HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120349@ 'rtrNtrv L,,TOI]TT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER L The applicant must submit written joint property owner approvill for applicaUons affecting shared ovrrnership properties srh as duder, ondominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or dmilar written conesponderre, must be conr,pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home ourne/s resociation in the case of a con-dominium or multi-ter6nt building. Ali comfleted forms must be submitted with the applicants completed applicaUon.I, (print name; Jboo 0niug,R . a jointowner, @ of property located at 9lo?o€Ar AaA (ol rar Urlgsf provide this letter as urritten approval of the effid Town of Vail Community Development Deprtment for the proposed impovements to be comffied at the address not-ed aborre. I underSand that the proposed lmprovements include:+ I 2 al t-)-Prapcr,el .,nprqrtwrtql S'lro €a?oPA'"ilfii&'Hffi5ff,t,.tFLlo tne (Slgnature)(Date)AddlUonally, plcrsc chec* thc etatemont bclow whlch is mct rpplicabla to you:I undets,bttd ttrplt minu mdifiadons nay b na& b tlrc plarc otmr the @utx of tln rcview prcoeff to erwe ann-f,larce with tle Townb apfliable cd* and rcgulatiwa,(Initlalhse)I uttMd dnt alt tdlfutionq mt:nor or odrctul*, whkrt are ma&,to tt:E ptans otu tln @ux of tln rculew pt*e;s, h fuought to my attwttion by tlle ryplfunt br additimal apnwl fufae ut*rycrtng fur#Er review by the Town.(Initial hae) Exist. Deck that We are to match Living room deck and stairs to be Rebuilt to match existing entry deck Wells Residence