HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BUILDING 18 PART 2 LEGAL$tclhccn ci\in? \tsn\ocr G.t\s (bLO C? 18 o i' TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADD/AI-,T MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT PerniL #z 897-O27 I NOTE ! THIS PERMIT Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. .Project No. 4459 TIMBER FALLS CT Status. . . : ISSUED TIMBER FALLS CONDOS 45L2 Applied. . :Lo8/21/799'l2101-123-l-0-000 I6sued... i O8/2L/1997 Expires. . : 02/17/1,998 APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRISCO CO 80443 OWNER TIMBER FAI.,,LS CONDO ASSOCIATION Description: REMOVE AND REPLACE ROOF ON ENT]RE BUILDING Occupancy: R1 Multi-Farnily I Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type Oceupancy: Valuation: 1"9 , 800 Add Sq Ft: Phone:9706685552 Phone: 9706685552 F i Feptace tnlormation: Restricted:fof Gas App[ i ances:fof Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pal. Let: ************************************#rffi***rr*********t*** FEE SUlll,lARY ********************************************************** Bui Ldi ng-----) Ptan Check---) Investigat ion> l,ti l. L Ca L t----> 245.00 159.?5 .o0 3.O0 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB fee-------- Recreation Fee---------> Cl.ean-Up 0eposit--------> .00 TotaI Catcutated tees--->.00 AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> 507 .25 .00 507 .25.00 100.00 ***i************r**********************ll]il*liii;;;;;;;;;;;**ii**********lll;ii****l**ihtllfi-lli;;;;;;******i************ill*** IIqm: ,O51OO.EqII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:08/2t/!297 CHARLTE action: -aFFn cuenlrE DAViS -Iter!'!',gl1Q0 _qI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNc Division:08/21 /1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/aIIen:'.O56OO q]RE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9?/2r/I227^cHAEtIE- Ecriont AppR N/A :-'. ' __-__-- __ ::Item!'.0ssq0^8qBl-,Iq WORK$ _ Depr: pUB WORK Division:0B/2L/L997 CHARLIE Adtion: AppR N/A *******************************rrirr*********************************tri******tr*trrt***ff***************-t********ffi****************-r*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. OECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowLedge that t have read.this apptication/ fitLed out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the infomation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty rjith tire iniornation and pl,ot itan,to.compty uith att Town ordinances _and state Laws, and to buiLd this structure according iithe toun,s zoning and subdlvisiincodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and othen ordinances of the town afpticebte thereto. Payments------- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}-2138 OR AT Cl,ean-Up Deposit To: G & G RooFINGsgnd -r' ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Perrnit #: 897-0271 as of 08/22/97 StatuE: ISSUED ***********************************************************************Jr******** permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrr,D PERMTT Appliedz IB/2L/L997 Applicant:G&GRooFING Issued:08/2L/L997 9706685552 To Expire: 02/17/1998 Job Address:Location: TIMBER FAITLS CONDOS 4512 TIMBER FALLS COURT Parcel No: 2101-123-10-000 Description: REMOVE AND REPLACE ROOF ON ENTIRE BUILDING Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. AI,I, ROOFING MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP 324. ALL COMPI,ETED WORK MUST MATCH EXISTING OR DRB APPROVAL MUST BE OBTAINED FOR ANY EXTERIOR CHANGES .r' ********J.