HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 9 LOT 4 UNIT 37 LEGAL$t{prn $\rn1 i $\Eat t€t t'l u$it 3) TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o#*rr.rr oF coMMUN,r" orur.oo,ili!, 'i IH S"L 'i3 \\( '1L"4 1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M01-0069 Job Address: 4093 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status - . . : ISSUED 1,ocation.....: 4093 SPRUCEWAYUNIT # 37 Applied. . : 051161200l Parcel No...: 210112204008 Issued . . : A580/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: ll/2612001 OIINER KTEHL, ,JEFFREY A. 05/I6/200L Phone: 4093 E SPRUCE WY 37 VAII., CO 81657 License: CONIRACTOR ROD IIALIJ COMPAIIY O5/L6/200L Phone: 303-177-7100 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 Li-cense:150-M APPLIC.AI{T ROD I{ALL COMPANY 05/l-612001- Phone: 303-'7'71 -1100 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M Desciption: COBVERT WOOD BURNING STOVE TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $ I,500.00 Fireplace Infomationr Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Ga.s l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 **ttlt,at*:l***it+r*t+ Mechanical--> S4o.0o Restuarant Plar Review-> $0.00 Tolal Calculated Fees-'> $53.00 plan Check--> gro.oo DRB Fee------------> $o-oo AdditioDal Fees-------> (953.00) Investigation-> 9o.Oo TOTAL FEES-------.-----> S53-Oo Total Permil FEe----> 50.00 WiU call---> $3 . oo Paynents--------..._-> So ' o0 BALANCE DUE----_> 90.00 Item: 05L00 BUfIJDING DEPABTMEIIT 05/2512001- JRM Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0O04764 DAMPER MUST BE REMOVED AT T]ME OF GAS PIP]NG INSPECTION DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttrat all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RNQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOLTR HOL,RS ]N ADVANCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. 03/ L6/0L TUE 11:{$@002 AppuclTr; s[Lr lrorBEAccEFtrrD rr rncoupl9on uItsrGilED Prorect #t Buitding Permlt#: fiedtanhal Permlt.#: 9to.479-1rt8 TutrTTWYilT 7lS FEntsge Rd. vall, Colorrdo 8165, Permlt rvllt rpt be acceptd without the follolrlng: Rovlde ttlcdrenlcal Room hyout drawfl to Fcalc to Include:o med|gnlcslttoomDlmst3lomo Gomlilctlon Alr D$ct Slrc rnd Locetlon: ffifli#'J"H,ffiil:SsFnr\,o Hegirol'cercr. t I l( lleo Equgmmtcut/specshsstE | | l\/ I MECTIANTCAL $ EimE-Elfittft ootrpLETE VALUATIOT{ FoR MECHAIIICAL FSHIr (hbor & }iatedats) collTRAcToR rllFoRllAttot[ oFFrcE USE ofllYr. *. -. *. *F*F*9**EJJ gil'*.*a*l*** o Job ftfamq r f^- tl Work CLsr: llety ( ) Addluon ( ) Altenthn $Q nepa# 1 )_ other ( ) Does an EHU exlst * thls locatlon: Yes (li lro( )BollertocaUon: lnterlor( ) EttFlor( ) Othet( ) Tle€dgtdgl s{tgle{",tlh/( t oiiptot ) rau6-fanrlty( ) conrrnerdal( ) REcfirrait( ) ot}'€r()q llo, ol Accommodatnn Unlts ]n thls bulHlng:trlo. of Er{ftdng owe[hg UnlE ln ttlls hulHlrq: ( ). wfu/Pellei ( ') lt'nd Bt'mhs tonversbn t*+ltlrrt*tartralr*+**lr******1|rrlr**rFOL MAY t 5 200r 'q di 'q . ,ii ai .:' I i" II 05/15/ttL I'UE tr:44 FAX @ oo$ I I t.