HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Ritz � CONSTRUCTION LEADERS June 13, 2008 5000716 2V.9 Mike McGee VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 42 W Meadow Dr Vail, CO 81657 (970)479-2250 RE: Ritz Carlton Residences Crane Acceptance Report Dear Mr. Magee, Please accept this letter and its content as it is a series of inspections and endorsements provided by proper inspecting authorities. This response includes an itemized written explanation of each pertinent inspection and endorsement for a Liebheer 420 Tower Crane; model number 02H114, itemization is as follows: Crane Acceptance report, Tower Crane Engineering Checklist,NDE Services Magnetic Particle Certification Report, NDE Services Ultrasonic Certification Report,NDE Services Visual Inspection Report, Monroe&Newell Engineers Inc. Field Report, Ground Engineering Consultants Reinforcement Inspection Report(for the lower half and upper half of the tower crane footing), Ground Engineering Consultants Nuclear Soil Density and Moisture Content Report, Ground Engineering Consultants Concrete Cylinder Compressive Strength Report, Crane Operator Questionnaire,Tower Crane Operator Hire-On Questionnaire, Certificate of Proof Test for the Chain Sling Assembly, Load Chart, and the Tower Crane Inspection Check List. Each inspection and endorseinent was conducted properly and accurately to the best of my knowledge, the information provided appears to be in compliance with rules and regulations set forth by the governing authorities. PCL is currently pursuing operator certification through the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). If you have any questions,please call me at (970)-476-4554. Sincerely, � Jeffrey D. Thompson, PCL Field Engineer Enciosures CC:Mike Krickbaum Cowboy Jorgensen Circulation PCL CONSTRUCTORS SERVICES INC. 934 S.Frontage Road W.Vail CO 81657 Telephone: (970)476-4554 � Fax: (970)476-7320 PCL IS AN AFFERMATIVE ACT[ON,EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYEER --��____,....,, .�u�ra n e �c c p`�'a`ti c� e p o r T�'.,�,�`�'��' �..�,,�.�.... .�,�. � No: �r- o��� � � �• ` / Page t of 2 Job Name — ��T ��.T--p� '�L y�.�l_-. �i-Z �'f, � �� Unit# Jobsiteaddress Make � ����C� �p City l Modol —_ �71� Prov, �,_,_, PC.. � SN � • I O Overation Manua(lmaintenance toy avail�bte on site? T �ver�tor instr�ciad to�e��ew operation rnanual/msintenance log befor�peralinc�or repairing? Hi��k.height ��ir'� {� Number o(tower scctions _ ��� es ❑No TyPc tow�r.. Key to symt�ols: � Checked,�pproveU ary�in � Chqcked, OunJ �uity,not yPt rect�f�ec1 gOUd working ordPr (De4�ilg np�eU undUr'Remari�g"), �Nnt appiir,;�0ie lu this item. 1. Checked for damage and de�{very in full •S8B„o,e,�z• �,�IOocs�� �..aHea confirrnaiiun an nRhvery note.) _ �F°Outpul pinion�oah eagagement cner.ked ��) Oelivery shnrtage ��`c len7ng ring bolis checkea or torquea to sFacii�ca�inn �Operalion al wCdtheN�nB 49VICB Cfletk94 ��e) Mnlor or clulCh bNShes cllecke4 ) O:amar�� ❑ �) Remarks � 2. Rail track assembly 8,,.�•,�st gear t}S a�t18cl1menls checked,drivg elemgNS ipCluUing torQue slays and o�l CpCCke4 � Owne�'ylessee's reDrzsen�a�ivn�erety conficros Ihst r.r�nz tr3Ck Is hofitont6l and was IAid in ��-�w�IC�ing 306 inledock operation cher.k�q accorr�anca with manufar.turgr'g spCCifiCltiuns and regulations. U,�d,��rnsiing speeas ana ioad timils tesied � Lengtn r,l cr;�na Irack a�sembly n yd'�1�Relaining hrake opr,retion wnen Sniltiny rblies wi�h Icatl cher,ke0 �� Version Ga P t wi�o ropa reel•in checked;personnel�nslruc(ed nn operamg wimout loa�7s (1� Conr,rele s(rip foun�l�tipn �en51 thtee wc�S 01110iSt wi�2 rope;till On tlNm w�9f1 BUisling gea�Inwer lim�l Swi1Ch Vipg (2) O�tter �g) Up�r and lowar hoishng gear lirni!witch set.inspected and;esied �,_.,��1 r�3CK 91Uge checked: �� n h} RemarAs: �l!I 01 R�ilS r,pefk0cl � It) Juinlssaiisl�ciory �' �?) Raiis at equal heignt � (3) Flail ne;�0 damageU 9, Luffing gE�r � 14) Rail hen�wi0t�: in;r�ii ne,�g�t �� ..-B-�at Anachmgnts Cha,ckCd,Oriva elemems and oil r.he�keA R3il Irack a55emryry prop2qy r�f0u�c}ed ,�,(�.�8)-Jib angle limit S�iChgS S81�0 r,p�fBCl yddlus and te5ted GI Trdch limils(e.g.hufters)uutAllpq pgrSOnnel inlortned C� Remarks: ,�h) Innnr�:�il��(lius checkeA on r.�irve0 tr2qS, � �� in ij Remanis. �0. Mydraulics � 3,..,.