HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1978-2001 (CO)3'l AJ.hth.rl Cot 6 | ) La4 ) 6-fl BtA-l BTl*,n 5,"h, +lA, g Nicole Petercon - Bighorn Lodge dumpster Page I of 1 Flom: To: Date: Subject: Attadrments: Nicole Peterson George Ruther; Warren Campbell Z/3L{2O099:M AM Bighorn Lodge dumpster Gmd Morning, In follow-up to our site visit on Wedneday, to Bighorn Lodge, 4145 Bighorn Road/ Lots 6&7, Block 7, Bighorn 3rd, please find attached photos. Also, the parking @lirement for the site is 42 spaces (9 units at 530 sq. ft. - 2 spaces per, and 16 units less than 500 sq. ft. - 1.5 sp-ces pE7). On the site plan, they illustrate 43 soaces provided. I'd be happy to contact the owner with this informatjon and work with them to build the enclosure and meet the parking requirement. Please send me the contact information, if you wish me to follow-up with them. Thankl np Nicole M. Peterson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail, Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 PH:970.477.3452 FX:970.479.2452 wclarse!@yadcgv.colo 8'/to - Mv* o^r/ .\in*"--.-q .,r^ 1-1!< /p LlA - / C)r,*,, \-l,ot ,\sri^.,,{ ft.-t ,",-.r'r( ,,"',.^,<; tl,-Q-.tr (e."Xn (-a,:*,,Jv {"n fy,.- ( i,-( lo \.tt--z file://C:\Documents and Settings\Adminishator\Local Settings\TempU(Pgrpwise\4A72B3... 08/10/2009 ++tac pa" '^ (r't/3 r.( .,.,r,. j r ,'iri;iits I '.1il fowNorven 75 S-FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2138 Fireolace lnformdim: Rcoicfed: Y # ofcar Appli.nccs: 0 &!ilding-> $804.00 Redr.rdi Pl.|t R.viei!-> Inveligatior> $0.00 Rccr€{ri6 Fe.-> Will Cnll-> S3 , o 0 Clodrup Deporit -.--------> # of Cas Lg3: 0 rg of Wood P.lletl 0 ItE SUMMARY .t.*...1...rtrtrtrit**.. t**r'rt........t'l so. oo Tot4l celculaied F€€s_r, s1,429 .50 9o-oo TotNl Permit Feo----- S1,429.5o s0.00 Pavrente____-__> S1,429,60 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIT'EVELoPMENT l i:, i -i . \'r,,,\ I ,lr.,r,-.\ -- rit.r.: i l*-\l NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES i, I i \r_ l : -\\ ADD/ALTSFRBI.JILDPERMIT Pennit #: B0l-0262 Job Address: 4145 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4145 SPRUCE WAY #B Applied..: O8/3ll200l Parcel No...: ^ 210112207024 , Issued, .. : 09107l2OOl ProjectNo ' Prts0f - }Uq Expires...: o3to6t2oo2 cflNER WISEMAII, ERIC & PATRTCTA C. O8/3L/2OOr. Phone: 1011 S COVE WY DBIVER CO 80209 LLce!r6e I APPLICAIII KTEIIL CONSTRUSIION, INC. OS/3L/200L Phone: 970-904-6285 4093 EAST SPRUCE mY #37 vArrJ. co 81557 IJicerrae ! coNTRAqtoR KTEHTJ coNsTRUgrIoN, rNc. 08/3L/200r Phone: 4093 EAST SPRUCE WAY #3? vArrJ, co 81557 LicenEe: 227-8 Desoription: REBUII.,D INTERIOR TO ORIGI}IAIJ CCIiDTTIOII'. BEFORE FIRE DAMAGE INCLITDES REPIJICING DAI,IAGED wMDOtsS Occupanry: R3,Ul Type Construction: VN Tlpe V Non-Ratod Valuation: $115,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Pl.n Chcck-> 5522.50 DRB Fco--.-_> $1o0.O0 Additional Fe€s---' $0.00 TOTAL FEES-> S1,,t2e.5o BALANCE DUE--> So . oo .ra,aalrrtt****t'.trttrrr Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/061200l CDAVIS Act,ion: AP Item: 05400 PIrAIIIIING DEPARl'ltEllT IIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T Item: 05500 PITBL,,IC I|ORKS ***|i|'.l......***|||,t'',.'*||!t.lti*'.........'....................|.l.||lt|.|*ii'*'i. See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVALPennit#: B0t-o262 as of09-07-2001 Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BI.JILD PERMITApplicant: KIEHLCONSTRUCTION.TNc. 970_904-6285 JobAddress: 4145 SPRUCEWAYVAIL Looation: 4145 SPRUCE WAy #BParcelNo: 2l0ll22071}4 Applied: Issued: To Expire: 08Rv200r 09/07/2001 03/06/2002 Descriptior: REBUILD INTERIOR TO ORIGINAL CONDITION,BEFORE FIRE DAMAGE INCLUDES REPLACING DAMAGED WINDOWS *****{'********rl*r****t**********t***l*****t****** Conditions iri+ * * ******************* ** + * *r**+i***rr*rir* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REeUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REeUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC,310.6. I OF THE 1997 UBC. t fl.bl7q,(fr . , ppuc{ron wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcouplErF€l#lffipAffq _ er Fees! Ees: .v Da]rnI+ Faa! F:/everyooe/f ormybld gperm TWTIWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: NTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor: : C-O,*s=-r.C,O4rOU, Contact and Phone #t: Qto)gU-t- tnZZf(Jcow Krs++c (qto) ggl-t z3o v TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUTLDTNG: * ,/ot9,aatx -^ELECTRICAL: S /Q,5@.2 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 5,O@Y MECHANICAL: $rorAl:$ //5W.+a.a- Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Job Name: (J r6srl er nt Re vywpaL lobAddress: QttS SPe'ucs t.('rAY .+B Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name:ERtc/?T.!Address:Phone(3o3J ArcftitecvDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer: J Y lOy.tRO€ /Ned€ll Address:Phone(tro) work: l{eLcritd 4r,sfes<,rocr -{o Of<tgrro,*\ Cog'rdr$e-.-1 , Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel Q{ Repair QQ Demo ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Extenor ( ) Both C{Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-famity pQ Mulii-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniG in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TvDe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aooliances ( I ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/TvDe of FireDlaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( | ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exisu Yes 0Q No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (i{ Jr*****rt**t * rr:t * rt *** *********** **** r* * * *** ** * * *** * * *** *** ** * + * * * * * * * FoR O COMMI.INITYTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENTOF DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALLBLDG. Permit #: D01-0034 fob Address: 4145 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 4145 SPRUCE WAY LINIT #B Applied . . : 08/16/2007 Parcel No....: 210L72m7024 Issued . . .: O8/76/20f7 Project No . : ?? ( 0-5 O\-O3c'to Expires . . .: 02./ 12/ 2o1z owNER WISEIIAN, ERrC & PATRTCIA C. O8/L6/2OOL phone: 1011 S COVE WY DENVER CO 80209 Licen€e: CoNTRACTOR KIEHL CONSTRUCTTOIT, IriIC. 