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CO N S T R U C T I O N PE R M I T N O T E - CO P Y O F PE R M I T T O BE KE P T ON JO B S I T E NO V . 1 9 , 1 9 9 2 PL A N S ATTACHED D AT E - - - - - 005852 ,.. , , t .. . ,, ~ I , ' ' PE R M I T NO . 1. TY P E OF CO N S T R U C T I O N I II Il l IV V de p a r t m e n t o f c om m u n i t y de v e l o p me n t 2 . OC C U P A N C Y GR O U P AB E H I RM BU I L D I N G DI V I S I O N 1 2 2a 3 4 z EL E C T R I C A L TO BE FI L L E D OU T CO M P L E T E L Y PR I O R TO IS S U A N C E OF PE R M I T 0 GE N E R A L DE S C R I PT I O N OF WO R K : ~ TY P E OF PE R M IT c ( PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L FO R CL U B H O U S E HE A T AN D :: J - ' c ( ME C H A N I C A L 0 BU I L D I N G 0 PL U M B I N G PO O L AN D SP A EQ U I P M E N T . > 5 , 0 0 0 .00 0 EL E C T R I C A L 0 FO U N D A T I O N ~ ME C H A N I C A L 0 1 :~ U TT f ' l l \ T C : : ~ T n f ' l i ' Tf ' l f ' I P TY P E GR O U P G .R .F .A . VA L U A T I ON PE R M I T FEES ~ EGA L LO T 1 BL K .1 v B BU I L D I N G PE R M I T DE S C . FI L I N G LI O N S R I D G E F I L I N E 11 3 PL A N CH E C K ~ JO B NA M E : V A I L PO I N T CL U B H O US E ME C H A N I :AJ EL E C T R IC AL OW N E R t:I ~ M E EA B K l l l O O D BE A I . T Y , I N . C . . . _ NE W ( ) AL T E R A T I ON 0C X > AD D I T I O N A L ( ) RE P A I R ( ) PL U M B I N G " ~ MA I L A D D R E S S 5 2 9 9 DT C BL V D , t/ 50 DW E L L I N G UN I T S _ _ AC C O M M O D A T I O N U NI T S _ _ ME C H A N IC A L 100.00/PC =25 .00 II ~3 ~ CIT ~N GL EW O O D , co PH . 7 9 3 - 5 9 4 9 RE C R E A T I O N FE E HE IG H T IN FT _ _ NO . F I RE P L A C E S - - ~~ AR C H I T E C T FI R M J R HO D G E S IN S U L A T I O N : TY P E T HI C K NE SS R- V A L L U E DE S I G N RE V I E W BO A R D MA I L AD D R E S S BO X 12 9 7 FL O O R . " CL E AN -U P DE P O S I T ~~ CI T Y D I L L O N , co PH . 4 6 8 - 5 8 7 1 EX T . WA L L S US E TA X ·~~ RO OF GE N E R A L FI B M R . J . :S U U D E R S 1 3 0 - A TY P E EL E C . GA S TO T A L PE R M I T FE E S 125 .00 CO N T R A C T O R TO W N OF VA I L RE G . NO . OF 4 7 9 - 9 1 4 4 SO LA R WO O D TE L E . HE A T _ .I l i \ N _ .s l ' AN E I < _ _ _ ·-_ _ .ll.J.1~/ ~2 ___ FI B M AD D I T I O N A L PE R M I T S NE E D E D : BU I L D I NG OF F I C I A L DATE LE C T R I C A L '! . . !:: 1 . . I NI TI AL CO N T R A C T O R TO W N OF VA I L RE G . NO . f - - - - - - --------- S T . CU T 17 0N I N G AD M I NI S T RA T O R D ATE TE L E . BL A S T I N G ZO N I N G & BU I LD I N G NO T E S : F! B M PA R K I N G PL U M B I N G TO W N OF VA I L RE G . NO . CO N T R A C T O R DE M O TE L E . FI B M HO t M B C H EO O I . S I he r e b y ac k n o w l e d g e th a t I ha v e re a d th i s ap p l i c a t i o n , fi l l e d ou t in full the information required , ME C H A N I C A L co m p l e t e d an ac c u r a t e pl o t pl a n , an d st a t e th a t al l l ~ n pr o v i d e d as required Is correct. I CO N T R A C T O R T OW N OF VA I L RE G . NO . ag r e e to c o m p l y wi t h th e in f o r m a t i o n an d p l o t pl a n , t o c m p l y w i t h all Town ordinances and state TE L E. 75 7 - 5 4 8 1 la w s , an d to bu i l d th i s st r u c t u r e ac c o r d i n g t o th e T o w ' z o n i r g and subdivision codes , design re v i e w ap p r o v e d , U n i f o r m B u i l d i n g Co d e an d o t h e r · n ~ annli" •v , .. <:~rt:no. OT H E R F I RM C LE A N UP DE P O S I T TO : R . J . BU I L D E R S ~ TO W N OF VA I L RE G . NO . S l ~ P'RE OF OW N E R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CO N T RA C T O R TE L E . AN D TH t > - O W N E R . - - - - - - - · . . Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:VAIL POINT CH MECH ADDRESS:1881 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE: 11-19-92 CONTRACTOR:MONARCYH POOLS ARCHITECT:JR HODGES ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO MEET MANUFACTURES SPECS. 2. FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLINCE . • • • VAIL POINT CLUBHOUSE MECHI ICAL 1. Pool Equipment 265,000 Ray Pack Pool Heater For P >l 8" Flue 1 HP Circulation Pump (Turn over ,ce every 3 hrs) 60 GPM 3.1 cu ft TR-60 pool filter 1-clorinater 2. Spa Equipment 405 BTU Ray Pack Pool Heater 12" Flue 1 HP Circ. Pump 3 HP Booster pump 3.1 CU FT TR-60 1-clorinater (Turn over once ( ·ery 1 7 minutes) 6 0 GPM 1 20 GPM (for blov. pool filter 3. Clubhouse Heat 90,000 BTU Burnham Boiler Heatexchanger water heater 5" 'lue Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 081192 Address: 1881 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Contractor: RJ BUILDERS Architect: RANDY HODGES Engineer: Name: VAIL POINT CLUBHOUSE Date: August 11, 1992 Occupancy: B2 Type of Canst: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED ============================================================================= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Provide drains and overflow drains or scuppers. -- Section 3207. Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be glazed with safety material. --Sec. 5406. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is per listing, with any damper removed, a safety shutoff valve provided, and combustion air supplied as per UMC Ch 6. UMC. UMC 803 The ceiling of the basement is required to be a lhr assembly. --Section 1703. A solid core or metal door with closer is required between the basement and the 1st floor. --Section 1703. Note: Manually operated edge or surface-mounted flush bolts are prohibited. --Sec. 3304. (c) The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum tread is 11 inches. --Sec. 3306. (c) The minimum headroom vertically from nosing line is 6 feet 8 inches. --Sec. 3306. (o) A 42 inch high guardrail with a'maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below. --Sec. 1712. Hinged doors serving a sauna or shower shall swing out and have no positive latching device. UPC 5407 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Page 2 The design, construction, and installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shall be as per the requirements of UBC Ch.51. This includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ventilation. Provide handicap access to the building. --Chapter 31 At least one toilet for each sex is required to comply with the handicap requirements. --ANSI A117.1 Provide a 48 inch clear access width to the handicap compartment. --ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.17.3 & Fig. 30 Provide the required 30 X 48 inch clear space in front of one urinal. ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.18.3 Provide the required 29 inch height, 30 inch clear width, & 17 inch clear depth under at least one lavatory. --ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.19.2 & Fig. 31 Provide at least one mirror with the bottom within 40 inches of the floor. --ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.19.6 Grab bars need to be shown on the plans that comply with ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.16.4, 4.17.6, & 4.24 For heating or hot-water supply boiler applications a floor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumulated fluids. UMC 2119 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system directly connected to the outside shall be provided. UBC 1205(c) Furnaces not listed for alcove or closet installation shall be installed in a room having a volume at least 12 times the total volume of the furnace. Boilers require a room at least 16 times larger than the volume of the boiler. UMC 504(b) Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic design or hydronic system or duct system, ~size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size), size of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment. ' . ' Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 081192 Address: 1881 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Contractor: RJ BUILDERS Architect: RANDY HODGES Engineer: Name: VAIL POINT CLUBHOUSE Date: August 11, 1992 Occupancy: B2 Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIREC TIO N BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION N O R T H Building 46.0 Feet 23.0 Feet EAST Building 20.0 Feet 10.0 Feet S O U T H Building 60.0 Feet 30.0 Feet WEST Building 18.0 Feet 9.0 Feet Area increased 32.50 % for open area on 2 sides. FL NAME occ MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Conference Room B2 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Mechanical Room B2 ok B Locker Room-Men B2 ok B L ocker Room-Women B2 ok B Stairs B2 ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUI L DING TOTAL The actual height of this building is The ma x imum height of the building is EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST occ BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT B 2 Ohr Ohr None 1hr 1hr None The e x terior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE 620 10600 0.06 ok 620 10600 0.06 ok 132 10600 0.01 ok 155 10600 0.01 ok 141 10600 0.01 ok 178 10600 0.02 ok 606 10600 0.06 ok 620 10600 0.06 ok 25.0 feet. 40.0 feet. --Table 5-D OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PR OT Ohr Ohr None 1hr* 1hr* Prot material. Sec.2 2 01. . . Page 2 None --No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot --Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec.2203. & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. --Sec. 4306. (h) NOP Openings are not permitted in this wall. * --These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote #11 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wall located where opening s are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected against e x ternal fire exposure as requir e d for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. --Table 17-A, footnote 1 11) A self-closing, 1 3/4 inch thick s o lid core or noncombustible door is required between the basement and the 1st floor. --Sec. 1703. 17) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with 1hr fire- resistive construction and doors to base m ents are required to be of noncombustible construction or 1 3/4 inch S.C. wood. --Sec. 1703. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS --Table 5-B None required ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR B2 OCCUPANCY: A 1hr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. --Sec. 708. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME 1 Conference Room TOTAL B Mechanical Room B Locker Room-Men B Locker Room-Women B Stairs TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD 41 41 0 3 3 2 8 NUMBER EXIT REQUIRED WIDTH 1 0.7 1 0.7 1 0.0 1 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.0 2 0.7 PANIC HDWR No No No No No No No RATED DOOR CORRIDOR SWING Yes N/R Yes N/R No · N/R No · N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R NOTES 2 Page 3 Rated corridors are to have lhr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceiling. --Sec. 3305. (g) Door openings are required to be protected. with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protected with labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. --Sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is 1/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. --Sec. 3303. (c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the minimum width of stairways, see Sec. 3306. (b) FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2 exits. -Sec. 3303. (a) See Exceptions HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entrance to this building.--Sec. 3103.(a) & (b)3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope is 1:12. --Sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may not be required to levels other than the primary entry level. --Sec. 3103(a) exc #2 STAIR NOTES: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. --Sec. 3306. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49. --Sec. 3306. (b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) --Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size= 4 inches. --Sec. 1712. (a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.-8 inches. --Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for lhr fire-resistive construction. --Sec. 3306. (l) Provide a landing within 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. --Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. --Sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. --Sec. 3303. (d) Page 4 ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class C --Table 32-A Cedar or redwood shake shingles and #1 shingles constructed in accordance with Section 3204(e), Special-purpose Roofs may be used. --Exception H 2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. --Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS: There is no requirement for a standpipe. --Table 38-A A hose is not required. Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH: 1) Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. --Sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating. and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 --Sec. 4205. INSULATION NOTES: 1) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. --Sec. 1714. (c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. --Sec. 1713. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. --Sec. 5406. (d) Additional requirements: For B2 occupancy All restaurants or food service operations shall be rev}ewed by the town of vail environmental health officer for compliance to wall and ceiling finish, and equipment approval. A $75 food service review will be charged to such plan check. In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural or artificial light and ventilation. --Sec. 705. (a)&(b) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS: NOTE: Section numbers listed below are from ANSI A117 .1 -1986 WATER FOUNTAINS: Page 5 1) One must have a spout within 36 inches of the floor. --Sec. 4.15.2 2) Spout must be at the front of the unit. --Sec. 4.15.3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit. --Sec. 4.15.4 & 4.25.4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep. --Sec. 4.15.5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The clear area is required to provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise. --Sec. 4.15.5 & Fig.27 b,c,d TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room. --Sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3(a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is: a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach. Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28 b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a front approach. Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28 c) 60 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches. Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. --Sec. 4.16.4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is required to be 36 inches long. --Fig. 29 3) When water closet is in a compartment, the area required is: a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and one at the side. Door is at front or side. --Fig. 30(a) or b) 66 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. --Fig. 30(b) d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. --Fig. 