HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5E Lot L Sonnenalp Legal (2) �.�
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TO: Planning and Environmental Commission �/'` �
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FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: February 24, 1992
SUBJECT: Review of minor amendments to the conditions of approval for the previously
approved parking, common area and height variances for the Sonnenalp Hotel,
20 Vail Road/Lots I and K, Va.if Villa.ge First Filing. .
Applicant: Johannes Faessler
. Planner: Andy Knudtsen
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In the spring of 1991, Johannes Faessler, the owner of �the Sorinenalp Hotel, requested
variances for height, parking and common area in order to renovate the Bavaria Haus. The
P[anning and Environmentaf Commission approved those variance requests on July 8, 1991.
There were several conditions of approval tied to that decision by the PEC. Staff would like to
discuss finro of them with the Planning Commission, as the design has changed since last
summer. "fhe finro conditions are listed as follows:
F. The fire access to be built befinreen the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, shall be designed to replace the existing
access befinreen the finro areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parking lots in a different location.
G. A fire access turn-around shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive via
tfie recorded easement shall not be an option to meet the Fire Department
access requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accorrimodate fire �truck access. A combination of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape Plan. .
Concernin�,� ;tte first condition, the design of the parking lot has changed because the architect
for the Sonnenalp, has designed a loop system for fire access. Prior to this design, it was
thought that fire access would be accommodated with a T-turn around. The change in
concept has significantly affected the design of the parking lots. In the revised design, the
architect has been able to extend landscaping around the Talisman parking area. Though the
width of the landscaping island is shaflower than the previous berm, staff believes that it
actually screens more of the parking. Another change in the design is that the need for
pavers to be installed befinreen the two parking lots is no longer as important. Before, staff
thought that the fire truck turn-around woufd have to be incorporated into the site plan
befinreen landscaping isfands. At a minimum, staff believed that pavers should have been
required to mitigate the need for additional hard surface. Since the landscaping islands have
been completely relocated, staff befieves that the need for pavers is no longer necessary.
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Regarding the second condition of approval, staff believes that the applicant has fulfilled the
various parts of the condition to a reasonable level. The last part of �this condition requires
that the area in front of the Swiss Haus be designed in accordance with the Streetscape Plan.
Staff has discussed this with the applicant, and he is willing to relocate the public gate on
Meadow Drive according'to the Streetscape Plan. This is a significant improvement which will
help simplify the area and improve the fire and pedestrian access. Staff believes that other
improvements, such as pavers and landscaping, can wait unti[ a future time. �
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'Staff would like to confirm that our decisions regarding these two conditions of approval are
reasonabfe. As with most projects, the buifding permit drawings are more specific than the
concepts shown to the PEC. On a project of this magnitude, some changes are inevitable. ,
Staff believes the progression made in the parking lot area is an improvement to the previous
. plan, and the portion of the improvements the applicant will provide in the Swiss Haus area is
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MEMORANDUM � ;i,,� ������\
TO: T�wn Counc'il
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FROM: Community Development Department I
DATE: July 16, 1991 , �
, �;���! i j��L��., r'�� ii�l!�:
SUBJECT: Analysis of variance criteria for the Sonnenalp renovation ��'S�'"� � �' .
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Below is a discussion of the variance criteria and the way staff believes the Sonnenalp
proposal meets that criteria. Staff is providir�g this memo, in addition to the rest of the
Sonnenalp packet, because of Council questions on how the project meets the variance
criteria, particularly hardship. Staff has not explained the details of the request nor the full '
review of the project compared to the variance criteria in this memo in an effort to not be
repetitive. It is essential to read the PEC memo first to understand the proposal thoroughly.
1. The relationshlp of the requested varlance to other exlsting or potential uses and
structures fn the vicir�fty.
A. Heiqht
The request for a height variance is to allow the mechanical equipment to be located
on the roof. By locating the mechanical equipment on the roof, the distance between
the exhaust noises, the ventilation exhaust and the heat generated by the chillers will ��
be noticed less by other properties. If it were located on the ground, the impacts fro
the mechanical would be more noticeable. Hypothetically, the applicant could locate a° "
cupola or similar architectural feature extending 12 feet above the height limit, or 60
feet. The eight feet requested (for the roof structure) is less than the mass that could
be constructed. In summary, staff believes that the proposal will be compatible with
the surrounding uses and structures and that it meets this criteria.
S`�Eaff believes that the number of floors in the proposal is consistent with the Vail ��
Village`t�aSter Plan, which is the document staff uses to determine the standards for
appropriate m`asssip� in the Village. The plan calls for a structure which is three to four
floors on this part of �he�sLte. What has been constructed in the vicinity of the
Sonnenalp, the "existing uses ar�d.�tructures," provides a context with which the
proposed addition is compatible. Phase� f the Vail Village Inn includes a 70 foot
tower. This tower exceeds the highest portion o Sonnenalp by 14 feet. "fhe
portion of the Sonnenalp requiring a height variance is n slender as the VVI.
However, because it is 14 feet shorter, staff believes it will be c atible with other
structures and uses in the vicinity.
B. Parkinq �
1) Variance to Supply Requirement
d� Landscaping has been added to the parking area in order to compensate for
the removal of the large existing landscape island in the parking lot. The
landscaping amount actually increases the amount of variance requested by the
applicant to the parking supply standards. However, staff believes the
landscaping is critical to provide a positive relationship between this property
and the surrounding properties. In staff's opinion, based on parking studies
completed by the Town of Vail in 1989, the balance between providing a supply
of parking spaces and providing landscaping is reasonable. Staff will discuss
the studies in more detail under the next criteria.
The design, in staff's opinion, is a good balance and meets this variance criteria
as it will present an attractively landscaped site to the surrounding uses and
��j structures.
2) Variance to Enclosure Requirement
The gQ�l of this requirement is to screen parking, and to reduce the visibility of
automobile�,,The architect has incorporated landscaping islands within the
parking lot, landscaping at the base of all the buildi�gs, landscaping around the
perimeter of the parkin��l�ot, the opportunity for additional landscaping islands in
the Talisman parking lot, an�t�ditional landscaping along Meadow Drive by
increasing the length of the berm'a�cZng Meadow Drive. "fhe fact that 16 spaces
will be enclosed will he(p reduce the visi 'ity of the cars in the parking lot. With
these efforts, staff believes the goal of this re'qu�'rement has been achieved, and
that the relationship between the parking area and'tta surrounding properties
and uses will be good. �
C. Common Area
��` "fhe request for additional common area does affect the relationship between
+ surrounding properties and uses in that it adds to the mass and bulk of the building.
E Though the building may be larger due to co �it meets the criteria of the Vail
� Village Master Plan, and it is approximatel 12,000 sq. . below th�e �'
coverage allowed on the site. Given that it is t with t Vail Villagem�
Plan, staff believes the mass and bulk is reasonable. Specifically re mon
area, staff believes the variance is reasonable, as 15,000 sq. ft. of the 45,000 sq. ft.
total is located in the basement. (Other significant areas of common area include the
spa at 10,000 sq. ft., the lobby at 5,000 sq. ft., and hallways and staircases at 15,000
sq. ft.) In the basement area, 9,000 sq. ft. of the common area is used for storage, �
laundry and kitchen support areas. 6,000 sq. ft. of the basement has been designed
for future underground parking levels.
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In conclusion, staff believes that the request for additional common area meets this
criteria because the resulting mass and bulk will still be compatible with the
surrounding properties and uses.
2. The degree to whlch relief from the strict and Ilterai fnte�pretatfon and
enforcement of a specified regulatfon fs necessary to achfeve compatfblffty and
� unlformlty of treatment among sites In the vicinity or to attafn the ob)ectives of
��'\ / this titl wfthout grant of speciaf privilege.
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A. Hei ht
Staff believes the variance to the height regulations is reasonable, as the site presents
a physical hardship for mechanical equipment locations. The site has few good areas
to locate mechanical equipment, as it has two streets which abut two sides of the
property, and the Talisman and Bishop Park residential uses abut the other two sides.
The Town of Vail stream tract is on the south side of the property. As a result, there is
no private, screened, "service" area where mechanical equipment can be located ,
without impacting adjacent properties. Because of this physical hardship of the
property, staff believes that putting the mechanical equipment on the roof is a
reasonable alternative. In addition to the physical hardship, practical difficulty is also
an issue. Typically, most mechanical equipment is located in the roof of large
buildings. Not only does this location work best for the functioning of �he equipment,
but it allows the equipment to interface with the rest of the mechanical systems
throughout the building and also projects the noise upward instead of into adjacent
pedestrian areas.
Staff believes the request for the height variance is reasonable, as there is no GRFA
above the height limit. Relief from the strict interpretation of the height limit is
warranted, given the circumstances listed above. In addition, the variance is needed
only to screen the mechanical, which helps the project meet criteria 1(A), dealing with
the relationship of the project to surrounding uses and structures.
B. Parkin
1) Variance to Supply Requirement
Staff believes there is a physical hardship which justifies the reduction in the
supply oF parking spaces. Because the existing building will be renovated and
not torn down, it presents a constraint, which is a physical hardship, for the size
of the parking lot that can be built. In the previous design, because the entire
wing along Meadow Drive was new, the applicant was abfe to provide a below
grade parking structure under the new wing. With the current design, the
applicant must work around the existing building's footprint. The remaining site
area on the south side of the structure by the creek could not be used for
parking because the existing building blocks automobile access to the rear.
The remaining site area is in front of the building, and is a size and shape
which makes it difficult to meet the supply requirement and the landscaping
� '
�,,,.With the current design, 14% of the interior parking lot area is landscaped; tr�e .
coc�e requires 10%. Staff believes that the current design is a good balance
between supply and landscaping based on information gathered in a 1989
study of parking lot utilization. In 1989, the planning department staff did a
study of park`ing;lots within the Town. Staff determined the percentage of
parking spaces utifized in many different lots during peak weekends between
December 29 and July��, The Bavaria Haus parking lot was one of those
studied. Of the 21 times staff checked this parking lot, only 2 times was it
utilized more than 70%. The appJicants are proposing to supply 78.3% of the
total requirement. The average utiliz�tion of this parking lot over the 6 month
period was 55.2%. Providing spaces accQ�ding to the study's conclusion is
reasonable, and makes the general proposaf campatible with the actual
demand for lodge parking within the Town. Staff�i� roposing to make a
change to the code that would slightly reduce parking r uirements for lodge
units in the future. This amendment would apply to all lodg roperties.
The Council could reduce the amount of the variance needed by requiring the
applicant to add spaces back to the parking lot. This would resuft in a net gain �
of approximately 7 spaces, and allow for 10% landscaping of the lot.
2) Variance to Enclosure Requirement , ,t�
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G� Staff believes that some degree of relief fr the strict enforcement of the
regulation is reasonable, as the parking t design is compatible and generally
uniform with other sites in the vicinity.- In the past, staff has approved variances
to similar requests. On August 8, 1988, the Town approved variances for the
Tivoli Lodge for density, parking design and setbacks. Prior to approval of the
Tivoli proposal, which did not meet the standard for enclosed parking, the Town
had approved similar departures from the zoning code for the Ramshorn.
There appears to be precedent to not requiring enclosed parking for requests
for renovations or additions. It was noted in the Tivoli staff analysis that the
design of the parking lot, specifically that the amount of asphalt was being
reduced, was a general improvement in appearance. Staff believes that the
Sonnenalp is similar, in that some of the parking will be enclosed with the
`� addition. At this time, there is no parking enclosed. Because of the precedent
��J� that has been set, staff believes this criteria has been met.
C. Common Area
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Staff be' s there is no grant of special privilege regarding the request for additional
common area. recent code change, increasing the allowable common area from
20% to 35% of total was made with the acknowledgement that 35% still may
not be adequate for full-servic d es. Because common area for multi-family
structures applies to a wide range o s of buildings, 35% was considered to be a
compromise. This point was made in the s emo and presentation to the PEC and
Council when the amendment was proposed. It s also be noted that the
Sonnenalp proposal was reviewed using the 20% commo rea definition instead of
the 35%. Other lodges have received relief from this requireme Because of the
hardship the code imposes on full service lodges, staff believes relief from strict
enforcement is justified and that this criteria is met.
3, "rhe effect of the requested varlance on Ilght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon,
transportatlon and trafflc facllltles, publlc facllitles and utilltles, and publfc
A. Heiqht
The only impact the requested variance for height could have on the above-referenced
criteria, is the shade and shadow effect on Meadow Drive. Given that there is now a
165 foot setback from Meadow Drive to the wing parallel to Meadow Drive, staff
believes the shade and shadow impacts will be reasonable. The shadow impact could
be much greater if the applicant were to design a building, within the height limit, closer
to Meadow Drive. There will be some shade impact on Vail Road.
B. Parki n
The two impacts related to the parking lot on the above-referenced criteria include the
use of the access easement onto Meadow Drive and the need for a left-hand turn lane.
Please see �the memo for more detaifs of these issues. Staff believes that there are
not direct impacts from the variance requests to the supply requirement or enclosure
requirement on these criteria.
C. Common Area .
Staff believes the request for additional common area will have no impact on the
above-referenced issues.
4. Conclusion
Because some questions were raised at the worksession regarding the way this proposal
meets the variance criteria, staff wanted to clarify our position for the Council. Staff believes
the project has received a thorough review by the Planning and Environmental Commission.
In their motion for approval, the PEC specifically cited findings A, B, C1 and C3. All of the
findings that can be used to approved a variance are listed below. The PEC approved the
variance requests unanimously (7-0). Staff has attached a full set of minutes from the
meeting, so that the Council can understand all of the discussions and analysis of the
variance hearing.
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in
the same district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would result in practical difficulty or �unnecessary
physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.
b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not
apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation
would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners
of other properties in the same district.
TO: Town Council
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: July 16, 1991
SUBJECT: Review of the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of three
variances for the Sonnenalp proposal
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In this packet of information, staff has provided:
1. The staff memo, as presented to the Planning and Environmental Commission.
2. A letter from Richard Rosen, represeriting the Villa Cortina Condominium
Association, appealing the PEC's decision.
3. A portion of the minutes from the July 8, 1991 PEC meeting, including the
motion of approval and the conditions of approval. "fhe conditions of approval
have been modified from the staff recommendations shown in the memo.
4. A set of drawings of the proposal.
The PEC unanimously approved the �three variances, 7-0.
TO: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: June 24, 1991
SUBJECT: A request for height, parking and density variances for the Sonnenalp, part of
Lots K and L, Block SE, Vail Village lst Filing/20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
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The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, is planning to undertake a major renovation of the
Bavaria Haus. The remodel and expansion involves three wings. The existing wing which
extends from the lobby to the Talisman will be demolished, except for the foundation and
concrete floor plate of each level. The exterior walls will be expanded and a loft level above
the 4th floor will be added, as well as a new roof. The second major component of the
expansion involves extending a wing north from the existing lobby, parallel to Vail Road.
The new wing will include the auto court and will be the focal point of the hotel. It will be
the tallest part of the building at 56 feet, and will require a height variance. The existing
wing, housing the lobby, restaurants and kitchen, is the third component of the project, and
will be remodeled, will have a third floor and a new roof added to it. All of the parking for
the hotel remains in the general location where it is now, and remains surface parking. There
is no commercial proposed at this time, but there will be an expansion to the restaurants,
lobby, spa area and the conference rooms.
The request involves three variances from the zoning code. The applicants will need
variances from the height standards, the parking standards and the standards for the amount of
allowable common area. The table in Secrion II shows the extent of the requests.
A. Height Variance
The building complies with the 48 foot height limit of the Public Accommodations
zone district in all areas except above the auto court along Vail Road. For this portion
of the building, the roof is 56 feet high. This exceeds the standard by 8 feet, or
B. Common Area Variance
The applicant is proposing to exceed allowable amounts for common and accessory
areas as shown below:
- Common area over by 25,908.6 sq. f�, or 56.7% instead of 20%
- Accessory area (eating, drinking) over by 1,651.4 sq. ft., or 23.4%
instead of 10%
Section 18.22.090 of the Public Accommodations section of the zoning code states
"Total density for permitted. uses, conditional uses and accessory uses shall not
exceed 80 sq. ft. of GRFA far each 100 sq. ft. of site area."
After combining the different categories of floor azea: �
- The structure is over the .80 cap by 47,067.6 sq. ft. or 66.7%.*
The implication of Section 18.22.090 of the zoning code is that the total square
footage for GRFA, accessory (restaurant/bar), common area, and accessory uses as
defined in Section 18.22.040 shall not exceed 80 sq. ft. of gross floor area for each
1Q0 sq. ft. of buildable site area. Given the combination of floor areas, excess unused
GRFA can be used to compensate for the overage in accessory/restaurant square
footage and meeting rooms. These calculations having been made, the project results
in a total common area of 40,015.1 sq. ft., which exceeds the allowable by 25,908.6
sq, ft., or 36.7%.
* The overage in total square footage is made up of the following areas:
GRFA: Approximately 60,000**
(Restaurant/Bar): Approx. 9,000
Common: Approx. 46,000
Meeting Rooms: Approx. 4,000
-71,000 Allowed
Approx. 48,000 Overage
** Please note the project does not exceed allowable GRFA
C. Parking Variances �
There are two variances needed which involve parking. The first is a request to
reduce the supply. The second is a request to allow more than 25% of the spaces to
be unenclosed. The applicants are required to provide a total of 138 spaces. Of this
total, 37 are required for the addirion. The existing parking lot has 101 spaces on it,
which was approved in 1986. The applicants are proposing to add 7 new spaces to the
supply, resulring in a total supply of 108 spaces. Of the 108 total number of spaces
provided, 12 are valet. Providing 108 spaces will require a 21.7% variance to the
parking requirement. Concerning the enclosure requirement, 75% of the required
spaces, or 28 spaces, are required to be enclosed per the code. The applicant proposes
to locate 16 within the auto court, which requires a 57% variance to this requirement.
The code requires 10% of the parking area to be landscaped. The applicant is
proposing to landscape 14%.
In summary, the variances needed are for height (8 feet), common area (36.7%), �
parking supply (21.7%), and enclosed parking spaces (57%).
Lot Area: 2.024 acres or 88,165.4 sq. ft.
Zoning: Public Accommodarion
Transfer of
Allowed Provosed Unused GRFA Difference
AU 100 or 90 (10)
DU 50 (25 du/ac) 0 __ N/A
GRFA 70,532.4 (80%) ,75�.3�` (11,782.1)
Accessory 7,053 (10%) �8,70 -4� -1,651.4 0
Common* 14,106.5 (20%) �,817.1 ) -5,802.0 40,015.1 sq. ft.
(56.7%); 20%
allowed; 36.7% over
Meeting Room** -- 4,328.7 -4,328.7 0
Parking* 138 108"�� (30) 21.7% under
Site Coverage 48,490.9 �36;03� (12,457.9) 25.7%
55% under the allowable
Height* 48 feet 56 feet 8 over
* Categories needing variances
** Meeting rooms broken out to determine parking requirement. For floor area
calcularions, meeting rooms are considered accessory area.
Total floor area within building: 121,890 sq. ft.
A. Variance Criteria
As this project involves variance requests for height, parldng and common area, each
one is discussed under each variance criteria.
1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existin� or potential
uses and structures in the vicinitv.
a. Height
One portion of the building exceeds the 48 foot height limit. The roof
in this area extends up to 56 feet, which is 8 feet over the allowed
height in the public accommodation zone district. The applicants have
designed the roof as a modified parapet wall. The interior is flat with
the exterior walls extending up to 56 feet. The flat area will be at a 48
foot height. Mechanical equipment will be located on the flat portion
and will be surrounded with the sloping portion of the roof. This
portion of the roof that surrounds the mechanical will be a void space
and will contain no GRFA.
Staff believes that the height in relation to the Village is generally
compatible. The peak of the tower at the Vail Village Inn (VVI) Phase
V is 70 feet tall, and the eave is 50 feet. The high part of the proposed
Sonnenalp structure is larger than the slender tower of VVI, but it will
be 14 feet shorter. The Vail Village Master Plan calls for structures on
this portion of the site to range from 3 to 4 stories. This part of the
building falls into that range with the highest part of the tower having 4
�u�� One of the benefits of locating the mechanical on the roof is that the
rs� noise and exhaust drafts caused by the chillers will not impact adjacent
�� properties. By locating the chillers on the roof, the distance between
� �� the chillers and the properties reduces the impacts on sunounding
,� development. Other locations on the site where chillers could be
, located would impact adjacent structures or public areas more directly.
All of the west side of the site is adjacent to Vail Road. The north side
is adjacent to Meadow Drive. The east side is adjacent to the Talisman,
and the south side is adjacent to Gore Creek. If the mechanical
equipment were located on the ground, it would have to be screened.
Staff would be concerned that a fence around the chillers would not be
easily integrated into a site plan, and that the impacts from the
mechanical would increase if located on the ground.
b. Parking
The amount of parking required for the addition is 36.7 or 37 spaces.
The existing parking lot has 101 spaces in it. As a result, the total
supply should be 138 spaces. The applicant is proposing 108 spaces,
including 12 valet, which is 21.7% less than the requirement.
Variance to Suvplv Requirement: Staff understands that there are trade-
offs between providing parldng spaces and using area within a parking
lot for landscaping. Generally, additional landscaping within the
parldng lot improves the relationship to the surrounding uses and
structures. Given that, staff believes the variance request to reduce the
number of spaces required, and provide additional landscaping,
improves the relationship to the surrounding area, especially given the
staff's parldng analysis for this property.
Variance to Enclosure Requirement: Because 57% of the parking will
remain open, and because the Public Accommodation section of the
zoning code only allows 25% to remain open, the applicant needs a
variance. Ideally, the parking would be located underground,
completely "screened." Staff has spent time in the parking lots of the
Talisman and Sonnenalp, and has spent rime discussing the landscaping
issue with the architect. The proposed landscaping plan has been
designed around the concept to: 1) increase the amount of landscaping
around the perimeter of the parking lot on the berm, 2) provide, to the
extent possible, a band of landscaping running through the central part
of the parking lot, and 3) increase the amount of landscaping at the base
of the buildings. Staff believes this parking lot design is a good balance
between supplying parking spaces and screening them with landscaping.
In addirion to the landscaping to be located in the interior of the parking
lot, the applicant will be reconstructing the bus stop area, redesigning
the area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance, and replacing 6 parking
spaces by the loading dock with landscaping. Given these
improvements, which all include landscaping, in addition to the fact that
the parldng lot landscaping exceeds the code standard by 4%, staff
believes the parldng lot will be screened sufficiently from surrounding
uses. Without the landscaping, staff believes the relationship of the
proposal to the surrounding uses is unacceptable.
c. Common Area
Staff believes the amount of common area requested by the applicant
affects the surrounding uses and suuctures in that it adds somewhat to
the mass and bulk of the proposed structure. Approximately half of the
common area will be located in the basement levels. In general, staff
believes the size of the suucture is reasonable, and this variance request
does not generate negative impacts. The structure has been designed so
that it is 25.7% under the allowable site coverage. Given that the site
coverage has not been maximized, the mass and bulk resulting from the
addirional common area is reasonable. Addirional analysis of the mass
and bulk of the suucture will be provided under the Vail Village Master
Plan secrion of this memo.
2. The deQree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and .
enforcement of a specified re�ulation is necessarv to achieve
compatibility and uniformity of treatment amon� sites in the vicinity or
to attain the obiectives of this title without �rant of special privile�e.
a. Height
The height variance is needed because the applicant is proposing to
extend the roof to screen mechanical equipment. Because portions of
most mechanical systems are located on the roofs of large buildings,
staff believes there is not a g-rant of special privilege. The mechanical
system for this building has been designed so that most of it is in the
basement. A flue runs through the building from the basement
mechanical area within the tower to this part of the roof. Because of
the locations of these parts of the mechanical system, locating the
exterior portion of the mechanical system on the roof of the tower is
Given the design of the mechanical system, the applicants have
attempted to screen the exposed part of the mechanical by extending the
roof. Staff believes this is a much more aesthetically pleasing solution
than the typical screen wall found on other buildings. Staff did not
believe that this part of the structure could be approved without a
variance, however. Though we determined that it had to be considered
as structure and not an architectural projecrion, we believe it is a good �
design solurion for an issue common to many large buildings in town.
The purpose of the roof in this locarion is strictly to screen the
mechanical. There is no GRFA within the structure that exceeds the 48
foot height limit. Town staff believes the architect has planned ahead
and incorporated the mechanical into the building. Given the
comprehensive approach to the design of this project, as well as the fact
the purpose of the height variance is stricdy to enclose the mechanical,
staff can support this request.
b. Parking
Variance to Supply Reauirement: The applicant is requesting a 21.7%
variance to the parking standard; 78.3% of the requirement will be
provided. In 1989, the planning department staff did a study of parking
lots within the Town. Staff deternlined the percentage of parking
spaces utilized in many different lots during peak weekends between
December 29 and July 1. The Bavaria Haus parking lot was one of
those studied. Of the 21 rimes staff checked this parking lot, only 2
times was it urilized more than 70%. The applicants are proposing to
supply 78.3% of the total requirement. The two rimes which did exceed
this amount were December 30 between 11:OOAM and 2:30PM and
January 18 between 6:OOPM-7:OOPM. The average utilization of this
parking lot over the six month period was 55.2%. Staff believes the
proposed 78.3% will provide a reasonable number of spaces, given that
there were few rimes when more spaces were needed.
Staff is proposing to reduce the lodge parking requirement for the Town
slightly, based on this parking analysis. The change will be proposed
through the zoning code amendment process currently underway. The
department feels comfortable with the reduction in parking as the
property is a lodge use, and the reducrion does not conflict with actual
parking numbers from the study. Providing spaces according to the
study's conclusion is reasonable in this instance, and makes the general
proposal comparible with actual demand for lodge parking within the
Variance to Enclosure Requirement: Staff believes the applicant has
included a reasonable number of landscaped islands within the parking
lot, and has increased the amount of planting around the perimeter of
the parking so that the goal of screening it from the public has been
reasonably achieved. The fact that no spaces are presendy enclosed,
and that some will be enclosed (16 spaces) is an improvement to the
appearance of the parldng lot. In addirion, the spaces along Vail Road
by the loading dock will be removed, reducing the public's view of
parking significantly. The fact that the applicant is exceeding the code
standard for interior landscaping within the parking lot, and that the
applicant is increasing the landscaping on the perimeter, justify a
variance to this requirement. Based on the appearance of the parking
lot design, staff believes it will be a comparible treatment with other
sites in the vicinity.
c. Common Area
Most of the common area of the project is found in a few large areas.
These include the basement at appmximately 20,000 square feet, the spa
area of appmximately 10,000 square feet, and the lobby at
approximately 5,000 square feet. The portion of the basement to be
built under the auto court will be built on two levels and will be able to
structurally support automobiles. In the future, the applicant may
construct underground parking garages, which will tie into these two
levels. The hallways throughout the building make up the remainder of
the common area at approximately 15,000 square feet. �
The Town of Vail zoning caie standard for common area in multi-
family development has recently been increased from 20% of total
GRFA to 35% of allowable GRFA, and has been defined in a new way.
Though this project was submitted prior to the adoption of the new
caie, it is important to provide the background of the code change for
this memo. In the analysis of this caie revision, staff took into account
the many different kinds of multi-family development. On one end of
the spectrum are residential condominium projects with very little
common area, and on the other are laiges that usually have a greater
amount of common area. In order to balance the two types of
development, staff had recommended 35% for the code standard. The
35%, however, reflects a compromise. Even during the zoning code
amendment process, staff acknowledged that some variances will still be
needed for multi-use laiges, like the Sonnenalp.
3. The effect of the requested variance on li�ht and air, distribution of
popularion, transportarion and traffic faciliries, public facilities and
uriliries, and public safetv.
a. Height
The one impact which the height of the building could have on the �
above-referenced issues involves light and air. The shadow this
building will create will be much less than what the previous proposal
would have caused. Staff believes the 165 foot setback from Meadow
Drive to the wing parallel to Meadow Drive is adequate to protect
Meadow Drive from shade. The tower is closer to Meadow Drive than
the rest of the building and may shade it for some time. Staff believes
the 56 height, the 100 foot setback, and the relatively narrow tower
width of 40 feet, are such that the shadow impacts will be reasonable.
b. Parking
The proposed design for the parking lot affects transportation and traf�c
facilities, specifically the circulation within the parking lot and access to
the parking lots. Staff believes that, as a part of this approval, the
Town should require the Sonnenalp to provide an access easement to
the Talisman. Currently, the Talisman residents drive through the
Sonnenalp parking lot to reach the Talisman parking lot. Staff believes
this solution works well and should be made permanent. In addirion,
the access easement from the Talisman parking lot to Meadow Drive
should be abandoned. Staff believes this will insure the quality of the .
pedestrian area on Meadow Drive, insure public safety, and will
maintain the functions of the existing transportation and traffic facilities
in this part of Town. Staff does not believe there are any other impacts
from the variance requests to the supply requirement or the enclosure
requirements on the above-referenced criteria.
c. Common Area
The variance request for additional common area has no impact on the
above-listed issues.
d. Transportation
The Town's engineer has reviewed the proposal, and has stated that any
future expansion of the Sonnenalp, which may include commercial
facilities, will require a left-hand turn lane to be built in Meadow Drive.
As the building in the area of the auto court has been designed so that it
does not encroach into the front setback, there is enough room for such
a turn lane. However, some landscaping would need to be removed.
At this time, a left-hand turn lane is not needed.
4. Other Factors and Criteria
a. Landscaping
There are six critical areas of the site where staff believes good
landscaping meatment is critical. The first is the corner of Vail Road
- and Meadow Drive. Currently there is an electrical switching gear
station on the corner. The applicant has deleted the plan to build a wall
azound the switching geaz to screen it. Instead, a softer treatment of
landscaping will be used. The edge of the landscaping will be
expanded into the street, where totems are currently located. The added
landscaping will not impact traffic flow, as pedestrians are the only
users of this part of the street.
The second area of concern is the bus stop along Meadow Drive.
Currently the bus stop is situated between two raikoad rie wall planters.
The concrete in the area has deteriorated. The applicant will be
replacing the concrete with pavers and rebuilding the planter walls with
boulders, if necessary. Additional landscaping will also be provided in
the azea, which will also help to screen the parking lot.
A third azea of concern to the staff is the azea adjacent to the Swiss
Haus entrance. Though this area is not part of the Bavaria Haus parcel,
the applicant is redesigning the fire access points in this area as a
requirement of this request. Fire trucks will not be able to access
through the auto court. In addirion to relocating the planters to provide
the conect angles for the fire trucks to get into the parking areas, the
applicant will add landscaping and pavers to the front of the Swiss
Haus. A site plan will be presented at the hearing showing details in
this azea. In addirion, the applicant will extend the berm east along
Meadow Drive to the fire access points.
The fourth azea of concern to staff is located adjacent to Vail Road by
the loading dock area. The applicant will be removing six of the seven
pazking spaces in this area and replacing them with landscaping. In
addition to the landscaping, the applicant will be constructing a paver
sidewalk from the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive to the bridge
over Gore Creek. Staff believes these changes will be very positive.
Another modification in this vicinity is an expansion of the Bully and
reduction of the dining deck. The deck will be reduced by
approximately 350 sq. ft. Staff believes the deck reduction is
acceptable, given the landscape improvements, removal of parking, and
the fact that most of the dining deck remains.
Other areas of concern include landscaping on the interior of the
pazking lot as well as augmenring the existing landscaping on the berm `
along Meadow Drive. The berm landscaping will be planted with
approximately twice the number of exisring bushes and trees. See
discussion above relating to the parking lot interior landscaping.
b. Stream Walk
Staff has studied the stream tract between Willow Bridge Road and Vail
Road. We considered impacts to adjacent property owners and the
stream environment, and believe that by benching the path in at a lower
grade from surrounding property and screening it with vegetation,
pedestrians would have very litde impact on lodge guests. For example,
the areas along the south side of the stream by River House and
Edelweiss provide a reasonable alignment since the first floor of these
structures are parking garages. Staff also believes that the kitchen,
loading dock and conference faciliries of the Bavaria Haus would not be
impacted by a stream walk. Staff believes that a sensirive alignment
would start by the Sonnenalp loading dock on the north side, continue
east past the conference faciliries, then cross over to the Edelweiss and
the Summers Lodge properties.
Staff thinks that it is important that the Sonnenalp's pool and garden �
area be designed to be pleasant for hotel guests as well as to be
compatible with a stream walk. The applicant has designed the
landscape plan idenrifying a narrow path alignment. Staff is concerned
that the alignment is too narrow and that the Town land should not be
planted with vegetation that would be in conflict with the construction
and locarion of a stream walk. Staff believes the alignment of the walk
should be shown on the landscaping plan, and that an adequate buffer,
20 feet, around the path should be identified. This buffer is needed so
that construction acriviries do not require cutting any trees down. In
addition, staff believes the sod area of the pool area should be entirely
contained on the private property of the Sonnenalp. The Town-owned
stream tract should be preserved naturally, so that the eventual
construcrion of the stream walk is not perceived as disrupting a private
area. We would want to see the path graded into the site with this
proposal to minimize further disturbance. The applicant has agreed to
remove the exisring lights on Town of Vail property which illuminate
the landscaping, and that no lights will be reinstalled without Design
Review Board approval.
c. Employee Housing
With the adoprion of the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on
November 20, 1990, housing is an issue that must be addressed with -
applicarions such as these. At this rime, the report has been adopted
and provides guidelines for new development. The report's
recommendarions are currently being incorporated into the Zoning Code.
The Land Use Plan also calls for employee housing by stating:
Goal 5.3 - "Affordable employee housing should be made
available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives,
provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restricrions."
Although the applicant believes no additional employees will be
generated as a result of this redevelopment, staff believes a
redevelopment of this magnitude should have some permanent employee
housing located on site or off site. The housing analysis equates square
footage to number of employees, and though conceptual as to
recommendations, suggests a certain number of employees for different
types of uses. The report is being prepared by Rosall, Remmen and
Cares. The recommendations are based on surveys of businesses in
Eagle, Routt, Summit, Pitken and Blair (Sun Valley) counties. Based
on the information in the study, the increased floor areas will generate a
need for addirional employees, as shown in the tables below:
Existing Proposed
1986 1991 Difference
Spa 403 9,693.1 9,290.1
Common 3,061 4,328.7 1,267.7
Accessory 5,623 8,704.4 3,081.4
Rooms 80 90 10
Housing Study
Increase in Employer Number of
Floor Area Sg. Ft. Ratio* Additional Employees
Spa Area 9,290.1 1/1000 9.3
Conference Facilities 1,267.7 1/1000 1.3
Restaurant/Bar Area 3,081.4 5/1000 15.4
Rooms 10 .25/mom 2.5
28.5 Total Employees
* Employees/sq. ft.
There are two methods of calcularing the number of restricted dwelling
units to be requested. The first recommended in the affordable housing
study suggests that developers house 15% of the employees required by
expansions. This first method was intended to be applied to "by right"
projects. The second, which is intended to be used for those projects
requesring square footage above what the code allows, recommends the
applicant deed restrict enough housing units to cover 30% of the
addirional employees.
Using the fust method, 15% of the 28.5 addirional employees would
result in 4.2 addidonal employees requiring housing. Assuming that 2
employees will share a dwelling unit, the 4.2 is divided by 2, resulring
in 2.1 or 2 dwelling units.
The method which is required to be used for projects involving
variances would be as follows:
28.Sx .30 = 8.6
8.6 / 2 = 4.2 or 4 dwelling units
Staff believes that, because the spa area, the conference facilities, and
the restaurant/bar area contribute to the variance request, the applicant
must provide housing for these areas. Because the applicant is not over
on GRFA or density, staff believes it would be reasonable not to require
employees for that porrion of the expansion. By deleting the GRFA
component out of the equarions, the first scenario would be as follows:
26.0 employees x .15 = 3.9
3.9 / 2 = 1.95 or 2 dwelling units
The second method of calculation would be as follows:
26x .3 = 7.8
7.8 / 2 = 3.9 or 4 dwelling units
The Sonnenalp employs approximately 270 employees during the winter
season. Of these, the Sonnenalp currently provides housing for
approximately 145 employees. 33 dwelling units are owned by the
Sonnenalp, housing 67 employees, and 20 units are rented by the
Sonnenalp, housing 78 employees. This assumes that each bedroom
houses 2 Sonnenalp employees.
Staff acknowledges that the applicant has voluntarily addressed the need
for housing. However, in staff's opinion, it is not appropriate to rely on
an employer's past record to solve the housing issue in our community.
We believe that some of the housing privately held should be deed
restricted to insure its perpetual use as employee housing, or new
housing units should be constructed on site. Staff believes that, for this
request, the recommendarions from the housing study should be
- implemented. Specifically, staff recommends that for the areas
requiring a variance, housing should be deed restricted for 30% of the
employees. In other words, 3.9 (or 4.0) dwelling units should be
B. Vail Village Master Plan
The portions of the Vail Village Master Plan which pertain to this project include
three subarea concepts and five illustrative plans.
1. Subarea concepts.
a. Subarea 1-2 - Vail Road Intersecrion. Subarea 1-2 states that:
"Possible realignment of intersecrion in conjuncrion with
relocation of ski museum. Focus of redesign should be to
establish a small park and pedestrian entry for the west end of
the Village, and to provide a visual barrier to discourage
vehicular tr�c from heading south on Vail Road from the 4-
way stop. Specific design of ski museum site to be included in
West Meadow Drive Pedestrian Improvement Project. The
pedestrian connection both north and south along Vail Road
should be improved."
Staff Response: Staff believes this subarea concept has been
addressed, as the applicant will be building a sidewalk from this
intersection to Gore Creek along Vail Road. In addirion, the
landscaping to be planted in front of the transformer should
improve the appearance of this intersection.
b. Subarea 1-3 - Sonnenalp (Bavaria Haus) Infill. Subarea 1-3
states that: "Commercial infill development with second floor
residential/lodging to enclose Meadow Drive and to improve the
quality of pedestrian experience. Designated walkways and
plazas with green space should interface with those of the Vail
Village Inn. A pedestrian walkway (possibly arcade) should be
provided to encourage pedestrian circulation physically removed
from Meadow Drive. Mass of building should not create a
shadow pattern on Meadow Drive. Development will require
coordination and/or involvement with adjacent property owners. l
Existing and new parking demand to be provided on site."
Staff Response: Shading on Meadow Drive is no longer an
impact with this project. Because the applicant has chosen to
renovate the exisring wing of the building, there is now a 165
foot distance between the edge of Meadow Drive and the east
wing of the building.
The adjacent surface parking and removal of most of the
planting island in the center of the exisring parking lot reduces
the quality of the ped.estrian experience along Meadow Drive.
The add.itional landscaping to be planted in the berm along
Meadow Drive helps provide some enclosure to Meadow Drive,
and screening of the parking. The bus stop improvements also
will comply with this subarea concept.
c. Subarea 1-9 - Studv Area: Villa�e Stream Walk. "Study of a
walking only path along Gore Creek between the Covered
Bridge and Vail Road, connecting to existing stream walk,
further enhancing the pedestrian network throughout the Village
and providing public access to the creek. Specific design and
location of walkway shall be sensiave to adjacent uses and the
creek environment. "
Staff Response: Staff believes this element can be reasonably
incorporated into the proposed design and site plan. We believe
this amenity is in the best interests of the community, and can be
added to the site plan without impacting the Sonnenalp Hotel.
Appropriate creek crossings, and grading which provides for the
trail to be benched in at a lower elevation than the pool, can be
done in a way that is comparible with the courtyard area of the
hotel, and should be shown on ttie site plan as discussed above.
2. Illustrarive Plans
a. Illustrative Plan - Land Use
1. North side of Sonnenalp site - Mixed use
"This category includes the historic Village core and properties
near the ped.estrianized streets of the Village. Lodging, retail
and limited amount of office use are found in this category.
With nearly 270,000 sq. ft. of retail space, and approximately
320 residential units, the mixed use character of these areas is a
major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The commercial retail has been deleted from
the previous proposal. As a result, the hotel facility will not
have as many uses as the Land Use Illustration Plan calls for.
There still will be restaurant and bar use open to the public.
2. South Side of Sonnenalp Site - Medium/high density
residential and mixed use.
Medium/high density. "The overwhelming majority of the
Village is lodge rooms and condominium units are located in
this land use category. Approximately 1,100 units have been
developed on the 27 acres of private land in this category. In
addition, another 110 units are approved but unbuilt. It is the
goal of this plan to maintain these areas as predominantly
lodging oriented, with retail development limited to small
amounts of accessory retail."
Mixed use. "This category includes the historic Village core and
properties near the pedestrianized streets of the Village.
Lodging, retail and limited amount of office use are found in this
category. With nearly 270,OQ0 sq. ft. of retail space, and
approximately 320 residential units, the mixed use character of
these areas is a major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The project complies with the designation of
medium/high density, as it is nearly at the maximum allowed
number of accommodation units for the property. The fact that
all of the units will be accommodation units is a positive benefit
to the Village.
b. Tllustrative Plan - Open Space
The plan calls for:
1. A planted buffer is to be created on the corner of Vail Road and
Meadow Drive.
2. Plazas with green space are to be created between the Sonnenalp
and Phase V, as well as between the Talisman and VVI
sculpture plaza.
3. Open space is designated along the entire stream comdor.
Staff Response:
1. Planted Buffer: Staff believes that the additional landscaping on
the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive fulfills this element.
2. Plazas: With the renovarion of the bus stop and the reworking
of the Swiss Haus entry, the two areas shown on the illustrative
plan for plazas will be improved. Full scale plazas, as shown on
the illustrarive plan, as well as the Vail Streetscape Plan are not
appropriate to require from the developer at this time, as a future
commercial expansion may affect the design of these areas.
Staff believes the work that will be done in these two areas is in
compliance with the concepts of the illustrarive plan.
3. Open Space Corridor: See discussion under stream walk above.
c. Illustrative Plan - Parking and Circulation
The plan designates:
1. East Meadow Drive as a bus route and pedestrian street with
plazas; and
2. The Gore Creek corridor as a study area for a walking path.
Staff Response: East Meadow Drive will conrinue to function as it does now.
We recommend that the access easement for the Talisman be vacated as
discussed above, so that access onto Meadow Drive can be avoided, and the
pedestrian nature of Meadow Drive can be preserved. Staff believes the
proposal should incorporate a stream walk.
d. Illustrative Plan - Building Height
The area along East Meadow Drive is recommended to be a m�imum of two
to three stories. Three to four stories are designated on the southern 3/4 of the
property. Staff is pleased the current proposal complies with the height plan.
A majority of the facade along Vail Road is three stories high, with the
building going as high as four stories at two locations. The center of the site
includes a wing that goes as high as four stories, which complies with the
designation of the height plan.
� C. Vail Streetscape Master Plan
The Sireetscape Plan calls for two pedestrian plazas along East Meadow Drive. Staff
believes a contribution to the treatment along East Meadow Drive is necessary, and
that the upgrade to the existing eastbound bus stop, the improvement to the
landscaping along East Meadow Drive, and the reworking of the area in front of the
Talisman and Swiss Haus generally fulfills the standards of the plan. Staff believes
the improvements are in general compliance with the concepts of the Streetscape plan.
D. Findings
The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before
- granting a variance:
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitarions on other properties classified
in the same district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary
physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.
b. There are exceptions or exiraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not
apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by
the owners of other properties in the same district.
Staff recommends approval of the three variance requests as the request meets the criteria and
findings for a variance. Concerning Finding number one, staff believes that there is not a
grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations on other properties for height, as
mechanical areas are typically located on roofs. Screening the mechanical according to the
proposed design is a solution that integrates the screening into the building well. Analysis of
parking demands in the Town suggests that the code requirements exceed the utilization
demands, and that as a rule, lodges do not require as much parking as the zoning code .
requires. Lastly, the increase in common area is not an uncommon occurrence. Common
areas for full service resort hotels typically exceed the amount allowed by code, as the code
requirement pertains to several different types of multi-family development.
Concerning the second finding, staff believes that none of the requested variances will be
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare.
Concerning the third finding, staff believes that strict interpretarion of the code regarding
height would result in a practical difficulty. Locating the mechanical equipment on the roof
is a reasonable solution that is commonly done. Locating it elsewhere on the site would not
be as practical, and would possibly result in greater impact to adjacent properties. Staff
believes a strict enforcement of the parking regulation is not necessary, based on staff
research, and that enforcement of that regulation would be an unusual and unnecessary
requirement of the Sonnenalp lodge. Concerning common area, staff believes, again, that a �
strict enforcement of the common area regulations is not in line with what many of the other
lodges in town enjoy, and that a strict enforcement is not appropriate.
Therefore, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the three
variance requests for the Sonnenalp renovation, with the following conditions of approval:
1. Prior to Design Review Board approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing
in detail the descriprions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated
July 8, 1991:
a. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping
to screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
b. Detailed information as to the quantity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building sha11 be provided. This landscaping should
include a variety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
c. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show seating, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ties), ped.estrian access to the parking lot, as well as
d. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as far east as possible,
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the
berm shall be approximately doubled.
e. All landscaped. islands wittun the parking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous mees.
- f. The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parldng lots in a different location.
g. A fire access turn around shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive
via the recorded easement shall not be an option to meet the Fire Department
access requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommodate fire truck access. A combination of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan.
h. The applicant shall comply with the staff recommendations on the stream walk
found in Section 4b of the memo. The alignment of the walk shall be
indicated on the landscape plan, a 20 foot buffer be provided for construction
of the walk, and preliminary grading for the path included in the landscape
plan. (If the PEC does not concur with this condition, staff believes all
proposed landscaping on the Town of Vail stream tract shall be removed from
the landscape plan.) Town-owned land shall be revegetated after construction
to a natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool
courtyard area.
i. All landscaped lighting on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Board.
2. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the renovation, the applicant shall:
a. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk /
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Engineer.
b. Dedicate an access easement from Vail Road to the Talisman parking lot. :/
Additionally, the existing access easement from Meadow Drive to the Talisman
parking lot shall be vacated.
c. Dedicate 4.0 employee units according to Section 18.13.080(B) of the Town of
Vail Zoning Code.
A. Total Floor Areas
Common Area Accessory Area GRFA Mechanical
Basement 15,681.2 4,328.7 - 3,734.6
First Floor 16,794.6 8,704.4 782.0 62.9
Second Floor 5,481.9 - 23,812.4 111.0
Third Floor 4,813.7 - 20,068.2 180.5
Fourth Floor 3,045.7 - 11,611.7 200.8
Lofts - - 2,476.0 -
Totals: 50,145.8 8,704.4 58,750.3 4,289.9
Grand Total: 121,890.4
B. Site Coverage
Allowed: 88,165.4 x .55 = 48,491.0 sq. ft.
Vail Road Wing (Including conference area underneath Ludwig's Deck): 25,973
Meadow Drive Wing: +10,060.5
Total: 36,033 sq. ft.
C. Parking Requirements
Vail Road Wing Meadow Drive Wing
AUs/Parkin� Spaces AUs/Parkin� Spaces
Basement AUs 0/0 spaces 0/0 spaces
First Floor AUs 2/1.6 spaces 0/0
Second Floor AUs 25/23 spaces 15/14.5 spaces
Third Floor AUs 23/21.5 spaces 10/10 spaces
Fourth Floor AUs 6/6 spaces 9/9 spaces
Total: 85.6 parking spaces for the Accommodation Units.
Bar/Restaurant Area - 6,360.1 / 15 / 8 = 53.0
Meeting Room Area - 4,328.7 / 15 / 8 / 2 = 18.0
Accommodation Units - +85.6
Total: 156.6 spaces
Total From Above: 156.6 spaces
Mulri-Use Credit - -2.5% _ - 3.9 spaces
152.7 spaces
Non-Conforming Amount Approved in 1986: - 15.0 spaces
Total: 137.7 or 138 spaces
Amount Proposed: 108 spaces
Deficit: 30 spaces or 21.7%
REC'D J U L 1 1 19 91
� kC : RoN /'.�//LC /PS
A Partnership of Professional Corporatians
RI��A�D..I.RAVEI�S 7F1,FPHONE(303)949-1477
July 11 , 1991
Town Council
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail , Colorado 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Hotel
Dear Town Council :
This office represents the Villa Cortina Condominium
This past Monday at the regularly scheduled meeting of the
Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission ( "PEC" ) , three
variances were approved for the renovation and expansion of the
Sonnenalp Hotel . The three variances included an increase in the
height limit from 48 feet to 56 feet, an increase in common area
from an allowable 25 , 907 square feet to 40, 015 square feet, and a
decrease in the required parking of 138 spaces to 108.
As a result thereof, an appeal of the PEC' s passage of the
variances in question is made to the Town Council pursuant to
Section 18. 62 . 070 of the Vail Municipal Code. Such appeal is based
on the improper findings of PEC in the approval of the applicant's
application for the above-mentioned variances. Before granting a
variance, specific findings must be establish by the PEC relative
to the subject application. In particular, the PEC must determine
"that the variance is warranted for one or more of the following
(a) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement
of the specified regulation would result in
practical difficulty or unnecessary physical
hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this
( b) There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances
or conditions applicable to the site of the variance
that do not apply generally to other properties in
the same zone; or
Prolu�ion�l Corporaeion�:Jame�R.Wev,P.C.md Rich�rd P.Rocq P.C.
Town Council
Town of Vail
July 11 , 1991
Page Two
(c) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement
of the specified regulation would deprive the
applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of
other properties in the same district. " Section
18. 62.Q6Q ( B) ( 3 ) , Vail Municipal Code, as amended .
No such findings were made by the PEC. In fact, no such
findings could be found thereby allowing the PEC to grant the
variances requested. The PEC has acted arbitrarily and
capriciously in its decision and voted merely on personal feelings . �
Accordingly, the PEC, in granting the applicant' s request for
specific variances , has violated its own rules and guidelines as
provided by the Vail Municipal Code.
It i s wi th the above facts i n mi nd that I respectful 1 y request
the Town Council to review the findings and subsequent approval of
the variances in question by the PEC. Given the findings relative
to the subject application, the variances should not have been
granted .
Respectfully submitted,
� -
( B y �. �--��
;� ichard P.I ,Rose , P.C .
cc : Villa Cortina Condominium Association
July 8, 1991
3. A request for hei�ht, parking and density (GRFA/common area) variances for the
Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K and L, Block 5-E, Vail Villa�e First Filin�/20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenaln Properties
Planner: Andv Knudtsen
Ludwig Kurz moved to approve the request for height, parking and density variances for the
Sonnenalp, part of Lots K and L, Block SE, Vail Village First Filing/20 Vail Road per the
staff inemo with the following conditions:
1. Prior to Design Review Board approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing
in detail the descriprions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated
July 8, 1991:
a. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping
to screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
b. Detailed information as to the quanrity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building shall be provided. This landscaping should
include a variety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
c. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show seating, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ries), pedestrian access to the parking lot, as well as
d. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as far east as possible,
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the
berm shall be approximately doubled. The new landscaping sha11 be of equal
height to the existing trees, and the Design Review Board shall investigate the
possibility of deciduous trees along the berm.
e. All landscaped islands within the parking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous trees.
f. The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parldng lots in a different location.
A fire access turn around shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive
via the recorded easement shall not be an oprion to meet the Fire Department
� access requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommodate fire truck access. A combinarion of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan.
h.��' � Town-owned land along Gore Creek shall be revegetated after construction to a
natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool courtyard
area. Access around the southwest corner of the Sonnenalp property for the
construction of a stream walk shall not be denied.
i. All landscaped lighring on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Board.
;j.�� A parking attendant shall be on duty at all rimes to facilitate use of the parking
�-� lot.
f k. : The parking supply and design approved with these variances shall not be
�/� viewed as a legal non-conforming solution which would otherwise diminish
parking requirements for future expansions or redevelopment.
! 2. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the renovarion, the applicant shall:
a. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Engineer.
� b. Dedicate an irrevocable license agreement providing access to the Talisman
� from either Vail Road or Willow Bridge Road/Meadow Drive, outside the
restricted pedestrian area. The goal of this requirement is the elimination of
the access easement from the pedestrian area.
c. Permanently restrict two dwelling units, totalling 4 beds, for employee housing.
The applicant may transfer the deed restricrion to two other comparable units
within the Town of Vail after securing written approval from the Town of Vail.
Said employee units shall meet the restricrions as follows: the employee
housing units shall not be leased or rented for any period less than 30
consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time �
employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be
deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail
and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who
works an average of thirty hours per week. The applicant or his successor in
interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions of record in the
office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the
Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein
shall run with the land and shall not be amended or terminated without the
written approval of the Town of Vail. This declaration shall be submitted to
the Town Attorney for review and approval and subsequently executed and
filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to Town of Vail issuance
of any building permit for the Sonnenalp.
The findings supporting the variances are D(1), D(2), D(3)(a) and D(3)(c) of the staff inemo.
Chuck Crist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 7-0.
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-� .�„�,,.,,,�.r The �o(I Rel(g(ous Foundotion
16 July 1991
Ms . Kristan Pritz
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Application for Variances of Sonnenalp Lodge
Dear Kristan:
Please be advised that the Board of Directors of the Vail
Religious Foundation has had the oppotunity to review the plans of
the proposed renovation of the Sonnenalp Lodge. The Board has
asked that I advise you that, if the Sonnenalp Lodge renovation
plans are approved, the Vail Religious Foundation would favor
approval of the height variance which has been requested to shield
the roof inechanical facilities from view. The Board felt the
presence of a wall above the heigr�t limit would be more attractive
than the mechanical facilities alone. The Board took no position
regarding the project as a whole.
V y trul our ,
thur A. Abplan p, Jr.
AAA, jr
19�foll Road• Vall, �olorndo 81657
� REC'�] JUL 1 1 1991
. kc : ,e�ti �.��c� .�s
THELAWOFFICESOF ���/� �i������"•:�
A Partnership of Professional Corporations
P.O.BOX 1626
July 11 , 1991
Town Council
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail , Colorado 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Hotel
Dear Town Council :
This office represents the Villa Cortina Condominium
Association .
Th�s past Monday at the regularly scheduled meeting of the
Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission ( "PEC" ) , three
variances were approved for the renovation and expansion of the
Sonnenalp Hotel . The three variances included an increase in the
height limit from 48 feet to 56 feet, an increase in common area
from an allowable 25 , 907 square feet to 40 , 015 square feet, and a
decrease in the required parking of 138 spaces to 108 .
As a resu 1 t the reof, an appeal of the PEC ' s passage of the
variances in question is made to the 7own Council pursuant to
Section 18. 62 . 070 of the Vail Municipal Code. Such appeal is based
on the improper findings of PEC in the approval of the applicant' s
application for the above-mentioned variances. Before granting a
variance , specific findings must be establish by the PEC relative
to the subject application. In particular, the PEC must determine
"that the variance is warranted for one or more of the following
( a) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement
of the specified regulation would resu�t in
practical difficulty or unnecessary physical
hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this
( b) There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances
or cond i t i ons appl i cabl e to the s i te of the vari ance
that do not apply generally to other properties in
the same zone; or
Pro(e�aional Corporationa:Jeme�R.Wear,P.C.end Richard P.Ro�en,P.C.
Town Council
Town of Vail
July 11 , 1991
Page Two
( c) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement
of the specified regulation would deprive the
applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of
other properties in the same district. " Section
18 . 62 . 060 (B) ( 3) , Vail Municipal Code , as amended.
No such findings were made by the PEC. In f act, no such
findings could be found thereby allowing the PEC to grant the
variances requested . The PEC has acted arbitrarily and
capriciously in its decision and voted merely on personal feelings.
Accordingly, the PEC, in granting the applicant' s request for
specific variances, has violated its own rules and guidelines as
provided by the Vail Municipal Code.
It i s wi th the above facts i n mi nd that I respectful 1 y request
the Town Council to review the findings and subsequent approval of
the variances in question by the PEC. Given the findings relative
to the subject application , the variances should not have been
Respectfully submitted ,
By �' ;, � 1�-�_____-
' ichard P. ,Rose , P.C.
cc: Villa Cortina Condominium Association
: EC"n �hAY �:.�-i9'9�
- - —�..�
2o vai�Road
Colorado 81657
ApY'l l 3 0. 1991 Telex 287599
Telefax 303/476-1639
The Vail Town Council
Vail Town Chambers
Hand Delivered
Dear Members of the Council:
I am writting to you to request the application for a Special
Development District for the Sonnenalp Hotel to be taken off the
July agenda.
As you know this matter was tabled in January to be taken up in
July of 1991. After further study of our plans, it will no longer
be necessary to rezone our property to Special Development
Please consider the plans that were submitted in this rezoning
attempt as withdrawn. There will be no modification to those plans
submitted to you.
Thank you for your consideration and time.
Sinc�erely yours
.�.�._-� f�
J- nn�s Faessler
Owned and Operated By The Fassler Famlly
,� � "
July 8, 1991
Present Staff
Chuck Crist Kristan Pritz
Diana Donovan Mike Mollica
Connie Knight Jill Kammerer
Ludwig Kurz Andy Knudtsen
Kathy Langenwalter Shelly Mello
Jim Shearer Betsy Rosolack
Gena Whitten Amber Blecker
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan.
1, A request for front setback and densitv variances for the Dick Residence, Unit 2, Tract
A, Bighorn Townhousesl4708 Meadow Drive, #2A.
Applicant: Carol Dick
Planner: Jill Kammerer
Jill Kammerer made the presentation. Sid Schultz, representing the applicant, showed a new
landscape plan the applicant preferred over what was presented in the staff inemo. Sid
Schultz said the applicant agreed to pave the driveway.
Kathy Langenwalter suggested the dumpster be built into the hillside. Jim Shearer preferred
to see the dumpster at the southern end of the access easement. Chuck Crist did not have a
problem with the applicant's plan, but said the dumpster should be placed as far down on the
road as possible away from Meadow Drive.
Diana Donovan stated she also wanted to see the dumpster as far south as possible. If
possible, the owner should berm around the dumpster to screen it. She felt that three aspens
generally provided more screening than the proposed landscape plan.
Connie Knight said she would like to see the aspens in the landscape plan. Kathy preferred
the shrubbery for the color. Ludwig Kurz did not have a preference on the landscaping.
Diana suggested the pavement be narrowed in the drive if possible.
A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the request per the staff inemo, and
cited the findings that no special privilege was being granted, and the request complied with
B(1), B(2) and B(3)(a), (b) and (c) of the memo. The conditions of approval stated that the
applicant shall install the submitted landscape plan, including one crab tree, nine potentilla,
five currents and six mugo pines. Applicant shall contribute 1/2 of the cost to screen the
existing dumpster. The dumpster shall be moved to the south end of the property as much as
possible; location and screening must be reviewed and approved by the DRB. Applicant shall
pave the entire access easement between Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving
area should be narrowed. In addition, landscaping should be placed in the area where the
paving has been removed. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved 7-0.
2. A request for a density variance for the Bernardo Residence, Unit 4, Tract B, Bighorn
Townhouses/4718 Meadow Drive, #4B.
Applicant: Bill Bernardo
Planner: Mike Mollica
The presentation was made by Mike Mollica. A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to
approve the request. Findings A, B, C(1, 2 and 3) were cited per the staff inemo with the
two conditions of approval as stated in the memo, with the following modifications: .
Applicant shall contribute 1/2 of the cost to screen the existing dumpster. The dumpster shall
be moved to the south end of the property as much as possible; location and screening must
be reviewed and approved by the DRB. Applicant shall pave the entire access easement
between Units 2 and 4 on Tract A. If possible, the paving area should be narrowed. In
addition, landscaping should be placed in the area where the paving has been removed.
Chuck Crist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 7-0
3. A request for height, parking and density variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K
and L, Block 5-E, Vail Villa�e First Filin�/20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andv Knudtsen
Andy Knudtsen presented the staff inemo and the proposal. Quesrions from the
Commissioners about parking, landscaping and access points were addressed with a model
provided by the applicant. Ken O'Brien indicated there would be no need for fire access to
the building, as an internal fire system would be installed. The Fire Department had
approved this plan.
Staff recommended approval of the requests, with the condirions listed in the staff inemo.
After a presentarion of slides by Ken O'Brien, Jay Peterson explained the proposal further.
The Sonnenalp was proposing to add 10 large rooms, though only 2 people would be staying
in each room. Most all of the other rooms would be enlarged, causing an increase in the
parking requirement. Accessory (restaurant) square footage would also be increased, though
only about 20 seats would be added. Spa area was also proposed for an increase.
Much of the proposed expansion to the common areas was to be located underground. Jay
said that since the application had been made, the allowable common area had been increased
to 35% from 20%. If the application were resubmitted, he believed it would be less non-
conforming than was indicated in the staff's memo.
Jay asked that the parking be evaluated by need. The applicant had added landscaping since
the proposal was viewed at the worksession, based on the Commission and staff
Only a small mechanical space was causing the need for a height variance. Jay felt the bulk
and mass of the building, as well as site coverage, had been wisely used. Much of the space
being expanded was being located underground. The proposed roof location was the best for
the chillers, as it would have the least impact on adjacent uses. He reminded the Commission
that there was no GRFA located in the area for the height variance.
Ken O'Brien said it was very important the Planning Commission realize the Town of Vail
Master Plan called for the redevelopment of the site. However, due to the current .
configuration of the project, not even 20 sq. ft. of common area could be added without a
variance request.
Regarding the density on the site, Jay said that even with the addition of 10 additional
accommodation units, the project was under the allowed density. In addition, there was still
- 11,000 sq. ft. of GRFA unused on the site.
.. Turning to the issue of employee housing, Jay disagreed with staff's computation of the
number of employees generated by the expansion. He stated the redevelopment might
actually result in a decrease in the number of employees necessary, as the current
configuration was extremely inefficient. He also said the Faesslers already supplied a great
amount of housing, and would continue to do so.
Jay asserted the stream walk was a study area, and not an adopted part of the Master Plan.
He did not think it was fair to require the applicant to construct it at this time, since it had
not yet been engineered. He said nothing in the current proposal would prohibit the future
development of a stream walk by the Town. Kristan Pritz responded that the staff
recommended that the landscaping be designed to allow the construction with as few impacts
as possible. Staff was advocating the applicant complete rough grading for the path to allow
the walk to be accommodated in the future without having to cut down mature vegetation.
An alternative, as explained by staff, was to pull the Sonnenalp-planted landscaping back to
their property line and revegetate the Town land to a natural state.
Kristan also responded to Jay's comments regarding the number of employees staff believed �
could be generated by the redevelopment. Although the Rosall, Remmen and Cares report
had not yet been officially adopted by the Town of Vail, the report had studied similar ski
communities to determine the number of employees necessary for different types of
development. Staff simply used the report as a basis for evaluation. Kristan said employee
housing was a serious problem within the Town, and that the housing need should be
addressed by developers of projects such as this.
Rick Rosen, representing the Villa Cortina Condominium Association and the First Bank
Condominium Association, said that overall, the Association members believed it was a good
project, and did not have problems with the parking or common area variances. However,
there was concern about the height variance, with some of the Association membership
believing the mechanical equipment should conform to the maximum 48' height limitation.
Mr. Rosen reminded. the Commissioners to consider the findings which were necessary to
grant a variance, stating the applicants had not proven a practical difficulty or physical
hardship if the chillers were to be located. on the ground. In addition, extraordinary
circumstances pertaining to this development had not been proven, nor would there be a
denial of privileges enjoyed. by others. He said the development seemed to be backing into
almost the SDD which had previously failed. There were also concerns regarding a potential
Phase II retail development along Meadow Drive. Mr. Rosen concluded by requesting a
height variance not be granted, and the chillers be located on the ground. �
Jay Peterson disagreed, stating that the enclosure for the chillers was more of an architectural
projection, and indicated that mechanical units can be placed above the maximum height with
screening. Kristan agreed, stating there were many instances in the area where mechanical
units had been placed on a roof at a later time, and were not counted as exceeding the
maximum height. Jay illustrated on the renderings how much the height would exceed 48
feet. He explained to the Commission that the noise impacts of the Medical Center's chillers,
were bothersome, even though they were behind a one foot concrete wall, and that elevating
the chillers to the roof would be a much better solution.
Jim Weaz from the Talisman said that the Talisman Board of Directors had not yet reviewed
the proposal, but had supported the previous plan, and believed this proposal had less impact,
though a parking variance might prove to have some impact on the Talisman. He believed
there were reasonable proposals regazding access to the Talisman. However, until a
permanent access easement was given to the Talisman, they would be reluctant to vacate the
current easement from Meadow Drive. Mr. Wear also said it would be unfair to burden the
Sonnenalp with constructing the stream wa1k.
At approximately 4:05, Gena Whitten left for a short period of time.
Jim Shearer asked how fire access would be provided.. Jay Peterson said that there was no
current fire access to the Talisman. He agreed to cooperate with the Talisman to devise a
better plan per the Fire Department requirement for a turnaround. Jim Wear reiterated there
was a good working relationship, and the access issue could probably be worked out.
Chuck Crist asked for clarification on the roof color. Ken O'Brien said it would be a
greenish patina, and would be constructed of copper. Chuck said he had no problem with the
height, and as far as the parking was concerned, he said it looked as though the lot was never
more than 70°Io full. With the increased landscaping, the pazking was acceptable to him in
appearance. Chuck commented on the common azea, and said that the hallways alone would
use up the allowable common azea, and therefore had no problem with that variance.
Regarding the siream walk, Chuck did not feel it needed to be constructed by the owner.
Kathy Langenwalter asked Jay if he would be willing to go along with item H of the
conditions relating to the stream walk. Jay replied they did not want to do any grading for
the path, but would leave an 8' width. Andy said that 8 feet may not be wide enough for
construction, but would check with Public Works.
Kristan Pritz pointed out that part of the condition was to work with the staff on the stream
walk. Jay responded they would work with staff, and would space the landscaping to adjust
for a path.
Chuck asked Johannes how many additional employees he was anticipating. Johannes said he
already has enough employees. Since there would only be 10 additional rooms, and a more
efficient laundry, no additional employees would be needed. His statement was there could
be a few more or a few less employees than he currently has. Chuck said he understood the
staff's recommendation for employee housing, and he appreciated Sonnenalp's record of
providing employee housing. He added that, perhaps, they could restrict one unit for
Jim Sheazer had no problem with the height. He was concerned with the pazking, and asked
Johannes if the restaurant and baz were going to be increased in size, would the pazking still
be sufficient. Johannes answered that there were some days, such as the Fourth of July, when
he would need more parking. On those days, he would use more bellmen and valet pazking.
Jim suggested that, should a future project on this site expand the current plan, he would like
to not diminish the requirements, but have them meet the pazking standazds in effect at that
time. Regarding landscaping, he liked the revisions, especially on the corner of Vail Road
and Meadow Drive. He felt there was enough landscaping with the berni at the Swiss Haus.
Regarding the siream walk, Jim did not believe it was necessary to ask the Sonnenalp to
construct it. However, he would like the landscaping pulled back so the stream walk could
be constructed at a later time. He also would like to see a commitment to not remonstrate
against the stream walk added to the conditions.
Regarding employee housing, Jim asked how many employees 4 units could hold. Andy �
replied staff presumed 2 to a unit, for a total of 8. Johannes discussed the employee housing
problem. He said the problem with deed restricrions was that, when property value increases,
he must have the ability to find other employee housing. Jim stated he did not worry about
Johannes, but he felt it would be setring a precedent. He said Johannes had been doing a
good job supplying employee housing, and would continue to do so, but that someone else
might request the same privilege. Johannes suggested that perhaps there was some other
answer, rather than deed restriction. He did not feel a deed restriction was the correct way to
do it.
Diana Donovan asked Kristan if, in the employee housing ordinance, employers could move
the employee housing. Kristan replied there could be some flexibility in that regard built into
the ordinance. Johannes believed 4 units were too many because he would not have 8 new
employees. Jim repeated that he thought a precedent would be set if Johannes were not
required to have restricted units for his employees.
Regarding common area, Jim found no problem with the request. However, he wanted to
ensure the common area was reduced with the next phase. Jay reminded Jim there was no
"next phase" planned at that time. Jim also wanted the Sonnenalp to come to an agreement
with the Talisman regarding fire access before finalizing the plan.
Connie Knight felt the design was beautiful, but asked if it wasn't just a first phase, and if the �
applicant would come back for the additional building along Meadow Drive. Jay Peterson
said they would not. She had no problem with the applicant's position on common area or
the stream wallc. Her concern was about parking. She believed the Town had to look past
what was being used tod.ay, and did not want the parking requirement reduced. Regarding the
chillers, Connie requested this be studied to ensure there would be no negative effects.
