HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1969-1981(5rn\nor{\ G.\in{ 9 fSfg to t \\ o T0: Dick RYan FROM: Jin SaYre DATE: Novenber 10, 1981 SUBJECT: Lot sizes, GRFA' check for Blocks nufrer of dwelling 10 and 11, Bighorn units allowed and frontage Third Addition. BLOCK \lll l2 13 14 15 16 18 SQIJARE FEET GRFA 1,619. 75 2,278.75 2,742.50 2,375.75 2 , 555. 75 2,400.75 3, 099, 0 5,068. 5 3,449.25 3.779.8 3, 931 .4 4,098. 1 5,tt5.L 3,962.4 4,098. 1 3,773.L 3 ,920.7 FRONTAGE IJNITS l0 6,4799,ll5 1 0, 970 9,503 LO,?23 9,603 Highway I 2, 396 12,274 r3,797 I5,298 16, 814 18,48r 15,231 l7 ,174 18,481 1 5, 231 L6,707 None None None o. K. o. K, o. K. None o.K. o.K. o.K. 0. K. o.K. o. K. o. K. o.K. o.K, o. K. o.K. 0 0 0 IL I I 0 11 r 2 5 4 5 6 8I l0 1l I I-'I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TO: Dick Ryan FROM: Jim Sayre DATEI November 10, 1981 SUBJECT: Lot sizes, GRFA, check for Blocks BLOCK \.LOT SQJARE FEET nrurber of dwellingl0 and 11, Bighorn units allowed and frontage Third Addition. GRFA 1,619. 75 2 ,278 ,7 5 2 ,742 .50 2,375.75 2,400.75 None None None 0. K. 0. K. None 0, K. o. K- 0. K. 0, K. 0. K. 0. K. 0. K. o. K. 0. K. 0" K. 0. K. FRONTAGE IJNITS 10 L1, 15 r4 l-J 16 I7 18 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 6,479 9r115 1 0, 970 g, 503 70,223 9,605 Highway 12,396 12,274 r3,797 1 5, 298 16,814 1 8,481 rs,23L 17,124 18,481 ls,23l L6,707 0 0 0 1 I I 0 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1l 3,099.0 5,068. 5 3,449.25 3.779.8 3,937.4 4,098.1 3,773.1 3,962.4 4,098.1 3,920.7 luttn u lltl box lfi! vail, colorado 81657 1303) 47S5613 department of community development Novenber 6, 1981 Mr. Neil Rudolph Eaton Land and Cattle Conpany suite 410 10403 West Colfax Lakewood, Colorado Avenue 80215 Dear l"tr. Rudolph: After walking the site and reviewing the prelininary plans for constructionof the access street and cliff view Road, I can see several najor problenswith both streets. First, the Town of Vail subdivision regulations have requirenents for apublic street. These requirenents are attached to this letter. second,the access road to cliff view Road nust be part of the Town of vail . Annexa-tion of this land rnrst take place and the street.dedicated to the Townof vaiL, Third, there seems to be several environnental Droblens withthe construction of the access road. Ttre road would be nlxt to pitkin Creek. With the disruption for construction of the road, pitkin Creek could have run-off problems, The road would requi"" r"u"t. cuts and fills and have possible erosion and revegetation problerns and probably some highretaining wal1s. I, The relevant definitions for collector and minor streets are: 11 b. Collector stTeets are those whiqr collect traffic from ninorstreets and carry it to arterial streets or to local trafficgenerators. Collector streets include the principal entrancestreets to a residential developnent, those linking such adjacent developments. c, l,linor streets are those used prinarily for direct access toproperties abutting the right.-of-way. Minor streets carry traffic having an origin or destination within the developnent and do not carry through traffic. 11 Eaton Land e ftr" -2- 1I/6/8I Thus, the street from the existing road near to Pitkin Creek through Forest Service Land to the edge of the subdivision would, if approved, be classified as a co1 lector street, The road or roads in the subdivi.si-on itself would be classified as a rninor street. IL Planning Cornnission Approval . Section 2.3 No building shall be erected on any lot, nor shall a building Peflrit be issued for a building rmless the street giving access to the lot upon which such building is proposed to be placed shall have been dedicated and approved by the Planning Corunission as a part of a subdivision as herein defined. III. Street and Circulation Facilities A, Ar"angenent of Streets " The arrangement, extent, width, type and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing or planned streets, to topographic conditions, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served . B. Closed End Streets Closed e,-d streets shal1 be provided with circular turnarounds or T-shaped or Y-shaped terrninii with rninimum'dinensions as follows: 1. Circular tumarounds shall have a minimum outside right-of- uay diarneter of 80 feet and a rnin imun pavenent diameter of 70 feet. With approval. of Planning Comnission 65 feet diarneter tnay be allowed on steep hillsides, 2, A T-shaped or Y-shaped terninus may be provided in nountainside subdivisions as an altemative to the circular turnaround. Where provided, the wings. of such T or Y shal1 be at least 20 feet deep, ueasured fron the street boundary, and at least 12 feet wide, exclusive of parking space. Curbs at the intersecti.on of the street and the - "wings" of the T or Y shall be rourded with a rninirnum radius of 20 feet. C. Intersections . 1. Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street shal1 intersect any other street at any angle of less than 45 degrees. 2.If an intersection occursit shall be rounded with aPlanning Connission. D, Right-of-way Street .TYpe ' Col l ector Irtinor and Pavenent Width 3. Street grades shall not extending at least fortyintersection. at an angle othercurve of a radius 50r 40t "I:":d.four {4) percent for a disrancereet tn each direction fron a street Sincerely, raton lf E cattre -s- rj/6/Bt than a right angle, acceptable to the Pavenent Width 261 221 3 bel ow: E. Vertical Alignnent 1' No vertical grade shall be less than 0.5%, in order to facilitateadequste drainage. 2. Maximun percent of street grade, except as provided in Minor streets l0%Collector streets g% Unitsd Siales Deparlment of Agriculture Forest lloly Cross Ranger District Service P.0. Box 190 Minturn 8164 s Repfy !o 27 30 Dare October 29, .1981 Eaton Land 6 Cattle Conpany ATTN: Neil J. Rudolph 10403 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 410 Lakewood, CO 80215 Dear Mr. Rudolph: The Forest Service provided a right-of-way to the Colorado Departnentof Highways for Interstate Highway 70. It included easement parcel E-37 for access to subdivision land located in the Mt% of Section 12, T5S, R80W, 6th P.M., but the Departnent of Highways did not developeit as road access. However, the Departnent of Highways did construct a road and bridge crossing Pitkin Creek that reaches subdivision land in the Mrldz of Section 12. Subsequently there is concern by the Town of Vail about proposed developmentof subdivision land in the ttlFz of Section 12. Therefore, I believe Forest Service review for approval of your road construction plans across parcel E-37 connecting the existing road to more subdivision land in the NI{k of Section 12 shall be contingent upon the Town of Vailrs approval of your subdivision land development Proposal . Sincerely, fr.r,{"A61 /EPJIEST R. NUNNI u't District Ranger cc: George ltlillians, Colorado Dept. of Highways-. Dick Ryan, Town of Vailtr s.0. rs-62flI11 (8{) box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47&5613 department of community development November 6" 1981 Mr. Neil Rudolph Eaton Land and Cattle Company Suite 410 10403 West Colfax Lakewood, Colorado Dear Mr. Rudolph: Avenue 80215 After walking the site and reviewing the preliminary plans for constructlon of the access street and Cliff View Road, I can see several major problems with both streets. First, the Town of Vail subdivision regulations have requirenents for a public street, These requirements are attached to this letter. Second, the access road to Cliff View Road nust be part of the Town of Vail . Annexa- tion of this land must take place and the street,dedicated to the Town of Vail. Third, there seens to be several environmental problens with the construction of the access road. The road would be next to Pitkin Creek. With the disruption for construction of the road, Pitkin Creek could have run.off problems. The road would require severe cuts and fil1s and have possible erosion and revegetation problems and probably some high retaining wal1s. The following are taken fron Subdivision Re lations for the Town of Vai.l pas sages Colorado (January 1970). I, The relevant definitions for collector and minor streets are: 11 b. Collector streets are those which collect traffic from minor streets and carry it to arterial streets or to local trafficgenerators. Collector streets include the principal entranee streets to a residential development, those linking such adjacent developnents. 