HomeMy WebLinkAboutRitz Carlton Residences Smoke Management Conceptual Design 2007.pdf Marc E.Espinosa Davld B.Robinson,P.E. Richard D.Matthies,P.E. ENGINEERING,iNC. Stephen C.Rondinelli,AlA �:,��,�s�,��rn�u,ir7:�„r,,�,,,,,;� Robert M."Mike"Cordero,P.E. Ritz Carlton Residences in Vail Smoke Management Conceptual Design August 9,2007 BCER Engineering has been commissioned to design the Smoke Management System in accordance with the March 21,2007 Memorandum from Stephen Gerrard, Corporate VP, Strategic Planning and Developnaent and a preliminary meeting with Mike McGee,Deputy Chief Fire Prevention,Town of Vail Fire and Emergency Services. This report will provide our approach and conceptual design for meeting the Ritz Carlton Fu�e Protection Standards and Town of Vail Fire Department Requirements for the Smoke Management System. This document must be utilized in conjunction with the attached ABS Consultant, Inc.Proposed Smoke Management System Concept Narrative dated August 8,2007. BCER Engineering is the Fire Protection Engineer of Record for the project and ABS is the Mechanical and Electrical Engineer of Record. BCER Engineering is currenxly in the process of modeling the smoke management system utilizing `CONTAM' Smoke Modeling Programs. In this report we have provided prescriptive fan size calculations for pricing and construction impacts.These fan sizes and smoke management methodology is based on current design experience it similar sized projects in Vail, Colorado. Attached are the First L,evel,Third Level and Sixth Leve] Egress Plans indicating the concepts of the Smoke Managennent System and identification of the Smoke Management System Components. Stair Enclosure Pressurization • Stair#'s 1, 2 and 4 will be pressurized. (Stair#3 connects only the parking below grade parking levels discharging at grade and will not be provided with any smoke management or pressurization).The conceptual fan sizes for this report are Stair#1 — 16,600 cfm, Stair#2— 17,000 cfm and Stair#4— 16,800 cfm. • Fans will have a variable speed drive with a static pressure sensor located in the middle of the stair.There will be at least 2 injection points into the stair enclosure for pressurization of the stair enclosure.The injection points for purposes of the report are at Level 2 and at the top of the Stair Enclosure. The exact location of the injection points will be determined through the smoke modeling of the building. • Stair Enclosure Pressurization will be activated by the Building Fire Alarm System.BCER recommends activation of the stair pressurization fans from the sprinkler flow switches and not the building fire detection system. Stair pressurization will be manually controlled from the Fire Fighter Control Panel in the Fire Command Center. • The Stair Enclosure Pressurization fans will be connected to emergency power. C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\SCR�DESKTOP�BCER-RITZ VAIL SMOKE MANAGEMENT SD 8..9.07.DOC 5420 WARD ROAD,SUITE 200,ARVADA,COLORADO 80002-1838�TELEPHONE: 303-422-7400•FAX: 303-422-7900 Hoist-way Pressurization • Only the Freight Elevator Hoist-way(D) located near the central lobby will be pressurized.The pressurization fan for this elevator hoist-way will require approximately 18,000 cfm to pressurize the hoist-way. Consideration was given to pressurizing additional Elevator Hoist-ways but it was determined that they would not improve the operation of the smoke management system. The other elevator hoist-ways are typically protected by elevator lobbies. • Elevator Hoist-way Pressurization will be activated by the Building Fire Alarm System.BCER recommends activation of the stair pressurization fans from the sprinkler flow switches and not the building fire detection system. Stair pressurization will be manually controlled from the Fire Fighter Control Panel in the Fire Command Center. • The elevatoi•hoist-way fans will be connected to emergency power. c�;;�tip FYhw,�;�±—Residence and r!�uh��:r:��r� • Smoke Management System will include smoke exhaust capability in the corridors. Currently the corridor exhaust points (E and F) are located in the central area of the corridors on the east and west side of the building.The current design is providing for the exhaust of a single floor corridoz�.The preliminary sizing for the corridors is based on 8 air changes per hour and results in approximately 8,000 cfm of exhaust capability for a single floor. • The smoke exhaust system on the floor of incidence will be activated by either public corridoi- area smoke detector or floor sprinkler flow switch. • At the top of each riser,install a motor operated damper, normally open,on each of the additional exhaust fans. At the top of each riser install a second motor operated smoke control damper, normally closed, and a new smoke exhaust fan. • Sequence of Operations will include maintaining all building make-up air systems in normal operating mode. The building mechanical supply dampers will continue to provide supply air to _. fire floor during a fire condition.There will be no fire alarm or smoke management system cont�ol of the building pressurization or building