�Stationary erane $�i� MoVnlinqschecked;ddve elertrznt5 And Oil Ch9Cice� �T aJ Owner'slesse�s represenla�ive�ereby wNirms that foun��iiong Wore aUeyuately inetalled dnd 'R—'b) Pn;a�ipmng antl sealing ol pipes and hases inCiutlmg conrloCbons checked ��Dase seuion levalled wha,n concreted inlo wsiiion -,8--0) Direr,iinn of dd�e motor rolaUOn checked 1�1T, �DI m seatinn nf bMt conn9cilon Uelwavn base sectipn qn4�olind311on�lcllot cliecked -��r Operali�n of conlfd an0 pro[eclion systems che�kgd L.3�c) All hoits iorqued 10 SpeCiliralion ?) fiemark5: dl Remarks: — a. Bafiast 11,J�ulley travel gear ��T91�il wgiyht ol c?ntral ballaat Ifr;or of alahs � �� achmenls check?d,dnvP plemr,rng�nd ou cngck9d �fai weighl ol Counler hallast IDS;nr ol slabs ��By mOVertlenl thecked c� Ballast posilinn Tnd�ASienings Checkad ,��c �rt swi1ch05,S�Op3 MO iO4iCalor edjusled and tested 0� RomarkS�. L,.��"_�d ���gy fraval rope tensioner and trap tle�ICB cti9tketl e�) i roneY lravpl rope te9vinq and attachmenl to dNm cnecked I) Remarks: 5. Crane undercarriage """'— ��,�-Tfavel qear layoW checkPd,complies Wiiti Upeialivn manual .I� b) Pow9re9 f�avel gear arms Incked in�0 D0.5�Ii0� �2, ke3 ��j Ail rali Clam4s presanl and tested �d f'owFr cabia drum laywt and operatinn r.heckpri a) Operalion nl a11 nr�kes Checke0 e) F��soa�ing oi all Wrlcplales,coner pins checked,bolts torquea to spocilical;ons ��onditi«,oi all hrake shoes checked q Remancs �a) tns�ruci personnel on braka adjus�ment with spedal aitentron on required ins�r,�ion and�es�ing d) Remarks__...__ 6. Travelling gear ..._._�— �AMaUmenls r.hc�ked,dnve eiemems and al checked 13. L�oae! hoak ����Drive nininn;engegement ol teem checke� �k swivel cnecked � ButA motnrs en outside rail h k nut keeper!I�king tlev�ce cdecKed ,�.� Ba�h mo�ers on outei rail ol small ratlius 5-curve C)Operation of safety lalch CngCke� ��rI e Opera�i�n of Iqteral guide rdlers c�acked dJ Remarit5: Travel gear revergin�gwrtd�e3 and aCtuating mechanisms testeA,personnel InlOrmed ��Ti�val movemenls checked;motor brus�as eneckea �) Ramarks: �4. I�f�ire ropes [�aersonnel reminQed ol imporlance el good rope condition,correct s�rooling p;�ttem antl Oirec�ion 7. w�ng gear a� Anacrm_n�c checked,tlrive elements Including Iluid Coupling dnd oil�ecked . ......_... ...... . ego z or 2 . ..... 21���,ecess, entries, wlndows �1%rrea sPOaing ena rope n,n v��n crane in operstlQn�mme�r�iad �' a) Stair,ladaers,wa��8yy,pi�,y� heccnec,hanarails,doors,windows,fla0s and;alery or r,) Inslruct personnel on rope luhriraiion L7 retainin���i�as��y�ion tesled d) Remerkv: . �) Aamarlc',: 2Z. Protective cove�s �15.�lectrical 5y5tem �)Sa�alyguards/covers on 31I orivg�,brakes,pullgy,gnd olactncal e ui ,,.,��^y��a61e connectiong to Cable d/um,current coll¢��of,s6pnng,swilch gear cabinet,all dssemblias, d��3chmem r,hecke0 q �"���P«`%EnC9�nd mrred LK �Iches and safery dgvicC3 fh8CkB4 b� Hemarks: D ndividual electncal Ghases to gr�na(protectivr,)coaduc�or c+�ecked c� Tensir,�reliel devir.es on dil SUpply C�Llds chec6ed '"�'��uppiy cable from site jiinr,ti0n Dox to crane: 23. w ►1111 g [�0 V{C@5 —�' ('�1 Lang�� �i —�3--12)Size �) AUtl�DIe and visudl waming signais Cne�kdd 2nU demonstrated LJ CI �lecmc D�iwer; vo115 bl Remar�s: 8mperes B`U Di�eaion ot ro�a��on ol qn molors checked �'$oeetl C��nga and holdint�brakg CI�CUiIS,c0untarcurr�nl br,yking pt g�dy current br�king ppe�:tUon �ed;pe�sonnel inslructed m the�prrqct op9raling procedures Z���• brieation ��Ic�tions on m�intenince ol electncal system qiven I�aLAttention drawn lo fuhnc9uon pptnls in op?ratiun manual Tna ma4�lenance checklist ,,_,�i0undiny wiie installed �f Oil levpl�n SII Irartsmissions and hyr�raUi�c bu�d Ianks�resarveirs cner.ken,pr,r�unnei inswcted �J' j� Remarl�5: drding oil r.hqnge3 2�d m�inlenance . Ai�IuDricatinn paiNS cher.ked d) RemAMS; 2,,���, C '�In Ly'aySfewing brakes actualiny mechanism cnecketl ,D,_,��i �' �ra�iius or�oad weighin�devi�e checke4 16. ewi ng pEatform i�c ndshiCld wlpC�e�d Su�visor checke�l;hg�linr�a�d r9n�ilelion checkeh L��il mnneciinn,:(irtn ScaUng,p�esence ot Iack�IPtes 2nd Oolts iorqued io specifir�hon5 �r��ad(radius end capacrty)cnart �) Remarks: �—a e� uab Un boom being used �`��Ieni0t0 COMr01 checked i [fl g Sr.ale operflpon cpeckecl ; 17, er, slewing section,jib piyp� biock, A-brackets n} Remarks: �I Ail connecGons:firm sr,1ling,p�ASence oi lockpla�ec/�ptter p�nsllp�knuls checked and bdt9 ,�i��-�uodlus�cilicaiions 2�6�, ��Up '���e rd�er ol telescOpmg or climhing zQUipmCnl CBecked al�d� ) Vanp�s w0�(Ing mov9rtienis and nperalipn of C�an9 Ccnirols and equipment Pxpi�in�d 1nU •C'I� ) Cross mzmbe�,lockiny pdw13,latr.hes�nd gpppp�s�oe:operation,engagemenl and wnlac� '.kea dempnS�r�IBd 200 1951?d �I��aligne0 anU guid>or prr,ssurz rdlufs ligt118ned lor normal p�r3tion h) RPm�rks; ���r.°I T,wcr a��gnea and guide or prPSSUr�rdleis slackened oH for normal operatiun �j Fen�ans:� 27. l.�'mit switches ,�,_, �irFit swilches Gorrectly adjusted,expiamed.leste�and demonstrai�d ,1�8.