HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 OVERLOOK COMMON LEGAL_Part1.pdf � � � LEA►VE THIS PAGE ON TOP Overlook at Vail L.ot G-4, Liansridge 2nd Filing GR�A Approved Changes to GRFA at GRFA 4J�it at DRB 12J21195 Approved Plans Building Permit at TCO 1 3,268 sq. ft. 3,fi74 sq. ft. 1,749 sq. ft. (�irar95) 2 3,268 sq.ft. 1,744 sq. ft. 3 3,26$sq. ft. 1,742 sq.ft. 4 3,268 sq. ft. 1,749 sq. ft. 5 3,4Q4 sq.ft. 1,742 sq. ft. 6 3,a04 sq.ft. 3,926 sq. f�. 1,742 sq. ft, (i/18/95J J � 7 3,268 sq. ft. 3,674 sq. ft. 3,268 sq. ft. 3,268 sq.ft. (ii�e/s5) 8 3,268 sq. ft. 3,268 sq. ft. 3,268 sq, ft- 9 3,268 sq.ft. 3,268 sq.ft. 3,266 sq.it. 10 3,268 sq. h. 3,268 sq. ft. 3,268 sq. ft. 11 3,404 sq.ft. 3,404 sq. ft. 3,40� sq.ft. 12 3,404 sq. ft. 3,92fi sq. 1t. 3,918 sq. ft. 3,91$ sq.ft. (f/18/95J TOTA� 39,760 sq.ft. 41,616 sq. ft. 40,274 sq. ft. F leveryoneVauren�ovedook.num 61/17�2000 10:14 9709264471 ROHN K ROBBI�E5Q PAGE 02 � „'r ' � �l�. E C�PY lJ�l Off I(�S OF IV1011M�. ROD�IMS P.O.8ax b I 33 Vail,Co 8 i r�sa 97D/926.446 i Fax:9701926.447 I e mail:robbinsQcok�rado.net L'cens�eed Be�ire the Bors of Colaroda ond Crrlijomia � 3anuary 17, 2040 George Ruther TQwn of Vail Planning Departmer�t 75 S. Frvn,tage Rd. West Vail, CO S 1657 via fa�ooly: �'�9.2451: p�.Qrj,�inal to iollow ItE: Overlook at Vail (Beec6wood Corp)I'f.t�nderson Dear George: In reply to your Tanuary 12, 20t701ette�re$arding the above-captioned matter, please be advised that Mr. Ar�derson has pro�eeded with h�s awn forces to regrade the lot to its original conditio�. As Mr. Anderson oversaw t3�e regrading and drainage work, he is satis$ted with the results a�d, accordingly, l`accepts" them. As you know, it remains Mr. .Anderson's position that Beechw4od/.�.ern�er are xespansible for reimbursement tv h�m:For a11 cost$associated with the regarding and drainage wark$s Beeehwood/Lem�r created the offenditag cnndition in the�'irst in�stance, alienat�d Mr. Anderson's rea�pXC�pefiy rights, and breached their oral co�tract with Mr. Anderson to fully r��tore ta the lot. The foregoing notwitlasta.�nding, however, Mr. And�rso�n recngnizes that the proper venue far resolutinn of this matter is a�a caurtroom and na�witt�im the hatls oFtown gaveininent, ,A,s � �explained to you ea.tli�r today, the president of the Overlc�nk homeawner's assaciation is unreacha6te until an or about tk�e 22nd of tl�is month at which tinae X expect to hear froua hhuimm as to the assvci�tio� su�ailarly "signin$ c�f�" on the reg�radiazg work. Onee I have ieceived authority, I will obviously in�orm you of the hQmeowner's xssociation's intentions. ■ � � � - � � � � � � � . � I I I � , � I I � j I I I �I I I . I e1117I2908 16:14 970g2�471 R�N K ROBBI� E�Q PAGE 03 �� F� ' G.�er , Planl�lajr TO�V Pase E Jasa�rf I7,ZUUO klease feei�ftee to caU wrth any quastions and/or concerns. Nty best regard�, � �..- l� . . Rnl�n RQbbin� � RIQ2! cc T.Andersor� N.Vires I � ■ J. • �. l . .� � �� 1 � � �`' � ` 11 �� 1� � � TaW�V OF YAIL De,�artment of Gommuniry Develapnaefzt 75 Soc�th Frontage Raacl Vail, Colorado 81�57 970-479-21.�8 F.AX 970--�79-2452 January 12, 2000 �1r. Rohn Robbirs P.�. Box 6133 Vail, Calorado 816�7 Sent via fax: 926-4471 Re: Completion of qradinq at the Qverlook at Vail. Dear Rohn, I understand thai you are the attorney representing the interests o#the Overlook at Vaii Flomeowner's Association and Mr. Todger Anderson. The purpose of this letter is ta request th�t you provide written letters af appraval from both Mr. Anderson and the Overlook at Vaii Homeowner's Association accepting the reeently campfet�d grading �m{�rovem�nts. i am reGuesting ttte leiters to docurnent the �own's files that the grading has been completed to the satisfaction af tt�e interest�d �arties. Shoul� you have any questions or should yo� be unable to fuffill this request, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach rne rnost eas�ly by te�ephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, - � ��� George Ruthe�, AIC'� Senior Special Frajects Planner Town of Vail ���REf_'YCLED PAPER 3an 12 00 09: 3Qa Gommercial Spec af W CO [9701513-7200 i � f p. l . , � Ta ,ci� .,., � d - � � � ��� � ,�D��/� � � Corrrmercial Specialis#s � o� ,2,�a�us►�, 2oao .�'9�=a.3�� Of Westem Co/orado, ttC � Numtier of pages ir�cluding cov�r sheer 3 TO: J.R, Mondragorr FRpll+l: pean A. Doiron Company: Town vf Vail ��(�'l. {4� �� ;� �1��.,.. �,� �`�'b ��. � � Q� ��� `�N � � Carnmencial SpeciaJists �� � ���� Of INestern Colarado, LLC Phane 479-2143 PC)Box 1572 Fax Phvne 479-2452 Siivarthome, CO. 80498 Fhone (970) 513-71 U4 CC: Fax 970 513-7200 R�MARKS: L� U►�genf � For your rev;ew ❑ Reply ASAP � Please Comment Pivject: Overlook— 1330 Sandstone Yai1, G�. RE: Off Premises Monftoring Permit J.R., !hav�spaken wifh Mike McGee, Vai!Fir� Marsha!and he advised me ta pmceed wi#h o6taining a � permi� for this installatian.l have included � concept draw�ng for your records fa give you an idea of what we insta!!ed and how it works vsrsus tha previous confrgrvration. Under the pr�vio�us configuration, you can se� fhat there were individual dialers installed in esch unit, thUS the end user was being charged and paying for six (6) monitoring accounts. Under the new canfrguration, we have rnsta!!ed a WireJess, Radia Fr�querrcy Receiving co»tro! pane! whrch accep#s signa�s fr�vm wireless radio fransmittsrs. 1Nith excep6an af Unrt 'l, which is har�wirt�d to the confrol panei iar canvenience, fhe ather �nrts (2-Sj have �he contacts of the Waterflnw S�vitch and Tamper Switeh wvined to a Radia Transmitter which in tum redays the sig�rral to tlte Contro!�'ane!a�rd o�f pr+emises via te�ephone line to Town of Vai! Commun�cations.(Accounf Numbe�492). We chose this method due t`o the camplicatio+�s associafed with instalfing new wire in this existing facility. This, of c+ourse, redu�es the polnt of transmrssron to one rn Ireu af srx, redUCing the Iong term manitaring fees ta the customer. The particulars on the ContrQl Pane!are as follows: Manufacturer: CADDX Corrhofs, lnc. Gladeruater, TX. Moded: NX 8 ' Fr�quency: 319.5 MNz U.Z. Lrstings: U,L.1023 Household Burglary/U.t.985 Househafd Fi� I Pease make me a�rar� if and when thrs applicatron meets the approval ot the Town of Vail and I wil! ofitain the permit. � Call wifh questions, � Dean � � ''�' . . � � 't�+ ... � t �� � ,t - , ,��,. � ' .f � . .. , r ,��� , � `_ ���I m - i -�,,,�,� �'�,,��.�� _ �� � , . ;�:,�. � �'�y � .� I �� '� . - -- - Ja� 12 OD 09:31a Cammer�ial SpeG af W CO [970ISi3-7200 p•3 ,' ` � � v w � � � _ o � � � � �t lA � p ,� � �1�3 8 A �°► � � r ,� �" � � ? � � � � � � . u � � � � � o � � � ' Q � � � � � � W � � � � � a `� � � � t .� � x Ci � r � � � �" � � a .e �` � �' ° a �t !1 � � � �' Q z � �1 � � a �a � . � � o � �' a � � � � � � � J � � 1�1 ,� 7 � \� �� �1 1�1 � � � �. � �- � � � � 3 A , � � u . m � � � � � � t r � � Q � � x � z �J �` � � � � a '� . �+" 4 .�+ 1r- �- \ � � L� z �'� � t Q 1 � �� j} 3 — � _ � • ' �v-�„ l,� (c___ . � � ��--- ��-I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONIIvIUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAiL, CO 81557 I 970-�79-2138 NC)TE: THIS FERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pennit # : E98-0030 Job Address : 1330 SANDSTONE DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : I330 S�NDSTONE DR ( THE OAgplied. . : D3/09/1998 � Parcel No. . : 2I03-121-02-007� Issued. , . : 03/09/1998 Project Na. : PRJ97-p14� Expires . . : 09/05/1998 APPLICAN�' LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Phone: 970827-5980 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR LECTRIC UMLIMITED INC Phane : 970827--5980 1`]6$ ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CQ 81657 ' OWNER BBECHWOOD SANDS'I`ONE DE�IELOPMENT % BEECHWOOD QRGANIZATION, �467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY 1159 ' Description: ELECTRICAL �'OR DUPLEX Valuation: 17, 000 . 00 rwwy�+rM+ryrrrrr�r�w+a+tt�rw++a++a+r�+tr+ir�+aaiaa�ttrttai• FEE SUMMdiRY *t'**�T*�rrr�+eMr�+rre.reYee��r��raxx++rrr+Wa�++arr,rrr.artt Electrical---> 184.�a Total Calculated Feee=--> 192.Q� �RS Fee ---3 .00 Additaonal Feee---------> .00 Invastigation> .DO Total Permit Fee--------� ].42.�0 Will Cell---> 3.00 Pay�acnC�------- > Y9Z.00 TOTAL FEES---� 142,00 BALANCE DVE-------------> .00 �aiittrrtt+�i���Y+�*i**wi*faf+r++�r+�iarai+tasrti+�at�ttrWrwWrWyw�vwwvrMi+W�trr�tsrwr�rv�rtwkx#M1abM*1r�R�Y1r*�Me�Y�*�FiY�MM**araat�a+iaaa�Yi�I+rr+r Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 03/09/�.998 JRM Action: APPR AP�ROVED JRNr Ztem: 05600 �'IRE DEPART'MENT pept : FZRE Division: 03/09/1998 JRM Action; APPR NfA I ♦re,rr,r,rxrwwr�a�r+a+rr+ar+r+rt�rar�r+iaarrrr+ri.aaaarWwwrt,rrrrrrrwrrr��+rWwwWaw.a�.w.artra+aatraasra�aai��+++a+artr+ai++r++rrirrrrrrr CONDITION OF APPROZ7AL 1 . FIRE DEPART'MENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED B�FORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CH;ECK �'OR CODE COMPLIANCE. +i++�+trrwwarw�ryir+rvrr��tse►rrr�ra+irt+e+k�ak����+rt*a*�++r*�arear+a�+riir+.+trxa+.+ir+ar�rvwwvWrWerrvrrWr>rtv�+a�errttrra�ta+r++�+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read thie application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and etate that a12 the information provided ae required is eorrect. I agree to co�nply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town oxdinancea and etate laws, an3 to build thie atructure accordang to the ToWn'e zoning and subdivieion codee, d�eign review approved, Uniform Building eode and other ordinancee of the Town applicable thereto. R$QUESTS FOR INSPEC'PIONS SHALd, BE MADE TYdENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADUANCE 6Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR. flFFICE FROM Bn00 AM 5:00 PM �.�- SIGNATUR OWNER OE2 CO CT6R FOft HIMSELF AIVD OWNER 4 ` , � � •aaarr�trrrrtar�rr++ra+�rr+�+.►+t+ai+arrtxa*aaia+rra*�raat,r,rrr+�a TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ♦M1lrYt►rrfriii►irYiYlrii�#t�F�+++iitW�r+iitiirta�rr+++it�FrkriiiiaWf Statemnt Number: REC-0378 Amount: 142.00 07/09/98 14:I9 Paycnent Method: CK Notation: 2235 Init: MAW permit No: E90-0030 Type: B-ELEC ELEC7RICAL pERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-02-001 8ite Addraee: 1330 6ANDSTONE DR Location: 1330 SAND3TONE DR ( THE aVERLOOK) Total Fees: 192.00 This Paymant 292.00 Total AAL P�ts: 192.00 Balance: .00 ii�F*tit*tiir*1r*ti**M►+t+fi**It*+�'/�rYil+M1tf+YWtfi+iia'+YrYiF+t+YYf Wtr4Y - Account Code Deecription Amount EP 00100003111400 BLECTRZGAL PERMIT FEES 189.D0 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 � ----�—----'°------------'--------------------------'----------- I I °--- -- ------- - – I . , . ' . . � � �--���� n-�..r, �i� **Contac� F.a�lr. County Assessors fi.ce � „ r� a! 970-328-8540 for Parcel 1�. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTF�tUCTION PERt��IT 1' PARCi.L �1: Z�G3-\Z\ °oZ�--cS�� � PERMIT APPLICATION FORM ���� _� ��,.ti63 lZl C"��� ��� � a,�T�: 3- 1__ 4g � . APk�LTCATION MUST BE F,ILLED QUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT B� ACCEPTED *k*,t��********��r****,t**�****** PERMIT �NFOFtMATION ***�t*,t***�**,t,t*�*******�**�** [ j--Building � j-Plumbing [�]-Electrical [ ]--Mechan 'ical [ ]--Other Job Name:Oc�c,�.�1t, �,�r��. _ J�b Address; �33��F�,act -�a c. '� L�gal Description: LotC, � Block Filing � �uBDIVISIaN• ,��,' °�� .�,;.f.�•� . �� Owners Name: Address: ph. Architect: Address: Ph. General Descripta�on: ,��a����� �� c�unl ,�_, Work Class. New L �- [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ] -Repair [ ]-Other �iumber of Dwelling Units : �_ Numbe� of Accotnmodation Units: l� mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Lor�s_ Waod/Pe11e� ' ��**��*�******�r***�{�*�*********a�** VALUATIONS �*********�,�•a*****�k***:t****��*** � BUZLDIHG: � LT,ECTRICAL: ����OC�. �° U�rH�;R: � PLUMBING: $ ' MECY.ANICAL: � TOTAL: � �***��*�**�*�**�*******�*** CONTRACTOR �N�OFtMATTON �*�,tk�t���**�***�*********�** eneral Con�ractor: �t� �e,L���,,,���� Town of Vail. Reg. NO. Address: Phon� NYimber: rlectrical Contractor: �c,�f�,�G ���,t�jj ��, Town o?� Vail Reg. Np Z�O E Address :�0 �d,F 3�$� �,r�i�.. c _ca Z,cGSR _ �_ Phanc I��.imber: $2-� �qg � Q----- � � �'�3� Plumbing Contractar: � Town uf V�il Reg. 1vT0. Address: �.. � _ Phone Number: T . �... Mechanical Contractor: Tow�� fl� Vail �eg. NO. Adc�ress: _. � _._ . Phaxi� Number: _..._,_ **********�**��*****�x***��*�:��t** FOR OFFICE USE *�t**���r,�����*******��*,t****��.•*•k BUILDING �'ERMIT FE�: BUrLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBZNG PERMIT FEE: PLi1MBING PLAN CHECK ,�'EE: MECIiANTCAL PERA'iIT �'EE: MECHANICAL PL,.�1�N CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: �2ECREATION FEE: 7THER TXPE OF FEE: �','" C�AN--UP DEPQSITt '�RS FE�: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: T TYPE GRDUF SQ.FT. VALUATZON BU�'LA1N��o � SIGNI�'i'URF, '"��`.'�°._"".__._�__�.____._�.__��. _ ZONIN�: _..-- ..� __ . _., SIGNATL112�: "_e��. —__ �....� __��..v-�..-.__-�.,....a :omments: �--.--_�----.--.�--. - _y�. _ t CLEAN IIP AEP.OSIT REF[TND TU; l ` ' � � ' . . � ���� � �� . � � �ow� o ua� . . . - 75 souih front�ge road vail, cotorado 81657 ' ' (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftice of commu�ity deveiopmaitt I � . BUIL�ING p�R��IT ISStlANCE TIME FRAME . If this , . per'mi t requires a 7own of 1!a i 1 Fi re i}Qpartment Appraval , " �ngineer'•s (,Public Works) reYiew and approval , a Planning Department rev�ew vr Heal�h Departr�ent rev�ew, and a rev�ew by tt�e Bt��ldirtg Deparfim�nt, the estimated time for a t�ta] review may �ake as �ons as three weeRs . � , A17 commercial (:large or small } and all multi-family pern�its will have to faZZow the above mentioned maxi�nur� require�rtents . Residentia2 and sma�� pro�ects shauld take a lesser amount of time. However, �f residenti�al or smaller projects impact the various �bove mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, t�ese projects may a�so take tlie tl�ree week period. � Every at�e�pt wi'!1 be maae by �h�s depart.�ter�t ta ex ed�te this � �rm't a � . � s sflon as P . . possible. i the � . undersigned, understand t�e �lar� cF�eck roced�r frame. g e and time . . � , . - i . � , � A ree to . � 9 . , �P r_� �r�.�. G.� C.� 'ti vL � � ect Name . 3'2-- �'B` ' Qate Work Sheet was turrred inta t e ' Community �evelnnme�t Department. � � - � 1 y , � � - �{1 . ,�i tow� o� yai . T5 soulh frontage road . vail, calorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or k79-2139 oi�fce ot cornmunity development TO: ALL CONTRACT�RS CURRErITLYL REG�STERED WITH THE ' TOWN QF V�YL FRC}M: TDWN �F VAIL PUBLIC WORKSIC�MMUNITX DEVELOPMENT DATE: NlARCH 1 f, 1.9 8$ � SUBJECT: CONSTRiJCTION pARI{ING & MATERIAL STORAGE �r, suinmary, Ordanance No. 6 states that it �.s unlaw�ul for any person to Zitter, track or depasit any soil, rock, sand, debri� or mat�x-ial, a.ncluding trash dumpsters, por�able toilets and workmen vehic�.es upon any s�r�et, sidewalk, a12ey or public place az any p�rtion thereof. The z-xght-af-way on ��3. Town of , Vai1 straets and raac3s is approximate].y 5 ft_ off pavement. This o�-dxnance wil� be strictly en�orced by the Town of Vai� Puh��.c Works Aepartment. Pezsans fv�nd viol.ating thi� ordinance w.z.�.I. be gi,ven a 24 ho�r written notice to remove said material. Zn the eve nt the person so notifa.ed does not comp}.y with the no�ic� with�n the 2� hour time speczfied, the Publa.c Wor}cs Den�rtment will remave said material at the expense of person notified. The prr,vS.s�ons of this ordi,nance shall not be applica}��e to construc�ian, mai.ntenanee ar repair projects of any stree� or a�1ey or any utiZ�ties in the right--a-way. To raview Ordi.r�ance No. 6 a.n full , p3.ease stop by the Tawn o� , Vail Bui�.ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for you� cooperation an th�.s matt�r. � �, Read and acknawledged by: � � � �.r�'�C�_.lr.�i�.__.�'�,!!'�.�s-.. ,��T= ositi.on/Relationship to Pro ect i.e � ( . contract�r, owner) �r�� ��t� j ` ' • • . . ! MEMCIRANDUM TO: ALL CC�HTRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBL�C W4RKS DEPA�TMENT DATE; MAY 9, ��94 � RE: WH�N A "PUBLtC WAY PERMIT' 1S REQ�JRED � Job Name: _�.�r_k,t,�.�a�,�t3�v a��• �afG. ^�� 2�— �, , _.. Please answer the fvllowing questionnaire regarding fhe need for a "Pubfic Way Permit": YES NO 1) Is this a new residence? � � 2J Is demotitian wvrk being performed that requires ihe use of the right � � oi way, easem�r�is or public property? � 3) Is any utility work needed? � � I 4) Is the driveway beir�g repaved? 5j fs dilYerent access needed fo site � � oth�r thar� existirrg driveway? I 6� Is any drainage work beirrg done � , affecting 1he right oi way, easements� . , or public praperty? � 7j fs a "Revocabfe Right Of Way Permit" ' required?. � � S) A, Is the risht of way, easemer�ts or � � public property ta be used fot staging, I parking or lencing? � . B. Ii na to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing pfan required by Community � � ' Developm�nt? i li you answered yes to�any ai fhese questions,�a "Pub#i� Way Permit" must be obtai�ed. "Pubf9c Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's off,ce or ai Commu�ity Developmer�t. if you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,the Town � oi Vait Construction Inspector� at 479-2i58. 1 have read and answered a�l the above questions. C��.�,L-e�. a�, a��. � 3 - ��� . � Job t�ame Contractor's Si naiure Date . •F �y � � TOWN �F VA�L DEPARTM�NT �F CONIl+�IUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 ' 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST �3E POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T�MES MECHANICAL PERMIT Penna.t #: 1�I98-0021 Job Address. . . : 1330 SANDSTONE DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . . . . : 1330 SANDSTONE {THE OVERLOOK) Applied. . : 03/11/1998 Parcel No. . . . . : 2103-�21-02-001 Issued. . . : 03/11/1998 Projec� Number: PRJ97-0146 E�cp�res . . : 09/07/1998 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FTRE P1tOTECTION Phone: 3037920022 , 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY� ENGLEWOOD CO 80112 CONTR.ACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION Phone: 303792Q022 ' 7026 SOUTH TIICSON WAY, fiNGLEW00D CO 80112 I OWNER BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT $ BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATTON, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY 1I59 Descriptian: Valuatian: 3 , 150 . 00 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR DUPLEX FiYCplace InfcrmaCion: Reetricted: itof (3ae Appliances: #of t�ae Logs: #Of Wood/ea�llet: •Wr►rrW�rrarar*aaia►�r�aa�rrr�r+rW�rryr+r�+rWrrtvw�+w++a+++aa pEE SLIMMARY rrrrryar+rryaraara�a��aaaaaakarrrrrrrrrtW�srr►i+iaarak+a�+ Mechanical---� BO.QO iteatuarant P2an Review--� .0� Total Calculatad Feee---� 1D3.00 Plan Check---� 20.00 DRB Fee-------------�---> .00 Additional FCe�---------n .00 Inveetigationa .DO TOTAL FEES-------------� 163.00 Total Pexmit Fee--------n 103.00 '� Will Call----a 3.00 Payments----------------� 103.00 HALANCE DUE--�----------n .00 w�Fi�Maai��Y�+aY�YVY1aWar+lriBi+�Ir+�y�yi;+a+tiri�ikri�riWrrVaa�at��fYlra'a��yi#ria4ria�ltiriawrrrrrr+ra�Y�*�Mr�1'rt�ii�+�+r�`1FMaraaraiaw�rr*�F1►0'iYiO'w1w* Item: 05100 BU�LDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 03/11/1998 JRM Ac�ion: APPR AFPROVED JRN� Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE D�vision: 03/11/1998 MIKE M Action: APPR fzre sprinkler CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD �NSPECTIONS ARE RE�UIRED TO CHECK FOR C�DS COMPLIANCE. 2 . COMBUSTION ATR ZS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 CTMC. , 3 . INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAN[JFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. I 4 . GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMiNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5. ACCESS TO HEAT�NG EQIIIPMENT MUST COMPLY W�TH SEC.505 AND 7Q3 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FL04RING. ' 7, pERMIT PFIANS AND CDDE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIc'nT, ROOM P�tIOR TO AN INSPECT�ON RE UEST. ' $ . DRAINAGE OF M$CHANICAL RQOMS C�NTAIN�NG HEATING OR HOT-WATER 5UPPLY B�ILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 21.19 OF THE 1991 UMC. ***�**********,�**,�***�**************��**************�*************************,�,� DECLARATIONS � �• � � I hereby �eknowledge that I have read this wpplication, fille8 out in Eull the information required, eompleted wn wccur�ta plot plan, and etate that xll the information provided ae requirad fa corract. I agree to comply with the information ond plot plan, to camply �ith all Town ordinancae wnd s[ate lawe, and Co bui2d thia •tructure according to the Town'e zoning ;nd oubdivie�on codaa, de�ign zeview approved, Uniform 8uilding Code and othar oxdinancee of the Town applicable thereto. REQUE9T3 FOR INSFECTZON9 9HAAL BE MADE TWBN'i'Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TSLEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM B:00 AM 5:00 PM 3I6NATURE OP 4WNSR OR GONTEtAC'COR FOR HZMBELF ANE) OViNER . � � - — — � � . w�rrr���ra�ra►rarrira�rriiaaa�r�*wra���ara���*+araa+r+raaatr+raa 'TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO 3tatemnt rr�rrara�srarvr►rr►�ara++�r�rsrs►�►rrr�rrrrrrrr�rrrrai�rrtarrrrr Statetnnt Number: REC-0379 Amount: 107.00 03/11/9B 09:40 Pwyment Method: CK Notation: 1122157 Init: MAW -----�----------`�-----'---------------------------------------- Parntit NO: M98-0021 'iype: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcal No: Z103-121-02-001 Site AddreBS: 133p SAND3TONE DR Location: 1330 3AND3TONE (THE OVBRLOOK) Total Feee: 203.00 Thie Payment 1D3.D0 Total ALL Pmte: 103.00 Ealance: .00 fM+'�ii�lfiY�Fi*lV1i/Yiiiiii�itbti�'**M4iMiii�y�ft##ktWwYiiYtWWWY�Iif\if Account Code Deacription 1Smount MP Dtl1D�003111300 MECHANICAL P6RMIT FEES 80.00 PF Dtl1000D3112300 PI,AIS CHBC3( FBES 20.UO WC 00100003112$00 WILL CALL IN3PEGTION FEE 3.00 -------'---------°---------------------------------------------- MAR 10-98 03 :36 PM WESTERN_S7ATES 3037929049 P. 02 � � P�GB 2/7 • � �-m3-p7 @0�61 FROM�TO'�K-DEV-DCPT, 1�'6709� 2 � •1C 9a0-3:8-85�'�1 for�Parcel IP.y �TOHN 0£ VAIL CQNST�7CTION PLRKIT � '' pARCEL P: i FP.RMIT I1P'PI�ZC Z'I�1� FoRM �� � J.��� - /Z l - � Z '�Ca� DATB: ]-- � �� J � /� �, � � .`�, / i ( �--' ; I �YPLTCAT=oN !d'QSTI 19a FrLLF.� oU�r Ca�SPI.�iBLY o8 rr MAY NoT BE ACCEpTEn ���,r����ff�f**�a*��*i�ft#�t:,��� PgAMYT IHFORMAxX[)t+1 t�*��*t�,�*+��r,r���t��ff*����r*** i , ' E ]-Suilding [ 2~�I�I�tmbitsg i ]-82 a,c�rical [;�-M�chanic�I [ ]-Cth�r _� r �Ob Name: ���!L. JOb Addra�s: I ; � qal neac�iptio�: Lot�� �Sqc� Pfling v ers Na�e: + �►adress: �'7 wture�l�v� . p�•�1l�1 chit�ct: Addr�ssr pg, .-�, era� Ap�Cxi�tio,�: � w rk C�a�a: j �l��y,. [ ]-Alteration + �Q, [ }-�d�#.tional � j-RepaSr t ]-Qther E ��er o# �aYiinq tTnits: ��. Humbor at accpmmodntion U�3t.�: —....�.. er and 'I'}� o� �ir�gZaces: Cas ]1ppliar�cas Gas Loqs�� woodrpelle� irt����:�rir�t����Y**�*�eft*#����*��r VAI�ATxO1�S �t����*,ri+k�►t�,���*�r����4�ft#���4��4�� , 8[JIIaING: BI�CTizTCAL; ; OT,�tt: � _ G i ]S�c�+iNlC�i.: TcM��L: *t�����+�;*.�����t���k��r#,e��e E;pl�l'RXC3'OR A�'ORMAT=obr f������,r�r�r,�,�,►��r�r**trr�rr�r*��+t 1 �era]� Contraotor: �►Qdres�: Tot.Tl! o� Vail R�. NO. FhoAe Number: """" � El�otrfcal Cantraato : Tvwn a� vaf� R�g. NO.,�,� lkldress: ' Fhone Ziu�m�er: �P1ttFlbir�g CCTItx'�#CtGri �/� V�l.l TOt,►rI Qf Vail RAg. NO.�, �i�ldre�s: . . - - — phang Nu�b�ar: . xect�an�cnl Cvn�.ractar= mo� o� vaii �g. Ro.#�� �Qax�s: PhcnQ xuIDber; � ��+����r�r��+r�i#�t������������j7�. BQILDING �T g�: �'OR oE'F'I .C'�c �S� �'�+�����t:�r**�*�***t�*�t�*�,��,,�,�,� PI,�SBING p�i1�IT FE�. ��ILDING PLAN CI3ECR �; �C,HI�TFCAL PE&pll�,' �E� �LUMErNG PLAN C'E�C3� �E: . L'L�C'�S�C�, FEE: �C�'RC�.L PIJIN CH�CK FEEt .REC�&A�'ION P'SE C •—"' � �,'YP� 08 g�� - ," CyE�N-UP DEP4SI�'3 � �� '!'OT�L �T ��'.8: — . TYg GR40P 8Q.1*T. VALII I 8�7z�ING: . � _— .��. � BIG�t�,s'vRE: �—�---► -�-�—�- �� ZO�ING t • Ca�ent�;' "s SIGI�A'I'QR$t /4c S �P A�Z �FQ!@ �- - 'MAF2 10-98 0� :36 PM 4�iE$TERN�STATES 3037929049 P.63 I � • r a�r�es rRa�fx OM-DEV-oeP7, tD�s70a� s �AC8 ai9 � , -aa s a� � r - � . . , I � . r �1 i ■ � • ' ���`� � ��� • • ' 78�!A tronta�r to�d . . +y�.oobodo s�57 . . � (�? 47�-2;38 er Ei9-2139 �e at aasmfreedl�r�opmNM � TO c �L'C. Cpi�TRACTCRS i�R3�TLYL REGY6'I'FRED 1�'S�t ',�g �DT+fN QF VASL �: TO�t aF v�.t� �vBLrc Wa�s/cot�xr� DEVELa�r D1lTL: �S1lRCH 16, �98$ ' �' b�F�,TECT: CDNSZ'RVCTION p�G ie Z�OIT�—�...: b`1"08AGE 7ff , � °��Y. a�na�a No. 6 �t�,tes �st �t �s ur�a�ul �or ar:y person t4 � tttr� txa�k ar depasit �y sa3.�r rock� aand debr's � or �a��ri�� fnc3 , � � y� tx�sti d ct vor � � ��. F�rt�ble Lail ta 7�ain v�arl�Zcles t�oa sny s�r��� �sd� � � � � r 4►it 1?C la + +�. or p c� �r a�Y ]�oi^t�ori t��r�at. �'� ri ht-at� � �l�c Va��.l ICtr� � �Y ot� aI Tas,r�i ot �d soads fa app�aximat�►ly 5 i't. c�� pav�ma�t. �� ardiri vfl2 ba �trl.ct�,y eaforaed bY tbe Towa oE va31 • . - ���� �pz n��ort�. Per�vr�.v faut�d vfo3at3r� ' �rfl1 b�a g3w�rt a �� hour g trt�s or�in�na� , Ist 't�� av�Qn� �ha writtet� �okic� to r�c�e aafd ���r�,al. Psrsan r�c notifiad doas �vt eomp3y sr#.