HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidences & Club "Letter 07-10-2007" ' minutes
. �
� 1'40 N.W.63rd Streel,Suite 500
Qklahoma Citv,OK 73116
� T A05.848,9543 �
F 405.848.9783
Project: Ritz Carltar Ftesidences and Ciub
Project ho: 050914
Meeting Date: July 10,2007
Narrative Date: July 12,2007
Location; Tawn of Vail Community Developrnent Departrnent
hieeting Purposs: The purpose of this meeGng was to review a number of the SAFEBuift Colarada pian
review camments and Fo obtain clarifications of selected issues.
In Attendance: Mr.Charlie Davis,TOV Chief Building Inspector
Mr.Mike Mc�se,T(7V Fire Marshal
Mr.Matt Royer,SAFE Built Colorado
Mr.John Plano, SAFE Built Colorado
Mr.Todd Goulding,VRDC
Mr,Steve Rondinelli,BCER Engine�ring.
Ms.Tracy FEart,424Q Architecture
Bill Wright,GSB,fnc.(Author �;�.�`
Action Items Discussed
1.Status of approval of the administrative modifications already submitted.(Comman
Path of Travel and Seismic Requirements}
GS�/�CER Discussion: The TOV has approved the Seismic Requirement Administrative
Mod'rfication and it is ready for signat�re. The Administrative Modification relating to ihe
Common Path af Trave!will require an update of the list of units being requested far
consideration. The TOV Fire Marshal is reauesbng this method af preparation of the
* documentation rather than the previous vsrsibn that made a blanket request. GSB and
BCER to prepare the list an�submit a new Administrative Modification for the review
and Approval of TQV. This direc6on to procaed is conceptually approved by the TOV,
but tne documentation needs adjustment
GSB 2.Exiting from the pool dedc.
Discussion: BCER and GSB presented the revised exi6n�plan indicating the addition
of an egress path through the buiidir�g f�om the pool deck. Th�s torma?was determined
to be acceptable for use in the next building permi:Cocument subrnissior.
GSB/BCER 3.Egress from oc�upancies adjacent to the S-2 Parking areas to Exi;Stairs,
Discussion: Ths discussion covered the Lower�'arking Garage Level, the Upper
Garage Level and The Garden Level. The 70V and SAFEbuilt Colorado will not
consider ths use of;he parking garage as a pa�of exiting betwsen spaces and stairs.
Spacific areas are as follows:
a, �he exiting to Stair�#4 on tne scutheast portion of the Lower Garage
requires the addition ef a door to this sta�r or the north side to accommodate
the exiting of persons withaut going into the fa�ndry/emplayee area which
has an occupant load which would'nave exceeded 54. Fer thie TOU,the
houspkeeping area can be considered incidental to?he parking area. This
cansidera:ion allows the occupant load to be less than 50 and a second
means of egress is no Innger required. The fengM af ih�dead end cor�idcr
�as discussed and measured and it is iess than 50'.
b. The exiting of ths Tsen Floom area on the upper garaga Level was
discussed. Due ta the accupant load, a second exit not passing through the
parking garage will be required. In order to minimize the impact,the
suggestion to reduce the occupancy of this space ta under 50 and to create
access te the storage area only from the Parking garage will accomplish the
objective. A 2 hr.rated enclosure is to be provided in the viciniry of the stair
#2 on this level which would allow for this ta serve as the exit for the offices
and Teen Raom.
c. l�he area on the Garden Level indicated as HR�ffices,adjacent to Stair#3 is
a similar candition. Zhe TOV and SAFEbui�t Colorado confirtned that they did
not consider these offices to be incidental use as was assumed and in order
ta meet the code requirement,a corridor will need to be constructed to
connect the office areas to the Stair#3 without passing through the parking
garage, This was indicated on the print that was used for this mee6ng.
d. The Fimess area locatsd on the Garden level was discussed for tha addition
of a sprinkler system to allow non-fire rated glass to be used in lieu af either
fire rated a!labeled wire glass. Rfter some discussion,the corridor
ronnection Stair#1 and#2 has a residantiai occupant loa�of less than 10
and this wrridor can become nor rated for the assembly use if a pair af doors
is added where the Non-Rated Corridor G109 connects with Corridor G182.
4.Garage CO Exhaust System discharge location.
Discussion: The Buikling Department comment regarding the Parking Garage Exhaust
was clar'rfied by the TOV to maan that the exhaust air,it fans are continually
operational,is considered to be environmental. The level ot air movement is to be at
least code minimum far ventilation.The parking areas are equipped wiih a carbon
monoxide system which activates the full capacity fan operation for the exhausting of
air when the sensors detect ca Isvels in excess of 9 parts per million. The discussion of
the prevailing wind direction was advised by 4240 to be from t�e northwest which is the
reasoning behind the building deslgn and louver configuratiorUlocabon. The TOV
advised th�t'rf the locations of the lowers cannot bs adjusted,a component of the co
detac6on system will need tcr be added to the afr pain going under the loading dock to
causs the fans in the cooling tower room to aetivvate in the svent that co is sensed in the
enclosed air path. ?he height of the lowers above grade was discussed. The TQV
advised that in fieu of raising the louver#01 U'above grade,the following items need to
be accomplished:
a. fnstall a snow melt strip approximately 4-5 feei wide in front of the t�ree
louver sactions,
b, Mave tall landscap�ng away f�om the front of t�e louver areas extending to
the sidewalk.
c. Adjust tha location of ihe sidewalk 4rom door#G18i B ta run ap�roximatsly
perpendicular ta the builaing.
d. The pedastrian walkwayllight emergency vehicle path is in excess of 10 feet
from the exhaust lowers wl-�ich is cansidered by the 70V to be equivalent
with the inclusion ot the above noted items.
e. M Administrative Mod'rfication will be required for tl�e mad'rfication separ2tiaon
dis4ance of the cooling tower discharge air i�other adjustments cannot ae
BCER 5.Expanded 5mcke Manageh�ent System incl�d'mg add'stional stair enclo�;�res,
elevator hoist-ways,corridor e�aust and assemb!y area pressurization.