08/16/200]- phone: 4093 EAST SPRUCE WAY #37 vArr,, co 8165 7 Licenee: 22 7-B APPL'ICAIIT KIEIIIT CONSTRUCTION, MC. Oe/r6/200r Ptrone: 9?0-9o4-629s 4093 EAST SPRUCE WAY #37 vArrJ, co 816s 7 License I Desciption: DEMO,REB(MD OF FIRE DAMAGE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace lnformatiou Restricted: Add Stl It 0 * of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 * of so.oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5252 -25 Plan Check-> $94.25 DRB Fe€--*-> S2O,oo Additional Fees-> Wood Pellee FEE SUMMAITY Buildhg-> $145. 00 Restuarant Plan Reuiew-> LwestigatioF> $0 - 00 Reoeation Fee--> WillCall----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-> $0. 00 $0. Oo Total Permit Fee--> 1262-25 S0 . O0 PavnrentsF-> 9262.25 TO.|AL FEES-- -> 5262 - 2s BALANCE DUE----*-> Approvals:I€dm: 0510O BUIIJDING DEPARTMENf 08/]-6/200l DFIoRES Actionr AP ItsEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DBPART'II{EIiIT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART'I,IENT Item: 05500 Pt BITIC WORKS $0.00 See page 2 of this Document DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate Plot Plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is corect. I agree to comply with the inlorrration and plot plarl to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structute according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM Er00 AM - 5 PM. Srld Clem-up lreporitTo: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o for any conditions that may apply to o this permit. PAGE 2 **ll*****d*l*fi***r|!|**:t*|r1***riitr|t|hr*jtit*t||**l*****n**:tt1ta*********i**rr*************:h!:k****rv:f*",t*:|)f*rr**, CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: Dm-0034 as of 0&1&2001 Status: IS9UED *****lrLa**L***!*{itrffi *ffi *lilitl*ffi **r* Pemdt Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant KIEHL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 97U904-6285 |ob Address: 4145 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: 4145 SPRUCE WAY IJNIT #B Parcel No: 210112207024 Descriptioru DEMO-REBUILD OF FIRE DAMAGE Conditions: Cond:38 @LDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. ANASBESTOg ABATEMENT CERTIFICATESHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOsISREQUIRED PRIORTO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FI,JRTHER QUESTIONS ARISE CONTACT fi{E VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 4D-22ffi . Cond:1 (FIRB): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBESTARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECfiONS ARE REQTnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: O8/rc/m0l Issued: 08/1612001 To Expire: 02/72/ 20c.2 ltaa+ataatalllt*laaalllallalll*lttaaaii+lt{.*t+ll|tat*tll+++t+t++trriiittttttt'itttttttttltta.aa TOWNOFVAII. COIJORADO Stat€fin€ntaaa*ataltilr****+*+++tlttl*at1rt*****+++a+tlrrtrrrrrtll{.al.l.{.aal.**************lal***r++++tr+r gtatem€ot tlunber: R0OO001239 Anount i i26Z.2S OAIL6/2OOLL2tLS ptt Pal7!|€at Methods Check Inltr IJC otatioD: #1440/Kieh1 CoDst Perml.t Nos ParceL No:git€ Addreaa i IpcatLon I Thia Pal'[€at: D01-0034 2L0rL2207 024 41{5 SPRUCB WAY 4145 SPRUCB ltAY s262.2s Type ! VAIIJ I'NTT DEOIO. OF PART/AIJJ BIJDG. #B Total Feesr i262-25 Tota1 ALL PrtltE: 1262.25Balance: $0.00 taallltlllla*****+*t+ataaaattittttttttttt+taatttttttttaltt{ltlltttttt++ttttttttt'tttttltltt+a ACEOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00r00003112300 lic 00100003112800 BUILDING PER}.IIT FEES DESIGN REVIEvl FEES PLAN CHECK FEES },IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 145-00 20.00 94.25 3.00 t ud,# /0:&3nl n) o d+ke-- APPucArroN wrLL II 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rer Fe€S: DRB Fe€r: c Wav Permit Fee: F:/everyone/f ormtbldgperm NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR of Construction: fNh wnFwnlY 4hQ 'ti\''"a Qs Building Permit #: tttstl Conrarr<uqroAr, Contact and Phone s,lsH(- (ito) go.{ - /z3o VALUA FOR BUILDING PERMTT & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $6-ryJ # lL,(qt r, PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $f .e rr rtc For Parel #Of ice at 970-328-864O or visit farcer# o?f Ot ,ZZ O+ oe,f (application will not be accepH witho'ut parcel number) Job Name: \rr) rSey.rr.,+..l P=*.o>= \JobAddress: +\\S B St>R\rcE \^JAy Legal Description Il Lots ll etock: ll riting:Subdivision: 915P{F9"io.*,., ,,,,s.,-,o, lloddr'8ti 6 coug wrc,./ T}v1\J€r. collTtsU=f ra3- 3grr\ Architect/Designer: I Address: r €pZo9 Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Dewro * B2lsultc\ e{- \rPrs l>,t4,\r\Gtg . Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Demo (X other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) eoth $Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singletamily ( ) Two-family XI lvluttFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TvDe of FireDlaces Existino: Gas Aooliances (X) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) No/TvDe of FireDlaces Prooosed: Gas AoDllances ( ) GasLoos{ ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves (}l) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X ***************rr:t**i****!r**rr**********FoR oFFIcE usE oNLY*****rr******************************** TOWNOFVAIL 75 S:FNO}TIAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0191 Job Address: 4145 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.....: 4145 SPRUCEWAY#B Applied..: O9ll0l200l Parcol No...: 210112207024 Issued. .: O9ll7l200l hoject No ' ExPires. .: 03116n002 OV|NER WISEMAII, ERIC & PATRICIA C. O9/L0/20O1 Plrone: 1011 S COVE WY DENVER CO 80209 License; COrflTRACTOR DOITBLE Q ELECTRIC 09/L0/200L Phone: 970-748-9780 p. o, Box 242 EDWARDS CO 9153 2 LicenEe: 190-E APPLICAIIr DOITBLE Q EIJECTRIC 09/r0/20OL Ptrone: 970-748-9780 P. O. Bo]I 242 EDWARDS CO 8!532 License r 190 -E Desciption: REPLACE ELECTRICAL PER FIRE DAMAGE Valuation: $8,000.00 *r*$r*r.......rr....*'r*r.*r***r*....***r'r .i. FEE SUMMAIIY o DEVELOPMENT o DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,JNITY Elecltic.l..