�h tba , riatfco withi� thQ a4 lxour t�,ma �p•c.iff�a, th� pe�bltr Works DaPas*m�nt �tili x�mo�re �a3d ��irial at th� �cpps�as of p�rsoA t�otf#3o�. The 1?rovi�ior�e o! this or�,z�at:ca �hai� �ot b� appiicsb�a to can�s�rnct3ari� ma#,rit�arjc� ar �pair p��� ot , �Y S���t or �alloy or �y �f33tis� in tbe rightMa-�ray. �o ravfetir Ordinar�ce ltQ. 6 .� tW.2, pi4ase �to b paf� 8t�,i.ldi,nq Dl�artm�� �a obtain � eOpy �� �e Town ot �P�r�tion �n thi.a m�tter. ' Y� �or y�r , . , , � dnd t�nowledgod by• , i �. , s t o t or�s p to Pra ec� ti.�. oaritrac�or � � G1r�i�r) � I ��� t I f . . . � • . � � . . � � . •MAR 16-9$ 03 :�7 PM WdSTER�_STATES 303T929�49 P. 64 ° ' •oa-n� .a�az ��dMt oK-��v-o��x, to����a��� rr�ca 4�a � • . -;` ,� . � � � �awa a . .� . � 73 Ipq�/gr r,p�q �oior.do nl�i � a79-Zi38 or 479-sx�9 oA{v�a�aannewaily dawlope�urt 8tlI�.AZN� ��R�IT IS5!]�41�' TIPdE FnJ�,'� , � . . If #hts p�rmr(* riq��r�s a To�m af Vaii Fire Oe rtmen� .. �ngftf��r'� (P�rbTic 1ta�ks �P � 14P�va1, revi�r or ttealth Dep�rtmeY�t reriaw,ared a rev��r �l���ng Qepartutn: Gepari�e��, ttie �stimatad t1u�e for e total revjew� Ba4td�ing • as �firee rteeRs�, a+�Y take as long Ali co�erctal '(large ar smaZ1} �r�d al� mf,l�i-fn�i]Y A�ita �ri'i� harc ta fot'la�r the abovt �pentioRed n�xfm�.� req�irer�ents. � Ros�tdential ar� tnwSi Pr'o�ttta sl��id take a iesses- �oue� of ti�e. Ho+rever. if . rosidenti�7 or SG��llr �ro��CtS f�Ct � Y�r�4t�5 8l�VS lt�fitl0�ed . d�r#�►�nts w��h� r�s��rd to necessary raview, thcse pro���� m�x j �lsa t��g #�he t�lree week pvrfod. � � � � �vary���tempt r�11 � �d� by tt�f3 da�ar��at tfl e�pedi� thi5 � ' p�rm��,�� s.qon �s �ss#bl e. . I: tbe undetsfpnrd, undarstand t.�e p7�n che�Ck pracedeare anct t��oe . ��+ ' . ; � . . . • � . , . - ; . , • ; . i ' � , � . , � . •. , . C� . . ro �ct �ne . e rk eet t�as t�rrted � e • � L����t�f� Devt'! a�Rt �eper#a�e��. � � • �MAR�lB-98 �3:3b FM WESTERN_STATES 3037929649 P.@1 , � • WEST�RN STATES F�.RE PROTE�"TI[?N C�MPANY 7026 5.TUCSQN WAY ENGLEWOOD,COLORADO 8�I 12 I (303}79�-OO�Z (303)T9Z-9049 FA3( FACSIlVIILE 'TRANSMITTAL TO: J.R. FAX NUMBER: (97Q)d79-2452 CUMPANY: TOWN 4F VAII.COMM.DEVEI.OP. FROM: BRENDA NELSO�T 11 � DATE; 03/i4fi8 � I " SUBJEC3`: APPLICATION FOR P�RMIT � �OF PAGES T��'ULL�W: 3 9PECIAL NO'rATI4NS: Per my coaveesatian with Mike McC�e,he spoke�rfth you earlier todvy re�s�rdt�g Q�verlook at V�il,I Am fazing tbia �pplic�tio� for a � �xrmit number. We hAVe had a hngt�nisnaderstandjng in t6is�ob. Wi�l you pleASe c�1I me wit� �permit number,ao Mike c�n�ave it Aa wsll. The tlre dep� will be doietg thi�u�epection 3111198,we will PN permit in a.m� T�t�nk You for all yaur Patience ar�d hd�p. i i HARD COPY TO�'OLLOW VIA MAIL: �Y�S � aN� ( ! I � � i i � �,/�� lJ° V � *�tContac� Eagle County Assessor�ffice � at 970-328-8640 far Farcel ��. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTYOAI PERi�IIT �� PA4tC�L �i: . ��U� �"LI � U z� ��''�' 1 pERMIT APPLICAT30N FORM I DATE:�-�/.-'-°i f' APPLICATION MUST BE FI�L�:D OUT COMPLETELY OR xT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *****************��*********** pERMIT �NFORMATION �*********�***�*******�****** �-Building ,[ ]-Plumbing [ ]-E3ectrical [ ] -Mech�nical [ )--Other Job Name: �'� r�' Job Ac3dress: ,�' � __ ; _ f' ---- � Legal Description:� Lot - Block FiZing . � � J SUB[�I�'ISION: Y'f'f'G� , _�r ,f..,,,, ,r �� � �J, ��%��-_ / ,•,`,=� S�(� Owners Name: l�� �/.r,�hir.� Addr�ss: , .� 1� � �::� . 0��_f�,, f; �� Ph._�S'7� /r`r'/ � !/� Architec�: - � � `� Address: /� =�' ,J_ �-.�.-, . � %1 � �- �'� Ph. ��� f:�,c" �. ,. j �� General Description: J <i.�' ;`/`fi.��, J. � Work Class: [�t]-New [ ]--AlteratiQn [ ]-�Additional [ ] -Repair ( ] -other Number of Dwei�ing Units: � Number af Accommodation Units: ""` N mber and Type o� Fixeplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs Wood/Pe��et � �'�I [� ********�**********��*********�** �AI�U ATIONS�d�ie'***�**���*******�*****�*�t******* BUILDING; � - ET.�ECTRICAL: � OTHER: � PLUMB7NG: $ MECFiAN:ICAL: �T—��---- TOTAL: � ****�*�•**�***�***�r��r*�****� CONTRACTOR IN�'(aFtMA'T'ION *�*k***�********�e***�***�** eneral Contractor� f= , �" "� �� ��-L���f�own of Vail Rec�. PTO. Address: � O /�-•;�- _ z ��'., �/(�_�j Phone Number: � -�, , � e, /� � � :;� _ i�- - , _. ` II Electrical Contractor: �_ _ Tawn of Vail Reg. NO. Address: ' Phane Number: Plumbing Contractor: �' Town of Vail Reg. NQ. Addaress: Phone Number: � Mechanical Contractor: ? Town Qf �ail Reg. NO. Address: ` � � �_�_ phone Number: ��*�******�**�*�*����r*********** FOR OFFICE USE *�t�x��*�******�t*****����*���**�* BUILDING P�RMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK ,�E�: � MECHANIC�'aL PERM�T FFE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATIO� FEE: O'�HER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERM3T FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION B�TILDING: S�GNATURE: ZONING: � 2��_�, �-la �� SIGNATURE: T Cornments• • CI.EAN iTP �EP.OSIT it�FUND T�: ,' . . , _ � .. , - � � _ " .��` 7� �ow� ofi va� _ 75 south lrontage raad vail, color�do 8lS5? {303} 4?9-2138 or 479-2I39 oiflce aF comm�ntty deve)oprnent T�: ALL CONTRACTQRS CiIR.RENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VA�L FROM: T�WN �F VAIL PUBLIC WORKSjCOMMiTNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MA.RCH 16, 1988 " SUB,7ECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL ST�R.AGE In �ummary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlaw�ul for any person to Zittex-, track ar depas�t any soi�, rock, sand, debris ar material, includi.ng trash �iumpsters, portable toi].ets and workmen vehicles upan any street, szdewalk, a��.ey� or public place or any paztion therer�f. Th� righ�-of--way on a�� Town of Vail streets and roads is apprdxa.mately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance wa.�l be strictly enforced by the Tawn of vail Pub�ic Wo�-ks Departxnent. Persons �'ot�nd vzolatl.ng this vx-dinance will be gi.ven a 24 hour written notice to remove saic� mat�rial. In the event the person �o nvtified do�s not comply with the noti.ce wathin the 24 hour time specifisd, the Pub�ic Works Department will remvve said mat�rial at the expense of p�rson notitied. The proviszons of this ordina�nce sha��. not be applicable to canstructzon, maintenance or r�pair prajects af any st�eet or alley e�r any utiYities in the right-a-way. Ta r�view Oxdinance No, 6 in �ull � plectse stop by the Town o� Vai1 Suilding Department to ob�ai.n a copy, Thank you fox you� cooperation an this matter. • Read and acknowl�dged by: � � �'- 0 �osition/Relatiansh.i to Pro 'e t p � c t�.e. contractor, awnex} �� Date . � � . � ,�� t�w� a� uai . - _ 75 soufh �rontage road va€t, colorado 81657 � (303) 479-2i38 or �+79-2139 otflae of comm�n�ty cieveia�ment �UILDI�IG P�R�4IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAr1E I f �h�s perm�,t requ 7 res a Town of Va i l F�r^e pepartm�nt Rpprova l , Engineer'�s (_Public wo1^ks) reyiew and approva1 , a Planning Department revi�W or� Health Department t^eview, ar�d a revi�w by the B��lding � Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as �hree weeks�. A1] com�nerc i�a 1 (:1 a rge or smal 7 ) a nd a 11 mul t�-fami 7 y permi ts w�11 have �o follow the ab�ve rnentioned maxim�tr� requ7rem�nts , ResidentTal and s�a11 projects should take a iesser amount of time. However, i� residenti�al or sma��er �rojects impact t�re var�o�s a�ove mentio�ed departments wit�i regard to nec�ssary review, these projects may , also take ttie ttiree weelc period, Every attempt w�'I] be made by �his department to exped�te this permi�t as soon as possible. ' I, �lie undersigned, unders�ar�d the p�an check procedure and tir�e frame. /r�� � , � A re . � � to y. �-��- � . �°-,�•�-� , Pro,�ect Name / � � /�/'�s�-�- �l�� Date �1ork Sheet was turned into t e Cor�unur�ity Develc?nmP►�t Departmer�t. • �EMORANDUM � � . - - - T4:� Al.L CO�iTAACTORS FRaM: 70WN OF VAtL PUBLIC WORKS DFPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, ��94 . , RE: WHEN A "PUHLIC WAY PEFiMlT' tS REQUTAED � Job Name: ����-'� � Dat�: Please answer fhe iollowing questioRnaire regarding t#�e �esd ior a "Pubtic Way Pesmit": - t�"� �°/�` '�� � YES NO ' 1 j ls this a new resider�ce? 2} is demofit�an work being performed t�at �equires the �se of ihe �ighi of way, easeme�ts ar public property? 3} Is any utility work needeci? '�I 4) Is tt�e driveway being repaued? 5} fs differeRt access r�eeded to siie other than existin drivewa ? 9 Y fi) �s any dra�r�age work being done � af�ecting the right vf way, �asements, . I� ar public property? I 7} 1s a "Revocabie Right Of Way P�rmit" required? � . �I 8) A. Is the r�ght of way, eas�menis or public pro�erty to b� used far staging, parkin or tencin ? . � 9 � B. li no to BA is a a iR , p rk g, staging � or fencing plan requir�d by Cammunify - Devel�pment? I If yau answered yes to any of thss� qtsestians, a "Publ€c Way Permit" must be obfained. i ti • w � Pub��c Way Permit applications may be obtained at the Public Work s office or at ; Commun�ty Develapmsnt. ��you �+ave any q�esfiaras please call Char[ie Davis,i�e Town � of Vail Construction Inspectvr, at �79-2�58. � ! k�ave read and ans�vered a!1 the above qvestio s. Job Name Co�tractor's ignature Date . � .-� �. � �ssocs�T � Ho �L�r�a Cansulting in Building and Fire Codes MEMQRANDUM To: Charlie Dau�s From: Art Hougland Date: October $, '�997 I' Subject: �verlook at Vail, building "C' 4plex Charlie: ' Tt�is plan like the �revious duplex plan (897-0264) indicates stems that are a cancern and require that I repeat comments that I made in tha# memo ta you. The basernent has an area itientified as a "Den" on some sheets and as a "BecCroom/Den" on others. This area cannot be a bedroom because of the escape and rescu� pravisions as well as the light and ventilation aspects of the code. Also a den is a habitable space and requires light and ventilatian in complianc� with Sec. 1205. This space requires redesign. - The Mechanical/Laundry area with a bailer, v,rat�r heat�r,dryer and r�quired mechanical �' ventilation. f�a cambus�ion air is indicated and #he systems are not compatible in this configuration. An engineered design is necessary to insure that boiler and water heater• operate pr4perly. it may be that direc# vent appliances are planned for t4�is area but'the I mechanica� notes do not indicate this. I don't know what corrections have been propose�d for the duplex by tF�e applicant but he will need to address the ab8ve items in this project as well. This buiiding is a fourplex and no area separatio� wall has been indicated so the Occupancy Group is R-1 . This require$ full one hour Occupancy.Separations and full 1- hr pratection of openings in tl�ese separations. It may also drive the requiremen# for a fire sprink�er system because of being a three floar, R-1 , occupancy building. In my review I classified it as a single story because the two lower levels bot#� meet the definition af a basement. However, you andlor the Fire Marshal may befi�vs that the intent of the code [Sectian 3802 (h}] is to have this building sprinklered. The architect, had he designed the building with an Area Separation wall, would have avoided both t#�e Occupancy Separation and fire sprinkler issues because these would � be twa dup�ex buildings and �lassified as R-3 occupancies. I have alluded to this in the correction report (#'s 3,7 & 8) and he may want to rr�ake these changes. Let me kn�w if yau haue any questians. Thanks, !� �' � Vaif14.97 ,�Fy ]� .,:%� ,,°' /��'j , < � � � � '_ _ 08i25r9B TL�E 3�:18 FA� 97R 927 0597 S K PEIGHT`aL ENGINEERS (�001 . � � � ' S K PEIGHTAL ENGINEERS Lfd ST i�CIC7�tlP:'1L C[�N�ULTAIVTS pat�e 1 af 2�� �� X1"- �IELD REPORT � �,,�'� � _ � . � � To _ Bob Lundel�, L4+A �� � From : Jack Albnght, SKPE �� Date . 8-25-98 Re : �verinok at Vail � • �� � 7hose �resent- Bob Kedrawski, KED Dev. � Jack Albright, S�CPE Item i" dn site to �bser✓e 5tructurat traming. Framing ap�eared to be corr}plete with oniy minar pick-up fr�ming rem�inirtg_ Frarning appeareci t4 be per plan wit�e exCQ�on t0 the fp!lowing� T�te followi�rg items are conditions abserved or discussed while an site. (tem 2: The west walt of the stair core wa5 c3bserued to be bearing, in fieu of framed with 2-9 1!2" ML beams p�er plan_ T'�is is an acceptable alternative, provided a 16" u�+ide X 10" thick X fuN length n#irra4t strip footirRg with 2-#5 X corrt. placed an na�raS, existing sfli4'S +s +�t place at the lower Ievel_ Fpoting to be ven€ted �y builder. I�g,,,�n 3_ The �awer le�rel tinras slab an grade in lieu of a framed crav�r4 space_ 7his is an a�ceptable aher�natiire provided that adequate com�acted base w85 provid�d and the slab is 4" mir�. thiCkr�eSS with 6x6-1.4x1.4 WWF. The struCture was observed to be t�eaning an the sla5_ Bob said the foati�gs were in plaCe and poured separate frorn the slab_ Although this is not ideal and reCOmrrte�ded against in the soi[s r�pnR, it is StruCturally acceptabte. The risk to be aCCepted by t�e owner may be some cracking of the slab as the st�uCture goes thr0ugh its noRnaf initial settleme�t and other pe�ormance issues, such as finish siistress it soils hetow the stab becom� wettec��nd expand_ ltem 4_ The Traming at the st�ir openi�►g of tfie middle 1e�e1 fr�ming was nof per plan. tlpon review th� re�ised framing is acceptabSe as frained. 7b Sunset Dsive • iJnit tt4 � Bas�4t, �Q � 81621 • (970) 927-45I0 • Fac (97U) �3Z7-05�37 � � . �, �� .� � � � ���� �...:� , :� �� � � . �,-ry� �,. ��. � . � � � �� :� a . 08125{88 TI.�E a4:18 FA� 97� 9E7 4587 S S PEIGS'PAL EKGiNE£RS �002 w � J k � � , page Z af 2 � Some of th�lower�vel wa�layauts have been revised. Th�s changes t#�e spac�at the# • � 'aist4 over Bedroom #2. t� 7 '° T t 5 � �6' O. wer+e in G " � is f 8 .J f 2 D at C. used ee� of tl� 9 1/2 T.�1 Er�cated on�tan. After ceview this option waS fourtd to t�acCepta�e. Pleasa ruate that this ��risian along with the lower levoel slab oin grade reqcaires rev�r�g tl�footir� locatian and type. The footing must he foc�ated beEaw aad Cer�ter�d t�tt� bear�g�rait. tt must be a rr�rti�m 16" ' wir�e x t0" ihicic x fuN length at the wa!! strip footing w�th 2-#5 bar5 x CorEi. placed an n�t�lra! exis#ir�g soits. Ah ta be vetified by '�e k�ui(deT. �m&: A r�e�+r fb�r, rio�t indica�ed o�p�an,was frar�d in piace below the garage flcar. The floar � was frarned w�th 1 � 7/8" TJU2�DF at Z 6" 4.C. A�thougt� this is at:ceptal�, l would recornm�nd ertt�r solic3 bl�ck�g these jorsts at third pvants or�ovidirfg a 2x6 strut�the t�ottom cf�or+d at th�rd poirt�s with 2-1 t�tl lla�s at��ch jaist an� a pasi�ive conneCti�n at the ' foandatiar� waU. This bracing or stnrts are tA hetp red�e fbor vibration. The joists we� ' obsenred to t�beari�tg on a doc�e 2z tedger with 3/4°0 e�a�tsion hoi'ts at 24'°�-Q.C. Bo� sha11!�added such that they are �8p D.y. �x. Qr�(��V����J�[1 � �����n 7 2"c-C, 24"C-C,�27/C-C BtC.� � The above represents o�r repat o#everrts raoted arad jtems drsc� anod wr71 be r�ed t�r�as trtae and Correct by a1!parties tmfess nvtified wittun � wv�^ki�g days of r�eCeip€. � 470T4 �R3 cc; Bdb Kedr�wski, KED T3ev. � , . � � UJ1�7.✓1ltf '1'U!S 1U:15 !'A� 87U })'L7 U� S !t Yt1C�H'1'AL �NC:1N�t':HS � —'� a'L'� � � . �� u S K}'EIGHTAT,ENGIl'�IF�RS T,td (� ��, STRL'c7�ux�L coNSl'IL7'AN7'S , �Y" �'I�LD R�PORZ' ,,� ��1" � �'� � C�� � � N �: �r�7e.1�. r� . �1.� �ar: Jadc Alk�-ight � �� Ihte: 19 F�iary 1998 �- Q E�e: O�'lncjc D�a�al�x �oee Pi�eit: B� Kech��}ci, KED h� ,7� Alla-ic�t, s�E . / �,'t-��-�-1 n - �<�.-�''�l-(.�''��`, �l,t,, Itsn 1: Clz sitL t� d�ve stnr.�-a1 fr-amng it1 go��ss. FY`-�rno.xY��+as x�eari��g �rrm�Ai-irn with rnly a�r�- �c�a,p framrr� �rairii�x�• �attixx� ��d to be �r pl� wa.tn the e�rn b� the fallowirr3 itsis. Itan 2: `Ihe � sie� a�Ils �re fr� �z�ic� c� ti�e gu-�r Livi ng man c�r..� trtss.in 1 i Q, csE s.itti.ng rn tr.� c�f tl�e tri.rs as ir�. An A35 cl ip s�J.l. be a�l to ea�► s�xl to tl`� cp..xr�' tr� tr� trarisEer t�e ]s�d frcm t� v,all t� �e tr�. It�► 3; �ved reds�oell�ir�eais �nod pad� out c�urr�s rnt �t � s�lid tt�ur� f� fratdrr�. '51�;� sY�11 be ch� to as�u� s�lid bmr�r�g fcr all �1.uTr�s t.o tl�e far�tirn sys�tr�n c�r lx�rn, ' k�elcxa. Zhe abo� �G a� x�ct af e�ts nated and it�ars �, and will be �1is3�m as tr�.� a� o�e�.t v� a11 ��+;es ta� rr�ifiea witrua-i s �drr3 c�xs of reoei�*.- 97074 A�1� Fr/#2 CC = �� �e% � -- �1 — �� 76 Sun�vt Drivr • Unit #�F • B:�tinit� CO • $16�'.1 • (U70) ��7-9510 • Fax: ('97U} 927-USy7 � � .♦ ; � . K �' � :e� � � � i., $�� I � �i.. ''�. �_ �. }t'� �z1. ,� 1 � n .. r�� �� �� ,,� �. . .. N .+ - "� ���� I I I I I I I I . .. - 1�� � � � a � �� � w � � TOWN OF VAIL D�PARTMENT �F CONIl+ifUNITY DEVELOPMENT � _ 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 • 970-479--213$ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE P�STED 4N JOBSITE AT ALL TTNIES i PLUMSING PERMIT Pezm�t # : P98-0003 Job Address: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Status . . . : ISSUED Loca�ion. . . : 1330 SANDSTONE (THE OVERLApplied. . : O1/14/1998 Parcel No. . : 2103-121-02-001 Issued. . . : O1/16/1998 Projec� No. : FRJ97-0181 E�cpires . . : 07/15/199$ ' APPLTCANT PII�iION HILLS PLUMHTNG & HEATING Phone: 970-434-36fi0 557 SUN VALLEY STR$ET, GRAND JUNCTION, CO $1504 CONTRACTOR PINION HILLS PT,UMBING & �IEATING Phone: 970-434-3660 � 557 SUN VALLEY STREET, GR.AND JUNCTION, CO 81504 OWNER BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT $ BEECHWOOD ORGANIZATION, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILLISTON PARK NY 1159 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW 4PLEX Va].uation: 25, 000 . 00 � ♦rr+rtt�rt+.a►r++r+++r�r,rrrrrrr+trtrrertira+�ratr+t*twrt+srrar F£E BUMMARY ♦iM1�Ytii�Y�Ftiiithiiii#*ii{�iit�Y{'iit��'�'WWitW�k�Yit4ii�F�Y4itti}itt Plumbing-----> 375.00 Reetuareht Plan Reviea--� .00 Total Celculated Feee---> 471.75 Plan Check---a 93.75 TOTAL FE65--------------> 471.75 Additional Feee---------> .00 InvesY.igationa .00 7'otal Permit Fee--------s 471.75 Will Call----a 3.00 Paymenta----------------> 471.75 BALANCE AUE-------------a .Ofl t+Wwvrlfltrr+r#+ti4ftMi'ktA+i►t+t►++++wwri�rwrtrrrrstrrttr+lrritretrrtl#+#�ywariaaar+fi+Ww++wwWtr�rrsf�tr1�ra�ttlir++r4+t►#r*w1++f++i+ Item- 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT Dep t : BUILDING D.ivision: Q1/14/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVSD JRM- Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Division: #�y;itf rYr+tt�MWTrr�hrr4�Yti�YiF+rM*1!i**ir*aa+;a�Y+iYY�aa�W Wrrrtwvrarlii�k►titblrla*�lfri+itlf�'i�krYiYrrrra�FVfr+tr+r+rkti*+YiibA�'+�'+`+�YSiri'�hrYwW�rr CONDITION OF APPROVAL �. . FIELD INSPECTZONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. . ii+Y�rrrb►a�Filr�tbl+ia***+�yt*ia►rta+ivWV4tawWr►�Y4rriWltaib+iiilrMM+iY+#a+tlW++iwritlYfM1+r+t�f+iat*irAi�kir*Ir*+;�iitrWV4YW�rtYltfaWiii*R�kil*i DECLARATIONS I hereby scknowledge that I have read thie application, filled out in full the infoxmation required, completcd an accuzata plot plan, and etate that all the information Provfded as Xequired ie correct. I agree to comply with the information and p1oC plan, to comply with all Town ordinancee and etate laws, and to build this atructure according to the Town'e zoning and divieion codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Building code an8 other ordinances of the Town applicable theret REQUEST9 FOR INS9EGTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENT'Y-£OUR HOURS Itd ADVANCS BY T£LEP1iONE K' 4 -2138 O OFF DM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 8I6NAT[3RE OF OWN OR CO C'TOR FOR HIMS&LF OWNER I tr � � iiinaiifi�er�iii��rr�*iyiiiiiitlki�i;#ti*iraiM�ii�►�iaMtiriiik*• TOWN OF VAIL� COLORADD 9t�temnt M*iitii�IM�i*ar+a/��+iiritirr�i+arVrrYik+rirrtiiY�TyrY;i7rifrii* 9tatemnt Number: REC-0373 Amount: 971.75 O1/16/99 11:91 • Paymant Methad: CFC Notation: 3031 In�t: MAN I --------------`---------___-------------'°_------------___---' Permit No: P96-0�03 Type; B-PLMB PLUMHING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-7.21-OZ-0�1 3ita Addreee: 173o sANASTONE DR Location: 1336 9ANpSTON$ {xHE OVEKLDOK) - Total Fees: 471.75 Thie Payment 471.75 ToCal ALL Pmte: &71.75 Balance: .00 iarli+7rlt�Yw4'Y'Y�rrsif+i41rYr4i+iti�rr44itareiiiAiir+Y+lrRBir+t+rY+ra#r Account Code beacription Amount PP 00100003111200 PL[J6�3TNG PERMIT FEES 375.00 PF 00200003112300 PLAN CHECff F'EES 93.75 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.Oa ---°-----------------------`----------------------------------- I - � � �, � I 2 - «xS�� Carnb. A � � C �.� �.L '� F�U� uP o�-s� D� � � i N ��uE C WASE� ~T'O P � N� T3�TfD rv1 , � � - 1 - � �I � �- „ auT��DC � a Z u 10 �,1�j,,,l.,, I Q�`y��" �� ; I � � y� m �rf _ � f . ° � -, ; ; - � - , �a� �_ .- _ _ _ � ' � � � i b�A • _ �, �` I 3" F►-u� Bo l� - �. - � I W�r��- �t�R Ca`� F L UE � I � � �c� m � � � II '�Iz 4 C�� FRam � ,, -�- z� �� -3 B�w� I� � � � � � -�- � _ � _ .� �� o� . 3 '��' � � I � �' ��1�-(�,��s � �c I g�,�� � � F�ao� � � � � � � -�I�� 6 U C +�.. �oc�k F�i 1/� I �-. " '� M�C�-I �1I� lC 19 L �Obtv� � ��� - ��Q� � —�--� �r� ,� i7'�� � �_ �, � ;�_ . �p0►R. .� c� � . �►3 � 1 --f�c�, o�v�r ' aFFICE C�PY s � !11'1 1 ItiV Aw ���/"� 1 hr�/�✓y+ Wf�W i v�..e�� tv�� v � ..���ry���.. v .. r i...��a •r ia��s�.r v.r�• � � F£3R Si��a T�Q�1 OR TO PLAC� AN OF2pER � 243--6490 � r� ' Srrftw�r� CapYr�ht {�) 1�87- #996 by H .V.A�{61A) 3$4- 1923 �QS:� �xt�a��.a�. x�� - o��x�r� r�r�����ru�r� so ����r�s as--2�-- ass� i aaar� ��r�� : c���r Raa� ' CUB�C �EET VO�.�}M� �� R�C3�1 : 26 f t} AIR CFiANGE FACT4R : . 01� STU NEA7 LOSS ►a2�8 SQUARE F€�T 4F CEIL�N� t 285 C�ILIiVG FACTOi�: . 05 BTU HEAT LE?SS �283 ' SQUAR� F���' 0�' �1..00R : ��.�70R FA�'TOR : B�'U H��4�' L�SS (1 RERIMEI"�i2 OF SLABS : SLAB� �A���R : BTU HEAT LC�SS fl • �aE�UARE F��T WINf3�W5rDE}E3R5 : 1 � 2 OPENINGS FACT4R: . 65 BTU HEAT LOSS 6552 �QUARE FEET �xPOS�D WALLS : 1Q5 . 5 wALL� FACTQl� : . 07 B7U HEAT L�JSS 665 � SQUAR'� ���T COLD WALLS : �OLE� WALL FAC74R : B7U HEAT L058 E} TOTAL ROOM hiEAT �055 IN BTU ' S PE� FidllR : i 2728 REQUIRES 22 . 0 �'�ET QF HYDRONI� BA�EB�}ARD FiATED 58E� BTU/F�QT AT' 18Q DEGR��S , REt�UIR�S 2 MATCHIt�G HYC?R€3�IIC 6ASE84ARD EN�7 CAPS �R VALVE ENCL.OSUf2�S REQUIR�S i h1ATCHTPd�a" HYDRG�lIC �AS�BdAR�i INSII�E ��RNER R�?QI� IVAME t ClIN�N� ' CU�IC FE��' V41.UM� G�� Ft��M : 1344 AT� CHANGE FACTOR : . 0 � 2 BTU HEAT LQ�B 1452 St�UAf2� ���7 OF' C�ZLIN� : 152 CEILIN6 FACTqR : . 05 BTU NEAT L4SS 684 SQUAft� �E�T 4� �LOOR : F'�.00R �ACT"C7R : �Tlf FiEAT L08� 0 PERZh{E1"�R ��' SLA6S : S�AE�S FAC70R : ST�J HEAT �OS� 0 , �QUAF2� ��E7 WINDOW�/D���RS : 35 ��P�NING� FA�T(�R : . 65 BTI� HEA1' Lt�SS 2iE}6 c . �QUARE F�ET EXPOSEG WALL..� . 38 wALL� �ACTOR : . Q7 B`fU HEAT' LC35S 227 �QUARE ��ET COLL� WA�.l�S t 168 ���L� WALL FAC7'�R : , fl8 E7U HEAT L��� 12 t€? T07AL ROOM H�A7 L��S I�} 8`f�} ' � PER HOUR : 5679 REQUIR�S 9 .$ F�ET �F HYDR��f�C �AS�BQA�2D RA�'EL� 5�t3 S7Uf F007 A�f !80 [3�GREE� REQUIR�S 2 MATCHZN� NYDRO�tIC BASEPQARd ENi? CAPS QR VALVE ENCLO�URES Rfl01� i�AM� t KI7CHEN CUBIC F�ET V4�lfME OF R€?OM: 1Q80 ATR CHAiVGE FACTflR: . QSB �T�f N�AT �4�5 175Q SQllARE �EET f}F CEILIfiVG : 99 C�ILIM1IG FAGTQR : . 415 �iTU H�A`f LC�S� 446 ' SQUAR�t F�ET QF FL.Q4R : FL.QQ� FA�TQR : E3TU F{�AT �.Q�W Q P�RTM�7�R �� SLA8S : Sl.A�S �AC�'t3R : ETIJ M�AT LC}S5 0 SQUAR� ���T WINQdWS/C�C�OF�� : Qi��NING� FACTt7R : E3Tl! H�A1' 4�QS5 a SG��ARE FEET EXPC�SED 4�Ai�LS : WA�.L� FACT"QR : BTU M�A1" LO�S Q �t�UARE ���T CQI.D WAL�S : 38 Ct?�D WALL FAC1'i�R : .48 BT�f HEAT LOS� ? 13 TQ1"A4. f204M H�AT LC3SS It� E�T�.� ' S f��R HOU�2 : 2909 � c REQUIFzES 5 . 1 FEET bF HYQRO�lI� BA�EBOA�D RA7ED 560 STl/FOOT AT 180 dEG�EE., REt�lJIRES 2 N1AT��1I�lG FiYDRCPdIC 8AS�8�ARD �ND CAPS OR VALV� EiVCL�}5�1RES REQ�UIR�S 1 MATCHii�lG i�tYDR�i�fIC F�A5�EOAfi� IhlSZDE ��RNER R�UM i�AM� : GARAC�E i R • AT ��5� 49$5 CtBIC F��T V4LUME fl� �OQN4 : 3E17R AT CHAN6� FACTCIR . . (lt8 �TU H� , 5Qt�AR� F��?� aF C�SL��l� : 342 C�ILT�lG FACTflI�: . fl5 BT'U N�A7 LC7S� i539 SQ�AFt� ��ET OF FL.QC3R : 342 Ft��?R FACTOF2 : . fl4 BTU H�AT L.OSS 123 � A�F�IM�T�R 4F SLASS : S�AES FAC�'�R : BTU HEAT �(�S� 0 SQ�3ARE �EET WINC}�3W5/D��JRS : 128 OPENING� FA�7URt . 85 BTU h#EAT �.455 7�+SB I . . S�UARE fi��1" �KpaS�D WAL� 169 V�ALt,S FACTC�R: �t?7 B"TU �i�#!T LC7SS iQ65 ���SQUAR� F��l" GC3�D wALLS: 18q COLD WALI. �'ACT4R : � £38 �iTU H�AT L�SS 1296 T�TAL RO�}M H�AT LO�� It� BTU ' S PER H4L1Ft : 176Q5 � REQUIRE5 3�3 .4 FEE7 OF HYDRONIC 8A5EBOARD �tATED 580 Bi"l!/FOOT AT 180 flEGR��S REQ�#IRE5 2 MATCHIiVG HYDRQiVIC SASEBOARd END CAP5 OR VA�.VE �tVGL(?SURES RE UIRE� S MATChiIiVG HYDRCtt�IC BA5E8QARQ �kS DE CaR�IER � Q z x �r� � RQON4 1� f : MA�TER B�DRadM CliBIC ���T VD�LSME aF RQQM: 1701 AIR CHANG� F'ACTtJR : . CIt2 BTU H�AT LOSS 1837 SQ�}RR� F�E7 dF C�ILxNG: C���.I�lG �AC�'OR : �TU H�A�' L45S 0 ' ' SQ13AR� FE�T 0� �'L.dClR: FL4QR FAC7�R : ETU HE/tT LflSS Q ' P�RIkf£TER OF �LABS : SLA�S FAC"COR : �7U H�A7 LOSS 0 ' SQUARE F�E7 4lINDQ4�S/DOQ�RS : 35 �PEt�INGS FACTOR . . B5 B�'U �1�,4T LOSS 2048 ' SQUAR� F�ET E7(P4�E1? WAL�.S ; 91 WA��a FACTC3R: . 07 BTU fiEA�' L4SS 573 SQUA#�� F��T CCS�,� WALLS : t 17 CO�.D WALL FA�TflR : . �8 BTU HEAT IOSS 842 TqTAL. Rd�M H�A1" �.dSS IiV �TU ' S PER N4l1R : 53b0 �5 � 7 � � � l��QU��' �J . 