HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0350NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,. TbWNt�FYAtI, ` Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0350 Job Address: 4640 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL Location......: VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 1 Parcel No....: 210112405001 OWNER HOOK, EDWARD W., III 3001 CNATERBURY RD BIRMINGHAM AL 35223 APPLICANT HOOK, EDWARD W., III 3001 CNATERBURY RD BIRMINGHAM AL 35223 CONTRACTOR SERVICE MONKEY DAN AKERS PO BOX 2112 / 276 ANNIE ROAD SILVERTHORNE CO 80498 License: C000003375 08/07/2012 08/07/2012 Project #: PRJ12-0439 Applied.....: 08/07/2012 Iss ued. . . : 08/30/2012 08/07/2012 Phone:970-262-1257 Description: INSTALL HORIZONTAL TERMINATION CAP FOR DIRECT VENT GAS STOVE Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: VB Valuation: $3,000.00 .....,,..,..., ...................,..,...........................................,....+ FEE SUMMARY ....,...,.........,,..,.,................«..,,..........,......................,..... Building Permit ----------> Electrical Permit ---------> Mechanical Permit ------> Plumbing Permit -----> $83.25 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $54.11 $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 $60.00 Mech Plan Check ------> $15.00 $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Additional Fees-------------------> ($137.36) Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call-----------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $80.00 Payments------------------------------> 580.00 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 ,r,r::x�:���xxww+x+wwax«rtwwxwxw�wx::x�x:�:xxxx�rrwxx+.w+rwwwwx*wxxxxx:xxx�x,t�x+�����wxwwwwwwwx��x+.+.��x,rx�.f.�xxx�s.�����xx���rkwvrx«w�,rwwwxrx�ixt�xxxkxr��xr,rx��v.rx,rwrxxxw:����v.xx+wxrwwwww�x:x DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 �� � � '� fxwRf�###f/4fi(Y`kYe4fr4ffrY`LLfrfifrff'f'f'ffNfrfrfrMr444444fii/*�k1�YrYYrRRYrYrRV}r}rV1rR1r4kMdi/*'/�kY•YtY'ikRVYntflrf'itRitttrfM#1M#fRf�*1`f`*fR'R#�l4Y'iR�kY`trrtRt'friRiRfrN}RxRMf}atA'+t*KY'Y'Y`Yrk4}�FMVf'f`f`�1r1r4f`1`*i`MiFY�FrtrtiRhfRttRfrf�Ir#irfiYeYlYr CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 612-0350 Owner: HOOK, EDWARD W., III VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 1 Address: 4640 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL Location: .............................,...............,................,..,.............................,,...,....,,......,...................,,.....,.,.......,...,..........,..,..,,..,...,,..... Cond: CON0012724 Prior to final inspection, the applicant shall paint the exterior surfaces of the termination cap to match the adjacent exterior building wall color. combination permit_012811 � � TqwN OF Y� ' *..*.***.*,,....*.,,,..***.***..*****.*...***..**.***.*********.*...*****,*,*..**,.,,.....*.�***..*.****,.*.*********��*********„***********.**..****.*, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 612-0350 Owner: HOOK, EDWARD W., III VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 1 Address: 4640 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL Location: *„*�.****,.*.,**.**.*****«*„***„***..«***««****...,..�..,►,►**«**,*,.****.,,,,,*.,...***,,.,,.*********,.