�in jib N.d�h) QprrRtion CtiBCk6d 2nd demonstratxl: L�a� All cl�nneclions:tirm S�aling,pr9Sence of lo�kpl;ttew CAt10f pins4ocknuts cheCkprJ ���� �"�`x^en�limll Swilc�;jib reach_�_ Il IDs r.fi— ulting and holding equipment o(�eraliUn checked `��/�21 Trolley-in limn Swircn op�ra0onal " q Pr,Sition;�nd;ippg���y�a�hecked �� ��) 7�olley�oul limit swilch u�rationai dl Remarh;: �{4} Hook up Imm S�tCh oparelional ��.�i(�1 Flcwk dawn limit Switcn operaGOC� L�4��5) Fl�sI gear,� ibs • � ('/) Second goar W_Ibs . ��19, erjib 8�(e� Thirdgear ms ecri�s:hrm saaling,presencr,ot I�plales�cotler pinJlacknuts checked ��(�1 Fpiirth g¢�r _Ibs 1 Position�nd relalners cheched -��[10) S�ewing Ilmtl swilth operational cl Remarks. 7ravel Iimit swdch operalional (�2) Deadrtt�n swiich opem�ional c) Remacky: ��•j�e pulleys /sheaves I�YI nning;Ooe�lnr�s and mounting checkeA de Fusition;(irm ge�ung�nU operaung as rape pmter,hon cnecke0 c1 RPmBrkg: -- . Nate on Item 1: This confirma�ion is restricted to the tirt�e ai which the servico tachnician is in attendanc:e.Tne acknowledgoment on the delivery note or bili of IadEng fo the e((ect that the equipment(ielivered is compfate and in good working condition remains effoctive exc(usively snd in fuli. We hereby confirrTl tha�ths above crane h?s been certified and accepted in good opaiatir�g condition and that the Servi�e technician has provided adequate intormation conccrniny its safely, operation and mainlenance: � � � � C) i (Name of T'eChniCr )-PLEASE print) � �..� - o� fron // Oate ol Certrfication Ar.r�^(Anr,P n / —_ �,� ,/')�� ' arur Se�vlce Tech��icla» �`� , — 7 .� aa�`� rgnet e of Jobslte Superinlendent Dato ' PCL BUSINESS GUIDE SAFE OPERATING PROCEDURES Tower Cranes TOWER CRANE-ENGINEERING CHECKLIST CONTRACT NUMBER DATE PREPARED � 'Z�j 'D� The district manager is responsible for verifying that the following requirements have been satisfied. The project manager is responsible for the completion of this form. PROJECT NAME: �►�Z C.,�L�a.� LOCATION: �1�.�� CRANE: MODEL l»1C—.�L�L Qp-�.'� MpKE �-1'Zc� ► BOOM ��� MAST �Q.-�p —� � �J t� BASE DISMANTLE OWNER VA.►L �-�-t �1�� EQUIP.NO. DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED PERFORMED BY 1. Building Structural Engineer has been advised of our intention to use the tower crane in the construction of this project and has been advised of its location, of the loads that it will impose on the building structure and of its configuration. , ���.- �,,� ... - �� ;„� SUBMITTED r � f � f�. ;' j L APPROVED '—��` A: ��,� -.. ''i� _'.j P• r.+r F...� � : 5 f . _ • e ' >���.;� L" �. ,' 2. Building Structural Engineer has been advised of our � proposed shoring system for this tower crane and any transfer beams, collars and bracing proposed for this installation. SUBMITTED � � APPROVED 3. Building Structural Engineer has been advised that we intend to dismantle the tower crane issuing a stiff-leg derrick and has been advised of the loads that this system will apply to the permanent building structure � and of any shoring required, if applicable. � SUBMITTED APPROVED December 1998 Page 2.16 NEW PUBLICATION,Rev.00 Page 1 of 1 Dan MacDonald . ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ From: Gary Dahl Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 7:54 AM To: Dan MacDonald � Cc: Mike Plante Subject: 02H114- Crane Inspection Importance: High Attachments: 02H114 inspection.pdf Dan, Please find attached final inspection report from NDE Services for 420 Tower Crane. This report includes the Magnetic Particle Certification, Ultrasonic Certification and the Visual Inspection. Please keep a copy of this report on file at the jobsite and I will keep the original in the unit file at the yard. Gary Gary Dahl District Yard Supervisor PCL Construction Resources(U.S.A.) Inc. p.303-289-4532 f.303-286-9018 �dda_hl_@pcl.com r S�iR<teIKTIK*-Ri��Gf�5 t 6/5/2008 i I � �r�� SERVICES, I NC. i PROFE�SSIONAL\OY-DESiRUCTtVE EXAI11fKATIQtiS FAA REPAIR STA'ITON N0.PS6R546N MAGNETIC PARTICLE CERTIFICATION i� 02H11� CUSTOMER CUSTOMER P.O. 70B NUMBER DATE PCL/Morrow Crane 08-269 3-7-08 LOCA770N EQUIPMENT METHOD Morrow Craue Parker Probe S/N 612 D Powder Cont. PROCEDURE ACCHPTANCESTANDARD Per AWS D1.1 No Cracks Allowed ITEM ITEM ACCEPT REJECT REMARKS DESCRIPTION IDENTIFICATION 4 505 1410 6 Tower Sections I 0 S/N 420 ECH Ol/20 C 056.002-332.111. 