2 �E C?F HYDRONI.. BASE$�ARD F�ATEQ 580 ETl/FCi{�T AT 180 [��GR��5 #:�QIJ�R�S 2 MATLHI�lG FiYDRONI�` BASEBQARb ENG CAPS OR VA�.V£ ��I�.I��SUR�S , ROGh1 NAt�1E : MASTER SATH Ct���C F�E7 VOL�1M£ flF R�OM : 972 AIR C�iA�#G� FAC�FQR : . Q i 8 BTtJ HEAi' LO�S 189fl SQUARE F��� �F C��LII�� : CEILING FArT4R : ��'tJ H�A�' LQSS D SQiJ�tRE F�ET C?� �L(�OR : FL.Q4R FACTQR : BTU H�A7 Lt3SS 0 � , . PERIME�'ER ��F SLABS . Sl,A6S FAC'COR . S�`U HEAT L085 D SQUA�E F�ET WI(�DOW�/DOQR�a : 16 �?PEiV�NGS �AC7f}R : . 65 �Tl� �t�AT LC�SS 1 a23 �Q,UARE FEE�" EXPC}5ED WA�.LS : i7� WAE.LS FAi.'TC?R : . 07 BT�� WEAT LOSS �3a8 SQUARE F�ET COLL� WALL� : COLD WALL �AC7QR : BTt.f HEAT LC35S 0 i'a7AL R�C]M NEAT 1�4�5 II� E�TU i S PER M�t�R : 43 2 i REQi1IRE5 7 . 5 F���' Q� HYI�ROPdZC BaSEB4AR�} f:AT�D 58'0 8TU/FOOT AT 'S80 DEG�tEES REQUIRES 2 MATCHI�G NYDRONI�' �ASEB�ARQ END CApS .C?R wALVE ��kC�.C�S��'ES REQtJxRES 1 MATCHINt� HYDR�hlIC BASEBOARa I�lSIDE CORNER � f20QM NRM� ; P�I�lDER $A"fH Ct1BI� �EET VflL�1ME �}F RC}�t�: �47 . 5 A�R C�iANG� �AC�'(?�t : , 018 �TU HEAT t0�� 4$ � SQUARE FE�7 OF CEILII�G: CEILI�IG FACTOR: �T�S H��4T LOS� 0 ' St�UARE �E�T �F FL04R: FLO�R FACTO#2 : ETU HEAT tOSS 0 i ��R�METER f�F 5ZA8S : 5LA65 FACTQR : BT�� Fi�RT LOSS (? SQiJARE FEET WINQ0�15/D�URS : 6PEiV�fi�GS FACTflR : BTU HEAT L�SS 0 SQUARE �EE�' �XR�SED WALLS: 49 .5 WALLS FACTOR : . 07 6Tlf HEAT tGSS 374 SC�UAR� FEET CbLD I�RLL.S : CbLQ WAI,L FACTOR : L�TU 4�EAT L�S� Q T�TAL RC��}�i HEAT L�S� I1� B7"�.! ' S P��2 HOUF2 : 655 REQtlIRES 1 . 5 F�ET CTF HYDRONIC EASEBC?ARC} RA`f�C1 58C1 �`ftJ/FQC�1" A�' 18Q I�EGRE�� � �E U�R�S 2 MATGH��lG HY R�1�rC BAS oAa EPr �A� oR v �.V �rrCL�SUR�s , , Q C} E B 1J G S A � REQIiIRES 1 MATCHIN� HYC}R��t�ZC �3ASLB�AFtE! �t�SIC}� G�IRi��R ROOM NAM� : HIS H�RS CLaSET i CflE3�� �EET Vt3L�JME dF RUOM : 585 AIR CHANGE FA�T�R : . OtB BTU H�AT L�BS 94$ SQUARE FE�T Q�' C��L.Z�l� : CEILING FA��'�R : ��'U H�AT LOS� 0 SQUARE �EE7 �F FLQC3R : F�4QR FACTOR: 6T!! N�A7 Lb55 0 �ERIM�SER QF Si�A�S: Sl.D;BS FACI"�f� : �TU H�A�' LOS� 0 � SQUARE FEET wz�aows/aao� OPE���GS FACTOR: � BTU HEAT LflSS 0 ��QUA�E FEET EXPOSED WALL �ALLS FACTaR : BTU HEAT LQSS 0 ', SQURRE FEET co�a WALLS: 63 COL� WA�� FACTaR : . 08 8TU NEAT LaSS 454 TqT�L R4�� HEAT LOSS IN BT� ' S PER H�UR: 14q2 R��UIR�S 2. � fi��� QF HYDR4�IC BASEBO�RD R�TED 580 BTU/F�QT A7 180 DEGREES REQUIRE� 2 MAYCHING HYDRQ�IC BASEB�ARD E�Q CAPS OR VA�VE �NCLOSURES R�O� NA�� : B�DROQM 1 CUBIC �EET VQLUME 4F Rd�� : f4a4 A�R CHA�G� fiACT�� : . q2� BTU H�AT L�SS 3� 12 �QUAR� F�ET OF CE����G : C�IL��� FA�T�R : BTU HEA� LQSS 4 • S��AR� F��7 0� �LQOR : 156 �LflOR FACTOR : . 05 �TU H�A7 L�SS 7p2 PERIMETER �F �LASS : S�A�S �ACT�R : B�L� NEAT LOSS Q SR�ARE FE�T WI�DO�S�dOQR5 : 25 OP����G� fiACTO� : . 65 ETU HEAT LaSS 1�63 SQ�JAR� ���T EXP�SED WALL� ; 200 wA�tS �A���R : . b7 BTU H�A7 L�SS i26� SQ�aRE FEfT CaLD �ALLS : COLD WALI FACT4R : BTU H�AT Lo�S a YOTAL ROOM HEA� LCSS I� BT�J ' S PER �0��: 683fi ��Q��R�S 11 , 8 FEET 4F �YDRONIC BASE�QAR� RA�E� 580 E7U/�407 A7 180 bE6���S REQUIRES 2 �A�CHI�� HY�R�NIC SASEB�AR� EN� CAPS OR VALV� �NGLOSURES Rf��IR�S 1 MATCHI�� HY��qPd�C EAS�BOARD INSID� CaRNER R04M NAME : BEDR�OM 2 CUBIC F��T VOLUME OF R��M: 1323 AI� CHANG� FACT�R : , Qt6 B7U HEAT LOSS 2143 SQUARE FEE� OF C��t�NG : �EILINu FAC�QR : BTU NEAT LOSS Q �QUARE F�ET �F FLaQR : 147 FLOOR FA�TQR : . Q5 ET�J HEAT L�SS B82 P�RIMETER OF SLA6S : SLABS FaCT�R : 6�U HEAT LOSS Q ��UARE FEET ����aws/�aa�s : 25 �PfNI�GS FACT4R: . 65 ETU HEAT LOS�� �463 SQUARE FEET ExPGSE� WA�LS : 6� WA��S FAC70R : . fl7 BTU HEAT L�SS �35 SQUARE FEE� COLD wALL� : 126 CQ�D �ALL FACTOR : . �8 BTU HEAT LflSS 90? TQ�AL RGGM HEAT LOSS IN STU ' S PER NOUR ; 5� tti REQUIREB 9 . 7 FEET 4� MY�RONI� BAS�B�ARd RATEfl 580 B�U/FOOT AT 180 DE�REES ftEQUIRES 2 �ATCHI�G NYDRa�IC BASEB�AR� �N� CAPS �R VA�V� EP�CLOSUR�S R4�� NAME : L�WER BATH CUBZC FEET VOLUME OF Rd�M : 445 AIR CHRNG� FAC��R : . R18 �TU HEAT LOSS 78? SQUARE FEET OF CEILING : C�I�Z�G FAC�aR : BTU HEAT L�SS Q SQUARE FEET dF FLa�R: 45 ��44R FACT�R : . Q5 BTU NEAT LQSS 2�3 PERIME7ER 0� 5�AB5 : SLAB9 FA���R: BTU HEAT �O�S � S�UARE FEET WI�QOWS/D�aRS : OpE�I�GS �ACT�R : BTU HEAT LO�S 0 5Q�ARE F�ET ExAOSED �ALLS : 45 wALLS FAC��R ; . 0� B�U H�A� L�SS 34Q SQUARE ��ET COLD WALLS: CQ�� WA�L ��C7�R : BTU H�AT �QSS a TOTAL R�Q� HEAT LOS� IN @T� ' S ��R HOU� : f �70 REQUI��S 2 .4 ��ET OF NYDRO�IC BAS�B�A�Q �ATED 580 BT�1/F��T A7 � 80 DEG�EES ��QUIRES 2 MATCHING �YD���IC BASE60ARG �Nd �AFS �R VALV� �N��4�URES ROQ� �A�E : BED CEN �U��C ��ET V�t�ME OF R�4M : 1260 AIR CHAP�G� �ACY4R ; . 027 �TU HEAT L�SS 3062 SQ�ARE F��7 qF GE�LI�G : C�ILINr FACT4R : �TiJ MEA7 L�SS 0 SQUARE F�E7 �F F�OQR : t4� FLOQR FkCTQR : . 05 E7U HEAT L�SS 63a PERIMETER QF SLABS : S�AB� FACT4R : BTU NEAT L�SS 0 SQUARE FEET WINDOWS/�OQRS : 4p�N�NG� �ACTQR : 6TU HEAT L��S � SQUARE FEET EXPOSED WAL� 126 WAL�S FACTOR : �47 BTU MEAT LOSS 794 AS�UA�� FEET COLD WALLS : 90 C�LD WALL FACTOR : 48 BTU H�AT �QSS g4g �TQTA� ROQM H�A7 L4SS I� BT� ' S PER HOUR : 5134 �EQUIRES 8 . 9 FEET OF HYDRONIC SASE@OARD RA�ED 5B0 BTU/�00T AT 180 DEGREES REQUIRES 2 MATCHING HYDRONIC BAS�BaARD END CAPS QR YALVE ENG�OSURES , REQUIR�S 1 MATCHING HYDRQNZC BAS�BQA�D INST�� C�RNER • GRAND 7�TAL HE�T L4SS FOR 12 R04MS CA�CULATED 6975q B�U/N� GRAND TqTAL �F HY�RONIC BASEBOARD F4R 0 R�flMS CAL�ULAT�D 121 FEE7 GRAN� TOTAL OF MAT�NING �ND CAPS �R VA�VE ENGL05URES 24 EACN 7 EACH i _ _ � � . � TQWN QF �TAIL DEPARTMFNT OF COPM�iUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' 75 S. FR�NTAGE R�AD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 � NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST HE P05TED �N B ITS AT ALL TIMES JO S � PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-0051 � Job Address: ].330 SANDST�NE DR Status. . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 1330 SANDSTONE DR UNITSApplied. . : 45/11/199� Parcel No. . : 2103-121-02-DO1 Issued. . . : OS/11/199� I� Project No. : PRJ97-0181 Expires. . : 1.�./47/199E - APPLICAN'r ANYTIME PLUMBING & HEATING Phones 719-395-2989 16275 CR 35t}, BUENA VISTA, CA 81211 81211 CONTRACT�R ANYTIMS PLUNIBING & HEATING Phone: 7�.9-395-2989 16275 CR 350, BUENA VISTA, CA 81211 61211 OWNFR BEFsCHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVBLOPMENT � BEECHWOOD ORGANT�ATION, 467 WxLLIS AVEF, WILLISTQN PAR.K NY 1159 Description: NEW PLUMBING FOR 4PLEX Valuation: 45, OOO . Q4 , +�rtaritw+►�irri+i�iW�rk.rr�+i*+r�Y+rw+xat�asrr+aert+at++ra�ta♦ PE6 SUMMkRY ar++si+r+er+ar+W+rrareerf+r+ieii+ts+rt+t�a�tt�+iwt+++rt+ri I plumbing-----� 675.90 Reatuarant Plaa Review--� _OQ Total Calculated Faee---� 846.75 Plan Chack---n 168.75 TOTAL FEES--------•-----> 845.75 ABditional Feea---------� .0� ' Investigationn .QO Total Permit Fee-----�-�� 846.75 - Wi12 Ca11----> 3.00 Paymente-----------°--- ? 846.75 BAI4NCE DUE--�--�-------> .06 � �r+rtrt+rtiii+titirtt�tt+tttti+*r+�iwrtw+r�rrrwr*w+twrrrt*r+�rrtyr►+e*+�r�rt��+r�3e+r+�ti,rtart�.tt�tRttk+�irr+Wiwr+r:r�*t*r�rar�rayara♦ � Item: 05��� BUILDZNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDZNG Division: 05/11/199B JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM" �tem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: � o.�/ii/i9ss JRM ACtion: APPR N/A itrarr�rir��rrr+r�raaatir►rar�arriw�arr�rr�*�e+�tw�a�a+eirar+r,�tarrwtar++trrar+r+tsrrirrrWa+Wr,�rarrr�wr*rrrraria�+�rariaar�+rtratrrr• CONDITION OF APPROVAL � �ra��r�rwrry�y�+rrrrr+rr*�rarrr4r�tsr+ar+,�a+,�rrrtr�+++�t+*a�ratrrwit�iw*�rrtrrtrrrr�err�*�+r+rr+r�tr+r�+rar��t+►atrr++arerrr�rrrr+t ' DECLARATIONS I hexeby acknorledge that I hava read thi� application, filled out ia full the info=mation zequixad, complcted an accurate plot plan, snd etate Ghat a21 the information provided as reguired ie corract. I agree to comply with the informAtfon and p1.ot plan, i to comply with all Town ordinancea and etate lawe, and to build thie atzucture acaording to tha Tavrn�s zoning ard sub3ivieion � eodes, desx n review a roved, Uni£osta euilding Code and other ordinances of tha Sown agplicabla tfierato. 4 PP R64UESTS FOR INSP$CTYONS SHALL BE MADE Tia6NTY-FOUR HOVFtS TN ADVI�NCE BY TELEPHQNE AT 479-Z13 OR AT OiSR OF ICE FROM B:OD 5:00 PM _l�,�,��e�,���j� �- SIGL3ATUAE OF OWNER OK CONTitACTOR FDR HIMS6LF ANA OWNER I � � ���.�..�...��....�..�.�..........�.............................. TOWN QF VAIL. COLOFtADO Statemr.t •arr+W+arrrraarwrrrr���aaarar�rar��ra�ta�rrraris�rrar�rr��r►r�r♦ Statemnt Number: REC-0400 Am�ount: 846.75 OS/11/96 16:41 PaY,nent Method: CK Nocacion: 428fi Init: MAW Permit No: P98-0o51 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 21a3-121-02-001 5ite S.ddxeee: 1330 SANDSTONE DR Location: 1330 SANDSTONE DR UNIT57,8,9,10 Tocal Feee: 846.75 'Y'his Payment 84fi.75 Total ALL Fnte: 846.75 II Balance: ,00 , .�.ra.r�«rya�*�r.��+v�.:a«r«wr.rara��rr.rr.rraarrt.trrarrfrirr+r♦ �� Account Code Deacziption Amount PP 0010600311120�0 Pi.G�"M9ING PERMZT FEE9 6"15.0U PF flO1aQ003112360 PLAN CHEC'iC FEE3 I68.75 _ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 -------------------------'-----—-------—-----------°-'-------- I �,� y •' . , ,� � �ontact Eaglc Coun[y Assessors Office ae 97Q-328-8b40 Eor Parcel �1, TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI4N PEFL�IIT l� ��EL ll c �10-�?�/.Zl_'"V 1.•- U�'-I PERMIT APPLICA ION F'ORM �� DAfiE: ,s° �r ` .}� � APPL�CATION MUST BE FILLE� �UT COMPLETELY OR �T MAY NOT' BE ACCEPTED k�����***���*�*�*�**�*��,t��*** PERMIT �NFORMATZ�N' ��***�t*��*,r�**��������*�*����. � . [ ) -Buildi.ng (j�C] -Pxumbing [ ] --E�ectrica� [ )--Mechan 'icaJ. [ a --O�her —� v '�''l� �' I ��-�.h � Job Address: -' � � S o b N a m e: 'v G_ � Ge_"{' j� 7C� '�(,1J,'.����"�"Q1''C' -- i' 1'.�__-�— �.egal Descrip�.ion: Lot Hlack Fi�ing SUBDII��slo,t: ��� ��� (� �' �� � � -�� " �C,'✓• , � � , � �s":G �wners Nar,le: ��.Gr: �.<-'t'�, �c�c�-► � �r��--_ Address• %.�'diJ�� .Gc-1�C Ph. �7�--%f// �rch itect: �f�9"��°,��,�;:,��. + .�S�S�CY : Addzess• /bc� /�,�r'�:.�'c`','��r-'"fc�, -_ h. j"fs- �/�O �enera]� Description: 'y'"! /�� ��1`,u•i3 �`'✓' ,�lG ic� . i •7ork CZass: �'] -N�w [ ] -A�.teratior� [ } -Addita.onal [ ] -Repair [ ] --O�.her Iumber of Dwel].zng Units : �� -� �� t Num er of AccomMOdation Units: L� �r�..imb�� and Type of F�replaces: Gas i'�n�e _ Gas T,ogs Wood/Pellet � e�*��������****����*��t*�*X���*�*�� VALUAT�QNS �����t*�t�������***�*��t���**��**x�� � 3UYLbZNG: $ Er,ECTRICAL: $ OxHER: � �LUI�iBING: $ y3 c�ra MEC�LANZCAL• $ �.__--- TOTAL• � ,� • . ����-����,�*������*�*�:�**�•�**�* CON�'R.ACTOFt �NFnRMA7.'I4N *��k*��****���*,���*,t�***�** �eneral. Contxac�oz: Town of Vail Reg. N0. lddress: Phone Number: :lectra.caZ Gontxactor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. ,ddress ; phon� Nu�ber: ��.umbing Contractor: ��(S�4C�.��fS � ��.�C'uaL fU�3`�� Z .� P1� Town o�' Va.i3. Reg N . ��J� tiddress: C,�7� �' G .c' :.��,�. as'�"r:� ei z� _ �Phane Nunher: "7r`�S`- techanical Ce�ntractor: �� ���� Town of Vail Reg. NQ. , ��ddress: _ J?hone Number: -���***���������������*��������� FOR �FFICr� USE ��**���*�x�x���������*����*�x�x 3UILDING �ERMYT FEE: Bf3ILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: 'LUriBTNG P�RMZ'P FEE: PL[TM$ING PLp.N' CHECK �'�E: :ECHANICAL pERMZT FEE: MECHANZCAL PLAN CiIECK FEE: :�ECTRICr'��, FEE: _ .RECREATZON FEE: )�'HER TYPE 4F FE�: ' CLEAN-UP DEPOS�T: )�t� FEE: � TO�'AL PERMIT �'EES : TYPE GROUP SQ. F"T. VALUATION BUZLD�NG: � SZGNATURE: zoN�KC: SzGNATURE: :or�men�s: ^ � D ' c�.� uP ��.aszx x��tzn xo: ► ' � y � � • TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COPM9UNITY DEVELOPMENT I 75 S . FRONTAGE R0�1D VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTP: THIS PSRMTT MUST BS POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MSCHANICAL PERMIT Peiznit #: M98-0006 Address . . . : 133b SANDSTONE DR Status. : I SUED J�l� . . S Location. . . . . . : z330 SANDSTONE DR (the ouer].00Appla.ed. . : 01/15/1998 Parcel No. . . . . : 2103-12�-02-001. Issued. . . : 02/04/1998 Project Number: PRJ97-018I. Expires . . : OB/03/1998 APPLICANT PINION HILLS PLUMBING & HEATING Phone: 970-434-366d 557 SUN VALLEY STREET, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81504 CONTRACTOR PINION HILLS PLL3MBING & HEATING Phone: 970-�434-3660 557 SUN VALLEY STRSET, GR.AND JUNCTION, CO 81504 OWNER BEECHWOQD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT $ BEECHWOOD ORGANZZATZON, 467 WILLIS AVE, WILL�STON PARK NY 1159 Description: Valuation: 13 , Op0 . 00 ' MECHANICAL FQR QVERLOOK Fireplace Informstion: Aestricted: #Of Ose Appliqncee: �Of are Loge: #Of Woad/PAllat: r�rri+�rrrfartr�++awsrta��rk��+*arrarr+w�t+ar�rwaaa�++aarar��+♦ F@E 9[RAMpgy[ +�++aa�w�,++aar+r�a�,�riarr.ra+r+rarwrraa�+►�a*�wfi+awaaa�isir Meahahical---� 26D.00 Reatuarant Plan Review--> .00 Tot�l Calculated Feae---a 329.OD .. Plan Check---> 65.00 DRB Fao-----------------n .00 Addikional Feee---------> .UD Inveatiqation� .Da TOTAL FEE9--------------y 32B.00 Total Pexmit Fee--�-----> 328.00 � Will Call----> 3.Oa Paymente----------------� 328.00 c BIlLAI3CE DUE'------_____� .QO I,. }#ti�YW4YYT�h4i��YfiltttY*ri11�hiYiY�M1###ttlt�Fi###i�ktYt#friF�tYi�kf#iti###ti#t#�ki*�F�iiiiiie►}##tii�k}�F�I#t4ttilfiiilfiitiirtilir#t##iFIt�F*!ii*irdtt*M ! Item: 05200 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: Q2/p4/1998 JRM Action: APPR approved 02/04/1998 JRM Action: APPR approved jrm Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: 02/04/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A JRM � CONDZT�ON OF APPROVAL f ' 2 . COMBUSTI�N$AIR�ZS EQUIR�DIPER SEC�607 p�R�0ED�990M�C NCE. 3 . 3NST.ALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS At�TD TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991. UMC. 4 . GAS APPLIANCES SHALL SE VENTED ACCORDING T4 CHAPT$R 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 . ACCESS TO HFAT�NG EQUXPMENT NCUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 AND '703 OF THE 1991 UMC. � 6 . BO�LERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCONIDUSTISLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED F�R MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORSNG. 7 . PERMTT PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL — --- ROOM P�2.IOR TO AN INSPECTION RE UFST. i' B . DRAINAGE OF MECHAN�CAL ROOMS C�NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPSD WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. 9. �F WASHER AND DRYER .AR� TO Bg IN MECH ROOM WE NEED A LETTER FROM MFCH ENGINE��t 3�'ATING ITS AL�OWED. REFERENCE UMC 606 .LETTER TO BE STAMPED AND SIGNED . . I � � � ' *�rx�,�**�********��****�***�r*��*�***�************�********#***,�****�,�*�*********�* D�CLARAT�ONS I h�r�by acknoWiedge th�t I hrva xa�d thia applicatiaa, flllsd out in fu11 tha �ntos�ation requirbd, caapl�t�d an accurata plat pl�n, and �Cwta that all the infariaation providad aa requi�ed ia coxracC. i wgr�a to comply xith the infosmaCion wnd plot plxn, to comply rith all Torn ordinanca■ and stste laxs, �nd to build thfe atruature accordfng to t4�e Tovn�� zoning and �ubdivision codee, cleeigh review �pprovad, �7niforia 8uilding Code and othar oxdinahceq af the Tatm a 3 ehla thereto. R&(�U89T8 FOR iNsp6CTZON9 BNALL H6 MAns TFiENTy�pOI1R HDUR cB BY T Ho �' 4 76 OR AT 0[7R qFplc� $RQnS 6:an AM 5:Qa Pp! r. BZaNATURB 4F OF�IN8R 6R Ct]NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELE AN� OWNER � � � � I I i ----- - —____ '— i s � � • rwarrtr�rr:r►rrrtrNt�*rrrerw►��r�tr�*�r�a�rre+*���rr�tr+t�irirr�r TOP7N OF ViIYL, COLORADO 8G�[�mat rwrr�r�rtsrrrrWirrrwrarwrtrr►ierirr��re�*t�wra��asirr�rr�rreri�r• BCwtOmnt NuIDber: rtSC-03�5 AmouaG: 32l.00 02/OS/98 09:]9 Pay�pant Mathods C!C NoC�tion: �3062 Init: JRM ----------------�--�-------^------------------------------------ Parmit No: !l99-0006 Tyrpe� H-N6CH MBC}fANICAL pBRMIT Parcel Noe 21a3-121-02-001 8ite I�ddreew: ;330 9AND8TON8 DR Loeatfon: �,3�0 9ANDSTONB DR (the pverlook) Tota1 Pees: 328.00 This Psyment 328.00 Tota]. AI,G Pmts: 328.00 BalAnce: .00 r*wrRetr*rlrxirMra*rerrewrr�*r�wt�yt+�rt**rrre�yrr+xr�etr�rtrw�r+• AccounC Gbde DescYiption Amount MP 001RU0�311134� M6Ct1AliICA7, PERHIT F8g8 260.00 PF Q010000311230D pLAN CHECI{ FEE3 65.00 1PC 00100003112800 WILL CALL IN9P8CPION $$6 3,flp . j , � � �? � �" C' ��� Contact Eaglc County Assessors OfEice ae 970-328-8640 £or Paxccl li. TOWN OF VAII, COIJSTRUCTION PER��IIT f� A1tCEL �l : Z/�'� - /Z l - G7 - C�.:I PERMIT APPT,�I�A N FORM ���7 ` G�/�l DATE:�� APPLICATYON MUST HE FILL�;D OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ,��������**�******��*��*��**��* PERMZT INFORMATION ***********��*��****�****���* [ ]-Building �`�] -Plumbzng ( J -Electrical [�] -Mech��ica� � �-Othez i H& C�IJC�C.60 '���-- ,��,.�r . ,_- � r Job Name: K f�.T jf�j�, J'ob Adc7ress: �� �'z� �jA/��zjN,� ��tU� Lega7. �escription: Lat�� B�.ock,_ Filing SUBDI��ISiofv: 1���5� � owners Name: Address: p�, Archi�ect; I�D�LL � ��SO�: Addxess: �t`3.�,� y3�S IJUIU Ph. R�I � - 3IL(�5 General Description: � ,aork C].ass: [�(] -New [ ] ��1�eration [ ]-�Add�t�.ona1 [ ] -Repair [ ]-Other :dumber of DweZling Units : '� ?�umber o� Accommoda�ion Units: i�.tmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appl.iances Gas Logs �. Waod/Pellet � y**��*��*****�**��**��,�****�******* VALUATIONS �*****�*******�*************�**** � 3UILDII�IG: � EI��CTFtICAL: � OTHER: � �Ur1BYrrG: � �S.UC,�� `-�- MECHANICAL: � L z,<=.`'' ' Ta�'AL: � ~ ���***�k�*�****a���*�•��*�**�** CONTRACTOR IN:�()�MA7.'ION *��•k**�***********��**�***� ,eneral Contractor: _ 'I'own of Vail Reg. N0. `�ddress: Phone Number: :1ecf:rical Contractor: _ Town of Vai1 Reg. No. ;ddress : Phone tv'umb�r: �lumb�ng Contractor: r`Nc��J �iL�.� ��,}M.e + G. � ��To�n of Vaa.�eg. O?_o?�/� �ddress: �.L ;. ��. C'�: Phone Tlumber: ����J �f i 5c5� Iecharizcal Cor�trac�or:�_�,iuD,v II,L! Z , �� Town ot Vai�. Re . NO. � �f' �ddress: �,�}�� �� ;',��� ' Phone Number: "7C?°� � :**�x�x�x��*����*******���**����*.** FOR OFFICE USE *��*��***���*�*���*����**�***:�* 3UILDING PERM�� FEE: � BUILD�NG PLAN CHECK F��: 'LUMBING �ERMTT F'EE: � �• . ; , PL'UMBING pl,Aid CHECK ,�`EE: fECHANYCAL PERM-IT F�'�: MECHAN�CAL PLAN CHECK FEE: :LECTRTCAL FE�;, j,�AN ,��, � ��� ` RECREAT:�ON FEE: >THER TYPE O�' .;�'�E' ,�����. ., CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT• ��B �'��= ; � �� '' 9 TOTAL PERM7T FEES: 6+� 1 TXPE GR�UP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILDII�IG: 1� /� l� f �I(O� S IGNATURE: Z�NING: STGNATURE: `ornrnen�.s• � II cL� uP nEe.aszT xE�urro Ta_ � _ _ _ - - -� i , ;_ ._ . �i ,. , . � � , . _ �,� , y . �i � ��w� Q� ��� . ' 75 soulh frontage raad vail, colarado 81657 � (903) 479�21,3$ or 479--2139 ot�ice at co:nmunlly development ' TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGxSTERED WXTH THE TOWN OF VAIL � . FROM. TOWN OF VATL PUBL�C WORKS f COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 15, a988 � SU'&7'ECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In summazy, ord�.nan�e No. 6 states that it is unlawful �or any � pexson to litter, track o� depc�sit any soi.�., rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpste�s, portable to�].�ts and � workmEn vehicles upon any stzeet, sid�wa�k, a3�ey or pub�.ic ; place ox- any poxtidn thereot. �he right--of-way on al�. Town af �azl st�eets and roads is approximatel.y 5 f't, aff pavement. This ordinance w�.].� be strzctly enfozced by the Tosan ot Vail Publz.c Works Depaztmen�.. Pe�rsons fouz�d vioJ,ating �his ardir,ance � Wa�J�1 be given a 24 houx written no�ice to remave said material. �n the event th� person so �noti#'i.ed does not comp�y wi�h the � not�.c� with�,n the 24 hour t�xne specified, the Put�iic Works Department t�r�11 remove said material at the expense of persan � notified. The pravisions of th�.s ordinance sha1.1 no� be appla.cab�e to cons�ructian� maint�nance ox- repaiz px�o�ects of ' any street ar alJ.ey ar anX utilities i.n the righ�.-a-way, _._ _ _. . . _ _._._. .- - - . .. - � Ta reva�ew Ord�.nance No. 6 in fu11. � please stop by �he Tvwn of , Vai1 Bui].di.ng Depar�ment to nbtaa.n a copy. Thank you �'or yo�r � caoperatzon fln this matter. d and ac n e d by: ������ �/�v7,�i�{�7�'l�- . ,_ _ _ __ �osiiion/Re�ationshi.p to Pzo 'ect i.�, . 7 ( contractor, awner) r- q- �Da t e � I � . c' - _ _ : i : . _. ' ` • � • . i , ���� ' �� . , �Q�� o uai _ 75 aouth Ironlage road veil, colaredo 61657 � i (303) 479-21.38 or 479--2139 otElce of community develapmenk ' BUILDING p�Rr�IT ISS1lAN CE 7IME FRATiE ' . � . If t�i,s permi.t requires a Town of Va�l �ire Department Approva1 , �' Engineer'•s (.Public Warks) reYiew and approval , a Planning Depart�ment review or Health pe�artment rev�ew, and a review by the Build�ng � Department, tne est�ma�e� ti�e for a tota� rev7ew may take as �ong as tfiree weeks , '� � ' A�� commereial �:large or sma71 ) a�d a> > multi--�ami1y �ermits will have to foilow the above rne�tioned maximum requirements . Residential and small projec�s should take a lesser amount of ti�ne, However, 7f i res7den�i'al or smaller pr�ojects impact the var��ous �bove mentio�ed departments wi,t� regard �a necessary review, these projects may also take �lie ttiree week period, � � Every a�te�npt w�'ll be made by t�is departnTent ta expe�ite tf�is permi;t as. soon as possible. ' ' T , the undersigned, understar�d tt�e p�an check pracedure and time frame. ' " . , . i --- __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ . ���i� , � gree to . - � � (�lJ�l�� �i �l L _.._ _ Project Name , . . . Date �tark She�t was turned into t e ' Commurr�ty Deve�on�nPr�t aepartment, � �_ - • �` � � f I .�_.. r . _ _ . :. . ,. :_< -,_.._ _ .: � i 10i�4� �NSRECTIOM wa��c s��_ , � —==Act i v i t y: �9'7-03#����1 t�/2t�/9b T y pe: l�+IF BL3I LD St at u==— ------- ----------- � A�dress: 1330 5AN1}�T[]f'+II� DR � �ncat i on: 133� S+�N�STQNE I�R UVE�2LQ[lFt @ VAIL RHIi�SE _ � � F�arcel : 21(�3—],�1—Q��-�01 ��c: ���criptiur�: MEW FflUR RLEX I � F�ppl ica�t : KED D�VELORMENT, ING F�hone: 949--4�' I i Owr�er~: S��CHWOC7D SA3�FI35T�NE DEVELOF}MENT • �har�e: f ��untracto�^: KED DEtiELDPMfEC�tT* IfrIC. phone: 949-4� I _ _----------------------------------------------�-____...__�__M_ _ , � - ��ct ion Rec�uest Inforaat iarr . . . . � �-��estor: Bnb F�hc►ne: 39�-4:s�� I � as�q Tia�e: �H:t��l Cos�ents: unit 3 � �-:.�� Y`p1�i1B5tf�.+C� to be TnspectQd. . . i�ction C,a,a��nt� T��Q kx� �r3� P�DG—Te�p. Cl0 _ � {J . � ----- - � s���--�---__�-�__�j'�–`L� _ —__._.... � � � � _ � � _�_. _._.�.__�.. . _�.. C �n_!'.��.� �_ _��.._����� . _._.... _.. �._. .�..____—_____-- ___��__���.�� �.!�_..�._ ` � � _._..._---------------------------------�=-i; ____�.������__�_,���._i : t, io� Histor}r. . . - - �■. 1diU;1��d F'W=Packfill In�pectian { .;ot: �0��d1 F�W-l-eap. access/drainag� _,�: �V15�d2 �'W-�lo�+�h grade -r�: �io5�3 �'W-Final ririveway grade � � � . �k�►ili11� NLllG-FQat i�,�s/Steel � j � 1�Qi3�97 Inspector: ART Actione APPR parti�l, NW half of bldg � � �3/�Sr19B Irtspector: CD f-�ctifln: A�'I�i� REST OF FDTTINIGS l ��f��0 HLDG—FcrumdationlSteel k �+1/;�kll9A Inspector: CD� r�ctioct: F►A PARTIAL ARRRO�JHL 1 id3/0f��96 In�pector: EG Ac�ion: DfV r�ea�ave ice--sncrw r�r���j,x�� ,.. , � �b3/11/4A I n�pect or: C17 Act i c�n: A�P'R CDRRECT 1 ONS MAi3E � � �4/07l9B I nspeet or: C17 Art i on; AFP�R LOWER P�O�tT I(]W . ; i'-:a�e�: —REMOVE ALL M1UD FROlYi T C'�G' ��= FC1i�� I C•�G-=� �d�ti'i �?�;'►A!�t ; � —WEATHER �ROTECTIGhi t��_t:���i- �:-�. � = � y.w+: ✓��5�1�1 RLAN—I LC S i t e R 1�i�> I�E.�: Idid�+�0 E�LDG—Fra�i�g I �6117/9B Inspector: CD �=ict iori e �f� Lt�i�.�� s ..; -, ,`; - - + E tVotes. UIVI7 #3 �-'ROVIT}E POSYTiVE GONNECi`IC)NS TG �u�tiy!��r b�:���i-.:` : � F4I tVGP�STS I ' PRi�V I DE F I RE @LOGK I NG AT ALL STA 1 R 5l'R I IVC;ERS aIVD LA��;���:��!��, � PROL�iDE A 57RAR A�RQSS RDTTQM FlLF1TE �'3 TH�. �Ci►,�EP. '��V�s� Uh1I l #4 ! CUMP�LE r E t' ,,,,, _ _, '�� ALL 1.�P1I7� I � t�ACi{ �[]X w: : <: '.: .... ,;.; ,:,. t -. . ' . � .__ _ M L;OIV17C1/�ASf�it:Pd � (-�i[i�vtt:hltfi•1 i �lt:i�tl31�:��5 !=eJ�( tLi:� � F c� .F ` L I N1ES RUNiV 1 N� BET WEEiV taLL UN I 1"S � +�NlcS/9B Insp��tor: CD Actinnc F��t UNI7 :- . � Notes : BA1�K @OX ELEC PANEL FOR FYRE RESISIT�E t��' ' � CDIYII�LET'E RAC#i0U7' �1"HRU RIM Jt�I�"C r��� �:u�, +..r.� • �.__;__ °:�.,,s � .- �TA I 125 I s��iD FIFtE BLQCKING bET4J�EN LEVE�,�:J k �LxD E�DLTS TU BAACIiET GDNNECTIhIIG !•a�.. +-; : �_=f��s=: :��.:��9-.. p h1A I hiTA I1V P�I I fVUMUM CLEARAIVCES B�1-wE�ly F`LOOR .Si]1��_ � •-�i��! r~0 li�lr-.';����� �P<� i.,'�cf-l�ap1_ ..�'I=7��r � � . 5 , _ - . .� . � . � � _ . - . -� . - �� � .� . . � � .. _ � � f I — -- _— - - - J � __ ____ ____ ___ __ _ __ ___ ___ T �. � � _ __ ___ _ _— �T .—� � � - _-T-_._--- i {; � � F�°'f 1:�1 !�WM i.IH tiN I�L, +L�1Li:3s-��3UCr �='i�t�� ;� � '='��'�38 1d8s 42 iiEQUE87'S FOR TN�faECT iOhl WO�tii SHEETS FOR: 1�/�61gP1 AREA: CD { _-_______________��__�r_-..-._-_---_-=_----_=_---_--_--____=__=_��_��_���_-� ,^a�50 BLUG-Insulation I �?8/�0/9Q Inspect�r: JRh1 ACtini�: H��+ �'ARTINL COFtRECTli]NS � I atese FIF�E BLOCt4ING hiEE�+�i� ON SF�Ai+�IS G�tEATEi� THAN 1@FT �I hISULAT Y OIV tVEEDEU Dh! W�LL F�EI'WEEhi Ci2�1^iL SF+G�CE AhID HOME ,81�5�/9� In�pector: CD �rtion: GA I�NTT #1 ntes: �iLL FRAMIt�lG CURRECTIL]iV MADE f ,9/1dSl98 inspeetar: CI� Actiar�: A�RR 111VIT 4 �ENDIhIG CORRECTIO � - =��-�47UII)� PF�OPER GLEARAiVCE aEl'WEEIV E�FtTH AIND FLOUR JOISTS ; G mdE BLOCK I iHi� REC�y Ia A"� S'TiF�1 d R S7 Fi i N�ES AIND HETW�EtV I � _iOR ASSEM�L�E5 j C �nspectar: 3RM Action: AF�CFI CUF?RECTIt�l�iS:NEED FIF�E '' U�C�: �:.