11 c. Minor streets are those used pri.marily for direct access to propexties abutting the right-of-way. Minor streets carry traffic having an origi-n or destination within the development and do not carry through traffic. Eaton Land u ttt" -z- rL/6/Br Thus, the stTeet fron the exi.sting road near to Pitkin Creek through Forest Service Land to the edge of the subdivision would, if approved, be classified as a collector street. The road or roads in the subdivisioni.tself would be classified as a minor streer. IL Planning Comnission Approvali Section 2,5 No building shal 1 be erected on any lot, nor shall a bullding pernrit be issued for a building rmless the street giving access to the 1ot upon which such building is proposed to be placed shall have been dedicated and approved by the Planning Conmission as a part of a subdivision as herein defined. III. StTeet and Circulation Facilities A, Arrangement of Streets The arrangement, extent, width, type and location of all streets sha11 be considered in their relation to existing or planned streets,to topographic conditions, to public convenience and safety, andin their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served . B. Closed End Streets Closed end streets shall be provided with circular turnarounds or T-shaped or Y-shaped terminii with rninimun dimensions as follows: 1, Circular turnarounds shall have a ninimum outside right*of- w:ay dianeter of 80 feet and a minimul pavement diarneter of 70 feet.l{ith approval of Planning Conrmission 65 feet diarneter ray be al}owed on steep hillsides. 2, A T-shaped or Y-shaped terninus nay be provi_ded i-n nountainside subdivi.sions as an alternative to the circular turnaround. Whereprovided, the t'wings" of such T or Y shall be at least 20 feet deep, measured from the street boundary, and at least 12 feet wide, exclusiveof parking spacer Curbs at the intersection of the street and thettwing5tt of the T or Y shall be rounded with a rnin irnurn radius of Z0 feet. C. Intersecti_ons 1, Streets shall intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. No street shall, i.ntersect any other street at any angle of less than 45 degrees. Eaton Land ?ar..t" -r- rr/6/sr 2. If an intersection occurs at an angle other than a right angle,it sha11 be rounded with a curve of a radius acceptable to the Planning Comnission. D. Right-of.way and Pavenent Width SlFee.t -'{}pe R"i€ht-=of =.qpy...qidth P.a,Le"nle:rt Wjdrh" Collector 50 I 261 . Minor 40 I 221 E. Vertical Alignrnent l. No vertical grade sha1l be less than 0.5%, in order to facilitate adequate drainage. 2. Max imum percent of street grade, except as provided in 5 belowl Minor streets lO% Collector streets 99o Street grades shall not exceed four (4) percent for a distance extendi.ng at least forty feet in each direction from a streetintersection. Sincerely, oo Enroru LnNo & Cnrrue CourpnNy- 10403 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, SUITE 4IO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 (303) 232-2366 November 2, 1981 Mr. Dick Ryan Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Dick: Enclosed is a copy of a leEter we receivedPlease call me concerning the next step in Very truly y rS, from the Forest Serviee.land development. /1 nl /j/r4fr-'il Neil J. Rudolph Par tner NJR: nb Enc. United States Department ol Agriculture Forest Holy Cross Ranger Distri"ct Service P,0. Box 190 Min:Lrrn. C0 81645 frrt Feply roi 27 30 oal€ October 29 , 1 981 Eaton Land 6 Cattle Company ATTN: Neil J. Rudolph 10403 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 410 Lakewood, C0 80215 Dear Mr. Rudolph: The Forest service provided a right-of-way to the colorado Departnentof Highways for rnterstate Highway 70. It included easenent parcelE-37 for access to subdivision land Tocated in the NWk of section12, Tss, R80w, 6th P.M., but the Departrnent of Highways did not developeit as road access. However, the Department of Highways di-d construct a road and bridgecrossing Pitkin creek that reaches subdivisi.on 1and in the NW2 ofSection 12. Subsequently there is concetn by the Town of Vail about proposed developrnentof subdivision land in the NIr% of Sectlon 12. Thetefore, I believe Forest service review for approval of your roadconst?uction p1.ans ac?oss parcel. E-37 connecting ihe existing road tomore subdivision land in the Nw< of section 12 ;harl be contingentupon the Town of vailts approval of your subdivision rand deveioprnentpropo s a1 Sincerely, 0 - z 'r'T ,--=- -,W r'V(rffi)- /ERNEST R. NUNN District Ranger George Willians. Colorado Dept. of Highways Dick Ryan, Town of Vait s. o. Fq-.a,ln-r r lA-cn\ E^t LnNp & cern-e co"oonF IO4O3 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, SUITE 410 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80215 (303\ 232-2366 0ctober 23, 1981 Mr. Dick Ryan Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Dick: As a result of our discussion of 0ctobet 22,herewith a copy of the Colorado Department oftion permit. Jeff and I are waiting for you to discuss thewith Bill Anders. If you have any questions, please call. 1981, I enclose Uighway's construc- road construction ',*i1;iifr;* Neil J. /Rudolph Par tner NJR: nb Enc. ,4o COLORADO 26000 STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS l.fay 29, 1981 truly yours , HAASE-)Eng/zneer i,tr . Neil J. Rudolph Eaton l"and & Cattle Comparrv Suite 410 Westland Bank Buildinc 10403 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, Colorado B0Zl5 Dear Ftr . Rudolph: Enclosed is a construction_ permi-t wirich when executed vrill allow you to extend the fronta.ge roacl f,hrougir the Interstate r ight of way to cormec t r.zi f tr C lii f .!'ie!/ Road . Tf you find that it.vi11 fill your neecis, please secure written concurrence from the Tol.m of Vai1, in ryhatever f orm they deem appropriate, and return :t to us together r,rith all three copies of the permit sigrreC by llaton Lancl 6, Cattlc Co. h'e will then present the pernii io tLle Chief iln3ir.re et: f or L:,i s signature and furnish you vich a copy of the final cxecuted docunent. Very E. N. Chtef Gtr'tf : rr Attch. cc: Ptosence-Dunn F. I{il1lams kight of Way Utanager 4201 EAST ARKANSAS AVENUE DENVER, CO 80222 (303) 7s7-9011 31r () a3; ,--------- PEIIMAI.,I[NT EASEMINT TO I]E ACQUIRED A Eracc or parcel of land lto. E 37 Rev; of the StaEe DcparLnrcnE ofHighways, Division of ilighways, Srare of Colorado, p;;j;;E no. I i0_2(7)lBlconraining 2.915 acres, more or less, in rhe Swt if rf,i i"t.,, Seccion l,?ownship 5 south' Range B0 wcst, of ihe. sixth principar l.reridian, in taglecounty, colorado, said tract or parcel being more puiai"rr"rry describedas follows: Beginning at the StJ corner of Sec. l, T. 5 S. , R. B0 t.l. ; 1. Thence *.9",3:r^39', W., along rhe h,esE line of Sec. l, adisEance of 430.0 fee c; 2. Thenc.e S. 83" 54r 30" E., a distance of 268.4 f.eec3 3. Thence S. 39"_3gr 8., a distance of 39j.g feec, ro the souEhIine of Sec. l; 4. ?hence S. B9o^101 10" W,, along rhe sourh line of Sec. l, adistanee of 485-o feet, more oi r"u", ro the poirla or beginning. The above described parcel c.ontains 2.915 acres, more or less- ACCESS DESCRlPIION T0 B8 ACQUIRED FROM PARCEL No. 60 een l/30168 U. S. cOVERNMEt.r-r tlrHlTE RI R NATIONAI FOREST Grantor, of the County of Eagle and Srate of Colorado EXCEFTINGAITY RIG!