1180 C053.001-332.11 l. 595/599/634/62/]07/215/347/ 9 0 986/247 611.1]]/631.111/ Jib 621.111/633111 4 0 To�ver Top C056-001-541-1 i l 1 0 Trolley&hook 2 p Counter 7ib C056.001.711,211 Z � C456.001.'111.111 Counter Jib C05b.001.712.111 3 0 Corrosion as marked on beam. Pendents COSb.001.814.211 1 0 812.311/812.312/812.312/ 5 0 812.231!812.413 Ancors DESC 9535276 O1 TX 4 0 , � 3� 7�v � I TECHNiC1AN S ATURE LEVEL DATE NDE SERVICES,INC-8775 E.ORCHARD RD.SUITE 809-ENGLEWOOD,CO3 80111 -(303)741-0518 i _r�1�7 SERVICES, i NC. � PROFESSIONAL N6N-DFSTRUCii�'E E7CAMINATIONti FAA REPAIR STATION FSbRS46N ULTRASONIC CERTIFICATION REPURT � 0 2 N I I y CUSTOMER CUSTOMER PO IOB NUMBER DATE PCL/Morrow Crane 08-269 3.7.08 LOCATION PROCEDURE ACCEPTANCESTANDARD Morrow Crane Per UT-1 Per UT-1 EQUIPMENT CALIHRATION SET'TIIVGS Epoch 4 GAU,r ��•4 an suP. M�n a.�p. Norm iv1pT`L VALUE AS�� FLA�V OATE 50 0�0 TR.ANSDUCER �I CONTACT S/t�1 1354 F� 2.$MIiZ Siza .500 _ ANGLE � � tTvII��RSION MATER.IAL CALIBRATION INPORMAT70N Carbon Steel Per DSC BLOCK FOR DISTANCE ITEM ITEM ACCEPT REJECT REMARKS DESCRIPTION IDENTIFICATION 420EC-Hlb MainPins gg p SM 420-ECH 01/20 ISX3 16 0 lOX3 40 0 14X3 S 0 1.75 X 6.250 1 0 3X6 2 p 2.75 X 6,25 6 0 2,SX9 1 0 23X3 I p 2.5 X 15 4 0 3.5 X 13 4 0 . James Liscomb II 3.7.08 "I'ECHNICIAA!'S SI TURE LEVBL DATE NDE SERVICES,INC.-8775 E.ORCHARD RD-SU1TE 809-ENGLE�'VOOD,CO 8011I -(303)741-0518 -j� SERVICES, f NC. PROFFSSIODIAL\OV-DFSTRUCTIYE EXA\tl\A710�S FAA REPAiR STATION FS6RS46N I ULTRASONIC CERTIFICATION REPORT � 0 2 N�i y CUSTOMER CUSTOMER PO JOB T[UI�4BER DATE PCL/Morro�v Crane 08-269 3.7.08 LOCATION PttOCEDURE ACCEPTANCE STANDARD Morrow Crane Per UT-1 Per UT-1 EQUIPMEN'I' CALIBRATION SETTINGS Epoch 4 GAIN ��•� db suP. M►n s,w. Norm MAT'L VALUE A$�Q. FLAW GATE S� % TRANSDUCER � CONTACT $/I.I 1354 F� 2,5 MHZ S�g .SOO ANGLE 0 ❑ IMMERSION MATERIAL CAT.IBRATION[NFORMATION Carbon Steel Per DSC BLOCK FOR DISTANCE ITEM 1TEM ACCEPT REJECT REMARKS DBSCRIPTION IDENTIFICATION 420 EC-H16 3 X 7.25 4 0 S/N 420-ECH O1/20 lOX4 2 p 2.25 X 1 I.5 2 p 10.25 X 4 I 0 4,S X 1.75 ?. p 7.SX3 2 p Main Cab 10 X 1 96 0 16X4 4 0 4X6 1 0 13X2 4 0 12X2 4 0 � lames Liscomb II 3.7.08 TECI-IIdICIAN'S S[GN LEVEL DATE NDE SERVICES,INC.-8775 E.ORCHARD RD-SUITE 809-ENGLEWOOD,CO 80111-(303)741-0518 I I ; � i -��~`� SERVICES, I NC. Pf20FFtitilON,11.\O\.UI:tiTItUCfI�'F.F.X:\�\il\:177p\'S VISUAL INSPECTiON REPOR'l' I�. C2 ta 11� Page� of 1 CUSTO\1ER CUSTO\qF.R f'.0. JOB NUtitQER DATE PCL OS-229 2.2 I.OS LOCATIOV PROC6DUR[ ACCEPTANCESTANDr�RD Morro�v Crane VT-t No Cracks Allowed DF.SCRIPTfON O�f_SA�4INATIO�': Visuai Inspection of Weids Vt 1�Velds on railing on�ounter jib sectioits C056.001.7i f.2i l,.l 1 I,COS6A01.712.1 11 cable motordrive mount�<<elds and hand rails.Vt of bars fa•concrete���ei;lits. yzv f�-N�� ,��o.�"y 1 y 1 c� ,5�.� �LO L-C� v �12U r �, Z� Oa fi�C'lINICfAN DATE NDC SERVICGS, INC- 15552 E f i•emonl DR Unit lOG Centennial Co 80l 12-(303)7di-0518 � � � lj� -;�—;—•— . .. ;= . i�• „ � , . . . � � �: .,. . ,,, �. i: i ,'�1� �l�r� ��A �� i�������j11 , � . �. ��E�Q ��PO��r Date: March 26, 2008 Project #7445 Project: Ritz Carlton Crane Footmg Location: Vail, Colorado Weather: Partly Cloudy, Light Snow Temp: 35` at 1:00 P.M. To: PCL Consiruction 2000 S. Colorado Boulevard, Tawer 7wo. Suite 2-500 Denver, CO 80222 Attn Nr. Jeff Thompson The foilowing was noted: The contractor was finalizing the instailation of reinfarcing far the large crane pad foating. This footing is parl of a combined faoting that is approximately 40 feet by 50 feet and incorporates several building footings. The portion of the footing supporting the crane pad is six feet deep. The top and bottom bars in the crane pad area appear to be the size and spacing shown in the pians. The top mat is supported on tl�e correct standees. The stirrups instailed both top and bottom around the crane colurnn bases appear to be in compliance with the crane footing drawings. Very trulq p,our�, . - . tJIC�NR��:�-t����;�..`ENGINEERS, INC. , : . �, -t ^ �� �' , 'i �. �� �r : ��.������ Peter Ni;onc'Qe;,P:�.:�,, , Princip�l : ,.,��,.���,_ ,,- .. �. � Iii�1111���. �-..� ,�,��.I� , ii111 ,ii It, n� lim.ir}: K�,.i�l • ',i;ii� .'.n i • 1' i � 1Srr� I `, �" . ����r t �,I�•r.i�I�. ,ti�r,!u ������ ENGINEERIN6 CONSULTRNTS March 13, 2008 Job Name: Materials Testing, Ritz Cariton Residences, Vail, Colorado Job Number: 08-6502 Mr. Dave Williams RCR Vail LLC 953 S. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 215 Vaii, Colorado 8 i 657 Atin: Nr. Williams, As requested, a representative of GROUND was on-site to perform construction materials iesting. While on-site, we observed the reinforcing steel for footing pads at (M-Y) to (640.3-49) placed by PCL. The reinforcing steel was observed for bar size, spacing, lap, cleanliness and clearance. The reinforcing steel appeared to be placed in general accordance with the project plans and specifications. Jeff with PCL was notified of our observations. Sincerely, GROUND �ngineering Consultants, Inc. �� ,.m� _:������tEn:� ` � ��, Nathan Fintel �-r�° Field Representative ��� _:o ����.