-.-> s14{ . oo $0.00 So. oo $3.00 TOTALFEBS-> S14?. OO Totil Calcularad Fe€s-> S14? ' oo Additional Fees-----> 90 . oo Totsl p€mit Fe€__> S1{?,00 Palmenl3---....-_> 91!1? . oo BALANCE DUE_> S0. oo DRB F.F-> lnvostigatioi--> will ce[-> raiaaatttttttt*rttttaaaaaaaaata*****t***********tr*t*r.atr:it:rtt!*arrrrar..a..aaara$aaaaat:ttt****t*ttt*'itttt Approvals:It6m: 06000 ELEqTRI CAJ, DEPARTIT{ENT 09lLO|2OOL DF Action: AP ::.:I;..:'''':::..:,:x*:::fffT**......**.*.*****r....*.. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 jl*;1.;.,111*"":T,:.::f"'""T:..X.Y-:::X*::*$:*1::*:::"*:::::":fl::*******......,"..."" DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havo read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotplan, and state that all the inf;rmation as requirod is gorect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances md statp laws, md to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanoes of the Town applicable thereto\, fXLJ,{ /v*-H ts^--\ O1|LU2ggl g6t51 e7a-u786 D&jB-E a *.U tr01-0nl PAGE A2 frlht\ --aL / It -\rLa , NMTIWYILIY ll,i'"ffiS'Tt.rt Euilallnf ftermit Etectricrl Pcrmlt #! AilorJt{Ttr Q FTI STRTTCTTJRET at Joblm; . 'tr.l I Se'ritl,Job^ddress: t.olg'ffi',e qr* o? 7 l4gaf De.clptbn I Ld: I Ebdc I nrru, I slbdlvblonrat.|t |./ltt- l-q lPturyog.tr.ls Engheer!Addrcss:Phone: Debled dcaoiption d Yvo.lc Qa 0r---- E |.-.{,+li--l hr Elc L.*--uc., wortctas: tter( ) ldltb( 1 namad( ) lryt@ wo*Upe: Interbrbl balrhr( ) Eodt( ) lDocansluerbtat$blocatloflt Y!t( ) ilo( ) Tlpcotddg,s *tde{ttlt( ) rrd.'.9r-tttfl+.tttry( ) AoftttEdd( ) R."'itt! ) ry No. of Ebting DncliE Unfr3 |n thb buildingr a I Ho. ol ecormoaation UoiB in $15 bulHhg: er- .. r...rr.....r.r...rr.r.rr..r..rrr..t.i.KlR OFFICE USE OllLYr r.... r. t....... rr. 'i r"..".."""' TOV-cqlilE!'' s[P i 0 1001 TOV.COM.DEV. F:,FtrciysEtrwrrt/al.aFltr I *"Fa.'-,'ir -r i '. 'ri,. e- ;l,rt, :' "ff1t-'i' tr *. :, ,#q astLst266L a*Et s76-U780 DoLBLE 0 "=.T|l PAGE 81 Quiz (8ruce) Qu*enberry 970-748-9780 RO. Box 242 Edwards, Colorado 8 1632 Fax ?c.w' +bqvcS r Rg 'lo 13 t it, O,Jrt I E Ptcere Reply +77 t#*.*g&comment -@5- :(l hr'..p|gt Oate: t&rfr|cr||y, I'.centret lg, icr) | lrt|nagtuon A't : CD Sah lddrtst; 4t/t5 SPRUCE VIA1 tAiL' 4145 $PRrrCE UlA.i r&r ABUII"D stdu.r lgBuED ' JnnD tuoa: CD iilC TlmrEp; t*- ^ -.1 's- al ,,t o *-3 ' Actofr; liP APpROi/EC, Act|o{r: AP APFR&,,'EO Eiub fftr: ,a"gFFl0be: 1, $l FPRREvEw,AFt RltuAL - CDtMs Rcqutstsd fi!r'*: ii2:00 t{Proas 8rtr90i4286 Etllerei; B'/' tiFl'fRES f Run Id: 1143 i, .i t. ,{ l -t I Ap pL I cATI .NTF3[h*rr*-*,iElfJr-l3,il5!1fi 1 roll,,.n DATE June 20,1986 A Fence llal I -Landscaping- Other Xot^JNER 0F PRopERTY (type or ppingl Bighorn Lodge Partnership NAME 0F AppLICANT Pepi Granshamner,Karlheinz Fassler ADDRESS c/o sonnenalp Hotel 20 Vail Road vai1,c0 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE(If necessary, attach descript.ion on SERVED: separate sheet. ) Lor_uBL0cK i SUBD.Bigho{n Thir d Corner lot I Inside iot DESCRIPTI0N 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(s) INTO RIGHT-0F-1^14y Parking LorAttachplansshowingencroachment,propertyline,-sid@, Tgters: manholes, any.other affected airurtinance'in ttre proje-i ;#. iil scije-oratmensroned) and section(s) as well as eievations (if appl icable). Does structure presently exist? No Proposed date for commencement of In consideration of the issuance appl icant agrees as follows: constructionJuLy 15, 1986 of a revocabie permit for the structure above indicated, That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application. I r , \Special condi tions: 5. l' That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above described.2. That.the.permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl i cat i on .3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the tlme for commenciment of constr-u.iion, ln ora6r ttrai p"o-p""- inspection may be made by the Town.4' That the SPplicant agreel to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all claims, suits, damages, c6sts, losses and-eip;;.;-i; iny runne" ieJuitingfrom'.arising out of, or connecied with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure . cons t i tutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the Iighl:!l^111_bv-the,public, constitutes i tiaiiic a;t.il; ;" iil-p;;d;iy upon whichtne encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required foi. uie by tire public; 91" it lav be- revoked at any time for any reason-deerned sLifficient Uy-tnt fown of Vail.That the appl icant will reirove, at his ixpeni", tt," en."ouchmenl, J"usiriction, orstructure within ten days after.receiving noti.ie of any ""uo.uiion oi-siia permit.That, the.applicant agrees to maintain anJ tinaiiaping issociated riirr irr" encroachmenton the ri ght-of-way. That in the event said removar of the encroachrnent, obstruction, or structure .is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the.right to nake an assessrnent against the property and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general iaxes are-cbllLctei.That.the permit so issued is not assignabie, ano is issuJa sotety to the undersignedappl i cant. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. rE_6._2_3_Jt_tC gnatures I Date 6 opment oate6z Z^ >=\,t :D , c mo z c) t- z so { ::l Hio;Ft- o 9e nz>m -'{ >;m J €zm J(Dz =IT @, P€.*lz, 'l* ctft Fi 6 F} A- uiao>'t-3m -nr-r-Yzl"l PrI1.r tHllQlt+o l=Fl-l l-ll-lt;ll"lttrl .m rn {z o'n :r !no zo !n3 = 3 = () rn I .1.| |-rl m-[l \0 I N) { {z 'i - rT z I = --.1 m rnrrn c? az -|m-n IE l3 In lF l$ 3 - z, r TN z.m - -{ Ol I oq(oo I m rrt 0, o = 5 q 9,' I ol I = m u; oX \ l I z a5 -5 To .D _t -5 5(D- z t- f ft_#.ri l:, . ,;:' ,/l oozq -, oJoz.o trln =-.1 o @mlr r.-'. h Et<x fIHE ;19n 1H= st=Foliq Il- m =r-i 13=. Or<1o.63-,/2 * =it;i7Ei6 --I m = nntr fiP8 tn== FP" t- zo In! -Tl2_? 4.n'tE., t4 .4',A a1 77 1.f,. i)_-, oz =qdi _-l'' mlrtlFolo' OF\TF<Po| -tt 1'mf, El =-.r -{rn ci =HFx-\mr$1'rr -{b-ootz qo 2 m 46 h v *; ? ^[u// 1a\Y r[7vt oaG aoF (f() f..) O) c_-.