HomeMy WebLinkAboutEver Vail I70 Retaining Wall Selection Report 11210840P I.70 South Frontage Road Thm Vail t , Retaining Wall Type Selection Report_ CDOT Project Number: 17020 i� � ' 4 1.E ; • � � �' ' !_' � • :; Q L i NI th Jk �.y , : air • . 7� > # r� � JUVAHAS SIMMLINS HLILUtHNLSS Suhmittal Dates 11/21/C TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa ge I. Summary A. Purpose l B. Introduction 1 C. Wall Layout 2 II. Site Constraints and Conditions A. Spatial Constraints 3 B. Behavior Constraints 3 C. Economic Considerations 3 III. Wall 'Types Considered A. Summary of Wall Types Considered 4 B. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall (MSE) 8 C. Inverted L Wall - Semi Gravity B 8 D. Conventional T Wall on Spread Footing - Semi Gravity C 9 E. Minimal Heel T Wall on Spread Footing - Semi Gravity C 9 F. Inverted L Wall on Micro Pile Foundation - Semi Gravity D 10 IV. Constructibility A. Construction Without Shoring 11 B. Shoring Limits to Minimize I -70 Impacts 12 C. Feasible Shoring Options 13 V. Recommended Alternative 15 VI. Project Information A. Design Team 16 B. Computer Software 16 16 APPENDICES Appendix A Typical Section and Wall Plan and Elevation Drawings Appendix B Design Criteria Appendix C Geotechnical Memorandum Raw TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU)ERNESS • • A. PURPOSE • The purpose of this Retaining Wall Selection Report is to summarize the options studied and make recommen- dations for the design and construction of a retaining wall between the proposed South Frontage Road and exist- ing East Bound I -70 in Vail Colorado. • • B. INTRODUCTION • The existing South Frontage Road runs parallel and adjacent to 1 -70 through much of Vail but pulls to the south for • the limits of this project. The construction of the proposed retaining wall will allow for the new frontage road to • run parallel to I -70. Through this stretch, I -70 is elevated as compared to the ground to the south where the new • frontage road will be constructed. The ex osed hei ht of the ro osed wall varies from 1 foot to 14 feet. Frontage Roafi • ` - •� �/ _ • • • 157' • 77' S. FRONTAGE ROAD ROW' • 60' — 75' • � INS N � _ r, • EXISTING EAST EXISTING WEST BOUND 1 -70 BOUND I -70 • PROPOSED SOUTH ze' • FRONTAGE ROAD y w • MEMO • Page 1 T90UVARAS SIMMONS HO( =NM • CONSULTING ENGINEERS t • C. Wall Layout The project requires approximately 1900 linear feet of wall along the north side of the frontage road and 150 linear feet of wall along the south side of the frontage road. A schematic of the wall layout is shown below. A complete set of wall details and layout drawings can be found in Appendix A. The wall is generally higher on the west end as the profile of the frontage road goes down to allow for the con- struction of the future SIMBA underpass and to allow for potential future access to the proposed Glen Lyon Office Building development. ►20 Page 2 TSKUVARAS SIMMONS WILD ERNESS COMSULTIN6 IN61MEENS 10 A. Spatial Constraints • Functions of Wall A Allow the existing I -70 slope to be cut back to make room for the proposed frontage road. A Design and construct a wall to accommodate the grade difference between the proposed frontage road and the existing I -70 profile. A Design the wall to be extended vertically in the future for the potential widening of I -70 with minimal work. Space Limitations and Site Accessibility A The front face of the wall is to located 80.5 feet from the center line of I -70. A The excavation required for the wall construction shall be minimized to limit the impacts to I -70. A To the extents feasible, the wall and its foundation shall be kept south of the "A" line. A Wall types utilizing soil nails or ground anchors extending under I -70 are not to be used. A As feasible the elevations of the foundation shall be located on the "very dense, cobles gravels and boulders" where favorable soil conditions exists. A The wall construction shall primarily take place on the south side of the wall, outside of the I -70 R.O.W. Proposed Finished Profile A The top the wall shall match the grade of the existing I -70 side slope. Available Space Versus Required Dimensions A The site has good accessibility from the south, thus a majority of the construction activities shall be staged from the south. A The width of the wall foundation shall be minimized. A Potential frost heave requires the bottom of the wall shall be placed a minimum of 4 feet below the grade of the frontage road. A The limits of excavation behind the wall shall be minimized to reduce construction impacts to I -70. A The front face of the wall shall be vertical to minimize space occupied by the wall. B. Behavior Constraints A subsurface exploration program was performed by Ground Engineering and feasible wall type recommenda- tions were made. The report recommends the following wall types as appropriate for the site conditions; Me- chanically Stabilized Earth Wall, Cantilevered Wall on Spread Footing, Cantilevered Wall on Driven Steel Piles and Cantilevered Wall on Micro Piles. It was noted in the investigation that drilling of caissons is not feasible • due to the ground conditions. All of the above mentioned wall types are expected to perform well and provide a service life of over 75 years. C. Economic Considerations A private developer will provide funding for construction of the wall. Therefore, the