�z� South Metro Office North Metro Office Gypsum Office 41 Inverness Drive East 7393 Dahlia Streei, P O. Box 464 Englewood, CO 80112-5412 Commerce City,CO 80022-1834 Gypsum,Colorado 81637 Tel�(303)289 1989 Tel:(303)289 1989 Tel: (970)524 0720 Fax:(303)269 1686 Fax: (303)289 6742 Fax: (9�0)524 0721 ������ ENGIN�ERING COi�lSULTRNTS P�Aarch 17. �pD� Jo� N�m�: h�aterial� Tesiing, Ryt� C�riton Re�i�2�ces. V�il. Color�do Job Nurnb�r. 08-6�02 �v'Ir. Qave l�Jilliarns R�CR �'ail LLC 953 S. F�an�age �d Yue��, SuitE 215 Vail, Coaaradp P1Cv� Attn: iJlr. VJilliarns, As reqve5te+d, � represeniativ� 4` �ROI�taD v��s o�►-s�te to p�rforrr� con�tructian m�teriais s�stin�. 1��l�i1e on-�i�e, we obsen��� th� reinf�rr�ng ste�4 tor th�e tow�r c��ne �optin� at gridline 7�1��_ �t►e rein€�orcin� slc��l was �vbser��e� for t��r s�x�, sAacin�, lap, �n� �learance, Th� r��nf�rcinp steel appeare� #� fi��ve been �lac�d in g�n�ral eccordance with the pro;ect spe�fications prowidtd �y PGt, {�p�p*r�ve.� shop drawinp5y. 1rV� alsp c�bsen�a 9h� fpptir�g �ubQrade at the abave Iccation. At t�e time oi �ur pbsery�tion !?�e footirags w�re exc�v�te.�i to tlie t�aE�om o1 footi�ng elev�tior�, T'he subgrade was obs�rved to caniairo nv lo�se d�bn�, ims� or standing wa�r, was firee from o��2nic materi�l snd �ppe���+d �irr�. �,d�ii#ion�lry the ma��ri�l dis�urb� by the �xcaua�ian prooess appeared to hav� been �arnpacted wi�h � �late �ompact4r. B�s�d �ro aur obsen+alions, the fooUng subgrade materi�l in the o�sen►�� �Q�ditl�n ap�eare�d to be in �ener�l acoordance with F��echlein �ansulting Er�g�n�rs' rspor� titled �aatechnica� In4�e.Stf�ation, Pr'qo4��cl F?�tt-��rltorr Residenc�es at V�il, Wast I�y Lot, Vail, �c>Ja'ado, Jab Na OS•1�48, datad t��v�mb�r 2�, 20�5, Prep�at�ed for Va11 Res�rts C3eveloprrtent Camp2�ny. 1�t� n��iFeti Alan with i�C� ��onstn�cbo,� of our ob$eruat+ons, 'V4'e understand th�t the iooting excavak�on wiil r�emain �ov�ered �nd heated. Hav�rever, if ior any re�sor� th� fDfliing s��gratfe rn�t�erial cQnditians chang� or diff�r from ►aR�at wa� obs�rved �� described her$in prit�r to plac�ment o1 ctmcr�t� w�e should be notified to reevalual� the �ubgrad� condi�eons. S)r►�erely, GROU�tD Enginer�ring �nnsu)�nt�, Inc. Natl�an Fintel Fi�l� Repre�enteti�,e Soulh Me1ro�H'irx� North N,ebo Oit+oe Gypvurn ON�rx �t Inv�erneaa Driut E�st T3�3 detN�a 8tre�t. P O �ar�f�d En�ia�rvatl,�i�l Q.�i 1Z-$d i 2 Cb'itr��,C[1 �Q?�-1�iyt CiYP6L�l.S�AI878dL 8�C37 T�i c��;?s5 1989 rtel (3031 2HB 7988 T�� ��rn�s��ar�a F�.(3ti31289 168E� FaY'(�d31 288 67R2 Fax.�9701 bZ;U;�7 m v r o � U cp M N N � V cD I� I� � x O O 7 m � � � N � U � N L d aa j o 0 N �� � N ma (0 (9 tV f6 fD U` a m rn y T � i � i i .� � H � T y x � ip N O � _ � � � �- V, � m � � C " N tn Q Q Q Q Q � = O C � O N N L �� N > - CO � � � li fn (A N N 0 O �. tn N N V) � (0 � N c �°, f6 f6 f6 f6 � � r .�.� '�� � d � d � � C � a N (p '� a� � �� � fn N �j � � � � � � V C o J � 'O � p �-�C � � � o 0 0 0 0 J � cp o- � � a O O O N � (p t O "O N N v� a o � 6� � � I� � � O � f0 v N 3 � U � � � � � •aZi ° c L d Q U � � �� � � oY � � ` � . � � rn > � m o � o 0 o rn rn rn rn rn o 'N v o ` � M M M M M p = � -ap � � m o U U O � � U Q Q N C N O "� C `° � � � > � y,�-_ ,� � � N � L � �� tn � tf� � � � N � � Y � y � � Q � � � � � � � Y c � �f � d' d' � "a C �$ a� "o � `� � � � � N c0 � � '6 a N � � � U �, 't � m v O p C � N � � C z V � N y Q 6 0 'p j o ^ M I� 00 00 M � j � � � � �n � o O C m v y a C � cD .o " t7) � � � � 0 � � a C c0 0 �- C °-' U C � (A Gl 00 `n U C ii ,0 L N � � � N � N � N � N � N � N � O �� � � � � � � � � d � � -o .E a rg � � in a Z � E � � o � � � 5 � ° � v �f �ri ao r� �o a� a -C O Zoo � t 3 � �° � � °' " � � � � � � � �a�i � � ` � � � � � '� O v� LL � 7 � V � � � � N � O � o a� 3 3 'a ; C� � N � '° ° ° � ° -�'a C� C� C� p a � �U' .°-' a ° ; a� � a� c� c� U� c� o u � w '�o w m (� m (� � � � o a�'i c � N � o ,�v- 6 � N 'D � N � N � c � t a�i + in � ;o � '- �O N Q� N L � a � � W ~� � U 3 0 � � N UI � 'C � a� w. � �I`� •�, o -o �" � o. � � m Z ° N � �� N Y AZ � a� � ��, � N � a p o Q � � _ ° � � c a�'i �� Z 3 J � C fa N N � N c �� � � � W •" � V N = .O X � � Z .a (0 N U � -O V m c(0 .� � C N � "� tq C U L Q 3 C O C f0 � J . a O � ~ O � � O o N Q F�_- Z C� � � fl- U N � a� � @ U N � ai'c `� -�o U �°- ° ~ � � U `m O � W O � ,c= ` � (n lL M t� N � � p) z N � O ' pV m � ua � (� c • J a�i °' v � 3 � �° -o � � N � C� � � � � W y .a � E .