :-'t /+. l.ir>liir lr,rr'o',,,,, Slr-:rlc, [1 ;rt.:., ar-,:{ c(--::'.i).-ji- 5. Boi.rrrci::r.v lirrcs; (ororr.3i'iy [1;,aratlt;tic:r) (.; " /rciji.:c.-tlri !rr-rlD:r;ticar a.,rr',1 o,""r'::t :; arra a-a:':::-a:-s:- 7 " Ccr"r',.oitr Iirtr:; 9. Sireei., loi. arl{ blocl< (lcr"'o'-ll. n3ritlin: 10. /j.r?at .rnai tlsc ci cach lot 1i. *s iLes fcr l'Jl)lic use (c.3Cic3iei cr r:3?'vec' 1 2. Ccn-lr':-rcn o:-ra.n soe.a:e i3" Procclcd larrcl tr scr bi '--:l l( cio'.'.'i ) cv a.':? 11;. Pri:::o:-;cci te;r'r-lc {ci- p..:r:lic f :cil i:ics 15. I)rc:',:slC c:\,4:rrrrt:; (i:llcf ca,::iiD::c. ) 16. S'r z;';crr-,gni c; r^::ccJ 17. "Effecis" siate r r-':ni l:-l I 18. \/icirii'..,, :;!<.-'tcir rn=p L.? 19. Gcclc:: z.Ct. Soils ',r-1 . \/crci::iion 2?-- V./itdli;= ?.4. Grarcjinlr nlarr 25" ():o:s S.,ctic.-:: (roz,d:,, buil:i::r:: 26. S'ii-c'c't g>lirr a:-r'-1 1:rof ilc-s sclro:l cl c c.l ica."lrc,rr -Fi"c g, r'o-lr:cFj our. Fru-E # . 'L :... t.a.€:.&..:.(...., 5,191.r { i1. fl^ir. coM1t.,Il[,]rir D C: ;ry- MEEn tio oF ././fu)L,.-.t*rlqx) ccttTtflc.\ LE oF [[ri:R-\L Ergic Cclnty, colorr.ro Pllnning Crmr.ij"ron t'no :;ot -Io' /22-'!O'P C!rltiicr's Sigx.(ut€ : \ ,\lt Aoprita:io^s.:terco to: 1/ 1. C5lo.:co G"otolical Su'vlt 1. Town ot =3gl€ 2. Colo. OeFa.tm€dt ot Hearlh 3. Cotcrado St3te Enginee. t / .- Esele county s: itatist l/ 5. S39le crsnty EnEine€r La 6. Holy cro39 slectric Ass'n ?' C€i..adr \r@=€i*i' La 8. U.S. Soil Consgrvltio' Servic6 l/ n. u.a- sur.au ot L3^o rvranassrient _.-7 l/ ,.1O- Colo.& Riv.t W3i€' Co'rsv' Oisl' --V- rr. oiv. ol wst!. Ftesources 3.Ac.l icatio.! inba3alt A.€a: 2. Ergle Sanitstlon Otst'ict av+z--s--' icatio.s ,n E39l€-3,ush Creek to Ed"Jrds: 3. Colotado Oivisioa ot V/ildlife 4. U.S - Forest Se.v':e 5. E3gte Valley Tele.rone Co' 6. Foc'iy Mtn. Nalural Ga3 7. ScFocl oisifi:t aE50J c.a3cticaiioF3 in Uoger E3€re Valley: t. Tclvn oi i\,linturi 2. Torn ot Rad Clift 3. Upper E39le valley San. Oist. 4, Esgle-Vail Meiro District 5. Othor Oi5t. (.o.s at pres€rl lir'€) 6. Schc5l Oi3iricl 3a:CJ 7. Cotoredr Division ci Wildlif€ 3. U.S. Fore5i servica 9. Vtn. Selt Tsleone.e Co. 1. Town of 3!salt ?, Planning Fleoresa.lative 3. Sca'ool Dist.ict REIJ 4. Ba3ati water C.r.3w. Oisl. 5. gasalt Ru.3l Fire Dist. 6. aasel! v/ate. ald Sanitrtlon Fi5t. ?. Coloradc Oivisio; ot Wildliie 8. U.S. Fc.esl Scrvica 9. Mou.tlin gell Tal.eitne co. 10. Rocky i\1t|,1. Nalu.al Ga3 _- 11. t{t. soptit soil coniervation C.A3clicalion3 in GYPsum Ar€a: '1. Town of CYFsum 2. Eagle Ccuniy Airpo.t AulhotitY 3. Coloradc Oivi3ion ot wilciiata 4. U.S. For.st Servic. 5. Ee3l. Valley Tel.Pliono co. 6. Ro.ky Mtn- Naiural Gas ?- Scaool O is:rict RE50J _:. G\a:..rm iE-,ii::lrc.| L_r sttrct 'l r_ttrr'::i:='i itl v-oio.JCr, 1. S.:!:.oi Di! rrict fle:OJ 2. sci'coi Oiet.ict ;l I 3. U!: F...:1 S'.ri.. (E:i31.) .1. US Forc:t Sa^/ic: (r.iirtirti) 5. Enllc volt.7 TeleDno." Co. 6. Yanlpa V:ltay E lectric 10. Public Servica Co' ot colt' -.ut , -' ^'z;"'!''i* '" a'" t'a:: H.Asolicarrons r;Gcr3 Vtlley - Vatl Area; - 'y'- t. wesr--rn slcte G:s -./--V 2. rown ot vait E -' 3. Vail Vitlage lveei lYater & Sa ' L- ,f . Lio^s Ricce Wa!e, , . t, . ,n I s. v:.r-rnf4-'"r5Er"r-E- &^'l d<-tL-'t Mrd - 6. Vail Interrnotntain Wai.. 7. Vail S,Jrilation Oi3i. U..-a. Sc.ool Oistrict R=:oJ ' 9. Colo.adc Oivision otWildlils --'-t- ro- u.S. Fores: Se.vice -V r'r. Mtn. -5etr ieteo.c.e co. --E-Q. Publ,c service cr. of Cots' --V-3. uF.at =agle valley Se'' 1:.Otr-.r Atencir3 (wha.e,lpprtPrict r).-\\_ 1. Cclrraao grpt. ot lliShv/a'/s I t'2. cn". ci3l. Forc:t S-'rvico '' COTORADO DEPARTMETT OF HEAt'H RECflltr rt APii .L i , Dept. of I'i.jir.inr r I r/,:, gagle, County, cci:' 12IO EAST IlTH AVENUE. DENVER,COLORADO 80220, PHONE 320-8333 Frank Traylor, M.D., Executive Director DATE: SUBJECT: TO: YES l-_l No l-x l YES N No l-xl YES N NO E April 15, 1980 NON.STATE ASSISTANCE REVIEW AND COMMENTS Terrill Knight Eagle County planning Box 179 Eag1e, CO 81631 pROJECT TITLE, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, Filing +4, #Su-122-80-p STATE IDENTIFIER: COI4MENTS DUE: april 16, l98O YES T*-l No l--l Is this project consistent with the goals * ohjectives o5 this agency? Is there evidence of overlapping of dupli-cation rvith other agencies? Is meeting desired with applicant? A 15-day extension is reguested. coltl'tENTs: No corunents from the water euality contror Division or Radiation & Eazardous Wastes Control Divisionl however, Air Pollution Control Division comments are forthcominq. strator SOC-3, Jan 80 It[CfJ, " ,r Al'i i,, r;orl Jllt ut tjar..jr.:., , Devel ragle, County, Coio Intcr-Dtountrin Englncerlng rra. ApriJ. 14. 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagl-e County Department of Planning and Devel-opment Box f79 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Your File No. Su-122-80-P, Jeff Selby Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 Dear Mr. Kniqht: We represent the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, which supplies sani-tary sewer service to the above referenced property. It is our understanding that ttre property will encompass 19 fots, and the number of units is not specified. This property has been included in the District, and sewer service will be provided. The prelirninary utility plan does create some problens \4tith gravity service to a few of the lots. The District will evaluate the final- sewer locations at such time as the developer approaches the District for line extensions. The District presently has excess capacity in its wastewater treat- ment plant and h;Ls begun construction on an expansion that will more than doubfe its present size. Accordinglyr uporr payment of proper tap fees and compliance with the District's rl'.les and regulations, the District can arrd will provide service to this property. Very truly yours ' UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT WrA sw& JMS: cjn INTER-!,IOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Engineers for the Distr j-ct Jeffery M. Spanel Vice President cc:John Amato Jim Col-l-ins Jim Bailey BOX NO. C-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072 DENVER 893-1531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 f)2. EAGTE COUNTY Commun i ty Devel oprnent P.0. Box .|79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECTI O N ExI 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COU IITY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN S ION AGENT Ext 247 LI BRA RY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & ERIDGE Exl ?57 SHERIFF Eaq le Ext 2l I Baialt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOCIAL SERV ICE5 328-6328 T REASU R ER Ext 201 April 9, 1980 Ronal d Todd P.0. Box 1253 Vai I , Col orado 81 657 Dear Ron, l,le have reviewed your letter of March 28' .l980 concern'ing Selby Subdjvision and have a number of comrnents- l) First and foremost is the County's continued concern with lots vtith steep slopes. Current County regu- lations (Section 3.04.04 Zon'i ng Resolut'i on as amended September 26, .l980) discount for minimum lot area purpose any land vrithin the lot which slopes in excess of 40i1.. 0n the remaining land the "500" rule applies to the resjdual lot s1ope. Please show how this appljes to the lots you pro- pose. tJsinq this regulation each lot must contain, at a minimurn, 15,000 of the land sloping less 30%. 2) tlith reqards to Lot ll Block 2, and Lots I and 2, Block 3, I remain opposed to their creation because of access Droblems. Construction of a private road or Criveways wjll be djfficult. In addjtion to access problem, the lots have been identified in the Chen report to be in a geologic hazard area. It has been countv policv to recomrnend denial of lots serviced by private roads. The particular relationship of these lots to severe slopes adds to the probl em. 3) Please indicate on your drawinqs the swales suogested in Mr. Grahams drainacle report- Also indicate the location of the jntersection of Aspen Grove Lane with respect to the existing culvert under Buffer Creek Road. Please include fire hydrants every 600 feet in your utilitY P1an. 4) Concerning references to specific engineering require- nents, refer to April 9 letter from Mel Atwell encl osed. The Board of County Commissioners wjll make a decision on the off-site road improvement issue at the preliminary p1 an hearing. I rryill be neeting you at Jeff's office at 2:00pm Friday April 11 for a site inspection. Sincerely, _ ____> ---.--- '-- - --"'-Z-=-*-- Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning . Staff Recommendations - pageo File l'lo. Zc-119-80 - Midway l4anagement Corporation A. Request: Zone Change for 362 acres from Resource to Rural Residentjal B. Background: This irea is 1% to 2 rni'l es avray from the Town of Eag1e. The land - is surrounded on 3 sides by BLM land, and is qenerally rangeland hills' with some irrigated farm land.C. Staff Reconrmendation: Recomrnend approval 1. Density proposed is appropriate as the outer boundary of the Totatn of Eaqle's sphere of influence.2. Project shows legal access, water from the Town of Eagle and suitable area for septic systems.3. The County's open space plan indicates that this area is not an area of v'i sual quality. File I'lo. Zc-i20-80 - C. Cra'iq Fol son A. Request: Zone Change for ?I .5 acres from Resource to Residential Suburban l4edium B. Background: Parcel-is a steep hjllside adjacent to Highway 6 and Southeast of the Avon Blvd. Intersect'ion.C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend approval i. Parcel is near Avon's influence and is appropriate for a clustered devel opment.2. Area urill have buildjng constraints because of 1ot slope F'i le No. Zs-109-80 - Public Service/Colorado Ute Electric Assoc. A. Request: Special Use Permit to allow construction of a 23C/345 KV electric transmi ssi on I i ne.B. Background:1. Proiect began in 1974 2. Colorado-Ute granted specia'l use permit in October, 1979, for construction of tine from l,/olcott to Basalt and construction of Basa'l t sub-station.3. Public Service request denied by County Commissjoners, because they felt a more acceptable location could be found. 4. A1 i1;nment proposed generally fo1 lows existing 115 KV ljne in Fryingpan but is removed from private land in some locations. C. Staff Recommendation: ilecormend approval of Alternatives B and C, and approval of permit as it follows the existing alignment in other locations. 1. It has been dernonstrated that electric poler needs are growing rapidly in western Colorado.2. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Statement by the Rural Electrification Administration identify the existing route as the best for the nevt ljne. It "does not represent a new visual intrusion in the project area" (page 7-1 E.I.S.)3. The Forest Service recommends the line as proposed, believinq consolidation and upgrading of 1ines is preferable to construction of new lines.4. 0ther Al i qnments a. Don't allow the rel iability of a loop feed system b. Are not supported by the Forest Service c. Represent trvo lines rather than one modern'i zed line 5. Power line corridors and transportat'i on corridors are hidden costs nf rlarr a I nnmonf L'vflr,Lrrvr ,EAGLE COUNTY Engineer Department P. 0. Box 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Exi 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BU ILDING IN INSPECTION Ex! 226 or 229 CLER K & F( CL(J I( LJE I( Ext 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSON NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 April 8, 1980 Richard A. Todd P. 0. Box .l753 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Subiect: Selby Subdivision - Eagle County Dea r l,1r . Todd : This letter is in reply to your letter to Tom Boni dated l'larch 28, 1980. I will attempt to relate to you the rationale and intent of some of the items in the subdivision regulat'ions of Eagle County as they apply to the Selby Subdjvision. First, concerning utility stub outs, let me say that Eagle County and the engineering department in particular has had considerable experjence with road cuts, i.e. , cuts rvithin publ ic right-of-way, and al I the experience has been bad. Uti'l ity taps that must be made by crossing into the right-of-way but not crossing roadways have been near'lyas much trouble as uti ljty taps that actually cut the roadway surface. Transverse cuts of drainage ditches invariably disrupt drainage and cause ponding or at times' tunneling, by diverting roaduray drainage to an unanticipated course. Cut and fill slopes along the roadvray have also been adversely affected by transverse cuts and in some cases slope instability has resu'l ted. I will be more than happy to take you on a tour of road cuts in the Vail area which would oraphical'ly illustrate the public concern. l'le would very much like to see all utjlities stubbed out at least to property lines and elifr-inate unnecessary work and problems in the publ ic right-of-wa-v. Concerning the intersection detai1 you have been-requested to provide on lour drawings, please refer to figures 1(a) and l(b) enclosed. This figure shov/s a vehicle similar to a school bus or trash truck negotiating an intersection with a lS-foot radius. The bus either must use all the opposite roadt^ray to make his turn, creating a hazardous situation, or use the shoulder of the intersection causing pavement breakage as it leaves and returns to the pavement. The single unit (SU) design vehicle (school bus or trash truck) will undoubtedly frequently use the intersection in the Selby Subdivision and should control intersection design. I t --L-. I I I t N (\l 'o (\a i_-l \9t l_ i _i la.5 i l8,s I FI9URE | (q) '/- F- FIGURE I (U) -J- Listed below are design guideljnes that should aid in the design of intersections for the types of roadways encountered. l. "Geometric Design Guide for Local Roads and Streets , American Association of State Highr^ray 0fficials, llovember, I 970. 2. "Roadway Design l'lanual", Colorado Department of Highways, January, .l980. Quoting from reference llo. l: "At street intersections in residential areas and elsewhere where there are heavy pedestrian movements the minimum radjus of curb return vthere curbs are used, or the outside edge of pavement where curbs are not used, should be 15 feet. Desireabl a minimum radius of 30 feet should be used." The Colorado Department of Highways states that a m'i n'imum radius of 50 feet shall be used and the reason for both of these reconmendations ls weTl-TTtustrated in figure 1. A copy of my evaluation of the Upper Buffer Creek Road is enclosed. In that report I djd not attempt to delineate each developer's respon- sibjlities. That decision is up to the Board of County Cornmissione:rS of Eagle County. If you have any questions on that report, I will be happy to discuss it with you. The pavement structure information submitted by Mr. Rose is adequate for the short cul-de-sac road that is proposed for the Selby Suvdivis'ion. Hourever, I rnuch prefer a rational design process such as those based on Hveem testing procedures and which incorporate axle loads and structural strength of materials jnto the design process. If you plan to do future work on roadways in the County other than short cul-de-sacs, please be jnformed that the type of anaiysis presented for the Selby Subdivision will probably not be acceptable. The reference made to Seelye's Data Book for CiYil Fngjneers - Design, which'i ndicates an acceptable vert'i cal grade of 1/2 (0.5) percent is reasonable, a1 though drainage ditches wilj not flovr water at this gradient without constant maintenance. Please revise your road profile drawings to show this. Presently the grade at center line between station 3+00 and 8+00 is 0.05 percent r,rhich according to your reference is inadequate. The subdi vi sion regul ati ons state that roadway structure " ' . ' shal I be designed by a registered soil engineer to withstand the loads anticipated on the subgrade material present." I contacted Hans Froesche of Chen and Assoc'iates in Glenvrood Springs and d'i scussed the proposed roadway in relation to the soil work performed by his fjrm and to the soils present on the site. As stated hereinbefore, the information presented by l1r. Rose is adequate for the roadvray from station 0+00 to B+00. However, if it is your intention to continue a private drive from the cul-de-sac at -4- station 8+{D on to provide access to other lots, please be informed that the soi'l s rork provided by Chen and Associates must be supplemented by further investigations before approval wi'l I be recommended to the Board of County Commjssioners. The Board of County Cormissioners of Eagle County makes all decisions relative to the subdivision process, so p'leaie bear that in mJiTwhen reviewing these recomrnendatjons. Yours tru'ly, 7/phl€ 4h// Melton E. Atwell Eagle County Engineer l4EA/ncm Encl osures xc: Tom Boni Board of County Kent Rose Corrni ss i oners @) ! >.gq L cL <r o r!o ^ oE x o Eo '5 (, OL .P H' C co> d o o .d - o o u E>-orcq- Jq-e'-loa oo d s aa <, o! F .- ' !0)'O O. oO ! <|)x (IJ () a C u rD UU (|J OO --3-E 55 65SE.! u3 o F ._ () O r|J pt_ c .li.- o :| 'n € 0J rE .r 6= d qr-(|.|! ll, l o ! o,r c, -d , oL cl u -l .- c-': c. c > r-o ol 'i- crl >.- .o .Fl Fo !l .- -o .-H €l .. ud sl .o .F L 'ni 6 r .c(r !l o .F o. .-l I .c (r !, a o F cl +) c.- ot q t-.3 El ot ! oJ '\t o.I L e.. EI t 33 :l E. El B Er ol oJ F ca o,,l !l ol lr cl ul - rl cl (Jl ... rt <!t -o Ft ... rt ot .rl ol .tt j ^^ I !t ot el^dl Ll ly) d(! I 4l Ll I F ol dl q-l ol (Dl c'l q-l 5l .tl q-l col 3l rl .r- l 3t 3t 3l ;t 3t HI si o.f .ot e1t Nl et col 'tl <; .J .5l <"i .' _.1 C,,I E z E 3_ c>\o_ OJ E€0,' ||-.P .- t- c,o,EFL q u'o .E o)J aJ o (|j >t a 5co F - 6 . -D qO .-Jq- o qL o E o < oo, oJ '6.r-drJEsr .F oo E rl- o ! 3 cr. o i/r.P .r p -e d, -- ll, o.- F9- !! vt .. ! o o >id.-ctuo F d> ol o'e r! (,!' pt o o o, .F-6 0l LE .u o -c :r iJl oe -.F ^ 9I PEP:;... Et .:5EE !l ol rL o o.F .lJl ol dl^^ -ot Lt I ir! (.) c E !l dr (u oa! 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(;OLCrRnt)o B1 631 'r ELEPHO NF. 303/328-73t I Dcvel t.rpnre nt 7 April 1980 IIOT]CE OF PUt]LIC HTARiNG In accordance with paragraph 3.08.0i of the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado, notice is hereby 5liven that the Eagle County Planning Commission shall conduct a Public Hearing to consider the follot'ring Prelirninary Plan for the proposed development of certain real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly descni bed as folIows: Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filinq #4 Applicant: Jeffery Selby Such pub'l ic hearing shall be conducted in the Eagle County Commissioners Meeting Room #103,550 Broadrvay, Eagle, Colorado, at the next regular meeting of the Eaqle County Planning Commission on 16 April 1980 commencing at 3:00 P.M, (Specific time for this ITEM cannot be given) All citizens and specifically all adjacent property owners, are hereby invited to make comments reqarding the proposed development either in writing or at the Public flearing Dated thi s BOAR D OF COUNTY /'^ i ir | ,1 I c c r. r ^r l: r) c f xt ?41 ADN4iI'JI5ThATION Ey.l 241 ANIINA[.5HELTER 949-4292 A5SESSO R Ext ?-02 BUlr-otNG I I'l tr!SPECTtON E>tl 226 o( 229 CLERK & RECORDER L.xt 2i 7 COUNTY P,TTORI'IEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL IIEA LT H Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASTNG/ PE RSONNEL Ex1 2.15 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 !;'JE R IF F Eagle Ext 211 Basa lt 92 7-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50C IAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 ./--t - ./t--*F* Secretary, Eagle County Planning f4ailed to all of the Commission attached 'l i st on 8 April 1980 AI t. l:.i l i T I i ,a a -^, .,' APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION Lionrs Ridge Filing 1 A-1 A.M. Lutz E 74t2 Llncoln Center Building L-2 Denver, Colorado 80203 A-7 Deane L, Knox G Donald R. Carpenter 1 Downing Street Denver, Colorado 80 218 A-8 Casolar 6 1 Alegra Assoc iates A-9 155 South Madison, Suite 302 Denver, Colorado 80226 2 Dean L. Knox I Downing Street, Unit 4 Denver, Colorado 8 0218 3 Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7800 Durham lt/ay Boulder. Colorado 80301 4 Victor l"lark Dona I d son Drawer M Vail, Colorado 81657 5 Patricia D. Rickman Box 1383 Vai1, Colorado 81657 6 Frances E. Poynter and Kenneth F. Dubach 2230 Knollwood Drive Boulder, Colorado 80302 7 Thornas Nelson lrlcKee 7086 sth Avenue Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 8 Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7800 Durham Way Boulder,' Colorado 80J02 9 & Leo Payne 10 300 Wadsworth Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80226 Unsubdivided land north of Lots A-1, A-2 and A-3: Sky Lion Partners at Vail % First City Resources Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60076 J.<--4/ 'z/0 ''e' EL*^/"/ 40- 0/ Lp tr l2* u d"/ APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION (Continued) Lionrs Rj,dge Filing 2 G-1 Northwestern National Life Insurance Company & % Albert Hanna G-2 221 North LaSalle Chicago, Illinois 60601 G-3 Eiger Chalets 1 D. Jerry Baker The Meadows Apartrnents 12-J Ambler, Pennsylvania 79042 2 Joseph J. C. Paine Guaranty Bank Building Sui-te 714 Bl7 tTth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 3 Cesare and Fran Moretti Box 37 Vail, Colorado 81657 4 Robar Associates 7777 East Arapahoe Road Englewood, Colorado 80110 5 Chris Frame Box 2706 Vai1, Colorado 81657 6 Vlctor Kinnonen and tlelen Bird Box 201 Vai1, Colorado 81657 G-4 Stuart H. Brown Box 101 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Parcel A: Vail Associates, A Limited Partnership % Lamar Properties, Inc. Post Office Box 188 Florham Park, N.J. , 07932 AREA CODE 303 945 - 5491 945 - 6056 ':- i-i D€Dt' ol tltlrrllr'' " DEvL fagb. 0punty' t'oro' RE: Lions Ridge, Filing #4, Su-122-80-P Dear Mr. Knight: Adequate easements must be provided on all lot lines for installation of power facilities in the above mentioned development. For under- ground facilities, the easements must be ten (10) feet on rear lot lines and 7-I/2 feet on both sides of interior lot lines. For over- head facilities, these easements must be increased in width by a minimum of 50 percent. Sincerely, HOLY C socrATroN, rNc. alter Dl Dorman, Engineer WDD: lsz HOLY CROSS tr,LE,CTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. I3OT GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 April 2, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Dept. of Planning & Development Eagle County P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RICHARD D, LAMM Governor J. A. DANIELSON Stale Engineer OIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Deoartment ot Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Sireet - Room 818 Denver. Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground water (303) 839-3587 Aprll 2, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knlght, Dlrector Eagle County Department of Plannlng and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Lion's Ridge II, Filing 4 Flle No. Su-122-80-P Dear Mr. Knight: ThIs Is to acknowledge recelpt of prelimlnary plan material for the above referenced subdlvislon. The Lion's Ridge Water Dlstrlct has been designated as the s ource of water; however, no letter of commltment for servlce has been submltted. Information available ln our flles lndlcates that the Distrlct may have sufficient water available to serve this develop- ment. We would recommend approval of Lion's Ridge II, Filing 4, contin- gent upon the developer obtalnlng a written commitment for servlce from the District. Very truly yours, ,Zro.fu Hal D. Slmpson, Chief Water Management Branch HDS/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. Page 2 below Sandstone Drive in Block l are so low and surrounded by existing density that we di.dnrt feel enevelopes were necessary or beneficial. After you have had a chance to review the i.nforrnation which I have sub- nitted, I would appreciate a neeting with you and anyone else in the department to discuss any concerns or questions you night have. tru1y, Selby JBS/cd Yours Construction Controls, Inc. P.O. Box33 I vail, Colorado 81657 (3o3)476-30.42 James L. Viele RillDuddy April 1, 1980 Mr. Mel Atwood Eagle County Engineer P. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Atwood: Based on the subsoils information presented in the "Prelininary Subsoil and Geological Investigation for Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4, Town of Vail ,Eagle CounEy, Colorado" prepared by Chen & Associates, it is my opinion that a roadway surface consisting of a six-inch crushed gravel base course and two inches of asphalt applied over a compacted subgrade would constitute an approprj.ate de-sign for loca1 streets on the property. Very truly yours, s, rNc. Colorado Viele P.E. & L.S. 11413 JLV/sh cc: Jeff Selby Ronald A. Todd lrirrr rorrrrl*u, NEERT N e 1 &,n "Y,Ng' Nc, po. wx lols vAtL coLoRADo 01657 303,176.4073 March 31, 1980 Mr. Mel Atwood County Engineer P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Aturood: T have reviewed the "Preliminary Subsoil and Geologi-cal Investigation for Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4, Town of Vail , Eagle County, Col- orado", as prepared by Chen and Assoclates, Inc, for Ronald A. Todd, Archi- Although the report does not address roadway construction specifically, there is test pit information that can be lnterpreted at least preliminarily for this purpose. By applying the general subsoil classifications indicated in test pits 6, 7, B and 9 to Table VI-2-"Charac teristic s Pertinent to Roads and Alr- fields" taken from the "Soi1s }lanual for Design of Asphalt Pavement Struc- tures" as prepared by the Asphalt Institute, it can be determined that these soils have a California Bearing Ratio in the range of 10-20 for SMU or 15 or less for ML. I^Ihen entering the Table prepared by this author for use by the City and County of Denver it can be seen that for a CBR of greater than 4 on Curve B-Local Streets, 2 inches of asphalt and 6 inches of crushed gravel base course is adequate. No select subgrade is required. I hope this answers your concerns. Very truly yours, P.E. 10076 KR/ th Enclo sur es cc: Ronald A. Todd Jeff Selby o 2 ci aa ..4 E: Fii - .a! !; !: ! ? ! a'; i : 7 .2: : € t .ai::za i, a-t t e E-; -!ia: E E E ::; i E !E a ri I E- z 5, E v;! izz. c tz7 inz aiz=e a_t >ut ,i E : ! .! ! i-i: *2i - ;: e z B 8 8 5 t R d a : a z z- :"!; 22 j i! =': Llt .ii :a ta 29 t- ;!. ;i9 E:: lr! ;:i : -. :g e !: 5i€ ;:. o 3) g!ii: EE jj 'i't !-E E IFU P.a 'nls t-,=.t_--_r_ 2 o E^fa >;n:t??g o^lq ,i.s6 =z j;1i :i3..;i r:3" 1grd :ZJ = <O !t g g o !3 o E o c o c al o o I o ,o ) ) ) ljj lJ.l Za 7;-1 ^(J L'J rll.j 4<. -Ecfr z :-i-U u F 7 u J Y 5 lrJ E 6 c) o t-- E. o =E LTJ m z E.o l+ J () (v rO s- i! O Z. :) E (9 L? \T @N -o N (\J !{: I F-<t9x l\- i., I --o .O .-t i:(J oia . 1,..i .-c (J< J6 r! &f (n- O lJ-l r:r,l <* iz a(J d I-IVHdSV IVl.Oj-(vr) ruorr3rs RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR JET/sp cc: LUC EruA4sffi'QRNr,,* COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SUBVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STAT€ CENTENNIAL BUILOING _ 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVEB. COLORAOO 80203 pHONE 1303) 839-2611 nr/\r-'..ri i:.L.::_ j JOHN W. ROLD Director March 3], 1980 ,epl. ul 1,,. r I ir':,, fu!ls, 0,.,"r.t'/ r, / Mr. Terri'l I Kni ght Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Box .|79 Eagl e, Col orado 81 63.| Dear Mr. Knight:RE: LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED 4TH FILING EAGLE COUNTY t,|e have reviewed the preliminary subsoil and geologica'l investigation by Chen and Associates, Inc.; drainage study by H. L. Graham; and supporting information for Lion's Ridge Subdivision. The major geologic cond'itions that affect this site are rockfall hazards and steep slopes. In the Chen and Associates report (,loU. tto. 19,41 8), Ms. Hadley mentions a rock outcrop above'l ots 1 and 2 in B'l ock 3. We recommend that these'l ots be removed from the plat until it is demonstrated that safe building sites exist. Prior to our approval of lots I and 2 as building sites a geologic hazards study should be prepared and submitted for our review. The 40% lo 50% slopes in the proposed subdivision may have adverse effects on building design and construction. These steep slopes present rockfall hazards and slope-stability problems in cut and fill areas. l.le recommend that a detailed grading p1 an be prepared and submitted for our review. We suggest that the recommendations in the Chen report regarding foundation design and floor slab design be closely followed. l,r|e agree, generally, with Mr. Graham's recommendations for drainage at Lionrs Ridge Subdivision. However, we recommend that culverts and swales be sized for a 100 year event. l^|e suggest that this change be submitted for your review. Due to the possibility of rockfall hazard to block 3, we cannot recommend approval of lots I and 2 until a study of this hazard has been supplied to us. We cannot rec- ommend approval of the entire subdivision until a grading p1 an has been submitted for our review. Si ncerel y, ?Y: t- **;j Jul ia E. Turney Engineering Geologist GEOLOGY STORY oF THE PAST. . . KEY To THE FUTURE March 28, 1980 l,lr. Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning Department of Community Devel-opnent Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom: The purpose of this letter is to enumerate the status of the various items discussed during our meeting in your office, Irbnday, March 24, 1980, per- taining to the staff review of the Preliminary Plan, Lionrs Ridge Subdivi- sion, Filing No. 4. I shalL refer to your letter to Jeff Selby dated 12 March 1980, by paragraph number beginning with your contnent, I'Sho.w proposed intersection....r'being designated as paragraph one. This Letter is based upon ny understanding of the outcone or current status of our discussions. If your recoLlections or position differ substantially fron the review, pl"ease notify me posthaste in written forn of the areas of disagreement. Paragraph One: t'Show proposed intersection with toad accessing ridge units and confirm access through docunentation. r' It is rny understanding that the documents Presented to you during our meeting by Mr. Selby, accompanied by the draw- ings of the approved'tRidge at Vall, Ridge Lane PLan and Profilerr, and the Final Plat of The Ridge at Vai.L; are sufficient to answer the connnents of paragraph one. Paragraph Two: rtDeLete Block 3. Private roads should not extend beyond cul de sac to service outlying Lots,rt ou{,- Jeff and I will be meeting with you on the subdivision site at 2:00 PM, April 11, to further discuss the suitabiltty of Block 3 for residential developnent, Since the access to BLsck 3 and the tfprivate roadtt question are at issue, we have proposed two alternatives to the access easement to the lots as presented. We proposed to describe that portion of land necessary for access as a separate parcel of land, to be owned in corunon (in some proportion to be deterrnined at a late" date), by the owners of Lot ll, BLock 2, and Lots I ar.d 2, Block 3. Or, as a second alternative, we proposed to redefine the lot boundaries of Lot 11, Block 2, and Lots L and 2, Block 3, incorporating the access tract into the Lots, creating a trpanhandLetr effect, giving each of the three lots direct access from the cul de sac. Either of these soLutions rnitigates the concerns relating to the con- struction and rnaintenance of the so-cal1ed ttPrivate roadrr.| by shifting the responsibility dilectiy and clearly through ownership to the three affected l"ots. The result would be three individuaL private driveways accessing each lot, or a combination of the driveways into a singLe (or double) drive- {^-' way(s) through the co-operative effort of the owners of the Thornas Boni lvlarch 28, 1980 Page 2 2.o {- i.\;"lI-K three lots. This private drlveway or driveways would be designed to satisfy the requirenents of Section 4.06, "Parking and Loading Requirernentstr, of the Zoning Reso- lution, Eagle County, Colorado. Paragraph Three: I'Delete Lot 8, Block 2 - Too Steep (41% Average)." The Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County, Colorado do Paragraph Four: not address average 1ot slope as a criterion for suita- bility of lot design. The regulations state in Section 5.08, ttlot and Block Designrr, page 30, ttln addition to the requirernents set forth therein, each lot created in a sub- division shal1 be physically capable of accomodating a structure devoted to the intended use of the lot.rr Obvi- ously, the intended use of the lot is for the construction of a single farnily dwelling. As I pointed out at our neet- ing, Lot 8, Block 2, as designed, contains roughly 5890 square feet of net developable area, easily accessible fron the cul de sac. Even after removing the required front and side setback, the developable area is of sufficient size and configuration to easily accomodate the design and con- struction of a single farnily dwelling. The r'. . . requirements set forth therein...r' in the preceding quotation frorn the Subdivision Regulations, is referring to the Supplenentary Regul.ations of the Eagle County Zoning Ordinance, requiring 500 square feet of gross lot area for each percentage point of average lot slope. I have more than satisfied that re- quirenent by providing a gross lot area for Lot 8, Block 2, of 22343 square feet. Therefore, as I expressed to you, I feel we have sati.sfied the requirernents and intent of both ordinances. As Jeff suggested during our meetingl we would be willing to define the building area wi-th a building en- velope, ,and would consider realignment of the connon pro- perty line between Lots 7 and B, Block 2, to increase the net developable area of Lot 8 by approxinatcly 1250 square feet. We will discuss these alternatives and the suitability of Lot 8, Block 2, during our on-sj-te rneeting on April 11. I'Redesign Lot 11, Block 2, to gain access fron cul de sac.rr The answer to this concern is integrally related to the ultirnate solution of the conments expressed in Paragraph Two. We will discuss this item in nore extensive detail during our on-site rneeting on April 11. Paragraph Five: I'Utilities should not be located on the constructed roadway. Utilities should be stubbed out to each lot.r' We acknowl.edge that ilunderground utilities nust be stubbed out to each lot prior to conpletion of roadtt, as you pointed out. You and I agreed that the Purpose of this requirernent was to elirninate the need to cut in-place Pavement surfaces to gain access to utiLities, Itrith that goal in mind, we pro- posed to locate the utilities to the north side of Aspen Thonas Boni l,larch 28, 1980 Page 3 N" b' Grove Lane. None of the utilities will be located below the constructed roadway or shoulders. If additional width is necessary we will include a utility easernent, ten feet in width, across the front of Lots 1-8, Block 2. We will stub the uitlities to Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 2, Prior to the cornpletion of road construction. In our opinion, the, size ani location of utility conections is best determined by the size and location (horizontally and vertically) of the structure on each lot. In addition, utilities wi'll be easily accessible to Lots 1-8 because of their location aLong the front of the lots. Therefore, Jeff requested that we not be required to orovide individual uti-lity stubs to Lots 1-8, Block 2. You said that you would discuss our proposal with others on the county review staff and would inform us of your position on this request. ttshow intersecti"on detail with Lionts Ridge Loop Road rnini- mun 50 foot radius on corners." Eagle Valley Engineering will submit to you a revised drawing of the inteiseciion in question. You have requested a 50 -foot radius along the edges ofthe constructed roadway at the intersection. During our meeting we indicated a willingness to provide the 50 foot radius as requested by you, assurning thai the staff had recomnended such a radius because it was required by ordinance, or was considered a standard of accepted practice. Subsequently, I have researched both potential Lasises for your request and find suPPort for neither' To ny knowledge, the Subdivision Regulations of Eagle County.do not specifically require a 50 foot radius at the i-ntersection i'n question. kent 'R. Rose, P.E', who has been the Engineer for th" Toton of Vail for the Past several years, informed me that we might expect vehicle speeds of 25 mph naxinun at a right angle interlection such as this, and that a 15 foot radius *oild be customary for those speeds. Therefore, we will de- sign the intersection rvith a 15 foot maximun radius at the edles of the constructed roadway unless the fifty foot radius requested is specifically required by ordinance. Paragraph Six: Paragraph Seven: r'Inpro"r'e Lionls Ridge Loop Road frorn intersection Highway 6 to ttThe Val!.eyt' property (minimun 6 foot shoulders) 'rr This was the rnajor area of disagreernent which occuted during our lr{iarch 24th rneeti-ng. While we understand the staff ? s de- sire to improve the county road servicing The Valley, bring- fng it to county standards for a local road, we will not as- suie the financial burden of irnproving the road beyond a propoationaL share based upon dwelling unit totals of the "tttir" area serviced by the road' You and I agreed that the most efficlent and equitable approach to achieving improve- ment of the road wo[fd-E6-tfr-rough the establishnent of a road irnprovenents district including all developnents serviced by the road. ltre naintain that the establishnent of the road Thornas Boni l'larch 28, 1980 Page 4 irnprovements district could best be accomplished by the county government. It should also be the countyrs re- sponsibility to deternine the scope of the improvements to be undertaken, in addition to determining the antici- Pated costs of the inprovenents. As I stated previously, once the scope of the work and the estimated costs are established, Mr. Selby would be willing to contribute to a district his proportional share of the inprovements, on an equitable basis related to the total dwelling units serviced by the road. We do not feel however, that the irnprovenents you have requested are necessary to accomo- date our proposed subdivision. The Roadway Analysis Report prepared by Kent R. Rose, P.E., supports the adequacy of the road to easily accomodate all existing and proposed developments in the Valley; we will continue to base our position uPon the findings of that report, unless his re- port is proved to be inaccurate or inadequate through the presentatlon of written factual data. Since the county ingineer expressed conceiiFgarding the contents of Mr. Rosers Roadway Analysis, we requested at our neeting on l.larch 24th, that he submit to us in writing his specific areas of concean or question regarding the report. I would request his written concerns be fomarded to me by April 9, 1980, so that we nay revlew and address his con- cerns prior to our presentation to the Cormty Planning Con- nission on April 16, 1980. Paragraph Elght: rrDeveloper nust shqw that a road structural section of 2 feet (sic) asphalt and 6 inch base course is adequate for soiL conditions and drainage as they exist on the site.rl Dan Corcoran, L.S., of EagLe ValLey Engineering wilL deli- ver to you documentation fron Janes L. Viele, P.E', and Kent R. Rose, P,E., verifying that 2 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of base course is adequate for our sitets soil conditions. During our rneeting you requested that we naintain a rninirnurn of 6 inches of base course under aIl portions of the asphalt paving, including road edges, and that we Linit cut and fill slope grading to 2:1 slope naxinurn. We agree to conforn to both of those requests. In addition, you questioned the adequacy of %% slope along a Portion of Aspen Grove Lane. Seelyett lglu Book for Civil Enilneers - oesign, indicates that a vertTefr-5ffi-614-- ls ai-7Effiffi1E-m-inimurn grade for roads (unpaved), and aLlows a mininun grade of 3/LA% for paYed streets. In addition, since our neeting with you on March 24th, the County Engineer indicated to Dan Corcoran that the Subsoil and Geologic Report prepared by Chen and Associates for our proposed subdivision was inadequate. Again, I request sub- nission to me in writing a list of the Cormty Engineerrs concerns prior to our presentation to the County Planning Thonas Boni !,larch 28, 1980 Page 5 Conrnission at their April l6th neeting. This concludes rny review of the status of itens discussed during our neet- ing in your office, Monday, l,tarch 24, 1980. Please notify ne in rv-riting if your recollections or position differ substantially frorn this review, or if you have any questions or corments regarding subsequent developnents since our neeting. Best regards, /.?4 Ronald A. Todd - Architect Post Office Box 1753 Vall, Colorado 81657 Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 llarch 2J, LJtfr Terrii-l Knight, % naete County Box l-79 Eag1e, Colorado Eagle County Planner Planning Dept. 81631 Terril-l: The Jeff Selby pre1ininarX. plan proposal rvas srrbrritted to the [lagJe County Soil Conserrration District for revielv and conrnen!. ]i,re have no corments on thls nropo sa1 . Sincerely, E-.-llqot*-, Bud Gates, Presi-dent irr t j il- '. t;j.rU l)cpt. r)/ l,ii, ., i. _..r!cl f.agle, Cor/rttV !:{rlr, ;]ECII\/ED l'l"rit ! 'f i380 One Park Central - lsl5 Aropohoe street'"prtiril.'';;:1ff.:"ff"" P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2OI (3O3) 534'1261 March 20, 1980 Eagle County Departf,nent Box I79 Eagle. Colorado 81631 of Planning and Developnent Re 3 PreLiminary Plot Plans #su-1r4-80-s-4 #su-122-80-P Gentlenen: We have examined the above referenced plot plans and find that at this time Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that we are a transmission utiLity and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivisions. Very truly yours, WES TERN SIOPE GAS COMPANY 4*r' 4 g<4",-/ Laura L. Rodgers Associate Right-o f-way Ag ent LLR:plf {6 \t co @(t ulo 5co U'O o 2X 16 J fi() rt| V,tr(.,u) z.;= tU o-Etn -o -o oO t=!{z 25 6(9 ?ilt "\ (,9 z6 F JX rY 2 60 '- o- zru o-z =uJ c)o (, llJ z\l =l-J frco 2ga ;; (\I V@ IJJ o i{arch 20, .l930 f^i?y:, ouo, o, , -' tla} ,ur,r l'oX!,:, , 0",_., Lalo. l4r. Jeff Sel by P.0. iiox 1 J28 Va il , C0 8]657 RE: Lions Ridge Subdivision - Filing I'1o.4, Preliminary Plan Dea r l'1r . Se 1 by : I have cornpleted review of the subnritted materjal . There urere no inajor problems vrith the submitted materjal , ,vet there are certain items you snould be alare of. First of all, the lrJater District is p1 anning to undertake various irnprovetnerrts on the r"raber system in the upcoming months and years. These'improvements include: 1. A new vlater storage tank. 2. Line irnprovenients to serve "The Val iey" by grav'ity from the tank. 3. Looping a line frorn Loop. "The Valley" to tire lower Lions Ridge 4. Certain valves, pressure reducing valves and metering equiprnent to tie the above improvenents together. These irnprovements viill help all of the District, yet certa'i n ones lvill specifica?ly upgrade "The Valley" area. Thereforen while the Uistrict wi'l I be undertaking a certain port'i on of the costs, it was felt the deveiopers in "The Valley" and at other locations should contribute an equitable amount on the improvements. The exact amount to be contributed by each concerned party has not yet been determined. But it is the intent of the ljistrict to have a'l I involved part'ies pay a fair share. i:y.l ooking at the fuLure fire storage requirements, fire flovl demand, line lengths, donrestic storage requirements, it is planned to conra up with an equitable cost for the developers and the affected llater Districts. l.lr. Jeff Sel by Page Two l,larcn 20, 1980 tsesides these matters, reviev,r of ihe plans sholv the foliowing points need to be considered: '1. Instal'lation of three fire hydrants along Aspen Grove Lane and the access driveway. 2. A blow-off valve needs to be installed at the end of the line on the access drfveuray to tslock 3. 3. Ail lines in the roads need to be 6" ductjle iron pipe, 4, Finai plans thai are subr,rjtted need to shorv the varjous details of fire hydranbs, valves, thrust blocks, etc. 5. Water and sevler ljnes need to be kept a minjmum of l0 feet apart. b. There may be a future line put do'ln your drainage,/sewer easement, Therefore, we may need a 30 foot easement instead of the shoiin 20 foot. I t.rjll keep you informed as time goes on, about tiris, 'l'h j s concl udes my conmenis at thi s time,just give ne a call. Yours trulyn if you have any questjons, A/r\' ljuf f , llul j I r.t xc: Jim Jim Tom Ed Ron tJai iey Collins/9oni,/ Orage r Todd EAGTE COUE{TY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNTNG & DEVELOPMENT Box 779 328-737f EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY coMM rSSloNERS 328.6809 AOMINISTRATION 328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4?92 ASSE550 R 328-6s93 BU ILDING I N SPECT IO N 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 Baiialt 927-3244 COU NTY ATTO R N EY 328-6674 ENG INEE R 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JZ6-t I t6 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7 747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaale 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N IN G JZO.OJJO ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHERIFF Ea ale 328-661 I Baialr 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 soc tAL SE RV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 RE" File No. Su-]22-80-P APPLICANT: Jeff Sel by P.0. Box .l528 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 March 12,..l980 Thank gou verg much, .--'----/*^*/Z TerriTL Knight Director EncTosed herewith is a copg of an appTication and plan submitted to the EagTe Countg PTanning Cornnission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on ADril l6* 1980 fn accordance with C.R-S- 706-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34 ' J-963, as amended and EagTe Countg Subdivision ReguTations ' Section 3.05 and 3.07, as amended effective 7 August f976' gou are required to zeceive the p7an, and gou have 35 dags -frondatenaiTedwithjnwhichtorespondorthepTanwiTT be deemed to have been approved bg gout agencA' ThePTanningCommissionwouTdsincereTgappreciateqour colnnents and. recommendations a few dags prior to the meeting date. If gou desire additionaf information ot time, please advise this office in writing' EAGTE COUNTY Cornmuni tv Devel opment P. 0. Boi 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERS Ext 24 | ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESS0 R Ext 202 BUILOING IN IN SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 25 2 Vail 476-5844 PLA N N ING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSON NEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | 12 March 1980 Jeff Selby P. 0. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81 657 At the Development Review Team lleeting on 11 l4arch 1980, the fo] lowing conments were made on your preliminary plan: Show proposed intersection with road accessing Ridge units and confirm access through documentation. Delete Block 3. Private roads should not extend beyond cul de sac to service outlying lots. Delete Lot 8, Block 2 - too steep (41% average) Redesign Lot 11, Block 2 to gain access from cul de sac. Utilities shou'l d not be located on the constructed roadway. Utilities should be stubbed out to each lot. Show jntersection detajl wjth Lion's Ridge Loop Road minimum 50 foot rad'i us on corners. Imnrove.Ljon's Ridge Loop Road fron intersection Highway 6 to The Va11ey property (rnininrum 6 foot shoulders), Developer must shour that a road structural section of 2 feet asphalt and 6 inch base course is adequate for the soil condjtions and drainage as they exist on the site. If you have any questions. please contact thjs office' J/---*e ,6.*=,"-- Thomas Boni Ass'i stant Director of Planning TBl kp JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. BOX r 52A vAtL. coLoRADO 81647 March 11, 1980 I{r , Tom Boni Eagle County Departnent of Planning and Developnent Post Office Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom: I have reviewed the wildlife species inhabitation maps which are located at the Eagle County offices, and they show that the proposed Lionts Ridge Sub- division, Filing No. 4, will not affect any wildlife habitats oT major mi- gration *ov"meni routes, The land proposed for subdivision is located with- in section 400 for elk and section 308 for mule deer rnigration routes. Fur- thernoTe, the wildlife in the area is predoninately snall nalnrnals such as rnarnot and squirrel . Considering existing densiti"es within the irnrnediate proxinity of Lionts Ridge Subdivision, Fili-ng No. 4, the location is such that it will not intrude onto and disrupt big game habitation or significantly interfere with migration routes. JBS/cd JEFFREY P, O. SELBY Eea l "r l- r"' ir'i rr, i i r38iJ vAtL,gOLO arcrT Dsi)t. oi ..I ,j & Dcvel, Eagle, County, Colo. March 4, 1980 lulr. Tom Boni, Planner Eagle County Departrnent of Planning and Development Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81651 Dear Tom: 0n March 3, I submitted the following information relating to Preliminary Plan review of the proposed Lionrs Ridge Subdivision, Filing iio' 4: l- Twenly-two copies of the lot layout plan, utility plan, grading plan and roadway profiles. 2. Soils Report by Chen and Associates. 5. Irnpact Report by All.en Gerstenberger Associates. 4, Drainage Report by Eldorado Engineering Company. 5. Roadway Analysis of the Lion's Ridge Loop by Mr. Kent Rose' 6. Letter from Mr, Janes E. Paxon of the Forest Service addressing the issue of Wildfire. 7. General site data inforrnation. 