HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 9 LOT 8 LEGALGtqp.orn C+\rn1 j f5\E q b+ 8-g httn 75 touilr |loil.go rcad d,coloilto8l05.f (303)fi$fiS8 (36) 47$2130 tune 20, 1990 8St' "i&et6 ** Dlwl6 9, BLghorn Subdivlsion, offfce of conmunfry dqnlopmenl 3rd Addition. Eo whon it nay concern: PIeaEe be advised that the Mediun nenslty l,lulti-Fanlly SincereLy BR/PP above mentioned zone distrlct.lot is located in the oz ts =c. UJo- r-l o U' uJ uJu- ts =t!I L')LL l. trt} {'rt, tr, f ,t- @or F{ (f) o-L! ,aJ) .tj = UJ F) F\ Or a l,rJk,- "o-Ldl'r) .2. i= !+> O\./ =-O- uJF F f- z zz U F Lr o U Yralugo z' -iF =a;= o5* r'r *z+-6 t!IF z (,Fl-c P(JF\ C .d ff)!<f+., c<x(oo(J ao I : 'FO !,6.:>o- ( J IJJg) =r tro F trFz (r F =z. Lll J(J F1 o atq)o o = c) o c q) =d) E =l o o (6 ; .9 o o) '= N o 'F o-c g, ; (J (U c) f 6 o -c co '/i = o 0) o oo o .9 T' o ! CI o) '= N o 'r o o ; (J (U c) f EtiE 6=eEUE =.2 *,.:E 6E9c E'= E e 3Pc-o'-ao€s :EE d'S =c9d'- o-c B5t_'t >, 3 Ea .9; e FE c.=- (! o-(5 o- o- -_ *(sPO |/)Pd E9O -(BC E qr '-oo:- c.y .r (o! > --x.E;E *+C(! 0'-c; q)#-cog*9tr5 _E=t =6>,o (E= l<:E 3ri g ,B'f e96orOEE oo La) (f) ra @ o or-t E = UJq- z c) = Y uj- z) EF IJJ) UJ z6 = J o- Iz I() lr,l = LIJ LU LLz tr UJ uJ o =IJJ uJEz 6 uJo 6 uJ z uJ.Jo X u.l f a LU uJ lJ- ==E. LUo- J FoF (,z = @ J uJJt! oz,6 = d = TIJ = J F F NO[Vn]VA lL.:< <C 3c z- =ro-: * BE J E;2 uJ(9 N (\l z 6 >G f u.r ztr^ 49aoZt <)zLL< ;-o;oFO ;aj f - L a JI z Ef LL tr o = llrIL oo ootr) ><x >< E (L UJE z Eoo zo k|rltlF =UJz bz:zQaF: IIJ<oo< >I! R!Lbo<z =z 2= --l 1_d<cBtrOI fo F Jl F 2_ z o UJ uj UJz F (r UJ 0- z Eoo UJ f d llJz o If- zo J g)z (r) I uJ tr U' dto-zo F IIJY UJ d) o t-- F ar o-> r! ol () F-{ O- .-roo5 grr h.F\Jzo tr:Eur .J7 A-z>. P-4F.ci 14fr8odZ "dE =*i= u.l il6E> d\-:tsFHFE ileEEtc.uo?irda Hzr.lL.aHHEF(JEae o I'J z oPzQ coo =zJOO- tL F =E UJ o-zI Fg c ar_v,zoo nD! Lr- LrJ =tJJ J JtJlr'. ui =z l")a l>lilr'l= ItcJl(J l9- V tJ) Fl-r1-(Y)(1,<f:# .-rI+ +3 loio =r<t <42 i o- F |lllll llalltlllI urlI rllt(rltototqEt Ifl95 J 'lK ol uJlr = z EF anE. F E. z. J c tr slOltr) I C\Irf) uJ tr E t! I I I I ?lolutl 1t 3 bl zl el tFI F tltl l'ltol lHltJ l;ltzl BFI E E- olzl Hl JI <l 9]FI =.1oulI bz eF=lr IJJ E F UJz = FO UJ I t <F(tsOuJ<zEtuF.aZ-o <oOF -<-EXF', z. -,OIO Ec50zt- =s:zu-o O <F :=Fz() =<;d Y, z. =3 d. L-Uirul \JZ <Oan!t 6 a 2 nnt ctz ts =E uJo. ooo(Y)at uJ IJJll- E =E UJo- o'2 ;70q2 >cJ//2r/rt fu |r' @ (r) Fl (gt-i-5 = .d C5 <:()>tro-lLol4(,!) Z..F dd. tgJ IE u,F lv Fvlz = (,zz utulFoz oz(fJldt d o z_z ulz3oql It-oz UJ U) = lt Eulz =o lto IJJElF .t' cto(\lr-l xo6 - t/, --oJx!xr-X'FJ= gE o- =>!6g .E?6> =cr- -tdd>o o..:o d+t(!o 35 0);E|-0, 6 o. (E c3oF o) q olt(, s $ F 6 o. () ('} !t' =o, E' o. =cll' o I (! 