Connie questioned the rario of guests to employees. Johannes said it was about 1:1, but were
currently at 1.5 employees for every guest. Connie thought that since they were adding 20
more restaurant seats, more parking would be necessary. Johannes clarified these were bar
seats. Connie again questioned Johannes' statement he would need no more employees. She
felt she could accept a reduced number of employee units.
Connie also wondered if there should be a sun/shade study. Johannes said the shade would
be going into the courtyard, not into the public rights-of-way. Ken O'Brien pointed out the
Talisman was 48-50 tall, and were located closer to the road than this proposal. Connie did
not think any approval should be given until the Talisman access issues were resolved.
Kristan and Andy believed sta.ff, the Fire Department, Talisman and the Sonnenalp could
resolve these issues, and it was listed as a condition of approval prior to any building permit
being issued. Jay reiterated that they were trying to work out the issue. Jim Wear stated he
believed the issues could be resolved. Connie asked about fire truck access. Ken O'Brien
said all the fire trucks had to do was get to a siamese connection which could be placed
anywhere along Vail Road.
Ludwig Kurz said he was pleased to see the changes in the plan since November. He was
glad the Faesslers had decided to stay in Vail, and felt it was a credit to them and the Town.
He believed the proposal was a good use of a variance for the heights. He would, however
like to see a clarification in the cod.e addressing mechanical equipment, spec�cally stated if it
is allowed above the height limit. Regarding parking, he preferred to see landscaping instead
of the full number of parking spaces, especially considering the controls the Sonnenalp
maintained. Ludwig also agreed with the variance request for common area, stating 20% was
Ludwig believed the developer had an obligarion to develop a stream walk to improve the
overall appeal of the Town. Since he viewed the stream walk as a benefit to the Sonnenalp
itself, he asked that its future development not be precluded.
Concerning employee housing, Ludwig said the Sonnenalp provided more than their share in
the past. In light of their history, he suggested restricting 2 units.
Kathy Langenwalter generally supported the project. She was concerned, however, that the
parking would continue to be provided for restaurant uses. She also agreed with Rick Rosen
that the result of the variances was almost an SDD, but she still believed they were
reasonable. She felt strongly that employee units should be provided, if for no other reason
than to ensure that if there were a change in ownership, 4 units would still be available. •
Gena Whitten did not support the removal of the parking, as she saw a definite need for as
much parking as possible. She found the roof structure to be a good architectural design.
She asked that the possibility for stream walk development be preserved.
Johannes Faessler pointed out that his parking demands and the demands in the parking
structures was almost opposite, with his highest demand in the summer, just when the
structures were at the lowest demand.
Diana Donovan asked for clarification of the transfer of GRFA. Kristan explained that
permitted, accessory and conditional uses could not exceed 80% of buildable site area. She
pointed out that the project exceeded common area and the 10% accessory limit for
restaurant, retail and recreation, as well as exceeded the .80 limit. Diana also asked if the
sidewalk along Vail Road started at Meadow Drive. Ken O'Brien said Public Works would
determine the specific design. Diana believed it was very important that access be clearly
from Meadow Drive. Ken said it would be difficult, but said they would work with Public
Works. Johannes pointed out it was in his best interest to make the access as visible and
accessible as possible.
Diana asked for a condition of approval that an attendant be required for parking control to
ensure it was available for restaurant use. She said she did not find the height a problem, as
it was a case of planning ahead. She reminded the applicant that it would be acceptable to
the PEC to lower the height if all the height were not needed to accommodate the chillers. :
She was in favor of definitely deed restricting employee units, stating the Commission needed
to be consistent. She suggested language similar to what was used for the VVI. She wanted
a minimum of 2 units within the Town.
Regarding other conditions of approval, she asked that the height of the trees along the berm
be maintained, that any new trees added should match that height, and that a statement be
made that the parking variance made at this time would not reduce the overall requirement in
the future, if an addition is built. Overall, she disagreed with staff's opinion that the zoning
code parking requirement for accommodation units be adjusted.
Addressing the stream walk, Diana believed it was an adopted plan, and said it would be an
asset to guests and be a nice walk to the Village. She suggested roughing-in the walk, but
retaining the natural landscape. In the alternative, she believed the Sonnenalp landscaping
should be pulled back to their property line and the Town property be revegetated to a natural
A discussion ensued over what would be acceptable for an easement to the Talisman. Kristan
said she would have no problem with a license agreement, rather than an access easement.
Jim Wear said that without an easement, the Talisman would not be required or willing to
give up their rights to the existing access easement under the Code. The Sonnenalp proposal
was befter than what currently existed, but not enough to give up their interest in the �
easement. The Talisman was concerned that the pedestrian nature of East Meadow Drive be
preserved, but they insisted on legal access. Kristan suggested a license agreement which
would provide access, but the access could be moved. Jim Wear asked for an easement with
meets and bounds legal description. Jim Shearer suggested wording which stated an easement
acceptable to the Town, Talisman and Sonnenalp be worked out. Jay agreed, but said the
Talisman should not be able to dictate the location. He committed to providing access, and
suggested dedicating an access from either Willow Bridge or Vail Road with an irrevocable
licensing agreement to the Talisman parking lot. Jim Wear agreed, stating as long as the
Talisman had access, they would not request that their easement along East Meadow Drive to
be opened.
Regarding the stream walk, Jay suggested language which said the landscape plan would not
preclude the stream walk from being constructed. The plan would be designed to not
necessitate removal of mature vegetation for the construction. Johannes said he would have
no problem just landscaping the Sonnenalp land. Diana Donovan agreed with that suggestion.
Johannes said it just did not make sense to require a rough-in of a plan which had not yet
been designed. The Commission concluded that no improvements to the stream tract, with
either a roughed-in walk or any Sonnenalp landscaping, be allowed.
After a discussion regarding the specific language of the conditions, Ludwig Kurz moved to
approve the request for height, parking and density variances for the Sonnenalp, part of Lots
K and L, Block SE, Vail Village First Filing/20 Vail Road per the staff inemo with the
following conditions:
1. Prior to Design Review Board approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing
in detail the descriptions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated
July 8, 1991:
a. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping
to screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
b. Detailed information as to the quantity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building shall be provided. This landscaping should
include a variety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
c. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show seating, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ties), pedestrian access to the parking lot, as well as
d. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as faz east as possible,
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the
berm shall be approximately doubled. The new landscaping shall be of equal
height to the existing trees, and the Design Review Board shall investigate the
possibility of deciduous trees along the berm.
e. All landscaped islands within the pazking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous trees.
f. , The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the pazking lots in a different location.
g. ' A fire access turn azound shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive
via the recorded easement shall not be an option to meet the Fire Department
access requirements. The azea in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommodate fire truck access. A combination of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this azea to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan.
h. Town-owned land along Gore Creek shall be revegetated after construction to a
natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool courtyazd
azea. Town of Vail access across the southwest corner of the Sonnenalp
property for the construcrion of a stream walk shall be allowed by the owner of
the Sonnenalp. `
i. All landscaped lighting on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Boazd.
j. A parking attendant shall be on dury at all times to facilitate use of the parking
k. The parking supply and design approved with these variances shall not be
viewed as a legal non-conforming solution which would otherwise diminish
parking requirements for future expansions or redevelopment.
2. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the renovation, the applicant shall:
a. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Engineer.
b. Dedicate an irrevocable license agreement providing access to the Talisman
from either Vail Road or Willow Bridge Road/Meadow Drive, outside the
restricted pedestrian area. The goal of this requirement is the elimination of
the Talisman access easement through the Meadow Drive berm along the
pedestrian area. �
c. Permanently restrict two dwelling units, totalling 4 beds, for employee housing.
The applicant may transfer the deed restriction to two other comparable units
within the Town of Vail after securing written approval from the Town of Vail.
Said employee units shall meet the restrictions as follows: the employee
housing units shall not be leased or rented for any period less than 30
consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time
employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be
deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail
and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who
works an average of thirty hours per week. The applicant or his successor in
interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions of record in the
office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the
Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein
shall run with the land and shall not be amended or terminated without the
written approval of the Town of Vail. This declaration shall be submitted to
the Town Attorney for review and approval and subsequently executed and
filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to Town of Vail issuance
of any building permit for the Sonnenalp.
Ludwig Kuiz stated that findings D(1), D(2), D(3)(a) and D(3)(c) of the staff inemo had been
met. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved, 7-0.
After a brief recess, the Commission reconvened for considerarion of the following:
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July 8, 1991
Present Staff
Chuck Crist Kristan Pritz
Diana Donovan Mike Mollica
Connie Knight Jill Kammerer
Ludwig Kurz Andy Knudtsen
Kathy Langenwalter Shelly Mello
Jim Shearer Betsy Rosolack
Gena Whitten Amber Blecker
The meeting was called to order at ???PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan.
1. A reguest for front setback and densitv variances for the Dick Residence, Unit 2, Tract
A, Bi�horn Townhouses/4708 Meadow Drive, #2A.
Applicant: Carol Dick
Planner: Jill Kammerer
2. A request for a densitv variance for the Bernardo Residence, Unit 4, Tract B, Bi�horn
Townhouses/4718 Meadow Drive, #4B.
Applicant: Bill Bernardo
Planner: Mike Mollica
� 3. A request for hei�ht, parkin� and densitv variances for the Sonnenaln, Part of Lots K
and L, Block 5-E, Vail Villa�e First Filing/20 Vail Road.
Anplicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andv Knudtsen
Andy Knudtsen presented. the staff inemo and the proposal. Quesrions from the
Commissioners about parking, landscaping and access points were addressed with a model
provided by the applicant. Ken O'Brien indicated there would be no need. for fire access to
the building, as an internal fire system would be installed. The Fire Department had
approved this plan.
Staff recommended approval of the requests, with the conditions listed in the staff inemo.
After a presentation of slides by Ken O'Brien, Jay Peterson explained the proposal further. -
The Sonnenalp was proposing to add 10 large rooms, though only 2 people would be staying
in each room. Most all of the other rooms would be enlarged, causing an increase in the
parking requirement. Accessory (restaurant) square footage would also be increased, though
only about 20 seats would be added. Spa area was also proposed for an increase.
Much of the proposed expansion to the common areas was to be located underground. Jay
said that since the application had been made, the allowable common area had been increased
to 35% from 20%. If the applicarion were resubmitted, he believed it would be less non-
conforming than was indicated in the staff's memo.
Jay asked that the parking be evaluated by need. The applicant had added landscaping since
the proposal was viewed at the worksession, based on the Commission and staff
Only a small mechanical space was causing the need for a height variance. Jay felt the bulk
and mass of the building, as well as site coverage, had been wisely used. Much of the space �
being expanded was being located underground. The proposed roof locarion was the best for
the chillers, as it would have the least impact on adjacent uses. He reminded the Commission
that there was no GRFA located in the area for the height variance.
Ken O'Brien said it was very important the Planning Commission realize the Town of Vail
Master Plan called for the redevelopment of the site. However, due to the cunent
configurarion of the project, not even 20 sq. ft. of common area could be added without a
variance request.
Regarding the density on the site, Jay said that even with the addirion of 10 addirional
accommodation units, the project was under the allowed densiry. In addirion, there was still
11,000 sq. ft. of GRFA unused on the site.
Turning to the issue of employee housing, Jay disagreed with staff's computarion of the
number of employees generated by the expansion. He stated the redevelopment might
actually result in a decrease in the number of employees necessary, as the cunent
configuration was extremely inefficient. He also said the Faesslers already supplied a great
amount of housing, and would conrinue to do so.
Jay asserted the stream walk was a study area, and not an adopted part of the Master Plan.
He did not think it was fa.ir to require the applicant to construct it at this time, since it had
not yet been engineered. He said nothing in the current proposal would prohibit the future
development of a stream walk by the Town. Kristan Pritz responded that the staff
recommended that the landscaping be designed to allow the construction with as few impacts
as possible. Staff was advocating the applicant complete rough grading for the path to allow
the walk to be accommodated in the future without having to cut down mature vegetation.
A An alternative, as explained by staff, was to pull the Sonnenalp-planted landscaping back to
their property line and revegetate the Town land to a natural state.
Kristan also responded to Jay's comments regarding the number of employees staff believed
could be generated by the redevelopment. Although the Rosall, Remmen and Cares report
had not yet been officially adopted by the Town of Vail, the report had studied similar ski
communities to determine the number of employees necessary for different types of
development. Staff simply used the report as a basis for evaluarion. Kristan said employee
housing was a serious problem within the Town, and that the housing need should be
addressed by developers of projects such as this. Staff had recommended only one solution.
Rick Rosen, representing the Villa Cortina Condominium Associarion and the First Bank
Condominium Association, said that overall, the Association members believed it was a good
project, and did not have problems with the parking or common area variances. However,
there was concern about the height variance, with some of the Associarion membership
believing the mechanical equipment should conform to the maximum 48' height limitation.
Mr. Rosen reminded the Commissioners to consider the findings which were necessary to
grant a variance, stating the applicants had not proven a practical difficulty or physical
hardship if the chillers were to be located on the ground. In addirion, extraordinary
circumstances pertaining to this development had not been proven, nor would there be a
denial of privileges enjoyed by others. He said the development seemed to be backing into
almost the SDD which had previously failed. There were also concerns regarding a potential
Phase II retail development along Meadow Drive. Mr. Rosen concluded by requesting a
height variance not be granted, and the chillers be located on the ground.
Jay Peterson disagreed, stating that the enclosure for the chillers was more of an architectural
projecrion, and indicated that mechanical units can be placed above the maximum height with
screening. Kristan agreed, stating there were many instances in the area where mechanical
units had been placed on a roof at a later rime, and were not counted as exceeding the
maximum height. Jay illustrated on the renderings how much the height would exceed 48
feet. He explained to the Commission that the noise impacts of the Medical Center's chillers,
were bothersome, even though they were behind a one foot concrete wall, and that elevating
the chillers to the roof would be a much better solurion.
Jim Wear from the Talisman said that the Talisman Board of Directors had not yet reviewed
the proposal, but had supported the previous plan, and believed this proposal had less impact,
though a parking variance might prove to have some impact on the Talisman. He believed
there were reasonable proposals regarding access to the Talisman. However, until a
permanent access easement was given to the Talisman, they would be reluctant to vacate the
current easement from Meadow Drive. Mr. Wear also said it would be unfair to burden the
Sonnenalp with constructing the stream walk.
At approximately 4:05, Gena Whitten left for a short period of rime.
Jim Shearer asked how fire access would be provided. Jay Peterson said that there was no
current fire access to the Talisman. He agreed to cooperate with the Talisman to devise a
better plan per the Fire Deparnnent requirement for a turnaround. Jim Wear reiterated there
was a good working relationship, and the access issue could probably be worked out.
Chuck Crist asked for clarification on the roof color. Ken O'Brien said it would be a
greenish patina, and would be constructed of copper. Chuck said he had no problem with the
height, and as far as the parking was concerned, he said it looked as though the lot was never
more than 70% full. With the increased landscaping, the parking was acceptable to him in
appearance. Chuck commented on the common area, and said that the hallways alone would
use up the allowable common area, and therefore had no problem with that variance.
Regarding the stream walk, Chuck did not feel it needed to be constructed by the owner.
Kathy Langenwalter asked Jay if he would be willing to go along with item H of the
condirions relaring to the stream walk. Jay replied they did not want to do any grading for
the path, but would leave an 8' width. Andy said that 8 feet may not be wide enough for ,
construcrion, but would check with Public Works.
Kristan Pritz pointed out that part of the condirion was to work with the staff on the stream
walk. Jay responded they would work with staff, and would space the landscaping to adjust
for a path.
Chuck asked Johannes how many additional employees he was anticiparing. Johannes said he
already has enough employees. Since there would only be 10 addirional rooms, and a more
efficient laundry, no addirional employees would be needed. His statement was there could
be a few more or a few less employees than he currently has. Chuck said he understood the
staff's recommendation for employee housing, and he appreciated Sonnenalp's record of
providing employee housing. He added that, perhaps, they could restrict one unit for
Jim Shearer had no problem with the height. He was concerned with the parking, and asked
Johannes if the restaurant and bar were going to be increased in size, would the parking still
be sufficient. Johannes answered that there were some days, such as the Fourth of July, when
he would need more parking. On those days, he would use more bellmen and valet parking.
Jim suggested that, should a future project on this site expand the current plan, he would like
to not diminish the requirements, but have them meet the parking standards in effect at that
time. Regarding landscaping, he liked the revisions, especially on the corner of Vail Road
and Meadow Drive. He felt there was enough landscaping with the berm at the Swiss Haus.
Regarding the stream walk, Jim did not believe it was necessary to ask the Sonnenalp to �
construct it. However, he would like the landscaping pulled back so the stream walk could
be constructed at a later time. He also would like to see a commitment to not remonstrate
against the stream walk added to the condirions.
' Regazding employee housing, Jim asked how many employees 4 units could hold. Andy
replied staff presumed 2 to a unit, for a total of 8. Johannes discussed the employee housing
problem. He said the problem with deed restrictions was that, when property value increases,
he must have the ability to find other employee housing. Jim stated he did not worry about
Johannes, but he felt it would be setting a precedent� He said Johannes had been doing a
good job supplying employee housing, and would conrinue to do so, but that someone else
might request the same privilege. Johannes suggested that perhaps there was some other
answer, rather than deed restricrion. He did not feel a deed restricrion was the correct way to
do it.
Diana Donovan asked Kristan if, in the employee housing ordinance, employers could move
the employee housing. Kristan replied there could be some flexibility in that regazd built into
the ordinance. Johannes believed 4 units were too many because he would not have 8 new
employees. Jim repeated that he thought a precedent would be set if Johannes were not
required to have restricted units for his employees.
Regazding common azea, Jim found no problem with the request. However, he wanted to
ensure the common azea was reduced with the next phase. Jay reminded Jim there was no
"next phase" planned at that time. Jim also wanted the Sonnenalp to come to an agreement
with the Talisman regazding fire access before finalizing the plan.
Connie Knight felt the design was beauriful. She had no problem with the applicant's
- posirion on common area or the stream walk. Her concern was about pazking. She believed
the Town had to look past what was being used today, and did not want the pazking
requirement reduced. Regazding the chillers, Connie requested this be studied to ensure there
would be no negative effects. Connie quesrioned the rario of guests to employees. Johannes
said it was about 1:1, but were currently at 1.5 employees for every guest. Connie thought
that since they were adding 20 more restaurant seats, more pazking would be necessary.
Johannes clarified these were baz seats. Connie again quesrioned Johannes' statement he
would need more employees. She felt she could accept a reduced number of employee units.
Connie also wondered if there should be a sun/shade study. Johannes said the shade would
be going into the courtyazd, not into the public rights-of-way. Ken O'Brien pointed out the
Talisman was 48-50 tall, and were located closer to the road than this proposal. Connie did
not think any approval should be given until the Talisman access issues were resolved.
Kristan and Andy believed staff, the Fire Department, Talisman and the Sonnenalp could
resolve these issues, and it was listed as a condirion of approval prior to any building permit
being issued. Jay reiterated that they were trying to work out the issue. Jim Weaz stated he
believed the issues could be resolved. Connie asked about fire truck access. Ken O'Brien
said all the fire trucks had to do was get to a siamese connection which could be placed �
anywhere along Vail Road.
Ludwig Kurz said he was pleased to see the changes in the plan since November. He was
glad the Faesslers had decided to stay in Vail, and felt it was a credit to them and the Town.
He believed the proposal was a good use of a variance for the heights. He would, however
like to see a cl�cation in the code addressing mechanical equipment, specifically stated if it
is allowed above the height limit. Regarding parldng, he preferred to see landscaping instead
of the full number of parking spaces, especially considering the controls the Sonnenalp
maintained. Ludwig also agreed. with the variance request for common area, stating 20% was
Ludwig believed the developer had an obligation to develop a stream walk to improve the
overall appeal of the Town. Since he viewed the stream walk as a benefit to the Sonnenalp
itself, he asked that its future development not be precluded.
Concerning employee housing, Ludwig said the Sonnenalp provided more than their share in
the past. In light of their history, he suggested restricting 2 units.
Kathy Langenwalter generally supported the project. She was concerned, however, that the
parking would continue to be provided for restaurant uses. She also agreed with Rick Rosen
that the result of the variances was almost an SDD, but she still believed they were �
reasonable. She felt strongly that employee units should be provided, if for no other reason
than to ensure that if there were a change in ownership, 4 units would still be available.
Gena Whitten did not support the removal of the parking, as she saw a definite need for as
much parking as possible. She found the roof structure to be a good architectural design.
She asked that the possibility for stream walk development be preserved.
Johannes Faessler pointed out that his parking demands and the demands in the parking
structures was almost opposite, with his highest demand in the summer, just when the
structures were at the lowest demand.
Diana Donovan asked for clarification of the transfer of GRFA. Kristan explained that
permitted, accessory and conditional uses could not exceed 80% of buildable site area. She
pointed out that the project exceeded common area and the 10% accessory limit for
restaurant, retail and recreation, as well as exceeded the .80 limit. Diana also asked if the
sidewalk along Vail Road started at Meadow Drive. Ken O'Brien said Public Works would
determine the specific design. Diana believed it was very important that access be clearly
from Meadow Drive. Ken said it would be difficult, but said they would work with Public
Works. Johannes pointed out it was in his best interest to make the access as visible and
accessible as possible.
Diana asked for a condition of approval that an attendant be required for parking control to
ensure it was available for restaurant use. She said she did not find the height a problem, as `
it was a case of planning ahead. She reminded the applicant that it would be acceptable to
the PEC to lower the height if all the height were not needed to accommodate the chillers.
She was in favor of definitely deed restricting employee units, stating the Commission needed
, to be consistent. She suggested language similaz to what was used for the WI. She wanted
a minimum of 2 units within the Town.
Regazding other conditions of approval, she asked that the height of the trees along the berm
be maintained, that any new trees added should match that height, and that a statement be
made that the pazking variance made at this time would not reduce the overall requirement in
the future, if an addition is buil� Overall, she disagreed with staff s opinion that the zoning
code parking requirement for accommodation units be adjusted.
Addressing the stream walk, Diana believed it was an adopted plan, and said it would be an
asset to guests and be a nice walk to the Village. She suggested roughing-in the walk, but
retaining the natural landscape. In the alternative, she believed the Sonnenalp landscaping
should be pulled back to their property line and the Town property be revegetated to a natural
A discussion ensued over what would be acceptable for an easement to the Talisman. Kristan
said she would have no problem with a license agreement, rather than an access easement. �
Jim Wear said that without an easement, the Talisman would not be required or willing to
give up their rights to the existing access easement under the Code. The Sonnenalp proposal
was better than what currently existed, but not enough to g-ive up their interest in the
easement. The Talisman was concerned that the pedestrian nature of East Meadow Drive be
preserved, but they insisted on legal access. Kristan suggested a license agreement which
would provide access, but the access could be moved. Jim Wear asked for an easement with
meets and bounds legal description. Jim Sheazer suggested wording which stated an easement
acceptable to the Town, Talisman and Sonnenalp be worked out. Jay agreed, but said the
Talisman should not be able to dictate the location. He committed to providing access, and
suggested dedicating an access from either Willow Bridge or Vail Road with an irrevocable
licensing agreement to the Talisman pazking lot. Jim Weaz agreed, staring as long as the
Talisman had access, they would not request that their easernent along East Meadow Drive to
be opened.
Regazding the stream walk, Jay suggested language which said the landscape plan would not
preclude the stream walk from being constructed. The plan would be designed to not
necessitate removal of mature vegetation for the construction. Johannes said he would have
no problem just landscaping the Sonnenalp land. Diana Donovan agreed with that suggestion.
Johannes said it just did not make sense to require a rough-in of a plan which had not yet
been designed. The Commission concluded that no improvements to the stream tract, with
either a roughed-in walk or any Sonnenalp landscaping, be allowed.
After a discussion regarding the specific language of the conditions, Ludwig Kurz moved to �
approve the request for height, pazking and density variances for the Sonnenalp, part of Lots
K and L, Block SE, Vail Village First Filing/ZO Vail Road per the staff inemo with the
following conditions:
1. Prior to Design Review Board approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing
in detail the descriprions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated
7uly 8, 1991:
a. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping
to screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
b. Detailed information as to the quantity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building shall be provided. This landscaping should
include a variety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
c. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show searing, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ties), pedestrian access to the parlcing lot, as well as
d. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as far east as possible, .
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the
berm shall be approximately doubled. The new landscaping shall be of equal
height to the existing trees, and the Design Review Board shall investigate the
possibility of deciduous trees along the berm.
e. All landscaped islands within the parking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous trees.
f. The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parking lots in a different locarion.
g. A fu�e access turn around shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive
via the recorded easement shall not be an oprion to meet the Fu�e Department
access requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommodate fire truck access. A combinarion of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan.
h. Town-owned land along Gore Creek shall be revegetated after construction to a
natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool courtyard
area. Town of Vail access across the southwest corner of the Sonnenalp
property for the construction of a stream walk shall be allowed by the owner of
the Sonnenalp.
i. All landscaped lighting on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Board.
j. A parking attendant shall be on duty at all rimes to facilitate use of the parking
k. The parking supply and design approved with these variances shall not be
viewed as a legal non-conforming solution which would otherwise diminish
parking requirements for future expansions or redevelopment.
2. Prior to the issuance of the building perrnit for the renovation, the applicant shall:
a. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Engineer.
b. Dedicate an irrevocable license agreement providing access to the Talisman
from either Vail Road or Willow Bridge Road/Meadow Drive, outside the
restricted pedestrian area. The goal of this requirement is the eliminarion of
the Talisman access easement through the Meadow Drive berrn along the
pedestrian area.
c. Permanendy restrict two dwelling units, totalling 4 beds, for employee housing.
The applicant may transfer the deed restriction to two other comparable units
within the Town of Vail after securing written approval from the Town of Vail.
Said employee units shall meet the restricrions as follows: the employee
housing units shall not be leased or rented for any period less than 30
consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-rime
employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. 1fie Upper Eagle Valley shall be
deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail
and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-rime employee is a person who
works an average of thirty hours per week. The applicant or his successor in
interest shall file a declararion of covenants and restricrions of record in the
office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the
Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restricrions herein
shall run with the land and shall not be amended or terrninated without the
written approval of the Town of Vail. This declararion shall be submitted to
the Town Attorney for review and approval and subsequently executed and
filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder prior to Town of Vail issuance
of any building perrnit for the Sonnenalp. �
Ludwig Kurz stated that findings D(1), D(2), D(3)(a) and D(3)(c) of the staff inemo had been
met. Chuck Crist seconded the morion. It was unanimously approved, 7-0.
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TO; Planning and Environmental Commission � �%�� ' ���%" � ' '�'f��'�
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FROM: Community Development Department � �'�;' ��'� ''�;;�--
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DATE: June 24 1991 J �.��-.j �� �'' '�
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SUBJECT: A request for height, parlang and density variances for the Sonnenalp, part of
Lots K and L, Block SE, Vail Village lst Filing/20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properries
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
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The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, is planning to undertake a major renovation of the
Bavaria Haus. The remodel and expansion involves three wings. The existing wing which
extends from the lobby to the Talisman will be demolished, except for the foundation and
concr�te floor plate of each level. The exterior walls will be expanded and a loft level above
the 4th floor will be added, as well as a new roof. The second major component of the
expansion involves extending a wing north from the exisring lobby, parallel to Vail Road.
The new wing will include the auto court and will be the focal point of the hotel. It will be
the tallest part of the building at 56 feet, and will require a height variance. The existing
wing, housing the lobby, restaurants and kitchen, is the third component of the project, and
will be remodeled, will have a third floor and a new roof added to it. All of the parking for
the hotel remains in the general location where it is now, and remains surface parking. There
is no commercial proposed at this time, but there will be an expansion to the restaurants,
lobby, spa area and the conference rooms.
The request involves three variances from the zoning code. The applicants will need
variances from the height standards, the parking standards and the standards for the amount of
allowabie common area. The table in Section II shows the extent of the requests.
A. Height Variance
The building complies with the 48 foot height limit of the Public Accommodations
zone district in all areas except above the auto court along Vail Road. For this portion
of the building, the roof is 56 feet high. This exceeds the standard by S feet, or
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B. Common Area Variance � ��
The applicant is proposing to exceed allowab -�ts for common and accessory
areas as shown below: �,`���. � ��;:R ; ��,.�� �
-��'� � �
- Common are�'.��#��sq. ft.,`or 56.7% instead of 20% ����� �~'�
- Accessory area (eating, drinking) over by 1,�6��51.4 sq. ft., or 23.4% �,
instead of 10% � �(
Section 18.22.090 of the Public Accommodarions secrion of the zoning code states �''� �`l �
that: � �� ���
"Total density for permitted uses, condirional uses and accessory uses shall not 2 p��
exceed 80 sq. ft. of GRFA for each 100 sq. ft. of site area.
After combining the different categories of floor area: � �,"t
- The structure is over the .80 cap by 47,067.6 sq. ft. or 66.7%.*
The implication of Section 18.22.090 of the zoning code is that the total square
footage for GRFA, accessory (restaurant/baz), common area, and accessory uses as , ���
defined in Section 18.22.040 shall not exceed 80 sq. ft. of gross floor area for each �;� �
100 sq. ft. of buildable site azea. Given the combination of floor azeas, excess unused ,��'v
GRFA can be used to compensate for the overage in accessory/restaurant square ���k
footage and meeting rooms. These calculations having been made, the project results L�� �,
in a total common azea of 40,015.1 sq. ft., which exceeds the allowable by 25,908.6 `,,�'"�
sq. ft., or 36.7%. �"'�
* The overage in total square footage is made up of the following areas:
GRFA: Approximately 60,000**
(RestaurantlBar): Approx. 9,000
Common: Approx. 46,000
Meeting Rooms: Approx. 4,000
-71,000 Allowed
Approx. 48,000 Overage
** Please note the project does not exceed allowable GRFA (
C. Parking Variances
There are two variances needed which involve parki.ng. The first is a request to
reduce the supply. The second is a request to allow more than 25% of the spaces to
be unenclosed. The applicants are required to provide a total of 138 spaces. Of this
total, 37 are required for the addition. The existing parldng lot has 101 spaces on it,
which was approved in 1986. The applicants are proposing to add 7 new spaces to the j��\
supply, resulting in a total supply of 108 spaces. Of the 108 total number of spaces j ��
provided, 12 are valet. Providing 108 spaces will require a 21.7% variance to the / ���
parking requirement.� Concerning the enclosure requirement, 75% of the required � �� i
spaces, or 28 spaces, `are �quired to be enclosed per the code. The applicant proposes j
to locate 16 within the'`�,auto court, which requi.res a 57°Io variance to this requiremen't. �� s`L`J �
The code requires 10%\'of the parking area to.be landscaped. The applicant is � `
proposing to landscape 14%. ('��-� ��� r� ����� � 2 w`�S }
�. i ������� �'��y� ��' �� �
In summary, the variances nee ed are for height (8 feet), common area (36.7%), '
parking supply (21.7%), and enclosed parking spaces (57%). ���� w��" 1
;S;1.; �iic-�=r's I
�� �
Lot Area: 2.024 acres or 88,165.4 sq. ft. �z�'
Zoning: Public Accommodation ����
Transf of
� Allowed Proposed Unused GRFA Difference
' AU � 100 or 90 (10)
---�., 50 (25 du/ac) 0 N/A
GRFA'.' 70,532.4 (80%) 58,750.3 (11,782.1)
ccessory 7,053 (10%) 8,704.4 -1,651.4 0
Common* 14,106.5 (20%) 45,817.1 -5,802.0 40,015.1 sq. ft.
� (56.7%); 20%
• allowed; 36.7% over
Mee�in�Room** -- 4,328.7 -4,328.7 0
arkin '�� 138 108 (30) 21.7% under
e Co ag� 48,490.9 36,033 (12,457.9) 25.7°Io
55% under the allowable
� H�g* � 48 feet 56 feet 8 over
* Categories needing variances
** Meeting rooms broken out to determine parking requirement. For floor area
calculations, meeting rooms are considered accessory area.
Total floor area within building: 121,890 sq. ft.
3 ��-�;;;��;`1�
A. Variance Criteria
As this project involves variance requests for height, parking and common area, each
one is discussed under each variance criteria.
1. The relarionship of the reQuested variance to other existin� or�otential
uses and structures in the vicinitv.
a. Height �
One portion of the build.ing exceeds the 48 foot height limit. The roof
in this area extends up to 56 feet, which is 8 feet over the allowed
height in the public accommodation zone district. The applicants have
designed the roof as a modified parapet wall. The interior is flat with
the exterior walls extending up to 56 feet. The flat area will be at a 48
foot height. Mechanical equipment will be located on the flat portion
and will be surrounded with the sloping portion of the roof. This
portion of the roof that surrounds the mechanical will be a void space
and will contain no GRFA.
Staff believes that the height in re�ation to the Village is generally
comparible. The peak of the tower at the Vail Village Inn (VVI) Phase
V is 70 feet tall, and the eave is 50 feet. The high part of the proposed
Sonnenalp structure is larger than the slender tower of VVI, but it will
be 14 feet shorter. The Vail Village Master Plan calls for structures on
this portion of the site to range from 3 to 4 stories. This part of the
building falls into that range with the highest part of the tower having 4
One of the benefits of locating the mechanical on the roof is that the
noise and exhaust drafts caused by the chillers will not impact adjacent
properties. By locaring the chillers on the roof, the distance between
the chillers and the properties reduces the impacts on surrounding
development. Other locations on the site where chillers could be
located would impact adjacent structures or public areas more directly.
( ���� All of the west side of the site is adjacent to Vail Road. The north side
�� �s �� is adjacent to Meadow Drive. The east side is adjacent to the Talisman,
`� and the south side is adjacent to Gore Creek. If the mechanical
equipment were located on the ground, it would have to be screened. I
Staff would be concerned that a fence around the chillers would not be .�
easily integrated into a site plan, and that the impacts from the (�
mechanical would increase if located on the ground.
��"� P�,� !,
4 , � ��a
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b. Parking __
, .
The amount of arkin re uired for the addition is 36.7 or 37 s aces. �� '
P g Q P
The existing parking lot has 101 spaces in it. As a result, the total
supply should be 138 spaces. The applicant is proposing 108 spaces,
-- including 12 valet, which is 21.7% less than the requirement.
�^ n �.
Variance to Sunnlv ReQUirement: Staff understands that there are trad -� , `
offs between rovidin arkin s ace and usin area within a arkin �,r'�'�
�� S�,✓ P g P g P s � P Z � ����;
w�a-� � lot for landscaping. Generally, addiuonal landscaping within the ��;;,�`'
�� � parking lot improves the relationship to the surrounding uses and `�'
�w� � structures. Giv that, staff believes the variance request to reduce the
rr+�-�� ��'�� number of spaces re �' ed, and provide additional landscaping,
�� � improves the relationshi��i�surrounding area, especially given the
(,e �-� �� � staff's parking analysis for this prope
� �
�s{`�`��✓ Variance to Enclosure Reguirement: Because 57% of the parking will !P ,'
�-,� E u�3��.� I remain open, an d because t he Pu b lic Accommo dation secrion o f t he �
� � I zoning code only allows 25% to remain open, the applicant needs a �
� �,�,� s� �
Q ����- i variance. Ideally, the parking would be located underground,
) ' completely "screened." Staff has spent rime in the parking lots of the
( � Talisman and Sonnenalp, and has spent time discussing the landscaping
° � � issue with the architect. The proposed landscaping plan has been
� ; designed around the concept to: 1) increase the amount of landscaping
� � around the perimeter of the parking lot on the berm, 2) provide, to the
� extent possible, a band of landscaping running through the central part
� of the parking lot, and 3) increase the amount of landscaping at the base
� of the buildings. Staff believes this parking lot design is a good balance
� between supplying parking spaces and screening them with landscaping. I
a t
,r ����� ��� fi
G In addition to the landscaping to be located in the interior of the parking
; lot, the applicant will be reconstructing the bus stop area, redesigning
3 �°"L`�`� � the area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance, and replacing 6 parking
� `�- '���r fi � spaces by the loading dock with landscaping. Given these
E improvements, which all include landscaping, in addition to the fact that
the parking lot landscaping exceeds the code standard by 4%, staff �
believes the parking lot will be screened sufficiently from surrounding ;
uses. Without the landscaping, staff believes the relationship of the
� e-� 7��'''`"�°� roposal to the surrounding uses is unacceptable.
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c. Common Area -
Staff believes the amount of common area requested by the applicant
affects`the �urrounding uses and structures in that it adds somewhat to
the mass and btrllc of the proposed structure. Approximately half of the
common area will tie��ocated in the basement levels. In general, staff
believes the size of the structure is reasonable, and this variance request
dces not generate negative impacts. The structure has been designed so
that it is 25.7% under the allowab�e s' e coverage. Given that the site
coverage has not been maximized, the m and bulk resulting from the -��
additional common area is �asonable. Addinonal analysis of the mass �j��
and bulk of the structure will be provided under the Vail Village Mast r� -� � `,
Plan secrion of this memo. � �r 1
r �
2. The de�ree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and
enforcement of a specified re�ulation is necessarv to achieve
� �� comparibilitv and uniformitv of treatment amon� sites in the vicinitv or
�� ` � to attain the ob'ectives of this title without ant of s ecial rivile e.
S�'�, 1 �' p p �
a. Height
The height variance is needed because the applicant is proposing to
extend the roof to screen mechanical equipment. Because portions of
most mechanical systems are located on the roofs of large buildings,
staff believes there is not a grant of special privilege. The mechanical �`
system for this building has been designed so that most of it is in the
basement. A flue rnns through the building from the basement
mechanical area within the tower to this part of the roof. Because of
the locations of these parts of the mechanical system, locating the '
exterior portion of the mechanical system on the roof of the tower is ,
Given the design of the mechanical system, the applicants have �
attempted to screen the exposed part of the mechanical by extending the
roof. Staff believes this is a much more aesthetically pleasing solution
than the typical screen wall found on other buildings. Staff did not j
believe that this part of the structure could be approved without a
variance, however. Though we determined that it had to be considered ,''
as structure and not an architectural projection, we believe it is a good '
design solurion for an issue common to many large buildings in town.
The purpose of the roof in this location is strictly to screen the �--,
mechanical. There is no GRFA within the structure that exceeds the 48
foot height limit. Town staff believes the architect has planned ahead J
� i
and incorporated the mechanical into the building. Given the `,�' '�' �
�. 1
comprehensive approach to the design of this project, as well as the fact • �
the purpose of the height variance is strictly to enclose the mechanical, � �
� ,; staff can support this request. ��,,,,,i,w�,`
b. Parking ��`��.
Variance to Su 1 R uirement: The a licant is re uestin a 21.7% `-'
rr � � r
variance to the parking standard; 78.3% of the requirement will be
provided. In 1989, the planning department staff did a study of parking
lots within the Town. Sta.ff determined the percentage of parking
spaces utilized in many different lots during peak weekends between
December 29 and July 1. The Bavaria Haus parking lot was one of
those studied. Of the 21 times staff checked this parking lot, only 2 ,
times was it urilized more than 70°Io. The applicants are proposing to
supply 78.3% of the total requirement. The two times which did exceed
this amount were December 30 between 11:OOAM and 2:30PM and �,,;,
January 18 between 6:OOPM-7:OOPM. The average utilization of this z;
parking lot over the six month period was 55.2%. Staff believes the
proposed 78.3°lo will provide a reasonable number of spaces, given that
there were few rimes when more spaces were needed.
� � �� �
� v���%Y`��Staff is proposing to reduce the lodge parking requirement for the Town
slightly, based on this parking analysis. The change will be proposed
U � ��
f�-�5 �`' through the zoning code amendment process cunently underway. The
( � � department feels comfortable with the reduction in parking as the
i i w'
ro rt i lod use and the re uct on does not onfl ct ith actual
n e p pe y s a ge , d c �
� �s� parking numbers from the study. Providing spaces according to the �
.,��1,,� �' Us study's conclusion is reasonable in this instance, and makes the general �
/� �,�'�� � proposal compatible with actual demand for lodge parking within the
,�:�� � �e � .
n�-' ( / Variance to Enclosure Requirement: Staff believes the applicant has ���`�
Ca �""
included a reasonable number of landscaped islands within the parking
�;�°`� lot, and has increased the amount of planting around the perimeter of ���,�-
I ��"� the parking so that the goal of screening it from the public has been � ,�_,��;I.
� y C � reasonably achieved. The fact that no spaces are presently enclosed, �= � �`
U� �� � and that some will be enclosed (16 spaces) is an improvement to the
�- appearance of the parking lot. In addition, the spaces along Vail Road
v� p by the loading dock will be removed, reducing the public's view of
G� parking signi�cantly. The fact that the applicant is exceeding the code
! standard for interior landscaping within the parking lot, and that the -
applicant is increasing the landscaping on the perimeter, justify a
variance to this requirement. Based on the appearance of the parking
lot design, staff believes it will be a compatible treatment with other
sites in the vicinity.
c. Common Area
Most of the common area of the project is found in a few large areas.
T'hese include the basement at approximate�y 2Q,000 square feet, the spa
area of approximately 10,000 squaze feet, and the lobby at
approximately 5,000 square feet. The portion of the basement to be
built under the auto court will be built on two levels and will be able to
structurally support automobiles. In the future, the applicant may
construct underground parking garages, which will tie into these two
levels. The hallways throughout the building make up the remainder of
the common area at approximately 15,000 square feet.
The Town of Vail zoning code standard for common area in multi-
family development has recently been increased from 20% of total
GRFA to 35°Io of allowable GRFA, and has been defined in a new way.
Though this project was submitted prior to the adoption of the new
code, it is important to provide the background of the code change for
this memo. In the analysis of this code revision, staff took into account
the many different kinds of multi-family development. On one end of
the spectrum are residential condominium projects with very little
common area, and on the other are lodges that usually have a greater
amount of common area. In order to balance the two types of
� development, staff had recommended 35% for the code standard. The
35%, however, reflects a compromise. Even during the zoning code
1 ` amendment process, staff acknowledged that some variances will still be
� needed for multi-use lodges, �ike the Sonnenalp.
3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of
" population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and
� utilities, and public safetv.
� H i ht
j a. e g
� The one impact which the height of the building could have on the
; above-referenced issues involves light and air. The shadow this
' building will create will be much less than what the previous proposal
would have caused. Staff believes the 165 foot setback from Meadow
Drive to the wing parallel to Meadow Driv is adequate to protect
8 �N�
_ �
Meadow Drive from shade. The tower is closer to Meadow Drive than
f� the rest of the build.ing and may shade it for some time. Staff believes
the 56 height, the 1Q0 foot setback, and the relarively narrow tower
width of 40 feet, are s ch that the shadow impacts will be reasonable.
b. Parking �;-�
The proposed design for the parking lot affects transportation and traffic
� facilities, spec�cally the circulation within the parking lot and access to
; the parking lots. Staff believes that, as a part of this approval, the
i Town should require the Sonnenalp to provide an access easement to
j the Talisman. Currently, the Talisman residents drive through the
� Sonnenalp parking lot to reach the Talisman parking lot. Staff believes �
' this solution works well and should be made permanent. In addition, �nx'�
� �
� the access easement from the Talisman parking lot to Meadow Drive �����`
� should be abandoned. Staff believes this will insure the quality of the �'�� ��"�- a
� pedestrian area on Meadow Drive, insure public safety, and will �', ,.�.,���""�
� maintain the functions of the existing transportation and traffic facilities `��
i in this part of Town. Staff does not believe there are any other impacts
from the variance requests to the supply requirement or the enclosure
requirements on the above-referenced criteria.
Ic. Common Area
The variance request for additional common area has no impact on the
above-listed issues.
d. Transportation
The Town's engineer has reviewed the proposal, and has stated that any
future expansion of the Sonnenalp, which may include commercial
facilities, will require a left-hand turn lane to be built in Meadow Drive.
As the building in the area of the auto court has been designed so that it
dces not encroach into the front setback, there is enough room for such
a turn lane. However, some landscaping would need to be removed.
At this time, a left-hand turn lane is not needed.
4. Other Factors and Criteria
a. Landscaping
There are six critical areas of the site where staff believes good
landscaping treatment is critical. The first is the corner of Vail Road
and Meadow Drive. C�rrently there is an electrical switching gear -
station on the corner. The applicant has deleted the plan to build a wall
around the switching gear to screen it. Instead, a softer treatment of
landscaping will be used. The edge of the landscaping will be
expanded into the street, where totems are currently located. The added
landscaping will not impact traffic flow, as pedestrians are the only
users of this part of the street.
The second u�ea of concern is the bus stop along Meadow Drive.
Currently the bus stop is situated between two railroad rie wall planters.
The concrete in the area has deteriorated. The applicant will be
replacing the concrete with pavers and rebuilding the planter walls with
boulders, if necessary. Additional landscaping will also be provided in
the area, which will also help to screen the parking lot.
A third azea of concern to the staff is the area adjacent to the Swiss
Haus entrance. Though this area is not part of the Bavaria Haus parcel,
the applicant is redesigning the fire access points in this area as a
requirement of this request. Fire trucks will not be able to access
through the auto court. In addition to relocating the planters to provide
the correct angles for the fire trucks to get into the parking areas, the
applicant will add landscaping and pavers to the front of the Swiss
Haus. A site plan will be presented at the hearing showing details in
this area. In addition, the applicant will extend the berm east along
Meadow Drive to the fire access points.
The fourth area of concern to staff is located adjacent to Vail Road by
the loading dock azea. The applicant will be removing six of the seven
parking spaces in this area and replacing them with landscaping. In
addition to the landscaping, the applicant will be constructing a paver
sidewalk from the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive to the bridge
over Gore Creek. Staff believes these changes will be very positive.
Another modificarion in this vicinity is an expansion of the Bully and
reduction of the dining deck. The deck will be reduced by
approximately 350 sq. ft. Staff believes the deck reduction is
acceptable, given the landscape improvements, removal of parking, and
the fact that most of the dining deck remains.
Other areas of concern include landscaping on the interior of the
parking lot as well as augmenting the existing landscaping on the berm
along Meadow Drive. The berm landscaping will be planted with
approximately twice the number of existing bushes and trees. See
discussion above relating to the pazking lot interior landscaping.
10 `�,�� I
, ��
b. Stream Walk �.���� - ' ���7 ���5 �i�%
Staff has stud.ied the stream tract between Willow Bridge Road and Vail
Road. We considered impacts to adjacent property owners and the
stream environment, and believe that by benching the path in at a lower
grade from surround.ing property and screening it with vegetation,
pedestrians would have very litde impact on lodge guests. For example,
the areas along the south side of the stream by River House and
Edelweiss provide a reasonable alignment since the first floor of these
structures are parking garages. Staff also believes that the kitchen,
loading dock and conference faciliries of the Bavaria Haus would not be
impacted by a stream walk. Staff believes that a sensitive alignment
would start by the Sonnenalp load.ing dock on the north side, continue
east past the conference faciliries, then cross over to the Edelweiss and
the Summers Lodge properties.
Staff thinks that it is important that the Sonnenalp's pool and garden
area be designed to be pleasant for hotel guests as well as to be
compatible with a stream walk. The applicant has designed the
�v-� ( � " landscape plan idenrifying a narrow path alignment. Staff is concerned
� f�``� that the alignment is too narrow and that the Town land should not be
ti� planted with vegetation that would be in conflict with the construction
� ��y �
� and location of a stream walk. Staff believes the alignment of the walk
f �,� should be shown on the landscaping plan, and that an adequate buffer,
� �"� 20 feet, around the path should be identified. This buffer is needed so
that construction activities do not require cutting any trees down. In
�, addition, staff believes the sod area of the pool area should be en,taxeLy -- �,�
(�1� contained on the private property of the Sonnenalp. 'i'fie�Town-owned
stream tract should be preserved naturally, so that the eventual � ���°(
construction of the stream walk is not perceived as disrupting a private ��c��,
area. We would want to see the path graded into the site with this
proposal to minimize further disturbance. Tl�e applicant has agreed ro ����
remove the existing lights on Town of Vail property which illuminate (��
l''~� the landscaping, and that no lights will be reinstalled without Design V�,��
;�,� � Review Board approval. '
�fi��t.������ �i. �� i�
�, �\� c. Employee Hous�ng
\ , �\',� With the adoprion of the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on
November 20, 1990, housing is an issue that must be addressed with �
applications such as these. At this time, the report has been adopted
and provides guidelines for new development. The report's
recommendations are currently being incorporated into the Zoning Code.
The Land Use Plan also calls for employee housing by stating:
Goal 5.3 - "Affordable employee hovsing should be made -
available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives,
provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions."
Although the applicant believes no addirional employees will be
generated as a result of this redevelopment, staff believes a
redevelopment of this magnitude should have some permanent employee
housing located on site or off site. T'he housing analysis equates square
footage to number of employees, and though conceptual as to
recommendations, suggests a certain number of employees for different
types of uses. T'he report is being prepared by Rosall, Remmen and
Cares. The recommendations are based on surveys of businesses in
Eagle, Routt, Summit, Pitken and Blair (Sun Valley) counties. Based
on the information in the study, the increased floor areas will generate a
need for additional employees, as shown in the tables below:
Existing Proposed
1986 1991 Difference
Spa 403 9,693.1 9,290.1
Common 3,061 4,328.7 1,267.7
Accessory 5,623 8,704.4 3,081.4
Rooms 80 90 10
Housing Study
Increase in Employer Number of
Floor Area Sq. Ft. Ratio* Additional Emplovees
Spa Area 9,290.1 1/1000 9.3
Conference Facilities 1,267.7 1/1000 1.3
Restaurant/Bar Area 3,081.4 5/1000 15.4
Rooms 10 .25/room 2.5
28.5 Total Employees
* Employees/sq. ft.
There are two methods of calculating the number of restricted dwelling
units to be requested. The first recommended in the affordable housing
study suggests that developers house 15% of the employees required by
expansions. This first method was intended to be applied to "by right"
projects. The second, which is intended to be used for those projects
requesting square footage above what the code allows, recommends the
applicant deed restrict enough housing units to cover 30% of the
additional employees.
Using the first method, 15% of the 28.5 additional employees would
result in 4.2 addirional employees requiring housing. Assuming that 2
employees will share a dwelling unit, the 4.2 is divided by 2, resulting
in 2.1 or 2 dwelling units.
The method which is required to be used for projects involving
variances would be as follows:
28.Sx .30 = 8.6
8.b / 2 = 4.2 or 4 dwelling units
Staff believes that, because the spa area, the conference facilities, and
the restaurant/bar area cont�ibute to the variance request, the applicant
must provide housing for these areas. Because the applicant is not over
on GRFA or density, staff believes it would be reasonable not to require
employees for that portion of the expansion. By deleting the GRFA
component out of the equations, the first scenario would be as follows:
26.0 employees x .15 = 3.9
3.9 / 2 = 1.95 or 2 dwelling units ,. � /�S �
The second method of calculation would be as follows:
26 x .3 = 7.8 ,,�� �,�-��� C��--
7.8 / 2 = 3.9 or 4 dwelling units "`� � ,,�.�4 ��-
� �,« ��j�
The Sonnenalp employs approximately 270 employees during the winter 'I ,
season. Of these, the Sonnenalp currently provides housing for ���
approximately 145 employees. 33 dwelling units are owned by the
Sonnenalp, housing 67 employees, and 20 units are rented by the �J�;��
Sonnenal p, housin g 78 em plo yees. This assumes that each bedroom ° �
houses 2 Sonnenalp employees. `i;
��..� ,
Staff aclrnowledges that the applicant has voluntarily addressed the need ;�
for housing. However, in staff's opinion, it is not appropriate to rely on �
an employer's past record to solve the housing issue in our community. -,, �,��.
We believe that some of the housing privately held should be deed
�� 1
restricted to insure its perpetual use as employee housing, or new
housing units should be constructed on site. Staff believes that, for this
request, the recommendations from the housing study should be
implemented. Specifically, staff recommends that for the areas
requiring a variance, housing should be deed restricted for 30% of the
employees. In other words, 3.9 (or 4.0) dwelling units should be
B. Vail Village Master Plan
The portions of the Vail Village Master Plan which pertain to this project include
three subarea concepts and five illustrative plans.
1. Subarea concepts.
a. Subarea 1-2 - Vail Road Intersecrion. Subarea 1-2 states that:
"Possible realignment of intersection in conjunction with
relocation of ski museum. Focus of redesign should be to
� establish a small park and pedestrian entry for the west end of
the Village, and to provide a visual barrier to discourage
vehicular traffic from heading south on Vail Road from the 4-
way stop. Specific design of ski museum site to be included in
West Meadow Drive Pedestrian Improvement Project. The
pedestrian connection both north and south along Vail Road
should be improved."
Staff Response: Staff believes this subarea concept has been
addressed, as the applicant will be building a sidewalk from this
intersection to Gore Creek along Vail Road. In addirion, the
landscaping to be planted in front of the transformer should
improve the appearance of this intersection.
b. Subarea 1-3 - Sonnenalp (Bavaria Haus) Infill. Subarea 1-3
states that: "Commercial infill development with second floor
residential/lodging to enclose Meadow Drive and to improve the
quality of pedestrian experience. Designated walkways and
plazas with green space should interface with those of the Vail
Village Inn. A pedestrian walkway (possibly arcade) should be
provided to encourage pedestrian circulation physically removed
from Meadow Drive. Mass of building should not create a
shadow pattern on Meadow Drive. Development will require
coordination and/or involvement with adjacent property owners.
Exisring and new parking demand to be provided on site."
Staff Response: Shading on Meadow Drive is no longer an
impact with this project. Because the applicant has chosen to
renovate the existing wing of the building, there is now a 165
foot distance between the edge of Meadow Drive and the east
wing of the building.
The adjacent surface parking and removal of most of the
planting island in the center of the existing parking lot reduces
the qualiry of the pedestrian experience along Meadow Drive.
The additional landscaping to be planted in the berm along
Meadow Drive helps provide some enclosure to Meadow Drive;�
and screening of the parking. The bus stop improvements also 6a.��
will comply with this subarea concept. /
��e ,�I-
c. Subarea 1-9 - Studv Area: Villa�e Sveam Walk. "Study of a y���
walking only path along Gore Creek between the Covered
Bridge and Vail Road, connecting to existing sveam walk,
further enhancing the pedestrian network throughout the Village
and providing public access to the creek. Specific design and
location of walkway shall be sensitive to adjacent uses and the
creek environment. "
Staff Response: Staff believes this element can be reasonably
incorporated into the proposed design and site plan. We believe
this amenity is in the best interests of the community, and can be
added to the site plan without impacting the Sonnenalp Hotel.
Appropriate creek crossings, and grading which provides for the
trail to be benched in at a lower elevation than the pool, can be
done in a way that is compatible with the courtyard area of the
hotel, and should be shown on the site plan as discussed above.
2. Illustrative Plans
a. Illustrative Plan - Land Use
1. North side of Sonnenalp site - Mixed use
"This category includes the historic Village core and properties
near the pedestrianized streets of the ViIlage. Lodging, retail
and limited amount of office use are found in this category.
With nearly 270,Q00 sq. ft. of retail space, and approximately
320 residential units, the mixed use character of these areas is a
major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The commercial reta.il has been deleted from
the previous proposal. As a result, the hotel facility will not -
have as many uses as the Land Use lllustration Plan calls for.
There still will be restaurant and bar use open to the public.
2. South Side of Sonnenalp Site - Medium/high density
residential and mixed use.
Medium/high density. "The overwhelming majority of the
Vi22age is lodge rooms and condominium units are located in
this land use category. Approximately 1,100 units have been
developed on the 27 acres of private land in this category. In
addition, another 110 units are approved but unbuilt. It is the
goal of this plan to ma.intain these areas as predominantly
lodging oriented, with retail development limited to small
amounts of accessory reta.il."
Mixed use. "This category includes the historic Village core and
properties near the pedestrianized streets of the Village.
Lodging, reta.il and limited amount of office use are found in this
category. With nearly 270,000 sq. ft. of retail space, and
approximately 320 residential units, the mixed use character of
these areas is a major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The project complies with the designation of
medium/high density, as it is nearly at the maximum allowed `
number of accommodation units for the property. The fact that �
` all of the units will be accommodation units is a positive benefit ,;
� , to the Village.
b. Illustrative Plan - Open Space
The plan calls for:
1. A planted buffer is to be created on the corner of Vail Road and
Meadow Drive.
2. Plazas with green space are to be created between the Sonnenalp
and Phase V, as well as between the Talisman and VVI
sculpture plaza.
3. Open space is designated along the entire stream comdor. -
Staff Response:
��-� 1. Planted Buffer: Staff believes that the additional landscaping on
the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive fulfills this element.
2. Plazas: With the renovarion of the bus stop and the reworking
of the Swiss Haus entry, the two areas shown on the illustrative
^ ___� plan for plazas will be improved. Full scale plazas, as shown on
�-t� ` the illustrarive plan, as well as the Vail Streetscape Plan are not
� !� appropriate to require from the developer at this time, as a future
� commercial expansion may affect the design of these areas.
Staff believes the work that will be done in these two areas is in
compliance with the concepts of the illustrarive plan.
3. Open Space Corridor: S e cussion under stream walk above.
(�� ����:� f f,���:�i l=a
c. Illustrative Plan - Parking and Circulation ���
The plan designates:
1. East Meadow Drive as a bus route and pedestrian saeet with
plazas; and
2. The Gore Creek corridor as a study area for a walking path.
Staff Response: East Meadow Drive will continue to function as it does now.
� We recommend that the access easement for the Talisman be vacated as
�}'� discussed above, so that access onta Meadow Drive can be avoided, and the
' li'"" pedestrian nature of Meadow Drive can be preserved. Staff believes the
� �
�� proposal should.incorporate a,stream walk.
d. Illustrative Plan - Building Height
The area along East Meadow Drive is recommended to be a maximum of two
to three stories. Three to four stories are designated on the southern 3/4 of the
property. Staff is pleased the current proposal complies with the height plan.
A majority of the facade along Vail Road is three stories high, with the
building going as high as four stories at two locations. The center of the site
includes a wing that goes as high as four stories, which complies with the
���?xar;Qn° �t�e height plan. :.
�'.� � e �r �-- �
C. Vail Streetscape Master Plan
The Streetscape Plan calls for two pedestrian plazas along East Meadow Drive. Staff
��`` believes a contriburion to the treatment along East Meadow Drive is necessary, and
���„ that the upgrade to ihe existing eastbound bus stop, the improvement to the
� �``�� landscaping along East Meadow Drive, and the rewarking of the area in front of the
���� Talisman and Swiss Haus generally fulfills the standards of the plan. Staff believes
�' � the improvements are in general compliance with the concepts of the Streetscape plan.
D. Findings
The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before
granting a variance:
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special �
privilege inconsistent with the limitarions on other properties classified
in the same district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would result ia�ipractical difficul�.,b u�nnecessary_�
physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.
b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not
apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by
the owners of other properties in the same district.
Staff recommends approval of the three variance requests as the request meets the criteria and h� -���
findings for a variance. Concerning Finding number one, staff believes that there is not a p-c�
grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations on other properties for height, as r
mechanical areas are typically located on roofs. Screening the mechanical according to the
proposed design is a solution that integrates the screening into the building well. Analysis of
parking demands in the Town suggests that the code requirements exceed the utilization �,��,�%�-��
demands, and that as a rule, lodges do not require as much parking as the zoning code� ���' ''�n�� ``
requires. Lastly, the increase in common area is not an uncommon occurrence. Common i �; ���� 1
areas for full service resort hotels rypically exceed the amount allowed by code, as the code �'J` :,,��:`�tir
requirement pertains to several different types of muld-family development. �'°' �
Concerning the second finding, staff believes that none of the requested variances will be
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. �
�j� �v�
Concerning the third finding, staff believes that strict interpretarion of the c e regarding 5 ���v
height would result in a practical difficulty. Locaring the mechanical equipment on the roof �
is a reasonable solurion that is commonly done. Locaring it elsewhere on the site would not
be as practical, and would possibly result in greater impact to adjacent properties. Staff
believes a strict enforcement of the parking regulation is not necessary, based on staff '�G
research, and that enforcement of that regulation would be an unusual and unnecessary
requirement of the Sonnenalp lodge. Concerning common area, staff believes, again, that a �L
strict enforcement of the common area regulations is not in line with what many of the oth
lodges in town enjoy, and that a strict enforcement is not appropriate.
Therefore, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the three
variance requests for the Sonnenalp renovarion, with the following conditions of approval:
1. Prior to Design Review Board approval, the applicant shall submit a site plan showing
in detail the descriptions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated
July 8, 1991:
a. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping
to screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
b. Detailed informarion as to the quantity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building shall be provided. This landscaping should �
include a vanety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
c. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show seating, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ties), pedestrian access to the parking lot, as well as
d. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as far east as possible,
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the -
berm sh 11 be approximately doubled./��� A � -�� � �
�����-�— ;�_. _ .
e. All landscaped islands within the arking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous trees. / /J �
��l-.C-- liZ�-G✓ �J ��L��.��-C
19 �,� � ���:-� �e,.` -�-f �;
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G .� LC s�Gt'r��/,�/]
f. The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parking lots in a different location.
g. A fire access turn around shall be designed in front of the Talisman to meet the
standards of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive
via the recorded easement shall not be an option to meet the Fire Department
access requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommod.ate fire truck access. A combination of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan. �� � � Q�( �un
, - - _ ,�.�-�'� _ ----_._ _____.
h. �3'�e-" plicant s ail comply wi���the st �co�endarions on the stiearriµwalk�
�tf, nd in Se ion�li of th�emo. e al�ment of the wallc�r�ll be ��`i
r ndicate on th�'land�e plan, a � buffer be prov�d� for construc '-n
� b�� r of he walk„�nd p�3iminary gracli�g for the path in�eYuded in the lan�i� ape
�� �� � �� �
� e plan. (If the PEC does not.-eo'ncur with thi�ebndition, staff bel��ves all ��'
. 'proppsed�an sd c� ing o�-��e—Te�-of-�ai�-streea�-traet-�s�a�1-b�--����Om_!
i �
t�ie - :) Town-owned•land shall be revegetated after construction
to a natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool
Courtyard area. � d" s`�`�" � �
��� ����� � „��� c..]'z-4'¢ �l«xXY /�f.�`�/LQ� GC1=6L�•
i. All landscaped lighring on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Board.
2. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the renovation, the applicant shall:
a. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk e�� �r��d°`��`
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Er�ineer. � , � 1������
,�rnvi� ,�t GJ��I��� G�r�� �rn�-����� �
b. D,e�dlrcate-� access e�t from Vail Road'to the Talisman parking lot.
A onal�}Y, the e�isn/n� acc easem nt fzom eadow D�'ve 9-the'�al-i-sman
p��i�iot l�laall b�dacat�d. �
c. Dedicate 4.0 employee units according to S ction 18.13.080(B) of the Town of
Vail Zoning Code. �C�:�.�..� �- T�z�r-�(
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A. Total Floor Areas
Common Area Accessorv Area GRFA Mechanical
Basement 15,681.2 4,328.7 - 3,734.6
First Floor 16,794.6 8,704.4 782.0 62.9
Second Floor 5,481.9 - 23,812.4 111.0
Third Floor 4,813.7 - 20,068.2 180.5
Fourth Floor 3,045.7 - 11,611.7 200.8
Lofts - - 2,476.0 -
Totals: 50,145.8 8,704.4 58,750.3 4,289.9
Grand Total: 121,890.4
B. Site Coverage
Allowed: 88,165.4 x .55 = 48,491.0 sq. ft.
Vail Road Wing (Including conference area underneath Ludwig's Deck): 25,973
Meadow Drive Wing: +10,060.5
Total: 36,033 sq. ft.
C. Parking Requirements
Vail Road Wing Meadow Drive Wing
AUs/Parkin� Spaces AUs/Parkin� Spaces
Basement AUs 0/0 spaces 0/0 spaces
First Floor AUs 2/1.6 spaces 0/0
Second Floor AUs 25/23 spaces 15/14.5 spaces
Third Floor AUs 23/21.5 spaces 10/10 spaces
Fourth Floor AUs 6/6 spaces 9/9 spaces
Total: 85.6 parking spaces for the Accommodation Units.
Bar/Restaurant Area - 6,360.1 / 15 / 8 = 53.0
Meeting Room Area - 4,328.7 / 15 / 8 / 2 = 18.0
Accommodation Units - +85.6
Total: 156.6 spaces
Total From Above: 156.6 spaces
Mulri-Use Credit - -2.5% _ - 3.9 spaces
152.7 spaces
Non-Conforming Amount Approved in 1986: - 15.0 spaces
Total: 137.7 or 138 spaces
Amount Proposed: 108 spaces
Deficit: 30 spaces or 21.7%
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TO: Planning and Environmental Commission � � ���
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FROM: Community Development Department � �
DATE: June 24, 1991
SUBJECT: A request for a worksession for height, parlang and density variances for the
Sonnenalp, part of Lots K and L, Block SE, Vail Village 1 st Filing/20 Vail
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, is planning to undertake a major renovation of the
Bavaria Haus. The remodel and expansion involves three wings. The existing wing which
extends from the lobby to the Talisman will be demolished, except for the foundation and
concrete floor plate of each level. The exterior walls will be expanded and a loft level above
the 4th floor will be added, as well as a new roof. The second major component of the
expansion involves extending a wing north from the existing lobby, parallel to Vail Road.
The new wing will include the auto court and will be the focal point of the hotel. It will be
the tallest part of the building at 56 feet, and will require a height variance. The existing
lobby, restaurants and kitchen are located in the third wing along the east side of Vail Road.
This porrion of the building will be remodeled on the interior and will have a third floor
added to it, as well as a new roof. All of the parking for the hotel remains in the general
location where it is now, and remains surface parking. There is no commercial proposed at
this time, but there will be an expansion to the restaurants, lobby, spa area and the conference
room s.
The request involves three variances from the zoning code. The applicants will need
variances from the height standards, the parking standards and the standards for the amount of
allowable common area. The table in Section II shows the extent of the requests. The
building complies with the 48 foot height limit the Public Accommodations zone district
requires in all areas except above the auto court. For this portion of the building, the roof is ,
56 feet high. This exceeds the standard by 8 feet, or 16.7%. Concerning the common area,
the Town allows 35% of allowable GRFA for common area, which is 24,686.3 sq. ft. for this
project. With this design, the applicants are proposing 56% of the allowable GRFA for
common area, or 39,498.1 sq. ft. This exceeds the standard by 15,328.8 sq. ft., or 21%. The
proposed accessory area exceeds the 10% which is allowed. For the purposes of floor area
calculations, staff is combining the two categories, as prescribed in Section 18.22.090. -
Regarding parking, the applicants are required to provide a total of 138 spaces. Of these, 37
are required for the addition. 101 spaces were provided for the 1986 approval. The
applicants are proposing a total of 129 spaces, or 27 new spaces. The 129 spaces falls 6.5°Io
short of the code requirement of 138. 75°Io of the required new spaces, or 28 spaces, should
be enclosed. The applicant proposed to locate 16 within the auto court, which is only 43°Io of
the requirement. Of the 129 total number of spaces provided, 14 are valet.
Lot Area: 2.024 acres or 88,165.4 sq. ft.
Zoning: Public Accommodation
Allowed Proposed Difference
AU 100 or 90 (10)
DU 50 (25 du/ac) 0 N/A
GRFA 70,532.4 (80%) 58,750.3 (11,782.1)
Accessory 7,053 (10°Io) 8,704.4 (12.3°Io) 1,651.4 over
Common* 24,686.3 (35°Io) 45,817.1 (56°Io) 25,459.5 over
Meeting Room** -- 4,328.7 4,328.7
Parking* 138 129 (9)
Site Coverage 48,490.9 36,033 (12,457.9)
Height* 48 feet 56 feet 8 over
* Categories needing variances
** Meeting rooms broken out to determine parking requirement. For floor area
calculations, meeting rooms are considered common area.
Before comparing the proposal to the standards the Town uses to evaluate development, staff
will first discuss issues related to the project. These include height, parking, landscaping,
common area and the stream walk. Next, staff will analyze the proposal using three
documents which pertain to this site and this request: the variance criteria, the Vail Village
Master Plan, and the Streetscape Plan. At the end of the memo are tables showing the
detailed information of the project.
