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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0247 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR EMAIL11cpwordi -r-a •lak Gcotechni"d; Inc. 10;12 Smith Progros Way Go.,.I)tech Parker, C llor do &1134 Phunc; 103- 841.7119 Fax: 101- 841 -7550 August 2, 012 email: hpeco24h1�reotech.c,�m Real Estate Consulting Services, Inc. , Z o 0 247 Attn: Mr. Brian Reske 5945 Wesl 700 North McCordsville, Indiana 46055 Job No. 412146A Subject: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Single Family Residence, 5194 Main Gore Drive, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. eske, As request , a representative of Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. (H -P Geotech) observed t ic excavation at the subject site on July 27, 2012 to evaluate the soils exposed for founda 'on support. The findings of our observations are presented in this letter. H -P Geotech p eviously conducted a "Subsoil Study for Foundation Design" for the subject project da July 19, 2007, under Job Number 4070185. PROPOS D CONSTRUCTION' We reviem ed the Notes and Foundation Plan, Sheets S 1 and S2, respectively, prepared by Ewing En ' eering, Inc. dated June 15, 2012. The referenced structural plans utilized an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf, which was recommended in the above referenced Subsoil Stpdy. The existing structure consists of conventional wood frame construction above grade and concrete foundation walls below grade. Slab on grade floors will be used. FIELD Of SERVATIONS At the time of our site visit, the foundation excavation had been cut in three main levels from abou 3 to about 20 feet below the original ground surface at the street level. The soils expo ed in the excavation consisted of silty sand in the upper 5 to 10 feet of the excavatior which was overlying silty, sand and gravel in the lower 10 to 20 feet of the excavatior cut. Two areas of decomposed gneiss were observed in the excavation cut. It was not Bible to determine if these areas were large boulders or intact weathered bedrock. a footing subgrade exposed in the three levels of the excavation were found to be slight oist to moist and dense. No free water was encountered in the excavation. It is our o that the soils exposed in the excavation are suitable for the support of spread foo ings designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psi Sincerely, - PAWLAK GEQXNICAL, INC. Alan J. Lis�owy, P.E. Reviewed y: CMB Z, R David Rhoades From: brianreske Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 10:42 AM To: David Rhoades Subject: Re: VAIL CONTRACTOR CERT Hi David Please change the contractor on Building Permit# B12 -0247 from Blue Devil Builders, Inc to 5194 Main Gore Drive, LLC. Please also reply with confirmation of the change. Thank you very much Brian Reske, property owner 5945 W 700 North McCordsville, IN 46055 317- 374 -6700 Brian Reske(o) - - - -- Original Message---- - From: David Rhoades <> To: brianreske <brianreskeCa�> Sent: Wed, Jul 25, 2012 1:36 pm Subject: VAIL CONTRACTOR CERT Here is a copy for your records. Thank you. David Rhoades Development Review Coordinator Community Development TOWN OF VAIL 970.479.2128 970.479 -2452 Fax /vailgov