{T OR RIGHTS OF ACCESS ro and frorn SEaEe }Iighway No. 7gand frotr_€nd to 3ny part. of the prcperty of the granfor, abtrttingupon said highway along or €croas the sccess line descrlbed asf ol lor.rs: r 70-2(7)r83 Beglnning at e po int SE| of SecEloo 12, T. 5 S.ln Eagle County, Colorado from whlch the NE corner of rhe NW|,, R. 80 W- of the Sixrh principel Merldianbears N- 0" 03' OO" H., a discance of. Northerlv 306.6 feet; I.s. J. of of2. Thence Thence 52 " 28, 5o,r E. , 53" 27t 2B,r E., dlstance dls Eance 261 .9 feeE; 500-0 feec. () ^CCESS DESCRIPTION TO 8E ACQUIRED FROH -U. S. GOVERNHEIfI h'iiITE RIVER NATIONAL FORES? 7O- 2 (7 )r83 Grantor, of the Coureny nicxr o*-*iaili".r of Eagle and sr; rrom and ro any o"..oi,o::iii^.r""'lo'iace of colorado EXCEPTJNG s a id h igh!,I" -, i"Ii'I, "i"i5i" ;;iF:iuii*" #:i:ii"ir" l:; "J { ;::rrne described as follows: tzI 'eo PARCEL ryo. 60_ sourherly egE L/30/69 - Beginning et a ocJnr r_^_ _,- . .oJ section ;;: ;. i !"r"t f rom which rhe NE^cor.ner of rhe Nr^rt, sEt ;:":;;* *""i'l'.J'i.;.l, i3,l;,-. ;: ;i: ;;ld ;';;*::"::.j:,;;r.. 1. Thence s. 4g" 59r 11,, E.s a distance of 491 .5 feer. i I I I J 26000 ; t.1 T]'r-ii" ;o Booth creek COLORADO STATE DSPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS l4ay 28, 1981 Eaton Land & Catt.le CompanySuite 410 Westl.and Bank Duilding 10403 I,I. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, Colorado 80215 _ This permlt is granted by the Colora<lo Department of llighr,raysfor the purpose of all_owing laton Land. & Cactle Co. II to enrsr uponthat certaln tract of land designaced as ?arcer E-3r of r,nrerstateilighway Project I 7A-20)L83, said. parcel being more definitely de-scrlbed in Exhibit A attacired, for the lurpose of constructiDg an ex-tenslon of the exisring frontage roaC tirrough said parcel_ E-37 to con- ,nect with Cliff Vj.ew Road Big}rorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Aurended Plet,. In acceptlng tllis permlt, Eaton Land & Cattsle Co. II agrees Eocooattuct the extension of the frontage road in accordance wlth the lqecurcatronr ana etqdards prornulsared by the ib6TfidrrrEd:rontand & cattr" co r""""-irrtnthle permlt to construct prior to ent.ering on the tract for the purposeof congtructl"on. Eaton Land & Cattle Co. II further agrees to conduct thelr opet-.atJ.ons in a manner that w1L1 not put tire State in viol_ation of theterms of the Highway Easement Deed issued to the Department of lllgh- ways Oetober 15, 1"969, recorded in Book 216, page 376, of Che Eagleco\grty records. A copy of sald deed is hereto ittaci.red as Bxhlbit B. This grant is gj,ven wltll the furthr,r understandlng that Eire roadconstruqted through sald Parcel B-37 r.rill not be maintalned bv theColorado Depaf,tment of lllghways . CONSTRUCTIOi{ P!,3.UIT whereof,the partles have hereunto aet their hands and day of _, 1981 In wltaess sesle thls SATON I,A]'{D & CATTLE CO. II By COLOIADO DEPARTI'IENT OF }IIGIIWAYS DIV-3I0N OF {Giil{AYS STATE OF COI,ORADO By E. N. HAASE, Chief Engineer E)CIrBrli tlArr LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO, I 70-2(71)183 East. of Dowd to Booth Creek PARCEL NO. E_37 REV. A tract or parcel of land No. E-37 Rev. of the State Deparr-ment of llighways, Diwision of llighways, state of colorado, project No. I70-2(71)183 conraining 2,915 acres, more or 1ess, in the SW U4of the SW L/4 of Seccion 1, Townsirip 5 South, Range g0 West, of theSixth_ Principal. lleridian, in Eagle County, Colorado, sald tract orparcel being more particularly deseribed as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of See. 1, T. 5 S., R. B0 !il.; 1. Thence ti. 00o 25 I 30', W., along the west line of Sec. 1,a distance of 430.0 feet; 2. Thence S. 63o 54t 30" E. a.-distance of 268.4 feet; 3. fhence S. 38" 3Bt E. a distance of 395.B feet to the southline of Sec. 1; 4. Thence S. 89" 40t 3O't I^I., alonga dLstance of 485.0 feet, more beginnLng. The above described parcel, contains 2.951 acres, more or 1ess. o a the south ll-ne of Sec. 1, or less, to the point of .r-+, ll - + i.ti8ri&ii&lelurrfb_ \o I ll R.A 6E:i;_S 11. RIC'T AF WAY EAST 6 oorto fo &otf o'.EEr /i;\>J (r"- \$ Pil*ti 'c4.t, 514 tttlt tt 5 A.drt O'. K t4 '/E q ofllS t3 '-1- ,t,I @* -o"{'F f;!1i\,.. trftv ]/4 scctz. T.5S.,R60w. l?t4 ffi lt=-- OETAIL flo Scolr LOt I Lor. 2 , ;| | | tr,C 14' rinri bet'.rr-,cli. ti:r: iii{-triitl S'i'1,Jr;.'i cii lii,l:,iil.ti,1r acb:i.iix, iii' nrr(l titl.orr1;ir thc DI{I'AIiiJ.ulllf ci" 1ilttrllfil'i;lii./il'r0:,1, l'Iil)i}lvrL- }i.r.OrJ7Ay ,r\1,.,,11!JSiqiililLrii, l}iliirt/ru ot. .' PUDI,IC liC,l,DSj, ]rr:r.cilr:rf[.,.:,r, rcft,r,recl .to 1.,s.i,i,r, l)EI.hltlirirJl,lTr rrr]J trre Delrartnent of Highways , state of colerado " h,:rcirrcil.i,rlr ." rtrferrerl to as .i;l-.e: CMI[rif : ..;i : I,/I1.ilo.s.srjiti.i: . i.t ., ""': "' lYJlolm/ts, tlre CiV,I,li'tjU iras fj.1r..:ci applical,i.c'rr ut.rrler''1,h,: pr'qvisrLoirs oll tirr: Aat of Cougteos of .irugurlb 27, I95g, os erneixlcd ( e3 U.S,C. Sectl.on LO?(d) ), for' thc' r'i.gh'b-of-.vay of a highrrny ovcr. cert.ailr lirnc o,,.iirccl ty irr.t tl!r!!r-'.i '-a'ier:+s jr: i:h.: .-qr-al:e cf cororado ,.r.;!.r-ich ilr , urder the juri'sclictj.orr of tltc lreyrartrrren'L of /rg::jcul.ture - !'orcil.b Servi.ce, . :. ano, . l?Il0lfiA,S, t.bis 'l,ralsfcr js fupl):er auliror.j.zecl u1C:.. flr,: pr.r.r.rision$ of, ' Y".Ac'L of Cbrtgresc appr'ovec 0cto'uer'15, 1.966 Ticio s';rt, 9lt1 t 9JZ, Sectj.orr 6(r')(r)(,q/ ano, Inl0ltilA$, the Din::c.tcr of I\bl.j.c Rcracis, 'ptilsuarrrt 'Lc-r (lc1egatir31.s of Adnj.tr:i.stra'to::, bers dctcrrniired tirst,.arr cEr$errnl'rt ovcr -i,lic larrd coverucl by . the erpplicatlotr is rrcason.{bly nscossary fo): a right-of-.yi:y for. Intenstate Illgtnray hoject X-7C-I?(T)'LS3 , and , lytlUlUJAS, the l):rpar"onrei-rt of Agr.i.crul1;uro, acti.r:g by trrd 'Llrrvugh 'tlre t'oresU Sewice, has ogrecd to the tlartsfclr by the Dlltlill,t4Nll of on ca$crerlb ovc:r, the land to iilc GR.|.III'CE; : l'l0iT Til0I{l:]FO.€r'ihe DxPAltll.lllilT es authorizec by lav, an<i :i.n con,itl.iarrce \ vith al.l. recluirelrrento irryosed by or pursu.rnli tcr'IJ.tIr.: 15 - Co,ri,rer.ce oncl Forr:lgtr Trncle, Subtitte A, Part 8, Code of l'ccleral il:gulat.i.one.(15 CITI 8.1. - '8.U) (196r), fe:'tari.rri.ng to uiC efiecfuetj.rr.l tirc rrt,crr,i.5,,u,-,- <rf Til;lc VI of t;lte Civjl ilightsr /rcL ol L964.('/ii .9ba'1 , ?-5?; /t?. V.:;.(), {cctjo'rc 2oCl.t.:',-2(ttiC)-/,), uhich Itrguler'!ic.rtrs 'lele rrdolt'i,eci, affi:-ur.rC €r:i'.j conbj.l'ru':ri in crffr:ct by thc I ' l,l i )rc:clg;1'6;1)!:igli.'l..g-/l,.1.:.r:i'rt.i-r;i:..c...i,o.,'',1.ltt:l.l,,.ll'irL.i1l.i,]rciitti;lr.,r..i.t,j,c.ic..t.r;(;cr.bl.:t.l.icrJtir try tlrc fieei.'cLirlv o.l 1;,;rr,;1..oi,itr.i;i.c,;i r.., ,r..,v.,.r1rr r...i1..:r-.lr i,.g(l().r..(il:1tcc t;ii:it $ec:.i;:icvt -l.il(t4 <>f' tlre se-.ici ./i./.r'i;.{:irjr:.'ovc:i. 0(r.iolrr,-,. J.5, -t-<;!.,r, (60 ;i.ir3t,. c).J.r., c),,i<)) t <r..:; rro.r,ci:yg'arit 'Lo.'Llla ciilr,'ccli i':'rr cir.e(''Jir'i l'icri a r,.i1;i'L"oi...,;iy .fcr:r .!i*: co:r$.L.,,lr.ci;:i.onr. o1)C:r'a'L:ioll' irnrr rn:i:i'rr'1":r1C)Ce ().i . ,:igir"'rly, irrcr-rxrinE; iirc cor'Lr.o.L 'f acsess. ::"tT" frorn the ioJoi,,-i'g lanclsr'lb-ceiri; nncl rrcscrvj.'g oni;o ,re oranbort'ose poi'ts of ircccss as .hc'e-i-risf Ler. dcscr:r'.bcc in rtxh.il,i.li ,,A,,, "rro ;"of the space aborre.a:rd bel'r'r,hc es-ii:rblisircd gr.ade li.nc of trro r.,itiirr,;pavement for highr':ay puf'ponc' 0n, over, acros$, i' ad rrpo. .i;rre for-l0vingdaserlbcd la.rrrl of ,r;irc ,U':i.bed S_L,a,oes r,ri.blr:i^' .fhe. ,|,/hi.bc . liivcr. Na,l,ionaL 'ores.bCourrty of EagJ_e Sta.be of Colorado: 6th p. l,,lcridian sr^rl SW{ and Sw+ SE\ 837 ) .os the J-auril is rnc,.r.'c: par.i;:icrflnrt-y cjescr.:;.bicl i,:1 ltx.iub::..1 .,,Anat.Lacjrcci 1c;r.cto tl .l | | tt . Tol.rnslr-ip I Soubh :, Scci;:i.on 'i5 2 12 l?..12.1. Ranrge g0 i1cs.L ..