° ¢ � N °' a a m m m � a� �v � c � lll Q Z ' v�, �°t � � o = � aNi aNi aNi a`�i a`�i vi : Z u� a� o > U � � c c c c c o 0 W � � °: °�c '� ,x c a 'a 'D -o � � »-� U w � � Iu -� o -@p � ' N 'C 'C C � C N c Z � a�i L � �' � � a� C� C7 C� C� C� U � E � � � � W Z � .J p o � �c � � � o .- c� c� v in a� c E � o p � �, O C� � � W W Q � z c0 tD cD t0 c0 (� U' U � vNi v °N° � O � v � � � �'' o m a� ; oM n c a� ��- o c a� m U v W F- li � � /!� � � n . � N E V � o � w � c d o� p� o 0 C z O W Z � Z ` O � ` � � � N � U L a � p o 0 0 0 0 o e e o o J cn m � �n n � n �o .� o � rn v� �` , h � O O � O � � o (n N d � V �C N d > v � f � m m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o p� N O � rn a`�o � � N n o � o rn m \a � �"% � � N th c+1 M t+1 M N M N N � _ ` � � M o � �' N � T �! ao ao ao m ao ao W ao m w Cj O O O O O O O O O O U �° � p o � � � N lD N � y � t` M M c\ M c+� i\ i\ M � � O � � O o O o o O O O O o A � (� � � � T � Z � a � o � a v � � � � �n � � J Z � rn a� r ro rn rn rn n n � r n m � � � N � N o t -, " Z C " � � � T y _d 0 N O O O O O O O O O O I 1 w � �l �L„ tD O (") a0 t0 N N � V O y � r� � �% N N N N N N N N N N Z � ? U v; N y � � ,� ` . � m m m ao m ao m eo m ao � m o 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 a � o W � � � N N N N N N N N N N � W ' O f� � c7 M M t7 f") ('� lh M c7 M � Z � U � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � d �' LL O Z � ' � � O C @ N N N N � t� � � Y] N N N � y !) W � U a� � o� c`�n N a; a � E �, � V ",��� � °� m V � � c+� rn rn o cv o ao o n rn J � � — C 1 G " � co � � � r �O co �o � � � LL � p v �� �t� (� � t `o ;a � � ��` � � o > p a - y � ��`� � � � U O �'� m � � � � � � � � � ' � ` { � y{� U M . . � > G c7 R 7 N N N �f) (O N �O ��, `°.� �N Q' O�i � � �n� ` �� E �"° c S ' o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ��q�� � Q N @ � ao co ao co ao co 0o m co o� �� �:� y"'� U ` � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �\, � �� `\ � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 `'� �{�, :,., � N N N N N N N N N N �� x V R V V V' V a V C � � c`�') M r�] f`�') M � M fN'I M M � 2 L � N W U � rn o, p� J m � C C � C N C � O O p � C oi V a o � o p a ,'�o_ c _ �p y � o � y rn rn `y N � d C C � � C G C � U) O O `p � O f- � V � � � w w U C u, a m � d � � L L L L L L � � t l4 d C C 7 J � 7 9 � � U 3 z° z° u� ri� in �n f � z° N j; w �e m o N M � U � N t+1 M M C'1 M M t`�') t��1 M /, '� ��c � ,.�r�n� � : a CONSTpUC710N IEADERS . GeAeral Crune Operator Questionnairc Equipmettt: ��/l/� � �'i�/��G District:_��d1lJ`-�'`�' Name: �-�–������t'�'�� . . � Daze: �' —Q � � Tested By: � Percent Achieved: a� �� 1. Within what percentage af level does a telescopic boom crane have to be for the gross ratings in the load chart to remain valid? a) 1% b 2% , C) 5% d) It doesn't matter as long as tbe outriggers are fully extended and set. � 2. The weights that are dispiayed on a cra.ne load chart represent what pexcentage of the manufacturer's cranes rating? a) 75% . � 8S°/fl . c 100% d) 1l0% . 3, Materials ptaced under ovechead-energized powez lines should: � a) �lifted as normal , b) be dragged out � � not be lifted by crane d) handled with extra care . 4. On pick and ca�ry aperations,y�u should: • a) keep the load as high as possible above the ground use the zziaximum boom length c� keep the boom as short as possible and the load close to the car body as practical. d) ensure�the load is as #�az from the camer/carbody as practical. . 5. When the boom lengtl� of the crane fails between the lerigths listed in the loa.d chart,you should � use the capacity listed�or: . . �a the next shortest boom]ength the next Iongest baorn length c) tlae next longest or the next shortes#boom length,whichevez is the lower capacity - d) a capacity estima#ed between the boom lengths in the chart - 1 - , � � CONSTRUCTiON 4EADEPS • 6. Boom'length is measured frona the: � a) base.�f the booin to the center of the boom tip sheave boom hinge pins to the center of the boom tip c) boom hinge pins to tbe center of the boom tip sheave � , . d) base of the boom to the boom tip 7. OSHA pemuts hoisting of personr�el by crane as lang as: . � no aerial work platform is available � � b there is no less hazardous oz practicable way c) all personnal have CPR traini.ng d) tbe prevailing wind speed is less than.35 mph � ' 8. Rough terrain crane capacities are generally gr�ater over the: a) front � rear c) right side ' • d) le�side , 9. Capacities listed on a load chart above a bold line are based�n: a) stabilzty of the crazie li£ts to be made anly if set up on outriggers c) the stzuctural strength of the crane d) weights with a jib attaohed 10.Who is most responsible for making a lift wi�th the crane; ' � a) the job forernan �b the rigging foremar�. the crane operator • ' d) all of the�above � 11.When using the main load line(with the jib attached),the working load for the boom must be zeducad by: a) weight af jib.attachments � � waight of jib pendants . , c weight of jib d) manufacturers specifications for jib and hook weight reduction -Z- . Q CONSTAUGTION LEADEpS 12, Which jib has the most capacity: a) 30° �'` b� 10° �.