HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 TRACT D EAGLE RIVER SANITION DISTRICT 1982 TO 1994 PART 1 OF 3 LEGAL*ign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: /i Owner, Address and Phone: s Architecvcontact,AddressandPhone: C on-l, rlr, /. / lo'- "-'/ ( n -/r r. /*.,,i,'f,,.,'.r. 0,.-t/f, , 7t? /(={r: /7C*. Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District proiecrstreetAdar"u, l1,,,fr l,/, a{ z 7 7 7, 7"i 't7,, 7/7/ Lf ,n c flr comments: '-)ltil /r' o)r I tnn'"1..+ trrr'/,,r^ ,, J .-.A ,',, . , To.,"o., a,,"n_ olon? /,rn",. frrrt ln .r;I/a * 1",ohn.-, /ru, ., r't^ , , al Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval tldaff Approval Conditions: t 7r , nu./,C t Pt 1pr. bt / ''; -t t.vLs6A 7 /74 / 94 DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPIJICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: VAIL, COIJORADO R[C'0AU0 I ,1994 DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS TTAY NOT BE SCHEDUIJED EOR REVIEW. :t!tlt******* PROJECT INFORIIIATION :I. A DESCRTPTION: B. TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction (g200.OOl X uinor Alterat.ion ($20.00)Addirion ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described by descript.ion, please provi-de to this application. ZONING: dcS ,;J ",'-I, I a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. F. G. NAME OF APPLICANT : Lt t)PErL k-Rt-t F r,tr Mailing Address:. TalL f<>t..51 /(cy-,-.1 \sh,.l NAME OF Mailing APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone =r-;'4,- q.)7 - ry//^/ FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YF.AR AFTER FINAI ISSUED NiID CONSTRUCTION H. NAME OF OWNER(S): Mai-1ing Address: / (-, f- APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOT'T OWNER'S SIGNATT]RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at Lhe Lime of submit.tal of the DRB applilation. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate vaLuation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vait will adjusL the fee according to the table beLow, Lo ensure the correcE fee is paid. '/t ,c/ owNER(S) SIGNATURE: ,'/f , ' "i'o fA 1,. 1, I. .1 . FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ,h a\ ,t . n ^^^|P v g Lv,t/t/u $ ro,00r. $ s0,000 $ so, oo1 - $ 1so, ooo $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $s00,001 - $1,000,000 $ over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPROVAIJ IJNIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. Phone \ t rT. PRE-APPIJICATT MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additional-application j-nformation is needed. It is the applicant's responsibj-lity to make an appoinlment wj-th t.he sLaff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III. IMPORTAIII1T NOTICE REGARDING AI,TII SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property 1ines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped, AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that sEaki-ng done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires Lwo separaLe meetings of Lhe Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review,c 3::li"3l':":* ::i:.:?.3nfl33i'13'3Ii.'3iuTi:"f;"1:"i:I asked in advance thaL discussion on Lheir item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the it.em has been republished. D. The f oll-owing items may, aL t.he discretion of the zoning' administrator, be approved by the Community DevelopmenL DeparLment staff (i.e. a formal- hearing before Lhe DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and simiLar ext.erior changes which do not aller the existinq plane of the building; and. b. Bui-Iding additions not vi-sible from any other lot or public space. AL the t.ime such a proposaf is submi-tted, applicanLs must include letLers from adjacenL property owners and/or from the agenL for or manager of any adjacenL condominium associaLion staLing Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. E. If a properLy is localed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debri-s flow,wetland, eLc.), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard reporL prior Lo Lhe issuance of a building permit. Applicanls are encouraged to check wiLh a Town Planner prior Lo DRB application to determine the relationship of the properLy Lo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential const.ruction: a. Clearly indicaLe on the ffoor plans Lhe inside face of Lhe exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indrcale wrLh a dashed ]ine on the siLe plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wa11s or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves t.he application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to Lhe application for a building perm1 t. . T\7 Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped by a Colorado Professional Licensed Surveyor, at a scale of l-" = 20' or larger, on which the following information is provided: Lot area, and buildable area when different than loL area . L,,egal description and physical address Two. fooL contour intervals unless the parcel consisLs of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' conLour intervals may be accepted. Existing Lrees or groups of trees having trunks wit.h diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock ouEcroppings and other significant natural feaLures (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, eEc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), cenEerline of streams or creeks, required creek or sEream setback, and 100-year flood plain, if applicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall be clearly delineated by cross hatching. '7. Ties to exisLing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. Thj.s is particularly important for determining building height and driveway slope. See Policy On Survey InformaLion, for more information regarding <llr\t6\r< 8. I-,ocations of the f ollowinq must be shown: e. Size and fvne of etc. b. Exact location of lines from their 'i nn'l rrrl i nrr. drainage culverts, swales, existing utility service source to the s tructure, Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water \-rct |i El ectric c. A11 utility meter locations, i-ncluding any pedesLals Lo be located on site or in Lhe righr-of-way adjacent. to the site. d. ProperLy lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easements identified on the subdivision D1at. 9. Provide spoL elevaLions at the edgre of asphalc, along the street. frontage of the property at. t.wenty-t]-ve fooL interval-s (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the 1ot. Site PIan 1. Locations of t.he followino must be shown: a. Exist,ing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. D. ..Oproposed d.riveway, in"rlrfrq percent slope and spot elewations at the property line,garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drive t.o accurat.elv reflect driveway grade. d. A 4', concreLe drive pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off -street parking, loadi-ng areas, retaining walIs (with top and bottom of wa11 spot elevations) , and other existing siLe improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heiqht.s elevations of all Lop roof ridges, and eaves when determined necessary by Lhe zoning administrator,shall be indicaLed on the site plan with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies reguired 1. At a minimum, the followi.ng information must be provided on the landscape plan: a. Location of existinq trees 4" di-ameter or Larger, b. Type, size and locaLion of all existing and proposed planL material , c. Location of all trees to be transplanted, d. A detai]ed legend of all proposed plant material including common and Latin names. 2. The location and type of exj"sting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant maLerial following its installation. 3. Existing and proposed contour Iines. Retaining walls should be included wlth Lhe cont,our information with top of wall and bottom of wall el eva t i-ons Ii-sted. 4. CompleLe the allached l_andscape maLerials list,. Slqn off from each uLilitv companv verifying Lhe locaLion of utili!.y service and availability (see .a F r-.ar.l-,64 rr t- i I i '-.' verif icatiOn f Orm) , A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must accompany aIl- submi. ttal-s, to insure property ownershi:p and idenLify a1l- easements affecting the subjecL Pr \JPer Ly . Architectural Plans (1/$" = 1, or larger, t/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development drawn Lo scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawinqs musE show both existinq and E. F One set of fLoor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. ExLerior materials and colors sha11 be specified on Lhe at.Lached materials 1ist. This mat.erials IisL must be compJ-eted and submiLted as a part of the applicaEion. Color chips, siding samples etc., sha1l be presented at t.he Design Review "rt meetins. Details in.rufrq, but not limiLed to fascia, trim, railings, chimney cap, meter locations, etc. must be shown graphically and fu11y dimensioned. c. zone check lisc (attached) must be completed if the project is located within the single-Fami1y,primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. H. Photos of Lhe existing site and where applicable, of adjacenL structures. I. The Zoning Administrator and,/or. DRB may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specificaLions, samples and oLher maLerials (includi:ng a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V. IIINOR AI.,TER]LTIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUII,DTNGS. Photos or sket.ches which clearly convey Ehe redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of Lhe more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and maEerials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESTDENTIAIJ OR COII{MERCIAIJ A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = L'or larger (1/4"=f ispreferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Phot.os of the existing st.ructure. . F. SpecificaLions for a1I materials and color samples on materials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required. Eo submit: c. A statement from each uLility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verificaLion form. H. A siLe improvement survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary tille report, Lo verify ownership of property, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITS PLAI\T Once a building permj-t has been issued, and construcEion is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, Lwo copies of an Improvement Location Certj-ficate survey (ILC) stamped by a regristered professional engineer must be submitted. The following informat.ion must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest Lenth of a foot. (.arr utif,lty service rine as-built.sQnorrnn rlpe of maLerial used, and size and exact location of li-nes. Basis of bearing to Lie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set and staLed on improvement survey. A11 easements. Garage slab elevati-ons and all roof ridge elevations with exisLing and proposed grades shown under the ri_dge I.LTICD . VIII . CONCEPEUAIJ DESIGN REVTEW A- SUbmiLtal reqUirements: Tn*. e Or;\rner Or authorized agenL of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Communi ty Development. The conceptual rewiew is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of t,heir proposal with the Town,s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of sinqle-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportuni_ty to request a conceptual design review. CompLete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior Lo a scheduled DRB meeting. The foll-owing information sha11 be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. ConceptuaL elevations showing exterior maLerials and a description of the character of Lhe proposed structure or s Lruc tures : 3. Sufficient j:nformation to show the proposal complies with Lhe development standards of the zone disLric[ rn which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calcuIaLions. number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. CompleLed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the DepartmenL of Communit.y Development shall review Lhe submitted materials for general compliance with Lhe appropriaLe requirements of Lhe zoning code. If Lhe proposal is in basic compLiance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded t.o the DRB for conceptual review. If the applicalion is noL generally in compliance with zoning code requiremenLs, the application and submittal materials shall be returned Lo the applicant with a written explanat.ion as to why the corununity Development Department staff has found the projecL noL to be in compliance with zoning code requrremenLs. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting mat.erial in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptuaL reviews. The property owner or his representative sha11 be present at t.he DRB hearing. D. E. T{ IJIST OF MATERIAI'S NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: The following informatj-on is required for submittal Lo t.he Desigrn Review Board before a final approval can be g'iven: A. BUILDING II,ATERIALS: Roof TYPE OF }TATERIAI,cor.,oR Siding Other Wall Material-s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors uoo Ir1m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings .r 1^ .i -- ^-,^\-rr rlrLtl E y D Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReE.aining WaIIs Exterior Liqhting OLher B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer:phone: PLAIIT MATERIT: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name co**o,Qu*e nrr.anl- i t-rr ai za* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indj-cate height for coniferous Lrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS Sguare Footaqe soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior IighLing is proposed, please show Lhe number of fixtures and locaLions on a separate liqhting plan. Idencify each fixlure from the lighLing plan in the space below and provide Lhe heighL above grade, Eype of Iiqhl proposed, Iumen output, luminous area and a cut sheeL of Lhe light fixture. (SecLion 18.54.050 J) oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PIease specify. IndicaLe heights of retaining walls, Maximum height of walls within Lhe front setback is 3' . Maxj-mum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the property is 6, D. SUBDTVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utiliLies, whether trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and following uLilities for the accompanying site plan. . Authorized.Siqnature 6. * Pl a.-co Lrr-inrr eL 1-LY obtaining Upper flow needs must they be main verified by Lhe Date U.S. West Communications 1- 800 -922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-s781. Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 9 49 - 5892 Ted Husky/I.,tichae1 lJaverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 949 - 5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 4'76-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. This form is Lo verify service availabi-lity and Iocation. rhis should be used in conjuncLion with preparing your uLiliLy plan and scheduling instalLations. For any new consLruction proposal , the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. If a utili-Ly company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represenLative should not direclly on the utility verificat.ion form that there is a problem which needs Lo be resolved. The issue should then be spelled ouE in detail in an attached Ietter lo the Town of Vai1. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the ut.ility company to resolve identified problems. If the uEilicy verificaLion form has signat.ures from each of Lhe uti-liLy companies, and no conrmenbs are made directly on Lhe form, the Town will presume that lhere are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Pub1ic works and to obtain utiliLv locations before dioqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A streeL cul permit must be obtained separately. Installation of service lines are at the expense and responsibi-fi-ty of Lhe property owner. a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when Eagle Valley Wat.er & SaniEation signaLures. Fire be addressed. 5. v aml DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot BLock Subdivision Single F ZONE CHECK FOR ly Residence, Duplex, pr ZONE DTSTRICTS o imary /Secondary AnnpE qq. OWNER ARCHI?ECT LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE PHONE PHONE BUILDABLE I,OT AREA AIIowed Existinq Proposed Total_ (30) (33)Height. TOIA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front S ides Rae r Si f o 1-nrror.arro T,:ndqnrni nrr Retaining Wa11 Heights Parking ar--.--^ /r*^r: !\rcL! crlj e \,.L ts:LI_t L Drive: ,/-^nr* l i ^^ ..,.; !1- h .\,ulnpr--Lers wrLn '1 . O.V. Water Course Setback 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope % proposed Sl-ope Lighting Ordinance Yes No + 425 +425= 20' 15' 'J-5', Encl % (30) (s0) Do Fini-sh Grades Exceed 1 (50%) 2') PercenL SLope (< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands View Corridor Encroachment: yes Does t.his r€quesl invuive a 250 Aooition? How much of t.he allowed 250 Addition is used wiLh this Prevlous conditions of approval (check properLy file): No reques t? 10 c t ! m ! m o m s m o o z o o tr o I m 0 o D z ti I 6 z =E l-j dq <o o1 gg 9E o (t (,) -.1 g, o * o- --l =.=;o0E 6g o;ox !t6 Ee C q m @ !!D F=}E == .Y -o o o 3<p -tct aiq-En d I o - Tt Tt Fr \JZ zo 9o. c.r €oo {m a s5'=iEi =3d ap-_ :E.d =8d :*d8 d;d BA g Fq$ o{ <|'f c z I -It o ol rnl 2l tnl II :l =l ot $l !l dl FI Drrn!!n!n! 5Ff5$H5HaA qEdei=si5d sEt gaai;e g g!''-3EiEF I <RSq aii :3 d=6', -s (D;--;AP 4 E'e s 1€g I 9< x FFFFFFFFFF* 5N(rNO)(r)NNN55 - or (o o (D o @ @ @ o!(r '.r (D @ N (' @ N @ @-{N O (D J N..t r -.r N.{z -o d J u,o o z TN z o T' 65a3.29 €n f3.89 S a34'.23 &t+7.16 u 8:t'$.1O S 5 @ oRnpOE Hr 8364.50 SW EJ64.60 N TRACT A f\ @\ Pt \.'t, '/V 5^r@ (c\ {\'?l \r\r\ \..*o@ a+ 11 \ 6370.07 8:t70.04 ft\F.ipsi Tt>?8 a _/.-t \ w fNY 635E.72 NE frneu) lxv 6556.09 sE \<::j,/ rNv E356.oa Nw A'h#6rf llV S33:7 "'fr _otD, I @ 66so-.) 10 \--""2 .72 S I i.47 Ntl 5 @ t o .f @ rO fil..gct*1t / ?e ilt'.{i c-':ilit,i}il}l ,'ij)i\.;\'.i { ,;l: ;1, r;: 'ril jl 'rI' "'lit" JELIC LJCIRKS :3034792166 JUt 26',94 N0 .001 P .01 Uppen Eacue \ SlHrre !,r0 rontST fiO, (aog) 474.7{ ,fuly 15, 1994 Greg Hall Town of ValI connrunlty Developnent 75 South Frontage Road l{est Vail, CO 81657 Dear 9ir: lfe are ln the process of replacing approxirnately 500-feet of sanltary Eewer rnaln along Gore creek ln Eaet vail. Please reference the attached nap for the 6xact location. f would like to aubnit thie document as the proposed landscape and revegetatlon plan for the conetructlon slte. Deeqfie.!.kln o€ W.orFi 1. Ehe contractor will remove, with care, as many of the exieting salix (willows) aE necessary to do the work. 2, The willows will be set aside and kept alive for the expected three to four day conatructlon period.- Thie is three to four dayi per site. 3. The two glteE wl1l be regracled to match preconetruction condltlone. 4, The willows wil] be replanted so the eites will rnatch preconetruction condl-tions as cloeely as ls practlcal. 5. A nixture of U.S.F.9. (i.e. v.A.) mountain mix wlld graEs seed wl}l be spread arouncl the constructl-on elte. The Arny Corp of Engineene has permltted the ntork and landscape under their 4o4 Nation Wide Pernit, The lntent cf the Contractor and Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated sanitation pistrict is to relandgcape the area to natch precenstruction conditions as closely aEi le practiaal . MAI{aoli loF lH: FOLLowtNo WarEF t)rs.Tarc.rel AFROWHEAO METFO WAIEF . BEAVEB C'IEEK METFO WA'TER ' EEBNY C'\ETK MCTf,O WA'€A EAGLE.VAIL METRO }YATEA . E]WANOA iiETFO WAT€F ' LAXE OREEK MI{TJO\iTS WATIA lrFPFn FAOI F nf,OloNal WAlfn AL)lHOOllY . VA|L \ALIEY COftSOLTOAieA wA'rEF N VFIL#ELIC IJORKS ID:3054792166 o IDY o JUL sanltary sewer Main Page 2 Take into conEl-deration, the wlllows are one of the prlrnary reasons these sectj-one of llne have to be replaaed. ihe ro6te have penetrated ttre plpe and are in the procese of pluEging the llne conpletely. Ideally, no vegetatlon other Lnan-gries should be replanted ln the gewer main easement to ellmlnate any poeaible root problene. Please adviee if this plan is acceptable. A Prontpt reponBe to thts rnatter would be appreclated. If you have any guestlons or concerns please give me a call at (303) 476-7480 Ext. 34. 9:01 No.001 P.02 Sincerely, /U*F" -rJJ Gordon nHawkeyerf FlahertY Maintenance Manager ATTACHMENT GF:bal APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLfcwAYPERMTT E 94 .u, | . -:"it , (on],'nrrlo I lrl)rrl (ors/ro.]ors 0o'6o* saq o 7q? - /c5? /2 ( y -' Excavatino Contractor Name Address Phone # TOV Contractor's License Number 4. Work is for (circle one)Gas Electric Telephone CATVOther Temporary Site Access Gnstn 6 d/Deprh t7 /c ,4, - Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ / Legal Address water @ Landscaping 5. Trench-width 7 64,(min.4') / Bond Amount $ 7. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Ftubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. 8. A signature below indicates a review of lhe area anO J$y and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing lhrough the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Leu!-eil{eili lrrigation (4 Public Works 1s8) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify lhe Town will result in lorfeiture ol bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 1 2. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ol the Vail Municipal Gode and all utility "yn, ^n 7"I:"",oo, ^., "no*,,, r,n" "^ ;:,)f,:*n*"o..""*"0 *, Contractor's Signature of Agreement DAe of Sigfiatu.e E'|1 -8lsq SleuzLeu)ts ATTACH PIAN OFWORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location ol cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. ,f, 10. 11. ; ---- /tplocc 2.rr1 ._==.=-tvl:tl -L.r-p-,' ,*-*D-t.'-- THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! While - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contraclor o++ Allison Lassoe had nothing further to add. Jeff Bowen stated that the original approval for the wall heigh for the garage to be located in the front setback and that to story structure was not the intent of the original approval for the wall height variance. Bob Armour opposed GRFA being located in the front setback. Bill Anderson agreed with Bob's comment. He asked the applicaqt why he desired to build a 24 tool tall garage if no floor area was allowed. Dan Frederick felt that the 24 loot tall garage was a better design than what the PEC had previously approved. Jeff Bowen made a motion to deny the request for a setback variance to allow for GRFA to be located in the front setback with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote denied the applicant's request. Andy Knudtsen stated that he would discuss the situation with Tom Moorhead to determine which board (PEC/DRB) has puruiew over which sections of the Zoning Code. 4.A request for an update on the conditional use permit approval for the tent to be used for the Vail Associales ski school to be located south of the BuildingiTract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented modified drawings of the proposed tent to be located at the Vail Associates ski school located south of the Lionshead Center. He stated that the DRB had approved the tent with the condition that the exterior tent have a 'Woodsy, western-like" appearance. The PEC was not concerned with the proposed location of the tent. Jack Hunn explained the differences between the currently proposed tent and the tent approved by the PEC. Bill Anderson inquired how Vail Associates proposed to achieve the "woodsy" concept the DRB had requested. Jack Hunn stated that this would be accomplished via a series of applied logs on the exterior. Kathy Langenwalter pointed out that the current tent was not what the PEC had recently approved. Planning ald Environmential Commission Minut6 October 10, 1994 r'f I the garage into a two- / Jack Hunn stated that since the DRB had requested that the PEG review window modifications to the tent as a condition of approval that he felt that it was a good opportunity for the PEC to look at the currently proposed design of the tent. Bill Anderson did not have any concerns about the proposed plastic windows. Bob Armour and Jeff Bowen did not have any issues with the proposed plastic windows. Allison Lassoe stated that she was abstaining from this item' Dalton Williams was concerned that the wooden exterior would give the appearance of a more permanent structure. He stated that he was not in favor of the proposed plastic windows. Kathy Langenwalter summarized that the PEC would like to see the logs eliminated from the gable ends and that the PEC did not have a western theme in mind when they approved the original tent. She stated that she would prefer flags as opposed to additional railings for the tent. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the proposed tent modifications, that the proposed log treatments not be required, that the poles be round rather than square, that railings not be required and that the windows within the gables not be allowed. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 5-0-1 vote approved this request with Allison Lassoe abstaining. 5. A request for an update lor a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD' Applicant: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates of Chicago, represenled by Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO OCTOBER 24' 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the October 24, 1994 with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this request to the October 24, 1994 PEC meeting. 6. A request lor front and side setback variances to allow for a new residence to be located at 1788 Alpine Drive/Lot 1 1 , Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant Thomas TheYs Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Bob Armour seconding this itern. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. Planning and Environme al Commission Minutes frober 10, | 994 ln Ou* u Ufr ['i Kathy Langenwalter was most concerned with the site planning for this project. She felt that an approach that would fill in the existing side of the west building would have the least impact on the Frontage Road, the Interstate, etc. She felt a different approach was needed lor this site and staled that this was what the SDD criteria was about. She said that she would like to see a plan that was more sensitive to the site. Dalton Williams agreed with Kathy's comments. He said that should the applicant proceed with the current proposal, that the two phases be reversed so that the parking structure was built first. Bill Anderson stated that it appeared that the current proposal was designed around the current building and that possibly a demolition of the existing building should be considered. Ken O'Brien stated that they had previously approached the staff with a plan that called for utilizing the space at the west end of the site but that the Town staff felt that there was loo much site disturbance with that plan. Andy Knudtsen slated that the scale of that project was much larger' Ken O'Brien stated that he could bring this scenario to the next PEC worksession so that the PEC could review it and compare the two proposals. It was agreed that the applicant would return for a discussion at the next PEC hearing, that a site visit was not needed, but when the following hearing was scheduled' the applicant would stake the site. 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a tent to be used for the Vail Associalesskischoo|tobe|ocatedsouthoftheruffractA, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen The PEC members elected to forego a formal staff presentation of this item. Kathy Langenwalter asked the applicant how electrical power would get to the tent' Tim Kehoe stated that their first choice would be to underground the lines. The second choice would be to run a line from a different location that would also be underground. Bob Armour inquired what the specific use of the tent was' Tim Kehoe responded that the tent would be used for children's ski school activities' Planning and Environmemal Commission Meeting Minutes SeDtember 26. 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit per the staff memo with the condition outlined on Page 4. Bill Anderson seconded the motion. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she would like the motion amended to reflect that if the site is used in subsequent years that the recreation path be relocated. Jeff amended his motion and Bill amended his second accordingly. A 6-0-1 vote approved this item, with Allison Lassoe abstaining from this item. 4. A request for front and side setback variances to allow for a new residence to be located at 1788 Alpine Drive/Lot 1 1 , Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Thomas Theys Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO OCTOBER 10, 1994 c. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request to the October 10, 1994 PEC meeting with Bob Armour seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to lhe October 10, 1994 PEC meeting. A request for a worksession for a Special Development District and a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment and expansion of the L'Ostello Lodge located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Uonshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner:TABLED TO OCTOBER 10, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request to the October 10, 1994 PEC meeting with Bob Armour seconding this motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to the October 10, 1994 PEC meeting. Approve minutes from September 12, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve lhe minutes lrom the September 12, 1994 PEC meeting with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 5-0-1 vote approved the minutes for the September 12, 1994 PEC meeting with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining as she was absent from the last PEC meeting. Update on Community Development Director selection process. Mike Mollica gave an update of the Community Development Director selection process to the PEC. Reminder: Allison Lassoe will be the PEC representative to the DRB lrom October through December, 1994. Planning and Envi.onmsntal Commission Meeting Minutes SeDtembef 26. 1994 Alien. Inc./John Dunn Randy Stouder 6. 7. 8. COPY FI!-E 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October 12, 199,1 De parune nt of Comn uniry D eve lopne nt Mr. Jack Hunn, Director, Design and Construction Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Ski School Tent at the Lionshead Base Dear Jack: On October 1 1, 1994, the Town Council reviewed the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approving the Conditional Use Permit for the ski school tent at the base of Lionshead. The Town Council expressed concern about the proposed tenl. They understand that the use is limited to one year only and highly discourage a second year in this location. lf Vail Associates finds that the floor area is beneficial to the ski school program, the Town encourages you to lind a permanenl building to locate the use in. We also bncourage you to incorporate this need into the programming for any redevelopment plans for either Lionshead or Gold Peak. Thank you for your cooperation in working on this effort. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, -;i-I ^ llt ll ?tf,^- q f- ^J f-f lJ t' \ Andy Knudtsen \ Senior Planner Category Num Proiect Name: CSign Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL L-..ber [ 1- Date L, ,,.1,.', . .1,. ,, ,i Building Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r'\ Block -Subdivision ;,r',, i [,.' ,L. -- 1''- ZoneDistrict -- - '7:- Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board i Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval a Disapproval f Staff Approval Conditions: w'V-r-*;'$ u\'t'o ./DRB Fee Pre-paid PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 10, 1994 AGENDA Proiect Orientation/Lunch sitevisits .",{'#'2- .-'.-... Frederick r' 44 Willow Place Applicant: Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a for a proposed Intermountain. I ,11". F'vr D.-.a-t^^ c.t ll , ,,-. setback variance to allow for GRFA to be located in the structure al 2840 Basingdale Boulevard/Lot 4, Block 9, V J -d{ E.**--.t front setback ail S.. fu ",*J A.*{l^k 6-o -,> ol the Lionshead Center 1,'.h,::4 -"^- J+/ Lf":"-'- z''u ' & r/ /,n t.-,'--. .--;------*--.r-\ ,t{-a;P.- .a I *-4-:_:----=--\ to allow for a' Office Building .-[ r+ K^,"',. V,'l'' L c -a -.-----1.-l : lrkvt-u,.,.-c I It 11 |l---) 2. 3. Applicant: Planner; Daniel Frederick Andy Knudtsen i 4 L.,'tlt l\ LV ,,t*J z- A request lor an update on the conditional use permit for the Vail Associates ski school to be located south Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for an update for a major amendmenl to the Glen Lyon SDD revision to the masler plan lo allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. 6 "., u l.., rL.t I (l u *",-., 4 p,,-, ^/t-' t 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Drivers:Andy and Jim Public Hearinq 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a conditional use to allow for three employee housing units to be located at 44 Willow Place/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates of Chicago, represenled by Pierce, Segerberg and Associates 6_-,t--=r=*-.K"-Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO OCTOBER 24, 1994 ) 'u'ah + t:'1'-- t 1t-t- /\,.^ A reouest for front and side setback variances to allow for a new residence to be ? locatedatlT8SAlpineDrive/Lotll,VailVillageWestlstFiling. : .t r i r f, , \;tr'f tr1rlt \Applicant: Thomas Theys ; --, i Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFIN|TELY i t I ,''\,. r-_--=-l nsion to the residence that would |'2 extend to within 4.7 teet of the property line at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margaret Gross Planner: Randy Stouder 7. A request for a worksession for a Special Development District and a major CCll , exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment and expansion of the L'Ostello Lodge located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, Inc,/John Dunn Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED INDEFINITELY 8. Approve minutes from September 26, 1994 PEC meeting. 9. Council Update: .Open Space text amendments. 10. Vail Commons Update. WITHDRAWN v/ ,A t\)\: (3) /tc J'i,-,o,,,^' O Lo.--A-.^,J Ck, /ec- c,..r1- (,<4r^t @u@ fcozr|< 4.._ I _"<-./_t ry'o -e1* ^-*k l?- -,-u ' ' 't <1 .. t,€t-- ,a- ,..- y'.e -7-'''-( lsign Review Action 0m TOWN OF VAIL category Number Building Name: Project DescriPtion: J'a^ S.'"- G-^/ t/s. ^-ry'-r=*"-/ y'JJ o " t"/r { oaner, Ad4ress andPhone: l/a: / -t-ssag ^s/4n=-JJ 1 7,u /Z Z * ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: h /rt-.w/ Legal Descriptio n: rct 4 Block -Subdivision -.Zone District cczt- Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action t'\ Motion by: I\arr.-c- Vote:4-o -/ Seconded by: VRpprovat I Disapproval O Statf Approval Conditions: 4 .-,,',/ffi,3.">< *-* /{*rr*4' - -*r--d-'l\n Town planner o^r", /a/r/ ?f DRB Fee p,",suia 6 d J/48 t{no *n./;r/n.J..- \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 26, 1994 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the Vail Associates ski school to be located Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: v,k'ia-o- I Tim Kehoe, representing Vail Associates Andy Knudtsen t r./' F4t {.*- ,)," I t- 7n { $'ll for a temporary tent to be used south of the Lionshead Cenler .F*tt,''l' /tz <,4,\--l -"+-\EL .// I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE Vail Associates is proposing to construct a temporary tent at the base of the Lionshead ski porlal to facilitate ski school instruction. The tent will be made of white canvas supported by pine logs. lt will be similar in appearance to the struclures at the Piney River Ranch. The sides of the tent will also be made of white canvas and can be rolled uo so that the tent functionsasanopenpavilion. Thetentwill belSfeettall atitshighestpoint. ltwill be40 feet long and 25 leet wide. There will be a wooden floor conslructed in the interior of the tent, which will be located approximately 2 feet above existing grade. lt is intended to be flush with the level of the snow on the outside of the tent. Staff understands that the tent will not be used at night and will not have any lights inside. The tent will not require guy wires to support it. On August 22, 1994, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) reviewed a proposed "clam shell" structure for this site. Due to the concerns expressed about its architectural compatibility with the Lionshead area, Vail Associales is no longer pursuing that concept. The current proposal is more along the lines of a traditional western lent structure. The Town is considering this tent structure request as a "recreation facility", which is listed as aconditional use underSection 18.26.040(D). Because it is atemporary building, it is not reouired to be reviewed under the CCll exterior alteration criteria. Vail Associates understands that if the structure is approved, it would have to be removed immediately after the ski season. Vail Associates and Town staff have agreed that the tent must be removed by April 22, 1995. For the 1995-96 season, it could not be replaced without another conditional use review. <'J / L'</"tyz.1\J: /. rL f<J Y"'' u -----.* / il.COMMERCIAL CORE II ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Zoning: Commercial Core ll Area: 1 .645 acres or 71,656.2 sq. tl. Heighl: S€tbacks: Allorved 45 feel 10' on all sides Proposed 18 feet '1.4% or 1 ,000 sq. n. 94.9% or 67,985 sq. fl. N: 22'S: 105'E: 80'W: 14O' Site Coverage: 70% or 50,159 sq. tt. Landscaping: 20% or 14,331 sq. tl. Parl(ng: Parking is not required for lemPorary slruclures. III. CRITERTA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town, The development objectives of the Town ol Vail can be found in the purpose section of the zone district as well as the zoning title of the Municipal Code. The purpose section of lhe Commercial Core ll zone district calls for a mixture of uses. Section 18.02.020(D, 10), the purpose section for the zoning title calls for the provision of recreational facilities. Stalf believes that this recreational facility will continue to augment the ski school program in the Lionshead area. We believe that ski school facilities are an appropriate use to add to the mixture of uses at the Lionshead skier base. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will not be any negative impacts to the criteria referenced above. 3. Effect upon trafiic with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuveEbility, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. tv. This Staff believes that there will be little impact on traffic or relaled issues as the proposed structure may actually increase pedestrian traffic in the area, but is not likely to generate additional vehicular trips in Lionshead. The Fire Department has stipulated that the tent may only be used for one hundred and eighty days, that the canvas must be lire retardant, and that the maximum occupant load be sixty-seven persons. Vail Associates has agreed to comply with these standards. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that the proposed tent is consistent with the character ot the Lionshead area. We believe that the materials, canvas and logs, add to the character of the structure. The form of the building is consistent with a traditional western tent. Statf believes that the proposal is reasonable, given that it willbe limited to the 1994-1995 skiseason. Staff believes that if Vail Associates finds that the floor area is needed for their ski school operations that Vail Associates propose a permanenl structure in the future. We believe that for a one-year trial basis, the proposed structure is acceptable. B. Findinos The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location ol the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. LIONSHEAD DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS location is not identified in any ol the Subarea Concepts. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval ot the request with one condition. We believe that the proposal is consistent with the criteria as discussed above as well as the findings. Specifically, staff believes that Finding 1 is met in that the purpose of the facility is consistent with the Commercial Core ll zone district. We believe that it is appropriate to accommodate guests with additional ski school services at the Lionshead ski base. Concerning Finding 2, staff believes that it is met because there will be no impacts to public health, safety, and welfare. Concerning Finding 3, staff finds that the provisions of the Zoning Code are met. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the request with the following condition: 1. Prior to April 22, 1995, Vail Associates will remove the structure from the site. Any proposalfor the 1995-1996 season must be reviewed by the PEC as another conditional use permit. Staff strongly recommends that if Vail Associates finds that this facility is beneficial, that Vail Associates propose a permanent facility in this general location. c;\pec\memosvaclam.926 {.o :ri o tz =7 Fi o o s/ ( t\a DO .b s v\o C o z o I rn o o m z -{ rn ! I -S rrt u1(0 NLiZ l\4 :qlr l. O l/rt ; r- -TA >T o )uT o utO =\0n \, lrlt trql 0;FZt TF Fr z IA \.8 \(, 2l ttt l (. o T rr II ?----l t r S-rJ c4 .*','\\\iN, \'''r'\ \,\\:,t)\ \\ \ \\\V\),\'\\'\ ',)rtl\,\' r r\''\ti \\ ,\)J-)i ir\\l/ ,',x \ril,,r t// Y \ lljlr tri 1,1 , \;, lilii/r ' ,, I \'li'\l\\\'.'- :- i ti\\\\.---i \'.'t\t\\>\\ I ')t'z-l i I I , (\' \'{ /,\\'' \/ \,1 \,, \ l ,/ \r(' J./ rtj / .,,(, \'''\l I-l ( i it, \ \ ,' ',\' ') --- I I I I \'r ,i l./t. /$ i^':!r) P) :l + 7 ri. 'ut 'r 11. 1 \t ir \\', \ lii li? F- .N ,I FA./ILDF] ;5;'rl:lllAD CntLDTAtJ'4 :fuii ;iir iii iFs$r .z 'i . '' D - TO: MIKE PROJECT: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: o McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Retum to Andv Knudlscn Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW /'1* /-.'rt -LJ .t,--.-f ,'Y:*_"1. !'f\, ,' '!.-'t4fl aLv ' v.< .-'. .w->e- \u- DATE SUBMITTED: a/,< DATE OF PUBLTC HEARTNG a/Z@ .// COMMENTS NEEDED eV: VZ,[ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: l-e'rf ft^+ -+l /L,,' 6,.tr K* ' 6*-* n F.-*-._'_ /j *Z'*a) uJt_ f /6 *17t s e\so knz o a.d t . C*f, L/,/,/r, Landscaping: / b h* lJ ,o^, t/./o-/ ,, *tU *rI *7 b. \^7 (,4 )-k ?*4 a ht fnt o,,n' t L.f Date: a sta(dc{) a\(€q Cr L!)A\y- u:Ot1 7 f 5t C...,r \c)CfU.tCn \ h"* /", Reviewed by: Commenls: . . }:es \ke tenu ce4jre Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Dale: <>, /Distributed to the Fire Departmcnl, pubtic works, and Landscapins on ///Vrf- . 5 t\ - dO ".g grcvl'YYr's (xlYn rfl khe wrifWf ? t Relum lo ,2zirr,t, DATE SUBMITI'ED: /y'U,fot,.1ti7, Town Planner INTE il-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ll!!e!!- zzttz,,ta €z'.a,a2", DATE OF PUBLIC HI.AI'.IING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI-IE PBOPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed rrt out", 7 /r/7./ Commenls:/l'rV2tb Ffte- ,!elt): ,ft.rcsr, ,/.r'a /,U,/ke: "{q////pg),.4/z7.tr'z- z, :/z"rre'sr 4r.e,rb- j.tz sr/e,u," ,?zA-,/uz4 vz7.;'5vz.qrrr((- /2? l:72,: /2'4mut'. 7-e/fufuzytzy f)ftr;r777. -,'Ari C/c'. zJZ fe-/,/'/ ft>t 7-r/7lrt /r/ '),// )enL4' /r-l/- Z,tz'l 72t'r' Cdr'&&)/(- /vri ^ ja',4 ftzzz'a,t4 ,/)lrrntenu,tu /ellrt",') zt;te eztzt,E/lz''rrv, ,y'Jstt,tfe- no- r) @'tty' //' Ltl't:zn Z (U+) ,4//.(An,tyr Jr.rt,/Ury-1-,.,r/4 f//z,t{ 6Z (Se-e-Z)tc B, "O) 57/J/// l/?7/tuJ af ,Aemzfue .ilt.d ltrtM fe-x- /z//Ata/ ,llzte C)u- .4,a)/rct-, &:-za',t 3s.., o McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Retum to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER.DEPAHTMENTAL REVIEW 3- /E/ -V /L_ u--_. -V ttt-xf 6, tr-* K*n F; Date: Date: Date: / COMMENTS NEEDED av Vz4 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: TO: MIKE Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: L.4^4_4-.-/: E *l^-.,ta .l Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landsca ping on 7/rT/*{- Flft COP Y 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 47e-2 I 3 I FAX 303-479-2452 September9, 1994 De parnnent of Comnunity Deve lopment Mr. Tim Kehoe Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, GO 81658 Fat<: 479-2054 RE: The "clam shell" at the Lionshead Ski Base Dear Tim: I would like to help clarify the review times for any proposal to be conslructed at the Lionshead Ski Base. In order to make presentation at the September 26, 1994 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting, please have plans submitted to our olfice no later than Monday, September 12, 1994. This will allow us a minimal amount ol time to route the plans through the Fire Department and Public Works Department for their comments. lt will also allow the Community Development staff to develop a position on the proposal. lf you have any specific questions about temporary structures, permanenl structures, the Design Review Board (DRB) process, or the exterior alteration process, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, fr$uae Andy'Knudtsen \ Senior Planner FI["[ f;8PV 4. 6. Approve minutes from August 8, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 8, 1994 PEC meeting with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 3-0-1 vote approved the minutes from the August 8, 1994 PEC meeting with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining as she was not present at the August 8th PEC meeting. Dalton Williams updated the PEC on the roundabout proposal for the four-way stop. It should be noted that Allison Lassoe arrived at 2:00 p.m. for the meeting. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne Planner: Jim CurnutteiGeorge Ruther George Ruther made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of this request with the two conditions outlined on Page 6 of the staff memo. Bill Beslock, the architect for this project, stated that he did not have any additional comments but that he was concerned about staff's request regarding the common sewer. Kathy Langenwalter stated the common sewer was a Public Works issue. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a Type ll employee housing unit per the statf memo including the two conditions on Page 6 of the staff memo. Dalton Williams seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for a tent to be used for the Vail Associates ski school to be located south of the Lionshead Center Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen/George Ruther George Ruther made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that stafl had an additional concern regarding this request concerning the parking requirement. George reviewed the criteria for a conditional use permit with the PEC and stated that staff feels that the character of the Lionshead area would be negatively impacted by the proposed tent. He state.d that statf was recommending denial of this request due to its lack of compatibility with its surroundings. He added that should the PEC choose to approve this item, that staff was recommending two conditions outlined on Page 4 of the stalf memo. Planning and Envkonmenirl Commission M€eling Minules August 22, 1994 7. Jack Hunn, representing Vail Associates (VA), stated that VA felt that the proposed tent was appropriate for the uses they envisioned for it. He stated that Susie Tjossem, ski school director, would explain how the tent would enable Vail Associates to augment their training procedures. He added that the proposed tent would blend in well with the existing building. Jack said that they would be able to add trees to this location. Susie Tjossem stated that video and lhe use of biofeedback has become one of the new technologies which Vail Associates is trying to incorporate into their ski school. Jack Hunn and Kurt Segerlcerg presented the PEC with a model and explained how the proposed tent would function. Kurt Segerberg stated that they had looked at several permanent-type structures and . stated that the proposed "clam shell" was comparatively low profile. Greg Amsden inquired whether there would be a floor in the tent. Jack Hunn stated that there would be a floor and they would like the floor to be 2 feet above the summer grade. Bill Anderson stated that he had a problem with the architectural design and especially with this model. He was aware that the PEC had approved tent-type structures in the past for temporary uses but felt that more thought should be given to the architectural elements and how to blend this in with the rest of Lionshead. Greg Amsden stated that he felt the tent appeared "industrial" and did not fit with the rest of Lionshead. Jefl Bowen stated that the idea behind it was positive. He suggested that the tent should be more "circus-like" and less industrial looking. Allison Lassoe agreed with Jeff's comments. Dalton Williams stated that he agreed with Bill's and Greg's comments concerning the architecture. He believed that the proposed trees would not grow in the proposed locations. Kathy Langenwalter had mixed feelings about any temporary structure. She lelt the lent should be sotter and less industrial in appearance. She acknowledged the applicant's right to locate a structure at the proposed location. Jack Hunn stated that they had been researching difierent structures for approximately six weeks and that the "clam shell' so lar was the best solution regarding snow load and flexibility. Bill Anderson stated that the applicant had found a tent that was functional but that it did not fit in with the rest of the Lionshead neighborhood. He said that he would still have a problem with the "clam shell" regardless of what color it was. Planning and Environmental Comrnission Meeting Minr.des August 22. 