-5rrtid.l';er:l.en (Pa'1ce:r..llo. fO ; 5p1 (1.P..:91- ilo. 33 ). sr:t rl-i. st;;;. (I'a_rceL JT)I'i';i{ ( Prrr.ccl I,to. i6 )l{Ii-.f (l'i'.rce,1 }to. 5tjiS_L; (Pa-r'cel No. tiO). S!'/i- Si'j+ (parcet No. an.j made laru'creo.f; tud F€r slto',nr o.n trrrc fc,ri.loi,r.hrg clcsc'...ibccr llr.trls: Drt+rJ::g No. : .. Jr.rtco 5-2-67 r\uinbc.r: of rnalked D'xhibr.t' "Bil a'bt:rcrrecr hera'bo (rrcl necie p;rhi; horeof, "uu;c".u, Shee'ts'9 h,Jveyer., t,c'tlre fo1Lo,ri-ng terss ruicl conclit:iou.s I (1) fu'ts'Lan<ting ved:.r.rl ot iU,o", ff c-r\f, cpls.t:lug on 1,hc datc of ijti$ . .. g:'a11'L, a.n;l.ilra Gra:rtee slialj. ob.i,e,jn suc.h 1:e1,,n:issiol e1g m4y bc i neccs$aly o:r aecorur.b of ' euy_ cncjr cl.ajJ,rs. (2) the ft'il1iss r,n.l the ltegionar.l 1o".,,1;o" shri-l nake ctebc:;ratnalion '; s,s to the necc,sslty for orchco.r-ogica0 e.ud 1ra1coi.r.Lo1_ogicai '. .teconnaiss€urce atyl saivagc r,;:tth:i' l,he righ.Fof.-i,ray, cncl such ; . ..i .. '''' recoirtraissiurle eurd salvage to ,ohe e,x,i;clt cic.r;errruinccr :robessruy .bcca'se of co}st:r'uc'b:i.o' of tire '-igirray frrcili-.ty i.s i..o b:r.ur.rrcr.- ta\cn i'y tire cri'irLeo ifl c.o;,rpJ.r'.nlce r,':i-bii 1,irc AcL en-b:L-i1cd rrA:r 4c'b fo;' 'che prcserrra.bion of .fir:is-r:ic:ur e:r.l:ic1ui,c,.i-cs,, o.lp.rovccl ,, , . Jrure B, :Lgos (r/i sta-b. zzr; ).6 u.s.c. litz_/,)j), rrl:i stc0e ,."-,," ij r','lierc app).icablc . -/--, L":t.l ,';cj;. ,,,... a,.?j\-1 l' ...\\ : nrrri ji41 j.1;. I 116,.,.,.,:i,r,:,3,gir,u-i.|9 iic 1.,> rr : '. shor.fcr i:i:e, thc eas*;;cttl i,^1 ..j:..r1 1,r:,.irLoti cir;:.1-.1- ier,;:rirra.Lc scvcn (Z) ycr:,r; fr.on the d...rt,: of thc e,.,..cni:.o:t of iis dced ;' , by thc Ur:i'bed.Stc,bcs of ,..;r,erice i^ t'e cvL.:)b co..:rtructj-o'of a lrighriily. on the rig'L.o.fl_:.;qy is not st:i.r.tcc! dru.ing such sevcn-year period. u) Tl:e cai;ei,icnb irerein gra.'bcd is u-r,ritec to use or. tire dcscr.ibed '' rigirL-of-r'/.rjf a:rci the space above .and be10,,,, the eobabr.isircd ' gla<ie liue of the ldghvrqy povarrcnt for the pur.lorje of con.st.ruc.Lion, opcra'iicn, a'rc nairter:ance of a 'rigiri.rqy in accorcr.n"o ,rith tho approved pLaLs dcscribcd in tire condiiicn nunbc.t,ed (5) ancj Ooes nob incltrCe .tire grant of er5r righbs for non-hi5h:..,ay pru.lroees or . faciiitics z ' h'ovictecl, That 'bhe right of the Forcst so"ur"o .bo ure or autiro*ize . .' the use of arqy portion of the righ't-of-.r,iqy f<-rr non-hi.grrvqy puxpos;-'' sha-ll not be e;:creised r.rhqr.r "l,rcl, we r.ould be inco*sistcn.b vith ,rc provisior.rs of Tiil_e 23 of tbe ijn_i.ted Sbatcs CoCq anO of the Drrt'cau of PubLlo Roacls Rcgula'tions issr.red pursuan.L thc.reto or iyould int<l1.fsrc trith .bire fTcc fLoiv of i;ral,fic or lnpair .Lhc ful.l u$e {rnd safely of 'bhe lrj'gtrvrry, aircl j.n argr cosc the orzur.iec' and urc Burcou of Rtbllc lbads stle.ll bc consul.be<l pi.tor to.bha exc.rc;isc.of such r.i,gir.ts: arrd ' hc'rj"dcd, Fur*Llter -bhat no-i;h:ilg he:,eirr shall prccLude the l..or.esi; Service frorn locaiirr.g Nation'e8- Irorest o,",a otnu" Denaltmcn.b of A5r.,icr.r1tu.e lqforaratr'.on sig.rs o* thc por-biorrs of thc, trigir-t^.of-lqy o*tsiae of i cons'bruction crc*ring urnits, except that such signs sha.lr. not be Loeated m the rlght-of..ray of tiuis Interstate hoJeot.. (l) ?he deslgn pnd conetnrction of higr!,rsir Srojeot (I-?O-A(?)IS3) slt.ated on lhis right-of-vay wiLL be fur ac,sord with the provislon of fltle 23, u.5. code-I{ighwaus, ard anendnents; the Reg'ratlons f@ the .Adnlristration of Federal Ald for lllglurays, effective,\,lay II, 1960, ,'@ anendnents and estabi.ished procedures for Federal_ald grojects, I equireraeats of XI ZL-5-63 relative to "Coondinetion -3- I t', I of pub).:ic J:i't,elesbl; o:1 lt;ig),:;r;r ir:ip.ig1,,Jiqli.Lr.; ,,_,i..rjr.Lircrso of fislr r'n:'l rrir-ri.t-lfc )'('sor.Tcr.,rJr' unri circ.r.rlr. l,rr;irr,-r'1-r-rr:.iu! of l,iuy 25, 195/", ri;ii.'c:ci;i.lg ,,0cur;t'rc.ici,ti.L:i.o:,r c'f -lho osc.-a-l-.l ' jn'br,rcs-Ls of tir.e 1>cr.b.i.ir.c in Lli: Lrcijc:rcrll-n:i.cl h:i.girl,;ry lrroc'f.ilri:,'fol'Uho p.r'o,ir.:e'U.i_on c,l J.r,ioTc,.,,e..r,la;t).i; oi ]rar*s ru:cl o.Li:cr. o..t.LCo<.rr.. rectc(rlio]l rurd h"is'Lc,,r;i.crr1 r.eloru.ccgrr rm,i -i;hc cor,.s.l,ruc.b:ion spec:if:i-cuui.c'rs of 'birc stq.tc i$i,Jii;..y <'rc;re:r L:,r :r'c ea rrDlr,cr\rod by the Durc*rr. of l\blic ilo::c.ll for, *oc olt l:cclci,al._*icl projcc-bs. 'Jhc licgio*ar !bi.'.s rcr r;!r1- be 1r,:ovirrcd rrn opportu'ity t',; lei, j.e:,j 1;-,.:*: rei {:'tive -i,c ci t.cc..r.,ar - :.1. nl}; t-..h,it *_.ir._a. i,_Tnj C,:rj t,'orks as pJ-nnncd vj.lll have u1>cn r.<icquet,e pr.ol,ccbj_c,n ruitl ubili'zation of the l"ancr -bravc::sccl by 'i;he r:i.girb-of-riay and edJoi-n:ing land ur.rrlcr the o.drtr-t:.ris'Lra'i;iol: of the For.cs'i; ser.vice for tlre pur'l>Jsc{, ro.e t,rt-,i"t', such lc.nd is bej.ng acrrrl:inis-Le:cccr. xhose fea'brrr'cs of cies:ign, cols'bruci;iorj aurj nrairrbc:raacc of ilre higln';ny faci.l:ily ur,.l o.f rrcc crf ti:e riglrL*,.rf.,i.regr tha0 voulr] have effect on thc ;rro.leet:ion cu:ci. u.bil_iz,rib:i.o:r of thc 1anrl unCcr the adruhLstra.bion of -bire lorcsi Ser.yice ore .lio be uu'Lual"\y o.gr.'eeci upon by thc ncgionn-l lorce'ii,er alil .l,he, 0ro.u.lqe ty conference or other conurruiricatloir rlur.i:rg 'uhe prepsua.bion ot the pl-ons oncl spcclfications fcrr each cormtruc.bion project, end tlre pl-ans sllFIlJ- be revisccl, modiflccl, or supplcrncn.Led .i;o neet' the apprnvol of tire Regionn-l Forcs ber, or rvhen decnlcd ) approlriate, suplrlearen'bed by r:ri-L.bcn stipulation betveen.,r;b,e Beglanol !'orester arxl the Gririr.bce, prior to $,csJ.b o.f, cons'Uruc'Lisn The furaL design and the e.onst:*ucij.cn specifications for ' any hlgh'.ray co:ns'Lr"r.tctton projrc.b ou 1,be r,1gtt'1,-of-r.;ay rzill bc prcscirbed to 'uhe Regic,nal- I,'o:rcs;.ber for tr:is eliplov.rl atrrl ' cotrc'r;t'uct:ion s;hc-lL no'b bcg'ln r':r.bil snch a1>irrovol i,: glvcn: rii.. ,:f , ! r. Pr.vi.cre<jr ?ira'i; i.f :i'L is l.ulrscij'clr',1J rrccircd ,ecccsor.J .ilr*.t, thc aPpl'r.)\rcd }tltliu, ."r;:c,c:if;icrr.i:ioj;3, or s.fi}rrilaiiorr lrc., e.ncn.:ied or.' suirUlcri:.itcci, {u}y Bli(,J:r(iri3ili, o:r sLU)I;J.crrrcu.l siraLl bc rrpploi,ecl l,y tirc Jlc.11:ionc^1 l,,orJster erld -L'c Gi;:m.i;ce bcfci.re beirrg lrl.ocg.rl -i* cfl.ecb. I (6) cons:i$'lcni, r;l'Lh irigrn;iy srfcuy s.Lrr:rilrris, .Lhc Gr.iur.bec siio_u:I (") tt.olcc.L €r-n. pr.cs.,r.yc soil an. vc5;c.botive covcr. and scc..rr:ic turd cs.Urc.lric valucs ou .bhe righF.of_r,,,1,y Otrl;t;i6ls of cOttstt'r.'.ctia' l-:inri'Ls, ^ (b) t'l'ovj.cc ;'ot. i,ni :)r..-,:".:iir,j.:i.c:-r ai:,j t:-,.:-ii.i ,_.j s,..ril:- crosion rTitfr-i' ilrc l.iglri;..'f-"vay u-ocl acrjcrccnb r-ands that rr-igllt be affec,ced by -!hc couc.truc.Lion, -.. operatio', or loa5.n'bcrrcnce of i;rrc higlrway, urcl sho-lr vege-i;alc rrnd keep vi:gc.b*.l,cci r,riili srrl.firbJ.e species s.ll o*-lf, ".rf or f:i.11 sloprs fci,s;j.blc for ' l.evcgctai5.on o-c o.lhc:. ei'cls on r.;r'r-ic:h g'oturd covci, js dcs.broyedi lrircre i.l;, is <jeorrerj tjceessaty duri:.rg a jofurt rev:ic.v be'rl'reeu the liegional rbr.es'ber rurd tlre . O*.lrtce prlor, ,oo coi.:r1:1ei:i.o:r of ilrc hi6lrrray p:rd the , Gram'bee shaLl. ner-furt,e.jn a-lL terr.acilg, rtater.bars, ' lead-off dltcbcs, or othel preven.Uive r.rorks ,rrhab ' t'qy be requirecl to accomp.'l-:is;h ,clr:is objcc.ij.rrc. tlr_is ,''iprovllsion shalL. sf.so appJ.y ,co slopeo^ tlro'.L rrre r.eshepeci fol3.o"riing sLldcs rvil.ch occu.r <lrrr'furg or. of Lcr cons,;ruct,ion. (7t 'Jbe Grenlec strnl.'l 3 8stabl.J.sh no bomo;r, 66rd, or. gr:ovcl pi.bs, stone gUtJlV, or pcriiiu,ent s-f,Ora.ge anees, si.tcs for. lr:igh_ ,1. . dcpol; or clJ.sposal erer.s l,;-l-iir:in the lighFof-;.cy u.nJ_essi.I'I ob'ba.fulng r,.p;rr,cvaL of the ltcgionnl_ IoresLer. b I . ,t.