8. Surrounding property own6r and addresses. As you can see there has been only ninor nodifications with the overall plan. The primary changes are that there are now 19 single fanily lots and the privite roid thai switchbacked up the hillside has been elininated. The additional lot was created by slight noclification of the roadway and cul-de -sac and several adjacent lots. The roadway switchback was eliminated since it looks doubtful a water tank site will be located on the north portionofour property as originally proposed. The roadway has therefore been drastical.ly reduced in size, and locition and alL curves have been etiminated. I feel confident this access r^rill be very satisfactory to serve the lots in Block 3. on lots 5 thru 6 of Block 1, we have proposed building enveloPes within each lot to minirnize the visibllity of hones on these 1ots. The two lots F t't. "E ll -. s/*.:* /. /-.1 -. N-.:. E E.'n.. ' i: ." f . i]l ,i.:\J.CCir4[,'jt. MEi:'i-l.{ti OF rqfr SITE DATA LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO.4.PROPOSED MARCH t, 1980 TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 43.33 ACRES AREA OF THEPORTION OF THE PROPERTY 23.06 ACRES ZONED FROM RESOURCE TO R.S.L. BALANCE OF PROPERTY TO REMAIN RESOURCE 20.27 ACRES TOTAL IJNITS PROPOSED 19 UNITS PROPOSED DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE FOR TOTAL REZONED AREA) .82 UNITS/ACRE PROPOSED DENSITY (ACRES PER UNIT) 1.21 ACRES/UNIT TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE ACREAGE OF THE PORTION OF THE 9.6 ACRES PROPERTY ZONED R.S.L. PROPOSED DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE OF DEVELOPABLE AREA) 1.98 IJNITS/ACRE LOT DATA LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO.4-PROPOSED MARCH 1, 1980 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT iO LOT 1I LOT 1 LOT 2 TOTAL ACREAGE . JO AL KT .36 ACRE .77 ACRE .51 ACRE .50 ACRE .73 ACRE .59 ACRE .47 ACRE .43 ACRE .39 ACRE .39 ACRE .39 ACRE .44 ACRE .51 ACRE 1.s4 ACRE .39 ACRE ,47 ACRE .92 ACRE .91 ACRE DRAiNAGE STUDY PROPOSED LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION NO.4 Exj.sting Sjte Description and Ch?racleristics The 43 acre site'i s located in Section l, Township 5 Souih, Range 81 llest of the 6th Princ'ipal itleridian. The site is located on a South facing siope and is covered with Aspen trees, oakbrush, pinon and grasses. Slopes vary, but average 40% to 50% across the site. The site is bordered on the I'lorth and llorthwest by National Forest lands and on the East, South and Southwest by private lands. Prop_o:gd Development The siie is proposed for deveiopment into i8 sing'le family lots ranging from 0.43 to .l.95 acres. Approximately 67% or 28 acres of the totaj area will be devoted to resource and open space land. Block 1 of the development wil'l consist of six'lots fronting on Sandstone Drive. Bjock 2 wi'l I consist of ten lots fronting on a new road to be constructed to County specifications and two lots off of a pri vate road vilrich wil1 al so serv"o as access to a pro- posed water storage site for the Lions Ridge !'later Disbrict. ExistjJg Drainaqe Facil ities A ditch along the North side of Sandstone Drjve from the cui-de-sac Eastward to a ]ol ooint and An 18" C.M.p. drains the inlet to the East. carries run-off storm drain inlet. / n pipe-arch culvert exists under Lions Ridge Loop { mensions are approximately 49" span and 33" r'i se. \ about 20% filled with si'lt. ).,,,//< --1 \- t'/ " l,lo other existing dra'inage facilities whjch would aid or affect the proposed development v;ere noted. Road. lts ai-\It is prese*rr/ Run-Off .and Proposed Drg!nage f aci I 'iti es The drainage area vrhich contributes to this site runs approximaiely 1/3 of a mi'l e (measured horizontally) North of the new proposed road. lO-year sto t'i ons . o lations and peak run-off figures have been cal cu'l a ted equivalent of a of rain in a one-hour period or the in accordance with the Eagle County Subdivision Regu'la- The area above Lots I, 2 and 3 of Block 2. is approximateiy 6.2 acres and could be expected to contribute only about 9.3 cfs for the design storm. This run-off can be easily accomodated in a wide and shallow- swale along the North side of thdroad. (Dimensions of approximately 8'width and I' depth would be adequate.) Driveways could cross thiS swa'l e by ford or by use of an'l8" culvert pipe. This swale should be drained Westeriy to the existing p'ipe-arch culvert under Lions Rjdge Loop Road. The culvert should be cleaned out and a headwali constructed at its end for end protection. The area above Lot 4,5, 6 and 7 of Block 2 is approximate'ly i0.7 acres and will contl^ibute about l6 cfs for the design storm. Again this run-off can be accomodated in a similar wide and shallow swa'le along the North side of the road. Again driveways could ford the swale or use 2.l " culvert pipe. This swa'le wjll drain Easter'ly, should be directed around the East side of the cul-de-sac, Southerly along the llest'line of Lot'll' Block 2, across the open space and along the l,|estline of Lot 3, B'lock I to the diich along the North side of Sandstone Drjve. It js recornmended that a rock lined swa'l e be constructed from the point where jt'l eaves the new cu'l -de-sac to Sandstone Drive to prevent erosion. A drainage easement along the West sides of Lot'l l, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block I should also be provided" The area above Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block I is approximately 2l acres and includes part of the area previous'ly discussed. This area may contribute as much as 22 cfs for the design storm and 24" culvert pipe should be used for drives to these 'l ots- Sandstone Drive and its ditch along the North side shouid intercepi and divert run-off away from Lots I and 2, Block l. Concl usi ons The s'i te although steep has no drainage ways, even minor in nature, that rvould affect development as proposed. Drainage is overland in "sheet" form rather than channeled and should remajn that way after development if care is taken to disperse drainage from around man- made obstructions (homes, wa] 'l s, drives, etc.) and roof drains. l,Je ylou'l d recommend construction of the swales, rock-l ineci ditch, headwall and driveway culverts as discussed herein. care must a'l so be taken during excavation for the homes so as not to create channeled run-off which could result .in erosion. Al'l swales and culverts shou'l d be cleaned after the development has been conipleted and disturbed ground has been revegetated and stabj'l ized. A map of the proposed development js attached which shows existing and proposed drainage facilities and control'led surface urater run-off course arrows. R espectfu-l 'ly subm'itted,.' ,nn - /{fl/rf*) H. L. Graharn P. E. & L. S. H\Xh 1s''o 6.'.tlt-JJ -$\' N $l\{.'r \,\i \\.t""'' i .\\ t\ ^;>'t -'\., :. ir'r. ,X v ul i\t-N *.r N e -rfl \ I :!.XO r [l N.ci NKr o rfl rct- (|). \\V\'N \..\,\XVh\.> ,^ \ ",,. tf '"., r' NNJ )\#,'t$.\ .'r't5\,$ . "" -r:{'\ ''i.' ,:. C': ,i!::-- ''tgt: $,'-Y N h $ $ \ ,.) e$Fn \n $) =\z \- hs [- ,--.-\I EH ;A l!z 4=5z .(\ a -'r_ t ur lt)b \r.(\g u to b$ 6x F g -=--- Ntr \s \$N d)I tl 3.,F,O .oO "0o/,^,,, -9?'/"4C'/ |'r I ROADWAY ANALYSIS LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION, Znd FILING EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing LionsRidge and Valley roadway system, evaluate its ability to perform the functional ro]e for which it was created and reconmend how its shortcomings, if any, may be comected. Traffic volumes used for this purpose wil'l be generated from proposed zoning and dens'i ty figures supplied by area developers. Genera'l ly, zoning and densities are reduced from original f.i gures approved by Eagle county when The va11ey subdivision was orig'inally approved and the roadway constructed. There shouldrtherefore, be no defjciencies that cannot be reredied. #?HS '60"') kiw INDEX Int roduction Index Conclus ions Recomnendat ion s Systen Capacity Calculations Road Types Traffic Generated Design Standards Terrain Design Speed llorizontal Alignrnent Vertical Alignment Grades Signs i 1l 1 2-LS LO- Z4 I7 18 19 I9 20 20 2l zz-24 25-32 11 CONCLUSIONS The loca] roadway system serving LionsR'i dge subdivision, Filing No. 2, consisting of Buffer Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop, is sufficiently adequate to carry al'l future traffic generated from proposed and exjsting development. Total ultimate development wi'11 produce Average Dai]y Trips of 2,093, or l9l vehicles per hour at the intersection with the Interstate 70 frontage road. Design capacity of the roadway system as ca'luc'lated in the body of this study is 16g0 vehicles per hour. Actual maximum vehicles per hour is, therefore, l.l .3 percent of design capacity in the heaviest traveled portion of the roadway. No major improvements are necessary. suggested minor improvements and a signing program is contained in the Recommendations sect.ion of this study. R TCOMMEN DAT ION S There are no major geometric deficiencies in the LionsRidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, roadway system. Grades are within acceptable limits. Curves and sight distances are adequate if proper speed limit and warning signs are posted. The structural section of the roads appear to meet County standards and the asphalt vlearing surface is in fair condition. It is recommended that the intersection of Buffer Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop be constructed to produce a ninety degree roadway intersection as suggested .in the figure. $t ,$ s s .o v'tAeraove .x./61/rro atpha// and irrsihfl elop stgn. EX/€7/ile PT?OPaSEO The speed limit should be 25 miles-per-hour on all sections of the road except as noted below and should be sufficientl.y posted. Buffer Creek Road, for the first 850 feet from the frontage road through the residential area, should be l5 miies-per- hour. Curves 6 and 7, curve l6 and curve 18 should have reduced speeds of l5 mjles-per-hour, 20 miles-per-hour and 15 miles-per-hour respectively, posted in conjunction with curve warning signs as shown below. From curve l8 to the cul-de-sac, the l5 miles-per- hour speed limit should remain. CURVES 64 7 /phill Downhill CURVE 16 )hill Downhill CURVE IB phill Downhill \ 20 M Uphill Uphill Uphill Buffer Creek Road should have a',Stop" sign in place at the intersection with the I-70 frontage road, preceeded by 500 feet with a warning "Stop Ahead" sign. LionsRidge Loop should have a "Stop" sign installed at the intersectjon with Buffer Creek Road, preceeded by 500 feet with a warning "Stop Ahead" sign. AlI private roads and public roads jntersecting Euffer Creek Road or LionsRidge Loop should display a "Stop" sign. The entire roadway system should be designated as a no passing zone. Although there are safe areas to pass, they are minimal. Due to snowpack on the roads, centerline striping is not recormended, rather signing at a designated interval with standard "No Passing Zone" signs. A ,'Dead End" siqn shou'ld be posted 500 feet in advance of the LionsRidge Loop cul-oe-sac. --'-...-- \_\ '':'1 ' -.--.--- WJ -la- - \//\ AT f:Ravreot nM \ r /NTER5rc7/otv7 R/-/ i,1R2-/ /5rnp l-- -, ll tt.-tt:ll CURVE g CURVE A (, \\ I \ \ t{J CURVE // ((: -?-- f:::-.-r:\ -:14.-;4:1>-1 ., 0 tr' 1' \ - ---/,J-\al -/7 2(< )-*== ../?,R2-/ 2fmph ./-./ t:,j'<Ls{. CURVE lF -6# j->tJ' /71"'-'1 4 .i 'X;M$'\fi:,8,;,.N,k' \\ W ,l;19€i'!1#N, N"-ztt ti -__.5.-ir--rr-..\-_ -,----'- ; +:( --- i c lO ey 2A.6, ' ,ir/ ' "'': ,/ ,/ '" ,..)n/, .' ...' ,/ ./, ' )' *r.,/r'/ r''..t'-) ,,f4/e4r!,/ //,,:"./' -'/ -'-'----' i I ?VE /7 ,':-7'." .-----'r i iI ,.\.- \ -----. ., '\. \,_ ' \-'' \ \. '.. \'.. -j<-\ \=-r>>a<i '. \, , \ -<.. - .'lt ',\. .'-3-.t:i i" l' ) t / It <-) )), ,/i.:'' ,' ,il,''/" / /i, '' ' '.'--^:\ ., l/!t//' /,:/. /, / ,'i t'/,/i/ / / /;' , // ) 'U"( ///i,t,',/,' ,/ I I.t,1 '/; /CUR\,',//ti,',!r,/ , / / '" ,/ / /tti l,dr:/'/,i .,,' ,.'' / t' i ,N'',' / ,/ :'/7r: Z=1- ' 'z ./ ,,i ( ..\/, .::-- \.-'\-- \. .'\\- \\.\ \') .----.. 'N-lj \ i \ \ t.-,la qF"; .\ il. .. I -:S*:,/ \:lii'-,.N \).r\,",--S '\l( -\ -\\'{r \ \ )z ii ri it =-<:=----'= 3 t'-4 -/,./. T!;:: :.' \l SYSTEM CAPACITY CALCULATIONS t GENERAL The capacity of a roadway is a measure of its ability to carry traffic. This ability depends greatly on the physical features of the roadway and other factors not directly re1 ated such as variations in traffic demand and the interaction of vehicles in the traffic stream or, simply, the operational characteristics of the traffic thereon. Demand on the roadway is expressed as traffic volume. Level of service is a function of comfort and convenience, speed, travel time, maneuverability, safety and cost. In a broad sense, roadway capacity involves determining whether or not a specific roadway is capable of handling predicted or measured demand at an acceptable level of service. 16 ROAD TYPES For the purpose of this be used: Collector and study, two types of roadway will Semi-Collector/Local Access Road. A Collector (Type 2) is access road connecting a vic'inity-wide continuous local access roads to arterials. A Semi-Collector/Local Access Road (Type 3) provides direct and indirect access from abutting properties to other roads. Buffer Creek Road from North Frontage Road to LionsRidge Loop will be classified "Type 2" and LionsRidge Loop from the intersection of Buffer Creek Road to its termination at the cul-de-sac will be classified "Type 3". I7 TMFFIC GENERATED In 1976, the Town of Vail did an extensive study to determ'ine the number of trips generated by a part'icular type dwelling unit. The study was done as a part of the Bighorn Street Improvement District, relating benefits of the roadway improvements to a specific type dwelling unit through the traffic generated by that specific unit. The average daily trios (ADT) used for this study is defined as the average two-way traffic expressed in numbers of vehicles for the design year. ADT for the Eighorn Street Improvement District was determined to be eight (8) for Single-Family and Two-Fami1y Residential zones; six (6) for Residential Cluster zones; and four (4) for Low Density Multi-family zones. Town and County zone districts do not compare directly and for the purpose of this study, an average ADT of seven (7) per dwelling unit will be used. To convert ADT into vehicle trips per hour (VPH), ADT will be divided by ll hours on the assumption that 90-percent of the traffic occurs between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. 18 DESIGN STANDARDS Standards generally represent minimum values implying the lowest acceptab'le 'limit in design. They are not inflexible and may be improved upon within reasonable economic limits. To insure uniform practice throughout the State of Colorado, the Colorado Department of Highways has produced the "Roadway Design Manual ," incorporating their expertise and the policies adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Acceptable standards coniained in the "Roadway Design Manual" will be used for the purpose of this study. TERRAI N Terrajn will be classified in two categories: l. Flat or Rolling - Average cross slope less than 15- percent with ridges and draws not well defined. 2. Mountainous Terrain - Average cross slope greater than l5-percent with ridges and draws steep and well defi ned. t9 DESIGN SPEED Is the speed determined to correlate design of those physical elements of a road that influence vehicle operatation. It is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the roadway govern. MINII'lUl{ DESIGN SPEEDS (MPH) TERRAIN CLASSIFICATION ROAD TYPE LJ Flat or Rolling Mounta i nous *'15 mph for switchbacks 35-45 25-35 25-35 *15-25 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT Is the horizontal geometry used to establish safe and continuous operation at a uniform design speed for substantial lengths of roadway and nust provide minimum sight distance; stopping site distance, passing sight distances and mjnimum curve radius. MINIMUN STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCES SIGHT DISTANCE (FT.) l5 20 z5 30 35 40 100 150 175 200 250 275 20 MINI}{JM PASSING SIGHT DISTANCES VERTICAL ALIGNMENT Is the vertical geometry used to provide adequate site distance, safety and confortable driving. Minimum lengths of crest vertical curves are controlled by stopping site distance and should not be less than 400 feet for design speeds above 30 mph and 200 feet for design speeds of 30 mph and below. ROADWAY CAPACITY, VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) DESIGN SPEED (MPH) l5 20 25 30 35 40 DESIGN SPEED (MPH) t5 20 25 30 35 40 TYPE OF ROADWAY MINIMUM CURVE RADIUS SIGHT DISTANCE (FT.) 500 700 900 I100 1300 1500 MINIMUM RADIUS (FT.) 60 '100 175 250 375 550 DESIGN CAPACITY 35-40 40-45 45-50 2lane, 2 way POSSIBLE CAPACITY (VPH) 2000 2l .|500 I.|50 900 ROADhIAY CAPACITY, VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) Lane Width Feet 12 t1 t0 9 Lane widths for Buffer 'l 0.5 feet or greater. reduced to 84 percent. Capacity Expressed as a Percentage of l2-Ft. Lane Capacitv (two-lane) 100 88 8l 76 Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop Theoretical capacities shoul d, are generally theroef ore, be Grades affect the capacity of a roadway in the following ways: The presence of a grade is general ly associated with restriction in sight distance, thereby affecting the percentage of the length of two-lane highway sections on which passing maneuvers can be performed safely. This effect is considered in alignment. vehicle braking distance js 'l ess on upgrades and greater on downgrades than on the level , thereby perm'itt'ing shorter spacing between vehicles that are cf imbing grades and requiring Ionger spacing between vehicles descending grades in order to maintain a safe condition. Some vehic1es travel at slower speeds upgrade than on the level , especial 1y if the upgrade is long and steep. Most passenger cars can, however, negotiate 7-percent grades at speeds above that at which capacity occurs. Therefore, the effect of upgrades up to 7-percent is generally negl igible. 22 '.. The co]orado Department of Highways Roadway Design Manual suggests that at 30 miles per hour, sustained grades of 1l percent should not be exceeded in mountainous terrain. Grades can, however, be increased to 12 percent for distances of 500 feet or less. LionsRidge Loop is generally B to 11 percent. The steepest grade of 12 percent occurs through curves 6 and 7 for a distance of'less than 200 feet. These grades do not in themselves reduce roadway capacities. posting speed ljmits' speed reductions at curves and establishing a no passing zone over the entire roadway length is required to deal with geometric deficiencies described e'l sewhere. proper maintenance in winter is all that is requ'ired to overcome effects of grade on stopping distance. 23 oE!0 'rtdc rl ta E |.l E ' A rlilLli aaa 6 6 '06 ' 3 laa oo 6lr{c.ot A! q| qt 'n x d oruo .l,>.!|.!.l.ta (J(,t) oo -a .2 o! it b0!co q q,-.& rt& l.€ l9 (|0 ct a 3., = u, oo o, o t >+{ > r.{t .(t '{!,( 50 a)4 a)& !'l n rn rn ft rrt Y) l/t o rn rn ({ a{ ({,61 6t 6t N 6t .! N r-{ v1 u1 n r'l !n.r1 rrtr/1o lno (rl (a ('l dt rn (a .vt n1 (! Gt N ltttttttl rtt .r1 ra rn n rrl rfi |/1 ln Gl a.,l N C| a! 6t c.t a\ r-l .tl rrl rrt rrt rn tototototol ?.1 rl i-{ F ttttl aoooooooooo ooaoooooooo <h ( ..1 Fl vl .-{ Or O\ O\ g\ C r.l r{ r.{ r-i +++++++++ut r.t rrl r.r r/t rn tl ul .^(\FI'\I\FFFNIFI 6|NC{({a{6tGtNC{ ++++Or{ON.OOdr6\t\oN rn Fi rn .\ @ r/l ro !n .q ut r-{ltl a.l |'t (! (r| tn at !i',t F{ (vt 't (vl .'l ra .'t ct (rt .4 (rr ..) .'r ('l (\NNc'c,\O\OrOioNN rr o\ 0\ ro @ r'| dt .{f \t (\a .\ Fr @ @ u'l ul \O \O \l. .9 tl rtl ('l qt I i\ r.\ '.r .-,t o o .rt .rt Oqq.O@\o\O./1 .^ <!ar (D <h O '-.a a.r rrl .{' rn \O a\ oo i{ ,-r 'l ri Fi ,-l ?.1 .-.t 11 (n\tvl\ot\ qo .t t dlt oo.cl 6!' CO atE r.l r' 9! L!t 6r t0o.,v, utD (! !a {rt (tt >r{ >rl L! k'O ,d )6 C'E O& o tl rl tl ll NO a{@ (\t (\l c{ al -'. d l. r i t'9 s Ol -ll u r.l ! u trt att r. ot tu{qot r(l|3*l ." rrl r5l o ,,:tl r! rl I |.l O rr.l J !I I rr.l lal ard I lll €!.{ Ol r.l F.lql (a I tl l, ,^l i€l rn .. ,^ ,,1 ,''l€l Fl N c{ <{ N lEl u0{I vrl ^l IrJ rEl tvl rtr |^ 4 rn lr1 t ttl -rt .t .'t c{ c!r {rt | | | | |I Ol vl r/1 Irt 'r1 6 i$l t {'r (\ Fr r"r , lrl I.| vl t'vl . I lEl I o | | rl O rll iol | | | | |i"l I I I I I ) arl c o\ o\ qlr c , Utl .t .91 ool : 'll + + +I al ul vt !.t iol F 5 R | | r:l r(/i|l | .l r€l ral lEl + +igl a s R s 3 i;l - I'r r'r .N ('l .qI ir i, orl ,c{ c-.| c.{ ri .+t ..t a Cl F{ .-{ 6t (\ N AI('Io\e{NN >IHFI?<'iF{ 3l it ('r F r.\ F al or < dr ..) .n {l O O .i r"t ..1 NNri.<'-{ "l >t 5l ,-r N"o.q n )l rl ol JI ul d Ar fll 1'lrn O!nul 6 (! a.t (a rt i.t o .,4 ,A;.1 a!at(\tN qrqrtl tttl 888388 o\<orcc!-a ++++vtr^tr6 tl-\Nl (\ C-l + c{ +++OOo.r<f6o F rl -.1 tv) .n 'rr Fl rn N F{ ./! r/'l r'l rf1 rn u1 ut 6l N N (l .! ('l c.l d1 ('t ('t i) r-,1 N ./l .t ut \A l\. .\l N.r(v d a! 1 ..t d\ C v'l 61.l Vt \o \o ..1 .-{ 14 .4 \o \o r< .< -1 F'l urrn\o\o\o€ f\FFl'-tAA N Fl il{CI ?+{%Bl Rl -3 12" \ 6" 2ll-{ Stop Sisn (R l- l) S'|OP signs rrrc itttentletl for rtse rvhcre tlaffic is t'r:rluirerl to stop. 'Ihc S'l'OP sign slirrll tre an ochgon ri'iLh s'hite lrlessage atr<l bot'rlcr on a red background. 'lhc st:rndard size shall be ll0 x ll0 inches. Where grc:rtcr onrphrrsis or visiliility is rerluired, a l:rrger size is l'ecomnrendcd. On lo\{-\'ollrlnc lo<:r'l stt'ctts alrd scconrlary roarls u'ith low :tl)l)x):r('h spct,rls, a 2l x i?..t irit'h sizc nr:ty lre ttsed. At a tnttltirray str,p irttct'scction (st'c. 2B ri), a strpplcnrcnt:rry plate (Rl-3) shoulrl Lc nrottntcrl jtrst br:low caeh S'l'OP sign. If the number of approach ltgs to the intcrsection is three or nlore, the numeral on the sttpplettt e n [:rry platc sh:rll correspond to the actual number of legs, or the lt:gtntl ALL-WAY (lll-4) rnay be uscd' 1'hc srtppletnenlary plate shall havc \ ltitt' lt:tt<:rs tln a rerl lrltckgt'otlntl ;rlrrl slr:rll hal'e a stlrtrrlard siz.c of 12 x 6 irtchcs (Rl-il) or l8 x 6 inchcs (Iil 4). A S'fOP sign lrt'acon or beacons may bc rtsecl in conjlrtrction r'" ith a STOP sign as <lescribed in section 4E-4. Sr,<'ond:rry rn(,ssages sl'rrll not tre used on STOP sign faces. Rl-l 30" x 30" Rl -4 l8"x6" Itt thc r:r'r.rrt thc r isil,ility of :r S'l'OP si1;n or :r Y ll.ll,D sign rt any locrrtiriqt is lcstlictr'rl, tlrc sign slrrrll lrc lrrcirt.t.rl :rs spcr,ililrl,:rrr{l a Slop Ahr::rd sign (sc,c. 2C 15) or a Yicld ,,\hc:rd sign (scc. :2Q lG) shall be cr(.ctr(l in arlr':tuct: of thr: S'l'()I, or YIlll,D sign. !'igures 2-2,2 7a,,2-7b, arrrl 2-7c (pages 2A-10:rnrl 2D-l6 to 2D-t8) show t1,1rical S'l'OP:rnd YIFll,D sign install:rtions. 2Il t0 Spcc<l l,irnit Sisn (lt2-l) 'Ihe Spct:d Limit sign sha)l display the limil establishc'rl by larv, or by re$llation, after an cnginecling and traffic investigation has lrecn rn:rde in accordance u'ith estrrblishcd traffic rnginccring pr.actices. Thc spccd linrit.s shou'n sltrrll bc in lnultiples of I'r nrilcs ltcr horrr. In orrlcr to rlctcrlrrinc the liroltt'r trrrrncricll valrrc for:r s;lcerl zonc on thc b:rsis of an t'ugincer.ing irlrrl tr..rffic invcstigation tlre follou ing fac- tors should be consirlcred: l. Road surfacc ch aractt:ristics, shou)rler condition, grade, alignment and sigh t rlist:rr rr:e. 2. 'fhe lll-r-pr.rcerrtilc s1x'ctl lnd p:rcc spccd. 3. Roadsidc rlevrloplncnt :rn(l culture, an(l rol(lside friction. 4. Safe spced for curves or hazardorrs locations within the zone. 5. Parking plactices and pedcstrian activity. 6. RcporLed ac(ident t'xper.ience for a reccnt l2-nronth period. 'frvo t5'pcs of s1r,'crl lirn it sig ns tnay lrc u scrl: Orrc lo r l,,sil, n al rr Ir:rsscn- ger car spec<ls iriclrr<ling lury nighttirne inforrnation or rrritrirrrurn spor:d limi! that might apply, and thc othe r to show any speci:rl spccd limits for buses and trucks. No more than three speed limits should bc displayed on any one spt,t'd limit sig.n or assembly. Whcre a spccial spccd limit alrJrlir:s to trtrcks rrr oth<:r vehiclcs, the lcgcnd 'llatJCKS .lO, or such sitttil:tr tncssrrrlc irs is:rplrropriatc, slr;rll llc slrown lrr'low thc st.arrrlard t2-l 24" x 30" 9,2-2 24't x 24't SP[:ED LIM IT 50 26 2e-6 f('con)rn('n(lc(l sl)1'c(l (,n a trlr'n to be:10 j\It,ll or llss, ;Lnrl tlris ret.orn- t'<:nrlcrl spcerl is c,1rr:rl t, or lc,ss than the sp.erl lirnit cst:rlilisherl by l,w or by re,grrl:rtion for lhat st,ction of highrr.ay. Whlrc a 'frrr.n sign is rv:rllanted, a Large Arro*,sign (sec. ZC_3) nru.y t.re rrsrrl on the ouLside of the tuln. Arlrlitional protection may be provirlerl by usc of thc Arlvi_sory Specd plate (scc. 2C -35). wl-lR wt-2R 2C '5 Curve Sign (W I -2) The Curve sign (Wl-2It or 2L) is intended for use u,herc cngineering invcstigations of road*'ay, goorrrctric, anrl opcrrrting con rlit io n s sho*, the rt'tonrrr)t,nrlr'<l sltccd on thc crrrve to bt, in the range lretrvtcn ll0 and 60 tttilcs pcr horrr:rrlrl t.rlr:al t,.r r)r l(,ss thirn th. sl}c,.,l lirnit {,slllrlisht,ri by lau' .r by rcgulirtio' f.r that secti'n .f highu.ay. Arlrliti,rr;rl pr..tection rnay trr: provi<le<l by usc of the A<ivisory Speed plate (sec. ZC-ilb). 2C-6 Rcversc Turn Sign (W I _3) 'lhe Rcrerse Trrrn sign is intcnrlcrl for use to rrark tu.o turns or a <'tt.vc ;.rd a trrt.. ') ,Jrp.sitc <lirr.r.ti',s ;ts rl.fine<l in the *.lrrr;rrrts or 'l'urrr ln<l Orrrve signs (st,cs. ZO .1 :Lrr<l l-r) th:r.t arc sep:rr:rtr:d lry a tangcnt of lcss than 600 fcct. If the first turn is Lo thc right, a Right Reverse Turn sign (Wl-3R) shall bc use<l anrl if the first turn is to the left. a Lcft Reverse Turn sign (Wl-3t,) shall be used. wl -3t 30" x 30" wl -41 30" x 30" 2C-3 I I e 27 For a,lrlitional pI'ot<,ction the Arlvisoly Spt:t'r[ pl:rle (scc.2C i]i-r) rnay be u sed. 2C-7 Ilcrcrsc Crrrrc Sign (\Yl-.1) 'l'he Ilcvrrrse Curve sign is inten<led for use to nr:rrk trvo curvcs in r.rpposite <lircctions, as dcfincd in the u':trrants for curve signs (sec. 2C- 5) that are scparatcd by a tangent of lcss than 600 fc'et. If the first curve is to the right, a Right Revcrse Culve sign (Wl .1R) shall be used' anrl if thc first crrrvc is to thc left, a L,lft Rcversc Crrrvc sign (W1-4L) : l:ell lrc ttscd. Iror atlrlitional pr<.rtectir-rn the Arlvisory Spr,ed platc (se'c.2C-il5) may be used. 2C-8 Winding Itoad Sisn ($'l'5) 'f lre \Vinding Ro:rrl sigr.r is intcnrlctl for ttse u ltlrc tlrct'c is a ssrie s of turns or curves, as dcfincd in the u'arlants for'lurtr and Curve signs (secs. 2C- 4 and 5), scparated by tangent rlistanccs <.rf lcss than 600 feet. If the first turn or eurve is to the right, a Right Winding Road sign (Wl-5R) shall be used, and if the first curve or turn is to the left, a Left Winrling Road sign (W I -5L) shall be rrsed. If tlre Win,ling Roiid sign is rrscd it shall bc t:t'cctt'tl in arllancc of the first curve. Additional warning may be provided by the installation of road delin- eation markers (sec. 3D-4) and by use of the Advisory Speed plate (sec. 2C-35)- Where thcre are feu'cr than five curvcs in succession, one or tnort, Rcvrrrsc Tttrrt trl Rcvcrse Curve signs should be uscd in liou of the Wirxlirrg R cr arl sign. wt-5R 30" x 30" 2C-9 Large Arrorv Sign (Wl-6, W l-7) The Largc Arrow sign shall be a horizontal rectangle \r'ith a standard siz-e of 48 x 24 in<:hes, having :r large arrow (Wl-6) or a double head :rrrow (W I -?). It shall have a I'cll<.rw b;rckgrounrl rvith s5'rnbol in black' 28 2C-4 2C l5 Stop,\hc:rd Sign (\\'3 l) A S'l'OI' AIII'lAD sign is intrrrrl'rl frrl r:sc on :rrr:rplrro:rch to u S'I'OP sign that is not visiblc for a suf'ficicnt rlistant.c tu pelrnit thc rlrivcr to bring his vehiclc to a stop at the STOP sign. Obstruction(s) causing the limited visibility may tre per.rnirnent or in(er.nrittent. 'Ihc S'l'OP AIIfIAD sign sh:rll l>e a rninirnurn of lJO x ljO inchcs. In st.inre c:rscs, it rnay tre uscd for crnllhasis rvhct.c tlrcrc is poor ohscrvancc <rf tht' STOP sign. 'lhe u'rlrd rnessage STOP AItl.lAD sign (W3-l) rnay be uscd:rs an alternate to the s1'nrbol sign (W3-la). W3-l o 36" x 36" 2C-16 Yicld Ahcrd Sign (\\f3-2) A YlfllD AIll.lAD sign is intcnrlcd for use on:tn rrlrplorich to a YItILD sign that is not visible for a sufficicnt rlistancc to pelntit the driver to bring his vchicle to a stop at the YIELD sign. Obstruction(s) causing the lirnitcd visibility m:ry be I)crmanent or int t,rnritte'nt. The YINll,D AIIFIAD sign shall bc a rninimurn of 30 x 30 inches. 'fhc u'r.irrl rlr('ssirge Y II.ll,l) A Il l.)A D sign (Wi3 2) nrry lrc ustrl ;rs rn altclnate to lhe syrnbol sign (W3 2a). W3-2o 36" xg6" 2C-8 inchcs- Arlvisory Spt,ed pl:itcs rr:,r,rl tvith il6_inr:h :tnd l:rr.gcr rvarnr.ng signs shall be 24 x tl.l inchcs. The plate shall car.r-y the mcssage (35) l\l pH in lilack on a ycllow background cxcept for constntction anrl nt:rilrtcn:r ce signs (sec.6B_34), -fhe spced shor.vn shall bc a rnrr)tililc of 5 rnilcs Jrr:r horrr.'lhc platc may lic trscd in cr'jrrrrctirn ri ith lrrrl' strrnrr;r.rr 5 r,lro*, *.rrr.rrirrg sign to indi- t'at.e the rna-rirnrrrn rccorntncn<lcd spced:n.orind a (:ut.vc or through a hnz.ardous lor':rtir-rn. It shall not be usccl in conjrrnction rlith any sign other than a u'arnirrg sign, nor shall it be userl :rlone. \lrhen userl, it shall be tnounted on the same asscnrbly and norrn:rlly bclou, the standard s'arnr'ng sign (fig.2-1, p:rge 2A-9). Extcpt in ctlergcrrcics, or at constnrction or m:rintenrrncc sitcs, u,here the situation calling for an irdvisory specri is tc)nl)or.:iry, an Arlr.isory Spced platc shall rrot bc crectcd urrtil thc recornnrcnrlc<l spccrl has bcen determined by accepted tr.affic engineering procc<lurcs. Recause clrangcs in srrrface ch a racterist ics, sight rlistancc, et.c., rn:ty alter the rr,cotnnr.n(lcd sPcc<I, t';r,:h loc:rti,n sho'lrl bc pcr.i.rlic;rlly chcckod and tltc sltcerl pl:itc cor.rt.cte d if neccssarv. 35 M PH wl3-l 18"x t8" 24" , 24" 2C-36 ,tdvisory Exi( Spcrd Signs (Wl3_2, W13_3) The Exit Speed or Ramp Speed signs are intended fnr use u,here engineering investigations of rt.radway, geometric, or operating condi- tions shou' the neccssity of rrdvising drivers of the maximum rccom- mcnded spcerl <ln a rarn p. 'fho sign should be postt'd along thc <ltceler:r(ion lanc or alcing the r:ilr.tp so that it is visible in tirnc for tlrc rlriver to make a safc sl0,,r,ing and exiting mancuvcr. Wht,re arlrlition:rl advisory spced indication is necrled on thc iamp ucllbeyond thc gore, a stanrlar<l u,arning sign with an Advisory Specd plate (Wl3-l) is t<i be used. 2C- t 9 50 rl I I tl \,/l\ .l wl3-2 48" x 60" wt4-l 30" x 3O'l wr3-3 t,8" x 6otl 2C 37 Dcad Flr',d Sigrrs (Wlt t, \\'l.l Z) The DEAD BND sign (Wt4_t) and NO OUt.LltT sisn (Wl4_Z) are intended for use to warn of a street or road *.hich has no outlet and which terminatcs in a daad end or cul-dc-sac. The sign shall bc postcrl a suffit'ient adr':rncc rlist:rnce to pcrnrit thc vchicle olrcr:rt()r to avoirl the dead cnd by turning off, if possible, at the no^r"rf iritcrsccting slrcet. w l4-2 30" x 30" 2C-38 No l':rssing Zone Sign (W l4 -g) Because of the dcmon strated target value given by this sign in critical passing maneuvers, the NO PASSING ZONE sigrl should be used on two-lane roads to rt'arn of the beginning of no-passing zones identificd by either conventional pavement markings or DO NOT pASS signs or both. When used, it shall be crected on the left side of the roadwav at the beginning of the no-;rassing ?.ones. ac- 20 t'\ n | \i { l .\ .') "! -'.-. DiiAD F-t,lD 31 ia NO PA.S S IN G /0i'1i1 wt4-3 36"x48"x48,' 2C- 39 Lirnited Sight I)istancc Sign (\\r ld-4) 'lhe l,l.l\{ I'l'FlD SI(;tl'l' DISTANCE sign, u,ith supplcrncntal A<lvi- sory Specrl plate (Wl3- l), is dcsigned for usc on vertical curves u,hich rlo not have adcquato safo stopping sight <list:rnce lvailable..fhis tl.pe signing is not to l)c a sul)stitute for sounrl cngirrcering jrrrlgrrrr:nt (lr;rsed on safety consi<lerations or knorln problem l<_rcations) th:rt u.orrl<l u.ar- rant irnproving thc sight rlistance by an cngineering solution. wt4_4 30" x 30' 2C -.t0 l'layground Sign (W15-l) The W l 5 - t Playgrou nd Sign may be used only nated children's play arca to u'arn of the potential 2C-21 in advance of a desig- h igh concen tration of J2 V ,') UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT oF AGRTCULTURE FOREST SERVICE Minturn, C0 81645 s430 February 21, 1980 Ron Todd Box 1753 Vai1, Colorado 81657 L Dear Ron: In response to our telecon, we have researched our fire incidence records on the Holy Cross District. These records go back to the early 40ts in fact and further back in recollection of the original conpiler. There is no incidence of fire in the 43.44 acte parcel (Lot 19, Sec. t, T5S, R81W, 6PM) that was recentl), exchanged to Jeff Se1by. If we can be of further assistance, rtgive a holler'r. Q i naaral .'v2r}trvr.r, tz-/t/ll-/ rJA}GS E. PAXON tore s fer 6200-r I (t/6s) EAGTE COUNTY Community DeveloPment &8ir?oco16'*ooo rru.'' TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtssloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box '1528 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 February 15, .|980 your sketch Plan and had the county standards. the staff on the ASSESSO R Ext 2Oz BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 24? ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUELIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NG Ext 226 ot 229 PU RC HA5I NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Baiall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Re: Fi I e l'lo. Zc-].|8-80 and File No. Su-]22-80-S At their Public Hearing of February ll, 1980, the Board-of County Commissjoners approved your zone change for 23.06 acres from Resource to Residential Suburban Low density. In addition, they reviewed fo1 lowing comments:l. Roads shall follow minimum 2. Applicant should work with upper lots.3. Appl'icant needs to address off-site impacts to roads. Fina'lly, they approved and signed a resolutjon vacating lot line betiryeen your development and the.development known as the Ridgl (rite tto. Su-114-80-P1). Respectfu'l 1y yours, tlrt+; 'r5;'4il -/ Susan Vauqhn U Pl anner sv/j h cc: Board of County Comrni ssi oners office ot the mayor box 100 r vail, colorado 81657 r (303) 476-5613 February 5, 1980 Fqg1e Oounty Oqnnissioners Box 85O tr'egle, Colorado 81631 Re: Selby Rezoning Dear Conmissioners: the Vail Tcnn Courcil rsmins opposed to the prcposed upzoning of the Selby properLy. this zone change rnould stilt permit too nany units to be constructed on this site, the Toun Council is especially concerned with this upzoning because it did involve a land trade with the Forest Service. The Oouncil realizes that this trade has been in the uorks for the past several years and wants to nuke sure that future trades of this type do not occur. With the Selby request, the Tcnrn Council reccnnends that no nrcre than 12 single family units be allcnred, with the rerpval of the lower units that access off of Sandstone Drive. ltrese lcnrer units would be e;<trarely visible, due to the steepness and openness of the hillside wtrere they were pnoposed to be located. Slifer Eagle County Conrnlsslonere Eagl-e, Colorado 1090 Vall Vlew tlrlve ValI, Colorado January 29, 1980 Dear Slrst I underetand that on Febnrary 11 Jeff and Maro Selby w111 requeet a rezonlng of the 43 aore parcel they orn ln the Llonsrldge area. I orm property and llve necr the property (at Telenark). In ny oplnlon,a rezonlng of the Selby property to resldentlal suburban Low denslty and the foroatlon of 18 slngle fanlly lots w111 not hurt thls nelghborhood. I feel that ln such a. hlgh denslty area, thls le a very reasonable zonlng request, and urge you to approve 1t. Slncerely, :),.o."-^^ E e^-t-''. 1090 Vall Vlew Drr Vall r Colorado January 29' I98O Eagle County Connleeloners Eagle, Colorado Dear Slrer As a pe:rnanent resldent of Vall, and owner of a tornhouse' I am 1n favor of the addltlon of nore slngle fanlly lote and netghborfioods to the val1ey. I L1ve near the tlO-acre pareel owned by Jeff and l'{aro Selby, and eupport thelr plan 1o rezone lt to ReEldentlal Suburban Low denslty ln order to create elghteen s1n51e fanlly lote. tmlyr no $easer , ) *f:!: rilu 1: 'i I 1090 Vall Vler Drlve Vall, Co. 8765? Jenuary 28, 1980 Eag1e County Connlsslonere Eag1e, Colorado Gentlenenl I an the otner of a Telenark Townhouse, whlch 1s located near the lr3-acre parcel of land orned by Jeff and llaro Selby. I fully support the propoeed 18-1ot elngle fanlly resldcntlal develoinenl- plan and thb requested^ rezonlng to Beeldentlal Suburban Lor denelty for that property. I donf t feel lt rllL have a negatlve lnpaot on ny property' and I weloone the ad.dltton of nore slngle fanlly hones to thls &!€8o Slncercly, n A U^P4l,l-t5>t-fn lbrUke Bmfos llartJke Brofog lclenrrk Torr$ouee # 9 1090 VaLl Vler Drlve Vallr Colorado 81657 Telenarlt 1090 ValI Va11 Febnrary Townhouee No. t Vlew Dr. 10, 1g8o J, County Conolsaloners Eagle County Colorado Dcar Connleelonerer Ae a property owner neer the 43-acre parcel whlch Jeff and l{aro SeLby are trylng to rezone, I have no obJectlon to thelr proposaL. I-do not thlnk the addltlon of 18 slngle fanlly lote ln the way they pLan to do lt wll-I adversely affect the Telenark Tornhouee ln whlch I Ilve, or the nelghbortrood. Furtheraor€, es eoneone rho hopee to eventually butld a houee ln Val1 , I au axens of the ehortage of slngle fanlly lote ln thla area. I therefone urge you to approve the SeJ.bye' reaeonable requeat, stnce lt w111 help allevlate thls ehortagor WEST VAIL ASSOCIATION January 17, 1980 Eagle County Connissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Conunissioners : On January 15, 1980, the Interim Board of Directors for the West Vail Asso- ciation held a meeting and one of the items we reviewed and discussed was Jeff Selbyts proposed Lionts Ridge Subdivision, Fourth Filing' The Board supports the single fanily residential lot concept and feels this concept is good for Gore Valley area. Considering there is no opposition and in many cases support by adjacent property owners to the proposed rezoning and subdivision request, the na- jority of the Board of Directors have no objections to the 18 single fami- ly resi lot subdivision request proposed by llr. Selby. Sin / c' litltrdlut14 (/ \\ Eagle County Eagle County , Post Office Box Eq-ele, Colorado L79 ,l 81631 I represent *G-5 and G-6 the company which is developing Lots G-2, which are all l-ocated near the 43 acres of Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and into single family residential homesites in tland which subdivide the Lion's Ridee area. :I have reviewed the residential I support your the property to will allow the ]' , :the proposed site plan and fully support lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore,granting Mr. Sel-by the-proposed rezoning of Residential Suburban Low Density which developpent of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. a. There is clearly a conmunity need for this type of single family residential development and considering the surroundingdensitiesthisisavery1ogica11ocationfor just this type of zoning. . , I urge you to grant the reguested rezoning and proposed subdivision approval. ;-' -' ":'' '| Sincerely, RRS: dp 23485 Currant Drive, Colden, Colorado 80401, (303) 526-0643 Short January 7, ,1980 Eagle County Connissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Connissioners : I am the owner and developer of Lots A-1 and A-2 and several sites in the Casolar Del Norte area which are located adj acent to the 43 acres of Land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single fa- mily residential honesites. I have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore, I support your granting l'lr. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the development of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. There is clearly a corununity need for this type of single fanily residential developrnent and considering the surrounding densities this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. I urge you to grant the requested rezoning and proposed subdivision aPProval . Sincerely, CARLING,TMcKEE C0NSTRUCTI 0N - W)*n- Thornas N. McKee EAGTE COUNIY Community Development TELEPHONE 303/328-731I P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO RDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENG I NEE R Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS I O N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC H AS ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & SRIDGE Ext 257 SHERI FF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL sERvlcEs 32A'632A TREASURER Ext 201 4 January 1980 Jeffrey B. Selby P.0. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: File No. Zc-118-80 At their Public Hearing of January 2, I98A, the Eagle County P'l anning Commission recdnmended approval of your zone change request for 23 acres from Resource to Residential Suburban Low density. Thjs reconmendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Conmissioners on February 11, 1980, at 9:00 AM jn the County Conrnissioners Meeting Room, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. .1--v--L Susan Vaughn / Pl anner SV/adj cc: Board of County Cormissioners EAIfE couNrY Cdnrmunitv Development P-. 0. Boi 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 8I631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 9494292 ASSE5SOR Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 coul'tTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVI RONMENTAL FI EALT H Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Eagl e Eagl e, Val 'ley Enterpri se Col orado 8]631 4 January 1980 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Board of County Commissioners 11 February 1980 publish the attached Notice of Pub'lic Hearing as a Legal in the 10 January 1980 publication of your paper. bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Pl ease Not i ce Pl ease Office Manager Thank you herine Petefson NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING County of Eag le , Col orado flotice is hereby given that the Eagrle County Board of County Connrissioners will hold a Public Heaiing on 11 February 1980, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in accordance with Section 10.04 and Section 6.01.02(b) of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Sajd Hearjng will include the followinq: File llo. 7.c-ll3-79 - Westwood at Vail, Ltd. Request: Zone Change from Pesource to Residential Suburban l'ledium |)ensity Location: Lots 16, 19 and 2t located jn the Nl^11/4 of Section 14' T5S, RSlt'l of the 6th P.l{. Eaqle, Colorado File l'lo. 7c-ILl-79 - l!.M.C.0. Rentals/Palmateer Real Estate Request: Zone Change from Resource to Commercial General Location: Northeast corner of U.S. Hwy 6 and 24 and Avon Blvd., more particularly described as follows: A rarcel of land'tocated ln the lil^iiss+ Sec'"lon 12, Township J South, Eange 82tic.st of i ihe 6th Prlnci-pal iierld.ian 1y1ng lior'"herly of the rtg,hi-of-way line of U. S, High."ay 5 and ?-4 ard Easterly of the centerllne of ?eaver Creek, more pa::tlcu b.r1.y described as follorsr leglnn14g at a brass cap set for the cenier of Sectlon 12, To;nshlp J South, Range 6? rr*est of the 5th Frlnclpal }lerld tanl thence S. OCo I)'Z)- i. l*.t+3 feet along the'/esterly 1lne of ti-:e )i'ilsEi of said Sectlon 12 to a point on ihe liorr,herly r l6h+,-of-'*'ay llne of U . S. Hlghxay 6 and 24; thence along sald li6rtherly rl6ht-of-r"z,y llne al-ong a non-tangent cur-ve to tbe rlght hav lng a ra,dlus of l8l0.00 fcet and a central angle of €o +O' Ol" an arc d lstance of 180.1? feet ard a long Chord of 160,15 fcet bcarlr:E 5.7)" lE' 45" E. to a point on ihe ccnlc.rllne of Beaver Crcek; thrnce N. (:4a A5, tt5,' E. j8.9ll feet alor".5 sald ct--nterlinei thcnce ti. 50o 1E'1+1" t-.. 2!+,11 feet 3len6 s*eid cent.erllne; . thence !i. 12o 33' O?" E. 14.50 feet along sald centerllne; thence li. 160 2)' ?8" E. 10.81 fcet a1on6 sald center'llne to a point on the liolth 11":ie of sald lt;isE; of Sectlon 121 fhence'I'i. ti" 5?' )0" '/. 2I1 ,22 feeL a1on5 said lior'.h 1Ine to the poLnt of.beglnnlng, conlainllg 0.)&5 aci'es, no:-e or less. Publjc llotice - ouo"O File llo. Zc-118-80 - Jeffrey B. Selby Request: Zone Change from Resource to Locat jon: I'lorth and east of The Val1ey Filing #1 Subdivision, more "Lots 20 and 21, Section 1, Colorado, contairling 23. 06 Residential Suburban Lot'r Density at Vail Development and rvest of Lion's Ridge particularly described as folIovts: T5S, R81!,,l of the 6th P.M' ' Eag1e, County acres " Fjle llo. Zc-119-80 - Midway l4anagement Corporat-,on Request: Zone Change from-Resource to Rural Residential Location: Adjacent and urest of Eby Creek, one and one half miles north of the Tot,rn of Eag1e, more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land loca+-ed in Tracts 43, 44, 46, 47, and 64' Sectj-ons L9' 20, 29, and' 30, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth principal'Meridian, according to the Iniependent Resurvey of said township and range as approved on June 20, L922, said parcel being *ore pirticularly described, as follows, to wit: Beginning at Corner No. 4 of said Tract 43; thence along the South Line of Tract 43 l.lest 2640.0 feet to Corner No. 3 of Tract 43; thence along the West Line of Tract 43 North 1320.0 feet to Corner No. 2 of Tract 43; thence along the North Line of Tract 43 East 2540.0 feet to Corner No. I of Tracl 43, being the same as Corner No. 2 of said Tract 44; thence along the North Line of Tract 44, N.BBo19'00"E. 1308.12 feet to Corner No. 1of Tract 44, being the same as Corner No. 2 of said Tlact 46; thence along the North Li.ne of Tract 46 N.88o16'46"E. 972.77 feet to a point on the West Line of Lot 2 of said Section 20; thence along the West Line of Lot 2 N.00"01'00n8. 1206.83 feet to a point on the North Line of the SouLh one-Half of said Section 20; thence along the North Line of the South one-Half of Section 20 N.89"45'00"E.2633.40 feet to the Northeast Corner of Lot 1 of said Section 20; thence along the East Line of said tot 1s.00"01'00"w. 1320.00 feet to the southeast Corner of Lot l; thence along the South Line of Lot 1S.89"46'00"i{- 85.24 feet to Corner No. 5 of a parcel kno'.v-n as the Kel1y Extension; thence North 471.90 feet to Corner No. 4 of the Kelly Extensioni thence West 1164.7'l feeL to Corner No. 3 of the Kelly Extension, a point on the Easterly Right-of-way Boundary Line of Eagle county Road No. S-33; thence along saj.d Boundary Line S.01"12'51"8. 334.18 feet; thence S.8Bo30'00'I.1. 50.25 feet to a point on the I'lesLerly Right-of-Ivay Boundary Line of Eagle County Road No. S-33; thence along said Boundary Line S.07o12'29"E. 81.0? feet; thence 66.32 feet along a curve to the right with a radius of 275.00 feet, the chord of which bears S.00"17'59"E. 66.16 feet; thence S.06o35r 32"E. 603.85 feet; thence 102.91 feet along a curve to the left with a Public Notice - oun0 radius of 849.13 feet' the chord of which bears S'03009'13"I'l' I02' 84 feet; thence s.ooo20'06"8. 778.70 feet; thence 95.26 feet along a curr/e to the right with a radius af 275.00 feet, the chord of which bears S.09o35'26"W. 94.79 feet; thence S.19o30'46"W. 523-75 feet; thence 99.05 feet along a curve to the ]eft with a radius of 325.00 feet, the chord of which bears s.10"46'54"I"1. 98.57 feet; thence s.02'03'03nl.l. 33.49 feet to a point on the Northerly Boundary,Line of a private parcel of landi thence along said _Northerly Boundary I.Jest 723.51 feet to a point on the East Line of said Tract 64, being the same as the West Line of said Tract 47i thence along said Tract Line s.0oo25'44"w. 440.14 feet to Corner No. 4 0f said Tract 64; thence continuing aLong the West Line of said Tract 47 S.00"3?'00"E' 2640.03 feet to fhe soitheast corner of Lot 7 0f said section 29; thence along the South Line of the North One-Half of the Southtrtest one-Quarter of said sec.tion 29, s.89"46'00"w. 1689.63 feet to the southwest corner of the North one-HaIf of the southwest one-Quarter of said Section 29t thence along the West Line of said Section 29 N.0O'OI'OO"E. 2640.00 feet to the Southeast Corner of the North One- Half of the North one-Half of said Sect.ion 30; thence a1on9 the South Line of the North One-HaIf of the ltorth One-Half of said Section 30, N.ggo59roo"If. 3945.36 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast One-euarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of said Section 30; thence a- long the West Line of the Northeast One-Ouarter of _the Northwes_t One- euaiter of said Section 30, N.09"oo'15"E. 1320.00 feet to the North- trest Corner of the Northeast One-Ouarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of said section 30; thence along the North Line of said section 30 s.89.58'OOrE. 2gB2-.82 feet to a point on the west Line of Ttact 44i ih"tt"u along said West Line N.00603100'8. 50.33 feet to Corner No. 4 of said Tract 43, the point of begi.nning. Said !.lid$tay Parcel contains approximately 548 acres' EXCEPTIIIG THEREFROIT Parcel A' to retain Resource Zonlng' PARCEL A A parcel of land located in Tract 43, Sectigl 19, Township 4 South, irange 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian according to the Indepeident Resurvey of said Township and Range as approv"d ?l June 20, Ig22, said pariel of land being-more particularly described as follows, to wit: BeginningatapointontheSouthLineofsaidTract43from which Corner No. 4 oi said Tract 43 bears East 420.00 feel distant; thence a1"ong said South Line West, 565.94 feet; thence N.2Ao30t00nE. 826.78 teeti thence N.O2"OOr 00"8. 22O.OO feet; thence S.36o00'00"E. 535.00 feet; thence S.16"15'00"W. 535.00 feet to the point of be- ginning. Said Parcel A con+-ains approximately 8 acres' Public tlotice - oun0 ALSO E:{CEPTING THEREFROM Parcel B, to :etain Resource Zoning. PARCEL B A parcel of land located in gracts 44, 46 , 47 , anC 64, Sections ],g,20, 29, and 30, Township 4 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth piincipaf lleridian'accordin! to the Independent Resurvey of_said- rovrnship and Range as .pproied on June 2b, 1922, said parcel of land being more partiiularly- bescribed as follows, to wit: a point on the Norlh Line of said Section 30, from o-f Tract 43 located in S'aid Section 19 bears N.glo33'34"8. 341.57 feet distant; thence along and distances: the following courses Beginning at which corner No. 4 s. 01017 ' 00"w. 280. 00 s.44043t00"8. 210.00 N.67"32 ' 00"8. 1050.00 N.04032r00"E. 620.00 N.73 047' 00"E. 265.00 N. 84"02' 00"E. 545.00 N. 6? o02'00nE. 1640.00 S. II"02' 00"'rt. 5;0.00 s.08043'00"E. 430.00 s.76047'00"W. 440.00 s.24002'00'W. 690.00 s.3Bo4?'00"W. 810.00 s.720.1-7r00"w. 175.00 N. ?5ol3r 00"I^1. 250.00 N.38"58r 00"W. 270.00 s.65047'00"w. 265.00 s.36002'00"W. 140.00 s. 89 "47' 00"W. I100. 