HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120314 PLANS VAIL TRAN�P�RTATION CENTER PARKING LANE I NTER�TATE 70 M I LEPO�T 176.3 VAI L, COLORADO ��-�o ewr ns /N T f R S T SPRADp�f�REfK ROqD A T e ,o PRO�IECT DE3CPoPTION LOCATION: SOUTH FRONTA�E ROAD MILEPOST 176.3 TOWN OF VAIL, EAG�E COUNTY, CO�ORADO - PROJECT GENERALLY CONSISTS OF SHORT TERM PARKING INCLUOING CONCRETE PAVING, SIDEWALK, CURBS, AND GUTTERS. PROJECT LOCATION BHEET INDEX C0.0 COVER SHEET C0.1 TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL NOTES � C0.2 CDOT GENERAL NOTES a C0.3 STANDARD PLANS LIST C1.0 PARKING LAYOUT PLAN A VAL ATION CB�IT�I C2.0 DEMOLITION & REMOVALS PLAN M A �,y �� C3.0 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.1 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN-RAMP & STAIR AST MEADOW DR. � N T C4.0 EROSION CONTROI PLAN � C5.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN r C6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL PIAN cR,EK C7.0 DETAILS � ��RE a / r � � rn � ��'F N WILLOW R�q G � �RI �DR��/1' O O,Q� N ,� y'9NS '� o 0 � VICINITY MAP � NOT TO 3CALE a � O t� 0 U �L�Ci�f/�►Ci�. b� A TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOM KASSMEL 970-479-2235 ,� B EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITAl10N DISTRICT ROBY FORSYTH 970-476-7480 � C ELECTRIC (HOLY CROSS ENERGY) JEFF VROOM 970-945-5491 W D PHONE (CENTURYLINK) SAM TOOLEY 970-468-6860 � E HIGH PRESSURE GAS RICH SISNEROS 970-371-9677 0 F GAS SERVICE (XCEL) KIT BO�ERT 970-262-4024 a G CABLE N (COMCAST) MICHAEL JOHNSON 970-930-4713 R E C E IV E D H C.D.O.T. DAN ROUSSIN 970-683-6284 � � PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY �^�ry t�►�r r {� + N CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR LINE LOCATIONS. HE 1 U YY IY O F YA I� SHALL THEN LOCATE ALL UT1LITlES (INCLUDING DEPTH). ANY CONFLICTS WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SHALL � BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, �NC. SO THAT LINE OR GRADE CHANGES CAN BE MADE � TO ELIMINATE ANY CONFLICTS WITH THESE UTILITIES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE BY .� THE CONTRACTOR. DAMAGED UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER. rn `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed COVER SHEET DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: CO.O 1. Obtain a Public Way permit from the Town of Vail Department of Public Works, (970) 479-2158. Obtain all required building permits through the Town 29. The Designer shall provide in this location on the plans the location and description of the nearest survey benchmarks for the project as well as the of Vail Department of Community Development, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, CO3 81657. basis for bearings. The information shall be as follows: 2. All contractors shall be licensed to perform work within the Town of Vail. Obtain and pay for contractor's license at the Town of Vail Department of BENCHMARK: Town of Vail Survey Control Community Development, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657. PROJECT BENCHMARK: HARN CONTROL POINT "SPRADDLE". ELEVATION = 8287.82' (NAVD 88). 3. The contractor shall obtain all necessary standards, specifications, permits, bonds, etc. from all applicable agencies prior to commencement of PROJECT DATUM SCALE FACTOR: 1.00041186 construction. BASIS OF BEAR�NG: COLORADO CENTRAL ZONE (HARN) NAD 1983/92 AND TOWN 4. The Public and the Town of Vail will have the right to occupy the Public Right of Way and adjacent facilities during the entire period of construction. OF VAIL MAPPING PROJECT OCTOBER 1996, STATIONS SPRADDLE N 1660652.671 Perform site work operations to minimize conflicts and to facilitate use of the premises and conduct of normal operations. E 2753950.797 AND WOODMAN N 1652148.916 E 2727065.360, SPRADDLE TO 5. All materials, workmanship, and construction of public improvements shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications set forth in the Town of WOODMAN BEARS S 72'26'53" W. Vail Code, Development Standards Handbook, Construction Details and applicable state and federal regulations. Where there is conflict between these 30. The Contractor shall locate, protect, and maintain benchmarks, monuments, controi points and project engineering reference points. The Contractor plans and the specifications, or applicable standards, the most restrictive standard shall apply. All work shall be inspected and approved by the Town shali re-establish disturbed or destroyed items at the Contractor's expense. of Vail. 31. The Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement of any existing materiais that are damaged during construction within the limits of 6. All references to any published standards shall refer to the latest revision of said standard, unless specifically stated otherwise. construction or in the vicinity of the limits of construction, at no additional cost to the Owner. 7. The Engineer who has prepared these plans, by execution and/or seal hereof, does hereby affirm responsibility to the Town of Vail, as beneficiary of 32. When an existing asphalt street must be cut, the street must be restored to a condition equal to or better than its original condition. Patching shall said Engineer s work, for any errors and omissions contained in these plans, and approval of these plans by the Town of Vail Engineer shall not relieve be done in accordance with the Town of Vail Street Repair Standards. The seams of the asphalt patches shall be infrared unless otherwise instructed the Enqineer who has prepared these plans af all such responsibility. Further, to the extent permitted by law, the Engineer hereby agrees to hold by the Town of Vail Engineer. harmless and indemnify the Town of Vail and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities and damages which may arise from any 33. Upon completion of construction, the site shall be cleaned and restored to a condition equal to, or better than, that which existed before construction, negligent errors and omissions contained in these plans. or to the grades and conditions as required by these plans. 8. All sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water line construction, as well as power and other "dry" utility installations, shall conform to the local utility 34. Standard Handicap ramps are to be constructed at all curb returns as identified on these plans. The construction of these handicap ramps shall be entities standards and specifications current at the date of approval of the plans by the Town of Vail. in accardance to ADA current standards. 