******************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-03L7 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #18124 s07 .25 0B/22/97 11 :28Init: DDM 897-0271 Type: A-MF 2LOL-L23- l_0-000 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 4459 TIMBER FALLS CT TIMBER FALLS CONDOS 4512 TIMBER FALLS COURT TotaL Fees: 5o7 .25 50? .25 Total ALL Pmt,s: 507 . 25 Balance: .00**************************************************************** Permit No: Parce1 No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE Anount 245 .00 159.25 100.00 3. 00 .t' CHDCK REQUEST DATET /2,PREPARED BY: *VENDOR NAME: VENDORNUMBER:o5a{ DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RtrFUND FoR BP #8f 7- A.Z NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 './aa.4 DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL,, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST o g #":;;* ,,e. ADD/ALT MF BUILD BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI.,,L TIMES PERMIT Permit #: 897-027 1, Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPROVED LO8/2r/Le97 oB /zt /ree702/17 /7ee8 4459 TIMBER FALLS CT Status. . . TIMBER FALLS coNDOS 4s12 applied..2lOt-L23-10-000 Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, TIMBER FAI.,LS FRISCO CO 80443 FRISCO CO 80443 CONDO ASSOCIATION Phone : 97 06685552 Phone: 9706685552 REMOVE AND REPLACE ROOF ON ENTIRE BUILDING Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V 1-HR Type Occupancy: MuIti-FamiIy Tlpe V l-Hour Valuation: F i reptace lnfornation: Restricted: 19,800 flo{ Gas App I iances:#Of l,ood/Pa L l,et: *************t**f*******fi**f,t*****L**t**#***ffiilnt** FEE SUl4l{ARy ff********************************f******************* Restuarant Plan Revi er{--> DRB Fee------- Recreation Fee----------> C Iean-Up Deposi t--------> Add Sq Fr.: #Of Gas Logs: .00 100.00 TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- Bui tdi ng-----> Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> ui tt caL L----> 245.W 159.25 .00 3.00 .ql Total catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees---------> 507 _?5 .00 507 .25 .00 '****'r**ir#***#*******n*********ll]lf*lfifi;;;;;;i**********ill;iil**--Si$Ill-l$;;;;;;***i*******Jll;ii*** Ilemi.05100_EqTI-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:98/2L/!99"t CHARLTE acti-on:--AFFR CueRlrn oevis-It .rnf '.05400-PLANNING DEPARTMENT_ --, Depr: PLANNTNG Division:08/2L/L997 CHARLIE Action: EppR lr/aItbm:' 05600_FIR_E DEPARTMENT -08/2L/L997 CUeRr,rn Aciion: AppR N./Arrbm!' oss00 pqELIC WORKS '. Dept: pUB WORK Division:oB/zt/L997 cuanlrs Action: aeen u/e *rrf,*t*****H**i*******t*#******tnlrd***H***rrffi***f,ff****************f,****************t**#*****fftt ***********rr*********** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fiLLed out in futl, the information requi red, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that att the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl,y ri'ith tire iniormation and pLot i:1an,to coltPty ttith aLl' Torrn ordinances _and state [aws, and io buitd th'is structure according io-the Town,s zonin! anO subdivisioncodes' design revieu approved, ttniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the town afpticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL 8E IIADE 'MENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRO|4 8:00 Ait 5:00 pti Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: G & G ROOFING *******************r.*r.*************!t***********************tr****tk***********tr**rr CONDITIONSPermit #t F97-0271 as of oB/27/97 statu6: AppRoVED****************************rr*r.