199,1 o e Greg Amsden stated that the applicant needed to consider whether a tent was an appropriate structure for the functions which Vail Associates had in mind. He felt that the PEC supported the applicants proposed use but a more suitable structure needed to be selected. Dalton Williams supported the proposed use of the tent but stated that he could not see how the tent could be located so that it would not encroach on the Magic Carpet or snowcat operations. George Ruther requested lhat the applicant explain the proposed interior lighting for the requested tent. Jack Hunn stated that the proposed tent would be used during the daytime only and that only exterior lighting was being proposed.a Kathy Langenwalter asked the applicant whether he wanted the PEC to vote on this item or to table it so that the applicant could continue to work on the structure. Jack Hunn stated that he would like to table this item and come back before the PEC. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the September 12, 1994 PEC meeting. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote tabled this item to the September 12, 1994 PEC meeting. 8. Proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space Districtand Chapter 18.36, Public Use District, of the Vail Municipal Code and the crealion of Chapter 18.33, Outdoor Becreation District. Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest Russ Forrest made a presentation per the stafl memo. He stated that statt was proposing a two-stage process. The first slage was the approval of the text amendments to the Zoning Code. The second stage would involve stalf review of the land uses throughout town and rezone parcels accordingly. Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, stated that VA was concerned with these proposed text amendments specifically in regard to the Vista Bahn area. He stated that this area needed additional ski base facilities. A second concern with the proposed text amendments concerns the parcel of land located adjacent to the Lodge at Vail. He stated that Chairlift 1 was located in this area and that should the text amendments pass, that VA would not be able to replace this chairlift. Jim Lamont said it was his understanding that the text amendments would not affect any specific piece of land and asked staff to clarify how the rezoning process would work. Russ Forrest explained how the rezoning process would occur. Jim Lamont was concerned about the potential to rezone parcels of land that already had established uses. Planning and Environmedal Commission M€eting Minules Auqusl 22, 1994 \&'nhil@. a) ,-- \ail Associates, Inc. C.ca'oB and OpcE tors of Va,l anl Bcevcr Crcc!. Rcsns Post Office Box 7 o Vail, Colondo 8165E Vail Associates, Inc.Cnir,'. n'it ()F,.ir,,6,r Vul ,".1 n,,*iC."l" n",u,, Ptxt Officc Box 7 . Vail, Colcrnrfu 61658 ._:.--. ^ &r,Lr\_lq, !ES r lll{_o .re;ft ,,.. ::1 q".:,,,^,,r v,,r *l H,"*to.*" n"*,.l(rst Uflicc &rx Z. Varl, C.,ohrnrJo gt65g l/^.;l A , ;1u, ^ASSOCrates, rnc.-Ti",l *llh:.":'r v,,r *.r a",*,,c.*r. n ",",. vri v,,,cc rx)x / r Vail, C-okrrado g165g Condominium Association for Lionshead Center 520 West Lionshead Mall Vail, CO 81659 Town of Vail 75 South Fronhge Road Vail, CO 81657 Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 rggzOlympics QfrD - &,*3o3.2 (o L',,, I ( u' 8 /a.sf I:.Jrry Condonr inium Assocrarion ;:i,?Jl'|;fr"- Drive, suirc 3e7 Attention: Marbel Barnes 8i3tq+ -cLca-rYs ')R_fr G,cJ- r)r \r<( \'J\ { sll)ql+A+ -CJffS Glfi- oi-$- THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Toyvn of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 22,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. Proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District, of the Vail Municipal Code and the creation of Chapter 18.33, Outdoor Recreation District. Applicant: Town ol Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest 2. A request lor a worksession for a major amendmenl to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located a11000 South Frontage Road WesUAreaD, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerlcerg and Associales Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 RightOf-Way, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represenled by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a setback variance to allow for a new residence at 5128 Gore Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant: Ghislaine de Teronanne de Femande/represented by Duane Piper Planner: Andy Knudtsen :' A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a tent to be used tor the Vail 6. Associates ski school to be located south ol the Lionshead Center Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of a building on slopes greater than 40% for a site located at 4403 Bighorn Roacl/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Belty Luke, represented by Mike Lauterlrach Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. L A request for setback and site coverage variances and a major exterior alteration in Commercial Core ll (CCll) for the Lifthouse Lodge, located at 555 East Lionshead Circle, legally described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing' Applicanl Robert T. and Diane J. Lazier Planner; Jim Curnutte A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit located at '126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. A request lor height and density variances and a major CCll exlerior alteration to the L'Ost,ello buildinglocated at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, Inc./John Dunn Planner: Randy Stouder Applicant: Planner: THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will holdapublichearinginaccordancewithSection 18.66.060of theMunicipal Codeol the Town of Vail on September 26, 1994, at 2100 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: 1. A request lor a worksession lor a Special Development District and a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment and expansion of the L'Ostello Lodge tocated at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, Inc./John Dunn Planner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a variance to allow for a wall in the front setback to exceed 3 feet located at2427 Garmisch DriveAot 13, Block H, Vail das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: T.J. Conners Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for lront and side setback variances to allow for a new residence t0 be located at 1788 Alpine Drive/Lot 11, Vail Village West 1st Filing. Applicant: Thomas Theys Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a worksession lor a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision lo the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesUArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a tent to be used for the Vail Associates ski school to be localed south of the Lionshead Center Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen . ,t TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 22,1994 I i 9t? I /,( l-lr-'I -tu SUBJECT: . A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a tent to be used for the Vail Associates ski school to be located south of the Lionshead Center Building/Tract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE VaillSSSg!"aleg-is proposing to construct a "clam shell" tent structure for the Children's Ski School Program. This would be a temporary shelter located immediately east of the Born F_ree Express, between the Lionshead Ski School location and the Magic Carpet lift. The "clamshell"is45feetlong,28feetwide,andl6feet-1 inchtall. Theterm"clamshell"isthe ffanO name of the tent stiucture that is proposed. lt will be constructed out of an aluminum frame with a white polymer covering. Tjte purpgs_g_-of the tent is to provide additional space for the ski school program. Vail AEsociates-has totO the Town that they need the additional enclosed lloor area to facilitate the ski school in Lionshead. The tent will have entrances on the north and south sides to allow passage through it. The Town j.s- considering this tent structure request a recreation facility, which is listed as a coh-diti*on-al'use under Section 18.26.040(D). Because it is atemporaiy building, it is not required to be reviewed under the exterior alteration criteria. Vail Associates understands that if the structure is approved, it would have to be removed immediately after the ski season. Staff believes that a May 1, 1995 deadline is appropriate. Next season, it could not be replaced without another conditional use review. II. COMMERCIAL CORE ITZONING CONSIDERAT]ONS The Zoning Code does not provide a specific parking requirement for recreational facilities. Similar to the analysis of the recent addition lo the ski school, staff recommends that the applicant provide an analysis showing the incremental increase oi customers that are likely as a result of the tent. At this time, staff has not asked for this analysis. lf the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) decides to approve the proposal, staff will work with the applicant on the determination oJ the parking requirement and return to the PEC to confirm the appropriate amount. Aillggftg i_s zoned CCll, the applicant will be required to pay into the parking fund for any floor area determined to generale traffid. t., Zoning: Commercial Core ll Area: 1.645 acres or 71,656.2 sq. tt. ffi 45 feel 10' on all sides Height: Selbacks: Site Coverage: 70% or 50,159 sq. ft. Landscaping: 20% or 14,331 sq. tl. 16 teel-l inch N: 60' S: 40' E: 12O'W: 210' 1 ,8% or 1 ,260 sq. fi. 94% ot 67,726 sq. tt. Parking: As previously discussed, the sile is zoned CCll, the applicant will be required lo pay inlo the parking fund for any lloor area, delemined by lhe pEC to gonerale traftic. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends denial ol the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Belationship and impact of the use on development oblectives ot the Town. The development objectives of the Town of Vail can be found in the purpose section of the zone district as well as the zoning title of the Municipal Code. The purpose section of the Commercial Core ll zone district calls lor a mixture of uses. Section 18.02.020(D, 10), the purpose section for the zo4ing title calls for the provision of recreationat facilities. Staff believes that this recreational f aclllyIllgg{i n u e to a u g m en t th e s k i s c h o ol_plqgen@area. ol facilitie5 are an appropriate use to add to the mixture 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution ot population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public tacilities needs. Staff believes that there will not be any neggtiv-e_r-qlpqq! to the criteria reterenced above. ot uses at the Lionshead skier base. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow trom the street and parking areas. Staff believes that there will be little impact on traffic or related issues as the proposed structure may actually increase pedestrian traftic in the area, but is not likely to generate additional vehicular trips in Lionshead. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. believes that the character of the area would be negatively impacted by iin [ionshe-acl lW-e bGlieve t!at!lly,{l_F qg'gp_co!!rag!to the buildings located to the north of this site, as well as the stream and the riparian corridor, located to the south of the site. e believe the CIa-m she-ll leflects a more industrial type of structure. We understand the benefits of versatility and ease ofconstiGli-o-ET6WEV€r, we do not believe that the proposed tent is of a quality that is appropriate to be located in this area. B. Findinqs The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use Dermit: 1. That the proposed location ol the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permil section of the zoning code and ihe purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. tv.LIONSHEAD DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This location is not identified in any of the Subarea Concepts. the 2. e V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the conditional use request at this location. Though it meets three of the criteria, staff believes that it does not meet the fourth criteria dealing with the effect upon the character of the surrounding area. lf the PEC were to evaluate the criteria differently and were to support the request, staff would recommend that the PEC add two conditions of approval. We believe the structure should be removed from the site no later than May 1 , 1995 and not be allowed to be reconstructed without another conditional use review by the PEC; and that the applicant should provide a parking analysis and return to the PEC to confirm the required number of parking spaces. clpEc\mem6vadam.822 Liqhn ..r, '- 2 /.Llt-z- t , o*,L, o. 1 .g /ua,,z t t-</, 'r7?-a-xt<s. ?- S -a-"r'...-n^-Lo-t*-'7'7 "H@" t.,4l2A ar- 44t-WP t4A aqpL ( I I I ,..,,"4 . a/1 Ng ,1\- /) '' l\)')' \w, l \-.] bfrv \ I \i '? ..".:l /t' t \'r7Mwy \ '\//X #V /\ /l ,,1 i't\ :A-' wtb- /- r. '\'\,/)<\ )1,t'/\/ -\l /\ ..0 & \ lfyr,tt*l|/'q Pid!. &Sqlcr; & ArtLir.ctt P.C. A.lJr. VhtL FtaAeltu: unWepb t1s,4t REVISION; 1.zl ?,*N..12c42 Sbcct: AI o".,"f2L b*1-141* I k lb.tf l_J I+ iu t-\ \\t _1- u b\ +fi *$ F--r + \ REVISIONT -1,zl1.4+ 11,34 U"tkHffi 'TAlf' '-.-FI!Cfr-'.. \:l o TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: VA Fire Dept.: Rwiewed by: Comments: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Dale: ODD OPPENHEIMER Fletum to Andv Knudlsen Town Planner -^f DATE SUBMIfiED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: fln BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE PROPOSAL: Engineering: Reviewed Ay: lcrn Date:_ 3l!Il!l__ Comments: No trmtlenlS Landscaping: Rwiewed by: Date: Commenls: . - rrt-> St .: Distributed to the Fire Department, public works. and Landscaprg on e//^ /"/ . GREG HALL pRSJECT: V A C h' lc/+o ,, , ii.' t,r / ....f- GREG HALL DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Date: TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudlsen Town Planner /**,,,, .fn ' BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /l f a-tVn, r,,., ../.., , / 1.tt 7-,tt y'o DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: f/r Engincering: Reviewed by: Comments: f- Y,a..r 5, Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by:.2c.4cd Dare: #'' 2'27 comments: ,) ,.t/aae/z,,ra,n,.oe 1/Zr'v,//o'-1 zZ .z) ,,zeaJ&/y'/L-s .".- I-Z'r'o5 , ./azr, /--'4t t J),7dh/'*7" SZP'/ryt </) 'c/'J '/o" ,;-)nt''L n* 4 zy''<-e'ao - ?2././ / ,/ - ^,- --,,/z.ir{ & 5ot"' , t) ///',*'-r 5'/u:J Jzvzn"-/ztN / 5'7"7 //F< 4'zz'J Distributcd to the Fire Department, public works, and Landscaping on__illn ,/?rr . 6) oc-..Vnt,r-'r ZonJrt 6z/,6/'zJ 6 ,2t 21ry- /A/-Z )/-o,2...21 t4z A -2..2.-r<-.-6 - 4?6 qr.a Y I PRODUCT FEATURES & BENEFITS FLEXIBILIW Only three structural components - ("A" beam = 88", "B' beain = 132" and arch curves) allow for direct interchangeability. The customer may tailor the Clamshelter's width, height and length to specific site or application requirements. EASE/SPEED OF clamshelters with spans of up to 80 feet can be installed ItlSiALmlOru at rates of 65 square feet per manhour using simple hand tools. "'' No cranes, scaffolding or heavy equipment is required to assist in Clamshelter installation resulting in a cost- effective installation. All frame components weigh less than 1OO pounds allowing two men to lift any Clamshelter part. STRUCTURAL Designed to withstand 90 to 12O MPH windload and 1O INTEGRITY to 40 PSF snowload (depending on building sizel. FRAME MATERTAL f;:"#L'niJ' i"",l3i?3;j,J3&"i?,"t'#',i'Jfl'l;'fl,,!t"?Si -l"uJ aesthetically pleasing. When comparing 6061 with commonly used 6063, 6061- T6 offers a 3Oo/o increase in yield strength and between 27o/o and 42o/o increase in other allowable structural properties. PRE-ENGINEERED The Clamshelter is pre-engineered to accommodate a OPTIONS of accessory options. The extruded aluminum frame readily accommodates an external weathershell as well as an internal insulative or black-out liner with its multiple "tracks". The frame is extruded to accomodate electrical cable or conduit, lighting fixtures, hoists and sprinkler systems without compromising or altering the aluminum frame. A range of door systems can readily be installed in any side bay or flat end. The Clamshelter is also furnished complete with a rain gutter system. CLAMSHELL DOOR MINIMAL REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SHIPMENT Provides clear span, full height access. Allows free movement of equipment into and out of the Clamshelter without the restrictions posed with roll-up or sliding door systems. Clamshelter's anodized aluminum frames assures a long life free from corrosion. Weathershell panels are repaired/replaced individually on site. Punctures resulting from careless heavy equipment operators, for example, are repaired in place with a Clamshell Buildings, Inc. provided repair kit. Replacement weathershell panels are installed in one hour from ground level. The Clamshelter's interchangeable components afford lower weight and volume resulting in lower surface shipment costs, the ability to air freight to remote regions, and minimal space requirement for inventory. ctiwp\rnrk.tne\l..lur...p.o o Frtr gopy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 9, 1994 Departtnent of Conununiry Developtnent Ms. Beth Levine Pierce, Segerberg and Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lionshead Ski School Children's Tent Dear Beth: Thank you for your memorandum summarizing our meeting on August 4, 1994. lthink it is important to reiterate that the Town certainly wants to cooperate with Vail Associates in providing a high quality skier experience in our community. To that end, we want to support Vail Associates' effort to improve the Children's Ski School. However, we are concerned about the appearance of lhe clam shell and I thought that this follow-up letter would help clarify that concern. Please call me if you or your clients have any questions. Sincerely, ,/-1, l*l*^ Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner xc: Kirk Segerberg Jack Hunn Pierce, Segerberg ssociates . Architects . P.C. . A.LA. o &A MEMORANDUM LU6 C DAIE: TO: COMPAITTY: IROM: SUBJEICT: August 4,lg94 Jack Hunn Vait & Associates //L Beth Levine flVT vY./ Lionshead Ctildren's Tent Meefing with Andy Knudtsen at the Town of Yail ' L il i r., v', ir"i! r/r- rl ir')T. Andy and I met this morning to discuss the "clamshell" tent for the Children's Ski School in Lionshead. Andy's initial concerns were the image of the structure and the fact that an expansion ofthe Children's Ski School hadjust been approved. Our discussion then focused on the need for an outdoor, heated gathering space to both enhance the skier experience and help with skier safety and congestion in Lionshead. Andy said the Town is aware of this need for the community and would be willing to help Vail Associates. Andy thought a year-long approval for a temporary structure would be appropriate to validate the necessity of a structure in that location. Then perhaps a more permanent structure or approval could be obtained. Andy's only other concem was if there would be any other items around the structure. Kurt Segerberg/PsA Andy Knudtsen/TOv Main Office: One Tabor Center l0O0 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 30314'7 6-4433 ' I 200 Seventecn(h Street, Suite 515 ' Denver. Colorado 80202 . 303/623-3355 o TO: MIKE McGEE INTER.DEPARTM ENTAL B EVI EW I t,i I -, / PROJECT: Vft Ch /d+',,r (..c,.{,7' / 'r--,t' DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTSNEEDED av: tfn BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen ffi E-:t /. .--.*D\r* s- Landscaping: Dislributed to the Fire Department, public works, and Landscaping on v/!,/n//? lnnTo-n-., .\/.", / tk+ f ra ft.. / Date: Date: Date: Pierce, Segerberg ssociates . Architects . o &A t P.C . A.I. A. Vail Associates Lionshead Childrens' Tent Vail Associates would like to propose the addition of a new, temporary facility to complement the childrens' skiing program. This facility would be located next to the Born Free Express Chair Lift. The facility wilt be a temporary, simple, attractive tent structure. The Childrens' Tent will be used as a meeting point for the Childrens' Ski School' thus minimizing the present traffic and congestion in Lionshead. The size and bulk of the tent shall be of a smaller scale than the Born Free Express and shall be white to blend in with the winter image. The tent will be a wonderful gathering place for parents and children alike. Muin Olfice.' 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail. Colorado 81657 . 3O31476-4133 One Tabor Cenler . l20O Sevcnteenth Street. Suite 515 . Denvcr. Colorado 80202 . 303/623-3355 !.! ,l L.J JUL 2 2 rc94 PmNNl,'li, rriiGN I i0tiSlBiiCfitN ( ( I t ^\tA z'1 A+" Y N l+ is l+ la!ltl ss l- -ffr ;R -fi'r ;-\ k { \ 5 I 0 s Date Date of of Appl i cat i on___1r1]v__l!1_lj e'! PEC Meeting August 22' 1994 Tu\ - C0t'i\\rl\, DE\J' DtPlLrcATroN FOR CONDITIONAL USE P I.This procedure is required for any project requir use Permit' Tn\j nnr, The apptication wiu not be accepted untit alr inrdHilst{oUI\iMtDEIi0EP:1", ADDRESS o. ".rZ v^tr.. cn Rl6qn PHONE 303-479-3012 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Architects, P.C. , A.I.A. ADDRESS 1000 S.,Frontaqe Road West' suite i00. vai'l - eo Pl6su PHoNE476-4433 a NAME OF 0WNER(S) (print or tYPe)ASSOCTATES, rNC. ol,JNER(S)' SIGNATURE(S) P.O. BOX 7 ryqm g ffiit{fntal A. t oEUti ? NME 0F APPLICANT Vatl 4esggia ADDRESS vArL, co 8r6s8 OF PROPOSAL. LEGAL: LOT BLOCK F ILING PHoNE 303-479-38L2 D.LOCAT I ON ADDRESS Vail Lionshead lst Tri l i nrr lTr.ar-t 1\r r+ !rrY E. FEE $ZOO PAID X THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. cK tlw ",4!ftJ'€3{?'" , +"="ciares DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT }IILL adjacent to the subiect ProPertY and their ma'l1lng addresses' Ot.lNERS ANO CORRECT ADDRESSES. F. A list of the names of owners of all PIgP-gIly iHciuorllo pRoPERTY BEHIND AND AcRoss srREETs' ini-nFFttcnNT bllLL BE RESPoNSIBLE F0R coRREcT \-II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE hIITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED T0 DETERMTNE rr-[ni-[boiiionnl TNFoRMATToN IS NEEDED. N0 APPLIcATIqI! llLL- BE AccEPTED uNLE3'i'Ii-ii'idiPiEiE il'iusi-iHcluor ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY-T-HE-zoNING ioNiHiirinion).--ir-is-iHinppLlcaHi'i-nEipoHSrBLrTy.To_MKE AN APP0INTT'IENT tlITH THE sTAFF T0 iIND oui nso[i nooirtOHRu susl4ITTAL REQUIREMENTS' PLEASE NoTE THAT A C0MPLETE APFIicATi0N U!': :il!$!illi IIE^llP"EKt ibh^ibuii"pnoiiii iiv-oEmCESrHe iir NUMBER 0F coNDIrIoNs 0F AP PEC I4AY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL }'IUST BE BUILDING PERMIT IS IsS'UED. PROCESS THAT THE EFORE A .-N (ovER)1$'N o o TOWN OFVAIL *rr*orno.- fusQ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEI/ELOPMENT bAPe CHECKS MADE TAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ITEM !a_TAL_ 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $s.00 01 0000 42415 L'NIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 4241s UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 0r0m042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 010000 4241s OTIIER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 415,18 BLUEPRIN.I5 (MYLARS)s7.00 0LfiJ0o42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 ol0w0 42412 STUDIES 0t0000424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE_CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0rmnrJ4?332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 00fi) 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 010m041413 ffi-$20.00 0l 0000 41413 ADD]TIONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ.FI.I 0tw(n42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0m0 41331 PRE PA'D DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 0M 42371 I}.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDII{G) 31 0000 45110 TOVPARKINGFUND 0to0fo22a27 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND | 01 0000 21112 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) ' 01 ffnO 41010 TAgBLtr@Z% (TOWN) 01 uno 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION OTI{ER 0l 00004f390 $200.00 A 01m0Q413-CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT s200.00 rA)U-a 01 fino4xl30.EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TFIAN 1OO SQ.FI..I $200.00 01 00m 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETHAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 sPEeatDEvEtrpNiENT D-rsrRlcr tNEwl $1,s00.00 01 0000 41330 SPETIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1,000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOLAI4END $200.00 01000041330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ZONINGCODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 01 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTN-: z/vu . COMMENTS: , / t fd/ *t"r r.*or 4fil "'^q:b+T ]REC.8\, Y 'ftE TCRBERG & ASSOC.lfrLTEcftl, P.c.. A.t.A. THE - -.D._ET4Ctt AND RETATN TH|S STATEMENT \GHEE| CHECK I' IN FAYMEIYI OF |YEr'S DEICFIE'O 9E )RRECT FLEA.E NOI|FY UA PROMFTLY. NO R€CEIPT E'E!'I DELUXE . FORM wvc.3 V.2 DESCRIPTION 7 /22/94 529.00 AMOUNT 200. 00 PEC Fee - VaiI Associatesr Tent Project 18046.00 TAl'rU.{ AF LrFl I l- Fliscel laneors Cash 14: Er?:59 F:{,,:*:f-il + i=f,43f iii'::i'i-:i-ri ,;+ l::1,:: # ._ i. L:.1..:, : r-rr!:la:tsiE l'it ": i :,i: :; i i:jaji:',-ii: t i.::,i1,:.1* i-ird l I t eiri paid ,:rl. iii_:lrX4 l. lli;i:rfilr i: i:;::i'i*i:' i ii: l.: if JiB,j ':. i +itJ {i tr5!:8f,'.f,r_tftf,ITloNf,L us :BB, SE trroun l paid 3BB. BE F. SS -rHfll.{}< l/SLf ri,:';-.rr c.l5:hi * r HEItTI t *k*x.' TOWN OFVAIL u b88/R.ECEII/T NO- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C}IECXS MADE PAYABLE IO TOWN OP VAIL ACOOI'}{T NO.ITEM NO. TAX COSTE,I. 1DTAL 0t 0000 41540 ZONINGAN-DADDRESSMAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s50.00 0r 0000 4241s UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s36.00 01 0000 42.115 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE s32.00 01 0000 42415 UN]FORMFIRECODE s36.00 01 0000 42415 MTIOMTELEtrRICAL CODE ti30.00 01 000042415 I-OTFIEREOD-E BOOKS 0r 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 or 000042412 XEROXCOPIES s0.25 otomo 4?.412 STUDIES ot oo00 424t2 ffi $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_]NSPECTIONS 0l 0000 413-12 PLANTEVTEW RETHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0t 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 TI6NAPPLICATION FEE s20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDI'ilONALSJGNACE FEE JSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 010000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 00002tl331 IPRE PAI'-ESICNREVIEW BOARD FEE ?nn' 019ffio4-2-571 I]WESTIGAT]ON FEE (BUILDI NC ) 31 0000 45110 TOVPARRN6FUNT orNoj22m7 ffiRFUND r 01 0000 21112 TAXABLE @ 4Va (STATE\ * 0l 000041010 T/wlE'EE@ 4c/; (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING lNTVESTIGAT]ON OTHER 01 0000 41330 AM s200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.E]$200.00 0l 0000 41330 -XTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE THAN rcQ!Q.FTI-s500.00 0l 0000 41330 ffiTRICT INEWI $1J00.00 01 0000 41330 ffitSTBIqT$44IoB_4MENP $1.000.00 0l 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IM]NOR AMFND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ffi $2s0.00 0l 0000 41330 RE - ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER lTo-t-AL: ;4O0 , COMMENTS: CASHr ,r**, Lt' 7 49 I "",-LZS,(t "*""r//(/(u PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOC. ARCHITECTS. P.C,. A.I.A, DETACH AND RETAIN ri il ?["?,"i.?"": J"" J+,:ilj:'sJ"i;r":' "".*"":+"';""35t DELUXE . FORM VWC.3 V-2 DATE 7 /22/e4 DRB Fee - Vail Associatesr Tent Project 18046. 00 ${, li::_ji'; L-rF t-.-:F+ I L- i .:;.:+ 1 i.:-t ':,-,= il =:=h .i {. ,' l.:l;:; i *+! : ::: : . ' . i ; -irrFi l[., [rF:Ej ,,:i:t:r, t-:ltl i:rili,tun t F,.3id !:1" Eitl -: i'.!=i'Ii=:: '-.r * l-l DESCRIPTION ..,,.r.1 ll I 200. 00 F rtt .)ttt I I rf ^-l I o F' . i-; \'\'l\ u"* tF rl* H. l,l til t1 H-l Il h. I hl l-l l--.1 $l FI l+l t\ | l'l IS lil lil ttl 6Jl FI ,l v)l 3l NI t.l lt ll EF =3 E?l'3 lF il tl (Dl *-t I N tvi I t\*- I I a D. DRB APPLICAIION - TOWN OF \Ttrfl., COI,ORADO Or.oi". d glAlgL .luly 25 , L994 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: B Auqust 17, 1994 t********* TIIIS APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AIL REQUIRED INFORT.N,EION IS SI'BMITTED ******tt** PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: X New Construction ($200.00)00) Addit.ion ($50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS: Vail Lionshead 1st Filino, Tract D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt Block Subdivision Vail Lionshead 1st Filing, Tract D If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, pfease provide on a separate sheet and attach to this aDpl-ication. F. ZONING; Commercial- Core II LOT ARSA: If required, qf :mnaal <rr rrrarr ql'_.rowlng applicant must 'I ^r provroe a current NAME OF Me i I i nrr APPLICANT: Address: Vail As sociates Phone PIERCE, SEGEP.PEPG & \] A MF NE' Mailing APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE. AF.CI{]TECTS, P.C. , A. Address:1000 S. Frontage noaffi rt^ .i 1 a\ a\v o. _L -l- , \- \-,/t 1.65-1 NAME OF OWNERS:VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: J. VATT., crr Rr 65fr Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when :nnlvincr fnr : l'lrri lrii ncr nprmit. nlc:qe iclpntifw th6 APP.L I accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of V wilI adiust the fee accordi.nq to the table belo ensure t-he correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: ASSOCIATES TA H. FEE SCHEDULE: \,'ALUATION I 0 - $ 10,000 s 10,001 - I 50,000 $ 5C,00i - $ 150,000 $15'l ,0ir1- - $ 500,0C0 $500,cc1 .- $1,000,0c0 $ Ov-er $1,000,Ct)0 * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVEI EXPIRES APPROVAI., MU.ESS A BUILDING PESMIT IS STARTED. ONE YE,AR AT'TEP. FINAJ, ISSUED ATD CONSfRUCTION FRE l, 2u.0c $ .rC.00 $100.00 $2CC.00 $4!0.00 ss00.00 TYPE OF REVIEW: 200.00 4 74>t *iNO APPLISi\TION I'ILI, BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATUPS IS llf{ lZ' Va.'u Ltor" s H fi-A-D 3 pp Fre r'rc6 "fnp<-r A SUBD IVI S ION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK ADDRESS U.S. West Communications r-800-922-1 9 8 7 468'6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary HaII Holy Cross Electric Assoc, 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt Upper EagIe Valfey Water & Sanitation District * 4'16-'7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: FILING --I-Tz-nac-T A T-.-tL.r L./ l\l:r r-) .J -fiTffi'o;* The Iocation and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed fines, rnust be apProved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date M /'tl'r/ This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility plan and scheduling insta]lations. 7 -26- 7q For any new constructlon proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility rePresentative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resoLved. If the issue is relatively complicated' it should be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems . ., If the utj.lity verj-fication form has signatures from each of the utility cornpanies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron Lhe Town of Vail, Department of Public works and to -gbtain utilitv lo .re di.crqinq in any public right-of-way or eas{:ment the Tcwn of Vait A buildinq permit is .qot a sEreet cut pernit. A st-reet- cut permit must ile obt.aine,J separately . * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water e Sanitation sj-gna'-ures. Fire f low necds ro\.lst be addressed. .t. I - le- i frrsr c= l,^eleere:s NAME OF pROJECT. Vail ,Associates - l-,ionshead Childrens Tent DESCRIPTfON: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVI S ION Lion ead 3rd F i-in LEGAL STREET ADDRESS: !E!1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Vail Associates - Lionshead Childrens'Tent The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa}} Materials Fascia Sof f its Vlindows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl-ues F I ashings ChlmneYS Trash Enclosur': s Greenhouses nt-har High strength PVC fabric required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL Lo the Design LU LUTA White Itigh strength PVC fabric White LANDSCAP ING :Name of Designer: Phone: None PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXIST]NG TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees ' Mini'mur! calie?E for a."iauoli it""i i"-i-i".rtu"' rndicate height r9t-ggliferous Structure is ligbt-vteight aluminum l- raaq \ PLANT MATERTAO Botanical Name Co^^or., 1,. ouantitv Siz,e* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size 5 qaIloj.of proposed shrubs .- Mj-nimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the Iighting plan on the List below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. None OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Pl-ease specify. lndicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. None ZONE CHECK T TJi( SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: .lu1y 25, 1994 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS. Lionshead 3rd Block Filing, Tract A OWNBR Vail Associates PHONE 479-3143 PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECT ARCHITEETS. P.C., A.I.A.PHONE 416-4433 ZONE DISTRfCT Aqricultural and Open Space PROPOSED USE Temporary Tent * *T.t1T qT7tr Allowed (30) (33) Exi st inq Proposed Total 16 | -1" I,260 1,260 Height TOtal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks lZJ 425 Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback (if o 1-nrrararra T,anrlcnrrri ner Retaining Wall Heighls Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment al.,/Haz ards : 3t /6' Reqrd (3oo) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8% Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: 20, r,5, 15' (30) (s0) / 1- ,260 Yes 1\ 2) 3) No ??? X Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? No How much of the al-]owed 250 Addition is used wj.th this request.? 'i'tNote: Under Sections L8 .12.090 (B) and 18,13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Farnily and Primary,/Secondary which are Less than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Comrnunity Development Department nay grant an exception to this restriction provided t.he applicant meets the criteria set. forth under Sections 18 .1.2. 090 (B) and j.8.13.080 (B) of the Municipat Code including permanentry restricting the unit as a long-term rent.al unit for furf-tirne employees of the Upper Eagle ValJ_ey. 10 .rr"-B Prbject Application Date 5/,,t t'proiect Name: (fL/ &/F !4tf/ 6p n/tz/'r /l ';' f% .{,af;'<'t .L1" Project Description:/, conracr person and ,non" fu'u/E/6 fza,+fVT/,, l/1r.:'Ttr4lti r/ht'lilz?- lEt/.5D 6// y'rry6--t' f', /t,r r? .q//€ 7 //d 7qfr" Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: 5futftT /44rvf - y'l /V/ Lt,4.7E Block F rling 2N/'ftt-t,ui Legal Descriplion: Lot Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board o^r" //r/'/qq ?nt-r Motion by: Seconded by:/i.i;t t!y'a5 .'''a;i iiiit ^Wt.",4 r 7,1rr'/r. irrt-',/-c, summary: * 7Z r'r' f'*",n Ez i')z D ISA PPR OVA L , TolYn Plan ner Dut"t ,-'.12 " "l'""3 ,,i;,,/.. E Statt Approval 1 I AppLrcATroN DAIE S- Z/'93 SXGN/AWNING APPLTCATION (Please Print or TyPe) NAME oF pRoJEcr l,t?-P/R L,+c.f t'nrts't sn,u'JoJ;o'" D's4";tl' ?HoNE_1J&L NAME oF pERsoN SUBMITTING /n-Le/o Fl=l-", L/ PHjNE3Z.3E@ ADDRESS NA],IE OF ADDRESS OWNER SIGNATURE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION (J! Tr(tJUlJ\- I THE FOLIOWING INFORMATION IS REOU]RED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLTCANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC) , SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. OF OI{NER PROJECT ,/t,"SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL C. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO n r1rrrbnt ur lJtlJUtl-Lrfl:J LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) t. z. 6. X. x. r'l LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE 1911 /5O If CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.0^0 PLUS 51.00 PEB SQUARE PAIr4 :t)'7 cHEcK No. (jlA^- FOOT OF SIGN DATE -5 1 t-Sile Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available OVER 7 T F t TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following information is required: 1. A conpleted sign/awning application (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing whj.ch details the design of the si.gn,as follows: (a) Colored exactly ag sign will be.(b) A List of rnaterialsl to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, painti, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign \f available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. ff an awning is proposed, subrnit drawings showing exactly how and where t,he awnj.ng is attached to Lhe building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of light,ing that will be used in conjunction wiLh the sign or awning'. If proposing an awning, Iighting is not. allowed to shine through lhe entire awning which calls undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOM}4ENDATIONS OR PO]NTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construcLion may delay the approval of your sign. 3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TII4E OF APPLTCATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than t,he Town of Vai1, the applicat.ion fee shall be increased by $200.00. Bxamples of such review, may include, but are noL ]imited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Perrnits, Army Corps of Engineers 404r etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant's reguestr dny mat.t,er is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re*published, then. the entire fee for suctr re-publication shall- be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the Community Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or other i.ssues which may have a significant impact on the cornmunity may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determi-nation be made by the Lown staff that an outside consultant j"s needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or trer and t.his amount shall be forwarded to the Town by Lhe applicant at the time he files his application with the Comrnunity Development. Department. Upon complet.ion of the review of the application by the consul-tant' any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant. which have noL been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of l:he amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicanL within 30 days of notification by the Town. I I ET TtO Aa "zo N,,mFt tn d E t C T T' r- I'1 --l --l F p tn \ F ftr Fl X H tn { H z IJi a z --l -l -o z Cf -a -l fl -c)J t: -f3<- r" F6-r* i11 r1 j HP ZQ HR SH - rrl U m T rfl o r m r r rn 1-@ rS lo) T1 o *;D 6-m -a 1-l ]s o -cf I ul n .5 UI Ul o r F It +t r}. : --)- / 33^5" x ./ Uppea Eacle Veltey Cor.rsotroareo SerurrerroH DrsrRrcr 846 FOFEST FOAO. VA|L. COLORAOO 81657 (3C3) 476-7440. FAX (3O3) 476-4089 I,TEMORANDUU TO: To\^rn of VaiI Design Review Board FROM: Gordon "Hawkeye" Flaherty, Maintenance Manger DATE: May 2L, 1993 SUBJECT: Sign for Upper Eagle VaIIey Consolidated Sanitation District Offices We would like to have the attached logo which hre are adding to our existing sign, reviewed by your committee. We are going to place it on Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Offices located at 846 Forest Road, VaiI, CoIorado. If you have any questions please contact me at 476-7480 ext. 34 HF: s1d \'rp5 1 \todd\ ev- 8 lgn . !€e Attachment MANAoER FoR TttE FoLLowtNo WaTER DtaTnlcTa: AAFOWI]EAO METFO WAI:F . AEAVEq CREEK METRO WATEB. BEFRY CFEEK METBO WATER EAGLE.VAIL METAO WATEF . EOWAAOS METRO WATER . LAKE CREEK MEAOOWS WATEB UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATEF AUTUOFITY . VA L VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO WATER N TOWN OF VA]L D E P A R T;\{ E N* T O F C O ivl lvl LiN ITY D E V E L O P }1 E N T' S.\LES ACTION FOR:\'t tct 75 SOUTH VAIL, CO ZCI\T\|G .tu\D A D DR.ESS !'iAtS 0t 0000 4t540 UNf.':OL\{ B IILDI''G COD E 0l ff\?o424t5 U MFOR.\{ PLUY;E DJG CODE 0t 0000..2415 uNr FoR\.t lwEcHAl.'lcr.L coDE 0l co00 42.{15 UNIFOF-\{ FIRE CODE 0l c'ocoJ24t5 0r 0,300 42{ l5N,\TiONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 00@{24t5 ontER coDE looKs BLUE PR$ITS OIYLA 0t 0000.1154s or ooc|t 424 r 2 I >tERox coplEs / s'iuDiEs s0.25 | 0t 00co{237t PENAI.TY FEES / RE.L\*SPECTIONS 0r occo.{ r 332 i pL,rx nEvtEv RE.cuEcK FEE [s-(0 FER HR. 0l 00Cr0 42323 OFF HOURS NSPECTION FEES CONT:L\CTORS LICL\s ES FEES 0l 0000.1l{ l2 SICN APPL!CA]]ON FEE 0l (800 { 11.30 .0t c\?30 11413 ADDITIONA'. SIGNAGE t;E I5I.o) PER, SQ.IT.0t 00004t4r3 0t moc 12.110 }TC ART PROJECT DONA]ION 0t 0cs0 .l r 33 t PRE P/AJD DESIGN REVIEIVBOARD FEE oI 00)042412 I BuIIOINC-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.0r 0000 41010 TAx 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000 { 13 ltoN trioRETHl"r,l 100 so.FT. 0l 0000 .r 1330 {E.\rT DISTRICT I }.'IINOR 0000d1330 rSPEC | 00014 t 330 tc * * * * * * * $ I I I, j \*r t i ."f g --.', 1-.""'. Permit Numbers IIOW PAID--Cash Y Check_ Police Receipt Numbers ----.,, ..- --- -r--T-- _By -.," /.' .' 't "'-" r \.- -' ToldN oF*;;;; f'fiEceI leneous CBEh s5-t4-9I I I : ?4:37 E Fl*c*ipt * l:f,€tg+ Fl;c,:,un t # L! Fl,r$f' '.,5I81.] RFF Rinr,:_rn 1. ten,Jsred i Iten p:i d fi1fifjfiEr4t 4tf,ffLtB ih.:ing* r* t,-rrnFd :' THFth,tl< 32.86 Fnowrt paid f,3. A6 6. EB 1ftfu \J,rur cashier .IUFV ; PLIASE MAKE TOWN OF VAIL DEPART;\{ENT OF COIVI]VILNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S^tES ACTION FOR}{ 75 SOUT}T FRONTAGE ROAD L, C0L0MD0 81657 ZCNT\O tu\lD ADDRESS l'tAls 0t 00004t510 LINT.TO L\ { B UILDL.'*G CO D E 0l c{00424r5 U M FOR.\,I PLUVA L\* G C OD E 0l 0000{24t5 uM [OL\ | ]!tEC H]-\']C/. L CO D E 0t 000042.{r5 0l OrCC0l24l5 UNITOR,\{ FIRE CODE N,\TIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE 0t 0co042{r5 OTIIER CODE EOOKS BLUE PRL{TS OIYLAI(S) 0l 0000 {24 | 5 0t 0000{1543 0t 0000{2112 | >:raox coPIEs/s'iuDEs 0l 00co4237t PENA I,TY FEES / R =.bIS PECTIONS ot c8co.rt3i2 i PL,I"VRevlnvRE-CHEcKFEE, ts<oFERHR.l 0t 00co 42323 OFF IIOURS NSPECTION FEES CONTII.\ CTORS L'CE\S EJ FEES 0t 0000.{l{t2 0l 0000{r330 OT}IER I.TES SIGN APPLICATiON FEE .0t 0000 4 t4 r 3 ADDITION^I, SIGNAGE EE ISI.OO;'ER, SQ.IT.0r 00c64!{t3 0l ccoo r2{.t0 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION PRE PAJD DESICN REVIE1V BOARD FEE 0t 0cs0 1r 331 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI 0t 0o3o424L2 *.01 0000 41010 TAx 0l 0000 4237r TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000{1330 I c9ct04t330 0l 00c0.1t3-10 OR ALTCRAION IIIORE THic.\t ICO SO.Ff. 0l 0000a1336 . t5p 0t crc00 .r 1330 | zoNTNG coDE r,.,vE\Dl'J 0l 0000 4l * * * tc * * * * *. TBhrH c'F-;;;.--=-- l"fi scel I aneor.rs Castr ff5-:4_Ff,II:16t66 Hs':eiF,r. * i:f,8:rl fi,;r11rr_r1i. # fl; EF: Ir.t 5 II.]F5|JH...F,EE ilfrrt,Lrrr t, l,*ndg re,:j Item paid E1i;ltriig4:, f,f,i ffEg l--i;.=nge FF t Lrrned ) # ?4,$1 PAIII LreE "I 26.89 hour? peid zA.gB €1. ffE -t-HFtF.tl< vou Tq,r-rr- c.3=--hier JLID? RECETVEDFROM i ADDRESS N9 4?835 I i'1 I rl r F. "t ! I i $ t c u0 Police Receipt Mrmben HOW PAlt!-Cash,-'-Check By Uppen Elcle Vallev Coxsottoareo Snrurrarron Dtstntcr a46 FOFEST FOAD . VAtL, COLOBAOO 81657 (3C3) 476-7480. FAX (303) 476-4089 June 8, L992 llr. Dan Stanek Bulldlng Inspector c/o Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 fltf'f JUN 1 21992' Re: Upper Eagle valley Consolldated Sanitation Distrlct Administration Of fice Expansion Dear Dan: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation on Monday' June 1, L992. Answers to your questions are as follows: 1. Requested valuatlon on:I Plumbing $13,000 Mechanical $76,000 Electrical $23,000 2. Information needed on the mechanical room is shown on M-1, M-2' M-3 and M-4. The roof units are shown on M-4. 3. The guard rails shown on sheets 6 and 7 have the spacing at 4" maximum required by code. AI1 exterior guard rails shown on sheet 14 are spaced at L'-0". We understand this spacing is allowed by code for exterior guard rails. 4. The details of the Men's and hlomen's lavatories are shown on the new sheet 18 (which I've enclosed as part of addendum three (3) for your revievr). Enclosed are copies of the three addenda that have been released since applylng for the bullding permit. 5. Enclosed please find three copies of sheet 15 wlth original stamps. Should you have any further questions, please contact me. Thanks ! a GG: at Enclosures Slncerel]4, &ht/$nED Gayi[e Grider Project Manager MaNAoEF FoR THE FoLLowrNo WATER DrsrRrcrs: AFFOWHEAD METBO WATEF . BEAVER CREEK METFO WATER . BERFY CREEK METFO WATEFI EAG LE-yAli MErFO WATEB. EOWAFTDS METFiC WATEA. LAKE CBEEK EADOWS WATER up[ore FEG oNAL wATEB AUTHoRrry . varL vALLEy coNS[eo wore.vu N Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8l-657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan anafysis based on the 1991 Uniforn Building Code NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a cornplete J-isting of alf possibte code requirements in the 1991 UBC. ft is a guide to selected sections of the code. Project Number: 051192 Address: 846 FOREST RD. Contractor: MARCAL CONST. Architect: ISOM & ASSOC. Enqineer: ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS SEPARAT]ON DIRECTION BOI'NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Public way 116.0 Feet EAST Public way l-18.0 Feet SOUTH Property line l-22.0 Feet WEST Building 107.0 Feet Area increased 100.008 for open area on NAME OCC MAX FLR Name: UEVCSD Date: June LL, L992 Occupancy: B2rA3 Type of Const: V-1HR Plans Examiner: DAN S?ANEK TL FIRE PROTECTION 85.0 Feet 93.0 Feet 122.0 Feet. F ? O F'aaf 4 sides. AREA A]-,LOWED RATTO STATUS 2 Future Office 2 Office #15 2 General Manager #1?2 Secretarial Office 2 QL\er Occupancy TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Vestibule #1 1 Office #2 1 Office #3 L Mechanical Room #5 1 Storage Roorn #6 L Conference Room #?1 Office #8 1 Office #9 L Storage Room #10 L Ladies Room #11 L Mens Room #12 1 PubLic Meeting Room 1 Other Occupancy TOTAL FOR FIOOR BUILDING TOTAL The actual height of this The maximum height of the 92 ok B2 ok 82 ok 82 ok 82 ok 92 ok 92 ok BZ ok 82 ok 82 ok 82 ok BZ ok 82 ok 82 ok 92 ok 82 ok 43 ok 82 ok building is building is 1790 1_6000 0.11 232 r"5000 0.01 305 16000 0.02 497 16000 0.03 s48 16000 0.03 3372 1-5000 0.2t 39 r_6000 0.00 L62 16000 0.01 t't'l r-6000 0 .0r-68 16000 0.00 2r r-6000 0-00 282 1_6000 0.02 t-84 r_6000 0.0r.r_33 16000 0.01 49 16000 0.00 L30 16000 0.0L 11-8 16000 0.0r-993 r"2000 0.08 99r- 1_6000 0.06 3347 t_4560 0.23 6't)-9 30498 0.22 26.0 feet. 40.0 feet. -- Table ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 5-D Page 2 EXTERIOR WALL FIFA RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WAI,L PROT BZ Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None A3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Obr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material-. Sec .22QL. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be proLected with 3/4 ht fire assemblies. 50* of the area of the walL maximum. Sec. 504.(b) & Sec.2203. & Table 5-A Maxinum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wal1.