A. Height
One portion of the building exceeds the 48 foot height limit. The roof in this area
extends up to 56 feet as proposed at this time. This height is 8 feet over the allowed
' height in the public accommodation zone district, which is 48 feet. The applicants
have designed the roof in this area so that the interior part is flat. The flat area will
be at a 48 foot height. The mechanical equipment will be located on the flat portion
and will be screened with the sloping portion of the roof that extends up to 56 feet.
The mechanical equipment to be located in this area includes three chillers. These
chillers are approximately 10 feet wide, 12 feet long and 8 feet high. The chillers'
function is to cool the building. According to the applicant, it was not possible to
install air conditioning equipment since the floor to ceiling heights in the existing part
of the building do not allow for duct work. The chillers will cool water which can be
sent to the rooms through pipes which will take up less space than the duct work. The
chillers work best when exposed to the air, and most aze situated on roofs. The two
options the applicant has for the chillers' locarion include the roof or the ground.
Wherever they are located, staff believes they must be screened. In addition, staff
understands that they make a significant amount of noise, and have a heavy exhaust.
Staff believes that to reduce the impact on adjacent properties, they should be located
as far as possible from the periphery of the Sonnenalp property.
The height in relation to the Village appears compatible to staff. The peak of the
tower at the Vail Village Inn (VVI) Phase V is 70 feet tall, and the eave is 50 feet.
The high part of the proposed Sonnenalp structure is larger than the slender tower of
VVI, but it will be 14 feet shorter. The Vail Village Master Plan calls for structures
on this portion of the site to range from 3 to 4 stories. This part of the building falls
into that range with the highest part of the tower having approximately 4 floors.
B. Parking
The amount of parking required for the addition is 36.7 or 37 spaces. The existing
parking lot has 101 spaces in it. As a result, the total supply should be 138 spaces.
The applicant is proposing 129 spaces, including 14 valet, which is 6.5% less than the
requirement. The code requires that 75% of the required parking, or 27 spaces, be
enclosed. The applicant is proposing to enclose 16 spaces, which is 43%. One of
staff's primary concerns with the overall proposal is the fact that the surface parking
will remain. Staff understands that there are tradeoffs between providing the parking
spaces, and using area within a parking lot for landscaping. In discussions with the
applicant, he concurred with the staff concerns and generated a drawing, for discussion
purposes only, which shows landscaping islands in the parking lot and removes the
parking along Vail Road. The plan removes 15 spaces, and would require a 17.4%
variance to the parking requirement. In other words, the actual supply would only be
82.6% of the requirement, or 24 spaces under the amount required by code. �
In 1989, staff did an analysis of pazking demand throughout the Town. The
Sonnenalp was one of the parking lots evaluated, and from December 29, 1988 to July
1, 1989, staff checked the Sonnenalp parking lot 19 times. Only 3 of those 19 times
did the parking demand exceed 82.6%. Those three times were New Year's Eve and
two mornings in January. Staff attempted to count the parking areas during key
weekends and peak times. The average use of this lot was 55.2%. The maximum use
was 91.0%, which was New Year's Eve. Staff believes that some degree of a parking
variance is warranted as long as adequate landscaping and a reasonable number of
valet spaces are proposed.
C. Landscaping
There are five areas of the site where staff believes the landscaping could be
angmented. The first is the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive. Currently there is
an electrical switching gear station on the corner. The applicant proposes to build a
wall around the switching gear to screen it. Staff is concerned that this may be
equally hard and believes that a softer treatment may be more appropriate. Staff sees
an opportunity to work with Public Works and possibly expand the area of
landscaping on this corner.
The second area, as discussed in the section above, is the landscaping within the
parking lot. Staff believes that it is critical to have islands within the parking lot that
break up the asphalt and screen the building.
The third area of concern is the bus stop area. Currently the bus stop is situated
between two railroad tie wall planters. The concrete in the area has deteriorated.
Staff believes that replacing the concrete with pavers and redoing the planter walls
with boulders would be a significant improvement for the hotel guests and public.
A fourth area of concern to the staff is the area adjacent to the Swiss Haus entrance.
Though this area is not part of the Bavaria Haus parcel, the applicant is redesigning
the fire access points in this area. Staff believes that in addition to relocating the
planters to provide the correct angles for the fire trucks to get into the parking areas,
the applicant should consider additional landscaping and possibly improve the surface
by removing the asphalt and installing pavers or flagstone per the Vail Village Master
The fifth area of concern to staff is located adjacent to Vail Road by the loading dock
area. The applicant has said that he is willing to remove the seven parking spaces in
this area and replace them with landscaping. In addition to the landscaping, the
applicant has said he is willing to construct a sidewalk, made from pavers or flagstone,
from the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive to the bridge over Gore Creek. This
change has a very positive impact on the project and public pedestrian areas. Another
modification in this vicinity is an expansion of the Bully and reduction of the dining
deck. The deck will be reduced by approximately 350 sq. ft. Staff believes the deck
reduction is acceptable, given the landscape improvements, removal of parking, and
the fact that most of the dining deck remains.
� D. Common Area
The Town of Vail zoning code standazds for common azea in multi-family
development has recently been increased from 20% of total GRFA to 35% of total
GRFA. In addition, common azea is defined in a new way. In the analysis of this
code revision, staff took into account the many different kinds of multi-family
development. On one end of the spectrum are residential condominium projects with
very litde common azea, and on the other are lodges that usually have a greater
amount of common azea. In order to balance the two types of development, staff had
recommended 35% for the code standazd. Staff acknowledges that there are still
cases, such as a lodge like the Sonnenalp, which will need additional common azea.
Significant areas of common azea in this proposal include the basement at
approximately 20,000 square feet, and the spa azea of approximately 10,000 square
feet, and the lobby at approximately 5,000 squaze feet. The portion of the basement to
be built under the auto court will be built on two levels and will be able to structurally
support automobiles. In the future, the applicant may construct underground parking
garages, which will tie into these two levels. The hallways throughout the building
make up the remainder of the common area and aze approximately 15,000 square feet.
E. Stream Walk
Staff has studied the stream tract between Willow Bridge Road. We considered
impacts to adjacent property owners and the stream environment. By benching the
path in at a lower grade from sunounding property and screening it with vegetation,
staff believes that pedestrians would have very little impact on lodge guests. Staff
will present some conceptual alignments as well as conceptual sections of the stream
walk during the work session.
In general, staff believes that the azeas along the south side of the stream by River
House and Edelweiss provide a reasonable alignment, because the first floor of these
structures are parking gazages. In addition there is adequate space between these
structures and the edge of the stream. Staff also believes that the kitchen, loading
dock and conference facilities of the Bavaria Haus aze not impacted by a stream walk.
Staff believes that starting the stream walk by the Sonnenalp loading dock on the
north side, conrinuing east past the conference facilities, then crossing over to the
Edelweiss and the Summers Lodge properties is a sensitive alignment.
Staff thinks that it is important to design the Sonnenalp's pool and gazden azea so that
it is pleasant for hotel guests as well as comparible with a stream walk. Staff believes '
that a shared use of the public land between the Sonnenalp and the stream tract is
possible. The applicant could landscape a portion of the azea for guests, and screen it
from the stream walk. At the same time, grading could be done to bench in the path
at a lower level from the rest of the landscaping. Given the requested variances and
Vail Village Master plan, staff suggests that the best means to address this issue is for -
the applicant to contribute financially to the construction of the segment of the path
from the base of Vail Road Bridge to the future bridge connection adjacent to the
pool. This segment is approximately 270 linear feet. The path would have similar
characteristics as the stream walk behind the Vail Athletic Club (like a crusher fines to
F. Employee Housing
The Sonnenalp currently employs approximately 270 employees during the winter
season. According to the applicant, the proposed redevelopment would not require the
need for any additional employees.
The Sonnenalp currently provides housing for approximately 145 employees. 33
dwelling units are owned by the Sonnenalp, housing 67 employees, and 20 units are
rented by the Sonnenalp, housing 78 employees. This assumes that each bedroom
houses 2 Sonnenalp employees.
With the adoption of the Town of Vail Affordable Housing Study on November 20,
1990, it is no longer a potential concern, but is an issue that must be addressed
formally. At this time, the report has been adopted and provides guidelines for new
development. The report's recommendarions are currently being incorporated into the
Zoning Code. In addition, the Land Use Plan calls for employee housing by stating:
Goal 5.3 - "Affordable employee housing should be made available through
private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail,
with appropriate restrictions."
Although the applicant believes no addirional employees will be generated as a result
of this redevelopment, staff believes a redevelopment of this magnitude should have
some permanent employee housing located on site or off site.
If the PEC agrees with the staff that the issue of employee housing needs to be fully
explored with regard to this redevelopment, the staff will need more information
regarding the numbers of employees at the Sonnenalp before an accurate housing
demand can be completed.
A. Variance Criteria
As this is a variance nequest, the project must meet the variance criteria. They are
listed below for the Planning and Environmental Commission's information. Staff will
do a thorough analysis of the variance criteria at a later hearing.
1. The relarionship of the requested variance to other existing or potential
uses and structures in the vicinity.
2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretarion and
enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve
comparibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or
to attain the objecrives of this title without grant of special privilege.
3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation and traffic facilities, public faciliries and
utilities, and public safety.
B. Vail Village Master Plan
The portions of the Vail Village Master Plan which pertain to this project include
three subarea concepts and 5 illustrative plans.
1. Subarea concepts.
a. Subarea 1-2 - Vail Road Intersection. Subarea 1-2 states that:
"Possible realignment of intersection in conjunction with
relocation of ski museum. Focus of redesign should be to
establish a small park and pedestrian entry for the west end of
the Village, and to provide a visual barrier to discourage
vehicular traffic from heading south on Vail Road from the 4-
way stop. Specific design of ski museum site to be included in
West Meadow Drive Pedestrian Improvement Project. The
pedestrian connecrion both north and south along Vail Road
should be improved."
Staff Response: Details on corner landscaping treatment should
be provided. Staff is concerned about the potential rock wall on
the corner. Staff understands the applicant is willing to provide
a sidewalk from the corner of Vail Drive along Vail Road to the
pedestrian bridge.
b. Subarea 1-3 - Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus) Infill. Subarea 1-3 �
states that: "Commercial infill development with second floor
residentia]Ilodging to enclose Meadow Drive and to improve the
quality of pedestrian experience. Designated walkways and
plazas with green space should interface with those of the Vail
Village Inn. A pedestrian walkway (possibly arcade) should be
provided to encourage pedestrian circulation physically removed
from Meadow Drive. Mass of building should not create a
shadow pattern on Meadow Drive. Development will require
coordination andJor involvement with adjacent property owners.
Exisring and new parking demand to be provided on site."
Staff Response: Shading on Meadow Drive is no longer an
impact given this project. Because the applicant has chosen to
renovate the existing wing of the building, there is now a 150
foot distance between the edge of Meadow Drive and the east
wing of the building.
The adjacent surface parking and removal of most of the
planting island in the center of the existing parking lot does very
little for the pedestrian experience along Meadow Drive. As a
result, staff believes additional landscaping should be planted in
the berm along Meadow Drive.
c. Subarea 1-9 - Studv Area: Village Stream Walk. "Study of a
walking only path along Gore Creek between the Covered
Bridge and Vail Road, connecting to existing stream walk,
further enhancing the pedestrian network throughout the Village
and providing public access to the creek. Specific design and
location of walkway shall be sensitive to adjacent uses and the
creek environment. " .
Staff Response: Staff believes this element can be reasonably
incorporated into the proposed design and site plan. We believe
this ameniry is in the best interests of the communiry, and can be
added to the site plan without impacting the Sonnenalp Hotel.
Appropriate creek crossings, and grading which provides for the
trail to be benched in at a lower elevation than the pool, can be
done in a way that is compatible with the courtyard area of the
2. Tllustrative Plans
a. Illustrative Plan - Land Use
1. North side of Sonnenalp site - Mixed use
"This category includes the historic Village core and properties
near the pedestrianized streets of the Village. Lodging, retail
and limited amount of office use are found in this category.
With nearly 270,000 sq. ft. of retail space, and approximately
320 residential units, the mixed use character of these areas is a
major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The commercial retail has been deleted from
the previous proposal. As a result, the hotel facility will not
have as many uses as the Land Use Illustration Plan calls for.
There still will be restaurant and bar use open to the public.
2. South Side of Sonnenalp Site - Medium/high density
residential and mixed use.
Medium/high density. "The overwhelming majority of the
Village is lodge rooms and condominium units are located in
this land use category. Approximately 1,1(}0 units have been
developed on the 27 acres of private land in this category. In
addition, another 110 units are approved but unbuilt. It is the
goal of this plan to maintain these areas as predominantly
lodging oriented, with retail development limited to small
amounts of accessory retail."
Mixed use. "This category includes the historic Village core and
properties near the pedestrianized streets of the Village.
Lodging, retail and limited amount of office use are found in this
category. With nearly 270,000 sq. ft. of retail space, and
approximately 320 residential units, the mixed use character of
these areas is a major factor in the appeal of the Village."
Staff Response: The project complies with the designation of
medium/high density, as it is nearly at the maximum allowed
number of accommod.ation units for the property. The fact that
all of the units will be accommod.ation units is a positive benefit
to the Village.
b. Illustrative Plan - Open 5pace -
The plan calls for:
1. A planted buffer is to be created on the corner of Vail Road and
Meadow Drive.
2. Plazas with green space to be created between the Sonnenalp and
Phase V, as well as between the Ta�isman and VVI sculpture
3. Open space is designated along the entire stream corridor.
5taff Response:
1. Planted Buffer: Staff believes there could be additional
landscaping on the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive.
2. Plazas on Meadow Drive: The staff believes it is premature to
require the applicant to design or construct either of the two
plazas called for on Meadow Drive. The streetscape plans show
plazas in the same two areas. However, because all the
information necessary to construct these areas is not currently
available, staff believes it would not be wise to have any of
them built at this time. Instead, staff proposes the east bound
bus stop area be improved and the area in front of the Swiss
Haus be reworked with additional landscaping and pavers.
3. Open Space Comdor: See discussion under stream walk above.
c. Illustrative Plan - Parking and Circulation
The plan designates:
1. East Meadow Drive as a bus route and pedestrian street with
plazas; and
2. The Gore Creek corridor as a study area for a walking path.
5taff Response: East Meadow Drive will continue to function as it does now.
Staff believes the proposal should incorporate a stream walk. We would like to
see an access easement for the Talisman finalized so that access off of Meadow
Drive can be avoided for the Talisman.
d. Illustrative Plan - Building Height
The area along East Meadow Drive is recommended to be a maximum of two
to three stories. Three to four stories are designated on the southern 3/4 of the
property. Staff is pleased the current pmposal complies with the height plan.
A majority of the facade along Vail Road is three stories high, with the
building going as high as four stories at two locations. The center of the site
includes a wing that goes as high as four stories, which is what the height plan
calls for.
C. Vail Streetscape Master Plan
The Streetscape Plan calls for two pedestrian plazas along East Meadow Drive. Staff
believes it is not necessary for the applicant to construct all of the improvements
shown on the streetscape plan at this time, as the technical information, such as
drainage, has not yet been finalized. Staff believes some contribution to the treatment
along East Meadow Drive is reasonable, and is suggesting that the applicant upgrade
the existing eastbound bus stop, improve the landscaping along East Meadow Drive,
and rework the area in front of the Talisman and Swiss Haus.
A. Total Floor Areas
Common Area Accessory Area GRFA Mechanical
Basement 20,009.9 - - 3,734.6
First Floor 16,794.6 8,704.4 782.0 62.9
Second Floor 5,481.9 - 23,812.4 111.0
Third Floor 4,813.7 - 20,068.2 180.5
Fourth Floor 3,045.7 - 11,611.7 200.8
Lofts - - 2,476.0 -
Totals: 50,145.8 8,704.4 58,750.3 4,289.9
Grand Total: 121,890.4
B. Site Coverage
Allowed: 88,165.4 x .55 = 48,491.0 sq. ft.
Vail Road Wing (Including conference area underneath Ludwig's Deck): 25,973
Meadow Drive Wing: +10,060.5
Total: 36,033 sq. ft.
C. Parking Requirements
Bar/Restaurant Area - 6,360.1 / 15 / 8 = 53.0
Meeting Room Area - 4,328.7 / 15 / 8 / 2 = 18.0
Accommodation Units - +85.6
Total: 156.6 spaces
Vail Road Wing Meadow Drive Wing
AUs/Parking Snaces AUs/Parking Spaces
Basement AUs 0/0 spaces 0/0 spaces
First Floor AUs 2/1.6 spaces 0/0
Second Floor AUs 25/23 spaces 15/14.5 spaces
Third Floor AUs 23/21.5 spaces 10/10 spaces
Fourth Floor AUs 6/6 spaces 9/9 spaces
Total: 85.6 parking spaces for the Accommodation Units.
Total From Above: 156.6 spaces
Multi-Use Credit - -2.5% _ - 3.9 spaces
152.7 spaces
Non-Conforming Amount Approved in 1986: - 15.0 spaces
Total: 137.7 or 138 spaces
Amount Proposed: 129 spaces
Deficit: 9 spaces or 6.5°Io
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June 24, 1991
Present Staff
Chuck Crist Kristan Pritz
Diana Donovan Mike Mollica
Ludwig Kurz Jill Kammerer
Jim Shearer Shelly Mello
Amber Blecker
Connie Knight
Kathy Langenwalter
Gena Whitten
The public hearing was called to order at 2:15PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan.
l. A request for a worksession for hei�ht, parkin� and density (GRFA/common area)
variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filin�/
20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andv Knudtsen
Kristan Pritz explained the changes in the proposal from the one submitted several months
previously. These included asking for variances for common area/accessory use, height and
parking, instead of proposing a Special Development District. Kristan explained the issues
staff believed were important to discuss, and these included the proposed parking,
landscaping, employee housing, and a stream wa1k.
At the conclusion of Kristan's presentation, Jay Peterson, the applicant's representative,
further explained the proposal. Regarding the parking, Jay indicated applicants were working
with the staff to reach a compromise between the number of spaces provided and interior
landscaping. The height variance was being requested in order to accommodate "chillers," a
form of cooling for the rooms, in an enclosed area of the roof to most effectively screen the
bulk and noise from the units.
Jay presented applicant's position that a 35% allowance for common area in a 100% lodge -
project was not sufficient. A first-class facility would usually have a greater demand for
common area. He indicated that the GRFA for the project was actually below that which was
permitted for the site.
Regarding staff's stream walk recommendation, Jay pointed out that it was a study area, and
not a concept specifically designated in the Land Use Plan. He stated it was valid, however,
to ensure that the project was not developed in such a way as to prohibit future stream walk
development, and the proposal did not prevent such development.
Staff's recommendations had included exploring the provision of employee housing with this
proposal. Jay pointed out that the expansion was going to only add an additional 10 sleeping
rooms, and there would be no staff additions necessary to accommodate the redevelopment.
Jay also observed that the amount of additional parking required under the proposal was due
to the size of the rooms. Although the rooms would still only accommodate 2 people, the
size was increasing the parking space per room percentage.
Jim Wear, the attorney for the Talisman Condominiums, stated the Talisman was generally in
favor of the proposal, and reiterated that the siream walk should be looked at only as a study
item. Kristan asked if the Talisman and Sonnenalp had solved the access easement question,
and Jim replied they had, and the two generally had a good working relationship. Jim felt the �
easement could be resolved.
Ludwig Kurz asked if some of the outside dining area would be lost. Kristan indicated it
would be partially infilled. Ken O'Brien, the Sonnenalp's architect, stated the additional
space in the dining portion on the east side of King Ludwig's would make up for the loss on
the dining deck. Kristan stated approximately 350 sq. ft. of the dining deck would be
Ludwig believed the amount of common/accessory space was absolutely necessary for the
project, and was important for the creation of a first class facility. He did not consider the
height variance to be much of a problem, as it was a trade off for better concealing the
chillers. He did question if the chillers would create a sound nuisance. Ken answered they
would not, as the sound would be directed upward.
Ludwig suggested that with the efficiency of parking the Sonnenalp was able to maintain
through strict controls, the shortfall was acceptable, especially in light of staff's study finding
the actual usage of the lot to be less than 100%. He recommended additional landscaping be
substituted for some of the parking.
Ludwig was hopeful the project would not neglect the possibility of a compatible future
stream walk. He believed a stream walk would enhance the Sonnenalp's guests' experience.
He recommended the developer continue to consider the option.
Addressing the overall landscaping of the proposal, Ludwig believed some areas of the project
could be improved. He specifically cited that the railroad ries could be removed in existing
planter areas, particularly at the Meadow Drive bus stop.
Chuck Crist stated he had liked the previous proposal, and liked the current proposal as well.
He stated he believed the room size accounted for the amount of parking addressed by the
variance request, and the variance was reasonable. He found the amount of common area
necessary for this project. He did have a concern, however, with the landscaping plan. His
specific concern was with the parking on the north side of the building. He questioned the
removal of several large trees, and encouraged more landscaping in that general area.
Chuck did not want to see the future potenrial for a stream walk jeopardized, but he did not
think it was necessary for the developer to build a portion at this time. Chuck cited the
developer's excellent record for providing housing for his employees, and did not feel an
additional burden should be placed on the developer to provide employee housing. Overall,
Chuck found the project to be pretty good.
Ludwig added to his comment regarding his concern with common area, stating that since the
site coverage was under the allowable, he did not have a further problem with the proposal.
Jim Shearer commented he would like to see the northwest corner of the lot landscaped if the
Town of Vail Public Works would find this option acceptable. He found the plan to include
improvements to landscaping, but encouraged even more landscaping. Jay Peterson stated
they would work with staff, but he asked if it were a quesrion of parking or landscaping,
which would be preferable? Jim believed landscaping was more important for this project.
Regarding the stream walk, Jim wanted allowances for a future stream walk to be made, but
did not want to require the developer to build it at this rime.
Jim found the height not only justifiable for a variance, but an attractive addition to the
project. He stated it was a beautiful plan. He also found the request for a parking variance
acceptable, given the valet and gate controls, as well as the larger sized rooms. Jim was
pleased with the mass and bulk of the building, and felt it would be a landmark. Since the
Faesslers had a history of being very concerned with housing their employees, he found no
reason to require additional housing as part of this proposal.
Diana Donovan supported Ludwig's comments, but questioned what the chillers' exhaust
would consist of. Ken O'Brien stated it was mostly warm air and humidity, but not
"pollution" per se. Diana approved of the height request, stating it made sense in this
instance to address the chillers in this manner rather than as an after thought. The applicant
proposed an up front solution.
The parking also worked in this case, Diana believed, due to the controls the Sonnenalp
imposed over parking in their lots. She would, however, like to see additional landscaping,
especially landscaping near buildings to soften the impacts. She stated the improvements
proposed for the bus stop area would be posirive. The Swiss Haus area by the fire access
should also be "spiffed" up. She differed from the applicants' opinion on the stream walk,
stating that in her mind it was an adopted amenity in the Recreational Trails Plan, and would
like to see it worked into the site planning, even if it were just roughed in at this time.
Diana stated the common area variance made sense, but she agreed. with staff that employee
housing should be addressed. While a couple units might not really fit in with this proposal,
she did not believe it was fair to require other developers to require the housing without
getting guarantees from this proposal.
Chuck Crist asked how the site would be accessed for construction. Ken O'Brien stated there
would be a crane for a short period of time. T'he current parking lot would be used for a
staging area. He mentioned that concrete for the parking was also being considered to reduce
the heat from asphalt. He stated the construction period would be approximately S months,
starting April 1, 1992. T'hey hoped to have 100°Io occupancy by Christmas, 1993
Jay Peterson thanked the Commissioners for their comments, and stated they would be back
July 8 with a final proposal.
2. A request for a front setback variance for the Schofield residence, Lot 18, Block 3,
Vail Vallev First Filin�/1448 Vail Vallev Drive.
Applicant: John Schofield '
Planner: Andv Knudtsen
Shelly Mello presented the request for the front setback variance. The variance was requested
in order to allow for a garage addition to the secondary unit. In addition, staff asked the
Commission to consider the request to place a driveway across the front of the lot to allow
for turnaround and parking. Although no variance was necessary for the driveway request,
staff viewed this as an element of the request. Additional landscaping was proposed for this
After reviewing the variance criteria, staff recommended approval of the variance for the
garage, citing findings 1, 2 and 3(b) in support with the condition the owners gain approval of
the duplex property owner to encroach into the common area. Staff did not recommend
approval of the driveway plan as proposed.
John Schofield explained that with the current driveway, when cars were in the driveway,
there was no way out of the garage without moving at least one car. He believed the
proposed driveway was a good solution to backing out onto the road, and would provide
better access. He mentioned there were other property owners in the area with a similar
driveway design. If Vail Valley Drive were to be widened, they, too, would be negatively
affected. He was willing to accept that possibility. Mr. Schofield showed pictures to the
Commission illustrating other owners' solutions. As he viewed his situation, the only other
solution he saw was to widen the existing driveway to allow for a straight shot. Additionally,
he believed the Mugo pines should be removed for safety reasons. Tom Baccus, an audience
member, asked where the pines were located. Mr. Schofield showed where they were on the
June 24, 1991
Present Staff
Chuck Crist Kristan Pritz
Diana Donovan Mike Mollica
Ludwig Kurz Jill Kammerer
Jim Shearer Shelly Mello
Amber Blecker
Connie Knight
Kathy Langenwalter
Gena Whitten
The public hearing was called to order at 2:15PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan.
1. A request for a worksession for hei�ht, parking and density (GRFA/common area)
variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-E, Vail Villa�e First Filin�/
20 Vail Road.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
Kristan Pritz explained the changes in the proposal from the one submitted several months
previously. These included asking for variances for common area/accessory use, height and
parking, instead of proposing a Special Development District. Kristan explained the issues
staff believed were important to discuss, and these included the proposed parking,
landscaping, employee housing and a stream walk.
At the conclusion of Kristan's presentation, Jay Peterson, applicant's representative, fiirther
explained the proposal. Regarding the parking, Jay indicated applicants were working with
the staff to reach a compromise between the number of spaces provided and interior
landscaping. The height variance was being requested in order to accommodate "chillers," a
form of cooling for the rooms, in an enclosed area of the roof to most effectively screen the
bulk and noise from the units.
Jay presented applicant's position that a 35% allowance for common area in a 100�/0 lodge
project was not sufficient. A first-class facility would usually have a greater demand for
common area. He indicated that the GRFA for the project was actually below that which was
permitted for the site.
Regarding staff's stream walk recommendation, Jay pointed out that it was a study area, and
not a concept specifically designated in the Land Use Plan. He stated it was valid, however,
to ensure that the project was not developed in such a way as to prohibit fiiture stream walk
development, and the proposal did not prevent such development.
Staff's recommendarions had included exploring the provision of employee housing with this
proposal. Jay pointed out that the expansion was going to only add an additional 10 sleeping
rooms, and there would be no staff additions necessary to accommodate the redevelopment.
Jay also observed that the amount of additional parking required under the proposal was due
to the size of the rooms. Although the rooms would still only accommodate 2 people, the
size was triggering more than 1 parking space per room.
Jim Weir, the attorney for the Talisman Condominiums, stated the Talisman was generally in
favor of the proposal, and reiterated that the stream walk should be looked at only as a stucly
item. Kristan asked if the Talisman and Sonnenalp had solved the access easement question,
and Jim replied they had, and the two generally had a good working relationship.
Ludwig Kurz asked if some of the outside dining area would be lost. Kristan indicated it
would be partially infilled. Ken O'Brien, the Sonnenalp's architect, stated the additional
space in the interior of the dining area would make up for the loss on the dining deck.
Ludwig questioned if the amount of common/accessory space was necessary for the project.
He did not consider the height variance to be much of a problem, as it was a trade off for
better concealing the chillers. He did question if the chillers would create a sound nuisance.
Ken answered they would not, as the sound would be directed upward.
Ludwig suggested that with the efficiency of parking the Sonnenalp was able to maintain
through strict controls, the shortfall was acceptable, especially in light of staff's study finding
the actual usage of the lot to be less than 100%. He recommended additional landscaping be
substituted for some of the parking.
Ludwig was hopeful the project would not neglect the possibility of a compatible future
stream walk. He believed a stream walk would enhance the Sonnenalp's guests' experience.
He recommended the developer continue to consider the option,
Addressing the overall landscaping of the proposal, Ludwig believed some areas of the project
could be improved. He specifically cited that the railroad ties could be softened or removed.
Chuck Crist stated he had liked the previous proposal, and liked the current proposal as well.
He stated he believed the room size accounted for the amount of parking addressed by the
variance request, and the variance was reasonable. He found the amount of common area
necessary for this project. He did have a concern, however, with the landscaping plan. His
specific concern was with the parking on the north side of the building. He questioned the
removal of several large trees, and encouraged more landscaping in that general area.
Chuck did not want to see the future potential for a stream walk jeopardized, but he did not
think it was necessary for the developer to build a porrion at this time. Chuck cited the
developer's excellent record for providing housing for his employees, and did not feel an
additional burden should be placed. Overall, Chuck found the project to be pretty good.
Ludwig corrected his comment regarding his concern with common area, stating that since the
site coverage was under the allowable, he did not have a further problem with the proposal.
Jim Shearer commented he would like to see the northwest corner of the lot landscaped if the
Town of Vail Public Works would cooperate with it. He found the plan to have many
positive moves to increase the landscaping, but encouraged even more. Jay Peterson stated
they would work with staff, but he asked if it were a question of parking or landscaping,
which would be preferable? Jim believed landscaping was more important for this project.
Regarding the stream walk, Jim wanted allowances for the future to be macie, but did not
want to require the developer to build it at this time.
Jim found the height not only justifiable for a variance, but an attracrive addition to the
project. He stated it was a beautiful plan. He aiso found the request for a parking variance
acceptable, given the valet and gate controls, as well as the larger sized rooms. Jim was
pleased with the mass and bulk of the building, and felt it would be a landmark. Since the
Faessiers had a history of being very concerned with housing their employees, he found no
reason to require addirional housing as part of this proposal.
Diana Donovan supported Ludwig's comments, but questioned what the chillers' exhaust
would consist o£ Ken O'Brien stated it was mostly warm air and humidity, but not
"pollution" per se. Diana approved of the height request, stating it made sense in this
instance to address the chillers in this manner rather than as an after thought.
The parking also worked in this case, Diana believed, due to the controls the Sonnenalp
imposed over parking in their lots. She would, however, like to see additional landscaping,
especially landscaping near buildings to soften the impacts. She stated the improvements
proposed for the bus stop area would be positive. She differed from applicants on the stream
walk, stating that in her mind it was an adopted amenity, and would like to see it worked into
the site, even if it were just roughed in at this time.
Diana stated the common area variance made sense, but she agreed with staff that employee
housing should be addressed. While a couple units might not really fit in with this proposal,
she did not believe it was fair to require other developers to require the housing without
getting guarantees from this proposal.
Chuck Crist asked how the site would be accessed for construction. Ken O'Brien stated there
would be a crane for a short period of rime. The current parking lot would be used for a
staging area. He mentioned that concrete for the parking was also being considered to reduce
the heat from asphalt. He stated the construction period would be approximately 8 months,
starting April 1, 1992.
Jay Peterson thanked the Commissioners for their comments, and stated they would be back
July 8 with a final proposal.
2. A request for a front setback variance for the Schofield residence, Lot 18, Block 3,
Vail Valley First Filin�/1448 Vail Valley Drive.
Applicant: John Schofield
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
Shelly Mello presented the request for the front setback variance. The variance was requested
in order to allow for a garage addition for the secondary unit. In addition, staff asked the
Commission to consider the request to place a driveway across the front of the lot to allow
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�~�� 'l�G�� ;' � �Erigirieers �arid��su�lding owners are �°
� � ���; ���� � ��� ��� o„� �� �;
' ���, f acirig chiller replacement decisions �;
4 � �
�� V�lqG I i � � �,
� � � 1,500�times a yea�r. No lor4ger is it a �f
questiori of just buyirig a simiiar +;
machine. Today's decisioris refiect jA
ef f iciericy improvement, prime mover .�(
costs, utili#y iriceri#ives, refrigerant �
availabili#y, artd everi a shift to other ;�
chiller types. :��
� ;,�
ne of every two chillers purchased today goes to the '�
replacement market,This reflects the fact that many �;
chiller systems installed 20 to 30 years ago have ��
served out their useful lives.And it suggests engineers and " ?�
=���� owners are facing chiller replacement decisions in unpzece-
dented numbers—decisions which have grown more com- , ;i
���� P It used to be simpler,A well-built chiller�would last 20 to ��
30 years or so but,eventually,wear and tear would prevail. a'
Then a new chiller of the same size and type would take its i�;
place in the equipment room. "
In recent years,energy management concerns have domi- ;�
� nated chiller replacement decisions.Efficiency is the watch-
�"'`�, "` word.In some cases,it's cheaper in the long run to replace a
' � ` mechanically sound chiller with a more efficient unit,or one '
that uses a different and cheaper energy source. �
The refrigerant issue complicates matters further.Legis-
lated phaseouts of CFC compounds have affected their price, ;;;
and very shortly will impact their availability. �
Refrigerant and chiller manufacturezs are offering a range ��
of solutions,notably the use of alternative refrigerants.Fur- i!.
ther,the issue has reawakened interest in absorption chiller ;��
technology,which uses water as a refrigerant. t',
In this discussion, we will review chiller replacement ��'
strategies and options from the i:
engineei s and ownei s view- - �:° j
points, both in the context of �� � �
energy management,and with ���-�� �
� an eye toward the refrigerant ' � "� ;
issue. Let's begin with some �
� basic considerations of chiller �
� � � � � types and energy sources. !'
� `"°� $ Chiller types
� p;,� Th�re are three types of ine-
� chanical chillers—reciprocat-
� � ,� ,�
� ing, screw, and centrifugal— r ��r� ,�.;
distinguished principally by : "'�" '�' ,y
their compressors.
use pistons and cylinders for
:' compression. Because each
cylinder handles a fixed vol- '
ume of refrigerant gas,build-
, �
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,. g;,. ` ��`. ��- �
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Some owners czre going directly to centrifugccls � ;. � � '���°`�
charged with,H�C 123,, the,plcrnned crlterna- ` � �
tz�etorCFtC;L1 `�°���ht3�+'T?igherfixstcostwill ��; �;��
� ,�,:.
be affse�� ��of 1I jumps above
'�123�iecau _ � � ��nfhisp�otoandcrt � �
' ;xight,a " �a;�ew HCFC-I23 ,
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EDITOR'S NOT£:Robert W.Schmitt In this latter range, they make sales. They have lower operating
is mcrrketing mcrncrger for perck- up approximately 10%of the chill- costs than their single-stage cou-
i ;,; aged centrifugal crnd screw chill- ers purchased. And demand is sins,and they expand the owner's
; i ers for the Applied Systems Divi- growing for today's most efficient choice of energy sources,
� i sion of York lnternational Corp. A screw chillers,
mechcrniccrl engineering graduate Centrifugczl compressors rotate Energy sources
` of IVorfheastem Universify, he has at high speed,compressing refrig- Another basic consideration in
� ! been wifh York for 20 yecrrs. erant by centrifugal force. A cen- chiller replacement decisions is`the
� ,! trifugal compressor handles vary- energy source to drive the chiller.
� '� ing refrigerant flows easily. If a Electricity is the most common
ing bigger chillers is a matter of bigger chiller is required,the com- source,followed bysteam and gas.
adding cylinders or compressors. pressor either can be geared up to But there are regional variations,
For this reason,reciprocating chill- run faster, or its diameter can be and local utility programs can have
ers tend to be most cost effective at increased slightly, resulting in a a significant impact on the selec-
smaller loads. sizable capacity jump. tion of energy source.
Viewed another way, "recips" Because of these compressor For example, electric utilities
are generally applied in systems characteristics,centrifugal chillers nearing their generation capacity
1 where first cost, floor space, and crre an excellent choice for larger limit want to avoid the cost of pur-
installation cost outweigh consid- cooling loads. From 200 to 10,000 chased power or new power plant
I erations for life-cycle operating TR,theymake up more than 90%0 of construction.They are more likely
I cost. Between 10 and 100 tons of the chillers purchased.Fox smaller to offer rate structures and rebates
; refrigeration capacity (TR), they loads;though, the cost of machin- that reward chiller plant efficiency
make up nearly all of the chillers ing the compressor makes a cen- and/or shifting electrical demand
purchctsed, not surprisingly; ctnd trifugal chiller less cost effective. to off-peak hours.
from'100 to 200 TR, they represent Absorption chillers don't use Gas utilities,on the other hand,
about 75%of the market. mechanical compression.They use generally are looking to increase
Screw compressors, like recip- heat as their energy source,rather summertime consumption, and
rocating units, are positive dis- than electricity. The heat can be thus tend to offer lower seasonal
placement machines, Most com- extracted from natural gas, pro- prices and rebates. Utility compa-
monly,they use two intermeshing pane, oil,steam, or waste heat. nies that provide both electric and
i "screws" for compression.As they Absorption chillers are avail- gas service often have a combina-
� turn, the volume between the able in single-stage and high-effi- tion of incentives.
screws is reduced,compressing the ciency two-stage models from 100 In some cases, these programs
refrigerant. to 1,500 TR. In North America, ab- make the ability to use multiple
A screw compressor's physical sorption chiller sales have repre- energy sources for chillers an
characteristics mean that it is not sented only a few percentage important strategy from an energy
as cost effective as either the small- points of the total large-tonnage management viewpoint. This can
est xeciprocating compressors or market in past years. be worth considering before re-
the largest centrifugal compres- However, the Japanese-de- placement decisions are finalized.
sors. Consequently, while screw signed, two-stage, direct-fired Electricity is by far the most
compressors are available from 50 absorption chillers now marketed common energy for mechanical
to 1,250 TR, their greatest use is in by a number of U.S,companies are chillers—reciprocating, centrifu-
systems from 100 to 700 TR. making an impact in domestic gczl,and screw—all of which can
be powered by electric motors.
High-pressure steam drives two-
stage absorption chillers,orcan be
used to power a steam turbine-
driven centrifugal chiller. Low-
; pressure steam is needed for
' single-stage absorption chillers.
J �
��. t.., .L . .
` � ���� This hi h-efficienc screw com-
y`' ���;, 5 Y
,�� pressor-equipped packaged chiller
is charged with HCFC-22 which,
` like HCFG123,should be available
through the yectr 2030, This high-
� � �,:, ���� , �
press}�re alternative also is avail-
` "' able with reciprocating compres-
sors or, in the ccrse of centrifugals,
• with ozone-benign HFG134a.
,g �
. � . 12'-�c:�F' /J�—'s"'x�'....:..,
Natural gas,oil,propane,or waste
i heat als.o can drive ��a�two-s#ag � � � � ��� � �-��� �
absorption chiller.
'= Now that we have'cover the `'' ` . ,.- ` -'
basics of chiller types and erc,�y ' 4
sources,let's look at some r lace- ` °�
ment�strategies. � �� � � � � �
Energy management �
In broad terms, engineers and ` XKx
, y,.
owners �must establish what de- ��� `���>�� ��
gree of efficiency is required for a ' � r y � �
particular replacement applica-
tion. Is first cost or life-cycle cost -
more important? How much effi- '
ciency is csffordable?
For mechanical chillers, it's "
useful to consider fu11-1oad energy
rates as a starting point.For elec-
tric-drive chillers, these rates are '
usually expressed as kilowatts per
ton of refrigeration (kW/TR) — in -
other words,the amount of electri- ' !.�".w�►'J''r� �1� fj4..�"�G'••i�;. ,��,�.,,.
cal energy needed to produce each absorption 'chziler is ,generally Reciprocating chillers'using HC�'C-
ton of cooling. highsr per ton thcsn an electric 22 are available in eifher wafer-
Water-cooled reciprocating centrifugal or screw chiller. How- cooled or air-cooled (shown) con-
chillers offer full-load performance ever, utility incentive programs figurafions.
in the range of 0.9 kW/TR,while air- often include rebates for gas or
cooled models are about 1.1 kW/ steam air conditioning that fre-
TR. Water-cooled centrifugal and quently offset the cost difference.
screw chillers offer fu11-1oad en- Fu11-1oad performance is only
ergy rates of 0.68 kW1TR and lower. the beginning of the story, how- electrical demand by shifting some
Coefficient of performance ever.Most chillers spend more than or all demand for air condi#ioning
j (COP) is another measure of effi- 90°l0 of their operating lives at par- to c�second energy source,or to off-
ciency. Basically, it is the value ticsl loads,so part-load efficiencies peak hours. The result is lower
derived when "energy out" is di- are much more critical to an en- demand charges,which affect elec-
� vided by "energy in." Most me- ergy management strategy. tricity bills all year long.
chanical chillers have COPs in the Slight gains in part-load per- Chiller replacement offers an
� range of 4.O to 5.0. formance can add up to big sav- excellent opportunity to consider
Absorption chillers generally ings over many hours of chiller installation of a hybrid plant,
have a much lower COP, yet their operation. Part-load performance where both electric and (most of-
operating cost is often lower than data for specific chiller models are ten)gas-fired chillers are employed
electrically driven chillers'.That's available from manufacturers and —for example,an electric centrifu-
because of the losses that occur should be carefully reviewed. For gal and a gas absorption unit.
during generation and transmis- an independent evaluation of A hybrid electric/gas systsm
sion of electricity. One Btu of en- scxew and centrifugal chillers, allows operation of a building's
ergy entering a power-generating consult part-load values estab- cooling system to minimize energy
plant arrives at your chiller as 0.25 lished by the Air-Conditioning and costs by using gas cooling to shave
� Btu. Compare this to natural gas, Refrigeration Institute(ARI). peak electrical demand.
� where one Btu leaving the gas field In ac�dition to installing chillers Typically, the electric chillers
� arrives at csn absorption chiller as with favorable part-load energy previde the base load cooling
one Btu. rates, a variety of chiller energy needs. When the base load to:1-
' So it is not valid to com�are management strategies should be nage is satisfied, the c�7s chillers
� absorption with mechanical chill- c��nsidPred.The following show the are fired to meet peak load require-
j ers on the basis of COP alone.(Two- range of techniques engineers can ments. While the concept is fairly
stage, direct-fired machines offer employ in conjunction with a xe- simple, determining the optimum
a COP of LO to L1,�while single- plcscementprogram. break-point between electric and
stc�ge, steam-driven units are in Electrical peak shaving is high gas chillers is unique to each cTp-
the 0.6 to 0.7 range,)Operating costs on the list of priorities for many plication.Both building usage and
are a combination of chiller effi- buildinQ owners, and the chiller utility restes play an important role
ciency and the cost of energy. plant is a gooc±place to start.Peak in the analysis.
The purchase cost of a twc-stage shaving means lowering peak Thermal storage is another
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� meansofpeakshaving,byshifting condenser water temperature Technicians are shown checking
� � all or some electrical demand for (ECWT) when conditions permit out a new centrifugal chiller
� air conditioning to off-peak hours. canproduce savings.Lower ECWT equipped with an electronic vari-
; � We'111imit our comments to ice stor- means less thermal lift on the able-speed control(at right).It var-
� age systems because of their wider chiller, and less energy expended ies the compressor speed #o more
j � application, compared to chilled to meet cooling demand, ECWT exactlymatch changingloads and
j water storage. need not be held artificially high, sav� on both demand and total
electric operating cost.
The selection of chillers to build as long as the chiller itself is de-
j ice in a thermal storage system is signed to handle colder cooling
iextremely critical. In many in- tower water. (Manufacturers' rec-
, stances,an existing chiller cannot ommendations on this matter
� be used because of the specialcon- should be followed.) An owner's choice of energy op-
; ditions which prevail.Specifically, A similar strategy is raising the tions has been expanded by the
the chiller must be capable of pro- chiller's leaving chilled water tem- availability of direct-fired two-
� ducing cold glycol at high head- perature (LCHWT) as the cooling stage absorption chillers such as
� pressure conditions. load drops.This technique is called this replacement machine.
� Chillers with positive displace- "chilled water re-
� ment compressors—screw and re- set." Energy sav- �
� ciprocating types—are best suited ings result by re- � ,��� j ��� � `�'
� for this a licc�tion. Of the two, ducin the thermal �'''�--� �#'�` ��� `�
PP J X ���� �.�, ' `���.��';%
E screw chillers are inherently more lift. Chilled water �'� �""���-,���„�.�, ���.�',�f
��� �J.. � � �
efficient,� with c� full-load energy reset should not �'�� �� �� �--��''��
� � � x r �
rate of 0.9 kW/TR attainable at ice- impair air condi � '� � `
'"`.``�+� ,:r�
making conditions.Reciprocating tioning during �� �° � � �� ��':
chillers are ideal for smaller a li- mild weather, as � � � �� � ��� �
PP � .�� g� ��=� � .. ��,�R
cations requiring 50 to 150 tons of there usually is � 'r,; ± �
' ice-building capacity.Centrifugal less latent cooling ,� � _;� ��
chillers and absorption chillers, (which requires
though highly efficient for comfort lower LCHWTs) at '
cooling,are not well-suited for ice- lower loads.
making. Low loads and
Ch:ller operating strategies to low thermal lifts
reduce energy consumption should can produce even '
be considered during a replace- greater energy °'
ment program. Reducing entering savings when p����
.30 E::;iwr�,;,.:;:S:sr!:r.�.;.J�;t;i;, 1991
� �
1 . �
�ouplea With ele�tI°ni� v�Ii�ble- Np REFRIGERANT IS PERFECT,
speed control of a centrifugal
chiller. Variable-speed control BUT ALL ARE G���
saves energy at reduced loads by
matching compressor speed pre- MCFC-123 HCFC-22 MFC-134a
cisely to cooling demand.Variable-
� speed drives also canbe�qpplied to � �
chilled water pumps, helping the QzONE " 0.02 ' -0A5 U
entire chiller system achieve supe- ppT�NTIAL ' _� � �`
rior�part-.load��efficiency.�� � ' ��,,.., ;
� Refrigerants
! As Engineered Systems seaders GLOBAL o.02 0.37 0.29
know (ES, March 1991), the transi- wARMING
tion to CFC alternatives is moving
ahead and, fortunately, a number FUTURE GOST 1.1 1A 2A
of solid options exist today for any-
In fact,the desire to switch to an al-
ternative is often the reason for re- CENTRIFUGAL GENTRIFUGAL CENTRIFUGAL
placement. AND SCREW
The debate over CFCs and their
replacements has been well docu-
mented, so here are today's most for at least another 30 to 40 years, ready in widespread use. We be-
practical options for enginesrs and and that the price of HCFG 123 will lieve HCFC-22 is an environmen-
owners. be lower than CFC-11 by 1992. tally friendly refrigerant'that will
Low-pressure centrifugal chill- Engineers and owners install- continue tobe used in chillers for
ers, those using CFC-11 as their ingnew low-pressure centrifugals at least another three or four dec-
refrigerant, have been the subject have two options: ades.
of the most intensive research and 1.Specify a CFC-11 machine that High-pressure centrifugal chill-
development work in recent years. is proven compatible and opti- ers designed for CFC-12 and CFC-
A viable replacement refrigerant mized for future operation with 500 will be using another alterna-
has been found in HCFG123. HCFC-123. At least through 1991, tive,HFG134a.New units are avail-
We believe that HCFC com- this option provides the lowest first able today for replacement instal-
pounds will be in widespread use cost because of the price differen- lations,The cost of this alternative
tial that still favors CFC-11. And, refrigerant is approximately three-
with components designed for and-a-half times that of CFC-500,
' HCFC-123,the chiller will achieve and is expected to remain about
Absorption chillerssuch as this one the lowest long-term operating double the cost of HCFC com-
may carry the whole cooling load, costs if it is converted to this refrig- pounds in the future.However,the
or theymay be paired with an elec- erant. appeal of HFC-134a is that it has no
trical centrifugarl in order to take 2.SpecifyanHCFC-123machine chlorine and therefore no ozone
advarntarge ofpresent or future fuel in spite of its slightly higher first depletion potential.
cost. cost(2%to 3%more,due to today's Neither,of course,does water—
higher cost for this the refrigerant employed in absorp-
.� ,,� � ,��,, e�„�_ refrigerant). This tion chillers—which is one of the
-....,, �° ��"�--� ,.�°'�: � � o tion moves di- reasons that sales of these units
�,�.F��`� �"" P
..:.�►y rectly to an are picking up. Anywhere a ther-
� _ ` ��-�--....� �� � '� �� , envronmentally mal energy source—steam,natu-
F t. ��.r..
��"'�--� � - friendly refriger- ral gas,oil,propane,or waste heat
-,r- � . �y R ", ant, and has the —is readily available and afford-
� `� ' � same long-term op- able, absorption cooling is worth
' � � erating cost advan- considering in the context of the
�- �� " �` �, � tage as the first refrigerant issue.
�� �, � ��` �.�,� � option. Repla�ing old war horses is more
� �, �` � ' Hi h- ressure com lex than it used to be.But more
„ � ��� �_.���'�a�, J P P
� � ', I ° 4�' -��
�� i h i ' chillers using than 1,500 owners in the U.S, will
� � � �� HCFC-22 include make the chiller replacement deci-
' ����, � �� ��� �� all screw and recip- sion this year. Engineers will be
�'��*���;,� rocating machines, expected to have considered all of
� �, ��t; f� � and some models the basics,then to present options
� ��" ,���„� �y,�� ,� of centrifugal chill- that satisfy the key replacement
�� �:,� ers. These are al- criteria. %_�sl
� E.. :.:,r:3�:i�t.t,Sv:;�n.r�s.l;;r.�i:. 1991 31
� . �:�i
and broc�d tempera- �;i
ture swings that � `
would test the best
�hvac�systems. � �
Under each win- ��� � � :
� �
� dov� would be a hot ���'��'�� „� 3�,�� ��,� r�� �w,� �� � ,�� l i
� � �� �,����� �
WCIt2r � OI St@CIIll �'` �� �s�� rr a�r �'� �,b� � : ��;� �� � I =
� . f ;` �� ,: 'i' : �'�e-���'`�r`���9�� �,� a 1 �� �:�I'�%✓",,,,.,� -
uonvector to compen- ' �'� � :;;: � �:� � �- ��s �, i�:�
i y
� sate fpr the �spc�ce ' � �, i `
� ��1@CIt�iQSS. �S011lt@l� �, i'u �° u�� �^` �� �`'c +� �, � 4 �.i°%% ,� ��,:
not �allowed� �toda , �`�, � �'��' u��;� '� �� ��� � x� . i!.�
� �"� � � ����,x � �" ' �, <s�. .�a, .�.
� ,�,�„ .�_� �I
convectors were �" � ?' , `��:��, � ,
� found �to be places � � �� � �s����'�� �° � � i
� where infective g���`� ,����_ ��.r � ' -� � �
. .,�� � N i,
� c�gents could �build ° ��_��� � �;
P � � ;.
u . ,.._�
Another signifi- � '
cant deficiency of the '�;,
past was the criteria � '>;� � ,+,
; for air changes in ��"�` „
. �.�*h,.��"'`."� Ii
ORs. HHS's hvac de- � ;�
$ign criteria in 1960 �� � �
required eight air �:,- �;i�
changes/hour, with �� ;�
supply air introduced -'`� ;i��;
' from the ceiling. Air I '
diffuserswereusuallysizedforap- preheat coil and a chilled-water The retrofit at Malden Hospital i�,
proximately 500-fpm outlet veloc- cooling cvil,individual-zone steam included c� roof-mounfed c�ir han- j;
ity and the room had one exhaust humidifier, and steam rehectt coiL dler.lthadfixedoutd�orminimum �`
wall grille. Most vintage hvac units are simi- ventilation crir, prefilter, direct
In the past 15 years, air change lar to the o1d MH configuration,with expc�nsion cooling/dehumdifica-
criteria has increased to 15 and 25 efficient filters on the suction side tion coil, supply c�ir fan with' two- '
air changes/hour,depending on the of the supply fan and no after-filter speed motor, dischai ge plenum,
quantity of outdoor air provided to downstream of the fan. after-filter,and three ducted zones
the room. Specialized OR proce- The new OR air handler included each with a heating coil and hu- �
dure rooms have been engineered a prefilter with a minimum effi- midifier. A DX coil, compressor/ i
to provide as much as 300 air ciency of 25%.A 95%efficient filter condenser unit wc�s mounted next ''
changes/hour,with air introduced was added on the discharge side of to the air handler, � ;
into the space at velocities as low the supply air�an for final air clean- �
as 100 fpm. ing before it entered the OR, The � `
The use of high-tech equipment two existing ceiling supply-air a
in ORs has added an additional diffusers, that provided eight air �
heat gain problem to existing changes/hour, would be replaced �;
rooms.With these added air condi- with laminar,low-flow diffusers to fit addressed this tieed, while ";
tioning demands, existing hvac introduce 30 air changes/hour. maximizing the use of return air,in ';
systems providing eight or some- These diffusers would minimize the lieu of costly energy consuzning ;';
times 12 air changes/hour cannot induction of room air over the oper- outdoor air. ;
satisfy space temperature require- ating table. The final configuration for the �`
ments.Today,these rooms require Although the existing central upgrade had a roof-mounted air
a nomina118 air changes to satisfy air-hc�ndling unit was to be decom- handler with fixed outdoor mini-
�nly ihe interna? equipment heat missioned, the individual room mt�m vcntilation air, prefilter, di-
gain. Now, most ORs require ap- exhausts would remc�in active, rect expansion co��ing/dehumidi-
prox;mc�tely 25 air changes/hour to based on BALCO's design/build ficatior: coil, supply-air fan wit], a
satisfy all the room's air condition- r.oncept. Each room had one ex- two-speed motor, disc:'�arge ple-
ing needs. haust-to-outdoor wall grille that num, and after-filter. The system �
would continue to provide space had three ducted zones, each with
The air handler exhaust. An additional return-air a heating coil and hu�nidifier.The
The existing air condit"t�ning wall gri:'le, located near the floor, DX-coil compressor/condenser unit
unit serving ORs 1, 2 and 4 was a would be added to each of the was mounted directly next to the
100%, outdoor-air unit providing rooms. Current stc�ndards require rooftop hvac unit. Botfi pieces of
supply air to each OR.The unit had two return/exhaust grilles located equipment would Le mo�inted on
an 85% filter upstream of a steam near the floor.This proposed retro- steel and off the roof to prevent
� � L �:.�._:: 5� :;�: .1,..,;. 1�3y1 61
� � � 1 ra �
� E�.�ECTRC�NIC EtC�W�HC�OD � � � �
� � DIRECT .DIGITAL REApOUT 0-2500�CFM �"'�- E HISTORIES �'���rlr���F'�� _,—
c�onditions," said Deer. with
'' The system will feature a dual-stage combination of 4- Hist
�;e° in.-deep, "30/30" medium-efficiency prefilters (25°.�o ef- T�
����--°�-�� fi�ienc ), and "Ri a-Flo 100" ri idJ .�2st
y g g� y supported filters
(85% ef#iciency), with a oombined .3rrestancc rating of peri
99+%, the company said. gen
The filtration system is designed !o deiiver a level of tion
indoor air quality equal to that of general areas in hospi- ene
tals. pea
`� s According to Don D. Seay, president of Air En- to c
��� �,"� " gineered Systems, Tnc., Tndianapolis, "Many centers to- '
day use single-stage filters, which have around 20% ef- 1=t}
ficienc Mall of America's filtration e ui ment will be say:
BACKPRESSURE -NO K FACTORS EVER NEEDED 70 times more effective than these filters in capturinq par- �
VELOCITY, PRESSURE &TEMPERATURE ��In terms of overall protection, 96% fewer con- ate:
OPTIOIyS INCLUDE:MEMORY,AVERAGE 8 SUM T0 99 taminants by weight will penetrate the two-stage filter sys- er.
REPAiR POUCY-ONE WEEK TURNAROUND OR LESS A total of 1,590 filters, held in Farr ��Type 8�� frames, �'�
Besides air quality benefits, planners anticipate sim- levt
plified housekeeping needs. Moreover, "The filters will sou
Shortridge Instruments, II1C. - ensure that coils, fans, ductwork, and other related hvac bu;
7855 East Redfield Road • Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 components stay cleaner, too,�� said Forrest Fencl, man- 7
(602) 99i-s�aa FAX (602)443-1267 ager of Farr's Environmental Control Division. sta]
Fil#er service will be reduced due to the rigid filters' ing
cT�ie se on xeaaeT A���on caTa dust-holding capacity. The use of prefilters will further —
CENTRIFUGAL extend the life of both filter stages, Fencl added.
Missouri museum chooses
• • " ' • Capacities to 2500 GPM iCe StOPQge lOr COO11Ilg
,,,;�,: , ;R, • Electric Motors to 60 H.P. A highlight in the construction of the Missouri Histor- i
u�� � '
' • Standard and ical Society's new library and research center in St. Louis �
Bronze Fitted
is the installation of the new air conditioning system.
"It will be both enerqy- and cost-efficient in keeping j
• All Iron, All Bronze � r
and All Stainless � � � '''
� .
Steel Construction �� ;' „ � �
• • . � �� �._„ � � ���
� �
�:�:�� � ` "v , � ;
• Heads to 375 ft. TDH �i��P:, � � `"° r
�"��'+ ,�', � .
+ Close Coupled and ���'��,'��� i' �� �� �
� .. �
Base Mounted
• Straight Centrifugal
and Self Priming
• Mechanical Seal and �
Packing Gland ' ' �; ,; .�
Write For Motorpump'" g � �
Catalo 103 � -
Cederburg,WI 53012� Phone: 414-377-7000 FAX 414-377J330 � � .� ��' �� � � . �� �� � � �� � � � � ���� �� �
Irvine, CA 92714 Phone: 714-756-8076 FAX 714-756-9480 ' TIIIS MU2II21' �Avalanche"Chiller/Ice Horvester will coo-' - i;
. Ft. Lauderdele, FL 33315 �.Phone: 305-524-6776 FAX 305-764-3361 Missovri Historicol Society's new.librory ond reseorch�c'=�=-���� ��
in St. Lovis. �
Circle 56 on Reader Action Card G��,� "'D
66 �$nrwei:EaFnSvs�?�en.� J��r�r•.. ]99]
,br.>>/Af-�- '�-�'�a ��i�.- v� �.�,
,� �
� ,,� : , � ,..��
, < . .�, �,-�,,. . , ��� ,,, : � ,� �., +r; �N t,� w"�
.�, ;� �,..
3: „, . rs, , x,_...,
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a. . .
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,��y t�'' �� '/1� N'INw��r� Arwrl ��nr�ira�w+�ntsi ��wi+��Non
�fi�� � � �fROM: � Cenmunity Qevelnpment Oepartment
DATE: April 14, 1986
SUBJECT: Request to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village First Filing
from High Density Multi-Family to Special Development District.
Applicant: Ira C. Rothgerber, Jr./M.B. Trust
L,ots 1 and 2 Block 6� Vail Village First Filing on Willow Circle are the site
__ �__. _
o•� t e existing .Bishop Perry duplex and the Vail Bridge Chalet�4 units� . This
�velopment proposal .entai�s demo7ition o� the exist�ng 6u�ldin�st_e�im nation
ofi�Tie common l�o� 1 �ne and�the construction of �ll��uni��slin a duplex/townhouse
tYpe of arrangement.�"_____�,.�___�____.____.��__
This proposal represents a significant difference in style from the existing �
development in the Willow Circle area. The applicants are requesting SDD
�oninq in order to allow__greater4_desi_gn creativity and to a ow greater
flexibility than the existing HDMF zoning in areas of gross residential floor
-- —
area, building height, and �setbacks.
This development proposal consists of five buildinqs;_ �three buildings of two
� units each� a one-unit building, and a building of four units plus a common
...�--- area, recreati on fac_i_l i t�es and_{manage's un i t______ e o owi ng i s e ,
applicant's des�cription of the project concep�:
�1� ��rk� �� ;w.�
� � The general project concept is one of extremely high quality. ° The
eleven units proposed will be a combination of townhouses and
condominiums with all required parking in an underground parking garage • ,
and surface spaces to accommodate short term, guest parking and
The buildings� have been designed around heavily landscaped patio and
courtyard areas. The site plan and architectural plans have attempted
to increase the scale of the project from west to east in order to
achieve a transition in terms of massing and visual character from
Beaver Dam Road to the higher density existing buildings along Willow
Circle. The result is a development that fits well with the scale of
the surrounding sites and buildings.
There are many advantages of planning, designing and developing the two
sites as one integrated project ranging from combined access to a
consistent yet varied architectural character."
�r^' �, �
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. . , _ � , ,..�M�1i_. �`.F�.S� f i:.kw, x��� �"�y�xy�y ¢''
.. . . , ., . . �:
. _. _ _ . . - . . . � .,.. � . . S.0 1.,L.o ,.�k a.
��i,.n�'�ktt,'; �a�t i.'f t,� • ., � °=� -__��____ __._ __-- � ..—_..�_ s,'.-` :,� , ., sa� .��t:�..,.au�,.a� c � , � t�,�
a; � a ; . . .� . . ., -- -� .
� ��'� � '. have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has recei�ved the report� of the
.A.. t�
� � � � .� �
Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the propojsed �.
development plan for SDD 15. �'
.�`_:� } ,y�: �,'s . � . . . . . � . . . . �t�,p�t c�s i�',�aa t °
. � �,� ; - z �s�
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btcycls�'p��„y iwaX system. 4[e �do teel �� howeve.���`that this pro�eat�should � � �
� - contribute a fair-share amount toward this 9mprovement.
� �
��C. Open Space
Functional open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural
features (including trees and drainage areas) , recreation, views,
convenience and function.
Applicant's Statement:
Open space has been designed which exceeds the requirement of the
underlying HDMF zone district and preserves and enhances the features of �
this site. Many of the existing trees on site which have been planted
around the existing buildings will be relocated.
Staff's Statement: Although this project pushes the underlying HDMF
Q���.� setbacks on all sides, staff believes that the proposed design of the
project creates more open space and view opportunities than that which
oQ�e� f �'r-J could be developed under the existing situation (two lots of HDMF
��r���e.� zon i ng) . _
� '�D. Variet � � ,``
�;� � ry Var�i�ety in terms of: housing type, densities, faciliti�es and open� space.
� Applicant and staff statement: Not applicable
� �
�c°��. � "
� � �'FE. Pri•vacy ,
� '� � � � �� ��;� ,��
�`� Privacy in terms of the needs of: individuals, families and neighbors. `
Applicant's Statement: Not applicable. ,`
Staff' s Statement: This proposal presents no further negative impacts
on privacy than that which could occur through the HDMF zoning.
� F. Pedestri an Trafif i c
Pedestrian traffic in terms of safety, separation,' convenience, access
to points of destination, and attractiveness.
Applicant's Statement: Pedestrian traffic has been accommodated by an
��.5��� 'nternal path and courtyard circulation design.
� a Staff's Statement: The applicant has adequately provided for on-site
e�a'� pedestrian traffic through this proposed design. Staff believes that
off-site pedestrian traffic would be greatly enhanced by .the
G construction of the previously mentioned bicycle/pedestrian path along
�,�►`1 Gore Creek. ;
�°� c��'
_3_ .
=� _�_._ __.._-., � =_,— � , -_ ---�_ �. , �: ��' �,�:�«� ��. , �,� ,,��.:; ,„ .�:� � � �
� � <�E,.���������rs,t�;� � ,' , : .
�_�{ �; ; � h�ve been�fulfilled�, and the Town �Council has received �the report��� of the
� � �t �
� ;�.�a.F1, s ,�-. � �.
Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed
� , ��� , �
deve�lopment plan for SDD 15. �
,�' ��� ��, ,.� � , , _ � `..�:..��������� �
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�n s area. `
�_ � � .�
"�r3. GRFA.
- ��---�_,,,,The proposed SOD exceeds the allowable GRFA of HDMF zoning
by,.2989_square feet. Because of the design nature of this
p��� �� pro�posal , staff felt a �ro�S ,f1�Qt^.,...�r��..�tu�y would give a
va.l'i d compari son wi th the. bul k. and.mass .al.l owed through HDD1F
. � �,_.,. �__..,_ _ __ ._�
��oni n�_ ..____ -
�_ _
y.��� ; � For the proposed SDD, the GFA was calculated by adding GRFA
�.o S ► of units 1-11 and the manager's unit all stora e �� `
, l� . � 9 �
�,�I�- ''� mechanical , airlock, recreation aras, common hallways and
S�b��,�� staircases with the exception of the underground parking
�����},�,�,c�L- 1 evel .
� �'�-�-���t � � For the NDMF comparison, the calculation included allowable
�ccQ�kn��J �+���RFA, storage, mechani cal and ai rl ock credi ts for 17 uni ts
C��wio� ��,���� and the 20% al 1 owabl e common area.
'� The Vail Village Master Plan shows existing properties GFA
in the range of .8 to 2.0 in the Willow Circle area. The
Plan has tentatively identified a .8 - .9 range as allowable
for redevelopment projects in this area. I 1
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— The Department of Community Development recommends approval of this
proposal . Staff believes that this proposal meets the intent of the SQD
zone district. The proposal basically follows the underlying HDMF
district and provides beneficial flexibity in certain areas. We feel
the project meets the criteria set forth in both the SDD zone district
� and the draft Vail Village Master Plan and is compatible with existing
�,.��pd ,use and de�s.i.�ie�.i►1,_..�h�._ar�a. We do feel that previously discussed `�'�
design considerations and fee for the walkway should be addressed
through the approval process and would also request tr�e follo ing
condition be placed upon this project. �r�t'�'��'�%����� -
1 . The applicant agrees to pay a fee to;be subsequently agreed
upon for th'e construction of a pedestrian 'walkway a1ong Gore
. Creek. (
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pro�act would iook 'e when it was finfshed, Jamar ated that the applicdnt ���" ��
� �felt that they cou]a�save and re-use a�l the existinc�- �,'rees except two. 1 `-
,� � Donovan asked if the large rear elevation would be screened with big trees, and �,:�, , �
Jamar assured her that the trees would be large in that area. � `�',r'�.
�� A discussion followed concerning the construction of the bike path, and staff
suggested a fair share of $4900 rather than an Improvement District in the
fu�ure. Peterson pointed out that the SDD did not have an impact, although the
bike path along the creek is a good idea, and the applicant agrees to
contribute to it. Patten replied that SDD's have been required to do bike
pa�hs, and this is no different. Peterson stated that they did not mind paying
j :: a fair share for a bike path as long as the money did not go into the Town of
Vail general fund,
Donovan asked about the feasibility of a sidewalk along Willow Place and Jamar
replied that since this was a low impact area, there was no need for a
sidewalk. Diana was concerned about the lighting, and Jamar said they would
address �his concern at Design Review Board. Viele agreed with Diana that this
! project was a good use of the SDD process. Piper asked why surface parking
; � spaces were planned. Patten stated that both the staff and owners felt the
E ; spaces were practical . Duane asked about the stair tower and was told that it
' �`' would come up to the full height of the wall , not the top of the roof. He then
} � asked if the courtyards could be tigh�ened up to increase setbacks, and Jamar
X replied that he did not feel the buffers were inadequate. Piper asked if it
�d �� was possible to recommend that the bike path be a fair and equitable figure
rather than a specific dollar, and Pa�ten replied that the final decision would
�� be made at the Town Council meetin .
�� � 9
Viele moved and Hopkins seconded to recommend approval of the minor subdivision -
and of the rezoning to an SDD including the minor sua�estions for buildinp 5
and 6 that the applicant try to increase the setback on Willow Road without
�� x going into the 50' stream setback and that a fair and equita�Te solu�ion be
found ta the dollar amaunt ta be can:trib��ed by the applicant to the bike path
� fund. The `vote was 5` - 0 'in favor.
3. A request for a minor subdivision of the Glen L�y,on Office Buildin9
located on Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office
Tom Braun made the presentation and explained tha� Andy Norris would like to
create a new lot but development would be limited to the previous plans
approved for the parcel . Norris added that this would enable them to divide
ownership prior to construction. Braun explained how the proposed plat was
tied to the development plan as well as how covenants would be recorded to
ensure a unified development of the parcel .
Donovan moved and Schultz seconded to approve the request for a minor
subdivision per the staff inemo with the five conditions attached to the memo,
The vote was 4 in favor, none against with Viele abstaining.