00 N.61"58 r00"W 2I0.00 s.71047r00"W. 410.00 s.07 013 | 00"E. 440. 30 'feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; -thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feett thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feet; thence feeLi thence feet; thence feet; thence toapointonthesouthLineoftheNorthone-HalfoftheNorthone-Half of said Section 30r thenee along said South- tine N'89o58r00"W 2325.93 feet to the southwest corner of the Northeast one-Quarter of the Northlrest One-Quarter of said Section 30 i thence along the west Line of the Norlheast one-Quarter of the llorthwest one-Quarter or saia section 30, N.00"00'15"8. 1320.00 feet to the Northvtest corner of the Northeast one-Quarter of the Northwest one-Quarter of said Section 30; thence atong the North Line of said Section 30' s.89"58|Oo"E. 2645.00 feet to tne point of beginning' Said Parce1 B contains approximately 159 acres' Public Notice - OunO ALSO EXCEPTTNG THEREFROM Parcel C, to retain Resource Zoning' . PARCEL C A parcel of land located in Section 29, Township 4 South, Range 84 l{est of the Sixth Principal Meridian according to the Independent Resurvey of said Township and Range as approved on June 20, L922. said paicel of land being more particularly described as fo11ows, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of tot 7, section 29 , a point on the l,lest Line of Tract 47, Section 29, Tor'rnship 4 South, Range 94 West of the sixth Principal Meridian from which corner No. 3 of said Tract 47 bears S.00o3?'OO"E. 66-7L feet distant; thence along the South Line of the North One-HaIf of the Southwest One-Quarter of said. Section 29, 5.89"46t00"W. 441.01 feet; thence 737.51 feet along a curve to the left with a radius of 1075.00 feet, the chord of wfiich bears N.50"02t36"]t. 723.22 feet; thence N.59"42'00"I{. 305'00 feet; thence 438.5I feet along a curve to the right with a radius of 375.00 feei, the chor,d of which bears N.36912'00"Ii. 413.95 feet; thence N.8?;IBr00"E. 3?5.00 feet; thence S.55o42'00"E. 380.00 feet; thence S. B9o27,OOnE. 440.00 feet; thence N.5?"33' 00"E . 420 ' 00 feet io i po:-nt on the West Line of said Tract 47; thence along said West r-,ine 3.00037'00"8. 985.00 feet to the point of beginning' Said Parcel C contains approxirnately 19 acres' Net acreage to be zoned Rural Residential- is approximately 362 File No. Zc-120-80 - C. Cra'ig Folson Request: Zone Chanqe from Resource to Resident'i al Suburban l'lcdjtrm density Location: East of Avon Schoo'l site on the south side of Highway 6 and 24 at Avon, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: A n:rr-al nF Iand locatei in tlte Sourh, Range B2 lVest of tire 6th as follows: NlitjSE! Sec*-ion 12, Torvr.ship 5 Princip,-rI j'ler i.Jian Iying 24, more particularly described Beginning at a Brass Cap set for the SE corner of the Nl'lkSEk Secticn 12, Tovrnship 5^Scrrth, Range B2 West of the 6th Principal Irleridian; thence s. 89"53'54"w. 1302.02 feet along the I,.zI6 line; thence N. 19o32'15''8. 1097.52 feeL to a pcint on the Southerly right-of-rvay Iine of tl .S. Hichzay 6 and 24; thence nlono sa'i d Sc,:rf har'lv r i r': r F - n :-- - ',r: rz Iipg alOnq a nOn-r-anqent LriL ! r-I r--r)r\,'e to tho richf h;rrzi no a rztfils OE 3770.00 feet anC a t-l s v ^ r'> central angJ-e of 04"21 '5?" an arc distancg of 293.B5 feet and a Long Chord oE 293.78 feet L'caring S. 65"2C'\2"n.; thence ,alono c;rid So:rf hnrlrr r i r': h l- - n r: - !.'r V Iine S. 5B-48'50"E. I2E.74 urr! ! f l,Fnel-: f l^nnco ;lrrn:r c,.r id Sn'rir'or'lv rioht--oF-u':v I inc S, 61"10t00"erv Y g!.L ! r_: E. 622.93 feet to a point or the East I,/I5 line of said Section 12; thence alorg saio I/I6 Iine S- 00"12'20" E.56L-57 feet to the point of beginning', co.-rining 21.523 acres ' r,cre ^- I ^-- Public llotice - ouo0 File No. Zs-109-89 - Publjc Service Company Request: Special Use Permjt to rebuild and relocate portions of existing Shoshone 115,000 volt electric power transmiss'ion line. Locatjon: southern portions of Eagle County wjthin the Fryingpan Rjver Valley' more particularly described as follows: Toi,rnship 8 South, Range 37 lt'est Lot 19 of Section 12 Tor'nship 3 South, Range 86 lfest Subdivision Line Crosses NEi/+ G S1/21ifl/4 of Sec-uion 7 Seven Castles Estates ll'1tt1,/4 of Section 8 NI/Z of Section 9 . SE1/4SE1/4 of Section .t fl/?.51./7 of Section 3 S1/2 of Section 2 SI/Z of Section 1 Torurship I South, Range 85 l,,rest SI/? of Section 6 57/25E1/4 of Section 5 Sl./?51/? of Section 4 57/?51/2 of Section 3 N1/2N81/4 of Section 8 NI/2:17/? of Section 9 N1/2N1/2 of Section 10 Torvnship 3 Soutit, Range 84 ifest Nl/? of Section 3 El/ztn'll/4 of Section 9 1,!7/?SEI/4 of Section 12 Townsirip 3 Soutlr, Iiange 33 |'Jest SI/2 oi Section 7 lublic Notice - p"st o This Hearinq shall be held in the Conmjssioners l4eetino F.oom #103, McDonald Build.i nq, 550 Broadr^ray, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the heari ng, or by subrnj tting ulrjtten staternents in person or by mail thru the P1 anni ng Department. Further information may be obtained or comments subrnitted by contacting the Eagle Count.y Department of Community Development, 550 Broadway, Eaqle, Co'lorado' Phone 328-731I - P. 0. Box 179. by: Johnette Phi'll i ps Eaole County C1 erk and Recorder SITE DATA LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO.4-PROPOSED JANUARY 2, T98O TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 45.33 ACRES AREA OFTHE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY UNDER 23,06 ACRES CONSIDEMTION TOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESOURCE TO R.S.L. BALANCE OF PROPERTY TO REMAIN RESOURCE 20.27 ACRES TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 18 UNITS PROPOSED DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE FOR TOTAL AREA) .42 UNITS/ACRE PROPOSED DENSITY (ACRES PER UNIT) 2.41 ACRES/UNIT TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE ACREAGE OF THE PORTION OF THE 9.6 ACRES PROPERTY UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR CIIANGE OF ZONING PROPOSED DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE OF DEVELOPABLE AREA) T.B8 UNITS/ACRE LOT DATA LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO,4-PROPOSED JANUARY 2, 1980 BtocK r LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LO"r 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT TO LOT 11 LOT 12 BLOCK 2 TOTAL ACREAGE TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE AREA LOT .36 ACRE .36 ACRE .83 ACRE .51 ACRE .51 ACRE .73 ACRE .62 ACRE .48 ACRE .44 ACRE .44 ACRE .45 ACRE ,43 ACRE .57 ACRE .91 ACRE .92 ACRE .7i ACRE .49 ACRE 1.88 ACRE 15600 s.F. 15200 S.F. 18000 s.F. 15900 S.F. 15700 S.F. 20200 s.F. 18100 S.F. 15200 S.F. 14700 S.F. 13200 S.F. 15000 s.F. 14100 S.F. 15200 S.F. 23500 s.F. 24600 s.F. 11700 S.F. 11400 S.F. 63400 S.F. oo i+o t$o P7 'uo o r"t B P. a\)E(o oe a|OF |l(O ,. ^-t o at o o o tn I Fr O O O :t IO F (/' t-t .r r-+ O lu o (,| to F CJ c) <IN D I C) l O lP.4 Qr I H ts I'd tJ |J lit r ,^. o lts.C)ts\lo t '\ lJ LN @ 6D CO o t, a o c.p tn LA ul o </) t-t d H. P. Fh r-h "J o 00 T Y' F ,o tFt,l6o lc 1:J(J lF. o l.+ 5 lth u Ii t< I tl I t.| .., rr5 @(^ C(^5 L'l dcl l,a H o Q o o rg I lz lo lc+ o F,o ln O|'/lN E=Bgr 0rY ct(n oo oc)Fhp .i F)P. -i PO U)0q tf <6) oo o. F.\.t Y { c+ Fr o ry o cl o F' a,nl(o FI N)(olN (tI rJ ala El; r+ll trE .|15 (O I lts. (,.l >l .t lt o IFb A l.t ,,fi ul \l @ at ,r.\ttl l. pt l'r o l. -t I t.to o l*E l!)F lt,') l0)Its IO lo Its I I I TT l+ + + cnl r-., r. r r-al(^ c{ (^ u.l (ol --r\r{{('lJ H H u| Ln lrl ir. ; ',o -5l ('r (Jr Oo O\ 'rl at P' at th H n ln H o I uto\FtJFl.J t>J (t.oHs '-l 5 ul \-c.c \-.\.>\>"\'\ U1 { (' F.o FFh 0qo 4 ZF.o3 c+AO F{ Iv {ac oots Cn a'! N5 C Fh .P.5 F. l.+ AF. .+Xrr X.r :t '\ to !,Z, .+o6)rr FJ 'O oF) tno o tl { @ at o a FCA Or- z.< raA zc Ct F.r rd<z t-{aa -lO t-t Z trl a (,1 tn Ol (Jt tJ l$ F 5 o\5ao(,'.l(oo 9r3:.93P (oNFr(Oc)O--.1 O\{o('rOOO\ ,T''''!l''|,n,n\1 .f r-t r+ rf d ci c' ptrgrp)t00)p PFlJrJPIJP ooooooo 0q0q0c0aoa0qF r 1,.-r a o\loo.ro\soc)P --llPFoOr6C.r@ co [(o { (n N S (o 1..J |\../ r...1 '.-u !-., \'J \J \-J al (/l o r. o 'n F{ 0)o a+ ts. p a lE,--@l F br tu Fl.iC r..J lP --t (,r oj F NJ o lP. F NJ lc) 5 r.J .-r o\ p O l"d P.F lP rr (n 5 <> o\ lJ lP.+.l. lol O I'.O bl ts tt O O\ S l|,'n Ul l(o (.Q F F O. J .t l(r u1 - I .-_l> Impact ReporE Page 6 T_he Settl-ng; Densities of Neighborlng Developrnents * Developoents in the lmlediate vicinlty range from single family lots to projects with densities over 48 dwel1lng units per acre. (The zonlng requested for this site ls 0.42 DE/acre,) * Developments adjacent to the proposed subdivislon have an average denslty of about. 2,9 DU/acre. * The access road for the top portion of the subdivision is Lionls Rldge Loop, The average dens j.ty for all projects served by this road ls abouE 1.5 DU/acre. The rnajor development is The Valley which has an overall densiEy of. 2.45 DU/total acre. * The access road for the lower portion of the subdivision is whlch also servea Homestake, Lions Mane, the Eigher Chalets, and Lots A-1, 2) & 3. The average denslty of these projecEs 1s over 18 DU/acre. * The developments to the south and east of the proposed subdivislon are ln Ehe I'vi-ew corridor'r of the subdlvlsion; thaE is, when the the subdivision is visible fron tire I'rontage i{oad and t.he Interstate, other bulldlngs that are ln the field of vision are considered to be in the I'view corridor. r' (The general area of chis ttcorridort' is lndlcated on the exhlbif on page 8 .) Projects in the rrview corridor"lncludei Vail Run (2I ,8 DrJ/acre), Brakaway (45,5), the employee housing project (19,7), Telemark (20.f), Casolar (6.9), Homestake (48.5), Llons Mane (28.7), Eiger Chalet (11.7), and Snow Lion (19.1). The average density for the projects in the ltvl-ew corrldort' 1s over l8 DU/acre. * The exhlbit on the following page sunmarizes the locations and densitles of nost of the surrounding properties. * The table on page 8 sununarizes dafa abouc the densities of nelgh- borlng property, including their area, number of unlts existing or a11owab1e, and relationship to the proposed subdivision qrith respect to (1) proximity, (2) access roads, and (3) visibility, a =ft 4 6 n t a 9 F n .it s {l 1 s + F E JL N $t ltl o \ / o' I l'J *ti JM <t\ ltt ^t\ i-\ n e (\ ('' rn I .F s $ +E RI $t{.hn .si: dai.. N $t F 0 s rlt I T $I t $ i C\ { 4 ts N tn Fl frz H }. FJ ld.rH >itt4 tr{ EJ fri!o t4 z c)H ozft zo qo |d <Fnf4 -F FH .JHH -Zvt O;FaZ ttrdH |nO a-cz H H H z oz 5H rrH 5< fli H AZ FT EJ ZF 6)= OH fnH rz H zo -F an HO dF F{v)H HZ < tll H>AF H z c)ordrdrd>>Ftdcooo>>| | | | | | | l0r5 | | | | |F O\ (, l.J F rJ O\ (, d rd (, |\.J F @ ts ot+urF o $ Ln h Q1 H't rt o\ \o f.J PO () c)ETEE tt!to!r$ 5 lFl 4 Fl Ft ..\ o o o o @o o o o PI.Jtsts trlc)t t! 0' t-l r.'J<td(,Ho:dr{H rn c)iElBgtFrSOSrOts,S H.O OrttsOOFU)SOO0oF F tsHOJ € O O O P O O o o F A ra o < |-1 o P.< td P ti P O rt 0r o 5 |D tr { F.d d 0r I<H c) o 0o O 5 D o 'f ?fID F-. f < i' Fro F o F)H oq h. l-t <n H pt n 4 o a ct c) o H o Fl z D) o ,t)t*)trtrF:+0) o '6 n OF oo OP op u)o trp do ts. ts'<'o ts.oit tso 3 )F )g)+**)FF- * 'JFIFJFtsF F r'J ,F 'F I.J N Fo rn 0ro:|p.o o G-!) *{- )+ *)ir+)FrFrFrT )F)F,F** n .)o<NF r'l o OP $ +.F|- H Oi Ftsl!C FC c| copFOppl.F) F-cpoehJ :JOraQOLn. O Co Co L,r Cp N;| (, C) N t'.J r:ool.J CN @ tJ F())l,J! vr s.!o\\o L|)o\.tr. L,n co@6 \O O (.o Ln (J' \l 5 t.J P >ii ofD f.l OF oFt \./ (D 0) roF!'oF!FdFU D$9rD!D$N B X.B *H 'F )FB * Ft t-l al cl. t-t at al Pts.H'P.ts'P.ar0r9)opa)tstsFJtsHP p rt )F rt H oo €<oo AF I o o<rro F} FT cro Q,o OB o rl x x rt:t- * )+ ** ,t EO o<AO I HF F. (Jl O\ (, (O \c, \.n 1tr. rJ rr ol\ trfr i\.h tV r-s.O\Or N) O\ { O (o Ur5.N)@FOt{O }'o.F-O (t P)p)0)ororA)P FJ H ts tsts P F ts H l- i-o o o o ob { r a a i<o pl D al poi cr af (' ct d cr.tsFPPPP o o o o oo d{po ts'ts .rts oF. 0a F N N OltJ +- c^t F t9 O\ N) O ('r$...J \O F @OO@0O (,rtI'J O r- tJF O\ (,]rl (,l o{ l.J FF.\o.-l co -.lroF\ouc)+\Lr!oFH <)NJL^o v Nd o -.\ oo i, fil ez .-\ (, PFI OFI \r r< +trt/v t, Luuv yLL^t !7165 'u,tqng a?? /n na.Lituralul auoqd :6t/6/[ owary OJ7 7Vo11 {o utn6 :gCAn1S a. o eFa i N I tl rt N E\ \\ .$ s Q s o.a a" o.a) C. r--r O $: S sj. C.tod *$'R e8I O \J s|,r|l r$sf ct \J P ($ $lNr $ $sr. (S Fl (') O' co oJ gxo c.c s (s tr\ co \J\ sr. t{ F3 r"! r-J |.l o. si- cD $ o uJo o O o. \J S .rJ\J d - sRqRs e. . A s.|. :: ri. r'|l+ CJ' r-{ (t G (t (t (t s-r Fj b e. s. e.$.sr. Q S O ()O crJ 0J\ (Q Fj r.{ Q S r1. (lJ $ O . (. s o }..|.J S Fr sr. $. C sF as, $tr5J$ e.S 0) c{O S,Q tJ s! N Q -s .q rJ o-so i-s RF'oH (: (\ O $.' .. JSs A o lii crl d taa 0r ls..r S A $SCr (\trO N FJ |..r (\ '\J O O Cri QA Q o: ,.. e (-{ r-l- FS oe.o rd $ $s A. a Q A-o o o cs sfesl s $\ :r ll \'..r }j (\c-r AO .t\trR \J QsF \$ cI. s o |s \.-!(Q 'u s $$ o sr. $sf Sb $S FP F. S. A A. cr) S SB R s!. $ cr.rF Q sr. e'O 0J tr.go)$. S rf rs.o a:s^ a $s o;t \.-r sl- X (t O l)r a \J lF.r o c,o S Qo st,$ sr. ($ O R'r s' $or d's-T F-r S S s $cr a-$s.0)\ a, S. ri-$ o- c, o \ "l s.. S O-cDa ''3 c.GO\J ' ;. g aSPd 1:odaX 1eedu1 l'.'l t.L\f A J -J //1 Ll) ,l /_r:t rZ Al ( t, rJ (a n. ) 4g_ly*s_il -q_f*_!,_t-tL,j1'.c! ( cont j urr<:rl) 1. qgnqrLy jn Lion,-,-ritlqc D]'VE1-,OPED S I1'I:]S I'hC.IDCT L i<lns lrlanc I Lions l\lan c I I Ilorncstake A & B Tcl crnark Sn <;rv J,i on Rrcak;*vay I Ilrcak:rrvitS' II A & ll Illc al< arvay I I C Brool< L rcc As;pcn'l't'cct Va i I Ilrrn l.l^;, tl (lsi 1-rrlr c (l r.r,r,li sr1'1t AREA _4t.lil.!__ .385 .662 1. 360 . ttg5 r.360 .:J53 t.t:tG . lt90 1t'12 . 4 {-r0 8, 8.1 (;.o)7 2:l . orJ l 1-!)-79 . UN I1'S I,,]JR ACRIi 47 29 49 ,20 to J,-t 38 Qc) L'l 23 is UN ITS 4-5 /t-o tt- I L1- Z B-3 tlnpl atLcd It4 -1]5 ]B 19 66 laJ zt) tz ') '7 4a l5 I cl '1 _!_1 ri/ t '1'O',f ALS Wc fccl Lhat 1. lrc t of I iu<:l-lr t.xis irl)l)r't-l.\inr;rLc1 20 rrnits per Z . !]o.s I t i ve l;-c_a rly r;q:s_ _g J_]!e D! s c d p ro.j c c t c. ) d. ) 104 I()ng-tcrm rcntal rrn its will be bui lt this sumtncr and wil l bc rr:acly for occup:rncy in the f i111.'l'hc 1oc::r1. ion o f ilrc pnr.jc<:t i s cxcell cnt -from thc.stanrlJroint ol its proxirnity to tbe T<-rtvn, to brrs scrvicc, itnd Lo :r major arterial st rcct .'lhc inrp:rct that this pro1to.sir.1 rvould h:r.ve on the srrllrruncl ing nc j ghborhood i s minimal.rnc low sc:rlc naturc of the project with rclati vcly low profilc buildingl wiIl minimizc the vi srral inlpact of this project . ':- Thc floor plan lrncl ..,^ize oi'th; units will al I orv f or lti 131-r s; t.tnd:rrcl living conditions for the <tt:c:irltlul1.s. c. ) t IMPACT REPORT for the Proposed 4tln Filingl Lion's Ridge Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Allen GerstenbertJer Asgoclatee eo4O l4th Street Sult€ IOO Boulder. Colorado 80302 606/447-8749 IMPACT REPORT LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED FILING NO. 4 EAGLE CoUNIT, CoLoRADO Prepared for: Jeffery B, Selby and Maro Selby P.O. Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81657 Prepared by: A1len Gerstenberger AssociaEes 2040 14th StreeE Suite 100 Boulder, Colorado 80302 28 August 1979 Reulsed 20 October 7979 Reuised 27 Deeernber 1979 Impact Report Page i INTRODUCTlON This report reviews che najor lssues funpacted by the zonlng of the proposed Lj.onrs Ridge Subdlvislon Filing No. 4. These impacts loclude the soclal , economic, and physlcal lssues. Engineering reports on drainage and traffic have been prepared and are included in the appendlces. The fornat of this report is slurple: brief couunents about each of the major lssues are presented, sumnarizing the pertinenE points. The supportlng reports and calculatlons have not been included in the text, although some explanaEory information has been included at the end of Ehe report. Not.e that the figures presenf,ed are approxinations. Projected lnpacts are estimates and are intended to represent the order of magnitude of the lmpact, TABLE OF CONTENTS IntroducEion . r.. r..., . ,.. ?.. OVERVIEW lHE PLAN The Plan The Setting: Densities of Neighboring , Develoonents Design Solution 3 3 6 9 lHE IMPACTS 10 Soclal and Economic Impact.s Popul ation Schools Flre Protectlon Police Protection Rec reat lon Visual Impacts Emp loyment Reta1l Sales Governmental Revenues Physlcal Impacts Vegeta t ion Drainage Geology & Soils Water S ewer Air Quality Trafflc Transit t0 10 l0 tl tl 1l L2 't) L2 I4 l4 I+ r5 t5 15 IO l8 MITIGATION MEASURES IQ No tes l9 Bibliography In tervi ews APPENDICES 23 24 Ar Roadway Analysis and Traffic Report for LionsRidge Subdivision (12/ 26 /79) B. Drainage SEudy for the Proposed LlonsRidge Subdivislon No. 4. (L0/IL/79) Impacc Report Page I OVERV I PROPOSAL |-AND USE DENSITIES F IRE EMPLOVV1ENT There would be ability of the A drainage report has lndicates chaE Ehere drainage is overland handled \rith swales, driveway culverts, * The proposal is for the subdivision and zoning of approx- mately 43.33 acres, locaEed about lb miles west of Vall above the North Frontage Road. The property is accessed from Sandstone Drive and Lionrs Ridge Loop. * The requested zoning would pernit 18 single farnily lots; 67% of. the site would remaln as open space or "resource" zoning. The residential land use is consistent with Ehe exist.lng nelshborhood. The densitles requested (0.42 dwelling units/gross acre) are significantly lovrer than the sur- rounding neighborhood, which includes projects lqiEh densities exceeding 30 DU/acre. The projected populatlon at full build-our will be about 50 persons; Lhis represencs less Ehan \l of the effec- tive population of the Gore Va1ley, An esEimated 2 to 7 new studenls might be added to the available to meet school disErict; chis dernand. Che capacity is 6-8 10-11 .IZ-J.D 10 L0 lit.tle negative impact on Ehe service fire deparlment.; the site is not f ire district.Presently in a There will be negligible visual impacc resulting from the developmeot. because of the elevacion of the site above the val1ey floor and the copography of the site irself; only 6 unirs will be visible from the highway. No new permanenE jobs will be created by rhis develop- I[enE; about 75-120 person-years of consEruction emplov- ment w111 be generaced. There will be one-Eime fees of about 550.000 and about $95.000 of "tr.tial rer.*l.s generaced .-t r"rr build-out received by all local governmental entities. For Eagle County a1one,one-c1me I ees should total about be about $14.000.$18,000 and the annual revenues should The water and sewer d j-stricts @ and capaciEies Eo meet t.he additional demands. 1i 12 been conducted for Ehe site and are no drainage wavs of concern; in "sheet" fonn and can be easily rock-1ined dicch, headwall and GOVERNMENT REVENUES lnpacE Report Page 2 AIR qJALIW TMFFIC VOLI.PIE AND ROAD CAPACITY TRANSIT SERVlCE I \ )t>it+.,,,, t1..''iiil*FIei UtLg J The project will represenc about 3/4ths of one percent of the fireplace pollution in the West Vail airshed and about l% of the autonobile alr ooLlution in the alrshed. The traffic deslgn capacity of Lionrs Rldge Loop is 1,680 vehlcles per hour (vph); all property served by chis road will generate 191 vph wehn developed as presently zoned; the proposed Filing No. 4 w111 generate less Ehat 14 vph, represenLing under 1Z of the roadway design capacity, FICITRE : ILLUSTnATI)IG REIITIoNSI|IP SETI.ITEI{ RoA.D ffig. ,y', souRcE:CAP.{CITY for ' Llor' s Ri.d8e Loop: cacacj..7----------------- L, 580 Proj ecred derEnd:-+ l9t (3 : uII developllent) SCALE: I Keo! Rota, "Roaduay A!|.ly5is ior Li.onsRldBc Subdivsion, ?nd i!11n8, Eagle Counv, Colorado, DeceEber 1979 Each vehicle - vphr I Approx. 100 vph. *vPh - vehic_les ?er hour Based on the roadway design capacity, land served by Lion's Ridge Loop could acconmodate over 2300 dwelling unj-ts over and above those presently zoned and proposed Based on the crafflc engineering analysis, roadway design is nou a limitlng factor on the proposed project A dernand for about 23 bus rides daily (winter) could be generaced at full development; this alofle ls in- sufficient to meri! bus service. to-1f & endis Ftca,*n4 4v,t d "utJr!.4d,t d "utJr!. !!.+t d4,Jttua \ 1 il"ZV,tuiar, ',OttiL \gs &a+ I i -,,.r rz * t" I --' ;'.'rJ lwtgtutx i I i +4t ,r4JhuA \ Inpact Report P4ge 3 TIIE, PLAN The property being reviewed involves the subdivision and zoning of approxinaEely 43 acres of n:eadow and hillside property, located about lb niles west of the main Vail interchange above the North Frontage Road, accessed f rorn Lionrs Ridge Loop. It would be described as Llonrs Ridge Subdivision Filing No. { Blocks I and 2. The proposed land use is residentj.al and open space. It will include 18 slngle fanlly dwelling unirs at full bu11d-our. The density is less signj-ficantly less than neighboring develop- ments. (See dlscusslon on trThe Settlng", page 6.) The site includes a vari.eEy of land forms including meadows, aspen groves, and sEeep hills ides . The following exhiblt sumnarj.zes data about the proposed development olan. LION'S RIDGE FILING NO. 4 (PROPOSED) SUMMARY OF LAND USE DATA Area of Block I Area of Block 2 I,Iater storage site Area to remain "Resource Zone" Open space TOTAL Average Denslty: 43. 33 acres 1B unlts O.42 DU per total acres Area Uni. u s 3. 88 acres 9 .46 1.27 r9. 00 9.72 L2 7 ,1, ii /, '))),'j ?i, S\ NN {/rt 4,ty' :, I l1 lu.N \f a\ fl il ); /i tA rd Fr fd O F ts'd TD PO O F ts F'O O F -o .,00(,(, o zFo. E.O.id 0a i 5(D X<n ll ts. ('l c)o ';0 !,.,6',\'rl - F]H z t- 7 aEed lcedu1 . l) r---+5-/ E,P Inpact Report Page 6 The Setting: Deosities of Neighborlng Developments * Developoents in the lmoedlate vicinicy range frorn single family lots to projects with densities over 48 dwelling unLts per acre. (The zoning requested for this site 1s O.4Z DIJ{acre,) * Developments adjacent to t,he proposed subdivision have an average denslty of about 2.9 DtJlacre. * The access road for the top portlon of the subdivision is Lion ts Ridge Loop. Ihe average density for all projects served by this road ls about 1.5 DU/acre. The major developmeut is The Val1ey wh{.ch has an overall denslcy of 2.45 DU/total acre. * The access road for Ehe lower portion of the subdlvislon ls whlch al.so serves Homestake, Lions Mane, the Eigher Chalets, and Lots A-1, 2, & 3. The average denslty of these proJects is over 18 DU/acre. It The developneots to the south and east of the proposed subdlvlslon are ln Ehe rrvlew corrldor" of the subdlvlsion; that is, when the the subdivision is visible frorn t:.re Frontage t{oad and the Interstate, other buildlngs chat are 1n the field of vision are considered to be in t,he "vier^r corridor. " (The general area of this t'corridortt Ls indicated on the exhibit on page 8 .) Projects ln the "view corridorl i.ncludei Vall Run (27,8 DU/acre), Brakaway (45,5), the eroployee housing project (L9.7), Telemark (20.f), Casolar (6.9), Eomestake (48.5), LLons Mane (28.7), Eiger ChaLet (11.7), and Snow Lion (19.1). The averaBe densiEy for the projects in the "vlew corrldor" ls over 18 DU/acre. * The exhibit on the followlng page sumnarizes the locations and densities of most of the surrounding properties. The table on page 8 sumarlzes data about the densities of nelgh- boring ptoperty, including their area, number of unlts exlstlng or al1owab1e, and relationshlp to the proposed subdivision rf,ith respect to (1) proxlmity, (2) access roads, and (3) visibility. e a r|l 5 $ s + F N 6 s- I a8ed frodaU I ce durl \ /a o B $\l *tt +F1 < i'r \,\ ^6 -t+lT !tr $ Ul -- N F tis $\ ^.,i s I Vt:< ti \t,fi/ \J\' s $ x H vtz H 5-l f{itH >5rn ti r!tnHO rz oz,rE zo <htt -F f' Ft OFrFr t-ztt cFH' F H z oz 5H nE i'< t4H tz t-{ Fqt F.{ O ZF F i-h H o tsz zo -F f-,t o l.J 7:E v)H /z <14 HF H z r)ot!E r!>>FFJCc)OCJ> >| | tJ I I I I $51 | | | |Po\r'lQF!o. (, o u)NF.@ r-'\"\ O F Lt1 F O !D |Jl P ?tsir at O\ \O I.J PO IIDIDDD)5. !{ r-l H rl '-\ O O O O @o o o o FFFF a' t-l o A'a 0t n rr,<EcaHc)iErrH F: c)!l 3 tD 4, O D O ts:t ts' O ortP'ooH@3oo 0a5 tr Fr-$ € o o o J o o O O X A Po 6 < n o H.k ,u D f D O .r D o toc€P.nn0)!<H c)o 0a o 5 01 0 h- 2(A) P J <, HO F O tr H O< ts o l.t '1 !.1 o o rt z 0t o * rF ,t )1. )F ,l )t (J. o ?' 4 ots P.ts <',o oa? *,F )F * rF )FF- tt HF'I!FFQ'**lv t\)po3 0.o o * ,1. x- r+ )t :{- ,t x. ,t ,{- )t ,t rF :t ,f :F o<6F. F.C OP Fl a\ 5! r-- lJ cl\F f- N) O\ F. O\ O CO F' f- C) F- COc| L,J N ...1,.{ c>t\) (, c) (r. () co coLJ @ N)(rc) N, N) f-@ FJ o\@ h,, |- (, (,.-l L^ .l\\tO.\.o(})O,A.Ln Co@C)\O O(o L, Ln {+. N) P ^P.>rt oo Fl OF (/, FJ !/o D pDpoDqt n ry *4 tf n )F t| rl tF n irr'd|.tt-?m H. F. ts' P. ts'$$!DCDID$FFPHPP H ,F rt 'o<oo rts ,I o c,n <rro A,F urg o rl ,F :f rf {. rF t *r} ,t !o o<o.o H I F P ut o\(, io \o ur 5 r- rr o\ (rr L^ N) r-S O\Orl.JO\ {O lC L^)S'NJ@r-O\-{O S g\'-- O U) D P D lD 0)'|)PP}-,/tsF P IJ P ts Pts o o o o oo { € € { d{ptDDorDgl q q o- cr dq ts H Pts o o o o oo !J \' \-/ \'' rv, c€ Fts atts (,)F. 0a F f.J NJ 0^t N) S' O"l P N cl't! c) Lns...J \t) r- Oo OO @ @ cl'rlv c) r- NF O\ a,n (^ c),.-t h,J FJ r- \O ..J @\:(D|..\O(/rc)+-Ln!OpFO Ntjr$a NC o\FO ^r (, cz .\\ cD FFi OH VK A eze '+uDc?Td.dv wD f AO,tr 'u?qng w?l /n na?aia+u'L auolld :61/6/T oaary OOO T'LDA Jo unot :AJA1OS A.O crs r i t,l OJ cr Ct) (s I N E\ \\ L-r. C. r.-{ $ tr: :s t\, $. tn.d *$'8 tu8 R O \J c. sFl )^ s+ sl !+\J A N $lt\e $ $sr. $ \ qJ (D c') o c, r':3 o sr.$ S $ QrJ o!'\J'IJ sr. !-.r *l 'J .J Fl sse'€ p€€ d * gtqqq S.. O eTSr$$cl cn r.rq Oqq (t !..r >f U e. sr. e. s\.$.s d s, f,)o o A CftcDO ! Q S C.$ O Q S sr FFi S F.r sr. C. C sf rA. Cr s+ Oi )J $ C,S (a s-{ Q A"q tJ s| $tJ S a \J A,trO ;-$ gts'o il o $ o co.' lli = Q (-t t\) :t o lsf o $tna sJ lr." f, S sfNO NDO $ 'J r.r (\\J $o (o ao tD cD t, t)c-r $ .J oe.o N $S tr"r. sf O s Cr) rf \l x €o (\ s. A A.O rfg s $!Ll s.\ "J c{ OO 'rJ Q st $ cra X t.r <Q tr $$ sf Ab d dd l*lFl t^ t*t rf $ .S s 5'6 sa. t'F sl. Q e.(')c! e. dsr CD O;s'($ s orJ c..r sf r'J qo S e c/)$ e.G e. f.r S. N Ct' gJ sF c.r S (! s,R t's'\ }te.o'o rl cr.$o g azed lJodau ?redul Impact Report Page 9 Design Solution * The inEent of che land use plan ls to minimize impaccs to Ehe exis[ing land form and vegetaEion, and t.o conceal as much of the development from ofher neighborhoods or fron public access corridors as possible. * The large lots provide for good building sites; this was done co eli- minate unnecessary disruption to Ehe site. * Road designs, widths, and locaEions have been based on Ehe existing topography and veget.ation so as to mininize earthwork required. * Tvto-thirds of the sit.e has been designaEed as open space. Much is excel- lent for hiking and passive activities; it will also provide an important visual open area (on visible hillsides) from the valley f1oor. Impact Report Page 10 TUE IMPACTS SOCIAL IMPACTS Pop ula ti on tr For purposes of projecting population, lt has been assumed that all of the population resulting frour chis project is ner,, to the Gore Valley. (This will not, be the case as several, if not all of the 1ots, will be developed by existing pernulnent. residents. However, for purposes of thls study, the "worst case" situation was assuned). * Although all units are classified as 'rlong-tern residenclal" units, we have assumed ChaE about one-third of then nill be rented on a short- temo basis. ll This is considered Eo be a conservaEive approach. * The projected population at fuLl build-out and full occupancy is estl- ., nated Eo be approxinacely 50. persons (at an average of. 2.8 persons/d.u.).* * The present overnight population of the Gore Valley (residents and visitors) is estlnated to be between 17,500 and 22,000 (depending upon the estimaEed number of persons per dwelling unlc). * The fu11 development of Ehis site as proposed would represent abouE 0.2% increase in Ehe Cotal overnighc population in Ehe Gore Valley, if nothing else in Ehe area developed. AE the projected ultimate popu- laEj-on of che Va11ey, ^chis projecc will only consEiEuEe about 0,I"/" ot Ehe total populacion.' S choo 1s * This project is noE expected Eo generate more than 2 to 7 sEudents. The School District can easilv handle this inereased demand. * The following chart indicates enrollmenI and capacj.Eies for the schools serving Ehis site: CapaciEv En rollmenE Red Sandstone Elenentary School 500 Battle Mountain Elenentarv School 430 500 430 0 230 I"linturn ltiddle School Bartle Mounrain tiigh School TOTAIS Fire Protec tion 500 342 1, 9 30 1,002 * The 43 acre site is not located in a fire dlstrict. It ls presencly served as a "courtesyrr by Ehe Vail Fire Protect.j.on District. Impact Reporc Page I I * Based on an interview wiEh Fire Chief Gordan Swanson,3 Ehere is no real problenr in serving che area. He recommended thac the area be annexed into the Fire ProEectlon DisEricE. Inclusion in Ehe DistricE would inprove che fire insurance rating. If the site is located outside of a district, iE will be a class 10 (no service); if t.hey join Wesc Vail Fire Distrlct, cheir class would be an 8; iE would drop to 6 if in the Fire Procection DisEricL. * The response time would be longer than Eo most oEher areas j-n Ehe conmunity, but would be no longer than lo some areas in Bighorn' The Dlscrlct 1s pursui.ng Ehe construcEion of a substation ln West Vail that would reduce the response time require. * No additional equipmeqE or manpower would be required to serve the proposed development . - Police Pro Eec ti on * The development of Ehe 43 acre site would rnarginally increase the dernand on Ehe County Sheriffrs Department. The actual manpower determinatj.on would be based on the level of service required by rhe development of other projects in the West Vail area after additional projecEs are builu. A project of Ehis size and nature will , practically speaking, requlre infrequenE service calls. * The site will have a long response time from the County Sheriff's office in Eagle and could possibly negacively affect Ehe response cime to other areas of the county, depending upon service requirements. * The interseccion of Buffher Creek Road and Lion's Ridge Loop is pre- senEly a relaElvely dangerous intersection. However, it will be up- graded as a part of the developrnent of parcels C, D' & E of Llonts Ridge 2nd Filing. (See traffic engineering report for more infornatj.on.) Rec reat i.on * There will be a marginal increase in denand for recreational faciliLies as the result of full development of che project; it may be assumed that the lncrease will be proportional to the increase in population. * It is recommended by the RecreaEion Director 5 LhaL Ehis area be annexed inco Ehe Vail Metropolitan RecreaEion District as soon as posslb 1e. Visua1 Inpac ts * The project has been sited so as to have urinirnal visual exPosure Eo traffic on the lnterstate or !ronEage Road. This is possible because Irnpact Report Page 12 Emp Ioymen t * The developmenL will "local service j obs" S eas on of the land forms and elevation chanees lnvolved. Six lots rrill be visible frorn areas ouEslde of rhe proposed site. Ihese lots are visLble fron boch eastbound and westbound traffic on the Interstate. The siting and design of the buiJ.dings on these lots is critical to their impact. They have cire poEenfial to be ex- tremely vislble and t'loudt' buildings, or unobtrusj.ve, quiet." build- ings. The siting, relarionship to Ehe slope, colors, ecc. will be very important in naking the buildings as subtle as possible. The issue of deslgn review and control is extremely .inportanE. * Temporary, direct. construction eroployuent is esEimated to be about 75-I2O person-years of enployment spread over Ehe 5 to 15 year build- out period, ) Retail S ales * At full developnent, increased retail sales are projected co be approx- {nacely $44,000 -ennually. (This is based on one-Ehird of the units being rented on a short-Eeru basis.) fhe following exhibiE. present.s the esEinated reuail sales by season: have no significant inpact on empJ.oyment. New will not be created. Occupancy Average ExpendiEure Number of Units Annual Rate by Group/Day (Shorr-Eern & Expendl- 2nd home owners) Eures Wln te r (150 days) S unme r (120 days) TOTAL 60 days (40%) 18 days \L)/") 6 (33"1) 6 (33%) $36,000 7, 600 $43,600 $100 $70 The sa]-es tax (ac 4"1) $l;700 per year. gene ra te d by this 1eve1 of expenditure Lrould be Governmental Revenues tr The estinaEed annual revenues to all governmenEal enEities serving Ehe proposed is (at eompleuion) about $95,000 per year, The one-tine revenues (from construction) for all government.al entities is 950,000. hnpact Report Page l3 * The annual reveoues to Eagle County are estimated to be about $14,000 per year aE fulI development.. x One-Eime revenues for Eagle CounEy are projected to be abour $18,000. * The following tables sunmarize the calculations, sources, and recipienEs of revenues resulting from Ehis developmenE: ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4 Type Number Est. Value Market Value cfo Assessed (G $1I0/sf) Completed Btdldinss Valuacion (222) Single Fanily $275,000 i4,950,00C S1,089,000 (ave 2500 sf) x - This is tne swn of uaLues oi aLl builciir;gs + Land after struetures T aue been eonpLeted; lt is not the uaLue of the Land alone aftez' subdiuidtng the patcel - REVENUE ESTII4ATES FTJNDS FOR EAGLE COLNTY, SPECIAL DISTRICTS, for LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. ANO 5 EL.LL ILU 4 Ln cr, cy / >ource / t und Bas is Annually G Fu11 Devel- One- time Consrruction EAGLE COIJNTY 1. County Gene ral Property Tax 2. ConstrucCion permits Sub-cotal: Eagle Counly IJPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION 1. Property tax 2. Sewer user charge 3. Connection cha rge LIONSRIDGE WATER DISTRICT 1. Property Eax 2. Water user char ge 3. ConnecEion cha rge VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTR.ICT (assumes annexa Eion C0L0MD0 ilOu}:TAIN COLLECE RE5OJ SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTA],S 12 . 78 nLi1ls 8.0 ur:ills $7.40/mo/DU $BOO/DU 8.0 nils $12.50/mo/DU 91000 / DU 3.15 cills $ 3 ,500 5. 36 mills $ 5,800 oDmen E Cha rqe $14,000 _ $ 18,000 $ 14,000 $ 8,700 1 ,600 $ IB,0C0 s 14 ,000 8 ,700 2,700 $ l8 ,000 45.94 m:ills $50 ,000 995 ,000 $50,000 Impact Repor t Page l4 PHYSICAL IMPACTS Vegetation * VegeUation generally consisEs of grasses, sagebrush, willows, evergreens, and aspen t.rees. * Because of che extremely low density of the pro ject., chere will be nini- na1 change in vegecation patcerns; roads and building siLes have been sited so as to have lictle affect on existing Erees. * Most of the south facing slopes, generally covered wi!.h aspens and natural grasses, will be dedicared as open space. Drainag e * A drainage report has been completed for the proposed Filing No, 4 by Eldorado Engineering Company (Glenwood Springs), A copy 1s included in the Appendix. ' * Drainage calculations and peak run-off figures were calculated for the equivalent. of a l0-year storm in accodance wiEh the Eagle County Subdivision Regulat.ions. Additional information was provided on estimated peak flows for surface water run-off for a 100-year storm as well . * The general conclusion of che engineerts report was Ehat anElcipaEed drainage through the site can be eas1ly handled with swales, rock-lined ditch, head wa11 and drj-veway culverts. In their report, the engineers staEed: The site although steep Lns no dtainage uatJs, eDen nrinar in l1ature, that uould affect deuelopment as p"oposed, Drairage is auerland in ttsheett' form rather thatt channeled and slnuld rennin that uay after detselopment if care is taken to dispez,se drairage from aroutnd nlzn-rnade abstzuet'i,ons (homes, aalls, drirtes, etc. ) and "oof dnains, rr Specific recornmendat ions for controlled surface water run-off and dralnage facilicies were included in cheir reporE.. A11 are reasonable and should be funplemented by the developer. Geologic, Soils, and Slope Stability x AE the tine Ehis impact report r,\ra s prepared, no satisfactory engineering sCudies have been cornpleced regarding geologlc, soils, or slope sfability issues for this site, The developer is in the process of obtaini-ng these rePorts and copies should be submitted Co the CounEy staff for review when cornpleted. Iurpact Report Page 15 Water * The property is in che Lion's Ridge Water DistricE. * The District has the capacity f,o serve about 900 to 1000 dwetling units; about 480 DU are presently being served and an additional "couple of hr:ndred" are being added this s,r*r".. 6 * Jim Co1lins, lunager of the DisEricE's affairs, stated that, at Ehis ,tirne, there should be no problem supplyi-ng wacer for the development.o Sewe r * The property is in the Upper Eagle Valley Sewer DisLrict which presently has a capaciry of Exeacing 1.1 uLillion gallons of sewage per day. Fol- lowlng the plant expansion (to begin shortly), they will be able Eo treat about 3.5 rnillion gallons /day. * According to Jlur Collins, nanager of che District, there should be no problem serving Ehe proposed development. Air Quality * The West Vail airshed has an estirnated 900 to 1000 fireplaces at this time. Assuming thaE Ehe dwelling units average one fireplace aach (in fact, the average is slightly less than one/DU), then Ehe ulrixoaEe number of fi.replaces is projecEed' Eo be 2 1265 at ful1 developmenE of West Vai1. ' * If developed in the County, each dwelling unir in Ehe proposed subdivlsion would probably have one fireplace. External combusEion air, heatilator design, and glass doors Eo conserve energy shoul-d be required. * At fu11 build-out., the proposed developnent would constituEe about I.hree- quarters of one percent of the fireplaces in the West Va11 airshed and about one*slxth of one percent of the EoEal number of fireplaces ill che Gore Valley . * This project. will represent abouc L.4% of Ehe carbon monoxide 1n Ehe combined Vail Village and West Vail airshe{s and about 0.7% of the niErogen oxides and hydrocarbon emissions. d lnpact, Report Page 16 Traffic * A traffic engineering report for Liont s Ridge Loop has been completed specifically for thls proj ecc by Kent Rose, Vail, Colorado. A copy is aEtached, The repoxt evaluaLes the roadway capacity and the traffic demand resululng from all land served by Lionrs Rldge Loop. * The general conclusion of che trafflc study was: "The local roadway system serving LionsRidge Filing No. 2 ... is sufficlencly adequaEe to carry all future trafflc generated f rorn proposed and existing development . rr Based on the traffic engineering study, Lionrs Ridge Loop is capable of safely acconmodating. nsarll_gigglinex as much crafflc as will result frou the full developmenE of all property along the road -- both presently zoned and proposed. The &"igg_g"Si!.y. of Lionts Ridge Loop is 1.680 vehicles per hour (vph) Th. Egi""red_!.gJIic that will be created aE full- bul-ld-out of all land lerved by the road vill be 191 vph at the most congested point on the road; Ehis represenEs only 11.32 of Ehe design capacity. llore Ehan 2300 additional dwelling unlEs, ovef, and above the number of units allowable under presen! zoning, could be constructed without exceeding the design capacity of the road system as it Pertains to vehicle trips. The traffic generaEed fron Ehe proposed Filing No, 4 will be 10 vph for Block 2 and 3,8 vph for Blcck 1. This represenEs less than IZ of che design capacity of the roadways. This project will only accounE f.or 5% of the actual traffic on Lionf s Ridge Loop at full build-out of the neighborhood, The toadway capacity analysis attached is based on the Colorado Department of Highway publication Roadway Design Manual . The forrnula used accounts for such variables as Ehe road Eype, terrain, design speed, stop?ing slght distrances, passing sight distances, vertical alignment, lane w{dth, speed, signage, and quality of road surfaces. Recomlendatlons for iroproving problem areas in the road have been included in the trafflc study report. They are prinarily additiooal signage and speed linit reductions; signs required include stop signs 'curve warnlngs, and speed reduction signs. No capiEal funprovenents are requl-red (other than the intersection improvement of Lionts Ridge Loop and Buffher Creek Road which will be rnade by the developers of Filing No. 3). Impact Report Page 17 FIGURN: ILLUSTRATING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ROAD CAPACITY & TRAFIIC DEMAND on Llon's Ridge Loop SOURCE: Kent Rose, ttRoadway Analysls for LionsRidge Subdivsion, 2nd Fl1ing, Eagle Couny, Colorado, December 1979 CAPACITY for Lr.on' s Kldge LooP: Capacity--J 1,680 vph* Projected demand:J 191 (@ ful1 development ) SCALE: Each vehlcle = APProx. 200 vPhtt 'tvph = vehicles per hour Impact RePort Page 19 Translt * The projecc could generate a dembnd for'aboui 23 passenger trips by bus per day dnd,less than Eilree trips during Ehe peak. hours. (This assumes the sarne leve1 of servlce as Blghorn. ) rrj This area is not presently servlced by a bus system and, gi.ven the limlted demand, it alone would not merit servlce. MITIGATION MEASURES * To inp rove Ehe fire insuranee rating for the resldents of the area and Eo generate revenues for the fire district, the areas should be annexed into the Vdil Fire Protection Districr. * The area should also be annexed into Ehe Vail Metropolj-tan Recreatlon DistrlcE to assis E in paying for some of the additional recreation demand that vill result. * The visual lmpacts of the slx lots located on Sandstone Drive ls of concern. It is inportant that design controls be imposed to ensure that the bulldlngs are compatible with Ehe surrounding residences and . the character of the neighborhood, The developer should establish protective covenants that provide for architectural and design revle\^t controls. * Fi-replaces should be limiced to one per dwelling uniL and energy conservation measures should be required, including the use of external combustion alr, heatllator designt and glass doors. Impact Report Page 19 NOTES i. The occupancy of dwelling units in the Gore Va11ey has recently been determined through the Special Census for Eagle Couoty, The 1978 study, conducted by the Bureau of the Census, lndlcated an occupancy raEe of 2.8 persoos per dwelllng unlt for the County. In a phone conversaElons wlrh Susle Vaughn, County Planner, Ehis ls Ehe "official" figure used for esE.imating populatlon at this tlme (3 December L979). It shoul-d be noted Ehat at best the population projections indj.cate only a relatlve nurober of people, not. the exact population. 2. The present population of the Core Valley estimates are based on infor- m tion fron the Vail DeparEment of Conmunity Development (5/L5/79). The projected popuLation is based on a report for the water districts by the firn of Camp Dresser & McKee of Denver. It should be noEed that Ehe percentage of population rePresenced by the developmenc of rhe Lj.onts Ridge parcels is consistent whecher the "per dwelling unit" populacion is assumed to be 2.Bor 4.4. The fo1low- ing table summarizes che informaLion in the Camp Dresser McKee popula- tion study. (The presenE number of "existing uni.ts" is estimated Eo be closer to 5n000 Ehan Ehe 1977 figures presented in their rePort. ) SU}T{ARY OF PROJECTED DEVELO?MENT for the G0PJ VALLEY Camp Dresser & McKee WaLer Distri.cc (a) Exiscing Total Ulginate UlEinrate Units (b,c) units (c,d) Population (e) Gore Val1ey Bighorn VaiL Lionrs Ridge Vail Village West 6f5 Vail_lntermotmtain (f) 160 450 2L5 Z I L+6 1005 626 4L84 964 1609 4422 2754 - 18410 4242 7080 6s6 (f) 2886 (f) To E a1s ,qq?9444 39794 (a) Includes all areas served by Ehat water district.(b) Based on latest figures where known, oEherwise based on Vay 1977 fi gures .(c) A unit is I residence, or 2 overnight roons, or 2 enployee housing accomodaElons. (d) Based on Growch llanagement Sub-Courmittee Report, and coordinaEion with Vail Planning staff, and waEer disrricu represenLatives and engineers. (e) Unit Eimes d.4 persons per unit, vrith 100 percent occupancy. (f ) Includes Highland i'{eadows Filings 1 and 2. Inpact Report Page 2A 3. Phone interview with Chief Gordon Swanson, Vail Fire Protection Distri.ct, 20 August 1979. Int.ervlew wlth Pat Dodson, Director of Ehe Vail RecreaLion DeparEment. The construcEion eflployment estimates are based on the rule of thunb that there are 16 full-time equivalent jobs per ndllion dollars of sales value of consrruction. Gj-ven the level of knowledge about the actual number of uni"ts that will be built after subdivision, the value of the buildi.ngs, eEc., the estimaEed number of construction jobs created ls presented only as an extremely rough estimate. Phone interview wiEh Jarnes Collins, nanager of t.he Lion's Ridge WaEer DisErict, 20 August 1979. 5. 6. 7.The unpublished report p repare d and McKee !{as used as the basis be constructed in the tlest Vail tion for more lnformation abouE pated. for the \.rater distrlcts by Camp Dresser for the number of dwelling units yet to airshed. Refer to the notes on popula- the nurober and location of units anEici- Inpact Report Page 2l 8. Interview wich Dennis Murphy, Environmental Healch Officer, Departroenc of Cournunicy Development on 15 May L979, And from Ehe Enissions InvenEory for Ehe Gore Va11ey, Vail. Color:do, 1978. Departme"t of Co.tn"ni ty Developmenc, PaBe IV-14. Auto ernissions resulting from fu11 development.of thls project are based on an escimated 560 vehicle miles per day. The unit ern-ission facEors are from the Colorado Air Poll.ution ConErol Division, Cornposite Mocor Vehicle Emission Facrors for VaiI; and the Air Quality En-ission InvenEorv, DeparEment of Comruni Ey Developoent, Town of Vail, Dennis Murphy, prtncipal researcher, 1978. The following table suurmarized the data used: VEHICLE EMISSION FACTORS AND CAICIJLATIONS for Lion's Ridse Subdivision Filing No. 4 Carbon Nitrogen tiydro Monoxide Oxide Carbons Uni t, enissions G 30 mph in kilograms per nr-i 1e wint er ) for project fulI build & Wes t uniEs d. u. ts 0. 0811 560 4) )ou u.o/ 0.0012 0.0064 Est. vehicle rniles per day at fu1l bulld out 560 J.O Winter daily enissions (kg/day) Est, Lrinter emissions @ ouc of Vail Village Vai I o PresenE eulissions o Present dwelling o Eurission/d. u. o Full build out of o Future emissions 49 228 3888 3888 0.0126 0.0586 7413 74L3 3r72 L666 388B 0.428 7 4L3 >)434 3r72 93.4 434.4 Z increase due to project (in Vail Village & West Vail) ac l.4Z fuIl-bu-ild our 0.7"1 0.8% 9. The vehicle-ni1es per day assumes 7 trips/day/ dwelling uni! with an average Erip distance of 4.4 ni. This is based on phone interview with Bob Tenney, Traffic Controls Division, Colorado Departoent of Highways on 14 l{ay 1979r' che Traffic Engineering RePort for Lion's Ridge Loop (attached), ind estiurates by Gerstenberger Assoclates. Inpac! Report Page 22 10. Calculations of the .transit demand are based on data collected and pre- senEed in the Eagle Cornty ard To*n o ,1978-83, t'tay @$munity DevelopmenE, Town of Vall. Ridership characteristics have been assumed to be consistent wi.ch those of the Red Sandstone area. Based on the factors used in the Sandstone bus route, the to be less thao three riders per day by bus. the study and historical ridership data for projecred ridership demand is calculated during the peak hour and only 23 trips 1l This is considered to be conservaElve and char more than two-thirds of Ehe units wl1l be for fulr time residents. The conservative approach was Laken co better evaluate Ehe impacts resulting from short-Eerrn rental of some of the uniEs, Inpact Report Page 23 BIBLIOGRAP}IY The John Ryan Company, Denver.Impact SEatenent for the Potac.o Patchr Vall, Colorado. Februarv 19 74. The John Ryan Compaay and THK Associates, Denver. '.fog QLq4 Lyon, Vail, Colorado. September 1977, Environnental Impact Reporc. Transit Developmen! Plan for Eagle County and Town of Vail, Department of Connuni.cy Development, Tom of Vail. 1978. Camp Dresser McKee, Denver. Selected pages of repor! to be released for water districts in Ehe Gore Va11ey. l,lav 1979. Rose, Kent, "Roadway Analysis for LionsRidge Subdivision,Eagle County. "December 1979, Eldorado Engineers, No, 4t', october "Drainage Study for the Proposed Lions Ridge Subdivision II, T979, r Impact Report Page 24 CTNER/DEVELOPERS Jeff Selby Ronald Todd TOI{N OF VAIL Gordon Swanson Pat Dodson Dennis Murphy Jim Rubin EAGLE COUNTY Terrill Knighr Susie Vaughn UPPEB EAGLE VALLEY SAI\ITMION DISTRICT LIONIS RIDGE WATER DISTRICT James Collins INTERVIEWS 0r,rne r Project Archi t ec t /Pl anner Chief, Fire Departmenc DirecEor, RecreaEion Department Environmental Health 0f fi cer Zoning Administrato r Director, Department of P lannin g and Building Insp ecE ion Dis trict Manaser // er 71 UttAIt{A0[ STUTJy Pit0P05 t l uOit5 RiD0E susDiVisi0ii ii0. 4 The 43 acre site lrJest of the 6th facing siope and grasses. Sl opes site is borde:^ed and on the East, is 'located in Section. ), Township 5 Souih, Range Bl Principai ileridian. The'siiu il'io.uiuo on a South .1:-:ou:"id with Aspen trees, oakbrush, pinon anJ vdry, Duc averaee 40/" to 50?i across the site. The 9n I1r. llorth anl i\lorthwest by National Foresi l anCs South and Southlest by privui. ijnasl' Tire site is pr"oposeii for-development irrto rg single fam.i ry.lots ranging frorn 0.43 to, r.95 u.iuil -npproximately 67?l or 28 acres of the iotal area will be dcvoierj to r:source and open space land. Block I of t'e dev;rrclneni wjjr coirsist of six lots fronting on San<isto,e rlrjve. aiocL-z r,;ii '.;;;isi or ten rots f r.onring on a nevr ro'rd to be consrructe,.i to county-specificaiions and two rois off of a private roa,.vi;riiir-"iii-.r1r'!*ruu ,, access to a pro-posed v'ate' siorag? siie ior ;ire Lions-R'r dge l.Jeier-citi.r.t. Procosed Oevelopr;r:n i [xistiiiq Dra irra .tijgs.t-r_Ui_is_ i-1lt:! along tire ircrth sice of sarr,jstonE Drive carries run-off lror'r ihe c'rl-<rr-sac [astr.;arcr ro a-ro'-pornt and srorrn cirain inret.An l{J" C.ll.p. drains tire inl_.i bo iiu lunt. A pipe-arch cu j vert.e,rists uncJer. L jons Riclge Loop Road. Its di _mensicrrs are approxir'ateiy Cg;-rpon .;nd 33,, rise. It is presently abouc 20;l filled with silt. l:."i!ll exjsting- drainage facjl j tjes rrhich rvould aid or affect tne proposed <.ievelcpn:ent vrere noted.- The drainage ar.ea vrhich l/3 of a ni le (rneasureo contributes to t.his horizontal ly) ilorth sjte runs approxirnately of the net./ proposed road. 0rainage. cal cul ati ons and paak run-off figures have been car cur a bed for .l.5 inches of rain.in a one-hour periiO or the equivaient of a l0-vear stor-n in accordance uiih the hagre couniy s;dJi;i;;.n Regurcr-ti ons . The area above Lots l, 2 and 3 of Block 2 is approximately 6.2 acres arrd could be expect,ed to conrribute on)y auoui'b.i irr-i* the design storm' This run-off, can.be easiiy accomo.ated in a ,.ride and sharow srvala along the North side of the.oil. (oimension-s"oi-approx.irnatsly B"rridth and j'deoih r.rourd ue acreq;;te.)'