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wal-1 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TablE 17_A ELEMENT MATERTAL RATTNG NOTES fnterior Bearing wall Any 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall Any 0 hr Structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote #1 Shaft Enclosure Any t hr Floor,/ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Elements in an exterior wa1l located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shal1 be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table L7-A, fooLnote I DRAFT STOPS:If there is combustible construction in the floor,/ceiling assembly, draft stops shall be installed so that the area of concealed space does not exceed L000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed 50 feet. -- Sec. 25L6. (f)4.A. (iii) If there is conbust.ible construction in the roof,/ceiling assemb.l-y, draft stops shall be installed so that the area of concealed space does not exceed 3000 sguare feet and so that the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed 60 feet. -- Sec.25L6.(f)4.B.(iii) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B B2-A3 Ohr ADDIT]ONAL SEPARATIONS FOR A3 and 82 OCCUPANCIES:A thr occupancy separation is required around central heating unit greater than 400' 000 EXIT REOUIREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EX]T LOAD REQUIP€D WIDTH Page 3 rooms containing a boiler or BTU input. PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Future Office 2 Office *LG 2 General Manager #1-7 2 Secretarial Office 2 Other Occupancy TOTAL L Vestibule #1 l- Office #2 1 Office #3 l- Mechanical Roon #5 1 Storage Room #6 1 Conference Room #7 1 Office #8 1 Office #9 1 Storage Room #10 1- Ladies Room #Ll-1 Mens Room #12 1 Public Meetinq Room 1 Other Occupancy TOTAL 18 1 2L 31 5r. 5I JJZ 01_2L 2'L 01 0r-l-9 r_2L 11 01 11 TL 662 10 L 104 2 0.3 No No 0.0 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.1 No No 0.8 No Yes 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.3 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 0.0 No No 1.1 Yes Yes 0.2 No No 1.7 Yes Yes N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Out 4 N/R Out Rated corridors are to have Lhr fire prolection on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (S) Door openings are required to be protected. with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protected with labe]-ed 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305. (h) fn areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of -- Sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. of the 50 or more Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noLed.Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b) . Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits.width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for l-st floor is based on oLher exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the minimum width of stairways, see Sec. 3306. (b) Page 4 FOOTNOTES: 4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 3317. (d). See exception for main exit in A-3 occupancies and churches. HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1.) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entrance to this building. -- Sec. 3l-03. (a) & (b) 3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped ascess, the max slope is L:L2. -- Sec 3307. (c) Handicapped access may not be required to levels other than t.he primary entry Ievel. -- Sec. 3103(a) exc #2 STAIR NOTES: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is g.reater than 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximurn opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.(a\ The minimum headroom is 6 ft..- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) Provide a landing within 1 inch (L/2 Lnch at doors used for handlcapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. -- Sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this buifdinq is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:L) The roofing on this building is reguired to be Class C -- Table 32-A Cedar or redwood shake shingles and #1 shingles constructed in accordance with Section 3204 (e) , Special-purpose Roofs may be used. -- Exception #4 2) See section 3204. and fCBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS :If openings are not. provided in each 50 feet of exterior wall or there is floor area more than 75 feet from an exterior opening, an automatic sprinkler system is reguired. -- Sec. 3802. (b) An automatic sprinkler system is required in enclosed usable areas above or befow stairs. -- Sec . 38A2. (c) 4 ff there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly att.ended location. -- Sec. 3803. I Page 5 STAI{DP IPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not reguired. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:L) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:L) wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8. 2l Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Cl-ass I flame spread rating. -- Sec.42A4.bl 3) Textile wa1l coverings shall have Class r flame spread rating. and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or rneet the acceptance criteria of u.B.c. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSULATION NOTES:1) All insulation material including facings are required to have a fLame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless i-t is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- Sec. L714.(c) exc.*2 2) Foam plastic insulations are reguired to be protected. -- Sec. L71'3. GLAZING REQUTREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazinq material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For 82 occupancy rn alL areas customari.ly occupied by humans, provide natural or artificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. (a)c(b) For A3 occupancy the Town Of Vail fire department approval is required prior to occupancy of all A occupancy. Fire alarm desj-gn and fire sprinkler design and installation shall be as per aproved drawings. Floor-Lst Occupancy-Public Meeting Room The capacity of this area is reguired to be posted at 65 occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Section numbers llsted below are from ANSr A1l-?.1 - 1986 WATER FOUNTAINS:1) one must have a spout within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.L5.2 2) Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.4 & 4.25.4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 2? inches high, 30 inches wide, and l-7 inches deep. -- Sec. 4.15.5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The clear area is required to provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fig.27 b,crd Page 6 TOILET FACILITIES:.l-) A 5, diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room. -- sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3 (a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is: a) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a side approach. -- Sec . & Eig. 28 b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a front approach. -- Sec . 4.76.2 a Eig. 28 c) 50 inches wide by 56 inches deep wiLh both approaches. -- Sec. 4.L6.2 c Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to start within 1-2 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back waIl. -- Sec. 4.1,5.4 c Fig. 29 The rear bar is reguired to be 36 inches long. -- Eiq. 29 3) When water closet is in a compartment, the area required is: a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and one at the side. Door is at front or side.-- Fig. 30(a) or b) 56 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fig. 30(b) d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above musL be increased 3 inches. -- Fig. 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required to start within l-2 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wa1I. -- Fig. ?.56a & 7.55b The rear bar is reguired to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 36 inches long. -- Fig. 30 (a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(a)r(b) &Fig. 30 (c) r (d) 5) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. -- Fig.29(bl & Fig. 30(d) 6) Urinals are required to be stall type or have an elongated ri-m and be within 1? inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.1-8.2 & Fig.29(c) 7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is reguired in front of the urinal . -- Sec. 4 .18 .3 8) Accessible lavatories sha11 provj-de a cfear area under the l-avaLory of 29 inches. -- Sec. 4.L9.2.L & Fig. 31 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory. -- Sec. 4.L9.3 & Fig. 32 10) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec . 4.L9.6 c rio. 31 Town of VaiI 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 4'19-2L38 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniforn Buildlng Code Project Number: 0511-92 Name: UEVCSD Address: 846 FOREST RD. Date: .Iune 11, 1'992 Contractor: MARCAL CONST. Occupancy: B2'A3 Architect: ISOM & ASSOC. Type of Const: v-LHR Engineer: ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK =1===::::l==l::yl:=:::3I=========::=:l::I=-3::-3:====::===1 Provide attic ventilation that complies wi-th section 320s. (c) 2 Provide panic hardware on the door(s) indicated, for public meeting room and corridors, Sec. 33L?. (d) 3 The plans should indicate that a maxi.mum occupant load of 66 is to be posted in this area. Sec. 3302. (c) 4 Provide details (construction and location) of draftstops in the floor system. Sec. 25L6. (f)4.A 5 Provide details (construction and l-ocation) of draftstops in the attic. -- Sec. 25],6. (f)4.B 6 A 42 inch high quardrail wi-th a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied where step is greater than 30 inches to floor or grade below. -- Sec. 1,71,2. 'l lhe open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 30" above grade shall be protected with a guardrail . Openings can not exceed 6". Within R-l- occ. and all R-3, height min. is 36"-outside R-l occ. height min. ls 42". UBC 1711- 8 The design, construction, and installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and th'eir hoistways shall be as per the requirements of UBC Ch.51. This includes fire resistance of enclosure & openings and hoistway ventilation. 9 For heating or hot-water supply boiler applications a floor drain shall be supplied for suitable disposing of accumufated fluids . uI"lC 2LL9 ; Page 2 .10 fn rooms without natural ventilation a mechanically operated ventilation system shal1 be provided capable of supplying at min. 5 cu.ft.per minute of outside air per occupant in aII occupied portions of the building. UBC 705 OR UBC 505 lL In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction in Town of VAil) all conbustion air shall be obtained from outside air. UMC Ch. 6 12 Furnaces not Iisted for alcove or closet installation shall be instaLled in a room havingr a vol-ume at least 12 times the total volume of the furnace. Boilers requi.re a room at least 16 times larger than the volume of the boiler. UMC 504(b) L3 Provide a mechanical drawing showing basic design or hydronic system or duct system, size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size), sLze of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment. L4 Primary columns and beams need to be fire protected individually if supporting more than one floor or supporting more than just the roof. txltxtfxl xxrw --I m Iq l-o l:B E I:o rt l.i5 e l9q 1 l;: g ItrP cr liq I l=E =i5 o€Te 6E a9 -ti O ctt >t *g ii=I m = <trq m: (- ii=gP" ()o z o -{F C o {6 z ! lTl n 3 { ftTttrl --'id R x:o Et *2=d oo EZz (n =st a C,z =q mt Ir l=u lo .It lz<l<o r> 'n <E -m F=,-f \o{so @ m x m -It { o z c o @ L -{m r{F z IA O CN ctl (^) N-) o z,O =-{an 7 R=>A Ti 6z gP \JT Z- I= A= t zl -tx 3: -.r o o> Aa nz >m OE -.{ > n o f =m i €z m z =lt c) r.{ c) F H z r'1 t- m rrl 6A C)>'a- t- -l (!r -n =z {m t-m -.{ l{z o 'n t<l> lF m z o l NJ s'tJ I !\o t-t lo l€ lz lo l F m F)z p I .,..1 I E = tJ Y 19 ! I E {o €z l F m tr{ z U) n H B c) \o 5 I 5 o\ut l{o l€ lz lo l-n t<l> f l!tm lo I lz lo l*l ; tr z € F E F ! n tJ \o F, N) l-{lo l€ lz _n t- m F)z 9 l.p w ,-f) Ei E r- z v)H c)H z i F -l.J i@ 'I (, = m o X \o -Tl = I H r. r s. -J o\ al /A frtr,7a P t- @ s'o\ rll (n H P z =m a EH3a 1i $i =:-E 3 =iB,";s, O !a= =-.og) Sigs H a3:EigB. 3a*=ro9*@ 6sg€ -It qr 3 e,3- = il ;t a !.6 3s3.1 IeiE i=gP @ioL Pordr ;;F =Es ilq <o-l 0:a P 6'e;E i gd*q .,EP6 fr;; € o 6'{ 0r lt o t 5 3 =s o CL !l f o o i' o o U' o J o i €J q) ! o o z -{ {o z -l I m I l_E t>l* l- I I F f I f z l z t- m =f a z m m m lz lz I t t- J c -t X ITI i € z z z a c t- -l z ! --t I o z m t -r c m ol lo I lr ll il T-r il I I I tr o I -l 2 z I I m t- m (t) €m =z c z --l o o o I o z c z = I z m € --{m i z =z t-? >l m ! --t m o _n P tJ)P z \, N) a P Fd H Fl F x F(trl EI Irl F P t- Fr d > ftl OPe = 6<5 Q*F to -)'n =zo iiiQo o<z vOt4 f o 6 r o= E b zat o6 o 'frzz =t x I- ,o< = N H H H z z F] F FI H z ,-.1 H o l" ,F \l \o +, f.J 3 rlj H z v) E rr F tJ .Al 4l vzl r{l E"l *l UfI ol #. 1 trl 'ol H+l rul EI FI rlrl tr{l Fl'l Itsl lfttl >l c)l Fl*l r.l trl >t tdl g'l HI >tl nl zll "'a er Ei ?tS er ;:F 6i =rE ii ,, 13 Ql ;'E :;ltF I 9;o I t,ri Iri l*l u)l lol .ol Et; ir m r\o It.J I rl I Ir lr ! z v1 H F z z |.) I^) N) -.1 o -{ t- !m E ='Tl m m (n a m { r rn z c rn !o I i an 2 o z m s ln € m o m =z 'n m m m c) z l- t-c =. m l-m o 6 |- z o m I @ - z m 3 - m n =-n m m at VALUATION !m v =-t z o H F t- =m z t-c =z m |-m I t- (D _c t- o N .{ A N) L,) o @ o :t :t E TTI d H ,& ,F ! tf )C rrl a { ,F ,i I \ I o o z (n {8 o {o z !m v =-{ /1 FffiF i r" =rs l: B E Hei l3 E 3 Eil 19 I 3 FQ; l= i g tF l'jj d I l=; :l-r r: J LlL'llEl r j rxp 6 e o X;- : a-->= d €ci oo i g F^=s g €"i: 3 g *m.'bo tl + q]z =q mt lr ll lEo l-o l']. < l:'i o t> 'Tl |<!*$-F= *=\C -{Eo (! m x m !-{o z q @ a -t m z i H' v\ I vn\ I i "l fiF o>-r =m 'Tl t-z z 3 lt r) Frt '':' a) P IJ H Fl H E2 Fl=bl-IO l.-.1 b t.-H le,vt2 ll.Icola)I Ft.I o'l?) I rrj ll,tc't.tFl ltrtl I c, I I r-t I tl lEl tt o F I '5 { al. '6*, €z.m 2a n2 >m i>or a m o I z o z --l u i 'r't r @ z z --l J r m o --l o t- z -{ -.{ n z,o 4 '1-an c)EE =b -<F r rr. lO tst9 gg tlj l@ old (,I}< ,Nl fpl\o .l I Nl c(l ocl I I I I E \c t^slY Pl< el=ult *lF l:.,lz lo I I I ldH t=F lelE li lE lFls l= | "'":; l:- lH WE V" N I 5 IrJ {tr mlO Et€'lz le t<t> lF t,tm le, la I I I I H lo l€ lz to ll t> F- lil t!, lz le I I t* J tr l{t+ t- F.J 5 t\l I \|\o c. -z v, N rt <) F] C) H |o l€ lz Fte Pl< sl= Pl#- 16-'lz lo I I lF lr!| .\. tJ.t* I *g$g;;- ogd ;3699 Eleit 5 eei d .:=; E F ;*i*e Hb ac - +Fiss '"4 gii OO^,qt: [*a*=36p-=a'o*oiot I *9- o, P. Ed-3;B 9 ;'a 9.3' 3= e 3"1 -v'5i= Bqe+1 s,=33i dB c.D I _{ cL - =.c 3 Fg3= 9ast B 3sdEi F8 i 8:, +8u a: fl:3 3l s e u sP =' trt z I m €z m I ::.,_. ,*:!. I IH I I I i t.t I 1) x z o f- F f- I @ I z o l o z 1t m =I U'z m m m l< ' lz 12 t: IF :r o c -t I I t_ -t'{! I fio<>_n_o -{m Fle 6l(,"l I z a c - -t z -t I 6 z m c m I IO tr€otr IF -z za z - z>eR rci :D<!.1.: < >o f @o z c z I 2 m € m =o z =z l-? 5, tn m f) fl t- =2 F z o\ \,|N O (n tq Fl A fa DT x Frl 6 x FJ F l- F F F( {: H ONP zx2 s E*F bo n!'n =zo i;qo o<2 u6).4 i: P e z<h--l o6 o 'n2z € x H H l.{ z hd F z H t F F Fl l-l z ,,$ H t+ 5 F-) o Cr)}J H v> F] r.r aN d=9< tsp /.\@ 2,=(r-o f,/.z 3z wrri il](rt, ;i:l> H " l\t FI CJ l.l P' I Flzo 'att! aJl FI HI ':a i-t I'z=l eH :r gE qi 3E !l 4ts | o'o I -li tl t lgi l'< | I o'- il I lro frl m,€l|- | I l,l P >l > ,! F,J |f,) t.J -{ -1 r rn ='Tl m m a, m --t x t-m z c m q.{ m z m s m € m o ln z 'n m ln m o I z 6 |. @ z o m iT -.t o |- r 2 I m I g t- = m , = = !m 7 -_tl m m U) VALUATION a m v =-l z o ( (. ) H F.l P rr =m o z t- l- =2 m |-m o t- |- z. s N {o\ , h) * )F F{rt FJ :r * a *+ a!; {P H ,F '! r1 o o a o ?( o o 1o !+ o .;; o - c c c =m o z o () 9p 3E i6 o 6rn =m =ct =-{:,F -l()o>tr o 2o F=>m OE oF ! F o -t m -t o €2 m frE rrP ! =fn z o I ( t- { i I I z o t z o F !tt P z I tn = {n -I'l \\ \ \ N IEF ULN m Fl .e r ?.z ,41 E F to l<t> lr m tr-l z PI A 'il )r i |It F tv 9r -s I L P H o It lz o ln t<l>|-t 't p 2 9 - ) EE F tr D H N lo$r E- s I F: r: I !- I v -+l "dl s'l \,_ | EE >r gF tl-fiN PF el\r nF 8l ar -I rl (' rn ls hE E3 R:Ee.Io inO {l 2i x:.6€t-6F a7 FE 1e 81 !m = fi o rn E =-l D% rn cD I t-- |m= | -\ l- | =2 | 7 T-lr-'l L-J t-l 1i! z=o@ >-2 6o z z -l m I 'o o ! TI m t -t o @ m x fl '! o z o @ (n {t|| 0 m ld( F ts It H c-:t t:i -< :; c-o qc,N' q tl^l N !,tl u - 2 o !tn u = rn m (n s o o 7 v7 {E o { o z !m F ={ z { ln z 2 ri i;i E E 16 tEi e P j'i5i : e ' /11 tt - zi- : ..-a. I o ilr r7' I \/ '-f r t B {>/ 8 V: /::'-'' Y7, ,//., -rrl t;ll I lllrl ql>:ro oo z !fn t = 2 ft m l<' oi x:-n Eo tt -'l e-'{: et7! =>c.=:o 6o-z2 e\ ! ! fi J o o q o o 7 t o { o €o 6 o o o 0 e It t tt t o t o t o c o c( t g t o : o 3 E o I o A s. o CL :=oo 3;:3 :'o€ Eiia e le; :; ii jeiE Eiii sFgi lasE 3 iE; itci iF*:ti ril a*iF );'9 3'E EJES s3E 3 F; ri ro=t :o- []i" Kj' t' J^ lrnH n, NlN z : a 73 loulh frontagr rold vril, color.do E165? (303) 479-2138 or 479--2\39 ofllcc ol communltt devcloPmctlt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'18 If this permit reguires a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval , Engineer's (Pub'l ic llorks) review and approval , a Planning Departnent revjew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. ResiCential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. Horvever, if residentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to exped'ite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and tjme frame. ftztesnW;,) DATE-Xffieet was turned into the Communi ty Oevelopment Departnent. TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.]ECI: 75 louth |ronlagc road Yail, color!do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 and acknowledged oltlc. of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH tHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI{I!ruNITy DEVELOPI'1EIIT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTI.IG & MATERTAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforcid by the Town of Vail ng!|ic Works Department. Persons found violating tiris ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puU:-ic Works Department will remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified. the provisions of this ordinance snlft not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the To$rn of Vail Bul,lding Department to obtain - copy. rirani< you for your cooperation on this rnatter. f (i.e. contractor, owner) I SOl,l o & ASSOC.ZE 266 P. O1 85286 I n /7X rsou & AssoctArEs ll l/o\ Arctrilecture LandPlannins ProiedManasomtnt ,fune 17, 1992 Dan.gtarick Euilding Offl-c{al TO}IN OF . VAII, 75 .8. Frontag€ Rd. W.vail. co 5L657 REr offiee . .'Addltlon. -SanltaElon Dlstrlct Dear Danr Upper Eagrle Valley Consolidated fhia letEer is-to aqrend our appllcatiorN for for..-the, ...ofFldc . edditlon at Upper .Eagle Sanlbatlon D.iEtrl,ct" Per our conversetion anendfients are aBt followst a. bu:lld.ing psrnlb .Valley Consolidated of iluDe L7, 1992' 1.Errgineer{,nE -Desigaworks,.. the. . gtructural the-the,.projeet, has been. .l-rrgt.:nrcted -to architestural .plans that. you. have DoB6e8sl.on-. They wlll be contacting your the ne:rt few days. eng l-ueer on sUatrfi> the in your offlce ln The dllatsance . between spacerB-on .the rail.lngs fire Eeairs. Danic ' . hardware. shal-L be .pronLded".on ..the Bubltc ne€tlng roorn doorg or h+nilicap lever-acElon hardluare. to be Ga!,rle .cr.lder. Marca1 Consbr$qtion, fnc. 2. 3, . the. vertiqal. . or horlzontal Bharl not exeeed 4n on all 4. If .thelre addlreseed, ba Sincargly yours, --aw{r\Stephen'R. Ieom s{rFiF.ll R. sJld B-1841 cct P.0, Box 9 tash, colondo El60l ($3) 828-2688 FAX 32&0A66 ....J ' Proiect Name: Pro.iect Description: Contact Person and ' iF{!'i'ilt'ltrllFPrr Project Application Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descri Comments: on: Lot zl Block Design Review Board Dale DISAPPROVAL tr a Town Plan ner Staft Approval TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMoRANpUM L W" {UJ, .,f_ planning and Environmental commission " ?, W -, lrtg"^rn community Development Departrnent ^"t ^ lrtJp*tlN*^\V- ir.,^; "t March9,l992 t - W- W A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District adminisuative offices, at 846 Forest Roadllot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicanc Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE ! The appticant is requesting an amend.ment to the existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District (UEWY&SD), located at 846 Forest Road, in order to expand its adminisuative offices. The proposal would add a total of 6338 sq. fr The following details the allocation of square footage by use: Office: 2,423 sq. ft. Common: 3,837 sq. ft. (Mechanical, etc.) Meeting Room: 1,384 sq. ft. Storage: 30 so. ft. Total: 6,438 sq. ft. The expansion will be used to accommodate increasing staff levels and to improve the facilities service areas. This addition will be dedicated to office+ype uses and does not include any sanitation operation facilities. The addition will be two stories located to the south of the existing offices and on top of the existing treatment facilities. The building materials will be similar to those of the existing building. With this request, the applicant also proposes to install ten 6-8 foot evergreens as discussed below, and will also pusue a minor subdivision of Lot 31 prior to the issuance of a Temporary Cenificate of Occupancy for the expansion. a ,.-+A w II. ZONING CONSIDERATIO\S The proposal is located $ithin the Public use Zone Discict (PIID). In this zone district' the develqrment standards .* "ri.UfitfrJ by the P-!p in order to allow for the flexibility o"""*iry to accommodate public and quasi-public facilities' Zone District: Square Footage: Existing: Proposed: Total: Parking: Required: Existing Building: ProPosed Addition: , Total: Existing: EmPloYee Parking: Customer Parking: Tota] Avail: Public Usc Disrict (PUD) 3,320 sq. ft. 6438 sq. fu 9,758 sq. ft. l4 13.83 27.83 or 28 spaces 37 spaces I 14 total spaces available III. UponreviewofSection13.60,theCommunityDevelopmentDepartmentrecommends dt;t; of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose section.of the Public Use District states: "The public use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot appropriately be regulated by the development standards piesCtiUeA for olhg zoning districts' and for which developm€ntitandards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or grojgct are necessary to achieve the Purposes priscribed in Section 18'02'020 and to provide for itre puttiC welfare. The public use district is I a Uppen Encle ValteY Coxsot-toareo SerurrnrroH DtsrRtct 446 FOFEST ROAO. VAIL, COLORAOO 41657 (303) 476-74A0. FAX (303) 476-4089 May 15, 1992 \-i i/ f .: Dan Stanek Toern of VaiI Buildlng Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Dlstrict Adminlstration Offlces Expanslon - Bulldlng Permlt Dear Dan: Enclosed, please find an application for a Town of VaI1 building permit, as wel} as the requested two (2) sets of drawings and specifications for the Upper EagIe valley Consolidated Sanitation District's adninLstration office expansion. Per my discussion with Ron Phillips and Kristan Ptitz' rre respectfully submlt these to you for review and approval on the required Town of Vail bui.lding permit. If there is anyLhing the District can do to expedite this process, please contact Gayle Grider, the District Project Manager. Thank you. WMG/GG: at Enclosures MaNAoER FoR TxE FoLLowrNo WarEF DlarRtcr8: aBROWHEAO MEfRO WATEFt. gEAvEFt CR:EK METAO WATER. EERRY CBEEK METRO WATER '^""f.^lJJi:J:'"'i;'^?:;I;l.=Jf :;'J;::$:::'t::J;::f " Slncerely, N TOWN OF VAIL 42 ll;ert Meadou Driae I/ail, Colorado 816J7 t0t-479-22t0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: named Fire alarrn -/ '/. Vnil Fire Department I.TEMORANDUM TOWN OF VATL BUTLDING DEPARTMENT VATL FIRE DEPARTMENT Michael I'tccee, Fire Marshal Z-_-Jeff Atencio, Fire Inspector ._-_ 2<. 2 z_ t/.:-U f, Sd O):'/:'4'a- .4 :H' t7c'^-/ The Fire Departnent has reviewed the plans for the project above. The iterns narked below need t6 be: subnitted revised furnished. ,/' shop drawings need to be submitted.; with a Colorado Registered. Engineerrs stamp. wlth point to point wiring diagrarn. wlth typical device wiring dlagrams. with battery calculations. with a list of specific device model nunbers. with'equipment cut sheets for each type of device. with the number of each type of device with information indicating ttre specific zones. with circuit diagrans. with wiring type, size, and number of conductors. with source of A.c. power circuits. with energency lighting at the fire alarm with infornation indicating monitoring nonitoring agency. panel . . nethod and The ltens below need to givlngapernltaflnal Please check off in the FINAL PLI'MBING uxilnspecrroN's coMPLETED be couplete before Cof0. box provlded. DATE: It rl il I'FINAL UECHANICAI DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAI, FINAL BUILDING WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O p^r*lL-((-qL , '-9/ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: \S;b o ./ Town of Vail Dan Staneck Uppen Encle VaueY CoHsot-toereo Sarrrerron Dlsrntcr 846 FOFEST FOAD . VAIL. COLOFADO 81657 (303) 476-7480. FAX (3o3) 476-4089 ,U \)' ,t['{i,'l \i' To: FAX: From: Date: Ma AoER FoR THE FoLLowrxo WarER OrarRtcr6: AFROWHEAO METFO WATEF . B:AVER CREEK METFO WATER. BEBFY CBEEK METFIO WATEFI EAGLE.VAIL METFO WATEF. EOWAROS METRO WATEB ' LAKE CBEEK MEAOOWS WATER UPPEB EAGLE FEG ONAL WATEa AUTHOFITY ' VAIL vaLLEY CONSOLIOATED WATER 47 9 -2L57 ll' V Gayle crideyffi/t)Project vlan$ffr January 6, 1993 Re: Office Remodel This fax is to confirm our telephone conversation held today, regarding your inquiry of our office renodel . Danr as you are a$rare, I did admit to the District doing some modification to our existing office. The reason for this modification is to remove the ,oldrr corridor erall that hras left intact when we built the new office expansion, which had its ovrn (a new) corridor. In doing this. the existing room will automatically become wider providing for more space and finalize the connection from the "old" building lnto the "ner,rr" building. we will not be doing any electrical or plumbing modifications in conjunction to the above referenced modification. I sincerely hope this alleviates any concerns from the Town of Vail and you. However, should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. \GG N ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC. 127-11th Street #2 P.O. Bor 773761 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 July 13 | L992 (303) 8794890 Fax (303) 8794905 VaIIey Consolidated Sanitation District addition (EDw job# 9231-3, may be Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail 25 S. Frontage Rd.Vail. CO 81657 Refrnce: Upper Eagle 1992 office Dear Mr. Stanek: s This l-etter is to verify that the mechanical room layout and outside grlryequirements for the referenced project are to !".p"{ UBq€q,and are to be field verified by-th6 Town of VaiI during the construction process. Also please find 9191":"9 the requested cut-sheets for the. sp-ecified Glowcore GB90 boilers. We hope this letter provides you the informat.ion you desired. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we of fur\her assistance ( 949-4823) T Qr One burner heols your home ond your woter 89% Annuol Fuel Utilizotion Efficienry boiler . Flomeless, high-efficienry woler heoter o No burning pilot light, l.no cnlmney OilE CORE HEAIT BOIH. The UniCore qplem heots bofh oir ond woler thr6ugh o single gos burner in the boiler. which is inlerconnecied with the woter heoter (see illustrotion). Mosl grstemswork i ndependenttY of eoch olher, requiring two burners - one for the furnoce, one for the ruoter lonk - doing lwice the work. The UniCore sYslem elimi- notes lhese redundoncies to provide you with lhe mosf cosl- efficient home comtort qAlem on lhe morkef. 89% EFllClEXl lo[:n. GlowCore's hi gh-eff icienry, GB Series hof wqfer boiler hos on -A.EU.E. rotingof 89%. Thol meons 89% of the gos thol goes info lhe boiler is turned inlo useful heot. ComPore thol to on old 55% - 65% efficient boiler; ond see how much You could be sovino on fuel bills It's Electricolly ignited, so lhere's no continuouslY burning pilol lo wosle gos. There's olso no energy-wosling chimneY - iusl o smoli diometer, CF/C/ F/C vent. -rl HOT SURFAC: rGNlnoN@Nrnc[ CA3 VALVE 2O.YEAN WANNANTY ON HEAI EXCHANOCN cor{rBu$noN ArR lr.owEn ||or tArm on toncED iln. oxrY GIOU(ORE OIYES YOII A flOICE. GlowCore is fhe onlY monufoc- lurer to offer inlegroled heoling $7slems wilh both hof woter ond i i6i."J oi. r..hnologies. The forced oir furnoce is olso highlY efficieni wif h on *A.F.U.E. roling oI glo/o.In oddition, lhe woler heoter is ovoiloble in 30- lhrough 6Ggollon sizes lo suit Your needs. *Annuql Fuel Utilizotion Eff iciency n yi POLYUNEIHANE I SULA ON LONG.LIFI PVC JACKET COPPER/NICKEL HEAI EXCHANGIR TASI NI(OYENY TAIEN I:ATEN 3AYE3 EUEil TORI. In oddition lo efficienllY heoling oir, Gloa€ore's GB Series boiler heots rvoler fhrough on exlremelY quick-recovery wqier heoier. Fiecoverv is so fost, in focl, lhof o .ornpo.i 30-gollon lonk - lwo- thirds the size of o stondord tonk - provides oll the hot woler o lorge fomily needs. And with f lomeless, high-eff icienry wofer heoting, you'll be oble lo sove even more on fuel bills. OfowGore UniCore'" lritegroted Heoting System GB Series Gos Boiler WT Series Woter Heoler - - - Hor Wiler UniGore System rtmPEnAlunE AND PXISSURE GAUGE 3TAINIESS STEEL WAIEN DIVENTEN rANX VALVE ,) rGloutGore \* Heoling & Cooling Products GB Series Ultra Hiqh Efficiencv Gas Hot-Water Boilir FEAIURES r Boilers utilize on integrol combuslion oir blower for higher efficiency. r All models ore equipped with o differentiol pressure switch for proving combusf ion oir flow ond for sensing on oir inloke or venf blockoge for o sofe shuidown until blockoge is cleored. o All models feolure energy soving hol surfoce ignition designed with oulomolic gos shut off if lhe f lome sensor does noi defect positive com bustion. o All models ore equipped with o redundont gos volve. . All models ore equipped wilh o 40VA tronsformer wilh SPST reloy ond plug-in reloy receplocle. ,/ \ . Ad justoble temperolure conlrol .'L- o Two-lone boked enomel f inish. r Complete front occess. EFFICIENCY All series unils feolure high A.F.U.E. Rotings (Annuol Fuel Utilizotion Eff icienry) when properly instol led. VENTING The boiler is venfed using 2" -3" CAIC/WCpipe ond fittings in occordonce wilh the insiollotion instruclions ond locol codes. CABINET The cobinet is designed for f loor or woll mounting. HEAT EXCHANGER The heof exchonger hos stoinless sfeel f ins to ensure long life. COMBUSTION AIRBI.OWER Direcf drive PSC molors ore used with oll models. PSC molors hove low slorting torque, high efficienry ond occelerofe 1o operoling speed quietly ond smoolhly. For eose of service, lhe enlire blower ossembly moy be removed. BURNER ASSEIT'TBIY The Unique Advonced Burner Design provides relioble performonce ond low pollutont emissions. Burner ossembly is construcled of Inconel Alloy ond stoinless steel to ensure long, relioble life. 'C T GBSeries Gas notv"t"r Boiler BOITER SPECIFICATIONS FIUE GAS VENT )tvtoDEts GBO607 AN D GBO907 MODELS gBl30lo AND O816014 18-3/A' I I I T-l-t9"l_ l.-'--l 7/8" DrA. HOIE EI.ECTRICAI BOII.ER WATER RETURN 2%'-r- 8"I BOII.ER WAIER OUTTET 44" (NOM) -n/t6" ,^"'l* f Itllodel Nunber GBO607 GBO907 GBt30ro GBt60t4 Burnerr (No.l I I I I Electrlcql D(tfo (volrt HzlPh.l 115/@/l l[5/@/l t15/@/1 l|5/60/1 (r.LA.l 3.2 omps 3.2 omps 3.5 omps 3.5 omps Irqnsformer Slze (VA)40 40 40 40 A.F.U.E.%89.0 88.8 88.888.8 Flue Slze (lnches)2 2 2Vz -3 21/z -3 Gor Plpe Slze {NPI}1/z l/,/2 t/z t/z Boller Wqler Inlet Ourlet (NPI) %3/q "ltL *lt/q I I l t/t tn welchr Nerfl'bs) - Shlpplns (tbrJ 101 1A 167 167 ll0 il0 173 t73 "Reduce boiler relurn pipe for 7 /8" O.D, boiler tube. Model EOII.ER RATING ETUIHN. Input Orlllce Slze *Oulpul ttionlfold Press." W.C. Woler PumpMln. FlowGPM Presure Drop Thru Boller Ft./Woier G80607 60,000 #30 53,4002.5 6.0 8.5 GBO907 90,000 #9 79,920 2.5 8.0 r5.0 GBr30rO t30,000 #11 115,400 2.5 10.0 14.0 GBt60t4 r@,000 #2 DMS142,r00 2.s 14.0 27.5 ,o 'As determined by D.o.E. Steody Stote Efficiency Roting Tesl. Heoling copocity volid for elevolions uP to 2,00O feet obove seo le.rel. For elwolions obove 2,@0le€|, rol€d copocity should be reduced by 17" lor eoch 1,0@ feet qbore seo lervel. Model CABINET SIZE IN. t*llbx.Vent length Ft. *Mgr. tnlote Alr ]€ngf h Ff.wtdrh Depfh Helght GB0607 l8 lt 36 2525 GBO907 l8 II 36 25 25 GBr30ro 21-t /8 ll 42-t/8 30 35 GBt6014 21-t/8 ll 42-t/8 30 35 i j ,(1 \"' *lenofhs ore {eet olus 6 elbows. fFirsiten leet muit be CPVC ploslic pipe; odditionol venling con be PVC. Noie: Specificolions Subiecl lo Chonge Wilhoul Noiice. iLC'0 "juo 5 p92 ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC. 127-1lth Street #2 P.O. Box 773761 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 JuIy I | 7992 (3O3) 879.4890 Fax (303) 879-4905 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail 25.S. Frontage Rd.vail, co 8L657 Refrnce: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District 1992 office addition (EDw job# 9231.3)Subject: Plan Review Corrections Dear Mr. Stanek: Tiris letter is to acldi.ess Lhe rne+hanical- itens itenized in your 6-11-92 review (#051192) of the referenced plans. Item #9 - See pg.Ml; floor drain is shown Item #1-0 - See pgs. M3 &M4, 5 cfrn/person outside air is provided during all occupied periods Item #11 - See sheet M3 for location of listed 2tr PVC sidewaLl exhaust fLues and conbustion air intakes per Glowcore literature and UL listing. Iten #12 - See Ml and architectural plans for nechanical room dimensions and boiler placement. Glowcore boilers are approved for alcove install-ation and room voLume is about 30xs (each) boiler volume.Iten #13 - See pgs. M1 through M4, we believe alf items are covered except for mechanical roon dimensions which are found in the architecturals. We hope this letter provides you the information you desir d. Please do not hesitate to contact us with anv ons at 949-4823.est t{, c.Sharpe, PE Isom -c- ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC. 127-l lth Strect *2 Stc.mboal SprinF, P.O. Box 773761 Colo.ido 80477 (3O3) 879-{890 (303) 949-4823 Far (3Gl) 879-{905 Septernber 11. | 7992 Mr. Steve fsom Isom and Associates P.O-Box 9 241 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 Reference: Upper Eaqle 1992 off.ice l)ca; S t-sve : Valley Sanitcttion Distri c+_addition (EDI{ job# 92212) Per your reguest, we perforrne'l a cursory investi-gation of the referenced structure yesterday to evaruate g6nerar conformance with the intent of our sLructurar d6sign. AL the time of our visit the sleel- superstructure was erected,the_bar joi"sts and.decking install-C, floor slabs poured,roofing and mechanicar roofiop un-its in place and about half of the steel stud warls sLood ancl i n the process of being sheathed i.n general , construcLion appr:oach and technique appears to !. pgr industry standards arnd in r-i'e witir oJr exiectations.Noted areas of minor concern are 1isted below-1) The double plywood sheathed, firsr level, south wall does not appear to be connected to the concrete befow per the specifications or generaf notes. current shear transfer through a wood tirnber may not be acceptable. 2 ) The upper f loor s.labs have water darnage f rorn dripping above and should be repair:ed. 3 ) Linderneath all nerv corur-nns shourd packed with a high strength grout- The no.theastrrrst corumn was noted to be without qrout at tbe ti-ne ni: ,-:trl- ,;isit. 'i ) Caril ;:iiould be r-al-eii r- ir.i r. ..r !. i. ile;r:i gr-l<rcr-.c sne ji- pallels be screwed to the steel stu.-! '..r.rl_l s per t--lre plans- #5) No investigatiou of ti;e dr:cl< to joist: connections, menber slzes/ boLt torquer.;, cli.rreDsions or underlying structures were made . Pleas not hesitate t-o ci;:: with any questions. Sharpe, PE VtSr*, fpgpfi:I7a* lJn 4r,^fpr-t-,1 Bf /<"r d AtEo-_o.,"Aq /4sr,*a Or /)e.Ds o/- Eo-7- -tooou-*{ 5 932 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA|E Y'"/'?2- JoB READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME TUES WED THUR lz fo INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL -------@ PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FRI APPROVED CORhECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL I] FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NA|LtNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB C SHEETROCK NAIL tr o E tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL INSPECTOR rf ol INSPECTION REQUEST D^TE g 3 ,o, *or. PERMIT NUM READY FOR LOCATION: OF ROJECT \,tl INSPE \<(O MON p neenoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED WN CALLER TUES PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .\ \: NAME /ioi"CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ \.\.. , \' OO-t i. \' i ',.,.--l JOB THUR FRI AM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:. _--i \..r.'-\Y'' i' !t I BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL J- \-+.-;--_- l\ \: | . . \\-- :- *r:\*-.: i - \ _ ,/r , r'-.t. /.-.',. -, 7 -IJ,, - f :!t d FTNAL---' -ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER T] ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr GAS PIPING tr POOL i H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr o FINAL i ,l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FGppnoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INS CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: EtI Jt &V JOB NAME T E\, '.L./ INSP roN: (, THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOI / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL | / lit C+'toy,.t,n iE^ .a-a;.'*1 ELE trT Ltr tri tr_ MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CgNDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL X APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ::<- z ?t -' ' *P@ INSPECTION REOUEST oor.. ?ft J JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES riEo.r' rHun /t"' rl / BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr o ROUGH i ROUGH / D.W.V. rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING N( .T = \L: r Atl WATER GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr EI FINAL tr n FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r.{. --tt -/ --/ <_ PERMIT N DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT ta L'^ a' INSPECTION c ,._, rowN oF REQUEST VAIL Z- JoB NAME CALLER Mo^t (:G_-\1'" ER BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E D tr tr tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Ileenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (.\ \\ -irt.DATE "T - \ \ --\T JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o D tr tr tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER F{tr- RAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL D tr FINAL ! o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL E ROUGH /rffi OVED D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR n?Rs'o" 14 A /JJ JE PERMIT NUMBEROF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ril INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (/ - JoB NAME CALLER MON TUES AM G*THUR /): BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROOF & SHEER tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING -PL ry(*,POOL / H. TUB NSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING . l;.. O ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL ffi^ouro O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: lNSPEcroR C l) "/l'' ''*u^"'' |n INSPECTION NOF NAME CALLER TUES,)S*"- t 1l ( ,,1 1:a,-)-REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MON 1 WE q/ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION i STEEL RAMING OOF & SHEER D GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL . ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINA tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oart 8-zz'7c- , rNSPEcroR PERMIT N DAIF READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME INSP CTION gu' )1 (+ REQUEST VAIL FRI /'r-'\(M PM Y)-/ -- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ,EI ROUGH / D,W.V, RoucH / wArER /Od il 5 t CIl"-, - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING - {cns PIPING ';rt5f- cr\ tr INSULATION - D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - E tr o FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr ROUGH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o tr X FINAL D FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED )b-*eenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,-r.)- - lzc - z aof READY FOR -LN$PECT-|ON:MgN ,@ WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED B DISAPPROVED )(tt"outo CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -lr \f\ !'N, | \''.'., ,.\ r \'.'. \' \ 'orre \- \D--\* JoB NAME \^ \'r -'.' \ . - , \'cS\.\ \'. )\ cALLER \rr.r.'J'lt''i 'l tt-*t-' "\ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL nffisroe DArE ?-{ 7-72 tNSpEcroR t MARCAL CONSTRU TION, INC. 310 W, Third Street Rifle, CO 81650 (303) 6?5-9042 FAX (303) 62s-5s23 September L6, 1992 Isom & Assoc iates P.O. Box 9 Eagle, Co 81531- Attn: Steve Isom Dear S teve I During the course of the project you have provided approvals, and,/or clarifications of construction items include: f) Construction of E]evator Shaft:A) Concrete stem wall at the base to be solid mass with no 'tconnection?r to existing parking structure as well as no trconnectionrr to CMU of elevator shaf t.B) Provide bond beam at first course above concrete base and two additional bond beams at floor level of office addition,2) Approval to delete C5 X 6.? between joists.3) Approval to construct interior stairway with 3 micro-1amrs I7/8" x 12n.4l verification of fire rateil doors at elevator location onry,no others are requi red .5) tevers are not required on lock sets.5) Shear wall - 1/2" plywood sheathing:A) Blocking at panel breaks to be wood.B) Plywood not needed to run continious over structural beams - needed inside web for backing on1y. Most of these were made in person or by telephone conversabion with yourself and/or Engineering Design Works. Confirmation i.n writing was requested on each item but was never received, therefore we are reguesting your acknowledgement below. This wi1l. be acceptable as written approval and/or confirmation of these items as noted.Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. us with changes,drawings. These "",",7f zt f ?z-- S incerely, MARCAL CONSTRUCT /llaatlUs^, Marc Wagner / |President (J roN, Building Dept Gayle Grider iaEes INC Design Works, Inc. Date: o MARCAL CONSTRU TION, INC. 810 W, Thlrd 6treet Rifle, CO 81850 (300) s25-e042 FAX (303) 625.5523 Septaruber 16, 1992 Ison & AssoclateB P.O, Box 9 Eagle, Co 8163I Abtn I gteve Isom Dear $tevel DurlnE the course of the proJecb you have provlded ue wlLh changes, apptoval.s , and/or clarllleatlons oE consbructlon drawings, Tliese Itenrs lncLucle I cotrstruetlon of Elevator Shaf L: 5ilAff f€.0 ftLxrfi(| s(+qt'(qo' tAy{Al wntlJ A) Concrete gtent tlal-l at the base to bo sollcl masa wlth no trconnecL. lolltr bo erlstlng Darking structure as welI aB no trconnerctlontr to C!,lU of elevator ehaf t.E) Provlde bottd bearn at flrst coutga above concr€te baee ond two adclttlonal bond beams at floor leveL of ofdice addLtlon.Approval to dolete C5 N 5.? betweerr Jolsts. o( Approval to construct lnbertor sLalrway wtbli 3 ntcro-Iamrs L 1/gu x 1z'r.Veri(ication of flre rated doors st elevator locatlorr orrly,no others are requlred. }{ Levets Brg not trequired on lock sets.(61) Shear walI * 1,/2rr plywood sheathing I \--l A) BLocklng at paneL bteaks to be wood, Ol 'B) Plywood not rteeded to run cqntlnious ovets strueLurar beams - needed lnslde web f or backlns only. on-+J{#A\ffi:t:i^fn^u- Most of these were made llr Fersott or by Lel.ephone gotrversattolr !rIbh yourself and,/or Englneerlng Dsslgn Works. conflrtnatlon ln wrltlng HaE reguegted on each lbem but was never recelvedr thetefote wE are tequeetlng you( acknowledgenent be1ow. rhls wl 1l be aceeptabl€ as r+rltten approval and/ox confltrnatlon of bhese ltemg a€t noted. Thanlc you for your coop€rdtlon in thte matter. o D 3) 4) sl ncetel y, MARqaAL CONqTRUCTI0N. INC. lfiaul[d*tez- Harc Wagner / |Preeldent U cc l But ldlng Dept . 0ayle'Grlder o^t",,{zt f?z-. Li t: Deslgn workE, Ihc. D,t].ce, .?/lA1/ t L I MARCAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 310 W. Third-Street Rille, CO 81650 (303) 62s.9042 FAX (303) 625-5s23 September .25, l-992 Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Gayle Grider Re: Adminlstratlve Office Addition Dear Gayle: Pursuant to the Architect's request and the building department review, we have been asked to price 3 draft stops between the first and second floor and one draft stop in the roof structure. After reviewing t.hj-s requirement with the local building inspector we were advised that the Iower 3 draft stops would not be required but the draft stop at the roof structure is required. The cost to extend framing to the underside of the deck and instalt drywall on one side of this separation waIl will cost S 566.Please issue a change order to incorporate this additional work into our contracL. Sincerelw r llb,zc { \/'(.r-..Hz- Marc Wagne{ i MARCAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. aEes Steve ENGINEERING DESIGNWORKS, INC. 127-llth St eet *2 P.O. 8or 77376t Sl.'rnbolt SpnnSr. Colo.'do 8Ot77 September tttL992 Mr. Steve Isom Jsom and Associ-ates P.O.Box 9 24L Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 (3O3) 879{890 (303) 949482:}frx (303) 8794905 Reference: Upper L992 l)ear St-eve: P1e Valley Sanitat,ion Distri ct additj-on (EDw job# 9221.2) not hesitate to c;;il with any questions. Sharpe, PE Eagle office Per your request, we perforned a cursory investigation of the referenced structure yesterday to evaluate general conformance with the j.ntent of our sLructural design. At the tine of our visit the steel superstructure was erected,the_bar joists and.decking installeC, floor slabs poured,roofing and mechanical rooftop uni-ts in place and about half of the steel stud wall"s stood and in the process of being sheathed. in general , construction appr:oach and technique appears to be per industry standards and in line with our exbectati_ons,Noted areas of minor concern are listed below-1") The double pllrwood sheathed, first level, south walL does not appear - to be connected to the concrete below per the specifications or general notes. Current shear tiansfer through a wood timber may not be acceptabLe. 2 ) The upper floor slabs have water danage from dripping above and should be repaired.3) Underneath all new coluinns should packed with a high strength grout. The northeastm.:Jst column was noted to be wit,hout qrout aL tbe tine t':t ,-,.rrr 'rj sit..i) Caro r-;houiri be' Lal:-eii. i-hat: ;_i j.-r. Cer.:j-gnatec sheai: panels be screwed to the steel stu,J ,rrulls per Lhe plans.5) No investigaiiorr of the deicli to joist connections, nember sizes, bolt torques, <liirrerrsions or underlying structures were made. si -- ,-a*2.', nl ----t -/c7- -) -' JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL OF MB 0 ITN PERM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED,/UR (, CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o n tr tr ! UMBING: UNDEBGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEE-ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING (rrusulnrroru POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRhEcroNs: INSPECTOR - a SPE D PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME IN 1.,/ ,-.r' qi THUR FRI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INS CALLER TUES AM PM BUILDlNG: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! D tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH o tr u EXHAUST HOODS tr o o CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL ,..'F'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED t' DATE ''l INSPECTOR '*'"/ 2'/' ,,'' /' -/;,r'-REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER, OF ROJECT 4"L..JOB NAME TOWN OF t /), T-J DATE l.CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:j M.ON ED i.- ., /(l .../'rHUR fRr /^\,'AM ) PM \,/ a EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING l-1 ROOF & SHEER "_ PLYWOOD NArLrNg ^D {).'tn D tr c GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB E o tr NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr b tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o o FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /f/- ?' y'L rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES EE THUR Yt't-t ri tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTION ,,- .-. TOWN OF ..)L), REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: FRI (leenoveo CORRECTIONS: E REINSPECTION REOUIRED a BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,t3Z*REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL t JOB NAME /. 5o,-' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr D NAIL tr tr o FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D B tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr tr FINAL KAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4-.i 4,i ,,4 ,.;' nriGsrop INSPECTOB PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: TNSf ECTTON: l/o" { i'} BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr .D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT /;.i,. , tr. t trsuPPLY AIR c tr FINAL D FINAL ,E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED s(t:, tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED f.Pu# - ,,, -T La i'-l'-= (* {\'- \rr );' INSPECTOR DATE EN Et[,liiffE tnc. Deceurber 10, L992 MarcaI 310 w. Rifle, Attnl Construction 3rd Street co 81650 ifohn Johni The weyerhaeuser wood doors which were furnished-on the uDper nasre varrei"ii"iliii"-t :"n "i!