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MAY 6, 1986
7:30 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, May 6, 1986,� at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chambers.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor
Kent Rose. Mayor Pro Tem
Eric Affeldt �
Dan Corcoran
Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal
Gordon Pierce
MEMBERS ABSENT: Hermann Staufer
TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager
Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney
Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk
The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of ineetings held April
1, 15 and 18, 1986. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal noted that Pam Hopkins of the Planning
and Environmental Commission was present at the April 18, 1986 meeting but her name
had been mistakenly omitted. At this time, Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve
- all of the minutes with the correction on the April 18, 1986 minutes, and Kent Rose
j `' seconded. Gordon Pierce had not arrived yet to vote on this item. The April 1,
1986 minutes were approved 3-0, with Mayor Jo'hnston and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal
abstaining due to their absence at that meeting; the April 15, 1986 minutes were
approved 5-0; and the April 18, 1986 minutes were approved 4-0, with Eric Affeldt
abstaining due to his absence at that meeting.
The next item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1986, first reading,
concerning an amendment for final plat requirements to include a tax certificate.
The Mayor read the title in full . Kristan Pritz gave details of the ordinance and
some background information. After a short discussion by Council , Gail Wahrlich-
Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, which Eric Affeldt seconded. A
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0.
The third item was Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1986, first reading, concerning One
Willow Place SDD rezoning. Mayor Johnston read the full title. Rick Pylman gave an
explanation of the ordinance background information. Peter Jamar, representing
Henry Pratt, of Gordon Pierce's office, and Jay Peterson, attorney, gave his reasons
for approving the SDD. Alice Ferguson asked questions regarding the set back
restrictions; Peter Jamar and Rick Pylman responded. After a short discussion by
Council , Kent Rose requested specific conditions instead of suggestions in Section
10 of the ordinance. He then made a motion to approve the ordinance with 1) date
�, change to May 6, 1986 in Section 4. A1. and 2) in Section 10 strike paragraphs A and
B, and chan,ge C to reflect 'a do'llar amount and the term of payment`as spelled out by
Community Deuelopment Department in their memo of May 6, 1986. Gail
Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded the `motion. A vote` was taken and the motion passed 4-0,
with Gordon Pierce and Dan Corcoran abstaining due to their involvement in the
development plan.
The fourth item was the consjderation of the utility easement request for One Willow
P1ace. Rick Pylman explained that to complete the plans for the SDD, the utility
easement needed to be approved for cable television. Jay Peterson gave additional
information. There was a short discussion by Council . Eric Affeldt made a motion
to approve the request, and Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion
passed 4-0, with Gordon Pierce and Dan Corcoran abstaining due to their involvement
in the plan.
At this time, Peter Patten indicated one more issue of relocating five trees at One
Willow Place for approximately one year until construction was completed. Ron
Phillips suggested one tree be moved to the Core for a Christmas tree in exchange
for appraval . Peter Jamar requested the Council 's approval as soon as possible.
The Council approved the request and instructed the staff to work out the details
with Peter Jamar.
The fifth item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1986, first reading,
concerning supplemental budget appropriations. Mayor Johnston read the title in
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VA I t IONN COUHC 1 l� MEE T t N(T � ' ""`� '�,���
JUM1lE 17, 1986 ���,��� ' ti+,��.�,, �� ,
7:30 p.m.
A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, June 17, 1986, at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor
Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem
Eric Affeldt
Dan Corcoran
Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal
Gordon Pierce
Hermann Staufer .
TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager
Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney ,
Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk �
' The first item on the agenda was a consent agenda for the following 'items. '�"` "
` A. Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1986, second reading, approving SDD 15 rezoning
� for�One�,Wi�.11�W�Place; �;�:
_ �. � __._�_
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B. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1986, second reading, amending the Vail
Employee Pension plan document.
` C. Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1986, second reading, amending the Town's
Police and Fire Pension plan do�ument.
D. Resolution No. 16, Series of 1986, making July, 1986 National Recreation
and Parks Month.
� E. Resolution No. 17, Series of 1986, designating the Fire Chief as the
Emergency Response Authority for hazardous substance incidents and ,
approving the Eagle County hazardous substance mutual aid agreement.
��€ �
�, Mayor Johnston read all titles in full . Dan Corcoran and Gordon Pierce asked that
, item A be taken off the consent agenda because they would have to abstain from
�' voting on it. Mayor Johnston removed it from the consent agenda. There was no -
''• additional discussion by Council on any of the items. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made
�n a motion to approve the consent agenda with the deletion of item A, which Kent Rose
�: : seconded. A vo�e was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0.
1 ,..:
�,�' ' At this time Item A, Ordinance No 13, Series of 1986, second reading, approving SDD
15 rezoning ��`�°�ne"'Wi�law'�P1ac�- Wa,$ reintroduced. Mayor Johnston read the full
title. Dan `Corcoran and Gordon Pierce said they would have to abstain from voting
� �; due to their involvement in the project. Jay Peterson requested to make a minor
�� �; . wording change in Section 10. The first sentence would be modified to read . . .of a
� i bike pathway "from Vail Road to Willow Bridge Road" in the form of. . . There was no
� � ; � discussion by Council . Kent Rose made a mo�ion to apprave the ordinance with the
' i ; ; change requested, and Gai"T Wahrlich=Lowenthal seconded the motion. A vote was taker
�,� ;; � � and the motion ,passed 5-0, with 2 abstentions.
� , .
' � �` `�� � �There was no Citizen Participation.
�� ,
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Next was the Town Manager's Report. Ron Phillips informed the Council the Town had
i�� received the final two proposals for a �c u�ter system and they could expect a '
� , recommendation in July. He noted Robbie Gilmore, a Police Officer, `graduates from'
j � � CLETA this coming Friday. He then stated the concrete work on Slifer's Plaza was
} , ,`, underway. One major leak in the fountain had been found about the size of a garder
�� �<< hose which has been fixed. He also noted the paving on Meadow Drive and Blue Cow
''' 3a; Chute would be finished next week, and the suggestions from the Council would be
� implemented. Ron then presented a ten year employment anniversary Vail belt buckl
� to Curt Ufkes, Chief of Police. ;
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��� � �� � ORDINANCE N0. 13 �`����}�� �#�,�
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Series of 1986 �.,� � ��� �,��
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WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes special
development districts within the Town; and
WHEREAS, Ira C. Rothgerber, Jr. and the M.B. Trust have submitted an
application for special development approval for a certain parcel of property
within the Town known as Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village lst Filing, to be
known as Special Development District 15; and
WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 15 will insure unified and
coordinated development within the Town of Vai� in a manner suitable for the
area in which it is situated; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended approval of
the proposed SQD; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate and
beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and visitors to establish
said Special Qevelopment District No. 15;
Section 1 . Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planning Commission Report.
The approval procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code
have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the
Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed
development plan for SDD 15.
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�_� „'Ttt! �pplicant musk begin construction of the speclal development distrlct wlthin
s ��� ��18 months from the time of its final approval , and continue diligently toward
the compTetion of the project. If the applicant does not begin a�d diligently
work toward the completion of the special development district or any stage of
the special development district within the time limits imposed by the preceding
subsection, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the special
development district. They shall recommend to the Town Council that either the
approval of the special development district be extended, that the approval of
the special development district be revoked, or that the special development
district be amended.
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Section 10. Conditions of Approvals for Special Development District 15
3 ' ; s
'�. The applicant, or his successor= in interest, agrees� to contr�ibute $4,90Q� �toward�
�. ,
r� the constructi on of a bi ke pathway from�Vai 1 Road to Wi l l ow Bl��dge Road,.�:i�n`the
\� , _.,�__�
form of an unconditional letter of credit from a financial ins�itution and in a
� j form acceptable to the Torvn Attorney, . No building permit shall be issued for
� � ' ` ;
; � the construction of any improvements for Special Development District 15 until
such letter of credit has been filed with the Town. Said letter of credit shall
�3�;�� be released and the applicant`s obligation to contribute said funds shall
�,; .� �
�`- � terminate 'if construction is not commenced on the bike pathway within five (5)
�� ; .
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` years from .the date hereof � � "
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' � � is for any 'reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the
_.� � � �
�� �I validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council
�� hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section,
subsection, sentence, clause �or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any
�� one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be
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Section 12.
�:�� �The Town Council hereby finds, determines and Jdeclares that this �ordinance is
' necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and
�'� the inhabitants thereof. $
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Perren# Orrupan� By Parkin,�Lo# Bv Da#e And Time
This table summarizes'the parldng counts done at the various lots over the course of
the winter. This same data is presented graphically on the three pages that follow.
Note that the "average" occupancy and "minimum" and "maximum" are also
identified at the bottom of the table.
A B C : D E F G H I J K
Hes: Yail Glen Vail Prof_ Stream- Simba Double- The Timber Racquet
Na71 x Lyon' Bldg. side Run Tree Westin 7ivoli Sonnenalp Fa11s Club
TOTaL SPACES 139 5d 81 i65 128 162 at2 28 112 160 215
A O�TE: 11/29 TIME: 8:10-9;30 am 0.00$ 66.67$ 0.00$ 55:76$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$
B DATE: 12/29 TIME: 1:15-2:30 pm 33.81$ 14.01$ 15,31$ 0.00$ 2C.22$ 59.86$ 0.00$. 0.00$ b.00$ 0:00$ O.DO$
C `DATE: 12/29 TIME: 5-6:30 pm l0.29$ ' 22.22$ 38.27$ 43.03$ 29.69$ 62.35$ 0.00$ 0.00� 0.00$ 0.00$ 0,00$
0'DATE: 12/29'7IME: 9:50-11i00 pm 10.T9$ 0.00i O.00i 0:00$ 39.8E$ Q.00$ d L'75$ 0.00� 58.93$ O.OD$ 0_00$
E DATE; 12/29 TIME: 11:15-12;20 pm 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 34:38$ 35:60$ 0.00$ 0.-00$ 0.00$ 4{.dd$ d6.55$
f -0aTE: 12/30 TIME: 11:OOam-2t30 pm 30.69$ 61.11$ 51.85$ d2.E2� A.00$ 0.00$ D.-0O$ 100.D0$ 91,07�✓ 0,00$ 0.00$ .
G DATE: i/06 TIME::5:30-7s10 am 0,00$ 0.00$' 0.00$ 38,18$ 6C.06$ 21.78$ 18.'93$ 50.00$ 50;BS$ d3.33$ 73.45$
H OATE: 1/06 T1M,E:'2:15-d:00 pm 38.65$ 61.13$ ' 65.43$ 26,E8$ 50:00$ 56.19$ 40.53$ 53.514 14.31� 21:11# dd.13$
1 Dr1iE:'1/18 TIMEi 6:00-7:00 pn 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ d2:42$ 28.13$ 16.61$ 25.91$ 92.86$ 90.16$ 31.22$ 60.13$ '
� D�?c 1/2b TIi,E: 8s30-9:30 am 0:00$ O.OD$ Oi00$ 38;18$ 25.78$ 49.38$ 13.35$ 3Y.1d� 73.21� 21.22$ 52.00$
K Dr1i.: 1/2S TIMc: 5:50-1i00 am 0.00$ 0.00$ O.DO$ 53.33$ 0.00$ d6,71$ 33.01$ 0.00$ 55.36$ 51,61$ 93;62$
L DATE: 1/31' TIK�: 6:05-1:00 am 0.00$ 0.00$ A:00$ 46.61$ 16.15$ 62.96$ 30.63$ 69.29$ 52.68$ 45.00$ 83.27$
,N DATE: 2/2 T117c: <:55-6:20 pm e3.17$ d6.30$ 60.C9$ 30.91$ 24.22$ dE.Ed$ 51.26$ 62.1!$ 63.39$ 12:22$ 5L 21$
N DATE: 2/5 TIM�: 6:0'J-1:30 am G.00$ 0.00$ 9,00$ 50.30$ 2C.22� 36.42$ 33.25$ 42.66$ 53.51$ 36.11$ 65.62$
C DATc: 3/7 TINc: 6:00arr-1;30 am 0:00$ 0.00$ 0:00$ 60.00$ 40.63$ 32.12$ 60.b8$ 60.71i 11,32$ 43.69$ 79.6df
P DATE: 3/10 TIME: 6:ODam-7:00 ar G.00$ ' D:00$ 0.00$. 49.09$ ' 41.41$ 30.13$ ' 35_92$ 53.51% C9.11$ 51.U$ fi7.21$
Q DATE: 3/10 TIME: 10:30-10:a5 ar� 40:29$ 61.04$ 50.62$ 0.00$ 0.00$ G.00$ 0.00$ 0.00= 0.00$ 0,00$ 0.00$ i
R DaTE: 3/2D TINE: 7:00-8:00 am 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 5b.18� 52.3a$ a1.36� 39.81� 60.11� 66,07� 65.00$ 77.a5$ ;
5 DAT_: 3/20 TIMc: d:5G-5:05 pm l:.b0$ 6A.81$ 56,79$ D.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 57.28$ 0.0�? 0.00$ C.00$ �.00$
i OATE: 3/26 TIME: 6:10-1:d0 am A.00$ D.00$ 0.00$ 61.66$ 60.94$ 53.09$ 34.71$ 53.51$ 69.6d$ 62.16$ 61.45$
l; DATE: d/1 TINE: 6:lG-1:55 am 'S.11$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 58.19$ 49.22$ 56.11$ 34.d1$ 53.513 63.35$ 55.00$ 87.64$
ti' DATE: </2 T,TMc: 6cG5-7:50 am 7.91$ O.OD$ O.OD$ 6D.61$ 37.5D$ 59.68$ 33.1C$ 53.573 b1:66$ 54.dd$ 18.91$
ri LRTE: G/20 TIMc: 6:10-i:30 am L.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 16.36$ 8.59$ 21.16$ 12.66$ 25.OG$ 20.54$ 24.44; 31.62$
X DxTE: 5/5 TIME: 2:55-3:55 pm G.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 25.45$ 1C.9d$ 2C.01$ 25.24$ i0.11$ 40.18$ 17.78$ 2:.30�
Y DATE: i/6 T1Nt: 7:20-I:57 am 0.00� 0.00$ 0.00$ S.7G$ 7.03$ 26.54$ 12.36$ 1d,2S� 19.64$✓ 11:4!$ 31.21$
Z DATE: 6/d TIRE: 1:00-8:05 am O.CO$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 49.1C� 5.11$ 19.1d$ 25.00$ 32.1Ge 51.7S$ 23.33$ 3S:21$
AA D;.TE: 1/1 TIMc: 6:50 am G.GO$ O.CO$ 0.00$ 57,56€ 30.Z7$ 26:SG$ 33.50$ 82.11� 59.82$ 14.11$ 09.09$
Average Par'r,ino Utilization 31.15$ 60.G23 55.91$ <2.G1$ 3D.193 35.62= 31.16$ 50.50$ �5.19$ 36.53$ 6C.OG$
Maximum 45� 81$ 15$ 66$ 6L$ 63; 51$ 10u� 91$ 65$ 9d�
hlinumum 8$ 223 38$ 10$ 5$ 17$ 12$ 11$ 20$ 12$ 2<$
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,��LICE DEPAR�MENT � . � { � '
. ' Reviewed by: ' Date:
Comments: �
Reviewed by: Date: _
Comments: : � �
. -
�_ - - � _ �` � . � ��� �; �,. r
: revised 3/11/91 �
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Sonnenalp Development
Adjacent Property Owners
Bishop Park Talisman Condominiums
63 Willow Place 62 East Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657
Vail Interfaith Chapel J.A.M.M.
19 Vail Road Vail Village Inn Plaza
Vail, CO 81657 100 E . Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657
Riverhouse Condominium First Bank of Vail
A.ssociation 17 Vail �oad
c/o Steve �imonet Vail, CO 81657
P .O. Box 3459
Vail , CO 81658
Holiday House Condominiums Vail Viliage Inr_ Plaza
9 Vail koad 100 E . Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657
Vail Village Inn Holiday Inn of Vail
68 S . Frontage Road E . - 13 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657
Vail Village Inn Plaza Craig Snowdon
Condominium Assoc . �nowdon & Hopking
100 E . Meadow Drive 201 Gore Creek Drive
Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657
Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh � Architects � P. C . � A. I. A.
I��y 24, 1991
Town of Vail
75 S, I'rontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
�tt 'n: Office of Community Development
Kristan Piitz - Community Development Directo�
Andy Knudtsen - Town Planner
FQ: Propose�. Sonneilal� Redeve�opment Variance Applicat?fln
After reviewing your May 21 , 1991 letter addresse� to Mr.
Johannes FaessZer, �lease find enclosed an application for
the follotaing variances :
uTariance No . 1 :
A zaariance is requested to increase the allowable
G.R.F.A, by 20 ,519 sq. ft. as calculated by the Town of Vail
planner Andy Knitdtsen.
Variance No . 2 :
A zaariance is requ�sted to allow the installation of 8 ' - 0"
high parapet walls at t11e mechanical penthouse area over th.e
porte-cochere . The roof of the penthouse will be
constructed at the maYimum height allowed by zoning which is
�8 ' - a" . The proposed parapet walls will encroach the
height limit l�y 8 ' - 0" to screen the air conditioning
cnillers and eth�i nliscellaneous mechanical equipment.
t,Tariancn Pdo, 3 :
filthough ?5°� of the new required parking shall be covered as
slzovm, the Staff still nee�s to review this item and a
variance may be requir�d. If so, the �,lariance shall be a
rart of this app�ication. Therefore, a parking t.rariance is
requested to allow 61a of the new parking to be covered in
lieu �f tl:e 75� per code .
Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303/476-4433
One Tabor Center • 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355 '
�_ > � _.
�`ommtznity Dev�lopmen�t
I�ay 2� , 1991
�age 2 .
The above variances may or may not be required as inclicated
by the Tawn of Vail Staff . Although, tilese sllall be applie�
f�r a.t this time. jJari�nces No. 2 and No. 3 may be �.eleted
from tris applicatian at a future clate . The a��licant
sLrongly feels that orly �. �,R. �'.�. v�.riance is in ordey�.
PIERCE` SE�ERBEF.� « �t AE{-i, �RCHTTEC'IS • t o C, ° A. T .A.
Ken 0 'Bz y�.n
$1"D]2Ct Architect
cc . -Johannes Faessler
-Jay Petersci�
-G�r�.�*� P�erce
- ..,. .r, ;.>
Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh • Architects • P. C . • A. I. A.
May 24 , 1991
Town of Va i I
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail , CO 81657
RE : Proposed Sonnenalp Redevelopment - Variance Application
Written Statement
Attention : Town of Vail Planning Commission
On behalf of our client , Sonnenalp Properties , Inc . , we are
requesting that a G. R . F . A. variance be granted as required by
the Town of Vail ' s Zoning Code and per our resubmitted pro-
posal for the renovation and addition to the Hotel Sonnenaip
Bavaria Haus .
The Community Development Department has also listed two other
issues which may require variances as proposed . One is a
height variance and the other a parking variance. Although we
do not feel that these two variances are required, they shall
be explained in detail as to their nature, the regulations
involved and the effect they may have.
Regardinq the G. R. F . A. Variance Request :
The Zoning Code under #he PA Zone states that eighty
percent of the site can be used as G. R . F . A. Twenty
percent of that eighty percent shall be credited to
the common space and another ten percent of the
eighty credited to accessory use. Given all the
above, the Town ' s Planning Staff figured that we are
20,619 square feet over that allowed for the total
G. R. F. A. Therefore , we request a variance to
increase our allowable G. R . F . A.
The relationship of this request to other existing or
potential uses and structures is simple. AIl quality
hotels , including those in the Vail Valley, cannot
operate under the current zoning requirements as
Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 303/476-4433
One Tabor Center • 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355
Town ofi Va i I
May 24, 1991
Page Two
stated above . An allowance ofi twenty percent common
space is simply unheard ofi fior a major hotel and can
be considered questionable or borderline fior a motel
or hotel chain such as "Super 8" or a "Quality Inn" .
A more reasonabie balance ofi common area versus total
area would be a 50/50 or 45/55 type ofi relationship.
As seen in our previous proposal , an increase ofi
G. R . F. A. was required . It stands on record that a
majority of the Planning Commission members did not
have a problem with the increased G . R . F. A. above that
allowed. According to the Town ofi Vail Planning
Department records, the previous proposal was
asking fior an increase ofi approximately 53,931 square
fieet ofi G . R . F. A. above that allowed .
What v�as of major concern to the Planning Commission
was the scale ofi the project . Under this proposal ,
the structure has been scaled down considerably -
firom approximately 145,�179 square fieet to 109, 796
square fieet . Under this proposal , the bulk ofi the
density is at the south side ofi the site as required
and stated in the Vail Village Master Plan . The
height ofi the structure has been reduced to meet the
zoning requirements with a minor exception ofi an
8 ' -0" high parapet wall used to screen mechanical
equipment on the roofi .
The existing structure as compared to the zoning
requirements is currently eight percent over on
accessory use area and only 244 square fieet under the
allowabie common area. Therefiore, ifi any redevelop-
ment ofi the Sonnenalp is to take place, an increase
in the ailowable G. R . F. A. is required . According to
the Vail Village Master Plan , a redevelopment ofi the
Sonnenalp Hotel has been anticipated and encouraged
as to increase the bed base in the Village. Again ,
the only way this can be achieved is by granting a
G. R . F. A. variance.
AIl other zoning requirements have been met . Site
coverage is under that allowed . No new construction
shall take place in the setbacks except to make those
existing non-confiorming areas less non-confiorming by
either reducing their setback encroachment or by
taking them out ofi the setbacks all together .
Town of Va i I
May 24, 1991
Page Three
The number of accommodation units is under that
allowed and the loading requirements have been met .
According to the zoning ordinance , G. R. F. A.
requirements are designed to control density. Yet ,
over 19, f�f�f� square feet of the 2f�, 619 square feet
overage in G. R . F. A. is underground and does not
contribute to the structure density.
The height variance that may be required , as deemed
by the Town Pianning Staff , is to allow the installa-
tion of an 8 ' -�" high parapet wall at the mechanical
penthouse area over the port-cochere. The roof of
the penthouse wil ! be constructed at the maximum
height ailowed by zoning which is 48 ' -�" . The
proposed parapet �alls �aill extend 8 ' -�" above the
penthouse roof to screen the air cond 'ftioning
chiilers and other miscellaneous mechanical equip-
ment . The allowable height of architecturai
projection is 12' -f�" above the 48 ' -f�" limit . If this
were not allowed , al ! the mechanical equipment wouid
be highly visible. There is no other possible
location for this equipment .
The parking variance that may be required , as deemed
by the Town Planning Staff , is that seventy-five
percent of the additional parking spaces required
shail be covered . Under this proposal , 21 new spaces
are required . Therefore, 15. 75 spaces must be
covered . Our proposal shows that i6 spaces are
located in a covered area.
The effect of these issues on air, distribution of popula-
tion , transportation , traffic facilities , utilities and
public safety is negligible and will not change. The effiect
on iight is minimal in that the 8 ' -�" height encroachment
will cast a little longer shado� than that o# a 48 ' -f�" high
structure ; but if the screening were removed , there would be
no change in the light effect because the chillers would cast
the same shadow.
m ` .,.�....
Town of Va i I
May 24 , 1991
Page Four
To summarize, Sonnenalp Properties , Inc. has the hardship
that their facility cannot expand without a variance,
although the site can accommodate it . Therefore, if the Town
of Vail wishes to see a quality hotel in the core area as
outfined by the Vail Village Master Plan , the issues stated
herein must be welcamed and approved unconditionally as to
comply with "Vail ` s comprehensive plan" .
Ken 0'Bryan
Project Architect
cc: Johannes Faessler
Jay Peterson
Gordon Pierce
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Flanning `and Environmental
Commiss`ion of the Town of Va'il will hold a public : hearing in
accordance with Section 18 . 66 . 060 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on June 24, 1991 at 2 : 00 p.m. in the Town of Vail
Municipal Building. - Con'side`ration of: `
1 . A request for review of the Vail Streetscape Master Plan for
formal recommendation to the Town Council . The Master Plan
addresses the general area from E. Lionshead Cir . to Ford
Park, and includes W. Meadow Dr. , E, Meadow Dr. , Willow
Bridge Rd. , Gore Creek Dr. , Vail Valley Dr. , Bridge St . , and
Hanson Ranch Rd.
Applicant ; ' Town of Vail
Planner: Mike Mollica
2 . A request for a front setback variance for the Schofield
residence, Lot 18, B1ock 3, Vai1 Valley 1st Filing/1448 Vail
Valley' Drive .
Applic`ant : John Schofield
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
3 . Discussion of site selection for the Municipal Complex-
Town Staff: Ken Hughey, Kristan Pritz, Mike Mollica
4 . A request for a Special Development District, A part of the
SE 1/4 of the SE 1`/4 of` Section 1, Township 53, 'Range 81,
West 6th Prime Meridian.
Applicant : Abe L . Shapiro
Planner: Mike Mollica
5 . A request for a -front setback variance for the Dick
Residence, Unit 2, Tract A, Bighorn `Townhouses/4708 Meadow
Drive, #2A.
Applicant : Carol Dick ' -
Planner: ` �ill Kammerer
� 6. A request for a worksession for height, parking and density
(GRFA/common area) variances for the Sonnenalp, Part of Lots
K & L, Block 5=E, Vail Village, 1st Eiling/20 Vai1 Road.
Applicant : Sonnenalp Properties
Planner: Andy Knudtsen'
7 , A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct �
a `snow dump on 'the -property generally located west of the '
Town of Vail Shops , The property is more specifically
described as follows :
That part of the North 1/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South,
Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No . `70 and being
more particularly described as follows :
Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8; =thence along'°
��� � - �-��
the northerly line of said' Section 8, S89 46' 27"W a distance
of 1500 . 00 ft; thence departing, the northerly line of said
Section 8, S00 23' 03"W a distance of 529 . 86 ft to a ;point on
the northerly ROW line of I-70; thence along the northerly
ROW line of I 70 following two courses :
1) S75 28' 18"E a distance of 180 . 82 ft to a point of
2) 1327. 90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left, having
a radius of 5580 . 00 ft, a central angle of 13 38' 04"
and a chord which ,bears N89 36' 34"E 1329 .70 ft distance
to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8;
Thence departing said ROW line of I-70 N00 23' 03"E along the
easterly line of 'said Section 8, a distance of 572 . 10 ft to
the point' of beginning, containing 20 . 480 acres more or
less .
The above description is based on the Town of Vail
annexation plats for the property described and is not based
on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the abo�e
parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being S89 46' 27"W
as; shown on said ;annexation plats .
Applicants : Town of Vail/Vail Associates
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
8 . A request for a front setback variance for a garage for the
Oberlohr residence, Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Ridge
Subdivision/2656 Davos Trail .
Applicant : Konrad Oberlohr
Planner: Shelly Mello
9 . A determination for a 60 or 90 day review period for an
exterior alteration for the Golden Peak House, Lots A & B,
Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing/278 Hanson Ranch Road,
Applicants : Golden Peak House Condo . Association; Vail
Associates; GPH Partners, Ltd. ; and Margaritaville, Inc .
Planner: Mike Mollica
10 . A request 'for ;a side setback variance for the Heiman
Residence, Lot 9, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision/5134
Grouse Lane .
Applicant : Mr. and Mrs . Paul Heiman
Planner: Jill Kammerer
Any items tabled from the June 10, 1991 PEC meeting agenda.
The applications and information about the proposals are
available for public review in the Community Development
Department office.
Town of Vail -
Community Development Department
Published in the Vail Trail on June 8, 1991 .
Bi�hop Park � �° Vail ViUage�l�n � � � A� FirstBank�pf Vail �
63 Willow Place 68 S. Frontage Road E. 17 Vail Road
Vail, C0 81657 Vail,'CO 81657 Vail, CO`81657
Vail Interfaith Chapel Vail Village Inn Plaza Vail Village lnn Plaza
19 Vail Road Condominium Association 100 E. Meadow Drive
Vail, CO 81657 100 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO' 81657
Vail, CO 81657
Fiiverhouse Condo Association Talisman Condominiums Holiday lnn of Vail
c/o Steve Simonet 62 E. Meadow Drive 13 Vail Road
P.O. Box 3459 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657
Vail, C0 81658
Holiday House Condominiums J.A.M.M. Craig Snowdon
9 Vail Fioad Vail Village Inn Plaza Snowdon`& Hopkins
Vail, CO 81657 100 E: Meadow Drive 201 Gore Creek Drive
Vail, C0 81657 Vail, CO 81657
♦ �
• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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1. N ame of I nsu red
liAYl::hi5i.'ti�: V.r'k1:::Ir�;;nliNK .
2. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is encumbered by the
insured mortgage is: ;;t�;l: I�'AiJF..; '�-ii �
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County of ' , and is described as follows:
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Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Continuation of Schedule
'.�0 SECURE: $? ,540,440. 00
DATEA� MAkCH 2, 1987
IN B04K: , � �58
A� FAGE : 513
AS RECEPTI4N NO. : 354744
As;�iynment of Leasc�� , ken�s and 4ther o e recorded March 3,
1987 in Bool� 458 at I?dge 514 as •��t#.on U. 3��4745.
Financi�q ��at�menE r�cor•ded M c�i► , 1s87 '.n Boak 458 at P�ye
51.5 as Recep�ion Na. 35�#7 6.
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Continuation of Scheci�fle�o- �
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A LF.A�F�QLll �S'1'ATE: CRF:A�.' ��:ll t�y that cerl:a.in le��e da�ed June
25. ].970 exc�c.uted �.y V�1F.� ASSQCT,A'.C�S, YNC. , �.s� Lsasor and
uur�aKn-NOTTINGHAM' ANI�► AS�UGIA'1'ES, �� 1�sseP f�r i:he terw
�f 4� yeacs upr�n �.nd �u:��ect t,o a11 the pxovisior►s ther�in
c:�ntaineci i� tYxa� c:er. k:�.:f.n unrPCar.d�d leas� b�tween the
par�ie�, a� discloseci in a tn�m�.ranctura of l,em�� rec��rded
August 7 � 1.97t3, in Bc�c�k 7.18 at P�ge 409 �s Recc�a�ion N�.
1140�UU, an Amendmenh to sai.d lease wq� r.F�c�r.��cl Ju1y 19,
1973, in I�ook 230 '�►fi Pac#r-r .181 �s Rer.eptic�ri Np. 126U44 said
lease was assiyned to kICaHMC1N,D A�SO�];ATr��'''�, L"OT.GRIII?0 .GIMIT�.D
PAk2'NF:RSHIP by a�signm�r�t� r�cr�rde ..A�agust ].t� 1973 in Baak
23Q at Page �41 as kec�e>ption t3�. 2�r�� anci a:�sign�d to � :
VILCOR PRUPF;f•2TTES, � C�J[�UR:I�nO J4 T TUR� b a��iyrtment of�
leases ana r.�c�trttcts r•e��x�cie� Uct 1��r 1, 1976 in Boc�k �49
at Pac3e 53 a5 k��r.�:�_�t,i.��r� ,Na. 14 307 ru� at�slc�ned to CA:RTER
�pecial Wa.rra y ?��ed a Ass' nment of l�:ase reCGrded Febru�.ry
19, 19f35 in �k 40h a.f: la9 as R�cept:lon Na. 3U299�
and r�recorctc June 1 , 1985 i.n Ronk 41E; r�.r Pac�e 893 as
Reception Nc�. :313'l�i ' and corix�eyed. t;a INT�RNATION.AL PUFtr�Ft
CUHPC1RIi,'I'ION, A ]:D� CQHk'URATT4N uy 6darr�nty Deed reco�ded
Dc�cemb�r 6, 1R8� in kic�c�k �31 at Fr�.c�c� 7"3E� as Rc�c�?tian No. 32799E",.
�t�d convey�d t0 C:�AR`1'.�R UFV��I�QE'MEN'.L' C•OMPAN'Y� INC. � A NURTH CARUTaINA
t:C1T�PQkATIO�t by Wae•r�a.ni:y f?��:d recorrl�d, February 11 � 1985 in Book
43Fa at k'�ag� 107 as ke�cr•.����.nn Nc�. 332:i(ip, �.nd Assiyrianerii� at LNaset�nld
Estat�.� ta Kiandra Par•t��»r:�, Ltd. , r� Col.ar���,cio Limlted Par�nership
r�:corded March 31 � 19�36 �tl Bqok: 439 a� Page 3� as Receptiar� Na.
335285 an�. a:.�iynmE:�it caf LFasholci �;�l;ate t;o :ior�ri�rialp Properties,
Irzr_. , a C�lox�ado Corp�.arati��n r.ecUrcic�(j. IU£'.CE�:mb�r 3, 1986 in 13ook
4�54 at Faye q78 as RecepGic�n No. 351213.
INC. , A C()li4�t� C()RFO�tAT:TpN, SUGCk:a5UR5 4k' ,� ��iRTIV��SH]:P .
INTF.'�`iE5'.� UF V1�IL .F1S�()CT�'.�5, LTD. , A` LIMITEI) F�TNEFtSHIP.
S�e Continua�i.on Paye
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r 1 1 � •
' . .. , . � ' � , � •+,�•�
, •ARDFR N0. 3 2f387-V
. ,
Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy N�-S903-�29271
Continuation of Schedul�' � Np' �'
A pa.rt of. Lots L snd K, �lock .5-�, Vail Village Fir�t Filinq,
more particularlp described as folluwss
Commencing at t;he m�yt s�uGhwesterly p ' t f st�id Lo� L' ,
t,hence N 60°35'OQ" E �.ncl alonq th�; �u�i:'Y► X lin� of sa.id Lat
Lr " 196.34 �eet; • �
thence N 33'U4'0�" F arad along e . �z�herl .Line of s�id Lot L,
165.40 fee� to �h� t�ru� : of ginning;
thenc� N 55°08' 28" W ` • d�.:s�a ce 135.b6 feet;
t.hence N 47°12' 34" W d3�kai cc? o � 116. 94 fe��;
th�.nce N 75D1�" ' E � �j alor� tY�e s�uth�rly� 1in� of Ea.st Mead�w
Drfve a Dist nr.e of �2. _ f t to a poin� of curve;
thenc� alonc �ald s���.iE:k�Early line and alorig a cuKVe tc� the r. iqh.t
havinq a ra 'u� af .�05.87 �E�et;, a c:entral �nr�le c�F 21°32' UO" �
an ��rC dfi.�stat� � 19(1. 1;L feei: to � pai.n� uf tangent,
i:her�ce along sai�i t�aa7gent and a:loi�y said :tc�uth�ly line .
S 82°35' 04" E a dalsi:anct of 271 . �3 feet t� a pa� n� af curve;
thence �long a curvc tu the riyh#; h.t�v:Lnq a r.�.dius of 75.40 feESt�
a centr,;�l angle af 90°::0' 06" , an arc dist;�nce a� 1�8.25 feet to
a }?oint af rev�r�e curv�;
thence alonq a c�.irve �:o i:he left having a raciius of 170. 00 t�et�
a c�nt�ral anclY� af 7.4°51 ' ?6" , an arc dis�ance o� 73.75 f��L-;
i;t�ence 5. 6?°�.5' 27" W. �. cii�tr�r�ce af 9?..81 fe�ei: ta a
pdint of i.nterseci:iar� wtL-h the �tout�.hw�si:�rly line of said Lot K,
th�nce N 5Q°24'OU" W �t�ii alr��g �aid souLhWesterlp line a ciisstanc�
of 58.OO f eeG�
thence AT 64°52'00" W ai�d alonc� said �au�hwesterl,� line a d:is�an�e
of 127. Q4 fe�� ta t2��: svutM,west co�ne� �f said Lot K;
tM,en�N � bg°ti0'00" 47 and a�.onq the souLherly lfne af s�ia Lot L
a dis�anc��, of 102. 50 ft�t to the t�uo paint �f begiruzinq.
F.XCEPTING TkiERF.F'�24M ALG Cond�miniurQ Unit;s c�f f:he Tal�sman
Candominiums, According to the r�acr�rded Coridominium Map
therpaf anci ag def inEd t�rici ac:srri.bed in Yli�e Cando�►iriium
D�clarati�n recbrded I:?��_�u�4�r 30, 1970 in Sook 219 �t Page
417 aa Recept�.on No. 1�50�1 .
A Par� of Lat L, Blocl� �>--E, Vail Village, First Filing,
See� Cuntinuation F'aye
Page �
;50M 11-$6) GUARANTY C,OMPANY '_ `
; � , , � � .� .� � . � � .. � . ' .� ;i
, . .. . � � ( . � , �
, i
. �� • UR17k� NQ. :28$7-V
. . �
, � M-�39U3-229271 '
Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Coniinuation of Schedufe NU. 5
According to th� re�arded P1a�t, mor•e partfcula�ly descr'ibesi as
f callows :
Commencing at the maat st�t,t�hw��terly po�.nt of said Lat Lp
thence N 6Q°35`UU" E t�rzd alung th� southerly line of said LUt L
a ciist<�nce of ].96. 34 .fF:���;
then�e N 33°04' OQ" E and �.lor�q �he tsoiaLhErly �in� of said L+at L
165.00 f eet;
tYaence N 55°Q8' 28" FJ a d.is,tsnre of 135.66 feet' ;
thence S 71°�6' p0" W r� distancE c�f 89. 51 f .et;
thence AT OA°23' 00" hl � dist.ance of '107 .,�U f e� ta a puin� of
in�ersec�ion wi�h t�hw rznx�l:her]y 1ir�e c�f �i LaY.. L;
therice 3 75°53 ' OU" W ar�d aZo�g 2d° riaz��ti� y J.ine 84. 40 feet to
a poin� of curve;
thence alor�g a curve to ,,��t� l.�ft k� ing a radfus of 2U.OU feet,
a central anglc of 76° 6 ' 00" , an x�c: �i9.si:ance �f 2�i.62 feeL, ta
a point of t.arig�nt; .
thence �1ong t��.ng axit arad ulo�ng 1:he wesi:�rx� l.in� of said L�t L
S 40°23 ` OQ" .. �, distara. ` of ,,,2'U8.89 fe�t to a pUi.r�t of curve�
thence alari said w�:.st.�rlg l.ine �.r�ci alarzg a cuc•ve t•o t2ie left: httving�
a radi.us vf ' 44. 59 ee�� a central ang�.e of 24°51' 00" , an a�c. di�tant�e
, of 125.40 �'E
thetice S 2Y°14` U" �: � ciistanco of 21 . 77 fs��,Y,�o th� poini;
af beqinn�nq,
P�RC."FL G e
A par�� of I:,o� L, Hlock S-E, Vai1 Villag�, Fi.rt�� k'iling.
�,ccording to the recc�r��ied �1at, mor.•N ,��articul.��iy de�cribed
a� fo�.lows: , �
B�ginning �.t �h� mosi; sc�utt�c,re�te�lp corner af said Lat L, 81o�k 5-k:, �
Vail V�3.lagp First F:iL:inq; :
thence alang Che �o1lUwir�g t.wo caurses along the �ou�he�ly bounciary �
of Lot L:
{�.) N 60°35`40�� E a distance of 196.34 f�et: .
t2? N 33°o4 ' UO" �. A a�;stance o�' ].E+S. oQ feet;
thence N 5'S°00 ' 28" W a d�.�tan�e of 135.66 f�et to �h� true poi.r►t
of beginnic�q;
thence S� 71°56' 00" W a di�tacYGe uf 89.51 fe�t;
�"hEnre N 00°23'00'' W a d:Lstanc:p of lA?, 'lU f�:�1: tQ t� point on the
sou�herlp ri.gh.h of w��y line nf �:�.st Me�dar�r nrl�re;
th�nce S. 47°'12' 27" E � distance c►f 1�.E.7. 99� fe�t to the �rue
Page �
;50M 11-8fi) GUARANTY COMPAN.Y '. "
� '��,
. . � •.�'
, ' ;r.
f:LTA LOAN POLICY—Madlfled 10/73
, � �.}Ft�tt�'J�t 1V l�. . ".,',s.!+��!—1,
Policy No.: M-�19U3-7.'l.�'?"/1
This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following:
1. Rights or cVaims of parties in possession not shown by the public records.
2. Easements, or claims or easements, not shown by the public records.
3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a
correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and �vhich are not shown by the
pubkic records.
4. Any Iien, or right to a {ien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,
imposed by law and not shown by th� public records.
'�. '.['�ay,�;?s r;�r i.hi= .Y�:.�<3r L�a}i7 :�r►cl i;l�c�►°���,-�t 1 �:�r , ,i���:t �r►y ..�k�<�ril, l.
<lS.^:,G`.i`;Ilft`Cll.; iit' t;t"ic1t.`'��."::; rl�::�� �@`�;� �:�'t'f:J.� 1f;t.1. r:O �:k:��' t7,1 �: :1{;t: i:�f �-•�'si:
�.:4:�llt 1 t,y �l'C'C'.r:3..;lt 1'.�`Y.' .
(i, F1!l''..`,:i�:C'11`t:.ti.�_T[k.� 'Wkl'li.:l'l ���.'3 l!!'�t (:Cy11�:�1.1I1 ��� t i:��'� 1."�.}::11C'k.°. CiC 1:'t''Vt'.C�'f;.`F.•
+��.ctl_Ici!?� t��.,1�: ��'t[l'1.�,�.111`J �..�.:.`,i�;C :ll:t'�1t?i'1}_+ r L.f� t:lil`r � �}t!t'3�;.1� i?rl R'��t'�'.'r
�"(:).1.(J[' , R'<�LL�'(.i,:!t�� �.�L' ��,�Il'. Il�Tlci�. t)Y"lt:�lll, r'i:; �.'U11�%:!'IfiF?rl :lfl 13'l�t C�Itflt�.(ll'.
r�r�c:�:�t�c1E:�1 !1ia�:Jui�t: .ltr ; i..�iE.;? irl h�i�:ik. 1 /!�� ,�I:: f'racl�: l."ii� ;��1s�3 �•�;�: r.�.i���_�r�;.t�•sf.
.r.� irl�;t,e��at��+:�r,t:. r�:L��_,r•�°t�:�r:! f�i.������;t; :iU '. 1 �'/�!. i.ri �f+c�!:�k. '�',�1 �.t: E'r;a�3�.� �t�'/ ,
trt i.ra::i:c`•i.itr��,<rii, �'e�c:,c�r. �.l���t ft��r.�tl. Lt10 �.lur�l ir� k3r.�<,tC :i'.'..l ral.. YFi.�t�.� ��R;:��
4�,t1 ,Ett'CF_���I:,luCl .���:.1. ���.�� :'��1 .
� • 7��€?C'1l1••i� (,'U�ll�.lf.'1.!1Ci�� (�I �.'hi:':L.'llli:'ilf; [�,r:�t°(:rr,tTlr'[l�: �It;' t'.' '-"fl �fr'l.j .{. .
A:.3;3c:�'i�,tt:�*�� , t�f.h.. , ;:t �'.',_,lc�r����l.c� 1_�%ru:i _, •,rl _��xr. t;i►��r'� ��� �9n�.1 `,tr��i '1 �i�.�{:c=r
,Yrid :�,:sr��i t.��.l.i +:;r, f.r:i..1.r i �:E: t`<.,r �3 l 0 .�.;;�t: c.;:�:��sn�e�:n .,k+.�k' t!►�z r.�i����,l� t,��
r�(,>t►:;t:!"t�;.'i:, iIlt;(:r�lc�i.: , nr.-iJ.ri ' 1r7, '��><:�r', :• .`trl;i ����., �`_l.l�r_t C'C�E?;:�lt'
+..;Ci�1c��t'�j��`�;utYi�,! f�:i.�;��=' L E�a�.��.: �'�� r_C:�R'�:�i�t� '`.�`,�y,�Y � i i � � f:ia:t•� �t� 1S��t�lc 1 �►: ..iL` `
�:�,:�•��:� A �.:: .�r� Es;,<., i� �i, �J�}. t�1;•���,::i �. ( ,`1.'!�;(:"I:':; .E�,�it;�.'.L•.J.� t�)
ci. '.L'r:�r.'Tn;�, .iir.::l C�'c�i .lit. 1�_�rir,, �:�t' t�.,� .izl.. .!�<J�°�,���u�i�rrl; 1u:rt.w;,•r,::r� i,'� i l
i;:�:;�,r.t..it:c_�r-. Ir . , r,� l' .� 1�..>r:.��lt� �.��r. }�.,tie:xl_.,ia�u �xru.l �.�,�i.'l Ir1���l.rri:' ra�'u.l
:��:�r�it:.��.i.:�i�)fl .(!1. .-E"t�'i t'��r� ,i.,.ri l4' f (}c:�+: 1?iA�'�f-'ruF�nr.: t.3Y.' I:�i(i� C'l.li�It. 1�C!
i'C11l���•Y!.l�;'�' � i ri�°��,lf.° _ .R III.'L:L(1�..'c.l,(.l I,, i7��fi C'U i.tc �:tlllj. (1."t F.itl11 1."t.•�,'ri 11"
klli�.lr:�t"c�t";ti,�tal3 [,l�:,c• l lfl�.::i. T'i�i'+.�1.rj�,:�r1 r�.�.i���i;�;l: l.�A 1.':ai:�f. 'i�'t �S(ic"�1�: 1 �1��� .:�l.
��l,:�����:: <�E_,�: :��. E,��.?;.�,���4:.� .:�, f�r�::�. ��?����:�U, tz�r�t�•l:,c:l��; ���a�c��a,,.,w .a ��r►��r i:s►
'i. �1�!��C'tll;:' ,. (�:f�;�.j.� l.�'?I?;.� , ;i4"1j�11.1.r.i�:.1GC13 c�t"11.� P'E':i�.:l"C.�'f.: lr)Ct�i id::i i'(1t]� rt.I.Tt�:'!I.
i.ri i'�art�:i.�.:�a��i.r� i.�.ain flr;r. l,fr�;►1,-E.�-�r, tt�e� '.C'.:�.12��ru�:�1► �"ar��ic�u�irit+au� rE:���r +i��.4�.
1����'F�tntil`.K' �;iF.l,. Iy •rf.1 I.fi tsc..+(��{. �r�.�.�-1 tL�. E?:i.r-,�C� �� .� ! t`l�: ��t�t;l'!��..1.1'�Il f�t'tir
�.Y�?ll Q� . . �TS.�:'��'��'��`.��:7 �r-���..,�1';�., �1)
�.5�. ��.:i.:�E*i[ic't1[. , C'lc3flr«:—t}1�—�.J:l.Y.3r �lI:CE`:5�: c:fl°��'1'i1�•[tt: t;ii't��. C't:ti�',C':L�'.�..14.H15 c1.:�
ti�:t•_�Sv'C! �lT'1 �'.ft���, �1t:�'C?C'(.�i'.'�.� � �..�1�; (?�. ���1'lt:• '�'�;11 �:'�if1�3.tF L'i-�f'�1CC�F'.C.� �)+','('r:'�It��h*1'`
:3�) , l�Ii► �ir� ��7�..�). �' d �:+ ;aL� E'ac��,� 41�3 ;:�.;� kic;.^��f�l.'�t�ar�� Tj��.
1..1`:.C���a� t�'�h'F'r:t:`l'::� . F-�:.r;f,t�:l:a .�l
].1.. `.�`�.'.Y'lk�i 3tlt:T t`�:�l���:1.1:1�.7d7:� C3�: j'��SE?lllf:flf; �C.�'Y."G.'�'`1ilE;l'iI: �]F!�:W��(?�l V�.il. .
�c:�c;� {:e�rit,ir��.�.fi_ ����,r� Y��r�e:
Exceptions Numbered � t�'k}� �� a�re hereby omitted.
i6z3 Page3 S'I.'EWART TITLE �
120M 6•84) •
� . � ' ' � �.. ' ' . ' •i:
� . • . . � . � � :r
p�e�mq���de�a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Continuation of Schedule l4-9903-229271
8 - PART I
Associates, Inc. , a Colorada Corp. , Rua�for�i-Na�tinqham and
ASSUC1a.tes� a Calorada l�mi��d P�e•tnerehip and Harold W�stbp
t�nd Al1en F1eisGhpr dcaing buslne�s as Richmond Associa�es, a
Par�nerahip and V�i1 in3�.�ex & Sanitation D�.��rict ta a 10 foa4
easewent for riyht-c��-way p�arpasea tia cont�truct, inspect,
mai.ntain, aperate ar►d «se, and• r.epa3r underqround pfpoline
recorded Septembex 8, I�71 in k�ook 221 at aqe 6Q9 as RecepLion
Ma. 117z90 aead ror�v�y�d to Vail WA:tsr �i.�t ict, a
qu�si-muraf cipal Kecord�d J�r�uary 25, 1.9&� , n Book 335 at Page
380 as R�ception No. 2317�4, ( " 'S PAR L3 A ANI7 �)
12. Term� and conditipri� as �a�.n QuiC C aim Deed from
Ru�afo�d-Notti:nr�ha� & ` s�cia e�, /b/a The T�lisman LodqeR a
li.mi.ted Partnership � The Ta 3.�m z CQndamini.um Assaciati�n far
hn easemenL f urpc.� �� of c: nduc�inq maintenance aperations,
cl�aning a.n making re � �.r•s nd replac��aei►ts ta said furanGe
flues recor ed July 16, ?'.3 i.n Hook 23p at Page 111 a�
Reception N . 1259 4. (,A��'EC� FAR�EL A)
Z3. Term�R conditx a, res�rfctions and stipula�ir�a as contained
in Underqrvund Righ�-of--Way F�sement record�d t�c�aber 9, 1�86
in $oak 45Q at Paye 252 as R��epti�on No. 3�4�F�491.
14. S�GUri�y interest under the Unfform Co�+�rcial Code af�ect�nq
the �ubject �roperty, na��ce af wh�ch i� giv�n by Financing
5tatetaerit from Vac�►�ic,n R�sorts, Inc d/b/a Kiti.txdra Lodge,
dGb�ore ta Calorad�� Nmtional Le��ing, Ir�c, e�cured par�y,
recorded July 25R 1�f�5 in Huok 420 �t� P�ge 728 as Reception No.
316997 and Wavi�r ar►d llisclai'raer Landlor�.lOwner between
Vac�t�ons Reso��a, Inc. , d/b/a Kiat�cira Locig� and Colorado �
National Leasi.�g, Inr: recorded Julg 25, �.y85 in Boak 420 �.t
Page 729 as Recepti.4ri No. 316998.
Page .
` ' . . . ` � � �•.4�.
� . � . � . ' � � � . � . ,�
. • . . � � � 1 . .
. � • � . . -'S��
Nl I N IUNN 1•ULICY-°Nrnended lU/1///U
� � �� `c�u��t No. : za��-v � .
Policy No.: M-9903-229Z71
�n addition t� the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title to the estate or interest in the
land described or referred to in Schedule A is subject to the following matters, if any be shown, but
the Company insures that such matters are subordinate to the lien or charge of the insured mortgage
upon said estate or interest:
A Uecd of 'rr�..�sf:. ciat�•d Ns�vemUeE° 14 , 1.9NEi, executect by Kiandr�a
P,.nr•tners, L' t,d . � � Cc�.kc:�r�.do L.iinitF�d E'artrit�rsx�ip, to the Publi.c
Trus�t�e o.f F;aglc� Co�►r�t�j, t;o seciar� an ir�ciebt;edr�ess of
$2,OQO,O�U . Q(� , ir� f,�v�:�e� c.�t �'.irs�Rank caf V�til, re .o ded DecernbeX�
2, 198h in t3oc:;lc 953 al: k�r.�g� 2H8 as .Rc�ception No. "i 9524.
Ass�ynment of Rtyl�f;:� r�.>!:c�rd�d lleceriiher 'l, 19f36 iri k 453 at Pag�:
289 r�.s Recept�ior� N�. 34y525.
Subardinatian Ac�reemr:�r�G r�corded Marc r ].987 fn Bo k 458
at. Fage 511 r�s Receptiot� N�. 354742. �
. �
' 't;
' ��� .
� � ' May 24, 1991 �
� Application Date "
� PEC MEETING DATE June 24, 1991
� ' � � �
t,,..�,��� jt�,����� � lJ,, 1����
I. ,This procedure is required for a�y pro�ect requesting a varinr�ce. Tiye appl ication
• Nill not be accepted until all informatio� is submitted. '
A. NAME OF APPLICANT Sonnenalp Properties .
ADORESS 1265 Berry Creek Road
• � Edwards, CO 81632 � PHONE �303)949-4240
�'��"u�� w
� � .
B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIYE Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh, Architects. P. C.
AODRESS 1000 S. Fron�age Road West -
Vail , C0 81657 � PNONE �303) 476-4433
C. NAME OF OWNER(S �e._or print) Sonnenalp Properties
Si nature s �
ADDRESS 1265 rry Creek Road
Edwards, CO 81632 PHONE�303) 949-4240
AODRESS 2� Vai1 Road
- LEGAL DESCRIPTION L�T K & L BLOCK 5-E FILING Vail Village - First Filing
E. FEE ;250.00 PAID CK # FROM
. .
F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property
1. The relationship of the requested vnrinnce to�other existi�g or potential
• uses a�d structures 'in the vicinity.
2. The degree to whicn re�ief rro� �ne str�ct or titeral i�terpretat�on a�d
� • e�for�ement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibili�
� . and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attai� the
ob�ectives of thi� title without grant of special privilege.
3. The effect, of the varian�e on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation, traffic facilitie;,, utilities, and publac safety.
a 4. How your request complies with Vail 's Comprehensive Plan.
B. A topographic and/or improvement surve� at a scale of at teast 1' - 20' stampe�
' by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existi�g improvF
ments, including grades and elevations. •Other elements which must be shown
are parktng and` loading areas, ingress and egress, landsc�ped areas and �•
utility and drainage features. �
C. A site plan at � scale of at least lu = 20' showing existing and proposed
buildings. �
D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate
. � the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces
existing and proposed•on the site.
E. A preliminary title report to verify �ownership and easements
F. If the proposal is locat�d in a multi-family development which has a homeow�ers'
association, t6en written approval from the association tn support of the
� project must be rQCeived by a duly authoriZed agent for said association.
G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application �as
� determined by the zoning administrator., ,
* For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be
waived by the �oning administrator. •
IV. Time Requirments
The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays
of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material
• (as descrihed ahove) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the
PEC public hearing• No incomplete applications (a5 determined by the zoning
administrator) wi11 be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig-
nated submittal date.
If this application req�uires a separate review by any local, State or
Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be
increased by $20p.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are note
limited to: Colorado Department of 8ighway Access Permits, Army Corps of
Engineers 404, etc.
The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which
are in excess of 50� of the application fee. Tf, at the applicant's .
request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be `
re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid
by the applicant.
Applications deemed by the Community Development .Department to have
significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant
impact on the community may require review by conaultanta other than town
staff. Sho�:ld a determination be made by the town staff that an outside
consultant`is needed to review any appltcation, the Community Development
may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money
necessary to pay him `or her and this amount shall be #orwarded to the
Town by the apglicant at the time he files his application with the
Community Development Aepartment. Upon completion of the review of the
appliGation by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the
applicant 'for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the
consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the
Town in excess of the amount forwazded by the applicant shall be paid to
the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town.
. � • �
� Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh � Architects • P. C . � A. I. A.
Apri 1 1 , 1993 �(�� �n,� �
;�� � '
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail , CO 81657
Attn : Andy Knudtsen — Town Planner
Re : Response to your letters dated March 25th and March 31st ,
Dear Andy ,
As requested, the following is in response to your P�larch 25th
letter addressed to Dan Meek at Weitz—Cohen construction
company . The items correspond to the six issues listed.
Item #1 : Dan Meek met with Mike McGee last week and
successfully resolved this issue . The asbestos
abatement contractor must comply with state
requirements as reviewed by the State Health
Department . Thus , this is not a Town of Vail
issue .
Item #2 : After reviewing this issue with Mike McGee the
following shall be noted ; during the plans
examination process of the fire suppression system �j
{ drawings and calculations ) for Phase I , as t;�K "z'
submitted by Western States Fire Protection � '
Company , it seemed that in order to maintain ��
required pressures for the future Phase II , a
looped main may be required . However, at that time
this was purely speculation . Since then Western
States has assured me that a looped main will not
be required . Therefore , I propose that we proceed
as currently planned and submit the Phase II
drawings and calcs for review and approval . If at
that time , the Town of Vail Fire Department is not
satisfied with the pressure calch a looped system
may be proposed .
Item #3 : Our intent is to move the construction fence along
East Meadow Drive from the north side of the burm ��
to the south side as soon� as construction allows �
{by July lst if possible ) . We shall also redesign
the irrigation system again to provide Sonnenalp
water along the entire burm. If you recall , the
Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West � Vail, Colorado 81657 � 303/476-4433
One Tabor Center • 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355
�� ,
Town of Vail
Dept . of Community Devel .
April 1 , 1993
Page 2
initial design was that way , however , per your
request we revised our design to allow the Town to
water the eastern portion of the burm ( similar to
existing conditions ) . I have reviewed this issue
with Dave Beadle at H . R . V . and the redesign is in
process . New plans shall be submitted on 4-6-93 .
Items #4 , #5 and #6 : Acknowledged and agreed .
The following is in response to your March 31st letter. The
items correspond to the issues accordingly .
Sheet C2 : After reviewing this issue with Bill Douglas at
Johnson-Kunkel , we agree that the outlets shall be
located 1 `-0" above the highest runoff level of
Gore Creek . This level will be estimated at a
later date .
Sheet A3 .0 : The owners have again expressed their desire not
to relocate the existing switch gear that is
currently located on Town property at the
northwest corner of the site . Nowever , they do
wish to screen it per the P . E . C. approval .
After reviewing this approval the wording was
"screened" not "heavily screened" as you
mention . Nevertheless , H . R . V . is looking at this
and will have a proposed solution by 4-6-93 . A
revised plan indicating this and other revisions
shall be submitted on 4-6-93 per your request .
4Ve shall also relocate the bus stop per our site
visit .
Sheet A3 . 3 : Agreed .
Sheet A3 . 6 : Agreed .
Sheet A3 . 12 : Agreed .
Sheet A3 . 14 : A revised drawing shall be submitted on 4-6-93 .
Sheet A3 . 16 : Agreed .
� k
Town of Vail
Dept . of Community Dedei .
April 1 , 1993
Page 3
Sheet A3 . 17 : Irrigation issue at burm; see Item #3 herein .
Irrigation at creek side of site , the planting
and irrigation at this location has never been
changed and was previousiy approved by the
D . R . B. and the P . E . C .
Sheets A3 . 20 3 . 21 and 3 . 22 : No lights are shown in trees at
this time .
Sheet A5 . 0: Agreed.
Sheet A8 .0 : Agreed .
Thanks to your understanding involving the above items , there
should be no problem in supplying the requested information
by 4-6-93 . If you have any further concerns or comments
regarding this project , please contact me as soon as
possibie .
Sincerely ,
.��.'�.�.._'- . �� ~�
Ken A. 0' Bryan
Project Architect
KAO : smb
cc : Dan Meek
Johannes Faessler
a- , �
, ��
75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development
vail, Colorado 81657
March 31, 1993
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce Segerberg and Spaeh
1 OO South Frontage Road West
Vail, C� 81657
RE: Sonnenalp Building Permit, Phase il
Dear Ken:
�n Tuesday, March 30, 1993 you and I reviewed the building permit and generated �the
following list of issues which must be resolved. Under each item, I have listed the type of
revisions needed and the date they are needed. I have tired to keep the paperwork to a
minimum. Please 1et me know if you thirik there are more efficient ways to document#he
resolutions outlined below. As listed, I am asking for three blue prints, the rest of the changes
can be made by redlining the permit.
Sheet C2
The culverts shown on this sheet must daylight no more than 12 inches above the high water ����
level of Gore Creek. You and I will determine what the high level water mark is and field
identify the locations for these culverts May 12th. Close to that date, if it is apparent that the r4
high water mark of the creek will come at a later date, we may want to reschedule the
Sheet A3.0
A redesign for the comer of Meadow Drive and Vail Road must be provided by June 1, 1993
for the DRB to review on June 16, 1993. The PEC in their approval of this development
required that the switch gear be heavily screened with vertical landscaping. When you had .- '�
: proposed to relocate the switch gear to the ir�terior site, this condition was fulfilled. At this ���'
� point in�time, with the switch gear remaining in a highly visible location, we must�work�together ���a < � ��
to generate a different alternative which fulfills the PEC's condition. In addition to putting �"� ;�� `
� landscaping around it and behind it, there may be an alternative�to slightly relocatethe curb ��� ���
alignment so as to provide additional landscape area in front of the transformer. As we
discussed on the telephone on March 31, 1993, please continue working with Mr. Faessler
regardi�g the idea of relocating the transformer. �
��� ,�,� �,� 1���
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Page Two
March 31, 1993
A different issue shown on this sheet is the pavilion. Please redraw the plan eliminating the y�`� ,�
pavilion and accurateiy reffecting the current design for the courtyard at the rear of the site. A �
revised blue print will be needed by April 6th so that it can be presented to the DRB on April
7, 1993 for their review and approvaL
Sheet A3.3
The extra railing shown on tl7is drawing for the staircase adjacent to the King Ludwig deck
should be,,,eliminated and should reflect this portion of the development as shown on Sheet
6 0.,�Rewr dlining�hese changes will be adequate and a new blueprint is not necessary. �-��
Sheet A3.6
The��stairc�se descending�from the King Ludwig �dining #errace should�be�redrawn�to show the � ` ,�—`�
handrail extending only to the base of the actual steps. (A �edlined,;�heet is adequate.) The -""�` y��"�
drawings submitted most recently show the width of the staircase�at 44 inches. "fhis was a
PEC condition of approval and I want to confirm that this will be the width of the staircase.
Earlier drawings from HRV show it wider. The HRV drawings will nof need to be revised to
issue the building permit, as long as we have an understanding that the width of the staircase
is in fact 44 inches.
S heet A3.12
I understand that all of the signs shown on this sheet are no fonger proposed and that Mr.
Faessler would rather have a sign be affixed to the building. In order to keep things simple, �� •
please have the signs designed and submitted by June 1, 1993 so that we can take them �I�'
through the Design Review Board process in conjunction with the redesign of the comer of
Meadow Drive and Vail Road.
Sheet A3.i4
Please revise this sheet so that the stream walk alignment extends up to the loading dock in
addition to extending west under the bridge. A redlined sheet will be adequate and a new ��'°y�i'"7
blueprint is not necessary.
Sheet A3.i 6
Please revise this site plan so that the pavilion is no longer shown. Also, revise the planting
plans so that the willows in this area remain. A revised blue print wi11 be required by Apnl 6, ��- �i��
i 993 so that it will be ready to be presented to the DRB on April 7th.
Sheet A3.17
The two issues on #his sheet include the irrigation in the berm along Meadow Drive and the
irrigation on Town of Vail land in the stream tract. Conceming the irrigation in the berm on �
Meadow Drive, I understand that you will check with Mr. Faessler and verify that the � '�� �
Sonnenalp is willing to provide water service to the berm since they will be providing all ��
planting material and all maintenance in the future. Concerning the irrigation on Town of Vail
stream tract, I will check with Todd Oppenheimer to understand from him what the irrigation is
Page Three
March 31, 1993
for and what the seed mix is to be planted in the different areas will look like. The PEC
approval stipulated that the stream tract was to remain natural and all grasses in this area
should be approximately 18 inches high. All of the landscaping plans must comply with that � �a� }
condition. The details of the location of the irrigation systems is something we can work out l��
as long as the landscaping conforms to the PEC condition of approvaL
Sheets A3.20, 3.21 L and 3.22
No lights will be allowed in the trees. d�"�
Sheet 5.0
Please provide the ridge elevations of all gables for Phase 11. I will need this information no ✓
later than April 6, 1993.
Sheet 6.0
� Please provide a revised blue print of the elevations no later than April 6, 1993 so that it can
be pr�sented to the DRB on April 7th. The drawings should reflect aU of the changes
discussed to date so that the DRB can approve them at one hearing. The changes which we
will need to identify for them include:
a) Eliminating the addition on the east efevation, `��
b) Modifying the first flo on the north, east and south elevations in the spa area
of the building, ��
c) Adding the dormers and decks to the fourth level, !✓�
d) Eiiminating the pavilion and redesigning the courtyard, '�'f
e) Redesigning the staircase down from the King Ludwig deck,!�
f) Elimina�ting the stone veneer from this area of the building, �
g) Redesigning the sl��n the south end of Phase II so that it is made out of �
wood instead o stone e sure to eliminate plywood from the redrawn ✓ �;� �
elevations). ��'��
_ �
�,� b�t s s�zs� �+-!'.����.���+
Let me know if I have overlooked any changes. Please note that in my evaluation of the
landscape plans, I did not find any aspens less than 2 inch caliper or spruce less than 6 feet
in height. These are the minimum Town of Vail standards and all plantings must meet or
exceed this standard.
Page Four
March 31, 1993
If you have any problems meeting the deadlines listed above, please fet me know as soon as
possible so that we can find an altemative way to keep this project on track. The Town of Vail
wants to keep on your schedule but needs to have assurance that all of the requirements of
the PEC and DRB have been adhered to. Thank you for the cooperation in this effort.
An y i�nud# en �" �
Town Plan er
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75 Soutb Frontage Road Department of Community Development
I�ail, Cnlnrado 81657
303-�479-2i38/�479-2139 ``` ��
' � �.�
��March 25, 1993 �` ��� � � �
�� � � � �
Mr. Dan Meek
Weitz-Cohen Construction Co : r```
� c/o�Sonnenalp Hotel � ;i- �� �
� 20�Vail Place � ���� �
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Sonnenalp staging plan �
Dear Mr. Meek:
Thank you for submitting the drawing and letter describing the staging area for construction of
Phase Il of the Sonnenalp Hotel. After discussing these issues on the phone with you and
Ken O'Bryan over the last several weeks, here is a final list of the issues. The iogistics of the
staging described in your January 29; 1993 letter are all acceptable to the Town with the
addition of the following six statements
1. In order to have one portion of the building under construction and still use the
existing portion of the building, you must provide a separation between the two.
. After discussing this issue with Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official and Mike
McGee, fire Marshall, they have required that a barrier be installed no further
than 20 feet from the doorway to stair 5. The barrier is to be made out of two
� sheets of 5/8 inch sheet rock screwed to a framing of studs on �4 foot centers.
Your asbestos mitigation consultant may require additional material to be used
in this separation effort. The Town will require what they recommend. �
2. Please identify on the plans a new fire line. This fire line is to be installed frorr�� �
the fire hydrant by Meadow Drive to the northwest corner of Phase II. �G���
3. The Town wifl require that the fence along Meadow Drive be moved to the ���
' south side of the berm by July 1, 1993. This change can be done only if all of �,i,,�,��
the irrigation, landscaping and bus stop will be completed by this date. Since 1��� �
the Sonnenaip will be mainta�nmg all of the plantings on the perimeter of the �
property in the future, all irrigation must be supplied from the Sonnenalp water ,
e i
Page Two
March 25, 1993 �
�� Meek � � � , ��
� � � ��
� '� ���
� �
, �' ��`� 4��
4. The Town is requiring Weitz-Cohen Construction to provide traffic control. We believe �;� '
that with a single entity responsible for this among all of the different subcontractors,
that traffic problems will be minimized.
5. As a point of clarification, chain link fencing covered with green mesh may be used by
the gate on the northwest corner of the site,by the loading dock and between the
Talisman and Meadow Drive. Pfywood fencing painted dark green must be provided
along Meadow Drive.
6. On March 22, 1993, staff verified with the PEC that the lodge may operate as
described by Mr. �aessler in his letter of �ebruary 18, 1993 during the construction
period. Staff believes this situation warrants i�lexibi(ity from the Town.
Please let me know in writing if these six additional requirements are acceptable. With this
letter and your letter of January 29, 1993, I think we are in agreement regarding the staging.
Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. I am sure that by working together, we will be
able to keep the project running along smoothly. Please call be at 479-2138 if you would like
to talk about any of these issues.
Andy Knudtsen
Town Planner
cc: Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Mr. Johannes Faessler
a 899 Lqgan Street,Suite 600
Denver,CO 80203
�, 303-860-6600
January 29 , 1993
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
Vail, CO 81657
� Dear Town of Vail :
COHEN Re: Sonnenalp Hotel RemodelJAddition
Phase II
Weitz-Cohen Job No. T130
Encl.osed is a site plan for Sonnenalp Phase II construction
fencing for a street cut permit .
The fence between Sonnenalp and Talisman shall be 8 ' high
chain link covered with green fabric as was the situation in
1992 . The fence along East Meadow Drive shall be 8 ' high
plywood painted green and placed adjacent to the pavement of
Meadow Dr�_ve. Construction and landscaping activity along
Meadow Drive is planned to be performed for the construction
site side w�ere possible as to avoid interference with bus
and pedestrian traffic.
A sliding gate will be installed at the Northwest corner of
the site for construction and fire truck access until
appr�ximately September when heavy construction traffic is
complete. A:t i.his time, the remaining construction traffic
will enter from tr�e Swiss Chalet.