9. The type, size, location and number of all known underground utilities are approximate when shown on the drawings. It shall be the responsibility of 35. After acceptance by the Town of Vail, public improvements depicted on these plans shall be guaranteed to be free from material and workmanship the Contractor to verify the existence and location of all underground utilities a�ong the route of the work before commencing new construction. The defects for a minimum period of two years from the date of acceptance. Contractor shall be responsible for unknown underground utilities. 36. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions on and adjacent to the job site, including safety of persons and property 10. These drawings represent only the approximate location of utilities and are included only for the convenience of the Contractor. The Contractor shall during performance of the work. The Contractor shall provide lights, signs, barricades, flag men, or other devices necessary ta provide for public be responsible for locating all utilities, pipes and structures. Contact The Utility Noti�cation Center of Colorado (800)-922-1987 to locate safety, pedestrian access and vehicular access as needed. This requirement shall appiy continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. underground facilities. Contact the Town of Vail for additional locates (970) 479-2158. Contact the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for 37. The Contractor shall not willfully proceed with construction as designed when it is obvious that previously unknown obstructions and/or grade additional locates (9�0)-476-7480 ext. 114. Utility locates are to be performed at least 72 hours prior to any construction activity. The Contractor differences exist thot may not have been known during the time of design. Such conditions shatl be immediotely brought to the attention of the shall ensure that work prefarmed in the proximity of utilities shal� be according to the requirements of these agencies. The contractor shall notify the Designer and the Owner s Representative for a decision. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all necessary revisions and repairs due to Owner's Representative of any existing utilities which may interfere with the proposed work prior to any construction. The Contractor shall repair all failure to give such notification at no additional cost to the Owner. existing utilities to remain which are damaged during construction at no additional cost to the Owner. 38. At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall be responsible for connecting any existing storm drainage pipes to a newly installed storm 11. The Contractor shall comply with Articie 1.5 of Title 9, CRS ("Excavation Requirements") when excavation or grading is planned in the area of drainage system. AI� drainage systems within the construction limits shall be maintained by the Contractor for the entire duration of the construction underground utility facilities. The Contractor shall notify all affected utilities at least two (2) business days, (NOT INCLUDING THE DAY OF NOTICE OR project. The Contractor sha�l be responsible for the maintenance of ali drainage within the construction site and offsite drainage which is directly affected by construction. THE DAY OF EXCAVATION) prior to commencing such operations. Contact the Utility Notification Center of Colorado (UNCC) at 811 or 1-800-922-1987 39. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of the existing Town street lights within the project limits. The Contractor may to have locations of UNCC registered lines marked by member companies. All other underground facilities shall be located by contacting the respective provide temporary street lighting that is approved by Town of Vail when existing street lights are removed. company. For CDOT owned utility facilities the Contractor shall call the Region 3 Traffic Section at 970-683-6271 to request locates. CDOT is not 40. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the operation of existing Town irrigat�on lines within the project limits less otherwise approved by contacted when �ocates are requested through the UNCC. Utility service laterals shall also be located prior to beginning ANY excavation or grading. the Town of Vail. 12. The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with the Town of Vaii, and ali utility companies involved, assuring that the work is accomplished in a 41. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to protect and preserve all trees, bushes, shrubs and cover in a manner acceptable to the Owner. All areas timely fashion and with a minimum disruption of service. The Contractor shall be responsible for contacting in advance, atl parties affected by any of the Town of Vail Right of Way, disturbed during construction, shall be well graded to drain, covered with a minimum of 4° of top soil, fertilized, disruption of any utility service as well as the appropriate utility companies. mulched and re-seeded according to the Town of Vail Standard Specifications. 13. A State Construction De-watering Wastewater Discharge Permit is required if de-watering is required in order to facilitate construction or if any water 42. The Contractor shall maintain access to Fire Department hydrants and connections and they shall be maintained throughout construction unless is discharged into a storm sewer, channel, irrigation ditch or any waters of the United States. otherwise approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department. 14. The Contractor shall comply with ail terms and conditions of; The Colorado Permit for Storm Water Discharge (Colorado Department of Health, Water 43. The Contractor shall not cross the existing i-70 Barrier Line and shall not install any permanent structures within 5-feet of the Barrier Line. Quality Control Division, at (303) 692-3590) and also the Storm Water Manaqement Plan, and the Erosion Control Plan. 44, in soft or wet areas, the subgrade may require drying or stabiiization prior to fiil placement. A geogrid and/or subexcavation and replocement with 15. The Contractor shall provide and maintain approved erosion and sediment control "Best Management Practices" (BMP) for the project duration. The aggregate base soils may be needed for the stabilization. The subgrade should be proofrolled. Areas that deflect excessively should be placing Contractor shall inspect BMP's weekiy and after every precipitation event. The Contractor shall document inspection and make reports available upon pavement materials. The subgrade improvements and placement of compaction of base and asphalt materials should be monitored on a regular basis request. Accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from a BMP when the sediment level reaches one half the BMP's height or, at any time by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. that the BMP functionality is adversely impacted. Ail necessary maintenance and repair shall be completed within 48 hours of identification, unless otherwise agreed upon. �ORM DRAINAC�E QENERAL NO1'E3 16. The Town of Vail shall not be responsible for the maintenance of storm drainage facilities located on private property. Maintenance of on site drainage � All storm drains and culverts shall be constructed in accordance with the Manufacturers Technical Specifications. facilities shall be the responsibility of the Owner. 