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. --Fig. 7.56a & 7.56b The rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 36 inches long. --Fig. 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. Fig. 29 (a), (b) & Fig. 30 (c), (d) 5) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. --Fig. 29(b) & Fig. 30(d) 6) Urinals are required to be stall type or have an elongated rim and be within 17 inches of the floor. Sec. 4.18.2 & Fig . 29(c) 7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the urinal. --Sec . 4.18.3 8) Accessible lavatories shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. --Sec. & Fig . 31 · 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front or the lavatory. --Sec. 4.19.3 & Fig. 32 10) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. --Sec. 4.19 .6 & Fig . 31 '. • ' -' V I w 4 v ~~~ (303) 218-2232 PROPOSED CLUBHOUSE AND BUILDINGS 2 & 4 VAIL POINT VAIL, COLORADO Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 1 019 8th Street • Suite 101 • Golden, Colorado 80401 ) Job No. 91-14 SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION VAIL POINT PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3 LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for: Steven M. Gensler c/o Parkwood Realty Inc. 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 500 Englewood, Colorado 80111 June 6, 1991 SCOPE SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE DEVELOPMENT Clubhouse Swimming Pool Retaining Wall Building No. 4 Building No. 2 FOUNDATIONS Spread Footings Raft Foundation Driven Piles Drilled Pier SLABS-ON-GRADE BELOW GRADE WALLS WALL DRAINS SWIMMING POOL SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS VICINITY MAP TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATION·OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS GRADATION TEST RESULTS FOUNDATION EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DETAIL SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS • 1 1 2 3 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Figs. 3 and 4 Figs. 5 thru 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Table I • SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investi- gation for the proposed clubhouse, swimming pool, retaining wall, Build- ing No. 4, and Building No. 2 to be located on Lot 1, Block 3, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3 in Vail, Colorado. A description of subsurface conditions found in the exploratory borings, recommendations for site development, recommendations for foundation construction, criteria for design of foundations, and our recommendations for slab-on- grade construction are presented in the report. The report was prepared based on conditions found in the exploratory borings, results of labora- tory tests, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions in the Vail area. The recommendations presented in the report are influenced by the proposed type of structures and anticipated foundation loads. We should review our recommendations if plans for the buildings are changed. A summary of our conclusions and recommendations is presented in the following paragraphs. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. Subsurface conditions at the site varied with location. Generally, the subsurface conditions consisted of man-placed fill to depths of 10 to 18 feet underlain by silty sand with cobbles and boulders or sandy silt to depths of 37 feet to greater than 50 feet. Beneath the silty sand, bedrock was found at depths of 37 and 38 feet in 4 of the 8 borings. No bedrock was found in the other borings to depths of 50 feet. • -2- 2. Ground water was found in 2 of the 8 borings at depths of 2.0 and 2.5 feet. In our opinion, the shallow depth of this water indicates the water is caused from surface flow conditions. 3. The development of the site for the different structures will be influenced by existing subsurface conditions and the selec- tion of foundations. 4. Foundations for the structures may be spread footings, raft, driven piles, or drilled piers. Construction of new spread footing or raft foundations will require removal of existing man-placed fill and replacement with properly compacted fill. Construction of driven piles or drilled piers are possible if the existing man-placed fill is not removed and replaced. 5. Slab-on-grade construction is possible for areas where the existing man-placed fill is removed and replaced with properly compacted fill. 6. Construction of slabs-on-grade on the existing uncontrolled man-placed fill has a risk of settlement and cracking. In our opinion, structural floor systems should be designed and con- structed where the man-placed fill is not removed. 7. Surface drainage should be designed to provide positive drainage away from all structures. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the time of our investigation, a clubhouse, a swimming pool, a retaining wall, Building No. 4 and Building No. 2 were planned. The clubhouse will be a one-story structure measuring 24 by 28 feet in plan. The building will be of wood frame and cast-in-place concrete construction. The approximate location of the building is shown on Fig. 2. The swimming pool will be located adjacent to the clubhouse as shown on_Fig. 2. A deck will be constructed around the pool and adja- cent to the clubhouse. The plans indicate a concrete deck around the \ • -3- pool and a wood deck on the south side of the clubhouse. The swimming pool will be of cast-in-place concrete construction. A retaining wall will be constructed adjacent to the clubhouse and swimming pool to retain the soils north of the pool beneath the adjacent road. The wall will be 1-shaped and measure about 60 feet in length and 6 to 8 feet in height. The plans indicate the wall will be of cast-in- place concrete construction. Building No. 4 will include five townhouse units with garages. The units will be two stories above grade and one story below grade. Due to the slope of the site the below grade story will be a walkout base- ment. Plans indicate the building will be about 45 by 170 feet in plan. The building will be of cast-in-place concrete and wood frame construc- tion. Building No. 2 will consist of 4 townhouse units with garages. Each unit will be two stories above grade and one story below grade. Due to the slope of the site the below grade story will be a walkout basement. Plans indicate the building will be about 45 by 120 feet in plan. The structure will be of wood frame construction above grade and either cast-in-place concrete or block construction below grade. SITE CONDITIONS The development was started in about 1980 and a portion of the development was constructed at that time. Buildings No. 1, No. 2, No.3, and No. 4 were started, resulting in construction of some foundations. • -4- Buildings No. 1 and No. 3 are under construction at this time. Building No. 1 is almost completed and Building No. 3 is about 50 percent completed. The foundations for Building No. 4 have been removed and the foundations for Building No. 2 are still in place. Access to the site is the paved road indicated on Fig. 2. Construction trailers are located in the center of the area being developed which is at the west end of the proposed location for Building No. 4. East of the construction trailers in the area of Building No. 4, swimming pool, and clubhouse are piles of dumped fill. Soils in the area of the clubhouse, swimming pool, and retaining wall have been exca- vated to a maximum depth of about 9 feet resulting in a near vertical soil cut north of the proposed buildings adjacent to the existing road. The excavation for the clubhouse has resulted in erosion of these soils and encroachment into the road and loss of pavement on the north side of the clubhouse. The existing construction for Building No. 2 consisted of concrete block foundation walls and concrete floor slabs for the basements and garages. The below grade walls have been backfilled. The height of the below grade walls are about 12.5 feet and they have been braced. The walls have moved resulting in cracking of the walls. In addition, the garage floor slabs have settled and cracked. Due to previous construction, the ground surface is undulating and slopes downward in a southerly direction at an overall slope of about 30 percent. The overall drainage of the area is in a southerly direc- • • -5- tion. No vegetation is in the area of construction, but the vegetation adjacent to the existing buildings consists of sod, natural grasses, and weeds. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling 8 borings at the locations shown on Fig. 2. Borings were drilled on May 16, 17, and 18, 1991. Borings were advanced using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger mounted on a tracked rig. A field engineer was on the site to supervise the drilling, log the borings, visually classify the sub- surface materials, and obtain samples for laboratory testing. A description of the subsurface materials observed in the borings, pene- tration resistance values, and a summary of laboratory test results are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figs. 3 and 4. The laboratory investigation included visual classification of all samples and testing of selected representative samples for moisture con- tent, Atterberg Limits and gradation. Results of these laboratory tests are presented with the boring logs and in Table I. Results of the gradation tests are presented on Figs. 5 thru 7. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions varied with location on the site. The subsurface conditions beneath the site consisted of 10 to 18 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fill underlain by medium dense to dense, silty, -6- gravelly sand with cobbles and boulders to depths of 37 feet and greater than 50 feet beneath the existing ground surface. A sands tone bedrock was found beneath the sand in 4 of the 8 borings at depths of 37 and 38 feet. The bedrock varied from a soft weathered sandstone to a very hard unweathered sandstone. Free ground water was found in 2 of the exploratory borings at depths of 2 .0 and 2.5 feet beneath the existing ground surface . In our opinion, this water is the result of surface water seepage flowing along near surface permeable soils . No water was found in the remaining borings to maximum depths of 50 feet. SITE DEVELOPMENT The remainder of thi s site is to be develop e d with a clubhouse, a swimming pool, a retaining wall, Building No. 4 and Building No. 2 . The followin g paragraphs will discuss the present condition of the site and the anticipated foundations that can be constructed for each one of the structures . Clubhouse The site of the proposed club hou se h as been overexcavated in some areas as much as 9 feet and also h as piles of dumped fill. The subsur- face soil conditions b eneat h this si t e consisted of about 13 to 17 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fil l under lain by medium d ense to dense gravelly silty sand with cobbles a nd boulders to d ep th s of 37 and 38 • -7- feet. Beneath the sand a sandstone bedrock was found at a depth of 37 feet in exploratory boring TH-107 and a sandy silt was found at a depth of 38 feet and extended to the maximum depth explored of 50 feet in boring TH-108. Four foundation systems are possible for construction of the club- house. These are spread footing foundations, raft foundation, driven piles, and drilled piers. A spread footing or raft foundation may be constructed provided the existing man-placed fill is removed and replaced with compacted fill. If the existing man-placed fill is not removed and replaced, then a structural floor system would need to be constructed in the proposed structure and either a driven pile or drilled pier foundation system used. Exterior flatwork should not be concrete slab-on-grade. We suggest adjustable wooden decking be used. Swimming Pool We anticipate a cast-in-place concrete pool will be constructed. The location of the pool is adjacent to the clubhouse as indicated on Fig. 2. The site has been overexcavated as much as 9 feet and has piles of dumped fill. The subsurface conditions in this area consisted of 13 to 15 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fill underlain by medium dense to dense gravelly silty sand with cobbles and boulders to depths of 37 feet and greater than 50 feet. At 37 feet a sandstone bedrock was found in exploratory boring TH-107. -8-• The pool may be supported by properly compacted fill, a driven pile foundation system, or a drilled pier foundation system. If the swimming pool is supported by properly compacted fill, the existing man-placed fill would need to be removed and replaced with compacted fill. If the swimming pool is supported by either driven piles or drilled piers, it would need to be designed as a structural unit. Adjacent decks should be of wood construction and designed to be adjustable in height. Con- crete slab-on-grade construction is likely to settle differentially from the pool and clubhouse, requiring expensive periodic maintenance or removal and replacement. Retaining Wall A cast-in-place concrete retaining wall is planned for this site. The retaining wall will be constructed adjacent to the clubhouse and swimming pool as indicated on Fig. 2. A portion of the area where the wall is to be constructed has been excavated at this time to depths of up to 9 feet and has piles of dumped fill. The subsurface conditions found in the exploratory borings drilled in this area consisted of 13 to 15 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fill underlain by medium dense, silty, gravelly sand with cobbles and boulders to depths of 37 feet. Beneath the sand a hard sandstone bedrock was found in boring TH-107 to the maximum depth explored of 41 feet. The concrete retaining wall may be supported by spread footings, driven piles, or drilled piers. Construction of a spread footing • • -9- beneath the wall will require removal of the existing man-placed fill and replacement with compacted fill. We suggest the owner evaluate a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall. This type of wall is generally more flexible, less expensive, and can have several types of wall finishes. We recommend the owner review this type of wall with a company that designs and constructs retaining wall systems. Building No. 4 Building No. 4 is located south of the clubhouse and swimming pool at the approximate location indicated on Fig. 2. The existing site conditions are dumped piles of fill, construction trailers and equip- ment. The subsurface conditions beneath the site consisted of 12 to 16 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fill underlain by medium dense to dense, silty, gravelly sand with cobbles and boulders from 38 feet to greater than 49 feet. A sandstone bedrock was found at a depth of 38 feet in boring TH-104. The proposed structure may be supported by spread footings, raft foundation, driven piles, and drilled piers. A spread footing or raft foundation system may be constructed beneath the structure, provided the existing man-placed fill is removed and replaced with compacted fill. If the existing man-placed fill is not removed and replaced, then struc- tural floor systems would need to be constructed in the building and a driven pile or drilled pier foundation system used. Exterior flatwork • -10- should not be concrete slab-on-grade. decking be used . Building No . 