Staging of rnajor c�nstruction materials will be at the West
Day Lot owned by Vail Associates and moved to the
construction site when needed as last year. This will
include all major products, such as; Pre-cast Concrete, and
Structural Steel . Miscellaneous items such as Electrical,
Mechanical, P].umbing and HVAC will be stored in 40 ' va.n g
tr�ailers and picked up as needed on a daily basis and
delivered to the .jobsite.
All cons�f�ruction employee parking uaill be at the parking
atructure. Subcantractors are not permitted to park on
public c�r private property. . `
The Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus will have minimal guest
acti�ities due to Phase II canstruCtion. Parking for guests
will be v�let service .far those areas near the Porte Cochere
ar�d Swiss Chalet . If necessary, guest vehicles will be
To�n�n of Vail
Denve�•Co/orado Springs•Des Moines•Omaha•Phoenix•West Palm Beach
�' �
January 29 , 1993
Page 2
valet parked at the Austria Haus or parking structure.
Fire truck access will be through gates at the fire lanes as
indicated. Fire truck to the Talisman will be through the
Swiss Chalet, per the permanent access route.
A traffic plan will be presented by B & B Excavating.
Certified and �trained persons shall be used to direct
tr�f f ic at al;. times .
The Stre�m Erosion control fence construr.ted along Gore
Cr.eek in 1y92 is still in place, This will be repaired as
r�ecessary by B & B Excavating at the start of construction.
One (7 ) hoar. r_ated t�:mpora.ry partitions shal:l. be constructed
i.n the corrido.rs at levels 1 , 2 , 3 and 4, along H line to
separate new construction from the existing East Wing. No
guests shall be housed in the East Wing. Barricades shall
be constructed in the corridor East of stair #5, as directed
by the Building Department, to limit corridor length to less
than 20 ' dead end.
Landscape operations along Vail Road and Meadow Drive shall
begin as soon as weather permits . This will include,
irrigation in an effort to allow landscaping, East of the
coristruction fence, to be used for the Summer of 1993 .
We e�pect ta again have a very positive relationship wiLh
the Town af Vai.l ar�d our neighbors in 1993 . If you have any
questions , please feel f-ree to call me.
an Meek
Project Superintendent
cc : John Cochran/Weitz-Cohen Construction Company
Ken O ' Bryan/Pierece, Segerberg & Spaeh
Ionnen�lp f���ort
Gemurlichlseir ond Elegonce in rhe Rockies
February 18, 1993
20 Vail Road
Vail,Colorado 81657
Andy Knudsen �-800-ssa-8s72
TOV De t. of Comlti. Dev. Telex2875ss
p Telefax 303/476-1639
Dear Andy,
per your request for information regarding the operation of the
Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus during phase II construction in 1993 we
expect to operate in the following manner:
The hotel will be closed to guests from April 19 to about May 15.
There after the rooms will be rented on a as needed basis.
The King Ludwig Restaurant will be open on a limited basis
throughout the summer.
The Bully Restaurant will be open throughout the summer daily form
7 am until 9pm.
Guest parking will occur through valets. The cars will park in the
Swiss and Austria Haus parking lots and overflow will be parked in
the Village Parking Structure.
Separation walls between the construction area and the occupied
portion of the building will be provided by our General Contractor
as approved by the Building Dept. and Fire Dept.
I hope this addresses all your questions. Please call me at 476-
5656 should you need further information.
Sincerely, �
� a�
� � . ��I
an es Faessler � 3�
cc: Dan Meek
Weitz Cohen
Owned and operated by the Fassler Family
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42 West Meadow Drive Vai1 Fire Department
Vail, Colorado 81657
February 22 , 1993
Johanes Faessler
c/o Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg, & Spaeh Architects
1000 South Frontage Road West
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Bavaria Hous�,� Fire Alarm and Related Code Issues
Dear Mr. Faessler;
Since the date of the issuance of the Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy, we have noticed several items of concern. The" issues
relate to either an apparent lack of concern or a lack of knowledge
regarding code requirements and agreements between the hotel, and
the Town of Vail Building Department and the Fire Department. .
The fire lane access from the Swiss Chalet to the hoteT, has
been found to have been blocked on a continious basis. We have
attempted to make contact with you but have not been successful.
There also appears to be a lack of willingness to comply with
strict code requirements requiring exits from the Bully be
maintained and kept operable and unobstructed at all times.
During the process of responding to alarms, our personnel have
encountered guests upset by the numerous false alarms, have found
guests trapped in exitways with inoperable doors, found hotel
employees attempting to dodge guest complaints by directing them to
the fire fighters, and found hotel employees unwilling to take
responsibility for their actions (setting off false alarms,
unwilling to respond to deal with water leaks when so requested by
Fire Department personnel, and what seems to be an "I don't care"
attitude when the fire alarm system is turned off due to electronic
malfunctions) .
As the Fire Department begins to review the current set of
plans for the next phase of construction, we cannot but be somewhat
concerned about future promises and agreements due to the lack of
performance on behalf of the hotel in terms of keeping existing
agreements. We include the responsibility to maintain existing
fire and life safety systems as an essential and important
requirement of those agreements.
Sonnenalp Code Issues
Page 2
The following alarms have been recorded since the issuance of the
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy:
1. 204770 12/19/92 14:54 4th floor duct detector
2 . 204785 12/20/92 15: 18 smoke in the main kitchen
3 . 204833 12/22/92 18 :58 CZI-kitchen antifreeze syst
4 . 204835 12/22/92 19:23 CZI-kitchen antifreeze syst
5. 204850 12/24/92 07: 38 CZI - electrical surge
6. 204938 12/29/92 04 : 38 3rd f1 corridor smoke det.
7 . 300633 02/07/93 12 :22 C�I - electrieal surge, Rm 224
8 . 300686 02/11/93 15:28 4th floor - no apparent reason
9 . 300724 02/14/93 01: 37 4th floor- employee operations: �
aerosol sprayed into detector,
CZI surge problem.
10. 300784 02/17/93 15: 32 elevator recall inop. , gas fumes
in fireplace
11. 300823 02/20/93 01: 22 water leak at Rm 216, CZI surge,
inoperable panic hardware
The Vail Fire Department has been told that the manual pull
stations originally installed were not the proper type, thus
causing some of the problems encountered during the acceptance
testing. We have been told the proper devices have since been
We identified numerous inoperable L.E.D. 's during the
acceptance tests and were lead to believe it was simply a matter of
the fire alarm contractor having installed the incorrect type of
Collective Zone Interface (C�I) card (reportedly because they sent
him the wrong ones) . The low powered cards did not have enough
power to cause the L.E.D. 's to operate.
In lieu of replacing all of the "low power" C�I cards, we were
told the improper cards would be replaced on as "as needed" basis.
While I disagreed with the decision at the time, I did allow the
contractor to proceed under the assumption that most of the
problems would be readily identified and the CZI ' s would be
replaced soon.
� '
Sonnenalp Code Issues
02/22/93 � �
Page 3
The Town of Vail Municipal Code does allow a thirty day period
from the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy to
resolve any deficiencies or to "debug the system. "
It does appear now however, that the thirty day period has
expired and that the problems have not yet been corrected.
In addition, some requirements made as a condition of approval
of the fire alarm system have not been met. The original plan
review of the fire alarm system was not approved, citing several
reasons. One of the items included the location of the fire alarm
control panel.
As was explained, the Fire Department officer needs a location
that will shield -them from unnecessary interference{s) while
dealing with an alarm condition. The panel location was not
approved prior to installatiori, but was installed anyway,
apparently 'under an assumption that it would be argued that "it's
too late to change it now. °
The current configuration (ie the fire alarm panel location, .
the lack of a door on the corridor, the amount of traffic by hotel
staff through the corridor during an alarm condition, silencing
procedures for Phase II, and unnecessary interruptions by irate
hotel guests) , is not acceptable due to the frequency and type of
interference and abuse to which the Fire Officer is being
Hotel staff have been less than cooperative, especially front
desk personnel, when asked to deal with the guests during an alarm
condition. Engineering staff, when requested to respond to deal
with the cause(s) of the alarms, have told us we "would have to
wait until Todd comes in" the next day, "it' s Weitz-Cohen's
problem, " "it' s the way they designed it, " or some other excuse.
Other issues concern the operation of the natural gas fire
place in King Ludwigs dining room. There is evidence someone is
burning wood in the gas fireplace. In addition, the damper, which
is prohibited in a gas fire place, is still operable and has
apparently been closed while the fire place was operating. We have
received complaints of a gas smell in the dining room. There is
some question as to whether the fireplace has sufficient draft to
vent properly.
The doors from the conference lobby in the basement, leading
into the base of Stair 5, are not operable. We have found one leaf
to be inoperable and the panic hardware on the other door
Sonnenalp Code Issues
Page 4
The south exit door from the stair at the back of the kitchen
was found to neither latch, close properly, nor will it qpen if
manually closed.
When Dan Stanek, Building Inspector, and I made a brief
inspection this afternoon of the lobby and basement levels to
review the complaints we had received, we observed plastic door
stops on virtually all of the fire rated self-closing doors in the
stairways and corridors. We were told the door stops were placed
their because the fire alarm panel was "down so much" and the hotel
wanted the doors to be open.
We also noticed the handles intended for the Fire Department
to gain access to the fire standpipe hose valve at the base of
Stair 5, specifically the same handles we stated were not
acceptable, are still in place, The door is not operable without
a tool to pry open the door. The handles do not allow the door to
be opened with a gloved hand.
We also observed the tables in the lounge all had candles .
burning in close proximity to floral arrangements, These candles
were not secured to the candle holder, evidenced by one burning
candle falling out` of it' s base while trying tb explain the problem
to the director of restaurants. The candle holders do not meet the
minimum requirements of the Fire Code,
The requirement for approved candle holders has been discussed
with the hotel staff in the past and the hotel has in fact used and
we believe is still using approved holders in other portions of the
facility. Unprotected, open flame, unstable candles are strictiv
We do not believe this is the manner in which you intended the
hotel to be run nor do we believe it is the way Mr. O'Bryan
intended the facility to function,
We do not believe the level of safety designed into the
structure is being maintained. We do not believe problems that
cause unnecessary false alarms, practices that allow exits and
doors to become blocked or inoperable, and practices that put the
guests at risk, as well as the hotel, should be left unattended.
I am assuming this is all new information to you as I know
your sincere desire is to provide the guest with a service level
that is commensurate with the reputation of the Sonnenalp. It is
however, the Fire Department's responsibility to see that these
issues are resolved in an expedient manner.
i p
Sonnenalp Code Issues
Page 5
Based on the conversations Dan Stanek and I had with your
Chief Building Engineer and the Director of Restaurants, we trust
the candles will not be used until the appropriate bases and covers
are obtained, that the doors will be repaired, and that some
directive will be given to the alarm company to resolve the false
We are most willing to do what we can �to assist you in
resolving these issues. We intend to confer with New Electric
again, and if necessary, involve the fire alarm engineering firm,
Gambrell Engineering, as well as Riviera Electric.
We intend to reinspect the gas fireplace in King Ludwigs soon,
to insure the damper is removed or welded open.
It may also be advantageous to conduct a joint walk-through of
the hotel with the Fire Department, Building Department, Ken
O'Bryan and perhaps Dan Meek, prior to completion of the plan
review for Phase 2, in order that we may resolve any other pending
issue{s) .
Please let us know how you wish to proceed or how we may be of
Michael McGee
Fire Marshal
cc: Ken O'Bryan, Architect
Dick Duran, Fire Chief
Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official
Dan Stanek, Building Inspector
Andy Knudtsen, Department of" Community Development
.. � �- - µ� �
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'� � EMORANDUM �� � � �
!.! � �
TO: D flpmsnt R�a�i_�w Team `"
��.�..�._.'.� -.�.�
FROM: Andy Knudtsen���
DATE: February 3, 1993
..,............. :�::i:�:":cu�:,< �:.:.;e;`�(i���::_ ":>::����issu<:, ,:::w::;: ���-enerated��'tlu�rin�>::>::;>:t��e�'�l�"evelo:::>;ment�l�eview����`eam;::::....».,.,..s�......,,.
"�`I���d s ssed"'�h sf'��o es e�g g t p
meeting on January 27, 1993 with Ken O'Brien and Dan Meek. I have summarized their
responses below:
1. Traffic control - Dan Meek would like to understand how 6 & B can specifically
improve their traffic control efforts.
2. Screening - The fencing material will be green painted plywood along Meadow
, _ Drive and chain link with green mesh covering for the rest of the site. They
� would like to set the plywood fence at the edge of the concrete on Meadow
\,s`�,�� Drive. � �
� `
� 3. Stream bank protection - "fhe same bales of hay that were staked to the ground
� � for the summer of 1992 will be used again.
� � 4. Hotel operation - Zoning Issues - Johannes Faesler will be providing me with a
\ `� letter outlining exactly what portions of the Hotel will be in operation during the
� '�, construction period, what weeks they will be in operation, and where parking
� could be provided for guests.
,�� . �
�; `d 5. Hotel operation - Fire & UBC Issues - Concerning the separation of the existing
� �� wing from the wing under construction, Dan Meek has stated that one hour
��` " rated partitions will be installed at each corridor. Does there need to be
� separation provided in any mechanical or utility system?
� 6. Access to Talisman - They said they are not responsible for the cor�gestion in
� this area. Any specific suggestions for how to resolve this problem? -
7. Construction of bus stop - They said that this will take place in April and June.
We have asked that they do all of the berm work in these two months, including
providing an irrigation connection from the existing source to the eastern end of
the landscape berm. Should we require that once this work is done that they
move their fence back to the rear side (south side) of the berm?
8. Guest parking on Vail Road - Again, they have said that their
construction activity is not responsible for congestion in this area.
This covers the discussion of the issues that we have already raised. We will plan on
discussing this at Design Review Team on February 16, 1993. 1 am sure you all cannot wait.
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Andy Knudtse:n
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657 3/9/92
Re: Construction Site Plan for the Sonnenalp Redevelopment
Dear Andy,
I am writing in response to your letter dated 2/13/92 and will address each of the comments in
the numerical order in which you have listed them.
L The gate closest to the intersection of Vail'Road and Meadow Drive has been modified
�:;j� as indicated on the attached revised fencing plan. The gate now runs at an angle across
��L the corner of the site and has been increased in width to 40 feet. This should greatly
improve the site distance triangle and the turning radius.
�/if 2. Construction workers will park in public parking areas anc� during the ski season they
� wi11 �ay to do so. They wiil be advised to park in the Parking Structure or in Ford Park.
3. The wood and chain link fencing will be installed as noted. It is our understanding that
the chain ]ink fence will need to be 8 feet ta]l. The green mesh comes in widths up to 7
� feet. Will it be acceptable to install the two ]ayers of inesh on the outside of the fence
leaving gaps at the top and bottom not to exceed 1 foot? If both layers of inesh are
installed on the outside of the fence then they will not interfere with the fence rails that
are on the inside of the chain link.
Per our latest conversation with Ken O'Bryan a fence will not be added along Gore
4. The fence on Vail Road will be located 2 feet back from the edge of asphalt. On
Meadow Drive 2 feet back from asphalt puts the fence well up into the berm where it
��(� encc�unters varying elevations. Is it acceptable to locate the fence about 1 foot back
�rom t'n� ;��n� halt a1on,�Meadow Drive� Th�s should also help by providing more '
flexibility in relocating the fence to avoid existing utilities.
5. Per our latest conversation, it is my understanding that an additional gate on the East
� side of the site between the Talisman and the Sonnenalp is no longer required. Instead
we should add a gate along Meadow Drive to provide the Fire Department access onto
Meadow Drive. Please locate the desired layout and width for this gate and indicate if
it should be chain link with 2 layers of inesh. A wooden gate that is only used in an ��
emergency may be a hinderance. �� ��;�.+— , �
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6. We are currently in the process of applying for a street cut permit in order to erect the��-���'��
construction fence. �-' �`
7. B&B Excavating will be dewatering the excavation pits as necessary. They have applied
t� the State for a dewatering permit. Their application to the State is based upon a
design from Johnson-Kunkle who is acting as the Civi] Engineer for the Project. The
clesign shows a small sediment pond of hay bales on the site (East) side of the storm
inlet along Vai] Road. Dewatering wil] not proceed without the approval of the Civil
, � �
�, _ �
Engineer. A detail locating the sediment ponci is attached. GOMEN
8. Deliveries to the site on Sunday will be very limited as the job is not currently scheduled
to be open on Sundays except during the excavation: Truck loads of precast and steel
are scheduled into the site 6 days a week in June and July. Trucks hauling dirt out of
the site are scheduled to be running 7 days a week in the end of April and early May.
�utside of the ski season, we intend to stock many of the finish materials into the"project
in the evening hours between 3:3fl and 6pm. Deliveries to the site should not hinder
traffic flow to the church functions as the trucks will be directed to pull into the site.
We recognize that there will be conflicts between trucks headed to and from the site and
others using the Town streets. However, we intend to react quickly to any problems that
we cause in order to help avoid any'future unnecessary conflicts. �b�iously'material
must be able to flow to the site in order to complete the project. We intend to do
everything possible to see that this process causes a minimal disruption and yet proceeds
in a rapid manner. The sooner we can complete the project, tHe sooner the area can
return to its normal environment.
We can coordinate our activities on an as needed basis with the church so that they are
aware of potential disruptions.
� 9. We do not currently anticipate any other storage areas for the project within the Town
�`�� of Vail. The owner plans to obtain approval to use the West Day Lot outside of the ski
�� lfl. We have made plans to clean the streets and storm sewers as required.
11. We cio not intend to store any materials on Vail Road outside of the construction fer�ce.
Trucks bringing materials to the site will be directed into the appropriate gate and pulled
�L. off of Vail Road. Street Use permits will be applied for if it becomes necessary to
temporarily setup in one lane of Vail Road on a short term basis. This may occur during
the steel erection or when the utilities and site work are being completed.
Andy, if anyone has further 9uestions or woulci like more detail we would very much like to ralk
with them so that everyor.e can better understand the isst�es. We need to have obtained all of
our fencing approvals no later than March 3flth in order to proceed with an early April start.
``+ G���Z,Z:----
cc: Ken p'Bryan
�' ,
tOW� Of Vall
75 south frontage road office of community development
vail,colorado 81657
February 13, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh �
1000 S. Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657 � , � ��i
,-� �i°�� � , ll!
Mr. John Cochran �' ,-�� n �
Weitz, Cohen Construction � �"
P.O. Box 181001
Denver, CO 80218
Re: Construction Site Plan for the Sonnenalp Redevelopment -
Dear Ken and Jorin:
I have received comments from the various departments within the Town regarding the
proposed construction site plan for the Sonnenalp. Please address each of the comments
listed below.
1. Please study the turning radius reqi.iirements into and out of the site. Staff believes
that �the gate closest to the intersection of Vail Road and Meadow Drive is situated in
such a way that large trucks will not be able to enter the construction site. Either show
how there is an adequate turning radius, or modify the gate construction at the corner
so that it is at a 45° angle. An angled gate would allow easier access, as well as
improve the site distance triangle for the Meadow DriveNail Road intersection.
2. I understand the employees will be parking in the structure during the summer.
However, being that the construction will commence before ski season is over, and will
not end until after the beginning of the next season, the structure will not always be �� ,�`�
available. Ford Park is available and has free parking Monday-"fhursday. Please �U� 7
explain where construction workers will park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. _
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Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Mr. John Cochran
February 13, 1992
Page 2
3. As you suggested, chain link fencing covered with green mesh on both sides can be
used instead of plywood to screen a portion of the site. The Town would still like to
see a painted plywood fence along Meadow Drive, as well as along the stream. It is
acceptable to use the chain link along Vaii Road and along the east side of the site.
4. Please locate the fencing 2 feet back from the edge of asphalt, both on Vail Road and
Meadow Drive.
5. The fencing plan prevents Fire Department access to the Talisman. Please add
another gate on the east side of the site and maintain a drivable corridor between the
gates so that the Fire Department has an adequate turn around. The attached map
clarifies this point.
6. The Town requires a street cut permit in order to erect the construction fence.
7. Explain how you intend to de-water the excavation pits on site, and how the sediment
will be cleaned out of the water before it drains into Gore Creek.
8. Please explain what kind of deliveries will be made on Saturday and Sunday, and what
the potential impacts on church services and weddings may be. Deliveries to the site
could be accommodated outside the hours of 10:30-3:30. During the summer months,
the Town is more flexible on these standards. It may be better to eliminate deliveries
around the lunch hour, as that is often when the most pedestrians are present.
9. Identify any storage locations outside the construction site or the staging area in
10. The contractor will be responsible for cleaning the streets as well as all storm sewers
which are affected by the site construction. Public Works will determine the frequency
of cleanings.
11. Please be aware that no staging will be allowed on Vail Road outside the construction
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. -
�-� � ��� ��
Andy K dtsen �
Town Planner
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�uau��u.zad aus •.zaqtuanoN �T.z�a uz buzn�d o� .zoz.zd .za��nb pu�
q.zn� TT��suz o� .zap.zo uz .zaqo��p a��T o� pz�u uz anz.zQ Mop�ay� �s��
pu� p�o� Tz�� �o suoz�.zod buoT� panotua.z aq pTnoM a�ua� au� ��u�
su�a�u szuZ •�a.z� ��u� uT �.zoM a�zs au� a�aTdtuo� o� a�uz� sa�uo�aq
�z Tz�un pauz��uz��u aq pu� a��Td uz uz��ua.z TTTM a�ua� auy
•�u.zaq au� �o apzs u�.zoN au� uo paTT��suz
a�ua� au� pu� ����uz �TT��zs�q ��aT aq TTzM anz.zQ Mop�ay�
�s�� buoT� �u.zaq aus •abpa , sapzsp�o.z buz�szxa ati� �� paTT��suz
a�ua� au� uau� pu� ap�.zb uoz��n.z�suo� � o� paTanaT aq paau
TT?M p�o� Tz�� buoT� u�.zaq aus •a�ua� au� �o uoz��a.za au� o� .zoz.zd
u�g T?.zd� uo �.z��s TTTM uoz�zTouzap a�zs aus 'u�LZ TT.zd� pu�
u��T T?.zd� uaaM�aq pa��a.za aq TTzM a�ua� uoz��n.z�suo� auy
' £66T
�o .zaununs au� uz a�aTduzo� TTzM buTd��spu�7 ' Z66T 'ST �aqtua�aQ
�o ��u�dn��o pu� a��p uoz�aTd�uo� pa.zznba.z L i.j�TM Z66T ' 9 TT.zd�
�o a��p dn �.z��s � s�u aTnpau�s uoz��n.z�suo� �ua.z.zn� auy
: �Zna�x�s
• T���.ziuqns szu� buz��tu
uz MoTTo� o� sauzTapznb T�q.zan uanzb s�M pu� �ua�u�.z�daQ buzuu�Td
s � uMOy au� i.j�TM �atu �u�d�uo� uoT��n.z�suo� uauo�-z�zaM •a�zs
uoz��n.z�suo� au� o� ssa��� ajq��da��� pu� buT�ua� uoz��n.z�suo�
.zo� spaau au� buTSSa.zpp� .zo� s�uatua.zznba.z s , Tz�� �o uMOy
au� �aa�u o� �d�ua��� u� uT pa.z�da.zd uaaq s�u T���zutqns szus
�NI�N�3 NOIZ�f12iZSN0� '3 SS���FI �ZIS
N3H0� Z�ZOH dZFIN�NNOS Z 6-5 T-T 0
Tz�un pau�no� sanau uau� pu� a�uo �as a�ua� � aas o� a�zT pTnoM
papnj�uz sanTassno 'auo�san� •a�ua� au� a���otas o� paau au�
o� �Tas�z puaT o� uoz��TT��suz u� �uau��sad oo� sz buz�ua� uapooM
•buz�uanbas uoz��ns�suo� au� �o spaau buzbu�u� sana au� �aa� o�
a�ua� au� buzno� uT ��zTzqzxaT� paau u�n� apznosd o� dTau pTnoM „
szus •a�zs qoC asz�ua au� punos� uaas�sosznu� uaasb uz padd�lM
a�ua� xuzT uz�u� Taa�s � TT��suz o� sa�asd pTnoM uauo�-z�zaM
: �sanba� buz�ua3 a��usa�T�
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�;� - /1 ' Li�pTM uz �aa� �z sz buzuado
a-� a��b u��� •pa��ns�suo� uaaq s�u �z sa��� a�ua� au� abu�ss�as
� �� � o� paau au� pzon� dTau o� pu� ssaa�� tuntuzx�tu iIT2�iIT2UI dZau
o� sapso uz a�zs au� o� sa��b ssa��� pasodosd anz� as� asaus
•a�ua� au� so� soTo� paszsap au� ��aTas
as�aTd ' T�nosdd� so� T���ztuqns szu� o� pau����� as� sdzu� �uz�d
pu� uaas�spuzm au� �o aTduz�s � •uaas�sosznu� �q pa.zn����nu�uz
s� uaa.z�s pLITM auaT�u�a�Tod ��zsuap ubzu uaasb T��uatuuo.zznua u�
uz padd�lM aq TTzM satu�s� a��b aus •a�as�uo� uz :�as s�sod Taa�s
•tu�zp „�b aq TTzM s�sod a��b aus •usauz �uzT uz�u� �o TTz�uz u�
i,i�TM satu�.z� adzd Taa�s 2pTM , zt �o s.zz�d aq TTzM sa��b aus
•uMOs au� �q pano.zdd� aq TTzM ��u� sdzu� �uz�d u���ut o�
uaas� �sa.zo3 pa�uz�d aq TTzM a�ua� aus •�.z�ssa�au s� pauz��uz�tu
pu� sp�oT pLITM p2�LCIT�T�LI2 au� pLI2�Si,i�TM o� �Tznq aq TTzM a�ua�
aus • sTz�.z au� o� paua�s�� aq TTTM pooM�Td XQ� �, Z/t �o s�aaus , g
x , {, uau� pu� s�sod au� o� paT-r�u aq TTzM sTz�.z T��uozz.zou uapooM
{� x z .zno3 •.za�ua� uo , g �as pu� puno.zb au� o�uz , z padtu�� s�sod
.z�pa� , ptx�x{, �o s�szsuo� aaua� uoz��n.z�suo� pasodo.zd aus
•�z puno.zp �soM o� auzz� sauzo�aq �z uauM urnop a�ua�
TT�M su�Td To.z�uo� �T���.zs �g s�TU�.zad �n� �aa.z�S Pa.zTnba.z TTFI
: suPTd To.z�uo� �z��P.zs �g s�zu�.zad �n� �aa.z�g
'�d 0� � £ o� �P 0� � 0 T �T a��tuzxo.zddP u�o.z� pa�ztuzT
aq ZZzM a�zs au� o� ssa��P �.zanzjap uos�as zxs aq� buz.znQ
• sa�u�uzp.zo �z���.z� .zo aszou , suMOs au�
a��Tozn �ou saop �z s� buoT os MOjJLITM � o� � au� �o apzs�no .zn��o
u�� �.zoM •�Tbuzp.zo��� u�Td u�� aM ��q� os suoz���zu�zT asaq�
�o �szT P s�sanba.z uaqo� -z�zaM •.zn��o uP� �Pu� �.zoM �o ad��
aq� uz uoz��z.z�sa.z P .zo s.znoq buz�.zoM pa�ztuzT a.zotu a.zznba.z TTzM
��q� .zautuins aq� �noubno.zq� s�uana TPZ�ads puP s��pzToq TP.zanas aq
TT?M a.zaus •�Pp.zn�Pg qbno.zq� �Ppuoy� tud � o� tuP � tuo.z� aq o� a.zP
s.znoq buz�.zoM aTqP�da��P tuntuzuztu aq� �Pq� poo�s.zapun sz �I
� S2iIlOH �I�II?I2i0M
•a�zs aq� �o �s��
u�.zoN aq� o� abP.zPb buz�.zPd pa�aTdtuo� �T�ua�a.z aq� uz �.zPd o�
paau TTzM s.za�.zoM uoz��n.z�suo� aq� �Pq� pa�Pdz�z�u� sz �I • sPa�P
buz�.zPd �iTqnd pa�PUbzsap aTqPTzPnP au� uz �.zPd o� pa.zznba.z
aq TTzM saa�oTdtua uoz��n.z�suo� au� �o TT� • s.za�.zoM uoz��n.z�suo�
au� .zo� papzno.zd buz�.zPd a�zs uo ou aq TTzM a.zaqs
•pa�PZ�a.zddP sz �uatua.zznba.z
szu� u�zM apzno.zd uP� no� �Pu� apn�z��T �u� • sTPn.za�uz
pauztu.za�ap aq o� �a� �� satuz� T�.zanas anotu o� paau TTzM a�ua�
au� .zo '�z puno.zP �.zoM aq� a�aTdtuo� o� �Ta.zn��tua.zd uMOp a�ua�
aq� a�P� .zau�ia o� �.zPSSa�au aq TTzM �z ��q� sz a�zs .z�Tn�z�.z�d
szq� �o ��zTPa.z aq� '.zanaMOH •pa�aTdtuo� sz ��aCo.zd aq�
auo �� a�zs aq� �o �no pu� o�uz buz�uo� s��n.z� L��TM Mop�ay� �s��
pu� p�o� Tz�� �o uoz�:,as.za�uz au� �� ��auaT��oq � pzon� o� .zap.zo
uz T�z�uassa aq TTzM �.s�� au� o� �zxa auy •�s�� au� o� buz�zxa
sz ��u� �z���.z� ��n.z� au� �uo.z� buz�.z�d u��uszT�s au� a��.z�das
o� dn �as aq TTzM sap��z.z.z�q �z���.zs •ab�.z�b buz�.z�d , suMOs
aq� sp.z�MO� dn uau� pu� anz.zQ Mop�ay� �s�� sTaTT�.z�d ��q� au�T
a.zz,� aq� buoT� �s�� au� o� aq TTzM saz.zanzTap Taa�s/�s��a.zd pu�
uoz��n��xa aq� buz.znp a�zs au� �o �no �z���.z� �o MoT� aus
•anz.zQ Tz�� buoT� a��b
ssa�ae �sotuu.zaq�.zou aq� o�uz u.zn� pueq ��aT L L��TM anz.zQ Tze� uo
punoqq�nos aq TTzM a�zs aq� o� �z���.z� �o MoT� r�.z��uz.zd aqs
� SS���K �ZIS
• saz�zTz�n r�q pa���d�uz aq �ubz�u ��u� �a.z� u� uz GLITS�.IOM
o� .zoz.zd panza�a.z pu� .zo� paTT�� aq TTTM sa���oT ��TTT�n TT�'
�z.z��aT� �.zaznz� : T��z.z��aT�
T��zu�u�ay� uosuzqo� : T��zu�q�ay�
• ss� �.zoMU�.zo3 a�a.z�uo� :�.zoMtu.zo,� a�a.z�uo�
uo�ssa.z�g :�s��a.zd Z�.zn��n.z�g
•puI .zo�u�zZ : Taa�S T�.zn��n.z�5
uoz�zTo�uaQ za�uo� aur��M :uoz�zToivaQ buzpTzng
buz��n��x� g 's g :uoz�zTo�uaQ a�?s 's �.zoMu�.z��
: ��a Co.zd au� uo �.zoM tu.zo�a.zd o� �ua�uz �o
.za��aT .zo ���.z�uo� .zapun r�T�ua.z.zn� a.z� s.zo���.z�uo�qns buzMOTTo�
aqs • s�ziu.zad aq� sa.zznba.z ��u� �.zom au� buziu.zo�zad uz panZonuz
s.zo��e.z�uo�qns T�npznzpuz aq� r�q Tz�� �o uMOs aq� o� pa��z�uqns aq
� •a�TS ��o �a.z� umop��T � �uo.z� sT�T.za���u �o moT� pu� saT.zanTTap
uoT��n.z�suo� au� ab��s o� �.z�ssa�au aq TTTm �T a�TS au� �o �no��T
pa��T.z�sa.z au� pu� sTu� uanT� • uoT���oT o�uT ano�u pu� dn�as
o� �uoo.z paau TTTM �au� �Tnsa.z � s� • sa.zn��n.z�s au� ��a.za o� pasn
aq o� paau TTTM sau�.z� aTTqotu ��u� u�ns sT �no��T a�TS aus
: s�uatua.zTnba� umop��7/ab�.zo�s a�TS��p
•uos�as .za�uTM au� o� .zoT.zd Z66T uT .zn��o TTTM
��u� �.zom uoT��n.z�suo� �o �unotu� anTSSa�xa au� �o �uno��� uo £66T
�o .zaununs au� uT �T.z�a TT�un ubTSap T�uT� , s�T o� pa.zo�sa.z aq
�ou TTTm �a.z� ssa��� sTus •uoT��n.z�suo� GiITM �s�g pu� 'uoT�TTo�uap
bLITM �sPg 'uoT�Tpp� Tood 'uoT�Tpp� a�ua.za�uo� 'uoT�TTo�uap Tood
au� buT�aTdtuo� .zo� �.z�ssa�au aq TTTm pu� TT.zd� �o �aam puo�as
au� uT pa��a.z� aq TTTM ssa��� sTus • ��oun.z ��ad buT.znp �aa.z�
a.zo� �o GLIT�TTS aTqTSSOd �u� pTOn� o� s� os p�o.z au� �o uoT�.zod
pa��naTa au� .zo� pa�.zodtixT aq TTTm s.zapTnog • (uau��T� au� �o
u�nog) bLITM u�noS au� �o Pua u�noS au� puno.z� �TTnq aq TTTM P�o.z
ssa��� u� a��b sTu� �uo.z3 •p�o� Tz�� buoT� a��b �so�uu.zau�nos au�
tuo.z� papzno.zd aq TTzrn a�zs au� �o apzs u�nos au� o� ssa���
aq �ou pTnom buT.zous au� uau� anT.zQ mop�ay,i �s�g uT sau�T
snq au� tuo.z� a�TS au� o� papTno.zd aq pTno� ssa��� �I • TT.zd�
�o �aaM puo�as au� uT uanT.zp aq TTzm saTTd asaus •a.zn��n.z�s mau
au� buTTTT����q o� .zoT.zd pu� buTM u�.zoN au� buT��n��xa aTTuM a�Ts
au� o�uT ssa��� LIT2�LIT2llI o� .zap.zo uT buTM u�.zoN au� �o pua u�.zoN
au� �� uanz.zp aq o� paau TTzrn buzzous aTzd zazpTos �o rno.z �
•anT.zQ mop�ay,i �s�� buoT� sau�T snq pa��T.z�sa.z au� ssa���
o� �.z�ssa�au aq �ou pTnous �T moT� �T���.z� .zo� �uatuabu�.z.z� sTu�
u�TM • �a.ze sTu� uT �T���.z� buTpad�uT aq TTzM s��n.z� .zanauaum p�o.z
�TTqnd au� o�uT ���q su.zn� �T a.zaum au�T a.zT� au� �o pua u.za�s�a
au� �� pu� p�o� Tz�� uo dn �as aq TTzM s.zabb�T3 •uoT���oT
•bu-rpu��s.zapun �o �.zoddns s�-r uTpb
o� ��zunuzuio� au� LITL��TM �.zom o� pu� aTqzssod �ua�xa au� o� p�au�
u�Td o� sz u��o.zdd� .znp • suzaTqo.zd auzos �no L��TM paa�o.zd �ou
TTTM ��aCo.zd au� �ps o� ssaTpaaN •�.�aCo.zd buzuzo�dn au� uz�Tdxa
dTau o� sassauzsnq buz.zoqubzau au� L��TM buz�aauz aq o� ��adxa
pu� u�.z�y� uz a�zs uo Tauuos.zad auzz� TTn� an�u TTzm aM •��zunuzuio� -
au� L��TM �TasoT� jJLIT�.IOM a.z� am ��u� a.zns a��uz o� pua�uz
am �Tnsa.z � s� •��aCo.zd au� �q pa���duzz auo�.zana �o uoz��.zadoo�
au� �nou�zm �aauz o� aTqzssod �ou sz aTq��auzz� szuZ • su�uouz
z/Z g uz ��aCo.zd pa�e�zTduzo� pu� paTz��ap �.zan � ��n.z�suo�
pu� a�enoua.z o� s.zaTssa�3 au� �q pa.zzu uaaq s�u uauo�-z�zaM
� sNOZS�r��� �IZglld
•peo� Tzen o� uo �no paz.z.ze� �.zzp �o �unouz� au� uo umop �n�
dTau o� ��o.z paus�m „ z L��TM paddo� aq TTzm a�zs au� �o apzs u�nog
au� uo peo.z ssa��� �.z�.zodu�a� aus • sTS�q papaau se u� uo s�aa.z�s
�zTqnd au� �o ��o �.zzp uoz��n.z�suo� au� buzu�aT� aq TTzm aM
��NIN`d�7� Z��2iZS
qoC au� pu� sT�z.za��uz au� �o a�.znos au� uaam�aq LIOT�LllI.IO�LITSTllI
�o asn��aq ap�uz aq �ou pTno� �eu� saz.zanzTap T�z.za��uz .zo�
auzz� �soT �u� .zo� MoZT� o� �ubz� oo� sz aTnpau�s uoz��n.z�suo� at�s
• szs�q papaau s� u� uo aTq�Tz�ne aq o� .zap.zo uz �q.z�au pa.zo�s
aq o� paau TTzm ( • ��a suz.zo� a�a.z�uo� 'spn�s TT�m�.zp 'buzdzd}
sT�z.za�euz asaus •pasn aq o� sz �z uaum �o oM� .zo ��p � uzu�iM
a�zs au� o� pa.zanzTap aq o� paau TTzm T�z,za��uz �o T�ap ��a.zb
� ,��, i�
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Floating Garden A SW2253
Lawn P:���y A SW2319
Wilminglon TWT SW2254 ;�eppergrass IW1 SW2380
Shoreline TWT SW2255
SilkGrass T�.M S!N2381
Aqua 8reeze TWT SW2256
- G:fI'd�:.;�f.Uih TWf S�ii2SA?
�-y.....�..�-:,.,..- ___ .. . _ _
81ue Rid,ye A 5W2257
Outdoors A SW23£33
� Ivy Wal� C SW2258 �
lorre Pine ➢ SW2384
;Dense Forest� C SW2259
� Samples�ppw�itiate the actual paint coloc Olympic Aange , C SW2385 -
Sarnples approximate Ihe actual paint color.
237 2i�o E
EXTERIOR COLORS�Y�Yl'�Wid 255 4/89 S � ���i+�
Ei{T�FilUf�t L
This packet of information co�ers
the Sonnenalp proposal of 1991, .
�hich includes �ariances for
common area hei ht and arkin .
� g � p g
This acket includes all of the
information from the DRB re�ie�.
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� ���' �� � �` Project Application
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�" Date ' ���'�`�I��R: 5 s �.'�91
� �; '
Project Name: S€�x���A.I,P�-�«-T`E�IP(}��' �UT��}���
Project Description:, ��������� ������� ����'����
Contact Person and Phone ���' �����'� ���`°��'��'
Owner, Address antl Phone: ���AI���i �AESS��R
Architect, Address and Phone: ��� ������ ���� � �������� ��� ����
��T�TE 3€3t� �IAII�, �� $1658'
Legal Description: Lot ������-��'� �� � ����� , Filing , Zone
Design Review Board
' Date i S�PT���I$ �, �.991
` Motion by: �'�.T �ER�i.I�`��C}I�
Seconded by; ��4�G� � `
"�:i�� `��I�� �C}�l�Z��Ci�� C9�' P�'����1AL C��-II��. 'Z'�� I3�.� �I��I.T3I3��} �� ����� ��'�.E� (3I4� ���''T�i�B��.' ��
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: .A.. PRIt3� '"�t� ISSt3�TCE U�' '�U�I,�3I�I� P�R�I� T�E A1'PLICA�ST'S�33ALL a
' Summary: l� FRC}VII�� � �E���E�3 �'A�I�� �'�A�I� "��I��73:�G '��A'� "�I�� I�IUI���R t3�` P 'I�T� �P,€����
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C, ��I� �E3�Y�t1� U�1I`� � ' �, �� ��l�it���,T� �t3 L�'���. �' �£3���E�t l, �992�
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��dl`��7 �a�.tci��ex1 7awn Pianner ❑ Staff Approval
����E"����. �� 19�I;
�� �PIERCE, SEGERBERG ����PAEH _ � � � � �
, ARCHlTECT� � P.C. ` r� I.A. C�C�� L`�C���"> oOL� �G°�Q�I�LM7.CI.��aC�
= IOOO South Froratage Road,West '
VAIL,' COLORADO 8I657 °es� �s�� :z. � _���
(303) 476-4433 0�, ' �� t 1oB N�-''�'.7'-'�'�
' . .. . .. . . . . . . . ATTENI'ION . . .. ....
� ,/ .. � RE: �� �. .. . . . - ..
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7 WE RRE SENDfNG YOU �ttached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items:
❑ Shap drawings �rints ❑ Plans ❑ Sampfes ❑ Specificatians
❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑
t t �'�"'-' '�=�-�'�'--y �'�.*--�
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THESE RRE TRANSMITTED as checked befaw:
❑ For ap�roval ❑ Appr�ved as submitted ❑ Resut�rnit copies for ap,�ravaf
�For yo�r �se � Anproved as nated ❑ Submat capies fc�r dis�ribation
7 ❑ As reqeces�ed ❑ Ret�rned for corrections ' ❑ Ret�rn _corrected prints
❑ For review and comrnent ❑
REMARKS �C1-��.. f'/�`+d�'._�...— 4..�� �h� ��� "!�'-` .�",�-Y '�'4-���YT�L�.-
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S I G N ED: �,,..,�,,.,.,`_�" �""'-�
veoouci2ao-a �lnc.c�bn.Mam Oia7i. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify'us at once.
° ' . rQVised 6/18/91
DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : /rs►J.JG'.-�L.�'�7"'" I�.. I�l°( 1
A. DE S CRI P T I4N: ^T"'�/� "' ^`+�' /�``a"-K..'- LlF�
1-1 t�-b r'T"' � "-^r-,�-� �"..��r-/r-.1�r..i�_."{�' '�i�°�.l.�4
E��"1�:' �'�t"�'.-�1-- �•{�L��T'�e.�
;� New Construction ($200 . 00) Minor Alteration ($20 . 00)
Addition ($50 . 00) Conceptual Review ($0)
C. AD D RE S S : � �,�.I L-. "�=�.�
D . LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Lot� �.�L--Block ,F.-�' �'�
Subdiv:sion 1/b.lt�-. �/�R-.t--��
If property is described by a meets and bounds legal
description, please provide on a separate sheet and
attach to this application.
E . ZONING: �.�'�.
F . LOT AREA: If required, applicant must � rovide a current
stamped survey showing lot area. ��' ���. �'� S,�
G. N.AME QF AP P L I CANT ; ��r►'F��^-t*�V.-:�'�" �"-'��'�.,t�`�,, ��-�G-�
Mailing Address : 12.�"� �-t' �"���r� 'i�
�✓��� G�. �`+tl'o32. Phone �4�!`- 42�0
H. NAME OF APPLICAi�1T' S REPRESENT,ATIVE : �'!�C '������.�"� �`�'
M a i 1 i n g Ad d r e s s : !�' �'-..�.t-rN "��.�c�.� Rns� ��/�� x�cJ r'r�"�.�
_ �/a�r� , �' �3t�58 Phone` �?�i -443'3
I , NAME OF OWNERS : �t �►_SS�
*S I GNATURE(S) : `�
Mailing Address � ,�..�-�
J. Condominium Approval if applicable .
K. DRB FE�: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at
the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when �
applying for a building permit, please icientify the
accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail
will adjust the fee according to the table below, to
ensure the correct fee is paid.
$ 0 - $ 10, 000 $ 20 . 00
$ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50 . 00
$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $100 . 00
$150, 001 - $ 500, OOC $200 . 00
$500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $400 . 00
$ Over $1, 000, 000 $500 . 00
_. ,._«.
A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning
staff i"s strongly encouraged to determine if any additional
application `information is needed. It' is the applicant' s
responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to
determine if there are additional submittal requirements .
Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the
� approval process for your project .
A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the
applicant must stake and tape the project site to
indicate property� lines, building lines and building
corners . Al1 trees to be removed must be taped. All
site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the
DRB site 'visit . The applicant must ensure that staking .
done during the winter is not buried by snow.
B. The review proCess for NEW BUIT�DINGS normally requires
two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a
conceptual app,roval and a final approval . Applicants
should plan on presenting their development proposal at
a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final
approval .
C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review
Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not
asked in advance that discussion on their item be
postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB
docket until such time as the item has been
D. The following items may, at the discretion of the
zoning administrator, be approved by the Community
Development Department staff (i .e. a formal hearing
before' the DRB may not be required) :
a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes
wl�ich do not alter the existing plane of the
�building; and
b. Building addition proposal� not visible from any
other lot or public space. At the time such a
proposal is submitted, applicants must include
letters from adjacent property cwners and/or from
the agent for o:r manager of any 'adjacent
condominium association stating the association
approves of the addition.
E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.
snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pYain, debris flow, �
- --- wetland, etc) , a hazard study must be submitted and the
owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard ,
report prior to the issuance of a building permit .
Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner.
prior to DRB application to determine the relationship
of the property to all mapped hazards .
F. For all residential construction:
a. CTearly indicat�e on the floor plans t�ie inside
face of the exterior structural walls of the
build�ng; and
b. Indicate-with a dashed line on the site plan a
four foot distance from the exterior face of the
building walls or supporting columns . -
a ,
; G.; If DRB appro�es the application with conditions or
-. ..�.
modifications, all conditions of approval must be
resol�ed prior to Town issuance of a building permit .
A, Three copies of a recent topocrraphic survev. stamped bv
a `licensed `survevor� at a scale of 1'" = 20� or larger,
on which the following'. information is provided:
1 . Lot area.
2 . Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel
consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'
contour intervals may be accepted.
3 . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks
w�.th diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a
point �ne foot above grade .
4 . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural
features (large boulde�s, intermittent streams,
et c . ) .
5 . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc . ) ,
centerline of stream or creek, required creek or
stream setback, 1-00-year flood plain and slopes of
_ 40� or more« if applicable.
6 . Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark
or sewer invert . This information should be
clearly stated on the survey so that all
measurements are based on the same starting point .
This is paxticularly important for height
measurements . See Policy On Survey Information,
�for more information regarding surveys .
7 . Locations of the following :
a . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,
etc. must be shown.
b. Exaet location of existing utility sources
and.,;proposed service lines from their .source
to 'the structure. ULilities to include:
Cable TV Sewer Gas
Telephone Water Electric
c . Property lines - distances and t�earings and a �
basis of bearing must be shown. �
d. A11 easements (Title report must also include �
existing easement locations)
S . Existing and finished grades .
9 . Provide spot. elevations of the street, and a
minimum of one spot , elevation on either side of
the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines.
B. Site Plan
1 . Locations of the following;
a. Qroposed surfac:e drainage on and off site.
b. Qroposed driveways. Qercent slope and spot
elevations must be shown .
. , .__ . r,..�.,..,.�.a..
� k �
� 2 . All existing improvements including structures,
� landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,
� ` �` walks, drivewa s off-street
y , parking, loading
. . areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of
wall spot elevations) , and other existing site
improvements .
3. Elevations of top -of roof ridctes 4with existinct
� and prox�osed arades shown underneath) . These
� elevations and grades must be provided in order
for the staff to determine building height . All
ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan .
Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated
on the site plan with corresponding finished and
existing grade elevations .
4 . Driveway grades may not exceed 8$ unless approved
by the Town Engineer. .
C. Landscape Pl'an (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required
1 . The following information must be provided on the
landscape plan. The location of existing 4"
diameter or larger' trees, the location, size,
spaeing and type (common and latin name) of all
existing and proposed plant material . All trees
to be 'saved and to` be removed must also be
.� indicated. The plan must also differentiate
between existing and proposed vegetation .
2 . Complete the attached landscape materials list .
3 . The location and type of existing and proposed
watering systems to be employed in caring for
plant material following its installation.
4 . Existing and proposed contour lines .
NOTE: In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various
development proposal components, please incorporate as
much of the above i.nformation as possible onto the site
D. Sicrn off from each utilitv companv verifying the
locatiori of utility servicz and availability (see
attached) . �
E. A preliminary -title repo•�t must accompany all
submittals, to insure property ownership and location
of` all easements on property.
F. Architectural P1ans (]./8" = 1` or larger, 1/4" is
preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. �
1 . Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the ,
proposed development . Elevations must show both
existing and finished grades .
2. One set of floor plans must be "red-1,ined" to show
how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was
3 . Reductions of all elevati�ns and the site plan (8-
1�2" x 11") for inclusion in PEC and/or Town
Council memos may be requested.
� . Exterior surfacing materials and material colors
shall- be 'specified ,on the attached materials list .
This materials list must be completed and
n � F •
submitted as a part of DRB agplication. Color
� chips, siding samples et�. , should be presented to
the Design Review Board meeting.
� G. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project
is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary
or Duplex zone districts .
� - H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of
adjacent structures .
I . The- Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the
submission of additional plans, drawings,
specifications, samples and other materials (including
a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a
project will con�ply with Design Guidelines . -
Phatos or sketches which ciearly convey the redevelopment
proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment
proposal may be submitte� in lisu of the more formal
requirements set forth above,, p.rovided all important
specifications for the proposal including colors and
materials to be ' used are submitted.
A. Original floor plans with all specif�cations shown.
B. Three sets of praposed floor plans 1/8" = 1' or larger
(1/4° = 1' is preferred)
C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and
proposed construction. I.ndicate roof ridge elevations
with existing and proposed grades shown underneath.
D , Elevations of proposed ad3ition.
E. Photos of the existing structure .
F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on
materials list (attached) .
At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be
required to submit :
G. A statement from each utility verifying location of
service and availability. See attached utility
location verification form.
H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered
professional surveyor. '
I . A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of ,
. property, which lists all easements .
Once a building pexmit has been issued, and construction is
underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a
framing inspection, tiwo copies of an Improvement Location
Certificate survey (]:LC) stamped by a registered
professional engineer must be submitted. The following
information must be provided on the ILC:
A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,
i ,e , distances and angles .
B. Building dim�nsions to the nearest tenth of a foot .
� C. All utility service line as-builts, showing type of
material used, and size and exact location of lines .
D. Drainage as-builts .
E. Basis of bearing to �ie to section corner.
- F. All property pins are to be either foun� or set and
stated on improvement survey .
G. All easements .
H. Building floor. elevations and all roof ridge elevations
with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge
lines .
A. Submittal reauirer�ents : The owner or authorized agent
of °any 'project requiring design approval as prescribed
by this chapter -may ,submit -plans for concegtual review
by the Design Review Board" to the Department of
Community Development . The conceptual review is
intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of
t�e compatibility of their proposal with the Town' s
Design `Guidelines . This procedure is recommended
primarily for applications more complex than single-
family and two-family residences . However, developers
of single-family and two-family projects shall not be
excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual
design review. Complete applications must be submitted
10 days prior t� a scheduled DRB meeting.
The following informatior shall be submitted for a
conceptual review:
1 . A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum
scale of one inch equals twenty fe^t;
2 . Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials
and a description of the character of the proposed
structure or structures;
3 . Sufficient information to show the proposal
complies with the development standards of the
zone district in whi��h th� project is to be
located (i .e . GRFA, site coverage calculations,
number of parking spaces, etc . ) ;
4 . Completed DRB application form.
B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for
conceptual design review, the Department of Community ,
Development shall review the submitted materials for
general compliance with the appropriate requirements of
the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic
compliance with the zoning code requirements, the
project shall be forwardeu to the DRB for conceptual
review, If the application is not generally in
compliance with zoning code requirements, the
application and submittal materials shall be returned
to the applicant with a written explanation as to why
the Community Development Department staff has found
the project not to be in compliance with zoning code
requirements . Once a complete application has been
received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual
review application and supporting material in order to
de�ermine whether or no� �he projee� generally complies �
with the design guidelines . The DRB does not vote on
conceptual' reva.ews. The property owner or his
,� representative shall be present at the DRB hearing.
. _ NAME OF P RO JE C T: �r-�IN E�-F.bi.�" N�t-- �.�•`,�,�a�'�s. �'��t.�=-�- ��K.�'U
STREET' ADDRESS : Z.c� �!''�i5►�V ��-7AD
r� _
QESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: I ��i�-.��/ I��---- L.l3� L�N IT'
� T7�� =..—T:..�.:�___,3_..�a:,� k-�S� f'�T��
The following information is required for submittal to the Design
Review B�ard before a final approval can be given : �
Ro o f '�'•u�r r� ��i-l�l� +��t-�r-��. f G��.-
Siding �uc.� O�F�' ��/'µ t�
Other Wall Matexials .'`"�'..-�"T�N'� �...,IaNz-' �r�:..�"
- Fascia �P (���
Soffits �� Cn��
Windows \��"a �-�-•�
�Z'.�'.�c.iCnld r°� .
Window Trim „�,�-a �i,���.�
D o o r s ��/'� �'.u41'a
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Rails �V'�V�n L��t��.� .
F1 ue s �-c..�Y ��-� T�u��.�. - �'�arr.a.
F 1 a s h i ngs c',..���.. 'Ps�--n�.� ���.
Chimneys �-�'C.ICG� �F'F v1N tC�
Trash Enclosures G'arr.tcE.P �'� ��✓Nrr�
B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: C��{r,.r�s ,�.N�,r�Sor-�
P hon e: �12rv - 243'3
PLANT MATERIALS : Botanical Name Common Name QuantitY Size* '
L-.,�,ID�Ai�IN� 16 -T�� Gr�r+�v�,t1 '
--�-�? ,6'�'�►..P� L..,�.�.1`�l7�G.A��� P'I�s�a,N
�'-�. T�. '�Ns..--'�-�/�-�' L '�.�r'..�/�1i'°�
EXISTING TREES TO N�u��, �p�'T'"�oni
a , v .
- *Indicate caliper fox deciduous trees . Minimum caliper for
' deciduous trees is' 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous
�� trees: Mi"nimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet .
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size*
*Indicate size of proposed shrubs . Minimum size of shrubs is
5 Qallon.
Tvpe Square FootaQe
C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming
pools, etc. ) Please speci€y. Indicate heights of retaining
walls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is
3 feet; Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property
is 6 feet .
� ,� � . � �
`�� �`� �
sus��vz�szox: va�� v���a�e. : � �
, � .
� � :
JOB NAME _ . , ;
., . ,t.:
. PART OF+K & L 5-E F I RST �
i .: } ;
, < � � �2Q� VAiL ROAQ � �
The location and availability of- utilities, whether they be main
�rizrtk ,1`ines or prap�sed ].ines, m�:zst be approved and verified by
, ,.
the' follawing utilities for the accompanying site plan.�
r , . .
�., . �
: ,Authoriz�d Sign�tur� D�,te
U.S, West Communications ,/
Z-8*QQ 922 ;198? ` 'y� .� + p ' ; �:
� � ��� 4.6�8-fi8�6'4�. or '�94�-4530� "7 ��� . 7 , `� .
. . , : •• ,' .
Public Service Company ;_
949-5781 .
� .. � , ..�"=����g �� � _
Gary .Ha?1 ,
;I� ,.Flaly- Gross Elect�ric Assoc. • �
y °: 949-5892 . ; _- ,
Ted Husky/Michael Laverty r - � ���� �'!
Heritage" Cablevision T.V. ' ���}
949-553Q � .
Steve�.'Hiatt � ���� �_ �• � '� �� ��� � � �
. . . �--
upper Eagle``Valley Water
& sarii:tation �District *
476-74''80' . p �
Fred Hasl,ee S � l
_ „ ,
_.. . ,.:
� . „ , . . � . . .. ,. � . ... , �� ,'�L
` NOTE: These verifications do nut relieve the contractor .of ` , '
: his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit` from
�= ��
: the,:7Cown c�� Vail, Depax�tment of Public W�rks a,nd,:.ta , . ;:: 3
� � � .�� r obt�„�� utilitv �loeat„�,ons �gfo�e �aqinq in .any public� -� �
rfght�-cf�-way or easement in�the Town of Va�i�l�. v, B�: , .
. ,�au�Idina �ae.,�n�,t i�� nq��",� str�et cut nermit A s,treet
�cu� perr�a�ait must be: cbtained'*�separately.` . °':, �� .:;�� " .F
, . � .
-� This',form is to verify service availability �and����� . ... .�.
, location. This should be used in con�unction with, ;
, � ,,�� ,�.,., � .
�� p�epar�.ng your `�util�i�ty plan��'�and���scheduZing. ,.,� ' '
..:� .. . . :... . .,,
� installations. � � � � �.
��� _ .. �
* Please bring a site plan, flo�r• plan, ai.d elevations,:�ahen °; , � �
obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Wa�er & �Sanitation signatures. .v�Fi're '' �
flow'' needs must be addressed. ` `�-r ��� ��� �
; <y
r�.� . . . .. ... . . .. . . .
.:: g
> , .„ .,,.:. =.:-..:;.::...:.;,:�.
}�eF:-: , � , ;..:�.-
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' FQR`
Allowed ExistinQ Proposed Total
He'ight (30) (33)
Total GRFA
+ cssa� t42s�
Prim3ry GRFA
Secondary GRFA
Setbacks Front 20'
Sides 15' !
Rear 15'
Water Course Setback (30) (50)
Site Coverage __
Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6'
Parking Reqrd
Garage Credit (300) (600) (900) (1200)
Drive : Permitted Slope 8o Actual Slope
Date approved by Town Engineer: ,
View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No ???
Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood Plain
2) Percent Slope
3) Geologic Hazards
a) Snow Avalanche
b) Rockfall
c) Debris Flow
4) Wetlands �
Does thi`s request involve a 250 Addition?
Haw much af the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?
� �
�: �. , Projec# Applic�tion
Date ����� j �
Project Name:: �,���" �.�'-°'tr'� �--�"� '«� ,.,��J
Projec# Description: '
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Contact Person and Phone �'��'r�'� �� �``��°� ��,..,�.
.�'"f�-'�'e� �� � �'I? .✓'r �� a5/�-�i�.�� �r'�� ���
Owner,Atldress and Phone:
�i���c.-�J ' ���',�£.�.,�—
Architect, Address antl Phone:
��.�'` ��'/-.�_ ���'��
�egal Description: Lo# � � Block ,�Fiiing �� .�� , Zone ��_
Comments: `�� l�C.y� ��
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Motion by: � ��� j �� °
Seconded by: `
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Town Planner' Staff Approval
Date: ����-�
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" �,�,,�,g� 1414 Pearl Street, Boul der, CO 80302
i�:�::L �_ G�n�:�� Johan�res �aessl;er - - P.1G;;:� 476-5656 � -
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Brass letterin "Sonnenalp� mounted on low moss rock �wall .
� b . 5_�i1 O_. A�?�•�i�G _'��^�rir� Brass letters , dry-layed moss rock�wall
c . s�z� ^� ev��-�:�=� s_�:•.;, srz:� c�_ T.�l�r:::��c,� .�y� :_,oc� - -
Moss rock wall 3'-6" hixh x 8' + long. Lettering 8"-15" high total
message less than 5 square feet.
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Contact Person and Phone '
Owner; Address and Phone: �`�.��. ,�"�`.-�c..� �-�-,v�-Gt/-°°
r�:lf P w\ .,�'.'�-*'„�"�.�t rr � .
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Architect, Address and Phone: �, �— ��%�°"�°�-- .,�r��f? '�,� ��-°� z,�,��" �`';,�.
�'. .,��.s�� ���'�, '�`�--� '{��� a�r!
Legal Description: Lot , Block ,° Filing , Zone
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Motion by: �`�d,_.l Y �
Seconded by:' ���r �...�„
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Town Planner ❑ Staff'Approval
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PIERCE, SEGERBERG & SPAEH ��-���� 0� � � Q�v ��I���Q�
it?UO South Frontage Road West
VAIl, COLORA�O 81657
. .. . . �� �. DATE � � � JOB NO. � .
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Snowdon and Hopk�ns • Architects oeP�. P„o�e# ',�
201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Faxn " p �ax# �" ;
Vail,Colorado 81657
. �
March 5, 1993
Mr. Fred Haynes, President �
� Talisman Condominium Assoc.
62 East Meadow Drive
Vail, C0 81b57 --
Mr. Haynes,
� ,
As you are probably aware, our =office has been working with Amos ;
Kaminski and the Talisman Condominium Association for the past few
years to evaluate, coordinate and consult on the de�elopment and impact ''
of the Sonnenalp H.otel on the �alisman property`. This past winter the '
redeveloped parking area has .been monitored 'to evaluate the `
effectiveness. of the new arrangement. The new configuration of the
parking area will be °set in ��oncrete° this year (possibly as early as
May 1993) as the Sonnenalp completes �f a portion of their grading,
site' and landscape work.
One of the elements the Association wanted to confirm was the
installation of below grade piping at the west drive entry prior to
final grading and paving installation. As shown on the attached
site/grading plan supplied to our office by PSS Architects; 2-4"
diameter PVC piping (one for irrigation system and one for electrical
conduit to future traffic control gate) are to be installed. I have
been assured by Ken 0'Brien, with PSS Architects, that the installation
will occur prior to asphalt paving.
In addition, I have had several meetings with Amos Kaminski, Susan
Pollack and other owners within the Association over the past winter to
review the parking and snow removal problems . There are several items
that should be addressed by the Association with the Sonnenalp owners
prior to this upcoming building season. The concerns raised were as
1. The 5 ' wide planter (located entirely on Talisman property along
the north property line) restricts the parking area more than
anticipated. This planter should be further reduced to 36"-42" in
width. This will allow for 2 ' of additional backing space between
the north and south parking spaces . In addition due to the
abundant snow accumulation that occurs along the planter between
the Talisman parking and the Sonnenalp drive, the upright junipers,
that were suggested by our office as screening for the parking,
seem inappropriate and would most likely not survive the abuse of
winter snowplowing. I would suggest planting mature ( 1 lj2 - 2" )
!- . . � Page 2
� �._�
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� aspen or other deciduous trees along this island so s�:ow could
accumulate below the main branches -rather than be buried in the
snow. As a side issue to this, if the aspen trees instead of the
hedge junipers are planted, you may want to run a chain along this
boundary to inhibit pedestrians from walking through this planter�
as a short cut to their destinations . This could easily be done if
you were also pla`cing' parking designation signs along this planter
for the north parking spaces .
2. The enlarged triangular planting island at the east end of the
above-mentioned strip planter should be eliminated. The
encroachment into the parking lot dramatically limits the ability
of vehicles parked in spaces 390 , 280 and 290 ta maneuver wh�en snow
accumulates; as well as limiting snow plowing. The installation of
a 'stone pillar at the west end of the planting island might allow
for signage as well as temporary closure {a looped chain) of the
fire lane. This might also (with the installation of other stone
pillars to the southeast) establish a more clearly designated
"Talisman Only" parking area and limit pedestrian and vehicular
access .
3 . The planter area at the west end of the northern planter (northeast
corner) which is on Talisman property, should be clear of fir type
trees so that snow storage can be accommodated. Any trees planted
in this area should be done on the Sonnenalp side of the plantere
4 . The western planter (the majority of which is on Talisman property)
, should be planted similarly to the north planter . That is using
1 1/2-2 ° caliper aspen or other deciduous trees at approximately
5 '-6 ' on center. Again, this will prohably survive winter snow
plowing accumulation better than the suggested "upright juniper" .
5 . In both the west and east planters, you may want to add several
above grade receptacles for tree lighting and car heaters, as
requested by association owners .
6 . The proposed control gate (to be selected, purchased and installed
b.y the Talisman Condominium Association) at the west entry of the
parking area, still needs to be analyzed for appropriate or desired
entry/exit controls by the association. Vail Electronics , a local
supplier and installer, can be of help to let you know what is
available, the associated costs, and perform the installation and
service of the gate selected. I am sure there are other suppliers
in the Denver area that can provide similar services . In addition,
the installation of an additional stone pillar in this area would
again provide opportunity for access signage (Talisman Only) and
better definition of Talisman property boundaries .
7 . The problems associated with access to parking spaces designated
� 240 and 250 has very limited options for better control . The
installation of pipe ballards and chains is an option used
successfully by other associations in town, but may not be the most
appropriate solution. I can only hope that a completed parking
installation (with parallel parking spaces as indicated on the PSS
drawings ) by the Sonnenalp will improve the problems which have
occurred over the past winter for these spaces .
.. . - page 3
, � _
� I'would suggest that the Talisman Association and the Sonnenalp owners
review these items (as well as any other that might have been brought
to your attention over the past winter) prior to the upcoming building
season. Once the concrete curbing, grading and asphalt work is in
place, accommodating changes such as these will become very costly to
all parties involved. Enclosed is a marked-up parking plan that may -
further explain the above-mentioned' itemsti
If I can be of further assistance or you have questions pertaining to
this matter, please call .
Sincerely, .
, �
� �
Craig N. Snowdon, AIA �
cc: Ken 0'Brien
� Bill Amass .
Amos Kaminski �
Susan Pollack
� � u
75 South Frontage Road Department of Communrty Development
Yai[, Co[orado 81657
303-479-2138 /479-2139
November 19, 1992
Mr. Ken O`Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh
1000 South Frontage Road �'Vest
Vail, Colorado 81657
RE: TCO issues for the Sonnenalp, Bavaria Haus
Dear Ken:
1►?-�rJ�r to expedite the process for the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for
the Sonnenalp, I have compiled a list of the items which I believe are currently outstanding.
From the Town's perspective, it is possibfe to delay installation and/or construction of some of
the remaining items; however, it will be necessary to execute a developer improvement
agreement which will collateralize the improvements which are proposed to be delayed until
Phase II. As an attachment to the developer improvement agreement, we will need bids for
the outstanding items. The bids may be provided by Weitz-Cohen, and will then be verified
by the Town staff. Financial guarantees must be provided at �00°!0 of the bid. Selow are lists
from the Public Works Department, the Fire Department, and Community Development
regarding the outstanding items.
Public Works
The Public Works staff would like you to schedule inspections for the issues listed below
before a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is released. They understand that you have
completed these items and would like to field verify them. Please call Greg Hall and Mike
Brake at your convenience to schedule these inspections. Their phone number is 479-2158.
1. The curb & gutter installed along Vai1 Road.
2. Drainage system installed in the parking lot.
3. The private storm sewer which circulates around the east side of the building.
It must be flushed of construction debris prior to use.
Paqe Two
November 19, 1992
4. "fhe public storm sewer along Vail Road. It must also be flushed of construction debris
prior to use.
5. All asphalt patches that have been placed.
The fo(Icv��ing items have not been completed yet, but are anticipated to be done prior to
issuance of TCO. If for any reason you believe you will not be able to complete these items
prior to the need for a TCO, please call us. At this time, we are of the understanding that all
five of the items listed below will be completed this year.
A. A temporary curb at the Chapel Bridge will need to be installed to ensure that
the drainage will work or that another system will accommodate the drainage.
B. The bus stop on Meadow Drive will need either a concrete or asphalt base.
C. The fence around the project will need to be removed and the site cleaned.
The Town understands that this will be done no later than December 14th.
D. The sidewalk along Vail Road must be in�iai�ed: Last winter, another developer
needed to construct a sidewalk prior to TCO; however, the weather did not
cooperate. As an interim solution, the developer provided a temporary sidewalk
which was reconstructed the following summer. Hopefully, the weather will
cooperate for you. If not, this may be an alternative.
E. The area between the building and Gore Creek must be cleaned up and an all
weather access will need to be provided.
Fire Department
The Fire Department is requesting that all of the following items be completed prior to TCO. If
there is any potential that one of them will not be completed, please call us. Depending on
the item, a financial guarantee may be an alternative. At this time we are of the
understanding that all five items will be completed prior to TCO.
1. Rough-in sprinkler inspections are continuing. A good portion of the building still
needs these inspections. All will have to be completed before occupancy.
2. Hydrostatic tests of the sprinkler system will be needed for the entire building.
3. Testing of the alarm system will be required.
4. Construction debris blocki�g Fire Department access will need to be removed.
5. The fire hydrant by the Bully must be rotated 180 degrees.
Page Three
November 19, 1992
Community Devefopment
Prior to temporary certificate of occupancy, the following items will need to be completed:
1. Curb and gutter in the parking lot, or a plan for piles of snow which will identify the
approved fire lane.
2. Health Department inspections of all food preparation facilities.
3. Drawing of the King Ludwig deck in conformance with the recent PEC approval.
The follov�:��;g items would ideally be completed prior to TCO; however, they may be bonded
until a later date. These include:
1. All landscaping for the project including the treatment of the Vail Road and Meadow
Drive intersection.
