HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 9 LOT 5 UNIT 12 LEGALfitgocn k\r^l j rs\ts 1 C'.i\ r{, Sr t, )Lrnit fI rt TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 OWNER Mectianical-- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- ) Will Call-----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -Bn"h--.-^sr'[lt\ztt <ta--l ' "-- tj( * tG?,B!$ r MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4093 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location.....: VAIL EAST #12 ParcelNo...: zIOllzzOSAOj Project No : Permit #:MM-W26 Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . : ISSUED: 10113/2M4: tt/Q4t200,4: O510312ffi5 CONTRACTOR ROD HAI,IJ COMPANY 255 WTANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPI,ICAI\flT ROD HALIT COMPAI\TY 255 WYAI'IDOT STREET DE}WER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M TAGGART, ,J. MARK, BECKY PO BOX L47 BOUIJDER co 80305 License: c., to/L3/2004 Phone: Lo/a3/2Ao4 Phone: 303-777-77oQ L0/13/2004 Phone: 3O3-777-7700 * # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Desciption: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT. NAPOLEON GDIZC,24000 BTU'S, WARNOCK HERSEY, AND CSA3.32 AND CSA2.33 Valuation: $3.m0.00 FireDlace Infomntion: Restxiced: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 +*****,1.'t*:i+*lz***'*:F*,t*:i*i**$*****'*+{i:t**:!******d.+**+**:F)i**+t(**:t**+*:t **+ FEE SUMMAIIY *'***:1.:B*1r*:+**:tjf:***r.*i.'t+*:l**:*:a:***:t:t****+*:F***:&1t*****+t rk******.1. 960.00 Restuannt Plan Review-> $1s - 00 DRB Fee----------- > $0.00 TOTALFEES---------> $3.00 go - oo Total Calculated Fees-- > go. oo Additional Fees------ > 978. oo Total Permit Fee:----> Payments---::----- > BALANCE DUE---'--'-- > (s7s -00) s0 .00 so.oo Item: 05100 BUILDfNG DEPARTMEMT L|/O2/2OO4 JRII Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2(SLne.): FIELD TNSPECTIOT{S ARE REQUIRED To CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}iICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AfR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 70L 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): ]NSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES 10 OF TITE 1.997 UMC, CI{APTER ]-O OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPL,IANCES SHAI,L BE \IEMIED ACCORDING TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'MC, Cond: 29 I}TSTRUCTIONS AND TO EHAPTER TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENf MUST COMPIJY WITI{ CHAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O1.7 OFTHE 1997 UII4C AND CI{APTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.Cond:31 (BLDG'): BOILERS SHALL BE MOIIIqIED ON FLOORS oF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CoNST. UNLESSLISTED FOR MOT]I TTNG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING,Cond: 32 (BLDG.) I PERMIT,PL,ANS AIID CODE ANAJ-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED fN IVIECHANTCAJ., ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3O (BLDG' ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANfCA! ROOMS COMTAINING HEATI}IG OR IIOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIT,ERS SHAI,L BE EQUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEC. !o22 OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 OF TFIE L997 TMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47v2149 O\ LT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI , 943 PE1 DCT Ii '84 EEzSI rtruGrTlofl wrtt roT !G AGG!P'!O tF tt{coilPu?l ot uxlltctrlD ilcdrenlcal Pcrmit f,: lncludc: 6uc Sft .t a Locatlon Vcnt rnd 6.3 Una Slee and Location llcat Loss Cak3. Equlpment Cut/SPCc Shcets 0 o t't 9tO-479- 2138 (ln4cctlonr) mmt0pvAn t5 s. Vall, Permit will not be accepted Job Addressl :ltb l,s8 + work Ctrss:l{cw ( )nadUon( ) AlEnuott(4 Repalr Othlr Fen EHU €rist at this locadon:yes( 1 ilo( ) ( l Otrp|cx () ilul0-hfl{t ( )ffia ) Rcrtaurrnt( ) otftcr G. *ffin,unats ln drgbtdkdlns: Itoftvpc * naO**ftopo6.d: Gs tfpfi"rclg GElr$ ( corpltTEv^LUATtol{FoRl'|EGH^l|IcAtPERIt{t?