2 We suggest adjustable wooden This building is located on the western edge of the property as indicated on Fig . 2 . Block foundation walls supported by spread footing foundations were constructed previously on this site. In addition , con- crete floor slabs were constructed for the basement and garage floors . The foundation walls have moved horizontally and the garage floor slabs have settled and cracked . In our opinion, the garage floor slabs will need to be removed and replaced and the foundation walls should be rebuilt . The subsurface conditions adjacent to the existing foundations consisted of 10 to 11 feet of uncontrolled man-placed fill underlain by medium dense to dense , silty, gravelly sand with cobbles and boulders to depths of 38 and greater than 51 .5 feet . A sandstone bedrock was found at a depth of 38 feet in boring TH-101 . Based on information obtained from these borings , it appears that the spread footing foundation systems are supported by natural soils. If these foundations were properly construe ted on natural soils they should support the proposed structure. Ba s ed on our borings the fill soils adjacent to the foundation walls were not uniformly compacted and, therefore, will not support a concrete floor slab without risk of settlement. These soils would need to be removed and replaced with pro- perly comp a ct e d f i ll b e n ea th the s lab to provid e uniform support for the • -11- slabs . The amount of removal and replacement of these soils will need to be evaluated along with replacement of the block foundation walls and footings . In addition, the footings for the garage foundation walls would also need to be evaluated at that time to confirm that they are constructed on natural soils. FOUNDATIONS As discussed in the SITE DEVELOP~IENT section, spread footings, ra ft , driven piles, and drilled piers have been recommended as possible foundation systems for these structures. The following paragraphs dis- cuss the design and constr u ction of these foundation systems . Spread Footings Spread footing foundations may be constructed beneath the proposed structures provided the existing uncontrolled man-placed fill is removed and replaced with compacted fill. The spread footing foundations should be designed and constructed in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Remove all existi n g man-placed fill to expose n atural soils and replace it Hith compacted fill. \.Je anticipate some of the excavated soils may be used for the compacted fill . Any organic or deleterious mater i als found in the fill Hill need to .be discarded or if the materials are in significant quantities in the fill, the fill may need to be discarded. The on-site soils generally consist of silty sands and He anticipate these soils Hill be moisture sensitive. To obtain acceptable compac- tion, the moisture content of th e s e soils Hill probably need to be adjusted . The backfill soils should be placed in thin loose lifts , moisture conditioned to Hithin 2 percent of optim um moisture content, and compacted to at least 98 percent of the • -12- standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) or 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). 2. Footings should be supported by the compacted soils. Soils loosened during the excavation process should be removed from the bottom of the footing excavations prior to placing of concrete. 3. Footings may be designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used in the design for resisting lateral loads. 4. We recommend footing widths of at least 16 inches for footings below foundation walls and 24 inches square for concrete pads below columns. 5. Foundation walls should be reinforced to span local anomalies in the subsurface soils. 6. Exterior action. at least footings should be protected from detrimental frost The normal depth of frost protection in this area is 4 feet beneath the exterior ground surface. 7. As the existing man-placed fill is excavated and removed, a representative of our office should be on-site to observe that the fill is removed and natural soils are exposed. In addi- tion, our Field Representative should observe and test all fill as it is being placed and compacted. 8. The side slopes of the excavations made for removing the exist- ing man-placed fill should satisfy OSHA requirements and shor- ing should be installed where needed to protect adjacent struc- tures. The limits of overexcavation should be carefully evalu- ated before selecting this contruction method. 9. The man-placed fill should be overexcavated beyond the founda- tions in accordance with the requirements indicated on Fig. 8. Raft Foundation A raft foundation may be constructed beneath the buildings if the uncontrolled man-placed fill is removed and replaced with compacted fill. The potential for excessive differential settlement of a struc- • -13- ture can be reduced by a raft foundation beneath the en tir e st ructur e. The basic design of this foundation system assumes that the raft founda- tion is stiff, loaded uniformly, and will not have differential movement within the structure . Thi s foundation system is also best for a build- ing that is rectangular in shape . If a raft foundation system is selected, it should be designed and constructed in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Remove all existing man-placed fill to expose natural soils and replace it with compacted fill . \~e anticipate some of the excava t ed soils may be used for the compacted fill . Any organic or deleterious ma t erials found in the fill will need to be discarded or if th e materials are in significant quantities in the fill, the fill may need to be discarded. The on-site soi ls generally consist of silty sands and we a nticip ate these soi l s will be moisture sensi tive. To obtain acceptable compac- tion, the moisture content of th ese soi ls will probably need to be adjusted . The backfill soi l s should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture conte nt, and compacted to at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) or 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). 2 . The raft foundation should be supported by the compacted soils . Soils loosened during the excavation process sho uld be removed from the bottom of the footing excavations p rior to placing of concrete. 3. The foundation should be designed using a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. 4 . As the existi ng man-placed fill is exca vat ed and removed, a representative of our office should be on-site to observe that . the fill is removed and natural soils are exposed . In addi- tion, our Fiel d Representative should obser v e and test all fill as it is being placed and compacted . 5. The side slopes of the excavations made for removing the exist- ing man-placed fill should satisfy OSHA requirements and shor- ing should be installed where needed to protect adjacent struc- tures . The limits of overexcavation s hou ld be caref ull y e v al u - ated before selecting this construction method. • -14- 6. The man-placed fill should be overexcavated beyond the founda- tions in accordance with the requirements indicated on Fig . 8 . Driven Piles If the man-placed fill is not removed from the si te, then the structur es can b e s upport ed by a dri ven pile foundation sys t em . Si n ce the bedrock formation is not found at a uniform depth beneath the site , the piles would need to b e designed as friction piles. If a pile foundation system is se l ecte d, it should be designed and installed in accordance with th e fo ll owing cr i teria: 1. All piles should b e driven to a penetration of 35 feet beneath the bottom of the foundation wall. If practical re f usal of th e pile occurs above the specified penetration , we should be contacted and the pile will need to be evaluated . Practical refusal is defined as a penetration of 1 in ch or less wi th the final 10 blows for hammers rated l ess tha n 19,000 foot-pound s and a penetration of 2 inches or less fo r th e final 10 blows for hamm ers rated 19,000 foot-pounds or more . 2. Timber, II-pil e , and p i p e piles h ave b ee n considere d for this site . Du e to the cobbles and boulders beneath this site, we do not recommend timber or pipe p il es. In our opinion , an H-pile would experience the l east risk of damage during driving . 3 . The minimum pile size sho ul d be HP10X42 . designed for the fo ll owing allmvable capacity: HP10X42 HP12X53 HP 14 X73 = 20 kips 35 kips 45 kips The pile should be compressive lo a d These design v a lu es are based on the piles being driv en t o the specified penetration of 35 feet . 4 . Minimum pile spacing , center to center b etween th e piles, should not be l ess th an 2 .5 times the grea t est cross sectional dimension of th e pile . • • -15- 5. All piles selected and provided by the contractor should be capabable of withstanding the stresses induced by shipping, handling and driving. 6. We recommend the piles be installed with a pile-driving hammer having a rated energy of at least 19,000 foot-pounds per blow. 7. Installation of driven piles should be observed by a represen- tative of our office to verify the proper penetration and con- firm that the subsurface foundation conditions are as antici- pated by the borings. In addition, it is recommended that pile driving records be obtained for all piles installed. 8. Driving piles produce vibrations. All adjacent structures should be observed before pile driving operations and monitored during pile driving. Drilled Pier A drilled pier foundation system may be possible for supporting the proposed structures. However, in our opinion, the cobbles and boulders could make it very difficult to install. We suggest discussing this option with a pier drilling contractor to evaluate the possibility. Since the bedrock formation does not have a uniform elevation beneath the site, the piers would need to be designed as friction piers. If a drilled pier foundation system is selected, it should be designed and constructed in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Piers should be designed for a maximum allowable end pressure of 4,000 psf and an allowable skin friction value of 400 psf. 2. The design values are for the natural soils. The drilled piers should penetrate through the man-placed fill which extends to depths of 10 to 18 feet below the existing ground surface. An additional 35 kip load must be used in the design of each pier for downdrag effects from compression of the man-placed fill. 3. Cobbles and boulders were found in the natural soils and, 4. • • -16- therefore, installation of the piers should account for encountering and penetrating these materials. All piers should be Reinforcement should walls. Design of structural engineer. reinforced the full length of the pier. extend into the grade beams or foundation reinforcement should be performed by a 5. Piers should be carefully cleaned prior to placing concrete. No water was found at the anticipated bottom depths of the piers. However, water was found flowing in near surface soils in two of the eight exploratory borings drilled for this investigation. This water would need to be drained in order to reduce the risk of causing caving of the sides of the pier holes as well as water filling the holes. 6. The exploratory borings remained open during drilling, however, larger holes have the potential for caving and, therefore, we recommend casing be on site in case it is needed. If casing is needed, we recommend a minimum diameter of 18 inches for piers. 7. Installation of drilled piers should be observed by a represen- tative of our office to identify the proper bearing materials and to confirm that the subsurface foundation conditions are as anticipated by the borings. SLABS-ON-GRADE Depending on the selection of foundations for the structures new compacted fill or the existing uncontrolled man-placed fill could be beneath floor slab and exterior flatwork areas. The new compacted fill should have a low risk of settlement and the existing man-placed fill should have a high risk of settlement. In our opinion, concrete slabs- on-grade can be constructed on the new compacted fill. Where the exist- ing man-placed fill occurs beneath floors, we recommend structural floor systems and where it occurs beneath exterior slab areas, we recommend adjustable wood decking. • • -17- BELOW GRADE WALLS Basement and retaining walls are planned for the proposed develop- ment. These walls will require design for lateral earth pressures. Lateral earth pressures depend on the type of backfill and the height and type of wall. Where walls are free to rotate sufficiently to mobilize the strength of the backfill, the walls should be designed to resist the "active" earth pressure condition. Where walls are restrained, which normally occurs in a basement wall, the walls should be designed to resist the earth pressure "at rest" condition. For design an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf should be used for the "active" earth pressure and an equivalent fluid weight of 50 pcf should be used for the "at rest" earth pressure. The equivalent fluid weights do not include allowances for surcharge loads due to hydrostatic pres- sures or live loads. If needed for design, an angle of internal fric- tion of 32 degrees may be used for the soils. Backfill behind or adjacent to walls should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D- 698) or 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D- 1557). The backfill should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content and compacted. Placement and compaction of the fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. -18- \vALL DRAINS Water from surface irrigation of lmrns and landscaping as well as from snow melt frequently flows through relatively permeable backfill adjacent to foundation and retaining walls . This water tends to collect on the surface of relatively impermeable soils occurring near the bottom of the foundation excavations. This can cause wet or moist basement conditions or cause excessive loading on retaining walls after construe- tion . To reduce the risk of accumulation of water adjacent to below grade walls, we recommend provision of a wall drain . We recommend the wall drain consist of a layer of free draining gravel or a manufactured drain system immediately adjacent to the back of the wall. The free draining gravel should have a maximum size of 1. 5 inches and have a maximum of 3 percent passing the No . 