TO: Tom Moorhead
FROII4: A.ndy Knudtsen
DATE: January 2,1996
SUBJECT: Employee Housing in Lionsridge 4th Filing
I. The Ouestion
Torn Braun, representing Carol Orrison, would like to know if the caretakers uuits
constructed in the Lionsridge 4th Filing should be deed restricted as Type I, II, III, IV, or
V Ernployee Housing Units.
II. Backgound
Carol Orrison is the owner of Lot 10. Block 4, Lionsridge Fiting No. 4. There is cunently
a singfe family home and a two-car garage on the property. The property has less than
100 sq. ft. of GRFA available for future development. He would like to build a two-car
garage and a caretaker on the properfy.
Lionsridge 4th Filing is zoned Single Family. However. Ordinance l5 of Series I 989
allows a caretaker to be constructed on each lot. As a result. each lot has the potential to
supptrt a Primary/Secondary type of structure. Per Ordinance I 5 of Series I 989. the
caretaker cannot exceed one third of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. The Ordinance
specifies that the employee unit "shall be permitted on each lot." The definition of the
employee unit is provided in Section 18.13, which is the Primary/Secondary section of the
code. That citation has since been removed and transferred to the Type I portion ofthe
Employee Hbusing Ordinance.
III. The Employee Housing Ordinance
The Errrployee Houling Ordinance provides for five diflerent types of employee housing.
Thereare different atfibutes of each type that match the Lionsridge 4th Filing standards,
but there is not a clean match between any of the types and the situation in the 4th Filing.
Staffb€lieves that it is a closer match to the Type I, as there are six attributes of the
Employee Housing Ordinance which rnatch the situation under a Type I scenario. The
Type tr has only one attibute that matches this situation; however staffunderstands that
the one is significant. Staffbelieves that all of the attributes are important and would like
your interpretation as to which restriction, a Type I or Type II is appropriate.
Planners: please keep this in mind for all dgvelopment in Lionsridge 4th Filing
TO: TomBrann
FROM: AndyKnudtsen
DATE: January 8. 1996
SLJBJECT: Employee Housing inlionsidge 4th Filing
On January 4,1996, Tom Moorhead and I reviewed the attached m@o and analyzed the
Employee Housing Chart, located in the zoning code at the end of the Employee Housing
Chapter. He concluded that the caretaker dwelling units in Lionsridge Fourth Filing shorrld be
deed restricted as Type I EHU's.
Please call me or Tom ifyou would like to disquss this further or would like additional