HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0374 - B12-0376 ORIGINAL APPLICATION , � _ �� �� � �� � V ��.'�-� IS� ,, . � I1SL1 lrl 'Final Clearance Air Monitoring Report 4017 Lupine Dr, Vail, Colorado 81657 Presented T : Mr. Les Same son Homeowner 4017 Lupine r Vail, CO 816 7 Performed Prepared By: Mr. Rich Kre' scher DS Consultin ,Inc. PO Box 6864 Avon, CO 81 20 (970) 389-3 08 Project Det ils: Project Num er: 6355 Conducted: eptember 7, Z012 Homeowner Mr. Les Samelson TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT O ERVIEW 1.0 Introducti 'n 2.0 Site Descri tion 3.0 Scope of W rk 4.0 Certificati s 5.0 Final Visua &Final Clearance Procedures 6.0 Air Sample Analyzation 7.0 Air Sample Results APP NDIX A AMS/Analyst Certificates 2 . _ I �� PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.0 Introducti n On September 7, 012, DS Consulting, Inc. (DSC) conducted a final visual inspection, performed aggressive clearanc air monitoring, and analyzed clearance air quality samples via Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) f r an asbestos abatement project at the residence located at 4017 Lupine Dr, Vail, Colorado. Regional sbestos Mitigation Services (RAMS) was the General Abatement Contractor (GAC) performing the asbe' tos abatement within the residence. Mr.Adam Kennard was the GAC supervisor on- site during the final learance. 2.0 Site Descri tion The residence is a w od-framed,two-level,single-family residence. 3.0 Scope of ork The asbestos abat ' ent activities were conducted to remove approximately 1650 ftz of asbestos- , containing surfacin texture and 40 ftz of asbestos-containing vinyl flooring from a single full containment encom assing the main level living room, laundry room, entryway, hallway, bathroom, and bedroom. This asb stos abatement project was a fully permitted project with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). 4.0 Certificati ns The final visual ins ection, the aggressive clearance air monitoring, and the PCM air sample analyzation were conducted by Mr. Rich Kreuscher with DSC. Mr. Kreuscher is a CDPHE certified Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS); h ing certification number 15812 and a NIOSH 582 certified analyst. DSC is a CDPHE certified Asbestos nsulting Firm, Registration No. 14912 and a participant in the Industrial Hygiene Proficiency Analyti 1 Testing (IHPAT) program with laboratory ID IVo. 188987 maintaining a rating of Proficient. 5.0 Final Visu 1 & Final Clearance Procedures Prior to the collecti n of final clearance air samples, a final visual inspection was conducted to ensure all of the visual requir ments of CDPHE's Regulation 8, Part B — Asbestos, were met. Once the abatement area passed the fin 1 visual inspection, DSC collected final clearance air samples from multiple locations within the contain ent. Following the collection of the final clearance air samples, the samples were analyzed-along wit sample blanks - to determine the airborne fiber concentrations. The air samples we e collected at an average flow rate 15.0 liters per minute (L/m) using Thomas high- volume pumps wit a minimum of 1,200 liters being collected. Flow rates were collected at the beginning and at t e end of the sampling period utilizing an airflow rotameter calibrated against a primary-flow calibr tion instrument. Start times and stop times were recorded for all sampling periods. 3 6.0 Air Sample'Analyzation The final clearance P M samples were collected on 25-millimeter (mm) mixed-cellulose, ester-membrane filters with a 0.8-m cron pore size and an effective collection area of 385 mm. All filters were pre- assembled by the ' nufacturer in three-stage, conductive sampling cassettes with extension cowls. A field blank and lab b nk were also collected and analyzed along with the clearance samples. 7.0 Air Sampli g Results The abatement proj ct passed the final visual inspection and the analytical results of all final clearance samples collected ere below CDPHE's clearance criteria of 0.01 fibers/cubic centimeter (f/cc). This amount, quantified as "fibers", is not specific to asbestos fibers; therefore, all fibers that meet the counting criteria ar counted as asbestos fibers. If the total fiber count is less than 0.01 fibers/cubic centimeter (f/cc), i is known that the total asbestos fiber count is also less than 0.01 fibers/cubic centimeter (f/cc). Please see Table 1 f analytical data. 4 , . � 0 � � � � � � � o 0 � ,p a �a .a a a o 0 0 0 ii. 