200 sieve. Washed concrete aggregate is satisfactory for the drainage gravel layer. A gravel drain fill or a manufactured drain should extend from the bottom of the wall to within 2 feet of subgrade elevation. The water can be drained from the gravel by a perforated pipe \vith collection of the water at the bottom of the wall leading to a positive gravity outlet . detail for a wall drain is presented on Figs. 9 and 10. S\VIMMING. POOL A typical Plans are to construct the swimming pool below grade. Water from surface irrigation, snow melt, and the pool c a n collect at the bottom o f the excavation for the pool. This water could cause buoyancy of the • • -19- pool if it is not drained. We recommend a drainage system be designed and constructed beneath the pool. SURFACE DRAINAGE The risk of wetting of the foundation soils can be reduced by carefully planned and maintained surface drainage. We recommend the following precautions be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the structures are completed. 1. Wetting or drying of the open excavations should be avoided as much as possible during construction. 2. Ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the buildings in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet. 3. Backfill around foundation walls should be moistened and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) or 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). LIMITATIONS Our borings were spaced to evaluate the subsurface conditions beneath the area of proposed construction. However, variations in sub- surface soil conditions not indicated by the borings are always possible: If variations occur, they will generally be exposed at the time of excavation for the proposed structure. We should observe the completed excavations for the structures to confirm that the subsurface conditions are as indicated by the borings. Placement and compaction of f~ll, as well as installation of foundations, should be observed and • -20-• tested. The recommendations presented in this report are valid for a period of 3 years from the date of this report. KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS By/(J·~Uf~ William H. K?echlein, P.~., P~esident ~ 14 ;,1 ~1 ~-----~ lk~wt~ Reviewed by --=M&:.....;.,~~:;..,::..:_--=-=_.:;;,:::;--=-'-=-{.(,_., '---:::-:::---- William N. Houlette, P.E. WHK/gk (5 copies sent) cc: J. R. Hodges Architects, Inc. • • NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP JOB NO . 9 1 -·1 4 FIG. 1 • 0 < 0 a: ~ w w a: (,) a: w u.. u.. ::l Ill / " JOB NO. 91-14 EXISTING BUILDING ' J03 \ \ PLORATORY BORINGS ...... , /' -' ' I / • -- ---- EXISTING BUILDINGS SCALE: 1",. 60' j FIG. 2 j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j t. . . 0 . - - 0 m z 0 ( I ) ~ I [ _ 5 ~ "" 10 15 20 25 r ~ [ - - 30 0 G> en 0 1= - 35 "T I m X T H - 1 0 1 T H - 1 0 2 A P P . E L . 8 1 3 6 A P P . EL . 8 1 3 3 -~ V I - - I 26 / 8 30 / 1 2 -2 0 0 = 1 4 30 / 8 22 / 1 2 ~ 21 / 1 2 r.: .A l 14 / 1 2 .. . . . . . , . ~ 6/ 1 2 54 / 1 2 90 / 1 2 T H - 1 0 3 A P P . E L . 8 1 2 9 -- IS < I J 2/ 1 2 50 / 0 36 / 1 2 -2 0 0 = 2 5 48 / 1 2 v t 22 / 1 2 E ; l 4 1 / 1 2 r: · . A I 37 / 1 2 0 5 10 • 15 20 ?"i -=1 ~ • w lL z -J: 30-j ~ "' ......._ Cl N I I Cl q< Cl q< lf) ......._ 0 lf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Cl lf) 0 lf) 'LORATORY BORINGS • FIG. 3 <- 0 . - - 0 Ol z 0 "' ... I C - 5 ... ~ 10 15 20 25 r ~3 0 0 Ci ) (J ) 0 f= . . - 3 5 "T 1 m X -c T H - 1 0 4 T H - 1 0 5 T H - 1 0 6 T H - 1 0 7 TH-108 A P P . E L . 8 1 2 6 A P P . E L . 8 1 2 0 A P P . EL . 8 1 4 0 A P P . E L . 8 1 3 3 A P P . EL. 8130 0 -~ 16 / 1 2 WC = 7 . 4 4/ 1 2 WC = 1 7 . 3 -2 0 0 = 7 2 27 / 6 v I - WC = 1 9 . 8 -2 0 0 = 5 4 LL = 2 0 PI = 7 11 1 ' 1 ! 1 30 / 6 T - . _ J V:J - J 24 / 1 2 ~1 8 / 1 2 -~ 12 / 1 2 7/ 1 2 WC = l 7 .4 -2 0 0 = 4 3 WC = 2 3 . 6 ~ 8/ 1 2 V: . l 50 / 4 IZ " . . I I 1 0 0 / l l VJ 10 0 / 1 2 V:1 . -g l 3/ 1 2 WC = 1 3 . 6 -2 0 0 = 4 6 4/ 1 2 ~ 7/ 1 2 a 19 / 1 2 1: / 1 ] 13 / 1 2 [· . / . I l/ . 1 J 1 2 / 6 ~ 90 / 1 2 - · ~ 15 / 1 2 WC = 1 5 . 1 -2 0 0 = 4 8 ~ 2/ 1 2 vi e = 2 3 . 7 tj 1 J 10 / 1 2 WC = 2 1 . 3 -2 0 0 = 3 2 LL = 2 1 PI = 1 t) ( . t J 12 / 1 2 r: . . n V1J 8/ 1 2 ~ 19 / 1 2 -~ 13/12 WC=15.0 5 -200=58 5/12 \'ie=l8.2 10 -200=55 l8r 9/12 WC=21.2 15 -200=53 t;iJ 15/12 20 V;l • i~ w u. t4J 17/12 251~· WC=20.7 rA -200=28 . LL=21 PI=3 Cl t).j:J 20/1: 30 ~ 35 , G) .t o X -o r 0 JJ ) > - 1 0 JJ -< OJ 0 JJ z G) en 50 / 3 14 / 1 2 50 / 6 10 0 / 1 50 L E G E N D : ~ ~ ~ I I 0 p FI L L , S i l t y , G r a v e l l y , Ve r y m o i s t , Lo o s e , Br o w n , Gr e y SA N D , S i l t y , G r a v e l l y , M o i s t , De n s e , Re d br o w n , Br o w n w i t h c o b b l e s an d bo u l d e r s WE A T H E R E D BE D R O C K , Ha r d t o ve r y h a r d BE D R O C K , Sa n d s t o n e , M o i s t , Ha r d BO U L D E R SI L T , Sa n d y , G r a v e l l y , Mo i s t , Me d i u m de n s e , Br o w n , Gr e y DR I V E SA M P L E . Th e sy m b o l 26 / 8 i n d i c a t e s t h a t 26 bl o w s o f a 14 0 po u n d ha m m e r f a l l i n g 30 in c h e s we r e r e q u i r e d t o d r i v e a 2 . 5 in c h 0 . 0 . sa m p l e r 12 i n c h e s ~ 50 / 0 23/12 40 45 100/5 so DR I V E SA M P L E . Th e sy m b o l 30 / 1 2 indicates that 30 bl o w s o f a 14 0 po u n d ha m m e r f a l l i n g 30 inches were re q u i r e d t o d r i v e a 2. 0 in c h O. D . sampler 12 inches ~ P r a c t i c a l d r i l l r i g r e f u s a l I n d i c a t e s de p t h a t wh i c h f r e e ground water wa s me a s u r e d at " ti m e o f d r i l l i n g . N O T E S : • 1 . Th e e x p l o r a t o r y b o r i n g s we r e d r i l l e d on May 16, 17 and 18 , 19 9 1 w i t h a 4 - i n c h d i a m e t e r continuous flight • po w e r au g e r . 2 . Th e bo r i n g lo g s a r e s u b j e c t t o the explanations, l i m i t a t i o n s , an d co n c l u s i o n a s contained in this r e p o r t . 3 . E l e v a t i o n s o f b o r i n g s \v e r e o b t a i n e d with a hand l e v e l an d us i n g e x i s t i n g b u i l d i n g floor slabs as be n c h ma r k s . 4 . La b o r a t o r y T e s t R e s u l t s : \' I C - In~ i c a t e s n a t u r a l m o i s t u r e content (%) -2 0 0 - I n d i c a t e s p e r c e n t p a s s i n g the 200 sieve (%) L L - I n d i c a t e s l i q u i d l i m i t (%) PI - I n d i c a t e s p l a s t i c i t y in d e x (%) KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS S I EVE ANALYS I S TIME READINGS U .S . STANDARD S E RIES CLEAR SQUAilE OPENINGS 3/8' 31<1' 1'1 •" 3' 5 '0 ' 8 ' 0 00 MIN 1 9 MIN 4 MIN I MIN '200 'H Xl '50 '40 '3 0 '10 '10 '8 'd 90 I I ~ ~ I ...,.,.,- I ~ ~ I ~ , : : "I I I 60 70 (!) 1 0 20 30 0 / I ·.~ z 60 ~ 40 ~ I I I w z 50 : : I 50 c: z I I ~ lt 4 0 I I 00~ lt 3 0 70 I I I : : : I I I 20 10 80 90 I I 0 .00 1 .002 .005 .009 .0 1 9 .03 7 .074 .14 9 .297 .590 1 .19 2 .0 2 .36 4 .76 9.52 19 .1 30 .1 00 70 .2 1 27 200 152 0 .42 DIAME T ER OF PARTIC LE IN M ILLI METERS SAND ClAY (PlAST IC) TO SILT (NON·PlASTIC) FINE M E DIUM Sample of ----'s:..:.r:..:.r.;:..:.T....:..'___:cs..c..a:..:.nd.:..y...__ ___________ _ GRAVEL 6 % SAND 40 % From ______ ~Bo~c~i~n~g~TH~-~J ~.0~4 ~a~t~l~4~f~e~e~t~-------------SI LT & CLAY _2L% LIQUID LIMIT ___ % PLASTICITY INDEX -------------% HYD RO MET ER ANALYSIS S I EVE ANALYS IS MIN . I M IN. 25 HR . 4 5 100 90 TIME READINGS 00 M I N . 19 M I N . 4 MIN . I MIN . '200 '100 U .S . SIANDARO SERIES '50 '40'30 '1 6 '1 0 '8 I I CLEAR SQUAilE OPENINGS '4 3/8 ' 3/4' IY•' 3 ' 5 " • 8 ..,.,..,. V" I I I 0 0 I I ./ v I 60 20 : .JI' ~ ,. 70 ...,.. / I ~ : I 30 I : 20 1 0 I ~ : I I I I I : : I I I I : : I I 30 0 40 z ~ 50 ~ z 60 ~ 0.. 7 0 60 90 1 0 .0 0 1 .002 .005 .009 .0 19 .037 .074 .149 .297 .590 1 .1 9 2 .0 2 .38 4 .76 9.52 19.1 30 .1 00 70 .2 12 7 200 1 52 0 .42 D I AMET ER OF PARTICLE IN M IL LI ME T ERS ClAY (PlASTIC) T O SILT (NON ·P lASTIC) \ FINE Sample of _F._· r ..... r'"'".ru.., ._ ..... s ..... j._,l...,t._..:..........S<lo<ai.Lo""dY'y ______________ ___ GRAVE L 11 % SAND 4 3 % From __ __,Bo=r=-=i,_,_n.!.;;g:L......-"''T"-'H-"--:::.1 ~0~6...:a:::.:t=--4~f~ee=t=--------SILT & ClAY _1_Q_% LIQU I D LIMIT ____ % PLAST I CITY INDEX _________ % JOB NO. 91-14 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG . 6 L'> z ~ z 25 H(l 7 Hfl 45MN 15MN 100 Q() eo 70 60 50 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROMETER A NAlYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS liME flEAOINGS U .S . STANDAflO SEI?IES CLEAR SQUAflE OPENINGS 3/8" 3M" 11':" 3" 5 "6 " e· 0 ·50 ·a o ·3o "1 6 ·w ·e 60 MIN 1 9 MIN 4 M IN 1 MIN "200 ·a "100 I I ..,.,.. ,.,-I I 1 I I / , I . : ... K : /. , I I I 0 20 30 ./ v I I I ..... g40 0.. : : : I I L'> z ~ z I 30 I I 7 0 20 10 I I I : : : I I I 60 Q() 1 0 .00 1 .002 .005 .009 .0 1 9 .037 .074 .14 9 .297 .5QO 1 .1 9 2 0 2 36 4 .76 9.52 1 9 .1 3 6 .1 00 76 .2 1 27 200 1 52 0 .42 O I AMETEfl OF PMTICLE I N MllliMETEJIS ClAY (PlAST IC ) 10 SILl (NON·PlASIIC) F I NE Sample of FILL , Silt , Sa n dy From Bori n g T H-107 at 4 feet 25 H fl . 7 HR MIN . 15 MIN . 4 5 100 Q() 6 0 70 60 50 H Y DROMETER ANALYSIS liME flEAOtNGS 60 MIN . 1 9 MIN . 4 MIN . I MI N. "200 "100 U .S . SlANDAflO S E I?IES "50 "4 0"30 "1 6 I I : I I GRAVEL ] 6 % SAND 36 % SILT & CLAY _3..8__% LI QU ID LIMIT __ % PLA STIC ITY INDEX ________ % SIEVE ANA LYSIS CLEAn SQUAflE OPE N INGS "10 "8 ·a 3/6 " 3/4 " I y,· 3" 5 " • 6 I ! 1 0 0 I I : : 20 3 0 I I I I I g40 0.. : I : I I I I 30 70 20 10 I I I : : : I I I 60 Q() .. 1 0 .00 1 .002 .005 .009 .0 1 9 .037 . 074 .14 9 .297 .5QO 1 .19 2 .0238 4 .76 9 .52 1 9 .1 36 .1 00 76.2 127 200 1 52 0 .42 DIAMEIEfl OF PMTIC L E IN MILUM ET E JIS ClAY (PlASTIC) 10 S I Ll (NON ·PlAS I IC) FINE Samp le of ------------------GRAVEL ____ % SAND _____ % From ____________________ _ SI LT & CLAY __ % LIQUID LIMIT __ % PLASTICITY INDEX -------% JOB NO . 91-14 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 7 25 HR . 7 Hf! 4 5 MIN 15 MIN 100 90 80 70 30 20 10 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HY O RQMETER ANA l Y SI S S I EVE ANALYSIS liME READINGS U .S . SIANOAAO S E RI E S CLEAR SCUARE O P£NINGS 60 M I N 19 MIN 4 MIN I MIN '2 00 '1 00 '50 '40'3 0 '1 6 '1 0 '8 '4 3/8' 3 /4 ' 1Yr ' 3 ' I I / I I / : : / I I / I I / , : ~ / I / Vr ~ ~ I ~ ~ : : I I _l 5'6' 8 ' 0 I 10 I : 20 30 I I I : I 70 I : 80 90 I 1 00 0 .001 .002 .005 .0 09 .0 19 .037 .074 .14 9 .29 7 .5 90 1 .19 2 .0 2 38 4 .76 9 .52 19 .1 36 .1 7 6 .2 1 2 7 2 00 0 4 2 15 2 DI AMETEr! O F PAf lli C LE I N MILLIM ET E RS CLA Y (PLASI IC ) 1 0 SILT (N O N ·PLASI K:) F I N E Sampleof GRA VE L , S a n dy , S il ty GRAVEL_....4_._4 __ % SAND __:4 ._.2..__ __ % From Bo eing TH-1 01 a t 1 4 feet SILT & CLAY _l4__% LIQUID LI MIT __ % PLAS TI CITY INDEX % HYDROMETER ANALYS I S SIEV E ANALYSIS MIN . 1 M I N . 25 H R . 4 5 1 00 90 60 70 TIME READINGS 60 MIN . 19 M I N . 4 MIN . I MIN . '200 '100 U .S . SIANOAAO SEiltES '50 '40'30 '16 '1 0 '6 I I I I I : I I I I ClEAR SQUARE O P£NINGS '4 3/8' 3/4 ' 1 y,. 3 ' 5 ' • 8 / I I 0 0 / I ~ : ~ v I 2 0 30 I 1V I I ./ ~ l I ....,..,.. ~ I I 7 V'" I I I : l : I I I 30 20 1 0 0 80 90 1 0 .00 1 .002 .005 .009 .0 1 9 .037 .074 .14 9 .29 7 .590 1 .1 9 2 .0 2 .38 4 .76 9 .52 1 9 .1 36 .1 00 76 .2 1 2 7 2 00 15 2 0 4 2 DIA M ET ER O F P Anl iC LE IN MILUM E I ERS CLAY (P LASIK:) TO S ILl (NO N ·PLASI K:) F I N E Samp l eof G RAVEL , S and y, Silty From Bor in g T H -10 3 a t 14 f ee t G RAV E L 41 % SAND 34 % S ILT & CLAY ..12.__% LIQUID LIMI T __ % P LASTICITY IN DEX -------% JOB NO. 91 -14 GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 5 • • / CONCRETE FOOTING COMPACTED FILL SEE REPORT FOR COMPACTION RECOMMENDATIONS "' FIRM NATURAL SOIL I SOFT COMPRESSIBLE SOIL FOUNDATION EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATION JOB NO. 91-14 FIG. 8 • CLAYEY BACKFILL (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) • U) 4 INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE. NOTES: 1. INSTALL EITHER: 12" MIN. • 2' BELOW GRADE WALL MANUFACTURED DRAIN PROVIDE PLASTIC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION. A. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM AND GRAVEL COVERED PIPE OR B. GRAVEL WITH PIPE 2. DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 6 INCHES BELOW TOP OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE DRAIN SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN. 4. GRAVEL SPECIFICATIONS: WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3% PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE. TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL JOB NO. 91-14 FIG. 9 ' . ' • CLAY BACKFILL 1 'I 1 0' COMPACTED BACKFILL ~ (SEE REPORT FOR BACKFILL RECOMMENDATIONS) WASHED 1 1/2 INCH TO NO.4 GRAVEL WITH LESS THAN 3 PERCENT PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE. NOTE: INSTALL EITHER • 12 11 MIN. PROVIDE GALVANIZED SCREEN WEEP HOLES PROVIDED AT 10' CENTER TO CENTER 4 INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE. THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 114 INCH DROI PER FOOT OF DRAIN AND LEAD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET. 1. APPROVED MANUFACTURED DRAIN SYSTEM AND PIPE OR 2. GRAVEL WITH PIPE OR 3. WEEP HOLES WITH GRAVEL TYPICAL EARTH RETAINING WALL DETAIL JOB NO. 91-14 FIG. 10 K O E C H L E I N C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S TA B L E I . S U M M A R Y O F L A B O R A T O R Y T E S T R E S U L T S N A T U R A L NA T U R A L DR Y AT T E R B E R G LI M I T S UN C O N F I N E D PA S S I N G H O L E D E P T H LI Q U I D Pl A S T I C I n CO M P R E S S I V E NO . 2 0 0 SOIL TYPE (F E E T ) M O I S T U R E DE N S I T Y ( % ) (P C F ) LI M I T IN D E X ST R E N G T H SI E V E ( % ) ( % ) (P S F ) (% ) TH - 1 0 1 14 14 GRAVEL,Sandy,Silty .. TH - 1 0 3 14 25 GRAVEL Sandy Silty ~ _T H - 1 0 4 4 7 4 FILL Sand Silty Q 17 "' 72 FILL Silt Sandy 14 19 . 8 20 7 54 SILT Sandy TH - 1 0 5 9 17 . 4 43 !FILL SILT Sandy 14 23 . 6 FILL,SILT ,Sandy TH - 1 0 6 4 13 . 6 46 FILL SILT Sandy TH - 1 0 7 4 15 . 1 48 FILL SILT Sandv 9 23 . 7 IFILL SILT,Sandy 19 2 1 . 3 21 1 32 SAND Silty TH - 1 0 8 4 15 . 0 58 IFILL SILT Sandy q lR ? ~~ iF'TT.T . SIT.T S;otnrlv 14 21 . 2 53 SILT,Sandy,Gravelly 24 20 . 