*******...*******.**..**********,,,,*«***.,.,,.,.,►****..****** Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final combination permit_012811 ++++++*****************************+*************«**********************+******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***++++**+*********************************************************�***********�************ Statement Number: R120001214 Amount: $80.00 08/30/201204:26 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #4315 / service monkey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0350 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-124-0500-1 Site Address: 4640 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL Location: VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 1 Total Fees: $80.00 This Payment: $80.00 Total ALL Pmts: $80.00 Balance: $0.00 **********�**********************+**************�********************�************�********* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jul 26 2012 2:1zPM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 page 1 6UILDING PERNtiT APPLICAl10N (,�/�� (Separate app�ications are required for siarm & spriNcler) ��"7 �o�ct street �w�r�es: �Ir( - l�l�%�- � Uai � �et � �' l �-� (Number) (Stredt) (Suite �) Building/Compfex Name: �%a� � �C'AGC`'� �iiwiD Contractor Infonnadon DRB #: .l� I �(�3S D Building Pernlit #: d.� ��`' �� 7�(� Block � Subdivfsion: Busineas Name: ��(1�LG ��'I �-�l Work Clas�: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration (�) _ _ _ .. Business Address: • d_ �i1c Z// Z T�►pe ot Building: City Si 1�(,�d,/�{� Slaba: �_ Zp: �.� Lf 8 Single�Family O Duplex (} Mulii-F�rtily�} Contact Name• _�GtC �D/'OGK Gommeraal ( ) Other ( ) Contact Phone: ��� � G a� f Z 5� work Type: �rtterior � � Exteriar () Both (�) Contact E-Mail: i /1'1'D P �CiU � /hG11�i '/' �O�y� _ , . _ . ... . . .. .. -v �•---�� • � Valuatiort of �-(� Waic Ir�cluded Plans Included Work Contractor Reqistration Number, e! .� i� 'Electrical ( )Yes ( jNo ( )Yes ( )No X -�.Y�.� ;j !�� Mechanicel (�)Yas ( )No ( )Yes (�)No OwnedOwner's RepreseMative Signa�re (Required) 'p�umbing ( )Yes ( NVo ( )Yes ( )No ... _ . . .. .. . .. Project Inbrmadon Gl , __„ ,y� ` {�,�.� K °Buildins{ ( )Yes ( )No ( �Yes ( jNo Owner Neme: �'101 KXt► �/ / (J /y �] �+ • Value of all work being performed: $� D�Q � P0rCE1 �: _�� V� f d� � 7 �d � (value basad on IBC Sedion 1a9.3 3 IRC Setotion 1p8.3) � (FOr PircM i� conl�et Eaqls County Asa�aso� Wflaa �t (l70-�-eiW a vWl www...p{.caueey.udp.w) EleCtrical Square Footage , . _ , ,. . . . .. ....: _ .: . . . . . . .. . :: ..:. . .. . . . ., ,�:.,,,( / _ � ..� L ..-.. Detailed Scope and Localion o1 Work: _[L_i�1bUG �lCI'bT1� �� w� 1- y. � I/� gTa{� � (use additlGnal sh�t N necessa►Y) For OHioe Use Qaly: Fee Paid: tteceived From : Cash CF�ck � _ cc: v� r Mc �sc q cc � Aut�t # «p dare: Datc 'tteceived: �����V� Au� o � zu�l TOWN OF VAIL 01-Jan- I ! Jul 26 2012 2:12PM Service Monke� 970-262-6519 page 2 9tstia of Cobrado Asbe�s Ta4tlnq � Abstement Raquir�ments Asbestas Eesting and abatement probe�ts worbers, homeowners, nefghbor5 and emergency servioes responders From ex- posure bo harmful asbestos. It is your responsibillty ko be in complianoe with the Stabe. P{ease oontact the Stabe dir�r for theV requirements at