2. Construction of the bus stop along Meadow Drive.
3. Providing bollards by the Swiss Haus parking lot entrance in accordance with the Fire
Department standards.
4. Curb and gutter, and paving of the parking lot.
After a review of the files, staff understands that the license agreement providing the Town of
, Vail stream tract for Sonnenalp use expires on June 1, 1993. If the agreement is not
extended, the access road that is constructed in that area must be removed, the debris fence
removed, and the area revegetated according to the approved plans prior to June 1, 1993.
Please note that the willows in the area are to remain. We want to make sure you recall that
the license agreement alfows the Town to use the area of the Sonnenalp loading dock for the
purposes of reconstructing the Chapel Bridge from the time that a building permit was issued
for this project until the time that the Chapel Bridge construction is completed. The Town is
planning to do the Chapel Bridge reconstruction in the Fall of 1993.
Page Four
tdovernber 19,1992
We hope that by listing these issues now, that we can speed up the inspection process. We
look forward to wrapping up this phase of the Sonnenalp construction with you.
%� � i� / / i
�`��j�( L-�!.`' �,,t�C �-(�'�
Andy �nudt en
Town lan er
cc. Gary Murrain
Mike McGee
Greg Hall
Susan Scanlan -----
Mike Brake �
Kristan Pritz
Ron Phillips
Johannes Faessler
Gordon Pierce
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 18th day of December, 1992, by and
among Johannes Faessler (hereinafter called the "Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL
(hereinafter called the "Town").
WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approvai of the temporary certificate of
occupancy granted by the Town of Vail for the Sonnenalp Redevelopment, located at 20 Vail
Road, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, is obligated to provide security or
collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion
of certain improvements set forth below; and
WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to enter into a Development Agreement with the
Town thereby providing security to the Town that the improvements set forth below will be
completed; and
WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of
this Agreement, inciuding construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the
-----� following:
An irrevocabie letter of credit in the amount of $323,394 which shall provide the
security for the following:
1. Installation of landscaping along Vail Road. $62,827
2. Construction of the permanent curb, gutter,
sidewalk and snowmelt along Vail Road, including
an asphalt patch. Removal of the existing pan
and temporary sidewalk. $8,444
3. Installation of the curb, gutter, paving, and island
landscaping for the parking lot. $85,985
4. Construction of the berm and installation
of the landscaping along Meadow Drive. $58,296
5. Construction of the bus stop on Meadow Drive, per
approved Design Review Board plans. $11,385
6. Landscaping of southern portion of site and
restoration of the Gore Creek riparian corridor $96,457
' G
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foflowing mutual covenants and
agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows:
1. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and
material necessary to perform and complete said improvements, on or before October 1,
"fhe Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as shown on
the approved buiiding permit plans, approved Design Review Board plans, and approved
Planning and Environmental Commission plans for the project and in accordance with all
plans and specifications for the project filed in the office of the Community Development
Department, the Town of Vail, and to do ali work incidental thereto according to and in
compliance with the following:
a. All laws of the United States of America, State of Colorado, or Town of Vail and its
respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service district.
b. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter
submitted by the developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced
governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the
satisfaction of the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, and
shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town
— of Vail Community Development Department.
2. The estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $323,394.
3. The Developer may at any time subs�titute the collateral originally set forth above for
another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful compietion
of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this
Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the
Town's sole discretion.
4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be fiable or responsible
for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in triis
Agreement, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any
persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said
liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer.
The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its
officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to
which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to,
insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof)
that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and
the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses
reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any
such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in
addition to any other liability which �the Developer may have.
5. It is mutualiy agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town for release of the
collateral deposited with the Town upon completion of said improvements at such time
as referenced hereunder and approved by the Town. By the way of example, upon
completion and approval by the Town of the bus stop, the sum of $11,385 dollars shall
be released.
6. If the Developer fails to complete the improvements in accordance with all the
specifications set forth herein no later than October 1, 1993, the Town may withdraw
and employ from the letter of credit or from the cash escrow such funds as may be
necessary to complete the unfinished improvements.
7. "fhe parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to
time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto.
8. This Agreement shall be enforceable against the Developer provided, however, that in
the event the Developer sells or transfers �the property, the obligations of the Developer
under this Agreement may be assumed by the purchaser of the property and
Developer shall have no further obligations hereunder. It is agreed, however, that no
such assumption of these obligations shall be effective unless the Town gives its prior
approval to such assumption, following an investigation of the financial condition of the
BY: `�
Joh n es �aessler
) ss.
The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this
/S�a'day of �(JJ�e,�.�.,��t/ , 19�by Joharines Faessler.
Witness my hand and official seal. .
My commission expires on: ��s_%�
��yr,c. �• � '��
Notary . blic
Rondall V. Phillips, Town Manager
) ss.
The foregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this
day of , 19_ by Rondall V. Phillips.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires on:
Notary Public
c:�andy\adm inlsonn en.d15
f�AGE�1 � � `
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rtLE SI(E T13a DECEIIDER 14, 19'�2
! I I I I I
---------------------------------------------I I I I I I
022 LRNDSCAPING 8 IRRIGATION S� 8,4b5 I e.ba e 1 �3.be B I 6.5e 54,633 1 s54,632.5y 1 1
i I I I I I
JOB SERUICE AND fEE 15.de�i I I I i8,1'35 I I
I I I I---------------I I
TOTAL , I i I I f62,827 I I
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et2 EARTHNOkit S� 8'3e I 6.!+b e I e.�+a e I 1.he t39d I �f8'�b.rn I � ►
�+3e COMCkETE SIDE4IALK 5F bi6 I i+.He a I 1.5r 1,335 I 2.HN 1,76a I i3,115.Hi+ I I
►34e CONC. PAUERS S� 89e I e.NO 6 i 6.r6 a I 3.75 3,3d8 i f3,;i37.5d I i
I I I ' i I
JOB StFcUILE NhD F'Et ]S.bb�l i ' � il,�bl I I
I I I I---------------I I
TOiA� I I I I s8,444 i I
I . I I I I I
--------------------------------------------I l I I I I
e22 EARTNNQkK SF 24,3`�e I 6.Ne 6 I y.Ne 0 I l.�a 24,39a I 524,39a.6d I I
(+22 ASPNALT F�AUING SY �,71a I H.dN n I 6.6a H I 14.5n 39,295 I 539,295.�H I I
e3a LANDSCAPlNG & IkkIGATIOrI SF 2�7 I a.eb N i 9.ae t� I 7.6y 1,729 i 31,729.b6 I I
h22 COHCRETE CUkBS LF 1,�3] I b.hH H I 3.Na 3,693 I 4.6h 5,6E3 I f'�,355.6H I i
I i i I I I
, OET�IL E�TIl1Aft
FILE SII'E T13e DECEI99ER 14, 1992
I I I I---------------I I
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N�2 EARTNWDkK CY 7,51H I N.nb 6 I H.br E� I N.75 5,63s I 55,632.56 I I
a22 LAN05CAPIhG 8 IRRIGATION Sf 7,Sla I e.t�� e i h.E�e a I 6.�se 45,nGh I b45,660.66 I I
JDB StkVICE AND ftE 15.eo7cl I I I i7,6�.i4 I I
I I I I---------------I I
iDTAL I i i I 558,296 i I
bt1S S10P A1 EA5T �1EAD01� DkIVE I I i I I I �- `
I i i I I I
--------------------------------------------� I I i I I
622 EARTNNO�tK Sf 2da I e.ae a I 6.ee d I 2.50 5d�� I a5a�f.he i I
l+3Q CONCRETE f DUNDATIDNS CY 15 I N.NH H I 9i+.Hi+ 1,i!N6 I 8d.66 1,cNi+ I i2,4ril.06 I I
l�4d t1A5DNRY 5F 2Nd i 0.bd d I d.�ia d I 35.d0 7,6b6 I S7,6e�.e0 I I
I I I I " I I
JOB SERVICE AND FEE 15.en�i i I i ti1,4D5 I I
I I I I---------------I I
TOTNL I I I I �11,365 I I
I I i I I I
-------------------------------------�----------••--------------------------__°___----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I �y
i I I i I I
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FILE SITE T13d llECEMDER 14, 19'3�
--------------------------------------------I I I 1 ( I
a22 EARTNUORK 5r 11,563 I e.6a b I a.b0 e i e.'!5 4,677 I f4,6l6.15 I I
H22 LANDSCARING & IRRIGATIDN 5F 11,563 I n.Nr a I H.e6 6 I 6.56 7�,13`j I f75,15b.56 I i
� I I I I i
JOB SEkVICE RND fEE 15.nn7cl I I { Li2,5b1 I !
I I I I---------------I I
TOTAL I I I I 556,451 I I
I i I i I I
I I I I i I
GRAND T�TAL I I I I 5323,3i4 I I
OF VAIL 17 VAIL ROAD VAIL,COLORADO 81657 303-476-5686
DATE: December 18, 1992
AMOUNT: $323,394.00
NUMBER: 800-4498-A
EXPIRATION: October 1, 1993
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Rd. West
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Gentlemen:
We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by
your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Vail, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado
81657, at sight for any sum not exceeding the total of Three Hundred Twenty-
Three Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Four and NO/100 ($323,394.00) on the
account of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. , 20 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657.
Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Letter of Credit
No. 800-4498-A dated December 18, 1992, of FirstBank of Vail, Vail, Colorado. "
Each draft must be accompanied by a statement by a duly authorized officer of
' Town of Vail stating that this draw is in connection with funds needed for the
account of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. .
The amount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this credit,
together with the date of negotiation, must be endorsed on the reverse side of
the Letter of Credit.
We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit and in
compliance with the terms, shall be promptly honored if presented to FirstBank
of Vail on or before October 1, 1993.
� y.��.�����,_
Andrew H. Hancock
Senior Vice President
> 1
7S South Frontage Road Depart�rtent of Community Developntent
Vail, Colorado 81657
303-479-2138 /479-2139
December 17, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh
1000 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Follow-up on TCO issues
Dear Ken:
I thought it would be helpful for me to list the items identified in the letter of November 19, �
1992 and show which items have been completed but need verification next spring, which ones
need inspection at this time (i.e. today or tomorrow), which ones are bonded and will be inspected
next fall.
A. Items which have been inspected, generally accepted, but need verification in the spring.
1. The private drainage system installed in the parking lot.
2. The private storm sewer wPiich circulates around the east side of the building.
3. The public storm sewer along Vail Road.
4. All asphalt patches that have been made.
B. Items which must be inspected at this time.
1. The site along Gore Creek must be cleaned up.
2. The fence must be removed.
3. A temporary sidewalk must be poured from the porte cochere to Meadow Drive.
4. All Fire Dept. concerns and Building Dept. concerns must be addressed.
5. The drawing of the PEC approval for the grade around the King Ludwig deck (may be
submitted 12-22-92).
C. Items which area bonded and mav wait until next fall for inspection.
1. All landscaping.
2. Parking lot construction.
3. Bollards by the Swiss Haus. This work shall be coordinated with the relocation of the gate by
Public Works.)
4. The permanent curb and gutter for the entire length of Vail Road.
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
December 17, 1992
Page two
D. Bus stop
1. The bus stop is to be constructed in April 1993, according to the approved DRB plans.
Please call me so that we can take care of the items which require immediate attention. We are
availabie to inspect them as soon as they are completed. Thank you for your attention to all of
the Town's requirements.
t� �� N ,
dy Kn dtsen
Town anner
' , �,
. ���
7S South Fro�ltage Koad Depart�nent of Community Develo�;��ae�tt
I�ail, Colorado 81657
303-479-2138 /479-2139
December 17, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh
1000 South Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Follow-up on TCO issues
Dear Ken:
I thought it would be helpful for me to fist the items identified in the letter of November 19,
1992 and show which items have been completed but need verification next spring, which ones
need inspection at this time (i.e. today or tomorrow), which ones are bonded and will be inspected
next fall.
A. Items which have been inspected, �enerally accepted, but need verification in the sprinq.
1. The private drainage system installed in the parking lot.
2. The private storm sewer which circulates around the east side of the building.
3. The public storm sewer along Vail Road.
4. All asphalt patches that have been made.
B. Items which must be inspected at this time.
1. The site along Gore Creek must be cleaned up.
2. The fence must be removed.
3. A temporary sidewalk must be poured from the porte cochere to Meadow Drive.
4. All Fire Dept. concerns and Bullding Dept. concerns must be addressed.
5. The drawing of the PEC approval for the grade around the King Ludwig deck (may be
submitted 12-22-92).
C. Items which area bonded and maY wait until next fall for inspection.
1. All landscaping.
2. Parking lot construction.
3. Bollards by the Swiss Haus. This work shall be coordinated with the relocation of the gate by
Public Works.)
4. The permanent curb and gutter for the entire length of Vail Road.
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
December 17, 1992
Page two
D. Bus stop
1. The bus stop is to be constructed in April 1993, according to the approved DRB plans.
Please call me so that we can take care of the items which require immediate attention. We are
available to inspect them as soon as they are completed. Thank you for your attention to all of
the Town's requirements.
� �I
j�, -- f- `�'�-
dy Kn dtsen ,
Town anner
,.. ,..
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75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development
T�ail, Colorado 81657
303-479-2138 /479-2139
November 19, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg and Spaeh
1000 Soutri Frontage Road West
Vail, Colorado 81657
RE: TCO issues for the Sonnenalp, Bavaria Haus
Dear Ken:
In order to expedite the process for the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for
the Sonnenalp, I have compiled a list of the items which I believe are currently outstanding.
From the Town's perspective, it is possible to delay installation and/or construction of some of
the remaining items; however, it will be necessary to execute a developer improvement
agreement which will collateralize the improvements which are proposed to be delayed until
Phase II. As an attachment to the developer improvement agreement, we will need bids for
the outstanding items. The bids may be provided by Weitz-Cohen, and will then be verified
by the Town staff. Financial guarantees must be provided at 100% of the bid. Below are lists
from the Public Works Department, the Fire Department, and Community Development
regarding the outstanding items.
Public Works
The Public Works staff would like you to schedule inspections for the issues listed below
before a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is released. They understand that you have
completed these items and would like to field verify them. Please call Greg Hall and Mike
Brake at your convenience to schedule these inspecti�ns. Their phone number is 479-2158.
����'1. The curb & gutter installed along Vail Road.✓
, r, , �
,. . ;
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° ?:� Drainage system installed in the parking lot. �, � � ��� ���� ��
{, , ,,; � .: r
_�� .
;. �
3. The private storm sewer which circulates around the ea`�t side of the building. {
�, �.,�: r..
It must be flushed of construction debris prior to use. �;r
Page Two
Nover�bQr y�9, y9�2 � �-�
O'Bryan _
�� .,
�, � x , .
,.� .
�.4: v The public storm sewer along Vail Road. It must also be flushed of construction debris
prior to use.
„ y>< � � p p p , .
All as halt atches that have been laced. �_ �
, �,. �,,
:��. � � � � � � � � � ' �'� ;
� � �°The following items have not been completed yet, but are anticipated to be done prior to
�` �' issuance of TCO. lf for any reason you believe you will not be able to complete these items
_ �� prior to the need for a TCO, please`call us. At this time, we are of the understanding that all
five of the items listed below will be completed this year.
�i'A. A temporary curb at the Chapel Bridge will need to be installed to ensure that �z�-L
the drainage will work or that another system will accommodate the drainage.
B: The bus stop on Meadow Drive will need either a concrete or asphalt base. '? ?
C. The fence around the project will need to be removed and the site cleaned. --
The Town understands that this will be done no later than December 14th. l�. �t -��
••~'D. The sidewalk along Vail Road must be installed. Last winter, another developer
•-~- needed to construct a sidewalk prior to TCO; however, the weather did not
: ; �, �..,,�":�� cooperate. As an interim solution, the developer provided a temporary sidewalk
which was reconstructed the following summer. Hopefully, the weather ' --------
cooperate for yoia. If not, this may be an alternative. ��tv�( � c�,,� �, �-
E. The area between the building and Gore Cre k must be�aned up and an all
1 weather access will need to be provide �`�`
�� ��� � �
. �
Fire Department � �
The Fire Department is requesting that all of the following items be completed prior to TCO. If
there is any potential that one of them will not be completed, please call us. Depending on
the item, a financial guarantee may be an alternative. At this time we are of the
understanding that all five items will be completed prior to TCO.
,����`/ 1. Rough-in sprinkler inspections are continuing. A good portion of the building still
V" / needs these inspections. All will have to be completed before occupancy.
���'i 2. Hydrostatic tests of the sprinkler system will be needed for the entire building.
;° '. Testing of the alarm system will be required. �--"" ✓ �� �.��� ����
� 4. Construction debris blocking Fire Department access will need to be removed.
_,��(�5: The fire hydrant by the Bully must be rotated 180 degrees.
Page Three
November 19, 1992
Community Development
Prior to temporary certificate of occupancy, the following items will need to be completed;
��1. Curb and gutter in the parking lot, or a plan for piles of snow which will identify the
approved fire lane.
�� 2. Health Department inspections of all food preparation facilities.
�$.. Drawing of the King Ludwig deck in conformance with the recent PEC approval.
"fhe following items would ideally be completed prior to 'fCO; however, they may be bonded
until a later date. 'fhese include:
�'1. All landscaping for the project including the#reatment of the Vail Road and Meadow
Drive intersection, jt,,� �
�2. Construction of the bus stop along Meadow Drive. �Uvf-�
3. Providing bollards by the Swiss Haus parking lot entrance in accordance wi�th the Fire
Department standards. /�,� �
� 4. Curb and gutter, and paving of the parking lot. �� �
After a review of the files, staff understands that the license agreement providing the "fown of
Vail stream tract for Sonnenalp use expires on June 1, 1993. If the agreement is not
extended, the access road that is constructed in that area must be removed, the debris fence
removed, and the area revegetated according to the approved plans prior to June 1, 1993.
Please note that the willows in the area are to remain. We want to make sure you recall that
the license agreement allows the Town to use the area of the Sonnenalp loading dock for the
purposes of reconstriacting the Chapel Bridge from the time that a building permit was issued
for this project until the time that the Chapel Bridge construction is completed. The Town is
planning to do the Chapel Bridge reconstruction in the Fall of 1993.
:�;�,�- �SC%ja'� G" �'�Z°� �
c�rL��i��c ���tv
Page Four
November 19,1992
We hope that by listing these issues now, that we can speed up the inspection process, We
look forward to wrapping up this phase of the Sonnenalp construction with you.
'' �
� �.{� � � �
Andy nudt en
Town lan er
cc. Gary Murrain
Mike McGee
Greg Hail
Susan Scarilan
Mike Brake
Kristan Pritz
�Ron Phillips �
Johannes Faessler
Gordon Pierce
Project Application '
Date �.��� 1�� 199�
Project t�ame;: ���3������,�.��°���' �� ���� �.�����.'����`
' ��.� ��`�Z�� C�� �Z�'� �'L�I�� �,�..�a��Z��� �'�;�T�� :��� �� _ f��i?�.�°
Project Description:
n,T., .. . _
Co�tact Person end Phone �'�� '������'�� �'�����'� '�������-� � ��'���
��Jt�� �� ��.�#�t'��.4�� �C� ���'� ?J,���,� �(� ���a.�7
Owner, Address and Phone: ����'tl��� ;�'A��S�,�II�,. 2(� iT�.�� I��t3� �'A�L �£} �1657
Architect, Address and Phone:
Lsgal Descrip#ion: Lot` � '� � , Block �`�� ,'filing ' ���� ������� �-�� , Zone
Comments: �J �'��,�����'� �����C�� ��.��'���� �� ���i.����
'' Design Review Board
Date �RCI3 1.�, 1�92
Motion by: ����`'�� �°��
Seconded by: ��� ���������
'��a 5-�3
Summary: 1�PI'Td.t3���3 �}I�H T�I�` �C3I�3I�IU�T '�HA� ���' ��'I'����.�dT �.ET�7RI� '�£} �"�3�
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CC3��� Ct�" V�IL �C7A� :��3 I�IEA77£�� I�RI�E<
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Town Plan r. �` ❑ Staff Approval
Date: a��R��3. 24� I��31 ;
� ,.
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TO: Sonnenalp File
FROM: Andy Knudtsen
DATE: March 20, 1992 .
SUBJECL• Design Review Board Approval
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On March 18, 1992, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Sonnenalp reconstruction
project. Issues were resolved as follows
1. Sidewalk on the corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road will taper.
2. Fire hydrant will be focated close to the loading dock and will not be located anywhere near the
Bully deck.
3. Streamwalk is shown on all landscape plans, including the area next to the Chapel Bridge.
4. Willows will remain in the back of the site. �
5. The four valet spaces within the auto court do not count toward the parking supply,
6. There will be two bollards placed in the emergency fire entrance by the Swiss Haus.
Ken O'Bryan agreed to all of the issues outlined above on March 18, and initialed the areas of the plan
where they.are drawn.
Staff brought the following issues to the Design Review Board for discussion. Their position is as
stated below:
1. The native grasses along Meadow Drive are acceptable. They would like to see the Town stop
planting traditional flower beds to reflect the more natura! design by HRV.
2. The bus stop design is acceptable, and the lack of pedestrian access is also acceptable.
3. All materials are fine.
4. The paver pattern and color is acceptable. The color is similar to the sidewalk in front of the
Holiday House. The pattern will have more variety, and the pavers will be rounded.
5. There does seem to be adequate plantings within the pa�cing 1ot, and they specifically looked at
the plantings at the base of the building. They said there were enough.
� 6. They approved the project with the condition that the applicant return with a finished design for
the corner of Vail Road and Meadow Drive.
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75 south fromage road office of community developmeM
vail,colorado 81657
March 10, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce Segerberg Spaeh
1000 S Frontage Road W
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Sonnenalp Building Permit
Dear Ken:
"fhank you for submitting all of the various plans on the Sonnenalp project last week. With
ihose, i believe we can proceed to the Design Review Board (DRB). We appreciate your
cooperation in providing the drawings.
In order to issue a building permit by Apr�l 1, 1992, the Town needs to review the items which
were tied to the building permit when the project was approved by the Planning and
Environmental Commission (PEC). Please submit the following information by March 19,
1. The Vail Road curb alignment and engineering drawings.
2. The license agreement with the Talismari,
3. "fhe employee unit deed restrictions.
4. Letters from your engineer stating that the roof above the "back-of-house" area
can support a fire truck and that the sprinkler water flow for the hotel meets the
Fire Department standards.
By submitting them by March 19th, the staff will have approximately a week and one half to
insure that they comply with the standards of the Town. Please be aware that the Town will
need a check covering the costs of relocating the gate in front of the Swiss Haus at the time
that the building permit is picked up. I am warking with Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, on a
budget for the gate relocation and we will be giving that to you shortly.
� .
Below is the fiollowing schedule for the rest of the public hearir�gs on this project.
March 10, 1992 Rev�ew of the license agreement for the Sonnenaip.
March 17, 1992 First Reading of the code amendment allowing staging in�
the parking zone district.
March 18, 1992 Final Design Review Board hearing (DRB).
� April 7, i992 Second Reading of the code amendment.
April 13, 1992 Gonditional Use hearing in front of the Planning and
Environmental Gommission (PEG� for construction staging
on the Vail Assaciates West day 1ot.
Please call me a few days before each of the hearings if you would like to know the
approximate time the item will be on the agendas. We are expecting you or another
representative from the Sonnenalp to be at each of these hearings.
From conversations with you, Dave Beadle, and John Gochran, I understand that the
construction fence will be buift on the north side of the berm along Meadow Drive. A portion
of that berm will be demolished during construction. However, the irrigation system will be
spliced and maintained so that the rest of the Meadaw Driveberm east of the construction site
will continue to be watered throughout the summer. The Town will plant and maintain the
berm east of the construction site during the summer of 1992. I understand that the
Sonnenalp will be rebuilding the berm, re-landscaping it and maintaining all of it in the future.
- The irrigation system, however, will be connected to a source of Town water. The Town will
supply water to the portion of the berm extending from the bus stop to the Swiss House. The
Sorinenalp will supply water to its separate irrigation system which begins at the bus stop
and extends west and then south along Vail Road. Please let me know if any of this is not
what you understand the situation to be.
I understand from Dave Beadle �that you would like to apply for a sign variance to allow a sign
on Town of Vail right-of-way and apply for a variance to allow the patio to encroach into the
rear yard setback. I understand we will be dealing with these issues after the building permit
is issued. Please let me know, later, if you would like to pursue these requests and I can
send you the application forms.
Tharlk you for ypur cooperation.
Sincer ly, )
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TO: Planning and Environmental Commission �
FROM: Communi Development Department ��� � � — � �
DATE. March,9, i 992
SUBJECT: A request to amend Section i 8.34, Parking Zone District of the Va'il Muhicipal
Code to allow construction staging as a conditional use.
Applicants: Vail Associates/Sonnenalp Properties'
Planner. : Andy Knudtsen
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The request made by the applicant, Johannes Faessler, is to amend Chapter 18.34, Parking
District, of the Vail Municipal Code to include temporary construction staging as a conditional
use. Chapter i 8.34 regulates the Parking Zone District for the Town. The tfiree sites within
the Town which have this zoning include the Lionshead Parking Structure, the parking lot east
of the Garden of the Gods (underlying zoning for a portion of the SDD), and the Wesf Day Lot
owned by Vail Associates.
The applicant plans to renovate the Bavaria Haus durir�g the summers of 1992 and 1993.
This extensive renovation will require a staging area that is off-site. Jn ;the past, other
redevelopment projects in the Village have used the upper bench of Ford Park as a staging
area. Because of the in nd develo ment of the ark in recent ears, the Tow is
no longer allowin rivate contractors to use the ark for sta in . Staff has worked with the
arc itect for the Sonnenalp Hotel, Ken O'Bryan,to try to identify a site for staging which would
be compatible with adjacent uses. After reviewing several sites, the applicant was successful
in negotiating an agreement with Vail Associates for the use of the West Day Lot, adjacent to
the Marriott in Lionshead. However, before staging can take place on that lot, 'the zoning
code must be amended to include construction staging'as a conditional use. Following that
amendment process, the applicant must receive an approved conditional use'permit.
Below is all of the text included in Chapter 18.34, Parking District. 'The proposed text is `
shaded in grey.
. 18.34.010 - Purpose �
The parkir�g district is intended to provide sites for private or public unstructured
off-street vehicle parking and conditionally to provide for private or public off-
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� street vehicle parking structures and pri�ate or�public parks and recreational �
facilities: Theparking district is intended'to allow such uS�S €���+es while
ensuring adequate light, air, privacy and open space #or each valid use in
adjacent areas. (Ord. 2(1976) § 3`(part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.100.)
`18:34:020 - Permitted Uses
The #ollowing uses shall be permitted in the P district:
Private orpublic unstructured off-street vehicle parking. (Ord. 2(1976) § 3 ,
(part): Ord. 8(1973) § 24.200.)
18.34.030 - Conditional Uses
The following conditional uses shall be permitted subject to'issuance of a
conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of`Chapter 1$.60:'
A. Private or public off-street vehicle,parking structures;
B. Private or public parks and recreational #acilities �
C. Public uses, private office and commercial uses that are transportation;
tourist or town re(ated and that are accessory to a parking structure:�
D. Major arcade:;
�' :�'e�por�r�r�a�stru�t��ar���a��ng�r�a ���f���urpa��s�f thr�par�rap�x a
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(Ord. 6(1982) § 2a: Ord. 33{1981) § 1: Ord. 2{1976) § 3 (part): Ord. 8(1973) §
18.34.040 - Accessory Uses
A. Minor arcade.
(Ord. 6(1982) § 2b: Ord. 33(1981) § 1: Ord. 2(1976) § 3 (part): Ord. 8(1973) §;
W�th#he addition of temporary construction stag+ng as a conditional review in this zone district,
staff believes it may help facilitate redevelopment within the Town.'` In the past, some projects
which have been renovated have used Town-owned land for the staging area. Now that the .
Ford:Park site is no longer available, staff believes another option should be provided. This
proposal would offer an alternative for staging, but would not create uncontrollable impacts.
The change in the zoning code, as it is proposed, will al(ow the construction staging only as a
conditional use. Therefore, the Planning and Environmenta( Commission'will always have the
opportunity to review any proposed staging site. During the review,the PEC can place
conditions on the request to ensure the proposed use will be compatible with adjacent
properties, if the prop�sed amendment is approved. The Sonnenalp is planning to return to
the PEC on April 13, 1992 for a conditional use hearing on the West Day Lot site. �
Given the fact that this use is allowed only after approval of the conditional review, staff
believes #he code change will have few, if any, unmitigated negative impacts. The positive
sffects are that the Town will be providing an option for construction staging to those who
undertake large renovation projects in the Town, while also allowing for PEC review to ensure
the community is not negatively impacted.
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75 south frontage road
vail,colorado 81657
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To: �./ ��' �1���~-�
FAX PHONE NUMBER: ��� � '�� 6 C�
FROM: ��4\���� � -
DATE: t��� TIME: 3 �C��Z�
� � -
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1992,
between the Sonnenalp Hotel,a Colorado corporation("Sonnenalp"),and the Town of Vail,a
Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town").
A. The Sonnenalp owns certain real property described as Lot I, Block 5E,Vail
Village First Flling, Eagle County, Colorado,upon which the Sonnenalp Hotel has been
constructed("the Sonnenalp Property").
B. The Sonnenalp wishes to do a major renovation to the hotel on the Sonnenalp ,
Property, but does not have sufficient access on the Sonnenalp Property to allow for the
construction of the renovation.
C. The Town is the owner of certain property immediately south of and adjacent to
the Property("the Vail Property"),and is willing to grant the Sonnenalp a license to use a
portion of the Vail Property for temporary access to the Sonnenalp Property during the period
of time the construction of the renovation of the hotel is in process.
tVOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained
herein, the parties agree as follows:
1. The Town hereby grants the Sonnenalp a license over the Property generally
described as the 20-foot stripe of land, immediately south of the Sonnenalp Property, more
part+cularly described in Exhibit A("the licensed Property")for the purpose of providing the
Sonnenalp access to the Sonnenalp Property for the construction of the renovation of the
hotel. The Sonnenaip,during the term of this license, may install, maintain,and use a
roadway on the licensed Property to provide access for construction vehicles to the rear
portion of the Sonnenalp Property. The Sonnenalp shai{obtain the written approval of the �
Town of the plans to be utilized for the construction of the road prior to the commencement of
such construction.
2. Prior to the commencement of any construction activity on the Property,the
Sonnenalp shall erect a construclion fence for 1he protection of 1he slream from conslruction ;
activity. The Town shall approve the plans for the fence prior to the commencement of its
3. Prior to the issuance of any temporary Certificate of Occupancy for any portion
of the renovated hotel, the Sonnenalp shail totaliy remove the temporary access road as well
as the construction fence, and shall revegetate the Town property according to the landscape
plan approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board on March_, 1992. 7o insure the
removal of the road and the construction fence and the revegetation of the Town property as
set forth herein, the Sonnenalp shall provide collateral to the Town in an amount and form
acceptable to the Town prior to being granted a building permit for the construction of the
renovation of the hoteL
• 4. The license granted by the Town to the Sonnenalp pursuant to this Agreement
shall commence on the date this agreement is executed and shall terminate upon the
issuance of a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the renovation of the hotel, but in no
event later than
5. The parties understand it is the Town's intention to rebuild the Vail Road Bridge
over Gore Creek adjacent to the Sonnenalp Property during the Summer of 1993, and require
the use of a portion of the Sonnenalp Properiy generally described as a�foot wide strip of
land located between the Sonnenalp loading deck and the Vail Road right-of-way more
particularly described in Exhibit B. The Sonnenalp hereby fully consents and agrees to the
rebuilding of the Vail Road Bridge and the use of a portion of the Sonnenalp property
described in Exhibit B.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is signed on the date and year first set
TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation •
Rondall V. Phillips,Town Manager
By: •
Johannes Faessler, President ,
» � ��ti �
� � m
Pierce , Segerberg & Spaeh � Architects e P. � . � A. I. A,
February 27, 1992
Town of Vail
Office of Community Development
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail , C0. 81657
Attn : Andy Knudtsen
Re: Hotel Sonnenalp, D.R. B. Meeting - Request for I`�larch 4, 1992
1�leeting as Scheduled
Dear Andy,
In response to your letter dated February 11, 1992 regarding the
Sonnenalp Building Permit Review, please note the following:
PARKING LOT AREA: As listed in your above mentioned letter ""fhe
number of valet, compact and large spaces and aisle widths can be
incorporated into the lot in such a way that no variances are
needed, and some additional landscaping can be provided. " At
your request and per your re-designed plan, we are planning to
incorporate your ideas into our proposal . However, a ne�v parking
plan shall not be submitted due to the result of your anal,�sis as
stated above. Your additional landscaping ideas shall be presented
to the Design Review Board on the day of the meeting. Furthermore,
you requested that we provide you with the specific size of each
�ree to be planted. If you review the landscaping plans submitted
to you on January 23, 1992 for the Design Review Qoard Meeting,
you will see that these sizes have been shown.
I�IEADOW DRIVE SECTIOIV: L�e have discussed the issues involving the
Bus-Stop and a possible pedestrian passageway thru the burm at this
location. For good reasons we do not plan on changing our proposal ._
therefore, we plan to present our ideas to the Design Review Board
r their input and decision. The portion of the east 1�leadow Drive
6"a m located outside the construction fence will be available for
la ting by the Town. The Town's irrigation system shall remain
in operation until the start of construction for phase 2. The
future irrigation plans, as discussed months ago, shall,—r� in similar. `� �� S�
The Town 's system shall be used for the east end of thc�bur and the � � �,�, ��.
Sonnenalp's system for the west sections of the burm. also feel � ���� .,�
that native grasses as proposed in this area are very appropriate and
plan to present this to the Design Review Board.
VAIL ROAD: We have discussed the location of our proposed E. O.P.
along this area (it shall remain where it currently is) . Actually the
road will be effectivPly widened by approx. 1' -6" due to our insallation
of a curb and gutter in this area. All site walls have been reduced
to heights allowed. We will not widen the new 6'-0" wide sidewa1k
as proposed in this area to 8'-0" wide as you suggest. Under past
Main Office: 1000 South Frontage Road West � Vail, Colorado 81657 = 303/476-4433
One Tabor Center • 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 515 • Denver, Colorado 80202 • 303/623-3355
proposals staff suggested that we widen a proposed 4'-0" walk in
this area to 5' -0" . We feel that a 6'-0" walk is more than adequate
for pedestrian traffic in this area.
REAR PORTION OF SITE: You have asked for a 12' wide corridor. We
have provided such. "fhe terrace has been removed from town land.
This was a drafting error. If you refer to other drawings in this
area you will see that the terrace will not enchroach onto town land.
The willows near the stream will not be effected due to their location
and existing grades in this area.
MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES: Please find enclosed an updated materials list.
As specifically requested by the D. R.B. , drawings showing the fascia,
snow guards and fencing have been supplied in the January 23 submittal .
Color chips shall be presented to the design review board on the day
of the meeting. Also submitted within this same package are �11 the
room types so you can verify the non-existance of any kitchens or
This concludes the review of your February 11, 1992 letter. I feel
that NO ADDITIONAL DRAWINGS ARE REQUIRED therefore none shall be
On behalf of the owners of the Sonnenalp Hotel we request that the
D. R. B. meeting stay as scheduled on March 4, 1992 instead of
moving it back to March 18, 1992 as you suggest.
'x �A � ��� ,::�._..,...---�
Ken A. 0'Bryan
Project Architect
cc: Karl & Johannes Faessler
Gordon Pierce
Hyatt, Raines & Vitek
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Feb. 28, 1992
Mr. Andy Knudten -
Town Planner � �-�„a.�
Town of Vail , � �������_�
75 S. Frontage Rd. �.���������
Vail, CO 81657 ��� ��
RE: Sonnenalp Hotel
Dear Andy:
The following are responses to the comments contained in the letter dated 2/11/92 (copy
attached) reviewing issues still pending on the Sonnenalp Hotel redevelopment as they affect the
site landscape improvements.
1. Parldng Lot Area
The plan for the parking lot at the Sonnenalp has been prepared by Pierce, Segerberg
and Spaeh Architects. Additional areas of landscape have been incorporated into the
parking lot plan since the time landscape plans were originally submitted for review.
These additional landscape areas were determined in a meeting between yourself and Ken
O'Brien and increase the landscape area in the lot by approximately 750 sq. ft. over the
originally submitted landscape plans. These areas are cunently being incorporated into
the landscape construction plans.
The landscape material added to these areas is consistent with the material shown on
previous submitted landscape plans. This material includes aspen in sizes ranging from
1"-6" caliper (approximately 8'-18' tall) and spruce in sizes ranging from 6'-12' tall.
Efforts will be made to remove the existing spruce and aspen trees form the parking lot
this spring, and reinstall them after construction is complete.
2. Meadow Drive
The proposed design for the bus stop is approximately 50% larger than the existing
facility, and incorporates benches for seating. The cunent proposed design works best
with the mounding of the berm proposed between Meadow Drive and the parking lot.
As an operational decision, the Hotel wants to minimize pedestrian circulation through
the parking lot, so no pedestrian passageway will be incorporated into the design
between the parking lot and the bus stop.
While most of the berm will be outside of the construction fence, there will be
demolition within the berm including wall removal and tree removal. This demolition
may disrupt the Town's streetscape flower planting. Also, the berm itself is intended
to be improved with a higher mounting and upgraded landscape. The existing irrigation
system in the berm along Meadow Drive will be demolished during berm reconstruction
and reinstalled during landscaped installation. The landscape in the berm west of the
Talisman Condominium will be irrigated and maintained by the Sonnenalp. The
landscape in the berm east of the Talisman Condominium will be maintained by the
1414 Pear2 Street
Boulder,Colorado 80302
303 444 41b5
Fax 303 444 0468
Mr. Andy Knudten
February 28, 1992
Page 2
Sonnenalp, with a new imgation system installed and reconnected to the town-owned
source in Meadow Drive. The native grasses proposed along Meadow Drive will
provide an attractive natural image with perennial flowers incorporated into the grasses
to provide seasonal color. These landscape materials will be maintained by the
Sonnenalp. The nanow sidewalk along Meadow Drive has been removed from the
3. Vail Road
The wall along the Vail Road sidewalk has been revised per the attached sketch with the
hotel sign located as noted. A preliminary sketch of the sign has also been attached.
The walk along Vail Road is designed to be 6' wide as per original Town comments.
The Sonnenalp will maintain azeas of sidewalk and landscape abutting the Hotel property
along Vail Road and Meadow Drive.
4: Rear Position of Site
A 12' wide comdor will be preseved along the creek side of the hotel. All tenace walls
have been removed from Town property. Existing willows will not be disturbed by
construction. All grasses in the rear of the hotel will be native, and will not be mowed.
5. Miscellaneous Issues
No site walls will exceed 3' tall in the front yard setback, or 6' tall in other places.
Other issues outlinedd within the letter dated 2/11/92 have been addressed elsewhere by
Ken O'Brian with Pierce, Segerberg, and Spaeh Architects. Should you have any
questions regarding the issues addressed in this letter, please call me at your
�'W / ` ��`G�/� �-�G
Dave Beadle
cc: Ken O'Bryan
Johannes Faesler
1414 Pearl Street
Boulder,Colorado 80302
303 444 4165
Fax 303 444 0468
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FEB-20-92 Trili i5� 15 T�wn of F�a� l ^L r� - ----- ----------r-'r-� ------
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7;+soutt� ftart(8ge ro�d office af�ommunity deveiopment �
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(303j 475-2i38 .
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Iv1r. K�n C�'6ry�n � ���IS �
Pierce, S�aE�erc� & Spaeh ,�.'��
1 C�0 S. Frortage Raa� We�t �'
Vail, CQ 81�5�
Re: Sonrtenaip Built�ing Perm�t Revie��
pear Ken.
�taff has reviavved the building permit plar,s for th� Sonnenalp and, as with most �rojec�s, the
building permit drawings ar� more spec��ic tf�ar� t�e concepts shown to the Planning and ;
E�vironmentaf Comrnission, Now ti�at wa have had the opportunity t4 review t,'�e s�ecifics, w� �
have some comments. Some o` them ar� smply r�quests for additiona! irforma+,�an, Cthers
in�volve suggestions fo!� mooifications ;a the drawings. h{one ertaii s�gniYicant cl�anges to the
design, 1 have tried t� group ti�e vari�us issues accor��n� to tr� differer+t areas of the site tn
make this letter as clear as possible.
Rarking t�at Area: �taff nas c�.lcul�ted the a�ea of t"e landscaping islar�ds, and 'rt appears
that th� current pfan has approximateiy �!3 less infert�r parking 1ot landsc�ping than th� plan
th� PEC ap�rovecl, F�om staff analysis, the number ef valet spaces, compact spaces, large ,,1r
sp�ces and aisie widths can be incor�orated in}o the lot in such a way that no variances are
nee�et�, and some addit;onai fandscapinc� can be prnvid�d. Sta�f wo�ald fike to me�t with ycu
ta discuss tF�e po�sibie arijustm�nts_ We be!ieve the landscaping is criticac, as it huffers the �
parking Iot Erom Meadow Drive. ir� �dd+tion, pl��se proyide ihe ��ecifi�; siz� for ea�n tr�� t0
be plante� within the intar4or (ar�dscaping islan�s and in the pianter� nex� to the buiiding on
t�e fandscape �1an, �o that s;aff be�ter understands the �Ianting plan,
F�i�adc�w Drive Sectior�: Thank ya� for svbmitting the detailed pians far the bus stop area �,,-
and intersection area. Staff wo�ld like ta discuss variaus o�tio�s with ycu far the bus stop
desi�n. At a mir�imum, we would like to see a pedestri�n passa�e�vay through the berm from
Meadow pr{ve to the Sdnnen�lp. At this tirne, there are fhree paths which go through the
berm. St�ff beli�ves i± would be be��e€iciaf t� keep at ieast one access. Staff beiieves some
_ i_�,u cu—•�c inu i�� i� iown oi v3� 1 t'rin l�v, .�JJ41y�!�I Y, U�
Mr. Ken C'Bryan
�ebru�ry �1 , 1992
Page 2
chan es c�n �e made tc tne arkin area ��h�ch rc-ate to the c+es��n iSSGES Of tne bu5 sio ,
9 F A 3 p �
and woufd !ike to show those to yo��.
Staff h�s some basic questions rec�arding the design fior the berm along fvteado��v Drive. Is the
portian of �he berm aiong East Meadav�r Drive; rvhich wi�l be outside the construciion fer,ce .
d!�ring the summer, availabl� for ;)cwer plar�;ing by tt�e Towr+? Wi1f tf�e Town's existin�
irrigalion syst�m i�ave ±o b� shut ott durir�g con3tru�tion? Wi;l th,e deveioper ta�c� �
�e�ponsi�ili,y for vJ�,tp(IilQ tl�p piant materEal in tne future a!on� E�s; MQaciow Drive? How
much shor!er �nd rarrower wi11 the berm �e c�mpared to ihe axisting or�e� One concem p
�b�ut t`1e desigtl in tf�is �re� i�volves t�e n�t�ve n��sses. 7he Ycwn would like to SeA
photographs c�f the grass�s to b� �lanted alcng Meadaw Rrive so that we understand what it >
will l�ok like. The deGiCn of t1�e berm is �ttract�ve as far as the clustering of v�rious materials. / �
Ho�v�ver, s',aff is concernAd that the 12-18 inY!� tal; �rass may b� mor� appropriate �!�ng the �/ �
stream w��r� #he landscape is more natur�l, 5taff befieves it may be better to f�ave a �
main4aina��e land�cape ��stead �f native g�assas aiorg Meada�N Drive and Va�l Road. Staff
has review2� the �tr�;tscape plan an� found th;� no curp ar�� gutter is to be useo in the
SeCt�C�t Of Me�do�v C?r;ve adj2^e�t to the S�nnena!�. P!e�s� remove the r�maining po�`�on cf
cc:rb, �s w�l! �5 t}�e nar�ow sidew2,lk th�t wr�ps arour,d irom Vail Roed.
V�il Ro�d: Stari w�uld 1ik� to r^eet with you tc di�CUSs th� locat�an o! ths curb along `Jai(
Road. Flease su�mit tl^e survey you have �' th,s area t� us as �oon as possible so tr,�t we
can determirs w'�ai the afignment af the curc� s�oGld be. Pl�ase note that s,afi wil' need to
rev�ew the civi! dravrings for al1 �+rainage issues and curb and gutter engineering det�.ls prior
to isSuan�� of the building pzrmit. The currer.t desi�n fc,r the corner of Vail Ro�d and —
Meadow �rive sro4v� a 2-3 fcot high wa11 immediate?y behind the sidewa!k. As a lancscaping
feature, it is fine; however, because it is �ocated ir, t;;e public right-cf-way, it cannot be used
fflr s'gnage. Afl sigr�s m�,�s� �e iaca�ed on priva;e prc�Er�y. Pleuse expa.nd the wa�k on Vai!
�io�d ko 8 feet i� �Aridth so it meets the St�cet�cape stanciLr�. 5?a+r wcu!d iike agreement with
ih�e Sonner?,4p ihat al! areas of landscaping 2nd s:oewalk a�G`�;^g t:�.e Sor,r.�n21p prc�e�y be �
main#a+nEd by the �onnen�'p.
Rear PortiGn of Site: St�ff ras review�C this area a�� would like to see a Z2-foot ���ce
corrida� ta be preserve� so #hat in the fGture, :f q1«n� qrpCB2.c�, the 7ov��n w;il be a�fe to
constrvct � s}ream wa;k w�thcut remcvir� a��y treSS. Please s�cw a potzr,t;a1 �iignment and
m�dify the lan�scape plan so thai no trE2s wi!I be lacated in t!�e a�ignment. Please pu11 th�;
smali partion ofi the rear terrace which encroac"es onto T�wn lard b�ck ap,�roxima:�ly 18
inches. Please ide�tify the wiifo�hs in #his area, and shcw hc��v they wiil be pro;ect�d during
the co�structiort period. S;�f� understands t!�e Unit�d Staies Arrny Corps of Engir!eers �
prctects these wi!!,ows, and that ��vithout authorizaticn frcm them, the willows must �e �
pr�served. at this time, st��f undersi�nds that a'1 0{ the gr�ss in the rear area wi11 bp na��raJ
8nd wiil not be mo��ved. P�ease (et us know ii t"is is not the case.
--- -
— -------
FEB-20-9� T:;U '5; 16 ----------- -----------
__.. . - - T:;wn cf '� 1 FA}; h0, {C34792" . P, 04 -----�
, . . _. ;
_� � �`�--�
P�?r. Ken rJ`Bryan
F��ruary 11, 19�?.
��ge 3
Miscellaneous tssu�s: � rave taken 5�veral pic�ures of the mock-��p unft, an� woul� like to
identiry all of the materials to be used on fhe structures from th�se pictures. If any �re r.ot
Shown, such �s th� �ain;ed s±GCCO or, tre b��e �f the east win�, �Slease provide c�l�r Ghips or
ot;�er sam�les of thes� �Tatti-ials. We �r�;!! n�ed sn updated, compiete materials list f�r the
fiie, The DFiB speci:ic�.l�y r��uest�d a± their earlier review ti��t �h� cof4r of the facia, tha s~�ow
guards, a�� the �2nce +n'!he to� of t�?e r�of b� �rawn ir d�tail. Please provfde this
. inform�ti��,
lt appea�5 tt12t, in some loca�ions, the wail r�eights af the terraces exceed 3 feet itt tf�e fron;
y�rd setback �nd 6 f�et in ot�:er pinces on the si;e. Ple�se shew hcw fill could b� regr�ded
So th�t thB wa,i hei�"'s do r;ct exceed t!-�e 3-foot,'�-foot height limit�.
P�ease p�G��idP � pl�n tif � typi�a! room for ttt° f��t21. St�ff w�r,is tr v��;ify th�± there will b� no
kitchens or kitchenettes in �ny of ti�e accomrr�oca+,�on units,
! undetst�nd that Jay P2terson is wor�cing or, th� a�c�ss �greement with the Yalisman, a� v��ell
as the empl�yee ur,it restr�c��ons. These dccum2nts wi!! have to be revfewed by the Tow�n
an� r��orded prar to the issuance of any buildi�g permi;,
Previous �andltions �f Approv�l: 5taft un�erstancs the;e are two condi;ions oE apprcval
from the Ju(y, 1991 FEC decision which yeu would like to amerd. Concerning #he first cre,
requirinr� p�vers be�vreen the Tali�man �nd Sonrenaip parking iots. We understand the site
plan has �hanged sig�if:c�rtly �nd this item is no lpnger a� important as it was. This change
is onp sta`f can support.
i he o���r cond'+iicn of apprava! deals with th� Swiss Chalet er�trance, VJ� wauic fiks to se� a
few improvemen�s �n this area, an� v�rot:ld lik� ?o cQOperate with yau to accompiish ihese,
Parti�uia;ly in iigf�t cf the f�ct ih�t 60 feet of the �xi�ting iandscaping berm ir; this drea will be
removed, sta� be?+eres seme alte;n�}�ve improverren:s are appropriat�, !f w� can reach
agreement in this area, staff believes t�at we can update the PEG as to ths madifications to
th� design since they f�st saw it, instear." a` s�heduling it for ar�other hear:ng. Staff wo�ld like
ta me�t with �you Gnd discuss some ccrcept� Tor improveme�'s in the area.
We r,vould iike to discuss these it�ms with you 3t your earliest convenie�ce. At fhis t;me, we
are planning to p�es�nt 'these issue5 to the �I�nring �nd Enviror,mental Gommission on
February 24, 1992. As t�at i�aves or�!y h^�o �:�eeks to �es�lve a!I of t"e issues discussed
above, we �eiieve it i� importart #o act quicyly. p!ease call me soon so v��e can go ov4r some
4f tJIB t11Cr� C0�71��iC?tE� :�SU2S.
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r�r. Ken (7'8ryan
F�bruary 11, �992
Paga 4
Thank you f�� your cooper�tion. 1 �p�re�iat8 yoLr tivillingness ia wcrk with t�� Town nn all of
thase issues.
r / r
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An�+y l4nu�csen
Town Planner .
Cc; Joh�r�ne5 �'aessfeT
Greg Hall
Todd O�penl�e:mer
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75 south frontage road office of community devefopment
vail,colorado 81657
February 28, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh
i 000 S. Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Buflding Permft
Dear Ken:
I realize that we have approximately one month left to work together to resolve the issues on
the Sonnenalp building permit. I understand you would like to have the Town issue the permit
by April 1, 1992, but I want to make sure you understand what the minimum requirements are
before the Town can issue the building permit. The conditions of approval placed on the
project when the PEC approved it on July 8, 1991, require that the following items must be
resolved prior to building permit issuance:
1. Detailed engineering drawings of the public improvements along Vail Road
must be provided. The first step in this process is to determine the curb and
gutter alignment along Vail Road. Our Public Works Department is waiting for
a survey from your survey/engineering consultants. The Public Works
Department will determine the road location based on the curb alignments on
all sides of the intersection, and the landscaping and sidewalks will have to
conform to that aligriment.
2. A license agreement providing permanent access for the Talisman must be
3. Two employee housing units must be restricted.
4. The proposed project must meet all Fire Department standards. From the most
recent review, the Fire Department has identified three areas in the proposed
parking lot design which do not provide adequate clearance. Please enlarge
these to a minimum width of 18 feet, and show a clear Fire Department access
route from East Meadow Drive all the way through the site.
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February 28, 1992
Page 3
On Tuesday, February 25, 1992, at 5:OOPM, I spoke with Dave Beedle at HRV and learned
that the 1:OOPM meeting on the following day would be canceled. He told me over the
telephone that the drawings were not done, but that they would be ready, at the earliest, on
Monday, March 2, 1992. Unfortunately, a 2-day review time is not adequate for staff to verify
compliance. At that point, I talked with you on the phone, and told you that the DRB review
would have to be tabled from the March 4 hearing to the March 18, 1992 Design Review
Board hearing.
In response to your February 28, 1992 letter, I need to remind you that verbal agreements,
letters, and cooperative attitude are very helpful in the review process. However, prior to final
Design Review Board approval, all issues must be spelled out clearly and graphically so that
the Town will have a permanent record of the approval. It is important to ensure that the
Design Review Board understands exactly what will or will not be included in the design when
it is constructed.
I hope you can understand the Town's point of view, and I hope that we can work together to
keep this project on schedule. The Town staff is certainly willing to do what we can, within the
parameters of the code requirements and the PEC approval, to help you meet your goals.
•''1Tr' rC,, f�c�� �( �-`�y
, ��_� �
Andy Knudtsen �
Town Planner
cc: Ron Phillips
Kristan Pritz
Karl Faessler
Johannes Faessler
Gordori Pierce
�� � V A
�0�� 0� ■YII
75 south frontage road office of community development
vail,colorado 81657
February 28, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh
1000 S. Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Building Permlt
Dear Ken:
1 realize that we have approximately one month left to work together to resolve the issues on
the Sonnenalp building permit. I understand you would like to have the Town issue the permit
by April 1, 1992, but I want to make sure you understand what the minimum requirements are
before the Town can issue the building permit. The conditions of approval placed on the
project when the PEC approved it on July 8, 1991, require that the following items must be
resolved prior to bullding permit issuance:
1. Detailed engineering drawings of the public improvements along Vail Road
must be provided. "fhe first step in this process is to determine the curb and
gutter alignment along Vail Road. Our Public Works Department is waiting for
a survey from your survey/engineering consultants. The Public Works
Department will determine the road location based on the curb alignments on
all sides of the intersection, and the landscaping and sidewalks will have to
conform to that alignment.
2. A license agreement providing permanent access for the Talisman must be
3. Two employee housing units must be restricted.
4. The proposed project must meet all Fire Department standards. From the most
recent review, the Fire Department has identified three areas in the proposed
parking lot design which do not provide adequate clearance. Please enlarge
these to a minimum width of 18 feet, and show a clear Fire Department access
route from East Meadow Drive all the way through the site.
_ _. � � �
� � �
town o� uail
75 south irontage road office of community development
vafl,colorado 81657
February 28, 1992
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh
1000 S. Fronta.ge Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Miscellaneous Issues Involving the Sonnenalp Building Permlt
Dear Ken:
I would like to provide a follow-up letter to the one I wrote earlier today, discussing the
Planning and Environmental Commission conditions of approval and the Design Review Board
issues. What is discussed below is not referenced in the PEC approval, but deals with issues
that have come up recently.
Rezoning to Alfow the Construction Staging Area on Vafl Associates' West Day Lot.
The request to amend the zoning code to allow staging for construction sites in the Parking
Zone District wili be reviewed by the Pianning and Environmental Commission on March 9,
1992. The PEC will recommend approval or denial to the Town Council. Town Council will
hear the proposed amendment on first reading on March 17, and on second reading April 7,
1992. Once the code is changed, the PEC will review the formaf conditional use request for
the staging area on April 13, 1992. I suggest that you and/or John Cochran be present at all
of these meetings. I have enclosed the application form for both the zoning code amendment
and the conditional use, as neither one has yet been formally submitted. Please complete
them, arid have a representative from Vail Associates and the Sonnenalp sign the
Relocation of the Gate on East Meadow Drlve. On Monday of this week, February 24,
1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission confirmed that the minor modifications to
the original conditions of approval are acceptable. Specifically, the staff and PEC determined
that the pavers between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots are no longer needed, and
compliance with the Streetscape Plan cari be met by relocating the gate on East Meadow
Drive. Providing pavers and landscape material is not necessary. After discussing these
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February 28, 1992
Page 2
issues with you, Johannes Faessler, and Greg Hall, I believe we are all in agreement that the
Sonnenaip will pay for the Town to relocate the gate. The Town will provide a budget for the
gate relocation by March 15, 1992. Cost estimates for each component of the relocation
process will be incliaded in the budget. The Sonnenalp will then provide money to cover these
expenses prior to the issuance of a buildir�g permit. The Town hopes to have the gate
relocated this summer.
Fire Department Concerns. The Fire Department has three concerns at this time. They
would like to see a plan of the parking lot showing the fire truck access route. No place in the
route can be less than 18 feet wide. I believe we have discussed the three areas which do
not meet their standards at this time. Please submit a plan to me, so I can review it with the
Fire Department and get their signatures of approval. A minor concern of theirs is to have the
bollard remain in the fire access entrance from East Meadow Drive. This will prevent cars
from entering East Meadow Drive from the parking lot. Lastly, they need two letters of
documentation: one from your structural engineer showing that the roof of the back of house
area can support the fire truck route, and another from your engineer stating that the fire flow
requirements can be met. If there is not adequate pressure from the water mains surrounding
the property to support all of the fire sprinkler system, an additional pump may need to be
installed in the basement.
Phasing. Regarding the phasing, the Town understands that Phase I is the wing along Vail
Road. After it is completed, staff understands that the Sonnenalp will open for business
during a portion of the 1992-93 ski season. We understand that all of the Vail Road
improvements will be done prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for
Phase I. This includes all of the curb and gutter, drainage and sidewalk improvements along
Vall Road. ln addition, we understand the parking lot will be completely installed, except for
the paving. This will include all the curb and gutter, and will provide a fire access loop
through the lot. The Town will be able to issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the
Vail Road/Phase I wing after financial guarantees are provided for the completion of the
parking lot and the landscaping. We need to confirm with you that there will be no use of the
East Meadow Drive wing during the construction process. With that understanding, and with
the requirements Gary Murrain, the Town's Chief Building Official, has worked out with you,
the Town can approve the phasing plan.
License Agreement. Town staff has been working on a draft of this document. Because this
has become more involved than briginally anticipated, staff will need to review this with you
prior to Town Council review. We will contact you early next week with a draft of the
e Mr. Ken O'Bryan
_ February 28, 1992
Page 3
I hope you understand that the items outlined in this letter are in addition to the items outlined
in the previous letters i have written you, and the July 8, 199i Planning and Environmental
Commission conditions of approval. As I have said earlier, the Town wants to work with you
to stay on your schedule. We cannot, however, issue a building permit without the resolution
to al1 of these issues. P{ease cafl me at 479-2138 to discuss this further, or to talk about the
review process in general.
,, �
. ��� G /
� � / r c�._.t �/ , �
Andy Knudtsen
Town Planner
cc: Ron Phillips
Kristan Pritz �
Johannes Faessler .
Karl Faessler
Gordon Pierce
� �
tawn af �ail �
75 south frontage road office of community development
vafl,colorado 81657
February 11, 1992
�i <( Y �'1�
� Wl
Mr. Ken O'Bryan � ���
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh �j�-� '
1000 S. Frontage Road West � �
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Building Permit Review
Dear Ken:
Staff has reviewed the building permit plans for the Sonnenalp and, as with most projects, the
building permit drawings are more specific than the concepts shown to the Planning and
Environmental Commission. Now that we have had the opportunity to review the specifics, we
have some comments. Some of them are simply requests for additional information. Others
involve suggestions for modifications to the drawings. None entail significant changes to the
design. I have tried to group the various issues according to the different areas of the site to
make this letter as clear as possible.
Parking Lot Area: Staff has calculated the area of the landscaping islands, and it appears
that the current plan has approximately 1/3 less interior parking 1ot landscaping than the plan /
the PEC approved. From staff analysis, the number of valet spaces, compact spaces, large ,O
spaces and aisle widths can be incorporated into the lot in such a way that no variances are
needed, and some additional landscaping can be provided. Staff would like to meet with you
to discuss the possibfe adjustments. We believe the landscaping is critical, as it buffers the , / �
parking lot from Meadow Drive. In addition, please provide the specific size for each tree to V
be planted within the interior landscaping islands and in the planters next to the building on �
the landscape plan, so that staff better understands the planting plan.
Meadow Drive Section: Thank you for submitting the detailed plans for the bus stop area �
and intersection area. Staff would like to discuss various options with you for the bus stop
design. At a minimum, we would like to see a pedestrian passageway through the berm from
Meadow Drive to the Sonnenalp. At this time, there are three paths which go �through the
berm. Staff believes it would be beneficial to keep at least one access. Staff believes some
. „v
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February, 11,�� 1992 � � �
� Page 2 � � � � �
changes can be made to the parking area which relate to the design issues of thebus stop,
and would like to show those to you.
Staff has some basic questions regarding the design for the berm along Meadow Drive. Is the
portion of the berm along East Meadow Drive, which will be outside the construction fence
during the summer, avaifable for flower planting by the Town? WiII the Town's existing
irrigation system have to be shut off during construction? Will the developer take
responsibility for watering the plant material in the future along East Meadow`Drive? How
much shorter and narrower will the berm be compared to the existing one? One concern
about the design in this area involves the native grasses. The Town would like to-see
photographs of the grasses to be planted along Meadow Drive so that we understand what it
will look like. The design of the berm is attractive as far as the clustering of various materials. �
However, staff is concerned that the 12-18 inch tall grass may be more appropriate along the
stream where �the iandscape is more natural, Staff believes it may be better to have a
maintainable landscape instead of native grasses along Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Staff
has reviewed the Streetscape plan and found that no curb and gutter is to be used in the
section of Meadow Drive adjacent to the Sonnenalp. Please remove the rema.ining portion of
curb, as well as the narrow sidewalk that wraps around from Vail Road.
Vail Road: Staff would like to meet with you to discuss the location of the curb along Vail
Road. Please submit the survey you have of this area to us as soon as possible so that we
can determine what the alignment of the curb should be. Please note that staff will need to
review the civil drawings for all drainage issues and curb and gutter engineering details prior
to issuance of the building permit. The current design for the corner of Vail Road and
Meadow Drive shows a 2-3 foot high wall immediately behind the sidewalk. As a landscaping
feature, it is fine; however, because it is located in the public right-of-way, it cannot be used
for signage. All signs must be located on private property. Please expand the walk on Vail
Road to 8 feet in width so it meets the Streetscape standard. Stafi wculd like agreement with
the Sonnenalp that all areas of landscaping and sidewalk abutting the Sonnenalp property be -
maintained by the Sonnenalp.
Rear Portion of Site: Staff has reviewed this area and would like to see a 12-foot wide
corridor to be preserved so that in the future, if plans proceed, the Town will be able to
construcf a stream walk without removing any trees. Please show a potential alignment and
modify the landscape plan so that no trees will be located in the alignment. Please pull the
small portion of the rear terrace which encroaches onto Town land back approximately 18
inches. Please identify the willows in this area, and show how they will be protected during
the construction period. Staff understands the United States Army Corps of Engineers
, protects these willows, and that without authorization from them, the willows must be
preserved. At this time, staff understands that all of the grass in the rear area will be natural
and will not be mowed. Please let us know if this is not the case.
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February 11, 1992
Page 3
Miscellaneous lssues: I have taken several pictures of the mock-up unit, and would like to
identify all of the materials to be used on the structures from these pictures. If any are not
shown, such as the painted stucco on the base of the east wing, please provide color chips or
other samples of these materials. We will need an updated, complete materials list for the
file. �fhe DRB specifically requested at their earlier review that the color of the facia, the snow
guards, and the fence in the top of the roof be drawn in detaiL Please provide this
It appears that, in some locations, the wall heights of the terraces exceed 3 feet in the front
yard setback and 6 feet in other places on the site. Please show how fill could be regraded
so that the wall heights do not exceed the 3-foot/6-foot height limits.
Please provide a plan of a typical room for the hotel. Staff wants to verify that there will be no
kitchens or kitchenettes in any of the accommodation units.
I understand that Jay Peterson is working on the access agreement with the Talisman, as well
as the employee unit restrictions. These documents will have to be reviewed by the Town
and recorded prior to the issuance of any building permit.
Previous Conditions of Approval: Staff understands there are two conditions of approval
from the Jufy, 1991 PEC decision which you would like to amend. Concerning the first one,
requiring pavers between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots. We understand the site
pfan has changed significantly and this item is no longer as important as it was. This change
is one staff can support.
The other condition of approval deals with the Swiss Chalet entrance. We would like to see a
few improvements in this area, and would like to cooperate with you to accomplish these.
Par�ticularly in light of the fact that 60 feet of the existing landscaping berm in this area will be
removed, staff believes some alternative improvements are appropriate. If we can reach
agreement in this area, staff believes that we can update the PEC as to the modifications to
the design since they last saw it, instead of schedi�ling it for another hearing. Staff would like
to meet with you and discuss some concepts for improvements in the area.
We would like to discuss these items with you at your earliest convenience. At this time, we
are planning to present these issues to the Planning and Environmental Commission on
February 24, 1992. As that leaves only two weeks to resolve all of the issues discussed
above, we believe it is important to act quickly. Please call me soon so we can go over some
of the more complicated issues.
_._ �,
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February 11, 1992
Page 4
Thank you #or your cooperation. I appreciate your willingness to work with the Town on all o#
these issues.
G� � �
Andy KnudfSe'n �
Town Planner
cc: Johannes Faessler
Greg Hall
Todd Oppenheimer
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This acket of information covers
the Sonnenal ro osal of 1991,
pp p
which includes variances for
common area hei ht and arkin .
� g � p �
This acket includes all of the
information from the DRB and
buildin ermit reviews.
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of
the Town of Vail on February 24, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.
Consideration of: .
�. A request for a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast at 5197 6(ack Gore
Drive/Heather of Vail Condos, according to the plat recorded in Book 238 at Page 678.
Applicant: Linda Dula
Staff: Betsy Rosolack/Mike Mollica
2. A request for an exterior alteration at Blu's Restaurant, Gore Creek Plaza Building, 193
Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5B, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Charles Rosenquist
Planner: Shelly Mello
3. A request to amend Chapter 18.24 - Commerc+al Core I and Chapter 18.26 - .
Commercial Core II, of�the Town of Vail zoning code relating to exterior alterations or
modifications, and the Vail Village Design Considerations (I) - Sun-Shade.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Jill Kammerer
.�i 4. A request to amend the conditions of approval for the previously approved parking,
�'�� common area and height variances for the Sonnenalp Hotel, as well as a request for
variances to Sections 18.58 and 18.52 relating to wall height and off-street parking
standards, 20 Vail Road/Lots I and K, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Johannes Faessler
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
5. A request for a minor exterior alteration and to renew and amend a conditional use
permit for Lionshead Miniature Golf, Tract D, Vail Lionshead First Filing.
Applicants: Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander
Planner: Shelly Mello
6. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District at the Christiania at
Vail, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Paul Johnston �
Planner: Jill Kammerer
7. A request for wall height and road grade variances for the Spraddle Creek Subdivision,
an approximately 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vaif/I-70
interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek Livery.
Commencing at the NE corner of the SE �/a of the SW '/4 of Section 5, Township 5 S,
Range 80 W of the 6th P.M., be+ng an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked and
set, with all bearings contained herein being relative to a bering of S00°11'00" E
between the NE corner of said SE �/a of the SW '/a, and the SE corner of said SE �/a of
the SW '/a being an Eagle County Brass cap properly marked and set; said NE corner
of the SE �/a of the SW '/4 being the Point of Beginning; thence S00°11'00" E alor�g the
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Muriicipal Code of
the Town of Vail on February 24, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.
Consideration of: .
]. A request for a conditional use pem�it for a bed and breakfast at 5197 Black Gore
Drive/Heather of Vail Condos, according to the plat recorded in Book 238 at Page 678.
Applicant: Linda Dula
Staff: Betsy Rosolack/Mike Mollica
2. A request for an exterior alteration at Blu's Restaurant, Gore Creek Plaza Building, 193
Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 56, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Charles Rosenquist
Planner: Shelly Mello
3. A request to amend Chapter 18.24 - Commercial Core 1 and Chapter 18.26 - -
Commercial Core II, of the Town of Vail zoning code relating to exterior alterations or
modifications, and the Vail Village Design Considerations (I) - Sun-Shade.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: �lill Kammerer
�ji 4. A request to amend the conditions of approval for the previously approved parking,
m common area and height variances for the Sonnenalp Hotel, as well as a request for
variances to Sections 18.58 and 18.52 relating to wall height and off-street parking
standards, 20 Vail Road/Lots I and K, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: �lohannes Faessler
Planner: Andy Knudtsen
5. A request for a minor exterior alteration and to renew and amend a conditional use
permit for Lionshead Miniature Golf, Tract D, Vail Lionshead First Filing.
Applicants: Vail Associates/Charlie Alexander
Planner: Shelly Mello
6. A request for the establishment of a Special Development District at the Christiania at
Vail, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Paul �lohnston
Plariner: �lill Kammerer
7. A request for wall height and road grade variances for the Spraddle Creek Subdivision,
an approximately 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vaif/I-70
interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek Livery.