automation system.The new motor operated smoke control dampers on the floor of incidence on all risers will open, the new smoke exhaust fan dampers will open and all new smoke exhaust fans will start. . • All smoke exhaust fans,fire/smoke dampers and controls must be on emergency power. Public Area 15L Floor • The smoke management system is intended to provide a new and dedicated smoke exhaust fan(s) for smoke management of the first floor areas.The areas included on the 1S`Floor Public Areas are;Library(1,400 cfin exhaust),Lounge(2,400 cfin exhaust),Bar(1,200 cfin exhaust),Club Area(1,760 cfin exhaust)and Reception/Lobby(4,000 cfin exhaust). The small retail area on the ls`Floor is not being provided with smoke management. • Sequence of Operations is as follows: Upon activation of an area smoke detector in the Lobby ,. area the fire alarm system will close the return damper and start the new smoke exhaust fan.The '�' first floor air handling unit and associated air terminals will remain in normal operating mode. There is to be no fire alarm or smoke management system control of the building air handling systems. � 11 • All smoke exhaust fans,fire/smoke dampers and controls must be on emergency power. � �'� ` C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\SCR�DESKTOP�BCER-RI'I'"G VAIL SMOKE MANAGEMENT SD 8..9.07.DOC 5420 WARD ROAD,SUITE 200,ARVADA,COLORADO 80002-1838�TELEPHONE: 303-422-7400•FAx: 303-422-7900 Buil�:�i�p:a���.:::��tion • Currently the smoke management system design will maintain all building make-up air systems in normal operating mode and will not be modified or connected to the smoke ��� management system for activation ar control. Smoke Mana�ement Commissionin�and Testin� • Commissioning and Testing Criteria and Standards will be provided under separate cover. It is intended that the current smoke management system design will meet both the Ritz Carlton Fire Protection Testing Criteria as well as the Town of Vail Fire Department acceptance test. Segueiice of�peration Smoke Management Smoke Management Smoke Management Component Initiation Device Component Status Stair Enclosure Pressurization Automatic Sprinkler System All stair pressurization fans Stau�#1,2,4 Flow Switch and Manual are in operation upon Control from Fire Command activation Elevator Hoist-way Automatic Sprinkler System All elevator pressurization Pressurization Flow Switch,First Floor smoke fans are in operation upon detectors in the Elevator activation. Lobbies and Manual Control from Fire Command Corridor Corridor Smoke Detection or All e�chaust fans for corridor Smoke Exhaust System Automatic Sprinkler System will activate with fire/smoke Flow Switch and Manual damper control for the fire Control from Fire Command floor only. Manual control of all fire/smoke dampers available from Fire Command Public Area 151 Floor 15`Floor Common Area Smoke All exhaust fans for Public Snnoke Exhaust System Detection or Automatic Area will activate. Sprinkler System Flow Switch Fu-e/smoke dampers will and Manual Control from Fire configure for operation of ls` Conunand Floor Smoke E�chaust System. No manual control of the fire/smoke dampers is rovided at Fire Command Building Pressurization Building Pressurization remains Remains in normal operation in normal operation in any with no manual contro] from building fire alarm condition Fire Command. and is not controlled by the fire alarm or smoke management system C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\SCR�DESKTOP�BCER-RITZ V AIL SMOKE MANAGEMENT SA 8.9.07.DOC 5420 WARD ROAD,SUITE 200,ARVADA,COLORADO 80002-1838�TELEPHONE: 303-422-7400•FAx: 303-422-7900 Based on the review and approval of these documents by the Marriott Corporate Fire Protection Group we will meet with the Town of Vail Fire Department. Since this smoke management system is a non-required systenn(with the exception of the initial stair enclosure and elevator hoist-way as requu�ed by the TOV Fire Department) we will prepare a `memorandum of understanding' to document the smoke management system requirements including commissioning and testing of the system. The design team will then proceed with the Smoke Management System Design. The Town of Vail has agreed to permit the Smoke Management System to be a deferred submittal for issuance of a pennit and will not delay the issuance of a building permit. Please contact me at 303-422-7400, Ext. 283 should you have any questions regarding this document. Prepared by: BCER ENGINEERING,INC. v— Stephen C. Rondinelli,A.I.A. Director of Pire Protection and Life Safety Cc: Bill Wright, GSB Architecture Tracy Hart,4240 Architecture C;\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\SCR�DCSKTOP�BCER-RITZ VAIL SMOKE MANAGEMENT SD 8.9.07.DOC 5420 WARD ROAD,SUITE 200,ARVADA,COLORADO 80002-1838�TEL.EPHONE: 303-422-7400•FAx: 303-422-7900 isi CONBULTAN79 ING 1530 167H STREET SUrfE 400 DENVER COLORA�O 80202 303-623-6200 NoicFJ 3Q3-623�8435(Fnx) ABSCON9ULTANTS.COM Ritz-Carlton Residences in Vail Proposed Smoke Management System Concept Narrative August 8, 2007 Purpose The intent of the following narrative and attached drawings is to provide adequate