-D;;;;;;r, ."rio cross this swale by ford or by use of an ,l g,, culvert pipe. This svrale shourd be^drained r/esterly to ihe existing pipe-arcn culvert under Lions Ridge Loop noaa.'The curvert shourd be creaned out and a headwall constructei at its end for end protection. The area above Lot 4, 5, 6 and 7 af Block 2 is approximately .l 0.7 acres and r'riil contribute aboui r6 cfs.for the ;;;;;; tiorr. Again this run-off can be accomoclaied i'u iimirar r,ride and sharrow s'are along the tiorth side of the road. ng.in ariu"ruvr-lorii ford the swale or use 2l " cul vert pi pe. - - Tiris srvale vrill drain Eastsriy, shourd be directed around the East side of ihe cul-de-sac, sou*ririv iiong ttre riest rine of Lot il, Biock ?,, u:l9t: the op:n space. and along the-t.lest line or loi 3, Block I to the ditch along the irorth siae oi'sinlstone Drive. It is recomnendetJ that a rock liied sware ue consirr;;;; from the point rvhere it reaves the new cul-de-sac to sandston. o.iu.-to prevent erosion. A drainage easernent alonq ihe r'/est sides of Lot il, block z ana tot 3, Brcck r shoul d al so bE pro,r j ded The area above Lots ^3, 4,5 and 6 of Block .l is approxina.ualy Zl acres and. includes part of itre'urui pruuiouiiv aiscussed'. -Thii-area may contribute as much as.zz cfs tor-ilre-aesign storm and 24i curvert pipe should be used for drives to tf.,.ru ioii. sandstone Drive and ii.s diich aiong the North side shourd inrerrani and divert, run-off ar,ray fron Lois i ..a Z, glock I . ll]9-tite.although steep has no drainage tvays, even minor in nature,that r'rould affect developnent as prop6secr.- 6rainage ii overrand.i n "sheet" fonn raiher than channeiui ;;- sirould renain that r.ray af ter development if care is taken,to ,riti.rr" drainage from around man-made obstructions (hornes, vrails, ailuur, etc.) and roof drains. Concl usi ons i:. ff'l i :;5'tff i:":;i:ii: :iii,,, :,, il:, ;t:l "i;,.i?f l -, Jtil,i,t ltn;,,.i:*:iii,liill:,;";ti,ilg,lf,^ju, l;tr',0 u, nor to-ir;a,e ilj';i;:, ;l:l' $,^ff, j'f*;i.;i,:i, g,,:,;: ff#ll;ii]::ii' ij,,ii.o,.o it l'iri:j$,.5 itffi ;l i:;il ?iT:t,. H :ff ff iii.tnl ;1,;::,1;. ;I l' :J X: H. L.P. E. Graharn & L. s. s ubmi tted, \\F\ .\ \ *t',+ \(i )';\'/N /r.\ \ 'i-l \n .'..\. ...,.<) KX' zxt\ \.. r,. \"e N :\t'f ,',tr \d \\ \ q' (f)\:\ 01\ $l pr iN ilLJ $l q I I t rtJ (o n ro ol c,l tD (9 E o"\ Lll o f ,@ =AF )Y LU t! s't F('tnz 9(r uJ o- aDo cc=wt zf o\J z LU Y6 =@ F Jx 6Y z 8d \\ o. zu c\7 Ed o o ior! =;J z N z u (') ) UJ October 23, 1979 Area Ronald A. Todd - Architect P.0. Box I 753 Vail , C0 8'|657 RE: Lions Ridge Subdivjsion Fil ing fto. 4 _ proposed Ora'i nage Study Dear l4r, Todd: f-f: r"y: request-I have calculated esrrrrrateC peak flows for surtace water run-off f.o.y a i00_year siorm (2,5 incnes in-on.hour) for the areas-as discusseU'in mV-reporr to you dated 'ctober tl, 1979. The i.ii;;;;; iuuii ,rrrurizecJ my catcutat.ions: Above Lots l,2and3of Bl ock Z Above Lots 4,5, 6 and 7 of Elock 2 Above Lots 3,4,5and6of Bl ock I Please contact me Very truly yours, 'r'rr/ l/ti' < 'it', ./... H. L. Graham H LG/j I vr 21 Acres if you have any 22.0 further questions. Dra'i naqe Are,t l0-year Q c.f.s. 100_year Q c.f .s. 6.2 Acres 9.3 ']0. 7 Acres t6.0 22.0 35 .0 ROADWAY AI'IALYSIS LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISI0N, 2nd FILING EAGLE COUNTY, COLOMDO INTRODUCT ION The purpose of thjs study is to analyze the existing LionsRidge and Valley roadway system, evaluate its ability to perform the functional role for wh'ich it was created and reconmend how its shortcomings, if any, may be corrected. Traffic volumes used for this purpose will be generated from proposed zoning and density figures supplied by area developers. Generally, zoning and densities are reduced from original figures approved by Eagle County when The Valley Subd'ivjsion was origina'lly approved and the roadway constructed. There shouldrtherefore, be no deficiencies that cannot be remedied. INDEX Introduct ion Index Conclus ions Recornmendations System Capacity Ca 1culat ions Road Types Traffic Generated Design Standards Terrain Design Speed llori zontal Al ignnent Vertical Aligrunent Grades Signs 1 ii 1 2-15 t6-24 I7 18 19 19 20 20 2I z z- L.l 25-32 l1 CONCLUS IONS The local roadway system serving LionsRidge Subdivjsion, Filing No. 2, consisting of Buffer Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop, is sufficiently adequate to carry all future traffic generated from proposed and existing development. Total ultimate development wi'l 1 produce Average Daily Trips of 2,093, or l9] vehjcles per hour at the intersection wjth the Interstate 70 frontage road. Design capacity of the roadway system as caluclated in the body of this study js 16g0 vehicles per hour. Actual maximum vehicles per hour is, therefore, ll.3 percent of design capacity jn the heavjest traveled portion of the roadway. No major improvements and a signing program this study. are necessary. Suggested minor improvements is contained in the Recommendations section of RECOMMENDATION S There are no major geometric deficiencies in the LionsRidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, roadway system. Grades are within acceptab'l e 'l imits. Curves and sight distances are adequate if proper speed ljmit and warning signs are posted. The structural sectjon of the roads appear to meet County standards and the aspha'l t wearing surface is in fair condition. It is recommended that the intersection of Buffer Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop be constructed to produce a ninety degree roadway intersection as suggested in the figure. Rerzove cx,/o linq a.spha// and insiblt elop sigz. :--i €o-' EX/€T/NG PROPoS€O The speed limit should be 25 miles-per-hour on all sections of the road except as noted below and should be sufficientl.y pos ted . Buffer Creek Road, for the first 850 feet from the frontage road through the residential area, should be l5 miles-per- nou r. Curves 6 and 7, curve l6 and curve l8 should have reduced speeds of 15 mi'l es-per-hour, 20 miles-per-hour and l5 miles-per-hour respectively, posted in conjunction with curve warning s'igns as shown below. From curve l8 to the cul-de-sac, the l5 miles-per- hour speed limit should remain. CURVES 6 4 7 lphill Downhill CURVE 16 )hill Downhill CURVE 18 phill Downhill Uphill Uphilt t5 HPH Uphill t5 MPH Buffer Creek Road should have a "Stop" sign in place at the intersection with the I-70 frontage road, preceeded by 500 feet with a warning "Stop Ahead" sign. LionsRidge Loop should have a "Stop" sign installed at the intersection with Buffer Creek Road, preceeded by 500 feet with a warning "Stop Ahead" sign. A11 private roads and public roads intersecting Buffer Creek Road or LionsRidge Loop should dispiay a "Stop" sign. The entire roadway system should be designated as a no passing zone. Although there are safe areas to pass, they are minimal. Due to snowpack on the roads, centerline striping is not reconunended, rather signing at a designated interval with standard "No Passing Zone" signs. A "Dead End" siqn should be posted 500 feet in advance of the LionsRidge Loop cui-de-sac. CURVES \ ., , R2-/ aal?hl t'\,\, ctlRvE | ",,\r ,,\_r,', l, R. \ ,\ \1 \\ \\'\ .),wr_ta_r; \\i! / ATfRoNrnoenai-\L \\\ ; /NTEr?5rcT/AN2- fl'/ f, iRZ-/ /5-;v " ) t\\ \\ \tl \V _'=-_/y';_- CURVE q cuRVE "rffi1_'_1;,-\' CURVE 6 l,r-'' '-: t// i wlf! - ,;'', ,j'W t3-l l5mph I ." /// //r.t-,"/ //l/ /,4 / / I I I / //',-/,2 / I I I / l(/''' /lt/ llI / .z','-- .... /' i / ,,''/',//''// ll/2l.l,r'7r2, ,,/ z' ,.' -./ ,/ , ,//ff4L,, '// / r'r'r'7 //./ / / / / /,// ( / I //,)'./,/ //// r ,/ l i,,j CURVE // \t') ,)r/^,)-) -,---, -----"' ' t'-.''--- .! j p t1' ,t) ( -..2. -/- z.- ----/ ---'.... , -.- ---- -,t"1,-..x1- -' -'/ ..-'.../....'-'/,,, '/-,-" ," :,_ .- )/\ '--------- -::=- ---:--=-- i-=-- -' _ -.-.---_--.- _ -..-- ..--.*---_ -tr--r..--*__ --------._.- /t .---- _..------.- 7-::2-l:t::l)----_=.- ,ti Iti, I CURVE /5 ...-.. ---_--.-.*- 56cfrcN 6 I -- -'-'. ' . - *' .l- - / --. ., CURVE /e R2-/ Z{mph -' l-r --^ I -J'*.-- { : I I I''' '/ r--/ I \ - -I f --.'\ i--t/ / L) t'--.,, )l- [/,J\// /\--.-, (y-v " /,J . -------\\ \--_-.\\..--..-_--..---..\ '/,Jt ,/'''/t', .,/ /'.\,2 \,' .. i----t' '.a )-t I l ,Rt/E /8 wt-z.R .t -.-- 4 --------_-_.-_ E2F2 ',. //- ,r?r,; "' , ' .,'' .,/ ,rt'jrt" ir' . i ,l ,7---,r'/.=-- ./ -,---'; 'r,t,\-;:*:;------'-----'--' t --_ /-,-''.?':a:i tE,,i#-' /:*Z{:K:'g?fti/#?'' ii',/ a,,i:r, 't -;=:':-' --.--.; -=:=-r--- =__"--iZlr---_- : --/2:i=-';, t ;'-);66f,on_ JZ -=-- l-.--- -':' _---.1:-.-;. ;.-1 -1 l/7-r.)-..--;r: '.{':'.1|:'-':'.|l:-..--.-.-.-:'-;...:'|--...::-::....'.':..,-i,!..1, Si'it'r cuRvE 4 ', /r' ,/N ::''tr|i'' f '1,",,'*,N fi \ ''', ,) ':, ll'l ' fi-- .\ ,\l t \. \\ -;t-1; \j, ,'Y.-= I I i -l I I \ \ 1 , "" ,', -',.'-.----- \./.- :.'- "-.- : -:-1 ,-. ------ ti.: ;" /il I '-'i r :/i :nl a, I 't .'r-._/ ',1: 1 ' j'', '1, l'',,t':,'\ .,----. \-: -_-- 1 '-i1-.-----"' /'t, .,/ / L: ,'' , --- -),-_).::- - -- ',. - __..r)",r ,l i' l I i i t1:;..::- _'SJ,i-l\/ i,,l,,l li,i ll '?:t>r :1,..)-,,'. | .,'ll,i,, j!',,i ,-,),j'' : :, i r:,,.)i,,,,1, {i i i i,{l -li\ ,,/{r,,,; ,,: _,J,,.1,1,,1 {i ll'/ ,-..-_ --:-' \ ,','* I .l ll, ii.t')):,1 '), i{ I .-. i-t\),\i' N\t=* "'''r/',r'',i' !' 1 )'''i'',,' lj I ,)a\', ' 'l^ ',-' 1'-l;--',' ' .,' , '- i'' ' )l I t\', ,- : 1r -.-"',' ' "' ' .'' ,',,',.).:,.,,,-1,j',.,.i'..''!,--|'..''.'-1-.---....-,.,.,'/.,.',,',,,,.-' ./,,.,::,\i,, ) ,' \,\--'-)---'u'- tr--r, t:-*/rr.,.+t, ,r,t ,( l ' ,/ ,' ' .'/ ..,/ ,, ",'."' ,,r,'' ,, t r,'.1 /" /r'' ,," .a...4 / ., SYSTEM CAPACITY CALCULATIONS GENERAL The capacity of a roadway is a measure of its abiljty to carry traffic. This abjlity depends greatly on the physical features of the roadway and other factors not directly related such as variations in traffic demand and the interaction of vehicles in the traffic stream or, sirnply, the operational characteristics of the traffic thereon. Demand on the roadway is expressed as traffic volume. Level of service is a function of comfort and convenience, speed, travel time, maneuverability, safety and cost. in a broad sense, roadway capacity involves determining whether or not a specific roadway is capable of handl'i ng predicted or measured demand at an acceptable level of service. 16 ROAD TYPES For the purpose of this be used: Collector and study, two types of roadway will Semi-Col I ector,/Local Access Road. A Co'll ector (Type 2 ) 'is access road connecting a vicinity-wide continuous local access roads to arterials. A Semi-Collector/Local Access Road (Type 3) provides djrect and indirect access from abutting properties to other roads. Buffer Creek Road from North Frontage Road to LionsR'idge Loop will be classified "Type 2" and LionsRidge Loop from the intersection of Buffer Creek Road to its termination at the cul-de-sac will be classified "Type 3". I7 TRAFFIC GENERATED In 1976, the Town of Vail did an extensjve study to determine the number of trips generated by a particular type dwelling unit. The study was done as a part of the Bighorn Street Improvement D'i strjct, relating benefjts of the roadway improvements to a specific type dwelling unit through the traffic generated by that soecific unit. The average daily trios (ADT) used for this study is defjned as the average two-way traffjc expressed in numbers of vehicles for the design year. ADT for the Bighorn Street Improvement District vlas determined to be eight (8) for Single-Fam'ily and Two-Fam'i 1y Residential zones; six (6) for Residential Cluster zones; and four (4) for Low Oensity Multi-family zones. Town and County zone districts do not compare directly and for the purpose of this study, an average ADT of seven (7) per dwelIing unit wjll be used. To convert ADT into vehicle tri ps per hour (VPH), ADT will be divided by 11 hours on the assumption that 90-percent of the traffic occurs between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. 18 DESIGN STANDARDS Standards general 1y represent minimum values implying the lowest acceptable l'imit in design. They are not inflexible and may be improved upon with'i n reasonable economic limits. To 'insure uniform practice throughout the State of Colorado, the Colorado Department of Highways has produced the "Roadway Design Manual ," incorporating their expertise and the policies adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportatjon Offjcials. Acceptable standar^ds coniained in the "Roadway Design Manual" will be used for the purpose of this study. TERRAI N Terrain will be classified in two categories: l. Flat or Rolling - Average cross slope less than l5- percent with ridges and draws not well defined. ?. Mountainous Terrain - Average cross slope greater than lS-percent w'i th ridges and draws steep and we1 1 defi ned. l9 DESIGN SPEED Is the speed determined to correlate design of those phys'ical elements of a road that jnfluence vehicle operatation. It js the maximum safe speed that can be maintained when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the roadway govern. MINIMU@ TERMIN CLASSIFICATION Flat or Roll ing Mounta i nou s *1 5 mph for switchbacks HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ROAD TYPE IJ 3s-45 25-35 25-35 *15-25 Is the horizontal geometry used to establish safe and continuous operation at a uniform design speed for substantial lengths of roadway and must provide minimum sight distance; stopping site distance, passing sight distances and minimum curve radjus. MINIMUN STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCES DESIGN SPEED (MPH) 15 20 25 30 Jf, 40 SIGHT DISTANCE (FT. ) 100 150 175 200 t5v LIJ 20 MINIMUM PASSING SiGHT DISTANCES DESIGN SPETD (MPH) 2 lane, 2 way SIGHT DISTANCE (FT.) 500 700 900 I100 1300 .l500 MiNIMUM MDIUS (FT. ) MINIMUM CURVE RADIUS POSSI BLE CAPACITY (VPH) 2000 t5 20 25 30 J3 40 DESIGN SPEED (MPH) t5 20 25 JU 35 40 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT TYPE OF ROADt^JAY DESIGN CAPACITY 35-40 40-45 45-50 60 100 tt3 250 550 Is the vertical geometry used to provide adequate site d'i stance, safety and comfortable dri ving. M'i nimum lengths of crest vertical curves are controlled by stopp'ing site distance and should not be less than 400 feet for design speeds above 30 mph and 200 feet for design speeds of 30 mph and below. ROADI,{AY CAPACITY, VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) 2t 1500 I.I50 900 Lane Width Feet 12 il t0 9 Lane w'idths for Buffer .l0.5 feet or greater. reduced to 84 percent. ROADWAY CAPACITY, VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) Capacity Expressed as a Percentage of l2-Ft. Lane Capacitv (two-lane) '100 88 8t 76 Creek Road and LionsRidge Loop are generally Theoretical capacities should, therefore, be Grades affect the capacity of a roadway in the following ways: The presence of a grade is generally associated with restriction in sight distance, thereby affecting the percentage of the length of two-lane highway sections on which passing maneuvers can be performed safely. Thjs effect is considered in alignment. Vehic'l e braking distance is less on upgrades and greater on downgrades than on the leve'l , thereby permitting shorter spacing between vehicles that are c1 imbing grades and requiring longer spacing between vehicles descending grades in order to maintain a safe condition. Some vehjcles travel at slower speeds upgrade than on the 'l evel , especialiy if the upgrade is long and steep. Most passenger cars can, however, negot'iate 7-percent grades at speeds above that at which capac'ity occurs. Therefore, the effect of upgrades up to 7-percent is general ly negl igib'l e. 22 The colorado Department of Highways Roadway Design l,,lanual suggests that at 30 miles per hour, sustained grades of 11 percent shourd not be exceeded in mountainous terrain. Grades can, however, be increased to l2 percent for distances of 500 feet or less. LionsRidge Loop is generally 8 to 11 percent. The steepest grade of 12 percent occurs through curves 6 and 7 for a distance of less than 200 feet. These grades do not in themselves reduce roadway capacities. posting speed limits, speed reductions at curves and establishing a no passing zone over the entire roadway length is required to dea'l with geometric deficiencies described elsewhere. proper maintenance in winter is al'l that'is required to overcome effects of grade on stopping distance. 23 l(^to ts lo IF to lp t? lo lFl 7 F4c ur l|r N r.., it, E ' lo:o i{ \< lo :|r (r - - lEg @ r\) Q @ (^ l. u l<P @ i\t c) @ o (, ? l"B * ,a, lRc lv' u lFfl Itr o r, l.t N) lo 'E ll{\r{l.o (, (^ (, ltt |J + + + tF5 l!. 0a t.' Ita >ts ts N l, (t l':t F t (, (, (^ Lr IOF | | t | | loo N |.r (, s. .l* lO. {(Jr O (, \, Lr t !. l;-d l5d w lo'F lEl l!loo too N N }J T..' F IAE v! (, l^ ur (, t^B IS o lvo tE I |r (/J lo ti F, F lO r-H a. Ir E DO lrb F FF IF'o o IFE l](o o.0 t!|n l! o lo n c o lg t!o o. lx o Fft at<Plr! PFtsPtsPPPts (D ! O\ \, 5 (, hJ F Ct \O CE \, O\ tJ| 5. (, .N l.J PPFFPPtsP}J}.J i,.) N Ln (, or o\ @ @ o o !r (i (.i ui (, (^, o c)t. s. O <) F F o o (, 6) (,r (, (.r (j (o 6 (^(,s.5<or!r|j@6-.t!|"l)L|) FJ CA t> IH t< t7 PPtsP\,{co\c\o\(^(^ F.FPPq\O\ r.J P-Ja-O\O\ trLnl.L,\o\o ! + NA'AJ}J l\r!l r., (,. \, (,++++ Pt€\o\oro\o 9999Pq rrtl t4P rrtoto (,,t (' I Nl\'N'N' Y(,l!^vr rrtl e eJ (' (' (.r t9 \rL^\rQ(r(n FtststsPPPl!@ co \o \o N ^r r,i r..r ro \o O O ls a..) tr l..t ni t.r ir tr P P ts (, ts Vr (, (^ FJ r$ l, (, trl F l, s' L. o\ (r Co .\r (^ ts !r NO\5.C)\oe@r\)OpO ++++ (, l^ P |.J \, F tLr(,Fln\J 995\o9o ts hJ tJ t\., l.r l..J N hJ N |'^ \Jr l, ln \rl \, lr \, (,,|llrltltrl N r..) N (r) L.r 6) (' (.' Q tr (.r o !r o lr !^ (, r^ Lr lr' (, (, It,l '!IF E \o \o \D (o \o \o l.rb q o o o O a loo ' I r I I I lu!lr*t.r t' P P lt r.r||oaliD , | . llLt lJ' (^ ld o HPPP ro\o\o\o\oP(,Pts\o\o oc>ooooooooo aaooooooooo ttltl FHPPP lorotototol (, L^ (, (r Lr vo Fo ,tc orc o. f.l o"rt -Q trO F c) F<t A ',t (!rt F< F<c rD qlD @@ C)c)d)FC nip ooo t{t vFd Dr D o.d l!o.o FFO)FCo { r 3E g) ,, ('| o.5.lt-F a > oa td i!ts F tpo.) I a.d oemd vr:€ 6a .O !r !!r o5 lDt o" 0c .!0q E 9-oo ur:€ aa cogrrop arl Alt F* '€t+.D9 (D :'o.oa rl.or g i q.oo tJ(CIi f,lrrW Rl-l 30" x 30" Rt -3 |2" x 6" Rl -4 IB"x6" 2ll-.1 Slop Sisn (lll l) S'l'OI' siigrts :rt'c ltrlt'tt,lcrl 1,.,t rtst uJrure tr':rl[ic is rt'rltlilcrl tti stop' 'l'hr,S'l'ol, si1lrr .)Irl) lr0 lrn oct:rgor.r rr ith whitc rn('ssirgs ltnrl lrotrlcr on :r rfti lllrck.qIotrntl.'l']ic st;tttrlarrl siz.c sltall lre iJ0 x ll0 inches' \\t]rere gt'r,;Ltt,t ,,r-,lrlr:rsis or ,"isilrility is rt'rlttirt'rl, ll lltl'gt'r siz-c is l't'cttt:ttlrt rltlcrl' Ott lou r,rltult' lrrr';tl stt'r't'ts ;11111 5lcolllllt15 t-olrrls uith )ou' lr1'1lt'rrlrlh si,, L,rls,:r'i1 x :ll r,lt si:,r' ttt:ty ltt' tts(,tl- ,\t :r tr,ttlti\:r.\' :.1,l) ift(t'.,'ttion (st'c. l?ll li), rl slll)lrl('l1lll)t:try l)lltte ( Il | -il) slr,,ulrl l,(' nr('Lrlt('(l jtrst lrr'1or,r' r';rclr S'l'OI'sign. If thr: tttrrrllrcr of lrlrlrt'orrch l.gs tO tltt' itttt'rst'ctiott is tltrt.c or tl)ol'e, tltc lttlttlt't'al rttl the sttlrlili'tncntrtry 1,1irtt: shlrll ( (rrl'('sI)(,n(l to tlrt' ltt'tttal rlrltnlrt'r of lt'gs, <tr tht' )t'.qtntl AJ,l- \\rAY (ltl 1) rnay lrt' ttst'ri. 'l'hc strpp)t'rtrt'trtar-v lrlate sl[rll h:tVt, ri]titr, lItti,rs (Jn lr r-r,tl l)lrr.kgrotrl]r] :LD<l sl 'rll ]ril!t':t s(irll(lill'(l sizt, (,f l2 x (i irrtli,'s (lt1 :l) or lll x (i in,]rts (lt1 l). A S'l'OI' sigtt lrt':tcon lrr l,t':ttt,lts trtiry trc t:st'tl in tOtijltllclion r!itlt a S'l'OI' sign :rs rlt,si riltt:tl in scction '1 l'l -4. St'r'otrtl;rrl rl('ssirllcs shrrll nrtl lrc r:st'tl on S'l'OI'sigtt flrt'tls' 25 In thc,rlr.itL tlrL: r isilrilitS' of lr S'l'OP si.rltr or:i YII'lT,I) sign at ir)ly lor';rtion is; ;'r'sllictr.rl, thc sign sh;rll l,c lot;rk.rl :rs syri'r'ifir'd, :ul(l :r Siop ,\htrrrl si11n (scc. l?C l5) tir a Yir.lrl '\hrrtrl sign (sr:c. :ZC I(i) shrrll bc (:r'cct(f(l r'n atlv;rnci' of thc S'l'()P or Y If)l,D sign. F igrrrcs 2 ''2,2 7tr,2-?b, lrnri 2 ?c (1r;r1;r,,s 2A '10 rrrxl 2l) .10 to 2D l8) shorv t1'1ri<'al S'l'(ll' ;rn<i YIflLD sign instrtll:rtions. 2lt -t0 Spec<l Linrit Sigrr (lt2 l) 'l'he Sy'ecd l,inrit sign shaJl rlisJrlrry the lirnit cst;rl,lishcrl b"l'larr', or by rcllttl:rtiotr, ;r11,,t:rrr lrrlgirr,',.rlng:rrrrl tr':rffic irrlt'sligrrti<rn )r:rs lrlr:n rnritle in rrtrrrt'rI;ilIci: rvillr i'st:rlllislrt,<l tr';rf'Iir: r,l11irr, ,'r'ing 1rr':rr.titls. 'l'ltc splorl lirtijls shori n slr;rll lrc ir) rrrultil,l(,s of ir rnilr:s I)(ir horrr. Jn r,f(lcr trl rlt tIl nrinc tl)(' irr'ol)( r nutnclit lll vtrlut, for' :i sltc0rl 7,01)c on thc lr;rsi,s of :rn lrrriirrlr:t-ing:Llr<l tr;r{{ic invi'stigrrtion tlrc follorving f;rc- Iot's shriulrl lrt' , r,trsirlr,r'r,rl: l, Ro;rrl r.rirfi!!r'r'l);ir:r(Lr.r'islits,slr,rrrl,lt,rcorrrlitj,'n,rllrrlr:,:r)ignrnt'nt rirrrl s iglr t rij:i:,rrrc. 2. 'l'lrc S5'1,,.rr lrrtilrl :.1)r,('(l rlr(l l)r1cc ::l)(,.'(l- ll. Ro:r<isirlc tlt'r, r,lopntlnt :inrl crrltrrrc, :rnrl ro:rrl:,irle fi-it'tion. 4. Safe slrled for crrrvt's or hrrz-lrrrlorrs lritations *ithin thc zone- l-). I'rri'king 1rr':ict.ices :rrtri 1rc'rlr,s(ri;rn ilctjvity. 6. Iii porltri r.c, irlt,nt expr.ri, rtct: for ;r rttt,rrt J3 nrr,nth lrlriorl. 'fsrt t-tJ'r's of sp,'t.rl lirnit sigls rn:r1'I'r,rrslrl: O rrr' l rr rlcsir;n:tl r' l,rrsscn- gcr e:rr slrt'r'tls irrtltt<1ing lurl' niglrltilrre ilfr,r-rrr:rtion or rrinirlrurn slrccd lirnit Lhal rnight al)ply,;rnrl tire olher to sho\r'irny slrrci:rl spccri lirnits for trust:s and tntcks- No rnore th:rn threc spced lirnits should bc displayed on any onc s1,ct.d lirnit sign or:rsscnrbly. Whorc ir sl)ocial spccd limit ;r1r1;Jics to tnr('ks or othcr vchir:les, tlrc lcgcrrrl 'f ItLICKS .10, or such sitnilrrr rncss;i11c :rs is rrplrropriritc, slr:rll tle slrou n lrr'lorv tltt: stanrl;trd TRUCKS n2- l 24" x 3o" 1,0 24" x 24" LIM IT Ll) ?s-6 )'(,r1)nrlr)('r)rIr(l sl,r'r'(l (,n ;r tul.n to bc :l(l 11l'lI ol. lIss, ;tlttl tlris r,'r'otn- tnt'nrlcrl spct,rl is (,(llrrl to or l(,ss th:{lr l.hc slri,r'ri lirrit t'st;LIrIisherI by lrtw or by rr,.grtl;rtion for th:rt st.r'tion of highrlay. \\rhtrc ;r 'frrlrr sigll is u lrt-r'alttt'tl, ;r L;rrgc Arrou' sign (st,c.2(l 9) trt:r1' lrc l1:i('{l ()lt tltr: rilrlsirle of the turn. Arlrlitiorr:rl llotr'ttiorr rnrr5'bt: lrlolirlr'rl lr1, 1111',11'tho ,\(lvi- sor'1' Spccrl lrlatt'(sr,i.. 2(l 3ir). '2(i 5 (iurri'Sign (\\'I-2) 'fhr: Crrlve sign (W1 2ll or 21,) is int.r,nrlcrl for ttse u hr:rc ,.ngint','ring ilrvlstigations of rrlrrlu lr-v, gt,onrt.tric, anrl rilicrating c()n(liti()11s sho\r'the rllottttrtt,nrllrl sirr.r,d orr thc <'rirvc to bt,in thr: rrttrge lrt.trrccn lt0:rnti (i0 nrilIs lrct'])r)Ilr;]n(l r.<1rllrl to or lcss t]Lin the slrc,r.rl lirrriL t,s1rrI,Iis]ri rI tiy l:rrv or Iry rt,gttl:rt ion f,r' tlrat :;t t l-ion of lrig]rrr:ty. ;\ r I r I i t i o r r : r I 1rI',rlt:r't.ion Ittay l)o I)rovi(it,rl liy rrse of the Arlvisory Spt,t,rl pl:rlc (scc. ll(l-3ir). 2C fr llcvcrse Turn Sign (Wl 3) 'fhc Rcvcrsc Tuln silgn is inlt,rrrllrl fi.rr rrse to nt:rrk tuo tltrl)s ()r a ltu vt-, :rnrl ;r trrrn in,,plr,rsitc rlir,.r'l i,rns :is rltfint,rl itr the rvrrtt'rtrt.s rtr 'fut'tt lrnrl Orrrvc signs (sccs.2C .1 :Lrrrl I'r) thal arc scparated by a tangent of lcss th:rn G00 feet. If the first turn is to the right, a Right Revcrse Turn sign (W 1-3R) shall be used :rnd if the first tu rn is to the lefr, a l,cft Rcverse Turn sign (W1 31,) shall be rrsed. wt-tR 30" x 3O" wl-3R 30" x 30" \Y ] -?R 3o" r 30" wt -4R 30" x 30" 2C-3 I if^ 27 li'r,r rr,lrlitiolrrl 1rr-o1r'ctiott thc,\rlvisol-5 Sirc.rl lrlrrt.tl (sr:c- ll(l :i5) tnay l,c rrs,rri. 2C 7 Iicr. r'-c ('rrlrc !jign (\\'1-.1) 'l'hc Ile vt,r'sr: Cur-r'c si11n is ititr:nrlcd f<-rr ttsc trt rrt;rrk trr'o ctlrvr:s in o;rlrrsite rlilcr:tions, rts <lr'fincti irt thc rlarr;tttl.s fttr t ttrvt: signs (scc. 2C 5) tlr;rt ;rrc st:llrr:rtctl lry rr t:rtrgcnt of lr:ss thrtn (i00 fcot. If thr: first <'rtrvt: is to thc right, a Iiight Iier', t'sc (lulr,c sign (\\'l 1lt ) shrtll lrc ttserl, ;,.rrrl if t)rc filst , rrr-vc is to tlrc li.ft,:r Lrft Il,:rtt'sc Ctrlvc sign (\Vl 11,) r-)r rrll lrc trsr:tl. Pur l{lrlition:rl ll'rrtrrltiot't tlrc ,{rlvisot'y S1,r'crl pltttt: (scc.2C i}i) rn;ry be uscd. 2C 8 \\'irrdirrg li,rrrl Sixn (\\'l 5) 'l'lre \\'irrrlirr{ R,r:rrl silgn is intcrrrl,'ri fnr ttst: rvlrr'r't: tlr,'r'c is:l stlii's ()f turns or (ltt'vcs, irs rlt'firrlrl irt lhc ri lrr-r-ants fi,r 'l'rtrtt :itrrl (lttl-r'e signs (sr.r's. 2C .1 :Lrrd ir), s(,1)irI'iit(,(l lry tlLr:gcnt (ljst:rt)ccs rtf lt'ss tit:ttt {i(X) fcet. lf the first trlrn (,r ,:rrrvc is t.o thc righl, a Riglrt \\'irttling Roarl slgn (WI .5lt) slrrrll lrc'rrs,,d,:rnrl if lhe first cur'\'c ()r lrtt tt is 1.o tlrc lt'ft,:r l,cft \Virrriing Rrr;r<l sign (\Vl i)L) shrtll lrc ttsed. If tlre \\'ir,,)ing Ilr,rrrl si11rr is trsi,rl il "lr:rll l,, r r',', 1,'rl itt rrrlr;tr,r'r' of lhe first crr rv er. Atlrlitional *;it'rtirtg tn:ry lre lrrovitlt:d 1ry tlrc irtst.:tll:ition rtf rrrrttl <lt'lin- eation mrt'kt'rs (si'c. iJD 4) rrrrrl l.ry usc of thc Atlv jsi,r,r' Sprretl plate (sec. 2C 35). Whqrc Lht're rtrc fr:r,, t'r than five ct.irvcs in srttccssirrn, 'rrre or rnor-,. Rtr', rsr,'f rrlrr or Ii, r lrsr, Ottrlr: signs slrt'ttlri lrt: rtst'rl in lir'tt of the \\'ir rrl irrg IiorirI sign. wl-5R 30" x 30" ?C-g Large Arror'r' Sign (\1'l 6, W I 7) The Largc.r\rrou'sign shall be a horizontal rr:ctanglc s'ith a standard sii.e of 48 x 21 incht's, h:rving;r l:rrge arrou'(\\'l-6) or a rloublc head arrou (W1-7). It sh:rll havr: :r 5t')lou bttkgrtrutrrl s'ith s5 rnbol in black 'A\l\ "b 28 2C-4 2C l5 Siop -\lrt'rrrl Sign (\\':t.l) A S'fOl) .\lil"lr\l) sittr is iltt'rtrlcil f()r lrsc rrn:rn rrlrpr,r:rclr to tr S'l'OP sign th;rt is tr,rt lisilrlt: for rr sulfi,'iLrrrt rlist;rnlc lo ;rlrrrrit thc rllivr:r to l,ring his vchicL-,to:r stop:rt thc S'i'OP sign. ()lrstnr<'lion(s) calrsing tltc lirnitr:rl visiliility rnrr; lrc l){'t'nr!lr('nt or inlllrrrittt,nt. 'l'he S'l'(-)l' All l.lAD sign s)rrl) lrc:r rninirtrrnt of ll0 x liO intbcs. In sonre (as('s, it rr::r,r. lre ust:rl fr,r e.rrrlrh:rsis ulrr'r'c tlrclc is poor olrsr.rvrrrr,.rI ,,f tht. :.'l'()l' sign. 'fhc urrrcl rn(,ss:rg(: S'l'OP r\llFlAD sign (W3 l) rnay ltc \ls,r(l irs an alLi:rn:rte to thc sl rnlrol sign (Wil I a). W3-lo 35'. r 36' 2C-16 \'ield,\hc:rd Sisrr (\\'il 2) A YIlll,D AI.IliAD sign is interrrled for use otr rtn :tp1n-or,ch to a YIl.ll,D sign that is not visiblc for a sufficicnt rlist:rncc to ircrrnit the rlriver to bring his vehicle to a stop at the YiFILD sign. Obstruction(s) ciiusing the lirnite<l visibility rniry be lrcrm:rncnt or int(,rn)ittcnt. 'fhe YIFILD AI{FIAD sign shall be a minirnurn of 30 x 30 inchr:s. 'lhe u ord r)l('ssiige Y lFll,D AI-ll.lA l) sign (\V3-2) rr:ry bc use(l irs irn altelnaLe to the s1'rnbol sign (W3.-2a). W3-2o 36" x 36" 2C-8 29 itr.hrts. ,,\rlris,,r',r Slr.t,rl I)lrit(,s 'i,(,11 *ilh il6 irt.h :rrrrl )rrr.11.r rrlir.rri'g silns sllili lri' il.l ;. tl I irrrfir,s. 'l')rr. plrite slr;rll t;,.r-.r' llrr: t.r,:,:::rtfr, (:li) l\l I'll i'Irlrrr,k.n:r 5.r,)i.r' l,rir'Ly1t'i,ttnrl r'rcr,lrt fr,r', onstt.rrr'1 iorr :tlrl tIrIrirtIltI:rti,.,, ,.iqrts (s<.r:. (iR iJ4). 'l'hr,.1'1,,,11 r, l , , , ., r ' r r :, I r : r I i l,r,;r rrrrrltilrll ofi r 1ilr.s I)(.t. lr1rrr. ,l'lrr, ;rlrrl l rn;ry l,t, tt.t,rl ;n ( ,,|jli,,( 1i,,rt $ ilh lrn.l, s1:r ,,rl;|.rl 1,,11,,s, u rr r.rr inll :,i11n to inrli- IrLlo tlrr: rrl;..irrr,rrr, )('( ( r I r r I r r 1 , r r ( I r , . I si r r'i,rl :rt-oL,):rl ;r i ur.\.c or.tl)11,lrgh a lr;izrtrrlrrrrs l.r';Ltirr'. It..)'rll lt.L lrt, r:s.ii irt r,'rr.ir:rrr.ti.rr rrillr;Llt;,sitln ,l lri'r'll;lL'lr rr':rr'i'11 r.ig., n<rr slt*ll it l,t.,sr.rl lil.'e,. \\rh.tr trst,rl, it shlrl.l Itt: ttttruntcrl .,n th0 slrrIc ;tss(,111)l), i t(l n{,l.,,tirll-\, l,t,lrtr| tltc st;trtrllrr.tl r,r;rrrring sign (fig. l2 l, 1rrr11r, tZA !t), l', ).r'('l)t in .rrr.r',','rr.ir s, .r' ;lt r'.J lst r-rr(t i.n ot- rr-r;lir1r.n:r,r.r, sit (,s, \r.lra,).e llrl silrr;rtir,rr ,:rltirrg f,rr rur rrrlri:,,,r-.1, ,-p,,,rl il; t,,r 1,,r:rr-t,, rrn Arlr isor-y Slrlcrl lrllrtc slrtLll rr,rt lrr. r.r.,,r'1r,rl urrlil tlrr, I-r,(,,,rrirrr(.|l I(,(I sl)r,r.rl lrirs l)(,(,n rlr'llt'ttrineil L.y trcct,ltllrl tr.rlfic r,nginct,r.irrg Ir.o,,r,<lr:r(,s. Irj(,(,lLusc { h;rrrlj('s in strlflrr.r, r'lt:l-;Lllr't-isl jrs, sigltt rlis,rrrrr.(1, r,ic., lJt;i}, lrltt_r the l t ( ' , r : I r I I I ( ' I I r I ( ' ( I slrccrl, t :i, h lr,r ;rlion s lrr, rrlrl lrl Irr r-io,liL.rll-r, ,.lt i.r,kt,rl anrl l ltr :.1,,.r,r1 pl:i1(' (.,,r r.r.( tr.(l if 1(,r.,,r,s;1r-.\,. ir,4.P.l{ wt3-l | 8" x 18" 24" x 24" 2(l :l(i ,\rlvisorl l)xit S1rr.r.<i Sigrrs (\\'l:t 2, \\'13 3) 'Ihc Flxit SJx'crl or [i:rrnp Spcerl signs irr(. inLcnried ftrr rrse u,here cnginr:cring invt,stigations of ro:rdu,:ry, gcornetric, or {)l)erating condi- tions show ll)c n(,(.(,ssit-v of lrivising rlrir.ers of thc maxinrrrm rt,com_ rncrtrlrrrl slr(,r,(l on :l r:rrnp. 'fht' sign slroulrl Irr' 1ros1r,rl :rlrrng ttrc rl<,<,<,lr, r:r t i<)n litnc ()r:rlrrng lhe r;trlp s(r thtrt it is r.isilrl. irr (ilrr. f'r tlr. rlrir,,.r t'rrr:rkr,:r s;Lftt sl'u,ing ;rtrrl t'rit.irrg r):rn(,uv('r. \l'lr.rr, ;rrlrlilirrr;rl :rrlvis.ry sP.r.rl irrli<.lrtion is ttt'r,rlr:<l on t.hc r;rrrrlt *.r,lltrr'-lonrl thr: grrrc, a st;rrtrl:rrri u,:lrrrirrg sign u.ith an Arlvisorl Sl.rt,r'rl pl;rtc (Wl3-l) is Lo be used. 2C- 19 30 i. _' '1 ,/ rl ,';-,."\,1 [ I .\ .)l I tt'-l tr\ /\ \r \,'] i') '.)-C :\7 Dr'irrl l.lr,rl Slillrrs (\\'l.l l, \\'I t Z) 'l'lte IIEAD F)ND sign (\Vt4,1):rnd NO OLI't't,li'f sign (Wl4-2):rre intcndcd for use t,o s,arn of a street or rorrd u.hich h:rs rro ou(lr:t and *'hich tt'r.ri.:rl.s in a rl.:rd.rrl or crrl-rl<.-sa<:..lhe sign shrLll lrc p.sl.rl a strffit i.nt :rrlr';rnr:c rlist.rrn.a t. 1ri rrrrit thc '.lri.li: (rl)(,r;rt()r t.:r'.irl lhe <lt lt<l ,'lrrl by lrrrrring 0ff, if pOs,silrlc, lrl thc r.t(,;d.(,sl jlrlr rs(,(.t)'ng slri,.,t. wt3_2 48" x 60" wl3-3 48" x 60" w l4-, 30" x 30" w l4-l 30" x 30" 2C.3U No I'assirrg Zone Sign (ft'14-J) B<'<:ruse of the dernonstr:rtcd target value given by this sign in crilical Jr:rssing rlr:rr)cuv{:rs, the NO PASSING ZONE sign shoulr.l be uscd on two-lanc roads to \{arn of thc treginning of nn-pessing z,oncs identified by cithcr convcnlion;rl pavcrnent markings or DO NOT I,ASS signs or both. Whcn used, it shall be crectcd on the left side of thc roadu,ay at the hr.ginning of the nr,-J';rs-ing zi' es. 2C-20 l)il.'rt) r-.f,!D 31 \vr4-3 36"x48"x48,' 2(-l :19 Lirrrited Siglrt I)isl:rnr.c Sign (\\'t.t 4) 'l'he LII\1 I'f FlD SI(lll'f i)lS'l'ANCE sign, r,,.ith supplr:rnent:rl Arlvi, sOt'y S1x,r,rl Iltrte (Wli3 I ), is rlIsitrrcrl firr- rrsc 0n Vcrtit.al crtrVIs rvhich tl. tt.t hrr'c :rrl.c;Lr;rt. s;rf. sl'1r1ring sight rlislr'tt.r: lr'lril;,blc. 'l.lris t.t.Jie sigr;ing is rrot to lrr':t srrlrstitrrtt f()r sr,un(l r,rrginrering jrr,ll.rli:nt (lr:rscrl on s:rft.ty c,n:.i<lt,rtrti,ns ,r kn<t$rr Ir,lrlcrrr lor.;rtions) llt;rt \\ {)ul(l \\.irt.- rlrnt irrrlrroving thc sight rlist: rtt: br :rn cngint,cring solrrtion. 30' x 30' 2C .10 I'l:r1'ground Sign (Wlir-t) The Wl,ir-l J'i;r.\grounrl Sign rna.y lrc userl only natt,tl chil<lren's plal, arca to u irrn rif thc yrotenti;rl 2C- 21 in :rrivanr:t' of a rlesig- ltigh co nc(. n trat ion of LIM IIID SIG HI DISIANCI 32 aFti& rtr.Gi L..-li tl ooo a \ rc 1. ^=lo {6 16 C| 6'C l7D l'!lh lo t. ^ " -jo \ P I - d6 t6 - to. no.D Ir, t<IID I t- -+,c o t! : o lJ. oo4J, t', 'ood lo o:ro: lo l" r.1oL!} Ir c6 ' td 6 !l a h o o 1.. l!O:l AJ ". .D -rk -co oo .D A:o?. \ - ,.o .)a {c ko .: Do -o *oo _t oAor -98 J;oo,3,.''o,o aco kd o :rt o:t oc 6 .Dk ,a(<2' :trci-?r,fod oor-.{60f:t!j-\-;rint.ot<id}'d cI , o ",-. !.o 'D o - :t ,-.,(^h l J::r': OJ !er lo_o c)rrd-.c ra . dnot :c\ (rr.o ?{ cac -@o6a.,rocJa-..J'E'i.Y; ti BE't.. !'''-o,!*'o oq o rk @o o F J. cr +xo:Ac! - f o r!o @ o -!.r -1 . r'.b !!:l c)< 5 { f o-./D o 'o .Io n- oo x o:o:< o 'n c(^:, v a a-.c -,d o"{ lD c f O -@ -t)ro 5 5 o./o r .Joo > r<G { a J ,o s_] o 3 .) !.b-!l!o ,; HgF s. "-d_:;. 3ut dr f t - -1 <o o o(. O c!,oo o t.D -r .kd-r:o @ ct' - rD o t x ta c -l.| o 1-r_-r ) *o o o 3 ;T ; ;*.;;ln (orrJ:, k oD O ca . -J O -. r1 @ 9. @- o -rd6o?Q .:- O +: @o a # r' J '1 cD!6 0J\brJ, glFl3(,-r= ", l; l? S, I l:P ln ^ .- l-- 9P l:':- li .: : li .s- 15 o i--j o - l^ a1: l\: I9 - -: l; ;; l;; lY " ; la a; lr -l+c-16r,rlg i l3 q f lJ €3 = lP : lo o\r i l: ;: 19 : ;? ':- ;e\d o.O; +' b l f ::- tf { -n .r { a.' to:r\),! i.t .Dn:t 40r /Dol -:to aio o' ao.) -,rU!'arJ!.-. r. ,.tlt <Y :).rl;385: r- i' fl : ;: ': -.1 -;; ;,:lil..ii :;i ji;it i'*.jt i H:j,? ;i 11; r qi:i.i,, i*i ijlii *ri! i! ;: li :; li r ,iii ir: ;d; irir, i::1, - s'i li :: Il. :i st;li;i :::{ ji j:t ,i.f: ;slt l,- I;:;iii: ql: [;::: :1:i; ;l ]{ a': l{;r;li: z'^3" =;-3.i "-eii J" 13 c: ""li:. j a;; ei:-h i;;'i ;f li ig t{3if;:R :: sai;: i"'aa ii li i; i iSlr_13',..1 3:€:? jajS ;:l;;-:i!J,-ic" ,o pB!B- -.i:!._ qH 13 _l d*.:+l ii 3ii;r ;t:1 ;i l: it =i;;: 3; ;q[ii :.,.' _: t2 -c ri;Fi :: fiaiJ 3Fi. c€ 13:;).1:= q3 j:Y:r; -:3; ;; i: in e;- 3: .r: !:3$: =:$; J: l3 It :E:]; ;3 a*t*i ir:q :l l: qi ;i;:r ;: r];iF giii ;; li ii i*?:: s: *9:Ft r:i: 3: i F;ei:;g tSqAE -ti rx C ;"';6 - !6i- 3 5': 6 d 5 -* I : 3* I P 5 .-* aX b ; *' i" :;iiii ?i;; ;l;:i; *i{ ??s: i3;r:s;;:: E E ;;lgle 41q: j:=.:li i="ql j;;ti;g{H?; lg g } ;:Ft;l ijl; *:,;;r ;t::i;;;lts;3 3r-: li ' qj i e a* 'ii;gi 'iti :;t:ie :i;;;1;;,;:;il;i - i;i#'ilii;ii,;;i;:: r;f ii:;;;:;1;i3gig;;isi;l ii;g;:ia;r;;a.i " d r d i E - ; q r I : s .s I : * n =..e 1l€ di ; I s l3 a +:: i i| a; i g $iiiii f+s .ll,;i ii?riiilry:ry;r; 'iifit'irii;:;i:;il :ii iitil l;;li3;ilfiii:!i ;iii;iiFieig;i ;iix; ri; iiij; lisil;ii;i45ii;i ;ll:ita*li;:ii ii;i; tii ##i ;ii3:'a:;3;ili:f ;iiiii;ili3ii6 i;#: +n i':il *ri;#if5'1";; iii;is;lryi'; ; ^'o: t 1-0.03,03 Standards for Zoning Amendnents a) The existing zone and goals of the The fact that the policies, goals ,by the fact that owned I and i-n the district is inconsistent with the policies lutaster PIan. zoning of this land is inconsistent with the and intentions of the Master Plan is indicated there is no other resource-zoned pri"vately Gore Va11ev. b) Furthermore, the resource zoning of a property which is sur- rounded by high density developnent is inconsistent with the policy to direct residential growth to existing and planned corrununity centers. hd, because of the surrounding high den- sity, residential development on this property is consistent with the stated goal of preserving a harmonious relationship between land uses within the developnent and with surroundins uses of 1and. Final1y, the lUaster Plan states that a growth in the county is inevitable and good for the econonic base of the county. Therefore this rezoning is consi-stent with the lr,las ter Plan. The area for which rezoning is requested has changed to such a degree that it i-s in the public interest to encourage a new use or density in the area. Regarding change, subject property was previously in public ownership and therefore not available for development but through an exchange with the Forest Service the land is now private ownership. Regarding the public interest, the Master Plan states that use of land exchange procedures should be investigated by respon-sible public agencies to nitigate or elininate developnent of pri.vate enclaves !,i ithin areas of public ownership which would disrupt the character or use of surrounding public lands. The public interest was served in this case by taking the Freednan Creek property out of the private sector and putting it into public olmership, thus preventing possible developrnent. The proposed rezoning is necessary in order to provide land for a dernonstrated conmunity need. This is in the form of single-farnily residential sites with anple property for yards, privacy and landscaping. The Gore Valley has only one other area, a snall subdivision in Big- horn, which offers a single-family residential setting and there is definitely a conmunity need for such a developnent. This rezoning will also be consistent with the policies and goals of the Master Plan. It is, since every other parcel of land in the Gore Valley is zoned residential suburban rnediun density or a greater density, d) Rezoning is necessary to obtain a stated goal of the County Master Plan. One stated goal , as quoted above in b), is to eliminate de- velopment of private enclaves within areas of public owner- ship. This rezoning is being requested as a result of a trade which achieved that goal at Freenan Creek. Another goal i,s to direct new high density residential growth to ex- isting and planned connunity centers. This rezoning is con- sistent with that goal in that it adds density to an area where developrnent already exists. It puts families near existing facilities, corrnercial establishments, schools, and jobs. Furthernore, as 10,03.05 continues, rrln any petition for a zoning anendnent, the petitions sha11 carry the burden of providing evidence that the area in question possesses geo- logical , phsiological and other environnental conditions conpatible with and characteristic of the use requested." Such evidence is provided very thoroughly in the Environ- nental lmpact Renort. il lN B f a t lil ls rs c) \ fr. \ a r- lq j r''r l*ls l$ '$ 3 \ lct) t$ \ c/) s \ 1s IN it It lc) il \\ \ i$t\ '$o N fr. /li rli rllltl ili lo lcr t! ls o 'l . \ I t -t \ e I 't |.\L t \h b (.) o \t t 'l \ \ a I s \t e \ s *\ R-r+r'i b 5e6 >q\ Sr-3 il .J );,\I iiis *nir i!rl irnq il It 33t ti: [..i f \| d oi )h O O q il -1 Cl \ R \I - l33It ^ !iiis^ Fs:i;ii I iii:ri '_ ii;i'i i i: ,, \ il *i ii \\ uiiris -\t L t\I \-l *R ia \$ \\}A ,t $ii$-. $i5sis $ isiiS is$'5] ,i$$ss i iiii t: i*li <\r i I lii !l i ", iSi o !!i:r S "ll 'rt i i!x ^r .i i,q 'r \ i$R RirS i;; i .^n i $i $l- i$ii ii;3 '$$i b rtl a \t!i C)s s I \\ $$i$$ $; *l sB i8 ! ia !l -i\tI t\ t\ b\lI *$t; si it i"s i; s{ o o c z -l o o r-a z U o cD rn o { rn a -nm mo >g O<t-7 m-\'"m a\ -7 oq CM zo --|<o m >f nm mo a<r.m AA r- Tl Tr] :in (;1 ax .. trl m r- l-l m z -l a) nt 7_ m -lt r j' o.c It ;o l l (D a o fi)l o a a q a c _r.l Tl' r'(f) i (( a c ( \ 0 ! D )f l ']')l ) D ) u \ ) ' l :. itr fo {_o -rl f(r) H Efi:$r;igEE =e eFIr:rE$qg o A/D;9,d-ei*f fl [pf631r;iH i'i E;igIB;:j*xe;iisrlia B+43:drcoo ;i*rpr€qil;oH=ohaitooa,'j, dt,X id o +q e.a gF*=rq,si5; Eg;i3':q3 qelu'*i::d1e3!.aqj:bqdtfe;9i i ;?;ia,\8 ' ''-F o, P "5 lgflP!>cn ; :-oi;+qo6-uJ c i.< X !. ;i, ^. *a_(lt:,ary^u/rut,x , - ; ;'t o'9 <o \,f -1 x v, -. I -. _, ()t- \e + (!J 7 oo;1oi{- I q "i q f : o)a =i:': ^.9d '5€H - o, r'E9^otg:to at ff.-fl ie 'ord9i;!-a\-;Fz--.t\6-<:;_-.ri:i^oYuttoi '1 LI .; -1 I;q1*q0 Xlo:'aa-^-. ^: < (-) -'!rT ur -. ul --r - -.:oo;DOo o o =; ot< ^.t ld 5'-i I =q - o n, t o':'-*-6A:.A l.h-e:x,T0,R6 fl o*i:loa qeRlS;& o9^60'-(,i5 n^.v-rr\E'Y J 1.4'a >:Jcotox;q'o. r;" g qQti:!i*e[$[! i*i n [.fr 'f Ftgf llr$: 1-""Hga.P*d4d d ;rs1ggqdi = S g ge.sd =ea r- i11 fie+jE?t ;;ngFrgHI i;EsF.,:A;i,oo,E.,rrru q r f : j: 1.q; 55Idegd$i :5 l3 3 € 3 q 5 f-l:=<oJ ooo..gqHg *;3*l=;Be.rl---\u-J :.o)of9*| _ _oj*o gE r'(q9 o? >sBasiga tfgrloi ;t:ac[5 *D O X o o c o;*=foiu) q i eB;;;5 o o =I f S 8,'59{iii ag0.e.#3i o<:o;Q3 fl E i q +: - $ f p= B ts H * -L\J rY^.-JJ_l-*;"{dBika'"K3re3i;q 83Eias I --1 FU ++(D (D+lIf:- ^ ,J;ooP t JuiH[;+ B *;; (o o^ E 5 Po, +:.< : d_ o of=",H rn (, -. p ^.UJ-HOf o d3 d F;l'.- i-o*o ; --r --r.ry al r1r -1 o:i =p .-\ O r Ji <oIo69 .?5Ee.s o -.-'0lX 6'fd;'o c56'^{ i6 s 5 d OJO-X: 6-91.9i ^lv,.n l.io--.o 9i*r.,,;+640 i6:53 r-'l-!olooY o9fPo'-P- 5 o)P iri ;'€ 6 ;l-.o.Y+6 |? lrttl_-t,_ I (- -a\ +\d ==0) A t\ a _1 -r \r' -x!*0,il*iio (oox'! o (x 3-1 <c;:a:r0) =- * o;- 1^\;1-oXu60) IJJ< - -1 Jnr(I ;0) s.6 (/,)o",:9;. ",<:-lv,iiie'r r-t-:JJwl - :. --1 g =<6 o^S r/ /h -.96'96' ^\,=J {-.0 u (}<Eor;'o qs;:q - 6'o Q 6- ;: 'r ('o o 6Rg(,rT ciroX 6Eqpo o;'Jicr '5{oo nl -. f --o.o;i | =.l filil*llte!iBqi i;lilq:l flrngIi i:l*i;,itr:e1:n+ lil:l;i3l;;, r+$[* lFlri3tll*5r r aii lsliltlfli++i;;si ilrl;hld q tq; ig flf;llllHq:4tsq :l3l:l€|fi 1dr:nl;l#lBle r [; i qs it*igtFilf$:flfj ''6fo - ao I o m m r o ll n z -l T P --J i til n L 6385r ill +lRo9 !.9 oqi;ai' =\.?r o Tto'Y. :. a. € t q'3I 3I rrrfqid:t EY afiu0)im ^ r-]- ;Yazni'^*^*-1d'-^-XX c''tot 6ii s)oornol-.);;; g.< ;" - 6'(o:i.-o-;l ., q rr, 6": F q FJ,]d H-+ o' ru O J -. o J<O-F.^. ^' q ^ \| (, --riin-YL *B,j illJ d :(D f o Q ,<74-rr <'r 0)o--o_o(DOo,a'O-rrA gei$ ;g.:ti; !l :<(Ilo o;: (l -)v: iir*[F#liffit i;liai$l*l-lr I s3;illflililsr gtlefifrslqliF+ r1:;*ill:lil+l F5 [f $ fltl3lll$f 'tIirif:lilFf 'e{'sffl[;l;t (r)\ \\\c) P .-F li f s ii F i; 5$ ;i l* r$ ri ;F lt -?d 3f -1 s 13. f fi ; H E $; $ le i .1o-3 g l;: 3 jli 5oo o:.-'r -'r acJ -(o o Ln$ \\.t:.o (o <7 a-. fi\J )7*"'a -' f r!)f o (D o a 0)(t a':t o o c l O-n I\J a< ov oo 0J -h ]o -. tl fo (o_o ^.c {c)o.o ?-r lq q P fE a q ld-ci ; l-'{6' j'o (o -+, 0tx o* (oj +(0)o 9. l.:o +f (nt< o o ru 6- o_ rU )o () l l c l lo | --t la J n' (]- v o o l 0')__r o c a CD a ^O ;x *o Jtl .- (, ol?' n zX <x ,^ 0) :o dif ;; t'-.; 0)f t0 lc lo la l5' i(o L o. 6'l I _I 0rl ll ol al l U rn rn r o ]J rn z { a {F z cl F n cl U) z tl ]J n o c) rn U c n rn a :rl fit U)o C J)o II r 7 o #'a p ;'q i l"t - *. = l-.i d) *Q - la :fr;-E-33 l,;'+dH!,3 lP E: r s i! l;etss&: l;s q f a q q rj -r6-Bod 33e:f;?+Jr.?:H.oqH;A ;[9d63 -f€'390,Rlo,o1.= TF;$$P i :: l q.? *ps{ag .OB€€di ia qf t @ T1 a-a\- |:; Y"; + ll, 6 ^'-finr:i lP ;d;;1 ^0ri-F- y < f 0J lru rn I l \ - o (D f l: i -'. o !!o--;q lo' o9c o x i -. li o ; e 5 D ') 3 a:rl,l 5. 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'iu 5 o o" tD o.:;. <'- e -, ;: -' ':l or o or I) + (D u nr @ =o,^l';-*^(1):a )"-Y. 1.+ilrxlJ ;'f o 6 o n: * r-i '- { .:- O - :- nl ,"-i\-X"'i:7 ffi - rr -l Or 'a_ ,++t?,*sEH+Y ' 5.i:3i;'"di;SeYafAS;3:i x " ) 4 g o ;'Y i . "5=\qJI,9s!8ij-R^{j;31 dggR^iq^!6-jg (ro=:J:lj'0) <:'# J ro o \ -J _-o d i q: e.i,T ts3.qg;3 ;iBer;-,q.q ;Y::9- t*[:. E l; s P ; I o ; o 15ro-o=ll 9.rlo_-l ^ (l - + I <X YO o o- - n) !i *; ! 9r o ! ! 6'tdSJq33=:q *Snlrei"agg nl d o ! q !.,- d o'tsgp-si;g i ifr{{=qi <;J IJ tr iils s f * $illgiiifi#li I fg ii; ig i ig€fiiii iis+fiii$il;$ iiir i$i.i*- igf fj i: fi f i l $i;lii, i I I u'f liiiiliiif1f i'f iiiti5 +aiil ti iu,t4i * i i, nF r qa,;"ji It) I(D l() l9 ii tl lo Il lh l[i T] o o o o-(, (D ! 'o m L)r m r r m I 5 o r-o o -l --l -t o o o o (_ C z o -{ o z o o 0) o :::!.....-nGj**_- box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-s613 January 2, '1980 Eagle County Planning Commission Box 850 Eag1e, C0 81631 Re: Selby Rezoning Request Dear Commissioners: be completed in the next few months. In a serious commitment to reduce densities office of the town manager 4,4,ra 0n behalf of the Town Council, I am resubmitting the August 31' 1979 'letter frorn lt4ayor Rod Slifer. The Town does not feel that the present proposal, which is iust a zone chanqr from Resource (R) to Residentia'l Suburban Low Dens'ity (RSL), is different in any significant way from the past application. This zone change would sti'l I permit too many units to be constructed on this site. I wou'ld a'lso like to bring to your attention that the Town has recently contracted to purchase the E'lmore properties'which is approximate'ly 53 acres in the Matterhorn Area with the intent of using this 'l and for recreation and open space purposes. In additjon to these purposes, this purchase will also remove over 150 potentia'l units from the Gore Va11ey. The Town has a'lso contracted to purchase the Stephens Parcel in Intermountain which will remove an additional l2-.l4 units from potential development. It is hoped that several other purchases will my in mind, this indicates our Valley. Along those lines, the Town still does not feel the present request is appropriate and reconmends denial of it. Sincpre'l v.//,-'t ///u/"'*t //-/4 ar:^L--l .^--'t --'I\tL dl U l,CtUldrI Town l4anager Trt I'Ji.t?'*?T 3'Jl,'J;,?ii,.',;3 ;,'d,1' o Eagle County, Colorado Action: Oate of Publ ic Hearing X FileNo.Zc-.l18-80 & 5u-TZ:80-s 2 January l9qQ_P lanning Commission Recommend approval condit ions: a Recommend deni al reasons : 2 January IQRO Date for Board of County Commissioners Action: Date of Public H..t ingll-E gh1galy-l98ll- Approved _f,_ conditions: l Roads shall follow minimum county standards.2. AFplicant shotld woik with the staff on the upper 1ots. 3. Applicant needs to address off-site impacts to roads. Denied reasons: uiw ll February -Date Cha irman Attest : P aXe 2 ot 2 W/l':r,{41*,:----- i ,'-r )FrirJ-.-,'-+a='# - l( t l3T.:> -\.. ('----,', L.'tA ":A :----- - -;-- \-.\'|) -.----.---"- ^ -\ / C)' \fC---r -\--\' ,/^\ ,. -\ r- _ - -----__*J *,.) ', -, 1 J' ^)i :l -=---t J:=..---:\,t,-,1J'''a-------=-_--:----i:r cn \- - - . - /.- "-' \ --.--,- -- .\ /-\ ,/ 4\_ _, '!---- '--// l,r,-- - -" 1 o a --r, ., /r\ i(ir )r- \')t ), \r \1, ,/,1 _.:-----a .\.2- )r' \:)t ))/,/ /l , ,, t, ,/,-- - --.--l \.], -\''/e'--r''--7.^*.-'\ 'r' --'- -.' / ,,) ')' \,^.r '-/ ,,--' t / t .'r f ,/r' ,,'"," i\. ' 1'\ '/ l -\,\. 1,, l.-,/ 'i /////////:F I q S N ,t' I \ N a{K \$ \ \\ c-, l.. I I il ,\ _\ \ dJ - ', ,4 I I / \ \\,,r.. , \ .'\ ''--' \.t'- -"'- . '--\ ))m I/i,i /' ,'ar/t'/t,qtq,/ iii' t\\(: i\\trli a\ v ll r t ti l)' l !r , /./ N tv t. z/ )/, )/ / //itt GOUTTV o nnenR@remdunn P---&^ ,---'--'..R/12 lll /.\ ll r/ o \l /-/ /\\'r il Tlll/\J/6\ UU UG\9U ['U U U[,\9 ro: Eagle County Plannino Commissjon subiectr Staff Recommendations on items appearing before you on 2 January 1980 From:Community Development File No.:Date: 31 December 1979 File No. 7c-II3-79 - Westwood at Vail A. Request: Zone Change for 47.71 acres from Resource to Residential Suburban l'ledium B. Backqround: ilhis land is west of VaiI Ridqe Subdivision, and was acquired in a land exchanqe from the federal government. Area is timbered hills. Proposal is for 73 units.C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend denial i. Slopes are too steep for hich density 2. Access, both iegal and physical , is a major problem. Roads shown on the proposed plan would not be acceptable because of steep grades.3. The l.lest Vail I-70 Interchange is already over-burdened. More density would put additional stress on it. Fi I e No. 7c-II7 -79 - ll. M. C. 0. Renta'ls A. Request: Zone Chanqe for .3866 acres from Resource to Commercial General B. Backqround: This is a small parcel at the Avon Blvd. Hwy 6Intersect'i on. Current'ly a dwelljnq js locatec:n'it.C. Staff Recomrnendation: Recornmend denial 1. The major cornmercial locaticn at Avon is the shopping center across the river. Commerc-; I oeneral is more appropriate near the center.2. The very heavy traffic expected at th'i s intersection would be further impacted by cornnnercial general use.3. Many of the uses by richt in the CG Zone would be inappropriate for this srna11 parcel. Parkinq, in particular, would be difficult to accommodate.4. Any conrmercjal use (ranted wouid result in severe building constraints. because of 50'setbacks from the tvto roads and a 75' setback from the res'idential zone in the rear. File No. 7c-IIB-79 - Jeff Selby A. Request: Zone Chanqe for 23.06 acres from Resource to Resjdentjal Suburban Low B. Backoround: The land 'in question is formerly public land traded to applicant in exchange for an enclave at Game Creek. C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend tablinq The site is acceptable for RSL zoning and access is good. llowever, a study is needed to determine the impact on Buffer Creek Road and the I-70 Interchanoe, both of which have increasjnqly heavy traffic. EAGI.E COUE$TY Departrnent of Planning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssroNERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-667 4 Decerydcer 26, l-979 RErJ[!VED IlIi-; ,, L it)7g Uepl. ol fldnnilr; & Dcyel. l€g,e! Countt Cblo.Thomas Ne1son McKee 7086 5th Avenue Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Ref erence Fi I e l{o. zc-Lr8-79 The purpose of thjs letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrnation, the follovring is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B. selbY Descript.ion of subject lapd; North and east of the valley at VaiI Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing I Subdivision. Present ZOne Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential Suburban Low Density Date and Location of Publ'ic Hearing: 7:00 P.14. Jan'arv ?, Ia8o County Commllsioneii-TE6ting Room #103, McDonald Building 550 Broadr^ray, Eagl e, Col orado Your comments concerning this application are invited. information, do not hes'itate to contact this office. pep further Sincerely, ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50 R JZO.bJ:'J BUILDING IN SPECT ION 328-6339 CLERK & RECOROER Eaqle 328-6377 Bdaalt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-667 4 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMET!TAL H EALTH 328-7 7 18 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7 747 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 32I -659 4 Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & BR IDG E 328-65 9 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661I Baialt 927 -3244 G ilman 82 7-5 75 I soc lA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 3-lzattz Qr''-' tr -M&1 Terrill Knight Director of Planning .ln^.r-l 1\-lu d' ! t' [ $- Ce -2. n,',.c1.