•' . 13. Whenever operating a crane around newly c�nstructed buildings, which of these conditions could be dangerous? a) height of structure b) uncompacted soil d� tr.affic/unpro.tected walkways al�of the above . Note: All incarrect answers will be reviewed with the applicctnt to ensure the understanding of the ` correct answer. � -3- ��""� coHSrnurnoN�naexs • Tower Craae Operator Iiire-On Questio�anaire � Please check the following boxes as applicable Note: You are subject to a 30 day prabatio»ary period during which time your skills as an Operator , " will be monitored Don't Year/ . � Pes No Know Month n1�� I. Do ou kaold a valid crane o erator certificate? 2. V✓ould au su 1 a list of ravious em lo ers as references? ���.���1 r 3. How many yeazs experience do you have as a tower crane p o erator? , ���� 4. Have nu ever had an.accident with a tower arane? 5. As a crane opeiator;are you aware o�your safety res ansibilities? 6. Do ou understand t�e.curved line on a tower crane Ibad chart? 7. Are au faxniliar with standard/safe ri 'n ractices? 8, Are ou farniliar with the term"dead man controls"? . 9. Limit switches are to be used to deterznine crane ca aci ? 10, Is it conect that czane safety inspections are required before 1 / eve shift? � v l l.Is it safe to o erate a crane within lfl ft,of a 250kV� ower line? � 12.Is it safe to ull a load with the boom or tr�lle ? .. 13. When operating wauld you respond to a stop signal from . someone ot}��r than our si alman? . � 14. Wind s eeds can double in the vicini of tall buildin s? 1 S.Manufacturers wind speed specs always determiqe if a crane / � can make a Iift7 � . . ' 1/ lb. Tower aranes should be wed ed at three different levels7 17, A load line should be replaced if there are three broken wires in . one strand im one zo e la ? � 18, Moment overload switches sto hoist o ation onl ? �rospective Employee; . v� }�} �' j (Print Name) Signahare: `< , Intezviewer Coznments: _•(, oe r.� �'j`�_�� ', n'�-e�V ���'�✓ Q ir.-e�S�� cJr� S , Signature:�' Date; -� — Hired?�Yes No % . WESTERN SLING & �SUPPLY �` � 5453 N. Peterson Road 2017 Skyview Drive Sedalia, CO 80135 Casper, Wyoming 82601 PH: (303) 688-0978 PH: (307) 235-4747 FAX: (303) 688-5905 : FAX: (307) 234-0049 DATE WSC N0. Certif i cate � of Proof Test This is to certify that the below named article(s) are in compliance with applicable Drawings, Specifications, Terms and Provisions fo the Purchase Agreement. ':CUSTOMER NAME CUSTOMER QRDER NUMBER OUR ORDER NUIVIBER PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5000716-57208 242191 PROOF TEST PER LEG ' ' NiTMBER OF:A55EMBLY(S)COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE . 14 , 200 LBS 2 ASSEMBLY(S) SERIAL NUMBER(S) 1984 through 1985 AS5EMBLY(S) DESCRIPTION ' 3/8" X 32 FT DOS CHAIN SLING GR80 ALLOY TWO LEG WITH 5-314A CHAIN HOOKS ` RATED CAPACTTY PER ASSEMBLY(S) DEGREE ANGLE AT HORIZONTAL ; , , ,_ _ 10 , 000 LBS at 45 Loadtest Certification This 15 t0 Cect'ify that WEST'ERN SLING COMPANY has subjected the described liFting device to a tension Loadtest quoted herein. The Working Load Limit and the Loadtest Load assigned are based in general accordance with AMSE/ANSI Specifications,unless otherwise specified by the customer. ASME/ANSI Spec. Description , i p ! WSC Signafc�re. . � r��� Date y/�� b y t T'1 � � Date ��"'�/y� ' By �� Inspector w w � } m Q u �. m z F' u � ~ �os �- � OZ � 3UZ } m ZQQQO I �y S Q -� O � H m rn � z = OOQ �c�i� � W � OJV1O1- Htn � � �2� L� H w Z Vl w �i � � v� o • ��y� � � >- QZw � o � na u OOQL� Z V • O �ZW W O JLLQH � U � W W O lJ O O Z p¢ � J W a J H O � _ Z0° JJ � n. � Jl/1 a u oorv � JJZ � " oQ ovoao�uw o � � t-+ mH � �n �nau ¢ wa � O H O • Q O Z ni � tn3 > n � (S��I) d`dO��IbOM OIDNIOI/'1ri00�r-i hMOIDM � M I�N lD r-i l0 O�O V O1 C'W M 01 V1 N CO V�--�n M O�O M 01 l!1 N CO�/1 rl I��O M00[{Q1�10�O�I�N I�M00 c}'I�Nh�-IlD r-I�O�/1Q1�CO�"'�ONI�NtO'-IIDI�Mp O �p V1ln<}cr[}'MMNN r-I r-IOOQ1lJ10�Ot"�I�NOOM00�01�10�Gr1nN OOMO�/'� I L6'09r-1'-Irlrlrlri�rirl�rlrlrlr-Irnrnrna000���o�ou�invv�mmNN�-ir161'C n O m m 'i �$ J p � Z6'LS � a �., o �/1 L8'45 � � J O o � Z8'TS � � 0 � LL'8V � 2 Q N ZL'SV � U U ° _ = L9'Z4 � O O i.n u-, 0 �� � Z9'8£ ,� Z� � Orn W o � w LS'9E � � i � � 0 Z Z v ZS'E£ ,,.