HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5E Lot L Sonnenalp Proposal 1991 Legal . ,k-, This packet of inforr�ation covers the Sonnenalp proposal of 1991, which includes variances for common area hei ht and arkin . � g � p g This acket includes all of the p information from the issuance of the final certifieate of occupancy. DEVELOPERIMPROVEMENI' AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 18th day of December, 1992, by and among Johannes Faessler (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAII_ (hereinafter calfed the "Town"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer, as a conditiori of approval of tPie temporary certificate of occupancy granted by the Town of Vail for the Sonnenalp Redevelopment, located at 20 Vail Road, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to enter irito a Developrnent Agreement with the Town thereby providing security to the Town that the improvements set forth below will be completed; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: An irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $323,394 which shall provide the security for tPie following: IMPROVEMENT COST 1. Installation of landscaping along Vail Road. $62,827 ��"� 2. Construction of the permanent curb, gutter, sidewalk and snowmelt along Vail Road, including an asphalt patch. Removal of the existing pan and temporary sidewalk. $8,444 �d,�,^-R- 3. Instalfation of the curb, gutter, paving, and island landscaping for the parking lot. $85,985 ��J�� 4. Construction of the berm and installation of the landscaping along Meadow Drive. $58,296 d<�v�_ 5. Construction of the bus stop on Meadow Drive, per approved Design Review Board plans. $11,385 �(�v� 6. Landscaping of southern portion of site arid restoration of the Gore Creek riparian corridor $96,457 �� ��S? � _.___..�___--- �- ,� �'C$ ,4,� NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perforrn and complete said improvements, on or before October 1, 1993. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as shown on the approved building permit plans, approved Design Review Board plans, and approved Planning and Environmental Commission plans for the project and in accordance with all plans and specifications for the project filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All laws of the United States of America, State of Colorado, or Town of Vail and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service district. b. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the devefoper to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the Town Building Official, or other official i�rorn the Town of Vail, arid shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department. 2. The estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $323,394. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originafly set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptarice by tfie Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall riot, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified iri this Agreement, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees agairist any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other experises reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer rriay fiave. 2 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town for refease of the collateral deposited with the Town upon completion of said improvements at such time as referenced riereunder and approved by the Town. By the way of example, upon completion and approval by the Town of the bus stop, the sum of $11,385 dollars shall be released. 6. If the Developer fails to complete the improvements in accordance with all the specifications set forth herein no later than October 1, 1993, the Town may withdraw and employ from the letter of credit or from the cash escrow such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. 7. The parties hereto mutualfy agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties riereto. 8. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Developer provided, however, that in the event the Developer sells or transfers the property, the obligations of the Developer under this Agreement may be assumed by the purchaser of the property and Developer shall have no further obligations hereunder. It is agreed, however, that no such assumption of these obligatioris sriall be effective unless the Town gives its prior approval to such assumption, following an investigation of the financial condition of the purchaser. Devel BY: cei Joh n es aessler STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 0�� The foregoing Developer fmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of /v'''..F�e.r���v , 19�by Johannes Faessler. Witness my hand and officiaf seaL My commission expires on: �/is � "��' .C..-7•z,E �� � . � --,•�,:,,� Notary P' blic 3 TOWN OF VAII_ � . BY: � � Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNI"Y OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this �isf day of Df�f��a��L , 1g�by Rondall V. Phillips. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: q�� is' r ����� L��� � Notary Public D�iIAP�S.DETO,Notary Pub�c �b4y CommTsslcn Expires September 2b,1993 75 S.Frorttagg Roacf,Vaii,CA Si.657 c:�andy�adm in�.sonnen.dl5 4 � PNGE��l = � � � � ° � � �IJEITZ-COHEN CUMSTkUCTION�.CUMf'AM1' � � �� � � QE'fAiL ESTIi1HTE SONNENALR HiITEL G�tNER :fAE55i.trc VRI�, CaLOkaDll AKCHITECT :RSS f'HASE I SITEUuKK INVEN'IURY ESTIMH10k :GLM FTLE 5IiE T13d D�CEIIBER 14, i�3��2 Ur1IT UNIT UnIT UT RkICE �A�OR E�ItICt MATERIAL FRIL'E 5UB-CONT iOTA� COMNENTS DES�RIPTIDM I9S �UAMTITI' LANOR COST PIATERIAL CUSi SUbS CDST LANASCARING Rl VR1L RUAD I I I I 1 I f I I I I I --------------------------------------------1 1 I I I i d22 LANDSEAPING & IRRIGATIOH Sf 8,4�5 1 b.da b J �.bb 8 I 6.�b 54,633 I i54,632.59 I I I I I I I I JOH SERVIEE AND FEE i�.0bfi I I I i8,i'�5 I I I 1 I I---------------I I TQTAL , I i I I f6�,8Z7 I I 1 I I 1 I I ------------- -------------------------------------�------------�____..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I SIDEWALK AT VAIL ftOAD I I I I I I � I I t t I --------------------------------------------I I I I I I b22 ERRTH410kiC SF 89a I a.�8 � I b.6�1 � I 1.nb 8�3� I �fb'ib.a6 I I N3d COMCkETE���SIDENALK� �5r 8�f+ I � a.�Nb 4�. 1 � 1.�� � 1,335 I �.NN 1,7bf+ I i3,115.8a I � I ,., , d4a CQNE. PAUERS SF 696 I �.t�� b i e.NN d I 3.75 :i,338 I f;i,337.5d I ' i ; , � � � � � � � � � � ; JOB StkVI�E Nr,Q fkt l5.yb�i i ' d s�,lbl I I � � � � I � I f � � f---------------1 � � � i TOTA� I I I I 58,444 i I I . I I I I I --- ----------------T----- --------°---...° --------....---° -••--°------°--- ----.._--°---------°-°-°°^--------°---°---------^----------�-------------------I ASRHRLT PARKING LQT, CONCRETt CURRS AND I I I I I I LANDSCAPING AT GLAMTIBG AkEA5 I I I i I I --------------------------------------------I I I I I I 822 EARTH4IORK 5f 24,39Q I 8.�a � I ►3.ra d I i.r� 24,3��d i f24,3��8.68 I I f+�2 ASRNALT FAUI�lG SY 2,71H I f+.Nb b I f+.HN N I l4.5b 39,295 I 539,295.68 I i d38 LRNDSCRPlNG 8 IkkIGATIOd SF 247 I �.d8 t� � 9.a8 d I 7.6�3 1,729 i �1,7�9.ee 1 I b�2 CUNCRETE`CUFBS Lf 1,�;31 I f+.HH f� 1 3.6a 3,693 I 4.6�+ 5,663 I S`i,355.6f+ I i i i i I 1 f PAGE 2 a NEIiZ-COHEN CONSfkUCT10N CUMPANY , DETAIL ESTII9R�t SOMNENALP HQTEL OWMEk :fAt5S�EFt VAIL, C4LORflUQ ARCNITECT :FSS F'HASE 1 SITEWOkK INVEMTUkY E5TIMATGii :�iAli FII.k SIIE T13a DECEI9BER 14, 1992 UNTT UNIT UNIT UT pRICE LflGuR pKICE MATERIAL PRTCE SUB-L'qNf TOTAL GONI9ENTS DESCRIPTION MS QUANTITY LAbOk CG5T MATEkIAL CGST SUbS CGST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :a' J4R SEkViCE ANO FEE 15.H6z1 I I I f11,215 I I I I I I--°-------°---1 I TDTflL I I I 1 185,9b5 I � I I I I I I -- ---------------- --------------------°-------------------------------------------------------------------°-------------------------------------------------------I LANDSCHRING AT ERST MEAp041 DkTVE I I � I I I I I I I I I I °------------------------------------------I I I I I I NP2 EARTHHUkK CY 7,51N I r.N� 6 I 6.6i� 6 I H.75 5,63s I f5,fi3P.5r I I d22 LANDSCRPING $ I�ZRTGATION SF 7,516 1 6.�8 6 I a.E�e 0 I fi.+sd 45,86a I fi45,6E�.d6 I I I I I I ! I ,IOR SkkVICE AND FEE 15.bn7�l I I I f7,fi��4 I i I I I I----°---------I I iOTAL I i i I fi58,29fi i I I I I I I I -------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-------------------------------------------I Bl1S STOP AT EAST MEADOW DkIVE I I I I I I ����� I i I I I I --------------------------------------------� I l I I l 622 EARTHWU�tK 5F 2Na I B.Nb d I 6.6a 8 I 2.5d 5nH I �5a8.db i � f+3N CONCRETE FUUNDATIONS CY 15 t N.(�N (� I BN.H6 l,i!f+H I BN.6b 1,2bN I f2,4HN.06 I I d4d MASONRY SF 2dd i d.bd d I 8.ea 8 I 35.aa 7,60� I f7,6n9.N8 I � I I I I ' I I JQB SERVICE AND FEE 15.bbf1 i I i i1,485 I I I I I I---------------I I TOTAL I I I I fi11,385 i I f I 1 I l I ----------------------------..____---------------••-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I LANASCAPING RT GORE CKEEK i I I 1 I � � � I i � f RAGt�3 � ; WEITZ-CUfItN CUNSTkUCTIGN Cu�iF'ANY � AEtAII, ESTIMRiE SONHEHALG HQTEL Q4iNEk :FAESSLEk VAII, COLOkADO ARCHITECT :NSS RHASE 1 SITEWORK INUENTORY ESTTNATGk :Glltf FIIE SITE T13k1 UECEMBER 14, 19y2 UNIT UYIT UNIT UT RHICE LABOR GRICE MATERIAL GRICE SUH-CO�ii TUTA� CUMIIENTS AESCkIPTIUM t{S QUHkTITY LAI+UR C(iST NATEkIAL COST &UbS CGST ,. --------------------------------------------I I I k I � I �„,fi� 822 EARiNWORK Sr 11,563 I N.6a A I a.6d N � b.75 9,677 I i9,676.15 I I H22 LANDSCRF'ING 8 IRRIGRTTON Sf 11,569 I H.f+a n I f+.6a 6 I 6.56 75�,19'i I i'/5,1`i8.5N I I i I I I I i 1GB SERVICE RNA FEE 15.HN�f ! � � I I i12,581 I I I I I I------------°-1 I TOTAL I I i I 556,457 I I 1 i I i I I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------••-------------------------------------------I 1 I I I I I GRAHD TOTAI I I I I 5323,394 I I I I I I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•�----••-----------------------.__....__------------------------------------- � ' ��� OF VAI I_ 17 VAIL ROAD VAIL,COLORADO 81657 303-476-5686 IRREVOCABLE LETTER QF CREDIT DATE: December 18, 1992 AMOUNT: $323,394.00 NUMBER: 800-4498-A EXPIRATION: October 1, 1993 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gentlemen: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Vail, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, at sight for any sum not exceeding the total of Three Hundred Twenty- Three Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Four and NO/100 ($323,394.00) on the account of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657. Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Letter of Credit No. 500-4498-A dated December 18, 1992, of FirstBank of Vail, Vail, Colorado." Each draft must be accompanied by a statement by a duly authorized officer of Town of Vail stating that this draw is in connection with funds needed for the account of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. . The amount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this credit, together with the date of negotiation, must be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credit. We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter oF Cre3it and in compliance with the terms, shall be promptly honored if presented to FirstBanlc of Vail on or before October 1, 1993. Sincerely, /��-�z.-� �--- C_ � � "� , �_ � Andrew H. Hancoclt ` Senior Vice President AHH/km . � � � � F. � 3 �:� �, � , { a �� �_ ` ' ���' � � PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 24, 1992 Present Staff Greg Amsden Kristan Pritz Chuck Crist Mike Mollica Diana Donovan Jill Kammerer Kathy Langenwalter Andy Knudtsen Dalton Williams Shelly Mello Gena Whitten Amber Blecker Absent Ludwig Kurz l. A request to review the proposed Ea�le County Backcountry Zone District. Applicant: Tom Allender, Eagle County Planner Planner: Mike Mollica A worksession on the above item was held prior to the official meeting. Tom Allender of the Eagle County Community Development Department and Rich Phelps from the United States Forest Service were in attendance to answer specific questions from the Commissioners and staff. The public hearing was called to order at approximately 2:25PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. A request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast at 5197 Black Gore Drive/Heather of Vail Condos, according to the plat recorded in Book 238 at Pa�e 678. Applicant: Linda Dula Staff: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica briefly explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit. Chuck Crist moved to approve the request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast at 5197 Black Gore Drive/Heather of Vail Condos, according to the plat recorded in Book 238 at Page 679, per the staff inemo. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 6-0. Planning and Environmental Commission • February 24, 1992 • Page 1 2. A request for an exterior alterarion at Blu's Restaurant, Gore Creek Plaza Buildin�, 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block SB, Vail Villa�e First Filin�. Applicant: Charles Rosenquist Planner: She]]y Mello Shelly Mello explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the request with the following elements included in the proposal: 1. The applicant agrees to contribute $600 to the Streetscape Fund to provide two newspaper dispensers on the Gore Creek Promenade prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That the required parking fee be paid to the Town of Vail Parking Fund prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The applicant agrees to contribute their fair share of the expenses to correct the drainage problems on the east side of the Gore Creek Plaza Building. The total expense for this project is estimated at $4186. The applicant's portion is determined by his percentage ownership in the building. A development agreement, along with a cash escrow or letter of credit, must be approved by the Town prior to the Town's issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, should the drainage work not be completed prior to this time. Erich Hill represented the applicants. He asked that the condition of approval which referred to placing $600 into the Streetscape Fund be changed, as the owners preferred to add landscaping around the site. He said a specific landscape plan would be submitted at the final DRB approval for the project. The general areas where he wanted to add landscaping were at the stair and two other locations. Diana Donovan asked if the o���ners would be responsible for the maintenance for the landscaping. Erich agreed to that request. Diana requested that the detailing of the decks of the building to be addressed. Chuck Crist asked how much the project was estimated to cost. Erich indicated the bar addition would be between $8-12,000, and the office was approximately $7-9,000. In addition to those figures, there would be an interior renovation. Chuck explained his question was asked in order to determine the percentage of the cost the Town was asking for in additional improvements. He said the Town had requested approximately 15-20% of the cost of the project. Shelly explained the rationale, stating the amount was linked to the additional square footage being requested, not the cost of the project, and that the parking fee was automatically required by CCI zoning. Chuck responded he wanted to be aware of the cost of municipally-required improvements. Kathy Langenwalter addressed the new window and door, and stated she wanted them to look like they belonged together. In addition, she pointed out that the planter on the south side of the project needed to be addressed, and that care be taken on what was placed there, as it was an over-exposed site and very hot. Diana Donovan summarized the Commission's changes to the proposal as follows: #1 from the staff inemorandum would be changed to additional landscaping, to be approved by the Planning and Environmcntal Commission • Fcbruary 24, 1992 • Pagc 2 Chuck CYist moved to approve the request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge Street/Part of Lots B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing, per staff's memorandum, with the following elements in tt�e proposal: 1. Approval of site coverage variance by the PEC. 2. Payment of parking fee in the amount of $19,672.00 prior to Town issuance of a building permit per the Town's amortization program. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The exterior alteration was �:pproved, 4-2, with Diana Donovan and Greg Amsden dissenting. Diana disagreed with the exclusion of condition 3, regarding the $1,200 contribution from the motion. After the vote, Ned Gwathmey stated the applicants would voluntarily make the contribution to the Streetscape Fund on the condition it not be associated with the newspaper boxes (i.e., to be used for paving), and would continue to work on it. Diana Donovan accepted the offer. 