costs of the feasible alter- natives are not tabulated in this report. Page 3 Ram TSKHUVARAS SIMMONS HOLOEANESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS To select the best retaining wall type, the site constraints and conditions have been studied and summarized. The format of this discussion is consistent with Subsection 5.4 of the CDOT Bridge Design Manual. All of the wall types depicted in section 5.5 of the CDOT Bridge Design Manual have been evaluated for their use on this project. The following table summarizes the feasibility of the 24 wall types. Gravity Wall Options Page 4 ■.20 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU]EANESS W A. Summary of Wall Types Considered Wall Type To Be Reason For Not Considering Considered SELECTED FILLS REIN- FORCED WITH TENSILE ,.a on REINFORCEMENTS (EI- W p THER METAL (INEXTEN- YES SIBLE) OR GEO- TEXTILE Q (EXTENSIBLE) BARS, = = 3 MATS, GRIDS, ETC.) GRAVITY A a w a FACING COVERED CUTS 0.4 WITH UNIFORMLY NO REQUIRES SOIL NAILS WHICH ARE NOT SPACED, TOP -TO- BOTTOM ALLOWED FOR THIS PROJECT Q CONSTRUCTED NAILS YL� Z GRAVITY B PRECAST/ Q PREFABRICATED 04 MODULAR WALLS. MOST NO REQUIRES LARGE EXCAVATION INTO O 3 ARE PROPRIETARY I -70 PRODUCTS. SOME PATENTS HAVE RUN OUT. GRAVITY C PREFABRICATED WALL U ELEMENTS SUCH AS o a� 04 MASONRY OR CONCRETE o REQUIRES LARGE EXCAVATION INTO Q BLOCKS. ROUGH o ° NO I -70 3 ELEMENTS SUCH , AS DUMPED ROCKS, GABIONS. GRAVITY D CAST-IN-PLACE SOLID o CONCRETE WALLS OR PRECAST CONCRETE NO NOT FEASIBLE OR PRACTICAL FOR THE FACINGS ANCHORED IN WALL HEIGHTS REQUIRED. CEMENT STABILIZED SOIL ZONES. � U O U C.I.P. REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL ON = REQUIRES THICK WALL SECTION AND DEEP FOUNDATION NO HAS NO ADVANTAGE OVER SEMI - EITHER DRILLED GRAVITY WALL TYPE D CAISSONS OR PILES. - - Page 4 ■.20 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU]EANESS W A. Summary of Wall Types Considered Page 5 ►.MFE TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU]EANESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Semi- Gravity Wall Options To Be Wall Type Reason For Not Considering Considered L -WALLS CAN REQUIRES A LARGE FOOTING WITH EXTENSIVE BE USED WITH NO EXCATION INTO I -70 AND HAS NO ADVANTAGES FOR COUTNERFORTS SEMI-GRAVITY A THIS PROJECT INVERT - L - WALLS CAN BE USED WITH BUTTRESSES. USE YES WITH TOE COVER w FILLS. a - a T WALLS ON SPREAD FOOTING, USE WITH u COUNTERFORTS YES AND SHEAR KEY IF APPLICABLE ' SF T WALLS OR L -WALLS ON DEEP - FOUNDATIONS. USE YES EITHER DRILLED CAISSONS OR PILES SEMI-GRAVITY D T WALLS WITH PRECAST POST SIMILAR FOUNDATION TO SEMI - GRAVITY C AND THE TENSIONED STEM NO o PRECAST WALL HAS NO ADVANTAGES FOR THIS SITE AND C.I.P. BASE ON w SPREAD FOOTING F - p T WALLS WITH PRECAST POST TENSIONED STEM SIMILAR FOUNDATION TO SEMI - GRAVITY D AND THE AND C.I.P. BASE ON NO a. PRECAST WALL HAS NO ADVANTAGES FOR THIS SITE DEEP FOUNDATION \\\ \\ EITHER DRILLED CAISSONS OR PILES SEMI-GRAVITY F Page 5 ►.MFE TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU]EANESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS Semi- Gravity Wall Options Page 6 Raw TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU ) E ANESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS a Non - Gravity Wall Options Wall Type To Be Reason for Not Considering Considered SHEET PILES, THIS WALL TYPE IS NOT Q CONTINUOUS DRILLED CONSTRUCTIBLE. LARGE COBBLES DO 3 CAISSIONS, SLURRY CONTINUOU NO NOT ALLOW FOR SHEET PILE DRIVING, W; TRENCHED CONCRETE ELEPENTS CAISSON DRILLING OR TRENCHING W DIAPHRAGM WALLS. SLURRY WALLS. W a H NON- GRAVITY A z A H- PILES, WOOD PILES, THIS WALL TYPE IS FEASIBLE FOR A CONCRETE PILES, HEIGHTS OF UP TO 10 FEET WITH H -PILES W DRILLED CAISSONS WITH DISCRETE ELEMENTS NO THAT ARE PREDRILLED. ABOVE 10' LAGGINGS, TWO ROWS OF wf LAGGINGS IN HEIGHT THE PILES WOULD BE TOO W CLOSE- PACKED CAISSONS. - NON B LARGE AND NOT DRIVABLE SHALLOW EMBEDDED CONTINUOUS OR v� DISCRETE CANTILVERED REQUIRES TIE BACKS AND BURIED w a U ELEMENTS ANCHORED POURD NO CONCRETE BLOCK INTO I -70 THAT ARE W 3 a WITH BURIED CONCRETE NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS PROJECT BLACKS CLOSE TO GROUND. WO WW� a a SHALLOW EMBEDDED CONTINUOUS DISCRETE GROUND ANCHORS ARE SIMILAR TO CANTILVEVERED NO SOIL NAILS AND NOT ALLOWED FOR U ELEMENTS WITH TIEBACKS ANCHORED TO THIS PROJECT STABILIZED ZONE. NON-GRAVITY ANC ANCHORS T) PRECAST CONCRETE MULTI- ANCHORED FACINGS WITH TIEBACKS NO REQUIRES SOIL NAILS WHICH ARE NOT ca ANCHORED EITHER TO ALLOWED FOR THIS PROJECT a THE STABILIZED ZONE, OR Z 3 TO THE SELECTED FILL. - C7 CREEPING SLOPES w DOWELED WITH CAISSONS - OR PILES FOR STABILITY. REQUIRES SOIL NAILS WHICH ARE NOT PRECAST CONCRETE - - NO ALLOWED FOR THIS PROJECT FACINGS ARE ANCHORED - TO THE DOWELS. N' Page 6 Raw TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOU ) E ANESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS a Non - Gravity Wall Options Hybrid Wall Options Page 7 ►20 TSIOUYARAS SIMMONS HOLDERNESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS To Be Wall Type Reason For Not Considering Considered o° . GENERIC WALLS ANCHORED WITH GEO- FABRIC GRID REIN- 0 EO— SIMILAR TO GRAVITY A (MSE) WITH NO FORCEMENTS. GABION WALLS ° GRIDS NO ADVANTAGES FOR THE SITE ANCHORED WITH GEO -GRIDS 0 000 MODULAR PRECAST L -WALLS Eo- SIMILAR TO GRAVITY A (MSE) WITH NO ANCHORED WITH GEO- FABRIC FAaRlcs NO ADVANTAGES FOR THE SITE GRID REINFORCEMENTS HYBRID R GEO- FABRIC WALL(S) STACKED NO NO ADVANTAGES FOR THE SITE ON TOP OF T WALL HYBRID C EITHER INVERTED -L WALL GIRDER STACKED ON MSE WALL Sono FOR BRIDGE ABUTMENT APPLICATIONS, OR L -WALL NO NO ADVANTAGES FOR THE SITE WITH RAIL STACKED ON TOP OF EARTH WALL FOR - - -.