Commencing at the NE corner of the SE '/4 of the SW '/4 of Section 5, Township 5 S,
Range 80 W of the 6th P.M., being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked and
set, with all bearings contained herein being relative to a bering of S00°11'00" E
between the NE corner of said SE '/4 of the SW '/4, and the SE corner of said SE �/4 of
the SW '/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly marked and set; said NE corner
of the SE '/a of the SW '/a being the Poirit of Beginning; thence S00°11'00" E along the
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Mr. Ken O'Bryan
February 10, 1992
Page 4
Thank you far your cooperation. I appreciate your willirlgness to work with the Town on all of
these issues.
Andy Knudtsen ,
Tawn Planner
cc: Johannes Faessler
get Fire Department approval for the roof
check setbacks for watis
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7S South Frontage Itoad Department of Public Works/Transportation
Vail, Colorado 81657
303-479-21 SS/FAX 303-479-2166
T0: Andy Knudtsen � _
FROM: Todd Oppen�?eime
DAmE: January 31, i992
RE : Comments on Sonnenalp Hotel Project
I have reviewed the Sonnenalp Hotel Landscape Plans, A3 . i-A3 . 12,
dated January 21, 1992 and Fencing Proposal dated January 15,
1992 and have the following comments . Please see the attached
plan sheets which have comments on them also. Please give me a
revised set of plans when available.
1 . Sheet A3 . 11 - The developer has disregarded the property
line between the project and Town owned stream tract . I
appreciated the developers desire to enhance the adjacent
area but feel intense landscape development and all
architectural elements should remain on his property.
Encroachment such as what is shown will confuse property
ownership, maintenance responsibili�y and liability iss��es
in the future .
f Proposed planting on the stream tract should allow a �2 '
/ corridor for future construction of a stream walk. The
t� location of this ccrridor can be 2 ' - 4 ' above the top cf
the bank.
If the developer will be allowed to utilize the stream Lr��t
�'' during construction operations an agreement should be
f drafted to protect the Town' s interest in the property. The
.�,j agreement should include language or restoration, ownership
of improvements, liability and developers use of the
, property.
/F The existing willows along the stream bank are not shown on
�.�� either the Existing Tree Inventory Plan or the Landscape
Development Plans . What is the developers intent with th2se
� _
Comments on Sonnenalp Hotel Project
January 31, 1992 ,
Page 2
2 . Sheet A3 . 9, A3 . 10 - The landscape treatment which includes
� native grasses with select wildflowers is not acceptable
along Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. This treatment works
well along the stream tract and other less visible areas but
is too "wild" for use in street frontage. The area� in �ord
Park west of the lower bench access road is a good example
of this treatment.
A more desired approach would include large shrub masses,
long perennial borders and smaller annual flower beds . Some
turf grass along Vail Road may be appropriate. All plant
material selected should be hardy to the area, I am
assuming the Town will continue to maintain the same areas
it does now. Please let me know if this is not the case.
The curb along East Meadow Drive is a positive aspect of the
proposal . It should be placed in the final location shown
in the Streetscape and/or Master Transportation Plan. This
will allow the landscaping to be installed and mature
without further disturbance. I am sure an acceptable
interim paving treatment is possible. All trees should be
set far enough back from the curb to avoid limbs interfering
with bus and maintenance vehicle traffic.
A detailed Irrigation Plan should be submitted for review
and approval before the start of construction. The system
should be designed to separate the Town ' s area from the
developer' s. The Town' s system should use the existing
water connection. A new .controller may be required.
3. She.et A3 . 1 - Currently there are three pedestrian
connections between East Meadow Drive and the Sonnenalp
parking lot. The proposal plan eliminates all of them.
; Some type of pedestrian access should be retained through
L/' the landscaped berm to avoid the formation of "cow paths" .
Perhaps the bus stop and somewhere in front of the Talisman
would be appropriate.
4 . Fencin�roposal - The fencing plan seems to be complete.
The alternate fencing would be acceptable along Vail Road
and along the Talisman property. The wooden fence should be
+�/ retained along East Meadow Drive. Any of the darker green
paint colors would be find.
5 . Request for Additional Information -
A. Is the berm along East Meadow Drive east of the
construction fence available for flower planting this
summer? �
Comments on Sonnenalp Hotel Project
January 31, 1992
Page 3
B. Will the Town' s existing irrigation system have to be n�
shut off during construction? �'/�
C. Will the developer take responsibility for watering the
plant material scheduled to remain along East Meadow
Drive? �
TO/dsr "
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TO: Sonnenalp/DRB File - Bavaria Haus Remodel
FROM: Andy Knudtsen
DATE: January 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Loose ends to tie up prior to the final DRB hearing and building permit issuance
A. Back Area of Site
1. Double-check setbacks - looks okay
�� � Look for future alignment of stream walk. Analyze the number of trees �
proposed to be planted on Town-owned property. Should some be taken oiat or
'relocated to accommodate the stream walk?`�
,,��3�� Review planting plan for grasses and ground cover with Kristan. Does this v'
�-�� meet the condition of approvaL � � ` =�
�86R � .��a�r� ��' ,"`� ;"� ' R�: �,
B. Vail Road r-
'�1. ✓ How is location of proposed curb line deterrriained? Review with Greg Hall.
✓2. ;� Have Ken O'Bryan submit copy of survey which shows the existing
improvements on both sides of Vail Road. Does curb need to be brought in or
/ pushed out?
a.�' 3. ✓ Have Ken submit civil drawings which will show all drainage patterns and curb
and gutter detail. � ��js`°'�� �
,./ 4. � The sidewalk appears to be 6-7 feet in this area. Is this wide enough. What �
will the materials be here? How far should curb and gutter wrap around the
corner at Vail Road and Meadow Drive? Where should the curb end along
Meadow Drive?
C. Meadow Drive Section
� 1. �� Need detail of landscape treatment on corner of Meadow Drive and Va.il Road. ,/
✓" 2. �j Need detail of bus stop plans. Need sections through the berm along East �
/ Meadow Drive at west end, mid-point, and east end by the Swiss Haus.
f 3. ✓ Conditions of approval required that the applicant redesign the entry to the
Swiss Chalet in conjunction with the redesign of the area to accommodate fire
truck access. Ken O'Bryan would like to go back to Council to waive this
/ requirement. What is the staff position?
4. << Are the number of trees on the berm twice as many as what existed before?
D. Parking Lot Area
�1. % The conditions of approval required that the access between the Talisman and
� the Bavaria Haus be pavers. This item is another that Ken would like to have
the Council waive. What is staff position? Aiso, what is the process for
� chan in this condition of a rovaL �,��� F� f�L l�?` � ' ' , '
� 9 9 PP .� ,��� ,�� �� `t,c�.
�. �'� Digitize the area of the existing landscaping islands, the area of the approved
; plan, and the area of the proposed plan. Get formal approval from the Fire
� Department for the turn-around in this area. Is the roof strong enough?
�3. Count the number of parking spaces and the number of valet spaces in the i ,.,,�,��:� �
current plan. We may need to see a plan of valet spaces. Is the number � '��?���/--�z
-�"�" � 4�°--'�
according to plan? ,�r� �
E. DRB Issues
,/1. / DRB specifically requested that Ken show the color of the facia, the snow guard
/ ,/details and the detail for the fence on the very top of the roof. Ken should
submit these drawings prior to DRB hearing.
2. Moss rock will be removed from the base of the wing around the existing
��Bavaria Haus. It will be replaced with a darker, painted stucco. �����,�:�_��� � �,1'f,�- �.��;�,�
�3. I will take a roll of 35mm photographs of the mock-up unit and id�entify the
materials on those for the record. Should Ken do this� We need an updated
list of materials for the file. t',,,,�;
F. Prior to Building Permit Issues
� �,,
�`'„� _----�✓1. �Jay Peterson needs to provide the access agreement with the Talisman to the
� �� ���"-� �Town of Vail.
°;���;` .,�----�2. ;f Jay needs to provide the employee unit restriction according to the zoning
s��'� ;�;�� code.
G. Othe�
�/1. No exterior landscape lighting is designed at this time. The landscape
architects will be designing this in detail and bringing it back to the Design
�Review Board at a later date for approval.
�f� 2. Does the Health Department (Susan) need to review any of these plans?
- 3, �Ken should submit a full set of drawings for the Fire Department�Sr ��-��; ;;��—
,�ti� -%� engineering, and then should submit for the DRB approval a set of elevations,
�,j ,�
- � �``� ,�oor plans, site plan and landscape plan.
�,�,�.�,j �4. �I need to do a GRFA check on the common area to ensure it has not changed.
H. Miscellaneous
i' �
°' 1. �1Nall heights - check to make sure none exceed 3 feet if they are located in the
,front setback.
�2. Ensure that the walls in the back are not located in the rear setback. If so, is a
all height variance at PEC necessary?
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revised 9/4/91
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, DATE OF DRB MEETING: ' � /`•;��
Sonnenalp Hote1 Bavaria Haus - Landscape Plans
New Construction ($200 . 00) Minor Alteration ($20 . 00)
Addition ($50 . 00) X Conceptual Review ($0)
C . ADDRESS : �(1 llail Rnad� Vail . CO 81657
If property is described by a meets and bounds legal
description, please provide on a separate sheet and
attach to this application.
E . ZONING: Publ i c Accommo dati on
F . LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current
stamped survey showing lot area.
G. NAME OF APPLICANT : Johannes Faes1er
Mailing Address : Sonnenal Ho�el - Bavaria Haus
?� vail Rd_ ., Vail . CO 81657 Phone 3Q3 476- 6
Mailing Address : H att Rai nes & Vi te k - Lan scape rc i ec s
1414 PPC�r� St. Boul der, CO 80302 Phone 303 444-4165
Mailing Address :
J. Condominium Approval if applicable .
K. DRB FEE : DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at
the time of submittal of DRB application . Later, when
applying for a building permit, please identify the
accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail
will adjust the fee according to the table below, to
ensure the correct fee is paid.
$ 0 — $ 10, 000 $ 20 . 00
$ 10, 001 — $ 50, 000 $ 50 . 00
S 50, 001 — $ 150, 000 $100 . 00
$150, 001 — $ 500, 000 $200 . 00
5500, 001 — $1, 000, 000 $400 . 00
$ Over $1, 000, 000 $500 . 00
� 1
A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning �
staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional
application information is needed. It is the applicant' s
responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to
determine if there are additional submittal requirements .
Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the
approval process for your project .
A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the
applicant must stake and tape the project site to
indicate property lines, building lines and building
corners . All trees to be removed must be taped. All
site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the
DRB site visit . The applicant must ensure that staking
done during the winter is not buried by snow.
B. The review proCess for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires
two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a
conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants
should plan on presenting their development proposal at
a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final
approval .
C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review
Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not .
asked in advance that discussion on their item be
postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB
docket until such time as the item has been
D . The following items may, at the discretion of the
zoning administrator, be approved by the Community
Development Department staff (i .e . a formal hearing
before the DRB may not be required) :
a . Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes
which do not alter the existing plane of the
building; and
b . Building addition proposals not visible from any
other lot or public space . At the time such a
proposal is submitted, applicants must include
letters from adjacent property owners and/or from
the agent for or manager of any adjacent
condominium association stating the association
approves of the addition.
E . If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i .e .
snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,
wetland, etc) , a hazard study must be submitted and the
owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard
report prior to the issuance of a building permit .
Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner
prior to DRB application to determine the relationship
of the property to all mapped hazards .
F . For all residential construction:
a . Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside
face of the exterior structural walls of the
building; and
b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a
four foot distance from the exterior face of the
building walls or supporting columns .
G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or
modifications, all conditions of approval must be
resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit .
• ° A. Three copies of a recent topoaraphic survev, stamped bv
a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger,
on which the following information is provided:
1 . Lot area .
2 . Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel
consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'
contour intervals may be accepted.
3 . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks
with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a
point one foot above grade .
4 . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural
features (large boulders, intermittent streams,
etc . ) .
5 . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc . ) ,
centerline of stream or creek, required creek or
stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of
400 or more, if applicable .
6 . Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark
or sewer invert . This information should be
clearly stated on th2 s�.:rvey so that all
measurements are based on the same starting point .
This is particularly important for height �
measurements . See Policy On Survey Information,
for more information regarding surveys .
7 . Locations of the following:
a . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,
etc . must be shown .
b. Exact location of existing utility sources
and proposed service lines from their source
to the structure . Utilities to include :
Cable TV Sewer Gas
Telephone Water Electric
c . Show all utility meter locations, including
any pedestals to be located on site or in the
right-of-way adjacent to the site . Revocable
permits from the Town of Vail are required
for improvements in the right-of-way .
d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a
basis of bearing must be shown .
e . All easements (Title report must also include
existing easement locations)
8 . Existing and finished grades .
9 . Provide spot elevations of the street, and a
minimum of one spot elevation on either side of
the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines .
B. Site Plan
1 . Locations of the following:
a . Proposed surface drainage on and off site .
b . Proposed driveways . Percent slope and spot
elevations must be shown.
2 . All existing improvements including structures,
landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,
walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading
areas, reta�ning walls (with top and bottom of
wall spot elevations) , and other existing site
improvements .
3 . F�evations of top of roof ridqes (with existinQ :
and proposed qrades shown underneath) . These >�
elevations and grades must be provided in order p
for the staff to determine building height . All �
ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan.
Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated
on the site plan with corresponding finished and
existing grade elevations .
4 . Driveway grades may not exceed 8o unless approved
by the Town Engineer.
C . Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required
l . The following information must be provided on the
landscape plan. The location of existing 4"
diameter or larger trees, the location, size,
spacing and type (common and latin name) of all
existing and proposed plant material . All trees
to be saved and to be removed must also be
indicated. The plan must also differentiate
between existing and proposed vegetation.
2 . Complete the attached landscape materials list .
3 . The location and type of existing and proposed
watering systems to be employed in caring for
plant material following its installation.
4 . Existing and proposed contour lines . ,
NOTE : In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various
development proposal components, please incorporate as
much of the above information as possible onto the site
plan .
D . Siqn off from each utilitv company verifying the
location of utility service and availability (see
attached) .
E . A preliminary title report must accompany all
submittals, to insure property ownership and location
of all easements on property .
F . Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger, 1/4" is
preferred scale for review) 3 copies required.
l . Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the
proposed development . Elevations must show both
existing and finished grades .
2 . One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show
how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was
3 . Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-
1/2" x 11") for inclusion in PEC and/or Town
Council memos may be requested.
4 . Exterior surfacing materials and material colors
shall be specified on the attached materials list .
This materials list must be completed and
submitted as a part of DRB application. Color
chips, siding samples etc . , should be presented to
the Design Review Board meeting.
G. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project
is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary
or Duplex zone districts .
H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of
adjacent structures .
I . The Zonin� �dministrator and/or DRB may require the
� submiss _�_on �f additional plans, drawings,
� ' specificaticns, samples and other materials (including
, a model) i `: deemed necessary to determine whether a
project wi7_1 comply with Design Guidelines .
Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment
proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment
proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal
requirements set forth above, provided all important
specifications for the proposal including colors and
materials to be used are submitted.
A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown.
B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8" = 1' or larger
(1/4" = 1' is preferred)
C . Three copies of a site plan showing existing and
proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations
with existing and proposed grades shown underneath.
D . Elevations of proposed addition.
E . Photos of the existing structure .
F . Specifications for all materials and color samples on
materials list (attached) .
At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be
required to submit :
G. A statement from each utility verifying location of
service and availability . See attached utility
location verification form.
H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered
professional surveyor.
I . A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of
property, which lists all easements .
Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is
underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a
framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location
Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered
professional engineer must be submitted. The following
information must be provided on the ILC :
A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,
i .e . distances and angles .
B . Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot .
C . All utility service line as-builts, showing type of
material used, and size and exact location of lines .
D . Drainage as-builts .
E . Basis of bearing to tie to section corner.
F . All property pins are to be either found or 5et and
stated on improvement survey .
G. All easements .
H . Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations
.with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge
lines .
A. Submittal reQuirements : The owner or authorized agent
of any project requiring design appr� ��al as prescribed �
by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review
by the Design Review Board to the Department of '
Community Development . The conceptual review is
intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of
the compatibility of their proposal with the Town' s
Design Guidelines . This procedure is recommended
primarily for applications more complex than single-
family and two-family residences . However, developers
of single-family and two-family projects shall not be
excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual
design review. Complete applications must be submitted
10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting.
The following information shall be submitted for a
conceptual review:
1 . A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum
scale of one inch equals twenty feet;
2 . Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials
and a description of the character of the proposed
structure or structures;
3 . Sufficient information to show the proposal
complies with the development standards of the
zone district in which the project is to be
located (i .e . GRFA, site coverage calculations, .
number of parking spaces, etc . ) ;
4 . Completed DRB application form.
B . Procedure : Upon receipt of an application for
conceptual design review, the Department of Community
Development shall review the submitted materials for
general compliance with the appropriate requirements of
the zoning code . If the proposal is in basic
compliance with the zoning code requirements, the
project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual
review. If the application is not generally in
compliance with zoning code requirements, the
application and submittal materials shall be returned
to the applicant with a written explanation as to why
the Community Development Department staff has found
the project not to be in compliance with zoning code
requirements . Once a complete application has been
received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual
review application and supporting material in order to
determine whether or not the project generally complies
with the design guidelines . The DRB does not vote on
conceptual reviews . The property owner or his
representative shall be present at the DRB hearing.
� � NAME OF PROJECT : Sonnenal � Hotel Bavari a Haus
STREET ADDRESS : _20 Vail Road. Uail . CO 81657
DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : Hotel Redevelopment-Landscape Plans
`T'?ze following information is required for submittal to the Design
� =��iew Board before a final apprcval can be J;_ven :
Other Wall Materials
- Windows
Window Trim
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Rails
Trash Enclosures
B . LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer : David Beadle - Hyatt. Raines & Vitek
Phone : (303) 444-4165
PLANT MATERIALS : Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size*
PROPOSED TREES refer to attached list
EXISTING TREES TO Popul us tremul oi des Aspen - See attached P1 an
Picea pungens Colorado Spruce - See attached plan
*Indicate caliper for deciduous trees . Minimum caliper for
deciduous trees is 2 inches . Indicate height for coniferous
trees . Minimum heiQht for coniferous trees is 6 feet .
PLANT MATE�_ .�LS : Botanical Name Comm�,_ Name Quantitv Size* �
PROPOSED SHRUBS Refer to attached 1 ist -
*Indicate size of proposed shrubs . Minimum size of shrubs is
5 qallon .
Tvpe SQUare Footaqe
GROUND COVERS Refer to attached 1 i st
OF IRRIGATION Automated underground - combination spray, drip
and bubbler. I _ j
TYPE OR METHOD OF Straw bales and iute mesh as reouired.
C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please
show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate
lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan
on the list below and provide the wattage, height above
grade and type of light proposed.
Pdo landscape liqhtinq is proposed at this time - We will submit these
plans at a later date.
D . OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming
pools, etc . ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining
walls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is
3 feet . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property
is 6 feet .
Swimming Pool - Gunite construction with plaster finish .
Landscape Walls - Cast-in-place concrete withmoss rock veneer and
concrete cap - 2' -6' tall .
Refer to supplemental site landscape improvement plans included with
landscape plan submittal .
The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main
trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by
the following utilities for the accompanying site plan.
Authorized Sictnature Date
U. S . West Communications
468-6860 or 949-4530
Public Service Company
Gary Hall
Holy Cross Electric Assoc .
Ted Husky/Michael Laverty
Heritage Cablevision T .V.
949-5530 .
Steve Hiatt
Upper Eagle Valley Water
& Sanitation District *
Fred Haslee
NOTE : 1 . This form is to verify service availability and
location . This should be used in conjunction with
preparing a utility plan and scheduling
installations .
2 . For any new construction proposal, the applicant
must provide a completed utility verification
3 . If a utility company has concerns with the
proposed construction, the utility representative
should note directly on the utility verification
form that there is a problem which needs to be
resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,
it should be spelled out in detail in an attached
letter to the Town of Vail . However, please keep
in mind that it is the responsibility of the
utility company and owner to resolve identified
problems .
4 . If the utility verification form has signatures
from each of the utility companies, and no
comments are made directly on the form, the Town
will presume that there are no problems and that
the development can proceed.
5 . These verifications do not relieve the contractor
of his responsibility to obtain a street cut
permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public
Works and to obtain utility locations before
diaqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in
the Town of Vail . A buildinq permit is not a
street cut permit . A street cut permit must be
obtained separately�. ,
* Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when
obtaining i?pper Ea�le `".:lley Water & Sanitation signatures . Fire
flow needs must be addressed.
FOR � �
Allowed Existinq Proposed Total
Height (30) (33)
Total GRFA
Primary GRFA + 425 =
Secondary GRFA + 425 =
Setbacks Front 20'
Sides 15' /
Re a r 15'
Water Course Setback (30) (50)
Site Coverage
Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6'
Parking Reqrd
Garage Credit (300) (600) (900) (1200)
Drive : Permitted Slope 8o Actual Slope
Date approved by Town Engineer :
View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No ???
Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood Plain
2) Percent Slope
3) Geologic Hazards
a) Snow Avalanche
b) Rockfall
c) Debris Flow
4) Wetlands
Previous conditions of approval (check property file) :
Does this request involve a 250 Addition?
How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?
**Note : Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal
Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than
15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not construct a second dwelling unit . The
Community Development Department may grant an exception to this
restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under
Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal Code including
permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-
time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley.
January 21, 1992
Design Development Landscape Plant List
Proposed Plant Material
Trees Botanical Name Common Name uanti Size
1. Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen See Plans Sizes vary- 1" caliper to =
6"-8" caliper :
2. Picea pungens Colorado Spruce See Plans Sizes vary-6'tall to 14'
Existing Trees Collected and Sstored for Reinstallation
A. Colorado Spruce 1 20' tall
B. Colorado Spruce 6 25'-30' tall
C. Aspen - Multi Stem 2 3"-4" cal., 15'-20' tall
D. Aspen - Multi Stem 5 3"-8" cal., 25'-30' tall
E. Aspen - Multi Stem 5 3"-8" cal., 25'-40' tall
3. Prunus besseyi Western Sand Cherry See Plans 5 gal. minimum
4. Juniperous sabina `Blue Danube' Blue Danube Juniper See Plans 5 gal. minimum
Ornamental Grasses
5. Miscanthus sinensis gracillimus Maiden Grass See Plans 5 gal. minimum
6. Miscanthus sinensis purpurascens Purple Silver Grass See Plans 5 gal. minimum
7. Molina arundinacea `Transparent' Purple Moorgrass See Plans 5 gal. minimum
8. Calamagrostis acutifolia stricta Feather Reedgrass See Plans 5 gal. minimum
9. Festuca ovina glauca Blue Fescue Grass See Plans 1 gal. minimum
10. Imperata cylindrica Japanese Blood Grass See Plans 5 gal. minimum
11. Campanula carpatica Carpanthian Harebell See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
12. Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow . See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
13. Iris siberica Siberian Iris See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
14. Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain Penstemon See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
15. Lythrum salicaria `Mordens Pink' Pink Loosestrife See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
16. Sedum telephium `Autumn Joy' Stonecrop See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
17. Salvia superba `May Night' Purple Sage See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
18. Rudbeckia purpurea Purple Coneflower See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
19. Chrysartthemum leucartthemum Oxeye Daisy See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
20. Linum perenne Blue F1a1c See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
21. Papaver burseri Alpine Poppy See Plan 2-1/4" pot/flat
22. Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston ivy See Plan 5 gal. minimum
23. Clematis tangutica `Jackmani' Purple Clematis See Plan 5 gal. minimum
24. Crocus Crocus See Plan 5 gal. minimum
25. Iris reticulata Iris See Plan 5 gal. minimum
26. Narcissus da,fJ`'odil Daffodil See Plan 5 gal. minimum '`''
Seed Mixes
A. Sheep Fescue - 33%
B. Hard Fescue - 33%
C. `Triathalon' Fescue - 33%
A. Sherman Big Bluegrass - 50%
B. Western Wheatgrass - 25%
C. Slender Wheatgrass - 25%
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TO: � Sonnenalp fife � �
FROM: Andy Knudtsen
DA"fE: December 16, 1991
RE: Summary of Meeting on December 5, 1991
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People present: G. Murrain, M. McGee, D. Duran, C. Snowdon, A. Knudtsen, J. Cochran, K.
O'Bryan, J. Wear, K. Pritr, L. Eskwith, J. Peterson. .
1, Fire Access - East end by Swiss Haus is a big problem, loop'is an alternative worth
pursuing, 3 point turn within the loop is acceptable.
2. Revised parking lot for Talisman - Space 16 is critical, landscaping up next to building
should remain as is, they would like a controlled entrance and protected parking.
3. Staging - Ford Park seems like the best location. Larry generally approves of it. No
dirt stockpiling will be allowed. Construction material stockpiling is ok. How many
trailers does the Sonnenalp think they will need? How big of an area will the
Sonnenalp need?
4. Process for approving the staging area. Need plan of area, staff review will include
VRD, Bravo!, Police, Public Works, Fire Department. Will take approximately 3 weeks
for the first review and then two weeks for a followup review to address any issues that
were raised. An escrow account must be established to insure that the area will be
brought back to the condition it is today. Staff will bring it to Council, probably at a
work session, for them to review and approve the proposal. Plan must include the
staging area of Ford Park as well as the construction site at the Bavaria Haus.
Drawings should include dimensions particularly of lane widths of Vail Road outside the
construction site. Staff will need 8 sets of drawings for the review.
5. Other issues - Construction on holidays and weekends is to be worked out with Gary
Murrain at time of building permit. Council must review and approve the proposal to
use the stream tract for construction access.
6. Schedule - Three weeks for first review, two weeks for second review to address
issues that were raised and one week for council review.
899 Logan Street,Suite 600 � � .����P � ����/�
Denver,C0 80203 �� � � � � �� �` � $" ��
303-860-6600 ` �
Fa�c:303-860-6698 � � �" {� ���
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November 21, 19 91 � s� .�-�� �� � y� .�,�
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Christin Pritz
'1 ���,t-� �„y'`��('
Dept. of Community Development �'' �� � �
To�Wm of Vail � � '' �"���
75 South Frontage Road � � �-�'�"� � � _
Vail, CO 81657 ����,,,�"� 5���
� t�'v �� ';���'�'
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COMEN Dear Christin: [
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, � � �� ��
Re; Sornenalp Hotel Bavaria House � �;v�' �'
Offsite Storage Area � ; � ,;�'°�"�
Weitz-Cohen Construction Co. Job No. T130 � �� �a�"
�'� ��� ir'�
� h���L�{����
I am writing to address the issue of offsite storage for the V�+ , .�,,
Sonnenalp Hotel Bavaria House project which is scheduled to be under ,�-;�� �
construction from April 6, 1992 until December 16, 1992. �` ��,-d-
Storage or lay down areas on the site are extremely limited and �t�
basically non-existent once our excavation and demolition begins in '
mid-April. As a result, it is necessary for us to locate an offsite , �
temporary staging area to which materials can be delivered arxl held � ��
until it is time tr� incorporate them into the project. �''�
This offsite storage area should be close enough to the site that
access is not a problem and yet remote enough from down town Vail
that it does not create a disturbance to the public.
We have obtained permission from the Faessler's to use a two-acre
site that they own in West Vail for this purpose. The site is
located on Parcel D, Stephen's Subdivision in Intermountain. This
site is currently fenced in and we would access the site from the
asphalt road that leads to the property.
We anticipate storing materials in about a half-acre area close to
the eastern entrance to the property. Trees have temporarily been
set along the uphill edge of the property. These trees should help
to screen the stored materials from the residents in the condominium
directly uphill from the property.
Denver•Colorado Springs•Des Moines•Omaha•Phoenix•West Palm Beach
, �- -
Christin Pritz
'Ibwn of Vai 1
November 21, 1991
Page 2
� feel that this site is ideally located for our purpose while still
providing a minimum i�act on the 'Ibwn of Vail. We await your review
of this issue and if we can help to answer any concerns, please
contact me at 303/860-6628.
Si cerely,
� i�
.-� � 4��
John Cochran
Project Engineer
cc: Johannes Faessler
Ken O'Bryan
SENT BY�WEITZ-COHEN CONST. CO3�;11-�2-81 ; 1��11 ; 303860B�98i 308�78�157;# �
.�. _ .. . . .. .. .... .. ... . . .
�`A�'T`RA�1�M[i�"t'AI,. oate:.rr �
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. �C��V(�`�����IC�N ��. .
�5�5 Te�h cerrtrrDr;ve, Sutre�ra P.t�.eox�8�ot�i, tien�er, CD�aFiB
Cobrado S,pr�n�s� G�J 809�8 �9s Gog�n Str�et,Su�e Bt�Q .
�'horr�: �l�-548-9�+D� � D�nvar, �� �t�A� .
F8x: 7"l9�348-�DDB � t'l�O�e: �D3�4•��St7C� .
T�: � - , ,
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• ����. i � �.,��(a+�� •— ���t►t����i�i� , .
WE r4►A���Ndl�la ' �- PAGE(��,iN�4lJD1NG THlS 4N�, �
� �or yout r�view end c�mmem � For your�pproval
❑ ��r yaur u$e ' D �►s r�quest�d
� For your tr�ormati�n �
Hsrd�py �{,wtll/ �❑ will not iollow. .
SENT BY�WEITZ-�OHEN CONST, C0��;11-2P-81 ; 1P�1P ; 3a386a6�98i 3a3�98�157;# 2 �
�� .
������ ' �� ��9���
De�er,C�80Z03 .
�r:308��-9658 �
Nav�.ier 21, 1991 ,
ChrS.stin Fritz
Dept. of ���.'t�y Devela�ment �
T�m of Vail •
75 Sauth Frcg►t.�ge �baacl
V�f,l. C�! $1�57
C�7HEN Dear QYri�#3�:
�: �menalp Ha�el B�Ver.i� �iou$Q
Dff�c3t� S�uage �r�ea
D�i�z�-C'�h+e�n �anstrutti,�n Co. Job Na� T130
z am anri�ng #� addresa the is�u� a£ ai-��i� st�aga fa� the
�t�rnnenalg H�o�el BaV�i� [�.ise prvjeer whi�h i� ���edul.ed t� be �cier .
���ti+oYt �rom Apri1 6, 1$9Z until I�r 16, 1�9�. .
B��e � lay si�m areas � t�►e ei� are ext�semely limited �md
ba�xcally nan-�si.s�ent anc�e our axcavati�n a�3 d�1i�3� �gins in .
mic7 April. As � result, it is neces�ary �u us to l,acz�te ar� of�sit�
�r�' staging area #� whi�h m�t�rials aan be deLi.v�r� �1 h�ld
�til it is tim� #,� iri�sg�tate th�n in�tio th� p�coje�.
Th3� off�ite atorag� �xea s�2lould lae clase enaugh tn tl� �si#� that
acaess i,s �t � p�roblem and ye� remat� enough fr�n dasan fi�a�m VaiS.
that it does ncrt cr��ta a disturbanaa t� the Qublic.
� ha� �ainec] permissian fzozn the Fa�ssl�r'� t� u�e a tw�-acre
si�e �hat �they c�m in �dest Vail far thi� �x,irpvse, The site is '
]axated a�, Par�el Dr St��en's Subdivisi�on in In�e�tust�►�,�. This �
si�e is curren�ly �er�ced in and w�e wo�u]d ��g � �site ft�► the '
�ph�It z�ac� that leads t� th� pre�erty.
�P� anti��ate storing ma�r.i,�l� �.n abau� a half-acre �r� �l�:�e to
tt�e eastern entx�unc� �ho �he proper�y. Trees L�v� tem�aorarily }�n
�at al,ong tlye ughilL �dg� o� t� prap�erty. �'he�e ��s �1d help '
to scxeen �e star� matera.a�� fxom the resi3�n�s in the vraxula�miniurn
dir�tly u�i]1 fro� tY� pz�rty.
Dartv�r�o/oada Springa•t�aa M�ln�y�prn�h�+phofnlx•WHt F�Im Beecrr
... ........ . ... .. , _ ._.__._�... , . ._ . ...._.._ , �
5ENT BY�WEITZ-G�HEN G�N5T. G�� �11-22-91 � 12�12 � 303960��89� 3034792157�# 3
�. :
, , �
. ,4, ., � �
C�tistitl Pri�� ` �
�+wn s3f Vai1
i�io�v�t►�aet 21, x�91
� �
A� feel ttiat t1Y3.s si�e 3s ideally l�Catr�d for our g�rg�� wk�.le sti11
�rwidi.ng a misumum impa�t on � � af vail. 'DP� s�ti►re�it y�aur r�view
c�f ttYis issue anti if tae csn"help ix� z�rtgw8� any �oncerns, pl��e
contact m�e '�t '�a�f860-6628.
Jol�n C�achrr�
Prr4jec� Ert�irteer
vc: �oha�rles Fae�s].ex
xen t7'Sr�l�n
Project Application
Project Name: �'�� � � ��'6� �'
Project Description: �-'�.G�''��� �,� J'��'•�:� �j'�.��c.�i ' II`�--� (T',� �� ��`�.'
Contact Person and Phone �--°�'��+� �f��' �' � � ��
�� ' G'���,�.�'C.. �� `�' ��3`:3
Owner, Address and Phone: ���'�^-��� �� �--�,/'
Architect, Address and Phone: /�� ' +� .�-v*..- --�-�fc�. �;-�-•_-�`��St r �C,� A-- �,.
� �
1 � v �..,:? �,�.���.� �'� k.S�: �.�.:r � �1 �'� �--
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Lega1 Description; Lo# , Block , Filing ' , Zone
Comments: ��r�c ;s C� {���c.�,���-�-t� �'��� �� ��'� �
��f-�� ti��.�r s""��i��, ct,�f�'�t�"h" �'� � .2a-c� .+�.J'�� ,k3�e-�x-�.. r.�..-c., r�
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Design Review Board
Date ����7"'��1�
� >
Motion by:
'Seconded by:
��,1�f°�l2"� t.c1. �7 �i�E r'".�')�d��� ��� � �'�'�"`� � �
'�'�'7JIr� �,�(z'cf :� �� G ct� �,� t;L.Q �f�'� G2'� -SiD`� o�.�*�
Summary: � �'L�c��t ;ra'`" 'k �. G�. � V .t.��' �-
_-U?cr s�t C�i �'7'i �' :'vY" ;�,�{ �� t�"�i
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75 south trontage road , office of community development
vail,colorado 81657:
October 18, 1991
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh
1000 S. Frontage Road West
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Sonnenalp Landscape Pian and Construction Pian
Dear Ken:
Thank you for showing the Town staff the proposed tree relocation plan for the Sonnenalp.
We will review it over the next week and try to have comments to you by "fhursday, October
24. Over the next week, I will be checking the number of existing trees on the berm. As I am
sure you recall, one of the conditions of approval calls for doubling the existing amount of
landscaping material on the berm.
Another plan I hope to review with you soon is the construction-site plan, There are several
requirements of the Town which pertain to construction sites, and we will need the opportunity
to review your proposed construction development plan to make sure it will conform to these
policies. Some of the requirements include screening the site with a plywood fence, designing
an access plan for trucks entering and exiting the site, identifying any road closures which will
be needed, as well as a plan designing a de-watering system for the site during construction.
Please allow three weeks for the Town staff to review this plan.
Attached to this letter are detailed policies for construction in the Village area. I have
highlighted some of the more important ones, but I'm sure you will want to become familiar
with all of them. As the Sonnenalp property is located on the fringe of the Village, there are
be some policies which may not apply to this site. If you believe there are some which you
may have difficulty meeting, such as construction hours being limited to 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM,
Monday through Friday, please contact Gary Murrain or me.
� .
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
October 1$, 1991
Page 2
! understand you will be receiving the landscape plan for the site later this month, and then
will be sending it to the Town for staff review. l look forward to reviewing that with you, and
ensuring that all of the conditions of approval have been met. I also understand you are
looking for a building permit on approximately April 1, 1992. This leaves about 5'months to
take the project back to Design Review Board for final approval, resolve the Talisman parking
lot design, tie up any loose ends, and issue a building permit.
Thank you for your cooperation on all of the different aspects of this project. Please call me if
you have any questions about the various issues currently under review.
��L uC� .
A y Knudtsen
Town Planner
cc: Kristan Pritz
Johannes Faessler
September 10, 1991
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh
1000 S. Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Conditions of Approval for the Sonnenalp Proposai
Dear Ken:
With the recent DRB approval of the mock-up unit, it appears that the development of the new
Sonnenalp Hotel is on its way. Staff has been reviewing the file on this project and wanted to
identify issues we need to resolve so the process goes smoothly. These include conditions of
approval which must be resolved before the DRB gives final approval to the site plan, and
conditions of approval which must be satisfied before the building permit is issued.
Prior to final Design Review Board approval, you will need to submit a site plan showing in
detail the descriptions of the following areas, as referenced on the site plan dated July 8,
1. The corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road shall include vertical landscaping to
screen the transformer, and shall be approved by the Town Engineer.
Staff Comments: I want to emphasize that we need to work with the Town
Engineer on items 1 and 3.
2. Detailed information as to the quantity, species and size of landscaping to be
planted at the base of the building shall be provided. This landscaping should
include a variety of trees, including aspen and spruce.
Staff Comments: Please show items 2-7 on plans drawn at a minimum of
1/8 inch scale.
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
September 26, 1991
Page 2
3. The bus stop plans shall be drawn in detail to show seating, pavers, boulder
retainage (instead of ties), pedestrian access to the parking lot, as well as
4. The berm along Meadow Drive shall be extended as far east as possible,
approximately to the fire access points. The amount of landscaping along the
berm shall be approximately doubled. The new landscaping shall be of equal
height to the existing trees, and the Design Review Board shall investigate the
possibility of deciduous trees along the berm.
Staff Comments: Please be sure to include a count of the number of trees
in this area. Staff understands that the new landscaping
will be approximately twice as much as the existing
5. All landscaped islands within the parking lot shall include coniferous and
deciduous trees.
6. The fire access to be built between the Talisman and Sonnenalp parking lots
shall be constructed out of pavers, and shall be designed to replace the existing
access between the two areas. Any landscaping that is to be removed shall be
replaced within the parking lots in a different location.
Staff Comments: Staff is particularly concerned that the proposed area of
landscaping within the parking lot be at least as large as
the existing island.
7. Town-owned land along Gore Creek shall be revegetated after construction to a
natural state, and shall not be mowed or incorporated into the pool courtyard
area. Town of Vail access across the southwest corner of the Sonnenalp
property for the construction of a stream walk shall be allowed by the owner of
the Sonnenalp.
Staff Comments: Please show, on the 1/8" plan, how the Town-owned land
along the stream will be revegetated in conjunction with
the rest of the landscaping effort.
8. All landscaped lighting on Town of Vail land shall be removed as part of the
renovation. Any new landscape lighting to be installed shall first be approved
by the Design Review Board.
9. A parking attendant shall be on duty at all times to facilitate use of the parking
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
September 26, 1991
Page 3
10. The parking supply and design approved with these variances shall not be
viewed as a legal non-conforming solution which would otherwise diminish
parking requirements for future expansions or redevelopment.
Please call me at your earliest convenience so we can identify the DRB meeting you would
like to go to. I understand you are planning to submit the building permit application in late-
The other major component of issues which must be resolved are conditions of approval tied
to the building permit. Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the renovation, please:
1. Provide detailed engineering drawings of the curb and gutter and sidewalk
along Vail Road for the review and approval of the Town Engineer.
Staff Comments: Please allow three weeks for the Town Engineer to review
the engineering drawings.
2. Dedicate an irrevocable license agreement providing access to the Talisman
from either Vail Road or Willow Bridge Road/Meadow Drive, outside the
restricted pedestrian area. The goal of this requirement is the elimination of the
Talisman access easement through the Meadow Drive berm along the
pedestrian area.
Staff Comments: Concerning items 2 and 4, securing Talisman approval for
the parking and access changes is critical. The Town
cannot issue building permits for a project which does not
have these two issues resolved. If it would be helpful, we
are willing to set up a meeting with the Talisman, Fire
Department and Sonnenalp representatives to resolve this
issue. Please let us know how you want to proceed.
3. Permanently restrict iwo dwelling units, totalling 4 beds, for employee housing.
The applicant may transfer the deed restriction to two other comparable units
within the Town of Vail after securing written approval from the Town of Vail.
Said employee units shall meet the restrictions as follows: the employee
housing units shall not be leased or rented for any period less than 30
consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time
employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be
deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and
Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works
an average of thirty hours per week. The applicant or his successor in interest
shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions of record in the office of the
Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for
Mr. Ken O'Bryan
September 26, 1991
Page 4
the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the
land and shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the
Town of Vail. This declaration shall be submitted to the Town Attorney for
review and approval and subsequently executed and filed with the Eagle
County Clerk and Recorder prior to Town of Vail issuance of any building
permit for the Sonnenalp.
4. Design a fire access turn around in front of the Talisman to meet the standards
of the Town of Vail Fire Department. Access onto Meadow Drive via the
recorded easement shall not be an option to meet the Fire Department access
requirements. The area in front of the Swiss Haus entrance shall be
redesigned to accommodate fire truck access. A combination of landscaping
and pavers shall be planned in this area to create a plaza, according to the
concepts of the Streetscape plan.
I would also like to schedule a time when the Design Review Board can go out to the site to
look at the mock-up unit and verify that the materials presented during the preliminary
approval are appropriate. Please let me know when you expect to have the exterior finishes
on the building. In the motion for preliminary approval, the DRB requested that the design of
the snow guards, the fence on the roof, and the color of the fascia be brought back to the
Board for final approval. The DRB can confirm your selection of materials during their site
visit if you would like to wait until that time. If you are concerned that your selection of
materials may not meet the Board's standards, you may want to get approval before the
mock-up unit is constructed.
I appreciate your cooperation on resolving all of these issues. Please let me know what dates
you would like to proceed with for DRB hearings and building permit submittal. Good luck
with the project.
Andy Knudtsen
Town Planner
cc: Johannes Faessler
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: Date �" ���°'�4
,'roject Name: C� �� � �`7�'
Project Description: ��t��� � - �: � ' � �' �
Contact Person and Phone �°�-_��}'��'��_—� �� �� c��
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Date , 1�L..`t� �� � � � (
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ARCHITE�TS • P.c: • ,;:�.a. �I���'�u�� Oo C� �G°�aG�]��1701��'IL�C�
1000 South �ron#age Road West
VAIL,;COlt3RAD0 81657
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(30$) 476-4433 TcNrioN 4 T
TO `�`���,. '�.��i
� WE ARE SENDING YOU ttached ❑ Under separate cover via '> the following items
❑ Shop dra ings ' ❑ Pri�ts ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications
❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑
� �
".» ,r. , ' :
THESE ARE'Tf2ANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted- ❑ Resubmit c�pies for approval
or your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit coFies for distribution
> 's reGuested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return �orrected prints
❑ For review and comment ❑
PRODUCTI40d nrEas trK,crdu�,Maa oian. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify s�at�once. �
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❑ Shop dra ings' ❑ Prsnts ❑ 'Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications
O Gopy of letter ' ❑ Cl�ange order ❑ '
'� �'° ;;�,
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approvat
or your use ❑ Approved as noted' ❑ Submit _capies for distribution
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��COPY TO �... . .
SIGNE , ` ��
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� • � � �� � � �" LIST OF MATER�IALS �r°a: ;��:
STREET AOORESS:' 20 a i Road •
OESCRIPTIQN 4F PROJECT: A i ion an enovation
. � f
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The �ollowing in�ormation is required �or submittal by the applicant �o the Design Review
Board before a fiinal approval can be fiven:
� � � ������� �
� � � � ��f'�C1� Cv�c c�r�e_-
Roof �'r,� � Treated Copper Coating
$�d�n9 Stucco �'� Off-Whi'te
O�her Wall Materials � ��a�J ��.,� Grey Tone with White Mortar
Fascia Wood Wire-Brushed Brown
Soffits Wood Wire-Brushed Brown
Windows Aluminum Clad Wood C�Gr% Custom ' �
Window Trim , Wood UJire-Brushed Brown
Ooors Wood - Custom Custom
Door Trim l�Jood - Custom Custom
Hand or Deck Rails ��ood Wire-Brushed Srown
Flues Clay Natural
Fl ashi ng$ ,. P1eta1 s �.,.,..�. � Treated Copper Coati ng
Ghimne s Stucco ���,,,,� Off-4Jhite
Trash Enclosures N/A N/A
Greenhouses . ��A N/A
� � Other �z.�.�i7� �h (��e� -- ��rfla- r.�lt-� ��
B. LANOSCAPING: Name of Designer; Dennis Anderson Assoc. , Inc. ,
phone: 926-2433
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size*
� Picea pungens CoTorado 10-6 ' ,15-10 '
PROPOSED TREES q^lauca Blue Spruce 10�12 '
' Populus Quaking
tremuloides Aspen 30 2" to 4"
, Malus sp. Flowering 6 2 .5°
Picea pungens Colorado ,
EXISTING.TREES T0 glauca � Blue&Green Sprucel5 30--40
�� ��X ,Populus Quaking � 15 2" _ 5"
TRANSPLANTED tremuloides Aspen
*Indicate caliper for decidc�cious �rees. Indicate height for conifers .
� `�.PLA�l� MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name • uanit Size '
(COr1't) Variety af sYzx'ubs not
yet det�rmined 1S0 S Gallon
� �
Ty_pe Square Footaqe.
GROUND COVERS Ground covers and Perennials 2500
Annuals � $00
SOD soa Lawn 9800
A��.t.nm�.t.i� dri� and sAraV sYstem 13000 �
G. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls , fences , swimming poals , etc.) Please specify.
Free-form swimming pool and spa, flagstone patios and walks ,
stone garden wa11s to matcY� architecture.
``� . � � LIST OF MATERIALS 7 :�� �`�iVI�7�jO �IJNG,
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SQNNENALP HOTEL Bavarza Haus ��l �"I"I � ��Iv
The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review
Board before 'a final approval can be fiven:
Roof ' �
Other Wall Materia1s
---- Wi ndaw Tri m ,
Daor Trim
Nand or Deck Ra�ls
F1 ues __
F}ashing$ „ �
Chimneys �
Trash Enclosures
Greenhouses . �
B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Dennis Anderson Assoc. , Inc. ,
phone: 926-2433
PLANT MAT�RIAL�': Botanical Name Co�mon Name Quanity � Size*
Picea pungens Colorado 10-6 ' rl�`s=10 '
PROPOSED TREES c�lauca Blue Spruce ��12 '
� Populus Quaking �,fl-- �p 2�� to 4"
tremuloides Aspen
. Malus sp, Flowering
�� � 2 .5,�
;,`�. Picea pungens Colorado
EXISTING TRE�S TO glauca � Blue&Green Sprucel5 30-40 '
BE ��l�0�� Populus Quaking
TRANSPLANTED tremuloides Aspen � 15 2° - 5"
*Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for. canifers .
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PLANT MAT�RIALS: Botanical Name Common Name � �uanity Size �
� (COn't) Variety of shrubs not
yet determined 150 5 Gallon
�. Type Square Footage_
GROUND COVERS Ground covers and Perennials �B�Q ,7�t'O
An n u a 1 s �.g�$-• �
SOD Sod Lawn „yyg,e.g�.. //000
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Free-form swimming pool and spa, tlagstone patios and walks,
stone garden walls to match architecture. �
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� 3. A request for a setback variance in order to 'build a sun room and .deck
. r-� , at Unit 2 of the Ramshorn" Lodge on Lot "A, 81ock 3,` Uail Uillage 5th
� Filing. Applicants: Harold and Marshall Cohn
Kristan Pritz showed site plans and 'elevations and explained that the Cohns had
received approval� for a deck, spa, and landscaping. The' sun room would be `
'constructed on the deck. She added that the PEC in "October, 1985 had approved
a setback variance of 13 feet to allow a sun room on` Unit 3 and to relocate an
existing pool equipment room. The existing lodge encroaches into the setback
area in several places ranging from' 3 to 13 feet. The Ramshorn is well under
their allowable GRFA:
Dave Peel represented the Cohns and explained that the glazing of the sun room
would match the larger sun room;approved for Unit 3. Pri,tz pointed out that ,
some landscaping had been removed in `the latest drawing (which had been shown
on the previously approved drawings) and the staff felt the need for
landscaping as it had been approved. Donovan felt the need for bushes' in `front
of the fence. She also felt the board should relate to the Ramshorn the need
for a master plan on the Ramshorn.
Marshall Cohn, one of the owners, replied that the board should not feel a need
to be concerned, because the landscaping would be done as approved. Peel added
that the owners of the Ramshorn, the Gartons, had agreed to match Cohn's
sunroom when they proceeded with the unit 3 sunroom:
Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the variance request. The vote was
5-0 in favor.
- 4. A request for rear and front setback variances irr order to construct a
trash enc1osure, daning terrace, new entry/lobby and 'second floor dinin�
deck at the Kiandra Lodge. A�plicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.
Kristan Pritz showed site plans and floor plans and explained the requested variances.
� �� She stated that� ori�gi�nally the staff� had �looked at the property as�thou�h ������� qne
1ot, ��but techmcally �two l�ots��exist. ��������'��;�t��:�'r�����������a�.�����'�..���r+�`�~�he��� �
����'�,�:������������'��,����.��;���:�, � The ,staff was i nformed by the Sonnenal p attorney that
��ega�'1°y'���e`two°�`p�o`��ir��t"es�co�l d not be treated as one l ot due to the ownershi p
situation, even though the two properties function as one project.
The trash area would be reorganized and decrease the pre�ent encroachment. The
� dining terrace on the east would replace four parking"spaces. The staff felt
that it was positive to get rid of the sea of asphalt and replace it with an
outside dining deck: The proposed lobby and entry vestibule do not encroach
into any setback area, but the columns that support the new entry encroach into
the setback by 5 feet with a roof overhang of 11 feet. The staff felt the
column would not irripact traffic entering or exiting the site, and the
appearance would be greatly improved as well as providing adequate lobby area
and a protected drop-off and loading lane for guests. The second •Floor dining
deck is over an existing ground floor patio which already encroaches into the
same area as the deck. The staff recommended approval of these variances.
Pritz added that the staff would like to see some screening around the utility
. box that is located on Meadow Road and would like to see the planter remain
'�_• � that now exists near the present dining terrace.
. 2
=� Ray Story, representing Gordon Pierce Architects, stated that the applicant
f--- agrees to the landscaping proposed. Hopkins felt the proposa7 was exciting for
the Town. Donovan asked about parking and was to�d the Talisman had a casual
letter of agreement with the 1Ciandra and that the parki'ng seemed to wo"rk well
with assigned spaces for the Talisman Condominiums.
Irene Westby, manager of the Talisman Condominiums, indicated `agreement.
Donovan asked if the four remaining parking spaces near the dining terrace on
Vai1 Road could'be removed as well and was told that this was only the first
- phase, and that` later phases may include eliminating those parking spaces.
Pritz explained'that `the parking requirements actually decrease by 22 spaces,
and that with restriping, the parking spaces increase by 8 spaces. Donovan
asked if the applicant agreed to put back the planter and Story replied that he
did, but it may be decreased in size` but it would be as large' as possible.
Story stated that the cottonwood in 'this area would be moved and replanted next
to the stairway between the dining deck and the cars. He wasn't sure if'
transplanting at this time of year would work. He also added that another tree
woul'd be placed next` to the loading dock.
Donovan asked if the applicant would be asked to contribute to the ,pathway, and
was told they would pay amenity fees, but were not being treated like SDD 15
which required densi�ty increases: - Patten added that some of the
negotiations were stil� be'ing worked out.
Condition #1 was discussed which stipulated that if and when a pedestrian path
were constructed along the south side of the property, the owners would allow
the Town access across their property in the area between the northeast corner
� of the Vai1 Road bridge abutment and new trash room. Patten explained that
this was so that the Town could come across w�th a path, Story responded that
if the owner agreed 'to the access, it would imply'that the owner supports the
idea of the path. Ne stated that the owner had not had enough time to work
with the staff on this item. Johan Fassler stated that there was no way they
would agree to a walk right next to their swimming pool , and that this was a
totally unacceptable condition. Pritz explained that the staff was only
speaking of one area` where it was tight because of the variance being
requested. Story pointed out that the applicant was actually tearing down a
structure and reducing the encroachment.on the south setback. However, the one
encroachment for the trash room was increasing on the west or front setback.
Osterfoss asked if the rest of the pathway would be on Town of Vai1 land
entirely, and was told it would be. Kristan 'pointed out that the property line
next to which the path would be placed was 33' to 45' to the edge of the creek.
Patten said that historically this property has encroached on Town of Vai1
property in many places. He pointed out that four setback variance were being
requested and felt that a certain degree of cooperation and trade-offs were not
unreasonable to ask. He added that the staff did not want to walk out of the
meeting without being able to do a path over an area that has had encroachment
- onto Town of Vail property. The encroachment of the asphalt path down to a loading area
has existed for many years. ,
Fred Otto, also representing the owner, stated that is one thing to grant
access for the purpose of constructing the path, and another to grant access if
the Town of Vail does not construct the path. Story added that there was still
three feet of room with which a stairway could be constructed along the bridge
'�,__. abutment. He stated that he would like to see people walk past the commercia�
area rather than being diverted along the stream.
���� larry Eskwith, Town attorney, stated that if the owner does not want to give
' access, he could not be made to. Otto said that the Town can condemn the
property. � - _
, He said the owner wanted to see the whole plan first.
Eskwith stated that the problem with the condemnation process was that is was
cumbersome and sometimes expens'ive. He asked Otto what the problem was if
the easemen-t was not exclusive. Otto replied that he would be giving iap
the right'to disagree with the idea of a path. Story added that the Town had
not even technically arrived at what they want to build.
Donovan felt that the path was not being designed as a major thoroughfare, but
was more a benefit to the lodges for their guests. Patten added that the Summer
Survey showed that the summer guests wanted passive resreation and :
specifically paths al.ong creeks. He explained that the path was in the
Master Plan and he felt that it was 'extremely important to respond to the
guests` requests. He added that it would `indeed not replace any major
pedestrianways. He admitted the Town did not have a drawing to show where the
pathway was to be, but did not feel that that should preclude an act on the
access way. He said the staff understood the privacy issue, but needed to
protect themselves. Patten added that in similar situations he has found people
came back and said they were wrong about the,negative impacts of a path and were
in favor ,of the action,
Otto added that vehicles are in p�ace to provide the Town of Vail other means
of attaining the access.
Donovan replied that this meeting was part of the process 'arrd the Town had a
right to ask for a right-of-way in exchange for the variances. Otto replied ,
that'the Town had 'the ultimate threat. Story said that they were reducing the
encroachment in that area. Donovan stated that she would like to see something
specific in the wording of the variance for that corner.
Patten asked what exactly would be done in the corner, and Story replied that
they would take the asphalt out and get the dumpster off of TOV property and
take off the retaining wall . Patten pointed out that the Town may want to
leave the asphalt in place. Story replied that they could leave the asphalt
and fix the retaining wall anyway, then the TOV could use the condemnation
process if necessary. Patten pointed out that anything done on TOV property
must go through the Town Council (asphalt, wall ) . Story stated that he would
take the project to the Town Council . Patten said that he would like to avoid
loggerheads, and still felt there must be an access for the pathway.
Donovan asked if the Town Council could require an easement or access. Eskwith
stated that the Council had the right to grant an encroachment, and could state
that the applicant may keep the asphalt in exchange for access.
Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the requests for variances per the
staff inemo with the followin conditions and their chan es:
See attache page.
��_ The vote was 4-1 in favor with Donovan voting against because she felt that the
Planning Commission meeting was the vehicle in which to resolve the access to
the pathway. Patten told the applicant that the staff was willing to sit down
and discuss the path at any time.
� 5. Consideration of initial zoning of an area recentiv annexed and commonlY
�-� known as` "Solar Crest° :�ocated at 1420 Lionsridge Loop. Applicant:
{ Town of Vaa7
Rick Pylman explained the two parcels to be zoned. The staff
recommended that the northerly parcel contai`ning six condo units be
zoned as Low Density Mu1tiple Family (LDMF) and the southerly parcel ,
currently vacant land, be zoned Residential Primary/Secondary (R P/S) .
The board had made a site visit to the property. Hobbs moved and
Osterfoss seconded to a�prove the zoning. The vote was 5-0 �n favor.
6. Consideration of initial zoning of an area recently annexed'and owned b�
Vai� Associates known as "Spraddle Creek" located northeast of Highwav
70 Interchange No. -176 (main Vail `interchange). App� icant: Town' of �
Kristan Pritz explained that this parcel was annexed and the owners, Uai� Associates,
had 180 days to provide written r�oti`ce to de-�annex if the property`w�s not zoned
Primary/SecQndary. In �uly 1985 the Town'extended the agreement -to January T986 and
to date the Town has not received notice to de-annex, �°A letter was received from George
Gillett, Jr:, chairman of 'UA, asking to table the zoning because he was -negotiating
to purchase the'�property.
Osterfoss moved and Hopkins seconded to table the item until June 9` or at the
latest, June` 23. The vote was ;4-O with-Hobbs abstaining.
7. A `request to extend the hours of use of the Town of Vail hand gun range
located at the Town Sfiops in the Public Use District. Applicant: Vai7
Police Department
Rick Pylman stated that this was a request to amend the conditional use granted
to the hand gun range in January, 1985. The police were asking to extend the
allowed hours of operation to 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM four evenings per month
during the months of January, May and October only. He explained that it was
better to train the officers for qualification in low light. The Police
Department will continue to the use the shooting range in Gypsum for training
in larger weapons. Statistics were listed. One statistic was that over the
past decade, 65% of the officer murdered were killed between the hours of 6:00
PM and 6:00 AM.
Donovan registered a complaint. Her home is across the valley from the hand
gun range and the shots she hears when in her yard are very loud.
Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the extension of the hours as
requested. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
Conditions of Approval of the Sonnenalp Variances
�� .
' Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting
May 28, 1986
Hobbs moved and Schultz seconded to approve the requests for variances per the
` staff inemo with the following conditions:
1. If and when a pedestrian path is constructed along the Town of Vai1
stream tract south of the Sonnenalp property, the owners will allow the
Town access across their property in the area between the northeast
corner of the 'Vail Road bridge abutment and the new trash room for
construction purposes only. This shall be 'a legal agreement submitted
at the time of building permit. The Sonnenalp owner shall 'be
responsible for submitting' this agreement to the Town of Vail staff for
their review.
2. The vacant utility easement that° bisects the Bu1ly III Restaurant will
be vacated before a building permit is released for the' project.
3. The` parki'ng calculations' for recreational facilities inside all four
buildings assume that these facilities would be private; If the
recreational facilities become available to the general public, the
Sonnenalp will go through the appropriate Town of Vail review
� 4. The applicant agrees to provide the 6" curb and gutter system with a
drainage swale along the west side of the property along Vail Road from
the west entry south to the Vail Road bridge.
5. The planters which exist adjacent to the kitchen will remain.
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TO: Sonnenalp File
FROM: Andy Knudtsen
DATE: May 30, 1991
SUBJECT: Project Status
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On Wednesday, May 29, 1991, Jay Peterson, Gordon Pierce, Ken 0'Brien, Johannes
Faessler, Dick Di.�ran, Jeff Atencio, Mike McGee, Mike Brake, Kristan Pritz and myself inet to
discuss the project. They thoroughly presented the plans and talked about their ideas of what
they'`wanted to do. Staff told them the big issues at this time appear to be height and parking.
It appears a setback variance will not be'needed. The common area variance wil4 be needed
and does not appear to be an issue.
The Fire Department concerns center on the access to the Talisman and the Swiss House.
The Fire Department met with Ken 0'Brien on Tuesday morning, and agreed that the Bavaria
House would be completely spririkled and detected; as a result, the clearance in the auto
court does not need to be 14', the curb cut onto Meadow Drive does not need to be provided,
and the construction of Rhase f! will not require any retrofittirlg or revised fire access plans.
Because this proposal wiN block fire access to the Talisman and'Swiss House from the west,
the fire access routes to these two buildings must be revised, At this time, there is no specific
design. However, the Fire Department has said the angles into the two parking lots are more
important than the widths of the access openings. We will continue to work on this area to
meet the Fire Department standards.
Mike Brake summarized Greg HaIPs comments at the meeting, stating that curb and gutter '
along Vail Road is needed, sidewalks along Vail Road are needed, and that any drainage
problems afong Meadow Drive must be resolved. In addition to these requirements, the
Public Works Department would like to see the parking by the Bully removed and a left-hand
turn lane provided (with median). A traffic study and a survey are not needed by the Public
Works Department.
We concluded the meeting by telling them that staff would have policy determinations made
by June 5. We would tell them whether the height needed a variance, whether the parking
needed a variance, and if the Town would be supporting the variance requests.
�v�H Y
Dennis Anderson Associates, Inc. P.o. Box 1387
Landscape Architecture•Planning•Visual Communication Edwards, Colorado 81632
(303) 926-2433
Transmittal Memorandum
75 South Frontage Road West
Vail, Colorado 81b57
Attn: Andy Knudson Project; Sonnenalp Hote1
We are sending Via
� Herewith ❑ First Class Mail ❑ For your use
❑ Under Seperate Cover ❑ Express Mail ❑ For your review
� Hand Delivered � As requested
Landscape Materials List
Please call if you have any questions or comments .
Dennis Anderson A.S.L.A.
� LIST OF MATERIALS z�, t; �, `�� , �� ��;�i
� ,... �:
The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review
Board before a final approval can be fiven:
Roof '
Other Wall Materials
Window Trim
Door Trim .
Hand or Deck Rails
F1 aShi ng$ .. �
Chimneys .
Trash Enclosures
Greenhouses .
B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Denn is Anderson Assoc . , Inc . .
phone: 926-2433
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size*
Picea pungens Colorado 10-6 ' , 15-10 '
PROPOSED TREES qlauca Blue Spruce 10-12 '
� Populus Quaking 30 2" to 4"
tremuloides Aspen
Malus sp. Flowering 6 2 . 5"
Picea pungens Colorado ,
EXISTING TREES TO glauca Blue&Green Sprucel5 30--40
BE ���k€�X Populus Quaking 15 2" - 5"
TRANSPLANTED tremuloides Aspen
*Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers .
(,-:.,r�.,.� �
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name � Quanity Size �
(COn' t) Variety of shrubs not
yet determined 150 5 Gallon
Type Square Footage
GROU�D COVERS Ground covers and Perennials 2500
Annuals 500
SOD Sod Lawn 9800
A„��t; r drip and spray system 13000
C. OTHER LANDSCAPE �EATURES (retaining walls , fences , swimming pools , etc.) Please specify.
Free-form swimming pool and spa, flagstone patios and walks ,
stone garden walls to match architecture .
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Per Fall Change From
Per 1986 1990 Proposal Per Fall Per Spring 1986 to
Approved Plans Existinq Cond. 1990 Proposal 199� Proposal Sprinq, 1991 Per 1991 Code '.
AU 72 72 126 90 +12 - 100
or .
DU 10 10 0 0 -10 50
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GRFA 30, 122 30, 122 69, 989 58, 750 .3 +28, 628 .3 70,532 . 4
�`?044 �:°�
Ac c e s s o ry -9-;-9�-9-*- (5, 3 9 6) (15, 819) �'3;�@3-3--�* , . 1 �_ 7, 0 5 3 - �
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i���ati��.�t� (13, 371) �'� /dS� � �/, 7/
` IP �
Parking �- 101 210 106 +1 155
Site Coverage Not Divided 17, 984 44, 378 36, 033 - 48, 4980 . 9
Height - 42 81 56 - 48
, ��/��lif/ .
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T0: Planning and Environmental Commission
i � FROM: Community Development
DATE: May 28, 1986
SUBJECT: A request for front and rear setback variances in order to
construct a trash enclosure, dining terrace, new entry and second
floor deck at the Kiandra �odge located on part of Lots L & K,
Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties
Sonnenalp Properties has recently acquired the Kiandra Lodge and is
proposing to remodel several areas in the existing lodge. The property
is located in the Public Accommodation zone which requires 20 foot
setbacks on all sides of the property. Variances are required for the
following remodeling work:
A. Trash Area: The existing trash room area on the southwest corner
of the site adjacent to the Bully III Restaurant is proposed to
be redesigned so that a trash compactor, delivery dock and
dumpster will be enclosed in this area. The existing trash room
encroaches 14 feet into the rear setback and 2 feet into the
front setback. The new design would encroach 10 feet into the
rear setback and 7 feet into the front setback.
B. Dining Terrace: The proposed dining terrace is located to the
west of the existing entrance into the Bully III restaurant. The
zoning code allows decks to extend half way into the required
setback. �rhe applicant is requesting to go beyond half way into
the setback and extend the deck up to the property line. The
request is for a zero front setback in the area of the dining
C. Entry Column: The proposed lobby and entry vestibule do not
encroach into any setback area. This expansion infills the
existing canopy and drop-off area. The columns that support the
new entry encroach into the setback by 5 feet with a roof
overhang of 11 feet.
D. Second Floor Dining Deck: The applicant would like to add a
second floor balcony off of the existing main dining room. The
second floor balcony is located over an existing ground level
patio that already encroaches nine feet into the setback. The
second floor balcony would also have a nine foot encroachment
beyond the allowed 10 foot encroachment for decks and patios.
The remodel also includes other areas of construction, however, this work does
not require variances. Below is a summary of the work that is proposed:
� Sonnenalp West: At the basement level , additional restaurant storage will be
� added as well as a meeting room. Two dwelling units will be removed in order
to create the meeting room. On the first floor the kitchen will be expanded.
Sonnenalp Northwest: The lobby will be enlarged and new ski lockers located
adjacent to the lobby.
Sonnenalp Northeast: At the basement level , the existing Mariachi space will
be remodeled to include an employee kitchen, dining area and lockers, meeting
room, and nursery. On the ground level , the leather shop and Skandia shop
will be replaced by a combined bar/lounge and breakfast cafe, one new retail
space and new lobby area.
Sonnenalp East: On the basement level , five accommodation units, one dwelling
unit and an accounting office will be removed to create a health spa area for
the Sonnena�lp' s guests.
The remodel will also include revamping the interiors of all the accommodation
units and dwelling units.
The remodel will not require any variances to GRFA, density, 10% accessory
uses, or the 20% common area requirement. Parking actually improves, as the
owner will restripe the lot to provide 8 additional spaces. The net gain of 8
spaces takes into consideration the 4 spaces lost due to the dining terrace
and 1 space loss due to the new entry. Parking requirements also actually
decrease by 22 spaces due to the remodel . Please see the zoning statistic
sheets attached for further details on the property.
Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal
Code, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the
requested variance based upon the following factors:
Consideration of Factors:
The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential
uses and structures in the vicinity.
A. Trash Area: The remodeled trash area will have a very positive impact
on adjacent properties due to the fact that the trash will be
completely enclosed in the dumpster and trash compactor. The staff has
received numerous complaints about the trash area in the past. It is
felt that this remodel will greatly improve the appearance of the trash
area as well as the functioning of the trash pick-up.
The loading area is recessed so that trucks will be able to pull
completely off the street. The required dimensions for a loading space
are 12 feet width x 25 feet in length. The proposed space is 12 feet
width x 29 feet in length. An additional loading space is also
Kiandra/Sonnenalp 5/28/86 -2-
° Sonnenalp loading will be centralized in this new facility which should
decrease the loading on the east side of the property by Bridge Road.
7his will take some pressure off the east loading area which is very
congested due to the Crossroads and Uillage Center commercial areas.
B. Dining Terrace: The dining deck will replace four existing parking
spaces. The deck will be buffered from the road by a 7-1/2 foot to 5
foot buffer of landscaping. Staff believes that it is very positive to
get rid of the sea of asphalt and replace it with an outside dining
deck. This portion of the remodel should have nothing but positive
impacts on adjacent uses.
C. Entry Column: The column will not impact traffic entering or exiting
the site. It should have a positive impact on adjacent properties, as
the entry way's appearance will be greatly improved over the existing
entrance onto the site.
One parking space will be lost due to the widening of the entry. The
tree in the area of the parking space will be replanted or replaced if
D. Second Floor Dining Deck: A pedestrian path is proposed adjacent to
the second floor dining deck. The dining deck should not create any
problems for the path, as approximately 42 feet exists from the deck to
the edge of the creek. This is adequate room to allow for a path if
and when it is constructed.
-�- In summary, the requested variances will have positive impacts on adjacent
properties and structures.
The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and
enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility
and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the
bjectives of this title without grant of special privilege.