- t*^ L - a' u 9,n("rt l-, ,) - /.2 a t\'.1-t t) r Je' UY /!:'' c etr\^ -,h^2,/*1 t, 6,... ?ft't'6- ,,.rY,-)t '-*- IMPACT RE?ORT LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED FILING NO. 4 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared for: Jeffery B. Selby and Maro Selby P.O. Box l52B Va11, Colorado 81657 Pronrra.i hrr. A1len Gerstenberger Associates 2040 L4th Street Suice 100 Rnrr'l der. {lnl nrado 80302 , vvrvrsv 28 August 1979 Reuised 20 Actober 7979 Reuised 27 December i979 . Irnpact Report . Page 1 INTRODUCTlON Thls report revlews the najor lssues lnpacted by the zonlng of the proposed Llonrs Rldge Subdlvlslon Fi1lng No. 4. These lnpacts lnclude the socJ-a1, econonic, and physlcal lssues. Engineering reports on draiaage and trafflc have been prepared and are included in the appendices. The forurat of this report is sinple: brlef cosrarent s about each of the maJor lssues are presented, suunarlzing the pertinent polnts. The supportlng reports and calculatlons have not been lncluded ln the text, although some explanatory lnforuratlon has been lncluded at the end of the report. Note that the flgures presented are approxiEaEions. Projected lnpacts are estlmat.es and are lntended to represent the order of roagnltude of the lnpact. TABLE OF CONTENTS InEroducL 1on OVERVIEW THE PLAN The Plan The Setting: Densities of Nelghboring Deve lopmenE s Deslgn Solution THE IMPACTS 10 Social and Econonj.c Impacts Population Sc hoo 1s Fire Protect.ion Po1lce Protection Re crea t lon Visual Impacts Emp loymen t ReEall Sales Governmental Revenues Physical- Impaccs Vegetation Drai.nage Geology & So ils Water S ewer Air Qualiry Traffic Trans i t t0 10 r0 11 ll 1l L2 I2 L2 14 L4 t4 I5 l5 l5 i6 l8 MITIGATION MEASURES IB No tes 19 Bibliography 1n tervi ews APPENDICES 24 Roadway Analysis and Traffic Report for LionsRidge Subdivision (12/ 26 /79) Drai.nage Study for Ehe Proposed LionsRidge Subdivision No. 4. (L0/LL/79) B, Iurpac r Report Page I OVERV PROPOSAL LAND USE SCFPOLS The proposal is for the subdivision and zoning of approx- maEely 43.33 acres, locaced about lL miles wesE of Vail above the North FronEage Road. The property is accessed from Sandstone Drive and Lionts Ridge Loop. The requested zoning would permic l8 single femily Iots; 67% of Ehe site would remain as open space or "resource" zonins. The residential land use is conslstenr wich the existing neighborhood. The densities requested (0.42 dwelling unlts/gross acre) are significanEly lower than the sur- rounding neighborhood, which includes project.s wir.h densities exceedlns 30 DU/acre. The projected populacion at full build-our will be abouL 50 persons; !.his represenEs less than \% of che effec- Ei.ve population of Ehe Gore Va1ley. An estimeted 2 to 7 new students nighu be added to the school district; the capacity is available to meec this demand. 2' 6-B 1n 10 There would be abiliry of the litEle negative j-rnpacE on Ehe service fire deparcmenc; Ehe siEe is noc fire districE. la-,tJ presently in a There will be negligible visual impacc rcsulEing from Ehe developmenE because of che elevaEion of the sice above the valley floor and the topography of the site lt.self ; only 6 units will be visible from Ehe highway. No new permanent jobs will be created by chis develop- Dent; abouc 75-120 person-years of construcEion ernploy- ment will be generated. There will be one-E.ime fees of about $50.000 $95,000 of annual revenues qenerated at full- received by all loca1 governmental entities 11 i2 For Eagle County alone 5.19-'!!0 and the annua.L A drainage report has indicates Ehat there drainage is overland handled wilh swales, driveway cuLverts. ^-^ !-:-^ t^^^ ' 9!I!:!A!.19-a-9Q revenues should and about bulld-out should total about be about $14,000. The waEer and sewer disEricEs have sufficient supp lies and capacities to roeet the additional demands been conducted for the site and are no drainaqe wavs of concern; in "sheet." form and can be easily rock-Iined ditch. headwall and uEt\s 1 I I E5 POPUI-ATION VISUAL GOVERMENT REVENUES t:t InpacE Report Page 2 AIR AUALIry TRAFF]C VOLTJIYE AI\D ROAD CAPACITY TRANSIT JEI(Y ILE. The proj ect will represent about 3/4ths of one percenc of the fireplace pollution in the West Vail airshed and about 1% of fhe automobile alr pollution in the airshed. The traffic design capaciry of Lionrs Ridge Loop is 1,680 vehicles per hour (vph); all qroperty served by this road will generate 19i vph wpfa developed as Presently zoned; the proposed Filing No. 4 will generate less thar 14 lph, representing under 1Z of the roadway design capacity. FICUR!: ILLUSTR{TIXC RELlTlOtiSlltP BETTJEL\ RoAD i *rACiTY d IRAIFIC o&A-\rD on Llon's a1d8e Loop i 4>r,t;rr:ri.r {':,,ttt+ F,a( Ra f ovranaa Paoe 16-17 It pendix I Txlc z,t1nrt1 -w.r\ clu\ "ul,ut-t;\t,rr.1* )..a+t-r '^pLt <;4L ).,'a t4 L 1l '.ti -l'$4\uttr; SOUR.CE: Keot i,ose. 'Road'rav AnaLysis !or LionsRldge Subdiveion, ::1d ?lllig, ,:a8le Counv , Color3do, DeceEber 1979 C;P.{CiTY to. Lloo' 5 Rr.dBe :oop: Ca r ac I r:/ --------------1- L,530 vp hi 2?^{ o.ra.r {ri.D/.----- I a I ((i:ulI deve loDnenC ) scALEr i Each vehlc Ie - Approx. 100 vDh* +rph. vehj..les ?er hour Based on the roadway desi.gn capacity, land served by Lionts Ridge Loop cou.ld accommodate over 2300 dwelling units over and above those presently zoned and proposed Based on Lhe traffic engioeering analysis, roadway design is noE a Iirniting factor on the proposed project A dernand for about 23 bus rides daily (winter) coul-d be ocnera t-p. )F Frr'l deveIonncnl-. rhis afone is in-t er'4v sufficient to meri-E bus service. Inpact Repo rt Prop 1 ' ' - "ro- - TI]E. PLAN * The property being revievred involves Ehe subdivj.sion and zoning of approximaEely 43 acres of meadow and hillside property, located about 1b niles west of the rnain Vail interchange above rhe North FronEage Road, accessed from Lj-onrs Ridge Loop. It would be described as Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 Blocks 1 and 2. * The proposed land use is resident.ial and open space. It will include 18 slngle farnily dwelling unj"ts at full build-our. The density is less signj-flcantly less rhan neighbori-ng develop- nents. (See discusslon on "The Settj.ngt', page 6.) * The site includes a variety of land forns including meadows, aspen groves, and steep hil1s ides. * The following exhibit. suurmarizes data about Ehe proposed developrnent D1an. LIONIS RIDGE FILING NO. 4 (PROPOSED) SUMI"IARY OF LAND USE DATA Area of Block I Area of Block 2 l{ater storage s ite Area Uni ts 3. 88 acres 6 LZ 9 .46 r .27 Area Eo remain "Resource Zone" i9.00 Open space TOTAI. Average Denslty: 43.33 acres 18 units n Z? flll nPr l-of e'l :qfes ' Inpact ,Page 4 '.i oo (J >\o .ri ll A{AX oo o.F.l€.4 z F&z oo HOslb0 Ei O- tr 0) (J O OFI (! O l.r .-{ .r{ O Fl Or FJlr< tn \.J \l) <,ij, E ,r 'ri \\\\\ \-' * -< ^{l F' ,' \l I I" I I't.."l''r .- | ,'.L . 'r:; .tl l t ..\- r :'l ' I 'l: ,: ./l rr ,.] ,- r, .l,t A ///// it( , , iw,)w Iropact Report Page 6 The Setting: Densities of Neighborlng Developments * Developnents in the inrsediate vicinity range from single farnily lots to projeccs $rich densiti-es over 48 dwelllng units per acre. (The zoning requesced for thls site ls 0.42 DtJ/acre,) * Developments adjacent to Ehe proposed subdivision have an average density of about 2.9 DIJ/acre, The access road for the top portion of che subdivision is Lionrs ?,ldge Loop. The average denslty for all projects served by Ehis road is about I.5 DU/acre. The rnajor development is The Valley which has an overall densi.ty of. 2.45 DU/rotal acre. The access road for Ehe lower portion of the subdivision is whlch also serves Homestake, LLons Mane, t.he Eigher Chalets, and Lots A-l ,2) & 3. The average densiry of these projecEs is over I d uu,/ acre . The developments t.o the south and east of the proposed subdivision are in Ehe "view corridor" of the subdivision; that is, when the the subdivision j.s visible frorn tlre Frontage r{oad and the Interstate, other bulldings that are l-n the field of visioo are considered to be ln the "view corri.dor. " (The general area of this "corrj.dort' is indicated on the exhibit on page 8 ,) Projects 1n the rrview corrldor[ include: Vail Run (21.8 Du/acre), Brakaway (45,5), the enployee housing proj ect ( 19. 7 ) , Telemark (20. 1) , Casolar (6. 9) , Honestake (48. 5) , Lions Mane (28.7), Eiger Chalet (11.7), and Snow Lion (19.1). The average density for the proj eccs in Ehe t'vles corri-dor" is over ro uu / acre. The exhibit on the following page sumnarizes the locations and densities of most of the surrounding properties. The table on page 8 surmrarizes daEa about Ehe densities of nelgh- boring property, including Eheir area, number of uniEs existing or allowable, and relationship to the proposed subdivision rv.iEh respect to (1) proxfuoity, (2) access roads, and (3) visibility. (F d ctf s tp -l \sl \6 \< .SF -*u i 'I q'i \.$srg t 3 \r si { s. ro q ro an Impact Repo rt Page 7 '_t',r N}is' \ + tr s a a ( \ z H C' H H Fr Cr) H&A ti .iZ; i-.r F{ (J FFI kl lri >r A. OF F.ZA ZJ o*r'l lr; !!-c<F4 lJ lil FtT ts Z c') f-.r L N ID F u I s tr { E FJ t f v v \! Y#;It'r\ d l\ \\ $1\ \r u t\\.-*-\} tl 't- J 4 w <. -| It c s. Impact Report 'Page 8 Q\).F, '\r tr \ 'r.\ q-' !\c) J F-J +) OQ \ F-r $'cr e,) o3 0 & +J r'n AD +) p .cl oo .du +r +) '+ou i o{\J s$ q) O 'Fr O l+rFn aj '. i: O UIJ (Do$o. $ FJ& q)t)Bq)U!,'u (J S F*tl o s dt $ cr {l o F E rf I ,c:o$ti rD && s(J : Si.\\) \\ ^ ^rN ^ :\j.- E q) * $ 5 s.r\ oFJ o) s .d q)cca$ "Qvr $ A 's! 'd R &AA i: R ., .o ai $' s t)'-r \J('))3 B i .}) \o (r) olb A R -'l.r '$ 'tr . *+ a & F-.t :) S: b $ bFJ \O +-)+) +) rs +J \J ..tJ :! ar tF- ai I 'J vJ eJ $q-a$\ s BBdS$d3"S :. $ & &.r'r.r i. o. o: e.u eJ E q) 'rl Ol.i (4 o? ,a a & $'J $ $ c\l$ (D $ A. -|) +r .ij * l+r ..-] C, U r-t lt l.l .{) l\ n\d d\ d..r..r *-q .c).d s:.F\ O F-!'+ .\ Ft{aHdA\ rr\ \a N \qJ +) i A. R .{ +J $$ q) rt) Q) l.a .Ag oo & F-l r.-. aD o'B q) o o \J c *l .a q) o.o A. ID +) .J \J€ q) It t. l Phone interxiet": u/ iin Rubin, TaV; --S .a -^1 ; ^^-+\1r r.L! .'1LrL' L. vcatLL , \J 3(J (n \\z5 oq) c :]N q) u'r c{O .i .-r O l.,- u1 \1. O tr) Cf\ -i clt F\ cO r\ Or --.r ri N t'- O ra Ln \O,-<..1 .-r c' (\ rn co co OO cO -r c,.\ r\ \T {n o C.J \o C.l fO -.i. Nv) N N !o 'rl O .ir.,.-l .r{ 3p CJOqJCJOOJ r-t .-{ .-l r-l --l :iGcdd.ad 33 3 3 = 3 cooooo r{ ...'r f-.i F-{ .-t .-1 F{ -r .-l Fl .< .-l c!.0d(!cd(d .a O.r\O -a C) l'- \O.-r cO N -? .i 01 OF- \O6l \.o\O{,.< N L/.\ fa \o -r --{ $ tr) o\ ci .l') \o tn -r ri .u o F-i c0 o{J >(t €.) I >0)* .* .r + **** * I Fl 'O cl c)>A r-l .rl !l .* (g F{ F{ .-l .-l Fi ocda(!(!o .F{ .:t ..1 .rt .r..i !..{ IJJ]JtJ1J+J lr J( tr 'x J( l-r.r k* ir tr !!dldtdcJd c0 AJ^tro <r, Ll OJU lJ< <t) LI d e'l \C al @ --. \aF u.) r/i CrO Or Lr'l <' \O (n Or \O f-- tJ t/.l rt ca cn '"r (\{ @ c{ O cn en cO ca ca cc O . Lrr O c'l c\lo r-.ca . . O '.-. ri cO O \O -. \C) C{ ""r Fr \o _ri$ ..{ a 'rl .n 'c q) c c l.r o +J a o'(' .i tr >o * * * +< l< * J< * t< * r.( * * l( t<* La .-.1 ,1 C! --r --r .l(-.***J<-x * aJ (\ J<l< E.L; '1J U cc '-)-o l< **J<*** q, id z q, U !r a0 r-J .-.r >. o H c0 aJ I os tr > cJO -rE ld!r..a3iOt O c0 ! r0 (iJ.nC4 >|'"i o rr > n aA E )tr A a aJ O C t) C O 3 (!-l-{:tr :0 6 A e a Fl C cJ '.1 a.O Qi ..i -tr.-o.oocl-3E:E '.i !l 3'-:=OFU):.>B.l !-l o o o ft -o :)<c! Or \O rJ . il ri .A !d Ln ( aJ ,-{ u.\- :-t u \\ __\ - co --rN ca c. t ro.o F -< N an \o i | | | | ttrs | | | | | | | |< <(JCJ(J =f-<<<:c =clQQ Fi F. --l F{o cJ o 0J co o o o o -'\ l-l i.r ! F r'- \t d(!d(! | | S)URCE: Toun of Ya'iL DCD Meno i/9/79; c"a $\ H <H El>Ztl 11 an F &- z.) FO c1 z f&i Hh >.q H T.J a za o ' InpacE Reporc page 9 Deslgn Solution * The intent of Eheland use plan is to nrininize impacts Eo the exiscing land form and vegetacion, and to conceal as rnuch of the development from oEher neighborhoods or from public access corri-dors as possible. * The large loEs provide for good building sites; this was done Eo e1i-uinate unnecessary disruption co E.he site. * Road deslgns, widths, and locarions have been based on the exisEing ropography and vegetaEion so as r.o minimize earchwork required. * Tr,ro-thirds of the site has been designaEed as open space. Much is excel-lenL for hiking and passive activities; ic will also provide an inporr.anE visual open area (on visible hillsides) f rorn rhe va11ey floor. Inpacc Repor t 'Page l0 TI1E IMPACTS SOCIAL IMPACTS Pop ula ci on * For purposes of projectlng population, iE has been assumed that all of Lhe populaEion resulting from chis projec! is new to the Gore Valley. (This will not be the case as several, if nor all of ghe lots, will be developed by exiscing perTnanent residents, However, for purposes of Ehis study, E.he "worst caset' situation was assuned). * Although all unius are cLassified as 'rlong-term residential" uniLs, we have assumed- -Lhat about one-Ehird of thern will be renEed on a short- Eerm basis. r' This is considered to be a conservative approach. * The projecEed populaEion at full- build-ouE and fu11 occupancy is esti- 1 n:ated Eo be approxiuat.ely 50 persons (aE an average of 2.8 persons/d.u.).- * The present overnight population of the Gore Valley (residents and visitors) is esEinated to be between 17,500 and 22,000 (depending upon the estinated number of persons per dwelling unit). * The full development. of this site as proposed would represenE abouL 0.22 j,ncrease in the EoEal overnight population j.n Ehe Gore Valley, if nothing else in lhe area developed. At the projected ulcimaEe popu- laEion of che Va11ey, "this project will only consciEuEe about 0,L% of the total populacion.' S choo ls * This project is noE expecEed !o generate more Ehan 2 to 7 st.udents. The School District can easily handle this increased denand. * The following chart indj-cates enrollnenE and capacities for the schools serving rhis siEe: Capacitv Enrollment Red Sandstone Elementary School 500 Battle MounEain Elernencary School 430 430 0 230 MinEurn }tiddle School Battle |,lount.ain High School TOTAIS Fire Pro tec cion 500 500 1,930 1,002 * The 43 acre site is not locared in a fire district. IE is presenEly served as a "courtesy" by the Vail Fire Protection District. Impact. Report Page 11 Based on an i.nterview wich Fire Chief Gordan Swanson,3 lhere is no real problem in serving Ehe area. He recommended. that the area be annexed inro the Fire ProEection DisEricE. rnclusion in Ehe District would iurprove the fire insurance raEing. rf the site is locaEed outside of a districc, it. will be a class l0 (no service); if chey join Wese Vail Fire District, Eheir class would be an 8; ic would drop to 6 if in the Fire Protection District. The response time would be longer than fo most oEher areas in Ehe comnunity, but r.'ou1d be no longer than to some areas in Bighorn, The Distrlct is pursuing the constxucEion of a substatlon in West Vail that would reduce the response time require. No additional equiprneqt or manpower would be required Lo serve the proposed development . J Police Prorection The development of the 43 acre site would marginally increase Ehe dernand on Ehe County Sheriff's Department. The actual nanpovrer determination would be based on Ehe level of service required by the developnenE of other projects in the west Vail area afrer additional projects are built. A project of this size and naEure wil1, praccically speaking, require infrequent. service calls. The site will have a long response cime from the counEy sheriff's office in Eagle and could possibly negatively affect the response time to other areas of the county, depending upon servi"ce requirements. The intersection of Buffher Creek Road and Lion's Ridge Loop is pre- sently a relatively dangerous intersection. However, it vrill be up- graded aF a part of the developmenE of parcels C, D, & E of Lion's Ridge 2nd Filing. (See traffic engineering report for more inf or:naLion. ) Rec reat ion There will be a narginal increase in demand for recreational facilicies as che resulE of fu1l development of the projecE; lt may be assumed that the lncrease will be proportional to the increase in popularion, Ic is reconmended by E.he Recreation Director 5 Ehat this area be annexed inEo Ehe Vail MeCropolitan Recreation DisErict as soon as possible. Visual Inpacts The ptoject has been sited so as to have oriniural visual exposure co traffic on the rnEersEate or FronEaqe Road. This is possibl-e because Impacr Report Page L2 Ernp lovmen t. * The development will have no significanE "local service jobs" will noE be created. * Temporary, direct consErucEion employmenc 75.IZe person-years of employnenr. spread ^',r- ^o'.i.'; 5 RetaiI SaIes S eas on Occupancy Average Exp endi Eure Rate by Group/ Day of the land forms and elevation changes involved. Six lots will be visible from areas ouEside of Ehe proposed siEe. These locs are visible frou boEh easEbound and wesEbound traffic on lhe lntersLate. The siting and design of che buiJ.dings on these lot.s is cricical to cheir impacE. They have Ehe PoEenlial to be ex- tremely visible and "1oud" buildings, or unobtrusive, "quieL" bulld- ings. The siting, relationship to Ehe slope' colors, etc. wiIl be very important ln making che bulldings as subule as possible. The issue of design review and control is extremely inPortant. * At full developnrenL, increased retail sales are projecred Eo be aPprox- irDaE.ely $44,000 .rnnually. (fhis is based on one-Chird of the uniEs being renEed on a short-term basis. ) The f o11orlring exhibit presenEs Ehe estirnated retail sales by season: impact on enpl.oYment. New is estimaEed to be about over the 5 co 15 year build- Number of Unl rs Annual (ShorE-term & ExPendi- 2nd home owners) cures WinEe r (150 days) S umne r (120 days) TOTAL 60 days (402) 18 days (rs7") 6 (33"1) 6 (33"1) $36,000 7 ,600 $43,600 $r00 $70 The sales tax (ac 47.) $1;7oo per year. genera ted by this level of expendi Eure would be Gove rnmental Revenues The estimated annual revenues to a11 governmencal enEifies serving Ehe proposed is (au courpletion) about $95.000 per ,vear. The one-Eime revenues (from construction) for all governmenEal entities is s50, 000. : Impact Report 'page I3 * The annual revenues to Eagle County are estimaEed to be about $14,000 per year at full developrnenE. x One-Eime revenues for Eagle CounEy are project.ed to be abouE $18,000. * The following tables summarize Ehe calculaEions, sources, and recipients of revenues resulting from Ehis developmenE: ESTII.{ATED ASSESSED VAIUATION OF LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 4 Type Number EsE. Value MarkeE Value cfo Assessed (G 5110/sf) ComuleEed Bu.ldinqs ValuaEion (222) Single Farnily 9275,000 $4,950,00C $1,089,000 (ave 2500 sf) x - ?itis is tne swn of uaLues of cLL buildings + Land aftel' struckttes l aue been completed; it is not the ualue of the Lanrl. alone after' subdiuidi-ng th.e patceL - REVENUE ESTII4ATES FOR EAGLE COTNfi, SPECIAL DISTRICTS, and SELECTED FUNDS for LIONSRIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 4 Entity/Source/Fund Basis Annually G One-tiure Full Devel- Cons Eruction opmenE charge EAGLE COIJNTY l. County General 12 . 78 rnills S 14 ,000 Property Tax t a^--F-..^r.i ^- -- permiEs $18,000 Sub-cotal: Eagle County $14,000 $18,000 IJPPER EAGLE VAI.LEY SANITATION 1. Property Eax 8.0 rnll1s $ 8,700 2. Sewer user charge 97.4O/mo/DU 1,600 3. ConnecEion charge $800/DU $14,000 LIONSRIDGE WATER DISTRICT 1. Properry rax 8.0 mils $ 8,700 2. water user charge 912.50/rno/DtJ 2,700 3. Connection charge gfOO0/DU $18,000 VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 3.25 nr-ills $ 3,500 (assurnes annexaEion C0L0RAD0 ){OuiiTAli\r COLLEGE 5. 36 mi11s 5 5 .800 45.94 nills S50,000 $95,000 $5c,000 RE5OJ SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTALS ' Impact Repor E page l4 PHYSICAL IMPACTS Vege Eat ion * Vegecacion generally consisEs of grasses, sagebrush, willows, evergreens, and aspen Erees. * Becarise of rhe extremely low densiEy of Lhe project, Ehere will be mini- rnal change in vegetation patterns; roads and building siEes have been sited so as Eo have litEle affect on existinq Lrees. * Most of Ehe souEh facing slopes, generalLy covered wit.h aspens and natural grasses, will be dedicated as open space. Drainag e * A drainage report has been courpleEed for the proposed Filing No. 4 by Eldorado Engineering Coupany (Glenwood Springs). A copy is included in Ehe Appendix. ' * Drainage calculaEions and peak rua-off figures were calculaced for the equivalent of a l0-year sLorm in accodance wiEh Ehe Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. Additional information was provided on estimaEed peak flows for surface water run-off for a 100-year slorm as well. * The general conclusion of the engineerrs report was lhat anEicipated drainage through che site can be easily handled with swales, rock-11ned ditch, head wall and driveway culverts. In t.heir reporc, the engineers s tated : The site although steep has no drainage uaAs, elen minor in nattue, that aould affect deuelopment as proposed, Drainage is ouerland ln ltsheettt form rather than channeLed and slnuld remain tlnt uag after deuelopment ii eare is taken to dLsperse dtainage from araund man-rnade abstructions (Lnmes, aalLs, dtiues, etc, ) and roof dtains, * Specific reconunendations for controlled surface water run-off and drainage facilities were included in their report. A11 are reasonable and should be lmplernented by rhe developer. Geologic, Soils, and Slope Stability * AE Ehe Liroe E.his irnpact report was prepared, no sati-sfactory engineering sEudies have been compleE.ed regarding geologic, soi1s, or slope scabiliry issues for this site, The developer j.s in the process of cbcaining these reporEs and copies should be subroitted co the County staff for review when cornp leted . ftnpact Report Page 15 Water * The p rope rty * The Dis c ric t about 480 DU hundred" are * Jim Collins, Elme, there Sewer is in the Lion's Ridge Water Districc, has Ehe capaciry ro serve about 900 to 1000 dwelling uni,ts; are presently being served and an additional "couple of being added Eh j.s suumer. o nanager of the DiscricErs affairs, staced thac, at Ehis ,.should be no problem supplying water for the development. o The property is in the Upper Eagle Va11ey Sewer DistricE has a capacity of t.reaf ing 1.1 rnillion gallons of sewage lowing the planE expansi.on (to begi.n shortly), rhey will about 3.5 rnillion gallons/day. According Eo Jim Collins, rlanager of che DistricE, chere problen serving the proposed developmenc. which p resently per day. Fol- be able to E reat should be no Air Qualluy * The l.ies u Vail airshed has an esEimated time, Assuming that Ehe dwelling units (i.n fact, the average is slightly less number of fi.replaces is projected to be I lieSt Var1. ' 900 co 1000 fireplaces at this average one fireplace aach 1-han one/DII). thpn the ulEiloaf e 2,265 at full developmenE of If developed 1n the CounEy, each dwelling uni.t in the proposed subdivision '.rould probably have one fireplace. ExEernal combusrion air, heatilaEor design, and glass doors to conserve energy should be required. At full build-out, the proposed development would constitute about t.hree- quarEers of one percenE of che fireplaces in the tr{esf Vail airshed and about one-sixth of ooe percent of che total number of fireplaces irr Ehe Gore Valley. This proj ecr conbined Vail will represenc abouE 1.4% of the carbon monoxide in Ehe and about 0.72 of che ni.lrogen oxid Village and West Vail airsheds q and hydrocarbon emissions. o , )ttt /., ,, /,,E< InpacE Report Page 16 Traf f ic A traffic engineering reporE for Lion's Ridge Loop has been completed specifically for this project by Kenr Rose. Vail, Colorado. A coPY is aEtached. The report evaluaLes the craffic demand resultins from all land The general conclusion of the traffic system serving Lj-onsRidge Filing No. 2 to carry a1l future traffic generaEed development. " roadway capaciEy and the served by Lion's Ridge LooP. study was: "The local roadway . ., i-s sufficiently adequate frorn proposed and exisEing Based on the craffic engineering study, Lionts Ridge Loop is capable of safely accommodating nesrly._rine_ !imes as much traffic as wj-11 result fron the fu1l development of al1 properry along the road -- both presencly zoned and proposed. The design capacicy of Lion's Ridge Loop is 1,680 vehicles per hour (vph) Th. ptgj =r!=9 l:glj.g rhar \ri1l be createci aE full build-out of all land served bv Che road wilL be t9I vDh rrhe rnocf conpeqt6'-l n^ihr'tttv r u Lv116gr!vv rv4'rL ^- l.k^ F^-,1. rL, i - -^^-^- L, 1 I ?7 ^F tho .ioci on .rnr^ i rw clrrsrsttLr (,rrr-Y r Lrrc usJr6Lr More E.han 2-100 additional dwelling units, over and above che number of units allowable under prescnt zcning, could be consEructed withouE exceeding the design capacity of the road system as ic PerEains co vehicLe trips. The craffic generated from the proposed liling No. 4 will be l0 vph for Block 2 and 3,8 vph for Block 1. Ihis represents less than lZ of the design capacity of rhe roadways. This project will only accounc for 5% of che actual traffic on Lion's Ridse LooD aE f ull build-out of the neighborhood. The roadway capaclcy analysis aEtached is based on che Colorado Department of Hlghway publicarion RoaCway Design flanual. The formula used accounts for such variables as che road type, Eerrain, design speed, stopping sight distrances, passing si.ghE distances' vert.ical alignmenE, lane width, speetl , signage, and qualitl/ of road surfaces. Reconunenda t i ons for improvlng problem areas i,n the road have been included in the craffic study reporc. They are primarily additional signage and speed limit reduct j.ons; signs required include stop signs 'curve warnings, and speed reduction signs. No capiEal improvements are required (ot.her chan the intersection improvemenE of Lionis Ridge Loop and Buffher Creek Road which rvill 'oe made by rhe developers of Filing No. 3). Inpact Report Page 17 FIGURE: ILLUSTMTING RELA,TIOIISHIP BETI.IEEN ROAD ge LooP 'e>$,t csre-*^ ctr')fuieRSo LDq ffiorz,,u,t+w4 fauatW'dlilua7au64 SOURCE: Kent Rose, "Roadway Analysis for L j-onsRidge Subdivsion, 2nd Filing, Eagle Couny, Colorado, December 197 9 CAPACITY for Li.on's Ridge Loop: Capaci-gv--J I ,680 vph* Drn i perpd derrand :-J 19 t (G fu11 development ) SCALE: I Each vehicle = Approx. 200 vph* i *vph = vehicles per hour ; . . ImPact RePott . Page l8 * The project couLd generace a dernand for about 23 passenger Erips by bus per day And.less than Eirree tri.ps durin; Ehe peah hours. (This assumes Ehe same level- of service as Bighorn, ) rli This area is noE presently serviced by a bus system and, given the limiEed demand, it alone would not meriE service. YITIGATION MEASURES * To iurprove the fire insurance rating for the resldents of ghe area and co generate revenues for the fire district, the areas should be annexed into E.he Vdil Fire Protection DisErlct. * The area should also be annexed into Ehe Vail Metropolltan Recreation Distrj.cE t.o assisE in paying for some of the addicional recreacion demand char viLl result. * The visual lmpacts of the six loLs locaced on SandsEone Drive is of concern. It is importanE Ehat. design controls be imposed to ensure thac the bulldings are compaEible with the surrounding residences and . the character of the neighborhood. The developer should establlsh protective covenants that provide for archiEecuural and design revlew cont.rols. * Fireplaces should be liurited Eo one per dwelling unit and energy conservation measures should be required, includi.ng the use of external combustion air, heatilator design, and glass doors. Impact Repo rt . ?age 19 NOTES I. The occupancy of dwelling uniLs in the Gore Val1ey has recently been determlned Ehrough the Special Census for Eagle CounEy, The l97B study, conducted by the Bureau of Ehe Census, indicated an occupancy rare of 2.8 persons per dwelling unit for che CounEy. In a phone conversations wich Susie Vaughn, CounEy PIanner, this is the "officia1"figure used for estimaEiog population at chis time (3 Decenber 1979). It should be noted thaE at besE the populaEion project.ions indicate only a relative number of people, not Ehe exact population. 2. The presenE population of the Gore Valley estimaEes are based on infor- InaEion frour Ehe Vail Departnent of Cormrunity Development (5/L5/79). The projected population is based on a report for the rrater districts by the firrn of Camp Dresser & McKee of Denver. It should be noced EhaE Ehe perceotage of populaEion represenced by rhe development of the Lionts Ridge parcels is consistenE \theEher the "per dwelling unit" population is assumed to be 2.8or 4.4. The follow- ing table surularizes the informalion in tire Camp Dresser McKee popula- Fr'^n . r-',Jr' /Tl,p nlpqpnl- nrrrrhcr nf t'^--'-!"-- "-:--r' "- esEimated tO LI(]rr sLU(Jy. \J-rrc. prE.>c'rr ErlJ-sLr.rrB rrrrr Lr be closer ro 51000 than Ehe 1977 figures presented in Eheir report.) SU}OIARY OT PROJECTED DEVELOPIIENT for the GORI VALLEY Camp Dresser & McKee WaEer Discrict (a) Exisring Toral Ultiroate ULtimate Units (b,c) Units (c,d) Population (e) Ri ohnrn Lr_on s K_t- o ge Vail Village Wes t V_4i1 Intermounrain (f) f60 450 2L5 27 48 365 615 1005 626 4LB4 964 r609 6s6 (f) Lt4L/. ,\1<t, 18410 4242 70 B0 2B86 (f) To E als 9044 39794 (a) Includes a]"l areas served by Lhat water district. (b) Based on lat.est figures where known, ocherwise based on Ntay 1977 rrgures. (c) A unit is I residence, or 2 overnight rooms, or 2 ernployee housing accomodations. (d) Based on Growth }lanagemenE Sub-Comnitree ReporE, and coordination wich Vail Planning scaff, and waEer district representatives and engineeTs. (e) Unit Eimes 4.4 persons per r.:.nic, with I00 percenE occupancy, (f) Includes Highland i'{eadows Fllings I and 2. I -, InpacL Report ' Page 20 3. Phone interview wiEh Chief Gordon Swanson, Vail Fire Proteccion District, 20 August 1979. 4. InCerview wiEh PaE Dodson, DirecE.or oE the Vail RecreaEion DeparEnenE. 5. The construcgion employmen! estimates are based on uhe rule of thumb that Lhere are l-6 full-time equiva-LenE jobs per nrillion dollars of sales value of construction. Given the level of knowledge about the actual number of uniEs thac will be builc after subdivision, the value of ghe L..i 1r-r--^, qL\-., Ehe esLimated number of construction jobs created 1s presented only as an extremely rough estimaEe. 6. Phone interview wiLh Janes Collins, maoager of the Lion's Ridge Water District, 20 August 1979. 7. The unpublished reporc prepared for the water disEricts by Camp Dresser and McKee was used as the basi-s for the number of dwelling units yet to be consLrucced j.n the WesE Vail airshed. Refer to the noEes on popula- tion for more information about Ehe number and location of unics antici- p ated . f Impact Repo rt Page 2I 8. InEerview wirh Dennis Murphy, Environmental HealEh Officer, Depart.menC of Conmunicy DeveLopment on 15 May 1979. And from the Emissions lnventory for the Core Valley, Vail, Colorado. 1978. Departmenc, of Comnruniry Development, pdge IV-14. AuEo enrissions resulCing from fu11 developmenC of this project are based on an esEimaEed 560 vehicle ur-i le s per day. The unit ernission factors are from the Colorado Air Poll,uEion Concrol Division, Composite Motor Vehicl-e E,n-is s Air QualiEy Enissi-on InvenEorv, Department of Connuni Ey DevelopmenE, Town of Vai1, Dennis Murphy, principal researcher, 1978. The following Eable summarized the daEa used: \EIIICLE EMISSION FACTORS AND CALCI'LATIONS for Lion's Ridee Subdivision Filine No. 4 Carbon NiErogen Hydro Monoxide Oxide Carbons Unit emissions (kilograns per mile G 30 mph in wincer) Est. vehicle rniLes per day ar fuII build out 0. 0Bll 560 45 3L72 1666 388 B 0.428 14L3 0.0012 0.0064 560 0.67 s60 3.6 Winter daily erni ss i. ons (kgl day) Es t. winter emissions G out of Vail villaoe Vail Fnr nrniect- fu11 build & [^Ies t o ?resent ent-i ssions o Present dwelLing units o Enr-ission/d, u. o Fu11 build out of d.u.'s o FuEure emissions 93 434 49 t16 3888 3BB8 0.0126 0.0586 7413 74t3 JI / I 93. 4 434 .4 Z increase due Eo project (in VaiL Village & West VaiL) ar L.4Z full-build our 0.8% 9. The vehicle-ruiles per day assumes 7 crtps/day/dwe11ing uniE wiEh an average trip discance oi 4.4 mi. This is based on phone incerview with Bob Tenney, Traffic ConErols Division, Colorado Departmenc of Highways on 14 May 1979r Ehe Traffic Engineering Report for Lion's Ridge Loop (atrached), ind estimates by Gerstenberger Assoclates. .f ' Impact Reporc 10. Calculations of the transit demand are based on data collecEed and pre- sented in the Eaele County and To ,--19/E-U3, l4ay 1978, DepartmenL of Community DevelopmenE, Tol,/n of Vai1. Ridership characEeristics have been assuned to be consistenE lrith Ehose of the Red Sandstone area. Based on Ehe factors used in the scudy and historical ridership data for the sandsEone bus route, the projected ridershj.p demand is calculated to be lesq Ehan three rlders during the peak hour and only 23 trips per day by bus. 11. This is considered to be conservative and thaE more Ehan two-Ehlrds of the unics will be for full Eime resldents. The conservative approach was taken Eo better evaluate che impacts resulEing from short-Eerm rental of some of che uni.ts. Inpact ReporL ?age 23 BIBLIOGRAPIIY The John Ryan Company, Denver.Inpacl Statenent for the Potato Pacch, Vail, Colorado. February 19 74, The John Ryan Corrpany and THK AssociaLes, Denver. Environnental InpacE Report ..for Glen Lyon, lqiLr_1Qglqrado. Septernber 1977, Transit Development P14n for Eagle CounEy and Town of V4i1, Department of Community Development, Town of Vail. J-978. Camp Dresser McKee, Denver. Selected pages of report t.o be released for rrater districts in Ehe Gore Va11ey, May L979. Rose, Kent, "Roadway Analysis for LionsRidge Subdivision,Eagle County . " Dec ernber 1979, Eldorado Engineers, No, 4", October "Drainage Study for Ehe proposed Lions Ridge Subdivision 11 , 1979, ' , r Impac! Report :. t .Page 24 I INTERVIEWS O,.INER/ DEITLOPERS Jeff Selby Ronald Todd TOWN OF VAIL Gordon Swanson PaE Dodson Dennis Murphy Jim Rubin EAGLE COUNTY Terrill Knight Susie Vaughn UPPER EAGI,E VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT LIONIS RIDCE I,IATER DISTRICT James Collins Owne r Pro ipcf Ar.-hi tccrlPlanner Chief, Fire Department Direccor, Recreacion Departuent Environmeotal l{ealth Of ficer Zoning Admi nis t ra E o r Dj-rec lo r, Deparcment of Planning and Building Insp ect ion Dis trict Manager r,A&a-s couNTY Department of P1 anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Decenlcer 26, L979 BOARD OF COUNTY cot!'tfvltSStoNERS 328-6809 AOiVIINISTRATION 328-66 74 ANII\4AL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R JZO.O)JJ BU ILDING INSPECTION 52at.b5JI CLERK & RECORDER Eaole 328-6377 Ba ia li 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO R NEY JZ6.Ot) / { ENGINEER SZtt.bJ 5 / ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH 32e-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-63 70 LIBRARY 32a-7787 PU B LIC HEALTH Eaqle Sl ar-b) Y +Vail 4 7 6-5 844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BR IDG E JZO-O C J I SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 I Balalt 927-3244 Gitman 827-575 | SOCIAL >trHV I Li) 328.6328 I rlEA>UnCl( Jl at-b J /o Dean L. Knox 1 Downing Street, Unit 4 Denver, Colorado 80201 Reference File No. zc-rra-Hffi The purpose of this letter js to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrnation, the folIowing is provided: Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. Selby Description of Subject Land: North and east of the valley at vail Development and west of Lions nidge Fitingi 1 Subdivision' Present Zone District: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential Suburban r'ow Density Date and Location of Public Hear':tg: 7 : 00 P, 14. ,'ranrra rv 2 . r ego County CommTsllonersTEEIing Room #103, McDonald Building 550 Broadway, Eagie, Colorado Your comments concern'i ng this applicatjon are 'i nvited. For further 'informaiion, do not hesitate to contact this office. S i nc erely, Terrill Knight Director of Pl anning TKl kp EAGI.E CCUN-fY Department of Planning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163'I Decerr rer 26, 1979 n^- a- rn6hf6t 80218 Ref erence Fi I e l{0. zc-rre-T, 80 BOARD OF COUNTY COlvll\'IISSIONERS 326-6809 AD|/lINISTRATION ANII,4AL SHE LTE R 949-429 2 ASSESSO R ?, c-aqq ? Deane L. Knox and 1 Downigg Street Denver, Colorado BUILDING INSPECTION CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 32 3-6 3 77 Baialt 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY ENGINEER 323-6337 ENVIRONIMEIITAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTEI.ISION AGENT LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING ROAD & B R IDGE SHERIFF Elole JZd-trt) | |Aalall 927 -3244 brlmJn 62 /'.) /J I soc rA L 5-RVrCES 328.6328 txc,A>uHir-( 328.6376 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezon'ing appl ication made t.lhich, if aporoved, would affect land 'in your imrnedjate area. For your inforrnation, the follot'ring'i s provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrev B. selbv Description of Subject Land: North Development and. west of Lions Ridg'e and east of the Valley at VaiI Filingi 1 Subdivision. Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residen+-iar suburban Low Densaty Date and Location of Public Hear:irg: 7 :00 P.14. County Commi l'lcDonald Buiiding 550 Broadiray , Eagl e,Col orado Your comments concerning this information, do not hes'i tate a nnl irafinn arp invited qyy | 'LJ to coniact this office. S i nc erei y, For further Terri l1 Knight Director of Planning TK/ KP EAGI.g COEJN'fY Department of Planning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-731i EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decenber 26, 7979 Vail Associates I Mr. Jim Cunningham P,O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado A1657 Reference File llo. zc-lr8-+e f,O The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning appljcation made rdhich, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your infornratjon, the following is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B- selbY BOARD OF COUNTY coNlMI55tONER5 328.6809 ADMIN ISTRATION 328.6674 AN INIAL SHELTER 949.4292 AS5E55O R 328.5593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECOROER Eaqle 328-6377 Baialt 927 -3244 COU NTY ATTO R N EY 328-6674 ENG INEE R ENVIRONIVENTAL HEALTH 328-771a EXTENSION 328.6370 LIBRARY 3?8-17 81 PUBLIC HEALTH E aqte JZ 6-0JY.+Vail 47 6-5844 PLANN!NG ,tz6-t,JJo ROAD & BRIDGE JZ6-Of,Y I SHERIFF Ea qle 328-661 I Baiatt 927 -3244 (' man d4l-)/f I Description of Subject Land: North Development and i,/est of Lions Ridge and east of the ValleY at Vail Filinq 1 Subdivision. Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone D.istrict: Residential suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hear' rq: 7 :00 P. 14. McDonald Building 550 Broad'lay, Eag l e ,Col orado soc tA L SE R V ICES JZ6-t JZO For further TREAsURER 328-6376 Your comments i nformat i on, concerning thi s do not hesitate app'l icatiort are 'i nvited. to contact this office. 5 i nc erel y, / t/ /r',.^.'{/')Terril l Knight Director of Planning EAGI.,E CGTJN"fY Department of Planning & P. 0. Box 179 Phone EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 EOARD OF COUNTY cot!1Mrs5loNER5 326-6809 AD M IN IST RATI O N Devel opment 328-7311 Vail Associates I Mr- Jim Cunningham P.O. Box 7 Vail , Colorado 81657 Decery. cer 26 , 19'79 AN II\4A L SHELTE R 949-4292 ASSESSO R JZat-btYJ BU I LD ING INSPECTION CLERK & RECOROER Eaqle 328-6377 Ba ia lt 9 2 7-3244 COUIJTY ATTORNEY 328.66 74 JZO -O JJ / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77 | I EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 3 2 8-659 4 Vail 47 6-5844 PLANN ING JZ''.OJJO ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 |Baialt 927 -3244 Gtlman 6z /-) / ) | 50ctAL 328.632S TREASURER 328.6376 Terrill Knight Djrector of Planning Reference File l{0. zc-r:'8-13 gO The purpose of this letter js to advjse you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your irunediate area. For youri nformation, the following'i s provided: Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. Selby Description of subject Land: North and east of the val-1ey at vail Development and rrest of Lions Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision' Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone Djstrict: Resideniial suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hear-,:g: 7:00 P.11. .'Tanrrarv ? - leFo .. -County Commffi3, McDonald Building 550 Broad'.ray, Eagl e , Col orado Your comnients concerning this applicatiqn are invited. psi further information, do not hesitate to contact this office. Q innorol rr J 'r'uL' L 'J t EAGTE COUN"fY Department of Planning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Dece$ber 26 ' 19?9 Victor Kinnonen and Hel-en Bird P.O. Box 20I Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference File llo. zc-r\B-4g8O The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made r^/hich, if approved, would affect land in youlimmediate area. For your inforniation, the following is provided: Name of APP]icant: Jeffrey B- selbY Description of subject Land: North and east of the val-ley at Vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing I Subdivision' Present Zone District: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential Suburban Low Density Date and Location of Pub'l jc Hea'c ,rl 7:00 P.l'1, ,ranrr,eF' ?- tqeo county commffio3, McDonald Building 550 Broad'rray, Eagl e , Col orado BOARD OF COUNTY coMl\lrsSloNERs 328-6809 AOI\lINISTRATION 328 -6 6 74 AN II!1AL 5H ELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R 328.6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328.5339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-6377 aa ii lt I2 7-3244 CO U NTY ATTORNEY ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HE A LTH 3?8-77 t8 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Erqle 323-6594 Vail 47 6-5 844 PLANNII.JG ROAD & BRIDGE JZ 6.O f,:' I SHERIFF LaQle Jz6-oo I I Balalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL J t6 -D: ZO TREASURER 328-6376 Your conl:ents concern'ing Lhi s information, do not hesitate appi ication are in';ited. Fol furthei' to contact this office. S i nc ere1y, --Et/r'/ Terrill Knight D irector of Pi anni ng EAGLE COTjNTY Department of P1 anning & Deveiopment P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decenber 26, 1979 Stuart H. Brown P.O- Box 101 Vail , Colorado 81657 Present Zone Di strict: Resource Pro po s ed Date and 7:00 P.14. McDonald Building 550 Broadway, Eagle,Col orado Your comments concerning this appl ication are invited. For further information, do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, BOARD OF COUNTY cour\ltssloNERS 328.6809 AD l./l I N ISTR AT lO N AN IiIIAL SHELTER 949.4292 A5SE55O R 328-6593 BUILDING I N SPECT IO N 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Ea ale 328-6 3 7 7 8a;att 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO RTI EY 328-667 4 ENG INEER 328-5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTEN SION AG ENT 328-6370 LIERARY 32A-7787 PU BLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594 Y ail 476-5844 PLAN N II'JG 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 32 8-65 9 | :HERTF^l ^-..EaQle 5zd-oo | |Aalalt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 soc tAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 Reference File I{o. zc-rrl-1s80 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved' wou.l d affect 'l and in your immediate area. For your infornration, the following is provided: Name of APP1icant: JeffreY B- serbY Description of Subiect Land: North and east of the valley at vail Development and west of Lions Ridg;e Filing 1 Subdivision' Zone DistriCt: Residential Suburban Low Density Location of Publ ic Hearing: -MU4 I errr | | Knrgnf, Director of Planning EAGTE CCTJN-fY Department of P1 anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 December 26, L979 Robar Associates 7777 East Arapahoe Road Englewood, Colorado 80110 Ref erence Fi I e l.lo. Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. SelbY BOARO OF COUNTY cot!1r! SSIoNERS 328.68 09 ADMINISTRATION ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSEsSO R JZO.O5:rJ BUILDING I N SPECT IO N 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 3 2 8-63 77 Brialt I ? 7-3244 CO U NTY ATTORNEY 328-56 74 ENGINEER 328-633 7 ENVIRONI\4ENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTE N S ION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594 Vail 47 6-5 844 PLANNING JZar-b5Jat ROAO & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328-661 I Baialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL SaRVTCES TREASURER 328-6376 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezon'ing applicatjon made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your informat'ion, the fol'l owing is provided: Description of Subiect Land: North and east of the va11ey at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge riling 1 Subdivj-sion' Present Zone Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hearr ;: 7:00 P.l'I. ,-ranrrarv 2- tgeo , .. County Commffi #103, McDonald Building 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Your comnients concerning this application are invited. informat,ion, do not hesiiate to coniact th'i s office. S i ncere) y, For further M/41 Terril l Knight Director of Planning Zc-118-79 o EAGI.E CGE,.'NTY Department of Pianning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decert)er 26' 1979 Chris Frarne P.o. Box 2706 Vail , Co lorado 81657 Reference File llo, The purpose of this letter js to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in yourimmediate area. For your inforrnat jon, the fol loling is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B. selby BOARD OF COUNTY COM,\,llS5lONERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328-6s9 3 BU ILDING I N5PECTION 328-6339 CLE RK & RECOROER Eaqle 32 8-63 7 7 BaSall 927 -3244 CO U NTY ATTO RNEY JZat-ob,4 ct\t: I tt Ec. t{ 32S-5337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH 328.7718 EXTE N 5IO N AG ENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC H EALTH Ea qle 328-6594 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 1 SHERIFF Ea qle 32 8.561 |Baialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-575 | 50c IAL SE R V ICES 328-6328 I KE A)(J f( E. F( J/6-0J i tr Descriptjon of Subject Land: North Development and west of Lions Ridge and east of the Va1ley at VaiI Filing 1 Subdivision. Present Zone Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential suburban r,ow Density Date and 7.nn D 14 Location .of Publ ic Hearinq: McDonald Building 550 Broadrvay, Eag1e,Col orado Your comments information, concerning this do not hesitate appl ication are to contact this Sincere'ly, invited. offi ce. psr further Terrill Knight Director of Planning zc-IIaj19 EAGilE COT.ilN'fY Department of Pianning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decetnber 26, L979 BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 328.6809 ADM IN I5T RATIO N ANIMAL 5HELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R 520'O5JJ BU ILDING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 328-53 77 Baialt 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTO RN EY ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH EXTE N S ION AGENT 328-63 70 LIBRARY PUBLIC HEALTH Erqle 328-6594 Vail 476-5 844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & ARIDGE 328.6s91 sHE RIFF Eaqle 328-6611 Baialt 9?7-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5 I 50ctAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 Cesare and Fran Moretti P.O. Box 37 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Reference File tlo. zc-7r+-fr80 The purpose of thi s letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made whjch, 'if approved, wou1 d affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrnation, the folloling is provided: Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. Selby Description of subject Land: North and east of the va11ey at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing 1 S'Jbdivision ' Present Zone Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone Distrjct: Residential Suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.14. 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado appl ication are invited. For further to contact this office. Si nc erel y, Terrill Knight 0irector of Planning Your comments information, concerning this do not hesitate EAGIE CCT.'N"fY Department of P1 anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Decelnber 26, L979 BOARD OF COUNTY COMf\IISSIONERS 328.6809 AD M IN I5T R ATIO N AN ll\,1AL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSOR 328-6593 BUILOING INSPECTION CLERK & RECORDE R Eaqte 3 28-53 77 Baialt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTO R N EY JZat-oo,/.+ ENGINEER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EXTENSION AGENT 328-63 70 LI BRA RY 328-7787 PU BLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594 Va\t 476-5844 PLANN ING ROAD & BRIDGE 328-659 | SHERIFF Ea qle 329-6611 Baiatt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c rA L 328-6328 TREASURER 5ZO.OJ I O Joseph J. C. Paine cuaranty Bank Building Suite 714 al-'z LTth Street Denver, Colorado AO2O2 Pro posed Date and 7:00 P.14. lerri l l Knrgnt Director of Planning Reference File I{o . zc-rLs-+g20 The purpose of this letter js to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, 'if approved, wou'l d affect land in yourimmed'iate area. For your inforrnation, the foilouring is provided: Name of Applicant: .reffrey B. selby Description of Subiect Land: North and east of the valley at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision' Present Zone Di strict 1 Resource Zone Disirjct: Residenti-al Suburban Low Density Location of Publ'ic Hear: :: McDonald Building 550 Broadr^ray, Eag l e,Col orado Your comments concerning this information, do not hesjtate appl ication are to contact this S inc erel y, invited. offi ce. pgp further EAGTE COI.IN"fY Department of Planning & Developrnent P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decemlcer 26, 1979 D. Jerry Baker The Meadows Apartments 12-J Ambler, Pennsylvania I9O42 Reference File llo. The purpose of th'i s letter js to advise you that there has rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect youlimmediate area. For your i nforrnation, the fol l owing Name of APplicant: JeffreY B- seLby Descript'ion of Subject Land: North and east of the VaIIev Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision' Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential suburban Lov' Density BOARD OF COUNTY cor!1t\4lssroNERs 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION AN IMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R 32S.6593 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaale 328-63 7 7 Baaalt 927 -3244 COU NTY ATTORNEY lzat-b o / + ENGINEER 5ZO-OJ J / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JZO-t t IO EXTEN 5IO N AG ENT JZ O-O J / U LIBRARY 328-7187 PUBLIC H EA LTH Eaqle 32 8-65 94 vail 476-5844 PLAN N I T.I G ROAD & BRI DGE 328-659 | SHERIFF Ea qle 32 8-561 | Baaalt 927-3244 cilman 827-5 75 | 50crAL SERVICE5 5Zd-OJz'O TREASURER Date and 7:00 P.14. Location of Public Hearinq: invited. offi ce . been a land in i s provided: at VaiI p6p further 550 Broadrvay, Eag1e,Col orado Your comments concerning this information, do not hesitate appl ication are to contact thi s S i nc erel y,-M&1 Terrj I I Knight Djrector of Pianning Zc-IL8-?3 EAGTE CC[jN"fY Department of Planning & P. 0. Box 179 Phone EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Northwestern National Life Insurance company ? Albert Hanna 221 North LaSalle Chicago, Illinois 60601 o Devel opment 328- 7311 Your comrnents concerning this information, do not hesitate Decelnber 26, 1979 appl ication ai e in,"ited. to contact this office. S i ncerel y, BOARO OF COUNTY coMr\4lssloNERS 328-6809 ADI\,lINISTRATION 328-6674 AN I I\,IA L SHELTE R 949-4292 A55ES50R J-z6-6)vJ BUILDING INSPECTION 328-5339 CLERK & RECOROER Eaqle 3 28-6 3 77 Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY ENGINEER JZO-O J J / ENVIRON|llENTAL HEALTH 328-7 7 t8 EXTENSION AGENT 328.6370 LIBRARY 32A-7 7 87 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-65 9 4 Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING ROAO & BR IOG E 328-659 t Reference File l{0. zc-LLq-w B0 The purpose of this letter js to advise you that there has been a rezon'i ng application made which, 'if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrnat'ion, the follorving is provided: Name of APP1icant: Jeffrey B- selbY Description of subject Land: North and east of the valley at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing I Subdivision' Present Zone Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residentiaf suburban Low Density Date and Location of Publ ic Hear g: 7:00 P.14. .ranrrarr, ? Iqnn county commffi McDonald Building 550 Broadway, Eagle, Coiorado For further 5r|EF(trr Eaqle 328.661 |Balalt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5 751 50clAL SErtVlC:5 328-6328 TREASURER 328.6376 /*;tz Terri l1 Knight Director of Planning EAGTE EOE..INTY Departnent of Pl anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 8.I631 December 26, 1979 Sky Lion Partners at Vail I First City Resources Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie, Ill-inois 60076 Reference File ilo. Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. Selby BOARD OF COUNTY cotllNltssloNER5 328.6809 ADillINISTRATION AN II\4AL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R BU ILO ING INSPECTION 328.6339 CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 32 8-63 7 7 Baialt 92 7.3244 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY ENGINEER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 32A-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 3?8.7 7 A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 32 8 -659 4 Vail 4 7 6-5 844 PLANN ING 328-63 38 ROAD & B RIDGE 5.zu-O5Y I SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 I Aa;att 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5 751 soctAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328.6376 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezon'i ng applicati0n made whjch' if approved' would affect land in your immediate area. For your jnforrnatjon, the following is pro'rided: Descrjption of Subiect Land: North and east of the valley at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge rili-ng 1 Subdivision' Present Zone Dj stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone D'i strict: Residential Suburban Low Densitv Date and Location of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.14. 550 Broad,lay, Eagl e ,Col orado pep further Your comme nt s informat'ion, concerning this do not hesitate appl ication are to contact th'i s S i nc ere1y, i nvi ted . offi ce. -M&,/ Terril1 Knighi Director of Planning Zc-lI8-79 TKl KP EAGTE CO[,.INTY Departnent of Planning & Deveiopr:ent P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decery rer 26, 1979 Leo Payne 300 Wadsworth Boulevard Denver, Col-orado A0226 Reference F'i 'l e tlo. Vs:rrl-ffi-fu The purpose of th'i s letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrnation, the folloviing'i s provided: Name of APP1icant: Jeffrey B- serby Description of Subiect Land: North and east of the va11ey at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing I Subdivision' Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone Djsti'jct: Residcr-::-aI suburban Low Density Date and 7:00 P.14. Location of Publ ic Heari .,.1 : McDonald Building 550 Broad'.ray, Eagl e,Col crado Your conments concerning this application are invited. psr further information. do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ADIVIINISTRATION 328-6674 AN II\1AL SHELTER 949-.1292 ASS E SSO R JZ6-O5:rJ BUILDING INSPECTION 328.6339 COU NTY ATTORNEY ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONI\IENTAL HEALTH 328-7 7 tA EXTEI\SION AG ENT 328-5370 BOARD OF COUNTY cot,1i\1rss loN E R5 326-6809 CLERK & RECORDER E a0te Jzu-oJ / /Baialt 927-3244 LIBRARY 324-7 787 50c IAL 328.6328 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 3 2 8-659 4 Va il 47 5-5 8 44 PLANNING 323-6333 ROAD & BRIDGE 328 -6 59 | SHERIFF Enqle 328-66 | I Baialt 927 -3244 bllmJn 6z ,/.) / J I TREASURER 324.6376 -E //rE Terril l Knight Director of Planning EAGi.E COUN"f"t Departnent of Pianning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Decehber 26, 1979 Thomas Nelson McKee 7086 5th Avenue Scottsdale, Arizor,a 85251 Ref erence Fi'l e llo. The purpose of this'l etter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land jn your immediate area. For your information, the follovting is provided: Name of ApPlicant: Jeffrey B- selby Description of subject Land: North and east of the Val1ey at Vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision' Present Zone D'i stri c t: Resource Proposed Zone Djstrict: Residential suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.l'1. .ranrrar' 2. Igqn County Commffi McDonald Building 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Your comments concerning this application are invited. informatr'on, do not hesitate to contact this office. S i ncerel Y, For further BQARO OF COUNTY cot\rMtsstoNERS 328-6809 AO II4 I N ISTR AT !O N 328.6674 AN IMAL 5H E LTER 949-1292 ASSESSO R 328-659 3 BUILDING I N5P ECT IO N 328-5339 CLERK & |(EL\JXLIE.|( Ea ole 328-6377 Saiall 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTORNEY cl\lrttrEE11 Jlo-oJJ / ENVIRONME'!TAL HEALTH 329-7 7 t8 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC H EA LTH Eaqle 32 8-65 9 4 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING ROAD & BRIDGE JZD-Of5 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 1 Baialt 92 7-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 I soc tAL SE RV I CE5 328-6328 TREASURER JZt .OJ ,/ tt -Md?/ Terrill Knight Director of Planning Zc-77849 EAGI.E COI..gNTY Department of Pl ann'ing & Development P. 0. Box U9 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Dece{rber 26, 1979 Patricia D. Rickman P.O. Box 1383 Vail , Colorado 8L657 Reference Fi le I'lo. zc-rL8-*8 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved' would affect land 'in your immediate area. For your inforrnation, the following is provided: Name of Appf icant:Jeffrey B. Selby BOARO OF COUNTY coMrvlrsStoNERS 328-68 09 AD IlI I N IST RATIO N ANIi\.1AL 5HELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R JZO.Of:'J BUILDING IN 5P ECTI O N 328-6339 CLE RK & RECORDE R Eaqle 3 28 -6 377 83ialt 927-3244 COU NTY ATTO R N EY JZat-o0 /.+ ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H E ALTH 328-771 I EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LI6RARY 324-7 7 A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea clle 328-6594 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING J26.bJJO ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6 5 9 | 5HE R IFF Eaqte 328-66 | I Ba;alt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 75 1 SOC IA L SE R,V ICES JZ6-6J26 TREASU RER 328-6376 Description of Subject Land: Development and vrest of Lions North and east of the ValIeY at Vail Ridqe Filing 1 Subdivision . Present Zone Di strict: Resource Proposed Zone District: Residential suburban Low Density Date and Locatjon of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.14. .ranr!^r!, ? lqRn county commffi McDonald Bu'ilding 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado Your comments concerning this application are invited' information, do not hesitate to contact th'i s office. S i nc erel y, ppp further -M&4 Terri I I Knighi Director of Planning EAGilE CO['lN"fY Department of P1 anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 DeceFber 26, L979 Victor Mark Donaldson Drawer M Vail , Colorado 8165 7 Reference File l{0. Name of Applicant:Jeffrey B. SeIbY BOARD OF COUNTY cor\,1Mrs5roNERS 32 8 -6I09 ADMINISTRATION ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50 R 328-5593 BUILDING INSPECTION 32S-6339 CLERK & f(ELlJt(LJCn EJqle JZU-OJ,/ /Baialt 927-3244 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY JZ6-OO l+ ENGINEER 328.5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7718 EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6 5I4 V a\l 47 6-5844 PLANNING 328-6338 ROAD & BRI DGE 32 8.659 | 5HE R IFF Eaole 328-661 |Baialt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c IAL 5=RVICES 328.6328 TREASURER JZ6-bJ,O The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning applicat.ion made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your inforrration, the following is provided: Descriptjon of Subject Land: Development and west of Lions North and east of the ValleY at Vail Ridge Filing 1 Subdi vision. Present Zone Di strict: Resource PropoSed Zone Djstrict: Residential Suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Heart;rg: 7:00 P.14. McDonald Buildinq 550 Broadway, Eag1e,Col orado Your comments information, concerni ng 'uhi s do not hesitate appl ication are to contact this Si ncerel y, j nvj ted. For further offi ce. of P'l anni ng -m/47/ Terri l1 Knight Di rector Zc-1lB-!9 EAGTE COIjNTY Department of Planning & P. 0. Box 179 Phone EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 o Devel opment 328-7311 Decenber 26, 1919 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMlsstoNERS 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION 328-66 74 ANIt\4AL SHE LTE R 949-4292 AS5ESSO R ?,A-Aqq ? BU ILOING INSPECTION JZU. O J J:' CLERK & RECORDER Eaqle 32 8-63 7 7 Aaialt 92 7-3244 CO U NTY ATTO R N EY 328-5674 ENGINEER 328-5337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EXTENSION AG ENT LIBRARY 328.7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328 -65I4 Vail 475-5844 PLANN ING ROAD & BRIDGE 328.6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328-651 1 Baialt 927 -3244 cilmrn 827-575 | 50c IAL SE RV ICES 328-632B TREASURER JZO,oJ / o Donald and Linda Gruidel 7800 Durham Way Boulder, Col-orado 8030I Ref eren ce Fi I e I'lo . The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezon.ing application made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your infornation, the following is provided: Name of APplicant: Jeffrey B- selby Description of Subject Land: North and east of the vall-ey at vail Developnent and vrest of Lio:rs Ridge Filing 1 Subdivision' Present Zone Di stri ct: Resource Proposed Zone Distrjct: Residential suburban Low Density Date and Locat'ion of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.14. 'rih,ra^, ? rqFn County CornmlsiToners-t'leETing Room E03, McDonald Building 550 Broadlay, Eagle, Colorado Your comments concern'i ng th'i s application are invited. For further information, do not hesjtate to contact this offjce. S'i nc ere1Y, Terri I i Knight Director of P'l anning zc-7I8-E TK/ kp EAGX.E CO[.'NTY Departnent of Planning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Dece$ber 26, 1979 Alegra Associ-ates I55 South l"ladison, Suite 302 Denver, Colorado A0226 Reference File llo. zc-LLe-fi $11 Present Zone District: Resource Pro po sed Date and 7:00 P.14. Zone Djstrict: Residential- Suburban Low Density Location of Publ ic Heari 'rg: McDona'l d Building 550 Broadway, Eagl e,Col orado BOARD OF COUNTY coMrvltssroNERS 328.6809 ADMINISTRATION 328.66 74 AN IIVIAL SHELTE R 949-4292 A5S ESSO R 328.6s93 BUILDING INSPECTION 328-6339 CLERK & RECO RDER Ea qle 3 2 8-6 377 Brialt 9 2 7-32 44 COU NTY ATTORNEY JZO-OO/+ ENGINEER 328-633 7 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-7714 EXTENSION AG ENT LIBRARY 3?A-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqte Jz 5-b) v.t vait 47 5.5844 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIFF Ea qle 328-661 I Balalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7.5 75 | 50c tAL 5E RV ICES JZ.J-OJIA TREASURER The purpose of th'is letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land jn your immediate area. For your infornration, the fol lowing is provided: Name of Appl'icant: Jeffrev B- Selbv Description of Subject Land: North and east of the va11ey at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filinq l- Subdivision' Your comments information, concerning this do not hesitate appl ication are to contact thi s Sincerely, invited. offi ce. For further -Ttu/4r,/ Terrili Knight Director of Planning EAGTE COUF{TY Department of P1 anning & Development P. 0. Box 179 Phone 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 Decer.nber 26, J-979 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMt55toNER5 328.6809 AD I!1 IN I sTR AT IO N 328.6674 AN IMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50R JZ O.O):' J BUILDING INSPECT IO N 328-6339 CLERK & RECOROER Eaale 328-6377 Baa^lt 927-3244 COUNTY ATTORNEY 328-6674 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328-77 tA EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LI BRA RY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594 Vail 475-5844 PLANN ING 328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.659 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328-66'l I Baialt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c tA L SE RV I CEs 328.6328 TREASURER 328.6376 A.M. Lutz g 1412 Lincoln center Building Denver, Colorado 80203 Reference File No. zc-rrg-9g 8O The purpose of this letteri s to advise you that there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your imnrediate area. For your inforrnation, the fol'l owing is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B- selbY Descript.ion of subject Land: North and east of the va11ey at vail Development and west of Lions Ridge Filing I Subdivision. Present Zone District: Resource Proposed Zone Di'strict: Residential Suburban Low Density Date and Location of Public Hearing: 7:00 P.14. .ranrtarv " - rqgo County Commi s sr- onEillieCtr-lig Room #1 03, Mc Dona 1 d Bui 1 d i ng 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Your comments concerning this application are invi ted. information, do not hesitate to contact this office. 5ep further S i nc erel y,-Md4 Terri l1 Knight Djrector of Planning o JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. EOX | 524 vAtL. goLoRAoo g'l Gs7 \la"a-hor ?A I O7O f..i- , f:.iVED tiui 'i 3 1919 '*il;:'ilHit"?:* It{r. Terrill Knight Di rector Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81651 Dear Terrill: Enclosed is a new application for a zone change of the 23 acres located ad- jacent to the Valley at Vail developnent. This application is to change the currcent zoning fron Resource to residential suburban low density. I appreciate the staffrs support on ny last application and hope that it will continue with this new application, especially since this is a lower density request. As per the zoni-ng ordinance the purpose of this zone district is ttto rnaintain the qualities as desired in low density neighbor- hoods and prevent unorderly encroachrnent by higher density conflicting uses . The sketch plan, which was not considered by the County Commissioner, should remain as i-s except Lot 12, Block 2 will now be a single fanily hone site. So the ultimate density of the project is now 18 units which corresponds with the number of lots. I have to adnit I was stunned by the action of the Conmissioners in voting to deny the zone change because the density was inappropriate for the area' Anyone can see that this is just not the case considering the surrounding densities. It really is a major disappointment when you work so hard denon- strating how appropriate and logical the rezoning request is and having the support of the staff to just have the rezoning request be denied as being inappropriate for the area. I hope the new zone request will satisfy whatever problens the Connissioners might have had with R/S/M and I look forward to working with you and your staff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I am greatly dissolutioned by the Conrnissioners decision. Thank you. JBS/ cd Enc . Y, Selby -t,. JOHN M. LAW FIALrtH M. C LAFX WILLIAM O.9CHEIO I( EN N ETH TARA" EE WILLIAM O, H OFI Le'ECK JE/7FIEY L, ElEATT IE OAN E. MILLEFT P IF|ICIA .'O STONg FIALPH E. HAROY HOLLY E, FI EE STOCK o,/lvto K, PAN gtuS Lew; Cr".o.nK AND Scrrnrr: A PROFESS IO NA L CORPORAIION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3IOO FIRST OF DENVER PLAZA AUILOING 633 SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVeR, COLORAOO 60202 (3O31 373.4AOO November 9, L979 R[CEIV[D h U'r/ l- i, lgTg !rpt.0l flanr,ing & Drlal. bgle. Cflrtf. hG Ms. Beth Riggert P. O. Box 850 Eag]-e County Attorney Eag1e, Coloraoo 81531 Re: Lot 21 ("Lot 2l-") of Section 1, TownshiP 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th P.M. of Lj-on's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, F.agl-e County' Colorado and Parcel A ("Parcel A") of the Valley at Vail Planned Development, Eagle Counly, Colorado. Dear Ms. Riggert,: This firrn represents the o$rner, Jeffrey B. Selby, of the referenced Lot 21. l{r. Setby has requested that vte write you with respecE to a proposed transfer or exchange of certain portions of Lot 2I and certain portions of Parcel A. We are advised that the owners of Lot 21 and Parcel A contemplate transferring and exchanging certain portions of the referenced real property situated j-n Eagle County for the purposes of providing ingress to and egress from Lot 2l- by way of what is commonly called or known as Buffer Creek Drive. Attached hereto is a schematic drawing or plan of the proposed transfers and exchanges. By way of expianaLlo:r' it is proposed and contemplated that. Mr. Selby will transfer and convey to Valley Associates, Ltd., the Lands dellneateo in red on the attachement hereto. Concomitantly, it is contemplated and proposed that Valley Associates, Ltd. will transfer and convey to l4r. Selby ln consideration of the foregoing conveyance those lands delineated in green (for the purposes aforesaid) on the attachment hereto. As indicated above, the lands to be transferred and conveyed to ltr. Selby are to provide access to and from Iands owned and held j-n fee by Mr. Selby. ide are ad'rised that bhe lands which will be transferred and conveyed to Valley Associates, Ltd. by Mr. Selby may ultimately be used Ms. Bebh Riggert November 9, L979 Page Two or applied by Val-J-ey Associates, Ltd. in its development plans wiLh respect to development of lands owned or held by it. We are further advised that such use or application by Valley Associates, Ltd. wilL be consistent with what Eagle County has previously approved. Mr. SeJ.by ad.vises that predicated upon one or more conversations he has had with Mr. Knight, the transfers and conveyances of lands discussed in this letter are not under or subject to the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. It is my understanding that this conclusion was reached because such transfers and conveyances are not and would not create any ne\,t building iots j.n Lhe County. We have not independently verified the foregoing but, as indicated above, have relied upon assurances of Mr. Selby. It is further our understanding that the contemplated exchangies pf lands will- be undertaken by general warranty deeds in the near future. We wou1d. appreciate if you could advise as to whether the interpretation of Mr. KnJ.ght (as conveyed by Mr. Selby) set forth above is correct so that the parties to the contemplated transfers may proceed accordingly. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Please call me with any questions you may have. Very truly yours' I-,,AW, CLARK AND SCHEID KF: cm Enclosure t-a. Mr .Taf €rorr R ea'l l.rr Mr. Terrill Knight A Profes Corperation $-t-q $ l: f I s \) ; 'ii J q iu fl €$il sl + lu $I L I t-\ l* =i ,8 il ul 1 t \t ${ 6; hF oz F \ dP Cl J tr 3 r: ol R ut t- r\]\fl A rlt 5 o z 5 $$l s I z _I o,- rtr b o ,rL {r I s I $ul { s !t $ $s- /;7 ru s0l[ 3 r0uilDAilotl ENGIl{ETNIilG 96 SOUIH ZUNI STREET chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DENVER, COLOR.ADO 80223 PITELIMIMRT SJBSOIL AI{D GEOI,MICAL IN\IESIIGATIO{ FOR LIONS RIDGE SUEDTVTSTOAi FILII.JG M. 4, TqlN OF VAIL EAGLE @Ul.'ITy, @IORADO 3o3/744-7rO5 prepared For: Ronald A. Trodcl, Arctritect p.O. Box 1753 VaiL National Bank Buil.dirq Suite 307 VaiJ., Colorado gL657 Job }lc. Lg,419 l\krvember 30, 1979 o'Frct': COTOMDO tptrNcs, c.totaDo / GrEN\rvooD '?'Ncs, colot^D. / cASpEr, wyoMtNG o TABLE oF @NIEI.{rc @NCLUSIOIJS S@PE PROPOSED DEVEIOPMEIVI SITE @NDITIOT{S GEOI,GIC SETTII.G SUBSOIL @NDIT]O{S GEOLGIC CCX{DITIO.IS AFFECTI}IG lItE PROrcSED DH/EIOPMENT FOUNMTIO{S fl,Ooit SIABS BASEMENT CONSTFUCTTC}J SITE GRADING ADDITIO{AL II'J\ESIIGATIOI{ FIG. 1 _ IOCATICIJ OF EXPIORATORT PTTS FIGS. 2 AIVD 3 - Itr*S OF TAST PITS FIGS. 4 IIIROI-GH B - ShALITCOJSOLIDAT]q{ TES,f RESJLTS FIGS. 9 AI{D 10 - GRADATIO}J TEST RESJLTS TABLE I . SUI\TIAR/ OF IABORATORT TEST RESJLTS I 1 2 ?. 4 5 6 7 a (1) @NCLUSIOI{S rt shouLd be feasible to deveJ.cp the nnjority of the site frqn a subsoil ard geologic point of view. Suitable buildirg sites should be available on rpst- aII }ots; hovrever, tn sorrp areas a rod<faLL potential nny exist, ard on sore lots, construction wr.ll be required on reLatively steep slopes. Spread footings placed below @soil should be suitable for resident-iaL t)Tr construction. Grce specific rocations of structures have been deterrnined, a finaL foundat,ion investigatron is warranted. (2) -2- S@PE rhis report presents the resu-Its of a preriminary georechnicar eva'Luation for B10cks l arrl 2 0f Li.ons Ridge subdivision, Firing s4, ttv^'n of VaiL, Eagle county, cororado. Ttre report presents fJre general. subsoil conditions, geological conditions affectirg the proposed deveropnent-, ard recornnerrdati.ons concernirg buildirg foundar-ions ard srte gradirg We previously conducted an ergineering geology ard soils invest-igation for r}e Li.orrs Ri.dge Firirg r^€st of Buffer creek Drive, report-d under our Job l,rc. 8023, dated May J"5, 1972. In addit-ion, v,,e performed site inspect.ions to determine potent-iar roclcfarr hazarcls for Parcers c, D, arrl A reporr-ed under our Job l,ros. 141305 arrj r4,5clg, daf-ed Ivtarch 9, Ig77 ard May I3t Ig77, respectively. These parcels are a1I wesr- of Filirg 4. PROPOSED DEVELOPME\]T We understard that it is presently propobed to develqr Blocks I ard 2 consisting of rg individuar- 10ts. construcr-ion will ty;ical.y cansrst- of sirqle fanriry residences up to 2 /2 stories in herght with possrble garden level tt'pe base$ents. Access to B10ck 2 wirl be provrded by rrlgrading the existirg rotrgh-cut road off of &lffer creek Drrve. SITE @I.IDITICbJS Liors Ridge Filirg #4 is ]ocated on the rrorth Creek Valley in the Liorrs Ri.dge area of Vail.. Ihe side of the Gore Location of ]ots -3- witlin tjre subdivision and the general topography in the area is shown on Fig. 1. The topography in nsst,.areas of the subdivision is steep f-o very steep hriti slcpes generally ranging frcrn 30t to over 50*. The hilrside is generarJ.y crcvered with sagebrush. sna]l aspens groa along Buffer Creek draw in the upper portions of the si.te. ltajor drainages do not crocs thr:ough any of the lots in the subdivision. GEOTGIC SHfIIt'lG Ttre north valley side of Gore creek in the Lions Ridge area is underlain by ttre Fennsylvanian lvlinturn Forrnation. fhis roc.k cons rs h-s of inl-ers tra r-if ied beds of sards rone arxl sha_l-e with some liuesrone beds. Bedding planes strike nor*r to northeast ard dip rrpderar-elyr abou f. 35 degrees, towards rle northvres C. Bed rock alorg t5s valley side is generarry covered by colluvium and tirl. These soiLs r.rere enocrnterd in our test pits arrl exterd to depths greater than 15 feer- in tlte area excavated. TilI and colluvium consist prirnarily of scattered gravel , cobbles arrl boutders in a s ilty sard r-o saftly s i-1" r- natrix. occasionaLly very Iarye boulders up to several" tens of feet in size are present in the tiLl. A few scattered bedrock outcrq)s r,ere observed near the crest- of Lions Ridge arrl i.n the higl:er rprtheastern portions of Blod< 2. gJBSOIL @I.IDITIONS Subsoil corditions at the site vere investigated by use of a backh€. Nine test pits r,'ere excavat-ed throqghor:t. the proposed -4- devel0pnent' at l0car-ions shovrn on Fig. l. subsoil conritions encount-ered in our test pif-s .are errat-ic ard consist of up r:o 5 feef-of topsoil overJ.yirg sardy silts, siLty sards, ard silty graver. AI_L of these soir's contain sonB obbr.es arrr bo,rders and angular rocK fragnents. I.b bedrock was enoountered in any of arr test pits. Resul'ts of swer-1-consor.idation tests performed on sarnpres of tJre sards ard silts, as well as gradation anar-yses perforned on ,re minus 3 inch fraction of t}e sands ard gravels, are presented in Figs. 4 tlrough l0 and sunrnarized in Table f. ?he uptrEr silts consolidate noderately upon loadirg and vrer-tj.rg. The Louer graverry sands arrl sardy gravels rere described as being relat-jvsly dense ard shourd be capabre of supporting nDderate roacrs. t'lo f ree water was encounr-ered in our tesl. pit-s at- ttre Line of excava F- ron . GEOI&IC C0NDITIO}IS AFFECnII\E IHE PRoPosED DEVEI0PMETm Geologj.c condj.tions at f.l.re sit-q 6r.q suclr that carefuL planning of tne prcposed suMivision will be reguired. corditions wlrich rtould const-ltute a najor hazard or rerder tie proposed developnent rnfeasi_ble are not present; houever, cons truction on the s teepe r slopes ard pot€ntiar' rockfar-rs will reguire carefu.r- pranning ard construction. The hirlsides in the vicinity of ttre subdivision appear ro have favorable geologic features wittt respect to large scale lands.l,ide potential' lbv"ever, there 's a potential for creatirg stabilir-y problens associated with site grading, particularly if extersive cu!,/and or fiJ.lirg is done on the steeper slq)es. zui.Idirg sites -)- should be positioned on the r-ots as to minimize the necessary sit-e gradirg. This can be achieved by locating the buildings on fie gentler slqpirg portions of the site ard steppirg t_he buiLdirgs info rj'e hillsides' For preliminary ptanning, site gradirg reccrrurEndatj.ons given in the site gradirg section of this reporr- shculd be fo1lotr,ed. T\,o potential sources of rockfaLl are present on the site.Rockfalls could originate frcrn gradirg on the upper portions of t-he site. Care shou_Ld be taken during all grading operations ro minj-rnize f,'e risk of disl0dging boulders vtrich crcur.d ror.l downsl.pe and affect conpLet-ed construction on tlle lower slopes. Tre second l-rcr-entia]sq,rce of rockfalr is fron a prqninant rock outcrq) which 'es upsrope frcrn rots B and g' rf r,5s5s .ots are deveroped, additionar. stuclres of tie rockfar'l bazard frcrn this source shou.r-d be nede to determine if remedial neasures are Harranted to protect dovinslope areas. We anbicipate rhat Lor-s B ard 9 of BLock 2 and lots I,2, 4,5, arri 6 of Block 1 cou-ld be affected. All- structures on tl-te site should be designed t, resist earr_rF quake forces in accordance with the uniform Building @de sersrnic zone I' The anticipated effects of trre site geoLogy on foundatiorrs ard slte gradj.ng are discussecl in the followrrrg sections. FOUNDATICI.IS Considerirg the subsoil corditions ard spread footings placed on the uplEr natura_L appear feasible for support of structures. the prq)osed cons truccron, soils below any f_opsoil ALLowable soil pressures -6- wiLl range frcrn l-,000 to I,500 psf for the up1=r silts to 2,500 to 5,000 psf for the gravelly sands ard sardy gravels. AII tcpsoil shoul,d be rerrcved. The fo]]or*irq considerations sfrcuLd be rnade for prelfuninary design: (1) specific design recqrurerdations can be nnde by additional invest-igation onc€ buildirg rocations arrJ gradirg plans have been deteunined. rf detaired reccrnnerdat,ions are not- desired, the footirg excavations shourd be observed and tesr-ed by a soil engineer farniliar with tlre soil. corxlitions at the site t-o determjrre the bearing conditions. (2) conrt,inr-rous fourrlation wafls should be heavily reinforced t-o minimize tJre effecr-s of sorre differential rpvenEnt. (3) A11 ext-erior footirgs shoul.d be provided with adeguar-e_soiL cover above their bearing elevat.ion for frost protection. (4) Care shouLd be t-aken duriry renpval- of large rocks not- fo disr_urb tie bearing soils. rirrirg of voids with ccrnpacted fiff may be required. FI.OOR SIABS The upper natural soils excrusive of any topsoil . are suitabre for suport of sratron-grade construction. rtr m'inimize danage due t-o slight differential ncverent, alr slabs sbpuld be selnrated fron bearirg nresnbers withr a positive expa.nsion joint ard adequately reinforc'ed. A 4-inclr layer of free drainiry graver shouLd be prwided beneattr froor slabs to act as a drainage rayer. lvlrere crean granular -7- soils are exposd, the graver layer can be excluded. srabs sfpur-ci be provided wifJr cont-rol joint-s.ro minj_rnize shrinkage cracking. BASEI"IENT @NSTFUCTION Flee water i./as not- enqcuntered durirg test pit excavation arxl irrstarlation of norn..r deprh basenents should be feasibr-e. precau- t-ions such as water proofJ-rg, instal.ration of a peripherar sulodrain and reinforcenent of walls to resist ratera-r. earth press ures shour.d be observed. SITE GRADIIIG The nnjority of the site is situat& on steep r-errain wt-r:.ch will necessiLate carefur- si.te gradirg. The buirding sites ard road Loca r- ions should be selected so as to mini_rnize the necessary grading, For preliminary planningr !.re reconmerrd tJre foLl_owing grading crit-eria: (r) Perrnanent unrer-ained cutsl0pes aijacent to buirdirgs slpurd be no sf-eetrEr than 2:I. (2) Cut arrl fill section depttrs should be kept to a naxj:nun on the order of I0 to J.5 feet. (3) Tsnporary excavat-ions in the cnrerLxrrden soils sfrculd rernain stable on a r:r slope unJ.ess subjected to adverse condrr-:_ons such as seepage or surcharge loads. (4) rf seepage is enc-ountered, or if extensi.ve cuttirg arrl firlirg is proposed, re recqrurerd addi.r-ionar investigations be rnade ro P -d- determine r,.,e feasibility ard other r<luirsnents for construc-tion, s ucir as use of retaining waLls. rrre anricipar-e trrat ncst.alr excavations in the overhrrden soils can be acconp'r'ished witJr heavy excavat,irg equipnent. sqre difficu_L-ties nray arise, particularly in confined excavat-ionsr vhen large boulders or berlrocJ< are encountered. We anticipai-e riat shal,.Lc,,,/ excavat-ions in the bedrock can be acocrnplished by heavy rippirg equipnenr; however, h,hen extensive or deeper excavation in ilre bedrock is necessary, blasting will probably be reguired. rn f i.l enrbenkrent areas, the foundation shourd be carefurJ.y prepared' organic n'rter ard topsoils shour.d be rqrpved. Au firr placed on the steetrEr slopes shouLd be keyed into rhe slope oy bendring' Good surface ard subsurface drainage stpurd be prwi<Jed tor cut- ard f 'r' areas- A11 stripped areas in the overburden so:.rs shour.d be protected frcrn eros ion by revegetat.ion or other rEarrs. ADDITIOML INVESTIGATIO.I The present invesbigat,ion is preliminary in nature,. hovrever, v,,e believe riat if- is sufficient to provicle generar infonnation for planning ard preliminary designs. hb suggest tfrar_ s6L, indrvj.duaL buirding sites have been r-ocated an. road arignnents have been est-ablished, further investigations be conducted to provi<ie specific design criteria. L[,tHltmt cHE! AND ASSOCIATES, rNC. Tcs t El -Plt I B22ol i-200-8 i tL-z 3 Tost plti Z,El - 8z8or l I;':!f |./c-4.9 00.58.8 tt/C-3.3 0D-90.2 -200-B i : F Ll.l tr- I F o-Iu Test plt 4 El - g3o5r i -200-4 | ' LL-28 Pt-Np vC-4.2 DD-53.5 Test plt 5 El . 84{5'Tcst plt 5 El - 8435'-0 - 15 P l-NP vC-8.2 DD-102. VC-5.9 DD-98. 4 -200-26 LL-2j l./C-6.0 0D- 103. 4 F UJ L I I F o- Lrl o P t-7 LU LOGS OF TEST PITS Fls. e Test Plt 7 El - 8435' Tost Plc B El - 8444' Tost Plt 9 El - 8417' l/C-5.4 DD-91.4 WC-10.8 DD- 103. lr UC-.l2.4 DD- l 02. I -200-40 LL-2 | Pl-NP !JC-4.5 00-96.5 llC-8 .9 DD- 105 . 8 rrJ UJ I F UJ o LEGENDI a ffi w n w Topsoll. Gravsl. (cP), sandy, sl lghtly sllty,5r rghtty clayey, cobbl es 6 bouldcrs,nlol,:!,. modoratoly dons6 to vory dcnio, rodd I sh. Graval (ctt), sllty to sllghtly sllry,9andy, occasslonal cobbl os c bouldori,shale f ragnrcnts, sl lghtly nrolst to dri.g?*["ts'I"5:t:; f:;:ry denso, I rsht" sllt (llL), sandy, cobblog and bouldars ??ffi:'tl3*^n[3"F]ao?lin!:jI"yr'. to rry, l38f ' iStl;o'JllYl"?:*s ronar q*v'ri- rDrst, .sorr to rrrrj'rllj?lf;tfrffi,l:t t' Und I s turbod drlvo samplo. 8ag sample. (.r ) NOTES: Tost plts wero excavatod on Octobcr 8, 1979 wtth a backhoe. (21 Elevatlons are approxlrnatc and refor to contours on sltc plan suppl lcd by thc Arch I tect. (f) No freo w.tor was encountored ln tho tost pl ts at the t lnre of our Invostlgatlon. (tr) L/C - lJator Contont (t) ; DD - Dry Dcnsity (pcf); -200 - Porcont passlng No. 200 Sleve; LL - Llqutd Llmtt (t); Pl - plestlclty Index (t); NP - Nonplastlc.I r'l p I h li l., LOGS OF TEST PITS Fls. l ie0 I c o^ {)L ttt L' AND ASSOC IAT ES l.o to APPLIEO PRESSURE . krI Sample of sllt, sandy wlth cobb les and boulders from test plt I at J feet. Swell - Consolidofion Test Results too rlg, rl CA IA Nolu.ol Dry Unit Wcighl : 68.B 1cl Nolurol Moirlurc Conlcnl . {. ! por ccnl ess lon wettln dc0 I c or -t 1-s"ez o c) AN ASSOC IAT ES Nolurol Ory Unir lfoighl : 90.2 pcl Nolurdl Moirlur. Conl!nl . 3.3 parccnt l.o APPLIED PRESSURE to ' lsl too Sample of sllt, sandy, occas lonal gravel from test pit 3 at J feet Swell - ConEolidoiion Tesi Res u lts Fi9. 5 CA.I A Nolurol Nolurol t.o APPLIEO PRESSURE i'ilii.,=O3:l ;::".", Ory Unil Moi sl u r. aa I c o Jl a, o E a I I I t lo - lst roo Sample of sand, silty from test plt 5 at 6 feet. Swell - Consofidof ion Test Results Fls. 5 ca ta CH EN l.o APPLIEO of sand, slltY from rl8 Samp I e F r9. / Nolurol OrY Unit \{oighl : 9l'! Pcf Noturot Moirluro Conlonl : 5'4 pcr ccnl ASSOC IAT ES to PRESSUR€ - h!f test Plt 7 at a dePth of 5 feet' Swell - Consolidotion Test Results I 'l i11 i}{ 'I o 0)L E t) N AND ASSOC IAT ES LO lo APPLTED PRESSURE - tst Sampfe of silt, sandy from test plt B at a depth of 61/Z feet. Swoll - Consolidotion Test Resu lts too Nolurol Dry Unit Wcighl : 103.4 pcl l{olurol Moi.lurc Cont.nt ' 10.8 pcrccnt ,4 18 Fle. 8 CA IA CrOrxo AssocIATEs Conrulting Soil ond Fotrn&tion Enginrcn ! t r I cLty rt!rlt16l lo llLl tto._t!rttrcl 30 % saNo 290/o 5^MPLE or Gravel, slltyt occass lonal cobb I es clrl ,t..rtrcl ro llLt lrq-tl'rlrcl Llou I o LlMl r 28 To PLAtrlc I TY SILT ANO CLAY TROM : t t I a 6RAV EL LIQUIr} SAMPLC 67 % slxo 25 Eo srLr LfMtr o/o PLAcTlclrY or Gravel, sllty, sandYr TRoM cobb I cs g boul ders GRADATION TEST RESULTS u t-ti^xo^ro arr'ld I c-cer louart otf r.r|.l .roo .!a..o.!. .. 1.. .. h' \' ,i' )' :'f ,l!L ;;:, ;; -';. ',. .i t !t r'' ! r r't rtt, ' orAr€Ttt ot tllficLl li rlLLtJtrtll !-3--iill5li5-rr r rtrr6 | sltrr 3ou^iE o"(xrr€r .r@ .!o r.o.ro .. l.t :\. rl.' ,rt !' r'f ;fi--n---n-- t, J;r'o ' 't rl6i' 'r'orar!r(r or rrrlilt-l lL rrLLfglrrrl ao to ao t(, o ! E ! T coaaL t I rxoEx NP Test plt I depth of 13 feet \1 70 o/o at a n +o! rol I tor F to ANO CLAY tNoEx Test Pl t 2 87o 7o at a dePth coalLll feet Fis. 9 CA- ? of b CO- AND Conrulting Soil ond As s oc tATE s Foundotion Engincm : t I I t ! t a - lo ao r0 xl to o a E t I o ! E ! a orl olt ora tao taf Drllfrf i ot "tl L! rt xtLL !a .t! tYcil trr tat bl % r!t I ttt cLlY (t!^lrr€l To !tLt 0.o.-21^trrcl .RAVEL 64 To LICIUIO LIMIT 5^.MPLE or G faVe I % slLT ,^No .LAY PLA'TICI TY INOEX Ity rrowfg5t pit NP To 4 at a depth of 1l feet coarL I I saNo 28 23% , sandy, sl a rra ooai in at|t |t|| tcr to cL^Y tt!rlr'cr To ltLt (rq-rLrtrrcl crr.evfL 7o LIOUIO LIMIT S.AMPLZ OT s,rxo % ltLT AXo cL,..., o/o FLAsTtcITY tNoEX 7 ROM RESULTS % 7o Fis. l0 Ca 2 tr- |,r. .(.urat9a a ara aoar ara a art i tr.. v s trlrtorto lfl .roa .!o..o.ro .a cLt ^l toual€ of(rrrat lr' \' ,vr' r' !. f v 3 tr.rC^ro t:.rttqo J cltrr SOueii- OlifEi .r9o .!o ..o. to .. F. .i \' \. ,!t,- - -r,--- j.f @l OOt @t qtl ott Or. , r.t Drar(Tfr or raafGL! tt rtLLr|Itrt.l l,4lg GRADATION TEST coatl I I ti ll l>.1 | !, 1 t-l |n l.-l L | ,/r.l !) l, I ol-i o oi o v1 | F(Jo 2.=O (I.l - C.l lrl (.) (' &, V't . at)l!<o-o- o- Z .'/l PBc 13o > F:; rJ.t t/l r --.t. i.. ( 5 9 2a .oF 3J f a UJ tr F @a Q u,l F' l- :xtr il -o o uF : ?r it-o Zr !r.l J r||-oo tr l a EAGLE CCUNTY a EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I 0ctober 29, 1979 Jeff Selby P.0. Box .l528 Vai l, Colorado 81 657 RE: File No. Zc-106-79 File No. Su-.l22-79-S At tireir meeting of 0ctober 24, 1979" the Board of Count,v Conunissioners denied your request for a zone change from Resource to Residential Suburban lledium Density because the zoning proposed is not appropriate for the area and because off-site impacts have not been mi t i gated. The djscussion of the sketch plan was not held because the Resource zone woulC not permit such a subdivision. If you have any questions, please call thjs office. Si ncerely, Eagle County Planner SV/ncm cc: Board of Ron Todd Countv Commi ssioners BOARD OF COUNTV COMMISSIONER5 Ext 241 ADM IN ISTRATION Ext 2t11 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILOING IN IN5PECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO UNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLA N N ING Ext 226 o( 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & ERIDGE Exl 257 5HERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Baszll 927 -3244 Gilman 827.5751 sOC IA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREAsU RER Ext 201 . \'ilrr il:cllt.' Octobcr 22, Ig79 Eagle County Comni ss ioners Eag1e, Colorado Re: Sclby Land fixchanse Dear Comrnissioners: I have been asked by trade and sub s equent by you on October 24 Jeff selby to revicw the thinking behind the Forest scrvice rand rezoning and dcvelopnent of thc parcel of rand being consiclered "l'-!:luy and I originally discussctl lris trade with the Forcst servicc i1 t1e srunmer of 197(r' At that tinre it was my un(lcrstanding and belief that thcre was an inhcrent public benefit in rcmoving lancl in scnsitivc arcas adjacent to rvilclcrncss colntry,in exchange for Iimited developrnent in existing areas in the county. It was my po-sition, at the tine, that any icnsity rvhich resulted from Mr. Selby's exchange (ap_proximately 10 acres in Vail for 20 acres in thc pincy drainagc area) shoulcl be at a residential density consistcnt with anv ,,()nomI rlr.nsirv :lnd cnviromental controls being consi<lered by the Town of Vail ".'ini,"ii^;,";;;h-;r-srope density regutations.Estimates at that time, would havc allowed for four building sltes tltat rvould have permitted a rnaximum if eight uni ts on l0 'crcs. The concept rrras revie r,,,e<l by the ci ty managcr and town council. In conccl)t thc pronosal was favorably receivcd, subjcct to approval of surrounding propclty owncrs. llr. Sclby subscquently receivecl thcir approval' In contlast Vail Associatcs attcmptcd a mrrch largcr exchangc in the lota-to Patch arca which received wirlcsprcad opposit i.on from adjacent lancl owners ancl was subsequently rejectcd by the .orn.il. In the timc since the original proposal the sizc of the Selby exchange has grown (43 acres in Vail for 150 acres i.n ircernan Creek). In my vj.cw the increase in sj.ze of the exchange has minimal inpact on the initial .on."pt. If the gcneral accepted density and enviromental regulations are applied, th! density being presently requestcd by lr{r ' Selbyis consistent r,rith the Gore Valleyrs developnent patterns. Any attemprs to apply different non-urban criteria to this proposal over those which have been used. for ProPerties already within the Town of Vail or the county rvoulcl be grossly unfair' It will discourage any other sinilar lan,l exchange that could benefit the general public in the future. It is the citcurnstanccs of the tirne, resulting frorn the lack of a comprehensive ap-proach to growth controls jn thc Gore Valley that has causccl lcgitimaie ancl well in-tentioned idcas to become victims to political conf I j-ct irrespcitivc of the projects sound planning concepts. I hopc that this lcttcr will servc to clarj.fy my intent when Mr. Selby first presented hi.s concept to the Town of Vail. Sincercly, F. Lanont .Sc cnc Corpc rat ion l'. ( ). ,,\tit,,r7 \rril. ( rr.,{trii7 (lJ03) t7t;-!;t{..a LR't/0w 2t T G) In rA t o)(t o aDo ulo 5E @o ==E f9 to E,i8 oz 6E IIJ G E at)-t .J, O E= llj 7 2E 6e E-- Y6 =(0 F JX fo 2ct 8c, .-d ZuI o-z 8i I rrl ZY El H6 zcD ;(! uJ o o E o o J UJ 0ctober ll, 1979 Ronald A. Todd - Architect P.0. Box 1753 Vai'l , C0 81657 - Proposed Oear Mr. Todd: As per your request we have made an ana'lysis of the drainage for the above referenced development and enclose a copy herewith. P'lease contact us if you have any questions. HLG/j lw Encl osure V ery tr yours, Graham & L. S. ,a DRAINAGE STUDY PROPOSET) LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION NO. 4 Existing Sjte Descrjption and Characteristics The 43 acre site is located jn Section l, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Prjncjpal l''leridjan. The site is located on a South facing s'l ope and is covered with Aspen trees, oakbrush, pinon and grasses. Slopes vary, but average 40% to 50% across the site. The site is bordered on the l,torth and Northwest by llational Forest lands and on the East, South and Southwest by private lands. Proposed Devel opnrent The site is proposed for developnlent into lB singie family lots ranging from 0,43 to .l.95 acres. Approximately 67% or 28 acres of the total area wjli be devoted to resource and open space 1and. B'lock I of the development wil'l consist of sjx lots fronting on Sandstone Drive. Block 2 wiil consist of ten lots fronting on a new road to be constructed to County specifications and two'1 ots off of a private road which will also serve as access to a pro- posed water storage site for the Lions Ridge l^Jater Distrjct. Exi stj nq Drai naqe Faci I j ti es A ditch along the North side of Sandstone Drive carries run-off from the crrl-de*sac Eastward to a low point and storm drain inlet, An'l 8" C.M.P. drains the inlet to the East. A p'i pe-arch culvert exists under Lions Ridge Loop Road. Its di- mens'ions are approximately 49" span and 33" rjse. It is presently about 20% fil'led'with silt. l'lo other existing drainage faci'l ities which would aid or affect the proposed development vrere noted. Run-Off and Proposed Drainage Faci'l ities The drainage area which contributes to this site runs approximately l/3 of a mjle (measured horizontally) North of the nevu proposed road. , Drainage calculatjons and peak run-off figures have been calculated for 1.5 inches of rain in a one-hour period or the equivalent of a 10-year storm in accordance with the Eag'le County Subdjvision Regula- tions. The area above Lots .l,2 and 3 of Block 2 is approximately 6.2 acres and couid be expected to contribute only about 9.3 cfs for the design storm. This ruh-off can be easily accomodated jn a wjde and shal]ow swale a] ong the North side of the road. (Dimensions of approximately 8'w'i dth aid l'depth would be adequate.) Driveways cou'l d cross this swale by ford or by use of an 18" culvert pipe. This swale should be drained Westerly to the ex'i sting pipe-arch culvert under Lions Ridge Loop Road. The culvert should be cleaned out and a headwall consiructei at its end for end protection. The area above Lot 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Block 2 is approximately'10.7 acres and wil1 contribute about l6 cfs for the design storm. Again th'i s run-off can be accomodated in a simi] ar wide and shallow swa'le along the North side of the road. Again driveways could ford the swale or use 2.l" culvert pipe. This swale wjlj drain Easterly, should be directed around the East side of the cul-de-sac, Southbrly a'l ong the West l ine of Lot 1.1, Block 2, across the open space and along the West ljne of Lot 3, Block I to the ditch along the North side of Sandstone Drive. It js recornmended that a rock liied swale be constructed from the point where it'l eaves the new cul-de-sac to sandstone Drjve to prevent erosion. A drainage easement along the l,lest sides of Lot 'l l, Block 2 and Lot 3, B'l ock I should also be provided. The area above Lots 3,4,5 and 6 of Block I is approximately 21 acres and 'includes part of the area previously discussed. This area may contribute as'much as 22 cfs fbr the des'ign storm and 24" culvert pipe should be used for drives to these 'l ots. Sandstone Drive and its d'itch along the North side should intercepi and divert run-off away from Lots I and 2, Block I ' Concl us ions The site aithough steep has no drainage ways' even minor jn nature, that would affeit deveiopment as proposed. Drainage is overland in "sheet" form rather than channeled and should remajn that way after development if care is taken to disperse drainage from around man- made obstructions (homes, walls, drives, etc.) and roof drains. |tle would recommend construction of the swales, rock_lined ditch,headwall and driveway culverti ai aisiussea herein. care must arso be taken durinq excavation for itte-fromJr ro u, not to create channe'led run-6ft wtricir iouiJ'r.ruri-i'i'""orion. Ar r swares and cu'lverts shou'rd be creaned-iit".-ir," ieve]opment has been completed and disturbed ground has been r"uu"gutii.o and stabilized. t-ru :I the proposed development js attached whjch shows existing and proposed drainaqe faciriiies ana iontroiled surface water run_off course arrows, Respect-fgJ ly submitted, Graharn & L. s. H. L.D r \\- \\),\p \\\ \IL\\ ,''[\ \ \t', a\.C r\\ .N 'oo o- oo .b '\ o.r *.t, .O TM r-R ',X $il\--r hr t- F-n \N t^ _,--'\\) (')ll f,\ tu .{ i =/\Au ;*= --J .oa =t r\t IU trM sp t\l ll ro I ll-t- u4 0$J _t/(< ltE - s F f b FI c \J o rIt s oi o -t, (0 o)to @ ,b q P (., tnm (r uJo >(o f-ao o =:o J oR tlj rr I U,i-- 0 e=(,E IIJ o-EU) -o U'O tr=U=z: c)z t! 9E =(o F JX 2o tlt @ 8o '- O- z u.J o-z >ul o o z\l =J il@ z(t ;c\l zco Lll o J uJ 0ctober 23, 1979 Ronald A. Todd - Architect P.0. Box .l753 Vai I , C0 Bi 657 RE: Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 - Proposed Drainage Study Dear Mr. Todd: As per your request I have calculated estimated peak flows for surface water run-off for a 1O0-year storm (2.5 inches in one hour) for the areas as djscussed-in rny report to you dated October ll, 1979. The following table sununarized my calculations: Area Drainaqe Area lO-Year Q c.f.s. 100-Year Q c.f.s. Above Lots l,2and3of Block 2 Above Lots 4,5,6and7of Block 2 Above Lots 3,4,5and6of Block l 12.9 21 Acres 6.2 Acres .l0.7 Acres q? l6 .0 22.0 further questions. 22.0 ?qn Please contact me if you have any Very tryly.yours, ;l </' :t/, / ,(/ /-'i/te'/""' '' H. L. Graham HLG/jlw EAGE.E EOLIF{TY EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSstoNER5 Ext 241 ADMIN ISTRATION Ext 241 I ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N5P ECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 217 CO U NTY ATTO RNEY Exl 242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRON|llENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5 844 PLANN ING ext 2?6 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 211 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 8 2 7-5 751 sOC IA L SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20'l September 10, 1979 Jeffrey Sel by P. 0. Box 1528 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Re: 7c-106-79 File No. Su-L22-79-S Selby Sketch Plan Dear Mr. Se1 by: At thejr September 5, L979 hearing the Plann'ing Com- mission recomnended denial of your zone change request from Resource to Residential Suburban i'ledium Density be- cause the app:l icant d.id not ciearly demonstrate that the advantages of the requested change outi^reighed the dis- advantages, as required by Section 10.03.04 (d) of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. The Commission made the following comments regard'ing your sketch plan: 1) 2) Three lots served by substandard road should be deleted. Road traverses difficult and del icate terrain. Building envelopes should be identifjed so as to minimize visual impact and slope d'i s- turbance where possible. These comments were made despite the negative vote on the zone change so as to provide some'i nput to the County Comlnissioners if they approve the zone change. This recom- mendation will be forwarded to the Board of County Commis- sioners on October 24, 1979. If you have any questions p1 ease cal l . Si nc erei y, .--_- tom Boni Assistant Planning D'irector l'i;,l,Ol l : li ;it,ll :,)1,i.-.,' i:','",1,? Il rrr.l l,:: Cr;tr: rty,, Col<.rrir,:j:r 6:itc rtr.,. Zc-706-79 .Planrrirrg Corrrrr.r is:: iorr Ar.tion: [)at,_, of publ ic crrr irr3 5 September 1979 did not cl early demonstrate that llccomn-rgrrcl approvtrl cc)nili t ionl;: flecor nnrcntj dsnial X ' 5 Spnt 1979 Date Board of Counly Ccrnrnission:rs Action: Approvcd cond it i ()ns: ,/ I Date of Publ ic llcaring gp 4-, cr'#;;for 24 0ctober 1979 X DCnrc(J ated. 24__ogtsbe_r 192_9 l)irtr,r Attest: c L AZZ";- "-7 UNITEO STATES DEPARTMENT oF AGRIGULTURE FOREST SERVICE Rifle Ranger District l rlOO Access Road Rif1e, Colcrado 81610 54n General September Jeff Selby Box 1528 Vail, Co 8155? Dear Jeff: I enjoyed your phone call today. ftrn gtad the exchalge is finished and you are working on the zoning change. V'/"nen f appraised the property f talked vith the l'layor, City 9lanner and others about the exchange and its trhighest ald best user'. Everyone at both ci.ty and county leve1 supported the exchange. f hope you will invite me to see how you develop the 4J acres. Do you still plan your owr home on the site? ft was nice to have the opportunity to r,rork with you and the City of Vai1. Sincerely, t1 | jh.