the corrtact info listed bebw. W hen is ssbestns t�tina re�auiredz � bui{ding projects disturbing mare than these threshold levels of building materials requlre asbestos besting: One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet Ali Others (oommercial spaoes, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet Definilion of a single-fsmily drwiBnp: anr dwslli�g unit that is u�ed primariiy 1br a single family, including multi-fan�ily/aondominium u�dts„ and fractlonel fa unks. Ilsbeslns tes�ing results must be provided wfth your appliration fnr a bulidl�g permit. Tests which identify POSII'IVE res�s at mQre than i% require abatement by a State�e�tlfied abaGement oontractor. The air clearana I�ber or form must be submitted to the Town of Vail before tfie bullding �mit wlli be issued. Pro,ject Checklist My Project falis into tho cat�opory checkocl bilow: a Will not disturb rnore than the threshold limlts identitied above. � Tested negadve, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test resuits induded) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requlres abatement (1 copies of test results ind�ded) Tips � Facts: � Even reoent cor�structbn projec�s may include asbesflos-containing matierfals, so buildings of �py age require testing. • The "1989 Ban" on asbesbos-contai�ing maberlak � c�mmonly misunde��sbood. "In fact, In 1991 the U.S. Fifth Clrcult Court cf Appeals vacaLed much of the so-caNed "Asbestoc ean and Phaseout" rule and remanded it b� the EPA. Thus, much oF the original 1969 EPA ban on tfie U.S. man�acturinq, impo�tadon, processing, or distributfon in commerce of maay asbestos-containing product ca�egories was set aside ancl did not take effect." - CDPHE Asbestos Gest res� shouid be submitbed to: Town of Vail, Community Deve�opmen�, 75 S�ontag� Rd, Vafi, CO, 6i657. Town of Vsil Conbc� Fke Preverrtion 8ureau Vail Fine pepartrnerrt 75 S Frontage Rd Fire_ir�specto�s(�vailgov.com 970�79-2252 www.vaflgnv.com Stst�a of Colorado Co�sct: Cobrado Department of Public Health and Environmerrt Asbestos Complianoe Assistanoe Group 303-592-3158 asbesta��state.co.us www.c�jphe.sta te.co.us 01-Jeo-1 I Jul 26 2012 2:13PM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 page 5 Vaii Rac uetCiub Townhomet� & Condominiums July 17, 2012 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Qevelopment, The Vail Racquet Club Homeowner Association recently received a requesi from the owner of Building 10, Unit 1 ta install a freestanding gas stove and the approprlate horizontal ve�ing whlch will penetrate the cornmon acea buiiding wall. This improvement meets the Design Revtew requirements of the Association and has been condifionally approved based upon the owner r�ecelving the proper Town of Vail permifis and approval. If the Town has any questions or desires further information, please let me know. 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 800�}28-4840 � 970-476-48q0 970-476-4890 F4: email: stat{f�vailracquetctub.com wwWr.vailracquecclub.com Jul 26 2012 2:13PM Service Monkey n� � C���Y EAT F I R E P L A C E S �� �"�s��� _� ;� _ -�,. ,; �; I`I'� � � '� �'� �' ..l (" 7 FREE-STAI�IDING DIRECT VENT FIREPLACES 970-262-6519 page 6 INSTALLATIpN �ND QpE�AT�011T M�4NUAL irrsrwit,�s: z,B,•�v� affis 1r�+xil.