5, Discussion regarding staff decision concernin� the conditions of approval for the previously approved parking, common area and hei�ht variances for the Sonnenalp Hotel, 20 Vail Road/I.ots I and K, Vail Village First Filin� Applicant: Johannes Faessler Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the revisions, as illustrated on the plans, and shown in the staff memorandum. Staff believed the change to the fire access to be a positive benefit. Kristan Pritz explained the plans were brought back to confirm the staff's position with the PEC. Staff saw the movement of the Meadow Drive access gate as beneficial. Diana Donovan asked what size the trees in the planter were proposed to be. Andy said the proposal called for 6-8' trees. Diana requested that, if the entrance to the Swiss Chalet were not addressed in "x" number of years, that the applicant be.required to improve the area. Johannes Faessler, the owner of the Sonnenalp Hotel, stated that a specific year would not be the right approach, as it was his goal to work with the Town when it made streetscape improvements to the area. Staff was not requiring that the plaza be brought back in "x" years. Staff believed the gate work was in place of the plaza construction. ' Kristan said this was brought so staff could ensure their interpretation of the conditions was appropriate, and if the Commissioners did not have concerns, no action was necessary. Planning and Environmental Commission • February 24, 1992 • Page 7 6. A request for a conditional use permit to renew and amend a conditional use permit for Lionshead Miniature Golf Course, on parcels �enerally located west of Chair 8 (Born Free Express); more specifically located on Tracts C and D, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicants: Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello briefly described the request. Staff recommended approval of the request, as outlined in their memorandum. The applicant, Charlie Alexander, explained how similar projects worked when the facilities were not removed in the winter. When Vail Associates turns the project over for use in the spring, the setting up process for the course immediately begins, weather permitting. On October 15, Vail Associates resumes control over the property, and sets up for their winter lift operations. There would be no "down" time. Shelly indicated the course would operate from May 1 through the fall, 9:OOAM-dusk. Kathy Langenwalter asked if there had been neighborhood complaints during its operarion the previous summer. Shelly answered none had been received by the Community Development Department during the first year of operation. Gena Whitten found the course to be very nice, attractive, and did not generate excessive noise. Diana Donovan asked if a permanent building was being requested. Charlie said not at this time, because of the application requirements and deadlines for a major exterior alteration. Diana inquired if approving a temporary structure would affect the conditional use permit if a permanent structure were approved at a later date. Shelly answered there would be no problem with that, and it would not rule out the permanent building. She also stated that with the current proposal, the temporary building must be removed prior to ski season. Diana also questioned if the lease with Vail Associates addressed the potential Sunbird Lodge renovation. Charlie replied it did, but illustrated how the course location would not be impacted, due to the fact the maze for Chair 8 would remain in its current location. Charlie did indicate, however, that he needed a 4 year conditional use permit, as his financing had a 4 year payout period, and changing that to 3 years would negatively impact his potential. It would be difficult for him to meet a 3 year payment schedule. Diana asked if the Commission could call up the permit if there were a problem. Shelly indicated they could, if there was a violation of the permit. Mike Mollica indicated the permit could be approved for 4 years, and if the Sunbird Lodge came in for their renovation in that rime period, the permit for the course could be re- addressed. Planning and Environmental Commission • Fcbruary 24, 1992 • Pagc 8 C.,, � r � � � �� � �� � � �� PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 9, 1992 Present Staff Greg Amsden Kristan Pritz Chuck Crist Mike Mollica Diana Donovan Jill Kammerer Ludwig Kurz Andy Knudtsen Kathy Langenwalter Shelly Mello Dalton Williams Amber Blecker Gena Whitten The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 1:OSPM. 1, A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision and a zone district chan�e from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Densitv Multiple Familv, for the Schmetzko property, �enerally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land containing one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of Secrion 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 200.00 ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00" along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE corner of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Planning and Environmen[al Commission • March 9, 1992 • Page 1 Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Erich Schmetzko Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request and issues sunounding the proposal. Chuck CYist asked why the Land Use Plan called out this area as Medium Density Residenrial. Kristan Pritz said MDR was a general range of 3-14 units, and was used as a guide. Greg Amsden asked if the Commission should then give the applicant a development range. Rick Rosen, representing the applicant, said they wanted to obtain approval for as many units as possible. He said the hazard mitigation plans were srill being worked upon, and that he would like to see direcrion from the Commission on the maximum number of units which would be approved. Greg asked for a history of the parcel. Rick responded that when Mr. Schmetzko purchased the property, it was not yet annexed into the Town of Vail. At that time, he believed it was zoned for 5 units by the County. When the Town annexed the area, he believed the owner was given no notice that the Town was going to down-zone the property. At this point, Mr. Schmetzko wished to rezone the property and replat it into one parcel for continuous access. Diana Donovan indicated that how the County had zoned the property was not the issue. She indicated she could only support increasing the density of the property if sufficient mitigation was perfonned. She believed it was unbuildable without mitigation. In addition, she felt it was critical that the mitigation be performed on the property, not off-site, as there would be too much scarring if the mitigation went back into the BLM lands. She challenged the owner to address the aesthetic cor�erns of the mitigation. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable rezoning the property. She thought a Special Development District would be more agpropriate. She was leery of giving the parcel a new zoning, then having it sold. Since the mitigation was critical to the proposal, she wanted more development controls placed on the property than just zoning. Diana agreed, but suggested placing plat restrictions on the parcels. Kathy did not believe that would be enough control, as the mitigation was part of the design process. Andy indicated that standards for the mitigation construction could be placed on the plat. Kathy believed the rezoning request would be easier to support if it was known who would develop the property. Rick replied that if the property was restricted through use of the plat, the developer would still be required to go through the planning process. If a site-specific request were approved, it would be difficult for Mr. Schmetzko to sell the property, as it would limit the use and value of the land. Kathy reiterated that the site is very sensitive, and she did not believe a plat restriction would sufficiently protect the character of the area. Planning and Environmenta] Commission • March 9, 1992 • Page 2 Jay asked if the Commissioners could support having the 6 suites changed into accommodation units. Dalton liked that point of the proposal. Kathy agreed, stating that accommodation units were acceptable, but addirional GRFA was not. Kathy Langenwalter moved to table this issue to IVlarch 23, 1992. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 7-0. 5. A request to amend Secrion 18.34, Parkin� Zone District of the Vail Municipal Code to allow construcrion sta,ging as a condirional use. Applicant: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request. Staff recommended approval. Ken O'Bryan, represenring the applicants, indicated the reason the Sonnenalp needed the off- site staging area was because of the extremely tight construction schedule. Chuck CYist asked why other areas were included in this request. Andy said that every lot included in the Parking zone district would have to be affected. Kathy Langenwalter moved to recommend the Town Council approve the request to amend Section 18.34, Parking Zone District of the Vail Municipal Code to allow construction staging as a condirional use per staff's memorandum. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously recommended approval with a vote of 7-0. 6. An appeal of a staff decision re�ardin� �randfathered office space in the Mill Creek Court Buildin�, 302 Gore Creek Drive/a part of Block 5A, Vail Villa�e First Filing_ Appellant: Ned Gwathmey Planner: Shell,� Shelly Mello explained the two appeals. The first requested that the space now occupied by the Boot Lab, Unit 108A, be allowed to be an office, since it had been an office in the past, but had been discontinued for a period of more than one year. The second appeal dealt with the same space. It requested that, since the space is used as storage (which is not an allowed use on this level in this zone district), that the space be determined to be an existing, non- conforming use. Diana Donovan indicated she supported staff in that the use was discontinued for more than one year. Ned Gwathmey informed the Commission that the space had almost always been an office. He indicated that, even though it was located in Commercial Core I, it was located behind a stair, and was not viable retail space. He said the alternative would be to rezone the parcel out of CCI, but the cost to do that was unreasonable for 300 sq. ft. He said another alternative would be to amend the condirional uses for CCI to allow for offices on the first floor. He then referenced Secrion 18.60.010 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code on conditional uses. Planning and Environmental Commission • March 9, 1992 • Page 13 Kristan Pritz replied that the referenced secrion only applied when the use concerned was already listed as a conditional use in the Code. If it was not listed, the Commission could not grant a condirional use permit. Ned felt it was ridiculous that, since the space had predominantly been used as an office, that it was not allowed at this time. Diana said that retail use in the Village Core was to be encouraged. Ned reiterated this was not viable retail space. Greg Amsden believed it would be a dangerous precedent to change the uses in the Village to allow office where retaillservice uses are currently required and considered important to the life of the Village. Diana summarized the Commission's position to state they could not endorse the appeal. Kathy Langenwalter moved to uphold the staff's decision regarding grandfathered office space in the Mill Creek Court Building, 302 Gore Creek Drive/a part of Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It was upheld, 7-0. 7. A request to amend Chapter 18.24 - Commercial Core I and Chapter 18.26 - Commercial Core II, of the Town of Vail zoning code relatin� to exterior alterations or modifications, and the Vail Villa�e Desi�n Considerations (I) - Sun-Shade. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer reviewed the major portions of the proposal, answering questions from the Commissioners regazding changes from the previous review. She clarified submittal dates, requirements for dining decks and exterior alterarions. Diana Donovan disagreed with having the second application for a minor (under 100 sq. ft.) alteration being restricted to the "major" alteration submittal dates. Diana indicated she would like to continue to limit the review of 100 sq. ft. or less to one proposal every two years. Further, she did not think it was a good idea to make a minor alteration easier, as making applicants wait could help produce better projects. Dalton Williams asked that the intention for both submittal dates be given, i.e., that February was for smaller projects and September was for the large, major requests in order to allow time for approvals before the spring construction season. Staff clarified that the change in submittal dates did not relate to the size of the project, but rather the purpose of the change was to allow earlier review of projects by the Town in order to allow construction to begin in the spring immediately following the end of the ski season, and in the fall prior to the beginning of the ski season. Jill asked the Commission's feelings on having the exterior alterations good for 2 years. Kristan said 2 years was nice for the more minor alterarions, as it gave them more than 1 building season for the alterarion to be constructed in the event financing was not immediately obtainable. Kathy Langenwalter was in favor of being consistent with the recent Planning and Environmental Commission • March 9, 1992 • Page 14 ,\ ��t lo�ll o! BYII 75 south irontage road office of community development vaii,colorado 81657 (303)47�2138 (303)47�2139 March 10, 1992 Mr. Ken O'Bryan Pierce Segerberg Spaeh 1000 S Frontage Road W Vail, CO 81657 RE: Sonnenalp Building Permit Dear Ken: Thank you for submitting all of the various plans on the Sonnenalp project last week. With those, I believe we can proceed to the Design Review Board (DRB). We appreciate your cooperation in providing the drawir�gs. In order to issue a building permit by April 1, 1992, the Town needs to review the items which were tied to the building permit when the project was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). Please submit the following information by March 19, 1992: 1.•=- The-Vail Road-curb-alignment and �ngin�ering dra�vings-.✓ ,._.�-� �2. The license agreement with-the_Talism�n �,�--;/� � - 3. The employee unit-deed restricti�r�s.-�;��==- � 4. Lett�rs from your engineer stating that the roof above the "back-of-house" area � can support a fire truck and that 'the sprinkler water flow for the ho_tel__meets the Fire Department standards. By submitting them by March 19th, the staff will have approximately a week and one half to insure that they comply.with_the s#andards of-the Town. Please be-a�e that the Town will need a check covering the costs of relocating the gate in front of the Swiss Haus at the #ime that the building permi# is picked up. I am working with Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, on a budget for the gate relocation and we wili be giving that to you shortly. Below is the following schedule for the rest of the pubiic hearings on this project. March 10, 1992 Review of the license agreement for the Sonnenalp. March 17, 1992 First Reading of the code amendment allowing staging in the parking zone district. March 18, 1992 Final Design Review Board hea.ring (DRB). April 7, 1992 Second Reading of the code amendment. April 13, 1992 Conditional Use hearing in front of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for construction staging on the Vail Associates West day lot. Please call me a few days before each of the hearings if you would like to know the approximate time the item will be on the agendas. We are expecting you or another representative from the Sonnenalp to be at each of these hearings. From conversations with you, Dave Beadle, and John Cocriran, I understand that the construction fence will be built on the north side of the berm along Meadow Drive. A portion of that berm will be demolished during construction. However, the irrigation system will be spliced and maintained so that the rest of the Meadow Drive berm east of the construction site will continue to be watered throughout the summer. The Town will plant and maintain the berm east of the construction site during the summer of 1992. I understand that the Sonnenalp will be rebi_iilding the berm, re-landscaping it and mainta.ining all of it in the future. The irrigation system, however, will be connected to a source of Town water. The Town will supply water to the portion of the berm extending from the bus stop to the Swiss House. The Sonnenalp will supply water to its separate irrigation system which begins at the bus stop and extends west and then south along Vail Road. Please let me know if any of this is not what you understand the situation to be. I understand from Dave Beadle that you would like to apply for a sign variance to allow a sign on Town of Vail right-of-way and apply for a variance to allow the patio to encroach into the rear yard setback. I understand we will be dealing with these issues after the building permit is issued. Please let me know, later, if you would like to pursue these requests and I can send you the application forms. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Andy Knudtsen Town Planner \I rd cc: Rori Priillips Todd Oppenheimer Greg Hall • Gary Murrain Johannes Faessler Karl Faessler . �.-t.,,r: F ` �_ _. �r r- . F •' ' Y E .I DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR EMPLOYEE DWELLING UNITS of �he e Restrictive Covenants made and entered into this .13 day tG� , 1992 by SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") . WHEREAS, the Owner owns the property described as follows: A portion of Lot 8 , Block 2 , Vail/Potato Patch, a subdivision recorded in Book 233 at Page 629, of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder' s records, said portion of land being particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8 , which is a point on the Northerly Right-of-Way, line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence westerly along said Northerly Right-of-Way line an arc distance of 200. 93 feet on a 3990. 0 foot radius curve to the left, whose central angle is 2 degrees 53 ' 07" and whose chord bears S. 82 degrees 36 '28" W. a distance to 200. 91 feet; thence N. 0 degrees 07 ' 12" W. a distance of 238 . 85 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 8 ; thence S. 86 degrees 16 ' 09" E. along said Northerly boundary line a distance of 199. 74 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8 ; thence S. 0 degrees 07 ' 12" E. along the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 8 a distance of 200. 