HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1976-2007lbr{nocn iril AdArtim G\b g cotL TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S}FROIOAGERoAD vArL, co 816s7 970-479-2138 \-J a ,3\k L 3t\ s--J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BI.]ILD PBRMIT PCrMit #: 806-0203 Project # PRJ06-0115 Job Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Sarus . . . I ISSUED Location.....: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Applied . . : 07/27t2M Parcel No...: 2l0ll22O8WZ Issued . .. : 0813112006 Expires. ..: 02lnl2$07 o$tNER TAGGART, ELTZABETH E. & MrcH07/27/2oo6 8856 CRIMSONCIJOVER II}I NIWOT co 80503 APPITICAIIT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 07/27/2006 phone: 9?0-845-1001 P.O. BOX 341_9 VAIIJ co 81658 Lricease: 251-A COT.TTRACTOR NEDBO COI{STRUCTION 07/27/2006 phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIJ co 81658 I-,icense: 251-A Description: ADDITION, NEW KITCHEN, BATI{S, WIDOWS, ROOF, CASE, BASE, qARPET, DOORS DRYWATT AND PAT}.IT. Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $150,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Toal Sq Ft Added: 286 *+{.t*{.*'r***a*l*1.**a*{.****d.*****l*+ Building--- > $l,273.75 Resfiarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s- > $2,2U.79 Plan Check--> $827.94 Recreation Fee------> $100.10 Aclditional Fees------ > $0.m Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES|------- > fl,20/.79 Total Permit Fee----- > 92,204..79 Will call--- > $3.00 PaynFnts--------> $22U.79BALANCEDUE---> $O.OO ***+*rtt**l **t*i* Approvals: ItEMs O51OO BUII,DI}IG DEPARITI{ENT 08/L5/2006 caunion Action: CR see l/h/n 0S/29/2006 cgr:nion Action: AP corrected plans approved. see letter in file IICM: O54OO PI,ANNII{G DEPARI14ENT 07/28/2006 t{tRe Action: Ap ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIUENT 0e/01/2006 ,ltrR Action: AP Smoke detectors required per Section R3L3 of the IRC(2oo3). Fire sprinkler system recommended. Monitored fire alarm Eystem recommended. Item: 05500 PITELIC WORKS ****r***+*t,t*g'l*+*t*******3****ttl See the Corditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Buildirs and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECIION SHALL EE MADE TWENTY.FOT'|R HOURS ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT O[lR OFFICE IROM 8:00 AM.4TM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER *****t********************************{.*'t***{<*****{.r**{.*{!*****)F**!t,F't******!N.*r.*******rt*:t(*,t **.***1.'****{.***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0203 as of 08-31-2006 Status: ISSUED ****:t*****:f *,t*:*****{.:t*****************:t *{r *{!* ** *:t r.:*:r* **,r,F*,f *,t****{.**:F*********{!*:$!*****,F*,r*:f *{.**f {!*,f {r!t***:t PernitType: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: WTDM Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 0813t/zw90-845-1001 To Expire: O2/27/2Cf7 Job Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY ParcelNo: 2101122080A2 Descripion: ADDITION, NEWKITCTIEN, BATHS, WIDOWS, ROOF, CASE, BASE, CARPET, DOORS DRYWALL AND PAINT. *{.'t*'}:t'l*rt**:t!t!******{.'t*:irt***,i'******'t*,t***:*!***'r.***** conditions **:t*************t**t!***!e*******t *,t**.***'t ***** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIJIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3IRC. **{'l'tt*'}+**!r*{tl't!t9****11{'****f*+********f*i*,t********+***'}*r***++++++*******r.**++*+:}t .*r*rr*** TOWNOFVAIL COLORADO Stat€m€nt*******+++***tf****++*****'*rl**+*'t******+++*********+++++**'!***********************+****{(*** Statement Nunber: R060001 348 Amount: Palment Method: Check $1,4s4 .19 08/37/200508:35 AM IniE : DDG Notation: Nedbo 30172 $1,4s4 .79 'i'l****t****'*'ilr***'t*******'*{r****+********t **+****,}*!**********'i**'t't*****'}**+***{.'t'**d'{'{td!****t** ACCOI]NT ITEM UST: Accolrnt. Code De6cripLion C'rffent Prnts Permit ![o: Parcel No: Site Addreee : Location: This Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003LL2700 wc 00100003112800 805 - 02 03 2LOL-L22-0800-2 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIIJ 4110 SPRUCE WAY Type: ADD/AIJT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Total Feee : TOt l AIJIJ PMIg : Balance: i2,2O4.79 92,204,79 so. oo BUILDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RBCRBATION FEES !0ILL CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE 1,273 .75 77.94 100.10 3.00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate rmits are required for cal, plu ng, mechan CONTRACTOR INFORMATION foure QQQ-a<crt|/ra&o 74c/c-/7t/'?J 4)E COMPLETEVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAb BUILDTNG: $ /€0tN. ^ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$ToTAL: $ /jPtOOo .oo dlo//22P[oo>- JobAddress: At/d SPectcri L4'17 Job Name: T46Cee/ QF-noAtA<-- '!gT/ Faof lE6iieA-AesciiFlion ofwork: qootzrc'+,t | 'Lte.o /<t7 ,*Per /*:,4-5, FZ/-t' +c-c'1ry:!''r,, * r."14tr..' t . Roop, e-+)e- , Elcr)' WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodelft Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )W*kTyp.|"teiior( ) Exterior( ) Bothp'{ Typ" "fBldsr s'rsle,family (>x-Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: tNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellel l) W999lQurni1g..1! GasLoss( ) WooOlPullet( ) WoodBut For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970'328464Q o1y!9!! ozts9lzoo5 F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building-lermit.DOC Page 1 of 16 -l fll*tlll**+l*ltl*+a*aaaa*a**++{r**f**+*l+****f+****rf***'}*****tt*!t****{r{r*++++*+**'}**{'l++t***** TOWNOFVAtr COTORADO Stat€ltn€nt . *a*tt*tt*t'l++t+**'i*|t**+aa'al.***a!+aa**'l't*'!***t****,|{.'ttt+++++******!ti*********!t'*,}*f*****'}****++t* Statenent lunber! R060001097 Amount: Payment llethod: Checl( CONSIRUSTTON $7s0.oo 01 /27/2oo504:02 PMInit : ,fSNotation: 30086/NEDBo Permit No: Parcel No:Site AddreEg: Ilocaticr: This Payrnent: 806- 0203 T]PE: ADD/ALT SFR BI'ILD PER}fIT 2L0L-t22-0800-2 4110 SPRUCE }rAY \IA,IIJ 4110 SPRUCE WAY Total Fees: Total EIJIJ PmTE 3 Balance: $2, 104.59 $7s0.00 $1, 3s4 . 59 $?so - o0 *a't*|}tf*,***{t****t{'*********+t+*******f+f**********ff+*******t**tf+**********ff***+***'}****** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PP 00100003112300 PLATI CHECK FEES 750.00 I I I ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREM ENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SrATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HFTLTH REQUTRE ASBESTOS TESnNG ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI,AL VVILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOViD. AN ASBESTOS TESTAND REPORTIS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEI. ADDMON OR OTHER PRO]ECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERI,ALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS COI TAINING MATERI,AIS ARE E(EMPT. A COPY OFTHE REPORT MUST BE SUBMTTTED VUTTH YOUR BUILbING PERMTTAPPuCATIoN o I have included the asbestos test and repot with my building permit application o I certiff my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (Fhis will review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) material. The construction be verified during plan apdicant signafure 9B dab o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of csnstruction was original constuction date applicant Sgnature F:\cdev\FORMs\Permits\Buildi ng\bu din gJrermit. DOC clate Page 4 of 16 0409p00s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departmen! the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) week. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenb. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projecEs may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve, Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect tuture permib that I apply for, Agreed to by: Project Name: F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermtt.DOC frint na Ao Signaffire Page 5 of 16 04091700s Jun O5 OB O8:S1e P.11 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman {.tr*rict{c*+<**{r P.O. Box 1230 Ciifton, CO. 81520 -1230 CeIl 97O-270-3689 Home Phone 970-464-5255 LOCATION: Residence 4110 Spruce Way Vail, CO. 81657 REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Peterman lnsPector Manager Certilicate No. 6601 Jun O5 O6 OB: S1a P. 72 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, Project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: On May 23rd,2006 an inspection/survey was conducted and 6 bulk sampies were collected from the: Residence 4110 Spruce Way Vaii, CO- 87657 The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected Asbestos containing materials that might be present in the Residence that is planned for renovation. Ttre inspection was made, and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado Certified Asbesros Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling ro be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items- All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheatridge, CO. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A.Qua1ity Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Associarion (AHA). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sarnple the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future demolition or renovation work, suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sarnpled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. Jun O5 OB O8:5Za P. 13 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asb e s t o s T e st ing, P roj e c t D e si gn, and Co ns ultin g Residence 4110 Spruce Way Vail, CO. 81657 RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTION: The Residence at 4!10 Spmce Way is planned for interior renovation. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock with a light texture, and the ceilings are covered in sheetrock like the walls. The floors are covered with carpet, ceramic tiles, and sheet vinyl. The heating is provided by baseboard heating. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis, of the bulk samples, indicates thar Asbestos was detected in the composite sheetrock samples. However, the Asbestos content of the positive samples was less than the Regulatory Limit (Greater thart l%o Asbestos). The Asbestos content, of the cornposite samples, was verified by the required Point Count Analysis. 0q tl6 08:5zaJun P. 14 ED o :D N C.t F Noo (t90000ooeoooCtt Or 5 C., N ..^ 3zz.z=z#ooooo (,,oC)ooC). o50 0 cl 0 0 rflgEEE:E 8.dOOOOO :O.9.g"qgg. € =ooooo =o v,ut tD u, o o.D(Do(Do.Dooo -r-!l-toooooo()c,oorFrrr€€€€1r-r-t-Fri;ii;oooooxxxxx o.Doo(' T El.FI ooo =.o; F ooT'- o(D !ts !t. c)I CD o,ol 0 F6 F r{ o '-i zv) r:t3:t g 6od666 =rltfrr- EEE@EI!E M zc3Erfi EEE gFF F eF$EiFfi FSAE S E=fB- = g Trs B== = Jun OS OB OB:SZa P. 1s v) ro = BrE d=tr- =ttFJr +frte =eF? ociE J?;,'F g(f:.;o =, 6o,Y:O I !Ds -g C)I I O)gr{ zl() z>c)r ctrt ' ! oooooo ielEf BESEBe Ho io n>:=g b'; 97 *. O h,oo=sdsF 985'95'9 H9-o' 83333= v,tl 5.lg€gE€ OEL zo O O O O !+91 g.E.9.q ; =ooooo =o an.o u, o orilililr zoooooda6Ea.o('('c'o =r--F<.<_{<=.r: t- t- t- t-;c;icxxxxxgCECEan-t-r-to600.! n iirlr: g5 dd63cd E1..r..1-E0gdtr|EET! lrl C)oC)o() D,^ *r-r-4-722=i? AEGG€GG X.99.g.C.g 6 -.1 'glfl oooooobbbb'ob ;so-5aD19.f OS OS 08:5ZaJun P. 16 rg90gfi' o'=tqt Qnr- (.) ()cL J?L do60t (D €!':! PoI CD clctl (t) a *l Fi !-.1 r< (.) zvr--(4 zV) z =@ 3nt F EEAFFi Ej, .|.JJ-..rr. =.i Jr!4JJ, l !=ctooooo -rBIgEEEE M oooooooooooog)orSgtliJ- zzzzzzoooooo octocoobbbbbboooeoo zzz=zzrE> =9(n -.-c,?Losc llt .*ogo()gE (Do v, .<Toooura ddccgcc m6:!r5r! oTI'o (D 1Jltlc){ =>.{m :D r ooooooooooooo gloooooo *trrtr'trc,gtr Frooztr'{6z. o g 6,m0 s -{ Itmo.rr 0 =om P.1? Jun O5 06 OB: SZa ,| a X 5F = [n's!.d= 1F luF 6a3 E"BF H8EitEFisFIr E. zoop L-j B CD('r{ arsa+D p rf -..Jr{t =JrJr*J,J =oooooo ?trtrs= EO@@@E zc 3clo frfifi8-dfi gg E =-==== ERPeseee Ea <3F r-rF F r- E=ccEcsE afi gHFEFg zzzzzzoooooo !L! 555555 ee€€€€€€ 3e = t-izOoO;; ql 5-O6cL ! 6-a EHARLEa DowNrNE 38 HtLLaIoE DRIVE WHEAT RroGE, CoLoRAos eOZ l 5-664f 3O3-233-AZ I ts FAx 303-233-EJ217 EREEtr@coMcA8T. NET August 18,2006 Deparhnent of Community Development Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plms Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and lnspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com Re: Taggart Residence Addition 4110 Spruce Way Vail, Colorado Permit No. 806-0203 Chris; Thank you for yow review of the Construction Drawings datad7/5106 for the above referenced project. The enclosed is information you requested in your lefter to the General Contractor, Roltie Kjesbo of Nedbo Construction dated 8/15i06. Reanalysis of the structure using a 100 psf roof live load (for all roofs with a pitch of less than 4:12) instead of the 83 psf used in the original analysis show all structural elements supporting these new increased roofloads are adequately sized as shown in the 7/05/06 Construction Drawings. Please note the 100 psf roof live load will need to be used in the design of all engineered roof trusses submitted for review to either your or my oflice. (The engineered/stamped truss drawings and calculations for the roof trusses have yet to be submitted to either the Structural Engineer or me for review. Normally we see those drawings sometime early in the framing stage of a project.) Reanalysis ofthe deck structure using a 100 psflive load instead ofthe 40 psfused in the original analysis show all structural elements supporting this new increased load are adequately sized as shown in the 7105/06 Construction Drawings. Please note that at the Taggarts (the Owners) request there will be no spa/hot tub placed on any ofthe decks. {s!ht dTY FEgELUF*t*ff Design Revl-ew Board ACT,trON FO.RM Depa,iltment oi Comrnunity DerJe|cpment 75 S,outh Firontage Xss{,, Vail, Co[orado 8]-557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vaitgov.com Project Name: TAGGART ADDffiON Project Description: DRB Number: DRB060!59 Participants: owNER TAGGARI EUZABETH E, & MrCH05/15i2006 8856 CRIMSONCLOVER LN NIWOT co 80503 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCNON P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A CONTMCTORNEDBOCONSTRUCTION 05/15i2005 Phone:970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A Project Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Legal Description: Lot: 2A Block: 8 Subdivision: BiGHORN 3RD ADDffiON Parcet Number: 2101-122-0800-2 Comments: no DRB comments at conceptual FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA 05/15/2006 Phone: 970-845-1001 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action! STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/23/2006 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date t w/L9/zaa6 i.7:24 sTes2oJaBg # ffi Engineering, rnc. CI\TLlCFOTI:C;NICAL i-.i# September 19,2006 Mark Stevenron Nedbo Construction P.O. Box 3419 Vail, Co 8i658 LI<P ENGINEERING INC RE: Open Hole ObservationlFoundation Recommendatione for Addition Lot 2, Block 8, Bighorn 3'd Addition 4110 Spruce Wa1', Yu;1 Eagle County, Coiorado hoject No. 05174 r / ar"r''/'-[^3v It< TI+ rut PAGE 8L Dear Mark: , . ., . A,.y9l, request, on September 18, 2006, we visited the excavatiou on Lot 2, Brock g, Biglorn 3dAddition, 4110 spruco Way, Jai-I, Eagle county, coiorado. Tho purpose of our site visit was to obserueand test the soils exposed in tbe foundation excavation fot the proposed addition, in order to verifu thebearing capacis used for the design of the proposed eddition. The excavation was locaEd on the south side of the exisfing building and extended to the northaround the southeast corner ofthe building. The excavation for the "p,roposeiraaiuo" wss about 16 feetlong and ubout 8 feet wide' The dopth of the excavation varied from about 3 feet on the south side toabout 7 feet 1t the building' which was about four feet below the bottom ofthe existing foundation. Thesoil exposed in the bottom ofthe foundation excavation for the addition, consist"d of brown, sandygravel with cobbles and boulfgls' The soil exposed in the foundation excauat:ion: is suitabte for thedesigned bearing capaeity of ISl\psf Exterior bacldll shoutd.be compacted a! or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95% oftbe maximum strndard Procror densiry under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90% ofthe meximum standard Proctor density under iandscaped areas, They should use r"rt,*ili rn",lr"l, ,icompactibn. Do not puddle flre foundation excavation. The sito surrounding the building stucture should slope away fiom the building in all directions.A minimum of 12 inches in tho first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in thefirst I 0 feetin paved areas. The top of the granular foundation backfili should be covered with aminimum of 1 foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of r,r.fr", *ut", iniiltrating thefoundation subsoiis, Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around andaway ftom it by means of drainage swale_s or other approved methods. The roof drains and dou.r:spoutsshould extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfilt. . Thit report has been prepared acoording to locally accepted professional Geotechnjcalengineering standards.. There is no other warranty either exprosied oi implied.Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc.vP;uz Luiza Petrovska PE Prcsident One copv faxed at 970-84 5-gg'lg,original mailed JlWP I 2-LKP\06 I 74opcn-add.wDd *'+W 28 i* r$ P.O. Bor 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (9?0) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926_90g9 Fax TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 n0-479-2t38 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Iocation.....: 4ll0 SPRUCE WAY ParcelNo...: 210112208ffi2 project No , ?R:soO -o \\s owNER TAGGART, ETJTZABETH E. & MrcHl 0/L7/20o6 8856 CRIMSONCIJOVER IJN NIWOTco 80503 APPIJICA]VT DOITBI'E QP.O. BOX EDWARDS co 8L632 Lricense : COMTRACTOR DOITBIJE QP.O. BOX EDWARDS co 81632 Lricense : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: EM-0222 3oc o zo3 ISSUED tOt17t2w6 10t3u20p,6 04t29t2m7 Desciption: MOVE SERVICE, REMODEL INSIDE 100%Valuation: $0.m Square feet: 1,0/t7/2006 Phone:97 0-7 48-97 80 t0/L7/2006 Phone:97 0-748-9780 1200 EI.,ECTRIC 242 1_90-E ELECTRIC 242 190-E *'t*****d.**:tir*++i*{.**:t**{.:t +++ri.*'r'}**tr't !.++*+r.rt *r**+{.!ri.:F***r(*L**i1r.++t * FEE sllMMARy El€ctrical---- > DRB F€e----- > Investigation:- > Will Call-------> TOTAL FEES-- > $s7 . s0 90.00 $0.00 s3.00 $50.50 $60. s0 $0. oo $60.50 960.50 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees'----- > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE-------- > Approvals: Itemr 05000 EIJECTRfCAI-, DEPARTMEMr t0/L7/2006 shahn Action: AP -I-::*i--9-'--.--0j--*II**-3F:--1*Tl1*H*************'tit.**:*:B*t***)**d.d.+*}{*f*,r*******i**{*++***+t******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Corid:12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'TCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internatiorul Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY 2149 OR AT OIr'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE CTOR R HIMSELF AND OWNEF *******'t'i'i+:*+*****+***********************:i*'i+++********+';++++********,F*****++***,r,i,i******** Statement *f**t*+++{'1.***t*****!F**********!t***:i****+++1*+******t****t**********+*t :t+*+**{.{.*:3*****{.***+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 1G31-2006 at 13:44:52 Stabement Nurnber: R050001852 Amount: Payment Method: Check t0/3t/2006 $50.s0 ro/3!/200601 :44 PMInit: DDGNotation: #a4299 Permi t Nol Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: This Pa:rment: EP 00100003111100 wc 0 01000031128 00 EO6-0222 2101-122-0800-2 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIIJ 4110 SPRUCE WAY 960. s0 TU)e: ELECTRICAI PERMIT Totaf Fees: ToIAI AIJIJ PMtg : Balance: $50.50 $50. s0 $o. ooaa+,t*******r****t*****+f******+*********'f'f****N***********'t'****{.*:r(:t ltr:r(r(rtrt't *+*****{.************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriot ion Current Pmte ELECTRTCAL PERMIT FEES WII.,IJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 57.50 3 .00 L8/LU2gA6 LLt29 978-74s-9784 DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC APPIICATIOTI WIU. ilOT EE ACICEPTED TF IilOOHPTETE OR Prq€ct 13 BulHlng Pcnnlt #: PAG A2 75 S, F,tDnrtr ltd, Vell, Goloredo !1c57 06- o (/f Electrlral Permlt *: ,7 &ar t-zl/rg Gttrpcdmr)€oa-oL?-L CO]UTRACTON Iil FOR}IATIOII coilpLETE SQ. FEET FOR I|EW EUILES and VALUATIOIIS FOR ALL OTHERI' (tabor & Hdcti.b) ETECIRICALVALUATION: | 2EAMOUNT OF SQ Ff IN STRTJCIURE:. vhit # Pirrcd #TI rob'ffii c,c.nr W -o,jYla*'g PAt-"'_ w*v gylrvp.L trgal Deccriflim I l* l Elods I i!!lnS!Subdhtlibn: Engin€er:Addrsss:Phone: Detaibd dessipEon of work; tt\o@- h+tt t<,,, ,h-a.o tt-t- , t), t-Oa 1Ufu ' Work Class: New ( ) eOO wqtType'. InElor( i---Ecrlor( ) 8dtc''DG ln EHU o.ts't at thls letron: Yes ( ) t{q ( ) rype*nfag.:sngh+mttf ( 1 OunaQd Hdu-hm.ly( ) Cotnnetd.l( ) Reshunnt( ) Gt'r( ) - No of Edsmg Dwdlrq Un.ts in this tulldlng: L tro. of naornmoaadon UnlG ln thls building: ?- I a f ral ls [tis oermlt fur a hot hD: Yes L ) No 04 r r r rrarr a*.x5.*allJr*..