A. Trash Area: With the new proposal , the rear setback encroachment is
actually decreasing by four feet. The front setback encroachment is 5
feet beyond the existing 2 foot encroachment. It is felt that some
relief from the strict interpretation of our setback regulations is
justified due to the existing building being 14 feet into the rear
B. Dining Terrace: It is true that the patio could be reduced in size so
that it would only encroach half way into the front setback and thus
not require a variance. However, there are no negative impacts from
the terrace. In fact, staff feels that there are really only positive
impacts due to the new terrace. There is also an adequate landscape
buffer to separate the street from the terrace area.
KiandrajSonnenalp 5/28/86 -3-
.q n C. Entry Column: The existing column already encroaches 2 feet into the
front setback. The new column will extend an additional 3 feet to
allow for the expanded entry. Staff feels that due to the location of
the existing building, it would be difficult to build an entry that
wou1d not require some type of front setback variance because of the
location of the existing columns. It is felt that some relief from the
strict setback requirement is warranted due to the location of the
existing building. It is true that the canopy could be completely
excluded from the project, however, staff feels that the entry way has
been designed to provide adequate lobby area as well as a protected
drop-off and loading lane for guests.
D. Second Floor Dining Deck: Staff believes that some re1ief from the
strict interpretation of the rear setback requirement is in order due
to the fact that an existing ground patio already encroaches into the
same area as the proposed second floor dining deck.
The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribu�ion of
population, transporta�ion and traffic facilities, public facilities and
utilities, and public safety.
A. Trash Area: It is felt that the improved trash area will have a very
positive impact upon traffic and public safety. Presently, the
existing trash area does not have adequate loading for trash delivery
and pick-up. 7he revised plan will greatly improve the trash pick-up
functions by providing adequate space for trucks to pull off Vail Road
and safely unload and pick up goods.
B. Dining Terrace: The dining terrace will have a very positive impact on
the street, both visually and practically. Public Works has worked
with the architect to design a landscape buffer area and curb and
gutter system that will actually improve the situation for snowplowing
and drainage.
C. Entry Column: No impact
D. Second Floor Dininq Deck: No impact
Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the
pro�osed variance
Community Design
2. Upgrading and Remodeling of Structures and Site Improvements
should be encouraged.
Kiandra/Sonnenalp 5J28J86 -4-
�` The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followin findings
before granting a variance:
That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified
in the same district.
That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:
The strict or� literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified
regulation wauld result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical
hardship inccrnsistent with the objectives of this title.
There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to
other properties in the same zone.
The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the
owners of other properties in the same district.
The staff finds that the granting of the variances will not constitute a
grant of special privilege nor will the variances be detrimental to the
public health, safety or welfare.
Staff feels very strongly that th�s proposal upgrades the functioning of the
lodge and is not merely a cosmetic addition. The improved loading area is
an improvement that will have many positive impacts on neighboring
properties. The additional deck area will also add street life to Vail Road
without compromising the landscape buffer and traffic circulation. The
entry column will have no negative impacts on transportation or the
functioning of cars entering and exiting from the site. The second floor
dining deck does not encroach any further than the existing patio at grade.
The effects of the dining deck should be positive due to the outdoor dining
that will be provid�d for Sonnenalp guests. In general , the staff feels
that the owners of the Sonnenalp are greatly improving the functioning of
their lodge while also improving the exterior appearance of �he building.
Staff recommends ap�roval of the variances required for all four areas of
the remodel with th�� following conditions:
1. I f and when a pedestri an path i s constructed al ong the south s i de �r"�:,;:`�, ?^i'-L-v�
of the property, the owners will allow the Town access across their
property in the area between the northeast corner of the Vail Road
bridge abutment and new trash room. The dimension of this access
would need to allow for the 8 foot path plus additional feet for
Kiandra/Sonnenalp 5/28/86 -5-
2. The vacant utility easement that bisects the Bully III Restaurant
will be vacated before a building permit is released for the
project. Please see the enclosed letter from Dave Krenek dated May
19, 1986.
3. A n access easement agreement will be completed to allow for
access ac-ross the Talisman property. Presently the access between
the Sonnenalp`W�st and Sonnenalp East properties already passes
across the Talisman� p_roperty. Staff believes that it is important
to have an access easement�agreement to legitimize this traffic
pattern. It will be the responsi�bil-a_ty_ of the owner of the
Sonnenalp Lodge to submit this written access easement agreeme "���.
before a building permit will be released. - - _ ���-
4. The parking calculations for recreational facilities inside all
four buildings assume that these facilities would be private. If
the recreational facilities become available to the general public,
the Sonnenalp must agree to provide additional on-site parking for
these uses.
\5:�T� he Sonnenalp property has been reviewed as one project, even
th�o- h in reality there are two parcels, "part of lot L" and "part
of lot ." Staff is requiring that the Sonnenalp owner provide a
written legal agr�ement stating that if the property is divided
into two ownerships,�'the _Sonnenalp would be required to obtain Town
of Vail approval for the change __of ownership so that parking anc�
other zoning requirements could be adc�ressed. This is a
requirement that would run with the land. Th-is_ written agreement
shall be submitted before a building permit is released for the ,�
project. . ��:.,
6. The applicant agrees to provide the 6" curb and gutter system with
a drainage swale along the west side of the property along Vail
Road from the west entry south to the Vail Road bridge.
7. The appl'i-cax�t.,agrees to abi de by the Fi re Access Agreement outl i nec�
by Geoff Wright in ���memo__to Mike McGee dated October 11 , 1983. If
the applicant wishes to amend-�thi-s—ag.r�ement, Town of Vail Fire
Department approval will be required. -
� - -_ ��
8. The So alp owners shall submit a written legal agreement that
addresses t e '-s-s�es outlined in points 1 , 4, anc� 5 before a
bui 1 di ng permi t wi 11 6e`�-rel_�ased.
___._ —�
__ .`��,
Kiandra/Sonnenalp 5/28/86 -6-
Zone: Public Accommodation
_ C2�
Site Area: 2.812 acres or 122,491 sf ,,,�
GRFA ( .80)
allowed: 97,993 sf 97,993 sf
existing: 53,191 sf
GRFA 50,319
amt over
20% common 2,181
52,500 sf 52,500 sf
Remaining GRFA
after addition: 45,493 sf
Densit : (25 units/acre)
allowed: 70 dwelling units
existing: 134 a.u. or 67 d.u.
+ 16 d.u.
83 d.u.
proposed: 129 a.u, or 64.5 d.u.
+ 13.0 d.u.
77.5 d.u.
(decrease of 5 a.u. and 3 d.u. = total loss of 5.5 d.u. due to remodel )
10% Accessory Uses: ( .10 x total existing GRFA)
allowed: 5,319 sf
existing: rest/bar 9,233 sf
off/acess 1 ,666
retail 2,284
meeting 3,997
17,180 sf
proposed: • rest/bar 8,545 sf
off/access 1 ,127
retail 1 ,124
meeting 5,270
16,066 sf '
20% Common Area: (20% of allowable GRFA)
allowed: 19,599 sf 19,599 sf
existing: halls, lobbies 17,636 sf
recreation 727
18,363 18,363
1 ,236 remaining
proposed: halls, lobbby 17,902
recreation 3,878
21,780 21,780 sf
less amount allowed, - 19,599
Amount over allowed to be added to GRFA 2,181 sf
Site Coverage: ( .55 x site)
allowed: 67,370 sf
existing: 27,350 sf
proposed: 2,434
total : 29,784 sf
�,� av� � _
remaining: 37,586 sf ,� �
��i t� 1���
�L` I � `� � `
y Parking: �� � ���V� �a�'
Exist. Reqrd. Accord to Code Remodel
��a°�^ict��t�/ s p a c e s
' � � '� i �D
SONNENALP�EAST S��SS�I'u5� 42 � 35 I � � , , � pl �`
T — '�
Total 223 spaces 201 spaces �---��--- � �
Net decrease, 22 spaces
Existing on site, approx: '110 spaces
Proposed with restriping: 118 spaces
. �
Net increase: - 8 spaces
Note: The parking statistics assume that recreation facilities are
for the Sonnenalp's guests and are not available to the
general public. Four existing spaces are lost due to the
dining terrace. One space is also lost due to the expanded
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TIJ: Sonnenalp File
FRIJM: Andy Knudtsen
DATE: May 22, 1991
SUBJECT: Project Status
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Over the past several days, l have met twice and talked on the phone several #imes with Ken
Q'Bryan. At a meeting he and I had today, we agreed that the proposed project is
approximately 20,000 sq. ft. over the allowable, and will need a variance. (See calculation
sheet for exact figures.) He reviewed my drawings and �eri#ie�l the spaces were counted
accurately: His anaiysis showed the proposal was approxima#sly $,000 sq. ft. over the
allowable: However, he did not count 6,000 sq: ft. of potential garage area and approximately
3,300 sq. ft. on the'second floor. By including these spaces and counting them, his projection
and my calculation are in agreement.
Ken said that Johannes intended to apply for a GRFA variance this Friday, May 24. Staff will
make poiicy decisions regarding height, parking, setbacks and any other issue by Wednesday,
May 29. At that time, they may need to apply for additiona(variances. Ken and l briefly
discussed the alternativesof applying for several variances or going with an SDD. I told Ken
the Town would probably not take different variances to the PEC at different times. We would
probably determine what variances were needed and take all of them af one time.
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75 south frontage road office of community develo�ment
vatl,cdorado 81657
May 21, 1991
Mr. Johannes Faessler
2� Vail Road
Vail, C0 81657 ,�
Re: Proposed Sonnenalp Redevelopment
Dear Johannes:
The Town received the Design Review Board application for the Sonnenalp expansion on May
13, 1991. After briefly reviewing it, the staff would like to bring to your attention some issues
which may extend the review period.
-- Public Accommodation Zoning allows a height of 48 feet. 1t appears the height of the
tower above the auto court is 56 #eet. We understand you would like to have us make
an interpretation that parapet walls and the mechanica) area in the uppermost part of
the tower do not count toward the height of the structure. We will be considering this
in our review; however, we wanted to make it clear to you at this time that a height
variance may be needed.
-- Public Accommodation Zone District standards require that 75% of the parking be
located within buildings on the site. Staff wi�l need to review the new parking demand
and determine if this standard is met. A variance for this proposal may be needed to
bring the parking into conformance.
-- A portion of your existing structure does encroach into the setbacks on the eastern
side of the property. The new proposal appears to encroach into the same area, and
increase the number of floors on this part of the building. If you would like to add more
1'loor area to the building than what is currently there, a setback variance will be
-- If proposed common area exceeds the approved common area and the GAFA is
maximized, a variance would be required.
Mr. Johannes Faessler
May 21, 1991
Page 2
At this time, staff review shows that the application is incomplete as it is missing a landscape
materials list and a construction materials list. We would also ask that your project
representative complete the zone check attached to the DRB application. This helps staff and
the applicant understand how all of the zoning standards are being addressed. Please submit
these items as soon as possible.
Before the project is scheduled for DR6,#he staff will need to do a complete zone check to
insure no variances are necessary. �nce the additional DRB submittal information is
submitted and staff has determined that no variances are necessary, we will schedule the
projectfior a final DRB hearing. We understand you would like to go to a conceptual DRB
hearing on June 5th, and have scheduled this item on that agenda. If variances are required,
staff will schedule the item for PEC after a complete application is submitted. !n addition, the
Public Works and Fire Departments;are currently reviewing the plans and may raise issues
which could require modifications to the proposal or may require that additional informat►on be
submittetl. We wi11 pass along all of th�ir comments as soon as we receive them.
The Planning;Department looks forward to working with you on this proposal. As was evident
during the Special Development-District review, the community believes your hotel operation is
an asset to the community. "fhe Community Development Department staff concurs with this
sentime�t, and hopes we can achieve agreement on the redevelopment. We would ifke to
meet with you and your project representatives on Wednesday, May 29th, at 2:00 p.m. to go
over the zone check and the project in generaL
Thank you for your cooperation.
� �(� , � �Ln u
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Kristan Pritz And�tsen
Community Development Director Town Planner
cc: Gordon Pierce
Jay Peterson
Ken �'Bryan
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TO; Sonnenalp Fiie
FROM: Andy Knudtsen
DAT�: May 22, 1991
SUBJECT: Sonnenalp Notes
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What is their code basis for the proposal?
48 feet x 25°Iq = 12 feet '
45 feet x 25°l0 = 11.25 feet
Is there'room for 6 or 3 chillers?
Setbacks ,
y f,�
�f -zr�GS��n� � /Z2/i r`
New roofs by loading dock�-'
Setbacks in relation to 4th floor by Talisman
Count stairs at every level - �°''`�
Show the stairs' access to all iofts on all plans - �? i�
c�-�.-�,�r i f ����_
How should the "railing" in�the loft areas be counted? - ��n,ti��,,�� s�7�1��
Is their non-conformity based on UBC?
Is their non-conformity based on Larry's interpretation of zoning code?
Sign and right-of-way
Sod all the way to creek
Fire Access
Show on height and landscape plan
Is access onto Meadow Drive necessary?
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� ��'Y NG HEFERENCE(NF�RhiA�lON(First 24 ciraraetera�wilf � � �invPice� �. NOLD FOR PICK-FIP.Pdnt FEDEX � Nere� �'
� street ��
� e.. . . �w.... ... .....
��A�`M�NT t Bill Sende€ Z����t Rectp�eot s FedFx Aect Na- 3�&it 3�d Farty FedE%Acci.No, ,a�Bil!C�ed�E Card . Cify , SfBIB � Z((s Required
`� `�Q�s� �� �� �� _..,!.�.,. 6tpirallonDate �
wE��xr ' muRn�eenr+�u p�,�� SERVICECONGtTIONS,pEGLAREDVltLGE�� �� FederatEx ress4
, SERGIGE'S � 11ELfVERY�NFY SPECIAL NANDL(NG vacMaoes; mra� uame sue �
��(Chec(c only one bax) �: < croyc � rs��,m� ANU E1MfT OF LiABtCfTY_ �� `�°^ , `-
� - � . �� �Base Gharges �
P�iodtyOvernfyht � StandardOvem(ght. .. � �� ; - ��. UseQftNSalydilieonsn�utespouree�reementtatneseruiceconditiuns � ,; �..
c�n,E� ��� � t �HOlO FpR PIGK UP�p�m eo�N1', in our curse�t Service Guide,aveAa6�e upon request.See 6aek of�, . , ,..
� pelive G nexf ' � # ' sendar's copy at this ai�bilt lor informatipa. . pBCllrgd t/alue Cha
( ry y (peGverybynext We Wllt not be� si61e for an claim�n excess of.$tOq
businessmommgf) �� dusinassatternpon�7 2 DELNERWEEBDAY �W�� X P��'� +
. - , ,gackage,v/hether tlie re3ulE of loss,damage,delay,"nqn-delivery, ,,,, .,„, ,.
YOUR ^`. ._ •� ' � m�stle6very,ormisi�[o�m�tipn,wiessyoudge�araah�heevaWe�pag
� t1 �,PABKA61M6 `�t � � 3 OELFYEk SATUH Y t uac�w�yai �:� � aa aWfdiar�aF charge,a�d doctrtna�t�ypur ac1ua14ossYOr a limey..:'Q���� "
�RNGERO(15 600LiS cfaim,Ntakimum amoun€�bmitations io6nd in ihe current Federa� �
'� 16�FEOEXtE7TER'S8�FERIXLE7TER* 4� � - .. " � �press Sarvice Gmde appty.Your r�gljt fa�ecover f[om Federal . „
(E"ua°rva'�e} ' ' � Express fQ{arry(PSS,tnelUe�rg inti�ns�G v31ue 4f the pac�agC,lo9S oE .ptheC 2
t2�FEUIXPAK' 52�FEDIXPpK* ��e0N&TAMfSItRYEILCANCESVE.(CSS) Ot2t : f � TptBE ��sales,mcortre��Cerest,pratit,attorneystees,costs.andofherformsat ��
(�so-ace�irqe)t�ses�wreNanpqKavnl damzgewhetherdtrecF:incide�tal,Ga�sequential,or iafistim�Yed �. �.
13 F@DEX BOX 53 FEFIEX BOX 8 DRY i(IE....,�,����._..;o�r � ��� � to tbe greaCar ot 9tOR pr th¢deelaced vaf�re sPem�ta Eha ie(t �
Q � � Recovery cannot exceed ac�eat documented toss, �����To(�1 Char�.,6 .
�� i4"�FEf1EX iflBE 5R�FEOIX ifJBE ��. 7� RTHER SPEC'G4E SfRV(CE _ �DIAf SXtPR4 AdT rHea z�+°';4'�.a;r:cws f,7„�r� . In3he ev�nt of untimery de�ivery.Fetleiat ExPress wiit aCyour req�est �� . ,:. .. .
� �� �- , . a[utvnfhsqmelim(ietfons.re[o�datiKansperta6oneha�geapattl 9ee , . ,
. ��. Seivice Guide tor�urthee toforma[ion: � �REYlSI4N DATE 8189 '
Eeonom Ex ress �� ttea er tSanrie° � �Q � � Q ibs.� �� � enaT�tfsS+�oe�c�'�
Y F �9h . Se�Mer authoraes Federal8xpress ta tleliuer tbis shiPment wiihnt�[ �.�ORMAT HRt4
Sarvice .. (fo�ExvaGa�georany �T�qp,�yp�K-�{p ��{�A� �.� �.�.. � obtaini adeliverysignatureartdsha7lindemr�ifyandholdharmtess.�
(/armedy S[arMardAir) ' pacKage ave�i6016s.} 9����e�«� - -Federa�ess from am�e(aims resuttir�4 therefiom - (j
(CYeYrvarybyseeand : �. " �1 dR��arS[cip �.. ��'F..
bus��daytt 7Q�NEr144YWE/6kT*` t0� . "�Qn Ca;l StoP�. .R81e�S2� . .�.
' � ��. 3C , kC3 ��. 5C, 8i natHee �'t9 sF�G�
ECONOMY ' DEFERRED ��� ' �Dro 8az � 39.G, ' 6ti� �� 9
�� 30� .RE&S a��HFAtnWEl6HT•* 'St � .: .. ,. � � � � . ., .° ....": .. . PR�ta7E0 E��.
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�edEx �� = i �6.)atalTime; `�, U.Sn. ��
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�, Emp Nae��k�� � � ��,..' : �'�, d�_
' belaterirtsomeareas. :"*Califadelrve schedule, t2�iEtia�na��e� , .- . , ,,. � � � ..:,,
� ` \ \
town of uail
75 south frontage road office of community development
vail,colorado 81657
(303)479-2139 /
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10 11 12 13
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AL,�(,�I,�Y�I�jIPOLICY—Amended 10/17/70
SCHEDULE A �iUNOU 0 �. ���
Order No.: Lh,y'?-V
Date of Policy: hlt.►r-c-t� �a"i , i ':�:1/ .I�C: _� : 3U �'.M. Policy No.: P9--��a�'3-12y271
Amount of Insurance: $ "i,�ii�t�,(fUU. ilU Loan No.:
1. Name of Insured
IiAY�:,�LSi'N�: Vh.:'121:::I P�l;;»I'�NK •
2. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is encumbered by the
insured mortgage is: :;F�,t•.,' E'AGh; ::-F3 �
3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in:
5()Nr1h;1`J1�t.f'� h'k(►�H:k'C'C:1�.�:�, 1_NC�. , A i;llliti�l�t)t� t'�.��(l�iik�.A'f.'fl:�l'�J
4. The mortgage, herein referred to as the insured mortgage, and the assignments thereof, if any, are
described as follows:
i:!E'�;J'�17 t►k, �1'??t1�'.I' k�'t'ilhl: :i(1rJkJi.':MEif.E' 1'k ;Ft'1'T�';.�.:;, IPd�'. , ?
�`C�C,I:,�.d;i�() (;c�R�U `C':t��r�
'1'�� �l't�lr? I�I�E�.f_. f�� 7't��l;�l'F:r, u�•�; }?:11t�1.h; �'r�i.it�`l�y
�'r�h �t�Fil�; �.1:;►�: u1��: �tn� �;kt.;i;t�lr: j1i.F:��1iV 131itdK
�l'i► :;i�:('�.it�F,s ;�" �; 'U,i)UiJ . t)c�
nr�`!'I';I1: t•4Ak .' � '' , 1'�t3'I
k1��i;(.►NI)!;t): M.A.HG 3, l�:+ft7
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.�l'!' f.'f.l�:;.E: : 512
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t�'+_�r.•� �;:c,r�f:i11 �� i C)tl �'L3c�E�
i�'ol�r.'�a�1�� .
5. The land refer�i�t�,,ln this policy is in the State of
County of • , and is described as follows:
:`t��E: k'Ai;�: <'.-l" ��
__........ .�.. _..,..._... .. ............. .... .. ...._._
!�trt'Hf)k 1�`�h:��� c�c�,��r����H:f<��� ;���:;��.�����r: .
Page 2 ST'EWAR'r TITLE �
7EOO22 (25M 7l84) r��i�.;IV�I�S �ILF �,�11jY GUARANTY COMPANY
' , , e
Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Continuation of Schedule
TO SECUREs �7 ,500,400. 00
DATED: MARCH 2, 19�7
IN BOOK: 458
Ax PAGE : 513
A9 RECEPTION NO. : 359�744
As�iqnment of Lea���, Rents and Other o � r�cc�rded March 3,
1987 in Book 458 at Pdge 514 as ��ption o. 3�47�45,
Financ�ng �ta��ment recoc�ded M ch► , 1987 .n Hook 458 at P�ye
515 as Reception No. 3547 6.
Notwithstandiri �he f ct that th� eed� of Tru�t insursd '
tiereinunder ecures a r. omis ory note in the amount of
$15,000,040 QU, the lia y of Stewart Ti�l� Guaranty
Co�pany �ts imited tn $7 , SOO,OQQ. �00.
(50M 11-86) � GUARANTY COMPANY���,?�.';=::�.���.
• ' ' • �
. . . . :i
• • . :,�.
, � �.�RL7E�t NO. : �Si37-V
Attached to and made a part of Stewart 7itle Gua�anty Company Policy Ib:99U3-229271
Continuation of Sched8leNo. 5
� .
A L.E113F.�-1OL17 �;a'1'AZ`E; CR�:A7.'�:13 by that cerL•�ifn lea�e drx�ed June
25, �.97U exc�c.ul;�:d by VATI. ASSOCIA`.Cr:S, rNC. , �r� Lessor c�nd
k[�MFOR�-NOTTINGHAM ANL) ASSUCIA'1'�S, a� 1c�sseP for t;h� �erm
of 49 years upr�n �.nd s��b ject ta a11 the pravisior�s therein
r.ontained in t�ia� c�er. k:�.:tn unrecord�d ]ease between the
par�ies, a� disclased irt � inemorandum of ].ease recR�rded
August 7� 197U, in Book ?.18 at Page 409 ��s Reccp�.ion No.
'11�ODU, an Am�ndment to s;�i.d lea�E• wnt� r.F�c�r.�iecl Ju1y 19 ,
1973 , 3n Bouk 2:30 at: Pa<;�,� 181 as Rereptic�r� Np. 126U44 said
leas� was assiyned t,o kICHMUND A5SOC1ATr��'� , L"OLC1Rl',DO LIMITF�
PARTNr..RSHIP by as�ignmPr�L r•e�Qrde gust 1Q 1973 in Bc�ok
230 at Pag� r41 as Reccptic�n Nn. 26�3 �5, and aasigned to
V'ILCOR PRUPF�F2TIES, A Ct]LURA.DO J"C► T �NTUR� b asaignment af�
leases ana c:ur�trt3.cts r•ec Y�d��t� Uc �er 1 , 1976 in Baol� ?49
at Page 53 as K�r.F,��t.i��n .No, 14 307 nd as�ic�r�ed t;o CARTER
Special Wa.rra y l���ed a Ass ' runent of ].�ase rec�r�deci February
1�, 19F�5 i►i ok 405 ��.t /(�9 as R�cept;:ton Nn. �02992
anci r�rec�rclE June 1 , 1985 in Bor�k 41G r�.t; Page 893 as
Reception No. :31316 � and cor��reyec�. t;a INTk�NATION.AL PUFI}��Ft
COHPQR,A'I'ION, A ID� CORPUI�ATION by 6darrani:y Deed. recorded
December 6, 198� irl �ic��k 43I �t Fn.gc� 73a a� Re�ce�ti�n No. 32"1996.
and conveynd ta C�ART.k�k 1JFV�,1,�Ji'MENT COh1PAN�Y, YNC. , A NURTH CARULINA
(:aRPORATIO�! by Warr��n�.y Deed recor�leil February 11 � 1985 in Book
436 at Page ] (�7 as Rc�c�;�pt�.on No. 332�360, a.nd Ass�.gninent of Lr�aseYic�ld
Esta�e to Kiandra Parl.ner:� , Ltd. , r1 CU.Lt}C'�3C�0 T.imlt�d Partnership
recorded March 31 , 1985 :�n IIook 4�:� at Page 3!� a€� R�ceptio►� Nc�.
335295 and as�ignment c�f LFashold �:�;L•ate to :�anr�enalp Propert;ies,
Ir�r_. , a ColoY•ado Corp�.�ra�a.or� r.ecnrdc�(1 Uf�CEJmber 3, :L986 in 13ook
�54 at Paqe g78 as Heception No. 351Z13,.
INC'. , A CpI.QRAI)n CURPO}7ATTt)N, SUCCk:SSUk5 [)F' .� I'ARTN��tSH]�P
INT�2ES`I' UF V1�IL ,F1S5()GI�':C�;S, L'I'U. , A LIMITE:f) PIj.�ZTNF�tSHIP.
5ee Continuati.on Paye
Page _2B
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' . . '. � , _ , ''i;
' � . , �.;:
, ' , '•_'�::
•QRDER NO. s 288'1-V
• ' �
Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy N�-�903-Z29271
Continuation of Schedul� � NU. 5
A p�rt af. �ots L and K, Block 5-E, Vail Village Fir�t Filinq,
more particularlp described a� follUws :
CommenCinq at the m�s� souLhw�ster�y p ' t f �aid Lnt L;
t;hence N 60°35' OU" E ancl alonq th�; so�th �. � line of said Lc�t
L, 196. 34 fEet; �
thence N 33°44 ' 00" F and along s � utherl line of sttid Lot L,
165. 00 fe�� t� the t;rue : of ginning;
thenc� IJ 55°08` Z8" W � di:�ta ce 135.66 fe�t;
t.hence N 47°17. ` 34" W d.i�tar cc? � ].16. 94 feet ;
th�.rlce N 75°�i' ' � a �� alor� tt�e sout�h�:rly lin� of Ea�t Meadow
Drive a Df st: nr_� of 12. _ f t to a poinL of curv�;
thenc� alonr: sald sr�i.it;rlerlp line ar�d alorig a c�r�ve tc� the r. igh.t
havinq a ra 'u�s of �05.87 fe�t; , a central arigle �F Z1°32' 00" ,
ari ��rC di�tan � 190. 12 feet to �i pai.nt uf �angent;
t;her�cp along sa.id t�ai7gent and along said :���u�herly line
S 82°�5' 00" E a d3si:�nce �f 271 . �3 feer tU a pafnL' of curve;
thence along a curvc t� �he right; Y�.r�.v:ing a r.adius of 75. OU �eet;
a cen�ra]. angle of. 90°:?0' 06" , ari arc di:sLarice af 118.25 feet to
a point of reverse curve;
thence alanq a c�.irv� to �hP left having a r�ciius of �70. 00 feet,
a central angle of 7.4°5.l ' 26" , ar� arc dis��nce of 73. 75 fe�t;;
i;2�er�ce S. 67°15' 2?" W. ��. diRtaryce of y?.. 81 f�e�: tn a
pdint of interseci�ion wt Lh th� �soul�.hwest�rly lin�� of said L'ot K,
th�nce N 50°24 'QU" W �iicl alonq said gouLtiwesL-erly line a dis�tance
of 58.00 feet;
thence N 64°52' 00" W ai�d alang said �outYiw�sterly lin� a dis�an�ce
of 127. 04 feet to the s�uthwes� corn��� nf said Lot K;
thenc� S 6904►0 ` 00" W and alnng the souL-herly xfne of��id Lat L
a di�tancs , of 102 .50 feet ta the truc� point of begirining.
F.XCEPTING THEREF'�20M AL'L Candomi n3 um Uni t:s of t�h� Ta1�sman
Condomi.niums, A�cording to the r�acarded C;ondominium Map
thereof and as defined c�rid d�srri.bed 3n t;h� Cundominium
D�claration recbrded D�ce.u��r 30, :1970 in Book 219 at Page
� 417 a� Recept�.on No. 1�5041.
A Part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village, First Filing,
See• Cantinua�ion Pag�
Page �
. `��
. �t
t �
' � ' � ! .
� . I
� • UR]]� N0. s 2887-V
� M-�9Q3-2292?1
Attached to and made a part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Continuation of Schedufe NU. 5
According to th� re�orded P1at, more particularly descr�ibed as
f pllows s
Commencing at the most s�7u�hwe�terly point of sai3 Lot Lp
thence AI 64°35' OC►" E ar�d along tht aoutherly l�ns of sr�id Lot L
a distrar�ce of 196. 39 fE:te:t;
then�e N 33°04'40" E and along the so�at;h�rly 13n� af s�id L�G L
16a.00 feet;
thence N 55°48' 28" YJ � d.istanre of 135.66 feeL;
Chence S 71°56' 00" W r.� distz�nce <�f 89. 51 f .ei:;
t;henc� N 00°23' 00" FI � d.igt:,ance of 107..,�U f et� ta a pciin� of
intersection wi�h the rir�Y•Lher~ly line �f �i. Lof:. L;
�her►c� 5 75°53 ' 00" W ar�d along xd� riar•I;tie y line 84. 00 feet to
a point of curve;
thence alor�g a curv� to ,�� l�ft P�;,t ing a r��.dius af 2U.OG feet,
a central angle of 76° f� ' 00" , an rr, ci3.si:ance c�f 2�i.62 feeL, to
� point of t.arig�nt; .
thence alonq t�a.ng �r�t ar�d �long i:he wesi:er:l� ].ine of said L�� L
S Oq°23 ' OA" .. �, disLar► � of �2�8.89 f��et to a po3.r�t of curve;
�hence a.lort �aid wE:Nt.erly l.ine �.nd alor�g r�. curve to the le.ft: hHVing
a radius af 344. 59 eet� a contral angl� of 20°51 ' QO° , an arc dist�.nce
of 12'5.40 �'�� •
thence 3 21°14` Q" �: a ciistanco of 21 . 77 fe�t, ta the point;
of beginninq.
P�Ft(.'EL C e
A par� of Lot L, 131oc:k 5-E, Vail Villag�, F�.rsG �'iling,
According to th� rECOr�i�d �lat, mor•N particul�rly de��ribed
as follows :
Beginning at �h� mo�i: �c�utt�we�terly corner of sAid �ot L, Blo�k 5-E,
Vail Village First Fll.zng;
thence alang �he followirig t-wo caurse� along the sout�herly boundary �
af Lot L: '
(1) N 60°35' 40" E a distance of 196.34 f�et;
i2) N 33°04 ' UO" �� A distance o#' 1�5. 00 feet;
thence N 5'S°00 ' 28" W a di�tanc� of 135.66 feet to th� true poirit
of beginning;
thence S 71°56' 00" W a dist�nce Uf t�9 . 51 fe�t;
t�hen�e N OQ°23' UO" W a d:Lstan�p of 107 .ZU fe�t to �. point on the
southerly ric�h.h of w�ay line �f k:�st Me�dara nrive;
thence S. 47°'12' 27" E � di�tance �f 11E�. 94 fe�t to the true
Page �
' ••
.. • •,'
, •,�:
AI.TA LOAN POLICY—Modifled 10/73
., f��.�,t�:►�s �v��. . '�s.�»�r—,;
Policy No.: M-�19()3-1'1.'�'!'!1
This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following:
1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records.
2. Easements, or claims or easements, not shown by the public records.
3.,Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a
�correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and �vhich are not shown by the
public records.
4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished,
imposed by law and not shown by the public records.
`�. '.L'��},�:�s t:�r i.r��_ .},.._���� L'brt7 :�tu't i;l�c�r,.r-�t I ��r , �ii�ii atry :_:k��°c�iia !
c15:=.;ii?:±`illlk.`C11; vt' i:�'l;i[:';��.': rli1�., xC`I; t:'.'t'C.A1 'Lf'��. r.C) {:l:it_' i7i �: :1C;f": (.+� �'•rf�:
��C�Li11f.y I�C'(:'r:l,;:tlY •:'Y' .
fi. R{k:'.at:F'11:'t;.{.�_)(1 i wrl'Lt;�'� �.ji7 1!�'�t. (:1511���i1(1 :,:i ti"�S"I�'•J.1:.t11''t' �:>Y' 1:'t'Vt''.Cf(.'F.'
(:].�il.liit? � �)l.l�: ��i�ILC.t .11i'f t:'i.:S.',�.C .l(:�•ll�fl,`_� r lf raSlj- � �'i,:l.".•3�::1� OC1 t'r�i:�-!1
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Exceptions Numbered � t'y'� `"� a�e hereby omitted.
�s23 Page3 S'rEWART TITLE
(20M 6•84)
, �' .
p��e�mq,�r��arte� part of Stewart Title Guaranty Company Policy No.
Continuation of Schedule l4-9903-229271
Assaciates, Inc. , a Colorada Corp. , Rua�forc�-Nottinqha.m and
vAsSUC�stes� a Colorado limit�ed P:�r•Cnerehip and Harold Westbp
and Allsn F'leischPr doing 2�usine�s as Richmond Associates , a
Pgrtnership anc� �l�il h3riter & SaniLation Di�trict ta a lU foat
easewent for riyht-c�f-way purposes Y.o construc�, inspect,
m�intain, operat� arid use and repair underground pipeline
recor�d�d SeptPmber 8, 1y71 in Boak 221 at age 609 as RecepLfon
Mo. 11729A and cor�vey�d to Vail W�.ter j�i�t �.ct, a
quasi-municipa3. re�orded January 25, 198� . n �3ook 335 at Page
384 as R�ception A1a. 231734. (A " 'S PAR S A ANIy H?
12. Term9 $nd conditioris aa tain Quit C aim Deed from
Rutnford-Nottingham & �socia -es, /b/a The Talisman Lodge, a
limited Partnership � The Ta 3.sm i Cor�daminium Association far
d.n easemenL f urp�a c�� of c r�ductinq maintenance aperations,
cleaninq an making re � ir•s nd replaceiaents to said furance
flues recoc ed July 16, T3 in Bdok 230 at Paqe 111 a�
Reception N . 1259 4 . (AF�'EC�'� PARCEL A)
13. Term�, condit� a, restrfctions and atipulationg as contained
in Underground Righ�-of-Way E,�.aement recorded October 9, 1986
in Book 450 at Page 252 t�s R�ception No. 3�6491.
14. Security intereet under the Unifnrm Co�ercial Code affecting
the subjecC property, notice af which i� giv�n by Financing
St�temer,t from Vaca�ion R�sor�s, Inc d/b/a Kiandra Lodge,
debtors ta Calorado National Let�sing, Ir�c, secured party,
recorded July 25, 1985 in Baok 420 at� P�ge 728 as Reception Na.
316997 and Wavier and llisclai�aer Landlord/Owner between
Vact�.t3ons Resorts, Inc. , d/b/a Kiai�dr� Lodg� and Cnlor�do
National Leasix�g, Tnc recorded July 2�, 1y85 in Book �420 at
Page 729 as Reception No. 316998.
Page .
2os-a,-r � STEWART TITLE
�: . , �
, �HLff-1 LUf-1N I'ULICY-��f-lrnen�ed lU/1///U ...
_' � ' '� C�RU�:R .N O. : 2 8 f3 7-V
Policy No.: M-9903-229Z71
In addition to the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the title to the estate or interest in the
land described or referred to in Schedule A is subject to the following matters, if any be shown, but
the Company insures that such matters are subordinate to the lien or charge of the insured mortgage
upon said estate or interest:
A vP�d of Tr�.,iat:, ri�i:c•d Noveml�er 1� , 1.9R6, executecl by Kiandr��
P�ne•Y;r�ers, Lt,d . , � Cc�.tc,►°acio LitnJ.tF�d E'aCtri�rs�tip, to the Publ�.e
Trus�E�e o.f F�gle Couni�J, t;o sec�ar. e an inc�ebi;edness of
$2,00O,OOU . OU, iri favc�e• c�t F'irstRank of V�il, re _o �dtd Dect�rnbeY•
2 , 1986 in Boc31c 453 ;�t�. Yage 2H8 as .Re�ception Na. "3 9524.
Assignment of Rer�t;s r•ecorded llecember 'l, 1986 iti k 453 at Pag�
289 as Rectpi�iori N4. 345525.
Subordination Agreem�rit r�corded Marc , 1987 in Bo k 458
at Page 511 r�.s Reception No. �54742.
. .
• ' • �
� � ����6 { �� kt , t
. T?ATE OF DRB MEETING: June 5, 1991
A. DESCRIPTION: Addition and renovation to the
Sonnenalp Bavaria Huas Hote .
New Construction Minor Alteration
X Addition Conceptual Review
C. ADDRESS: 20 Vai 1 Road
Subdivision Vai 1 Vi 11 age
If property is described by a meets and bounds legal
description, please provide on a separate sheet and
attach to this application.
F. LOT AREA: If required, ap�licant must provide a current
stamped survey showing lot area. 88,165.44 square feet
G. NAME OF APPLICANT• Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.
Mailing Address: � 1265 Berry Creek oa
Edwards, C 632 Pho:-ie '
��' Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh,
H. NAME O�' APPLiCANT'� REPRESENTATIVE: Archi tects, P.C. , A. I .A.
Mailing Address• 1000 South Frontage a
Vai 1 , CO 81657phor�e '
I. NAMk' O�, OV�i�:�:�s� . �^ _Johannes Faessl er
*SIGNATII�E (�� : .._,_...�_.,� _
Mzilinc�� .�,dd��s .,, _ �� Al�ove . ......_._ ._._._�. ,
J o �ondominium� ��pprc.�val i�.� appl icabl e.
K. DRB F�E: DR�3 fee� ar� �aid at iche i:,�,iY��_ox". issuanc:e of a
buil�inq_permit. �
Y' �J ,`�' W �.��v r Q�l�l � � .I�.Jl�
� � Zo, r,o� �- =� �:;-r�e'�:�a� :� �5. o0
Y 5C, J�1 - ,�. �.5C, �0� ;� 5�� ��
$150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $in0. 00
$500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $200. 00
$ Over $1, 000, 000 $300. 00
, �
- A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning
staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional
application informat�ioz� is needed. It is the applicant's
responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to
determine if there are additional submittal requirements.
Please note that a COMPLETE application wil�. streamline the �
approval process for your project.
A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the
applicant must stake and tape the project site to
indic�te property lines, building lines and building
corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All
site tapings anc� staking must be completed prior to the
DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking
done during the winter is not buried by snow.
B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires
two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a
conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants
should plan on presenting their development proposal at
a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final
C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review
Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not
asked in advance that discussion on their item be
postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB
docket until such time as the item has been
republished. �
D. The following items may, at the discretion of the
zoninq administrator, be approved by the Community
Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing
before �he DRB may not be required) :
a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes
which do not alter the existing plane of the
building; and
b. Building addition propo�als r.ot visible from any
other lot or public space. At the time such a
proposal is submitted, applicants must include
letters from adjacent property owners and/or from
the agent for or manager of any adjacent
condominium association stating the association
approves of the addition.
E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.
snow avalanche, rcckfall, flood plain, debris flow,
wetland, etc) , a hazard study must be submitted and the
owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard ,
report prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner
prior to DRB application to determine the relationship
of the property to ail mapped hazards.
F. For all residential construction:
a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside
face of the exterior structural walls of the
building; and
b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a
four foot di��ance from the exterior face of the
building �aalls or supporting columns.
� G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or
modifications, all conditi�ns of approvai must be
resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit.
A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped by .
a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20 ' or larger,
on which the following information is provided:
1. Lot area. �
2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel �
consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 '
contour intervals may be accepted.
3 . Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks � �
with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a��--i� �1��,�;�'�
point one foot above grade.
4 . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural� �aJG� �
features (large boulders, intermittent streams, 5�'�e"'�
etc. ) .
5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc. ) , �
centerline of stream or creek, required creek or
stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of� U� �
40� or more, if applicable. �'�
6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark
or sewer invert. This information should be
clearly stated on the survey so that all
measurements are based on the same starting point.
This is particularly important for height
measuremerits. See Policy On Survey Information, �°
fo� more information regarding surveys.
7. Locations of the following:
a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site.
Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,
etc. must be shown.
b. Eacact location of existing utility sources ;j
and proposed service lines from their source
to the structure. Uti�ities to include:
Cable TV Sewer Gas
Telephone Water Electric
c. Property lines - distances and bearings and a✓
basis of bearing must be shown.
d. Proposed driveways -- percent slope and spot ✓'
eleva�ions must be shown.
e. All easements (Title report must also inclt�de �/
existing easement locations)
8. Existing and finished grades. �
9 � Al1 existing and proposed improvements including
structures, landscaped areas, service areas, �
storage areas, walks, driveways; off-street
parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top
and bottom of wall spot elevations) , and other
site improvements.
10. Elevations of top of roof ridaes (with existin_g
and proposed arades shown underneath) . These "
elevations and grades must be provided in order
for the staff to determine buil�ing height. Al1
ridge lines should be in�.�r��^a or the site plan.
Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated
on the site plan with corresponding finished and
existing grade elevations. .
11. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a
minimum of one spot elevation on either side of
the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines.
12 . Driveway grades may not exceed 8� unless approve3
by the Town Engineer.
B. Landscape Plan (1�� = 20� or larger) - 3 copies required
1. The following information must be provided on t e � �
landscape plan. The location of existing 4" ��t5 �.
diameter or larger trees, the location, size, �,���o`�
spacing and type (common and latin name) of all }
existing and proposed plant material. All trees
to be saved and to be removed must also be
indicated. The plan must also differentiate
between existing and proposed vegetation.
2. Complete the attached landscape materials list.(�U'���)��6�'��
3 . The location and type of existing and proposed
watering systems to be employed in caring for
plant material following its installation.
4. Existing and proposed contour lines.
NOTE: In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various
development proposal components, please incorporate as
much of the above information as possible onto the site
C. Sian off from each utility company verifying the � �d�-
location of utility service and availability (see
attached) .
D. A preliminary title rPport must accompany all ��
submittals, to insure property ownership and location
of all easements on property.
E. Architectural Plans (1/4" = 1 ' or larger) 3 copies
1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the �
proposed development. Elevations must show both
existing and finishPd grades.
2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show f
how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was ��� (� (
calculated. S�� �'
3 . Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-
1/2" x 11") for inclusion in Design Review Board, ��
PEC, and/or Town Council memos shall be rec�uired. ���y,��-��
4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors
sh�ll be specified on the attached materials list.
This materials list must be completed and
submitted as a part of DRB application. Color
chips, siding samples etc. , should be presented to
the Design Review Board meeting.
, a
F. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project
'� is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary
or Duplex zone districts.
G. Photos of the existing site and where a�;,_'_i_ '.;1::, �f l�d�
adjacent structures. 1
H. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the �
submission of additional plans, drawinqs,
specifications, samples and other materials (including
a mod�l) if deemed necessary to determine whether a
project will comply with Design Guidelines.
Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment
proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment
proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal
requirements set forth above, provided all important
specifications for the proposal including colors and
materials to be used are submitted.
A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown.
�. Three sets of proposed floor plans (1/4" = 1' or
larger) .
C. Three copies of a site plan showinq existing and
proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations
with existing and proposed qrades shown underneath.
D. Elevatiens of proposed addition.
E. Photos of the existing structure.
F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on
materials list (attached) . -r� �" �x.�r.�.� •e. .�..�.�,
At the request of the Zoninq Administrator you may also be
required to submit:
G. A statement from each utility verifyinq location of
service and availability. See attached utility
location verification form.
�io A site improvement survey, stamped by reqistered
pzofessional surveyor.
Z. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of
property, which lists all easements.
Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is
underway, and before the Buildinq Department will schedule a
framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location
Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered
professional engineer must be submitted. The following
information must be provided on the ILC:
A. Building location(:�) with ties to property corners,
i.e. distances and angles.
B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot.
C. All utility service line as-builts, showing type of
material used, and size and exact location of lines.
r '
D. Drainage as-builts. ,
E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner.
F. All property pins are to be either found or set «i�3
stated on improvement survey.
G. All easements. �
H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations
with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge
A. Submittal rec�uirements: The owner or authorized agent
of any project requiring design approval as prescribed
by this chapter may submit pZans for conceptual review '
by the Design Review Board to the Department of
Community Development. The conceptual review is
intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of
the compatibility of their proposal with the Town's
Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended
primarily for applications more complex than single-
family and two-family residences. However, developers
of single-family and two-family projects shall not be
excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual
design review. Complete applications must be submitted
10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting.
The following infarmation shall be submitted for a
conceptual review:
1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum
scale of one inch equals twenty feet;
2 . Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials
and a description of the character of the proposed
structure or structures;
3 . Sufficient information to show the proposal
complies with the development standards of the
zone district in which the project is to be
located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calcula�ions,
number of parking spaces, etc. ) ;
4 . Completed DRB application form.
B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for
conceptual design review, the Department of Community
Development shall review the submitted materials for
general compliance with the appropriate requirements of
the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic
compliance with the zoning code requirements, the
project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual
review. If the application is not generally in `
compliance with zoning code requirements, the
application and submittal materials shall be returned
to the applicant with a written explanation as to why
the Community Development Department staff has found
the project not to be in compliance with zoning code
recruirements. �nce a campZete �p�lication has b�En
received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual
review application and supporting material in order to
determine whether or not the project generally complies
with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on
conceptual reviews. The property owner or his
representative shall be present at the DRB hearing.
, .
The following information is required for submittal to the Design
Review Board before a final approval can be given:
Other Wall Materials
Window Trim
Door Trim
Hand or Deck Rails
Trash Enclosures
B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer:
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size*
*Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for
deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous
trees. Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet.
PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size*
*Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is
5 gallon.
Tvt?e Sctuare FootaQe
C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming
pools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining
walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is ,
3 feet. Max.imum height af walls elsewhere on the property
is 6 feet.
. 8
i �
� - �
The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main
trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by
the following utilities for the accompanying site plan.
Authorized Signature Date
U.S. West Communications
1-800-922-1987 � � + q
468-6860 or 949-4530 � (
Public Service Company / � � ��
949-5781 � � �� �� �
Gary Hall � �� �
Haly Cross Electric Assoc. � �
R-, '
949-5892 n�
Ted Husky/Michael Laverty � ��"�. � �� 5 -��- `��
Heritage Cablevision T.V.
Steve5Hiatt -%� � _�_ �`':v`'.�_�`� ��?�G�
Upper Eagle Va11ey Water
& Sanitation District *
476-7480 ��, � �y` �
Fred Haslee , `°7�
NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of
his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from
the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to
obtain utility �ocations before diqgina in any pubZic
right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. $
. buildinq t�ermit is not a street cut permit. A street
cut permit must be obtained separately. .
This form is to verify service availability and
location. This should be used in conjunction with
� preparing your utility plan and scheduling
* Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when
obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation sa_gnatures. Fire
flow needs must be addressed.
�...-- 9
Allowed Existinct Proposed Total
Height (30) (33)
Total GRFA
+ (850) (425)
Primary GRFA
+ (425)
Secondary GRFA
+ (425)
Setbacks Front 20 '
Sides 15 ' /
Rear 15 '
Water Course Setback (30) (50)
Site Coverage
Retaining Wall Heights 3 '/6 '
Parking Reqrd
Garage Credit (300) (600) (900) (1200)
Drive: Permitted Slope 8� Actual Slope
Date approved by Town Engineer:
Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain
2) Percent Slope
3) Geologic Hazards
a) Snow Avalanche
b) Rockfall
c) Debris Flow
4) Wetlands
Does this request involve a 250 Addition?
How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?
sq. ft.
` GRANT OF EASEMEIVTS is made and entered into this I�day of��,1 s'f, 1997, by and between
the SONNENALP HOTEL ("Sonnenalp") and ihe TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado municipal
corporation ("Town"):
WHEREAS, Sonnenalp and ihe Town desire to establish, tor iheir mutual benefii, easements for (a)
pedestrian access across a portion of Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village First, as more specifically identified on
Exhibit A-1, (b) landscape maintenance across a portion of Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village First, as more
specifically identified on Exhibit A-1, and (c) maintenance of a wall and landscaping on Tract I, Vail Village First,
as more specifically identified on Exhibit A-2, which lands to be subjected to easements may be individually
referred to herein as "Sonnenalp's Property" and "Town's Property"; and
WHEREAS, the Sonnenalp and the Town of Vail are willing to grant to one another and their
successors and assigns easements across the Sonnenalp's Property and the Town's Property according to
the terms and conditions of ihis Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the
Sonnenalp and ihe Town agree as follows:
1. Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access. The Sonnenalp hereby grants and conveys to the
Town dnd its successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across ihat real property described
on Exhibit A-1 for the use by the Town, its successors and assigns, and the public, over the easement for the
following uses:
For travel by representatives of the Town and the public at large, by foot, for the purpose of accessing
the property owned by th� To�vn adjacent to Gore Creek across Sonnenalp's Property.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pedestrian access easement unto the Town, and its successors and
2. Mutual Grant of Easement for Landscape Maintenance. The Sonnenalp hereby grants and
conveys to the Town and its successors and assigns and the Town hereby grants and conveys to the
Sonnenalp and its successors and assigns mutual, non-exclusive easements over and across that real
proper[y described on Exhibits A-1 and A-2 for the use by each other,their successors and assigns over the
landscape maintenance easement for the following uses:
For the purpose of landscape maintenance, including vehicular access, related to property owred by
the Sonnenalp and by the Town as identified in Exhibits A-1 and A-2.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the landscape mainienance easement unto one another and their
successors and assigns.
3. Easement to Erect and Maintain Structure on a Public Right-of-Way. The Town hereby grants
, and conveys to Sonnenalp and its successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that
real property described on Exhibit A-2 for use by the Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns, for the following
For the purpose of erecting and maintaining a wall and for landscape maintenance immediately
= adjacent and attached to the existing bridge rail columns on the Chapel Bridge which crosses Gore
- Creek on Vail Road.
TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD the easement to erect and maintain structure on a public right-of-way unto
the Sonnenalp, and its successors and assigns.
4. Restoration of Town of Vail Pro�ertv. At the conclusion of any activities of the Sonnenalp on
Town Property, the Sonnenalp shall restore the surface of the Town's Property, as nearly as possible to its
prior condition.
5. Maintenance and Repair of Town's Property. The Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns,
shall be fully and solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of the improvements, if any, associated
with the pedestrian access easement, the landscape maintenance easement, and the easement to erect and
maintain a structure on a public right-of-way. The Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns shall be responsible
for any damage to tfie Town's Property caused by the placement and operation of such improvements on the
Town's Property. The Sonnenalp shall use its best efforts to install and maintain any improvements provided
for herein without disturbing the use of the Town's Property.
6. Covenant to Run with the Sonnenal�'s Property and Town's Property. The mutual easemenis
granted herein shall be perpetual and shall run with the land described as Sonnenalp's Property and the
Town's Property more specifically identified on Exhibits A-1 and A-2.
7. Reservation of Riqhts. The Sonnenalp and the Town reserve the right to use their individual
properties and to grant other easements across the property which will not interfere with the mutual easements
granted herein.
8. Mutual Indemnification Aqreement. The Sonnenalp and the Town mutually agree to indemnify
and I�old harmless one another, their onicers, employees and agents from and against all liability, claims and
demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,
personal injury,sickness,disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever,
which arise out of or are in any manner connected with the individual activities of the Sonnenalp or the Town
pursuant to this easement agreement, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by or is
claimed to be cause in whole or in part by, ihe act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or
other fault of the Town or the Sonnenalp, their contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or
representative of either party, his contractor or subcontractor. The Town and Sonnenalp agree to investigate,
handle, respond to,and provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the
sole expense of the other. The 7own and Sonnenalp also agree to bear all other expenses relating thereto,
including court costs and attorneys fees, whether or not any such liability, daims, or demands alieged are
groundless, false, or fraudulent. The Town and the Sonnenalp agree to procure and maintain, at its own
individual costs, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to insure against all liability claims, demands and
other obligations assumed by the Town and Sonnenalp pursuant to this indemnity agreement. The Sonnenalp
further agrees to release the Town, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims,
demands or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the
Sonnenalp or the Sonnenalp's Property caused by the Town, it officers, agents and employees while engaged
. in m3intenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail Property, streets,
sidewalks, or rights-of-way.
� a Colorado municipal corporation
. �!/l.�
By: .
Robert W. McLaurin
Town Manager
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this�'�day of �����- . 1997, by
Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager of the Town of Vaif.
Witness by hand and official seal.
Anne E.Wrieht;Notary Public
IVIy commisslon expires: U�•Commi=sion Expires 6-17-199°
75 S. fo�a�0 P.Gud
Notar Public
gy. �,0 ��t7—
Its: �'
STATE OF �Lb�1�C7 )
) ss.
COUNTY OF `�d��,L� )
� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this�day of �V�(,S�!, 1997, by
N"I}�►�E� ���SSf.� , its
Witness by hand and official seal.
My commission expires: ��S O�'J
otary Publi
L� = 20'51'00"
R = 344,59'
T = 63.40�
L = 125.40'
. E
6a�6 0� � 5 81'S6 43^ E �
2 N �p>>f� 2s.s2' D�
G N' �/ �� �g6�
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P.O.B. '� °o.
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A Portion of Lot "L", Blocic 5E, Vail Village First Filing, occording to the
Plat thereof as found in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County,
State of Colorado, being more particularly described as roilows:
Commencing at a Point on the southwest corner of said Lot "L"; thence
N 21'14'00" W, 8.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N 21'14'00" E,
10.00 feet; thence N 68'46'00" E, 10.11 feet; thence S �1'S6'43" E, 26.92
feet to the south line of said Lot "L"; thence S 60'35'00" W, 16.44 feet;
thence N 81'S6'43" W, 11.26 feet; thence S 68'46'00" W, 7.50 feet to the
Point of Seginning.
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Roger W. Meyer P.L.S. 26967
MLS97059\EASE.DWG 5-12-97 RWM
Professional Land Surveys �-
NOTICE: Accordinc to Co!orado las=� vou MUST commence any legal
� . . , -
cc����n �es�d up�n any de�°c_ in ihis survey within three years
` ^"er v�;; . ct r. :-_ . ct. in no event, mo on 902 Grand P.O. Box 344
,-�,�, -�� ���::h �':. ; Y Y
+ ac��or, �csed unon ary de.`^�: �^ !'�is survey be commenced more Eagie, Coforado 81631
',!-�an ten years !�om t��e dc:,e o! cer',ification shown hereon.
� 378-?4C1!1 07A-t�-�n1 r„In...._;�-
' . -�
� E�HIBIT - �
� LOT "L", BLOCK 5E, p�
O �oo �C.
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9%� s scnr..� i" = io�
o9O g8�o'
OQ 6
A Portion of Tract "I" and Vail-Road, Vail Village First Filing, according to
the Plat thereof os found in. the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle
County, State of Colorado, being more particufarly described as follows:
Beginning at a Point being the westerly corner of said Tract "I"; thence
N 60'35'00" E, 20.80 feet; thence S 04'21'04" W, 7.96 feet; thence
S 44'56'25" W, 13.43 feet to the easterfy right—of—way fine of Vail Road;
thence S 44'56'25" W, 5.32 feet; thence N 21'14'00" W, 11.79 feet to the
Point of B�c�i��;in�.
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Roger W. Meyer P.L.S. 26967
MLS97059\EASE.DWG 5-12-97 RWM
Professional Land Surveys
NQTICE: According to Colorado law you MUST commence any legol
"" actier ba�e� upon any c�fect in tnis survey within three years
_;:er you �irt r'iscov�red sucn defec't. ln no event, moy ony 902 Grand P.O. BoX 3413
ec:inn bes�d upon ony c,�fec; �n thi; survey be commenced more Eagle, Colorsdo 81631
°� !�er: ;en yeers from the cate o' certifice±ion shown hereon. _ . ,_
�� .., .� .,,.
� �
�� /
�ro�oF vArL
. 75 South Frontage Road Office of the Town Attorney
i�ail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2107/Fax 970-479-2157
TO: Mike Mollica-.�
FROM: R. Thomas Moorhead/����
� �J
DA"fE: June 23, 1997 �
SUBJECT: Sonnenalp/Town of Vail Easements
IVlike, attached is the Sonnenalp/Town of Vail Easements with the additions/changes you
suggested you requested. Please let me know if you need anythir�g else.
"fhanks. �_
� ���-�-
e = �o•5t'oo„
R = 344,59�
T = 63,40�
L = 125,40'
�6 0� S 81'S6'43'
68 �i � ,�Tr � E ,
2 N �p 1� 26.92' �C�
�" N' �/ / •� 196.
v� �, o �6�a
� O�= �� 68 q�6��s-�N 81�56;43" y� yQ �
o r s���o >>.2s`� " 60�
d �'
N> � ��y
P.O.B. � o
� s
s�s�\� SCALE 1" = 10'
A Portion of Lot "L", Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing, according to the
Plot thereof as found in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County,
State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a Point on the southwest corner of said Lot "L"; thence
N 21'14'00" W, 8.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N 21'14'00" E,
10.00 feet; thence N 68'46'00" E, 10.11 feet; thence S 81'56'43" E, 26.92
feet to the south line of said Lot "L"; thence S 60'35'00" W, 16.44 feet;
thence N 81'56'43" W, 11.26 feet; thence S 68'46'00" W, 7.50 feet to the
Point of Beginning.
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Roger W. Meyer P.L.S. 26967
MLS97059\EASE.DWG 5-12-97 RWM
NOTICE: According to Colorodo low you MUST commence ony legol t'rofessional Land Surveys
actian based upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors
ofter you first discovered such defect. In no event, moy ony 902 Grand P.O. BOX 344
action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more Eegle, COIO�edo 81631
than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon.
328-t900 328-1901 Telecopier
� LOT "L", BLOCK 5E, '
�� �
Q,\ � �
�� 60���i �
\\ � � �� TRACT I
•� � `L°' I I o
� V v,
\ rLh Y'�
P.O.B. 2 � ���y�o�
. �,
�� '�'� 6'y
�9�( � s SCALE 1" = 10'
090 �8�0'
OQ 3
A Portion of Tract "I" and Vail Road, Vail Village First Filing, according to
the Plat thereof as found in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle
County, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a Point being the westerly corner of said Tract "I"; thence
N 60'35'00" E, 20.80 feet; thence S 04'21'04" W, 7.96 feet; thence
S 44'56'25" W, 13.43 feet to the easterly right—of—way line of Vail Road;
thence S 44'56'25" W, 5.32 feet; thence N 21'14'00" W, 11.79 feet to the
Point of B��i��1�, �q.
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Roger W. Meyer P.L.S. 26967
MLS97059\EASE.DWG 5-12-97 RWM
NOTICE: According to Colorodo law you MUST commence any legal �rofessional Land surveys
action based upon ony defect in this survey within three years
after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any 902 Grand P.O. Box 344
action based upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more Eagle, Colorado 81631
thon ten years from the date of certification shawn hereon. 328-1900 328-1901 Telecopier
�FA% 970 663 5229 D.BEADLE LANDARC PO1
• •
�� �
, Date: �'2'q� From: �-
' T�: T �� �jV��,�+�✓ Project: �1c9V111t�V1�l p -��,�-
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Company: V�1t�c�w � �t�1S P`roject #: __. �(Q((�- _
F� #; -�1a� ��- r��1 paga�: 2
1!there are sny problems�vitb thi�traqrpii�uon,plea�a coatact w at� (970)663•4170
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David Beadle - Landscape Arc-hitect a�
I.andecape Archite�ture - �ite Ylanning y�'� �� 1 J ����
5C43 Bitterbueh Way, Loveland, CO. 80637 �,� �
Phone (970} �3-417U/ Fax (97U) F�3-5z29
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75 5outh Frontage Road Office of the Town Attorney
i�ail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2107/Fax 970-479-2157
TO: Mike Mollica ✓'
Greg Hall
FROM: R. Thomas Moorhead �'����-
DATE: March 13, 1997
SUB�IECT: Mutual Easements at Chapel Bridge
Gentlemen, attached you will find a draft of a mutual easement agreement between the Sonnenalp
and the Town of Vail for the proposed improvements and access to Gore Creek. Please review
the document and determine whether or not it meets all of our needs. Please advise me of any
additions, deletions or changes that you believe are appropriate.
You will note that we have not included provisions for revoking the wall improvement that is to be
located on Town property. Please advise me if you believe that is necessary.
Mike, please feel free to use your independent judgment as to when you want to share this
document with Sonnenalp's landscape architect. I would suggest that if Greg does not have any
major problems with the document that it would then be appropriate for distribution and it should
be represented as a draft so that we are not bound by its present form.
We will need to obtain appropriate legal description for the Sonnenalp Property and the Town of
Vail Property. We also should make certain to use the proper corporate name for the Sonnenalp.
Let me know if anything else is immediately necessary. Thanks.
�.--'' �,�,�
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GRANT OF EASEMENTS is made and entered into this_day of , 1997, by and between
the SONNENALP HOTEL ("Sonnenalp") and the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado municipal
corporation ("Town"):
WHEREAS, Sonnenalp and the Town desire to establish, for their mutual benefit, easements for(a)
pedestrian access across a portion of (legal description
of Sonnenalp property}, as more specificaily identified on Exhibit A, (b) landscape maintenance across a
portion of (legal description
of Sonnenalp property), as more specifically identified on Exhibit A, and (c) maintenance of a wall on
(legal description
of Town of Vail property), as more specifically identified on Exhibit A, which lands to be subjected to
easements may be individually referred to herein as "Sonnenalp's Property" and "Town's Property"; and
WHEREAS, the Sonnenalp and the Town of Vail are willing to grant to one another and their
successors and assigns easements across the Sonnenalp's Property and the Town's Property according to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the
Sonnenalp and the Town agree as follows:
1. Grant of Easement for Pedestrian Access. The Sonnenalp hereby grants and conveys to the
Town and its successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that real property described
on Exhibit A for the use by the Town, its successors and assigns, and the public, over the easement for the
foilowing uses:
For travel by representatives of the Town and the public at large, by foot, for the purpose of accessing
the property owned by the Town adjacent to Gore Creek across Sonnenalp's Property.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pedestrian access easement unto the Town, and its successors and
2. IVlutual Grant of Easement for Landsca�e Maintenance Easement. The Sonnenalp hereby
grants and conveys to the Town and its successors and assigns and the Town hereby grants and conveys
to the Sonnenalp and its successors and assigns mutual, non-exclusive easements over and across that real
property described on Exhibit A for the use by each other, their successors and assigns over the landscape
maintenance easement for the following uses:
For the purpose of landscape maintenance related to property owned by the Sonnenalp and by the
Town as identified in Exhibit A.
, � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the landscape maintenance easement unto one another and their
successors and assigns.
° 3. Easementto Erect and Maintain Structure on a Pubiic Ripht-of-Way. TheTown hereby grants
and conveys to Sonnenalp and its successors and assigns a non-exclusive easement over and across that
real property described on Exhibit A for use by the Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns, for the folfowing
` uses:
For the purpose of erecting and maintaining a wall immediately adjacent and attached to the existing
bridge rail columns on the Chapel Bridge which crosses Gore Creek on Vail Road.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the easement to erect and maintain structure on a public right-of-way unto
the Sonnenalp, and its successors and assigns.
4. Restoration of Town of Vail Propertv. At the conclusion of any activities of the Sonnenalp on
Town Property, the Sonnenalp shall restore the surface of the Town's Property, as nearly as possible to its
prior condition.
5. Maintenance and Repair of Town's Propertv. The Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns,
shall be fully and solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of the improvements, if any, associated
with the pedestrian access easement, the landscape maintenance easement, and the easement to erect and
maintain a structure on a public right-of-way. The Sonnenalp, its successors and assigns shall be responsible
for any damage to the Town's Property caused by the placement and operation of such improvements on the
Town's Property. The Sonnenalp shall use its best efforts to install and maintain any improvements provided
for herein without disturbing the use of the Town's Property.
6. Covenant to Run with the Sonnenalp's Property and Town's Property. The mutual easements
granted herein shall be perpetual and shall run with the land described as Sonnenalp's Property and the
Town's Property more specificaAy identified on Exhibit A.
7. Reservation of Rights. The Sonnenalp and the Town reserve the rjght to use their individual
properties and to grant other easements across the property which will not interfere with the mutual
easements granted herein.
8. IVlutual Indemnification Aqreement. The Sonnenalp and the Town mutually agree to indemnify
and hold harmless one another, their officers, employees and agents from and against all liabiliiy, claims and
demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury,
personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever,
which arise out of or are in any manner connected with the individual activities of the Sonnenalp or the Town
pursuant to this easement agreement, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by or is
claimed to be cause in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence
or other fault of the Town or the Sonnenalp, their contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or
representative of either party, his contractor or subcontractor. The Town and Sonnenalp agree to investigate,
handle, respond to, and provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the
sole expense of the other. The Town and Sonnenalp also agree to bear all other expenses relating thereto,
including court costs and attorneys fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are
groundless, false, or fraudulent. The Town and the Sonnenalp agree to procure and maintain, at its own
individual costs, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to insure against all liability claims, demands and
other obligations assumed by the Town and Sonnenalp pursuant to this indemnity agreement. The Sonnenalp
further agrees to release the Town, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims,
demands or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the
- ' Sonnenalp or the Sonnenalp's Properiy caused by the Town, it officers, agents and employees while engaged
in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of Vail Property, streets,
sidewalks, or rights-of-way.
. a Colorado municipal corporation
Robert W. McLaurin
Town Manager
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_day of , 1997, by
Robert W. McLaurin, Town Manager of the Town of Vail.
Witness by hand and official seai.
My commission expires:
Notary Public
. By:
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_day of , 1997, by
, its
Witness by hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
Notary Public
,� Davi '_ Beadle�w�
\ \ � L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t
Landscape Architecture & 5543 Bitterbush Way
75 Sout)� Fro�itage Road Sitc Planning Loveland, Colorado 80537
Phone 970) 663-4170
Vail, Colorado 81657 FaX (970) 663-5329
FAX 970-479-2452
Octobcr ]7, 1996
David Bcadle
5543 Bitterbush Way
Lovcland, Colorado 80537
RE: The Sonnenalp Hotel
Dear David:
Thank you for your application dated October 3, 1996, regarding design review approval for landscape
modifications at thc Sonnenalp property, located at 20 Vail Road. Tlie Town has grantcd staff approval of
your requcst, with thc following conditions:
1. Duc to thc location of thc Firc Dcpartmcnt conncction bchind thc�rcasc disposal containcr, thc Firc
Departmcnt is requiring that thc scrcen fencinb not excecd 7' in width, as indicatcd on your
2 As Town staff has prcviously discusscd with Johannes Facsslcr, it will bc ncccssary to cxccutc an
casemcnt agrccmcnt, to al low for ccrtain cncroachmcnts onto Town of Vail property. Additionally,
in ordcr to maintain pedcstrian access to the Town's strcam tract, thc Tow�i would request that
Johannes Facssler exccutc a similar eascmcnt, tl�crcby allowing pedcstrian and maintenancc access
to Town property. This is nccessary, due to thc additional plantcr wall and landscaping which would
effectively block access.
3. Prior to constiuction, a Public Way Perniit will nccd to bc secured from our Dcpartmcnt of Public
Works. Plcasc contact Larry Pardec, thc To�vn's construction supervisor at (970) 479-2198.
4. Upon a recent site inspection, a Town staff inembcr notcd that a "private property" sign was located
adjacent to the Talisman, along the stream tract. This sign does not mcet thc Town's Sign Code,
and we are requesting that it bc removed.
The above conditions of approval are required to be completed prior to comtnencing construction on the
project. I would be pleased to meet with you, to discuss further any of t}ie above conditions of approval.
You can contact me directly at (970)479- 2144.
Sincer ly, ,
Mike Mollica
- Assistant Director of Community Development
cc: Johannes Faessler
Mike McGee,Fire Marshall
Greg Hall,Town Engineer
Todd Oppenheimer, Parks Superintendent
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