************************************************* Permit.Type: ADD/AtT MF BUrLD PERMTT Appl_iedl- o8/2L/L997Applicant:c&GROoFING lisued: Og'/ZL'/Igg797066855s2 To Expire. 02/1.7 /t995 Job Address: LocaLion: fIMBER FALLS CONDOS 4512 TIMBER FALLS couRTParceL No: 2101-123-10-000 Description I REMOVE AND REPLACE ROOF ON ENT]RE BUILDING Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECSIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENI APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. ALI, ROOFING MUST COMPLY WrTH 1991 UBC CHAP 324. ALL COMPLETED WORK MUST MATCH EXISTING OR DRB APPROVAL MUST BE OBTA]NED FOR ANY EXTERIOR CHANGES lo*u olr vArL cotlsiRucrror'r I ?ARCEL.lt : 2tor]-23t2ao-2 pERMrr APPLTcATToN roltM eNrrns Roor Dr\TE: I / 19 / 27 I'Elt[1rT /l APPL]CATION MUST I}E TILLED OUT COI''IPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTtrD ,r Jr * )r,r * * * ,i tr * *,r * rr rt * * * * * * rt ,t * * ,r * * pDRl.lIT rl{Folu"IA'l'IOl.I Ji * rt * * * tr ,r ,! tt * * * * * * * it * * * * * :k * * * * ' [1]-Builcling[]-Ptunbing[]_Electrical[]-Mechani.cal[]-Otlrer '512 Timberfalls Drive Job l,lame:Timberfatls Job Address: 'i -. Legal DescripLion: Lot_ l]lock_ filinS SUBDIVISIoN: Ovrners Name: U *A"r t A6dress, 4496 East Meadow Drive'Vabh. 4'76-2522 Address:PhArchitect: existing roof on entire b1dg.dg. ceneral DescriPtion: ryInstall Bituthene'build colo roor' l{orl( Class: [ ]-New [ ]-A1t-eration I Nurnber of Dwellit"rg Units: I -Additional Nnuber [x1-Repair [ ]-other of Acconunoclation Units : {prnber and I'ype of firelr}aces: Gas App}ianses- Gas Logs--__ Wood/Pellet- &\P Xf,t n * * n r. * t, rt :k rt rt rt rt * :t * rt tr ?r * t :t * tt * rt ?t ,r rl rt rt * :t VALUAI'IONS * Jr rt rt * tt:t tt * Jt t! * tt * * * * tt ?t * * t' tl * :t rl * * * rY tr * * fb BUTLDTNG: $ 19,800.00 BLECTRTCAL: $---_- orilnR: ^ ?:--.......- r,{n/rrr^}JTra)\ r . * II1OTAT,: +pLUI"IBrl'lcr -i___._=.-- ltEcIIA]'lrcAL: $- TorAL: +- s^efl"..""^'-' r-_-- X# * ,t ,t * rt ,r y. rt rr rr ,t rt * .t r. * rr tsl.,',rr.t *rt't!.* Col.t,t,liACTOR f NpORIIA?IOlt ttttttt!***tr:t,ktt***,r***tr*tltg*!t* ffEen"r.I ConEracl-or: c & c Roo-f Uq Inc. Town of Vail Recr' NO' Aclctress! p o-cox B1z ,FtjEs,o, co -&1rcn_( ;h;;"-ll"tnr"r, 6l€-5sT-- I'own of Vail Reg. No.-.ElecLrical Contractor:Phone lilutnber: -€=s-- Address ! - Plunbing Address: Contractor: rt * rt * * * tr * rt :t * :t * lt :t rt rl * * * J. * lr'i rt * it rt ?t :t * tt I]UILDING PEIII{T'I TBB: PLUMBII.IG PIIII"MI'I fEE : MACIIANICAL PERMIT F!:E: ELECTITICAI, TEE: OTIIER TYPA OF T]]E: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nulnber: Tor"rn of Vail Reg. No. Photre Number: fr OR OFFICE US E * tr ?t * * tt * * tr * tr tt * * tt * " * * tr Jt * * * rt tt * * t! * * BUTLDTI{G PLAN CIIECK IIEB: PLUI{BING PLAN CIIECI( FEII: I-IECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FDE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PETI.I{IT TEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGI'IATURE: .l,lechanicaf CotrtracLor : Address: VALU/\'fIOI'I co 80443 CLIAN UP DEP,OSIT IIEFUNI)c & G Rooifng, Inc'. P'o'box 817'Frisco' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORAI.IDUtu'i ALL CONI'RACTOI-1S.TOWN OF VAIL I]UBLIC fvlAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORI(S DEPARTT/IEI'IT PERIVIIT'IS REOUIRED JOb Nam€j 'r5mrre-+orfs g1dg. ll ontire Roof Date: * -". - . ,,publicWaypermit":rrrriffiraire regarding tlre need {or a ls tlris a new t'esidence'? ls denrolition work being perfonled lhal requires the use of the right of way, easements or public proper-ty? ls any ulililY worlt needed? ls the clrivewaY belng rePavecl? ls cjitferent access needed to sile otlrer than existing drivewaY? ls any drainage work being done affecling tlro right of lvay, easements' or public Proqerly? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Pe rntit' required? A. ls tlre right of lvay, easernents or public property to be used for staging; parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a Parking, staging or fencing plan required by Comntunity -],/'77 Developntent? 11 you answcretl yes to any of tftese clueslions, a "Public Way Perrnitn must be oLrtained' ;fifrfi" Way Peinrit'' afip'tications ,nay be oblainecl at tlre t'ublic Work's offics or at Community Dcveloprneiri. llyc,u have anyqueslions pleasa callCharlie Davis' lhe Town ol Vail Conslruction lnspector, at.479-2158' I have read and attswered allthe above questions' YES N. { 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) / / 6) 7) B) Job I'Jarne Con lra6l<;r's'Sig ltalure Dale ltli ?5 soullr f ronlage toad vail, colorado 01657 (3o:rl 479-21.38 or 479-2139 FIlOlt: DATE: SUBJIIC'I': otllce of comntunlly developtneltl ALL CONTI{ACTOITS CUIi}{EI,ITLYL REGISTERED I{ITII TIIE 'IOI^TI OF VAIL TOi.iN OF VAIL PUDLIC I'IOnKS/COI,1MUNITy DEVELOPMEITT iqARctI 16, 1988 COI.ISI'RUC'I'IOII PARKT}IG & I{ATERIAL STO]TAGE full, please stop by the Ter+n ofobtain a copy. Tlrank you for your Itr sunurary, ordirrance l{o. 6 stal-es thaL it is urrlavrfu} for anyperson to lit:Ler, LracJi or deposit any €;oil, i:oct<, sand. debrj.sor mal-eria1., including trash duiupsters, portable toilets and trorhnelt vehicles uFron any streel-, sidewallt, alley or publicplace or any pol'i-ion tirereof . 'lhe righ.t-of-way on all Town ofVail streebs and ro<ids is approxinately 5 ft. off pavetrent.This ordinance lrill be sl-rict-ly eirforced by Lhe Town of VailPu)-rlie Worl.ls lfeparLnrenl-. Fersons found violating this ordinancewill Lre g'iverr a 24 hour wriLten nol-j-ce to renove said materiat.Itr the event the person so notified does nol- conply with thettotice vritltin tire 24 hour tiure specified, the Public Works DeparLnent will retnove saicl inat-e:riaL aE the expense r:f personnotifiecl . 'Ihe lrrovisions of this ordinance shall not bea;rplicabJ-e to cons'bruction, rrainl-enarrce or re;:air projects ofany street or alley or any trtilities in Ehe rigttt-a-way. To review Orclinance llo. 6 inVail Iluilding Depart-ruent to coQperal-ion on this nat-ter. contrac'Eor, owner) Read and acknowledgetl by: 75 soulh f tonlage road vail, coloradtt ljl657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflco of collltttu lly devolol,tllcrll IiUILDING PEttl.llT ISSUANCE TiI'IE FRAME ll. Uris l)cnlit requires a Towtr of vail [ire Departrnent.Approval 'f,,Ui,i...'"t (tiuUl ii flor.ks) rey ierv arrd approval , a Planttin{1 Depnrtlllellt iuiio* ur llealtlr pepartr'e't fevier.r, arrtl'a revicw by t1e tluilding Uer-,ailrncrrt, the cstirrra ted titrte for a total revielv nlay take as long as tliree weeks . All corilrrercial ('largc or srrrall ) and all nlul tj-fanrjly pernrits will itave te l"'llol.r il,e it,uv,: ruerrIionc4 l'axitttunt rcqu.irelncllts. ..Residential i16 strral I projecIs slrou'l d taltc a lesser att;gurtt of titrte. llowever, if reiirtr:ntiai oi'srrrallci'plojects .irnpact tlte various above ntentioned tlepartrrrents with regard to rrecessary review, these projects may also take the tlrree l'rccll pcriod fvei J,. a Lterrrpt rvi l] be rrrarle try [h is dcpartrrtettL Lo expedite this perr,iit as s.gotl as Pclssible. I, tlte urrders igned, ulrclerstancl tlre piarr check prcicedure and tilte frarne. )4--Tr*"usuot.r,= or..lc t r -ENrrRE RooFs Project Nuttte )n {"e/.rr /*Oo tf,ffifSdt "ol-uu r i'ea-I'rrt-The Conrtttutt j ty Devel oprlertt Dcpartntcnt ' srf Dr E