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F12-0031 calculations approved
WOLF RESIDENCE 2724 BALD MAOUNTAIN ROAD VAIL, COLORADO HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND PRODUCT SUBMITTALS THIS SET OF FIRE SPRINKLER SHOP SPECIFICATIONS AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE – N.I.C.E.T. IV #102055 SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN – FIRE PROTECTION, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CERTIFICATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS _________________________________________________ ________/________/__________ TIMOTHY N TROSTEL, JR – SET DATE PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER 7684 S. BRENTWOOD ST. LITTLETON, CO 80128 720.922.9231 PHONE Pr o j e c t N a m e : W O L F R E S I D E N C E Dr a w i n g N o . : Pr o j e c t L o c a t i o n : 2 7 2 4 B A L D M A O U N T A I N R O A D Ci t y : V A I L , C O CA L C U L A T I O N S U M M A R Y De s i g n A r e a s De s i g n A r e a Na m e Mi n . De n s i t y Ar e a o f Ap p l i c a t i o n Oc c u p a n c y Calculated Heads Mi n . Pr e s s u r e Hose Streams Tot a l W a t e r Pr e s s u r e @ So u r c e Margin To Source (g p m / f t ² ) (f t ² ) # (p s i ) (gpm) (g p m ) (p s i ) (psi) Mi n . Fl o w (g p m ) Ca l c . M o d e (M o d e l ) 1 DW E L L I N G 10 2 4 10 5 . 3 10 2 . 6 0. 1 25 . 6 407.1 27 . 3 De m a n d ( H W ) 2 DW E L L I N G 10 2 4 10 7 . 3 10 2 . 4 0. 1 25 . 6 407.3 27 . 3 De m a n d ( H W ) Da t e 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 Page 1 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 1 T y c o F i r e P r o t e c t i o n P r o d u c t s Fi l e : C : \ d w g \ P h o e n i x - w o l f r e s i d e n c e \ w o l f r e s f s - 1 . d w g Design Remote Area Name Remote Area Location Occupancy Classification Density (gpm/ft²) Area of Application (ft²) Coverage per Sprinkler (ft²) Number of Calculated Sprinklers In-Rack Demand (gpm) Special Heads Hose Streams (gpm) Total Water Required (incl. Hose Streams) (gpm) Pressure at Source (psi) Type of System Volume - Entire System (gal) 1 SECOND FLOOR DWELLING 0.1 1024 256 4 0 0 105.3 102.6 Wet 62 gal Water Supply Information Date Location Source HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for 06.22.12 NEAR SITE W1 Project Name : WOLF RESIDENCE Contract No. : Project Location: 2724 BALD MAOUNTAIN ROAD City: VAIL, CO Date: 12/30/1899 Name of Contractor: PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER Address: 7684 S. BRENTWOOD ST. Phone Number: 720.922.9231 Name of Designer: DLT Authority Having Jurisdiction: VAIL FIRE & RESCUE City: LITTLETON, CO 80128 E-mail: Job Information Contractor Information Notes Date 7/17/2012 Page 2Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Jo b : W O L F R E S I D E N C E Di a g r a m f o r D e s i g n A r e a : 1 (Op t i m i z e d H ydr a u l i c S i m p l i f i e d ) No d e L a b e l s : Pi p e L a b e l s : Off Off Da t e 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 Page 3 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 1 T y c o F i r e P r o t e c t i o n P r o d u c t s Fi l e : C : \ d w g \ P h o e n i x - w o l f r e s i d e n c e \ w o l f r e s f s - 1 . d w g Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Hydraulic Analysis for : 1 Water Supply Parameters Calculation Info Calculation Mode Hydraulic Model Fluid Name Fluid Weight, (lb/ft³) Fluid Dynamic Viscosity, (lb·s/ft²) Demand Hazen-Williams Water @ 60F (15.6C) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Supply 1 : W1 Flow (gpm)Pressure (psi) 0 110 1300 85 Inside Hose Flow (gpm) Outside Hose Flow (gpm) Additional Outside Hose Flow (gpm) Other (custom defined) Hose Flow (gpm) Total Hose Flow (gpm) Hoses Ovehead Sprinkler Flow (gpm) InRack Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Other (custom defined) Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Total Sprinkler Flow (gpm) 105.3 0 0 105.3 Required Margin of Safety (psi) W1 - Pressure (psi) W1 - Flow (gpm) Demand w/o System Pump(s) 0 102.6 105.3 N/A Sprinklers Other Date 7/17/2012 Page 4Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Jo b : W O L F R E S I D E N C E Hydr a u l i c A n a l ysi s f o r : 1 Su p p l y Sy s t e m D e m a n d Fl o w , g p m Pressure, psi 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 S1 S2 81.326 D1D2 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 Da t e 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 Page 5 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 1 T y c o F i r e P r o t e c t i o n P r o d u c t s Fi l e : C : \ d w g \ P h o e n i x - w o l f r e s i d e n c e \ w o l f r e s f s - 1 . d w g Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Hydraulic Analysis for : 1 Pressure (psi)Label Graph Labels Flow (gpm) ValuesDescription 0S1 110Supply point #1 - Static 1300S2 85Supply point #2 - Residual 0D1 11.3Elevation Pressure 105.3D2 102.6System Demand Pressure (psi)Curve Name Curve Intersections & Safety Margins Flow (gpm) Safety MarginIntersection Pressure (psi)@ Flow (gpm) 109.7Supply109.7 7.1 105.3 Open Heads Head Ref.DensityDensityK-Factor PressureFlowPressure (gpm/ft²)(gpm/ft²)(gpm/psi½)(psi)(gpm)(psi) Flow (gpm) Coverage (ft²) Required CalculatedHead Type 100 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.1 27.325.6256Overhead Sprinkler 101 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.105 30.427256Overhead Sprinkler 102 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.103 28.926.3256Overhead Sprinkler 103 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.103 2926.4256Overhead Sprinkler Date 7/17/2012 Page 6Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Node Data Hydraulic Calculations / Fluid Delivery Time Analysis Node# Elev ft Type Hgroup K-Fact. Open/Closed gpm/psi½ Discharge Overdischarge gpm gpm Coverage Density ft² gpm/ft² Tot. Pres. Elev. Pres. psi psi Req. Pres. Req. Discharge psi gpm 100 28 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 25.6 0 256 0.1 27.3 -11.3 27.3 25.6 102 28 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 26.3 0.7 256 0.103 28.9 -11.3 27.3 25.6 103 28 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 26.4 0.8 256 0.103 29 -11.3 27.3 25.6 101 28 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 27 1.4 256 0.105 30.4 -11.3 27.3 25.6 045 29.67 Node NODE 27.2 -12 139 29.67 Node NODE 28.8 -12 002 29.67 Node NODE 29.6 -12 001 29.67 Node NODE 29.6 -12 042 29.67 Node NODE 30 -12 138 29.67 Node NODE 30.3 -12 003 29.67 Node NODE 30.7 -12 005 29.67 Node NODE 35.7 -12 012 29.67 Node NODE 38.3 -12 039 29.67 Node NODE 38.3 -12 018 29.67 Node NODE 41.1 -12 084 19 Node NODE 42.9 -7.4 080 19 Node NODE 42.9 -7.4 078 19 Node NODE 42.9 -7.4 052 19 Node NODE 42.9 -7.4 025-A 22 Node NODE 60.1 -8.7 025-B 22 Node NODE 76.8 -8.7 027 21 Node NODE 79.7 -8.2 W1 2 Supply SUPPLY -105.3 102.6 0 Date 7/17/2012 Page 7Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Hydraulic CalculationsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Node 2 Elev 1 Elev 2 (ft) K-Factor 1 K-Factor 2 (gpm/psi½) Flow added (q) Total flow (Q) (gpm) Nominal ID Actual ID (in) Fittings quantity x (name) = length (ft) L F T (ft) C Factor Pf per ft (psi) total (Pt) elev (Pe) frict (Pf) (psi) NOTES 1Path No: 100 045 28 29.67 4.9 25.6 25.6 1 1.055 1x(us.90)=3.11 1.67 3.11 4.77 150 0.1318 27.3 -0.7 0.6 045 042 29.67 29.67 0 25.6 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 2x(BM.90)=10 10.71 15 25.71 150 0.107 27.2 0 2.8 042 039 29.67 29.67 31.8 57.4 1 1.101 3x(BM.Tee-Run)=3 14.56 3 17.56 150 0.4779 30 0 8.4 039 018 29.67 29.67 3.3 60.7 1.5 1.598 2x(BM.Tee-Run)=2 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=8 1x(BM.90)=8 13.36 18 31.36 150 0.0864 38.3 0 2.7 018 025-A 29.67 22 44.6 105.3 1.5 1.598 4x(BM.90)=32 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=8 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 24.75 41 65.75 150 0.2395 41.1 3.3 15.7 025-A 025-B 22 22 0 105.3 1.5 0 1 0 1 0 16.652 60.1 0 16.7 4000B DblChk 025-B 027 22 21 0 105.3 1.5 1.598 1x(BM.90)=8 2.57 8 10.57 150 0.2395 76.8 0.4 2.5 027 W1 21 2 0 105.3 2 1.959 6x(us.90)=34.88 130.08 34.88 164.96 150 0.0888 79.7 8.2 14.7 W1 102.6 2Path No: 102 139 28 29.67 4.9 26.3 26.3 1 1.055 1x(us.90)=3.11 1.67 3.11 4.77 150 0.1388 28.9 -0.7 0.7 139 002 29.67 29.67 0 26.3 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 1.98 5 6.98 150 0.1127 28.8 0 0.8 002 003 29.67 29.67 -5.4 20.9 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 10 5 15 150 0.0736 29.6 0 1.1 003 005 29.67 29.67 27 47.9 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 8.71 6 14.71 150 0.3417 30.7 0 5 005 012 29.67 29.67 0 47.9 1.25 1.394 3x(BM.Tee-Run)=3 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 14.7 9 23.7 150 0.1083 35.7 0 2.6 012 018 29.67 29.67 -3.3 44.6 1.25 1.394 6x(BM.Tee-Run)=6 23.21 6 29.21 150 0.0949 38.3 0 2.8 018 41.1 Date 7/17/2012 Page 8Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Hydraulic CalculationsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE PIPE INFORMATION 3Path No: 103 001 28 29.67 4.9 26.4 26.4 1 1.055 1x(us.Tee-Br)=7.76 1.67 7.76 9.43 150 0.1396 29 -0.7 1.3 001 042 29.67 29.67 5.4 31.8 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1 1 2 150 0.1602 29.6 0 0.3 042 30 4Path No: 101 138 28 29.67 4.9 27 27 1 1.055 1x(us.90)=3.11 1.67 3.11 4.77 150 0.1455 30.4 -0.7 0.7 138 003 29.67 29.67 0 27 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1.98 1 2.98 150 0.1182 30.3 0 0.4 003 30.7 5Path No: 002 001 29.67 29.67 0 5.4 1 1.101 7.69 0 7.69 150 0.006 29.6 0 0.0 001 29.6 6Path No: 012 084 29.67 19 0 3.3 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 10.67 6 16.67 150 0.0008 38.3 4.6 0.0 084 080 19 19 -0.9 2.4 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.90)=6 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 1.69 12 13.69 150 0.0004 42.9 0 0 080 078 19 19 0 2.4 1.25 1.394 2x(BM.Tee-Run)=2 11.01 2 13.01 150 0.0004 42.9 0 0 078 052 19 19 0.9 3.3 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 12 7 19 150 0.0008 42.9 0 0.0 052 039 19 29.67 0 3.3 1.5 1.598 2x(BM.Tee-Br)=16 2x(BM.90)=16 2x(BM.Tee-Run)=2 28.25 34 62.25 150 0.0004 42.9 -4.6 0.0 039 38.3 7Path No: 084 078 19 19 0 0.9 1.25 1.394 8x(BM.Tee-Br)=48 6x(BM.Tee-Run)=6 4x(BM.90)=24 99.43 78 177.43 150 0.0001 42.9 0 0.0 078 42.9 Date 7/17/2012 Page 9Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Hydraulic CalculationsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Node 2 Elev 1 Elev 2 (ft) K-Factor 1 K-Factor 2 (gpm/psi½) Flow added (q) Total flow (Q) (gpm) Nominal ID Actual ID (in) Fittings quantity x (name) = length (ft) L F T (ft) C Factor Pf per ft (psi) total (Pt) elev (Pe) frict (Pf) (psi) NOTES * Pressures are balanced to a high degree of accuracy. Values may vary by 0.1 psi due to display rounding. * Maximum Velocity of 19.35 ft/s occurs in the following pipe(s): (039-042) Date 7/17/2012 Page 10Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Design Remote Area Name Remote Area Location Occupancy Classification Density (gpm/ft²) Area of Application (ft²) Coverage per Sprinkler (ft²) Number of Calculated Sprinklers In-Rack Demand (gpm) Special Heads Hose Streams (gpm) Total Water Required (incl. Hose Streams) (gpm) Pressure at Source (psi) Type of System Volume - Entire System (gal) 2 BASEMENT DWELLING 0.1 1024 256 4 0 0 107.3 102.4 Wet 62 gal Water Supply Information Date Location Source HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS for 06.22.12 NEAR SITE W1 Project Name : WOLF RESIDENCE Contract No. : Project Location: 2724 BALD MAOUNTAIN ROAD City: VAIL, CO Date: 12/30/1899 Name of Contractor: PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER Address: 7684 S. BRENTWOOD ST. Phone Number: 720.922.9231 Name of Designer: DLT Authority Having Jurisdiction: VAIL FIRE & RESCUE City: LITTLETON, CO 80128 E-mail: Job Information Contractor Information Notes Date 7/17/2012 Page 11Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Jo b : W O L F R E S I D E N C E Di a g r a m f o r D e s i g n A r e a : 2 (Op t i m i z e d H ydr a u l i c S i m p l i f i e d ) No d e L a b e l s : Pi p e L a b e l s : Off Off Da t e 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 Page 12 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 1 T y c o F i r e P r o t e c t i o n P r o d u c t s Fi l e : C : \ d w g \ P h o e n i x - w o l f r e s i d e n c e \ w o l f r e s f s - 1 . d w g Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Hydraulic Analysis for : 2 Water Supply Parameters Calculation Info Calculation Mode Hydraulic Model Fluid Name Fluid Weight, (lb/ft³) Fluid Dynamic Viscosity, (lb·s/ft²) Demand Hazen-Williams Water @ 60F (15.6C) N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. N/A for Hazen-Williams calculation. Supply 1 : W1 Flow (gpm)Pressure (psi) 0 110 1300 85 Inside Hose Flow (gpm) Outside Hose Flow (gpm) Additional Outside Hose Flow (gpm) Other (custom defined) Hose Flow (gpm) Total Hose Flow (gpm) Hoses Ovehead Sprinkler Flow (gpm) InRack Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Other (custom defined) Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Total Sprinkler Flow (gpm) 107.3 0 0 107.3 Required Margin of Safety (psi) W1 - Pressure (psi) W1 - Flow (gpm) Demand w/o System Pump(s) 0 102.4 107.3 N/A Sprinklers Other Date 7/17/2012 Page 13Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Jo b : W O L F R E S I D E N C E Hydr a u l i c A n a l ysi s f o r : 2 Su p p l y Sy s t e m D e m a n d Fl o w , g p m Pressure, psi 15 0 14 0 13 0 12 0 11 0 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 S1 S2 81.326 D1D2 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 Da t e 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 2 Page 14 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 1 1 T y c o F i r e P r o t e c t i o n P r o d u c t s Fi l e : C : \ d w g \ P h o e n i x - w o l f r e s i d e n c e \ w o l f r e s f s - 1 . d w g Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Hydraulic Analysis for : 2 Pressure (psi)Label Graph Labels Flow (gpm) ValuesDescription 0S1 110Supply point #1 - Static 1300S2 85Supply point #2 - Residual 0D1 2.6Elevation Pressure 107.3D2 102.4System Demand Pressure (psi)Curve Name Curve Intersections & Safety Margins Flow (gpm) Safety MarginIntersection Pressure (psi)@ Flow (gpm) 111.5Supply109.7 7.3 107.3 Open Heads Head Ref.DensityDensityK-Factor PressureFlowPressure (gpm/ft²)(gpm/ft²)(gpm/psi½)(psi)(gpm)(psi) Flow (gpm) Coverage (ft²) Required CalculatedHead Type 201 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.1 27.325.6256Overhead Sprinkler 202 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.107 31.227.4256Overhead Sprinkler 203 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.105 30.327256Overhead Sprinkler 204 4.9 0.1 25.6 27.3 0.107 31.327.4256Overhead Sprinkler Date 7/17/2012 Page 15Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Job : WOLF RESIDENCE Node Data Hydraulic Calculations / Fluid Delivery Time Analysis Node# Elev ft Type Hgroup K-Fact. Open/Closed gpm/psi½ Discharge Overdischarge gpm gpm Coverage Density ft² gpm/ft² Tot. Pres. Elev. Pres. psi psi Req. Pres. Req. Discharge psi gpm 005 29.67 Node NODE 35.9 -12 012 29.67 Node NODE 35.7 -12 018 29.67 Node NODE 39.4 -12 025-A 22 Node NODE 59 -8.7 025-B 22 Node NODE 76 -8.7 027 21 Node NODE 79 -8.2 039 29.67 Node NODE 37.1 -12 052 19 Node NODE 38.8 -7.4 078 19 Node NODE 37 -7.4 084 19 Node NODE 37.3 -7.4 093 9 Node NODE 31.5 -3 094 9 Node NODE 31.4 -3 095 9 Node NODE 31.4 -3 096 9 Node NODE 31.6 -3 201 8 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 25.6 0 256 0.1 27.3 -2.6 27.3 25.6 202 8 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 27.4 1.8 256 0.107 31.2 -2.6 27.3 25.6 203 8 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 27 1.4 256 0.105 30.3 -2.6 27.3 25.6 204 8 Overhead Sprinkler HEAD 4.9 Open 27.4 1.8 256 0.107 31.3 -2.6 27.3 25.6 W1 2 Supply SUPPLY -107.3 102.4 0 Date 7/17/2012 Page 16Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Hydraulic CalculationsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Node 2 Elev 1 Elev 2 (ft) K-Factor 1 K-Factor 2 (gpm/psi½) Flow added (q) Total flow (Q) (gpm) Nominal ID Actual ID (in) Fittings quantity x (name) = length (ft) L F T (ft) C Factor Pf per ft (psi) total (Pt) elev (Pe) frict (Pf) (psi) NOTES 1Path No: 201 094 8 9 4.9 25.6 25.6 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 4x(BM.90)=20 17.4 25 42.4 150 0.107 27.3 -0.4 4.5 094 093 9 9 -2.1 23.5 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 2.71 1 3.71 150 0.0289 31.4 0 0.1 093 084 9 19 27.4 50.8 1.25 1.394 3x(BM.Tee-Br)=18 3x(BM.90)=18 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 46.57 37 83.57 150 0.1209 31.5 -4.3 10.1 084 012 19 29.67 12.5 63.3 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 10.67 6 16.67 150 0.1815 37.3 -4.6 3 012 018 29.67 29.67 -11.3 52.1 1.25 1.394 6x(BM.Tee-Run)=6 23.21 6 29.21 150 0.1263 35.7 0 3.7 018 025-A 29.67 22 55.3 107.3 1.5 1.598 4x(BM.90)=32 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=8 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 24.75 41 65.75 150 0.2481 39.4 3.3 16.3 025-A 025-B 22 22 0 107.3 1.5 0 1 0 1 0 16.9468 59 0 16.9 4000B DblChk 025-B 027 22 21 0 107.3 1.5 1.598 1x(BM.90)=8 2.57 8 10.57 150 0.2481 76 0.4 2.6 027 W1 21 2 0 107.3 2 1.959 6x(us.90)=34.88 130.08 34.88 164.96 150 0.092 79 8.2 15.2 W1 102.4 2Path No: 203 095 8 9 4.9 27 27 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1x(BM.90)=5 7.19 6 13.19 150 0.1179 30.3 -0.4 1.6 095 096 9 9 2.1 29.1 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 2.71 1 3.71 150 0.043 31.4 0 0.2 096 078 9 19 27.4 56.5 1.25 1.394 4x(BM.Tee-Br)=24 3x(BM.Tee-Run)=3 1x(BM.90)=6 33.42 33 66.42 150 0.147 31.6 -4.3 9.8 078 052 19 19 -12.5 44 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 12 7 19 150 0.0926 37 0 1.8 052 039 19 29.67 0 44 1.5 1.598 2x(BM.Tee-Br)=16 2x(BM.90)=16 2x(BM.Tee-Run)=2 28.25 34 62.25 150 0.0476 38.8 -4.6 3 039 018 29.67 29.67 11.3 55.3 1.5 1.598 2x(BM.Tee-Run)=2 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=8 1x(BM.90)=8 13.36 18 31.36 150 0.0726 37.1 0 2.3 018 39.4 Date 7/17/2012 Page 17Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Hydraulic CalculationsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE PIPE INFORMATION Node 1 Node 2 Elev 1 Elev 2 (ft) K-Factor 1 K-Factor 2 (gpm/psi½) Flow added (q) Total flow (Q) (gpm) Nominal ID Actual ID (in) Fittings quantity x (name) = length (ft) L F T (ft) C Factor Pf per ft (psi) total (Pt) elev (Pe) frict (Pf) (psi) NOTES 3Path No: 202 093 8 9 4.9 27.4 27.4 