3 .g E E ct) o 0) d Q' o o (! o) 'E oN lhG 'o c)* o o) = oo G o, f (,: <t -9c, 9 1c 6 si '6 o 6 o (! at,oo G .g1t o c =F CI .; CL oo o oo Ecr! tro r! E o c oE = E o oo ctt(t a: EE5e HbE(J tr ..e EEF'= E8 '- g> oqt5o =€,l'tc9'- o- 1C O.O or!oc cE *e.q* d(u drd-- -coeEg -6E6o15LE Od 6C-c6-a60 op9' ltt E8o(! -c (EE >9ll 0,pa =F1., Er-O -o orr, o(o oN t{ <>o ood lr,I\ r\ 1.c' E-Eulc (9z6 =6 Yo uJ C)z o- J sl G,l-(t uJ UJ =E J J oz -C) uJ ulItlt!z tr uJtx() uJ @ B uJ qJ c.zo u,o u,l z LI'|J() x F ul al,l v, IIJ UJ lJ- E = uJ o- J FoF z oJ to IgF ulJ UJ z ao = d J oz o uJ = NOtMlVA I(I( + I ( a +( ;Eo;t!oz tr E() UJ J eglzul(' E>tr -r|')i ti.t $ =lDnr zzooF-rr,q5 =EP O tto5b()z t!<oqHdtoFO;(\i z tr J IL o 3 ur F ooo(Y) UJ ) z Eo <. z E uJ =tuz aFzlz tr o o Fzl z JJllt3o o IJJo llJ tr oz F =F IutI uJ JJ gr utzY iF uJ F z F lU'z \ fr -lo #ls Ffo F(t) 3l zl zl .. >lot! IJJ lr.lzaF (r IJJ J z Eo o =F q &, L-c ,EOq dl6 uJo_L-oJ at) J I F t!o(E tltltt1l i:llslsl c;6 tz.q; E,(u .Eo.p g lr.lG =-tJt t! =z clo-) -o- ts() =Nft (u so t-c, sc,o E tr IJJ c =: E F C) at, 3-(uE 5-o(Ue. (u (o (o tr co cr) (f,(\l oz otlltr J ILo z3I +tc,o u.r @ at' (l, olto LJJ =E l! o c, UJ : tto z3I c IL E tr oz si uJE J t!oz =oF ('i IIJ]ql <1ioz3I utJ |r'|'F. I E UJz = F C) uJ =oE <FECJuJ<zEt!F(tr Zo <o(JF FS :.,: F-2. -EoIO 9F s3fF-.6 () ixC)X =2+c Y,Z =g E.o ^e, b =*8,FOz o <o!ffr-l rr,g) cv C\JOO LrJF @ooazo Fo-utY uto oF F Gul o-r!l9J -@E\To o.to{rl Hutbkzo z oPze60 =z=fJOtL u- :f;: =;i()A;E t uJ bEqE<ll)€aE9EL '95E F H=x >Li 8bI EutEX'LE ;=Eu{oi!i ul.oo E =E lrJo-zoF C)3 E. 6zo(J Dtrtr antr oz ts =E UJo. ooro sr tntu uJt! F =(v. llJ.L O'9;€Lss.Zo;t1,,/ar fu ro @ sl' O \/ cv (t'!t- = L ad !! ro @.\ sr tt lr <E c)'-.tr>o- o.)z =t)JE = UJ o eoF tFIz o zz o uJF z oz 6! o .5 =z e, uJz 3 UJ z o tl' ot =oF o* ooooc,* .9gq c) o Ec (U q)! o ot ! c0 o = d o) o t! i c) a) o)aoo oo o(, o Eco CD '= oN :" 3 P. (f o o Eo()o6 o) o o .2 .c. o o o ttc(5 g; 3o (, (9, o E' qt o, @o (u E. o, ;,oF. r! .=;, CL Eoo o: 6 a Ec(rt o (tt E o ; s--3 o. oo o ,(It Eo)(g Eg6'3E sbg() F.2.=EqEE'ih6EC)cs O(E =p€>c9 -rEo.q E6qrc ,.- o 'gs E= o(!Cl€,rr (5-- -cor.E9 -(BE6OELC Odic-c(5 -E60 d)ggE O:l35o(' t66!>g-oo9aOE.so -() lr) C\I O rJ) o \l o ll U F.o E =uJ z = ao Y u.l oz J ) 9 Fo u.l t! z = J z UJ = l! u.ll!z tr UJ u.l ; UJ UJ z g, uJ o UJ 2 uJJo x t- uto tt UJ uJll-t = uJL J F F oz J J Ie,|- UJJ uJ oz @ =J ) z ut = NOtMlVA I -<X( =j,t!3O.zo grEn C)n,5! 3i U,l .tzs u'( =>E -IltlitnN =lool zzoo F-Aq3: F90ato5ia)zl!<oqu.l ;lCUFO.i$i +J L q- -sz (u zo F l) { ac |lJ OOK) sl Eao- uJt z9troo zI UJF =UJz .D# Jd IJJ G oz I F2.. 2= -:F EO =tr p 2f,z tr o o IF uJ F 2 F 5oz IJrlst IFt I =tl I l7*) V4ullt=--{/: lke'/4uecr J zo o r-,,OF<a (Y) I (o ccc{ cvOO lr) Igl I r.uF o ult U'loo-zo Fo-utY Lu cD oF E Etu o- l!o o.oo I LUFoz z ,r9ze dro =2.=)fJO.(L rJ- ..*3v,, \., = =F,1BHE E =Eulo-lro E9E<ql*8B9!L Eo- =>.=lrJ-E b=o dtr: =o-E 9o9 \trE XO-t x>I q- €; uJ (D F F =E, UJ o-zo F()3 E,Fazoo !!tr -ll tqtgy cfl JIlof, ls l;5*l *F-i J IJ- (U =OJ L .J1 ui =z oI o = <n z t\ Ld tr)c!O ut uJtroo : c\l<iroo (!,: E c c -;:= = a c t o- 6 d!J ai J.J -JAI-l ql =tr el ol q1 <t iIoz3oF oloco I <t uiJuiF =tr II oz oul J 4 z3 F =c =tr orut I bz3I JI El I;l el -l qtl.it Hl *l Jl sl Il el el i UJz =o F C) uJF ? E t -rO<FGQLu<zEt!F.4 Z,-o C) t.Fo UJJ UJ -. Y ; z E EP 33 JF-.6 C) <=qtr =2+E-FY,Z>E E LU l--o<OqH a BIND pa 6ry ?l' Ctfdt'"r'y{"r^ fry-/,A(,a /J*4 ('tzts b4J{-,x,ret^"J V*,.t, Co % (krtyb'cu,.