���7CKl1VG, ADD IIV�ULi�TIDhI LOWER LEVEL WEST WA'LL � �c�+06� SLQt�--Shee�trac[� Nai 1 � R/_?6�9+3 Inspector: JF�i�I Ac�ion: APCR GtIRRECTI[7�fS � � :H RCiC1M iVC7T YET ROCtiED h1EED TQ RE I NSRECT ALSO ; � -D TfJ F I t�i I5H I tVSl'ALL iNt� T NSULAT I Oh! I�ATTS Lt7WER LEVEL WE j ,--L LEAD I1�`, T(.� CF2F�WL.,. S�fl�C� t!!V I T 3 � _ inspecter: �D �lctian: APf�R UiV3T 1 pENDIi�1G CORRECTII� E ��ntes: FIf�E SL�lCKING dS R�I�UIR�D AT A�L DRd� CEILING A55EN1�LIES I k _ . , �f,�b�170 �LDG-M i s c. . � ; _-�u: ib�09� PLDi3-F i na 1 � ! ks: L�ib53� Bi_C3G-T��p. C/C7 ' � � k er�: 0Q!'S�1 �'IRE-7EMP. G/O j � z c:�:�: 0053� 1�°W-�EMP. C/O I � 117�/iZ�6t96 �nspector: �S Action: ARPR ARGR t)NLY UI�IITS 58�6 � i'da�e s: a�PPR Q€�iLY lM1I TS a�b FOR T.�. G. .�3;e r�; �1d�33 FFLAN-TEMP� ClC1 I k �t.e w: ��5.�7 PLF�M-F i N�F1L C:� . � I t e w: 0@538 F i 12E-F 1 NAL t_ �t p�: i�f�5.�'9 FFW-F I htAL C/�l �t e�: 0d�5�4�i B�D�-F i n a Y C:; �� � �! �� s t __s ' � � v I ` ;� �, . � � � �, f I ``-��� � � l� �.� C,�ti�. .- ._. � �,��ar,<r�i ���� .���-�'; . � �`,���r �-,.-, -.;� _ , , � � '� , rt.�r� i ! � � ' ' .L � k � .. i � L _ - � I • � � . -1l��iCt.; _•�a.: ��,.���, .: . ., ' *��J�-'Ei- `s•i�s�..y L.�rL�ear- ,:_,� . - . .�._.__ . . _ .. �7'ION WO�tK SH€L� : �. : _.. _ _ ._ . _ . . ._ , �_A: CD �_�______________________________________�.��a.�.�=P��====_=__==_=__====�==�=z_��.-_� Activity: Pg8-��51 li�i2Gl��! Ty�pe. B-RLMH Status: ISSUED Cat�st�^: ADUI� Acidre�s: 133Qr SAN[}STONE DR � � . � !acat ion: 133� SflIVi]STON� D�t UNT7S7, 8, g, 10 (=�arce 1 : 21 U��s-12�-��-�i01 Dcc: Us�: _ � �escription: I�tEW PLUMB�IhJG FDR 4��LEX Applicant : ANYTIt�E PLUMH�ING & HEA7ING Fhone; 719-395--2989 � Dwner: REEGHWGDp Sfit�iDS70NE DEVELD�MENT Rh�one: � G a rt�r�act ar�: ANYT I ME PLUh'iB I hIC� � HEq7'I NG Phane: 719-395-�989 ! �-----------------------�--------------___.-_______.____.___.___.----------------------- f Tnspectiore Request Inrnr�atinn. : . . . � #?equestor: 8DP P'hone: 39�-°��41 6 ¢t�c� Tiee: �8:00 �a.�ents: UNI7 3 THE OVERLOOK f � #:eaos r�equeatecl t�r be Inspected. . . Ac�ian Coiwents Tiqe Exp �'�ti��9�d RI�MB-F i na 1 _.__ _.._.....__._... �__.__. .--•- — - -- - �..�_ ._ _ _ J�,,r. ��,.�� _ . _....____----- ___ - ---.. .. __�_ _ . . � _ � _.��._ _��T�c�.►�'���►�t�� --�_f—�_� __�._.�. ______ �-__�-- � J°�=-- �-��9-- -- -� -------====-- - - - -�.�'` �,�__-- __ -=_..-.�_.�.�. �� � � _ , � ) � ��`a+,��� _.�_. � _-=- -=-{____-_� I I rr��ec�i o st��^y- - - - . � Ite�: 0�21� RL.MB-Undergraund � k�5112/98 Inspectur: C,Rti Acti�r� : �:�E•�-�i= '_-:` � :;,;. t-�;-�-- �� ;:;�=1._:-.�_: � I t e�: ��2��d P'Lh1�-Raughll�.W. V. �8/1.��98 Inspectar; ART Actior�: ARPR �LMB-�2ough 10' heati 06/�8l�$ Irispecta�: CD Actiona A�F'� UNIT #4 WA7ER CLMN -t::.' � �9/1f�/98 It�sp�ctors GRG A�tian: ARF'R UIVIT #� � I t��n� +�����! PLMB-Raugh�'Wat er � �2►8/13l9� Ins�ector: Aft� �ction: AF�PR Air te5t 5�# on H � C OK � i�A,�2B198 Inspertbr: CT� Acti�on: A�P�R UIVIT #4 55 # RT �9/16/4� Inspector: GRG A�� ion. AFyGR UNIT #� I +�t•r�� �0�4� P'LMB-Ga s �i p i n g � �b8f�bi98 I�spectore Cl7� Action: APPR UNIT #4 30# PT � k�9/1619� t nspect trr: URG Act i on: AF'i�R U�I I T #;� j 6+��. �f�1��� PLMi�-�aal/Hot T�eb � ? �:e ur: 4��61Za RLMI3-M i sc. �. ; ev: �dQi�'94� PLMH-F i na l i � _ ., ;�; , . .— _. r— r,,:��= F P i f � I M C � d I � I _ _ - - l � - - — -- - - � i I� � . � � _ _ �.� � ;�_._ IMSPECTYQNV W�flRfi �Fi�_ �A: Cll _---______._.__.______====_�_��_���.�;,,�_-===__==_==_---_--.-----_�__.___.___..__..._...__.__.__=_ , . _._ ___-._-_.�------------- -----------__�-__--_--------- j � ��ctivity: f�i99-�148 2��/��af'38 fippe: B-MECH Sta�us: . iS5UEQ Constr: N1�UG �='�'ri r e s s: 133� SAIVDSTO�iE Ts R � �t i on: 1,331Z+ SAWD�'aT[71�lE DFt � �;rc e 4: c 1�3-i 21-��-0fd Z A�cc: !�f s e: � � �,�i on: ME�H SYSTEM �flF2 4 P�LEX 0-���1 icant : ANYTIiME PLUMBiN.f'a & HE�iTING F�ho�te: 719�-395-,�989 � � Own e r: a�EC�-iW�QD S�iVDSTOlrfE DEVELO��iM�hiT �t�on e: � ' ontractor: AtdYTIME F�LUlriBIhiG � HER��NG i�hone: 7I9-3g5-29B9 � , _____-�__.______..�------------------------------.._...__....------------------------- � spection Req�aest �nforwation. . . . . �I �� �tequestors B�B �'h�ne: 39�-4341 ' j Req Ti�ae: fb8ct7l0 Gop■�nt5: UNii- 3 - THE [?VERLDQ�{ ] ( Zte�s r,equested tn be InsRected. . . A�tion Cow■ents ' Ti�e Exp� � �D�b390 MECH-Final � _�... __._ __..._._r... ,._..__.. .�. __ r,..�_._. �_ _ _ ._.: � _� _._._._ _�._ _____. _. �U�__ .__.�.�._..�;��.._�_._______.._____._� _�� � _� � .__�___.__________..�._._�__._ .�_ _ -_-� _ .� ----_ _`__ -__._._____.� ------ "� � ���----_�_�----------------------- -- - - �-----------_--- - 'l � �� � j f� ----__��___.��^_`_�:���.. _^__�:��.� -_�:---=--- -_:_-_-____��.,_��_ � ...__W.W .._. _.____ .- - -- ��_ �T__.. _�... , _._ : , Act .iva.ty : �97--�::s4� ifl�'+Z�i9� TY�� � f'+i� RUILD ;�tat�a�., - � 1 :. `-;,_;�- �, �_�.��,�.i;r•,o NAN�i I �ad�lr'ess : i;;�;� SAI�#1J5I.OIWE �R � , ,,c�� i an e 1�53�ii �A�lDS7C��iE, DI� t�V�.R�.L�d7K �d Vf�I4... F'��ASE � � � ' ��arE��1 : L:]tZ�.��-1�i••-�Z►c--��1 C]�:�_~; �;>E,:,::��. t.r •_ �• ; '�:- i�? P , �.i�l- i an : hIEW F�U1� �'L�.X . � � � r,� icar��� : h:E:ll C)E:VEl...QF'hIE.IU"i�, INL. i='h���;� � �-±�+9._4�:IC� , � � i.lwn��--; L+��Cd�IWi�F=ir} S€��ll��"f3l�JI� UEVELGF'i41�i��J"T . 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I � Ti;em : ��i;�,?, F�l�—�'inal dr�ivearay _yr^�c�c_ a t Nrn � +2�+�1+c�i �t� �l_UG—Fo��t ing�/5t�e 1 � 1/�::;/�3'7 Tns��ector: F�RT Action: AF'F'i7 p�rtial, I�W hal : � iZ��i/;�;J98 Inspec�t;or,c CD Action : ��F°F�R RE.ST QF r-oTrYr�,��:� � .i �� t:��, : i���r��� �LDU--F=��..tn�at i c,n/5t ee 1 � E +�77.1y1�!iJ9(� TnSpect�r�: Ct� Actior; : �A F�A�tTIAL .AF�F�F�04°,;i I �;�i3l�+�f�3�3 ir�s�eetcri^:• �G �ictic�n : Di� �-•erauve ic�e._.:�;r� � , I l +?j:�i 11/{.i8 Ins��ee�t or: CD �c�� i ord : AF�F'� GUi�FtEGTIOhJ�.� � �i�4l�7�9t3 3r�speek;�ar: ��i irlc�� ion : �-1�'F'� LG4��@ RO�"�T t:lu�e�: --R�MUV� ALL. f�1UD F�l�7�lM TO4=� t; • � ` � __W�F�°►"f-iEN 1=�I�CF�°t'�G�'I o�tt..� t,F-E?t..c�; I t�m: �►tZ�S�� ��P_Af�—I LC; ��::. ; _� � i.,.;� � :L t t�m : t7.+��.�� �L�:)G--l�-r�r�i r�;; I �?�E3f1']'l�3b TraSpec�t , �,. r�. �_ �•�; i , � -' , M1 . : _ !'`1ii', e� : ���.!(�UF`D�7:�tzUl�l t)L N-'U�.i.G 1 1 V;.- l..k.latii�.i�.L. 1 1 l���t�, i ;.l !�j_,1r•:i''ii�.11 I�1 �_�l.ri ' : � � � ��: � '-'�;U V I UE_ F-T FCE L�LUCF;I hlia A1' AL.L. 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Ac�ti.an Confinent � 7'ime �xp � 'I ����:�'��_.....� ,� _ _I'T�i�-F�a n�1�/� _ -. .._.- �----._._��_�.� ________�-_. ! _„ ; � �`t�vr� I _�_ ..�__________ 1 __.�.__�.___.,_.._ .1... ” 4---�.�._i°C.�!��L.�`�'��r��� �r�' _�c°Tic��� c°o, �oL.�'o�_._.. ._C���'- _ c , � _..._ . ... .._. ___ � --___T- ---�-�--�...�.�-3 � � .____-_�__ .._.._._��._._ -- ------- � -�-=1=`�..... � .___�._ __�____._._____._.__ _____.__.. w._....__._._.._ _.. f _�_..__. . .. ........ . I _.._ _._._...._..__..._.___..._.________.,___-�----.___.. _ _._ _ _. .. _ � ..__. . �_ .. . ... ./' _ � � 3 �-��a��ctiari Nistc,rye . . . . I� I t Frr�i a w����}Z+ ���M�--Uiicier�grn�_�� � I �;��C�cc�Z� �'LML�-fl��.tghiU W. ,� �I � ��;l09i�t� ins�ec•�o� t `_ � �. , �, , , ... , �. .�.�. ,-i.. , � „ �, ' �; >�� � I .�/l�h/�38 Ins�ectar , ,.,�-. � _ �, . , � . W r � ..�� . , . i II . _i�r `r�/9A Tns�ec�c�r ,! i,i�o ..�,��. .� �. r : i-;�=i'��, �3� ., � 3._.. , ; ':,;=r ���,�,:;�h F-'I...i�1B.�.�o�.�yh/41�t �_ - --� • -- _ t�:ii��9iyEt insp�ctor� � ::� �rt�.. � � ;_ � r �-��. ,.. ,_ .: -' '.� � I `;'i.:sic�/�i8 Inspectcar. Jf'�itl r���l:i c;ra . H4-'h�k H� �i-°��u�`Lf� I ��. : �74_E�4in F���r�P--Ua s ��i i n fi� � � - , _ I �+;_;r►1�9 1 9 f� :t r i s p e c t o r�: C�i A c i; i o r�: A 4=�F��2 1� F'�I A T i; ; ��'.�a a ldvt e� : R��OT� i�a� �:UF�Gii (�tEf�' Li AT F/�' I � � ���;/��i5�8 I�n�pectar�� ;It�M Actian: �R�-�F'R �►I�t T'E:�T ? �'��. I i t;am » �c��v:;+Lo V=jLMi�--�'c�o7. /Pfo+. ��..a�� 1 i.�E�m : k'.Fk1;�#��tl F'L_I+'i�--M7�_� ,. II I � r; �_,a� a u++���'3� �'�i'��+-� i n� t , .,_ , I , - ,. _ . . . ... Et.�'�r�+���� �,i15�)�:.��_��i: u� ' � ,.1;�:?�? -_y� •�', :± �:� 1—•!—'' ''� � i 'P�1, ' ' (�, i ; ��ar�.Ex?:-� , � 1 � �I`, � ..., � ._ � �-�� . y.• �'.� i; �� ,. , �� _ _ ,__ . � , , �y�. . , . , C . ,. , i � II I � � � � � � I i � 1 sign Revi�w A�ct�on �rm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number �ate Project Name: Buildir�g Name: Project Description: ti Owner, Address and Phone: ��- Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: � L.:.. Legal Description: Lat Block Subdivision Zone pistrict Project Street Address: Commer�ts: Board / Staff Action Mation by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ A�praval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: __,_ . � � �� � ��� �Y�_����. � _ Town Planner Date: aRB Fee Pre-paid i ! • � � � ' November 22, 1946 Vcs9! Communiiy�evelopment p o �ox �o Ms. Lcsuren Waterton zar a n�wh s�a�Er 75 5outh Frontage Rd. � A�ttrvivarv, Colo. 81645 V�lil, CO 8�(s57 {974J 827-4001 ' (970j 827-4Q(J2 Faz RE: O�erlook; ]334 Sandstone Drive, Vail � Dear L�uren, ' `.,,� Er�ciosed are modifications a�the approved �verlook pians. Essentially, #he units have tost a floor and have been redu�ed iri size to 1700 square • feet each. The foot prints have remained very ciose to #he ori�inal � scheme but the staircase on the ou#side has been remaved, csllowing � more distance between the 4-plex and duplex. AIE exterior stains, ` materials arad details shafl remain the sam� as approval Phase f. All � access eievatians via the ctriveway sha!!rerr�ain tk�e sams as P�ase !. , � A#this point, the owner may or may not const�uct fhis proposed modified i Oscheme. Thus, if approvai is granted.we wovld not want ot gi�e up the � development rights assaciated with Phase I and Phase li. Ptease give me , a call if ou have an uestions. Y Ya � �./ Sincerely, W �, �,.-�-- .� . , � � Rob undell. ,41A � � y � c.c. Owner i O � c.c. R. Rosen d ' � O I � z :.� � �� z i On � � � � � � � Q ..,i.. �� � � • Tf1I�fP i�r= �:�r��� �,n�.�...�,�i� tD��?--a � �-2�5� ?;C►� ..r�!J�4 1 � :�� r�l�, .�a�^ � .�1 l �� .;�� . M . ravSdeA 7/14/94 DE3ION RSVI�W t3'J"�1R1) APFLI�ATION - TUWN UF VATI�, �OL(7RAD0 , � bA'TE R�C�:�VFI): ,.,� � I�ZS��� -- -- DATE OF DRB NfEETING: � t 7 � L S � Q�___ ` .......-_--- �«�+►*�#��* , , INCOMPLET,� APPLIC�ITIONS 1�?1Y .NOT B£ $CNEDULED FO,It ItEVIFW._ � ,r««�rr�*,►**� . � I . • �RbJECT IN�'ORMATIUN: . � A. DESCRIPTIt7N: _QX�--L��-�1�/l ���-��-��---- .____.E�w � -----�--�-�--.�- - -- ' ' T _.___��•�.-.-.-.� -- 13. 'I'YPE OF RC:VIEW: �40G1�'�GAT1o� N�w CansLiur_lion �$2.00 . 00) �Minar Alteralian t�2� . f�0) ` ------�ddx.tion t$5U . 00) f..__Conccptual iteview (��) c:. � AvuRE55: ,.,,,,.,., �?7�70 " '�.,�A.Y�S�DN� �(l�• -- ----- _....._._ D. LEG3�L� DFSChZf'TTON: Uat � Dlock 5 ubd i v i s i on ,� LL b�i.t�* --•-.--.---�-----�------�------ . IE pxoperty i� c3escxibed b,y a m�e�s and boundg l�g�l � de�criptiorr, ��1case prova.de vn a �eparat� �hect and a�Cach � ta thi� ap�licatian . � . . , E. 7,nNI�1G: �uc,rr �A�lL �--�- �'. NAME � O�� APQLICAN'�': _�_�G�/l�ot57t?__f�2�!'o�4/UC?ATCd/�J___ Ma i.l ing 1�ddreas : .-.— � 15 N Phone _��p- �7�-� �;. PJl�ME OF AP�GICRIVT' � AEPRF9ENTATTVE: ��.�`�1.r�.�?�Il _ Maili�tq Ac�dress :�.,Q,��Q�.���.�.�-.-. - , �lyc_.�11�C�.�_�,_.__._--___ i�hot�e �7Q ° i� . ra��c��: o� owtv�R (S 3 : � � �wN�t�is) s.rG�rAmv�a s � � .�... •��` . � . : � � � Ma i i i ng 1#d d re s s :_�..�,�yr� �f 5 �--�C.��_' - --.�-�.-�-�- ---- • .. Qh ne _.�.�---- 1iLPPLICATION9 WILL NOT BE PROCE3JE'D FVITHOUT OWNER`3 9IGNATURE 1 , Condominium Approva], if app�.ir.abl�, � , , J. DRI3 Fk�F: DRD f��S, dts Shown abave, dr.e t0 �� p�id dt th� . Cime a� �ubmitt�l o� khe �Et13 �pp1i. Atavn. Lalex. whe» , ap�lyi.�g �oz� a bui�.da�ng permit, pl a�e identi.�y the accuxate • va�uativr� c�� th� propQa�►1 . The Tnwn of v�i.l. w�.l�. adju�G the fee acr,nrdinq to L•he Lable b�1.ow, 1:4 ensux� the cor��ct fcc� i� pa1d. FEE PAIDt � �•� CH�CK #:_�?_-CQ4�„ DATE,s-lt I� BY: 1-���1�!Y'p�1U'(1 FEE 't�EUULE� ��� VALUA`PIUN FEE , � o - � . �o. 00a � zo. 00 . � Za, c�ni - � �o, o00 � �o. aa . � ' � 5a. 00� - � ��o. noo �.xoo . ao �150, 001 - $ 500, 000 �200 . 00 , � �5fl0. 001. -� $1 .000. 040 �4QO , Q4 $ Ovcr $1 , 000. 400 . $5OO . OQ . , , , • DESIGN REVISW BOAftD APPR�VAL EXPIRES aI6E YEAR AFTSR FINAL APPROVAL UNLES S A HU�LDrNC� FBRMIT I S 1 S SUED Arrrn Cc��s�RUCmxot� T S S'I'AR'I'ED. , n � � � . � � _ _ I . TH _ couag iv� dC��'4[� O� � ° d �]��t�'7Q44LaL� CONSTR��N � �M�tr[-dlscfpll«E fircM of��cMlrccn.we •VAIL•BEAVER CREEK•TELLt1RIDE• �e Mun sm�•eax xo•MirmiaH co arsas�taror av.�wa•r�x�aa-:oo2 OATE �� � J68 PiQ. ���� AFTENTIO TD � . � RE. � � u Y � WE ARE SENDING YOU �ttached ❑ lfnder separate cover via the followi�g items: > ❑ Shop drawings �Prints ❑ Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifi�ations ❑ Copy of fetter O Change order ❑ ' COPtES DATE IVO. DESCRIPTIOIV � I 1 9, `f FSL > � TFiESE ARE TRAfVSMiTfEQ as checked below: � �or approval � Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Appro�ed as noterl � 5ubmit copies for disfribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints > ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIpS DUE l9 ❑ PRIN7S RE�URNED AFTER LOAN TO US , REMARKS � �' 2 s r L / , _ . ���.��-�. � COPY TO SIGNE � If anClosures are nof as nafed,klndly not/ty us at once. � . . L� _. s • � . I TOWN OF VAIL r�cecrs no_ - DEPARTb1E\T�F C0�111L�TCTY Dfi\'ELOPMEA"I I ^ 1rAhTE����ws�c/1�LJ`�i .��•��3� c ADDRESS_ ' DATE ��, I Z-J I�1� I PR0.fF_CT ' CFiECIiS F[AIIE PAYAHIS TO TOWN OF�'AII. ACCOLJNTNO. . . , iiE1V[ ° _ _ -- .. - . .. NO. - TAX' -^' CO�TEA. '- ' 7�O'TAL O 1 0000 4154a 20NING AND ADDRESS MAPS �5.00 * � O l 0000 424I 5 UNIFORM BU]LDING CODE � �54. 0 * - 01 0000 4241� UN[FORM PLUM�ING CODE �39A0 * _= 01 Ofl00 42415 UN[F�RM MECHANfCAL CQDE $37A0 * = O 1 Q040 42415 UNIFDRI�7 FIItE CUDE � �36.00 * -- �+1 000042415 NA710NAL L-L�CTRICAL CODE 537.00 '� � O 1 a0Q0 A?�15 OT1iER CODE Ti00KS * � �-w U] 40�0 415�38 BLUE PR]NTS(MYLARS) �7.00 * ��� o I aoao�24�2 X�ROX COPIES Sfl.25 * 3 o i o00o az��2 sru�i�s * 01 40�0�2412 TOVFEES COMPU�'ER pROGRAM �5.00 * � 01 000[3 42371 PEN�L7'Y FEES/KE-INSPECT[ONS � �_ 01 OOOQ 41332 PLAN �EVI1:1� R�-CHECIC FEE S[ 40 PER HR. :� 01 0000�2332 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FEES �, 01 0000 41412 CONTRACT�RS L1CrNSES F�ES � _� Ol 0000 41413 51GN APP�.ICATION FEE 520.00 �: Q1 (1000 41413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAG� FEE SI.00 PER S . T. �f VTC ART PROJI;CT DONATION ' - 01 dt�(N�.�l3�1 R}� F'A1D DESI�N REVIEW BOARD FEE 7j. - II�'ESTIGATI(3N FEE(BUlLD3NG) � 31 0000 451 10 TOV PAR};ING FUND ±. 01 0000 22027 �'OV NE�'USPAPFR DISPENSER FUND � '� 0 i OUt?0 2 l 112 TAXA$LE a;4.S a STA'FE) = * Ot 0040 41010 TA,�CA$LE an 4 ,D7 TOWN =� 01 �000 42371 [3UILDING INVL•STIGATION - OTI�EIi :rt - A - . - . 01 QO00 41330 ADDITI�NAL GRFA "250" 5200.00 �� � � 4S 0�00�t 133� CdNDII"I{�PiAL USL PERMJT �200.00 � O1 0000 41330 EXTERIOR AL7ERA3'�ON L�SS Tf-�N ]00 S .FT. 5200.00 =° Q1 0000 41330 EXTER]OR ALTERATION MORE TIiAN 100 S .FT. �5�0.00 I - 01 OE700�1�30 S�'ECIEIL D�V�LOPMENT DISTRIC�F NE1TV 51,�00.00 '� Ol 0000 4 3 330 SPECIAL D�V�LOPMENT DISTRfCT AJOR AMEND 1 000. 0 � 0 , � O1 OQ00 41330 SPECIAL D�V�LOPM�NT DISTRICT MINOR AMEND 5200.00 -�;._ 01 OOOQ 41330 SUSDIVISiON = ` O1 Q�00 41330 VARIANCE 5250.U0 �` O1 0000�1334 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS �250.00 .� O] (}000 413�0 RE-ZONING �200.00 OTHER OTHER � Tor�r.: .o0 �COMMF�ITS: "` ` �'v � � �� , �AS$ I 1 CK a( " - I �M.O�--1 , REC.SY:� - r � � "" :. � _. a �.� THE �a.���v oFFices oF RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. . . �k� :�.y e . 3�' ..:�=' x- _ - ` � "'y C'�t;'7`��..��"�'y1�".�..* ��',����� �� ti`? y'� F� y���yy�' � �•' � . *� Y.�.-� • I �..s�;. .�'��i..3,r.�,� pa v�d'1�� i ti� L'3 C ;Y,�� I� � '''�J�+.� "•.<+i,� �.C:�'a.... � ,q V+" � �f 7 {�. f`�.y i�..,i �i L�a�e.i yI "�` ' ra` `�" U�`u� �EPT, �a�°a�;.�;;`���'', : � D E N 4 E R , , z� September 5, 1996 ��ti�o�N 5TR€ET ��r �,�,���/��� —� /�f/ SUITE 1100 L/! J �� /��/-+. 1 ✓ 6 E N`.�E R C O L O R A D b ���� • `� Ms. Lauren Waterton �°`°j Cammunity Development Town of Vail 75 5outh Frontage Road West i �_ 3;i�' £3_;� 1'!�_[1 Vail, Colorado 81657 F 4 K 303 86 3 O�3 i 2 Re: The Overlook at Vail YAI� Dear Lauren: ao eax i � s� Thank yc�u for yc�ur cafl. As we discussed, the reledse of the developer escre�w is y A{� ��� �����_� requested for the alnount attrib�►ted to the landscaping for Units 7 - 12. It is understood ;, , ���, that the Town will maintdin its warranty amount for the warranty period. Thank you fc�r your prompt attention to this matter. T E L 3�,� 4 7� � 4_��� .�/� " �" � �� � i'� � 5 Y�urs very truly, r� ����.� ��/ w�d� t�4U( �y f'L�'V�YII� � l�t �} RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. J,�„ �n 0 ' � � � "J(JY U �,,v 4��e�' � � Richard P. Rosen /hs cc: Les Lerner O F COU NS EL�. E LR C�D. KAT I_. P R E E O, L60K, M OI SO N & 51 LV E R MA N , P.C __ _ _ _ -� w -� a�rza��s i���44 ��0� 832 1940 �LItQD.KATZ LT AL �0�2dQ�2 � � • ��_ »�... • • ^.�...��� .:S� — .�_ __ �.�- .. .. - • —•`� .._ ' "��'����� . . „ !:.':�. , ' � �:Cr . II� '�, .., � .� .�. .. ,.. . .r ,. . � �. i i.��.: -:. :._�,�_�:- . . ..:;... _: ,. � I 7nE LAW �FFICE6 nF RICNARb P. RaQt+N� P.�• ae . �^'�y,'�.^�'y:� .. ��... ..� � ' ,' _ ,,� -r-..�.�.�;e•�. July 2�4, 19�6 V'�Fac�irnil�+A7D,479.245� � Ms. Ltwrcu'Watciton Community Det►elopment A C N Y E R r{��/n (j'� �� . ,���, 7s �uu�.L�Froarage Road w�sY � va�1, e�i��to s��s�r �.�vca�+v �rRCCr I cu�re i iac, oe vvr,�a to�c�+r.ca �: `��'�'l��' ar vail �1 O C G] � �a� ' 'i't�flt You for y4u1��a�L As wa diacu�a�d.thc rC�cese af the dsvelo�c escrow shauld ha '`:` '°' "�` '3 0� partial only. Ar�d, tha rel�ase is re�u�sted on�y fnr tlte �alnplet►on af[he road'wsy ant� ��� ,„� A�, �.�> not the laadsr.arin�. '� Thaak you£Qr yaur protio�pt �tte�tinn ta thi�matter. VA1L �„ o�x .,:.> � Youts vaty truly, r��� c:a�opaoa j�C(�]�j] P. RQS�'N� �'.C. ��i 65E � ��� � ie� au� ,,� ,��a Rioh�rd P. Rosex► I f� � L'�: �.+eS j.�ET1lBI I I I T t: lP 4LS� �tiAT2. Y X k tU. lti+un, MO�;l4�• 6 LI Lv I..�+M hnl. a r OF CGUN E E I� � � r , • ' � • i '� � �.`���-' �� THF 1_nw qFFrc�s oF RlCHP1RD P. ROSEN. P.C. � �3,.� _ � I � —•-- . ' �.i ; r . yi� �t��. r� � � . July 12, 1996 ���,������r����� O E N V E R , , Z o Ms. Lauren V4Jaterton Community Development LINCOLV STREE- '��W� �f�]al� 5��T E � �,�� ?5 Soutl: F:ontage Rcad l?��est Vail, Coloradc� 81657 oeNV�.a cc�aaaoo 80<<?i Re: The Overlo�k at Vail TEL 303 832 1900 Dear Lauren: Fax �o� 8F� i�a r z As you are aware, Beechwc�od Sandstone Development Carp., the developer of the above referenced property, has deposited with the Town of Vail the total sum of $39,864.38 as a cash deposit pursuant to those certain Developer Improvement Agreements for the „Q,� development. '�f'he deposits were to provide security to the 'd'own for the installation of Iandscaping for Units 7 - 12, ar�d the c;ornpletion of paving for the driveway access. P� BC i: 4 1 37 �A�� ��, �-�R��= These projects have heen completed, and it is my understanding that the Town has � F .,= inspected the same and approved all work. Accordingly, it is with this letter that I respectfully request the release of the cash T�� �"� 4�� � ��o deposits as currently held by the Town. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Shoutd you have any questions, please call. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. ��,fL` - - Richard P. Rose❑ Ihs cc: Les Lerner OF CQU f�SEL� ELROD. KA T2. PREEp, LDOK. MO150 N & 51 L�:E R MA N, P.0 ' , . � �� � ,e.� .f.. G,_�. ��' � • • �! �� Y �. � ,�� � �� ; � ����` „ � �� � ,�� THE LAW OFFICES oF - R I GFI A R D P. RQSEN� P.C. - _ �� . � � _ _ =�..,:..a g 1996 , �r�. Mar�h 7, 1996 �~``������� D�� ��� Via Federal Express Ms. Lauren Waterton D�E N V E R Cammunity pevel�pment Town of Vai1 I I 2 G 75 South Frontag� Road Est L I N C C L N 5 T R E E T `]a�l, Colorado 81657 � suirE i roe� R�: The Overlook at Vail oeHVER co��ra.,co 8 >�� j Dear Lauren: Enclosed herein please tind the secon�l Developer Imprc�vement Agreement, as �-` '`3 ��� ' "°'� complet.ed, for The� (7verlook aC ilail. A check, payable tc� the Town c�f Vail, is also FAX 303 863 O4 i 2 t,'n�.IQSf.'�. [t bs anticipated that Units 7 - 10 will be completed this corning week, and will be reaciy fc�r issuance of TCO. Given the time of the year, the landscaping will not be completed. V A i L Acc�rdingly, a cash dep�sit in the amount c�f 125% of the expected cc�st to install the landscaping is provided. A copy of the estimate i� also included with the Agreement. If P° B°X ' � ?' yau recail, the driveway has previously bee� °bonc�ed" with the Town. vni� eo�oRCOc � �5� Should yau have any yuestions, please eall. T e� 3 0 3 a�i � s a o Yours very truly, RICHARD P. Rc7SEN, r.C. 1-�i,`-^ Richard P. Rosen !hs cc: Les Lerner O F C O U N 5 E L: E L R O�. K A T Z. P R E E O, L O D K, M O I 5 O N & 5 I L V£R M A N. P.G. �^----a • � i � � � CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal D scription: LotG BSock_, Subdivision � LI Fi6ng!„ Date of Ex�piration:.,,,,1�`�I���rv Address: !3�'J 4�G1'Ll��.f l/1�• Accpunt Number: 01-0000-22026 DEV�LOPER lM�'ROVEM�NT AGREEMENT THIS A�aREEMEN�', made and �entered into this 6th ���Y pf Deceu��ar , 1995, by �nd among * (hereinafter called the "Developer"), a�►d the fiOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town°y. * Development Carp. , a Coloradn corporatian WHER�AS, the D�valoper, as a conditifln of approval of the architectural plans, dated , 19 9� wishes to enter into a Develaper Improvement Agreement; and WH�A�AS, the Developer is obligated to provid$ �ecurity or coi�ateral s�tficisnt ir� the judgment of the Town to make reasor�able provisions for campletion of certain improvements set forth below; ar�d �1lHEREAS, the E?�veloper,wis�es to prov�de co2lat�ral to ��arantee p�rformancQ af � this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the fal�owing: , Developer agrees #o sstablish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail i� a doltar amo�ant , nf � 22,500.00 ��25% of the total cost af the work shown below) ta provide security for the follawing: fM�ROVEMENT i Installation of �andscaping for Units 7,8,9, and la, The Qverlook at Yail I , NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agre�menis, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: I 1, The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all eq�aipment and mat�rial necessary to perfarm and compleie all improvements, on or before u t 15 �9 6 , The Develop�r shall complete, in a good warkr�anlike manner, afi improvemenfs as listed above, ir� accordance with a11 plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work ' incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the foliawing: I a. S�ch other designs, drawings, ma�s, specifications, sketct�es, and other matter submitted by #he Deveioper to �e approved by any of the above-refe�enced governmental entities. All said wark shafl be done under the inspection of, and t0 the S�tiSf�Ctinn Qi; thP TnW� Ffl£�!f!pAr� thA T�u�n R��ilriin� Q#firial� nr �,+thar official from t�e Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, � as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemec3 complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Tawn af Vaii Community I Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligaiions as set farth herein, the Developer agrees to provide seeurity and collaterai as tollows: Page 1 of 3 �" ~ • • f � � r A c��h d�pQSit account in the�am�unt o� $ z2 �aa.oo ko be held by th� Tawn; as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above ff there is a default under the Agreement by Develaper. 3, The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another iorm of co[�ateral acceptable to the Town to guarant�e th� faithful completion of thase impravements referred to herein and the pertormance of the terms of this � Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town o� alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officsr or employee thereof, be liable ar responsible tor any accident, Ioss or damage happening or accurring to the work specified in ti�is Agreement prior to the compfetion and acce�tance ot the same, nor shall ihe Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or properry injured by reason oi the nature oE said wark, but all of said liabiiities shall ar�d are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harm3ess the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against ar►y losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any af its officers, agents or employess may become subject to� insofar as ar�y such losses, ctaims, damages flr liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise ou# ot or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder, and the Developer shall reimburse ihe Town tor any and all tegal or other expenses reasonably incUrred by tF�e Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, �amage, liabslity or action. This indemnity �rovision shall be in addition to any olher liabiiity which the Developer may . have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the col(aferal depasited with the Tawr� fer each category flf impravement at such time as such impravements are construcked in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereund�r and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will tt�e amount of the collateral that is being held b� reduced below the amou�t necessary to camplste such improvements. 