2. Types of structures refer to the Colorado Department of Transportotion M & S Standards, CDOT Specifications, or are included in the details. 17. The Town of Vail shall not be responsible for any damage or injuries sustained as a result of the construction of this project as a result of � groundwater seepage, whether resulting from groundwater flooding, structural damage or other damage. 3. Peak Land Consultants, Inc. assumes no responsibility for utility locations. It is the Contractor's responsibility to field verify the location of all utilities p+ 18. The Contractor shall be responsible for insuring that no mud or debris shatl be tracked onto the existing public street system. Mud and debris must prior to commencement of any construction. � be removed within 24 hours by an appropriate mechanical method (i.e. machine broom sweep, light duty front-end laader, etc.) or as approved by the 4. Ail drain pipes shall be instolled with the required bedding. � Town of Vail Construction Inspector. 5. Elevations shown are at pipe invert unless otherwise shown. N 19. Prior to placement of Hot Bituminous Pavement (H.B.P.) or concrete within the Public Right of Way, a mechanical "proof roll" will be required. The 6. All standard storm droin structures are subject to modification by the Engineer to meet field requirements. �,.j 7. Where any part of the storm drain system is located in a fill section, provide fill material compacted to 95 7 AASHTO T99 density from the original N entire sub-grade and/or base material shail be rolled with a heavily loaded vehicle having a minimum single axle weight of at least 18,000 Ibs. Any undisturbed ground up to structure bottom slabs and pipe bedding. sub-grade/base section exhibiting excessive pumping or deformation as determined by the Construction Inspector shall be reworked, replaced or g. Contractor to provide Culvert Outlet Protection (see detail) at storm drain and culvert outfalls uniess otherwise noted. �° modified to form a non-yielding surface. The Town of Vail Construction Inspector shall be notified 24 hours prior to a "proof roll". 9. All storm drain and culvert outfalis to have End Sections or Endwalls unless they are to be extended in the future. � 20. The Contractor shall furnish electronic and hard copy reproducible As-Built Record Drawings showing horizontal locations and vertical locations and 10. inlet boxes to be oversized to accommodate pipe size where necessary. Provide AASHTO HS-20 truck load rated top slab to accommodate grate and elevations of constructed improvements including all utilities, and drainage appurtenances prior to acceptance of the project. frame for oversized boxes. N 21. The Contractor shall video camera (TV) all installed public storm sewer pipes prior to flnal paving and/or other final surface treatment completion. A 11. All Reinforced Concrete Pipe Joints shall utilize Type R-4 Rubber Gasket Joints which shall be in accordance with AASHTO M198 and ASTM C443 y copy of the video taping shall be provided to the Town of Vail for review, approval and record keeping. (standard specs. for joints for circular concrete pipe using rubber gaskets) a? 22. The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of safety, including but not limited to excavation, trenching, shoring, traffic control, and security. 12. Pipe lengths indicated are horizontal lengths measured along the centerline of pipe from inside face of box to inside face of box. zRefer to OSHA Publication 2226 for Excavating and Trenching. � 23. The Contractor shall submit and have approved a Construction Traffic Control Plan, in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), to the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, prior to any construction activities within, or affecting, the Right of Way. The Contractor shall be � responsible for providing any and all traffic control devices as may be required by the construction activities. ^, 24. The Contractor shall submit to the Town of Vail Construction Inspector and gain approval for a construction staging plan, schedule and phasing plan o prior to the start of construction. � 25. Construction sites and staging areas must be fenced and maintained in a secure condition at all times. Keep fencing and surrounding areas clear of � trash and debris. Any construction debris or mud dropped into manholes, pipes, or tracked onto existing roadways shall be removed immediately by the y� Contractor. The Contractor shall repair any excavations or pavement failures caused by construction within or in the vicinity of the limits of � construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage due to construction at no additional costs to Owner. The Contractor shall remove all p; sediment, mud, and construction debris that may accumulate in the flow lines, on private property, and in public right of ways of the Town as a W result of this construction project. Removal shall be conducted within 48 hours. Return all construction staging sites to their original condition upon Ocompletion of the construction project. � 26. Dimensions for layout and construction are not to be scaled from any drawing. If pertinent dimensions are not shown, contact the Designer for a clarification, and annotate the dimensions on the as-buiit record drawings. R E C E IV E D � 27. The Contractor shall have, onsite at aIl times, one (1) signed copy of the approved plans, one (1) copy of the appropriate standards and specifications and a copy of any permits and extension agreements needed for the job. U 28. If, during the construction process, conditions are encountered which could indicate a situation that is not identified in the plans or specifications, the ai Contractor shall contact the Owner, the Desiqn Engineer and the Town of Vail Construction Inspector immediately. ��,■r� O� �■�� - N 4��� ![{ �7 � '� � `� PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL NOTES DESIGNED BY RAe PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• - SHEET NO.: CO.� CDOT GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2011 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, 2006 M & S STANDARD (WITH THE SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS) AND THE PROJECT CONTRACT BID 17. ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE STATE HIGHWAY DOCUMENTS. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE ROW SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TNE LATEST EDITION OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARD COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION, SHALL REFERENCES AS APPL�CABLE: APPLY. A. COLORADO STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CODE, 2 CCR 601-1 B. CDOT ROADWAY DESIGN MANUAL 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THOSE AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF C. CDOT FIELD MATERIALS MANUAL DISTURBANCE AND/OR TOES OF SLOPES AN SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND CROSS SECTIONS. ANY D. CDOT CONSTRUCTION MANUAL DISTURBANCE BEYOND THESE LIMITS SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS OWN E. CDOT STANDARD SPECIFICAT�ONS FOR ROAO AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDiTION EXPENSE, INCLUDING REGRADING, SEEDING AND MULCHING. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN ADDITION TO F. APPLICABLE CDOT SPECIAL PROVISIONS NORMAL CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE SHALL INCLUDE THE PARKING OF VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT, G. CDOT STANDARD PLANS (M&S STANDARDS) DISPOSAL OF LITTER AND ANY OTHER ACTION WITCH WOULD ALTER THE EXISTING CONDITIONS. H. FHWA MANUAL ON UN�FORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) FOR STREETS AND H�GHWAYS AND THE CO�ORADO SUPPLEMENT THERETO 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO (UNCC) AT I. AASHTO POL�CY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS 1-800-922-1987 FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS AT LEAST THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS, NOT INCLUDING J. AASHTO ROADSIDE DESIGN GUIDE THE DAY ACTUAL NOTIFICATION, PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES. K. CDOT UTILITY CODE 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY COORDINATE ALL DEMOLITION, TEMPORARY LIGHTING AND 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ONE SIGNED COPY OF THE CDOT APPROVED PLANS PERMANENT LIGHTING WITH HOLY CROSS ENERGY. IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS THAT ALL AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR TRAFFIC LANES IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROJECT THAT ARE CURRENTLY ILLUMINATED (IF ANY) BE SHALL MAINTA�N ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS ON S�TE AS AN AS-BUILT SET IN WHICH LIT BY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT LUMINARIES DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR RECORDS ALL CHANGES TO THE APPROVED PLANS. 5. AREAS OF RESEEDING/RESTORATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 212 OF THE CDOT 19. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY TOWN OF VAIL AND CDOT A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND THE ASSOCIATED PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS SEED MIX SHALL ANO A MAXIMUM OF 96 HOURS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. CONFORM TO SEEDING TABLE SHOWN IN PLANS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND AVOIDING THEM AS NECESSARY. CONDUIT RUNNING LINE ALIGNMENT MAY BE MOVED TO AVOID EXISTING UTILITIES WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY UTILITY CONFLICT WHICH CANNOT BE READILY RESOLVED AND WHICH MAY REQUIRE REDESIGN OF ANY PART OF THE PROJECT. 7• PERMITTEE SHALL DESIGNATE A CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR (TCS) TO MANAGE CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE AND SAFETY OF OPERATIONS DURING ACTIVITIES WITHIN CDOT RIGHT OF WAY. THE TCS SHALL BE AVAILABLE WHENEVER WORK IS IN PROGRESS. $• ACCESS CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT NEGATIVELY IMPACT PRIVATE PROPERTY OR THE STATE HWY ROW. � �'" 9. ALL EXCESS MATERIAL AS A RESULT OF OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BECOME PROPERTY OF THE o CONTRACTOR AND DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. cci N M 10. THE USE OF REBAR, STEEL STAKES, OR STEEL FENCE POSTS TO STAKE DOWN c� STRAW OR HAY BALES; OR TO SUPPORT SILT FENCING USED AS AN EROSION o CONTROL MEASURE IS PROHIBITED. N d' 11. NO FUELS, LUBRICANTS, OR OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MAY BE STORED h ALONG THE PROPOSED ROUTE. v; � 12. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO RESET, ADJUST OR REPLACE ITEMS THAT ARE AFFECTED BY Z CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGNATED TO REMAIN. THIS INCLUDED LANDSCAPE, SPRINKLER SYSTEM, E. SIGNS, SIDEWALK, AND OTHER ITEMS AS MAY BE IDENTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. UNLESS A SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED FOR WORK � OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS. N 0 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SEDIMENT, MUD AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS THAT MAY U ACCUMULATE IN THE FLOWLINES AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS AS A RESULT OF THIS WORK. � SEDIMENT REMOVAL SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN A TIMELY MANNER AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3 � 14. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE IMPLEMENTED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING w OPERATIONS BEGIN. � � 15. UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN IS APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THEIR � OWN DETERMINATION AS TO THE TYPE AND LOCATION OF UTILITIES AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO RECEIVED y AVOID DAMAGE THERETO. CONTACT THE UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO AT �j 1-800-922-1987 FOR UTILITY LOCATES AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING. CONTRACTOR � SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY OWNERS FOR ANY UTILITIES THAT NEED TO BE RELOCATED. � TOWN OF VAI� = � � � � `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed CDOT GENERAL NOTES DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: CO.Z PLAN NEW OR M STANDARD PAGE PLAN NEW OR M STANDARD PAGE PLAN NEW OR S STANDARD PAGE NUMBER REVISED TITLE NUMBER NUMBER REVISED TITLE NUMBER NUMBER REVISED TITLE NUMBER O M-100-1 STANDARD SYMBOLS (3 SHEETS) ...............................1-3 O M-607-1 WIRE FENCES AND GATES (3 SHEETS) ......................84-86 S-612-1 0 DELINEATOR INSTALLATIONS (6 SHEETS) (�.