-u"ilt to arlow 20 mi-nute fire/smoru' rl[tr"l ttre-pari-ilru-"ot" construction has beea .ppto"td ;[";t;'zo-nrin-ute lever of teeting' I trust this rcill clear up any questions in this areE' If ;";;-;i";iE-ao not tresitale to carr' SiocerelY, i*ff"f,-lo@ z0s0 w. 7th Avenue ' Dqu.t, 'glotdo 8029o (303) 573-6442 r FAX (303) s9$0420 I n tvya '.j.:'l:rr..:,r '. . W.34 MESA ELEVATORS f ''7''" -j7, T JOB NAME TEQUEST IAIL -' z'-o/t/DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC @: CALLER TUES W FRI /l PERMIT NUMBEfi OF BUILDING: ,.tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n IOOF-&-SHEER D GAS prprNc " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H.TU tr SHEETROCK NAIL E : otr rwat 7-(!a n DFTNAL ELECTRICAL: i ,' MECHANICAL: tr TEI/P. POWER tr HEATING I E ROUGH Q noucn E'coNDUrr tr sUPPLY atd -a', , 11 tr iFINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIQNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr-REINSPECTION REOUI RED ,-€) u,aTP/trtL<, /&,L9 a3,t/t- '/t/ lz*8r, DATE nffGs,e /2 - ) ,t _.-. INSPECTOR -, l NUMBER OF PBOJECT ttl ol ']/ '- JoB runvE CALLER rgsPECrO\:MqN ES ST n UE o L ,!) CTION RE TOWN, 9F VAI /<'i: 't' ' ,N# 5,c),?, r* d =,1 _) ).J-/=\ i I ri Qt THUR FRI PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION:0Yt) WE a.-, a BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D o tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE' UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr D B ROUGH tr B tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB f rrNnl tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR \ :f ,t .' ON NOF r' .-"-' ,:' ).. -,) / r./ c*REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: -JOBN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING E POOL / H. TUB 41 / rrl'at l-J=-:i--tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL f,neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /J *,//- fz INSPECTOR Pn'!Fsro" , FILE COPY 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 office of communily development December 4, 1991 Mr. Fred Haslee District Regulations Administrator Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: DFB Bevlew Procedures Dear Fred: Thank you for coming over to our office on Tuesday, November 5, 1991 . The policy listed below is what I believe we worked out during our meeting. Please review it and let me know if you think it needs to be moditied. 1. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verifi cation form. 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. lf the issue is relatively complicated, it shoud be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 3. lf the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. / , Mr. Fred Haslee December 4, 1991 Page 2 The Town will add these policy statements to the utility veritication form. I have attached a copy of that for your information with the added language. Please let me know if you have a different underctanding of these points. I hope that with this new method of exchanging information, future potential problems can be avoided. Sincerely, A r ./ ,/'th.oh /'J lr \ Andy Knudtsen Town Planner lab I I UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATTON SUBDTV]S]ON JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk l-ines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the fol-lowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S- West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-453Q Public Service Company 949-5f81 Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Heritage Cabl-evision T.V. y1t y-55JU Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Dist.rict * a7 6-'7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction wiLh preparing a ut.ility pfan and scheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utiliLy verification form. If a utility company has concerns wi.th the proposed consLruction, the utiliLy representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a probl-em which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatlvely complicated,it shoufd be spelled out in detail in an attached lelter to the Town of VaiI. However, please keep in mind that it is Lhe responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utiJ-ity companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume Lhat there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of hls responsibility to obtain a street cuL permit. from the Town of VaiI, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obLained separately. * Please bring a sit.e plan. floor pl-an, and efevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. 3. /ffiru C.nr-xrxs, RIqAATD L EATRINO J]l!.E:! E. BAILE!, JR Glt-gaRT f,. Lc:{Allrfi .'AJ!IE B €ICIIROEDER WINDI J, IIA.IRING BRUCE ', DTACON RICIiAJRD L AEEARER x ,tft'tlg R. DALToT- II'IIARD J. ALIIAZ:YER J.A!'iEA ATRVE:I R.A:.-D/|I.L lll. LIVTNGItTON fED R, BRIOITT BRI.AN D, IITZOER.A'LD H. H^ROLD CAI.I(IN6 uelG!tal) A PROFTS€IIONAI- CORPORATION srlrFE 9a(X, ONE (INITED BANI. CENTIR 17d) IJNCOI,N STREET DENI/TR. COI,OR.ADO AO2OJ O^' TELEPHoNp (soa, sassaoo L J t F.AX €O3) aSSAaga September 19 , 1.9 9 1 Gerald W. Bender Water Operations Director 845 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District: Case No 82Crs328 Dear Mr. Bender: As per wayne Schroeder's fax to you of this date, please find enclosed a copy of the Findings of Factr Conclusions of Law, Judgment and Decree in the matter of the application for water rights of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you. Sincerely, CALKTNS, KRAMER, GRTMSHAW & HARRTNG, rofalo Assistant /L^g Enclosure 7 47 0 .007 ' i r'' t't '.'l '. I i- .-.t-t.r-l l)1,'. :'. : \,' ,,lz-q) ' ''t' i ,-+ |! I,ANdDoN J. ,oRoTNaEN ":. | \ NOR.I4.AN t. !(RON l\, . DAVID T. WEEI.'A PA!IELA A. OIASON EICE,ARD J. OOONAT SC('IT D. 'TI)IBBEN IIORI('NE II. !ii.A'RIINEAU slll.tata Y. tq-EfT, trr IADD & SEE.I^N OF COUNI'EI- BUA€'II P. !<NA!'ER IIBO!:15 T. OBIIiAII/|W EOBIRT L IqREY xlcllalL & aErDY DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION NO. 5, STATE OF COLORADO case No. 82CW328 DECREE IIIDEX Paractrap! FIIIDINGS OF FACT 1. Application 2. Notice and Jurisdiction 3. objectors and Appearants 4. Stipulations 5. Augrmented water Rights and Structures 6. Augmentation l{ater Rights A. Reservoir Storage water B. Stream Credit Augrhentation Reguirements A. Water Demands B. Water Depletions changes of Water Rights A. Alternate Points of Diversion B. Tenns and Conditions c. Consumptive Use Credit D. Ruder Ditch Rights Plan for Augmentation A. MuniciPal Denands B. Irrigation Demands c. Snowmaking Denands and Return Flows D. Use of Black Lakes to Maintain Stream Flows '1 . 8, Paqe No. 1 I I I 2 3 4 4 5 10 10 11 13 13 13 L4 l4 15 15 16 t7 18 2L 22 23 23 9. E. Additional Water Storage F. Depletion Assumptions and Calculations G. out of Priority DePletions 10. Dominion and Control of Snownaking Replacement Runoff Credit CONCLUSIONS OF I"AW 11. Change of Water Rights Contemplated by Law L2. State Engineer 13. Dominion and Control a Question of Fact JI'DGMENT A}ID DECREE L4. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Incoqporated 15. Augmentation Plan Approved 16. Conditions of @eration of the Plan A. Reporting B. Monitoring L7. Retained Jurisdiction 18. Priority Date of Exchanges and Augmentation PJan 19. No Restriction on Alienability of Water Rights 20. Limitation on Any Water Right Use Inconsistent With Decree 2L. Filing of Decree 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 27 2e 2g 29 29 -2- ( DISTRICT COUR?, WATER DIVISION NO. 5, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 82Cw328 FIITDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF I,AW, JI'DGMENT A}ID DECREE IN THE ITTATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR VIATER RIGHTS OT TIIE VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, IN EAGTE COI'UTY. This natter having come before the Court upon the application of the Vail valley Consolidated Water District ltne "Applicantil or "District" ) for change of water rights includiig exchange and approval of a plan for augrmentation, and the Court having considered the Pleadings, the files herein, the stipulations submitted by the parties, and the evidence introduced at the hearing in this case, does find and conclude as follows: FII.IDINGS OF FACT 1. AppJlcatien. An application for change of water rights incluffig-ExEEange and approval of plan for augrnentation was filed by-the Disirict on october 29,.1982. Atnendments to tbe applicalioD were filed by the District and were permitted by the court by orders dated January 12. 1983 and October 18, 1983. 2. Notice and Jurisdiction. All notices required by law have ffi Court has jurisdiction over the anended application and over all of the parties. None of the water rights or sources thereof involved in the application as amend-ed are located within a desigmated ground uater basin. 3. Ob'iectors and Appearants. Statements of opposition to the affi timely filed by Publlc Service conpany of colorado, .the City of Aurora, the City of Colorado springl, the state Engineer and Division Engineer, the City a'na C6unty of Denver,- Edwards Water District, tlre United states of- Anerica, Union Oil Company of California, the Colorado water Conservation Board, the city of Rifle' Arrowhead at Vai1, Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District, .Berry- Creek Metropolitan District, Benchnark at Beaver Creek, and Avon Metrop6litan District. Entries of appearance l'ere filed by Eagle -County and Vail Associates, IDc. No other ( -1' \ statements of opposition or motions to intet:'t/ene were filed, and the tine for filing staternents of opposition has expired. 4. Stipulations A. Edwards water District and Citv of Rifle. On Novenber 1 a StiPu- lation for Withdrawal of Statements of opposition and Agree- nent between the Applicant and the Edwards I'later District and the City of Rifle. Paragraphs 8.D and 9.G fully inplement the terms and conditions of said Stjpufation. B. City and County of Denver. On March 6, 1985 App1i- cant filed lation for withdrawal of Statenent of Opposition between the Applicant and the City ..and County of Denver. This Decree contains no terms and conditions more favorable to Applicant than those contained in the proposed decree attached to the stipulation with Denver. C. United States of Anerica. On January 24, 1985, Applicant ffi stipulation fbr withdrawal oi statenent of opposition between Applicant and the United states of America. Applicant recognizes the United States' reserved water right in Black Lake, also known as Black Lake No. 1, as described in Paragraph 9.D.(i)(a) of this Decree. The United States recogmizes Applicant's water right in Black Lake as described in section IIL15., APpendix A- .""" t s2cw32e VaiI Valley Consolidated water District Water Division No. 5 D.Arrowhead at Vail, Avon tltetropolitan District : :.----- ....-i-...U. at!4|i/rYftgclrJ CaV ve!1t e-vlr'v4- v--v-a Benchnarkats6lFcFeklEerrf TieeT-r,r-et-rT!;TitaE..-EiFFIE!______ ..-__=______DgIlullllalJt AL ItEClYgl r:I994, gsl{.J| \-I 'slE'\ r''s t'Ivl-'\''^ e'-ve.Effi-Gimm&orEan ffitiieil -6n-uary ffi 166'r iffitiTGa wiTfr-TEi-ouTffiipul ati on f or wi thdrawa I Lpp r iffitITIEa ffih--tIiE-To aEipulation for Withdrawal o-i statement of opposition between Applicant and these parties. This deciee contains no terms and conditions more havorable to tpplicant than those contained in the proposed decree attached-to the stipulation with these parties-pa decree attache p E. Eagle county. on January 24, 1986 Applicant filed with this T6[ffiipulation between Applicant and Eagle County. This Decree contains no terns and conditions more favor-able to Applicant than those contained in the proposed decree attached to the stipulation with Eagle County. 1e86,t;nnr ,t3tiii"i:il"t1' epplicait and Public Service conpany. Pub1ic sewice .comP.any cb-nsented to entrv of a decree -granting the apptication in this case. Appli-cant and Public Service Co. agreed that Applicant coutd recapture and.reuse snowmaking water accord- i;-g to the provisio-ns of this decree provided that as -2- Case No. 82CW328 Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 ( between Applicant and Public Service Co. only, neither the general issue of Applicant's legal right to recapture and reuse the return flows from artificial snowmaking water nor the general issue of quantification of the amount and timing of snowmaking return flow nater shall be deerned to have been f,inally adjudicated. Neither Applicant nor Fublic Service Company shall be deened to have waived any argument which might othervise be available to them regarding the two issues set forth in this paragraph and it is the intention of the these two parties to resolve both of these issues in a single subsequent proceeding, if necessary, pursuant to the retained jurisdiction provisions in Paragraph 17 of this Decree.Applicant and Public Senrice Co. stipulate and agree that the use of water to make artificial snow i.s a beneficial use of water. The issue of abandonment o! non-abandonment of a 158 .c.f.s. right decreed to the Shoshone Power Plant shal] remain unadjudicated in this action. G. The Cities of Aurora and Colorado Sprinqs. On January 2S Stipula-tion between Applicant and the Cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs ("Cities"). Under the terms of the Stipulation, the Court shall decide whether Paragraph l7.B shall be elirninated or retained. Once the Court has resolved that issue, this Decree irnplenents the terms of the Stipulation between Applicant and the Cities and contains no terms and conditions nore favorable to Applicant than those contained in the proposed decree attached to said Stipulation as Exhibit A. H. Union oil Conpany of calileE4iE. On January 28, 1985, App Stipulation ior' Withdrawaf of Statenent of opposition between Applicant and Union Oil company of California. This Decree contains no terms and conditions more favorable to Applicant than tbose contained in the proposed decree attached to the stipulation with Union oil Company of California. tively referred to as the Augmented Water Rights. Appendix A is fully incorporated herein as a finding of fact. A. The following structures were desigrnated as struc-tures to be augmented or as points of diversion in the amended application: Bighorn Pipeline (Gore Valley Water Authority Conrnittee Water Systern, Point C), Red Sandstone Gallery, (Gore Valley Water Authority Conmittee Vfater System, Point A), Vail Village West uell No. 2R, llain Gore llunicipal Ditch and Pipeline and Flening Spring and Pipe1ine. In negotiations with the Division Engineer and to f,acilitate his 5. Aufiiented WateJ Riqhts and Structuges. The District owns be augrmented described in Appendix A, all of which are hereinafter collec- -3- $:ii il':3'833:",idated Water District tcater Division No. 5 I. State and Division Engineers- On January 27, 1985, app ivision - P3S-ine.ers executed- a proposed consent decree which was filed with the Court on January 28, 1986. This Decree contains no terms and conditions more favorable to Applicant than those contained in the decree signed on behalf of the state and Division Engineers. J. Cotorado Water Conservation Bpald. On Jaruary 27, 1986, - Appl ervation executed a prbpoi-ed consent decree which was filed with the Court on .lairuaiy 28, 1986 . This Decree contains no terils and lonailions'nore favorable to Applicant than those contained in the decree sigrned on behalf of ttre State and DiviEion Engineers. -3A- $3ii il'3?'3333"' i dared Water District Water Division No. 5 ( administration of this augmentation pl.an, these sttuctures or points of diversion were -omitted because they are not.being--used at this time. Omission of these structures or points of diversion shall not be construed as an intention not to use the water rights or the points of diversion associated with the structurLs. These *ater rigbts shalf be considered Augrmented water Rights pursuant to this decree and Applicant shall be aflowed to include these structures as structures to be augrmented at a later date by appropriate application to this Court. B. The Fleming Spring and Pipeline, E.c.D.C.. Gallery., Hoyt Pipeline, Bighoin Fipeline, Bighorn Fishpond Ditch, t{ain Goie ltuhicipal Ditch and Fipeline, and Red Sandstone Gallery water rights were decreed in Case No. 79cvll24 to alternate points of diversion at the following structures: Booth Creek .-tiater Treatment Pfant Intake, Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek water Treatment Plant, Vail Valley Consolidated well No. R1 , Vail Golf Course Ditch, Gore Creek water Treatnent Plant Intake, Golden Peak Snownaking, Tourist Trap Spring, Torm of Vail Spring Taps, Log Chute Pump station, Number 245 Pumphouse and Fond, and Plow Spring. The E.C.D.C.. Gallery. Aoyt fipeline and Bighorn Flsh Pond Ditch water rights nay coitinu6 to be diverted at their original points of diversion and the above fisted points of diversion pursuant to the decree entered herein. The Fleming Spring and Pipeline, Bighorn Pipeline, ltlain Gore Municipal Ditch. and Pipeli3.e and -Re6 Sandst6ne callery water rights hay continue to be diverted at the above listed alternate points of diversion but not at the original points of diversion without subseguent decree of this Court pursuant to Paragraph 5.A. above. 6. Augmentation Water Rights. To augment the Augmented water agraPh 5 above, the District proposes -to utilize the augtmentation water sources descrj.bed below: A. Reserrroir Storage t{ater. Applicant proposes to reiease wa@oirs to repiace out-of- priority depletions as reguired in tlris decree. Tbe reser- ioirs wtich-roill be used f-or this purpose are the following: (i) Reservoirs Controlfed by applicant. - Applicant holds conditional decrees or j.s in the Process of adjudi- cating the same for the reservoirs described in sections III and li of Appendix A. Those reservoirs and the water avail- able under Lire priorities associated therewith or otlrerwise storable thereiir pursuant to this decree or other decrees which may be enteied by this court will be used to provide ( -4- I $:ii L^ :i'8333",, u.."u Water District Water Division No. 5 augrmentation water when those reservoirs or some of them are constructed by Applicant. (ii) Black takes. To maintain instrean fl.ows on Black Gore and Gore Creeks, Applicant shall construct ade-guate storage at Black Lake and Black Lake No. 2 (Appendix A, Section III.15, 15 and 17) or another suitable site agreed to by Applicant and the Colorado lJater Conservation Board, to store 300 acre feet of historic consunptive use water. snownaking runoff credit, or nater stored under the priori- ties decreed to said structures to augment municipal deple-tions. water stored in these structures shall be used to replace nunicipal depletions in accordance with this decree at times when a gage installed by Applicant as described in Paragraph g.D.(iii) shows strearn flow on Gore Creek to be fess than 15 c.f.s. from May 1to Septenber 30 or 6 c.f.s. from October 1 to April 30. (iii) creen Mountain Reservoir. Applicant, under the f,inal operating policy for Green llountain Resenroir, 48 Fed. Reg. 58,657-8 (1983) ("Final Operating Policyrr), plans to obtain from the United States Bureau of Reclarnation, Department of Interior (the rrBureaurr) the right to the trelease of water from Green Mountain Reservoir either under the historic userrs pool or under contract or both. Green Uountain Reserrroir is situate on the BIue River in Summit County. Green Mountain Reservoir has a priority of Augrust 1, 1935 in the anount of 154,545 AF. The decree was entered on October 12, 1955 in Consolidated Cases No. 2782, 5015, and 5017, U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. Applicant plans to exercise its right under the historic users pool , as def,ined in tlre Final operating Policy, or to acquire the contractual right fron the Bureau to have up to 800.7 AF released annuafly on Applicantrs demand to satisfy lega} calls beJow the confluence of the Eagle River and Colorado River which would result in the curtailment of Applicantrs diversions excePt for Applicantrs provision of replacenent nater, or both. The utilization of Green Mountain contract rights as contemplated herein wilf not be decreed as a conponent of the augmentation plan approved herein until such tine as the District files documentary proof with the Court of its acquisition of such rights-, Eerves copies of such proof on all Objectors, invokes the Courtrs cbntinuing jurisdiction pursuant to Paragraph 17 below, and secures an order of the court approving the use of such rights. B. Strean credit. Applicant proPoses to replace out-of-pri6f,tylfl?E[TFEions occurring during the irrigation season of litay 20 through october 25 by relying upon a stream credit, which will have tlto conponents. ( -5- Case Vail Water tJater ,oO rr.'rze Valley Consolidated District Division No. 5 Ditch (i) Consunplive Use gredit. The first component of the strbaln ffihe historic consumptive use water associated with Applicant's historic irrigation rights, described in Section 1. of Appendix A. Tbe historic coisumptive use val.ues of those rights htere previously determlned in Cases No. w-2256, w'2564, or 79CW!24 or are determined herein. The historic consumptive use vaLues determined in Cases No. W-2256, W-2664, and 79CW124 were establ.ished in those cases and are res judicata in this action as this court ruled in its oEtlEr dated Augrust 16, 1984. The monthlv distribution of the availability of that consunptive use aira tne consumptive use of the Ruder No' 1 Ditch,-both as determined herein, is as foflows: TABLE A llaximum Annual Availability of Historic Consumptive Use water (Units = Acre-feet) Au,s Seot oct Tota]llry ltaan and Ist Enl . lJebb and lst EnI . ( :zalere and lst Enl .\rrank Larzalere and lst Enl. Scovi I le Sanroill and lst EnI . Sbively Sandstone and lst Enl. Park Spraddle Spraddle No. 2 Ka ts os Katsos No, 2 Blach Gore llain Gore llcllooagle Rose aad lst Enl . Edward llike Bryaat Louer and lst Enl. Buffehr and Rose and lst Enl . XiahtiDes No. I Xiahtipes No. 2 Xiahtipes No. 3 i 'ahtipes No. 6 \-,der No. I and lst Enl . TotaIs: \1-2256 3.1 u-2256 2.3 & 79CWi24 tt-2256 6.2 v-2256 l.4 v1-2256 r.7 u-2256 7.5 u-2256 2.2 v-2255 1.3 u-2256 0.5 w-2256 2.4 v-2256 0.8 tt-2255 r .5 u-2255 0.4 79CV1124 3.4 79CWt24 2.0 79CVt724 7.2 79Cr1724 0.4 79Cu1124 1.5 799vn24 1 .5 79C\n24 & w-2564 13.8 79911124 5.3 79CWt24 1.2 79C1t124 2.0 79CWt24 2.9 79CVn24 0.5 82cil328 2.4 De c ree Jun 1i.3 8.5 22.8 5.1 6.2 27.4 8.2 4.8 2.0 8.7 2.8 5.4 7.4 72.5 7.3 4.5 7.6 5.5 5.5 50.6 79 .4 4.4 7.3 10.6 1.8 8.7 254.3 -6- Jul 9.9 7.4 20.0 4.4 5.4 24.0 7.2 4.2 1.7 2.5 4.7 1.2 r0.9 6.4 3.9 7.4 4.8 4.8 44.4 17.0 3.9 6.4 9.3 7.6 ; 6.5 5.5 4.9 4.9 13.1 13.I 2.9 2-9 3.6 3.6 15.7 15.7 4.7 4.7 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.1 5.0 5.0 1.6 1.6 3.1 3.1 0.8 0.8 7.2 7.2 4.2 4.2 2.5 2.6 0.9 0.9 3.r 3.1 3.2 3.2 29.r 29.r 11.1 1l.l 2.5 2.5 4.2 4.2 6. 1 6.1 1.1 l.l 5. 0 5.0 146. r 146.1 2.7 40.0 2.0 30.0 5.8 81 .0 1.3 r8.0 1.5 22.0 6.7 97.0 2.0 29.0 1.1 17 .0 0.6 7.0 2.2 3r .0 0.7 10 .0 7.2 19.0 0.4 5.0 3.0 44.2 r .9 26.0 l .0 r5.8 0.5 5 .8 1.4 19.4 r.4 19.6 72.6 179.6 4.9 68.8 1.1 15.6 r.9 25.0 2.7 37.7 0.4 6.5 2.2 3r.0 53.3 902.0 69.1. $:ii {3'3i'3333"''dated Ytater District water Division No. 5 ( When tpplicant's municipal water rights described in Sec-tion tI of Appendix A are cal.led out-of-priority by a valid,legal call during the irrigation season, Applicant proposes to forego the storage or direct use of the historic consump-tive use water in the volunes and according to the schedule set forth above to the extent reguired to fully replace out-of-priority depletions . (ii) Snowmakinq Replacement Runoff Credit. The second component of Etrean credit wouLd resuft fron the runoff of historic consumptive use water used by exchange for snowmaking purposes. For purposes of this augunentation plan, the consumptive use factor attributable to water diversions for snowmaking is presumed to be 25 percent, indicating that 75 percent of such water diversions will run off during the snowmel.t. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this issue until nore definitive research is completed as described in Paragraph 17.C below. During this period Applicant agrees to recapture only 75 percent of historic consumptive use nater diverted for artificial snowmaking and agrees to measure the anount and rate of recapture in the marurer described bel.ow. A detailed procedure for measuring the historic consunptive use nater used by exchange for snowmaking and recapturing and reusing the return flows from such water is set forth below. This procedure will involve only the recapture of historic consumptive use water used to replace out-of-priority snowmaking diversions. Water for snowmaking will be diverted at the points described in Subsections V.13 and V.25 of Appendix A. The snow will be distributed over a rnaximum of 362 acres beginning in Novenber and continuing until nid-February.(A11 parties but Denver stipulated to a snowmaking season begirrning in october and continuing to the end of February. ) The water used for this purpose will be diverted at a maxinum rate of 2,000 ltpm (4.46 cfs). The naximum volume of water diverted during any skiing season will be about 603 acre-feet. The decree in Case No. 79cw124 provides that 25 percent of the total nater diverted for snowmaking will be depleted. Therefore, the maximum volune of water depleted during any skiing season will not exceed 151 A.F. and the total volume of historic consunptive use water that can be recaptured and reused will be 452 acre-feet per year. Spread ovet 362 acres, this is 1.25 acre-feet per acre or 15 inches. The procedure for neasurement and recapture of the snowmaking replacement runoff credit involves a series of weekly rnelsuriments of snowpack and precipitation and weekly nater budget computations €o estimate the rates at which $lii fl,3i'E333",,,dated tdater District tfater Division No. 5 historic consumptive use lrater is running off the ski slopes. The implementation of this procedure wiII require the neter-ing of alI water diverted for snowmaking purposes, establish-ing up to f,our snovr courses, and using two precipitation gages. The snow courses will be located in areas that receive man-nade snow, and at sites selected to be repre-sentative of conditions in the entire snowmaking area. one precipitation gage uill be located near the bottonr of the snovmaking area and one will be located near the top. This procedure shall be ienplenented on or about April I of each year with netered neasurements and continued witb neasurements and conputations at weekly inter:rrals thereafter until the snow is rnelted conpletely fron the areas receiving nan-made snohr. If Denver agrees to the longer snowmaking Eeason and Applicant decides to recapture, during the following spring. historic consumptive use water used for -artificial snowmaking during the rnonth of October, Applicant shall also use the procedure described below during tlre month of october. As to such october artificial snowmaking, Applicant shall be entitled to recapture only that vol.une of historic consumptive use water on the areas receiving nan-made snow that is calculated as of November 1 using the procedure described below. This procedure need not be implemented in October if Denver does not agree to the longer snowmaking season or if Applicant decides not to recapture historic consunptive use lrater used during October to nake artificial snow. The procedure is described as follows: 1. During the snowmaking season. APplicant htill areter all water diverted for sno*making purposes. 2. on April I and (October 1, if Applicant desires to recapture, during the following spring, historic consump-tion use water used for artificial snownaking during tle nonth of october) or near thereto, Applicant will neasure and record the snow depths and natet eguivalents at ttre snow course locations and witl. cornpute the average water eguiva-lent as the average of the trater eguivalents at the four snow course locations. These actions will initiate the procedure. 3. on April I and (october 8, if Applicant desires to recapture, during the following spring, histo:ic consurnptive use ltater used for artifical snomraking. during- the montb of october) or near thereto and at weekly intervals thereafter, Applicant will measure and record the snow dept_h_s and water equ-ivalents at the snow course locations, and wjll read and reiord the precipitation that occurred during the previous week at the-precipitation stations. Applicant then will nrake the following cornputations: -8- ( case rJ B2cw32B Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 (a) Calculate the average water eguivalent for the area receiving man-rnade snow as the average of the nater equivalents at the snow course focations. (b) Calculate the average precipitation during the preceding week as the average of the accumul.ation at the precipitation gages. (c) Calculate the total L'ater available for Enowmelt by adding the average total water eguivalent at the beginning of the preceding week to the average precipitation during the preceding week, and cafcul.ate the percentage of the total nater available for snowmelt attributable to historic consunptive use water. (d) Calcul.ate the voLume of actual snowmelt during the preceding week by subtracting the current dayrs average rrater eguivalent from the total volume of water available for snowmelt during the preceding week. (e) !4ake an al.lowance of 2.5 inches Per annum for snownelt infiltrating into the soil and filling the soiLrs capacity to hold noisture. (f) Calculate the voJume of runoff from snowmelt by subtracting the volume of water infiltrated into the soil fron the volume of actual. snowmelt. (g) cafculate the volume of runoff from historic consumptive use ltater by nultiplying the total vol.ume of runoff by the percentage of historic consurnptive use water. (h) Calculate the rate of runoff frorn his- toric consumptive use rtater by dividing by the nunber of days since the last conputation. (i) calculate the vofume of historic con- sumptive use water remaining on the areas receiving nan-made snow. 4. The runoff of historic consunptive use water will be available at the volume and rate computed in Para- graph 3(g) and 3(h) above. This nater will be available for itoiage' liapr the replacement of out-of-priority nrunicipal depletions either directly or by exchange. 5. Applicant shall keep records for the runoff of historic consunpl-ive use water in a form accegtable to the 1 Division Enginelr. As necessary, Applicant will make we_ekly- \ reports to fne Division Engineef concerning the runoff of and thl disposition of historii consumptive use water as provided herein. -9- ( c""u O 82cw32g Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 7. Aucmrentation Requirements. A. water Demands. Applicant provides water senrice j'n core creek--fa1ffi-the tbwn of vail and areas adjacent thereto. There are and witl be three principal components in Applicant's nater service: (a) "nunicipal water selarice" which incl.udes all water delivered through the potable treatment,/central distribution systen for domestic/comnercial service to residences, lodges, reEtaurants, and commercial enterprises, including irrigation of approxinately 223 acres of Jawns; (b) r'irrigation service" to irrigate approximately 94 acres at the VaiI golf course; and (c) "artificial snow- making se:arice" to supply ltater for Vail Associates, fnc.'s use at the Vail ski aiea.- Artificiaf snowmaking denands will be a maxinum of 603 acre feet per year. An estimated nontbly distribution of these denands is provided in Table B; how- ever, actual distribution will depend upon hydrological and .-climatic conditions existing in a particular year. The water demands required for such service are estirnated to be as follows at full developnent of Applicant's service area: TABLE B Projected water Demands Full Development (Units = Acre-feet) Municipal System !lonth In-Buildino 455.0 4L2.0 456 .0 308.9 273.O 441.3 456.O 456 .0 308. 9 273.7 308 .9 410 .4 4,561.1 Lawn Irrigation 0 0 0 0 37 .7 121.0 105 .1 70.1 67 .7 12.7 0 0 Golf Course Irrigation 0 0 0 0 15.9 51 .0 44 .3 29.5 28.2 5.3 0 0 Snow- mahinq l.?8 .0 75. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t72.0 178 .0 534.0 487.O 456.0 308.9 326.6 513 .3 605.4 555.6 404.2 29J..7 480.9 588.4 Total Jan. Feb. Mar. APr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ?otal 413.7 -10- L?4.2 603.0 5,752.O c""" rO B2cw32s VaiI VaIley Consolidated water District water Division No. 5 B.tJater Depletions. 1.Ulrqi-c-ilel water Service. Applicantrs nunici- pa1 water, excludi lIloIE course irrigation an-d. Bnotr--pal water, excluoLng al.J' goJl course rrrJ'gaEa9n anq l'Il(Jw- iraking water, will be both distributed through Applicantrs !--^a-J - TABLE C !!unicipal Depletion Percentages Full DeveloPnent (Units = Acre Feet) municipal lrater treatment,/distribution system and treated as effluent at the wastevrater treatment plants of the Upper Eagle Valley consolidated Sanitation District at Avon and vait. Watel for fawn irrigation also will. be distributed through Applicant's central distribution Bystem to the locations -of ultimate application. All of the 223 acres of favns to be irrigated al-e or will be located in Gore Creek Valley. Based upon the projected rratet dernands set forth above- and upon the propoJed nature of Applicantrs Be:ivice, the nonthly-depletions -associated with Applicant's. nunicipal water serrr-ice,- excluding only golf course irrigation water and snowrnaking water, will be as follows: Ftonth Diversions Depletions 22.8 20.6 22.8 15 .5 40. L 105.8 96.4 7L.9 62.5 22.6 15.5 20. 5 518 .0 Depletion P-ercentages 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 12.9 19 .0 17.2 t3.7 16.6 7.9 5.0 5.0 10.4 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.Jul. Aug. sept.oct. Nov. Dec. Total 456.0 4t2.O 456.0 308 .9 310.7 562.3 561.1 526 .1 376.0 296.4 308 .9 410.4 4,974.8 2. Irriqation Service. The Vail golf course is focated in portffi3, 4, 9 and 10., T. 5. S., R. 80 W. of-the 6th P.M. The irrigated area includes 94 lcri". Water is diverted fron Gore Creek through the Vail Golf course Ditch and supplied to several ponds. l{ater for iiiuaf iirigation is pumpeA frorn one of the ponds into a ;ili;a pipeii"e and dprinkler system. The gross annual ( -L1- $:ii #'3i'[3i3"' idated Water District l{ater Division No. 5 ( irrigation demand for the 94 acres of golf course will be approximately 174.2 AF. At 70% efficiency, approximately 121.8 AF wil] be consumed by evapotranspiration on an average basis. The hrater used for irrigation is measured by a totalizing flow meter. Diversions from Gore Creek that are not pumped into the irrigation system return to Gote Creek. 3. Artificial Snownakinq Service. lJater used for snowrnaking at om Gore Creeh in Section 7, T. 5 S., R. 80 w. of the 5th P.lt. at a point Iocated as follows: conmencing at the NW corner of said Section 7, thence South 1018' East a distance of 843 feet; and diverted frorn the east bank of Mill Creek in the NEt sv'lk of Section 8, T. 5 S., R. 80 W. of the 6th P.tll. Up to 362 acres will receive snowmaking coverage of up to 603 acre-feet of pater eguivalent per year, and tlrose diversions will constitute a 100% depletion to the stream at the times wben diversions are made. A projected distribution of the monthly depletions is provided in Table D below; however, actual depletions attributable to snowmaking will depend on hydro-logical and climatic conditions existing in a particular year. Snowmaking depletions wifl not exceed 603 acre feet. In sumnary, the total projected depletions under Applicant's plan and the estinated monthly distribution thereof wil.l be as f,ollows: Month TABLE D Water Depletions Fufl Development (Units = Acre-feet) llunicjpal Svstem Golf Lawn Course Snow-In-Building Irriqation Irriqation makinq Jan. Feb.llar. Apr. May Jun.Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. 22.8 20.6 22.8 15. 5 t3.7 22.r 22.8 22.e 15.5 t3.7 15.5 20.5 22e.3 0 0 0 0 26.4 84.7 73.6 49.r 47 .O 8.9 0 0 289.7 0 0 0 0 11.1 35.7 31.0 20.5 L9.7 3.7 0 0 Totaf 200.8 95. 6 22.e 15.5 51.2 t42.5 L27.4 92.5 82.2 26.3 187.5 198. 5 178. 0 75 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 772.O 178.0 I 121 .8 503.0 1,242.8 *:i #'3i'I333"ridated Water District tlater Division No. 5 ( A. Alternate Points of D!11ersio4. Applicant reguests the establ of -diversion for certain of its water rights, as foffows: (i) Establish alternate points of diversion for portions of the Hoyt Pipeline, Subsection II.8, Appendix A,as fol.lows: 3.0 c.f.s. at the Blach Gore Infiltration Ga1lery, Subsection V.1., Appendix A; and 4.5 c.f.s. at Vail Associates core Creek Snowrnaking, Subsection v.25, Appendix A. An alternate point of diversion for 2.5 c.f.s. out of 10.0 c.f.s. available under the Hoyt Pipeline water right was decreed for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Well No. R2 in Case No. 82CW281. (ii) Establish alternate points of diversion for the 0.478 c.f .s. decreed to vail Village west t'lells No. 3, 4, and 5 water rights, Subsections II.3, 4, and 5; Appendix A;for the 0.754 c.f.s. decreed to Vail water and Sanitation Distrj.ct WeLls No. 1 and 2 water rights, Subsections II. 24, 25, 25, and 2?, Appendix A; and for the 1.62 c.f.s. decreed to Vail Water and Sanitation District Spring and Pipeline A, B, and C water rights, Subsections II. 28, 29, and 30, Appendix A; all- at vail val1ey Consolidated vlells No. 3 through 6, Subsections v. 7, 8, 9, and 10 so that the 2.852 c.f.s. collectively decreed to those rights nay be diverted through any combination of said alternate points of diversion. (iii) Estabtish al.ternate points of diversion for all of the historic irrigation water rights described in Subsection I. of Appendj.x A so that the historic consumptive use associated with those water rights may be stored in any or all of the storage structures described in Sections III and IV, Appendix A. B. Terms and Conditions. The Court finds that these changes rn@e court and -implemented-by Applicant witnout injuriously affecting the ownels of or plisons entitled to use htater under vested water rights or 'clecreed conditional water rights, subject to the following terms and conditions: 8. Changes of Water Rights. Applicant has proposed several chang@order to provide an integrated water delivery system and provide augmentation water sup-plies. Those changes are described in paragraphs 8 and 9 hereof. -13- case ill82qrt32g Vail Valley Consolidated ldater District t{ater Division No. 5 ( (i) A11 diversions at alternate points of diver- sion shall be metered, as described in Paragraph 16.8. below. (ii) Diversions at the original points of diversion and any aiternate points of diversion shall not exceed the Iesser-of: (1) the amount of lrater that would have been physically available in priority at the original po-int or -ioints of- di.'ersion if tie watei rights were being d-iverted it ttre original point or points of diversion, ot (2) the total divefsion iate of the priority or priorities under which such diversions are being made. (iii) Stream credit attributable to the historic irrigati6n sater rights shall be limited as follows: (a) Diversions shall be nade only during the irrigation season of May 20 through october 25. (b) Direct diversions in reliance on said rights shall be- limited so that Applicant-'s Fonthly deple- ti5ns, as calculated according to the Depletion Percentages, i"i f6rit in Subparagraph ?.B -above and the formula described in sulparagraph'g.r.ilfl beJow, do not exceed the volune of historic c5nsirmptive-use available under th-e priority system and determined by reference to the schedule set forth in Table A, Paragraph 6.8.(i) above. (c) Diversions of historic consurnPtive use to storage shaLl be limited by the priority syfLem and the schedlle set forth in Tab1e A, Paragraph 6.8.(i) above' C. Consunptive Use Credit. Applicant has requested the estabfffie use credit associated r*ith its historic irrisation watei rights described in Section I of Appendix A so that said water may be used for augrmen- tati6i, etchange, direct use, reuse, and. su-ccessive use to iitin"tion and-disposition for alf municipa_l purposes. lhe rnaximum annual hidtoric consunptive use values of aII of ipplicant's historic irrigation nater r-ights. v-hich are i'niofvea in the Applicatio-n are accurately set forth under the trTotalu colunn of the Echedufe in ?abfe A, Para- aiapn 6.8.(i) above, and the Court finds that the nonthly SistiiUutidn'of those total values also are accurately set forth in said schedule. D. The Ruder Ditch RfShls. The 0.59 c.f.s' ltater right anarm Ditch described in subsec- li5n r.r5., Appendix A and the 0.59 c.f.s' water -righ!.ir.iaeA to'thi-nuder No. 1 Ditch First Enlargenent described ir sulir"tion l.ie, lppendix A are hereby changed in tlpe and \ -14- ( case tl B2cw32B Varl Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 manner of use and alternate points of diversion are estab-lished as described above. These water rights were used historically to irrigate 22 acres of hay meadows. This Court finds the total consumptive use credit available to Applicant from the Ruder No. 1 Dltch and the Ruder No. I Ditch Enlarge- ment to be 31.0 acre feet. ?his historic consumptive use credit shall be available to the Applicant in accordance with the schedule in Table A, Paragraph 6.8.(i) and the terms and conditions irnposed in Paragaph 8.8 above. Applicant cfaims no credit for and abandons to the stream the 4.2 AF of historic consunptive use water attrib-utable to the 0.76 c.f.s. lrater right involved in this application out of the 1.26 c.f.s. f,rater right originally decreed to the Ruder No. 2 Ditch, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 389 in old water Division No. 37, with adjudication date of October 3, 1936 and appropriation date of June 1, 1900,-Civil Action No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2757. Headgate loca-tion: at a point on the right bank of core Creek wbence the l{l,l corner of the }Ihk }11{% of Section 14, Township 5 Sout}r, Range 81 t{est, 6th P.M. bears North 25"5A ' West, 4,462.72 feet. 0.5 c.f.s. of this 1.26 c.f.s. water right was changed to donestic use by decree entered in Case No, N-272 on October 6, 1971. Pursuant to decrees entered in Case Nos. W-1970, and 79CW22O (see Appendix Section V, Para-graphs 18 and 19) this water right is diverted and shall continue to be used in Applicantrs water system through Vail fntermountain tlells No. 2 and No. 4. 9. PJan for Aucrmentation. A. Municipal Demands. Applicant shall supply its nrunicipal @s to the extent that water is physically available and in priority by use of its nunicipal year-round direct flow water rights described in Section II of Appendix A and as protected by the historic users pool of Green Mountain Reservoir. If the municipal water rights are called out of priority during the irrigation aeason APplicant shall continue to divert lrater but will augrment its deple-tions directly by using consunptive uae credits fron its historic irrigation direct flow water rights described in Section I of Appendix A. Consumptive uae credits from irrigation water rights are limited in the aggregate to the daily rates of flow and the naximum monthly volumes set forth in Table E. water available under the historic irrigation rights which is not needed for direct augrmentation of nunici-pal diversions or for golf course irrigation as described in iubparagraph 9.B. below, will be Etored in augimentation resLrvoirs to be constructed by the Applicant. Storage of any such irrigation consumptive use credits shall be linited ( t -15- ( ca"" rf s2cw32s vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 to daily rates of flow and maxinurn nronthly volumes no greater than those set forth in Table E, fess the amount coneurrently used for direct augimentation of municipal diversions and golf course irrigation. During the nonirrigation Eeason nhen the municipal water rights are out of priority, rater shall be released from Applicant's augrmentation resenroirs in the anount necessary-to offset and bafance ApPlicant's out-of-pri-ority depletion-. Applicant may also use water obtained from Green llountain Reservoir pursuant to the Final Operating Policy under a nater service contract with the Bureau of Recl.amation to augrment out-of-priority nunicipal depletions. B. Irrigation Dernands. tlater for irrigation use will be supplie@ts owned by Applicant as des- cribed in Section ff, Appendix A at tines when those rights are in priority, or are protected by the historic users pool of Green l{ountlin Reservoir and have water physically avail- -able to them at their points of diversion. To the extent Applicant requires additional water- for irrigating the golf course, this nater will be supplied by the historic irriga-tion direct flow water rights described in Section I of Appendix A. The rnaximun annual historic consumptive use cilaits attributable to these water rights total-902.0 acre feet and when in priority will be avaitable in the following quantities and flow rates: Month TABLE E Maximum Monthly Quantity (Acre Feet) 69.4 254.3 222.8 146 .1 146. I 53.3 962-.0' Maximum*Daily Flow Rate (c.f .s. ) 2.92 4.27 3.62 2.38 2.46 t.28 May Jun.Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. TOTAT * Applicant's stipulation with Denver describes these rbtes as maxirnum rates at which historic consunptive use water may be used; conseguently, this column is labeled ItMaximum-Daity Flow Rate." All other objectors agreed there would bE no injury if these flow rates were daily averages and stipulated to decrees which labeled this colunn I'Average Daily Flow Rate.rr -16- .""" nl, zcwsz.Vail Valley Consolidated Vlater District t{ater Division No. 5 ( ( Projected annual depletions attributable to golf course irrigation total 121.8 acre feet. Any consunptive use water from the historic irriga-tion water rights which is not reguired for the direct replacement of- out-of-priority municipal depletions or which is- not needed for irrigation purposes will be available for storage either directly or by exchange in aay reservoir facilities described in Appendix A which may be available to Vail. Consumptive use water which is available as provided in Tables a and E above and subparagraph 7.B above but which is not used when it is so availabfe to replace out-of-prior-ity depletions directly or not etored when it is so available in Applicant's reservoirs will not otherwise be used by. appliCant without a subseguent decree of this Court approving such other use. c. Snowmakinq Demands and Return Elo1ls. Applicant provides w use-in _nqklng -artificial snow for the Vail ski area. A maximun of 603 AF of water will be required for the puryose of naking artifi-cia] snow. Water diverted for this Purpose shall be con- sidered 1Oo percent consumed at the time of diversion.out-of-priority depletions attributable to artificial snow- naking -shal} be augmented: (1) by releases of historic consumptive use water stored during the irrigation Eeason under the historic irrigation water rights ' (2, by water stored in the storage ieservoirs listed in Appendix A, Section III or Iv under their storage priorities' or (3) by nater released fron Green ltountain Reservoir under a water service contract pursuant to the Final operating Policy. However, Applicant rnay not take credit for snoumelt return flow eithei-ly direct- flow or exchange from Green Uountain Reservoir releases used for snowmaking. Applicant nay recaptute 75% of the historic con- sumptive uiri water us-ed for snowmaking as described in sublaragraph 6.8.(ii). Applicant nay reuse to extinction the historii Consumptive use water obtained through the recap-ture, by exchange and storage, of snowmaflng replacernent runoff credit. -Applicant may use Enownaking replacement runoff credit for direct use, storage for subseguent use, or direct auginentation of out-of-priority depletions for all beneficiaf uses. Snownaking replacement runoff credit available under Subparagraph-6.B.(ii) not used when it is so available to replacl out of priority depletions directly or not stored when it is so avaifabte in Applicantrs reservoirs nay not thereafter be claimed by eppliclnt in the absence of a subsequent decree of this Court. L -L7- case tO B2cw32B Vail Varley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 D. Use of Black Lakes to lilaintain Stream Flows. Appli-cant shall tatfon purposes in B1ack Lake and Black Lake No . 2, ot other suit-able in-basin sources, to maintain strean flows on Gore Creek. Water stored in these structures shall be part of the Applicant's augrmentation plan and will be used to replace out-of-priority nunicipal depletions as described in Para-graph 9.O.