**rf rrf trrf rr.FOR oFEICE USE ONLYitrllt't*lt*attartrtt""t'tr ltrrr tf 'i e>/ iiV.i luebbd.ylF()RMs\PEn rrrE\ELEcPERM' DOC D7A6r'ffi, TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.hRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0378 3oG -odo S JobAddress: 4I1OSPRUCEWAYVAIL Satus...: ISSUED Location.....: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Applied . . : L2/08120M Parcel No...: 2l0ll22OBC[l2 Issued . . : 12/08/2006 Legal Description: -'R-soG __o \\S- Expires . .: 06106/2C07 Project No : owNER TAGGART, ELTZABETH E. & MICH12/O8/2OO5 8855 CRIMSONCIJO\IER IJN NIWOTco 80503 APPLICAI\m METAIJ DESIGN INC. !2/O8/2OO5 phone: 97O-479-O5O7 P.O. BOX 3906 VAIIJ co 81557 I-,icense: 155-M COr{IRACTOR META! DESIGN INC. L2/og/2oo6 Phonez 970-479-o5o7 P.O. BOX 3905 VAIIJ co 8L657 License: 155-M Desciption: VENT 3 BATHS, I DRYER EXHAUST AND 1 RANGE VENT Valuation: $1.900.00 Fireplace Infornatioo: Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0*********a*******'|***'.*|t****:}.'|'t.:t*+|'i+|,rt***************!*****++l* Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > lnvesigation- > Will Call---- > $40. o0 Resuarant Plan Review--> 910. oo TOTAL FEES---*----> 50-00 s3 .00 9o - o0 Total Calculated Fees--> gs3. oo Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee*----> Payments-------*-- > BALANCE DUE-.------- > ss3.00 $0.00 s53 - 00 s53.00 $o. oo IIEm: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT t2/O8/2oo6 cgunion Action: Ap It,Cm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Cond; 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC Al{D SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IF'GC AS MODIFfED BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAIJITATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AIID CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IAIICES SHAI-,L BE \rEl[|ED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC- Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANTCAI EQUIPMEI\I]| MUST COMPLY WITTI CI{APTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC,. Condi 3L (Br,DG.); Borr,ERS smIJrJ BE MoIrNrsD oN FI-,ooRs oF NoNcoMBusrrBLE coNsr. ItNr,EssIJISTM FOR MOI'IITING O}I COMBUSTTBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (Br.,DG.): PERMrr,Pr,ANs AND coDE AltAr.Jysrs MUST BE posrED rN MEcI{ANrcArJ RooM pRroR TO A}I IIISPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): BOII.TER ROOMS SIIAIIJ BE EQUTPPPED WTfH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTITER APPROVED ME,ATiIS FOR DISPOSTNG OF I,TQUID WASTE PBR SECTION 1"004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ad state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wittl all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. RXQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **f***i{'**+taf*{.1*{.***++***+{.**atf*+{'****++**+*'r.r!r*irf,*++************++*r***{.**'i**+t+******* TOWNOFVAtr COI,ORADO StatementIt+*'l*'t'l't''++afr******fl+fft'i'lft*t**+f********ft******+*+**+++f*+***+****+f++********+++tt+*++ gtatement Nufiiber I R060002090 Amount: g53.OO L2/0g/200603222 vM Payrnent .Method: Check Init: DDGllotation: Metal Deaign s692 Penlit, No: M05-03?8 Type: MECHANfCAI PERMIT Farcel l'Io: 2LOL-L22-O}OO-2 Site Address! 4110 SPRUCE WAy VAILIocation: 4110 SPRUCE ICAY Thia Palment: $53. OO Total Fees: $53.00Total AIJIJ PmCs: $53.00Balarce: $0.00 Current PmtB ***+al***'l'F;ft++lf+**t***'i*lt***'i'i'i,!****t**************tt*****,!'i'i,**'i*+t*t*r!**************++f ACCOUNTITEMLIST; Account Code Descriotion UP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAI PERMIT EEES PF 00100003112300 plrAtf CI{ECK IEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO I{ILL CAII, INSPECTION FEE 40.00 10.00 3.00 75 S. Frcnlege Rd. Vai[ Colorado 81657 I 'L'S -6*fi' 5*> Permit will not be accept€d without the following: Proyide Mechanlcal Room Layout drawn to scale to include: t tr Mechanical Room Dimensions(do Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo FluerVentand GasLineSlzeand Location ho HeatLossGalcs. 4r--Z/o EquipmentCut/Specsheets '9 J MECHANTCAL: $ l?aO.O O /lsu'e5g,pit?'or visit for Parcel # JtAIl2e6? 6d& Job Name:tt r ecte.Lh fr, e-<-o P*Job Addressr6fsu 0 etvtr-q.,a.r n lo rtrrp Ln. reear Descripdin ll Lott I idrr I mingt Subdivision: Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: {, r!r_g €r hau*{ iI f?crrnu f.-o-n4 WorkClass: llew( ) Addition(utr Alteration(4 Repair( ) Other( ) BollerLocaUon: Interior( ) Btterior( ) Ofter( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Edsthg Dlelling UniB in this building:No. of Accornrnodation Units in this building: No/TvoeofFireplacesE<lstinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBu,rnlnq( ) ) Gas togs ( ) Wood/Pdlet ( ) Wood Burning (t{OT ALLOWED) ) N9Ll_ *** **** *d.** rr*rr:*:3rt*:F****+oFFrcE usE oNLY****ry ****** ** Nov O? OB 11: O3a p.1 ITETAL DE$IGN Inc December 8,2006 Sent Via Fax : (970) 4794452 TownOfVail Attn: Joe 75 S. Froutage Rd- Vail, CO 81657 Dear Joe: Per orx convergation this moming regarding the Taggot Res. (80G0203). As you arc- aware Steve Larson recently past away and was the scheduled mechanical contractor for this project Nedbo nas astiei us to do the vent work over the weekend in order to call for inspiction on Monday. Attached is a mechanical permif request-as well as a copy of the Uuitaing permit. Any assistance you can offer in grarting a mectanicallermit todal so *'e may t"qotst inspection by 4:00 pm would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for you assistance. RespecffidlS - \/, 5n t I/ l^t-r A l, //,/|nD/L,t.(zk v ft'{.uzu VemMiller Metal Design,Inc. Drr Ir^* ?.Ond, .\/.il af\ R16qC o Ti.l / F'!.r iq7il 47q-O(n7 TOWN OF V4IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0383 jcx; -c-tla3 Job Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status . . . : ISStjED Location.....: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Applied . . : 1211412006 Parcel No...: 2L0lI22O8m2 Issued. . : L2ll9l2$6 I-egal Description: --r, a- * .^ ,- 6 I r .* Expires . .: 06117 l2W7 Project No ' r \\' \L)L' owNER TAGGART, ELTZABETH E. 6. MrCHt 2/1,4/2006 8855 CRIMSONCLOVER LN T-IIWOT co 80503 APPIJICAI{NT WESTERN FIREPIJACE SUPPIJY, IN1-2/!4/2OO6 PhONC: 568-3760 1685 PAONIA COLORJADO SPRINGS coIoRADO 80915 I-'icense : 323 -Yl COI{fRACTOR WESTERN FIREPIJACE SUPPLY, INl-2/L4/2OO6 Phone z 668-376Q 1685 PAONIA COLORADO SPRI}IGS coLoRADO 80915 I'icense: 323-M Desciption: INSTALL WOOD STOVE WITH CAS LOG SET Valuation: 52.476.37 Fteptace Information: Restricted:# otcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellec 0 ***ii*d(***ir***ti**r***:lrF**:.*****x**t8:F{irslr:t!******rtitt!*+:f ir************t*r, FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > WiU Call-:- > $60 . 00 Reshrarant Plsn Review--> $ls. oo TOTAL FEES----------> $0.00 $3.00 go - oo Total Calculated Fees-- > $?8.00 Additional Fees--------- > Total Permit Fee---.--- > Payments-------.--- > BAIANCE DUE--..._- > $78.00 $0.00 $?e.00 $?8.00 s0.00***ti.*+******$** IIEM3 O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI L2/L4/20O5 cgrrnion Actionr Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.) I FIEI",D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 TFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAIL,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AIID CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE 2OO3 IMC. Condr 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIALIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC' Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAIJ EQUIPMEMI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 oF THE 2003 IMC AND C}IAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 JFGC.. Cond:" 31 (Br,Dc.): Borr,ERS sI{AL'rr BE MoInITED oN FrrooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr. ItNLEss IJISTED FOR MOIINTING O}T COMBUSTIBI,E FIOORfNG. Cond: 32 (ELDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AIID CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIV INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIAI"L BE EQUTPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED ml5..I?*.3.T.1..?f.Tr.n.-3l.ll?y.,t.o*.y*:I*.."."_.1_f_.T:J*.o.T..l.?.'.f_;f.; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, hlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Interrrational Building arld Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2149 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ' .-l .. z .z' ,/ SIGN **********{.*****:tr*****+***+*tr !t*{.*:t*{r'}*******************{.****************** * * *** * *********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*******+*********+**********++++++*** ++ + * * * * * * * * *+* * * **+ * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Nunber: R060002L23 Amor.rnt: Paynent Method: Check Fireplace 001455 $?8.00 t2/!9/200609:r-3 AM Init: DDG Notation: Western Permit No: M06 - 0383 Parcel No: 2LOL-L22-O8OO-2 Site Address: 4LL0 SPRUCE WAY tocation: 41-1-0 SPRUCE WAY Thi6 Payment :$78.00 Description T]4)e : MECI{ANI CAL., PERMIT VAII, Total Fees: Total- ALL Pmts : $78 .00 $78.00. Balance: $0-00*** **'f***** * * * + lt + + * + + * + + + + * + + + * * ** * * * * ****:t** **:* * * *:* * * * * * * *:* * * * *:&* * * * * * * * *********** * *** * + + + ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmta MP 00100003111100 PF 001000 031123 0 0 wc 00100003112800 MECHANI CAI., PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAI.,IJ INSPECTION FEE 50.00 l-5.00 3 .00 12/1tl2008 15 26 FAX 9?t)B2?9823 I{ESTERII FIREPLACE APPTICATION wltl NOT BE ACCEPTCD IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI TOV Proiect #: Bullding Permit #3 El 002/oo4 ,.m 75 S, Frontage Rd, i Vall, Colorado 81657i Mo6-o 38 3 RJq 6'ovr l',lech a nica I Permlt #i 97 O- 47 9-2L49 (Inspectlons Permit wlll not be accepted without the followingr Provide Mechanlcal Room Layoutdrawn to scale to Includel o Mechanica! Room Dimenrlonso Combustion Ail Duct slze and Locatlon o Flue, Vent and Gas Line Slze and Locationo Heat Loss Calca,o EquiprnentCut/SPecSheets CTOR INFORMATION COMFLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials 1to.-t Coun vlslt # Parcef# 2lhllA-)3 rob Name:t$d.b Cart n t dic.JobAddressr LlllC LesalDescription ll lou;J ll alocxr ll ritins:subdlvlslon: Fnt'OFB% frr.,rn-l ll Yf<l-6 f rrin:cr-nja\.ot lrrno ll Phone; Engineer; \J 0 ll nOOress:Phone: Detailed description of work:rfh:tlo\l \ rEYl tl-n ro o "l Prn lcv,- So * WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration14 Aepan( ) oiter( I BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Enerior( ) Other( )ll DoesanEHUexistatthislocatlon: Yes( ) No( ) Tlpe of Bldg: Singfe-farnity (v{ouptex ( ) Multl^family ( ) commerclal ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Na, of Exisfing Dwelllng Units in this building;No. of Accommodation Unlts in this buildlng: No/TyDe oF Fireplaces Exlsttno: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffypeof FireplacesiProposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLogs(l) Wood/Pellet1l1 WoodBurnlng(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ,t(rf, * **xx* * lr*********i{(***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******* *+** * * 4ln '/'//v F:\cdev\FORMS\PERHTTS\Eulldlng\mechanicalJrErmiLl l'23-2005, D0C 71r2312005 TOWN,OF V,{IL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: PO6-0I59 3oc-o {o 5 Job Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4ll0 SPRUCE WAY Applied . . : l2/0612ffi6 Parcel No...: 2lQLl22OW02 Issued . . : l2lO&12W6 Legal Description: -o1)_r\/ zr ( r (- Expires . .: 0610612C07 ProjectNo t ?itr5DG -o((S om[ER TAGGART, EIJIZABETT{ E. & MrCH12/06/2OO6 8856 CRIMSONCIJOVER I.N NIWOT co 80503 APPLICANI KEIJLY'S QUALITY PLITMBING SEF-L2/05/2006 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O- BOX 3187 EAGIJE co 8L531 Lieense:279-p coNrRAcToR KEIJTY'S QSALITY pIrgMBINc SER12/06/2005 phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. BOX 3187 EAGI-,8 co 81_631 I-,icense: 219-P Desciption: DRAIN, VENT AND WATER FOR 3 LAVATORIES, 3 TOILETS, ONE SHOWER, ONE TUB, ONE KITCHEN SINK AND ONE CLOTHES WASHER. GAS LINE FOR ONE COOKTOP. ONE FIREPLACE. Valuation: $16.000.00 FireDLrcE Inforrnation: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas l-ogs: ?? # of lvood Pallet: ?? '********c.**r.**:t*,1.************:*****:1.r.**i:f:t*:F+*1r**x*:f tr:*:t+ j*********:t*:f ** FEE SUMMARY 'i:1.*,1.*,t *1.**i.+it:t +,fi.:f:t:t:tsti+*:t:t+:i!a***** **** *+* *** **** r,:ft {(*rr r.*rr * * Plumbing--- > 9240.00 Resfiaram Plan Review- >$0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $303.00 Plan Check---> 960.00 TOTAL FEES----------> S3o3,o0 Addirional Fees----------- > Investigation- ) Will Call---- > $o. oo $3.00 $0-00 Toral Permit Fee . ...> S3o3. oo Payments---------- > $303 - 00 BALANCE DUE--_-- >90.00 ItEM: O51OO BU]IJDINC} DEPARITVIENT 12/06/2006 cgunion Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLTDG:): FIBL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONB AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *++'i.+*********tl.t********+*********{.*x.1.*****!r*{.*** !k*{.,} * ********* * * * *** ***** ** * *,}**{.***:****'t ** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *****************+**+*:1.:1.,N.{.{.**************++**t *'}*******************{.**t *t *{.*******t!** ****'i ** Statement Number: R060002076 Amount: Pa],'ment Method: Check QuaI ity Plur$bing t-?O3 $3 03 . 00 1,2/ 08 /20061,1 :57 AM Init: DDG NoLagion: Kelly', s Permit, No: P06-0159 rype: pL,uMBINc PERMIT ParceL No: 2101--l-22-0800-2 Site Addrees; 41-10 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Tota1 Fees: $3 03 .00 This Payment: $303.00 Total ALL Pmts: $303.00Balance: S0.00 t ***+**++***,1*****'F**********+****************** ********r.,i{.*i.**'t**'**:t*{.r.{.**r.**:***:f. ** *t****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accourrt Code Description Currents Pmts PF 001000031L2300 PP 0010 0 0 0311L 10 0 wc 00100003112800 PI,AN CHECK FEES PLI]MBING PERMIT FEES WILL CAIL TNSPECTION FEE 60.00 240.00 3 .00 200S110609:12 hr-06-08 01:5lnr feflys Quefity PluDblng 328-6043 >> 9704792152 frut-T0t{t 0F lltlt C0ilJltll'/ t;.tir"0PlEllT 07011e?15? I f ,q,r. 1U A i' r-r0s P.00r/00r F-zi? P trl APFIICATIOII wtLL IIOT EE IFCEPIED tF IITCO}IPLEru OR PrcI'EGt #:ob- o,^4. -Ntfi troL-o/s ? i --F.[t a T$vNMly rl,^r'rr ^-r,,rer. s*r- 75 S. FrmEgGRd. Vail, C.olorado 8t65t Eulldlng Permlt#l Plumbing Pcrmnt; 970479-ZL9 coHPtm VAI0ATIOI FOR PLUMBI|TIG PEru{rT (Iabor &,l{aterhb) i PWMBING: $ )b -rt*.lr**,1*****.rfit*lrr--t**rari*l$*a*|rFOR, OFFICE USE OtILY******a.**t*fi***r**r**r*******+aa*** 7$> -' ,o.l ('.lc at.Parcd#'4rottW Jd h",Th.1.1 n.*JohrMdress: Qt ttl $;--,,.c-r, Ljay e'wl Legal Description i t-otr I Snac fi filing:Srrhdlvlolonr Enghcsf:Na Addess3 Nl Pm. l,{n_ : Detaiha trc\lc'Tr'\t'', I li+ rr.+J q1.. c.[,ator f .rahna,,-. &< buot Ji- crNu &it:p , c,a^p-. -r4;*sorn.o. WorkCthss: Ne,r() Addfrion( ) ntterauonN Repair( ) odrer( ) TypedBld.r Singb.family( ) Dudex( ) Mutti-familylQ commerchl ( ) Resaurant( ) oilter( ) tlo. of ki#ng Owelllng Unlb In th'rs buildlng: isthis a mnveNon ftorn a wood buminq fircplae to an EPAPtase tr device? Y€s ( ) El l\v'inlhElrdqAFORMSlFGRIvEtSULtGPEn [,[DOC 0i !6t2,fE t "$ t t" | .:, I , a:23 pm Veit_ CO'- City Of - Requested lnspect Date: Thursday, December 21, 2006lnsgeitionare3i ncrcto spnuce wnv vn* 4t1O SPRUCEWAY A/P/D lnformatlon - Aclivity: 806-0203 Type: A-BU|LD SubTvpe: ASFRconst [ype: Occuoahbv: Ube: V-BOvwier: TAGGART, ELIZABETH E.'& MfCHAEL O. -JT Aoolicant: Cohtractor: Description: Notice: Comment: Comment: - CGUNION AT FIREPLACE. DN DENIED AP APPROVED AP APPROVED PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Requested Time: 08:00 AM- Phone: 977-0325 Entered By: DGOLDEN K 3. AS BUILT IS 83, lS 2 2x10. =D NOT INSTALLED. LVL AS BUILT lS 3 2x10. Status: ISSUED Inso Area: CG REQUIRED AS BUILT IS 83. i 22x1O. ) NOT INSTALLED. /L AS BUILT lS 3 2x10. Comment plans in bin B-3 - CGUI Comment: borrections approved. - Comment: Item: 20 BL Item: 21Item: 30 MADE PER VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM APPROyAL BEFORE RETNSPECTTON. 12t14t06 Comment: REPTl31 AT FIREPLACE. Run Id: 5154 ,/ 9762431298 BFAc1116 T@ CHORO ADI CHOFO 1-36J TDVDI UllJ L LOJ I2-tZ-'06 14: 31 FE0t't-Alpine Lunber , lli t',titt.tr , 1-O-0 , d----|>' i \t4? l? dx4 ll 4+12 9d e: l:2f2 1,G0F- 4l H I i iz)rYp. J2'X17 1?'xJ"' \14,: \ t 1.THIS REPAIR I$ FOR ll'itEf.'!l'I-ff'"fi-u'#,8$'"''e"-!!nli#*ii:gEgi?Tfii',lt#;tfif,ffi-'ff,R?"Jl?[ir'tnirs t o tne" DIA X 3.0" LGT) x\ffi'jt';"9.#i$lt,r:mw""l,"txlu'l;_-t*[3".]#ii'#u1'Ji'l,"oi^ii'Eic'iLeo n@oT,??,6T?$€f g,?Ti'iryqFiiiii+.T.?:.:ili,'.i:['"-*1":l?5%Ehffi Pt ["^E^ltfr,*lHX*'H#:119"?"iiJ6.{'#'i'E$"'ifI*"FE?"8:*;H,'rlio-es'srtcinn ro EAcH ''o'o":_u:'^ftl"fi#o#"* "-il"irgr-..lFrgF,X,{t*X^lg-g,?"t;,?F?H;M'LSroATTA'HpLwrr3o' DoNorDousLE "S+i:iii#ifr dNldifriEdiiii#-*Hme*HLAP'usEScAB Fili{lxlfgi-iilgilr"*-qHT?l?xtiFtlffi'?"-EpLyvvDoDNorAryAcHED iril,"e"nii?rlienHE'enrveEn-s-caesANDLUMSEReu/HERE NAIL LOADNG (PGf) TCLL 630 tRoot Smu-83. 0)icor- 1o.o ECLL OJ] FLA?€S GRIF MT2O 16Sn2B Werqru: ?5lb Srruclurd liood $Baf hing dircct}y opF'lBd or 5'2-7 ac grnli'F,\ avn|l efit wttrcelB. nrga "eir;ng aitocnv rppled or{0'0'0 0c Uficir$ Lutr,tl6ER wmH lliEr.tilBslSE\\'EBs iit"#H"-ff8,| I sE' r-r0?x 46FF€ t65oF.r''E io ! fi"sih's rxor r sE, $z : x e seF s tooor r'se FEACTIONS (lb,|st?e) 11ct 637d-3-15 (inPul: 034)' 0=1037/0-!'15 ( r'Pd 0 3-8) ilil iiffii I =l'Tlff'm'35), 5: 19^slf d ""T::i,iiii 6ii' i t-tsori""o casB 3) 6-ts87(lo'dcase 3) fif"TJBt T$grf#Sfr1*,ld#tJil:lll*'ss e 'o--?ss4"'q 4-13=-248n50 4'5='30€8,175' 1-11r'18s2ir3q S.E.{.1S9Or135 l{n*lii,:;:a*;'11;-HJ.T#ld,f;J?fl .T,#Ifl 913z-t(.+*n\ ze'oanasl,1 -'1 0.-981t9,19, 5'7-S9/1949 lffi, or* ,*, *'on,,tflLt**jg51i#:H=T.Sffii;tit#r"1''Bil'' *Rs ssb* 6's !onB; cantirb'er rsfr and ,rsiii;p-*"o, "ni*,i*' FI qq,,9f ^Tffi :Y#1,Plal€ gripDoL=t.0o l?.F-ffi.l"lir,r.l'*r#Hr*,m*w;Ur€xPc:FurvEi..'='zr itjrt],licii-oq H-63 0 ps (lEt roor enc*{'); cstsgc ii .ritii** J+n*,""o h'*. F*'.TlT:gJ:f l*ii i;HlxH-sT$fffi tr Fi r!ix'*{lix*F"*n"$rtrJils1::ll# ;ifi lK'g";4i Thrs 1.ut3 hae baan deagnsd ror | lu o psr po*enr r'ru'" *h **J"if.'-t'ii'ii an"# ntr qlslly s€suranca jn'pe'liot' 5i Tnis vt "" ,"{un." plate In$p{clron perl ;iii/ilhfic, d;i;;to y"""s "j* 18IFJ-';"GiHliln1gHHi;f; E€didr' Rio? 11 l and Rto'r i0 2 a'" , ii l,ll'll;;xus.x'.mJil** flflr'+';*11ffi1fllffillffir"i"ti;-a" oaio* nsm 11 1 End Rg02 10 2 8'" r.fe*m€d BOI(}toRD weBs Etandard ArlSl/TPl 1 LoAD cnsqs) $anottd DEFL rr (locl tkbfi WgPl :B?3 3:i3 :S lEB f,iffll 3$ ; 'ffi #; sPAcrHo 2-04 Pkleg lqcreas€ 't 0O L(|rnberltlerct$e 100 RsD slrtsd lrcr NQ ctre mCr003TPl!S2 ffii9jf,ro5t 'W. ..'::""9tiliir$ I2-I2-'06 14:38 FffiM-AlPine Lumher 9782491296 'f -5u9 YVAL{ VtAz t - 1r3 illl" MiTEK FOWER iA FERFORM," lliTek Induslriesr Inc. 7777 Beenbaclt Lane Suite 109 Cibus Heighls, CA, 95610 Tdephare 9161676-1900 Fa( 91 6f676.1 909 Thc frrss drawing(s) refcrenced below hrve been prepared by MiTek Indussies, Ilrc. undcr my direct supervision based on the puameters provrdcd by Alpine Truss-Montrose, CO' Pages or sheets covered by this eeal: R23730154 tm R2373015 7 My liceirse rencwal date for the state of Colorado is Jrure 30 2008. Re;07117-6 Deccnrbcr 12,2006 ?ingey, Palner The soal on these drawings indicate aoceptalce ofprofessional engineering responsibility solely for tlre h.u$s cor11poncnt$ stropu,- The surtsbiliry and use of dris compouatt for arry particirlar building is the responsrbiliry oflhe bujldins desigrer, per ANSIrrPI-200? Chaptcr 2, -#sr]*:r*i'+or3o *l r"e;*ffi*:t$ 'ts PARKI{URST, iNC. CONSULTING ENGtr\EERS 2140 s. rV'AM{OE, SITITE 208 DENVER, CO 80222-s7s0 303-584-94E1 303-384-9482 T)a,--,r.ha. 1O 'nn6 Charlie Downing, Archite,:t 38 Hillside Drive Wheat Ridge" CO 80215 F-e: Taggart Residence, 4l;,0 Spruce Way, Vail, Cclorado Charlie, Please i:rcorporate tlte fol.l:-rl.i:rg change to the abovs reieienced project: 1) Sheet S-2, second lioor framing plan, sou*east v'inciow, adjacent to deck. Use 3- 2X10 in lieu of 2-9 '/," LVL. If you have any quesrions c,n fhjs matter please feeJ free to call. roo E L I\J Z0 tAr gTaz/07/zr I ""o!EEg!!aNI!EE 12-12-'06 14:31 Fffi|'l-Alpine Lumber 9782491?96 T-589 P0S4/005 F-233 4-t t-T3 (3) I "*"*,{$6, , 1l'4' 4A.6 e7-11 4+S 6ENERAI- REPAR NOTES: (PLEA'$E FOLLoWTHE REPAIR STEP lN ORDER) 1.THIS REPAIR IS FOR CHANGINGTCLL FROM E3,O PSF TO 1OO.O PSF. 2.|NSERT 2- 2X4 MEMBERS (SPF NO 2 OR BETTER) AT LOCAIONS SFXf,WN lN SFIAOED SECTIONS. TYP. ic id,lr2 1-9 Z X E slT.$ td60F 1.#, 16 2 X 4 SPF-S .1650F 1.5E +g 1x 6 spf-s r 650F 1.5€, 4$ 2X ,l SPF.S 1650F 1.5E REACtdllg (rvs,z4 9=t605,G3-'13 (inFrt: &18). 6=1@6,lechan(il Mrx Horz g=tg(toad(asc 7) Ilax uptit F'l060o8d ceE6 5J, F-l 06lload cass 6)ttil Gra\, 9= | 920(hod cE66 4, G=lS2Ebdd 6s* 3 ) FORCE6 (lb) ' Ustdn Jm ComF€s€iorti4arimum Temim l@c.f"foRD 1-2=-456/33, ?-1F:677t141,?lF-?447nf/1..311=-24471151. 4-11:2677n43. 4-5-,454/$, 1€E-.S764 6.6=-,$7no BOTCI-fORD E€EJ6?1272, 78;-11triX}),6,7=-171r27f2 WEBS 2-8=-3Sd/B3Z 18---/rj5/535,3'7=-'136r535 1-7^39'U5s7, 2-9=.2766n84, 4.6=-2mff164 OTES t) y\4nd: AscE 7-(D so.np[ h=25tt;TCOL{.0061; SCCL'6 0p6f;CetBgory ll: Exp C: eftlosad; MtrlFRS Qabts crxl zrnc: carlileler lsft ard rbht e\Fo6ed : eM.vetlrcAl len and fighl a$a&d;Lrflber OOL=1.m ptate g,h DoL=l.fl). 2) TCLL: A6CE 74e PF6it.0 p6t flat rool snawl, Cstegqy ll; Exp q FulV kp.; A=1.1 3) UnbEtEffed snov,' loSda hB\/E 6€e*t c.rEidersd bl lhi! d€sigfr 4) Thi5 truse tE5 bB3n d8Eign€o tor t 10,0 p€f bottom ttl5{d live hfid nor@rsufrett wlh any otrE liv€ tteos. 