} f z t- m ={ zmm0 m t<' lz lz Itl- -.t I o z I le F, i-Ei E;Fi ! sE$ ag l.rFif p 6 4l^o 3 E bY;z c - =l-:1t z ztsx h1^ht vi= Fl r rn =EI ::A H | (3)(sJrl =l.ol '.\Fl 5-||ftl Y#tztz,'h li*EE,? E*i'Ji,1 XYggo-' [;.;'t; tuiliiE3#iiIq tffiliiEgi ilgFigs 3ltifi** *l $ii*;eml ;'D io rl I O --- Elil=3lEf lEr{ l=.: I IF.Jmt Ial I ; ef\l a'tl+,fl1Hl -f+-1g f+\fll tlHt AE9|1l'1Jttg f+ -lFrtfr\- clF{Ha+a-l{a+ -aE9Hl rlrtg -rF, rt -.v tEr E 19rl+g F3 a+ r9 **xi-xt")xY;o =>sI^ .\ Z'lvio; H;tl>E\H XX* -zH<ao% .e(oiE Qt=n:., =--l ", -i!9oi<-n-lZ-*r>r=O ;.i>*J2>+FdHITx z Ito F=* =xj>Ya2z=J .rF^ a\ fq \JA--rl ftesAzedo3! -'na\?\J FF3 L:228 x<;ci63ro \J |rt tlt z - z, r-o I m c a I g' 6' It> l!,ti l6t? t- l= lv1 fE I I I I I I I I Io I = 5' 3. z IFtJ! t o 6' 5 7 i 3' t ,E' 1t F(D 6_(b ? P F 5 +(Jl 5 o t-oat c'l F\| =.) ! a -t <t1(D a+ID ar (D l\) Or (o c'r iEe14i#'' f ='i +: rE;: ^:=lss4?5-! a + a : 1: ir: i:5 ! -.4 6-Z+!2-Zirl ii t,e <+i l5 =':,:.; : ? I?'i: +n.s=.Fi-:i:Ei::EiEi:z:f;-r*ii I E 3111: c.I-i! i iti+::.: =-a t. .{ z ooz ococ f -lo nl4 LOr-'.h Et<x lt! )l Ilm : 616a)t;xt-; ol_! =I r.,il J ota{ h ot<1 Il=E i;E6€ dP-E* CE>:74i,i =n.lt mI i |;ilIN B,qi 5. >='l-2 oo2 nntr =pPii= 9P"t-ooz(t, {vco =oz !m7 ={ ezIO = -.4.,,fiilr Ilq' otr9hiFno| 'rl !m {{o tDmxm! -.1 z <- (Do{m OOr\) t- z o f,z>mot{> @z m €z t- n 9)zo -.1 €z o - mo z -i €z 1! F |'|l F)zo {z o't Ir- I m z li l€ lz let<t> lFl!llll lF,lz tr = 9J -9', =' oI =oz '0 m =-l zmmIm l< lz lz Itl- loh2 ertrs E rF5F i oK- > -nEa 49la6qF:: eearz a t-{ o o oP'n z 2 H€l-F..Pt-Pl ." @ =hl s m =xl o, - =El $l"l 1r <ll=tltl ;iges<-;-> Fi-=H ?coS.EF 3*lae i.,/r o:aJ a s:g; '"9 i3i P 9 c' 96- 33aR=-(o9=o laeE€i=9eg t I =m- !.0:E E 3 E9=EJ FsAe+a$H a'5 3:33Q8Y to -JX =,: o =o r lBr 1t2 F lEi ii= = lx' lzrlil)m =-lzo 7 BICEOBN LODGE Mareh 31, 1986APPLiCATION DATE: Aprrl 16: 1986 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATIOT{ }IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UIITIL'ALL INFORMTION IS SUBIIITTEDT*** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetlng wlth a plannlng staff member is strongly suggested to determine lf any additional lnformation is needed. l'lo appllcatlon will be accepted unless it ls complete (must lnclude all i tems required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responslblllty to make an appoi nlnent with the staff to flnd out about additional submittal requirenents. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approyal process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of appmval that the DRB may stlpulate. ALL conditions of apprcval must be resolved before a building peymit is issued. A. PRoJECT DESCRIPTION: Addltlon of second fLoor enployee houslng unltsto the Blghorn Lodpavlng of parkln8 lot anal addlng of l-andscaping, B. LOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: 4145 Blghorn Roail Legal Descrl pt'lon Lots 6a7 Bl ock Filing Blghorn Thlrd Zonlng C. NME 0F APPLICANT: Blghorn Lodge Partnershlp Address c/o Hotel Sonnenalp P.O.Box 700 Vall telephone !!1054 D. NAI!.IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: sldney schultz 141 Eaet Meed.or Drlve telephone 4?6-7g90 0llNERS: Karl,helnz Fassler, Pepl sisnature *- telephone 4?6'5656 Address E. NA,I.|E OF Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION c/o 8ote1 Sonnenalp The fee will be paid at the tine a buildlng permit is requested. FEE IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200. 00 $300.00 ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB; l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will should also be marked, This work must be completed before the DRB si te. $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:-50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 stake the slte be removedvislts the 2; The revler', process for NEH BUILDINGS of the Design Review Board, so plan 3. Pepple who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ I shed. wi'll normally involve two separate meetings on at least tno meetings for their appmval . I Design Review Board at thelr scheduled : postpohement will be requlred to be ,. I. r-- Application Datef Fehtuatu 1986 PEC HEETING DATE Io ilatce '9s6 . APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE fhis procedure is required fgl any project requesting a variance. The appl lcatlonrllll not be accepted until all infornation is subrnitted. A. NAHE OF APPLICANT EIGHONi' TODGE PARII,ERSI,lP ADDRESS e/o Hotel Sonnenalp 0lli.ce 8ox 700 llai.l,116- 5656 B. NAME 0F APPLICAI'IT.S REPRESEIITAIIVE SlrlrEy sclrutTZ, At,cftitect lIl AODRESS | 1l EaEt tleadow OLLue UaLL,c0 Et 657 pggNg d76-7E90 C. NAME 0WNER(S)(type or prlnt)Katlhelnz F aatlen, ?tpe. Gtanthaanet ADDRESS c/o Hotzl Sonncnalp OF ?ott 0[[Lce $ox 700 VaiL, C0 81657 p1169 {76-td16 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS 4r 4S hdzn Road LEGAL DESCRIPTIOT{ t0T_61 :_BL0CK__:__-.]F!L ING 8i4 h orn r,rird l.ldrtld E. FEE IIOO PAIO 9K #=;J_e_Q__ FP<Un8/'aho4n Lodae Pantnca,a|l'Ip-. THE FEE }IUST BE PAIO EEFORE THE COM',IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARI}IEIIT }III.L ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the nanes of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUOING PKIPERfY BEHINO AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their malling addresses. THE APPLICA,IIT !'IILL BE RESPOI{SIBIE FOR CORRECT }TAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,|ITH A PLANIIING STAFF I4EMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO )DETER},III{E IF AI{Y' ADDITIONAL INFORI4ATIOI'I IS NEEDED. NO APPL ICATIOH XTLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT lS CoMPLETE (MUST INCLTJ0E ALL tTEl,rS REqUTRED 8Y IltE Z0ltil{G AD},IIIIISIRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCAltT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO !,IAKE AI{ APPOTIITTIENT lllTll lltE STAFF T0 FIND ouT A80uT ADDITTONAL SUBMTTTAL REQUtRtl.tEt{TS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I,IILL STREAI'ILINE THE APPROVAT PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gY OTCNMSIfrG-THE NUNEER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT THAI THE PT.IIIIITIIG AtlD EtlVlR0llMEl{TAt CoMl|llSSIol{ }|AY STIPULATE. AtL Coil0lTlol{S 0f APPRoVAL m,ST BE COI'IPLIED UITH BEFORE A EUILDING PERI.IIT IS ISSIIEO=. tlt. F0uR (4) cOPtEs 0F THE f0LL0l.tING IiUST BE SUBI{ITTE0: A. A URITIEI{ STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURT OF THE VARIANCE REqUESTED AIIO TIIE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEHENT I4UST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationshlp of thc raquested variance to other exlstlng or potentlal uqes and structures in the vicinity. 