6. It tf�e Tawn determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are not constructed in compliance with the plar�s and specifications set forth herein by the date set farth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall nnt be required to, withdraw irom t�� cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Town sha�l release such funds upon ihe written request of the staff of the Community De�elo�ment Department stating t�at the improv�ments have not been comp�eted as r�quired by t3�e agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer privr to the release �f the funds, nor shall the Tawn be required to vErify indepe�dentiy that the I lmprovements have not been compieted as required by this Agreement. but sha11 release such re uest of the Communit Develq ment Department. iunds solely upon the q Y p if the costs of completing th� work exceed ths amo�nt of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, sh�ll be a �ien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to t3�e treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad vatorern taxes levied against such property. (f the permit halder fails or refuses to complete the cleant�p and lanciscaping, as defi�ed in ihis chapter, such faiit�re or refusal s�all be consiclered a violation of the Zonin� Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and ma�erial for a period of one year after a�c�pta�c� �f �I( work rst�rred ta in this Agreement by the Tawn pursua�t to Section 17.16.250 if such worlc is locat�d on Town oi Vail prope�ty nr within Tawn of Vail right-af-wa�y, 8. 7he parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, providecf fhat st€ch amendmenfs be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Date� the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 �' ' . ' � � _� ' V�1.01? STATE OF COLORADO y ) ss. GOUNTY QF EAGI.� ) � The faregpin� ev�l���r Im�rauem�nt A�r��m�nt w�s acknQw�ec���� b�f�r� mQ th�� � � day e� _ . 19 �y � , .H MJ N�tary Pu�l�c, etate c�f f�e�v York Wi#ness my hand anci officiaf seal. t�o. �Q-a���in���:�:��� Qualified in tV�,s:,au Courz'ty My commission expires: 3-�a-9 �o"��iss�nn Exp�ires i�:�rct� wi�, 19 9�p Nqtary Publi �I/Y�/� � PLANNER, COMMUNITY DE EL�PMENT STATE 0� COLORADO ) � . ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE j The foregain� peu�laper Improvement Apr��me�k was aGk��wl�d�ed �efQre me this �,�d�►y af _ 19_by Witr�ess my hand and of�icia! seal. My commission expires: Notary Public updeted 9/28I94 Page 3 of 3 �" ?w���,�. . 'x �ea i F�,� .: � �� � � �� ��� ��"� ���a � � ,a�. ., 'a a u � �; u��. �� +� ��. �n E , . � . , , "i` �w � ,��, �, �� �=: ��� �� T,H2"LAW OFFICES OF R�IGMARD P. RO��;�I, P.C. _ *�; .. �. . , i�. . a� . . . ...§_.�. -m. December 18, 1995 Via Hand Delivery Ms. Lauren Waterton Connmuniry Develapment Town of Vait O E N Y E R 75 South Frontage Road West , , Zo Vail, Colorado $1657 L I N C O L N 5 T R E E T Re: The Overlook at Vail SUITE I !OO Dear Lauren: DENVER CpLORADO 8°2°3 Enclosed herein please find the Developer Improvement Agreement, as completed for the above referenced property, and a check in the amount of$17,3b4.38 payable to the Town of Vail. TEL 303 832 ]900 F A X 3 O 3 8 6 3 0 4, 2 It is anticipated that the first unit in The Overlook at Vail project will close on or before January 5, 1996. The enclosed agreement, along with the Fina3 Plat (which should have already been delivered to your attention) and the Declarations {which will be delivered this week) should complete the requirements for Community Development. V A 1 L P o B o x 4�3� Please review the same and call me with any comments. � V A I L C O L O R A D O e, 6 5 8 Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. 7 E L 303 47 1 � 940 � Richard P. Rosen /hs Enclosures cc: Les L.erner D F C O U N S E L: E L R O D, K A T Z, P R E E O, L O O K, M O I S O N & 5 I L V E R M A N, P.C. � <. • - , � . . • � ! . CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT l.egal Descrip�ion: l.ot^, Blxk_. i 5ubdivision �b�g— Date of Expiration:_ _ — - -- Address: Account Number.01-0000-22026 � QEVELOPER fMPROVEMEN7 AGRE�MENT � TH�S AGREEMENT, made and�entered into this 18 'd3y Of Decemher 1�� by and among ** (hereinafter called the "�eveloper"), ar�d the TOWN I OF VAIL (herei�after C�lfed the "T4wCt"}. Colorado eo aration r tion a �P ** Beechwood Sandston� Development Corpo a , � WHEREAS, the Developer� as a condition of appraval af the arch�tectura� I plans, dated , 1�_, wisMes 1a enter int� � Dev�lop�r lmprovem�+�t Agreement; and WH�REAS, the D�valoper Is oblfgated to provlde securlty ar coliater�i �ufti�ient ii� ttt� judgment of the Tawn to make reasanable provis(ons fnr campletfon oi certain improvements I set torth below; and WHEREAS, th� Developer wishes to provide coilateral to guararttee pert4rmance of triis Agreement, fncfuding construction af the above-referenced improvemer�ts by means ot the I . tollowing: ' Develaper agrees to es#abfish a cash de�osit wiih th� Town of Vai1 In a do�lar amflunt ' o� � 17',364.38 ��25��a of the to#ai cosf o! ths wark shnwn below� to prov€de securtty I � tor t�e following: � 1MPROVEMENT� ' I Z. Asphalt paving for the driveway. A1.1 grading and raad base have been completed prior to reques� for T.C.O. 2. Landscaping fox Units 11 and I2. . . � NOW, THEREF4RE, +n cansideration of the followi�g mutual covenants and I agreements, the Develo�er and the Town agree as folbws: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole �ost and exQenSes, to furnish aii equipment ' and material r�ecessary to perform and cam�lete aU improvements, on ar before .�u1y �5, i995 . The Deve#oper s�ali camplete, in a gond workmanlike manner, all improvemer�ts as listed above, in accordance wiih all plans and specifications filed in the affice of the Communily Development De}�artment, 1he Town of Vaif, and ta do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the follawi�g: � a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specitications, sketc�es, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the a�ove-referenced � governmental entities. A11 said work shall be done under t�e inspection of, and . t4 the satisfaclinn af, th� Tow� EnninAe�, 1hg �'pu�lr� Ri i�lrlin� flffirial} n� pYhcr officiai from the Town of Vai1, as affected by special disiricts or service districts, as their respective i�terest may appear, and shall not be deemed comptete unt�i approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vait Community , D�velopment Department and Pub![c Works Departm�nt. i 2. To secure and guarantee pertormance oi its obt�gatians as set forth herein, the Devebper agrees ta pravide security and col�ateral as foiiows: � Page 1 of 3 . . � i � . y . . � • . � � A cash depasit account in the�amount o� $ I?�36G.38 to be hefd by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a defauit under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute fihe collateral originally set forth above far another form af collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the iaithfut completion ai thos� improvements reterred ta herein and the performance of the terms af this � Agreement. Such acc�ptance by #he Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's so�e discretian. 4. The Town sha�! not, nor shali any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible.for any accident� toss or damage happening or occurring to ihe work specified in this Agreement prior to the campletion and acceptance af the same* nor st�aN t�e Town, nor any ofiicer or employee thereo#� be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said wprk, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Develo�er. The Dsveloper hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its ofticers, agents and employees against any Eosses, claims, damages, or Habilities to w�iett the Town ar any of its officers, agents or employees may b�cQme subject to, insafar as any such losses, elaims, damages ar�iabilities (or actlons �n respect thereofy that arise aut of or are �ased upan any performance by Ehe bevelap�r hereunder; and the Developer shall relmburse the Town ior any and all lega� or other expenses reasonably �ncurred by the Tawn in connectin� with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, Ilabillty or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liabilify which the DeveEa¢er may have. 5. !t is mutually agreed that the Devefaper may apply to the Town and the Towr� shatl authorize for partial release oi the coliat�ral d�posited with the Town for eac� categary of impro�ement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance witE� all pians and specifications as feferenced hereunder and accepfed by th� Town. Ur�der no condition wit( fhe amaunt ot the callateral that is being held be reduced below !he amount necessary to complete such impravements. 6. 1f the Town determines that any of the improvements cor�tempiated herein are not constructed in campliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the ciate set forth in paragrap� 2, the Town may, but sha�t nat be required to, withdraw from the cash � de osit such fun�s as may be �scessary to compleie the unfinished imArnUements. The P 7own shall release such funds upon the written reques# vf the staf# of the CommuniEy DeveEopment Department stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the.develape� prior to the � retease ot th� funds, nor shap the Town be required to verify indspendently that the r e e e e n m le ed as re uire� b this A rsement but st�all refease su�h �mp ov m nts hav not b e co p f q y g , funds so�e�y upan the request of the Community Development Department. !f the costs of campleting the work exceed the amount ot the deposit, the excess, , together wEth interest at hn►el�e percent per annum, shall be a 4ien against the praperty and may be collected by civil suii or may be certified to the treasurer oi Eag�e County to �e collected in the same manner as delinquenf�ad valorem taxes levied against such property. It the permit holder fails ar refuses ta comptete the cleanup artd landscapir�g, as defined in this chapter, such failure ar retusal shall be considered a violatian of ihe �aning Code. 7. The Developer warra�is all work and material tor a period of one year atter acceptance oi all work referred to in this Agreemer�t by the Tawn pursuant to Section 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vaii rfght-of way. 8. The parties hereto mutualtp agres ihaf this Aoresment may be amended from tlme to tEm�, provided that s�ch amendmen#s be in writing and executed by all partles hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Page 2 of 3 IV,�Ij . ' � � . . . DEVELOP� STATE OF C�L4RAD0 ) � ) ss. � COUNTY OF EAGl.E ) Th� f re oin devel er r m 0 o Im ove ent A reement was acknowle ed before me 1�is g p p g dg t I �`C day a# ���.r.�� . 19�by EVELYt�ATANAS Witness my hand and official seaf. Notary Pubiic,State of New York � nro. sao��,r47,3�so ' Qtretified in Nbssau County My cammisslon expires: 3:�0-96 Commission Expires March 30, tg�6 � I Natary Public �'V l �� , PLANNER, COMMUNITY D VELOPMENT STATE OF CO�.OAADQ } � �� � } ss. � C�UNTY OF EAGLE } � . Ti►e foregoing Develop�r Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this � �,,, day of_ . 19 �y _ - Witness my hand and o#icfa� seal. My commission expires:___________ J . , Notary Public . updeted 9t2B194 � , I I Page 3 of 3 i , I - -- —� � — — . . � . � . .__._.� ,..- . . � , . . _ ,- . ' � . . . � � C�-'ASS�GlATES, INC. � � - . . , _ , . . . Septemb�r 27, '199b � � " � � � - . , . . . . - . . , � - . � � _ : - � : � - . Mr. LeS Lerner. . � • . Beechwoad Organization � � � - � . � � 467 Willis Avariue � ' � , . ' - - . � 'P.�. Box 534 � , . Wil�istoi� Fark, NY 1 �58B . � , r . . . FtE: 4eridscepe and Paving Prices - - � - • � . � � . � , � bear Les; - � . � . �� � , � � , . . ' , • � . .. Here is the 6reakdawn of#he pricing f�r'tlnits 7-7 2 an landseape and paving pet Lan� � Dasign�by Elfison dated Navernber 1 a� 1995� #or tF�e Tawn o# �fa�l�sa yvu may secure a TCQ. � � � � . � Landscapi�ng by Upper Crust Landscaping, Inc. . � � � . . , � lrrig�tion Systern _ � • . � � $4,000.00 � � . � . � '. . ��andscaps llegetat[or� • . 23,004.40 � • ,� -. . � - � • P�v;n� by B & B Excavatir�g, Iric. � � '� �� . � • � � � - Asphalt onty .. - � � $,r}.$�1 .50 • � •. � . ' � . . . T�TAL: . $31 ,891 .5Q �. 1 hope this w�lt he[p, 1 have attachad the pf�pQsals for back up. Please �alt 'if I�c�n be of any f�trther assistance,� ' .� .� � . � - - . . � � Sincere�y� � ' . � - . . . . , . . _ . f�r�{��. . . " . . . � � AsPn��7"r�'orL �' l���s�ss ���i �-SJz� . . �Bruc� �Gantry � . � �Project�Man�ger . � " � � � . . : ��r�����a���n�� � � oan�a� . . ���-�d �dU�U� �� — - _ � � � � . � � 13;g�:l , so � . � . � � - . � ° x j.zs ' . . . . - ' . � : � � 17r 3�•3$� . � � P..O. Drawer Sd00 � A�o�,Colaradc 81d20 • 9a0-949-51 S2 • F�,�c 97Q-9xt9-4379 . " � � . • • - i ' . � D�gn Rev�ew Act�on Fo� TOWN OF VAIL I Category Number Date �'I Project Name: Bui�ding Name: Pro'ect Descri tion: 1 � Owner, Address and Phone: j i Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: , Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District ' Projeet Street Address: Comments: Board f Staff Actian Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: � Approval [] Disapproval =! Staff Approval Conditions: I 4 ��_ � Tawn Planner Date: DRB Fee Pr�e-paid I I : � �� � • -, � ., ,;�� , f F ' � � �.��������'��� a. ,fiI�IC�I ��� �!�� I l � i1h1 i�F I [ � , • ' ' � . ' § � � � $ �;� 4�-•:i� '�'. _ r � F'�ti;;���� ��� F �� � �� � ,' "' � . . °°'� ,o„i eaa 7/14I00 ` L �(�01i 5 199fi �-� ��js� DF.3Z(3N Rl3V l T'.W 13�hItT1 APF'LI�.'AT'�UN - '1'()WI`1) OI`' V�-r �r a f�'+r��r ��,� ��� � � ,. L71�'1'L•' R}�;!_'L;iVE I . _�___ _,__ _ _ -- ' un�i�r c�r r��� r��.��rzr�c; : �______-_-- �-_----. _ _ ___ �.«�+��►��►�*. INCOMPI�L''T1r�" At'PI.I'C.�1'�'�NS MhY NOT...BE_8CI_fEl7UI1�LD---lrU1� fzl:'V.l IsW. ---.-- " . . . /t M ir k t�R tt R*A .._ . T . . k�RO►7�CT IHF'ORMATIUN: �1�ipL�s,O,r� A-T� ��lL _. - � /� d�i.v4 w @.._.��'r'��,�I�'LrG . . . - �, . c�F,scrzir�rzc�t�:__�.��T_� D �s� .__5�0� .qr� ��H'•.v�. PA-rr�► �,pv�--�,s'.-��`-,��-�' ._ - ��_��-�3-�a►,y'� r��-s'� ____�-_-_'--_-- . - _. . � � . ��'YPL'' C�r �t�:vrrw� - Adew CO1�sLI:�.It't .ire�t (�7{}O . (1f)) � i�111ir•�. 7111�eI �li �,�1 t'�'1.0 , (1111 — - �:�i�•,c.�•,t.�a71 ftevie��� (�'l�) _ I�cl�li t.ic7n (�F5O . 00) c� , ni�uFtr:�s : �.�3Q S�-'"p1 Td,!!�_.��f Y� ._----_------... . — �....__ l�1 OC)f T_ _ _. .. ---------�—---- r� . r�F:c;r�t� n�;sc�Rr.�mzc�rr: iJc,L � ��ut�i�ivisic�l� �. DN--S...�lQl�eL.�.._.._ -- ------ - I f proajerl.y i� c7r�c�x it�c�c� b�• •3 m��l.� �ancl hc�iatrd:�._l��x�l rl�nr.r-i�r.ic�n , ►�3c��'+:�c� �.>rc�v.ic�e c�ri f� �ep��rrat.� 5h�nt ��tiri �t i �i��l� � t_�, lk�it� �'���r�1 tc�at. i��11 . F: . 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APPLICATI'L�N.9 WI'LI, NOT I3E PROCE.9SED NITffUUT UFVNL'R' :� 9IGNATUR.G I � C'c7nc�c�mir►i�.tm ��?pzc�v�l it a�?p1.iCd1�1 � . �J . I)1tF3 FC:f; : 1)R[� f e�'S � cZF CIZOwn 1bOv?, �i f� i.n I>P 1�1 i[� ��t. k.l�e t.ime c�f dul�rnalt�y7 vf tl�e llRE3 a�.��,1i :��k :i �>>> . I�F�I�r , wl�pr� ._ . �E�ply4 �i�a for a bui.l.aat�c� pezn�.it. , 4�J_ _aR� acie>>t.ify tlie acr..��� ��l.e v�l«at.ic��7 �if tl�� pr-n����n�1 . 'I'h�a `Pc.�t�ai� c�f Va.il �ti� l l. t�cl �tia�l ll��� f,e� t�c.cc�t.t�j.t�U l,n t.1�e I.��hlc� k».lc>w, t.�� �,�is�ar�' I�1�� c°c>z�r'�c't i ��'- i� p��id. ]�-�� DA'1'E:,� ( �Y.:_�.�-!�11�Y�`'�-�,�''e> F�E PAIU: ��_U..V GHEGK ' ---� _1�.-.-- . �� 1%�[: S4Il�llULC;_ V1�I�UA'P[ON '�l • ' __ _ � c� - � �o , o u u �� �c� . c�cr '� l O . O!)'l � �f1 , UUO • �iU . Ull ' �' �O, O!)i g: 15t� . 0(3Q �� 10O . UU :��1;U , 001 - :{; �iUU, Uf1(} ;f'2(}O . (}U , � ��00 , tlC}1 g..l . ()D(), 000 q,4()(l . UU 9; Ovc�r' $'1 , ODU , (l00 �500 . l)(i I}F,S�GN RF.`J'IRW A011RD hPPR�VAL EXPIRP.S ONE YE1�R AF`I'ER FINAL APPROVAT� UN��F.S�a � -r�v1i�nxNp FI�RMI7' 3 a � SaUF,1) AN1l 'C;ON�'iTRUG�1'�ON T� �'I'AR`1'Ft'.l). - -- � rei�—t–� ..f�"Y�-iA��'w76af—"_ =.,�A• _ YT=.�� E�_� �T � � � � � i � `^w � � � � � r � r. 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Ix-c�.araiswv�v�v._i q�.- � �-.. ..:��... - J I: . .�v . " � � r __ �.- _ w I .. � � . � � � ��` �7 TOWN OF V�4�L 75 South Frontage Ro�d Department of Communiry Development Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213�/479-2139 �'AX 970-479-2452 October 25, 1995 Sig Bjomson Tlze Collaborat�ve Group PQ Box 730 . Miniurn, CO 81645 � RE: The Overlook @ Vail Dear Sig: ln response to your letter of October �2, �995, it is acceptable to transfer the GRFA t�at was not uscd for unit 7 to unit 5. It will be easiest to document this change at time of building permit for Phasc Il, in the meantime, l will make a note in the file that docwnents this change. Ifyou have any questions,please feel free to cantact me a�479-2138. Sincerely, Ga',u� G�la�� Lauren Waterton TQwn Planner cc:I.es I.,eme� File I � �,��RECYC4EDPAPER � - � TH E � CQLLABORATIVE GROUP, PC A MU�TI-dISCIP�INE fIRM Of ARCIiITECTURE October�2, 1995 Town of Vail Cammunity Development Attn: Andy Kn�tson 75 S. Frontage Rcl. Va��, CO 81657 Re: Overlook at Vail I Dear Andy, We are seeking staff approval for a modification 9n unit confguration and corresponding site plan char�ges. Unfts � artd 6(end e�nits af phase two/lower buildings), and 7 and i2 (end units at the above phase one now under eonstcuction)were pre�iously approved for a 2 car garage expanston. That option was excersized on unit 12 only. As we beg�n drawings for phase 2, #he , owner desires to expand units 1, 5 and 6. 1 and fi were previQUSly appro�ed but we would like to transfer the non-used GRFA from unit 7 to unit 5. Ob�iously,this changes tfie site plan slightly and we certainly will p�ovide any documentation I necessary ior your ap�roval. !'!i call next week to de#ermine the required cour'se of action. Thar�k you in advance for your I eonsidera#ion. nk you, � ig Bjom n .._— __..� __ __. ___.._.._.._—_� Associate I I 201-B MAIN STREET• BOX 730• MlNTURN, CO 81645•[303]827-4001 • FAX [303]827-4UO2 J ; D�ign Review Action F�n `TOWN OF VA1L Category Number ! � Date , �W�L t _ �l�� � � Project Name: ,' �(i1' ; - r - Buiiding Name: Project aescriptian: , ' , - ��� a t Owner, Ad�9ress and Phone: `E ��`�` '� ;. �' ",'�,� : � � t %�'l, �-° �� � � � �� — Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: ' '��� _ - ^;�_. Legal description: Lot Block Subdivision i� . Zone District Project�treet Address:.,._ '�" ' .�� � � i �, � , Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approvai ❑ Disapproval 0 Staff Approval Gonditions: Tawn Pfanner Date: DRB �ee Pre-paid �. 1 � ":' R ���x �: � �,.,. • • � . � ��� ��¢���ta ,,� r= -. r� t�� r� ��¢ �.� ���t� ��-� �, �� , ��, . :�. ��� y, •w�,+ � � V °��' `a'� {�C�,�,.. . . , ��~ �4 ����.ti� S, ° -� ' � r : ��.�:'`.���.�� � �-,F i�. r � ::�� � � � � �F ��' �. ��\ � ~ � � .� � �-- _ - � ; , 4� � __ � E i I � � '� % � O ! i � ; - � � � � � :� ''� ; � . � '. E , ; � i ' � � � e� V1 i ; � �,^ , , . � � , � - a - . � � � , � � � .;. � -: � � _ J�- � � � . - � --- - o . �J � ` �_ � j . �� `_��_ _ ' -�^' .1- Il � .� ^ � _ � , �"� , , �. ; � � � _.�--, , I ! � ,,- .-� _— ,. - � � � � , ��\. 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Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid D�ign Review Action Fc�h T�1NN Q F VAI L Category Number Date Projeci Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Pt�one: Architect/Corttact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Secondad by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval L, Staff Approval Conditions: Town Rlar�ner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paici � [��ign Review Action F�n TO1NN OF VAIL 'I � Category f�umber � �-- Date Praject Name: . _ Building Name; Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitectlContact, Address and Phone: � �,. Legal Description: �Lot ; Block Subdivisior� Zone District Projeet Street Address: _ Comrnents: �oard / Staff Action Mation by: Vote: Seconded by: ❑ Approval I I ❑ Crisapprovad ❑ Staff Approval Conditions � i { . � Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid 1 �.,.i..e i���iv� ';�_:'' ;�:r?U �« • I � � bF.gIGN R�V�:E�W 8�D AE'pLICA'1'YON • TUWN OP' L AT)� ' �;n����: tt�C�r.v�� , . . . _9_ q5-. • - n,��r., o� uiir� t���z�xav : , �;?����►� ,2-/_ 9 .��►,►�,►�,��� � _. � �• ;tN�'Ortf•1.tr��iS A�2c.~117�.IUN9 t�1lS'_l�?U?` Hi� SC1� ° I:U 1*OR 1t!"f� - _____.----. . - •�t r�A rr A�A .. __- - ��� � . ��v,���•i� ,xra�o���•xc�r�: .,, � � ' � - - �� �'� . L��t'�C'1tIf"i'.tC?N:'�;, ;, P2-�l�x cc�ndominium�t�wnl�ames ���-. . .�...� L--- �1'Xpe_V coiistructio�a___ Y._ - �..�. . . ...._.�_.�_....�1��5 - ------�---fu11v sprin��,.d._ _W.._.___.. � __�--- ._.� --�----�-------� �_. --�---_ _ .�__.._ _..�....._T_�.V _ . .. ._._. _ �`� -'.:`- ��,_��.� nr1 1 ____r-- - _ ......_._._ .—J___.�..r. � V� � ,'3 . 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I' . tJn�tL•' pF 11I'i'LICT�iJ'I': ���c:l�raoocl [Jr atllz�tion � . t4�! 1 .inq � Ad�rpr�� : F'�J 13oa�c 53 � _. __wi.11isYtan F�ark1_�I�SY 11�96 _ �tYatt� A"„�,�],f,��"1�-- 1 1 t 1 _-- --. _----..�_ �__.__..._...� •--- - r: . �Jl�M1� C)�' hf'I�d,fCJ1tJ'I" 5 (tl:�'IZ��3ENT11'1'�V'�t . The �o1lak�orative G�oup,-- C'(' F�1�'►� 1 in�� Ad�1r�?!�t� � F'0 I3o:c "13� � ._ - �F hlintur►f , CU a1G45 � PlZpttp :3[}3-627-4()SL Eaxs�!�(j�l� !I . N/11�1� U�' UWN�a �� --_-_ . s ie . � . \ � UW ►� S RI�.S� �Ojl .�1LPJ \` -- � � Flr�i 1 i n�� 11 - . � . •� - - --- ------- _ � -- - -..___.___-�._.._._..� -- Clit�t�� - ' _._. � �. ,7S.E�PLtCATId1VS WrL.t, N07' fJ� pl�(74'�SS.Ln NIT/lOfilT �t�'NF,�i'.5 SI�;N1#�'UnE I l: . C.r>r�dnm.inium 'Ap�y�nv�a1 i.E� �r?�licAblB � � ,r . 1�1�� F�:t�� hR� �����_ a� �tsuwft �laoVd, �x� �.a b� pa�i.c3 ��t� t.i�� 1 t._ime aE �tfbmltiEpl bE-•fhn b[tf� ��pp�.i �tion . L�t�r, wlten � ���pl.yiriq f�Y t+ Sau i Ic�l,tiq �ermi 1:r hl. �A�e itihr�l�fy ll�c� accux�w�F� .nliint.ir�n c�i tilt� ,3rc��c�q�3� . 7't�� n'r�wtt nf: 'J�i1 w�] 1 <,��ju�t llt<� it�c? �c;c�t�rc�lr�q It� t71�1c± I�tieIUW� lO �tt,^•Utt�, 4.lir� c:�rrt���t f�r i r �.��id , �i � � ' �r��r � _ c�c c: ��cK c � u���r�;; � �- r��: ���C�Loc-�'� -_ _ -- -- � .. -- -.. �.._.�_�e__.��.�..��_-_...�.Y._.�_�.__�. .. .. ____ ��:��_ a�_lir'UUI,�t �� � V R I_,U11'I'?r�C! C'E� � i) � i !) � I3U(3 p i') , G�� r 1.c�, r�u� - fi =;u, {�oc� � r�o . on ' � �;U, ()(rl - � � StJ, t3c)i� �1p0 . (i() f� ��t), ()C►1 - g' �'�UU, OCi� �'�UU , uU �5U�1 , (l()1 ° � �1 , �UU, t1Ut) ��C1{l . 00 $ � Uv�r. $� . Un�. OUO �5UU . i)U t�CAIt�N �tRVtR�1 1�OAitU Ap�RdVAI, hXPIRES �tJ� XP:AR A�"1'l,R �'].N11L A�'�i?OV11L C1NI.F3� 1l AU�Lb2Nf3 �'F�12M2`1' �� ��StJED ANfl t;.pN$TItUCTI()fl :l S 9'FA R'3'ED. - � ' - , , � � I r .3AH—iT-46 TU= 12;�� $EEL�iWOOD ORGAWI2ATION �i6 T4] 3�4� � P.02 � j� e�v��.a 7lS�/N � ! . � � � � A88�6N�,�$i4.eGJ�-APP,G�CATI€?N • �i�OWl�11 OF V�. COI.�tt�0 DA1'R R�CETMED: '` DAT� oF AAB MEF't`tNG: ' .- �`-'r` +�*+rrre*rw � � �'L AP�'L JITI PliLY $� 8 D� A' ItSVY8J1'. � � t+R�yyr*Rwklr � I. �_�'!' Y#�t[�o1�MJ4'�ON; �. D$$CRxPTIOAIs ..�.--. .-.��. B. TXL�E Op' REVIECW: ' •_�! _ �itw CoasCxt►atian (�20D.403 ,,�.,�tiaar A�lt�rE►�i�n ($�0.00} .._�ddl�tion 1�50.Q01 -__Concaptual Revisw C�0) �• A�IDREB$� t3 ' � D, LEOAL �L�sCRii�'i'I ! T�sG 81GCk 5ub�i,viefon � YF px�PercY ia des�rib�d by a mae�.s aad bounda l��ai descriptian. piea�e g�ovide a� a ae�arste sheee mnd aCtach to thig app�i�a�ion. �. ZONINC: � ' � �', N11MB 4t� AAPL�Cl►11T: � Mcilinq Adt�rngs: Phaaa — ! G. A1RrfE C!� APPLxCRNT'S R�g1t�SLNThT7vg i �� ��� MaxZinq Addras�; ,,,�, ' Ph�ne — tl. N1U+1$ �p� OWNBR{S� r � � � fI � �.�+ B'1t S S g+) ,� ' � ��, Maili�q Addr�ss: rhane ...�....' ApFLrL`1lT�'4N9 RTIl, � PROC�&8�D W�'TilailT OIPN�R'S' ,;tONATURE .�#_��..� r• Candpminium ]lppraval if agp�,�cable. �, f�Rb FEG: DitH f�ea, at+ showt� above.�ere Co bQ Aaid at Cho t.ime Qf sukxnitta�, o� �h� DR13 $pp7,i etio,x. Later. whEn �pplyihq Far a buildlnq pg�it, pieas� ideniffy the eCcurat4 _ valuatioA of th4 proposa�. R'he Towt� 0� Vail w�ll ad�u�C th� �ee ACCbrdinq to the tahla below, �o eapurQ thp �Qxre�� ��e �� pai,d. T' . ' Ep L . � vALUA�'��N FE� � 4 � 1i3,4C14 � �a.p4 � 1Q.00i • # 50�Op0 $ 50.04 8 SD�QQ! • i 15fl.�no $100.d0 �15D.fl01 - � 504.040 �aQ�.D4 � �SO�,UO1 - �1,00U.oOo �ap4.�a � �var p1,b40.400 �5pp.