5) Thk trrl€E .equiB€ plste ifitpectol pef lhe Totri Cou1l lvlelhod whrn this t.r,3s iB cho€€n for quElity E66uranc€ irEp6clbn. 6) WA,RNING: Raluirea, bea4rg s,zF fl lorrill4 S gesEr lh5n irtrl beEdu 6ize. 7) RelEr lo gr63(s) icr lrurstc Irurs conn€di[rE. 6) This tru8e iE dadgned in aftddancc wi0l ne zmo hterNtloml S+5rderBirl Code sedron$ RfOt. | 1.1 and RBC2.10-? an'] rBf€lgnced Etandatd AISYTPI 1. LOAD CASe(6) san&rd 2+8 1.0-0 d-. )..+:If ! tl t I' .--i ' L?J . l, &6= \: --^ I '/--- ;<-l:':a. I ia;t!) PLATES Mr20 \rwsrtl: 09 lD ERACIi'6 TOF CIIORD Slrucll'al wcod she6thirB directly apflied 0r 45-10 0c plx|lr6, e(ced efid veiha|$ BOI CHORP F grd oeding difPcw rppded or 10{l-0 oc t€cing CRIP 't69/123 3.ArrACH l/?'CDX SrR 1, FLyt IOOD GUSSETS To EACH FACEWTH 10.D COMMON WRE NAILS( 0 148" DLAX 3 0'LGT) di 6'O.C.. 2 RO\JVS FOR A/0. 3 ROi/S FOR ZXO WTH MlN, ANIOUNT OF NAILS PER FACE OF EACH MEMBER SFPWN CIRCLED. N-orE: 15/3?' THICK EXP' 1 3216 SPAN RATED o's B' MAY BE suBsrlruTED FoR PLY\I/IJoD. LqADNG (psf)TCLL 83.0 (Rocf SrrlF830) TCDL 10.0Bcu" o.o LI,MEER TOFCTIORD ?X e $FF"$ 1ff0F r.5E EorcHoRo I X 4 SPF-S |650F 1.58 vttas 2 x 4t$/V Sh.d 'Stcs!t" /[ rarUvarc ].rlf d-tFCorujrs ud r4rDtnofle €W !l{AAXDITt'CrUOa.DftfEIt REtEilrncr r/:g'[!''TafeEr$nt'v'z l)oiorrvoktloilJsorty*ltrA/fisl,:ortrccblllht.E{gnrtLro|.d.rrvqFArFr|l'$Eai]r\dwr.drl{i''loronina!\{drttlDlbir$comron€ni. Aloi_cotlt ot q6$Cs tidEN.tc'r 4rl orDF.r ncdrroiorm or corpim&,t x talnrtbil V ')l $('(tirYl dialndr - nol ltu$ dB !ip€r. ttud,Yl .hoen1 xi i, toter( j r"pFr -6r ha,"{r6r ir$rJ ria!nu9re q.1V. ^a(ri[r)not r6doo.Af udrO lo htvro nolriir rl0,tr4cfxl'udi0nlt itsBsm,abldty Ot trc 4|earor. Add toturtldftlcrr6nl D.((irr:, rrr rha oY.,alirllatl;. l, lhc t tPD sb t ot Dr',iliHtt, dr,.Lt!Lt iot !]daliilrudoiio rorcd.U lAbdcrrlorl odclv conrEl t|or'EE. rlc,!f/, ce€'Er ..rd |ra6g, <orsn Arsl/rt)r Gedll', cntd|c, ota.8t 4rd lci3ll klldnocoDFdEt Sddr hr6rr|cdlan arvol('oF fom |-uu PLl6 lr'llltuL. Jd l 0 olEl'h Dnd' l,bd[oh. w $.t l] sFACtt|G 2.G0 Hate$ hcrRate !.00 Luanbs lr|cr€tis 1.00 Repgtas$slncr hF co{ts lftclmfiPl!{n0 DEFL in (loc) l,/defl Ud V€rt(LL) -0.10 7€ >0S 360 ve OL) .0.19 7.E 'ggs 18o Hor:FLl 0.06 6 nt& tta Wind(Lq 0.m 7€ >999 241) $i'# #'# rxlDeotffitd2ffim6 i 7t z G?.w$rdi lrn r. a, !. r.BI Gru! rilior*r. CA g3gr0 02-07-2007 4:15 pm Vait- eO'- Ciry Of - Requested Inspect Date: Th.ursday, February 08, 2007 Inspeclion Area: SH Site Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL 4110 SPRUCE WAY AtPrD lnformation ^ Aclivity: E0Gl0222 ^ Type: B-ELECuonst rype: occuDancv:Ovtrier: TAGGART, ELIZABETH E.'& MfCHAEL D. -JT Applicant: DOUBLE Q ELECTRICCohtractor: DOUBLE Q ELECTRICDescription: MOVE SERVICE, REMODEL INSIDE '100o/o Reouested Insoection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC Assiqned To: SHAHN- Action: Sub Tgne: ADUP Phone: 970-748-9780 Phone: 970-748-9780 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH lnspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Sewice ** 01102107 lnsp 130 140 190 Requestedrim8i o-t;9-0 #B-o *-s.r at Time Exo: ntered BY: DGOLDEN K '-7/)>d# v Apyz'*-/ n4h2- AP APPROVED Item: Item: Item: Item: \ REPTl31 Run Id: 6352 I Inspe..-tio11 !e_que_st Requested lnspect Oate: f[ursday, September 13,2007 Inspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL 4110 SPRUCEWAY SubTgoe: AMF Phone: 970-328-6093 DEScTiPtion: DMIN, VENT AND WATER FOR 3 LAVATORIES. 3 TOILETS. ONE SHOWER. ONE TUB. ONE KITCHEN' SINK AND ONE CLOTHES WASHER. GAS LINE FOR ONE COOKTOP. ONE FIREPLACE. ..".."Q3:(r,ffrf'lo- . buifdinq finaf tomorrow. will catl 977-0325 { |- Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K \-, 12-2007 A/P/O lnformation _ Aqllvity: P06-015e occuDIxBii B-PLMB "ontrfYW: TAGGART. ELTzABETH E.'& MTcHAEL D. -Jr Contractor: KELLY'S QUALITY PLUMBING SERVTCE tNC Status: Insp Area: ISSUED CG Requested Insoectlon(sl 290 PLMB-Final Howard - Nedbo mechanical and ol JMONDRAGON' Item: Requestor: Coniments: AssignedTo: ACIOn: Comment: scheduled for AND LAV MISSING. Inspection Historv Item: 230 Item: 240 Item: 250Item: 26OItem: 290 Item: 210 PLMB-UnderoroundItemi 220 PLMB-Rouoh7D.W.V. 12i11106 Insoect,Action: APAPPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Insoector: SHAHN Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION ALI INSPECTED EXCEPT POWDER ROOM WC AND LAV MISSING. P^re, ft*,^ ,t^f/tb ** Aooroved *" GCD * Approved * ** Aoproved '*GCD " REPT131 Run Id: 7055 t.l ?%i1?fr00? ''"p""$:il,,F?syF?ffif.*i;g -eeorr Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, Septembor {3. 2007 ""ff,:*fJo*S3j ffi o r"*r"r wAY vArL 4't 10 SPRUCE WAY A/P/D Information - Aclivity: M06-0378 Tvpe: B-MECH Sub Tyoe: ASFR Status: ISSUEDUonsl lype: _.-_. _..___ _Occup_ah'c.V: Use: Insp Area: CGOwfier: TAGGART. ELIZABETH E.'& MfCHAEL D. -JT Contractor: METAL DESIGN lNC. Phone: 970-479-0507 DEScTipIion: VENT 3 BATHS, 1 DRYER EXHAUST AND 1 RANGE VENT Reouested Inspection(s) Inspection Historv Item: 200 MEc#-Tftrish Comment: Item:310Item:315Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340Item: 390 =/a1",'- ,lf,,tff lill* I APAPPROVED APPR. FROM WINDOW OR ELIMINA ** Aooroved "*Insoector: JEC' ' Action: AP APPROVED Dryer doors cut off for make-up air. TE. REPTI.31 Run Id: 7066 W lT FORMAT ()_,Block D is i? aayot Febrv,\r,lt ,zopzrg-.lth" "oeu"toper ), an7ine Tow-n of Hffi "il+@"r?mq"r,u":flffifi :lffi ffi***m*:P**: *tt*=ot, *ld"pffi;t'{gt ole co||ater"t f,Gl?lt"e perrormance or this |iff;lfii:lffiudino coftiion fttie alffiprov6-ments rererred to in this Asreement, by means til"ff]]f; Legal Subdivision: Address: Developer: Proiect Number: lmprovement Completion DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS A into by and Vail(the "Town'). WH the Tqmpoypry,Certificate Occupancy for the TV' Devel as a condition of val r (address, legal description;and project lmprovement Agreement; and filed in the office of the Community The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 5 te0A.oo as collateral for the comp|etio-nofa||improvements@ment,intheeventthereisa default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer-agrees.to,complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the -dayof r )rlltl l:t ,2097. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all infprovements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcd6v\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_112002.doc Page 1 of 5 NT, .k, . i,n-j #*.H. $'k. .fl.r" I 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of S ,dOOo;OC, as collateral for the completion of all improvementsre@intheeventthereisadefau|tunderthisAgreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements refered to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant tJsection 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent ( 1 2%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refered to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvemenls refered to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail-Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Ficdev\FORMS\BlA\DlA cash format-112002.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. Developer STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Ftodev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash fomat-1 1 2002.doc . ,:',/..-L///t^j" / / /'7 ) ) ss. ) The foreooino Develooer lmorovement Aoreement was acknowledqed before me this ic{ oiy oi F-&v^rr-q,-.-r' , zo63uy (-,o\r...--& 5l E''.ro-sLt c: Witness my hand and official seal. Mvcommissionexpires *pr'.\ tB.2e'ct1' -.."rrr,r.l\}It:.ti.Z;,,2 !- i "ot+'' 1P-z'-= d1-"^--C'-''-.7(--"-r*--- ifj;. lyytr.. .j; .*s isi"*Ris%#H'Si';dF' ) )SS. ) Th^e foregoing Dgveloper lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this l9 pay 61 rl*-Q.\z.z-tt a--w , 2QZlby I tJ t+trt'e* l"ltt.'*Vl--t1l Witness my hand and ofltcial seal. My commission expires:7c;aT \|1,:ii:t:' :i';;;d::::z? #,i;:"sl'qfi',$l$$ Page 4 of 5 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Y\pAbu Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Receipt N". { b} UL 1 Ii; ;\ Date /-tL'1 10f' Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 312 3000 Conhactors License Fees - RENEWAL CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2-DEPI 0 AD < 56b. 001 0000 ooimoo: 110 0000: 001 0000: 001 00w.* * all items No specd -{ -{ -.{ -{ D ltrS;*s.*3fr.-ss.E5 o, !r CL e o 't -! !^ HHC-lr! l! .ri o- =..f,- j cr rurE D !r s, o r-! cL F r-r ;J; *€ = .'i -5X.D flr Cj r-rl n \D+- :: EF C .Jr # fiE*-< :t -l 'tf ""1 a- \ rrlE*ArJB3='-Eru(.,ltErtn--t"rt rn Eru.{ € -{cte F m-J' A-a { = Bsg< 6 2=2. - *-3,E -J 3 :.,- -! t..igE rl_t' r'F <r.' 3.1f;9.s+-.< / t', .t- -Tr ZtF ; g r*--z,..tJ7E+--{ E -J :FF q-I Ln Ln Ln C qr':Bga 833 *:: FFF .'9 EE llfS EEB E =;| S* OTAL: ceived by: I f/cdev/forms/edmin/sales_aclion-form 2007 1/5/06 ocio'{VocrnO E '<oF{o>oo .| F'v oU o li o) to No-1 0 tr> pa FA A ZA Fo O.r EFq I ED rrO bF oF cd E] 0 F sc A(41A AFzz55 !rE F 2h:oFE D fr F,avroFE p o FrFt1z oo4E F o F F ?o b, EU a E til i, Ao tsl F E F. o az5 t a : ; .: E> art cpl 0 3 E4 harr-t lotltbl 5''t(' p7 AQ&rrtlllllYGl€l.AFheat Eesign Reviernr Board ACTIOIi| F*R.14 Sepa{tment af Community Eevelopment 75 Seuth Frontage Road, Vail, CcEoradc 81f57 tel:970.4?9.2139 fax:97O-479.2"[52 web: www.valfgov-cem Project Namel TAGGART ADDmON DRB Number: DRB060159 Project Descriptionr FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA Participants: OWNER TAGGART, ELIZABETH E. & MICHO5/15/2006 8856 CRIMSONCLOVER LN NIWOT co 80503 APPUCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCNON P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A COI{IRACTORNEDBOCONSTRUCTION 05/15/2006 Phone:970-845-1001 P,O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Lot 2A Block B Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDHON 2101-122-0800-2 no DRB comments at conceptual 05/ 1512006 Phone: 970-845-1001 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0512312006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date tl of final approvalf unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced' and is diligently pursued towaid completion. Planneri Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3O0.O0 |ilav.l?,2006 9:0lAIl .r-l\ a \S.lr -U-'tl|rc-:.r.it i{EDB0 C0||STRIJCTIO}| N0.4044 P . 2/2 Addltlons-Residential or Commercial Application for Deeign Review Depanment of Communlty Develaprnent 75 5ou0'r Frontage Rosd, Vall. Colorddo 81657 tel: 970379.2128 fax: 970.479.245e web: wwuwilmv.com ggncr€l Informationi All projectS r?qulrlnE design r€vievr fiust receive lpprovrl prlor to submlHng a buiKling permlt applhetlon, Pleese reter to the submittal iEgull€fnenB for tho partlculir approval that b requerted, An applicrtlon for Deslgn Revl€w cannot be accepted until all rcqulred Informatlon Is recefued by the cpmmunity Development Departmdnt. The project may 8ts0 need to be revleMred by the Town Councll aM/or E|e Plannlng and Envlronnrdntal Commisaion. Dssign revirw rpprovtl lrpd€e unlHd a butldlni ndrmlt ls lieuerd and eonstru&lon comft|e$cEs wlthin ofi6 yGar ot ths Eppto\'.L Dorcrlpuon of tfio Requert: Locatfonof thct'roposEl: Lot J Block,-/ srnanisont BAUrt+"t Sp* AMtft"''t Physr:calAddre*c3 qlh SPeuut uJtY - - parcel I{o.: A lb ll 2 AI)Y:&A\ (contast Eagle co. Asse33or at 970-328-8640 for pancel no.) zonlns: {6S ..- name(slofownalert wdaAt( t)'rwlyw I E"L/e4BE7t'l F" TMCa<r- Addrsssl Own€(o) Signaturc(slr Nrme ot ApPlicantt ualllng Addrecrl rax: Q??-fuT=#W EUs tl,00 per square foot of btal sign area. FOr constructlon of a ner,v btrildlng or derno/nbulld' foi on- iUOU.. where suard footaqe b sdded to EnY rcsldentlal or commercnl bullding (lndude6 250 addltlons & lnterlor cont/erslons)' For minor Changes-to bulldlngs 6nd slte lmplovements/ sudt as, r*roofing, patiUrrg, wlnOow addlBons, tandscaplng. fences and ret8lnlng walls, etc, tur mlnor changes to bulldlngs and slte lmprovemenb. guch oe, re-rooflng, palrfing, Wndow bdditions, landscaPlng. tsnces and retatr ng U ,\) cro n-c \ h\o cl tr wdls, etc. *20 For revi$ons to plans alre#y approved by Henning $taff or the Deiign Revlev., Board. No FQe Type of RGYicnr rnd F€a3 tr Elgnstr Concptual Reuew B New Con*ructqfl f-Addit-'on E Minar Aheradon (mplB-lafi llylcommerclal) Mlnor Alteratlon (slnglefarnl lylduplex) Changes to Apptoved Plans S€paraton Request $50 NO FEE $550 s300 $zso $u0 A./'--'-, I : /a .t,"\-_-_ I\ Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other tllnrq fxr5r,a Sntr,c,o llotes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and at Charleston Brown *Natural Cedartone 45 F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-addition_1 l-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 14 ! 4 Zjl aUUi PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name quantity Size PROPOSEDTREES r1.{ttr.-uu AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED y&itL A)L+t -(,r S Oa<,t Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools' etc.) F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-addition-11-23-2oo5.doc Page I of 14 1U2312005 Form No. 1341.87 (6-8i) ALTA Plain Language Pollcy Policy Page 1 PffiK,HflY ffitr KgKfuH Kru$KjffiAruflffi AMnt, lsst,uD Bl &rsf Aameriaam Titfie fmsw raffise Cwmryffi&ffiw HESIDEI'lTlAL TITLE INSURANCE 0ne-To-F0ur Family Restdences OWNER'$ COVERAGE STATEMENT This policy insures yourtltle t0 the land described in Schedule A - if that land is a onFto-f0ur tamily resideniial lot or con- dominlum unil Your insurance, as described in this Covoraoe Statement. is efiedtuEon the Policy Date shown in SchedultA Your insurance is limited by the following:r Exclusions 0n pags 2 . Exceptigns in Schedule Br Condllions on pages 2 and 3 COUEBED TITIE RISI(S Jhis Policy covers the iollowing title risks, if they affecl your ti e on the policy 0ate. 1. Someone else 0wns an lnterest in your title. and material lurnished befofe the p0ljcy Date- unless you 2. A document is notpr0perly signed, seale4 acknowledge4 agreed t0 pay tor the labor and material, 0r delivered 9. 0thers have rights arising flrt ol ieases, contracts, 0r options. 3. Forgery, fraud, duress, inmmpetency, incapacity or 10. Someone else has an easement 0n your land,impersonatim 11 . Your title is unmarketable, whlch allows another person t0 4. Defective recodino ofany document refuse t0 perlorm a contracl to p urchase, t0 lease 0r t0 make a 5. You do not have any legal ri0ht 0f access to and lrom mortgage loan. lhe land. 12. You are forced to remwe your existing structure - oth8r 6. lhere are restrictive covenants limiting your use 0f the land. than a boundary lvall or fence - because: 7. There is a lien 0n y0ur title because 0f: . it extends on t0 adj0lning land 0r 0n to any easement. a mortgage 0r deed 0f trusl r it vi0lates a restriction shown in Schedule B 8. There are liens 0n your titlq aising now or later, for labor existing zoning law. I4. other defects, liens. or encumbrances. COMPAiIY'S DUTY TO DEFEI{D AGAINST COURT CASES We will defend your title in any 00urt case as t0 that part 0t the case that is based on a C0vered Title Risk insured against by this P0licy. We will pay the costs, attotneys'lees, and exDenses we incur in that detense. We can end this duty to deiend your litle by exercising any 0f 00r 0pti0ns listed in ltem 4 ot the Conditions. This Policy is not complete withoul Schedules A and B. r L2487 AL . a judgmenl, tax, 0r special assessmenl. a charge. by a homeowner's 0r condominlum ass0ctafl0n We insure you against actual loss resulting from: .. any title risks c0vered by this Policy - up to the Policy Amdjnt and. any costs, atlomeys' fees and expenses we have t0 pay under this Policv I it violatBs an exisling zoning law 13. You cannot use the land because use as a single-family (€sidence violates a restriction shown in Schedule B 0r an EXGLUSION$ In addition to the Excepti0ns in Schedule B, you are not Insured against loss, costs, attorneys' ,ees, and expenses resulting lrom: 1. G0vernmenlal police power, and the existence or violation ol any law or gover'nment regulation lhis includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulati0ns concernin$. land use . improvemonls on the land r land division . environmentalDrotection This excluslon does not apply to violations or the eniorcement 0, these matters which appear in the public records at policy Date, this exclusion does not limil the zoning coverage described in ltems 1 2 and l3 0f Covered Tlfle Risks. 2. The fight t0 take the land by condemning it, unless:. a notice of exercising the right appears in the public records 0n the policy Date. the taking happsnod pri0r to the Policy Date and is binding on you lf you bought the land without knowlng ol the taking 3. Tt e Risks: . that are created,. all0wed, or agreed to by you . lhal are kn0wn t0 you, but not to us, 0n the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public records. that result in no loss to you . that fhst affoct your title after the Policy Date - this does not limit the tabor and material lien coverage in lte m I 0f Covered . Titte Rlsks 4. Fallure t0 pay value for your title. 5. Lack of a right . to any land outside the area specifically described and retened to jn ltem 3 0f Schedute A 0r. in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land 'lhis exclusion does n01 limit the access coverage in ltem S 0f Covered Title Risks. CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITI()NS a Easemenl - the righl oi some0ne else t0 use your land lor a special purpose. b. Land - the land 0r c0nd0minium unit described in Schedule A and any improvements 0n the land which are real property. c, M0dgage - a mortgage, dsed 0f trust, trust deed 0r 0ther security instrument. d. Public Rscords - title records that give c0nstructive notice of matters affBcting your title - according to the state statutes where your land is located. e. Title - the ownership of your interest in the land, as shown in Schedule A 2. CONTINUATION ()F COVERAGE This Policy protects you as long as you: . own your litle 0r . own a mortgage from anyone who buys your land 0r . are,iable tor ary title warranlies you make This Policy protects anyone who receives your tifle because of your death. 3. HOW TO I{IAKE A CTAIM a You Musl Glve The CDmpany olice sl Your Claim lf anyone claims a right against y0ur insured title, you must notify us promptly in writing. Send the notice io First American Title lnsurance Company, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707. Please include the Policy number shown jn Schedule A, and the county and s'tate where the land is located. Our obligation t0 you c0uld be reduced if: o you fail to give prompt notice and o your failure allects our ability to dispose ol or t0 defend you against tho claim b. Prool 0l Your Loss Must 8e Given To ThB Company You must give us a written statement to prove your claim 0f loss- This slatemenl must be given to us not later than g0 days after you kn0w the facts which will let you establish ths amount 0f your loss. fhe statement must havE the following facts: . the Covered Title Risks which resulted in your l0ss . the dollar amount of your loss . lhemethodyouused t0 computetheamountof yourloss (Continued on page 3) Pollcy Page ? (Continued trom page 2) You may wantt0provide us with an appraisalol your lossby a pro_ lessional appraiser as a part of your statembnl dt ioss, - We may require you t0 show us y0ur records, checks, letters. c0n- tracts, and 0tfier pape$ which relate,t0yo rclaim0f l0ss. Wemav make copies ol thsse papers. We may require you t0 answer questions under oath. our obligation to you could be reduced if you iail or reluse t0:. provide a statement of loss or. answer our questions under oath 0r. show us the papers we request, and. your lallure 0r relusal alfects our ability to dispose 0f 0r to defend you against the claim. 4. oun cHorcEs wHEil YoU t{0TrFy us OF A CLAIM Atter we receive your claim notice or in any other way learn of a matter for which we are iiable, we can d0 one 0r more of the following: a Pay the claim against your tiue. b, Negotiate a settlemenL c. Prosecute or defend a court case related to the claim. d, Pay you the am0unt reguired by lhis policy. e. Take olher action which will protect yo|I f. Cancelthis p0licy by paying the policy Am0unt, then in torce, and 0nly those costs, attorneys, lees and expenses incurred up t0 that time which we are obligated t0 pay. 5, HANDLING A CLAIM OR COURT CASE You must cooperate with us in handling any claim or courl case and give us all relevanl information. We are required t0 repay you 0nly for those settlement costs, attorneys' fees and expenses thal we approve in advance. When we defend your title, we have a right to choose the attornev. Wecan appealany decision to the hrghestcourt. Wed0 nothave i0 pay your claim until your case is finally decided. 