2. Tbe degree to which reJief frorn the strict or literal lnterpretatlon and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achleve compatlblllty and uni formity of treatnpnt among sltes in the vicinlty or t obJectives of this title without grant of special prlvllege. treatnEnt among sltes in the vicinlty or to attaln the ., OVER . . ,. ., ,,t: i,i^|. i:..., .i , 3. The effect of the variancc on light and air, distribution of population, iiinipo.tation' traffic facilities, utilities' and public safety' B. A t-opographic artd/or irlplovcrllcnt survcy at_a scale of 0t least l" - ?0t stanped by a'C6lorado licensed surveyor including_locations of all exlsting laprov€- rients, including grades and elevations. Other elernents which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas and utl lity and drainage features' Vari ance c. A site plan at a scalc of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui ldl ngs. D. All prelinrinary building elevations and_floor plans,sufficient.to indicate ihe bimensions-, 9e nera I - appearance, scale and use of all buildtngs and spaces existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary tltle report to veri fy ownership and easenents If the proposal is located in a nulti-family developnent whlch has a horrcomers' association; then written approval from the associafion in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for sald association. Any additional material necessary for the reviel of the applicatlon as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoning adninistrator. G. IV. Time Requi nnents The Planning and Environrnental cormission meets on the Znd and 4th lbndays oi-each non[n. A complete application form and all accompanying materlal (as descrlbed above) inust be iuhni tted a minimum of 4. weeks pr.i or to the date of the iEi puUti. hearing.' tlo incomplete applications (as determl ned by -the zonlng . administrator) wiit Ue accepted by thl planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. T Appl ication Date___l_g_Jeb,ryUatq 1 9 8 6 PEC MEETI NG DAIE___J_p_-A_szt-L,J 9 E a APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE This procedure is required fgl 9n{ proiect requesting a variance. The appiicationwill not be accepted until all information is subm.itied, A. NAME OF APPLICANT B'ICHORN LOOAE ?ARTNERSHTP ADDRESS c/o Hotel sonnenalp (xrx', Pott. 0((Lee Box 700 VaLL, C0 B. p11gpE476-5656 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE STDNEV SCHULTZ, AItChLtECt A7A 141 Ed.At. Meadow OttLve NAME OF ADDRESS VaLL, C0 81657 p11gyv 476-7890 C. NAME 0F 0t.lNER(S) (type or print)KatLheLnz F a,ttIQ.tL, PepL Gtanthanner ADDRESS e/ o HoteL Sonnzna"t-p Po6t. 0lllce Box 700 UaLX,, C0 81657 pX91,15476-5656 D. LOCATiON OF PROPOSAL L EGAL DESCRI PT ION L0T_! s Z_BL0C K__l_F ILINc__E*s_b9_\ n_ I h La d j ct d Lt L o n E. FEE $100 pAID_9( '! I !.CK #_Jt4-0 FR}tl&Lohotn Lodse pantnettahip THE FEE MUST BE PAID BTFO(E THE COMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT DEPARTMENT I{ILL AccEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A Iist of the names 9! oyvngrs of al1 property adjacent to the subject property ]NCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcRoss bTREETS, ana tneir mailing aidresses. THE APPLICANT hllLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRTCf MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO)DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l'lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REAUiRiD Bi THE ZONINGADMINISTRATOR). IT 15 THE APPLiCANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT I^JITH THE STAFF T0 FIND Our AB0ur ADDITI0NAL SuBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. --..:"'- ' PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR Y0uR PROJECT sv 0EcRETSIXE-THE NUMBER oF coNDrrroNs oF AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE. COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. : , I III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A IIRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing oi- potential. u6es and structures in the vicinity. , 2. The_ degree to which relief from the strict or 'literal interpretation andenforcement.of a -specified regulation is necessary to achiele compatibilitv and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vilinity or to att;in the - objectives of this title without grant of special privi lege. ADDRESS 4145 BLahdnn Roa"d B. Vari ance c. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air' distribution of population' transportation, traffic facilities, utilities' and public safety. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scaie of at least stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including Iocations of all existing improve- nents, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas and uti l ity and drainage features. A site Dlan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of alI bui ldings and spaces existing and proposed on the site, E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' associatjon, then written approval from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator IV.Time Requi rments The Planning and Environmental Conrnission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays al1 accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- the --" TOIVN OF Vnrr, APPI,ICATION TON VAIIIANCD Appllcation Date Publicatlon Date PubLic Hearing Date Name of Name of Mailing Applicant Owner lf Address Altair Vai I Venture Gore rties dlfferent from Applicant P.O. Box 1528, Vail, C0 81657 Joint 476-0522 Legal Description: Lot _1:9_L, Block , Filing Bighorn Subdivision. Third Addition property is unpl,atte t rnetes and bounds description as bit ) Application is hereby made for a Variance fron the provj-sions of Sectlon 18.18.090 of the tr4unicipal Code for. the Town of ValL in order to a1lolv :The conversion of 16 short tern, public accormoda- tion units to lons teral loyee housing units with. each unit httitg I it.9l.