7 21 3 28 SAND Siltv Gravelly JO B NO . QJ 14 Mr. Steve Gensler September 11, 1991 Page 2 -- I would also like to clarify an issue related to GRFA. Property owners within the existing Vail Point project have asked me if there is additional GRFA remaining for the site. I thought it would be helpful for you and the owners to understand the way the Town of Vail looks at the GRFA for this project. In September of 1989, our department reviewed a request to amend the development plan for Phases I, II and Ill of the Vail Point project (previously called the Talon). The original development plan for Phase II allowed for 20 dwelling units, having a total GRFA of 28,045 sq. ft. You requested to add 750 sq. ft. to this total amount of GRFA for Phase II. This request resulted in a total GRFA of 28,795 sq. ft. for Phase II. A condition of the approval of the additional 750 sq. ft. for Phase II was that 750 sq. ft. be deducted from Phase Ill GRFA. The original Phase Ill development plan allowed for 15 dwelling units, having a total GRFA of 20,195 sq. ft. The change which was approved in September of 1989 allowed for 15 dwelling units, having a total GRFA of 19,445 sq. ft. To add any additional GRFA to Phases I or II, owners of these units would need to utilize the 250 Ordinance, which also requires that the expansion of GRFA be within the existing walls of their unit. The end result is that there is no remaining GRFA tor Phases I or II at this time. The only way to allow tor additional infill development for Phases I or II would be to go back to the Planning Commission and amend your development plan by either requesting additional GRFA tor Phases I and II, or by requesting to remove additional GRFA from Phase Ill, and allocate the GRFA to Phase II. My understanding is that you are also interested in reducing the number of units and redesigning the amenities package for the center vacant parcel within Vail Point. In order to make these changes, you will need to come back to the Planning Commission for a development plan amendment. I think you are moving in the right direction by reducing some of the units in this area to allow for better site planning. In order to make this change, you will need to submit a survey with contours which is stamped by a certified engineer, a site plan, floor plans and elevations for the development. The process is basically the same process you used in September, 1989. The project is certainly looking good. We appreciate all the effort you have made to build a successful project. If you have any questions about my comments, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Thanks for your cooperation on these issues. Sincerely, ~{i~(\ ~{At Kristan Pritz Community Development Director lab cc: Dan Stanek Jill Kammerer • Project Application Pr o j ect Nam e : vP 1/ /b;r?t LJk/.q_, 2 ¥ <! 5, ,_/ l Project D esc r i ptio n : I /31 LldlJSrldtJ;Z.~ LOv p ~ I Contact P e r so n and Phone Sltve fit.; .J /~ S"("c cJtd/lt/f /?s,#E£ b4z.u- Ar c h i t ect . Addr ess and Phone : IJ ~u(i Jk};~Jt..1) ,P/~r;;u_..; .¢(Rtf-5!JV I Design Review Board Mo t io n b y : Seconded by : DISAPPROVAL /of D Staff Approval I ' I'. • Project Application •' Proj ec t Nam e : __ ----~..o fL ~a ...!..-, ·.:.._/_L_A_!::.iff">.:.._ . .:...:..rl ...L I __ .._(?"--'-&-~.l.!:tf~A-::;L o.vL-(~:::5..._----"------__.:_:...._____.!__~ P r ~e ctD escri pt io n : ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~C ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~.~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ Contact Per s on and Phone 1/4,,'/ fJ -1,~ I I .I • I .t Legal D es crip t ion : L ot~----· B lo ck ~~~~~· Filing ~~~~~~~~-, Z o ne ~_::_~- I , 'I I I Design Review Board . I M o ti o n by : I , I S e cond e d by : 1 .. D I S APPROVAL r II , f . I I . : ./n/ /-c~ Gr;;(J ~ ~51 ~ s~c,-yd (I{ /3 I Z I .. ~: . I • ' . I ~~-:- T o wn P lanne r "-. 0 L • Date : PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ..r 1 l E I ("] : ) JOB N AME _i!:!tt2 l:!-_J&U~LJ:::Cll:..!~.\:.2~~~~Ql:~~ C A L LER READY FOR FA I ---.:-:-, _.GV PM LOCATION : ~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~----------~--~~~~~~----- BUILDING : 0 FOOTINGS I STEEL 0 FOUNDATION I STEEL 0 FRAMING ROOF & S HEER O P L YW 0 0 D NAILl N G ----':-----:-----=.::--------- 0 INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL -----------------'--:----:-- 0 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: 0 TEMP . POWER ---------'---'-----------~ 0 ROUGH 0 CONDUIT ~ ,orv·J (t ) ~APPROVED COR ECTIONS : 0 DISAPPROVED 0 UNDERGROUND 0 RO U GH I D .W . V . ----,------------;--:---------"'-- 0 ROUG H I WA TEA ------'---------.,.,....;:-;:-::;::---_:__ 0 GAS PIPING 0 POOL I H . TUB --------~-----:::-::-,.:~:...._- 0 -~---:-----~~~--~~~--~----- 0 0 FINAL MECHANICAL: 0 HEATI N G -----------:--'~~~==--__ ....:;..:...:.. __ _ 0 EXHAU S T 0 S UPP L Y AIR 0 ------~~--~~----~~~~~--- D D D D 0 0 D D ~ INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The items below need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: ,_ lr' <.f \ FINAL ELECTRICAL -~~~ DATE: ~ ( FI N AL BUILDI N G EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF 0 DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: • •• I . Project Application Dat e _L_f ~·/--=S:=--·..L f _O _~-- Project Name : _..:...71;'--L.....C...e _M ::....::t?.::....::~-~-?'-------C,=-'-~=t/.-=:6 _:_/h-,..:..::....::..~....::::/.f<.--=.!.../-=_3='t :..:...::; /~M ~//~-----t~~__J{_~?Jd ~_!_ft _:::.'CJ..:_'//_:_).:::_C _L__ __ _ Project Description : A:/u..6 j~ zf~ zf-d?. .£1<'/!7!1 1 of!j!·""C f Contact Person and Phone V/C.hr .A1ar..t: fd:maldScr;o ::<frc/JII't /s /?C. &bit' S3oo ....dvtl)-\ C() JJI&.;o ;.Jj,~ --9~7-5;2oo Owner , Address and Ph o ne : sk~ M Gl'nskr el a/) /-br,k.a;ooa ~a/;f;t ) 52 91 ore A!vd ,. # '1?oo E ytnpacr;; Co f?ho7& ?9 3 -S-9)/J Architect , Address and Phon e : (Jt'e Con./7:7rf/,J// J'11)-7) Motion by : ('ftR(). £.t;/7?b Seconded by : &!/~err~ APPROVAL ~~~ J ) Town P l ann e r Date : q·/sJ9o / Design Review Board Dat e vs:· '70 4-0 DI S APPR OV AL 0 S t aff Ap p r o val • ~' k t ~ I f:i" to• ~ , .. ~: .. ... • READY FOR INSPECTION : LOCATION : BUILDING : 0 FOOTINGS I STEEL FOUNDAT I ON I STEEL 0 FRAMING ROOF & SHEER O PLYWOOD NAILI N G ---------- 0 INSULATION 0 SHEETROCK NA I L ----------:--~ 0 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL : 0 TEMP . POWER ----------- 0 ROUGH 0 CONDUIT THUR FRI PLUMBING : 0 UNDERGROUND . I 0 ROUGH I D.W .V . . ~ 0 ROUGH I WATER 0 GAS PIPING 0 POOL I H . TUB 0 0 0 FINAL MECHANICAL : 0 HEATING 0 EXHAUST HOODS 0 SUPPLY AIR 1 0 0 CORRECTIONS : ~ . 0 F I NAL 0 DISAPPROV E D ~ . -. INSPECTOR ~ ·. • • • :~, '• I • ). . •, •• ' I .. I.__ .. • I • I ' • I •••. 1:_, ~ I> ,. I • '-I 1 ; • I L t . ~ i . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 't..~ ~ JOB READY FOR INSPECTION ; MON TUES WED THUR LOCATION : ----------~~~--~~~~~~~~L-~~~~----------~~~~~~ BU I LDING : 0 FOOTINGS I STEEL 0 FOUNDATION I S T EE L 0 FRAM I NG ROOF & S HEER O PLYWOOD NA I Ll NG ------------------- 0 INSULATION 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL : 0 TE M P . POWER 0 ROUGH 0 CONDUIT 0 0 FINAL 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: •• PLUMBING : . 0 UNDERGROUND . . 0 R 0 UG H I D . W. V . __ __:.___:_ ____ __:_-=---~--..,....-~, 0 ROUGH I WATER ----------------~,--:....---;-;:;- 0 GAS PIPING 'I 0 POOL I H . TUB __________________ .:...._.,.::,......;,,.._ 0 ------------------------~--~~~~ 0 0 FINAL MECHANICAL : 0 H EA Tl NG ------------------.,.........,--...!....____..:_ 0 EXHAUST HOODS ---------------=--~---7-7-- 0 SUPPLY A I R -------------------;-------'--'-,-: 0 ------------------~----~~...!...._~~ 0 F l NAL --------------------....:...:....-:--~-:-- 0 RE I NSPECTION REQUIRED I ""'• • I •• ~· .11 ------------------------------------------------------------~----~~L =:-~~-~· 1~ 1 ... ~ •• I ' I 0 ~ ' I I II INSPECTOR , I ,• "•' . 1\ I ~ f. ~ DATE tl READ Y F OR L OCATION : BUILDING : 0 FOOT I NGS I STEEL 0 FOU N DAT I ON I STEEL 0 FRAMING ROOF & S HEER O PLYWOOD NA I LING 0 INSULATION 0 SHEETROCK N AIL 0 0 F I NAL ELECTRICAL : 0 TEMP . POWER ------------ 0 ROUGH 0 APPRO V ED CORREC T IONS : /1 0 DISAPPROVED I . PLUMBING : 0 UN D ER G R O UND 0 RO U G H I D.W . V . ----=---~--:-:---=-"--'-- 0 ROUG H I WATER -------:::-:---=o----.,._::_. 0 GA S P I P I NG 0 POOL I H . T UB 0 0 0 FINAL I ' II MECHANICAL : •' 0:.1 0 H EA T l N G ---=----------''----7----"------=-:-::=-- 0 E X HAUST HOOD S 0 S U PPLY A I R 0 0 Fl NAL --------=----· ...,...'---:------ J j .I . . ' . . . . . :1 I I I I. l. I 1.. INSPECTOR .. ' . . ·--.... l I •. ' • • L' , I I ., l II I • PERMIT N UM B ER OF PROJECT DATE ~~-~JOB NAME _\j __,..'--"\,\,...c..·~~~~~~-~~~~~~-:::----:!!...!..~ READY FOR LOCAT I ON : BUILDING : 0 FOOTINGS I STE EL 0 FOUNDATION I ST E E L CALLER FRI PLUMBING : 0 UNDERGROUND .. . . 0 FRAM I NG R 0 UGH I WATER ____.7 '-----=():.....:UY.J =::...><:.--=-_:' 1 --,----------=-_:_;:,...i ROOF & SHEER O PLYWOOD NAI LI NG --------~GAS PIPING _,3 ...:........o..cJ .____._.(~"'-'-<::::>o..L ---=-=------='--=-=----' 0 INSU L AT I O N 0 SHEETROCK NA I L ---------- 0 0 F I NAL ELECTRICAL : O POO L I H . TUB 0 0 0 FINAL MECHANICAL : I ' 0 TEMP . POWER ------------0 HEATING ---------~·~-----? 0 ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS 0 CONDU I T 0 SUPPLY AIR 0 0 ----------------~~ 0 F I NAL 0 F I NAL 0 D I SAPPROVED 0 REI N SPECT I ON REQU I RED CORRECT I O N S: DATE r 1 I NSPECTOR I' f • . . . . .. • t ., . . I . I l '• I I II~ •... I . I ~ PRfm s u OP ! ~ •. t r I . I:~: t . t i I • I , ' . , ' ~ ~ . . L F PROJECT D A TE READY FOR INSPEC TI ON: I } y c?' LOCAT I ON : f c-./J-. BUILDING : 0 FOOTING S I STE E L 0 FOUNDA T ION I S TE EL ~FRAMING R OO F & S H EER O PLYWOOD NAI LI NG 0 I NSULAT I ON • 0 S H E ETR OC K N AIL ----------- 0 0 F I NAL ELECTRICAL : 0 TEMP . PO W E R ------------ 0 RO U GH 0 COND U IT 0 0 F INA L CO R REC TI ONS : 0 DIS A PPROV ED 't PLUMBING : • I 0 UNDERGROUND 0 R 0 UGH I D .W . V. --:---.,-,...,.-='-...:...._____,_=..,~--=c.__;_:-· 0 RO U GH I WATER ----=--=------=---=-~--;:...:;..,.., 0 GA S P I P I NG 0 P 0 0 L I H . T U B -..,--...,....,..-----:,--::--::-:----::----:o~-,-- 0 0 0 F I NA L ' \ f • I MECHANICAL : ·! ~ 0 HEAT I NG -------~-t ~·~~-=--=~ 0 EXHAU S T HOODS 0 S U PPLY AIR 0 0 F l NAL ----------------=-:':--'--- .... 'l. • . ,• ' . DATE /h~R-1 I N SPECTOR / I ' . . . Au ~SHoP ' . .. .. ( PERMIT NUMBER OF PR OJECT DATE ___ \~~---~~}~'~JOB NAME ___ (_\_,1 ~\~~~)~,~~~)~l ~~~~~~~~~~ CALLER ..,S \ ) \ \t l I READY FOR INSPEC TI ON : MON TUES WED THUR (._ FR I J LOCATION : ' PLUMBING: "1 ! . . 0 UNDERGRO U ND I ' BUILDING : 0 FOOTINGS I STEEL 0 ROUGH I D.W .V . ' . .J- . ,. .. " 0 FOUNDATION I STEEL 0 FRAMING t . .I •' . 0 ROUGH I WA T ER ~ I ,, 0 GA S P I P I NG I' i . ~ . '; •I I ' ROOF & SHEER O PLYWOOD NAILING --------- 0 POOL I H . TUB I • ., ,,~,, 0 INSULAT ION 0 S HEETRO CK NAIL ---------- 0 0 F INAL ELECTRICAL: 0 0 0 FINAL MECHANICAL: /" . ' .. . I . . 't . . . I T . J 0 TEMP . POWER 0 HE TING ~ Fl h P ) At A v::?.f Y\ ~ n r'( -( l-V"'' I ~ f ~) '! Q_ ROUGH O EXHAUST H OODS I . . v . 0 CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR l ' I ll ~Z' ~I 8ll ..)t\_)_ ' ,, 11\ 0 ' i - I 0 FINAL 0 F INAL O ~PPRO V ED '/'1?- CORRECTIONS :~V-~---------------------------~.~- 0 DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECTION REQUIRED II 'I . I I I. •• . ' _., DATE /-2J'-7J I NSPECTOR ~ . . . PR~SHOP c • 4 ' . . ~ • . . , ,; . ~ I . \ • ;. Jol . '" ' . ~ •. :[1 ) INSPECT I ON REQUES iilt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL . I • . DATE ---""'c2 =--_1 _____ JOB NAME -...:........~o===---.!.~~:::L...I.d L__-;-r------:-7---:---:--------··~--!...!:...,i ·~ CALLER L . READY FOR INSPECTION : MON ~ WED THUR FRI (/_~/~~,,AM ..,...,) PM LOCATION : I )~t_ ,;y' }_, u-' , '_J a e. ~ .,__). ( II l II ( IL..U ..;Lf_ . ' v 0 I I BUI L DING : PLUMBING : . . 0 FOOTINGS I STE EL 0 UNDERGROUND . .. ,l I .I 0 FOUNDATION I ST EEL 0 ROUGH I D.W .V . ' L 0 FRAMING 0 ROUGH I WATER ROOF & SHEER '' } ;i O PLYWOOD NAILING 0 GAS PIPING ' ' : p ~ INSULATION 0 POOL I H . TUB . ' ., 0 SHEETROCK NAIL 0 ' 1, ' ~ 0 0 ! 'i l ' I 0 FINAL 0 FINAL I EL ECTRICAL : MECHANICAL : I 0 TE MP . POWER 0 HEATING . ' ' i 0 ROUGH 0 EXHAUST HOODS ',• ' . ~ . ' 0 CONDUIT 0 SU PPLY AIR ' 0 0 J " I, [ FINAL 0 F I NA L " ~tAPPROVED c CORRECTIONS : 0 DISAPPROVED 0 REINSPECT I ON REQUIRED . ' . I I ----------------------------------~---' ~: I • '' ~ .. . ! .. .-. • If ! 1 .-II p -------------------------------~---~~ DATE _ _...:..__;::=----;-/-~....:::.:....r-~---1 9 '----'-3 __ 1/ INSPECTOR ,. . ' • • , ~~ II ' 4 I I I .. , ,. • • • ' I • .. • II •'· •I f . . . ,, a;.J• .,_ 6(Q5 ~ .. INSPE C TION R E Q l ~JES ffi ~ .. ~ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , TOWN OF VAlL 1 ~ • • : ::1 DATE ?1 oto \g 2; JOB NAME \) Q. .A 1. ' i?LJ:V'n .t: ~ Ctub tun~· •' ~ :" CALLER fa u 2 -D b J f..UitJul'.) READY FOR IN SPEC T ION : ~ TUES WED THUR FRI -A~ @ PM LOCATION : ,. B UI L DING : P L UMBING : 0 FOOT ING S I S TEEL 0 U ND ERGROUND 0 FOUNDAT ION I S TEEL 0 ROUGH I D.W .V . 0 FRAM I NG 0 ROUGH I WATER ROOF & S HEER O PLYWOOD NAILING 0 GAS P IPIN G 0 IN SULAT ION 0 POOL I H . TUB 0 SHEETROCK NA I L 0 0 0 0 FINAL 0 FINAL EL ECTR ICAL : MECHANICAL : 0 TEMP . POWER 0 HE AT I NG 0 ROUGH 0 EXHAU ST HOODS 0 CONDUIT 0 SUPPLY AIR 0 0 k'FINAL 0 FINAL I . j .. . 1 I I I . . 1 . . .. ~"· ~ l . t, ' . • r:;J . . I . '• . . . I . " : )~ "'·· L . . ... .. ' 11 it I ~ :: ·~ ~ lj ·j ' " ~ • 0 REIN S PECTI ON REQU IRE D ~PPROVED e-.~? ?n,;>-ft/~~ ~ 0 DISAPPROVED CORRECT I ONS : ----~--~--~J~----------------------------------~~~~~~--7 , ~ "~' I 4:_, /,. t?j · ._;.,__..,__ 71 ~ • I • • • --------------------------------------------------------------------~-=-·~ ... I \ 'ilo --------------------------------------------------------------~--~~--,• I. I • , ~ ----------------------------------------------------------~~----------' I ... ----------------------------------------------------------~--~~~--~ DATE --tt>f-?..::....--l-/_..:.r __J,9 '-'-i '-------------I N S PECTOR I I • a t l IL I I • l :, -I I DRB APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF ORB MEETING: g\ ''"" *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMAT I ON IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepte d unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate. ALL condit i ons of approval must be resolved before a bu i lding permit is issued . Application will not be processed without Owner's Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: C lu b h ouse facilit ~ f o~: e x ist i ng ~r o ject. ., A Le) N B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Descr i ption Lot ~art l ot 1 Block 3 Subdivision Lions R j dge . f j 1 j n g 3Z on i ng m u ltifa m ily C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Victo r Mar k Dona ldso n A rc h itects . P .C. D. Mailing Address: Box 5300 Avo n, Col or ado 8 1620 Phone 949 -520 0 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: sam e as above Mailing Phone ----------------- E. NAME OF OWNER : SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Address: Parkwood Realty 5299 DTC Blvd ., #50 0 E n g l e w o od , C O. 8 0111 Phone 793-5949 ----------------- F. Condomin i um Approval if applicabl e . G. DRB FEE: Th e f e e will b e paid at th e t ime a buildi n g p e rmit is paid for. VALUATION FEE $ 0 -$ 10,000 $ 10.0 0 $ 10,001 -$ 50,000 $ 2 5 .00 $ 50,001 -$ 150,000 $ 5 0.00 $150,001 -$ 500,000 $100.0 0 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.0 0 $ Over $1,000,000 $300.00 (O V E R ) ------- '. \ • LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:_· ~~,~··-,T-~------~----------------~~--~~------ LEGAL DESCRIPTIOtr:'-P£6;~ BLOCK 3 SUBDIVISION Lions Ridge STREET ADDRESS: _i ' ..... DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ~T~he~T~a~lo~n~------------------------------ The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. B. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding All materials and colors to match the existing materials and colors of the Other Wall Materials existing bpildjngs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size* PROPOSED TREES &,pt;'i\1 23 2M~3"CAL. -.,: !31-UE 'SflRuc.E _4..___ -------G!?AY gLEAM 3 ~I) 1-.1 I PE.IZ. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum height for coniferous trees is 6 feet. • PLANT MATERIALS: Botariical Name Common Name Quantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED 3 '::> oAL. 