(ii) below. (i) Storaoe Capacity. Applicant proposes to provide 300 acre feet- of- stoiagre ln the Black Lakes for augmentation purposes in the following nanner. (a) Black Lake. Applicant proposes to construct 22'l acre feet of additional storage capacity at Black Lake. Objector United States of America has a reserved water right of 44.4 acre feet with reserrration date of YIay L2, 1905 for the purpose of securing favorabfe conditions of water flows and furnishing a continuous supply of timber for the use and necessity of the citizens of the United States as decreed in Case No. w-467. Applicant shall not reduce the water level in Black Lake below 10,480.3 feet elevation except to the extent evaporation would cause the water level to be less than that elevation. The 227 acre f,eet of storage provided by Applicant shall. be in addition to tJ:'e 44.4 acre feet owned by the United States and shall be stored at or above 10,480.3 feet in elevation. The elevation was determined from a Colorado Departrnent of Highways nap; it will be verified by survey within 24 months. (b) Black Lake No. 2. The Division of Wildlife has a water right of 113.5 acre feet with an appro-priation date of June 11, 1955 in Black Lake No. 2. Appli-cant has a water right of 113.6 acre feet with an appropria-tion date of December 20, 1978 in Black take No. 2. Up to 73 acre feet of water fron Black Lake No. 2 wifl be provided for augmentation purposes as described below. Applicant shall maintain a nininum ]ake leve1 of approximately 40 acre feet in Black Lake No. 2 by not reducing the water fevel below an elevation of 10,359.65 feet except to tlre extent evaporation would cause the water level to fall below that elevation. The elevation was determined frorn a Coforado Departnent of llighways nap and the nap and filing statement filed in the office of the state Engineer; it will be veri- fied by survey within 24 months (ii) operation. Black Lakes Ehall be operated to augment municipal-@Eions when streamflows at the streani gage described ii Paragraph 9.D.(iii) below (t'Vail Gagerr) irC at or below 15 c.f.s. fron llay 1to September 30 o ( -18- ( c"=. lOs2cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District water Division No. 5 (summer) and 6 c.f.s. from October 1to April 30 (winter). Use of the Black Lakes for augmentation purposes shall be subject to the following linitations: (1) total storage capacity available for augrnentation from this source shall be 300 acre feet so long as Applicant's aggregate water demand does not exceed 4,876.4 acre feet per year;_(2)-Applicant. must use water from Black Lakes to replace only thoEe municr-pal diversions in excess of 4.35 c.f.s. and the diversions listed in Table B under |tGolf Course Irrigationt' which together equal the leve1 of water use by APPlicant prior to December L977i and (3) replacements fron Black Lakes rnust be made only to the extent necessary to bring the strean fl.ow in Gore CreEk, as tneasured at the Vail Gage, to 15 c.f.s. in the sunmer or 5 c.f.s. in the winter or the natural strean flow, whichever is less. Under the terms of this decree, Applicant nay divert water downstream of the Vail Gage; however,Applicant shaIl not divert from structures or under water rights other than those decreed herein without subsequent decree of this court. (a) Applicant has agreed not to oppose applications by the Colorado Water Conservation Board to ehlarge the summer flow period to include the month of October. The stream segrnents on which these enlargements will occur are described as follows: Streaur Upper Point Lower Point facrease frort lJinter to Sunnrer ( 1. 2. 3. 4. Black Gore Cr. Gore Creek Gore Creek Gore Creek Black Lake No. 2 Confl . Headwaters Confl. Conft Bt. Gore Confl. Confl. Red Sandstone Confl . Gore Cr. 3 c.f.s. 7 c.f.s. BI . Gore Cr. 5 c.f.s. 10 c.f.s' Red Sandstone 6 c.f.s. f6 c.f.s. Eagle River 8 c.f.s. 22 c.f.s. These enlargernents wiLl increase the instream flow to be naintained during the nonth of October on Gore Creek at the Vail Gage from 5 c.f.s. to 15 c.f.9. The augmentation plan, exchariges, and changes of water rights embodied in this -decree are s-enior to aII these enlargements in the month of october. Applicant, however, agrees to augment sunmer flows during octobLr according to the tgnns -of Paragraph.9.D. Appli6antrs agreenent to-augment this enlargemen! to instream fi-ows shall riot increase Applicantrs augrmentation Etorage requirenent of 300 acre feet. (b) Applicant shalL blpass through Black Lake No. 2 the lesser of-i c.f.s. or an amount egual to all tributary inflow accruing to.Black Lake No.'2 below Black Lake during the filling-period (April-Au.gust)- for both ieservoirs." This blpasi sira1l not 5e considered a rel.ease of 'I -19- c"". rla 2cw328 VaiI Valley Consolidated Water District Vfater Division No. 5 ( t ( augmentation water pursuant to thj,s decree; howeve!, any nater so blpassed may be diverted by Applicant at ?ny.point downstream-ot etact Lake No. 2 when diverted in priority or when augunented pursuant to this decree or other valid decrees. (c) The 300 acre feet of storage capacity will be filled once each year under Applicantrs water rights described in Sections III.15 and 1.7' Appendix A for Black Lake, and the Division of wildlife water right for 113.5 acre feet with an appropriation date of June 11, 1955 or Appli- cant's water right described in Section III.16, Appendix A for Black Lake No. 2. water collected under this one time filling, less dny evaporation losses which may be charged by the Division Engineer, will be available for augrmentation as described in this Paragraph 9.D. Alternatively, Applicant may choose to store historic consumptive use water in Black Lakes as described in Paragraph 8.A.(iii) under the terns described in this Paragraph 9.D. To provide adeguate ltater rights at Black Lake, Applicant shall transfer 171 acre feet of- its Black take No. -2, First Enlargement water right described in Section III.17, Appendix A to Black Lake by appropriate decree of this Court. Applicant.shall have augrmehtation storage available prior to invading instream flows by more than the level of water use in December L977 as defined in Paragraph 9.D.(ii). (iii) Vail Stream Gaqe. Applicant sha1l install a stream 'gagErcrETffi the state and Division Engineers and opeiational year round in the vicinity of the Vail wastewater treatment plant upstream of the point of discharge for that plant. (iv) If total water denands exceed 4,876.4 acre feet per-year, then Applicant shall either provide-- additional in-bisin storage to augrment strean flows or shall curtail diversions so they do not exceed 4,876.4 acre feet Per year. (a) Snowmaking. If stream flows at the Vail Gage drop below 15 c.f.s. from october 1 to October 31 or o c.'f.s. from Novenber 1 to April 30, Applicant shall lirnit diversions for snowmaking through the structure described in Section v.25, Appendix A to the amount 'of effluent being discharged from the Vail wastewater treatment p1ant. As loig as thii limitation is observed and Appl.icant -compfies with ine other provisions of this decree, |Pnlicart is Lntitted to divert up to 603 acre feet of water for nakrng artificial snow from october 1 to February 29 of any year' (v)other Limitations. -20- c"=" lroe 2cw3zg Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 ( t ( (b) Lawn lrrigation. If stream fl.ow at the Vail Gage drops below 16 c.f.s. during the sununer, Applicant shall limit irrigation of lawns to one day in every three days, or such that no more than one-third of the total lawn area is watered in any one day. This provision does not apply to irrigation of the golf course. (c) In the event the reservoirs described in Section III.9, 10, 11, L2, 13, L4, 18, or Section Iv are constructed, Applicant shall blpass the fesser of the decreed instream flow water right or the natural. flow of the stream on which said storage facility is located. If Applicant is storing water under a water right or change of water right senior to the instrean flow water right on that stream and applicant can so demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer, or if the change of water right could be accomplished without injury to the instream flow nater riqht; e.-9.,' if historic consunptive use water is being stored a-t, or-?16-wnstream from, its oiiginal point of diver-sion, then Applicant shall not be reguired to make the described blpass. (vi) The exchange described in Paragraph 18.A is senior to the instream flow water rights applied for or decreed on any of tbe streams in the Gore Creek drainage from which Applicant diverts htater. (vii ) The water rights described in Appendix A, Sections I; II.1-18, 20-22, 24-30; and III.1-3 are senior to the Colorado Water Conse:rration Board instrean flow appropria- tions. The changes of water rights and exchanges decreed in this proceeding nray be acconplished without injury to the Colorido ltater Conlervation Boa:d instream flow approPria- tions provided that Applicant complies with the provisj-ons of this Decree. (viii) If for any technical reason either Black take or Black Lake No. 2 is unsuitable for the purposes outlined herein, Applicant and the Colorado Water Conse:nra- tion Board shall i6operatively develop reasonable alterna- tives. If the alternatives are more costly than development of Black Lake and Black Lake No. 2, t)te parties shalf renego- tiate the terns of this agreement. If negotiations fail, either party may invoke retained jurisdiction pursuant to Paragraph 17.A. E. Additional Water Storaqe. In addition to auftmen- t"t:.On waffi-ua-uion reservoirs, and *..c water available from Green lrlountain Reservoir under a water service contract with the Bureau of Reclanation, Applicant nay store nater in its reservoir facilities under water -2L- case Nts 2cw32e Vail Valley Consolidated water District Water Division No. 5 ( F.f,or the shall be storage rights which have been or whj.ch may be _d_ecreed for iJieiioir ltorage facilities listed in Sections III and IV of app""aii-e-here5f or other reservoir facilities added to this plln by subsequent decree of tltis court. Depletion Assunptions e!d--q-a-l-9ulg!ions. Depletions Vaf IO r r-Gr r'4\"r t'!Ls" calculated in ttre following manner. (AxB)+(Cx0.70)+D=E $IERE: A = llunicipal water 'diversions, constituting afl ;;tei-'diverted by Appricantrs diversion facilities which -is -distributed through Applicantrs potable water delivery systen' B = Municipal nater depletion factor stated as a percentage of value rrArt above, tbe percentages io Ue ap-pfiea on a nonthly basis being aE set forth in- subparagraph 7.8 above' The per- centages and- their- nunerical eguivalents (r'faciort') are as follows: ( (i) DeDletion Criteria. Subject to the provisions for retainld' juffirth in- Paragraph 17 beiow, the iolfowing -crilefia shall apply in fet3rm.rning dep.lelign-s uliaei-tfri pi5" foi augmentatiori, -(a) depletions attributable i"-""t"i "iage tliougii ippficant's p6tab1e water- distribution JisiJr *iff -occur at-tlr6 percentage.r?!e? stated in Subpara- qiaph Z.A. above; (b) depletions ittributable to golf_course iiiigation will coirstitule seventy. per.c.er-tt (7O%) of diver- iioni f,or such use and the remaining thirty percent l?OZl will constitute return flows to Gore Creek; and (c) diver- _ilon" -ioi .itificial snowmaking will constitute a one hundred ;;;;;"4-i:.ooZl-aipletion at trr6 time of diversion because the -return fiows-do riot accrue to Gore Creek until the follolting Spring. (ii) DeeleJion CalcYlalion. Based on the foregoing assumptio"",' a"6e to APplicantrs water diverlions sha1l be calculated as folfows: -22- ( case No. 82CW328 Vail Valley Consolidated lfater District water Division No. 5 Multiplying Factor Month Percentage 5.O% 5.0% 5.o% 5.0% s.0% s.o% t2.9% re.0% L7.2% t3.7% t6.6% 7.e% Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.129 0.190 o.L72 0.137 0.166 0.079 (Applicant's diversions of water for municipal service, f6f golf course irrigation, and for artificial snowmaking will be limited to the availability of adequlte replacenent water as provided herein when its water rights are out-of-priority. c. The Division Engineer or his autborized repre- sentative will notify the personnel of the Upper Ea91e.va119V Consolidated Sanitafion Dfstrict when Applicant's nunicipal water rights are called out-of-Priority by a valid senior hrater right located downstream on the Eagle or _the Colorado Rivers. -During these times, Applicant's water diversions for nunicipal purpbses shall be considered out-of-priority and the waier leptetions will be estinated and recorded on a daily basis iccording to the depletion criteria and calcula- tionl and the reporting forn as specified in Paragr?Ph 16.The out-of-priority deptetions will be re.placed wee-kly by strean credit or by releases of augmentation water fron the reservoirs as described above. 10. Dominion and Control ofl4q4malling -L9!-I-e-9-9Ine!t Runoff ;;;di re Efffitrangi'ln reservoirs the runoff fron the basin within wilictr its-snowmaking takes place. so long ag Applicant keeps accurate records on-the anrount of water applied in snowrnaking and so long as a reasonable guantification is rnade of all ioi""" oicu-rring to such water- prior to and during its runoff Q = water diversions for golf course irrigation. p = Water diversions for artificial snowmaking. f, = Total water depletions. ( -23- .""" "182crr:28 Vail VaIley Consolidated tfater District tlater Division No. 5 ( ( and recapture, such water can be identified and quantified. The couri finds that Applicant's plan provides for the miintenance of Eufficient- control over the replacement runoff credit from Enowmaking and that the subsequent identification and direct use or storage of that rater does not injurious_}y affect any owner or user of vested or decreed conditional nater rights. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 11. The changes of water rights and plan for- algmentalion proposed by Aiplicant are suCh as.are cont-emplated-by.-law' ii -i*pf.re?rte'a ana adninistered in accordance with this aecrJC, the changes of rrater rights and plan for augme?tation wi.ff plrmit the ?epletions associated with the g_rovision of pater by Applicant without adversely affectin-g the oHners or irsers o-f v?itea nater rights or decreed conditional water rights in the Eagle Rivei, the Colorado River, o'- any of ttr5ir tributariesl The changes of water rights and plan fo: augimentation described herein rnay be lawfully decreed by tttj.s Court. L2. The state Engineer and Dj.vision Engineer nay lawfully be reguired under the terms of this ruling to: A. Administer the plan for augmentation in ttre manner set forth herein. B. Refrain f,ron curtailing out of priority diversions of Applicantrs Augmented tlater Rights, when the deplettons are offsEt by the opeiation of the p,lin for augrmentation approved herein. c. curtail out-of,-priority diversions by the Appli- cantrs Augimented Water Ri-ghts at any time when the consunp- tive use issociated with Applicant's provision of water as approved herein exceeds tbe net amount of replacenent water aviif*:.e under the plan for augimentation' D.rssuewellpernitsforallwellsap.pliedfo-rand operated in accordanci with the law and conditions of, this decree. 13. yhether Applicant has rnaintained sufficient control and aaequaiifi acct'untea for the consumptive losses of the i"Ui."i-*it.r ai"Lltio pnr"uant to thL water.5i9ttt5_"Oich are thesubjecthereofforthepurp-oseof.snownakingisaques.. iion ol'iiit to be determinia -rrom all the circumEtances of I .-\ !'rs lt""i.- fhe only standard to be satisfied is tlre -24- ( $:ii t3i'I333"'idated Water District water Division No. 5 statutory standard for the approval of a change of water rights oi plan for augmentation, namely that s-uch change or plln will hot injuriously affect the owner of or persons -Lntitled to use nater under a vested water right or decreed conditional rtater right. c.R.S. $ 37-92-305(3). The Court has found as a mattei of fact that the subject plan satisfies that test, subject to the reguirements of the retained jurisdiction. ( i4. The foregoing findings of fact and concl'usions of law are fully i.ncorporated herein. 15. It is ORDERED, ADJITDGED, Al{D DECREED by the Court that ia) the changes of water rights described in the epplication ind trerein Jre granted, and (b) the plan for augmentation described in the Application and herein is approved subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. 16. Conditions of operation of the Plan: A. Reporting: Applicantrs water supply and wastewater facitities_@ated_bytheUpperEag1eVa1leyConsoli. dated Sanitation District pursuant to a management agreement. consequently, personnel from that district or 99y successors, including tie vail Valley Consofidated Water District, ltill collect [he data and rnaintain the records reguired under this plan for augrmentation. To assure that the vested water iiglrts and decreed conditional water rights -of others are pi5tectea from injury and to as,sure proper adninistration of this decree, the ApPlicant shaltr: (i) Develop accountinq forms and--procedures acceptable' tb ttre Oivision Engineer which will enable the Divi;ion Engineer to property administer the- cl_'an-ges of water rights and iugrmentati-on ifan-. These forns shall be available io-OUjectors -upon regues-t. The adequacy_of thes_e forms and procedures nay be addressed under proceedings under Subpara- graph 17.B below. (ii) on the tenth day of each rnonth' APplicant, shall fifi a'report with the pivision.Engineer which contains the following aiily data and information. a. Applicantts total municipal water diver- sions and depletions-Ly source and divided..rnto ttre cate- ;;;-i;" -oi rn"-"l.ip"i se?vice, golf course irrigation, and snowmaking. JI'DGMENT Al{D DECREE ( -25- ( case Nt szcw3zs Vail Valley Consolidated water District water Division No. 5 b. Applicantrs out-of-priority water depletions. c. The deliveries of replacement water from tbe various soulces. d. The operation of Applicalt'F reservoir facilities includinq watel stored in those facilities and water released from those facilities consistent with the policies of the Division Engineer- e. The amount of water diverted during the preceding month from the Augnrnented Water Rights; f. The amount of water diverted for arti- ficial snowmaking purposes. This report will be submitted on accounting forms acceptable to the Division Engineer. (iii) Applicant will file with the Division.Engineer by lovemlier SOth- bf each year- a r-epott which_surnmarizes the nr6nthly water operations Euring thit year.. - Tle .re.port will le orginized on- the basis of i water -period that begins on Novern6er 1st and ends on the following October 31st to correspond to the water year used by the.Division Engineer. It wili include a full cycle of the Districtrs seasonal water operations. (iv) ApPlicant shall make available to Objectors, upon reguist, coiies of completed accounting fornrs. B. titonitorinq, ' (i) As reguired by the Division-Engineer, Apnli- cant shall ionitor ind recoid the flow of water at tlte triitoric points of diversion for all the ditches with water m-asuring'devices or stream gaging stations approved by the Division Engineer. (ii) AII water diverted for. rnunicipal purPoses shall be meaiured and recorded on a daily basis' a. AII pumps diverting groundwater and surface water Ehall be eqr.lipped with totalizing flow meters. b. Appropriate neasuring--devices -Qguiqned with continuous recoideri shall be installed at all otber points of diversj.on. ( t -25- ( case No. 82CW328 Vail Valley Consolidated llater District lrlater Division No. 5 (iii) The volume of effluent discharged fronr the Vaif wastewater treatnent plant and collected fron the Vail. Valley Consolidated Water District serruice area for treatment at the Avon wastewater treatrnent plant shall be rneaEured and recorded on a daily basis. The records sha1l be kept by Applicant and shall be available for inspection by all Objectors on reasonable request. 17. Retained Jurisdiction. A. In order to assure that the vested Hater rights of others are not injured by irnplementation of the changes of vater rights and plan for augmentation, the Court retains jurisdiction and upon proper petition the court will recon-sider its approval of the changes of water rights and plan for augmentition. The Court, having nade specific findings and conclusions regarding the historic use to which the water rights herein were put and the proposed future use of said waier rights, determines that a period of ten (10) years will suffice to determine whether injury is in fact precluded or needs to be further remedied. The ten (10) year period of retained jurisdiction shall begin to run on the date of Applicantrs entry into a service contract for the Green M-ountain water described herein or uPon notification to the court and objectors that the augmentation plan is operational utilizing the tin basinr storage contemplated in Paragraph 6.A.(i) herein and described in Sections III and IV of Appendix A, wttichever occurs first. Applicant shal,I file n-otice with the Court and serve the same on all Objectors when it (a) enters into a Green llountain Reservoir Contract and (b) implements the use of in-basin storage under this pJan. 'Such notice shall be so f,iled and served within tlirty igOl days after the relevant event. Such retained juris- diction-nay be invoked upon a determination of the Court or upon motion Uy any Person that the absence.of injury has not bLen conclusively-estaOlished. Any determination or notion to invoke retainEd jurisdiction shall describe specifj'caI.ly the tlpe and rnanner-of injury alleged. Subject to extension as coirtemplated in C.R.S. S 37-92-304(6), if no petition for reconsideiation is filed within ten (10) years from the date on which the period of retained jurisdiction be-gins, the retention of jurisdiction for this purpose shall automat- ically expire. B. This Court also retains jurisdiction, which ney be invoked by any of the parties hefeto 9r by the-Division Engineer, -for-the purpoles of considering !'he ldeguacy-of apfticant's compliincd with, or the Division Engineerrs administration of, the provisions hereof. such continuing jurisdiction may not be -invoked unless a petition to invoke ( ( -27- a""" *o.ltct^1328 Vai] Va11eY Consolidated Water District water Division No. 5 ( ( ( itandstatingthegroundsthereforisfiledwithintwo(2) t;";; after tie aare on which rhe act or omission complained of occurred. c. The court also retains jurisdiction as to the guestion of the amount of consumptive use or other losses oecurringasareEultofartificialsnowmakingandastothe tteterninition of the timing ancl extent of the snowmelt credits.APPlicantorotherpartiesrnayfilemotionsinthis court in this proceeding showing either that the question of snowmakingconsumPtiveuseandsnowmeltcreditscanbemore specificaify a.fited or that upon the state of knowledge then "*istitg that retained jurisdiction should be further con- tinued. rf no such motion is filed, the retained juris- diction for this issue shall automatically expire five years from the date when this decree is entered' D. The provisions for retained jurisdiction in Paragraphs 1?. A, B, and C of this decree are intended to be independent of each other and do not lirnit each other' A. The appropriation date of the exchange of Green l.lountain Reservoir water available under the historic users pool established by the Final- Ope.rating Poticy is June 15 ' 193? based upon th; publication o'f Senate Document 80 which established the principles under which Green Mountain Peser- voir was bo be operated to provide htater for the benefit of users on the west sJ'oPe- B. The appropriation date of al] other exchanges approved herein is october 29, 1982 based upon the formation of-intenttoexchangewaterevidencedonthatdatebythe filing of the aPPlication. C. The rights to exchange decreed hereia sha1l be administered in accordance witlr tbe provisions of c.R.s.' E Ez-ga-loe. 19. Nothing in this judgrnent and decree shall lre cons"rued to restrict the alienabiLity of any of the water rights involved herein. 1.8.Priori t Date of Exchanges and Au ntation PIan. -28- ( case NPBzct{328 Vail Valley Consolidated Water DiEtrict Water Division No. 5 20. The use of any water right or consumPtion attributable to any water right involved herein for purposes inconsistent with this decree shall require subsequent decrees of this Court. 2I . It is further oRDEP€D that this judgment and decree shall be filed with the water Clerk and with the State Engineer anil the Division Engineer for water Division No. 5. this Done. at the S/7 day Springs, Colorado, . 1985. BY THE COURT:( (_- Gavin ----waiel ' Water State Dlvision No. 5 of Colorado Disili,st Cdrrt. Water Division l{0. 5 A lrur copr $ of tecord lhb jEr4 jE--, ts-6!e-Ot of '19 . Litwif ( -29- ( c""" nnle 2cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District lJater Division No. 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM AI'ID COMENT: CALKINS, KRAMER, GRII'ISIIAW & HARRING Date t- T. Shaun Su]livan (+13487) Attorneys for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District One United Bank Center, Suite 3800 1700 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Telephone No. (303) 839-3800 KELLY, STN.ISFIEI..D & OIDONMLL Date:Tinothy J. Flanagan (*5356) Attorneys for Public Service Conpany of Coforado 550 Fifteenth Street Suite 900 Denver, Colorado 80202 Telephone No. (303) 825-3534 wAwE D. WrLLrAlrS (+4152 ) lfrcHAEL L. WALKER $2e281 HENRY C. TEIGEN (+5936) AI{NE R. AVERY (#9092) cAsEY S. FUNK (#11638) Date:[ttorneys Tor the City and County of Denver, acting bY and through its Board of Water Commissioners 1500 West 12th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80254 Telephone No. (303) 623-2500 ( ( -30- ( ,a case t} 3zcw3zg VaiI ValleY Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 LEAVENWORTH, LOCHIIEAD & MILWID, P.C. Attorneys for Edwards Water Distr-ict and the CitY of Rifle P.O. Drawer 2030 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Telephone No. (303) 945'2261 MOSES, tltI?TEIYtYER, EARRISON and WOODRUFF, P.C. Jarnes R. Montgomery (+10989) Attorneys for Union Oil CornPanY of California P.O. Box 1440 Boul.der, Colorado 80306 Telephone No. (303) 443-8782 Senior Assistant CitY Attorney City of Aurora 147-0 South Eavana Street, Suite 820 Aurora, Colorado 80012 Telephone No. (303) 595-7030 Attorney for Eagle CountY P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado S1531 Telephone No. (303) 328-7311 ( Date: Date: Date: Date: ( -31- ( case Nf 32cw328 Vail VI7..ey Consolidated Water District Itater Division No. 5 HORN, A}TDERSON A}ID JOHNSON Date: Date: Michael J. Gianunzio (*9741) Louis A. Johnson (#2003) Attorneys for the City of Colorado Springs 840 Holly Sugar Building Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 Telephone No. (303) 532'3543 FOR TIIE ATTORNEY GENERAL Attorneys for the State Engineer and the Division Engineer 1525 Sherman Street, 3rd FJoor Denver, Colorado 80203 Telephone No. (303) 866-3611 FOR TTIE T'NITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL TriaI Attorney Attorney for the United States U.S. Departnent of Justice Land anE Natural Resources Division 1961 Stout St., P.O. Drawer 3607 Denver, Colorado 80294 Telephone No. (303) 837-2992 ( Date: t -32- ( a Case NdtdZCw3zS Vail ValleY Consolidated water District Itater Division No. 5 FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Assistant Attorney General Attorneys for the Colorado Water Conservation Board Natural Resources Section 1525 Shernran St., 3rd Floor Denver, Coforado 80203 Telephone No. (303) 966-3611 HOLME, ROBERTS & OWEN Attorneys for VaiI Associates' Inc. 1700 Broadway. Suite 1800 Denver, Colorado 80290 Telephone No. (303) 861-7000 DEI,ANEY & BALCO}ts, P.C. Robert M. Noone (*L2452) Attorneys for Objector Berry Creek Metropolitan District P.O. Drah'et 79O Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 Telephone No. (303) 945'6546 Date: Date: ( Date: ( -33- ( ( Date: Date: Date: case Hf l2cw328 Vail VaTley Consolidated Water District lrtater Division No. 5 DEI,ANEY & BALCOI4B, P.C. Scott-Balcomb (#1375) Robert M. Noone (*L24521 Attorneys for Arrowhead at Vail P.O. Drawer 790 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 Telephone No. (303) 945-5545 DELANEY & BALCOI|IB, P.C. Robert M. Noone (*12452') Attorneys for Eagle-Vail lletropoli- tan District P.O. Drawer 790 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 Telephone No. (303) 945-6546 DELANEY & BALCOMB, P.C. Robert M. Noone (*12432, Attorneys for Benchmark at Beaver Creek P.O. Drawer 790 Glenwood Springs, Col.orado 81602 Telephone No. (303) 945-5545 ( -34- ( a I Case NoY 82Cw328 Vail Valley consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 DELANEY & BALCOI4B, P.C. Robert M. Noone (*L2452, Attorneys for Avon MetroPolitan District P.O. Drawer 790 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 Telephone No. (303) 945-6546 Date: ( ( -35- ( c"se rO szcwrzl Vail VarreY Consolidated water District water Division No. 5 Case No. 82CW328 Water Division No. 5 APPEIiIDIX A IIIDEX OF RIGHTS AND STRUCTI'RE5 Paoe No. A-4 A-4 A-4 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-7 A-7 A-7 A-7 A-8 A-8 A-8 A-8 A-8 A-9 A-9 A-9 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-11 A-11 A-11 A-1.1 A-L2 A-12 I.Historic Irrigation Direct FLow water Rights 1. Mann Ditch 2. t{ebb Ditch 3. Larzalere Ditch Frank Larzalere Ditch Scoville Ditch Saw Mi1l Ditch Shively Ditch 4. 5. 5. 7. ( 8. McMonag1e Ditch 9. Bryant Lower Ditch 10. Sandstone Ditch 1.1. Park Ditch 12. Spraddle Ditch 13. Buffehr and Rose Ditch ],4. Rose Ditch 15. Ruder No. 1 Ditch 16. Rose Ditch 1st Enlargement L'7. Rose Ditch lst Enlargenent 18. Ruder No. I Ditch 1st Enlargement 19. Bryant Lower Ditch lst Enlargement 20. Katsos Ditch 27. Katsos No. 2 Ditch 22. KiahtiPes No. I Ditch 23. KaihtiPes No. 2 Ditch 24. KiahtiPes No. 3 Ditch'25. KiahtiPes No. 6 Ditch 26. Spraddle No. 2 Ditch 27. B1ack Gore Ditch 28. Webb Ditch 1st Enlargement 29. Sawmill Ditch lst Enlargement 30. Frank Larzalere Ditch 1st Enlargement 31. Sandstone Ditch lst Enlargement 32. Larzalere Ditch lst Enlargenent 33. Main Gore Ditch 34. Iriann Ditch lst Enlargement 35. Edward Ditch 36. Mike Ditch ,7. Buffehr and Rose Ditch lst Enlargement ( A-1 case a g2aisze Vail Varley Consolidated lfater District Water Division No. 5 ( ( II. t{unicipa} Year-Round Direct Flow Water Rights 1. vail Village West WelI No. 1 2. Vail Village West Well No. 2 3. Vail Village West Well No. 3 4. Vail Village lfest Well No. 4 5. vail village llest WeLI No. 5 6. Vail Village west Well No, 6 7. E.C.D.C. Gallery (Black Gore Infiltration Gallery, GWiACWS Pt.B)8. Hoyt Pipeline 9. Bighorn Pipeline (Gore Valley lfater Authority Comnittee Water SYstem, Point C)10. trlain Gore Municipal Ditch and Pipeline 11. Bighorn Fish Pond Ditch L2. Red Sandstone Gallery (Lion's Ridge Water Treatment Pfant, G\tllACttS Pt.A)13. Tourist Trap Spring l+. Town of Vail Spring TaPs 15. Gore Creek Water Treatment P]ant Intake 16. Golden Peak Snownaking 17. Booth Creek water Treatment Plant Intake 18. Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatment Plant Gore creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatnent Plant, First Enlargernent Log Chute Punp Station Nurnber 245 Pumphouse and Pond Plow Spring Gore Valley water Authority Conmittee tlater System Vail Water and Sanitation District tJell No. 1 ,25. Vail Water and Sanitation District WeII No. 2 26. Vail tiater and Sanitation District We]l No. 1 27. Vail t{ater and Sanitation District lfell No. 2 28. Vaif Water and Sanitation District spring and Pipeline-A 29, VaiI water and Sanitation District Spring and Pipeline-B 30. vlil water and sanitation District Spring and Pipeline-C 19. 20. 2r. 22. 23. 24. A-L2 A.L2 A-T2 A-13 A-13 A-13 A-13 A-14 A-14 A-14 A-14 A-15 A-15 A-15 A-15 A-15 A-16 A-15 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-17 A-17 A-18 A-18 A-18 A-19 A-19 A-19 A-19 t A-2 ( case NtBzcw32s Vail Valley Consolidated water District Water Division No. 5 A-20 A-20 A-20 A-20 A-20 A-21 A-2L A-2L A-2t A-22 A-22 A-22 A-22 A-22 A-23 A-23 A-23 A-23 A-24 A-24 A-24 A-25 A-25 A-2s A-25 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-27 A-27 A-27 A-28 A-28 A-28 A-28 A-29 l-rt A-29 A-30 A-30 A-30 ( III. Decreed Storage Rights 1. Fleming Storage Tank 2. E.C.D.C. Reservoir 3. Eoyt Reservoir 4. K.A.C. Reservoir 5. M111 Creek Reservoir No. 1 6. MilI Creek Reservoir No. 2 7. Golf Course Reservoir No. 1 8. Golf Course Reservoir No. 2 9. Red Sandstone Reservoir 10. Black Gore Creek Reservoir No. 1 11. Black Gore creek Reservoir No. 2 L2. Black Gore Creek Reservoir No. 3 13. Indian Creeh Reservoir L4. Red Sandstone Reservoir No. 2 15. Black Lake 16. Black Lake No. 2 L7. Black Lake No. 2, lst Enlargement 18. Vail VaIIey Reservoir Iv. Undecreed tdater Storage Rights and Structures 1. Vail Valley Reservoir No. 2 V. Structures to Be Augrmented 1. BIack Gore Infiltration Gallery (E.c.D.C. Ga1fery & GWACWS Pt.B) Bighorn/Gore Val.ley PumPhouse Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatment Plant 4. Booth Creek irtater Treatnent Pl.ant fntake 5. VaiI Valley Consolidated WelI No. R1 6. Vail Valley Consolidaled Well No. R2 7. Vail ValIey Consolidated Well No. R3 8. Vail. Valley Consolidated Well No. R4 9. Vail Valley Consolidated Well No. R5 10. Vail Val.ley Consolidated WelI No. R5 11. Vail GoIf Course Ditch L2. Gore Creek Water Treatnent Plant Intake 13. Golden Peak Snowmaking 14. Vail Village ttest Well No. 1 15. Vail Village West Well No. 6 16. Vail village West tlell No. 7 L7. Vail Village t{est Well No. 8 18. Vail Intermountain Well No. 2 19. Vail Intermountain llell No. 4 (Gore Creek WeII No - 24094'8, 20. Tourist TraP SPring 2L. Town of VaiI SPring TaPs 22. Log Chute PumP Station 2. 3. t A-3 c.". J e2cw32s Vail Varley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 (t 23. Nurnber 245 Punphouse and Pond A-30 24. Plow Spring A-31 25. Vail Associates Gore Creek Snowmaking Point B. A-31 ( ( A-4 c.=" eB2cw32s Vail ValLey Consolidated Water District tfater Division No. 5 ( DESCRIPTION OF RIGHTS A}ID STRUC:rURES I.Historic Irrigation Direc! Flow water Rights: 1.2.0 c.f.s. decreed to the Mann Ditch, out of Booth Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 99 in old Water District No. 37,with adjudication date of June 29, 1894, .and appropriation date of May 1, 1890, Civil A-ction No. 294, 1981 Basin Rank 735. Headgate Location: on the west bank of Booth Creek at a point near the NE corner of the t{El/4 of the sE7/4 of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 west, 6th P.M. 1.6 c.f.s. decreed to the Webb Ditch, out of Pitkin Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 118 in old Water District No. 37' with adludication date of June 29, 1894, ald appropriation date of Augrust 27, L892, Civil Action No. 294, 1981 Basin Rank 847. Eeadgate Location: at a point on the west bank of Pitkin Creek whente the witness corner to the Et/4 corner of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 5th P.l,:. bears Souttr, 5"53' West, 1,580.5 feet. 2.3 c.f.s decreed to the tarzalere Ditch, out of Middle Creek, a tributaty of Gore Creek, Priority No. 121 in o1d Water District No. 37, wittr adJudication date of June 29, 1894, .and appropriation date of october 6, 1892, Civil ALtion No. 294, t98f Basin Rank 850. Beadgate location: on the west bank of tttiddle Creek' at a point near the NEl/4 corner of the Sw7/4 of thi sEL/4 of Section 6, Township 5 Souttr, Range 80 West, 5th P.I,l. 1.2 c.f.s. decreed to the Frank Larzalere Ditch, out of !1i11 Creek, Priority No. 1,22. in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of June 29, 1894, and appropriation date of October 10, 1892, Civi] Action No. 294' 1981 Basin Rank 851. Headgate location: on the west bank of Saw llitl -Creek, at a Point near the Sw7/4 of the NE!/4 of Section 8, Township 5 Souttt, Range 80 Vlest' 6th P.U. 2.4 c.f.s. decreed to the Scoville Ditch, out of Middle Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, 2. 4. t 5. A-5 ( t 6. case N? B2cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 Priority No. 123 in old water District No. 37,with adjudication date of June 29, 1894, and appropriation date of October 20, L892 ' Civil action No. 294, 1981 Basin Rank 853. Ileadgate Iocation: on the east bank of Middle Creek, at a point in the M'I]../4 of the Svll/4 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. 1.2 c.f.s. decreed to the Saw tlill Ditch, out of t{ill Creek, a tributary of Gore CreeX, Priority No. 128 in old water District No- 37, with adJudication date of June 29, 1894' and appropriation date of Novenber 1, 1992, Civil Aclion No. 294, 1981 Basin Rank 854. Ileadgate location: on the east bank of Saw MiIl Creek, at a point near the SW corner of the SWl/4 of the Wtt/+ of Section 8, Tonnship 5 Souttr, Range 80 West, 5th P.l'r. 1.2 c.f.s. decreed to the Shively Ditch, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 125 in old llater District No. 37, with adjudication date of June 29, 7894, and appropriation date of November 1, t892, Civil Action No. 294, 1981 Basin Rank 854. Headgate location: on the south bank of Gore Creek at a point 200 feet north of the NE corner of the NE1,/4 M1rz4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west' 5th P.M. 2.5 c.f .s. decreed to the llcMonagle Ditch, out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 281 in old l'Jater District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 12, 1909, and appropriation date of December 13, 1900, Civil- Action No. 512, 1981 Basin Rank 1665, Headgate location: in the NE!/4 sEL/4 of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, 5th P.!,1. 4.5 c.f.s decreed to the Bryant Lower Ditch, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 301 in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 27, 1912, and appropriation'date of June 1.5; 1902, Civil Action No. 573, 1981 Aisin Rank 195?. Headgate lo.cation: in the sEt/4 SWL/4 NE]./4 of Section L2, ?ovnship 5 South, Range 81 VJest, 6th P.M. 7. ( 8. 9. A-6 case NOBzcw328 Vail Varley Consolidated lrater District liater Division No. 5 ( ( 10. 11. L2. 13. 0.5 c.f.s. decreed to the Sandstone Ditch, out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 342 in old !{ater District No. 37, with adjudication date of June 23, 1919, and appropriation date of June 2, 1913, Civil Action No. 71I, 1981 Basin Rank 2358. lleadgate location: at a point on the east bank of Sandstone Creek whence the NW corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears South 11oE, 900 feet. 0.8 c.f.s. decreed to the Park Ditch, out of Park Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Pri- ority No. 344 in old hrater District No. 3?, with- adjudication date of June 23, 1919'. ?ld appropriation date of June 15, L9t4, Civil AAUon No. 712, 1981 Basin Rank 2359- Head- gate location: on the west bank of Park Creek it a point whence the N1/4 corner of Sec- tion 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 YJest, 6ttl P.!1., bears North 18o45r East, 1,550 feet. 0.5 c.f.s. decreed to the Spraddle Ditch, out of Spraddle Creek, a tributary of Gore. Creek' rrioiity No. 343 in old water District No. 37, with adludication date of June 23' 1919'. ?nd appropriation date of June 15, 1916, civil ALtion No. 712, 1981 Basin Rank 2360. Ilead- gate location: at a point on the west bank of Spraddle Creek whence the NE corner of Sec- tion 7, Township 5 south, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears North,630 East, 100 feet. 4.04 c.f.s. decreed to the Buffehr and Rose Ditch, out of Gore creek, Priority No. 409 in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of October 3, 1936, and appropriation date of lrlay 1, 1910, Civil Action No. 953, 1981 Basin Rank 27'14. Headgate location (per change in Case No. tl-2479): at a point.on the SE blnk of Gore Creek 75 feet west of the NE corner of the swl/4 NEI/4 of Section 12' Township 5 South, Range 81 west, 6th P.llt. 0.59 c.f.s. decreed to the Rose Ditch, qut of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore. Creek, Priority No. 415 in old water Distrj.ct No. 3i, with adjudication date of October 3, 1936, and appropriation date of !!ay 1, !!!-2,civii Actio-n- No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2779' ( 14. A-7 Case Vail lfater lfater Ileadgate location (per change in Case No. 11-24781: at a point on the West bank of Gore Creek 150 feet West of the l{E corner of the Sw1,/4 NEI/4 of Section L2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, 5th P.M. 0.59 c.f.s. decreed to the Ruder No. L Ditch, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 388 in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of october 3, 1936 and appropriation date of June 1, 1900, Civil Action No. 963, X981 Basin Rank 2?57. Eeadgate location: at a point whence the NE corner of the !trt/l-/4 !fW1,/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th P.lit. bears North 29"21t lfest, 3,116.19 feet. 0.59 c.f.s. decreed to the Rose Ditch First Enlargement, out of Red Sandstone Creek' I tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No..{23,in o1d Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of October 3, 1936, and appropriation date of t{ay 1, 1915, Civil Action No. 963, 1981 Basin-Rank 2784. Headgate }ocation: in the NE1/4 SEI/4, Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 lfest, 6th P.lil. 1.33 c.f.s. decreed to the Rose Ditch First Enlargement, out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tribuiary of Gore Creek, Priority No..423.in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of October 3, 1935, and appropriation date of May l, 1915, Civil Action No. 953, 1981 Basin Rank 2784. Headgate focation: in the M1,/4 SEL/ , Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 Uest, 6tlt P.M. 0.59 c.f.s decreed to the Ruder No- 1 Ditch First Enlargement, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 444 in -ofa water District No. 37' with adjudication date of octobet 3, 1936 and appropriation date of June 1, 1920' Civil- A;iio; No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2800. Head- gate location: at a point w-hence the NE iorner of the ltryt]-/4 Ntll/4 of Section 14' Township 5 South. Range 8l West, 6th P.ttl. bears North 29o2L' lrfest, 3,116.-19 feet. 0.5 c.f.s. decreed to Bryant Lolter Ditch First Eniargement, out of Goie Creek, Priority O rr.n *Valley Consolidated Disttict Division No. 5 ( 15. l.7. 16. ( 18. ( 19. A-8 ( c""" C szcw3zl vail Valley Consolidated water District water Division No. 5 No. 471 in old lvater District No. 37, with adjudication date of October 3, 1935, and appropriation date of June 15, L927, Civil Action No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2821. llead-gate }ocation: in the SEI/4 SVf1/4 t{E1,/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th P.M. 2.8 c.f.s. decreed to the Katsos Ditch, out of Booth Creek, a tributary of Gore creek. Priority No. 485 in o1d water District No. 37,with adjudication date of February 7, 1956, and appropriation date of June 1, 1913' Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3299. Headgate focation: at a point on the East bank of Booth Creek whence the witness corner to the Et/4 corner of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 west, 6th F.l,l. bears South 50020t East, 6,666.4 feet. 3.3 c.f.s. decreed to the Katsos No. 2 Ditch, out of an unnaned tributary to Gore Creek, Priority No. 488 in old Water District No. 37, uith adjudication date of Februar! 7, 1956, and appropriation date of June 1, 1913' Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3299. Iteadgate location: at a point on the East bank of an unnaned tributary of Gore Creek whence the witness corner to the El,/4 corner of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 80 west, 5th P.M. bears South 73043r East, 5,195.6 feet. I !.5 c.f.s. decreed to the Kiahtipes l{o. I Ditch, out of an unnarned tributary to Black Gore Creek, Priority No. 487 in old t{ater District No. 3?, with adjudication date of February 7, 1956, and appropriation date of June 1, 1913, civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3299. tteadgate location: at a point whence the N1/4 corner of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 79 West, 5th P.I-|. bears North 28030r East, 2,580.3 feet. 1.0 c.f.B. decreed to the Kiabtipes No. 2 Ditch, out of aD unnaned tributary to Gore Creek, Priority No. 489 in old Water District No. 3?, vith adjudication dat'e of February 7, 1956, and appropriation date of June 1' 1913' Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3299- ( 20. 2t. 22. ( 23. A-9 ( .""" O 82ct{328 Vail ValIeY Consolidated l{ater District Water Division No. 5 Headgate locations: Headgate number 1 is located at a point lthence the N1rz4 corner of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 79 West, 6th P.M. bears North 81o08t East, ?,03L.2 'rfeet; headgate nurnber 2 is located at a point whence the N1-/4 corner of the 6arne said Section 18 bears South 85050r East, 3,695.6 feet. 24. 3.4 c.f.s. decreed to Kiahtipes No. 3 Ditch,out of an unnamed tributary to Gore Creek, Priority No. 490 in old t{ater District No. 37,with adjudication date of Februar! 7 ' 1956' and appiopriation date of June 1, 1913' Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3299. Headgate locations: headgate number 1 is locaied at a point from which the witness corner to the vll/4 corner of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.l'l . bears North 39o03r West, 3,008.7 feet; head- gate nuiber 2 is located at a point from which said witness corner bears South 8Lo24r East, 359.3 feet. 25. 1.0 c.f.s. decreed to Kiahtipes No. 6 Ditch,out of Pitkin Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 491 in old water District No. 37, with adjudication date of FebruarY 7, 1956, and appropriation date of June 1, 1913, Civil Action No. Lt2g, 1981 Basin Rank 3299. Headgate location: at a point from whence the witness corner to the W1/4 corDer of Sec- tion 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West' 6th P.M. bears South 7"57t West, I,775.2 feet- 26. 2.o c.f.s. decreed to Spraddle No. 2 Ditch, out of Spraddle Creek. a tributary of. Gore Creek, pfiority No. 492 in old tlater District No. 37, with adjudication date of FebruatY 7, 1955, and appropriation date of June 10, 19f3, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3300. Headgate location: at a point on the West bank-of Spraddle Creek whence the NE corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est' 6th P.M. bears North 630 East 100 feet. 4.4 c.f .s. decreed to the Black Gore Ditch, oui of Black Gore creek, Priority No' 499 in old l{ater District No. 37, with adjudication date of FebruatY 7, 1955, and appropriatj'on t C 27. A-10 ( c."" ul s2cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 date of uay 12, 1936, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3306. Headgate location: in the llt{1/4 WL/4, Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 80 Vlest, 6th P.tt. 2.52 c.f.s. decreed to the Webb Ditch First Enlargement, out of Pitkin Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 500 in old Water District No. 3?, with adjudication date of February 7, 1955, and appropriation date of July 31 , 1934, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3307. Beadgate location: in the SWl-/4 SWL/4, Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 80 liest, 5th P.M. 3.0 c.f.s. decreed to the Sawmill Ditch First Enlargement, out of !1i11 Creek, a tributary of core Creek, Priority No. 502 in old water District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 7, 1955, and appropriation date of August 3L, 1939, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3444. Headgate location: at a point on the East side of Sasr titill Creek whence the N1,/4 corner of Section 8, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears North 7o37t East. 2,9L5.2 feet. 1.0 c.f.s. decreed to the Frank tarzalere Ditch First Enlargement, out of MiIl Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 503 in old llater District No. 37, with adjudication date of Februat! 7, 1956, and appropriation date of May 19, 7.943, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3634. Ileadgate location: at a point on the west bank of saw llill Creek whence the ![W corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.I{. bears North 69045' lfest, 7,153.2 feet. 2.7 c.f .s. decreed to the Sandstone Ditch First Enlargement, out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 504 in old tater District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 7, 1956, and appropriation date of ilay 15, L944, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin-Rank 3836. Headgate Jocation: at a point on the East bank of Sandstone Creek whence the t{W corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6tb P.I.l. bears South 11o00r EaEt, 900 feet. ( 28. 29. 30. 31. A-11 c"". tl B2cw328 Vail Valley Consolidated Ytater District Water Division No. 5 ( 34. 32. 33. 36. 6.2 c.f.s. decreed to the Larzalere Ditch First Enlargement, out of Middle Creek, a tributary of core Creek, Priority No. 506 in old l{ater District No. 37, wit}r adjudication date of Februat! 