concept information for the proposed smoke management system at the Ritz-Carlton Residences in Vail such that Ritz-Carlton and the Town of Vail can agree to a smoke management concept. In addition, this document shall provide information for preliminary pricing, and flag areas of concern regarding structural issues. Air quantities identified in this report are preliminary, and a complete rational analysis computer simulation will be conducted in the future to confirm these. Following are descriptions of the multiple systems being proposed: Stair Pressurization Stair pressurization shall be provided for Stair#1, Stair#2 and Stair#4. Each of these stairwells are routed the entire height of the building, from the lower level parking garage up through to the �, roof. � ���� h; A stair pressurization fan for each stairwell shall be located on the roof, and inject air at this level when activated in fire alarm mode. In addition, a second injection point shall be on either the second floor or the garden level. Stair#1 and Stair#4 shall be pressurized from the garden level with a new stair pressurization fan and horizontal duct in a two hour enclosure routed from an exterior wall to each stairwell. Stair #2 shall have a new pressurization duct riser and pressurization fan added adjacent to the stairwell. The equipment and air quantities are as follows: Stair#1(WestZ SPF-1-10,000 cfm, 1.2" sp, 7-1/2 hp, injected at 5`�' level into stairwell. SPF-2-6,600 cfin, 1.2"sp, 5 hp, located and injected at the garden level. Stair#2(Center): SPF-3-10,000 cfm, 1.2" sp, 7-1/2 hp, injected at 7th level into stairwell. SPF-4--7,000 cfm, 1.2"sp, 5 hp, located on the roof and connected to new 24"x24"riser down through 2"d floor, and injected at 2nd floor. Ritz-Carlton Smoke Mgmt August 17, 2007 Page 2 Stair#4(East): SPF-5-10,000 cfm, 1.2" sp, 7-1/2 hp, injected at 6th level into stairwell. SPF-E�6,800 cfm, 1.2"sp, 5 hp, located and injected at the garden level. Provide variable frequency drives connected to stairwell pressure sensors on all stair pressurization fans. All fans to be on emergency power circuit. Elevato:??oistway Pressurizat:�n Currently the hoistway of Elevator #6 is pressurized during life safety mode by a roof mounted fan, and the associated elevator machine room is pressurized by a fan pulling air through the roof. This system shall remain as currently designed. The equipment and air quantities are as follows: Elevator#1(CenterZ EPF-1-7,500 cfm, 1.2" sp, 5 hp, injected at 7t" level roof into hoistway. EPF-2-100 cfm, 0.5" sp, '/o hp, installed in elevator machine room on 6`n floor. Provide variable frequency drive connected to hoistway pressure sensor for EPF-1. Fans to be on emergency power circuit. Corridor Smoke Exhaust& Make-up The entire residential corridor of the fire floor is to be evacuated during fire alarm mode at 8 air changes per hour. This occurs on levels one through six; the garden level residential corridor will not have smoke management, as all residential units exit to grade. The current corridor make-up air and corridor exhaust risers shall be utilized, with new smoke exhaust fans, grilles, etc. to accommodate the smoke management system. The equipment and air quantities are as follows: Exhaust Riser E (West): SEF-1---2,000 cfin, 1.0" sp, 1.5 hp, with fan located on roof and tapped into current e�aust riser E. Current corridor exhaust fan EF-1 to be modified as necessary, and motorized dampers to be installed in each fan intake duct. A new corridor smoke exhaust grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall of levels one thru five. This FSD will open on the fire floor; and the corridor exhaust FSD and transfer air FSD will close on all floors in�re alarm mode. Make-up Air Riser A(West): A new corridor pressurization grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall (below the make-up air grille) of levels one thru five. This FSD will open on the fire floor; and the corridor make-up air FSD will close on all floors in fire alarm mode. The current MUA-1 (6,200 cfm, 1.5" esp, 5 hp) shall remain activated during fire alarm mode in order to provide make-up air for the smoke exhaust system. A new VFD shall control MUA-1. Exhaust Riser F (Center): SEF-2---2,000 cfin, 1.0" sp, 1.5 hp, with fan located on roof and tapped into current exhaust riser F. Current corridor exhaust fan EF-2 to be modified as necessary, and motorized dampers to be installed in each fan intake duct. A new corridor smoke exhaust grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall (below the corridor exhaust grille) of Ritz-Carlton Smoke Mgmt August 17, 2007 Page 3 levels one thru six. This FSD will open on the �re floor; and the corridor exhaust FSD and transfer air FSD will close on all floors in fire alarm mode. Exhaust Riser G (Center): The current corridor exhaust fan EF-3 shall be deactivated in fire alarm mode, and all corridor exhaust FSD's and transfer air dampers on this system will close during fire alarm mode. Make-up Air Riser B �Center): A new corridor pressurization grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall (below the make-up air grille) of levels