00 feet to the point of beginning. County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of certain areas of the improvements located on the Subject Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") . NOW, THEREFORE the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, lease or hold the Subject Property or portions thereof, the following restrictions, covenants and conditions shall run with the land and inure to the benefit and be binding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors and assigns. 1. The Subject Property shall contain two restricted employee dwelling units in the approximate size of 450 square feet each. Each unit shall provide accommodations for two employees. The restricted employee units located on the subject property are designated as Units 23 and 24 . 2 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall not be leased or rented for any � period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and if it shall be rented, shall be rented only to tenants who are . full time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Redcliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon and the surrounding areas. A full time employee is person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership or �fractional fee ownership. 4. The provisions hereof may be enforced by the Owner or the Town, although the Town shall have no obligation to enforce these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. 5. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated or amended accept by written consent of both the Town and the Owner of the restricted employee dwelling units. THE TOWN OF VAIL, ' a Municipal Corporation By: Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado Cor�oration By: President 2 � < STATE OF COLOR.ADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowle ged befo� me this, �,3"�day of ��.,2,�c„�j , 1992 by ,���,e� as President of Sonnenalp Properties, I . , a Colorado Corporation. . Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires on: �/S.y-3 _ � � � titi� � Notary P blic STATE OF COLOR.ADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 1992 by as of the Town of Vail, a Municipal Corporation. Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires on: Notary Public 3 � � -1��c� , ,�i �'c���a . � ��� . MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission ���% �J� � 5'� � �� ,��- FROM: Community Development Department �� �I /� ����'"� ✓' i i DATE: April 13, 1992 � ����� SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit for a construction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I. DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSED USE Johannes Faessler, owner of the Sonnenalp Hotel, is proposing to use the south half of the Vail Associates West Day Lot for a temporary construction staging site for the Bavaria Haus redevelopment. The West Day Lot is located on the southwest corner of South Frontage Road and West Lionshead Circle. The neighboring uses of the site are: West - Vail Associates Shops and Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Offices; South - A 10-15 foot tall berm and Gore Creek; North - The tennis courts for the Vail Spa; East - The parking structure for the Marriott. The staging area will be located on the south half of the lot. The applicants will erect a 6- foot tall chain link fence, double sided with green mesh, which will divide the lot. The mesh on the fence will screen the staging area from the north. On the south and west sides of the staging area, existing berms screen the lot. On the east side, the applicant is proposing to erect a chain link fence, double sided with mesh, for the porcion between the Marriott parking garage and the berm on the south end of the site (please see attached site plan). The applicant proposes to use the staging area for two primary purposes. The first is for a "lay down area" for materials which cannot be stored at the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus construction site. These kinds of materials are items such as electrical and plumbing supplies which are needed on a daily basis. These materials will be stored inside semi-trailers located on the site. The applicants expect to need a maximum of 8 semi-trailers for storage purposes. These will be approximately 8' x 40' and 10' tall. The other use for the site is to store pre- cast and steel materials overnight on delivery trucks. The steel and pre-cast will be ����: �5' j 9��� G������ Z� ���. 1 � � ���� � � . � � �`���� � ��� 2,��--, ���� ��� ��-��- � 3 �- �,-� �-�� � � = �- � � �� ��-�� � �-� s��.� � ��- � �_ , � � s v�t�-� s,�-- manufactured in the Denver area and will be wcked to Vail. The applicant anticipates semi- . trucks arriving in Vail a maximum of one day before the material is needed in the consmiction project. At the most, it is projected that two semis may wait at one time to deliver their loads to the construction project. These semis will not be stored for more than one night on the staging site. Staff expects the traffic generated by this construction staging site to be as follows: For lay down materials: + 3-4 semi deliveries per week; and • 3-4 pick-up or flat bed truck trips to and from the construction site per day. For overnight storage of semis delivering pre-cast and steel materials: + 1-2 trips daily for the month of June; and • Every other day for the months of July and August. Currently, the entire West Day Lot is used for VA employee parking. On the average, 200 cars are parked there each day. During summer months, VA estimates that approximately 40- 50 employees will park cars there each day. Given this plan, 90-100 parking spaces will remain on-site for VA employee parking The site will not be used for construction worker parking. The consmiction workers will be required to park at the Village Parking structure. No signs to identify the staging site are proposed by the applicant. Drivers will be given directions to the site that will not rely on signage along the route. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use pemlit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The development objectives of the zoning code, as listed in Section 18.02.020, state that zoning standards should, "provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community." Because the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus renovation has been reviewed by the Town Council, PEC, DRB, and has been approved by all boards, staff believes that it has been detemlined that the project supports the viability of the Vail Community without causing disorderly growth. The current request for a conditional use is needed because the construction site at 2 d the Bavaria Haus is small, relative to the magnitude of the redevelopment project. Because the off-site staging area is critical for the expansion, staff believes that the proposal meets the development objective stated above. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes no issues listed above will be effected, except possibly transportation facilities. This is discussed in detail below. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff spoke with Ted Ryczek of Vail Associates, and understands that VA uses the West Day Lot for approximately 200 employees to park each day during the winter. There is no overnight parking allowed in the lot, so a minimum of one vehicle trip to and from the site is associated with each parking space. During the summer, the total drops to approximately 40-50 cars. With the proposed staging site, there will be approximately two semis hauling pre-cast concrete material and one semi delivering general supplies each day. In addition, there may be up to 3-4 pick-ups or flat bed trucks making trips to and from the construction site each day. This results in a maximum of 7 trips to and from the site daily. Staff bases this information on discussions with John Cochran, the Construction Superintendent. He believes his estimates are high and that, for most days, the number of trips will be less than 7. In addition to the construction site trips, there will be approximately 40-50 employees parking their cars on the remaining portion of the West Day Lot. Though the three semi trips to and from the site each day may cause more noise than the typical automobile and may slow traffic, staff believes the total number of daily trips to the site, estimated at 57, is less than what is typically experienced during the wint�r. Because of this reduction in the number of trips, staff believes the traffic flow in the area will be acceptable. Staff is concerned that all of the West Day Lot be available for employees when VA opens the mountain next fall. Staff believes that the conditior�: ��e should be valid until November 1, 1992. VA believes the employee parking needs prior to November 1 can be met by the north half of the lot. Next spring, the applicants will likely return to the PEC to renew this conditional use 3 approval for Phase II of the Bavaria Haus construction. Completion of the = project is expected in the fall of 1993. � 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The issue staff believes will impact the character of the area is the visual appearance of the construction site. The most visible object on the site will be construction trailers used to store heating and plumbing supplies. There may be stockpiles of supplies outside the trailer, but in that event, staff understands the supplies will not exceed approximately 5-6 feet in height. The applicant is proposing to erect a chain link fence with double thickness green mesh to screen the staging area from the north. This fence will tie into the berm on the west and will tie into the Marriott parking structure on the east. The applicant should also screen the gap from the Marriott parking structure to the 10-15 foot tall berm on the south side of the site. On the south side of the site, staff believes the existing berm adequately screens the site. From West Forest Road, neighbors may see the top two or three feet of the semi-trailers, but they will not see any of the miscellaneous stockpiling on the site. On the east side, there is an existing berm which will screen all traffic on Forest Road from any construction staging activity. The berm in this area is approximately 30 feet tall. Given the height of this berm, staff believes no additional screening is needed. Staff discussed the noise which may be created at this construction site �vith the Construction Superintendent. Noise may be caused by the beepers on vehicles which automatically turn on when they are in reverse. Staff understands from the Construction Superintendent that none of the trucks or semis have these beepers, and the only time this will be heard from the site is when a forklift or front end loader is needed to unload an incoming truck. The applicants estimate this will occur approximately 3-4 times a week, for durations of up to approximately 60-90 minutes. Given this amount of time, staff believes the impacts will be reasonable. B. Findin�s The Plannin� and Environmental Commission shall make the followin� findin�s before �ranting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 4 � 2. That the proposed locarion of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the conditional use, with the conditions that: 1. The applicant shall limit all vehicular trips to the construction staging site to the northwesterly 60 feet of West Lionshead Circle. Trips to the site shall not use the portion of West Lionshead Circle which runs between the Marriott, Vail Spa, L'Ostello and Concert Hall Plaza. Access shall be from the Frontage Road and West Lionshead Circle adjacent to the West Day Lot. 2. The conditional use approval is valid until November 1, 1992. At that time, the entire site shall be made available to VA employee parking. Based on these condirions, staff believes the proposaI meets the criteria and findings of a conditional use permit. Specifically, Finding No. 1 is met, in that staff believes the proposed locadon is in accordance with the purposes of the zoning title. Furthermore, staff believes it is in accordance with the purposes of the zone district, as the Town has recently amended the zone district to include this specific use as a conditional use. Staff also believes that Finding No. 2 is met in that the way the staging site will be used and operated will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. Specifically, staff believes the traffic impacts will be reasonable. Lastly, staff believes that the proposal meets Finding No. 3, in that it complies with the applicable provisions of the zoning title. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to complerion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. c:�e c\s on c n a]p�con d i m s.413 5 ��- � � � _ ARCEL A TRACT D . =E SNEET 5 po7A70 pp�H � • TRACT C = ��y"°�9 � �'�" �4 �8 VAIL F� . � � T� SEC Of`� 6 7 �` �' i�J '� 736 748 ,�s �� � �� ` O ,a z� � � � �� 950 ,. (� 3 2 � SANDY LANE ,3 � �{aE5T4ut+aNT 5 74z 744 746 0 L� w BLK I � � POTATO PATCN � � CLUB u� SOLAR RED SANDSTONE I � ELEMEIJTARY VAIL N � `;:�' � 501 � !C� '� • 531 6 , 9 ,� UNPLATTED � � 5 8 • PHASE INTERSTATE � PNASE PHASE �� I � l IN T.O.v.) � i IV Z5 � PEDE57RfAN ��-- � 2 3 • 4 OVERPASS .--+---� r"— 897 � 895 3 891 I $UfJ VAfL it�SAHOSTpE • � ' � �iAZi. � � 5 PH4SE VAN iAGE 8 � 7 6 � v POIf�T Z 896 898 89 � WEST- 508 �VQIL NSF NORTH DAY �� WIA�JS I � 9 S4 TpSTONE � PARKING LOT I `✓� 548 ���� I s#. F1 IN� i0 �� �c? Vi41 '�iONSHEAD .� �Q�� • I I ' 4th. Fi�ING �aH Q�K LIFTHOUSE 52� � �`� � • - 6f0 555 3 TRA�,."f F 12 O ENZIAN P_ ^�` �- 86 ' L VILLAGE 2 705 • '°"S"`AD ST/�C�I N C-� TRACT F 6i6 -�� � RCQDE 531 9th.FILING f TRI�GT C S �NBIRD REE R�-�� / � VAI L SPA � M O N T AN ER O S j r75 G0600 LA 4! J 710 G�aGLE 6 8 TR '_N 1y 4 LI�NS T E R�S � �� � � � LION'S SQUARE I 52 M RR10TT � NOFtTH • s A' / Ea� MQRK o 635 �ST y�d"� ' 7ra � TRACT D / VAI� ASSOC. � MAINT, SHOP WEST LION�S SOUAR_ I &62 pAY C ANT��ERS � LODGE TRACT B 660 '�/AIL VI AGE / `�T A 3 � 2nd. F1L� G � � -�; �A�� A ', p ��� 525 FOaESr ROaC LIQNS�+EAD VAIL LION D ,, T°T ��T SEWER ,,,.,,`�SKIER BRIOGE PLANT TRACT B TRACT C 846 • � 890 � O 'O 5 64S 3 Q 'Z 763 743 25 � 69S 625 TENNiS `� 5 615 �URTS �D 463 � � •�fsr I 0 � R� � �y� �` , � 3 UNPLATTED ' � j666� � � 15 14 13 I 12 II 10 9 9 �7 6 5 � 4 � 3 2 � B00 798 T96 756 736 716 708 696 � '636 616 596 � 5B6 556 486 VA V LLA E 6 . �L G � T�CT A � C � � 1 I � .. .. . , � .� �,.. . � . � (�1QRCUS SUBDIVISION VAIL LiO�SHFAD -. .. .__ .....,..... � . . . _ - - - . � � "� r� @ J/. 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L �. .--- �r t1 1 1; _ �_ � � °���� • ` � � � ��,,� �,,�� �- C:�N S Z R U C T I N I�I�,�T C,I� � � ��� ;� �� ��������� � r--- N�l�'T H ; ll'L�S'7' DA �t L 0 T � �` �` � �,� � � � t ; � , / 1 �NTRf�ti��r�� ,� , � �-�-�� � C � � '� � � ,��� � � � �---.-_..� � S�NT BY:WEZTZ-C4HEN C4NST. G4 � �3- 3-92 a 13�42 � �� 303860,�698� 8130342B4B0�-8130+# 2 <; � CC�H�31V 3f2f92 'VVEST DA�.' T�U�" STA�INC AREA VVei#z-Coh�n Construction �ampany prapas�s to use the �UeSt �ay Lt�t a5 a stagin� �.rea during cc�nStructian t�f the Sonnenalp Hotel.The staging area wi]l h�lp tv act �s a �uffer tc� control the fiow �f materials tt� the job,site, This wi11 t�e ess�ntial inorder to minimize the dist'uption c�tused by cv�struction traffiG to t�ie Town c�f Vail. � The lot would serve two key functi�ns. On�wc�ui�i k�e tc� act as a lay-down area f�r materxals that �an nat be st�red on site. This would ir�clude it�ms such as ele�trica� or�plumbing�;,�-�V��5 suppli�s that wou�d be availabls on a r�aiiy ba5i� for inccsr�or�tion intQ ti�e pr�ject: The�e items wrauld be stored in or arout��i tr�ilers on #he L�ay lot. The 5��al�ti use of the lot w�uld be to �tore �reca�t an�i steel traiiers on an Overn�g�it basiS during th� �recticrn of the st�el and pz�r.ast, 'T'#�ese tr�il�rs would #hen b� �h�ttl�� to tbe jobsite when it is time ta unlQad t�em. 3� � s c��'-'' ���,v�... The lot wauld accessed on a daily basis by w�xl�ers in pick up t�ucks or flat beds. ��'`- �t Perh�,p several i�its a da y wo�ld a ccount �ar thi� x�af�ic. Flat bed trucks or s�mi's from �,���°�.�f. t�utsitie e caunt�wQUld be used to stt�ck thase trailex� and de]iveries are anticipated to be sev�ral per week, ���" � 3-� ,�2�y.,,� w—��u> .,,,,,�,�,,.,. , �� During tk�e steel erection there might be one semi lt�ad c�f stae� pullin� into �he lat every other day f�r a �eriad �f six weeks star�ing-in Juay. Th� pre��st semi�' might pull �ane or m�r� trucks per day into the lot ove�r a four week periad start�ng in June. The next marning the trucks woulci pull �ut as need�d it�r �elivery to the jabsite. ' � ���'it i�ns�t anti�ip�ted that ;�ny flagging wc�uld b� ����ded as Jt is � "�tr�ight shot" inta tha lat. Th� construction f�nce r�rould be six foat ta11 chain 1ink. It wou�d only b� used to s�p�,rate the day l�t into twv halves {one for VA par�sing �nd the other for �cc�nstru�tian staging). 5���� �et�" `� �,e,� �i,� � J� �� ' �d S�§..,� �=r i°,��� ��� � � � ,1�'� �;���''� � � � ���`;` `� �„ '�'/�,�' �� ��� � �� � 5������ � ���� � � ,�` � �� � � ,,� - . �-� � ��,� ��� �4 �: � � �� �,� � �w� �;u,� �' �.r `;� ��A. �� � ' �"�f: � GF' , �,.. = E,v� �,� � ;u. �-, �� s ' ������ �,-''� �- t �'~� �� �� ,�- � ��'�- � ` �� �, ; � �9 ;�" � 5tiv i �r �wti i c-��ntiv ��iv5�. �u, � o- �,�� , i�i:�� ; . ," •,� . 3u;i�bUtiGB�-� 69308476460�-618U�� S � " � " '.�''; . � % � (j� , ;r�„ ' � � �� ,* '^+_ " �,. i,. 1'''r:.�. ' ! �4k, ��' ' � • ',� � � . 1t.,1� ti � �,,'.`; ' , , /, �" rs.� �*r,� i � .. . , t , .�� ;7/C ; � � :' - . ,y � ; �'Sa ! �,:�,,� � � l�l � "� � �'��� . � . � �� , { � ��' � ; � � � ��r�,�• , � . ' . 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LO�.�T�t3N' 0�" PRCIFC��A.L ADDR�SS LEGAL DESCR�PTIDN lc�t_ blac�C f��.in� ��.�- �..a � ��, E. FF.E $ZIJ��.00 r PAIC! . , : .. . . , _ F. ,?� 3.ist t�� the r��rne� o� t�wne,�� �� �3� �����x�� ��j��ent �o ti�� stab ject grog�rty , and th�ir mai3�$ ��.dHre���.�. , , : (OV�R} ,,, , �,.,�. ��,� P'1AR 1� '�c 11�1b �ONNENHLP' �_TL �'•�%"� } Y"�VZ�6d ������. ` D��� of �pplication ,,,�,�1��`�h 3y 1��� �a�e of PE� t����Ei�c� �„ ,:��r�k� .�J� I�PE'I�gC.A����N' S�F� ��'�TI��'���� �'�`L �ER��x I . Thi� p±:�oc�d�re is x�quir��. fr�r �z`x;� project requ?�ed �.c� ob-�air� � cand�.