�, rvr,rs �s A�+rlawHC�, ooxsv�: xa�ruYV �us �rwvvar. �o� mrivxB �+�vcB. 5hown with optional lxush�ed nickel Prairie doors md stainless dro�in side inserts. ,. WARNINC�: This product must be inetalled by a lfoensed plamber or gaa iatter when it�talled in the commonwealtb oi'Ma�sachusetts. A maa � i�iar�e�ledia aa �Eermarket peimaeu�'to�ied, mraufsettu�ed (moblle) home, where nat P[obibibed 1�Y loa�t cadas. (T7 on�') or rao6ila Lome OEM in�ta�latias� mwt eosdbem w(�h i�he M`amy}�ccurad �on�e lbnrdv,ct%n and �e�ie4/ 9tandm�d, ?Yde s4 CF7l. Pau�i 1s80. or �rlim aoch a standard is.not �o�+1e, die ep�ndard torMaraQ�ctured Smna Instar/Jat+6ona, AN�/NC�Asa6. i� or rd bor GQS Equipped Rso�eaefoaat YeJ�iclss mid A�l� aoustnn, cs� z*eo.a WARNING: If the information in these inetracttons are not followed exact�y, a fire or e.xplosion may r��, ���8 p�P�r9 �ge, Pereonal iqjury or loss of life. ■ Do aot store or use gasoline or other �Haminabie vapors and ]iquids in thc vicinity of this or aay ather appliance. IF YOU BMELI, GAS: ■ Donot.l�ghtaqyappliance. ■ Do nat tQach any ehcFric,al sarltch: do not use any plwme im y�.nr building. ■ Immediatel;p' �an, 8as suPPlier trom a aeighbors phone. Follow* the gas supplier instruc�iona. ■ If yon cennot reacH 3'oar �a suPPlier, caII the 8re deparlmeat ■ Installation and service muat be performed by a qualii'ie�1 inatali�r, Servi,ce s,gency or the gas suQplier. T1�is appliance ie only for tt�e with the �pe (s) uf gas mdicated oa the ratfng plat�. A converaion Idt is a�upplied, with the appliance. . A � US � �'�� ..�R� ,. HOT GLASS WILL CAUSE BURNS. DO NOT TOUCH GLASS UNTTL COOLED. NEVER ALLOW CHILDREN TO TOUCH GLASS. rvw+r.kory6a6co. '` �T1O�- We recQmm�d thst our pas � hearth products be insOslled srxl servlcsd bY Profaa- : s{onals who are oertifred in ` it�a U.S, byihe Nadonal RrAplac� Insdtu� INR1 ae NFI Ge� 5pecialista. J�wary 301D Jul 26 201z 2:13PM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 page 7 NOT6o OtYar deanooe apply. AU draraxoe� muat be osafntalaed. WARNING: F9repLee vast 6e pi�c.�d dir�ctly oa weod or �on-ao�u�ttbie surLce (aat linoleam ar ntpel) a�tmdi�n� entira depfk atid widtb af Hnepl�a � Unit+ to �idewa8: 7" (178 mm) ' Unit` ta back waU: 5" (127 mm) , Unit tap to ceiline: 47" (1194 mm) Frnm flue vent: 1" (25 mm) I"Messurament s flrom top aoraer of tireplace. , , A 1� (25 m1n� � (15 om) 0 s , ;�- :� „ 4���, :.��' ciz7 mm� �-uz^ �zz nml Jul 26 2012 2:14PM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 Follow ve�t pipe msaufecturer's instsiletion instruuctioas for vertical taminations. A cninimum 1" (25 a�m) clearance on all sides of vertical vent pipe must be maintained. ; _ . . . ., . _ : . , .. ,. Follow veat pipe manufactuurer's: iq,ctallation iastructions for horiion#nI ter�rr�netions. Include raryircd 1-i/2" (38 mm) top clearanae (at wall pass-thru) end l" (25 mm) sides and bottom cleacances fnr approved rigid vent systans. page 8 sda�» �e� pir mo�dl� i��'ryee�c Yd �d tiek�Y PN) h+►ra�t � Pull bottom of door out and up while lifting up to disconnect latches from mounting rod locatod behind asscmbly. Lif� door high enough to s.lign Letches above mounting rod, loworing slowly into posiNon. � � A Locate metal bar (giass latching mechanism) below glass fiamc. B. To reiease glass assembly, pull latch mechaaism lawbs ou� then irnmediately dowq sccuring m�etal b� onto stops. C. Pull bottam of glass assembly out, lifting up aad off tabs u# top of firebox. � WARNIlYG; DO NOT OPERATS 7'iilS FIREPLACE WITH TH& GLASS R&MOVED, fStACIC�D OA BROKEN. RF1'LkCEMENT OF GLASS e}SB�MBI.)