— ROADWAY APPLICATIONS. HYBRID Q T WALL WITH ANCHORS ADDED TO STABILIZED ZONE. SOIL GROUND ANCHORS ARE SIMILAR TO SOIL USED FOR WALL REMODELING REMOVED OR REHABILITATION AND NO NAILS AND NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS FOR ROADWAY WIDENING PROJECT APPLICATIONS HYBRID F T WALL WITH PRECAST/ POST-TENSIONED MODULAR - SIMILAR TO GRAVITY A (MSE) WITH NO STEM ELEMENTS. ANCHORED - NO WITH GEO -GRID OR WITH " ADVANTAGES FOR THE SITE REINFORCEMENTS. Page 7 ►20 TSIOUYARAS SIMMONS HOLDERNESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 10 Detailed descriptions of the wall types considered and their differences follow: B. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall (MSE) - Gravity A MSE walls are commonly used in Colorado for walls of the height range required for this project. CDOT has standard MSE details that would have to be modified in the following ways for this project. • The CDOT standard design calls for 1' -6" of cover over the toe of the wall. Due to the long winter season in Vail and the project requirement for the walls to be stone veneered, the . toe of the wall will be embedded a minimum of 4' -0" below grade. The CDOT standard design calls for either an un- reinforced block facing or a precast concrete facing. To minimize the • cracking of the stone veneer a more rigid facing is desirable. Systems where the block facing is reinforced and grouted solid have proved to work well in the Vail area. Advantages: • — Common wall type in area with many contractors experienced in their construction. — Easy to add height to the wall in the future. Disadvantages: — Requires large excavation for the placement of the soil reinforcement. — Shoring of this excavation may not be feasible without the use of temporary soil nails. — CDOT does not have a history of using stone facing on MSE walls. C. Inverted L Wall - Semi Gravity B Inverted L walls are used in locations where it is not feasible to construct a heel of the footing under the fill side of the wall. This Future wall type is commonly used for heights of up to 8 feet and its design is challenging for heights above 10 feet. Thus this wall type could be considered for portions of the wall required for this prod ect. Advantages: — Minimizing the size of footing extending into I -70. — Requires the minimum excavation of wall types studied. Disadvantages: • — The lack of weight on the heel of the footing creates an uplift condition on the heel of the footing which is generally considered to be undesirable. • — With the minimal weight on the footing, a large shear key is required for sliding. It is generally considered desirable to • achieve sliding resistance with a combination of friction and passive resistance. Page 8 • MSE Wall Wan ►.a0 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOWNESS CONSULTING EN6INEERS The wall types described below meet the aformentioned requirements and proposed finished profile criteria as set forth in Section II of this report. Each wall type can be designed for a future height increase if I -70 is to be • widened and each wall type can be constructed given the site geologic conditions. - . W - -��' Inverted L Woll Cast in place T walls on spread footings are a very common wall • type with a history of good long term performance from both a structural and geotechnical perspective. The site conditions are favorable for this type of construction, with good bearing • capacity and availability of high quality on -site material for back fill. The proportions of the footing can be tailored to meet the site constraints and soil conditions. This option utilizes a standard configuration for the footing and does not require a shear key for sliding. Advantages: — History of good long term wall performance. — Common wall type in area with many contractors experienced in their construction. — Easy to add height to the wall in the future. — Compatible with stone facing. Disadvantages: — The construction of the footing heel requires considerable excavation into I -70. — Shoring of this excavation may not be feasible without the use of temporary soil nails. T Wall on Spreod Footing E. Minimal Heal T Wall on Spread Footing - Semi Gravity C This option is a modification of the Conventional T Wall described above. It has all of the above mentioned advantages. The proportions of the footing have been modified to reduce the required length of the footing heel under I -70 and increase the length of the footing toe under the frontage road. To account for the minimal weight on the footing and associated loss of friction capacity, a shear key is added under the footing to increase the sliding capacity. Advantages: — History of good long term wall performance. — Common wall type in area with many contractors experienced in their construction. — Easy to add height to the wall in the future. — Compatible with stone facing. — Reduced excavation as compared to the Conventional T Wall design. — Minimal shoring required. Disadvantages: • — The construction of the