HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT 1 LEGALf5r{norfi Ql\inq Ll Lot t gacce\ e lot I .)'],I 3oo I Review Action For TOWN OF VAIL Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: I Legal Description: Lot I Block_ Proiect Street Address: Motion by: Seconded by:- Town Planner o*"' Nlra, t 7-1 , 1 b DRB Fee Pre-paid \ Ir.vl.d,8lL7/91 DESICIDI REVTEW BOARD APPIJICATION - TOIIN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:********** t_ u[PIPROiIECT T1IIITORMA'FT(}NI A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddition ($50.00) /($200.00) X uinor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual neview ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. I-,EGAIJ DESCRI Subdivision ff property description,to this appl PTION:Lo is described byplease provide icat ion. Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach E. F. ZONING: NAIT{E OF Mailing APPIJICAI\TT 3 5c Address: QE?-o{t Ll Phone G. NAI.4E OF APPIJICAT T I S REPRESEI{FATIVE:Mailing Add.ress: FEE SCHEDUI.TE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $ 10,001. - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESICil\I REI/IETY BOARD APPROVAIJ E:IIPIRES APPROVAL IJNI.ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTIED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER. FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D COIISTRUCTION Phone H.NAI'IE OF OtrtNER(S): APPITICATIONS WIIir NOT BE PRqCESSED WTTHOW OWNERTS SIGTNATORE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at thetime of submitEal of the DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluat,ion of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according to the t,able beLow, Eo ensure the correct feeis paid. r. ,I. Mail- Ir. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged Eo determine if any additionalaBpfication informaLion is needed. It is the applicanttsresponsibility to rnake an appointment with the sEaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements,Please note that a COMPLETE application wiLl streamline thereview process for your project. rTT. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARI}ING ALI, SUBTIISSIONS TO rI{E DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirement,s, Lheappl-icant must, st,ake and tape the projecE site toindicate property lines, building lines and buitdingcorners. All trees to be rernoved must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be compleLed prior to the DRB sit,e visit. The applicant must ensure that, staking done during the winter is not, buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separat,e meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have noLasked in advanee that discussion on their item bepostponed, wiLl have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The folLowing items may. at uhe discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Comnunity Development Department st,aff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not. be required): a. windows, skylight,s and similar ext.erior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal- is submitt,ed, applicants must include letters from ad.jacent property owners and/or from the aqent foror manager of any adjacent condomj-niun associationstating the associaEion approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfaI1, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submit,ted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town pLannerprior to DRB appLication to determine the relationshipof the properLy to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wa1ls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site pLan afour foot d.istance from t,he exterior face of thebuildingr walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodificaLions, all conditions of approval_ must, beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. 75 south lrontage road. vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-70A0 July 7, L986 KP: ch olflce of communlty development Mr. Jack Carnie 2920 Manns Ranch RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Storage Shed at Lot 1, Bighorn Founth Addition Dear Jack: I.am writins th!: letter to remind you of the problem with the storageshed on Lot 1, Bighorn Fourth Addjtjon. The shed must ejther be re-- moved or a building permit taken out for the shed proposal , with con-struction-proceeding inrmediate'ly by July 14, 1996.' The oeiign Review Board staff approval was on'ly the beginning of the process for takingcare of the problem. The main point is thit the stiucture either ne6dsto be removed or a building permit taken out for the proposed shed. Ity9s rT\y understanding that you might use some of the exisling