'SE.RVICEBERRV 8 *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ~ Square Footage [, \:_, 'I -/\ ------------------------------------------T ! (' , ,' C. OTH~R LANDS_CAPE. 'FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc';) · Please-specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. MaxiJinim ·height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. A P ~ T OF LO T "1 ~ ~v - -- ~.. - . ; · " LO T '2 2 " " " " ~~ " " " " EX I 5 l 1 " ' 6 ll l . U l l " ' 6 / , ~ ~O f ' l ' " 6 > . eo x ~ ' W A U . . # ' EP 6 E OF PA V I " i & Tf ' . A C ' T A " / y / LANDSCAPE LEGEND I !m'80I... tw-e SIZE ~ N QA ~ G6 TT 58 ·~ w ~ A!lPel"1 2'-5"C.Al. ~eu.E 6TOOFT. ~y 6\..eAM ~ 6FT. T.A131-l!!TDP~ ~6.Al. sa<~Y ~6.Al. Cc . o M " ' O N P A ~ 3. 2 3 AC ' . S I TE / LA N D S C A P E PLAN SGALE. 1"-10.0' e ! I • .... .... .... I@ I' Iii -7·V4' -.no 'U-V4" ""'r.J 1 I@] P.O. 1 1 o-v.r i/"" ~ 7 LJ' "-- ~ I~ =====-=W~=f -...;: r ~ A 2X & OV E f ' . 2X 1 2 PA . N T E D AS SC + E D l . L E D c. o t ' G I < E T 1 ' ! TI - E f' O O F TO MA T ( ; I . I E X I 5 T l ' 6 I, I H X J I , I T1 ' M P Ar i T E D TO MA T (; I . I F AS C I A 00 0 1 < 5 PA r i T E D T O MA T ( ; I . I 'W O O D SI D i t 1 E 7 'W O O D T1 ' M AS sP C a ' E D P Ar i T E D TO MA T( ; l . l FA S < A A 'W O O D f' . A I - N 7 &X & 'W O O D PO S T WO O D 5V r 1 & A S 5 f ' E C f ' a l WE S T E L EV A T IO N SV A ! . £ V 4 "- 1' - 0 ' EA S T E L E V A T I ON I I 1_ 1 ~ T I . - E F > O O F TO MA T( ; l . l E X I 5 T l ' 6 'W O O D f1 . A U ' 1 6 'W OO D 5 n ' 6 AS 5I ' E a " E ' D 6X & 'W OO D P OS T I I I I 1_ 1 1 _ 1 I I 1 _ 1 1_1 <:;LAD WH>OW5 AS sc.H:Dl.L.ED W OOD POST • u - t : OF A1 5 I - € D 6f > A O e SO UT I - j E L E V A T I ON =~ ~ (ff 6 W 1 ~ 1' 1 ' 2 ' I ' WOOD T1'M A5 sPCa'ED PAI'f'TCil T O MA T(;l.l F AS<AA c.or;:;p.Ere TI-E f'OOF T O MAT(;I.I EXI5Tl'6 w ·· . : . . . · . .. . .. f7 f > A D E - - - - 1 I I 1 I I . ~ - - '- -{ ; I < TH EC i v ATioN --_L $fi<W "'""' \. . . O W E f ' . L. E V E l - 8E I - O W 6f > A O e / ~ SVA!.£ V4""1'-U" e , I !·, . - L - I l_ e REC'C A " .L v 1 992 FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR VAIL POINT PREPARED FOR: PARKWOOD REALTY COMPANY ATTN: MR. STEVEN GESSLER 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 500 Englewood, CO 80111 PREPARED BY: Thomas W. Hartmann, P.E. RBD, Inc. Engineering Consultants 2900 S. College A venue Fort Collins , CO 80525 Engineering Consultants 2900 South C ollege Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 303/226-4955 May 8, 1990 Parkwood Realty Company Attn: Mr. Steven Gessler 5299 DTC Boulevard Suite 500 Englewood, co 80111 Legal Address: Lot No. 1, part of Lion's Ridge Filing No. 2 1818 Lion's Ridge Loop (The Talon) Introduction At the request of the owner, RBD was hired to investigate the serviceability of foundations for four existing buildings. Construction of these buildings was started approximately 10 years ago and are in various states of completion. The project consists of f our buildings of 3 or 4 units each. The foundations consist of concrete footings s upportin g 8 inch masonry block. At some locations where the foundations have not been completed reinforcing is exposed and overall it appears that the foundation footings and walls have been reinforced . Some portions of the buildings have had wooden floor framing installed . It is our understanding this framing will be removed and reconstructed. We also received ·a draft report prepared by Robillard and Associates, Inc. dated September 27, 1989. The Robillard report generally addresses the same concerns as this report. One significant difference is that Robillard considers reuse of the existing framing. RBD recommends removal and reconstruction of a ll wood framing on the project. RBD also received preliminary design plans for the Vail Point project prepared by J. R. Hodges, Architects of Dillon, Colorado. For purposes of this report, we will address each building unit by the numbers assigned by Hodges, 1 Other Office s : Vail , Colorado 303/476-6340 • Co l o r ado Spring s, Colorado (719) 598 -4107 ·t -.. although there are additional units shown on the drawings that have no foundations at present. If discrepancies exist between this report and the drawings , please contact us to clarify. Overview of the Project For purposes of this report the foundations are identified as buildings no. 3,4, 2 and 1. Building No. 3 is a Southeast building and consists of three units. (Hodges plans call this Building Number 3 and shows six units. It appears that Hodge's units 7,6, and 5 are the existing foundations.) Unit 7 is the West unit, 6 the Middle and 5 is the East unit on Building No. 3. Building No. 4 is located immediately North of Building No. 3, across the road and also consists of three units, Units 18, 19, and 20 again West to East. (Hodges shows a total of six units at this location. It does not appear that all foundations are in place at the time of the report.) Building No. 2 is located immediately West of Building No. 3 on the South side of the road, consists of 4 units numbered 14 through 11, 14 being the West unit, 13 to 11 being eastward. Building No. 1 is located immediately Northwest of Building No. 2 and consists of 4 units 40 through 37, West to East. Some framing had been installed to Buildings No. 1 and 2 although due to the fact the buildings were never enclosed weathertight this framing has been moderately to severely damaged and should not be used. Building No. 3 Observations Building No. 3 consists of foundations for three units. Building No. 3 is sited on a south-sloping, moderately steep hillside. It appears that the original design intended that the · foundation walls that have been constructed were also to be backfilled retaining walls with the units stepping down the hillside to the South. The South portion of the foundations consists of shallow walls varying three feet deep. At approximately the middle of the unit is a tall wall approximately 12 to 16 feet high that is :intended to be a retaining wall. At this time no backfill is installed behind (north) of the Wall. Located immediately North of this east-west center wall are portions of a shallower foundation wall for the north part of the units. The foundation construction for Building No. 3 appears to have been ended prior to completion of the foundation. As a result, backfill has not been installed behind the walls and the foundation north of this central tall wall is incomplete. Due to a lack of completion of the backfill north of the center tall wall, the foundations north of this wall have been undermined due to erosion of the existing grade. These existing shallow foundations have undermined approximately 6 to 8 feet, although they are still supported beyond this point to the North. Both the anchor bolts and the reinforcing steel have rusted due to exposure to weather. On the north 2 -----r ·~----' portions of the foundation there is a exposed four inch flexible drainage pipe that needs to be completed when the foundations are constructed. (Please see Photos #1 and #2.) (Photo 1: Looking SE--undermined footing unit 8.) (Photo 2: Looking E --undermined footing unit 8.) Recommendations -Building No. 3 The existing foundation for Building No. 3 appears to be suitable for construction provided the following guidelines are observed: 1. Backfill should be completed behind the tall wall at the mid- point of the buildings to allow completion of the foundation north of the center wall. The existing reinforcement should be used to tie in the existing foundations with the new masonry block and concrete footings required to complete the foundations. At the locations of the undermined footing it will be necessary to provide a lean grout mix below it to provide full bearing. Since it is difficult to compact underneath the existing footings, flowable grout will be more suitable to provide bearing below the footings and should be formed and vibrated to ensure full bearing below the footings. All sub-drain piping should be completed and drained to daylight. Prior to backfilling the foundations for slabs, any organic materials such as tree branches or vegetation should be removed. Generally both sides of foundation wall should be backfilled evenly to create a balanced pressure on both sides of the walls. At the tall wall locations the following precautions should be observed: Backfill should be placed on both sides of the wall as uniformly as possible. In the case where the backfill on the high side exceeds the height on the low side, this backfill should not exceed 4 to 6 feet in height, unless the South (on the downhill side) wooden framing and plywood sheeting is installed prior to completion of backfill or adequate measures are taken to brace the wall. The existing dowels projecting from the foundations wall should be used to tie the floor slabs into the foundation wall. In no case should these be removed. 2. The lower level slabs should be in place prior to backfilling the higher foundation wall above the 4 to 6 foot level noted above. Finally, any new foundations required adjacent to the existing foundations should allow for differential movement between the in- place foundations and the new construction. All foundation walls should be coated with a bitumastic waterproofing prior to backfill where the backfill is higher on one side of the wall. Building No. 4 Observations The foundations for Buildings No. 4 are located on a South facing bench cut into the hillside. These units are located north of the 3 road. These units consist of shallow foundation walls along the South and a deeper foundation wall approximate 12 feet deep running east-west along the north side of these foundations. At this time backfill had not been placed behind the foundation walls and the slabs had not been placed. Overall there appeared to be little damage to these foundations with the exception of the following locations: There is a shallow footing on Unit 20 located at the Southwest corner of this unit that appears to have been damaged due to a snow plow repeatedly hitting the foundation. The anchor bolts on this foundation have also rusted, but appears to be usable. Building No. 4 Recommendations The foundation for Building No. 4 appears suitable provided the following recommendations are observed: 1. A drainage system should be installed behind the foundation wall to allow for the removal of underground water similar to the foundation on Building No. 3. This foundation drain should be designed to drain to daylight. A waterproofing bitumast~c has been applied on the north side of this building. Due to the exposure to weather, most of it has worn away {See photo #3 looking south at building #4) . The waterproofing should be reapplied on all foundation walls subject to backfill. The high backfill required should not be in place until the lower floor slab is in place and the upper floor framing is in place or unless the wall is adequately braced. Do not exceed 4 to 6 foot high backfill above the lower elevation until the upper framing or bracing is in place. The damaged foundation along Building No. 4 Unit 20 should be replaced with the following precautions taken: Existing reinforcing steel should be exposed and lapped to new foundation steel as required. The lap should be a minimum of 12 inches. The footings should be sized to match the existing footings or as a minimum 8 11 deep and 16 11 wide at all locations. If larger footings are found during reconstruction these sizes should be matched in lieu of the above sizes, including any pads enlarged for column loads such as an isolated foundation pad or spread footings. If pads are required, reinforce with a minimum of #5 rebar at 12 inches on center each way. Match existing pad thickness. It appears that additional foundations may be required north of the existing foundations to support framing for the unit. The backfill north of the wall should be properly compacted to minimize differential settlement between the existing and proposed construction. 4 Building No. 2 Observations Building No. 2 consists of 4 units. Each unit was completed to higher degree than either Building No. 3 or 4. Some framing is in place at unit no. 11, but this framing has collapsed due to exposure to weather or other causes. All units 14 through 11 (West to East respectively) have had floor framing installed at the first level above the slab on grade. Building No. 2 is located on a South sloping hillside and the configuration is similar to Building No. 3. At Building No. 2 floor slabs have been installed at both the lower level and upper level. It appears that the upper level was intended to be a garage level. At Units 13 and 12 some cracking of floor slabs has occurred at both the upper levels (Garage Levels) and at the lower levels. Some foundation distress is apparent at these units particularly as noted: The common wall between buildings 12 and 11 has some cracking occurring from the foundation steps at the deep foundation to the shallow foundation. The common wall between buildings no. 14 and 13 also has experienced some distress with cracking (as evidenced with Photo No. 4 looking west). At unit number 12 the lower slab on grade has experienced some settlement with minor to moderate cracking and some differential movement of slab. Unit No. 13 has experienced some slab settlement and cracking, although to a lesser degree than unit number 12. All units of Building No. 2 have experienced cracking in the upper slabs at the garage level. Since framing has been installed on Building No. 2, some areas of the foundation are not exposed to view and unobserved distresses may exist. At Unit No. 14, the upper slab appears to have experienced some settlement of fill below it and a void condition exists, possibly due to moisture infiltration below the slab. This is at the location where the foundation wall is cracked. (See photo #5.) Building No. 2 Recommendations Building No. 2 appears to be suitable for construction provided the following recommendations are observed and the following repairs are made: 1. At the common wall between units 13 and 12 there is some damage to the existing foundation at the step between the high and low areas. The damaged portion of the foundation wall should be replaced. At unit 13 some slab cracking has been observed and it is possible that some foundation distress may exist that was not observed due the existing framing. If any damage to the existing foundation is discovered during reconstruction, this foundation should be repaired similar to unit 14. At both units 13 and 12 the lower level slabs on grade have been cracked. At unit 13 RBD recommends replacement of the slab due to noticeable movement. Care should be taken to insure that the existing foundation dowels 5 -·, ___ , ____ _ into the slab are not damaged during demolition of the existing slab on grade. The dowels should be tied into the new slab. Unit 12 may not require that the slab on grade be removed although it is difficult to determine due to the presence of debris on the slab at the time of the field observation. Removal of this slab may depend on the type of floor finish required in these areas. At unit 14 there is a crack in the foundation wall