�p � 1��$I(3, �gVIBit $O�IRD ApPR0Y�1[. $XPY�tE6 41i� YEAR AFTER 1"TNA�+ A�PR�VAL UNL�5S I► BVILU�iG P�EkMIT 7� I88U1�D AND COT+iBTRUC�'IQN IB STARTBD. � 2 r � � Re#urn to �'U�/C'�'Vt� Tflwn F'lanner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW .f- PROJECT: I� � � ������'��� ��� �G�l•� DATE SUBMITTED: 1 � ( "L� �I�` DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING '� • e � c� � COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 4 . !�� ` fi� �RSEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: �Zt�- YZ-° i/(E'u� I"`Z°V 1�c�� �� �� �(Cu,t. --- G`�CIGt� }1 C�'�=� -�Z:; �L�.,�1�l �.�n� t� C�,�- Ir"lc,�� c�I J�e�( . r PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: �-���. i��'�,�:z;�,ti,� �� Da#e: ;�:��.�y ,��,� ����;� Comments: ��i!�.�,�;-i: �,:.���l)._ .L:,�; •,�t: �.y� -�`--=, �=.-� '�._� �tic.�� E�� �_v:'tiv ;l J._:�����\:; i i 1�:� �`r,.,� �� c`.� V.._.'ti 'J > >i� � ; �� tit1j5 1S �llt_a��:c� C):� �' 11�.i G�i'.�.1K�C�c\�� R.X�.tf�i_ � � � �i1C>h � �,t=:: � - �'"`� � �;. t ;,�11 �=�XCaCkb�l: 5�]C''G�.�,�JC>.��CX�S U1 (Y�� ��,K'r� ';�,i�<<,t ti �� ,,rr�:z«1� c;�,rt�x' ..p(k�r ar,1�� t � ��,_,� , , _ • � �-�_ � . _ , � _ i � � - � . - �� � ��,, � r.w�e��ryst ill � � � �` . ��-�:���� ;�� �' �� � ��`� J A N 1 3 1995 ���� - �uiV����� DEV� DEPT, January 11, �994 Town Of Vail Departrr�ent Of Community Developrr�ent 75 South Frontage Rd Vail CO 81657' RE: Overlaol�At Vail Application for modification of previous�y approved plans 1. Additians to units 1, 6, 7, and 12 to include 2-car garage, and modification of building envelope by approximately 7'x 24' at the side and 6'x 6' at the front. 'I 2. GRFA to be arnende�to include potential for expansior� af units 1, 6, 7, and 12 by 725 S.F. per unit or 2,900 S.F. total. 3. Approval by the board is for unit 1 2 specifically with th�e appraved option for expansion of units 1, 6, and 7, if sold before commencement of construction. 4. If and when units 1, 6, and 7 are not expanded, the plans will return to the j previously approved configuration and will rec�uire staff�ppro�al only. cc: Les Lerner, Beechwood Organization Richard Rosen, Richard P. Rosen, P.C. ��, J � � !� � SQUARE FODT CALC u�aTiaNs �s °� V�zg �,�va.Q _ �z������ . � 4-Piex �upl�x Up�er Level 1,007 sq: it. 1,438 sq. ft. Main tevel 638 sq. ft. 665 sq. ft. Mid Level 9�6 sq. tt. 988 sq. ft. Lower L.evei 713� 7i 3$_�ft. TOTAL � 3,268 sq. ft. 3,4Q4 sq. ft. 8 4-plex units = 26,144 sq. ft. 4 duplex units = 13 616 sg.f�. � ,�bo �q,•�i-• Garages = 326 x �2 = 3,912 sq. ft. 7ota1 squar�f�t= 43,672 sc�. ft. '. ��I� � t5 S1�t�fjw��°a��� nr�r��n� 4�( ��, G�yl;�-e, 1�� �-��'� `:>'' 4_ ':�r l�=,�,,.�.��`? ��`�- � ���a� �v /� ��+'�'�^.��.� , , . ` _ � • _ - : ... .:...:<..,:,:;. :.:..... .. . .. .. ...... :. �� - . .::: . i� ,,•,.A:y;<.�::::, . � � ..a.+:•., . . ¢�. . .. .:.:. .......:� .::/:(.:<� � t �:x<. . � .w:s:;: .>:<.Y:�W���� �• . .:ca::$"a:.;. . >5"yc.:<:'... >h. `'4�'E.. v �:<> :��5: :'."$'a`'^:: '.�:<; "" .::�:. � ':L'ikY '2a:�. „y`¢':LV : :. , ....... • p . :� • . �••; Y�. v'A�' .�' -:X>'\'2tv m 'A>: . ::C.}:n. . .!{.i}v�i . niS:r"J+: ..�, �[ • � �.: a.n.x.._:li3i:tt9�i�4 C. .0....\.t.�1. . L�'%. '.W... T. .. . 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Ma I a inc� l�ddress :_Q.�.__�p�_��'__�,ut(�IS-}tiV!—� � ��_� ..._. _ PI�Un� ��}�� • �I��__r.�_____---- APl'LICATIC�NA ' WILL NOT BE .F'ROCE33�D WITHOUT OWNER'3 SIGNATUR� r , Cr�ndamin��am� A��rov�l if appliralal�. � �J, n�iF� FF:E. nRa f ees, as �shown above, � are td be pa i d a t. r_he � � l.�me of eul�mittal ' df��the DRB Appli �t�on . ].,Ater, wlaen , Ap�]yi.n� far a bui7,ciinq �erm.� t. , �l �sp identif.y t.h� accur�ie . valta3ti4�-� a� tl�e prvpv�nl . 7"t�e Tawrt aZ v�x�. wi l l. ac3 j�a�l tl�e fPp �cr.ording �a ttr� t_ahle b�1aw, tc� cnsur�' t}�� corrrct i'e,�� i�; naia. � �1�.�. �' �� �j � .. i� ' �` � '� '-(�� ��*z,�- - FEE PAID s � , i ` CHECK #s;�"���c',c.� DATE:__�_.-�, `?��BY z ��l ���L%Uc`��c�-,`L`C F�E :C:1iEUUUE„� ' `�"- � ' Vl�i_�UA'E'IC)N FEE � U - � 3 0, U00 �' 20 . UU . � �o , �qi - � �o, oao �: �o. 00 � ' �' 50 . 0�7 - �: l.r�p , Oh0 �100 . ()0 � ;�150 , U01 - � �i00 , 000 �20U . OU ' ' i�51�� r �l/l ' �'.l r �Vl�� �V V �� � Ovcx� $T , OU0 , 000 500 . 00 U1�57GN RBV,I6W B011RD riPPRfJVAL fiXFIRES OIVF YL11,R AFTFR FINAL APPROVAT� UI�Ji,ESS A AUTI�I3INC� �'�RMI'I' IS ISSUB� l,ND Cpr�sT�UCr.ion� 1� �'�'AR'l'1Cd). , ]. �- , , ^�P 07 `� � 1 � 33 R•In .�12 F .�!� T�I�rh•I 0�' VAIL rnhl;�Et� , ID �����-2452 � . . � , ,� . , ? ' � ' 'LIST �' M�1T�RIALS ' , � ` ` ranM� o� �no���m: , �� �c�nr�,-CESCRI�T�01�: Lom nLocx ,�,.....� svovzv�s�ot� �,�.:..��'.. L � , , STRE�'T A[3L�RESS: ,. • __���---�--------- � � �,he �pa lnwfn� iinfc�rma�t�an is r.cqu�xccl �ox suUin��tal to r.h� oesi�qn �teview so�rd be�orc� a �i.n��l �pptoval can ba gi.v�n : , . .. - TYPE rJ�' M�1'I'LRIAL COLUR �. Hj3ILDING MA►I'ERIAL9: � • � . ��� . , . _ __ __ Rov� �� � ' ��XB_ ' Y'$�__,_._ i d i ng ��� , • • �� , h a�hd , � � . � U t h 0 r W��1 Md k c 2'j,�19 � � �Bh eQV �,_._,�_.�._..��---�• . � .' , , ��Q� �� � �'Y �� ' '.."'["'�� E'a�oia � �x� �, � . '�$I� I S , y 1 s o f��.t 9 , ---�---5,;--------- • T�b � ' .. c r�.�,q . , , , . , � i i � � F � • 1+J�i1�OWS � • , , � �� s� � ! , � . w�r�c�crw 'rrim r � � c�ac� �nf.�► � Tt6b , "'' , '' � Tp vna�n • , � naor� � : . Wt• � ' ' . ' i� � ^� ' w �r� T Ux . C�O�A �+a�el� r�Oc,t3 aoor 't�fm . , . T � �b � 't''� w�A'�' '��W� � . �� ltand or ,b�elt Rail� • �� . ��, , , a � l,1wS It�E �� � , , , • �'lueg � t,v��- ' Flashinq� . , � . , 14 � ST�C.t.o •, �4�N� �`�'dC.� POw� - TI3� cl,i.muev:� � � �. - .�. - ..�—._...______.... ____._ , , � ' •� Tca�h �:nc1 o�ure� �� � � � ,� Greenho+�9es , ' ' � ��'' - - - - - _._.._....._.__ -- , � g'�� ` T�h � R�Ea i n ing W�1 i� ✓�`0.�r} �'�'��f►.� � ��O c.�rnc� -C.�.b. c�T , rb �-r�tc,�A--t7'aa.� - Fxt'��rior L�ghtin� ' OU �V pQt Q , _. , ' ' GoC.b�- �P�t,I�TC� wtt�C. � , , Other < < ""'��.��,�'. , , . . �"'['��+N(1��_...,..�,.._��c-��. � f3. GAND�CIOPING t Nanye nf Deg iqner� , i�hvn�: ____T_� �..._._._..�,. �--�- ���w , �a�� ' ' . 44� •, t�]ca0 ' � - . � , , , � . , . . , , � 7 '. , � Ti�l�rh�l nF�f,�AI� �nt�-�E;! ID -�� �7�--24�� SE�` �7 ' 1 � :�q r.�� . ��i 2 F� .�� . -' � , � . PI:,ANT M1tiTERIALS : pot$nical N�m� �ommon Name_ �uanLitY Sxz�k ; , � I'RONOSED TREE9 _ , . nND SttRUbS 1 � �',� �nI"'�)G�i� , . „�.�... � -� , ., �,: � . . i , , , � . � , ,.�� __ *�nd�c�te �alip�r for dGC�duo�s �r�e� . M�.nimum calipr�r f_Qr. deciduau,�._ t� es s� tnche�. �»dic�Le h��qtht fvr conif�rous Grees . Mir�imu e� ht £o o i ro � •tr� � i� 6 � � � •ind�.ce�te � x� o� pzopo8ed a�trub� . Minimum �i�� of__shrub� is_ . • 5 alldn. , '". � mvue ' 8 uare Faata� � :ti 4 � ��ou�rn covER� , , , , � , , �.. - � , , , .�..�-- �QD , , , � � __.-_�_ �� s�:�n .—._ _�_.. 'I'Y PF: . � � , UF I R R I CAT I ON - --- -�""��'"` , � . . , � , � , '� ..TX�P��� OR METF�UD OF � � F;Et03I0N CONTROL „ , I C. L�hND9CAPE LIC3HTINt3: �f �xl.eri.ar i.�.qlzl::�nq is propa�ed. p����s 1 C��ion� dn a �eparate �iiow thc nvmbef a f �ixEu��e a�d o , Xi�hti.nq p1a�r►. Idenlify each fixtUr� �r�m �he �iqhl.lnq plan i�i 1.he �pace b�law and provide , t11� 13�Sqtlt' �Uvve qrade� typ� a� �.�.ght proaos�d� lumnn oulpul, luminaus �rca and a �ut eheel of t1zE 1igl�t ,fixtuxc. ISectiQn 16 .54 �050 ,�1 , , , • ' � � ��--� � 1 � ,. .. � � � • � � i . � , � ` • � ""' ,. � i . .. ' i , ; � , >. D. ' �TH�R LANDS�I�L�E �'EATVItL� ix'et��.niric� �talis; f��nces. gwimming � � � I � pool,s, ��c.�} 1'1e�se spccify. �nclic�te h�ights t�f re'�aining , � wa11s . M�ximum helght of wail� within� th� �ront �etback !� � 3 ' . , Ma�rimum h��qht of wa3.1s e1�Gwh�r� on the property is 6� . � ' � . ' . I � ' t � . ` . . � , , - - � � . , f , . , � , , , . rv • , , f g . , , . �revlead 7/18/94 • • �� DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATTON - TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR�O DATE RECEIVED: ����' DATE OF DRB MEETING: ' T�. *�******** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY 1VOT BE SCHEDULED F�R REVIEW. �'�;i, �r********* °:.� ,�.. I . PROJEC'i' �NFORMATI�N: A. DESCRIPTION:_ �,2.• +ip )( ����� �� , B , TYPE OF REVIEW: �I�ew Construction ($20�} . 00} Minor Alteration ($2Q . 00) Addition ($SO . Ofl) Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADURESS : SC�1�[QS`�'6�Q��VI��, . � D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot -� B1oCk Subdivision ` ' I� property is described by a meets and bounds lega�. descrip�ion, please provide on a separate sheet and artach tQ this application. E. Z O1V I Ir1G: F. NAME OF APPLICANT: �Q. O ' Mailing Address : llS°tf�J �hone G. NAME OF APFLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: ����j��� Mailing Adc�ress : p•o. Phane H. NAME QF OWN�R (S) : �'�d�,� (.tJrV) " �S � • � OWNL�'R (S) SIGNATURE. I�"�_ � ��� ����r�__. Mailing Address . Phone APPLICATIONS WILL N�T BE PROCESSED WITHOUT 06VNER`S SIGNATURE I . Condominium Approval .if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees , as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submit�al of the DRB application. Later, when agplying for a building permit, please iden�ify the accurate �raluation of the proposa� . The Tawn of Vail wi11 adjust the fee according to the table bel�ow, to ensure the correct fee is p�id. FEE PAID: $ CHECK #: DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDUT�E• VALUATTON FEE $ � - $ �^v, OC� $ 2�7 . uu $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50 . 00 $ 50 , 001 - $ 150 , 000 $100 . 00 $150 , 001 - $ 500 , 000 $2D0 . 00 $500 , 001 - $1, 000 , 000 $4 $ Over $1. , 000 , 000 , 500 . 00 DESIGN Ft�VZEW BOARD APPRQVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL A�PPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED ,AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 L --- - - - - - - � • . � �,,,�, f . ���r� , c,�p�,u • �C'c.�'u.'n S � � � �� �l'�" '�a'� - � � � !, � � � � . _ � � r � z� z F. �� � —f=F-- 1 ?—?A rinri 1 � :44 P HL1tic=iD nF�r_,FaNI `[=+TI �111 S1F,� 1 4_= �► fv�In�A "INlfi � n���rara r�t3v r T►,w r���nD A�rLICA��bN - mf�Pi�1 a� VA1T�. ror.olU�v , . r���r� ��c��:t vr�rl: ..,,�.-`{ � k`! • `��--�- rn�rt� n�' hRt� Mf�ET�t�� � I6•�.1µ _.._.....�...... «w+r+rr�►� �� + �Q�'1i'LE7'.f� Il�'t'LXCA7'tc�N�!"_ Ml�Y yNOT�,$E 9CNED�J�IsI� lrOli �1%,Vj►%W� — — - — •«.�rs*+�+►• t . k'Rg�1��`�.��.��..5?�� r� . �y�.s�n L r�3'T f)IJ: 'T�!E�t.at�----- �1�?�-4r._._F�I.S��C,.._..._.��?!�-��_� .. „�...�..��__.. .�_:. ...._._..._...�.,.,..,��+,�_i...�.�...�..�.�,w......:..,,_..��,_,._._.,...._;�:....... . . . ,.. . . _. ......_ _ . . . .`.��.,��._ --,�...� ' � . ?�Y�'�� C1� R[•�11E':W� . _.�_._1�luw �`r,r}n1 r�irl irn� (�7(3[] . ��) _M1nc�r filk.e�-t�L�t�rt (�ll� � l101 _ . J1�,t�1i r, icl» (�5� . 0(�) r.�n�rr�,�,t�n4 ttcview (1��1 ' ' �.� _ ' , c: . nuz�r�F�4� t . _ _.__..._.._ �_._ n. i��;c;h�� i�P:f1C`ItlrTInNi c�t ._r�.�.�..__ __ tiloc.+k _.�_�___.�..__._ .., ,ubdlvl�sict:t ,�s�o�E�jE-..___� �`� ,__,._._.._r.... ........�_.._� ._.,. ._ 2 C �.�i V���,li ', y i�I t���y�,� i l.�t+�� E+}� A nlr�bl. R AYSi� f'►A11111�.� � Pr/lll r1�:�iCr 4 T',t i��r� , t�►l c:�;�e �ravide an e ��parat-� glip�t and �I.L�c:E� tt� t.hit� •��,��� i.�'�rir��l � • F: . Y^'�1J.t P�1(:" T3'�'�+'� �. - - ----- __�-_. .. M tx�:��.- � , r,r,���� ��r n��ui�nrrT: �,.,.,..... r�{��t i�,n ��d�-ee� -�E"•l�woa �.,��°�- ` p h n n c� „�,x(p. -.l�.'3�.11.��-..--------- - --_..�. �,- -�..__��...,�� � -- - �,. ��re�F �,� nr•�r�t c��raT� s r�rr��:g�r�Tn�rv�: U�r_t`�t�� t��� i 1 illr! h�ld;-ps� ��G �'�,0....-- .,_�_....,. , _ ...�, - - _— ` - ---- � ��PJ �1�!�_,�_So-. —�ItP!�� .......-�,_.. '.t�ho�i�`� ���D_o�...__.�..�..� ,._^. P�G . �° I) . f x.�t4l�: :!f' !)W�JF:R {n 1 . Y�?_.._..� �x-�-� - W------ nwN�R Sf�S�(�tVATUR�t �it'?^�.__�.�.�-.' ._..,�....._.�_. . A9a 1.a i n�a Aric�x es = " ,_. �r f ._. __ _..�..,.__�. -.. __ ..,�....�. ��_ .�_. _ --u</.... ..�. - -ptsune . __...'...F.. ...�.. . �r���rr.xrxc��r�► w,rr��, r,ar ne rr.�raae,en �lmtfa�ur on�v�ar��� BIG'NhTV�t�' r . ��nndr�mir ; ��m i1�,�rntrpl i f �r�tl ir��hla . . . �. nn� rr�. ���h ���,�� a� ��►r•.� AI78v�. e,,�e tie I�e p�s� �� ►�+e+ t,3mp �f c�t�kim� t.ta1 v� the []RB ��+pli .t�t�ort . �,aker. wl3�tt •aFpayinr� Ec�r� e� bu�ild�r�q �.�ermit" �a. -��� ���+�ntify the �rruR:�►le valu� l. ic,r� c�f �the �,�vpv�c►1 , ThP T�wn oC VA� 1. w3.]_ � �djusl l)�a� f.+�w_ ���c�c:,i-r:ll�l,i t.n lhe l�hl� �a�lnw, i r� rns�tr�+ Il�c� r,arr�ct t�� 1�� ��a1c1 .� , �,., - �� ' �t� 1 /�`~� E�, �� ,� �� �f B 1 ,�� �� � /�� � � .�E�P,�ID: �_ ,��,- CHEL;K : ` 7,�,.-.���►.T�.: �_��� .��..�`: . 'llULE � ' �E ' ��._.�..I. ' vr���v�'(`I CJN �F� , � o - � �0. 000 � �a . oc� . . � io, o�i - !� ' �,n, an� !� �,r� nn � 54r "�I , �: 1,50, U(�0 ��Of? � �4 $t�o. oa� • x �oo. 000 ,��no . oa � � x5ao. 00i � �� , oao, 00� �aoa , ao � �vc`r �1 , t1U(�, U(�f! �SDQ . �I) � ' " 11�SIpN RRVIRW 81�ARD ,�1FpROVAI. BXP�R�� oN� Y�AR xi�'x'�R FzN�►L �►��►Anv�r� �nvr�F�tS �t t�i1�t,Q�[�t� PBttMZT zS xSSU�d AN� CON6'�'ttVCTYp� i9 9�rh��r�.��. ' � T�(�fhl r1� !,1RIL �i�Fl-���� ID : �479-2Q52 . ��F �?r '�,Q 11 � '� ��dn .f�l2 F .n� � • � '� L�ST OF M1ITBRZALB .. t s��L� __ ran�� vF Fnv.��;c�r:�p�?�r�.�. ..� LFC�AI, D�'>CR�PTIOt�: LC)T� nLOCK -- - 5'l)�DZV�SION �.....P�L� S'I'RE�; ADL�ftESS: -- .�-----�-P.L�-�-__-•-----..Y_ 7'he Eo1.lawinp intazm�tian 'is ret�uiz'ed �o�r suUmit,tal to the D��$qn R�view t3oard beEor� a Einal apprnval can be qiven : , , � , , TYPS rJF' M!►TLRIAL, CULOR ' �, HUILDII3G MATERIAI�S: ' � , � . , . , . �too� ' ' . . �,_ _,__.--��_-- � ' ' � �� l_ ,,c��rr�crs, S � Siding -_� , . , � , � , f , � , ' U t he r Wa 11, Ma t c r i a 1 q _ Gn�r r n .. , , "--°"'-�`----� . � Fascia - � - �""" . . , _ ' � C� ' -- --_ � Sof f i l�s � . . , , . � .. , War�dows � � � d • � wir�dow '�`rim � W , . ,-� .�r� 9v 1�IG�a.�._.�.�1Z----------�----- . D�bt"� , , ,r.. . � _ noor 'rr im � I Ja n d a r DeCk Rd i 1 t� �� ' _------.-_�-.--r--- ----- . � � � . , � E'llzc'S � Flashie�qg � • . , �G _ �.0 ' C),im�i�y� � �-�*- --�.�.__�..._.-----�--�------- , , . Tr.a�h �:ncl.oqure� , , � � � , Greei�Y�o��g�s .�.1�'-�.--_,_� -- -�---- , R p t��r�i n� Wa 11� _ „�r flr�-r� �t,�.� � ' � ,- Ext cri.or Liqhtf ng � � � • � " , � a � . , ' U the r ' ` , ,, � -. --- ----r----�---�------ . „ ; . . • , , , �3. I,RND�CIIPINO: Name of Designer� , � t�hon�: .�� ---, � , , , , . � � � , , � . 7 � , � , � Tni�,IFJ nF �'AIL CI�h�1-t�E�,! ID � �4 r'?-2452 SEF [�7 � 11 � �� h�ln . (1i�2 F .n° , � " + PIaANT hfATERIALS: I3otaniCal N�m� Comman 1 Name uanL�t �ize*� , I'ROPUSED TR�ES . nNn SH�tU�S � , , � � , , 4 . , � "� . • � " ----_--- +indic�te caliper For deG�duous l.re�s . Minimum �a��.i ex for deciduvu�s trees. i�„ ? ir�chcs. xiydicai:e h�iqht fvr conif�rous �tree;s . Mini um he� ht for cv if�rous tre�s i� 6 fe s is k +��ndicat� s ,z� a� prvpoe�d sluub� . Minimum �iz� of sYirub — 5 uallon. � �_'�� � ' Sauare _Fa4ta�e GROtl1�1t7 COVFRS .. � Sc)b � � � � � . -- 5 F.ED _ .�___._�.__ `I'Y P�: . � . , ClF IRRICATION --._.. _�---�._ , ; , � • , , . , , . �'Y PE�OR M�TF{QD DF � FR09ION CONTROL G . LAND9CAP�. LTQHTINa: If exl.eri.or 1�q1zL.�nq i�s propased, p�.ease s}iow th�, numb�r vf £ixEure� and J.oc�tinn� ;bn a aep�rate �.i.ghting p�an . . �dent•ify each �ix�.ure f�zoin l.he� liqh�inq p1�n i�i the sp�ce beXow and px�ovi.de Lhe h��.q��l' aUove qrade, type o€ � light p�-opos�d, lum�� auLpuL, iuminvus area and a cul sheel of rh� 14glit fixture, (Scction 16 .54 .050 J) , , . ' . , '.. � ' � • ' � , , , ' � � ' � � , , �--�.. ' —.�-�--- � �` �. ' �T�i�R LAND�CAP� �'EATUR�S (retaining wa1Xs� f�►nces, swimminq � � pools, etc. 1 Plc�as� specify. Ind�.cat� h�ights bf retaininq wa11� � MaxirrEUm height oE wall.g within, the fronG �etbaak f� 3 ' . , Ma�Cimum heiq�t of wa11s �1s�wher2 on the �roperty i� 6 � . .. , � � • � , , . , 8 � , T1.16��1 fir !1(fll � (T11 � T�f,'�.! � Ill : ?I��li'-� ;'��':' �`���, ,��� '�� 1 '� � 'r � I > ��� �I �� x �;,�,� :, - .� • ,.,. ` e � � • U�rtr�r.7'Y �,OCI�TIUN v��i�'1C��ra.ON r.� . �' -- 1 - -�- _ `�� �--� �;t��nrv� 9z�r1 1 ' �.--���, _. _ . - .�. r.� � � __,�_��_ --._ —_. .� ,ic.�r� ranri�� _ �.2s.. _ _________�..��___...---. - j � , - - -- ......___� �I 1�1 rat; ` _� r,���t, [� ��" r;�,c�c•Ft . _ _....__.._.._.— �d.�-:��-�L _, :� -� ° c� , � ,a� :.:� A 1)I)f�F:S 5 _._,� ����"�..__.�Y_�.!�._..- ..._____•. . .._ __ "�, �...� � . TI�� 1nc���t. ic�n ���cl r�����i] rit��� � i ly nf ul.i 1 i f, jc�q , wl�e�.3�+�r- t.hr.y��m�Z:in �' tz��c�k l i.:1�� c�r �ro�o���9 l i r,r�ti , mur�t, k�� r�pPr�vec� ancl ��cri +� �a,�, �. h� Icr11c���ai���.� t�t:i7 il.. ien Coa� tl�� acc<�rnpt�tay�tiq slte �l �n . ' nuLhoxizcd Sic��a►atuxe ����-�_ _�_..._..-- t1 . ;� . ta�r�t. c'c�mm��n i ca t a uc�r� � f . 1 �{?(1 9�? 1.y87 � /�,.G� � Q�� - 6Pf() c>>" qQ9 - ��i"�() �..._ . 1 r��t,� :c :�nr�� icc? c�<>iri;���l�y �,:� -y,�Z..�ar5t� ; ' � �� �< �;n, �� ii��� i � --- � - rst,> >• ��rr,�n F�2f'yC`I.I"jC� n��t��� . , � . � • 9�19 '`i(19� - �N►V`( V'�1 � _- � �L 4�.V�i,.�/ ��eCj ��U17�t'`!�t'�ll'!tl��f?l I.,�v�trti� -----._.--�6_��� r—_------�- -_-.Y IIr.r1 t �'�qP ('�'�hl�t�it�i.c.�n 7'. V,. ' � � , q 9�) r,5_��) u� , , y., .�, , . � � , �� �•d�_(_� r+! .Y A t 1 1 �f 1� 1: ���V�{VQ� ...._f..�" w��l�f/��.� _ . . ' _ _• [Ir��r �:aq.lc� Val l.ey W��1 ?a" F� r�3hiF��t.3C�t� DiRl.s- ict. ' d7G 74B[) _ ,i = , �] �� �� � � %�% �cr�� : -�`-=�1 >�'�u - - -- _-_ TI()TE: l . 'I�hlp fnrm i :n t� vet-� fy servic�, ev�� l �b.�l. it.y an�l loc�t �c�r� . fl�hia r�fl�ulcl he Used itt conj�.a»ctiori w.itl� �,rep�ri[�r� yvur uti � i ty plan and snc�>dlalinq iri�tallalic��i� . ' 2 . For �tny net�a C.!"sf1�t.1'IaC1:�(�tl prop��►�1 . I:��e a���] icant� � int�sl ��rovide a c.a�tY�leted utility �+erifir.aLion f.r�tm . 3 . Tf, � cit.�3 l ly r.c�mpany t�ry� Conr,�.rn� wi F.ti k.h� nr.o�c�qc�c� � r,�rt:�t:�°ucl:ic�ti, Lts� ut3 �..i.ly �Ppre�Sent�t7ue �h�t�ld n�t. �li �-Ar.t:ly c1» t.t�c� util.i.ly v�z°�fic��io�a fc►rrn t.h9t tl7rir? i fl a �r�17] c?m w}z�.c�h r►�r_ds ka t�c r�snlvec�. 'I'he i ��t,a �t�c��i7 r� t:f�Pr� t�P �{�P1 ] �d c�ul: in dcttail i�t� an 7l.�nch4cl 3e.tt.er , ta th� 't'own oE vail � t[c�w�vet , ��i��q� DceeY� ; ►� mi�ic3 lhat. it. i � k.1ae rr�;�pon� �hilit.y of�.hc� t�t.i.].ity c�e�mp�ny l o i e:�alve idera l,i f i e� p,-obl em� .� 4 , t f t.hr. >>t.i t .1 t.y ��erificai:3.c3ri form t►ae �ic��ye�t�are�s £rc�m P�ch cfi" lh� �.at.i13 tv r.c�mpan.�e� , anc� no COrnm�ntls ar�� m�ri� rl i r�cl:]ti� c�n t.l1r f orm, i.lie 'I'c�wri wi 11 pre�ume f.IlOt. t:I]E'1"E' are nn prc���I�ms t�nc'� hhaf tlir� d�velc}pmer�i_ C�t�n �rrt�r-peci. . , 5 . '1'hepa vr�ri f ic��t.i�nx c3a 'nc�f. rr?] 3�1��? t=��e c�c�nl:r�r.lc7r c�f 1�� � reFl�}c�n� il�tl ity t.c� cy1lt:� in a str. �nt raaR: pctrrr�it ' f rc?rri l.lia 'Cc�wsi r.7f Vc��i � I3P��'�X tm�?n t c�f. �',1b].� C Wt�r);:� ar�cl 1.c� uuta��t utili�cat3.on� beEore c3iq,qing, in �3ny �ul�l �c ri�hl. -af -w�y c�r e�sen�et�t �in tt7e Toc;n nfi v� i 1 . n l�u3lr�ing,_pe�mit is �_�c�L a gl.xeeL cut�e��mil . 11. r�txe�l . rut pFrmi t, m�tt�t. t�r� c�l�t�,inFC3 n���1a�F+k.c!.f}�. 6 . I��a t_a 1 1.�l ic��► c�f r?e� �� 4 c�r:. 1 i nnt� d rP �t t.h� ��:�et��n ,��ic� r���c�t�si )7i l i ,l.y c�f l.l�c� ptr>prr�y owiter . � S�] c���:�r� },r�is�g � �ilp �31aii, flc»r p1 �r► , �n�� elpv�ti�n� wt��t� (7ItI.r1117 �C1',� t)�'��"r F.,�ql.c� V<-�llr.y W��tex' f� 9t�ta�t,aL�d►1 5�c�t]AtUrP.C , P'ir[? ( ��11+1 1?1'tif?(�,C Itll1^t. �=1f? r3(�(�7 f!r.�"i(`C� . , � I I � � y ' _ '���' ,. . , . _ .. �s ..: �.,a`•��r. • � . �,:�, =�'!�� . `x' :%�'�, . _ ._ � 3,,, .,,��,�` , . � � � .�_ ' 14'�r. �rown July 6, 1994 Page Three 23. The caretaker dwelling unit must be restricted as � 7ype III employee housing unit prior to the issuance of a b�i3ding permit. 24. Provide aFf top of wall and i�ottom of wa�1 e�evateons. . �� � � �iy � �� � ��� � T'OWN OF IAIL � 75 Sauth Front,�,�e Rnad De�Cl)"1111G11I Of C0111111111i11y ,D�°l'2IOF1l1ICJlI Vail, Colorado 81G57 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 July 7, 1594 Mr. Stuart Brown P.�. Box 235� Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear St�: I was an#ic�pating that you would provide me vuith the outstanding subrnitta! infarmation �or a fina� Design Review Board {DRB) h�aring. As I hav� nat received that at this time, I believe it is irnportant to provide yo� with a complete list of ou#standing items that need to be verifie�. We will need all of the information shown belaw no fater than three weeks prior to a DRB hearing to verify that the application is complete and f�lfilfs all oi #he T�wn requirements. 1. Insure that the landscaping and engineering plans are consistent. The engineering appear to be more speciiic. Since this is the case, show the landscaping material on one set of the engineering drawings. 2. Indicate fence ffne around trees on northwest carner that will be pres�rved. 3. Provide a rock tall study prior to building permit consistent with the standards of the Vail Municipal Code. Section 18.69.020 must be addressed, It is imperative that the report discuss the potential increase in hazarc�s to oth�er property ar structures, ar to public buildings, right-af-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, facili#ies or othe� �ublic properties or construction. 4. Prior to submittal for a building permit, provide a drainage plan meeting the standards of the Town Engineer. A complete drainage plan is required as part of the Design Rev�ew Board submittal information, per Section i 8.54.050 (D)(5, 6, and 7). 5. I'rovide detail sections thraugh the swimming pool area showing the retair�ing walls. 6. Expand road to minimum of 22 feet in width. � � .� � .�. tf�ree feet in width. 21. The height of all u�its shafl r�ot exceed 45 fest. Faur units must be reduced in height. 22. Individuaf driveways sha�l be construcEed with brick pavers. � � �J� � � �- �� �/aP�;� �� � �� � -- �i► - . . � _ y ;� . . -. - � �.�-� 3� ;�S � �.--� ���� �f7 � / � r�� ���� .�� ;�.. _ _ �=3 ��� �c� � �� � �'� �. � - - _ . , � _� , .. .; . - ., , � _ �, ��i , . ,. . _. _ _ . . _ . . _ar._ �;i �' ' i• _ .. � . . , � _ rs. I II . . . . . _ . _ . ' L J"'� _",.t ' f� � � i I � �I . �i . ^i � I ' ' :.� �I - ,..: .. . . . . �_��tl ;� .. . _. _ _ . .-. ... .. . ... .{ . _ , . . . . , q4 ;� a l �� �' I , �, � ` �,. .� '.i I I ��i � � �� ��� , , �� � ��ti �� � , � � ,� .� TO��'V�F ti'AIL � � y .� 75 So��th Frnntage Rnad D2�JQtl117eT?l Of COITIIiT1411111' DF�'elanrnent Vail, Colorado 81b57 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 343-479-2452 June 9, 1994 Mr. Hugh R. Warder P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Spr�ngs, CO 81602 RE: �.ot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing/Stua�t Brown property Dear Hugh: I believe it is necessary for mE to res�ond to yaur June 3, 1994 letter. Most importantly, I am sure you havs misinterpreted the Town's e#fort to ensure that the development proposal conforms to a,l applicable Design Revi�rrv Board (DRB) standards as w�ll as basic zoning requirements when yo�u state that ! arri "atter�pting to cause ad�itional d�lay and expense to Mr. Brown because of (my) ow� persona! disapproval of tre entErprise". Le; me� emph�size that the DRB has made mar.y comrnen#s about the architecture, almast ail of which have beer addressed �y your architect. �Eowever, in addition to design issues, there are some basic zaning standards which are still in effect notwithstanding the court judgment t'�at th� To4�n ackncwEedges. For example. constr�ction of buildir�gs within easements is not allowed. Verifying that easernents have been vacated is a critical task which must be completed prior ta a DRB appr�val. It may, as you suggested on the phone, be appropriate to make this a condition of approval. The Town staff does not have a problem witt� this if yau would like to move in this dire�tion. Again, our eftorts are not to delay ar add expense to your client's developme�t. They a�'e simply to ensure that the deveaopm�nt proposed is one that can b� cor�structed. Without belaboring the point, I do need to emphasize that this is a relativel;� large-scale project and it is inevitable t�at there wil! be ma�y issues involved in a proj�ct of ;his scale. As we have cliscussed in the �ast, E ar� anticipatin� drawings from your engineer no 12ter �han Thursday, June 9th, resolving the con�itions of a�proval as outlined in a memo dated May 26, 1994. If this deadline cannot be met, I see no ather option than to resched�le this item for thQ July 6, 1994 DRB meeting. I will continue #o work with you to resolve the outstanding concerns. 7hfs is in accordance with the co�wersa�ions that I have had with you and yo!�r client Stuart Brown, regarding the scheciule. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, � � r� � �� � And Knudtsen Senipr P�anner i • HUGH R. WARDER ATTORNEY pT LAW P.O. BOX 1738 GLENWOOD S?R1NG5, CC3LORA�O 81 602 (30 31 94 5-92 50 FAX (303) 9d5-9402 �EL�'l� ,�����d�J 6 1994 June 3, 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL Town of Vail Department of Cotnmunity Deve�opment Attn: Andy Knudtsen 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 L�ar An���: I have not had an opportunity to examin� a�l af the title documents, but I am informed by Mr. Brown that yau are taking the position and will advise the Design Review Board to delay or deny appraval of the pending G-4 Application. Your grounds for doing this, he states, are that there is an existing unvacated perimeter easement which affects or could affect the building plan fvr the ' lot. Mr. Brown, through me, objects to your position on the following grounds: 1. Lack of Design Review Board authority to consider such issues at this stage. 