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 1 5 6 150 0.1212 31.2 -0.4 0.7 093 31.5 4Path No: 204 096 8 9 4.9 27.4 27.4 1 1.101 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 1 5 6 150 0.1214 31.3 -0.4 0.7 096 31.6 5Path No: 094 095 9 9 0 2.1 1.25 1.394 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 14.02 6 20.02 150 0.0003 31.4 0 0 095 31.4 6Path No: 012 005 29.67 29.67 0 11.3 1.25 1.394 3x(BM.Tee-Run)=3 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=6 14.7 9 23.7 150 0.0074 35.7 0 0.2 005 039 29.67 29.67 0 11.3 1 1.101 6x(BM.Tee-Run)=6 1x(BM.Tee-Br)=5 41.96 11 52.96 150 0.0234 35.9 0 1.2 039 37.1 7Path No: 078 084 19 19 0 12.5 1.25 1.394 2x(BM.Tee-Br)=12 1x(BM.Tee-Run)=1 1x(BM.90)=6 12.7 19 31.7 150 0.009 37 0 0.3 084 37.3 * Pressures are balanced to a high degree of accuracy. Values may vary by 0.1 psi due to display rounding. * Maximum Velocity of 17.17 ft/s occurs in the following pipe(s): (025-A-018), (027-025-B) Date 7/17/2012 Page 18Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg Device GraphsJob : WOLF RESIDENCE Pressure vs. Flow Function Design Area: 2; Supply Ref.: W1; Supply Name:W1 Flow, gpm 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0 70 0 80 0 90 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 Pr e s s u r e , p s i 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Pressure Loss Function Design Area: 2; BFP Ref.: 194 (4000B DblChk, Size = 1.5) Flow, gpm 0 20 40 90 12 0 Pr e s s u r e , p s i 19.9 18.9 17.9 16.9 15.9 14.9 13.9 12.9 11.9 10.9 9.9 8.9 7.9 6.9 5.9 4.9 3.9 2.9 1.9 0.9 16.9 psi @ 107.3 gpm Date 7/17/2012 Page 19Copyright © 2002-2011 Tyco Fire Protection Products File: C:\dwg\Phoenix - wolf residence\wolf res fs-1.dwg WATER FLOW TEST REPORT PROJECT NAME:JOB # HYDRANT # & LOCATION: DATE:06.22.2012 TEST BY:Day or Week:TIME OF DAY:MIN. OF FLOW: WATER SUPPLIED BY:EAGLE RIVER WATER PURPOSE OF TEST: DATA FLOW HYDRANT(S)A1 A2 A3 SIZE OPENING:2.5 0 COEFFICIENT:0.9 0 PITOT READING:60 0 GPM:1300 0 0 TOTAL FLOW DURING TEST:1300 GPM STATIC READING:120 PSI RESIDUAL:95 PSI RESULTS:AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL 2748 GPM AT 0 PSI 3032 GPM ESTIMATED CONSUMPTION:1300 GAL. REMARKS: WOLF RES RON KELLY 2724 BALD MOUNTAIN RD FIRE FLOW 0 1300 2748 3032 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Pr e s s u r e , p s i g Flow, gpm Calculation for size of expansion tank NFPA 13, 13R,& 13D Minimum Insert data into yellow boxes only Tank Type of antifreeze used Size Propylene Glycol 5.4 gallons Glycerine 5.8 gallons A. One formula for sizing the chamber is as follows. Other methods also exist. where: 11 L = change in antifreeze solution volume (gal) due to thermal expansion 1.3051181 1.405405 12 S V = volume (gal) of antifreeze system, not including the expansion chamber 39 13 D L = density (gm/ml) of antifreeze solution at lowest expected temperature 1.05 1 1.15 7 14 D H = density (gm/ml) of antifreeze solution at highest expected temperature 1.016 2 1.11 8 15 This method is based on the following information: Adjusted where: Given Converted 19 V EC = minimum required volume (gal) of expansion chamber 3 20 V 0 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at precharge (before installation) 3 21 V 1 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at normal static pressure 3 22 V 2 = air volume (gal) in expansion chamber at post-expansion pressure (antifreeze at high temperature) 3 23 P 0 = absolute precharge pressure (psia) on expansion chamber before installation 110 4 125 9 24 P 1 = absolute static pressure (psi) on water (supply) side of backflow preventer 110 4 125 9 25 P 2 = absolute maximum allowable working pressure (psi) for antifreeze system 150 5 165 9 26 T 0 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber at precharge 68 6 528 10 27 T 1 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber when antifreeze system piping is at lowest expected temperature 68 6 528 10 28 T 2 = temperature (°R) of air in expansion chamber when antifreeze system piping is at highest expected temperature 68 6 528 10 This equation is one formulation of the ideal gas law from basic chemistry. The amount of air in the expansion chamber will not change over time. The pressure, temperature, and volume of the air at different times will be related in accordance with this formula. The antifreeze in the system is essentially incompressible, so the air volume in the expansion chamber will decrease by an amount equal to the expansion of the antifreeze. It is assumed that there is no trapped air in the system piping, so the only air in the system is in the expansion chamber. This is a conservative assumption, since more air is better. In reality, there will be at least some trapped air. However, only the air in the expansion chamber can be relied upon to be available when needed. At precharge, the chamber will be completely full of air. NFPA 13 (02) 1 Density is based on -100F for 50% propylene glycol and is an estimate of the lowest expected temperature of the mixture in the entire system for a ranch style house. A higher temperature might be expected for a tri-level home. Use density for glycerine under the same conditions 2 Density is based on 1300F for 48% propylene glycol and is an estimate of the highest expected temperature of the mixture in the entire system for a ranch style house. A lower temperature might be expected for a tri-level home. Use density for glycerine under the same conditions 3 It is believed that values for V cancel since the total volume within the chamber does not change 4 The pre-charge pressure will be the same as static pressure at the street or pump churn pressure 5 The maximum allowable working pressure is the same as the maximum listed pressure for the sprinkler heads 6 The temperature chosen is based on expansion tanks installed in heated basements Revised 12/06/05 7 Density values come from Fig (a-c) Pg 33-34 8 Left column = glycol; right column = glycerine 60% (-10 to 130) 9 Add 15 to all pressure values to include atmospheric pressure 10 Add 459 to F to change to R Series LFII Residential Sprinklers Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent 4.9 K-Factor Page 1 of 6 OCTOBER 2010 TFP443 Technical Services 800-381-9312 | +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fire.com General Description The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are decora- tive, fast response, fusible solder sprin- klers designed for use in residential oc- cupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly con- ceals the sprinkler operating compo- nents above the ceiling. The flat profile of the Cover Plate provides the optimum aesthetically appealing sprinkler design. Additionally, the concealed design of the Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Con- cealed Pendent Sprinklers provides 1/2 inch (12,8 mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment provides a measure of flex- ibility when cutting fixed pipe drops. The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are in- tended for use in the following systems: • per NFPA 13D, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two- family dwellings and mobile homes; • per NFPA 13R, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential oc- cupancies up to and including four stories in height; and • per NFPA 13, wet pipe sprinkler sys- tems for the residential portions of any occupancy. The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler has a 4.9 (60,5) K-factor that provides the required residential flow rates at reduced pres- sures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. This sprinkler has been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the con- trol of residential fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap. The Protective Cap protects the sprinkler during ceiling installation or finish. After ceiling installation is com- plete, the Protective Cap is removed and the Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly is installed. Removing the Protec- tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler performance. NOTICE The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this doc- ument and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. Owners are responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted with any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY2524 Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed NSF-61 Certified The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are only listed with the Series LFII Concealed Cover Plates having a factory-applied finish. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K=4.9 GPM/psi1/2 (70,6 LPM/bar1/2) Temperature Rating Sprinkler: 160°F (71°C) Cover Plate: 139°F (59°C) Vertical Adjustment 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) Finishes Refer to the Ordering Procedure section. Physical Characteristics • Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly: Cover Plate .............Copper Ejection Spring ....Stainless Steel Retainer ................Brass IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER WARNING” that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its components and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. TFP443 Page 2 of 6 • Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly: Body ...................Brass Cap ...................Bronze Saddle..................Brass Sealing Assembly .......Beryllium Nickel w/ Teflon1 Soldered Link Halves ......Nickel Lever ..................Bronze Compression Screw .......Brass Deflector ...............Bronze Guide Pin Housing........Bronze Guide Pins .............Bronze Support Cup ..............Steel Operation When exposed to heat from a fire, the Cover Plate, which is normally soldered to the Retainer at three points, falls away to expose the Sprinkler/Support Cup As- sembly. At this point, the Deflector, sup- ported by the Guide Pins, drops down to its operated position. The Solder Link Element of the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly is comprised of two link halves that are soldered togeth- er with a thin layer of solder. When the rated temperature is reached, the sol- der melts and the two link halves sepa- rate, allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. 1 Registered trademark of Dupont Design Criteria The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following criteria. NOTICE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, re- fer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer's recommendations that may be accept- able to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. The Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must not be used in applications where the air pressure above the ceiling is greater than that below. Down drafts through the Support Cup can delay sprinkler op- eration in a fire situation. System Type Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design Table A provides the minimum required sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required dis- charge from each of the total number of “design sprinklers” as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of tem- perature rating and the maximum al- lowable coverage area • minimum discharge of 0.1 GPM/ sq. ft. over the “design area” com- prised of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for actual cov- erage areas protected by the four sprinklers Obstruction To Water Distribution Locate sprinklers in accordance with the obstruction rules of NFPA for residential sprinklers as well as obstruction criteria described within TYCO technical data sheet TFP490. Operational Sensitivity Install sprinklers relative to the ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 3. Sprinkler Spacing The minimum spacing between sprin- klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing between sprin- klers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A) being hydrau- lically calculated; for example, a maxi- mum of 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. cov- erage area or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area. (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which Hydraulic Design section under the Design Criteria are stated. (b) The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to “Hydraulic Design” in the Design Criteria section for details. TABLE A SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLAT-PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER (TY2524) NFPA 13D AND NFPA 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS Maximum Coverage Area (a) Maximum Spacing Horizontal Ceiling Minimum Flow(b) and Residual Pressure (Maximum 2-inch rise for 12-inch run) Sloped Ceiling Minimum Flow(b) and Residual Pressure (Greater than 2-inch rise up to maximum 4-inch rise for 12-inch run) Sloped Ceiling Minimum Flow(b) and Residual Pressure (Greater than 4-inch rise up to maximum 8-inch rise for 12-inch run) 160°F (71°C) Sprinkler 160°F (71°C) Sprinkler 160°F (71°C) Sprinkler 12' x 12' (3,7 m x 3,7 m) 12' (3,7 m) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 14' x 14' (4,3 m x 4,3 m) 14' (4,3 m) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 16' x 16' (4,9 m x 4,9 m) 16' (4,9 m) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 18' x 18' (5,5 m x 5,5 m) 18' (5,5 m) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 20.2 psi (1,39 bar) 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 20.2 psi (1,39 bar) 20' x 20' (6,1 m x 6,1 m) 20' (6,1 m) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 24 GPM (90,8 LPM) 24.0 psi (1,65 bar) 24 GPM (90,8 LPM) 24.0 psi (1,65 bar) TFP443 Page 3 of 6 FIGURE 3 PROTECTIVE CAP AND ACTIVATED DEFLECTOR INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 18 SPRINKLER WRENCH FIGURE 1 FLAT-PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER (TY2524) ASSEMBLY PLATE COVER EJECTION SPRING DIMPLES WITH THREAD RETAINER ASSEMBLY SEALING COMPRESSION SCREW POSITION) (OPERATED DEFLECTOR FLUSH WITH SURFACE IS SUPPORT CUP UNTIL MOUNTING THREAD INTO SOLDER TAB CEILING DEFLECTOR CAP (1/2" NPT) BODY AREA WRENCHING SPRINKLER SADDLE ROLL FORMED THREADS CUP WITH SUPPORT ELEMENT SOLDER LINK LEVER GUIDE PIN HOUSING GUIDE PIN SPRINKLER/SUPPORT CUP COVER PLATE/RETAINER ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY (81,0 mm) 3-3/16" DIA. 1/2" NPT (63,5 mm) 2-1/2" DIA. MOUNTING SURFACE (4,8 mm) 3/16" 1/8" GAP (3,2 mm) FITTING SPRINKLER FACE OF 7/8" (22,2 mm) 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) TIPOPERATED POSITION DEFLECTOR IN 1/2" (12,7 mm) ADJUSTMENT THREADED SPRINKLER- SUPPORT CUP ASSEMBLY OPERATED SPRINKLER 1-7/8"±1/8" ±3,2 mm) (47,6 mm SPRINKLER- SUPPORT CUP ASSEMBLYASSEMBLY COVER- RETAINER COVER PLATE RETAINER DISPOSABLE PROTECTIVE CAP RECESS WRENCH WITH SPRINKLER ENGAGEMENT IN TO ENSURE WRENCHING AREA PUSH WRENCH TFP443 Page 4 of 6 Installation The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. NOTICE Damage to the Solder Link Element dur- ing installation can be avoided by han- dling the sprinkler by the Support Cup only; that is, do not apply pressure to the Solder Link Element (Figure 1). Obtain a leak-tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint by applying a minimum-to-maxi- mum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in the Cover Plate/ Retainer Assembly by under- or over- tightening the sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. 1. Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position, with the center- line of the sprinkler perpendicular to the mounting surface. 2. Remove the Protective Cap. 3. With pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, and using the W-Type 18 Wrench shown in Figure 2, install and tighten the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly into the fit- ting. The W-Type 18 Wrench ac- cepts a 1/2 inch ratchet drive. 4. Replace the Protective Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protective Cap helps prevent dam- age to the Deflector and Guide Pins during ceiling installation and/ or during application of the finish coating of the ceiling. NOTICE As long as the protective Cap re- mains in place, the system is con- sidered “Out Of Service”. 5. After the ceiling has been com- pleted with the 2-1/2 inch (63 mm) diameter clearance hole and in preparation for installing the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap, and verify that the Deflector moves up and down freely. If the Sprinkler has been damaged and the Deflector does not move up and down freely, replace the entire Sprinkler assembly. Do not attempt to modify or repair a damaged sprinkler. 6. Screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly until its flange contacts the ceiling. Do not continue to screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly such that it lifts a ceiling panel out of its normal position. If the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly cannot be engaged with the Mounting Cup or the Cover Plate/Retainer As- sembly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fitting must be repositioned. Care and Maintenance The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524) must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following instructions. NOTICE Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it con- trols, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection system from the proper authorities and notify all person- nel who may be affected by this action. When properly installed, there is a nomi- nal 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) air gap between the lip of the Cover Plate and the ceil- ing, as shown in Figure 3. This air gap is necessary for proper operation of the sprinkler by allowing heat flow from a fire to pass below and above the Cover Plate to help assure appropriate release of the Cover Plate in a fire situation. If the ceiling needs repainting after sprinkler installation, exercise care to ensure that the new paint does NOT seal off any of the air gap. Failure to do so may impair sprinkler operation. Absence of a Cover Plate can delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Do not pull the Cover Plate relative to the Enclosure. Separation may result. Exercise care to avoid damage to sprin- klers before, during, and after installa- tion. Never paint, plate, coat, or other- wise alter automatic sprinklers after they leave the factory. Never repaint factory-painted Cover Plates. When necessary, replace cover plates with factory-painted units. Non- factory applied paint can adversely de- lay or prevent sprinkler operation in the event of a fire. Replace sprinklers that: • were damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisting, wrench slippage, or the like. • were modified or over-heated. • are leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion. Responsibility lies with owners for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. TFP443 Page 5 of 6 Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the orig- inal Buyer for ten (10) years against de- fects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and main- tained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFSBP. No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFSBP to be defec- tive shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFSBP’s sole option. TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFSBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete in- formation supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s representatives. In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in con- tract, tort, strict liability or under any oth- er legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, in- cluding but not limited to labor charg- es, regardless of whether TFSBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFSBP’s liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, express or implied, including warranties of mer- chantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on fail- ure of or defect in products, materials or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any oth- er legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product description and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly Specify: Series LFII Residential Flat- Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524), K=4.9, without Cover Plate/ Retainer Assembly, P/N 51-114-1-160. Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly Specify: Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly with finish (below) for the Series LFII Residential Flat-Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524), K=4.9, P/N (below): Chrome ..................P/N 56-201-9-135 Custom ...................P/N 56-201-X-135 Off White ................P/N 56-201-0-135 Pure White* (RAL 9010) ................P/N 56-201-3-135 Signal White** (RAL 9003) ...............P/N 56-201-4-135 Standard White (Grey White) (RAL9002) ................P/N 56-201-5-135 * Eastern Hemisphere sales only. ** Previously known as Bright White. Note: All Custom Cover Plates are painted using Sherwin Williams Interior Latex Paint. Contact TYCO Customer Service with any questions related to custom orders. Sprinkler Wrench Specify W-Type 18 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-1-265. TFP443 Page 6 of 6 Copyright ©2010 Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products. All rights reserved. Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.9 K-Factor Pendent and Recessed Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems Page 1 of 8 AUGUST 2011 TFP400 Technical Services 800-381-9312 | +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fire.com General Description The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) are deco- rative, fast response, frangible bulb sprinklers designed for use in residen- tial occupancies such as homes, apart- ments, dormitories, and hotels. When aesthetics and optimized flow charac- teristics are the major consideration, the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers should be the first choice. The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers are intended for use in the following scenarios: • wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two-family dwellings and mobile homes per NFPA 13D • wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height per NFPA 13R • wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occupancy per NFPA 13 Historically residential sprinklers, based on their Listing, have been limited to wet pipe sprinkler systems to assure speed of water delivery for a given prescribed design area (number of design sprinklers). The Listing for the Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers now offers the laboratory approved option of designing dry pipe residential sprinkler systems. Through extensive testing, it has been determined that the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for the Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) need not be increased over the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) as specified for wet pipe sprinkler systems, as is accustomed for density/ area sprinkler systems designed per NFPA 13. Consequently, the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers offer the features of non-water filled pipe in addition to not having to increase the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for systems designed to NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. Non-water filled pipe will permit options for areas sensitive to freezing. These Sprinklers have a 4.9 (70,6) K-Factor that provides the required residential flow rates at reduced pressures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. The recessed version of the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers is intended for use in areas with finished ceilings. It employs a two-piece Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheon provides 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush ceiling position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the pipe nipples to the sprinklers must be cut. The Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers have been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residen- tial fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER WARNING” that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and components. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its components and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. NOTICE The Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) described herein must be installed and maintained in compli- ance with this document and the appli- cable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. Owners are responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. TFP400 Page 2 of 8 Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (m x m) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) WET PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (b) For Horizontal Ceiling (c, d, e) (Maximum 2-Inch Rise for 12-Inch Run) For Sloped Ceiling (c, d, e) (Greater than 2-Inch Rise up to Maximum 4-Inch Rise for 12-Inch Run) For Sloped Ceiling (c, d, e) (Greater than 4-Inch Rise up to Maximum 8-Inch Rise for 12-Inch Run) 155°F (68°C) or 175°F (79°C) 155°F (68°C)175°F (79°C) 155°F (68°C)175°F (79°C) 12 x 12 (3,7 x 3,7) 12 (3,7) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 (4,3) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 16 (4,9) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5) 18 (5,5) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1) 20 (6,1) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 21 GPM (79,5 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 20.2 psi (1,39 bar) (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (b) The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-Factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design under the Design Criteria section. (c) For NFPA 13D 2010 applications, Horizontal Ceiling criteria shall be used for certain sloped ceiling configurations up to 8:12 pitch. Refer to TIA 1028R for allowed sloped ceiling limitations when using horizontal ceiling criteria. (d) For NFPA 13R applications, Horizontal Ceiling criteria may be used for sloped ceiling configurations up to 8:12 pitch when acceptable to the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction. (e) For NFPA 13 residential applications, the greater of 0.1 GPM/Ft.2 over the design area or the flow in accordance with the criteria in Table A must be used. TABLE A SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) NFPA 13, 13D AND 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (m x m) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) DRY PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (b) For Horizontal Ceiling (c) (Maximum 2-Inch Rise for 12-Inch Run) 155°F (68°C)175°F (79°C) 12 x 12 (3,7 x 3,7) 12 (3,7) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 (4,3) 14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) 14 GPM (53,0 LPM) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 16 (4,9) 15 GPM (56,8 LPM) 9.4 psi (0,65 bar) 15 GPM (56,8 LPM) 9.4 psi (0,65 bar) 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5) 18 (5,5) 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 13.5 psi (0,93 bar) 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 13.5 psi (0,93 bar) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1) 20 (6,1) 21 GPM (79,5 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 21 GPM (79,5 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (b) The Minimum Flow requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-Factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design under the Design Criteria section. (c) For NFPA 13D 2010 applications, Horizontal Ceiling criteria shall be used for certain sloped ceiling configurations up to 8:12 pitch. Refer to TIA 1028R for allowed sloped ceiling limitations when using horizontal ceiling criteria. TABLE B SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) NFPA 13D HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA DRY PIPE SYSTEMS TFP400 Page 3 of 8 SURFACE ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING 1-5/8" (41,3 mm) -2 Button Temperature rating is indicated on Deector. Deector Compression Screw Bulb Sealing Assembly -6 * -4 5 - 3 - * * 6 4 5 1 3 2 Components: Frame1- 1/2" NPT 7/16" (11,1 mm) MAKE-IN NOMINAL ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSEDWRENCH (57,2 mm) 2-1/4" FLATS (73,0 mm) 2-7/8" DIA. CROSS SECTION PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 1 RAPID RESPONSE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) TY2234 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) (57,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. MOUNTING SPRINKLER CLOSURE SURFACE FITTING FACE OF (11,1±3,2 mm) 7/16±1/8" MOUNTING PLATE 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) (3,2 mm) 1/8" 1/2" (12,7 mm) 1/4" (6,4 mm) FIGURE 2 STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FOR USE WITH THE SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR TY2234) FIGURE 3 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH FIGURE 4 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH RECESS WRENCH WITH SPRINKLER ENGAGEMENT IN TO ENSURE WRENCHING AREA PUSH WRENCH TFP400 Page 4 of 8 NOTICE The number of “design sprinklers” specified in NFPA 13D and 13R for wet pipe systems is to be applied when designing dry pipe systems. There is no need to increase the design area, as is the case for density/area systems, in accordance with U.S. Patent 7,712,543. Refer to technical data sheet TFP485. Model/Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY2234 Technical Data Approvals • UL Listed for use with wet pipe and dry pipe systems • C-UL Listed for use only with wet pipe systems • NYC Approved under MEA 44-03-E For details on these approvals, refer to the Design Criteria section. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K=4.9 GPM/psi1/2 (70,6 LPM/bar1/2) Temperature Rating 155°F (68°C) or 175°F (79°C) Finishes • White Polyester • Chrome Plated • Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame ....................Brass Button ...................Bronze Sealing Assembly . . . . . . . . Beryllium Nickel w/Teflon* Bulb (3 mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glass Compression Screw . . . . . . . .Bronze Deflector .................Bronze Ejection Spring ......Stainless Steel Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in accordance with the following criteria. *Registered trademark of Dupont Note: When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, refer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer’s recommendations that may be acceptable to the local authority having jurisdiction. System Types Per the UL Listing, wet pipe and dry pipe systems may be utilized. Per the C-UL Listing, only wet pipe systems may be utilized. • For dry systems corrosion-resistant or internally galvanized pipe shall be utilized with the sprinklers de- scribed in this data sheet. • For dry systems not using CPVC, pendent sprinklers shall be installed on return bends, where the sprin- klers, return bends, and branch line piping (that is, potential areas for trapped water) are in areas at or above 40°F (4°C). Refer to technical data sheet TFP485 about the use of Residential Sprinklers in residential dry pipe systems. NOTICE When corrosion-resistant or inter- nally galvanized pipe and fittings with a potable water supply is utilized, return bends need not be installed. However, any portion of the piping that has the potential to trap water must be maintained at or above 40°F (4°C) unless provision to drain such areas is provided and maintained dry. Water Delivery When using the Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) in dry pipe sprinkler systems, the requirements for “Dry System Water Delivery” per Section of the 2010 edition of NFPA 13D apply. For a residential hazard, in no case shall the time of water delivery exceed 15 seconds for the most remote operating sprinkler. Hydraulic Design (NFPA 13D and 13R) The minimum re quired sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R are given in Tables A and B as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number of “design sprinklers” as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. TY2234 1- 3 / 4 " ( 4 4 , 5 m m ) M A X . 1- 1 / 4 " ( 3 1 , 8 m m ) M I N . ONE-HALF BEAM WIDTH PLUS MAXIMUM 2" (50,8 mm) TY2234 1- 3 / 4 " ( 4 4 , 5 m m ) M A X . 1- 1 / 4 " ( 3 1 , 8 m m ) M I N . A B FIGURE 5 SPRINKLER POSITIONING UNDER PRIMARY BEAMS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) TFP400 Page 5 of 8 A AA PRIMARY BEAM SPANS UP TO 20'-0" (6,1 m) PRIMARY BEAM SPANS GREATER THAN 20'-0" (6,1 m) COMBINATIONS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BEAMS B B C C FOR SECONDARY BEAMS THAT ARE TO BE EQUAL IN DEPTH TO PRIMARY BEAMS AND THAT MUST BE IN PLACE SO THAT PRIMARY BEAM POCKETS DO NOT EXCEED 20'-0" (6,1 m) SECONDARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS GREATER THAN 25% OF PRIMARY BEAMS B = 20'-0" (6,1 m) MAXIMUM C = 3'-4" (1,0 m) MINIMUM FOR or A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTH ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM ONDARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS UP TO 25% OF PRIMARY BEAMS C = ANY DISTANCE FOR SEC- A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTH ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM A = 3'-4" to 6'-0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- DEPTH ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM MAXIMUM 14" (356 mm) 20'-0" (6,1 m) MAXIMUM REFER TO FOR SPANS FIGURE 6B 20'-0" (6,1 m) EXCEEDING PRIMARY BEAM DISTANCES ARE COMPARTMENT TO CENTERLINES OF BEAMS WALL FACES AND MEASURED TO SECONDARY BEAM ALL FIGURES: COMPARTMENT WALLS PRIMARY BEAM COMPARTMENT WALLS A AA A AA SECONDARY BEAM PRIMARY BEAM COMPARTMENT WALLS FIGURE 6A FIGURE 6B FIGURE 6C * * FIGURE 6 BEAM ARRANGEMENTS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) TFP400 Page 6 of 8 SOFFIT FACE OF COMPARTMENT WALLS SECONDARY BEAM PRIMARY BEAM IN FIGURES 6A, 6B & 6C, EXCEPT MEASUREMENTS ARE TAKEN FROM FACES OF SOFFITS INSTEAD OF FROM COMPARTMENT WALL SURFACES USE DISTANCES SHOWN * * * FIGURE 7 BEAM AND SOFFIT ARRANGEMENTS WET PIPE SYSTEMS ONLY (Refer to the “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section.) Hydraulic Design (NFPA 13) For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • The flow rates given in Tables A or B for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maxi- mum allowable coverage area. • A minimum discharge of 0.1 GPM/ sq. ft. over the “design area” com- prised of the four most hydraulical- ly demanding sprinklers for actual coverage areas protected by the four sprinklers. NOTICE The number of “design sprin- klers” specified in NFPA 13 for wet pipe systems is to be applied when designing dry pipe systems. There is no need to increase the design area, as is the case for density/area systems, in accordance with U.S. Patent 7,712,543. Refer to technical data sheet TFP485. Obstruction to Water Distribution. Sprinklers are to be located in accor- dance with the obstruction rules of NFPA 13D, 13R, and 13 as applicable for residential sprinklers as well as with the obstruction criteria described within the TYCO technical data sheet TFP490. Operational Sensitivity For Horizontal Ceilings (maximum 2-inch rise for 12-inch run), the sprin- klers are to be installed with a deflector- to-ceiling distance of 1-3/8 to 4 inches or in the recessed position using only the Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon as shown in Figure 2. NOTICE The “Beam Ceiling Design Criteria” section permits deflector-to-ceiling distances up to 15-3/4 inches. To help avoid obstructions to water distribution, a maximum 12-inch deflector-to-ceiling distance is permitted for NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R applications where the sprinklers are located in closets. For Sloped Ceilings (greater than 2-inch rise up to 8-inch rise for 12- inch run), the sprinklers are to be installed with a deflector-to-ceiling distance of 1-3/8 to 4 inches or in the recessed position using only the Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon as shown in Figure 2. Sprinkler Spacing The minimum spacing between sprin- klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing between sprinklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A) being hydraulically calculated; maximum 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. coverage area, or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area. Beam Ceiling Design Criteria The RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in wet pipe systems only for residential occu- pancies with horizontal ceilings (that is, slopes up to a 2-inch rise over a 12-inch run) with beams when installed in accordance with the following criteria. General Information The basic concept of this protection scheme is to locate the sprinklers on the underside of the beams, refer Figure 5, (not in the beam pockets); to identify the main beams that princi- pally run in one direction as “primary beams”; and, to identify the beams that run principally perpendicular to the main beams, as may be present (or in some cases may be necessary for proper sprinkler protection), as “secondary beams”. Primary and Secondary Beam Types Solid surface, solid or hollow core, combustible or non-combustible. Primary and Secondary Beam Positioning Directly attached to the underside of a combustible or non-combustible smooth ceiling at any elevation. TFP400 Page 7 of 8 Primary Beam Cross-Section Maximum depth of 14 inches and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross- sectional shape of the primary beam may be rectangular to circular. Secondary Beam Cross-Section Maximum depth to be no greater than the primary beam and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross-sectional shape of the secondary beam may be rectangular to circular. Primary Beam Spacing The primary beams (Figure 6A) are to be 3 ft. - 4 in. to 6 ft. from the compart- ment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to center between beams. Secondary Beam Spacing The secondary beams principally run perpendicular to the primary beams. Secondary beams of a depth equal to the primary beam must be placed so that the beam pockets created by the primary beams do not exceed 20 feet in length (Figure 6B). NOTICE When the beam pockets created by the primary beams exceed 20 feet in length, the installation will require the use of secondary beams as described above. Otherwise, secondary beams need not be present. Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth greater than one-quarter the depth of the primary beams are to be a minimum of 3 ft. - 4 inches from the compartment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to center between beams (Figure 6C). Secondary beams of a cross-sectional depth no greater than one-quarter the depth of the primary beams may be placed at any compartment wall to center of the nearest beam distance and from any center to center distance between beams (Figure 6C). Lintels Lintels over doorways exiting the compartment must be present. The minimum height for the lintels is 8 inches or no less than the depth of the Primary Beams, whichever is greater. Sprinkler Types Series LFII Pendent and Recessed Pendent Residential Sprinklers (TY2234), 155°F (68°C) and 175°F (79°C). Sprinkler Coverage Area and Hy- draulic Design The sprinkler coverage areas and hydraulic design criteria as presented in the Table A for “Horizontal Ceilings” are to be applied. Sprinkler Position The deflector to bottom of primary beams for the Series LFII Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) is to be 1-1/4 to 1-3/4 inches (Figure 5A). The vertical center-line of the Series LFII Pendent Sprinklers is to be no greater than half the primary beam cross-sectional width plus 2 inches from the centerline of the primary beam (Figure 5B). NOTICE Core drilling of beams to allow the installation of sprinkler drops requires consulting with a structural engineer. Where core drilling is not permitted, the previously stated sprinkler position criteria for the Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) allows placement of the sprinkler drop adjacent to the primary beam. Beam and Soffit Arrangements A soffit is permitted to be placed around the perimeter of a compartment with the beam arrangement within the soffited area (Figure 7). The cross-section of the soffit may be any size as long as it does not create an obstruction to water distribution per the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residential sprinklers. When soffits are present, the previ- ously provided 3 ft.-4 inches to 6 ft. “compartment wall to adjacent beam” distance for the primary and secondary beams is to be measured from the face of the soffit as opposed to the compartment wall. Note: Although the distance to the beams is measured from the face of the soffit, the sprinkler coverage area is to be measured from the compart- ment wall. Installation The RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. NOTICE Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm). Obtain a leak-tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint by applying a minimum- to-maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft. lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over- tightening the Sprinkler. Re-adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Series LFII Residential Pendent Sprinklers The Series LFII Residential Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. 1. Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position with the deflector parallel to the ceiling. 2. With pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the wrench flats. Series LFII Residential Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series LFII Residential Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. 1. Install recessed pendent sprinklers in the pendent position with the deflector parallel to the ceiling. 2. After installing the Style 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads and with pipe-thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprin- kler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 4). With reference to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. 4. After the ceiling has been installed or the finish coat has been applied, slide on the Style 20 Closure over the Series LFII Residential Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. Copyright © 2006-2011 Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products. All rights reserved. TFP400 Page 8 of 8 Care and Maintenance The RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following instructions. NOTICE Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Owners must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. Exercise care to avoid damage to sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Never paint, plate, coat, or otherwise alter automatic sprinklers after they leave the factory. Replace sprinklers that: • were modified or over-heated. • were damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisting, wrench slippage, or the like. • are leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion. • were exposed to corrosive products of combustion but have not operated, if you cannot easily remove combustion by-products with a cloth. • have a cracked bulb or have lost liquid from the bulb. Refer to the Installation section in this data sheet. Initial and frequent visual inspections of random samples are recommended for corrosion-resistant sprinklers to verify the integrity of the corrosion-resistant material of construction. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice. Inspections of corrosion-resis- tant sprinklers are recommended at close range, instead of from the floor level per NFPA. Inspection at close range can better determine the exact sprinkler condition and the long-term integrity of the corrosion-resistant material, which can be affected by the corrosive conditions present. Responsibility lies with the owner for the inspection, testing, and mainte- nance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the appli- cable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (that is, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are recommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFSBP. No warranty is given for products or components manufac- tured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper instal- lation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with appli- cable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFSBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFSBP’s sole option. TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFSBP shall not be respon- sible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete infor- mation supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s representatives. In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFSBP was informed about the possi- bility of such damages, and in no event shall TFSBP’s liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, express or implied, including warran- ties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the exclusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materials or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assembly Specify Series LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2234), K=4.9, with (temperature rating), (finish), and P/N (below). 155°F (68°C) or Chrome Plated . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-9-155 155°F (68°C) White Polyester . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-4-155 155°F (68°C) White (RAL9010)* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-3-155 155°F (68°C) Natural Brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-1-155 175°F (79°C) or Chrome Plated . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-9-175 175°F (79°C) White Polyester . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-4-175 175°F (79°C) White (RAL9010)* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-3-175 175°F (79°C) Natural Brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 51-201-1-175 *Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Recessed Escutcheon Specify Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon with finish and P/N. Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770. Sprinkler Wrench Specify W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. General Description TheTyco®RapidResponse™,Series LFII(TY2334)ResidentialHorizontal SidewallSprinklersaredecorative, fastresponse,frangiblebulbsprin- klersdesignedforuseinresidential occupanciessuchashomes,apart- ments,dormitories,andhotels.When aestheticsandoptimizedflowcharac- teristicsarethemajorconsideration, theSeriesLFII(TY2334)shouldbethe firstchoice. TheSeriesLFIIaretobeusedinwet piperesidentialsprinklersystemsfor one-andtwo-familydwellingsandmo- bilehomesperNFPA13D;wetpipe residentialsprinklersystemsforresi- dentialoccupanciesuptoandinclud- ingfourstoriesinheightperNFPA 13R;or,wetpipesprinklersystemsfor theresidentialportionsofanyoccu- pancyperNFPA13. TheSeriesLFII(TY2334)hasa4.4 (63,4)K-factorthatprovidesthere- quiredresidentialflowratesatreduced pressures,enablingsmallerpipesizes andwatersupplyrequirements. TherecessedversionoftheSeries LFII(TY2334)isintendedforusein areaswithfinishedwalls.Itemploysa two-pieceStyle20RecessedEscutch- eon.TheRecessedEscutcheonpro- vides1/4inch(6,4mm)ofrecessed adjustmentorupto1/2inch(12,7mm) oftotaladjustmentfromtheflush mountingsurfaceposition.Theadjust- mentprovidedbytheRecessedEs- cutcheonreducestheaccuracyto whichthepipenipplestothesprinklers mustbecut. TheSeriesLFII(TY2334)hasbeen designedwithheatsensitivityand waterdistributioncharacteristics proventohelpinthecontrolofresiden- tialfiresandtoimprovethechancefor occupantstoescapeorbeevacuated. WARNINGS TheSeriesLFII(TY2334)Residential HorizontalSidewallSprinklersde- scribedhereinmustbeinstalledand maintainedincompliancewiththis document,aswellaswiththeapplica- blestandardsoftheNationalFirePro- tectionAssociation,inadditiontothe standardsofanyotherauthoritieshav- ingjurisdiction.Failuretodosomay impairtheperformanceofthesede- vices. Theownerisresponsibleformaintain- ingtheirfireprotectionsystemandde- vicesinproperoperatingcondition. Theinstallingcontractororsprinkler manufacturershouldbecontacted withanyquestions. Sprinkler/Model Identification Number SINTY2334 Page1of6 TFP412DECEMBER,2007 SeriesLFIIResidential HorizontalSidewallSprinklers 4.4K-factor TechnicalServices:Tel:(800)381-9312/Fax:(800)791-5500 IMPORTANT AlwaysrefertoTechnicalData SheetTFP700forthe“INSTALLER WARNING”thatprovidescautions withrespecttohandlingandinstal- lationofsprinklersystemsandcom- ponents.Improperhandlingandin- stallationcanpermanentlydamage asprinklersystemoritscompo- nentsandcausethesprinklertofail tooperateinafiresituationorcause ittooperateprematurely. Page2of6 TFP412 FIGURE1 SERIESLFII(TY2334)RESIDENTIAL HORIZONTALSIDEWALLANDRECESSEDHORIZONTALSIDEWALLSPRINKLERS FIGURE2 STYLE20RECESSEDESCUTCHEON FORUSEWITHTHESERIESLFII(TY2334) RESIDENTIALHORIZONTALSIDEWALLSPRINKLER Sealing-3 5 4 * 6 Compression ofDeflector. isindicatedontop Temperaturerating Bulb Deflector- - - * 1 Components: 2Button Frame- - WRENCH STYLE20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FLATS 2-7/8"DIA. RECESSED (73,0mm)5 NOMINAL PLATESEATING SURFACE ESCUTCHEON MAKE-IN CENTERLINE OFWATERWAY 7/16"(11,1mm) (54,0mm) (38,1mm) DEFLECTOR BOSS (11,1mm) 7/16" END-OF- 2-1/8" 1-1/2" DEFLECTOR TOP-OF- 4 26* 1 3 Assembly Screw TO P 1/2"NPT FLATS WRENCH 1-1/4"(31,8mm) 1"(25,4mm) MOUNTING PLATE TY2334 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE (73,0mm) 1/2"(12,7mm) (57,2mm) 2-1/4"DIA. 1/4"(6,4mm) 1/8" (3,2mm) (11,1±3,2mm) SPRINKLER FITTING FACEOF 7/16±1/8" 2-7/8"DIA. BOSS END-OF- DEFLECTOR TOP-OF- DEFLECTOR 7/16" (11,1mm) FIGURE3 W-TYPE6SPRINKLERWRENCH FIGURE4 W-TYPE7RECESSED SPRINKLERWRENCH WRENCH RECESS (END "A"USED FORTY2334) RECESS WRENCH WITHSPRINKLER ENGAGEMENT IN TOENSURE WRENCHING AREA PUSHWRENCH Technical Data Approvals: ULandC-ULListed. MaximumWorkingPressure: 175psi(12,1bar) DischargeCoefficient: K=4.4GPM/psi1/2 (63,4LPM/bar1/2) TemperatureRating: 155°F/68°Cor175°F/79°C Finishes: WhitePolyesterCoated, ChromePlated,orNaturalBrass PhysicalCharacteristics: Frame..............Brass Button.............Bronze SealingAssembly.......... .....BerylliumNickelw/Teflon† Bulb.........3mmdia.Glass CompressionScrew.....Bronze Deflector...........Copper †DupontRegisteredTrademark Operation TheglassBulbcontainsafluidthat expandswhenexposedtoheat.When theratedtemperatureisreached,the fluidexpandssufficientlytoshatterthe glassBulballowingthesprinklerto activateandflowwater. Design Criteria TheTyco®RapidResponse™,Series LFII(TY2334)ResidentialHorizontal SidewallSprinklersareULandC-UL Listedforinstallationinaccordance withthefollowingcriteria. NOTE Whenconditionsexistthatareoutside thescopeoftheprovidedcriteria,refer totheResidentialSprinklerDesign GuideTFP490forthemanufacturer’s recommendationsthatmaybeaccept- abletothelocalAuthorityHavingJu- risdiction. SystemType.Onlywetpipesystems maybeutilized. HydraulicDesign.Theminimumre- quiredsprinklerflowrateforsystems designedtoNFPA13DorNFPA13R aregiveninTableA,B,C,andDasa functionoftemperatureratingandthe maximumallowablecoverageareas. Thesprinklerflowrateistheminimum requireddischargefromeachofthe totalnumberof“designsprinklers”as specifiedinNFPA13DorNFPA13R. ForsystemsdesignedtoNFPA13,the numberofdesignsprinklersistobe thefourmosthydraulicallydemanding sprinklers.Theminimumrequireddis- chargefromeachofthefoursprinklers istobethegreaterofthefollowing: •TheflowratesgiveninTablesA,B, C,andDforNFPA13Dand13Ras afunctionoftemperatureratingand themaximumallowablecoverage area. •Aminimumdischargeof0.1gpm/sq. ft.overthe“designarea”comprised ofthefourmosthydraulicallyde- mandingsprinklersfortheactual coverageareasbeingprotectedby thefoursprinklers. ObstructionToWaterDistribution. Locationsofsprinklersaretobein accordancewiththeobstructionrules ofNFPA13forresidentialsprinklers. OperationalSensitivity.Thesprin- klersaretobeinstalledwithanend-of- deflector-bosstowalldistanceof1- 3/8to6inchesorintherecessedpo- sitionusingonlytheStyle20Re- cessedEscutcheonasshownin Figure2. Inadditionthetop-of-deflector-to-ceil- ingdistanceistobewithintherange (Ref.TableA,B,C,orD)beinghy- draulicallycalculated. SprinklerSpacing.Theminimum spacingbetweensprinklersis8feet (2,4m).Themaximumspacingbe- tweensprinklerscannotexceedthe widthofthecoveragearea(Ref.Table A)beinghydraulicallycalculated(e.g., maximum12feetfora12ft.x12ft. coveragearea,or16feetfora16ft.x 20ft.coveragearea). Installation TheSeriesLFII(TY2334)mustbein- stalledinaccordancewiththefollow- inginstructions: NOTES Donotinstallanybulbtypesprinklerif thebulbiscrackedorthereisalossof liquidfromthebulb.Withthesprinkler heldhorizontally,asmallairbubble shouldbepresent.Thediameterofthe airbubbleisapproximately1/16inch (1,6mm). A1/2inchNPTsprinklerjointshould beobtainedwithaminimumtomaxi- mumtorqueof7to14ft.lbs.