-\il-"!". facilities. ina MDMF Zone Distrlct. APPLICATION ITILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOI{PANIED BY THE FOLLOIfING: I. Hbaring lee - $100.O0 r2. Site plan, floor plan and other documents as required by Zoning ' Administrator. .3'ALISToFTHEoIYNEnSoFTIIEPBoPERTIESrvithinSoo-feetinaSingle-FamltyResiclentiaf,Trvo-FamilyResidential,--orTwo-Iamily Priilary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adJacent to the subiect property in all other zone districts ' The owners list sh;Il incfuOe the tr*,ne of all olvners, their mailing addresses andtb€legaldescriptionoftheproper'tyorvned-byeach.This. shall Ue made availatle to be used for the mailing of Notice of Hearing. rhe pioper number ot pre-a-oressed, stamped envelopes sha1l accompany the l.lst 4.. A descript.lon of the precise nature of the Variance 1. Before acting on a variance applj cation, the Planning & Environmental Conunission shall consider the follorving factors witlr respect to the requcstcd variance: r. nor(,!c r.rrnE on r virrrnc,r ipprcorron. rhc.prrnnrnF ;.rr.3i.;t:,1:'llllT"t"ll"lHllil:'l::'llH::T sh:rlr '''"lc thc Dnvtronr|(||trt Contrlsstor 6bolI .,rnrldt'r lho lollolrlns lrctor' tb lcrlt('ct lo th., rc{ulsla{ vrarunc": . Th^t tho grrntlnf, o! lho vnrlrnco *lll nol .. rbo .orrr ronsht' or r,*. r..qu,:src,r vrrrsnco ro ':ln'i*li';'ti:li.:t":;::l':l i;:;l:;t:"':i::ll;l:1"'" orhor *ts!(nF or por,rnttlt us(rr rnd rtruc.u*s tn trro .n" ":-in1i"l;:";:xntlns o! !h!. vn,rsnco'rlr .o! bo ' ttcloltv;c dcx'oc to $hlch r('tl\'' fron tho sttlc! or dotrltcrrtal to thc l,ultltc nttiiirt' -tiiiii ' or'lv*llrro' . rrr",ir'iiriiii.i"iioii ',in,r .."i;;J.,-';.;,i oi n ip.."itt.'.r li-i,iLcii"rry rnJurious !o propfrrto* or l''pnJvl,$r.nrs Iifi:liiu li $i:;lilIl li"l;'lii::,"ill"lil"llliii,l;: 'n: i,l:l'l;'1''",'.nco r! rorrrnlod ior onc o'mto or to rtt|rtn ttrd ottjorrlvL'!t o( !htd t]llo rtthutl! $runt ol iho tollo$tlrg rcrf;DDsl ot .Ioclnl nr'ltl l.tl:o:'. Tho i'tal'ct <rf tho r"qt n'ttod vlllroco oo ltl:h! and nlr, dtitrtlttlttot oa lt(rllnlrrtlr'n. trftnsltortn!lon rno tarlllc lucltltt!'!t, Otrlrl lc (rclttll$s nnd uttlt!l'$l ald DulrlIc rrr(('tYi-_'- -. s,i"tr.rtr.i'fnct.tr and rrttoftn rt lho corMrlNltlon dorrort !l[rltcrblo to th{ Itt(,polt.U vrrlrltcor r,Ii .",, "iil,lill,,ll'.1i',i: lilill,'1"::;li:;li:1"1";'. ii:ii::ii,^i;,,1i:li ll;;'l,,lll:llilll ll,;i'ti::,";:,:l:'1,'''" "' "',l l'ii,ll; . *' ir::t:::"1 1..?l.i;i:^i::.'l il:l'1,,,. :l'iii:':ilil ;i,:"i,::1",1:';:l; illllii;';;';;.:.'','" "'u"" 0",'''::l'ii,li",.lll, i"n !iii,;'1..,',"ti::;'l1l'J:i :i1il,.,",, .inlor,:''r'rr'n! ot rh. xlrt ct llral r'"1: rh. .r,r'll' nrrl ,,t l|r'lvt lrri:' r r'trr"tdtl I'y rlr' 'rwn0rll 'rl "1i,,'"'i*,r'".t t., in rt'o "l''" (rrrtrlcr ' ;, ,l, AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT between the Tol',N 0F PARTNERSHI P. WITNESSETH: dated the 31 a^v ot , 1986, by and VAIL, C0L0RAD0 (the "Town"),BIGHORN LODGE WHEREAS, Bighorn Lodge Partnershjp is the owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the "Property" ) ; and I'IHEREAS, the Town has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Property. N0t..l, THEREFORE, for Ten Do'l lars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as fol I ows: 1. The twenty-five dwel ling units located on the property shalI be designated employee housing units as required by 0rdinance Number 33, Series 78, Town of Vai I. 2. The twenty-five dweiling units shall not be sold, transfenred or conveyed separately (Condominiumized) for a period of 12 years from the date that the certificate of occupancy is issued for sajd ,rrr{4 d/, )llf U) 3. The twenty-five dwelling units shall not be 1"".e) or rented for any period of less than 30 consecutive days, and if any unit shalI be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-tjme employees in the Upper Eagle Val ley. The Upper Eagle Val ley shal 1 be deemed to include the Gore Va1 ley, Itlinturn, Red cliff, Gilman, Ea91e-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full time employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. 4. The twenty-five dwelling units shal'l not be divided into any form of time shares, jnterval ownership or fractional fEe, 5, This Agreement shal l be deemed as covenant running with the land and shall bind Bighorn Lodge Partnership and a1 1 subsequent owners of the Property. .5 *S(^ \ ioltr $. ro \a o i I ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The f oregoing nunicipal corporation il ': ",,., ;,;,',"'' STATE OF , COUNTY OF I instrument r.ra s TOWN By: BTGHORN By: acknowledged be fore me thls ]"", ) , 1986, by , of Ehe TowN 0F VAIL. C0L0RAD0 a , for and on behalf of said corporation. 3s.8( f f icial seal. .,''';, 1illti.t,9f *mi s s io n expires . ,,;1li,1tit$';|r'?.,; " hand. and o l,;: "i,,i'ril"r;NOTARY ADDRESS PUBLIG , U 4s\:. l'tL-tlll/0turtl,u&t{€l Q.t.uui ) )ss: ) this* ptd-,The v My commission expires I of Bighorn Lodge Partnership. 8,s'88 lliEness my hand and official seal: NOTAR u c0t0RAD0 LODGI COLORADO EAGLE foreqoin ADDRESS: oe ,iiu,' Project Application Projecl Name: Proiect Description: r. I lt conlacl Person and Phone \l'.\l'rr' i/ \\r ' r Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot FilingBlock Zone Comments: Design Review Board ,,1 ,/ -)i, i(2,Detc __-__i_--il--L!_!:.l= DISAPPROVAL r-..t) APPROVAL ,_|; reJ,e,{ t",*.-.', , ,"-1 , I's} ,r"d '., E Statf ApprovalTown Planner ""," r\/lDlgL hwn 75 south tronlage road vail. colo;ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty development April U, 1986 Sidney Shul tz 141 East Meadow Dri ve Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Bighorn Lodge Remodel: Comments from the April i6, 1986 DRB meeting, Dear Sid, The Design Review Board gave the Bighorn Lodge perliminary approval attheir April 16, 1986 meeting. The folIowing suggestions were made by the Board: 1. Casjngs should be used on all the windows. 