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Air Pollu[ion Convol Division � �= ' �- u' � : � I�:� �� y : '�'' Ihis certifits that � i � .� �' � Rich Kreuscher j � �� ,�. ' � ,#�`� CerlificrQan No:l58t2 ��.t F�..: . ':� � �� %`� has met�hr m�uirements of 35•7•507.C.R.S.und Air Cjualiry Con[n,l ,�f, ,, �'*�: Commissinn Rrgul.tiion Ko.8,Part R,and is h:rcby cenititd by the :� : ,�. state oCC'olorsdo in thc 1'ollou ing Jiuiplinc:. � : i. +" "��:�' �� .�'. �'--. Air Nionitoring Specialist* �� � F' .'�x Is�ueJ: IryO/2012 ����rs- • �� . '�' Hipires on: IROP.U13 ''� f :�y t_. / ; ��; :� � } -. - ��� t . � ` ( ��� �`�s � MwwOMCOR�oww� .� i�h- � `�°i {j' .... .._: ` ' •T1ht��v�Q��eL�vOJwJ��IIArArpnv.Jo�n/�r +�Oh4Wwp�e.rlhal+.'n� ,.� rwff ( ulhta )p( �frN 1 .'.� '��f.�:. � . ae(i'�j� .. _i�! .-{�`�I �'i �"`,� 1�, !T�'� �♦ 1R� +r`t� 1'►.'�;t j� R'F '+r�' �� ,�'`,�.,� ��k r� P � �{� � .� � 1-,h�: °��r t�_. � -' f *� i �i� JrfF ;;r,ti���' �.�'r<A 1,, ,r , .� �``��t �� 1 .�_ .�. .�. . ��-, . �' ������`a���`�'���"��*`����:��'�"'�Y�����t`� f: � c�� . i - 7 Em�irunmertlal � � TraJn,Rg � "F� Cnsulting ;�� _'ibl N'ni O�lxJ Avrnuc�7 � Engirrttvl,Colnrado 80110 7G3 761-6J72 CGR1lFIES THAT : Er�: R(CH KREUSCIiER j"� has successfully complcted i'� THE NIOSH$82 F.QIlIV.4LENT COURSE '` SAI►1YL1\G& EVALUATING AIRBORNE ASBESTOS DL'S7' "���� l�� �. cou��a�: oi,io-oui3na.oir_x.!iz ��� No.of nours: 40 � Eram D�te: p�n8,��'_ CcrtificnteNo.: DO01?RI?-OS y��L�,�i,� nC � ��. ����4uthnriicd Si�naturr � � �.2)�,'c'��:; ,p���- .X� ��1`Y' �� �� ?�1��`�`r�.L�.. �������3,1.��`'�Cix �F�9 L..`�..A t.'�'� .-w*���a�...,-r�_.+' "�,�' �� �r_..,x'� U 'w✓' � � �� � � �� � � � � � `� � � Department of Communfty Development 75 South Frontage Road TOWN Qf VAIt' � � � vaii,CO 81657 Tel:870�dT9-2128 ` � O Development Review Coogdina or � k �S�S; � ' BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIDN "�"" `•`' (Separate applications are required for alarm&sprinkler} , : `'` Project Streejt Addresa: ��}�- p��#. � !�---�-�-L+ � �L u 1!,_ � (Number) (S ty DRB#: (Suite#) Buiiding Permit#: ` BuiidinglComplex Name: �` II �`��'' Contractor InforrnatJon Lot#: �Block# ' Subdivision:!�'� ' Busfness Marne:.�'P/�'►��tl� ��q�1lI��� ' 7T Business Address: �Q � �! p k �, $ Work Ciass: New� Addition�j Alteration(Q � ' City Y�r f State:��� Zip; Q� TY�of Building: �' t,� �� / Single-Family�} Duplex�Mutti-Family(�j � Contact Name: ��.5 Jr�7'"�' f•—.S 0.aV Commerdai(� Other�j ` � 70 3 ?� r�o7 � ��. ; Contad Phone:_ ' �` ( Woric Type: Interiar Exterior 8oth Contact E-Mail:L�S �/1�-/h�c-�O�^i�a��/iM!i [,�0�'1 � � � �� ; ,, i hereby adcnowledge that i have read this application,fified out Valuation of in fuli the information required,completed an aoairate plot ptan, and state that all the'u�fortnation as required is cbrrect. I agree M Electrical �Yes �pNo �Yes ONo O b compiy with the infotma6on and ptot plan,to comply with aii To �' ° " ordinances and state laws,and to build this strudure according t Mechan3cai �Yes O)No �Yes QNo ,3�°Qp � 5�" ' the town's zoning and su4division codes,design review ap- ��„: �,� proved,Intemational Buildi�g and ResiderrtialCodes and other plumbing �Yes �No �Yes �No y�O�p �� ' ordinances of the 7own applicable thereto. Building �Yes �No �'es QNo��0 V OdQ � X Valus af ad work being perfomied_ $�5��O C�� Owner/Owners Representative Signature(Required) (ralue besed on 19C Sedlon 109.�,81RC Sedion 108.3) ' Electrica!Square Footage � � O�g �4; + : Applicant Mfomqtion , Detaiied Scope and Location of Work: �.::::: e:.�4 � � l�'�t �-a�7 �-L�. �,/� ApPficant Nam /h ,Sd r llte� � V��`/✓� �R /..!f��'3��-k Applicant Phone: / 70 3 7� �� ]G �� ,r� V/J� /,S /�" d•-� �C..� ��I� p �,P'�r� APPiicant E-Mail:��SS.4�s ae� c .�.glJ7iA%f:'CQn'►r�Y �i C- 4 / ! � U RN i�}.5 �� T ?roject informa on �^ [�� , _ _� ` �� , .. _._._.. Owner Name•�V�7�/�� //�U n G.i'T���. �'''" Parcel#: �f �.�./;�"'�- � / U/} � IFor GarcN 0.wrttact Eegie Couoty Assesao�s ONtu at(s70328�646 w vtstt wwur.eaglecourrty.uslPatle) (use additlonal sheet ii�ecessary) For Of6ee Use Only: f:`:=- llnte Received: k:;:.: f-ee Paid: Received From: R E C E I V E D CaStt Check# CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp date: A„�r,# TOWN OF VAIt ' 12-Mer-2012 os/i6/2o12 � .