�Y�,�a) ....i34--935- � M-203-1 APPROACH ROADS..................................................4 O M-607-2 CHAIN LINK FENCE (3 SHEETS) ..............................87-89 � S-614-1 GROUND S�GN PLACEMENT (2 SHEETS) .......................136-137 � M-203-2 DITCH TYPES .......................................................5 � M-607-3 BARRIER FENCE ....................................................90 � S-614-2 CLASS I SIGNS ......................................................138 � M-203-11 SUPERELEVATION CROWNED AND ...............................6-8 O M-607-4 DEER FENCE AND GATES (2 SHEETS) .......................91-92 O S-614-3 CLASS II SIGNS .....................................................139 DIVIDED HIGHWAYS (3 SHEETS) p M-607-10 PICKET SNOW FENCE .............................................93 S-614-4 � CLASS III SIGNS (3 SHEETS) (�sm,o�cFUea+�,iao9) ............}}9-�-�g � M-203-12 SUPERELEVATION STREETS (2 SHEETS) ......................9-10 O M-607-15 ROAD CLOSURE GATE (9 SHEETS)...........................94-102 O S-614-5 BREAK—AWAY SIGN SUPPORT DETAILS ........................143-144 � M-206-1 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STRUCTURES .............11-12 M-608-1 � CURB RAMPS (6 SHEETS) (RENSED ON MAY 05,zmi) ...,.......,...}g3�gG FOR GROUND SIGNS (2 SHEETS) (2 SHEETS) �� � S-614-6 CONCRETE FOOTINGS AND SIGN ISLANDS ....................145-146 � M-206-2 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR BRIDGES (2 SHEETS) M-609-1 � CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SIDEWALKS (4 SHEETS) ��y�y,�y� }9�--M99 FOR CLASS ��� SIGNS 2 SHEETS M-208-1 � TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL (12 SHEETS) �Y��°,��) .,.1�5--Qi} � M-611-1 CATTLE GUARD (2 SHEETS) .................................110-111 S-614-8 � TUBU�AR STEEL SIGN(SUPPORT DETAILS (5 SHEETS) .�+���} � M-210-1 MAILBOX SUPPORTS (2 SHEETS) .............................22-23 � M-613-1 ROADWAY LIGHTING (4 SHEETS).............................112-115 O S-614-10 MARKER ASSEMBLY INSTALLATIONS ...............................152 � M-214-1 PLANTING DETAILS ................................................ 24 O M-614-1 RUMBLE STRIPS (3 SHEETS).................................116-118 S-614-11 O MILEPOST SIGN DETAIL FOR HIGH SNOW AREAS (NEW,JUNE 22,2oos) �� O M-614-2 SAND BARREL ARRAYS (2 SHEETS).........................119-120 M-412-1 � CONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINTS (5 SHEETS) �Y�y,��� ......�- O S-614-12 STRUCTURE NUMBER INSTALLATION ...............................153 � M-510-1 STRUCTURAL PLATE PIPE H-20 LOADING ...................... 30 � M-615-1 EMBANKMENT PROTECTOR TYPE 3 ...............................121 O S-614-14 FLASHING BEACON AND SIGN INSTALLATIONS (3 SHEETS) .154-156 � M-601-1 SINGLE CONCRETE BOX CULVERT (2 SHEETS) ............. 31-32 O M-615-2 EMBANKMENT PROTECTOR TYPE 5 ...............................122 O S-614-20 TYPICAL POLE MOUNT SIGN INSTALLATIONS ......................157 � M-601-2 DOUBLE CONCRETE BOX CULVERT (2 SHEETS) .............33-34 � M-616-1 INVERTED SIPHON .................................................123 S-614-21 O CONCRETE BARRIER SIGN POST INSTALLATIONS (��+�z4.�0 459� � M-601-3 TRIPLE CONCRETE BOX CULVERT (2 SHEETS) .............35-36 O M-620-1 FIELD LABORATORY CLASS 1 ....................................124 O S-614-22 TYPICAL MULTI—SIGN INSTALLATIONS. ..............................159 � M-601-10 HEADWALL FOR PIPES ............ O M-620-2 FIELD LABORATORY CLASS 2 125 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37 �������•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O S-614-40 TYPICAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION DETAILS .........160-166 � M-601-11 TYPE "S" SADDLE HEADWALLS FOR PIPE .......................38 � M-620-11 FIELD OFFICE CLASS 1 ..........................................126 (7 SHEETS) � M-601-12 HEADWALLS AND PIPE OUTLET PAVING 39 O M-620-12 FIELD OFFICE CLASS 2 ..........................................127 O S-614-40A ALTERNATIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION DETAILS .... 167-171 ...................... (5 SHEETS) � M-601-20 WINGWALLS FOR PIPE OR BOX CULVERTS ......................40 � M-629-1 SURVEY MONUMENTS (2 SHEETS) ..........................128-129 O S-614-50 MONOTUBE OVERHEAD SIGNS (14 SHEETS) ...................172-185 M-603-1 0 METAL PIPE (4 SHEETS) (RENSED ON FEBRUARY 25,20�0) .............�1--+� S-627-1 � PAVEMENT MARKINGS (5 SHEETS) (RENSED ON OCTOBER Ot,2010) ,,,,}�}�� � M-603-2 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ........................ ........... 43 ���+ �q�w� S-630-1 � TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Z4,2��� .:. __ M-603-3 � PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT (RENSED ON JULY 29,2on) ........�� (� 19 SHEETS) M-603-4 � CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE (AASHTO M294) (REV.ON FEB.25,zoio) � S-630-2 BARRICADES, DRUMS, CONCRETE BARRIERS (TEMP)................203 AND VERTICAL PANELS M-603-5 O POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE (AASHTO M304) (NEWONFEB.25,zoio) S-630-3 O FLASHING BEACON (PORTABLE) DETAILS (�sma+�ur�v,2mp .......�6+ � M-603-10 CONCRETE AND METAL END SECTIONS (2 SHEETS) ........ 45-46 S-630-4 � STEEL SIGN SUPPORT (TEMPORARY INSTALLATION DETAILS ( _ � ••iAARL�H 22,2010) � � M-604-10 INLET, TYPE C .................................................... 47 S-630-5 O PORTABLE RUMBLE STRIPS (TEMPORARY) ................(N�w,w�r os,2mi) � M-604-11 INLET, TYPE D ................................................ .. � � M-604-12 CURB INLET TYPE R (2 SHEETS) ...........................49-50 THE STANDARD PLAN SHEETS INDICATED HEREON BY A S-630-6 O EMERGENCY PUII—OFF AREA (TEMPORARY) ..............(x�w,YAY05,2011) N MARKED BOX ARE TO BE USED TO CONSTRUCT THIS s-s3o-� O ROLLING ROADBLOCKS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL ..........(r�w,NAY05,2011) o'i � M-604-13 CONCRETE INLET TYPE 13 ............................... ....... 51 PROJECT. N o � M-604-20 MANHOLES (3 SHEETS) .......................................52-54 N � M-604-25 VANE GRATE INLET (5 SHEETS) � .............................55-59 NM-605-1 O SUBSURFACE DRAINS (RE�ns�o aa,u�v os,2oos) ........................-6g— a M-606-1 O GUARDRAIL TYPE 3 W—BEAM ��H SHEETS� (RENSED IXJ MAY O5,zm>>s�-�cr ALL OF THE M&S STANDARD PLANS, AS SUPPLEMENTED COLORADO `� � M-606-13 GUARDRAIL TYPE 7 F—SHAPE BARRIER (4 SHEETS) .......77-80 AND REVISED, APPLY TO THIS PROJECT WHEN USED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � � M-606-14 PRECAST TYPE 7 CONCRETE BARRIER (3 SHEETS)..........81-83 BY DESIGNATED PAY ITEM OR SUBSIDIARY ITEM. �, STANDARD PLANS LIST � MBcS STANDARDS � � Ju I y 04, 2006 ; Revised on July 29, 2011 � RECEIVED � � N '� TQWN OF UAf t ��f � � � `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed STANDARD PLANS LIST DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: CO.3 o - - - - - - - we rHRv WB THRU/A CCEL � 0 SO(� Th' FROIV T% GE R0�1 D WB LEFT TURN PARKING LINE � � SINGLE WHITE, EB THRU SOLID, 4" WIDE, L=8� SIGN SHORT TERM PARKING ONLY - ---�-- — - — — -- — PROVIDED BY TOWN OF VAIL PARALLEL PARKING (5 SPACES) EB THRU/ACCEL/DECEL EDGE LINE MATCH SINGLE WHITE, o o� 4� CONCRETE PAN - - - SOUD, 4" WIDE, L=170� N `� SIGN: INFORMATION z - CURB & GUTTER TYPE 2 — — — - — — _ (SECTION IIB, SPILL) MATCH J J � !'j� � •. � s��e'... ,.p,' . _ — -°-- -c�� . . � / � . .