2 . The prohibition agains� the Towr► of Vail raising the issue because it enter�d into an agreement �o vacate the easement some time ago. 3 . The Town cannot urge its own dereliction of its legal responsibility in failing to adopt a vacation ordinance. It is bound by its a�greements, even as you and I and other private citizens. Your conduct in contYnuing to raise issues such as this and the o�her laundry list ot what appear to me to be building peramit issues, gives the appearaMCe, at least, that you are attempting to cause additional delay and expense to Mr. Brown beca�se af your own personal disapproval af the enterprise. Th� Design Review Board has raised very few of the issues, if any, that you are raising in your list and has, in fact, indicated that it considers the new plan to be an improvement over the one which they have already approved. Yau are aware through Mr. Hiller and N�r. Brawn that the negotiations fvr the sale of this property are at a crucial stage and your continuing to raise roadblocks and objections, not � � Andy Knudtsen Page 2 June 3 , 1994 justified by the facts and the legal authority under which you operate, are considered by Mr. Brown to be an unwarranted interference with his contractual rights. You and the Town have been informed of this on a prior occasion and our legal position concerning the matter has not changed. Please call m� if I am incorrect in my assumptions based on my conversations with my client so that we can avoid unnecessary confrontations. I assume that the G-4 Application will procee�d as scheduled on June 15, 2994 , for consideration of �the issues appropriate �o a Design Review Board hearing in accordance with the prior comments and commitments of the Design R�view Board. Very truly yours, .����-L�1.��-L�-l�l�>�L�_� Hugh R. Warder HRW:av pc: Stewart Brown, Esq. � � MENI4RANDUM TO: File FROM: Andy Knudtsen DATE: May 26, 1994 SUBJ�CT: Conditions of Approval for the Stu Brown project for June, 1994 —F ; 1. Insure that the landscaping and engineering plans are consistent. The enginesring appear to be more specific. Since this is the case, show the iandscaping material on one set of the engineering drawings. L—� 2. Indicate fence line around trees on northwest corner that will be preserved. '–� 3. Provide a rock fall study prior to building permit consistent with the standards of the Vail IVlunicipal Code. Section 18.69.020 must be addressed. It is imperative that the report discuss the potential increase in hazards to other property or structures, or to public buildings, right-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, facili#ies or other public praperties or constructian. ---, 4. Prior ta submittal for a buildin� permit, provide a drainage plan meeting the standards `� � of the Town Engineer. A complete drainage plan is requir�d as part of the Qesi�n Review Board submit#al information, per Section 18.54.050 (D)(5, 6, ancf 7}. � ,} 5. Provide detail sectians through the swimming pool area showung the retaining walls. � ,�� �--� 6. Expand raad to mir�ir�rium of 22 feet in width.� �__ �7. Provide a drainage swale along Sar�dstone Drdve as required by the Town Engineer ' `�' and the arainage Study. ��� 8. �RevFSe grading plan. Na portion of finish�ed grade shalf exceed a 2:1 slope. ---� 9. Provide detaifed drawing for DRB review and ap�roval showing how drainage will be conveyed from the driveway to a natural drainage feature below the site. 10. All landscapEng must be bonded with either a letter of credit or a escrow account at 125% of the cost of the landscaping material. This f�nanciaf guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of twa years from the time the landscaping is planted. If the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate of Qccupancy, the applicant shall pravide the firrancia� guarantee prior to the issuance of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy fior a minimum af three years. 11. Signs for fire fane must mest madel traffic code. i � 12. Applicant shalV secure public way permit prior to iss�ance of building permit. 13. Applicant shalf secure a right-of-way revocable �aermit for al! landscaping and improvements in the right-of-way. 14. AI� structures shall be sprinklered. 15. A{I structur�s shall be Type V construction. 16. Fire hydrants s�ali be provided in locations determined by the �ire Depar�ment. 17. The fire lane shown on the plans shall be posted with signs and shall be recorded as a mekes and bvunds easement for fire access prior to the submittal of any building permit. ..r—�9 18. Driveways s#�all not exceed 8% slope. `� 19. Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height. 20. Landscaping benches between terraced retaining walls shall not be less than three feEt in width. �� 21. The height of all units shall not exceed 45 feet. Four units must �e reduced in height. 22. Individual driveways shall be constructed with brick pavers. '? `; . ���`.� �.� 2 l�. -'�f/��L� �� ,�/�c.� r� �l o✓`l '�, 2� - ,� u,�� � ��� � .�.���� �:_� �� �s � � �- �a -�� . ,� �: � z !� � �u� c�� /�,� � ,,, �� a - �� 2�_ �ll�' �'GG{y��.`. �- S dc!t,; �c. 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Lot � ' 81ack Subdivision c.� h��� #�� Zone District I Project Street Address: � �_S G�' � �� :��Vct_, ��-t� � Commen#s: Board / Staff ActEOn Motion by: � � te: -- � �' , Seconded by: ��- � - � � � Approval �� �r'��� '_ ❑ Disapproval ` Staif Approval Conditions: /^.� '���u`1�.� "C�cc.c r-S � c4�-�-c-,� �S,�'icn�.�?� � �� ;� �_. , „ r!� C�--���T r, �- � }���.--�`.�' �-� - -f�=''Y�Y7�-�-N � f °C-'� �' l��'� � Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid I ��- �Z ��S' [�ign Review Action F�n TOWN OF VA1L Category Number Date ;� Project I�ame: , , F ' � 'ti Building Name: Project Description: � Owner, Address and Phone: , _ Archi#ectfContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: _ � , _ t` Comments: Board / Staff Actior� �. Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: _ ` ❑ APProval y` �- .__..�.� „ �-��--� r' Disapprowal � 8taff Approval � Conditions: I `� '_" Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid _ � � ��--�.,��< < /¢s' � �ign Review Action F�n TOWN OF VA1L Category Number Data Project Name: • Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal bescription: Lot �lock Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comrnents: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Secor�ded by: ❑ Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid � �v�v� �n�,Ln FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT � > DATE: ��t�%� ? % � % �;% d� r � � LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: Lot � Block L Filing �- ����2S1' �i,�-� � � �� ADDRESS : OWNER �a.`�vC /�,�-��)�d'Yl - PHON� ARCHITECT ,�� �-� �K,��=�����f1 PHONE ,� `, , ZONE DISTRICT ��- ' PROPOSED U5E /`�� ��la��'�crl���;�� ���-�. � � , **LOT SIZE � ?-��.L� ,� �_S �r � ; r•5 �� ,/r% /-,�'._ 3�" . Allowed Existinq Propased T4ta1 �-°� Height '% � �f, ; �_' '"�� - - ' TOtal. GRFA + 925 = SeEe�$ry GRF`�-- + 9 2 5 = ..-_ �e�backs Fron't 20' ✓`�y�r= 3 . Sides 15' � � / Rear 15' �4 z � vWater Course Setback (30? (50S �- -, � Site Coverage `5C � ;,�andscaping �,u� (�� � � � ��, . / �` �yc-�%°� � � �'.� �Zetaining Wall Heights 3'6' � �i,%` r � � i,7 ���e-rr�-� ' arkinc� �-51 �� 5 �,�Reqrd � Garage Credit (300) (500) (900} {120a) ri!« ��-'+����`.'� " Drive: Permi�ted Slope 8� Actual Slope Date approved by Town �ngineer : 'V�ew Corridor Encroachment : Yes No '"/ � ??? Environmental/Hazards : � Flood Plair� „ t��;��-=- 2) Percent Slope 3) Geolog�c Hazards ,�a_ S n_sa-�v.:�..ua 1 an c h e ��--��--`- b) `Rockfa�l�' c) D��,s F�.ow }�_s; ��4� Wetl.ands ��-r;.�.,:� � "'Previous conditions of approval (check property file) • :, �-�r- °��� � ( 5�`�tI �i�� c��V',c�;�1��,?t s �''Does this request involve a 250 Adciition? .L-i ��ow mt�ch of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? ,� **Note : Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zaned Two Famil}� and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, Q00 sq. ft . in area may not construct a second dwelling unit , The Community D�velopment Department may grant an excep�ion to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections �8 , 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipa]. Code including permanently restricting the unit as a lang-term �ental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. .l _.. ;�_,� �j. � � � s-,{� cev- SZ' � /_.�.�.�° ¢� ` 10 ✓ ;�'�,�-,E"s :��:�-�. � � � �,,,_,,..,� �. .,.,�, �-,,��,_.�, � -�.,t,,� -,.,,� � `� ��� � �:-� c �s,�z� l� s� t-:Y � �� .� ��.ti�/ �-,."-c,�-y ��� , � :� /�' � �! '�,;,.,.,�� �� � �' � s.�� '"�� j �'"'�`� ��'�� �� � i�� � � ,, Y � ' °.�.'� !'`�,'� — -�"u � ' .� L�� �/ � �' � _ � �__ �, � � ' �' �-,� , . � �� �-..�.� �' .� 7 �---,� - �°'�/ F � v � .a p� " '�G.�� �� /#•..��".�1l1'� / � ! q � �� � ��� `� �� �� � ��� � 4 " ������/ . J (' 1 Z-y � -a�� �-v ,�- �,� Q,r �_�,�, a�''.'S 'C' 4 f � �°'?---- �-�� � J �; _ ` , . ! � TO: M1KE McG�E GREG HALL TODD C�PP�IVHEIMER Return to �1ndy Knudtsen � Town Pfanner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ���-�:� s�-,�-��,f�.. Q,r„�-{._ I PROJECT: � � U� �,� ��`,�,%' `7 �. '. �ATE SUBMITTED: . � Z- DAT�E OF PUBLIC HEARING � COMMENTS NE�E]EQ BY: `_s - JI �- �'�'� BRiEF DESCF�iPTION OF� THC �ROi'0 � ` � ' � (,,(�'` r �7 , � cn�cJV�- (ticvv�t_ . �)'��_�`' f �� n � f(_ � / �` / � n�� /�-�� ;'f '2t �/'uC.i�! �c Gc_ct�- `at�c.N�. / f�! �t�..1u k_c'Lr- � Engineering: �-n � ���`yn, h «,�-r/' �:��> ��� �/� jzt��,� Reviewed by: C�, �1. ' iRnc �� s l�=t,i D�fB: M��. l � I�� 5-'/f-t �,t''�c-� . Camments: �-�c���:.J . << t;c� �� �.�1.� ��� �v i�� Revc}cA,r,� ti�ow pet�,n�� fcx�inr �•,cc_���rx�_ c c��c��c�s m �ac.ca��cr��N( c e�'�c� ��,��,�r D,�ti�,nc�E.ca� �;;r� � ��a�yk'r.� ruc,.� �,�1 <<=",kx:<? tn ��r��F(��Y.;+�. ,X�, ' N-�t�: �.uru��� ,4�.t��.e�x,� ��;, �: ,: �«��.-m., .q � t.. v'���,i��rti.�:c�.�`�'<l Gc.r 41r�tntucES, i,141�;e1 Yk1CK.? . rrtC.�Itl�nG\ vL1C�11;, ��11iC�i�t `.fti�aic.1C t�G . tLsl`trkhC�l(Z?�' ^�.lE'�t� 'TG;j'�'l��r' �1`�. l �. `. .. •��4 yJ I�AU`?T P[�'�.r'��N ����iU!.iC L4iF��+ ,"��f:.�'"'n...,,�' , . t�andscaping: R.�viewed by; Date: Cor�ments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Da�e: Comments: . Distributed to the Fire De�artment, Public Works, and Landscaping on �� �� ��� � * . T�: 1VII�E McGEE GREG HALL T�DD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen � Tawn PEanner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW � �3-3�:, S���_.t�_�.f�..,L Q�,ti� PROJEC7: � I �'� L,� �GS�,'(��-� F D�TE SUBMITTED: �i� � DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING r ' i COMNiENTS NECDCD SY: s - �� �` ���� BRIEF D�SCRIPTlON QF THC PROPO • . _T � �/ / (,-csv�,! �`� ! c/Z.t11ti.- �,vwl_ . ��'r'c,7�' I i� (�-�/+���L/,�lL'.L.�� YL_CC/�.' f(�l4 t{.�._ ��l( ��.�,/�'� �_+C��-�`t/1 /��� ff �� Er�gir�eerin9: �Y-��! '' l /' 1 � �F��-�'ni }2 «/_r-N__ �c)cr �Y�L .�"-{- �{.!'.Yf i'M�,c�1 Reviewed by: Date: s�-',4 �,�«.� � Commen;s: � I Landscaping: R�eviewed by: Date: � Commen#s: Fire Dept,: Revi�wed t�y: Dafe: Comments: ,��, }^�rti;+♦ . �.; �G��l� �, � .�,`r-�, r-t �c �� � � ��,,�r ��1�d\\ �� Z� � 5�,, ������cj ��at�ec�+ . ,j-- ��c�.�'c��-�c� ,p � �^ `� f1 �ls �il�\'', �t-i�� - �T�+4'tC>...,+.� (,.��'�t'-���} �'�� �, ��'��`'�-� .��r'v L I t1,'S i`1�ri�� 1�,o.V'C.° �ei �� � ca�-, ���t�� �y sr:,�.; �-, «��.-�-�, �� � I � �� � 1 �1 � � �\L) �� �"1'��� � y�^�..D�f� � �i 1-��Y r�r��t �C'}r✓ s .� . Distributed to tt�e Fire Departmenk, P�bfic Warks, and Landscaping on �� �� ��� . � � , 70; M�KE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER � Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEIN C- ;, , ,� , 1 �> �$ � , . :R � f�— �'�,-tti� F'R0,9ECT: _� � �� � �`� � ��r� �'��-I� DATE SUBMITT�D: �; z- DATE aF PUBLIC HEARING �� � COMM�NTS NEEDED BY: -� � �� � `Tr% BRIEF DESCRIPTION �F THE PROP(�S�:� - ---- � � � � (,��� T� � c�-v`- �-c�_ ��. (Il�< ��'�'�Q�-�_ �_�2 ��z.� f� ��xn� ��,° %�-�- Engineering: ,Y.-,: rr � %'' ;,. . ;� r �',�r �_ .� . � �tii-c � �c��� Reviewed by: Date: °�.f� �a %'�r-: Corr�ments: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on � i � � ���� . � ���� � . . � � �� � � � ��� �.� � _ ���..�`x . �� �-��rnrni�ent To�nsure � � - ���a . :�� : . . e, _ r �� :� �� � �� � � ... � r �. °�. ' ALTA ComFnitmeni-a970 Re�. : , . �= � � � � � � `� .. , . � �� * �� . . DLD FiEPUBLIC NATIONAL TIFLE INSkIRANCE COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, herefn called the Company, for a ,* � valuabke consideration, herehy commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identi#ied in Schedule A in favar � of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or morcgagee of the estate or imerest covered hereby in the land * * descnbed or reterred to in Schetlule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all su6ject to the provisions of * * 5chedule A and B and io ihe Condiuons and Stipulations hereof. � This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount ot the policy or � * poGcies commiEted for have been inserted in Sehedole A herea� by the Company, either at the ume of the issuanee o1 this * * * Commi�ment or hy su6sequent endarsement. This Commitmer�t is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or poliefes o! title insurance and all (iabiliry and obligaiions fiereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the efiective date hereof nr wh2n the poficy or polic�es cpmmitted im shaff issue, whfchever tirst occurs, provided that the failure to issue such paliey or policies is not the fault a( the Company. CONDITI�NS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall indude deetl of trust, trust deed, or other secunty instrument. 2. ff the proposed fnsured has or acquires actual knowledgs oE any defecc, lien, encumhranee, adverse cla�m nr other matter afitecting the estate or interest a€ mongage thereon coveied by this Eommitment other than �hose shown in Schedule B hereo[, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge ta the Company m wntfng, the Company shall be relieved from 6ability for any loss or damage resulting from any act oi rel€ance hereon to the ertent the Company is prejudiced hy faiiure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposetl Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such tlefeet, lien, encumhrance. adverse claim or other matier, ihe Company at its option may ame�d Schedule B of this Commitment accordmgly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. LiabiFity oi the Company un�er ihis Commitmem shafl be only to the named proposed Insured and such panies included under the defimtion af Insured in the form of policy or poffcies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undenaking in good faith ►a) to comply with the requiremenis hereof or�b► to eliminate ezcepdons shown in Schedule B, or(c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon cavered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability eMCeed the amaunt stated fn Sehedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liab+lity is subject to the insunng provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage af the form of polfcy or policies comm�tted for in fauor of the proposed Insured which are harchy inca�aratad by reference ar+d made a part of this Commitment exceps as axpsessly modiiied he�ein. 4. Any acuon or actio�s or nghts of actior� that the prvposed Ensured may have or r�ay bring against the Company ansing out of the status of �he title to the estate or fn[erest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by thfs Commi�ment must be based on and are su6ject m the provisions of this Commi[meat. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS in addition �o�he mauers conta�ned in the Condi�ions and 5tipulations and Exciusions irom Coverage above re#erred to, this Commiiment is also subjett to the#ailowing: 1. Rights nr claims of parties in possession not shown 6y the pubbc records. 2. Easements, or claims nf easemenis, not shown by the puhfic records. 3. �iscrepaacies, conflicts in 6oundary lines, shortage in arsa, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspecuon at the premises,uould disclose and which are not shown by the puhlic �ecords. 4. Any lien, or ngM to a lien, tor servfces, la6or or matenaE theretolare or hereafter furnished, imposed bp law and not shown by the pubGc reeords. 5. Oefacts, liens, encumbrances, adverse elaims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public recards or attach€ng subsequsnt to the e#fective date hereof but prior to the date the proposetl msured acquires o(record lor value the estate or interest or.mnngage thereon eouered by this Commitment. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, Old Republie National Tide insurance Cornpany has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunio affixed hy its dufy authonzed officers on �t�e tla�e shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authonied signatory. OLD RERUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE II�SURANCE COMPANY A Srock Compa�y 4D0 Secand Avenue 5ourh,M�nneapnl�s,M�nnesnta 55401 I6T1J 371-1117 I �i��L? iL �����tp� g� P�2sident Authoiired 5ignamry �// /'� ,� Arresr ��``\J � .�•L� �. Setretary DRT hrA 2582 � . � , � A L T A C O M M I T M E 1V T • SCHEDULE A Our Order Na. V23079--4 For Information Only - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy� $2, 680. 00 Alta Lender Policy $75.00 � Tax Report $20. Q0 - - T�TAL - - $2 , 775 .dQ ****WITH YDUR REMITTANCE PLEASE RE�'ER TO OUR ORDER N0. V23079-4.**** 1. Effective Date: February 28, 1994 at 8 : 00 A.M. 2 . Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-17-92 $1,260, 000. 00 . �e� .rr Proposed Insured: UNITE� REALTX RESERVE, INC. , A COLORADO CORPORATION "ALTA" Loan Palicy 10-17-92 Proposed �nsured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4 . Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: STEWART H. BROWN 5. The land referred to in this Cammitment is described as follows: LOT G-4, LION'S R�DGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, C�UNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 . � ` • A L T A C ti M M � T M E N T • SCH�DULE B-� {Requirements) Our Order No. V23079-4 I . :*+ ..�r PAGE 2 . � . ' • A L T A C 0 M M I T M E N T SCHEDULE B-1 {Requirements) Our Order No. V23079-4 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fu�.l consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate ar interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: I 3 . CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OR CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING OF UN�TED REALTY RESERVE, INC. A C�L4RAD� CORP�RATI�N, ISSUED BY THE SECRETARY 4F STATE OF c�LORADO MUST BE DELIVERED TO AND APPROVED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE C�MPANY. 4 . EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TH� COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONFJIT�ONS AND PR�VISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FRaM STEWART H. BR�'i�VN"'r'� UNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC. , A CQLORADO C�RPORATTON C�NVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6. DEED OF TRUST FROM UNITEb REALTY RESERVE, INC. , A COLORADO CORP�RATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY F�R THE USE OF TO BE DETERM�NED TO SECURE THE SLTM OF TO BE DETERMZNED. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 - _ � � A L T A C 9 M M i T M E N T SCHEQULE B-2 {Exceptions) �ur Order Na. V23079-4 The policy or policies tQ be issued will contain exceptions to the �I following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfactian af � the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the caver sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due ar payable and specia� assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7 . Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, �f any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR �F A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOU1+�D TO PEt�ETRATE OR �NTERSECT THE PREMISES � AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES P.�TENT RECORDED August 16, 19d9 , IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 . 10. RIGHT OF WAY F"QR DITCHES OR CA.NAL�` �OIdSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNIT�17 STATES AS RESER�r'ED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDEb August 16, Z909, I YN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 . � 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DQ NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITtJRE OR REVERTER � CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIaNS, IF At�Y, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REL�GION, I OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN �NSTRUMENT RECORDED September 2p, 1972, I IN BOOIi 225 AT FAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Septembe� 29, 1972 , IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Janua�ry 22 , 1974 , �N BQOK 233 AT PAG� 53 AND AMENDED IN DOCUMENT RECORD�D JULY l, 1983 IN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 8fl4 . 12 . UTILITY EASEMENTS TWEIdTY FEET IN WIi7TH, TEN FEET ON EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AND A FIFT�Etd FdQT UTI�ITY EASEMENT ALONG AN� ABU7'TING ON AIsL EXTER�OR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON TH� PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 . NOTE: �QUIT CLAIM DEEI3S RECORDED DECEMBER 31� , 19$1, II+1 B�OK 334 AT PAGE 153 , JANUARY 27, 19$2 , IN BOOK 335 AT PAGE 660, FEBRUARY 8 , 1982 , IN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 209 THROUGH PAGE 211, MARCH I, I982 , IN BOOK 337 AT PAGE 89, ANp VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING EASEMEI+iT RECORDED FEBRUARY 8 , 1982 IN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 208 VACATE OR PARTIALLY VACATE SAID EASEMENTS. � ; I I PAGE 4 I I i i � � • I ' A L T A C 0 M M I T M E N T � SCNEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V23079-4 � 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI�N, �NC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1967 IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 103 . ' 14 . AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPANY AND MOUNTAIN STATES I TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALLATION AND SERVICE THROUGHOUT LIDN'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE ' RECdRDED PLAT OF LZON'S RIDGE SITBDIVISION, FILING N0. 2 . I 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED June 26, 1979 IN BOOK 287 AT PAGE 341 . 17 . TERMS, CONDITIONS ANI3 PROVISIaNS OF AGREEMENT RECOR�ED April 12 , 1984 IN BOOK 383 AT PAGE 53 . i 18 . TERMS, C�NDITI4NS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT REC4RDED March 15, 1985 IN Boox 408 AT PAGE 643 . " �'�� ~`� 19. TERMS, CONDZTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LINE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED XXX YN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX. � � � PAGE 5 - . � i i ' ' - L A N D T I T L E G U A R A N T E E C � M P A N Y DISCLOSU�2E STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 cated in a s ecial taxin A) The sub�ect real property may be lo p g district. i B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction , znay be obtained fzom the County TreasUrer or the County , Treasurer's authorized agent. C� Th� information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may b� abtained from the Board of County � Cammissioners, the Coun"Ey '�`lerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. i Required by Senate Bill 92-143 I , A) A Certificate af Taxes Due Zisting each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer vr the County , Treasurer's authorized agent. � I i I i � � revised 9/4/91 � � � DRB APPLICATIDN — TOWN OF VAII�, COLORADO . i�'..'��-`� p��E ApPLTCATIOtJ RECEIVED : ; '� � • DATE OF �R$ MEETZt�TG: 't? -� �********* - TSIS APPLICATION WILL NaT BE ACCEFTED -�~t� [ IINTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORM7�TION I5 SUBMITTED ���V, DePT ********�* I . PR4JECT IN�'ORMATION: � � r���� ��. ��--.,� � j� ��� �+o� �j � A. DESCRIPTION: L D % — � L_' - i� E.Ir/� L � ���i_5 � �:� �-,� � „ � � Vt � i c� t�� `�', L. � 1� C � B. TYPE OF REVIEW: ✓t�ew Constructian {$200 . 00) Minor Alteratian ($20 .fl0) Additian �$50 . 00) Conceptual Review ($0} C. ADDRESS : I7. LEGAL DESCRrPTION: Lot � " •� B�ock �° � Subdivision L iUl�lS iZ t ��i�- J�ir�l�tii'rSi � ' rrL/iV� L If propexty is described by a meets and bounds legal descr�ption, p].ease provide on a separate sheet and attach to th�s a plication . � E. Z�NYNG: ��1 i-1 , F" . LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey shawing lot area. G. NAME OF APFLICANT : �T��i � 1�� � 1��-.C�_c? M ' ing Address : � �_ ' J �''t> t � ' Phone ��,_ ��.'