-'tI, t. I . GAJFIREpTACE IrrtJERrs . r(425&JF30 c836 ffi25&JEgI .. ft E[fl]. F--; mll^ I --"---J ml^ffi" friu" HF*-H lfl. KB25 A'gll nrYtwx lE (45, nm) Hr'l&8" JDSO & CA36 Minimum Fireploce Openings RE| rlc.llo|6A 2tr (6il,nrn) e 30' $6rrrn) olrit|rhEdsh A ?8- OII nm) A { l' (loat firD C 26' (d60rm) D l6'(,f rm)E l3'€g0rrrl0 F, 16'(tltrrr|t) l!'(167 nfil l9'({Slnyd Ollr 0ll8 E cnrA & A & 34',u' J.1t.76'(r$l l2J'(312 l5' (381 ?o' (sn Sl&\ aoD G-' -. 1{425 F frl I rrnt wr lf (167 r rU fix tO'(rD6mnD D I JF30&C836 3'l' @7 rrnuwr ?0s' (521 nln) Hx 173'(r8c fiyD D Dimersisu KA25 KB25 JFSO JDSO F9rot lllnfloci HEn€cYl-tI-Ero rc|mlrt(|'tcrt ASEIAIION 0f qt{$Dtm* n gr&bcrm" A" 26- (ffirrn) B.3tr(9t6rmD ftnaffi. A 2f (rll ffir0 B 4r (10rl ffiro C, 26f (6fl trrn)a r0- (s fin)E I lf (2tg rfir)f. l3S'(353nrn) G. l0. (467 flrn)l. c'O0nnD J. lf (d83 tYnt hotfrhaFkne A ?8'Ol I rrn) E !r-(rort rnD r|eff||kr*b A S'613fim) 8. lu'o|l0rrm) lg|g.lb?tai A- lr0r3ltro & 5f 0270ffn0 C.3fO87rYn) D, 18.08' (1i9 ]Ifn) E l4Jtr (J63rrn) F. 17Jf (430 rtrrilq 20gl' 6el rnml J, 22.CI6n rvn) leotbft+EFe A. A'Ol I nYda 4!'0041nm) It'tdrntEtHr A.3f{El$nn0 B 44'0llE nvID t'!Dldc+l*A ar (st3fldfl S0" (l2lonrn) C. 3l' CrETrYYn) D. 18.88'({19 rYnD E. ]3'@emnU F. 16'(a06mm) G, X)Sg (8Al rnn') l. 4rtr 007 m D J. 2,S- (572rnt 3l' O87 nr.nlwr fi5' (581 nnD H x 16'(ft c836 bgrkb.plde A, 28 Oll rrn) E 4l'O$l rlm) |F*mlEddc A. 52'(8l3ffrD 8. t!4'0llt flrr0 trrIg.ftE fdrA SC' Cllt fin) B 5o'(lztoffr) dl'flo|tl lqtASr B, S OUo C, 3(r 062 rn d c- P. 17.7d(451mll) D. E. l5" €81 .rr0 E F. 167- (lP'l mY0 F. S, Zlr(Smro e t. 3r o6c 3.€0'(96 rllAITll SvSTEt|5 Ol/L5/OL TUE l1:43 @oor I ^l i RtrrHoll(omponu 255 WY4X0O1 Sr., DEtitVER, OOU'. Brzztt lht 3031rfi*tt.0all: 303/??7-t169 c_ - fgx tranenlc tal DAIET rrlrE: *##/3 PAGES . ITICLUI,INO TRAXS}IITTAL 4-IF TnEXI Anr AnI qUESrroilS OR PnOBLGHII nnulrvruc rf,Ls FAx. PLEASE 171-3234, THAXK IOU G-- i*eq *b'!U,[* tr]Si,,ir,..jir l.}Ile i rl jctsday, nilOy;}'1, J0ii :'li'+lJrt${ tu; dt)frvls lri*fis*U5r' i' vire. r!{f; fltl l!!Fir€i:t! *n At'ft,": ;f t,$ . lte Ad.:{rF$.st ,4$93 $pfiUCE Wey VA{L 4Ug$ SPEUCE WAV Uiltfr # 37 $€e,$ftrnsge$ A6tMtv: !!{i}} frt'b$ Cofisf T\a*: P8icst: ?'t3114fi'!.i00s Sisrsr: K,€FIL" JgfrFflF? A AFg$canr: RGD H,qLL CCSfiFiNT Cd{rac1or non H'iLL COM$'itIr- Dcccdplion: t:OB\rtrFiTW$SS H-l.jFl,lli+* $T#\rf it} d,,{F ;ht$fRT Nc{ica: f.itctiTEn T(r JRfd Ft}ft 6FfrR'wA!- - Fl-{}Rt.fi sKg#sc.u*Eslsrd*i Itsff$ 34{| t*f,fil'fif;ls*.Rewe*rr f?{JCi }tAlL C0SdP&$l'!' Conrmenls: Mfr{::l"t p,iESSlJHf ?E$ f Wi:.A*,s$ffi f:$Ari!$ Htsr,€D ,IFM .O{. I.EFOY Rsruastrd Tlms: ${r00 Fft' Flwr*: ff]it-i??-7700 3fi3"S6S101'r Ent8r&4 Sn nF'LilftH* K 1ifie lbxtr:(& lssssdg[Slc$r ilgm: ?0t1 ME{JH tluqrn tOr rti,r drllItam: 310 i,lEci"i.Fi*0fi$s {fiiiti'ru.ri}fisrfi: 315 PLtulB-GEs Fldrl{ (tu'sxi$nftj] *sm: :€0l,tg,C;-i-Fxhs|.strlotxts td:.,fii-nri!fbft: 33O MECH-$uppfyAdr ll:giiinulrIt nri 34O trfEr:H"iffsc i{lpflor*d;ll*$: 3fl0 tlEtll l- 6hs1 rRe$uirt.'Ji ll ftot,'{ (,N*8 h $r{F tffi: n-ArrT 8lsftp: lft*$Arm: ]YFa: i)c.srr&sr-kry; B.t-itg:H I{EE'TI3I.I+un -id: 6?*