one. This FSD will open if the first floor is the fire floor; and the corridor make-up air FSD will close on all floors in �re alarm mode. The current MUA-2 (13,600 cfm, 1.7" esp, 15 hp) shall remain activated during fire alarm mode in order to provide make-up air for the smoke exhaust system. Make-up Air Riser C LCenterZ A new corridor pressurization grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall (below the make-up air grille) of levels one thru six. This FSD will open on the fire floor; and the corridor make-up air FSD will close on all floors in fire alarm mode. The current MUA-2 shall remain activated during fire alarm mode in order to provide make-up air for the smoke exhaust system. Exhaust Riser H (East� SEF-3---2,000 cfm, 1.0" sp, 1.5 hp, with fan located on roof and tapped into current exhaust riser H. Current corridor exhaust fan EF-4 to be modi�ed as necessary, and motorized dampers to be installed in each fan intake duct. A new corridor smoke exhaust grille w/FSD installed in the corridor wall of levels one thru six shall be ducted to current exhaust riser H. This FSD will open on the �re floor; and the corridor exhaust FSD and transfer air FSD will close on all floors in fire alarm mode. Make-up Air Riser D �East): A new corridor pressurization grille w/FSD shall be installed in the corridor wall (below the make-up air grille) of levels one thru six. This FSD will open on the fire floor; and the corridor make-up air FSD will close on all floors in fire alarm mode. The current MUA-3 (3,000 cfm, 1.5" esp, 3 hp) shall remain activated during fire alarm mode in order to provide make-up air for the smoke exhaust system. A new VFD shall control MUA-3. All smoke exhaust fans and make-up air units shall be connected to the emergency power circuit. First Floor Public Area Smoke Exhaust and Make-��� The first floor shall have a smoke management system for the central public area (not including the retail space on the north). This shall consist of smoke exhaust and make-up air for the lobby/reception area and the library/lounge area. The equipment and air quantities are as follows: Exhaust Air S, st� Smoke exhaust for the two first floor public areas shall be achieved via in- line fans with horizontal ducting. The library/lounge area shall have two in-line smoke exhaust fans located over the bar area, with smoke intakes high in the two story area, and soffited ductwork routed to wall louvers in the south wall of the building. SEF-4, SEF-5-3,400 cfm, 1.0" sp, 1.5 hp. The lobby/reception area shall have one in-line smoke exhaust fan located in the retail ceiling, with ductwork in a two hour enclosure routed from the lobby space to a wall louver Ritz-Carlton Smoke Mgmt August 17, 2007 Page 4 located in the top portion of a window in the east wall of the building (with a gypboard soffit). SEF-6--4,000 cfm, 1.2"sp, 2 hp. Provide variable frequency drives on all smoke exhaust fans. All fans to be on emergency power circuit. Make-up Air Svstems: The current system consists of air handling unit AHU-1, located on the Upper Level Garage floor, that provides supply air to the VAV terminals serving the first floor public area and areas on the Garden and Upper Levels during normal operation. AHLT-1 (23,500 cfm, 2.0 esp, 25 hp) has 4,000 cfm of outside ducted to it from MUA-2, which is also located on the Upper Level Garage floor. During life safety mode, the MUA-2 corridor riser system shall have dampers closed except to fre floors, accounting for 3,600 cfm. The remaining 10,000 cfm shall be routed to AHLT-1 during life safety mode (the current duct needs to be upsized to 46"x22" to accommodate this). VAV terminals in the lobby/reception area and the library/lounge area shall have the primary air valve open to 100% in life safety mode; all other VAV terminals on this system shall have the primary air valve closed, forcing all of the make-up air to the first floor public area. Return air to AHiJ-1 will be closed, and the unit will operate at approximately 45% air flow in this mode (via a variable frequency drive on the unit). Make-up air unit and air handling unit shall be on emergency power circuit. No areas on the Garden or Upper and Lower Parking Garage levels will have smoke management systems, other than the stair and elevation pressurization previously identified. Buildin�Management System Since much of the mechanical equipment that is controlled through the DDC temperature control system is required for the smoke management system, the temperature control system will need to have a iJLTKL UL listing. Emer�encv Power Sys±P�n The added loads described above will require the emergency generator to increase in size to a 600 kW unit. A 240 gallon base mounted main fuel tank will provide enough fuel to run the generator at full load for approximately 5.4 hours. Smoke Mana�ement Svstem Drawin�s Refer to the attached Smoke Management system drawings, which conceptually identify the information presented above. End of Narrative T:�2005-074-OO�ADM I N\Narrative\s mo kemgmtconccpt080807.pkc.doc I ( T ,Y Y �A�.G �FF `T � �,1.. . Y -�. 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