|'; i '} (B) I)re cr*rr'i;cc shel-1 rn3:irrr,ain .Lrrc rigir.i-.o.{....,.ii;f clcirr:ir:g ry :rrcrui.iof crrr:;njcids only cf.bci, spccifio rrr.r...t.rcrr ii).,)r\o!.a]- rirr,., bec:r ) . gri.ven Ly ihc Jtr:g.r'.o:.i:r_L iro-r..cs.Lr:i. .Ap}i:icl:.1i.<,.rr fol sr.rclt rrpgrr,.r'r& riotts'b be i' l'r'i-birrg rurci ci>ccify 're -i;i.rac, rri(;.ih(:c1, crr.;ruicalsl nnd 'flrc c'xilct port,i.oir of thc r.igr,.t*o:r-i'q5' tc i.rc crrcrrr:ically trea.Leil. (9) The Gr'.u'Lec, i-n co:isiclcrat:io' of .{,'s grarrl o.f .i;lr:is easunen.b, does hereby coveniur'b rurci a11r.ec f<;r iLsclf, i.-Ls succcisors erid assigns'i;hal, (a) l1o lrcnbcr.of -Lhe tr.avcli-rrt: pub.L:i.c eurcl busi'sss usc)r$ of 're l'cdera111_.-riss:is.bc.rl l:i.gir,,;ay sira1l, on .Che grou'd .^ of rcr,3e, e (riu.r.r o.r,. rr;,,,.ii j.c:na_!_ cr.:Lg:Ltr, be cxc].r,tcl cc1 ft.ora -oiu, i;i c:.i - patio^ Jn, bc crc'iecr uie bencfrr..i;s of, o:r bc obher*rise subJec.becl ' to ti.scrlrai-na.'r,-ion in their occcss ,!,.r qncr usc of soirr 'dglrrrrgr or . asce.fs -Lo a'd u,$e of the fo;:ili.i;ics.acxl se'vices provided for' publ:lc. oeconinrocla.l;ions-, (such os eatilg, sleeiring, r,cr;.t,, rooreEr;uj.on eur<l vehicr-e serviciLrg) eo:r-s-br*ctccl 0n, ovcli, ox rurder i'he rlglriiof-r'ray of tre higirvi:y co;rs.i,ructc:d upc.n the r:i.gh.t^..f- vay horeby convcyccl, (tr) .Uf*-U .i,Le G:reubce sh&_l*l use saicl ea,ser,letrt autl r.lgiuh'of..rrq' so convcyccl, _l-n cc,;r1rt :iancc r.;i.b[ rr]-L ol,]rer reguir.qroen.bs inl"csed prrrs;uant .lo said p;u,L g of *rrrtr,og.;ru n o1. Coroerce and Foreign Tr.acie }teguJ-a-lions. (fO) f+ tlre.bvenb of breach of tirc abovc-nenlionerl lon.fisc,rj-lr-.ila,Lion i'uions, the Depar.trnent shrf.l. harre thc r:iglrb to rc_.cnber. saicl land and fasl1l.bies..orr said l.rard, arrd ilre abovo-describcd Iinterests .rn rrurd shar-rr.. tbcrcupc' r,ovc:..t io .bhc uni.ted $totes of 'ltmer:ige and to the conlror of i,he Dep:u'tr:ren.b of Agric*lture -l .l'ores'U Serive, as sucir con.brol cxis.Led p.,rJ.or to ilris i's.l,runre'_b. (11) I'ihclr ueccl for flre ea.senelrb lrci..ui:r gla.rrled shejll- nd longer exist, , ** C,*.ontcc shal1 glve uoticc of ..chq.ii fact to the Secre.bary.of ' lhrur-crpr"r;s'hiorr eod the righi;s hclcj.n 5i.,r.rr,bed shari terr,rrrrabe and . '. thc Land sha]^1. inurrcclia't,e\r revcr-r.; -bo the fu'r.l con,oror of the Secrc'Lcry of AgricuJ_turc. 'j I tl -/J.- ' lll 17r'rlitt3's li'i:i:r:i01.', i, r"'1c'[.'';h{-^'1' ri.r*';;c., ./r..;s;ir;.r;a't c'ic{. cc,ur*)(f.]-, r,uriir.rru:; t(r ,. <lcJ'cgatiolr'l of autltol'j:Ly fr.'orl Lhc si:crcrrrr.y crf T:'cur..;.rroli:lrrior:, tiic ],,ctrcrlr-r_ li-iShlrqy Arirlr;i'triL;ir'at(r'r'olrtl the ch..'Lc'l corun:-:r-,J-, Ic<lci.o.1 Iijlrir;l.rq,.;iclrrrjri:..s_;.tr.:tLicrir, by virl'ue of anthor-ity i.n,urc vur;i,;rr rry 1..,r, ira'e'c,r,cur.Lo suh;:ri.r..irr:d rv ll:Lr.cas of tlic dqy rr-ncl yci.,_r. filsL above 1rt,j.,r,i;cn. 3 o I I r. UiJ.Llf ii) S.l/r'r'i,5 O_r .,1-i,1i.rri1()4 I)r,, f tU i]].il' i.il 01,. r'i I A i l.(; i]]t ii.A,,ll :r. C it I l'-1)l rtAl l [(]J r,t',l y .rrr,:.1; ; :.i.rgJ,f lOitDirJirrAu 0r I'UIil,l_c liolt).J ' :, .\ f-&X*--, rr llotru,S' i\blic Lr: :,.nrt for the'DistrifiofCtl].u:nbic,doheretlyccr,cj.{y.|hili,ortrln.slhr:/{da1'of&y_' J'g('j., bcfore ne pcr'sonally aplroa.recr .sl.g.-,.1sit:.i',:-,rrr..11,.i;c1, .a.;si:;.Le:r-r; cjr.i-r_.f cc.rtmscl, r,cc.icr:al Highr:ray ridmlrrr"stratlotr, a:lrJ erekncr',r!-cc16cd thaL'the folegoi'g irl..;trturicn.b bci*irrg clnl,et'4/&' - .lc: -, tr;; ; e;:ccu'Lccr by hirn i' lr.i.s orricia. calrasil, 8r.,. by aul'hority j-n hln vested by Ia','r, for the lJurposes .an6 irr.lcrrbs i' saj.rl j.nsuurrurert described and sct forth, and acaioi;Iecigccl the.seurre to be his frce acf a'd ccoci ss /\ssLs'cant Chief Cou,seJ., !.edera,1 liigh,ray Arirni-'is.Lr.al,ion. 19('g_. .l :i :l i'- Ylitness: Nota4r l\blic 'r' r , , I l..i t 3 (\ Itr cc';irlrlia:r<,cr rr.1 llt -blrc con,lj.tio;t; cci,:1.:i,i.ir i'.Llrt: fo.l.r:5t.,iJr{i (iceJ, tlrr Departrnent of Highrivays, State of Colorado ccl. i;..ii.i.el;, ancl lDi "Ll::, aetrci'l,r;.r1cc. of t,Jri-c cilcd., o(:crr..,.1,..; .Llrr: r.j.glr.f._C,f..i;r,. ovef cer-i;cr:'Ln la:irrl hcr.eirr dcscl.i_brd {*r^ti rr!t(:.-:i; fo:r i.l,lt,li, i.i;u e;uce.c...O.,.- and assig:rs folcvc'r to iirj.dc by ilrc co:-rrij.-bj.or*r sr.:.1 for.Lrr j' r;aj.c.r dr:ei. S1ATE 0f Colorado le olgned 'Lo thc forcgoing corrveyarce encl rrho is !,no,/rn to nr:, aciuio,,,r1.cr'iged before mc on 1,his di6r'r,ira'1, bei.tig. lnfornrd of thc icrlLe:rt,s o.f uic corrveJiAllc{r, tre ln hj.E capaci.by ao- srch -__*__, 6xecu'ucr1 'bhe sane volu:r.fe.r:iJ.y on tb-ls ciiry. Oivcu, urcier l1y h;r-nd turl seaJ- of ofiiice tlr-ll;--7,' I -W: ,, L96g. 'l / cr..l r' \ W Conicission Fxp-i:.cs || ltt") I Department of HighwaysStete oI,C-o1,bradl Prr.llie in and 0^4.*A****!. (l /\- I or?r EX EC UT IVE DEC 2 0 1g7B GHWAYS o tt< EcToR DISTRICT 3 R. A. PROSENCE DISTRICT ENGINEER . (3O3 ) 242.2462 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS E. N. HAASE CHIEF ENGINEER P.O. EOX United States Forest Service llhite River llat'1. Forest Fed. Bldq. 6l enr.rood Sori ngs, C0 gl 6nl Attention: Charles l4il ler Dear Sirs: Attached are copies of the Hiqhr'ra-v Easenent Deed and the Plan vieu of Parcel E-37 on Project I 7O-Z (Z)tll:, lrnjch .vou reouested. If -vou have any further questions please contact the District {.rTi1ce. Very truly yours, R. A. PP.OSEIICE DISTRICT EIIGIIIEER ''AAE OF COLORAOO 2107-6()6 so. Ern sY. . GFANo JUNcTtoN, coLo. at5ol Decenber 'l q, .| 978 !'1. R. S Acti nq I CTK r 71-? (7) r33 East of Dowd to Booth Crk. Dist. Desiqn Enaineer LEG: 1 b Attach. cc: Prosencefile JAN 13 slg Jfr,ii'i i:ii_l::,i ..l,iir._lj:.,,.!l -t1';rljr lr:;;ii), r;..r'r. i.hi lr ,/5Fr',r,:t o!- ^{:7r' . , i..;' r:o:i rrcL;,.r:ri ,,,,, ;.',;;,,;; ,'r-,,r,,,'i,',,t ,',",' ,,,,,,(',,(:!:i,!r,,,, ,,,,",,,,r, ]..,1ri' ijj{j'l.iijt.::':l:l'0j''l'lurlil.!'.Jj'l','r'T().t, 1,1i.)jilLtrI. litt:;'r.rry.r:l:;.,fllIS'i!i:ij:lcr!j, jji.li.1.jl.u ('jl I'trlll,10 ,iC-r.1,'S, ).,.,.rrirr:rf i.f,)' ruft'r'i-gfl Lcr es .ii,:. i),:illiiii;.1ill?, :r;J !]:c Depart:nent of Higlnlqys , State of Co1.grado rt:ferierl to as t}r: CilAliLli-: 1,/I1,t't[SStiii{: I'ijltltE/',-s, 'Lite 0iit;.l'ljt bas filed applica'i:iort rurCerth,; ptuvir;ioirs cf th.-. Act of Cor:gress of r':ugili.;b ?-'l , 1958, as anejxle(l ( Z3 U.S.C. Section f-W(d) ), fot'.ttie r'-igilb-of.-*t';r of a hilCrray ovcr. certain 1.anC o:y;rerl lre i'li.tilr il L':r hw J.h- urrier and, l.Ia!r-.r_.d .S-i1{_3.s jn the ._ctltc ef Col-orado 1,he lur'i.srliction of tlrc Dcpar-t.nr.iirt of !rgr:r1cr.t-1'i,ure - Fores.b S.ervice, TiilDhEAS, l.his tr-al';sir-.r J l; fur"J:Er aui.!:o;'j,zad uniei' l"lre p:.rc'r'isions of the.Ac'b cf Cbrrgr-.'r;s:rppr.or,.-:C Oc-Lo-re:. L5r 7.?(t6 fiO S'irt. g3.- , g37, S'ect:lorr 6(a)(r)({/ and, y/ilb'l'.0 S, the Direc't.cr of l\rirl-ic fioeiis, pu:'su;-rnt -Lo clelegitious cf o.u';trori.ty fron tlie Sbcre'r,ary of Tl'ilni"Fort,a'r"iol :lri 'Llra !'crir:r'aL lligh.rey .0.dr,in:isi;rator, bas dcier:rrineC +,,ir3!r,.?n e;rger.reni ovcl' ilit lartd coveru.il by the applicat'ior: j.s rur.rscn...'o1y rrcccsr.i:'.r)' fo:' a rjg,ltL-of-',iiy for Interstate i-='- -- v .' ; -'.;- -a anal, lYllElll/r.S, the Dlpartrnerrl of .Agricul'r,ure, ac:i.irig by and'ilrruugh tlre lbrest Serv5.ce, has agreed to the ir'an-cfr)r by -lbe DlP/'iiit.irlNll of .i,n easerien'b over- the lard to thc 0Ri:'illi:!; : l:Ot; Tiltjtli;FO;€r '',he DfP,rtI(1]iJiiT es au'r,horiz;ed by laz, and jtr ccn'pl.ietrcg rzj.iir all treou-:n:rrr:jni,s irlposecl blr or: pursui,ni, t.; Tjtle 1.5 - Coqr,:erce.and Foreigr Tradc, Subtitlc l!, l'ort 8, &:ie of i:eci:ral lh5ulaiione (1, CIi:8.1. - 8.15) (1(i6t), 1re:'t:rirri.n3. io l:r:i efiecLue'uj:,-J tie 1,rloi'jsj(!irs if ?jltc Vf oi the Civii il!gi:',s; ./rci cf L96/,.