�. 4a..�. , ..�' ,�': — — - —.— —� �1 . . � p �.�� 2 J 0� . •e . � — — — — — — — - a .. � . � / ,� •. _ _ — ' . — , • 4 . /n „ � �• � ST � �'= , _ . _ _ ., �\ . , } . �� o a � ` � ` A � � ° ° � ":�. " - - - - - � v ; o � �� - " � .. . ,, � .� � � �, �\ �.. � ' � . �A I .`�I �� 'b e f p• � . d � a•V I � � `� \ ... '.�a d. d e I a � \����. \':� \ \ .. I � ADA ACCESSIBLE RAMP � � r��; � # � ' 6.0'—� UGHT POLE (TYP.) t!/%/-!: �, � - � --- - ---------- ---• ----- .tl 11.8' -- -- -- � "..� �. � � � - � _ CONCRETE SIDEWALK ° o /; TAXIS CONCRETE SIDEWALK INSTALL STANDARD TOV RAIL PER 2011 IBC (TYP.) _ ° �� -a . o � , . a . e . ,a � . a . a , , � a � o ° — — — —— — ' — � — — — — — — -- — o � — - - - -_- - - � o — _ _- - - - --=._ — = — �`'� a , �___ — # — — — — — # # ___II °d � �` # # - - - - - - - - p - T . � � . — . .—_' -- -- - - - - - - - - - % «�-- � - - - - - - - - �� ELECTRIC MANHOLE TELEPHONE 1i --- __ � ?IM ELEVATION = 819 RIM ELEVATIC 0 O -- - _ SO(� Th' FROIV T� GE R0�10 8S � _ __ _ � -- -,- 8s 8S � RIM ELEVA il�Jf�l = 8199.4 � WAT� �WAT� �WAT� - ,•�'„��— ^'WAT� ^�WAT� �WAT� �iYAT� �WAT �WAT�- �WAT� �WAT �WAT� .zz-----__._.�.4� _ —��WAT� �WAT� --� SAWCUT ASPHALT & PATCHBACK INLET � RELOCATE LIGHT POLES '—GRATE F � REMOVE CURB I I — — — —& GUTTER— — — — �MILL ASPHALT, REPLACE IN FINAL LIFT — — — REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - - - - - - - - - - = - - = - - _. � - - - - - - - - - -. RIM ELEVAlION SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN � — • � FOR IRRIGATION, �' REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK = _ — — — — — — — REVEGETATION, AND � —— -- — — — — COORDINATION WITH TOV. -E WALK „ sr � �` — -�— —�4- - — - � ` ° a o�� ° a � � �� . �/ 1��,� � � . / . - - - - – . \\ . \�\� , a. - a° . ° . . 'I a.e . a e .. � � . . `�\ n a I ����; �. . � \'i # , \ � ,, . � � -� ����,. � , - �--- - ------- - ---• --- ''% ' RELOCATE SIGN - -- -- �'o � �1 '�' . . � � � o � , i� o o — PROTECT TREES (TYPICAL) � HAND DIG AROUND EX. ��ARKING GARAGE V�i� a �. TREE ROOTS. NOTIFY TOWN (CROSS` HATCH'ED AREHS)_ . � ° n p�., ONCE EXPOSED AND PRUNE (TYPICAL;� � � a ° ° n 'tl ° ° d ° e a. . ° a n a° � n . . . e ' 'a . � � �e . .. N . � � .o. a a, . - . � a. � . 6 - . . - � a� ' a�° � . 4 4. O _ — . „-- � . . .. .:'d .a �.. � - � n �°G: . d . .da . .9 . Ma ��— # __ — — — - — - # ^= — — — - # -� qo � , r— # = — — — — — -- = — — — — # — — — — — - - - - - - L _ N � _ — O � . . ' . — . . . .—.— ' — O —.— _ — —. � . N . . .�a . , . . �� . . _� a , Q .. _ �. . n ,� a. ., , . . � � C . ..d ' .Q J . p . d d. V " d , 'U . " . 'd" � . G .U.- . .. � . �.. . ' Q e � TAXIS & CHARTER BUSES � � °, ' a d a... ° � e aQ a _° ' a Q ° a a a a a 4 Q° n .' °. .J, e , Q . a . , . .. " a . e � -! : � - .. � . �.a ' ' • ' ..e�' . a° . .. ' �a . . . ' . . � . . a. . o' ' ea . .e �' ea�' Q . W e a��.�a .c' �° . . ad d a � . . 4 . ` .� . ,°� .de . �n.yd�. . . .Q . d � . . �. A - , , � ° a ° , ��,� a U �---�.._,.�_� — —_�__� _ � o � � # o # � o # o o # �`��� \ a �� ' RECEIVED U �_A INLL � l/,4/L TRANSIT CENTER 'TY�icp' � �, TQ�U�! QF 'WAr��;. , � � l/,4/L INFORMA TlOIV � `� PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed DEMOLITION & REMOVALS PLAN DESIGNED BY RAe PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• 1"=20' � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: CZ.O — — — — — � GRADING ELEVATION LEGEND � — � _ — — _ _ _ � — -- -- - - - - - - - __ 7505 EXISTING CONTOUR � � x(18.01) EXISTING GRADE 2�49 EXISTING SLOPE _ � -� 7496 PROPOSED CONTOUR , � X18.66 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE � �- � �8�9' V�� /O_� � \ �-- � � _` 1•8� PROPOSED FINISHED SLOPE 9� - : !---__�-- �_��___ � - � SO(� Th' FR OlV T% GE R 0�1 D g�9 9 - - � - / --- -�----_�--_ � I � � S :��__ ----��� o � � � � � INLET \ � -���-� / / � � GRATE E � --� � / �--s - --/ X(98.57) 98.78 — Cg� 9� ---� \ __ — - _ _ / � � �_ �.. _ � _- 0.29� 98.87HP ___ . —_ ---- � � � _ __ _ . ., . . ... — 8 � � � "' '�,., `� ' ` ` - - 98.49 0.8% 8.29 , .. / � �o ;� :98.83� ' - -.��� , p.' . ' -_ - - - - - (se.a2) , � r� __ , . ..� . .�. .. . � • , :e ��� °� ';' ��� x e �" P e • � a ,. _�� � .� . . .� , . - _ _.. _._- - . . - . 9 9�.gs . _�_, _ . , . 19 /� ` I . — .. .. . _ �g 8199 - : , � ;� . ; s5Q �.. . 98.69 �- - - 9� — —, -�� . �.. .� � ., e - . � s.s�p � — — - \ � g19 � , sa , . .,. , . �J��rJ � °I � � a — .. . . Q � • r ",. °:__: � � 'a �[�. . °9 . - $T j � 9$. / - �,9..Ca98W ° ' .:99 61.�9�.�2� 99.54. „ � . .. � 2 . �, � � ��� , ___._ ' ,'. ,; . � . � �j 0.45TVY-- �-- , 19TW � � � ' . ,. . 9�.�65; , � e' r e, �9,8. 3 9 ��: �S.�F � � � \ \ f .`54 9 .2 � 82�� � — -- �� - 0.37TW $2�� ;o b�� � i�� � /� � �h� � i V � '� b�. r; 99.36 ���� � � � 82�� / , / ,� � �'� �s�:: .-f�ss:� � � ,,; � �; � � � -� �_ —� \���', �, �� � — 8 2 01 I( � --- � � ---------- ---• ----- :Q 7 , — � . -- -- ..� ° i .s,. ' ��. �. ' '�N` " �� � � — 2 01 � DRY STACKED WALL WITH MORTAR BACKING �1•27) (1.21) 1.18 (1•11)(1.11) o — a\ (3) 5.5" RISERS, 16° TREAD HEIGHT VARIES 6" TO 18" SEE SHEET C3.1 FOR DETAILED RAMP AND STAIR GRADING �: � rAxrs � d - n ° . a <, � N n a — _ — — — — —— _ a . \ Y— . -.. L � � .. . ' . a�G: . � � �d . � .da . �'� . � 4� — L — N . a � ° _ �_ - - - _ - - - - _ _ . � N �___ — _ #--�- - - - - — - -� � - - - - - -.— �l ___II L=�\ � #\ � �, ' o — � — — — — — — — — — o - , — — — — o - - - - N . .�a . . ' . . _ . . . G � � °� p. . b :`, rj � a . .�d . ,�Q . . d Q� � < _. . �a� � . .a.- . _ . `.. . . � TAXIS & CHAR TER BUSES , � e. � a .e � J . ° ,... a a aQ a a d a Q , a a � a , , , ,° � . _ . '�. ' . . ' e . de . e. . a . , � .. " a ' ' � . e � ' : � - �� � . �.a ' ' . . ' e�. . �ae ' . . �a . . . � . � ., . a. y �.o . ea � e . °O�� Q . a de �-Q e. -a n . ° . . � .. .a . p �d � -de � �n. p�. . .d � a U' �./� . . .. . . ' _ n..�. ,., . � . d . . . d . . a ,� � n .� � : . . . .. a ' . . �i O� �---�:_,.—_, — ——�__��_: _ � .� e � � o # » o � o o ,. a RECEIVED � U �_A INL� N l/,4/L TRANSIT CENTER 'TY���� TU1NN OF UAIL ° � � � � l/,4/L INFORMA TlOIV 8 2 0 2 ��, � `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN DESIGNED BY RAe PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• 1"=20' � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• - SHEET NO.: C3.O a o. � .. a . o � • ... a. ...�_._... � ... a 98.49 _a . Q _ � - _ o a ... ...�a ...._ a: :. � o a � _ a.