(9,5to 19,0Nm).Higherlevelsoftorquemay distortthesprinklerinletwithconse- quentleakageorimpairmentofthe sprinkler. Donotattempttocompensateforin- sufficientadjustmentinanEscutcheon Platebyunder-orover-tighteningthe Sprinkler.Readjustthepositionofthe sprinklerfittingtosuit. TheSeriesLFIIHorizontalSidewall Sprinklers mustbeinstalledinac- cordancewiththefollowinginstruc- tions. Step1.Horizontalsidewallsprinklers aretobeinstalledinthehorizontal positionwiththeircenterlineofwater- wayperpendiculartothebackwalland paralleltotheceiling.Theword“TOP” ontheDeflectoristofacetowardsthe ceilingwiththefrontedgeoftheDe- flectorparalleltotheceiling. Step2.Withpipethreadsealantap- pliedtothepipethreads,handtighten thesprinklerintothesprinklerfitting. Step3.Tightenthesprinklerintothe sprinklerfittingusingonlytheW-Type 6SprinklerWrench(Ref.Figure3). WithreferencetoFigure1,theW-Type 6SprinklerWrenchistobeappliedto thewrenchflats. The SeriesLFIIRecessedHorizontal SidewallSprinklers mustbeinstalled inaccordancewiththefollowingin- structions. StepA.Recessedhorizontalsidewall sprinklersaretobeinstalledinthe horizontalpositionwiththeircenterline ofwaterwayperpendiculartotheback wallandparalleltotheceiling.The word“TOP”ontheDeflectoristoface towardstheceiling. StepB.AfterinstallingtheStyle20 MountingPlateoverthesprinkler threadsandwithpipethreadsealant appliedtothepipethreads,hand tightenthesprinklerintothesprinkler fitting. StepC.Tightenthesprinklerintothe sprinklerfittingusingonlytheW-Type 7RecessedSprinklerWrench(Ref. Figure4).WithreferencetoFigure1, theW-Type7RecessedSprinkler Wrenchistobeappliedtothesprinkler wrenchflats. StepC.Afterthewallhasbeenin- stalledorthefinishcoathasbeenap- plied,slideontheStyle20Closure overtheSeriesLFIISprinklerand pushtheClosureovertheMounting Plateuntilitsflangecomesincontact withthewall. TFP412 Page3of6 (ContinuedonPage8) Page4of6 TFP412 (a)Forcoverageareadimensionslessthanorbetweenthoseindicated,itisnecessarytousetheminimumrequiredflowforthenext highestcoverageareaforwhichhydraulicdesigncriteriaarestated. (b)Width(backwallwheresprinklerislocated)xLength(horizontalthrowofsprinkler). (c)RequirementisbasedonminimumflowinGPM(LPM)fromeachsprinkler.Theassociatedresidualpressuresarecalculatedusing thenominalK-factor.RefertoHydraulicDesignCriteriaSectionfordetails. (d)Sidewallsprinklers,whereinstalledunderaceilingwithaslopegreaterthan0inchrisefora12inchruntoaslopeupto2inch risefor12inchrun,mustbelocatedperoneofthefollowing: •Locatethesprinklersatthehighpointoftheslopeandpositionedtodischargedowntheslope. •Locatethesprinklersalongtheslopeandpositionedtodischargeacrosstheslope. TABLEA NFPA13DANDNFPA13RWETPIPEHYDRAULICDESIGNCRITERIA FORTHESERIESLFII(TY2334) RESIDENTIALHORIZONTALSIDEWALLANDRECESSEDHORIZONTALSIDEWALLSPRINKLERS FORHORIZONTALCEILING(Maximum2InchRisefor12InchRun) 12x12 (3,7x3,7) Maximum Coverage Area (a) WidthxLength (b) Ft.xFt. (mxm) MinimumFlow (c)andResidualPressure 14x14 (4,3x4,3) 16x16 (4,9x4,9) 16x18 (4,9x5,5) 16x20 (4,9x6,1) 14GPM(53,0LPM) 10.1psi(0,70bar) 16GPM(60,6LPM) 13.2psi(0,91bar) 19GPM(71,9LPM) 18.6psi(1,28bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 13GPM(49,2LPM) 8.7psi(0,60bar) 155°F/68°C Top-Of-Deflector-To-Ceiling: 4to6Inches(100to150mm) 175°F/79°C Top-Of-Deflector-To-Ceiling: 6to12Inches(150to300mm) 155°F/68°C 175°F/79°C 13GPM(49,2LPM) 8.7psi(0,60bar) 14GPM(53,0LPM) 10.1psi(0,70bar) 16GPM(60,6LPM) 13.2psi(0,91bar) 19GPM(71,9LPM) 18.6psi(1,28bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 12 (3,7) 14 (4,3) 16 (4,9) 16 (4,9) 16 (4,9) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) 18x18 (5,5x5,5) 18 (5,5) 18x20 (5,5x6,1) 18 (5,5) 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) 13GPM(49,2LPM) 8.7psi(0,60bar) 13GPM(49,2LPM) 8.7psi(0,60bar) 14GPM(53,0LPM) 10.1psi(0,70bar) 14GPM(53,0LPM) 10.1psi(0,70bar) 17GPM(64,3LPM) 14.9psi(1,03bar) 17GPM(64,3LPM) 14.9psi(1,03bar) 20GPM(75,7LPM) 20.7psi(1,43bar) 20GPM(75,7LPM) 20.7psi(1,43bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27.3psi(1,88bar) 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) ELEVATION TFP412 Page5of6 (a)Forcoverageareadimensionslessthanorbetweenthoseindicated,itisnecessarytousetheminimumrequiredflowforthenext highestcoverageareaforwhichhydraulicdesigncriteriaarestated. (b)Width(backwallwheresprinklerislocated)xLength(horizontalthrowofsprinkler). (c)RequirementisbasedonminimumflowinGPM(LPM)fromeachsprinkler.Theassociatedresidualpressuresarecalculatedusing thenominalK-factor.RefertoHydraulicDesignCriteriaSectionfordetails.. TABLEB NFPA13DANDNFPA13RWETPIPEHYDRAULICDESIGNCRITERIA FORTHESERIESLFII(TY2334) RESIDENTIALHORIZONTALSIDEWALLANDRECESSEDHORIZONTALSIDEWALLSPRINKLERS FORSPRINKLERSATTHEHIGHPOINTOFTHESLOPEANDDISCHARGINGDOWNTHESLOPE (GreaterThan2InchRisefor12InchRunUpTo8InchRisefor12InchRun) 12x12 (3,7x3,7) Maximum Coverage Area (a) WidthxLength (b) Ft.xFt. (mxm) 14x14 (4,3x4,3) 16x16 (4,9x4,9) 16x18 (4,9x5,5) 16x20 (4,9x6,1) 12 (3,7) 14 (4,3) 16 (4,9) 16 (4,9) 16 (4,9) Maximum Spacing Ft. (m) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) MinimumFlow (c)andResidualPressure (I)Twosprinklerdesignwiththesprinklersatthehighpointoftheslopeandpositioned todischargedowntheslope. Top-Of-Deflector-To-Ceiling: 4to6Inches(100to150mm) Top-Of-Deflector-To-Ceiling: 6to12Inches(150to300mm) 155°F/68°C 175°F/79°C 155°F/68°C 175°F/79°C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18x18 (5,5x5,5) 18 (5,5) 18x20 (5,5x6,1) 18 (5,5) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) I 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) I 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) I 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) I I 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) I 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) I 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) 26GPM(98,4LPM) 34.9psi(2,41bar) I 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) 23GPM(87,1LPM) 27,3psi(1,88bar) ELEVATION MAXIMUM8" 12" Careand Maintenance TheTyco®RapidResponse™,Series LFII(TY2334)mustbemaintainedand servicedinaccordancewiththefollow- inginstructions: NOTES AbsenceofanEscutcheonPlatemay delaythesprinkleroperationinafire situation. Beforeclosingafireprotectionsystem maincontrolvalveformaintenance workonthefireprotectionsystem whichitcontrols,permissiontoshut downtheaffectedfireprotectionsys- temmustbeobtainedfromtheproper authoritiesandallpersonnelwhomay beaffectedbythisactionmustbeno- tified. Sprinklerswhicharefoundtobeleak- ingorexhibitingvisiblesignsofcorro- sionmustbereplaced. Automaticsprinklersmustneverbe painted,plated,coated,orotherwise alteredafterleavingthefactory.Modi- fiedsprinklersmustbereplaced. Sprinklersthathavebeenexposedto corrosiveproductsofcombustion,but havenotoperated,shouldbereplaced iftheycannotbecompletelycleaned bywipingthesprinklerwithaclothor bybrushingitwithasoftbristlebrush. Caremustbeexercisedtoavoiddam- agetothesprinklers-before,during, andafterinstallation.Sprinklersdam- agedbydropping,striking,wrench twist/slippage,orthelike,mustbere- placed.Also,replaceanysprinklerthat hasacrackedbulborthathaslost liquidfromitsbulb.(Ref.Installation Section). Theownerisresponsibleforthein- spection,testing,andmaintenanceof theirfireprotectionsystemandde- vicesincompliancewiththisdocu- ment,aswellaswiththeapplicable standardsoftheNationalFireProtec- tionAssociation(e.g.,NFPA25),in additiontothestandardsofanyother authoritieshavingjurisdiction.Thein- stallingcontractororsprinklermanu- facturershouldbecontactedrelative toanyquestions. NOTE Theownermustassurethatthesprin- klersarenotusedforhangingofany objectsandthatthesprinklersareonly cleanedbymeansofgentlydusting withafeatherduster;otherwise,non- operationintheeventofafireorinad- vertentoperationmayresult. Automaticsprinklersystemsshouldbe inspected,tested,andmaintainedbya qualifiedInspectionServiceinaccord- ancewithlocalrequirementsand/or nationalcodes. Limited Warranty ProductsmanufacturedbyTycoFire& BuildingProducts(TFBP)arewar- rantedsolelytotheoriginalBuyerfor ten(10)yearsagainstdefectsinmate- rialandworkmanshipwhenpaidfor andproperlyinstalledandmaintained undernormaluseandservice.This warrantywillexpireten(10)years fromdateofshipmentbyTFBP.No warrantyisgivenforproductsorcom- ponentsmanufacturedbycompanies notaffiliatedbyownershipwithTFBP orforproductsandcomponentswhich havebeensubjecttomisuse,improper installation,corrosion,orwhichhave notbeeninstalled,maintained,modi- fiedorrepairedinaccordancewithap- plicableStandardsoftheNationalFire ProtectionAssociation,and/orthe standardsofanyotherAuthorities HavingJurisdiction.Materialsfound byTFBPtobedefectiveshallbeeither repairedorreplaced,atTFBP’ssole option.TFBPneitherassumes,nor authorizesanypersontoassumeforit, anyotherobligationinconnectionwith thesaleofproductsorpartsofprod- ucts.TFBPshallnotberesponsiblefor sprinklersystemdesignerrorsorinac- curateorincompleteinformationsup- pliedbyBuyerorBuyer’srepre- sentatives. InnoeventshallTFBPbeliable,in contract,tort,strictliabilityorunder anyotherlegaltheory,forincidental, indirect,specialorconsequentialdam- ages,includingbutnotlimitedtolabor charges,regardlessofwhetherTFBP wasinformedaboutthepossibilityof suchdamages,andinnoeventshall TFBP’sliabilityexceedanamount equaltothesalesprice. Theforegoingwarrantyismadeinlieu ofanyandallotherwarranties,ex- pressorimplied,includingwarranties ofmerchantabilityandfitnessforapar- ticularpurpose. Thislimitedwarrantysetsforththeex- clusiveremedyforclaimsbasedon failureofordefectinproducts,materi- alsorcomponents,whethertheclaim ismadeincontract,tort,strictliability oranyotherlegaltheory. Thiswarrantywillapplytothefullex- tentpermittedbylaw.Theinvalidity,in wholeorpart,ofanyportionofthis warrantywillnotaffecttheremainder. Ordering Procedure Whenplacinganorder,indicatethe fullproductname.Contactyourlocal distributorforavailability.. SprinklerAssembly: SeriesLFII(TY2334),K=4.4,Residen- tialHorizontalSidewallSprinklerwith (specify)temperatureratingand (specify)finish,P/N(specify). 155°F/68°Cor ChromePlated.........P/N51-215-9-155 155°F/68°C WhitePolyester.........P/N51-215-4-155 155°F/68°C NaturalBrass...........P/N51-215-1-155 175°F/79°Cor ChromePlated.........P/N51-215-9-175 175°F/79°C WhitePolyester.........P/N51-215-4-175 175°F/79°C NaturalBrass...........P/N51-215-1-175 RecessedEscutcheon: Specify:Style20RecessedEscutch- eonwith(specify*)finish,P/N(spec- ify*). *RefertoTechnicalDataSheetTFP770. SprinklerWrench: Specify:W-Type6SprinklerWrench, P/N56-000-6-387. Specify:W-Type7SprinklerWrench, P/N56-850-4-001. Page6of6 TFP412 ©2007TYCOFIRE&BUILDINGPRODUCTS,451NorthCannonAvenue,Lansdale,Pennsylvania19446 Series 4000B Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies are designed to protect potable water supplies in accordance with national plumbing codes and wa- ter authority requirements. This series can be used in a variety of installa- tions, including the prevention of health hazard cross connections in piping systems or for containment at the service line entrance. This series features two in-line, independent check valves, captured springs and replaceable check seats with an intermediate relief valve. Its compact modular design facilitates easy maintenance and assembly access. Sizes 1⁄2"- 1" (15-25mm) shutoffs have tee handles. Specifications A Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly shall be installed at each potential health hazard location to prevent backflow due to backsiphonage and/or backpressure. The assembly shall consist of an internal pressure differential relief valve located in a zone between two positive seating check modules with captured springs and silicone seat discs. Seats and seat discs shall be replaceable in both check modules and the relief valve. There shall be no threads or screws in the waterway exposed to line fluids. Service of all inter- nal components shall be through a single access cover secured with stain- less steel bolts. The assembly shall also include two resilient seated isolation valves, four resilient seated test cocks and an air gap drain fitting. The as- sembly shall meet the requirements of: USC Manual 8th Edition†; ASSE Std. 1013; AWWA Std. C511; CSA B64.4. The assembly shall be an Ames Com- pany Series 4000B. ES-A-4000B 2" (50mm) 4000B-HC Series 4000B Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies Sizes: 1⁄2" – 2" (15 – 50mm) Job Name________________________________________________Contractor______________________________________________ Job Location______________________________________________Approval________________________________________________ Engineer__________________________________________________Contractor’s P.O.No.______________________________________ Approval__________________________________________________Representative__________________________________________ Ames product specifications in U.S.customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only.For precise measurements,please contact Ames Technical Service.Ames reserves the right to change or modify product design,construction,specifications,or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames products previously or subsequently sold. www.amesfirewater.com Features •Single access cover and modular check construction for ease of maintenance •Top entry - all internals immediately accessible •Captured springs for safe maintenance •Internal relief valve for reduced installation clearances •Replaceable seats for economical repair •Bronze body construction for durability - 1⁄2" to 2" (15-50mm) •Ball valve test cocks - screwdriver slotted -1⁄2" to 2" (15-50mm) •Large body passages provides low pressure drop •Compact, space saving design •No special tools required for servicing 1/2" (15mm) 4000B 2 Pressure — Temperature Suitable for supply pressures up to 175psi (12.06 bar) and water temperature to 180°F (75°C) continuous. Available Models Suffix: B - quarter-turn ball valves LBV - less ball valves LH - locking handle ball valves (open position) SH - stainless steel ball valve handles HC - 21⁄2" inlet/outlet fire hydrant fitting (2" valve) S- bronze strainer Prefix: U - union connections MODELSIZE (DN)DIMENSIONSSTRAINER DIMENSIONSWEIGHT ABCDLMN in.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmin.mmlbs.kg. 4000B** 1⁄2 15 10 250 45⁄8 117 33⁄8 86 11⁄4 32 51⁄2 140 3 76 2 51 4.50 2.0 4000B M3**3⁄4 20 103⁄4 273 5 127 31⁄2 89 11⁄2 3863⁄4 171 35⁄16 84 25⁄16 59 5.752.6 4000B M2**1 25 163⁄4 425 51⁄2 140 3 76 21⁄2 64 91⁄2 241 41⁄2 114 25⁄16 59 12.25 5.6 4000B**11⁄4 32 173⁄8 44 116 150 31⁄2 89 21⁄2 64 113⁄8 289 51⁄8 130 31⁄8 7914.62 6.6 4000B** 11⁄2 40 177⁄8 4546150 31⁄2 89 21⁄2 64 111⁄8 283 57⁄8 149 33⁄4 95 16.32 7.4 4000B** 2 50213⁄8 543 73⁄4 197 41⁄2 114 31⁄4 83 131⁄2 343 63⁄16 157 47⁄8 124 30.00 13.6 **Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Suffix HC - Fire Hydrant Fittings dimension "A" = 251⁄16 (637mm) M C B N L Weights — Dimensions IMPORTANT: Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements. Strainer sold separately Materials Bronze body construction, silicone rubber disc material in the first and second check plus the relief valve. Replaceable poly- mer check seats for first and second checks. Removable stain- less steel relief valve seat. Stainless steel cover bolts. Standardly furnished with NPT body connections. For optional bronze union inlet and outlet connections, specify prefix U (1⁄2" - 2")(15-50mm). Series 4000B furnished with quarter turn, full port, resilient seated, bronze ball valve shutoffs. Standards AWWA C511-92, USC Manual 8th Edition, IAPMO File No. 1563 Approvals Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Approval models QT, U. 1013B64.4 3⁄4" - 2" (20-50mm) (LBV models only) D A 3 Capacity Performance as established by an independent testing laboratory. *Typical maximum system flow rate (7.5 feet/sec.,2.3 meters/sec.) 1⁄4" (8mm)kPapsi 13820 11717 9614 7611 558 355 gpm 0.951. lpm 3⁄8" (10mm) gpm 0.951. lpm 1⁄2" (15mm) 3⁄4" (20mm) 1" (25mm) 11⁄4" (32mm) 11⁄2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) kPapsi 13820 11717 9614 7611 558 355 kPapsi 17225 13820 10315 6910 355 012.557.51012.515 gpm 03.89.51928.53847.557 lpm 5 7.5 15 fps 1.5 2.3 4.6 mps ΔP ΔP ΔP kPapsi 20730 16524 12418 8312 416 00 02610141822263034384246gpm 0 7.6 233853688499114129144160 175 lpm 7.5 15 fps 2.3 4.6 mps ΔP kPapsi 20730 17225 13820 10315 6910 345 00 051020304050607080 gpm 0193876114152190228266304 lpm 7.5 15 fps 2.3 4.6 mps kPapsi 17225 13820 10315 6910 345 00 01020304050607080gpm 03876114152190228266304 lpm 5 7.5 1015 fps 1.5 2.3 3.04.6 mps ΔP ΔP kPapsi 20730 17225 13820 10315 6910 345 00 ΔP 0102030405060708090100110120 gpm 03876114152190228266304342380 418456 lpm 5 7.5 1015 fps 1.5 2.3 3.04.6 mps kPapsi 20730 17225 13820 10315 6910 345 00 ΔP 020406080100120140160180200 gpm 076152228304380456532608684760 lpm 5 7.5 1015 fps 1.5 2.3 3.04.6 mps * * * * ** Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Pr e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s P r e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s Pr e s s u r e L o s s ES-A-4000B 0625 ©Ames Fire & Waterworks, 2007 A Division of Watts Regulator Company www.amesfirewater.com 1427 North Market Blvd. • Suite #9 • Sacramento, CA 95834 • Phone: 916-928-0123 • Fax: 916-928-9333 For additional information, visit our web site at: www.amesfirewater.com SPRINKLER SYSTEMSSPRINKLER S YS T E M S Freeze Protection Fluid Propylene Glycol solutions for most wet fire sprinkler systems FireFighter™ PG Freeze Protection Fluid Glycerine solutions for CPVC wet fire sprinkler systems ANTIFREEZE for WET Fire Easy to Use Available in 5 gallon containers, 55 gallon drums, totes or tank trucks. • Ready to use or concentrates • Custom blends available Easy to Maintain Instruments necessary to test the fluids and maintain the protection 800-878-5788 www.noblecompany.com Digital Refractometer Hydrometer Refractometer Time Tested...15 years and millions of gallons installed FireFighter™ GL ANTIFREEZE FireFighter is a trademark of The Noble Company. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG are non-toxic*¹ anti- freezes designed specifically for fire protection systems. These products are used in place of water and other wa- ter-like fluids in sprinkler systems where freezing may either cause damage or interfere with the functioning of systems or equipment, and/or toxicity to humans or ani- mals is a concern. ______________________________________________ FireFighter GL FireFighter GL is a Glycerine based material which is compatible with all approved types of pipe, including BlazeMaster® CPVC sprinkler pipe and fittings. Active Ingredient: USP or CP Glycerine Other ingredients: Water Viscosity Reduction Agent Dye ______________________________________________ FireFighter PG FireFighter PG is a Propylene Glycol based material which is compatible with all approved types of sprinkler systems, with the exception of CPVC. Active Ingredient: Propylene Glycol Other Ingredients: Water Viscosity Reduction Agent Inhibitor Dye ______________________________________________ Flammability FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG are not flammable since they have no measurable flash point; however, both products can flash or burn if the water content is evapo- rated off. No harmful fumes are produced. ______________________________________________ Toxicological, Environmental and Health Information FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG are virtually harmless to animals or plants; however, the disposal of these mate- rials should be in conformance with national, state and local health codes. FDA References GRAS: FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG are consid- ered “Generally Regarded as Safe” (GRAS) by the Fed- eral Food and Drug Administration. ______________________________________________ Typical Physical Properties of “Ready-to-Use” FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG “Ready-to-Use” FireFighter GL FireFighter PG Color: Orange Red Density @ 77°F: 1.137 1.026 (grams/ml) Viscosity @ 77°F: 7.05 6.15 (Centipoise) pH: 7.0 8.0-9.6 Boiling Point @ Atmospheric Pressure: (760 mm) 212°F 222°F Minimum Flow Temperature: -15°F -15°F Minimum Burst Temperature: -50°F -50°F (Hard Freeze) Flash Point 350°F 214°F Fire Point 400°F 220°F Concentrate (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) ______________________________________________ Other FireFighter Antifreeze Products xFireFighter GL Concentrate xFireFighter PG Concentrate (New Formula) xGL and PG Custom Blends For specifications on these products please contact us. ______________________________________________ *FireFighter is a Trademark of The Noble Company *BlazeMaster is a Registered Trademark of Noveon *¹Non-Toxic is used to describe extremely low chronic and acute toxic- ity. No maximum safe intake for humans has been established. The product is considered GRAS by The Food and Drug Administration. Sizes FireFighter GL and FireFighter PG are available in: x1 gallon plastic bottles (6 per case, PG Ready- to-Use only) x5 gallon pails x30 gallon drums x55 gallon drums x275 or 330 gallon totes x5000 gallon tank truck ___________________________________________ System Requirements and Limitations All fire protection sprinkler systems that use Fire- Fighter GL and FireFighter PG should conform to local, state and NFPA requirements. The use of an- tifreeze within these systems should also conform to NFPA requirements. Use of antifreeze solutions should also be in confor- mance with any state or local health codes. Please contact your local health authorities if you have any questions concerning the codes in your area. ___________________________________________ Maintenance Chemicals which compose FireFighter GL and Fire- Fighter PG can break down over time. NFPA 25 re- quires that the freezing point of the system should be tested at least once a year. Periodic testing of systems is critical to maintaining the proper con- centration and freeze point of the fluid. Leaks, pressure surges and temperature changes to the system can cause antifreeze to flow out of the sys- tem or water to flow into the system changing the freeze temperature. ___________________________________________ Testing To test the freeze protection level of FireFighter GL or FireFighter PG the correct instrument must be used. For testing FireFighter GL we have two instruments. A lab grade hydrometer or a digital refractometer. For testing FireFighter PG we have three instru- ments for test. A lab grade hydrometer, an analog refractometer or a digital refractometer. When testing indicates that the solution has weak- ened, empty the system and replace with fresh FireFighter GL or FireFighter PG, according to the installation instructions. For further information concerning correct testing procedures and test instruments, contact our tech- nical services department and ask for “How to Choose the Correct Antifreeze Loop Tester”. ___________________________________________ RECOMMENDED CONCENTRATIONS FireFighter GL Ready-to-Use FireFighter PG Ready-to-Use FireFighter GL Concentrate Specific Gravity @ 77° F Freeze Point Burst Point 1.141 -15° F -50° F 1.116 -5° F -45° F 1.102 0° F -40° F 1.096 10° F -35° F @ 77° F Freeze Point Burst Point GL Concentrate Freeze Point Specific Gravity @60 °F 40% +5° F 1.100 50% -15° F 1.133 60% -22° F 1.151 70% -40° F 1.165 Specific Gravity 1.0330°F-50°F 1.028+10°F-20°F 1.024+15°F0°F 1.020+20°F+10 °F RECOMMENDED CONCENTRATIONS FireFighter PG Concentrate (New Formula) __________________________________________ ACCESSORIES xLab Grade Hydrometer xAnalog Refractometer xDigital Refractometer __________________________________________ AVAILABILITY FireFighter GL and Firefighter PG are available throughout the U.S. through wholesale distributors. Please contact The Noble Company for your local representa- tive and wholesaler. __________________________________________ TECHNICAL SUPPORT Specifications, installation design, instal- lation techniques and unique applications will be reviewed upon request. Address inquiries ATTN: FireFighter Technical Support, Email: www.noblecompany.com or phone us at: 800-878-5788 Field services are available through fac- tory representatives and Noble Company staff. Contact The Noble Company for local representatives. Additional product information and MSDS are available immediately through our website at www.noblecompany.com or our Fast Fax service at 1-800-272-1519. These are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. __________________________________________ FF PG Concentrate Freeze Point Specific Gravity @ 60° F 60% -60° F 1.045 50% -26° F 1.041 40% -6° F 1.034 30% +9° F 1.027 P.O.Box 350 Grand Haven, MI 49417-0350 www.noblecompany.com Phone:(231) 799-8000 (800) 878-5788 Fax:(231) 799-8850 Fast Fax:(800) 272-1519 ©2004 Form #FFPIG 1004 Supercedes 0604 Submittal data sheets can OONNLLYY be ordered as a "Submittal Data Sheet Pack", using MMCC## 44440000. They are not available to order on an indi- vidual basis, however each data sheet is available on the Amtrol Web Site and can be downloaded and printed for use as needed. Rev. 03/06 18 FIRE-X-TROL® FPT Series, Fire Protection Expansion Tanks(ASME) B A FPT-5-C FPT-12-C CHARGING VALVE SYSTEM CONNECTION MODELS: B A FPT-20V-C -30V-C -42V-C -60V-C CHARGING VALVE c -70V-C FPT FPT FPT FPT SYSTEM CONNECTION MODELS: In-Line Models ModelTankABSys.Ship No.Vol.HeightDiameterConn.Wt. Lit.Gal.mmins.mmins.ins.kglbs. FPT-5-C152.1264103⁄8 25410 3⁄4 NPTF9.521 FPT-12-C246.4397155⁄8 30512 3⁄4 NPTF15.436 Maximum Operating Conditions Operating Temperature-20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Working Pressure175 PSIG (12 bar) Specifications DescriptionStandard Construction Standard Factory Pre-charge25 PSIG (1.7 bar) System ConnectionStainless Steel Diaphragm MaterialHigh-Performance Rubber Compound Liner MaterialPolypropylene ShellSteel Coating FPT Red Fluid Compatibility With or Without Antifreeze Per NFPA 13 Stand Models ModelTankABCSys.Ship No.Vol.HeightDiameterDim.Conn.Wt. Lit.Gal.mmins.mm ins.mmins.ins.kglbs. FPT-20V-C308.0495191⁄2 30512273103⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF23.652 FPT-30V-C 53 14.0 486191⁄8 419 161⁄4 324 123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF 44 97 FPT-42V-C6617.5616241⁄4 419161⁄4 324123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF52.7116 FPT-60V-C 9525.083833419161⁄4 324 123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF 70 154 FPT-70V-C12934.01054411⁄2 419161⁄4 324123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF90197 FPT-80V-C20053.0908353⁄4 610244061611⁄4 NPTF114251 FPT-120V-C 250 66.0 1111 433⁄4 610 24 406 16 11⁄4 NPTF 127.6 281 FPT-180V-C29277.01235485⁄8 610244061611⁄4 NPTF160.3353 FPT-210V-C34190.01410551⁄2 610244061611⁄4 NPTF173.4382 Job Name___________________________________________ Location____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Engineer____________________________________________ Contractor__________________________________________ Contractor P.O. No.___________________________________ Sales Representative _________________________________ Model No. Ordered___________________________________ Constructed per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1. All dimensions and weights are approximate. 175 PSIG Working Pressure Submittal data sheets can OONNLLYY be ordered as a "Submittal Data Sheet Pack", using MMCC## 44440000. They are not available to order on an indi- vidual basis, however each data sheet is available on the Amtrol Web Site and can be downloaded and printed for use as needed. Rev. 03/06 19 FIRE-X-TROL® FPT Series, Fire Protection Expansion Tanks(Non-ASME) B A FPT-5 FPT-12 CHARGING VALVE SYSTEM CONNECTION MODELS: B A FPT-20V -30V -42V -60V CHARGING VALVE c -70V FPT FPT FPT FPT SYSTEM CONNECTION MODELS: Non-ASME In-Line Models ModelTankABSys.Ship No.Vol.HeightDiameterConn.Wt. Lit.Gal.mmins.mmins.ins.kglbs. FPT-5152.1264103⁄8 25410 3⁄4 NPTF9.521 FPT-12246.4397155⁄8 30512 3⁄4 NPTF15.436 Maximum Operating Conditions Operating Temperature-20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C) Working Pressure175 PSIG (12 bar) Specifications DescriptionStandard Construction Standard Factory Pre-charge25 PSIG (1.7 bar) System ConnectionStainless Steel Diaphragm MaterialHigh-Performance Rubber Compound Liner MaterialPolypropylene ShellSteel Coating FPT Red Fluid Compatibility With or Without Antifreeze Per NFPA 13 Non-ASME Stand Models ModelTankABCSys.Ship No.Vol.HeightDiameterDim.Conn.Wt. Lit.Gal.mmins.mm ins.mmins.ins.kglbs. FPT-20V308.0495191⁄2 30512273103⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF23.652 FPT-30V 53 14.0 486 191⁄8 419 161⁄4 324 123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF 44 97 FPT-42V6617.5616241⁄4 419161⁄4 324123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF52.7116 FPT-60V 95 25.083833419161⁄4 324 123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF 70 154 FPT-70V12934.01054411⁄2 419161⁄4 324123⁄4 3⁄4 NPTF90197 FPT-80V20053.0908353⁄4 610244061611⁄4 NPTF114251 FPT-120V 250 66.0 1111 433⁄4 610 24 406 16 11⁄4 NPTF 127.6 281 FPT-180V29277.01235485⁄8 610244061611⁄4 NPTF160.3353 FPT-210V34190.01410551⁄2 610244061611⁄4 NPTF173.4382 Job Name___________________________________________ Location____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Engineer____________________________________________ Contractor__________________________________________ Contractor P.O. No.___________________________________ Sales Representative _________________________________ Model No. Ordered___________________________________ All dimensions and weights are approximate. 175 PSIG Working Pressure General Description TheRiserManifoldsdescribedinthis technicaldatasheetprovidethenec- essarywaterflowalarm,pressure gauge,anddrainequipmentinasingle assemblyforuseinNFPA13Dor13R residentialsprinklersystemsasfol- lows: NFPA13D •Figure513D(13D) 1Inch(DN25) FemaleThreadxFemaleThread NFPA13D/13R •Figure513D/R(13D/R) 1-1/2Inch(DN40) MaleThreadxFemaleThread MaleThreadxMaleThread •Figure513D/R(13D/R) 2Inch(DN50) GroovexGroove MaleThreadxGroove Thevarietyofsizesandendconnec- tionsallowcosteffectiveandeasy transitiontocheckvalves,control valves,andsystempiping.TheRiser Manifoldsmaybeinstalledineitherthe horizontal(flowswitchontop)orverti- cal(flowgoingup). WARNING TheRiserManifoldsdescribedherein mustbeinstalledandmaintainedin compliancewiththisdocument,as wellaswiththeapplicablestandards oftheNationalFireProtectionAsso- ciation,inadditiontothestandardsof anyotherauthoritieshavingjurisdic- tion.Failuretodosomayimpairthe performanceofthesedevices. Theownerisresponsibleformaintain- ingtheirfireprotectionsystemandde- vicesinproperoperatingcondition. Theinstallingcontractororsprinkler manufacturershouldbecontacted withanyquestions. Technical Data Approvals TheFigure513D(13D)and513D/R (13D/R)RiserManifoldswithacover tamperswitchforthewaterflowalarm switchareULListed,ULCListed,and FMApproved. TheFigure513D(13D)and513D/R (13D/R)RiserManifoldswithouta covertamperswitchforthewaterflow alarmswitchareULListedandFM Approved. MaximumWorkingPressure 175psi(12,1bar) Assembly ThemanifoldbodyoftheFigure513is ductileiron,whereasthemanifold bodyoftheFigure13iscastiron.The twoassembliesarecompletelyinter- changeableinfunction,application, andend-to-endlayinglength. Finish Redpainted. Installation TheRiserManifoldsmaybeinstalled ineitherthehorizontal(flowswitchon top)orvertical(flowgoingup).The inletoftheRiserManifoldmaybedi- rectlyconnectedtoashut-offcontrol valve. NOTES (1)Whereapplicablepipethread sealantistobeappliedsparingly.Use ofanon-hardeningpipethreadsealant isrecommended. (2)Provisionsforanalarmtestflow mustbemade.Thealarmtestflowis tobethroughanorificehavingaflow capacityequaltoorsmallerthanthe smallestorificesprinklerinthesystem. Oneoftwooptionscanbeconsidered. Thefirstoptionistotemporarilyinstall atestorificeintheoutletofthedrain linepriortoperformingthealarmtest. ThesecondoptionistoinstallanIn- spector’sTestConnectiondown- streamoftheWaterflowAlarmSwitch. (3)Neverremoveanypipingcompo- nentnorcorrectormodifyanypiping deficiencieswithoutfirstdepressuriz- inganddrainingthesystem. Step1.Installthemanifoldbodywith theflowarrowpointinginthedown- streampositionusingthreadedcon- nectionsand/orlistedmechanical groovedconnections,asapplicable. Step2.Connectthedrainline,and thenclosethedrainvalve. Step3.RefertoFigure4forwiring guidance.Allwiringmustbeper- formedinaccordancewiththeAuthor- ityHavingJurisdictionand/ortheNa- tionalElectricalCode. Step4.Placethesysteminserviceby fillingthesystemwithwater.Whenfill- ingthesystem,partiallyopenthecon- trolvalvetoslowlyfillthesystem.Fill- ingthesystemslowlywillhelpavoid damagingthewaterflowalarmswitch. Afterthesystemisfullypressurized, completelyopenthecontrolvalve. Step5.Secureallsupplyvalves open. Figure513D(13D)and513D/R(13D/R)RiserManifolds 1,1-1/2,and2Inch(DN25,DN40,andDN50) ForNFPA13D/13RResidentialSprinklerSystems Page1of6 TFP960APRIL,2006 TechnicalServices:Tel:(800)381-9312/Fax:(800)791-5500 Page2of6 TFP960 FIGURE1 1INCH(DN25)RISERMANIFOLDASSEMBLYANDDIMENSIONS 4-1/2" totheWaterflowAlarmSwitches. Cover TamperSwitchesinstalledinternal ULCListedManifoldsareequippedwith (114,3mm) 10" (254,0mm) Approximateweight,7.5lbs.(3,4kg).1. 2. NOTES: 3/4" NPT (92,1 mm) 3-5/8"1 (73,0 mm) 2-7/8" 9-3/4" (247,7mm) Waterflow 3 2 CH:CommonHardware3. (88,9 mm) 3-1/2" PaddleandCoverTamper VSR-SFmodifiedwith QTY.DESCRIPTION FemalexFemaleNPT 1"ManifoldBody, Water PressureGauge 200psi/1400kPa VSR-SFmodifiedwith WaterflowAlarm Switch: 1 3 2 NO. ..1 ...1N/A 2343 P/N Paddle,UL/FM........1971-096-01 Switch,ULC/FM1976-519-01........ (NormallyClosed) Drain Valve FIGURE2 1-1/2INCH(DN40)RISERMANIFOLDASSEMBLYANDDIMENSIONS (136,5mm) 5-3/8" (288,9mm) 11-3/8" MalexMaleNPT Manifold 11-1/8"(282,6mm) (54,0 mm) MalexFemaleNPT Manifold 10"(254,0mm) NPT 2-1/8" 1" (114,3mm) 4-1/2" Waterflow 32 totheWaterflowAlarmSwitches. CoverTamperSwitchesinstalledinternal ULCListedManifoldsareequippedwith Approximateweight,8.7lbs.(3,9kg).1. 2. NOTES: CH:CommonHardware3. (88,9 mm) 3-1/2" QTY.DESCRIPTION 1-1/2"ManifoldBody, MalexFemaleNPT Water PressureGauge 300psi/2000kPa3 2 1 NO. ..1 .....1 2341 N/A P/N Switch,ULC/FM........1976-519-02 ......... WaterflowAlarmSwitch: VSR-SFmodifiedwith VSR-SFmodifiedwith PaddleandCoverTamper Paddle,UL/FM971-096-001 1 (NormallyClosed) Drain Valve MalexMaleNPT.......1N/A Careand Maintenance Thefollowinginspectionprocedure mustbeperformedasindicated,inad- ditiontoanyspecificrequirementsof theNFPA,andanyimpairmentmust beimmediatelycorrected. Theownerisresponsibleforthein- spection,testing,andmaintenanceof theirfireprotectionsystemandde- vicesincompliancewiththisdocu- ment,aswellaswiththeapplicable standardsoftheNationalFireProtec- tionAssociation(e.g.,NFPA25),in additiontothestandardsofany authorityhavingjurisdiction.Thein- stallingcontractororproductmanufac- turershouldbecontactedrelativeto anyquestions. Itisrecommendedthatautomatic sprinklersystemsbeinspected, tested,andmaintainedbyaqualified InspectionServiceinaccordancewith localrequirementsand/ornational codes. NOTES Noattemptistobemadetorepairany RiserManifoldcomponentinthefield. Onlythepressuregaugeorwaterflow alarmswitchcanbereplaced.Ifany otherproblemsareencounteredthe entirerisermanifoldmustbereplaced. Theflowandalarmtestprocedurewill resultinoperationoftheassociated alarms.Consequently,notification mustbegiventotheownerandthefire department,centralstation,orother signalstationtowhichthealarmsare connected,andnotificationmustbe giventothebuildingoccupants. Beforeclosingafireprotectionsystem controlvalveforinspectionormainte- nanceworkonthefireprotectionsys- temthatitcontrols,permissiontoshut downtheeffectedfireprotectionsys- temmustfirstbeobtainedfromthe properauthoritiesandallpersonnel whomaybeaffectedbythisaction mustbenotified. Afterplacingafireprotectionsystem inservice,notifytheproperauthorities andadvisethoseresponsibleformoni- toringproprietaryand/orcentralsta- tionalarms. FlowTestProcedure Step1.Fullyopenthedrainvalve. Makecertainthatdrainagewaterwill notcauseanydamageorinjury. Step2.Verifythattheresidual(flow- ing)pressureindicatedbythepres- suregaugeisnolessthatoriginally recordedforthesystemwhenitwas firstinstalled. Step3.Closethedrainvalve. Step4.Verifythatthestatic(notflow- ing)pressureindicatedbythepres- suregaugeisnolessthatoriginally recordedforthesystemwhenitwas firstinstalled. AlarmTestProcedureWithATest Orifice(SeeInstallationNote2) Step1.Temporarilyinstallatestori- ficeinthedrainlineoutlet. Step2.Fullyopenthedrainvalve. Makecertainthatdrainagewaterwill notcauseanydamageorinjury. Step3.Verifyoperationoftheassoci- atedalarms. Step3.Closethedrainvalve. Step4.Removethetestorificefrom thedrainlineoutlet. AlarmTestProcedureWithAn Inspector’sTestConnection(See InstallationNote2) Step1.FullyopentheInspector’sTest ConnectionValve.Makecertainthat drainagewaterwillnotcauseanydam- ageorinjury. Step2.Verifyoperationoftheassoci- atedalarms. Step3.ClosetheInspector’sTest ConnectionValve. TFP960 Page3of6 FIGURE3, 2INCH(DN50)RISERMANIFOLDASSEMBLY ANDDIMENSIONS Optionally SupplyEnd Groovedor MaleNPT (57,2 mm) (114,3mm) 2-1/4" 2.ULCListedManifoldsareequippedwith CoverTamperSwitchesinstalledinternal totheWaterflowAlarmSwitches. .......1N/AGroovexGroove MaleNPTxGroove 300psi/2000kPa Water PressureGauge Approximateweight,11.0lbs.(5,0kg). NOTES: 1. 