between units 14 and 13 (Photo #5) . This portion of the foundation wall should be repaired or reconstructed as necessary. If reconstructed, any foundation wall reinforcement should be reused or a minimum of 12" laps should be obtained by drilling new dowels into the existing foundation wall and epoxy grouting the dowels. At unit 14 some Hilti Holdowns were observed at the corners of the wood stud wall framing. At these locations, care should be taken to insure that the existing anchor bolts can be reused and these Holdowns should be installed as noted on the original plans. If these anchor bolts are damaged or the revised plans will not accommodate the existing hold-down locations, new anchor bolts should be drilled and installed with the embedment as required by the manufacturer. At unit 14, the upper slab should be removed taking care to insure that existing foundation wall dowels to the slab remain intact. The undermined area of the slab on grade should be backfilled and compacted and the new slab installed at this location. In addition, any distress on the foundation wall should be repaired at this time (Photo 4) . At the end of unit 13, the upper slab on grade has experienced some cracking and spalling at the mid-line foundation wall. It is possible that this foundation may also need repairs, given that the framing hides some portions of the foundation. (Please see photo 5.) This existing crack may be epoxy grouted or reconstructed as necessary to restore the integrity of this wall. At the northern portions of the slab on grade areas, some wooden cribbing had been installed to retain the gravel base below the slabs on grade (see photos 6, 7 and 8). Building No. 1 Observations Building No. 1 had platform framing to the first level of the finished units. Building No. 1 is on a South-sloping site with a higher mid-line foundation wall, shallower footings to the north and the south. The center wall acts as a retaining structure for the grade difference. At building 1 the lower slabs on grade have been placed. The upper slabs on grade had not been placed at this time, although generally the backfill above this level had been installed at some locations. The eastern portion of unit no. 38's lower first slab has been demolished with the slab dowels exposed. These lower slabs appear to be designed as garage slabs on grade. Building Units 40-37 masonry walls have heavy efflorescence due to the exposure to weather and presence of moisture behind the foundation walls. Prior to completion of backfilling around these \ 6 structures it should be determined whether the foundation drains have been installed properly to allow for any water behind the foundation to be dissipated. Building No. 1 Recommendations Overall it appears that the foundations are suitable for construction provided the following recommendations are observed: Due to the long time exposure of the existing foundations there are small areas of the foundation that are undermined. These areas should be grouted with a lean grout mix to insure full bearing below the foundation, similar to the undermined footings of building number 3 . Some anchor bolts have been damaged, these should be either repaired or replaced, if they are replaced, drilled expansion anchors are suitable as replacement bolts. This slab on grade at unit 38 should be removed and replaced. Other slabs beneath building no. 1 may need replacement, but it is difficult to determine the extent of cracking of these slabs due to the presence of debris on the floor. (Unit 37 is being used as a construction storage area.) The existing organic material and any vegetation should also be removed prior to placement of the slabs at the upper portions of the building. When the foundations drains are uncovered. It should be verified that water proofing has been installed on the backfilled walls. Addition waterproofing may be warranted. General Recommendations Based upon our observations, some distress has occurred at the buildings. We did not observe any items that indicate complete replacement of the foundations is warranted. The following items should be carefully followed during rehabilitation of the foundations. 1) Adequate drainage should always be provided behind all retaining structures and walls. 2) Backfill supporting footings should be properly compacted. Where footing are undermined grout should be installed below them to provide full bearing. 3) Waterproofing should be installed at walls subject to differential grades. 4) Slabs that have settled or cracked moderately to severely should be replaced. Backfill below these slabs should be recompacted. 5) Damaged (cracked) foundations should be repaired or reconstructed as necessary. 7 • • If conditions are uncovered during reconstruction that indicate distress beyond what this report addresses, additional investigation may be warranted. Please call with any questions. cc: 385-001 019-159/twh 8 PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 • Engineering Consultants 2900 South College Avenue Fori Coll1ns. Colorado 80525 303/226-4955 ~ I I l • • PHOTO 3, PHOTO 4 • ·~ I ... , ' Engineering Consultants 2900 Soulh College Avenue Fori Collins, Colorado 80525 303/226-4955 PHOTO 5 I • • PHOTO 6 PHOTO 7 .- • PHOTO 8 Engineering Consultants 2900 Soulh College Avenue Fori Collms, Colorado 80525 3031226-4955 T H E . - .• AMERICA • I N S T I T u T E • F A R C H I T • I) 3 19 92 AlA Document A305 . . Contractor's Qualification Statement 1986 EDITION This form is appro ve d and r eco mmend e d by The American Institut e of Architects (A l A) and The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)for use in eva luat - ing the qualifications of contractors . No endorsement of the submitting party or ver ification of the information is made by the AlA o r AGC. The Undersigned certifies under oath th at the information provided herein is true and suffi- c ientl y complete so as not to be misleading . SUBMITTED TO : ADDRESS : SUBMITTED BY: NAME: ADDRES S : PRINCIPAL OFF I CE: MONARCH SWIMMING POOLS, INC . 2211 SOUTH LEYDEN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80222 NAME OF PROJECT (if applicable): TYPE OF WORK (file separate f o rm for each C lassifi ca tion of Work): ----Genera l Construction ____ Plumb in g ____ Other _____________________ _ {please specify) Corpo rati on Partnership I ndividual joint Venture Ot h er ____ HVAC ____ E l ec tri cal Copy right 1 964, 1969, 1 979, © 1986 by The American In s titute o f A rchitects, 1735 New York A venue, N .W ., Washing · ton, D .C. 20006 . Reprodu c ti on of the mater ial herein or s ubstantial quotation of it s provisions without written pe r mission of t h e AlA violates the copyright laws o f t he United States and will be s ubj ect to lcRal prosecution . E c G(J 0 0 0 0 AlA DOCUMENT A305 • CONT RA CTOR 'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT • 1 '.186 EDITION • A lA.., • ©I '.Ill(> Ti l l! AMERI C AN INSTITUTE OF AR CIIITECTS, 17 .~~ NEW YORK A VEI'L'E . N .W ., ~'ASHINGTON . D .C. lO<X)(, A305-1986 1 i ; • • 1. ORGANIZAnON . 1.1 How many years has your organiz:ttion been In business as a Contractor? 33 ·. ·~ 1.2 How many years has your organiz:ttion been in business under its present business name? 3J 1.2.1 Under what other or former names has your organiz:ttion operated? Ccmpmy W3S purchased as Olympic Swimning Pools, Inc. , but the llaiE h3d to be changed as ISrt of the original ~ agree- IIBlt, . 1.3 If your organiz:ttion is a corporation, answer the following: 1.3.1 Date of incorporation: M3rch 1961 1.3.2 State of incorporation: llilorado 1.3.3 President's name: Michael Boock 1.3.4 Vice-president's name(s): Carol D. GriJIEs 1.3.5 1.3.6 Secretary's name: Treasurer's name: JOOn. A. GriJIEs JOOn. A. GriJIEs 1.4 If your organiz:ttion is a partnership, answer the following: 1.4.1 Date of organiz:ttion: 1.4.2 Type of partnership (if applicable): 1.4.3 Name(s) of general partner(s): 1. 5 1f your organlz:ttlon is individually owned, answer the following: 1. 5.1 Date of organiz:ttion: 1. 5.2 Name of owner: AlA DOCUMENT A30I • CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT • 1986 EDITION • AlA• • C> 19R(• TilE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCIIITECTS, 17.\~ NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASIIINGTON, D.C. 2tXXl6 A305-1988 2 ,· ---------------- • • 1.6 If the form of your organization is other than those listed above, describe it and name the principals: 2. LICENSING 2.1 . List jurisdictions and trade categories in which your organization is legally qualified to do business, and indicate registration or license numbers, if applicable. City & Co. Ialver City & Co. I8tver City of I..akel.ood City of Aurora City of Greem.ood Village D-7 D-7 Bldg. Spec. lliltr. D-7 c Li..cense loo:J:l24 002648 1G'!6 ACID41 3)16 2.2 List jurisdictions in which your organization's partnership or trade name is filed. State of Colomdo 3. EXPERIENCE 3.1 List the categories of work that your organization normally performs with its own forces. layoot, Excavation, Plunb:ing, Steel, Tile, Coping, Gas Lines 3.2 Claims and Suits. (If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, please attach details.} 3.2.1 Has your organization ever failed to complete any work awarded to it? No 3.2.2 Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organiz!ltion or its officers? No 3.2.3 Has your organization filed any law suits or requested arbitration with regard to construe- lion contracts within the last five years? No 3.3 Within the last five years, has any oftker or principal of your organization ever been an officer or principal of another organization when it failed to complete a con~truction contract? (If the answer is yes, ple-.ISC: attach details.) No AlA DOCUMENT A3011• t:ONTRAt:TOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT • I'JIK> tlllTION • AlA• • <sJ I<J>16 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP ARt:HITECTS, 17~~ NEW YORK AVENI:E, N.W., WASIHNGl'ON. D.C.llKKl6 A305-1888 3 • • 3.4 On a separate sheet, list major construction projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of project, owner, architect, contract amount, percent complete and scheduled completion date. 3.4.1 State total worth of work in progress and under contr.tct: $ ®, 932, 3.5 On a separate sheet, list the major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, giving the name of project, owner, architect, contract amount, dat'O! of completion and percentage of the cost of the work performed with your own forces. 3.5.1 State average annual amount of construction work performed during the past five years: $661,201. 3.6 On a separate sheet, list the construction experience and present commitments of the key individ- uals of your organization. 4. REFERENCES 4.1 Trade References: 4.2 Bio lab, roc., ~Annex (137) Atlanta, GA X693 \thlt Flanagan & CD,, roc., P. 0. Box 91110, Iatver, CD. rolOO .Aqua-Fab IlistribJtars, 1{00 W. J:Brt:nnrth, Ehgl.ewod, CD. 00110 Gates Forming & Acces9ories, P. 0. Box ~. ll::nver, CD. rolOO \t.hter SystaJe, roc., 115 Rio Grande Blvd., Iatver, CD. Sta-Rite Industries, roc., P.O. Box 95289, Chicago, lL.ffl>90 ~ Tile, roc., P.O.OOx 447, N. lbll}'I«Xld, CA. 91003 Jlbbile Premix Ccn::rete, Irr::., P.O.Box 5183 T.A., Ialver, CD. Ft. \t,h~ Pools, roc. I 420 Bryant St. I Iatver I CD. 00204 Sundek, roc., 6320 Clara St., Bell Gardens, CA. 90201 G & G Plastering, roc., 2700 Youngfield ct., I..akel.ood, Co.00215 Bank References: Cattral. Bank of Ialver, P. 0. Box 5548, Ialver, CD. 00217 Diane Stira, Account Fepresentative 8<)3-,3456 4.3 Surety: 4.3.1 Name of bonding company: 4.3.2 Name and address of agent: AlA DOCUIIENT A30I ° CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STAn.MEN'J' • I'!Hl> EDITION • AIA 0 0 <<> I'JH(> THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCIUTECTS, 17~S NEW YORK A\'ENl'E. N.ll, WAMIINtiTON, DC. ~!KMK> 1-ffi)-{f)9-{)55 m-~ss 789--2216 744-{)181 629-{)122 213-875-1690 ~7ffi5 427-2215 A305·1986 4 --- • • rnM # 3.5 MA.D OOJECIS . KlWUI ~ RXIS, INC • l'ID.JECl' CliiNER AlUil'liD' cmiRACI' AIDJNl' <XMPLEITCN Ili\'IE g.ocy HilL ~. lEV. WiER 5-86 F.AILIER) ~ 6-86 PEI'IEllS:N 0\INER 6-86 rux OoJNER 7~ (}MAN ~ 6-86 ..x:ER:iZ 0\INER 8-a) ~c:msr. IITGIIJNE OAKS 8-86 r1E:[ffi CliiNER 8-a) PINEimSl' IDlES 0\INER 8-a) J~ GlNER ~ RFALT.IlS, INC. Ov'NER lo-a:> WEISS, H. 0\INER 6-ffl aJP.IT o.roR ' 6-ffl Jllil'SIEI'IE<, E. ~ !H37 FREIEUCXS lEVEUIMOO' o.roR !H37 EmMANN 0\INER !H37 MEYF:RS CliiNER !H37 IIMARD .lmm MJIH. 0\INER !H37 .xmm 0\INER !H37 ~ OoJNER 10-87 ROOIEIT OoJNER lo-87 CHFRRY OOEC m:rn 9JIXL #4 CliiNER 3-ffi CHAWARAL MEliD ~. msr. ~ 88 alllllN (MolER 88 SHAIMAN QoJNER 88 SKYLINE ACRES CliiNER 88 .J!li6:N QoJNER 88 WliLIAMS CliiNER 88 SffiA'l'F(E) L\KES BANK WES1mN 88 Wlll.IAMS, L. 0\INER 88 BlUJolrnU) KJH[Ef[C <I1JB QoJNER i88 I1XmiW.. <lYENR le:J PRICE <lYNER '00 RI.'I'Il!X WiER 'e:J BABB <lYNER 89 IVES Ov'NER e:J llXliMAN Ov'NER 89 t MEIII1'I.El{ G.NER 89 IDIAISICI <lYNER 89 liTlSlmD <lYNER e:J RIFK1N <lYNER 89 KRAMl'S{ 0\INER 89 wm:y ms::N. Ami. 89 Ia«M:Nl' KJH[Ef[C UlJB <lYNER e:J CHFRRY <miC H.s. coor. m> F.ll!I'ER SYSIE1) <lYNER e:J • i SCPIT, R. TAPftX 'IRINEN WKllikiiiE WIR.IH IKNARD smrr, J. .tm1ill:l:N ~ K:ZIA InS SEI.aX; • CHiER ~ CHiER CHiER . CHiER ~JmsEN AID!. a..mR GiNER GiNER GiNER GiNER a..mR a..mR CHiER CHiER a.NFR a..mR /DAYIJ3 AID!. N&'AS'IIE GiNER GiNER GiNER • sr. ..JJ~MES PIKE. lli<IIR) I.J:m: Prm:E, SEl11lliEl<G & SPAEill BRB:XI!NRimE aM!. CHml{ WATERSIOO (RE-PrASTIR) " " If BlAKE CHINER KAM1IT CHINER .ROOERI'S[N CMNER MilllR CMNER RIClfARJ1rn CMNER LANIER OWNER BERLIN OWNER JAMES OWNER WASHINGTON PARK REC. CENTER OWNER THREE FOUNTAINS (REHAB) OlmER BURGAMY OWNER SIEMANN (REHAB) OWNER GAYNOR OWNER ROCK CREEK (RICHMOND HOMES) OWNER BEARMAN OWNER APPROXIMATELY 00% <F 1HE i..rnK PERFrn1ED IS WI1H CllR CHIN L\K.R Fm:E. <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) <}) 00 00 00 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 • 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 <INSIRIJCTICN REFERENCES: r-x:NARCH Sim11!NG ro:IS, INC. : KINNEY ClllSTRUCITCN 2fffJ s. JAC.l<SCN DENVER, CD. 00210 7::h-6493 OXFORD lKMES 15.50 S. qJEBEI:: WAY DENVER, CD. 00231 337-3877 <INSIID:TICN NHrJI1A'I(R<3 1207 S. LIPAN SIREEI' I:ENVER, CD. 00223 6S&-16CO J. G. TAM1INGA <INS'ImCITCN CD. mw.ER, CIJILRAIX) 00223 922-aJOO JiiC LANrSCAPE, INC. 12.50 S. CHAMBERS IDAD AIJIDRA, CD. 8CD17 751-{)192 AlLEN KEESEN IANIECAPE, INC. 2305 S. SYRAUJSE WAY, NO. 4 IJENVER, CD. 00231 337-3577 KUNZ 7 ASSCCIATES 14618 W. 6'lli AVENUE, m 3:>1 G:LD.EN, CD. 00401 279-93)6 S1:I<Y HilL MEI'IDRLITAN DIST. C/O BEimG-ID;ERS ARCliTI'B:IS 2323 WEST :IJIH AVENUE DENVER, CD. 00211 'lliE PINERY CXlMI'RY illlB 6'XXl FAST PINERY PARKWAY PARKER, CD. 841-2003 illJI>-t1lliER CLMPANIES 1(0)5 FAST HARVARD AVE., SUI'IE <XD mw.ER, CD. 00231 745-7r:J.XJ MARV1N DAVIS PRCMAR PROPERI1ES, INC. 9825 E. GIRARD NO. 402 DENVER, CD. 00231 • GRUPE IJEVE11JFMENI' 6a31 S. qJEBEC, SUI'IE 1CD ENClll.OOD, CD. Emll 850-7CD5 QJERRY CREEK HIGI SClKXL NO. 4 47CD S. YCBFMITE ST. ENGLThOOD, CD. 00111 770-3500 Architect: Steve Crawford rfuchow, .lhl.ler & Larson Petry CRSS, Mike Green Contr. BANK WESTERN FEIERAL SAVING:> FRANK VALENI'IN 700 17ll:I SI'REEI' DENVER, CD. 00202 CRAPPARAL METRO REI:REATICN DL<:'TRICI' 9J34 FAST ~ PLACE NO. 2CD ENClll.OOD, CD. 00112 NThOOILE <INS'IROCTICN CD. 1114 WEST 7ll:I A VENUE DENVER, CD. 00204 825-1919 IDA <INSTRIJCITCN P. o. rox 20127 DENVER, CD. 00220 892-1973 AIXlFSCN & PEIERSCN, INC • .505 NUCLA WAY, UNOI' D AIJIDRA, CD. 8CD11 363-7101 PINKARD cmsrRUCITCN CD. P. o. rox 26227 I.AJ<BmD, CD. 8CD27 986-4555 DAVID JENSEN 470 :EISFNHGJER 00\lE illJISVIILE, CD. 8CD27 666-6374 ftMillL MANAGEMENI', LTD. 679 A SCUIH REED CUJRr I.AJ<BmD, CD. 00226 988-0C62 • MONARCH SWIMMING POOLS, INC. 3.6 KEY PERSONNEL MICHAEL BOUCK, PRESIDENT, CONST. SUPT. B.S. GEOLOGY, 16YR. W/CORP-18 YR. EXP. JOHN A. GRIMES, SEC-TREAS., SALES-MGMT., B.S. BUS. ADM.