('/; :-'te'L. 252; /,2 V.fi.(;. f;:ctjo",:: 2():t-t:.-2gi'i1-1,), r:!iich R-.5,r1e'"icirs ..':cre r,dolt-L'cti, eif i:',r'.,:('r €:':r'.: ct,rtLi i:u'::i jtr c'iiuci, }y 1,1r,.: , {.tdl .1.:'.,' <'. .,.' .., i.,.' i,:, j,r.. t,-i i.lr i;r c,i:.i.c;7t .t.i1(t,.) <tI ()'t;!) , {a,2; )ri1,g;;.,. ceir'i; at:d jieserr,,ing onio .ilre 6:'arr-iorthose pcini;s o.f 'access of ihe spcce aboue.and as .hcre-i-naftel descrjbel in jfxhibj.t ,rA,,, . ald rrcbelo* .Lhe es-bablislie<i grade .-.--:*-. rnar'iled EririS';-1' tr grr tbe fo.l-lqr:ing i,ei-ns r' l.L,r i . - -.- -*.,i-i;- - --;;;.;1; ;,_ srtbject, hul.reve_t,, tc ' /_.(1) o.rtsterrd-tr:g veJ-:itl "r1,r,,. 6t'aalb, arril .tl:: Gra-ufbe s neccssEtl' or ac.cor::r.t of rur;,_cuch c:: 6u.ch cl.e j::s .1:'i' cll-rurirs, _ if c_ny, e_.:is; i.i:r g on thc da-be of i;his ii'e-1-l slli;{n -que.h !3r.idssio:: a.s ,eqy be i (Z) -'rjre Gra:rlec e,ni ,r.hc lieg.io:rei lb_cer;.t,cr. sh:.11 rnake clei;e.ri.lna.lion. .: *." -iira lecrssity for rr-r.chcoJ-ogi.c:,.f. eld !:L1eoj1.l,o.t-ogica_i--y.rJ.v:.r .:.!:(r !:LLeoj1.Uo..l-ogica_i ..teconeaj..ssi-rrcb a:rd saj.vage v:ii;hiti ,rlie r,:ish,i;nr-...^._ . .ile I'ighiFoi.-i.iq/, r,nC suchrecoi:t)Sissr,yrce . r:rtl sal_vilre i;c i, jre c_rlc.-1:'r, cl )-L d l. i, _= l;_rirr : d : I I b ess ir:), .bst:atr:e c,f co:5-L:aust:io.,t of ,.1., ),-igi,,- 1r-t g:..\.;c.J, fr:cjtj..i:r j.si3r j.s i,o b:, r..r,i.rac:.-' tar;c:r lry t,ire Gii..i.l;ce i:r co.-,:-cll,r..aiicc .,;:i..iJt ,ci:e Ls ./rc'b for the ;i:c.scr.ra.tio:r ol ,f^=,,i.:.r:ic:rir r:r.i::iquiti.,r,, o1,;*r.,, ,, _, ' rdier.e a1-,.r].!cnbl,c. t, cl'Li.'licii '!n -2- Stc-i,s Ll:m r f. 'I 1 ii'u_I:Y,31_tl_::i9ilk_"i::ey_1" nct etal. boc d,u.ins suclr '=l':'_::Ig:f -_i,_..r&1. ?*Ewi--ln !. 1 s9gljr ,y-cj'.l_.lf-::_:E_t:1, o-i t:l:-q_Ig!:ig:r or this <rced pvep'i;''** #'u -',ono 9+r:'lilc ( odt (2") rn aceorda_nce l- oed 'iih the and does It' $) not incl-r,rde the. grant of er5r righ_bs for non_hi6h:..,qy pru.tricses oriaciiiiies: h'ovidecl, Tha'o'bhe right of 're Forest,Service..bo use or autirorr.ze .the use of argr portion of the rigrr-t -oi-.*ay for non-rrr:.gnr.,.f"il6;--- - shali' no'r' be e-::ercised. r'rhen such use i;ou1d be inco*sisten-b rri-'h ttre . ploi'isions. of fitle Zj of the tiiriterl S.Lates CcCq anC of the Buleau of fublic Roacls Pegula.Lions isiued pursut,rt there-Lo or vouldin'berfere r,^iih tire fl.ce fLo; of trafiic or irnpair tire fu_.1-1 use aadsafciy of -lhe ldgli.*.lry, and j.n arg_ case thc Srtu11ss and thc Bureau offublic Roacls shsll be co:rsrrl-red pr-ior to the eic.r.cise of such ri.girts:.a'chc'ridcd, Pur-bher -i;hat nothing hcleirr shd-l precluce the l,,ores-b sc.'vic.-fro'tt loca'''ir''g i'Ia'tion'a1 lrorest .r.,a otn"" Departr'ent of 4g'icu'c're I'rfo::ara'bi-on sigrin on the pcrbions of the righ",of-i..ay outsioo or cons'lruction clelrring 1j-rrits, except that such signs shal-l not beLocated on the right_of_tzay of this Interstate hojeet.. The design and ccnst=uction situated on this right-of-rvay will be i,, accord rzith the provision ofT'*e 23' u's' code-Itiglm4ys, ano etneodrnents; the Reg'J.ations for the.Afurirristration of Federal Aid for llighr,.ays, effeettve L,4l 13', l_95g,arrd a-nencl"rents and estabLishea p"o"lOlo"s for Federal_aid pr.ojects, including the requireroents of nI 2:r-l,-6: relative to ,,Coordirration -3- Y.',}in -oo r.d*-b.{a #:T-V fa*7 - f.ire liegiona.l fbres.ler r,,iL1 be povidcd an gppcl.tunity: "*:: _*S:_"=:stir.s i,c cj,J.ccr_,s- j._r.- ;:;.--- *rffff._* trot'lEs ss pl_nrrl:cd u..11 hat,e ulrcn adeo.trc-Le pro.Lectio:r arrd ::::::-t': or the laird -iraz*serr bv 'bhe ':igh-b-or-vqy and *, o, iou.;;; lu,,"ufor tiie puL,inses f(>:e r:,hich such lc,r:<i is beatrg aclrnini-sie:rcd. li""_: err&Dce of thehighr,;ry fecJ.1:i-1.,r n, t .b.i.o:r of the lanc.unccr the acl.n"-irris-b: ' ---- ra'bio:r of .t!re Forcst Scrvice ore to beuutual\y o-gr.,ee(i ul:on lry the lc-g_isl,4 I,r\", ^ ^-- - , iole-qtci' s:tcl 'r,he. Grel'lceby cortference or oi.ha.r, ^^_.-.-_--- --- v'iw. *''r' <":iuce +' coiiiirtui-rica.bloir duli:: " rrn. lI*]I--ilt"p f "i ' r-:er. -y|-!1-!.qg1ea Iappcopriater sur).p1er':re.crted by r:c-i-b-bcn si;ipulrriioll bet:r,.a., .r..r... I?egronal }.o-r.es,ccr r t ur-pu'Ltliion bet'.reen 't:he construction t'he Gr'-'u'iee' Titl it "i=Lg .: 'Jhe f-i.naL desj_gn end the consi:.uctj-ca specifiea-Lio:rs fcri rcaly h-igi;','a}' co;rs.Lr.rct.:ioa p:,ojc.c,c on il:a rtghi-oi-;;y r.,iLl bcp:cs::,ited tc ,cbe Regic..nd- If=f*j* h.is cp-c,ro;.al e.i:.t ! I _lt.- :' cc'n:-ir.rrc*_l.orr rl JfGt L'egi-n until o-o 'l'r\i"''iri'-'ii' 'r''j:'r L ii iit :rs r,rrlrsrri*ci) i:k dctr;::rr .r.iccc3Ja1.J' .Lrti:.t: t.rt..:c)l).'i)i'c.C J{i'.it::, rj))i,c:if:ic!l.i:ioi:.:, r.rl L..iiirrr-t-c_i,iort lrg. nr;lcn(jcC ol. . sttlrl{ (:t.:..jl't.i,c.cr, eD, t_I::;tlit:;liri. cr.|' slr11.).1- g11g1l.f e.lid il:e Gi.er:-i;ce sh{1 bd {l!ptoi,e(i ly .iire ftcl;:iclrJ bcfc,rc bc:.irr., I[fl?.:.d x] cffect. Fc-ricl;tc.r (6) (?) me cons:istcnt tri'Lh irigir.;iy seJc.ly s.L,.ncisti.e .ih^ n.--='cis, the Crar-tec she_ll:(") hotec-l; rrnal ]jr.e.se].r,c soil and vcgetative co.rez. ruod sec-..rr:ic rdrd es.tlrctie yaL u.-,s on the 1jgl66f_t,ri,youk ide of corrstr-nc_t:io.,r -l-:i_nuits. ilr) F.myj.dc ,..o; tne pi.ctcn,,.:;i6n a::i c.:.iiti.c,l c.i s,sij_ tha{: r:uight be of.fectcd o" *ntt* and edjaccnt r-on.s c eo:;s'r;luc'bion, -.- _- __--.---oper.at,:ion, or roaiat,eilance of *ege'i;atc "- ."^:.:-'".-:,.:.e :,,1' 'the highirav' a'cl sjrsr'l , 'nd keeP \'.:gc't,rr'[ed vitlr su:i.labie speci.es. alt cart:h cub or fi-ll sllopes.feasrlblc forr.evcgetaii.on or oblrer €sei:s oi Js dcst,roygd r,a..;re it is c.iecicr t';ldch groi[rd covc-r a joi'u rcvic_ir roi,o* ti ;ffT:,::_":,; _,,"' Gre.rr,uee lrrior ,oo conple-i:io:r of the h:i65i.;ay a,,d the . Gr;urtce shaf-L nrtr.ir:tain s_1.1 tomae-ir,,, _.^r^.--- -" read-of,f c*tches, or o,,lier o"";:;X ;'t_";zqy be requirecl to acconp_t_ls-;h ,clrls objeci,irrc. Tlris t. pr.ov:is:'.on s'aJ.l.rJso e-oply ,cc .slo'es ttrot .r"o ";;"Jfolio,ilrrg Jr_idu." r,;b.j-ch occu-l. rlurilg ox ef.Lcr co:rstruction.G-rortie.e slr"? I : DstabLjsh l-ro bcr.r..r_r. a,_R,g.tro;yi sa,"r:d, or g_ravcJ. pits, s.bOnequeFy, ol !3t!i3_rrc.irt s.i:ora.ge Er.€e s, si,ues for ir.igh- . T;a.,y dpere,r,.rion e*rd lla:i:r.ic-:rarce facLlitie.s, ca:lsr supl,ly/d.'.pot or t'lisl:csal t're:.s .,.Jthi,' ,thi - t .* --,-,,-.r.rirr i,h3 right^Of_.,;qy u::_.ess, :J,ffi ;.','.- :ffi;:;;",;, _i.1i"",,"", ="? I -5-. o use.Is of flre I ,t (t:) 1'jri (ii.i;-' i;::r: r',:'-1..'l- ;,;1:;i;1.i.11ir'L'e r..ri.i;iri-.oi..:;ry c).ci:r.;ir:g iy l:lc:rrn.l cl',.:;r_tc:ir[s on].Jr i:iioi, l;p:r:iilic r.::c_i.i:.Lrrr iil)t.criJ. lrir.+ ,.,6;q.;1. gi.ire;r L,.y tlrc iir:6.io;:rlt i,b-.,..co.Lc-1. /{rJ.,1:ic::ti_cxr lo:, cue.h ap;ri.,r,ra.' r;rrs-t be irr l.-r.itiirg u::;i l;i>:.,c:ify tirc t:i.riic, ti:c:-ir1::,:i, clt:,;u:icd-.:,{utd -Liiq e-):i.:st lFrt:ici;r of ilrc r,iglrt_o.f_,,;i$, tc br chcrLic:rllytreo-.bed, (g)T'he Q:';r1'1eop in ecl1sir.ier.ar,c-ion of ilr.; €,Jar.b o_f .i]ris scssjr,c,n.b,does .hcre.by c.ryencur-b md egree for i.fsclf, ,*.o "u""""Lir" *-,uessign.s 'tha.b (a) ri' lrcnbci. of .Lhe .trai,cl_i:r6 publ..ic e.ncl br.l:_i'ess _--.-\, *v e.Lr_cw-rqrr?ray shal]_, on ihe ground. 