`. fIT00-0 SHOULD BE DONE SY A LICSNSBD OA QUALII+[ED 8ERV1C� PF.IiSON WARN[NG: DO NOT REMOVE GLASS A.SSBMBLY WIiEN H07'1 r A. Place glass frame assembly top ovor tabs at top of firebcuc. B. Pull bottom handles out aad 'up' to secure glass frame assembly bottom. PAGE 9 Pull Imobs oue and do�va to e�elme: Jul 26 201z 2:14PM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 page 9 F i.} ti, %. . �. , ., � _ r..' . • „ � � f:. .. .. �...:: . . ,. ..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . � . .: � � �'s �reP� �s manufacnu�ed for use with Natura! Gas, ,�1n (,p c�ve�.sion kit (�OCK-S52A), is inciuded wit� this gr iace. '` included with conversion kit if oo�vetting to (,p gas. ep Follow insauaions �*; AZTEM'iON: Tbe caavet�ion ohall be wrrted outln �tcordouce wlth tbe requiremwts ad'ffie provloefa! aathoritke bavie�g Jurbdtctfoa �ad in �ecor'dtoee �ilh the requieYmeab ot tie A]VSI 7��a,1 ���a8on code. � C.A[JT[ONi: InstaU�don oFthe grs liue mu9t ouly 6e done by a qudiHed pereon ia aowrd�nce with local b�ildiae co�Fes, it pny. If aot, foUuw ANSI ZZ3,1. CommooNe�lt6 ot Maseac6nseEte: laetallatlon o�ust be done by a ficeseed plumber of' ���r. `��, I'�TOTE: A li�ted (and Commoawealt6 oflyassy�base[t� approve� 72" (13 rnm) T- handie maw�pi sh�t-o8'valvd aadil�ibk [ (In�Jade� are conneeted to the 1/2* (13 mm) control vdve inlet [f suboHtah for � � ���Mtor eavpliooct a6 otnpoatnts, pe�t coutnit bcal toda for NOTE: TbL firopltce ie alriPP�d wit6 s 3/8"(10 mm) x 18" (457 mm) lo tl rhould be ran to t6e point of connecdon wherc rhe ehut-otC vdve asd se�x�p�e ��R� � Cj �d�tlusl t�� �'�, 77�e gss Une NOTE: The appbynK and ih indLvidnal sluboft'valve muut be dlscennecoed fi.am f6e gaa aaPPh' Pjp�ng syrstem dnrtn�any pce�s�re t�n� adthqt eyrtem at pre�u�s� in �acceas af K psi. I N07E: Theappllana muat be bolsted !rom the �re auPP�Y P�P�� +Yitrm 6y dor+ing iEs iodividw�l oanual a6pFoSvalve duriu$ aay Pres�un taNnY o! tbe �ae line at tert pir�sares eqaal to ar les� tb�n !� pei (35 4Pa). NOTE: For W�h allitnde inrtallaqo�a, conault tie local ga� d��ibubur or the aotLority �a�iqQ jari�dic�ou 6or pcoper ra8r� methody. [AQ+ORTA1�17': Tbe eQickaey rating of this �ppli�ee b� product af the�al tfficierecy raNng determiaed aadercootlnuoas open,tt� coa�tioo� and wss detrrmiaed fndepeadently ot aay installed aysb�n, 6 M WLEC GAS PRESgURE 1M INLET GA3 PRF.BSURE LD PR�g � LD P�FSSURE (LO) SCLE BTU/M. IIVPITI' BTU/br. , .,, i,,� S.D incbe� W.C. (7,e �y,C, reeommended) to.s �nc�� w.c. 3.8 ine6ee W.0 11 [nc6e�s W.C. #33 33,000 16,500 71.1� 70.99 PAGE ]2 11.0 iuche� W,C, (tecommwded) 13.D ioches W,C 11.0 incJw W.C. 63 Enches W,C �fSZ 31,500 IS;7SO 70,64 Jul 26 2012 z:15PM Service Monkey 970-262-6519 page 10 r -- -- TANT: Conselc , , . ' �oco1 abd �aWnal iotbp�tioe eodes to asare adequate comb ` Ib1PORTA.'V'[� FLme WQht tad °�io� =nd veatllsfroa air L availtb4. aPPe+r+nte w� r�ry dependioi uDa �mtln� coallpnfion aod 9YP� of tae! ased. IM!'ORTANf: Maddi W36150 Q� �6120 are oa�ufadnrod witi aPPraPrLee ad�ptar lbr proPV 000eectioa to clmen �PPesred veeti�, � NO7�: PaP zs�Ldonort�n ca ratricMr' aa bar�ar Sme aPA�araaa snd imtrne800t on ioem�itisa�aller venfio �t �aLa�i�a. � . �Pk�d. �S�° 27 6a� ip!'ormali CAUI'JON:13f� p� �pP�uaoe must noc 6e con�ected �e or Joiaed with aey other cbimaq flwservloe aoother aPN�aeca Refer to vent eyshma maautbeturer'� ins#ollation maaual for complete inataltation icstructioos. loste�lation must canforn� with ventiog �����8p� and �.,.t.i...:..