--.-, & ld l" *- ^* ^#tf'---f*<'&+ T Jq.t4$h"rf^ N4pU) V h^, &A4 @ ^J&+"e.^ dr\ &, rurt4hhkZ @/,-*J""^o^, ^ fr*f#{* hlL> ^*J ^^ -/4- '.^,(-*,-J- ilJ n*,rltn^ --/b'J \1&.;4dJpa^t'^.{re/# / r 'r- @ Lt^-k-n/t+y, ^1,*f 7,bt r* tu *^o^A /-+. or vArL ITOR VARIANCD Application Date Publication Date Public llearing Dat Name of Applicant Smi th SarnName of Owner if di.fferent from Applicant Mailing Address p.0. Box 755 -Col orado 81657 ephone: Legal Description: Lot g-B , Block g , Filiirg Bighorn SubdivisionffiAt 4143 Spruceway - Bighorn(If property is unn1 5i11 Application is hereby made-for a variance from the provisions of Home -- 476-4867 Office -- 476-2291 Section 18.18.080 Setbacks of t.he lr{unicipal Code for the Town of Vail j-n order to allow: Addition to rear of present structure, of approx. in a MII'I-F Zone o t " t " " t ?o'foj'"f l;iFi* " wdqT Famity) Roilne.v 0. Smith By: lqbert(Mediuir Density Multiple -Signature of Applicant APPLICATION 1VILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ACCOI,IPANIED BY THE 1. Hearing tr'ee - $IOO.OO2. Site p1an, floor plan and other documents as required by ZoningAdministrator. 3. A LIST OF THE OlyNEnS OF TltE PROPERTIES rvithin 3oo-feet in aSingle-Family Residential , Trvo-Family Residential, or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Resi-dential Zone Distrj-ct; or adjacent to* the subject property in a1l- other zone districts. The olvnerslist sha11 include.the name of a.l1 owners, their mailing addressesand the 1ega1 descliption of the proper-ty orvned by each. Thisshall be rna.de avaiLable to be used for the rnailing of Notice ofIlegring. Tle p_r.oper number of pre-addressed, sl.amped envelopes shall accompany the -list . I4'. A description of tI. pre-qiqe natu-re of.therVe-riance, marrlft.'a/r2.d 6i;r;-I:il tt l_ti iEFni rui 7 ;i ;,14 .* f$-r.rrrf,c *.vTJoycll f|oeQ 1p+5++.I. Before acting bn a-variance application, the Planning & Environmental Conmission shall consider the follorving'factorsrvith respect to the requcstcd vari:ruce: l. nclorc rcttnF on l rnrltrncr':rppltcatton. rhc Pl- -'- ' 2' Thc Fl:rnnloF & !:hvlronnental co' nlsslon shlll make the Envlronnertsl colrr rsslod slrrlr c{rrird!.r tho toll.,,{rng liiil". r"rl"*rDg ttnd!ngs bclot'c 6rrnttDg a 'at!!lce: FOLLOIYING: NOTE th icsp..ct to lh!. rralut.sted srrlutlca': , Thd rclat lon!:hlF of tlt(' .\'q!r:st('d varlancc tgothcr r'rlsttnl: or potl-ntlal us(.* tind structur(.s ln thc vtctolry; . Thc d('r:rcc to $htch r.'l lr't ttom thr. strtct or Iltatnl 1nt.'r'lrIct:rttotr nrl {'rfur.'.'||ti'nl ot a sp(.ctIlr'dtcgulntr(ro lJ rrcc(,1isiry to n(:h li'\t! coFD!albtllty lnd un{forrnltt o( trr.atnn.nr :rnrtnt: :i1i(':i ln thi! ri(.tntty. or to r(t!l$ thc. bJilctl!r'!r u( thts tltlc rlthdrtt Iruntol lIt'CInI I'rlt'tlet:|..:. Thc ctfr.ct o( tho t.'qucit.