�4r�;� G"�,Ek,p' ��.4u�'�-��, �"t,�� `�, H. NAME OF APPLICANT" 5 REPRESENTATIVE : -�---SZ_�-J � l.L�/> M ling Address : ��; .�(J �3 ��I L �'c.�7 „� (fd�S Phone � ` — I . NAME 4F OWNEI�S : `�7 r��-_�, �`� �! ���i t��.�,V ' *SYGi�IATURE (S) : �,�=��:� ��t , '1ak`',�---- __ Mailing Address : 5, ,. � •� % �i _ � ��, � - ,�: < <� � Phone `f7 � � � ' 7 > � J. Condominium Approval if applicable . K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abave, are to be paid at the tirne of submittal of DR� application , Later, when applying for a building permiti, please identify the accura�e vaZua�ion of the proposal . The T'own at Vail wi11 adjust �.he fee according to �he table below, to ensure �he correc� tee is p�id. �, FEE PAID: $ Z-�' FEE SCHEDULE : VALUATION F�E $ 0 — $ 10, 000 $ 20 . �0 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, �00 $ 50 . 00 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, Ofl4 $1QO . OQ $150, 002 - $ SOO, OOQ �200 . 00 $50�, 001 - $1, 0�0, 000 5400 . 00 $ aver $1, 004, 40� S5QD . p0 , * DESYGN F�tEVIEW BOARI7 APPROVAI� EXPIRES ONE YF.�t AFTER FINAL � APFROVA� UNLESS A BUILDING FERMIT IS ISSIIED ANI) CONSTR�CTION rS STARTED. **N'0 APPLICATION WILL HE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER' S SIGIQATOFZE 1 I� _ -- - - . � � • II . PRE-APPLICA�I4N MEETTNG: '� , .'`�-, � A pre-app�ication meeting with a member of the p�.anning staff is strongly encouraged ta determine if any additional , application �nformation is needed. It is the applicant' s �esponsibility to make an appaintment with the s�aff to determine if there are additiona2 submittal. requirements . . Please note that a C�MPLETE applicatifln will �tream�.zne the - approval process for your project . III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARUING ALZ SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to �eeting submittal requirements, the applicant must s�ake and tape the project site to indicate prop�r�y lines, building lines and bui�ding corners . All trees to be removed mus� be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not b�ried by snow. B. The review pracess for NEW HUILDINGS normal�y requires twa separate meetings of tihe Design Review Board: a canceptua� approval and a final approval., App�.zcants should p.lan on presenting their development praposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaZ approval . C. Applicants who fail to a ear b�fore the Desz n Rsview PP � Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have nat asked in advance that discussion on their it�m be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until s�zch tiane as the item has been repub�ished. D . The following items may, at the discretion of the � zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Deve��pment Department staff (i .e. a formal hearing before the DRB may nat be requir�d) : a. Windows, s3cylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plar�e of the bui�ding; and b. SuiZding addition proposals not vi5ibl� from any other lot or public space. At �he time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must inclUde letters from adjacent property owners and/or fram the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium assoc�ation stating the association approves o� the addition. E. If a property is �ocated in a mapped hazard area (i .e . snow avalanChe, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etC) , a hazard study must be submitted and the � owner must sign an affidavit recognizing �he hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit . Applicant� are encouraged to check with a Town PZanner , prior to DRB application to determine the relatianship af the property to all mapped hazards. F, For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on �he floo� plans th2 inside faCe of the exterior structural walls Qf the bui.�ding; and b. Indicate with a dashed l.ine an the site plan a fdur foot distance from th� ext�ra.or face of the building walls or supporting co�umns . G. If DRB appraves the applicatian with conditians o� modificatio�s, all. condi�ions flf appzoval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a bui�ding permit . 2 � - _ � . �. � I � � � ' � L�ST �F MATERIALS � . ,_ - , ,r NAME OF PROJECT: � �'� ���� ��� , _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT �.-� $L4CK � SUBDIVISiON (�lGl��� �����'�IUNG� . ' ' I STREET ADDRE$S : N"I+� . DESCRIPTION 4F PROJECT: 14- "["ot�1N-f-EQUh� uMET� f �.izE1�K�f� UN�T � � The fallowing information is required €ar submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: � � � A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE 4F MATERIAL � CC)LOR Ra o f � -_ �� �+�:K�� . . � . , ��7#JRAI.- - j � �� . � _ �� . I Siding ' X� Y L���K � �aU�+ -S�M�7w��r��rv�r��51�+� - ather Wa1� Materials ����d -�� ���� � ° . �V��#�2H 57�i-At.�oNp � � Fascia �1�GC>P ��`i'MF���A��-� �0�1 rr�Ml-`�f�NS• � S o f f i t s ' G}� ��Aj2 �' '1`W4�JP ` � � '�'D MATG� �I p�1'� W�ndows Ir��D �-�ri��NT �xGd ������.�l�l� G��IMG � Window Trim �'DI�(_tf} (�f�� '{"v #✓�i"G� �1DIt�Cj Doors �� UA� • �� Door Trim �'lllG� �G�i� �� " Hand or Deck Rails '(7M� ��1^lUd�'Y�P ��- -�L`t`MP!� Srt��N �`��`C � Flues �'}'�(K Cj�jf;`�"'�' !'�i'�A�� ���.fJ� G1���E�.rfi' '�f�,'•� Flashings C1�1 , • 2� �A , Chimneys �X� ���'� G��- �OL��+� . _ __ Trash Enclosures G�t�F��'JIDING V�dd �f��''� �d M�11' �'��I�� ._.. , � . � � Greenhouses N ' Other AI,G�1NYCi 1.�'� �-'�TE�L��+AR p�qt,L.U�i"�4�h �Gli�t�� : Gr� ��vo� 2u��e�- T R�I �awr'� H. LANDSCAPING: Name vf Designer: oL L D - { � -� Phon : w U e PLANT MATERIALS: Botanica� Name Cammon Name Quantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES �� ���M�Y � �GI�I��7 �Tf�`�� '� ���AL �. _�., ...� . EXISTING T1�EES T0 VP�I�{},�_�� �c�a, NoT�!�?__ ' BE REMOVED � �N n �? ��El�(�l� �d�2 1`��i� (�l��T�'�IJGTI��" l� I ' '�ua� �A*� �6551 bI.E� �Xly�i'�NG+ �(��E� .�p 4 T}�{`�D.T�1�L G��vW�+� ��►� P�� �cU�'�GT�r �r+r f,�RvdM�p i�'� ' �� ���� . _ _ . _.._�..�.�.. _�.�.. � *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum cali er for • deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heicrht for coniferous trees _is _b feet ._ i � I • F d If r 7 . - � � , • ' , PLANT MATER�ALS: Bo�anical Name Common N'�me uanti Size* � PROPOSED SHRUBS ��� ���G��� �`���� ' • EXIST�NG SHRUBS Gf'�'i_ �4�'��!�? __ UN�OI�� �� �����`1 �I' �� � C��-" TO BE REMOVED *Indi.cate size of proposed shrubs. M3.nimum size of shrubs is 5_ qa_llon_. Tvpe Sauare Fontacre GROUND COVERS �ITi� t' 4-��1 �yT_F�T�_GJG�'�.AlL�i SOD SEED TYPE +,p�G �U�I�t� pl�i W��7�IJS"�'�R'1� R�N �IRD OF IRRIGATION _�^ „ ' �G�� �^ I�,° ;�o<'�:�a .-vr+ �;M�NC.� S~�s`r�M � �YPE OR METHOD OF �W ���'� E'"I P�"'�i�,''_�a ���5 I J �� EROSION CONTROL � C. LANDSCAFE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is propased, please show th� number o� fixtures and locations on a separate lighting pl�n. Identify each fixture from the Zighting plan an the list below and provide the wattage, height abave grade_ and type of light proposed. � !� .�.�}}'���`�1 �� � ��al��� � �'�`r��-��� ��_...�. __. _..._:��..� _.�.�....._�.,� .,�_ U. �Tl��R �ANDS�APE FEATUAES (retaining� walls, fences, swimming pools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls . Maximum height of wal�s within �he front setback is 3 €eet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. ����lNlN/� !�X LP �T��AT�t7 'T�Mb� �"o �r ►�1�IMUM ��(}}r4�� (�!'a F�RYIEfZ i.-��� �T�u%-r��r,.� (�aGi� -rt�, �� �" r� -� �T��.r� Go�G f�T� k�l�}t�IM i�l� v-�L � �.�D W oae PJa�.I°-� I��r�L !�G K - -�}���G I-q� �' �Cv� a 3 � . t � � �LITY LOCATION VERTF3CATIC}T . / SU�3DIVISIOI�I iiC �' "' ' � i v ' � .I� c� �r JOB NAME %��' % ` - L f E , ',�G � d'� (�!Cs� � LOT �� r BLOCK � F'ILII�l�G '�" ADDRESS _ �`� � L.. !�- - � _ �j�"' ��/,� '/��,�(;�'--'� l�,�/�<'� The �ocation and avaa.labili�y o� utilities, wh�ther they be main trunk lines or propased lines, must be agproved and vesified by the following util.ities for the accompanying szte plan . Au�horized Si na�ure Date U . S. Wes� Communica�ions 1-800-922--1987 ����j .- / �b8-fi860 or 949-953� - '� �f� -° ��-���` �'f � Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Ha21 �,�1 '' �l-;z�-y� Holy Cross Electric Assoc . 999-5692 �, - ,i' Ted Husky/Michael Laverty � '�":-�G- �� _�y L- -r�; � -=� ---%"r'- . - „.. Heritage Cablevision T.V. �e.��P,�.� fp,.�. ��s,�fr� f..�. 9A9-553a steve Hi.�tt '� -J��- � Upper Eagle Va�ley Water � � ��� Gl.��,l� y,�� & Sanitation District * 476-7980 F r e d H a s 1 e e �Sts�i �, � �,--�-��f NQTE: 1 . This form is to verify service availability and location . This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling i.nstal�ations . 2 . For any new construction proposal., the applicant must prqvide a completed utility verifica�.ion form. 3 . If a utility company has concerns wi'�h the proposed canstruc�ion, the utility representative should no� direc�ly on the vtili�y verification �orm that there is a prablem which needs to be resolved. The issu� should �hen be spelled out in det�il in an attached letter to �he Town of Vail . However, please keep in mind �hat it is the responsibility o� the utzlity company ta resalve identified problems . 4 . Tf the u�ility verification farm has signatures from each of the uti�ity compan.ies, and no comments are made directly on �he farm, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5 . These verifica�.ions do not relieve the contractor ot his responsibi�ity to obtain a street cut permit from the Town oF Vail, �epar�men� a� Public � Works and to obtain utili�. locati.ons before dicrc�inq_ in any public right-ot-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A buildinQ permit is no� a s�reet cut ermi� . A street cut permit must be obtai.ned separatel.y. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and eleva�ions when ab�aining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signa�u�r�s . Fire tlow needs must b� addressed. 9 � � � �ONE CHECK � � , � FOR • i SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: ' LEGAL DESCR�PT��N: �,ot B1oCk Filing ADDRESS : QWNER PH NE ' 0 ARCHITECT PHQNE ZONE DISTRXCT PROPOSED USE ' **LOT SIZE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total � Height (30) (33) � Total GRFA � Primary GRFA + 42S � S�condary GRFA + 425 = Setbacks Front 20' Sides Z5' �� Rear 15' Water Course Setback 30 ( ) 450) Site Covera e 9 Landscapi.ng � , , , Retaining Wall Heights 3 f6 Parking Reqzd Garage Credit {300) {600) (900) (1200)� Driv�: Permit�.ed Slope 8� Ac�ual Slope � Date approved by Tawn Engineez: View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No ??? ____._________ Environmental/Hazards: 1) �'lood Plain , 2) ��rcent S3.ope 3 I i z ) Geo og c Ha ards , a} Snow Avalanche b) Rockfa].1 c) Debris Flow 9) Wetlands Previaus conditions of approva� (check praperty file) : , Does this request invo3v� a 250 Addition? � Haw much of the aliowed 250 Addition is used with this reques�? � **Note: Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B} and 18 . 13 .Q80 (B) of the Municipal Cade, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 040 sq. ft . zn area may not construct a second dwe�.Zing unit . The � Community Dev�lopment Depaztment may grant an exceptian to this ' zestricti.on provided the appliCant meets �he criteria se't fvr�h under Sectians 1$ . �2 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13. 080 {B� of the Municipal Code including permanently restri.cting the unit as a long-term ren�a�. unit for full- time employees o� the Upper Eagle Valley. 14 I�� - � ��� �� � --- . . � . � � � f• ;- ur��-t t w«�-i . tv. --�-.- _-� --��' `� �-� � ?---~--�..--------`1360 l �--�'— CASOLAR71TYAfL$ ' ,s'F ��6✓�e'�..�' I t0o0 � A-9 / ei� �..f, G-1 G-2 �(�/¢� �-�"�� / �/ 6 ' �-i e.io � ' YPJL�RIJN� � � —�.� �: � ! L10N'S RIDGE � � � i ,,,o � � ��� :�!_ -�`� � SUBDNISION � „oo i ,0 1 O G� � �� ia�o ` '� � ..yy � ' ! �—�� �-? �A-128.9.14,1 �/ ��0 O , % H Asl?& 19.A.5 2 / Q �_ � L i, •� �3 G^�j,l [ - ` i� �/ �, v MN �_.,_ r � --� � 81ZIAR.RATCk .ZQv �� f� (� � � ,/ � j� I 8��,� �� r �_ , A � / � ��-•�-....�„ �� w�.-,�n,s. y� � /• .f �� � � +�.��. � � f� � �� � /� SIMBA RUN Y��.d-, i �*j C DOMINIUMS • �� ����� ;!�/ �' � CONDOANNIUNS t+ + ' i '- � f C�4�'� � �. s, � � �� � � ���'� � � �� �- / l i3o0 ` ' i. .,_, � � �., , /� k a-i a.e.is � � 7� ' / � � �\ f� o C�; � � � , � �� /�.. .4 �� c—� �=,�''�, i � � �'`(` . `�q j/ �. �4 �� � � ,\ , � i400 �6 � .� ` " -• / �/ / r V� ��. / / � � � � / /NM r,-i_s.e.i�_ / /�7 � / � �� I l/ / /; � � i �__ u �l�� ,/� � `/ � / Q � :�� // / � \O / ✓ / ! � . �; ��� � ,ieo \� .i' i�`� ` � '+��G�`wp,Y % S' � � � � �.�. �y' �_' � � isao ' � '�� �.. _ r C � � � � _ _ - �,;.� l ��.�� � Q �� _ w� 4_,_Rfi ._ �_!�� ��� �.�or� ; , �� � �.� �, ,, � , �, � ��� ,. i . i .� / � — �. . .�' J P Q 4' O(� /• � / � � J-, / �r � � i y� / 4 ' � �� �M i �.� � �iF? !" �, / . / f �3� ' �� tA ?'.- // � / ,� NV 8�5L..' _ ' - . . \ �',/ L ,�, /,. _ � I, / _ �' / �PO`':� \ �;� /�_s-i?ntl:_ er�v rsuaP �_ ` I - . � /. / ' .'v' P�-trs � � ' - j "" r��1.— �;''� � (� -- 3 � �,� � � u. . � / 6 .� ; � P u���..y � ,, ,r� a N . ,n,,_,,.. p ,� � ,«.e�s,� �s/ 5 � � � � \ i ��� /, � _ t �c. i�i � �� � \ � / � �1 - � � � 8 � � 39 � � \ � . MH {-1.__ .c��I S . � ��•� �� - `\\� \�� i= � ,' - --' --` �_____—�___�--'---�--�-..� // �`r y � ; / V Y r � / � /� ..� - , . � 1 � -% ��� �� � I� , �� , ' �} � � � ' a I� / ,� - � , ..,-� , � , � ,� ,� ,�� / , ''"—';`-___ �,? . I 4- '' _ "I / � J f �' !i � ;' „•�.__ _ - � � r � � � �' f I � �� � �, ,�,o �, , ��y,� � � - � �, ' ��..,�' —_;,r i;! � 'I � o� � � �:� ,J �f � ��0 G�,p P�� ti ,� ; J �� . -_ . � �--= �,' � Q,� �c�'�` � ! ,�, ;�; ��P `� : ��' + �� r: GP' , t •' / � � �i � � � I 42 I .,� ' � - �_ 43 �� . �\ ---- - / / . i220 � f225 I� � � � � � .� �\ � � / �I COLO. AITN. v 44 ,Z., ,r'�—" ; W H I T E R I_ Y E R �, CONDOS - - — - I �' l , TR. J' � I f 451255 / 1235 i � / WESTIN H07EL 1 M� .-,�e< i E . � J �� � I - --=-- � �a �,,,� _�, � ,c;' k y^�_,s�.-: � � / � �F' �zrs� � U` ��� . TRACT H i / /� - �' t239 � _ � / � �+�� , .--_--.. _ �� � � Q 3� i / / 4� -� 1�•(-�4- Y �- � i ', , . � ZONE CHECK � . FOR `'- ' � 5FR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ' DATE: . . . LEGAL D�SCRIBTION: I,ot ��� Block �, Eiling � - . AnD�ss : �G���C�lt�� S��t�l�(1�,1G�N -- �-qy�'0�l� C���YE OWNER �tr'�'�DV��W TDWN ���,'��t L'�• PH4NE C�3 �TG3 - e���17 AR�CHITECT �f�L�_�I�Lt�+T+f�a f"� PHONE �� 7�' (3�r7 - . _ �__ ZONE DI STRICT � �L��� o �r��NG,� �-� s �Z�` ���'7 PROPOSED USE (�' ' �'p� �-�' �=�`T���� U��'t") **LOT SI2E , 78 �GF��T"�`��L• Ali�, owed Exis�3nQ proposed Tota� S Height �{�� � „��'�,� �� . T"'�..'.:" . Total GRFA . __�1� ""'� '�D��j17 �,�U,�a� �� I� , Frimary GRE'A ,,,�� + 425 --�,� _ � �� -__ Secondary GRFA � + 425 =� � —� ____�� Setbacks Front -�t- D�t, �jt ' Sides �* � } g, /g Rear .�+"' � � Watex Course Setback -�g}{-�g.� t�/� Si.te Caverage � ('��t�`� � � Landscaping �v�,3 / ��. Retaining Wall Heights 3' !6' !nj Qarking 2��� Reqrd A-� Garage Credit �300) (600j (940) {�20Q� 31 ��C I�;�NrT� Drive: Perm;tted Slope 6� Actual SYope ��v ��f�' � Date approv�d by Town Engineer: , Vi.ew Carridor Encroachment; Xes No ??? EnvironmentallHazards : ly F1ood Plain O � 2) Percent S1ape . �� �Z�� � ��� �� �u.i l.r��6 -� 3) Geologic Hazards � ��� a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall ' � c) Debris Flow �— 9) Wetlands Pre�fous conditions of apprvval (check property file) : Does this request involve a 250 Addit i�n? .-•'�r .. H�il�t C��a`+`.i! [ � �'!�p �l ' r-.c:`,�.'... .:.`rv :suu:��.ivii a::+ ucicwi. L.�i.ia a.lal� t�.+.iut..aa.: - � ' . **No�e: Under Sections 18 . 12.090tB� and 18. 13.Q80 (B} of the Municipal Code, lots zaned Two Fam�.ly and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dweli�ng unft . The � Community �eveZoprnent Depart�ent may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set for�.h under Sections 1$ .12.090 (B) and 18. 13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code �.ncluding permanently restricting the untt as a 1.ong--term rental. unit for €ull- �ime empZoyees of the �Upper Eaqle Va�.�ey. � " . . ZO . `_ _ _ _ � . " , . . -� -_. ._. .. � . � � PL, aNT SC � DULE � SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMO�V NAME BOTANICAL NANtE SIZE A 94 ASPEN POPULUS TREMULDIDES 3 - 4" CAL i MA �7 MOUNTAI�V ASli PYRUS (SORBUS) 3 - 4" CAL ` � . E5 57 ENGELMAN SPRUCE PICEA ENGELMANIVIS 8 - 1Q �T � 61 MOUNTAIN JUNIPER �UNIP�RUS COMMUNIS 5 - 7 GAL � RR 11 WILQ RED RASPB£�RY RUBUS STRIGOSUS 5 GAt � WR 6 COMMON I�ILD ROS� R4SR SRYT 5 GAE. K AS REQ'D BEARBERRY KINN�KINNICK ARCTOSTAPHYLOS 11VA URSi B 22 BUSH CTNQ�IEFflIL POTENTItLA FRI�ITICOSA 5 GAt GEN�RAi. Nt3T�S: _ � A�l D1S'C�IRBED AREAS 1"0 BE RESEEDED WI7H H{GH ALTITUDE SE�D FtlXTURE: PQTOh4AC ORCHARD GEiASS 1� (WE t GFf� BY 9�) ' ANNUAL R1(E GRASS 'ia�°� � PENNI�'INE �ERE�t1At� R�� GRASS 15',� M1�INCHAR 5MUOTH BROME 20� DURRR NARD FE5CUE 15°� ' SE.ENDER WHER7 20� RA�'E OF AP€'LIGATION W1l.l. BE 735 PURE L1VE SEEDS PER ACRE. SOD ARERS ' SHR�L BE BLUE GRASS (PQAPRATENS�S) MIXTURE : a�NSUr� A-3�+ So°/ BaR4N 25°,� GLADE 2�% � �ERT t L 1 ZE R APPL I CAT I ON SHALL BE S1'READ PR I OR 1'0 LAY 1 NG OF SOD. fERTILIZER C4MPOSITION SHALL �� 20-2�-10 AND SPREAD AT A RATE OF �0 �BS PER 8,�U0 SQ.FT. AI�L TRE�S ShlALL BE STAKED WITH STEEL 'T` STAKES AND GUYED W/ #t2 GA. W{RE. NYLOl� S1"RAPPI#G SHALL BE t1SED ARQUND TRl1NK TD PREUENT G 1 RDL I NG. ' Sff SPfCS. fOR DR1VE PDLf514� ADD (�tTil1ZER YA�S 141RE D�G�AII�! � �VDISNRBED AT t�AM1�ACNRERS R�COl�NDm RA1FS . i AQD F�R7lLt7£R T�BS �AT I�N�tiS�ACTURf�iS Fll�q�i {�tAAE REOOf�i+4ENDED RA1�S �t�l t�ADE RETEt�AON R�EN114�1 ��� --t?t�5�1(�ED �DOT8hf1. �(IIIII� .• � �l&-�RADE y�.-i� ���€ / .�//� I�� RQQTBRl1 �IIIIIIII ! �lii lli� � • , / ���� ♦ � � �.-- / � � �Iii�l�l =�III�l11 - � P� � ' ; �;�u� �,1au�� ��� tsee�� lan�.in detai� _. __ __ P g � _ --_____.___ .� __ ___.�____.__�_ _ ------__ ..-�-------_ . __ � ------ - � � � � � . ,�., _ - : ��,� :��: >.���:��� ��„��.,�, � ,:� _.._._._ - -` � � a (�y (A� ? O O C1 N � � � � a O r r D r � � � � v C � � � �i � m � N � � N v Q 1 ` O � i � � � X � . �� D �.f:- � �.� � ; �� �: , r � i� w � � ./ / i I '� � � -� '��Il o C � a+ p � .. , / � o � a p�, � � r- �/ � r• � m � ��.� � , c A 3 � � � T� n. Y� a � �� ^����� n. z � � 5� o S � "° @�'� m . A i a ! � � � W y � ■ ■ � .� N �N m^ �% I � twf--- eQ �� a ea � d 1R �--- � � � ° a - _ � � C � - � � r � m % I �='"o , m � �� o � v' ' � --- ���: � 1 m � � � a � � '� F ' `i r ' � � �z � j�p a � �� � ~ �_ ' � � ? ' ' � '� i � , n ��am Q ? 3 � �„ � . �� T 1 � -e��m � � C�°i�n ��g��� » � � =.! z�g . � � �sg � � � �U_ � �2 x � � , � �g ��g -� ! Q��a �.� M��•3��oi �` m ��;t � "„ ►!°Q 1 � � �.m � ��o � � � $ ���� ,��m � �«� �7�'�� �; $ �� x ��"��°� �' � � � o m- 1� •�' � ��.o� � �ffi � � � � 1 � d � � � � � � � � � �� f � ,�d � - � �� �� � �� �o G ,� � � :� i�s Q �� �����c r �. � � ��a � p �i �, c � � �,� � , �a ,r ' � . S �` �� . � , . � _ � � t` � � 0-�;1�%9� Ofl:51 '$�0�9�a1�1p [[�p�� e y�'��, � � � �J ��+ � _ ; a�1 �- � � . r��;- - S�TE SPECIFIC ROCFC �ALL HAZARD �VALUATiQN LOT G-4, LI�NS RIDGE SUB[31VISION. FILINC #2 GENERAL The bedrvck und�r the site is cQm�rised af Pennsylvani�n Minturn Formation sandstona, congfomerate �nd shale, The exposed sur#ace materiai on the clif�edge c�n the south�rn side vf tF�e building site�s predornrnantlya moderately wefl indurated c�ngfameratic�andstone with an apparent northea�terfy dip af �pproxirnately 12 degrees. Tt�a b�ilding structures w;ll be support�d on this bedrack and same overlaying �al�uvium. The rlatural s9ape of the hil! rnass �hove th� building �ite i� approximat�ly �� degreas whi�;� h�s been madified to a series of r�tained benches in the form of buitding faund�tion walis and ro�ds, The slope b�l�w the cfitf edge to the sou#h af the building site is camprised of a seri�s of �ertical rock ledges and short stesp intaru�ning slvpes, ROCK FALL HAZARD The patential rpek fall hazard to the anticipated development on Lot G-4 is �ery siight ta non- existent due t� the aresence of ather rnan made features whi�h have bean imp�sed an the 'r�ill slope above this lot. Further, there is no apparent source of Iflose rock on the surfac$ as it now exists, and therefare th� pnly pr4babfe source woulci be ro�k excaveted in �h� course af cvnstruction. As iilustrated by the attached phatograph, tha retaining w�ll on the downhill side of Lions �iidge Loop, �nd �he building structurQS on �ots G�3 and G-6 secure the slopq above the Construction site o� lot G-4 from pvtentia! rack fall. If a rock were t4 be disl�dg�d in the �ourse of canstr�ction on lat G-5 or the eest end o� tvt �-6 it wovld rrtost probably stc� rn the cul-de-sac at the �nd of SandstQne Drive. If�he r�ck has su�ficient rnomentum to cross the cu(-de-saG it will be diverted fram the bui�ding structures by the prqpt�sed retaining wa!#s on the �outh end af c(uster #� and/ar stopped by the existing vegetation w�iiCh is intend�d ta rema�ir� undisturbed. Je . ba P.E. . . 5933 � � eological En�ineer � � �J�R�M� GAMBA & A � 1 + ATES, INC. � COIVSULTING ENGrNEeF�S & LAN� Sl1RVE1rpRS 113 9YFf$TREET,SLITE 214 � P0.BOX 1458 . (�IFN4VOODSPAINGS,C4LOHA00 8'f602.7456 Pa.84X48pg PHONE,f3Q3}945.255p FAX:(3p3)94�id10 . PAGCSA 5ARIM1[GS,COLOpApp 8N57 �t+or�:f��r.�-57�3 rax:�303)�31-ar� - DRAlNAGE STUDY F�A LQT G-4 DEVELOt�M�NT, L1�NS RIDGE gUBDIVlSI�IV, FILlNG 2 QESCRI�'TION Lot G-4 is located eas�terly and belaw Sendstone drive in Lians Ridge Subdivision, filing 2. The Ivt contair�s approximately 1.78 scres. Th� propased d�ye(ppment wil� accupy approxim�tely 1.0 acres. . OFF SITF pRAINAGE The ariginal drainage area a6ove lot G-4��nt��ng� ��prQximetely 90 acres. Developm�nt of lot G-3 f�as diver#ed the ma�ori#y af the original dreinage to S�ndstone driv� north of lot G-4, howaver, �rainage from the bui�dings and paving on Lax G-3 h�ve been �onGentrated t� a discharge �air�t n�er the cuE-de-sac on the w����nd of Sandstane Drive. !n ard�r ta preser�t � conserv�tiv� ���W ofi��� off sit� drainage. the orig�n�f drain$gQ wa�E I�� �qnsidered to et�ter Ssndstane DriWe on th� north �it�e af the �ul-de-sac and the reduction af tF�at flow resul�ing from the Lat G-3 constructior� wi11 not he considered. The run-offi cve��ient for the origina! sfope is e�timated at Q.3. The 1�4 year rainfall �ntensity used for this cala�fation is 6.0. Usi�g the formula Q = CiA. Q = 0.3 x 6.Q x 9 0 = y$ cfs. ON SfT� DRA�NAGE ' Drainage on site was cansider�d only fdr that portiqn pf th� �ot car�tained generalty within tF�e constructian �rea. The area below the cliff was not ca�sidered as it will r�ot !�e disturb�d in the caurs� of the d�vePopment. The pre-develo�rnent drainage an sit� is illi�s�rs#�d on c�E�ul�#ion sheet 2, whareon the total pre-develapmsnt runo�f trom a 10�year s#orm event is cotrrputed to be 2.Q1 �fs. 'Tha p��t-developmen#drain�g� an sit� is iJ�ustr�ted on calculation sheet 3, wherein the tot�i post-devefopment runoff from a 1�a ye�r storm e�ent is com�ut�d to be 6.00 �fs. Of this amour�t, 1.37 �fs will [fisGharge from tt�e site alon� the east side drainaQe �n Sarrdstor�e Drive. The balance, 4,69 cfs will discharg� #he site alang the Ctiff along the southem edge ot the constructian site, PQST�CONSTRUCTION DRAtNAGE The existing ditch on the west side of Sandstor�e Drive wilE intercept and carry 7.7 5 cfs of the 1 S cfs of of#-s�te dr�in���. Th� baJanoe wrl! be cliverted as ilJustrated on the Draina e Site Plan. 7he drainase fl�w which$,���the bu�fd�ng s�t�a�ong the cliff will 6e dispersed to�atural si�eet flow by means of a series Q# stane weirs whicf� will create pools on the bedr�Gk along the �dge of tha cliff. �ach pool will averffaw a porti�n af �he �ncoming d�sinage over tF�e bedrack surtace pf tF�e ciiff and the h�larioe will f��w to the next fawer pooJ. The difterence . • � � in surface elev�tians of th� pools in each series wili b� approximately one foot. The area helaw t�e cliff has�een subj�cted to storm flow drainage in th� pasx and is relati�ely weil s#�bitized. Pr��developm�nt impact on this are� results 3n rnore concen#�ated flpws�hsn will result from the ftow distribution system af past-d@vetopmen#. CONCLUSIONS pff site drainag� which originaliy imp�o#ed the property has been diverted by upslope devefapment and Sandstone Drive and that portian ot the aff site drainage still �ntering the prQperty wiil na#uraUy flaw as a surfaCe st�eet flow saerth of the prvpased devetopmerrt. Qri site drain�ge will be col6ect�d and directed ta the southern edge of the canstruction site and dispossd af by dispersing it in sheet flaws over�h� na#ural �ed rock cfiff. Impact to drainage, on ar�d off the site, es a resu�t ai th�s developmer�x will be mir�imal. �lE F. � .�• T "'��� . � `���'�:'y e me F. a: 593� ' . . L.S. 59 3��,� .f �,:� En�l: Calculat�o �sq N O��Q-Q �aF�Q�,a JEROME GAMBA & ASSO�IATES, f NC. CONSULTING �NGfN��RS & I.AND SURVEYaRS � � � � . :'�' -'�;_ " .. .. .-. ,�,�y _-�.,.. r.,�.� . . t�' - �': -"_ _- . .�:. . _ _ . _ . ..- .__ __� ��~„ �_- �., . -' r _ r -.� _ , :�, . ' '�� . ° _ -k�-'��'� -- > -. ,. b�s �i�� 1� -'- - .... �, , ��� �.����i� ',�"� �,/� + ' r li"'�A y�l. �a��..� Iy�. 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