�_. a -a - - � _ _ a_ _ _ _ � � � g a� Q .. ..._�-... an . o ... � .. � ° o Q a - _ _ _ � a Q �.:�, o � � o. - a o ... a. o ° a - - - -� - a 0 0 4 a o o. a o� . ° a a o. o ° a a �a� 98.50 a a a o o. ° � a a � o ° o a ° a. o a o ° a_ a � p o � �° � � � � �. � Q . � ° p 4 a p 1� � a 4 �. o � a o� \ a d o . o ° � . a Icva 4 �. __4 � � a Q p � � 4 d ---- p 4 -- Q 4 4 4. ... 4 � ,-- d p d ...�g_... ....� ,--- --- - _-- �_ � 0 99.5� a • ... .. _ ° � � Q � . 6. a o a a a -� -�- � ...�._ , .. . ... a o. �9.44 9�43 :a 99.42 / ` 9 . 9 ... ... o ao 0 a o a 0.4% a 99.37 9.35 � 0 a Q a . o o . a � a 4 �. �-6.4 0�0�� ° � ' a 99.24 � o � � a p 4 � . a �N f ° � o} a a 99.65 a a Q a o � . �ila. � a o o. ° � 99.54 a 99.48 . a - o� o 0.37TW BZOO 99.54 99.53 � a 4 a a a99.50 0 99.46 \ \, o ° . o � � � 99.36 �� � � � � a� � � � � � a �} � M ° o al ° a , / � � a a i % 99 ° � \ �- 99.60 � / Q / � a 99.60 99..60 � � w � -� � � o � � � 4 � � N \ � 1.3� 9.39 0 � 0.3 . � a M 0.55 . a o No a 0.37/ \ 0.98 0�8 0.97 � � � � I a � o � a a � b` ° . \ r�. __ d � O p � d � _ � � I � � / � -- - � Q / � . 4 � � a - � N 1�_ j /. a � a � / � '� i � o.ss � -% a o.5, 0:4� �.6% ° �.� o �, a , --�. RECEIVED � ,.,o ,� x �.is � (�.2�) ��.2�) ��.»> (�.») T[11NN D F VA I L '`..` ' � 0 � � � N � � '� � `� PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - RAMP & STAIR GRADING DESIGNED BY RAe PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• 1"=5' � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• - SHEET NO.: C3.� � — � _ — — ° � � — , — -- -- - - - - - - - - - «�---- — � - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - c — — — __ � � _ � , � � � - --g�9' ��� /O, � — � �— � � ` _ _O 9� — — _ !---__�-- �_��___ � - � SO(� Th' FR OlV T% GE R 0�1 D 8�9 9 - - � - / --- -�----_�--_ � I � � S :��__ ----��� o � � � � INLET \ �- � �` -` / � — / \�GRATE F GRAVEL CHECK DAM � / � \ � • .--$19��-- .— \ — _ - - / � � � \ I . . . .: . ' • •_ . . GRAVEL CHECK DA C _ _ _ B .. ��• �•• • • ' • • INLET PROTE TI ..a , . � - a ,- � e• � � n . _ . . ., � ;. •... ��; .._. . . o • LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE �s�v' . :�,• . •, • , . p . ;:.e • a — - �—r-�' -_ p•� .. .,�': _ - _ _ — — — — �� — - a .. �_. .; _ �g� �f �- _ ,Q =- - �— - - - - -g-�� — . .. ,. . :' � 4 .� _ e.' . . .. . . . . :. • � :� ' ° , , , .... � 8 . . . � . e, , e °.-_: :, — — — — � � ... . . . . . -, .. . j �. � � J sT J \ 1 � / - °� • ; ,:. .' \ \ I _- � • -• . . . _"-� � .b e f �P' � '.4� _ "i • P . J� _. � ...� �\ \ `�� / � / 82�� —1�� ��� � - \ ^, � - • • � � \';' # � �— 8200 / � / , � � , � � � � � � -- �y��,��� � �� � — 8 2 01 1 � --- � �--�--------- ---• ----- �a�:� �.e : � �- -- -- i o . � � � — 201 � ����r� o o — \ aL o a . //'1/��S � . . a . u n . d .� .C-!� . 'Q d�. . .. G Q; ' . . _ a . . rt� �a e� � , .e � e a � . . . � a� . . . - a a � o -� � , . a. . . '� e . ,a . � :n � � a . a . � . . e" a n� � A . . f� � - � � . � . � . . . 6 - . . � a� ' a�^ . . .. � q N ° a — _ — — — — —_ . - a .' � Y— . �.. L � . . � . a�G: . ` � d . " � ° � '�1 . � e� � M a �___ — _ #--�— — — — — — - —��— — — — — — — - �l � � 'r �\ — — — —_— #�— = — —�� ' _ _ _ ' � N . . � p . . — . . _ — — _.—. _ . L— —.— — — — o _ . . . . .— . . — . 0 - - -.- - - -. .. N . . �a . . . � . � � . ,� � ; a . ..� e � .Q J , p . d�n, ° `� a , '° - � . a . - N TAXIS & CHAR TER BUSES � � � ' ° a ° ae a . � R E C E IV E D - . . �� � � ' . d' . e. ' . . O � . .' . . . .,a . . . ' ..Q.. . �aa ' e. ° , .a . a . . : . . a de r ��]�r ry[ {, + W � e. -a - n . ° �. . .. . . _ . . . ' � � -,; � � � d -�.. d - .� . 4 � �d,, . n �.� �. . . .. . .. Q . . +QYYIY �Ir Y��L . �i �Q� �---�:_,.—_, — ——�__��_: _ � .� e ,� �, # ° # » o # , , # ��� � � a �� � a � I 9 , ° U �_A INLtT� � l/,4/L TRANSIT CENTER ;TY�icAi_) / � � / � � � l/,4/L INFORMA TlOIV 8 20 2 � � `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed EROSION CONTROL PLAN DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• 1"=20' � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: C4.O LANDSCAPE NOTES — — 1. Existing perennials to be removed by TOV prior to start of work. � _ -__ 2. New irrigation to be completed by TOV. - - - - - - 3. All planting areas to be restored by TOV. O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ° — _ — 4. Protect all existing planting areas that remain. g -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — 5. Coordinate with TOV landscapers and irrigation supervisors prior to start. 6. Hand dig around existing tree roots. Notify Town once exposed and prune. - _ � -� _ ��— � / \ � � � � �g,99\ ��� /O� � � � � ` _ —�— — !---__�-- �_��___ � - � SO(� Th' FR OlV T� GE R 0�1 D —819 9 - - � - / --- -�----_�--_ � I � � S :��__ ----��� o � � — � \ �, __---_�-� / � � _ / � � PROTECT SOD AREA \ � H� 9� -- _ � �, _ _ — - _ _ / � — f �_—s � \-- � � \ � — — � \ � — — . . .. . • .. . !- � � -"-:.._•'• `,- � '- — , . : - . . . _ r� .� - ,.•. yyo :. :, . . ,... • —- — _ _ �—�-e�_;,.. ,p' ,. _ — — • . _ , � . p �a _ . - - - g�99 � , � a 3" SLEEVE '� � _— — - _ - — — . ; �': _ _ i ; _ ,a , , • � i'— — — — _ _ _�� ! ' - .. - ' • � • •,a j � �� . ° . $T \ � 8�9 � � :_: , - - - - - � \ � \ I � _— --_ _-- '�, ' �f �° (4) 3° SLEEVES � , 4 L � �\ \ 82 � � f \ \ / � � ,�— � � — � —1�� �� \ -�R IRR iR� -=�— iRR _ '�`.. ��� � \I � �/' � 82�� / � , / IRR IRR � ��1; � � i � R �_ —�" �\�!/!//.-!' � i I — 8 2 01 I( � --- � �--�--------- ---• ----- �a�:� �.e : � -- -- -- i � . . .:. � � � — 201 � DRY STACKED WALL WITH MORTAR BACKING ° IRRIGATION MAIN o � a\ HEIGHT VARIES 6" TO 18° n ; �, rAxrs a �a e � , .e � a � . -� . . � a� . . . -�o - a a . � n -� ,� , . . :y . � . . ' . a. . ' . . e. . an� . . . P. � - � . . � ° . . . �6 - . . � - e. � a�n ' . . .. q � ° a — _ — — — — —— . - a .' � Y_ . -.. L � . . � . a�G: . � � d . " .da . ''� . � 4� N . . _ — _ . _ _ — — — — _ — _ — . ° . -- . N . a . . ° _ — — _ — — — — — _ — — — _ . . M �_ - - _#— �- - _ �� - - _ — �`l � (L —�� _� �� � �j . N . . — . . —.. _ — _ O . . — . . — _ —. . � .-i .� ' - . _ . !, . — — —._ .— -- . O — — —.— — _ —. .. N . . �a . . . . . ' . . � � a . .�d . .d . p . d n. . �� a , - , _ ti � ` � TAXIS & CHARTER BUSES � � ° ' a e d J a ° ae a . °� RECEIVED '�. ' � ' . '°' . e. . . . A � ' . - .. . . �.a ' ' • . ..Q.. . �aa ' e. ° , .a . a . . : . . � a .. ' ae,, � a TQ�� �F U1��� � o e. -a n .:� -,,. . d ° d 4 � d � �i �Q� — — ——�__��_: _ „. � �---�—,.—_._ � .