- // tnms t. l4Ar.rcAN / Di-strict ilanEer t2o0-r I o/6e) EAGLE COUNTY Department of Planning and Development eplc r- 8; c8cohTf,oo e r os r 7 September 1979 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTY COM M I55 ION E RS Ext 241 ADMTNISTRATION Ext 241 -l ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SE550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & R ECO R DER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG E\t 226 o( 229 PU RC HA5I NG/ PERSONNEL Exl 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 21 1 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOC IAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Eagle Va1 1ey Enterprise Eag1e, Colorado 81 631 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Board of CountY Commissjoners 24 0ctober 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 13 September 1979 publ'ication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this offi ce . Thank you 4 '/-J- -//.-Z..e"t-Z t-- Office Manager/Secretary SITE DATA LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO.4-PROPOSED SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 43.33 ACRES AREA OF THE PORTION OF'THE PROPERTY UNDER 23.06 ACRES CONSIDEMTION FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESOURCE TO R.S.M. BALANCE OF PROPERTY TO REMAIN RESOURCE 20.27 ACRES TOTAL I'NITS PROPOSED T9 UNITS PROPOSED DENSITY (UNITS PER ACRE FOR TOTAL AREA) .44 UNITS/ACRE TOTAT NET DEVELOPABLE ACREAGE OF THE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY UNDER CONSIDERATION EON CirINCi'bF ZONING 9.6 ACRES PROPOSED DENSITY IUNITS PER ACRE OF DEVELOPABTE AREA) 1.98 UNITS/ACRE LOT DATA LION'S RIDCE SUBDIVISION FILINGNO.4-PROPOSED SEPTEMBER 5, T979 LOT BLOCK 1 TOTAL ACREAGE TOTAL NET DEVELOPABLE AREA 15600 S.F. i5200 s.F. 18000 s.F. 15900 S.F. 15700 S.F . 20200 s.F. 11800 S.F. 14400 S.F. 16000 s.F. 13200 S.F. 13000 s.F. 14100 S.F. 15200 S.F. 23500 S.F. 24600 S.F. 9000 s.F. 14100 s.F. 63400 S.F. BLOCK 2 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LVI ll. LOT 12 .36 ACRE .36 ACRE .83 ACRE .51 ACRE .51 ACRE . / J ALl(ll .56 ACRE .5I ACRE .44 ACRE .44 ACRE .45 ACRE .43 ACRE .57 ACRE .91 ACRE .92 ACRE .61 ACRE .59 ACRE 1.95 ACRE s-tr-q $ F S I 4 €$il c.l + lu $I N I tu I -] N :f F .f $ J F,O ir $ h t, ol-t- o z I $ul u )l JI b_l url ,FI .u_ $r I s I $ lu $ s tl R N. a N $- tfl t d.K N\ Pal 6r^ d N *\sq z Or HF OZ C ul t$l $- LY \ st d Z $z. _I tr I Z a s o o =rc) ul u L\ M in T.g J (r t\g s- h l t$ -l o \) ; ul -} \)o tlj --\ IL 0 tr o T _] el v \d $ \ q St Y \\ -l o I \9 F \ -J $iil o uJ (\ N \L s,- s- e}z. \I Z- J If I Z.a s N s f 'f) IH L} M _o Z- S J IF t-ltfr t- IF lf IE l< I -i. ii 3 o q-8 + (\3 Y t -l o t s t-a -l I \] =l u-a tr D T J, E J E* -lrZ s9 tu uJ \$ T CFIA,RLES H. RoSENQUIST P.0. Box 686 Vail. CoLorado 81657 December 15, 1979 Eagle County Planning Corunission Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 8163f Dear Planning Connission: I am the owner of Lots G-7 and G-8 which have been resubdivided into residential honesites, This is also the site of my own personal resi- dence. I have followed the Selby's land trade with the Forest Service since itrs inception and have supported it completely. Since cornpletion of the trade this past surlner, I have had the op-portunity to see Mr. Selbyt s planning of the property. I fully supported the proposed rezoning request to RSM which was compatable with the sur- rounding neighborhood and lots. I therefore even nore strongly support the requested rezoning to RSL since this insures that the property will be develoned into only single family residential lots. I also fu1ly support the proposed subdivision plan which will have a very rnininal impact on the surrounding area. I arn particularly impressed with the site plan layout with the large single fanily residentj-al lots. I conpletely support Mr. Selby's rezoning and subdivisj-on requests. Sincere 1y . A JI Ku'/il; '" ,ri nquist FILI t]c.?n,,, ,,^r,rr FoR lolr[ c]r^rcr: Scction l0:00 of thc EACLI COUNIY ZOIIIN(j Ri-SOLUTION appl ication) application, 35 days before 2. zOrJE CHANGE RIQUtSTED: o'o'- (pr'l?i?f?.;rI to-L'sid!?Ff,#:ipfiHyl'w--Der:iu Attach Zonc District Map (Avai labie proposed for chanqe clcrrly nrarked 3. LEGAL DISCRIPTION OF I'IIOPIliiY: a. Subd.ivision Nanrc site plan and al I related infornration shal I the fir.st Planninq Cr.lrrrrrriss.i on nrcctinq at.CounLy Planninq 0fficc) r^rith parcel on tt. Filinq #Lot Bl ock OR b. ltletes and Bounds: (May bc Attached) Lots 20 and ll--_scct_Lq!-_-IqwlrsI.]n_.5 fu_qUl'.. Range 81 l{cst of _ the 6th Prinicr?q-l_t.teridian -_._-_Tota.l Acreage 23.06 GENERAL L0CATI0N 0F PR0PERTY Nortl_and__eqel! of Tlie_,Vatley at lail peve t opmgrr t an,t wes t o f =!&I:r:!e_e__uli_!a_r_ subd_i v i s i on . 5. Briefly exprain the purnosc and redson for thr'.' zone ch(rrge requested w 4. rne pttrpose is !g atto:v-1ga_t1*exe_LgJrqent of a sub_d!]4gq_ehish_urLl_provide single farnily tous-ng ,nitr. -Th. ,""ron ror-tt u *quested zone erty-Lga:_fuylfJeLin_a_rclenl I and ex ch an ge w i t h the Forest service ana sini"-"ir rll*ilrest lancls arc zoned Resource the applicant is desirg]r: nf- rezoning tt," tona consistent with the sur_ :t:to.t"* properties within in"-irr"ii.iu r""" and the "nirr" Gorc varrey APPL ICANT_ .IEFFRIY R. _-.sl!,By MAILING ADDRTSS OWNE R proceed wi th Tr,ro copies of be presented of the rnonth. P_o:l_-Qfli_ce_ Ro1_ ts_l!- - _ _piioNt L303) IJS_gi3Z____ CITY Vail STATE__Cql ora_rlg-.-__ __--Z I p elCsz If Appilcintli not or.mEr.T ui nlin e v i-o-e rrc e oT_o vr n e [, -ffin rilii o n -fo- - PAGE 2 APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE 6: Read Section .l0.03'03 a,b,c,d of the Eagie County-Zoning Reso'l ution' Furnish evidence that one-oi *o.e of the reasons listed is applicable and that the zone change is desirable: Describe possible negative impacts' As nentioned above, the subject property was recently a part of an exchange in rvhich I traded 150 acres located at Free Creek o cat ed in the Lionrs Ridge area within the Gore Valley.This trade gives the Forest Service nuch better contro 1 ,if land are removed out of private ownership. Thi-s Forest Service trade cts sunnorted bv the Ea and goals of the Ntaster Plan. The requested zoning change is consistent 1.adjacent property owners (may be attached) The above information is complete and accurate to the best of my knolledge wa5 locies with (See bottorn of page) Names and addresses of all (See attached list) /- Rr, ,... , / a, ,., ,r) \'2 .-( f ..i; !,/t Date uy / !LrJ/. r\ n*" v' sih Pb^./ ,.rr.l 'P',ry ,- bra ot ot /z-3-77 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI]LY: Rece i ved Accepted Rej ected Fee Paid for Public Hearing of as i ncompl ete because : ' '/' / //.Receipt No. and lower than the zoning of the surrounding properties and the entire Gore Va1ley area. The area for which the rezoning is requested has changed fron public lands to private land and it is in the public interest to encourage a use such as single family residential hone sites in this area. 6. EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT '-')RECEIVED oate-t1-:'-,19 CHECK,T.CASH ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Subdivision Appl ication Zone Chan Conditional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Buildin ) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received no'payment of any item. Ne 5913 for collection only and this recelpt shall be cancelled aor /''-... AMOUNT APPLICATION FOR ZONE CFIANGE 6. Lionrs Ridge Filing 1 A-1 A.M. Lutz tI 7472 Lincoln Center Buildi-ng A-2 Denver, Colorado 8O2Os A-7 Deane L. Knox & Donald R. Carpenter 1 Downing Str-et Denver, Colorado 80219 A-8 Casolar 6 1 Alegra Associates A-9 155 South Madison, Suite 302 Denver, Colorado 80226 2 Dean L. Knox 1 Downing Street, Unit 4 Denver, Colorado 80219 3 Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7800 Durharn Way Boulder, Colorado 80301 4 Victor Mark Donaldson Dtawer M Vail, Colorado 91.657 5 Patricia D. Ricknan Box 138J Vail, Colorado 81657 6 Frances E. Poynter and Kenneth F, Dubach 2230 Knollwood Drive Boulder, Colorado B03Oz 7 Thomas Nelson N{cKee 70B6 sth Avenue Scottsdale, Arizona gS251 B Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7900 Durham ltray Boulder, Colorado g030z 9 6 Leo Payne 10 300 Wadsworth Boulevard Denver, Colorado g0226 Unsubdivided land north of Lots A-1., A_2 and A_J: Sky Lion Partners at Vail % First City Resources Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie, Illinois 60076 CHARLES H. RoSENQUIST P.0. Box 686 Vail, Colorado 81657 Septernber 5, 1979 Eagle County Planning Cornrnission Eagle Cormty P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Planning Cormlission: I am the ownet of Lots G*7 and G-8 which have been resubdivided in residential homesites. This is aLso the site of tny own personal resi- dence. I have followed the Selbyrs land trade with the Forest Service since it's inception and have supported it completely. Since cornpletion of the trade earlier this summer, I have had the opportuni.ty to see Mr. Selbyts pLanning of the property. I fully sup- port the proposed rezoning request to RSM which is compatable with the surror,rnding neighbo"hood and 1ots. I also fully support the proposed subdivi.sion plan which will have a very minimal impact on the surtound- ing area. I an particularly impressed with the site plan layout with the large single farnily residential- lots. I completely support Mr. Selbyts rezoning and subdivision requests, Sincerely, /C/,;:7 a ---l-tca-'-rz'Charles H. ":::i otf ice of the mavor box 100 o vail, colorado 81657 r. (303) 476-5613 August 3'l , .l979 Eagle County Pl ann ing Commi ss jon Box 850 Ea91e, C0 8163'l Dear Commissioners: The Town of Vail Council is opposed to the proposed upzoning of the. Sel by property. The Tor,ln does not suppbrt' upzon.iirg of iand within the Gore va11ey, when the Town has'down zbned lind in the past to reduce the number of units wr'thin the Town. in addition,the.Town counci'1. may be considering other rezonings that would further reduce density. If the. Gore Vallgy was developed under the current zoning there could be up to 32,700 peopl.e living with the val1ey. Sofre people w'i th'i n the conmunity consider that this wourd be an unmanagbabie number of-peop1 e to provide adequate servjces to and retaii a good quality of ljfe within the Gore Valley. The question is why increase the nurnber of units within the Gore Va1ley when the Town-and. County should be looking at reducing the number of units within the Gore Va1ley. The Towi and county must determine and'implement a plan for the Gore va] 1ey so that itevetop-ment requests are evaluated using a comprehensive- p'l anning approai:h that considers the pol icies and effects'on the entire valiev. / yours,& Sl ifer v EAGIE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtssloNERS Ext 24 1 ADMINISTRATION Ext 24 | ANIMAL SHELTER 949-429? A55Es50 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN IN S PECT IO N Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOR DER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTO RNEY Exl 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN 5I O N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING E\t 226 ot 229 PU RCHA5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basalt 9 2 7-3 244 G ilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 32A-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Jeffrey B. Selby P. 0. Box .|528 Vail, Colorado 81 657 RE: F'ile # Zc-106-79 At their August 1st meeting the Planning Commissjon conti.nued your requesi to September 5, .1979, as you requested, If you have any questions, please contact this office' / f7 ---dlzaJ Susan Vaughn A P'l anner August 2, 1979 sV/cp JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. BOX I A2A var|-, coLoRAoo at617 TCEIVED 6 lgTg July 31, 1979 It{s. Susan Vaughn, Planner Eagle County Department of Planning and Developnent Post Office Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81651 Dear Susie: Thank you for taking the time yesterday to rneet with me and walk the 43,44 acres of land which I an requesting rezoning for. I appreciate your connents and suggestions concerning the proposed subidivison, particularLy that the open space areas remain Resource zoning. As I mentioned on the phone today, ny architect, Ron Todd, will not be in town for the August lst Eagle County Planning Conrnission meeting; therefore, I would request the matter be tabled or postponed until the first rneeting in Septernber, which I beli.eve would be on the Sth. Thank you for your assistance. I hope this does not cause you any problerns, but it would be best if our planner is at the meeting. l-- ,/ry /"f{L JBS:ejr RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR ,&*ffi COLORAM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STFEET oENVEF, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839'2611 JOHN W. K)LD Oircctor Mr. Terrill Knight Eag'le County DePt. of Planning Box .l79 Eag1e, C0 8.|631 Dear Mr. Knight: August 1, 1979 and Devel opment RE: FILE N0. SU-122-79-S SELBY'S SKETCH PLAN LION'S RIDGE #3, PROPOSED we have reviewed the materials supporting this subdivision. From our -is feasj b1 e if the engineering-experience it appears as if this project ^^^^-.iA+^.ili;s;;-;..o*!laitions made in tne-c.s. no-b]l:"l il1..l:t:::i::t ;;;i;i;-;;;il; ;;;' io' ir'. area are g'rg1l{ Igll::"9^9.':::9,1':}s'iri'.l.iti:r.ii.r."-il"aerate to severe slope-r-rffiabi 1 ity mav result if this is not done. Si ncerel y, Engineering Geologist JMS/dks cc: Land Use Commission au u d l9lg L!t,i.'. i r.,:i'ir: t,;a,iii. fugle, U!!flty, (h{+ GEOLOGY THE PAST. .. KEY TO THE FUTURE STORY OF (, O) 1()@ to s (Y' uto uro !E=:)U'O a =q5 J ^o il() E,fff ln r-(,at, z eA ITJ o.cu) 'o (nO E=l+z 25 (9(9 6.- RECEIVED JUL 3 1 1979 r: .rt ;,laillng & Devrl.L.-. tl.rurli Col|r 9P z6 F {x -v, H z 8ci July 30, .|979 Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P.0. Box .|79 Eagl e, C0 8'1631 ATTN: Teni'll Knight RE: File No. Su-l22-79-5 -- Selby Sketch Plan Lions R'idge #3 - Proposed Dear Sir: As the engineer for Lions Ridge Water District I am herewith submitting comnents on the referenced projects: 1. As a result of the recent va1ley wide water study, the Lions Ridge Water District is now considering a maior water storage tank project which would benefjt not only Lions Ridge, but also other neighboring water districts. ?. The above referenced project is in close proximity to a potential tank site. Furthermore' the proposed subdivision is located such that it could interfere with water lines relating to the new tank. 3. The Lions Ridge llater District hereby requests that the developer be required to grant such uti'l ity ease- ments as wi'l I be required to facilitate the tank or water main construction. 4. It is possible that a water line could be constructed within the proposed roadway and along boundary lines of lots 8 and 9 (Block 2) and thence through the area designated as "Open Space". '- (l ZuJ o-z =uJ 8? (,uJ ZY E5 Hdt z(t }N ut o (E o o J uJ Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 JvLy 9, L979 lerril-1 Knight, % Eag'tq. CorntY Box 179 Eagle, Colorado Eagle County Pl-amer Plannlng Dept. sr63l_ i",,.:l': i" ,T,rl l,i;; J 19ig lrcpt. of llaniriig & oeveli' trgle, County. C0t0r Terri.ll-: The Jeff Selby sketch plan was subrlitted to the Eagle County So11 Conseryatlon Dlstrict for revi.ew arxi conrnent. We r^,ouLd srggest that the developer provide detailed soils inforsratlon at thls tlme for the erea correred ln thls proposal. This would a1d ln deterrni-ning suiteble briJdi4g sites, road loeations, as wel1- as in the revegetation ard/or landscaping plan. Sincerelly, , ./" J '3,,.r1, .Jck" hrd Gates, President Mr. Terrill Knight ,luly 30, 1979 ', j,' ". i !'--i;6Aiwo - ;' ") i" I presume this clear'ly states not, please contact me. Respectfu'l'ly, /1 /r Koftw NxX"nqJ'txa u a'Roger Hocking Consultlng Engineer for Lions R H/j 1w xc: All Board Menbers Jim Collins Jim Bailey Town of Vall - Kent of the District. If the concerns R'idge Uater District Rose '\ RICHARD O. LAMM Governor C.J. KU IPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resources '1313 Sherman Streel - Room 818 Denve( Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground Water (3O3) 839-3587 IuIy 24, 1979 ii[cF/,,Fr) JUL ::j /g/g D"o.' o, ,,0,,. ,.,,,tg,r, co, nrr., co" uu 0,. Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: SelbY Sketch Plan, Lions Ridge Filing 3, File No. SU-122-79-S Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge receipt of material pertaining to the above referenced sketch plan. Unfortunately, no information was submitted concernlnq the proposed water supply. If the development is to be served by the Lions Ridge Water District, we have no objection to the sketch plan. If otherwise, we ask that this proposal be held in abeyance until such time as we have reviewed and commented on a water supply plan. Very truly yours, /t - .- ,t. ffir-^sr^or*ffitr Water Management Branch For: Dr. Jeris A. Danielson Deputy State Engineer HDS,/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. EAGLE GOUNTV nnterof f ncc nnc nn@ rend u nn To; TERRILL KNIGHT, PLANNING DIRECTOR Subject: SUBDIVISION REVIEI] From: ERTK W. EDEEN, ENVIRONI,IENTAL HEAI,TH File No.: Su-122-79-S Date: JULY T2, L979 RE:File No.Su-122-79-S Selby Sketch Plan Lion's Ridge #3 - Proposed APPLICANT:Jeffrey B. Selby ljox ,L 5l u Vail , CO 81657 COMMENTS: I have no objection to these plans. Drainage Re: Natural Infiltration However, please Note ltem fn Lra nrnrri naA Bon -E;W-E;/ nCm i',, ,:--- ,?ECEI\1iT) JUL t b t9/9 o"il*;J.';,;1; *,.,,, Rodney n. noberts, l-eader Canon City-Grand Junction Tean Branch of Adjudlcation USDI , Bureau of Land Fanagen:ent Colorado State Office Roon 700, Cclorado State Bank Buildlng 1600 Broad'*ay Denver, Colorado eC20? - -----l and Lands 2cc: l.,lhi te Ri ver liational Forest Cc.': JEFF f,,: ,l Dear Fh. Roberts: This is in reply to your letter of June 28, 1979' jssuance of a patent to Jeffrey B. Selby and I'laro The Forest Service has granted an eesenent to Eagle county r*hich crcsses the iand to be patented in the exchange. The patent should be issued subiecl to a 4O-foot right-of-way for a road. ^ q \9J9 JUL"- 5430 July 3, 1979 co-946( JS ) c-2755rFX regarding the Sel by, S,e "ey /" -. I A^d ttE sald f6r(igs o{ thc firsr parr, for covcnant and agrca thsselves aro rcr |}1gia hats, cteculoas end adhio$Irdtors to and wirh rh. said party of the s.cond Fart. that at the tdne ofthe ensealing of and dcliv.ry oflhclc r prEs.nrs thgV afe well seizcd ofrhc sard lard and tenementr In fcc srmplc,and l,E/e go(xl n8hr. tullpowcrand laMul aurhonty to grarft, ba|rgarn, scll and convcy thc samc in lhc manner nnd forrn &s aforcsard: hercby fully and ab\olutety *'irirrng and relcasing all nahlt and c laims thev may have in or lo said land r, ten€mcnts. and ororredy i6 a Homesread E xempti(nr, or ot her exemptroo. urdrr aid by vlrtuc ofarry at ofthc 6cnrral Asscmbly ofthc Shtr of Colorado, no\} exr\ungor whrc! may here;after tE pa\ rcd in relatron therto ad thal tlF same-ar€ ft!€ a.d ctar of all ticniand encumbrences *hatcvir. gl4ggpl genefal taXeS fOf 1980, payable Jantfafy 1, 1981, and subsequent years, and the follo'uing of record: U.S, Patent Reservations, restrictions, easements, rights of way and protective covenanEs. ard thc abovc bargarncd property in th€ quiet and pqceable FDssassion of lhe said parly of thc secord part. his 5ucceslors and l]ssrgns. agiinst all and every pcrson or parsons lr\A,fully clarming or ro claim thc whole oa any part thereof. thc said partj-es of the first part sha.ll irrld will War.ant lind F-orever Def€nd. Untilpll.t.]]e|llinlu|io|lhcindcbtcdncsrthtpartiggi}tlhcl'irs||itrlshi||ltjnrclvpal!tlI|il\c\ald lrriIlcnnoliuctolhcbc|lct.iciart'.Alll|coPtiono|.th0btnc|.iciar)'. bcncliciar1.lr|.rtrthcrsr'ctlriI\'|brt|rcind.btcdnc5\'ShollldlhcrJrrties sttch pl!ntcnls cdtoattdbceomcapiLrlo|.tltcindcbtcdne!55ccurcdbylhisDccdo|Ir\lllndn]a\ nol p:riJ b) rhc nlrt ioq ol lh( lirsl parr. In addition, and t its oplion, rlrc bcncliciarl rnal declrrc thc irrdcbtcdncsr \e!ur!'d hcr('b] r,n,i i ni. tricct lf all or any pdrt of the property or an interest therein rr r6ld or trdnslerred by I ir\t Parl igs $ithout h€nefiJii,ry ! pli-r !"nrten con:ent. e\cludrnt (i,r the creation ofa lian or enaumbrance subordlnate to this Deed of Trust, (b) th€ creation of a purchase money secunty inlere:,t for houschold dI'plirnce(. (u ) r Irr;,fcr by dGvtsc.desc€ntorbyoperatjonof|awuponthcdcathofajointtcna'tor(d)lh€8I:rntofany|easeho|dinterestofth'ccyeuror|essnotcon!ainin8al1opll()ntopurchie' bcneficiary may. al beneficiary's oplion. deciarc allthc sums s€curcd by this Deed of Trusl ro be immediately due rnd pilyable Benct-icriuy \lLdl fkve wajved such optiontonccc|erdttif.prior1utbesa]eorlransfer.b€n€f'iciaryandIh€ptrsontowhomlhepIopcrtyistobe.'oldor(ran5[cfedreachl8re€Inentjnwnttn8th!tthccrjl of such pcrson rs satisfa{tory lo b(neficiary and that the Interest F,ayable on the sums securcd by tlus De€d oiTrust shall b€ al such rate as bcneficiary shail |equest. AND TIIAT IN CA.SE OF ANY DEFAULT, Whereby lhe nShl of lbreclosure occurs hereunder. rh. lrn)e party of lhe second pilrr or rhc hold€r of sard notc or ccrtlficdtc of purchasc. shali a( onc€ become anlilled to thr tDssessron, usr and enjoy ment of the prop€rt) al_[,re\a]d, dnd to I he r rnrr, rsrrres and proills lheraof. from the accruinS of such nght and dunng thc pendency of forcclosure proceedrngs and the penod of redcmpoon. if .my thcre bei i.id \uih possession shall at once be dclivered to thd said party oflhe second part or the holder of said note orcertficate ofpurrhasr on request, and on rcfusal, lhc delivcry of such possession may be enfoac€d by the said party of the second paj I or the holder of vrid note or cartificate of pufcha\e by any appropriae civil suit or proce€ding, and the said Frty ofthe second part, or thc holder ofsajd n.ric ureertrfrcJtc of pLrchale. or ant Ihertof. shJll t€ entitlcll to "Rcceivcr for said prolarly, alrd of the rcnts, issucs and profits th€reof, after such det3ult, including the trnle covered by foreclosure proceedrn8s and the f,criod of rcdemption,ifanytlE.et.andshallbeentitlqlrheretoasamarterofnghtv,irthourreSjilrolh€lolvencyorrnsolvencyofthep'rrr i€S of(he llrst patt or of th€ lhcn owner of said prop€rty and ,*ithout r!8a'd to lhe value thereof, and such Receiver may be xppointed by any cor.rrt oi cornpetent jurisdiction upon ar patte application and withoutoolice--no(rce being her€by expressly waived--ard all rents. issues and profits. income and revenue t herefrom shallbe applied by such Rec:eiver to lhe paymeot of the irdebredness hereby scaurcd, accordin8 ro lhe law and tire orders and directions ofthe court. A-ND, Thal in ca.s€ of default in ary of s:]id paydients of principal or inlercsl. accordinS to rhe lenor and eff€ct of said promissory note a.foresail, or any ofthenr, or any part th€reof, or ofa breach or violauon of any ofthe covenails or agreem.nls hereir. by the parl ies of tfre f'r)l pin, thtril. executors, admrnistratorsorassrgn\,lhenand rn ttrdt ca\e lhe *hole ofsard pnncipal sum hereby \ecuic\j, and lhc rn(cre\t th.rEon to ihc tim.blih-eiic. may at oncc. at !he option ofrhe legal holdler thereof, bccL'me due and payable, ard the saidproperty be sJld in (he manner ar $,ith th€ samc effecl as if said indebtedners had matured, and that if fo(eclosur€ be made by th€ Public Truslee. an attorney s fee of thc sum of a feasonablg afnOUft W6 tbr s€rvices in the sup€rvrsion of said foreclosure proceedrnSs shau be allo*ed by rhe Public Trust€e as a frart of lhe cosl of forda los ure, and ifforeclosure tre madc t hrough the courls a rearonabl€ attorncy's fee shallt€ l:ed by the court as a part o[lhe costi of such foaecloture pr<xeedings. Should any provision of this De€d ofTrustb€ found lo violale thc statutes orcourtdccrrions ofthe State ofColorado, orofthe United Slates, such provisioo shall be dcemad to bc arhended to comply with and cooform to such statutes and decisions Ili WTINESS WI(ERLTOF. The sa.'d na riUS thc day aJd ycar firsl abovc wntten. vrTIr-ESS: ofthe first pafl ha Ve h€reunro ser theif hands and seaj tsEAI-l FEAL] ISEALI Netary Public. {,, I STATE OF COLORAM. E { 3> -l el EI i.r -9 .: -e .!l I :(! LI: eE >,t 9Y rnx € a.) Y + I r f Yt z z 3 TD ph -Q E =B -& F t<U);f &F lr tll bl tr/6 Fhv U 7,V fc >f ir*u us> fl P.'? (,Y tYv b 1'l -^ vY (9 f it u,dl UT .c\7 o (5 -a l o o o 8 J o t- Fi tt Ir 6 IL a z 'L -il4,ltt r -'l , betwecn JEFFREY B. SELBY AND MARO SELBY whoscaddrcssis P. 0. Box 1528, Vail, Colorado 81657 p"tt ies of the first part, and thc Public Trusrcc of County of Eagle in thc Stalc ofColorado, party ofthc sccond part, Witnesseth: THAT, WHEREAS,Thcsaid Darties of the f irst part h" Ve executcd thgif promissqry notr bearing €ven datc hcrewith, for the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND N0/f00 - - - -Dorrars, payabrcrotheordcrof Cornty of Eagle, State of Colorado by and ttrrouglr its Board of Cornty whosca{drlslis'P(tA:. Bo{ 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631 C.crrmissioners .1"." .' / . altcr the dat€ hcrcof, with intcrest thcrcon from thc datc th€rcof 4'| vJv,.t .' at ttie rarc <rf \ : : ,/ / , -b-1- pcr cenr pcr annum, payablc according to the terms set forth at ttie.rarc <d\ ,:,' /,., -b- 1- pcr cent pcr annum, payablc according tO the Lerms set forth iherein; < "/ r 'rl\_ .,. !r. ., \,t Rccordcd 'clock ---------M. , Reccplion No., Rccordcr .^9,n ,Itvv I Trus lloexrunE, Madc rhis 30rh day ot JulY AND WHEREAS, Thc said pard eS ofthe first part are principa.l and intercst of said promissory notc in whosc hands socvcr the said notc NOW, THEREFORE, Thc said parties of rhc first part, in considcration of thc do hereby grant, bargain, scll and convey unto thc said palry of thc second part I dcsirous ofsccuring payment of lhe or any ofthcm may bc. prcmiscs and for thc purposc aforesaid, in trust forcver, thc following dcscribcd of sajd nota o-r any of thcm, or ln thc payment of any prior encumbranccs, principai or interest, if aI|y, or ia case dcfaull shall b€ made in or in casc of violation or brearh ofanyoflhe terms, condidons, covinantsor agrcinr€nts hercrn conrain;d, th; benefciary her€uniteror ttrc lcgat lota"ioiittj i"iiUtcirr..i..c"ioj hcreby rnay dcclarc a violarion ofany oflhe co\cnants herain co;Larned and elecl roadvcrrisc sad propcrty for sale and dcmari ruch salc, rhen, upon li li ng notici of quch alcc0on and demald tor sale \r,llh t he said partyofthe second parl. who shall upon rccetpt ofsuah norica ofclacllon and demand for \ale causc aiopy oftf,c sarnc to be recordcd in thc .!cord.r's officc of rhe counly In whch iaid renl estate rs siluai.d. il shal an{l may be taMuj for sara parry of itri'ico"a p"n io scll and dispos. of the sarnc (cn massc or in scparate parcels, as thr said Public i.usr.. m"y rr{inl Ue.ii, and dl t.hc iight, titlc and i'nteresi property, situatc in the County of E: ol o , Statc ofcolorado, to wil: Lot 5, Block 2 Lj-on's Ridge Subdivision No. 4 also known ar slrcet and numbcr, TO tIAyE AND TO HOLD the same, togctlEr with aI and sinSular the pnvileScs ard appurljenancas thercunto belonginS: In Trust Ncverthelcss, Thal in casa ofdcfault in thc lEyrncnt of \ai, norc or ary of lhem. or any part thercof, or in th€ payment of lhc intcrest thereon, accordinS to the tcnor and cff.ct of saidpartigs ofthc firsr part.tt!€if heirs or assigns thcrein, ar pubtic aucrion "116"Ea.St fiont door of the Court Hou s.. in t he Cou nty of Eaglg .Sht of('olorado. or on raid prcnuses. or any pdrt Ihcrcolas rnay oe l9ccficd in rhc notrce ol sard sal.. for rhe hrhcsr and b.sr pncc lFe samc \^.ll bnng In cash. four wccks public noticc hav||18 b€en prcviously pvcn of the t|rnc and placc of such sale, by aivcrtisemcnt, *cckly. in somc ncwsparEr of Bcncral ci.culalion at t hat timc pub[shed in said counry of Eagle , a copy of which nolic. shall be mailcd +L^.'-Lt leJ-! hctrs or as\iEn,!, \* ill Aay I hc cxpcnsa t hcraof. ,l ---:---l- L No.34l-A.Rel'.'79*IIttEDOI.TRUST-pubticTrurtee(with..dueon3atectsuse..,)-Heceiver.sCtrusc-Arto.ne',sFees. wilhin tcn days frot'l the dat ofthc first publicadon th€r.of ro rhc said paflies oflhc first parr at the address herein givcn and ro such p.rson or parson\ apF,eannS lo hava acquired a subsequcnt record rnrcrcrt,n said real esu-rc at the addrcss rliven rn r hjrecorded instrument: wheri onlt the countv a;d stalc rr gtvcn as thc addrcss lhcn such notlcc shall tE mailed tothc county saat, and to mate and givetothc-purchaserorpuachasers ofsuch propcrty at;uch salc, a;crtficate or cert{icatcs in.*nting des4n bi n8 suc h propei ty purchaicd. anJ the r.rm ur sums poiri rhircfor. and llrc tintc w#n rhe purchascr or iu'ihaten (or orhcr p€rsoo enrrtl€d lhctclo) s hall b. cntitl.d toade.d ordecds t hercfor. unl.rs th. sa rne shal lbe rcdcemed as is orovidcd bv law: ard eid tibtrc Trustceihal. umn demand b'v rhc ocrson or Frso(rs holding th€ sald c.rtrircatc or certrficalcs o[ puahasc. whcn sard demirnd rs made. or upon'demand by the pr\on entitled to a becd to and fo'r the propcrty purchasad, al thc tiinc such demand is mad.. lhc tirh€ for redemptron havinr crorrcd, make and erciute to such r€rron or rrrsons a deed o_r dccds to th€ sad prop.r ty purcha\cd. whrch sard decd or decd\ \hall b. in rhe ordinary f;rm dfa conveyancc, and sha.lJ be signed. ac ( now led gcd i rd dii'vcrcd by r hc said Public Truslcc, as granlor, and shall convey and quit-claim ro such p.rson or persons eniitled to such- dccd, as 8ranice. thc sald properly purchascd as aforesaid and all (h. ri8hr. titlc. intcrcsr, b€nefit and cquity of rcdcmption of rhe part ies of th. first part, thgif h.irs and assiSns thcrein, ard shall rccite (he sum or sums for which the sard pmperty was sold and shall r.fcr ro thc power of salc thcrcin contained, aod to thc sale or salcs madc by virtue thercoi ard in case of an asstgnment of such c;rtiijcaie or ccrtificatcs of purchasc, or in casc o[ the rcdcmption of strch propcrty, by a subsequenl cncumbranccr, such assignhent or rcdemp(ion shall aiso ba refarcd to in such dced or decds: but thc nolica of salc n€€d not bc tct oul in such dced or detds and thc said Public Trustee shall, out of thi procecds or avails of such salc. aftcr first fnying and retaining all fces, chargci and costs of makinS said salc. pay to thc b€ncliciary hcrcundcr or lhc lcgal holdcr of said notc the principal arid intcrest duc on sajd nolc according to lhe tlnor and effcct lhercof, and all morrcys advanced by such bcneficiary or lcgal holder of said not for insurance. tarcs and asscsstrEnts, rvith mtcrcst rhcrcon at ]/ p.r cent fJ€r annum, rcndcrinS rtle ovcrplus, if ar|y, unto lhc said pa.rl ies ofthc first pot, theif laSal reprcscnlalivcs or assiSns; which s: e or sales and said deed or dccds so mada shall ba a pcrp€tual bar. both in la\r and equity, aSarnsl lh. *d p*5_es of lh€ first part. thgif heirs and assigns, and all oth€r persons claimin8 thc satd propcrly, or aoy part tt|creof, by, frorn, through oa undcr said part i o c of I h€ first f,arl, or .rny of t h.m. Tle holdcr or holders of said note or notcs dray Durchasc lad nroDcrty or aoy pan lhcraol and rt shall no( tr oh]iltfrrtt up!'n tha purcha\er or purcha\cn dt ary \uch \ale to \ce to the application of the purifrasc money. if a rcl&sc dccd bc r.qui.cd, it is agr.cd that the parl les ofthc first part, -BradfotdPublirhins.tSt6tWcs!.l4rhAvcnuc.cotdcn.Cotorado8040t-{30J)2?8-0644-t-80 Impact Report Page 6 T.he Setting i Densities of Neighborlng Developnent.l * Developments ln Ehe lmrnedlate vicinity range from single family lots to projects wlth densities over 48 dwe11lng unics per acre. (ftre zonLng requested for this site 1s 0.42 DIJ/acre.) * Developments adjacent to the proposed subdivlslon have an average density of about 2.9 DtJ/acre. The access road for the top portion of the subdivislon is Lionts Rldge Loop, The average denslty for all projects served by this road ls about 1.5 DU/acre. The major development is The Valley which has an overalL density of 2.45 DU/total acre, The access road for the lower porEion of fhe subdivlslon is whlch also serves HomesEake, Lions Mane, the Eigher ChaleLs, and Lots A-1, 2) & 3. The average denslty of these projeccs 1s over 18 DU/acre. The developments to the south and east of the proposed subdlvlslon are ln the I'view corridor" of the subdlvlsion; Lhat is, when the the subdivision is visible f rorn tlre l'rontate r{oad and the InEerstate, oEher bulld1ngs that are In the field of vision are considered ro be in the t'view corridor. t' (The general area of this "corridor" is indicated on the exhibit on page 8 .) ProjecEs in the "view corridor include: Vail Run (21.8 Du/acre), Brakaway (45,5), che employee housing project (19,7), Telemark (20.1), Casolar (6.9), Homestake (48.5) Llons Mane (28.7), Eiger Chalet (11.7), and Snow Lion (19.1). The average density for the projects in the "view corridortr is over 18 DU/acre. The exhibit on the following page sunnurrizes the Locations and densiEles of mosE of the surrounding properties, The table on page 8 summarizes data about the densities of neigh- borlng property, including their area, number of uniEs existing or a11owab1e, and relationship to the proposed subdivislon wiEh respect to (l) proximity, (2) access roads, and (3) visibility. z z=A r/) kl zad r,2") HH(J Fr Fl & o.zo Hc)ZA hFJ AO Er-c<H rl kl ts{f,H Z ,21 F -! N \ 0 { f st Impact Repo r t Page 7 \ a a \ 's 3 l3 +s -u r$K ll| ll N= fi\S K. t t N s k P J E I 9 lu 1 ':s f, >rv'Dd. \,$srs sl rO aoq).rr &qJo-o * .$ & ,r-- O P-O q)n .J\ L (D'dq) \ .q$ ,q R sFl +)d o.Q utd 'U r.-r (4 \D'$ q).d @u s . o3 0 Frl s, c r(l o 5 $+r F-\ so seD O .S t/J (D .si +J (J .sJ '$slo 3 '$S +r '$ $ 'cJ € u\ s 6 r:s \\ 8R S $ c(6 +r o.+o $($ F o. t) F-J &O S'Q aD sr +ru D, oO i-\$ &.J B .lF " sg g (a+r \ S eri qt B OR O,O's\O & l-J FJ $ "t <r)rD $c o o$ o.aD Nt\ q)O\Jq)CJ$+J B F FJI (o BUI eD o +.\ t o F ol +l s F +rl .a o aD $o .&F Sd s }J .9-N \\ s- c q) +r |:]sr'\J OF{ O S ."r $E"Q+r .Qv +r a '$'d \s $ ":a ta s r O $ $'$ J t) Fr $c4$3 s F, ttr \o o qJb cD s ;l .ir 'ir '$ 'd $ a S'r F-i 5'5S) A) s)l.J ro +r +J+lFs {J \) ..cr t tht€ 'R s,0. J Q., . crJ $oocao$(0+J\J l- t L lr FJ.i!o.s. o o,B q) F aD 'd$Fis cD O .O A & q) 'ir $ $Nl$ $ u o..N _A +J * l+r.F\ o" o dN H -ll r\ o\d d\J 6."r.i *'q'.$.i.\ R .sI O FJ .$ \\\J d\ s d s \)f;'\ 'SA .S (J 0,) \-o PN A $tr]c.1 o '-l ,-{ o l-- rn \a o r.t o\ ,-.{ o) t-- co F o\ --r f-t c.l F- o !Q ln \O --r N --r O c! rn COCOOO@ -r cl\r\\trn ON\! C.l -i te \t Nr4 C\ N 4) .o o rl f-l (t cJoc).-l F-{ (d(!(!F33 rl Fl Fi r-l r{ Ft d(!qj oo lu a0 3B .J F-]cd(! .rl .u* tr (n o --r \r) -J o lr- \o --{ co N .$ ca o) o r- \o (\ \o \o -j'..-r c! Ln rr1 \o .{ --.r r+ ln (t\ ot ca \o rn --r Inpact Report Page 8 *.x*+*1( *.r.r**.**.L{<*.t(** .t(x*.k.*** 4 F.l .-l (gGru .r.{ ..t .-l u +J .t-J k*'! !d(dd (! (! u.u Lr* * lr*c0(0 \t F-. .r't rn O) C)lr)S\OCnO\\OF-.i-N ociN @..t cc@ O -{ .{ @ >o H odoH dx -t (!J I O d tr O b0 FrEG!L'.nBf0Jtr (! +r (! c! F.1 6 oi >r.H > o o ..r E I O O O o o O B r! '-l r-l 5 O O E ori O q).rl O.O .q.rl O (! 0, tr tt (! EE tsFiFd(JF(,rq>F4 o F_l H(i tr Ol (J oo F.l O 1..oqjc, (! aJ .rt t't I I I -l lB.a $\ qr I I r--1 r-{ r-l F-t F{.-r rn CJ 0, O O@ t-\'.\ O O O O-\Ln \c' F\ .{ N an \O.-r t_{ l] ! trF \?| | I | | | | | cd(d(!6l I <<<FaFqpq(J(J atuo.or(J o .o o<\O! rndq) c{ .n o.tr | | tr(!{di (! .rl IJ '.r 4(d c{o@@ \ON@-rN c\.t .r.) c) co -i (\ La -.1 -r N ..-l r-l 'x F{*.j(*#* 'l( U (! NN *.K +J a c, l.l U tr -t NOr €(a S)URCE: Toun of VaiL DCD Memo 1/9/79; Phone ")nteruieu u/ Jim Rultin, T)V; and Applicant. \J F,-r F-{ <U) \\ ZF b0 .rl O -'{ P Fl .rl ID {J c, c, o ,-\,.r o <o tl OO rJ<..{ \./a lJ .rl a o {-)6 -.t qJ F-i O o'o o!..{ l-r >o o o.d (soo ..1 H &6 <H t'l >Ztl t1 a H && a &-oz fq C)H ZJ HIH tso EZ h F-l z-l-{ f'r F,q H+r H -if (n za I t\l . lc{ Ln }il tJ l\2 F{ rn C, I t"l lL ol$ .o o rn |' o, l o I ol .l {J i-{ | r-r \o o + Ln .<l .i ..r O{l O r \O r.- c.r $ Ol c..J C..ii O c.r s fa r'a F- --r I c\ = +J I ,.r N f,) r--.i I ol er-rl 5t .rl .)J Fr F{ +J .el oo I.- -' tl ?-.1 ol/)*r ul (go o.tr+J (9q)+) -.\ z do .c px tnx +r .F{ $ {JFi q-i :) tr c-'r ^-.1 --\ = ts t'- v)o l{ o U1 Fo .-l 14= bo oo (B -,^ ll p lh o lo $F I+J x lo +r x lE o .Fl .o l.ri Z o ltr C 'O .i lO b0 o o olo. tr O 'U Ol .rl '..{ t{ lq (, > ldlo ...1 ql .-r (d ltl.b! o (B l. &C o C q{l.r O ri O OI -l .ri P. ,rl lFr .lJ .Fl +r 'lc! |cd +J o gr lP ,--r r--.r (d .lo x ) a tr JIF O 2 LL \./ \-./ .rl Fl U') U1 oJ q-i q< qr tr r-r (J O O O O 'rr /..'\.. ..1 ...1 .Fl O @ (n +r +r {J U') 4 Xcdddo c.]aou)u)o. {J .rt l't \o Ptl +rl + qrl . TJ I<rn .di I O' trl+r $ 5lqr Inl ^t:- t- Nl$Orlln C) +.) C) o b4bob0b0b!bob! ooooooo ri Fl Fi F.l .-t r-r 6d($cdcddcd .1 |,rl I 'l ol F{I .u {J +J +J {J ]J +) A. i t& 9- ll. tr. lI. 9- l\ I (.r)l \o o o rn o F- \o 5l F- O O Ot (\ o.l bolOOrroO$ri'\O +) I .i- r--l (\.J C'l Ln t4 rn trr ro ol (JI AJ F,I n (J tt7 .--{J rn c[o c)\O\\Fr-r A(J .iooqt'./)oco.o o Cl r d vl ^ r 'rl I o \-r {J ul -r (\ d)tr Al .-J .{ | t', tr O o .-rl cd | (9 r cJ F o trl > t9 (J r-r A (s Ol o o o Ol O +J +J .l.,l 14 .-'l A 'o ol -c o o o c'J td) lJ) z, tl OF H l-l (na F4 z >lll >-7 U) \o co Ln !ol{ F-- Or \O \O l<) Ln rr, Fi F-r lLn F- F- ts- f'-- tol f4 io 14 ro l<.-r .i .-.4 r--l lln I + + +l q) \) 5l zl o.l F Fi c) ,{J orE (\l .Fl lr 4)OA o(d (.) +J r--:- lillE uo. ze-u,/,/f OAPPLICATI0N f .r1 ZONE ctlANGE ' ? . Section 10:00 of the EAGLE COUNTY ZONING RESOLUTION APPLICANT JEFFREY B. SELBY MA]LING ADDRESS Ol^lNER Post Office Box 1528 p1161,qg (303) 476-343I zP 8L657 CITY Vai I 51419 Colorado UNITED STATES 0F AIIERICA (U.S. Forest Service) yPr l tqt tL s nof, ov/ner,urn'lsrr evidence of owner's permrssion to proceed with Two ccpies of ha nraconfad of the nlonth. Date Submjtted June 27, 1979 For ZONT CHANGE REQUESTED: Front Resource s iie pl an and al l rel ated i nformation shal l the fr'rst Planninq Contnrjssion meeting appl j catj on ) ennlinefinn erlJ | | vu e I vri t 35 days before 2. (Present Zone) Attach Zone District Map (Available at County proposed for change clearly marked on it. LEGAL DISCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: a. Subdivision Name Fi I i n9 # h Metes and Bounds: (May be Attached) l'1eeti ng August L, 1979 l9 Residential /SuburbanTt'lediurn Density (Proposed Zone ) Pianning 0ffice) with parcel Lot Bl ock OR I Lots 20 and 21, Section 1, Township 5 South,Ranse 81 lliest of the 6th Principal l.leridian Total Acreage 43.44 Briefly expla'i n the purpose and reason for the zone change requested The purpose is to allol for the development of a Subdivision which will provide a mixture of single family and duplex housing units. The reason t land exchange with the Forest Servicc and since alt U,S. Forest lands are zoned n@ aGirous of rezon See pg. 2 Read Section .l0.03.03 a,b,c,d of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Furnish evidcnce that onc or ntore of the reasons listed is arrplicable and that the zonc change is desjrahle: llescrjbe possiblc negative inrpacts. As rnentioned above, the subject property vas rccently a part of an exchange in r^rhich I tradcd 150 acrcs located at Freedman Creek area for 43.44 acres 1o- catccl in thc Lion's nlitgc irE r'itnin ttrc Corc Vatrc1 -TnlFtraae-glT-cJ-the Forest Servi"ce much better control and nanascment of the forest rr'hen isolated tracts of land ar.c removcd out of private orvncrsirip. l'his Forest Service trarle was supported by the Eagle_Corrn!y Commissi-olgls-_gnd -r_:_ronsistent wi_!l1_91" po- licies and goals of thc lrlaster Plan. 'fhe requestbd zoning change is consistent wj-th or lorver than thc zoning of tlie surrounding properti.es and the entire Gorc Val 1ey area. The arca for whicli thc rezoning is requested has changed from public lands to pri.vate land and it is in the public interest to encourage a new use strch ns resi rlorrti;r I lromc si tcs i n th(l ,rr{r'] - ft4--1 'o f_--lt lt PAGE 2 APPL]CATION FOR ZONE CIIAI{GT Names and addresses of all adjaccnt property owners (may be attached). (See attached list) The above information is complete and accurate to the best of rny knolvledge. OIILY; Da te ,- 6. FOR OFFICIAL Rece i ved Arnantorl Poioefarl rruJ !v wvu Fee Paid Publ j c Heari ng of incomplete because z23aa I tetr By for as (Continued from Page 1) 4. the surrounding propertics rvithin fPA ./^FaQ xeceipt N".6'?; 3- the inrnediate area and the entire Gore Valley rl APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE 6. Lionrs Ridge Filing 1 A-1 A.M. Lutz A !412 Lincoln Center Building L-2 Denver, Colorado 80203 A-7 Deane L. Knox G Donald R. Carpenter . 1 Downing Str-et Denver, Colorado 80218 A-8 Casolar G 1 Alegra Assoc iates A-9 155 South Madison, Suite 502 Denver, Colorado 80226 2 Dean L. Knox 1 Downing Street, Unit 4 Denver, Colorado 80218 3 Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7800 Durham WaY Boulder, Colorado 80301 4 Victor Mark Donaldson Drawer M Vai1, Colorado 81657 5 Patricia D. Ri-ckman Box 1383 Vai1, Colorado 81657 6 Frances E. Poynter and Kenneth F. Dubach 2230 Knollrvood Drive Boulder, Colorado 80302 7 Thonas Nelson IlcKee 7086 sth Avenue Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 B Donald R. and Linda L. Gruidel 7800 Durhan ltraY Boulder, Colorado 80302 9 q Leo Payne 10 300 Wadsworth Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80226 Unsubdivided land north-of Lots A-1, A-2 and A-3: Sky Lion Partners at Vail % First City Resources Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie. Illinois 60076 APPLICATION FOR ZONE C}IANGE 6. (Continued) Lion's Ridge Filing 2 G-1 Northwestern National Life Insurance Company & % Albert Hanna G-2 22L North LaSaIle Chicago, Illinois 60601 G-3 Eiger Chalets 1 D. Jerry Baker The Meadows Apartnents 12-J Arnbl er, Pennsylvani,a 19042 2 Joseph J. C. Paine Guaranty Bank Building Suite 714 BL7 LTth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 3 Cesare and Fran l'loretti Box 37 Vail, Colorado 81657 4 Robar Associates 7777 East Arapahoe Road Englervood, Colorado 80110 5 Chris Frane Box 2706 VaiI, Colorado 81657 6 Victor Kinnonen and llelen Bird Box 201 Vai1, Colorado 81657 G-4 Stuart H. Brown Box 101 Vail, Colorado 81657 Parcel A: Vail Associates, A Linited Partnership 9o lilr. Jirn Cunninghan Post Office Box Vail. Colorado 81657 --l---\^', [-'lt*/ -)(--'' \-\ \\ 1 I I I I "--1 I i \ ir\ r r--\r ,-\\J L'---ilt:{:=-:/- -- -- V C ^ r:)-. * (-\-/--\t-)l\---'--o$r---_ ,,1 ,,,1, 'l',i l I i,f i,t //i// (;{ I' \ I n. | ,i,l') rl i r\ 'i,.J i l'; r: I t' NI N llllr I {I t t \ $ t. ll; .:l'€- U b' I tl ii tl / i l,::' -0 $*}\ -g o !.Fc.! =9-E! or rF i!! 0)! o.F s(.';, 3 r () or L 3 o (l)o 3il -a6q E E!- !.CEL o- o = E u 4E =!rood dr '- z a -E =6 o !J o N.--ot ! FC' QI -J 6 rs o oj < F o< l!< . L =-L(O C-o) 0,, d L o <or> Qr J 0.J >r 9.<_= Lou F-c -l_ucE-o oor!.v ^ o !:0J !,-o !!< oi cl ooca dor E dt@ oJla, olx 6aE SFebE --.5 l3A'PEgEs,'-x6! oL- olo.-uc,ot-rl o L)6r-o?o \-,'lo 6 (L 'o ll!-@ o.p o lq- u ..'u c .-l.J u-Ed o .- o- 9c <l .- -E dl '-P ()loF rc lo-'F o otE o .. - oro o=...o do|cp.) Ft,_ o cL! cf- o so l> i! o o G -l> @ o o .- .- o' L cl:- o].F 6CP EA :Jf0oo!oo Fl-o4!rr 6l!).- u @ 3 <l! F o .c u 15< L! - lf < dp Fp. 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(J J c =l< (,ort ooo .-lcrro.6 o a, L0r.oF --.rlr d (u o ollr^) (.).- 1rd c llp o.Fd. 0r E > vl-o uod !- a trl .-+ooc o !l@ >,.- c olr!F | .-- oc .Elo- u J)d.- .- rlorFF iD c - or o !lo- . \-.c c!l! d.- ! o . e hl qr o! ...-Eoo ol! o N l.-d!3oeq(). l>)!o co.oEc! ol- a(tE!12 q,,!>,sp (lJ c OO.-! .-l-o,!ooaaOou Fl>dcOE o, cl.- !o -olF E d'- - o,OL)@ I- --o)L o; orroo olo.-olP.: clr:6cPEcJ r! -l-o.- (jtox.- 5l-o.-.- r! {r a . . .'s 0, o dt(D oEr! o ' '<oFpo-o(J-!- -)IFLF uco16-o o L(,f-! EE{J O I a -Oc I coEr!ic - E lo o- = E o lo o E c-E tFrE.,}E() tF oEoo oroot Eo .F c c o ol ol c + co... col.. = o col..f o d rlJ o d r oo !-orlo or or o, q-c, i =r ! ilj r q-E i,tts 3 irfl 3 S AlilH S o rid.r v\te.c v1 <r, .l .l d at. o. ot '_ =l!-o (r =.rc -o (r =l!-6 st ll ,F c't ort ol l!-t Fl Fl u'' tLl Lll rll NE - >,b a, E | 9_ >J rJ ETI F IDE F 1i4 .E E E E d .: =F =- ,,- i; sj i?J =r 1l T] ;l E t F ; ii (=a=L--ql a::a)q.-l (= L- 6.1 l- @ (= 1.--L- @ (= L:] @ c EA w1- @ t- .9 r=L-o-l lc)7\v l ln -:!-l J lia . -'',, / q\ 1fr n J:J E E E E r -rr---L- ; '?6d I .E cP oF EF dd(r)('(Dd o >!e. ar !,.p E-d ! E vvv --..5(|J @ p oca 6L >, = o-oo oE5 .-.-66Oc i6 o (l)(l) -F (J ccJ or.1- - a 6 4crE-o! 3:! .0) sr (D E! o-c c! E L.- o -c (D .FPOOTJ'- +r()c o o >l! 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E o,o 6 ao .F c (l) o (,, .-O.c cr, (u =:(J-F E6J (U u o o 6 'E o j d o- o 0, dp-- !dd!-d cE OO.rJ o rE -c-c =o +r rJ !oA.s € oao! !! cc,o oooE-6s o OJU E c rr_ r* o (J o6 o.@o de: -oo >tO - e O E o CJ > Ore F O C, I ai F L L 9- c o+J- O Or'o or'E -- o € <!<!(r- - cro0J oo> ! -copo o q-!doo >q-o .F o uio.+r 6 (D CJCE o) OCO o .-'0 o >)+r ! -0 o I o.F - € c o o >E o ! .-- o o-o = '{- , =odgolo ofqr .-o'oc o or L o ! o o o ! x cu or c- o >,.a o) c q-p or d oco o L pq>rpEoaro co..6o c.- o . !.F! < L.- o rr- c >q o -e!do .=cq, -I 6 >ro co -oO)>,c o fd o o 4 o.- o o o/ L F! 5.F+ c o o: ::€ o o 6 '(Jqros L o -cLopu" ! oc .E .! 9 9 oL.- ;.o= -F d< otr-u'o ,- - c. >, +r @ o.rr.- E.F.F (D o cL o o d. L.or.-o c, L o o..p Lq-L C.! a.- ! (U . !! e O '! u do 3 4 C' f O 's O >r! O c-O , e.-q!E(Fcc- q- (rp aro !EH B !t- c<F>d 6rcJ rrc!crooocr .lr(u3poo c6 ! o(, o 4 3-c d! '(J o o ci o3>la - oo oEuoJf oE.- - PIE .e 3€: E r';5 " ;'.:3.9"5:e 3 F 3.;9 , :lEi'*" E,f -;9=.= .:c- E pe.3 E E 3 br 3:o I 9 .LF 6r!I qlE=.!pco-o4o5 > L o <tu FiP EF o O cr- oo ' tor o 3L>rooo+i-o5i trr -<c,ELce-!ov ; P O).. : 0.' !F . E rlo I E rlo lotltd..t3 .l I o ol I Zlc t{- |I ! Ol I :9 0! q tl o,. u a < I,e >)!r+- o,.P o < rJ l'-:,6 . oro d qJ>>1'-9- !:.--q 4 E O! !0r: o o.- l! =o ! . s o op E: >|'!c!-! -l-! ! =o E < u d o! +) oN oL o r!o rco od3 0r E o>r <p.- x 30!oEr 3 o ar.- o oi (J o. T,3::'tF- - 3 o.oJ =.- >,a <u (J!--o >! o c o cJ!cJoEoo! o rqi=N lo oo (r (, ooc.Jo >, o ur (|)!-s ci olll@cc ;..6&E93e - o oor !F e c;o= .; H I' co. !r .- d oJ >r3 0J Eoro so E c-- {l F c E .F! 5 (!€)>: =tr o o e =E> o '! E f -.p |r-od >i-€:oo> p3olc|{-! EO >! E Oo- (, o.- oo c- E < o(t g EF EC n ^\lw \ o V'l , I uNlrED STATEs DEPARTMENT oF n / FoREsr sERvlcE hl| White River National l-, p.O. Box 948 V/77. Glenwood springs co /-t't / t''l:-/ AGRIcULTURE Fores t 81601 5430 July ro, L979 Eagle County Commissioners P.0. Box 850 Eagle CO 81631 Gentlemen: Our April 17, L979, lett.er to you indicated the land exchange that was in progress between the U.S. Forest Service and Mr. Jeff Selby. Mr. Selby has since transferred ownership of his property in Section 22 of T.45., R.81W., Sixth Principal Meridian to the U.S. Forest Service. He will recej.ve ownership of Lots 20 and 21, Section 1, T.5S., R.81W., as soon as the Bureau of Land Management lssues a patent. This patent will- be subject to the right-of-vay the Forest Service granted to Eagle County for the Lions Ridge Subdivision Road on August 16, 197I, and recorded in Eagle County Courthouse on November I, I97I, in Book 222, Page I43, We have enclosed a copy of this easement for your use, Please write or call (945-6582) Bob Lawton if you have any questions. Sincerely, r (n'W THOUAS C. EVANS Forest Supervisor Enclosur e w, z I rrfzt 6ZOG| | (t /69) EAGLE COUNTY DEPT. 0F PLANNING & DEVEL0PMENT - Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 2O2 BU ILDING IN I N SPECT IO N Exl 225 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext ?42 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOC IAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 RE: File No. Su-122-79-S - Selby Sketch Plan Lion's Ridge #3 - Proposed APPLICANT: JeffreY B. SelbY tsox t 3ld Vail, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eag'le County Planning Commission for review and recomrnendation at their regular meeting on 15 August 1979. In accordance w'ith C.R.S. tO6-2-9, 106-2-33, and 106-2-34' 1963, as amended' and Eagle County Subdiv'i sion Regulations' Section 3.05 and 3.07, ai amended effect'ive 1 August 1976' you are required to receive the p1 an, and you have 35 days ?rom date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Cornmissjon would sincerely appreciate. your comments and recornmendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desjre additional information or time, please advise this office in writing. July 10, 1979 Thank you verY much, TK/J K Enc. rli ,1 ll -, I COI\4lv!. a-,-'*4_*r Terrill Knight Di rector Ftt.E #Su - ta)- z?- 5 _,_t?.2.? l) ep,l r: Ct'urt1 , Ccilolatlrr C frrtifi.Jati()r i,, ltt:r'r'[-.y rrrrrrlc l'ijc No. wir:r (rhtcle{l inlo tlrcr to thc offirqr;,,'l)r'r-soltir as lir:t (ll:ll l'll. l(.,i lr.l O!' fiiit']rIr \1, )'lrrrtiing Comrnirsitin Filc rr-o: 5u-,ir:- Zf-5 IirtI I (();]j, r,f an a1r:rlicltiolr subn)ittcd rrntl 11ivrn []rc, irltr:rrc tl.rj. iri;:ls, or harid clolive r, rl , ", !i YT./r-t7 ____d ttc.'t.')'n,/)^se:: | -ot_!_--, n" ,u,,,'kllflfn?ii,,-ffit-" _t;- Ccrtifier ' s Signature : AAll Applications refered to: B.Applications in Basalt Arca: 1. Town of Basalt 2. P lanning Representat ive OK 1. Coloraoo Geologica,l Survey ..i-v-- qK - 2. Colo. Department of Health OL 3. Cotorado -qtatc Engi'rrcr Jk 4. Eagle County Sarritarien ---q_- VlL 5. EaLllc county Enginecr .4/ 6. Holy Cross Electric Ass'n f -- 7, e-€J€,r€d€-+*{f1-.-€o++esc-Bi3+ D.,Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards: 1. Town of Eagle Eagle S an itat iorr D istrict Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S, Forest Servi.e E agle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas Sclrool D istrict RE5OJ C..Applications in U6.,per Eagle Valley: 1' Town of M inturn Town of Red C I iff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metro D istrict Other Dist. (none at present time) School D istrict RE50J Coloradc Division of Wildlife U,S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 10. Publ ic Service Co. of Colo- lt _4/._ 9( A"( 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service 9. U.S. Llureau of Land Managemerrt 10. Colorado B iver Water Consv, Dist. 11 . D iv. oJ Water Resource s 2. 4. 6. 2. 4. 5. o. 7. A a School D istrict RE 1J B asalt Water Consv. Dist. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. Basalt Water and Sanitaiion Dist. Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Mountain Bell Telephone Co. t 7. 8. H-Applications .--cz: ..r-7"'1',:-.,/;';"' *" "/1" \';I1'l (ions ir{ dore Valley - Vail Area: e l ?K 9k_ 1,Western S lope Gas -/ Town of vail l'::- Vail Village West Water & San. 'r 1. C.Appl ications in 10. Rockv Mtn. Natural Gas l4t. Sopr'is Soil Conservation Gypsum Area: Town of Gypsum Eagle County A irport Authority Colorado Div ision of Wildlifc U.S. Forest Service Eagle Veil ley Teleplrone Co. AL 4. Lions Ridge Water O/t- 5. Vail Village West Fire Vail Intermountain Water Vail Sarritation D ist. School District RE50J Colorado Division of Wilcilife U.S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Tele ptrone Co. Prlblic Service Co, of Colo. Upper Eagle Val ley San" 1 2. gt 4. 6. Rocl(y Mtn, Natural Gas 7. School D istrict RE50J ul$pfk;-atitnr|' W 9k '^ t/, .,t I FrLE # _....: 1. j,. -trn. rjor itiltion r.. i...t;'ict in Co lor'-r']o l l iv,.r *\ri,-r: S,;l',otr i Di: trict R;50J Sr:l'ooi DistricI il 1 tJ{l Fcrr:s'. S -r.., icc (Cr-r9lc) US Forest scrvice ( lviinturn) Eai;le Val lcy 'fc'1.-.plione Co. Yanrpa Vcl ley E lcctric 3. 4. G ll,r,)th:r A gcric i cs (.,,rlrr: r9 i,ppropri atc, ) 1. Colorac,-.r Dcpt. of lliltl)ways 7?- s 4K^ ,- colo. ct.rtr-'For')st slrvicc FIG.I:I i .} o J ---- EFFREY B. SELBY P. O. BOX r 524 vAtL, coLoRADO A 1657 July 10, L979 i{[CE{UED ,.rul i 1 t979 i),-nf .1 Ft?nning & oarl|" :,ri e Iri4ry, !b{i],Ms. Susan Vaughn, Pl anner Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81651 Dear Susan: As per your request, I arn enclosing a copy of a letter from the United States Forest Service authorizing ne to proceed with requested county approvals on the 43.44 act:es of land located in Vail Valley. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me JBS: ej r Enc 1o sut e l*"JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. EOX 1528 vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 July 5, 1979 It'lr. Ton Bonney Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81651 Dear Tom: In response to our telephone conversati-on today concernj.ng the sketch plan submitted on the 43.44 acre subdivision request, I would like to provide the following additional infornation: A. Designated lot use. ;t 1. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 7, Block 2 rvould I uv all be single-family residential . 2, Lots 3 through 6, Block L and Lots 8 through 10, Block 2 would all be duplex-prirnary/secondary type two-family residential . B. Due to the large lot sizes and 1ow densities involved, there ILJ will be very little increase in runoff frorn the subdivision I I and very little i.ncrease, if any, in potential strean pollu- tion. A11 of the surface runoff from the streets and poten- tial parking areas rvi11 be directed into natural snales which rvill be well armored wi.th natir.e grasses. Lot^r florvs resulting from light showers, which typically wash pollutants off paved surfaces, will normally infiltrate into these swales, therefore, natural infiltration is provided. C, Wildlife in the area is predominately nanmals such as nalTno t and squirrel . D. Nati.ve plants of the area are aspen, sage, natural wildflorvers and native grasses. E. There are no known significant deposits of ninerals on the property proposed for subdivision. c1 r tLE tt .,*.:.. !.4.1-.:.7..1:.f........ i,:,trGt,l,i f 'rJ. FL,\lJ. COMM. i'ti:t ili=iri cLr;--Y }TEETING oF -{fu:-!IL I , Iulr. Tom Bonney July 5, 1979 Page Two l'le are requesting consideration by the County Cornmissioners to a11ow us to reduce the upper road right-of-way from 50 feet to 40 feet and reduce the radius of the cul-de-sac fronr 50 feet to 40 feet also. It is one oninion that this reduced right- of-way and cul-de-sac is justifiable since there are only 10 lots and 15 units serviced by the roaC. Thls rvil1 also reduce the impact on the aspen grove located throughout the entire unper bench area. I am also eirclosing a check for the additional fees which are due for the subdivision application. Thank you for your call and if you have any questions about any aspect of the proposed subdivision, please do not hesitate to contact me. JBS: ej r Enclosure (as stated) l. )ur | <1 lE ul clltldgc, LUlllpOS I LlOll dn0 CnaTaCEef - istics of underlying bedrock that may be penetrated and poss ible resource evaluation, Stable colluvium or bedrock on f lat to gentle s lopes. Emphasis on, but not limited to, surface and subsurface drainage and s lope s tab i I i ty. C. Stable glacial material on flat to gentle s I opes. Emphas i s on, but not limited to, surface and subsurface drainage, s lope stabili ty, and pos s ib le resource evaluation GENERAL GEOLOCIC AND ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS OF AREA REqU IRED FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANN ING FOR EACH CONSTRUC-TION SITE. A, Stable col luvium or bedrock on gentle slopes that may have a thin g rave I cap. Emphas is on, but not limited to, s u rface and subsurface drainage, compos it ion and characteristi cs of near surface be d rock and slope stability. B. Stable glacial deposits on gentle to moderate slopes. Emphas is on, but not limited to, surface and s ubsurface drainage, slope stabi lity and poss ib le re s ou rce evaluat ion. C, S,wamps, bogs or I akes where surface water collects pe rmanen t ly or seasonally. Emphas is on, but not limited to, compact ion, high ground water table and surface drainage. D. S tab le colluvial slopes with g rave I cap in a reas of pas t s ubs i dence. Emphas i s on, but not I imi ted to, s ubs i dence potential, corrosive and expans i ve soi ls. surface dra F. Th in colluv to moderate to, surface ility and c DETAI LED GEO REQUIRED FOR ENT.II SOME CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING II A. Thin glacir unstable mr be d rock s lr to, slope s drainage. B. Stable coll steep s lope s l ope s t ab i and corrosi drainage. C. Potential r s lopes. Me depos ited b Emphas is on hazard, s lo drai nage. D. Areas of sw gen t le to m not limi ted and slope s E. Area of act not limited entrained d ia\./ \!-;"-;r--: -::l:!r* -- t9. (Fm) . \7e 1 ;\rl P- r. .)i (. \ ./i\ t \,.' Pe di nen t Fan Erosional surfaces with thin depos'i ts of resi dual gravel. Lake DePos Fine-grained sands, ^l -., ^f Sl"rri:I clay oT f luvldl orl behind barriers in i +-I L) sr lrs ano gjn deposited the drainage. Col I uv'i a1 'l.ledge Areas of fine-grained sloPe vrash deposi ts. COLLUVIAL DiPOSITS (Exb1 us i ve o f Lands I i de Depos i ts ) t'l aterial derived by the f/ea'uhering of bedrock in place' Letter synrbol in Darenthesis indicate formation from vrhich rnateria.l is derived. Accumul ations of coarse debri s at base of a cl iff as a resul l of wcathering of the cl i ff' Includes rock glaciers above .l.l,000 fcct. Letter sYrnbols in parcrtlhesjs indjcate form- ation from vtiti ch nraterial is derived. Colluviuin { 0 il-it 1l ri i Jeffrey B. Selby P.O. Box 1528 VaiI Co 81657 UNITEO STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE White River NaLional Forest Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 i l97g ' 'rr,rng & DOy* - ': r, )ounttr d6 5430 .Iu1y 5, 1979 Dear Jeff: As discussed with you, ttre Ctr:ief of tl-e U.S. Forest Sewice accepted title to your offered lands on 'June l-5, 1979. On the sane date ]re also requested that BLl4 issue a 5lltent to your selecLed lands. We do not know when this patent will be issued to you, but past estifitates indicate it is a three to sjx-npnth procalure. the selested land will be yours in fee o,vnership when you recej.ve the pa.tent and have it recorded. You have jndicated that you wj-sh to cJontact tlrc local governnental plannilg bodies for permits and other approvals. Our opinion is that tlr-is is alright as long as you do not do any kind of ground disturbance activities until you have received and recorded t}te patent. Please write or call (945-6582) if we can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, ^ ./> r P.**^/;Z:€*g-Qo-,*t L-+,-THo!f.s C. EVBNS '2/t ) Forest Supervisor 62OO-t | (t /69) EAGTE COUNTY Deoartment of Planninq and Deve ' P.'0. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 o l opm ent TE LEPHO N E 303/328-73 | |5 July 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 assesso R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N SPECT ION Ext 225 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext ?47 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 25? Va il 476-5844 PLA N N ING Ext 226 ot 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOC IA L SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 Eagle Vqlley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 8.l631 Re: Eagl e Itlotice of Publ ic County Planninq 1 August 1979 Heari ng Commission Please publish the attached Notice of Public Legal Notice in the 12 July 1979 publication Please bill and send affidavit of publication Hearing as a of your paper. to this office. r.---12,---/ atherine Peterson Secretary/0ffice Manager Thank you Notice is Hereby Given that the Eagle County Planning Commiss'ion will hold a Public Hearing on l August 1979, beginning at 7:00 P.M. in accordance with Section 6.01.02(b) and Section 10.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the follcwing: File No. 7s-97-79 - Public Service Company Request: Special Use Permit to upgrade a portion of existing Shoshone electric transmission I ine portions of Eagle more particular'ly 8 South, t{,ange 86 h'est N1/2 of Section 7 N7/2 of Section 8 NI/Z of Section 9 SE1/4 of Section 4 S1/2 of Section 3 SL/Z of Section 2 Sl/2 of Section I I rlortcr oF PUBLIc HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO frorn 115,000 volt to 230,000 volt Locat'i on: Generally 'l ocated in the sourthen County along the FrYingPan River, descri bed as fol I ows Tor.rrrship 8 South, Range 85 SL/Z of Section SI/2 of Section I'E'1/4 of Section N1/2 of Section N1/2 of Section N1/2 of Section NL/2 of Section TownshiP Torr'nshiP 8 South, Range 83 lVest SL/Z of Section 7 Subdivision Line Crosses Seven Castles Estates Subdivision No. I West 6 5 8 9 10 11 72 Township 8 South, Range 84 l{est N1/2 of Section 7 NL/Z of Section 8 NE1/4 of Section 9 S1/2 of Section 9 SI/2 of Section 10 S1/2 of Section 11 S1/2 of Section 12 Page 2 File No. 7s-98-79 - Colorado-Ute Electni c Assoc'i ation, Inc' Request: Special Use Permit for construction operation and maintenance of a 230 kV transmission line and substation Location: The purpose of this description being to describe the centeifitre of a 230 K.v' transnission line beginning at the Col-orado Ute Electric Associationts I'Iolcott Sub- station whence the liortheast Corner of Section 21 (Colorado State Plane Central zone coordinates: N-680,792.8, E.Ir666,224-0) Township 4 South, Range 83 I'Iest of the 6th P.1.1. of coLorado bears )I-59o 38 ' 40" E-, 1165.5 feet thence al-ong the centerline of t]:e transmission line to the East k Corner of Section 7 (CoLorado State Plane CentraL Zone Coordinates: N.564,039. 4, F.-]-,562,328'5) t Township B south, Range 87 lVest of the 6th P.tl. of colorado. The saiZl centerline Ueing more particularJ-y clescribed by the lloclified Colorado Stite P1ane Cen'tral Zone gricl bearinc{s and distances as foll-oi':E: Beginning at a point in said Section 2l- rvhence the Southeast corner of said Section 21 bears N.59o 3Bt 40" E', 1165.5 feet,' thence N.80 33' 52" IV., Lf45-4 feeL; thence N.440 l_0r 34u W. , 4844.0 fee't:,- thcnce s.75o 54 | 55" !'J. ' ?885.8 feet; thence s.38o 02' 40" I{. | 746-1 feet; thence s.soo 38' 40" W., 1449.5 feet; thence s-600 l"7t 40n I\7.' 2560.8 feet; thence N.600 22' 18" Inl-, 615-0 feet; thence s.420 35' I2r' W. , 3695.7 feet; thence s-71-o 21' 30u W., 2628.8 feet; thence N.670 11' 33" I^:-, 2116-2 feet; thence s.760 27t 45" If., 5854.8 feet; thence s-57o 44' 35" IV', 4104.8 feet; thence s.71o 0o' 22" w-, 9405.4 feet; thence s.600 15r 55u If., 6877.8 feet; thence s'360 05t 54" !'I., 7725.6 feet; thence s.8o 52r 14" E-, 1751'6 feet; thence s.360 01t 39', W. , 2585.2 feet; thence N-710 12 I 02" Inl., Dage 3 482]- .8 feet; thence N.B9o 17' 30" w., 5366.8 feet; thence ti.BBo 30' 28' I{., 4139.8 feet; thence s'85o 44' 29" w-, 651.0 feet; thence u.89o fBr 32" h'-. , 4794.5 feet; tirence N.880 55' 19" W., l2'l 8.4 feet; t'] .890 18' 04u l{-, 3135.8 feet; thence s.25o 40' 43" I1., g4oo.9 feet; thence s-48o 42' ]-4" 1I', 1l-,90L.4 feet; thence s.5oo LO' 32" Iv., 9635-4 feet; thence s. 710 28 t 03 " W. , 2498.3 f eet; t]:ence s.340 23 t l-o " w- , 2723.I feet; thence s.33o 24' 58" !f., 4174,2 feeLi 'uhence s.240 3B'23,'8., :'.647.7 feet; thence s.2() 49'f7" 9l ., 4022.0 feet; thence s-3o 40'16'w-, f579'3 feet; thence 57o 22' l-6' l,t. , 2823.9 feet; thence s.650 13' 47" Iir-, 5501-.0 feet; thence l.I . B2o 2g'. 29" w., 1384.0 feet; thence s.460 00t 58" I^i', 2243.5 feet; thence s.650 24r 57" vI-, 1237.7 feet; thence s.70 44' 56" If., -?852.9 feet; thence s.l.1C) 41r 23" W-, L528.4 feet,' thence s.19o 21r 46" E-, 3029.9 feet; thence S.1o Oo' 22" w., 1475.2 feet; thence s-L1o 56r l0" E', 2144.2 feet; thence s.21o 12' 42" 11 ., 1013-6 feeti thence s.320 12t 08" I^I., 681.6 feet.; thence s.Io 19 I 53" !{-, 1768.8 feet; thence S.0o 59' 01" Ir'., 3lL7-5 feet; thence s.27o 02'2g" W.,6910.B feet; thence s4o 06'01" IJ., 52I1 .3 feet; thence s.360 10'05" 8., 10,040.1 feeL; thence s.12o 5Br 19" I:., 9725.2 feet_i thence s-42o 06' 56" E', 7gg3.0 feet; thence s.l-3o 2l-t 27" w.' 808.0 feet to the end of the transmission line vrhence the East ]; Corner of said Section 7 bears N.76o 51' 05" E.' '?I7 -7 feet' This transmission line being 39.80 miles in length, r:lore or less. o Fi I e f'lo. 7s-99-19 - James E. and Esther Kemp Request: Special Use Permjt for dwelling unit on commercial general 1ot Location: Edrvards, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: -A-certain-tracE or parcel of land in the Nortireast Corner of the No;th,.rest Quarter of the SouEheast Quarter of Sec. 5, Tp. 5 S.' R' 82 West of the Sixth P .M. , described as f ollo',rs: tseginning at the Northeast Co:ner of said l;liksf*; therrce due I'Jest a distance oi 2l.6 feeE to a poi,ng; thence due Souch a dlstance of 264 feet; -thence due ' Easi a distance of itg feet; thence due North a distance of 264 feet to the point of beginniog. Page 4 FiIe I\0. Zs-100-79 - Western Slope Gas Co. Request: Relocation of natural qas master meter station Location: Located betureen Eagle-County Road #13 and the Il&RGl^l RR approximately 3000' southeast of I-70 and approximately t2 mile northwest of Minturn, Colorado, more particularly described as fol I ows: A TRACT OF LAI,ID IIl TI{tr SOLiTI]ENST OI]E-QUARTEF, OF STC?IO},'I 22, 'IOi.,'i'lSiiTP 5 SOUTIJ, fu\i,ic|,, B1 hIEST OF TIIE ST]{TTI PP.I].]CTPAL ',ITF- IDIAN, EAGLE COUIJTY, COI,ORADO AIID LYI}IG SOI-1TTI OF EAGLE COU]iITY ROnD NUIIBEI{ P-13.trND NORTII OF TIIE DEllViR:\iiD RIO-GIl.h.lIDLl I,7DSTEru.l I?J\ILF.OAD RIGHT_OF-IIAY - SAID TRACT BETiJ(] T4OP.E PART iCULA. .LY DIJSCF.IBED AS FOLLCTS: ' l,tXllfilrNc AT Si AIJGLE POI{T ON TIA Il-OItjIiIiirIY RIGjHF-I,DY LL.IE CI SLID D[NE: A\D iUNRn'r\iD-d IESTEiUI IU\ILIO.|D, SEIIG .,1 TI.,n IILIDFED F@I I.;IDE R.IGIdL-OF-I^AY IfSO I]B[;G A PON;T ON TIE TIEST I,trJtr oF Tia NE 1//.1 OF 11{E SE L/4 OF SArD SECTTO)J 22 r"}ini-CE f'tIE }..1_rI{]lIrEST C-Optltrrr OIr lIE i.IE I//4 T TiS SE I/1 OF Sr11D SECTIOII 22 3EA.DS l{ 00004'52" n l32.EB :m DI.STA'.Ii; Ttl$lCE )l 44c06'52" li rND PARAIJ,EL To TTIE NarfiflRLY iuc,IF:)!--inY LIiilj oF TIf , DnIVLp..UlD RT(FGItr\.,1D8 i..ll-sirER]t RrLrUiO.r\D, A c)}JE itu]rDailirl FCC/i:,TDE RfCUT-ot*r.,Ay Lr\a rr DlsTt)tcn oF 125.60 FE;l;1I[lKX { 45o53rl8" tr rL DISI'1U]CE OF 37.42 FIiET T! A POI)IT (},t TIE SC{.ruI-iiilY RIGIII-OF-j.,1Y LX]E OF SIJD Lry^,i,n G)UlJiy fititrJ p-13, /r FrI"Il F(X)T I'JIDI' RISli'rOF-l'iAY; TIIIIICE SOLTIIE:D.IY ^lu*-ic Tlm SCU?Ht'.Fi,y t:ilcfn-Ot-t^.ny Ll}iij C[' S.nJD 'lli-llfY IlOifD P-I3 lllt? TtE FOLLG.trI'IG Ij.D CriLrItStS: I) S (1o45'06" E A DISi'AiiCg o.Ir 98.7.1 IEIII; 2) 34.41 m5r ArcNG TltE Aa.C OF t CLT'.,/E T0 TIE IrIGrT, liA\7l.tc l-clinun iitci,il cF 02000'12" lr)tD A R)...Dl;s oF 984"04 IEET; :i'INT.]C[ S 45O']'C3'' 1] A DTSTAI;G OI: 8],60 I'EJfT TO TJT POTII Ctr iiiuT:,'rr:1c, Gliiii._Dilt'K; 7507 SQIAR]] lTEt Ol? 0.172 ACfiiS, ^.lOlE Op. Ilq,S. Page 5 File l{0. Zs-101-79 - Vail Self-Storage Request: Special Use Permit for dwelling unit in commercjai generai area Location: Dowd Junction Busjness area of Eagle County, more particularly descri bed as fol lows: A parce/ of /ard in tie /lorlhves/ One'quarle, (t/4), ef '5ec!/on"f/xfeen 'i'{.;. -)il. i*.'ui E';;'i;}h-7r75),' kqri. s;bfuu-ane tr'es* (r et^\), i,f t-;. jixthFrinlipc/y'rcrtctiett- (6ii1 'r,r.) in EiaidCour:;', 5"ate of (:o'/orc'.*, Being more priicu/ar/y abscribed qs fo//cws: eeqlni/'nq at the Sauthezst co/'//er cf .ssr'd Frce/ bernq a patnt oz {iie fubri'? 7i'"nl:o/vav /i'ne of U.5. Hiqivay I-7O (rc.O.tt. /87/-/b), vn|ch poirt bsrs 'ilrih Z'e ;o7ao; -ve-=t -k7ori"to:,dNorth iiqh*or- vay /tnb- of-u.5..Hlgnryay .f17cl a dtstcnce o{ tZ4.60 {ee{'{rom/he eoin/'o{ tn/er.tec!icn of sordrYor!/r rlght- o{-Jtv /ine of D i. g'q-hvav i-io (€-o.*- /a7/-/8) ad the Scqfk rrght-of--*a/ //,r/:e-of o/d U.s, //iohiav *ta (,<.o.w. #94a'9), sa/d rooin/ af /rttervett'on ,2eor'g htorlh 'scoq,Jcu e*'j q'citt"n"e o{ z,ze?.i'feel fram the Vesl CHe'qqarrer ccrl7er of sqid Sec. /6; Fron s+id po/rt of becinninq {hence lr'orth 56'07'00' h16: (c/ong ?'d //orth ';,-;i{-;i-[o7")}-2'"7r.:;.'rtoldu r-70 d dlstqnce crf z/F.oo #et lo i*e.-faz,li-'ylti iorri/ .lf .r.,d e:r.ei i "ta"/"" tVorth zzo /z'60" Etst < Ct slcrtce of /64. te feel (L-einq lhe ir'est baunicry aF-saidparce/) ta a poin{.on t'!.e.arc o{ a car'/€ -;t Fr;;/xJ.g on 1he.gou/h riTht-oi-vay /ir,e oi'o/d U'5. Highuay;6; Tience Southez.:!er/y a/onEt the orc cf d curve {c rhe .ryh! being t*e A/crfner/y baun/cry of {hts pirce/ dtd c/so .be/z'q rhe Soq/h rt'g:*{:df-uta1t, -/t,rte o=- c/d V-. i-i'1tr;; ie hvirt q q radizts of /,kzn oo feet faV an arc drs!<tzce ef 2D.iati;' ffZ) Zi"7A Jf -o-;7 oL bLqrs 'aouth s6oo7'zz" €ast a Cistamce of 2/9.45 fee{) y'o apcint; Thence Saulh zzo/2'oO" Vest o/onq t/ze rosler/y baundzry of 's*d porce/ a distqnce. af /4o.oo feet to {hefoin/ of bearini.-tg. Satd parce/ contq/ns g6tz79,/ .square feet, being A.A55/ acres,t /rfare or /es-s- Page 7 PARCEL C: A part of the East one-half of the East one-half of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 82 lJest of the Sixth Principal i''leridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, r,rore p.rrticularv described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the East one-half of the East one-half of Section 5; thence S.0l"2I'27'\,,1. and along the West line of Che East one- half of the EasE one-iralf of Section 5, 1079.18 feet to the point of beginning, said poinE being on the Southerly line of a road right of way recorded in Book 72 at Page 366; thence 5,66"20'00"E. and along said Southerly line 279.15 feet; thence S.57"05'00"E. and along said Southerly line 421.45 feet; thence S.61"20'00"E. and along said Southerly line L57.37 feeE to a point on the Soucherly righc of way line of the Denver ancl Rio Grande in/estern Railroad; thence on an angle to the righC of 14'01'55" and along said Southerly right of way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 473.6g feet, a central angle of ?L"25'38", an arc distance of 177.15 feet; ti-rence S.56"52'59'V., 113.59 feet; thence 5.25"29 '59'V., 95.60 feet; thence S.19'00'01"E., 34.85 feet to a point on the Northerly line of a road right of way recorded in Book 65 at Page L47; rhence N.69'15'00"8. and along said NortherLy line, L63.73 feet; thence N.05"00'00"E., 69.93 feet Eo a poinc on the Southerly righr of way line of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad; tirence on an angle to the righC of'169"49'44" and along. said Soutirerll'right of way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 473.69 feet' a central angle .of 03"2JtLgt', an arc distance of 28.57 feet to a point of tangent; Ehence S.15"23'59"E. and along said tangent and along said Southerly right of way line 60.42 feet to a point on the i,Jesterly right of way line of the Intersrate Highway 70 access to u.s. tlighway 6; thence s.59"43'31'\nI . and along said Westeriy righc of way line 49.92 feet; thence S,l0'57'29"8. and along said l,lesterly rigfrt of way line 150.50 feet; thence S.70"16'01'\d- and along said Westerly rigHt of way line 290.60 feet; thence 5.57"46'31'\^1 . and along said WesEerfy righE of way line 184.10 feet; thence S.10'07'31'\'l . and ilong said Westerly right of way line 249.20 feet; thence S.30"09'01'\^J. and along said Westerl-y ri,giit of way line 272.49 feet; thence N.46'19'20'\^l ., I00.36 feet; thence N.26"36'57'\^t., 575.23 feet to a point on Ehe l'lest line of the EasE one-half of the East one-half of said Section 5; thence N.01"21'27"E. ,beginning; Except a road described as and along said West line 899.07 feet to the true point of right of way recorded in Book 65 at Page L47, more particularLy follows: . Page 8 Conmencing at the Northwest corner of the East one-half of tbe East one-half of Section 5; thence S.01"21'27'\nl. and along the West line of the East one- half of the East one-half of Section 5, L,giB'25 feet; thence S.26'36'57"8', 120.58 feet to the Erue point of beginning, said point being on the Northerll' line of saicl road righg of way; then-e N.68'00'00"E. and along said Northerly line 64.45 feet; theice N.6l"45'00"E. and along said Northerly line, 242.84 feer; thence N.66"30'00"E. and along said Northerly line 400.82 feet; thence N.69"15'00"8. and along said Norttreify tine 257..84 feet; thence N.05"00'00"8. and along said Norttterly line 69.93 feet to a point on the Southerly right of r.+ay line of the Denver':and Rio Grande ir'estern Railroad; thence on an angle to the right of 169"49'44" and along said right of way line and along a curve to the rigtrt having a radius of 473.69 feet, a central angle of Q3"27'I9",afl arc distance of 28.57 feet to a point of tangent; thence S.15'23'59"E' and along said tangent and along said Southerly right of way line 60.42 feet to a point on ihe Westerly iigt"tt of way line of the Interstate Highway 70 access to u.s. llighrvay 6; thence s.59"43'3L''w. and along said westerly right of way Ltne 22.04 feet to a point on the Southerly line of a road right of l"uy ,L"otded in Book 65 at Page 147; Ehence 5...69'15'00'\'1 . and along said Southerly Litne 247.05 feet; thence S.66'30'00"W. and along said Southerly line 399.18 feet; thence S.61"45'00'\t. and along said Southerly line 243.L6 feet; rhence S.68"00'00"W. and along said Southerly line 63-79 feet; thence N.26"36'57'\d., 25.08 feet Eo the true point of beginning; ContaininB L7 .777 acres, more or less. PARCEL E LEGAL DESCRIPTION I A part of the East one-half of the East one-half of Section 5, Township 5 SouEh, Range 82 h'est of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Couraencing at the Northeest corner of the East one-half of the East one-hal of Section 5; thence S.01"21'27tV. and along the West line of the East one- half of the East one-half of Section 5, 161 .80 feet to the poinc of beginni: said point being on Ehe Southerly line of Interstate Highway 70 Service Roa, thence N.8t'18'00"E. and along said Southerly line I90.28 feet to a point o. curve; thence along said Southerly line and along a curve to the right having a radius of.25L.59 feet, a central angJe of 59"00'00", 3r arc distan, of 24L.42 feet to a point of tangent; thence S.43"41'59"E. and along sald Southerly line and along said tangent 841.40 feet to a point on Ehe Norther" right of way line of Interstate lligtrway 70; -thence N.70"20'59'\.I . and along said Northerly right of way line 175.50 feet; thence N.75'29'29'\'1 . and alon: said Northerly righc of way line 278.90 feec; thence N.73"22'29'\^l . and alon: said Northerly right of way line 508.50 feetl thcnce N.63"47'59'\nl . and alonr said righc of rvay line 83.48 feec to a polnt on the West llne of the EasE one-half of the East one-half of said Section 5; thence N.01'21'27"8. and along said West line 343.85- feet to the point of beglnning, containing 6.Yt5 acres, more or less. ' Page 9 PARCEL F LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}I A part of the East one-half of the EasE one-half of Section 5, Townshtp 5 South, Range 82 Wesf of the_,Sixth Principal Meridian, Councy of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 5; thenee S.0l'25'31'\{. a.td along the East line of said Section 5, 923.40 feet to a point on the Northerlyrlght of way ll-ne of an lnterstate Higtlway 7O Service Road; thence ott rt angle tb the righC of 99o58 t54" and along said Northerly right of way line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 533.00 feet, a central angle of 34o53'36", an arc distance of 324.60 feet to a polni of rangent; ihun"u N.43"41'59'\,1. and alpng said Northerly rlght of way line and along said tangenE 850.00 feet to a point of curve; thence altng said Nortfreily right of way line and along a curve to the left having . r.firr" of 326.5Q ieet, a central angle of 5&$0'&$", an arccdistance of 3L3.49 feet to the point of tangett; thence S.81"18'00"1"1. and along s$i-d Northerly right of way line and along said tangenc 178.?'0 feeE Eo a point on the West line of the East one-half of the East one-half of Section 5; thence N.O1'21 t27"E. and along said lrlest line 98.S3 feet to the Fanibem@dt eogrierrio$,sai:d)iB'.,!'ripgnd.*r8l,6; afbeoq,ers:89t't0Ut'EE. and along the North llne ofiectiJn 5, 1348.51 feet Eo the polnt of beginning, containing L2.943 acres, more or les s, PARCEL G LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parE of the East one-half of the East one-half of section 5, Township 5 SouLh, Range 82 \Iest of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: corrnencing at the NorEheast corner of said section 5; thence s'01o25'31'\^l' and along the EaBt l"ine of said section 5,1436.20 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Interstate Highway 70; thence N'70'20'59'5^l' and along sald Sourherly rigirt;;-;"y iittu fbZ.8-0 feet; thence N'43"46'59'\ and along said southerly rightorway line 37.51 .feeC to a poinE of beginnir said poina u"irrg-oi rhe'llorlherly line of a road righto6f way recorded in Book 72 at page 356; thence s.oo'"02,00'\,I . and along said righE of way line 12L.22 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of-the Denver and Ri.o"Grarjde WesEern Railroad; thence on an angle lo the right of 86"52"' and along the ltrsr said righto5i way line and-along tlq..yT"j Eo rhe left having a radius of 673.69 leet, a clnrral angle of 33l17554fect' an arc disrance of 391.53 feet to the point of tangent; thence N'66t17'59'u' and ilongthelastsaidrlghtofwaylinean<t-a1o.'g.sa1<ltangent747.97feet to a point on Ehd Soutierly right of way line of Lnterstate Htgbn^'ay 70; rhence S.83'43,59"E. and :rlong sald Southerly right of way line 9'10 feei; thence s.68"14',2g"8. and a10ng said s0utherly right of way line 433'10 feet thence s,70"20'59"8. and a10ng said southerly right of way line 577'80 feet therrce s.43'46'.59"E. and along said southerry ri-ghE of way ltne 186'09 feet to the Point of beglnnlng, contalnlng l'094 acres' more or less' Page 10 PARCEL H LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the EasE one-half of the East one-half of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 82 h'est of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more ParEicularly described as follows Conunencing at the Northeast corner of said Sectiorr 5; therce S.01"25'31'\'l . and along the EasE line of said Section 5, L436.20 feet to the point of beginning, said point being on the Soucherly right of way line of Inter- state Highway 70; thence N.70'20'59'\.I. and along saj-d Southerly right of way line f 92.80 feet; thence U.43'46'59'"r^l . and alorrg said Southerly right of way line 11 .75 feet to a point on Lhe Sout'trerly line of a road right of roy tl"otded in P,aok 72 aE Page 366; thence S.60"07'00'\,'r. and along said Southerly line 126.51 feet to a point on the Easterly righE of way line of the Denver and Rio Grande Lrlescern Railroad;'thence on an angle to the left of - 90" 59j 25','e: and afrorrg saici Eas Eerly righc of way line and along a curve to che right having a radius ot 673.69 feet' a central angle of 15o28,'26", an arc distance of 181.94 feet to a point of tangent; thence S.15"23'1g"8. and along said Easterly right of way line and along said tangent 274.4T feet to a point on the Northerly right of way-line of the Intlrstate Highway 70 Acclss Eo U.S. Highway 6; thence N.77"39'01"$, and along said Noittrerfy rtghc of way line 27.10 feet; thence N.73"53r01"E. and along sald Northerly right of rvay line 124.10 feet to a poinE on the East line of said Sectlbn 5l thence N.01"25'31"E. and along sald East llne 380.95 feeE to the poini of beginning, containing ?.225 acresr nore or less File No. 7c-1,08-79 - Donald and Roberta Boyer Request: Zone Change from Agricultural Residential to Commercial Limjted Location: Basalt Area, Eagle County, more particulariy described as follotvs: A oarcel of Iand situatert in Tr.rct flo. 47 o{ Section 2, Town- ship E South, Rangc B7 Wcst oi t-he l-rLh l) lYl . l-vi I I liorther'l .v of a fence constructcd anrl in nlace, said r)arcci of 'l and is oe- scribed as follows: Beqrnninrt al- a lrue location of Anqle Point I'lo. 6 .f said Tracl lirr. ,1 / wlrerlc.' rr f,l i tness \,r)rner nrar:.ed with a rebar and cap sc)t. in ttro 0r0un0 [-rr,rr:;: S, no04o'59" t ']5.35 feet'thencc ll .0Cu39'39" l,'.350,1)0 l'eel; thence S.8o'"1 8'53 t. 622,?9 reet: thence S.00oir)'J9" t.3511 .{-) 0 ftrei to a oornt tn said fencc: tirence N. B9o4ii '5it" l,J . u?,?.2') f ct alonq said fence to Angle Point No. 6 of said Tract ll o. 47, the point of beqinninq. The above describcd parcel of land contains 5.0'J dc'es, more or I ess . Page 11 This Heaping shall be held in the McDonald Buiiding, County Commissioners it4eeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons Being affected by a dec'i sion on this request are jnvited to make ' comments to the Cornmission by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further informatjon may be obtained and comments submitted, by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Department, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado Phone 328-737I by: Katherine Peterson Secretary, Department of Planning and Development Of f r3e of lle t:, ?.,Cl bcx t0C . vail. colorado.8i657 o.(333) 476-5613 August 3l , .l979 truly -vours, Eagle County P'lanning Co;rni55yen Box 850 tagle, C0 8.l631 Dear Conrnissioners: The Tcr'in of vail'council is coposed to the prcposed upzoninl of !he. selby prcperty. The Tor'rn does not supptrt'upzoning of I;nd within the Gore va1'l ey, r.:hen the Tor.rn has'dcrrn zoned Iind .in ..he past io reduce the nuri',Ser of uni'r-s vrii.hin the Toi.rn. in addition,the Tcl;n courrcil iray. be considering o'cher rezonings ihat r.,,ould further rcduce Censity. If i'he- Gcre val19r '1:9s ceveloped under 'uhe current zon-ing there r.oulC be up to 32,70C peopl.e 1.i ving rvi.uh the vai ley. Scie g,eepls ttithin'r-lr€ co;nunity consider i.hat thjs r.rou'ld be a-n un,.a"a9Lable nui,be:' of peopl e 'r-o. provide adequate services to and reta ii a good qual ity of I ife rvj'r.hin the Gore \talley. f.he-question is r'rhy incrcase'r-he nurnber of units rvithjn the Gore valley rvlien the Toi.'n.and. coun'uy shourd be rocki^g .t-i:.lr.ing -ehe number of units rvi th jn the GorL val l ey. The Tor.ri and cc.rnty r:rust deter'ine and iinpi enen" a pl an i'or il'ie Gore yal 1 ey to tiit ?evei op-ment requests are evaluated using a cc;rpr-ehensive pianning app,roach that consicers 'uhe po] icies and 6frects-on the entire vai rey. il{e 5l ifer Y l-Q)-- trlt-'t,1t 1 fnail] JEFFREY B. SELBY P. O. EOX l52A varl-. coLoRAoo 6rGa7 June 27, 1979 Mr. Terrill Knight Director Eagle Countf Departnent of Planning and Development Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Terri.l1: Enclosed is a sketch plan of a proposed subdivision of the 43,44 actes located in the Lionrs Ridge area which I recently acquired by land ex- change fron the U,S. Forest Service. As you know, this was a trade which included transferring the 150 acres located on the Freenan Creek to the Forest Service. I hereby request Sketch Plan Review by the Planning Corrunission at their August 15th rneeting. Enclosed are a $98 check which is the required sub- division fee and twenty-two copies of the area map outlining the proposed lots of the subdivision. Application has been made for inclusion into the Lionrs Ridge Water District for domesti-c water service and Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Distri"ct for sewage disposal service. There does not appear to be any problern with the land ultinately being allowed to join these distlicts. The proposed name of the subdivision is uncertain at this tirne, but it will be furnished prior to the August Planning Comnission meeting. If you have any questions or desire any additional inforrnation, please do not hesitate to call me. I!, 74 B. Selby JBS: ej r Enc 1o sures (as stated) DEPABT[IEIIT l\1cl )on ald Illds. 28 550 Ilroadway October 1976 I'. ( ). llox 78{l Eagle, Colorado 81631 Jeff Selby Vail, Colorado 8r657 Re: File No. G-31-76 Selby Land Exchange At their special meeting on 26 October 1976, the Board of County Commissioners indicated approval of the concept of the proposed land exchange. Final arrangements with the U.S. Forest Service must be completed and referred to the County prior to the exchange. Recommendations from the Town of Vai I will also be reviewed. Upon completion of the exchange, the land will be subject to county zonining. lf you have any questions, please contact this off ice. EAOTT COUNTT tu+fr Terrill Knight P lanner TK/kt cc: Board of County Commissioners; Town of Vail; U, S. Forest Service, M inturn l'lr n ning I )t'prr rt.mc nt/l )la nning Oontrlission: Subrlivision, Iluiklirrg Ollicial: Iluilding l)t'rrnits :rnri Inspcction, Zoning OT TI.ANNINO AI{D DT1ITIOTMEilT Rlzoning, Applit'ations and Review {303) 328-6338 Ad nr irristra tion (303) 328-6339 IAOI.E COUNTT DTPABT}ITIIT lllcl )onald llldg. 21 OT TIAIII{IilO AI{D 550 llroadway P.O. Ilox 78{l October 1976 DEIlEI.OP}ITIIT Hagle, Colorado 81631 Jeff Selby Vai | , Colorado 8t657 File No.G-31-76 Proposed Land Exchange At their regular meeting on 20 October 1976, the Eagle County Planning Commission reviewed a proposed land exchange proposal by Mr. Selby. The commission indicated that they had no objections to the concept of the excnange. The proposal will be review by the Board of County Commissioners at their special meeting on 26 October 1976, beginning at 9:0O A.M. in the McDonald Bldg., 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. lf you have any questions, -/ ."t / -/l /'^i/I (1,' /,Terri ll Knight ' Planner TK/kt please contact this office. j cc: Board of County Commissioners Ernie Nunn, U.S. Forest Service I'l;rnnjng I)r'Jrarln:cnt,/l'):rnning Conrmi.ssion; Subdjvision, Rczoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-6338 lluikling ollicial: Iluilding I'r'rnrits and Inspection, Zoning Adnrinistration (303) 328-6339 il lu ri oltri e of llfi rr,?.1?l box 100 r vail. colorado.8i657 r.(333) 1t6-5613 /tugust 3.| , .l979 tru'ly .vours, Eagle County P1 anning Coienission Box 850 tagle, CO 8.1631 ;r Dear Conr;nissioners: rhe Tor'in of ttail' council is opposed to the prcposed upzcnini of !!e. Selby prcperty-. The Torin does not support'upzoning of .l and within the Gore Va I I c-y, r'rhen 'rhe Toun has' dcl.;n zoned 'l ind in -rhe past_to reduce the nuriiSer of uni',-s r.rithin'uhe Tovn. In addi.cion,the Ter';n counci I may. be cons idcring o*,er reioningi it'ai ,.,outa further rcduce Censiry. If '.he. Gcrle vallgy ':it ceveloped under the current zoning .ehere r.oulC be up to 32,70C peopl.e l iving rvi,uh the va11ey. Srie l,espls t'rittrin'r-lr? cc:;nunity consider i..hat i.his rrou'l d be a-n unr,,nagLabie nu;'be:^ of peop'l e 'r.0. provr'de-edequate serv'ices to and retaii a _oood quality of I jfe rvi'uhin the Gore'Valley. The_question is i;hy incrcase'ehe nurnber of units within the Gore valley rtlien the Toi;n-and. county should be looking at reciucing .uhe nunber of units rvjthin the Gore va11ey. The Toiri and ccunty r:rust deterrline and iinplenent a plan for thi Gcre Yailey so.uhat ?eveiop-nent requests are evalua'i-ed using a ccnpr-elrensive-planning approach thatconsicersthepo1iciesandeffectson.'heent.ire"utiey. c'dney box 10O Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 .|980 office of the town manager January 2, Eagle County Pl anning Commission Box 850 Eag1e, C0 8'1631 Re: Selby Rezoning Request Dear Commissioners: 0n beha'l f of the Town Councjl, I am resubmitting the August 3l' '1979 letter from l4ayor Rod S'lifer. The Town does not fee'l that the present proposal , which is iust a zone chanqe from Resource (R) to Resider:tial Suburban Low Density (RSL), is different'in any significant way from the past app'lication. This zone change would sti'l 1 permit too many units to be constructed on this site. I would also like to bring to your attention that the Town has recently contracted to purchase the Elmore properties which is approximately 53 acres jn the lvlatterhorn Area with the intent of using this 'l and for recreation and open space purposes. In addition to these purposes, this purchase will also remove over 'l 50 potential units from the Gore Va11ey. The Town has also contracted to purchase the Stephens Parcel 'in intermountain which will remove an additional 'l 2-14 units from potent'ia1 development. It is hoped that several other purchases will be comp'l eted in the next few months. In my mind, this indjcates a serious commitment to reduce dens'ities in our Va11ey. A1 ong those 1ines, the Town still does not feel the present request is appropriate and reconrnends denjal of it. Sinc,erel v. //,/*/ /-A Richard Capl an' Town Manager rt cITARLES H. RoSENQUIST P.0. Box 686 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Decenber 15, 1979 Eagl. e County Planning Commission Eagle County P.0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Planning Comnission: I arn the owner of Lots G-7 and G-8 which have been resubdivicled into residential homesites, This is also the si-te of rny own personal resi-dence. I have followed the Selby's land trade l./ith the Forest Service since itrs inception and have supported it completely. Since conpletion of the trade this past strrruner, I have had the op-portunity to see Mr. Selby's planning of the property. I fully supported the proposed rezoning request to RSl,t which was conpatable l.rith the sur- rounding neighborhood and lots. I therefore evfll rnore strongly support the requested rezoning to RSL since this insures that the property will be developed into only single family residential lots. I also fully support the proposed subdj.vision plan which will have a very rninimal impact on the surrounding area. I a]n particularly inpressed with the site plan layout with the large single family residential lots. I completely support l'lr. Selbyts rezoning and subdivision requests. Sincerely, Z-L//4,4----/Charlcs ll. Rosenqtiist / RroEArD 5r. Bncrx ,t* ".-iH""t^T' E,'RBla Irtrvln, Oot oRADo 8or82 (aoa) 768-61?() January 19, 1980 Eagle County Commi ssioners Eagle County Post 0ffice Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dea r County Commi ss ioners: I am the owner of Lots 4 S 5 which are part of a resubdivision of Lots G-7 and G-8, Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2. I have followed the selbyts land trade with the Forest Service since its inception and have supported it completely. Since completion of the trade this past summer, I have had the opportunity to see l.lr. Selbyts planning of the property. I fully supPort the proposed subdivision plan which will have a very minimal impact on the surrounding area. I am particularly impressed with the site plan layout with the large single family residential lots. I completely support l4r. Selbyrs rezoning of the proPerty to Residential SuburiSan Low Densl ty which wiil allow the development of the proposed l8 lot subdivision. Sincerely, F-g"'-^ n R'^_---- Richard N. Brown RNB/j sc Lcman Fnoperlies ,*"201t822-0488 P.O. Box 188 r Florham Park, NJ 07932 January 30, 1980 Eagle County Commissioners Eagle County P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Comrnissioners : We represent the ownership of the Valley at Vail development, which is adjacent to and rvest of the 43 acres of land which Mr. ,Jeff Selby has requested be rezdned and subdivided into single fanrily residential homesites. We have reviewed the proposed site plan a number of times over the past months and support the residential lot subdi-vision as requested. As you probably know, access to the upper portion of the property will be made possible through the eastern portion of our development, and it is our belief that the minimal additional traffic created by the proposed lots will have very rninimal impact on both the existing Lions Ridge Loop and the balance of our development. S, LTD. for Lamar Properties, Inc., General Partner Sincerely, PK:ca January 15, 1980 Eagle County Commissioners Eagle County Post 0ffice Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Dear County Conunissioners: Our condorniniun association represents the owners of the Valley Condominiums which are located just to the west of the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single farni ly residential hones i tes . We have reviewed the proposed si-te plan and fu1ly support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furtherrnore, we support your granting Mr. Sel- by the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the developnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivj-sion. There is clearly a cornmunity need for this type of single farnily residential developrnent and considering the surounding densities this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. Sincere 1y, THE VALLEY CONDOMINIUI{ ASSOCIATION RICHARD M. TOFEL P. O. BOX 172 vAtL. coLoRADO At657 January 18, 1980 Eagle County Cornrnissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Cornrnissioners : I own condoninium unit A-41 which is part of the Valley Condominiums. Our Association is located just to the southwest of the 43 acres of land which IVr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single family re- sidential homesites. I have reviewed the proposed sj-te plan and fully support the resi-denti-al lot subdivision as requested. There is clearly a community need for this type of single family residential developrnent and considering the surround- ing densities, this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. I support your granting l4r. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the development of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. Sincerely, .r rI I ------7--l <YV It/\^ \ .f ,,{ra/l , | /4F<{ Richard M. Tof\!_) RMT,/cd January 15, 1980 Eagle County Cornnissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Cotmty Connissioners: I otrn condominiun unitB,-39 which is part of the Val1ey Condominiums. Our Association is located just to the southwest of the 43 acres of land which Nlr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single farnily residential homesites. I have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential Iot subdivision as requested. There is clearly a communi-ty need for this type of single fanily residential developnent and considering the surround- ing densities, this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. I support your granting Mr. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the developnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. + Sincerely January 15, 1980 Eagle County Comrnissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Commissioners: I own condominiun unit C-40 which is part of the Valley Condominiurns. Our Association is located just to the southwest of the 43 acres of Land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single farnily residential hornesites . I have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential lot subdivision as requested. There is clearly a corununity need for this type of single farnily residential developrnent and considering the surround-ing densities, this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. I support your granting Mr, Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the developnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. Sinc ere 1y,:;?ol /-\:, ( &.t-*6tovt January 18, 1980 \\Eagle County Connissloners Eagle County P.O. Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear County Comrlsslonera : I oun condonLniun unl t A-19 which is part of the Val1ey Condominiuns. Our Associatl.on is located Just to the southwest of the 43 acres of land whlch Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdLvlde into single famlly resldentlal- homesltes. I have revlewed the proposed stte pJ-an and fully suPPort the residentlal lot subdlvlsion as requested. There is clearLy a cormtuni ty need for thls type of slngle faui ly residentlal development and considerlng the surround- lng denslties, thls ls a very logical locatlon for Just thls type of zoning. I support your granting Mr. SeJ.by the proposed rezonlng of the proPerty to Residential Suburban Low Density whlch wtl1 a11ow the development of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. S lncerel-y , /%"*,rf?M" W1lllan II. lEller January 18, 1980 Eagle County Comnissi.oners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Connnissioners : We own condorninium unit A-26 which is part of the Valley Condorniniurns. Our Association i.s located just to the southwest of the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single fanily resi- dential honesites. We have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residenti.al lot subdivision as requested. There is clearly a conununity need for this type of single fanily residential development and considering the surround- ing densities, this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. We support your granting lt,lr. Selby the proposed rezoning of the Property to Residential Suburban Low Density which rvill allow the devel.oprnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivision, Sincerely, January 15, 1980 Eagle County Comrnissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Cornmissioners : I arn the owner of Lot G-l which is located adjacent to the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single fami- ly residential homesites. I have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore, I suppo"t your granting Mr. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allow the developrnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. There is clearly a community need for this tfpe of single family residential development and considering the surrounding densities this i.s a very logical location for just this type of zoning. I urge youto grant the requested rezoning and proposed subdivision approval , Sincere 1y, .e\'\ \ilu"{tt H. Mour,r' CASOLAR VAIL IIOME OII'NERS ASSOCIATION January 18, 1980 Eagle County Cornnissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Corunissioners: Our home owners association represents the property owners of the Casolar Vail subdivision which is located on Lots A-7, A-8 and A-9 Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1, adjacent to the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single farnily residential homesites. We have reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore, we support your Sranting Mr. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density which will al1ow the developnent of the proposed 18 lot subdivj.sion. There is clearly a conmunity need for this type of single fanily residential development and considering the surrounding densities and the entire concept of the Casolar Vail subdivision, this is a very logical location for just this type of zoning. We urge you to grant the requested rezoning and proposed subdivision approval . Sincere 1y, CASOLAR VAIL HOME OI{INERS ASSOCIATION January 5, 1980 Eagle County Commissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Comty Conunissioners : I am a General Partner in Lionrs Ridge Associates, Ltd., which owns Parcel B, C and D of Lionrs Ridge Filing II, which is located near the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single fanily residential honesites. Our partnership has reviewed the proposed site plan and fully support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore, we support your granting l{r. Selby the proposed rezoning of the property to Residential Suburban Low Density whi.ch will allow the development of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. There is clearly a conrnuni ty need for this development and considering the surrounding locatj-on for just this type of zoning. tle urge you to grant the requested rezoning As you probably are aware Mr. Selby is also partnership but the entity would stil1 like the proposed developrnent. Sincerely, RIDGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. type of single family residential densities this is a very logical and proposed subdivision approval . a General Partner of the linited to go on record as supporting January 15, 1980 Eagle County Conmissioners Eagle County Post Office Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear County Conunissioners : I am the owner of Parcel E, Li-onts Ridge Filing II which is located near the 43 acres of land which Mr. Jeff Selby has requested to rezone and subdivide into single fanily residential honesites. I have reviewed the proposed site plan and fulty support the residential lot subdivision as requested. Furthermore, I support your granti.ng l'{r. Selby the proposed rezoning of the Droperty to Residential Suburban Low Density which will allorv the development of the proposed 18 lot subdivision. There is clearly a connunity need for this tfpe of single fanily residential developnent and considering the surrounding densities this is a very logical locationforjust this type of zoning. I urge you to grant the requested rezoning and proposed subdivision approval . -)'.K-q" car;f fitrouQss