9i= rilce' ciri<'r'"'r u' rr*'lj-c:'rai. or:igin, be exclrrricc frorn _uar,.i;j.ci.-pa'bion il' be cjerrie<l the !grs15-is of, o? bc o'r,henrise snbjectecr' to d-scr"j,oix'j-'cion in their a]cccss .r;r_r a'd use of saia tdgbr;.qy or. eesess .to and usc of il:e faci_1i.i;ir]: -alrcl ser:yie.es..prov.ided forpubl:ic ocso;iir-,tc]a.t,ion.f , (sucJr ". ""*r.,*, *f "uping, ; ;" r,rccrciilion rtricl vehjcle servicing) co3r_s_i1,11s-i94 oti, ovel:, or ur:deltire rigirt-of-irey of the higir:.rey eo's.trucieii upc', the righ.L.of_ :1 t:'** eonvc;rcci, (l) .ii*,' t:tre elrq.ise s,ritt_[ use sair] eeseroe't r-r'.gjrr-of-.'l';ao- so co:lvcyecr, j.n ccai;-r-.1_;iqnss irith ro1 o,oherreqrr_i:.qlents :}nFcsed ]4rtsuantt to sei.ci i,;u.i g of rqrrl,ci_lle A ofCol,cnerce and Foreign Tracle liegu1a-lions. (fO) f',r flre-bvent of breac-h of the eb - _ __* vr ude eoo r,e -r: i.Il.iiorr.ecr no:r,jis c,rj:ni_'a.tioarconCi'i.ions, the De1:alt:neni shrr_t-1. have the rj-ght to fo-en-ler sairlland c.n.1 fac-iJl;i.1,1ss otr sai<i l.arrC, enC the abcr,.,e_Cescr:ibecj iilt,erests .i:l l.prd "ira. tnc_rcul:cn re.,,ei.t to _Lhe Uni.1s6 S.bai;esof 'r.,-iler:"-ca arrc to the con'i.ol 0f the Deperireni of .frgricnlture _ . Fores't se:rive, i:s such con.frol cris-Ded 1,ri.or to this i:rs-br'ren-.,.(ff, l',hen riee.J for ti:e €r.sei::eirb 'iei,e:i:r grer.led shdl r.,i6{ cjr LU.J -snell riO lOngef eXiSt, :he ft'e.'lcu r'1l give rici,icc of 'rngi; fac.L to -Lrre secretary-ofui:IJ- Ot'frrursler'-ia'i;ior''a'ea ihe ir-ights rr'ei.n 5:-i:r'!e3 sn:Jti te:-,..:.r,e.Ls al'* *_rr_;; Sccre-Lirt..t of rlglricr:l.Lu:,e. cgr{o /A' R,!r_-rq-t;1-.-z{U_ Dp .foa-E.sf Sfur/tq. -5- S +;:::_q to'. r. araI tt. DETAIL ,{o S.oh @"- , r i: t'.J'11;:..'1; l;:;;;. ,',|. t..r O".'t i, )".1 ,. i..;l:,-.:. ;.l.uri.i(-, /,,::;;i,;i i:r;l" Ctt.i.c, . tlr''1'"'o1;ar:::; of {tL!t,t..j.i7, fr.oirj Lhc s, I Ct'u":';c'lr 'rur..,u:..::i, t. t:? t erju uL (..i,a:.i,i:ty f,f. ?.r,;:t t.";p.,,. t...u.., _ . ,.,, rtn", .Li:c ]rc.tj rlaL ttv vir'L'.rc of .ilr.Lhor:i..iy in l;c vtr,tz(] Iiiir',?i+'/r'Jrninir..i:':rLic.:r, os of ure riay rurd yc.iir.firt;.l above.,r:1rl:: litt'e iicf i'turlo suh.-r:':i:,.,d,i7 r.,:,-,,:a ll ;ffii:,ry;i':;*** !-tdUchef r&;"";js.siste.irt Cfriei Counsef u.I'rrrRD sriTES o r-L(rr,r., r,, ^ t:-.4r r.r,, ur.ll r.5 Uj,'-lLyi,JlICfl) DJsTRrcr cr,r c@c.url i . .L;;/ :.-._--::*VZfr==a**_1 & lloterXr prrblic in eur<l for theDistriff o.i Colu,:bic, cio hercby ccrt:1f y 'Lhir-v orr tles tne/d 6qy or /fulLlL .---<, r9c'2t hefoee nc personally appaaicd jld,pnsr'tL1l.ae, Assi.c.La:.,1. ^].i _-., ^Highr';ay .id.niaistratio:r, en<j acknr,,,.r ^.r'"*'**'t-=-l\{li1ll1-9'' Assista:rt chief counsel, Fcrler-al ;" ruru:,ffi:,:::::::nT;':'"- i'st^ue', bcaring,J",.' by authority ;:r :rir:t vcstccl by lal,,,, for ,che lrurl>oses e,.,d jnients in sa'. ,*rr,.,runidescribed and sct forth, arrc aclaro._r:-eascd *n"-**,,.1.1O. nr" ftee act arrd ceecl as.llssis,,ant Chi ef Cculs eL, Fed eral liigh:rqy rro"r;"r;;: l',ttness ry ha::d rurd seal this.e,iay of 19(€_. I -7- 'o vho is'hotar to of the ic,it-L,en-Lt rt._ ciir t ir.: 421fu-_uOo. Colorado , trhos e reijle es is eigned 'Lo flrc fo.r.egojn.,'err ull..: .t oxe.golng cotrveyalce &r.:cl before r're on this ciqy ,r,?ra.i;, bej_trg infoulc<l he rln hlo capac:ity es suell dxceuted the sane votrur.Las:iLi on h:blie in ead ecl-"r'ro.,,,'1,edged thc convcyenc e, t*_9tu*tt, uncier ry h:r-rrd turcl seal /tl - ll{H!' _*_, 1969. (srAL) l,ff Coiuri.ssion ll-"pi:.es Ii7 P--..-,--,-- ttris dey. of oflicc ,uh_is;4*--r-day I I r i .-?.-. *o. -irii'r'""rj[;1., li ,. 'iifi,i:i 7OR'!,i,1 luiilD ntviit(ll/rTi0iiAL r 70-2(71 tB3r.&st of Do;d to Booth Creek Begtnning at the SH 1. Thence i,t. O: ABIof 5t]5.6 feet; . i;i r::^Ci.l,: CO;i\'.'f I"O;t co,-ner of Seciion 5, T. 5 S, R. 16" W., along the vest line of fiLate lljp;h.ray lio.. ?B Bo !r,; Section j, a d isiance -r,.1:.lc,rili,li o;{ ., _ - _ A ,;rac t or parce I of land. iio. -.0l:l:" :. c"ror",lJl'project.iro. r z;_rrji;I= )_of 'che D,-part.'icnb or irishualsrrcss, in rhe s',i.| of thJ.s,,rrl ;; ;";;;;:ril..:,.lil,l,.i"iT".li:ur3 Bcres,-,,o"u o,.:::_:t"n Principar ;,reridiJn] i;";,.i;; d:,,:l:"::f^: :ourh, Ran5c- {ro ;;;; ;;being r;,ore p"rti"uio"ry described "; f":i;':iy, colorado, said tract or parrcer 2. 3. 4. I?rence s. ru" 33r &6', g., a ciisbance Thence S..76" t+2, 56.,8., a dista:rce Thence s. ldo 0Br 49,, ,J., a distance of lolr.l 1gst,; of \oo.! feet; of lO.0 feet; ot 477.9 feet; ot 2JO.4 feet to t,he easL ljne I inc of tirc Slll o ia dis tarrce o{ i, 6/:0.0 e \ \ I I I 5. thence s: Tp" 3gt 17" g.r a disLirnce 6' T"l:" s-,59". \6' ig'.'8., a ri isionceof the si.rf of 'tue sfrur "i'r."ii"i'i,7. thence t. g:23, 12,,0., a)on:; thc ea6t ljne oi the Sr,irl of the SH* offf;."i,r:"fi::1;. "r-ii:lr"i*;';"";; ;;":":;", or rile su| or tie 8. Thence *. 9S".l1r A9,, W., a1ol,3 Llre sor.r.r.ir ljne of S4ci.ion 5r a dlstanceof l32Z,o feet, nor! o.-i.""] to il:e point-oi-ueginnjr)g. The above u"""lt_"::.-la1cc1.lro,.;0,-fl::.)^con,;ai!s 13.5r ncr^..;, nore orlcss, of uhich O.33O acres are in ,,:i:e i-ight of vo,v ef lllc picucl! :.c:rrl , r'rI,SO -,,.,;:cIi. l:o. 3: r', tract oi: ;ral-ccl of i: :..:i .t:a. -li of titc_ i)..:r.1; g;;.1;;; c. ii;1.:;11i,,;1..,i, Sualeof CoIora<io, i'roicc.t, iio. .r_ 70_2( Di;i,. contairrln6 7.u4C .:c:.c::, r.o:..c (,i icss-irl ri)e SEt of rire stJ! andstr,l; "..r:,"-ii;a of -SccciJn.i, .in,-rnri,ii 5 ,l:rlrLii,iani;c E0 Lresc, o.i i:,c. siz:tlr - :i";:;";"1{eri<lia.^i, i; ;:$i;'.".i'rr .;,, ceisl;6;.1,said cracE or parccl lrcing mo;:c ,"._f l."l"riy dcscribcJ as Iol ioi,rs: lcglnning af a point on llre S,.,r1-i, , inc of rhe SLI: of Sec, /r. f ,.r;;r;:l:1":i'":',:;ilT ;:"::": ol r:.";";:,.n.-;i^w.,'-r,i",.""s. tn. i,), .,iri :. f . i.ircDcc N. bt" -1g' :l:,, . j. ... i,:);., r-i.u ;;uiirti-.a SEt ani thc Si.. o: -;." Srrl oi Scc. 4,' fccc; 2. Tircncc l{. 66" 50. 4.,, ..,. :. <, ? d -,. i. (, (r;i3rrcc of 224.7 fcct;J. rrlQacc 1;. 7.)" 25' 3:," i. ;. c.ist;-..r-n .rJ. (,.,.\ ^ -- o'i 900.2 fccr: iaitcc oi: Ji6.2 fccl; 5 . ili'.gnc4 i.''. 76. O9 | . ,,, -i. :.on uirc o"ot i.n" oi'.i.;'.s;;1."j;';:;:'r:i ilr;l rcct r.,, j, r,or:.-S[; oi Scc. 4;D' ii:":" J'o" o7'3:;",;. ii.,:rv. ,:)(.,..ij.z,)).d rccc, E:orc o!. l.r-, .u.i,,; ,,;:;r ;;";";i;j,i,;1,.,,,r,,,,,,,.. .,1. '-'h r lbot'r i l::c,. r of vlrrch r .-.i ---."'/-'r' :"":" 'r' .'. c(' i.;i'.. ', !\" r:*,T-*--,=---ii.'-o :::::.::-'.''' :;-,,,.u ui ,,.,.1-',,1 r';"",,;;;:,1;',:l?;:' (!t"r'c-i, :fu/,, u. {:. l,Ar.lrr l/,,1.:{'U ttlVl.;[ ifAltOiJr\L FOnDST o h(tj ji3i; i). :,1c1 ; i,1-i;,-r-,?o Iltt AC(liJt,il,;D F IrO;.t G r.r rr1.,,-, oC l.lre en, ill, i' ir i;,,i';;1i;,';ri l,i",iit';:i#,:' ll", ;', : l',i,, : 1, sc r. oE s i,," .,". " J"' iir:t ::".. i;':T T.l, r;ir,jjj l; l.-|]i:i fronr rrhlch the S1n corn_r of';d;:;%i;rr<I1on t" u'",u t'"nrii co J. orr.'o liu.cl,:i-r 1I iq ir!-i ll.i/;rlf :]::_ iJ arrd I'rrrrn an,t t.o {uryurron soi d b J 6hvay rr | 9s;5 6sr 70-?(7)1.,]l Ilc6innlng atof l.he 3ir,1r1.,a djstance of l,'r |ICDL l.'O. JO (tr:v. )IlonTnntt,y ,tIr:lt, Of l.r.r:i r,IlIE 3;ij;:1":,.1;.i 3:, J.LSO i'Allcjjr, No. 33 li0tiljEnr,i: ll. 80 !r. , 56"35,12"w. , 1' Tltence s. ?2o 39, L7,8., a ciistance or ltzz ^ ,.,_.z il:H"r,ir ::',# i;; ffiruiF L. . pn,,L en Bcginning irt a.po{rrr.. Ah !!-^orv corncr or- scc.io"Plila:n tlre sourh ,r"" o, section, * beare N. ag; ii;'iit;-: j,:;]; ::"yli,r,_;r:.;,.iill ,1; ..i,,, r*irich ,he z,5 n-.1 iioi]^'' rrlnclpal llcr{<lian I. Thencc N. 66o 50, 41,, E. a disiance of 2Zt+.1 teet;2. Thencc N. 7g" ?5, 34,, E. a distance of 900.2 fcer.3. Thcnce S. g3" 24, 4I,, li. a dis ' -' 4. ri,ence ". ,r;,::,^]rl, E._:1.";";.". ;t;;;::tto a pb{neon the easr l{ne of rhe siJr.""i the sEl ot s.".i"n.r. ]:i-tttT\alr_-.'Ei{-tFi=i..rr?tF--': ' ." '..