� o � � o # » o # , o # a . � a � e �_ � l/,4/L TRANSIT CENTER / � / � � � l/,4/L INFORMA TlOIV 8 2 0 2 � � `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed LANDSCAPE PLAN DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• 1"=20' � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: C�J.O TRAFFIC CONTROL GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY. 2. THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHOWN HEREIN IS AN EXAMPLE OF BASIC TRAFFIC CONTROL COMPONENTS. THE CONTRACTOR AND TRAFFIC CONTROL RECEIVED CONSULTANT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING TRAFFIC CONTROL AND METHODS OF HANDLING TRAFFIC PER APPLICABLE MUTCD AND CDOT REQUIREMENTS. TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EOITION OF THE MUTCD AND CDOT M&S STANDARDS. TEMPORARY TRAFF�C CONTROL SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 6 OF THE MUTCD. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING THAT ALL THE REQUIRED PERMITTING IS IN PLACE PRIOR TO AND DURING ANY CONSTRUCTION TQVYN OF �AI� ACTI VITY. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROViDING AN APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO THE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WITHIN THE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A SAFE AND CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT IN AND AROUND THE CONSTRUCTION SITE PRIOR TO AND DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 6. WORK HOURS ARE RESTRICTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. FULL TRAFFIC MOVEMENT WITH LIMITED RESTRICTION WILL BE MAINTAINED OUTSIDE OF THE NORMAL WORKING HOURS FOR ALL WORK ALONG THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. 210� LADVANCE WARNING AREA LONGITUDINAL LONGITUDINAL �� BUFFER BUFFER rSHIFTING TAPER � 1 � / 163' �� 50' VARIES 50' 4' LATERAL � a"""'�.os�o ,u�i�o I� � WORK SPACE� �I� BUFFER � — �--------------`------------I--- LSAWCUT LINE � � � � — — — — f--�—E- —� -f — — — � � � � �I �63,� SINGLE LANE CLOSURE SHOULDER CLOSURE � � a,e w� � �SHIFTING TAPER �� worac � u��o ��o ADVANCE rWARNING I AREA 210' / / a INSTALL NEW � O TRAFFIC JERSEY BARRIERS CONTROL AS REQUIRED AT N PLAN p WORK ZONE �;.� SYMBOL N DRUM NEW JERSEY PORTABLE 0 o BARRIERS WITH N BARRIER LIGHTS AT � 100' INTERVALS N � / � aono woaK 500 FEET / / e�� 500 FEET ao�o woaK FOLLOWING ROAD ONE � � / / � � ONE ROAD FOLLOWING �j G2o-2a CLOSURE WORK LANE / / LANE WORK CLOSURE �2o-2a � AHEAD ROAD /� / ROAD AHEAD 1,350' 1,000' 350 FEET FLAGGER AT � � FLAGGER AT 350 FEET 1,000' 1,350� '� PRIOR TO PRIOR TO PRIOR TO 280 FEET � � 280 FEET PRIOR TO PRIOR TO PRIOR TO � LANE IANE FLAGGER PRIOR TO � � / PRIOR TO FLAGGER LANE LANE � CLOSURE CLOSURE WORK ZONE /� / WORK ZONE CLOSURE CLOSURE rn � N � / � WORK � ZONE rn `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: CG.O 41�2�� 1�/2" �• SAWCUT L�NE 2' GROUT/MORTAR 12.0' DRYSTACKED WALL EB LANE � A � � W/ MORTAR BACKING MILL 2.0� LANDSCAPED AREA 6 � 10 WIDE & �4.0� 8.0� -2.5��5.5�� �qNDSCAPED AREA D 2" DEEP 1.0 1� A �� � r 6" CL6 VARIES PATCH BACK MATC F� g�� BASE -� .,. . ., , . � � ¶_ _ � ' �+' ' ,? ,. . CLASS 6 LAND�CAPE WALL EXISTING ASPHALT� 6° CONCREfE SIDEWALK BASE COURSE�, � (ASSUMED 12") 4" CL6 ABC BASE NOT TO SCALE EXISTING ROADBASE 8" CONCRETE PAVING SUITABLE, COMPACTED SUBGRADE COMPACTED CURB & GUTfER TYPE 2, SEC. IIB SUB-GRADE�, EXISTING SUBGRADE 6" CL6 ABC BASE MATCH EX. PAVEMENT SECTION REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT CONCRETE GUTTER TYPE 2 FOR PAVEMENT SECTION DESIGN CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. (SECTION IIB) �6�� BARRIER — 2' GUTTER) SHORT TERM PARKING WITH ATTACHED SIDEWALK "W"- VARIABLE (SEE PLANS) NOT TO SCALE W�2 W�2 : SEE PLANS FOR WIDTH ♦sEE cEN. LEGEND NOTES FO R RAD I I W/2 (INCHES) �2% MAXIMUM SLOPE A _ �/$„ TQ �/4„ L SLOPE 1"/F7. MAX. SLOPE 1"/FT. MAX. 6 L $�� . A.' ." . � •: a.. . �,. ,..., L 4 8 = 1„ SAWCUT LINE r 6 r � _ ��/2„ EXISTING ASPHALT / EXISTING ROADBASE /� / r SEE PLANS FOR � D = 1�/p" TO 2" EXISTING SUBGRADE CURB & GUTTER 4° CLASS 6 COMPACTED SUBGRADE NPE BASE COURSE *MILL 2" DEEP x 2' WIDE PROPOSED HBP** SEE PLAN FOR PAVING LIMITS CLASS 6 COMPACTED SUBGRADE BASE COURSE . ��2.0' PROPOSED ABC** '� A TOOLED JOINT IS REQUIRED WHEN THE CURB & SIDEWALK ARE POURED / SEPARATELY OR MONOLITHICALLY. �l a a GUTTER TYPE 2 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4 � d . a GENERAL NOTES '! �������' � ° 1. ON CURVES 3 DEGREES OR SHARPER, CURBS AND/OR GUTTERS ARE TO BE � PLACED ON THE ARC OF THE CURVE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. A MAXIMUM CHORD LENGTH OF 10 FEET MAY BE USED WHEN THE DEGREE OF / CURVE IS LESS THEN 3 DEGREES. I �� \� , \� 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS P OR D. � � ��� � ��� \ � � - v � v � � a 3. TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 10' INTERVALS IN CURB AND �/ /�/// � � /��' � GUTTER AND EQUIVALENT TO WIDTH IN SIDEWALKS (IE: 5' WALK = 5') U.O.N. / /� / M NOTES �� N 4. GUTTER CROSS SLOPES MAY BE ADJUSTED TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE FOR PROFILE � "' GRADES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. *ROTO-MILL 2" THICKNESS. APPLY TACK COAT TO MILLED SURFACE. REPLACE WITH HOT � 5. THICKNESS OF CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL MATCH CONCRETE PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IN FINAL OVERLAY LIFT. 0 � THICKNESS IF SHOWN ON THE PLANS. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE CLASS P **EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION MAY VARY. IT IS ASSUMED THE EXISTING SECTION IS AT LEAST 12" � CONCRETE IF PLACED MONOLITHICALLY WITH CONCREIE PAVEMENT. qsPH,4�r oN s" ROADBASE. � 6. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER CDOT STANDARD PLAN M-412-1. a � � EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN ABUTTING EXISTING CONCRETE OR w FIXED STRUCTURE. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL SHALL BE �/2 IN. THICK A AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL DEPTH OF CONTACT SURFACE. STREET CUT - A�PHALT PATCHBACK DETAIL � NOT TO SCALE � O GUTTER CROSS SLOPES SHALL BE �/2 IN./FT. WHEN DRAINING AWAY FROM CURB AND a 11N./FT. WHEN DRAINING TOWARD CURB. � � WHEN TIE BARS ARE REQUIRED, THE GUTTER THICKNESS SHALL BE INCREASED TO - RECEIVED � THE PAVEMENT THICKNESS T. BARS SHALL BE EPDXY—COATED #4 CONFORMING TO h AASHTO M 284M AND SPACED 2 FT.-6 IN. THEY SHALL BE INSERTED T/2 AND 1/2 ���� 0� �Q,� , � LENGTH INTO THE GUTTER. 3 � rn `~ PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. DATE REVISIONS As Constructed DETAILS DESIGNED BY RAB PRO✓ECT NO.: 1799 h � No Revisionse ORAWN BY.• RAB DATF ISSUED:7-16-2012 B I D PACKAG E SPECIAL USE PERMIT#3120213-S PRELI M I NARY g o 970-476-8644 FAX 970-476-8616 Ren;sed; VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PARKING LANE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REI�IEWED BY RAB SCALE.• N/A � °' 1000 IJONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL,CO 81657 7/16/2012 INTERSTATE 70 MILEPOST 176.3 a � Void: SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 SUBSET SHEETS.• — SHEET NO.: C7.O