3 2 5-7/16" (138,1mm) 1" NPT 4-1/2" ..12341 (304,8mm) 12" N/A1..... Waterflow DESCRIPTION 2"ManifoldBody,1 NO.P/NQTY. 3 2 CH:CommonHardware3. ULC/FM..............1976-520-01 ............... WaterflowAlarmSwitch: VSCwithPaddle, VSCwithPaddleand CoverTamperSwitch, UL/FM976-357-011 13"(330,2mm) MaleNPTxGroove GroovexGroove, Connection (88,9 mm) 3-1/2" 1 (NormallyClosed) Drain Valve Page4of6 TFP960 FIGURE4 WIRINGGUIDANCE INCOMING OUTGOING SINGLE CONDUCTOR TERMINAL PLATE LOOPEDSECTION UNINSULATED CLAMPING CONDUCTORS SEPARATE STRIPPED ENDS SWITCH TERMINALCONNECTIONS CLAMPING TERMINAL PLATE IMPROPER CONNECTIONMETHODPROPERCONNECTIONMETHOD SEVERED CAUTION: Anuninsulatedsectionofa singleconductor isnot permittedtobeloopedaround theterminalandserveastwo separateconnections. The wiremustbeseveredtoserve astwoseparateconnections, therebyprovidingsupervision oftheconnectionintheevent thatthewirebecomes dislodgedfromtheterminal. WATERFLOW SWITCH TYPICALELECTRICACONNECTIONS COM NCNO NO FLOW CONTACTSSPDT(FormC) 5A@125VACCONTACT RATING 2.5A@30VDC .......... .... COM NONC POWER SIGNAL LOCAL DEVICE NON-SUPERVISED CIRCUITCONDITION ENDOFLINE RESISTOR COM SUPERVISED CIRCUIT STYLEB/CLASSB CONTROL NO NC PANEL signalingunit,whiletheothercontactisusedtooperatealocalaudibleorvisualannunciator. Switchhastwoswitches,onecanbeusedtooperateacentralstation,proprietaryorremove Forsupervisedcircuits,see"SwitchTerminalConnections"above.TheWaterflowAlarm NOTE: (SEENOTE) COVERTAMPERSWITCH(ULCASSEMBLIESONLY) CONTACTSSHOWN WITHCOVERINPLACE COM .......... ....CONTACT RATING NO CONTACTS 3A@250VAC 5A@125VAC NC SPDT(FormC) 1mA@5VDCmin. Limited Warranty ProductsmanufacturedbyTycoFire& BuildingProducts(TFBP)arewar- rantedsolelytotheoriginalBuyerfor ten(10)yearsagainstdefectsinmate- rialandworkmanshipwhenpaidfor andproperlyinstalledandmaintained undernormaluseandservice.This warrantywillexpireten(10)years fromdateofshipmentbyTFBP.No warrantyisgivenforproductsorcom- ponentsmanufacturedbycompanies notaffiliatedbyownershipwithTFBP orforproductsandcomponentswhich havebeensubjecttomisuse,improper installation,corrosion,orwhichhave notbeeninstalled,maintained,modi- fiedorrepairedinaccordancewithap- plicableStandardsoftheNationalFire ProtectionAssociation,and/orthe standardsofanyotherAuthorities HavingJurisdiction.Materialsfound byTFBPtobedefectiveshallbeeither repairedorreplaced,atTFBP’ssole option.TFBPneitherassumes,nor authorizesanypersontoassumeforit, anyotherobligationinconnectionwith thesaleofproductsorpartsofprod- ucts.TFBPshallnotberesponsiblefor sprinklersystemdesignerrorsorinac- curateorincompleteinformationsup- pliedbyBuyerorBuyer’srepre- sentatives. InnoeventshallTFBPbeliable,in contract,tort,strictliabilityorunder anyotherlegaltheory,forincidental, indirect,specialorconsequentialdam- ages,includingbutnotlimitedtolabor charges,regardlessofwhetherTFBP wasinformedaboutthepossibilityof suchdamages,andinnoeventshall TFBP’sliabilityexceedanamount equaltothesalesprice. Theforegoingwarrantyismadeinlieu ofanyandallotherwarranties,ex- pressorimplied,includingwarranties ofmerchantabilityandfitnessforapar- ticularpurpose. Thislimitedwarrantysetsforththeex- clusiveremedyforclaimsbasedon failureofordefectinproducts,materi- alsorcomponents,whethertheclaim ismadeincontract,tort,strictliability oranyotherlegaltheory. Thiswarrantywillapplytothefullex- tentpermittedbylaw.Theinvalidity,in wholeorpart,ofanyportionofthis warrantywillnotaffecttheremainder. Ordering Information RiserManifold: Specify;Size(specify),Figure(specify 513Dor513D/R,(specifyconnection typeinletxoutlet)RiserManifold (specify-withoutorwith)acovertam- perswitchforthewaterflowalarm switch,P/N(specify). NOTES OrdersforFigure513Dor513D/Rmay befilledwithaFigure13Dor13D/R, respectively.Thetwoassembliesare completelyinterchangeableinfunc- tion,application,andend-to-endlay- inglength. IfaULCListingisrequired,theRiser Manifoldmustbeorderedwithacover tamperswitchforthewaterflowalarm switch. UL/ULC/FMAssemblies WithCoverTamperSwitch 1Inch(DN25) FTxFT...............P/N4085 1-1/2Inch(DN40) MTxFT..............P/N4088 1-1/2Inch(DN40) MTxMT..............P/N4089 2Inch(DN50) GxG................P/N4093 2Inch(DN50) MTxG...............P/N4094 UL/FMAssemblies WithoutCoverTamperSwitch 1Inch(DN25) FTxFT...............P/N4047 1-1/2Inch(DN40) MTxFT..............P/N4057 1-1/2Inch(DN40) MTxMT..............P/N4058 2Inch(DN50) GxG................P/N4059 2Inch(DN50) MTxG...............P/N4064 ReplacementParts: Specify:(description)forusewithFig- ure513D,513D/R,13D,or13D/R RiserManifold,P/N(Ref.Figure1,2 or2,asapplicable). TFP960 Page5of6 Page6of6 TFP960 TYCOFIRE&BUILDINGPRODUCTS,451NorthCannonAvenue,Lansdale,Pennsylvania19446 FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE & FITTINGS SUBMITTAL SHEET No. 19–1.5 TD915 4–1.1.20 9/2001 TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS 451 North Cannon Avenue Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 www.tyco-fire.com TECHNICAL SERVICES TEL: (800) 381-9312 • FAX: (800) 791-5500 E-MAIL: techserv@tycofp.com Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80000 3/4"405/8"0.11 lb. 800011"40 3/4"0.19 lb. 8000211/4"40 7/8"0.26 lb. 8000311/2"801"0.51 lb. 800042"8013/8"0.90 lb. 8000521/2"8019/16"1.59 lb. 800063"80111 /16"2.41 lb. Tee Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80025 3/4"409/16"0.09 lb. 800261"40 3/4"0.14 lb. 8002711/4"40 7/8"0.21 lb. 8002811/2"8011/16"0.40 lb. 800292"8011/4"0.79 lb. 8003021/2"8011/2"1.14 lb. 800313"80113/16"1.82 lb. 90°ElbowReducing 90°Elbow CrossReducing Cross Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.12lb. 800151" x 3/4"40 11/16"11/16"0.28 Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80009 3/4"409/16"0.13 lb. 800101"40 15/16"0.23 lb. 8001111/4"4015/16"0.34 lb. 8001211/2"8011/16"0.67 lb. 800132"8013/8"1.00 lb. 8001421/2"8019/16"1.91 lb. 800083"80113/16"2.89 lb. Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80050 3/4"403/8"0.08 lb. 800511"40 3/8"0.11 lb. 8005211/4"40 3/4"0.20 lb. 8005311/2"80 7/16"0.31 lb. 800542"80 3/4"0.56 lb. 8005521/2"80 3/4"0.89 lb. 800563"801"1.19 lb. 45°Elbow Fittings Nom.Pipe SizeAvg. O.D. InchesAvg. I.D. InchesWt. Lbs./Ft.Wt. H2O filled Pipe Lbs./Ft.Ft. of Pipe per LiftWt. per Lift Lbs. 3/4"1.0500.8740.170.4378751413 1"1.3151.1010.260.6750401320 11/4"1.6601.3940.421.0728351191 11/2"1.9001.5980.551.4022051136 2"2.3752.0030.862.2012601063 2 1/2"2.8752.4231.263.2212151531 3"3.5002.9521.874.797201344 Introduction 2 2 11 T/O T/O T/O T/O Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.12lb. 800321" x 3/4"40 11/16"13/16"0.16 Pipe Technical Data Tyco Fire Products (TFP) BlazeMaster®CPVC pipe and fittings are designed exclusively for use in wet pipe automatic fire sprinkler systems. They are made from a specially developed thermoplastic compound composed of post chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resin and state of the art additives. TFPBlazeMaster®CPVC products are easier to install than traditional steel pipe systems, and at the same time, they provide superior heat resistance and strength as compared to traditional CPVC and PVC piping materials used in the plumbing trade. Various adapters are available to connect CPVC pipe to metallic piping. All female pipe thread adapters have brass inserts for durability. Grooved adapters connect directly to grooved end valves and metallic pipe, with flexible grooved end couplings. Sizes:3/4"– 3" Maximum Working Pressure:175 psi Approvals:UL, FM, CUL, NSF, Dade County, LPCB, MEA, and the City of Los Angeles Note:See current TFPBlazeMaster Installation Instructions and Technical Manual, for exact listing/approval information Manufacture Source:U.S.A. Material: Pipe:ASTM F442, SDR 13.5 Fittings:ASTM F438 (Sch. 40) and ASTM F439 (Sch. 80) Color:Orange Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt.Pipe OD 8016011/4" x 11/4" Grooved402 5/16"0.78 lb.11/4" (1.660") 8016111/2" x 11/2" Grooved802 5/16"0.95 lb.11/2" (1.900") 801622" x 2" Grooved802 5/16"1.42 lb.2" (2.375") 8016321/2" x 21/2" Grooved802 5/16"2.28 lb.21/2" (2.875") 801643" x 3" Grooved8021/4"3.00 lb.3" (3.500") 801683" x 76.1mm Grooved8021/4"2.72 lb.76.1mm (3.000") Grooved Coupling Adapter Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80142 3/4" x 3/4" NPT40 5/8"0.41 lb. 801451" x 1" NPT40 3/4"0.63 lb. 8014611/4" x 11/4" NPT40 7/8"1.03 lb. 8014711/2" x 11/2" NPT801"1.42 lb. 801482" x 2" NPT8013/8"2.66 lb. Female Adapter Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80157 3/4" x 3/4" NPT4015/16"0.33 lb. 801581" x 1" NPT4013/8"0.56 lb. Male Adapter Reducer Bushing Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 802001" x 3/4"407/16"0.04 lb. 8020111/4" x 3/4"40 7/16"0.11 lb. 8020211/4" x 1"40 5/16"0.12 lb. 8020311/2" x 3/4"80 5/8"0.16 lb. 8020411/2" x 1"80 1/2"0.14 lb. 8020511/2" x 11/4"80 3/8"0.17 lb. 802062" x 3/4"803/4"0.27 lb. 802072" x 1"80 11/16"0.26 lb. 802082" x 11/4"80 9/16"0.24 lb. 802092" x 11/2"80 7/16"0.19 lb. 8021521/2" x 1"80115/16"0.42 lb. 8021421/2" x 11/4"8013/4"0.45 lb. 8021321/2" x 11/2"8015/8"0.46 lb. 8021121/2" x 2"8019/16"0.29 lb. 802103" x 2"802 3/16"0.72 lb. 802123" x 21/2"80115/16"0.47 lb. Reducing Tee Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.123lb. 80132 3/4" x 3/4" x 1"40 3/4"3/4"5/8"0.14 801331" x 3/4" x 3/4"401/2"11 /16"3/4"0.14 801341" x 3/4" x 1"40 5/8"3/4"3/4"0.17 802601" x 1" x 3/4"403/4"3/4"11 /16"0.16 8013511/4" x 1" x 3/4"407/16"3/4"15/16"0.21 8013611/4" x 1" x 1"40 11 /16"3/4"15/16"0.22 8013711/4" x 1" x 11/4"4013/16"15/16"13/16"0.26 8026111/4" x 11/4" x 3/4"40 5/8"5/8"7/8"0.23 8026211/4" x 11/4" x 1"40 3/4"3/4"7/8"0.26 8013811/4" x 11/4" x 11/2"801"1"1"0.43 8014011/2" x 11/4" x 3/4"80 1/2"5/8"1"0.36 8014111/2" x 11/4" x 1"80 1/2"5/8"11/8"0.38 8026311/2" x 11/2" x 3/4"809/16"9/16"1"0.36 8026411/2" x 11/2" x 1"80 9/16"9/16"1"0.38 8027511/2" x 11/2" x 11/4"80 7/8"7/8"1"0.45 802652" x 2" x 3/4"803/4"3/4"13/8"0.61 802662" x 2" x 1"80 7/8"7/8"13/8"0.66 802742" x 2" x 11/4"801"1"13/8"0.74 802672" x 2" x 11/2"8011/8"11/8"13/8"0.78 8027121/2" x 21/2" x 1"80111/16"111/16""19/16"1.43 8027221/2" x 21/2" x 11/4"80111/16"111/16"19/16"1.46 8027321/2" x 21/2" x 11/2"80111/16"111/16"19/16"1.48 8027621/2" x 21/2" x 2"80111/16"111/16"19/16"1.50 802703" x 3" x 11/2"8013/4"13/4"113/16"2.28 802683" x 3" x 2"8013/4"13/4"13/4"2.25 802693" x 3" x 21/2"8013/4"13/4"115/16"2.44 Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 802201" x 3/4"40 1/8"0.08 lb. Reducing Coupling Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80075 3/4"401/8"0.07 lb. 800761"40 1/8"0.11 lb. 8007711/4"40 3/16"0.12 lb. 8007811/2"80 3/16"0.25 lb. 800792"80 3/16"0.38 lb. 8008021/2"80 3/16"0.67 lb. 800813"80 3/16"0.91 lb. Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80100 3/4"405/16"0.04 lb. 801011"40 3/8"0.06 lb. 8010211/4"40 1/2"0.10 lb. 8010311/2"80 5/8"0.20 lb. 801042"80 5/8"0.31 lb. 8010521/2"80 7/8"0.58 lb. 801063"801"0.88 lb. CapCoupling 3T/O 21T/O T/O T/O T/O Pipe O.D. T/O Sprinkler Head Adapter Tee with Brass Threaded Insert Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.123lb. 80250 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" NPT40 5/8"5/8"1"0.22 802511" x 1" x 1/2" NPT40 11/16"11/16"13/16"0.29 802491" x 1" x 1" NPT40 15/16"15/16"17/16"0.73 8025611/4" x 1" x 1/2" NPT40 7/16"9/16"11/8"0.30 8025211/4" x 11/4" x 1/2" NPT40 7/16"7/16"11/8"0.31 8025711/2" x 11/4" x 1/2" NPT80 9/16"5/8"17/16"0.43 8025411/2" x 11/2" x 1/2" NPT80 9/16"9/16"17/16"0.46 802582" x 11/2" x 1/2" NPT80 1/2"5/8"15/8"0.56 802532" x 2" x 1/2" NPT80 1/2"1/2"15/8"0.62 Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.12lb. 80199 3/4" x 1/2" NPT40 5/8"15/16"0.20 801891" x 1/2" NPT40 13/16"13/16"0.26 Sprinkler Head Adapter 90°Elbow with Brass Threaded Insert Part SizeSch.T/OWt. No.12lb. 804591" x 1/2" NPTx 1/2" NPT40 11/16"15/16"0.48 804601" x 1/2" NPTx 1/2" NPT40 11/16"11/8"0.46 Back-to-Back Tee with Brass Threaded Insert Sprinkler Head Adapter with Brass Threaded Insert Sprinkler Head Adapter with Brass Threaded Insert Sprinkler Head Adapter (Spigot) with Brass Threaded Insert Back-to-Back Cross with Brass Threaded Insert Part SizeSch. T/OWt. No.12lb. 804621" x 1" x 1/2" NPTx 1/2" NPT40 5/8"11/8"0.46 804631" x 1" x 1/2" NPTx 1/2" NPT40 5/8"15/16"0.47 Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80177L 3/4" x 1/2" NPT40 1/2"0.16 lb. 801781" x 1/2" NPT40 1/2"0.20 lb. Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80175W 3/4" x 1/2" NPT40 7/16"0.19 lb. 80176W1" x 1/2" NPT40 7/16"0.18 lb. Part No.SizeSch.T/OWt. 80175E 3/4" x 1/2" NPT80 7/16"0.20 lb. 80176E1" x 1/2" NPT80 7/16"0.22 lb. 80177WL 3/4" x 1/2" NPT40 9/16"0.16 lb. 801791 x 3/4" NPT40 3/4"0.43 lb. T/O T/O T/O 22 1T/O T/OT/O 1 2T/O T/O 3T/O 21T/OT/O Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCT’S LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Main Office/Manufacturing Facility•1375 Sampson Ave. •Corona, CA 92879 •Ph: 909.737.5599 •Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 40 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm Revision 5/24/2001 ™ ® a brand of Dimensions • Weights CPVCMax.HangerFastener HexApprox. Pipe Size A BCSpacing (Ft.)Head SizeWt./100 3/425/16 15/32 13/16 51/2 5/169 125/8 15/16 13/16 65/169 11/4 311/2 13/16 61/2 5/1611 11/2 31/4 15/8 13/16 75/1612 2311/16 127/32 13/16 85/1615 Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Carbon Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support only CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems.Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam.The Fig.24 can also function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters’Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL)and Canada (cUL)to support fire sprinkler piping.Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig.24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation.The flared edge design* protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface.Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws** furnished with the product.It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools.No impact tools (such as a hammer) or impact fasteners (such as drive screws or nails) are allowed.Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools.No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre-Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size * Patent Pending ** Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. Fig.24 - Hanger forCPVC PlasticPipe DoubleFastenerStrapType- SideMount Main Office/Manufacturing Facility•1375 Sampson Ave. •Corona, CA 92879 •Ph: 909.737.5599 •Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 40 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm Revision 5/24/2001 ™ ® a brand of Dimensions • Weights CPVCMax.HangerFastener HexApprox. Pipe Size A BCSpacing (Ft.)Head SizeWt./100 3/425/16 15/32 13/16 51/2 5/169 125/8 15/16 13/16 65/169 11/4 311/2 13/16 61/2 5/1611 11/2 31/4 15/8 13/16 75/1612 2311/16 127/32 13/16 85/1615 Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Carbon Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support only CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems.Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam.The Fig.24 can also function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters’Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL)and Canada (cUL)to support fire sprinkler piping.Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig.24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation.The flared edge design* protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface.Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws** furnished with the product.It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools.No impact tools (such as a hammer) or impact fasteners (such as drive screws or nails) are allowed.Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools.No pre-drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre-Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size * Patent Pending ** Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. Fig.24 - Hanger forCPVC PlasticPipe DoubleFastenerStrapType- SideMount OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951.737.5599 • FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 38 www.tolco.com Revision 5/24/2001 ™ ® a brand of www.tolco.com Revision 4/27/2006 Fig. 28 "Stand-Off" Hanger & Restrainer for CPVC Plastic Pipe Size Range — ¾" through 2" Material — Carbon Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function — Designed to be used as a hanger and restrainer for CPVC piping where the "stand-off" design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood blocking. Features: • Flared edge design protects CPVC pipe from any rough or abrasive surfaces. • Unique twist and lock design holds pipe firmly in place and allows retrofit type of installation. • The "Stand-Off" design eliminates the need for wood block extension. • Can be installed on horizontal or vertical piping regardless of mounting surface orientation. • Attaches easily to wood structure with two hex head self-threading screws furnished with product. • Installs easily using rechargeable electrical driver with 5/16" extension socket eliminating impact tool damage to pipe. • Attaches easily to steel, minimum 18 gauge with (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type self drilling tapping screws. • U.L. Listed as a hanger and a restrainer for fire sprinkler piping. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratory Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support automatic fire sprinkler systems. May be installed into wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 18 gauge steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Fig. 28 satisfies the UL vertical restraint requirement where needed. UL Listed as a hanger and vertical restraint when installed on 3/8" composite wood material. Use two Fig. 27B Speed Nuts when used as a hanger and restraint. Use one Fig. 27B Speed Nut on the upper installed screw when used as a hanger only. Order by — Figure number and pipe size. US AND INTERNATIONAL PATENT APPLICATION IN PROCESS. Dimensions • Weights Pipe Approx. Size A B C Wt. 3/4 31⁄32 2 31⁄2 .180 1 35⁄16 23⁄16 31⁄2 .210 11⁄4 35⁄8 23⁄8 31⁄2 .225 11⁄2 4 21⁄2 31⁄2 .310 2 41⁄2 211⁄16 35⁄8 .340 Main Office/Manufacturing Facility•1375 Sampson Ave. •Corona, CA 92879 •Ph: 909.737.5599 •Fax: 909.737.0330 Customer Service•800.786.5266 www.tolco.com 38 wwwwww..ttoollccoo..ccoomm Revision 5/24/2001 ™ ® a brand of Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Carbon Steel, Pre-Galvanized Function — Designed to support a CPVCpipe away from the corner of a beam.This position allows for easy installation of drops or risers without adding additional wood blocks. Approvals — Underwriters’Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL)and Canada (cUL)for use as a combination hanger and restrainer. Finish — Pre-Galvanized Note — Approved UL Listed fastener into wood is furnished with the product.A fastener into light gauge metal may be ordered separately.Minimum acceptable #10 x 1" hardened self threading screw with 5/16" hex washer head. Order By — Fig.22C application is composed of two standard Fig.22 models — order two singles for each hanger and restrainer application required. Fig.22C - Combination Hanger& Restrainer Application NIBCO INC. WORLDHEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURYST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227 TECHSERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.800.234.0557 • INTERNATIONALOFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3221 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 www.nibco.com 15 AHEADOFTHEFLOW™ www.nibco.com Revised 08/01/03 NIBCO check valves may be installed in both horizontal and vertical lines with upward flow or in any intermediate position. WARNING - Valve must be installed downstream of receiver tank if used in line with reciprocating air compressor. Do Not Use as a Footvalve. Warning – Do Not Use For Reciprocating Air Compressor Service. 