Discussicr—�C�R p�esented`J�e requirements recently added by Ritz-Carfton!or�
smoke menagement system ta be udded to the�raject for insurance purposes. The
�uilding as it is currently designed does not require fhis system to�e compliant with+.he
2G03 Internabonal Buii�ing Cade. The Tt7V is receptive tc the additicn of this system,
however,fhe Fire Marshal�dv�sed that once it is+r.staAed,they wiil!equire that it be
maintained in full oper�tiorr for the fife of the bui!ding. They requeste�that a
merrorandum of understanding�e prepared describing the scope artd opsration af the
system iar submissior to�RFEbuilt Coforada and the TaV,including testing
requ�rements. SAFEbuilt ealorado requested that this system be added to the
construction documents as a psrt of the work requiring Speciai Inspections. SAFEbu!!t
Coir.rado advised that thsy would forward the form they require which outlines the
scope af special inspections and the designa6on of the firrns providing the various
senrices. A cnpy is attached to these meeting minutes.
(�sg 6.Exterior unprotected openings on south and east sides of the building with respect to
the oasements far the fire lane on�e east side and the access easement on the south
side of the property. The easements prevent future construction in these areas and the
building should be able to have unpratected openings as allowed by the overall widths.
Discussion—GSB presented the exterior building elevations indicating approximately
35°�(+/-)�f openings which is less than the 45°�maximum for parts oT the building
within tsn feet of the properry lines. The east side of the property has a dadicated fire
line and hydrant as well as a fire lane connec�ng th�e Gore Creek Pedestrian Walkway
and the light emergency vehicle path lacated between the Gore Creek Residences and
the Ritz-Ca�ton Residences and Club.The recorded easement for the Pedestrian
access pathway and the fire lane connection to Lionshead Circte prevent future
construction in these two areas. This conditian is also described on the recorded plat
for this area.7he design team was advised that the sstback requirement from the
properry lines is being met by the two easements and that no further computation of
unp�otected openings is required.
G5B/4240 7.drinking fountains to be provided along with bottled water displayldispsnsing
Discussion- 4240 requested that the TOV and SAFEbuift Cobrado cansider aIlowing
the project to onl�have drinking fountains located in the Employee area and the
remainder of the building would be seroiced by bottled water display stations bcated
throughaut the building. The bu.ild'tng and plumbing cades requfre that drinking
fountains must be provided in a quantity of at least 50°�of the requirement with the
remainder being covered by the bottled water display stations. In order to comply with
'he applicable codes, a total of lwo drinking fountain locations shall be provided in tha
building with the ramaining requirement to be met using botded water display stations.
No variance will be granted for the deletion af the code required drinking fountains. A
second iocatian was teniztivaly set for the area in the vicin�ty of the Skier Services Area
located on the Garden Level.
- gCER/GSB 8.Additional Administrative P�odifications or Wismorandum of Unoerstanding?
p,MR-Water curtain on the exterior windows on the tower(reiail areay and in the
garden level corridor at the fitness area.
Discussion—An Administrative Modifieation request is to be prepa►ed for the use of the
sprinkler system to provide fire separa#ion equivalent for fiour giass areas in the retail
area located in the Tower on the Northwest Side of the building. The revised design
will have ho�izontal muliions removed from these window panels to comply with t�e
proposed design�equirements. A copy of the manufacturers data as well ss a ixation
plan is attached to these meepng minute�.
M1h6U—Smake Management'System
Discussia.�: The memo cf unde�standing shall�a submitted to the TOV by BCERICSB
far review and appravai of the syste�^design parameters ard proposed mear�s uf
9.Aciditional VRDC questions regarding the irformation on the Phased&silding Permit
inforriaban provided by TOV?
a.Fire line relocate and emergency access between Marriott and Ritz. This will be a
part o!the Phase�permit and the upcaming Revision 6.
b.Structural Engineer of recard ta provide approval of any structuraf changes before
a.Soil,repart update to be providsd by VRDC ta the TOV tor the recard.
d.Clarification of P,ccess and[�rainage Inspections prior to footing inspectian? The
TOU advised that this is a Public Work�Department reguirement.
e.Clarificatwn on commeni related to TOV praviding a framing inspection and
requiremsnt for a Location Cert'rficate(ILG)submitted to TOV 48 hours priar to
requested inspectian, The TOV advised that this would have to be v�orked aui in�
phased effort as the bui�ding is too large to wait until all framing is completed for one
inspectior, Recent projects have had monthly status maetings far the purpose of
coordina6ng this effort. It was suggested that mis project be handled in a similar
10.Update on re-submittal of CD's for Permii. The date for the issuance of Revision#E
is to be set based on the establishment of the smoke managemant system parameters
aftecting the structure. It was agreed that the full smoke management system
documentation would be submitted as a deferred submittal in the future. The TOV
advised that this package must have all components and fan sequences indicated ta
constitute a full operational system.
This is a summary of the wr�ter's interpretation oi this meeting. Unless advised ir writing to the contrary within seven
(7)days after receipt of these�eeting comments,it is assumed that those in attendance are in agreement with the
statemerts as set forth and work wil�Rroceed on this basis,
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