-FINANCE, 3 YR. C0.-6 YR. FLD.EXP. C. D. GRIMES, VICE-PRES., SALES-MGMT. B.S. BUS. ADM. 33 YR. EXP. KURT MUSZYNSKI, SERVICE DEPT. SUPT., H.S. GRADUATE, 12 YR. EXP.-2 YR. W/ CORP. SYLVIA DOCKTER, STORE SALES & WATER CHEMISTRY SPEC. 10 YR. W/CO. ,; _ I I .. . ·~ !l l E C - ;, c r :: : I~' 2 ~Jfl "!_ D M / , J I ~.-S < "! ' 4 ( ) . c . ~ r,j , 9 - / • - - - @ - - - • - - - o - - - l 8 - - e - - - • - - - • - - - o 1 11 / / / - ·- - - - - - - - - -- ~ 7 7 7 8 - - / - / , f l / . , ~ , ~ ; / ~ / / / / II / / / / - . / / . I . ' ' ' " ' " ' \ ' ' , ~ ~ \ l "' '\ . . ~ - -- ,r P L O T P L A N S c a l e 1 14 " = 1 ' - 0 " B u l l n o s e P r e c a s t C o n c r e t e C O P I N G t' ' S l o p e o n D e c k A w a y f r o m P o o l . . / T I L E I • I ' • } • , / . < • . . • . - ~ P L A S T E R I t. l l ~ d? ' - ~ I I I I .. . . . _ . . . - - e - t. Z " -s~I A I J I J . : R • I -- - - ' / ·- -" --- I~ I f K £ T I ) ~~ ~ I N LEIS Vt J O E ~ W A T F A : . L;~#'- 6£ A ~ , ( A I L MA S T E R PO O L S / B Y MO N A R C H SW I M M I N G PO O L S , IN C 2'.r :1 1 SO U T H LE Y D E N ST DE N V E R . CO 80 2 2 2 (3 0 3 ) 75 7 - 6 4 8 1 e b a r 1. . 2 & _ " 0 . C . D e p t h s A b o v e 5 ' B e l o w 5 ' LZ . . . _ " O . C . ~ ~ * ~ · f / 4 ' . ) • 4 . RE B \ R . .. ' . . . S t r u c t u r a l S e c t i o n No S c a l e E l e c t r i c a l I n A c c o r d a n c e W i t h P r o v i s i o n s 6 8 0 N . E . C . S u b j e c t T o F i e l d I n s p e c t i o n s MoD•~•D 1. Pool Shape 8ifC:TAt.UrLE"' Re~. No. ______ _ 2 •. Size~X 2..'' X Depth 3Yz.' to_.S~t--__ _ 3. Surface Area 3'00 Sq. Ft. Lenear Ft • .ZQ._ 4. Coping PBEC.Iftr CeN<-IfflO' 13vL.L.Ne'.5tj'" 5. Tile,., Fgos.T P~ODF ~ Decking CoNC.SGTE 7. Capacitt <15/.Z.. Gallons _______ _ 8. Filter Model No.Ri,-FAp, 'R40Type#t6H &7£ 'SANP 9. Filetr Area in Sq. . Ft • ...,3'L..!... • ...L'----------10. F1ow Rate in G. P;M .~ Hrs. Turnover 3#.< + 11. Gauges 'J:.N EL.t JEr-\ 'T 12. Pump~t.4-Ra7Jf Mdl. No.~TA·PZB,SiL.fip__.....~...-____ _ R. P. M.,'i45 0 Phase iStA! 6-L£ Volts It s/z.3o \I " ., / ""' Disch. y'k S u e. LYl. G.P.M~@~T.UH. Pump Strainer Size .s= Inch ________ _ I ' ' 13. F1ow Meter BLuE Wdrt£ Size ..LI..:.J~IIilll:.--------14. Chlorinator MA 35 G. P.D. __ _ 15. Time Clock 1~ ~ails td:>" Ladder Grao I!JAJti" 17. Underwater Light I Volts I I 0 · W at i:s_.c;o 0 18. Deck Box Conduit and Seal I 19. Diving Board -Type 20. Diving Stand -Type 21. Skimmer 2. Equalizer Ftg. 2. 22. Cup Anchors -Life Line -Ft. Long 23. Inlet Fitting ~ Fill Line -24. Main Drain <!>Ne' Type 8 ''A ltiT1-J/tJJ!.. 7?::..}( zs. Turbo -Clean System_-___________ _ 2~ Heater t{e;AT fi:'6CHAN(rE& A MASTER POOL FOR Name VAIL. Po1~T :: · Address 1881 L'JotJ's R l DGE L ~P 1 Ci~y VA\ L 1 C.o . Phonb CoN71!AC7rJ~.:. R. J B u IL. DE"P ~I ::Z:.N~ 2.077 N , l="~ct-.~TAc$-.:" RO .) S vt lf' I I a \/A I L , Co. td l b 5'7 '3C1 "3-41q-~ \4-4- • • . . . • -:- ~ . . ; - . , ~ - · · ~ - ~ ~ . , . ~ · - . . . : . - - ) : ~ - · .._ '. ' ~- " ( (. , . - ( . , <.. , ~ '» ~ ~< v ~ ~ r T 2. 7 " I .· t; ' " ' ' . ;. ; . : . i : ; t~.>~ · ' . ·i .. . ~. c.. :, ,})!f : · ~ i ~ ····-~ 1 . ' " " ; -.. ·' .···~::- ~ : > : ; : · . - ' . -· ;·'J: , _ ~ \ " . ~ · , ~ - - ~ . ~.,., :-~·, -;· . ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ - -; .. _, -·]M ' ' ~ r ; J " : .: - -~:.~:. · . , : ' + ~ . : . . - ~: .,~;: -: \ ~ ': . · , .... ~..._. ~ .• .. . _ . . . ~t > · , i ' ? , ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ' -~'~ ~ : ~ ~ ' \ . ~ ! ' _ , . ' ' r -,~ F ' Y ~ - # ? J l i ~ ~ } f ~ ~ r , t · • e '' ~:' ,, ... : ' ' •......:...;;;..·. ,' ' ' ... B p u "" ' ' > 3fL"""';r·'f"!«:'?,fu<~',""'""~kt-~·' ., .. 10 . FL O W RA ' J E IN .. G. P . M . : C. , G;l HRS. TUftHOVER: /t.Mt&J ' - . .. . . _ ... 11 . GA U G E S : . - . - - IN F L -UFL 12 . PU M ~ ~ " ' l t T £ MDt...NOfj(J,(.t:GlttS.H.P._t -- R. P . M . a I f 5' '( ) PH A S E : WLTS: -r---- DIS C H : _ _ _ l _ ~ s u c . tY ; . ' ' G.P.M. 4 0 o Z 0 T.D.H $, : . ._... '. J 13 .. FL O W ME T E R : Ill£: _·-JIU!J!7.~.___ ____ _ INC'' •I -- 14 . FL O W CO N T R O L L E R : -- ; ; : . . _ _ I M L t . : . G.P .M. ' • • • " o;;~ · · ~ G.P.O.: ---- - ---~~-~~----------- 19 ; uroi D E ~ A T E R LI G H T = - · t VOl!$: lfP wATTS: &So() -~ CONDUI_T AND SfAl; _•__,/,__ ___ _ ---· I -. -~ -------- • ·. i ' ,.! I 1--- "" ... ....: . ....-:-·~- ·-"'..A ~ 'I I .. • t~ M 1 t N D . e , u d I ~~t S<lj~ 4 4 'l ( c : ~ ~ r_ J , 6" / f - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - • • - 0 • - - 0 . - - - · - - - 0 . I II " i- - e - : ? .... ~e - - " , r ; · - - T ~ , , - ;~" / ' ' . ; / , ·~. , ... . , . . . . . • - - e .. Jo t " '5 1 4 A I I I I G r • I -- \ / ·-' - - I~ " K £ T I J ~IJ ; u . l l . E T S tJ A J D E K . w l f T ~ L l f , . H - 1' / / • - 6 M ~ , ( A l l - " / / , ," " . / , / / . I ~ ' ", " ' " ' .. "'- . . "- - - ~ - - - , L .. P L O T P L A N S c a l e 1 t' l r • = 1 ' - 0 " I tJ \ ~~ I I I -MA S 1 e R PO O L S / B Y M O N A R C H - · - PO O l S , IN C 22 1 1 so u n t LE Y D E N ST DE N Y S \ co 80 2 2 2 (3 0 3 ) 75 7 - 6 4 8 1 B u l l n o s e P r e c a s t C o n c r e t e C O P I N G -i - " S l o p e o n D e c k A w a y f r o m P o o l T I L E . < ,• - : · ~ 1 • . ' · : J-. . ,I' ~ P L A S T E R ~ 4 RE W 1 R • . .. .. . . . ~ e b a r l. Z . . . . " O . C . D e p t h s A b o v e 5 ' B e l o w 5' ~ " 0 , C . i - - - - G : ] * -~ 1 c: . 0 4 ' I 1 - _; a : S t r u c t u r a l S e c t i o n N o S c a l e E l e c t r i c a l In A c c o r d a n c e W i t h P r o v i s i o n s 6 8 0 N. E . C . S u b j e c t T o F i e l d I n s p e c t i o n s •• ·-1'\AOCI~l·D 1. Pool Shape alrC.TAI!((rLE' Re~. No •. ______ _ z •. Size..l..3:_X 2.1.' X Depth~ to~ • 3. Surface Area 3'00 Sq. Ft. Lenear Ft • .m__ 4. Coping PB€C.dir C91{<Jrfi& fiu'-L.N~£ s. Tile,., F'gesT PIC,eof 6. Decking Co t/C.RIL Tl 7. Capacity 9Sf.L Gallons _______ _ 8. Filter Model No.Bi,-FAe '"D!40TypeHt4ct' &7£ ,;AAIP 9. Filetr Area in Sq •. Ft.,.;!f~, .s..l _________ -: + Hrs. Turnover3b';( 10. Flow Rate in G. P.·M -~ 11. Gauges J:,N FL.tJfiN"T i 1Z. PumpTA·8!'7Jf M.di. No.~TA·'ZISl.fip---1[..._---R. P.M.,, i45 0 Phase{UAI (,.LE Volts n.s/z.3o \1" or /.-, Disch. Yk Sue. l Y1. G. P. M~ @!e ..... e:r. n.a Pump Strainer Size .S: Inch._.,...... _____ _ , , 13. Flow Meter RLp§ Wlf11F Size .~,1_..~..._ ______ _ 14. Chlorinator MA 35 G. P.D. __ _ 15. Time Clock .... ~ ___________________ _.. ___________ _ ~ ~ -16. ~ails IJ? Ladder Grao t!JAJt:l 17. Underwater Light I Volts I I 0 · Watts r ,.. 18. Deck Box Conduit and Seal_ 19. Di~ng Board ---Type _______________ _ zo. Di~ng Stand -___________ Type _________________ _ 2.1. ---=--------Equalizer Ftg. _,2..._ ___ _ Skitnmer-'J zz. Cup Anchors -Life llne -n. Long 2.3. Inlet _Fitting #(' -Fill llne ___________________ _ .... '¥, Type 8"A NTI# J/tJit.7?Jf!:X 2.4. Main Drain.6,· •• zs. Turbo -Clean System-------------------26. Heater fl£'AT £)(,CIIAAI(rG& -A MASTER POOL FOR Name VAIL. Po1'tol'T :; · Address 1881 L"iorJ'.:S RIDGE LG1e~P 1 Ci~y V.A\ L 1 C.o. Phonb .I CoN71tlfG7()~. R J ~ IJ IL.. D£'P 51 :t..NC. 2.0'71 14, i='~olol"f'A4'4i Rb,1 SviTI' I I e VAIL..., c(,j, e1 ~.s7 "!e '5-41q-"'\4-o~ • r \ • u, f ? l t - J (. _ / • I • 9 ., , . _ , , r E I , .. ~J : ) , , l I \ ' " ' , . . : . . , ) \ J ~ -12 -c . , </ 6~ <; ; ? ~\ , "" > - ~ ~ / ~ . I - ~ • fi { t f - I / ~ ;- / , : . ; < / ? ' £. - + ; L 'f ; = : : ; : } - - / 4 - pfi B A ~ ~ ,- z _ : · o . C . . · e: T. [_ , ... vJ M 1 5 " l i I I I I I I I l • --- "r E o ~ I ' W W · - . . . , _, -· r.\,1.; • 4Z." TO~tt )( )( ___ , AR E A : S D · ~ SQ. FT. EAR fEET·~ 5 R l . l ' ' ~rJ . ~ i : P~£CA~"r ~t1t_M6/E ~~ ~ ;: R ~ S T Pti! cc..;: :t N G : ( " " a N C l f " G T £ 7. CA P A C I T Y : I ( ) t : - 0 GA l L O N S . 8. FI L T E R MO D E L No . f f t , . · f f l B 1"'RJd? TYPE: H. R· $ArJC> 9. FI L T E R AR E A IN SQ . FT . : 2:; > , I 10 . FL O W RA T E IN G. P . M . : t: . C2 HRS. TURNOVER: j(./11 I If) 11 . GA U G E S : . . _ - - IN F L . -EFFL 12 . P U M f > . ! 5 i r t 9 - Kt n £ MOL NO . .DU~~~<;.H.P. I R. P . M . ~ " ' f 5 0 PHASE: VOLTS: ( '" y'' c; 0 DI S C H : _j_ J . - : " ~ SU C . \ l-G.P.M. & Q G T.D.H PU M P ST R A I N E R SI Z E : : S : INCH . •I 13 . FL O W ME T E R : SIZE: ~~ 14 . FL O W CO N T R O L L E R : - --SIZE: X G. P.M. - 15 . RE C L A M A T I O N SU M P : 16 . CH L O R I N A T O R : /} 1 !\ : 3 5 G. P.O.: - 17 . TI M E Cl O C K : 1'. - . a ,, -- 18 . RA I L S : LA D D E R : GRA8: 19 . UN D E R W A T E R LI G H T : . J_ . VOLTS: II D WATTS: f500 20 . DE C K BO X : . CONDUIT AND SEAL: • I - 21 . DI V I N G BO A R D : TYPE: - 22 . DI V I N G ST A N D : _ TYPE: 23 . SK I M M E R : EQUALIZER FT'G.: I - 24 . CU P AN C H O R S : LifE LINE: FT.I.OHG. 25 . IN l E T FI T T I N G S : z. . - _ All LINE: -I 26 . MA I N DR A I N : TYP£: ANT I -Vt?R~ 27 . DR Y WE L L SI Z E : GALLONS: I 28 . TU R B O - C l E A N 'S Y S T E M : 29 . A M A S T B R POOL WOB ;tt ~ r L ~ l i · ~ .. B~D e I I ... ------ t~ '" ' A / D. . , , , . ; I i_ " S< " h ' · 4o 'I ( " > ~ 1,! . I I - ., . . , . ~ · - - - · - - - · - - - - - - - · - - · - - - · - - - · - - - · _ ' h / . i- - 8 - 7 > ~ . . : : . · - - / / , - - T - - ~ , _ t l / ' ' ~ / .. _ ~ ~/ / / / / • /~ / _ / , / , I ' I ~- ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ', ~ ~ No S c a l e , ~ .. .. . . . . . " .. . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - "-. . . . "- - ~ - - - P L O T P L A N S c a l e 1/ 1 / f ' = 1 ' - 0 " B u l l n o s e P r e c a s t C o n c r e t e C O P I N G t " S l o p e o n D e c k A w a y f r o m P o o l I ti l ~- v ~ I I I ~ ;- - G : J X I 4- R m \ R S t r u c t u r a l S e c t i o n No S c a l e .. , .. . . -· . ~ .. .. . . . . . ·' ., , E l e c t r i c a l I n A c c o r d a n c e W i t h P r o v i s i o n s 68 0 N. E . C. S u b j e c t T o F i e l d I n s p e c t i o n s •• . . . . - - - • - t· f 'S i t ! I I I I I # I E R • I -- - \ / ·-" -- I U - - I~ G T c J f U l :l . # J l E T S IJ N D E I . W I ' I T ~ LI~A"- C7 £ A ~ . t A t I - MA S T E R PO O L S / B Y MON A R c H _ . , l N G PO O l S , IN C 22 1 1 80 l m t LE Y D E N ST DE N V E R . co 80 2 2 2 . . , 15 7 - 6 4 8 1 ~ e b a r 1. 2 . . . . " 0 . C . D e p t h s A b o v e 5 ' B e l o w S• L Z , _ " O . C . ... r • 1'\ii\.ODI~laD 1. Pool Shape EiUtc.TAill<iL€ Re~. No. ______ _ . .,,. ,_.._· z •. Size ~X <. X Depth :5a. .to~ , 3. Surface Area :fqo Sq. Ft. Lenear Ft • ..ZQ._ 4. Coping PBfiC.If'€r C9itl<-trfitl' 13w£-L.bWA£ s. Tile,., FRoST P&eof 6. Decking Co.yc::.Bs=re 7. Capacity 9'5/.L Gallons _______ _ a. Filter Model No.8Jc-FAe TC40Type#llrrt' e.7l£ MIIIP 9. Filetr Area in Sq. Ft._.;l'!L-!-' .... ! _________ ~ Hrs. Turnover3JI.< + 10. Flow Rate in G. P.-M.~ 11. Gau.ge.s +N FL.t/firo.l "T ~ lZ. PumpS'r ... -R,.zw: McU. No.~TA-FZ!tSiL.fip-Jt...----R. P.M.' ~45 0 Phase 5JN (,.LE Volts I I s.43 0 Disch. \ Y1.:" Sue. l Yl. • G. P. Mk @~ T. n.a Pump Strainer Size .S: Inch--.,---------•. 13. Flow Meter 8Lv& Wllt'l[' Size ..lf.:..~~-------14. Chlorinator MA 35 G. P.D. __ _ 15. Time Clock-16. R,alls (J)" Ladder _____ Grao 4:JAJ.;" .Volts II Q ·Watts 5'0 0 17. Underwater Light I 18. Deck Box I Conduit and Seal_( ____ , 19. Diving Board -Type __ --__________ _ zo. Diving Stand ---Type_--_______________ _ Zl. Sltimmer ? ---"----.;._Equalizer Ftg • ..;2.;;;... ___ _ zz. Cup Anchors -Life Line -.n.Long Z3. Inlet .ntting ~ Fill Line __ --____________ __ Z4. Main Drain 4 .Ve Type 8 "A li/ZI~ li.,~MX 25. Turbo-Clean System--------------26. Heater tfpr £X.CHAAJ(ra& A MASTER POOL FOR Name VAIL. Po1"'"T :; · Addreu 188 I LION'.:> Rl DGE ~p 1 Cl~y VA\ l-1 C.o . Pbonb (firJ711!AG"?DL, R J e 1J tL.DE"P S1 ::t.Nc. 2.0?7 ~.t=~oNTA4o,-llb.1 S'-'t,.!' 11e. VAIL.. I c(). et~o.s7 "3• "3-41q-"""\4-4- ! -~ r ... • ·.~ C- c : f ' ; I J . ~ /: : _ . ,, - I I ~N i T t = , , ) ·, ., • . i ~ ~ ~1 ~y - - t - . J- -~;-- r- + - - c 0 0 - . '- ,, . j . . - - l ' "1 . / \. , n - ' . -p r r t f - . I ' · 1~/t- ' v / J · I \ . ~ - \: ; - ( . , <", . . . , o~, s; "'f - /7 ~ - ~ / " \ .- ; : : ; . - ' ... _.> . . . -" "" ' > - . ~ ~ .- - - - i; " ' r - ; L ®;- 1 / r / / C \ '"',i t - - ~ - - ~ - ~ i i f n p . . . L / J I .~[t:: : I J 2 -' I ' " ' ' " " .. I .-~ · 2 7 " 11 •· ,, ; o . c > " I ~r ,, . / j f : / f- - - ( ' ' I , I& _ , I I I 15 ( f I • • ........ 1. PO O L SH A P E : B 0 u ,. J D SPA ltEF. NO.: 2. SIZ E : ~ ' ., TO <1-.Z •' X X---DEPTHS: 41.. 3. SU R F A C E AR E A : S D · Z- 4 SQ. FT. LINEAR FEET·,? 5" 4. CO P I N G : R I J L ' ~lf 2 . ~ i : Pl'f£01.Z.1"' ~d!_~FT€ 5. TI L E : ~ ·• ' F R ~s T PR.eo-f= 6. DE C K I N G : ~ at : z . / C ; ? e T C " " 7. CA P A C I T Y : I (; t : J 0 GA L L O N S . 8. FI L T E R MO D E L N o . & · f f ! B TRitt'? TYPE: tf, R' S,.,rJC> 9. FI L T E R AR E A IN SQ . FT . ; 0• I 10 . FL O W RA T E IN G. P . M . : C, (- . ) HRS. TURNOVER: I&:.MtiJ 11 . GA U G E S : . _ - - IN F L . -EFFL 12 . PU M P " ~ • l: t TI E : MDL. NO.,D!.!&~..GL!r~H.P. I R. P . M . 3 4 5 " 0 PHASE: VOLTS: DI S C H : -. L t - v · ' .s u e . L/' 2 . .' ' G.P.M. L, 0 @ c; 0 T.D.H PU M P ST R A I N E R SI Z E : s : INCH. 'I 13 . FL O W ME T E R : I SIZE: lb - -- 14 . FL O W CO N T R O L L E R : SIZE: X G. P.M. - 15 . RE C L A M A T I O N SU M P : 16 . CH L O R I N A T O R : f } ) t\ : 3 5 G.P.D.: - 17 . TI M E CL O C K : C, . a / . " - 18 . RA I L S : LA D D E R : -GRAB: 19 . UN D E R W A T E R li G H T : . _} _ _ _ _ VOLTS: II D WATTS: fSo:) 20 . DE C K BO X : J CONDUIT AND SEAL . I 12 1 . DI V I N G BO A R D : -TYPE: - I 22 . DI V I N G ST A N O : . TYPE: I I I 23 . SK I M M E R : I EQUALIZER FT'G.: i l - I 24 . CU P AN C H O R S : LIFE LINE: FT. LONG. - ; 25 . IN L E T FI T T I N G S : h- - = RLL LINE: I 26 . MA I N DR A I N : TYfl(:fui'T I-V~R7C)... 27 . DR Y WE L L SI Z E : GAllONS: 28 . TU R B O - C L E A N <; Y S T E M : 29 . A M A S T B R POOL :POB l . ~~r c ~ \ · s . f \ ~ D • ' I r' . l '. 1--~ ......... ...-:- . ..-~-,... ! I ' ,_. .:i'-t'' - ~· Ill . ~·· I 0 \ -I I "'" I' . I i .rr::11 ===r.t1n I T I I I I I ·-r~. -~~ " L I I l ! I I I ·~ : ~ I I I 'HI • t:\1'f ot Vat\ commulllt'f l own oevelopment Plan Bur)d f1 ,alth ' r ' l I ----r I 0 I ,3 ·" 0 an ~06 ot ----·---~~-------- .... ' ~ .. ·-·.· I ' ' . ' . ·~ •:':, .. :. ' '•· .. . ... \ "1 • . ( "' ..... '. ·f. ' J \ • .... . •• • 4 ~ ,. , •{ j'; "'~ . . ·~ . . ·.: \ =:.. • ~ ._ I '• e' r •, ' • J ' . • .. ' ~-·--. . "' . ' t ' . I -. . .. .,. ·, .... ; _l •.... .. I I I UCIL':". :: •' .. ' .. . JOb no .. 4.:~ sht. o . .. . ,• ' . .. I 'J , , . . . ; ' " • l I ' " ' I ' ' . ' j