}.: ;:!: i'.,i *r:;: jil .. t t I I t. . j,oo PAIICIL NO. 37sTA, 52+ TO sTA. 57+ I7A-2(7)r83 E. of Dowd - Booth Cr. RIG'If OT' I^IAY TO DE ^CQUIRED}.ROM IN IAGIE COUNIY I-OR U.S. LAND WHITE RIVER }IATIONAL FORESI STATE HIGHI./AY NO. 78 DESCRIPTION ::::".::i:i:i#r:'ii::':'i:1 i i,l;,;f il; :;t;:i;iti i'^rl*n""".' ::::. :r. T;" i,'.. "'.'i"*ir:fr"l:r::r*":l ;i;glf:[iH ft {l il it" ;.rado, said Eracr or p".""i -u"in^;'#:: prrtt".,ti.i" o"i"rro"o as fotlows: "^^_.U:t::ning ar a poinE from which tt;:::1"' 2r- s s-, R. Bo r. uears""."*il'rili ;;;";: :t.:l;"::."j ;i;r1:t, 1. Thence N. O" 13' 3 9'.,W. " distance of 259.5 feet;2. Thence along theof 2190.O fuer "Dears S- lO" 27, :::_:i , .:ry: ro rhe rtshr having a radtus;;:';:': ;f"lj;|"':;.rl:1.,::;;j"3r'.i," "," 3.Thence S. 56" L7t 06,, E.a disrance of 425.7 feet;4. Thence s. g9" sg. zznless, to the point of l;ri":i:;:'ce or 4r7'B reer, more or ?he above .described parcel conca{ns 1.326 acres, more or less. ft*-'.'<,t < ':' OI PARCEL NO, '6s'fA. 98+ rO STA. I04+ ItI(;rlT 0F t{AY TO 8!: ACQUIRET) FROM IN EAGLE COUNTY l-oR u. s . LAl.tL) WHlTE RIVIiR i.IATIONAL FORESI DESCRIPTION A rrac! or parcel of land No. 56 of the Department of Highways, Staue of Colorado, Projecr No. I 70-2(7)I83 conraiiring 1.981 acres, more or less, in the NW| of Secflon 12, Township 5 South, Range B0 I.lesf r' of Ehe Sixth Principal Meridian, in Eagle 'CounEy, Colorado, saidtract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: - r 70-2(7)183 E. of Dowd - Booth Cr. Beginnlng aE a point on Ehe vresE Section 12, frorn r.ih ich the NW corner a disrance of I1584.I feet; '1. 2. STATE IIIGHWAY NO. 78 line of rhe NE| of che NWt of of Section 12 bears N. 57" 09r 18'r W. line of the NE| of the Nl,Jf, more or less, to the Thence S. 39" 15t 51t'E. a distance of 595.5 feet, to che southline of the NEf of rhe Nwl of Secrion 12; Ttrence S. 89" 561 11" W. along the south tinu of che NEI of che NW| of Section 12 a disEance of 373.9 feer to Ehe S1,l corner of rhe NEf of the NWf of Section 12; 3. Thence N. 0" 22 | 32" t{. along the west of Section 1.2 a disrance of 461 .6 feec, poinc of beginning- The above described parcel conlains 1.98I acres, more or less. PNRCIL }IO. 58sT . 115-F TO STA, 127+ PROJ. r 70-2(7)183 E. of Dowd - Boorh Cr. . tl tUcnT ()l; tlAY'r0 IJU nCQUIt(l'i) FIIOM IN EAGLE COUNTY l-oR DESCRI PTION t t / t,tl 3. Thence alonS; the arc of radius of I1,310.0 feet chord of this arc bears 199.2 feet) ro the nest 5. 'Ihence along che arc of a curve to radius of 11,710-0 feet a disEance chord of rhis arc bears S.50" Zgt L,234.4 feeE); 6. fhcnce S. 47" 27t 28" E. a distance of 49,4 feet, moreor less, Eo the point of beginning- The above described parceL cont;rins 8.357 acres, more or less. a U.S. LAND IflIITE RIVER NAIIONAL I:OREST STATI HIGHWAY NO. 78 A tracE or parcel of land No. 58 of DeparcmenE of llighways,$taEe of colorado, project No. r 70-2(7)rB3 concaining g.357 acres,more or less, in Lhe NEt of Seccion 12, Township 5 South, Bange g0l.lesc, of the Sixth principal Meridian, in Eagle CounEy, 6olorado,said tract or parcel. being more particularly describei as follows: Beglnning at a poinE on Ehe south rine of the NEf; of sectron12 from which the NE corner of the Nil| of the sE| of sJction 12bears S. 89" 52' 4?,, E. a distance of 345.2 f.eex; 1. Thence N. 89" SZr 4?,, W. along the south line of theNE| of SecEion 12.a disran"e of 680,8 feer; 2. llrence N. 38" 19 | 39,' i^t. a distan ce of 24O.3 feet; 4. Thence N- 0" 2Or 04" I,t. along Ehe $rest line of the NEfof Section 12.a distance of 504.9 feet; a curve to the left having aa disEance of I99-Z feeC (che N. 51" 27r 50" 1{. a distance ofllne of Ehe NEf of Section 12; the righr having a of 1,235,0 feer (rhe 45" E. a distance of /ta\ PARCEL NO. 60 sTA, 133+ TO S?A. 140.F *t U.S. I./IND WHIIE RIVER }IATIONAL FOREST PROJ, Eof t 10-2(7) 183 Dowd - Booth Cr. I , Ttrenc e Thenc e Ihence 52" 28' 50' E. 53" 27. 2g', E. STATE IIIGIIWAY NO. 78 a distance of 26L..9 feer; a distance of 500.0 feet; D[SCRII'TION A Eract or parcel oI l"na *". 60_:l^:lre Deparrmenc of llighuays,Srate of Colora<to, project No. I 7O_ti7)l83 concalning 5.41?.ecres,more or less' in the sEl of section l',-Tovnshlp s soltrr, Rrnge B0 Lrest,of che sixth principar lteriai";,-i; ia-gre counry, cororado, said rracEof parcel being more particulariy described as follows: Beginning at a point on rhe wesE l_ine of the E! of rhe SE| ofSection 12 from which the Ue .o.rr".-ii the WWt of the SEL of Sectionl2 bears.N. Oo 03r 00,' w. , di;;;"."".t 306.6 feec; s. s.2. 3. 4. 5. S..36" 32. 32,, W, a distance of 400.0 feer; 'The Thence N.48" 59r ll', W. a disrance of 491.5 feet to thewest line of the E|-of the SEI of Section 12;Thence N. 0". 03' odir t"'_- "rong-'ciJ rr'J"-. rinu of the E!of the SE| of Section 12 a disran"" of +SO.O feer, more orress, to the point of _beginning. - -.- ' r'ru're ., above described parcel contains 5.412 acres, more or less. . l/ t\'./t An f(IGilT oF trr Y1'O BE ACquIllLD FROi.l 1N IAGLU COUNTY roR o t/'l(t/(,R f ACCESS DISCRII,TION T0 BE ACQUIFIn FROil U.S. COUERNMENI I,'IIITE RIVER NA.TIONAL FOREST Grantor, of the CourrghE or righcs or l^ty of Eagle and st, iil, .: ""y i",. ;; :;:';:.;:.:j."i:;i" ;fffj:i;iii;';;. T;":j; ":.il,nl'hr'/av al0ng or aeross .r," ,"..rJ il;.*;::::ii"iti.ilir,po,, ""ii ff:t{i:i:i.iT:l'*:'# il:':i ili ii"::.::: or ,r. s} .r ,he sEr, iil.rl r*n.y, coroiado bears N. u;; ;;irlrl,';:.jor,l"lT;::t j:rrr., NORTHERLY LINE of 425-7 feer; 1' ?hence ry. 56' L7t 96', w. a distance 2. Thence along fheof z,r9o.o'F.;;t arc of a curve to bears N. to" ii,"r8i',il"."..if.ll;l jle t9f! having a radiusrfe!^(tne chord of whichof 68.6 feer)... PARCEL 'o I'.S. GOVERNI''ENT I,'IIITE RIVER NAIIONAL FOREST Granlor, of tbe right or righEs and Eo any parE highway along or r 70-2(7)183- ACCESS DDSCITIPTION TO BE AUQUIRnD FROM PARCEL NO, 56 CounEy of Eagle and Scate of Colorado cxcepting anyof access t.o and from SEate liighuay No. 78 ancl-fromof the property of Ehe granEor, abuEting upon saldacross the access line descrlbed as follows: Beginning a c a point f rom. which the I,lW cornerR. 80 tr. of the Sixth principal Meridian, in bears N. 57" 09t 18,, tI. a distance of 1r5g4.l 1. Thence s. 39" l5r 51" E. a distance NORTEERLY LINE of Section 12, t. 5 S. Eagle County, Col orado feer; of. 595.6 feet; o r/J|.Jll ACCttss DtiscrtlPtI0N TO BE ACQUITilTD FROM .2)l)o U.S. GOVENNMENT WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Grantor, of the Cour ::v rislE "-,ir;;;":l :i.::3t;"'llutil.. of colorado excepEing rrom and ro any p.rrr*of the -;,;;";;; ji"Inj.iii.i:::":il"i:i,lr,;::said highway .i"ng or across tt" u".."" llne described as follor.rs: !A-&qE&_{a=_lg NORTHERLY LINE Beginning at a pointr. -eo i,. -oi-d.Ti;;';:1"*;:i ;::, :::: "i""f"l i:,;;:"li : l;. 1,3;;bears s. oo a0' 04,, E. ;-;;;i;;.;"ii"iiu.B reer; 1. Thence along the arc of a curve Fn t-la _i.^LL r- - .radlus or rr,zro.o-;";; "' ;;:;;":: :l"r]ii:rT::1, " 2. Thence S. 47" Zlt 2B,t E. a distance of 49.4 feet; a U.S. COVER}T,IENT I+IITE RIVER NAIIONAL }-OREST aiCESS DESCRII,II0N TO BE ACQUIRED FROU r4xcEl NO 5B SOU?HERI,Y LINE ;:ilii{.:i.'l;rfrliTl :"'.::s':.":lo'}1,.1," or colorado excepringrr91 .and ro any parc_or_ *," i.i;.;;; ;;"lh:.;::.::::":n"il;"Jr"iij-said highway along or across tt," ..1""" line describ.d ,, follor": Beginntng at a polnt.frorn r^rh ich the cenEer of seccion !2, T.5 South,R' Bo wesE' of itre sr"rtt i.i""to.i="llioran-in Easre c"",i.v, cororadobears s. 0" 20r 04,: E. a distance-of-irz.o f..a; l- Thence along the arc of a curve Fn r.ho ,r^L- Lor rr,3r0.o reet, -"-ai..",.i.li iirll"r:.tfrirl:":;f,;, :;ur".Ehis arc bears s. sL" z?i io,,s. , ai".rnJ..ji.rrs,z feet);2. Thence S. 3g" 19, 39,, E. a distance of 240.3 feec.