7, 1956, and appropriation date of t{ay 15, 1946, civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 3903. tseadgate location: at a point on the West bank of Middle Creek whence the SW corner of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears south 74oL7 r, west 4,009.5 feet, 1.0 c.f.s. decreed to the Main Gore Ditch, out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 512 in old Water District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 7, 1956, and appropriation date of July 19, 1951, civil Action No. 1128, 19S1 Basln Rank 4183. Headgate location: in the M^t1,/4 l{8t/4, Section 1.8, Township 5 South, Range 79 West, 6th P.M. 4.2 c.f .a. decreed to the llann Ditch First Enlargement, out of Booth Creek, a tributary of Goie creek, Priority No. 513 in old water District No. 37, with adjudication date of February 7, L956, and appropriation date of July 23, 1951, Civil Action No. 1128, 1981 Basin Rank 4185. Headgate Jocation: on the west bank of Booth Creek at a point whence ttre witness corner of Section 11, Tovrnship 5 South, Range 80 t{est, 6th P.l{. bears Sout}r 52o 48 I East, 6,564.1 feet. 2.0 c.f.s. decreed to the Edward Ditch' out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary to Gore Creek, Priority No. 523 in o1d t{ater District No. 37, with adjudication date of July 23, 1958, and appropriation date of June 30, 1936' civil Action No. 1193, 1981 Basin Rank 4442. Iteadgate location: in ttre SEI/4 SEL/4, Section 1, Townstrip 5 Souttt, Range 81 West, 6th P.t'1. 2,0 c.f.s. decreed to the Mike Ditch, out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, Priority No. 524 in old water District No. 3?, with iAjudication date of July 23, -1958, and appropriation date of JuIy 31, +?16'civil Action No. 1193, 1981 Basin Rank 4443. Headgate Location: in the t{EL/4 SEf/4, ( 35. ( A-12 ( Case No. 82CW328 Vail Valley Consolidated llater District Water Division No. 5 Section 1, ?ownship 6 South, Range 81 l{est, 5th P.M. 1.17 c.f.s. decreed to the Buffehr and Rose Ditch First Enlargement, out of Gore Creek,Priority No. 540 in o1d water District No. 37,with adjudication date of July 23, 1958, and appropriation date of May 31, 1955, Civil Action No. 1193. 1981 Basin Rank 4457. Headgate location: (per change in case No. W-2479): at a point on the sE bank of core Creek 75 feet Vtest of the NE corner of the swl/4 t{EL/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l West, 6th P.l.l. 0.255 c.f.s. decreed to Vail Village West WelI No. 1 (Pennit No. 10474-F), out of the allu- vium of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 31, 1972 and appropriation date of September 15, 1963, Case No. w-711, 1981 Basin Ranh 4914. Point of diversion: at a point 1,010 feet East of the West section Line, and 1,930 feet North of the South section line of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M. O.222 c.f.s. decreed to Vail ViIIage l{est WeII No. 2 (Permit No. 4520-F), out of the alluvium of core Creek, with adjudication date of Decenber 31, 1972 and appropriation date of December 31, 1965, Case No. w-711, L981 Basin Rank 5043. Point of diversion: in the !{W1l4 Swl/4 of Section t2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M. at a point L,260 feet East of the tiest section line and 1,930 feet North of the South section line of said Section 12. 0.334 c.f.s. decreed to vail villagre west well No. 3 (Permit No. 11431-F) out of the alluviun of core Creek, with adjudication date of Decernber 21, 1972 and appropriation date of December 23, 1966, Case -No. vi-?11, 1981 Basin Rank 5144. Point of diversion: in the SEI/4 SEL/4, Section 11, Township 5, Souttt, Range 81 West of 6th P.M. at a point T2O feet West of the East section line and 330 feet North of the South section line of Section 11. 37. II. llunicipal Year-Round Direct Flow Water Rights: 1. ( 2. 3. ( A-13 ( .u". O B2cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated tlater District Water Division No. 5 0.111 c.f.s. decreed to Vail Village West well No. 4 (Permit No. 12998-F), out of the a]lu-viun of Gore Creek, adjudication date of Decenber 31, I97Z and appropriation date of October 18, 1963, Case No. rd-711, 1981 Basin Rank 4921. Point of diversion: at a point L,990 feet East of the West section line and 2,O2O feet North of the South section line of Section 12, lownship 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M. 0.033 c,f.s. decreed to Vail ViIIage West Well No. 5 (Permit No. 4881-F), out of the alluvium of core Creek, with adjudication date of December 31, 1972 and appropriation date of May 19, 1968, Case No. w-711, 1981 Basin Rank 5228. Point of diversion: in the NEI/4 SvlL/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of 6th P.M. at a point 1,940 feet East of the west section line and 2,000 feet North of the South section line of Section 12. 0.65 c.f.s. decreed to vail Village West t{e}l No. 6 (Pernit No. 17460-F), out of the allu- vium of Gore Creek, adjudication date of April 14, 1975 and appropriation date of May 31 , 1972, Case No. W-2457. Point of diversion: at a point 1,545 feet North of the South section line and 750 feet East of the West section line in the lntf1,/4 SulL/4 of Section 12, Township 5 Soutlr, Range 81 lfest of the 5th P.M. r 0.25 c.f.s. decreed to the E.c.D.c. Gallery (also known as Black Gore Infiltration Gallery, and Gore valley water Authority Conmittee water Systern, Point B) out of Black Gore Creek, with adjudication date of May 31' L972, and appropriation date of April 4, 1963,Civil Action No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5057. Point of diversion: at a point whence the west guarter corner of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 79 l{est of the 5th P.lll. bears south 5ro27 | lfest a distance of 1,264 feet' 10.0 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to the Hoyt Pioeline out of Black Gore Creek. with adju- diiation date of May 31 , l9?2', and appropria- tion date of April 4, 1953, Civil Action No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5057. Point of 4. 5. 6. ( 7. (" 8. A-14 case x.Oe zcw3?B Vail valley Consolidated tfater District Water Division No. 5 ( ( diversion: a point on the tfest bank of Black Gore Creek whdnce the Northwest corner of Section 18, Township 5 Souttt, Range 79 West, 6th P.M. bears North 2ooztr lfest, 3,311 feet' This structure rlas never built and does not exist as a phYsical structure. g. 1.6 c.f.s. decreed to the Bighorn PipeLine out of Bighorn Creek, a tribu-tary oq Gore creel(, with idjudication date of May 31, 1-972,. and approprfation date of April-a'-l?9?: ci-vr,r A;tio; No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5057. Polnt oi aiversiont a point on tJlre west bank of Bighorn Creek whenlce the Northwest corner of ii6tion 12, Torvnship 5 south, Range 80 west-of the 6th P.M. bears North 6lo4t l{est, 2'737'66 feet. This structure no longer exists as a physical structure. 10. 10.0 c.f.s. conditional'ly decreed to the ltain - Gore Hunicipal Ditch and Pipeline, out of Gore Creek, with-adjudication date of May 31, l?72, ina aipropriation date of lpr-il -4,-^1-9-63, -Ci.vi1 actioir- No-. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5057' Polnt oi aiversion, a point on the North bank of Gore Creek whence- the Northwest corner of itction 18, Township 5 South, Range 79 West of the 6th P.M. bears North 61024r West, 1,863 fdet. This structure was never built and does not exist as a PhYsical structure. 11. 4.0 c.f.s. decreed to Bighorn Fish Pond Ditch out of Bighorn Creek,. a tributary of -Gore iieef, witi adjudication date of lttay 3-1 , 1.972 and appropriation date of .Apr-it -4'- 1-9i3, -Civil actio-n- Xo-. L529, 1981 Basin Rank 5057' Point of diversion: a point on the right or w-sterly bank of Bighorn Creek whence ttle Nvt ioiner -of section 12, lownshiP 5 Souttr,- Range 80 lfest, 6th P.M. bears North 47o 11 | ifest, 2,549.71 feet- !2. 2.22 c.f 's. decreed to Red Sandstone Gallery i"fio known as Ligll's Ridge water Treaunent ifant and Gore Valley tJater Authority- C-on-- mittee Water system, Point A)' out ot Reo Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore -Creek,;iih- aajuaication date of May -31,- ^1972 -and ippiopi{ation date of January 3-, -1^9-6:' civil A-ctioil No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5273' Point t A-15 ( """. 'lr zcw3zg Vail Va.ley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 of diversion: it a point from which the Northeast corner of the SEI/4 SEL/4 of, Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 west of tlre 6th P.M. bears North S0o4t East, 185 f,eet. 0.133 c.f.s. decreed to the Tourist Trap Spring. out of the MilI Creek alluviun, with a-djudication date of December 31 , t9'73, and appropriation date of January 1, t962' Case N-o-. w:2167, 1981 Basin Rank 5932. Point of diversion: in Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 80 lfest of the 5th P.M. at a. point _whence the Northwest corner of Section I of said Township and Range bears North 19012 t lfest, 8,950 feet. 0.78 c.f.s. decreed to the Town of Vail' sDrinqs Taps, out of the Mill Creek alluvium,witn iajudication date of Decenber 31, 1973, and appropriation date of June 1, t962., Case No. w-2t07, 1978 Basin Rank 5901. Point of diversion: wittrin a 100 foot diameter circle, from the center of which the west quarter corner of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th ?.!.1. bears North 50o West 364 feet. 1.9 c.f.s. decreed to the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant Intake, out of Gore Creek, vith adjudication date of December 31 , 1973, and appropriation date of July 6, 1965, case Uo. w-2107, 1981.Basin Rank 5951. Poi.nt of diversion: on tlie left bank of Gore Creek in ttre l{W1l4 }n 1/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 Uest of the 6th P.ttt., at a point whenle ttre Northwest corner of said 3ection 9 bears North 03o00r tfest 1,100 feet- 1.34 e.f.s. decreed to Golden Peak Snowmaking, out of tlill Creek, a tributary to Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 31, 1973' and appropriation date of January- 1, 19_65,, case fr6. *-ztoz, 1991 Basin Rank 5953. Point of diversion: on the East bank of Uil]' Creek in the ltEI/4 Sw7/4 of Section 8, Township 5 Soutlr, Range 80 West of the 6tb P.U- at a point whenie the Northw^e-st corner of said -section 8 bears North 38035' West 3,500 feet' 13. 14. ( 15. 15. L A-15 c"". O 82cw328 Vail ValleY Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 ( ( L7. 18. 19. 20. 3.23 c.f.s. absolutely decreed and 2.57 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to Booth Creek Water Treatrnent Plant Intake out of Booth Creek, a tributary of core Creek, with adjudication date of becember 3l , t973, and appropriation date of January t, 1-97r., Case No. W-2157' 1981 Basin Rank 5982. Point of diversion: on the left bank of Booth Creek in the SWI/4 l{w1l4 of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., at a point whence the West guarter corner of said Section 2 bears South 54"00' lrest 400 feet. 0.55 c.f.s. of the 3.23 c.f.s. absolute water right was made absofute by decree entered June 17, 1985 in Consoli- altea Cases No. 82CW90, 92cw116, 82CW124 and 82CW324. 4.53 c.f.s. absolutely decreed and 0.81 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to the Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatrnent Plant, out of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 31, !973, and appropriation date of Decernber 19' L973, Case tto. t{-2157, 1981 Basin Rank 5075- Point of diversion: on the right bank of Gore Creek in the SEL/4 sEL/4 of Section 3, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. 'at i point whence -the Southeast corner of Eaid Section 3 bears South 21o30r East, 970 feet- 1.51 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatment Plant, First Enlargement out of Gore Cteek, with- adjudication aate of Decenber 3l', 1979, and appropriation date of Decenber 19, L973' Case N;-. w-szso Point of diversion: same as in Paragraph II. l8 above. 0.09 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to Log Chute Pr.unp Station, out of Mill Creek, a tributa-ry of -Gore Creek, with adjudication date of Decenber 31, L973, and appropriation date of Decenber 19, 1973, Case No. W-2157, 1981 Basin Rank 6075. Point of diversion: on the South bank of lrtill Creek in Section 15, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P'I., .aq a -point uhencL the Northwest corner of section 8 Lears North 4go].st West 10,250 feet. 1.?8 c.f.s conditionally decreed to Nurnber 245 Pumphouse and Pond, out of llitl Creek, a L 2L. A-17 c""" lrle 2*t32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 ( 22. tributary to Gore Creek, with adjudication date of becember 31., L973, and appropriation date of Decernber 19, 1973, Case No. W-2767, 1981 Basin Ranh 6075. Point of diversi'on: on the East bank of Mill Creek in Sectio\ t7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6tlt P.M., at a point vthence the Northwest corner of iection-8 bears North 3lo27r l{est, 6,350 feet. 0.013 c.f.s. absolutely and 0.155 c.f.s. conditionally decreed €o Plow Spring,- out..of Mill Creek, -a tributary to Gore Creek, with adjudication date of D-ecember 31 , 1973, and aplropriation date of December 19, 1973, Cas-e nb. wlzfgz, 1981 Basin Rank 6075. Point of diversion:' on the South bank of MiIl Creek' Section 16, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M., at a-point nhence the Northwest corner of Section g-bears North 50038r West, 10.500 feet. 0.013 c.f.s. was converted to absolute status in the decree entered on June 17, 1985 in Consolidated Cases No. 82Cw90, 82CW115, eZCWl24 and 82CW324. 12.0 c.f.s. conditionally decreed to the Gore Vatley water Authority committee lfater system out o-f Bed Sandstone Creek, Black Gore Creek' and Bighorn Creek, all tributary to-.Gore Creek. ind out of Gore Creek, with adjudic.a- tion bate of December 30, 1977 and appropria- tion date of October 15, L977 ' Case No. tr-3665, 1981'Basin Rank 5589- Points of diversion: a. Diversion Point A (also known as Red Sandstone Gallery) is located on Red Sandstone Creek iri Section 1, Township 5 Souttt, Range 81 tlest of the 5th P.ltl' at a poinl'whenie the Southeast corner of said -Section 1 bears South OT'44r East' 1,370.1 feet- b. Diversion Point B (a1so known aE E.C.D'C' Gallerv and Blacli Gore Infiltralion ciii.til is I'ocated on Black Gore creek at a point whence the.West guarter corner of seltion 18, Township 5 south, Range-7g lrest of tlre 6th P.M. bears Soutb 5to27l lfest a distance of 1,264 feet. ( 23. t A-18 ( c""" wO82cw32s VaiI Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 c. Diversion Point c (also known as Bighorn Pipeline) is located on Bighorn Creek at a point whence the Northnest corDer of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th P.M. bears North 61004'lfest, 2,737.66 feet. d. Diversion Point D is located on Gore Creek at a point whence the Northwest corner of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. bears North 37030' itest 4,500 feet. This point of diversion wilt not be used and is hereby abandoned. 0.18 c.f.s. decreed to Vail Water and Sanita-tion District tfell No. 1, out of Gore Creek alfuvium, with adjudication date of May 31, 1972 and appropriation date of October 7, t963, Civil Action L529, 1981 Basin Rank 5060. Point of diversion: at a point lthence the sw corner of the \IEI/A !nfl/4, Section 8, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 West, 5th P.It!. bears South 84o38r11r West, Z,7Lg feet. 0.2 c.f.s. decreed to Vail water and Sanita-tion District Wel.l No. 2, out of the Gore Creek alfuvium, with adjudication date of I|:ay 31 , 1972 and appropriation date of Oct- ober 1, 1963, civil Action L529, 1981 Basin Rank 5059. Point of diversion: at a point whence the sw corner of the Nw1,/4 t{vll/4 of Section 8, Township 5 south, Range 80 Vfest, 5th P.M. bears South 82o34'20f' West, ?63 feet. 0.176 c.f.s. decreed to Vail water and Sani- tation District ttelf No. 1, out of the Gore Creek alluvium, with adjudication date of December 31, 1973 and appropriation date of october 7, 1963, case No. wa2l57, 1981 Basin Rank 5943. Point of diversion: located in the t{l{1/4 NEL/4, Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. at a point whence the sW iorner of the lMf,/4 l{l^tll4 of said Section 8 bears South 84038r1lrr West, 2,7I9 feet. 0.198 c.f.s. decreed to Vail vlater and Sani- tation District welL No. 2, out of tlre Gore creek afluvium. with adjudication date of December 31, 1973 and appropriation date of ( 24. 25. 26. t 27. A-19 $lii {1,:i'H3:., idated Water District Water Division No. 5 ( ( 28. 29, 30. October 1, 1963, Case No. v1-2I67, 1981 Basin Rank 5942. Point of. diversion: in the Nrl]-/4 llwl/4 of Section B, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est, 5th P.}1. at a point whence the SW corner of the Nt/+ N.it/4 of said Section 8 bears South 82"34120rt West, 763 feet. 1.0 c.f.s. decreed to Vail Water and Sanita-tion District Spring and Pipeline-A out of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of May 31, L972, and appropriation date of October 10, L962, Civil Action 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5055. Point of diversion: at a point whence the l{W corner of, Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 lJest, 6th P.ltl. bears North 55018r30r' West, 7,045.1 feet. 0.31 c.f.s. decreed to Vail vlater and Sanita-tion District Spring and Pipeline-B, out of core creek, with adjudication date of May 31, 1972, and appropriation date of October 10, L962, Civi] Action No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5056. Point of diversion: at a point whence the t{W corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.tl. bears North 51"13r West, 7,176.7 feet. 0.31 c.f.s. decreed to Vail water and sanita-tion District Spring and Pipeline-C, out of core Creek, with adjudication date of May 31, t972, and appropriation date of October 10, 1962, Civil Action No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5056. Point of diversion: at a point whence the l{W corner of Section 7. Township 5 Sout}r, Range 80 West, 6th P.tft. bears North 60o13t West, 7,742,2 feet. III. Decreed Storage Riqhts: 1. O.OLO4Z acre ft. decreed to the Flening Storage Tank out of Sandstone Creek, a trj.bu- tary of Gore Creek, with adjudication of May-31 , t972, and appropriation d?t9 of october 9, 1942, Civil Action No. 1529, 1981 Basin nani soaz. Point of diversion: a Point whence the East guarter corner of Section 1, Township 5 South. Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., blars South 29"19 r30'r East a distance of 1,324.28 feet.L A-20 ( $:ii t:3'I333.'idated vlater District tdater Division No. 5 E.c.D.c. Reservoir, conditionally decreed ]']-2.O AF out of Black Gore creek' a tributaly of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of May 31 , Lg72 and with appropriation date of ila! 30, 1966, Civil Action No. 1529, 1981 ga-sin Rank 5084. The initial point of su:rrey of the high water line: at a point whence the Northeast corner of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th P.U- bears North l7o45r west, 5,75L feet. Iloyt Reserrroir, conditionally decreed 240.25 AF- out of Black Gore Creek, a tributary of Gore creek, with adjudication date of May 31, 1972 and with appropriation date of May 30,- 1966, Civil Acti-on No. 1529, 1981 Basin Rank 5084. The initial point of survey of the high water line: at a point of whence the North- east corner of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears Nortlr 24"431 liest, 13,011 feet. K.A.c. Resenroir, conditionally decreed 75.0 AF out of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 2?, L977 and appropriation date of September 2, 1977' Case No. W-3603. Dan located in the SE1l4 of the sEI/4, sec- tion 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 6th P.!1. Th-e reservoir outlet is located at a point whence the Southeast corner of said Section 12 bears South 55o00f East, 1,100 feet. ,lltill Creek Reservoir No. 1, conditionalLy decreed 1OO.O AF out of Mill Creek, a tribu- iary of core creek, with adjud.ication date of Decinber 27, Lg77 and appropriation date of September 2', !977, case llo. w-ge-04, 1981 Qasln nairf eSgS. The initial point of eu:rrey of the higher nater line is located at a point whence th6 forthvrest Corner of Section 10, Township 5 South, Range 80 Vlest of ttre 6tb P-It!. bears North 15oOOr l{est, 6'500 feet. llill Creek Resel:voir No. 2, conditional-lY d.iie"O 190.0 AF out of MitI Creek, a tribu-- iary of Gore creek, uith adjudication date of Sepiember 2, L977 a4d wlth appropriati-on -d-ates of- SeptemUet 2, L972, Case No. ht-3605, 1981 Basin-Rank 6585. The initial point of suwey 2. 3. 4. ( 5. 6. t A-21 c.". rO 8zcvt32g Vail Valley Consolidated l{ater District water Division No. 5 ( 7. of the high water line of the reservoir is located at a point whence the Northwest corner of Section I0, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 5th P.tl . bears North 28"00r West, 7,800 feet. Golf Course Reservoir No. 1, decreed 5.5 AF out of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 12, 1977 and with appropriation date of Septenber 2, L977, Case No. 1{-3606. Entire decrel made absolute in case No. 81cw282. The dam is located in the NEL/4 of the ltWl/4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 5th P.M. The reservoir outlet is located at a point whence the Northwest corner of said Secti-on 9 bears North 69000' West, 1,900 feet. Golf Course Reservoir No. 2, decreed 25.0 AF out of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of December 27, 1977 and with appropriation date of Septenber 2, ]-977, Case No- l{-3507. Entire decrei nade absolute in Case No. 81cw282. The darn is located in SwL/4 of swl/4 of Section 3, s1t/4 of SEL/4 of Section 4, NEl/4 of NE1/4 of seciion 9, ind Nw1/a of Nwl/4 of Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 80 tlest of the 6th P.Itt. The ieservoir outlet is located at a point whence the Northeast corner of said -section 9 bears North 38030r East, 100 feet. Red Sandstone Reservoir, conditionally decreed 160.0 AF out of Red Sandstone Creek, a tribu- iary of Gore Cre'ek, with adjudic.ation date of Dec6mber 30, L977 and appropriation date of October 15, 1977, Case No- w'3667' 1981' Ba-sin Rank 5589. The westerly end of the darn is located in Section 1, Township 5 South' Ranoe 81 West of the 6th P.lll. at a point wheice the Southeast cotner of said Section 1 bears South 13625'30il East, 1,810.2 feet. Black Gore creek Reservoir No. l, condition- iffv a""reed 112.0 AF out of Black Gore Creek, i-t'riUutary of Gore Creek, with adjudication date of Ddcernber 29, 1978 and appropriatlon date of December 20, 1978, Case No' Vl-40o3, igCi sisin Bank 6702. The east end of the dan is-iocated at a point South l7o45r East, 5,761 i.ei from the Northeast corner of Section 13, 8. ( 9. 10. ( A-22 ;:ii *.33'8333.'idated Water District water Division No. 5 ( ( 11. Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.!1. Black Gore Creek Resenroir No. 2, condition- a1ly decreed 116.0 AF out of Black Gore Creek,with adjudication date of December 29, L978 and appropriation date of December 20, 19?8, Case No. W-4003. 1981 Basin Rank 6702. The east end of the dam is located at a point South 22oL0t East, 11,340 feet fron the Northeast corner of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.Ii'!. Black Gore Creek Reservoir No. 3, condi-tionally decreed 241.0 AF out of Black Gore Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek, with adju- dication date of December 29, l97g and appro-priation date of Decenber 20, L978, Case No. W-4003, 1981 Basin Rank 6702. The North end of the dam is located at point South 84"30r East, 10,400 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 1, ?ownship 6 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.liJ. Indian Creek Resenroir, conditionally decreed 598.0 AF out of Indian Creek, tributary to Red Sandstone Creek, a tributary of Gore Creek,with adjudication date of December 29, 1978 and appropriation date of Decernber 2Q, 1978, Case No. w-4003, 1981 Basin Rank 6702. The t{est end of the dam is located at a point North 34o40r West, 14,500 feet fron the Northeast corner. of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.l,l. Red Sandstone Resenroir No. 2, conditionally decreed 50.0 AF out of Indian Creek and Red Sandstone Creek. a tributary of Gore Creek,with adjudication date of December 29, 1978 and with appropriation date of Decenber 20, t978, Case No. Vt-4003, 1981 Basin Rank 6702. The west end of the dam is located at a point North l5o15r West, 7,29O feet from the North- east corner of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 ldest of the 6th P.I{. Black Lake, conditionally decreed 100 AF out of Black Gore Creek, with adjudication date of November 12, L982 and appropriation date of December 20, l97g' Case No. W-4003. The west L2. 13. L4. t 15. A-23 ( $:ii f, 33'8333., idated Water District Water Division No. 5 end of the dam forming Black Lake is located at a point approximately 17 '42A feet South 59035t East of the NortheaEt corner of Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. 16. Black Lake No.2 conditionally decreed 113.6 AF out of Black Gore Creeli with adjudi- cation date of Novembet L2, L982 and appro- priation date of December 20' 1978; -Case ilo. W-4003. The west end of the dam forming BLack Lake No. 2 is located at a point aPprox- imately 15,160 feet South 66035' East of tbe Northelst corner of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 5th P.I'l' l?. Black take No. 2. First Enlargernent, condi- tionally decreed 278 AF out of Black Gore Creek witn aajudication date of Novenber 12, 1982 and appropriation date of Decenber 20, 1978; case'iio. eoOs. It is proposed to extend tbe dam described in paragraph 16 above 80 feet South and 100 feet North to create Black Lake No. 2, First Enlargenent. 18. Vail Val]ey Reservoir' a proPosed 5,500 AF reservoir wtricfr will be constructed in the drainage basin of Red Sandstone Creek with point -of impoundnent of water located in -section 35, township 4 South, Range 81 west of the 5th P.lr!. at a point whence the South 1/16 corner, a Bureau oi Land Management aluminum caP, comnon to Spction 5 of Town-ship 5. South, nairie 8o West of -the 5th P.!1. and Section 1 of rowiship 5 South, Range 81 west of the 6th P.M. beirs South 19006-135r' East, a distance of 7,4OO.29 feet. A decree was entered in Case No. 81CW353 on llarch 4, 19S5 awarding an appropriate date of October 29, 1981' IV. Undecreed Water Storaqe Rights gtd Structures: 1. Vail Valley Reservoir No. 2 proposeq 1,000 AF reservoir -wtricfr will be constructed in the Arainage-of Black Gore Creek within 0'75 uriles of the confluence of Black Gore Creek'and Miller Creek, which confluence is located, approxirnately, at 1 pgint - sgulh 31" East' f-S,roo feet-irom the- Northeast corner of ( t A-24 ( c""" n? 82cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 Section 13, Township 5 South. Range 80 West of the 5th P.M. StructuEes To Ee Aqgnnented: 1. B1ack Gore Infiltration Ga]lery (E.c.Dj!.- eorurfittee witer Svstem Point B). rn whence the vIL/4 corner of Section 18, Tovrnship 5 South, Range 79 west, 6th P.!'1. bears South 6l-a?l t west, l'264 feet-b. Maxinum Diversion: 3.0 c.f.s.c. Source: Bfack Gore Creek d. Use: All municiPal PurPoses e. Associated lrlater Rights*:(i) o.25 c.f.s. E.c.D.c. Gallery, Subsection II.7 above.(ii) 3.0 c.f.s. Hoyt Pipeline Subsection II.8 above, per Case No. 82CVi328.(iii) L2.O c.f.s. Gore Creek Water Author-ity Committee Water Systen Point B, Subsection II.23 above. 2. Biqhorn,/Gore vallev Pumphouse:of Section lS, Township 5 south, Range 79 west, 6th P-l'l . at a point 1.250 feet from tbe North Section line and 1,100 feet from the ttrest Section line.b. Irlaximun Diversion: 4-0 c.f.s. c. source: Gorc Creek d. Use: All municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*: 10. o c. f . s. conditional lllain Gore Irtunicipal Ditch and PiPeline, SubEection II.10 above, decreed in Case No. 82evl42 on llarch 6, 1985. 3. Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Treatnent Plant:ETlocation: See Subsection II.18 above. b. Maxinum Diversion: 15 c.f.s. c. Source: Gore Creek d. Use: A1l municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 4.63 c.f.s. absolute and 0.81 c.f.s. conditional , Subsection II.18 above' (ii) 1.51 c.f.s. conditional First Enlargenent, Subsection I I . L9 a'bove ' v. ( t A-25 ( c"". Nl szcw3zs Vail ValleY Consolidated water District water Division No. 5 (iii) Nunetous municipal rights Per 793wt24. See Table 1 below. Booth Creek Water Treatment Plelt Inlele: e. b. Maximum Diversion: 15 c.f.s.c. Source: Booth Creek d. Use: A11 municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 3.23 c.f.s. abiolute and 2.57 c'f's' conditional , Subsection II.17 above.(ii) Numerous nunicipal rights Per 79cwl24. See Tab1e 1 below. 5. Vail-ValleY ClnEolidated Well- No. Rl: a. r,ocatro@tion 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P't{'at a point approximalely I,-09,5 f-e-et from the sbuth sCCtion line and 1.256 feet fron the East section line.b. Maximun Diversion: 2.0 c.f.s.c. Source: Gore Creek alluvium d. Use: A11 rnuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated water Rights*: Numerous nuniciPal rights Per 79Cw724. See Table 1 below. Vaflev Consolidated Well Iq. nZ:tion 3, 4. ( 6.Vail a. ( Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 5th P.!l' at a p6int approximately 900 feet from the S6uth $ection line and 2'365 feet fron the wbst Section line of said Section 3.b. Maximun Diversion: 2-5 c.f-s. c. source: Gore Creeh Alluvium d. Use: A11 municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 2.5 c.f.s. of Hoyt Pipeline, Strb- section II.8 above, alternate point of diversion decreed under case No. 82CW281.(ii) Case No. 83Cw258 decreed this well as an alternate Point of diversion for the following rights: '1'6 c.f.s. of, Bighorn PiPeline, Sub- -section II.9 -above, O.25 c.f .s. of E.C.D.c. Gallery, Subsection II '7 above . 2-59 c.f .s. of Bootlt Creek areatnent Pl'ant Intake, A-26 ( 7.Vait Vallev Consolidated Vlell No. R3: case NP82cw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Vlater District t{ater Division No. 5 Subsection II.17 above. 4.53 c.f.s. of Gore Creek lDtake for Booth Creek water Treatnent Plant, Subsec- tion II.18, above. 2,080 feet. Uaxinun diversion: 2-0 c.f.s. Source: Gore Creek Alluvium Use AII nuniciPal PurPoses Associated water rights*: Sane as Well No. R3, Subsection V.7 above. Vallev Consofidated WelL Nc. R5: eq "i+iq ioo-foot radiui from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek nhence the NVI corner of Section lo. Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6tlt P.M. bears North 77o30r llest' 800 feet. ( ed within 100-foot radiui from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the NE corner of Section 8, Township 5 South' Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears North 50030' East. 2,680 feet.b. Maximun Diversiont 2.0 c.f-s-c. Source: Gore Creek Alluvium d. Use: All municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 0.478 c.f,.s. collectively decreed to VaiI Vil]age West Wells No. 3, 4, 5, subsectioni rt. 3-5 above, Per this application.(ii) a-.154 c.f.s. collectively decreed to vail t{ater and Sanitation Distrlct t'lells No. L and 2, Subsections II. 24-2? above, Per tbis aPPlication.(iii) 1.62 c.f.s. collectively decreed. to Vail t'rater and Sanitation District Spring and PiPelines A, B, and c, Subsections II. 28-30 above, Per this aPP1ication. 8. vail valleY CoLsglidate{ w,ell No. R4:a. f,ocatr ed within 100-foot radiui from a point on the right bank of Gore creek whence the NW corner of Section 9, TownshiP 5 South, Range 80 t{est, 5th P.}t. bears North 73o l{est' b. c. d. e. 9. ( VaiI A-27 case O szcw32s Vail Valley Consolidated Water District water Division No. 5 r \ b. lrlaximum Diversionz 2.0 c.f.s.c. source: Gore Creek Alluvium d. Use: AII nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*: Same as Well No. R3, Subsection V.7 above 10. Vail Vallev Consol.idated well No. R6: ed within l0o-foot radiui fron a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the SW corner of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est, 6th P.}t. bears South 59010r West, 2,530 feet.b. ltaximun Diversion: 2.0 c. f . s.c. source: Gore Creek Alluvium d. Use: AII nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*: Sarne as l{ell No. R3, Subsection V.7 above. 11. Vail GoIf Course Ditch. @of diversion located on Gore Creek -in the SWL/4 of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West' 6th P.Itl- | f t 9 noint within 200 feet of a point I t 3lu':,;t H:Y"::?'?,?'ff"'n :ff'3::.lll"]ine of said Section 3 -b. tlaximum Diversion: 3.0 c.f.s.c. Source: Gore Creek d. Use: Irrigation e. Associated Water Rights: Nunerous municipal $tater rights Der 79CwL24- See Table 1 below. 12. Gore Creek water Treaqnent.?lant-I9gak9: a. ---EoEEti-on: See Subsectlon I I .15 aDove. b. llaximun Diversion: 15 c.f.s. c. Source: Gore Creek d. Use: Al1 nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 1.90 c-f.s. absol'ute Subsection II.15 above.(ii) Numerous municipal rights per 79CllI24. See Tab]e 1 below. 13. Gotden Pgk Snownaki+o.:@section rr.16 above. b. Uaximum Diversion: 1.34'c.f.s. c. Source: Mill Creek (\ A-28 ( c""u Hle zcw3zl Vail Va]ley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 ffion II.6 above. Uaximum Diversion: 0.55 c.f.s.source: Gore Creek alluviun Use: AII nrunicipal PurPoses Associated Water Rights*: 0.55 c.f.s., Subsection II.5 above. d. Use: Snowmaking e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) L.34 c.f.s., Subsection II-15 above. ( ii ) Nurnerous rnunicipal rights per 79CWL24. See Table 1 below. ]1. Vail Villaqe vlest Wef I No. l:a. Location: See Subsectron II.]' aDove. b. Maximurn Diversion: 0.256 c.f.s. c. source: Gore Creek alluvium d. Use: A11 municiPal PurPoses e. Associated water Rights*: 0.256 c.f.s., Subsection II.1 above. ( 15.Vail a. b. c. d. e. 16.Vail t7.Vail a.ffitre NE1,z4 sw1,/4 of section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 west, 5th P.14. at a point 3,035 feet from the North Section fine and 1,436 feet frorn the west section line.b. Maxinum Diversion: 0.556 c.f.s.c. Source: Gore Creek alluviun d. Use: All nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*: 0.556 c.f.s. as alternate Point of diversion for Vail Village West Wells Nos. 1-5, Subsections II.l.-6 above, Per case No. W-2564-78. Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 lrfest, 5th P.M. at a point 3,A44 feet from the North Section line and 1,750 feet from the West Section line.b. Irlaxinun Diversionz 0.267 c-f.s.c. sourcei Gore Creek alluviun d. Use: All nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:, 0.267 c.f.s as-an alternate point of diversion for Vail Village tfest a.ffiem1,z4 sttll/4of t A-29 ( t case xl82cw328 VaiI Valley consolidated llater District llater Division No. 5 Wells Nos. 1-5, Sections II.1-6 above, per Case No. W-2664-78. Vail Internountain Well No. 2:SvtI/4 of Sec- tion 14, ?ownship 5 South' Range 81 west, 6th P.lu. at a point 1,42a feet fron the South Section iine and 190 feet fron the ttest Section line of said Section 14. 18. b. c. d. e. Itlaxirnum Diversion: 0.2 e. f . s source: Gore Creek alluvium Use: All municipal PurPoses Associated l{ater Rights*:0.2 c.f.s. as an alternate Point of diversion per case No. ll-1970 of 0.5 c.f .s. -of the Ruder No. 2 Ditch, decreed a total of L.26 c.f.s. out of Gore Creek, PrioritY No. 389,with an adjudication date of octo- ber 3, L936 and aPProPriation date of June 1, 1900, Civil Action No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2757. (19.Vail Intermountain 9Je11 No. 4 also known as n the SEL/4 Wtt/4 of Sec- 20. tion 14, TownshiP 5 South, Range 81 West, 6th P.M. at a point 2'7OO feet from the North section line and 1,750 feet frorn the West Section line. b. tltaximum Diversion: 0.5 c.f.s. c. Source: Goge Creek alluvium d. User All nuniciPal PurPoses e. Associated water Rights*: 0.5 c.f's. as an alternate Point of, diversion Per Case No. 79Cw220 for 0.5 c.f.s.-of the Ruder No. 2 Ditch' decreed a total of l-26 c.f.s. out of Gore Creek, Priority No. 389' with adjudication date of October 3, 1936 and aPProPriation date of June 1, 1900. civil Action No. 963, 1981 Basin Rank 2757. Tourist Tr?P SDrinq:a. Locatton: SG subsection II.13 above. b. Maxirnum Diversion: 0. 133 c- f,. B - c. source: Gore Creek alluviun. d. Use: AIl municiPal PurPoses t A-30 ( ;:ii $;$T:i:",idated water District Water Division No. 5 e. Associated water Rights*:(i) 0.133 c.f.s., Subsection II.13 above.(ii) Numerous municipal rights per 79CWL24. See Table 1 below. Town of Vail Sprins Taps:ffiection rr.14 above. b. llaxinum Diversion: 0.78 c.f.s.c. Source: Gore Creek alfuviultt.d. Use: A11 municipal purPoses e. Associated Water Rights*:(i) 0.78 c.f.s, Subsection II.14 above.(ii) Numerous rnunicipal rights per 79CWI24. See Ta.ble 1 below. Loq Chute Purnp Station:ffisection rl.2o above.b. Maxinum Diversion: 0.09 c.f.s- c. Sourcer MiIl Creek d. Use: A11 municipal PurPoses e. Associ.ated Water Rights*r (i) 0.09 c.f.s, Subsection.II.20 above.(ii I Nunerous nrunicipal rights per 79CW124. See Table I below. Nunber 245 Punphouse and Pond:II.21 above. b. I'laxinum Diversion: 1.78 c.f.s. c. Source: MiI} Creek d. Use: A11 municiPal PurPoses e. Associated lrater Rights*:(i) 1.78 c.'f .s., conditional, Subsec-tion II.21 above'(ii1 Nunerous rnunicipal rights per 79CVll24. See Table 1 below. ( 2L. 22. 23. 24.Plow Sprins:El---GEon: see subsection 11.22 b. tlaxinrr:rn Diversion: 0.178 c.f.s-c. Source: ltlill. Creek d. Use: A1l. municiPal PurPoses e. Associated Water Rights*: above. 0. 165 (i) 0.013 c.f.s., absolute and c.f.s., conditional , Subsection lI.22 above. ( ii ) Nunerous nunicipal rig-hts Per 79gttl24. See ?able '1 below. t A-31 """" olr 2cw328 Vail Val,ley Consolidated water District Water Pivision No. 5 ( 25' X?" i:::ii:*:= ?f"sr?t?"ah ?i'E':'*+"3,1't?'" lt., 6th P.M. at a Point located as foilows: Commencing-at the NW corner of said Section 7' thence South 1018' East, a distance of 843 feet-b. Maximum Diversionz 4.5 c'f's' c. Source: Gore Creek d. Use: Snowmaking e. Associated Water Rights*: 4.5 c.f.s. of HoYt PiPeline, -Subsection II.8. above, Per thls application. *The itassociated water rights" schedufed in this subsection aie-runicipal water righti associated with these structures. itrese strultures -iie aiso capable of being augimented Pfi th" Eo"""rpti.,r. use Jvailable td tfre irrigation water rights described in section I- above. ( ( \ A-32 ( Case No. 82Cw328 Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Water Division No. 5 TASLE 1 rights divertible at alternate points of cases No. 79CW124 and w-2256 by priority. Amount (c.f .s. ) . 0.32 2.50 2.25 4.O4 0.59 . 0.59 1.33 0.25 1 .50 1.00 J.40 f 1.00 \ 4.40 0.50 I .00 2.O0 2.OO 0.0892 0.01042 AF o.25 Water diversion under Case No. 79cwl24 1.0.00 1 .60 4. 00 10.00 112.00 240.25 2.22 **Webb Ditch **Mcl'lonag1e Ditch **Bryant Lower Ditch **Buffehr & Rose Ditch **Rose Ditch **Rose Ditch **Rose Ditch **Bryant Lower Ditch 't*Kiahtipes No. 1 Ditch 't*Kiahtipes No. 2 Ditch *'tXiahtipes No. 3 Ditch ,t*Kiahtipes No. 6 Ditch **Black Gore Ditch **Webb Ditch **Main Gore Ditch *rtEdward Ditch **Mike Ditch *Fleming Spring and Pipeline Fleninq Storage Tank *E.C.D.C. Gallery (Black Gore Infiltra-tion Gallery, GWACWS Pt.B)*Eoyt Pipeline *Bighorn Pipeline (GWACVTS Pr. C)*Bighorn Fish Pond Ditch *Main Gore !!un. Ditch and Pipeline E.C.D.C. Resenroir Hoyt Resenroir *Red Sandstone Gallery (G\ndAcr{s Pt. A) 1981 Basin Rank Name 847 1666 1967 2774 2779 2784 2784 2S2t 3299 3299 3299 3299 3306 3307 4183 4442 4443 5047 5047 AF AF 5057 5057 5057 5057 5057 5084 5084 5273 ( A-33 - C c"". rl Bzcw3zl VaiI Valley Consolidated Water District water Division No. 5 1981 Basin Rank Case No. W-2256 Anount (c.f .s. ) 2 .00 1 .28 2 .30 1.20 2.40 l.2a L.20 0.50 0.80 0.50 2.80 3 .30 2.00 2.02 3.00 1.00 2.70 6.20 4.2A Name **Mann Ditch **Webb Ditch **Larzalere Ditch **F. Larzalere Ditch **Scovill.e Ditch **Sawmill. Ditch **Shively Ditch **Sandstone Ditch *rPark Ditch **spraddle Ditch **Xatsos Ditch **Katsos No. 2 Ditch **Spraddle No. 2 Ditch **Vfebb Ditch **Sawmill Ditch **F. Larzalere Ditch **Sandstone Ditch **Larzal.ere Ditch **!Iann Ditch 735 8.47 850 851 853 854 854 2358 2359 2360 3299 3299 3300 3307 3444 3634 3836 3903 4185 (*These water rights were decreed in case No. 79Cwl24 to alternate points of diversion at t}re following struc-tures: Booth Creek l{ater lreatrnent Plant fntake, Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek water Treatment Plant, Vail Valley Consolidated Well No. Rl, Vail Golf Course Ditch, core Creek t{ater Treatment Plant Intake, Golden Peak Snowrnaking, Tourist Trap Spring, Town of Vail SPring Taps, tog Chute Pump Station, Nuriber 245 Pumphouse and Pond, and PIow Spring. the E.C.D.C. Ga1lery, Eoyt Pipeline, and Bighorn Fish Pond Ditch water rights nay continue to be diverted at their original points of diversion and the above listed points of diversion pursuant to the decree entered herein. The Flenring. spring and Pipeline, Bighorn Pipeline, Uain Gore Uunici-pal Ditch and Pipeline, and Red Sandstone Gallery water rights may eontinue to be diverted at the alternate points of-diversion but not at their original points of diversion pursuant to Paragraph 5 of this decree. **So.Iong as this decree is effective, the applicant will use th6se ltater rights only as consumptivC use credits to be diverted and- stored as describe-d in Paragraph 8 herein. If this decree is not in effect for sorne reason, the Applicant reserves its right to divert rater as decreed iri-Case No6. 79ca[24 and F-ZZSA or as subse- quently decreed by a court of competent jurisdiction' \ A-34 \Cr:r fe-.,- Clc_..1 7 5 Sortb Frontagc Road Vtil, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9 -2 1 0 t / FAX 1 0 t -47 9 -2 1 t7 Office of tbe Toun Manager March 25, 1991 Mr. Warren M. Garbe, General Manager Upper Eagle Valley Consoljdated Sanitat'i on District and Vai1 Va1ley Consoljdated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, C0 81657 Re: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Vai l Val i ey Consol j dated lJater Di stri ct Town of VaiI - Road Cut Permits and Tap Fee Waivers Dear Warren: Since we were both interested in some pending projects which needed to be resolved a couple of months ago, I beijeve we informed Fred Haslee that the agreements between the Town and the Sanitation and Water 0istricts were acceptable and would be executed. S'i nce that time, the agreements have been fully executed, and two copies are enclosed for your files. In response to Jim Collins' request jn his letter dated January 30, 1991, the Town of Vail is happy to waive the street cut permit fees of $1,100 due from the Vajl Valley District and $250 due from the Upper Eagle Va1 1ey Consolidated Sanitation District. Pete Burnett will be in touch with Fred Haslee if any further paperwork or correspondence is necessary to accomolish this. I hope that you are getting settled in the val 1ey and in your job, and would like to get together with you for lunch after the end of ski season.I will give you a call in the next few weeks to get something scheduled. I would also like to apologize for the length of time it has taken to get these returned to you, but I am certainly encouraged that the Districts and the Town of Vail are entering into this type of agreement again and working closely together. Please Iet me know if have any questions concerning these agreements. I will be glad to d'i scuss the history with you when we get together. Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager RVP/sas Encl os ure cc: Kristan Pritz Pete Burnett Gary Murrai n Martha Jensen rl o o I I Cor-r,rxs AlrD Cocrnnl, P.c. "ou' "..oJ".f arroRNEys ar Law rfMorHyJ. BEAToN DENVER. coLoRADo eo22a .h*Y RoBERrG.coLE nl _.r lw- lil)a. 'AULC.RUFIEN January 30, 199i- YlYr,rrrrnm cAMERoNw'wLER l'uYl' W tr-'^*'=;;ffI v. nn*rip' ffifwr''Town Manager rown or vail W4 "CO 75 South Frontage Road t--vail, co 8t657 JeneS p. COt Ltt6 39O UNION BOULEVARD. SUITE 4OO riri -'!) TELEPHONE t3031 986-t551 WATS {800) 354-5941 TELEFAX 1303) 9e6-t 755 Re: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District vail valley Consolidated Water District Town of Vail- - Road cut Permits and Tap Fee Waivers Dear Ron: we look forward to knowing of the acceptability of the agreement among the three entities transrnitted to you December 2L, 1-990, a).ong with $37,700 in reinbursed water and sewer tap perrnits. Enclosed is a copy of a request from Todd oppenheimer of the town for additional tap fee waivers. We anticipate a granting of that request when the contract is ful1y executed. Finbl{, \tXere\j.4 Ronfflg-q3e<t ion fees billed by the Town of Vail in cut from from the ofa JPC;dec Enclosure cc: Warren M. Garbe Nancy D. Glenn Becky Bultemeier, Frederick Haslee of sorne outstanding road the amount of $l-,100 due District and $250.00 due Sanitati-on District. In we receive consideration the Vail Va11ey Consolidated Water the Upper Eagle Va11ey Consolidated spirit of overall cooperation, could waiver of those outstandinq fees? We look forward to hearing frorn you. Sincerely, c. P.A. NEC'D FEB t 1991 PAUL R. COCKREL JAT'ES P. COLLINS TIMOTHY J. BEATON aEcoDEc 2 71990 ROBERT G. COLE PAUL C- RUFIEN CAMERON w' TYLER Rondall V. Phillips Town Manager Torrn of Vail ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado AL657 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3'O UNION EOULEVAFD. SUITE 'OO DENVER. COLORADO AO22A December 21 , L99O TELEPHOI{E (Eo3t 086-t55t WATS taoot 35a-5eal TELEFAX 1303,0aG-t755 Re: Agreements Among Town of VaiI , Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and Vail Va11ey Consolidated Water District Dear Ron: Enclosed is the Vail valley Consolidated Water District Tap Fee Reirnbursement of $23,200; the Upper Eagle valley Consolidated Sanitation Distrl-ct Tap Fee Reirnbursement of $l-4,500t and three original Agreements anong the three Entities executed by the Sanitation District and the Water District -- all pursuant to our discussions of last nonth. Please let ne knortr if there are any the Torrrn conslder the Agreenents and, if executed copies to us. questions. Please have acceptable, return two Best wishes for the holidav season. Sincerely, CoLLINS AND COCKREL, P.C. Janes P. Collins Attorney for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (DTCTATED BUT NOT READ) JPC: le Enclosures ce: Nancy D. Glenn ({enc.) Beclqr Bulteneier' C.P.A. (w/enc.)Walter Kirch ({enc.) Ednund H. Drager, Jr., 8sg. (wrlenc.) a.t"ro*s .o.ND c ocrnn",Q.c. mfrooEc 2 rpql AGREEMENT Anong TOWN OF VAIL, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT VATL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WAAER DTSTRICT THrs TNTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREET{ENT is nade and entered into this day ot , L990, by and betneen the TOWN oF vArL' a colorado nuni-bipat corporation (-trre Town'), the uppER EAGLE VALLEY coNsoLrDATED sANrrATroN DtsrRrcr, a cororado quasi-rnunicipal corporation (/sanitation District') and the vArL vALUEy coNsoLrDATED WATER DrsrRrcr. a colorado quasi-municipal corporation ('Water District'). RSCITALS L. Tlre Tolrn, the water oistrict and the sanitation District wish to contract together to provide for the waiver of certain fees between the Town and the Districts. 2. This rntergovernraentar Agreement is authorized pursuant to secti.on L8, Articre Xrv of the colorado constitution and'section 29-L-2OL, efi seq., C.R.S. Now THEREFOFE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,conditions and promi-ses contai-ned herein, the parti_es hereby agrei as follows: 1. The Town sharr waive during the term of this Agreenent,for the water District and sanitatioi District, the folfoiing reei and costs: A. B. c. D, E. F. G. H. I. J. Street cuts. Recreation arnenities. Clean up, Building perrnit. Electrical pernit. Mechanical per:mit. Plunbing pernit. Design Review Board. Sign application. Planning and Environmental 1 Coronission application. : 2, The Water District and Sanitation District agree to pay the Town's direct expenses t,o third parties for al-l ptan revi6w3 as per section 304(c) of the u.B.c. and will cornply with chapter 3 of the U.B.C. for application for a permit. 3. The water District and sanitation District shalt waive all tap fees for pubric restroorns, park landscaping and drinking fountains on Town of Vail property. These tap teei shall includ6 irrigation tap fees, sewer tap fees and water tap fees. 4. The Town of Vail aglrees to apply to the Water and sanitation Distr.icts for necessary taps and comply with service rine inspections and meter installation. rhe r6wi of vaiL also ag'rees to pay monthly water and sewer servj_ce fees. 5. lermination Unless sooner terninated as provided for herein, this Agreement sharr be effective January 1, L991 and shall terminate December 31, L993. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, either party with or without cause rnay t6rrninate t'tris i,ireernent upon the givingr of one hundred eighty irso) days prior riritten notice of such termination to the other respective p-rties. Notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the maj-ling of said notice by united states certified first class rnai1, postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the respective addresses as shatl appear herein or upon.a change of address pursuant to this notice provision. rt is the intent of the respective parties that this Agreernent shall be renewed for additional periods following the end. of tne initial period, and unless one of the parties gives notice to the other parties at least one hundred eighty (rB0) days prior to the end of the initial period that such party desiris -to terminate this Agreernent or !o renegotiate the terns, thi.s Agreement sharr be autornatically extended for an additional period of 2 years each not to exceed a total of two (2) such extensions. 6. This Agreernent does not and shalr not be d.eerned to confer upon a grant to any third party any right to claim damages or to bring any lawsuit, action or other procLedings against either the Town or the Districts because of any breech hereof or because of any terrns, covenants, agrreements or conditions contained herein. 7. No rnodification or waiver of this Agreement or of any convening condition or provision herein contaiied shalL be vali-cl unress in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged. 8. This written Agreenent embodies the vrhole Agreernent between the parties and there are no j.nducernents, promise=l t"t ",conditions, or other obrigations rnad.e or entered'irito eith"i ly tt"Town or the Districts other than those contained herein. L0. The Town has represented to the Districts and likewise,the Districts have represented to the Town that they possess the legal abirity to enter into tlris Agreement. rn the event that a court of coupetent jurisdiction deternines that any of the parties hereto did not possess the regal ability to enter intb this Agreement, this Agreement shall be considefed null- and void as of the date of such court detemination. IN WfTNESS I|HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. 9. This Agreement parties, their successors anyone vithout ttre prior hereto. TOWN OF VATL VALLEY strall be binding upon the respective or assigns, and nay not be assigned by wrj-tten consent of the other parties UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANT"A?ION DTSTRIC" By VAI WATER DISTRICT L: v. CONSOLIDATED 3 [ _r. li 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 8't657 (3031 4792138 (303) 479-A3e October 31, 1990 ollice ol community developnant I Mr. Jerry Bender water operations Director Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Landscaping at Vail well, intersection of South Frontage Road and Aspen Road Dear Jerry: Thank you very nuch for reseeding tlre area -at the chlorination faciltf at the above location. We also appreciate the rrno parking'l signs. Ken Hughey, Chlef of Police in Vail , has agreed to ticket violatois, but infotns me that he cannot tow any vehicles, as tlrey would be on private property. The Police Department can tor vehicles nhich are on public property. Mr. Hughey will call you and explain this further to you. once again, we appreciate your responsiveness on this issue! Please call ne if you have any further guestions at 479- 2L38. sincerely, e6K"/-J BetsY:fRosol-ack : 'Planning Technician b UppeR Elcle Vlllev WATE R AND SANITATION D ISTR ICTS 846 FOREST ROAD ' VAIL, COLORADO 8I557 {30 3) 476 7480 nrC?SEp11p90 September 10, 1990 .r V-^ '/ xn rul- h Y)Wt l\,hd -y . ^ttA1 t#',',7t <II IIN'u r /)ilu/ lb. I$istan Pritz Y{ Director of Cmrnity Dewloprt Tcrn of Vail 75 South Frqrtqe Road Vail, Colorado 8155? Re: Lardscape Seedirg at Vail IGU Dear lcistan: Tbe Vail Valley Crcolldated glater District tta6 reseeded the area of ir{pact at the chJ.orfuntiqr facility for Vail t€Il R1 located at t}te entrance to Vail Village, 11th Filing, qr Asrpen l-ane, qr three separette occasiors in sqe areas. After the rct recent reseeding, the District tras instatl.ed "No Parking" slgns ard narklrg EDsts to assist in ntntnizirg dmage durirg smor rrencnral . In orrler to reduce fr:rther datnage caused by urnuthorized parking, the District wishes to enllst the Tcrnrrs aseistance ln tlcletirg ard rerErring suctr rrctriclee since the District tras no jurisdictidr in tlris natter. Your cwtte ard enforcsrt of parkirg restrictisrs r€uld be grreatly atrpreciated. Sincerely, krLJ^^Jerry Berder Water Operatlqs Di:rector JB:sk cc: Ror Phillips Betsy Rogefach Ed Drager o .7 \ ll paRTrcrparruG orsrRrcrs - ARRowHEAD METRo wArER . avoN MErRo wATER . BEAVEFT CREEK METRo rvATEFI . BERR.u cREEK METRo warE. /i;;'\\ a\ EAGLE VA'L MErRo w"""' '"'"'f,;Lll:::::::,;iiffJ:TH:?:l'-H: ;:':ffff;:: "aLLE.. coNsoL'oArED saN'ra'oN @ UppeR Elelg Vl WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 845 FOREST FOID . VArL. COL0FA00 81557 i303r 476 7480 066ltrtrdlsl:u September 10, 1990 lib. lGistan hitz Director of Cm:rrity Devefognent Toyn of ValJ. 75 Souttr FrdltagE Road Vail., Colorado 81657 Re: f,arrilscape Seedirg at Vail Well Dear lGistarr: the Vail Valley Crcolidated lbter Diatrict has neseeded the area of iteact at the cilorination facility for Vail I€11 Rl located at the entrance to Vail Village, llth Fllirg, on Aspen Lane, qr tnree separate occasiqts in scre areas. After the nost recent reseedirg, the District has instal.led "No Parkiqg" signs arrt mrking trnsts to assist in rnininizirg danage dqring snor rellorral. rn orrder to reduce firrtber darEge canrsed by unauthorized parking, the District wishes to enJ,ist ttre Tqln's assistance in ticketirg arrt renovirg srrctr vetricJ.es since the District has no jr.rrisdiction in this natter. Your cornents arrc enforcenpnt of parkirg restrictiqts rmuld be gneatly al4reciated. Sincerely, kr /L'c^ Jerry Bemder I{ater OlErations Director JB:sk cc: Ron PhiU.iF6 Betsy Ro6elactt Ed Dragier o LLEY o ./ l\\ PAttlctpATlN. Drslt rcrs - aRRowHEA' METFo WATER . avoN METRo wA rER . BEAVER cREEK MErRo warER . BERR' :REEK METRo wATER ,4;;\ O\ EAGLE va'L MErRo warER ' ED*""::,:;:,*1)::::;::..'fi:lffl?""x';:fii'^,::;Tff:::""*'" coNsoL'|DA'Eo saN'|ra.oN @ a F[[.E COPV luwn 75 south hontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47!r-2138 (303) 47!r-2139 Aug'ust 7, 1990 olfice ol communlty development Mr. Ed Drager Eagle vatley Consolidated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 8L657 RE: Reseeding entrance to Vait Village llth Filing. Dear Ed: In May of t-988, the water oistrict asked to build an R well pump buildlng at the entrance to Vail Village lLth Filing on Aspen Lane and the South Frontage Road. one condition of approval was that disturbed areas be revegetated with natural grasses. ft has become apparent that the site needs to be revegetated. construction trucks have also parked on the property and have darnaged the site. The Town of vail vrould like to reguest that the area be reseeded and rocks be placed along the roadway so that construction trucks cannot park in the area. Please let rne know how and when this concern could be addressed. Thank you for your assistance. Please give rue a caLl at 479-2L38 if you have guestions. Sincerely, BR/pp o 7 Project APPlicatlon - zr, , ro,,*. sf,t[*e projectName: \rlr/{i:-"{. },S.Ip,<r ',}.., nA,,''s'+ -i\ . ttA --+- Contact Person and enone UAJ€- l'1'b1T- Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing . Zone - l. tl ,t ,- comments. \ tArt-_ V&:*<.r: llt r1 Y, t-t JC- Design Review Board Date Motion by:5rr":if Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: PRAJECT, DATE SUEMITTED:- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: 0ate frot tS)* u"'.r, 7 lu, ,'., 't) t '"t.t fio ", /F- P*^t, fo \^'LF , C8 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT | / ) /t,, -.U"/ f7 l b/,L.J"<P/ /z-\ L l") U7/L//'l ; 6 |l*rn 0 /./ t/// t6Lv,c€S Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATIoN oEPARTI,,IENT Reviewed by: Comnents: \ Date )1 .| *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING; A pre-appljcation meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determihb it any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it js complete (must include all jtems required by the zoning adm'injstrator).It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submjtta.l requirements. Please note that a CoMPLETE applica- tion wi'l I streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreas'ing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL cond'it'ions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. ' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0N: C1. Iniection Vault fot ve11 R-7 APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB IIEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addt"ESS Interstaqs 70-and Aspe! I,ane Legal Description te'l ephone Zon i ng C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Vail Va11ey Consolidated Warer District _ AddreSs 846 Forest Road Vai1. Colorado 8f657 telephone 476-7 L8o D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: David Morr. General Manager \ Addres s same as Aonf icant E. NAME 0F 0WNERS: Edrnund Draeer. Chairman of the Board (VVCWD) 846 Forest Road. Vai1. CO 816s 7 ' Interstate 70 Right-of*Way, west of Mile marker Lot Block - Fjfing #rtg. tel ephone L7 6-7 Lp,O S'i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee wjl1 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $25.00 $5o,oo1 -$ 15o,ooo $so.oo $150,001 -$ 500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00 $ Over $1,000,000 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'ite to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEI,J EUILDINGS rvill normaliy involve b.ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so,plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fai l to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wilI be required to be republ i shed. \ 4. The fo] low'ing items no longer have.to be presented to the Desiqn Review Eoard' ii;;y,-h;;;r"i, niu" io U" p"utunted io the Zoning Administratoi for approval: a. Windows, sky.l .ights and similar exterior changes that do not a]ter the existing plane of the building; and b. Buitding additions that are not viewed floqr lny other lot or pub119:11:.' which hive had letters submitted from adjo'ining property owners approvlng the additionl and/or approval from the aient f6r', or manager of a condominium associ ation. 5. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED NEl.I CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing 1. Licensed surveyor's stamP. I I. 5. 7. cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer gas water e l ectri c c. Property ljnes showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa))s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availabi'lity. To be submitted with site plan. C. Prefiminary title report to accompany all submjttals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (L" = 2O' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Shovl the location of 4" diameter or.iarger trees, other shiubs,-and-iia'iive plants th are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape area.s wittr- -- - the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materi als to be planted. I' 2. Complete landscape materjals list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show iot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB s'ite visit. o the foliowing (2 copies): 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcei consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals wi'l I be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4' or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other s'ignificant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable.- Ties to ex'isting benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing s'ize and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include exist'ing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: ' . E. Architecturai Plans (1/8" = l' or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on colpletion. Elevat'ions must show both existing and fjnished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list avajlable from the Department of Comnrunity 0evelop- rnenf,. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting' F. The Zoning Adm'inistrator and/or DRB may require the submjssjon of additional plans' drawings, specifications, samples and other,material (including a model) if deemed necessary tb determine whether a project wi1l comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide al'l important spec'i fications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan show'ing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and col-or samples on materials ljst available at Deparfinent of Cornrnun'i ty Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be requ'i red to submit: G. Statement from each utifity verify'i ng Iocation of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by reg'i stered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary tit'le report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building pernrit has been issued, and when the project is undervay, the following will be required before any buiiding receives a framing inspect'ion from the Building Department: A certified jmprovement survey showing: A. Building locations with tjes to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Build'i ng dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. AlI utility service lines as-builts showing sjze of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies 0. 0rainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 I property pins are to be e'ither found or set and stated on map. G. AlI easements H. Bujlding floor el evations and roof ridge elevations. \ DATE : 1_3_l-p.dt_t9_B!__ LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: Lot ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRiCTS Bl ock Filing ADDRESS: OI.lNER Vai l Vel l cy Cnnsol i dal-ed wa ter hi <r ll0ne--Z:O::.agO-Dnn r^^ I'nOne /,-7a aat.^ARCHITECT Bnn, r"c - Phone 4t6-bTt'O ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED LOT SIZE USE Lrarer Hei ght TotaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta'i ning !r'la11 Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechan'i cai Ai rl ock Storage So'l ai" Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hazards : Sl ope Al I ovred (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) ( 3oo ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) (50)(ioo) (25) (50) (2oo)(4oo) +tt / foot SloPe Actual Ava'l anche None Propos ed Q=gi__ I q5 195 z-0-' - 1)Ol lqq cq ft. pi el d rO, 000 2 I" / foot Flood Plain None 307 Wetl ands None Geologic Hazards None Comments : Zon ing: Approved/Di sapproved Date: Staff Signature LIST OF MATERIALS tn*, oi PR0JECT: R-1 well House DESCRIPTION OF PR : C1^ f q.jection Vault f;?-Tef 1 Rl LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: I-zo-r-11.w1-- west E-TifE-Ti'i.' +fr- The follorv'i ng'information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the gesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR .^tl .l - G{h^"rI {|<ttteST-Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues h lasnl ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other None Rubber Membrane - Flat Black Concrete Lieht Brown Galvanized None None Me ta1 Brown None N0ne None None None None B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Nonb RBD Inc . 416-6340 Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXiSTING TREES TO BE REIqOVED None for conifers. ' (over) Me tal *Indicate calioer for deciducious trees.Indicate height . PLANT I'IATERIALS:.. (con't) cuDr ra< Botanical Name Nonp Common Name Size EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVID GROUND COVERS Nen^ Type NOne Square Footaqe s0D SEED ?O-OOn srl ft. TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining lval'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. UTILITY LOCAT1ON VERIFICATION SUB D IVI SION JOB LOT 1Ho BLOCK FILING ADDRESS I-70 R.0.W. - West of Mile Marker The location Lines, must acconpany ing of utiLities, whether they be approved and verified by be nain trunk the following #L7 9 lines or proposeC utilities for the citp nl rn Mountain Bel I 1-634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company . Gary Hal l Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Va i'l Cabl e T .V . Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitat'ion 0iscrict David Krenek Date 14Lsr u tv-ft t/-z y- {B *For new con: +/tt/rmlease fill or atiached shee +- /J-st Authori Sionature dhrvl ,A,74_ \LW NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsi"bility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Tor"n of VaiL , Departrnent of Publ ic ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging r.n any public right- of-way or easenent in the To sn of Vail. .A. building pernrit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained sep arately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. This. should be used in conjunction with prepering your utility plan and scheduling instaLlations. t L_l pll L_l --I trn! {o ID m Iq l-o t-,, h E l<x f l! :l t lm: 6 l9q ;1 l;: s l$H I 13: e l=e i i5 o.<4o-dE a!l ttO ctt >t 3g mt 'n T m = 3rq m :-_ (- --o ;i7't-o o z o {F F c) o z T m F =-{ -n! z=oqt \2 ^_r.,z q)z =q mt lr lol 13o l;- o l'- < lNn | 'Tl il xm f -{o TD m x m !i o z <-o (!g -{m c c_l (.-, c.i c:l n o -r m (_ z IT I { trl r-' l- t-m r 2.\ \.1 V m '.l' z z --t o I o t- = m I =r Za vz.>m oxl --{ >or-7 'Tl t-z F a trt lz lr t= le" a i r. F Ul I -J 5. l-r l=lz lo l-rl l<t> lF lm lc_, l6 o f *lg lo t; lF l!lm P lz lo I I I l-{ E lz le l<t> lF lrt lfl lz l-r to l€ lz lo l'r1 I<t> lF l!tm F'lz T z { F r-l H c) H z l-{ l{ lz t:t> t;lm lo f lz lo I I l-lH ll l- I \o F,\o I +'o\ I g_ ;;f: n :lqge Igcn!col.s F 3;]FF =(/,OYJ -=-.o9, a*ie;dci3l oti 5 0!i OO",@X ISaB=369-r;'lag4€ =61._a*EiF r+[\Fgsli s*t:Egl iilr f qr ^. ^ r pA''...i 1i i a 61 3 Fg$=il saae a il *;; ai *l *iliFe mt ,x D =o trt E*'o l o z r .It m a =-t U)z m m m o l<' lz l=l= t> Ir- m 'tt x z =z a -l c X X X X z a c t- -l z t-m i € l-r -l I o z m r c m -o T€og +F -z ZA 'z -(h z>vx nti !<u< >o ol m=@o z c = z rn { t---{m l o 2 X )4 f o z t- m --t m _o ]! c ^z 3 C) z H o r l. H z ONF ;- o -'r =a1 <!^!4-r:>:^ ->'n Y.z(l.iitqo o'1 z tOq Io 6I 6< E;2.4 'nzz { : N@= Sm= OJI 5-<tr< = FI z z F @ g r- =z o i m a z z z m t- z n n o t t- o ; z H - N Fi H H \o -{o -.1 r 'tt m =-!.'l m m (t) m + x t-m z c T m L -{ m 9. z m tn =@ n m m --l z 1t tn m =m I z t-c 3 =o m t-m -t o t- 'o z -m x - = m = = m ='Tl m m U) VALUATION T m =-{ z 9 I H H F m z t- 2 m t-m o -{, a) t- z Ltl @ ('l ii \N NX\R F os\- --N \ i\*tA,-' ) \, f]t]D uD! ={ - a-T'> -t I /-\ =v.-"\_> ( C I (p m fe, :- aD l*h E l<x f t.0 x q l'" -r o fOna l'n ;l-. i o t:; o lls I | --r - t ;?.o<!^ o:i -@ @o >1 o -o m :-{ =mCD -1. \, -;=Y z=z YP r t -t 'n 'D Or- z< a2 =6) \N \'n F\ irq;'[6 i 8* =o ST .-{ ^9F 9=I {c 3=c)= i6 I C)tom :m ;: -r c)o> zA ,z >m -r .> I a)T -{m -{ a =m b z T F P .A Etl --l :9,^l 5Sl $ul Fsl FI $,1 x)d r al I I I I or- aA o>'r -nJ r", Zl 'l I I I I I ; tt ,3 nF ls t< l>l: ls li I I I H l)t{ F lar K t> lF t, lF lz li t{ 12 ln t<t> l-l!lm 13 p I { l-r Elo ml< lz >l<{\ t> I l.- sl3 )lz 'lo I-\F-D itn l"' I I I l-r lo l{ lz ie l<I>I- lft lm t: -r l><F tr p p l'n ,J' |" I rl I I 11. ' E V N: t> t>[< tr l< FH E tf'H t<I-F IF N lq.'r h, lLl 'FlFl " N, lgl Y I EI 'ttxl N I le,l Bltfl c .o _t z |- m 5 -i (n z m m m l< ' iiEig :;giI .[gcni :; iF6 :(no=:t -=-.oo)sE3;: 5:a;s o33dd l;i E;3ag{g ArEIF 9 ;'a !.3 ila3.1 qc3.'= Fa3i8 iir99 3P-6=--..d=IF :e3ri Ei3si OYJC-i or!r=J sEisS +do a: 3.:iqE 6ilods.,; D :.1 at f o --* #il! o t o o z -{ o { , - at m r VALUAIION ,*rl"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL OF PFOJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI DATE CALLER TUES AM PM]READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr 0 o O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING E tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST." TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES -WED THUR FRI Attt PMi., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND I] ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr o tr o o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Uppen Enele Vellev WATER AND SANITATION DISTR ICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 Aprll 21, 1987 Peter Patten Planning & Envlronmental CommiaaLon Town of Vall 75 So. Frontage Road West Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Roof Top Parklng Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated sanitatlon District Dear Mr. Patten 3 In conjunctlon wlth the above referenced proJect approved by the Vall Plannlng and Envlronrnental Comisslon, I share the Comlsslon-s concern for screenlng our roof top parklng fron the future I-70 exlt whlch will lntersect the eouth frontage road near our west property llne. As a pub1lc agency, we conmit to do our part to provide appropriate landscaplng ln the highway rlght-of-*ay at the northwest end of our property line to facllltate_ the above screenlng. A speclflc landscape plan wlll be developed soon after the State Hlghnay DepartDent has completed Lte intersectloa deslgn. I{e understand that Design RevLew Board approval ls needed prior to landscape lnstallation. Sl-nce re Iy , SANITATION DISTRICT EIID,/ng Drager , \ ll pARTrcrparrNo DrsTRrcrs - aRRowHEAo METR. *ATER . AVoN METRo warER . BEAVER CREEK METR' warER . BERR' .REEK METR. wora* /6aft1 a\ EAGLE''a'L MErRo w".'" ' '"*""ii,I,,,'I::y::::;;::ffTH:?::'J?::1'":Tff*::'" ""*'.. coNsoLrDA''rEo saN'aa'oN @ 75 soulh tronlage road yail. colorado 8't657 (303) 476-7000 April 2, 1987 olf lce ol communlty developmonl Mr. David Krenek Operations Director Upper Eagle VaIIey Consolidated Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, colorado 8L657 Dear David: r wourd like to apologize for any inconvenience resulting frorn the.rescheduling of April 13th's planning commission meeting to April 20. The meeting had to be rescheduled because of our oversight in providing the Vail frail with proper public notice of your agenda item. As you may know, we are reguired to publish agenda items 15 days prior to the meeting date. By missing this deadline, we trad no alternative but to reschedule the meeting one week l-ater. Once again I apologize for our oversight. I hope the rescheduling has not inconvenienced you. Sincerely, ^\/i\^"4 &.JS,*(.--- Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr 75 soulh trontage .oad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 2, L9A7 olllce of communlly development Mr. David E Mott Upper EagJ-e Valley Consolidated Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vai1, Colorado 8A657 Dear David: r lrould like to apologize for any inconvenience resulting frorn the.rescheduling of april 13th's Planning Commission meeiing to April 20. The ureeting had to be rescheduled because of our oversight in providi-ng the Vail Trail with proper public notice of your agenda item. As you may know, hre are required to publish agenda items 1-5 days prior to the meeting date. By missing this deadline, we had no alternative but to reschedule the meeting one week later. Once again I apologize for our oversight. I hope the rescheduling has not inconvenienced you. Sincerely, A ^\^^t &\(.-"_-=-_-- Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB:bpr Uppen Enel-E VltleY WATE R AND SANITATION D ISTR ICTS 84€ FOR€ST FOAD . vAlL, CoLORADO 81657 (30 3) 476-7480 March 3, 1987 Mr. Ron Phllltps Manage r TOI,JN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Val1 , Colorado 81657 RE: On-slte Parking, Vail PlanE Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated Sanitatlon District Dear Ron: As you are aware, the DisErict plans to vacate the tenporary parklng across the aEreet from our Vail saniEatlon plant in favor of provldlng on-sLte parklng. Ihis wl1l alleviate the visual lmpacts of the temporary parking and allow the site to accornmodate your consEructlon staging for your Forest Road bridge wldening proJect thls year. I have provided your planning deparEnent wlth an informatlonal set of construcElon documents and wl11 appreciate comments and suggestlons. We intend to stay strlctly wlthin our property 1lnes and will have a nlnl-rnal effect on the exlstlng landscaping. Past pracclce has noE required the Distrlct to go through the Town-s plan approval or bulldlng pernit process; however, I would llke to maintain a spirlt of cooperacLon by sollcitlng your lnpuE. Please let ne know when we could get together wlth you and/or your staff to discuss the projecE and review on-slce staking. I{e plan to begin the bldding process in mid-March. Slncerely, uwR/ EAGLE VALLEY CoNSOLTDATED SANTTAION DTSTRTCT t/;, tlbf David E. Mott General Manager DEM: das.40 xc: Vall Plannlng Departnent \ ll pARTrcrpATrNG DtsrRtcrs aRRowHEAo MET^. w,.rER. AVoN METRo warER a BEAVER CREEK METRo warER . BERRV cREEK METRo *ota^ /4I^n'-\ 0\ EAGLE VA'|L METRo w".'^ ""*o^ll,Iin::::::iff:JfiTH:?::'#::T,:Ttrff::vaLLEV coNsoL'DATED sAN'ra'oN @ Uppen Enele VllleY WATER AND SANITATION D ISTR ICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . v lL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476 7480 March 12, 1987 Betsy Rosolack Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Conditional Use Pe rmlc for Rooftop Parktng Dear Betsy: Enclosed are the fol1-owlng items: l. An l4rovenent survey starryed by a reglstered surveyor r^rtrlch lncludes contour lLnea and tree locatlons. 2. Phocographs of the bulldings frorn al1 dlrecclons. 3. Elevattons of the building, shordng raq, exlsting grades, flnish grades and handrall. 4. A finish grade site plan showlng the access road, portraylng che dlmnsions of road aE the narronest polnt. The Flre Department has approved the access road along wlth removl-ng a portlon of the fence along the fronEage road to allow access off the frontage road. A P.E. sta4 on the drawlngs wlll be provided next week. A revised landscape plan was not aubml.tted because the State ltighway Departnent has asked us to not nake any rpre lnprovenents nithin the StaEe Road lllght-of{'Jay untll after the nain lnterchange has been corpleted. We wtll be happy to provide screenLng (subJect to your and StaEe Htghway approval ) along the norEh side vrtren the interchange is coqlete. We will budget $31000 to $4,000 co couplete thls landscaping norEh of the parklng lot. A ecreenl-rg of. 507" to 702 ls posslble uslng Evergreens along the north slde. The State Ittgtnray Departnent l-s ln favor of our proJect, provldlng we can keep the accegg road on our property, wttlch we are dolng. If you have any further questl-ons, please feel free to contact ne. Sincerely, I,PPER EAGLE VAI,LEY CONSOLIDAf,ED SANITATION DISTRICT Wr^.a P^"J Davld Krenek, P.E. operatlons Director Enc: DK/ng:57 ,,<:::\I II PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS _ ARROWHEAD METRO WATER O AVON METRO WAIER ' BEAVER CREEK METRO WATER ' BERRV CREEK METRO WATEF / CLE T \ a\ EAGLEVA'|LMETRow""^""*""f,ili]::y::::ff::ff1tr1?"":'#::1":T;;*::'."""'YcoNsoL'oarEo saN'rAa'oN GF 75 soulh ,ronlage ?oad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce o, communlty developmenl March 3, L987 Mr. Fred HasLee Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitati.on District 846 Forest Road Vail, Col-orado 81657 Re: Conditional Use Permit for Rooftop Parking Dear Fred: Today I discussed with you the fact that we have not received additional support materials concerning your reguest for a sonditional use perrnit. Before we can schedule this request for a hearing before the Planning and Environrnental Comrnission, we wiII need the following: I. An improvement survey stamped by a registered surveyor which Lncludes contour lines. 2. Photos of the buildings fron tbe highway side. 3. Elevations of the building showing the ranp, and showing the existing grades and finished grades. s/"" f.Y")(x,:+,^'l 4. A.site pLan indicating landscaping and dimensions of width of the road at its narrowest point.l1\tq,$^t$d rt A'h 5. The Fire Departrnent is asking for a roof manifold (stand.pipel 0/C on tlre building, .or provide Fire Department access.' /;r;',;',_ 6. Public Works woul-d like a P.E. stamp on drawings A-l and A-2 or a letter from the engineer who reviewed those sheets stating that the existing structure is adequate to support loading conditions anticipated with the creation of the parking lot. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. l,o( tf "1"' o P"b VJ-*,h/. /"t"*ttz-z- Tu-- e/."x- U.:: 8/"J o lnttn 75 3oulh trontrg€ road vail, colorudo 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlcc of communlty deuolopornl March 3, L987 Mr. Fred Haslee Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Conditional Use Pernrit for Rooftop Parking Dear Fred: Today I discussed with you the fact that we have not received additional- support materials concerning your request for a conditional use permit. Before vre can schedule this reguest for a hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission, we will need the following: Photos of the buildings from the highway side. l. 2. -t/**'tf) n. €Y.rs*rx'S /- 6.,rj6 Public Works wouLd like a P.E, stanp on drawings A-l and A-2.or a letter from the engineer who reviewed those sheetg stating tbat the exi.sting structure is adequate to eupport lorddng conditions urticipated with the creation of the parking lot. you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. 5. If o _ slTuj.Ted DUTU-IaCUOC S I er.Talpul ?_Tdddns lxel {el{f no^ qlr1r{ pess.rnssTp ur.roJ 1{e1"! slT uo eTpood IzeI e_T esn reuoTfTpuoc e JoJ lsenbal Jnon Teuor+Tppe pa^-rrcajr +ou e^e/\q e^l fer.{1 J ^epof,, a1q1 nq lsaluocs 6ut66oC at{1 {eq1 ,relo spedun[ soJ uAorq >tpTno eqf AE; V.!-&P"rlc,) , PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:.' u a /tz_ /r COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: i NTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.I DATE OF PUEL 'oo-f C HEARING PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Date FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:oate J-/2' x'7 comments: e/1 -/v-z'-o-,2,o',"t ,ao'Qzz'z x- y'':<z't''"2--' ,/* ./--,a-'*z'"f,"* '2'J' POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnrents: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Rev'iewed by: Comments: Date Appl ication PECMeetinq ] Z/zs/ APPLiCATION FOR COi,IDITIOIIAL USE PERI,IIT I' This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAI4E OF APPLICANT rEa J-e Val.le Consolidat anita ADDRESS 846 Foresr Road Vail, CO Date of Date of 87657 PHoNE 476-7480 NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRTSENTATIVE pavid L. Krenek, p.e. c. ^uuKL)5 846 Forest Road Vail, CO pHONE 47 6-7 480 NAI4E 0F OHNER(S) (print or ol,JNER(S) r STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS Vail, Co pHgNE 476-7490 D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS & Tract 'rDrl PROPOSAL: LEGAL- LOT 31 BLOCK FILING Vail Village 2nd E. FEE groo ,tro! ]+i22 cK #!Jt p THE FEE I"IUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTI4ENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. . F. { ljst of the names of owners of al.l property . INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHND AND ACROSS STNTiTiI THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNECi II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE 0F C0M,'4UNITY DEVEL0PMENT l,llLL adjacent to the subject property and their mai ling adoresses. OI{NERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,JITH A PLANNING STAFF I,IEI,IBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED T0 DETERT'IINE IF ANY ADDITIoNAL INFORiIATioN is-r'tibgii. ""uii nppricATr0N t,,rLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS-IT^Is cor'lPlETE f uusr irqciuo'r-nii-irri',ii nrQurnro By rHE z'NrNG ADI'IINISTRAToR)' IT-Is THEAPPLICATIi'i-nEspor,rirsrrii io-i,inxE AN App0TNTMENT I,IITH THE sTAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADOiTior.rqi 'sUBI,Iiiini"n!OurnEI.IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT l.,lgtltlt APPLICATI0N-|,lrLL STRrAr.lLrNE THE AppR0VAL pR0cEss FOR Y0uR PROJEcr ev DEcEmri{G THE lrur'reen oe coruoriioiii or nppnovAL THAT THE fiffrffilrtlli,yifr|s ,s!!s:norTroNs oF nFpnovei'iiuii'sEtdHpLrED r,'iTH BEFSRE A I €'& al, /v,.,6,t ^ _ | - Q -?tt: ,---- OV ER :7 UppER Elcle Vl WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . VAIL, COLORAoo ai657 (303) 476 7480 February 18, 1987 Krlstan Prltz Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Wastewater Plant Conditional Use Permit Dear KrisEan: Enclosed ls a coropleted Condlcional Use Permlt Appllcatlon for che Vail Wastewater Plant parking 1oc. I^Ie are proposlng constructlng a parklng lot on Eop of the west half of the Vail plant. It would be accessed from our present parking lot and Pass along the north slde of the building. The entire access road would be located on district property. We have xoet r^rith officials of the State Highway DepartmenE for their comments and they have no problem wlth our plan. They would 1lke to delay any additional trees belng planted along the northwest corner of the 1ot untll- the lnterchange Deslgn is conplete. We w111 agree at thls tlme to plant addltional trees ln the area to provlde screening after the State Highway Departnent personnel have made thelr finprovements. Having planters or green space on top of the parklng 1ot w111 not be possible because of load bearlng capaclty linlts. I hope chis applicatl-on meets r'JlEh your approval slnce our presenl parklng 1ot east of the planE ls an undesl-rable locatlon. Thank you for your conslderatlon. Slnce re1y, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT o LLEY #r-a /4"*/ David Krenek, P.E. Operatlons Dlrector DK/ng 'rl ,,:'-. --"r rII PARTICIPATIN6 DISTRICTS ARROWHEAD METFO WATER'AVON METROWAAER' BEAVER CREEK METRO WATER I' BERRY CREEK METRO WATER / CLEAiI \ /lll EA6LE.vATL METRo wATER. EowaRDs METRo WATEF{ . LAKE cREEK MEADows warER . ur'pER EAGLE vALLEy coNsoltoarED sANtrartoN GED !7 rtr vatL vaLLEy coNSoLtDATED WATER a VAjL WATER AND SANITATION l o LLEY LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS NEXT TO THE VAIL WASTEWATER SEWER PLANT, VAIL, COLORADO. 1. Town of Vail 75 South Forntage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 2. Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 :/ Uppen Enele Vl WATER ANO SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOR€ST ROAD . VAIL, COTORADO 81657 (303) r175-7440 l ll panrrcrparr{G DrsrRrcrs - aRRowHEAD METRo warER a avoN METRo warER . BEA'ER cREEr< ME rRo warER . BERRV cREEK METRo wa-a* /'6ili\ a\ EAGLE''a'L MErFo w""^"o*"^;:,I;;:;::::::i;r::ffTH:?:r'-H:1',:Tff;:',::"aLLE., coNsoL'oarED saN'ra'oN @ INTER-OEPARTMENTAL REV I El.l- PROJECI. DATE SUBMITTED:- DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC I,{ORKS FIRE DEPARTMENT Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by, G 4 oate z/zy'AZ Corments: a'1 e L€ 7 7<z -TtJose s7/<E -7s /S 4a€Q ''/tt "/e' Arz4 2.4€ Reviewed by: Comments: lfto-.o lf*v{ 4 P.€. trr4',4P c,^J 2ea-tt,r6s 4-/ i 4 -Z Fao.n -Z /e- €1" G /^, €7-r<- a//o K<wt€-"' ec> -97'? //.\..,,6 7//l t' -2,/€- €t , , 7 "tC s- 7<ua7o(€ =6 .9u /7a <--Z 1.t4oz.,tG C6.-O -z,a^-t J Aai'/./a9 7C.b </1(,9/',op oF -//{ F4,e <tuC L<t/. Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: I t I t \ t o o n I v It \\ \ ../t V\ \\ t't t' v o ll 7 s. o$ t \ ", to, i't \ \ \_-.-?- $ o J tt .1, ) t I 0. o I I \ F z H {I o 0 t I ( J H ( ( l t t \ \ t o o n I v 0. 1 I \\ \\ o o o rl I I I I I I t I I --/ $)c {I I \I \ rV o k -/\ \! ---- \\\r t\ \ \ \ \ \ i t I \I \ I o^ os \ $"^ \'. \o \! t tor i't i\ .V \ \ 9 o. $ s\s 7 rf $. \\\l \l \t \\ --\ \\s\ \\I \ I \\ I t \ PI,ANNING AND EWIRONMENTAL April 20 | 1,997 PRESENT J.J. CoIIins Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Peggy osterfoss Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Bryan Hobbs The rneetl-ng was called to order by the chairrnan, Jim Viete. 1. Approval of minutes of March 9 and March 23. Diana Donovan moved and J.J. Collins seconded to approve the minutes of ttre meeting of Marctr 9. The vote was 6-0 in favor.Diana Donovan rnoved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to approve the neeting of l4arch 23. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 2. a. A request to adopt rules of procedure for home occupancy revocation hearings. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, explained that for tbe first tirne, a home occupancy permit revocation was being appealed. He explained that this would be a quasi-judicial hearing and the PEC would act like a judge and would decide whether or not to uphold or overturn the revocation of tbe license. larry gave the Planning Corunission a list of rules of procedure. Diana Donovan moved. to ad.opt the trComrnission Regulations Setting Forth Procedures Applicable to Appeals of the Revocation of Home Occupancy Permits by the Zoning Adrninistrator. I The motion was seconded by pam Hopkins and the vote to adopt lras 6-0 in favor. 2.b. Consideration of a r est for a sta of execution of the o rof ator revo Vail East Ren Inc.at ermit and e shment of a ate to hear Iof the revoca!on of the East Va I Rentals, Inc.on Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, explained that he felt there was no harm done by granting a stay of execution, since there would probably not be very much business until June.Diana Donovan moved and Pam Hopkins seconded to hold the hearing of this license on May 27 at 3:OO pM. The vote was 6-0 in favor of this date. COMMISSTON STAFF PRESENT FAEer PaEEAn Tom Braun Rick Pylrnan Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack ( 3.A request for a conditional use perrnit in order to tne llpeef Eaqr located at 846 Forest Road. solidated Sanitation ulsErrcE ( Peter Patten explained that this building was located in the PUD zone district and the planning Commiision sets the standards for this zone district as appricable. uEVcsD wished to relocate their parking facirity from Town of Vair land and Vail Associates property to their own property. He showed. site plans and explained that the staff was concerned that there be some type of screening to the west as well as to the north. Dave Mott, applicant, stated that he had no problen with Iandscaping to buffer the view to the north, but it was difficult to do now until the width of the road is known. He felt that UEVCSD should not be asked to submit a bond to the Town of vail since he felt this was inappropriate between two government entities, but was willing to submit a 1etter of credit. He added that he would be willing to raise to 42,r the rail on the parapet wall to the west, but felt that no amount of.screening would be adeguate to hide the parking from the building to the west. Peter stated that a bond was standard procedure with everybody,but that a letter of credit would be fine. He added. that-some buffer to the west was important for future developrnent on the adjacent property. Peter presented the parking proposar to the Town Council, and they had no problerns with the proposaf. Pan Hopkins was concerned about having enough landscapinq to the north and having it done well. she feti that witir tie new road so crose to the existing road, enough landscaping was very inportant. Sid Schultz and Diana Donovin agreed. peSSy osterfoss stated that she did not feel comfortable appioving the request until she had more inforrnation on the fi;;r d.esi.gn of the new ramp and whether or not there wourd be enough rooi to landscape the area for adequate screening. J-J. collinsr nain concern was with rnaking certain that there would be enough landscaping provided when the Highway Departmentrs design vras completed. He felt that theie really was no way to plan the landscaping without State Highway Department input. J.J. rs second concern was with screeiring the lot to the west. He fert that with the present conditions] the proposed parapet wall was adequate, but was concerned that future use of the property to the west would change the required screening. Peterrs concern was that in the future the Town could not go back and ask for nore or different screening. J.J. moved to approved the request for the conditional use permit conditional upon Design Review Board review and in 1i9ht of reguirements for landscapingr on the north property line,especially as it would be related to the new exit. also required would be a letter of credit frorn the applicant. The motion $/as seconded by Parn Hopkins and the vote-ior approvat was 5-0. est for a side setback variance in order to co ruct a res ence on Parcel B, a res vts10n of Lots 14 and 1-7 ock 7, Va Village First F licants:Dlr.Mrs.chael Tennenbaum A 4. Rick Pylman showed site plans and explained that the applicant was requesting a 10 foot variance from the 1-5 foot sid6 setback reguirement for a lot which had recently been created by the applicant. Rick stated that the applicants also onned the property to the east (Parcel A) and were willing to restrict development on parcel A to a distance af 2s feei fron the property line by use of a deed restriction or covenants. Rick explained that the staff requested that this area be left as ( undisturbed open space, but the applicants declined to leave \ this buffer undisturbed. Rick arso stated that the side setback area requested for encroachrnent contained. several fairly significant natural features, including tr,ro large spruce trees. Tbe staff recornmendation was for denial of the-side setback variance because they fert there was no physical hardship driving the side setback encroachment and- felt it would be a grant of special privilege. Jay Peterson, representing the appricants, stated that the applicants could have achieved the reguested setbacks if they had requested a special development district, but had preferred.to go through a subdivision process instead. They felt that any problems could be achieved through the variance procedure. He felt the integrity of the setbacks was being maintained. J.J. collins stated that he did not see why a building could.not be designed in such a sray that it rernained within the setbacks and did not destroy large trees. Jay replied that this was the area in which to place the house-to take advantage of the views. {.{. pointed out that the appricant had a c}ear rot on which to build and plenty of roorn. ilv replied. that when the trade-offs becarne too great, they decided to ask for a variance. He added that hundreds of hours were spent on various schemes on al1 three sites. ( Peggy asked if there was any interest in protecting the two evergreen trees that would be lost. Jay replied that they were already spend.ing a lot of money on landscaping. peggy said .1.,f .did a good job of expressing her views. She felt that she would work with the proposal if the lost landscaping would be replaced. Jay stated that a landscaped buffer could be a condition of approval . Kurt Cegerberg stated tbat they were trying to bring landscaping into the building area and attention woul_d be paid to bring landscaping into the buffer area. Diana felt it was too bad that the applicant first created the Iot and then could not design a house to fit the lot. Jay replied ttrat he could have asked for a special developrnent distict and gotten rid of the property line and kept within the interity of the zone code and received approval . He added that he would rather use the variance procedure as long as he could keep the integrity of the zone code, Sid shared a lot of the feelings the other members stated. lle wished it hadnrt gotten to this state, but felt if there was a 3Or buffer between the houses, it woutd preserve the distance factor. He added ttrat he did not feel driven to preserve the rocl< outcropping. Pam felt that there rdas no hardship on which to base the granting of a variance. Jay replied that any ti.rne the pEC is given a variance, they look at it on a site by site basis, that each project stands aIone. Jim Viele agreed with Jay with respect to the proces. He added that if there is no objective judgement involved, there wouLd be no variance procedure. He stated that in the overall view,the purpose of the setbacks is to rnaintain the distance of separation between dwellings. He wondered if the project would be a better one if it conforrned to the setback regulations and added that he would rather see the house where is was proposed.to be rather than take out additional trees. J.J. asked why the house was sited where it was on parcel A to the west, and Kurt replied that they were trying to pick up views of Gore Range and down va1ley and that-tfre awelfing was broken up to help to reduce the rnassiveness of the proje-t. J.J. stated that on Parcel B he saw plenty of room within the reguired setbacks. curt said he could not argue with the fact that one can fit t (something on the lot, but the trees were a major concern. Jay added that on any given site one can build without goinq into setback areas, but it may make an uninteresting town.J.J. pointed out that each time he had seen the pEC challenge an architect, the architect had been able to come up witb a pJ-an within the setbacks. He repeated the fact thai tne architect in this case had a clean piece of property. Jay answered that they had voLuntarily torn down the existing structure and shoul-d be given latitude to build, that they were being penalized for rnaking a clean site. Viele spoke in favor of the proposal as long as the buffer would remain. Jay answered that there would. be a deed restriction that only the Town of VaiI could remove the buffer.Pan Hopkins pointed out that. another owner could hire Jay to ask to remove the buffer. She added that the pEC was going through this process because Parcel A had to be a rninirnun site.Jay said the purpose of the subdivision was to stop from having two old homes being add.ed onto. He added that they knew they nigtrt have to ask for variances when they planned Lhe subdivision. Peter Patten felt that the naturar features should be preserved.within the 1-5 foot setback area and added that this was a self created hardship. Jin Viele moved to approve the variance with the findings that the strict or literal interpretation or enforcernent of ihe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objeetives of the zone code. He specified that particular attention be paid by the DRB of landscaping planned to be in the 30 foot buffer. Sid seconded the motion and the vote was 4 in favor and 2 (JJ and Parn) against. est for front side rear and stream setback ances te eovera e vart ange ss res ential oor area var ance and a variance from er to construc addit on Parcels A and B, Lot B ock Va 1 Villa eF rst F Linq.cant;Jerome A. Lew s, Down Street Foundation ( 5. Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal, stating that the applicants wanted to build two Z-car garages ind additional square footage allowed under Ordinance 4 of 1995. The staff recomnendation was for denial as it was felt the additions could be constructed within the setback areas. Tom Briner, one of the architects on the project, spoke in favor.of the project and Dan Rickli, another architect,explained that there seemed to be a discrepancy in the amount of sguare footage that they were adding. Jerry Lewis and John ( Kennerly, applicants, also spoke in favor of the project.Rickli felt that garages should not be counted as- sile coverage if they were not counted as GRFA. He also proposed elirninating 4 parking spaces and decreasing the curb cuts irom 4 to 3. Jirn Viele asked Betsy if the staff had had tine to review the new proposal , and she replied that they had not. Craig Snowdon, architect representing the adjacent neighbors to the west, Steve Berkowitz, read a letter from Berkowitz objecting to the encroachments, stating that views would be negatively irnpacted. J.J. felt it was difficult to consider the proposal with a discrepancy in statistics. Peggy osterfoss-agreed and also felt concern for Berkowitz's views. Rickli disagreed that the additions would impact the views from the Berkowitz property. Peggy added tbat tbe burying of the garage was a step in ttre right direction, but she stated that she would like to see fewer than 3 road cuts vith more landscaping instead of asphalt. Diana agreed and added that her main concern was the stream setbaclc. Sidts blggest concern was site covera€te. He aLso felt there was too rnuch asphalt. Briner mentioned that this was a DRB issue' Pam l{opkins abstained from comment because trer firm was working on the Berkowitz proposal . Jirn viere stated ttrat when-a proposal contains so many variance reguests, it is a good indication that too much is be-ing placed on the site. Jerry Lewis asked if he could table and peter answered that the item could be tabled until 4/27 if the applicant could get revised figures and drawings into the couununity Developient Departmant by Wednesday rnorning, the 22nd. Leraris requested to table xo 4/2'7. Diana noved. and sid. second.ed to table the request until Aprit 2?. The vote was 5-O-L (pam abstained from voting. ) 6. I Tgaggg! to 3rnend spe t ro. e,Vail Villaqe fnn. Ton Braun presented the arnendrnent request and stated the staff recommended denial , citing the need for additional parking,assurances the ski Museurn would be relocated, and the need'for accommodation units. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, reminded the board that twice the vail vitlage rnn complex had sulrnitted phased projects, but the potentiaL developers could not fund the projects- Now Joe staufer will develop the new phases himself.,fay explained the valet parking and stlted that it was a ternporary measure until the next phase could be constructed. fle stated that it was not economicalry feasible for Mr. staufer to construct additional parking with this phase. t (Jay stated that the applicant was willing to restrict the dwelling units per the staff recommendation. Regarding tbe ski Museum, Jay stated that 4,000 square feet of building iould be givg! to the Town to use free of charge for any use the Town would want. Pam asked if valet parking was planned for the commercial area,and Jay replied that it vas not. Joe Staufer stated that he had 30 - 50 parking spaces that are always empty. He added that the Sonnenalp, Plaza, and Bell Tower had all expanded and none had added any parking. Jay then pointed out that there \,rere no large projects being constructed at this tirne which were not phased. Pam agreed with the parking, and felt that perhaps rnore rocals would be using this parking 1ot. Sid also dia not have any problem with the parking and felt that to receive the 41000 square feet of space in the building was better for the Town than for the Town to receive gj_s,ooo to relocate the ski Museum. He did feet that the new residential units slrourd be controrred for public use. Diana felt the units needed to be avail-abl-e for rental . she felt that the Museum relocation must be worked out and rnust be a part of this amendrnent. Joe staufer felt that the Town did not gain anything by trkicking the owner outt'especiarly if the ownei wanted-to be i-n vail for two months in the sunrner. Mr. staufer suggested that the unit be available for rental and not be the prii..y residence of the owner. Diana stated that she did not patronize many of the stores in the vair village rnn eornplex because she did not have any place to park. Diana asked for a commitment to finish the uuiialng as proposed, However, she sti1l felt that there would be a - parking problem. Jay said that for the parking to work, all the phases must be done. Peggy osterfoss felt that the proposar shourd include assurance that the developer will relocate the ski Museurn and reland.scape because a landscaped area was being rernoved in the proposar.Jay replied that with the new proposar, the Town of va-il would end up wi-th a large chunk of real estate. He added that the applicant.was willing to participate in redoing the intersection. Peggy stated that she did not wait to see the landscaping issue lost in the shuffle, and felt the responsibility rested wittr the developer. More discussion followed concerning parking. peter pointed out that parking spaces under the condos were iontrolted by a gate and were under utilized. Ton felt that it was the reslonsiri:.-ity of the developer to provide parking on the site. J.J.referred to the rnemo which indicated a shortfall of loo spaces.He was told LB? of the spaces nere required to be valet and he ( t L ( wondered how the decision was made to have 188 of the spaces be vaLet. Ton replied that it varied. with use. He added that phases I and II contained 22,OOO square feet and phase III contained L0,O0O sqluare feet with no parking provided. He added that he felt it was the repsponsibility of the developer to provide parking on the site. Joe Stauffer said he would like to be able to pay into the park5-ng fund as did businesses in Commercial Core I and II.J.J. suggested that perhaps Staufer could pay the Town for parking at building permit tine and the Town could repay Staufer when his parking was complete. The Ski Museum was discussed. Torn stated that at present the amended SDD did not address the needs of the Ski Museum. Jay pointed out that the space offered to the Town was worth 91-Million. J.J. said it seemed like an opportunity for tlre Town,the space could be sold for a substantial amount of cash. Tom pointed out that one condition was that it be used for the public, Jay stated that they were willing to remove that stipulation. if .J. felt the key issue of the omer/rental question was occu-pancy and thj.s issue was discussed. Also discussed was the deletion of randscaping for parking. saundra srnith stated that they were wi).ling to renove two parking spaces and place Iandscaping in place of the spaces. Peter felt to approve the proposed shortfall of parkingr would be inconsistent. He pointed out that the Westin $/as not able t9 do any more construction until the parking structure was finished. He stated that the Plaza and Sell-Tower were different, in that they were in a pedestrian area and paid into the parking fund. He pointed out that the proposal under construction was adjacent to the 4-way stop with vehicle access and nust have on-site parking. ,f.J. discussed the parking figures. Joe Staufer proposed to make the dwelling'units be available for rentar when they were unoccupied. Sid Schultz moved and J.,f. Collins seconded to approve the annendrnents to SDD 6 as submitted with the following conditioins: The use of the units be restricted. to non-primary residence and be part of a rental pool. The applicant shal1 participate in and not remonstrate against a special irnprovement district for the intersection of Vail noad and Meadow Drive. 3. The vote was 5-1 in favor. ( 1. 2. A a 7. J.J. left at this point. est for setback variances in order to construct ons to rtv at Lot 2 Bloc vail vil-}a Howard Ju and Steven Berkowitz 9.A request to amend the zo code in order to add a ne\,\r zone district to be ent tled trHills de Res dentia Applicant: Town of VaiI This itern was tabled. ( Rick Pylnan showed a site plan and explained the proposal ,adding that the staff recomnendation was for appr6va-1 . ciaig Snowd.on, architect for the project, explained the plans. p"SSy osterfoss suggested the deck be only over the garage, and Criig said he would reduce the deck. Diana rnoved and Peggy seconded to approve the request per the staff memo. The vote l''as 4 - O - I abstention (Farn). - 8. A fectuest for a side satback wari anr.ro in rrrrior {.a Tom Braun showed an improvement survey and explained the request. Gary Walker, representing the applicant, stated that the rnain reason for the location of the garage was to have access to an existing driveway and parking in front of the garage. Diana Donovan moved and pam Hopkins seconded to approve the request per the staff memo. The vote lras 5-O in favor. A request for a side setback variance in grder to construct a garage Yl"")rC est for a conditional use rmit in order to a lot on of the west half of the r Eaqle V ev Water tat on water plant located at 846 Forest Road. 3.Are ( ated Sanitation District Peter Patten explai-ned that this building was located in the PUD zone district and the planning Cornmission sets the standards for this zone district as applicable. uEVcsD sished to relocate their parking facility from Town of Vail land and vail Associates.property to their own property. He showed site plans and explained that the staff uas concerned that there be some type of screening to the west as well as to the north. Dave Mott, applicant, stated that he had no problem with J-andscaping to buffer the view to the north, but it was difficult to do now until the width of the road is known. He felt that uEvcsD should not be asked to submit, a bond to the Town of vail since he felt this was inappropriate between two gtovernment entities, but was willing to submit a letter of credi.t. He added that he would be willing to raise to 42r the rail on the parapet waII to the west, but felt that no amount of.:creening would be adeguate to hide the parking fron the building to the west. Peter stated that a bond was standard procedure with everybody,but that a letter of credit would be fine. He add.ed. that-sorne buffer to the west was important for future development on the adjacent property. Peter presented the parking proposal to the Town Council , and they had no problems with the proposal . Parn Hopkins lras concerned about having enough landscaping to the north and having it done wert. she feri that witl tfre new road so close to the existing road, enough landscaping was very important. sid Schultz and Diana Donovin agreed. peSSy osterfoss stated that she did not feel cornfoitabre appioving the request until she had more information on the ri.nh design of the new ramp and whether or not there would be enough rooi to landscape the area for adequate screening. J.,f. colrinst nain concern was with making certain that there would be enough landscaping provided when the Highway Departrnentrs design was compreted. He felt that-there rea11y was no way to plan the landscaping without State Highway Departrnent input. ,t.J. rs second concern was with s6reeiing the lot to the west. He felt that with tbe present conditions] the proposed parapet wall was adequate, but was concerned that future use of the property to the west would change the .t required screening. Peterrs concern was that in the future the Town could not go back and ask for more or different screening. J.J. moved to approved the reguest for the conditional use permit conditional upon Design Review Board review and in liqht of reguirements for landscaping on tlre north property 1ine,especially as it would be related to the new exit. Also required would be a letter of credit from the applicant. The motion \das seconded by Parn Hopkins and the vote ior approval hras 5-0. 4. A est uaE n for a side setback variance in order to a residence on Pa B, a resubdivision of Lots Block 7, VaiI ViI First F : Mr. and Mrs. Mic Tennenbaum cons 14a ApET ( Rick Pylnan-showed site plans and explained that the applicant was reqfuesting a 10 foot variance fron the ]-5 foot sidL- setback reguirement for a lot which had recently been created by the applicant. Rick stated that the applicants also owned tle property to the east (Parce1 A) and were willing to restrict developrnent on Parcel A to a distance of 29 feet from the property J.ine by use of a deed restriction or covenants, Rick explained that the staff requested that this area be feft as undisturbed open space, but the applicants declined to leave this buffer undisturbed. nick also stated that the side setback area requested for encroachment contained several fairly significant natural features, including two large spruce trees. The staff recommendation was for deniil of the-side setback variance because they felt there was no physical hardship driving the side setback encroachrnent and-fe1t it would be a grant of special privilege. Jay Peterson. representing the applicants, stated that the applicants could have achieved the reguested setbacks if they had reguested a special development district, but had preferied to go through a subdivision process instead. They felt that any problems could be achieved through the variance procedure. He felt, tbe integrity of the setbacks was being maintained, J.J. Collins stated that he did not see why a building could not be designed in such a way that it remained within-the setbacks and did not destroy large trees. Jay replied that this was the area in which to place the house-to Lake advantage of the views. J.J. pointed out that the applicant had a clear lot on which to build and plenty of room. Jay replied that when the trade-offs became too great, they decided to ask for a variance. He added that hundreds of hours were spent on various schemes on ar1 three sites.t L Peggy asked if there was any interest in protecting the two evergreen trees that would be lost. Jay replied that they were already spelding a lot of money on landscaping. peggy saia 9.,f.did a good job of expressing her views. she ielt tfrit stre would work witlr the proposal if the lost landscaping woul_d. be replaced. Jay stated that a landscaped buffer could be a condition of approval . Kurt Cegerberg stated that they were trying to bring landscapi!9 into the building area and attention would be paid-to bring landscaping into the buffer area. Diana felt it was too bad that the applicant first created the lot and then sould. not design a house to fit the lot. Jay replied that he could have asked for a special developnent distict and gotten rid of the property line lnd kept within the interity of the zone code and received approval. He added that he would rather use the variance procedure as long as he could keep the integrity of the zone code. Sid shared a lot of the feelings the other members stated. He wished it hadntt gotten to this state, but felt if there \,iras a 3or buffer betrrreen the trouses, it would preserve the distance factor. He added that he did not feer driven to preserve the rock outcropping. Pam felt that there lras no hardship on which to base the granting of a variance. Jay replied that any tine the pEC is given a variance, they look at it on a site by site basis, that each project stands alone. Jirn viele agreed with Jay with respect to the proces. He ad.d.ed that if there is no objective judgement involved, there would !-e no variance procedure. IIe stated that in the overarl- view,the purpose of the setbacks is to maintain the distance of separation between dwellings. He wondered if the project would be a better one if it confonned to the setback regutations and added that he would rather see the house where is-was proposed to be rather than take out additional trees. J-J- asked why the house was sited where it was on parcel A to the west, and Kurt replied that they were trying to pick up views of Gore Range and down valley-and. that-trr6 aweiring ias broken up to help to reduce the massiveness of the proje6t. J.J. stated that on Parcel B he saw plenty of room within the required setbacks. curt said he courd not argue with the fact that one can fit f something on the lot, but the trees were a najor concern. Jay \ added that on any given site one can build r,rii.lrout going into-setback areas, but it nay make an uninteresting town.J.J. pointed out that each tirne he had seen the PEC challenge an architect, the architect had been able to come up with a plan within the setbaclrs. He repeated the fact that the architect in this case had a clean piece of property. Jay answered that they had voluntarily torn down the existing structure and should be.given latitude to build, that they were being penalized for making a clean site. Viele spoke in favor of the proposal as long as the buffer would rernain. Jay answered that there would be a deed restriction that only the Town of Vail could remove the buffer. Parn Hopkins pointed out that another owner could hire Jay to ask to remove the buffer. She added that the FEC was going through this process because Parcel A trad to be a rninimurn iite.Jay said tbe purpose of the subdivision was to stop from having two old homes being added onto. He added that they knew they night have to ask for variances when they planned lhe subdivision. ( Peter Patten felt that the naturar features should be preserwed within the 1.5 foot setback area and added that this was a self created hardship. Jim Viere moved to approve the variance with the findings that the strict or literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in.practicar difficulty or unnecessary physical trardship inconsistent with the obje-tives of the zone code. Ire specified that particul-ar attention be paid by the DRB of landscaping planned to be in the 3o foot buffer. Sid seconded the motion and the vote hras 4 in favor and 2 (JJ and Pan) against. 5. Betsy Rosolack presented the proposal_, stating that the applicants wanted to build two 2-car garages ind additional square footage allowed under Ordinance 4 of 1985. The staff recommendation was for denial as it was felt the ad.ditions could be constructed within the setback areas. Tom Briner, one of the architects on the project, spoke in favor_of the project and Dan Rickli, another-architect,explained that there seemed to be a discrepancy in the arnount of square footage that they were adding. ,lerry Lewis and. .fohn A request for front, side, rear and stream setback Yartances, a s+te co ss residential gloor arga ve_rianqe and a vafiange frgrn.iecrulrecl-landscaping in order to construct qdditions on parcels A gnq_ g, rroE J, E rocr< r, vaf I vl,J.Iage !'].rst Fj-ling.Applicanq: Jerome A. LewLsf Downing Street Foundation ( ( Kennerly, applicants, also spoke in favor of the project.Rickli fert that garages shourd not be counted. as- sile coverage if they were not counted as GRFA. He also proposed elirninatiig 4 parking spaces and decreasing the curb cuts fron 4 to 3. Jirn viele asked Betsy if the staff had had tine to review the new proposal , and she replied that they had not. craig snowdon, architect representing the adjacent neighbors to the west, Steve Berkowitz, read a letter lrom Berkoriitz objecting to the encroachments, stating that views would be negatively impacted. J.J. felt it vas difficult to consider the proposal with a discrepancy in statistics. peggy Osterfoss-agieed and also felt concern for Berkowitz's views. Rickri disagreed that the additions would impact the views from the Berkowitz property.Peggy added tbat the burying of the garage was a ste| in trrl right direction, but she stated. that she would like to see fewer than 3 road cuts with more landscaping instead of asphalt. Diana agreed and added that hei miin concern was the stream setback. sidts biggest concern was si-te coverage. He also felt there was too much asphart. Briner menti,oned that this was a DRB issue. Paur Hopkins abstained from comment because her firm was working on the Berkowitz proposal. Jim viele stated that-when.a proposal contains so many variance requests, it is a good indication that too much is Ueing ;i;-;;on the site. Jerry Lewis asked if he could tabre and peter answered that the item could be tabled-until 4/27 Lf the appricant could get revised figures and drawings,into the conrnunity Developient Departrnant by Wednesday morning, the 22nd. Lewis requested to table to 4/27. Diana moved and sid seconded to tabre the request until April 27. The vote was 5-o-l_ (pam abstained fron voting. ) 6. I TgElg:! to 3rnend spe topnenr pistrict No. 6,Vail Village Inn. Tom Braun presented the amendment reguest and stated the staff reconmended denial, citing the need for additional parking,assurances the ski Museum would be relocated, and the nee6.'for accommodation units. Jay Peterson' representing the applicant, remind.ed the board that twice tbe vail village rnn complex had submitted phased projects, but the potential developers couLd not fund the projects. Now ,Joe staufer wilr deirelop the new phases hinself.Jay explained the valet parking and stated that it was a ternporary measure until the next phase could be constructed. He stated that it was not econornical).y feasible for ffr. staufer to construct additional parking with this phase. t f Jay stated that the applicant vas willing to restrict the \ dwelling units per the staff recommendation. Regarding the Ski Museum, Jay stated that 4,000 square feet of building could be given to the Town to use free of charge for any use the Town would want. Pan asked if valet parking was planned for the conmercial areal and Jay replied that it was not. Joe Staufer stated that he had 3O - 50 parking spaces that are always empty. He added that the Sonnenalp, Plaza, and Bell Tower had alt expanded and none had added any parking. ( ,fay then pointed out that there were no largie projects being constructed at this tine which were not phased. Pam agreed with the parking, and felt that perhaps nore locais would be using this pqrking lot. Sid also did not have any problern with the parking and felt that to receive the 4,00b sQluare feet of space in the building was better for the Town than for the Town to receive $L5,0OO to relocate the Ski l{useun. He did feel that the new residential units should be control]ed for public use. Diana felt the units need.ed to be available for rental . she felt that the ltuseum relocation rnust be worked out and rnust be a part of this amendment. Joe Staufer felt that the town did not gain anything by rrlcicking the owner outtt especiarly if the ownei wanted-to be in Vail for two months in the surnmer. Mr. Staufer suggested. that the unit be available for rental and not be the priroary residence of the ordner. Diana stated that she did not patronize many of the stores in the vail vi1-rage rnn cornprex because she did not have any place to park. Diana asked for a commitment to finish the fuilOing as proposed. Howeverf she sti1l felt that there would be a parking problem. Jay said that for the parking to work, all the phases must be done. Peggy osterfoss fert that the proposar shourd include assurance that the developer will relocate the ski Museum and relandscape because a land.scaped area was being rernoved in the proposal .Jay replied that with the new proposal , the Town of vail would end up with a large chunk of real- estate. He added ttrat the applicant was willing to participate in redoing the intersection. Peggy stated that she did not wait to see the landscaping issue tost in the shuffle, and felt the responsibility rested with the developer. More discussion followed concerning parking. peter pointed out that parking spaces under the condos were iontrolled by a gate and were under utilized. Tom fel-t thaL it was the reslonsilit-ity of the developer to provlde parking on the site. 1..r.referred to the memo which indicated a shortfall of 100 spaces.He was tord 188 of the spaces were required to be valet and he t ( wondered how the decision was made to have LBE of the spaces be valet. Ton replied that it varied with use. He added that phases I and II contained 22,000 square feet and phase III contained 10,000 square feet with no parking provided. He added that he felt it was the repsponsibility of the developer to provide parking on the site. Joe Stauffer said he would like to be able to pay into the parking fund as did businesses in Comrnercial Core I and. II.J.J. suggested that perhaps Staufer could pay the Town for parking at building perrnit tirne and the Town could repay Staufer when his parking was cornpl-ete. The Ski Museum was discussed. Tom stated that at present the anended SDD did not address the needs of the Ski Museun. Jay pointed out that the space offered to the Town was worth g1 Million. J.J. said it seemed like an opportunity for the Town,the space couLd be sold for a substantial amount of cash. Tom pointed out that one condition was that it be used for the public. .Jay stated that they were willing to renove that stipulation. J.J. felt the key issue of the owner/rental question was occu,pancy and this issue was di-scussed. Also discussed was the deletion of landscaping for parking. saundra smith stated that they were willing to remove two parking spaces and place landscaping in place of the spaces. Peter felt to approve the proposed shortfall of parking would be inconsistent. He pointed out that the Westin was not able tg 9o any more construction until the parking structure was finished. He stated that the plaza and Ael1-fohrer were different, in that they were i.n a pedestrian area and paid into the parkJ-ng fund. lle pointed out that the proposal un-der construction was adjacent to the 4-way stop wilh vehicle access and must lrave on-site parking. J.J. discussed the parking figures. Joe Staufer proposed to make the dwelling units be available for rentar wnen they were unoccupied. Sid Schultz moved and J.J. Collins seconded to approve the arnendments to SDD 6 as subrnitted with the following conditioins: 1. fhe use of the unj-ts be restricted to non-primary residence and be part of a rental pool . 2. fhe applicant shall participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvement district for the intersection of Vail Road and Meadow Drive. 3. The vote was 5-L in favor.L ( ( A a ?. J.J. left at this point. est for setback variances order to construct 1n ons to the at Lot 2 Block Vai.l villa cants:Howard, Jud and Steven Berkowitz Tom Braun showed an inprovement survey and explained the request. Gary Walker, representing the applicant, stated that the rnain reason for the location of the garage was to have access to an existing driveway and parking ii front of the garage. Diana Donovan moved and pam Hopkins seconded to approve the request per the staff nemo. The vote was 5-0 in favor. A est to anend the zon code in order to add a ner^t zone distr ent ed rrHills de Residentia This itern was tabled. Ric\ Pylraan showed a site plan and explained the proposal ,adding that the staff reconmendation was for approval . Craig Snowdon, architect for the project, explained the plans. pegSy Osterfoss suggested the deck be only over the garage, and Craig said he would reduce the deck. Diana moved and Peggy seconded to approve ttre reguest per the staff memo. Ttre vote was 4 - 0 - 1 abstention (pan). 8. A feouest for a side setkrack rrari enr''re in rlr.r:l ar l.n 9. A reguesE for a side setback variance in order to construct a qaracle at 325 Forest Road. 4pplicant: Tin Drisko L o Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: contact person and rn""" DauB lrfblf t$A- }'t(D. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I Legal Description: Lot Comments: fn'^ Design Review Board Motion by: o*" }/)Q6-lf DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL j tr lr',!! \'; Town Planner ,l]+ J..\ Date: lr E star Approval lnwn 75 south lrontsge road vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7OOO July 2L, 1988 ilr. Dave Mott General Manager Upper Eagle Valley Consol"idated Water and Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road vail, co 8l-657 Re: Gaging Station Dear Dave: On JuIy 20, L988, the Design Review Board gave final approval to your reguest to locate a gaging station to the south of the existing Upper Eagle Valley facLlity. The approval was given h'ith the following conditionsl L. A landowner's letter of approval rnust be submitted.before construction begins. 2. The Town of Vail bike path must be repaired inrnediately after construqtion. 3. The gage station will be painted forest green. 4. the gage statLon must be a minimurn of four feet frorn . the edge of the asphalt for the bi-ke path. The Town wouLd like to see as much separation as possible between the bike path and the station. 5. Please have your construction manager check with Public Works before the construction of the station actually begins. Please talk to pete Burnett at 476-7000 ext. 25O. If any have any further guestions, please feel free to give rne a call. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, i/^ I n. I ltifino rrffr Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: kc J o .7 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY o Cottsotrol I WATER AND SAN ITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . VAIL. COLORADO 41657 (303) 476.7480 , 1', I a' July 1, 1988 Peter Patton, Director Vail Communi ty Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: GORE CREEK GAGING STATION Dear Mr. Patton: In cooperation with the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, the U. S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior plans to install a gaging station just west of the Forest Road bridge sometime in August. I am writing you to advise you of the project and inquire as to what approvals are required, if any, by the town. The instrumentation will be located inside the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District's Vail wastewater treatment plant. A small buried air line in 1 1/2" conduit will sense creek level as shown on the attached sketch. The only visible mechanism will be a ttcantilever gaget' which is necessary for calibration. This is also shown on the attached sketch and in a photograph of another instal l ation. Please advise. Sincerely, VA,{L V&LEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT M'%.7 David E. Mott General Manager DEM: ikl .84 At tac hment ll .-'\ A ll PaRTrcrparrNc DrsrRrgrs - ARRgwHEAo METRo warER . avoN METRo wATER . BEAVER cREEK METRo warER . BERRy cREEK ug.,ao /' CLEAN \ O\ wArER ' EAGLE-va'iLMErRowarERv';'J::nJiJ:r;#::'iil,r';:il1r::'i":,:fi:"EAGLEVALLE'saNrrArtoN ' u^''- @f f- l aa ;74 rg t-rr3-D (Mrrrb l9te) 8L6L! forE- I)o.rbh O':':'"'^':^:-+:igl#Sff*f,':"'o" Fitz l Go,--C"sek -tJ -TteatmoaL Plaat --l- -l/-aiL - e e/-..- t,J"+i""i bllg: l..o.rD-'e^c'a:tar I I -t- I -, lo" o/ rrJ"rorounJ llJr.f- sr d-.- - 4 I Jtz- U S 63 .canlileter Creet Plan czle l" .ust'5 a.i 12. l'ne ::\ masph"lt f,;l<c'patA.,^J.'g'ounJ Ud3- 8"x' fl"", llatec I'hrJ lolarS.-ro,L scale l'.4' ro(0 cPo a30-s5t o Consouolreo UPPER EAGLE VATLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . vAlL. COLORADO 81657 (303) 476,7480 August 9,1988 Kristan Pritz VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: GORE CREEK GAGING STATI0N, FOREST ROAD Dear Kr istan: Attached please find a copy of a letter from Vail Associates, dated Awust 5, 1988, granting permission to cross their property with an underground sensing line in conjunction with the above gaging station. This is intended to satisfy condition Number I of your letter dated July 21, 1988. Should you have any questions, please call Sincerely, VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT | '/ /--''' ''dra I - David E. Mott General Manager DEM: ikl 5,49 Attachment .ll --\ A II PARTICIPATING DISiTRICTS - ARROWHEAO METRO WATER . AVON ETRO WATER . BEAVER CREEK i'ETRO WATER . BERRY CREEK y,ETAO /' CLEAN \ a\ wArER ' EAGLE-'A'|L uErRo wArERv';"J::nJiJ::; ffi:'."":,TTH"^l:'"i;:J,fi"'"'LE vaLLEy saNtra'oN ' vArL @ \hilAssociafeqLrc. Creators and Operaton of Vail and Beaver Creeko SITE OF THE 1989 WORLD ALPINE SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS August 5, 1988 Mr. David Mott Vail Valley Consolidated V{ater District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Dave, The purpose of this letter is to give VaiI Associates consent to the water district to dig a trench and place equipment assoeiated with a stream guage on Vail Associates owned property located to the west of the Forest Road bridge and to the south of the sewer plant. Please call if you have any questions, or need additional information. Obtaining permits and approvals from 1ocal,state or federal regulatory agencies is.the water dj.strict,s responsibility. Sincerely, /'7 ,/./ , -tfz-2./47 / toe uaey / Manager Mountain Planning JvL/kL cc: Larry Lichliter Pct Office Box 7 . Vail, C-olorado 81658'USA - (loi) 476-5601 .-IElex: 910.920-3183 ''.r Project Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Prolect Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1,*r,, r" X=j [own Planner ', ls , l<f h.ro.X."" Approval Project Appllcation Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL lTown Planner ,l ,l 7 Staff Approval j .? -.4 :t g7r ,l \l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .Jr k-,rl F-,e4 r,- 11 rt.-J ';.J- J t (vt _-! .J \c {I .3 R\ \ -e I 3 {.-Y .e s3 d .?t-..d rt tJ_ .;.: \ 'I +t,_l : :-'i \€ J tr-{?3 s Q, \,? :-oo-C ,r t<.i I ..d J j+ {3d s :5 €o J 75 south frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3031 476-7OOO July 21, 1988 Mr. Dave Mott General ltanager Upper Eagle Va11ey Consolidated I{ater and Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road Vail , CO 8L657 Re: Gaging Station Dear Dave: On July to your existing with the 20, l-988, the Design Review Board gave final approval request to locate a gaging station to the south of the Upper Eagle Va1ley facility. The approval was given following conditions: 1. A landowner's letter of approval must be subnitted before construction begins. 2. The Toern of VaiI bike path rnust be repaired irnrnediately after construction. 3. The gage station will be painted forest green. 4. The gage station must be a minimum of four feet from the edge of the asphalt for the bike path. The Toern would like to see as much separation as possible between the bike path and the station. 5. Please have your construction manager check with Public Works before the construction of the station actually begins. Please talk to pete Burnett at 476-7OOO ext. 25O. Gli I t If any have any a caII. Thanks Sincerely, i r- I O, l -(htho YrfB-I rr.v.v. ' ,..tL Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:Kc further questions, please feel for your cooperation. free to give me uppen EAGLE VALLEY cOXSOLrOereO WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD . VAIL COLORADO 81657 (303) 476 7480 l.lovqrb€r 23, 1987 Kristan Pritz Tohn Plann€r TCf{f,l OF VAIL 75 Soufi Frontage Road Vai1, Oolorado 81657 RE: Int€rgovermpnta'l Agreenent with tpper Eagle Valley Oonsolidated Sanitation District ( "IEVCSD" ) and Vail Va]]ey Oonsolidated hlater District ("WC[ID") Dear Kristan: Erc'lced you will find three (3) copies of the agreenent betr€1 the Tosr of Vail ard tJre TEVCSD ad WqD regarding the rutual uaiving of certain fea. Both districts fave sigred, with Ed Drager being the Bmrd Chainrtan in ach case. P'lease have Ron Phi1 1ips execut€ the agreannnt and return one origina'l to the District. I an truly pleased that our Boards are rrcrking together mrtually to the extslt they better serve the tax payer. o ./ Sincerely, T..PPEJL{AGI_E VALLEY @f,TSOLIDATED SA |TTATTON DISTRTCT VAIL V4LLEY MNSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT /".''i,/rzah David E. tbtt- Ggpral l,lanager DEI{:&s.93 Enclosures r\\ paRTrcrparr'G orsrRrcrg - aRRowHEAo METR. warER . avoN METRo wayER . BEAVER .REEK METR. warER . BERR' .REEK "at"o ZG\ O\ warER o EAGLE va'|L uErRo warER '.':y::'#fi::: il'.:"iil,rTH"":::':;s;:" *"LE vaLLEy saN'|ra'oN ' u^'' QGI - $v 'rt-i6,t- ],',' -.+ r'. t-^ '. . ( !ilJ, '',, (l tL lil the UPPER EAGLE and the VAIL between the TOWN 0F VAIL, VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION OISTRICT VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1987, by and between the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town"), the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATI0N DISTRICT, a quasi-governmental entity ("Sanjtation Djstrict") and the VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, a Colorado quasi-governmental entity ("Water Di stri ct" ) . REC I TALS 1. The Town, the Water District and the Sanitatjon Djstrjct wish to contract together to provide for the waiver of ce'rtain fees between the Town and the Di stri cts. 2. This Intergovernmental Agreement is authorized pursuant to Section 18, Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution and Section 29-L-201, et seq., C.R.S., as amended. NOt,l, THEREFORE, in consideration promises contained herein, the parties 1. The Town shall wajve during Distri ct and Sanitation Djstrict, the A. Street cuts. B. Recreation amenities. C. Clean up. D. Bui lding permit. of the mutual covenants, conditjons and hereby agree as follows: the term of this Agreement, for the l,laten following fees and costs: f.-Trez=G:zE4=- H- permi t. L. A. Electrical permit. q ?F . Mechan'ical permi t. ,\ 4 0' [tPt'tr- Pl'*t B'"d- '',"i b. ;,?rl' Ppt'io7;"-t | ^ ^t', i',Mnd (nu trnrw&oJl h'uuat'n" 2. The Water District and Sanitation DistrjcUagree to pay the Town's direct expenses fcr= ar At&{ reviews. 4S PEf- 9k.3o9G)dE 0'6.C' At-tp ?/zc 4cto-Pz7 ut7t1 c44/7EZ 3 ac <l.Bz. aC Affllc.tr^N 3. The Water District and Sanitation District shalI waive all tap fees for t. Plumbing permit. projects on Town of Vail property. These tap fees shall include irrigation tap A"i, fees, sewer tap fees and water tap fees. I 4. Terminati on Unless sooner terminated as provided for herein, this Agreement shall be effecti ve and shall terminate %4 A, z .^J :v Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, ejther party with or without cause may terninate this Agreement upon the giving of one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notjce of such termination to the other respective parties. Notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the mailing of said notice by United States certified first class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the respective addresses as shall appear herein or upon a change of address pursuant this notice provision. It is the intent of the respective parties that this Agreement shall be renewed for additional peri ods following the end of the jnjtjal period, and unless one of the parties gives notice to the other parties at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the end of the initial period that such party desires to termjnate thjs Agreement or to renegotiate the terms, this Agreement shall be automatjcal1y extended for an additjonal period of each not to exceed a total of two (2) such extensions. ffi ffi,i- to -2- 5. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to confer upon a grant to any third party any right to clajm damages or to bring any lawsuit, action or other proceedings against either the Town of the Districts because of any breech hereof or because of any terms, covenants, agreements or conditions contained herejn, 6. No modifjcation or waiver of this Agreement or of any covening condjtion or provision herein contained shall be valjd unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged. 7. This written Agreement embodies the whole Agreement between the parties and there are no jnducements, promises, terms, conditions, or other obligations made or entered into either by the Town or the Djstrjcts other than those contained herein. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon the respective parties, their successors or assigns, and may not be assigned by anyone without the prior written consent of the other partjes hereto. 9. The Town has represented to the Districts and likewise, the Districts have represented to the Town that they possess the legal ability to enter into this Agreement. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any of the parties hereto did not possess the 1ega1 ability to enteri nto this Agreement, this Agreement shall be considered null and void as of the date of such court determination. -3- By:By: By: IN WITNESS I,IHEREOF, the parties and year first written above. TOI{N OF VAIL Rondal 1 V. Phillips, Town Manager VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT hereto have executed this Agreement the day UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT -4- I 75 loulh lronhgo road vall, colorado E1657 (303) 476-7000 olflco of conmunlty dcvclopmonl Novmeber 5, L9A7 Mr. Dave Mott Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation and water Districts 846 Foregt Road VaiI, Colorado 81557 Dear Dave, llere is the intergovernnental agreement. This will be reviewed at a Council work session at 2:OO p!! on Tuesday, Novenber LO. l,/ r "n I llll\l/lll^ .lvl I f -1" r ?-- Tonn Planner TO: Ron Phillips FRoM: Peter Paftegff DATE: October 2, L987 SU&TECT: VaiI Valley Consolidated Water Districtrs Surplus Properties The attached letter from Dave Mott identifies two properties which the District is intending to dispose. we felt it would be prudent to allow the Council to review these properties for any potential public use. Kristan and I have visited the sites and cannot think of any reason that we would want to obtain either parcel for public purposes. The VMRD may be interested in a portion of the Village parcel to locate restrooms for the golf course. Please schedule this for an appropriate Council work session, and I will inform Dave. iz UppER EaclE Vlr-r-Ev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 fOR€Sr ROAo . VArL COLORAOO 8t557 {303) 476 7480 Septenber 18, 1987 Peter Patton Director L'.fl Connrxli 1y Developxnent Town of VaiI ?5 South Frontage Road West VaiI , Colorado 81657 RE: Site Inspection VaiI Valley Consolidated Water District Surplus Properties Dear Peter: Prease be advised the VaiL Valrey consor idated water District has deterrnined that the below ]isted properties are surprus to their needs and intends to dispose of them at fair nrarket value (plat maps are attached l: \ Gore Creek Water Treatment PLant.7th Filing Lionsridge Water lbeatment Plant. Subdivision Ttsact C, VaiI Village, Block D, Lionsridge Bet ore underta.king a formar zone change proceeding r would rike your feedback as to what pubric uses might. be planned for tf,ese properties ard whether the public sector wourd be interested i.n thei,r acquisition. r wirr appreciate your input. Sincerely , David E. Mott General- Manager /,,v /-/zd /- VALLEY CONSOLIDATD SANITATIOT.I DISTRICII DEM:das TOV Eoclosures xc: Bob Ruder \\ I\\ Paattcrtatr'rc Drs?erctlr - AARowBgAo METRo wATER . avoN MErRo wATER . B€AyER CREEK MerRo wArER . BERRV 6REEK METR. waraa ,ff\ O\ EAGLE va'L ME'A. wArER ' EowAFos ^'t':::::'"Iff::,fiitrff;'J1::.;:?;;,T;X"^.".y coNsoLtoAreu sAN''A.oN @ o lRlC t ar1 *'.t\ ' i /.'i, /, f :i-; .a':.'+ / "..l.d z ')'"c;. "v /! ,r Io5 I ;-r'o' A d joining ,' 2tol- 06 IGE r5h @ @ BROOKTREE '..: TQWNHOUS ES i/ :-/ / tt .'t /i A-J r/i ,/".lt :"'/+ I >t'l a c q,q qt5 l:. tl .l I lf' i ;. i a I '{- \ -:l ;,\-q SANOSTONE 7O taAcl A @@ ;!r a t: / ,' /.' 3 /' yPd '., Y" /'n /.: "1 .r/ .",: /,*:' ,/ i .d .r" t.. .o' I J@ J i.ai-ocr "u' t, 'uu o,o. :lo4l ; 61 l- 5 ( sANDsroNE cREEK cLUB ) )'. !/. 045- 065 7 /:." a/,y ffi *4ii6 ';t r'---@ '\rA '>\,} I \-'/ -.- --1-1 ,,o.../.. (o2 6:64 ir ;l 90q @ \q t I ,,X, l ' s\!\i y \.r ----.=\I I {t]o !q :14 \-i .\ R \ v ^:- ^1t :,.;.:. Iv !s .r) '..q l\<t N =rt 'rY i€I s\:r{ n* {; ia sr tq t,a a , 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olf ice of lhe town manager September 4, L987 Board of Directors Vail Valley Consolj_dated Water District 846 Forest Road VaiJ-, colorado 81657 Dear Board of Directors: on behalf of the Town of vail , r wourd like to thank you for waiving-water tap fees for Buffehr creek park, nighori park,and sandstone park. The irrigation tap fee for euffenr creek park would have cost the Tolsn 914,500. Both sandstone and Bighorn Parks required a 3/4r water service rine at s5,76o per ]ine. rn total, the Board saved the Town of Vail a totar of 126'o2o for water tap fees. This considerable amount of savings will enable the Town to spend additional money on Iandscaping and facility improvernents which will be gieatly appreciated by the geneial public. The Town of VaiI would like to continue to work in a cooperative manner with the vail varley consoridated water Board. The Board has expressed an intlrest in forrnalizing a cooperative policy between the Town of vair and the vair iairey consoridated water District. r believe tnat che-t".t approach is to schedule a di-scussion with the Town councit at an upcorning work session. r would like to inviie nave Mott ana the mernbers of the Board to attend a Town council work session on. september 15th. r will be calling Dave to confirm this qaEe. rn addition, the Board expressed interest in d.iscussing the core creek treatment plant and Lionsri-dge treatrnent plint sites. Kristan pritz will contact Dave Mott to arrange a rneeting between the water oistrict and planning o-partment. we are interested in working with you on alternative lub1ic uses for the two sites. Itli , Vail Vallley Consolidated water District August 31, L9A7 Page Two once again, cooperation appreciated. we would like to thank on the tap fees. Your the Board for their efforts are greatly Rondall V. Philli Town Manager RVP:bpr / f a 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792'138 (303) 479-2139 office ot communlty developmenl October 29, 1990 ltr. Jerry Bender Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District 845 Forest Rd. Vail , CO 81658 RE: water Tank in East Vail Dear Jerry, I am writing in regard to the current status of the proposed rnitigation for the East Vail water tank which is located in the vail ueadows Avalanche Path. Due to the location of the tank, ttre Town is very concerned with both the scheduling and type of nitigation which lrill be installed. we would like to have the opportunity to review the proposal when it becornes available. we would like to insure that the mitigation is cornpleted as soon as possible. According to our records the water tank is partially located in the Town of Vail , it will therefore be necessary that any proposed nitigation located within Town boundaries be reviewed by The Townrs Design Review Board for aesthetic iropacts and by Greg Hall, Town Engineer. It will also be neccessary for the district to neet the Townrs requirenents for developnent in a hazard area. P1ease contact nre should you have any new inforrnation available. Thank you, Shel1y Mello, Town Planner ,'i1 t [:f!-f tilFi' Present Greg Amsden Chuck Gist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams Gena Whinen PLANNING AND E}.IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION March 9,1992 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at l:05PM. l. A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision and a zone district change from Primarv/Secondarv Residential to Low Densiw Multiple Familv. for the Schmetzko oropertv. generallv located at 2239 Chamonix Lane. more particularlv described as: Parcel A: A tract of land conraining one acre, more or less, located in the South l/2 of the South East ll4 of Section ll, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, rnore particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the SW ll4 of the SE l/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW l/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 ft. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW l/4 of the SE l/4 to a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW l/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east ll2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, a distance of 200.00 ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of thc SW l/4 of the SE l/4 of said Section ll; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95 21'00" along the extension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1i4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE comerof the SW 1/4 of the SE l/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992'Page I f Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 1 according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant Erich Schmetzko Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request and issues surounding the proposal. Chuck Crist asked why the Land Use Plan called out this area as Medium Density Residential. Kristan Pria said MDR was a general range of 3-14 units, and was used as a guide. Greg Amsden asked if the Commission should then give the applicant a development range. Rick Rosen, representing tlrc applicant, said they wanted to obtain approval for as many units as possible. He said the hazard mitigation plans were still being worked upon, and that he would like to see direction from the Commission on the maximum number of units which would be approved. Greg asked for a history of the parcel. Rick responded that when Mr. Schmetzko purchased the property, it was not yet annexed into the Town of Vail. At that time, he believed it was zoned for 5 units by the County. When the Town annexed the area, he believed the owner was given no notice that the Town was going to down-zone the propeny. At this point, Mr. Schmetzko wished to rezone the property and replat it into one parcel for continuous access. Diana Donovan indicated that how the County had zoned the property was not the issue. She indicated she could only support increasing the density of the property if sufficient mitigation was performed. She believed it was unbuildable without mitigation. In addition, she felt it was critical that the mitigation be performed on the property, not off-site, as there would be too much scaring if the mitigation went back into the BLM lands. She challenged the owner to address the aesthetic cory)erns of the mitigation. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable rezoning the property. She thought a Special Development District would be more appropriate. She was leery of giving the parcel a new zoning, then having it sold. Since the mitigation was critical to the proposal, she wanted more development controls placed on the property than just zoning. Diana agreed, but suggested placing plat restrictions on the parcels. Kathy did not believe that would be enough control, as the mitigation was part of the design process. Andy indicated that standards for the mitigation construction could be placed on the plat. Kathy believed the rezoning request would be easier to support if it was known who would develop the properry. Rick replied that if the property was restricted through use of the plat, the developer would still be required to go through the planning process. If a site-specific request were approved, it would be difficult for Mr. Schmetzko to sell the property, as it would limit the use and value of the land. Kathy reiterated that the site is very sensitive, and she did not believe a plat restriction would sufficiently protect the character of the area. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page 2