2. The planter edging in front of the unit should be addressedto protect against snow removal . 3. .The dumpster should be enclosed as well as screened and placed in a less visual location if possible. 4. It was suggested that the roof should have the reverse slope from what was actual 1y proposed at the meeting. 5. The vrood siding should extend down to meet the trim insteadof using stucco in the area between the top window and roof. ' r *ry...............,+1i4l!fi a 7. tt- Site I ighting and fixtures should be addressed. l.lill utilities be placed underground? Examine the layering of brick, stucco, and siding on the elevations particuiarly the east and west elevations. 9. Determine how the storage issue will be addressed. I would appreciate receiving the new informatlon by Apri l ZE, 19g6.Please remember that these statements are recormendati ons. if you havevalid reasons as to why the design shou'ld not change please staie them atthe meeting on April 30th. If you have any furthei questions please feelfree to give me a call. Sincerely f ,, I fl I-v -l tt'l[nfi{n fnfr Kristan Pr.itz Town Pl anner KP:j I t ' rrr'$fidf,it#f f lnwn 75 soulh ttontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly developmenl April 17, 1986 Sidney Shul tz 141 East Meadow Dri veVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Eighorn Lodge Renodel I Comments from the April 16, 1986 DRB meeting. Dear Si d, The Design Review Board gave the Bighorn Lodge perliminary approval attheir Apri I 16, 1986 meeting. The following suggestions were made by the Board : 1. Casings should be used on all the wjndows. 2, The planter edging in front of the unit should be addressedto protect against snow removal . 3. .The dumpster should be enc'losed as welI as screened and placed in a less visual location if possible. 4. It was suggested that the roof should have the reverse slope from what was actually proposed at the meeting. 5. The wood siding should extend down to meet the trim insteadof using stucco in the area between the top window and roof. . . .',r*'rrFet$$.$ Site lighting and fixtures should be addressed. ltli I I ut'i I i ti es be p1 aced underground? Examine the layering of brick, stucco, and siding on the elevations particularly the east and west elevations. 6. ., n 9. Determine how the storage issue will be addressed. I_would appreciate receiving the new information by April Zg, 19g6.P'lease renember that these itatements are recommeniati ons . it-vo, tt."eval id reasons as to why the design should not change please it"i" rem-atthe meeting on April 30th. If you have any further questioirs please feelfnee to give me a call, Si ncerelyv.t 0,t Nrftqn frh Kristan Pri tz Town Pl anner KP:j I t . .o'n".r, .rrr,fr4f,flffi*t Project Application Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL ""," \f \-t [\b Staff Approval SI DTEY SCHULIZ-ARCH IOT 141 EAST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL COLORADO 81657 3O3/476-7890 2l l,larch, | 986 MR. PETER PATTEN Director of Conrnun it y Developnent Tovn of Vai I I an vrit ing this letter to address concerns expressed by you regarding the anount of stordge prov ided for the Eighorn Lodge Renodel. h/hile the prinary reason for the proposed renodel cane about becauseof an increased need for dffordabl e housing by ny clientst enployees, storage vas also a real concern. The senior enployees who have urorkedfor the hotels for several years have natural Iy accunulated nore belongings than those seasondl Norkers who leave town at the end of ski season. The existing 3lO sguare foot units have been acceptable for the seasonal enployee but not for those senior enployees. For this reason when designing the nev second floor addition, storage space was naxinized. The bedroon has ninelineal feet of clothes closeti the renainder of the unit has another four- teen lineal feet of stordge c/osets. In addition each unit has a f ive bv tutelve foot balcony. This al lovs space for d bar-b-que grill, lounge chair, aN other annenit ies that year-roud rest'dents of Vail enjoy. A stordge roon of approx itnatel y f ifty square feet is prov ided for ggneral naintenance storage. lle have nininized the need for storage of landscdp ing eguipnent (hoses, sprinklers) by providing an ircigat ion systen as Nrt of our I andscap ing proposal . I hopd this has answered the concern about storage. Ve feel that this renodel will be a najor inprovenent to the property and a benefit to Vailts enployee housing base. If you have any other quest ions please do not hes itate to oive ne d cal l. S incere I y, 54 re: Bighorn Lodge Reoode !t 't (tt " enc I oswe MEMBER, THE AMERICAN INSTIIIJIE OF AACHIECB o o B. PAR(II/C: The,Lz thall be ptovlded no I'etd than i. patLhlng apaces (oz the pno j eet. EMPLOYEE HOIlSlNO AGREEMENT EIGHORN LODGE The Town o( llalL and the ELghottn Lod.ge PattnuLthLp {o!.Lowlng tettnt dott enploqee houtLng at the BLgllotn 6 e 7, Bloeh 7, BLghottn Thlld Addltlon: A: IENSITV: A naxLnun nunbet o( twentq-(Lve ( . unlta thaL-L be a"Llowed wLth a- no.xlnun gttott . $.oott dtea. aa penmitted bq zonLng ed tev en AedL pe4lod. (otttu-thtez ' : as lo LLII'II:. a3 I o LLoItJt: , LL. A!.L oeeupa.ntt ilrott bL enizogee,! 06 the HoteL Sonnena-Lp and Gaatlto I Gttantha-nno.z and, L( anA ' '- ' '. - unLta renaln untentzd, IuLL-tLne enplo4ezt Ln the '-":': . : uppetL Edgle VaL!-eq whl.ch LncL.udea- the _Gottt .U.aLLeA ''Mlntutn, Red CLL((.and EagLe/Val.t. "FuL!-'tlnz' LnpLoqmeni." ahaL!, be deemedt.o nean emp.Logment o[ no)te thd-n 30 houttt pe4 Ne.eh. llenbL44 oi the (a"mLlq od an enp!-oqee thall be exenpted (ton thLa .tequLne' . '-, ne.nt , The ownet o ( the pzopettq dha"Ll pttovLde to ' :' .:,.,; the Town o( VaLL oi |ecenbett 1 and June 1 o( each'-'r'- -, tub6equent Aea,L a LLtt o( a.LL tenant's; LncludLng;.i' :.-.'.; :tlteltt nanel and pLacea o l Q,npX.o Una-nt. :" r: .' ' LLL. A ten da-g perlod [tton the tLme- o[ LnLtLaL occupanca .'