(l vlrlinco On llt:lrt rn(l nlr, rl I j{ t r I lru t I rro o( ||(rFul:rllrtn. tr&nsport|rtlr}n rrd tr^tllr' lrctttti!':r, t'r'lrl l!' lrrc!lttlt.s lhd utllltli'r, tnd puL'l lr r:x tr.t y; . $udh olh,'r lActor'!i rnd {r'lt.rrln aa tho cooll'tl,rJlon do('nrJ rIIllct|blo lo th.r Prolou('d vr|r'lanco. NOTE * Owner Lot 8-A - John A. Estes, Owner Lot 8-C - Robert R. Blunk . lhnr thc Fr.nttnc o! ths virlanco *lll not coostltuit A l:rfnt oI slcclrl prtvllcR(. lnconslstcnt ttth ttrc llmltat lons on othcr Froncr!tes c.lilssl llcd tn tho snflr- dl,strl.ct: That the cr:rntttlg o! !hL' \'|rrlaocc *lll not tlc dottim('r|lsl to !hLr lultllc hcltth' sifety. oi i|('llrro. or !\tcrrolly t'tJut tuus to troplrrtlo3 or lr|lpro!r'nrt'nts lD thc vlctnttY: . Th:rt thc \.artlnco !s r-orrontcd lor onc or aioro ol tho tol lo|riod r('r!;on6: r.) Thc Gtrlct or lttc'rtrl totorFr.'tutlnn ' rn<l enforcr"rlcnt of tlto 5lt!'(:tltr'd rcNul:rrl n r'rtu ld rn::ult tll ltl'.r\'tl, !rl rltl(lr'rrtty or unnci''" :irrry- Dl'tril.rl I'xr.t:.hllr lrrr'(,nslsrr'|li wlth thl dtrJrtr:liscc al lht$ tltlr. b.) Tll,'r.' !r'o ox'lilrtltrnrl or o:ttrn.|ltlltrltry cllatt':{ttlhc.'il r,r t' r','rrrllti,'n,. rrlrtrltcrrhtrr t'r lll(' rrtto Ot ll!r, l:tl lnnr't' lIxl rl{, nrt! tlpply {('tl r'rlly lr' ('thrrr Itl_()l'a! rt t r':t lll tll,' !inm,l ?"llrt. c.) llr trtttct or I ll"r'tll totrrr|lrt't:lt l"n $rrd olllr'rcfrtlttrlt (t! thr' t.ltr'cl t l"rt tt'l:{lrrtttrtt rt'rlllrl rl'rltlvrr thn rl'l'llt 0rt trf I'rtvI l,'r:"' r'rr'lolnrl l'; tl'i'rNrtr'rrn t!f (rtlr{'r l,r,tt'(.r'tt.'rr ln tlr.' t.nrr'r tlllllt'lct. t:'l department of community development 26 October 1978 Mr, Robert A. Felker Box 755Vail, Colorado 8f657 Dear Mr. Felker: llease find the enclosed copy of Minutes of the Planning Environmental Commission meeting of 24 October 1978. These are for your records,. and as you know, there is a lO-day period after the date of" approval that a person in opposition can file an appeal to the Town Councj-I. Sincer Department of Community Development ENC 6,Pztr,q/' ' box lfll vail, colorado 81557 €031 476-56t3 "LJ n. lv-.i,'6"n . ?. . MEMORANDUII TO: PLANNING & ENVIRONT{ENTAL COMIIIISSION FROM: DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'{ENT DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1978 RE: FELKER/SMITH SETBACK VARIANCE LOT 8-8, BLOCK 9, BIGHORN SUBDMSION 3rd ADDITION EAST SIDE - 4' . II'EST SIDE - 5' Robert A. Felker and Eod.ney O. Smith are requesting a Variance from the provisions of Section 18.18.060, Setbacks, of the Vail Munleipal Code in order to a1lorv a two story addition of 628.8 square feet ot the rear of the building located on Lot 8-B, Block 9, Bighorn Subdlvision 3rd Addition. This building is in a MDMF zone requiring minimum sj-de setbacks of 10'. The Department of Community Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provj-ded for in Section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code and our conclusions are as follows: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinlty. Projectlng toward the I-70 Right-of-IYay, the proposed addition is direetly behind the existi-ng structure. There is no visual impact from the South (Spruce Way) Frontage. The proposed addition does not encroach on setback areas to any significantly greater degree than those in existence. The structure was built prior to annexation by the Town of Vail and hence before the Zoning Ordinance rvas in effect. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniforrnity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this ordinanqe without grant of special privilege. liF,t I Memorandum - f'elker Page 2 th Setbaqk Variance o /Smi P.E.C. LO/4178 This pre-existing structure, as well as the site on which it sits, is not in conformance with Vail'?-.Z-?3io-g" Ordinance' The Zoning Ordinance was adopted after the fact. Current regulations in the MDMF Zone District'require that "each site sha1l be of a slze and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 8O feet on each side, within its boundaries.t' The site in question is 37.2O' wide' Zoning setback requirements now in effect for an MDMF Zone District would reduce the buildable area o.i this 10t to a L7.20'-wide strip, approximately 35' in length. A Setback Varianee is required for this proposal , only because current zoning regulations-are-being applied to a pre-existing nonconforming site and strueture- The resi-dent owner wishes to enlarge this structure in a similar, appropriate, I though now nonconforming manner. In view of the negligible impact of this proposal and the hard.ship created by applying the Vail Zoning Ordinance ex Fost, facto, the Department of community Development recommends approvaL of the Setback Variance request. o Booth Creek Homeowners12th & 13th FilingVail, Colorado 81557October 20, lg7g Mr. Jim Rubin Town of Vail, Zoning AdministratorVail, Colorado 81557 Dear Jim, I have been asked to write you a letter on behalf of the many concerned property owners of the 12th and 13th filings, Booth Creek, about the proposed conditional- use permit being applied for by the Vail Itilountain School . We feel the proposed preliminary plans for the Vail Mountain School do not provide enough information for the property owners or for the Vail PJ-anning Commission to make a decision as to its compatability in the Booth Creek neighbor- hood. In order to obtain this information for the property ohrners and also make the necessary information available to theVail Planning Conunission, we request that you ask for an environrnental impact report as provided under section 18.56.020, paragraphs k, 1, [, n, and o from the Vail Mountain School. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 1}^G-..--. Gaynor Mi Project Application o^t ir/ta'llP-> . Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block / , Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator oa., i lr/ / 7 ,/ 7-\ o^t , ChieJ Building Otf icial ()oz 2Fco{oz Trfln ={ --I, E] .d o!.ol-lo ft:3t:otr,r I l-n o Itr814 3t<=l=Z3 4og ott 3o: mt-m -lF r o.