�.ior��l use p�rmit . '�h� �.pplicatic�n will r�ot b� acc��t��i ur,til all ir!�Qrmation is �ubmitted. �i. NAME OF �PFL��ANT �oi�n�n�7� P�a�er��e�y �nc. �n�SS 2� Ua�l ��" a��f°', �xaN� � -���s �. NAM� dE AFyi�T,�CAN�'� � R.��RE��NTATIVEPi�rCe, S�g21^b�r�c� & Sp�eh, Ar�h���Cts ADZ�R�55 1000 S. Frolttage Ro�d W�st - 1lai� , CO 8�.657 PH4N� 476-4433 C. N 0 R (S1 (px�.nt or �vp�� Joh�nn�s Fa�sslery Sonn�n�lp Proper�ies , Ilai 1" Rssticz� �s. l� (S) SIGNATL]�tE ��}� ADD:RE S S PHONE I�. LOCATT�N C1F �'Ft�PUSAL: ZEGALaZ,��' ��C?�� FILIN� , ADDR�SS � E . FE� 5�04 . 40 P�.ID CK #__..._. . „ ,._ ��C '�H� FE� A�iLLYS'L" B� PAII� �EFOR� r�� D�'FARTbi�N`� OF COMMU?�IITY D�,'V'�'�,;�L�MENT WILL AGC��T 'Yu�J'� F�C7PC7SAI,. F . A li�t �f th� nam�s of c�wn�r� �f �.�� p�c�r er�y adjac�rit to the subj�c.t pr�p�rt� Z�J�LcJDZNG �ROPER.TY �EH2ND �1� �C�C�SS STEtEETS, �rid th�Tr mailing a�dr�ss�s . �'r'_L .APPLICAN�' W?LI1 �� kES�'�NSIBLE FOR CQRREC�' 0'W��F�.� .�1ND CORR,�C^1 AI7bRESS�S . Y Y . PR�—APgLICA.'�I(�N ��1NFEFt,ENCE: A p��-�pplicatzon canf��er��e with � planning sta�£ memb�r .�s stron���r sugg����d to �ie��r�tin� i� any ad�.i�ic�n�►1 ir��ornta�ion is -. . :....r.- n�ed�d. No appli��-�ian wi.1]. }�e ac�ept�c� unle$s i�. �c�z�p�.�te (mus� ;, in�lud� �,1�, items r�quired b�r �he �oz�i�ng adminis�ra�car) . I�. is �.h� applican�.' s r�spc�n$�,k��,lity �r� inake �n �ppoin�m��� wit�a Whe � �:;�f� t� f�,z�r� �u� abr�u� aridi�,i�rri�,2 submit�a�. re�ui��rrl���.s . � Y�I . PI��ASu ��p'�E THA3` A COMP'LE�E ��'pL�C�TZON WIL,L STR�A�ILTt���m� '�HE AP�1��7VA�, FR�7C�SS FOl� Y'(�T�� �R�7�'�CT �� D�CREASING TH� �YLiM���t p�` Gc�N�ITI0N5 p�' �'�1���TA,L TH�T TH� L�L,ANN?NG AND EN'V'I�C7N'�I�,z3�'AL �QMMTSS�ON (F'EC) MAY STTP�ILA�`E. ,F�L C�N'DI'TIOI3S C7F At'P�C3VAL P�I�7S'� �i� COMPLTED G�'SfiH BEFCIRE A B[TILI7IIr.�G PERMI'�' z$ ZSS�T�1�. Fqt�r (4) copies o� �he foll��i.?�g �.rifr�xm�tio� must be submitt��ri; �. . .� d��cri�tiQn af �h� pre��.�� n�.�ur� c�� tri� ��:�,�c��ed z��� and it� c�peratir�� i.."�a�.�.ct��ia�.�.�� ��icl ;�e�.s���.,, ,v=:.T ..�a4�d � � � tt� ma3�� ��i� us� ���p�ti��� ��r�_�"�i ���i�r ���� , ,,;�m' �� �� n �h� � �ricini�y. � r, T. � �� � Th� ��s�r�.��ion m�st d].s� �d ...A•�:.��� : � a. R�l�tionshi� �nd .��.�a��G c�f �he use c�n d��o�lopm�nt �rbjectiues r�f �ti� Tr��rn � 1 � � � �� , lr 4 � MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmentaf Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: March 9, 1992 � � SUBJECT: A request to amend Section 18.34, Parking Zone District of the Vaif Municipa4 Code to aflow construction staging as a conditional use. Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen ..��:??�.:�'+Mbv.:�hY+Y.f4]h k�Y.•v,v,r�xn.;l.'?!?:�i:IF.2x{{;xiyy,{,y,.;n_,:nv.}w,.}:.,v,.:i:xxxrr};x.:i+F.H.xx+F.+F.+F++.?:siy,»{v,ryiCF.N.tCN,?{{s.:F+i:iL+f.{{,x,{{r{r;rrrrrtnyu.:/.{}v\xrs:FlJF.»NL{{{x.,v,n;{{x{xx{{x{{;rx;r{r{:F.irx.},v,ry n}n};,} ...�i;{� r�i,... f � xxx::::::: .........v.. ...:::::x::i: }:.. x::w:::::::.:. ...... ................. ::...:...::::::. i:iii .;}};i.:ii:w.r. ..\......r. . ...4....... ..:•:'•i'�•i)............:•:��:::�r..�.::::::::::::.�•.... -::•.}..�..:... r::::::::�:�:�:::.i'...r...:::.i::::•::::x::•:::•::.u::::: r.l�:�:r:•:::._:•:::.;r..:f.�h::.. .::}::::•::^:i n\.n ul..:. ::}ii .�.��.�.��.�.v: inti.:l :•f.•:. ..%^. ::rr}?..... n-......:.vn..}r�n...�••::::i�r�""::•::r.;�::.;;.?•::::�'{.• ::x.•:: �::�i :i<4�::ii�F:i :�:'•1+:••'i<+ >Sk�i: t�i •-�.. ..::,: .... :;:k;;::::i::�i;'�:'t;<:o::�::�:�:::?;:::�i:E>;5:..:•. ::.�:::::::: • ;�r+:..:.:.:..::r:.x..:: .,.,;ti l. :•>:::�::�::�i�:��:�:::�::'::::::::�::�::�: ;........••.: .•::•::::.,<:..,�.•:.+.•::::;:;.:.:::t.>:.>:•::•:t•'.�:.....•:.:::... '� .... . .,•.k.fi..•::::.,•:::::�::•::;: ;.:�:5:;::;�.'•5'�:+�i:�:::}::i:�i:�i:�.'•:•::•>::�: ................ ::.:"`:::!':;r' ,......... :�i{:;. S:i:�: 3�;i:;».`iw;::r�::.........w.�..�.:ei�:::,......,..,..,......,.w..:d:oSiS;::L:a�: ..........................:�:i.:`;%n;�,....c;��.:;:w..w.......:�:i2>s.,.........w..::�ia:j:�;G::is��:a;::.`'✓.'.w.,,........,...............�..�...L::w 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The request made by the applicant, Jorianries Faessler, is to amend Chapter 18.34, Parkfng District, of the Vail Municipal Code ta include temporary construction staging as a conditional use. Chapter 18.34 regufates the Parking Zone District for the Town. The three sites within the Town which have this zoning iricfude trie Lionshead Parking Structure, the parking lot east of the Garden of the Gods (underlying zoning for a portion of the SDD}, and the West Day Lot owned by Vail Associates. IL , BACKGROUND _ The applicant pians to renovate the Bavaria Haus during the summers of 1992 and 1993. This extensive renovation will require a staging area that is off-site. In ttie past, otrier redevelopment projects in the Village have used the upper bench of Ford Park as a staging area. Because of the increased use and developme�t of the park in rece�t years, the Town is no ionger alfowing private contractors to use the park for staging. Staff has worked witF� the architect forthe Sonnenalp Hotel, Ken O'Bryan, to try to identify a site for staging which would be compatible with adjacent uses. After reviewing severa! sites, the applicant was successfuf in negotiating an agreement witri Vail Associates for the use of the West Day Lot, adjacent to the Marriott in Lionshead. However, before staging can take place on that lot, the zoning code must be amended to include construction staging as a conditional use. Following that amendment process, the applicant must receive an approved conditional use permit. : fll. PROPOSED CODE LANGUAGE Below is all of the text included in Chapter 18.34, Parking District. The proposed text is shaded in grey. 18.34.010 - Purpose The parking district is intended to provide sites for private or public uhstructured off-street veh'rcle parking and conditionally to provide for private or public off- � 1 . � g street vehicle parking structures and private or public parks arid recreational facilities. The parking district is intended to allow such �ise`s ��+�+�►es while ensuring adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each valid use in adjacent areas. (Ord. 2(1976) § 3 (part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.100.) 18.34.020 - Permitted Uses The following uses sriall be permitted in the P district: Private or public unstructured off-street vehicfe parking. (Ord. 2(1976) § 3 (Part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.200.) 18.34.030 - Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shafl be permitted subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Private or public o�f-street vehicle parking structures; B. Private or public parks and recreational facilities:f C. Public uses, private office and commercial uses that are transportation; tourist or town related and that are accessory to a parking structure:; D. Major arcade:; �� .. .. .::::.....:... . . :.:::::::::: . . �E� �'em ora constrirc�rt�n sta �n ar�a F�r;;t�ie:; t� os:es:::df<:t�ii�::� :ar��`ra"�t;::`� :;::: ::::::::::.�:::..::.,!;Y.:::::::..:�.::::::::::::::::.�::.:::.:.::g::::9:::::::::::::::::::::::.�.�::::::::::::�:.:xP:::::.:::::::::::::..::::::::.P.:::::::�:::::I�:::::::::: . �emporaty con$tr�ct�or� $taging�rte shaTl:rne�r� ��F�� �n.wl-fECh, ��r;�`t�tn}�r��y per��d af trr�e, c�anstru�tion mateci�f�, heavy�nr��tru�t�an equ€�ment,..ueh��t�s ........ .... .... .......: �nd C�?�sfructron tra►lers rnay'�ie;;stpred ..................................................................... .... (Ord. 6(1982) § 2a: Ord. 33(1981) § 1: Ord, 2(1976) § 3 (part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.300.) 18.34.040 - Accessory Uses A. Minor arcade. (Ord. 6(1982) § 2b: Ord. 33(1981) § 1: Ord. 2(1976) § 3 (part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.400.) IV. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED CHANGE With the addition of temporary construction staging as a conditional review ir� this zone district, staff believes it may help facilitate redevelopme�t within the Town: I� the past, some projects � which have been renovated have used Town-owned land for the staging area. Now that the <. Ford' Park site is rio longer available, staff believes another option should be provided. This proposaf would offer an alternative for staging, but would not create uncontrollable impacts. The change in the zoning code, as it is proposed, will allow the construction staging only as a conditional use. Therefore, the Planning and Environmental Commission wifl always have the � opportunity to review any proposed staging site. During the review, the PEC can place conditions on the request to ensure the proposed use wilf be compatibfe with adjacent properties, if the proposed amendment is approved. The Sonnenalp is planning'to return to the PEC on April 13, 1992 for a conditional use hearing on the West Day Lot site. 2 � _ � V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Given the fact that this use is allowed only after app�oval of the conditional �eview, staff believes the code change will have few, if any, unmitigated negative impacts. The positive effects are that the Town will be providing an option for construction staging to those who undertake large renovation projects iri the Town, while also al�owing for PEC review to ensure the community is not negatively impacted. c:lpeclsonenalp�zonecode.309 3 „ .. _ . -���4 ib-� r r I�-� r' � - D���� � r�� R�'� A°R 1199�� �88467 B-Sy`'�'' F-370 10,�''26;''�2 1�':13 F'G 1 �7F 11 REC L>�7C J�7,YMMF"T TF' F,YIL L I'F'S E�?GL E C�7UMT Y CL EF'K, C�7L�7R�?L>�7 55.00 O_00 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this � day of � , 1992 , is by and among SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado corporation ("Sonnenalp") , and TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, a Colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Association") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Sonnenalp is the successor to Rumford-Nottingham Associates, a Colorado Iimited partnership ("RNA") , as Iessee under a Ground Lease dated June 24, 1970, and recorded August 7 , 1970, in Book 218 at Page 409 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (the "Ground Lease") . The Ground Lease incorporates parts of Lots L and K, Block 5-E, Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, as more fully described therein (the "Talisman Property") . WHEREAS, Sonnenalp has succeeded to the interest of RNA as sublessor of the Talisman Property under certain subleases covering sixteen separate residential condominium units :�2 comprising The Talisman Condominiums. The owners of such =r� condominium units are the current sublessees under such -� subleases (individually, an "Owner” , collectively, the �� "Owners") . 'Y' WHEREAS, the Associa�=on was organized to represent the Owners and oversee the a�a.r,inistration of The Talisman Condominiums pursuant to the Condominium Declaration recorded December 30, 1970 in Book 219 at Page 417 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado, and the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. WHEREAS, a portion of the Talisman Property is desired for use by Sonnenalp for parking, ingress and egress purposes and the Association is willing to provide Sonnenalp a license permitting such use in exchange for a license from Sonnenalp permitting the Association a similar use of certain property owned by Sonnenalp. WHEREAS, Sonnenalp and the Association wish to clarify certain other mt���..�;�ers in their mutual relationships. NOW THEREFC4;�:;, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises �ontained herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Sonnenalp License. The Association hereby grants to Sonnenalp a nonexclusive License, effective on the date hereof, -1- -Z- o� �I�.zado.zd uo stZ�M pct� sa��b Zo.z�uo� ui��ui��u pu� ��n.z�sc�o� o� pa��iva.zad �qa.zaq sz uoz��zooss� aqy •sZt�M pue sa�e� •5 •ui a.zaq pa�e.zod.zo�ut pue o�a.zau Pauo���� � �i qz ux� uo � �o�.zy s� pa�uasa.zda.z �Za��uzixo.zdd� �a.z� aq� bui�u.zo3 �T�.zado.za tt�ntsit�s au� uo sa��ds buzx.z�d au� uzo.z� pu� o� 'ani.zQ Mop�ay� �s�� 3o uoi�.zod u�i.z�sapad pa��i.z�sa.z aq� 30 �s�a �at�q' ssiMg aq� 30 �ixa/a�u�.z�ua u.za�s�a aq� .zo ani.zp pi�s 3o uoi�.zod u�i.z�sapad pa��i.z�sa.z aq� 30 �s�a ani.zQ Mop�ay� �s�� ssa��� o� astta�iZ ssa��� anisnt�xauott �, uoi��i�oss� aq� o� s�u�.zb 'ttoi�a.zosip s�.i �� 'dt�uauuog aq� 'ctoi�ipp� uj •�a.z� buix.z�d � buiuz.zo3 ��.zado.za u�uzsit�y aq� 3o sttoi�.zod asoq� uzo.z� pu� o� p�o� Z��� ssa��� o� �ot buix.z�d s�.i buisz.zduzoo puE dt�uauuos �q pauMO ��.zado.zd Z�a.z ui��.za� pu� � ���.zy 3o suoi�.zod asou� asn o� '3oa.zaq a��p aq� uo ani��a33a 'asua�zZ ssa�oe anzsnZ�xauou e ttoz�.�z�oss� aq� o� s�u�.zb �Iqa.zaq dt�uauuog •asua�iZ ssa��� • � •T-g ���.zy 3o sauit �I.z�punoq �saM pu� q�.zou aq� pu� � ���.zs - 3o auzl �I.z�punoq u�nos au� s.zap.zoq q�iqM buid��spu�t ZZ� asttadxa pu� �so� atos s�i �� a�atduzo� pu� �uauzatduzi o� saa.zb� �Iqa.zaq dt�uauuos •u�uzsit�y aq� �Iq paubisap pu� pautt�td 'pauoisuauzip � aq ZZiM sasinta.zd pasua�it s,u�uzs�t�y aq�. ptt� �T�.zado.zd � cc�uzsit�y aq� uiq�iM buzd��spu�t ZZ� • ui ��spct�Z • � � �� ( •� ���.zy o� ��adsa.z q�.iM ,�.zosua�iZ�� � pu� g �.��.zy o� �oadsa.z L(�TM „aasua�iZ„ sauzi�auzos uoz�ez�oss� c� au� .S ���.zy o� ��adsaz u�iM ��.zosua�i'I�� Pu� � ���.zy o� ��adsa.z q�tM „aasua�zZ„ sanzz�au¢os dt�uauuog :„saszuza.za pasua�zZ„ aq� 'sauzt�auzos g ���.zs pu� � ���.zy) •suznictiuzopuo� u�uzsit�s M auy buzn.zas saZ�zuan a�zn�as pu� uoi��i�oss� aq� 3o s.zaquzant ;', pu� saa�Iotdnza 's�sanb �Iq pu� s�sanb .ziaq� pu� s.zauMp aq� �Iq �'� ssa.zba pu� ssa.zbui 'buix.z�d 3o sasod.znd .zo� ' (��g ���.zy,�) uia.zaq � pa��.zod.zo�tti pu� o�a.zau Pau����g � �iqi�� uo Z-S ���.zy pu� T-S ��' ���.zy s� pa�uasa.zda.z �Ita��uzixoadd� pu� ttia.zaq pa��.zod.zo�ui pu� ;� o�a.zau Pau����� u�oq Z-S �TqiuX� uo Z-S ���.zs pc�� T-S �iqiuX� cv uo T-S ���.zy s� paqi.z�sap �Ittn� a.zon� pct� op�.zoto� 3o a���S � 'atb�� �o �I�uno� aq� uz pa��oot �i�.zado.zd Z�a.z ui��.za� asn o� � '3oa.zaq a�.�p aq� uo ani��a3�a 'asua�iZ anisnt�xa t�� t�oi��i�oss� o aq� o� s�u�.zb �Iqa.zaq dteuauuos •asuaozZ u�uzszt�s • Z M � •�* �o�.zy �o .zap.zoq u.zau�nos au� �o �aa� (p T) ua� r UTL;�TM paMOtt� aq Zt�us buix.z�d ou ��q� paa.zb� si �i buioba.zo� �:! au� buipu��su�iM�oH •dt�uauuog buin.zas sat�iqan a�in.zas pu� � dt�ttauttos �o s.zauMO pu� saa�Iotduaa 's�sanb �Iq ssa.zba pu� ssa.zbui �, 'buix.z�d �o sasod.znd .zo� ' (��� ���.zs��) uia.zaq pa��.zod.zo�u-r h ptt� o�a.zaq paq����� � �iqit�x� uo � ���.zy s� pa�uasa.zda.z '� �Ita��nzixo.zdd� pu� uia.zaq pa��.zod.zo�ui pu� o�a.zaq paq����� � �, �iqiqx� uo � ���.zy s� paqi.z�sap �Ztn� a.zou� pu� op�.zoto� �o a���s � 'atb�� �o �I�uno� aq� ui pa���ot �I�.zado.zd Z�a.z ui��.za�- asn o� � _� � � ��� W • � . 4a, � F 4, . ' yy which the Talisman has the right of possession in order to cordon off the Talisman parking area at its sole cost and expense and within its sole discretion, provided these gates do � not interfere with the licenses granted to Sonnenalp. � �. 6. S�?a. The Association is hereby permitted to construct � and maintain a spa along the south-west boundary of the Talisman � Property and to construct and maintain a gate and walls �, surrounding such spa; provided, however, Sonnenalp shall have n the right to review the architectural plan� �or such J construction and to approve such plans, whi�h approval will be b provided in an expeditious manner and which will not be � unreasonably withheld. o �. 7. Licensee not a Lessee. No legal title, easement or G leasehold interest in any property or appurtenances thereto �:i shall be deemed or construed to have been created or vested in °�' any party by anything contained herein. � 8. Maintenance. Licensee shall be responsible for the care ; and maintenance of the respective Licensed Premises during the �;, effectiveness of the License, including, without limitation, the �, upkeep of the pavement, grounds, landscaping and curbage. Licensee shall repair at its sole cost and expense any damage to or destruction of the Licensed Premises occurring during the ry effectiveness of the License. � 9. Termination of License. The Licenses granted pursuant � _ to Sections 1, 2 and 4 above shall be terminated upon the commencement of construction by Sonnenalp of any subterranean � parking garage or other structure and following ninety (90) days written notice to the Association. The effect of such termination shall include the following: (a) Licensee shall abandon the Licensed Premises and Licensor may reenter said premises, take possession thereof and prevent the further use thereof by Licensee. (b) It is the desire of both parties that traffic on the east-west drive, located south of East Meadow Drive on property owned by Sonnenalp, be limited to utility vehicles transferring goods, products and guests between the two Sonnenalp hotels and for emergency access purposes. Both parties agree to negotiate in good faith in order to accomplish the above stated purpose so that the spirit and ambiance of said drive will be compatible with the spirit and ambiance of the pedestrian mall with which it �uns parallel. (c) The Association shall have the right to build its own parking garage in conjunction with Sonnenalp�s parking -3- • � �a� � � c ��- .