250 lb WWP Bronze Ring Check®Valves Fire Protection Valve •Inline Lift Type • Rubber Discs • Spring Actuated 250 PSI/17.2 Bar Non-Shock Cold Working Pressureu CONFORMS TO MSS SP-80 T-480 Threaded T-480 NPT x NPT DIMENSIONS—WEIGHTS—QUANTITIES Dimensions SizeABCT-480Master In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In. Ctn. Qty. ³⁄₈102.00511.38351.44370.410.19100 ¹⁄₂152.06521.38351.19300.360.16100 ³⁄₄202.25571.63411.31330.480.22100 1252.63672.00511.50380.770.3550 1 ¹⁄₄322.94752.38601.69431.140.5130 1 ¹⁄₂403.31842.75702.00511.630.7430 2503.69943.38862.31592.271.0310 Ordering: The T-480 has standard Buna-N Discs. Also available with TFE(Y) Discs; specify T-480-Y. ³⁄₈" thru 2" require ¹⁄₂pound pressure to open. MATERIALLIST PART SPECIFICATION 1.BodyBronze ASTMB584 Alloy C84400 2.StemStainless Steel ASTMA 582 Alloy C30300 3.Spring316 Stainless Steel 4.Disc HolderStainless Steel Type 301 5.DiscWater, Oil or Gas (Buna-N) 6.Seat ScrewStainless Steel ASTMA276 Alloy S43000 7.Body EndBronze ASTMB584 Alloy C84400 Dezincification Resistant PAGE 1 OF 2PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 - REV W MFG. #5400761 - 7/02 VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FM and LPCB Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Up to 450 PSI (31 BAR) Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm: 10 GPM (38 LPM) Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Contact Ratings:Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit Environmental Specifications: •Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. •NEMA 4/IP54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. •Temperature Range: 40°F/120°F, 4,5°C/49°C •Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution:This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available:Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic SprinklerNFPA-13 One or two family dwellingNFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four storiesNFPA-13R National Fire Alarm CodeNFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 U.S. Pat. No. 3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic re- tard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die- cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resis- tant screws which require a special key for removal. A field in- stallable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be in- stalled within 6" (15cm) of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow or within 24" (60 cm) of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 1/2" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm ±2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of 2" ±1/8" (50mm ±2mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a dis- tance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 ft-lbs. (68 n-m) of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. Potter Electric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 • www.pottersignal.com PAGE 2 OF 2PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 - REV W MFG. #5400761 - 7/02 VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD NOTES: 1.The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, pro- prietary or remote signaling unit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. 2.A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that the electri- cal entry must be sealed to exclude moisture. 3.For supervised circuits see “Switch Terminal Connec- tions” drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the termi- nal and serve as two sepa- rate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector’s test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. FIG. 1FIG. 2 FIG. 3TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS FIG. 4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knock- outs, not in the center. APPLICATION WARNING! Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterflow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. Cover Tamper (with cover in place) Features •One alarm appliance with (8) eight selective signals to provide superior sound penetration for various ambient and wall conditions with two field selectable sound output levels. •Code-3 Horn and Tone meet NFPA/ANSI/ISO temporal pattern for standard emergency evacuation signaling. •Audible and strobe can operate from a single signaling circuit. •Designed to meet or exceed NFPA/ANSI Standards and ADA Accessibility Guidelines. 110 VAC model does not meet ADA requirements. •Low current draw with low temperature compensation to reduce power consumption and wiring costs. •Low cost installation via standard electrical boxes. Attractive flush or surface mounting options available. Wheelock’s MT and MT Strobe Series Multitone Electronic Signals offer a choice of eight (8) nationally and internationally recognized alerting sounds: Horn, Bell, March Time Horn, Code-3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, Slow Whoop, Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. Wheelock’s Code-3 horn and tone patterns are engineered to comply with NFPA/ANSI Temporal Pattern specifications without requiring additional coding means. With MT and MT Strobe Signals, one alarm appliance meets most of your signaling needs. Wheelock’s MT and MT Strobe Signals are UL Listed, FM, CSFM and NYMEA Approved. WHEELOCK SERIES MT AND MT STROBE MULTITONE ELECTRONIC SIGNALS *For outdoor installation use MTWP-2475W-FR with IOB-R backbox. **See next page for mounting options. PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2MKT. #8850002 - REV H 2/03 Potter Electric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 • www.pottersignal.com MT-24-1575W-FR SHOWN ledoM RF-W575121-TM )nroH/ebortS( 1290161.oNkcotS **snoitpOgnitnuoM R,P,O,M,L,F,E,D 42/21TM )nroH( 4190161.oNkcotS **snoitpOgnitnuoM R,P,O,M,L,F,E,D *RF-W5751-42-TM roodnI)nroH/ebortS( 5190161.oNkcotS **snoitpOgnitnuoM R,P,O,M,L,F,E,D RFV-HW-511-4TM )nroH/ebortS( 6120161.oNkcotS **snoitpOgnitnuoM R,O,N,K,J,E,D sgnitaRtnerruCdnaABd enoT )spmA(sgnitaRtnerruCegarevA sgnitaRtnarebreveRABd 464LUreP sgnitaRciohcenAABd CDV42@CDV21@CDV42@CDV21@CDV42dna21@ IHDTSIHDTSIHDTSIHDTSIHDTS nroH 830.0420.0590.0910.0297809779939 lleB 910.0210.0030.0010.0680858962978 nroHemiThcraM 830.0420.0590.0910.0984898479939 nroH3-edoC 830.0420.0590.0910.0883888379939 enoT3-edoC 720.0610.0750.0410.0580848075909 poohWwolS 740.0520.0590.0420.0099898579949 neriS 430.0220.0870.0910.0984898578939 oL/iH 020.0310.0240.0110.0681868173988 WHEELOCK SERIES MT AND MT STROBE MULTITONE ELECTRONIC SIGNALS PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2MKT. #8850002 - REV H 2/03 MOUNTING ACCESSORIES (D) 4" SQUARE, FLUSH (BO)(F) DOUBLE-GANG, FLUSH (BO) (J) BB BACKBOX (Order Code: 2830) Standard steel backbox with knockouts for interior surface mounting, concealed conduit mounting or semi-flush applications. It is painted to match the signal. (K) WBB WEATHER RESISTANT BACKBOX (Order Code: 2959) Sturdy die-cast housing, threaded conduit hole and knockout for outdoor applications. It is painted to match the signal. (L) ISP SURFACE ADAPTER (Order Code: 5306) Indoor use. (M) IOB BACKBOX (Order Code: 5046) For surface mounting MT products. (O) RP-R RETROFIT PLATE (Order Code: 5042) (R) SFP SEMI-FLUSH PLATE (Order Code: 2957) Stamped aluminum surface wall plate which mounts behind the basic unit and serves to cover recessed backboxes in semi-flush mounting applications. It is painted to match the signal. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 4444 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 4444 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 4444 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 8884 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 8884 (E) 4" SQUARE, DEEP, FLUSH (BO) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 8884 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS AWG. #18AWG. #16AWG. #14AWG. #12 4444 MOUNTING NOTES CAUTION: The mounting options figures show the maximum number of field wires (conductors) that can enter the backbox used with each mounting option. If these limits are exceeded, there may be insufficient space in the backbox to accommodate the field wires and stresses from the wires could damage the product. Although the limits shown for each mounting option comply with the National Electrical code (NEC), Wheelock recommends use of the largest backbox option and the use of approved stranded field wires whenever possible, to provide additional wiring room for easy installation and minimum stress on the product from wiring. CAUTION: Check that the installed product will have sufficient clearance and wiring room prior to installing backboxes and conduit, especially if sheathed multiconductor cable or 3/4" conduit fittings are used. 1.Mounting hardware for each mounting option is supplied. 2.Conduit entrances to the backbox should be selected to provide sufficient wiring clearance for the installed product. When extension rings are required, conduit should enter through the backbox, not the extension ring. Use Steel City #53151 (1-1/2" deep) or #53171 (2-1/8" deep) extension rings (as noted in the mounting options) or equivalent with the same cut-out area. 3.When terminating field wires, do not use more lead length than required. Excess lead length could result in insufficient wiring space for the appliance. 4.Use care and proper techniques to position the field wires in the backbox so that they use minimum space and produce minimum stress on the product. This is especially important for stiff, heavy gauge wires and wires with thick insulation or sheathing. 5.Do not pass additional wires (used for other than the appliance) through the backbox. Such additional wires could result in insufficient wiring space for the appliance. NIBCO INC. WORLDHEADQUARTERS • 1516 MIDDLEBURYST. • ELKHART, IN 46516-4740 • USA • PH: 1.800.234.0227 TECHSERVICES PH: 1.888.446.4226 • FAX: 1.800.234.0557 • INTERNATIONALOFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3221 • FAX: +1.574.295.3455 www.nibco.com 16 AHEADOFTHEFLOW™ www.nibco.com Revised 08/01/03 400 lb. WWPBronze Ball Valves Fire Protection Valve • Standard Port • Two-Piece Body • Blowout-Proof Stem • TFESeats MATERIAL LIST PARTSPECIFICATION 1.Handle NutZinc Plated Steel 2.HandleZinc Plated Steel Clear Chromate Plastisol Coated 3.Packing GlandBrass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000 4.PackingTFE 5.Stem Silicon Bronze ASTM B 371 Alloy C69400 or ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000 6.BallBrass ASTM B 16 Alloy C36000 or ASTM B 124 Alloy C37700 7.Seat RingsTFE 8.BodyBronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 or Brass ASTM B 124 Alloy C37700 9.Body EndpieceBronze ASTM B 584 Alloy C84400 or Brass ASTM B 124 Alloy C37700 400 PSI/27.6 Bar Non-Shock Cold Water A B C D DIMENSIONS—WEIGHTS—QUANTITIES Dimensions SizeABCD PortWeightBoxMaster In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.In.mm.Lbs.Kg.Qty.Ctn. Qty. ¹⁄₂152.00511.56403.94100.388.57.261060 ³⁄₄202.28581.72443.94100.5013.72.331060 1252.88732.06524.69119.75191.25.57530 1 ¹⁄₄323.41872.31594.691191.00251.65.79440 1 ¹⁄₂403.75952.81616.751711.25322.531.19210 2504.441133.13796.751711.50383.651.66110 T-580 NPTx NPT T-580 Threaded Central's Identification Signs are designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler system and it's components. They are available with a variety of wording combinations to meet the signing requirements of NFPA 13. The five basic types of signs are as follows: Type A - Control Valve Sign Type B - Multi-purpose Text Signs Type C - Cold Weather Sign Type D - Fire Alarm Sign Type E - Hydraulic Calculation Sign The Signs are constructed of 18 gauge steel or aluminum with a porcelain enamel or printed mylar facing respectively. The signs have corner holes or slots for easy attach- ment in the field. Sign Type B is available with the following text options: Air control Air control valve Air line Alarm test Alarm line Antifreeze system Auxiliary drain Control Control valve Drain Drain valve Entire system From city main In this building In this section Inspectors test Main control Sign For sprinkler systems & devices 1-95 Identification Signs Product Description Main drain Open sprinkler control Open sprinkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor line Technical Data Model: Sign Style: Flat, rectangular Standard Finish: porcelain or mylar Size:Type A - 9" x 7" Type B - 6" x 2" Type C - 73⁄4" x 11⁄4" Type D - 9" x 7" Type E - 5" x 7" Weight:Type A - 4.5 oz. Type B - 0.5 oz. Type C - 2.0 oz. Type D - 4.0 oz. Type E - 1.5 oz. No. 28-9.0 Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 The Identification Signs are pro- vided with 1⁄8" diameter or larger holes (or slots) in the corners for easy attachment using standard hardware chain, wire, plastic lock ties, or light gauge metal strap (not included). Installation Signs ©1995 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Signs.1 When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity and type. Hardware for hanging is not supplied with the Sign. It must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Sign - Type A THIS VALVE CONTROLS AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS MUST BE AT ALL TIMESOPEN TO BE HANDLED ONLY BY AUTHORIZED PERSON OR BY EMPLOYEE CARING FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY TO IN CASE OF FIRE DO NOT SHUT VALVE UNTIL FIRE IS ENTIRELY OUT WHEN VALVE IS SHUT FOR EMERGENCY - REPAIRS - OR FIRE- NOTIFY: REQUEST DIRECTIONS -- RESTORE PROTECTION QUICKLY The blank spaces on this sign may be utilized to provide message flexibility. Simply add combinations of sign Type B and Type C as desired. Ordering Information Sign - Type B AUXILIARY DRAIN VALVE SHUT VALVE SHUTMUST BE OPENED IN CASE OF FIRE ALSO DURING SUMMER MONTHS AND MUST BE KEPT OPEN EXCEPT DURING WINTER MONTHS, WHEN VALVE IS TO BE CLOSED AND PIPES DRAINED. FRONT BACK Sign - Type C SPRINKLER FIRE - ALARM WHEN BELL RINGS CALL FIRE DEP'T OR POLICE Sign - Type D HYDRAULIC-SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hydraulically Designed Automatic Sprinkler System Location Basis of Design 1. DENSITY 2. DESIGNED AREA OF DISCHARGE No. of Sprinklers System Demand 1. WATER FLOW RATE 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE BASE OF THE RISER GPM/SQ.FT. GPM PSI SQ.FT. Sign - Type E 122 Consult factory for guidance in product selection Phone (203) 385-0217, Fax (203) 385-0602 or visit our web site at www.ashcroft.com Fire Protection, Sprinkler Service Gauge Type 1005P, XUL ASME B 40.1 Grade B (±3-2-3% of span) • Underwriters Laboratory listed and Factory Mutual approved • Corrosion-resistant ABS caseABS caseABS • Heat-resistant polycarbonate push-in window • Patented PowerFlex™ movement with polyester segment • True Zero™ indication, a unique safety feature Type no.: 1005P, XUL Accuracy: ASME B 40.1 Grade B (±3-2-3% of span) Size: 31⁄1⁄1 2⁄2⁄˝ Case: ABS (Polycarbonate blend) Ring: None Window: Polycarbonate, push-in Dial: Black fi gures on white back- ground Pointer: Black, aluminum Bourdon tube: “C” shaped bronze Movement: Patented PowerFlex with polyester segment Socket: Brass Restrictor: None Ashcroft® fi re protection sprinkler ® fi re protection sprinkler ® gauges are Underwriters Laboratory listed and Factory Mutual approved for fi re protection sprinkler service. The case material on Type 1005P, XUL gauges is ABS. The 0-300 psi pressure range is used on “wet” systems where water is available to the sprinkler heads. The 0-80 retard to 250 psi pressure range is used on dry systems where the lines are fi lled with air pressure until system activation. The patented PowerFlex move-Flex move-Flex ment with polyester segment is designed to provide unequalled shock and vibration resistance resulting in superior performance and extended gauge life. NOTES FM Customized dials Other UL listed ranges on application Operating temperature: –40°F to 150°F Connection: 1⁄1⁄1 4⁄4⁄ NPT lower Ranges: 0-300 psi (water) 0-80 retard to 250 psi (air) UL 393 Listed, UL of Canada Listed and FM approved. Equivalent (single or dual scale) metric scales are available TO ORDER THIS TYPE 1005P, XUL GAUGE: Select: 35 W 1005 P H 02L XUL 300# 1. Dial Size: 31⁄1⁄1 2⁄2⁄˝ 2. Patented PowerFlex™ MovementFlex™ MovementFlex 3. Case Type Number: 1005 4. Case Type Material: ABS 5. Socket Material: Brass 6. Connection Size/Location: 1⁄1⁄1 4⁄4⁄ NPT lower 7. UL listed, FM approved 8. Range: 300 psi True Zero indication, a standard feature on these gauges, reduces the potential risk of installing a dam- aged gauge on your equipment. LISTED U L GAUGE SPECIFICATIONS GAUGE OPTIONS LOOK FOR THESE AGENCY MARKS ON OUR PRODUCTS Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are constructed of a metal enclosure with a hinged cover designed to provide on-site storage of an emergency supply of sprinkler heads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number of each type of sprinkler head used in a sprinkler system to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow for immediate removal and replacement of sprinklers which may have operated or become damaged. Central Sprinkler Head Cabinets are manufactured of heavy gauge steel with knock-outs to accommodate either 1⁄2" or 3⁄4" N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are painted an attractive red enamel. They are available in three (3), six (6) or twelve (12) head capacity. Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Sprinkler Head Cabinet Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Style: 3, 6 or 12 head Standard Finish: Red enamel Mfgr. Source: Non-domestic Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads 6 sprinkler heads 12 sprinkler heads Dimensions: 3 head - 5" high x 71⁄2" long x 21⁄2" deep 6 head - 5" high x 14" long x 31⁄4" deep 12 head - 5" high x 143⁄4" long x 5" deep Weight: 3 head - 1.5 lbs. 6 head - 2.3 lbs. 12 head - 4 lbs. Hd. Cab. Product Description Technical Data No. 28-6.0 3, 6 & 12 Head Sprinkler Head Cabinet Hd. Cab. 11-94 ©1994 Central Sprinkler Company Printed in U.S.A. Central’s Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two 3⁄16" diameter holes for wall mounting or direct attachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system control valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench. The stock of spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers Spare Sprinklers In System Required under 300 6 300-100012 over 100024 The Cabinets are designed to accept both 1⁄2" and 3⁄4" N.P.T. threaded sprinklers. For 1⁄2" N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For 3⁄4" N.P.T. sprinklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down to remove the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a 3⁄4" N.P.T. sprinkler. When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, capacity, and size. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Hd.Cab.2 Ordering Information Installation Care & Maintenance The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The following items should be checked: 1. The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or temperatures in excess of 100oF/38oC. 2. The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adequate number of each type and temperature rating. 3. The stock of sprinklers must be in good condition. 4. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Cabinet.