footing heel requires some excavation into I -70. — Shear key construction adds cost and time to construction. Page 9 • Fu1we We#' - -- T Wall on Spread Footing with Shear Key Raw T SIMMONS HOLDERN65 COMSMlTIM6 EN6IMEENS D. Conventional T Wall on Spread Footing — Semi Gravity C This option consists of a cast in place concrete wall constructed on a footing with minimal heel embedment on the fill side of the wall. The eccentric footing is supported on multiple rows of micro pile. The front rows of micro pile are battered to resist the sliding force on the wall. The heel row of micro pile are in permanent tension to resist the wall over turning. Advantages: — Easy to add height to the wall in the future. — Compatible with stone facing. — Reduced excavation as compared to other Wall designs. — Minimal shoring required — Minimal foundation required under I -70 R.O.W. Disadvantages: — Utilizing micro piles in tension is not preferred. — Micro piles are relatively new and do not have the successful history of a spread footing. tore were -• -- °-- — Inverted L Wall on Micro Pile Page 10 Raw TSIOUVARAS S HOLOEANESS CONSULTING EN61WEERS F. Inverted L Wall on Micro Pile Foundation - Semi Gravity D Am A. Construction Without Shoring Each of the feasible wall types has different excavation limits required for construction. The following figures show the limits of excavations if shoring is not utilized. The section shown is for the wall location requiring the largest excavation. Maximum Excavation Limits for T Wall on Spread Footing Maximum Excavation Limits for Inverted L Wall on Micro Pile The following table shows the length of wall where the excavation would extend into I -70 if shoring were not used. The total length of wall is 1900 feet. Wall Type MSE 1000' Convential T Wall 900' T Wall with Shear Key 800' L Wall on Micro Pile 800' REMOVE AND REPLACE ASPHALT 17 Lt TEMPORARY PAVING TEMPORARY LANES CL 1-70 , , Q , , III 12 L: T EXISTING EAST EXISTING WEST BOUND 1-70 BOUND 1 -70 PROPOSED SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Under this option, the east bound I -70 traffic would be shifted into the median to stay clear of the excavation. The shift would require temporary paving. Page 11 ►a0 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOLDERNESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS factors affecting the constructability of the walls include: • A Construction without shoring A Shoring Limits to Minimize I -70 Impacts A Feasible Shoring Options Maximum Excavation Limits for MSE Wall Max. Ex. for T Woll on Spread Footing with Shear Key Under this option, the east bound I -70 traffic would be shifted 2 feet toward the median but would remain on existing pavement. Wall Type MSE Length 800' Convential T Wall 700' T Wall with Shear Key 400' L Wall on Micro Pile 300' REMOVE AND REPLACE ASPMAL T\ A SMOULDER T� r CL [-7Y r n or 7 EXISTING EAST EXISTING WEST B. Shoring Limits to Minimize I -70 Impacts An alternate construction option is to place shoring outside the limits of the I -70 shoulder to open up the exca- vation for the wall. There are two configurations for this shoring that are considered. Tall Shoring Option The following figure shows a shoring configuration that would allow for the wall to be constructed with no impacts to the I -70 pavement. This option requires relatively tall shoring over a long stretch of I -70. Monitor- ing for slope movement should be performed to ensure that the slope does not move and cause damage to the existing pavement. The table shows the length of shoring required under this option. Wall Ty MSE 1000' Convential T Wall 900' T Wall with Shear Key 800' L Wall on Micro Pile 800' Page 12 MEMO TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOLDEANESS CORSULTIR6 IN6IREERS A second option would be to place a temporary barrier at the inside edge of the shoulder and allow the existing outside shoulder to be excavated. The following table shows the length of wall where the excavation limits extend beyond this limit. Mid Height Shoring Option The following figure shows a shoring configuration that would allow for the wall to be constructed with consid- erably less shoring but would require the outside, east bound I -70 shoulder to be removed and replaced. This option requires lower shoring over a shorter stretch of I -70. The table show the length of shoring required under this option. Wall Type MSE Length 800' Convential T Wall 700' T Wall with Shear Key 400' L Wall on Micro Pile 300' C. Feasible Shoring Options The presence of cobbles and boulders in the underlying soils make the shoring construction challenging. It is likely that 3 foot to 4 foot boulders will be encountered. The shoring requirements and options have been discussed with both shoring designers and a local shoring contractor with experience in the Vail area. There are three feasible options for the site and each is briefly described. Cantilevered Piles with Steel Lagging The system consists of steel piles driven deep into the embankment at 3 feet to 4 feet spacing with steel plates used for the lagging. The length of the piles are typically driven three times the exposed height of the shoring. It is unlikely that this system will work for exposed heights of over 8 feet as the pile driving beyond 24 feet in expected to be difficult. ►20 Page 13 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOLOERNESS CONSULTING EN6INEERS This method requires the wall to be constructed around the bracing with the holes being filled in after partial backfill and strut removal. Steel Piles with Tie Backs The system consists of steel piles driven into the embankment to a depth of a few feet below the required exca- vation. As the excavation takes place, tie backs are installed as shown. After each level of tie backs is complete additional excavation can take place. Page 14 ►.i TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS HOLDEANESS CONSULTIN6 EN61NEERS Braced Steel Piles The system consists of steel piles driven into the embankment to a depth of a few feet below the required exca- vation. As the excavation takes place, steel struts are erected as shown and supported on temporary footings. i• Wall Type Recommendations Walls A, D, and E Taking into account the spatial constraints, initial requirements, future requirements, constructability and ex- pected long term performance the minimal heel T wall on spread footing with a shear key wall type is recom- mended. This wall type offers the following advantages: A History of good long term wall performance. A Common wall type in area with many contractors experienced in their construction. A Easy to add height to the wall in the future. A Compatible with stone facing. A Reduced excavation as compared to the Conventional T Wall design. A Minimal shoring required Wall B Wall B is not necessary to meet grading requirements for the construction of this project. If I -70 is widened in the future, a wall of 2 feet in height will be required. It is recommended that this wall be constructed with this project for architectural considerations. Wall C The existing grading between I -70 and the frontage road is quite flat which results in a condition where the fu- ture section of I -70 requires a lower wall than if the wall were constructed to meet the existing grade due to the proposed 4:1 slope. To meet the existing grade, the wall would be a maximum of 4 feet tall. To meet the future conditions, a 2 foot tall wall can be constructed. It is recommended that the wall be built for the future condi- tions and be an "L" wall as detailed in the appendix. Construction Option — Wall A To minimize the impacts to I -70 during construction, the tall shoring option is recommended. This option would eliminate the need to shift I -70 traffic off of the existing pavement and remove any existing pavement. Due to difficult driving conditions for piling, this option would most likely require the use of a shoring system including temporary soil nails or tiebacks under I -70. As an alternate, the mid height shoring option could be utilized. This option would increase the impacts to I -70 by requiring the shoulder to be removed and replaced but it would eliminate the need for temporary soil nails or tiebacks under I -70. The construction details and specific method of shoring for both alternatives should be left to the specialty shor- ing contractor with their engineer providing final design calculations and details. Page 15 Ram 75IOUVARAS SIMMONS HOLOEANESS CONSULTING EN6IMEERS A. DESIGN TEAM Vail Resorts Development Company Bill Kennedy Structure Design - Tsiouvaras Simmons Holderness Project Team Jeff Simmons, P.E. Clint Krajnik, P.E. Alan Ross, P.E. Steve Florian CDOT Peter Kozinski, P.E. — Region 3 Behrooz Far, P.E. — Staff Bridge Roadway Design Alpine Engineering Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Hydraulic Engineering AMEC Architectural Design LandWorks Design Inc. B. COMPUTER SOFTWARE Design Retain Pro 2007 SAP 2000 Inroads Detailing Microstation Version 8 with current CDOT configuration ►ME Page 16 TSIOUVARAS SIMMONS WILDERNESS CONSULTING ENGINEERS CDOT PROJECT NO.: 17020 A. , 1. : , '00, OPP -Av 4*k- ldp 4 wo- 19 e or, P4 0 Imp 4P 0 z ED (L CDOT PROJECT NO.: 17020 x 0 z m w CL a AW W Y 1. ��'i 1 r. �.; � ,• N•''i' �l.�'�of• .�• °••� 1•n �'6 a � ;fg� "� �• � �ro '�. ar { a. :aa S Design Criteria Design Specifications A American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ( AASHTO) " AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications" 4 Edition 2007, with 2008 interims. A Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) "Bridge Design Manual" May 1992 Editions with current revisions and technical memorandums through February 2002. A Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Computer Aided Drafting Manual 2005 Edition utilizing the recently implemented standards for the Bentley Suite. A Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Staff Bridge Detailing Manual Design Method This project shall be designed for applicable strength, service, and extreme event limit states as defined by the load groups in the AASHTO Load and Resistance Design (LRFD) Specifications. Design Loads Permanent Loads (DC, DW) Unit Weight Reinforced Concrete ...................... ............................150 pcf HBP..................................... ............................... ............................144 pcf Stone.................................... ............................... ............................150 pcf Fill....................................... ............................... ............................125 pcf Live Loads HL -93 (Design Truck or Tandem with Design Lane Load) Colorado Permit Vehicle (Strength II) Live Load Deflection Criteria = L /800 Bridge Rail Bridge Rail Type 10 Special .............................. ............................500 lb/If Wind Loads (WS, WL) In accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Thermal Forces (TU) Thermal Coefficient .................... ............................... ....................0.000006 /'F Temperature Range ............................................ ............................0 °F to 80 °F - Thermal Drop ....................................... ...........................60 °F - Thermal Rise ........................................ ...........................45 °F Extreme Events (EQ) Earthquakes Effects in Accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Seismic Performance Zone 1. Materials Reinforced Concrete .............. ............................... ..........................Class D, F'c =4500 psi Reinforcing Steel ................................................. ...........................ASTM A -615, Grade 60 Steel Piles ............................................................ ...........................ASTM A709, Grade 50 CDOT PROJECT NO.: 17020 '$ d` A lt .. �„ idol :st P r yr r 1' r� w ° S i 4a 1r �Ai Z U W a a Q Ever Vail Infrastructure Vail, Colorado FRONTAGE ROAD RETAINING WALL A retaining wall will be constructed along the re- aligned frontage road in the northern portion of the site. The wall will be up to about 15 feet in height. We understand that present plans call for this structure to be a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. Based on the medium dense, granular nature of the shallow fill and native soils encountered in that area, there appears to be adequate bearing support for an MSE wall. MSE wall design commonly is provided by a Supplier /Contractor. GROUND, however, can provide a retaining wall design including construction plans for this wall. We can provide a proposal for that design upon request. Recommended geotechnical parameters for MSE wall design are provided below. Parameters also are provided for a cantilevered retaining wall system. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall For design of the MSE wall system, an angle of internal friction of 32 degrees and a moist unit weight of 125 pcf may be used for the foundation materials and the retained materials behind the reinforcing zone. Select, granular, fill material, either imported or generated on -site, should be used within the geotextile reinforcing zone. The parameters used for that zone will depend on the material selected. For estimation purposes, the length of the geotextile reinforcing zone can be taken as 0.7 to 0.8 times the wall height, but will depend on the final design. MSE retaining walls bearing on firm native soils or properly compacted fill may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Where wall excavation bottoms expose soft, loose or otherwise deleterious materials, such materials should be excavated and replaced with properly compacted fill. MSE walls should bear at least 4 feet below lowest adjacent grade to provide adequate soil cover above the bearing elevation if frost protection is a design consideration. Cantilevered Wall The design criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system for the pedestrian bridge. The construction details should be considered when preparing project documents. 1) Footings should bear on firm, in -place native, granular soils or properly compacted, granular fill. Job No. 0 7 -•0 027 GROUND Engineering Consultants, inc. Page 27 9' Ever Vail Infrastructure Vail, Colorado 2) Footings bearing on a properly prepared surface in dense, in -place native, granular soils may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure (0) of 3,000 psf. This value may be increased by '/3 for transient loads. Based on this bearing capacity, we anticipate direct compression of the foundation soils upon loading to be on the order of 1 inch. 3) Soft or loose soils likely will be exposed at foundation bearing elevations. Firm native soils materials may be disturbed by the excavation process. All such unsuitable materials should be excavated and replaced with "dental" concrete exhibiting a minimum compressive strength of at least 2,000 psi or properly compacted fill, or the foundations deepened. Footing excavation operations and the prepared bearing surface must be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer. 4) Footings should bear at a depth of at least 4 feet for frost protection. 5) The lateral resistance of spread footings will be developed as sliding resistance of the footing bottoms on the foundation materials, and by passive soil pressure against the sides of the footings. Sliding friction at the bottom of footings bearing on common fill may be taken as 0.40 times the vertical dead load. A passive earth pressure of 320 psf per foot of embedment may be used, to a maximum of 3,200 psf. The upper 1 foot of embedment should not be relied upon for passive resistance, however. 6) Compacted fill placed against the sides of the footings should be compacted to at least 96 percent relative compaction in accordance with the recommendations in the Project Earthworks section of this report. 