� � � �J garage plans. In such event, Sonnenalp will grant an access a easement to the Association, and will permit the Association v to build an entrance/exit to the Talisman parking garage � through the Sonnenalp parking garage, presumably such � sasement will permit access to and from Vail Road to the � Talisman parking garage. In addition, the Sonnenalp shall grant to the Association an easement for access to and from � the surface parking areas of the Talisman. Presumably such w easement will permit access to and from East Meadow Drive � east of the restricted portion of said drive at a location � to be mutually determined by the parties hereto. o ; (d) In the event that the Association does not elect to °'� build a parking garage in conjunction with Sonnenalp, �� Sonnenalp shall grant to the Association an easement for access to and from the parking areas of The Talisman � Condominiums to East Meadow Drive east of the restricted pedestrian portion of said drive at a location to be w mutually determined by the parties hereto. The Licenses granted pursuant to Sections 1, 2 and 4 above ,� shall also be terminated upon ninety (90) days written notice to � Sonnenalp. It can only be terminated for the purpose of � commencement of construction by the Association of any parking �, garage or other structure. The effect of such termination shall `� include the following: �- � (a) Licensee shall abandon the Licensed Premises and Licensor may reenter said premises, take possession thereof and prevent the further use thereof by Licensee. (b) Sonnenalp shall grant to the Association an easement for access to and from the parking areas of The Talisman Condominiums to either Vail Road or to East Meadow Drive east of the restricted pedestrian portion of said drive at a location to be mutually determined by the parties hereto. 10. Agreement to Cooperate. Sonnenalp and the Association hereby each agree to cooperate in securing the approval of this Agreement by the Town of Vail Fire Department and the Town of Vail. 11. No Waiver of Rights. By executing this Agreement, the Association is not waiving any rights it may have pursuant to Ordinance Number 14 , Series of 1978, as enacted by the Town of Vail. 12 . Entire Agreement and Amendments. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may not be modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. -4- � '.:'� �-w � 13 . Effect of Headincrs. The section headings are inserted � only for convenient reference and do not define, limit or prescribe the scope of this Agreement. 14. Governinq Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under Colorado law. 15. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of all terms and conditions of this Agreement. 16. Survival of Actreement. This Agreement shall be binding and shall remain in full force and effect until terminated upon the express terms hereof and its validity and effect shall not be affected by the termination of the Ground Lease or otherwise. EXECUTED as of the date first set forth above. SONNENALP: SONNENALP PROPERTIE5, INC. , a Colorado corporation �, By: � J h nes Faessler, Pres dent ASSOCIATION: - TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, a Colarado nonprofit corporation �J _ ��---_ ~ ,, ay: �� ^`'� -z�.� Amos Kaminski, President 4��d67 8-5�2 P-37c.? 10,,�'.��6,.'�?2 12.13 PG 5 t7F 11 -5- STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss: COUNTY OF EAGLE ) � The fore oing i strument was acknowledged before me this :� �% day of , 1992, by Johannes Faessler as President F of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. , a Colorado corporation, on behalf t� of such corporation. �•�� `�'itriess my hand and official seal. �S� ao�000,.�� " �� /� , :"�'N�.�arial�og+e�l) , - - = Notar Public - » . : -, �:- -C�`--�' � � . : ; �� � �__ - My commission expires: y/5 _ .._ . ,;�,`,A:. � ,e, "''� � ST��T��.::.Ak''``�OLORADO ) _ ) ss: COUNTY� OF EAGLE ) �� The foregoin instrument was acknowledged before me this � day of , 1992 by Amos Kaminski as President of Talisman Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, on behalf of such corporation. � Witness my hand and official seal. `�� .� (No� rial Seal) •• •�'t� Notary blic �. •�` My commission expires: ��-�.-�� ��R�Y•� ' ��� , ,, ; pU G`�G � •�'• •'. ' ,t�'• .. ••C�t •��h tt�O�'f -N�h� �ut������,,,. v,y�i��y�'"`"" 4t�t�467 8-5�%'�'' F-370 10,%'�''6;'�'%�'' 1��:13 FG 6 OF 11 /agretal7 -6- , „ „ ��-. -� �._ -_ I � R - 26 — �-� 2 T HU 1 1 : 49 F _ @ a- ,0. ' � N • 7j • ,fa EXF-i�.BIT A Q< _ �l �r.. � �r � }ohnson, Kunkel $� Associat�s, lnc. .� LANO SURVEYING•CIVI� EfvGINEERING• MllPP1NG �j �] � W �7 � . � TR.ACT A '' � r, T�EGAI� A�SC�IPTxON �,� P� , `, r; A li.�ense q�rer and across � portion ot Lot �,, BZock 5-E, Vai1. � �'illage, First �'iling, Town �f vaiJ., �agle County� Colozado� �. accoxding to the Map approved oz� b Augusti I962 and recozded in th� w EagYe County �ecords as Rece�tio� Numriex 96362 . SaS.d �.icer�se, with a11 b�axings con�ained k�er�in bas�d on a b�aring Qf 5.2�°90 ' 15"W. betw�ez� the most Westez�.� corner of 2he Ta].zsnan, accordzz�g to the � Condominium Map the�eo� recorded in Book 2�� at Q�ge 4].8 of the �' Eagl.e Coun��r Records as Reception Nu:nber �15�42, a �pund concrete � nail and 2" diameter disk staznped PI�S 16827 and set in asphalt, and G the mos� Southwesterly cozner of s�id �,at Lr a 1 1/2" diametex " � Alum�.z�uzn Cap monument� being mox� particu�.ar�.y desczxbec� as � foll,ows ; Beg�nning at �t poin� �rhex�e the 5outherly 1.in� u� an e�xisting access dx�.ve interseGts the Noz�kawesterly baundary �� sa�.d �'he Talisman, fzom which saxd mos� Westerly cornex of The Ta�a.��an bears 5 . 34°51 ' 32"W. 73 . 46 f�etj thencE n�ong �s,�.d l�i r�hwestox�� boundary N�. 34°51 ' 32 "�. 24 . 44 feet to the mos� Nqzt�wes�erly cpzn.ex� of said The `�a].isman, a tound cancze�e nail and 2 �° diametEr disk stamped PLS 16827 and set in aspha�.t; thence d�pazt�.rig raid Nor�hwes�ezJ.y bou�dary and aZong the Nor��ex�ly boundgzy o�� said The Ta].�.sman S . 82°35 ' 00"E. 142 . Q1 �eet to thc; mos� Northea�tez�ly corner ot said - The Ta�isman; th�nce depa�ting sazd Norther].� J.i.ne 5.89°29 ' 42"W. 154 .55 feet to �.he goint af begzx�r.�.ng. Said 1.xGense contains OQQ35 �icxes, mvre ar 1.ess. e � . , , , � . r ' � . , � \�`�`������►tu��SG%�� � R �����% .,� � � William L. I�argleroad P.L.S . � d�+•� � �•o�'Fao, �nc� `� • � Johnson, Kunke7. & Asrociates, `�� ��; � . . �. � M �`� ; 25630 �4� . : � ' �' � • �4 a ��'t+�'. .'�`t'`�' D�tE: ''o,FSfj'••....•�•'J�'���� . ',y����»�lc��A�O��S�``\� i I i �_._�_. .�_r.��._ _,�._,. ..a.:�, _..._.... � — _- �MAR 31 'S2 1 i��L . � ' '-'�' F.� EXHIBIT B-1 )ohnson, I�unkel & �ssociates, (r�c. - LAND SU4VEYING ' CIVIL ENGlVEER1NG ' MAPPING EBqIC:I3O3�32S-O,i68 P,O.�ox 409 s 19 3 East 4th Streat + Eagle,Colorado 8163� Metro:i�031 Z87•0835 p� - I Tract B-1 �j L�GAL D�SCR�PTION �� � � f � � • � � � �. A lican�e ovex and acx�as� a portion a� Lot L, B7.ock 5-Er Vai.l `' 'Vi�.1ag�, First �iYing, _' Town of Vail, Eagl� Couz�t�, Ca�.�rado, '� ac�ordi.ng �o the Ma� appra�red on 6 Augu��G 1962 and recorded in �.hs c� �agl.e County Records as R�ception Number 9b382. Said lieense, �; with alI bea�ings contain�d he�ein ba�ed on a bEaring o� ,� 5.28°40 ' 19"W, betw�en the mos� West�rly corn�r of '�he Talismz►z�, � accQrding to the Condomi.nium Map the�eaf recorded .�n Boak 219 at � P�ge 418 a� the Eagxe Caunty� ReGOrds a� Receg�ion Numbex 1.�5042 , a ° found concre�� na�.7. and 2" d.�a�meter d�sk �tamped PLS �68z7 an� set � � in asphalt, and the most 5authw�sterly corner of �aic� Lot L, a �� � 1/2}� diametex �].um�num Cap man�a�nen�, being mar� part�.cu�.az7.y P. described 'as fa�.low�t �; r; aeg�.z�ni�g a� $ point where th� Sautherly lin� of an existing � access dra.v� �.nte�sedt� the Ncrthwes�er�.y boundary o£ 6aid The �� Talisman, from which �a.�d mos'c Wdsterl�r cozn�r c�f The TaJ.�sman w bea�'s 5.34°51 ` 32"W. 73.46 �ee�; thenc� depa�ting said No��hwesterly boundary and along said South�rly line the fallowing �wo �2} courses: � ' c� 1) N.88°57 ' �7"W. 18.5� �e�� '� 2 ) 20 .64 fee� a].ong th� arc of a ct�r�r� �.a th� ].ef� h�ving a � c� radi.u� of �5 teet, centrax ang�.e o� 26°I7 ' 05" , tangen� �' , distan,ce of 10.51 fee�, chord dig�arace of 2�.46 fee�, and � : chord bearing of S. 77°5� ' 20"W. to a poin� in l.ine w�th thP Eas�e�'l.y �c�g� of asphal.t af an exi�t�ng parking lo�, th�nce departil�g ��id Bout��rly line and a].ong a �.�.z�e being the game as s�,id �a��erly edge of parkinc� 5.01°02 ' 53"W. �2 .'74 fee� �o said Northwesterly bound�xy; tihende depax��.ng said edge of parkz�ag and along said Northwestezly boundary N.34°51 ' 32"E, 69 . 07 fe�t to �b� pa�.n� o� bec�inning. . , Said J.icense con�ains•' 0�. 025 aGres, mor� or less . `\`,���ur�lt� Illll!/!!�/ 1rV 1... • �Gt ����i. 0 � O.•'�1. HAR�'•.���.� WS.7.I�.am L. Hargl.eroad �.•�. 25�t�° � Y� J'ohnsan, Xunkpl & Asaoc a�r �nc. d: � y = ; z5680 r�.� .�J 1�'�QI"G^� �`( � r�G7�'o� ��':�� , �c,,r Ddte y����i,.,�'Sj�N�L`1 ANd���a\\� �ir��ruur�u�ttc�t��� I irtl`. �_ _.� L�.. __ . ._ . ... , __ .. -� ft — .... V "' ?' � � f'l L� L C� . ti� , . . _ � , ,r. . � EXHIBIT B-2 �` , : ._ � - L �ohn�on, Kunkef & Associat�s, lnc:,. LaND SURVEYING•CiV1L ENGIN�ERI�G�MAPPING � � � � . �. �1 °:�d ,(,` • P, � TRACT B-2 � L�GAL D'ESCRIPTION � •�o r; b S A license over and across a poz�ior� o:E Lot T�, Block 5-E, Vai]. � Village, Firet Filing, Tow�n of Vail, Eag7.e CounLy, Calorado, o aceording to the Map approvQd on b Augus� 19b2 and recorded zn �, the Eag1e County �tecords as Reception Numbe� 963$2 . Said � l�.cense, with all boarings contained herein based on a bearing of �� 5 .28°44 ' 19"W. betwean �he most Westerly corn.er of The Ta�.�.sman, °�' accord�.ng to the Condom�nzum Map thereof re�arded zn Book 2Z9 �t r; P�ge 41.8 ot the Eagle Cc?�°��'�-.°�� Records as Reception N'umber �.15042 , �, a faund oonczete nai� a..; .'. :: ` d�.azn�ter d:sk r��:amp�d pLS 1G827 and �� se� in asphalt, and th� ��,<,.-s� South�wes�erly aorner of said Lot L f �=. � a 1 1/2" diameter Alum�.num Cap monument, being mor� particularly �' � desaribed as �ollows: � Beg�.nni.ng a� the mos� North�agt�rl.y corner o� sair3 The fiali�man, � fzom wh�Ch gaid most Westerl.y co�ner of �'he Tal.isman bears ,� 5. 72°3� � J.Q"W. 205 .97 feet; thence along the Northeastezly boundary o� sa�.d The Ta].a.�man 5.23°54 ' 38"�. 1.6.07 �ee� �a the � Sou�herly line of an exi��ing si.dewa7.k; thence departing said �, boundax�� and along said Southerly linE N.89°29 ' 42"E. 6 .81 feet to � the SoutheasterYy corner of said gidewal�:; thence along the Ea�terly lirie of said gid�walk and th.� p:-olangation t.hereof N.00°34 ' 18"W. 19 .75 fe�-� �d the Southerl�� ].ine of an existing access dzive; thence alonq s«id Southerl� �.3.ne o� the access drive 5. 89°29 � 42��W. 1�. 19 fee� to the p�int o� b=��-= nn�ng. Said lioense contains OaQQ3 acres, more or Lea� >. 1 • ` �,`�`�1111f1tfiqt�'r����/,f 1/� � �.� /a- �- Wi1.I.iam I�. fiarqleroad P. .�a`� '�:�, � �;'��, ' Jahnson, Kunk�3. & A��,t��iatES� �e�� �-a�°y� � ♦ ` p �� � � � � �( a�c •'� � r� • 2583Q • � ..�._._ - ��-�--�- �o�•• •`�� Da�f: ���F'f'f�`•..ao..�•'vF``1.,:,1 °'�%.;°�'RC �n��o 5;����� ���;;;;;;:.,,'':':,C��` '`__._----- � w,��� --�----___.___�,��� AtzL: �.Pp�uS= 45' �o Grr.�(TRAL AMGrt.E-Zlo°17'oSK ` � [AwNCs�!-IT v1�srP1�G�-tO��SI' �"'---�---.-_ GFioiU� 71'yfP.h�r+ - Zo•�1�c' `"�---�-_._. G�iolV� rsG/�1��NL�--y7-�°54�zo"W ; � �-- --- --' — — — � -- - — _____ _..— ._ � �.��___._----— —_.._ , _ � .___ � ` ..— � � � �____. i � � ��I� �g2°3S�ct���� ,t'� � `l'2.�%� i p� � � `'---_._ SQ��Zq�4z�W 3 / �7 � ? � r4,c,'S7'n7'W � �j • �.}.Zu W ----_.._ , 1�.14' i �S.sr' I�4.S5' / `c� � .._ �.._. _._ — — -� — R / � / � lb.D7�'�r� �'Z NpD'�'18u W ` / � I 4•75' � / f . - U / '�, h �� �� � � 6 81'�,�„� ` � ; H J � �/� � / / � H ,� -�j' � '�k p � ''� �� � 3 ��' , i H / W { � N i� / i � �. „ � � _ - � . � . � � � \ ! � � / : ' � . I �, �, •� N \ � � +/� �_ �\ / � '•�- �,V� T F �G� C�I' Jd F I'=�T ���.�i�q�,r'C�F C�L.�'-d C-�L�S-H L 91�S�f� s - •/!y ^�R�� �y --_ J� ��� �-..�� ^--��..r�'� (JF�4' 3 V ' � —� ,��, . ! '"�� ` a 'Osx r.` �- r� _�� .�' . �dY7i�� 1� _ �,Il ,��,,�t a Q`�,� . _rr �.a �""'.� pL'�'���� �y�/� f_.., ry �Q t`.+v� (�s��w.i',.�xf'^��� �!'�t'��� �`�� H'�,+ �-- �.-.�. ��"'� �a ' . ..Sl'V"t�'�. �f'`I�'�� �ja"i� *• ,�,�„�. ' —� 0 1 !t ��.��� n G�FdI� �6y,tc�h{;Gc�g �-r'�° ---- 582 'S5 a� � _ � _..._ _._.._ - -G+�to1V7 ` � � � _.- -- J42.o� ' ._..- ,a ,1,� __-. � .�`" � �►� � � �,� ,_,._. --�-- -- `�`'� r �2�i°54'�"E �'2 4��;.�>�18 �, � �+�F2 ---'" tb.07 �Yl (� `'L. � � � / ,�r, ry�`' �.�.,,�.,�..—�-:_ .::.:l��4�5�' � N6°i'�t� `�2=� • / / �;°57,�'� �' � 6��I� / �$,9l� / / . ! . f, / ``�`---�. . / ,� � � / �-� ,m� � f / _ � � �, , � � U / � fiK � � ' r � .� � � � � /� / , � � � � r � _ � W� ?�, ° f I .� � � - �y � / - � . � . �� � l / . �. .� 1 � i � ��S-� L9�'88f� ,�� �LZ" � y r,��+qG�� � . . �� ` �� �� '�y'�' L.4.� . 1� .� � / rr �� rr � o� � , : �.: � m , �► � � �`-�j 2 � � � �. . .� .. . ' . � ���� y lao— � � 1 AGREEMENT � THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this �day of� '� , 1992, J� befinreen the Sonnenalp Hotel, a Colorado corporation ("Sonnenalp"), and the Town of Vail, a � � Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town"). � � RECITALS � m � v '� A. The Sonnenalp owns certain real property described as Lot I, Block 5E, Vail `�.', m � �-� �, ::� � -� Village First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, upon which the Sonnenalp Hotel has been � w r� r � constructed ("the Sonnenalp Property"). w w � � tr, �- B. The Sonnenalp wishes to do a major renovation to the hotel on the Sonnenalp m �, b G Property, but does not have sufficient access on the Sonnenalp Property to allow for the r �:; m P. construction of the renovation. � ;; r � �.. C. The Town is the owner of certain property immediately south of and adjacent to � !`� � the Property {"the Vail Property"), and is willing to grant the Sonnenalp a license to use a r L" r� � portion of the Vail Property for temporary access to the Sonnenalp Property during the period � 0 of time the construction of the renovation of the hotel is in process. � � G AGREEMENT � -�,� � � � NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: r�; G � � m 1. The Town hereby grants the Sonnenafp a license over the Property generally G `� described as the 30-foot strip of land, immediately south of the Sonnenalp Property, more particularly described in Exhibit A ("the licensed Property") for the purpose of providing the ° � G G G �7 Sonnenalp access to the Sonnenalp Property for the construction of the renovation of the hotel. The Sonnenalp, during the term of this license, may install, maintain, and use a roadway on the licensed Property to provide access for construction vehicles to the rear portion of the Sonnenalp Property. The Sonnenalp shall obtain the written approval of the Town of the plans to be uti{ized for the construction of the road prior to the commencement of such construction. 2. Prior to the commencement of any construction activity south of the existing structure on the Sonnenalp Property, the Sonnenalp shall erect a silt and debris control barrier for the protection of the stream from construction activity. The purpose of it is to control erosion, prevent silt from entering the creek, and generally protect the Gore Creek riparian corridor. The Town shall approve the plans for it prior to the commencement of its construction. � a . � ' � .� • P. � . W Q7 � C cn cD C cn c� � � � O O W S < � � O X w X �' O O � O j � D S , �i � CD O W � S _ S � j � � � a ---� CnD � � .► C� =' '� .► C� � � � � O � � "' CD S O - O �`� �' o � w �' o � ° � U) o ° � m � —I —I m � m � m 3 � � a7 a a7 � o � �' a � � > > � w � � m Q � � � m �. � m � s o° s w m n � � u�, � � � � cn w z .� � � � � a � � � _- � < � Z7 `" � �Z < 0 m � c° s � � c° s —I c�°o (A o � �' s p� w � w" w �. �, F.. -n Z � � o' � � � CD � �D ° w � Q � ¢' �D � � o � m � o O � rs Z =- D (n s � � o s � � a � � ° °: � m ° � � � o �`� (n `� � �' � r C � � � � w � � � j � � N c�D � w C�D � � C�D ° .+ w a w � P. � -rv �" w m � w m � � � m m CD � � �' � ° � � m �p �' .� m .-. c� p� .► cn —I � .-. �. o m �� Z7 = o o m C� m c° W m c° � o � �- � o � a p� w < ~ m vcni. s � � � � �. a > > c� � c F.. � � � - o O w � � m � � � m � � m � � °- � � o p� Tt � �, v; Q Q � m � r. � �,- m � � m -� m cn v, � �- -� < t� °- r a .-. m • a �' = � Q � `< --► � � .. � � o � c� ti. � sv o �: � �- � CD w E. Q � c�n � m � > > � � � °w � s o � in � � � � .► •� m — a � .► m � � � � � � _ � � � � � o � � � o � w � � r: � � � o � .�. p� � � � � m � �, m m p� � c� p� vi ° —I m � � � = � � � -a• � m � (n � O � —I m � c�n o � � �. .-. o � � � � � w � � � co o m m �- � = � � ¢—' � � > > � � � � � � w o cn a p� o —I c� � � � w � �- � � � m w w � � o o � a' c� u' m � � w ° � � w � C `G C� � .-. � O � .-► i11 a. � (n � ,... � O = J � (n 'rt w � � `G CD CD O '-► a 0 � '� � C i11 (p Q' C� � G � � � N � cD �, �p -.. � i�a -.. �i , C� 1 � N cD �1 > > (p .fl O p� � •-► CD �� S �, � � .-► � .� (D � (A � � CD d S CCD •► CD � CD Cn (A 'W � a CD 0 � � N ,... � O d �, �p (� �- a � � Cp •< � ,,,t, > > > � , p � � -� � � �. CD � = O "' � � � ,� � p) � p � O 7 .-. � � C�D O �. � � � S a � .-► � � CD � w � CD � � � --� ,... � Q � � � A� C � � � � O S � CD � �' � 0 O CD � � A� � � � �- p� � ('�p � � � W � � W � � � C�D � �, � � � n � � (! 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T -� . .'' . �S'nK�- .2� ' ' � ',��... * �..j '� �,;� l��l. . ^ - — . . _' �.�'�h�'S,�� ���'�°K" . . � ., r� . �� ' • �. ffiIBIT B - �,AND DESCRIPTION A part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village, First Filing, Topn of Vail , County af Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: A strip of land, 14(fourteen) feet in pidth, being easterly of and adjacent to the following described lines; Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot L; Thence N 21�14 ' W a distance of 21 .77 feet to a point of curvature; Thence 28.23 feet along the L� arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 344.59 feet, and a 1�" central angle oi 20�51 ' . Sidelines of said strip of land to � terminate at the southerly boundary of said Lot L. � 488468 8-5�2 P-371 1 c7;�26,�'��'�� 12:15 PG 3 �7F 4 i � ._ �� r .�. . ; . , , of "..:'-,: - ,.. : ,__ _ ... � �o� ` . -, . � • . . EJ�TT A - LAND DESCRIPTION - A parcel of land situated in Tract I, Vail Village First Filing.Town of Vail, County of Eagle� State of Colorado� described as follows: A strip of land 30 (thirty) feet in width adjacent to and southerly of the following descn'bed lines; Beginning at the northwesterly comer of said Tract I; 'I7�ence N 50°35' E a distance of 196.34 feet Sideline of said strip of land to terminate at the westerly boundary of said Tract I boundaries. � �N � �'� � 488�1ti8 B-5`%2 F-37.1 ,10,,'"2b,,''`,2 12.:15 FG 4 t�F 4 : 13� 3�/� � � � ; � (� 1 1992 RErp AP R 4t��469 B-SS2 P-37�'' IO;''��6,;'92 12:.I6 FG 1 t�F 3 fiEC £>O� ,TOHl�INETTE F'HILLIFS ERGLE Cc3tlNTY CLEfiK, Cc3Lc3RF�Dc3 15..44 0.04 � � DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS � FOR EMPLOYEE DWELLING UNITS � of �he e Restrictive Covenants made and entered into this �3 day t� , 1992 by SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner") . � WHEREAS, the Owner owns the property described as follows: !