6. LIMITATION OF THE COMPAIiIY'S TIABILIN a We willpay up t0 your actualloss 0r lhe policy Amountin force when the claim is made - whichever is less. b. lf we removE the claim against your title within a reasonable time after receiving notice 0f lt, we wlll have n0 lurther liabilitv for lt, lf you cannot use any of your land because 0t a claim against your title, and lou rent reasonabl€ substitute land 0r facilities, we will repa.y you for your actual rent until:. the cause of the claim is removed 0r . we settle your claim c, 'lhe Policy Amount willbe reduced by allpayments made under this policy - except {or costs, attorneys' lees and expenses. d The Policy Amount will be reduced by any amount we pay t0 0ur insured holder 0f any mortgage shown in this policy or a later mortgage given by you. e. ll you do anything to ajlect any right of fecovery you may have, we can subtract 1r0m our liablllty the amount by which you reduced the value ol that right. TRANSFER OF YOUR RIGHTS When we $etll€ a claim, we have allthe rights y0u had against any pers0n 0r property related I0 the claim. you n|trst transfer these rights t0 us when we ask, and you must not d0 anything t0 afiect these rights. You must let us use your name in enforcing these rights. We will not be liable t0 y0u it we do not pursue these rights 0r if we d0 not recover any amount that might be recoverable, With the m0ney we recover irom enlorcing these rights, we will pay whalevtsr part0fyour loss |^/e have not paid. We have a rightt0 keep what is leJt. ARSITRATION lf it is permitted in your state, you or the Company may demand arbitration The arbitration shall be binding on both you and the C0mpany. The arbitration shall decide any matter in dispute between you and the Company. The arbitration award may: r include attorneys'fees if allowed by state law. be entefed as a iudgment in the proper court The arbitration shall be under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules 0f the American Arbitration Association. You may choose current Rules or Rules in existence 0n Policy Date. the law used in the arbitratlon is the law 0f the place whefe the properly is located. You can get a copy of the Rules lrom the Company. ()UR LIABILITY IS LIMITEO TO THIS POLICY This Poficy, plus any endorsements, is the entire contract between you and the Company. Any claim you make against us must be made under this P0{icy and is subject t0 its tems. 7. L Policy Page 3 Filc# ES6944?B01 FTR T AMERICAN TITIJE INSI'RANCE COMPENC owNER'S pOr,rCy SCHEDULE A cvr-tMl?89-05 /24 / 02 07 : 53 :23 order No, ES69447BO! Anount of Insurarrce $230, 000. 0o Date of Policy: December 7, ZOO! at 8:00 A.M. Po1icy No. J12 48? 01. I 2. Nah^e of Insured: Elizabeth E. ?aggart Tour ibterest in the FEE SIMPIJE and Michael D. Tagg:art land. covered bf' thj.s pol,icy is: 3. The Land referred bo in this po1iry is described as follows: ParE of Lot 2, Block 8, Bighorn Subdivision, Third Additi.on, Arnend.ed,nore part,icularly described as follows r Begin'ing' at the most NortherJ,y corner of Lot 2, Block g,. thence south46'24, East. along the front Lot line of said Lot Z, Block g, adistance of 33.0 feet; thenee s.uEh 43'36, west, a disEance of 55.56feet; bhence North 45'24, West, a d.istance of 33 feet, to a point ontlre l'desterLy Line of said Lot z, Block B; Ehence Norrh 43'36. East, adistance of 55.56 feet al-ong said btesterly rine of Lot 2, Elock 8, tothe point of begrinling, Eogetlrer r,vi th an easenlent as described in instrumentrecorded .Tune 27, 2001 at Reception No. 76070?, County of EagLe, Staee of Colorad.o. UTCOOP2 FrRSF A.IVIERICAI'I IITLE INsuRtNcE coMPANy Filc t nS69447801 SCHEDIILE B order No. ES69 44780l"Policy No. J124 B? 01 Exeeptions In addi.tion to the Exclusions, you are not ingured agalnst Ioss, costs, attorneys, fees, and erg)ens€E resulting from: 1. Taxes and Assessments not cerEified to the Treasurer's office. 2- ALl taxes and assessments for the year 2001 and subsequent years, a lien, but no! yet due or payable. 3. Reservations and exceptions j.n patents and in acts authorizing Eheir issuance as the sane nay affect the subject property and specificaLly, rhe righL of the proprietor of a vein or lod.e to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the sane be f ound to penetrate or intersecL the premises as set forth .in United states PaEent. 4. Reservations and exceptions in Patents arrd Acts authorizing their issuance as the same may affect. the suJrjece property and specificafly, Ehe rights Eo ditches and reservoirs used in connection with vested and accrued water rig'hts Eogether with the reservation of a righi of way for ditches and canals construcEed by the authority of the United States as set forth in United States Patent. 5. Rights of way, restrictions and easements as shown or reserved on the PLat of Bighorn Subdivision Third Addieion Amended Plat recorded october 4' 1953 at Reception No. 98059. 6. Covenants. cond.itions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverEer clause, set forth in Ehe instrument recorded in Book 175 at Pag'e L35 and AnendmenE therebo recorded April 23, L955 in Book ).8'l ab Page 195. Prowisions regarding race, col.or, creed and nationa] origin, if arly, are deleted. 7, Terms, conditions and provisions of Easement recorded June 27, 2AAt at Reception No. 760?07. Terms, conditions, and provisions of Easement Ag'reement recorded Decerdber 6, 2001 at Reception No. ?7841,2. 8. Deed of Trust from Elizabeth E. Taggart and Mictrael D. Taggart, to the Public TrusLee of Eagle county, for the benefit of GM.AC Mortgage Corporation, securing an original principal indebledness of $184,000.00, and any other amourrts and,/or obligations dated November 28, 200L, recorded December 6, 2007 as Reception No. 7?84L4. NOTE: The followingr ibems have been added to this policy: Prern:ium: $8?8.00, Form 1"30 .3, oEc coverag'e $35.00 . ENDORSEMENT 130.3 order No. ES 69447801 Attached. to Policy No, ,il_248?01 Issued by Elc l{ ES69447B01 terms and express 1y any prior any prl.or First American Title Insurance Company The above referenced policy is hereby amended by adding the following to schedule Afollowing the policy a.mounE : ?he Policy anount will automatieally increase by 10t of the amount shown above oneach of the first. five aruriversaries of the poli.cv daLe. The endors ernent is ef f ectj-ve only when aLt.ached. t.o aJr ALTA plain Language Folicy insuring a L-to-4 fa:nily residence. This endorsenent is made a part of the policy and is subject to all of ttre provj"s ions ghereof and of any prior errdorsenents therelo. Except to the extent stated, it neiEher modj.fies any cf th.e terms and provisions of Lhe policy and endorseroents, nor does il extend the effective date of the polic\r and end.orsenerrts, nor d.oes it increase the face amount thereof. Dated: December 7, 2001 First Anteric an Title Insurance Czmpuny ?fu'tzh4--" Autb.ori zed Sig:aatory CdDtndoFoIm 1303 uTl30,3 ********************,t *************,r*******{.********************************:t ,r*************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**************+**********dt***{.****************+***********'t********tt'*'t ********,r{.'&{i'r**!t*,t'N.**'S Statement Nurnber: R060000596 Amount: $3OO.O0 05/15/200603:38 pM Pal.menc Met.hod: Check Init: ,ts NotaEion: 15 04 2 /NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Permit No: DR8060159 Tl'pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parce.l No: 2 1- 0 L - 1 2 2 - 0 I 0 0 - 2Site Address: 411-0 SPRUCE WAy VAIIJ Locat.ion: 4110 SPRUCE WAy Total Fees: $300.00This Payment: $300.00 Total- A],L Pmts: s300.00 Balance :$0.00**{.'1.**********'t************'}*****+************************d(*****+!*************'}*********+*+'} ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL?2OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 Deeign *evierer Ssard ACTI$f{ Ft}Rfjl Departmeat cf Cornmunity Deuelgfment 75 Ssilih Frontage Road, llaif, Colsrada 81657 tel: S70.479.2139 fsx:97O,j*79.2453 web: www.vailoou,csm Proiect Name: TAGGART CONCEPTUAL Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: P.O, BOX 3419 VAIL co 816s8 Ucense: 251-A 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL DRB Number: DR8060089 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA owNER TAGGART, EUZABETH E. &MICH04/03/2006 8856 CRIMSONCLOVER LN NIWOT co 80503 APPUCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCNON P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A CONTMCTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCNON 04 I 03 | 2006 Phone: 970-845-1001 0410312006 Phone: 97G845-1001 Location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Loe 2A Block 8 Subdivisionr BIGHORN 3RD ADDffiON 2101-122-0800-2 @nceptual review BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Matt Gennett f3/27/28@6 1.8:14 3434424922 TAGGART Additions-Residential or Comme ApplicaHon for Design Review MAR 31 ?006 _ Departrnent of Oommunlty Devebprnent 75 South Fmntage Road, Vait, Cobrado 8169 tEl; 970.479.2128 fax: 9?0.429.2452 unb; wurw.vailEov.com A rF d-;-\, L+ tl V/ LE WI\l-oLyAtL [*m General lnformailon! untere s bulutng pe'dt rs rrsu€d and conrrucrt it *"rtr,."&-;itbh ffi;J' i'r]llEl'jlliii"i Descripuon of the Regu6t: All protscts rcquiring design rsview must. receivs appnvat fior to srbmittirq a buildlE permlt Eppilcathn, please r€fer bthe submittal requlrcments for the partir:ula. approvat Urif G requested. An appllcation frrr Destgn RE/iery cannot beaqc€pEd.unDl.all r.e,eu!ryd {onnauon 19 reqiued by the communlty oenelopnrtt'*titun"nt. rtre p;p1*t r*y;t* ;*; ntr:tJ5f,[-tfrotEt,P35'1:ryT!!! ltannip ard rnvironmenat.cornmid,, -oerrfn rarLniatpmnitp; PA6E A2/82 F.T LocotionoftlrePruposa rr "- Y, Physicefrddreret YllLt [PEuc( L<t4i- Alf Locotionof tlrepruposal! Lott J- Block: Y Subdtvtgont f&64a Parcel No.r 2lc't | 2 )a{ aa 'L'--(contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-gg0 fior parcel no.) -^ I^ ' ?^,zoning: Kot , .. . l-/\lo 6i\ rfameof lpptt u^rr O,:.ti,soer*r . oE-mailAddress: Rollie6/ A)€4br, ,uv+ax, 9ztt - srls*loQ t - (ryrt fvpeor'Reiew and Fee: \tZ -Qnrner(s) si gnature(s)q Minor Alte|"tion (mult-famlv/6rmmerciaD Mlnor Alteraflon (shEl*familylduplex) Changes to Appr*ed Plons S@ara$on Request $50 PTJJS $1.00 per squarc foot of bral sign a|Ea. No Fee tr tr tr $650 For consmEtioo of a new bullding or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addlthn where squaru fiootage is added b any resldenual or commerciial butldlng (lnduder 250 addluons & inErtor convelsiors).$250 For mlnor changes to bulldlngs and grte imprcvements. srch as, rFroonng, paintlnE, dndow acfdltlons, landscaplng, eftts pnd retrlnlng walls, etc,S20 For minor changes b bulldings arxt slte lmpruvemeflb, such as, re,lmnng, patnflrE, wlndow addluont lanrbcaping, fences and ,ebtntnE walls, etc,$20 For rcvls'bns to ptans atready approved by planning Shtr q Ep DesEn Review Boad. No Fee I{ame(e) of Owner(c)l Type of Review and Fee: O Additbn 6qh*n 3* /of\, plFS PEC Number: PEC050057 Location: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us T0l{l\I Project Name: TAGGART VARIANCE Proiect DescripUon: Particlpants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Numben Comments: RNAL APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FOR GRFA AND PARKING. owNER TAGGART, EUZABETH E. &MICH0711112005 8856 CRIMSONCLOVER LN NIWOT co 80503 APPLICANT TAGGART, EUZABETH E. & MICHOZ11/20o5 8856 CRIMSONCLOVER LN NIWOT co 80503 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Lot: 2A Block I Strbdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDffiON zLOL-I22-0BOA-2 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Sec,ond By: Lamb Vote: 7-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 10/10/2005 Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 TOI4ilVM Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Amendment lo an SDD $1000 New special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 ( no exte rio r m od ili catio n s) Conditional Use Permit Floodplain Modifl cation Minor Exterior Alteralion Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Developmenl Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance no{fl oUn Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 657 tef : 970.479.2139 lax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $650 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal:L Block I Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No; )- / 2 //2Za gOOZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') /"-,ot:P;u Zoning: Name{s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s) I Name of Applicant: Maillng Address: Mailing Address: Phone: E'mail Address: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Lo"*L TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Vie:,"6o ,J /-1,f il. October 10,2005 A requestfor a final review of a variance, from Sections 12-6F-8, Density, and 12-6F- 1 1 , Parking, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residentiaf addition, located at 41 10 SpruceWaylLot24, Block 8, Bighom Addition 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0057) Applicant: Michael and Elizabeth Taggart, represented byCharles DowningPlanner: Matt Gennett SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance from the maximum Gross Residential Floor Area requirementof the Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF); and a variance from the minimum Parking Standard in the LDMF zone district in order to build a residential addition on a nonconforming legal lot of record. The Taggart's home and lot, located at 4110 Spruce Way/Lot 24, Block 8, Bighorn Addition 3 (Attachment A), are presently in a state of pre- existing nonconformity with respect to all minimum setbacks, in addition to several other zoning standards (Section Vl). Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval of the applicant's tariance requests. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is making a request to add Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to the existing single family home on the applicant's lot at 41 10 Spruce Way in the form of a 286.85 square foot addition spanning both levels of the home, all of which will be within the minimum rear setback of twenty feet (20'). The minimum rear setback is the only required setback presently being adhered to and staff suggested to the applicant they maintain conformance with that development standard. In response to staff comments, the applicant modified their proposal by reducing the amount of GRFA being requested in excess of the maximum and pulled the proposed addition backwithin the minimum rearsetbackof twenty feet (20'). The proposed addition would result in 31 .3o/o site coverage of the total site area, up from the existing 22.6% site coverage, still well below the maximum allowable site coverage in ihe LDMF zone district of 35%. The applicant is requesting a variance from the minimum parking requirement in the LDMF zone district as there has never been parking accommodated on the site outside of the minimum front setback of twenty feet (20') and there exists no alternative for locating a parking space any place else other than within the front setback. Given the preexisting, nonconforming status of this lot and structure, the variance requests being made are the result of extraordinary circumstances on the site and will allow the applicants to achieve the objectives of Title 't 2, which is one of the purposes for ilr. granting a variance. Another factor in the granting of variance requests addresses the effect of any such request upon light, air, and traffic facilities. As demonstrated in Section Vlll of this memorandum, the requested variances will have no impact upon light and air, and will have a positive impact on traffic facilities. The parking variance will allow the applicant to continue parking one car off the street and on their own propertywitl'iin the minimum front setback of twenty feet (20'). The GRFA variance request will allow the applicants to modernize a small nonconforming single-family home on a nonconforming lot of extremely limited square footage without a grant of special privilege given the circumstances of this unique property, and in keeping with the purpose of Chapter 17. BACKGROUND ln 1967, the existing home was constructed on the subject property. In 1973, the Town of Vail re-adopted the zoning regulations (Ordinance No. 8, 1973) and the subject property, with the existing single family dwelling, zoned LDMF, thereby rendering both the lot and structure nonconbrming. In 1976, a reaning application was submitted requesting the subject proprty be rezoned from Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) to "Agricultural", which most likely referred to the Agricultural & Open Space zone district (A). There is no record orevidence demonstrating the approval of this request. On Jufy 11,2005, the applicants submitted the first iteration of theirvariance request, which included a request for a variance from the minimum rear setback standard of twenty feet (20') in the LDMF zone district. After receiving comments from staff concerning the rear setback and the availability of other options, the applicants have made considerable modifications to their request in orderto achieve a higher level of conformitywith the zoning standards. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evalualing a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessaryto achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such otherfactors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. tv. B. c. The DRB has NO review authoritvon a variance, but must reviewanyaccompanying DRB application. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULANONS ARTTCLE F. LOW DENSTr/ MULTTPLE-FAM\LY (LDMF) DISTR|CT 12-6F-1: PURPOSE; The low densrty multiple-family district is intended to provide sifes tror single-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings at a density not exceeding nine (9) dwelling units per acre, together witlt such public facilities as /nay appropriately be located in the same district. The lowdensity multiple-family district is intended to ensure @uefightaif privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with low density occupancy, and to maintain the desrrable residential qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site developnent standards. 1 2-6F-8: DENSTIY CONTROL: A. Grcss Residential Floor Area: Not more than forty four (44) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Total density shall not exceed nine (9) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than onethird (1/3) of the total floor area of the dvelling. B. Exemptions: All projects that have received final design review board approval as of December 19, 1978, shall be exempt from the changes in this section as long as the project comrnences within ane year from the date of final approval. lf the project is fo be D. v. developed in sfages, each stage shall be commenced within one year after the completion of the previous sfage. 12-6F-11: PARKING: Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this tifle. No pa*ing shall be located in any required front setback area, except as may be specifically authoized in accordance with the provisions of chapter 17 of this title. CHAPTER 17, \IARIANCES (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons Fo r Seeking Variance: ln orderto prevenf orfo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessa ry physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or fiom other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development sfandards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, sefbacks, disfances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, governing physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resu/ts inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle is provided by chapter 16, 'Conditional Use Permib", and by section 12-3-7. "Amendment" of this title. 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDTNGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respectto the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatnrent among sifes in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transpoftation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such ofher factors and criteia as fhe cornmissrbn deerns applicable to the proposed variance. VI. SITE ANALYSISAddress: 4110 Spruce Way Legal Description: Lot24, Block I, Bighorn Third Addition Lot Size: 1,833.5 square feet / .042 acresHazards: None Standard Allowed/Required Existinq Proposed Setbacks:Front: 20ft. 11' no changeSides: 20 ft. 0' / 9.5' no changeRear: 20 ft. 2' no change Height: 38' 21,5' no change GRFA: 806.74 sq ft 862.03 sq ft 1,148.88 sq ft Site Coverage: 35o/o 22.60/o (414.3 sqft) 31.3% (573.8 sq ft) Density: 9 DUs 1 DU no change Landscape Area: 407o (733.4 sq ft) 77o/o (1,417sqft) 69% (1,265.1 sq ft) Parking: 2 spaces 1 space no change vil. suRRouNprNG LAND usES ANp ZONTNG Land Use ZoninqNorth: Residential Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF)South: Residential Two-Family Residential (R)East: Residential Two-Family Residential (R)West: Residential Two-Family Residential (R) VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. 1. The relationship of the requested uriance to other existing or potential uses and structtres in the vicinity. Staff has determined the requested variance will result in a harmonious relationship between the existing structure and the neighboring buildings as the bulk and mass will increase only slightly. The proposed addition will not impact any of the surrounding properties because it is to be situated at the rear of the building, not facing any other buildings, only Bighorn Road, and inside of the twentyfoot (20') minimum rearsetback. Likewise, the proposed addition will not increase the parking requirement for this property, and the applicant is proposing to continue with the existing parking condition, one space in the front setback, as there is no alternative. Staff believes the applicant has met this criterion Wth their proposal. 3. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand uniformityof treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Considering the preexisting, nonconforming status of the subject property and the structure located on it, and othervariance requests approved bythe Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for similar properties in the area, staff believes the approval of this variance requestwould not be a grant of special privilege. The applicant is asking forthe minimum amountof relief from the development standards of the Low Density MultFFamily (LDMF) zone district to achieve their goal and has modified the application at staffs request to adhere with zoning to the maximum extent possible. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public fac,ilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the effects upon light, air, and other public interests in comparison to existing conditions would be negligible considering the small addition proposed on this building. The existing building is currently nonconforming with respect to the required minimum setbacks of twentyfeet (20') on three sides and the proposed addition will not encroach into the presently conforming rear setback. The building's height will remain the same and the addition, split between the two levels, will not impactanyof the elements contemplated in this criterion Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff believes the proposed variance will have a positive effect on the subject property's aesthetic values and will therefore benefit the neighborhood as a whole. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a \Eriance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, 0r materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. B. lx. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variances from Sections 12-6F-8, Density, and 12-6F-11, Parking, pursuant to Chapterl2- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 411Q Spruce WaylLot24, Block 8, Bighorn Addition 3, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve to the requested variances, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum, and the evidence and testinnny presented, the Planning and Environnental Commission finds: 1. That the granting of the vaiance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistentwith the limitations on other properties classified in the sane district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or weffare, or nnterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or rrpre of the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or ertraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sanre zone. c. The strict interpretation or enfarcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Reduced PlansC. Applicant's Request eEg 3;5t9a 5E r' E8E ?E96,E r| sE g i€e !E ,EF' EE E€ :i EE Eg At oo tl = p v :lueuqceilv Attachment: B t t- - -'ii+ -. i, ,i t, _$ l- .- :Iil: i'r'li ;iE ';;ijii :s :I "ai ji ir': i i:t3ii 1! ,! ti i1 1iifi*iiif;; J/\ .lt i>{,t1. l!' [*i' Fii i'_], lPpr'' -'* lYTHETc "{AtLPL.A 'rND ENVIRS{MEr. -:}rlMtgg}Olil ,! I'i ii ii i. :ii;i # i: il ;iii: :ii'iii ri ! i lll ': I ':ii i'i : ';ji:it lj ;I ;f i;;Et i''E: liirl? - '! : &fr "lF -. ai:; L i; lil1 i# f"5l;t!:1 l;illiijI t;l f:i i;: ::. 'l'AGGi\RT ttFISID ENCE r:ARr Oi rili 2. LlrO,l,i c, : aftatRN irgt,VL-i :N, i l ri:r Ariilr :-,i. Al,lil.lDiD l!ri SP?!r:: tA" vAlL, cr-1raRr;tl 'i 'lor tll' il'io {, : ;i! = ,o ij! l TAGGART RESIDENCE PAi Dr LOI 2, BLOCK 8, !:.i-roar,l suBDf/l:0N. Tr RD ADCII !N. Af.riN,i:04II! SFRI]Ci WAY vAlt coloiAtlo tr T-AGCii\IlT RESIDENCE lAi]l ci ,-tlr 2, 6.ilaK B, gl$HiFN !.r3t\, ;,-.ti, rd RD Ai)DtI JN, AM:NrEl4r'c sPRlaa tv Y vAlL, cor-DRAo'-l ; .: o.;ii8; \ 1 ,i I i i; li ii'il;it;'i ;i'i iiiiiriii iii ;ii iF . ;tl l!; lll | ;;13 I i;l I iil I 411MI L:ii I ;:, als - iri i:i:' TAGGART RESIDENCE PAHI Or L!t 2. 8-ai.:( E. BTCHORN SUtsDiVI'ION..IH RD Ai)DII ON, AMiI.IDEOailC SilRlra[ v!A/ VAIL, COI ORADO ; "'i. t- - --- r'1.lt''r l :..1 I ii li r ilii'i ii+ ri iiii4iii Ii iii ;F *u *,Iir' l:! -Fl r'r: !!i iii'F l: .lc F :il;,i F+,: E i1 t f;;i' l:rl lq.l tiJ ril;r l Ii6 I .ai I I l_'- - ' .!9 t l-q: qa!l c:;i, t'. TAGGAITT ITIISIDENCE Fnil !F L!l ?, tii!lli d. i;rrtR'.I Jt8a,,V; lN. liR0 Alltli lf.. .duiNlL.] 4ijr sJilca rVA/ vAll, !,-'LQRA!-j'l "Jr iitia- t ;s il itf !!l il; tB lBi'16! 'lg ii :l;tr -F ': i;! F.! t;' r:: :ul! I4': i*rr lr ',1; k: r.a5 lirl" I i:l l:qlt:alli.lle:lL: {::;I t2 !1!,ii, f-ir i; ri i;iE j i:;i : i!; 3 TArliG;\RT RFISIDENCE F/ilI !a i!r 2, 8L,,rrjK a. FlaHaRN 'jreD v: fili. i l RD AO.riiar\, MiliilED4rr0 llFaiJ:a waY vAll . coL.,nIl,J i.l . + --l t- ; I ' *s!L - -l \-i-- =?1 /i i,ii tit i ___ 3fi: I lu i I z i:r i i r.l !! 'ri ' a TAGC.\I.IT ITF]SI DE\C I] ,AilT QF LO i.. 1: -llra ' J iillal;r|l :irB!Vr:,,aN. :11" 1 ,-r' i\,,.\'-:li,i +1.: :-i.l: r,\v VAI aai al,'.r! l THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on September 26, zInS, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, and Site Coverage, 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for construction of a garage, located at 1771 Alpine Drive/Lot 38, Vail Village West Filing 1, and sefting.forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Susan BirdPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a flood plain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain for a new water intake facility, located at 530 South Frontage Road, Ford Par*/unplatted, (a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard. Applicant Town of Vail and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a flood plain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the floodplain for a new water intake facility, located at 1600 South Frontage Road, Donovan Park lower bench/ unplafted (a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard. Applicant: Town of Vail and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Sections 12-6F-8, Density, and 12-6F-1 1, $tilL-Parking, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a ol4lo'r 5\ residential addition, located at 4110 Spruce Way/Lot 24, Block 8, Bighorn Addition 3, -Y and setting forth details in regard ihereto. L Applicant: Michaeland Elizabeth TaggartJ - Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-715, Yail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at 862 South Frontage Road (Vail Resorts Maintenance Site/unplatted, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Xcel Energy, represented by Al MorganfieldPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of vail community Development Department, 75 south Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published September 9, 2005, in the Vail Daily. Attachment: C Variance Application for: Michael D. and Elizabeth E. Taggart 4110 Spruce Way Vail, Colorado Written Statement One Description of the Nature of the Variance and the Specific Standards Involved Michael D. and Elizabeth E. Taggart, curent owners of the subject property Iocated at 41 10 Spruce Way in East Vail are requesting relief from several standards set forth in the Low Density Multi-Family Residential Development Standards in Title 12, Chapter 6, Article F of the Vail Colorado Town Code- The property and the home in its current condition do not conform to the current development standards of the Low Density Multi-Family District. The proposed minor addition will therefore also not conform, however the changes relative to the development standards are negligible, will enhance the property and thus adhere to the Town of Vail's planning objectives of maintaining a high quality residential community. The Taggarts seek relief from at least the following standards. 1. Lot Area and Site Dimensions (12-6F-5). The lot does not meet the minimum area or some of the dimensions required. 2. Setbacks (12-6F-6). In its current configuration the house itself establishes the minimum front and side setbacks. The addition will not encroach over the required 20' re.ar setback line. 3. Density control (12-6F-8). The GRFA to lot ratio is curently at a maximum of 47 to 100 and therefore non-conforming. An addition will increase this ratio to a minimum of 57 to 100. 4. Landscaping (12-6F-10), The current configuration does not have the required area of Landscaping. The addition will decrease the current area of landscaping by the size of the addition. 5. Parking (12-6F-ll). Under the current development standards there are no qualifying parking spaces for this home. However, during the life of the home at least one car and often two have traditionally been parked within the front setback area without any known problems. The proposed renovation/addition will leave the cuffent situation unchanged with no need of any additional parking. Variance Application for: Michael D. and Elizabeth E. Taggart 4110 Sprrce Way Vail. Colorado Written Statement Two A. Description of the Property The single family detached home, built in 1961 is a two story 862 square foot home (26 feet wide by l6 feet deep) that has preserved its original architectural style. The 1833 square foot lot is 33 feet (width) along Spruce Way and extends 55.5 feet (depth) in a southwesterly direction down a gentle sloping hill. This property and the surrounding properties (i.c. one condominium association and one single family residence) are exclusively residential. Relationship to Other Structures in the Vicinity The impact of the proposed improvement to 4l l0 Spruce Way on adjacent properties is negligible. Condominiums Uphill and north across Spruce Way is a condominium complex (Vail East Lodging). That same complex's condominium association owns Lot I that wraps around the subject property on the nofihwest and southwest sides. Lot I currently has a small storage shed and a few parking spaces to the northwest of the subject property along Spruce Way. The southwest side of Lot 1, adjacent to Bighom Road, is too steep for driveway access to the property. Although there have been previous attempts to develop Lot l, this lack of viable access has thwarted those efforts. Because of this inability to develop Lot 1 it was consolidated, for the pu{pose of tax assessment, with the association's condominium property across Spruce Way in the late 1990's into one property. As a result it is unlikely there will be any development or occupants residing on Lot 1 in the future thus negating any potential future impact caused by the Taggart's proposed addition. The renovation will increase the number of window and door openings on the northeast elevation facing Spruce Way and a few of the condominiums. Most of the condominium units are actually across from Lot I further to the north. Those directly across from the subject property are up high enough to look over the top of the Taggart's home to the southem view across the valley. In addition the grade along the northeast elevation will be modified to mitigate current water damage to the structure along Spruce Way. However the mass, height and style will not be changed- The addition will not be visible from the perspective of the condominium owners. Their views, light and air will be unchanged. Variance Appl ication for: Michael D. and Elizabeth E. Taggart 4l l0 Spruce Way Vail, Colorado 4112 Spruce Way To the south east 4 I 12 Spruce Way (owned by Robert D Schultz, Jr.) is a single family detached residence adjacent to and similar in configuration to the Taggart's residence. Building the addition to the Taggart's home may have some future impact on 4l 12 Spruce Way. The addition will extend down the hill an additional eight feet from the south corner of the home and would ordinarily block some of the view northwest across the Taggart's property and some summer evening sunlight from Mr. Schultz's outdoor deck. However, Mr. Schultz currently has a l0'x 6' storage shed on the southwest corner ofhis deck that already blocks both that view and the summer evening sunlight. In addition there will be a one-story projection (10'-8" long and 2'-0" wide) that will be approximately 9 feet from the northwest side of Mr. Schultz's home. (One foot closer than the current chimney on the Taggart's southeast elevation.) B. Proposed Development and Requested Relief fronr Development Standards The property and the home in its current condition do not conform to the current development standards of the Low Density Multi-Family District. The Taggarts would like to rehabilitate their home and in the process to modestly increase the size of the kitchen and add I /z baths to the current plan configuration. This plan, if approved will add 154 squzue feet to the footprint of the structure and 28'l square feet to the gross residential floor area. The exceptional condition applicable to this site that does not generally apply to other sites in this same zone district is that the property was developed prior to the establishment of the current zone district and does not now conform to nearly all the current development standards. This places severe and extraordinary limitations on the owner's ability to practically improve their property that are not generally imposed on other property owners in the same district. The literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations will deprive them of the privileges (i.e. the ability to improve their home) enjoyed by neighbors and other members of the residential community. Assessor's records show a fairly recent 600 sq. ft. addition to a home nearly identical to the Taggart's at 4143 Spruce Way. Further down the street at 422J Columbine a third floor was added to a similar home on a smaller lot. Under the current development standards similar additions or an addition of any size or kind is not possible for the Taggart's home. Variance Application for: Michael D. and Elizabeth E. Taggart 4l l0 Spruce Way Vail, Colorado C. Variance Effect_ Tbe proposed renovation/addition maintains its status as a two bedroom single- family detached residence and therefore will not affect (any more than it has in the last 38 years) the population density, traffic, parking, utility or public safety requirements of the neighborhood or community in general. The impact on adjacent properties is also negligible. D. Application to Town of Vail Development Objectives Part ofthe general stated purpose ofTitle l2 is..."to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the Town in a manner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community of high quality. " A reinvestment and very modest addition to a thirty eight-year-old residential structure with such a small impact on the immediate neighbors and their community can only enhance the high quality of Vail's residential community. EASEMENT Recdals Mountrain States Broadcasting Corporation, a Colorado corporation (herein rebrred to as "Grantod'), is the recod o\runer of a tract of land known as: "Beginning at the most northerly cornef of Lot 2 Block B, thence South 46"24 East along the tront line of said Lot 2 Block 8, a distance of 33.0 feet, thence South 43"36'West, a distance of 55,56 feet, thence North 46"24'West, a distance of 33.0 feet, to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 2 Block 8; thence North 43"36" East, a distance of 55.56 feet along said Westerly line of Lot 2 Blmk 8, to the Point Of Beginning, Eagle County, State of Colorado, a part of Lot 2 Block 8, Bighorn Subdivision, Third Addition, Amended, more particularly described as above and recorded December 15, 1976 at Book 250 Page S63 Eagle County, Colorado, Reception Number 147135". Robert D. Schuftz, a natural person (herein refuned to as "Grantee"), is the record owner of a tnact of land described as: ; "Beginning at a point 33.0 feet South. 46"24 East of the most northerly eomer, upon the fiont lot line, of Ld 2 Block 8, Bighom Subdivision, Eagle County, State of Colorado, thence South 46'24' East along the front line of said Lot 2 Block I, a distance of 33.0 feet, thence South 43'36' West, a distance of 55.56 feet, thence North 46"24' West, a distane of 33.0 feet; thence North 43"36" East, a distance of 55.56 feet to the Point Of Beginning, Eagle County, State of Colorado, a part of the north one-half of Lot 2 Bioc{< 8, Bighom SuMivision, Third Addition, Amended. lnspection by a licensed Colorado surveyorindicates that a portion of Grantee's existing aeess tualkway and deck encroach upon Gr:antor's property a distance of 2.0 feet, more or less- To accommodate Grantee's existing property use, Grantor agrees to grant unto Grantee, a non-exclusive easement, with reservations, upon a certain portion of its part of the north one.half of Lot 2, forthe limited purposes of ingress and egress, upon the existing access walkway and existing decking. Nothing herein shall he construed as allowing any additiCInal encroachment. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor grants to the Grantee, its heirs and assigns, without recourse, a non-exdusive Easement to kcorne appurtenant to the Grantee's prcperty which is upon that portion of the nortlr one-half of Lot 2, above and described as fulfows: Upon Grantofs portion of said Lot 2, Bighorn Subdivision, Third Addition, Amended as descdbed above, and beginning at a point South 460 24' East a distance of 33.0 bet from the most Northerly comer of Lot 2 Block 8 upon the front lot line as described above. thence $outh 43'36'West a distance of 55.56 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accoidance with section 1z-z-6,Vail rown Code, on August 8, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from section 12-6F-6, setbacks, 12-6F-9, site Coverage, 12-6F-10, Landscaping and Site Development , 12-6F-11, parking, pursuant to Chapter 12'17,Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 4110 spruce way/Lot 24, Block 8, Bighorn Addition 3, and sefting forth detaits in regard thereto. Applicant Michael and Elizabeth TaggartPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant lo Section 12-78-5, Permitted and conditional uses; Above second Floor, Vail rown code, to allow for the operation of a private club, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth detail in regard thereto.Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Knight Planning SeMces, lnc.Planner: Wanen Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to Special Development District No. 36, Four Seasons Hotel, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vait Town Code, to allow for a reduction in the total number of dwelling units and fractional fee club units in the hotel; a decrease in buitding height at the northwest comer of the building, and a reduced setback requirement, located at 28 S. Frontrage Road and 13 Vail Road/Lots 9A& 9C, Vail Village Filing 2, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Development L.L.C., represented by Zehren Associates, Inc.Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published July 22,2005, in the Vail Daily. w ***+**{.****rt********!t+**+**'r***************************++*****,t ,F******,t*,**+*.{.,r***:t*,N.****{.*,N.* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Sraremenr +**lrt +**t*********+*****+**,1***+************t************:t****+****+******:k*+**+****+:!{.{.**** Statenent. Number: R050001040 Amount: 9500.00 07/]-l/ZOO,O2:29 pM Payment Method: Check fnit: rJS Nolation: 8L29/MICHAEI" TAGGART ----------- Permit No: PECO5OOs7 q.tr)er PEC ' Variance Parce1 No: 2101-122 - 0800- 2Site Address: 4110 SPRUCE WAY VAII, IrocaLion: 4110 SPRUCE WAY Total Fees: 5500.00This Palment $500.00 Total ALL Pmts: $500.00Balance: S0.00 *'**:|******,t**********+*****tt*********,1*rF**********{.*** ** * * * * * ******'}**!3*****'1.:t*'F***d.***'l**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Deecrl-ptsion Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES 500.00 ,..];"':iil; feet, thence Northwesterly, North 46024 Wesf a distance of 0.0 feet, thence Northeasterly, North 43o36'East a distrance of 55.56 feet, thence Southeasterly, South 46"24' East a distance of 3 feet, to the point of Beginning. Grantor reserves its oumership of all trees within the easement area. Grantee may no1 without advance written authori$, remove or willtully damage any tree of natural origin growing within the easement boundarles. This reservation shall not apply to any tree which becomes diseased, damaged by an act of God, or which otherwise proximably threatens persons or property, real or personal. The terms Grantor and Grantee include all those holding under them, singular to include plural and plural to include singular. IN WITNESS OF, the said Grantor, Mountain States Broadcasting Corporation and executed this Easemenl llountain States Corporation by Dan Lacy, its Prusident .- t! !' sisned and detivered *n'" tltlo"v or ALIEt'lAf(=-aoor STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNTY oF.