7) Care should be taken when excavating the foundation to avoid disturbing the supporting materials. Hand excavation or careful backhoe soil removal may be required in excavating the last several inches or more. 8) Foundation soils may be disturbed or deform excessively under the wheel loads of heavy construction vehicles as the excavations approach footing levels. Construction equipment should be as light as possible to limit development of this condition. The use of track- mounted vehicles is suggested because they exert lower contact pressures. The movement of vehicles over proposed foundation areas should be restricted. Job No 07 -6027 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 28 Ever Vail Infrastructure Vail, Colorado A Geotechnical Engineer should be retained to observe and test all footing excavations prior to placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. Lateral Loads A cantilevered wall that is free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the full, active strength of the soils may be designed for an active lateral earth pressure taking an equivalent fluid unit weight of 39 pcf to be characteristic of the on -site soils used as backfill. A wall that is laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a limited amount of deflection, i.e., an "at -rest' condition, should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures computed taking an equivalent fluid unit weight of 59 pcf to be characteristic of the on -site soils. If imported soils are anticipated to backfill the retaining wall, the lateral loading parameters will be dependent upon the materials selected. The recommended equivalent fluid pressures are for well- drained conditions with a horizontal upper backfill surface. The additional loading of an upward sloping backfill, hydrostatic loads if sufficient drainage is not provided, as well as loads from traffic, stockpiled materials, etc., should be included in wall design. If a multi - tiered system is used for all or portions of the retaining wall, the wall should be analyzed for global stability as a single retaining structure, as well as for individual tiers. Wall Drainage Wall drains should be provided at the heels of all retaining walls to reduce development of hydrostatic pressures on the walls. The wall drain systems should consist of perforated PVC collection pipe at least 4 inches in diameter, similar solid - walled discharge pipe, free - draining gravel, and filter fabric such as MiraFi 140N. The free - draining gravel should contain less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 Sieve and more than 50 percent retained on the No. 4 Sieve, and have a maximum particle size of 2 inches. Each collection pipe should be surrounded on the top and sides with 6 or more inches of free - draining gravel. The collection pipe and gravel should be wrapped with filter fabric to reduce the migration of fines into the drain system. The collection and discharge pipes should be graded to drain effectively to an outlet for positive discharge into an appropriate drainage structure. In addition to placement of the free - draining gravel on the top and sides of the collection pipes, the gravel should extend upward to within 12 inches of the backfill surface behind the wall or the wall should be backed with a layer of synthetic drainage medium, e.g., an appropriate MiraDrain'" product or equivalent. The gravel or drainage product backing Job No. '17.6027 GROUND Engineering consultants, Inc. Page 29 Ever Vail Infrastructure Vail, Colorado the wall should be in hydraulic connection with the wall heel drain. Damp - proofing should be applied to the back sides of retaining walls. The actual layout, outlets, and locations should be designed by the Civil Engineer or bridge designer. A Geotechnical Engineer should be retained to observe installation of the drain systems. Each drain system should be tested by the Contractor after installation and backfilling over the system to verify that it functions properly. Wall Construction Considerations Retaining wall backfills should be carefully placed in accordance with the recommendations provided in the Project Earthworks section of this report. Care should be taken not to over - compact wall backfills because this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the walls. A Geotechnical Engineer should be retained observe the exposed excavation prior to placement of backfill, observe earthwork operations and drain installation, and test the soils. Some settlement of wall backfills will occur even where the material was placed correctly. This settlement likely will be differential, increasing with depth of fill. Where improvements must be placed on wall backfill soils, structural design, pipe connections, etc., should take into account backfill settlement, including differential movement and the associated risks are understood by the Owner. A Geotechnical Engineer should be retained to provide recommendations for founding of improvements in such areas. Jot; No 07 -6027 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. ?ace 30 October 13, 2008 Subject: Revised Geotechnical Recommendations for the Frontage Road Retaining Wall, Ever Vail Development, Vail, Colorado Job No. 07 -6027 Mr. Thomas Miller Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Mr. Miller: GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) performed a subsurface exploration program to develop geotechnical recommendations for design and construction of