`� �� � A portion of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, a subdivision �:• recorded in Book 233 at Page 629, of the Eagle County, Colorado, �° Clerk and Recorder's records, said portion of land being particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8 , which is a point on the Northerly Right-of-Way, line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence westerly along said Northerly Right-of-Way line an arc distance of 200. 93 feet on a 3990. 0 foot radius curve to the left, whose central angle is 2 degrees 53 ° 07" and whose chord bears S. 82 degrees 36' 28" W. a distance to 200. 91 feet; thence N. 0 degrees 07 ° 12" W. a distance of 238 . 85 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 8 ; thence S. 86 degrees 16 ' 09" E. along said Northerly boundary line a distance of 199 .74 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8; thence S. 0 degrees 07 ' 12" E. along the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 8 a distance of 200. 00 feet to the point of beginning. County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of certain areas of the improvements located on the Subject Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail (hereinafter referred to as the 11Town") . NOW, THEREFORE the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, lease or hold the Subject Property or portions thereof, the following restrictions, covenants and conditions shall run with the land and inure to the benefit and be binding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors and assigns. l. The Subject Property shall contain two restricted employee dwelling units in the approximate size of 450 square feet each. Each unit shall provide accommodations for two employees. The restricted employee units located on the subject property are designated as Units 23 and 24 . 2 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and if it shall be rented, shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Redcliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon and the surrounding areas. A full time employee is person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership or fractional fee ownership. 4 . The provisions hereof may be enforced by the Owner or the Town, although the Town shall have no obligation to enforce these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. � 5. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations and agreements 1\� contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated or amended � accept by written consent of both the Town and the Owner of the c;,� restricted employee dwelling units. THE TOWN OF VAIL, a Munic'p 1 Corpo at' , By: ondall V. Phillips, Town Manager SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado^C�oration o� By: ' 9 President Y��`tbL, L1'�J��G� F-37G .iU��`L'�C����l'�lG� .iG..i� FG G� VF rJ 2 -� ti .. � � �^ � �. STATE OF COLORADO ) � ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowle ged befo�e me this �_3_�ay of , 1992 by as President of Sonnenalp Properties, I . , a Colorado Corporation. . <<:,,::��,,,,,; � •��� <<,. •�4 t / � � � �i �C• ,r !.' ' Witness my hand and official seal. '��� ` `�"` � ♦r� ``•���� '-ttit�° ` My commission expires on: �/S.y3 - , ��• �'. ~- l�_ _ ';s -v°� .`, - �' ����.�-. �.. '� " 'c � � :,�, j�, _ � `"` p � ` , ��o -�: o,o Notary P blic `°%� � ��,' ,` STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this (oth day of �pvi! , 1992 by �oc�dalf V. PG�illi as rown Mahuo,e�+� of the Town of ail, a Municipal Corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. ,..,�: +�'� ��f; My commission expires on: `/av�ua,ua 20 (q q� \\` " ` v ` _ i _��y �\`, � 1 C'_ ic� � !S. �1!t.�C�l-� -� . '.. , ' , Notar rublic " `� ��'� ��'(-��� - :,;f• -�z. __.,,• .�,, �'.��� .,�' . ... _ �� ��. _ �..`.� ' : '��'..._,�,., -�� � %'� '�''�?�� 12:16 PC 3 OF 3 �18846`� B-Sy� P-37� 1c7; ,�cs, 3 s , ��-� `'�/�r / DEVELOPER AGREEMENT 0 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1st day of April, 1992, by and � �a� G � among the Sonnenalp, a Colorado corporation (hereinafter called the "Sonnenalp"), and the 4;- � � .rA �, TOWN OF VAIL, Colorado, a Colorado municipal corporation (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Sonnenalp and the Town entered into a License Agreement, dated April 1, 1992, in which the Town granted the Sonnenalp a license over certain property owned � � � � by the Town for the purpose of providing the Sonnenalp access to the Sonnenalp property for � � � V the construction of the renovation of a hotel. A copy of the License Agreement is attached to y � m F this Agreement as Exhibit A (the "License Agreement"), and incorporated herein by reference; �, •;' � r.1 F'-{ and � � ti � WHEREAS, in accordance with Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement, the Sonnenalp c�'r, ��., m � agreed to provide collateral to the Town in an amount and form acceptable to the Town, prior �G r r,; to being granted a building permit for the construction of the renovation of the Sonnenalp �' � � =� C] ►`.i Hotel; and � �, �i r:1 � �. WHEREAS, the Sonnenalp is desirous of obtaining a building permit from Town for the � � r renovation of the Sonnenalp Hotel and wishes to provide to the Town collateral in accordance � �; with Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement. � � � _ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained ? � � � herein, the parties agree as follows: � � 1. As collateral to insure the removal of the road and the construction fence, prior � to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for the renovated hotel, but in no event �" m G h G later than September 1, 1994, the Sonnenalp shall place a cash escrow in the amount of $5,000 to provide security for the removal of the access road and construction fence and the G . rJ revegetation of the road, as set forth in Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement. G � G � 2. The Sonnenalp may, at any time, substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarant».����� t'�e faithful completion of the requirements of the Sonnenalp set forth in Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement. 3. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring as a result of the Sonnenalp's use of the Town's property as set forth in the License Agreement, or occurring due to the work specified in this agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the 1 . same, nor shall the Town, or any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or � property injured by reason of the nature of said work for the use of the Town's property �� �� pursuant to the License Agreement, but all of said liability shall, and are hereby assumed by � the Sonnenalp. 4. The Sonnenalp hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and .A. any of its officers, agents or employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to � � which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as G � any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities which arise out of, or are based on any use of � .� r; the licensed property set forth in the License Agreement, and the Sonnenalp shall reimburse b w the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in `� w � connection with the investigation of defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. G r; This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Sonnenalp may °�' � .� r; have. � r; 5. The Sonnenalp agrees to maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of �: � insurance sufficient to insure against all liability, claims, demands or other obligations assumed by the Sonnenalp pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Agreement. The Sonnenalp shall � not be relieved of any liability, claims, demands or other obligations assumed pursuant to r� G Paragraph 4 of this agreement by reason of its failure to procure or maintain insurance in the � w following amounts, durations or type. The Sonnenalp shall procure general liability insurance, with minimum single limits of one milfion dollars each occurrence, or one million dollars aggregate. This policy shall be applicable to all premises and operations. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, including coverage for contractual and employee acts, lack of contractual, contractors, independent contractors, products and completed operations. This policy shall be endorsed to include the Town's officers and employees as additional insureds. The policy shall be primary insurance, and any insurance carried by the Town, its officers or employees, shall be excess and not contributory insurance to that provided by the Sonnenalp. The Sonnenalp shall require the contractor and any subcontractor of the contract or to procure and maintain the same insurance coverage set forth for the Sonnenalp in this paragraph. 6. If the Town determines that the Sonnenalp has failed to keep its commitments pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement, the Town may give the Sonnenalp written notice that unless the Sonnenalp complies with such commitments by the date set forth 2 � above, or within a reasonable period after such date if weather does not permit the completion of such improvements, the Town may withdraw from the cash escrow account such funds as may be necessary to complete the work set forth in Paragraph 3 of the License Agreement. 7. The Sonnenalp warrants all work and materiaf for a period of one year after ca acceptance of a11 work referred to in this agreement by the Town if such work is located on � Town of Vail property or right-of-way. �� ..1 8. Where any terms or conditions of the License Agreement or this Agreement conflict, the terms of this agreement shal{ prevail. Dated the day and year first written above. THE SONNENALP, a Colorado Corporation �� By: � J nnes Faessler TOWN F VAIL a Col a o municipal cor ation , , By; � Rondall V. Phillips '�' Town Manager � � �1��470 �-5��'� F-373 1t7,%�6;''��� 12:.18 FG 3' i�F 3 3 , ��.� � � � 1 , , � � a s �'�;y � „ � , TOWN OF UAIL � l5 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 303-4'9-2138 /479-2139 April 3, 1992 Mr. Ken O'Bryan Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Revisions to Approved Building Permit Drawings Dear Ken: Please review the attached list of building permit conditions. Most of them are self explanatory and do not require any additional information. The few items which will need to be redrawn involve the landscape plans. Sheets A-3.14 and A-3.16 must be amended to address the concerns listed under items 5 and 6 on the attached sheet. As these drawings are related to the landscape plan, and will not be constructed right away, revisions can be submitted after the permit is issued. Please submit them by June 1, 1992. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your cooperation in this project. Sincerely, l�� �l _ � c1 /����{. � � � � �f , � Andy Knudtsen Town Planner /ab Enclosure MEMORANDI.IM TO: Sonnenalp Building Permit File FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATE: March 30, 1992 SUBJECT: Conditions of Building Permit Issuance The set of plans dated March 16, 1992 (the red set) have been approved by the Community Development Department with the following understandings: 1. Sheet A-3.0: This sheet is the approved master site plan. All other site plans showing utilities, drainage, landscaping details, signs, etc., must conform to this drawing. 2. Sheet A-3.2: No walls shown on this plan may exceed 3 feet in height. 3. Sheet A-3.3: No walls shown on this site plan may exceed 6 feet in height. 4. Sheet A-3.12: The sign construction drawings shown on this sheet are not approved. 5. Sheet A-3.14: The landscaping plan must be revised in the area around the Swiss Chalet to reflect the Master Site Plan. The revised drawings should reflect the new parking layout (parallel spaces), the new fire department access, and the new island. On the southwest corner of the site, the planting must be modified to allow the streamwalk as shown on the Design Review Board approved plans. If the Talisman Condominium Association would like to amend the approved landscape plans for the planters in the center of the parking lot, any proposed revised plan must be approved by the Design Review Board. 6. Sheet A-3.16: It appears that the willows which should remain on-site are shown to be removed and replaced with aspens. The willows must remain, as agreed to in the Design Review Board process and the drawings must be changed to reflect this. The streamwalk corridor must be shown on the building permit plans, as was done for the Design Review Board plans. 7. Sheets A-3.20, 3.21 and 3.22: Lighting plans shown on this sheet have not been approved by the Design Review Board. These sheets of the building permit are not approved. 8. Sheet A-5.0: The elevations calculated for the roof peaks are below the maximum elevations approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. In some cases, there is only 3/8" difference between the maximum height allowed and what is proposed. Please be aware of the small margin of error which we are dealing with at this time. The Town will require a survey showing the elevations of all ridges prior to issuing a framing inspection approval. 9. Sheets C-3, C-4: The Planning Department understands the final site plan is shown on Sheet A-30 and the information shown on these sheets which is not consistent with Sheet A-30 will not be constructed. 10. Sheet C-9: The filtering system shown on this sheet must be located on Sonnenalp property. 11. Please be aware that at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is requested, items shown on these plans which are not completed must be bonded. At a minimum, this will include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving for the parking lot, and all landscaping. 12. If the storm sewer Iocated along Vail Road is damaged during construction, the applicant will be responsible for replacing it. In that event, the applicant shall discuss the plans for replacing it with the Town Engineer prior to proceeding with the work. ' � \n-� 1 <<��'� , 3 ���'i, T �. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS " FOR EMPLOYEE DWELLING UNITS of �he e Restrictive Covenants made and entered into this �3 day LLt�� , 1992 by SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. , a Colorado Corporation (hereinafter re�erred to as the "Owner") . WHEREAS, the Owner owns the property described as follows: A portion of Lot 8, Block 2 , Vail/Potato Patch, a subdivision recorded in Book 233 at Page 629, of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder' s records, said portion of land being particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8 , which is a point on the Northerly Right-of-Way, line of Interstate Highway No. 70 ; thence westerly along said Northerly Right-of-Way line an arc distance of 200. 93 feet on a 3990. 0 foot radius curve to the left, whose central angle is 2 degrees 53 ' 07" and whose chord bears S. 82 degrees 36 ' 28" W. a distance to 200. 91 feet; thence N. 0 degrees 07 ' 12" W. a distance of 238 . 85 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 8 ; thence S . 86 degrees 16 ' 09" E. along said Northerly boundary line a distance of 199 . 74 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8 ; thence S . 0 degrees 07 ' 12" E. along the Easterly boundary line of said Lot 8 a distance of 200. 00 feet to the point of beginning. County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to pl.ace certain restrictions on the use of certain areas of the improvements located on the Subject Property for the benefit of the Owner and the Town of Vail (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") . NOW, THEREFORE the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare �or the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, lease or hold the Subject Property or portions thereof, the following restrictions, covenants and conditions shall run with the land and inure to the benefit and be binding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors and assigns. 1. The Subject Property shall contain two restricted employee dwelling units in the approximate size of 450 square feet each. Each unit shall provide accommodations for two employees. The restricted employee units located on the subject property are designated as Units 23 and 24 . 2 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall. not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and if it shall be rented, shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Redcliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon and the surrounding areas. A full time employee is person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3 . The restricted employee dwelling units shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership or fractional fee ownership. 4 . The provisions hereof may be enforced by the Owner or the Town, although the Town shall have no obligation to enforce these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. 5. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated or amended accept by written consent of both the Town and the Owner of the restricted employee dwelling units. THE TOWN OF VAIL, a Munic 'p 1 Corpo at ' , gy; , , ondall V. Phillips, Town Manager SONNENALP PROPERTIES , INC. , a Colorado Cor oration By: President 2 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged befo� me th�is �,3�day of _��_ec�c� , 1992 by Q�.c�te��,,_Q�er.�v as President of Sonnenalp Properties, In . , a Colorado Corporation. . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: �/.5;y� �a�tie�c,L' ✓�'->�� Notary P blic STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this (ofh day of �pvi! , 1992 by (Zohdal( V. py�;lli as Town MQVIGAP�' of the Town of ail, a Municipal Corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: J�.v�ua� 20 (qq�- 11�t.a,,.-{�i.h, �'. Qr,�.e.c�w�/ Notar Public � ^ 3 \\,\�_ _ ��� �a TOi�rN OF U1IL � 42 {i'est 117eadour U�rive Vail lire lle�iartntertt f�nil, Colo�-ado �S'1657 303-�79-22 SO MEMORANDUM TO: GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING O�FICIAL � FROM: MICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAL�, DATE: APRIL 14 , 1.992 � RE: SONNENALP BAVARIA HOUSE — FIRE HYDRANT We held a meeting at 10: 00 A.M. this morning to designate the location for tlie riew fire hydrant on the west side of the Sonnenalp. The location u✓as derived through a consciences process and is marked on Sheet A 3 . 0 of the Fire Department ' s set of plans. The hydrant location is intended to be on Column Line 11, two feet east of the sidewalk, a minimum of four feet clearance from the back side of the hydrant, seven and one-half feet clearance on the sides, and fifteen feet clearance on the front side of the hydrant. The fire department connections for the standpipe and fire sprinkler systems will be located on the west wall of the building, approximately 20 feet south of the hydrant. In addition, it was agreed that the existing cut on East Meadow Drive will be �used to make the new six inch tap for the fire sprinkler main. The line will be run at an angle with the required thrust blocks and ]cickers. The participan�s at the meeting were: Bill Ransdell , B & B Excavating Jim Shaffer, B & B Excavating Ken Hughey, Public Works Department Greg Hall, Public Worlcs Department Mike Brake, Public Works Department Pete Burnett, Public Works Department Andy Knudtsen, Community Development Bill Schierkolk, Total Pluinbing Michael McGee, Fire PZarshal cc: Participants Dick Duran, Fire Chief �., �, �� � � �� f � '� �_ ��-, € f �� % PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April 13, 1992 Present Staff Diana Donovan Kristan Pritz Kathy Langenwalter Mike Mollica Gena Whitten Jill Kammerer Dalton Williams Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Absent Greg Amsden � Chuck Crist Ludwig Kurz The meeting was called to order at 2:15PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A request for an extension of a previouslv approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Vallev lst Filin�. Applicant: John Schofield Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen summarized the request. He ind.icated staff recommended approval of the extension, but said there was one remaining issue which he would like the Commission to address, and that was the treatment if additional retaining walls. The applicant, John Schofield, said he would try to construct the project without any new . retaining walls. The existing one in the right-of-way would remain and the proposed timber staircase would act as a retaining wall, but add.itional walls would probably not be needed. He mentioned it would be d.ifficult to match the rock of the exisring retaining wall if more retainage is needed. He also asked for clarification, since the Design Review Board had specifically requested a timber retaining wall. Diana Donovan felt strongly that if addirional retaining was necessary, rock should be used. The consensus of the Commissioners was that rock be used, and they asked staff to also relay this recommendation to the DRB. Kathy Langenwalter moved the request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Schofield Residence, 1448 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley lst Filing be approved per staff inemo, with a condition that any retaining walls, which are separate from the timber staircase, be constructed of rock similar to what currently existed on the property. Dalton Williams seconded the morion. It was unanimously approved, 4-0. Planning and Environmental Commission • April 13, 1992 • Page 1 2. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable drivewav �rade for Lot 8, Bi�horn Estates/4249 Nug�et Lane. Applicant: Barry & Debbie Schrager Planner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello explained the variance requested was for a 2.9% driveway slope in excess of the maximum 12% allowed by the Town. She briefly explained the history of the site and similar variances which had been approved by the Town. Staff recommended approval, with conditions stating they believed the landscaping and grading would mitigate the impacts. Rick Rosen, representing the applicant, said that if the utility hox needed to be removed, the applicants would also remove the wall in that area. He asked that the motion for the variance be stated with the condition that staff and the applicants continue to work together for a solution to that area, and indicated the box and surrounding slope may need to be raised. Dalton Williams said as long as the issue was resolved, the variance was acceptable. Kathy Langenwalter asked why the driveway grade had increased. Michael Hazard, the architect, said it was something which had occurred on-site as a result of conversations between the owners and the contractor. Rick elaborated, and indicated part of the problem was a 20-foot access easement between this property and the adjacent. He said a mistake was made in increasing the grade. Shelly explained that staff detennined the access easement Rick was referring to was a drainage, utility and access easement, and that the staff had determined that it was not appropriate to allow the owners of Lot 8 to use it for a driveway. Shelly also clarified that the easement was located on the adjacent property. Dalton Williams moved to approve the request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade for Lot 8, Bighorn Estates/4249 Nugget Lane per the staff inemo, with the understanding that the staff would work with the developer to resolve the placement of the utility boxes. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved by a unanimous vote of 4-0. 3. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Chapter 18.22.050 - Lot Area and Site Dimensions, Public Accommodation Zone District, and a variance from Chapter 17 - Subdivision Regulations for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block SA, Vail Village Sth Filin�/384 Gore Creek Drive Applicant: Villa Valhalla Association, Inc. represented by James Pansing Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer summarized the request. Staff recommended approval of all the requests. Harry Davidson, President of the Villa Valhalla Associarion and Reed Lichtenfeld, the Associarion's attorney, were present for the hearing. Planning and Environmental Commission • April 13, 1992 • Page 2 � Diana Donovan spoke for the Commission, stating they d.id not have problems with the request, and it appeared to clear up the previous confusions and problems on the two lots. Kathy Langenwalter was pleased to move the request for a minor subd.ivision and a variance from Chapter 18.22.050 - Lot Area and Site Dimensions, Public Accommod.ation Zone District, and a variance from Chapter 17 - Subd.ivision Regulations for Villa Valhalla, a portion of Lot J, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing/384 Gore Creek Drive be approved. per staff inemo with the find.ings it was not a grant of special privilege, nor would it be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. A second to the motion was made by Dalton Williams. It was approved by a vote of 4-0. 4. A request for a conditionai use�ermit for a construcrion stagin,�site located at the- Vail Assoc�ates West Day Lot�Lots A and B, Morcus Subd.ivision: Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties `' Planner: Andv Knudtsen � � Andy briefly reviewed staff's memorandum. Staff recommended approval of the request with cond.itions as listed in their memo. Diana Donovan asked if the Commission could approve the permit for the period it would be needed for in 1993, in add.ition to the time period needed for 1992. She also asked. if some type of sign could be erected on the corner of West Lionshead Circle to give direction to the delivery drivers. Kristan Pritz suggested a sign of approximately 5 sq. ft. which said "West Day Lot." Dalton Williams suggested an alternarive sign which read "Constcvcrion Staging Site." Kristan agreed staff could work out the specific word.ing and placement. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the request for a cond.irional use permit for a constcvction staging site located at the Vail Associates West Day Lot, Lots A and B, Morcus Subd.ivision be approved per staff inemo with the add.irion the cond.itional use permit would be valid for the correspond.ing dates in 1993 for similar use. In add.ition, a sign would be posted to provide clear direcrion to delivery tcvck drivers. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 4-0. 5. A request for an exterior alterarion at the May Palace Restaurant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block SB, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Peter Switzer Planner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello presented the request. Staff recommended approval with the cond.ition that, if the canopy were removed, the DRB would reconsider the flat roof. Kathy Langenwalter was concerned with the detail on the door. Neil Schram, Manager of the May Palace, explained. the treatment, and the rarionale behind the decision. Kathy believed the door should look like a continuation of the wall to the left, as it was on the same visual plane. Specifically, she thought the window height and wood treatment should be similar. She had no problem with the exterior alteration itself, however, she was concerned with the detailing proposed. Planning and Environmental Commission • April 13, 1992 • Page 3 After Neil agreed to submit more detailed plans at the rime it was approved by the Design Review Boazd, he asked if the canopy could be pulled out an additional 2 feet. Shelly asked that it be designed and brought to the DRB for their review. Kathy Langenwalter moved the request for an exterior alteration at the May Palace Resta.urant, 223 East Gore Drive/Part of Lot A, Block SB, Vail Village First Filing be approved per staff inemo with a strong recommendation to the Design Review Boazd that the airlock be designed either as a glass enclosure, or to fit�in with the existing design treatment, or become its own "statement." Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was approved by a unanimous 4-0 vote. 6. A request for setback and site covera�e variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nu��et Lane (West Unit)/I.ot 5, Bi�horn Estates. Resubdivision of Lots 10 and 11. Applicant: Robert and Kazen Wilhelm Planner: Jill Kammerer Dalton Williams moved to table the above request to the April 27, 1992 meeting. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. It was unanimously tabled, 4-0. 7. Review and comment on letter to U.S. Forest Service re�ardin� Colorado Heli-Ski application. The Commissioners were concerned that the Bald Mountain azea was proposed to be used for Heli-Skiing. They were also concerned with how the skiers would be removed from private land at the bottom of the "runs." Diana Donovan asked where the warming hut proposed would be located. She strongly opposed having a helicopter staging area in the Valley. Staff agreed to call the Forest Service and follow up with them via a letter. 8. Approval of March 9 and Mazch 23 meeting minutes. Dalton Williams moved to approve the meeting minutes of Mazch 9 and Mazch 23, 1992 as amended. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously approved the motion, 4-0. The Commission discussed with staff how future driveway variances after construction could be avoided. Kristan Pritz announced Ludwig Kurz had tendered his resignation from the Commission due to the fact he would be in Europe a great deal of time, and would not be able to attend meetings. After further updates, the meering was adjourned at 4:30PM. Planning and Environmental Commission • April 13, 1992 • Page 4 , � '� PLANNING AND ENViRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 18, 1992 Prese nt Staff Greg Amsden Kristan Pritr Diana Donovan Andy Knudtsen Kathy Langenwalter Mike Mollica Gena Whitten Mary Caster Dalton Williams Absent Chuck Crist The meeting was called to order at 1:55PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Worksession on an Eagle County referral concerning an Environmental Assessment for the Avon to Vail 115 KV Transmission Line: Applicant: Holy Cross Electric Staff Merriber: Susan Scanlan Susan Scanlan, Environmental Health Officer, introduced the members of Holy Cross Electric who were in attendance to present the proposed Avon to Vail transmission line. Bob Ballinger reviewed the needs of Holy Cross due to power outages and repair procedures . The cost of this project is projected to be approximately $3.1 million plus one -half million for substation work. He stated that a great deal of time and effort had gone into reviewing this project. Construction costs should be together by 10/92 and bidding should begin in November of 1992. Construction should begin in May of 1993 with completion scheduled for October of 1993. Questions were raised regarding cost increases to subscribers of Holy Cross. They stated the cost should be covered by growth in service territory. There was also concern as to how many trees were to be cut, and how much natural landscaping would be disturbed. Bob stated that any structures would be in natural metal colors. There was concern on the part of the Commission relating to the visibility of the line in the Potato Patch area and the road to Piney Lake. Holy Cross members were asked to take view impacts into consideration when developing their plans. The Planning Commission stated they would be drafting a letter to Eagle County with their concerns and suggestions. 2. The second item on the agenda was a public hearing regarding a request for a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to the south of the Lionshead Skier Bridge and north of West Forest Road on the existing tennis courts, and more specifically described as follows: A part of the NW �/a of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th PM, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Applicant: Vail AssociatesNail Recreation District Planner: Mike Mollica � .._ , � � e � , Mike Mollica presented the item to the Planning Commission, stating that this request had been reviewed by them previously and gave an overview of the project. The dates for this event are June 29 through August 10, 1992. Mike stated that the staff recommends approval of the request as the applicants have complied with all points as outlined in the staff memo. The Planning Commission has received 5 letters from � surrounding property owners, 4 in protest and 1 in favor of the event. Steven Foster of the Vail Recreation District and Roy Tucker, represen�ting Vail Team Tennis, gave their presentations to the Commission. Some of the concerns addressed were color of �the perimeter fencing, traffi� control, security, and drop-off points. The applicant stated that the fence color facing the residen�al area would be a forest green color. Jim Cannon, representing his father-George Cannon, who resides at 616 Forest Road, addressed the Commission. He stated that due to the lateness of the issue reaching his father for comment, they had agreed to not oppose the project at this time. However, he wished to voice his concerns relating to the tournament. Mr. Cannon expressed his appreciation of the Town staff in working with him on this issue. He did encourage the Vail Recreation District to look for an alternate site if this event was to be held again in the future, as he would definitely oppose the location if it were to be scheduled again next year. Bruce Chapman, an attorney representing several residents in the area, had previously submitted letters of opposition, and reiterated their concerns to the Commission. He voiced his disagreement with the articles annotated in the Town of Vail Land Use Plan. Thea Rumford, who resides at 675 Forest Road, asked the applicant what plans had been made for vending products at the event. Roy Tucker stated that the only vending equipment that would be on-site would be a Wendy's food cart which would be located in a site not visible to local residents in the area. The question was raised as to why the tennis courts in Ford Park were not being considered for this event. Mr. Tudcer respanded that this was the only site that met the size requirements for a professional tennis tournament, and also the VRD would need to cancel many summer events during the time of the tournament if it were held at Ford Park. They felt that there was less impact on the Town's tennis program at the proposed facility. Mr. Tucker stated that his group was looking for funds and an alternate site for a permanent stadium. Gena Whitten stated that the Commission had gone on site visits to the affected residences on Forest Road and surrounding areas. She stated that Roy Tucker had done a professional job of coordinating this event and was in support of it. Kathy Langenwalter expressed her opinion that the trailers be combined, as opposed to two separate trailers on the site. Greg Amsden stated, for the record, that the adjacent property addresses provided by the County were the only record the Town had to notify adjacent property owners. Diana Donovan questioned whether the fence would be erected for the entire time or if it would be removed when the matches were not going on. Mr. Tucker stated that the perimeter fence would remain intact for the entire tournament, as they would probably damage it if they were to frequently remove it. Mr. Tucker stated that the plan was to have the lighting facing down toward the court, and auxiliary lighting would be used only after each match for the safety of the spectators. The Commission did state that they would be in touch with the VRD and Mr. Tucker over any concerns they received from the public. After further discussion, Dalton � � 'p Williams made a motion to approve the request with the corrections of only one sponsor vehicle be allowed on-site, the west fence would be faced with green fencing material, and the use of no more than 2 trailers on-site. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. Diana asked that the applicants keep the Commission up to date on their progress. `�� A request#�r a wa11 �eigh#varia�►ce#c��tt�e �ul1y Pub#errace a�ci a rea�r se#�ck � � � � � � � v�ri�nce for tt�� Sw�r�r��r��p�l at�s S��r�enalp Bavaria Haus, 20 �lail RoadlLot L, ��ock� �, �lai1,�/illage Fir�t Fi1in�., ; . � :7I�lppiicant:' � ��Johannes Faessler �` ����� #'I�nr�era Ar�dy ICnudtsen , Andy Kni�dtsen, project planner, reviewed the request with the Commission. The first part of the request related to the swimming pool deck being extended S additional feet into the rear setback. The second part of the request was to raise the middle wall of the Bully Pub dining deck 6 inches. Andy stated the staff was recommending denial of both requests. David Beadle, landscape architect for the project, explained what the request entailed. He emphasized that the proposal would allow additional landscaping and more circulation around the pool area. Ken O'Brien, project architect, discussed the wall height variance. The Commission stated that they did not see a hardship in the request for the additional 8 feet of deck expansion, but felt that the 6 inch addition to the interior wall was justified. After further discussion, a motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the request for the additional 6 inches to the wall and to deny the request for the 8 foot addition to the deck on the ° setback. Gena Whittan seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. 3. Worksession for a conditional use permit for the Alpine Garden at Ford Park. Marty Jones and Rob Galvin addressed the Commission. Some PEC members stated their concerns for the proposed office/meeting room to be located in the park. Discussion also occurred regarding the ponds and the accessibility of them to children playing in the tot lot nearby. Parking issues were also addressed. There was much discussion regarding the need of an office/meeting room in Alpine Gardens as there � was already a facility similar to what the applicant was proposing at the Nature Center. Marty Jones stated that he felt the strength of his organization and the positive experiences of the Gardens warranted the request. A suggestion was made to use the old school house for this facility, but it was felt �that the school house was actually a museum and could not withstand the traffic and heavy use it would receive as an office. After much discussion, Marty Jones was asked to put a plan together incorporating all of their suggestions and present it to the Commission at a later date. 4. Streetscape Plan-Distribution of Final Report. The Streetscape Plan was distributed to the Planning Commission. 5. Approval of PEC Minutes May 11, 1992. The minutes of the May 11, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting �� � _ (g were read and a motion was made to approve the minutes with corrections by Dalton Williams. A second was made by Kathy Langenwalter. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 5-0. After a reminder on recycling procedures by Kathy Langenwalter, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. , � � - � ���� �/ .� /GC GGL � G�'Cf�''lth'�� / �Z� �q� /��"=°"`-'�. MEMORANDUM ��--��� ��,��� j�` .F����/CL..Y,'��l yY✓L'r°!•�- -7:`���L"�� .�) L�� Y TO: Planning and Environmental Commission �% � L, ��_<�� i���----� lL�"J.7(?'i:r.�°✓�G� ��Z �l �.��.� FROM: Community Development Department / � G'�G�`ca— p'�L°vv�Y'�.-.-L c� dZ��¢:��-✓�-S DATE: May 18, 1992 � ,�.o f s z �--�'`� � U-��� ��wf ��,� G��.�� �.f-��Y�_( SUBJECT: A request for a wall height variance for the Bully Pub terrace and a rear d� !,.�<=� setback variance for the swimming pool deck at the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus, 20 Vail Road/Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Johannes Faessler Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF 'I'HE REQUESTED VARIANCES The Town of Vail issued the building permit for the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus renovation on April 6, 1992. The building permit plans meet the development standards of the Town's zoning code in every case (except where the PEC approved variances for parking height and �1�,�c�'�' : c o m m o n a r e a). S t a f f h a s u n d e r s t o o d f r o m t h e a p p l i c an t t h a t t h e f i n a l l an d s c a p i n g an d p a t i o <� design for the swimming pool area, and the final landscaping and terracing of the Bully Pub � were issues which would be presented to the Town for variances after constructi.�n started. The building permit plans which the Town used to review the permit, conform to the zoning code, and the applicant has agreed to revert to these plans if the variances currently proposed are not approved. Pool Deck Setback Variance Since this lot is zoned Public Accommodation, the zoning code requires a 20-foot rear setback. The supplemental regulations of the zoning code allow decks, such us the.one around the swimming pool, to encroach 10 feet into this setback. The applicant has designed -G� .� the deck to meet this standard, but is currently requesting to expand the deck further into the G� setback. The cross-hatched area on the attached drawing shows the area of the deck which is proposed to be expanded into the setback. If approved, the resulting setback for the deck would be 2 feet on an 18 foot encroachment. 1 Bully Pub Wall Hei�ht Variance The supplemental regulations of the zoning code also regulate wall height. In the front setback of properties, wall heights are limited to a maximum of 3 feet. The applicant has designed a dining deck adjacent to the Bully Pub which has been split into two levels. Moss- rock retaining walls surround each level of the deck and rie into the building facade. The applicant is requesting a wall height variance to allow the wall separating the lower deck from the upper dining deck to be 3'-6" tall. From the upper deck the wall would be 18 inches in height, and from the lower deck it would be 3'-6" in height Please see the attached site plan which shows the extent of the portion of the wall which would exceed the 3 foot height maximum. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. A. Pool Deck Staff believes that the proposed variance would not have a beneficial effect on the sunounding area. During the review of the Bavaria Haus renovation (in which variances were granted for height, parking and common area) the Town staff, the PEC, and the Town Council all emphasized the importance of providing a buffer between the Sonnenalp development and the Town of Vail stream tract. The Town did not want to approve any development that would preclude the possibility of a streamwalk on Town of Vail land in the future. The staff is concerned that locating a pool deck this close to the property line removes an existing natural buffer between the Sonnenalp and the streamwalk. B. Bullv Pub Wall Height The impact of the proposed wall height variance on the character of the sunounding area would be very little, in staff's opinion. As the request is for a 3'-6" wall, the difference between a wall conforming to the code and the wall currently proposed would probably not be noticed. The landscape architects who designed the tenace believe that the walls of the Bully Terrace are more aesthetically pleasing with the additional 6" of height. 2 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. A. Pario setback Staff believes that there is no hardship or unique physical constraint on the property which would jusrify an encroachment into the rear setback. Staff believes that the siring of the buildings are such that an adequate distance is provided from the rear property line, to allow a pool, deck, and couriyard area to be constructed, without encroaching into the setback more than what the zoning code allows. B. Wall Hei�ht Variance Staff does not believe there is a physical hardship of the pmperty which would jusrify a variance to the maximum allowable wall height. After several discussions with the applicant's landscape architect, staff understands that there are many architectural constraints, which make a 3'-6" wall a good solution. Among these are: . The selected light fixtures which will be encased in the wall require a clearance between the floor and the cap that can only be accommodated with a 3'-6" tall wall; . The stone cap on the top of the wall will be at the same elevation as the banding on the facade of the building (with 3'-6" tall wall); . The applicants evaluated lowering the elevation of the upper deck; however, in order to meet the requirements for disabled access, there can be no step down from the interior restaurant. By lowering the upper deck, a stair would be necessary. 5taff realizes these concerns, however, we believe most of the concerns could be resolved by raising the lower deck six inches and adding more berming on the exterior of the lower wall. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 3 A. Patio Encroachment. Staff believes that the proposed expanded patio would not impact any of the above-referenced criteria. B. Wall Hei�ht Variance. Again, staff believes that the proposed wall height variance would not affect any of the above-referenced criteria. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followin� findin�s before �ranting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same d.isirict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical d.ifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same d.istrict. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of both variance requests. Regard.ing the findings, staff believes that granting the variances would constitute a grant of special privilege that other people have not enjoyed, due to the fact that there is not a physical hardship warranting the variances. Find.ing 2 is met in both the situations, in staff's opinion, as neither request would be 4 detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. Finding 3 is not met by either variance request, as enforcement of the setback regularion and wall height regulation do not result in practical difficulties for the applicant; there are not extraordinary circumstances on this site that warrant a variance; and finally, the strict interpretation of the setback regularion and wall height regularion would not deprive the applicant of building a swimming pool deck in the rear portion of the lot or building a pario with some retaining walls on the west side of the property. Given the fact that the request dces not meet all the criteria and findings, staff recommends denial. Please note that, under Section 18.62.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval shall lapse a: construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently �ursued to completion. 5 . ,��v�, � ar���- o , �� ��'� i � . 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The proposed spa and surrounding deck location encroaches within the easement area, but this condition is allowed by code. It will . � not look out of character to extend the pool deck edge so it is in alignment with the spa deck. The undue hardship is that other property owners along the Gore Creek Corridor use the town's property between their property line and the creek's edge for their benefit. We will follow the P.E.C. code and not encroach on town's property. However, we do request utilization of the setback area � f or our bene f it. � � ��. : �. �� �� __ \ �,, .4� ��n , . . V 1D'—p�i �� � � � , . ��L �iD�� ✓�C..t��r� � . . �rv�c„� . �3,a �-� - �o��, ,� ►�ti � ��' , 4 'o C.O�G. N �� � . , ... .. , • o . •',°" �'' . , y: ..- ����` •= _;�_.- - � ��• c-c1P� . -- �3.-7 � :� . , �� . , ..y,:;,,: . ,. � � . •r �'.1.'.��J , • � �/O / . 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Applicant: �ohannes Faessler Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to the south of the Lionshead Skier Bridge and north of West Forest Road on � the existing tennis courts, and more specifically described as follows: A part of the NW 1/a of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th PM, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Village 6th Filing, according to the map �thereof recorded under Reception No. 99380 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder bears S80°50'59"W 103.58 ft; thence N08°09'53"W 126.74 ft; thence N80°53'20"E 286.55 ft; thence S07°47'19"E _ 127.66 ft; thence S81°04'13:W 285.70 ft to the point of beginning, containing 0,835 acres, more or less. Applicant: Vail AssociatesNail Recreation District Planner: Mike Mollica 3. Any items tabled from the May 11, 1992 meeting. . The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Cornmunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on May 1, 1992 ����t'" �-�-9�Z � �� , � � xevised 9/4/91 "� , - � Application Date � �� ����� r� � PEC MEETING DATE '� �� ��- � APPLTCATTON FOR A VARTANCE . I . This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Sonnenalp Hotel Bavaria Haus ADDRESS 20 Vai 1 Road, Vai 1 , CO 81b57 PHONE (303) 476-5656 B. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Davi d Beadl e Hyatt, Raines & Vitek - Landscape Archi.tects A.DDRESS �4�n Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 PHONE �303) 444-4165 , C. NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or pri.nt) Johannes Faessler OWNER(S) S I GNATURE (S) A.DDRESS Sonnenal�p Properties, Inc. 1265 Berry Creek Rd. , Edwards, CO 81632pHONE (303) 949-4240 ' D . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LE�AJL�DESC I__. : LOT � l,�� �,����:;°� BLOCK 5-E FILING Fi t Fi�(i ng - Town of Va�1 ADDRESS 2� V ,' �"a Vai1 , 81657 E. FEE $250 . 00 : PAID CK # BY THE FE ID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. � A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses . THE A.PPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II . A pre-applicat,ion conference with a planning staff inember is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant' s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements . III . PLEASE NOTE THAT A COI�LETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIP[JLATE . ALL C�NDITIONS 'OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. • �i 5-��� FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: �� A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE „ STATEMENT MUST ALSO A.DDRESS : 1 . � The` relationship of the requested variance to ��;� other existing or potential uses and structures in ,_, the vicinity. 1 �. � 2 . The � � �ree to which relief from �e strict or �, literal interpretation and enforc'ement of a ;" . specified regulation is necessary to achieve ' " � compatibility and uniformity of treatment among 'Y sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege . � 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4 . How your request complies with Vail� s Comprehensive Plan, B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations . Othe"r elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features . C. A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20' showing • existing and proposed buildings . D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearanee, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and ' easements . F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G.- Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS A. The ,Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. B. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. V. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200 . 00 . Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to : Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 40A, etc . B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 500 of the application fee. If, at the agplicant' s request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re=published, then, the entire fee for such re- publicatipn shall be paid by the applicant . 2 ` ' �� � � C. A licati�: �� s deemed b �the Communit � � � , pp y y ��,, ..velopment � � Department to have significant design, land use or �. ' other .issues which may have a significant impact on the � community may require review by consultants other that � town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department . Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant . Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30' days of notification by the Town. 3 SONNENALP BAVARIA HAUS PUB TERRACE WALL VARIANCE DESCRIPTION This variance request is for a slight height increase in the mid wall of the Bully Pub terrace. The accompanying plan delineates which section of wall is greater� than code allows by 6" (3-'6" vs. 3 '-0") . All other walls at the Pub Terrace are 3 ' in height or less. , . The height of the mid wall is set to match the architectural precast banding along the arcade. At this elevation, the wall is designed to be 1'-10" above the upper terrace. Lowering this wall by 6" may seem insignificant, however the additional height• is an added safety feature and will also help to buffer the Pub Terrace from the adjacent public sidewalk along Vail Road which is only 8' away in some locations (see section B) . Our hardship is to prevent the wall from potentially becoming a tripping hazard from the Pub Terrace instead of its intended purpose as a guard wall. ��� ���._�. � . . . .. . ..... .... . . ... . 1 .... . .. .. ... . .. ... 1 ....... . . .. .. {. .. . ...... . . .... .. . . /��� .. . .. . . . . ... . .... . ..... .. ......... . ... .. ��l, . 'y��`(/'� . . . . !. .. . .... . . .. . .. . / . . 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