*(ir€ )g lQaso Tfrefioregoing iflstrumentwasacknowl6dged before methis 4. day of MU(nfuaL_2001, by Dan Lacy, Pesident of Mountain States Broadcasting Corporatbn, a Colorado ooporation. Witness my hand and offcial seal. My eommission expires My Commission Expires 12/r9/2001 DLtAFWail Easementesam O.c t 1a Ol 0ct. j O3: ?3p Ranch 2|]01 2:30At'{ rlRS? Creek - Hilb A}{ERICAl{ AVON rs70J 476-O27 1 No 4698 ?. l/4 p.2 {l,t EASEMENT Recitals vail Ea$t t odging Association, a colorado nonprofit corporuio4 sometimes known as vrif DastTorvnhorncs (hercin refened joirttly lo as "Cmnlor') is tlrc record owner ofatract of lard k'own as: "Lor one, Vail East Townhomes, a rcsubdivision oflot 3 and tltc srcuthtA of Lot2 Block 8, Bighom Subdivision Third Addirion (Amended), owo of Vril, Eagle Counry Colorodo, recorded February 26, | 9E t in Map Case 2, Drawrr V, Reception 21 541 0" 'l'his aoct, for convenicncc harein shrll be refened ro as ,,Lot | ,,, Mountain Statcs Broadcrsting Corporetiorl a Cuiorado corporation (-(kantee,,), is rhe record owner of a tract of lard known tsl *Beginning at the mosl norlherty comer of Lot 2 Block g, thcnce South 46o 24,East along thc hont line ofsaid Lor 2 Btock g, a distance ofli.O feer, theoc€ Sou& 43a i6,Wesl, adislrne of 55.56 fccr, thencc Norrh 46o 24. Weu, a disunce of 33.0 foer, to a poinr on rhc Wcsterly linc of said Lor Z Btock g; thencc Nonh 4Jo 16'Easr, a disancc of 55. j6 fect along said Westerly lilre of Lor 2 Block 8, to the poinr Of Beginning, Eaglc County, Sute of Colorado. a pffi ofLot Z Block g, Bighorn Subdivision, Third Addition. Arnendcd, more particularly desoribed as above and rccordcd December 15, 1976 ar Book 250 pagc 963 Eaglc Counry Colorado, Reception Number l47l 15" This nact, which is acknowlcdgcd to be a portion ofLot 2, Block & bighorn Subdivision, for conveniencc hcrcin shall be rcforrcd ro as "Iot 2". Grottor dcsires to granl aud Grantoc dcsiru to reccive, an exclusiyc casement with cenain exccptiotrs and reservations upon a ponion of Lot I. Now'IHEREFoRE, forgood and valuablc consideration, including rhe mutual c6rrcnants and prcmiscs' made in tbis instrument, thc receipt of which is hereby rcknowledgcd, rhc Grantor gnnrs tD the Grantee. its hein and assigns, for any and rll legal uses and purposgs, an easemeDt appuncnant to thc Granree's property. which is that porrion of Lot 2, described above, and described as follows: Anp Lnor fr ttO 6,oro ?nnrRP ffi$#[ ruilffiJffi ilil !:;:,r;,, i,,,* -Prrt.r.,r. -'lo, Iouenu &^r; Co flo?oa -sffiq Oct 18 Ol O3:23p Ranch Creek - Hilb 0,;l. J.2001 2:304}l FInST AldtRlCAil AV0N t370t 476-O277 tlo 4618 P. ?/4 p-3 Upon Lot l, bcginning at the rnost Nonlnrly comer of lnt 2, thcnoe S 43o36'00 W s dishnce of55.56 feet, rhencc Nortbwestaly, N 46024'00 W a disrnce of 12 ttcr. thence Northeasrerly, N 43036!0' E a distance of55.5d feer. rhence Southeashrly S 46o?4'00 E a distance of 12 fect, to thc Poht of Beginning. ("Earancnt Area") Grantol reserves fe right of ingress and egress upon any portion ofthe egsement ares, except thar Gnntor docs not havc the righr ofingrcss or cgrcss upon any ponion of thc Gnntee,s $nrcrural improvcurqnts locat€d on lhc csscmenl area, for the limited purposc ofeffecting reprirs and nrjntcnance upon the existing pavcd parking area on Lor I or any other improvancots or slructurcs that may bc loc*ed on Lot I in thc future. Additionally, Grantor rcserrrcs absolute ownership of all maturc trecs within the casemenl area. Orantee nray not, without advance wrincn authority, rcmove or willfully damage any tree of naturs, origin growir4 within the easernent boundaries. This rescration shall not opply to any nee which bauornes diseased, danaged by an act of God, or which olherwise proximrlely llucatcns pcrsons o[ propcrty, rcal or pcrsonal. The ternrs Gruntor aod Crantcc include all tbose holding under rhem, singular to include plural and plural ro include singular. Signcdanddclivercdthisdryof 6 ary"t Jtlw" -2oor. rruE RBMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] lffilffi ffi fi llffi ilffi ilffi fi ffi ].'ilil'i',,"^ 5||. J Flrh.F 9..1.. ca i73 R ?0,ll 0 e .el rv:€LlElrnv.illir Er.nkE,nC O+t 18 Ol O3:23p 0c t, t. 200I 2: 30A};| Ranch Cneek FIRST AlilBllCAN - Hi Ib A\/ON (9?Ol 4?6-92'7L lio 4098 P. 3/4 p.4 VAIL EAST LODGTNG ASSOCIATION. STATE OF COLORADO ) counwor ta{tf-),tt' IJ 1ffiffiffiflffi[ffiil S.ra J Flrlr.r I!l., CO r7t tLtCVi , Secretary of Vail East lodging As-sociarion. Wirness my hard and official scsl. I€lJENT,v.t br t{.i.$l-r,td -,?- \Oct l8 Ol O3:23p 0ct. l. 200t ?:J0Aif MOUNTATNSTAIES a Colorado nonprofit Ranch Creek FII$? AI|EIICAN - Hi Ib Al'ON t970) 476-0277 No. 46!8 P 4i4 p.5 CORIORATION, srATE OF COLOMDO) couNrYoF 4//)rd))5' JERRENT OTi\ NOIABY PUBLK) wr{CL|F:NnYi EbdErHranl.rrd ffi,$ ffi $ru il rox ffi fl il.#,:'3?,,,.* Thc foregoing inotrumcnt $as rrcknowlcrigcd bcfo,c mc rtis /{ aay of JL.hC :-, ?001 by - , Besidenr of Mounrrin SGs Bioaa*trt"c Corporalion, and by _ _- . Secrcrary of Mountf,in Sdes Broadcasring Corporation. Witrcsr ny hond and official seal. My commission enpires: -4- File* 8569447801 FIRST AIIIERICATiI TITI.,E INSI'RA}ICE CO$PEIW OWNBR'S POLICY SCIIEDTILE A cw-L141289-05/24/02 07 :53 :23 order No. 8S69447801 enount of Insurarrce $230,000.00 Date of Policy: Decerdcer 7, 2()()I at B:00 A.M. 1. Name of Insured; ElizabeEh E. Taggart and Michael D. Tagqart 2. Your interest in the land covereal bfr thiE policy is: Policy No. 'Jl-2 48 7 01 FEE SIMPLE 3. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: Part of LoE 2, Block 8, Bighorn Subdiwision, Third Addition, Arnended, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at tLre most Northerly corner of Lot 2, Block 8; thence South 46'24' East along the front Lot line of said !,oL 2, Block 8, a di.stance of 33.0 feet; thence South 43'36, West, a distance of 55.56 feet; thence North 46"24' West, a disLance of 33 feeL, Lo a point on the l^lesterly line of said Lot 2, Bfock 8; Lhence North 43'36, East, a distance of 55.56 feet along' said Westerly line of Lot 2. Block 8, to the poinE of beginning', tog'ether with an easement as described in instrument recorded June 27, 2OOI at Reception No. 750707, n.!1 rr. 1- .tr nf F:a1 a SEate of Cof orad.o. UrcOOP2 Order No. 8559447801 In addition !o the Exclusions, and e:penses resulting f,rom: FTRST AI4ERICAIiI TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPAIIY SCHEDIILE B Policy No. Exceptions you are not j.nsured against loss, costs, File # ES6947301 J1,2481A1 attorneys' fees, 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer,s office. ALl- taxes and assessments for the year 2001 and subsequent vearsnot yet due or payable. Rights of way, restri.ctions and easements as shown or reserved. on theBighorn subdivision Third Addition Amended plat recorded october 4.Reception No. 98059. 'I i ar 1-'r r +- Reservations and exceptions in palents and in acts authorizing- their issuamcaas the same m€iy affect the subject property and specifical_ly, the righr of thepropr-ietor of a vein or lode to extract and remowe his ore therefrom shoufd Ehe same be found to peneLrate or intersect the premises as set forth inUnited States Patent. Reservations and exceptions in Patents and Acts authorizing' thei-r issuance asthe same may affect the subject property and specifically, the rights toditches and reservoirs used in connection with vested and accrued water rightstog:ettrer with the reservation of a right oE vray for ditches and canalsconstructed by the authorily of the united states as set forth in united SEaLes Patent. f,.Pfat of L963 at covenants, conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture orreverter clause, set. forttr in the instrument. recorded in Book 1,j5 aE page 135and Amendment thereto recorded April 23, 1965 in Book r}l at paqe 195.Provisions regarding race, color, creed" and national origin, if any. aredel et ed . Terms, cond.iEions and Recept ion No. 76070?. provi s iotls of Easenent recorded ,]une 27, 2A07 Terms. conditions, and provisions of Easement Agfreement record.ed December 6,2001 at Reception No. '7'78412. Deed of Trus t from Elizabeth E. Taqgart and Michael D. Tag.gart. to the public TrusEee of Eagle county. for the benefit of cMAc Mortgage corporation.securingr an original principal indebtedness of gl-g4,000.00, and any other amounts and/ or obligrations dated Novenrlc er 28, 2001, recorded December 6, 20oras Reception No. 778414. NO?E: The following iterns have been ad.ded. PreruLum: $878.00. Form 130.3. OEC Coverase S35.00. to {- ]'-.i ^ Ele # ES6 7B0I ENDORSEMENT 130.3 order No. EsG 9 4 4TB01 Attached to Policy No. ,11248701 Issued by by L0B of the amount shown a,l:ove on to all of the terms and t.o the extent expres s 1y Policy and ahy prior Pol i cy arrd a-ny pri or First Arneric an Title lnsuranc e Company First American Title Insurance Company The above referenced policy is hereby amended by adding the following to sctred.ule Afollowing the policy amounc. : The Policy amount will automatically increaseeach of the first five anliversaries of the policv The endorsement is effective only when attached to an ALTA plain Language policyinsuring a l--to-4 farnily residence. This endorssnent is mad.e a part of the policy and is subjectprovisions thereof and of any prior endorsement.s thereto. Exceptstated, it neither modlfies any of the terms and provisions of theendorsernents, nor does it extend Ehe ef fect.ive date of theendorsements, nor does it increase the face annount thereof. Dated: Decernber 'l , 2OOt Authorized Sjgmatory Cdorado Fola 1303url303 Form llo. 1341.87 (6-87) ALTA Plain Language Policy Policy Page 1 .,":"_k- POtrcY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY First American Title I nsu ra nce Company RESl0EilTlAL TITLE lilSURAtlCE oneTo-Four Family Residences OWI{ER'S COVERAGE STATEMEiIT This policyinsures yourtitle tothe land described in Schedule A We insure you againsl actual loss resulting tmm: - if that land is a onFto-f0ur lamily residential lot 0r con- .. any ti e risks covered by this Policy - up t0 the dominium unit Poiicv Amount Your iBsurance, as described in this Coverage Statement is etfective-on the Policy Date sho',vn in Schedule A. Your insurance is limited by the following:. Exclusions on page 2 r Exceptions in Schedule Br Gonditions on pages 2 and 3 Delective recording 0t any document. You d0 not have any legal right ol access to and from the land. 6. There are restrictive covenants limitirE your use 0f the land. 7. There is a lien on your title because ol:. a mortgaqe or deed of trust. a judgment, tax,0r special assessment. a charge by a homeownefs or condominium association GOVERED TITTE RISKS 'lhis Policy covers the lollowing litle risks, if they alfect your iitle on the Policy Date. '1. Someone else owns an interest in your title. 2. A document is not properly signed, sealed, acknowledged, or delivered. 3. Forgery, lraud, duress, incompelency, incapacity 0r imoersonation. 4. an0. any costs, att0rneys'lees and expenseswe have t0 pay under this Policy and material furnished beJore the Policy Date - unless you agreed to pay for the labor and material. 9. others have rights arising out 0f lease$ contractg or options. 10. Someone else has an easement 0n your land. 11. Your title is unmarketable, which allows another person to refuse to oerform a contract to purchase, l0 lease 0rto make a mortgagd loan. 12. You are forced t0 remove your existing structure - other than a boundary wall or fence - because: o il extends on to adioining land 0r 0n t0 any easemento it violates a restriction shown in Schedule B. it violates an existing zoning law .|3. You cannot use the land because use as a single-family residence violates a restriction shown in Schedule B ot an 8. There are liens on your title, arising now or later, lor lab0r existing z0ning law..|4. other delects, liens, or encumbrances. COMPATIY'S OUTY TO DEFET{D AGAI}IST COUFT CASES We will defend your title in any court case as t0 that part of the case that is based on a Covered Title Risk insured againsl by this Policy. We will pay the costs, attorneys'fees, and expenses we incur in that defense. We can end this duty to defend your title by exercising any 0f our options listed in ltem 4 0f the Conditi0ns. This Policy is not complete without Schedules A and 8. First American Title Insurance Company PRESIDEIV? t2487 0L 'rr/ /_ 4rt-+ar<-- SECRE?AR'A?TEST EXCLU$t0ltS In addition t0 the Exceptions in Schedule fl you are not insured against losg costs, attorneys'fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental police power, and the existence 0r violation of any law 0r government regulation. This includes building and zoning ordinances and also laws and regulations concerning:. land use . improvements on the land r land division . environmentalorolection This exclusion does not apply to violations or the enlorcement ol these malters which appear in the public records at Policy Date- This exclusion does not limil the zoning coverage described in ltems 12 and 13 of Covered Ti e Risks. 2. The right to take the land by condemning it, unless:. a notice of exercising the right appears in the public records on the Policy Date. the taking happened prior to the Policy Date and is binding 0n you if you bought the land without knowing oi the taking 3. Title Risks: . that are created, allowed, or agreed to by you . that are known to you, but not to us, 0n the Policy Date - unless they appeared in the public records. that result in no loss to you . that first attect your tille aftef the Policy Date - this does not limit the labor and material lien coverage in llem 8 of Covered Tifle Risks 4. Failure t0 pay value tor your title. 5. Lack oi a rlght: . t0 any land outside the area specilically described and referred to in ltem 3 oJ Schedule A 0r. in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch your land Ihis exclusion does not limit the access coverage in ltem S of Covered Title Risks. G0t{DlTl0Ns 1. DEFINITIONS 3. HOWTOMAKEACLAIM a Easemenl - the right ot someone else to use your land for a a You Must Give The Gompany Nolice of special purpose. Yo[r Claim h Land - the land or condominium unit described in Schedule A lf any0ne claims a right against your insured title, you must and any improvements 0n the land which are real property. notiiy us promptly in writing. c. Mongage - a mortgagq deed ot trust, trust deed 0r other Send the notice to First American Title Insurance Company, security instrument 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707. Please include d. Public Records- title records that give constructive notice o1 the Policy number shown in Schedule A, and the county and matters atfecting your title - according t0 the state statutes state where the land is located. where your land is located' our obligation to you could be reduced il: e. Title - the ownership of your interest in the land, as shown in - - irtrOrf, l" " I you fait to give prompt notice Z. CollilituATl0ll 0F CoVERAGE r your failure aflects our ability t0 dispose of 0r to defend you against the claim this Polhy protects you as long as you: . gwn your title b' Proof 0l Your Loss Musl Be Giren o, To The Company . own a mortgaqe lrom anyone who buys your rand You must give us a written statement t0 prove your claim ol loss. This statement must be given t0 us not laler ihan 90 days0r afler you know the facts which will let you establish the. are liable for any title wananties you make amount of your loss. Ihis folicy protects anyone who receives your title because ol The statement must have the following facts: your death' . the Covered Title Risks which resulted in your loss . the dollar amount of your loss . the method you used to compute the amount 0l y0ur loss (Continued on Page 3) Policy Page 2 (Continued lrom page 2) You may want t0 provide us with an appraisal0l your l0ss by a pr$ fessional appraiser as a part of your statem'ent of loss. We may require you to show us your records, checks, letters, corF tracts, and 0ther papers which relate,to your claim of loss. We may make copies of these papers. We may require you t0 answer questions under oath. Our obligation t0 you could be reduced if you fail or refuse to:. Drovide a statement of loss 0r o answer our questions under oath 0r o show us the papers we request, and. your failure or refusal affects our ability to dispose of or t0 defend you against the claim. 4. (lUR CHOICES WHEN Y(]U t'l0TlFY US {]F A CLAIM After we receive your claim notice 0r in any other way learn 0f a matter for which we are liable, we can d0 one 0r more ot the following: a Pay the claim against your title. b. Negotiate a settlement c. Prosecute or delend a court case related to the claim. d. Pay you the amount required by this Policy. e. Take 0ther action which will protect you. t Cancelthis policy by paying the Policy Amount, then in lorce, and 0nly those costs, attorneys' lees and expenses incurred up t0 that time which we are obligated t0 pay. 5. HANOLII{G A CTAIM OB COURI CASE You must cooperate with us in handling any claim or court case and give us all relevant information. We are required t0 repay you only for those settlement costs, attorneys'lees and expenses that we approve in advance. When we defend your title, we have a right to ch00se the attorney. We can appeal any decision to the highest court. We d0 not have t0 pay your claim until your case is finally decided. 6. TIMITATIOiI OF THE COMPAiIY'S TIABILITY a Wewill pay up to your actual loss o; the Policy Am0u nt in torce when the claim is made - whichever is less. h lf we remove the claim against your title within a reas0nable time after receiving notice 0f it we will have n0 further liability for it lf you cannot use any of your land because 0f a claim against your title, and you rent reas0nable substitute land or facilities, we will repay you for your actual rent until: o the cause of the claim is removed 0r o we settle your claim c. The Policy Amountwillbe reduced by allpayments made under this p0licy - except for c0sts, attorneys' fees and expenses. d. The Policy Amountwillbe reduced by anyamountwe payto0ur insured holder oi any mortgage shown in this Policy or a later mortgage given by you. e. ll you do anything to allect any right of recovery you may havq - we can subtract from our liability the amount by which you reduced the value o1 that right TRANSFER OF YOUR RIGHTS When we seltle a claim, we have all the rights y0u had against any person 0r property related t0 the claim. You must transfer these rights to us when we asK and you must not d0 anything t0 affect these rights. You must let us use your name in enforcing these rights. We will not be liable t0 you itwe do not pursue lhese rights or if we do not recover any amount that might be recoverable With the money we recover from enforcing these rights, we will pay whatever part 0f your loss we have n0t paid. We have a right to keep what is left. ARBITRATION lf it is permitted in your state, you or the Company may demand arbitration. The arbitration shall be binding 0n both you and the C0mpany. The arbitration shall decide any matter in dispute between you and the Company. The arbitration award may: . include attorneys' fees if allowed by state law . be enlered as a iudgment in the proper court. The arbitrati0n shall be under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules 0l the American Arbitration Associati0n. You may choose current Rules 0r Rules in existence on Policy Date. The law used in the arbitration is the law 0f the place where the property is located. You can get a copy ol the Rules from the C0mpany. OUR LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THIS POLICY This P0licy, plus any endorsements, is the entire contract between you and the Company. Any claim you make against us must be made under this Policy and is subiect t0 its terms. 7. L Policy Page 3 l: r;=r= =====- 3--I= E H.trI q)atrIFrEl U) € #F{ tr .F Ftr { *.p LT Status: I Approved Gourvrutury DEVELopMENT Rourttc Fonrvt n Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:07t12t05 Routed By:Planner Date Due:07t19t05 Description of work:Variances to allow residential addition Address:4110 SpruceWay Leqal:Lot: 124 lBlock: 18 lSubdivision:Biqhorn 3'Addition Gomments: Date Reviewed: Fire Department lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Deoartment. TOWN OFVAIL D epartment of Community D ev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 14, 1999 Betsy Kieho SENT VIAFACSIMILE Re:4I l0 Spruce Hray i a rentbdi'pision of Lot 3 and the South % of Lot 2, Block 8, Bighorn S ubd i vi si on, Third A dli ti on Dear Betsy: Per your reqllest, following is a synopsis of development constraints and limitations on the above+eferenced property. r Approximately 2,933 square feet of the lot contains a slope in excess of 4A0/s. Although development in these areas is permissible under the applicable Two-Family Duplex Residential zoning, site engineering should prove expensive and problematic. ' Existing encrrrachments on the vacant parcel (parking spaces, trash storage) will need to be relocated priorto development ofthe subject property. The required parking forthe Vail East condos will be required to be located on-site. The Town of Vail Public Works and Fire Departments have previously denied requests to locate this parking on Town right-of-way. ' Access to the lot will be difficult given the Town's access and driveway standards. Our code requires a maximum driveway gra'de of fi%o (or 12Yo if heated). Gven the physical layout of this property, it appears significant site engineering and slope retainage would be necessary to meet these standards. If you would like to discuss these issues in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerelv. E*r-r- LtJ Brent Wilson Planner II {S *"n"*ororuo 4*^*"^rke +7[ 6g# Pn r Snnrps Ltru lo,clMEMORANDUM December 9, l9g3 Planning and Envjronmental Commission Community Development Department 4cZt hi6[ogN Ro 4AB Vn,t,, Co ?lb TO: FROM: SUBT]ECT: BACKGROUN D f:lli:_!:.rlng lng,consideration of a rezonins request of JgIlllo1"r:.a, Resubdivision of Lot 3 and-ih; s;ri[.i;i-oi'ro\ Rl::|"9,_,9jshorn subdivision, Thir; A;;i;i;r-ifi;r;eal"i"iil Low ?9n:ltV t4utti-Famjly to Two Famfty Resr-dentiai oistriit.Applicant: Vait Eait Lodsins nssi,ciiiion;-i;;.