�. � H N � N � m o � Q � H Sb'OE z � ° H V�1 v Q ~ w � Q W I— � £4'LZ z 3> rn � r1Q � ---� ~ �w l7 � � H 8£'42 3 Q I- aO H 3 °omw 3 w J ££'TZ � �3 ° J � � Q ln 2 N 8Z'8i N H Y � w H 00 Q J �� 4Z'ST NQW o - - in w 1�0 � xa ��� 6T'ZT � �LL °v r--�\J�..J W in l7 Z�Z =O� 44T'8 � �3 0 U , U w in W O�t ,� lfl v� 980'9 � � ° � � H N �— v+ � � `� U � 840'£ ° Q-' Q H ,:, � W W W � 2 p o = o000000000000000000000000000000000000 mYY o00000000000000000000000000000000000 w00 000000000000000000000000000000000000 �O v��m N r-I O 01 00 t�iD vi 7 m rV'-I O T oo I��O u�V m rV'-i O 01 0o I�t0�n�m rv�-1 H O O MMMMMn'1MNNNN NNNNNfV�rl�--I�--Iri e--Irl�--i r-I�-i J 2 S (Se�) a`d0��12i0M TOWER CRANE P91 inspection Check List Project �/�I i... �L. For Week Commencing����� Equipment Number�7� ��Y1���.R,�-- DAILY Service and Maintenance Inspection (See Insiructions) M i � W T F S S 1. Check Brakes, Motors, Drums, Gearboxes, Bearings, and Drive Alignment ,... �� _ / ,/ � 2. Inspect Ropes, Cables, Hoist and Trolley Spooling ........................... �]L� `� 3. Check Electrical Components (or Wear and Damage ......................... � V � � 4. Servicing as per Manufacturer's Check List .................................. � � � —f�-- 5. Inspect Rigging, Hooks, Slings and Shackles ................................ � � � � � 6. Test Over Load and Moment Limit, (and Moment Trolley out) ................. � � � � 7 Test Height Limit Switch .......... ................................... ....... � —i� � B. Horizontal Trolley Travel Switches .......................................... � � � 9. Check Fluid Levels and Lubrication as Required ............................. � � � —K— ,/ V � 10. Check Walkways. Handrails. Ladders and Cab Mounis ................ ....... �[— /' 11. Check Structural Bolts and Pins .... . . ....................................... " " � 12. Check Siructure for Cracks or Buckling .............................. ....... � —1� � � 13. Check if Wedges are Secure ..... ... ........................ ......... ....... � � � 14. Check Aeronautical Lights ......... ................ ......... ....... ......... " '5. Superintendent's Initials .......... ...... ........... ......................... � nemarks Investigate unusual noises or probiems. record corrective action. V y '_V Operator s Sign ture ipe nd s Signature WEEKLY Service and Maintenance Inspection (See Instructiens) t. Check Structural Bolts and Pins (Bolts Torqued to Specitications one Week after Erection: �-� 'Z Replace any nuts or bolts which have become loose that were tight initially) ✓ Date 2. Check Trolley Rollers. Tracks, Slewing Rings end Rollers � � Date 3. Check all Moving Parts - Gear, Sha(t and Belt Drives ( � Date - Sheaves. Bushings and Pins Date -Trolley Slewing. Roilers. Tracks and Slewing Ring � Date -Guy Ropes. Pendant Lines. Cable Clips. Thimbles and Ferrules � Date 4. Test Dyamometer (Dial Head) with Test Block v Date 5. Jacki�g, See Tower Crane Manual for correct procedures:Removed andior Covered jacking unit Date 6. Check Vertical Plumb � �" Date Remarks Record of Cor ective Acti n ��G � y �- � � � Operator's SignaWre u ri end }� Signature / MONTHLY Service and Maintenance Inspection (See fnstructions) 1. Examination oi -All Ropes tor Wear, Corrosion, Fatigue, Deformities and all Stationary Ropes for Tens,ion and Anchoring � ��� Date 2. Examination after 600 Hours by Wire Rope Manufacturer ` Fiemarks Record oi Corrective Action . �� �• � O'erator's Sig ature u r end s Signature YEARLY Service and Maintain Inspection 12 months or 2,000 hours. (See Instructions) (The Yearly servicing personnel will be authorized by the Equipment Department. The Project Superintendent will schedule the appropriate time along with the Equipment Department.) 1. Non Destructive Test-The Boom,Mast,Counterweight,Jib,Staybacks,Guy Lines and Pendant Lines Date - All Load Carrying Equipment Sheaves, Blocks, Rings,Shackles, Hooks, Chains and Slings Date 2. Inspection by Qualiiied Perso�nel Drive Transmissions and Power Equipmenl Date Remarks Record ot Corrective Action Equipment DeparlmeM Signature SuperiMendenl's Signature NOTE It is intended that the equipment be checked daily and weekiy by the operator.Any , defect must be reported under the space lett for remarks.The Superintendent will in turn notily the Project Manager and/or Equipment Department who will see to it that the defect is remedied. This weekly check does not relieve the operator of the responsibility to report to the Superintendent any fault immediately. This weekly report is to be retained in the Daily Check Lisl Book. ,o