the infrastructure improvements for the proposed Ever Vail development, in Vail, Colorado. Our findings and conclusions were presented in the report, Subsurface Exploration Program and Geotechnical Recommendations for Project Infrastructure, Ever Vail Development, Vail, Colorado, Job No. 07 -6027, prepared for Vail Resorts Development Company, dated September 10, 2007. That report included a recommended allowable bearing capacity of 3,000 psf for the retaining wall supporting the grade change between Interstate Highway 70 and the re- aligned frontage road south of the interstate (U.S. Highway 6). At your request, GROUND has evaluated further the foundation conditions for the retaining wall, based on its currently planned configuration and location, and revised our recommendations with regard to founding the retaining wall. Our services were provided in general accordance with GROUND's Proposal No. 0809 -2064, dated September 12, 2008, and information from several subsequent project meetings and provided documents. Reference is made to our September 10, 2007, report for a description of ROUND L ENGINEERING CONSULTRNTS,INC. 41 Inverness Drive East, Englewood, CO 80112 -5412 Phone (303) 289 -1989 Office Locations: Englewood Commerce City Loveland Fax (303) 289 -1686 www.groundeng.com Granby Gypsum Revised Geotechnical Recommendations for the Frontage Road Retaining Wall Ever Vail Development, Vail, Colorado Job No. 07 -6027 Page 2 of 3 the site surface and subsurface conditions, our general geotechnical findings and recommendations, and the Limitations on our work, that also apply to GROUND's conclusions and recommendations provided herein. We consider all recommendations in that report not specifically superseded herein to remain valid. We understand that the present retaining wall layout envisions the supporting the wall on spread footings at depths of 12 to 24 feet below the highway (from east to west) along the alignment, corresponding to Elevations between about 8092 and 8100 feet near and west of Red Sandstone Creek, and elevations rising to 8112 feet farther east. Comparison of these elevations to the elevations below which "very dense, cobbles, gravels and boulders" were encountered during GROUND's subsurface exploration for the project (See Figure 11 of GROUND's September 10, 2007, report.) suggests that for the majority of the proposed retaining wall alignment, the proposed foundation bearing elevations will be within the denser materials. This was confirmed at the western end of the project (further west than previous drilling) by means of a test pit excavated to a depth of 10 feet with a track - mounted excavator. (The location of the test pit, a test pit log and an explanation are provided on Figures 1, 2 and 3, attached.) Based on these data, which indicate that the soils supporting the walls will be similar to those supporting the proposed buildings at the development, we make the following recommendations: I. Footings bearing on a properly prepared surface in dense, in -place native, granular soils may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure (Q) of 5,000 psf. This value may be increased by 1 / 3 for transient loads. Based on this bearing capacity, we anticipate direct compression of the foundation soils upon loading to be on the order of 1 inch. II. Soft or loose soils will be exposed locally at wall foundation bearing elevations. We anticipate that this may be more common along the portion of the wall alignment in the proximity of Red Sandstone Creek. Firm native soils materials may be disturbed by the excavation process. All such unsuitable materials should be excavated and replaced with "dental" concrete exhibiting a minimum compressive strength of at least 2,000 psi or properly compacted fill, or the foundations deepened. Revised Geotechnical Recommendations for the Frontage Road Retaining Wall Ever Vail Development, Vail, Colorado Job No. 07.6027 Page 3 of 3 Footing excavation operations and the prepared bearing surface must be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Other foundation types appear viable, as well, particularly "micro- piles" which are installed in small diameter borings that can be advanced with air - percussion equipment that readily can penetrate hard cobbles and boulders. We trust that this provides the information that you needed at this time. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. e zl� Brian H. Reck, C.E.G. Reviewed by James B. Kowalsky, P.E. u6 69 ) oNuoDTOTMOZOLO \$ \a \I!DA JQA3 - H£01080Md MN ZS :O£:9 680J'IIDID z � E5 O C3 \ x p o u, _ ZZ Z o wo �^ U E z MMv":-,_ z � LIl •� W �I A z ¢ O p Q O N O pwpw � U '�� W V) H p ce j L L V) rJ. :v xv 3 O O O uj Li a -a z ° na 00000 . � NwMN n •y O o aa..�CL w ° " °o CL \ 3 1Q 0 �O �N Z U Z W F- m H Q 11�u-W c O O p to Z w a � a p 3 o II o� z V) O H 0 � ° w 11 —� v w z n J .adsa J dsN o > J 0 = u . �� N0x _ rr Q v aJF-�0 z � c��v �= �� - 3xsU Q E M W � J Z U.1 -J �� OI - �g Q' -J��N �� O ^� �ZN U NZ N (f) W w Q�QQQa I, �- �33333� r °o �o O c°�QUJ Z' a. W W O O H ZZ Z a J Z m� 0 ONO \ / , Z 3 Q ° O Lys wz W (Qn w Q W ((�J m Z J Q Z W W m m J W \ m 2 U Ym� Cd'J m 3 li 0Uw `\ w w NM•t Lill cO t\ 3333333 N Ju, a o ma J �w Z Z L Ex u \ , m 1 n N w a C Q N p N J N O O � N J \ � , ~ Lo 0 z N U U z j J \ m D w O W Z m\ o C O c . 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