-'" REQUEST To rezone approxinate]v zo,aoo sguare feet of land from Low Density Murti-fgrllv !o Tlvo Familv Rlsidentjar'oitiriit. The reason tor u,is rezoning isto construct a duplex on the site. The applicants have provided in the attachments thein reasons for the requestand a comparison chai"t of what.ouio-ue-ur.itt unaei tne-iuirent LDMF zoningand proposed Two Family Residential Zon.i nq. This lot is located no^rth of Bighorn Road with access from spruce way. Therewas a resubdivision of this lot in .1979 where part oi Loi z was added to Lot3 of Bighorn Subd'i vision Third Addition ano called Lot I Vail East Townhomes.Mo-st 9! this area was deve'l opeo in iagle County before annexation to the Towno{ vgir, with the exception or pittin-creek paik co;d;mi;;;r. To the west:i il: lubie.t..property are the pitkin creek park condominiums. To the north:::::r.p.ly." r,rgy are the Vait East Townhomes and to the east are two smailurrLs... Lurrenrry located on the subject property are a wood shed which couldbe a western Slooe Gas meter locatioi, pai^tihg r"or-tix-cuii'ano a trash dumpster.Also, there is a'high p".iiu"u-gui'iin"'r.ight arong the north property .rine. The,six parkjng spaies'are probibly for ttre two units to the aeast s.i nce theseunjts have just about been constrritud on the front p.op."iu tin". A concernof the. staff is, where win the residents oi tt,.-l*o";;T;;''t, the east park :l:"-!h].: propertv is deveioped? There jt no "oor i""'pJ.ting on their randand no vacant land to park on in the vicrnrtv. CRITERIA EVALUATION I . Suitabil itv of Existing Zoning Because the Low Dens'i ty Mur.tj-Famiry zone.does not perm.i t deveiopmenton.over.40% s1ope, it i,rourd be extrimely ii-rrt p"r!ili'" to deveiop thisiot. The owner !u:"::lrS1. ights to.use the prbperty and to developthe land, Unless there are exlreme crrcumstances such as avalanche, floodplain or access problems' some devel0pment.ights have to be g.iven toan owner of a lot. \{ ,\11 + Vaii t-r.odsins -z- 1z/s/83 The Two Family Residentiar District permits the deveiopment of two unitson the propertv' The sl0pe reit"iitrons do not apply to this zone, andthe lot seems suitable foi t*"-rriii."" The. property does not direcily abutt builailqr that are of significant.lynlgner use' To the west is a-parling iot.with the pitkin Creek parkbuildins #14' 7s to too-reet-.;;;i';;.;_pnu p.opored duplex. To the eastare two sman units on part of'Lot z, tre m5j;;-;;;r";1,ifi. p.oporeoduplex would be on the.iouir.r"rn-piri of the lot where there is a benchand is the flatter part of thu ,iie. -' t The rezoning does not regatively impact the area. 2. RECOMMENDATION The Community. Development Departmentrezoning of this property. ite woulOthe, owner of_ propbrty to" tfre easi-tJparking probiem.' recommends approval of the requestedllke.to see the property owner work withsee tt there is a solution to the future '.'li t'. REQUEST FOR A CHANGg tN OISTRICT BOUI{DARIESLot l, Vail East Townhomes Va il, Colorado COI'PARI SON CHART S ETBACKS (minimum) HE I GHT (nrax i mum) DENS I TY (ma x i mum) S ITE COVIRAGE (max i mum) LANDSCAP ING (rn i n imum) PAR,K I NG(if built to flat roof pi tched ro G RFA Un i t s ma x i rnurn) 38 .r)uu sq. 2Al l5' .30 eJJO Sq.rE. 2 4l12 sq.ft. 12,!15 sq.ft 20, 201 Spec ia I Requi rements For Haza rd Reoulations No required front set- backs for garages except as may be required by the Design ileview Board. )tz> 83!4 sq. f Driveway I rmtted )'l i n i mum, parking each un i and park ing to 2086 sq. ft . I cove red spjce requ i reC r .:i.f i.a'..:1-!j ; l.J l. . .:!' r ., .:..-- r .:, -:,r. n,, . i . r_.-,.? -r..r iJ. .r.rr_:.i,.: j1.. r,ii_f. (Current Zon i nq) Two Fami ly Res ident ial 0 ist. (Proposed Zon in v REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DILot l, Vail East Townhomes (- -1 STR I CT EOUNOAR I ES The subject parcel is currently zoned Low Density Hul Exhibit I shows that with the slope restrictions and zone district, the parcel beconres virtuaily unbuircab a difficult site to build on. tiple Family (r-Otlr) setbacks imoosed by le, even though it tha t is not 'ur request is that the zoning be changed to Two Family Resicentiar District which woul d coincide with the area to the south across 0ighorn Road, and northeast across Spruce r/ay, There are areas of over 402 slope on the lot anC thus, the Hazard Regulations do appry. The 'longest dimens ion of over 40t srope (rneasured down the falt line) is onty 4l feet, and as such, ure do not feer that it constitutesa hazardrr in the true sense. As my be seen in the the al lovred GRFA from number of Cwe I I ing un attached Compa r ison Chart, Ir500 square feet to 4j35, its from 3 to 2. the reguested zoning would reduce and also reduce the al lowed 2, 3, and 4 illustrate a potential building that could go on reques ted rezon ino . q -:.-.r'-..r-:,. ii-.!i..r..:i.-r,,.-.,.,,r:_.1;.ri!:,,.,, r,i.,i,!,7 i,.r,. r,9 ii .F :i^ ;:r:..-,.rair,/^. a,_.i,.l.-il:l.j.i.i*. Exh ib i ts us ing the the lot, /r I I TO: FROM: DATE: $UBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen May21, 1991 Request for Town Park at 41 10 Spruce Way, Lots 2 and 3, Block 8, Bighorn Third Addition On May 20, 1991 | met with Joe Matyk and discussed the potential of a neighborhood park on the above referenced lot. The attached letter describes the proposal in more detail. He and I agreed the lot did have development potential for a duplex, based on the 1981 rezoning, and that the potential GRFA was approximately 5,100 sq. ft. During our meeting, it became apparent that a Town park on this site would not serve the interests of the entire community, as East Vail already has Bighorn Park, and several other areas of Town are in need ol neighborhood parks. I pointed out the development of Stepens Park in Intermouniain, the land intended for park development in West Vail, as well as Donovan Park as projects the Town would like to complete prior to initiating another park. At the end of our meeting, Mr. Matyk decided he would no longer pursue his request. n$'0 MAY 2 leel May 1, L99L Mr. Ron Phillipsc/o Town of Vail Offices 75 South Frontage Roadvai}, co ar657 Dear l[r. Phillips; Hope this note finds you in the best of health and spirits. I have been norninated as spokesperson for a small faction ofproperty olrners in Vail East Condominiums, located on Spruce lilay in East Vail. our condominiurn association owns a piece of land, adjacent to our conplex, whose legal description is as follows: Lots 2 & 3, Block 8, Bighorn 3rd Subdivision For your convenience, the subject property is hightighted on the enclosed plat nap. This lot is included in the rrTwo Family Residential Districtrr, and has been approved for a duplex home. The approximate G.R.F.A. is 45oo-51-OO square feet. We believe that the intention of the condo association is to eventually sel1 the lot to a developer, who would have the right to build said structure. rn our opinion, such a structure would substantially increase the density of the area, detract from the beauty of the neighborhood, and perhaps obstruct the views we currently enjoy. we would like to recommend an alternative scenario to the association, but must first receive your input regarding the foltowing proposal. We feel that this lot would serve its best use as a rrpocket parkrr, similar to those that exist elsewhere in the valley. This park would offer a convenient, central location for resi-dents of Pitkin Creek Condominiums, Vail East Condomi-niums, Altair vail Condominiums, and numerous single-fanily and duplex residents in the immediate vicinity. No such park exists at this tirne in our area. This park could have picnic tables, 9as gri11s (gas line runs parallel to }ot), swings, etc. The lot has rnany tall pine trees on it, and is ]ocated on a gently sloping hillside with beautiful views of the mountains. In addition, it would be easily accessible via the bikepath, an adjacent Tov bus stop, or to pedestrian traffic on the neighborhood net\tork of roads. 'IJ Naturally, the condo association is not in a position to donate theland to the Towrl of vail. However, we woulh sell it to the townfor fair market value, based upon a current appraisal . since thispurchase would be for the intention of securlng more open space,we feel that the Real Estate Transfer Tax fund woula pioviai tnlnecessary financing. we berieve that this proposar is consistant with the goals of theTown of Vail, and of the residents of the Vail area. your pronptattention to this matter would be most appreciated. you cancontact me at either office (949-5578) or tronle (476-g782) numbers7 days/week. Best regards, seph Matykroperty Owner 'rr '' ''*' 1" Jaffi' ," - ! URGENT N RETURNED YOUR CALLTELEPHONEDN CAME TO SEE YOU t MEMORANDUM December 9, lgB3 T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM:Conmunity Development Department SUBJECT: Pub'lic hearing and consideration of a rezoning request of vail EastTownhomes, a Resubdivisjon of Lot 3 and the S5uth'tii oi L;i'i,----Bl ock 8, Bi ghorn subdivi s ion, Third ndai tion - iAr"nalo l-rror-ro-,i Pensity Murti-Famiry to Two Famiry Residentiai'District.Applicant: Vail Eait Lodging Assbciation, fn..- REQUEST To rezone aoproximatelv ?9,a99 !Qyare feet of rand from Low Density Murti- l:n'lly-n..lF^Fyllv nlsiaeniiai'niiiri.t. rhe reason ror this rezonins .isro consrruct a duplex on the site. The applicants have provided in the attachments their reasons for the requestand a comparison chait of what courd be buiri undei the-iu*ent-roNF-zonini--and proposed Two Family Residential Zoninq. BACKGROUN D This lot is located north.of_Bighorn Road with access from Spruce way. Therewas a resubdivision of this lot-in .l979 where part of Lot 2 iryas addei to Lot3 of Bisholn Subdivision Third Addition and called Lot i-viir East Townhomes.Mqs! o! this area was deveioped in Eagle County betore annexat.ion to the Townol Yljl, with the exception br pittin"creek paik condominiums. To the west 9f tne lubiect..property are the piikin-creek park condorinirms. To the north::f9:t Spruce {ly are the vail East Townhomes and to th" "i=t are two smarlll,ls:, uurrentry located on the subject property are a wood shed which couldDe a western SloDe Gas meter location, parking for six cars and a trash dumpster.Also, there is a'high p"eiiure-gii iii"..igtl"arong-i'he-nirtn property Iine.Ilg-til parking spaies are probibly for the two units to the aeast since theseunits have just about been construited on the rront-p"op.ilv fin.. A ioncJin-of the. staff is, where wirt ttre rtsiatnts ot-ttre-iro"r"iii-to the east-pirl ?l:._lhj:-plgpglt{ is developed? There is no ioo, ioi pJir,ing on their'tandano no vacant tand to park on in the vicinity. CRITERIA EVALUATION 1. Suitability of Existinq Zoninq Because the Low Density Mul.ti-Family zone does not permit developmenton.over.40% slope, it wourd be extrlmerv ir not posiiol" to deveiop thisIot. The owner has certain rights to-use the prbperty and to deveiop - the tand. unless there are exireme ciicumiiini;;';;;'h is avitanctre,'floodplain or access probiems, some deveropment rights trave io be given [oan owner of a lot. The Two Family Residential on the property. The slopethe lot seems suitable for Vail Easil.odgins -z- 12/9/83 District permits the development of two unitsrestrictions do not apply to this zone, andtwo units. 2. Is the rezonin resent'i a convenient workable relationshi I and The. property does not direcily abutt buildings that are of significantlyhigher use. To the west is a- parking lot wiih the pitkin creek parkbuilding #14,75 to 100 feet apart fiom the proposed duptei. To the eastare two small units on part of Lot 2. the mh;oi^ mass of the proposedduplex would be on the southern part of the lot where there is a benchand is the flatter part of the site. 3. Does the rezonin rovide for the grywth gf an orderly and viable communitv? RECOMMENDATION The Community Deve)opment Deparfunent rezon'ing of th'is property. We wouldthe owner of property to the east toparking problem. recommends approval of the requestedlike to see the property owner work with see if there is a solution to the future The rezoning does not regatively impact the area. t1 - REQUEST FoR A CHANGE I N D I STR| CT B0UI{DAR I ESLot l, Vai I East TownhomesVail, Colorado C0HPAR | 50N CIIART S ETBAC KS (mi n imum) HE I GHT (maximum) DENS t TY (max i mum) S ITE COVERAGE (maximum) LAI{OSCAP I NG (rn i n imum) PARKINO(if uuilt to flat roof pl tched ro C RFA Un i ts maxi mum) 20. 201 35 38 45oo sq. f 3 7301 sq.f 8144 sq.f 30 ?? .+550 2 \172 12 ,516 sq.ft. sq. f t 201 15, Special Requ i rements For Hazard Reoulations No requi red front set- backs for garages except as may be requi red by the Design Rev i ew Board. 3t29 f+ Dri veway I imited l''linimum, parking each uni and parking to 2085 sq.ft. I cove red space requ i red t. ,1;r'//.r-.1.J'.\-t^.,^--i.l../.;.{-tr]\?:t.:i.'i',.j+J..'j\r1',.l{'.1J:j:\51r;t'!:,J.1.',..*.v!-......':t;..fgi;..*.:ri?ir Two Family Res iden t ial Dist. (Proposed Zon ing) OC.: A CHANGE IN DI €ast Townhomes STR I CT The subject parcer is currently zoned Low Density Hurtipre Familv (roHr). Exhibit I shows that with the slope restrictions and setbacks im.oosed by zone district' the parcer becomes virtu.lly unbuildabre, even though it a di fficul t site to build on, REQUEST FOR Lot l, Vail is not our request is that the zoning be changed to Two Family Residential 0istrict whlch would coincide with the area to the south across 0ighorn Road, and northeast across spruce l.lay. There are areas of over 40? slope on the rot anc thus, the Hazard Regulations do appry. The longest dimension of over 40? srope (measured down the fall tine) is only 4l feet, and as such, we do not feel that it constitutes atrhazardrrin the true sense. As my be seen in the attached Comparison Chart, the allowed QRFA from l5OO square feet to 1336, number of dwelIing units f rom 3 to 2. the reguest ed zoning would reduce and also reduce the al lowed Exh ib i ts 2, J, 36! 11 us ing the reque s t ed il lustrate a potential rezon i ng. building that could go on the lot, -. -.1.-i.._.'_ .k.;--.'..-4-:, .?j_.i..._:..-.i.a,..,_F..,r,J?r.i:.3..rj.,... r:,,.r.r!.! n..ri r I'i..r4' i;: q<! *l::r.,.td+.,./^. n.rt.i,. r\.?r;::rrj1ll*. Planning and Envjronmental Commission December 12, l9g3 Site Inspections Public Hearing Appointment of member to the Design Review Board for January,February and March. Approval of minutes of November l4 and November ZB Request for a rezoning of Lot l, B'lock 9, Bighorn fgj].rasy Townhomes, ilom Low Density Nuiti-F"miivAppllcant: Vail East Lodgi;tg Associltion, Inc. Request to rezone Lots-l through 6, Cliffside Subdiv'ision from Residential !i::l:l 19_!insle. Family Residentiit. Appt.icants: njchard N. Brown,Lnarles Hosenquist, Margaret Rosenquist, David Cole and Daryl Burns. Request for modification to the f1 oodplain in order to re-aiign East Millcreek in order to build a new ski base facility at goloenpeatand stillpreserve the creek. Applicant: Vail Assocjatei, tni. --" 6' Request for an exterior alterat'ion to One Vail Place in order to enciose.an area to be used as a radio head_set rental ouilet.Appl icants: Vail Associ ates/Stephen Communications 7- Preliminary review of exterior alterations of the foilowing buildings: a. Landmark Condomiums, Unit 701 , to increase loft area.Applicant: Lonnje l,lj'l liams 9gl.q"!-Hall Plaza, to add 4 condominium units which would add athird floor to the buirding. Applicant: seiby-Tofel Aisociates Treetops Condorniums, new retail plaza above the parkinqstructure. Applicant: Treetops Condomjnium nssbiliii6n 600 Lionshead Mall - bottom of chair #g, temporary ticket officeApplicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Red_Lion Inn, to install portab'l e plexiglas windows for the west wall.Applicant: Joseph L. Kelbmen lyrano's, greenhouse enclosure over south deck.Applicant: Bud Parks Val'entino's Restaurant, plaza Buj1ding, greenhouse enclosure overpart of west deck area. Applicant: aiiJge streei nestiurant Assoc. Village Center, new retajl addition Appl icant: Fred Hibberd l:00 pm 2:00 pm t. 2. 3. meetings. 3rd Add'ition,to Duplex. 4. 5. b. c. d. e. f. 9. h. \ 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 91652 (303) 476_7000 December .I3, .1983 otflce ol communlty development Mr. Dan Lacy, President Mountain States Broadcasting Corporation 1895 Ponder Heights Drive colorado Springs, colorado 80906 Re: vail East Lodging Rezoning Dear Mr. Lacy, The. Planning.and Environmental commission voted to recommend approvalof the rezoning. It will be scheduled before the Town council'bnJanuary .|7, 1983 at 7;30 pm. I wou'ld like to talk with you regarding your 'letter. Community Deve lopmnt Director DR: br ORDINANCE NOE Series of l9B4 b';/t/"" "'l 'ri' T il:ffi;w/rr-lo '^ - jAN ORDINANCE REZONING A LOT COMMONLYAs A RESUBDrvrsroN or loi : Ar,rri inr'sbriil ll?^gF lgl 2, BLocK B, BTGHoRN SuaDrviiiIl]!q 4qDrTr0N (AMENDED) FRoM ror,r-oeriiiiv MULTT.-FAMILy (LDMF) ro iwo rnNiii nEiio(R) AND srrrrile osfRrls nnniro-iHrniiol WHEREAS, in accordance with section rB.66.ll0.of the vair Municipar code, a rezoning has been requested by Vail East Lodging Associat.ion, Inc. to rezone the property known as a resubdivision of Lot 3, and the south r/2 of Lot 2, Block 8, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition (Amended) from Low Density Multi_ Family (LDMF) to Two Family Resjdentiat (R); and WHEREAS' the Planning and Environrnental cosunission has unaninously recomnended this rezoning to the Town Council; and WHEREAS' the Town Counci'l considers that it is in the public interest to rezone said property; NOhJ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI,JN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL THAT: 5ectionl.TheTownCouncilspecifica11yfindsthattheproceduresforthe amendment of the Official Zoning Map and rezoning of properties within the Town of vail as prescribed in section .l8.66.110 of the vail Municipal code have been fulfilled' and the council hereby receives the report and recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Cornmission. section 2. Pursuant to Section .lg.66..160 of the vail Municipal code, the lot commonly known as a resubdivision of Lot 3 and the south 1/2 of Lot 2, Block g, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition (Amended) containing approximately .47 acres, ngjty.Mul ti-Fami 1y (Lgt4F ) to Two Fam.i'ty Residenlia.l,(R) k/id/^+,ift,tQ.,/V7tA_a.{^7tafu a+*-V2.t-arztd"."1ar-g{-.( In se/ti6n 18.08.030' of -the ud1 MunicipalffoiJ,ln6tioffig Admin'istrator is hereby directed to promptly modify and amend the 0fficial Zoning Map to indicate the rezoning specified in Section 2 above. section 4' If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsect-ion, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsect.ions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 't -2- Section 6: The Town council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary ind proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section . 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution comrnenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provis'ion or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un.t ess expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED 0N FIRST READING THIS _ day of 1984, and a public hearing shail be herd on this ordinance on the dav of , 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, CoJorado. l'I 0rdered pubiished in full this , lgg4 Rodney E. Sl 'ifer, Mayor ATTEST: day of Pamela A. Brandmever Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECONO READ.NG O'O **O PUBLISHED this day of Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor llilfi t 3.' l;*t randmever , .|994. \ box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303! 