shed forthe proposed shed. The_old shed may be used as long as Gary Murrain orJoe Norrjs have no problems with thb idea. I would appreciate you address'i ng this matter immed'iate1y. Thanlc youror your cooperation. Si ncere ly, K*t*PA Kristan Pritz Town Planner !.oi""t Application O Date .Proiect Name: .lFProj€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone ,/sd,^5rgta {-q f'4 Architect, Address and Phone: n \g /1) p "+' - Legal Descripti onrtot . /- - , gtoc* Motiofl by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Comments: Design Review Board Summaryl {*ou Approval ) D 'Jack Carnie P.O. Box 533 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Building Permit No. 0114, dated 25 March 1974 Section 10, Subsection 4-b of the Eagle County Building Resolution and Section 302(d and e) of the Uniform Building Code states construction is not to be dis- continued or suspended for one year. No work has been done at this site for a year and one half (1tl years). As of 29 December 19?6, permit No. 0114 is canceled. A new permit is required from the Town of Vail to finish construction. The last inspection was made by the Eagle County Building Department on 4 December 1974. A copy of the inspection report is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely,44!v Lester L. Do Eagle County LLD/ge enc. EPABI['18ilI McDonald Bldg. 29 OF TIAN$INE AN! DEIIEI.0THIEHT 550 Broadwoy P.O. Box 789 Eagle' Colorado 81631 December 19?6 las Building Official cc: (w/ enc. ) BilI Pierce, Building Inspector, Town of Vail Phnning Departmcnt/Planning Commissionr Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Review (303) 32E{338 Building Official: Iluilding I'ermits and Inspoction, Zoning Administra(ion (30$) 328.6t39 CERT IFICATE ISSUED DATE sl.,itL[iiriG ;)iv Ist|'.;i EAGLE C{.lrlji.tTa P.c 1.1 .. "'n1 ,a,;, _r .iii.fU5E. !;,.GlE, i:,i::.-:|'l (3U-r) .r lll-O '.i9 rppurcrxr J:k G*rT*r ADDRESS BUILDING PERMIT - oArEMaftfr Sr t{X74 rs ..- PERMTT "". 0 l- 1 4 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (CONTF'S LICENSE} NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS ".*",, ,oE!{99!Q!!(TYPE OF ,il-lrt bl&. (-) sroRY IMFROVEMENT) NO. I dli oo oz- o :-=: . -- :1 Bl4pm afh AddRlrl lo--l--".ocr-5'ra BUILDING IS TO BE -FT. WIDE BY- FT' LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM ItI CONSTRUCTIOI{ BA5EMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION ZON I NG DISTRICT- A'r (LocATroN) (CFOSs sTFEET) REMARKSI AREA OR VOLUME OWNER ADDRESS a'{'i t BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI Jurisdiction to complete numbered spaces only. INSPECTOR RloFori Fron: INTERNATIONAL CO FERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. !360 MIT VALIDATION c ,-,,r44*/- aqi li 3^7f-?4/ t. worKMAr'r MIL! ioao. I € ',{, 9 tn"-',, l De 6,,9HEET) PHOt{t 476 -5tvo,/ ?rtsz {76- t,./o LICENSE NO.3#.,,t. AiCHI'ECt Oi DESIGNEF MA I]- ADDRESS FhON E LICENSE NO, PHONE LICENSE NO. MAI L AOORESS BIAN U3E OF !UILDING otl€ u S{ Class of work:tr NEW tr AOOITION D ALTERATION n REPATR flrtlove tr REMOVE Describa work: fr, /o"J'egen / 8", Lv,x 'ou. o N Lo ..1,F,c 24 4Nt ', Lof t E,;'o>, tron .l,)r" * ,{tf*,, l0 Change of use lrom 11 Valuationofwork:$ f /fooa PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg, (Totar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinkters Requlred lye5 !1eAPPLICATION ACCEPTED AY:APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE SYr OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIB CONDITIONING, THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. HEALTH DEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT LAN CHECK VALIDATION PE I Form 100,1 9-59 o lNSPECTION RECORD USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. a i'ax J)) Val1, Colorado EL65? ,r 2L - </./o'tt- August 7, ].nLt !{r. tes Oauglas Buildlng Offtcial Box 789 Eag1el Colorado Dear Mr. DougLasr I an requeottng a varlanoe form tha required eetback as stated tn Section J of Eaglo Cor:nty Brdlding resslutLone" L,ot t, Blglorn Subdlwision, 4t?r .0dd1t1on, is Locatsd on the East dida of Blghorn Creek €d, ia dtrect'ly sout& of U. $' $5' Eer].a'rr Choaters housc Ld dirggt1y $sst of l.ot 1 ard. Walt* Ktreehra houee ia dlraetlf Lot t is appodnetely 165 feet, l-ong on the North .$outb bourdry eH approxi.uately B0 feet ulds. Ttre buiLding I en noaring onto this lot ls &o feet 1ong. I would ll-ke to Set the bulldlng ebout 6.J feet to ? t36it froq4 {:he road eaEesrant ia ordar to praa*va t&e 3O foot setbed$ frcu Bigbonel Credt. The reason for l"lcs vs,rlanos ls tlret I woul-d rathtr obs€fne the 30 foot etrsao sstb*sk in or.rler that peopLo could anjoy tfue steesrtr rhethq. they aro fish4"rbn otl' hlkers. ThaDk you for your co$s1.rlerstlon. -7t(u.) Jo' f4se nen- t---50 .1, i lr 17, " 11 o'fi{ (),: \ / tt' \ I I et'e Pfr/ 9"'f"/, I I t,\l/ l fru, iiaiu+te s ffle"e,fl- qAiueLLeD V,orlo - /""rfn aNtie g*tf *ie al fie-, faio fusux*'ftennI ' \.