__ __ ouNined in t�is m�n��$L `"'°PY°n �u�'a-Vent DV-GS •{" Y 6�/8�, d�� veat sysEem (horizontal and v Selkirk Metslbestos Chimoe S �°� t'°r�f°$tf°°�). Y ysbem 4":6.5/8" (hordontai and vertic�l tenninatlon9). �eCarity Ctimpey, S'y�� 4� _�5�„ �horLaonhl snd vertical terminatlon9). 1CC Chimney. System: 4" z 6-�/8" (horizontal and vertkal teru�inationa). RLH Chimney 6ysbem; 4+► x 6.�/g" roorizoatal and vertical termtnationt). Ameriveut/ Aoeriqo mebl Chimaey Systern: 4" x 6-S/8" (borJmiotal and vertkal termtoatiana). Metal Fsb Chlaney Sj+�tem: 4" = 6-3/8" (horiwet�f �tnd vertical terminationej. Thfe fire�l$ae o� de��ed tn•be ased wit6 rirgid pipe only. �OTTOM 1 inch (25 mm) ] inch (25 mm) 1 tnch (2S mm) -•....•••`••`n� � Ir. lyi4 mm) venicai + 90-de ce elbow + 6 ia. 152 mm � ( ) horizonral t termination cap, M'��7M: 3 8. (914 mm) vqticaf + gp,degrea elbow + 21 �, (6.40 mj horiaontal +���on cap, .� 1VQTEr 9�Nssstal aeeflom revaire U�" i6 mm) rbe ter ■ °�Y u (30.S sa) of tnvel, 1 inch (25 rnm) BO?1'OM 1 inch (25 aun) ��M� 3�. (914 mm) horizoatai + tannination cap, 40 ft(12,19 m) hori�� + t����on cap. l inch (2S mm) an ita�trictor r� .-•�•••....waa aep�Ofe� , 1 ��� _� � . + � �� �. � t �.:' ', . _" , , i� i�_ �, ... � � � _ � � , , , � �S � � �. o i � �<< ���. � ���'� �1./ � r L � e p(������ I�UG 0 3 1�1�1 TOWN OF VAIL 4 � � � � � �-...� �� t. s t 09-25-2012 Inspection Request Rep ortin gQc� 2-64 Page 14 f 4:02 pm Vail, CO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday,September 26 2012 Site Address: 4640 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 1 A/P/D Information Activity B12-0350 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type Occupancy: Use: R-2 Insp Area: Owner HOOK, EDWARD W., III Contractor: SERVICE MONKEY Phone: 970-262-1257 Description: INSTALL HORIZONTAL TERMINATION CAP FOR DIRECT VENT GAS STOVE Requested Inspection(s) Item 290 PLMB-Final Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor SERVICE MONKEY Phone: 970-262-1257 Comments 81• ;0,3 , Assigned To Sr.' I,■" Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action ,P y Time Exp: Item 3. 1 MECH-F' ' Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor SERVICE • i'E Phone: 970-262-1257 Comments 819-8143 Assigned To SGR. _I Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action /Il. ' Time Exp: Inspection History Item: 200 MECH-Rough **Approved** 09/05/1T Inspector: mdenney Action: DN DENIED Comment: no one on-site for inspection. 09/11/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 240 PLMB-Gas Piping **Approved** 09/05/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: DN DENIED Comment: No one on-site for inspection. 09/11/12 Inspector: mdenney Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 290 PLMB-Final Item: 390 MECH-Final fi REPT131 Run Id: 14866