| ., aha.ll bz- gLven in otdet (on an occupant to dlnd . ', ,... .. -.enpLoqnenl Ln thL lJppet Ea.gle vd.LleA at requLted r : . he,Leln.' Lv. l,'ii'i'"oupontt , wltlt exceptLon o( nenbeta o( the--': -': (anlLg o[ an enplo1ee who a-ze not enploqed Ln the.,.,. .-, ,' UppeL Eagle Va"LLeg (ott a pztlod Ln excett od ten'.: l ' da.qa ( e,xeept Ln the tecognlzed o(('aeadoni) vLLL' ' :.'' da-qt ( e.xeept Ln the tecognlzed o(('aea.doni) uLX-X-: ' :.'..' :r' be tequited to tennLnate theln occupancu. :": i . vL. Occupa,tlon o( oaeh unit thal.!. be LLnLted to a"-. i;;7V, ar dziuned bs rLtle i8 ii ini uoit : ' 'r"::- ' MunLcLnaL Code. '0, LENaTH 0F C}MM'ITMENT: The terna ol thzso. conditioio 67o11':': ' : (on a. penlod o( teven aeaL4 (tLom the- date.beLne[[ect(ona'penLodo(levenaed"'L46}Lomthzdate ol conpiLtion od the pnojeci. No unlt, bulldlng or po'ttLon ;' 06 cjnpLetlon oi the pLo!ec|. No unLr' ouLLaLng 04 po4LLoft ol the pn-oi ect rlla!-L bz condomLnLumLzed dunlng the tLett4Lct' lnwn box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 May 2, ]980 department of community development Joe Stauffer 62 South Frontage Road East Vail, C0 81657 Re: Zoning of the Bighorn Lodge located on Lots 6 and 7' Block 7' B ighorn Third Addition Amended Dear Joe: 0n September 12, .l978, the Bighorn Lodge tras given approval for a Density Variance by the Planning and Environntental Cotnrission in order 1o convert l6 acconmodation units into long-term resident housing units. A'conditjon of that approval was that the building be kept as rental apartments to be used on a long tertn basis for a three year period. After the three year perjod, the units could ejther continue to be rented out on a iong-te.m basis (which we would prefer) or-it-could bej rented out on a ihort terrn baijs (since it is in a Public Accommodations /one utstrlctr'r. One addjtional restriction to keep in mind is the Condominium Conversion regu'lations, which wouid make it extremely difficult to condominiumize the units in the building after the three year- p""ioJ t'tas expired. The Condominium Conveision reguiations cnable the Planning and Enviornmentai comrnjssjon to turn down a condominium Rcquest for-a buildinq being used or hav ing been used as empl oyee - hori:' ing if it is found thlt-the long term rental vacancY rate is below, fivr: p[rcent or that the ratio of multiple family lo'g term r^cntal unlts is rebuced to less than tvrenty-f .ve perccnt of the total numDer ot unlts jn the Gore Va1l ey. It should be noted, however, that the site could be redeveloped at some tirne and that the Town would be willing to djscuss possible density incieases for the continued provision of employee housing' }{ith t-his building bein6 located directiy on the Bighorn Bus Route' lace for erpl oyee (long term) hou -,r& l: irP:or,,;'l t. +,,iir'ra_r.'.:, t-=l''':' a., :i, ,. i..;;.r. 'l:;..'t .; :: ii;1.; ,-.:r ';rr ' -.i;' ," 'i. ' r''i' ' . .+ .::. . .i,.*..tt..,:" J'.jnr.]::', .!, i-' , ." ,. li ,t. :j]r'i. ''.. ,':''.. ' , :1i,;;.t,;; ,'' t'' - ,,, i :'.,r. :"' . 1 ': .' 'j _. .: ,.'lr.'r. :2t:..I.,t lnt . .:.' j.'* ";ri .., lt-] r "'. j' . .; .'.. , t::i:: . ":;'i. . 1 ':+ : , .r:.,. l-. ,., ,,,;j . .11 :41: :.:+i:':,i+i €.1I. , ii: :,,, :*, ,g,. : .. t luwn I box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 47S5613 Rich Tofel Box 172Vail, Colo, 81657 Dear Rich: Please find enclosed a copy of the Minutes of the Planaing & Environmeotal Commi.ssion meeting of Septembet l-2, 1978. The Commission has approved the request for a varianeeiB deuslty for the Bighoru Lodge, but as you are aware any opposition to tbls decision has 10 days to appeal the Commission's decision. Sincerely,fur;* Zonlng Administrator JAR/gew 'u,Xtu+r- /,t71- d/;Azr- Vd-tL department of community development September 18, 1978 '4!!' $t"o{ I . EASE4:lir TO TH5 TC'J:T OT VAIL Fpnv BIGHORI{ SEVI{ ASSCCI;TES This eascrent granted this ?th day of November 19?4 to the Tovn of Vail shall grant the Linited use of this prolerty to the To'rsn of Vail nore specifically described beLcw and in exhibits A and 8. The purpose of this eaSement is to allow the ground to eubstantially naintain Lts ecological integrity and for the Toun of !'ail. to construct bike paths and bridges for the pub- lic at large. Any other pernanent siructures or othe:. uses proposed by the Town rnust,be agreed upon jointJ-y and approved by the developnent coarpany or residents inhabiting the conpleted development. so as to no! conflict vith the overal]- concept and planning of Bighorn geven. this easement shall not prohi-bit the developer or perma-nen! residents from using the land under easenent for use of or con- structlon of bike paths, brldges, picnJ.c areas, playgrounds, orrinning pools, tennis courts, access roads, or sj.milar uses provided said development plan does not interfere rith the over- all planning of the Tovn for bike laths or bridges. It Ls acknovledged that there are several 1ov spots on this easement antl these areas malr be fiLled by either the Torn or the tlevelorer for aesthetic or construction purposes. I /l- I -2- Upon submittal by th.: developer of a site plan the Tonn 6ha1t take no longer tl:an 120 days to prepare a proposeil plan for its easement usa6e so as to jointly preParo a plan' vhich is compatable to both parties. Likewise if the Torm first submits lts plans to the developerr the deve),oper shall have 12O days to investigate its compatability with his over- all nasterplan. ft is understood in good faith that both parties have the Iega)- right to use and coestruct said i:rpove:inents as herein descrLbed and nelther party shall interfere Hith or frusttate this objective. Howeverr it is further agreed that both partics will work jointly to achieve the best overaLl plan for the Town and the developer causing no undue hardship on either party and thus prLor to any construction or any inprover,rents on said ease- ment signed written approval by bbth parties rnust be achieved. Signed this day of Novenrb et I9?4. Bighorn Seven Assoclates Town of Vail State of Colorado gounty of The foregoing day of instrunrent was ackno$rledged before me this ttY' 19- tlitness ray.hand and official seal. l,l5r commission expires e.'- "- I ,' l{otary public