-L) ,L- tL) -/,.tL/ I L./ /..(J tcil \\o' I,\ w \' ,tao'r,i( i, f R"7oo*o iPfr$l{,a7. 84e,4:r " lr' t*er? T'4e loo9(., - \ i L-/ l-) \ I I ! { I I I I I I ^ 'l -'-jt,4, \ \ -\ ----,'{-A:::/4 \ o DEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNIY PLANNTNG o*o o=u=EoMENT COURTHOUSE P.O. Box 789 Phone 328-6339 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 l5 August, 1974 OF Board of County Commissioners Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado Re: Fi le No. BV-1-74 Variance Attached is a copy of an appl ication for a variance from the building set-back requirements of Section 5 of the County Building resolutions. In the absence of a Board of Adjustment, only the Board of County Commissioners may grant or deny a variance f rom the County Building (code) Resolution. For your ass isbnce, staff recommendations will be furnished to you before your meeting on 27 August, Respectful ly, { 7t/*n Lester L. Douglas Building Official LLD/ac cc: County Engineer; County Planning; Town of Vai l, Building Official ; Appl icant; 6 ror Nu*".--Jepk GrR"s ,a ?up-t€'tl Date or Apprication-.....1.2* . \JCV--.- .-'.---'.--.--- -------"'ts"74"""""' Elecrrical contractor-.--. t\bsf-Rstnr*s". .... -... .,/V "JD {K ffir*,,*t*-Appricafi ... -. (K; / t*3- APPROVALS D&te .[a.. N.est 7-*.. Date Datepaid....... ......1.1.J.2.:..( THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON Received ""...........--..Jk-J...-..-...........rrOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOil ft76, /6 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOIICE NEQTfiRED FOR INSPEICTIONS Torvn of Vail TT,NCNRICAL PF;RMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 7B $............... "......-.... s......?rcso b\$........ ,a tux 533 Val}, Colorado 81657 ./ 7L - ;t{o Augus? 7, lwl+ Hr. tee Douglas Buil-ding 0fficlaL Box ?89 Eegler Colrrrado Daar !b. Dougleor I an requaatlng a varlanee fqrn the rsquired setbeck as stated ln SEctlon J of Eagla County Edlding resolutlons, tot 1, Blehorn SubdlvisLon' llth ,Addltionr is loeeted on the Eest dldE of Bigborn 0reak ard is direetl,y south of U. S. *6. Fsrlgn Choatots houeo ls diftetJ,y wagt, of IFt 1 ard Walt* Klrlechrs houso ls dir€stly soutb of !,ot 1. lot 1 le epprodro*tely 155 feet long on tae Nortlh s'outtr bountry sad apo:ri:uate\r B0 feet w'lde, the buildtng I an uovtag onto tltis lot ls lS feet long. L uould like to set the bul.ldlng absut 6,5 feat to ? faet froa.'r the road eas€nent ln ordar to pneemc the 30 foot setbadk froa Blghorn creek. The rsEson for tbe varianee ie ttrat I rould rath* obswe the 30 foot str684l setbsck l.n order that p6ople oould enJoy ths otrees, rrlrstbor l*rey ara fleh€ffian otr hiksrc. e.-, 'dack Carnle Tro-wa, v]J ""'e-'y'4 I o 1g Jet: [:,4-se4!n ./, t / H Taeay t) ,(' I I I I {c ili &rte t,/t/g'.fl, ( t .,li i I I I .xt'"--4\\ \ Ir,t\,l).! hi oi\- { MET'OMNDUI'l He feel that the Carnie house proposed to be moved frorn Bighorn to Booth Creekis not in keeping with the character of Boothcreek. It does not meet the covenant as they call for a mirrimum 6:.l2 rcof slope; hovrever Vail Associates has approved the variation in the roof slope. l,le do not feel that the plans are sufficiently detailed with regard to the changes on the new site. Plans should be submitted before final approval trjth detajls showing new foundation and balcony detajls. r TOWN STA : CARNIE DUPLEX MEMORANDUM TO: DESIGN REVIEl.J BOARD FROM; T0l,lN STAFF RE: CARNIE DUPLEX l,le feel that the Carnie house proposed to be moved from Bighorn to Eooth Creekis not in keeping wiih the character of Boothcreek. It does not meet the covenant as they call for a minimum 6:.l2 roof slopei however Vail Associates has approved the variatjon in the roof s1ope. l^Je do not feel that the p1 ans are suff icfently detailed w'ith regard to the changes on the new site. Plans should be submitted before final approval with deta'i ls showing nevr foundation and balcony details. MEMORANDUM T0: DESIGN REVIEtI B0ARD FROII: T0llN STAFF RE: CARNIE DUPLEX l,le feel that the Carnie house proposed to be moved from B'ighorn to Booth Creekis not in keeping with the character of Boothcreek. It does not meet the covenant as they call for a minimum 6:.|2 roof slope; however Vail Associates has approved the variation in the roof slope. tle do not feel that the plans are sufficiently detailed with regard to the changes on the new site. Plans should be subnitted before final approval with details showing new foundation and balcony details.