- !l n oIo o 9p--l c33K@ da moI z c)ozin C)+ o =on'+Rfiin qRq =trqm :_- (- --{\,in2 =/^AeE"'r LIL]LI( 'n 1lOf- z=qtDz2ooz z l- -n l- r-Yl3t> t; l<I> r-l> =rllr+l rl.-Hl !froLmo-{ !mF3. zo =lct { ,lf\ N N t- € -{m PO u, z 6:r-{ l,_rl mm z(ncr z €m|- l-z z =U' 3 4 ^z z 'n f| P(\ $q tbN l(^r.ol mo <n It r.{ o 3m tt- @, m<,-t zJ mt = oz.-oom mmr/;z3>n2c){ 7a = c.z@20c).fo=+<Y= rmqsd*poi=x '..j.1z r- =z Ni-o -.{R; =^>n2 t-\-xx;4.4 6z @ m ? z.m€ t--.{m = z. =oz. t- m.D It oxz { rl I : >Ft! F,o><ptt€ at6 o> t! 'EF:.llroo> 'l ,l >ozz >=ovvul ;> -t Fl Orr <F'iC -l < ttt z z -tm I ol>:ilml t\ R tDc t- = m -.t 1'mu = ='Tl mmU' -to-tr m = ='Tl mm(, m Tm =z 't1mm -ot- 3 Pz g '' ,.. "*!ce'\ lt\ ,t/ I /'t rtDate ilC//E Proiect Application Proiecl Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architec't Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot n6 / ,ru,^n ,/Ct^/ t.L,,' ,14A - Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL loning Administrator Chief Building Off icial l' Project Application Proiect Name: -e:' '!Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chiei Building Off icial slael Z of 2 P' Q' )ot l7 O8 Vril, Colondo !16117 Phcno 47G5O72 D.w.r Lin.. 2lliUfl 893-1531 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: t,ot I B A portion of I.ot 8, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Aililition, Amended Plat, described as fol lows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of siid lot; thence Nor th 43"36'00' East along the Easterly line of said lot a distance of 72.55 feetr thence North 46"22I'OO" West a distance of 31 .8O feet to the true Point of Beginning; thence North 43"36'00" EaSt a distance of 78.39 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Iot; thence N 67ol7'44t' W (N 64"29' 44" !{ according to deed) along the Northerl-y line of said Lot a distance of 39.82 feetr thence South 43"35rOO" West a distance of 64.I8 feet; thence South 46024rOO" East a distance of 30.20 feet to the True Point of Beginning; said and being herein called the " Improved Lands"; together with an undivided l,/3 interest in and to a poition of said Lot 8, Block 9, rore particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeastern corner of said Iot; thence Nor th 43o36'OO" East along the Easterlv fine of said lot a distance of 72.65 feeti thence North 46024'00" West a distance of 69.00 feet; thence South 43o36'00" West a distance of 5.05 feet; thence North 46o24'00" West a distance of 31,00 feet to a point on ttre Westerly line of said fot, thence South 43036100" west a distance of 67.50 feet to the Southwestern corner of said lot; thence South 46024ro0" East along the South line of said lot a distance of IOO,OO feet to the p<lrint of beginning, said land being herein called the "common arga tt . \ " RICHARDS ENGIXTNS, INC.ffivw xo V5-/2 / z =E UJo- l!-'r I I I I I I t"_, l6 rtrILL ro tzr6 r5 I I l_ IElo I I I I l. r9t?E IFlq>z l=to lolz ,'3ll=Iliri -<QorPF- ^ aci< :. 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