(teboritr|atcr|a|r} - HE€TIANICAL: I .oo collTn CroR rilfoRlr^Troll l...a acaaaaaaaaa*.aaraatrt r.!....W"r"b'atlaaaaalaa"'r'i"llrtr. ffiffi#F$Vffi?*i 10' \:', , 't /)J,,-l ) : lJt)q 343 PE2 NCT 12 '84 EB:52 5 Provlde tdela.tc YenttLaton .ln Provlde adaqutb tccceslblll$r clcattnco for servlclng tnd operttlng Cho llteplace tntart. llevcr ob'.cn cl lhc lrcnt openlng of Che fh* place lntert, , Ohlecat pltced b froaC of the llreplacc muct bo kcpt a ntlnlmum ol 48' away from lhc frorrt ftcc of thc unlt EE!!I 44 'lt" 3 & 4 SIDEO BACKER FLATES ' SIDE VIEI,T,S 25" Clean out ashes fum the lnside of the wood'brrming fire' plEcs. Make suro lhat tha chimney and wood'btlrning lire' place are in a clean and sound condition and con$trucled of non-combustible materials. lf neco$ary have any re- pgir work done by a qualKied person ilelore in!{elling lhe insert. Remove the eisting fireplace rlamper or lock into an opBn posllion. Ueing screws, attach the tireplace wat'ning tag (W38$01SS) !o the inside ot the firebox otthe finEplace into which the insert is being iBstallod. 4 SIDED BACKER PLATE . FRONTVIEW r{}-d".ceM.sEV. /watrrtc: txrb FTREpLAcE tia6 BEEr.r ooHvEarED FoR ugt wtllt{ A 6As' iiil-iilci preeR{ oiv rflo c^Nttol rE us€D Fot lrrtlrrNc wooo bf, solro ruer.s u.r.zss ru ofif6N^! Palts lt^\G IEEN REfLaCE9 Al{D tX€ tlREPl cf 15 RE.AFmowD !Y TXG utlroittY t{aVrNG JUiISDICTTO'|o .-.-.,_^_...virrrmonr ce rov:n r fr! ool\,Elrr ^t n{ ot rRe utn tsE EEolErcrir coluE Fot€i Ga{CAErlf aU GAz Er NE tEttr EtB! ullt.sE PoJR lrutER oll lols ol, r6ui rinit iouauirc!: EoltDE. sa.ts otrE rourEs itE p€cEs oilqlxrlE! itEin Eri'erw! cEEs €T orJE L! Fcyc* s{tlY AP?Rtuvc o€ Hdri€lu P^Frrrrn rre AtwUCrtS €T OIJE Ll FCYC* S{tlY AP?R'UVC O€ HdrlElU P !!s AUtoRt?e3 Av t{T ltlRlocrron ur|.gori lha sheetinetel Pat'ts of the finplEca, in which tha gas fireplace insert is to be instslled, muet nol b,ta cul tf the wood-burning factory&uift fircplace hzs no ges access holc(E) ptovidcd, an accegs hote of 'l i4 inch or tess may be drillad thtough ths lowcr sidesor botlom of thc tlnpl*c in a paper wo*man likc mainner. fhis accase hole must be ptugged with non<omhuetlble in' sulatian etler tha gas supply line has been htstelled' Ensure that eristtng chimney cleanauE fit Ptvperly' The rcfractory, glass doots, scFa€n rails, sctieen mesh and log gratcs may be removed fron the llr,,rplace be' fore installittgt thc geg lirePlace inaert. Smo*e shclves, thietds and baffles msy be ,iemoved if attached by mecheoical f?stene/'s. The ventilation openings in tha ftrePlaoe miy be ob' stucted by the bec*er ptatec, sluminium b'lm etc' bul these parls are not to be appliad sa es to h,,ve an eir' ttghl seal. 44'!r' - -t- I I I_L 15 r/r'' 36" ,TOPVIEW inr*ffi#'$\jED-i .tr:; , l'l'11fl'"'"'i* 3 !rDED SACXIR p|.ATE TT302004-- :_-- -- Gapection nequ&i neportingq,49.am_ _ .. ' vAtL. CO jTOWN bF Page 47 Requestecl Insnect Dete: Tuesday. November 30. 2004' Inspeition Area: JRM Slte Accressr 4093 SPRUCE WAY VAIL VAIL EAST *H2 ArPrD lnformaton Aclhrfty: Consf TW)S: Oriner: Applhrnl: Conbrctor: Ocacrlpflon: ltc|n: Re+ncor: Ass$ngdTo: Acflon: isnComn|.|&: M04-0226 TytJ€: &f,lEcii rtcicARr. J. ***.8ffi{VTl'tt * suul6: AMF Sbhrs: I$SUED lnrp Are.: JRM ROD l{AlJ COFANY Phons: 303-777-7700RODHALLCOMPANY Phon€: 303-777-7700 COilIVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT. TJAPOL€ON GDIZC, 2ilSfi) BTI/S. WARNOCK HERSEY 221 .86, 22{.88. AtilD CSA3.32 AND CSA2.,"3 RequcsH Inspecflon(sl i="ItrF tt'if; i .FrFsFEero"N. 2 CAN}.IOT PASS THRU APPLIANCE. CLLI- InsFecuon Hlstorv tlem: Zfi) MECH-Rouohfmn{ tnsgoclor: GCD Action: CR CORRECTTON REOUTRED COMrnEntE: SECI,RE INSERT TO BRICK AT UPPER IvIOUNTING FLANGE. 310 MECl.l-Flcdno 315 PLMSGEs Pldnq 11!22tM InsFsclor: C'CD iciion: CR CORRECTION REOUIRED Comm€nb: 1.LESS THAN 10psi TESTATTIME ^F lflSPECTlOt'1. 2.FLEX CONNECTOR CANNOT P&9 S THRU .CPPLIA}.ICE. 3aO MECI-FExtlaust l-loods 3lil0 MECll.Supply Alr# MEBSlitri /P It€m: lletri: Itam- Aem: Aem: fiern: ,e4Y rt7*'# REPT131 Run Id: 2608