476-5613 Bruce B, Lassrnan 25 South Wilcox Castle Rock, Colorado 80104 department of community development June 10, 1981 Re: L"6;) r, Bighorn rrd ''--'-qt.cF {Dear Bruce, Enclosed is your topographic survey of lots 2 and 3, Bighorn Subdivision Srd Fi.ling. f have done a rough slope analysis based on this survey for lot 3, but need a nore accutfate survey to confirm any density for the lot. The shaded areas give a good idea of how much of the lot is of over 40% slope. I have also enclosed minutes of the PEC ureeting dealing with the resubdivision. If you have any questions, please contact me. PETER JAMAR Town Planner PJ:bpr Sincerel MTI'lORANDUM Tn, FROM: DATE: RE: Planning Commission Department of Communjty Development September 30, .l976 Gordon Miles Setback, Separation between Build.ings, GRFA & Parking Variances on the north % ofLot 2, Block B, Bighorn Subdivisjon Th.ird Add.ition Gordon Miles has applied for the several subject varjances in order to allow construction of an 864 square foot drrrelling unit in an I4DMF zone. The lot was subdivided into four separate parcels irr l968 prior to Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Miies acqu.ired l/3 of the north % of the lot in 1972 prior to annexation by the Town of vail. The site is lgg9.04 square feet, a 1ega1 non-conforrning s'i te in an MDtrlF Zone; the minimum allowable site is l0'000sqaure feet. Below is a fisting of the requested variances and the applicable zoning requirements. a. Setback Variance -- Ttfrom the west property line,3,from theeast property ijne -- required setback is l0' Distance Between Buildings -- l0,on the west side, lI' on theeast side -- required distance between buildings is 20', Gross Residential Floor Arer -- proposed 864 square feet -- allowable 66.l . l6 square feet. d. Parking -- proposed parking off-sjte at Bighorn Lodge -- requ.ired one space on the sjte. b. Gr.,, <lcrn Mi I es P,r': " ;UrO Consideration of Factors (section .l9.600) 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The location of the requested variance is adjacent to tl.ro identialutrits-wjth approxirnately the same setbacks, grfa and site area and to the southjs a. lot 9!l9o bv va'il-East Lodging.. The pr6posal courd have an adverse impacton the building directly west which is ownbd by;onine Hixon. Sinilar strubtures 3! I nYt?9" of.very snall lots exist jn the vilinity of the requested variance.yle reel lt t'/Ould be appropriate that the proposed unjt be sited further to thesouth to avoid blocking views and light. This would also allow gradrjng on - the north side of the 1ot to accommodate one on-site parking space. 2. The degree to which relief from the stirct or literal interpretationand enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treairnent among sites in thevicinity or to atta'i n the objectives of this oidinance withoutgrant of special priviiege. . The strict or literar interpretation wourd result in the rotbeing total]y useless for any type of structure and could be construed asinverse condemnation on the part of the Town. This property and others in theneighborhood should be considered for the proposed townhousL zones. 3. The effect of the requested varjance on light and air, distributionof population, transportation and traffic iac'irities, pubr icfacilities and uti'ljties, and public safety. See comment that pertains to resiting of the un.i t. The oniyimpact we foresee js the intpact on light and view"anO r,re feet this can bi solvec.There are no significant imp..cts on the other factors, FII'{DINGS: l. That the granting of the variances will not constitute a qrantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties classified.i n the sanre district. See Items I & 2 under Consideratjon of Factors. l^le feel that approvai 9r. lfq requested varjnace would not be a grant of special privi 1ege. Rt t' br tnebuiidings in the Vail East Lodging anct Bighorn Terrace areas yiere constructedprjor to annexation and zoning, and nrost exterior modjfjcations or ner,vconsturction would require similar variances. If the vari ances, excluding thepalking variance, are not granted, the lot is not buildable in leeping vriihthe established character of the neighborhood. Gordon Miles Page Three 2. That the grnating of the varinace will not be detrjrnentai to thepublic health,.safety, or werfare, or rnaterially injurious ioproperties or improvements in the vicinity. If the structure can be resited as proposed by the Departnent ofconrnunity Development, we do not feel that. the pi^opbsecl stiucture will bedetrjmental to other properties .in the vjcinitv. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the followinq reas 0n s : The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of thespecified regulations would result in practical diffjcultv orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistent r,vith the objeciivesof this ordinance. See descriptjon of requested variancecreated by extremely small lot s.ize and location ofdo not feel , however, that on-site parking would bebe done to accomrnoCate one car. -- practical difficulty isexisting bui)dings. l,le a hardship as grading can circumstances or conditionsthat do not apply general ly There are exceptional or extraord.i naryapplicable to the site of the variancLto other propert'ies in the same zone, There are very fel legal lots of this sjze and configuration thatdo not apply generaity to tne UnltF-Zone Djstrict. The Department of commun'ity Development recommends approval of the requested variances for setback, distance between buildings and for GRFA. would recomnrend denial of the request for off-sjte parking rs we feel it can be accomnrodated on the site with proper planning, We l|ill+ Box880 . var,cororadosl.sT E[$ry phone(sos)ir7&ss30 !vlr. fim Rubln Zontng Administrator Tourn of Vall Vall, Colorado 81657 April 6, 1979 Mr. Rubtn, wlth reference to the automobile parking requirements for the "ValI East Torrnhomes" five unit proiect proposed by Mr. D. A. Abbott, fr. , please be advised that addltionat parklng spaces for 3 automobtles will be provlded on ourIot+l exlsttng parking lot. This ts ln addition to the 6 parking spaces lndtcated on the site plan for Lot *3. 'm:",fu//tL M. Dale McCall Vice Presldent Mr. D. A. Abbott, ]r. For the Fi ling Clearly APPLICATION TOR VARIANCE And/0r CONDI TIOI.JAL USE [,EIiMIT 0rdinance l'lo. B (Series ot l973t Publication Da te Hearing Fee (City)_t lt . t[/r\*(', , ehone +A-,/L/O? *t tI * Application Date Hearing Dafe Fl na I Dec is ion date for Town Counc i I (we) Applica Jius.'176 - A.Lt/& ihe Vail Planninqdo hereby request permiss ion to appear beforeCommission to request the follorvinq: -) Variance from Article . SXl lon ins Chanqe f ront Dffi-FDto) Parking Variance -_----------) Cond it iona I Use permit fo allow in Zone. fioA fol lowi ng descri bed property: f.l umbe r //aq[ /-t / g Lor/1rac+bJ3 , Block Q (Sfafe) L sTate p u rpose and intent of th IS app I ication t,,lhat do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh ip in this case? S i g n a'f u re of Appii c cant ra ,ftcre{cvrct h,'/ L-rz{f /a4,'ry 4sso",hdb APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/Or COND I I I ONAL USE PERM TT 0rdinance No. 8 (Series of l973) Fi na I Dec i s ion date for Counc I I (we ) (Addies (C ity ) do he reby req ues t pe rm iss i on to appear be fo re the Vail Comm iss ion to req uest the f ollowing: f I t tt! I ! I Appt ication o"+. Sgpr 4 76 pubr lcarion out. nfr+;l to.ll2y'?Hearins Daft Jy',.tar/2^' Hea-ng Fee P I ann ing ,EE A/aTE I * F, lfaa '.--) Park i ng Variance) Conditional Use Permit tn to allow Zone. n rnn o r*rr.Lot/tra.t'14 1, Btockng describedI low i be r Tow n i ca n t a. €) Variance f rorir Arf icle-..__--, Section) 7on ing Change from - ro (State) For the fo Filing Num Clearly st ate purpose and i ntent of th is BroV'ra 5rrl. r>rv-a17 ttO,l)lV. application What do you feel is the bas is for hardship in this case? t, 2. 7. * 5ef Eo./<.4r/. d.faz- 6efra c.a a.af-. / Drsha.c ?et*tq77'er* 6//f, , 5, sz > f,.'f,ag-f.r 7ert, tsslaet fo- o#s;la f k7 .(r. f"..) /f.fo Sepfember 3, 1976 Miss Dione Toughill Zoning Administrqfor Town of Voil Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deor Miss Toughill, Enclosed herewith pleose find the following doto: l. A personol check No.7763 fo, the sum of gl00 mode poyoble fo fhe Town of Voil Zoiln-!-fr66inistrotion Office; Three complete sets of fhe proposed house plons for the house which is to be built on fhe northern one-holf of Lot No. 2, Block No. 8, Big Hom Subdivision, Eogle County, Colorodo; A surveyor's mop ond description of the property on which the house is to be buil| Pleose note fhe mopond descripfion os prepored by Mr. Williqm E. Armfield, licensed surveyor #4974, shows the proposed locotion of o house on Tract "C" which wos to be builf by the previous owner. lf you will pleose refer fo the sife plon shown on fhe wrifer's drow- ing, you will see the proper locofion of the new, proposed house. A letter from Mr. Lyle P. Cormony, Jr., monoger ond presidenf of fhe Big Hom Lodge of Voil, Colorodo, wherein permission is given to pork oufornobiles belonging to the proposed new residenfs. 5. Two photogrophs of the existing odiocent house. Photogroph No. I indicotes fhe house locoted on Port "B" of fhe lot. Phofogroph No. 2 indicotes the generol front oppeoronce of the some fype of house locoted neorby. 2, 3. 4. o I believe this is o cornplefe list of fhe necessory informotion os reloyed by you io fhe writer during my visit to your office Jvly 9, 1975.. lf fhere ore ony questions, pteose do not hesitqte io coll fhe wriler collect of the folloring numbers: erc) e-*97 (residence)(216) 929-l8l | (business) Your fine cooperstion hqs been ond is most opprecioted in ossisting the writer io mske fhis presentofion fqr the purpose of ocquiring permission to build on the qbove-mentioned property. Sincerely, , Gordon Miles Glly'or Enc losures Soptilnb.t 3, lni $lg Dlan Torlghlll Zoltrrg A&rlnlrhtor Trn of Vsll tor l00 Voll, C.elorodo 81657 Dcor f,ilr Tor{Nll, Eml6.d hcrwltlr pbor tltd thc blbrrha &rur Ir 2. 3. A pornrql ehcck ].{o.77bt far thc erm of tt00 npdo poyath ro tho Tan of Vsll Zffi-Ftrtnlrlrutlqr Ofrtcel Thnr cmphnc rctr of tho paopcacd lnur plons fiot tho hourr :hlch h to bc bullt ar tho rsrhcm src-lplf of lof No. 2, lloclc i.la. f' Bl9 lbm Sr$dlvldon, bglc Ccnlyr Colorudol A arrryu/r rnop ond drrcrlpilm of tb propcty sr whlch thr lnfiG lr to bc bullg PlGar i6tr rho nap oad dcrcrtpltar c p?GFsrd by Mr. Wllllqn E. ArnrflrH, llcrrud 3!rrv,Glo3 ,4y71, rhrr lho efireocd locnthn of o hqlr crlFGl 'Cn vhleh lu to bo bullt by rhc prcvlan ffr.r. lf yw rlll pl*e nfrr l,o thc rlic plor rhown or th. rrllr/r dorr- hU, ),ou rlll ru thc popcr locarlon of thc now, Ptopot d lumr A httrr frun lAr. lyb P. Gornony, Jr.; rnonogerond pruldcnt of thi ilg llorn tddt of Vall, Colorcdo' vhcrcln pernrlslon lr gtnn t^o pork outmobllu boloqlrt3 io thc propord rpw pddarlr. Trc plnqryptu of ?hc crlrrkrg odloccnl ls.EGr f homgraph l,lo. I hdlcsfls thc lun locoi.d m Pod "8" of tho ld. PtrQnpS l&. 2 lndcotor lhr grncrul fiwrt oppcocrce of ihr snc t,"o of hourc hcorod ncorty. 1. 5. t 't. j o I brltrw lH: lr o ccrrplarr lttr of thr mclr{ry lnforarorlorr os rtfuad by pu r thr t'rlrr drtlr{ nry vlrlr }o yer,offfcc July 9. 1976. lf thGrG otG ant $rfftbn 'plc'oe & tat h.!lFi. b sell rhr wdtrrcollocr or thc:fiollqrlrE nrnrboni :i : pl6l W7 (nrl&acr)(2t6) g29-l8ll &urlnos) Slncei'rly, Gor&n iiflor -: 8f6f{0RN t@@68 !lr. Gordon llilea U. 5. Steel Corp. Alslde Inc. P. 0. Box 2010 Akron, 0hio 44309 Oear ltlr. tllles, ' I am uritlng in regard to ourrequost for perking space rental, at ^_ , Iou" your-protedtion and benefit,to inform us of the model and License The Bighorn Lodge is. uilling to provide you and your guests uithpatking for no nore than trrro vehieres' provioea the vei.riclei part in anassigned ar'a' to be.deterrnined by us !i a :.ater data, and as rong as thaopdrators of the vehicles "ornprv-riti J,]" n""0" to have such vehic'ee.moveduhen necessary for snor,plor,ring "no oit,ui routln€ maintenance. Box 358 Voll, Colo. 81657 .'.tal PIonc (30:) lze"srta Auguat 23, L9?6 The charge for said parklng priuelidge urill be $20.00 p6r month. r€cent conversatlons pertaining to yourthe Bi.ghorn Lodge in east Vail. ue uould require you and your guests number of each vehicle usino the :::t?::o'i?lll;.,..t..11: B::1.," r,","-n.J pi"ui*"",i.i";;;;"";;lr,ll"rn ff: ::: :1..::.l1tl:_rhus forcins us to rou the "u"" "r"yi--i-;r;;;^;;;"';"tou one of your carg auay only because I uas not notified of rrrho itbelonged to. LPCgb /TE/14 NO 4- I MEMORANDU14 i I T0: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Deveiopment DATE: September 30, 1976 RE: Gordon Mjles Setback, Separation between Buildings, GRFA & Parking Varjances on the north % ofLot 2, B]ock B, Bighorn Subdivisjon Third Addition Gordon Miles has applied for the several subject variances in order to a'l low construction of an 864 square foot dwelling un'i t in an MDMF zone. The]ot was subdivided into four separate parcels in 1968 prior to Eagle County Subdivis'ion Regulations. Mr. Miles acquired l/3 of the north % of . the lot in 1972 prior to annexation by the Town of Vail. The site is lBB9.04 square feet, a 1egal non-conforming site in an MDITIF Zone; the minimum allowable site is l0'000sqaurefeet. Below is a iisting of the requested variances and the applicable zoning requirements, a. Setback Variance -- 7'from the west property ljne,3,from theeast property 'l ine -- required setback is l0l b' Distance Between Buildings -- l0'on the west side, il'on theeast side -- required distance betvreen buildings is 20,, c. Gross Residential F'loor Area -- proposed 864 square feet -- allowab'le 661 .16 square feet. ' d. Parking -- proposed parking off-site at Bighorn Lodge -- required one space on the site. Gordon Mi I es Page Two Consideration of Factors (Sect.ion'19.600) l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing0r potential uses and structures jn the vicinit.v. The location of the requested variance is adjacent to tr.vo iclentialunits-with approximately the same setbacks, grfa and site"area and to the southis a. lot 9y!9d bv vait_East Lodging. rne pr6posar courd hive an adverse impiiion the buiiding directly west which js ownbd by Jonine Hixon. Simjlar structures 3,1 1!yt?:" of,verv small tots exist in the vicinity of the requested variance.uie reel 'lt would be appropriate that the proposed unit be sitecl further to thesouth to avoid blocking views and tight. This would also aiiow giaiirg d, - - the north side of the lot to accommoJate one on-site park'i ng space. 2. The degree to which reljef from the stirct or'l iteral interpretationand enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to athievecompatibility and uniformity of treatnrent anong s.i tes in thevicinity 0r to attajn the objectives of thjs oidinance lvithoutgrant of special privilcge. The strict or literal interpretation vrould result in the lotbeing totally useless for any type of structure and could be construed asinverse condemnation.on the parl.of the Town. This prop"riy and others in theneighborhood should be considered for the proposed townhousb zones. 3. The effect.of the requested variance on iight and air, distributionof populat'ion, transportation and traffic Facilit.ies, publicfacilities and utilities, and public safety. See comment that pertains to resiting of the unit. The onlyimpact we foresee is the impact on light and vjew"and we feel this can be solved.There are no significant impacts on tie other factors. FII.{DINGS; l. That the granting of the variances will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties c'l assjfjed in the same distrjct. See ltems I & 2 under Consideration of Factors. l,le feel that approvalgr.lfg requested varinacewourd not be a grant ot speciii privilege. Rtt'br tnebuildings in the Vail East Lodging and Bighorn Terrace u"ius r""e constructedprior to annexation and zoning, and nrost exterior modifications or newconsturction would require similar variances. If the variances, excluding theparking variance, are not granted, the lot js not buildable in [eeping wiirrthe established character of the neighborhood, Gordon Miles fage Three 2. That the grnating of the varinace will not be detrimenta'l to thepublic health, safety, or welfare, or rnaterially injurious toproperties or improvements.in the vicinity. If the structure can be resited as proposed by the Department ofconrnunity Deveiopment, we do not feel that the pi^opbsea stiucture will bedetrimental to other propert.ies in the vicinity, 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or l'iteral interpretatjon and enforcement of thespecified regulations would result in practical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardsh.i p .i nconsistent with the objectivesof this ord'inance. See descript'ion of requested variancecreated by extremely small lot size and location ofdo not leel , however, that on-site parking uiould bebe done to accommodate one car. There are exceptional or extraordinary. applicab'le to the site of the varjanceto other properties in the same zone. -- practical difficulty js existing bu'i1dings. l,lle a hardship as grading can circumstances or conditions thal do not apply general'ly There are very few lega] lots of this size and configuration thatdo not app'ly generally to lhe UUlqf-Zone Djstrict The Department of community Development recommends approval of the requested variances for setback, distance between bui'ld.ings and for GRFA. |,le would recommend denial of the requelst for off-site parking as we feel it can be accommodated on the s'ite with proper planning. APPL ICAT CONDIII Ord inance No ION FOTi VAR IANCE And/Or ONAL USI PERM IT .8 (Series of l97i) Application Date July 27, L976 Hear ing Date F i na I Dec i s ion date for Town Counc i | {tf64 Jonine }1. Hixson q1 4II2 Spruce 'l{av Pub I icafion Dafe _Hearing ree iadqro y',r 4/. Lt,rz; * (App I icant)( A d d re s s ) Colorado / n i +., \\v | | f ' appear before fhe i ng: Phone 476-094I office 476-2500 Vail Plannino Vail(State) do he reby req ues t permission to Comm iss ion to reouest the f ollow Va r i ance f rom Arti Zon ing Change f romParking Vari ance cle 5 , Section5.502 TO Cond it iona I Use Permit to allow i-|fr zone. For the fol lowi Filing Number ng Bi described property: Lot/tractNorth k , Blockof2hcrn Subdivision, 3rd Addition clearly stafe purpose and intent of this application r am seeking er:rrission to encroach on required setback. As indlcated in the house was built within about three feet of the prooerty on either side. The variance woufd allow a newlv constructed porch those same boundaries. I I v Itlh at do you feel is the basis for Statement attached. hardsh io in th is case? I, I I I S i g n a t u re ?"t Attachment to application for variance: Basis for hardship. Vlhen I first considered expanding the porch, a contractor \',tas reconmended by a well-established interior decorator in town who had dealt r^rith this contractor on numerous occasions and felt the contractor to be competent. He contacted me about building the porch shortly before I left for a three week vacation. Before we made our agreement, he showed me another porch in the -core area which he had built. We then decided that my porch should extend the widlh of the house and entry walk (32 feet) and extend outward 16 feet to cover the rocky and uneven land in front. I then left town. assuming that the contractor wouLd do what was necessary to construct the porch. The contractor, however, was negligent in obtaining a building permit- I understand now that though the house expands the width of the property, this is no longer altowed and that the porch encroaches on ttre iequired setback of 10 feet on either side. The front edge of the poich is about 16 feet from that property line. Considering the size of the house, taking ten feet off either side to leave a twelve foot wide porch would also leave an eyesore. The overall effect would look unbalanced and unstable, especially considering the horribly uneven land underneath. The porch is consistent with the porch on an identical house nexL to mine. Attempts to reach the owner to ask hims of any objections he might have to my porch have been unsuccessful . He is going through divorce and bankruptcy and, therefore, keeps a low profile. Friends of his have presumably told him of the porch, at my request' and I have not heard any objections. There is an empty lot with similar dimensions east of my house. The owner appears to be on vacation as I have not been able to reach him at home. However, in my absence, he was in vail and did see the porch and did not voice air objection. The VaiI East Condominium Association owns the land in front of my house. The the front edge is not an issue' the seeretary for the Association verbally indicated they had no objection to my encroaching on the setback at the sj-des. Picture attached. e t.a SPRUC T;-U:--- POI\T OF3-i:lNliiilG 3f o to i-O-r 2 l-U/A Y \ r{-"E" ?. <' Iti - {l (-),1. ), ai' s' '-.-.r'';;tt1fir"' '.fr{)rt (3ta .-, ll) U7 c-.,JifR oi s-a.ID LoT 2 FLOCi: 8; -I;Et:ci sou.-.,.=_O6o zl+r E.qs,l nl,O):G TiE F.?cliTLor Lrli!, of slrD Lor 2 BLoCK B a O-:Sl.trct cl- 3l.o rst ro TrlE TRUE lgr:t?OF B-*i);iiIl;3; fJ-EIiCE SoUE [3" tO? l.ies,.!- A DI5?Ar.JCE oF 55.56 rr-;r; ?iiE:.rCEscuiil h6" et+t EAST A Drsr-r,ircE oF 3l"o l.!rrr; T:€r,icE uonid-[]"-t;;'"i*{ -Drs?A::cE ov.l5-"J5 r'uer ro iaE r,iciqr Lor Lr},rE oF sAlD LOf 2 nr,ocrc 6;ThTi{cE }iORi? l+6" 2l+r VIEST ALo}iG TtiE F.Roi.rr Lo? LrNE oF sArD Ler z trocK g A DTSTAIiCE OF 33"O FEET T0 THE TRUE polli? OF BECT}iNINO, ColtTAltiltic .o.ohe LcREs i'loRE oR LEss. rriE a sroRy FRAIIE BUlLDrlJG r.l-rs FouND To BELOCATED EI']TIP;LY WIT:iIl{ TtiE BOI'NDARIES OF TitE APCVE DESCi?IEED pROpER'iY.!.s slio:'Jil oN Tiiis Ii4T, AliD l=tE LOCATION Al;D DrMUllSrOltS Op ALL BUrLDIricS,LWROV-eliEltTS, EASEI4E|ITS, AID ttrGtiTS oF IIAY fl,l EVIDEuCE OR tC{OltN TO l,tE!.ND ElicRoAcitqEi'irs BY oR oN TIIE PE;,iISES ARE AccuJLiTur,Y sitct;N" rrlrssuRlEy IJAS !-IADE FOR TtiE AtsOrrE puRpoSES oir-i,y. ,r.p-"reo;,iagv corueis r+enasEr A-riD No r.Fictrs.wERE LocArED" XZ?.f;-D-..ft\ .t/ \\E],iffi'{ fi'.{ 4s7Ll*i, i i { I t i aralL^a. q oloatrelq hi,\+ sc:.r E i'_ 2c' i--32, PICTURE ATTACHED > -a-3 r r", L.()'t - 2 a- | .'\ /'- ,. ,-\{-1 l-\,/\- l'\ (i I t.l:,I'f t:'i -a. A::.il:'Lr'-i,i, i',:,'llC .1- ::.:.^,.--,'-,..-l ;,-.) 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